Amaral Et Al 2020

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Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing


Differential diagnosis of asthma and restrictive respiratory diseases

by combining forced oscillation measurements, machine learning
and neuro-fuzzy classifiers
Jorge L. M. Amaral 1 & Alexandre G. Sancho 2 & Alvaro C. D. Faria 2 & Agnaldo J. Lopes 3 & Pedro L. Melo 2

Received: 24 January 2020 / Accepted: 26 July 2020

# International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2020

To design machine learning classifiers to facilitate the clinical use and increase the accuracy of the forced oscillation technique (FOT) in
the differential diagnosis of patients with asthma and restrictive respiratory diseases. FOT and spirometric exams were performed in 97
individuals, including controls (n = 20), asthmatic patients (n = 38), and restrictive (n = 39) patients. The first experiment of this study
showed that the best FOT parameter was the resonance frequency, providing moderate accuracy (AUC = 0.87). In the second exper-
iment, a neuro-fuzzy classifier and different supervised machine learning techniques were investigated, including k-nearest neighbors,
random forests, AdaBoost with decision trees, and support vector machines with a radial basis kernel. All classifiers achieved high
accuracy (AUC ≥ 0.9) in the differentiation between patient groups. In the third and fourth experiments, the use of different feature
selection techniques allowed us to achieve high accuracy with only three FOT parameters. In addition, the neuro-fuzzy classifier also
provided rules to explain the classification. Neuro-fuzzy and machine learning classifiers can aid in the differential diagnosis of patients
with asthma and restrictive respiratory diseases. They can assist clinicians as a support system providing accurate diagnostic options.

Keywords Clinical decision support system . Forced oscillation technique . Diagnostic of respiratory diseases . Respiratory
oscillometry . Differential diagnosis

Abbreviations estimators. The final output is a weighted com-

ADAB AdaBoost classifier with decision trees. It is a bination of all base estimators (decision trees)
ML algorithm that employs an ensemble strat- Aij The fuzzy set of the jth feature in the ith rule
egy called boosting. Each base estimator (deci- AUC Area under the receiver operating characteristic
sion tree) is designed to correctly classify the curve
instances misclassified by previous base BFP Best FOT parameter, the most accurate parameter
obtained using only the FOT method
c Number of classes
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
( contains supplementary
C Regularization parameter in SVM
material, which is available to authorized users. Cdyn Dynamic compliance, reflecting the total compli-
ance of the respiratory system, also being related
* Pedro L. Melo to the respiratory homogeneity, expressed as mL/ cmH2O
CdynA Fuzzy set (Gaussian membership function) related
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, to dynamic compliance Cdyn for Asthma class
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
CdynR Fuzzy Set (Gaussian membership function) related
Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory, Institute of Biology Roberto to dynamic compliance Cdyn for Restrictive class
Alcantara Gomes and Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental
Research in Vascular Biology, State University of Rio de Janeiro, CG Control group, a group of healthy subjects used as a
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil reference for comparisons with the studied diseased
Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Pedro Ernesto University Hospital, groups
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ck the kth label of class
Med Biol Eng Comput

COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a lung dis- majority of the class’s output by the individual de-
ease characterized by chronic obstruction of lung cision trees
airflow that interferes with normal breathing Rm Mean resistance in the 4–16 Hz range, reflecting
FOT Forced oscillation technique, a method to evaluate mid-frequency spectra, that is related to the resis-
respiratory mechanics using sinusoidal system iden- tance in the central airways, expressed as cmH2O/
tification techniques L/s
frA Fuzzy set (Gaussian membership function) related ROC Receiver operating characteristic curve
to resonant frequency fr for Asthma class Rrs Respiratory resistance, including airways, lung, and
FEV1 The forced expiratory volume in the first second, thoracic wall resistance, expressed as cmH2O/L/s
obtained from a maximal expiratory effort maneu- S Angular coefficient of resistance, the resistance
ver, expressed in L change with frequency in the 4–16 Hz range, which
FVC Forced vital capacity, the total amount of air ex- is associated with respiratory nonhomogeneities,
haled during the espirometric exams, expressed in L expressed as cmH2O/L/s2
fr Resonant frequency, the frequency at which Xrs Se Sensitivity, proportion of actual positives that are
becomes zero, associated with respiratory inhomo- correctly identified as such
geneity and expressed as Hz Sm Width matrix of the Gaussian membership
frR Fuzzy set (Gaussian membership function) related functions
to resonant frequency fr for Restrictive class Sp Specificity, proportion of actual negatives that are
K Number of nearest neighbor correctly identified as such
k Number of folds in k-fold validation procedure SSCG Speeding up Scaled Conjugate Gradient
KNN K-nearest neighbor. It is a ML algorithm. When it is SVM Support vector machines. It is a ML algorithm that
used for classification, the class of the query is de- uses support vectors to determine a decision bound-
termined by the majority vote among the class K- ary that is a hyperplane with optimal geometric mar-
nearest neighbors found in the training set gin from the classes, which, in turn, presents the
KS Kyphoscoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine highest generalization capacity
in both a coronal and sagittal plane. It is a combina- SVMR support vector machines with radial basis function
tion of kyphosis and scoliosis kernel. It is a SVM that employs the “kernel trick”
m Number of rules to allow SVM to be employed in nonlinear separa-
ML Machine learning, field of artificial intelligence ble problems. The “kernel trick” transforms the data
whose scope is the investigation of algorithms that in a new high-dimensional space where it is easier to
can recognize patterns and learn different relation- separate the classes
ships present in a set of data U Center matrix of the Gaussian membership
n Number of features (variables) functions
NFC Neuro-fuzzy classifier. It is a fuzzy rule-based sys- W The weight matrix among the rules and the classes
tem, which is encoded as a neural network. Hence, X4 Respiratory reactance at 4 Hz, expressed as cmH2O/
it is possible to apply neural network learning algo- L/s
rithms to determine the parameters of the fuzzy sys- Xm Mean reactance evaluated considering the 4 to
tems, such as the fuzzy rules and fuzzy membership 32 Hz frequency range, associated with respiratory
functions inhomogeneity and expressed as cmH2O/L/s
r Standard deviation of the radial basis function Xrs Respiratory reactance, including airways, lung, and
R0 Intercept resistance, obtained using linear regres- thoracic wall, expressed as cmH2O/L/s
sion in the 4–16 Hz range, a representative of the xj jth input variable in the fuzzy classifier
resistance in the low-frequency spectra, expressed Z4 Impedance module in 4 Hz, The total mechanical
as cmH2O/L/s load including resistance and elastic effects,
R0A Fuzzy set (Gaussian membership function) related expressed as cmH2O/L/s
to intercept resistance R0 for Asthma class
R0R Fuzzy set (Gaussian membership function) related
to intercept resistance R0 for Restrictive class 1 Introduction
R4 Respiratory resistance in 4 Hz, expressed as
cmH2O/L/s Reduction of the maximum air flow of the lungs is understood
RF Random forests. It is a ML algorithm that employs as an obstructive disease [37]. Asthma is a particular case of
an ensemble of decision trees. In classification prob- obstructive disease, a global health problem affecting 1–18%
lems, the final output class is obtained by the of the population in different countries [95]. Restrictive
Med Biol Eng Comput

