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Of the Laws o^ England:
of Courts.
PROVERBS 11. 18.
N't tranfgrediarii anti^Hoster-
qms fofttertitit pAtres tui,
Tcrmiiios propria poteftatis cgref-
fus in aliam mcflem perpcram niictit


Authore Edw. Coke Miliie^I.C.


^ «f^X% M DC XL IK . ,


Printed at London hy M.FleJher,

forir. Lee ,3D6 D. 'Tuk^n-M.

1^. I

«><-=/. ^y^a/9n<s.

Courts ill this Fourth part ofthe Inftitutes,
Treated of.

Chap. Pag.
/^^ Fthe high and moji honourable Court oflj^ar^
^•^ liament. i

Ofthe CounccU^oard
2 or liable,

I Of the Tower and Authority of the TroteBor.

± Of the Qourt ofthe High Steward of England,


5 Ofthe Court of StarXhamber , Coram Rege &

Conciiio. 60

6 Ofthe
for redreffe ofdelays ofjudgements
in the 6j
Kings great Qmrts,

7 Ofthe Court ofK^ngs Bench^Conm Rege. 70

8 Ofthe Qourt of Chancery X^oraxnKegQ in Can-
cellaria. 78

9 Jnd incidentlj ofthe Court of^e^juefis. P7

10 Of
The Table.
Chap^ Pag.
10 Of the Court ofQommonTleas, p^
fthe Qourt of Exchequer. 105

Of a Qourt to enquire of and unlanfuU
and untrue Accomfts in the
Exchequer, 11
J Ofthe Court
of Exchequer Chamber, 118

l^ Ofthefirjl fruits andTenths Scclefiafticall. 120

i^ Ofthe Court ofAugmentations. m

16 Of the Court ofgeneraU Surveyors ofthe i\ings
Lands^^c. m
17 Ofthe Court of Chivalry before the Lo: Confla^
hie and Earl Mar/hall. ni
Ofthe Court of the Marfhalfea. 130

ip Ofthe Counting^houfe ofthe K^ngs houfhold^

caUed the
^reeneloth, and by the way of the
Wardrop^^c. im

Ofthe Court of the Lord Stey^ard , Treafurer
and (Controller of the
K^ngs houfe, concerning
felony by compafsing^ (src. I^U the K^g,

or in his
houfe :,
abfence ofthe Treafurer and
ofthe IQngs houfe, and Steward of
Marfhalfea y ofTreafon^ Murder^ and
hlood-floed mthin the I\wgs houfe. ibid.
The Table.

Chap. Pag.
22 the Court the Jdniiraltj
Of- of proceeding accor-
to the CiviUlaw, 124.

23 Of the Qourt ofthe Commifion under the Great

Seal hjforce of the Statute
of z'^H, S.cap. 15.

for Criminall and Marine caufes proceeding

to the
courfe of the Common law.

24. OfTortmoots Tort-Qourts, 1^8

25 Of the povper and authority

of Qommifiioners
and others for maintaining and ereBing of
beacons, Light^houfes , and Sea-mar/^s^ and
concerning J^atches. ibid.

%6 De confervatore feu cuftodeTreugarum,/. in-

duciarum dc falvorum regis condudluU;, and
incident Ij ofthe ojfice, authority, and
ofjmbajfadors^and of League SyTreaties, and
truces, ,

27 Of the Courts of the

fufiices of Affife , and of
Nifi Prius. 158

28 Offuftices ofOkr ^ Terminer. i6z

zp Of the Qourts of Jfeciall fuflices of Oier and

Terminer, concerning i. Purveyors, z.
demeanors of Villainsyi(s'c. 3. Sums of money
coUeBed for houfes of(^orreBion,(^c, /^.. Col^

ledges y HofpitalsyCharitable ufes,((s^c,


30 0/^ Gaol-delivery.
31 Of
The Table.

Chap. ^

Of the Qourt of the Sejsions ofthe fujlicesof

^/>e Peace. 170

3Z Ofthe Court ofInquiry ofthe defaults offufli^

ces o/Peace,&c.
concerning riots^c^c, 184.

35 Ofthe Court of fuflices in Eire or Itinerant.


3^ iS6

35 Of the Court offf^ards and Liveries, 188

^6 Ofthe Court ofthe Duchy Chamber of Lancafter

atJVeftminfer, l^o±.

5 7 Ofthe County Talatine ofQhefler, in

38 Ofthe County Talatine ofDurham » zi6

3P Ofthe royali Franc hife of Ely, zio

40 Of the QountyTalatineof'TembroJ^, izv

ij.1 Ofthe Franchife ofHexham and Hexhamflnre,

4.1 0/"^/>^ Cb^r^j ofthe Cinque Ports, ibid.

43 Ofthe Qourtofthe Efcheator and ofCommifio^

nersforfndingoffceSjO'c, ii$

i^4 Of the Courts ofthe Univerfities of (Cambridge

and Oxford, 227

45 Ofthe Courts ofthe Stmneries in Cornwall and

Devon\ 2Z^
^6 Of
The Table.

Chap. Pag.
the Court the Mayor of the
^6 Of of Staple, zyj

4.7 Ofthe Legall Courts and their furisdiBions mth^

in the Trincipality of Wales. 2^9

^% Ofthe Qourt ofEquity before the Trejident and

QounceU of Whales , and the Marches of the
fame, 24.2

4.p OftheTrefidentand Qouncellinthe J^rth,

50 Ofthe Courts and their furisdiBions within the

Qity of London^
Ofthe Buflmgs. 1^7

' ibid.
2,^. ThetwoCourtsoftheSherifi.

4 'the Court of Equity hefore the Jjord May or^commonly

called the
Qourt ofConfcience. 2 4S

77;e Court
of the Mayor
md Aldermen. ibid.

6 The'Qourt ofOrphans. 249

7 The Court ofCommon Councell. ibid.

8 The Court ofthe Wardmote. ibid.

p The Court ofFialimcte. ibid.

10 The Court oftheChamherlain Prentices. 250


II 7he Courtfor the confer^^ation ofthe Water and ^Ver of

Thames. ibid.

12 17?^
Qourt of
Qoroner In London. ibid.

Tl^e Court oftheBfcheator in London. ibid.'

14 7k
The Table.

Chap. Pag.
14 The Qourt ofPolicies and Jjfurances in London,

the Tower
Qourt of ofLondon. ^^l

\6 The JurisdiEiion^ <src. of the Qolled^e ofPly/itians in

Londofiji^c. ibid.

Ofthe Court ofthe Jujlices afi^ned for th ^oyernnient

of the lews. 254

Ofthe Qourts of St(i»iclijfe andFriendkjfe Wapentake.


51 255

52 Ofthe Qtty ofO\(omich, i^6

53 0/the Court ofthe T^oum, 259

^4. Of the Court ofthe Leet or view of Fran^fledge,

55 Ofthe County Court, z(S6

56 Ofthe Hundred Court. x^j

57 Ofthe Qourt ^aron. 2<5'8

58 Oft he Qourt ofAncient T>emefm\ idp

5p Ofthe Qourt ofthe Coroner, zji
60 Ofthe Court oJTtpowders. 272-
61 Of the Court
of the Clcrkj)f the Market 275

6% Of the Coitrt of the

Qommiftoners of Seivers.ljs
61 Ofthe Court ofthe
Qommtfeioners upon the Sta^
tuteof^ank^outs. 277
6^ OfComiftonersfor examination ofmtneffes. 278
65 Curia
The Table.

Chap. Pag.
„. ^5 Curia curfusAquse apudGravefend, 280

66 Of thelQngs Swanhear^. ibid.

67 Ofthe Wardens Qourts in the Eafly JVefl^ and

Middle Marches adjqyning to Scotland, 281

^8 0/Callais, or Callis Galetum. 282

6^ Of the IjJe of Man , and of the Law andfur if^

diBion of the fame » 283

and of the
70 Of the Ifles offerfey^ andCjarnfeyy
Laxp andfurisdiBion ofthe fame » 286

71 Of the yie ofWight. 287

71 Ofthe Jfand called Lindesfarn, C^c. called alfo

the Holy Ifand. 288

72 Ofthe ForeftSy and the furisdiBion of the Courts

oftheForefts. 28^

74. of the Eccleftafticali Qourts;viz.

The Table.

Chap. Pag-
7 The Court ofFaculties, \.../ 357

8 The Court ofPeadiars^ Curia Peculiarium. jjS

The Conjijlory Courts. ibid.


10 77?^ Court the Jychdeacon^ or

of of his\£ommffary. 339

11 The Court of Delegates ^ atid incidently of Appeals, ibid,

12 TheCourtofCommifionersof^i^iew. 341

(^ourts of the ConferVators of the j^riynledges of
^ '

St. ibid.
Johns o/Jtrufalcm.'

75 Of Scotland. ; 3+5

76 Of the K^mgdome of Ireland, 34.5?




1^1 u>

^ r^r^j '-n

Tib I.


N the two former parts of the Infiitutes wc

have principally treated Be commumhusfU-
citis, and of thofe two great Pronouns {^Meum
& Tuum.2 In the Third we have handled P/4-
cita Coron^,^nd Criminall caufes. But becaufe
Rerum ordo confHnditur^ ft unictfique ]urisdf£{io ReguU,

tionfervetur, Wc
in this Fourth and laft part of
the Infiitutes are to fpeak of the Jurifdiftion of
the Courts of Juftice within this Realm.
Jmfd'iBig quid?
^nrisdiElio efl
authoritas judicandi five jus dicendiint' fartes de aCiiO' Br»,
Ttibtts et remm fetundum quod dedu^£ fuerum in
ferformrum judicium 401, fer
author it dt em ordtnariamfeu delegatam : And zga'm,^ ^urisdi^io efi j>o- 31.
tefiasde publico introdu^a
cum necefittate juris dicendi. It is derived of Dnde,&c.

^»s, and ditto, i.potefias juris.


c Curia hath two feverall

En le cafe del
fignifications,and accordingly it is feverally Marlhalfea.
derived. It fignifieth the Kings Court,wherchis royall perfon, and c Curia
quid f
his honourable houfliold doe refide, and is all one v/ith Palatium Re-

ginm^und is derived i-rirvKve'i^, of the Lord,becaufcthe Soveraign Lord

refideth there. It alfo fignifieth a Tribunall , or Court of Juftice , as
here it doth5and then it is derived a cura, quia efi locus ^ ubi publicas curas Feftiis

Of Jurifdidions fome be Ecclcfiaftlcall, and fome Civill,or Tem-
poral! of both thefefome be primitive, or ordinary without com-

miffion fome derivative, or delegate byCommiflion. Of all thefe,


fome be of record, and fome not of record-, fome to enquire , hcar,and

determine, fome to enquire only fome guided by one law, fome by

another^ the bounds of all and every feverall Courts being moft ne-
as the body of man is beft ordered, when
ceffary tobe known. For
every particular member exercifeth his proper duty: fo the body of
the Commonwealth is beft governed, when
every feverall Court of
Juftice executeth his proper jurifdidion. But if theeie, whofeduty
is to fee, the hand, to work, the feet,togoe,n]all ufurp, andincroach

©ne upon anothers work As for examplcjthe hands or feet , the office

B of
A l?roeme,
oftheeie to fee, andthelike^thefeihouldafTuredly produce diforder,
and darknefle, and bring the whole body out of order, and in the end
to diftrudtion: So in the Common wealth ( Juftice being the miia
if one Court fhould ufurp , or incroach upon ano-
preferver thereof)
ther , it would introduce incertainty , fubveit Juftice , and bring all
things in the end to confufion.
Now when I confidered how much it would tend to the honour
of the Kings Majefty, and ofhis Laws, to the advancement of juftice,
the quiet of the fubjed: , and generally to the good of the whole
Common wealth (no King in the Chriftian world having fuch Tri-
bunals, and Seats ofjuftice, as his Majefty hath, which, God willing,
in this Treatife we ftiall make to
appear j that all the high, honoura-
ble, venerable, and neceffary Tribunals, and Courts ofjuftice within
his Majefties Realms and Dominions,as well Civill as Eccleffafticall,

might be drawn together,as it were,in one map,ortable,( which hither-

to was never yet done)that the admirable benefit,beauty , &
thereof be, as it were, umintuim beholden, and that the
variety might
manifold jurifdidions of the fame might be diftinftly underftoodand
In the preface to obferved. We having (as elfe where we have faidj colleded fome
thcFirftpart materials towards the raifing of this great and honourable building,
ih: InAicuccs.
and fearing that they ftiould be of little ufe after my deceafe , being
very fliort, and not eafily of others to be underftood, iflfliouldhave
leftthem as they were-.
Out of the duty that I owe to his moft excellent Majefty, and my
zeal,and affedlion to the whole Commonwealth , I have adventured
to break the ice herein, and to publifti more at large thofe things which
in our reading we had obferved concerning Jurifdidion of Courts. I
confefTe it is a labour of as great pains,as difficulty for as in an high

and large building, he that beholds the fame after it is finiflied, and
furnifhed, feeth not the carriages, fcaffolding,and other invifible works
of labour, induftry and skill in Architecture : fo he that looketh on a
book ofvariety of important matter, efpecially concerning facred
Laws , after
it is
printed and fairly bound and poliflied, cannot fee
therein the carriage of the materials, the fearching, finding out, peru-
ling, and digefting of authorities
in law,Rolsof Parliament,judiciall
Records, Warrants in law, and other invifible works, tamUboris^ qnam
Mkerva,fiaft *ingemi:ytz I was the rather incouraged thereunto,both becaufe I have
Btrv»i mnuens.
publifhed nothing herein,but that which is grounded upon the autho-
rities and reafon of our books, Rols of Parliament, and other jadiciall

Records, and efpecially upon the refolution of the Judges of latter

times upon mature deliberation in many cafes never publiftied before;
wherewith I was well acquainted, and which I obferved and fet down
in writing, while it was frefli in memory.
There oe amongft the Kings Records divers and maay Rols,whcre-
of you fhall find little or no meQtion(that we remember) in our books,
viz. Ret. Parliament. Rot.Placitorttm Corens ^ Rot. PLieitorum Parliament.
Rot. Clauf. Rot. Breviitmy Fimum.^Inqmfitionum.^Liberationum.,Rot. Carta-

ruf»^Efchaetri^.^Pat. Rtt.Ordinationum, Rot. Francis, Scotia, Fafconi^, ijjr

Almanii^Rot. RomAKa, Rot. ^udteornm. Rot. Ragmm^ Brangmn.^ Rot. Con-
A Troeme.
trarienfiufn{hx\i the reafon
of the naming of this Roll thus,was for that
rhemas'E'xxl of Lancafter(a man fingularly bclovcd)taking part with the
Baions King £. 2. in hatred of the Spencers, it was not thought
fafe for theKing, in refped of their power and greatnefle,to name
them Rebels or Traitors, but Contrarients ) and fome others. In this
andotherparts of our Inftitutes we cite divers Records
out of many of
thele Rols Herein,
: as in the reft of our works, you fliall obfcrve , that
in the courfc of our reading we took all in our way, and omitted lit-
tleor nothing, for there is no knowledge (feemeth it at the firft of ne-
ver fo little moment) but it will ftandthe diligent obfcrvcrinltcadat
one time or other.
And thus for all our pains,wi{hing the benevolent reader all the pro-
fit, we ifavente Deo, c^ aufpice Chrifio) begin with the High, and moft
Honourable Court of Parliament.

Bi Of



this Court
Of'^ehat ferfons conftfleth.

See the fird pare

?^is Court confiactl) of flje icings spajcftp ftttfng tljcrc as
of rhe Iiillitiitcs,
in Ijis I'^orall politttU tapacitr, anD of X\\z tl):ce €ftates
Scft. 164. fur the
of 1Rcalm:viz.£)ntl)e?LojD3 S>ptrttuall,iTrcl)bta)ops
tljE ancient and lat-
anBUBiQjops, fcciiig in tiumtcr 24, tofto fit tljcre bi' fuc-
ter natnes of

teCfion in rcfpcct of f!)Cir Coiuitico, ox Baronies parcell Parliament, and

ihe antiquity
of tlietr 315itt)opjtcbs,ii)t)tcl) tljcp IjolD alfo in tljcir poUtitfe
tapacitp ; 0nD ttttf one of tftefc Ujljen anp parliament Modus tenendi,
^^ istobc IjolDcn, ougftt, cxdebitojufticii,tot)aljcaMrit Par/.cap.i.
of Summons. %\)t 3Lo:.Do SCcmpojall, 2Dufecs,^arqui(re0,€-arls,tiaiffount0,
anD Barons, toljo Ct tljerebpreafon of tljetr Dignities lobtcljtljcpl^olDbp De« AiitheB,(hop.
ftcnt oi creation, in number at tftis time 106 : anD lifectoifc cberp one of tljcfe fce=
'"^^'f^ pngiana

incc of full ac^c omU to bate a mar it of Summons ex debito juliicix. K\)t tbirD p'^gemtofs'in
commons Kcalmetobcreof fbere be a iinigbts of S>btrcs oj corpomion, to
of tbe
cftate is tbe
Counties, cittjens of Cities, anD Burgeffcs of Burgbes. lobtcbarere^ havefKccnion M
ird foundation,
fpecttlicl^ clcctcD bptbc §>bires oj Counties, Cities anD Burgbcs , bpfojtc of

tbe iliingsMrit ex debito juftitiar, anD none of tbem ougbt to be omittcD : anD '^i^lfZnv^^
tbcfe repicfentall tbe Commons of tbe tobolc lUalme, anD truttcD foj tbem, am!'and!^/'"J'of
anD arc in number at tbtStime 493, andcnc time do-
native, and ihclcH:(huf'S.ire dlKdl-y writ to the Parliament as other LorJi of Parlnmenc be. Rot. Chuf.9 H.4.
ni.i.Glanvil.lib.7ca.i. verf. finem. Br.iLl. ioH.4.6. 11 E.5. 60. 17 E. 5. 40-43 7^. Djccihs
Dcane (il London, a 5 i^.. 2.cjp.4. (lar. iilt. fo arc they taiikcd. I'cov. ii.i^.Siiiiii uoi Ktu/taco/ifiliJ. Kot.Patl.
7 H. 4 nu. 1. MiiUoriim cohflia nquinintur in magnts.

