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(Basic Inputs)
 School Situation 23 teachers and 9 non-teaching The school has an ideal number of There is a decreasing trend in
personnel – 1:30 teacher-pupil ratio pupils inside the classroom. enrolment every year due to parent’s
work migration.
The school building consists of 10 The classroom is conducive and
classrooms and 2 ancillary rooms. / child-friendly due to its ideal class
Classroom-pupil ratio is 1:30. size.

There is enough space allotted for

ancillary and other office tasks

Small-sized classrooms enables

holistic learning for its learners
There are 369 school seats- 1:2 Pupils/Student Seat ratio is within
elem/sec the standard at a double-shift There is still a growing
classes. need/demand of school seats that
needs repair due to the length of its
Textbook to pupil ratio- 1:1 usage
Pupil-Textbook ratio is within the
standard distribution of major There is still a growing
subjects need/demand of textbooks that
needs replacements due to loses and
the length of its usage
Pupil-Toilet ratio- 1:54
Water sanitation facility is sufficient
per school

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