disease is defined by the restriction of lung expansion due to FOT is rapidly becoming a key instrument in pulmonary
parenchymal, pleural, chest wall, or neuromuscular apparatus function analysis. However, despite the advantages of FOT in
changes. These disorders are characterized by a reduced vital terms of its noninvasiveness and lack of dependence on pa-
capacity and lung volume at rest, but with normal resistance. tient cooperation, the clinical use of this method is limited
Although asthma and restrictive diseases present similar clin- because, in the context of a diagnostic framework, the inter-
ical implications, including shortness of breath, severe cough, pretation of resistance and reactance parameters demands
and chest pain, they have different treatments for each condi- training and experience, and it is not a simple task for the
tion, requiring a special differential analysis [85]. untrained pulmonary specialist. To contribute to minimizing
Airway obstruction and lung expansion properties are usu- this limitation, prior studies from our laboratory have provided
ally indirectly evaluated by measuring the maximum expired clear evidence that machine learning (ML) methods may sim-
airflow and volume using spirometry. Whole body plethys- plify the routine assessment of lung function by FOT. Another
mography is another useful technique to measure airway ob- important characteristic that emerged from these studies was a
struction and lung restriction. Despite long-term clinical suc- significant improvement in the diagnostic accuracy of FOT in
cess, these methods have a number of problems in use. They several important clinical respiratory conditions [6–8, 68, 69].
require a high degree of collaboration and maximal effort, and In line with these observations, other methods of lung function
thus, these measurements may be unreliable and variable if analysis were also improved by the use of ML techniques [9].
suboptimal maneuvers are performed. Furthermore, forced Although previous studies have shown that these methods
maneuvers may alter the bronchial tone and modify the airway could help the clinical use of the FOT, simplifying test inter-
patency, rendering the obtained indices hardly physiologic. pretation and increasing accuracy, there are no previous stud-
Accordingly, the literature has emphasized that investigation ies using FOT combined with ML algorithms to improve the
on new methods to improve the noninvasive tests of pulmo- differential diagnoses of asthma and restrictive diseases.
nary function should be considered a great preeminence [13, Therefore, we have explored the hypothesis that the appli-
22, 30]. cation of ML algorithms combined with FOT analysis would
The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a noninva- improve the differential diagnosis of asthma and restrictive
sive method that was introduced in the 1950s by Dubois respiratory diseases. In this context, the specific goals of this
et al. [31] to evaluate lung function. The method evaluates study were (1) to evaluate the ability of FOT parameters alone
respiratory impedance and its associated elements: respi- to correctly diagnose differences between patient groups
ratory resistance and reactance [55]. Owing to a number (asthma and restrictive); (2) to evaluate several ML methods
of recent technological improvements, this method nowa- to help in the differential diagnosis of these respiratory dis-
days represents the state of the art in lung function eval- eases; and (3) to explore whether a fuzzy classifier could aid in
uation [11]. Several authors have argued that it has the the differential diagnosis and provide a useful explanation
potential to improve diagnosis and monitor the treatment concerning how the classification is performed.
of respiratory diseases and that further studies are needed
in this area [16, 63]. Previous studies conducted by our
group suggest that this technique can contribute to the 2 Methods
detection of obstructive respiratory changes in patients
with asthma [18], and restrictive abnormalities in sarcoid- 2.1 Ethical issues, studied subjects, and inclusion and
osis [34], silicosis [25], rheumatoid arthritis [33], and sys- exclusion criteria
temic sclerosis [71].
Information obtained from FOT provided a detailed evalu- This research was approved by the research ethics board of the
ation of the respiratory abnormalities in asthma [18] and re- State University of Rio de Janeiro, and the post-informed con-
strictive disease [34]. Therefore, this method may contribute sent of all volunteers was obtained before inclusion in the
to the differential diagnosis of the respiratory abnormalities in study. The study was conducted in accordance with the
asthma and restrictive diseases. It was pointed out previously, Declaration of Helsinki. Anthropometric information was ob-
however, that identification of specific characteristics of re- tained from the volunteers before the beginning of the
strictive diseases by FOT analysis has not yet been fully pre- procedures.
sented [58], and only two recent studies have suggested that Ninety-seven volunteers were selected for the study, in-
FOT may be useful in the differential diagnosis between re- cluding 38 diagnosed with asthma and 39 with restrictive re-
strictive and obstructive respiratory abnormalities [48, 90]. spiratory disease. Among asthmatics, eighteen had severe ob-
Initial results obtained in our group provided additional evi- struction and twenty moderate obstruction. The group with
dence in favor of this hypothesis [86]. However, FOT was restrictive disease was composed of patients with sarcoidosis,
able to provide adequate clinical diagnosis only between scleroderma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, asbestosis, and
groups presenting diseases in latter stages. silicosis, of whom twenty patients presented severe restriction
Med Biol Eng Comput