Of what
3in tbe beginning Romulus oiDaincD anbu>tti:cD§)cnafoisfojfbegooDgo^ Feflus.
tcrnment of tbe Common ^ealtb aftertoarDs tbo' :
grcUi to ^co, anD fo ma^
nploere of tbe i^oufe of Commons in Fortefcues time ; tobo treating toitbuibaf
grabit)' Statutes are maDC, faitb ; Dum non unius, auc centum Iblum conlblto^
Fortefcue cap.
rumvirorum prudentia, fed plusquam trecentorumeleilorum liominum , quali iS. fo.40.

numero olim fenatus Romanorum regebatur, ipfa ftatiua edita funt»

Erant autcm Senatorcs majorum gentium, & Scnaiores minorum gentium, ex Ciecro lib. i.

tplfi. famil.
& robilibos clefti,hii ex populo.
SlnD tbat toben tbcrc is bett appearance , tbcrc is tbe tett fuc-
it is o'jfer'jcD

ccffe in ^arltament. 3ttbc parUameiit bolDcn in tbe S>cticntb I'wr of tbe raign Rot.pari H.5.
of H.5. bolDcn b^foje tbe SDubc of BeDfo:D, ©arDian of GnglanD,of tbe iLo:t)S
all : at Ivbtclj parlia«
g>pirttuallanD2i:cmpo:.all, tbcre appcareD but tbirtp in
3 mcnt B
The High Court of Parliament. Cap. i,

inent tt^tve teas tut one 0ct of |3acliamcnt paffeti, ant) t^af of no great tt)ctcl)t,

Rot.Pjrl. joE.j. in Anno 50 £,3. aUt^c^LOjDsappeaceDm pcrfon,anDnotoncbp|);oj:tc. Sit

Eonuin Pailia-
ix)W\) parliament, as it appcsrctb in tljc |3arliament
IR0U , fo manp erccllent
it teas callCD bonum Parllamentum.
hientimi. as
tljinrs tuerC fpcB anti Done,
14 H. 8. 3. per
Sinn t^c Mm
anti tftefc tbjce C-ftatcs
are tl)e great Xojpojatton oj IBoDp
: ant) to fit in ttao fwufcs, viz. tljc iUing anD lojos in
Fineux Hollenf. polititfe of tljc toingtiome
Chron.54H.8, o!tc l)oufc, callcD t!)c l.o;DS i^oufe, anD tbe tonights, Ctttjcns
ano IStirgcffcs in
9569^7. Dier anotljcr l)oufc, f allct) ttjc !^oufc of Commons.
38 H. 8. 60,61. a fee tfte ftafute of 28 E^.toljercbp it is pjotjiDeD
z &^6.
jf oj tbis toojt) [Commons;
a ^8 tijat ttjc Coroners of Counties ftjall bccl)ofen in full Countp per les Commons
Regift. 177. de mefme les Counties. Commons are in legall unOeraanDing taken fojtlje
F.N.B. i64.k. franfe SDenants oj iFrceljolDers of tljc Counties.^ 0nt) toljofoct'cr is not a JLojD
of i)arliamcntant)oftt)c5Lojt)S^oufc, isoftfjcljotirc oftlje Commons either
b For iliisdiftm- tn perfon, oj bp rcp?Dfentation, partlj? eoagmentadve, anD partlp rcpreientati ve»
fiion, fee th; 3l5ut of ancient time botlj f^oufcs fat toretljcr. Sn i> H, 4, an ^ct of JBarlia*
fecond part ©f ment concerning ti^e fucceftionof tlie croton intaileD to H. 4. toljcrcunto all tl&e
the Inftitutes, name of t^e
1Lo?Ds feticrallv fealeD , anD §»ir John Tebetoc tljc &>peabertnt!je
Mag. Can. Verb.
[per parcs.Jfu,
Commons, put to \)iQ feale,
jpotc, t^at intbcBLettersfo tlje pope bp
all tljc i^obiliti'ofCnglantiattlje
IjolDcn in 18 E, 1. tlje conclufton istftis, in cujus rei teitimoniumi
noflra tam pro nobis quam pro tota Communicate prard. RegniAnglise
funt appenfa. H^crcbp 3 gather, tftat at t^is timctljc Commons l)aD no
Speaker, but botlj ^oufcs fat togctljer, fojiftljc Commons ijaD tljen l)ali at
§>peaber, tljeptooulDtjaiieappointcDljimtotjatjeputtoljisfealc loitljem,
Ofancient time in H.4. tljeg \iiii. Certain
8 it is, tljat at t^c firft botlj ^^oufes fat togetljcr , as
both houfes fac modo
it appearctlj in tljc SDrcatifc De tenendi Parliamentum. Vide Rot. Pari.
ant) in otljcr
E,5. nu.?. in tlje-faitie lAoll, ant) tn 6 E. ;;. in oitiers places
if appearetl) tftat tl^c ILojDs
ano Commons fat togctl^r, and tljat tljc commons
ijat)tt)cn no continuall Speaker, but after confirttation IjaD , tljepagrecDupoit
fome one oj mojc of tljem t^at IjaD grcateft aptituDe fo?. tlje p?efcnt bufmcffc to
bclitjer tljeir rcfolution,toljicl)tD?ougljtgrcatDclaie8 0fp;occct)ing,anD tljerc*

upon tbc %ou^c3 lucre t)iliit)eD,ant) tljc furcft mark of tljc time of tljc Ditifron of
commons ajt tljc a continuall Speaker , as
tljem ts, toljcn tljc !^oufe of firft ijaD

Rot.Pail.foE.j. after tljc DitnQon tlje Commons fat tn tljc Cljapferljoureofflje jabbofof
nu.8. Meftminitcr.
0nD tljis Court Clock toljicljljatljluitl}initmanj>
is apflp rcfcmblet) to a

toljecls, ant) manp motions, allasiDCll

as tlje greater muftmotjc: but
tljc letter

after tljcir pjoper manner, place, ant) motion j if tljc motion of tljc lelTcr be IjinDe- tpill litntjcr tljc motion of tlje greater.

i - The lS(ames.
SU Cc:
'^i-^^ J/"^
SCljis Court is calico bpfcticrall names, as ancicntlj) [mtcfiage o\{ote] Con-
See thefiift part
of the Inftitutes vemus fapiencum; Parliamentum, of tuljictj trcl^ate fpoken in another place;

Sed.164. ubi fu- Comitia, a eoeundo, quia cocunt ibi delibcraturi de a arduis & urgentibus nego-
tiisregni,& rtatum, & defenfionem regni,
& Ecclefix Anglcana-concernenci-
a BieveParliim.
bus. b Commune concilium regni, Generalc concilium regni, &
« a Concilium
b Breviaorigi-
. nalia dc vaftoj regni,anD Aflirageneraiis,ant) AHilaabaflldendcas Aflilade Clarendon laHtZ.
&c. mpon fomc of tftc JRecojDsanD Kols of tfte parliament it is tojitten,
c W.i.inexordio. Conciliorum
Perlege quse regni clarifiima
rfGlanvil lib 8.
Sunt monumenta, aliternil priterfomniacernis,
cap. 10. & lib.15.
cap. 31.
c jgfnD
Virgil iujiting of tlic parliament of tlje CDoDs ufetlj tftc fameluojD of Concilium in f^c fame fenfe.
BraftoM libj. Panditur interea domus omnipotentis Olympi,
e ^ncidos 10.
Conciliumq; vocatdiviim pater, atq; hominum Rex, &c,
Tacitus in vita Agricoli ix\ tljC time Of tlje BjitonS callefl) it Conventus, k
conciliil Dcoru-
The High Court of Tar!lament. 1
Cap. I. )

convocavit uH.640.a-
Ingulphu},tol)OOicl)bCfojC 1109, raitlj,RexEIdreduj magnates,
Epifcopos, procercs , &
optimates ad tradandum de pubJicis negotiis regni, ^'"'^"'•

TuUy callettj it, Ccnfeflum fenatorum, a confidendo.

'Parliaments in Scripture.
ant) tbeltltc parliaments IjabcljEenljolDcninirrael, as it appcaretfj intljc i

^Olp i^ittOJI?.
Convocavic David omnes principes Ifrael, duces , tribunoj, &
pra:po(uo$ lurmarum.tribunosjcenturiones prxerant Ibbftamiis
, fc qui pof- &
lelTionibus regis, filiofqucfuos, cum eunuchis,& potentes,
robuftiflimosquof- &
tocre all affcmbleD, tl^e !liing Ijdn^
queiiexercitu Jcrufalem, janotoljen tljep
ftlf (VjctoeD ti)c taufc of calling t^at parliamcnt» Audite me fracrcs mei & T .
ut ^dificarem domum in qua requi&fcerec area fcederis Aciuiaftivojum
populusraeus, cogitavi
Uomini, ad &fcabellum pedum Dei noftri,& ad xdificandum omnia pra^paravi, funt in pniieiitc

&c. ^
^nD tftc lite
parliament DiD iSing Solomon fon of Mns David l)OlD. ilifpofito,

Congrcgavic Solomon ma jores natu

Iii:ael,& cun6losprincipe5,tribuno$,& capita
b zCh on ca.s.2.
familiarum deiiliis Ifrael in Jerufalem.&c^SEljcretuas alfo a parliament l)ol» c judges io.i i,

Den intftcttmc of t^e 3uDgeS. Convcnic univerfus Ifrael ad civicatem quafi Couvcncas,
homo unus eademmente,& uno confiiio,&c, 0nl> fl)af parliament builDCD
on fucft unlti', IjaD tlcffct) fucceffe.
^ftbts Court of parliament t!)C Sing is Caput: principium Sifinisf SltiO M.dustcntnd.
as in naturall boDp tDljcnalltljcfmcVDS being ioifncD in tljelicaD Do join
tl)c Paii.

tijcir fojcES togctljcr foj t!)C ftrcngtijning of tfjc boDp, tftcrc is ultimum Potentix:
anD t^c iLo;H)6 ^pirituall anD aCempo-
fo in tfte politique boBp toljcn tljc J^ing
rall, mnigbts, Citizens, anD Burgeffcs,areall by tbe teings commanDaffcm*
blcD anD jo^jnct) together unDer tftc^caDin confultation foj tl^e common gooD of
tijctobolc Kealm.tljere is ultimum Sapiemis.

What properties a Parliament

manJ]?onld have.
31t appcarctlj in a parliaments oil, tbatt^e parliament being^asbatftbcctt Rotjarf.anna
faiD, callcD Commune concilium, eterpmcmkr of tl)e l^onfe being a CounfcU 5

ler, ft)oulDl)abctl):cep?operftes
of tfte CtlepJjant ; iFtrft,tl)at^e Ijaf^ no gall :

^econDlp.tbat be is inflcrible.anD cannot boto 2D!)irDlp,tbat be is of a niottrtpe


anD memojin tobicl) p?.operties, as tbcrc it is faio, ougbt to be in eiicrp

member oftlje dSreat «£ouncell of
parliament, iFirft,tobeVDitt)out galUtljat
is, toitljOUt malice, ranco;, beat, anD Cntip, In Elephante melancholia tranfu in
nutrimentum corporis. QEbcrj? gallifl) inclination (if anp tuerc) CboulD tenD to
tljc cooD of tljc Uj^olc boDP,tljc Common toealtlj. ^econDlp, tbat I)e be conttanf ,
tnaeable,anDnot to bcbotoeD, oj turneD from tbe rigbt, eitfjer foj fear,rc«
Virg. Gcorg.
toarD, oj fabour , noj in juDgemenf rcfpect anp perfon. SDbtrDlp, of a ripe I 111
i m non popuU
cs, non pur-
memoip, tljattbcpremembjing perils paa,mtg6tp;ebcnt Dangers focomc, as

pura rrgiini
in tfjat IK oil of parliament it appcarctb. tKUbcrcmito Voe toill aDDe ftoo otljcr Flcxit.- '

pjoperticsof tbeClepbant, tfje one, tljaftbougfj tbep be Maxima vircuns, &

maximi of greafeft ffrengtb , anD unDcrffanDing, tamen gregaiim
intelieilus ,

in companies: fOJ animalia gtega-

femper incedunc, l?et tljep are fOCiablcanD goe Ariflo.le.

lia non funt nociva,ftd animalia folivaga funt nociva, Sociable creatures tbaf

coetnfloriisojbcarDs are not burtfuU, as SDeer, Q>l)ecp,ic. but Beaffs tbat

toalk folcb, 0? fmgularlp, as 515ear6,iFore3,w, arc Dangerous anD^urtfuU. 2Dbc
Otberitftat tlje CSlepljant is Philanthropes,
homini erranti viam oftendit,anD tbcfc
tnanto Ijabe.
pjopcrtics ougbt cbcrp parliament

Of Records of Parliament.
3:bcrcarontobcrcfo:etbc11RccojDS of parliament Ijabc
bccnfo tiigbli' erf ol« flMich.5 El. in
lcD,i6, foj tljcrein is
tbat fct DoVon in cafes of sifficultp, not onlp tbe juDgmcnt, corhuni banco.
Rot. 1 00 Linr.
oj rcrolution,but tberearons.anDcaufcsoftljefamcbp fo greataDbice. »3tiS
p^^,^^ ^ ^
Rot. 14^ Abbot deSelby. Parch.^8 E.i.GonmRcgc Rot. between the King and VcnaMes in Quare Impcdit.
cnifcs and
Mich. 5 E. 1. Coram Re^c Rot.6 and many others where the rcaron!.,pco& contra, have bcenfct dowiij
&c. 3 E.4.i.b.7.a. i9H.6.6j.a. per Fray.
The High Court
ofTarliament. Gap.i.
truetbatofanclcntt(mc in juftgements at tljc Common lato, in cafes of Diffi-
culties either crtminall, 0; citiill, ti)C reafons anD caufes of tlje juDgcment tocrs
fet Doton in tl)6 IRccojD, ano fo it continucD in tlje reigns of E. i anD mott part .

of E.2. anD tben tijcre toas no need of BRcpojts x but in tfte reign of E,3/ii)^eci
t^elato toasinl)ts^eigftt)tt)C caufes anD reafons of jUDgments, in rcfpefl: of

£1 E.4-iS'pcc
t^ muUttuDc of t^cm arc not fet Doiun in tije lRcco;D,but tften tfte great Cafulfts
anD IRepojters of cafes (certain gratic anDfaDmen) publifteD tftecafes.anDtlja
19 E.I. Rot. 11.
reafons anD caufes of fl)e 3 uDgmcnfs 0; refolutton3,tDfttcl) from tl;e i
Margery Wcy- of tfte reign of E. 3, anD Once toe in pjint. 315ut tljcfc alfo, tSjour b of great
lands cafe. Nota anD excellent ufe in
crcDit, t^ir btnD,pct far unDerncatl) t^e 0utijo;itp oftfi?
I^arliament JRols, reporting t^c ^ds, iuDgements, anD refolutions of t^at
lijjl^elt Courtf

Tin Summons of Parliament.

Prov.13 i^.Sa-
pjenjoiunu agit SClje toing de ad vifamecto concilii (fo? fo be tfje tnojDB of fljc Writ of ^arlia*
c um conftlio.
mentjrefolljingfoliatie a fBartiamcnt, Dotb out of tiie Court of C^ancccp
Vide infra.
fenD out tojits of Summons at tlje lealt fojtp Daps bcfoje tl^c parliament
Thefe writs of
Summons you begin: (Stjerp 3Lo?D of parliament, ettljer §»pirituall, as ^rcbbtftops, anD
{hill find in for- 15ifl)ops, ojSDcmpojall, as i»Dulie6,^arquiffcs, Claris, Blifcounts anD ISarons;
mer times in th:
peers of tljcKcalm, anD =Lo;Ds of parliament ougftt toljatje fetieralltojitsof
dofc Rol, for
, Summons.
they arc not in
the Rcgifter,and in that Rol are the writs De expcafis militum , civium & burgenfiuin , & procuratorum clcri, and
thefe are in the Rtg'fter alfo.

Temporal! Jf/ijlants.
Sim 3EuDgcsof tlje JRcalm, Karons of tl)e C^itcljequer of tifs Coif,

f!jeteinsslearneDCouncell,*anDtfte CitJtlians spatters of tfte Clianccrp are
F.N.B.iiy.a.ib, calUD to gitjetlicirairiffanccanDattenDanceintlje upper Ijoufe of parltamcnf,
called Accen- buttj^ep bate notioices in parliament; anD fljeir touts Differ from tbelDjtttt
fotbe Barons; fojtl)eirtD?itS be, Quod interfitisnobifcum & cum
czteris dc
confilio noftro ( anD fomettmes nobifcum onlp) Taper przmifTis tra<ftaturi , ve-
ftrumque confilium impenfuri ; but t^e tojit to tlje Barons is, Quod imerfids
cum prxlatisjmagnatibus & proceribus fupcr di(fti$ncgotii$ tradacun,vcftrutn-
que confilium impenfuri.

Spiritual! Jfftjlants. Procuratores cleri.

