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Prof. Ed. 3

The CLASSROOM is a SACRED place where the meeting of the

MINDS and ENGAGEMENT of ideas happen, it is also a place where learners
pursue in a FREE market of experiences as they share their feelings and insights.
An effective classroom management helps a lot in shaping children’s
motivation in school. Virtually, it equates with positive classroom climate,
manifested in the teachers’ high expectations, encouragement, warmth, and
pleasant physical surrounding.
There are interesting ways of conceiving the task of establishing classroom
management. WE picture s triangle, the vertices of which represents the three (3)
components of classroom management:

1. CONDUCT MANAGEMENT - it focuses on rules and consequences inside the

2. COVENANT MANAGEMENT - it deals with teachers’ ability to focus on
relationship between the school and the home, the teachers and learners, and the
students and among themselves.
3. CONTENT MANAGEMENT- it symbolizes by the way in which the space and all
the variables (adaptability) in the classroom are controlled.

LIKEWISE, we cannot underestimate the two different features that dominate in

the classroom:
1. ORDERLINESS - accounts for objects and other teaching and learning equipment
that are labeled and arranged in their proper places, examples; Setting
arrangement, chairs and tables, cleanliness of the classroom, entire classroom is
without any litter or unfinished pupils works or outputs.

2. EXCITEMENT- it refers to classroom attractiveness, the room atmosphere. It

entails accounts for displays or decorative materials and the ability of the teacher
to MAKE LEARNING HAPPEN in the classroom.


Effective teachers are important factors in shaping student motivation. What
are the expected characteristics of an effective teacher for effective instruction?


Teachers’ knowledge of the subject matter and the ways how to deliver it have
something to do with learners’ readiness to absorb new learning. The issue of HOW
to “TEACH IT” involves some degree of motivational strategies:

1. Communication Skills - (ability to communicate ideas, manner of delivery) the

paralinguistic and metalinguistic techniques in communication.
2. Leadership (empowered teacher) Teacher’s ability to LEAD and GUIDE the
learners, WE do not drive them; we leaf them to the right path. We must not
only “transactional” mentors but also TRANSFORMATIONAL leader who are
capable of transcending authentic learning.
3. Human Relations (working with variety of people)
WE should know how to deal with our colleagues, subordinates, to our
superiors. As show our positive concern for people at work, we must allow
negative thoughts to destroy our goodwill and the prestige of the teaching
4. Technology Literacy (IT skills)
We should practice the use of advance technology in teaching. There
should be NO “technophobia’s” or digital divide where we find ourselves
AWKWARD at using the modernized teaching platforms.


1. Signal the students when we are about to begin with the lesson.
2. Present the materials (teaching devices) in the simplest way possible.
3. Observe proper time limits (interval) in the presentation.
4. Given enough time and opportunities to use what they have learned.
5. Allow them for evaluation of their understanding.
6. Check their understanding to make sure they are on the right
7. Provide with practice and later with praxis (exercises/drills).
8. Encourage them to elaborate their answer for them to see which
parts of the lesson still needs to be stressed.
9. Teach and RE-TEACH pupils until they MASTER the needed skills
and application of it.
10. Emphasize is important and what is not.
11. When we move to another lesson, use a signal to let them know
that we are moving from one lesson to new one.
12. Provide constant feedback.
13. Check constantly for students understanding.
14. Acknowledge and elaborate their responses. Give recognition
and proper measures of praises.
15. Find ways through which teacher can make the lesson more
interesting, worthwhile and meaningful.
16. Inform learners if there are changes in routines.
17. Believe in their ABILITY and individual competencies as they
increase the level of their academic self-concept and self-efficacy.

LSPU 2023

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