ML AdjustamentProcedureForMG-800GovernorSystem

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NABCO 7ASS45696-54E 1/47 Adjustment Procedure for MG-800 Governor System “ NABCO Ltd. CONTROL SYSTEMS DIVISION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SECT. 7. = IMAN-B&W/MCG-301/EAR-50081000 =| "a/2 | Re £4 NOTE DATE | DESIGNED | CHK. | APVD SS REV. MARK, PIF NABCO 74SS45696-54E Contents 1. Installation of Units and Initial Adjustments 1.1 Adjusting the Zero Point of the Fuel Link Connecting Rod + + + + + + * 1.2 Pulse Generator + +++ + +++ 1.3 Wiring. te ee 2, Operation Procedure of MCG unit 2.1 ABNORMAL indication lamp +--+ +s += 2.2 FUEL LIMIT indication lamp +--+ +++ tee 2.3 CONDITION indicationlamp ---- +--+ 2.4 CONTROL MODE indication lamp / select switch 2.5 Parameter Adjustment Unit 2.5.1 Keyboard Department Constitution: + - - 2.5.2 Operation Procedure» - = + = + cee 2.6 LAMPTEST switch = +++ sss 2.7 CAUSE RESET switch © ++ sss 2.8 TEST mode switch ++ +s sss ss 2.9 Powerswitth +++ sss street ee eee eee eee Dee eee 3. ADU unit Operation Procedure 3.1 Powerswitth «ss tet e ee eee eee 4, Initial Adjustment 4.4 TumingonPower ++ esses tees 4.2 Operation Check and Adjustment of Actuator» + 4.21 Check of Actuator Position Feedback Signal - - - * 4.22 Adjusting Feedback Signals of the Actuator Position 4.3. Check | Adjustment of Control Parameter - - 4.3.1. Input Signal Scale Adjustment (Hardware System) + +--+ +++ 4.4 Adjusting Speed Setting Signals 4.4.1 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal 1 (W/H) ++ +s ss tte 4.4.2 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal 2 (CR) «ss vv tt tee 4.5 Adjusting the Actuator Position Limiter 4.5.1 Adjusting the Maximum Limiter + + ss ss ttt ttt et 4.8 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure Signal 4.6.1 Adjusting the Zero Pint of the PI Converter - - 4.6.2 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure Feedback Signal - 5, Adjustment Procedures for Ten-key Data 5.1. Adjusting Speed Setting Signals 5.1.1 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal (Control Position 1) = = + + > - 5.1.2. Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal (Control Position 2) - = = = + - 5.2 Emergency Slowdown + ss sts rset tes 5.3 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure © =< + 7 oe 5.4 Starting Control Parameters 5.4.1 Actuator Dash Position at Starting 5.4.2 Starting Control Keeping Time ++ s+ ts tts 5.4.3 Speed Setting Signal at Starting (Control position 2) + = + + + + 5.4.4 Actuator Retracting Amount at Starting: +--+ ++ ++ tee 5.4.5 PID Constants for Starting «== - ++ +++ 5.4.6 Other Control Parameters for Starting 15 16 16 7 19 2 23 24 24 24 2147 NABCO Contents 5.5 Actuator Limiters 5.5.1 Torque Limiter - 5.5.2 .Scavenging Air Pressure Limiter + ++ + + + 748S45696-54E 5.5.3 Maximum Limiter (MANUAL MAX. LIMIT) © <5 0 0st 5.5.4 Maximum Limiter at the HIGH GAIN Mode + 5.5.5 Minimum Limiter» 5.5.6 Timers for Limiter Signals - 5.6 Parameters for Detecting Abnormalities 5.6.1 Detecting a Break in the Speed Setting Signal 5.6.2. Detecting a Break in the Scavenging Air Pressi 5.6.3 Detecting an Abnormalit 5.6.4 Detecting an Abnormality inthe Actuator - - 5.7 Parameters for Droop Control: + = = - > - 5.8 Filters nee Roe ure Signal Line + > + * Actual Engine Speeds- > +--+ + + 5.8.1 Upper Operating Level for the Jiggling Prevention Control + + + + + 5.8.2 Noise Filter for Speed Setting Signals - * « « 5.8.3 Noise Filter for the Scavenging Air Pressure - - 5.8.4 Noise Filler for Actual Engine Speeds - « + 5.9 Parameters for Dead Band Control 5.10 Parameters for Governing 5.10.1 Normal PID Constants= +t ster t tee te eee 5.10.2 Selecting PID Constants changing Modes - - --- > - = -- >> 5.10.3 X-axis Signals for the PID Constants Function «- + sss + + 5.10.4 Proportional Gain (P) of the PID Constants Function +++ +++ + 5.10.5. Integral Time (I) of the PID Constants Function: + ++ + ss s+ + 5.10.6. Ditferenia! Time (D) of the PID Constants Function» = + = + + + = 5.10.7 PID Constants for Emergency Control» - - 5.10.8 PID Constants for the High Gain Mode + - - - 5.10.9 Time Scheduler for Actual Actuator Positions 6. Adjustment Procedures for Parameters 6.1 Adjustment at Starting 6.1.1 Adjustment If the Engine Stalls - + + + + + + 6.1.2 Adjustment if the Engine Hunts = + > > > + 6.1.9. Adjustment if the Actual Engine Speed increases Greatly Atter Senna: ee es 6.2 PID Adjustment at Low Load 6.2.1 Adjustment If the Engine Hunts = + + + + + ° 6.22 Adjustment If the Engine Stalls - +--+ + 6.3 PID Adjustment at Middle Load 6.3.1 Adjustment If the Engine Hunts - + + + + + 6.4 PID Adjustment at High Load 6.4.1. Adjustment if the Engine Hunts - + + = + + RASRE BRRRLS 46 48 47 47 47 47 3/47 3? NABCO 74SS45696-54E 447 1. Installation of Units and Initial Adjustments 1.1 Adjusting the Zero Point of the Fuel Link Connecting Rod Fix the connecting rod to the governor actuator as follows: 1) After stopping the main engine, separate the connecting rod from the local control stand. 2) Move the fuel linkage by hand to the zero position. 3) Move the actuator by hand to the zero position. 4) After loosening the lock nut for the connecting rod, screw the rod connector in the actuator rod. . 5) Adjust the rod length to match the connecting hole of the connecting rod with that of the local control stand. 6) Tighten the lock nut for the connecting rod. 1.2 Adjustment of zero side stopper Adjust a zero side stopper as follows, so as not to interfere with a zero side stopper with an engine, when an actuator became a zero position. 1) An actuator is made a zero position. 2) Set the rack minimum position to -1 mm or less in the actuator position. p38 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 5/47 1.2 Pulse Generator Flywheel Pulse generator 3002 Lock Nut (2ps) After turning on the control unit, set the unit as follows: 1) After loosening the lock nut for a pickup sensor in the box, move the pickup toward the mountain portion of a gear until the regular position. 2) Tighten the outside lock nut for the pickup. 3) Adjust and fix the pickups A and B according to the above-mentioned method. 4) After adjusting the pickup position, tighten the rock nuts suitably and apply a drop of locking liquid to each screw. Po? NABCO 74SS45696-54E 6/47 1.3 Wiring Before operating (tuning on) the governor system, check the voltage and polarity of the power supply and the cables of signal lines for mis-wiring without fail Particularly to the following: (1)the cables to the motor, (2)the cables for feedback signal of actuator positions, (3)the cables for speed setting signal and (4)the cables for the pulse generator (pickups) signal. PEL NABCO 2. Operation procedure of MCG unit 2.1 ABNORMAL indication lamp ABNORMAL © CPU HARD © Pick uP © ACTUATOR © DISCONNECTION © POWER SOURCE 2.2 FUEL LIMIT indication lamp FUEL LIMIT © MANUAL MAX. © TORQUE LIMIT © SCAVEN. LIMIT O MIN. LIMIT fo} 2.3 CONDITION indication lamp CONDITION O sToP O START © FUEL RUN © SLOW DOWN | © SHUT DOWN 1) CPU HARD 2) PICK UP 3) ACTUATOR DISCONNECTION 5) POWER SOURCE : Pick-uo 74SS45696-54E 7/47 : Micro-computer failure jlure + Actuator failure - Position F.B. sensor * Motor & driver failure Disconnection > Speed command signal + Scaven. Pressure signal Power source failure + Contr! unit power + Actuator drive unit power 1) MANUAL MAX. LIMIT : MAX. Limiter operation 2) TORQUE LIMIT 3) SCAVEN. LIMIT 4) MIN. LIMIT. 