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Chapter 1

A Highland Girl Goes to Green School

1. Answer these questions.

a) Saima began to be afraid because she could not live up to Sadia, as

everyone in the school had such a good opinion about her.
b) Miss Khadija told Sadia that she was going to be happy and lovable like
her friend Sadia.
c) She started playing with the stopwatch in the laboratory.
d) Tania‘s father was a lawyer in the city.
e) These rules are a perfect way to make students disciplined and organized.
Though the rules are basic yet affective to control the environment of the
f) Irum was a naughty girl. Some students are never serious about the rules
and regulations that are formed to maintain discipline in the school. And
they don’t bother to abide by them. And she is one of them. But these
rules are made to make the students well-organized and well behaved.

2. Use the following in sentences of your own.

Words Sentences
highland She left the highland school.
wore She wore a pretty dress at the party
unpleasant This smell is unpleasant.
convinced He was not convinced with my idea.
impress I tried hard to impress the judges.
behaviour I don’t like your rude behaviour.
apparatus The apparatus is in the laboratory.
solemn I feel solemn and gloomy.

3. A topic sentence describes the main idea of the paragraph and
comes at the beginning of the paragraph. The rest of the
paragraph explains the idea trough examples and illustrations
that are called supporting details. Identify the topic sentences of
the second and third paragraphs and their supporting details.

Saima began to be afraid as she could not live up to Sadia. As Sadia was a
bright student and everyone including teachers were convincing Saima to be
like her so she got afraid.
She said this to impress Saima with the importance of good beahviour. Miss
Sadia was actually worried about Saima. Because she was not from a well –
to- do family like other girls at that school. So by telling her about the good
behaviour she was actually trying to make her as smart and well-behaved as
other bright girls of the school.

Find the meaning of the given words, using the dictionary. Also take help
of guide words.

Words Meanings
teacher tutor
trainer coach
educator pedagogue
instructor demonstrator
lecturer College or university teacher
professor A university academic of the highest

Here are given two sets of guide words. After each set, write three entry

a. High highland
 highness
 highjack
 highlife

b. for foreign

 foreground
 forehead
 forbid

Point out common and proper nouns in the sentences given below.
 Muslims believe in Allah.
Proper nouns. Muslims, Allah
 This farmer keeps many birds and animals.

Common nouns. Birds, farmer, animals

 Mrs. Khan is a famous cook.

Proper noun. Mrs. Khan

Common noun. Cook

 April is the fourth month of the year.

Proper noun. April

Common noun. Month, year

 William Blake is an English poet.

Proper noun. William Blake, English

Common noun. Poet

Underline the direct object and encircle the indirect object in the following
 Adil showed his album to his

 He told the story.

 She wrote me a letter.

 Saima read a poem to the

 The grandfather me sent a gift.

Punctuate the following passage using capital letters, where necessary.

Hamna is a wonderful girl. She likes to visit historical places. She has visited Lahore
Fort, Badshahi Mosque and Shalimar Garden. She has two holidays a week-
Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday she spends her half day in the Crescent Library.

Creative Writing
A topic sentence helps to describe a thing or explain an idea. Here are given two
topic sentences. Think and write supporting details for each sentence.
a. Madam Khalida Arif was a strict teacher. She taught us English. And she
was very concerned about the grammar and handwriting. She would not
bear bad handwriting at all. She used to make us re-write our mistakes
for hundred times. But her strictness towards this subject made us
competent with the grammar as well as handwriting.

b. School is a nice place. A place that builds nations. We learn to read and
write. And we learn to think and invent here. School makes us explore the
world around us. A person who has the privilege to go to a school can
change the world. All the progress that has been made in the world is
because of this important place. We become organized as well as
educated only by going to school. We should value our schools and also
follow the rules and regulations of this place.

Chapter 2
Animal parents
1. Answer these questions.
a. A joey lives in her mother s pouch after it is born.
b. He makes a wide hole in the sand. The mother lays her eggs in the hole. After
the mother lays eggs the father takes care of them. He guards the eggs. And swims
back and forth over the nest. He fans the eggs with his tail. This keeps the water
fresh around the eggs and helps them hatch. The father teaches the babies to swim
and when they learn to swim he watches over them and fight everything that
comes their way.
c. He makes the nest by digging a pit in the sand.
d. Male penguin performs the most difficult job to protect his eggs.
e. I find the way of penguins very interesting. How a father keeps himself hungry
for such a long time just to protect his kids.
f. My parents take very good care of me. My father works really hard to bring us
food and to fulfil our needs. He sacrifices his own needs for us. My mother cooks
food, washes my clothes, helps me with my studies and does all the chores of the
house for my comfort. Whenever I am ill my parents don’t sleep until I get better,
they pray for me and they love me unconditionally.

2. Read the following words/phrases in their context and guess their meanings.
Also use them in sentences of your own.

Words meanings sentences

hatch To come out of an The female sits on the eggs until they hatch.
guard To protect The mother cat guarded her kittens against the
scoop Pick up and move Scoop out the melon flesh.
reptiles A vertebrate Reptiles have scaly skin.
animal of a class
that includes
lizards, snakes

4. Rewrite the passage after making necessary corrections.

A male ostrich is a good father and shares the work of caring for the young.
He makes the nest by digging a pit in the sand. He then sits down on it. The
mother ostrich lays the eggs in front of him, and he covers them with his
warm body.

Library skills
Write the following book titles in alphabetical order and search them in the
school library.
I. Collected short stories
II. Jungle book
III. Target January 1986
IV. Three men in a boat
V. The knowledge: crashing computers

Dictionary skills
Find the meanings of the following entries.
words meanings
headache Pain in head
Flight attendant A steward or stewardess on an
bookworm A person who enjoys reading
housekeeper A person employed to manage a
wallpaper A paper that is pasted on a wall
grandchild A child of one ‘s son or daughter

Change the number of the following nouns.

chair chairs
matches match
hero heroes
box boxes
ladies lady
feet foot
women woman
story stories
calf calves
society societies

Punctuate the following passage using a full stop and capital letters.

Mr. Ab Khan believes that parents are great blessing of God. Someone asked
him how he can say so. His reply was impressive. He says that they take care of
us. They give us proper clothes and feed us with healthy diet. They teach us how
to behave. They also teach us how to face the challenges of life. We should be
thankful to our parents. We should love them and pray for them.

Creative writing
Now write short text in speech bubbles and cartoon strips using vocabulary,
tone and style appropriate for the given situation:
Father and mother ostrich are discussing their roles.

