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Nombre del alumno: Irving Alexis Aranda Chacon

Matricula: 2116179
Bachillerato: Mecatrónica Industrial
Grupo: 2K2
Profesor: Claudia Elizabeth González Amaya
Materia: Vida Cotidiana en otro Idioma II
Preparatoria: Escuela Industrial y Preparatoria Álvaro
Obregón, Monterrey 1, Unidad Churubusco, UANL
Fecha: 20 de mayo del 2022
“Ancient Greece”
Ancient Greece was an ancient civilization that settled in the south of the Balkan Peninsula
and from there it spread to other areas of the Mediterranean Sea, starting in the 10th and
9th centuries BC. c.
Greek culture exerted an extraordinary influence on other civilizations that came into
contact with it, especially the Roman civilization. Its structure of logical reasoning along
with its philosophical development constitute the basis of Western culture to the present
The well-known name of "Greeks" was put by the Romans; They called themselves
Hellenes, and their territory Hellas.
The year 776 BC marks the beginning of Ancient Greece, with the celebration of the first
Olympic Games.

Their Habits Since the archaic period, as children they learned to swim and bathed in
rivers and the sea. Free women wore makeup to differentiate themselves from slaves;
they used to pay special attention to their nails and shave their body hair. Bodily hygiene
contrasted with the dirt and disorder of the cities.
The dietary regimen of the ancient Greeks was characterized by its frugality, reflecting the
difficult conditions of Greek agriculture. It is based on the "Mediterranean trilogy": wheat,
olive oil and wine.
All clothing in ancient Greece was made from natural fibers. Linen was the most common
fabric due to the warm climate that lasted most of the year. On the rare occasions when
the weather was cooler, the ancient Greeks wore wool.
The customs and traditions of Ancient Greece are 1) The food: better to share it with
family and friends. 2) Break plates in big celebrations. 3) Christmas in honor of Saint
Nicholas. 4) Greek weddings full of traditions. 5) Superstitions: the evil eye in Greece. 6)
Carnival in style.

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