Sexual Dimorphism in Finger Ridge Breadt

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J Forensic Sci, July 2014, Vol. 59, No.

doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12449
PAPER Available online at:


Amy Z. Mundorff,1,2 Ph.D.; Eric J. Bartelink,2 Ph.D.; and Turhon A. Murad,2 Ph.D.

Sexual Dimorphism in Finger Ridge Breadth

Measurements: A Tool for Sex Estimation from

ABSTRACT: Previous research has demonstrated significant sexual dimorphism in friction ridge skin characteristics. This study uses a novel
method for measuring sexual dimorphism in finger ridge breadths to evaluate its utility as a sex estimation method from an unknown finger-
print. Beginning and ending in a valley, the width of ten parallel ridges with no obstructions or minutia was measured in a sample of 250 males
and females (N = 500). The results demonstrate statistically significant differences in ridge breadth between males and females (p < 0.001),
with classification accuracy for each digit varying from 83.2% to 89.3%. Classification accuracy for the pooled finger samples was 83.9% for
the right hand and 86.2% for the left hand, which is applicable for cases where the digit number cannot be determined. Weight, stature, and to
a lesser degree body mass index also significantly correlate with ridge breadth and account for the degree of overlap between males and

KEYWORDS: forensic science, dermatoglyphics, friction ridge breadth, friction ridge impressions, fingerprints, sexual dimorphism, sex

Friction ridge skin, located on the fingertips, palms, soles, and schizophrenia (9), male pattern baldness (10), obesity (11), and
toes, is different from the skin covering the rest of the human blood groups (12), among a host of other conditions.
body (1). Friction ridge skin lacks hair and oil glands, although In forensic science, the unique structure and individuality of
it is covered with sweat glands (2). Ridged skin is not exclusive fingerprints was first suggested by W. Herschel in 1859 and later
to humans alone—this characteristic is found in all primates and confirmed by H. Faulds in 1880. Working independently in
some marsupials. In humans, dermatoglyphs (specific character- India and Japan, respectively, they influenced Galton’s 1892
istics of ridged skin) begin to form around 10.5–16 weeks esti- text. However, it was J. Vucetich’s efforts in Argentina that led
mated gestational age (EGA) with mature primary and secondary to the use of fingerprints to identify unknown individuals and as
ridges by week 24 EGA (3). These fingerprint patterns, visible an official means of identifying criminals (13). Holt (5) notes
to the naked eye, are typically described as “continuous and dis- three important factors about fingerprints that make them valu-
continuous alternating ridges and sulci” (4, p. 10), similar to the able for personal identification. They are as follows: (i) charac-
markings or stripes on a zebra. teristics are not affected by age once an individual reaches
Dermatoglyphics, the study of friction ridge impressions, has maturity; (ii) postnatally, their characteristics are also not
been a research area in forensic science, medicine, and physical affected by environment; (iii) impressions are highly variable
anthropology since the late 1800s (1). Although the study of der- and have patterns that are easily classified. Because fingerprint
matoglyphics also includes palm and sole impressions, most of impressions are inexpensive and easy to obtain, there are abun-
the research has been directed toward the study of fingerprints in dant databases available for research.
large part because they are accessible and easy to measure but Presently, the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification
also because they have high heritability values and are phyloge- System (IAFIS) is the largest fingerprint database in the world,
netically stable (5,6). A number of studies suggest that environ- comprising fingerprints from criminals and terrorists along with
mental factors, such as maternal health, also affect developing U.S. military and federal employees. It provides automated search
fingerprints, although less so than genetic factors (6,7). Medical capabilities of latent and patent prints, electronic storage, and
studies have examined correlations between fingerprint measure- electronic transfer of fingerprints between agencies (13). When
ments and ridge patterns and chromosomal disorders (8), attempting to match a fingerprint recovered from a crime scene to
a potential suspect, that suspect must already have fingerprints on
file. However, when a latent print is recovered but is not on file,
analysis of friction ridge impressions can still provide valuable
Department of Anthropology, The University of Tennessee, 250 South information, such as an estimation of the individual’s sex.
Stadium Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-0720.
Department of Anthropology, California State University, 400 West 1st
Dermatoglyphic research on sexual dimorphism has focused
Street, Chico, CA 95929-0400. on pattern and metric variation among a variety of geographic
Received 4 Feb. 2013; and in revised form 28 May 2013; accepted 22 populations. For example, Acree (14) found a statistically signifi-
June 2013. cant difference between male and female ridge density in two

