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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Special Article

Driving Pressure and Survival in the Acute

Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Marcelo B.P. Amato, M.D., Maureen O. Meade, M.D., Arthur S. Slutsky, M.D.,
Laurent Brochard, M.D., Eduardo L.V. Costa, M.D., David A. Schoenfeld, Ph.D.,
Thomas E. Stewart, M.D., Matthias Briel, M.D., Daniel Talmor, M.D., M.P.H.,
Alain Mercat, M.D., Jean-Christophe M. Richard, M.D.,
Carlos R.R. Carvalho, M.D., and Roy G. Brower, M.D.


Mechanical-ventilation strategies that use lower end-inspiratory (plateau) airway From the Cardio-Pulmonary Depart-
pressures, lower tidal volumes (VT), and higher positive end-expiratory pressures ment, Pulmonary Division, Heart Insti-
tute (Incor), University of São Paulo
(PEEPs) can improve survival in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (M.B.P.A., E.L.V.C., C.R.R.C.), and the
(ARDS), but the relative importance of each of these components is uncertain. Research and Education Institute, Hospi-
Because respiratory-system compliance (CRS) is strongly related to the volume of tal Sirio-Libanês (E.L.V.C.) — both in São
Paulo; the Departments of Clinical Epide-
aerated remaining functional lung during disease (termed functional lung size), miology and Biostatistics and Medicine,
we hypothesized that driving pressure (∆P = VT/CRS), in which VT is intrinsically nor- McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
malized to functional lung size (instead of predicted lung size in healthy persons), (M.O.M., T.E.S., M.B.), and the Keenan
Research Centre for Biomedical Science,
would be an index more strongly associated with survival than VT or PEEP in patients St. Michael’s Hospital (A.S.S., L.B.), and
who are not actively breathing. the Interdepartmental Division of Critical
Care Medicine and Department of Medi-
cine, University of Toronto (A.S.S., L.B.),
METHODS Toronto — all in Canada; the Massachu-
Using a statistical tool known as multilevel mediation analysis to analyze individual setts General Hospital Biostatistics Cen-
data from 3562 patients with ARDS enrolled in nine previously reported randomized ter, Harvard Medical School (D.A.S.),
and Department of Anesthesia, Critical
trials, we examined ∆P as an independent variable associated with survival. In the Care, and Pain Medicine, Beth Israel
mediation analysis, we estimated the isolated effects of changes in ∆P resulting Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard
from randomized ventilator settings while minimizing confounding due to the Medical School (D.T.) — both in Boston;
the Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiol-
baseline severity of lung disease. ogy and Biostatistics, University Hospi-
tal Basel, Basel, Switzerland (M.B.); the
RESULTS Department of Intensive Care and Hyper-
baric Medicine, Angers University Hospi-
Among ventilation variables, ∆P was most strongly associated with survival. A 1-SD tal, Angers (A.M.), the Emergency De-
increment in ∆P (approximately 7 cm of water) was associated with increased partment, General Hospital of Annecy,
mortality (relative risk, 1.41; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.31 to 1.51; P<0.001), Annecy (J.-C.M.R.), and INSERM UMR
955, Creteil (J.-C.M.R.) — all in France;
even in patients receiving “protective” plateau pressures and VT (relative risk, 1.36; and the Division of Pulmonary and Criti-
95% CI, 1.17 to 1.58; P<0.001). Individual changes in VT or PEEP after randomiza- cal Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins Uni-
tion were not independently associated with survival; they were associated only if versity School of Medicine, Baltimore
(R.G.B.). Address reprint requests to Dr.
they were among the changes that led to reductions in ∆P (mediation effects of ∆P, Amato at Faculdade de Medicina, Univer-
P = 0.004 and P = 0.001, respectively). sidade de São Paulo., Av. Dr. Arnaldo
455, sala 2144 (2nd Fl.), 01246-903, São
CONCLUSIONS Paulo, Brazil, or at amato.marcelo.bp@
We found that ∆P was the ventilation variable that best stratified risk. Decreases
in ∆P owing to changes in ventilator settings were strongly associated with increased N Engl J Med 2015;372:747-55.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1410639
survival. (Funded by Fundação de Amparo e Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo and Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