0nD inctierp lujit of Summons to tlje 215iifcops,tl)erc is a claufe requiring
Mod.Tenend tbem tofummontbefj perfons to appear perfonallp at tlje parliament, ioljicli
Rot.Clauf, is in tbefc too?DS, Prscmonientes Decanum & capiiulum Eceleii^ veftri Nor-
8 E.i.m.ij.Dorf. yvicenfis, acArchidiaconos cotumque clerum veflrx Diocef. quod iidem De-
lb. J E.i m.i J. (.jni gj Archdiaconi in propriis perfonis fuis , acdiiSlum
lb. 1
capimlum per unum,
E.J parti,
in.i. Ib.iiE J.
idemque elerus per duos procuratores idoneos picnam & fufficientem potcfta-
part i.m.j.
tem ab ipfis capiculo Scelero divifim habentes pridiit'die
loco perfonali- &
Ib.j^E.^.m-ifi. ter interfim ad GonlcDticndum hiis qua: tunc ibidem de communi confilio
Rot.Par.i8 E.5. d\&.\ regni noftri divina favente dementia
contigerit ordinari : anD tbc JBt*
nu.t. J R.2'
II K.i. II R-i.
Ibop unDerftis fealmafee Certificate actojDtnglp. anD tbcfc are callcD Procu-
Procuratores ratores cleri anD manp times fjate appcareD in parliament as
Ckri.Reg.ifii.a. anillants, to confiDer, confult, anD confent, ut fupra, but IjaD neijcr f oices tljere,
F.N.B. 119.3. becaufetljeptoereno lo:Ds of parliament Some tjatje tfjourtljt, tljat becaufe
Procuratores de
tlje Clcrgj) lucre not part? to tlje election of tlje iiinlgbts, Citizens, anD Bar*
In fafcicul. lite-
geffes,tljattljcfc Procuratores Cleri tocre appointcD to gife tljeir confent
rariitn procurat. tljcm,buttljen (IjoulD Ijatic IjaDVoiccs,
&c. 15 H,4. & anD bp tbetoojDsof tIjeUjjit it toas to confent to tljorctljtnrsUUjicfjhpfije
5 H.J. Common Councell ofIRealm fiioulD Ijappen fo be ojDaijieD , fo as
Seehtr.afccr tir.
confent inas onlp to fuclj ttjtngs as tocrc ojDaineD de communi concilio Re^ni
anD tljat tljcrc migbt be an act of parliament toitbout tljcm : anD in
cafes multttuDcs arcbounD bpScts of parliament lobiclj arc not
parties to
tfjc elections of l^nisljt0,Cittjens, anD mirgeDTcs, as all tl;ep
tbat Ijave no
Cap. I. The High Court of Tarliament,
freeljolD, 0?. tjatje frecljolD in ^uiutcnt Dcmcfne, anD all toomen Ijatttig frccljolD
ojno frcel)olD, anD inm luitljm t!)C age of one anD tUicnti' peara,u. ^nD
tljctrcattfc De modo tcnendi Parliament', &.C. tl)at tljc pjo=

it appcarcti) )'
ttojS of tl)e ^Clcrg)' iTjoulO apfCar, cum pra^fentia eorum fit neceflkria (luljicl)
pjo^ct^ tljat tS)Ci> lucre tjatcclcITc ^ffittants onlp; anD ftalimg no tjoicc0,
anDfomanpleanicD iSjfliops f)atjtng toicc0,tl)eirpjcfcnte is notnotu tiolDcn
31ti0 to be o'jfcrtJCD tftat in tl)ctojtt0of parliaments to tlje liBifljops (lje=

tngJlojDS ecclcRadtcall fecular) t!)ci' are nanteo hp tljcir C!);iffian names ^^jp'l^f^'*^"'
anDframcoft^Cir offtCCjas, Rex,&:c. Revercndiirirro in t hrifto pairi Johanni jiE.jiifcioii
eadem.gracia Archicpiicopo CamuarVo; Rex,&c. Reverendo in Chrifto patri 7H617.
Johanni Fpilcopo Norwicenf. &c, 315utift!)e £i>irname!:c aDDcD (t maUcsiiot ^'^.41^.
Dicious. "^"i="-
tijc to;it ^" 'i^-'':

3i5:it tlje abbots anD p;ioj0 bewtg: n o:D3 of parliament, religious anD regu= mZt^ld when'"
lar,mig?it Ic names bp tl)c name of tljeir office onlj,', as Rex dileao fibi in Chriao they 'eafcd, Cee
Abbati Sancti L'^mondide Bury.&c. hciejfar pa.
^ ''''
SDaUc, a iparcitiilTc, an cSarl
, anD tHiffount arc rcgularlp namcDbj> t^eir
^f '^^"
7 H.6.29.
Cbiiftian names , anD tftcnamcs of tljeir Dignitirs,anD rarelp (yet fomctimcs)
bp ti)cir airnamcs noj arc tljep namcD bv tljetr i^nigfjtfjooD , if t^c^ ftaljc anj',

but rareli't 3f a li5aronbca i^nig!)f,&c is rcgularlpnamcDbPUts Cljjtaian name,

^irname, anD bj' Miles o> Chi vaiier, anD bislSaroni'. 5fl)etcnoJants.ljt,tI)Cn
f)CisnamcDbp!jt3Clrriftianname,anD tftc nante offjis ISaronp; but if tlje
&irnamc be aoDcD, it mabctljnottljc'liijit InciouS, 3iiD tftis tjolDct!) as toell
toljcrc tlje iSaron taUctl) I)is Dtanitp of a place, as Voftcre Ijctaket^ it off)is
^itnnmc; but tol)crc tfte §>irnamc is DignifieD , tt)cre to mafec a fojmall lujit, it
ts gooD to aDD tl)c place of l)is liSaron*?*
^f ancient 2Ccmpo;aU ILoiDs of parliament iocrc commanDeD
time tftc

bp lyings
tt)C tojit to appear. In fide & hom?gio, |Uibus nobis tenemini, anD
tntljereignof t,3.infide& ligeancia, anD fomctimc, in fide & homagio,butaf
t^ts Dap conffantli' in tide & iigeancia.bccaufc at tljis Dap tftere are no feoDall
I5aronics, in refpctt inbcfcofljontagc is to be Done , loljicf) in 21 E. 3, toas tlje
true caufe of ttjis alteration.
a;i)e cScclcfiafticall llBarons fecular Oi regular iwcrc commanDeD bp tfje

^iings iojit to bepjercnt,infide & diledioncquibas nobis tenemini , aS tftc

IBifiiops aie at tljis Dap.

tSIcfinD in tl)cHols of parliament a tuJit in Anno: 3 R.z.anDfucccffitielp
in eticrp parliament untill anD in tlje fiftpcar of H,f>. amongfttljc Barons
tljat came to tl)C parliament, it ts faiD Maszi^ro Thomx de la Warre , aiiDfome

raptl)attl)c aDDitton of Magi(icr,toastoDiij!nguiOjl)im from tljcm tljatUjcre

tenigijts: as intlje F.ollof E.4. amongft tS)C JlBarons it is faiD, Johanni de

rcft of t!je i5arons(faving btmfelf )anD iio?D

Auddey armigcro,foj t^at tl)C tt)c

ClyntontoereChivaliets. 0nD otljcrs Doel)olDtl)atl)elDa3of tljevClergpbeioje

tljeDignitpDcfcenDcDtol)im anD in tb^trcfpect l)C ivas callcD Magiiier,

3n Uollof sH.f.anDin manp fucceeDing I'^ols toe finD Baro applieD
fo tI)elLo:D of CSiepaocfe, as Raduipho Baroni de GreiHock , anD Johanni
Baronide Grei(Tock,anDtO fCtootl)Cr.
2n manp Hols incfiinDtfje llBarons tbaf tocrc Jinig^ts, nameD Chivaliers, nE.j.tit.Bf*;
Mili- ^'^>'
iDljcrcin \ue obfcrVeD, t&.it tljcplibcD to be callcD Chivaliers ratljert^cn
tes after tl)clcg«lltoo?D (foj Eques auratusisnotufcD in ilato.) jFo;i eramplc,
3!nanno i
E.4.EdmundoGrey de Ruthin Chivalier,SiC. anD UUDer fubfcribeD
tIjuS, Milites exccptis Johanne de Aadeley armigero,
omnes, Johanne o & domir
de Clymon. ^nD in 3 E.4. all t!)e JlBarons (fat3ingtl)elLo?D Scales) l^atc tl)c
aDDitionS of Chi valier<, anD ru'jfcrtl'eD tl);iS, Equites aurati omnes prarter domi-
num Scales. :anD in 7 E.4.alltl)C Barons Ijalie tfjcaDDitionof Chivalier? , anD
tfjcrcfoic fii'jfcriVcD tbus Equites aurati omnes.^J^crebP anD bp manp otfters itap»
pEarctI)ti)attl)e Baions,tftl)CP\ucrc!iinigl)ts,tDcrero namcD;anD ttjat tl)cp toerc
KotnameD Chivaliers unletTctljCPinjcre l^nigljts, %\\t intljcrcignofH.a.anD
C fince
The High Court
of Parliament. Cap.i.
fincc, 516aron« arc namcti ehi valiers itt tljc tD:(t of Summons, tfjoug!) tljep be no
5iinigl)ts» , , , .

DeBancrctto, & Baner Icgallj? Banerium, vexillum, Banerher, unde BanerheriusOJBanenus?

unde. i, Baro, vexillarius major, & Banerettus a BiminutitC of Banerius, vexillarius
minor. Baron
is callcti Banerherius o; Banerius oftjjelBanner, (being tl)e

^nfignc ofbtsljonour) ferl3Ctl)foj a gtitccanD Direction: fo tlje Baron obfer=

tjing tbc enD of t)is JiobiUti' Cjoulo
be an ci:aniplc anD gutne to ot^iero, as toell in
Inar as in peace, in all notable liabilities anD tiertues , anD fo of t^e Baneret t
botl) tbc Baron ano tbeBancrcttjatbonebinDc of Baner? foj tfte Baneret is

crcateD in tbc fielD in tbeffeings^olt, anD(amongttotl)ert{)tngs)bp£utttng

it a Banner, /. Vexillum Baronis:
tlieftarp point of t)is|Sennon, anD making
fo as tljc Bancret batl) tbe Baner, but not tbeDignitp of tlje Baron. anDtijis
aiE.j.iS. Dot!) notablp appear bp tlie cafe in 21 E.g. tbe tierp toojDs of Uibicb refolutton 31
Challenge, 119.
toillfirftfettotone, anD tbenf be effect, Un fuit challenge pur ceo queil fuit a
Baner, &
non allocatur : ear fil foit a baner,& ne lient per barony, il Terra in Af-
fife. ibat is, one toas cballengeD becaufe be baD tbe Banner anD toas a Bane^

ret, & non bptbe rule of tbc Court, becaufe albeit be baD tbe Banner,
is, be toas no Baron of parliament,
pet ne lient per Barony, tbat
Noraferiem temporis, JohnCoupiand atialtant iLeaDer in Anno 20 £,5. ncer
SDurbam, at Nevih Cattle, toob in aperto prxlio, David tbcfcconD, liiingof
^cots ; foj tobicb J^ing E. 3, createD bim mnigbt Baneref, anD gabebim lanDS
anDlibings,anD in 22 £,3, tbecafc in lato fell out.
5Fo? tbis ojDer of JiinigbtbooD fee Camdens Britannia 1 24, anD foj fbt's cafe of
^ir John Coupland, Camden in Line, pag, 61 8. &ee 35 H.6, fo. 46.2Dbcretbe
tballenge ioas tbat be iuasa Baneret alLojD of J0arliament. ^ee 48 e, ;. 30.
48, ultimo. j. But §>ir John Coupland tuas not tbC firft Banc--
* fomc babe tbougbf , anD tuas iuttb us fcefo?c tbc reign
Speed. ref tbat QDnglanD baD, as
See hereafter,
of E, 5 , fo J in Pelle exitus anno 8 E,2,in Scaccario Johannes de Cromlewele Bane-
rettus, 0nDex compoto Garderobx A mo 9 E. 2. Nicholaus de Gray toas Decla^
reDbpOTritOf E.2,tObCdefamiliaregistanquam Banerettus, botb ft"? bispjC'
teDencp anD fallerp,
IFoj fummoning of f be Commons a Mxii goctb out to f be ILojD MarDen of
tbe Cinque §0ojts foj tbe election of tbe Barons of tbe fame , tobo in latu are
Burgeffes, anD to eberp §>bcriffcof 5^ Counties in QBnglanD anD Males foj
tbc cboifc anD election of fenigbts. Citizens, anD Burgeffes , toitbin eberp of
tbcir Counties rcfpcctibelp,

The be^innhig of the Tarliament.

nu.i. tbe reto jnc of tbe tssa^rtts tbe parliament cannot begin but bp t^t Hopall

H.6. fat in Par- pjefence of tbe lining ettber in pcrfon oj bprepjcfenfatton.Bprcpjefcntatton ttoo
liament when he
toapcs, ettber bpa (i^arDtan of CnglanDbpiLctters patents unDer tbc <!D;cat
was or 4 years
&cale tobcn tbc teing is in remotis out of tbe IRcalmc : oj bp Commiffton un-
old, and fo did he
in the 6 and 8
Der tbc (I5?cat &calc of CEnglanD to certain ILo:Ds of parliament rep?cfcnttnff
yearc of his reign. tbe pcrfon of tbe Mm,
be being toitbin tbc IRcalme in rcfpert of fome infirmif p,
ThcRoyall Pcr- a 2Cbc patent of tbc Office of a dUarDicn of CDnglanD recitctb bis fpecDp going
fon reprcfciitcd
beponD fea, oj in remotis, oj urgent occafions anD tl)z caufe tbcreof. Nos quod
two waycs.
a Rot.pat.AM.14. pax noftra tarn in noflra abfentia quam prjefentia inviolabiliter obfervetur, & quod fiat communis juflitiafingulisconquerentibus in fuis aflionibus &querelis,
The Patent of de fidelitate dilefti & fidelis nolki Edwardi ducis Cornubix, &
comitis CcRtix
nofttipciraogeniti plcnarieconfidcntes, conHituimus ipfum cuflodcm di£ti
theGardianlhip. filii

rcgni nodri ac locum noftrum tenent' in eodem regno quam diu in dif^istranf-
marinis partibus moram
fecerimuj,vel donee inde aliud duxcrimus,(0nD tbiS ifl
tbat capitalis Juftieiarius menttoncD in Mag. Carta cap.i i , l»bcn tbe IMng is ex-
5eeRot. Pail. tra rcgnum) toitb a claufc of afftttancc. But pet if anp parliament is to be boU
zj £ Den, tbcre mutt be a fpeciall Commiffion to tbe CDarDien, to begin tbe parlta*
ment , anD to pjoceeD tbercin x but tbe Tcne of tbe Mrit of Summons ftall be
in tljz vUarDiens name,
C ap . I . The High Court
Parltament toas fjolDCII in quimi quintcviz. Anno J H, j-. lefojC John Rot.Parl 5 H.j.

2Dufeeof315cL)fo:tj, fc?otl)cr aiiD l.ieutenanttotl)ciiittig, and ©arDicn ofCEng* !."'•'•

lanMiiDUms (ummoncD miDcr tijc Terte of tijc t tciiteiiant r 3t is "^''"

(IDarDicn^ p,i,,t
cnaacD, tljat if tt)C l?tng fcctng beponD tlje fcao, taufc to "numon a parliament
in tljis K calmc, bp l)ti3 Ml tit uHDer tljc TeHe of ft is 31 icutcnant ; anD after fuctj /'<;«"'
''-'.ja'^« uf-

fummonss of parliament gone out of tftc Cl)anccrp,tl)ciJ>ingarritietl) tntftts f'"j«tft"^'>'i>,v.

mcalm: tftat foj fuel) arritall of tl)C fame !5ing fuel) JSarliament Oiall not be Dif^ t^s li'n s^f
foltjcD, parliament ftall pjocceD tottljout neto fummona.j
but tftc ,h,, ^ffi',//, ^,.„,,

"in? E. 4. a parliament iraolcgun in tljcp}cfenceoftbeistnganD|j;o;o* a

qua»dtu in

duet) untlll a further Dap : anO tljcn William iJrtlj'jifliop of i9o?t? tljc tetnc0 P'^rabm tra>.fma.

Commtffarp bp inciters patents ftelDtftc fame parliament anD aDjOtirneDtfte f"t-

'"^"^ ^''^•»>
fame, ic. 2i:i)e caufe of tfte faio provocation teas , foj tftat tljc teing teas enfojteD
togoinpcrfon to(!Dloccftcrllnrctorep?effca relclliontbcre. a iiot.i. 15,14
^0 t>at!) been faiD, tljc !itngs perfon map be repjcfentcD bp Commiffion unDcr Like un<.k pa-
'^'"'^' ^^'^
(Sieat&ealc to certain JLojDsbf parliament autbojijing fbem to begin tljc
tftc ''/'''
dDarDicn anD futb Commidtoncrs Do Qt on a fojmc pla.
parliamcnt,anD botb tlje ic r-au'" '
ceDneertoti)CDeerce3tl)atgoupfotbCv!DlctbofC!;ftafc, nu.ij.
anD in 28 Eiiz. tl)c 35ueen bp l)er commiffion unDcr tl^e dSjeaf &cale bcar= f-'i-is ei^.
ing Datetbe 28 of October Anno zS, reciting tljat fl)c foj urgent occafionscoulD
^«caaexcc jie^t

not be pjcfent in Ijer opall perfon , K

DiD autbojijc John whiiguift JSrc Ijbiftjop Ror d 'i"'''^' ',

ofCanterburvs William lll5aron of IKurgljlcp lLo?D JEreafurerof englanD,anD 8 E.l'/sept'm

Henry C'arle Of 2?crbp BLojD &tetoarD of tl)C l^oufijolD tljcn being , Ad ineho- 16. & i ,urs p.i"t.

ancium,&c. tenendum, &c. &adprocedcndum, &:c. & ad faciend' omnia & fin- A"- 8 E.i.m.4/;.

gulaj&c. necnonad
Parliamentum adjornandum & prorogandum, &c, toljicf) ^'thacomman-
Commiffioti is entreD m
hic verba in tljc fournall Boeb in tlje ILojDS tjoufe,
anD in tbc upper part of tlje page abonctbe beginning of tljc Commiffion is tujit* simiic ,© e.j.
Domina Regina reprEcfencatur per Commiirionarios.viz. &c. 2Db6 151 Dap of
^ pare
ten, pat.m.t'o.

£)ctobcr, flje faiD ^lommiffioners fitting on a fojme bcfoje tftc Clotfj of €ttate, '? e-b-""- i.

after Commiffion reaD,aDjOurneD tlje parliament of iFebruarj? untill tlje i j "''.'•'"

"' ^^^^^^^*
^' ^^
follotoing,%u anD tljis parliament began tbc 29 of HDctobcr, anD not tfje 1 5 of
jFebruarp, toljcrein tlje pjtnteD Boofe is miftahen, foj tften tlje parliament be=
fiun,anD inas pjojogucD.
SCljus muclj ftjall fufficc, toljeutbe l'?ings perfon Cball berepjefenteD.
215ut txiljen tlje parliament ll^all not begin at tljc Dap of tlje returne , but foj
ccrtaine urgent caufes tljcn to be pjo?.ogucD untill anotljcr Dap, anD tljcntobe
ijolDenbcfoactljciliing, tbcreis a reaDp tuap foj tftc cfFcctina f Ijercof , anD tftat Prorogued bj-

is bp CSHrit patent unDer tlje i»bolc (©?eat &eale, reciting tlje Mrif of &um.
^"' ^^''"'•

mons, anD to bearTcftc befoje tljerefojnctljcreof, anDCgneD abotictoitljtljc

laingS ftgne £panuell,anD DirecteD Przlatij, magnatibus, proceribus hujus reg-
ni acmi]itibus,civibus,& burgenfibus convocatis &ele6tisad hocParliamen-

tum pro quibufdam caufis & confiderationibus, &c. to pjOJOgUC tlje parliament
to a ccrtaine Dap, anD at tlje retornc of tljc Summons, tftis QJlHrit being reaD in
tbe ilpper !)^oufebcfojeccrtai!icof tbelLo;Ds of parliament , anD of tljc Com*
moas tftcre affemblcD , anD pjojogation maDc acco;Dinglp , tlje parliament is

pjojogucD: anD tljis Uias fo Done \\\ Anno i Eliz. tljc retojnc of tljc Summons
of parliament being tljc 9 of £?ctobcr, anD bpfuc^ a Mrit it iuas p;o:ogucD un-' „.
2^ ofjFcbjuarp follototng, at toftaf time in juDgemcnt of lato tftepar^ And'hercin°h'
till tlie

l{amentDiD&cgin,anDlT3asljolDcn,anDnotontljC9 0f2Dctobcr, as ittoasaD^ primcdbootoV

juDgcD. a lifec pjojogation toas maDc bp tbc 35ucens lifec Mrit af tljc parlia= ftatutcs crmh,
here the p^r-
mcnt IjolDcn Annoj Fliz.atbotljtoljicljDai'csofpjojogation, tlje parliament ['^r
DiD IjolD befojc fljcSiuccnljer fclfc, untill tbcDiffolutionoffftcfame, tobUt) ''"^"^
CSairifs arc entrcD in hare verba tn tbe 3iournall boot;*

