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Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

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Neolithic Temples of Malta: 3D analysis points to novel roof reconstruction

Madeline G.P. Robinson *, Augustine Porter, Will Figueira, Roland Fletcher
University of Sydney, 2006, Australia


Keywords: The Neolithic temples of Malta are among the oldest examples of prehistoric architecture, yet the construction of
Photogrammetry their roofs remains a mystery. The absence of any roofs or roofing material at the temple sites has resulted in
3D modelling conjecture regarding the original appearance of these megalithic structures. The most valuable indications of
Maltese temples
prehistoric Maltese roof architecture are found in the Neolithic burial complex, the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni.
Neolithic architecture
Digital reconstruction
Two chambers in the Hypogeum are modelled closely after the above-ground temples, with indications of a roof
LiDAR structural system on the ceilings. This paper uses LiDAR and photogrammetry-derived 3D models to provide a
partial temple roof reconstruction that has its design entirely based on contemporaneous archaeology.
Photogrammetric reconstruction of the Mnajdra and Tarxien temple complexes allowed for detailed archi-
tectural analyses including key structural features and any indications of previous roof construction that would be
evident in situ. A LiDAR model of the carved chambers of the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni was superimposed onto
corresponding positions in the temple models. Merging the LiDAR imagery onto the photogrammetry temple
models confirmed structural consistency between the two megalithic complexes; supporting the theory that the
carved façades were a deliberate reflection of the original architecture of the Maltese temples. This evidence
points to an entirely new temple roof reconstruction, founded upon the archaeology of Neolithic Malta.

1. Introduction method of structural analysis of small and large scale objects in archae-
ology, allowing for fast recording processes, detailed documentation and
The Neolithic temples of Malta date to c. 5,600–4,500 BP yet a sur- interactive visualisation. The Mnajdra and Tarxien temples were chosen
prising number of them have survived. Spread around the two main for their optimal states of preservation, the quality of photogrammetry
islands of Malta and Gozo, these megalithic structures are the oldest still- model produced and important architectural clues. The size, complexity
standing monuments on record (Stroud, 2013). One striking and consis- and fragility of the structures are not conducive to easy visual survey on
tent feature shared by the Maltese temple complexes is the absence of any site. The methods involved in digital rendering do not impact or disturb
evidence of roofing. With no apparent roof material found around or the sites and are a reliable approach that enable multi-directional and
within the temples, the form of the roofs has been a matter of intense multi-scalar analysis of the monuments and the detection of key struc-
debate. Determining the original roof construction for the Maltese temples tural detail easily overlooked by simple observation. Recording could be
is important as it provides insight into the engineering capabilities and carried out in any direction of angle of view without impacting the
construction methods developed by an isolated prehistoric island society. integrity of the building. For example, tops of walls and large stone slabs
This paper uses 3D reconstruction of the remaining archaeological could be recorded without climbing on the structures. High-resolution
representations of the original temple architecture to demonstrate the photogrammetry was therefore an ideal method to conduct intensive
viability of an alternative roof structural system for the Neolithic Temples analyses in preparation for configuring a new roof reconstruction.
of Malta. Photogrammetry models of the Mnajdra and Tarxien temples The most informative evidence for Maltese temple roof architecture
were created for analyses of the structural arrangement and megalithic lies in the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni, an underground labyrinth of rock-
engineering to identify any indications of previous roofing structural cut tombs dating to 5,300–5,000 BP. Fortunately for the interests of this
systems. Photogrammetry is an established method of accurately digi- investigation, two chambers in the Hypogeum were carved with the same
tizing artefacts for archival and analysis purposes (Lerma et al., 2010). fundamental design. Decorating the chamber walls are life-size repre-
The diverse capabilities of 3D technology are becoming an invaluable sentations of the interior architecture of the above ground temples. With