echanical-ventilation strategies ARDS from four early randomized clinical trials
that use lower end-inspiratory (plateau) testing various strategies of volume-limited ven-
airway pressures, lower tidal volumes tilation.1,19-21 We next tested and refined this
(VT), and higher positive end-expiratory pressures model with data from a validation cohort of 861
(PEEPs) — collectively termed lung-protective patients from a large, randomized trial2 comparing
strategies — have been associated with survival lower versus higher VT values. Finally, we retested
benefits in randomized clinical trials involving the model with data from a more recent valida-
patients with the acute respiratory distress syn- tion cohort of 2365 patients with ARDS enrolled
drome (ARDS).1-4 The different components of lung in four randomized trials comparing higher-PEEP
protection in those strategies, such as lower VT, versus lower-PEEP strategies4,10-12,22 (Table 1, and
lower plateau pressure, and higher PEEP, can all Tables S1 and S2 and Fig. S1 in the Supplemen-
reduce mechanical stresses on the lung, which are tary Appendix, available with the full text of this
thought to induce ventilator-induced lung injury.5-9 article at
Clinical trials, however, have reported conflicting
responses to the manipulation of separate com- Independent Variables and Outcomes
ponents of lung protection,10-14 and clinicians of- The primary outcome (the dependent variable)
ten face a dilemma when the optimization of one was survival in the hospital at 60 days (Cox sur-
component negatively affects another (for instance, vival model). Data from patients who were dis-
increasing PEEP may increase plateau pressure), charged home before day 60 were censored at
with unknown net consequences.15 day 60, with the patients considered to be alive
To minimize ventilator-induced lung injury, at day 60.
most studies have scaled VT to predicted body The independent variables tested as predic-
weight to normalize VT to lung size. However, in tors included treatment group (lung-protective
patients with ARDS, the proportion of lung avail- [i.e., varying variables such as VT, PEEP, and
able for ventilation is markedly decreased, which is plateau pressures with an intention to protect] vs.
reflected by lower respiratory-system compliance control assignment), characteristics of patients,
(CRS).13,16-18 Therefore, we hypothesized that nor- baseline severity of illness (e.g., risk according to
malizing VT to CRS and using the ratio as an index the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evalu-
indicating the “functional” size of the lung would ation [APACHE] or Simplified Acute Physiology
provide a better predictor of outcomes in patients Score [SAPS] and the ratio of the partial pressure
with ARDS than VT alone. This ratio, termed the of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxy-
driving pressure (∆P = VT/CRS), can be routinely gen [PaO2:FIO2]), and ventilation variables (e.g., VT
calculated for patients who are not making inspira- and plateau pressure) averaged over the first 24
tory efforts as the plateau pressure minus PEEP. hours after randomization (Table S3 in the
To determine whether data from previous stud- Supplementary Appendix). In a separate analy-
ies are consistent with this hypothesis, we com- sis, we averaged individual ventilation data over
bined individual data from patients involved in the first 3 days and observed no predictive ad-
nine randomized trials comparing ventilation vantage of this approach (Tables S4, S5, and S6
strategies in patients with ARDS.1,2,10-12,19-22 We used in the Supplementary Appendix). Patients who
both a standard risk analysis with multivariate received pressure-support ventilation or had respi-
adjustments and a multilevel mediation analysis23,24 ratory rates that were higher than the ventilator
and examined the extent to which a change in settings (suggesting the presence of ventilatory
∆P (or other variables) resulting from a change efforts) were excluded. Both conditions account-
in ventilator settings could be statistically linked ed for less than 3% of our sample. Barotrauma
to effects on survival, independent of the under- was defined as pneumothorax requiring chest-
lying severity of the lung injury and of the spe- tube drainage during the first 28 days after
cific lung-protection protocol. randomization.