\V]m is to he done thefirjl day of the Parliament,

©ntbe firtt Dap of tbe parliament, tbciSingojmoftcommonlptbclLojD
CljanccUoj oj ?^ceper of tbe d&jeat g)cale in i\^t p:cfence of tbe^LojDS anD Com*
mons,Do (Ijeto tbe caufes of tbe calling of bis l^igb Court of parliament, but tbe
C 2 ilins
8 TT?^ ii//^/>
ofParliament. Cap.i,
12. E.J. sir WV//- Mnz map appoint anp otfter : as manp ttntes, tlje (ifjtefe ^Htticc of QSitglanD,
am TborpcC\\'\z(z ant) fomcttme ^
foinc otljcr, as map appear in tijc jBarltament Kols, onlp one 31
a 17,8. to til tranrcrtbe. §
^t Dap §>ir Henry Green i^z fcingS Ci^icfe Juftice
S\i:hart.dtB!t,g- tljis (altljoagib tb^ iLojO
herjl. CljanccUoj toere pjefent) in t!)cpjcfcnrcoftfte!Sing,tl)ciLojt)S anD <!rommon0, 6. DeclarcD tftc caufcs of tt)s ISarltamcnt c in c£ngltfl),viz. jFoj reDjeCfe of matters
toutfjing ttje Cljurt^, foj obfertjatton of tlje peace, foj tlje affairs of ^cotlanD,
d But at
foj t^e intjauncing of tijc pjice of MooU, ic, tl^e nert meeting Siiroo
19 E.
Sir ff.lliam Sb/zr- Langham BiOjop.cif QBlpftctocD tftecaufes of parliament, anD in t^c cnfi, tic
JhiillChkfe]u({. DiD in i^z lyings name require t^e Commonstomaltecl)oiceofalearnetianD
45 Cifcreet man to bctljcir §>peabert antitDl^enailSitljoploas^lojOCbanccllo:,
^ir Robert Thorpe
a terf of Scripture to^tclj ^e rcpeaten in 3Latin, ant) DifcourfcD upon t^
Ije tooft
Chiefe Juftice
47 E 2. fame. 3l5ut toftcn a fuDge teas iLojD Cljancelle?, Ije toofe no tcrt, but in manner
of an ^jafion (ftetoeD fummarilpfbe caufes of t^e ^^arliament.
Cliiefe Jiifticc.
Ruben ^jhten the Kings Chamberlain. ^Parl.jfiE. j.
JO .y.S'ix lo.K^ivet Chief Juftice. 5
i E.
5.011. Sii
Simon Langha.nB.odlyChmcehor. c And fo was it done ever after. 5 R. i. nn. z. The caulcs ot" Pai la-
iiu. I.

ment were in ancient time flicwcd ia the Chamber Depeint, or St. Edwards Chimber. d Paiha. i/

Tl?e EleBion ofthe

3!t is true t^c Commons arc to djtifc tfjcir Speaker : but feeing tbaf after

fbeir cljoife ttjc !itng map refufe l^im, foj aboiDing of erpenceof timcanD contc*
Cation, t!)C ufc is (as in tbc Conge de eflier of a llSiftop) tljattbe i^ingDot^
name a anD learncD man toljomtbc Commons elect: but iuitbout tbeic
no Speaker can be appointed fo^t^em, bccaufe t)eistl)eirmoutb,and
SicTfnefTecaure truftet)bp tbem, anD fo neceffarp, as tbc ^oufe of Commons cannot fittoitljouf
to remove the
!)im t anD tljerefojc a gricbous GcfenetTe is a gooD caufc to rcmobcl)tm , as in
I H.4, johnChcnye &peafeer cftofcn anD allotocD , ijjas foj ficbncffc , to as !je
1 H 4. nu.6i.6j.

Rot.Parl.i H, 5. coulD not fcrbe,Difcl)argeD,anD §>ir John Doreward cljofcn in fjts place : anD fo
nu.9,ia,ii. teas William Stunon, after Ije toascljofenanD alloincD s>pcafecr, remobeD foj
Ror.Parl.i5H.6 gricbous Ccfeneffe, anD &ir John Doreward cbofen in t)is place. 0t tlje
parliament l^olDcn in j H.(5. a>ir John Tirrell tenigbt iDascbofcn anD allotoeD

Speaker, anD fo? gricbous CcfencffercmobeD,anD William BeerIy<Efq;cl)Ofcti

in bis place, «[c.

no caufe
Sicknefs no caufc to remobc anplSnigbt, Citizen ojBurgelfc of tlje
315ut fictmeffe is
to remove a ^oufe Commons : S»o note a Dtberfitp bettoeen tbe Speaker, anD anp otljec
Member of the of the !^oufe of Commons , anD tbis Dibcrfitp being not obferbeD begat an erroj
Houfc of Com-
tnofu. bp fomc opinion in 38 H.8. tit. Parliament Brook 7. foj continuall erpcricncc is
to tbe contrarp.
j8 H.8.Parl.Br7
The prefentment ofthe Speaker.
What the Spta. Mfjen ffjc commons babe cbofcn tbeir Speaker, tbe pcrfon electcD ffanbtng
ker Ihall do when
in bis place Difabling bimfelfc to unDcrgoe fo Ujctgbtp a cbargc, as in bis Difcrc*
he ii chofen.
tien be tbtnks fit,De(ires tbemto p^oceeD to a nclp cboife: \af)ic\) being DenieD,nnD
The King may be fct in tbe Cbatre , tbcn be pjapctb tbem to gibe bimlcabctbat be map Difable
allow of his ex -
bimfclfc to tbc lltng : after tbts tbep pjcfcnt biiti totbcfeing in tbc llojDs
cufcjand difallow
him, as Sir lohn l^oufc ; tobere after be batb DifablcD bimfclfc to fpcak befoje tbc liing, anD foj
F(iphamvtz%. tbe tobolc boDp of tbc IRealmc, anD maDe bumble fuit to tbc ISing, left bp bis in*
i8 !^.6.nii.6. fufficiciicp tbcburinelleoftbcKcalmcmapbcbtnDjcD, to be DtfcbargcD , anD a
The Pretefiatioi mojc fufficient man to be cbofcn be be allotocD bp bis ^ajcfttc , tbcn be ma--
: if
tfthc Spca{er.
bctb a jotcftation conftfting on tbjcc parts ; iFirff, tbat tbc Commons in tbis
parliament map babe free fpeccb- as of rigbt anD bp cuftomc t\)C\> babe ufcD, anD
all tbeir ancient anD jutt pjibilcDges anD liberties allotoeD to tbem. S>cconDlp,
tbat in anptbing be (ball Dcliber in tbe name of tbe Commons (if be fljallcom^
mtt anp erro?) no fault map be arrcctcD to tbc Commons , anD tbat be map rcfo:t
again to tbc Commons foj Declaration of tbeir true intent , anD tbat bis erroj

map be parDoncD. 2Dbc tbirD is, tbat as often as neccffttp fo? bis spa jetties fer=
Wt, anD tbe gooD of tbe Common tocaltb tball require , be map bp tbc Direction
of tfjc feo'.ifc of Commons babe acccffc to bis IRopall Iperfon. %,})[&
Cap. I. The High Court of Tarliament.
Cljis is in tlje parliament IRols callcD a p:otcffation in rcfpcct of fftc firft Ror.Pnr-i.R.i.

part. tl)e nature toljcreof is to be an ercUiGon of a concluHon, anD Ijcrcin tljat tlje I'll. i^. &'c.
!^oufc of Commons be
not toncluDcD to fpcab onlp of tfjofc tijingsinbicbtb^ IJail.2H.4.
nil. 8. §ir Hitiu d
litng oi ilo:fl Cbanfelo?,«. ^at!) DeltticrcD to tljem to be t^ecaufcs of tijc fal- S ,vagi Spfakcr,
ling of t^ts vTourt of |9arliamcnt, but in a parlinmcntan' rourfc of all otl)cr ar-^ 5 H.4.11U.8.

Duous anD urgent buSneffc, pjinctpallp confift in tl)crc fitic !6?ancl)cs, as

tol)icl) 7 H.4 nu.i I.
of Summons to tljeilojDS&piritaall anD JCempO' Sir lo.Tibctifc
it appearettj in tlie tIKlIrits
Speaker. & ill J.
ralU vii»
nu.50.1 H.5.11U.7
i H. 5. nil. 10. And fo in
fuccceding timci calK d a Piotcflatioiu

matters of Parliament.
T. SCoutljIngtljeMng* 2, SDljcttateof tljcliingDomcofCBnglanD* 3.2E;i)e Rot. Pari 9 H.4.
Defence of tljcttingDome, 4,*2El)eflateoftfteC[:fturfftof(i£nglanDtanD 5t2nbe AnAaintitukd
Defence of tfjc fame Cburcl). 3nD t^is appcarctlj bp ctpicac too:Ds in tlje par^ Indcmtiilic det

liament©3r(t in tljcfc toOjDS X Proquibuldam arduisurgentibus negotiis, no$, Scigniors & Cum-
not prin-
ftatum, & detenhonem regni noftri Anglis, & Eccleiix Anglicans eoncernenti-


busqaoddam Parliamentum noftrum, &c. teneri ordinaviniu$,&c, ^nD tijefc

See W- 1. Anno
tDojDSitfteftate anD Defence of t!)c!SingDome] arc large toojDs, atiD incluDe tijc E.i. in ihc-
I pie-
aiiiblc, the flaic
reft* anD tbougl) tlje ftate anD Defence of tljcCliurcNfCBnglanD be laft nameD
as it appearctl) bptlie tttleof etjerppar*
of the Realmc &
in tl)C CQlrtt, j'Ct is it firft in intention, ot huIyChutch.
Itament 33 fo; erampic, » To
: the honour of God and of holy Church,and qui- And the z part
etneflfe of the people,&c* of ihe Infljtutes,
W.I, cap.!. and in
i^oto fo: as mucfj as Diticrs latwes anD ftatutes Ijatie been cnacteD anopjotif^ the preamble.
DeD fo: tbcfc cnDs afo?cfaiD, anD tbat Dtticrs mifcbiefs in particular , anD Dtters a 16 E-i
grievances in gcnerall concerning t^c l)onour anD fafctp of tfte feing , tl^c ftate «cc.
anD Defence of tfte l^iingDome anD of tfte Cburcli of CBnglanD migftt be pjetenteD,
an ctccllent lain ioas maDc Anno 6 E. 3.toljicft being applpeD to tbc faiD Mrifs j6 E.J .cap. I©,

of \0arltament Dot^ in felo anD effedualltuo^Dsrct Dolvnc ttjetrue fubjettof a
ought to be hol-
l^arliamcnt in tftefc iuOjDS. For the maintenance of the faid Articles and Sta- den once in a
tutes, and redrefle of divers tnifchiefs and grievances which daily happen, a Par- year.
* *
liatnent fhall be holden every year, as another time was ordained by a Statute. 4 E.g. cap. 14.
conqueft parliaments toere to be IjolDcn ttoice ctjcrp pear, Cele-
llBefoje tlje leg. Edgar
cap. J.
berrimus aucem ex omnt fatrapia bis quotannisConventus agitur. l&ingE. i.
bept a parliament once eterp tvoo pear foj tlje moft part, anD noiD it is cnacteD.
a ^^arliamcnt fljall be ftolDen once cterp pear.
Tacitus in vita
%\iz IRoman banqniOjeD our ^ncefto^s t^c ancient B^itains, fo; ttjat t\^t^ t\U
fembleD not, tl)cp confultcD not in common toitl)tl)em, no; Common Cotmcels, 306.
as Tacitus in vita Agricolxfaitl). Nee aliud adverfus validifiimas gentes pro no-
* *Nota,Comune
bis utiiiu?,quam quod in commune nonconfulunt. RarusadpropuKandum com- concilium.
mune periculum con ventus Jta dum fiogulipugnanrjuniverfi vincuntur. 3I5ut
: Cci"" ntus.

to return f tljc matters of l^arliament.

0nD it is enacteD anD DcclareD bp aut^ojitp of parliament in Anno4 H.8. 4H.8.C.8.
That accufementj, condcmnations,executions, fines,amerciaments pu-
all fuits, ,

nifhments, corredions, charges,and impofitions at any time from thenceforth to

be pufiOr had upon any member,eithcr of that prefent Parliament, or at any Par-
* *
liament at any time after that Ail to be holden, for any Bill, fpeaking reafo= , NeqjtirriJa

ningior declaring of any matter or matters concerning the Parh'ament,to be com-

muned, or be utterly void andofnoneeft'ecS. M^icl) latter bjancl) is
treated of, do Rei pujlicB
pencrall. jjSoto tol)at matter oj matters concern tl)C parliament appear befoje. Cli lit. lis.

SlnD tl)is claufe of tlje act of 4 H. 8, is Declaratojpof tl)C ancient lato anD cu-
ftomeof tl)c iparliamcnt.
anD tbts DotI) not onlp appear bptljeOTrifs DirccteD to tftc ILojDs of parlta* The like Writ to

tl)e Mrtts fo: election of t^c Commons, i^oj crample. SCbe 'Mtii
meiit, but bp all the other

to tlie ^bcriffe of Jl5o:folUfo} elcctioii of tl)e linigftts, Citizens, anD BurgetTcs Counties, laving
Wales they
initljin tijat Cou;it(' icRex Vicecomiti Norff. Salutem. Quia tios de avifamento hivc but one
U aflenfu concilii noftri pro quibufdam arduis & urgemibus negotiis, nos, llatum, Knight and one
& defenfionem regni poftri Anglii, & Ecclcfiar AnglicansecoHcerncntibusquod- BurgcU'c.
lO The High Court of parliament. Cap. i.

dam Parliamentum noftrum apud, &c. tencri ordinaverimuj & ibidem cum ,

Prslatisjmagnatibus, &
procerlbus didi regni nofiri colloquium habere trafta- &
a No'a,id ficien'
tu: ipfi Vicecom.Norff. przcipimus firmiter in jungend^,qu6d fa>Sa proclamatione
(ium &(i^i'fnti-
cxdum. in proximo comit'am tuo poft receptioncm ejuidem bre vis, duos militesgladiis
And every Ci'y cinilos, &c. elegi faceret , &c. ad faciendum •*
Gonfenciendum hiis qux
two Citizens,aad tunc ibidem de comrauni concilio noflro AnglinrffaventcDeo) contingerenc or-
o'.it of
every dinari ' fuper negotiis antedidis, ita quod pro dcfcdu poteftatis hujufmodi , iax
Burgli cwo Sur-
ge (Tcs. propter improvidam eleftionem Militum.Civium Burgenfium pridid'difta &
b Nota,f(iperne- negotia noftra infefta non remanerent quovifmodo. j3nD tljtS poiDCr VfXtn-
gotik antedu'iis. Det^ equallp fo all i&ntgftts, Citizens ant) JBurgeffe© of parliament.

What the
Speaker pall
his allowance.

differ tl^c (Commons toitl) tljclr &peafecr arc come from fljelioitis ^ouFc,
anD tftat t^c S»pcaber ts fet in tlie Cljair , t\)m \)Z Dcfirctlj fljc CDominons,

tftat feeing tftcp ^atic t\)okn Ijim foj tljcir mout^ , fljat tftep tooulD fatoti*
rablp afftft l^im inf^eir arDuous anD impojtant affairs, anD tijat l)c tuillDoe
tljem t^c tea fertjtce fj^ can iDit() all Diligence ano faitljfuUrcaDincire, oj
to t^e li^c effect.

The Writs ofSummons ofParliamentjiphich are to befound

in the time to time.
clofe ^11 from
*Braa.l.j.f4t3. Seeing t^e fummons of parliament (as Ijatlj been faiD) tsbptljciStnas
Britton 112.117.
to;tts,to^ic^ tenD to t^e beginning of tljc parliament, itOiall tc ncceffarpto fpeafe fomeiDftat oftljofe Ipjits. 0nDit is to be obfertjeD, tftat tljc fubftance
of tljofe ii)?tts ouelit to continue in tljcir ojiginall cffcnte toitliout anj? al=
i.pcof thelnd.
Sed loi.Epift. teration, oj aDOition, unleffe it be bp 0(t of parliament, i^oj *ifojtgtnaH
ad librum. iDjtts at t^e Common lain can receive no alteration tn aDDttion but b?
C7 H.4ca.i5. 0ct of parliament, a multo fortiori, tj^etojitsfojt^c Summons of tfjc^iigljett
Roc.Par. 5 R.i.
nu.i,i Scc.thcy be
dTourf of parliament can rcccitc no alteration , o? aDDitton , but bp ka of
parliament. M^cre t^e to;its of Summons ilTueti out of t^e Cljanccrp,
now returned in-
to the CUancery, anD toere returnable in tlie Court of parliament, tlje return thereof coulD
and kept in the
not te altcrcD,anD returnable into tftc Chancer)', but bp 0ct of parliament
office of theClcik
of the Crowa
3nD becaufc ttie Ibojds of tftc Vojit foj election of i^nigl)ts,ic. toere, duos '^

there. miiites giadiis cinao!,&c. it requireD an jact of parliament, tftat notable

dti H.<.ca.iy. €fnHiresmic^t be eligible.
Pari. 6H.4. Walfingham faitft, tljat in Anno Domini 1404. toas anno 6 H. 4.
This was called in tlje iBiits of tbe fummons of parliament, f})ere teas aDDeD bptlje feing
IsdoHiim Pa: lia-
a commanDment in tlie tujit , tl)at no Haiuper fljoulD be rcturncD feniaftt o>
mentuin, lack-
i-'atlia- HSurgcffe , (but tlje ^^ittojian is DcceitieD, foj tbere is no fuel) claufc in t^ofe
menr. tD?it3, but it ioas uijouglit bp tlje Jaings ^letters bp pjetcrt of an ;©;Di«
nance in tljeiLojDS !^oufe,in4<s £? ) J3ut at tl)c ncrt' parliament in? H.4.
nu- 13.5 K.i.c.4. attlje grietous complaint of tijc Commons, being intcrruptcD of tljcir free
7^. election bp tftofe,lctters(to^i£l) toere letters of iutticc anD rigljt) itis,amoncttt
Sec hereafter *
otljcr tl)ings,ena'cteD, 2Dbat elections ftoulD be freelp , anD t'nDiffcrwitlp maDe
more of this mat-
nottoitljftanDing anppjaper, oj commanDment to tl^econtrarp, i. fine precc,
tcr,in th'schapt.
pa. and who be bp anp pjaper oj gift, & fine precepto , ioitbout commanDment of tbe iSing
bp tojit , oj ot^crtoifc, oj of anp otljcr ; toljiclb tuas a clofe, anD p?uDcnf
Nota. faltie, not onlp fo; tljat fojc, but foj all otljcr in lifec cafe, anD is but an E.I.
3 3ct Dcclaratojp of tlje ancient lato anD cuftome of parliament,

Petitions in Parliament.