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.G.P. Robinson).
Received 1 December 2018; Received in revised form 1 March 2019; Accepted 18 March 2019
2212-0548/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.G.P. Robinson et al. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage xxx (xxxx) xxx

access to a LiDAR model of the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni (permission Defining the chamber portals are trilithon entrances (two uprights,
granted by Malta Heritage) these carvings, in collaboration with the few labelled R1 and L1 capped with a lintel base slab) configured within a
remaining smaller depictions of the temples, were used as the foundation larger ‘box entrance’ design. A box entrance structure consists of four
of a new roof reconstruction proposal for the Neolithic temples of Malta. uprights - the two inner (R1 and L1) of the trilithon entrance plus another
outer set of uprights (R2 and L2) with a fitted horizontal base lintel slab
1.1. Indications of the original architecture on top.
Positioned on top of the box structures in the Hypogeum carvings are
1.1.1. The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni one to two significantly curved corbelled beams. The level of detail here
Located in Casal Paola, southeast Malta, the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni is such that the joins between the uprights and horizontal beams are
was constructed approximately halfway into the ‘Temple Period’ discernible. The care taken to depict these details indicates that this is a
(5,600–4,500 BP) of Neolithic Malta as a secondary reburial site. faithful recreation of the engineering of the doorways, not just artistic
Reaching a depth of 10.6 m, the Hypogeum contains three levels of embellishment. Given the representation of the single slab uprights, the
passageways, chambers and tombs. When first excavated it contained a minimal hypothesis and the pragmatic engineering expectations is that
variety of cultural material including pottery, beads and humanoid fig- the large horizontal features also indicate single beams. A separate issue
urines and an estimated 7,000 skeletons (Trump, 2002). Flynn (2005) is of what these beams where made of. What would be considered the
suggested that to descend into the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni would not ceiling of the chambers is a flat area defined by the curved beams. These
be unlike entering one of the megalithic temples. The experience would features can be better seen in the LiDAR images of this section of the
be comparable due to the similar arrangement of curved limestone rooms Hypogeum (Fig. 2).
and portals leading off into the other enclosed areas. Within the middle The representation of the box structure in the Hypogeum is another
level of the Hypogeum, two rock-cut chamber entrances are bordered crucial feature. Remains of the box entrance structures can be found in all
with ornamental carvings that make these structures even more alike. In the aboveground temple complexes (except for the older Ggantija tem-
the central chamber of the middle layer, the aptly named Main Room and ples), confirming that these carvings reflect architectural details used in
the adjoining smaller chamber named the ‘Holy of Holies’ are clear the temples. This evidence from the Hypogeum strongly implies that the
recreations of the impressions of the above-ground temples (Fig. 1). temples also had roofs constructed with corbelled ‘beams’ above the
These chambers share the architecture and structural systems of the carved façades.
temples, especially in the design of entrances and ceilings. These are
significant near full size representations of the components that form the 1.1.2. The box entrance structure
original interior architecture of the associated aboveground temples. In All the temple complexes, excepting the oldest Ggantija, indicate that
the Hypogeum, however, these components are reassembled as parts, not the inner passageways employed the structural engineering of the ‘box
in the layout of their parts in the temples. entrance’. The optimal conditions of the Mnajdra and Tarxien temple
complexes means their box entrance structures are still clearly discern-
ible (Fig. 3). Unlike the box structures shown in the Hypogeum, which
depict the four uprights at the same height, those constructed in the
temples have the outer L2 and R2 uprights extending above the inner L1
and R1 uprights. The overall similarity, however, undeniably indicates
the carvings are a representation of the temples.

1.1.3. Mgarr model

The Mgarr model is a small 3.7  4.5 cm carved limestone model of a
single celled temple found at the site of the temple of Mgarr. It is ovoid in
shape exhibiting a trilithon entrance within a box structure, roofed with
what appears to be seven long horizontal beams (Fig. 4). The dimensions
that these beams would have to span if it is to scale (using a doorway
between 1.3 and 1.5 m) would equal a temple between 7.6 and 10 m long
and between 6.2 and 8 m wide. These dimensions are consistent with the
oldest and smallest temple at Mnajdra – the Eastern Temple.

1.1.4. Carving at Mnajdra

On the inside of the outer left upright (L2) of the box structure of cell
B in the Central Temple of Mnajdra is a carving depicting the inner

Fig. 1. a) The carved façade within the Main Room. b) The carved façade within Fig. 2. LiDAR model of the carved ceiling and corbelled beams in the Main
the 'Holy of 'Holies'. Source: Malta Heritage. Used with permission. Room. Source of LiDAR model: Malta Heritage. Used with permission.