Father ostrich: we are going to have our babies soon. I think we should get
prepared for it now.
Mother ostrich: yes you are right. Start digging a hole as soon as possible.
Father: Hm. I will start digging it today.
Mother: But I don’t think this place is appropriate to lay eggs.
Father: why do you think so? What‘s wrong with this place?
Mother: The soil is really hard here. And I saw a snake here yesterday.
Father: oh! It’s worrisome. Let’s search for a safe and soft soil.
Mother: I have seen a place that s perfect to lay eggs. Come with me I will show
Father: sure! Let’s go make a home for our babies.

Chapter 3
A Nation’s Strength
1. Answer these questions.
a. Only men can make a nation great and strong.
b. Brave men are those who work while others sleep.
c. It means to grow high in terms of progress.
d. I will work hard and work day and night to make my nation strong.
e. The poem puts light on the brave and hardworking men of a nation like
soldiers, doctors, engineers, teachers etc. These people work hard to get their
goals and make their country progress. This poem encourages the youth to work
hard and go higher.
2. Use the following in the sentences of your own.

words sentences
pillar Salah is a pillar of Islam.
honour ‘s Be truthful for honour’s sake.
dare I dare you to climb this wall.
truth Don’t hide the truth.

3. ‘Make’ and ‘sake’ are the rhyming words. Point out other rhyming words in
the poem. Also provide rhymes of the following.
Rhyming words from the poem:
High-defy Strong-throng Sleep-deep Sky-fly Strong-long

Divide the words into syllables and check them in the dictionary.

words syllables
fast one syllable word
beautiful beau-ti-ful
mineral min-er-al
historical his-tor-i-cal
strength one syllable word
valuable val-u-a-ble
attitude at-ti-tude
dare one syllable word

Write masculine of the feminine and feminine of the masculine nouns given

mare horse
dog bitch
fox vixen
ram ewe
peacock peahen
grandfather grandmother
niece nephew
calf bull calf
ox cow
son daughter

Rewrite each group of words using possessive nouns.

Achievement of her son Her son ‘s achievement
Voice of students Students’ voice
Meeting of parents Parents’ meeting
Strawberries belonging to waqas Waqas’ strawberries

Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb.

 You learn your lesson carefully.

 The aero plane flies in the air.
 Our teacher teaches us with love and care.
 We participate in co-curricular activities.
 He lives in Peshawar.

Use the given combinations to make sentences and change into negative and
interrogative sentences.
I do not want to send him the invitation.
Did I send you the letter?

He did not receive the letter.
Did he receive the letter?

She does not buy chocolates.
Did she buy the dress, she liked?

You do not have the courage to apologize.
Do you have an extra pen?

We do not meet often.
Did we meet at the wedding?

They do not explore the things around them.
Did they explore the city?

The sun/rise
The sun does not rise at 7 am.
Does the sun rise in the east?

The Muslims/ offer

The Muslims do not offer the prayers late.
Do the Muslims offer their prayers on time?

Creative writing
Write a paragraph on:
a). Uses of reading
Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Good books can
inform you, enlighten you and lead you in the right direction. There is no better
companion than a good book. Reading is important because it is good for your
overall well-being. Once you start reading, you experience a whole new world.
When you start loving the habit of reading you eventually get addicted to it.
Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to
relax and reduce stress. It is important to read a good book at least for a few

minutes each day to stretch the brain muscles for healthy functioning. Books
really are your best friends as you can rely on them when you are bored, upset,
depressed, lonely or annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want them
and enhance your mood. They share with your information and knowledge any
time you need. Good books always guide you to the correct path in life.

b). the horse

The horse is a very useful animal. It is used for riding, and is, also, yoked to
carriages. It lives on grass, oats, and gram, and is found almost all over the world.
It is a very intelligent animal and is very faithful. A horse recognizes its home
from a distance, and it obeys the slightest hint of the rider or the master. Arab
horses are known for their swiftness, Australian horses are tall and strong, and
beautiful to look at, but they do not possess much power of endurance. The
government is trying to improve the breed of horses in Pakistan because they
are so useful in the army. The efficiency of the cavalry depends upon the quality
of the horses. Horses are known for their strength. The mane on the neck of this
animal is peculiar to it. It is a very loving animal.

Chapter 4
The King’s Ministers
1. Answer these questions.

a) Because the fox was wise and clever.

b) They could only eat it if the lion went with them and killed the camel.
c) Because the camel saved his life.
d) No a lion cannot live in a desert because he cannot walk on the sand.
He cannot hunt for food because of the scarcity of animals. Lions are
made to live in a jungle. They live in dens.
e) Because they made a plan to eat the camel. They knew that the lion
would not eat his ministers. He would eat the camel instead.
f) “Do good have good”

2. Use the following pair of words in sentences to show the difference in their
Words sentences
meat I don’t eat meat.
meet Let’s meet someday.
ate He ate the lunch at work.
eight There are eight students in the class.
sun The sun is shining bright.
son He is my son.
plan What‘s your plan for today?
plain We live in plain area.
wait Please wait for me.
weight Did you check the weight of your
accept He did not accept my proposal.
except Everybody came except Ayesha.

3. Guess the meanings of the following using contextual clues.

words meanings
majesty magnificence
external outer
scorch burn
wits intelligence
pounce Jump on
immediately right away

Dictionary skills

Use dictionary and find appropriate definitions of the following:

words definitions
fable A short story, typically with
animals as characters,
conveying a moral.
fiction something that is invented
or untrue
theme The subject of a talk, piece
of writing, exhibition, etc.
character a person in a novel, play, or
plot he main events of a play,
novel, film, or similar work,
devised and presented by
the writer

Fill in the blanks with appropriate subject pronouns:

a) Mohsin has gone home. He was not feeling well

b) Sabeeha writes in a magazine. She is a famous writer.
c) Zen and Umar are friends and they share their interests.
d) This is my mistake. I apologise all of you.
e) Your sister says, you are a keen observer.
f) I meet Asim in the evening and we take an exercise.
g) This is an old house but it is very calm.

Underline the object pronouns and use them in your own sentences.

Her brother always guides her.

Her room was tidy and organized.
Mrs. Khadija advises us to improve ourselves.
Zahir helped us in our difficult time.
My mother helps me in cooking.
He did not believe me.
Adil received them at the airport.
I did not invite them to the party.
I like you but not him.
I cannot help him in this matter but you can.

Complete the sentences with appropriate possessive pronouns:

Seema: Are you using my pencil or is that yours?

Asim: Well, this is my pencil.
Seema: Where is my pencil then?
Asim: Ali was writing his diary just now. Maybe he was using yours.
Seema: No, that one is his.

