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There are plenty of reasons to install a fence along the perimeter of your

yard. Whether you want to prevent pesky neighbors from peeking in on your

property or keep your reckless children from leaving the safe boundaries of your

backyard, fences provide a sense of security. However, most homeowners don’t

realize the options they have when considering fence installation.

Can we imagine a world without boundaries as we know them? When you

see a fence or a wall, what is it telling you? A fence cannot speak, but it does

send a message and alters the behavior of whatever comes across it. Fences,

walls, and lines exist around the world, across many cultures they are generally

universally understood symbols of protection, inclusion, and exclusion.

Researchers wanted to explore the idea of the culture of boundaries, in

particular, fences, and examine the dynamics that exist between individuality and

community; the idea that there are at least two sides to each story. The

researchers were curious about the stories behind fences and how people related

to land and with each other.

It is really amazing that fencing make the look of your house or office

surrounding. It is true that fencing is one of the best processes by which you can

make your surrounding more attractive as well as protective you had before. But

now a day fencing is not only a best and nice method which can allow you a

beautiful look of your house of office but also offers you very good protection for

your house or office building, provides protection from unwanted incidents


The researchers would like to assess the solid fence in every house in

Tagbilaran City, Bohol in order to provide fire safety measures.

Theoretical Background

Theory. This study is anchored on the Theory of the Boarder by Thomas

Nail (2:2017). Looks at the constitutive role played by different types of border

regimes – fences, walls, cells and checkpoints – in constructing societies across

history as part of his broader ‘kinopolitics’ centered on movement.

Borders define our lives. Private property rights protect our homes from

unwarranted intrusion. Roads and sidewalks facilitate movement and set limits

on where we are permitted to go. Security checkpoints mark entrances to

government buildings or airports. Authorities allow passage or exclude and

detain by inspecting drivers’ licenses, passports and social security cards. Barbed

wire fences and maritime patrols redirect migrants who lack the documents that

would allow them to pass freely through authorized routes. For too many people,

cell walls detain them until their prison sentence ends or a judge decides their

asylum hearing. These borders are constituted by laws, police, judges,

bureaucrats, social customs, symbols and physical barriers.


Despite – or perhaps because of – the ubiquity of borders, they are poorly

understood and surprisingly difficult to define. In his ambitious and wide-

ranging Theory of the Border, Thomas Nail seeks to provide a systematic theory

that spans territorial, political, juridical and economic borders. It is part of a

larger effort to establish a ‘kinopolitics’ – a theory of movement.

Nail understands borders as processes of social division that constitute,

and are simultaneously constituted by, our societies. Borders are not static, but

rather move as a result of political conflict, economic and juridical reforms as

well as resistance from migrants and changes in the physical environment. Their

function is not simply exclusion and inclusion, but also redirection and circulation.

Borders expel, expand, bind and delimit.

Nail locates each type of border power – the fence, the wall, the cell and

the checkpoint – in a historical period in which it emerged or dominated. Yet, he

also qualifies his account, admitting that all of these types may be present in

some form in earlier periods and that they often co-exist.

Nail defines fences as holes in the earth filled with vertical stones or

wooden stakes that date from around 10,000 BCE. Under ‘fences’, he includes

corrals, palisades and monuments. Their function is centripetal, directing flows

from the periphery toward the center. Some of the earliest fences were graves or

tombs to which the living would periodically return. Neolithic kites funneled wild

animals toward hunters or herders. Fences did not require centralized power.

Instead, they provided the conditions for early cities (c.3000 BCE) to consolidate

resources with walls. Walls, defined as stacked bricks, provided defense for

cities, allowing them to resist conquest and to redirect resources for warfare and

trade. Nail understands ‘bricks’ as any material produced through

standardization, including people, so that ‘walls’ include not only citadel walls,

but soldiers, military grids, siege towers, roads and ports.

When we move from Nail’s broad categories to an analysis of specific

technologies, the processes of exclusion, inclusion, consolidation, selection and

redirection do not map in any straightforward way onto his four categories. In

fact, Nail does not offer a theory of the border, at least insofar as we understand

theories as offering explanations or predictions. Rather, what he provides is a

taxonomy of different types of border technologies that he derives from his

understanding of different (mostly) European historical periods. His book gives

little guidance for determining when these technologies will emerge, what will

motivate them, who they will target and how they will combine.

