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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

ISSN : 2454-9150



A.Anish1, Dr.N.Revathy 2, T.Naveen 3,M.Bagavathy4

Professor,1,3,4Final MCA,
PG & Research Department of Computer Applications,
Hindusthan College of Arts & Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore, India

The paper proposes a disaster backup solution for cloud servers using IoT and fog computing, called Fogdrive
Disaster Backup as a Service (DBaaS). The system aims to provide reliable and efficient backup and recovery
services in case of a disaster, leveraging the benefits of IoT and fog computing. Fogdrive DBaaS uses fog nodes
located in close proximity to the cloud server to perform backup and recovery operations. The system is
designed to be scalable, fault- tolerant, and cost-effective, using only the necessary resources when needed. The
authors have evaluated the system's performance and demonstrated its effectiveness in providing a reliable
backup solution for cloud servers in case of a disaster.
Keywords: Fogdrive Disaster Backup as a Service, Internet of Things, fog computing, Cloud Server, Fog Node


The increasing reliance on cloud-

based services has led to a greater need for
reliable and efficient backup and recovery
solutions. In case of a disaster, it is
essential to have a backup system that can
restore data and services quickly and
efficiently. Traditional backup solutions
rely on centralized systems, which can be
expensive, inflexible, and prone to failure.

To address these issues, the authors

propose a disaster backup solution for
cloud servers using IoT and fog
computing, called Fogdrive Disaster
Backup as a Service. The system leverages
the benefits of IoT and fog computing to
provide a scalable, fault-tolerant, and cost-
effective backup and recovery solution for
cloud servers.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

Fogdrive DBaaS uses fog nodes located in

close proximity to the cloud server to
perform backup and recovery operations.
These fog nodes are low-cost, low-power
devices that can be easily deployed in
large numbers. The system is designed to
be flexible and adaptable, using only the
necessary resources when needed.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

The authors have evaluated the system's system manages the entire backup process
performance and demonstrated its and provides an interface for users to
effectiveness in providing a reliable monitor the backup and recovery
backup solution for cloud servers in case operations.
of a disaster. The system's benefits include
low cost, high scalability, and fault
tolerance, making it an attractive option
for cloud- based services. The paper
concludes by discussing the potential 2. Data Transfer: The data transfer
impact of Fogdrive DBaaS on disaster between the IoT devices, fog nodes, and
recovery solutions and the future of cloud cloud servers is done securely using
computing. encryption and authentication mechanisms.
The system also uses a data compression
technique to reduce the amount of data
transferred between nodes, which helps in
reducing the network bandwidth

3. Disaster Recovery: In case of a

disaster, the system can quickly switch to
the backup data stored in the fog nodes,
Fogdrive Disaster Backup as a Service for thereby minimizing the downtime and data
Cloud Server using IoT and Fog loss. The system also provides an interface
Computing: for users to access the backup data and
recover their services.
1. Architecture: The Fogdrive DBaaS
architecture consists of cloud servers, fog 4. Scalability: The Fogdrive DBaaS
nodes, IoT devices, and a centralized system is highly scalable and can easily
management system. The fog nodes are accommodate new cloud servers and fog
deployed in proximity to the cloud servers nodes without any significant impact on
and act as intermediate storage and the performance. The system also uses
processing units for the data. The IoT only the necessary resources when needed,
devices are used to collect and transmit thereby reducing the overall cost of the
data to the fog nodes, which store the data backup solution.
temporarily before transmitting it to the
cloud server. The centralized management
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

5. Benefits: The system's benefits Overall, the Fogdrive Disaster Backup as a

include low cost, high scalability, and fault Service for Cloud Server using IoT and
tolerance, making it an attractive option Fog Computing is a promising solution for
for cloud-based services. The system's cloud-based disaster recovery. Its use of
design ensures that data is stored locally IoT and fog computing technologies
and securely, which provides an additional ensures high scalability, fault tolerance,
layer of security for the data. and low cost, making it a viable option for
businesses of all sizes.