Fill in the blanks using the present continuous tense of the verbs:

 She is looking for her pair of spectacles.

 The baby is sleeping in its cradle.
 The wind is blowing very hard.
 The boats are not sailing on the land.
 Naz and Mehnaz are plucking flowers.
 I am talking on phone.
 They are listening to the cricket commentary on the radio.
 The little girl is hiding behind the sofa.

Put a question mark, an exclamation mark and a full stop where


 A dictionary helps us to learn new words.

 Have you visited swat?
 Alas! Her grandmother died last night.
 May you live long!
 Why are you so anxious?

Creative writing
Brainstorm and write an expository text on “Bright Tomorrow for Pakistan”

Youngsters play a vital role in building a country. They have served as a

revolutionary force across the world throughout the human history. If a country’s
youth is properly utilised, trained, educated, and informed, they can accomplish
great things for their country. Over 64% of Pakistan’s population is under the age
of 30, which makes Pakistan one of the youngest countries of the world. From the
time of independence till now, our beloved homeland has faced many difficult
situations. Amid such chaos, there is still a great deal of optimism, expectation, and
possibilities for success and triumph. From the mountains of Azad Jammu and

Kashmir to the coastal line of Karachi, youngsters are playing their part in making
Pakistan a better place to live. There are some significant contributions made by
our youth who are the change agents of our country and give us hope for a better
tomorrow. With the passage of time, young generation is breaking the stereotypes.
Not only boys but girls are also coming forward and are contributing for the
prosperity of their homeland. The youth of Pakistan are full of potential, energy
and ideas. What they need is an enabling environment that will allow them to take
risks, innovate and engage productively. Pakistan has a bright tomorrow, indeed.

Chapter 5
Salman‘s Wonderful Bat
1. Answer these questions:

a) In order to appeal for a dismissal of a batsman, fielders shout “how’s

b) He went to the pavilion.
c) He showed sportsman spirit and accepted his failure gracefully.
d) Salman played all the strokes he knew like late cuts, square cuts, on
drives and off drives.
e) I take part in cricket and badminton. I am a very good player of these
two sports. I have been playing these games since long and I enjoy
playing them. These games keep me fit physically as well as mentally.
f) I like badminton the most. And these are the terminologies used in this
The back third of the badminton court.
Another name for the shuttlecock.
An illegal stroke occurring when the shuttle comes to a stop on the
racquet and is "carried," leading to a sling-like sequence.
Center position
Also known as the base position, the central area of the court where
ideally a singles player wants to return after each shot.
A shot hit deep in the back of the opponent's court.
A shot hit diagonally over the net, from one side to the other.
Double hit
Hitting the shuttle twice (a fault).

Drop shot
A soft shot played with touch, so the shuttle falls close to the net on
the opponent's side.
A powerful shot placed just over the top of the net.
A violation or infraction of the rules.
A quick movement of the wrist and forearm that changes a soft shot
into a harder one; mostly used when serving or close to the net.
The front third of the court, between the net and the short-service
A hard, downward shot that is not returnable by the opponent.
A call by the umpire to restart a point. This occurs when the server
serves before the receiver is ready, the shuttle disintegrates during
play, an accidental distraction occurs, etc.
The middle third of the court.
Push shot
A soft shot executed by "pushing" the shuttle with small wrist
An exchange of shots following the serve.
The object used in badminton, also called a birdie or shuttle. It is made
of a cork with sixteen goose feathers glued to its rounded base.
A hard, powerful overhead shot sending the shuttlecock downward to
the opponent's side.

2. Use the following in the sentences of your own

words sentences
energetic Abid is an energetic player.
minor He had minor injuries in the accident.
Inter-school We won the inter-school drawing
twirl She did a twirl in front of the mirror
streaked The sky was streaked yellow and purple.
swung He swung the hammer with all his strength.
rival You have to respect your rivals.
maintain Maintain a safe distance from the other

Dictionary skills
The given words have incorrect spellings. Look them in the dictionary using
their guide words and find their correct spellings;

Incorrect spellings Correct spellings

bacebal baseball
polevalte Pole-vault
ragbi rugby
gaf golf
bascitball basketball
ethletes athletes
cycleing cycling
swimming swimming

Fill in the blanks with appropriate question words.
a. Who is at the door?
b. Why are you so sad?
c. Where will you go on Eid?
d. How do you behave with your sisters?
e. What are you reading these days?
f. When will you see your teacher?

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of “be”

a. We are soldiers and we protect our country.

b. I am a captain and lead my team.
c. She is a painter. Her pictures are sold in high price.
d. You are a hardworking teacher.
e. These people are going out for a picnic.

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of ‘do’

a. I am doing my homework.
b. Have you done your duty with satisfaction?
c. She does not want to get a new job.

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of ‘need’

a. She needs fifty rupees to deposit her fee.

b. A man needs patience and courage in life.
c. Do you need bills?
d. Do you need some money?
e. Sagheer needs assistance of his uncle.

Insert comma (,) where required.

a. His aunt added clothes, shoes and toys in her shopping

b. Anjum has shown her interest in knitting, sewing and
c. Aslam likes to collect coins, stamps and flags of different
d. My younger sister sends Eid cards to our grandparents,
cousins and neighbours.
e. A rainbow has seven colours. They are violet, indigo. Blue,
green, yellow, orange and red.

Creative writing

Now read an interview of a sportsperson from an English

magazine/newspaper and write your comments on this
interview following guidelines of writing a paragraph.

Sania Mirza is an Indian tennis player. A Muslim girl from

Hyderabad Dakan who has been playing from a very
young age and have achieved a remarkable success in the
sport. She has got the chance to play at Wimbledon and
to win it. She has proved to be a very ambitious and
hardworking player. She has won many trophies in her
career. And made her country proud in the world.
She started playing tennis when she was six and at that time,
the facilities were not up to the mark. Then, she made it a point
to keep telling herself that results wouldn't come overnight. And
that she needed to work very hard and be determined. She has
been very lucky as her parents have been rock solid in her
support for her and that has helped her enormously. And she
has achieved the goal she set for herself through hard work and

Chapter 6
A Pin


1. Answer these questions:

a) Needle’s eyes are to hold the thread.

b) Dry corn is said to have dimples.
c) Saw has teeth to cut the wood.
d) Crow means to make a sharp loud cry.
e) Christina Rossetti is the poet of the poem.