Derivation and Validation of a Survival

Me thods Prediction Model
Derivation and Validation Cohorts Variables that had a significant univariate asso-
We derived a survival-prediction model with the ciation with survival were entered into a forward
use of data from a cohort of 336 patients with stepwise multivariate analysis and then into a

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Driving Pressure and Survival in ARDS

Table 1. Multivariate Cox Regression Model for 60-Day Hospital Survival.*

High-VT vs. Low-VT Trials High-PEEP vs. Low-PEEP Trials Combined Analysis
Variable (N = 1020) (N = 2060) (N = 3080)

Relative Risk Relative Risk Relative Risk

(95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value (95% CI) P Value
Model 1
Trial — <0.001 — 0.83 — <0.001
Age 1.51 (1.36–1.69) <0.001 1.64 (1.50–1.79) <0.001 1.59 (1.48–1.70) <0.001
Risk of death† 1.34 (1.20–1.49) <0.001 1.41 (1.29–1.54) <0.001 1.38 (1.29–1.48) <0.001
Arterial pH at entry 0.69 (0.63–0.77) <0.001 0.68 (0.63–0.74) <0.001 0.68 (0.64–0.72) <0.001
PaO2:FIO2 at entry 0.85 (0.77–0.95) 0.004 0.88 (0.80–0.96) 0.005 0.87 (0.81–0.93) <0.001
Day 1 ∆P 1.35 (1.24–1.48) <0.001 1.50 (1.35–1.68) <0.001 1.41 (1.31–1.51) <0.001
Model 2 (including all the variables
in model 1)
Day 1 ∆P 1.32 (1.19–1.47) <0.001‡ 1.51 (1.35–1.68) <0.001‡ 1.40 (1.30–1.51) <0.001‡
Day 1 VT 1.04 (0.95–1.14) 0.42§ 1.05 (0.90–1.23) 0.52§ 1.02 (0.95–1.10) 0.58§
Model 3 (including all the variables
in model 1)
Day 1 ∆P 1.36 (1.24–1.49) <0.001‡ 1.50 (1.34–1.68) <0.001‡ 1.41 (1.32–1.52) <0.001‡
Day 1 PEEP 0.97 (0.80–1.18) 0.78§ 0.99 (0.91–1.09) 0.90§ 1.03 (0.95–1.11) 0.51§

* Relative risks are the adjusted relative risks of death associated with a 1-SD increment in the given variable. Values higher than 1 indicate in-
creased mortality. Day 1 values are for the first 24 hours after randomization. The values used for standard deviations were as follows: age,
17 years; risk of death, 26%; arterial pH, 0.09; PaO2:FIO2, 60; driving pressure (∆P), 7; positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 5 cm of wa-
ter; and tidal volume (VT), 2 ml per kilogram of predicted body weight. By normalizing relative risk in this way, we were able to compare the
strength of the association of different variables with survival as the relative risk per se (using 1/relative risk when the relative risk was <1).
For instance, in the combined analysis, ∆P had a stronger association with survival (relative risk, 1.4) than did PaO2:FIO2 (1/relative
risk = 1/0.87 = 1.15). Although it is not shown in the table, the variables day 1 plateau pressure, day 1 respiratory-system compliance, and day
1 mean airway pressure were tested before and after inclusion of ∆P in model 1 and showed no significant association with survival (see
Section II.6, Table S8, in the Supplementary Appendix). CI denotes confidence interval.
† The risk of death was calculated according to the equations of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II, APACHE
III, or Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, depending on the trial.
‡ The P value is for the test of inclusion of the variable in the model in which the variables in model 1 plus the extra covariate in the line be-
low were previously included.
§ The P value is for the test of inclusion of the variable in the model (the net contribution of the variable to predictive power in a likelihood ra-
tio test) in which the variables in model 1 plus ∆P were previously included.