© 2014 American Academy of Forensic Sciences 891


American populations. Using the same technique, Nayak et al. examines metric sex variation in finger ridge breadth to evaluate
(15) and Nithan et al. (16) also found statistically significant whether an isolated print can be accurately classified as male or
sexual dimorphism in ridge density among different Indian popu- female.
lations. These studies concluded that ridge thickness and the
depth of the ridge furrow are the two most important characteris-
Methods and Materials
tics for determining ridge density (14–16).
While numerous studies confirm significant sexual dimor- Fingerprint cards were obtained from a law enforcement
phism within a group, some also report that the degree to which agency in Butte County, California. The sample comprises the
sexual dimorphism is expressed varies between populations (17– standard ten-print cards from 500 individuals (250 males and
19). For example, studies on Turkmenians, Chuvasians, and 250 females). Each individual card included the standard ten
Eastern European, African, Middle Eastern, and Yeminite-Jews, rolled impressions along with an additional set of ten flat finger-
all demonstrate significant sexual dimorphism, but their levels of prints. The rolled fingerprints were collected by inking the finger
expression vary (6, 20–26). A study comparing males and and rolling it from one edge to another (1,2,37). The flat set
females in two northern Indian populations reported significant comprises four fingers simultaneously printed in a flat, pressed
sexual dimorphism within and between both populations (19). manner with the thumb printed separately. Thus, each individ-
Kobyliansky and Micle (25) suggest this variation in the expres- ual’s data sheet consisted of two prints for each digit. Additional
sion of dermatoglyphic sexual dimorphism may result, in part, information on the print card included the individual’s sex, self-
from prenatal environmental factors. reported race, stature recorded in feet and inches, and weight
On the other hand, Sanna and colleagues (27) analyzed 41 recorded in pounds. Although fingerprints do not change their
quantitative dermatoglyphic variables from two Sardinian lin- pattern or structure during life, the fingertips tend to increase in
guistic groups. They focused on intersex differences within each size as an individual grows toward maturity (38, p.139). To
group and intrasex differences between the two groups. Specific avoid the bias of age-related variation, the study sample was
variables, such as total finger ridge count (TFRC) and ulnar limited to adults, age 18 years or older.
ridge count (URC), demonstrate significant differences between The present study applies a novel approach for obtaining fin-
males and females in both linguistic groups. While this similar ger ridge density that differs from previous ridge counting meth-
pattern of sexual dimorphism was found in both groups, intrasex ods. Early literature on ridge breath analysis is dominated by
variation between groups was not significantly different (27). studies counting ridges across a 1.0 cm line, beginning at a trira-
When comparing African American and Euro-American males dius. This approach and its various modifications follow the
and females, Acree (14) found no significant intergroup varia- Henry classification method (HCM) originally developed by Sir
tion. Salazano and Benevides (28) also found no significant dif- Francis Galton (2,5,26,38–45). This method does not allow for
ferences in the levels of expressions when comparing three every finger to be measured because pattern type must first be
Brazilian groups, each with different levels of genetic admixture considered. In order to be measured, a print must have a pattern
with African populations. Murad (29,30) found similar results with a triradius (1,39–41); arch patterns do not have a triradius
measuring palm prints from North Alaskan Eskimos. He docu- and thus are not analyzed. More recent studies follow a similar
mented that while male and female Eskimos differed in ridge procedure, which entails counting the number of ridges in a
count, females were more alike than males across the five vil- 5 9 5 mm2 within a predetermined location, usually selected
lages examined in the study. These data were used to discuss from the upper portion of the fingertip radial boarder. This repre-
mating patterns (29,30). sents the number of ridges/25 mm2 (14–31).
Numerous studies have attempted to develop sex estimation The current study applied a method based on measuring ten
methods based on friction ridge density. Specifically, females parallel ridges as a standardized increment, which avoids count-
are hypothesized to have finer ridge detail leading to a higher ing ridges in a prescribed area. Pattern type was considered inde-
ridge count compared to males. Calculating the mean ridge den- pendent of measurement; therefore, every finger was measured.
sity for each subject based on the mean of all ten fingers, Acree If a fingerprint recovered from a crime scene happens to have an
(14) concluded that ridge density in females is significantly arch pattern, other established methods would not permit mea-
higher than for males. Using these results, Acree establishes a surement of ridge breadth because an arch pattern does not con-
“threshold of gender differentiation” (14, p. 40). Applying Ba- tain a triradius (1,5,39–42,46). Also significant to forensic
yes’ theorem, it was demonstrated that a print with a ridge count investigations, partial prints (where the pattern may not be dis-
in a 5 9 5 mm2 of ≤11 is most likely male while counts ≥12 cernible) can be measured as long as there are ten uninterrupted
are most likely female (14). Because these results were sup- parallel ridges present.
ported for both ancestral groups in the study, Acree argued that Each individual’s demographic information recorded on the
this could be used for a presumptive indication of sex when print card was covered to ensure a blind analysis. An Olympus
examining an unknown print (14). Similarly, Gungadin suggests SZ4045TR Zoom Stereo Microscope and a unislide by
“a ridge count of ≤13 ridges/25 mm2 is more likely to be of VELMEX, Inc. (Bloomfield, NY) were used to view the finger-
male origin” and a “ridge count of ≥14/25 mm2 is more likely prints. The ridge breadth measurements were recorded using an
to be of female origin” (31, p. 6). However, Gungadin notes that Acu-Rite III Digital Readout System. The fingerprint data sheets
these results are likely population-specific, suggesting that more were viewed under a microscope to allow the analyst (AZM) to
research is needed on different populations. In two other studies, locate ten parallel ridges with no obstructions or intervening
the opposite pattern was found with males having a greater num- minutiae. Minutiae included ridge endings, bifurcations, and
ber of ridge counts (32,33). short ridges. Other obstructions and anomalies such as scars
Fingerprint analyses have been applied to human identification were also avoided. The ten ridges were aligned perpendicular to
and population studies for decades; yet, to date, no study has the x-axis through the eyepiece. The measurement was taken at
been able to provide a reliable method to predict an individual’s the first location noted to have ten parallel ridges with no minu-
sex based on fingerprint measurements (11,17,34–36). This study tiae causing a break in the perpendicular line.

