Marías: History (Excerpts From Metaphysical Anthropology)

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Interpretation, Theory, and Reason

● “For man, nothing is merely physical, or even biological, but also
● “Reality as I encounter it—true reality—is already interpreted and historical and social. Even those determinations which appear to
responds to an idea of human life. Life is intrinsically historical be linked with man’s very condition as a living being transcend
and social, and ‘Adamism,’ so far from representing a higher physics, geography, or biology.”
degree of strictness, is an abstract error.”
● “Human history is, in one of its dimensions, the history of that
Empirical Structure reabsorption, the projection upon the naked circumstance of the
concrete projects which are going to make it, in each case, world.
● “Man is not nature, but he has nature; if you like, he has to come And that is why a singular ‘history of the world,’ as history of the
to terms with a nature which surrounds him and which, in that different ways in which the world has been world, is possible; a
sense, is his. But none of its contents is in principle immutable, history of worldhood or of the worldlike structure of life.”
though it may be stable and lasting. There are no ‘historical
constants’ but acquired historical determinations, though their Corporeal Installation
duration, at limit, may take in the whole of history from Adam to
the Last Judgment.” ● “Anatomy and physiology have gradually explored this reality of
the internal body and have attained a scientific knowledge which
The Vectorial Structure of Life today is superimposed on the knowledge we possess vitally, but
for centuries or millennia man has clung to a repertory of
● “The forms of installation are, therefore, forms of happening; or, fabulous or mythological interpretations of the inside of his body
if you prefer, forms for happening, inseparable from happening, and its functions. Magic, war, sacrifices, cannibalism,
without which they would lack meaning and reality. This means interpretation based on animals’ bodies, all this has left a residue
that installation has a historical character, for it is itself affected in humanity of a number of ways of understanding the body.
by a ‘level’ on which it finds itself in each case.” These are essential ingredients of man’s reality, his mode of
Worldhood installation, a residue with a social and historical aspect. Think of
the distinction that has been made between ‘noble’ and ‘vile’ ● “What we call ‘things’ are primarily interpretations of reality;
parts of the body, of the establishment of a hierarchy of organs most of them are social, and therefore historical. ‘Things’
and functions, of the covering or adornment of the body by depend, of course, on the human perceptive apparatus which
means of clothing, of the way in which the body itself—that is, the makes us consider a stone, a tree, or an animal, or each grain of
naked body—has become exceptional.” sand as a thing and not as each of its cells or molecules; but we
do not consider a star as a thing except in a very special
● “The human body, because it is a living body, has that structure perspective, the astronomical perspective.”
which we have called vectorial. In the first place, the body
‘happens’ as a whole, it is like a biological projectile which The Amorous Condition
moves forward from birth to death, throughout its life. That is, it
moves in one direction and in conformity with a specific and ● “One proof of the personal quality of human needs is that most of
historically foreseen trajectory. It is not merely a question of the them are historico-social, and among such needs are almost all
‘mean duration’ of life; in man it is, rather, life expectancy, a the nutritional ones. I need a certain kind of food, and prepared
quite different concept. The statistical length of men’s lives is in such-and-such a way, because I belong to a particular social
one thing, and what they can normally (barring ‘accident’) unit. Think of the three great cultures of wheat, rice, and corn,
expect is another. This expectancy is what defines the trajectory and the difficulties which have had to be overcome in India in
and determines its tension.” order to satisfy nutritional needs with wheat when rice is not
available. Naturally the difficulties did not arise from the Indians’
The Virile Figure of Human Life organism, but from Indian persons.

● “[V]irility is neither a biological nor simply a ‘natural’ quality, but Love and Being in Love
a historico-social one. That is, not only does the significance of
the general term ‘man’ vary from one society to another, but also ● “[L]ove happens; it is a dramatic, a plotlike reality, which has a
the significance of the words ‘man’ and ‘woman’.” history—and can be narrated, imagined, anticipated,
remembered. It is a “state,” but it is not “static,” because it is
Vital Reason: Masculine and Feminine neither a thing nor a determination of anything. Its permanence
is that of the person who is living, who is arriving with and
toward another person, with whom he is making himself.”

The Temper of Life

● “Human life as such possesses a temper; true tempers pertain to

man as a structure of biographical life. They are rooted in each of
his installations—or in the dimensions of installation—thus, they
appear connected with corporeality, the sexuate condition, social
structure, and historicity, not separately but in their multiple

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