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Fig. 3. Box entrance structures of a) Mnajdra Southern b) Mnajdra Central c) Tarxien Central d) Tarxien Eastern.

Fig. 4. The front and top views of the carved model found at Mgarr. Note the parallel grooves on the roof and it is clearly a single celled room. Source: Au-
thor’s photograph.

passageway façade. This is very clearly not a carving of the main entrance 1.1.5. Other amulets and carvings
as the façades entrance to Mnajdra Central has two portals and the Several smaller artefacts discovered amongst numerous temple sites
carving indicates only one. Depicted very clearly is a trilithon entrance also portray the original exterior and interior design of the temples. The
embedded within a box structure (Fig. 5). The interesting feature of this 2.5 cm long carved greenstone amulet found at Tarxien shows a temple
carving is the three long beams above a shorter lintel beam – this is very façade depicting a trilithon entrance and box structure with four V-per-
similar to the carved façade in the ‘Holy of Holies’ in the Hypogeum of forations for attachment (Trump, 2002). The graffiti on a slab found at
Hal Saflieni. the Skorba temples, north-west Malta, shows two impressions of a temple
façade, one finished, the other incomplete. The complete carving shows
again a box structure. Another carving found at Tarxien is an 8.9 cm
limestone piece showing the interior of a niche containing numerous
objects and a ceiling comprised of horizontal slabs. This is the first
indication of an interior where a lateral course of beams is used. Other
such pieces of evidence include fragmented miniature models of the
temples, intended as prototypes or modelled plans. One such model is not
of a roof at all, but of a ground plan. A ceramic model broken into two
pieces found at Hagar Qim represents the walls of two apses complete
with the entrance jambs. Two broken pieces of a temple façade model
found at Tarxien are also crucial pieces of evidence. When configured
together, this model shows the height and the architectural design of the
original façade wall that once fronted the main entrances to the temples.
These models offer clues to the method of designing and executing the
construction of the temples.

2. Method

From late January to February 2017, approximately 6,500 photo-

Fig. 5. The carving of the temple passageway of the Central Temple of Mnajdra. graphs were taken of the Mnajdra and Tarxien temple complexes to build
Source: Author’s photograph. the photogrammetry models. Photographs were taken using three DSLR

M.G.P. Robinson et al. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage xxx (xxxx) xxx