backward stepwise multivariate analysis. Vari- for one variable (e.g., PEEP) but distinct mean
ables that were consistently found to be associ- levels for another ranking variable (e.g., driving
ated with survival with the use of both modeling pressure).
procedures were included in the final derivation
model. We adjusted all analyses for the trial vari- Mediation Analysis
able (Fig. S2 in the Supplementary Appendix). To investigate whether ∆P was more than a base-
The derivation model (model 1) was subsequently line risk predictor, we conducted a mediation
tested in each of the validation cohorts, as well analysis,24,25 searching for key variables that could
as in the combined data set. To show that the be linked to positive outcomes after randomiza-
prognostic information provided by ∆P was in- tion. When mediation analysis is applied to ran-
dependent of PEEP and plateau-pressure values, domized controlled trials, the goal is to determine
we resampled the combined data set (see Section whether a specific variable, strongly affected by
III.3 in the Supplementary Appendix), producing treatment-group assignment, has an effect on out-
subgroups of patients with matched mean levels comes that explains in whole or in part the effects

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

resulting from treatment-group assignment.24,25 atic changes in ventilation parameters due to

For the relevant fraction of the effect in which treatment-group assignment might affect abso-
such a variable (the “mediator” in the model) is lute values of elastance but would not affect the
implicated, the correlation with outcomes must ranking of individual elastance values within the
exceed that of treatment group, typically exhibit- respective study groups. In the Supplementary
ing an independent, dose–response relationship Appendix (Section II.4, Fig. S3), we present a
(i.e., larger mediator changes are associated with sensitivity analysis addressing this assumption.
stronger survival effects). For example, in the In addition to the covariates of model 1, we
lower-VT studies, we tested whether survival was entered baseline respiratory system tidal elas-
better explained by specific ventilatory variables tance in all regression models used for the me-
than by treatment group (the treatment group in diation analysis, a procedure that intrinsically
these studies incorporated an intention-to-treat filtered out the potential confounding caused by
bundle including various recommendations, such differences in the severity of underlying lung
as VT reduction, plateau-pressure limitation, and disease. Accordingly, the mediation analysis ex-
acidosis management). We tested four mediator clusively addressed the effect of variations in ∆P
candidates: VT, plateau pressure, PEEP, and ∆P. The related to strategy — that is, variations in ∆P
first three variables were explicit targets in the superimposed by changes in ventilator settings
protocols, whereas ∆P, which was a dependent after randomization.
variable in these studies, was the variable we
hypothesized a priori to be the key mediator. Fol- R e sult s
lowing standard procedures for mediation analy-
sis, we examined each mediator candidate through Building and Testing the Prediction Model
a sequence of four logical tests, ultimately assess- In univariate analyses in the derivation cohort,
ing whether variations in the mediator ex- several significant associations were detected
plained the mean benefit of the randomly as- between independent predictor variables and
signed treatment group, as well as assessing the survival (Table S3 in the Supplementary Appen-
dose–response effect on outcomes. dix). Two baseline variables (risk according to
We used R software, version 2.10.1, with the APACHE or SAPS and arterial pH) and two ven-
R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis (R Proj- tilator variables (FIO2 and ∆P) were significantly
ect for Statistical Computing),23,24 in which a me- associated with survival after multivariate ad-
diation proportion is estimated, indicating how justment.
much of the whole risk reduction in the treatment The test of this preliminary model in our first
group can be explained by the indirect path in validation cohort showed that baseline PaO2:FIO2
which treatment-group assignment drives a change could replace the information associated with the
in the mediator and the change in the mediator FIO2 variable (Table S7 in the Supplementary Ap-
then affects the outcome (see the Supplementary pendix), with the advantage of being externally
Appendix). We calculated an average causal me- validated.26 We also observed that age was a strong,
diation effect,24 which expressed the indepen- independent predictor of survival even though it
dent hazard (relative risk) associated with this is a component of the APACHE score. After con-
indirect path. Other analyses were conducted servatively including the trial covariate, our final
with the use of SPSS software, version 20 (SPSS). model included six variables (Table 1, model 1);
To avoid possible biases due to differences in in this model, ∆P predicted survival as accurately
the severity of the underlying respiratory disor- as did risk according to APACHE or SAPS.
der, we preadjusted all mediation models ac- Treatment-group assignment was not inde-
cording to the baseline respiratory system tidal pendently associated with survival in model 1
elastance (the reciprocal of tidal compliance). and was omitted from Table 1. This variable was
For the lower-VT trials, this calculation was not considered separately in our mediation analysis.
possible, because baseline data were frequently Testing of model 1 in the second validation co-
missing. Thus, we used the elastance ranks within hort showed a strong association with survival
each treatment group (calculated after random- (P<0.001), with all covariates conferring similar
ization) for each trial, assuming that the system- relative risks in the two cohorts.