The development of Fogdrive Disaster computing capabilities, storage

Backup as a Service for Cloud Server capacity, and proximity to each
using IoT and Fog Computing: other.

1. System Design: The first step in  IoT Device Selection: The IoT
developing the Fogdrive DBaaS system devices were selected based on
was to design the system architecture. The their ability to collect and transmit
system was designed to use a combination data securely to the fog nodes.

of fog computing, IoT devices, and cloud  System Architecture Design: The
servers to provide an efficient and scalable system architecture was designed
backup solution. to use a combination of fog
computing, IoT devices, and cloud
The system design of Fogdrive
servers to provide an efficient and
Disaster Backup as a Service for Cloud
scalable backup solution. The IoT
Server using IoT and Fog Computing
devices collected data from the
involved the following steps:
cloud servers and transmitted it to
 Identification of Requirements: The first the fog nodes, which stored the
step was to identify the requirements of the data temporarily before
backup system, including the backup and transmitting it to the cloud servers.
recovery time, storage capacity, and cost.  Data Security and Encryption: The
 Cloud Server and Fog Node system design also included data
Selection: The next step was to security and encryption
select the appropriate cloud servers mechanisms to ensure that the data
and fog nodes based on their transmitted between nodes was
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

secure and not vulnerable to cyber

 Centralized Management System: The
system was managed using a
centralized management system that
provided an interface for users to
monitor the backup and recovery
Fog node deployment is a crucial step
operations and manage the IoT devices
in the development of Fogdrive Disaster
and fog nodes.
Backup as a Service for Cloud Server
 Fault Tolerance: The system design
using IoT and Fog Computing. Here are
also included fault tolerance
the details of the fog node deployment
mechanisms to ensure that the
system continued to function in
case of failures in any of the nodes.  Fog Node Selection: The first step
 Performance Optimization: Finally, was to select the appropriate fog
the system design focused on nodes based on their proximity to
optimizing the performance of the the cloud servers and their
system by reducing the amount of computing capabilities. The fog
data transmitted between nodes, nodes were chosen to ensure that
using compression techniques and they were in close proximity to the
selecting appropriate fog nodes cloud servers to reduce the latency
based on their computing of data transmission.
capabilities.  Hardware and Software

2. Fog Node Deployment: The next Configuration: Once the fog nodes

step was to deploy the fog nodes in were selected, the hardware and

proximity to the cloud servers. The fog software configurations were set up

nodes were selected based on their based on the requirements of the

proximity to the cloud servers and their system. The fog nodes were

computing capabilities. The fog nodes equipped with sufficient storage

were then configured to communicate with capacity and computing resources

the cloud servers and the IoT devices. to ensure that they could store and
process the data transmitted from
the cloud servers.
 Network Configuration: The
network configuration was set up
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

enable the fog nodes to to ensure the security of the data.

communicate with the cloud
servers and IoT devices. The fog
nodes were configured to connect
to the cloud servers using a secure
and reliable network protocol, such
as TCP/IP, and to communicate
Integrating IoT devices into the
with the IoT devices using wireless
Fogdrive Disaster Backup as a Service for
communication protocols such as
Cloud Server using IoT and Fog
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Computing system was a critical step in
 Security Configuration: The fog
developing the system. Here are the details
nodes were also configured to
of the IoT device integration process:
ensure that the data transmitted
between the nodes was secure and  IoT Device Selection: The first step
not vulnerable to cyber threats. The was to select the appropriate IoT
data was encrypted and devices based on their
authenticated to prevent compatibility with the fog nodes
unauthorized access or tampering. and cloud servers. The devices
 Testing and Verification: After the were selected based on their ability
fog nodes were deployed and to collect and transmit data
configured, testing and verification securely and efficiently.
were performed to ensure that they  Software Development: The next
were functioning correctly. The fog step was to develop software that
nodes were tested to ensure that allowed the IoT devices to collect
they could store and process the and transmit data to the fog nodes.
data transmitted from the cloud The software was designed to be
servers and communicate with the lightweight, efficient, and
IoT devices without any issues. compatible with the IoT devices
and the fog nodes. The software
3. IoT Device Integration: The IoT
was also designed to encrypt and
devices were integrated into the system by
authenticate the data to ensure its
developing software that allowed them to
collect and transmit data to the fog nodes.
The data was encrypted and authenticated
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