1) STOP. 2) START 3) FUEL RUN 4) SLOW DOWN 5) SHUT DOWN Torque limiter operation :Scaven. Limiter operation IN. Limiter operation + Stop operation : Start-up operation : Fuel running operation + Slow down operation : Emergency stop operation Pal NABCO 74SS45696-54E 8/47 2.4 CONTROL MODE indication lamp/ select switch (indication lamp) 1) NORMAL 2) INDEX 8) HIGH GAIN 4) TEST O NORMAL O tnvex O HIGH GAIN O° O Test (select switch) : Fixed speed control mode : Fixed index (F.O.) control mode FRONT PANEL : Bad weather control mode : Test mode — + BACK OF FRONT PANEL CONTROL MODE FRONT PANEL Test omRECT NORMAL NORMAL BACK OF FRONT PANEL NABCO 748S45696-54E 9/47 2.5 Parameter adjustment unit 2.5.1 Keyboard department constitution Various setting values can be checked / modified by operating the keyboard, and displayed by the digital indicator (ADDRESS display unit and DATA display unit) respectively. Keys Contents N(Next) : Increments address +1. B(Before) : Decrements address -1 DIGITAL INDICATOR s Prepared for maintenance by maker. (Do not attempt to use it for general operation). Gel BESS) WHEE] C(Clear) : Clears data display when the spores Rose date is modified. R(Read) : Prepared for switching to READ mode. READ mode can be activated during WRITE mode even with the WRITE-ENABLE switch turned on. KEYBOARD Used for such case when necessary iginal setting value during data modification. jee SWITCH W(Write) : Prepared for switching to WRITE mode. Validated only when the WRITE- ENABLE switch is tumed on. }] 1) When the switch is depressed, the | y ENABLE) mode is changed to WRITE mode. | D(Data) Prepared for data display. Indicates that the numeral to be entered next is the data, by which the data column is blanked. E(Enter) : Prepared for data writing. ‘The data is actually changed to that displayed at the data column. The data has not been actually FRONT PANEL changed until the key is depressed. SIDE VIEW N(Normal) : Selects the address opened for the data display and for the adjustment atuser side. (TK-N*) E Selects the address for adjustment (Extension) :_ made by the maker. (TK-E™) PLS NABCO T4SS45696-54E 10/47 2.5.2 Operation procedure 1) Data reading When the address of data to read is keyed in through the keyboard, the address is displayed at the upper digit / lower digit of the address column sequentially. As soon as the lower digit setting has been completed, the data for address indicated will be displayed at the data column, The address is entered necessarily in two digits from the upper digit. When reading the data at continuous addresses, the use of "N" key or "B" key will make such reading easy. When the key "N" is pressed, the address display is incremented +1, and when the key "B" is depressed, on the other hand, the address display is decremented -1. In this case, the data at the indication address displayed at the display column will be displayed. When the un-unsed address is entered, 001010 is displayed at the data column. ‘There are N** and E** prepared for the ten-key address. In case E** is used, " - " (period) is indicated at the least significant digit of the address column for discrimination. (Since the E** address has been normally pre-adjusted by the maker, it needs not to be readjusted). 2) Data modification ‘The data modification is executable only while the WRITE mode is selected. Execute the data modification in accordance with the following procedure; (1) Tum the mode to WRITE mode. (2) Tum on the WRITE ENABLE switch. WRITE ENABLE LED is tured on . WRITE-ENALBE mode is tured on, and the [W] key is validated. (3) Depress the (W] key. The operation mode is changed from READ mode to WRITE mode, and the [D] key is validated. (4) Enter the address desired to change, through the keyboard. The address entered is displayed at the address column, and the current data at the data column respectively. (6) Depress the (D] key. thereby the data display unit is blanked and the operation is held waiting for data input. Pee NABCO 74SS45696-54E 11/47 (6) Enter the new data through the keyboard, The data entered is displayed sequentially at the data column. Be sure to enter the data from the upper digit sequentially, When the data is first entered, it will be displayed at the least significant digit of the data column. When the following digit is entered, the data display so far is raised to the upper digit sequentially, by which the value entered last is entered to the least significant digit for display. The data input is acceptable in any digits, however, the valid data is that displayed at the data column. The "." (period) key is acceptable only while "." is not used at the data display unit, "+" and "-" are repeated alternately every time the "+/-" key is depressed. (7) Depress the [E) key. The data displayed at the data column is written in the machine as new data. If the data displayed at the data column is not proper, it will not be accepted, and the "Err’is displayed at the data column. If any error is found in the input data prior to depressing the [E] key, depress the [C] key, thereby the data column is cleared. Enter the new data in accordance with the previous step-(5), and depress the (EJ key. Since the data will not be modified until the [E] key is depressed, turn off the [R] key or WRITE-ENABLE switch to display the previous data. In this case, the data has not been changed. (8) Enter the address desired to change, and then perform the previous steps-(5), (6) and (7) repeatedly. In this case, it is possible to change the address by using the [NJ key and [B) key in the same manner as data-reading. (9) Tum off the WRITE-ENABLE switch. After completing the data modification, turn off the WRITE-ENABLE switch, thereby the READ mode is activated, which can be confirmed by READ LED : ON, WRITE LED & WRITE-ENABLE LED : OFF. When the WRITE-ENABLE switch is turned off, *." (period) is displayed for approx. one min. at the most significant digit of the address column. While the *." (period) is displayed, do not attempt to tum off the power to the system. If the power is turned off accidentally, the period is displayed if the power is turned on again. In such a case, therefore, turn off the power after checking that the period has turned off. Bear in mind that the data value return to the premodification value if the power is turned off without the period turned off, when the power is turned on again, Pas NABCO 74SS45696-54E 12/47 Note : Even while the WRITE-ENABLE switch is left turned on, the operation mode may be changed to READ mode or WRITE mode by using the CR] key or [W) key. Each mode can be checked by whether the READ LED and WRITE LED are turned on or of. Pee NABCO TASS45696-54E 13/47 2.6 LAMP TEST switch The indication lamp on the front panel are all turned on during depressing the switck. 2.7 CAUSE RESET switch The fault (abnomal) indication reset by depressing the switch. 