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Python Programming for Data Science

Lab 1 Assignment

1. Strings
data = 'hello world' Q1.1 What is the letter of index 4 of data?
print(data[0]) Ans. O
print(len(data)) Q1.2 How is long of data?
print(data) Ans 11
print(type(data)) Q1.3 What is the data type of data?
Ans. string
1.1 Slicing: Slicing, in strings, refers to removing some part of a string.
name = 'Sonam' Q1.1.1 What is the output?
print(name) Ans. Sonam
print(name1) onem

name = name[2:] mannam

name = "man" +name
1.2 Immutability of Strings
name = 'Sonam' Q1.2.1 What is the output?
Son am
print(name) Ans.
man nam
name = name[2:] Q1.2.2 Compare the result to 1.1.
name = 'man' +name Ans. no

2. Numbers
value = 123.1 Q2.1 What is output of first print?
print(value) Ans. 123-1
print(type(value)) Q2.2 What is data type of first print?
value = 10 Ans. float
print(value) Q2.3 What is output of second print?
print(type(value)) Ans. 10
Q2.4 What is data type of second print?
Ans. int

3. Boolean
a = True Q3.1 What is output?
b = False Ans.
True False
print(a, b)

4. Multiple Assignment
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 Q4.1 What is output?
print(a, b, c) Ans. 123
010243109 Introduction to Engineering by Amornphun Phunopas (APP)
Q4.2 Can variables be assigned in different type?
Ans. Yes

5. No value
a = None Q5.1 What is the value of a?
print(a) Ans. None

6. Input a value and show

print("Select operation.") Q6.1 What is the value of choice?
print("1.Fahrenheit to Celsius") Ans. be
can 1 or
print("2.Celsius to Fahrenheit")
choice = input("Enter choice(1/2):")
print("The choice is ", choice)

Lab 1 Problem

Aim: Write a program to swap two numbers using two variables.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Take two numbers from the user as input
Step 3: Swap two numbers
Step 4: Print the swapped numbers
Step 5: Stop
# write the code here
nume:int (inputCenter
the first number")
nume:int (inputCenter
the second number",
numbers "home,"and", aum 2)
print ("The
two are

numbers are ", nume,"and ",nume)

print (" The swapped

Enter the first number:15
Enter the second number:5
The two numbers are 15 and 5
The swapped numbers are 5 and 15

010243109 Introduction to Engineering by Amornphun Phunopas (APP)
Q4.2 Can variables be assigned in different type?

5. No value
a = None Q5.1 What is the value of a?
print(a) Ans.

6. Input a value and show

print("Select operation.") Q6.1 What is the value of choice?
print("1.Fahrenheit to Celsius") Ans.
print("2.Celsius to Fahrenheit")
choice = input("Enter choice(1/2):")
print("The choice is ", choice)

Lab 1 Problem

Aim: Write a program to swap two numbers using two variables.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Take two numbers from the user as input
Step 3: Swap two numbers
Step 4: Print the swapped numbers
Step 5: Stop
# write the code here

Enter the first number:15
Enter the second number:5
The two numbers are 15 and 5
The swapped numbers are 5 and 15

010243109 Introduction to Engineering by Amornphun Phunopas (APP)

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