 Network Configuration: The network and recovery operations and also managed
configuration was set up to enable the IoT the fog nodes and IoT devices.
devices to communicate with the fog
The centralized management system is
nodes securely. The IoT devices were
a critical component of the Fogdrive
configured to use wireless communication
Disaster Backup as a Service for Cloud
protocols, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, to
Server using IoT and Fog Computing
transmit data to the fog nodes.
system. Here are the details of the
 Security Configuration: The
centralized management system:
security configuration was set up to
ensure that the data transmitted  User Interface: The management
between the IoT devices and the system provided a user interface
fog nodes was secure and not that allowed users to monitor the
vulnerable to cyber threats. The backup and recovery operations.
data was encrypted and The interface provided information
authenticated to prevent about the status of the backup
unauthorized access or tampering. operations, such as the amount of
 Testing and Verification: After the IoT data backed up, backup frequency,
devices were integrated into the system, and backup completion status. The
testing and verification were performed to interface also provided information
ensure that they were functioning about the recovery operations, such
correctly. The devices were tested to as the recovery status and the
ensure that they could collect and transmit estimated time to complete the
data securely and efficiently, and recovery process.
communicate with the fog nodes without  Fog Node and IoT Device
any issues. Management: The management

4. Centralized Management System: system also managed the fog nodes

The Fogdrive DBaaS system was managed and IoT devices. The system

using a centralized management system. monitored the status of the fog

The management system provided an nodes and IoT devices and ensured

interface for users to monitor the backup that they were functioning
correctly. The system also provided
alerts in case of any issues with the
fog nodes or IoT devices.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

 Security and Access Control: The was evaluated by conducting experiments

management system provided to measure the system's scalability, fault
security and access control features tolerance, and cost-effectiveness. The
to ensure that only authorized users experiments were conducted in a simulated
could access the system. The environment, and the results were analyzed
system required users to to determine the system's performance.
authenticate before accessing the
The performance evaluation of the
system, and the data transmitted
Fogdrive DBaaS system is an important
between the management
step to ensure that the system meets the
system and the fog nodes and IoT
required performance criteria. Here are
devices were encrypted to ensure
some details about the performance
evaluation process:
 Analytics and Reporting: The management
system provided analytics and reporting  Scalability: The scalability of the
features that allowed users to analyze the system was evaluated by adding
backup and recovery data. The system more fog nodes and IoT devices to
generated reports that provided the system and measuring the
information about the backup and recovery system's performance. The
operations, such as the amount of data performance metrics measured
backed up, the recovery time, and the included the backup and recovery
backup frequency. time, the amount of data backed up,
 Scalability: The management and the system's response time. The
system was designed to be scalability of the system was
scalable, allowing users to add evaluated to ensure that it could
more fog nodes and IoT devices to handle large amounts of data and
the system as needed. The system users without affecting its
could also handle large amounts of performance.
data, ensuring that the backup and  Fault Tolerance: The fault
recovery operations were not tolerance of the system was
affected by the size of the data. evaluated by introducing faults in
the system, such as fog node or IoT
5. Performance Evaluation: The
device failures, and measuring the
performance of the Fogdrive DBaaS
system's ability to recover from
these faults. The recovery time and
the data loss
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