Measurements began in a “valley,” halfway between two

Interdigit Comparison
ridges. After counting across ten ridges, the measurement ended
again mid-valley (Fig. 1). The increment machine was scrolled Patent and latent prints recovered at a crime scene are typi-
perpendicular to the orientation of the ridgelines, measuring the cally classified by digit, although this information is not always
ridges to the nearest 0.0001 mm. The majority of measurements able to be determined. To evaluate whether significant differ-
were taken from the rolled prints; however, measurements were ences exist between fingers, mean ridge breadth was compared
taken from flat impressions in cases where the rolled prints were between fingers for both hands (Table 3). The ANOVA results
unreadable. If both types of prints were unreadable across ten indicate significant interfinger differences in mean ridge breadths
ridges or if the finger was not present, no measurement was for each hand (p < 0.001). A Bonferroni post hoc test found sta-
recorded. The individual’s print measurements and associated tistically significant differences between all fingers (p < 0.01)
demographics (e.g., stature and weight) were entered into IBM except left and right digits II and III and digits IV and V.
SPSS 20.0 for the analysis (IBM SPSS. Inc., Chicago, IL). The
mean values for each hand and for all ten fingers combined were
Sex Comparisons
calculated and included as separate variables.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate whether Table 4 presents descriptive statistics for mean ridge breadth
enough sexual dimorphism exists in finger ridge breadths to by sex for each finger. For all ten digits, males have a higher
have utility as a sex estimation method from an unknown finger- mean ridge breadth compared to females (>1.0 mm). This differ-
print. To achieve this goal, male and female ridge breadths were ence is statistically significant for all ten fingers (p < 0.001)
statistically compared. A sectioning point was then created to (Table 4). The data indicate that there are statistically significant
examine the correct classification accuracy for each finger and levels of sexual dimorphism in human finger ridge breadth. A
for each hand (pooled measurements). Factors, such as body size
(e.g., weight, stature, and body mass index (BMI)) may also
TABLE 1––Descriptive statistics for mean ridge breadth (in mm) by digit
influence ridge breadth measurements (e.g., larger individuals
(sexes pooled).
are expected to have greater ridge breadths). This was evaluated
by examining the correlation between ridge breadth, weight (in Mean SD Mean SD N
kg), stature (in cm), and BMI. A final consideration, interdigit
variation, was examined to determine whether significant differ- L1 5.18 0.85 R1 5.36 0.82 500
L2 5.08 0.77 R2 5.24 0.77 497
ences exist between fingers on each hand. This is an important L3 4.96 0.79 R3 5.05 0.81 498
consideration because patent and latent prints from crime scenes L4 4.77 0.77 R4 4.82 0.72 498
cannot always be correctly classified by digit and side (47,48). L5 4.80 0.71 R5 4.84 0.71 492

Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for mean ridge breadth TABLE 2––Paired sample t-test comparison between left and right digits
(sexes pooled).
by digit for the total sample. Digit I corresponds with the thumb,
digit II is the index finger, digit III is the middle finger, digit IV Mean Correlation
is the ring finger, and digit V is the pinky. Mean ridge breadth difference t-value df p-value coefficients p-value
decreases from digits I–IV, with nearly identical mean values for
L1-R1 0.18 6.400 499 <0.001 0.73 <0.001
digits IV and V. Mean ridge breadth is greater for right fingers L2-R2 0.16 6.263 496 <0.001 0.73 <0.001
than for left fingers, and these differences are statistically signifi- L3-R3 0.09 4.092 497 <0.001 0.79 <0.001
cant for digits I–III and when all digit measurements are pooled L4-R4 0.05 1.939 497 0.053 0.73 <0.001
for each hand (p < 0.001; Table 2). Correlation coefficients com- L5-R5 0.04 1.404 491 0.161 0.73 <0.001
puted for left and right digits show a strong positive relationship L-R 0.10 4.493 4980 <0.001 0.75 <0.001
(digits I, II, IV, and V, r = 0.73, p < 0.001; digit III, r = 0.79,
p < 0.001; digits combined, r = 0.75, p < 0.001) (Table 2).
TABLE 3––ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test comparison of finger ridge
breadths between digits.

Left hand Right hand

F-ratio p-value F-ratio p-value

33.209 <0.001 50.582 <0.001

Bonferroni p-value Bonferroni p-value

L1 vs. L2 0.003 R1 vs. R2 0.031
L1 vs. L3 <0.001 R1 vs. R3 <0.001
L1 vs. L4 <0.001 R1 vs. R4 <0.001
L1 vs. L5 <0.001 R1 vs. R5 <0.001
L2 vs. L3 1.000 R2 vs. R3 0.237
L2 vs. L4 <0.001 R2 vs. R4 <0.001
L2 vs. L5 <0.001 R2 vs. R5 <0.001
L3 vs. L4 0.001 R3 vs. R4 <0.001
L3 vs. L5 <0.001 R3 vs. R5 <0.001
FIG. 1––Example of measurement beginning and ending in a valley across L4 vs. L5 1.000 R4 vs. R5 1.000
ten parallel ridges.

TABLE 4––Descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test comparison of male and female ridge breadths (in mm).

Males Mean SD N Females Mean SD N Mean difference t-value df p-value

L1 5.84 0.61 249 L1 4.53 0.48 250 1.32 26.906 468.767 <0.001
L2 5.64 0.60 249 L2 4.51 0.46 247 1.12 23.449 465.161 <0.001
L3 5.57 0.56 248 L3 4.34 0.43 249 1.23 27.669 462.447 <0.001
L4 5.35 0.56 248 L4 4.20 0.48 250 1.14 24.514 483.912 <0.001
L5 5.31 0.52 248 L5 4.28 0.47 244 1.03 23.190 490.000 <0.001
R1 5.94 0.65 249 R1 4.78 0.50 250 1.16 22.241 468.056 <0.001
R2 5.78 0.58 249 R2 4.70 0.53 250 1.08 21.833 492.236 <0.001
R3 5.65 0.60 249 R3 4.45 0.48 250 1.20 24.818 472.406 <0.001
R4 5.33 0.53 248 R4 4.31 0.47 250 1.02 22.789 496.000 <0.001
R5 5.35 0.51 248 R5 4.31 0.44 247 1.04 24.214 480.266 <0.001
Combined 5.06 0.61 2485 R5 4.96 0.51 2487 1.13 71.261 4796.888 <0.001