2.8 TEST mode switch When the TEST switch is tured on, the test operation mode is activated. ‘The engine operation condition is simulated by using the data of tenkey address [N48] whitch provides simulation instructions and the data of tenkey address [N49] whitch provides simulation speed F.8., by which the control function can be confirmed by using the tenkey. Note-1) Bear in mind that the operation mode can be switched to the test mode only while the engine is stopped. 2.9 Power switch Power switch is used to turn on/off the main power source of AC and em’cy power source of DC simultaneously. 2.10 Fuse Ft : Fuse for AC main power source F2 : Fuse for DC em’cy power source F3 : Fuse for pick up of speed deticter(DC24V) PL? NABCO 748845696-54E 3. ADU unit operation procedure 3.1. Power switch Power switch is used to turn on/off the main power source of AC. 14/47 Pas NABCO 74SS45696-54E 15/47 4, Initial adjustment 44 Check the power voltahe and signal wiring fully before starting the operation (turing ‘on the power) of the governor system. Check that the actuator and pulse generator are installed and adjusted as specified in the paragraph-1 Perform the checks and adjustments on the items shown below prior to starting the engine. 1) Operation check and adjustment of actuator 2) Check and adjustment of control unit parameter Turing on the power 1) Turn the POWER switch of the ADU actuator drive unit 2) Tum on the power switch of the MCG control unit. When the power is tumed on, the MCG unit displays the numerals at the "ADDRESS" part and "DATA" part. In this case, check that the lamps "ABNORMAL" arranged on the MCG unit are all turned off. If any one of the lamps is found to be turned on, there is probably a trouble in the system. In such a case, follow the instructions, referring to the paragraph "System failure” given in the maintenance / inspection procedure. Pay NABCO 74SS45696-54E 16/47 4.2 Operation check and adjustment of actuator 4.2.1. Check of actuator position feedback signal 1) Itis possible to stroke the actuator freely by disconnecting the connection between the actuator and the fuel link (local stand) and moving the mechanical limiter of fuel link. 2) Set [N98] and [N99] to "0" after recording the current setting values of ten-key address Nos. [N98] and [N99]. 3) Set [N48] to "30" and [N49] to *70" , and turn on the TEST switch to turn the governor to the test mode. 4) Set the ten-key address No.[N98] to "0", "25", "50", "75" and "100" respectively, and stroke the actuator to check that the actuator position (value read by the gauge attached to the actuator) is settled within the range of [N98]+2.0%. 5) If the value is found to be in the range of * Setting value +2.0% *, re-set the values recorded for [N98] and [N99], and turn the TEST switch to "NORMAL" for the completion of the actuator position feedback signal checking. 6) If the value is greater than "Setting value 2.0%", make the adjustment of actuator position feedback signal. PS NABCO 74SS45696-54E 17/47 4.2.2 Adjusting Feedback Signals of the Actuator Position ‘An arrangement of trimmer and also check terminal are shown to a rough sketch. CHT GH cia CHa Che CHS 38 oS 3 GCA-901 fl OG ele )2 EJ |OG) 0000 COTO | = =s5 o chia 5 £55 CHT eo cate 3368 cHI5 © = SBE © cHs $388 CHI 0 ¢ ded oO cHI2 5 SSS cH o & 22S ‘CHOZ o mm © cHos © vec © GND | GCA-101 £ fay NYdS (NIVH) roy 043Z (NIVH) “ roy o4az (ans) roy NvdS (ans) Check that the following conditions are assured before starting the adjustment. 1) The actuator is ready to full-stroke freely. 2) The governor is selected to the test mode, and the ten-key value of [N99] is, "oO". 1) Confirm the STOP LED on the MCG is lighted. 2) Set the ten-key address No. [N98] to "0" 3) Adjust the trimmer VR473 on the C PCB for actuator position to “0+ 0.1%" 4) Set the ten-key address No. [N98] to "100" Pel NABCO 74SS45696-54E 18/47 5) Adjust the trimmer VR470 on the C PCB for actuator position to “100 0.1%" 6) Set the ten-key address No. [N98] to "100" 7) Connect the actuator and the fuel rack. 8) Enter the order values, such as 0, 10, 21 the limited position...20, 10, 0, to the ten-key address [N98], and at each time measure the actuator stroke and the fuel rack position. 9) Enter the original data in the ten-key data address [N98] and [N99]; the adjustment will be completed. ‘Actuator Order Actuator Stroke Pump mark (E95) Position INC. DEC. INC. DEC. 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% ©} &| S| a} a] a] ol ro} 90% a 100% P22 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 19/47 4.3 Check / adjustment of control parameter Perform the check/adjustment on the following items ; 1) Adjusting speed setting signals 2) Adjusting the actuator position limiter 3) Adjusting the scavenging air pressure signal Fig. 4-3 shows "List of internal monitoring for MCG control unit". PS emsnne PP (es SS > — GD,_ne w Bee, wn Prey ae ~ Ca age SF Fig. 4.3. List of internal monitors of pid NOO Actual engine speed NOt Engine speed order NO2 speed error NO Actual actuator position Nod Actuator position order N30 Error code display for detailed contents of actuator fallure-1 N31 Error code display for detalled contents of actuator fallure-2. N32 Error code display for detalled contents of disconnection failure N33 Error code display for detailed contents of power source failure N34 Error code display for detalled contents of pick-up failure controf unit OOaVN BvS-S69SPSSbL Lyl0z OOaVN se Las = lt fs ar NABCO TA4SS45696-54E 21/47 4.3.1. Input signal scale adjustment (hardware system) All the following signals are fetched as the digital voltage signals after having been converted (scaling) into vottage signal of within fixed range. 1) Speed command (speed order-1 / speed order-2) 2) Scavenging pressure (scaven. air) 3) Speed F.B. (speed feedback main/sub) 4) Other signals Check the signal fetching condition, referring to Table 4.3.1 "Scaling table”. If any adjustment is necessary, make the adjustment by using the trimmer shown in Fig. 4.3.1. Note-1) : The scale adjustment based on the design value has been completed at the time of the factory shipment. Note-2) : The speed F.B. signal adjustment needs to be performed by the service engineer or under his advice. ot ad Ga Co cae oe GCA-901 Gl El a] elolel A (9 ae 0000 CO ne | irr j iS VRa37 VRa12 | | vraeal | vRsts ‘reas | VR636 ves12| ‘VASES ocHe | | | = 332 =z os cuir 0 § 555 g & ous S aeS 5 e CHIS Os Cla = BB> g 2 cnt. 0 § 588 3 2 ocma 5 555 5 g curt o 3 dss ees coe © 8 855 s g © cHot | mom ie 3 | 2 228 * g eee \| oo g = |] zs 2 = || 2 nS > 2 ecu | | = ES2 = | J | GCA-101 \GCA-701 Fig. 4.3.1 "Layout of trimmers/check terminals" Sd ———TERMINAT ‘ADJ. TRIMER CHECK AND SET-UP SIGNAL NAME BOARD No, | SIGNALTYPE AND RANGE |~GARD | ZERO | SPAN | CARD | CHECK | TEN-KEY | RANGE TERMINAL SPEED ORDER t Te4-A2 05~10V GeRGoT | — | VR606 | GOATOT | CHIT N25 | 0.475~95V {CONTROL POSITION 1) SPEED ORDER 2 TB4-B2 05~i0V oR | — | VRBI6 | GoATOT |~“CHTS N26 [0.475~9.5V (CONTROL POSITION 2) SCAVEN. AIA 54-86 4~20mA Gexeor |=} VR626 | SeaioT | CHI Nea | -95~4.5V SPEED FB. TR4AT7 PULSE GcAsor | VAGI2 | VA3IS | GCAI01 | CHIE Nai O~10V (HAIN) O~MAX. (Hz) SPEED FE. TBAATS PULSE TORSO | VASES | VES | COMTAT | CHIT | —N2E o~10V us) O~MAX. (Hz) ACTUATORF.B. TS48TT ‘npouT 2~8V ‘Gcasor | VRA73 | VRA70 | SCA-Tor | CHi4 Nis 0~i0v (MAIN) (ACT. POS. 0~ 100%) . Table. 