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Journal of Islamic Education Research xx (xx): xx-xx (20xx)

DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Title should be clear, brief and informative. Abbreviation and

formula should be avoided. Related to the variables and/or the
content of the article (Garamond, 14)

First Author1*, Second Author2, …, Last Authorxx (Cambria, 11)

First Affiliation (Garamond, 10)
Second Affiliation (Garamond, 10)
Last Affiliation (Garamond, 10)

Abstract: All information about the formatting requirements is

contained in this document. Please review it carefully. You may
use the document as a template and copy/paste your paper
content here – this is probably the easiest option. Several styles
Maximum of 5 keywords, separate have been included in this template to facilitate formatting – you
with the commas and alphabetical may find it easier to use them instead of formatting each segment
order differently. Note that it is important to adhere to the
requirements exactly, as this will form the camera-ready version
that will be used to produce the Proceedings. The limitations on
the length of the document are as follows. The abstract should
150 – 250 words and written in English.
*Correspondence Address:

INTRODUCTION of an article. The purpose of a literature

The introduction contains the review is to “look again” at what other
purpose of the study and why you are researchers have done regarding a
conducting the study. The main section specific topic.1 A literature review is a
of an article should start with an means to an end, namely to provide
introductory section which provides background to and serve as motivation
more details about the paper’s for the objectives and hypotheses that
purposes, motivation, research guide your own research.
methods and findings. The introduction
should be relatively nontechnical, yet
clear enough for an informed reader to
understand the manuscript’s METHOD
contribution Method used should be
In general, the article in Tadris accompanied by references, relevant
Journal is written in English or Bahasa. modification should be explained.
The article also consists of 2 columns, Procedure and data analysis technique
using ”Times New Roman”, font size 12, should be emphasized to literature
space 1. review article.

Theoretical support or literature 1
Kathleen E. Welch, Electric Rhetoric: Classical
review represents the theoretical core Rhetoric, Oralism and a New Literacy
(Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999), 143.
© 20xx Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jember
Title | Author

Welch, Kathleen E. Electric

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism and
Result and discussion should be a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press,
presented in the same part, clearly and 1999.
briefly. Discussion part should contain Welch, Kathleen E. Electric
the benefit of research result, not Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism and
repeat result part. Result and a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT Press,
discussion part can be written in the 1999. netLibrary e-book.
same part to avoid extensive quotation. Wells, Ida B. "Lynch Law in All Its
Phases." In With Pen and Voice: A
Table 1. Table Title
No Description Information
critical anthology of nineteenth-century
1 Description 1 Information 1 African-American women, edited by
2 Description 2 Information 2 Shirley Wilson Logan, 80-99.
3 Description 3 Information 3 Carbondale: Southern Illinois
University Press, 1995.
40 West
30 North
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Figure 1. Figure Title

The conclusion must be able to
answer the research questions. Some
suggestions related to the results could
be added into.

Acknowledgment is addressed to
a person and/or groups and also the
institution that helps research both in a
direct and indirect way.

Reference should be written
according to the format of reference.
Articles are required to use reference
management Turbian (Full-note) style.
Unpublished reference is not suggested
to be cited in the article.


xx | Journal of Islamic Education Research xx (xx): xx-xx (20xx)

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