2. Use the following in sentences of your own.

words sentences
trunk This tree has a big trunk.
dimples She has dimples on her cheeks.
lose Don’t lose hope.
eat Let’s eat the lunch.
crow A crow is sitting on the wall.
saw I saw you in the party yesterday.

2. A poet uses the language in a particular way to appeal the

reader s senses. The poem, ‘A Pin', has certain unique
combinations. Match these combinations.

Clock face
Pin head
Fly trunk
Boot tongue

Saw teeth
4. 'Hair and there are rhyming words. Find the rhyming words of the given poem
from the box and fill the gaps.
A Tree
In spring, I look gay,
Decked in comely array,
In summer more clothing I wear,
And in winter quite naked appear

5. Write the summary of the poem ’a pin’ in your own words.

A pin is a fun poem for kids. The writer has drawn fun and interesting sketches of
the different things we see around us. And it makes the poem fun to read. She says
a pin has a head but no hair and the clock look like a face but it does not have any
mouth. The eyes of the needles are not to see things. A fly has a trunk but it does
not have a key. A clock can be stopped but u can’t make it go faster. The corns have
dimples when they are dried. A watch has pointers that are called hands but they
don’t have thumb and fingers like us. A boot has a flap inside it that looks like a
tongue. Rivers keep moving without feet. A saw has teeth but it is used to cut the
woods it does not use them to eat. The texture of the ash tree looks like keys but
not the real keys that have locks. And a baby crows just like a cock.

Dictionary skills
The following words have been used for their particular meanings in
the poem, ‘A Pin’. Consult the dictionary to find their meanings used in
the poem.
words meanings
face The front part of a person‘s head from
the forehead to chin.
tongue An organ in the mouth
trunk A box
keys A small piece of shaped metal with
incisions cut to fit the wards of a
particular lock
dimples A small depression in the flesh
run race
hand A pointer on a clock or watch
teeth A projecting part on a tool

Underline the antecedent of the pronouns that have been coloured.

a. Kamila Shamsi is a novelist, she has a Pakistani background.
b. A giraffe is a wild animal but it lives in peace.
c. Mr. Salman teaches us biology. He is an in Zoology.
d. This student is very intelligent. She solves the puzzles quickly.
e. Mr. Rashid and Miss Abida are professors. They teach in a university.

Underline the linking verbs in the sentences given below.

a) The children feel great.

b) The lawyer appeared curious.
c) He looks happy these days.
d) She proved herself a talented woman.
e) These children are brilliant.
f) Luqman has grown healthy.

Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs.

a. The sun shone brightly on the day of the picnic.

b. A tourist saw many interesting sights in Swat.
c. Adil deposited his savings in his account last month.
d. The match started on time.
e. Miss Najia Imran taught economics to her class.

After completing the sentences given above, change them into

negative and interrogative sentences.

The sun did not shine bright on the day of the picnic.
Did the sun shine bright on the day of the picnic?

A tourist did not see many interesting sights in Swat.

Did a tourist see many interesting sights in Swat?

Adil did not deposit his savings in his account last month.
Did Adil deposit his savings in his account last month?

The match did not start on time.

Did the match start on time?

Miss Najia Imran did not teach economics to her class.

Did Miss Najia teach economics to her class?

Creative writing

Use the following mind map to write a descriptive paragraph

about your mother.

Amna Raheem is my mother. She is an intellectually smart woman. She

is a doctor. She is tall and have straight hair. She is a pretty woman.
My mother is a very diligent and hardworking lady. She is a very caring
mother. She is kind hearted and loving. She takes care of the house as
well as does her job as a doctor. She is just like friends to me. She
always helps me with my studies. She plays with me and we do a lot
of things together. My mother loves gardening. She has made a
beautiful small kitchen garden in our back yard. She is very friendly
and nice to her colleagues, friends and family members. She has a
quiet but graceful personality. She is a lady of principles. She respects
the elders and take care of them. She maintains discipline at home.
She is a very good cook. She cooks us yummy things like cakes, pastas
etc. I love my mother.

Chapter 7
The Man Who Drew Faces

1. Answer these questions:

a. Because he drew pictures for them.

b. Those were laugh lines.
c. Saleha gave little smiley lines to her mother.
d. Because he could not answer her last question.
e. The lines tell about the things that happen to them throughout the
f. She is a sweet little girl with a curious nature. I like her innocent

2. Use the following in sentences of your own.

words sentences
wrinkle My granny has wrinkles on her face.
sharpened He sharpened the pencil.
discovered I discovered some new facts about
naughtiness He got punished because of his
Got down He got down from the car.
tired I am dead tired.

3. Saleha s granny had different kinds of lines on her face. Complete the table to
show the lines and their causes.
Types of lines Causes of these lines
Worry line When her son ran away and did
not write to her for two years
Little frown line Grandpa lost his money
Nice line Saleha s mother gave it to her
because she was sweet and helpful
wrinkles They came when one of her
daughters was ill

4. Re-read the lesson and fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
a. I can draw what’s in the face as well as faces themselves.
b. Your mother is fond of a joke.
c. She put those merry little lines there herself.
d. She looked earnestly at the picture.
e. I have given a lot of secrets today.

5. Re-read the lesson and tell who uttered these sentences.

a. You tell me and you’ll soon see what I mean. (The artist)
b. What are those little lines round her eyes? (Saleha)
c. But Janey’s better now, she’s just won a scholarship. (Saleha)
d. I like that. What put that little smiley line there? (Saleha)
e. You want to know too much. ( the artist)

Dictionary skills
Find out which parts of speech these words belong to:
artist Noun (n.)
compose Verb (v.)
craft Verb (v.)
latest Adjective (adj.)
novel Noun (n.)
their Pronoun (pronoun.)
because Conjunction(conj.)
lively Adjective(adj.)

Language study
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or an’
a. Mathematics is an interesting subject.
b. Saima’s father is a professor.
c. Is Hamid an M.A. English?
d. Karachi is an industrial city.
e. She has not an umbrella now.

Definite Article
Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.
a. We should study the subject of our interest.
b. She teaches in a famous school
c. They have not received the email from you.
d. Write me on the given address.
e. The machine makes our work easy. It’s a machine that needs an operator to
handle it.

Modal verbs

Fill in the blanks with may/may not or can/cannot:

a. He is a graduate and can speak English fluently.

b. She is too young. She cannot drive a car.
c. Ahmad can bat with left hand because he is a right-handed batsman.
d. Habiba may join armed forces in future.
e. It’s cloudy but it may not rain.
f. He is not sure. He may succeed or not.

