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Making the Case for Alternative Assessment:

A Writing-Based Rubric for Self-Reflection and Improved Learning

Teresa L. Larkin
Department of Physics
American University
Washington, DC USA

Abstract—In the global STEM professional arena, the ability developed as a formative assessment tool that was used to
to communicate, both orally and in writing, is a skillset provide students with feedback as they were writing their
demanded by employers. Unfortunately, typical academic research papers. An example of this rubric will be shared. A
exercises that involve written and oral communication are often primary goal of the use of this rubric was to provide students
just that … academic exercises. To provide a more authentic and
robust experience, a student conference activity has been
with formative feedback and to provide them an additional
developed for use in a second-level physics course entitled Physics opportunity to correct shaky logic and flawed understanding
for a New Millennium (PNM) at American University (AU). This while they are working on their research papers.
conference paper activity involves writing a formal research Opportunities to improve learning such as those provided with
paper using professional guidelines. Students then present their the formative assessment rubric are essentially absent when
papers at a class conference held at the end of the semester. The assessment is only done using a traditional pencil and paper
primary focus of the research paper is to allow students to exam. Furthermore, the development of strong written and
synthesize a subset of the physics topics that are being studied in oral communication skills is of critical importance when
class. The secondary focus of the research paper is to make a pursuing a career in a STEM-related field. The strategies to
solid connection between physics and its connection to the overall
paper topic. For example, in an earlier semester, one student,
be outlined in this paper provide a robust way of improving
with a major in sociology and a minor in applied physics, wrote student communication skills while simultaneously allowing
a paper on the physics associated with the cochlear implant and multiple opportunities to assess student learning. Before
its impact on the deaf community. A topic such as this allows discussing these strategies, some fundamental questions will
students the opportunity to connect the physics being studied in be addressed.
class to something that directly relates to their major course of
study. Being able to make this type of connection is invaluable to How can student learning be effectively measured and
the students and provides the instructor with a unique assessed? What is it that a traditional classroom exam really
opportunity to assess their understanding. assesses? Does a student’s score on an exam really provide
The research paper and conference presentation take the the instructor with a definitive measure of what they have
place of a traditional final exam. Unlike a traditional final exam, learned and understood? Moreover, can a comprehensive final
the research paper activity provides for multiple points of exam score serve as a summative measure of what students
assessment of student learning. A traditional final exam merely have learned in a course? What can we learn from traditional
provides a data point regarding student learning after the assessment measures? Do traditional assessment measures
learning has actually taken place. In fact, most exams do not really provide us with a robust picture of what students are
provide students with an opportunity to correct flaws in their
learning throughout all facets of the learning process? If
reasoning and make adjustments to their current understanding.
The non-traditional research paper activity, however, provides traditional assessment measures such as the comprehensive
for multiple opportunities to correct one’s understanding of key final exam don’t provide us with an accurate and definitive
physics concepts and to utilize this adjusted understanding in the measure of student learning, what does? Might an alternative
next phase of the paper-writing process. To illustrate, students assessment measure that involves a substantial writing
must submit an abstract, as well as a first, second, and final draft component actually provide a notable, if not superior measure
of their papers. At each juncture, a carefully crafted rubric is of what students have learned? Questions such as these
utilized to better capture student learning. This paper will focus provide the motivation for this paper. Any attempt to answer
on one such evaluative rubric and provide discussion regarding these questions might best be framed by first posing the
how it was utilized in terms of assessing students’ understanding broader question, what constitutes student learning?
of key physics topics.
Keywords—Alternative assessment, assessment models, authentic II. STUDENT LEARNING
assessment, formative assessment, learning goals and objectives,
learning outcomes, rubric development, student writing, written
Certainly many definitions exist for student learning. In a
and oral communication. broad sense learning might be considered to be a net gain in
understanding, experience, skill and/or expertise pertaining to
I. INTRODUCTION a particular knowledge set. The new Oxford American
One focus of the current paper is to highlight the dictionary defines learning as “the acquisition of knowledge or
assessment strategies developed for the conference paper skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being
activity. A second focus is to detail a new assessment rubric taught” [1]. Adapting their definition from Mayer [2],

