Org Chem Reviewer

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Anesthetic Ether – Ethyl ether

2. A method of alkane synthesis by heating two molecules of alkyl halide with Sodium metal in a dry ether
– Wurtz synthesis reaction
3. Typical alcohol present in beverages and is formed from fermentation of carbohydrates – Ethanol
4. Ether being used for treating dry cough – Methoxy ether
5. The process of producing an alkane by obtaining alkyl halide with Magnesium in dry ether and treating it
with H2O – Hydrolysis of Grignard reagent
6. Preparation of symmetrical ethers by dehydration of two primary alcohols using H2SO4 – Williamson
7. Chemical reagent prepared by reacting alkyl halides with Lithium in an ether solvent – Organolithium
8. An oxidizing reagent which can oxidize some primary alcohols up to aldehydes only – Pyridinium
9. Smaller alkanes are gases at room temperature. Larger alkanes are solids at room temperature –
Statement 1 only is correct
10. A sample of Hexene is added with Bromine water. Based on the principle of Bromine test for
unsaturation, what will be the result? – Brown of Bromine disappears
Note: Bromine – if added to unsaturated hydrocarbon the brown color will disappears, but if added to
saturated hydrocarbon the brown color will not change or disappear.
11. Methanol – Formaldehyde – Formic acid
Note: Oxidation of methanol will produce Formaldehyde, and oxidation of Formaldehyde will produce
Formic acid
12. The ff. statements about boiling point and melting point of hydrocarbon are correct – More pi bonds
mean higher boiling and melting point
13. Major component of rubbing alcohol used for sterilization and sanitation – Isopropyl alcohol
14. What is epoxide? – 3-carbon cyclic ether
15. Common substitution reactions of alkane include – Halogenation and Combustion
16. The chemical indicator used in Baeyer’s test for unsaturation – Potassium permanganate
Note: KMnO4 is a pink sol. When it is added to unsaturated hydrocarbon it will contain brown
coloration, if added to saturated hydrocarbons the color will not change and remains pink
17. Predicted product of halogenation of alkenes? – Alkyl halide & Hydrogen halide
18. Electrophilic substitution of phenols take place in what position – Ortho and Para
19. The ff. tests are used to detect the presence or absence of unsaturation in hydrocarbon sample –
KMnO4 test
Note: Test for unsaturation – Baeyer’s Test and Bromine Test
20. Chemical reaction for alcohol synthesis includes – Hydration of Alkenes, Reduction of aldehydes and
ketones, Acid-catalyzed cleavage of Epoxides by H2O
21. An acid that can dehydrate alcohol – Sulfuric acid
22. Oxidation of secondary alcohols will produce – Ketone
23. Benzene does not undergo addition reaction. It undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction – True
24. Oxidation of primary alcohol will produce – Aldehyde & Carboxylic acid
25. The ff. statements correctly describe Alkyl halides, except – Undergo electrophilic substitution reaction
26. The conversion of phenol into salicylic acid – Kolbe reaction
27. The aldehyde formation via treating phenol with chloroform and aqueous hydroxide – Reimer-Tiemann
28. A 17-Carbon polycyclic aromatic compound which serves as parent compound of steroidal hormones –
29. An environmental pollutant that is also a carcinogen with several Benzene rings – Benzopyrene
30. Which of the ff. is arranged in decreasing of boiling and melting point? – Propyne-Propene-Propane

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