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แนวข้อสอบ A-Level ปีการศึกษา 2565

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Picture Source: Dek-Dee School (

Sample Test
Section 1: Listening & Speaking Skill
Direction: Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Dialogue 1: Steve is talking to Rose before class.

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Section 2: Reading Skill

11. Which of the following phrases gives the most credibility to the product?

12. What is the main benefit of this product?

13. What is a condition for ordering this product?


14. Which of the following is NOT a selling point of this product?


15. What should you do if you are interested in this product?

Graph and Ad
Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions using the information given.

16. For which disease has the reduction goal been reached?
1. Tuberculosis
2. Malaria
3. HIV
4. Diabetes
5. Obesity
17. What percent is needed to reach the maternal mortality reduction goal?
1. about 20%
2. less than 20%
3. about 30%
4. more than 30%
5. about 40%
18. What category has the widest gap between the progress to date and the target goal?
1. Under five mortality rates
2. Malaria incidence rate
3. Tuberculosis mortality rate
4. Population without access to improved drinking water
5. Proportion of underweight children under five
19. What category is the highest percent of reduction?
1. HIV incidence rate
2. Underweight children under five
3. Maternal mortality rate
4. Population without access to improved sanitation
5. Population without access to improved drinking water

News report (ปี 59)

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions using the information given.
The office of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (known as CITES)
says rates of elephant poaching and trade in illegal ivory remain very high. In a news report,
CITES warns that Africa’s elephants face an immediate threat to their survival because of
continued high levels of poaching for their ivory.
Twenty thousand elephants were illegally killed in Africa last year, the report shows. That figure
for exceeds the growth rate of the elephant population. In some regions of Africa elephants are
threatened with extinction.
The report also documents a clear increase in the number of large seizures amounts of over
500 kg. – of ivory in Africa. For the first time there were more such seizure in Africa than in Asia
an indication, the report suggests, of the involvement of transnational organized crime in illegal
ivory trade.
And while elephant conservationists do believe that increased ivory confiscation is a sign that
law enforcement is improving, they also point out that demand for ivory remains very high, and
that even in some of the monitored elephants’ populations, poaching is actually increasing.

20. What would be the best headline for this news article?
1. How to Protect African Elephants
2. Save the Last African Elephants
3. Effective Measures to Protect African Elephants
4. Poaching threatens survival of African Elephants
5. Growth Rates of African Elephants in Monitored arcus

21. What evidence indicates the threat of elephant extinction in Africa?

1. The birth rates of African elephants
2. The increasing amount of ivory products
3. The poaching rates of African elephants

4. The amount of ivory seized around the world

5. The number of nations importing illegal ivory

22. According to paragraph 3, what did the large number of ivory seizures in Africa indicate?
1. The business of illegal ivory trade involved many nations

2. Illegal ivory trade is damaging Africa’s international reputation

3. Many countries are trying to stop the illegal trade of elephant ivory
4. Many African countries currently export their ivory illegally
5. The conservationists must take more action to protect African elephants

23. What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the news?
1. The government should increase the severity of punishment for the poachers.
2. The government should find new measures to ban the export of illegal ivory.
3. The elephant conversations should organize more activities to protect African elephants.
4. No matter how good law enforcement is, elephant poaching is hard to stop.
5. The high demand for ivory of the newly rich people is the main cause of elephant extinction.

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions using the information given.

24. What would be the best headline for this article?

25. What are paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly about?

26. How does Steve Landells feel about the pilotless flight?

27. According to paragraph 6, what do the survey results indicate?

28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of remote controlled aircraft?

Section 3: Writing Skill (Text Completion)








Paragraph Organization






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