and eighteen presented moderate restriction. The inclusion respiratory nonhomogeneities [15]. The mean resistance (Rm)
criteria were as follows: age over 18 years; the clinical diag- was calculated in the 4–16 Hz range and reflects mid-
nosis of the respective diseases for patients with asthma and frequency spectra, which is related to the resistance in the
restrictive abnormalities; exclusion of history of smoking and central airways [64].
other cardiovascular or respiratory diseases. Volunteers with Three parameters were used to describe the results related
asthma during a crisis period were not included in the study. to reactance: resonant frequency (fr), mean reactance (Xm),
Although the objective of this study was to evaluate the and dynamic compliance (Cdyn). Resonant frequency is the
potential of FOT in the differential diagnosis of asthma and frequency, at which Xrs becomes zero [18], obtained by the
restrictive respiratory diseases, a control group (CG) was also interpolation of respiratory reactance (Xrs) values adjacent to
included to allow a deeper comprehension of the biomechan- the ones at which this variable changes from negative to pos-
ical abnormalities in asthma and restrictive diseases, as well as itive values. Mean reactance is associated with respiratory
the changes with the progression of these diseases. This group inhomogeneity and was evaluated considering the 4 to
was composed of 20 healthy subjects with FOT values within 32 Hz frequency range. Dynamic compliance, which was ob-
normal limits, with no history of tobacco use, as well as car- tained using the reactance at 4 Hz (Cdyn = 1/2πfX4), reflects
diac or pulmonary disease. the total compliance of the respiratory system, also being re-
lated to the respiratory homogeneity [64]. The total mechani-
2.2 Pulmonary function cal load, including resistance and elastic effects, was also in-
vestigated using the 4 Hz impedance module (Z4) [74].
FOT exams were conducted using an instrument developed in Spirometric exams were performed after FOT, following
our laboratory [24] that follows international standards [56]. local [54] and international [70] recommendations. The clas-
The measurements were conducted during spontaneous sifications of airway obstruction and pulmonary restriction
breathing using small peak-to-peak pressure oscillations were also performed following these guidelines, using spiro-
(2 cmH2O) generated by a speaker, which were applied at metric exams as a gold standard. The analyzed indexes were
the entrance of the individual’s airway through the oral cavity. forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), forced
The nostrils of the volunteers were occluded with a nose clip. vital capacity (FVC), and FEV1/FVC ratio, which were
To minimize the shunt effect of the upper airways [8], the expressed as absolute values and as percentages of predicted
volunteer firmly held their cheeks and chin with their hands. values [79]. The GINA guidelines [95] were used to define
Three tests of 16 s were performed, and the result adopted was asthma.
the mean score. This measurement duration is an appropriate
compromise, achieving clinically acceptable statistical vari-
ability and a comfortable examination time for the patient. 2.3 Presentation of results and statistical analysis
The test was considerable acceptable if the volunteers present-
ed stable tidal volumes and rate and free of pauses. Common The results are presented as the means ± standard deviations.
artifacts such as swallows, coughs, and leaks were identified Statistical analysis was performed using the ORIGIN 8.0 pro-
by the evaluation of flow and pressure signals, and the acqui- gram (Microcal Software Inc., Northampton, MA, USA). The
sition was repeated until three stable and free of artifact mea- characteristics of the sample’s distribution were initially eval-
surements were obtained. Frequencies between 4 and 32 Hz uated (Shapiro-Wilk test). Then, a parametric test (indepen-
were used in these exams. To reduce the influence of the dent t test) was used when the data exhibited a normal distri-
spontaneous breathing, only exams with coherence function bution, and a nonparametric test (Mann-Whitney) was used
≥ 0.9 in the whole frequency range studied were accepted. To when the data do not presented a normal distribution. A p
exclude outlying values, the coefficient of variation of respi- value of less than 0.05 was considered significant for the re-
ratory resistance (Rrs) at the lowest oscillation frequency sults of all statistical analysis.
(4 Hz) for the 3 measurements was ≤ 10%. The analyses were Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plot-
performed using an instrument developed at our laboratory ted to analyze the clinical use and cutoff points of various FOT
and described previously [24]. parameters in the discrimination between asthma and restric-
The resistance results were interpreted using linear regres- tive respiratory abnormalities. Diagnostic accuracy was
sion in the 4–16 Hz range, which allowed us to obtain the assessed calculating the area under the curve (AUC).
intercept resistance (R0). This is a representative of the resis- Previous studies suggested that ROC curves with an AUC
tance in the low-frequency spectra, describing Newtonian re- between 0.80 and 0.90 are adequate for clinical use, while a
sistance of the respiratory system, as well as the effect of high diagnostic accuracy is observed in conditions of AUCs ≥
pendelluft (gas redistribution) [60]. The regression also pro- 0.90 [41, 91]. This accuracy allows the clinicians to easily
vided the angular coefficient of resistance (S), which depicts balance the values of sensitivity and specificity to the specific
the resistance change with frequency, which is associated with local conditions of use and needs. Diagnostic accuracy
Med Biol Eng Comput

analyses were performed using MedCalc 12 (MedCalc theory of fuzzy systems with computational intelligence tech-
Software, Mariakerke, Belgium). niques such as neural networks and evolutionary algorithms.
In the neuro-fuzzy methods [2, 52, 75], one possible strategy
2.4 Datasets is to code the fuzzy system as a neural network and to apply
established methods of training, such as backpropagation [46].
In the present work, experiments were performed in a dataset, When the strategy employs evolutionary algorithms, then the
which included 7 input features (FOT indexes) from 241 genetic algorithms are the most used. They provide a way of
exams. It included 114 measurements taken from volunteers codifying and evolving the following fuzzy blocks: member-
with asthma: 60 with moderate asthma and 54 with severe ship functions, aggregation operators, different rules compo-
asthma. It also has 117 measurements taken from patients with sitions, and defuzzification operators.
restrictive diseases: 60 with severe and 57 with moderate re- To further explore other ML methods, we also selected the
strictive diseases. fuzzy classifier because we also wanted to address the inter-
pretability, which is the ability to express the behavior of the
2.5 Machine learning algorithms real system in a compressive manner. It is an individual prop-
erty and is usually associated with several factors related to the
Machine learning is the field of artificial intelligence whose structure of the model, such as the number of input variables,
scope is the investigation of algorithms that can recognize number of rules, number of linguistic terms, and others [39].
patterns and learn different relationships present in a set of Therefore, we would like to answer the following inquiry: Is it
data [94]. In our previous studies [5, 7, 8], we have appraised possible to develop a classifier that presents interpretability
a wide variety of models including logistic linear classifier, and, at the same time, also have a satisfactory accuracy?
decision trees, neural networks, k-nearest neighbors, support As a result, in the present work, the chosen classification
vector machines (SVMs), and ensemble strategies such as methods were analyzed:
random forests. It was noted that the AdaBoost classifier, k-
nearest neighbor, random forest classifier, and SVM with ra- & K-nearest neighbor [45, 57];
dial basis kernel had presented outstanding performance. Our & Ensemble strategies (AdaBoost classifier with decision
incipient exploratory experiments confirm this fact; based on trees [38, 87] and random forest (RF) [14, 88]);
these observations, we concluded that we conserve only k- & SVM with radial basis functions [1, 44];
nearest neighbor, AdaBoost, SVM with radial basis kernel, & Neuro-fuzzy classifier [20, 47, 52].
and the random forest classifier. However, these models only
address accuracy, which is the capability of the model to rep- A description of the ML techniques previously used in
licate the real system’s results. It should be more significant as pulmonary function exams was presented elsewhere [9]. The
there is higher conformity between the responses of the real studied methods will be succinctly presented here, and a thor-
system and the model [39]. However, when one wishes to ough description is available in the References.
understand how the induced model can distinguish between KNN is a lazy learner because, in the training stage, it does
different classes or represent relations existing in the data in a not learn the relationships between the data in the training set,
comprehensible way, more symbolic approaches, such as it merely stores the training set (a set of labeled instances).
rule-based systems, become more attractive. In addition to When a new query must be classified, the class of the query is
the ability to express knowledge in a comprehensible way, obtained by using majority vote among the class of the K
they enable the introduction of the specialist’s knowledge. objects. Random forest (RF) is an ensemble strategy that as-
The fuzzy set theory [96] is one of the most important para- sembles and compounds several base decision trees [14]. It
digms of computational intelligence that explores aspects of employs the bootstrap aggregation (bagging) which helps to
inference and knowledge representation. The greatest motiva- improve accuracy and control the overfitting [45]. AdaBoost
tion for using the fuzzy set theory was to establish an interface employs a distinct ensemble strategy, called boosting, where
between quantitative patterns and qualitative knowledge the user can join several “weak classifiers” (base estimators)
structures that represent vague and imprecise information for- together to form a single “strong classifier” [87]. Each base
mulated in natural language. This feature allows the represen- estimator (decision tree) is designed to classify the instances
tation of the knowledge extracted from the database in linguis- misclassified by previous base estimators correctly. Once the
tic form, generating greater interpretability [47]. training process is terminated, the algorithm associated with
The most recurrent application of fuzzy set theory is the each base estimator, a weight related to its accuracy. The final
synthesis or inference of fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBS), output is a weighted combination of all base estimators (deci-
where several strategies have been developed to induce sion trees).
rules-based fuzzy models [21]. It is remarkably vital in the The basic principles from which support vector machines
field of learning fuzzy rules, the hybrid methods that join the (SVMs) were conceived were established by statistical
Med Biol Eng Comput