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Driving Pressure and Survival in ARDS

Independence of Information mediation analysis23 with the use of trial as a

Even though ∆P is mathematically linked to CRS random effect, initially pooling the five VT stud-
and VT, no other ventilation variable conferred ies and then pooling the four PEEP studies (Fig.
independent predictive information to any survival S8 through S11 in the Supplementary Appendix).
model when ∆P was already a covariate. In con- A consistency analysis (Table S9 in the Supple-
trast, ∆P always conferred strong, nonredundant mentary Appendix) testing moderated mediation
predictive information when it was included in also suggested that there was consistency across
models preadjusted for other ventilator variables trials.
(Table 1, models 2 and 3; and Table S8 in the Reductions in ∆P after randomization were
Supplementary Appendix, models 2 through 5). significantly associated with better survival in
This observation was consistent in the derivation, both cohorts (step 2 of mediation analysis) (Fig.
validation, and combined cohorts. Higher ∆P pre- S8 and S9 in the Supplementary Appendix), in-
dicted lower survival consistently across trials dependently of baseline elastance of the respira-
(P = 0.13 for heterogeneity) (Fig. S4 in the Sup- tory system, and had similar effect sizes in both
plementary Appendix). cohorts (relative risk for VT trials, 0.62; 95% CI,
0.52 to 0.74; relative risk for PEEP trials, 0.57;
Risk Priority of ∆P 95% CI, 0.42 to 0.72).
Figure 1 shows that in the pooled sample (includ- For the VT and PEEP trials, treatment-group
ing 3562 patients), higher plateau pressures were assignment was an independent predictor of
observed in patients with higher ∆P or higher survival. Except for ∆P, however, no mediation
PEEP, but with different consequences (resampling candidate consistently passed through the step-
A vs. B): higher mortality was noted only when wise mediation tests (Fig. S10 and S11 in the
higher plateau pressures were observed in patients Supplementary Appendix). VT per se was not a
with higher ∆Ps. Similarly, the protective effects significant mediator in the VT trials (P = 0.68 for
of higher PEEP were noted only when there were the average causal mediation effect), and PEEP
associated decreases in ∆P (resampling B vs. C). was not a significant mediator in the PEEP trials
In addition, at constant levels of plateau pressure (P = 0.50). In contrast, ∆P mediated 75% of the
(Fig. S5 in the Supplementary Appendix), we benefits due to treatment-group assignment in
observed that VT was a strong predictor of sur- the VT trials (P = 0.004 for the average causal
vival when normalized to CRS (i.e., ∆P) but not mediation effect) and 45% of these benefits in
when normalized to predicted body weight. the PEEP trials (P = 0.001). This was enough to
We also found a strong association between suppress the significance of the direct effect of
∆P and survival even though all the ventilator the randomized treatment group, classically char-
settings that were used were lung-protective acterizing complete mediation.
(relative risk of death, 1.36; 95% confidence in- Thus, although ∆P was not an explicit target,
terval [CI], 1.17 to 1.58; P<0.001).2,11 In contrast, survival benefits in the VT trials were proportional
further reductions in plateau pressures or VT be- to reductions in ∆P driven by treatment-group
low these thresholds (plateau pressures ≤30 cm assignment rather than to reductions in VT (tested
of water and VT ≤7 ml per kilogram of predicted as a continuous variable). Similarly, the survival
body weight) had no effect on survival (Fig. S6 benefits observed in the PEEP trials occurred in
in the Supplementary Appendix). relation to reductions in ∆P rather than in rela-
Figure 2 shows the increase in the risk of tion to numerical increments in PEEP.
death as a function of progressive percentiles of
∆P in the combined population. There was also Discussion
an increase in the odds of pneumothorax requir-
ing drainage as a function of progressive percen- In trials of mechanical ventilation involving pa-
tiles of ∆P but not of VT (Fig. S7 in the Supple- tients with ARDS, in which VT and PEEP were
mentary Appendix). included as independent variables, the dependent
quantity ∆P was the variable that was most
Test of Mediation strongly associated with survival. Although cau-
After observing that ∆P was associated with out- sality can be inferred only from direct controlled
comes in each study, we performed a multilevel trials, we found, using a statistical approach that