£Dn tlje fitrft Dap of tlje parliament, after tlje Commons be DcpartcD to
cljoofetlieir fepeafeer, tijcn are certain Suffices jajTittants, auD Citiilians
gratters of tlje Cljanccrp;attenDant3j viz. four 3uatces,anDttoo ;attenDants
Cap. I. The High Court
of Tarliament. n
RereWcrt of pe-
appoi«teDtoberccctt3cr3oftI)C|0ctfttonsof <!BnBlanD,3ErelanD, CSTalea, anD
§>cotlanD, anD tftat tljofc tljat tutll DcUtjcr tftcir petitions, arc to Delitier tljem
tott^iti ap Da))3 foUototng. jat t^at time tljccc arc otbcr Sutttcea aiiD €ic vv'lk ,scTtbnJ,
tjtlians attenDantc, viz, tlj?ec Hufttccs aiiD tiuo 3ttcnDanf3 appointoD to 'Gafcoign.Guy-
le reccit'crs of petitions to; CDafcoign atiD otljer places LeponD tfjc. feeas, aii,i>oite.j, Nor-

anDottfte 3 Acs, anDtljat tljcg Deliver t^cir petitions toitljin fxi m^s,=it, nundy^Amgu,
2Lftcn arc appointcD of tljc j^obilitp llojDS of |Darliamcnt anD liotfljops >
viz. 2>ij; Of tl)c jf!obiltt)',ant) ttoo IBiOiops to be triers of tljc fatD Ji^etttions foj jriers of peti-

CEnglanD, SrclanD, Males, anD ^cotlanD, tfteictogctljer, o; four of tf)C |D?elates tions.

anD 3L0JDS afojefaiD, calling totljemtftellings IcarneDcToiincell, attendants

in parliament Vol)Cii nccD ftojilo Ic, anD to fit in tbc Chamber of flje a:rea=
furp. snt)C lifee appointment oftfte iiJobiliti' ano llSilliops to be triers of tl)0
petitions foj^afcoign, anD otber places bciponD tl)c §>eas, anD oftljcSlfles,
anD a place appointcD foj tl)cir fttting, calling tot^em tljc Mn^a IcarncD CCoun*
tell tulien nceD lljoulD bc» jFoj petitions to Ic pjeferrcD into tjje ILojDS

^^oufe in parliament fo^ t^c conntrtcs anD places afo^efaiD, tl)ts luastt)ean<
cient conftant lalD,anDcu{tomc of t^c parliament continueD unttll t^is Dap.
OT^erein tftcfc tl)jee tl)tnas are to be obfemeD. JFirft, tlje crtcnt of tfjc 3u=
rtSDiction of tljc parliament of CnglanD. fectonDlp tfjaf foj ocpcDtttng ,

of caufcs, tftcrc tboalD be rcccitjers of all petitions, bot^ of ^uDgcs of tlie

BRcalm foj tljcir fenoiulcDgc in tljc latos of tlje liUalm anD of^Tibiltans af= >

tcnDants,U)l^o mtgftt pjeparcanD infojm tljetriers, being JLojDs of parlia*

went, of t^e quality of tbofe petitions. 2DftirDli», tljat tljere IfioulD be of tlje » p. « c ,

3L0JDS S>pirituall anD SDempoiall triers of tftofc Jlictitions to trp out tDl)c» f,, °& ['l
tljer tljcp U)crcreafonable,anD gooo anD neceffari? to be offereD anD p?opo«nDeD 50'nj.
totfte JLojDS. 66- si. 17 E.J. :

^fpetitions tn parliament fome be of 1Rtg|[)f,fomc of (©race, anD fome ""-^J'^fi-

: fome
itiiyt of botb pjcfcrreD bp tljc !LojD3 &pirituall, fome bp t^c JLojDS ^^ e !"""'i'J"
Scmpojall, fome bp tljc Commons, fome bp tljc LojDs anD Commons. Extra 45 e"? nuj j.
Parliamcncum nulla petitio elt grata , licet neceflaria; In Parliamemo nulla 47E.5.nujtf.
petitio eft ingrata,ii neeeflaria.
311 petitions ougl^t to contain contjcnieut iRiiu.ijT.&c
^' ^'
certatntp anD particularitp, fo as a Direct anftocr map be gitcn to tljem.
petitions being timelp pjeferreD (tfjouglj tjcrp manp) Ijatjc been anftoe* "u.^o ]l e.j'.
reD bp tl)C laiu ana cnftomc of parliament befo?e tlje enD of ftje parliament, zij.iKi.ij4-
%\)is appearetl) bp tbc ancient SSreatife, De modotenendiParliamemmn, S(c.iR.i...i'.}8.
&c. in tljefe toojDs fattftfullp tranflatcD in a fair anD ancient spannfcripf, 1H.4151zH.4-
fOj Bils anD ^UtittonS. The Parliament ought not to be ended while any |^^'' ^u^'l]''
Petition dependeth undifcuflcd, or at the lead , to which a determinate an-
fwer is not made. jfiE.jnu.ji.
anD parliament Hols, tljcre is a Cttlc totoarDs tl^c cnD of ttfc foEj.mi.jz.
in tl)e

parliament. The Petition of the Commons, &c. toitl) tfjctr anftoer entrcD
anD recojDeD in tljc IRoll of parliament. <=anD one of tl^e pjincipall cnDs of
*,oe jnu.i/*'
calling of parliaments tsfoi tljc rcDjelTc of tljc mifcl^icfsanD grievances tljat Lionscafe.
Dailp Ijappen. 3;nnot)ation3anDi]lot3Clfies(fometimes tearmcD in Hols of Rot.Par. IH.^
"'"''• '? h-4-
parliament Novelries) in parltamentarp pjocecDings are mott Dantrerous,
anD to be rcftifcD. anD fometime '

tlje toing Dotlj anltoer tfje petition of

tljc Commons bp flje Counts, Barons anD Commons NovcUics.
affent ofttjepjelats. ,

tftemrclt)es,fuclj unitp ^atlj been fojtb common gooD in parliaments infoj**.
mer times, ^=-

appointment of Committees of Grievances ^ if c.

SCIfte Commons
being tlje gencrall 3Jnquiftfo:s of tljc Healm, ljatepjfn=
cipall tare in beginning of tftc parliament to appoint Daps of Com=

mittcES,viz, of grieijances (bottj in t^e= Cljurcl) anD Common=U)caltl) ) of eBnaon.Gn.

villi eft ztcrnam
quam temporalcm la-dere
majeftatcm. And
appeareth by the ftatute of 36 E.J. That it ij one of the

ends of the P.irliament to redrefl'egrieyanccs, AaJ the word? of the Wnt of Parliament
principall be,Oca/v<i(« C>
urgenubuimgotiu (iAtum (^ defenfencw Ecclc^/e Anglic mx coiKcrnentibut,
12 The High Court
of Tarliament. Cap.i.
Courts of31ufttcc,ofpjt1)ileDgcs, atiD of autaitccmcnt oftraDc. SCljefe Com-
mittees toljen tljep meet
t^ep elect one of tl)rm to fit in tl)e Cftafr tti

Ithcncffc of t!)C S»pcaber: t^e Committee map examine anD tote tijc queftt*
ons l)anDleD bp tbem,anD bp one, toftom tl^ep appoint, repojtttjeic refolution
to ^oufc, anD
tl)c tlje ^oufe,fittins tfjc ^peaUcr, to Determine ttje fame Ig

j3np=lLojD of tlje parliament bp licence of ffjeteingupon juftcaufe to bz

21 E.4.50.
abfent,mapmatjea P;o]cp; anD in tl)C bunDleof |):orie3Anno > H.j, it appea*
The ancient
Demodo rctl),t^)af in tljofc Daps a ^piritiialULojD of |0arliament migljt ftatie maDetjia
teycud' Parl.&e. |0;o);ie to tftc pjocuVatojsof tl)cClcrgp,oj to anp otljcr Clerfe, but at tljisDap Ije
vet f.finem,oftime. cannot mafee it but to a ILojD of parliament : but a iSnigljt, Citijcn, oj 15ur»
gelle oftljc l)Oufe of Commons cannot bp anp means mafee anp pjOFpiecaufg
lie is electcD anD f rutteD bp multituDcs of people.

Of the ancient Treat'ife called Modus tenendi Parliamentum.

Sec the Second
j]ioto foj ^nttquitpanD 0utljojttp of t^e ancient SCreatifc, callcD Modus
tenendi Parliamentum,&;c.iDbcrcof ioc mafec Often ufc tntljispart oftljeln-
part of the

M^g.Caitica.z. ftitutes; certain it is , t!)attl)is Modus teas rel)earfcD anD DeclarcD befoje t^c
pag.7,8 Conqucrotir attlje time of l)isConquett,anD b^ Ijim appjoteD foj €nglanD,
Sec the nrft part anD accojDin^lp to Modus
tlje Conquerour accojDing ^elD a parliament foj
of the Inrtitute? 110.
Cl;nglanD,a0 it appearctl) in 21 E.3tfo 60.
See ch'.- a- pare jafteri^ing H.i^ftaD conquercD 3relanD,l)c fittcD anD tranfcrileD tljis Mo- dus intolrelanD in a parcijmcntKoU, foj tbc IjolDing of parliaments tljcre,
Charier of King no Doubt H» •» DiD bp aDtiicc of ftis BuDaes, being a matter of fo
H.iat hisCoro-
nJtion hiving re- great iucigljt anD IcgalL SCljis Modus in t^e parcljment IRoU tranfcribeD as
lation to Modus afo?efaiD,bpH,i«remaincDtn3rclanD,anD in anno (5H,4. toas in tfje cuffoDp
temndl Pari. of §>ir Chriflopher Preiion iSntgljt, amanof grcattoifDome anD lcarning,tul)icS
SccalfothcChfe 5RoU Ittng HM.<n tbefamepear, De aflenlh
Jobannis Talbot Chivalicr l)iS
of King John
3Licutcnantt^erc,anD of Ijis Counccll of 3rclanD, crcmpUSeD foj tfjc better
anno ly.M^th.
ftolDing of t!)c parliaments tftcre; anD in tftceitempltScation it eypjcflpappea*
tiqicamnkvinm, retljtljat H,i»DiDtranfcribctijts Modus,as tsabooefaiD,
VIZ hareicomitis SDbis ModusiBasfccnbpt^c mafecrsoftljcllatnteof £0aa:na Carta, Anno
pro comitc intcgre
100 1. hxrcs Ba-
9 concerning tl)ereDucina of tlje ancicitt reliefs "of entire C-arlDomcs,
315aronies,anDlinigl)ts{ccs acco:Ding to fntfj pjopojtions as istontaincD in
Integra \oo
7»arc. tfte Modus, iDfjiclj tbepcoulD not ftatc Done fo punrtuallp, if tljep IjaD notfecn
& hxres milins
t^c fame, toi^creofpou map reaD mojc at large in tlje Firit part ofthelnnitutes,
dcfeod) militis
Sea, 103, fo.76. Verbo Relief. 5lnDfome part of tljis Modus is citeD in tf)e
parliament HoU, Anno n R.2. anDotftcrlRecojDS ofparliament , anD upon
tegn. 5.1.

cap.i. Diligent fearcl) toe can finD noticing againft it, ISutmanplierp ancient copies
* Itn
yidly cal-
pou mapfiinD of fljts Modus, one Uljcrcof Uic \)a'oz feen in t^e reign of H, 2,
led tmiqmmr'- lD!)icl)£ontainctl) tlje manner, fo;m, anD ufage of Gilbert deScrogel SDarll^aU
lev'ium, btrcaiifc
of (iDnglanD, in iDbaf manner licoccupieD anSufcD tbe faiD room anD office in
it Is according to
the proportion of all Ijis time , anD tjoto be teas aDmittcD, u, attftc €o;onatton of H. 2. anD
this ancient Mo- of Ijis ii^nicljt marCjalUanD otljcr infcriour officcrs,ic, anDaDjopncD tljercun*
fo, anD of tlje fame IjanD istljis Modus, as fit foj btm to hnoiu,
iSiit leG it migljt be faiD to msr, as it luas once fa(D to an £Drafoiir, toljo Ija*

ting fpotoi mucl) in commcnDation of Hercules t 31t toas DemanDcD of ons

tljat ftooDbp, Quis vituperavit? Ad quod non fuit refponfum, ffiut noiulctuS
return to pjorics,
At the Parha- Si iLojD ofparliament bp licence obtained oftfte sSJuccn to be a'ofcnf , maDe
mciit lioldcn a pjorp to tl)jcc 31 o;Ds of parliament, Conjunaim&divifim
As. I Eliz.
tem tradandi.traiSatibufque auxilium &
conlilium impendendi, atque ftatutb
& ordinacionibus,quiinaiilitat'contigerint, eonfemiendi Ira quod non fitme-

lior conditio
oecupantis. j^nD one Of tftc p
jocuraf j3 gatjc confcnt to a bilU anD
Cap, I. The High Court of Tarliament. 15

tljefiDootljers fatD,not tonfciit ^m firft it toas bp ojDcr of tl)C ILo:Ds De*

batcD amonca t!jc luDgcs ano Ctttlfans attcnDants, a;iD tone citjco bp tljctii

tDa0 no\;oice,anDt!)e opttiiontDasaffirmcDlip alltbc HoiDSof |3ar^

liamcnt feriatim. janotl)CrqucatonlDa0niO\-cDattl)attimc, Hjat if a iLojD of
parliament make a p:oi'p,anD after come into ti)C iLo:Ds ftoufe of parliament,
ant) Tit tljerc toitboiit'arguing, tonfciiting o; fpcaktng; anp il)ms anD ittoasj

tontcitieD bPtl)C 3iiDgcs anD Ci'oiliana , tijat Ijis fitting tljcrc loitftout raping
anpt^tngtuas a relocation in lain of l)i6 ].'2on'; a Fortiori, if Ije mot»eD,oj
fpaUeto anpmattcrtl)crep:opo«nDeD . anD tbeir opinion iuas refoltjcD bp tl)c
3Lo;D)3 fcriatim. ^nD tl)cfc\oerctl)cpjoncsoft]bc ISiftop of Batlje, tljc ilojD
Howard «Il)amberlain, anD of tftc ilojD Wmdelbr.
crfrcam fear
of botbtfte pope
J^tngjohn in ti)c 13 pear of Ijis reign being in
anH tfieiFrencljlaing, anD efpeciallp of l^ia oton fubjctts (anD tol^at is fear, Lib.Sap 17.11.
faitb Solomon, bntabctraping of tljefuccours tl)at reafon otferetl):') fcnt 0m'
baiTaDours to Admiralius Murmelinus great Cmpcrour of Jltirl^p §>irThorriai
Hertington anD &tr Ralph Nicholfon lanigfttS, anD &ir Robert Of llonDon
Clerk, nuncios luoslecretiflimos , to offer to Le Of l)ts Hcligion, anD tomahe
l)is UtngDomc SCributarp to ftim , anD ftc anD Ijts fiibjects
to be Ijiss tiaffals,

anDtol)olD Ijis btngDome of Ijim. But tljatinfiDell great p?tnce,as a tljtng

untoo;tl)p of a !5ing, toDenp fjis religion , anD bctrap l)i0 bingDome, utterlp
refnfcb to accept. &ing John in tfjc 14 pear (tljcncrt pear) of bis reign bp W
Cijarter 15 May , bp tbc tl)?eats anD perfinafion of tfte popes Conmiiffarp
Pandaiphus furrenDjeD t)ts bingDomcsof CDnglanDanD IrelanD to pope Inno-
eent tbc2Cl)irD,cumcommuniconfiIio Baronum(as Ije tnferteD therein) anQ
tbat fljencc fo:U)arD tjetooulD^lDljisCrotonas fcoDarp to tlje pope,paptng
fojbotbtftc faiD UtngDomes 1 000. marfes. CtHljcreupon Doing fjomage anD feaU
tp to tbepopcbp tl)cf)anDof Pandulphus, anD tafetng oflftljevinrotonfromfjis
Ij'caD fnrrenDjeDto tlje popcbp Pandulphus, at tol)0fc4cet ftelaiD alfotfte rop-

all (il;nftgnes,blsscepter, ^Vdojd anD King; all tobictjloas aftertoarD accep*

t6D, appjotJCD anDratificD bpt^cpope, bp tiia 215ull toljtcl) toas calleD Bulla
Gregorius Papapetiit aRegeE.i.perliceras annuumcenfum looomerc.Rex "^lA V"
refpoiidet fe fine prselatis &
proceribus regni non pofle refpondercj &qu6d
""'^ '

inCoronatiore fuafuit aftridus, quod jura regni fui fervaret illi-

ata, nee aliquidqucdDiadcma tangat regni ejufdem abfque ipforum
iurejurando rcquifii'
coniilio faceret*
31nanno 40 E.j.tljepopcbpl^is ambaffaDo? DcmanDeD of tlje fiing l^omage Rot.Par.4oE.j.
foitbchincDomcofC-nglanD anD lanD of JrclanD, anD tlje arcragcs of looo* ""'*;
"^^ ^ f^"^^^
tiiarKs bp tlje pear,BranteD bp laing John to pope Innocent t\\t tl)irD anD
|)tsfucceiro;s,anDtl)jeatncDtbaf ifttliJcrcnotpaiD, tf)e pope ioas refoltcD f
i hive thought
pjocccD againatl)CiSing. CSSfjereupon tlje tetng in tlje fame pcarcallctlj Ijis
Court of parliament, anD intlie beginning of tftat parliament (faitlj tljelRe.
CO;D) Fuit monftre a Jes Prelates, Dukes, Countes , Barons, Ics Chivaliers des
prio Idiomate.
Counties, Citizens & Burgeffes en Ic prefence leRoy per leChancclor, co-
mem' ils avoient entendae lescaufes del fumnnons del Parliament engcneralh
mes la voluntele Roy fuift que les caufesfeuflentmonflrcsacuxen efpeciall :
lour difoit comenc leRoyavoitentendueque le Pape perforce dun fait quel il
dit le fefoit au Pape dc luy faire homage pur Ic realme D'en-
que Roy Johan
gleterre & la terre D'irland,&
que percaule du dit homage qil luy deveroit pai-

erchefcunan perpetueiment millemarcs,eften volunte de faire proceideverslc

ion roialm pur le dit fervice & cens recoverir ; de qoi le Roi pria as dit$
Roy &
Preiats, Dukes, Countes & Barons lour a vys & bon confeiJ, & ce qil cnferroit,
en cafe que le Pape vorroit proceder deversluy, ou fon dit roialme per celle
caufe*. & les P relats requeroient anroyquils fe purroient per cux foul avifer &

refpondre Iendemain» queux Prelatz le dit lendemainadcprimespereux mef-

mcs, & puis les antres Dukes, Countcs.Barons&Gentzrefpondirent & difoient,
que le die Roy Johan ne nul autre purra inettrc lui, nc fon roialmcj ne fon people
D en
l^he Court
'4- High ofTarliament. Cap . i.

