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NAME: _____________________________
1.- Present Simple Affirmative:

- My cat ________ all day. (sleep)

- Susan ________ in a small flat. (live)
- Susan and Tom ______ chess together. (play)
- My best friend _______ to the school (walk)
- I ______ Netflix series. (watch)
- Dogs ______ meat . (like)
- My friend _____ to swimming class. (go)
- My brother ______ to reggaetón every day. (listen)
- You _______ video games. (love)
- Ana ______ Harry Potter books. (read)
- You and I ________ English . (study)
- My parents dogs _____ really high. (jump)
- Your sister ______ uniform at school. (wear)
- We ______ things on e-bay. (buy)
- She ________ horror films. (watch)
- My mom ______ the guitar. (play)
- They _____ a beautiful letter. (write)
- Alice ______ a lot. (cry)
- Turtles _____ slow. (walk)

2.- Write a text about you, using present simple. (just 30


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