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Office of the Executive Engineer Sub- Transmission Division Kargil


Consequent upon the shutdown of 10 MVA Transformer at 2x1OMVA Kargil receiving station, on
operation of Bucholz Relay, and subsequent Dissolve Gas Analysis, RECPDCL deputed TESLA
Personnel Mr vinayak for Diagnose and rectification. He arrived at site on 24/06/2022. The following test
were carried out:

1, Voltage ratio test.

2. vector group test.

3.LV side low voltage charging current test.

4. Magnetic balance test.

5. Winding resistance test.

6. short cireuit test.(LV side current)

7. IR Value of HV-carth, LV-carth and HV-LV

The results of these tests are attached.

Based upon the result of this test Mr vinayak recommended that the 10MVA transformer be charged
after filtration of oil. Filtration of oil of the transformer was carried out and oil sample was taken for DGA
analysis and the transtormer was charged on no load on 27/06/22 for 12 hours. After 12 hrs the
transformer was put on load and didn't show any bucholz alarm or trip. It was also decided that oil sample
will be taken again after I week (168 hrs on load) of the 10MVA transformer for Dissolve Gas Analysis
so that final conclusion be drawn about the condition of 10 mva Transformer. r t BDV kks 6o

Mr Vinayak Tncharge ficharge E


25 06
1 S oh v s

Sub Transmissido Division Kargil

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