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Jan. 15, 1952 H. L.


Filed Dec. 14, 1946 4. Sheets-Sheet l


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Vazzes AdS/zzezovs
Jan. 15, 1952 H. L. BARNEBEY ETAL 2,582,899
Filed Dec. 4, 946 4. Sheets-Sheet 2


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Jan. 15, 1952 H. L. BARNEBEY ETA 2,582,899
Filed Dec. 4, 1946 4. Sheets-Sheet 3
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Jan. 15, 1952 2,582,899
Filed Dec. l4, 1946

Patented Jan. 15, 1952 2,582,899


Herbert L. Barnebey, Richland Township, Alle
gheny County, and James R. Shields, Pitts
burgh, Pa., assignors to Blaw-Knox Company,
Blawnox, Pa., a corporation of New Jersey
Application December 14, 1946, Serial No. 716,412
2 Claims. (CI, 23-290)
1. 2
Our invention relates to the processing of fluids Our method relates to co-current processing
to effect certain reactions in which factors of particularly for fat splitting, and renders yields
time, temperature, agitation and preSSure are of co-current treatment for this purpose com
important, and is for an apparatus and method parable to the results achieved by counter cur
for continuously effecting the reaction. rent treatment, yet simplifies the processing. It
Typical operations which are now carried out effects a large production from a small and rela
as batch processes because of the difficulty of Se tively inexpensive plant. The fluids are main
curing economically high yields by existing con tained at high temperature in the liquid state,
tinuous operations, and to which this invention and are combined and agitated to produce a large
is applicable, are certain types of hydrolysis, poly interface area for a relatively brief and precisely
merization, esterification, hydrogenation, etc. controlled reaction time. The products are then
In such typical processes the fluids to be proc Separated under conditions of pressure and tem
essed, of which there may be one or more, includi perature which promote their concentration and
ing in some cases suspensions of Solid particles in purity.
other fluids, are raised to the desired pressure, In the use of our method and apparatus the
heated to reaction temperature, agitated and fluid or fluids are introduced into and removed
maintained at controlled temperature and pres from a reactor at a controlled rate which main
sure conditions for a definite period of time, foll tains and varies according to pressure conditions
lowed by the removal of the product or products in the system. The entering fluid is uniformly
with the lowering of the pressure and tempera and quickly temperature conditioned or pre
ture and frequently the separation of gaseous heated before entering the reactor and in the
and liquid constituents. Our improved process reactor controlled temperatures are maintained
and apparatus have especial utility in the treat While the fluid is agitated. Our reactor prefer
ing of fats by heat and pressure to split the tri ably embodies a series of communicating com
glyceride into its fatty acid and glycerine com 25 partments in a common vessel, with agitating
ponents, and will be hereinafter specifically de means in each compartment. Material is con
scribed in this connection. tinuously Supplied to one end compartment of the
In many such chemical processes, high pres reactor and withdrawn from the compartment
sure at the high temperature is useful to main at the opposite end, the material progressing
tain one or more fluids in a liquid state, which 30 through each compartment in succession. Agii
because of its density permits the volumetric size tation and thermal treating of the fluid is thus
of the vessels to be a minimum; and agitation effected, while the probability that any single
Serves to maintain a large interface area be portion or fraction will be over or under-treated
tween mutually immiscible fluid reactants, or to is greatly reduced, and treatment of the mate
disperse Suspended solid reactants uniformly 35 rial is rendered as uniform as possible. Thus by
through a liquid mass, causing the reaction to be regulation of flow and pressure, uniform tem
accelerated. perature conditioning, and multiple stage agita
It is well known that in many reactions, the tion, an efficient processing of the fluid continu
yields increase, and the reaction is further ac ously is provided. The outflow of the reactor is,
celerated, as the temperature and pressure are 40 as above indicated, controlled to provide the de
raised. In some cases the reaction time may be sired back pressure therein and rate of discharge
reduced from periods conveniently measured in therefrom, and the discharged fluid is reduced to
hours to periods necessarily measured in minutes a lower pressure, for example to atmospheric.
or Seconds. This acceleration renders the con pressure, in a blow-down tank or receiver, which
trol of flow, mixing, thermal treatment, and de 45 may also provide temperature regulation and, in
tention time extremely critical. One of our ob many operations, 'quench' or arrest the reaction
jects is to make available for commercial appli at the desired point. . -
cations the known advantages of high pressure In the treatment of fats, as above suggested,
treatment, and to bring about the utilization of the fat and feedwater, flowing at a predetermined
pressures substantially higher than have hereto rate and in the proper proportions, are separately
fore been considered practicable. preheated continuously with relatively small.