Theory: Legal Basis:

Theory of the Boarder
by Thomas Nail  Article 414

The fence introduces the first major

kinopolitical divisions into the flows of All things which are or may be
the object of appropriation are
the earth. It divides the earth from
considered either:
itself and creates the first social
borders between people. However, the
border regime of the fence is no mere (1) Immovable or real property; or
relic of the past. Once it was invented
(2) Movable or personal property.
by early humans, it persisted
throughout history wherever we find
the social practice of cutting up the
body of the earth and compelling it
into a centripetal accumulation: corrals
that hunt down and capture disjoined
flows (dragnets, manhunts, kettling);
palisades that erect defensive stake
structures to protect a kinetic stock
(houses, plots of land, military limits);
and megalith practices of verticality
and directional signage that mark the
boundaries of a territory (road signs,
memorial sites, sacred sites). 

There is a need to assess the solid fence in every house in Tagbilaran

City, Bohol.

Figure 1
Theoretical Framework

Legal Basis. The study is based on Article 415. All things which are or

may be the object of appropriation are considered either:

(1) Immovable or real property; or (2) Movable or personal property.

Article 415. The following are immovable property:

(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds adhered to the soil;

(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are attached to the land or

form an integral part of an immovable;

(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, in such a way

that it cannot be separated therefrom without breaking the material or

deterioration of the object;

(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use or ornamentation,

placed in buildings or on lands by the owner of the immovable in such a

manner that it reveals the intention to attach them permanently to the


(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by the

owner of the tenement for an industry or works which may be carried on in

a building or on a piece of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs

of the said industry or works;

(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish ponds or breeding places

of similar nature, in case their owner has placed them or preserves them

with the intention to have them permanently attached to the land, and

forming a permanent part of it; the animals in these places are included;

(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;

(8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the matter thereof forms part of

the bed, and waters either running or stagnant;

(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are intended by their

nature and object to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast;

(10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and other real rights over

immovable property (3:1995).

Related Literature

The following readings were associated in the study in order to give important

information that can help gain profound insights into the study.

Perimeter fences or walls installed in properties are the first things that

people walking past in a house or visitors will see when they go on a visit.

Essentially, the fences and walls act as an added layer of aesthetic look in a

home, making it really important to consider and plan the proper perimeter fence

that would go along in a place. However, the purpose of perimeter fences does

not just end there. For some, they invest in perimeter fences to add more

security, privacy, safety, and more to their homes. Technically, it has a lot of

purposes but, it is always up to the homeowner, to decide on the reasons why it

should consider investing in a perimeter wall. But before we dive into the

reasons to invest in a perimeter wall, let me introduce you to different types of

fences so that you will have a clear picture in mind and you can imagine it to

your property once you scroll through the said reasons.


1. Brick Wall Fence

Brick wall fences are the most common and largely used yard fencing,

particularly for properties with wider dimensions. Perhaps, another reason why

it’s a common perimeter fence is because of its fire and weather-resistant

characteristics. However, this type of fence is not totally recommended for areas

with limited spaces as it usually occupies a width of 9” to 12”.

2. Precast Concrete Fence

This type of perimeter fence is very popular nowadays, especially for new

homeowners. What makes it so popular is its availability, fast and easy method

of installing, and its low maintenance structure – making it one of the most

durable options and less costly than wood or metal fences. Just like brick wall

fences, this type of wall can be fireproof, termite-proof, and difficult to break.

3. Wood Fence

Wood fences are usually popular in semi-urban or rural areas. It

contributes a warm, fresh, and open feeling to your home. It is usually the

choice in which homeowners go if they are not a fan of a completely enclosed

home. This type of perimeter fence can be a high maintenance one if it has not

been season-proofed and termite resistant.


4. Metal Fence

This fence is one of the easiest to install and you won’t be having a hard

time looking out for possible suppliers as this is one of the most popular types of

fence in the market. It is also low maintenance and the pattern, and color can go

along with your liking and the overall theme of your house or your


5. Living Fence

To our plantitos and plantitas! Living fences are those that use vines,

trees, bushes, and shrubs as natural fencing for their properties. This type of

fencing can definitely add a beautiful internal or external view to your home.

