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Current Reality and GSAPS for Winder- Barrow High School

Christie Glaze

Kennesaw State University

ITEC 7460: Professional Learning and Instructional Technology Coaching

Dr. Jabari Cain

February 21, 2022



The current vision for technology at Winder-Barrow High School is one that focuses on

the integration of emerging technologies, providing needs-based professional learning

opportunities in technology and providing current, web-based information to inform the

community of student achievements. Currently, the school does not have an updated

technology plan that reflects the vision of the use of technology post-pandemic.

However, after discussing the latest technology plan with one of Winder-Barrow High

School’s assistant principals, I was informed of a few objectives that the administrative

team would like to add to the technology vision plan. Assistant principal, Jessica

Rehberg states, “The technology vision for Winder-Barrow High School is to move

toward 1:1 technology.” In addition, the ultimate goal for the school is to expand upon

the effective use of technology to meet the individual needs of students and to provide

them with the tools for accessing and creating useful, knowledgeable information. Ms.

Rehberg also mentioned the influence of technology as we begin to move past the

pandemic. Prior to the pandemic teachers were only introduced to technology, there

were no formal professional development training sessions to instruct teachers on how

to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms. Now, after teachers have been

forced to figure out how to build virtual learning environments, teachers are more eager

to learn new technology teaching methods and how to integrate them into their

curriculum. The general vision of Winder-Barrow High School and the Barrow County

School System is “Boldly Committed to Student Success” with its primary mission being

to ensure an exceptional education that leads each student to become a high-achieving

and responsible citizen. Rehberg noted, in order to support and stay true to the vision of

WBHS and Barrow County Schools, teachers, staff and the community must commit to

ensuring equity and accessibility to all students.

To get a clearer picture of the current vision for technology at Winder-Barrow High

School, I’ve highlighted a few points below:

● Ensure equitable access to technology to support Winder-Barrow High School’s

Vision and Mission
● Provide needs assessment-based professional learning opportunities in
technology to advance the technology literacy skills of students, emphasize the
Five Areas of Focus, and centers-on the integration of current and emerging
● Provide an educational environment in which technology enhances individual
student achievement through real-world experiences and active learning;
● Expand the use of video conferencing with experts, researchers, and college
professors to extend the classroom learning experience, with an emphasis in
science and math
● Explore new and existing educational technology resources to:
● Improve research-based instruction
● Expand learning opportunities for teachers and students
● Differentiate instruction
● Actively engage students
● Assess student performance
● Offer administrators, teachers, students and parents timely access to student
information and progress
● Provide current, web-based information to inform the community of overall
student requirements, performance, and achievement

Needs Assessment

During my interview with Rehberg, she emphasized the need for more professional

learning opportunities for teachers that are based on data. At present, there are no

defined methods to determine professional learning needs within professional learning

communities with the exception of an annual school improvement survey given to

teachers, staff, parents and students at the end of the school year. There is a section of

the survey that allows teachers to express their feelings about opportunities for growth

and professional development.

Furthermore, Rehberg noted that teachers are encouraged to evaluate needs within

each individual content area; however, professional learning needs are not led by data.

The goal of the professional learning communities is to collaborate, share effective

teaching strategies and identify individual learning needs. Teachers are encouraged to

choose their own professional learning opportunities by identifying areas of weakness

and choosing learning opportunities that would support their individual learning needs.

At the district level, school employees are encouraged to participate in various

professional development opportunities throughout the school year that will improve

their knowledge and professional capabilities. This includes professional development

within and outside the district, as long it fits within the district’s budget. Ms. Rehberg

said most content areas have a very small budget for professional development, such

as conferences, with the exception of the Career, Technical, Agriculture and Education

department. She said CTAE has the largest budget for professional development and

CTAE teachers are almost never denied a professional development opportunity.

Professional Learning

According to Ms. Rehberg, the type of professional learning provided at Winder-Barrow

High School varies across content areas. Most content areas are required to participate

in a collaborative, professional learning community based on their specific content area.