cameras, at either 2560  1920 or 4032  3024 pixel resolution. Scaled 3. Results
features (required for correct scaling of the resulting models) were cir-
cular targets, two targets printed per A4 sheet exactly 141 mm apart. 3D models of the Mnajdra Central, Mnajdra Southern and Tarxien
Twenty targets were used per temple site, positioned at specific locations Central temples were successfully created using parameters outlined in
on the ground, leaning against or on top of the walls. Four targets were Table 1 (Fig. 6). Video components are accessible below in the electronic
used per apse, concentrating around the portals. version of this paper. The Mnajdra Central temple model was built with
Models were processed using Photoscan Pro v1.2 by Agisoft on a an alignment of 83% of photographs creating a dense cloud consisting of
networked system of five high performance Windows OS nodes, each 93,748,530 points (122,820 points per m2) and producing a ground
with slightly different specifications (Windows 7, Windows 10 profes- resolution of 1.19 mm per pixel (þ- 0.825 pixel reprojection error). The
sional; Intel i7 and Xenon processors; Nvidia Quadra and GeForce Mnajdra Southern temple model aligned 96% of the photographs, a
graphics card; 16-128 GB of RAM). Images were assessed using the Image ground resolution of 3.36 cm per pixel (þ-0.791 pixel reprojection error),
Quality tool in Photoscan Pro and images with a value less than 0.5 were and produced a dense cloud consisting of 261,643,874 points. In the
not included in reconstructions. Reconstruction parameters were tailored process of merging smaller model sections together to construct the
to individual models based on processing time, effect on depth, picture Mnajdra Southern temple model, a computational error occurred. This
quality and number of cameras and are summarised in Table 1. produced an incorrect flying altitude, resulting in incorrect ground
The model reconstruction process first aligns photographs based on coverage and coverage area estimates. This error did not affect the use-
matching of features in pairs of photos and generates a sparse point cloud fulness of the Mnajdra Southern model for determining its architectural
as well as an estimate of the position from which all the photographs were features. The Tarxien Central temple model aligned 99.9% of photo-
taken. All pixels from all photographs are then projected onto the 3D graphs taken, a dense cloud of 251,148,346 points (1,569,677 points per
space, reconciling differences in their estimates depth, to create a dense m2) and a ground resolution of 0.796 mm per pixel (þ-0.949 pixel
point cloud. A surface mesh of interconnecting triangular faces is then fit reprojection error). All three models were of sufficient resolution and
to the dense cloud and the original imagery is used to fully texturise the fidelity to allow for detailed assessments of the structural engineering of
mesh, giving the final model. As processing time scales nearly exponen- the temples and any superficial markings on the stones.
tially with the number of photographs (due to many pairwise operations),
in situations where there are a significant number of photographs, full 3.1. Proposed reconstruction
models can be made my merging smaller chunks. Here, models were built
from chunks of temple sections – i.e. individual apses. Once built to the Superimposing the Hypogeum LiDAR onto the 3D models of the three
mesh stage, models were then aligned and merged to create a larger temple models provided the foundation of the new roof reconstruction
section of the temple. This process of smaller models merged to make proposal (Fig. 7). Video link is available below in electronic version of
larger models was continued until the whole temple was complete. It was paper.
at this point that the texture was applied to the final whole model. This The overlaid models exhibit how cleanly the box structures of the
method was developed to reduce the likelihood of holes occurring in the Hypogeum carvings fit onto the temples’ inner box structure passage-
models and reduced processing time. Once completed, the models were ways, thus providing the beginnings of a roof structure. The new roof
scaled and analysed. The photogrammetry models produced include proposal therefore consists of base lintel beams positioned between the
Mnajdra Central, Mnajdra Southern and Tarxien Central. R2 and L2 uprights and series of long curved corbelled beams on top of
The CAD software Geomagic Control was used to explore the LiDAR the box structure, each beam extending further forward out past the
model of the Hypogeum, with attention focussed primarily on the carved previous one to define and reduce the space of the central axis of the
façades in the ‘Holy of Holies’ and the Main Room. These two rooms were temple. The distance reduction combined with the corbel overhang and a
isolated from the larger model for later comparative analyses. The key feature indicated in Fig. 2 of a curved lateral connecting beam is
photogrammetry models of the Mnajdra and Tarxien complexes were critical for future discussion of the way in which the space across the apse
then uploaded into Geomagic in an OBJ Geometry format, and both the areas were roofed in the temples.
Hypogeum chamber models were configured onto each temple model.
This was to confirm structural consistency, gain an understanding of the 3.2. Mnajdra Central temple reconstruction
original ceiling architecture and provided a template for the recon-
struction. With the design and positioning of the roof supports estab- Mnajdra Central temple's inner connecting passageway from cell A to
lished, each temple case study was scrutinised in both mesh and textured B is where the reconstruction was positioned. This location was optimal
formats to locate any grooves or markings on the extant blocks which due to its consistency with the carved façades of the Hypogeum, its
indicate locations of the support beams and lintels previously fitted on to optimal state of preservation and important engineering clues. The most
the temples' walls and upright slabs. These indications of previous con- crucial feature exhibited within Mnajdra Central is the carving on the
struction were measured, along with the remaining temple structure to side of the L2 upright detailing the original appearance of the inner
determine the appropriate dimensions of the reconstruction. Once passageway (Fig. 5). As the carving depicts three beams on top of the base
structural comparisons were completed, a representation of the proposed lintel beam, the reconstruction for Mnajdra Central included three
new roof structure was digitally reconstructed onto stills of the temple corbelled beams above the base lintel of the trilithon doorway.
models using Adobe Photoshop 2015. The box structure uprights also provide indications of missing struc-
tural features. These include angled grooves cut into the walls sur-
rounding the portal seemingly to support a lintel stone that has since
Table 1
Processing parameters for each photogrammetry model. disappeared (Fig. 8). Another set of large grooves within the uprights of
the adjoining framed entrance of cell A are noticeable, as are very
Mnajdra Mnajdra Tarxien
shallow matching grooves in the R2 and L2 uprights which were only
Central Southern Central
identified via scrutiny of the 3D models (Fig. 8).
Alignment parameters: High High High
The first set of grooves in the wall suggests several possible fittings of
Pre-pair selection Disabled Disabled Disabled a lintel beam. Although the indentations are not identical, the angular
Dense Point Cloud: Quality Medium Medium High grooves suggest that a stone was cut to fit between the uprights. Behind
Dense Point Cloud: Depth Moderate Moderate Moderate these grooves are larger, more spherical cuts into the uprights in the
filtering entrance of cell A. These indicate that another limestone slab was posi-
Face count Medium Medium Medium
tioned here, locking in between the uprights (Fig. 9).