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Resampling A: Resampling B: Resampling C:

Matched PEEP Matched ∆P Matched Plateau Pressure

40 40 40
Airway Pressure (cm of water)

30 30 30
20 20 20

10 10 PEEP 10 PEEP
0 0 0
576 607 635 574 597 566 577 696 568 582 604 574 592 622 597
No. of Patients in Subsample

2.0 2.0 2.0

1.4 1.4 1.4

Multivariate Relative Risk
of Death in the Hospital

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.7 0.7 0.7

0.5 P<0.001 0.5 P=0.61 0.5 P<0.001

0.0 0.0 0.0

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Contrast Contrast
Higher plateau pressure: Not always risky Higher PEEP: Not always protective

Figure 1. Relative Risk of Death in the Hospital across Relevant Subsamples after Multivariate Adjustment — Survival Effect of
Ventilation Pressures.
Using double stratification procedures (obtaining subgroups of patients with matched mean levels for one variable but very different
mean levels for another ranking variable; see Section III.3 in the Supplementary Appendix for details), we partitioned our data set into
five distinct subsamples (each including approximately 600 patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]) and calculat-
ed the relative risk (adjusted mortality) for each subsample in comparison with the mean risk in the combined population. The upper
stacked-bar diagrams illustrate the mean values for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), plateau pressure, and driving pressure (∆P)
observed in each subsample. The error bars represent 1 standard deviation. Each resampling (A, B, and C) produced subsamples with
similar mean values for one ventilator variable but very distinct values for the two other variables. At the bottom, the respective relative
risks for death in the hospital are shown, calculated for each subsample after multivariate adjustment (at the patient level) for the five
covariates (trial, age, risk of death according to the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation [APACHE] or Simplified Acute Physi-
ology Score [SAPS], arterial pH at entry, and PaO2:FIO2 at entry) specified in model 1. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. A
relative risk of 1 represents the mean risk of the pooled population, which had an adjusted survival rate of 68% at 60 days. Note that a
lower survival rate was observed among patients with higher ∆P and higher survival was observed among patients with lower ∆P, inde-
pendent of concomitant variations in PEEP and plateau pressure.

adjusted for the effect of underlying lung disease by random treatment-group assignment were ben-
on the mechanical characteristics of the lung, eficial only if associated with decreases in ∆P.
that ∆P was a critical mediator of the benefits of No other ventilation variable had such a mediat-
various interventions. Our analyses indicated ing effect.
that reductions in VT or increases in PEEP driven We identified the striking correlations between

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Driving Pressure and Survival in ARDS

VT and survival or between VT and barotrauma

only when we scaled VT to individual CRS values
(∆P = VT/CRS) (Fig. S5 in the Supplementary Ap- 2.5