learning theory [93]. SVMs were employed in a myriad of and second-order methods as Levenberg–Marquardt [51]. In this
problems with the state-of-the-art performance [62, 65, 66]. work, we chose the approach described in [20], which employs a
Considering a binary, linearly separable classification prob- Speeding up Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SSCG) to optimize the
lem, SVM provides a decision boundary that is hyperplane parameters of the neuro-fuzzy classifier. The SSCG is a variation
with optimal geometric margin from the classes, which in turn of the Scaled Conjugate Gradient, which shortens the optimiza-
presents the highest generalization capacity. This conception tion time without compromising the convergence rate.
can be extended to a nonlinear separable problem by applying
an artifice called a “kernel trick.” This scheme transforms the 2.6 Performance analysis
data into a new high-dimensional space, where one expects
the classes to be effortlessly separable [45]. Generalization is a very important characteristic of a classifier
Fuzzy classification is the procedure of segmenting feature [72]. It is the faculty of the classifier to encounter a suitable
spaces into fuzzy classes. It assumes the frontier between two class estimate for new and unseen data; that is, data was not
neighbor classes as a continuous, super-imposed area within used to the training procedure. One key issue to carry out the
an object has partial membership in each class. A fuzzy clas- assessment of the generalization ability is the election of prop-
sifier can be characterized as a set of fuzzy classification rules er evaluation criteria [3, 94]. Since our research deals with the
Ri which depicts the relation between the input feature space medical diagnosis, we opt to embrace sensitivity (Se), speci-
and the classes, which can be expressed as follows: ficity (Sp), and the area under the receiver operating charac-
teristic (ROC) curve (AUC) [43]. Additionally, this choice
Ri : If x1 is Ai1 and…and xj is Aij and…and xn is Ain
grants permission to contrast and correlate our findings with
Then class is C k other previous studies carried out by our group [5, 7, 8, 69].
After the selection of the performance assessment criteria, it
where xj stands for the jth feature or input variable; Ck
was needed to design a proper evaluation structure to measure
represents the kth label of class; n represents the number of the performance of the trained model based on unseen exam-
features; and Aij indicates the fuzzy set of the jth feature in the
ples to infer its generalization ability. Since the dataset has a
ith rule and is depicted by the pertinent membership function modest size, k-fold validation procedure [53] is a more suit-
[51]. The fuzzy classifier employed in this work is like Jang’s able choice because it allows the valuation of the generaliza-
classifier and it is displayed in Fig. 1.
tion capability in the whole dataset. We subdivided the dataset
The feature space in Fig. 1 has two features {x1, x2}, and into k equal (or approximately equal) data subsets or folders,
the classifier discriminates them into two classes {C1, C2}. ensuring the same class proportional to each folder. Each sub-
The network structure of the fuzzy classifier is similar to the
set is utilized for testing, and the training of the classifier
one presented in the study by Jan and his collaborators [51]. model employs the remaining k − 1 subsets. The performance
However, every feature is expressed with two fuzzy sets. As a of each algorithm on each folder can be calculated. Upon the
result, there are four fuzzy rules.
end of the k-fold validation, k outcomes of the performance
The parameters of the fuzzy classifier θ = {Umxn Smxn Wmxn} metric are available, and they can be aggregated to produce a
can be fit by supervised training algorithms, where U and S are final estimation of the generalization capability of the model.
the center and the width matrices of the Gaussian membership
This aggregation in the k-fold validation is an essential feature
functions, respectively; W represents the weight matrix among because it circumvents the reporting of an idealist result
the rules and the classes; and m, n, and c are the number of rules, achieved from a single, particular division of the dataset in
features, and classes, respectively. The adaptive neuro-fuzzy net-
the training and test sets, as it could occur in holdout proce-
works have also been trained using different optimization dures. Furthermore, it is also possible to use these outcomes to
methods, such as the Kalman filter [50], gradient descent [52], contrast various ML methods using statistical hypothesis