For example, a CTAE teacher who teaches Nutrition and Food Science would

participate in the Barrow County PLC, where he or she would meet with fellow Barrow

County Nutrition and Food Science teachers weekly to share effective teaching

strategies, collaborate and analyze data. Teachers are also encouraged to participate

in podcasts, conferences (within the district’s budget), workshops, seminars, self-study

courses, learning networks, observations, etc. During the interview, Ms. Rehberg made

mention of a few professional learning networks within Winder-Barrow High School.

This includes, but is not limited to, a Leadership Team, PBIS Team and Literacy Team.

When presented with the idea of a Technology Team, Ms. Rehberg was very open and

accepting of the idea. “PLC groups meet regularly to discuss teaching strategies and

ideas that can be integrated into the curriculum. Essentially, we want teachers to have

as much flexibility and autonomy as possible and we think this begins with forming PLC

groups that are centered around professional learning,” stated Rehberg.

Technology-Related Professional Learning

This school year Winder-Barrow High School has offered several technology-related

professional learning opportunities for teachers. The majority of the opportunities were

promoted within the school, but were offered at the district level. Each week, the

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Dr. Angela Moton, sends a virtual

newsletter to school employees describing upcoming professional learning.

Listed below is a list of technology-related professional learning opportunities along

with a brief description.


Technology-Related Professional Description


STEAM and Technical Theatre Training A training offered by the Georgia

Department of Education that explores
the intersections between STEAM and
Technical Theatre.

Microsoft Support and Training This professional learning is offered to

any school employee who would like
assistance with transitioning from Google
G-Suite to Microsoft. The county will
complete a full transition in 2023-2024.
The county has slowly started to transition
with an early adoption team that was
formed this school year. The Microsoft
Support team is available via Microsoft
Teams every Thursday from 3:00-4:00

PartnerUp The objective of PartnerUp is to provide

equity to Georgia students and school
districts who want to partner with GaVL to
support technology and professional
learning required to develop and sustain a
digital learning program for students. The
content provides the opportunity to train
teachers and staff on technology tools
and effective virtual instructional models.

Audio Enhancement A self-guided professional learning

offered to teachers within the district to
instruct teachers on how to integrate
Audio Enhancement technology in the

Cleartouch A self-guided professional learning to help

guide teachers on how to integrate the
new, interactive touchscreen panel into
their curriculum.


Winder-Barrow High School does not have a designated digital coach or instructional

coach to provide support after a professional learning session. Ms. Rehberg stated that

most teachers report directly to their department head or assigned assistant principal if

additional support is needed. If follow-up support cannot be provided within the school,

teachers may seek support from the district level or outside resources.

Alignment to School Improvement Goals

The optimal goal of professional learning for Winder-Barrow High School is to align all

professional development with the goals stated in the school’s improvement plan. The

school’s improvement plan identifies goals and strategies to help raise student

achievement and increase the graduation rate. Two out of three goals in the

Winder-Barrow School Improvement Plan lists professional learning as part of its action


Goal #1 is described as follows, “During the 2021-2022 school year, the number of

students on track to graduate by cohort will increase. THe 2022 Graduation Rate will

increase to 90%. The 2023 cohort on track will be 80%, the 2024 cohort on track will be

89% (currently, 84%), and the 2025 cohort on track will be 85%.” The accompanying

professional learning plan is a) to provide professional learning for each segment of the

Instructional Framework-throughout the year and as needed based on Instructional

Rounds and b) provide lesson planning professional learning during pre-planning at the

beginning of the school year.

