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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Relationship: Connor/Markus (Detroit: Become Human)
Character: Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Connor (Detroit: Become Human),
North (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Arguing, upset, Sleep, Cuddle, Fluff, Help, annoyed, connor is upset,
markus is upset, north helps out
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-02 Words: 749 Chapters: 1/1

by Connorss_Coin


Markus and Connor get into an argument.


See the end of the work for notes

“Markus I need to tell you something..” “yeah what is it?” Markus says in a calm tone “Markus…
im going on a dangerous mission soon if I dont come back I want you to know that I love you so
much.” “Connor…No youre not going on that mission.” “Markus i have to i dont have a choice!” “I
dont care im not gonna lose you for some stupid mission.” “Its not stupid it will even help our
cause, Markus just let me do this” “No i cant let you do it” “Markus do you not trust me to do this
safely?” “Its not about that i dont want you getting hurt” “Markus you know that i am the most
advanced prototype cyberlife has made, i have looked at the possibilities of something happening
to me a million times and they are very low so just let me do this” “No Connor i dont care im not
letting you go so drop it!”

Connor looks at him annoyed.

“Markus i let you do dangerous stuff and you were designed to be a caretaker i was designed for
this stuff so whether you like it or not im doing it!”

“Fine Connor do whatever you want if you die then i wont care!”

Connor just rolls his eyes and says. “I wont die, anyways im going to sleep so good night
Markus scoffs and goes on his phone to take his mind off of things until he comes across Norths

He starts to regret what he said and realizes how ignorant he sounded.

It was to late for him to apologize because Connor was already in stasis.

“Shit..” Markus whispers.

He clicks Norths contact and messages her.

“Hey North, you there?

“My god Markus its 1am go to sleep”

“Can i talk to you a bit?”


Its about Connor…”

“Oh my god Markus what did you do this time?”

“I didnt mean to it just happened..”

“Alright so what was it?”

“Me and Connor were arguing because he had told me that he was going on a dangerous mission
and if he doesnt come back he wants me to know that he loves me so much and then I started
bickering with him about it because i didnt want him to go and the last thing i said was hurtful…”

“Markus…what did you say?”

“I said that if he died i wouldnt care…” Markus eyes started to water thinking about how that
would be.

“Markus i know you’re impulsive but thats what you said, Markus you know you didnt mean that
but do you think Connor knows you didnt mean it?

“I dont know.”

“Than apologize to him”

“He’s already in stasis.”

“Than apologize in the morning Markus, im tired im going to sleep so good night.”

“Tell me how it works out tomorrow”

“Ok good night North.”

Markus sits on the bed thinking about how he is gonna apologize and if Connor will forgive him.

Markus doesnt think he deserves Connors forgiveness.

Markus sits in silence for a few minutes until he hears sniffing.

He looks over at Connor and sees a puddle of tears on the pillow that hes laying his head on.

“Oh shit i messed up big time..” Markus thinks.

“Hey Connor..” Markus rustles Connor.

“What” Connor says with a weary voice that breaks Markus’s heart.

“ so so sorry for what i said i didnt mean it i was just acting impulsive and didnt think
before i spoke im sorry i was acting stupid I’ll never say anything like that again im so sorry
Connor i never meant to hurt you, i was acting ignorant and stupid please forgive me Connor.”

Connor just sits in silence for a minute then he threw his arms around Markus’s neck, put his face
in the crook of Markus’s neck and started to cry, he cried so hard and Markus was heartbroken, he
couldn’t believe he hurt his husband like that.

“Im so sorry Connor..”

Connor looks up at Markus and says “fine i forgive you” you could still see the tears in his eyes.

“Sorry for ruining your shirt..”

“Its fine im sorry for hurting you.”

Connor chuckles a little and says “lets go to sleep now its late”

“Ok” Markus and Connor cuddle up together.

“Goodnight Markus”

Goodnight Connor”

Markus places a kiss on Connors LED snd then they both fall into stasis.

Cuddled up next to each other, happy and content.

End Notes

This made me sad :( even though i was the one who wrote it lol

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