Fig. 1 Neuro-fuzzy classifier

used in the present work
Med Biol Eng Comput

testing, which is a vital element to compare two or more ML known to be unsusceptible to overfitting [87]. Schapire argues
algorithms. McNemar’s test and Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test that the increase in confidence of the predictions with additional
are endorsed by Dietrich [29], Demsar [28], and Japkowicz cycles of boosting is responsible for achieving improved gener-
and Shah [53]. Another methodology commonly employed is alization. Besides, the max depth of the base estimators was
the comparison of AUCs, which was performed as described controlled to avoid the overfitting of the base estimators. In the
in Delong et al. [27]. k-nearest neighbor classifier, the number of neighbors was al-
ways chosen to be higher than 1; as a result, the classification
2.7 Experimental analysis is based on a set of nearest neighbors, which turns the classifier
more resistant to outliers. The RF is an ensemble strategy that
Four experiments were conducted. Firstly, we figured out the aggregates the outcomes of several trees, which tends to mitigate
ability of each one of the FOT indexes alone to accurately set overfitting errors; also, similarly to AdaBoost, the max depth of
apart patients with asthma and with restrictive respiratory dis- the base estimator was also controlled, diminishing the possibil-
eases (experiment 1). ity of overfitting. The SVMR is built to obtain the optimal deci-
Secondly, ML algorithms were exploited to determine sion frontier between classes to ensure a higher generalization
whether a boost in performance could be accomplished. We ability. The fuzzy partition applied in the neuro-fuzzy classifier
did not carry out any feature selection; hence, all the original turns it resistant to small fluctuations in training, which could
FOT indexes were used. K-nearest neighbors, AdaBoost, ran- lead to variance errors. The training procedures can also adopt
dom forests, and SVMs classifiers were implemented with a the same strategies employed to avoid overfitting in neural net-
Python machine learning library Scikit-learn [78]. This library works, such as early stopping [10].
allows the user to tune several classifiers’ hyperparameters. Also, the use of nested cross-validation procedure [19] was
Here, AdaBoost employed the decision tree as its base estima- enforced to find the best classifier hyperparameters and to
tor (“weak classifier”), and the adjusted parameters were the provide extra protection against overfitting.
number of base estimators (50, 100, 150, 300) and the max The third experiment followed the same methodology of
depth of the base estimator (4, 5, 6, 7, 8). In the KNN, K (3, 5, experiment 2, but in the processing pipeline, a feature selec-
7) was the tuned hyperparameter. In the RF method, the tion procedure was included. The utility of the input feature
hyperparameters were the number of base estimators (50, selection is to encounter the smallest number of pertinent and
100) and the max depth of the base estimator (4, 5, 6, 7). informative features that can result in adequate performance.
The SVM with an RBF kernel had two hyperparameters, the Our primary motivation to perform feature selection is to al-
regularization parameter C (1, 10, 100, 1000) and the standard low data visualization (2D or 3D) [42]. The chosen feature
deviation of the radial basis function r (0.001, 0.0001). The selection method was the recursive feature elimination, which
investigation for the best hyperparameters was executed in the is a backward search [42], which recursively removes attri-
training routine for each classifier. Because of the use of 10- butes and builds a model on those features that remain. The
fold cross-validation, the training was reiterated ten times; chosen model was a linear support vector machine. It is a low
each training routine selects one fold as a test set and the complexity model (linear) with the ability to produce the hy-
remaining ones as a training set. A second 10-fold cross-val- perplane to maximize the margin and, as a result, to provide
idation (also called inner, or nested), which employed only the better generalization. Also, the low complexity model pro-
training set, was carried to completion to spot suitable vides protection against overfitting in the choice of the feature,
hyperparameters for each classifier. The performance metric which may happen if a high complexity model was applied.
was average AUC. The fourth experiment also employed feature selection, but
We also implemented in MATLAB a neuro-fuzzy classifi- it used a method stability selection [76]. It is a relatively new
er based on the source code provided by Cetişli and Barkana method for feature selection, where the basic idea is to apply a
[20]. It has, as its main hyperparameter, the number of clusters feature selection algorithm on distinct subsets of data and with
per class, which is used by K-means [49, 51] to obtain the diverse subsets of features. Once the process is rerun numer-
initial parameters (centers and widths of the Gaussian mem- ous times, the selection results can be accounted for, for ex-
bership functions) and to formulate the fuzzy rules. Later, ample, by checking how many times a feature was elected as
those parameters are optimized by a modified version of the necessary when it was in a scrutinized feature subset.
scaled conjugate gradient algorithm [73]. Also, we add an Therefore, strong features would have scores close to 100%
early stopping procedure, which is known to reduce (since they would always be selected when possible), weaker,
overfitting and improve generalization [81]. but somewhat essential features would have non-zero scores,
Overfitting can be responsible for poor predictive perfor- and irrelevant features would have a score close to 0.
mance in unseen data when a model has not acquired the ability For all experiments in the study, the ROC curve, obtained
to generalize. Therefore, to circumvent overfitting, we thorough- using only the best individual FOT parameter (BFP) as an input
ly manage the classifier complexity and model. AdaBoost is feature, was used to confront the performance of the classifiers.
Med Biol Eng Comput

The option of single-feature classification based on the BFP was a

inspired by the present clinical scenario, where only one param- 5.5 Control
eter is assessed to categorize the severity of respiratory diseases. 5.0 Asthma
Airway obstruction severity, for example, is grounded only on

Resistance (hPa.s.l )
FEV1 [70]. For these experiments, the comparative analysis be- 3.5
tween the classifiers was executed using MedCalc 8.2 (Medicalc 3.0
Software, Mariakerke, Belgium) [27]. 2.5
3 Results 0.0
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Regarding the biometric characteristics of the studied individ- Frequency (Hz)
uals (Table 1), no significant differences were observed in
terms of weight and height among groups (p > 0.05). The 2
control group produced higher FEV1 and FVC values (within
normal limits). As expected, the spirometric parameters were
reduced in the patient groups and FVC was reduced in patients

Reactance (hPa.s.l )
with restrictive diseases in comparison with the asthma group,
while FEV1/FVC were higher in patients with restrictive dis- -2

eases in comparison with patients with asthma.

-4 Control
3.1 Forced oscillation Restrictive
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Values of resistance and reactance as a function of frequency
Frequency (Hz)
for the investigated groups are described in Fig. 2, while Fig. 3
shows the effects of asthma and restriction on the resistive and Fig. 2 Mean respiratory resistance (a) and reactance (b) curves in
controls and patients with asthma and restrictive diseases
reactive properties of the respiratory system.
All of the evaluated parameters presented significant
Considering the reactive parameters, Xm was more nega-
changes in the comparison between the control group and
tive in asthma than in restrictive subjects (Fig. 3d; p < 0.001),
the restrictive group, as well as comparing the control group
whereas Fig. 3e shows that a significantly higher fr occurred
with asthmatic patients (p < 0.05). The R0 values (Fig. 3a) in
in asthma in comparison with restrictive subjects (p < 0.001).
individuals with asthma were significantly higher than those
Visually, individuals with restrictive abnormalities presented
observed in the restrictive individuals (p < 0.001). Figure 3b
lower Cdyn than patients with asthma (Fig. 3f). Statistical
shows a similar observation in Rm (p < 0.001). The S of indi-
comparisons, however, do not evidenced significant changes.
viduals with asthma was significantly more negative in com-
Figure 3g displays the experimental data on Zrs. Significantly
parison with those in the restrictive group (p < 0.001).
higher values were observed in asthma in comparison with the
restrictive group (p < 0.01).
Table 1 Demographic and spirometric characteristics of study groups

Control (n = 20) Asthma (n = 38) Restrictive (n = 39)

3.2 First step: Diagnostic accuracy of FOT parameters
Age 53.1 ± 11.8 46.8 ± 17.8 57.5 ± 16.0* to discriminate the different conditions
Weight 65.6 ± 10.3 67.5 ± 14.0 63.0 ± 14.8
Height 162.2 ± 6.6 159.0 ± 10.1 157.4 ± 8.0 Figure 4 includes the ROC curves for each FOT parameter.
Male/female 5/15 15/23 12/27 The associated areas under the curve (AUCs), standard errors,
FEV1 (%) 107.9 ± 18.3 49.1 ± 16.1 55.3 ± 8.7
and 95% confidence intervals are displayed in Table 2.
FVC (%) 104.4 ± 19.6 77.4 ± 19.3 50.3 ± 8.1**
FEV1/FVC 85.1 ± 6.7 52.7 ± 9.2 98.7 ± 15.9**
Fig. 3 FOT parameters obtained in the control group and groups of„
patients with restrictive diseases and asthma. Extrapolated Newtonian
FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1/
resistance in 0 Hz (R0; a), mean resistance (Rm; b), slope of the
FVC, Tiffeneau index; (%), percentage of the predicted value
resistance values (S; c), mean reactance (Xm; d), resonance frequency
*p < 0.05 comparing with the asthma group; (Fr; e), dynamic compliance (Cdyn; f), and impedance modulus in 4 Hz
**p < 0.001 comparing with the asthma group (Z4; g)
Med Biol Eng Comput

a b
18 18
15 15

12 12

Rm (hPa.s.l )
R0 (hPa.s.l )