No King can put en dele fubject ion fanz aflent & accorde deux: & les communes furcedemandez
him fdf nor his
Realm, nor his
& avifez refpondirentenmeirrelc manere; fur qui feuftordeine, & aflentu per
people, in fuch
commune affenc en manere quenfuyc, EnfeprefentParlement tenujaWeHm*
fubjeSion with- Lundy prolchein apres la invention de la SeinteCroice Ian du reign le Roy Ed-
out affcBC of the ward quarantifmcj cant fur Icftac de Seinte Eglife ,come des droits de fonroialm
Lords and Coin-
mons in Parlii-
& de fa Corone maintenirj entre autreschofeseftoient monflrez corrcnt ad efic
ment, and ther- parice? &ditquele Pape perforce dun faitqueleil ditque leRoi Johan , iadis
forcifK. ]ohn Roy d'engleterre fcfoit au Pape an perpetuite de luy fairc homage pur le Roi-
had done it by alme Denglcterre & la cerrcdelrland, & pcrcaafe dudite homage deluyrcn-
the Common dre un Annuel rent: ad cfte en volume de faire proceffc dcversle Roipurles
Counctll of his
ditz fervices & ceus recoverir; la quelc chofe monftree as Prclats, Duc$,Countes,
Barons ai his
Charter piirpor- Barons, eommun' pur cm avoir lour avys & bon confcil, & demandeedc
& la
tcd,yec it bound euxceqele Roi enferra en cafe quelc Pape vorroit proceder ou rien
not,forthatitwas ter dcvcrs lui oufon roialme percclle caufc?QueuxPrelats, Dues,
not done inPar- Countes,
Barons & Communes en fur ce plein deliberacion refponderont & difoienc
li.'ment by the
dune accorde, que le die Roy Johan ne nul autre purra mettrcluy nefon roi-
King, the Lords
and Commons: alme nc fon people en tiel fubje6lion fanz affent de eux, & come piert per
que fi cefeuft fait,cefeu(t fait fanz leur aflent, & encontrc
and albeit it
plufenrs evidences,
mighc>'as here it fon fcrement en Goronacion, Et outre ce le DucSj Countes, Barons, Gents
not bedone with"
& Communes accorderent & granteremque en cafe que le Pape fe affbrceroit
out Authority ou rien attempteroit per proccs, ou en aucer manere de fait deconftreindre
ot Parliamentj le Roi ou fes fubjefts de per faircequeft dit q'il voet clamer telle
partieqi Is
yet it IS Contra ic- refiftront & eontreefterront ovetoute leur puiflance.
ge») & cimfuctu-
dmcm P aril amen- SCftis il5oMc anD pjuDeiit toiiig taofe t\\t fafreft anD furctt toap fo gitjc
ti,to doefiicha
fatisfacttoit. iBljercof ttiegopc being ccrtifieD, t^c matter etjer Cnce Ijatljre'

thing as by the fteD in qutet»

next Kcco d in *
3Etis CeclareD bptljclLojlJSanti Commons {n full parttamcnt , upon De*
41 E.J. appea- man!) mai3e oftftcm ontljebeftalf of tbeiimg.t^at tftcpcoulD not affent toanp
*Ko Par.4iE.3. tiling in parliament, tijat tenDeD to t^eDifterifon oftbefitng anD Ijis Croton,
nu,7. Lcxf^ luliereunto tljeg tDCreftoOjn. Sec hereafter in the cafe of Ireland.
Lex & confuetudo Parliamemi.

7E.1. Stat.Dede- Butlje ancient lato, anD cuttomc of t!)e pacliamcnt a pjoclamaf ion onal^f
fi/ifoitCpanU'idt to bemaDeinCSaeaminffer in tbc beginning oftfte parliament, tliatnoman
upon pain to lofe alltftat Ije Ijatli, ftjoulD During t^e parliament in ilonDon,
z E.jca.j.
OTeftminfter,oj fbeS>uburb3. ^c^tuear anp coat of plate, ojgoearmeD,
Rot.Par6E-5- pjiljg^
nu.r. 13 E.?. oj tbat games oj otljer plapes of men,tDomcn , 3? cbilDjcn , oj anp otljcr pa« llimes ojftrange ftetoslftoulD be tftereufeD During tfte parliament: anDtljiJ
15 reafon l)ereof teas, tftat tljel^ig^ Court of pailiamenf ftoulDnot tfjcrcbpbe
18 E j.nii.i.
DifturbeD , noj tlje members tljereof (toljitl) are f atteiiD tljc arDuous anD ur*

i~i gent buftneffe of tbe Ci&urt^ anD common^toealtl)) ftoulD not be toif^Djaium • *
Z5 E.j.ftat.i. 3Etisalfotl)elaU),anDruffome of tl)e parliament, tbat tofjcn anp nctoDe*
nil. 58. 15 E.J. tfitc is moticB on tbc iiiings bebalf, in parliament foj bis aiD, q-j, tbc libc,tije
ftit 1 nu.5&c. Commons mapanftaier,tbattbcptenD?eD tbe teings eftate, anD are reaDp to
Privy coat or
A' mjur. aiD fame, onlp intljisncU) Debice tl)cp Dare not agree toitbout conference

Games or plays, iuitb tbeir Countries ; tnberebp it appearetb, tbat fuel) conference is iuarran*
R't. Par. Anno table bp tfte lato anD cuttome of parliament,
ij E g.nii.^.&S. anD isfobeobferfacD>tf)ougl)one becbofen fojone particular Counfp, 05
S>ee hereafter
Bojougb»wt tofjcnbe is rcturneD, anD fit in parliaments, be ferbetb foj tbe
tobole lflealm,foi tbe enD ef bis comming tbitbcr, as int5eU)?it of ftise*
lection appearetlj, is generall, ad faciendum &
confenticndum hiis tuncqui
& ibidem de communi conlilio divSi regni noftri (faveme deo) contigetint
ordinari fuper negotiis prididis. proquibufdam arduis & urgentibusne?o-

tiisnos,ftatum, &
defenfionem regni noftri Anglia: &
Anglicanae con-
cernentibus, tobid^arercbcarfeDbefoje in tbe tojit
Lex &
pMiamcnti. anD as ei^erp court of Blufticeliatlj latos anDcuaomesfo; its Dire£tfon, fomg
C ap . 1. TThe High Court ofTarliament .
hptfjc Common lair, fomcbp fticCttjlll anD Canon lato, fomc bp petal tar latocs Ifta lex ab omni-
aiiD tuttomcs, $c. a>o tf)e Court of irarliamcntSuispropii$legibu$^iL bus i ft
' qu^rendsy,
confuetudinibus fublidit 3ft 15 Jex & confuctudo Parliamenii,tl)ataU lucigfjtP
ignora-^ aniulcis
matters tnani' IDarltament mot?cD concerning t!)c JCccrs of ttjc Hcalm,oj com= nica.apaucis cog-
mons in parlramcnt alTcmtlcD, ougl)t to be octcrmtncD, aDjuDgcD, anDDifcuffeD I leta Iib.a.«ap.i,
bptl)ccourfcoft!)c !Darltament,anDnotbptbc cttnlllatu, no: rctb)Ptl)cConi=
man latns of tijts EealmufcD in mo;c tnfcrtour Courts; UJl)ici)U)as fo DcclareD nu.7.
Sec the (irft part
to be lecundum legem & confuetudiDcm Parliament! , concerning tl)C ^Scers Of
of the Inftitute?.
tftclRcalm, bp tbc BtnganDalltlje iLojDs&pirituailanDSDcmpojallianD tlje
ScA.j.Verb. £.a
like pari rationc is foj t!)e Commons fo; ani' tfting motcD o: Done in tijc l9au^e laity,
of ȣommonS: anD tftcratljcr, foj fljat bp anotljcr latoanDcuttomcof JDarlia= Kot.PaiLiH4.
mtnt,tifc iiing cannot tahc notice of anp tljtng faiD oj Done in tf)c !^oufc of Com= 1 1.

mons, but bj' tijc rcpo:t of tijc il^oufc of commons : and cterp member of Rot. Pari. 3 H.6.

anD can tc no luitneffe. ;2lnD tijis is tlje In ie CoiiiHcc de

ff)C parliament l)atij a juDiciall plate.
Marfh alls cafe.
reafon tbat JuDoes ougljt not to gitjc anp opinion of a matter of }itarliament, be=
caufe it is not to be DeciDeD bp tljc common latns, but lecundum legem ad con- ilu.iS.ih; t.irlc
fuctudinem Parliament! : anD fo tibc 3:uDge3 in Ditcrs ^Parliaments ijatje con-- of Arunddscafe,

fcffcD, Tome ftolD, tftat ctjerp offence committeD in anp Court puniOiablc bp Rot.Pa:1.5iH.6

tfjaf Court muft be puniftcD (p?oceeDfng criminally) in t^e fame Court, oj in nu 26,17, 28. Ba-
fome !)igber,anD not inanp fnfertour court, anD tljc Court of parliament Ijatf) ron Thorps cafe.
no bigUcr.
5 H 4.1111.22.
53pon l)ts petition ctl)ifeiteD fo tljc iiing , luljerein tlje queUion teas, The
Ear] of Nor-
toljet^ertbc potoer luljicft l)elbaD raifcD teas !^ig^ 2nrearon,«. inliicl) pe- thumbetbnds
tition (faitlj tije Mng) let be DclitiercD to tfje 3ulttcesl fap t^em to be con- caff.

ODereD. Mbcrcupon tl)Clio;D3 maDe pjoteftation, tftat ffje ojDer thereof be- Vid.Rot.Parl.
9 H.^.Im/eKnily
longeD to tljem, toljic^ kias to tbem alloVocb , anD ttiep refolt^eD it to be no
dis Seigmors &
anDbecaufetDel)at»e a cafe in %E,^.ic/. concerning tljc laU) anD tuttome of
IBarliament, toe ftabe tljougljt gooD to fet Doton tlje IRccojD of tftat cafeDe vcrbo
in verbum, anD t^en to eraminc tlje repojt of tljc faiD cafe, anD tfte opinion f^ere
DcliljereD,tol)crein toe (Ijall Defire tljc IcarncD f o confxDer tocll tfje llafute of R,u 5-

itat.'..cap.4.anD thereupon to confiDcrtoljat (as tijat ffatute Ijat^ been

Done of olD times, tc 5nD boto tljat 0ct faitfj done, anD not faid,

IVinton in
Epifcoptis mijeruordia pro plurthm defaltis. Lie Io~ Pafch.j E.J co-
ram Kepe
Epijcopm attachiat' fuit ad rejpond' Domtno Me^i^ de eo qua- in Dotf. SourJu.
Nota, thnthis
re cum in 'Parliatneiito
^egis apud noVa Say Hi ntipcr tent per ipjum Dotni- was by Writ

m %(geni inhibitmifuijfet^ni' quis

ad diHum Tarliamentumfummonitus Originall.

ab eodcm recederetfi7ie liccnc ^gisildem Eptfcopm durante Tarliatnento

T(e^is recefsit
mdni- coutcmptu?n
idem Dominus ThcDcdiraticm
contra inhtbitionem
(^egisfupradiBam.Et wide
^x per Adard de Fmcham,
cpdjequitur pro eo^ dicit, quod prddtSlus Io~

hamies Epifcopm fecit ei zsr-

contemptwn pr<£dtB . ((src. in con-

^gis milk librarwn. Et hoc

tempt, o^ert fcare pro Do7?iino^ge^

Etpr^diBm Eptfcopm in propria perjonafua ^ettit, ^ defendit

om- The PIm of the
Bifliop to the JQ.
nem contemptum i^ tranfgrejj.
Cr quicqutd^ ijrc. <(sr dicit, quod ipfe iirdjftion of the
wins de
paribus regnij
<sr ^rdatws jacrof. Ecclefi^e^O" eis ineftrve-
nirc ad 'Parliamentum Vomim
pro ijolunta-
%egii per fummomtione '
* Nota hac.
te Domini cum fibi placuerit,
ipfius '^cgis dicit, quod fi quii
T> 2 eorum
1(5 The High Court of parliament. Cap. i.

eorum delii^uerit erga

Vominum ^gem in Tarliamento
aliquo ,
in ^ar-
non alibi in minor Cur
Uamento debet corrigt
emendari^ <sr quatn in
(P arlia7nento: per quod non intendit Dmniniis Rex Velit in cur hie
, quod
de hum/modi tranfgr. 6^ contempt. faBii in Tarliamento refjjonderi^
isrc. hoc datns
Etfuper ejleis
dies coram
^ge a die SanSlaTrin. in
dies <(src. fahis rationibus. Ad quern diem pr<ed. Eft^
quindecem ubicunq-^

(copu6 <venit in propria perfonafua, ^ datus eft

ei dies coram domino Re-
eodem Jlatu
in nunc\<)diesuhicunq-^0'C. quo
O'C. fahis rationibus fuis, <src- Ad quern
diem yenit
zsrc. in
quifequitur^ EtfimiliterprtedtEim Epifcopus propria perjonafua.
£t pradiBus Adam pro pradiSlo Domino Rege dicit^ quod cumplaceat ei
^arliamentum fuum tenere de
regni fui regali potejiate fm
<s' ^ quando,
jua, etiamfa-
Voluntate i^r

tunc ad ^arliamentum, ?ie

eorwn abinde rt-
citprohiberi exijlenttbus
cedat contra prohibitionemfuam J <(src. abfq^licentia^<(src. Et ft quis eo-
of the
gation j^j^yfj abinde recedat contra prohibitionem O'c. in contempt, resps, isrc. be.
Kings Actoiny. r- ,t\ » r •
r <n t

r r i-


ne Itceat tpji Domino ^egi Jumere jectam erga Imjujmodt delinquen-

tes in Et ex quoDominui nex
qua curia placeatfibijisrc. proWuntate
^arliamenta fua tenet ^((jrc. petit judicium pro ipfo
fua rege, ft
idem Dominm ^ex duci debeatj feu compelli ad
in hoc
alibi contra <(src.
^ Et ^pradi^us Bpifcopm dicit ut prim, auod cum alimis deliauerk in
The B. maintains ^ ,. -i i i i

t r i

e^ emendart, <s^c.

his former plea Tarltamento, tbtdem debet corrtgt aliqutsfum-
itsr- licet
tothe junidiai-
(veniendi ad ^arliamentum, <ir non ^eniffet ibidem^ debet
non intendit j dominiu rex <velit alibi
puniri^per quod quod refponderi
quam Tarliamento^ ^c. Et fuperufq^
in Cro. hoc datus efl eis dies

j4mmarum uhicunque, (src. in eodemJtatu quo nunc, is^c. Ad quern diem

rvenit tam pnediB. Adam, quifequitur pro domino rege, quamprddiB.
propria perfonafua.
Et datm efl eis dies coram domino in
Bpifcopui rege
O^ab. SanBi'Hilarii ubicunq,-,
fahis ratioyiibm
fuii^<src. Ad
quemdiemprMiB. Epifcopm<venit^
datus efl ei dies ulteriui coram ^
domino rege in OSiab. ^ur. beattc Maria ubicunq,^ <isrc. Ad diem quern
Venit tam praediEius Bpfcopm, quam Johannes de Lincoln
qui fequi-
tur domino '(sr datus eft eis dies ulterins coram domino a die
pro rege, rege
^afcha in quinquefeptiman'as ubicunq.^ <isrc. Sahis rationibws, (^c. Jd
diem <venit tam pr^d. Epifcopm in propria perfona fua^
quem quam
lohannes de pro
di^o domino <(tc. Et
pradiEl. Lincoht^quijequitur rege,
datus eis dies ulterim a die Santli Michaelis in 1 dies
eft 5 ubicunq-^ <Crc.

fahis Jibi rationibmfuis hinc dicend' O'C.


Cap. I. 'The High Court of Parliament. ly,
3iiO tljis i3 all tl)at is in H crojD, tuljcrcbp appcarctl) tl}af
tljc if t!je pica of t!je
ISifliop to t!)c3ui-i3Difitoii
of 1I)C Court after DttJcrsDafcscttoiDiDamiD, anD
inas nctjcc oiicr^riilcD agreeable to tljc faiD refoluttons in fcjmcr timcsj , tljat
gtiDsco tocrc not to tictcrmtnc mattcra concerning t^c ji'nrliamentj as is afojc:^
faiDfanoucbtng: tljc rcpojt of tljc faiD cafe, tijus farfojfb itagrectl), tbattbio
tontcmpt cannot te pmiifljco in anpotljcrviToarttljcn in tljclliingslBcncl); fo
as f Ije (jucftion is onlP foj tftat Court. 31f appcaret!) t!)at tljc rcpo?tcr nctjer fail)
tljc faiD 1Rcco?D, onlp
tool? it bj,' tfte earcof tljat toljiclj tuao fpohcn in Court (a

Dangerous anD fubjcit to manpiniftahtngc, fo: fclDonic o; ne=

bint) ofrcpojting,

tcrtljerigljtcafciaput) as infljis cafe it fell out. i^o? firff, toljcre tljc KccoiD

tlje iDatliajnenttoas ijolDen at Sarum, tljc rcpojf is of a parliament


IjolDen at Salop. 1. 2:!>cHepojtfaitl^,t[jat John 15. of£2lincljcfferiMaoar=

niirTncD,U)l)ictjimplictljtljatljeVpa6inDtcteD.t!c. toljcrclje toasfueD bjio?igtnaU
tarif. 3. STljc Sinbibition maDc bp tljc ISing allcDgcD in tljc IRccoiD , is not in
tljcIRcpojt. 4. Concerning tljc
fuDDcn opinion ofScrope in tljisl'^cpojt: J5p
Ijtsopinion tbe |Darliamcntit feUc coulD not Ijatic puniftcD tljis contempt foj ;

Ibnt Judges de Parliamem,lonc judges de lour Piers,nne» Je Roy

^tfaitlj, Ceux cj
rad pier in Ion
terredemefn, pur q il ne poet pciixeftrejudge,donquejailors
efi re judge, iDljcrcas tnitljout qucffion tlje parliament tnlgljt
que eyre poet
ijatc punifljCD tljis contempt
: anD concluDetlj toitba rule at tljc
lato, Common
tljat tljciiiing map toftat vlourt it plcafctlj Ijtm. iEut matters of JDarlia-
fuc in

mcnt (as W^ been often faiD) arc not to be rulcDbi'tftc laU): anD It Common
fcemctlj tljat tlje reft of tljc BluDgcl lucre againft Scrope, foj tljc plea teas nctjcc
otjcr ruleD,a3 bp tlje KccojD it appcarettj.
Vide per IndidameniaTerminoPafcbi & 2 Ph.& Mar.coram RegeRot.48, 1

informations pjcferreD bp tljc ^ttojncp (©cnerall aga{nff39 oftljcl^oufcof

Commons foj Departing toittjoitt liccnfc contrarptotljclSfngsSnljtbttionin
bcainning of t^e ioarliamcnt; lutjcreof 6 Icing ttmo;ous Burgcffes adredi-
f Ijc

mendam vexationem fubmittCD tljcmfclticsto tljcir jFtilcS , but to^Ctftcr tijep

anj', or licrp fmall, toe ftate
not vet founD. 3nD * Edmond Plowdcn flje Micf,. j & 4 vh.
lcarncD?LatD}'erplcaDeD,tljatljcrcmaineDcontiMunUpfrom tljc beginning to tljc &Mar.Rot.36,
enD of tljcparltamcnt, anD toolja2DraticrsfuUofp;cgnanci' : anD after Ijis ^ter pjac.Regis
dcmife le Roign. Kegm*.
plea teas fine die per
jf offences Done in parliament mtgljt ljat»c been puntifccD clfcltjljere, it (l&all
be intcnDcD tljnt at fome time it iaoulD Ijatiebccu put in urc. vid. tljc firft part of
the Iniiitures. Seift, ic8.
i^oU; tljc faiD 3infoimaf ions Anno i & 2 Ph. & Mar» againft ^9 of t^c ?^oufc
i er 2 Th.^Mar.^e^iiZir
Edu'. Griffin.
Heoina. Widd. JJ. Memorand' quod Edfi^ardus Griffyn ar /ittornat' do-

min. regis ifr rcgvidgenernlis, qui pro e'tfdem domino rege <(sr donima re-
rvemt hie in
Qur diElorn dnorum regis i^ reginA coram
et die Sahhathi
ibfis vege regina apud Wejlni' proxim pojl quind' Tafck
eodem TerminOj zsr dat Qur hie intelligi <sr informari. Quod cum ad
dommoru <sr nunc tent Annis
parlioinentH regis regina apud Wejl' reg-
norum fuorwn primo i(s^ inhihitum doyntnum re- inhiWtum fuk.
fecundo fuit per ipfos
nullus ad idem
gem et dominam rcginam in eodem parliamento^ quod par-
liament ibidem inter ah eodem parltamento
fummonitm ^<(y ejjens^ ahfque
licentia diSiorti dominorn regis et
(^ur parliainent' prde.
diH' rccederet^fcuftipfum aliquo modo abfcntaret. Qtadam tamen Tho-
mas Denton de in com' Oxori ar Henricm Cary de in com*

zent' Richardus Warde de in com' ar Edmund. Tlowden

ig The High Court of Tar Ham ent. Cap.i.
Henrim Chherton de in

in com. Johannes Cotirke de in

com. ar. ^hertm 'Browne dt
com. in com. Mannes Melhewes
de in com. leban.Courtney de in com. Michel de
in com. Thomtis Mathew de in com. ^cbardn^ Brafey de
in com. Thomas MaJJye de in com.
amig. fetrus
Frechn^ell de in com. miles. HenricusVemon de Sydkry in com.