Use of should/should not

Fill in the blanks with ‘should’ or ‘should not’

a. You should have a strong character.

b. Salma should not be so selfish.
c. The students should be leaders of their community.
d. We should be proud of being the Muslims.
e. The birds should not be treated cruelly.

Punctuation comma (,)

Insert a comma (,) where required
a. The teacher said to her students, “hard work is a key to success”
b. Abid says, “I read fantastic stories when I’m free”.
c. Come into the hall, boys.
d. Sadaf bought an encyclopedia, a thesaurus, and a dictionary for her brother.
e. Pardon me, Mrs. Khalid.

Creative writing

Use pre-writing strategies to write an essay on “The Importance of Science and

There are numerous benefits of science and technology. They range from the little
things to the big ones. For instance, the morning paper which we read that delivers
us reliable information is a result of scientific progress. In addition, the electrical
devices without which life is hard to imagine like a refrigerator, AC, microwave and
more are a result of technological advancement. Furthermore, if we look at the
transport scenario, we notice how science and technology play a major role here
as well. We can quickly reach the other part of the earth within hours, all thanks to
advancing technology. In addition, science and technology have enabled man to
look further than our planet. The discovery of new planets and the establishment
of satellites in space is because of the very same science and technology. Similarly,
science and technology have also made an impact on the medical and agricultural
fields. The various cures being discovered for diseases have saved millions of lives
through science. Subsequently, science and technology have assisted in advancing
various fields including Mathematics, Astrophysics, Space technology, Nuclear
energy and more. Some fine examples of these developments are the railway
system, smartphones, the metro system, and many more. Moreover, technology
has enhanced the production of different crops benefitting the farmers largely. In
conclusion, we must admit that science and technology have led human civilization
to achieve perfection in living. However, we must utilize everything in wise
perspectives and to limited extents. Misuse of science and technology can produce
harmful consequences. Therefore, we must monitor the use and be wise in our

Chapter 8
Eiffel and his wonderland tower
Answer these questions:
a. Eiffel tower is situated in Paris. Gustav Eiffel designed it.
b. From his father he learned to dream and from his mother he learned the
hard facts of business. So it had been a useful combination for him.
c. Eiffel built hundreds of metal structures of all kinds all around the world.
Bridges, and in particular railway bridges, were his favourite field of work,
but he is also renowned for his metal structural work and industrial
d. He did not hide his plans. Because he did not mind others to use his idea.
e. He is known as “Father of Modern Steel Construction” because he pushed
the world from the era of stone and wood to the modern era of steel and
f. I will get knowledge and work hard. And will work for my country. And if the
time comes where I have to prove my love and respect for my motherland I
would not hesitate to sacrifice my life for it.

2. Choose the correct synonyms for coloured words and use them in
sentences of your own.

a. Eiffel tower is a marvel of engineering. (wonder)

b. Eiffel was born in a prosperous family in Dijon. (well-to-do)
c. In the 1850s, Europe’s railway was expanding rapidly. (quickly)
d. His calculations were extremely precise. (exact)
e. The Eiffel tower was a wonder of its time. (marvel)

Dictionary skills
Using the dictionary to find out which parts of speech these words belong to:

Glasshouse noun
modern adjective
towards preposition
skyscraper noun
warehouse noun
architect noun
glaze verb
highly adverb

Pronunciation skills
Underline the silent letters in the given words:
a. Debt (d)
b. Plumber (b)
c. Foreign (g)
d. Handkerchief (d)
e. School (h)
f. Whale (h)
g. Calm (l)
h. Adjoin (d)

Language study
Fill in the blanks with the past form of the given verbs and write with each verb
whether it is regular or irregular.
a. A builder built new flats in the area. Irregular
b. Azam fell from the stairs and broke his leg. Irregular
c. The driver drove the train carefully on this track. Irregular
d. Pakistan armed forces fought bravely in the war of 1965. Irregular

e. Nadia stood first in her class last year. irregular
f. He wanted to say something but he said nothing. regular
g. Our team scored 265 runs in a one-day-match. regular
h. Mr. Yasir purchased a new suitcase. Regular

Use the past continuous tense of the verbs to fill in the blanks.

a. Our aunt was decorating her house when we reached there.

b. It was snowing on the mountains in summer.
c. Was the teacher teaching his class when he felt a pain?
d. The government officials were taking care of the public.
e. The cook was cooking a delicious meal.

Punctuate the following sentences using quotation marks (use

capital letters where required):

a. The grandfather said, “Don’t follow me, my children. You can do

well by your own”.
b. Nadia cried, “What a beautiful flower”.
c. “What do you know about S.T Coleridge”? Asked his father.
d. “Uncle Vanya is an interesting short story”.
e. Dr. Hameedullah wrote a book. “Introduction to Islam”.

Creative writing

a). My book

I love reading books. I grew the habit of reading at a very young age. I
spend most of my free time reading books. Even though fiction is my
favourite genre, but I like reading some other genres of the book as
well, like fantasy and horror.
I have a few books that I love reading often. But my favourite book is
‘Little Women’ written by an American author named Louisa May
Alcott in 1968. The story of Little Women revolves around the lives of

the four March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Through the story, we
get to witness their transition from childhood to womanhood. Loosely
based on the lives of the author and her three sisters, it is classified as
an autobiographical or semi-autobiographical novel.  Little Women
was an immediate commercial and critical success, with readers eager
for more about the characters. Alcott quickly completed a second
volume (titled Good Wives in the United Kingdom).
This novel is said to perfectly express the situations of the era that the
story was set in through the elegant writing style of the author. To me,
Little Women is and always will be a very inspirational and powerful
book. I recommend others to read this book.

b). an old building

The countries must honor their past in order to preserve it. The
monuments of Pakistan are primarily restricted to sites and buildings
which identify with the leaders or event that took place during
partition. Apart from that, there are many other sites that are having
the glorious offerings of their own. Some of them include masjid Wazir
Khan, Lahore fort, Badshahi Mosque, Bara Dari etc.
One of my favourite old buildings is Lahore fort. As obvious from its
name, this fort is situated in the city of Lahore. The fort was originally
built in 1544 AD by the Mughal Ruler Akbar the great and it was built
on the ruins of an ancient mud fort which already existed since 1021
A.D. The fort is situated in the North West corner of the city, beside
the Walled city and is rectangular in shape, it has 13 gates which were
also built by Akbar, and the main gates are located along the middle
of the eastern and western walls. It is one of the most visited places in
the old Lahore. The Lahore Fort acted as a geo-strategic site that met
Kashmir, the Afghan areas, and Multan. The fort is decorated with
Mughal architecture; the Fort complex includes such architectural
marvels as Sheesh Mahal. The architecture of the structure is
magnificent and it is a palace right out of a fairytale. The entrance is
remarkable with twin domes which lead further to extensively decked

courtyards and pavilions with water features, some with wall
decorations of inlaid precious stones and painted designs, some of this
eye-catching decoration still exist even today. These courtyards are so
huge in size that it allows many elephants carrying people from the
royal family to enter simultaneously together, in fact there are a flight
of stone stairs constructed especially for the elephants’ parades.