9 * 9

6 6 *
3 3

0 0
Control Restrictive Asthma Control Restrictive Asthma

c d
200 2

* * 0 * *

Xm (cmH2O/L/s)
S (hPa.s .l )
2 -1

-200 -2

-400 -4

-600 -6
-800 -8
Control Restrictive Asthma Control Restrictive Asthma

e 60

50 0.15

40 ns
Cdyn (l/hPa)
fr (Hz)

30 0.09
20 0.06
10 0.03
0 0.00
Control Restrictive Obstructive Control Restrictive Asthma



Z4 (hPa.s.l )

12 *


Control Restrictive Asthma
Med Biol Eng Comput

The resonance frequency (fr) was the best FOT parameter Table 2 Results of experiment 1. The area under the ROC curve
(AUC), the standard error (SE), and the 95% confidence interval (95%
and it provided moderate accuracy diagnoses (0.7 ≤ AUC <
CI) of each FOT parameter

fr (Hz) 0.87 0.02 0.82–0.92

3.3 Second step: Diagnostic accuracy of FOT
Xm (cmH2O/L/s) 0.71 0.03 0.64–0.77
parameters associated with machine learning
R0 (cmH2O/L/s) 0.70 0.03 0.64–0.77
algorithms and with the neuro-fuzzy classifiers
S (cmH2O/L/s2) 0.73 0.03 0.66–0.79
Rm (cmH2O/L/s) 0.70 0.03 0.63–0.77
Figure 5 presents the ROC curves of the BFP, the ML algo-
Zrs4Hz (cmH2O/L/s) 0.62 0.04 0.54–0.69
rithms and the neuro-fuzzy classifiers. Table 3 presents a sum-
mary of experiment 2. One can see that the AUC was greatly Cdyn,rs (L/cmH2O) 0.45 0.04 0.37–0.53
improved and that the ML and neuro-fuzzy (NFC) classifiers fr, resonance frequency; Xm, mean respiratory reactance; R0, respiratory
achieved a high diagnostic accuracy (AUC ≥ 0.9). resistance extrapolated at 0 Hz; S, slope of the linear relationship of
Table 4 compares the AUCs acquired with the BFP and resistance versus frequency; Rm, mean respiratory resistance; Zrs4Hz,
each studied classifier using the method introduced by Delong absolute value of respiratory impedance in 4 Hz; Cdyn,rs, respiratory
system dynamic compliance
et al. [27]. All the ML algorithms presented a statistically
significant difference in relation to the BFP.
3.5 Fourth experiment: Diagnostic accuracy of FOT
parameters in association with machine learning
3.4 Third experiment: Diagnostic accuracy of FOT algorithms and with the neuro-fuzzy classifiers with
parameters in association with machine learning stability feature selection
algorithms and with the neuro-fuzzy classifiers with
recursive feature elimination Figure 7 presents the ROC analysis of the BFP, the ML algo-
rithms, and the neuro-fuzzy classifiers. Table 7 presents a
Figure 6 presents the ROC curves of the BFP, the ML algo- summary of experiment 4. One can see that the AUC was
rithms, and the neuro-fuzzy classifiers. Table 5 presents a greatly improved and that the ML and neuro-fuzzy (NFC)
summary of experiment 3. One can see that the AUC was classifiers achieved a high diagnostic accuracy (AUC ≥ 0.9).
greatly improved and that the ML classifiers achieved a high Table 8 includes the difference between AUCs obtained
diagnostic accuracy (AUC ≥ 0.9). considering the BFP and each studied classifier [27].
Table 6 includes a comparative analysis among the AUCs AdaBoost, K-nearest neighbor, and random forests showed a
(i.e., the difference between AUCs) obtained with the BFP statistically significant difference in relation to the BFP.
and each investigated classifier [27]. AdaBoost, K-nearest The results of experiments 2, 3, and 4 are summarized in
neighbor and random forests showed a statistically significant Fig. 8. A more detailed analysis is described in Fig. 9a and b,
difference in relation to the BFP.

Fig. 5 ROC curves of the best FOT parameter (BFP), and the FOT
Fig. 4 ROC curves for the first experiment, describing the diagnostic parameters associated with the ML algorithms and the neuro-fuzzy clas-
performance of each FOT parameter sifier (NFC)
Med Biol Eng Comput

Table 3 Results of
experiment 2. Best Se Sp AUC
studied classifiers with (%) (%)
the original FOT
parameters as inputs. The BFP 89.7 77.2 0.87
95% confidence interval ADAB 87.2 96.5 0.97
is shown in parenthesis
below each performance KNN 92.3 90.4 0.95
metric. The AUC RF 92.3 89.5 0.97
standard error is also SVMR 99.1 80.7 0.94
shown in parenthesis
NFC 88.9 78.1 0.90

BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained with-

out the use of classifiers); ADAB,
AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers;
KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF, ran-
dom forests; SVMR, support vector ma-
chines with radial basis kernel; NFC,
neuro-fuzzy classifier Fig. 6 ROC curves for experiment 3

accuracy. In addition, the neuro-fuzzy classifier also provided

which show the Se obtained at a Sp of 90% and at a Sp of rules to explain the classification.
75%, respectively. In general, the use of ML methods and the There is a controversy in the literature about the use of FOT
NFC classifier resulted in increased values of Se in both stud- in the differential diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive dis-
ied conditions. eases. This may be because, despite the importance of this
Figure 10 describes the visualization of the three selected topic, there remains a paucity of well-controlled studies in this
features in experiment 3 (fr, R0, and Cdyn), which allow us to area. Lappas et al. suggested that impedance indices’ modifi-
evaluate if it is possible to discriminate asthma from restrictive cations are of no specificity for restrictive syndrome [58].
diseases only using FOT parameters. Investigating patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD), asth-
ma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
Sugiyama et al. suggested that changes in reactance are dif-
4 Discussion ferent in ILD in comparison with asthma and COPD [90].
Recent previous research using FOT parameters associated
In this study, we developed and examined a neuro-fuzzy and a with multidimensional scaling analysis in COPD and
number of ML algorithms to design an automatic classifier to kyphoscoliosis (KS) provided evidence that this combination
support the differential diagnosis of patients with asthma and is able to distinguish between obstructive (COPD) and restric-
restrictive diseases using forced oscillation exams. It was tive (KS) diseases [48]. The present research is the first spe-
showed that such a clinical decision support system, based cifically designed to explore this hypothesis.
on the use of neuro-fuzzy, AdaBoost with decision trees, Initially, we can observe that the changes in the FOT curves
KNN, random forests, and support vector machines with ra- and parameters obtained in the asthmatic and restrictive
dial basis kernel, is able to increment the accuracy of the FOT groups (Figs. 2 and 3) were in close agreement with the in-
in differential diagnosis, allowing for a high diagnostic volved pathophysiology [95]. It was interesting to note that