Our apparatus provides sensitive control of the amounts undergoing... heating at any given in
above mentioned factors adapted to achieve ex stant. This may be done by passing the two
cellent results in continuous co-current treat liquids through Small diameter coils in a heat.
ment at high pressures though the time of proc 5 exchanger at a properly controlled rate of flow,
essing be extremely short. - S0 that while the volume at any given instantis
3 4.
small, the heating is uniform and occurs in a fluid, which may of course be a mixture of Sev
known or controlled time interval. The liquids eral Substances, and may include divided Solids
are kept separate at this stage to avoid any reac in Suspension.
tion during preheating. In Fig. 1 there are shown two feed tanks 2 and
They are then discharged to combine together 2' which may be alternatively used as the source
in the desired ratio into one end of the reactor of material to be treated in the Continuous SyS
under a temperature which may be between tem. These tanks are illustrated as being
450° F. and the critical temperature of water equipped with motor-driven agitators. The feed
in the mixture, which is in the vicinity of 706 ing of the material to be treated is controlled
F., and at pressures somewhat above the vapor valves 3 and 3' at the bottoms of the feed tanks.
pressures of the liquid at these temperatures, as They deliver material into a pipe 4 in which there
from about 420 lbs. per square inch to about may be conveniently located a rotameter 5 which
3200 lbs. per square inch. Improved results may merely indicates the rate of flow of fluid through
be secured between the temperature range of the pipe. The pipe is connected to the suction
about 500 F. and the critical temperature of War side of a feed pump 6. The feed pump illus
ter, and at pressures maintaining the fluids liq trated is a two-cylinder proportioning pump,
uid; and a preferred temperature range is be i. e., reciprocating pump having an adjustable
tween about 600 F and about 706 F. The na stroke whereby the delivery rate can be changed
terials thus proceed together through a multiple When desired. The output of the pump flows
compartment reactor as outlined above, the im through pipe 7 to a pre-heater 8. Between the
miscible phases being dispersed by agitation to pump and the pre-heater there is connected into
establish a large interface area in each compart the pipe 7 a flow cushion device 9, this flow.
ment. The products from the reactor flow into cushion device comprising a tank in the lower
a decanter where the temperature is reduced, portion of which is a quantity of the liquid being
partly by permitting escape of water vapor to a treated and in the upper portion of which is
condenser at lower pressure which also effects a a volume of gas under pressure, the purpose of
preliminary concentration of Sweet Water, and the flow cushion being to maintain an even preS
in this vessel the liquid products are detained sure in the flow of liquid, notwithstanding the
to permit gravity separation. The fatty acid pulsating character of the discharge from the
and concentrated sweet water are drawn off into : pulp.
separate blow-down tanks maintained at Sub The pre-heater 8 may be of any known or pre
stantially atmospheric pressure, effecting final ferred construction. Preferably it comprises a
concentration of these liquids, and the Water coil 0 of small diameter pipe with a considerable
vapor flashing therefrom is condensed and pref number of convolutions, so that the coil has a
erably recycled to conserve any Small amount of : very Substantial length, This coil is Within a
glycerine which it may contain. The degree of vessel f in which is retained a bath of heating
cooling which is effected in the decanter is in liquid or vapor, the bath being maintained at a
fluenced by such factors as avoiding Solidifica predetermined constant temperature. Conven
tion of the fatty acids on the One hand, and a. iently the vessel is generally cylindrical with
fair concentration of Sweet water and insolubility 40 a dome-shaped top, and is filled a little more
of the fatty acids therein on the other. It is pre than half full with a suitable heating liquid such
ferred to cool the products in the decanter Suf as water or other fluids, preferably using a eutec
ficiently to allow only a Small amount of the dis tic mixture of diphenyl and diphenyl oxide
solved fatty acids to remain in Solution. Suit ("Dowtherm'), the space above this level con
able temperatures for the decanter range be taining vapor of this liquid. Immersion type
tween 300° F. and 500 F., not exceeding in any electrical heaters enter the liquid bath from be
case, of course, the temperature of the reactor; low, extending upwardly parallel to the axis of
and the temperatures between 450° F. and 480 the coil 10, and they may be regulated by any
F. are preferred, which generally is sufficient to suitable preferred temperature regulator indi
prevent presence of dissolved fatty, acids in sweet 50 cated Schematically at 2. The electrical heat
water exceeding 1%. ers themselves are designated 3. These electri
The entire apparatus for effecting the method cal heaters boil the "Dowtherm.'