The fort today is not like as it was when it was first built in 1566. This
is because that every Mughal emperor that came along besides the
Sikhs and the British colonizers further built a pavilion or a palace of
wall to the fort. Jahangir, Shah Jehan and later Aurangzeb created their
own changes by further constructing hugely secure walls to the
structure. Akbar especially got the Hall of Commoners also known as
the Diwan – e- Aam constructed in the traditional Iranian style, it is
built in all red sandstone which was imported from Rajistan. Shah
Jehan was responsible for the construction of Diwan-e-Khas, from
there you could see river Ravi. The fort displays the exquisite life style
of the Mughal emperors and is proof of Lahore’s beautiful history, it is
a tourist attraction and one sight that no one would regret seeing.

Chapter 9
The Fog


1. Answer these questions:

a. Narrator loses his perception. The boys look like tall men and
tall men look like giants to him.
b. W.H. Davies is the narrator of the poem.
c. When the fog grew so black, the road could not be seen, the
narrator lost the judgment about directions and space.
d. The way he rapped the stones and could walk easily in such
situation, it made the narrator realize that he was a blind man.
e. A blind man is used to face such situation in his daily life. And
the blind man has this strong sense of finding ways.
f. When the fog grows thick it’s impossible to see things on the
road. So it means when the narrator saw the fog he lost his
perception of the things around him.

2. Use the following in the sentences of your own.

words sentences
coughed He coughed to cover up his laugh.
distance Maintain a safe distance from the other
vehicles while driving.
lights He turned the lights on.
rapped He stood up and rapped the table.
judgment Don’t pass judgment on others.

4. Fill in the blanks with the similes often used to draw these
comparisons: (bee, ABC, child, wind, snail, bird, duck, cucumber)

a. All of us criticise Pervez for his laziness. He is as slow as snail.

b. My mother looks as busy as bee.
c. I can solve this sum. It’s as easy as ABC.
d. If you eat like a bird, you eat very little.
e. Saima took teaching like a duck to water.
f. He is very innocent and behaves like a child.
g. Shoaib is an athlete. He runs like the wind.
h. Our room is as cool as a cucumber.

b) Think and make the similes of your own.

a).as black as night

b). as speedy as train
c). as naughty as monkey
d).as white as snow

Use a simple thesaurus to locate synonyms of the given words.

words synonyms
commission task
comment remark
batch bunch
deliver convey
exclude Keep out
freight cargo
hazard danger
preparation composing

Underline the verb in each sentence and write before it
whether it is used as transitive or intransitive.

a. Naeem has paid his dues. transitive

b. I have beaten him. transitive
c. They laugh. intransitive
d. Farhana speaks English well. transitive
e. You know the politicians. intransitive
f. She studies in a grammar school. Transitive

Identify the adjectives in the given sentences and mark their respective category.

a. My grandmother told me an exciting story. Adjective of quality

b. It is a dark night and there is no electricity. Adjective of quality.
c. We sat in the comfortable sofa. Adjective of quality
d. She saw a blue-eyed person. Adjective of colour
e. This room is in a rectangle shape. Adjective of shape
f. The Spaniards speak Spanish. Adjective of origin
g. He spent the whole day in useless activities. Adjective of quality
h. They wanted to see a graceful lady. Adjective of quality

Write the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:

broad broader broadest

soft softer softest
bright brighter brightest
feeble feebler feeblest
gentle more gentle Most gentle
helpful more helpful Most helpful
beautiful more beautiful Most beautiful
true truer truest

foolish more foolish Most foolish
crazy crazier craziest

Fill in the blanks with the correct degrees of the adjectives given in parenthesis.
Add ‘than’ or ‘the’ where necessary.
a. This summer is hotter than the last one.
b. Lahore is one of the oldest cities in Pakistan.
c. You have solved the easiest sum.
d. He waited for us in the grand hall.
e. Gul is sincerer friend of me.
f. Sarah is more intelligent than her friend.
Make sentences of these absolute adjectives.

words sentences
almighty Allah is almighty.
worthy He is not worthy of this post.
dead I am dead tired.
complete It’s a complete solution to your problem.
giant I saw a giant truck on the road.

Creative writing
Once there lived a farmer in a village. He had three sons. The farmer was very
hardworking and owned a patch of land. But his sons were lazy and idle. He was
worried about their future. So he thought of a plan. On day he called them and said
“my sons, I am ill and before my death I want you to know about a treasure I have
hidden in my land. You have to plough the land and dig it to find the treasure.” The
boys started ploughing the land but they did not find anything. They thought that
now when they have digged and ploughed the soil, they should sow the seeds. They
did so. After a few weeks crops started growing out of the land and it turned into a
green field. Then they realized that this was the treasure their father was talking
about. They learnt the lesson and started working hard.

Chapter 10
Children’s letters
1. Answer these questions.
a. This international organization helps to take care of children s health and
education all over the world.
b. The official language of Iran is Persian.
c. They like to meet in street cafes.
d. Chinese children love to spend time in parks.
e. Fertilizers, Textile items and electronics are the important industries of
f. I will mention about our food and rich culture as well as our brave army. I
will talk about the beautiful history of Muslims and the historical buildings. I
will tell them about our hospitality and the beautiful places of Pakistan.

