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- Encoding refers to the way the

The word communication originates from the communication source creates the message
word "COMMUNIS,” which means common. into a form that can be understood by the
Communication, therefore, is an act by which receiver. This includes for instance the choice
a person shares knowledge, feelings, ideas of words, language, and the like. Decoding
and information, in ways such that each gains refers to the processing of the message by
a common understanding of the meaning, the receiver so that he or she is able to
intent and use of the message. understand and react to it.


- interference that prevents a message from
Communication is a two-way process. It has a being accurately understood or interpreted.
transmitter and a receiver. Therefore, it is Noise can be physical noise such as a choppy
essential for facts to be transmitted in a connection, or psychological noise such as
manner that the meaning intended is stress, attitude of the communicators toward
conveyed and the receiver understands the each other, or about an issue.
use of the message. It becomes a two-way
process. CONTEXT
- the situation in which the communication
TRANSMISSION MODELS OF takes place and may include sociocultural
COMMUNICATION factors, the status and roles of the
communicators, rules, and the like.
- person, groups, or institutions that create or FEEDBACK
produce the message also referred to as - the response or reaction of the receiver to
encoder. the message received.

- the ideas or meanings, expressed in verbal - refers to the consequence or result—or lack
or nonverbal means, that is transmitted from of result, for that matter—of a
the source to the receiver. Verbal messages communicative act. Communication effects
use words to convey meaning; nonverbal include changes in our knowledge (cognitive
messages express meaning through codes effects), in our emotions (affective effects),
such as facial expressions, color, distance and behavior.
(space), touch, pitch, or loudness of sound.
- the medium, such as radio, used to transmit
the message SURVEILLANCE
-refers to the news and information role of
RECEIVER communication media such as the news
- the person, group, or institution to whom the media.
message is intended; also referred to as
- refers to analysis, commentary, context,
and other meanings which are found in a
message. This function relates to persuasion
or the influence of attitudes or opinions.
- refers to the transmission of values and are three or more persons communicating
culture within a society and also to the face-to-face and able to give immediate
education functions of communication and the responses or feedback, such as in a meeting
media. We learn and imbibe the culture of or in a class session.
our society through communication processes • PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: involves a
taking place in our families, among our large group such as a public lecture or
friends, in school, in church, and many other church ceremony. In such situations there is a
institutions and activities. The mass media is source who delivers a message in a
thought to play an important role in monologue style and feedback is minimal or
socialization in that they provide models of restricted.
appropriate behavior and attitudes which
are the basis of common social values in a Categories of Interpersonal
society. Adherence to these common values Communication:
leads to an integration and stability in Direct Interpersonal Communication
society. - involves face-to-face communication
between or among the communicators.
ENTERTAINMENT Mediated interpersonal communication
- refers to functions related to relaxation, - involves the use of technology such as
reward, diversion, and reduction of tension. telephone or Internet. With advances in
These functions which may be performed information and communication technology
through variety shows, drama, music, novels, (ICT), there are more and more possibilities
and many other forms, are important as they of holding group and public communication
allow individuals and societies to cope with at a distance, for instance via
real-life challenges. teleconferencing and chat rooms.