4.3.1. Input signal scale adjustment( Hardware system) OO8VN abS-969SPSSPL Lelee NABCO 74SS45696-54E 23/47 4.4 Adjusting Speed Setting Signals 4.4.1 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal 1 (W/H) For either a shop trial or a system providing no bridge control, where is no speed setting signal 1, enter “1” in the ten-key address [E63] to cancel the wire disconnection alarm. Adjust the speed-voltage converter (function generator) in the main engine remote control system to display correct indication of the engine speed order from the speed setting handle (control position 1) in the ten-key address [NOS] on the MCG unit. 4.4.2 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal 2 (C/R) a} 2 3) 4) 5) 6) 72 8) 9) For a system providing no control room or engine side, where is no speed setting signal 2, enter “1” to the ten-key address [E64] to cancel the wire disconnection alarm. Adjust the potentiometer in the handle (control position 2) to output °0.5-1.0 V" when it is placed at the STOP position and less than “14.5 V" when the maximum position. Adjust the trimmer VR616 on the B PCB to indicate 9.5: 0.01 V in the ten- key address [N26] when the handle is placed at the maximum position. Enter the value that displayed in the ten-key address [N26] when the handle is placed at the STOP position in [E87]. The setting of the ten-key address [E87]:__V Enter the value that displayed in the ten-key address [N26] when the handle is placed at the minimum position in (E88). The setting of the ten-key address [E88]: v Enter the value that displayed in the ten-key address [N26] when the handie is placed at the maximum position in [E89}. The setting of the ten-key address [E89]:__V Enter “0" in the ten-key address [E90]. Enter the minimum setting speed in the ten-key address [E91]. The setting of the ten-key address [E91]:_rpm Enter the maximum setting value in the ten-key address [E92]. The setting of the ten-key address [E92]: pm PS&7 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 24/47 4.5 Adjusting the Actuator Position Limiter 4.5.1 Adjusting the Maximum Limiter 1) Measure the position where the actuator touches the mechanical limiter (provided on the engine), and then enter the value that is 1-2 % smaller than the measured value (actuator stroke) in the ten-key address [N99]. Mechanical limiter position (actuator stroke): mm The setting of the ten-key address [N99]: ___% 4.6 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure Signal 4.6.1 Adjusting the Zero Point of the PI Converter (DANFOSS: EMP2) 1) Check that the rated input pressure (at 20 mA output) of the PI converter is the same as the setting data in the ten-key [E97]. If different, enter the actual rated input pressure (the input pressure when output current is 20 mA) in the ten-key address [E97]. 2) After making the scavenging air pressure O bar, adjust the zero adjusting trimmer on the Pl converter to make the voltage between terminals P(+) and N(-) “26 + 0.01 V" (= 4 mA). 3) After making the scavenging air pressure 0 bar, adjust the trimmer VRS on the B PCB to make the display of the ten-key address (N24] *-9.5+0.05 V.” 4.6.2 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure Feedback Signal 1) After making the scavenging air pressure 0 bar, adjust the ten-key address [E66] to make the display of the ten-key address [N12] ‘O +0.01 (bar).” The setting of [E66] after adjustment:__V 2) During engine running, adjust the data in the ten-key address [E67] to make the display of the ten-key address [N12] the same as the indication of the scavenging air pressure gauge in engine side. (This adjustment is recommended to carry out at high load running (more than 75%) The setting of [E67] after adjustment: v P& NABCO 74SS45696-54E 25/47 5. Adjustment Procedures for Ten-key Data 5.1 Adjusting Speed Setting Signals 5.1.1. Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal (Control Position 1) The speed setting signal voltage (current) from the control position 1 is converted into the corresponding speed through a three-point function generator (F.G.). The input data Y1 and Y2 are the maximum limiter and the minimum limiter to the input speed order respectively because the data below the (X1, Y1) point and above the (X3, Y3) have flat slopes in the F.G. Furthermore, a maximum limiter by the ten-key address [N93] is provided. 1) Setting speed voltage (current)—-Speed converting F.G. : [E81}{E86] 2) Setting speed maximum limiter {E93} Sotting Speed Adjusting F.G. Seting Speed __ input fTen-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E81 [XT of Input Voltage __ [Xi Voltage is set. © The initial value is basically recommended. E62 _|XZof Input Voltage |X2 Voltage is set. © The initial value is basically recommended. E83 XS of input Voltage __|X3 Voltage is set. }© The initial value is basically recommended. E84 [Vi of input Voltage |Y7 Voltage is set. © The initial value is basically recommended. E85 |Y2of input Voltage _|Y2 Voltage is set. }© The initial value is basically recommended. E86 [YS of input Voltage __|Y3 Voltage is set. }© The initial vaiue is basically recommended. NGS [Maximum Limiter [The maximum limit of setting speed is set. P&P NABCO 74SS45696-54E 26/47 5.1.2 Adjusting the Speed Setting Signal (Control Position 2) The speed setting signal voltage (current) from the control position 2 is converted into the corresponding speed through a three-point function generator (FG). The input data Y1 and Y2 are the maximum limiter and the minimum limiter to the input speed order respectively because the data below the (X1, Y1) point and above the (X3, Y3) have flat slopes in the F.G. Furthermore, a maximum limiter by the ten-key address [N94] is provided. 1) Setting speed voltage (current)-»Speed converting F.G. : [E87}-[E92] 2) Setting speed maximum limiter Setting Speed Adjusting F.. | (Output) Monitor | Setting Spectrom} Monitor ‘Seting Speed Input fTen-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E87 [XT of input Voltage [Speed set. signal of Handle STOP is set. E68 |X2 of Input Voltage [Speed set. signal of Handle *O" Nis set. E69 [XB of input Voliage __|Speed set. signal of Handle "10" Nis set. E90 |¥1 of input Voltage [Speed for Xt is set. © Normal set.: 0 rpm ESt |Y2of input Voltage _ |Speed for X2 is set. © Normal set.: Min. rom. E92 [YS of Input Voltage |Speed for XS is set. © Normal setting: the same as [E99] or MCR X 1.1 RPM. N34 |Maximum Limiter [The maximum limit of setting speed is set PEt NABCO 5.2 Emergency Slowdown 74SS45696-54E 27/47 The limited setting speed value and the rate of speed order change at emergency slowdown (SLOW DOWN) is set here. [Ten-Key| Description Guidance/Adustment Procedure N56. [Setting speed at |The slowed-down speed is set. lemergency slowdown N57_|Rate of speed order ___[The rate of speed order change at slowdown (secitpm) is [change at slowdown set. | Normal setting:, 5.3 Adjusting the Scavenging Air Pressure The zero and gain adjustments of the scavenging air pressure signal are carried out and electric current values are converted into pressure values. ‘Scavenging Air Pressure Signal Scaveng. Gain Adjust. Ai Pressure Inputyy FTen-Key| Description. ‘Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure E66 Zero adjustment [Adjust [E66] to make [N12} show 0 bar at the scavenging lair pressure is 0 bar. }© This value will be approx. 