Table 4 Comparison of AUCs in experiment 2


BFP 0.103 ± 0.027** 0.083 ± 0.028** 0.095 ± 0.027** 0.067 ± 0.029* 0.025 ± 0.026
ADAB - 0.020 ± 0.009* 0.008 ± 0.008 0.035 ± 0.016* 0.078 ± 0.022**
KNN - - 0.012 ± 0.010 0.016 ± 0.016 0.058 ± 0.025*
RF - - - 0.028 ± 0.013* 0.070 ± 0.023**
SVMR - - - - 0.042 ± 0.028

BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained without the use of classifiers); ADAB, AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers; KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF,
random forests; SVMR, support vector machines with radial basis kernel; NFC, neuro-fuzzy classifier
*p < 0.05 (Delong et al. [25])
**p < 0.01 (Delong et al. [25])
Med Biol Eng Comput

Table 5 Results of
experiment 3. Best Se Sp AUC
studied classifiers with (%) (%)
the original FOT
parameters as inputs. The BFP 89.7 77.2 0.87
95% confidence interval ADAB 92.3 91.2 0.96
is shown in parenthesis
below each performance KNN 93.2 82.5 0.94
metric. The AUC RF 95.7 84.2 0.96
standard error is also SVMR 99.1 82.5 0.93
shown in parenthesis
NFC 89.7 79.8 0.89

BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained with-

out the use of classifiers); ADAB,
AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers;
KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF, ran-
dom forests; SVMR, support vector ma-
chines with radial basis kernel; NFC,
neuro-fuzzy classifier Fig. 7 ROC curves for experiment 4

mean FOT curves in the asthmatic and restrictive groups were that integrates resistive and elastic effects, presented increased
clearly distinct (Fig. 2). The resistance values in the group of changes in patients with asthma compared with patients with
asthmatic patients were higher than those observed in the restrictive diseases. These results further support two hypoth-
groups of restrictive patients, which, in turn, were higher than esis: (1) that asthma introduces increased effects in the resis-
those observed in controls (Fig. 2a). Perhaps the most impor- tance values in comparison with restrictive diseases and (2)
tant finding was that the reactance values were more influ- that the effect of the small airway obstruction on dynamic
enced by asthma than by restrictive abnormalities (Fig. 2b). compliance [26] may be stronger than the effects of elastic
This unanticipated finding may be explained, at least in part, changes observed in restrictive diseases.
considering that the effect of the small airway obstruction on Among the historiography of FOT, several studies have
dynamic compliance [26] and inertance [59], which are pres- described that this method may provide a sensitive analysis
ent in obstructive diseases, in the respiratory reactance may be for detecting abnormalities in respiratory mechanics [35, 36,
stronger than the effects of elastic changes, typical in restric- 71, 77, 80, 82–84]. The results of this study provide additional
tive diseases. evidence of this hypothesis (Table 2) and extend these finding
Accordingly, FOT parameters were distinct in these groups to the differential diagnosis of patients with asthma and re-
(Fig. 3). The current study found that resistive parameters strictive diseases.
were higher in asthmatic patients (Fig. 3 a, b, and c), which In the first experiment, we investigated the ability of each
is consistent with the characteristics of the studied groups. The of the FOT indexes alone to adequately discern patients with
changes observed in Xm (Fig. 3d), fr (Fig. 3e) and Cdyn (Fig. asthma and restrictive (Table 2). The best FOT index was fr,
3f) reflect the changes in the mean reactance curves (Fig. 2b) which had an AUC equal to 0.87. None of the FOT parameters
and can be explained by the same observations described pre- alone allowed a highly accurate discrimination among patients
viously. Another important finding was that Z4, a parameter with asthma and restrictive abnormalities.

Table 6 Comparison of AUCs in experiment 3


BFP 0.090 ± 0.028** 0.073 ± 0.028* 0.087 ± 0.029** 0.059 ± 0.031 0.023 ± 0.026
ADAB - 0.017 ± 0.009 0.003 ± 0.008 0.031 ± 0.017 0.067 ± 0.026**
KNN - - 0.013 ± 0.010 0.015 ± 0.015 0.050 ± 0.027
RF - - - 0.0280 ± 0.016 0.064 ± 0.027*
SVMR - - - - 0.036 ± 0.027

BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained without the use of classifiers); ADAB, AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers; KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF,
random forests; SVMR, support vector machines with radial basis kernel; NFC, neuro-fuzzy classifier
*p < 0.05 (Delong et al. [25])
**p < 0.01 (Delong et al. [25])
Med Biol Eng Comput

Table 7 Results of In the fourth experiment, the stability feature selection

experiment 4. Best Se Sp AUC
was employed and found that fr, Xm, R0, S, and Cdyn
studied classifiers with (%) (%)
the original FOT were the most important features. When the classifiers
parameters as inputs. The BFP 89.7 77.2 0.87 were trained using only these features, the ML classifiers
95% confidence interval ADAB 90.6 90.4 0.94 presented a small performance decrease (Fig. 7, Table 7).
is shown in parenthesis
KNN 91.5 91.2 0.96 This did not prevent obtaining a high diagnostic accuracy
below each performance
metric. The AUC RF 90.6 87.7 0.95 by all ML algorithms and the neuro-fuzzy classifiers
standard error is also SVMR 95.7 85.1 0.93 (Table 7). Additionally, the use of AdaBoost, KNN,
shown in parenthesis and RF introduced a statistically significant increase in
NFC 88.0 82.5 0.90
diagnostic accuracy in comparison with BFP (Table 8).
BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained with- Figure 8 provides a summary of experiments 2, 3, and 4
out the use of classifiers); ADAB,
describing a comparison of the accuracies of the best
AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers;
KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF, ran- classifiers and the BFP.
dom forests; SVMR, support vector ma- In order to deepen the analysis of the ROC curves,
chines with radial basis kernel; NFC, Fig. 9a and b show, respectively, the Se observed at a
neuro-fuzzy classifier
Sp of 90% and at a Sp of 75% (representing moderate
specificity). The 90% specificity level was included be-
In the second step, we used classifiers to determine if an cause it theoretically forces the cases presumed to be
improvement in accuracy could be obtained. This experiment the most difficult into the correct disease group (asthma
showed that the AdaBoost, KNN, RF, SVM with radial basis, or restrictive) by allowing only 10% false positives [28].
and neuro-fuzzy classifiers could provide a high diagnostic It is also important to point out that the sensitivities at
accuracy (Table 3). The AUC was significantly increased 90% Sp of all the ML and the NFC methods were
from 0.87 (using the FOT parameter fr alone) to 0.97 by always higher than those obtained based on the BFP
AdaBoost and RF (Tables 3 and 4). It is also worth mention- in all three experiments. ML classifiers always had bet-
ing that all the classifiers (ML and neuro-fuzzy) reached an ter results than BFP at 75% Sp. Also, the NFC classi-
AUC ≥ 0.9, reflecting a high accuracy [91] and indicating that fier presents slightly better results than BFP only in
these classifiers are able to provide an adequate differentiation experiments 2 and 3.
among patients with asthma from patients with restrictive lung The additional benefit of the feature selection is that the
diseases. three selected features in experiment 3 can be visualized in
In the third experiment, the recursive feature elimination 3D (Fig. 10). This procedure allows a simple visual analysis,
was applied and found that the fr, R0, and Cdyn were the most which shows that it possible to discriminate asthma from re-
important features. When the classifiers were trained using strictive diseases only using FOT parameters.
only these features, the ML and neuro-fuzzy classifiers pre- We demonstrated that a simple neuro-fuzzy classifier
sented a small performance decrease (Fig. 5, Table 5), but a (NFC) with only three features was able to achieve an
high accuracy was still achieved by all ML algorithms. Even AUC = 0.89, which is very close to high diagnostic ac-
in the presence of this reduction, statistically significant im- curacy (Table 5). In addition, at the same time, it pro-
provement in accuracies between BFP and AdaBoost, KNN, vides an explanation on how the classifier reached the
and RF was observed (Table 6). classification through the obtained rules. As an example,