can be compactly arranged and operates con The long length of Small diameter pipe is SO
tinuously, whereby the output for a relatively proportioned that the material being pumped
small amount of plant space and equipment is 55 through it flows with considerable velocity, and
high. is in the coil but a relatively short time. During
Our invention may be more fully understood this time, however, it contacts a large area of
by reference to the accompanying drawings, in heating Surface, So that. When it is discharged
Which: into pipe 4, its temperature has been raised
Fig. 1 is a schematic view of an apparatus con 60 to a predetermined desired point approximating
structed and operating in accordance with our the temperature of the fluid in the pre-heater.
invention; The pipe 4 delivers fluid into the bottom of
Fig. 2 is a vertical section through the reactor the autoclave which is designated generally as.
unit or autoclave, the top and bottom of the re 85 i5, and which comprises a vessel 6 of Sufi-.
actor, however, being shown in elevation; ciently heavy structure to resist the pressures to
Fig. 3 is a Schematic view similar to Fig, 1, which the fluid in the autoclave is subjected.
showing an apparatus, specifically for the treat Passing through one end (in this instance, the
ment of fats; and bottom) of the autoclave and extending into
Fig. 4 is a vertical section through the fluid the interior thereof is an agitator shaft 7, and
preheater. 70 which has a plurality of agitating elements or im
Referring to the drawings, Fig. 1 illustrates pellers 8, 9. and 20 thereon. The interior of
one arrangement of our invention adapted for the vessel 6 is divided horizontally by partitions
the treating of one or more fluids. For the pur or diaphragms 2 into a vertical Series of con
pose of simplification, the present description partments or chambers. The diaphragms, are ill
will be confined to the treatment of a single 75 lustrated, providing Within the autoclave three
compartments or chambers designated 24, 25 and through, the exact size of which may be experi
26. The impellers 8, 9 and 20 are located in mentally determined in the field, so as to pro
the compartments 24, 25 and 26 respectively. vide a uniform discharge from the autoclave.
Around the impeller shaft , each of the dia Beyond the orifice plate, pipe 33 discharges into.
phragms 2 has an opening providing restricting blow-down tank 40 where separation of vapors
communication around the shaft from one com and liquids may occur, the treated liquid being
partment to the next. This opening is restricted Withdrawn from the bottom of the tank and the
So that the materials passing from compartment vapors flowing out of the top of the tank to be
to compartment at the rate of flow desired will condensed or otherwise disposed of.
have a considerable velocity. O The orifice plate may be omitted if desired,
There should be no less than there compart but when it is used, the pressure regulating valve
ments in the autoclave, and there is no particul and the orifice plate are so proportioned that
lar advantage in increasing the number of come with the maximum pressure drop entirely across
partments above six, but the number of compart the orifice, that is, with the regulating valve wide.
ments may range between three and six, depend open, the flow through the orifice will equal the
ing upon the nature of the process, the material flow delivered by the pump 6, when the autoclave
being treated, and the size of the vessel, pressure is only a small amount less than the
The autoclave is provided with baffles extend desired autoclave pressure. The regulating valve
ing upwardly along the sides of the interior of is adjusted so as to always somewhat throttle the
the vessel to retard or prevent the Swirling of the 20 flow of fluid from the autoclave, and the back
contents, these baffles being designated 27. pressure on the orifice should always be a little
Around the exterior of the baffle S are electric less than the autoclave pressure, but the pres
resistance heaters in the form of bands 28 to sure drop would be maintained by means of the
supply additional heat, if necessary, for the pressure valve Substantially constant across the
particular reaction for which the autoclave is 25 orifice so that the flow through the regulating
constructed. Around the heating elements is a waive and the orifice in series will be substantially
jacket 29 filled with heat insulating material. It uniform. In other words, the pressure regulating
will be appreciated, of course, that in lieu of elec valve interposed between the autoclave and the
tric heating elements, hot liquid or vapor may orifice plate, compensates for such variations in
be circulated around the exterior of the auto 30 pressure as may occur, and assures the out-flow
clave within the jacket 29 where lower tempera from the autoclave being equal to the in-flow,
tures are desired, or in lieu of the electrical heat whereby any predetermined pressure condition
ers, and that, if the reaction in the autoclave is may be maintained in the autoclave. This may
an exothermic reaction, the exterior of the auto be in some cases effected by the regulating valve
clave might be cooled instead of heated. 35 alone.