3.8 when the rated input pressure is 4 bar. 67 _|Gain adjustment [Adjust [E67] to make [N12] show the same value as the lscavenging air pressure. © This value will be approx. 0.75 when the rated input pressure is 4 bar. 97 [Enter the rated input pressure (at 20 mA output) of the IMaximum scavenging ir press. setting pressure sensor. PEI NABCO 74SS45696-54E 28/47 5.4 Starting Control Parameters 5.4.1 Actuator Dash Position at Starting rTen-Key] Description ‘Guidance/Adjustment Procedure NBO [Actuator position at INORMAL starting [Actuator dash position at NORMAL siarting is set. A suitable setting for the propulsion is required. (LOW level) © FPP vessels: [50-70% of rated-output actuator position } © CPP vessels with propeller clutch (No load starting): [30-50% of rated-output actuator position } N51_{Actuator position at___|Actuator dash position at CRASH starting is set. A suitable CRASH starting setting for the propulsion is required. (HIGH 1 level) |© FPP vessels: (70-90% of rated-output actuator position } |© CPP vessels with propeller clutch (No load starting) [50-70% of rated-output actuator position } | "N52 [Actuator position at [The same value as the [N51] is set. ICRASH starting L (HIGH 2 level) 5.4.2. Starting Control Keeping Time The keeping time of starting control after releasing a starting signal is set here. The starting operation is controlled with the PID constants stored in {E05}, (E06), and [E07] which are exclusive for starting. ‘The actuator is kept at the dash position until the actual engine speed reaches the setting speed. fTen-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure NBS [Start control keep time (Cont. pos. 1) [Star. control keep. time for cont. pos. 7 is set. [© Normal setting: 3-6 sec. NBA [Start. control keep time (Cont. pos. 2) [Start. controt keep. time for cont. pos. 218 set |© Normal setting: 3-6 sec. 5.4.3 Speed Setting Signal at Starting (Control! position 2) A setting speed during starting control at the control position 2 is set here. After completing the starting control, the setting speed is automatically changed to the signal come from the outside (SPEED ORDER 2). time fTen-Ke} Description Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure N53 Start. control keep time |Start. control keep. time for cont. pos. 2is set. (Cont. pos. 2) © Normal setting: 3-6 sec. E51 _|Set. speed changing |The time when the speed setting signal is changed from the [start. control to outside handle signal atter the setting time INS3] is set. If this setting is changed, change the setting [E52] without fail. |© Normal setting: 3 sec. E52 [Time constant for set. Ispeed changing [The first-order time lag corresponding to the setting [E51] is set. |© The setting shall be: [E51] X 0.63 (1.89 is set when [E51] is 3 sec.) PL NABCO 74SS45696-54E 29/47 5.4.4 Actuator Retracting Amount at Starting When the actual engine speed reaches the setting speed at starting, the actuator stroke is retracted for the setting [E32] or [E33] in an instant and then the governing will be effective. FTen-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure £32 [Actuator retracting |The retracting amount of the actuator at NORMAL starting lamount is set here. (at NORMAL starting) |When the actual speed follows to the setting speed at the NORMAL level starting, the amount of this parameter is Iretracted from the starting actuator position [N50] once. © Normal setting: 5-10 E33 [Actuator retracting {The retracting amount of the actuator at CRASH starting is: larmount lset here. (at CRASH starting) __|@ Normal setting: 0 (No retraction) 5.4.5 PID Constants for Starting The PID constants for starting control are set here. These PID constants are used for the time set by [N53] or [N54]. Ten-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure £05 [Proportional gain at |The proportional gain (P) used only at starting is set. Since starting Ithe toad at starting is usually low, it is no necessary to enter (P) ja too great value in this parameter; however, a too small value could cause overshooting of lengine speeds or bad follow: up ability to handle. © Recommended setting: 1.0-1.5 E06 integral time at starting_|The integral gain (I) used only at starting is set. itis 0) basically recommended to enter a small value to improve Ihe follow-up ability of the handle and to prevent lovershooting of speeds. © Recommended setting: 1.0-2.0 £07 [Differential time at |The differential time (D) used only at starting. Tis not starting Inecessary to enter a too great value in this parameter. ) © Recommended setting: 0.1-0.2 PE. NABCO 74S8845696-54E 30/47 5.4.6 Other Control Parameters for Starting The parameters below are used for starting control; however, there is no necessity to adjust for B&W engines. fTen-Key| Description ‘Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure 30 Actuator dash point [When the START DASH HIGH LEVEL signal is aclive, the Ichanging level Ichanging level of actuator dash points LOW and HIGH 1 is, \LOW+—HIGHt) iset here. © Recommended setting: 0 E3i [Actuator dash point [When the START DASH HIGH LEVEL signal is active, the ichanging level Ichanging level of actuator dash points HIGH 1 and HIGH 2 (HIGHI@>HIGH2) _ |is set here. : © Recommended setting: the same as [E99] £34 |Delay timer at start signal off |© Recommended setting: 0.5 E35 [Starting control mode [Actuator dash timing at start. is set here. © Recommended setting: FPP vessels: 0 CPP and vessels with clutches: 1 §.5 Actuator Limiters 5.5.1 Torque Limiter ‘The upper limit of the actuator is determined by speed setting orders. Two setting points are provided. [mm] % Actuator Position | | ' Ut ts rpm] xt x2 Setting Speed (Ten-Key[ Description Guidance/Aduusiment Procedure N66 |Torque limiter (x1) | Setting speed point "X1"is set N67 [Torque limiter (X2) [Setting speed point "X2" is set N68 [Torque limiter (¥1) [Setting speed point V1" is set. If setting speed is below Xt, the limit value is Y1 N69 Torque limiter (v2) __|Setting speed point "Y2" is set. If setting speed is above I [X2, the limit value is Y2. Pé NABCO 74SS45696-54E 31/47 5.5.2 Scavenging Air Pressure Limiter The actuator position is limited by scavenging air pressure. Five setting points are provided. {rum} Actuator Position [bar] x1 X2 XB X4 xs Scavenging Air Pressure [Ten-Key| Description ‘Guidance/Adjustment Procedure N70. |Scav. ap limiter(Xt) __ |Scav. air press. limiter point "X1" is set. N71_ |Scav. alp limiter(X2) _|Scav. air press. limiter point "X2" is set. N72_ |Scav. a/p limiter(Xa) __|Scav. air press. limiter point "Xa" is set. N73 |Scav. alp limiter(X4) _ [Scav. air press. limiter point "X4" is set. N74 |Scav. alp limiter(X) | Scav. air press. limiter point "XS" is set N75 |Scav. ajp limiter(Yi) __ |Cyl. pos. of scav. ajp limiter point "V1" is set. If the