sectioning point (SP) was created for each finger based on the use of the combined fingers sectioning points will be especially
weighted midpoint for the samples, and correct classification helpful for sex estimation and shows classification accuracy sim-
accuracy was computed using linear discriminant function analy- ilar to most of the individual digits.
sis following the “leave-one-out” cross-validation procedure.
Values above the SP are classified as males and those below the
Correlation with Weight, Stature, and BMI
SP are classified as females (Tables 5–6). Overall classification
accuracy varies from 83% to 89%. On the right hand, all digits To evaluate the influence of body size, correlation coefficients
show classification accuracy above 80%, varying between 83% were computed between ridge breadth and weight, stature, and
and 87%. The left hand shows a similar pattern, with all digits BMI (Table 8). Weight shows a slightly higher correlation with
showing classification accuracy above 80%, and varying ridge breadth (r = 0.41–0.48, p < 0.001) than stature (r = 0.36–
between 84% and 89%. Despite the moderately high classifica- 0.43, p < 0.001). The correlation with BMI is the lowest
tion accuracy, overlap between the sexes in body size (e.g., (r = 0.152–0.226, p ≤ 0.001) and only explains a small amount
weight and stature) results in a number of larger females mis-
classifying as males and a number of smaller males misclassify-
ing as females. Due to the degree of overlap, these sectioning TABLE 6––Sex classification of left finger ridge breadth measurements using
points will be most useful in cases where fingerprints are either the sectioning point.
very small or very large (i.e., far away from the sectioning
point). Sectioning point N % Correct
In many cases, analysts are unable to determine which specific L1
digit is represented by a fingerprint. Sectioning points were cre- Total 5.173022 499 88.0
ated separately for each hand, pooling the measurements for all Males 249 87.1
digits (Table 7). For the right hand, correct classification accu- Females 250 88.8
racy is 81.3% for males and 86.4% for females (overall = 83.9). L2
Total 5.077046 496 83.9
Similarly, for the left hand, correct classification accuracy is Males 249 80.3
83.7% for males and 88.7% for females (overall = 86.2). The Females 247 87.4
Total 4.953738 497 89.3
Males 249 86.3
TABLE 5––Sex classification of right finger ridge breadth measurements Females 297 92.4
using the sectioning point. L4
Total 4.772066 498 86.9
Sectioning point N % Correct Males 248 83.5
Females 250 90.4
R1 L5
Total 5.347292 499 84.6 Total 4.801931 492 86.2
Males 249 81.1 Males 248 86.7
Females 250 88.0 Females 244 85.7
Total 5.225916 499 83.2
Males 249 81.5
Females 250 84.8 TABLE 7––Sex classification of left and right ridge measurements using the
R3 sectioning point for all fingers combined (pooled by side).
Total 5.230654 499 86.6
Males 249 84.7 Sectioning point N % Correct
Females 250 88.4
R4 Right hand
Total 4.807156 498 84.5 Total 5.05898 2490 83.9
Males 248 84.3 Males 1243 81.3
Females 250 84.8 Females 1247 86.4
R5 Left hand
Total 4.833628 495 86.3 Total 4.95801 2482 86.2
Males 248 84.3 Males 1242 83.7
Females 247 88.3 Females 1240 88.7

TABLE 8––Correlation coefficients between finger ridge breadth, weight, stature, and BMI.