. The separation of the chamber within the From the foregoing description, it will be seen
autoclave into from three to six separate con that our invention provides a method and appa
partments having restricted communication with ratus for the continuous treatment in a pressure
one another is important. Where treating times vessel of one or more fluids with the probabilities
are short as provided in our high-pressure ap 40 being against any very substantial percentage of
paratus, greater precision in detention time con the material being in the treating chamber too
trol becomes paramount. Agitation and mixing short or too long a time. The presence of a
also promote rapid reaction but generally cause separate agitator in each compartment insures
(or at least do not hinder) unequal paths and thorough mixing and also eliminates the possi
velocities of various portions of the materials, and bility of any straight line flow axially through
do not help insure against short circuiting of the autoclave or reactor, and the presence of the
some portions of the material and overlong treat baffles to prevent swirling avoids stratification
ment of other portions. The construction de that might otherwise occur due to the centrifu
scribed tends to correct these faults and to pro gal action of the contents of the vessel whirling
vide treatment of most of the materials for the around inside the vessel.
desired length of time. Uniformity of treatment is also achieved by the
The impeller shaft which extends through the process of preheating, wherein the fluid under
bottom of the autoclave or reactor passes treatment flows at high Velocity through a long
through a bearing 30 through which lubricant pipe of small diameter. Each portion of mate
under pressure is circulated, the temperature of 5 rial entering the reactor has by this arrange
the lubricant being regulated so as to also cool ment been preheated for exactly, or very nearly
the bearing. Below the bearing is a driving the same length of time as any other portion, SO
mechanism designated generally as 3. that inequalities due either to under-heating or
At the top of the reactor or autoclave there is over-heating are avoided.
a cover 32, and an outlet pipe 33 leads from the 60 By using a proportioning pump, the Speed of
cover to a pressure controlling or regulating valve circulation of the material through the System
schematically illustrated at 34, and which is of can be very accurately predetermined, and regu
any known or preferred construction. The reg lated, and the in-put adjusted to the capacity of
ulating valve is controlled by a recording pres the unit at the time of reaction and the pressure
sure controller schematically illustrated at 35, 65 conditions.
and which is responsive to the pressure within Thus our method and apparatus provide for
the autoclave, there being a pressure connection the continuous processing of liquids in a preSSure
36 from the controller to pipe 3 communicat vessel, or like reactor, in which all conditions
ing with the interior of the autoclave, the pipe favor the material being acted on for the Opti
37 being provided with a fitting 38 which re 70 mum period of time under the optimum condi
ceives a rupture disk or other safety relief ele tions of pressure and temperature. They further
ment. provide means for treating large quantities of
Beyond the pressure controlling or regulating materials by continuous co-current flow at high
valve 34 there may be connected in the pipe 33
an orifice plate 39, having a hole drilled there--.
temperatures in a space of small volume, by main
5 taining the reactants at liquid densities and keeps
7 8
ing immiscible phases effectively dispersed to At an intermediate position between the top and
produce a large interface. area during the opti the bottom of the decanter is a second outlet
mum period of time, although that time be a pipe TO which introduces the fatty acids from the
very short one. - decanter through nozzle 7 into the fatty acid
The blow-down vessel 40 into which the treat blow-down tank T2. This fatty acid blow-down
ed material is driven, and which may, if desired, tank also has a drainpipe 73 at the bottom there
be provided with cooling coils, or other tempera of, and a vapor off-take pipe 74 that connectS.