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Fig. 6. Photogrammetry models of a) Mnajdra Central, b) Mnajdra Southern and c) Tarxien Central.

Fig. 7. LiDAR models of the two carved façades in the Hypogeum modelled onto the a) Mnajdra Central b) Mnajdra Southern and c) Tarxien Central temple models
without any distortion of their dimensions, simply scaled to fit.

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drawn with increasing lengths of 6, 6.4 and 6.8 m by 0.5 m high. Beams
were also calculated with a depth of 1.5 m to be uniform with the depths
of the L2 and R2 uprights, therefore producing a minimum combined
corbelled overhang of 137.5 m using a harmonic corbelling block system
(Fig. 10).

3.3. Mnajdra Southern temple reconstruction

Like Mnajdra Central, the inner connecting passageway of Mnajdra

Southern was where the reconstruction was configured, containing the
remains of the box entrance structure. In this site, the lower lintel slab of
the trilithon doorway has survived. As such, a 5.8 m base slab was
positioned on top, connecting the R2 and L2 uprights and completing the
Fig. 8. Grooves in the walls and uprights surrounding the portal of the inner box structure. Unfortunately, erosion has destroyed much of the top re-
passageway of Mnajdra Central show where previous lintels may have been gion of the temple. The L2 upright, however, does exhibit some indica-
positioned. A mesh photogrammetry model shows these cut marks more clearly tion of a square marking similar to that shown in the uprights at Mnajdra
than textured. Central (Fig. 11).
Unlike Mnajdra Central, the apse walls continue above the box
More difficult to see are the marks on the R2 and L2 uprights. The entrance structure. The height difference between the R2 and L2 uprights
shallow grooves, pictured in Fig. 9a) are almost symmetrical in shape and and the highest point of the apse wall is 1.2 m. Two beams 0.6 m thick
size (0.6  0.5 m) indicating that the lintel base beam extended to these and 1 m deep would fit perfectly in the 1.2 m gap to bring the height of
outer uprights and, like the inner smaller lintel stone, was cut to fit on the box entrance level with the top of the inner apse walls. To be
these limestone uprights. The R1 and L1 uprights would have supported consistent with the Hypogeum, the lintel beams will increase in length by
this beam, as the base of each groove is consistent with the top of the 0.4 m, giving a slight overhang of 0.2 m on either side. With two beams,
inner uprights. This indicates that the smaller lintel beam fit between the the total overhang would be 3⁄4 of the beams’ depths, i.e. 0.75 m
L1 and R1 behind the larger lintel beam (Fig. 9 b). (Fig. 12).
Using what is represented in the Hypogeum, the carving on the L2
upright and the indications on the remaining limestone, the rest of the 3.4. Tarxien Central temple reconstruction
reconstruction can be configured. The base slab would extend to 5.6 m
long and going by the grooves in the R2 and L2 uprights, is around 0.6 m The second passageway within Tarxien Central was chosen to posi-
wide and 0.5 m high. Three beams were then drawn above the base lintel tion the proposed reconstruction simply because the top of the temple
slab to mirror what is depicted in the carving on the L2 upright. Mea- could be successfully modelled, unlike the main passageway into Tarxien
surements of the corbelled beams were estimated as there are no remains Central. Whilst Tarxien is a structurally consistent temple, it has suffered
indicating how high the roof extended above. To be dimensionally from recent renovations that have altered the original appearance of
consistent with the surrounding architecture and achieve a distinct slabs reducing the entasis: replaced with slabs of more cubic design.
corbelled appearance as shown in the Hypogeum, these beams were Fortunately, however, original groove marks have survived in Tarxien

Fig. 9. a) Shallow grooves in the R2 and L2 uprights of Mnajdra Central. b) Placement of the inner lintel beams and the base slab on the box entrance structure of
Mnajdra Central.