However, this can be very high maintenance so it is advised that should you

proceed with this option, you must be knowledgeable and hands-on with your

plants (4:2022).

Whether to keep newly adopted dogs safe or to increase privacy while

making greater use of the backyard, the home renovation frenzy spurred by the

pandemic has led many homeowners to put up a fence.

With more than 320 million linear feet of residential fencing in the U.S.,

fences with the right style, color, and height can boost curb appeal and help

sales, according to Maryland-based, which conducts research on building trends

and is owned by the National Association of Home Builders.


“People have spent more time at home during the pandemic and devoted

some of their travel and restaurant budgets to outdoor living,” says Ed Hudson,

director of Home Innovation Research Labs. He attributes the increased interest

to a desire for privacy, showed by an increase in average fence height from 6

feet to 6 ¼ feet over the last year.  dubbed the fence he and wife and business

partner Claire installed on their Evanston, Ill., property “fortress Kettelkamp.”

But the question looms: Do fences make good neighbors as Robert Frost

wrote in his poem, “Mending Fences”? Yes, as long as certain criteria are met,

including how well they are constructed and maintained, says Summit, N.J., area

Compass salesperson. “A chain link fence wouldn’t appeal to most in our area,”

says Mallios.

Despite the difficulty finding lumber and spending more for materials

during the pandemic, new sources from places like China—and new materials,

like welded wire panels from farm supply stores—are helping meet fencing

demands, Kettelkamp says (5:2021).

A well-designed fence does more than serve the practical purpose of

simply keeping people and pets in or out. Choosing the right fence for your

property can boost your home's curb appeal or provide privacy. Fences come in

many different heights, styles and are made of several types of materials. We’ve

gathered a bunch of fence designs so you can find one that is right for your

yard, whether you’re looking for a front yard fence that will add to your home’s

style such as a picket fence in front of your cottage or a split-rail fence to go


with your ranch. Or perhaps you’re looking for a backyard barrier to keep critters

out of your garden or a privacy fence to quell the curiosity of nosy neighbors,

click on to find one that’s right for your yard (6:2023).

Related Studies

The following relevant studies are being presented as basis for the conduct of

this study.

In the article of Chainwire Fencing Specialist (7:2018) on “Important

Reasons for School Security Fencing”. Conclude that there are plenty of

reasons to have security fencing installed in your school, first of which is for

safety. Having a high-quality perimeter around your school will not only increase

its appeal to the public and to your market audience, but it gives an air of

professionalism and efficiency as well.

Think about how much advantages having security fencing would be in

school. You would be getting good value for your money as well as an element

of beauty or modernization in the school. Parents, students, faculty, and staff

would feel safer and more confident to enter and stay in your school premises.

The overall atmosphere of your school would be enhanced with something as

simple yet important, as a security fencing system.

Remember that education is very important – and it is mainly taken from

good schools. Good schools are those which provide quality education as well as

a safe and secure environment for everyone in it.


In the research of Mary Jane MacArthur entitled, The U.S.-Mexico

Border and Housing Prices: Understanding the Impact of Border

Fencing on Fencing on Property Values”. The researchers concluded that

they examine the effect of building border fences following the 2006 Secure

Fence Act on local property values in Yuma County. They use a hedonic

differences model to try and estimate the causal effect of the construction

projects following this legislation, which built fencing along most of the Yuma

Sector border within approximately two years. This model uses January 2007, an

early announcement and construction date, as the temporal shock. Due to the

abundance of positive and negative externalities that could result from fence

construction, there was reason to expect either a positive or negative result. The

regressions find that border fences have a large positive effect on property

values within half a mile of the border in the few years following construction.

These results can likely be explained by widespread local support for building a

barrier, as well as by reports of the Yuma Sector fencing’s distinctive success in

securing the border and lowering the number of apprehensions. To address

possible problems with omitted variable bias, they included spatial fixed effects

to account for housing characteristics that are unobservable or missing in the

data. 30 However, despite the researchers best efforts to come up with a

reasonable identification strategy to address the question of this paper, there are

usually accepted limitations to this type of analysis. One key challenge has been

the overlap of the before and after fence building periods with the housing crisis.