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Ambrose, et al. describe learning as a process that leads to passive classroom lectures, textbook reading, and the internet.
change [3]. In addition, these researchers suggest that the Passive learning routinely results in students merely trying to
process of learning takes place in the mind of the learner and learn and regurgitate what the teacher and textbook are telling
as a result, we can only infer that it has occurred based on the them. A discouraging fact is, after instruction, students often
end products or performances of the students. Learning also emerge from our classes with serious misconceptions [20 -
involves a change in one’s knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, or 26]. Writing can be used to effectively help students confront
attitudes. This change is an evolving entity and unfolds over their misconceptions. In addition, formal writing strategies
time. As such, change is not transient but rather has a long- can provide essential “snapshots” to help uncover what
term lasting impact on students’ thoughts and actions. students are truly learning as the learning is taking place.
Ambrose, et al. argues that learning occurs as a result of
experience which, in turn, increases the possibility for Traditional examinations and quizzes merely provide an
improved performance and future learning. The active process assessment marker after a segment of material has been
of learning is not something we “do” to students. Rather, covered in class. While important as a point for charting
learning is something students do themselves, sparked by a progress, these forms of assessment do little to uncover what
good teacher’s efforts to provide robust opportunities. is actually taking place in the mind of the learner. Astin [27]
argues that as professors, we may think that we’ve given a
Learning can be thought of as the direct result of how very stimulating and thought-provoking lecture, without ever
students interpret, react, and respond to their own experiences, really knowing how much of it was actually understood by the
be they conscious or unconscious, both past and present. In
students, how much was retained, or whatever other kinds of
essence, learning is a process that is a deeply tied to an
effects it may have had on the students. While traditional
individual’s world view. A world view might simply be
thought of as a knowledge fingerprint, and is a permanent part examinations and quizzes may provide us with some
of the process of knowledge acquisition. An essential piece of information about what students are learning, this more
the teaching and learning process is the assessment of student summative type of feedback really comes a little too late. A
learning. It is through the assessment of student learning that carefully crafted writing activity or set of activities can
teachers and institutions of higher learning can demonstrate provide a more formative and authentic assessment of student
that their students have the necessary knowledge, skills, and learning; and, give students and professors time to correct any
core proficiencies consistent with both course and institutional misconceptions or flaws in reasoning as the learning is
goals. The different elements that contribute to the learning ongoing. The particular writing-based assessment activity to
process can be very diverse. Learning can take place in a be showcased in this paper was developed for use in a second-
traditional classroom or laboratory. Fundamentally, learning level physics course for non-majors. Before discussing the
can occur at any place in space or time where an individual writing activity, some details about the course setting will be
learner happens to be at. presented.
As teachers, we cannot simply rely on our own knowledge IV. PHYSICS FOR A NEW MILLENNIUM COURSE FORMAT
of a subject and our ability to articulate that knowledge to our
A second-level physics course for non-majors entitled
students. An excellent attempt at content delivery by a teacher
Physics for a New Millennium (PNM) at American University
may not directly translate into excellent learning by a student.
(AU) serves as the setting for this paper. Numerous projects
Many of us have been taught to know our subject; and, to have
and studies within the domain of Physics Education Research
something to say. Connolly argues that neither of these
(PER) have pointed to the importance and value of using a
precepts speaks to the “… messy process of learning nor to the
learner-centered, activity-based environment. A significant
even murkier process of thinking through written language”
outcome of these and other PER studies is; in comparison to
[4]. The art of measuring and assessing this learning continues
to be one of the challenges that educators everywhere face. more traditional instructional strategies, student conceptual
understanding and problem-solving ability is enhanced within
Effective teaching and learning imply much more than
efficient transmission of information from the expert (teacher) an activity-based learning environment [28 – 35].
to the novice (student) and then back again. The use of All students enrolled in PNM have taken a first-level
writing to enhance and assess student learning within the introductory physics course with a laboratory component. The
science classroom has a strong history [5 – 10]. As a learning curriculum for the second-level PNM course includes the
tool, writing activities have been used in various forms as following topic areas which are quite typical in a second-level
tools for alternative assessment of student understanding. course: sound and waves, electricity and magnetism (E & M),
light and color, optics, and (time permitting) introductory
III. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: modern physics. Designed by the author, this course is taught
WRITING AS A LEARNING TOOL in an interactive studio format as illustrated in Figure 1. The
Studies on teaching pedagogies have clearly demonstrated course consists of one 75-minute period each week where
that traditional techniques often put students in a role of course content is delivered in an interactive lecture format.
passive rather than active learning [11 – 15]. Likewise, more The second weekly period is 150 minutes in length. The
traditional methods have been shown to be very inadequate in double-block period is designed to give students a good deal
terms of promoting deep learning and long-term retention of of time to perform hands-on activities and experiments within
important concepts [16 – 19]. Students in traditional a team-based environment. Figure 2 shows a team of students
classrooms often acquire most of their knowledge through working on an activity to help them understand how colors are