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Fig. 10. A front, side and aerial representations of the proposed reconstruction at Mnajdra Central.

Fig. 11. Groove markings in the L2 upright of Mnajdra Southern.

Central indicating original construction. The grooves are in the same three different box structures analysed, is the most dimensionally
places as the Mnajdra Central and Southern temples and are similar in consistent with what is represented in the carving in the ‘Holy of ‘Holies’,
shape (Fig. 13). which also exhibits two corbelled beams. Their similarity makes a visu-
Again, this suggests that the base lintel slab was fitted here as a alisation of the reconstruction comparably easy using images of both
locking lintel beam. This base beam would have been around 3.8 m long, structures (Fig. 14). The reconstructions therefore look very similar to
0.5 m high and 0.6 m deep to fit the groove marks. This block could have what is portrayed in the Hypogeum (Fig. 15).
been easily removed once the roof disappeared, but its purpose was
presumably to secure the interior passageway. Unfortunately, the ma- 4. Discussion
jority of the wall has not survived, with only the upright slabs remaining.
This makes identifying the number of the corbelled beams above the The clear similarities between the carved façades in the Hypogeum of
entrance difficult. The narrow depth of the second chamber of Tarxien Hal Saflieni and the remains within the passageways of the Neolithic
Central however, means that it would only require two corbelled beams temples of Malta strongly suggest that the carved façades within the
4.8 and 5.2 m long, 1.85 m deep and a corresponding height of 40 cm to Hypogeum's chambers intended to reflect the interior architecture of the
reduce the opening considerably. Applying the harmonic corbelling aboveground temples. With the development of 3D modelling, a new
block structure system determined a total overhang of 1.4 m with two avenue of visual reconstruction has been employed to rebuild the missing
beams of 1.85 m depth to match the upright depths. roofs of the temples of Malta, entirely based on the archaeology. The
The dimensions of the box structure of Tarxien Central, out of the undeniable resemblance of the carvings and rounded chamber walls

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Fig. 12. Front, side and aerial representation of the reconstruction on Mnajdra Southern.

Fig. 14. Transformed image of the ‘Holy of Holies’ carving onto the box
Fig. 13. Grooves in the R2 and L2 uprights at Tarxien Central indicating pre- entrance structure of Tarxien Central. Source of Hypogeum image:
vious construction. Malta Heritage.

within the Main Room and the ‘Holy of Holies’ to the box entrance roofing material. The long, distinctly curved beams that comprise the
structure remains and the curvature of the temple apses enabled a near majority of the reconstruction pose a problem if assumed to be limestone
perfect superimposition of the LiDAR to the photogrammetry models of as the archaeological record of Neolithic Malta is not irrefutably in
the temples. This presented a new method of archaeological recon- support of a limestone roof. There are no remains of any roof material at
struction and architectural investigation into the Neolithic temples of any of the temple sites. There are no records of fragmented or displaced
Malta. It also demonstrated the importance of recognising artistic rep- huge limestone slabs in any stratigraphic layers within the temples when
resentation in archaeology. By neglecting to confer with or incorporate they were first excavated, and this reconstruction unfortunately depends
the designs exhibited in the available archaeology, architectural re- upon large material. The largest limestone slabs used in the megalithic
constructions will inevitably stray from the original style developed by structures include a 6.4  5.2 m slab at Hagar Qim and several huge
the society in question, resulting in the imposition of contemporary en- perimeter wall slabs of Ggantija are still present (Stroud, 2010:33),
gineering or architecture. arguably such huge limestone roofing blocks would therefore still be on
The results of this method produced reconstructions comprising of a site. Trump (1966) questioned the possibility that “[w]here the blocks
series of corbelled curved beams that extended out towards the centre of were not so deeply buried … they were removed entirely, but direct
the room. This reconstruction, however, raises an issue with the original evidence is of course lacking” (1966:8). This, however, does not explain

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Fig. 15. Front, side and aerial representations of the reconstruction on Tarxien Central.