By focusing on a very localized area, I have done my best to mitigate the

potential bias, but they recognize that it may not be perfect. Another challenge

endemic to these types of analyses is that while local newspaper articles indicate

that fence construction was a major event in the area at the time, it is impossible

to be completely certain that there were no other contemporaneous shocks that

would cause problems for the difference-in-differences identification strategy and

invalidate a causal interpretation of the estimates. It is also important to point

out that even if we accept the results as causal, the graphical evidence suggests

that the positive effect on housing prices was transitory (8:2021).

A recent study by Jakes and colleagues, entitled “A Fence runs through

it: A call for greater attention to the influence of fences on wildlife and

Ecosystems”. Introduced the need to establish the underpinning of a

subdiscipline of fence ecology that can identify fences, locate them spatially,

unpack their striking or subtle impacts, and direct research. In the present

article, we build on the work of Jakes and colleagues by conducting a systematic

literature review on fences to show that the effects of fences are complex,

widespread, and still poorly understood. We offer five major takeaways from this

research. First, we present an operational definition of fencing to maintain focus

on the most widespread and impactful features meriting discussion. We discuss

the important variation in type and scale of fences even within this definition, as

well as the significance of construction and deterioration of fences over time.

Second, we comment on the difficulties in mapping fences and their impacts,


which have likely delayed meaningful large-scale assessments of ecological

outcomes (9:2018). 

Lastly, According to the Article of Sun et. Al (10:2020), “Reconsidering

the efficiency of grazing exclusion using fences on the Tibetan

Plateau”. In the long term, policy that limits fence construction or promotes

fence removal is essential for limiting the rapidly increasing ecological impact of

these structures. Fences are often constructed with little specificity regarding

their ecological roles and goals, and short-term functions receive priority over

long-term outcomes. Research describing the full spectrum of ecological impacts

of fences can provide a basis for policy that restricts fence construction or

incentivizes fence-free areas. Such research-based regulations are common for

other forms of linear infrastructure, but they remain rare for fencing.

Conceptual Background

Fences are built to keep life in order, on track and simple. There are times

when barriers crucial and keeps everyone orderly. In Robert Frosts poem, he

repeats “Good fences make good neighbors”. Fences are the comfort zones for all

people, it’s their own little privacy. It also could be very crucial in getting along

with other because as long as we all have that barrier no conflicts will arise.

Robert introduces differences, “He is all pine and I am apple orchard”. Two totally

different concept, a pine an an apple, one sweet and one sharp. This is a crucial

time to have to have a fence for if they were to cross in each other’s path it will

easily not end well for the differences are so enormous. Fences are always built up

to keep something in; whether it be a way of life or simply to avoid conflict.

The conceptual framework viewed in the schematic diagram in Figure 2

shows the input consists of the data on the profile of the community residents

and fire officers’ respondents in terms of their age, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, work\profession, does your space has solid fence, rank,

frequency in conducting fire inspection in the community.

        The process involves the descriptive normative method of research. A self-

made questionnaire was used to collect data relative to responses of the

community residents and fire officers. The result of the data gathered were

tallied, tabulated and processed for analysis through statistical treatment to test

the hypothesis.

        The output of the study includes a proposed safety measure.


Data gathered from the responses of the respondents in the following

 Profile of the respondents along with their age, gender, civil status,
educational attainment, work\profession, does your space has solid
fence, rank, frequency in conducting fire inspection in the
 significance of having solid fence in every neighbor to prevent the
spreading of fire accident?

 Construction of the questionnaire

 Collection and tabulation of the data gathered
 Presentation of the data
 Analysis of Findings
 Conclusions
 Recommendations

Proposed Safety Measures

Figure 2
Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem. The main objective of this study is to make

an analysis on the on the significance of having solid fence in every neighbor to

prevent the spreading of fire accident in Tagbilaran City, Bohol for the year 2022

– 2023 with an end view of proposing a safety measures.

Specifically, it aimed to discover the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Community Residents B. Fire Officers

a. Age; a. Age;

b. Gender; b. Gender;

c. Civil Status; c. Civil Status;

d. Educational Attainment; d. Rank; and

e. Work/Profession; e. Frequency in conducting

f. Does your space has solid fence? Fire inspection in the


2. What are the perception of the respondents in significance of having solid

fence in every neighbor to prevent the spreading of fire accident?

Is there significant degree of difference in the responses of the respondents on

significance of having solid fence in every neighbor to prevent the spreading of

fire accident?