- refers to the communication and media's - involves the transmission of messages to
ability to generate public action about a large audiences using technology of
social issue, for instance, in relief efforts communication.
after a disaster. - The practice and product of providing
leisure entertainment and information to an
CLASSIFICATION OF COMMUNICATION unknown audience by means of corporately
financed, industrially produced, state-
1. INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION regulated, high tech, privately consumed
- is an internal communication process taking commodities in the modern print, screen,
place within the individual. This includes audio and broadcast media, usually
thought Processes speaking aloud or writing understood as newspapers, magazines,
to oneself as when one is writing in a diary cinema, television, radio and advertising;
prayer, meditation. sometimes including book publishing
(especially popular fiction) and music (the
- involves two persons or a small group such
as a family. The number of participants
define interpersonal communication and
hence this may be further classified as:
persons are involved.
COMMUNICATION - strategic communication process that builds
- refer to any communication taking place mutually beneficial relationships between
using the computer and Internet-based organizations and their publics.
technologies such as email, message boards, - as a communication process, one that is
personal websites, voice conferencing, chat strategic in nature and emphasizing
rooms, social media. The communication may "mutually beneficial relationships."
be synchronous or asynchronous, that is, - relationships relate to public relations' role
occurring in real time or not. in helping to bring together organizations
and individuals with their key stakeholders.
- refers to the gathering, reporting, and AUDIENCES
dissemination of news through the mass - The people who watch television shows,
media. It arose from the citizens' right to read the news, watch a film, and so on
have access to fact and opinion on matters comprise the audience. What these groups of
of public interest, and hence are important to individuals have in common is their use of a
their welfare. particular medium and its content. To refer
- Journalism encompasses the print, back to the linear model of the mass
broadcast (radio and television) and online communication process (source, message,
media. Within these broad categories are channel, receiver, effect) "audience" is the
subcategories of news media based on collective term for the "receivers."
factors such as type of content (general
news, political newspapers, business 1. INDIVIDUALS AS AUDIENCE
newspapers, sports newspapers), circulation - People communicate, to inform and be
area (national, local, metropolitan informed, to persuade and obtain guidance
newspapers), audience (community for one's own opinions, to articulate and
newspapers, religious newspapers), foster one's identity and membership of a
language (national language, vernacular), cultural or social group (for instance by
and periodicity (daily, weekly). taking part in community activities), to
entertain and be entertained and for other
2. ADVERTISING reasons.
- Advertising is a paid, mediated form of Typology of Media-Person Interactions:
communication from an identifiable source, 1. Diversion: escape from routine or
designed to persuade the reader (listener, or problems, emotional release
viewer) to take some action, now or in the 2. Personal relationships: companionship,
future. social utility
- Mediated refers to the presence of a 3. Personal identity: self-reference, reality
medium like television, radio, or billboard, to exploration, value reinforcement
convey the message from sender to
receivers. Identifiable source refers to a 4. Surveillance: information seeking.
named, rather than an anonymous message.
- Action refers to the behavior that is desired
by the advertiser, such as buying a product
or service, adapting a behavior such as
frequent washing of hands, walking instead
of taking a car for short distances.
2. GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS AS that the institutions of government are visible
AUDIENCES and accessible to the citizenry.
- Like individuals, organizations communicate
with others for a variety of reasons. 2. PRIVATE SECTOR
1. To inform: You may need to let interested - The private sector refers to businesses and
parties know who you are, what you can do industries run by individuals and companies
for them, what they can do to help you, or rather than by the government. Most of them
even just how to get in touch. aim to make profit from the services and
2. To build understanding or change goods they offer, but some are run for
behavior. You may want to encourage nonprofit purposes.
others to think, act, or feel a certain way; to - The special field called "corporate
stop smoking, for example. This can involve communication" refers to the strategy which a
appealing to feelings, self-interest, or a company adapts to create, communicate,
person's imagination. and maintain its business image among its
3. To resolve conflict or prevent customers, stakeholders, and target
misunderstandings: Even a small audiences, and attain its business goals.
misunderstanding can create large problems
for your organizati0n• You can ensure good 3. CIVIL SOCIETY
communication by putting yourself in your - the wide array of nongovernmental and
audience's position, paying attention to their not-for-profit organizations that have a
needs, and getting to know them. presence in public life, expressing the
interests and values of their members or
4. To present a point of view or project an others, based on ethical, cultural, political,
image: Often, this is all you need to do to scientific, religious, or philanthropic
accomplish your goal. considerations. Civil Society Organizations
5. To lower barriers between groups and (CSOs) therefore refer to a wide of array of
individuals: These barriers may range from organizations: community groups,
information overload to suspicion and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
prejudice. labor unions, indigenous groups, charitable
organizations, faith-based organizations,
COMMUNICTION IN VARIOUS SETTINGS professional associations, and foundations.
- NGOs need to communicate to their various
1. GOVERNMENT audiences and stakeholders. They have to
- The processes of governing are summed up maintain their visibility and ensure their
in the term "governance," or the exercise of influence or impact in the area of their
power to guarantee the effective advocacy.
participation of citizens in political decision-
making and in economic policy-making,
manage and allocate resources, and ensure
a workable, acceptable, and principled
resolution of public disputes. Among the
attributes of good governance are
transparency, accountability, participatory
leadership, efficiency, and a capacity for
consensus-building and conflict management.
- responsible and responsive government
provides its citizens with timely, accurate,
clear, and complete information about its
programs, services, and policies. It ensures
4. COMMUNITIES circulation group sells newspaper copies in
- Communities consist of people in constant newsstands or through subscription.
communication with each other. Through
constant communication, communities share 3. RADIO
and foster not only a cultural identity—which - Radio programs are broadcast from a
includes a common language and common centrally-located source called a station.
cultural traditions—but also a vision of what Radio stations may be commercial or
is good for the community. To strengthen this government-owned stations. The vast
identity and attain the common good, majority are commercial stations that obtain
communities communicate for the following revenue from advertising.
purposes: information, mobilization, - Radio programs fall into two broad
persuasion, socialization, as well as categories: news programs and non-news.
entertainment. Non-news programs include talk programs,
book readings, public service programs,
5. SCHOOLS drama, and music.
- In schools, communication has the essential
functions of instruction and socialization. 4. TELEVISION
Additionally, communication in school settings - television is primarily considered a medium
take place to inform, persuade, and mobilize of entertainment, it plays a vital role in
various stakeholders such as parents, faculty, modern politics.
and Students. - It is considered to be the main source of
news and information for most people and
COMMUNICATION MEDIA CHANNELS the main channel of communication between
politicians and citizens, especially at election
1. MASS MEDIA times. In this informally allocated role of
- Mass media describes the print and public informer, television has generally
broadcast media, the distinctive remained credible and trusted. Another role
characteristics of their consent, processes and is that of educator - for children at school
structure, and also their functions and and adults at home. It is also the largest
influence in society. single channel of advertising in nearly all
- All these are newspapers, or publications 5. OTHER MASS MEDIA: FILM, RECORDED
published periodically and carrying mainly MUSIC AND NEW MEDIA
news stories but also opinions and
advertisements. FILM - is a true mass medium in the sense
Newspaper companies are divided into that it reaches a large part of the
two sections: editorial and business. Population, even in rural areas. The film has
The Editorial Part grown as an independent cultural and
- is composed of editors, reporters, entertainment industry that attracts millions of
photojournalists, and other journalists. They people the world over.
gather and write the news and information RECORDER MUSIC - Even lesser attention
that fill the space called the "news hole." has been devoted to recorded music as a
mass medium. And yet the replaying of music
The Business Section dominates much of radio content arid the
- composed of the advertising and circulation auxiliary use of mobile phones. While music
sales staff, generates revenue for the is generally thought of as entertainment, its
business. The advertising group sells relationship to social and political events is
advertising space in the newspaper and the recognized.
NEW MEDIA - covers a set of applied
communication technologies that continue to
evolve. One definition describes them as
"interactive forms of communication that use
the Internet including podcasts, blogs, social
networks, text messaging, wikis, virtual
worlds, and all other computer-aided
communication formats that are available
SOCIAL MEDIA - a subset of the new media
has dominated the mass media landscape in
recent years. These are Internet-based
applications that build on the ideological
and technological foundations of Web 2.0,
and that allow the creation and exchange of
user-generated content.

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