ture regulating means, may in many operationS. into the vapor outlet pipe 69 from the first blow
also serve as a quenching tank or vessel to arrest. down tank. -
The decanter has a vapor outlet pipe 75 at the:
the reaction at the desired point. For example
in processes involving the polymerization of fluid top thereof into which the pipe 69 also connects,
under predetermined conditions of heat and preS-. so that vapors from all three vessels may be de
sure, the release of pressure upon discharge of livered to a condenser 76. The condenser 76 has.
the material through the orifice plate and its ex a condensate discharge pipe 77 which leads back
pansion in the quench tank, coupled in Sone to the tank 50 so that condensed water and other
cases with cooling, will arrest the polymerization vapors may be recycled. The condenser may
at the desired point. . have a vent 78 for the uncondensable gases.
For one specific application of the foregoing Manual or automatic valves may be used to
invention to the process of fat splitting, reference control the flow of fluids from the decanter, ar
may be had to Figs. 3 and 4, in which there are rangements, known to the art and schematically
two vessels 50 and 5 which may be provided With illustrated being indicated so as to maintain the
heaters as indicated to raise the temperature of pressure in the decanter at a predetermined
the fiuid therein to a point above room tempera point below the pressure in the autoclave.
ture, but below the reaction temperature. Tank For the splitting of fatty substances, the water
50 contains fat substance which is of course in and fat are delivered by the pumps at pressures
the nature of a triglyceride, while the tank 5 sufficient to maintain them liquid, heated to a
may be for water. At the bottom of the tank 50 temperature of the Order previously mentioned,
there is an outlet pipe which delivers to a propor and delivered to the autoclave or reactor.
tioning or other pump 52 that gives a controlled In the autoclave under the conditions of heat,
regulated output. The liquid fat discharged from pressure and agitation, and in the presence of
the pump 52 is forced through pipe 53 into a pre water, the fat is split into fatty acid and glycerine,
heating coil 54 located in the decanter to be here which is discharged through the decanter. Be
after more fully described, whereby it is Warmed cause of the sensible heat of these products in
in heat exchange relation with the hot fluids in the decanter, a substantial amount of the water
the decanter, From the discharge end of this 35 evaporates and escapes at a controlled rate
coil is a pipe 55 that leads into the final pre through valve 75 to be condensed and re-cycled
heating coil 56a in a heater 56, which is shown in as described, while gravity separation of the fatty
detail in Fig. 4, and which corresponds generally acids and the glycerine solution takes place, the
to the heater 8 hereinbefore described, and is fatty acid rising to the top of the glycerine Solu
comprised of an immersion type electric heater 40 tion. Some of the heat of the fluids in the de
57 in a vessel 58 filled partially with high boiling canter is effectively utilized in the heat exchange
point liquid, and partially with the vapor of Such coil 54 for preheating the fat before it goes to
liquid. The coil 56a is a long length of Small di the heating coil .56a. By these means of evapora
ameter pipe. Because of the small diameter the tion and heat exchange, the contents of the de
total volumetric capacity of the heating coil is 4: canter are brought to a desired lower tempera
Small so that the fat substance does not remain ture of the order previously mentioned, the
too long in this coil and the flow is continuous, Sweet-water substantially increased in concen
but because of the great length there is adequate tration, and the solubility of fatty acids therein
heat exchange surface to bring the fat up to the substantially reduced. The sweet-water being
desired temperature. From the discharge end of withdrawn from the bottom of the decanter into
the heating coil 56a the fat is discharged through the blow-down tank 67 is still at the approxi
pipe 59 into the bottom of the agitating multiple mate temperature in the decanter. Low pressure
chamber autoclave 60 which is generally similar is maintained in the blow-down tank, the water
to that previously described, and which need not which is carried with it is flashed into steam and
be again described in detail, except to state that. escapes through pipe 69 while the liquid glycerine
in this particular unit the motor for driving the collects in the bottom from which it is withdrawn.
agitator is indicated as being located at the top of Likewise the level of the outlet pipe 70 is such
the structure at 6. that fatty acids are discharged through it into
Water is similarly delivered under pressure the blow-down tank 2 where the water is fashed
preheated to proper temperature by pump. 52d into vapor, and the fatty acid remains liquid.
through a coil 56b in the preheater 56, and con By condensing and re-cycling the water vapor, a
necting piping as shown. Separate preheating Certain annount of unreacted or recoverable ma-.