Table 8 Comparison of AUCs in experiment 4


BFP 0.072 ± 0.030* 0.089 ± 0.027** 0.084 ± 0.027** 0.057 ± 0.031 0.032 ± 0.028
ADAB - 0.016 ± 0.017 0.012 ± 0.016 0.015 ± 0.022 0.040 ± 0.028
KNN - - 0.004 ± 0.011 0.031 ± 0.018 0.056 ± 0.024*
RF - - - 0.027 ± 0.016 0.052 ± 0.026*
SVMR - - - - 0.0250 ± 0.030

BFP, best FOT parameter (obtained without the use of classifiers); ADAB, AdaBoost with decision tree classifiers; KNN, K-nearest neighbor (K = 1); RF,
random forests; SVMR, support vector machines with radial basis kernel; NFC, neuro-fuzzy classifier
*p < 0.05 (Delong et al. [25])
**p < 0.01 (Delong et al. [25])
Med Biol Eng Comput

Fig. 8 Summary of experiments

2–4 describing comparisons of
the accuracies obtained using the
best FOT parameter (BFP), ML
methods, and the neuro-fuzzy
classifier (NFC). In the ML class,
the figure describes the best clas-
sifier or a list of classifiers with
(AUC ≥ 0.9). Also, “*” indicates
that there a statistically significant
difference in relation to BFP

Fig. 9 Summary of the

experiments describing
comparisons of the sensitivity at
90% Sp (a) and 75% Sp (b)
obtained using the best FOT
parameter (BFP), ML methods,
and the neuro-fuzzy classifier
(NFC). In the ML class, the figure
describes a list of classifiers with
descending order of the sensitivi-
ty. The sensitivity at 90% Sp and
75% Sp presented in the ML class
is that of the best classifier
Med Biol Eng Comput

experiment with the neuro-fuzzy classifier to get a better un-

derstanding on how it works.
When the user inputs the measured FOT parameters from a
patient, the neuro-fuzzy classifier calculates their membership
degrees that are combined by a conjunctive operator (mini-
mum or product operator) to obtain the firing strength of each
rule regarding the patient to be categorized. Then, we take the
weighted average of the outputs using the firing strengths as
the weights. In Fig. 11, one can see that the firing strength of
the rule R2 is more substantial than that of R1; therefore, the
weighted average favors the class 2 (restrictive). The neuro-
fuzzy classifier looks at the individual contribution of each
FOT parameter and combines them; as a result, it can improve
the obtained results from a single FOT parameter, while it is
Fig. 10 Representation of the dataset using three features: fr, R0, and still able to explain the classification. From the example pre-
Cdyn. The restrictive diseases are represented by the red dots and the sented in Fig. 11, it possible to see that the FOT parameters of
blue points represent the asthma
the presented patient have higher membership degrees to the
rule that classifies it as class 2 (restrictive).
Several previous studies have demonstrated the necessity
these are the rules for the discrimination between Asthma of enhancing the noninvasive tests of respiratory function [17,
(A) and Restrictive (R) patients: 22, 30] and our understanding of the respiratory system [12].
In the current state of technology, the FOT has been widely
R1: If (fr is frA) and (R0 is R0A) and (Cdyn is CdynA) then recognized as the state of the art in the analysis of respiratory
(class is Asthma) mechanics [11], and one of the most promising emerging pul-
monary function methods [16, 63]. However, the interpreta-
R2: If (fr is frR) and (R0 is R0R) and (Cdyn is CdynR) tion of the indexes obtained by the FOT requires training and
then (class is Restrictive) practice, and it is one of the main aspects that limit its wide
practical application. Besides that, it is important to note that
The membership functions are Gaussians and their names diagnostic easiness is a fundamental characteristic for occu-
indicate the FOT parameter and the class. For example, frA is pied non-specialist clinicians [40]. In this context, this study
related to resonance frequency fr for Asthma class. With the gives new insights into the differential diagnosis of asthma
help of the MATLAB’s Fuzzy toolbox, it is possible to use a and restrictive diseases using FOT. Additionally, it was also
graphical interface (Fig. 11) which allows the user to shown that ML algorithms are able to improve the medical

Fig. 11 Neuro-fuzzy classifier presented in a graphical user interface

Med Biol Eng Comput

services provided to these patients, making the use of the FOT be useful for simplifying the use of the FOT in the everyday
simpler and improving the discrimination of the cited evaluation of respiratory function. Particularly, the neuro-
diseases. fuzzy classifier provides simple rules to explain the achieved
This study confirms that the use of ML algorithms is asso- classification and a graphical interface, which is very easy to
ciated with a significant improvement in the diagnostic accu- use. These classifiers hold the promise of improving the med-
racy. This is consistent with our earlier observations, which ical services provided to patients with asthma and restrictive
showed that these algorithms improved the early diagnosis of diseases.
the smoking effects [8], COPD identification [4, 6], automatic
analysis of disease severity [5], and respiratory abnormalities Funding information This study was supported by the Brazilian Council
for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Rio de
in sickle cell anemia [68, 69]. These results further support
Janeiro State Research Supporting Foundation (FAPERJ) and in part by
previous works of other researchers describing improvements the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
in the description of biological systems [32], as well as in the Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
diagnostic accuracy of respiratory exams based on pulmonary
sounds [89], magnetic resonance imaging [61], and spirome- Compliance with ethical standards
try [67, 92]. The interested reader may find in the supplement
(Table S1) a detailed description of the increase in the diag- This research was approved by the research ethics board of the State
University of Rio de Janeiro, and the post-informed consent of all volun-
nostic accuracy observed in the present study and in previous teers was obtained before inclusion in the study. The study was conducted
studies due to the use of ML methods. in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
A clear description of the potential limitations of this paper
is necessary. The principal limitation of this study is that we Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
only studied 77 subjects with asthma and restrictive diseases interest.
and that the precise sensitivity and specificity continues un-
known. More research using a higher number of volunteers is
necessary. However, this preliminary result significantly con- References
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