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Week 1

I. Objectives:
Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of dance in Optimizing one’s health;
as requisite for PA assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
Performance Standard: Leads dance events with proficiency and confidence
resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
Learning Competencies:
 Explain how to optimize the energy system for safe and improved performance.
 Interpret the role of physical activity assessment in managing one’s stress.
 Set FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
 Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation
II. Subject Matter
-Health- optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.)3
a. Dance
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminaries:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance
 Review
 Motivation
B. Activity: The students will perform “Zumba” for 20 minutes.
C. Analysis: Why is it important to exercise and to know the safety precautions to improve
D. Abstraction:
1. why it is important to us the role in managing stress through dance?
2. what is the importance in having a fitness goal plan in achieving or maintaining your
HRF through dance?
E. Application Class: Class Discussion conducted by teacher (For individual activity, along
with the discussion each student will provide ½ sheet of paper to answer the following
1. 1 major learning,
2. 2 questions,
3. 3 things that I understand)
Direction: After the class discussion, the class will have their Role-playing with the
theme barriers to physical activity they were group into 4 groups and they will be given
5 minutes preparations and 3 minutes presentation
IV. Evaluation: Short quiz
V. ASSIGNMENT: Advance reading about Personal safety in Dancing
Week 2
I. Objectives:
Learning Competencies:
• Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes
most days of the week in variety of setting in and out of school
• Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and
adjust participation
• Observe Personal Safety Protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion & hyperthermia
• Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the in the use of facilities and equipment.
II. Subject Matter
-Health- optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.)3
a. Dance

III. Procedures:
A. Preliminaries:
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Attendance
• Review: Recap the past lesson
• Motivation: Warm-up exercise
B. Activity: list the different Kind of Dance exercise.
C. Analysis:
 Why it is important to monitor our heart rate while doing physical activities?
 What is the important thing you need to observe during and after your physical
D. Abstraction: What are the different signs of dehydration?
E. Application Class: Writing my own Fitness Routine
 My 1-hour step by step fitness routine
IV. Evaluation:
• Paper – Pencil Test
V. ASSIGNMENT: Advance reading about FITT
Week 3

Content: Health- optimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.)3

I. Objective: at the end of the Lesson the students will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of FITT Principles
2. Identify the use of each principle
3. Discuss the importance of FITT Principles
4. Perform a task using the FITT Principles
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedures:
A. Preliminaries:
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Attendance
• Review: Recap the past lesson
• Motivation: Warm-up exercise
B. Activity: Video clip about “FITT”
C. Analysis:
1. Why it is important to use FITT principle when doing physical activities?
D. Abstraction: (PowerPoint Presentation/multimedia)
The FITT Principle is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The acronym FITT
outlines the key components, or training guidelines, for an effective exercise program,
and the initials F, I, T, T, stand for: Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.
1. Frequency: refers to the frequency of exercise undertaken or how often you
2. Intensity: refers to the intensity of exercise undertaken or how hard you exercise.
3. Time: refers to the time you spend exercising or how long you exercise for.
4. Type: refers to the type of exercise undertaken or what kind of exercise you do.
E. Application: Group the students into 5 groups
1. Perform a 4-5 minutes Fitness workout, apply the FITT principle.
Preparation time:10mins Performance time: 4-5mins
IV. Evaluation: Make a Reflection Paper:
*Answer the following open-ended question: I learned that
Closure: Checking the objectives. Other announcements
V. Assignment: Advance study about the Physical activity Assessment and one’s Diet

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