Body Moving: e Oo Ee A Ee Oue Eo Oo e I e

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9b |Body moving

Body w ords 3 sit a for time Don’t long

Don't sit for a long time.
1 Complete the words by putting vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the
spaces. one and other then Move leg the leg
Move one leg and then the other leg.
1 Ie
-g 6 s h ou
__ Id _e

2 f oo
__t 7 e_ lb o
_ w walk up and Stand around
Stand up and walk around.
3 k n ee
___ 8 h oo

4 a
_ rm 9 ne
_ ck of lots water Drink

_ey _es 10 f _i ng e
5 Drink lots of water.
_ rs

2 Add two more body words to the list in exercise i . 5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
head, fingers don’t drink drink pull sit up
Im p e r a t i v e s stand up stretch walk

3 Match the instructions 1-5 to the pictures a -e. Most people would agree that it is important to
(1 ] sit up straight. But when you are sitting for
a long time because of your job, it is even more
[j-* 0 stand up for five
II / important. You should also [ 2 } _____________
|L /
minutes every half an hour; ( 3 ) _____________ ,
(4 ) _____________ around and make sure you
[5 ) _____________ Don't drink too
lots of water. [6 ) ______________
much coffee as it’s bad for you. It’s also important that
you [ 7 ) ______________your shoulders back, this should
stop backache.

Tr a n sla tio n
6 Translate the sentences into your language.
d e
1 Keep your back straight.
Mantén tú espalda recta.
1 Do NOT u se your m obile phone
2 U se your s e a t b elt 2 Don’t sit for more than thirty minutes.
3 D on't sm oke No sentarse por más de treinta minutos.
4 Put luggage in th e locker
5 Keep your s e a t up straig h t 3 Don’t drink lots of coffee.
No beber mucho café.

4 Rearrange the words to make sentences. 4 Don’t stretch a lot if it hurts.

1 your 011 floor Keep the feet No estirarse mucho si le duele.

Keep your feet on the floor.

** Read & lis te n

2 frequent when work Take 'microbreaks’
you 7 ** 56 Read and listen to the text Health -A re you
Take frequent 'microbreaks' when you work. sitting com fortably? on page 94 of the Student’s Book.

| 45

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