press. is below V1, [N75]is Y1. N76_[Scav. alp limiter(V2) __ |Cyl. pos. of scav. alp limiter point "V2" is set. N77_|Scav. ap limiter(¥3) “” |Cyl. pos. of scav. alp limiter point "Y3" is set. N78 |Scav. alp limiter(v4) [Cyl pos. of scav. ajp limiter point "V4" is set. N73 |Scav. Alp limiter(v5) _ |Oyl. pos. of scav. ajp limiter point "V5" is set. I the press. is labove Y5, [N79] is Y5. NABCO 74SS45696-54E 32/47 5.5.3 Maximum Limiter (MANUAL MAX. LIMIT) The value slightly greater than the full-load actuator position is set. This value should be also 1-2 mm smaller than the stroke where the actuator touches the mechanical stopper. FTen-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure N99" |Actuaior maximum limiter [The maximum limiter of the actuator stroke at engine running is set. ‘Too great setting could cause a collision of the mechanical limiter on the engine with the actuator and a subsequent ltrouble with the actuator or destruction of the mechanical limiter. [On the contrary, too small selting could cause an impossibility of 110% running. |© Recommended setting: 1-2 mm smaller than the mechanical limiter setting 5.5.4 Maximum Limiter at the HIGH GAIN Mode The maximum limiter position of the actuator at the HIGH GAIN mode is set. Ten-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure N80. [Actuator maximum limiter (for HIGH GAIN mode) [The maximum limiter of the actuator stroke at engine |running is set. |@ Recommended setting: the actuator stroke equivalent to 80-85% load running. 5.5.5 Minimum Limiter This limiter is used to prevent a stall of the engine. The function works only during fuel running and automatically canceled at stop. Ten-Ke; Description ‘Guidance/Adjusment Procedure N38 [Actuator minimum |The minimum limit of the actuator at engine running is set limiter JA greater value could reduce a great hunting at minimum Ispeed running. However, a too great setting could cause a engine speed lhoiding or an over spend at running of high speed and low load. lAdjust the value noting the characteristics that the higher Ithe speed increases, the lower the rack position is. © Recommended setting: 2-5 mm smaller than the actuator position of no load and high speed, or 5-10 mm smaller than that of no load and low speed. Fé NABCO 74SS45696-54E 33/47 5.5.6 Timers for Limiter Signals A contact signal that indicates the operation of the over load preventing limiters (torque limiter, scavenging air pressure limiter, or maximum limiter) during fuel running is output by after passing the time set by this timer. (Ten-Key] Description Guidance/Agustment Procedure N65. [Timer for limiter signals |When the timer operates continuously for the setting time, la contact signal is output to indicate the limited condition. NABCO TASS45696-54E 34/47 5.6 Parameters for Detecting Abnormalities 5.6.1 Detecting a Break in the Speed Setting Signal Line If the resultant value that the values of the ten-keys [E63] and [E64] are added to the speed setting signal voltage comes to minus, it is judged there is a break in the speed setting signal line. For making it ineffective, enter "1" to these ten-keys. fTen-Key Description Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure E63 |Value for detecting a [After setting the speed setting signal equivalent to the stop lbreak in the speed —_—_jorder, the value indicated in the ten-key [N25] is multiplied setting signal fine by *-0.7" and then the resultant value is set. (Control position 1) _|@_Normal setting: -0.3, E64 [Value for detectinga [After setting the speed setting signal equivalent to the stop lbreak inthe speed —_—_order, the value indicated in the ten-key [N25] is multiplied setting signal jine by *-0.7" and then the resultant value is set. (Control position 2)__|@ Normal setting: -0.3 5.6.2 Detecting a Break in the Scavenging Air Pressure Signal Line If the resultant total value that the value of the ten-key [E65] is added to the scavenging air pressure signal comes to minus, it is judged there is a break in the scavenging air pressure signal line. FTen-Ke} Description Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure 65. |Value for detectinga [When the scavenging air pressure signal is "0" bar, the| lbreak in the scavenging |value indicated in the ten-key [N24] is multiplied by °-1,” the| lair pressure signal line. |resultant value is added "4 or 5,” and then the final resultant} \value is set. |© Normal setting: 9.95 5.6.3 Detecting an Abnormality in Actual Engine Speeds If the actual engine speed drops below the setting of the ten-key [E60] during engine running (the signals START and STOP are both off), itis judged there is an abnormality in actual engine speeds. fTen-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E60 [Value for detecting an |The value of 1/3 to 1/2 of the minimum speed is set. labnormality in actual © Normal setting: 5 to 10 lengine speeds PB NABCO 74SS45696-54E 35/47 5.6.4 Detecting an Abnormality in the Actuator If the actuator position deviation (the difference between a setting position and the actual position) exceeds the setting of the ten-key [E71] for the setting time of ten-key [E72] continuously, it is judged there is an abnormality in the actuator. Ten-Key] Description ‘Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E71 [Deviation for detecting lan abnormality in the It should be set considering the accuracy of the actuator position control system and others. lactuator © Normal setting: 5 (mm) E72 _|Timer for detecting |It should be set considering the responsibilty of the labnormality lactuator. [© Normal setting: 1 to 5 (sec.) 5.7 Parameters for Droop Control These parameters are used for the droop control. When the governor system is used for a marine main engine, enter "0" to the ten- key [E76] to void the droop control. Lao Speed siope (Droop Rate) Seti Parallel(Droop Fulcun Speeds] Load Y rTen-Ke) Desoription ‘Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure E76 [Droop rate [The droop rate is set. © Normal setting for marine vessels: 0 (%) E77_|Falcram |The load at which the actual speed agrees with the speed setting is set. [© Normal setting: 0 (%) E78 Position at no load [The actuator position at no load is set. E79 Position at full load [The actuator position at full load is set fe, y NABCO 5.8 Filters 74SS45696-54E 36/47 5.8.1 Upper Operating Level for the Jiggling Prevention Control The operating speed for the jiggling prevention control is set. FTen-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E47 Upper operating level for the jiggling prevention control [The upper limit speed to detect the actual speed in |combustion synchronous operation is set. | Normal setting: the setting value of SLOW 5.8.2 Noise Filter for Speed Setting Signals The time constant of the first order lag type noise filter for setting speeds is set. [Ten-Key) Description Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure E53 INoise filter for setting speeds [The time constant of the first order lag type noise filter for setting speeds is set. |The greater the time constant is, the more delayed the loutput relating to the input is. When the speed signal fluctuates greatly or there is