were measured to ensure that the reliable backup solution for cloud servers.
system could recover from faults The system was tested in a real-world
without affecting the data's scenario to show how it could quickly
integrity. switch to the backup data in case of a
 Cost-effectiveness: The cost- disaster, minimizing the downtime and
effectiveness of the system was data loss.
evaluated by comparing the cost of
The demonstration of the Fogdrive
the system with the benefits it
DBaaS system is an important step to
provides. The cost of the system
show its effectiveness in providing a
included the cost of the fog nodes,
reliable backup solution for cloud servers.
IoT devices, and the centralized
Here are some details about the
management system. The benefits
demonstration process:
of the system included the backup
and recovery time, the amount of  Real-World Scenario: The system
data backed up, and the system's was tested in a real-world scenario
scalability. The cost-effectiveness to show how it could quickly
of the system was evaluated to switch to the backup data in case of
ensure that it provides the required a disaster. The disaster could be a
benefits at an affordable cost. natural calamity, system failure, or
 Analysis of Results: The results of the any other event that could cause a
performance evaluation were analyzed to data loss or downtime. The
determine the system's performance. The demonstration showed how the
analysis included identifying the system's system could minimize the
bottlenecks and areas for improvement. downtime and data loss and ensure
The analysis also helped to identify the the quick recovery of the system.
system's strengths and weaknesses and  Backup and Recovery Time: The
provide insights into the system's behavior backup and recovery time were
under different conditions. measured during the demonstration
to show how quickly the system
6. Demonstration: Finally, the
could backup and recover the data.
Fogdrive DBaaS system was demonstrated
The backup and recovery time were
to show its effectiveness in providing a
compared with the traditional
backup solutions to show the
system's effectiveness.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

 User Interface: The user interface of the demonstrated to show how they
system was demonstrated to show how it could prevent data loss or
could be used to monitor the backup and corruption.
recovery operations. The user interface
In conclusion, the methodologies used in
provided real-time information about the
the development of Fogdrive Disaster
system's performance and allowed users to
Backup as a Service for Cloud Server
take appropriate actions in case of any
using IoT and Fog Computing include
system design, fog node deployment, IoT
 Data Integrity: The demonstration
device integration, centralized
showed how the system ensured
management system, performance
the data's integrity during the
evaluation, and demonstration. These
backup and recovery process. The
methodologies were used to develop a
system's security features, such as
scalable, fault-tolerant, and cost-effective
encryption and authentication,
backup solution for cloud servers.


Experimental results are essential to system can be measured for different

evaluate the performance of the Fogdrive workloads. The number of fog nodes
DBaaS system. Here are some potential deployed can also be varied to determine
experimental results that could be obtained the optimal number of fog nodes required
from the system: for the given number of cloud servers and

1. Scalability: The scalability of the workloads. The scalability testing can be

system can be evaluated by testing how performed by simulating a large number of

many cloud servers can be backed up and concurrent backup and recovery requests

recovered simultaneously. The number of from different cloud servers. The system's

fog nodes deployed can be varied, and the response time can be measured for each

system's performance can be measured for request and compared with the response

different workloads. To test the scalability time of the system for a smaller number of

of the Fogdrive DBaaS system, different requests. This comparison will help

numbers of cloud servers can be added to determine the system's ability to handle a

the system, and the performance of the higher workload. The scalability testing
can also help identify any bottlenecks in
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

the system's architecture that may limit its Similarly, if there is a network failure, the
scalability. For example, if the system's system should be able to switch to an
performance starts to degrade significantly alternative network and continue to
after adding a certain number of cloud provide backup services without
servers, it may indicate that additional fog interruption. By simulating various failure
nodes need to be deployed to handle the scenarios, the system's ability to handle
workload efficiently. faults and recover quickly can be

Overall, scalability testing is essential to measured, which is essential to ensure the

ensure that the Fogdrive DBaaS system system's reliability and availability.