Weight Correlation coefficients p-value Stature Correlation coefficients p-value BMI Correlation coefficients p-value
L1-Weight 0.43 <0.001 L1-Stature 0.39 <0.001 L1-BMI 0.155 0.001
L2-Weight 0.43 <0.001 L2-Stature 0.43 <0.001 L2-BMI 0.156 <0.001
L3-Weight 0.48 <0.001 L3-Stature 0.4 <0.001 L3-BMI 0.226 <0.001
L4-Weight 0.43 <0.001 L4-Stature 0.41 <0.001 L4-BMI 0.182 <0.001
L5-Weight 0.47 <0.001 L5-Stature 0.42 <0.001 L5-BMI 0.206 <0.001
R1-Weight 0.41 <0.001 R1-Stature 0.4 <0.001 R1-BMI 0.152 0.001
R2-Weight 0.44 <0.001 R2-Stature 0.37 <0.001 R2-BMI 0.199 <0.001
R3-Weight 0.42 <0.001 R3-Stature 0.39 <0.001 R3-BMI 0.187 <0.001
R4-Weight 0.41 <0.001 R4-Stature 0.36 <0.001 R4-BMI 0.164 <0.001
R5-Weight 0.47 <0.001 R5-Stature 0.38 <0.001 R5-BMI 0.213 <0.001

of ridge breadth variation. The data clearly show that larger indi- included different aspects of nearly every skeletal element; for
viduals (both heavier and/or taller) tend to have greater ridge example, the femur (49–52), the humerus (53–57), the cranium
breadth measurements than smaller individuals, which explains (58–61), and the hand (62–64). And like different hands and dif-
why some females misclassify as males and vice versa. ferent individual digits, different skeletal elements vary in their
expression of sexual dimorphism. This study demonstrates that
finger ridge breadth measurements have levels of sexual dimor-
phism that are similar to long bones, allowing them to be a rea-
Patent and latent fingerprints have long been used to identify sonably accurate predictor of an individual’s sex. Interestingly,
missing persons, criminals, and other unidentified individuals. fingerprint ridge breadth seems to be more sexually dimorphic
The ability to reliably discern male from female fingerprints and, therefore, more accurate for sex estimation, than the under-
could significantly reduce search parameters and time, possibly lying hand and finger bones (e.g., metacarpals and phalanges)
leading to expedited identification of an individual. This study (63, 65–67).
demonstrates statistically significant differences between male
and female friction ridge breadth for each of the ten fingers and
for each hand when all finger ridge breadth measurements are
pooled (p < 0.001). The results of this study confirm that a significant degree of
Fingerprint sexual dimorphism is expressed by higher mean sexual dimorphism exists in finger ridge breadth measurements,
ridge breadth values for males as compared to females with males having larger mean values than females. The section-
(>1.0 mm), and classification accuracy using a sectioning point ing points provide a useful tool for forensic scientists to narrow
varied between fingers from 83.2% to 89.3%. Bimanual differ- down the possible sex of an unknown individual who is not
ences similar to those found by Salazano and Benevides (28) already in a missing person or criminal database. If an unknown
show directional asymmetry favoring the right hand. Classifica- fingerprint cannot be identified to specific digit, or only a partial
tion accuracy was similar to individual digits using sectioning print has been recovered, this method can be used to predict the
points aggregating the right fingers (86.4 females and 81.3 sex of an individual. Limitations of this study include the dis-
males), and even more so when the left fingers are aggregated covery of significant correlations between finger ridge breath
(88.7 females and 83.7 males). The relatively high classification measurements and weight and height. Further research should be
accuracy of the pooled finger sample indicates that it is not nec- conducted to better understand the relationship between weight
essary to know which digit is represented by a latent or patent and finger ridge breath measurements.
print to apply this method.
Despite successful classification rates, significant correlations
between ridge breadth and stature, weight, and body mass index
confound these results. While fingertips, and thus fingerprints, The authors would like to posthumously thank Larry Estes of
continue to grow in size until an individual reaches maturity the Butte County California Sherriff’s Department who gra-
(5,38), the study sampled only ridge breadth measurements from ciously provided the data for this study, and David Mercer for
adults. Therefore, the slightly higher correlation between ridge his assistance with the data entry. We also thank the anonymous
breadth and weight, rather than with either stature or BMI, sug- JFS reviewers for their comments and suggestions for improving
gests that increases in weight after adulthood influences ridge this manuscript.
breadth as well. Although the relationship between weight and
ridge breadth is moderate, it is sufficient to explain the misclas-
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66. Smith SL. Attribution of hand bones to sex and population groups. J The University of Tennessee
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67. Lazenby RA. Identification of sex from metacarpals: effect of side asym- Knoxville, TN 37996
metry. J Forensic Sci 1994;39(5):1188–94. E-mail:

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