Goal #3 in the WBHS SIP reads as follows, “Based on the HMH Reading Growth

Measure Screener, 80% of WBHS students will increase reading proficiency during the

2021-2022 school year.” This statement is followed with a targeted plan for professional

learning. The professional learning plan list the following points:

● Literacy Coach will be delivering PL to each content area during PLC’s each

● Literacy Coach will be attending the GADoe Literacy Conference and SSTAGE
Fall Conference for LIteracy
● Literacy Coach will be sending out a weekly Literacy Newsletter with
metacognition and literacy strategies for teacher to use daily

Funding and Incentives

Winder-Barrow High School receives funding for professional learning from the district

and Carl Perkins funding. According to the district’s annual budget for WInder-Barrow

High School, $6,500 was the proposed allotment for the 2021-2022 school year. This

amount is only primarily for academic content areas. CTAE instructors are given funds

for professional learning through the Carl Perkins grant. The primary use of Perkins

funds received by a district is to improve or expand career education and improve

student academic and technical performance. Perkins funds are distributed based on a

comprehensive needs assessment and summary along with a Perkins Grant

application. Approximately $1 billion dollars is made available to CTAE programs

across the United States. According to the GADOE website, allowable expenses

covered for professional learning under the Carl Perkins grant includes professional

learning that:

● Are of high quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom focused as well as a part

of a professional development plan.

● Help CTAE teachers and personnel improve student achievement

● Help CTAE teachers and personnel stay current with all aspects of an industry.

● Allow CTAE teachers to effectively develop rigorous and challenging integrated

curricula to the extent practicable.

● Develop high levels of academic and industry knowledge and skills.


● Registration for a state or national conference affiliated with a program area can

only be paid at the member rate.

When asked about incentives for professional learning, Ms. Rehberg said, “There are

no incentives for professional learning other than a certificate of completion and

recognition or acknowledgement in the school’s weekly newsletter. In previous years,

the district has awarded gift cards and gift certificates to teachers who completed the

most professional learning, but that incentive has not been offered since the districts

return from virtual learning.


Diversity is found within each professional learning community and specific content area

teams. As reported by Ms. Rehberg, there is a professional learning focused solely on

students with disabilities and there is a response to intervention professional learning

community that monitors and identifies students based on learning and behavior needs.

The school is currently seeking ways to provide and improve culturally diverse

professional learning.


Professional Learning is a layered process and covered throughout many learning

experiences over the course of the school year. Most of the professional learning

experiences take on a collaborative approach to learning. Professional Learning

Communities, also known as PLCs, have been established at Winder-Barrow High

School for each content area. Most PLCs are composed of school leaders, teachers,

and administrators. CTAE PLC groups also work with fellow teachers from across the

district. The PLC groups work together to improve the academic performance of their

students and share effective teaching strategies. The WBHS PLC groups establish a

designated meeting time, location and norms during pre-planning at the beginning of

each school year and are required to complete a PLC meeting summary form at the

conclusion of each meeting.


Unfortunately, there is no evaluation plan in place to determine the effectiveness of

professional learning at Winder-Barrow High School. Ms. Rehberg said the main

priority for professional learning is focused on teaching, specifically, how to teach and

teaching strategies. She said most teachers have the opportunity to reflect on their

teaching practices and the effectiveness of teaching strategies within their specific

content area learning communities. If a strategy or teaching method is going well,

teachers are encouraged to share with their assigned assistant principal who will then

distribute and share the information with other teachers and leaders of instruction in the

school. Teachers are also required to document strengths and weaknesses on the

school’s required PLC meeting summary form.



Winder-Barrow High School School Improvement Plan, 2021-2022

Rehberg, J.(2023, February 1). Personal interview.

FY 22 Guidance on Use of Perkins V Funds (2022). Georgia Department of Education.