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created on the viewing screen of a computer monitor. Because V. THE FORMAL RESEARCH PAPER AND
of the unique nature of the course, class size is limited to 16 CORRESPONDING ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES
students. The spring 2014 class consisted of 11 students. A written conference paper serves as a direct measure for
assessing student learning in the PNM course. The semester-
long conference paper and the activities associated with it
accounts for approximately 34% of a student’s grade in the
course. A complete breakdown of how the students’ grades
were assessed is as shown in Table I:

Activity Assessed Points Percent of

Possible Total Grade
Hour Exams 200 21.1

Quizzes 75 18.4

Homework 175 18.4

Fig. 1. Teams of students performing Hands-on Activities 175 18.4
an electrostatics activity.

Conference Paper 175 18.4

Peer Review 50 5.3

Conference 100 10.5


The conference paper activity was designed to provide

students with an opportunity to experience all aspects
associated with the writing and presenting of a scientific paper
to an audience of their peers. Over the course of a given
semester, students are exposed to all aspects of preparing a
professional paper for publication. The paper writing
experience includes the:
Fig. 2. A team of students working on x submission of an abstract,
an activity involving color. x preparation of a first draft for instructor review,
x preparation of a second draft for formal peer review,
PNM is a course that many students take to satisfy the and
university’s general education requirements towards x preparation of a revised, camera-ready copy for
graduation. Approximately half of the students enrolled are publication in the conference proceedings.
also typically pursuing a minor in applied physics. A unique
element of the PNM course is its active learning format along Students are given an opportunity to select the topic for
with its focus on student writing as an alternative method of their research papers. The only requirements are that the topic
assessment. This form of assessment is in contrast to more chosen needs to involve one or more of the key concepts to be
conventional classroom measures and to numerous research- discussed in class. Students are further encouraged to select a
based normalized tests and surveys such as the Force Concept topic that might have some overlap to their major field of
Inventory (FCI), the Force-Motion Concept Evaluation study. For example, in the spring 2014 class a student
(FMCE) the Mechanics Baseline Test (MBT), and others [36 – majoring in music conducted research on the physics of the
40]. flute. Another student pursuing a major in public health with
a minor in applied physics conducted research pertaining to
The non-traditional design and structure of the PNM how nuclear energy is used in a hospital setting. Yet another
course lends itself well to the development and use of student who was pursuing a major in audio technology
alternative and perhaps more authentic assessment measures. conducted their research on the physics involved with
To this end, a formal research paper is used in place of a final subwoofer enclosure design. These are but a few examples of
exam to help assess student learning throughout all aspects of the topics students choose to write about which serve to assist
the paper-writing process. them in merging physics with their major areas of study.