a lsudden change of setting speeds at Auto Slowdown, itis leffective to enter a greater value; however, entering a tog great value (more than 1-2) could make follow-up time longer. (© Recommended setting: 0.2-0.5 5.8.3 Noise Filter for the Scavenging Air Pressure The time constant of the first order lag type noise filter for the scavenging air pressure signal is set. [Ten-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E54 Noise filter for Iscavenging air pressure The time constant of the first order lag type noise filter for ithe scavenging air pressure signal is set. |The greater the time constant is, the more delayed the loutput relating to the input is. [Entering a too great value (more than 2-3) could make the |scavenging air pressure limiter control jam (operate inetfectively). IO Recommended setting: 0.8-1.5, PIG NABCO 74SS45696-54E 37/47 5.8.4 Noise Filter for Actual Engine Speeds The time constant of the first order lag type noise filter for the actual engine lengine speeds speeds is set. fTen-Ke) ‘Description Guidance/Adusiment Procedure E55 | Noise filter for actual _ |The time constant of the first order ag actual engine lspeeds type noise filter for actual setting speeds is set. [The greater the time constant is, the more delayed the loutput relating to the input is. [Entering a too great value could make the governing Jdelayed and the governabilty deteriorated; in contrast this, lentering a small value could cause jiggles of the actuator position. | Basically, keep the value not greater than the initial lvalue. Recommended setting: 0.05-0.1 { pa NABCO 74SS45696-54E 38/47 5.9 Parameters for Dead Band Control These parameters are used to set the dead band for engine speed deviations. In the ordinary case that the engine speed deviation is settled into the limits of the ten-key [N60], the value of engine speed deviation is multiplied by the value of the ten-key [N61]. In the case that the engine speed deviation is settled into the limits of the ten-key INGO} for the time set by the ten-key [N63], the dead band width becomes double automatically and the gain in the dead band becomes the value of the ten-key [N62] and then the gain is multiplied by the value of engine speed deviation. [Ten-Key| Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure N60. [Dead band width |The normal operating dead band width is set. |When the engine speed deviation is settled into this setting for the setting time of [N63], the dead band width wil become double of this setting. © Basically, the initial value is to be kept. Normal setting: 0.9-1.0 N6i |Dead band gain (for |The dead band gain for usual operation. lusual operation) When the engine speed deviation is settled into the setting N60), the actual deviation used for control will be the lengine speed deviation times this value. If this value is too small, the speed raise at a governor test (oad shutdown) will increase. © Basically, the initial value is to be kept. Normal setting: 0.5-1.0 N62 |Dead band gain (for _ |The dead band gain to be used when the dead band width |double-width operation) |becomes double. When the engine speed deviation is settled into the double lof [N60], the actual deviation used for control will be the lengine speed deviation times this value. I this value is too small, the speed raise at a governor test (oad shutdown) will increase. |© Basically the initial value is to be kept. Normal setting: 04-05 N63_ Dead band timer [The timer for controlling the double-width dead band loperation. lWhen the engine speed deviation is settled into the setting (N60 tor the time set by this parameter, the dead band lwidth will be the double of [N6O}. © Normal setting: 10-30 N64 Actuator limiter for dead |The limiter value against actuator fluctuations that occur band laccording to great actuator order fluctuations due to a |sudden increase of the engine speed deviation when the idead band control is changed from double-width to normal. © Basically, the initial value is to be kept. Normal setting: 0-2 PR NABCO 5.10 Parameters for Governing 74SS45696-54E 39/47 5.10.1 Normal PID Constants With three-point polygonal line function, the PID constants (P: Proportional gain, |: Integral time, D: Differential time) are continuously controlled according to the engine speed, load, etc. 5.10.2 Selecting PID Constants changing Modes Ten-Key Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure | | E00 [Selection of PID lconstants changing Imodes (Signals for the X axis of the PID constants polygonal line Itunction is selected. 0: Setting engine speeds 1: Actual engine speeds 2: The average of setting speeds and actual speeds 3: Actuator positions (F.B.) |4: Virtual horse powers |The virtual horsepower is calculated by the formula; (setting speed) x (actual actuator position) ~ 100. However, when [E00} is 3 or 4, (actual actuator position) uses the output from the first-order lag filter not the actual actuator positions. Actuator First-order|__, Actuator pos. (for changing LJ FB [notion PID conta} u @ teseites71 © Normal setting for FPP vessels: Normal setting for CPP vessels with clutch: 4 P23 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 40/47 5.10.3 X-axis Signals for the PID Constants Function fTren-Key] Description ‘Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E01 PID constants changing lpoint (x1) [The point for the extra low load (approx.10%) is set. Basically, [E00}-0-2: Set the middle engine speed between D.SLOW and SLOW. {E00]-3 : Set the actuator position corresponding to the above speed. : Set by the virtual horsepower calculated by the actuator position [E00]*3 and the setting speed of [E00}=0. Ipoint (x3) E02 _|PID constants changing tor the middie low Toad (approx. 30%) is set. point (x2) Basically : {£00]-0-2: Set the middle engine speed between SLOW and HALF. IE00]=3. : Set the actuator position corresponding to the above speed. [€00}~4 : Set by the virtual horsepower calculated by the actuator position of [E00}=3 and the setting speed of [E00}=0 corresponding to the average speed of SLOW and HALF. E03 |PID constants changing |The point for the high load (approx. 