Georgia Department of Education. Retrieved from

The means by which teachers, administrators, and other staff acquire, enhance, and refine
the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions necessary to create and support high levels
of learning for all students

Professional Learning Standard 1: Aligns professional learning with needs identified

through analysis of a variety of data

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Professional Professional Professional Professional

learning needs are learning needs are learning needs are learning needs are
identified and identified through a identified using identified using
differentiated collaborative limited sources of little or no data.
through a analysis process data.
collaborative using a variety of
analysis process data (e.g., student
using a variety of achievement data,
data (e.g., student examination of
achievement data, student work,
examination of process data,
student work, teacher and leader
process data, effectiveness data,
teacher and leader action research
effectiveness data, data, perception
action research data from students,
data, perception staff, and families).
data from students,
staff, and families).
Ongoing support is
provided through

EVIDENCE: According to assistant principal, Jessica Rehberg, professional learning

needs are not identified through a collaborative analysis process and are not

data-driven. Currently, teachers can express their learning needs directly to their
department head or assigned assistant principal.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Implement a data-driven process to identify high areas of need

for professional learning. The school can do this by issuing a student and staff
perception survey , then assess the data to determine the professional learning needs
for that would best fit the needs of the school.

Professional Learning Standard 2: Establishes a culture of collaboration among

administrators and staff to enhance individual and collective performance

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators Administrators Administrators Administrators

and staff, as a and staff routinely and staff routinely and staff routinely
foundational collaborate to collaborate to collaborate to
practice, improve individual improve individual improve individual
consistently and collective and collective and collective
collaborate to performance (e.g., performance (e.g., performance (e.g.,
support leadership construct construct construct
and personal knowledge, knowledge, knowledge,
accountability and acquire skills, acquire skills, acquire skills,
to enhance refine practice, refine practice, refine practice,
individual and provide feedback). provide feedback). provide feedback).
performance (e.g.,
acquire skills,
refine practice,
provide feedback).
Teachers conduct
action research
and assume
ownership of

learning processes.

EVIDENCE: Winder-Barrow High School has weekly content specific professional

learning community meetings, monthly faculty meetings, weekly Microsoft
Support, and professional learning days throughout the school year.
Faculty Handbook

RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend the district add more diverse

professional learning to fit the needs of all students and staff at Winder-Barrow
High School. I would also suggest that the school give more opportunities for
teachers across various content areas to collaborate and share share effective
teaching strategies.

Professional Learning Standard 3: Defines expectations for implementing

professional learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators, Administrators, Administrators, Administrators,

teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or teacher leaders, or
both consistently both regularly both occasionally both rarely, if ever,
define expectations define expectations define expectations define expectations
for the for the for the for the
implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of
professional professional professional professional
learning, including learning. learning. learning.
details regarding
the stages of
and how
monitoring will
occur as

EVIDENCE: The expectations for implementing professional learning are vague.


There is one required, weekly professional learning at WBHS; however there

aren’t any clearly defined methods to determine if the professional learning is
improving student learning.

RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend the school establish a well-defined

process for teachers to document the progress of student learning after
professional learning.
Evaluating professional learning: Measuring educator and student outcomes

Professional Learning Standard 4: Uses multiple professional learning designs to

support the various learning needs of the staff

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Staff members Staff members Some staff Staff members

actively participate actively participate members are receive single,
in job-embedded in professional engaged in stand-alone
professional learning, most of professional professional
learning that which is learning that learning events
engages job-embedded, makes use of more that are
collaborative which includes than one learning informational and
teams in a variety multiple designs design to address mostly large-group
of appropriate (e.g., collaborative their identified presentation
learning designs lesson study, needs. designs.
(e.g., collaborative analysis of student
lesson study, work,
analysis of student problem-solving
work, problem sessions,
solving sessions, curriculum
curriculum development,
development, coursework, action
coursework, action research, classroom
research, observations,
classroom online networks) to
observations, support their
online networks). various learning
Professional needs. Professional
learning includes learning includes
extensive follow-up follow-up with
with descriptive feedback and
feedback and coaching.

EVIDENCE: Winder- Barrow High School needs improvement in the areas of follow-up
and diversity of professional learning. WBHS does not have a current professional
learning plan in place to address the impact of professional learning, follow-up with
feedback and coaching.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff and students at WBHS can benefit greatly from the
addition of an instructional coach and follow-up surveys for students and staff after
professional learning has taken place.