Use the following in sentences of your own.

words sentences
international He's the president of a large international
exchanges She exchanges books with me.
sincere You are my sincere friend.
inherited I inherited a house from my father.
occasionally She occasionally eats alone.
reflect Her style is reflected in her clothes

3. Persian is an official language of Iran. Find the official languages and
nationalities of these countries.

country language nationality

India Hindi Indian
Canada Canadian English
Saudi Arabia Arabic Arab
japan Japanese Japanese
Spain Spanish Spaniards
France French French
brazil Brazilian Brazilian

4. Re-read the lesson and show the information given about these countries in a
mind map.

blend of
old and
Language: literature, art,
Persian architecture

Irani riyal
Children: love
Hand to read and
woven write.
carpets Quick in

A part of two Capital:
great Combination
continents: of eastern
and European
& Language:
Turkey and
Famous for: clothes
Fine carpets,
pottery and
leather work Turkish coffee
historical and street cafes


asad Rice and

Language: traditional
Consists of
symbols Chinese
instead of China ceramics and
letters industries like
electronics and
Children work fertilizers
hard and spend
time in parks
and like
gymnastics China wall

Dictionary skills
Find the pronunciation and part of speech of each given word using a dictionary:

words pronunciation Part of speech

letter leh·tuh noun
composition kom·puh·zi·shn noun
nation Nay-shn noun
people Pee-pl noun
between But-tween preposition
theirs theuhz Possessive pronoun
spend spend verb
quickly Kwik-lee adverb

Identify whether underlined words are nouns or verbs or adjectives and mark
their stress.
a. Rashida Nauman is our science teacher. noun
b. My father has recovered now. verb
c. The English pronunciation is not so simple. noun
d. You look smart and gay. adjective
e. I object to what you say. verb
f. They present me presents every year. present(verb) presents(noun)

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences.

a. We hurriedly packed our bags and left for school.

b. You must learn to decline invitations politely.
c. My father occasionally meets my teachers.
d. Suddenly he felt pain in his knee.
e. We won the match yesterday.
f. Raheem went to see that building twice.
g. This boy eats too much.
Rewrite these sentences by adding the phrases given in the brackets.

a. The children enjoyed themselves yesterday, at the beach, thoroughly.
b. The chief guest spoke on our annual day, appreciatively.
c. Our teacher told us to say no always, to strangers, politely.
d. The doctor gave his daughter twice a day, two injections, for a week.

Construct the sentences of simple future using the given information.

She will attend wedding ceremony.

a. You will leave for Quetta.
b. A scientist will celebrate his success spiritually.
c. They will suggest new ideas for rehabilitation.
d. An idiot boy will receive punishment.
e. They will prove themselves eligible for the post.

Change the given sentences into near future, using ‘going to’ or ‘about to’:
a. I am going to attend the class today.
b. Pakistan express is going to reach at 9:00 pm.
c. She is about to complete her assignment.
d. They are about to start a new factory.
e. The meeting is going to start at 5:30 pm.

Insert the hyphen in the following compound words.

a. eighty-four
b. one-tenth
c. editor-in-chief
d. commander-in-chief
e. mother-in-law

Creative writing

Follow the conventions of informal letter and write a letter to


Father telling him how you celebrated your last Eid.

256/C-Garden Town

22nd April, 2022

Dear daddy,
. Hope you are doing well. We all are fine. Alhamdulillah! I hope
you had a joyous Eid. We had a wonderful Eid here. I got up early in the
morning said my prayers and got ready. Then I had vermicelli that mom
made. After saying my Eid prayers I returned home. And then Taya Jan came
with his family. Mom cooked a yummy lunch. He gave me eidi. And I played
with my cousins. We had ice-cream after lunch. In the evening we went to
see Nana and Nani. There we had a quality time. But we missed you a lot.
We all wore new clothes and shoes. It was a lovely day. We met almost all
the relatives. We had fun. Please tell me how did you spend your Eid. Hope
to see you soon. Take care of yourself.

Your loving son,


Friend congratulating him/her on the success in his/her examination.

256/C-Garden Town

22nd April, 2022

Dear Sara,
Assalam-u-Alaikum. How are you? I am doing great,
Alhamdulillah! I am really happy to know that you secured a first position in
your exams. Congratulations my friend. You got remarkable grades. You
have always been a hardworking and smart student. I am proud of you. Keep
up the good work. Convey my wishes to your mom and dad too. See you
soon, Inshallah.

Yours sincerely,

Chapter 11
Packing for a journey

1. Answer these questions.

a. The writer wanted to boss his friends about packing. He wanted them
to work under his directions.
b. Other people sitting about doing nothing while he is working, irritates
c. Jerome forgot to pack the boots.
d. He reopened his bag twice after his first packing.
e. Monty took active part in the packing. He came and sat down on
things just when they were about to be packed. He put his leg into the
jam, worried the teaspoons and he pretended that lemons were rats
and killed three of them.
f. I forget small things when I pack my luggage. Then I have to reopen it
many times. And then I have nightmares that I am travelling and
forget my important things.

2. Use the following in sentences of your own.

words sentences
hampers They sent us a lovely Eid hamper.
boss My boss is really strict about work.
irritated His remarks irritated me a little.
light-hearted She felt lighthearted and gay.
extraordinary He is an extraordinary actor.
particularly He didn't look particularly

3. Choose the correct option and encircle it.

i. The narrator of the story is Jerome.

ii. The story has three characters.
iii. The title of the story is “Packing for a Journey”.
iv. The setting of the story tells about its place and time.
v. Packing for a journey is a humorous short story.

4. “However” and “of course” are examples of transitional devices.

Find more transitional devices used in the lesson.

also, and, but, can, then, after, whenever

5).’tea ‘and ‘spoon’ are two different words that form a compound word
‘teaspoon’. Identify the compound words used in the lesson.

1. toothbrush
2. anywhere
3. anything
4. extraordinary
5. teapot
6. whenever
7. everything

b). make compound words from the given words.

story book
bridge shelf
grand children
fore play
post work
play time

Dictionary skills

initial words
ch chair
sh share
spr spread
dr drain

final words
nd sand
nt plant
tive native
ch touch

Provide the appropriate transitional device for each blank.

a. Aslam was busy in his job; hence his children were waiting for him.
b. Finally, it seems better.
c. Zainab is very active in contrast to her sister who is so lazy.
d. In conclusion I agreed what they proposed.
e. As a result they had to face the result of their mistakes.
f. Huma is an intelligent, hardworking and well-behaved girl. In other words
she has a spirit to face the challenges.

