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10b Life in the capital

A d jec tiv es 4 Read the texts. Are the sentences true (T) or false (0?

1 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dublin is the capital of Ireland. It has a population of
about half a million. Dublin is famous for its
W hen people compare the capital city in their beautiful historcal buildings and friendly people but
country with other cities, the capitals often get very it is quite polluted. The weather is mild with average
negative comments. Lots of people say that capital temperatures around 10°C and around 6 centimetres
cities are [1) cheap / expensive places to live. They of rain every month. In Dublin a bottle of water
are very [2) n o is y / quiet because of all the traffic, costs $1.29 and a bus ticket about $2.50.
and the air is (3) clean / polluted. Many cities are
(4) dangerous / s a fe places and often the people are
seen as (5} friendly / unfriendly. But not everything
is negative. Capital cities usually have lots of Singapore is a very modern city. The population is
[6) historical / m odem buildings that are about 3.5 million. Singapore is famous for being a
[7] beautiful / ugly places. Because there are lots of very dean city with lots of modern buildings, but
things to do these cities are (8) boring f interesting some people think these buildings are ugly. The
places to live. weather is hot and wet, with average temperatures
of 20°C and about 20 centimetres of rain every
month. A bottle of water costs $1 and a bus cket
2 Complete the sentences for where you live. about $ 1 .20 .
1 friendly
The people where I live a r e _____ .

2 I t 's nice to walk on the streets at night. 1 The population of Singapore is smaller than
commercial F
3 are
The place i s _____because th e re ________a lot to do. Dublin.

2 The buildings are more modern in Singapore. T

4 The air and streets are v ery clean
_____ .
beautiful 3 Dublin is cleaner than Singapore. F
5 There are lots o f buildings which are v ery _____

6 I live in a nice part of town. 4 The buildings in Dublin are more beautiful than
in Singapore.
C o m p a r a t iv e s 5 Singapore is hotter and wetter. T
6 Singapore is more expensive. F
3 Correct one mistake in each sentence.

1 W hich city is biger: London or Tokyo? bigger

% D ic t a t io n
2 London is smaller Tokyo. than
5 ^ 60 Write the sentences that you hear.
3 The weather in Toronto is cold than Dallas. colder

4 Do you think living in a city is more dangerouser than

living in a town? dangerous

5 I like living in the city gooder. better city

6 She was happyer living in a small town. happy

7 Living in the city is more worse than living in the

8 Paris is more cosmopolitaner than Madrid.

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