Moore de Verb, in com. Derb.

Derby armig. Willielmus
rvilla gen.
in com. lohannes de in com.
Willtelmus (Banibrigge de Eveleigh
de Dartmouth^ alias Qifton in com. T>eyon
gen. TSljch. Jdamps Harris
de in com. ar. Anthonius VylVmgton de
getJ. ^'^chardus fhelip^s
in com. Andreas Howde de in com. Hoell de
in com. T>orf. gen. lohannes Mannocke de in com.
in com. lohannes Hatnond de in com.
lohanneU '^helipps de in com. Willielmus Randall

de in com. lohannes Moyne de • in com.

Hugo Smyth
de in com. gen.^l^gerns
Gerrard de in com. gen. ^-
de in com.
Thomas Moore de Hamhled.
dulphus Scroope
in com. ar. Henricus
in com. Buck. gen. Willielmus '^adede

Mannockde in com. ar. loh.Maynardde Villa SanSli Albania

in com. Hertf. ar. ISljch. Debden de gen.

in com.

in com. ar ad diclum 'Parlia-

7]r')yhyt de qui fummoniti fuerunt
mentum ^
in eodem ^arliamento comparucrunt^ ac ibidem interfuerunt

Mandatum&in- mandat' et inhtb'iUonem dominorum regis et regWctfupradtH' parVipen-

^^^^^ acftatum reipublicd hujus regni Anglia minime curantes aut pon-
derantes ii die lanuarii Annis regnoru dtSioru domimru rtgts
et durante
et regina nunc primo etfecundofupradiSlis^ parltamento pr^di-
Bo ab eodem parliamento fine Itcentia diBerum dommorum regis

;w et cur fua prtzdiEi' contemptuofe recefferunt re- in


sts et rennA ac ynandat' etinhibitionis fuorumpr^diSi' curia^^pr^di^.

contempt manifcflum^ac magnum reipublicAjlatum hujus regni Anglia
detriment' nee non in perniciofum exemplum omnium almum, <crc. Vnde
cur' in
idem Attornatus dominorum regis
regvu petit advifamentum

legis procejj. <verf. eofdemTlmnam Denton^ Henricum
Gary (I^chardumWardcjEdm. flowden, Henricum Chi-verton^^ber-
tum Browne^ loh. Courk, loh. <? ethybridge^ loh. Melhe'^es^ hh.Courtney^
(^dulph. Michell^Thomam Mathe^e, %ichardu7n Brajry ^
Tetrum Frechwell , Henricum Vernon , Will. Moore, Will,
Banibrigge^ lokEveleigh^ Mamps, ^chardum^heltpps^An-

thoniwn Vtlvington^ Andream Hoorde, Qhrijlopherwn Hoell, lohannem

The High Court
ofTarliament, ip
Mamiock , Thmam Thelipps^
Johan. Hamond , loh.

mum ^ndall, loh. Moym, Htigonem Smith, ^gervm Germrd^ ^a-

dulphnm Scroope,
Moore^ Will, ^ad^ Henrkum Mamiock, hhan.
MaynardjT^icholaumDehden^^ 'Phd.Tyrwhytt fieri
ad refpondend.
domino regt, zsr domind regin£ de contempt' pnedici. <tsrc.
die Veneris prox pefl Craft" animarum ifto eodem
Et niodo fcil. Tcrmino wic. ? & 4 ph. sc

. J- )T;r//-'•
, l-r^.r^i mi 1
Mai-Ro. 36. inter
coram domtn. rege et ana regtna aptui Wejt a^n pr<eaut bdm. Tiowdm pbc. regit & le-
Andream Tujfer Attornatujuum : Ksr habit audit
Informatwnis pra-
dicttn non intendit dominus rex <s^ domina nunc
dic^ quod ipfe quod retina

Edmun ^ro pramifsis
alujuoprmiijforu impeterefeu occajionare
Velint aut debent: Quia dicit
quod ipfe addiciTarliamcnt informattone
ac in eodem ^arliamento con-
prrxdi^Yl'Ccificat'' interfuit ^s^prnejens
tinue remanfitJ viz. aprincipio ipfim Parliament i ufq, adfinem ejujdem.
hoc idem Edmund. 1^ hidden diBo i z dte lanuarii,
Abjq, quod ipfe An.pri.
mo isrjecundo fupradiSi" durani ^Parliament prddiEl" ah code Parliament*
licentia diBorum dominorum regis
regim^^ isr
cur fud pradiSF
ipforum dominorum ac inandaf
in <(£r
contemptuofe recefsit regis regind
O" inhibitionis fuorii pradiB' cu/ueq,prdi contempt mantfefl\ ac
mag- j^nly'd' a^itfl
num reipublicajlai hujus regni Anglia detriment', nee non in perniciofwn ^f *-j. ^ ^ _ .

modo m^k k Royne.

exemplum omnium is^ aliorti
forma prout per informac pradiB' yerf.
Et hocparatus ejl ijertficare prout cur. '<S'c. unde

judicium: O' quod ipfe depr£mtjfper cur hie

dimittatur^ <(s;'c.

Midd . Ve. Jfac" Thomam Conftable

de Grimbshye
^ in com. Lincoln. Ar. Per cic 9nnis
tien. de in com. Farnham de Qucrne in com. Leic. i & i t,bt,
Leigh ^ Francif.
ar. Li. lo. Mic. i & 3
Ph Regis & Mar.Reginic. loh.Holcroft. Sen. °''*^'

de in com, jmlit.Wtll. 'Bromley de in com. ar.Tho.Somerfet

de in com. ar. Ferrers de Markyat' in
Georg. com.Hertf.gen. ISlich.
^oMrellde Exincton in cow.2\(o«' ar. F. Hill.3 Ss 4 Ph.& Mar. l7;o.

Moylt de in coni l\anc milit. 11)0. Waters de in com. ar. Wtll.

Tylcock de civit' Oxen gen Li. lo. Hil.

2 &. Ph.
& Mar. Tho. Balk-
den de Wechytigleigh in com. Sur. milit.hi. lo. Mic 2 et 3 Ph. et Mar.
Math.Cradock de yilla Li. lo. Hil 2
& 3
Ph. & Mar. Geor.
gium Lye de villa Salop.
gen. CefTprocefT permandat'Attornac
dominorum regis &l reginje, quia ulterius prolequi non vulc
verf. ipfiim Geo. Lye. loh. Hoordde Bridgenorth in com. Salop. gen.
F. Mic. 5 &
6 Ph. 6c Mar. hh. Jlfop de villa de Ludlowe in com. Sa-
lop, gen.
Wil. Laurence de Civ. Winton.gcn. Li. lo. Mich. 2
Ph. &
& Mar. ^bert. Hudfon de Qv. Winton.gen. Li. lo. ut ancea. Edm,
^oTi^fe de Von'^'tch in com' Suff. ^^b. Coppinge de Donwich in com'

ar. hh. Harman de CT- dom.

Sujf. Hofpiciodmn. regis regin^gen. Will.
(roMh de TFcllo'Tpe in com' Somerf. ar. Tho. l^'ioes de <-villa-de WeUin
20 7he High Court
of Parliament. Cap.i.
com Somerfgen. Li. lo.Hil.2 & 3 Ph. & Mar. Wil Godwyn de Wels
prAin com Somerfgen. F.Mich. & 4 Ph.& Mar. loh. Jjhbumham

in com'
SuJ]. iSc^ Ph.& Mar. Walt
CiV Qcejf in com' Li.lo.Tr.2 &c 3 Ph.& Mar,
<l(eyncum de SuJ]. gen.
Wil. Moodyere de Slindon in com' SuJ]. gen. E Tr. 4 & 5 Ph. & Mar.
loh. ^herts de in com'
Sujj.gen. utlegat.
<^e. Wil Pellet de Steininge

in com'
F. Pafch. 2 & Ph.
Mar. %ich. 'Boti^yer de Jrun-
dell in com'
Sujf.gen. 4 P. & M. Will. T>anhy de
Li. lo. Mic. 3

in com. de CiV 7^ov<€ Samm in com Wilts,

Wejlmerlgen. ^h.Grifjyth
de Civ. T^oya Saru in com' Wdts,
Draper. Li. lo. ut fupra.Io/^.Hoo^er
gen. Li-
lo. Mic.2
Ph.& &
Mar. Wil. Clark de in com. Grif.

Curtys de
in com' Wilts
'Bradjiock gen. Li. lo. ut fupra, &c. Tho. Hit.
in com. & Ph.& Mar. Bdw. Vmpton
Wilts gen. F. Hil. 2 3
de London nn. Li. lo. Mic. 2 & 3 Ph. & Mar. Tho. barker de in

com' loh. (^ade de London gen. F. Hil. 2 & Ph. & Mar. Arth.Jl-
len de civ 'Brijiol Merch. Egid. ^ayne de ciV 'Brijlol.gen. Wil. Hamp-
Cefl". proccfl".

verf. Georgium JJ?iredc Londongm. Li. lo. Mic. 4 Ph. Mar. isr Tet. Tayler
& &
Sine die per de- de Marlborow in com' Wilts ^ Taylor. Li.lo. Mic. 3
& 4 Ph. & Mar.
mife Ic Royne .

unde impetit funt.

^fp'^gi de quihufdam tranjgrej^. contempt,

Per cont'rott'
Mid. Ve, fac cr Trin. Edu>. (Braxden de ciV
de Annis i &i Wigom.gen. Georg,
ph.Sc Mar.Rst. de Droitwich in com' Wil, de
2>lewport Wigorn.gen. Wigjlone Woljlone
in com' War. mil. Li lo. Mic.2 & 3
Ph. & Mar. '^dulph. 'Brofi^ne de
Woodlowes in com' War. gen. Li. lo. Mic. 3
ec 4. Ph ec Mar. hhm.
CoVent.gen. CelT. procefT dec. X^^ich. Fryjhe
civ in
Harforde de
com' ^ch. I^yleton de in com. Marc. Wyrleyde civ. Lichfield ^
Walt. lobfon de VtUa de Kjng(lon fuper Hull. lac. Brenne de in
in com. J^ loh.
com. gen. loh.Taytonde Cheney de in com.

i\anc. armigerum. Willielmum Oxenden de in com. K^anc. Ar-

Tho. J^eys de in com.
^anc. gen. Wil. Hannington de
incom.f\anc. loh. in com.T^ich. Crypfe de inco?n.
K^ Edw.Herhertde Stawleyin com.Salopar. F. Hil. 4 ec 5 prxd.
Ph. ct Mar. &c. ^ch. Lloyde de in com.
de in com. ar. Hen. lones de in com. mil. Meredith Gaines de
in com.
gen. ^ ^ch. Bulkeley de in com. mil.
^V^fp. regi
unde impetit' funt.
Bt pojleajctl. Termino
(puibufda tranfgr
^h. Mar. pro eo quod fufjicienter
fanH. Trin. Annii^ hie in cur
<(sr et

Non prof. verf.

tejlatti eji quodpradifi.
Harford hahuit licentiam recedere a Tarlia-
Hitfordtantum '

mento.^c. Ideo RdJt^.

ar. Attoriiat. dominorti
regina ge-
qui pro ipfis rege isr
in hac partefequitur^ dicit ul-
quod ipfe
S^nidicperde- terius tnhac parte fverf
niifc k Royac. prtefatumhh.HarJord profequinonVult. Ideo
cejf.hicprocejf. yerf.eum omnino^ jg^D
The High Court of Parliament, 21

0nD to Deal tlcaclt), tljis is all tftat toe can finD conccrntng tl)i3 matter. SCfjus

pou ma? obferi?c,tl)attl)cpooj Commons, jj^cmbcrs of tlje pai;ltament,indi-

ebus iili!!,ljat)nogrcatjopto(ontinucm ipacliamcnt, btitDcpartcD. 3i6utnoto
to p;oceeD.

in Parliament.
Of Writs of Error
31f a 3luDgcment be gtl^cn intfjc JSmgs liScnclj eitftcrupoti atojtt of CBr»
a petition of l\ igl)t maDc to t^e
ro}, o: ot^cribife , tlje partp grfcDcD map upon ftl'nft coutt'for
in JFrau^ (tofjiclj is not ex debito JuOitiz , but fo; De=
Jiing in (Enalillj, oj n,jny purpofa.
centp, fo: ttjat t^cfo;mcr juDgementtoas gi'ijcH
Coram Rege) anD ^is anftoer hF.

hac tojit of Crroj aircctcD to tlje C^icf 3uaicc of Kcgio.i?. Lh.

tljercunto, juitiiia,l)at3ea
tlje llUngS llBciUl) lOJ rcmottng
office l^CCOjt) in pracfens Parliamcntunn,anD

thereupon mollitrclf,anDa tranfcript tn partijmcnt is to be lijougljt bp

into tl)c JLojDsl^oufe in parliament:
tlje Cljtef Jufticcof i\\z BingsllSencfj
anD after tl)c tranfcript is eramineD bp t^e Court toitfttl)clIlcco;t),tl)c€ftief
3uaice carrictb bacUt^cKecojD it fclf into tlje laincts iitcncft, anD t^entlje

piaintifeis to ailisn errors, ai;D tlicreupon to ftatea Scire fac" againft


tfte aDVierfc partp, retyrna^lc eitljerin ttjat ^parliament, ojtfje nert; anD tfte

pjoceeDincc tljcreuuott fijall be fuper tenorem record! , &

non liaper recordum.
jau ttjisranDtnanV mo;e crcellent matters of learning are confaincD tn tl&e
aRecoiDs follotoina.toljereof aligljttoucft is Ijereaftcr gtbcn , tbeKcco?Dsat
>3nD tlje pjoceeDing upon tlje tojit
large beina too long Ijcre to be reljearfeD.
of (^troj is onlp befojctfte ILojDS tn tfte sapper ^^oufe, SecundBm legem &
confuctudinem Pariiamenci. _

Querimr Guilielmus de Valencia contra Concilium regis , JuHk'
« Rot.Pa'.Poft
aliocaiicnem Dionifiz filia: Gqiliclmi de SanSi
Rcc, pro injuiio judicio tangen' (cftum
mome Canifo ut hxred': fed dominus Rex. racum habet comm fadum, & ju- R^^g"""'^^*''
dicium redditum eli contra Guilielmum de Valencia.
3f a j!2obleman ftaD been crroneoufl)? attainteD of 2Drcafon,ic. I&cmigl^t Ijabe Rot.par.4.E.j,

IjaD Ijis toiitof Crroj in parliament nottoitl)aanDtngtljcffatufeof3?

