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The Get Lean Checklist

If you're reading this, it's because you're a busy professional who

wants to get lean and gain the con dence that comes from looking
and feeling your best!

But you're too busy to gure out all this tness stu , and the last thing
you need is to be overloaded with information.

So here are 5 short, simple, actionable solutions. Let's get into it.

1. Have a Default Program

Your default program is something you can always do, regardless of how busy you
get. Having a default program prevents the "go hard, fall o , go hard" cycle. Instead,
when things get hectic, revert to your default program. Your default program is your
bare minimum baseline. You can always add to the program when you have more
Takeaway: Establish your default program

2. Systems rst, Disciple Second.

If you don't see the results you want, look at your systems rst and disciple second. 
Having well-designed systems in place means you'll need less disciple to execute.
Setup checklists and routines that make things automatic.
Takeaway: You are your system.

3. Have a Clear Plan

Nothing kills motivation more than not knowing what to do with your diet or
workouts. Have a clear plan so all you have to do is execute. If you're unsure what to
do, do what all intelligent, time-e ective people do. Outsource it!
Takeaway: The clearer the game plan, the easier the action.

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4. Make Eating a Ritual

Respect your meals. Experience them with a clear, present mind.
I know it's hard when you're busy, but it will pay o big time!  Your food choices will
improve, you'll feel fuller with less food, and you’ll enjoy your meals. You can do this
by planning meals, eating slower, drinking water and putting your fork down
between bites, 
Takeaway: Respect your meals

5 - Time-E ective Training

You're a busy professional with a packed schedule. You don't have time to spend
countless hours in the gym, and you don't need to.
Your training needs to be time-e ective. No, this isn't a reason not to train hard. It a
reason to train smart. Think 80/20 rule. Do the 20% of the tness stu that gets you
80% of the results. Knowing what things have the most signi cant impact will require
more in-depth knowledge of exercise and nutrition, but at least now you know what
to look for!
Takeaway: Think 80/20 rule.

I hope you found this checklist

bene cial.

If you want more help getting lean around a

busy schedule, visit and
schedule a free call or email me at


Social: Instagram & YouTube @MadeGains

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