coils for fat and water are preferred both in or terials are also condensed, and re-cycled, so as to
der to avoid any fat-splitting in the preheater, avoid waste, and also Some of the heat is con
the parts of which may then be constructed of 85 served. As illustrated, provision is made for in
ordinary steel, special corrosion resisting mate troducing fresh Water from time to time as it may
rials not then being necessary. be needed into the top of the tank 5, and means
The reacted fluids are discharged from the top may be provided at the discharge end of the
of the autoclave through pipe 62, which termi, condenser for drawing off condensate which is
nates in a nozzle 63 opening into the decanter is not to be re-cycled. -
64. The decanter 64 has an outlet pipe 65 at It should be mentioned that the water, as is
the bottom which discharges through nozzle 66 the fat, is forced through the system by a propor
into the Sweet-water blow-down tank. 67, which tioning or other pump 52d, giving a controlled
tank in turn has a discharge pipe 68 at the bot regular output, and the output of the pumps 52
tom and has a vapor off-take pipe 69 at the top. 5
and 52a is adjusted to the desired ratio. This
9 10 :
arrangement is substantially the same as the one spaced intervals therealong having radially ex
shown in Fig. 1, in which the two pumps are com tending vanes, transverse partitions in the cham
bined in a single unit. ber staggered about midway between the agita
While we have illustrated and described cer tors, whereby the chamber is divided into a series
tain preferred embodiments of our invention, it of compartments each having an agitator there
will be understood that this is by way of illustra in in the region of the middle of the compart
tion, and that various changes and modifications ment only, the agitator being substantially
may be made therein within the contemplation shorter than the compartment in which it is lo
of our invention and under the scope of the foll cated, the partitions each having a central open
lowing claims. 0 ing of larger diameter than the shaft through
We claim: which the shaft extends and through which con
1. A continuous reactor for subjecting fluid ma tinuously open communication from one com
terial to treatment under heat and pressure com partment to another is maintained, means for in
prising a vessel with an elongated generally cylin troducing fluid material to be processed into one
drical chamber therein, an agitator shaft extend 5 end of the chamber and means for removing it
ing coaxially through the chamber, the shaft ex from the other end of the chamber, and means
tending outside the chamber and being provided coextensive with the length of each compartment
with means for driving the same, a plurality of on the peripheral wall of each compartment to
transverse partitions in the chamber open at restrain the fluid material from swirling in order
their centers around the agitating shaft dividing 20 to create in each compartment an eddying flow
the chamber into a lineal series of compartments from the periphery of the agitator to the pe
in open communication with one another, a tur ripheral walls of the chamber, thence back to the
bine type agitator on the shaft in each of the sev. shaft adjacent the diaphragms.
eral compartments and located about midway be HERBERT L. BARNEBEY.
tween the partitions having radial paddle-like JAMES R. SHIELDS.
wanes thereon, and vertical baffles in each of the
compartments projecting radially toward the REFERENCES CTED
center to prevent swirling of the fluids being agi The following references are of record in the
tated designed to produce in each compartment file of this patent:
upon rotation of the agitator a cyclical flow of 30
fluid from the periphery of the agitator to the pe UNITED STATES PATENTS
ripheral wall of the chamber, thence lengthwise Number Name Date
of the chamber in each direction along the walls 1,196,597 Sheppard ---------- Aug. 29, 1916
of the compartment, and thence radially in 2,005,447 Warster ----------- June 18, 1935
wardly adjacent said partitions toward the shaft, 2,053,876 Pfau --------------- Sept. 8, 1936
means for introducing a fluid material into the 2,126,539 Dickinson ---------- Aug. 9, 1938
endmost compartment at one end of the chamber 2,150,733 Thurman ---------- Mar. 14, 1939
and means for removing a reacted fluid from 2,154,835 Eisenlohr ---------- Apr. 18, 1939
the endmost compartment at the opposite end 2,221,799 Ittner ------------- Nov. 19, 1940
of the chamber. 40 2,367,666 Carleton ----------- Jan. 23, 1945
2. An autoclave having a chamber therein, a OTHER REFERENCES
shaft extending axially of the chamber, a plu
rality of agitators paddle like on the shaft at Ser. No. 255,603, Rastelli (A. P. C.), published
June 23, 1943. -

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