pendix). This scaling has a strong physiological P<0.001

Multivariate Relative Risk

of Death in the Hospital
basis. In patients with ARDS, CRS is directly re- 2.0

lated to functional lung size (the volume of aer-

ated lung available for tidal ventilation).17,18 These 1.5
observations suggest that the aerated lung in a
patient with ARDS is not “stiff” but is small, 1.0
with nearly normal specific compliance (compli-
ance per unit of lung volume) in preserved areas. 0.5
The rationale underlying our mediation anal-
ysis was that ∆P was the surrogate for cyclic 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
lung strain that was most accessible and easiest Median VT
(10th–90th percentile) — ∆P (cm of water)
to calculate27; ∆P is defined as the amount of mg/kg of predicted
cyclic parenchymal deformation imposed on body weight 6.0 (5.9–7.5) 6.1 (5.8–9.2) 8.0 (5.7–12.1)
ventilated, preserved lung units. We also postu-
lated that cyclic strain predicts lung injury better Figure 2. Relative Risk of Death in the Hospital versus ∆P in the Combined
than VT. Implicitly, we hypothesized that the Cohort after Multivariate Adjustment.
functional lung size during disease is better The combined cohort (with 1249 death events) was partitioned into 15
quantified by CRS than by predicted body weight. quantiles of ∆P, and the relative risk for each quantile was calculated in
relation to the mean risk of the combined population (assumed to be 1).
Under such conditions, especially when CRS var- The mean risk and 95% confidence intervals (error bars) for each percen-
ies considerably among patients, cyclic strain, tile were calculated after multivariate adjustment at the patient level (Cox
ventilator-induced lung injury, and survival proportional-hazards model) for the five covariates (trial, age, risk of death
should all be correlated with ∆P rather than according to APACHE or SAPS, arterial pH at entry, and PaO2:FIO2 at entry)
with V T. specified in model 1. The gray zone represents the 95% confidence interval
for the Cox regression (dashed line) across the whole population when ∆P
Although this mediation analysis cannot es- is considered as a continuous variable.
tablish causality, experimental studies provide a
plausible link between ∆P and ventilator-induced
lung injury. Many studies suggest that cell and
tissue damage are more closely related to the be relevant to patients with extremely low chest-
amplitude of cyclic stretch than to the maximal wall compliances.22,31
level of stretch — that is, lung tissue can undergo The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
sustained stretching without damage.5,7,8,27-30 Network (ARDSNet) trial2 is often viewed as
Our study has a number of limitations. First, showing that low VT values per se decrease mor-
our conclusions are valid only for ventilation in tality from ARDS. However, our analyses sug-
which the patient is not making respiratory ef- gest that the efficacy of this strategy is also
forts. It is difficult to interpret ∆P in actively critically dependent on other components of the
breathing patients. Second, we studied a rela- lung-protective bundle (e.g., plateau-pressure lim-
tively narrow range of variables. Thus, extrapola- itation, respiratory-rate modification, and hyper-
tions to patients with plateau pressures greater capnia). For example, when low VT values were
than 40 cm of water, PEEPs less than 5 cm of introduced into the lung, improved survival was
water, or respiratory rates greater than 35 breaths observed only when large changes in ∆P (the
per minute are not warranted. Finally, we did not dependent variable during volume control) were
directly estimate the cyclic gradient of pressures avoided.
across the lung (transpulmonary ∆P), which is Our findings might also explain why studies
the probable effector of parenchymal injury. Be- of higher PEEPs did not show consistent survival
cause a large fraction of ∆P is typically applied benefits4,10-12; PEEP increments might be protec-
to inflate the lung in patients with severe ARDS, tive only when the increased PEEP values result
∆P was probably a reasonable surrogate for trans- in a change in lung mechanics so that the same
pulmonary ∆P. However, this approach may not VT can be delivered with a lower ∆P. This hypoth-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

esis is consistent with recent physiological stud- analysis. Clinical trials need to be designed in
ies suggesting that the benefits of PEEP are found which ventilator changes are linked to achieve
mainly in patients with greater lung recruitabil- changes in ∆P, in order to determine whether
ity,15 with some harm reported when PEEP caused our observations can be translated into changes
overdistention.15,32,33 Well-known devastating ef- that may be implemented at the bedside.
fects of zero-PEEP ventilation7,8 have been related Supported by Fundação de Amparo e Pesquisa do Estado de
to progressive atelectasis, decreased lung com- São Paulo, Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento,
and Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP).
pliance, and ultimately higher ∆P.34 Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
Finally, our work is a post hoc observational the full text of this article at

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