4.What proposed enhancement measures could be offered to prevent the

spreading of fire in times of accident?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant degree of difference on the responses of the

respondents on the significance of having solid fence in every neighbor to

prevent the spreading of fire accident in Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

Significance of the Study

The researchers undertook this study for the benefit of the community

residents and fire officers of Tagbilaran City, Bohol and researchers of this study.

Community Residents. This study will help the community residents to

provide solid fence in order to be safe from spreading of fire.

Fire Officers. The study will help them to inform and give awareness to

the community that having solid fence is there still a great chance for not easily

to spread the fire.

Future Researchers. They will have a basis for future research study

about solid fence in every house in Tagbilaran City, Bohol.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the solid fence in every house in Tagbilaran City.

The following limitations were also considered in the conduct of the study:

reluctance of the respondents to answer the questionnaire due to their busy


work schedule. The researchers also explained earnestly to the respondents the

value and importance of the output of the study and asked them to answer the

questionnaires wholeheartedly. 

In order to attain the target goal of finishing the study, the researchers

opted to select Tagbilaran City, Bohol as their research location. The researchers

gathered forty (40) Community Residents and twenty (20) Fire Officers. They

collected a total of sixty (60) research participants.


Research Design

The study uses the descriptive normative survey with the use of a

questionnaire as the main data gathering tool. The descriptive normative survey

was used to seek answer to the problems and to ascertain the normal or typical

condition to practice or to compare result with a state or national norm or

standard. It serves to describe what transpired from the responses gathered

from community residents and fire officers.

Research Environment and Subjects

The researchers intend to conduct the study among the community residents

and fire officers of the Tagbilaran City, Bohol. The respondents shall be asked to

answer the questions to the best of their knowledge provided under every

number. The research locale is purposely design and made in order to duly

determine the desired data necessary for this study.  


The researchers gathered forty (40) Community residents and twenty (20)

Fire Officers. They collected a total of sixty (60) research participants.

Research Instrument

In gathering the basic and necessary information to conceptualize or visualize

the main purpose of the study, the researchers would like to employ a Research

Questionnaire. This simple method of gathering data will enable the researchers

to completely make its conclusions and recommendations as part of the purpose

why there is a need to conduct the research.

The questionnaire was formulated in a manner that the respondents could

easily understand and truthfully points out the exact answer to every question.

All items found in the questionnaire were explained and discussed to the

respondents so that they could fully comprehend the questions.

The direction on how to answer the questionnaire must be fully explained to

the respondents to avoid the possible confusion and misinterpretation that would

eventually result in the failure of the research study. In as much as the direction

was already explained the respondents are encourage to have some comments

in order for the researchers to consider an avenue for change and growth for

both the researcher’s intellectual capacity and moral values that they may

encountered all throughout the research process.

A self-made questionnaire which has constructed by the researchers with the

assistance of their thesis adviser was used as the main data gathering

instrument. This questionnaire obtains data regarding the profile and their

responses were used for this study. This consist of two parts, Part I, focuses on

the profile of the respondents in terms of their age, gender, civil status,

educational attainment, work profession and does your space has solid fence for

community residents and age, gender, civil status, rank and frequency in

conducting fire inspection in the community for the fire officers. Part II,

perception of the respondents in significance of having solid fence in every

neighbor to prevent the spreading of fire accident.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers secured the permission for the distribution of the

questionnaires to the community residents and fire officers, Tagbilaran City,

Bohol. After securing the needed consent, the researchers personally distributed

the questionnaire to the respondents to get the data desired for the study. The

respondents were given enough time to answer the questionnaire and requested

to return the accomplished form on the agreed date.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were tabulated, interpreted and analyzed in order to

established the norms of occurrence through the simple percentage of

computations. To obtain the percentages, the frequency of responses to each

item was divided by the total number of cases and then multiplied by 100, thus:

Percent = f/n x 100; where f = frequency and n = number of cases. The data on

the demographic profile was obtained using the mean as basis for the profile:

M=∑x/N; where ∑x is the summation of all data and N is the number of


respondents. The following weights were assigned to the scales with their

corresponding equivalents:

Weight Scale Range

4 Very Much Observed (3.26 – 4.00)

3 Observed (2.51 – 3.25)

2 Less Observed (1.76 – 2.50)

1 Not Observed (1.00 – 1.75)

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered through the use of the questionnaire were subjected to

statistical treatment, computation and analysis. The purpose was to determine

the difference of the responses of the two different group of respondents. It was

subjected to a t- test using the formula.


t= X1+ X2

S1 +S2

N1+ N2

t= t –test

X1= mean of the first group

X2= mean of the second group

S1= variance of the first group

S2= variance of the second group



To avoid conflict of ideas due to the different connotations of words, the

following terms were defined as used in this study:


A barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area

of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.


The continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.


The state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.


The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.


The state of being free from danger or threat.



This study is composed of three chapters:

Chapter I. The Problem and Its Scope, contains the introduction, the

rationale, the theoretical background, the theoretical framework, the scope and

limitation of the study, the research methodology which includes the research

design, research environment and subjects, the research instrument, the data

gathering procedure, the statistical treatment and the definition of terms;

Chapter II. Presentation and Analysis of Findings, contains reports,

analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the light of the different

aspects of the problems; and

Chapter III. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations,

presents summary of the problem, the research methodology, the findings, the

conclusions drawn from the recommendations which includes a proposed safety


Appendix A

BIT International College

City of Tagbilaran

College of Criminal Justice

May 15, 2023

Charito C. Cadeliña, MAEd

Research Coordinator
BIT International College – Tagbilaran City
200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol



The undersigned researchers hereby submitted the proposed research study

A PROPOSED FIRE SAFETY MEASURES” for your approval as partial
requirement for the subject Research and Methodology.

Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,

(Sgd.) Paul Andrew D. Adeser

(Sgd.) Christopher G. Dolauta
(Sgd.) John Niño Efondo
(Sgd.) Dayleen Peñoso
(Sgd.) Joberlyn Puti-an



Research Coordinator

Appendix B

BIT International College

City of Tagbilaran

College of Criminal Justice

May 15, 2023

Ret Ssupt Pepe G. Rebusa OSHP, MPA
BIT International College, Main Campus
200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol



The undersigned researchers hereby requesting you to be our research

adviser for the research study entitled “SOLID FENCE IN EVERY HOUSE IN
partial requirement for the subject Research and Methodology.

Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,

(Sgd.) Paul Andrew D. Adeser

(Sgd.) Christopher G. Dolauta
(Sgd.) John Niño Efondo
(Sgd.) Dayleen Peñoso
(Sgd.) Joberlyn Puti-an


Ret Ssupt Pepe G. Rebusa OSHP, MPA


Appendix C
BIT International College
City of Tagbilaran

College of Criminal Justice

Hon. Jane Censoria Cajes-Yap

Tagbilaran City, Bohol



The undersigned researchers are working on their proposed research

BOHOL: A PROPOSED FIRE SAFETY MEASURES” as partial requirement for
the subject Research and Methodology.

In this connection, we are asking permission from your good office for the
distribution of the questionnaire to the selected passengers and vessel
employees to gather the data necessary to the completion of this study.

Thank you very much and more power.

Respectfully yours,

(Sgd.) Paul Andrew D. Adeser

(Sgd.) Christopher G. Dolauta
(Sgd.) John Nino Efondo
(Sgd.) Dayleen Peñoso
(Sgd.) Joberlyn Puti-an


Hon. Jane Censoria Cajes-Yap

Tagbilaran City, Bohol


200 Gallares Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

College of Criminal Justice

Survey Questionnaire



To our dear Respondents:

Here is a questionnaire which serves as data instruments for the present

study. Kindly answer the questionnaire honestly to ensure the accuracy of the
data and for a more reliable result. All information gathered will be held
confidential and shall be used only for the purpose of research.
Thank you so much.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Direction: Please indicate with a checkmark of your choice on the space


A. Community Residents
a. Age
[ ] 20 years old below
[ ] 21 – 30 years old
[ ] 31 – 40 years old
[ ] 41 – 50 years old
[ ] 51 years old and above
b.) Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
c.) Civil Status