Professional Learning Standard 5: Allocates resources and establishes systems to

support and sustain effective professional learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Extensive resources Adequate resources Some resources Few, if any,

(e.g., substitute (e.g., substitute and systems are resources and
teachers, materials, teachers, materials, allocated to systems are
handouts, tools, handouts, tools, support and provided to
stipends, stipends, sustain support and
facilitators, facilitators, professional sustain
technology) and technology) and learning. professional
systems (e.g., systems (e.g., learning.
conducive conducive
schedules, schedules, adequate
adequate collaborative time,
collaborative time, model classrooms)
model classrooms) are in place to
are allocated to support and sustain
support and professional
sustain effective learning.
Opportunities to
practice skills,
receive follow-up,
feedback, and
coaching are
provided to
support the
effectiveness of

EVIDENCE: Winder-Barrow High School has done a great job improving and adding
useful resources in classrooms. Although we have not met our 1:1 technology goal, most

classrooms and subject areas have enough Chromebooks and technology tools to fit the
needs of most students in the classroom.

RECOMMENDATIONS: I would recommend the school identify resources needed to

accommodate students with disabilities in an inclusive classroom setting.
Setting Up a Disability-Inclusive Curriculum

Professional Learning Standard 6: Monitors and evaluates the impact of

professional learning on staff practices and student learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Monitoring and Monitoring and Monitoring and Monitoring and

evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the evaluating the
impact of impact of impact of impact of
professional professional professional professional
learning on staff learning on staff learning on staff learning on staff
practices and practices and practices occurs practices occurs
increases in student learning sporadically. rarely, if ever.
student learning occurs routinely.
occurs extensively.
Evaluation results
are used to identify
and implement
processes to extend
student learning.

EVIDENCE: Winder-Barrow High school does not make an effort to monitor or evaluate
the impact of professional learning on staff practices and increases in student learning.
There is no clear connection to determine which professional learning practice is
effective. Most evaluation efforts are focused on test scores.

Winder-Barrow High School should focus on improving evaluation methods and
assessing the results of those methods.

Evaluating professional learning: Measuring educator and student outcomes

KSU ITEC Professional Learning Standard: Professional learning reinforces

educators’ understanding and use of strategies for promoting equity and high
expectations for all students, application of research-based teaching strategies and
assessment processes, and involvement of families and other stakeholders in
promoting student learning.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Classroom practices Classroom Classroom Classroom

(e.g., considering practices of most practices of some practices reflect
teachers reflect teachers reflect little or no evidence
strengths, and
skill in evidence of of teachers’
preferences to communicating teachers’ training training in
provide meaningful, high expectations in understanding understanding the
relevant lessons and for each student the impact that impact that
assess student and adjusting attitudes attitudes regarding
progress, classroom regarding race, race, disabilities,
activities to meet disabilities, background,
instruction, and
nurturing student
student needs. background, culture, high
capacity for Respect for culture, high expectations, and
self-management) of students’ cultures expectations, and social class of both
all teachers reflect and life social class of students and
an emotionally and experiences is both students and
physically safe
teachers have on
evident through teachers have on the teaching and
environment where
the emotionally the teaching and
respect and learning process.
appreciation for a and physically safe learning process.
diverse population is learning
evident. There are environment
high achievement where students of
expectations for all diverse
students and
backgrounds and
teachers. The
experiences are
principal and other
leaders provide taught the school
professional code of conduct
learning for teachers (customs) to help
lacking them be successful
understanding of the in the school
impact that attitudes
regarding race,
background, culture,
high expectations,
and social class of
both students and
teachers have on the
teaching and
learning process.

EVIDENCE: Teachers at Winder-Barrow High continuously strive to make their

classroom more culturally diverse; however, there is no professional learning provided

to ensure all diversity needs are met. Cultural competence is not evident and there are
no professional learning plans in place to assist teachers with this area of teaching.

RECOMMENDATIONS: A school-wide training with a diversity coach and/or licensed

psychologist to facilitate professional learning at the beginning and middle of the school
Look Inward to Challenge Your Racial Bias

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