Write against each sentence whether it is active or passive voice.

a. Salma was beaten yesterday. passive voice

b. I have been awarded for punctuality. passive voice
c. Dawood always stands first in the annual examination. active voice
d. Noor and Farwa have reached their home. active voice
e. Imran has been selected for the school cricket team. passive voice
f. They will be received here enthusiastically. passive voice

Punctuate the given passage, recalling the rules already learnt:

Do you mind if I go there? Asked the boy. I would not mind if you don’t
involve yourself in any risk, the mother replied. What a caring mother you
are! I always follow you mom. But if someone visits the zoo, he can’t help
seeing tigers, lions, elephants and bears. Never go near them, the mother

Creative writing

a). hard work is the key to success

Greatness can be achieved by great labor only. What a man earns by the
sweat of his brow gives him a greater degree of satisfaction than what he
gets by a stroke of fortune. The man wishes to have many things in their life.
These latter things acquired by hard toil are much than those who get by
accident. When a man earns by dint of toil; he enjoys a pleasurable sensation
which is equivalent to the joy of having won a victory. Of this pleasurable
sensation, the man who has been born with a silver spoon in his mouth
knows nothing. A self-made man is certainly happier and more esteemed
than the man who owes his fortune to the accident of his birth. Abraham
Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hodgenville, Kentucky. United
States America’s famous president Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin
in the forest. He could not afford a lamp and read borrowed books with the
light of the fire in the hearth. And yet by dint of hard work, he rose to be the
greatest man of his time. His parents were Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks.
His family was very poor. Abraham had one brother and one sister. His
brother died in childhood. They grew up in a small log cabin, with just one
room inside. Although slavery was legal in Kentucky at that time, Lincoln's
father, who was a religious Baptist, refused to own any slaves. When Lincoln
was seven years old, his family moved to Indiana. Later they moved to
Illinois. In his childhood he helped his father on the farm, but when he was
22 years old he left home and moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he
worked in a general store. Later, he said that he had gone to school for just
one year, but that was enough to learn how to read, write, and do simple
math. He worked so hard in his life and became a successful politician.
Lincoln's legacy is based on his momentous achievements: he successfully
waged a political struggle and civil war that preserved the Union, ended
slavery, and created the possibility of civil and social freedom for African-

b). A meeting with a pilot

Wright brothers invented the aero plane and since then everyone has
dreamed of flying. To fly high like the bird and reach the horizon. I first saw
an aero plane flying when I was a young lad and then immediately I asked
my mother everything about it. My mother showed me the book of aviation
history and I grew fascinated with it. Stories about Amelia Earhart inspired
me and then I took the biggest decision of my life i.e. to become a pilot. I
would speak to myself about how amazing it would be to fly that iron bird in
the sky, to fly and reach the sky and to travel the world.
Luckily, I happened to meet a pilot one day at a wedding. My father
introduced me to him as he knew about my dream of becoming a pilot. He
was a young tall man. After greetings, my father told him about my ambition.
He was very happy to hear this. Then I asked him to tell me about his journey
of becoming a pilot and how does it feel to live your dream. He then told me
that just like me he was very fond of aero planes since he was a kid. He used
to read books about aircrafts. He started working hard to achieve his goal
and when he grew up he got admission in a flying school. It was a dream
come true for him. He learned to fly the aero plane there and then after he
graduated he got a job as a pilot. And now he enjoys flying every day. He
then advised me to study and work hard and never let anything come in your
way of reaching your goal in life. Then he told me about different types of
aircrafts. And some facts about flying an aero plane. We had a long
interesting talk that was full of knowledge and fun. Pilots are really smart
and brave. I will become a pilot one day, Inshallah.

Chapter 12
Future plans


1. Answer these questions.

a. John plans to be an engineer.

b. George will be a lawyer.
c. Ben will become a writer.
d. They belong to America.
e. One of my friends wants be the president of Pakistan. He wants to
bring a change in the country.

2. Where do these people perform their job?

Nurse: a nurse works in a hospital.
Principal: a principal works in a school.
Accountant: an accountant works in a bank.
Librarian: a librarian works in a library.
Bank manager: a bank manager works in a bank.
Custom officer: a custom officer works in an airport, seaport or a dry port.
Scientist: a scientist work in a science lab.
Professor: a professor works in a college or a university.

3. Pick the rhyming words used in the poem and make two more
rhyming words for each.
a. Do-too-zoo-true
b. Cook-book-shook-took
c. Cop-shop-hop-pop
d. Be-me-we-tree

4. Use the gapped summary of the poem to write summary.

The poet’s brothers and friends think and talk about their future profession.
They want to pursue different professions like, law, teaching, engineering,
writing, carpentry and police. Some want to have their businesses. But
nobody wants to be a president of America but the poet does.

Thesaurus skills

Write synonyms and antonyms of the given entry words, using


Entry words synonyms antonyms

deep bottomless shallow
unknown untold known
vacant empty full
comprehend understand exclude
thick chunky thin
faithful loyal disloyal

Language study

Fill in the blanks using ‘on’ ‘in’ ‘at’ ‘to’ or ‘for’:

a. Last year he left on 31st July.
b. He is reading about how to write on blackboards.
c. The driver was driving in the middle of the road.
d. Rashid stayed there for a week.
e. He went to the hospital to see her mother.
f. Shumaila is not at home today.

Write the following sentences again, putting the verbs in the brackets
into simple present or simple future:
a. If she misses the train, she will come here.
b. If you work hard, you will succeed in the mid-term exams.
c. If he comes to Lahore, he will see us.
d. If the teacher teaches us, we will show good results.
e. If the bus is late, they will pick a taxi.
f. If Mamoona writes me, I will respond to her.
Proofread and edit the given passage for the errors of:
 Word order, verb form, articles, etc.
 Punctuation and spelling.
 And then suggest an appropriate title for the text.

Title :( “When Animals Communicate”)

Animals communicate with each other in many interesting methods. These
may consist of signs, gestures, looks, sounds, smells or even light produced
by the body. When faced with danger, animals warn others using signals such
as mock charges, grimaces or sound. They call their friends or inform other
members of the group about the resources of food and teach the young, the
ways of the world.

Now write a paragraph on “how to speak English”

Be confident and speak as often as possible to as many people as you

possibly can. Do not be shy to make mistakes. The more you practice the
better and more confident you will become in your pronunciation and
vocabulary. Remember, speaking is a skill like learning a musical instrument
or new sport. The only way you can get good is to actually do it. Listen to
news bulletins and songs in English to listen to the pronunciation of words.
You can also learn new words and expressions this way. The more you listen,
the more you learn. Try copying what you hear to practice your
pronunciation and learn which words in a sentence are stressed. Read the
newspaper or a magazine out to yourself. You could even find a script for
your favourite TV show and act it out! This is a great way to practice
pronunciation because you only need to concentrate on making sure your
English sounds great and don’t need to worry about sentence structure or
grammar. Debate all the topics that interest you with friends in English. Try
to use as much vocabulary as you can to get your point across and listen to
the other arguments carefully so you can argue against them effectively.
Online dictionaries often have audio examples so you can check your
pronunciation and there are lots of great dictionary apps that you can take
everywhere with you on your smartphone. Make sure not to become too
reliant on these tools, though. Have a go at saying the words first then check
afterwards to see if you were right.


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