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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences 2019; 4(1): 164-167

ISSN: 2456-4419
Impact Factor: (RJIF): 5.18
Yoga 2019; 4(1): 164-167
© 2019 Yoga
Different stretching techniques for improving flexibility
Received: 12-11-2018
in males with hamstring tightness: A review
Accepted: 16-12-2018

Harshita Yadav Harshita Yadav and Anuradha Lehri

PhD Scholar, Department of
sports sciences, Punjabi Abstract
University, Punjab, India Reduced flexibility of muscles leads to tightness in the muscles which further limits range of motion
(ROM). The aim of the study is to find out the effects of PNF and NM techniques in improving
Anuradha Lehri
hamstring and back flexibility in males with hamstring tightness. The literature search of experimental
Associate Professor, Department
of sports sciences, Punjabi studies published between year 2005 to 2018 on efficacy of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
University, Punjab, India and neural mobilization was conducted through electronic databases (Google scholar, Pubmed, PEDro,
Elsevier, Cochrane library) and studies were included according to inclusion criteria. The study
concludes that there is need to explore more about the different types of PNF and NM techniques to
evaluate its effects on straight leg raise, knee extension angle and sit and reach test on healthy male
subjects with hamstring tightness.

Keywords: Sit and reach test, knee extension angle, straight leg raise

Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to lengthen and to allow one joint (or more than one joint
in series) to move through a range of motion (ROM) without limitations or pain (Song et al.
2015) [19]. Reduced flexibility of muscles leads to tightness in the muscles which further it
limits range of motion (ROM). Flexibility decreases with the advancing age (Varangaonkar et
al., 2015) [20]. The tightness in hamstring is one of the major contributing factors which are
associated with musculoskeletal injuries in adolescents and adults (Nishikawa et al. 2015) [14].
In relation to gender differences, hamstring tightness is found more in males (75%) as
compared to females (35%) (Bakhtiari et al. 2014) [8].
Due to sedentary life style, most of the individuals have lack physical activity which becomes
a major cause of reduced hamstring flexibility (Singh S et al. 2015) [18]. There are several
factors which may affect the hamstring flexibility like age, gender, tissue temperature,
strength, stiffness, awkward posture, body mass index (BMI), occupation, physical inactivity
and reduced warm up (Fasen et al. 2009, Singh et al. 2015) [6, 18]. Reduced hamstring flexibility
can cause biomechanical changes which can result into patellofemoral dysfunction, pubic pain,
patellar tendonitis, hamstring strains, plantar fascitis, gait limitation, risk of falling, thoracic
khyphosis, spondylolysis, disc herniation and postural disorders (Morcelli et al. 2013; Perin et
al. 2015) [11, 15]. The hamstring muscle and back muscles are part of posterior anatomical chain
in body, thus improvement in hamstring flexibility might also increases back flexibility
(Grieve et al. 2014) [7].
There are several methods to improve flexibility which are given to attain a visible change in
hamstring tightness. Both electrotherapy and manual therapy is used to improve the flexibility.
The techniques commonly used are like cryotherapy, soft tissue massage, myofascial therapy,
short wave diathermy, ultrasound, kinesio-taping and eccentric training. The stretching
techniques are widely used by most of the clinicians; some of them are such as active
stretching, passive stretching, ballistic stretching, muscle energy technique (MET),
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), neural mobilization (NM). Both PNF and
Correspondence NM are effective as adjunct to other treatment which helps in improving range of motion and
Harshita Yadav
PhD Scholar, Department of thus, flexibility.
sports sciences, Punjabi PNF was developed by Knot and Voss in 1968, is more advanced form of flexibility that
University, Punjab, India involves both stretching and contraction of muscle group being targeted.
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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences

There are various techniques of PNF such as - rhythmic Methods

initiation, combination of isotonics, reversal of antagonist, The literature search of experimental studies published
repeated stretch replication, contract relax, hold relax, between year 2005 to 2018 on efficacy of proprioceptive
contract relax- antagonist contract, hold relax- antagonist neuromuscular facilitation and neural mobilization was
contract. conducted through electronic databases (Google scholar,
Neural mobilization (NM) was firstly described by Elvey in Pubmed, PEDro, Elsevier, Cochrane library).
1986. This technique involves the stretching and relaxing of Inclusion criteria were i) full texted studies ii) randomized,
nerves in order to maintain normal muscle tone and ROM controlled and experimental studies are included iii) studies
(Butler, 2000) [4]. NM can be given by two different methods including the subjects with age range between 10-30 years iv)
– (i) Neural tensinors (ii) Neural Sliders. It focuses mainly on studies including only male subjects v) studies with normal
restoring neural structures plasticity simultaneously initiating healthy subjects vi) studies including subjects with single/
and increasing the relative mobility of peripheral neural bilateral hamstring tightness. Excluded studies i) reviews,
tissue. It is basically a manual method of applied force systematic review and cross over design ii) studies on animal
(actively or passively) to neural structure through posture and subjects iii) studies including hamstring tightness in other
multijoint movements (Park et al. 2014) [16]. Till date there is conditions (patellofemoral dysfunction, pubic pain, patellar
no literature review to update about the effects of PNF and tendonitis, hamstring strains, plantar fascitis, gait limitation,
NM in treating hamstring tightness. Therefore, this review risk of falling, thoracic khyphosis, spondylolysis, disc
study is aims to find out the effects of PNF and NM herniation and postural disorders) iv) studies including PNF
techniques in improving hamstring and back flexibility in and NM as adjunct treatment techniques.
males with hamstring tightness.

Table 1: Initially 27 articles were searched of which nine articles fulfills the inclusion criteria. Conclusions of evidences are summarized in
Table 1.
Authors Study design Treatment Outcome
Aims and objectives Results and findings Conclusion
(years) (sample size) Groups measure
To determine the The results
effectiveness of two Group I PNF – demonstrated Both the techniques
PNF stretching hold relax significant viz. PNF Hold Relax
techniques for stretching improvement in and PNF-CRAC are
improving hamstring (n=15) hamstring flexibility for almost equal in their
Randomised flexibility and to Group II PNF- subjects of group B clinical effectiveness
Nagarwal pre-test post- compare the contact relax Active knee when compared with for improving
et al test control effectiveness of two antagonist extension those of group A (P = hamstring flexibility
(2010) group design PNF stretching contract (n=15) ROM 0.03) at the end of three and that either of the
(n= 45) techniques (Hold Group III weeks, with techniques may be
Relax and Contract Control group- improvement ranging used in clinical
Relax- Antagonist no treatment from 0.50 to 15.66 practice for
Contract) for was given degrees of active knee improving hamstring
improving hamstring (n=15) extension ROM at 95 % flexibility.
flexibility. confidence interval.
Results revealed that Study concluded that
Pre test and Post test though statistically
values there is no significant
of the Control group difference between
To find out the Group I -
and Experimental group self stretch and
efficacy of different Control group
Pre-post were statistically therapist applied PNF
PNF stretching self stretch
Zakaria et control group Straight leg analyzed by means of t- stretch, both are
techniques in (n=15)
al (2012) design raise test test. The Post test effective treatment
improving Hamstring Group II PNF
(n=30) values of Experimental methods but
muscle stretch
and Control group were Therapist applied
Flexibility (n=15)
analyzed by Chi square PNF Stretch is
test (2 test). The clinically more
Significance level used significant over self
for this study is P<0.05. stretch.
Active knee
Both the static
stretching and the PNF Static stretching and
The purpose of this Group I- Static angle,
stretching groups PNF stretching
study was to stretching group Muscle
showed significant techniques improved
investigate the effects (n=16), activation
increases in knee ROM without
Randomized of two different Group II- PNF during
Lim et al extension angle decrease in muscle
controlled stretching techniques stretching group maximum
(2014) compared to the control activation, but neither
trial (n=48) on range of motion (n=16), voluntary
group. However, there of them exerted
(ROM), muscle Group III isometric
were no significant statistically
activation, and Control group contraction
differences in muscle significant effects on
balance. (n=16). (MVC)
activation or balance balance.
between the groups.
Khalili et Randomized The aims the study Group I- US Straight leg The results of the study The two treatment
al (2014) Control trial was to compare the with stretching raise indicated that ROM in methods had similar

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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences

(n=34) effects of ultrasound (n=12) Passive knee the two treatment effects and there was
(US) together with Group II- HR extension groups increased no significant
stretch and hold relax (n=12) significantly compared between them, while
(HR) techniques in Group III- to control group. significant
increasing the muscle Control group Comparison of the two improvement was
length did not recieved treatment methods, US seen in the
any treatment with stretch and HR, experimental groups
(n=10) revealed that there was compared with the
no significant difference control group.
Results of the study The study concluded
Group I- Hold showed that both that both techniques
relax (n=20) methods have (static stretch and
This study aimed to
Group II- static significant effect on hold relax) have a
Randomized introduce more Knee
Hasani et stretch (n=20) knee ROM (p < 0.001). significant effect on
control trial effective method, extension
al (2014) Group III- But no significant flexibility and
(n=60) either a static stretch ROM
Control group difference was observed increasing the knee
or hold relax
(no treatment) between the static ROM. But neither is
(n=20) stretch and hold-relax superior regarding
(p=0.246) their effect.
Results indicates that
post hoc analysis The results of this
revealed an study indicate that
Group I-
The aim of present insignificant difference both the modified
modified hold-
study was to compare between the modified hold-relax stretching
relax stretching
the effectiveness of hold relax stretching technique and static
Randomized modified hold-relax Passive knee and static stretching stretching are equally
Ahmed et Group II-
control trial stretching extension groups. There was a effective, as
al (2015) static stretching
(n=45) and static stretching in ROM significant difference there was no
improving the between the static significant difference
Group III-
hamstring muscle stretching and control in improving the
control groups
flexibility. groups and between the hamstring muscle
modified hold-relax flexibility between
stretching and control the two groups.
The results shows that
This study concludes
The objective of both static stretch and
that the HR
Randomized present study is to HR are effective
Group I- Static Technique method
Nimmala controlled compare the Knee treatment techniques for
stretch (n=30) has proved to be
et al trial effectiveness of static extension improving knee
Group II- Hold better technique then
(2014) (n=60) stretch and HR ROM extension ROM with
relax (n=30) the static stretch for
techniques over HR being highly
improving hamstring
hamstring flexibility significant highly
Results showed a
significant increase in
hamstrings flexibility
To compare the
achieved with both the
effects of two active
techniques (p= 0.000
stretching techniques- Both HR and neural
Group I –PNF- for both neural
Pre test –post modified hold relax mobilization are
Hold relax mobilization and hold-
Rani et al test technique of PNF and Active knee equally effective in
Group II- relax). Both techniques
(2015) experimental neural mobilization as extension improving hamstrings
Neural were found to be
design (n=60) described by Butler, flexibility in normal
mobilization significant but the
for improving the adults.
comparison revealed no
flexibility of
statistically significant
difference between
these two techniques.
(p-value = 0.953).
There was a significant
improvement in
The aim of the study Group I- Results suggest that a
was to compare the Neurodynamic neurodynamic
flexibility following
effectiveness of sliding Active knee stretching could
application of both
Randomized neurodynamic and stretching extension increase hamstring
Ahmed et neurodynamic and static
clinical trial static stretching technique test flexibility to a greater
al (2016) stretching but the
(n=40) techniques on (n=20) Straight leg extent than static
improvement in the
hamstring flexibility Group II- Static raise test stretching in healthy
neurodynamic group
in healthy male stretching male subjects with a
(p<0.001) was better
subjects. (n=20) tight hamstring.
than that of the static
group (p<0.02).

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International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences

Discussion Shortened Hamstring Muscles of Male Students in

The present study was conducted to scrutinize the literature to Semnan. Middle East J Rehabil Health. 2014; 1(2):1-5.
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facilitation, inhibition, strengthening and relaxation of muscle 12. Nagarwal AK, Zutshi K, Ram CS, Zafar R. Improvement
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Further, NM is basically a manual method of applied force PNF Stretching Techniques. International Journal of
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multijoint movements (Park et al. 2014) [16]. NM helps to 13. Nimmala V, Arjunan T, Sreekarkumar Reddy R,
increase blood flow & axoplasmic flow, to reduce neural Sivaprasad Y, Suneel Kumar K. Comparative study on
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the different types of PNF and NM techniques to evaluate its neurodynamic sciatic nerve sliding technique on
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