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The culmination of the students’ efforts was to present writing their papers, a more robust and formative measure of
their final research papers at a conference held at the end of assessment was employed during the spring 2014 semester.
the semester. The conference itself has come to be one of the
One focus of the present work is to showcase the formative
physics department’s highlights each spring. Faculty, staff,
and other students are invited to attend the conference. In assessment rubric developed in part, to provide students with
an additional mechanism to reflect on their work while it is
addition, the students’ parents are sent a letter along with a
conference program and an invitation to attend. Typically ongoing. A complete and detailed copy of this rubric can be
found in the appendix. In addition, through this self-reflection
anywhere from 3 – 5 sets of parents attend the conference
event. Figure 3 shows one student, Becca, presenting her rubric students were often able to pinpoint flaws or gaps in
their understanding about a key topic(s) in physics that they
research on the use of nuclear energy in hospitals.
were writing about. The students in the spring 2014 PNM
class were the first to have the opportunity to utilize the rubric.
The rubric described here and presented in its entirety in
the appendix was crafted to parallel the key aspects students
were required to include within their papers. These key
aspects included:
x Abstract
x Organization
x Introduction/historical overview
x Physics synthesis
x Connection between key physics concepts and paper
x Summary
x Correctness
x Reference section and citations
At a point midway between the submission of the first and
Fig. 3. A student presenting her research during the second drafts of the paper, each student was required to set up
end-of-semester class conference.
an appointment with the instructor. During this appointment
the instructor went through each element of the rubric with the
In her earlier work, the author described in more depth,
student. The goal of doing so was simple: to provide students
each aspect of the paper-writing process [41]. Unique to the
with substantive feedback so that they could make
current work, a writing-based, self-reflection, formative
improvements to the next draft of their papers. Students were
assessment rubric was crafted and implemented during the
also given the opportunity to ask any questions they had on the
spring 2014 PNM class.
research they were doing. In particular, emphasis was placed
VI. THE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT RUBRIC on the connection between key physics concepts and their
paper topics. In addition, a thorough discussion of how their
Requiring students to write a written research paper is not, papers were coming along in terms of the synthesis of key
in and of itself, unique. In most instances where a research physics concepts also took place.
paper is required, the only thing that is assessed is the end
product. While this type of assessment might provide some The use of this intermediate formative assessment rubric
insight into student learning, it is certainly lacking in many allowed students a non-threatening vehicle to get much needed
respects. Assessment of the end product provides little or no feedback on their work. The discussion between instructor
information about the actual learning process. Moreover, this and student took on a more collegial tone. These meeting with
type of assessment does not shed much light on how student students took approximately 15 minutes per student, with
learning was enhanced as a result of the writing experience. It approximately 3 hours devoted to the overall task. Many
is one thing to have students write a research paper in a class; students had not experienced this type of discussion with any
and, it is quite another to assess student learning throughout instructor before. Students quickly understood that the
the entire writing experience. purpose of the meeting was to assist them prior to submitting
the next drafts of their papers. So often students tend to
Throughout the paper writing process assessment is done at merely try and look for what it is that the instructor wants
several junctures and is not based solely on the completed from them in terms of a given assignment. In this case, the
research paper. Each milestone of the paper-writing instructor more or less turned the table on the students and
experience is designed to provide a snapshot which allows the instead asked them what they wanted the end product of their
instructor the opportunity to capture in real time what the research to look like. Doing so provided an opportunity for
students are actually learning as they are researching and students to really take ownership of their work.
writing their papers. To this end, a formal rubric is used as a
record of student learning. This rubric serves as one data At the conclusion of each meeting with the students, the
point to assess the overall paper. To better assess what instructor and student carefully reviewed each element of the
students are learning as they are actually researching and rubric and marked it based on where the paper was currently
at. There was no grade assigned for this activity. Rather, the

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students were given a small number of points towards their another snapshot in time so the instructor could better and
overall paper score for simply attending the meeting and more realistically document student learning gains.
putting forth a sincere effort. More importantly, this meeting
helped the students to self-reflect and to make significant ACKNOWLEDGMENT
improvements on the next draft of their papers as evidenced The author wishes to thank the many wonderful students
by the enhancement of the physics-related portion of their who have taken PNM in past semesters. In particular, the
individual papers. In the past, after submission of the second author would like to acknowledge the students in the spring
drafts, students’ papers still tended to lack the necessary 2014 class (shown in Figure 4) for serving as a test-group for
attention to this critical portion of their papers. the use and refinement of the formative assessment rubric
The overall improvement in student understanding of key discussed in this paper. In addition, the author would also like
physics concepts over the course of the semester was in large to thank the spring 2014 class for permitting her the use of the
part due to the effort they put into this section of their research photographs displayed in this paper.
papers. Through the use of this formative assessment rubric
the instructor was provided with additional information
regarding the improvement of student learning that could not
be uncovered through a standard classroom exam.
The primary purpose of a final exam is to provide a
summative marker of a student’s progress in comprehending a
subject over the course of a given term. At best, the final
exam grade provides a single data point regarding student
learning. A student’s grade on a final exam does not,
however, shed much light on the overall process of learning.
If one is truly intent on capturing what a student has learned in
a given course, other methods of assessment are required.
The spring 2014 PNM class served as a pilot for the
implementation of the formative assessment rubric shared in Fig. 4. The spring 2014 PNM class.
this paper. Based on the discussions that ensued when
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(iJEP), Vol. 4, Special Issue, 2, pp. 36 – 46.. Kassel University Press
GmbH, Kassel, Germany. eISSN: 2192-4880.
91 /ijep.v4i2.3445.