why the taphonomy of all the temples is so consistent. The same archi- temples accompanied by indications of burning on the walls is consistent
tectural features of each temple complex are either still evident (such as with this argument – as Evans (1959) noted “[w]hat was there in the
the walls and floor) or not (the roof and façade wall), even when these temples to burn so furiously – unless they were roofed with wood?”.
areas were exposed prior to excavation. The huge quantities of large
limestone slabs or smashed pieces of them should have been very com- 5. Conclusion
mon on all temple sites. This is too coincidental to be so easily attributed
to the work of thieves and demolition. This therefore suggests either that Through the applications of photogrammetry and digital 3D model-
the reconstruction, based on the archaeology of the Hypogeum, is ling, a new roof reconstruction proposal has been created derived entirely
incorrect, or that some other organic material, such as wood, may have from the remaining archaeological depictions of the original architecture.
been used to span these distances. There have been ongoing fierce de- Matching the LiDAR imagery of the carved façades in the ‘Holy of Holies’
bates regarding the employment of timber in the Neolithic temples of and Main Room in the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni onto the 3D photo-
Malta, which will not be heavily discussed in this report. Timber does, grammetry models of the Mnajdra Central, Mnajdra Southern and Tarxien
however, solve the issue of the concave nature of the major beams in the Central temples has verified their structural consistency. This established
roof reconstruction. It can be procured as curved pieces from trunks or the carved representations within the Hypogeum as indicators of the
branches and small beams can be bent or cut into curved shapes from original interior architecture of the temples. Via photogrammetry
trees such Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex which were present at fluc- modelling, indications of this roof structural system were identified in the
tuating levels during the Temple Period according to palynological an- temples' remaining limestone blocks, further supporting this theory, and
alyses (Gambin et al., 2016). The curvature of the beams featured in the provided a template to exhibit the new roof structural system. This process
Hypogeum cannot be attributed to artistic license as the entire, extant has consequently produced a new archaeologically-defensible roof
temple architecture is curved – from the ground plan to the curved edges reconstruction proposal for the Neolithic temples of Malta.
and entasis of the blocks. As the limestone on Malta fissures into usefully
straight rectangular blocks (Evans, 1959; Ridley, 1971) to carve the
Declarations of interest
limestone into curved forms as represented in the Hypogeum would have
been very demanding. Crucially, there is no indication at any temple site
that the temple builders used or carved curved limestone slabs. In theory,
beams of limestone could have a concave face on one side and the other
remained straight, however, there is no evidence for this kind of practice
either. This is where timber could be viewed as a potential roof material
This project was supported by the Carlyle Greenwell Research Fund
alternative; the discovery of wood ash in the stratigraphy within several
[scholarship number SC1126].

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Acknowledgments Flynn, B., 2005. Exploration of Maltese prehistoric temples through the application of
multimedia technologies. In: Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, vol. 5,
pp. 23–34.
The author would like to thank Patrick Giang, Alexandra Robinson Gambin, B., Andrieu-Ponel, V., Medail, F., Marriner, N., Peyron, O., Montade, V.,
and Tim Robinson in the preparation of this paper. A special thankyou to Gambin, T., Morhange, C., Belkacem, D., Djamali, M., 2016. 7300 years of vegetation
Malta Heritage and Katya Stroud for allowing the author access to temple history and climate for NW Malta: a Holocene perspective. Clim. Past Discuss. 11,
sites and for the permission to use the LiDAR models of the Hypogeum of Lerma, J.L., Navarro, S., Cabrelles, M., Villaverde, V., 2010. Terrestrial laser scanning and
Hal Saflieni for this project. close range photogrammetry for 3D archaeological documentation: the Upper
Palaeolithic Cave of Parpall o as a case study. J. Archaeol. Sci. 37 (3), 499–507. htt
Appendix A. Supplementary data Ridley, M., 1971. The Megalithic Art of the Maltese Islands, Link House. Dolphin Press,
West Street, Poole, Dorset.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https:// _ Qim & Mnajdra: Prehistoric Temples. Heritage Books, Qrendi,
Stroud, K., 2010. Hagar
Malta. Stroud, K., 2013. Preface. In: Vella, G. (Ed.), 2013. Ggantija: the Oldest Free-Standing
Structure in the World, Malta, Malta Heritage.
References Trump, D., 1966. Skorba. Thames and Hudson, London.
Trump, D., 2002. Malta: Prehistory and Temples, Malta. Midsea Books.
Evans, J.D., 1959. Malta. Thames and Hudson, London.


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