50%) is set. Basically, |{£00}=0-2: Set the speed of NAV.FULL-MIN. pos. |[E00]-3: Set the actuator position corresponding to the above speed. |[E00]-4: Set by the virtual horsepower calculated by the actuator position of [E00}~3 and the setting speed of [E00}=0 corresponding to the above speed NAV. FULL-MIN. P74 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 41/47 5.10.4 Proportional Gain (P) of the PID Constants Function Changing point (2) rTen-Key Description (Guidance/Adjustment Procedure 08 [Proportional gain The proportional gain for [E01] setting (low load) is sel IChanging point (Y1) _|Itis effective to enter a smaller value to improve bad lengine speed stability at low load (low speed); however, a too small value could cause lbad follow-up ability to handle. |© Normal setting: 0.6-1.2 E09 [Proportional gain [The proportional gain for [E02] setting (middie load) is set. lEmpirically, the initial value is recommended for B&W. lengine. . |However, a too small value could cause bad governabilty for load fluctuations. | Normal setting: 1.0-1.5 EI Proportional gain IChanging point (¥3) The proportional gain for (E03] setting (high load) is set. [Basically, a considerable great value is recommended, [When [E00] is 3 or 4, a considerable great value is lacceptable (while running at high speed and low load, \values for the other zones are used automatically); lhowever, when [E00] is 0-2, a too great value could cause al lhunting in engine speeds at govemor test (tull load lshutdown test). © Normal setting: 1.8-2.5 5.10.5 Integral Time (1) of the PID Constants Function [Ten-Key| Description ‘Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure et integral time Changing! lpoint (1) [The integral time for [E01] setting (low load) is set. IN is etfective to enter a greater value to improve bad lengine speed stability at low ioad (low speed); however, a ltoo great value could cause bad follow-up ability to handle land bad governability for load fluctuations. ©_Normal setting: 5-10 E2 Integral time Changing point (v2) [The integral time for [E02] setting (middle load) is set. Empirically, the initial value is recommended. Basically, a smaller value is recommended. © Normal setting: 3.0-5.0 EIS integral ime Changing point (¥3) [The integral time for [E03] setting (high load) is set. Basically, a smaller value is recommended. If there is a lgreat rise at the beginning of governor test (full load |shutdown test), decreasing this value is more effective than increasing the proportional gain. |When [E00] is 3 or 4, a relatively small value is acceptable (when running at high speeds and low load, values for the other zones are used automatically.) However, when [E00] is 0-2, a too small value could cause hunting in engine 'speeds at governor test (full load shutdown test). © Normal setting: 1.5-2.5 Pre 1 NABCO 74SS45696-54E 42/47 5.10.6 Differential Time (D) of the PID Constants Function FTen-Ke) Description Guidance/Adjustment Procedure E14 [Differential time [The differential time for {E01} setting (low load) is set. [Changing point (Y1) _|itis effective to enter a greater value to improve bad lengine speed stability at low load (low speeds); however, lentering a too great value in this parameter or entering a Igreater value in proportional gain [E08] in addition to a too great entry in this parameter could cause a big jiggling or hunting to be continued. |Empirically, itis considered to be too high sensitivity when ithe value [E08] times [E14] exceeds 0.4. © Normal setting: 0.2-0.5 _* E15 [Differential ime [The differential time for [E02] setting (middle load) is set. [Changing point (Y2) —_|Empirically, the initial value is recommended for B&W lengine. [Basically, entering a smaller value in this parameter is Iecommended to prevent jiggling. © Normal setting: 0.0-0.15 E16 [Differential time [The differential time for [E03] setting (high load) is set. |Changing point (Y3) _|Empirically, the initial value is recommended. Basically, a too small value is recommended. © Normal setting: 0.0-0.05 E04 [Time constant of [The time constant for first-order lag filters to eliminate differential filter Inoises (fluctuations of high frequency) in actual engine lspeeds and to operate differential control efficiently is set. |The greater the setting is, the better the filter effect is but Ithe worse the differential control effect is. |© Standard setting: 0.07-0.10 i Pb Manoeuvring Gear Plate 70303-40A Pull rod to fuel pumps Regulating hand wheel for emergency running Pull rod to governor Regulating shaft Pos. | Qty Description Pos. | Qty Description 7_| 1_[Magnet switen 30_[ 1 _[Double non-return vaive @ [1 [Magnet switch + 50_| 1 | Double non-return valve 9 | 4 [Ball valve 55 | 1 | 3/2-way-valve to [1 [3/2-way valve sé | 1 | 3/2-way valve a1 | 4 [3/2-way valve 57 | 1 |Aircylinder 13 | 1 [Air cylinder 63_| 1 | Throttle non-return valve 14 | 1 [3/2-way valve 70 | 1 | Telegraph 18 | 1 | 3/2-way valve 105 | 1_| 5/2-way valve 29 | + [Double non-return valve © Pato 70314-400 Controt Room Contre, STOP. Salty System DIAGRAM OF MANOEWR. SYSTEM K/L/300-00MC, MC-c qe a2 8 og aa 48 a 1 ge de 3 gle dle g ch } fF er oi a fg al | 8) al oe ri e 7 Leva oven = iS a a aRcE } “aie tt 3 ek Met tay | TH? |r NE =} F | Hoisting pump 1 ee \ [ianer Venera! | vuyatTA | LS rece merey PE pa cn Lowering pump 1 | | |] ' ' jal | | l | plese ate wes teen oo Neosure point hoisting pump 1| | | | ' ' MB: 235-MB:50 me | 2] as i ' > LS anew sort ir | 1 reverie vz Hoisting pump 2 5 ‘ 1 pre Lene mar Lowering pump 2 i | t 1 ea em Measure point hoisting pump 2 | © }— 1 ! f MB: 238-MB: 50 as ' pe e.230 Hoisting Broke * t peor ! ' swe v0. isting Br . c 1 i ' i \ Lome | j ' \ te. SB leee toe | j \ i pyar H ' | 9) | Sov. 200 cv se ner | ' to mem evr ware ————z{_J—+ | Hoisting Low Speed — [*s a Ly, TES esto wor se Het ‘we se a | Hoisting High Speed Ole sum romp ———— n.6/5 |_| Control system error signol [4 ae peers oh r Ene SEs retsschema incuit diagram MacGREGOR = penceey a 13 | 2 vy I a I Yt eSaLUNDS 324 0166 NUBLSV ‘OVAHV ‘LUVIS “jouquog Weey [osu0D a0b-20802 oreIg = NVA, TONU0D WOH [o.1U0D, NUALSV ‘GVHY ‘LuVLS | vem ies | DIAGRAM OF MANOEWR, SYSTEM Gor-sieos oid © Pato 70314-400 Controt Room Contre, STOP. Salty System DIAGRAM OF MANOEWR. SYSTEM K/L/300-00MC, MC-c NABCO 74SS45696-54E 43/47 5.10.7 PID Constants for Emergency Control [Ten-Key| Description Guidance/Adjusiment Procedure E7 |Proportional gain (P) (at EM'CY control) |The proportional gain used only at EM'CY control (when factual engine speed exceeds the speed [E20)). The lecommended value is 1.3-1.5 times the setting [E10]. lEntering a too great value could cause great hunting in lengine speeds because the actuator fluctuation (decrease lot position) is too great at the operation of EM'CY control. (Particularly, at operation of EM'CY control during lgovernor test). © Usually, the initial value is recommended. Recommended setting: 2.3-3.5 IEMICY control E76 _|integral time () [The integral time used only at EM'CY control (when the (at EM'CY control) _factual engine speed exceeds the speed of [E20)). The recommended value is 1.3-1.5times the setting {E10}. |© Usually, the initial value is to be kept. Recommended setting: 0.5-1.5 E19 [Differential time (0) __ [The differential time used only at EM'CY control (when the (at EM'CY contro!) _actual engine speed exceeds the speed setting [E20)). Itis Inot necessary to enter a too great value in this parameter. |@ Recommended setting: 0.05-0.1 £20 [Switching speed _of]When the actual engine speed exceeds this setting, the |EM'CY control automatically takes place, the settings of I(E17}-[19] are used as PID constants, and the actuator Imoving is limited not to move to the fuel increase direction. [This function is provided to prevent over spend at rough lweathers; accordingly, be careful that the actual engine Ispeed cannot increase above this setting value. (If this [setting is set to 100% load, 110% running and over speed ltest cannot be carried out) |© After sea trial and before delivery, this setting should be set to the speed 2-3 rpm higher than the actual ‘maximum engine speed and lower than the over speed setting. p77 i

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