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2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
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PNM Conference Paper Formative Assessment Criteria*
4 3 2 1 0
(Outstanding) (Good) (Satisfactory) (Unsatisfactory) (Mainly
Abstract The abstract demonstrates The abstract has an The abstract has an objective The abstract’s unsatisfactory The abstract has virtually
ambition, thoughtfulness, and ambitious objective statement statement, although it doesn’t objective statement suffers from no discernible objective or
appropriate specificity. The but does not fully deliver on demonstrate ambition or take on a logical incoherency or facile aims. direction. Arguments often bear
abstract provokes readers to reflect its promise. Supporting discernible degree of difficulty. Numerous lapses in clarity, no relation to other sections of
on the topic’s subtleties and arguments progress with very The abstract may be too broad to soundness, or relevance. the paper; logical fallacies may
complexities. few lapses in clarity, lead to a focused paper. abound.
soundness, or relevance.

Organization At the global level he paper’s At the global level, the At the global level, the At the global level, the At the most basic level, the
organization develops organically paper’s organization reveals a paper’s organizational strategies paper’s unsatisfactory organization paper’s paragraphs lack most
from an outstanding abstract. On a logical and effective demonstrate basic cohesion and results in a paper that confounds defining features of a traditional
local level, the paper flows with progression of the objective as continuity. On a local level, the reader. Locally, paragraphs paragraph: controlling ideas,
appropriate transitions between given in the abstract. On a transitions between paragraphs and stumble from one to the next and transitions, unity, and coherence.
sections and without unintended local level, transitions between sentences usually create continuity often lack focus and coherence. The same is true of the paper as
interruptions. paragraphs and sentences and coherence, with some Transitions between sections and a whole.
create continuity and exceptions. sub-sections are largely missing.

Introduction/ Provides a thorough and very Provides a reasonably Provides a modest and Provides a minimal and Provides little or no
clear historical context to the thorough and clear historical mostly clear historical context to mostly unclear historical context to historical context to the paper.
paper. context to the paper. the paper. the paper.
Physics Provides an excellent Provides a strong Provides a modest overview Provides weak or minimal Provides little or no
Synthesis overview of key physics concepts overview of key physics of key physics concepts at a level overview of key physics concepts overview of key physics
at a level appropriate for the target concepts at a level appropriate appropriate for the target audience. at a level appropriate for the target concepts at a level appropriate
audience. for the target audience. audience. for the target audience.

Connection Connections made are clearly Connections made are Connections made Connections made Connections made are
between Key outstanding and demonstrate a strong, and demonstrate a demonstrate a basic understanding demonstrate a weak understanding largely absent reflecting little or
Physics clear and strong understanding of good understanding of the of the topic. of the topic. no understanding of the topic.
Concepts and the topic. topic.
Paper Topic
Summary Provides an excellent Provides a strong Provides a modest synthesis Provides a weak synthesis of Provides little or no
synthesis of key ideas. synthesis of key ideas. of key ideas. key ideas. synthesis of key ideas.

Correctness The writing has virtually no The writing has few The writing has several The writing has substantial The paper fails to meet
grammatical, mechanical, or grammatical, mechanical, or grammatical, mechanical, or grammatical, mechanical, or minimum standards of
formatting errors. Sources are formatting errors, and they do formatting errors, and some errors formatting errors that distract the correctness: errors in grammar
appropriately attributed, not distract the reader from the distract the reader from the reader from the content. Many or mechanics prevent readers
documented, and cited. At this content. Sources are content. Sources are documented sources are incorrectly documented from understanding the paper.
level, the presentation reveals appropriately attributed and and cited, though not always and cited. Sources receive incorrect or no
professionalism and attention to cited with very few errors. strictly in an appropriate format. documentation and citation.

Reference All cited works are done in Some cited works are in Few cited works. Done on Few cited works. Done in Absent or the only sources
Section and the correct format with no errors. the correct format. Maintains the correct format with some the correct format with many cited are web-based.
Citations At least 50% are from non-web mostly a good balance errors. Over-emphasis on web errors.
sources. between web- and non-web sources and insufficient major
sources. references.

*Adapted from AU’s College Writing Program Grading Criteria.

Author: _______________
Number of fully formatted pages submitted (5-page minimum): ________

978-1-4799-4437-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 03-06 December 2014, Dubai, UAE

2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL)
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