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Houston Community College- Central Campus

Department of Fine Arts


Horace Alexander Young, Professor/Music
Fine Arts Building- FAC 216
Phone: 713.718.6600
Class Times: T/Thu, 2:30-4:00PM
Office Hours: MON 4:00-5:00PM, TU/THU 4:00-4:30PM

Course Description: This is a course in the development of the musical

skills and devices as related to the art and craft known as Songwriting
(Music and Lyrics). The purpose of this course is to motivate the student to
acquire a method of studying and preparing songs in a variety of styles that
reflect the manipulation of the three basic elements of music- Rhythm,
Melody and Harmony. The content of the class will be focused on the
development of the individual styles of each student and will be reinforced
by studying an established core selection of standard compositions from the
historical repertoire of American Popular Song. The course is designated to
include various “hands-on” exercises in (1) melodic and lyrical development
of original compositions written by class members, (2) aural skills and
analysis involving interval, scale and chord recognition and (3) development
and enhancement of self awareness utilizing specific melodic and harmonic
devices and cognitive techniques that will assist in improving the
presentation of the performer. The goal is to cultivate a more confident and
comfortable songwriting artist. This is a class that promotes musical
compositions that involve sung (not spoken) vocalization that is
accompanied by a harmonic realization and a patterned rhythmic

Required Text and Materials: There is no specific textbook. All students

will need to bring standard manuscript and music manuscript paper and No.
2 pencils to every class session.
Required Musical Skill Set and Course Protocols: A general awareness
of music is required. Students in this class should have some connection
with a “performing” element of the songwriting discipline such as, vocal or
instrumental ability or the writing of lyrics. To facilitate an efficient line
of communication, all students are required to acquire and maintain
an active email address throughout the semester.

Attendance and Participation: You will be expected to attend every class

session in a punctual manner or give advance notice via phone, email, etc
that you are unable to attend. Exceptions will only be made for absences
due to official university sanctioned excuses, unexpected illness, family
emergency or Acts of God.

Grading and Evaluation: Grading is based on performance in the class, the

completion of all assignments and performances of required transcriptions
and on the two examinations (mid-term and final) given during the
semester. There will be a concert featuring the work product of the students
in this class. Specific details of that concert will be given in class.


OFFICIALLY FROM A COURSE. Administrative drops are at the discretion
of the instructor. Failure of the student to withdraw officially will result in the
student receiving a grade of "F" in the course.


Students who require reasonable accommodation for disabilities are

encouraged to report to room 102 SJAC, or call. 713-718-6164 to make
necessary arrangements. Faculty are only authorized to provide
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement: “Any student with a
documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the
Disability Support Services Office at the respective college at the beginning
of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.”

For questions, contact Donna Price at 713-718-5165 or the Disability

Counselor at each college. Also visit the ADA web site at:


CORE CURRICULUM: MUSC 1321 fulfills the following core intellectual
competencies: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Critical Thinking, and
Computer Literacy.

SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: Houston Community College defines

“scholastic dishonesty” as: cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.
Penalties for academic dishonesty at HCCS include, but are not limited to, a
“0” on that test or assignment, a “W” in the course, or an “F” in the course.

Week One/Two (1/15-17, 1/22-24) Discussion of the elements of music

and the fundamentals and foundations of songwriting. Students will be given
exercises in basic chord construction (major and minor triads) to practice
throughout the semester, with the goal of learning in all 12 keys. Students
will present one of their pre-existing songs to the class as an example of
their work and approach to personal style. Students will also listen to a song
by an established songwriter every Thursday at the beginning of class and
write a brief response, commenting on the composer’s craft and unique
approach to writing. This aspect of the class will continue through the

Week Three (1/29-31) Rewriting The Hits: Exercise #1- Students will
rewrite an established popular song (of their choice) by deconstructing the
parameters of (1) lyrics (2) melody and (3) harmony/accompaniment. A
designated portion of each class will be set aside to do group practice of
basic keyboard harmony skills.

Week Four/Five (2/5-7, 2/12-14) Rewriting The Hits: Exercise #2/3-

Continuation of Week Three with emphasis placed on restructuring melody
and accompaniment. Discussions of different types of accompaniments will
be introduced. Examples of standard approaches will be demonstrated. At
the midway point of this two week period, the instructor will examine the
development of the song and assist with melodic or harmonic restructuring.
Students are encouraged to record their work and keep a journal while
developing their songs. A designated portion of each class will be set aside
to do group practice of basic keyboard harmony skills.

Week Six/Seven (2/19-21, 2/26-28) Work-In Progress Presentations:

Students will present their newly developed songs in an “as is” format to the
instructor for feedback. A designated portion of each class will be set aside
to do group practice of basic keyboard harmony skills.


Week Eight (3/5-7) Mid-Term Examinations. Students will present their
song projects in class. A written test on songwriting techniques and
fundamentals will be given.

Week Nine/Week Ten (3/19-21, 26-28) Students will begin to plan the
format for the Singer-Songwriter Showcase (4/9/13) which will serve as
the final project for the class. Student compositions that will be presented on
this program must be confirmed by 3/20/13. Planning committees will be
assembled based on the interests and the specific skills available from the
collective pool of talent in the class. Students will also assemble a demo tape
of their song(s) to present to the instructor for review, to be included in the
showcase. Every student must either perform or have their song performed
at the showcase. During this time, any student wishing to have a song
performed on the HCC Central Music Department’s Student Recital or Honors
Recital should inform the instructor of their interest and present the song
accordingly. As before, a designated portion of each class will be set aside to
do group practice of basic keyboard harmony skills.

Week Eleven/Twelve (4/2-4, 4/9-11/13) Students will organize

rehearsals and previews of their works for the instructor to hear and
critique. A complete dress rehearsal and full run-through will occur prior to
the showcase. Songwriter’s Concert is on Tuesday, April 9th. There will
be a talk-back session about the concert on April 11th.

Week Thirteen, Fourteen (4/16-18, 4/23-25/13) These class sessions

will be devoted to an in-depth discussion and listening evaluation of the
recordings made of each song from the April 9th concert. Additionally, the
students who have songs chosen to be performed on the HCC Central Music
Department’s Student Recital or Honor’s Recital will perform their pieces in
class for feedback from the class.

Week Fifteen (4/30- 5/2/13) Students will be asked to write a song and
complete it ENTIRELY during the Tuesday (4/30/13) class period. Those
songs will be performed on Thursday (5/2/13).

The Songwriter’s Concert serves as the final examination for this


It is recommended that you record the names and contact information of at

least two other class members.


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