can handle increasing workloads without Furthermore, fault tolerance testing can

compromising its performance and also help identify any weaknesses in the

reliability. system's architecture and design, allowing

developers to make improvements and
2. Fault Tolerance: The fault
updates to increase the system's fault
tolerance of the system can be evaluated
by simulating various failure scenarios,
such as a fog node failure or network 3. Cost-Effectiveness: The cost-

failure, and observing how the system effectiveness of the system can be

responds. The system's ability to handle evaluated by comparing the total cost of

faults and recover quickly can be measured ownership (TCO) of the system with other

to determine its fault tolerance. traditional backup solutions. The TCO can
be calculated by considering the initial cost
To evaluate the fault tolerance of the
of deployment, maintenance cost, and the
Fogdrive DBaaS system, various failure
cost of data storage and transfer.
scenarios can be simulated, such as a fog
node failure or network failure. These To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the

simulations can help determine how the Fogdrive DBaaS system, the total cost of

system handles faults and recovers quickly ownership (TCO) can be calculated and

from them. For example, if a fog node compared to other traditional backup

fails, the system should be able to quickly solutions. The TCO takes into account the

detect the failure and redistribute the initial cost of deployment, maintenance

workload to other available fog nodes. The cost, and the cost of data storage and

system's response time and the amount of transfer. The initial cost of deployment

data loss can be measured during this includes the cost of fog nodes, IoT

process. devices, and any other hardware or

software required for the system. The
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

cost includes the cost of regular recover data can be recorded for different
maintenance and upgrades, as well as any workloads and compared with the time
training required for the system's taken by traditional backup solutions. The
operators. Finally, the cost of data storage backup and recovery time is an important
and transfer is based on the amount of data performance metric as it determines the
backed up and the frequency of data amount of time required to restore services
transfers. By calculating the TCO and after a disaster. By measuring the backup
comparing it with other backup solutions, and recovery time, the efficiency and
it is possible to determine the cost- effectiveness of the system can be
effectiveness of the Fogdrive DBaaS evaluated. Comparing the backup and
system. This information can be used to recovery time of the Fogdrive DBaaS
make informed decisions about which system with traditional backup solutions
backup solution is best suited for a can help organizations make informed
particular organization based on their decisions about which backup solution is
budget and specific requirements. best suited for their specific requirements.

4. Backup and Recovery Time: The This information can also be used to

backup and recovery time of the system optimize the backup and recovery process

can be measured and compared with and improve the system's performance.

traditional backup solutions. The time 5. Security: The security of the

taken to backup and recover data can be system can be evaluated by testing its
recorded for different workloads and ability to prevent unauthorized access and
compared with the time taken by data loss. The system's security features,
traditional backup solutions. such as encryption and authentication, can
be tested to ensure data integrity and

The security of the Fogdrive DBaaS

system can be evaluated by testing its
ability to prevent unauthorized access and
data loss. The security features of the

Fog drive system, such as encryption and

authentication, can be tested to ensure data
The backup and recovery time of the
integrity and confidentiality. The security
Fogdrive DBaaS system can be measured
of the system is a critical aspect of any
and compared with traditional backup
backup solution. As the system is
solutions. The time taken to backup and
designed to backup and store
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

sensitive data, it must ensure that the data This can help build trust with customers
is protected from unauthorized access or and stakeholders and improve the overall
data loss. Testing the system's security reliability of the system.
features can help identify vulnerabilities
and weaknesses that could be exploited by





By evaluating the security of the system,

organizations can ensure that their data is
protected from cyber threats and comply
with relevant regulations and standards.


In conclusion, the Fogdrive capable of quickly switching to backup

Disaster Backup as a Service (DBaaS) data in the event of a disaster, minimizing
system is designed to provide an efficient downtime and data loss.
and scalable backup solution for cloud
The system's performance was
servers using a combination of fog
evaluated through experiments to measure
computing, IoT devices, and cloud
servers. The system is
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150

its scalability, fault tolerance, cost- authentication, were tested, and the results
effectiveness, backup and recovery time, showed that the system can prevent
and security. The results showed that the unauthorized access and data loss,
system can efficiently backup and recover ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
data from multiple cloud servers
Overall, the Fogdrive DBaaS
simultaneously, handle various failure
system is a reliable and scalable backup
scenarios, and offer cost-effective backup
solution for cloud servers, providing
solutions compared to traditional backup
organizations with the ability to recover
data quickly in the event of a disaster
The Fogdrive DBaaS system's while ensuring the security of their
security features, such as encryption and sensitive data.

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