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Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

2nd Year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2020
Session: 2018-19
Course Code: EEE-223
Course Title: Electrical Machines I

Total Marks: 30 Credit: 3.0 Total Time: 2 Hours

Part – A
(Answer all of the following questions)
1. a. (i)Can transformers work in high frequencies? 3
(ii)Why are iron losses constant at all loads of transformers? How can these losses
be reduced?
b. An x kVA, 200/400 V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer has the following test 4.5
results. Use last two digits of your registration number as the value of x.
Open circuit test: 200 V, 1.3 A, 120W on low voltage side.
Short circuit test: 22 V, 30 A, 200W on high voltage side.
(i)Find all the parameters and draw the equivalent circuit.
(ii)Calculate efficiency and secondary terminal voltage on full load at 0.8 p.f.
(iii) Calculate the load at unity p.f. corresponding to maximum efficiency.

2. a. Which type of motor would you recommend for using in a steel mill and on an 3
electric vehicle? Explain your answer.
b. Three 20 kVA, 2300/230 V transformers are connected in ∆-∆ and supplying a 40 4.5
kVA load at 0.x p.f. lagging. If one is removed for maintenance, calculate for the
V-V connection (i) the load carried by each transformer, (ii) percent increase in
load for each transformer, (iii) power factor of each transformer, (iv) the new
kVA rating of the bank, (v) ratio of V-V to ∆-∆ bank transformer ratings.
Use last two digits of your registration number as the value of x.

Part – B
(Answer all of the following questions)
3. a. How can open-delta connection be used to supply 3-phase loads? 3.5
b. A 4-pole, 3-phase, 50Hz, slip-ring induction motor rotates at 1440 r.p.m. with 4
slip-ring terminals short-circuited. The rotor resistance is 0.1 Ω/phase and
standstill reactance is 0.6 Ω/phase. If an external resistance of 0.x Ω/ phase is
added to the rotor circuit, what will be the new full load speed?
Use last two digits of your registration number as the value of x.
4. a. Explain how a resistance split-phase induction motor develops a rotating 2
magnetic field.
b. Explain the significance of negative slip in induction machines. 2
c. A 50Hz split-phase induction motor has a resistance of 5Ω and an inductive 3.5
reactance of x Ω in the main winding as well as in the auxiliary winding.
Determine the value of resistance and capacitance to be added in series with the
auxiliary winding to send the same current in each winding with a phase
difference of 90o. Use last two digits of you registration number as the value of x.

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