[ ] Single
[ ] Married
[ ] Separated
[ ] Widowed
d.) Educational Attainment
[ ] Elementary level
[ ] Elementary Graduate
[ ] High School Level
[ ] High School Graduate
[ ] College Level
[ ] College Graduate
[ ] Others, please specify: _________
d.) Work/Profession
[ ] Businessman/Businesswoman
[ ] Policeman
[ ] Teacher/Instructor
[ ] Baker
[ ] Cashier
[ ] Security Guard
[ ] Others, please specify: _________
f.) Does your Space has Solid Fence
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
B. Fire Officers
a.) Age
[ ] 30 years old below
[ ] 31 – 40 years old
[ ] 41 – 50 years old
[ ] 51 – 60 years old
[ ] 61 years old and above
b.) Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
c.) Civil Status
[ ] Single
[ ] Married
[ ] Separated
[ ] Widowed
c.) Rank
[ ] FO1 – FO2
[ ] FO3 – FO4
[ ] SFO1 – SFO2
[ ] SFO3 – SFO4

[ ] Others, please specify: _________

d.) Frequency in Conducting Fire Inspection in the
[ ] Once a week
[ ] Twice a week
[ ] Once a month
[ ] Twice a month
[ ] Others, please specify: _________
Part II. Perception of the Respondents in Significance of having Solid
Fence in every Neighbor to Prevent the spreading of Fire

Direction: Please indicate a checkmark (√) of your response to the column that
corresponds to your answer. Numerical choices correspond to the
following quantifiers.
4 – Very Much Observed 2 – Less Observed
3 – Observed 1 – Not Observed
Items 4 3 2 1
(VMO) (O) (LO) (NO)
1.Security and Safety.
2.Clear Boundaries.
3.Improved Privacy.
4.Improved Aesthetics.
5.Weed Prevention.
6.It can keep intruders and unwanted wildlife out.
7.The fencing styles have the advantage of being
decorative and aesthetically pleasing.
8.Solid fencing can be used in a myriad of
situations to address specific problems
9.It buffers street sounds and noises for a more
tranquil environment
10.It’s also effective as a windbreak and for
coastal dwellers as a barrier against blowing
sand and debris.

Thank you very much for your cooperation….





Name : Paul Andrew D. Adeser

Date of Birth : January 11, 2001

Place of Birth : Catarman, Northern Samar

Address : Poblacion, Lila, Bohol

Parents : Mrs. Marcia D. Adeser

Nationality : Filipino


Elementary : Brgy. San Vicente Elementary School

Catubig, Northern, Samar

Secondary : Lila National High School

Poblacion, Lila, Bohol

Tertiary : BIT International College

200 Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Course : Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Name : Christopher G. Dolauta

Date of Birth : December 11, 2000

Place of Birth : Maasin, Southern Leyte

Address : Mayacabac, Dauis, Bohol

Parents : Mrs. Rosalyn G. Dolauta

Nationality : Filipino


Elementary : Mayacabac Elementary School

Mayacabac, Dauis, Bohol

Secondary : Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

Poblacion, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Tertiary : BIT International College

200 Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Course : Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Name : John Niño Efondo

Date of Birth : January 19, 2002

Place of Birth : Cayupo, Lila, Bohol

Address : Cayupo, Lila, Bohol

Parents : Ms. Julita Efondo

Nationality : Filipino


Elementary : Lila Central Elementary School

Poblacion, Lila, Bohol

Secondary : Lila National High School

Poblacion, Lila, Bohol

Tertiary : BIT International College

200 Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Course : Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Name : Dayleen Peñoso

Date of Birth : July 10, 2001

Place of Birth : Poblacion, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Address : Lincod, Maribojoc, Bohol

Parents : Mrs. Ressurecion Peñoso

Nationality : Filipino


Elementary : Lincod, Elementary School

Lincod, Maribojoc, Bohol

Secondary : Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School

Poblacion, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Tertiary : BIT International College

200 Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Course : Bachelor of Science in Criminology



Name : Joberlyn Puti-an

Date of Birth : May 18, 2002

Place of Birth : Ponong, ALburquerque, Bohol

Address : Ponong, ALburquerque, Bohol

Parents : Ms. Jocelyn Puti-an

Nationality : Filipino


Elementary : Alburquerque Central Elementary School

Poblacion, Alburquerque, Bohol

Secondary : Immaculata High School

Poblacion, Baclayon, Bohol

Tertiary : BIT International College

200 Gallares St., Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Course : Bachelor of Science in Criminology

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