Kanhaiya Lal Vs State of Rajasthan 2021

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S.B. Criminal Miscellaneous Bail Application No. 1581/2021

Kanhaiyalal S/o Bherulal, Aged About 27 Years, Kharol Mohalla,

Village Ladpach, Police Station Railmagra, District Rajsamand
(Raj.). (At Present Lodged In District Jail Udaipur).
State, Through P.p.

For Petitioner(s) : Mr. NK Gurjar

For Respondent(s) : Mr. Vikram Sharma, PP


Judgment / Order


Heard learned counsel for the petitioner as well as learned

Public Prosecutor and also perused the material on record.

The petitioner has been arrested in FIR No.429/2020 of

Police Station Hiranmagri District Udaipur for the offences

punishable under Sections 376 IPC and under Section 67-A IT Act.

He has preferred this bail application under Section 439 Cr.P.C.

Learned counsel for the petitioner has submitted that from

the statements of prosecutrix recorded under Section 164 CrPC, it

is clear that she was in relationship with the petitioner from the

year, 2019. It is also submitted that the prosecutrix is a major

married lady and she developed physical relationship with the

petitioner as per her own consent, however, later on, she has filed

this false complaint only for extraneous reasons.

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(2 of 2) [CRLMB-1581/2021]

Learned Public Prosecutor has opposed the bail application.

Having regard to the totality of the facts and circumstances

of the case, without expressing any opinion on the merits of the

case, I deem it just and proper to grant bail to the accused

petitioner under Section 439 Cr.P.C.

Accordingly, this bail application filed under Section 439

Cr.P.C. is allowed and it is directed that petitioner Kanhaiyalal S/o

Bherulal shall be released on bail in connection with FIR

No.429/2020 of Police Station Hiranmagri District Udaipur

provided he executes a personal bond in a sum of Rs.50,000/-

with two sound and solvent sureties of Rs.25,000/- each to the

satisfaction of learned trial court for his appearance before that

court on each and every date of hearing and whenever called upon

to do so till the completion of the trial.



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