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Main Topics for exams- CICC, Family Class, Inadmissibility, Refugee

Spend 1 min per question, total 2-3 hours a day works best
Ethics are half of the exam
Code is Essential, Business practices second important topics
Pnps- Low value, don’t waste time, only 2 question
Check the Ram of your computer
No mathematical calculations which are complex, easy like residency
Clb 5, Clb 7, Clb 9 read
Express entry important- FSW and CEC
CrS scores will increase quickly with language test and language ability
determines the establishment of client in Economic Programs means FSW
No need to memorise pnps
Important topics- Ethics, billing, transparency, honesty, mistakes, competency,
confidentiality, fast, clear communication, staff responsibilities
Conflict of Interest is important- Keep relationship professional with client, no
Joint retainer ques- important
Foundational questions- 22 in exam
50% reqd in each area to pass and 80% overall
Code and its analysis is important
After a phone call with client, follow up with client through email
Cousin cannot be your interpretor- Conflict of interest
Cannot borrow or lend money from client
Agents need to be registered
Employees of RCIC- Agents, Admin Assistants, Receptionist, Other Rcics, Case
file manager, It support
CICC by law- 15 and 23
Cannot hire anyone who has license revoked
If staff breaches code- RCIC is responsible
Read definition of client
Even if there is no retainer agreement, the person is a client of you gave advice
You cannot get commission from a RCIC for referrals
No license not competent
70% exam is scenario based and rest are direct
Read question first, then options and then scenario
Some one with deportation order needs ARC
If spouse is inadmissible- you are also

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