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Airplane/Airport Vocabulary

plane - avión (igual que "airplane")

flight - vuelo
gate - puerta
departure lounge - sala de espera 
boarding pass - tarjeta de embarque
board - abordar
ticket - boleto
row - fila
seat - asiento
check luggage - facturar equipaje
check-in - registrar
flight attendant - azafata
pilot - piloto
metal detector - detector de metal
security check - revisión de seguridad
search - revisar, buscar
baggage claim - reclamo de equipaje
customs - aduana
arrivals - llegadas
departures - salidas

Select the word being described.

1.  You wait in the before you board your plane .

2.  You show your to the flight attendant before you board the
3.  You pick up your suitcase after the flight at the .
4.  The serves you food during your flight.
5.  You board the plane at the  .
6.  Before you get to the gate you will need to go through a .
7.  At the security check you will need to pass through a .
8.  If you travel internationally you will need to go through to
declare what you are bringing into the country.

9.  If the security officers detect something in your suitcase when it passes
through the X-ray, they will your bag.
10.  You can find your seat by looking on your boarding pass to see what
your seat is in.
Target Language:

___A: How long are you planning to stay?

___B: Thank you.

___B: I'm coming from Seoul, Korea.

___A: Where will you be staying?

___B: I'm here on business.

___A: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please?

___A: Enjoy your stay.

___A: Where are you coming from?

___B: No, this is my first time.

___A: What is the purpose of your visit?

___B: I'll be staying for three weeks.

___A: Have you ever been to Canada before?

___B: I'll be staying at a hotel.

___A: Do you have anything to declare?

___B: Sure. Here it is.

___B: No, nothing.

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