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Name: Dayang Nurhaiza Binti Awang Norawi

Student ID: 2021610222

Organizing the Preparation Outline for Informative Speech

Title/Topic :Night-Shift Work Costs Several Years Of life

General Purpose :To Inform
Specific Purpose :To inform my audience about how working the night shift can affect
our body health.


A. Attention Getter : Demanding work schedules are a fact of life in modern, 24-hour
society. Products are produced and services are provided at all hours of the day and
night. Do to this; people are required to work at all hours around the clock. This kind of
work schedule can be quite a strain and can affect a worker’s safety or health.

B. Credibility Statement : Shift work is a necessity of today’s workforce. Night shift work
does not provide good health which is that the workers who are not used to working
these hours can feel fatigue, lack of concentration due to drowsiness. Working at night
can have effects that could prove to lower productivity and can cause incidents as it
raises the risk of making poor decisions or even common mistakes. It is really very
important to manage daylight sleep and prepare for night shift so that you minimize the
risk of personal injury and property damage.

C. Background of Topic : Basically, it is about how working the night shift can negatively
impact your daily life and health.

D. Relevancy Statement : Majority of people have chosen to work the night shift as it is an
essential part of our society as many of them managed to work in the night shift. When
working in the night shift, the payment is increased and at the same time reduces the
competition on the work. However, a lot of people tend to work the night shift because
typically the employer provides financial support to their employee.The premium pay
offered by the employer has gained the loyalty of the employee as the payment is the
same as they work on the weekend and on the public holidays.
E. Preview : However, working in the night shift can threaten our lives in the
long term as it negatively affects our health.

Organizational Pattern : Effect

MAIN POINT 1 : Working in the night shift can lead to chronic sleep deprivation.

A. Chronic sleep deprivation can be defined as getting insufficient sleep or experiencing

sleepless nights over an extended period. The sleep deprivation might be caused by
insomnia or anxiety or certain medical conditions.
1. According to the World Sleep Association, there is a growing trend in sleep
disorders with an increasing number of affected populations in the country.
2. The statistics also found that 35% of Malaysians have some sort of sleeping
disorders, while over 53% of Malaysia’s workforce gets less than the minimum
seven hours sleep in a 24-hour period with at least 51% suffering from work-
related stress.
3. In addition, nine out of 10 Malaysians have some level of insomnia and have one
or more kinds of sleeping problems.
B. Sleeping less than 7 hours on a regular basis can impact our entire body.
1. By sleeping, it allows us to process information that we discover throughout the
2. Moreover, having enough sleep can improve our memory, coordination, balance
and reaction time toward something.
C. Insufficient sleep heightened the risk of Shift Work Sleep Disorder.
1. The night shift workers easily become agitated and moody in the short term and
feel anxious and depressed in the long term.
2. Having trouble concentrating and lack of energy in doing daily tasks.

Organizational Pattern : Effect

MAIN POINT 2 : Working the night shift caused a higher rate of depression.

A. The relationship between working in the night shift and depression is a person will have
an inability to sleep which leads to depression.
1. It develops aggravating mood disorders in vulnerable individuals.
2. However, the depressive symptoms could be actually linked to the job and not the
B. These are some of the depressive symptoms reported by the night shift workers itself :
1. They tend to feel lifeless and live their life like a ghost.
2. Feel stressed due to the lack of sleep and missing out on life.
3. Tend to feel moody and reactive to the world around them.
C. However, there is not enough evidence to sustain a general medical recommendation
against shift work for employees with depressive conditions (Night Work and the Risk of
Depression, Peter A.)

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