H 8. nu.ij. Ricb.Eari

ca.2o, fo: tljnt mutt be intcnDeDof latofull recojDS ot 0ttainDcr: but if tlje ^f.
j", g"^''
" "'
tainDer be effablifteD bpSutljojitp of parliament, tljenfte muftcrljtbifc Ijia ,^\i, lortimcr
tn parliament to be reftojeD of grace. IBut noto bp tlje ftatute of Eari of Marches
attainDer of il^igtj SCreafon tljat "fe. is o:DaineD,tftatnoreco:D of *" v^^cxz e.j.
tljcn toa6,fo; tbe U-ft tclj tbe partj?
attainteD baD been cjrecuteD foj tlje fame treafon
onlp to^SttainDersof ^ig^
(lioulD be re^crfeD foj crro:: but ttjis cj:tenDctlj
anp after tbat ^ct , no; to
KZTjWm *

2Crearon,anD not to attainDcr of M^\i treafon ,be fame caic.

toas not cjretuteD. jjH.s.caio.
anp !^tul) treafon befoje,fojtbetoljicbtljc partp
anD Coljent of a?ontaguc bj' tljctr petition Declare, tftat Richard i;E'»^".i.
SeinourljaD obtaineD an erroneous juDgcment againft tlje faiD p;io? in tlje
iiinrs li5encb,upon a juDgcment gtben tntbe Common place upon a fine foi nu.14.

tljc^annoiof SDifenljull in tljc Countp of &omerfct,ic. ^nD tljc pjinctpall

erroj toas foj Denying of ain of tlje iiing teftcrc it toas granfable, anD tljat
tjanging a to?it oflRigbt, tbe faiD Richard fueD
a Scire fac. jSnD commanD«
ment toas eiten to tlje Cljancelo? of CEnglanD, tljat IjeftioulDmafeeatojit of pof»
feffion anD fcifon to te IjaD, anD otljcr pjoceffe upon tljat juDgment to fce maDe:
3n tljtslRecojD poufljallobferttecrcellent pleaDtng.
<Srro; in parliament upon a juDgment in an Appeal of Deatlj upon anac« RotPar.i^ r.^.
of tbe 0bcfto?s,?c.
quitall of tlje SDcfenDant,anD inquirp mi.i^.sirTho-
0nD tbat toe map o'lfcrtc it once foj all)toljen onefuctlj in parliament to masMcthim.
retjerfe ajuDgement in the feing3ll3enclj,ljefbctoctljin Ijis billtoljicljbecjrljt^

bitcttj to tlje parliament fome erro? oj errors , toljcreupon be pjapetb

a Scire

%%z BiOjop of jl^ojtoicb ftictoetbtbat an erroneous juDgment toas giten R.ot.Par..;»E.;.

againft btmintbeJTommon place foj tbe 0rcbDeaconrp of #ojtoicb belong' m.^%.
be bcarD,anD rcDjcffcD
ing to bis p;efcntation,anD p japeD tbat tbofe errojs migbt
it fbcrc»
zi T^he High Court Tarliament.
of Cap.i.
ftiett: tolbi^rcunto anftoer toas matie tliat crroj0,bpt^clato,ttttl)e Common
place arc to be co?recteD in tlje feingsi lsencl&,anDoft^e!iing0 315encl^ intfje
iparl lament ant) not ottierlatre.
I R, 2,nu»
28,19. 2 R, 2, nu. 31- 3i iDjtt Of Crroj in parliament bcttueett
William Moumacute Chariot S>arum,anD Roger of spojtimcr C^arl of ^arcft
ofajuDgmcnt in t^c icings Bcnci),

R P.1 ? R
2^^^ ^^^n anD Cljapter of 3licl)fcilt) rctoljercD in tbe Common placeagainft
ni>.»5.&i8R P^toJ Of J^ctopojt panncUt tlje pjio? b? tojit of Q;rro? reberfetl) tftc

juDgmcnt in tftctttngs 3Sencl):tl>e2DeananD Chapter bp \!0%\t of Crroj tit

M.ThisPaiism, |aarliament rctjerfetfjfljcjuDgmcntin tt)C iHings HBent^, anD aflftrmet^ t&c
of 18 not
R.ijsjuognient in tfjc common place, anD a commanDmenf gibcn to ffte Cl^ance-
*"?' t^^ t^iejuDgemcnt intfte Common place be ewcuteDbp pjocelTcbpljimto
caufe no Aft pal- bC maDC*
John Shcppy complains of a juDgemcnt
fed ac this Pari;- in fljc !tiing0 JBcncJ^inatojitof
amcnt.Sec iH.4. (|£rfoj,
^^rrojin |0arliamentbctitieen William Mountaeute (iSarl of fealioburc
6Ro.Par.i^R.i. g„j, ^^„^^ ^^Mortimer cBarl of $^arclj, fojtl)cCaftle,2Doton, anD honour
TiW 1 nu Of SDenbeigl), %u upon a juDgmcnf gibcn in t^e atngs Benclj, anD |>aD a Scire
1H.4nu.15. fac' returnable tfje ncict parliament,
rfRot.par.i H.4. William Seward alias Cheddrccomplainetlj, tfjattuljere Ije bp ffjat name

nupi. iuas p:efenteD anD inDuctcD to tbeparfonageof OTotton QlnDcr Q^gge in flje
Countp of *i!5louc' , anD thereof conttnueD tlje poDfelTion bp tlje fpacc of four
pears, untill tljc feing
b)? untrue fuggeftton p:efcntcD S>tr John Dawtryto
t&e parfonage of ullnDcr^eggc in tl)atCountp,tDberctftcrc teas nofucljpar*
fonage calieD tInDcrtjcgge , astftefaiD William pleaDeD in a Quarc Impedit
bjougljt bp tbeteing intljelStngs Bencb; upon tobtcl) tojlt tfjc fcing recotie*
reD bp tlje Default tlje parfonagc of mnDert)egge,anD not 51lnDer dSgge, toljcrebg
upon atojit fenttotbeBitftopofCSaojcefter, tijefaiD William toas put from
^10 parfonage of vElnDcrdBggGtfojtotjtcIj mittafttng anDerro?,tbcjuDgment
fo;i t!)cfaiDjohn in full parliament toas rcbcrreD,anD a tojtt atoarDeDtotlje

tlje faiD William.

faiD llSiOjop foj tftc rettitution of

Rot.par.i^R.i. SD^^ IKecojD anD BEuDgmcnt giten in tbe l&ing051Bencl) foj tbe Mr\q-> a*
nu.z4. & 1 H.4. gainft Edmond Baflet foj certainlanD0,ic. toa0 fo?f Ditjers crrojs retjerfeDin
nj.38. parliament, anD rettitution of t^e pjemilTcfi luitlj t^e mean p3iofit0 rcftojeD
to tfje faiD Edmond,
5 H.4.nii.4o. 3ln erroj in parliament betiaeen Roger Deynccurt, anD Ralph de Adderlye
foj a juDgcment gitjcn in tlje fetngs ISenc^ fo;^ tbe i^annoj of Anflye in Com*
Warr% §>ir William Gafcoign Cl^tEf ^uttice DeltbercD a copp OftljC lIccojD
anD pjoccCTe, too?D foj too.:D,unDer Ijis l)anD,5£,to tbe Clerk of tbc parliamcntjic
Rot.par.j H.J. 31n crroj in parliament bctlucen Richard Quatermayns anD William Hore,
nu 19. dc. upon an erroneous juDgcment gitien in' tbe teings JBcncft in an action of tret*

palTcanD tbepiatnttf entrcDbt0Htturnj'ofl'^ecojDto pjoceeD therein. John Beauchamp 3Lo?D Abergaveny complaineD in|Carliamcntupon ancr^
nu.5i.sciiH.6, roucous juDgmcut gibcn upon a berDict in tl)c Kings SBcnct) in a Scire Tac'
nu.4'. upon a recognifance in tlje cijancerp foj beeping tlje peace. 3In tbe 11eco?D
luljereofare c»;ceUcnt points of learning, a0 ioell toucljing tbc recognifance, as
tlje pjoceffe, anD iCTue,

Rot.Par.jiH.g. CSrroj ttt Parliament, Pafcb .31 H.(5, upon a iuDgmcnf gibcn in an ^ffifc
intlje ISing0 Benc!j& intratur fupermarginem, Rot, mittitur inParliamen-
tum per Johanncm Fonelcue Termino Pafehae anno j H.6. i

Ror.pjr.25 F.I. 3nD to omit man? otljers, to DcfccnD to fomc of latter times, Richard Whal-
Dier ij Ei.f.37?. bp berDitt againft Ditier0 tenants, toljo bjougljt a toait of
ley rccobcrcD in 0llifc
Crroa in Bingsll5enclj,tol)cre tlje juDgmcnt in tlje^ffife toas affirmcD,

tfte tenant complaineD in parliament foj erroj in ttie flings llBcncft.

C^f^oj in parliament upon complaint of S>ir Chrifiopher Heydon iSnioljf
Ro: Par i^ lac
of a juDgmcnt in a tojitof Crroj in tlje fcings benclj, bctUieen tljc falD 4ir
Chriftopher piaintif, anD Roger Godfalvc anD otljers SnefenDant0,upona juDg«
C ap . I. T^he High Court
ofTarliament: ^
ment giten fojt^cfaiDRoger.icHgainfttftcratD §>ii' Chrifiopher in ah 3f«
fife fcefojeSluftices of 0Circ, toljcretn tljc judgment tn tftc ailifc tuas aff ir»

meD in tftclliings bcnt^,tol)ercoft^ complaint toasmaoe, fed

privaluit. non
inDirteo of treafon,oj fclonp,Gj mifp?ifionof In cafcoftrea-
peer of ti)C IR calm being
a iLojD ^teVoarD being ap« fon,&
treafon,mai' tcarratgneD tljcrcof in parliament ,
Spiritual! moke
nointeD,anDtIjcntl)eio?DS fepirituall fljallmake a pjoairato? foj t^em;anO their ProLlors.

t!)C?Lo:tis parliament arc 3ul)gc0,U)l)Ctl)cr

aspecr0oftl)clRcalm,Duringt^c Th'- Peers are

offence be trearoiT,^c. tftat is fuppofcD to be committcD bp anj? peer of tlje

tl)c JiiJgcsoftresfoB,
during the
Kcalm, ant) not tijc 3Iuaiccs, as it appcaretlj in tl)e CEarl of i^ojt&nmber^
fit c.

lannscafe. Roc. Pari, j,i2. g>ee in tfec parliament t)olDcn 1R.2.
Koc.Par.5 H.4.
lub tituio Pi.forona;, in a lRoUanne);eD,«. bcfo?c tl)e ^tctoarD of QBnglanD nu. 11,11.
anO otbcrilo:ti3 Ccmpo:all, Richard (Sari of 0runDels cafe, H.6. Rot.Par.ziR'.i.
snreafon befojc Hum- fubtir.PhcCo-
nu.49 rhfcnas cl;arlof3DetioniDasarraigneD ofi^igft
©tetoarD ofCEnglanDhac vice, anD ioas acqniteD bp |){s ronjfj&c.
phry E)Hbcof515ucb' Rot.Par.51 Ut.
1 o
Stanf. PlCoron. 1 5 3,b,
^Eer0> nit, 49.

of Judicature.
i^oto ojtier tiof!) require to treat of otfjcr ntatters of SIuDicafure fijc iri

%oiM boufe, anD of matters of luDicature in tl)c ftoufe of ^Commons. ;9nD

it is to be fenoUm.fljat tftc=Lo;Ds in t^ctr ^oufe Ijane potoer of BluDicature,
HnD tfte Conrnions in tljeir i^oufc ftafee poUjcr of 3uiDicature , anD bot|)
of iuDicature : but tfte accoj» •
l^oufcs toaetljer ftatje potoer ^anDling ftereof ViJe Pliclta in
a tolbole
Ding to ti^e Ujo:tl) anD toeigi^t of tlje matter tooulD require Parliam. Anno
JCrcatifc of itfelf; anDtofap tibc triitJ),it is belt unDerttooD bp reaDing tl^e U E-t.R0t.3j.
of at large, anD tfje Blburnalsoft^e Nicbobus Se»
3!uDgmcnts anD IRccojDs parliament
grave adjudge
^oufc of tIbeiiojDs, anD tbcboofeof tbc Clerfe of tIjc ^^oufe of Commons,
per PtslatosjCo.
tol)ttl)ts al1ccojD,a3iti3affirmcDbp ^ct of parliament in anno 6 6. niiteSjBaroncs &
alios deconcilio.

At the Parliament at Y«rk anno iiE.i. Cmftderatum eft per Prttlatot, CtmiteSiBaroaa, & CemiKkfiitntcni Anglne.
TheLotd Awdcleyscafe. At the Weftrn' i^ E. i. Hugh le pier adjudge perks Seignours & Commons.
Ror.Parl. 4iE.j.' Lee adjudged by the Lords
and Commons. Rot.Pat. yo i. j. ». partc,A pardon
to the Lord Laumer of a Judgement in Parliament. Rot.Parl. 50E.?.nu.34. Lo. Nevilscafe.

&ee Rot.Clanf. i R.2.m.j,8.38,39. A trefage CoanccU le Roy, Ie$ Seigniors

&Commons,&c. Rot.Parl.i 79. if is no ^& Of parliament, but ari
£D?Dtnance,.anD tfterefojc binDctlj not in fucceffion. Rot. Par.a H.s . nu.i 3. C&rro)
affigneD tftat tl)c JLo;lDs gatie 3tuDgement \Dttf)out petition oj alTent of tftc Com*
inons.Rot Par.iS H.6,nu.i9. imanpottjersintfterefgnoflling H.e.iiing E. 4,
0nD of latter times, fee Ditiers notable juDgemcnts, at tl)c pjofecutionoftljc
Conmions,tf tl^c EojDs at tfte parliaments l^olDcn iSanD ii Jac» Kegis, a*
gainli: &ir
dies Motnpeflbnj &ir John Michel Vifcount S.AIboce iLo?D

Cl)anceloj of (i!;nglanD, tfjeCEarl of ^. iloiDSCreafurerof (iBnglanD,iDljere=

bp tlje Due pjoceeDing of 3IuDicature in fuel) cafes Dottj appear*
gatjc t^c jpaiojof tKHeftburpfour pounD to be elcrtcD Bur*
In the book of
Thomas long
anD aDjuDgeO the houfeof C6-
geltclnfto tticreupon toaselcrtcD. 2Dl)i3 matter teas eramincD mons at the Par.
in tlje ^^oufe of Commons , Secundum legem &
conibetudincm Parliamenti, Ii:iiiient lioldcn
anDtljc fDaio: fincD anD impjifoncD, anD Long remotjcD: fo? tftis cojruptDea= 8 Eliz.Ownfloc

ling voastopopfontljeijerp fountain itfelf.

Arthur Hail a opcmber of tfte^oufc of Commons foj publifting anD Difco» 1}
tering t!)c conferences of tljc l^oufc, anD tojiting a booh to tljeDiftonojoftfte Popham Atturny
^eirfc, teas upon Due cramination,
fecundum legem & confuecodinem Parlia- gciwrall Speaker,

menti, aDjuDgcD bp tl)C ^^oufc of Commons to be commifteDtotljesnotDcrfoj

months, ftncD atfibe^uiiDjcD nrarte^anDcrpetleDtljel^oufe,
lb. 1 Aprilii.
Mun^onffrokc William Johnfon a 115iirgcIIcof B. rcturneD into tl)C chance*
I Maria:.
rpof Hcco:D, fo; toljtcl) upon Due eramination in tljo!^oufe of Commons, it Vid.iiH.(5c.ii.
iuaS rcfoUicD tijat fecundum legem & confuetudinem Parliamenti, ctcrp man
muft take notice of all tljc jpcmbcrs of t^c l^oufe rcturneD of JRccojDat
(B 2
W 5

The High Court
of Tarliament, Cap.i.
^ttxW t butotljcrioife it is of tljc fcrtant of anp of tlje spcmhewof tlic ^oufe;
See Rot Pad.
8' foj tljere ije tftat arifeefl),ic, muft tjatjc notice, ^m tlje ^oufe aDjuDgcD Mud-
3fanp iLojD of parltamcnt,&piritaaU oj SCcmpojall, Ijatic conwnif teO anp
oppjefl:ioiT-,l)jibcrf, e):to?tion, ejtl)elibe,t^e^^oafe
of Commons, being tftege*
netall 3nqiiiritoj0 of tftc 3Rcalm(commingout of all tljc parts tijeteof) ma?

epamine t^e fame, anD if ttjcp finD bp tljc tUotc of tbe ^oufctfee ctjargc to be tnw,
tben t^ep tranfmtt ttic fame to tl^e JLo jDs toif b tfte toitnellcs anD p joofs.

TriVded^e of
Vide Inter leges 0nD noto after 3!utiicaf are, let us fpeak fomeiulbaf ofpjibilcDgc ofpartia-
Edw-Confcffcj. went: CFpectcncc ^atlj maDe ttie pjibilcDges of parliaments tocUfenoton to
^arliaBnent men, pet ioiU toe fpeafe rometol)at thereof.
unius de coriCilio)tempore
Petitiones cor a Magiftcr militiac Templi petit quod dilTringatCcatalla
domino legead Parliamenci pro redditu unius domus in London: Rex refpondet, non videtur
parliament' port:
honeftum, quod illi deeoncilio fuo dirtringantur tempore Parliamenti , led alio
feftum Sanfti
tempore: &c. M^ccebp it appearctl) tbata jpembcc of tlje ^aiitamentfljal
Mich. Anno
l^atje pjitftleDge of parliament, not onlp foj |ji3 f0rbant0,ai5 is afojefatD,bat foj
ft(3 ]^ojfes,ic,ojotl)ergooDs Diftreinalle»
plac' coram regc Querela Comicis Gornubisjverfus Bogonem de Clare & Priorem Sancts Tri-
&ejusconciIio nitatis London, quod ipfi tempore Parliamenti ipfum com item in rnKdioaulac
*^ftp'ft™^s"" Weftm' ad procurationem ipfius Bogonis citaveruDt,qubd compareret coram
aiHil. Anno Cancuar', &e. Ipfe prior venic & Bogo fimiliier, & ponuncfe in
18E.1.V0I.1. gratiam,mirericordiam, &
voluntatem Kegis de alto & baflb,ob quod man-
Vide inf. 10 E.j. dantur turri London: PofteavenitdiiSus Bogo & finem fecit domino regi pro
mote heicof con-
prjeditiia tranfgrclfione pcr
duas mille marcas,&c. & quoad prjedid' Comicem
fibi fad', &c. & prsdiaus Prior
' ' rcfpondeat Comiii looo^ii. pro tranfgreiTione
mitticur ibide ad faciend' fecundu quod Thefaurariuseidicet ex parte dni Regis.
HnDpet ttjefecfingoft^efaiD citation DiiD not arcea,o?* retrain liis boDr,
ant) tl^e fame pjiDileDge liolDettj in cafe of Sub poena, n
otljer pjoccffe oat of anp

Court of eqnitp.
Roc. Parliam. Rex mandavit Jufticiariis fuis ad AflifasJuratS&ccapiend^aflignac' quod fupe:-
Anno 8 fedeant captioni eorundem ubi Comitcs, Barones & alii fummoniti ad Parlia- E, 1.
mcntum Kegis funt partes,quamdiu didum Parliara, duraverit,
Ibid.m.jj & it. De non procedendo ad capiend' Aflifas verfus illo$,qui adParliamectum Regis

apud Eborum venerunt.

Rex omnibus balivij & fidelibus fuisad quos,&e, Salutem, quod Sciatis, cum
In 5cacc' ex Ori- *

ginali dc Anno curiae noftrac in quibus ncgotia regni noftridedecantur ubiq; adeo liberx fint 8c
10E.3.R0.27.N0, exempt$,& a tempore quo non extatmemorialiberx Sfexempta: fuenint, quod
is, m
* That
nee aliqua forum ecclefiafticum concernentia in eifdem curiis nofiris fieri feu
Court of Parlia- ad aliqua forum ecclefiafticum condngen-
ment. exequi, nee aliqui eafdem curias noftras
tia faciendum vel exequendum ingredi debeanc, vel confueverunc aliquibus
de Harewcdon clericus, Edmun-
tcmporibus retroaftis, acMagifter Henricus
dus dcLukenore & Johannes de VVedlingburgh de eo quod ipfi nuper in Cancel-
larianofira in prxfentia venerabilisPatris L Cancuarienlij ArchiepifcopiCancel-
qua fdam eitationes five monitiones
lariinoftri dileftoclerico noltrojohannide
Citationes. 1

This Johnde Thoresby,nccnonprovocationes,appellationcs

& inftrumcma publica fuper ei-

Thoresby was the tationibus feu monitionibus praediftis in nottri conncmptum & Corons noftra: ac
Clerk of the
Regis dignitatis noflra pr2ejudicium,&
contra libertaiem & cxemptionem pti-
dict'fecerunt per inquifitionem in quam fe inde in curia ncftra coram
Patliamcnr, diiefto

Cancellario noftro &

aliis deeoncilio noltro pofuerunc convifti fuiPfent ea oc- &
cafione prifonxnoftrscmancipati in eademad voluntatem noftram moramri.
Nos dc gratia noflra fpeciali ad requifitionem Philippac Reginae Anglias confortis
noftrs ciiarifTimzperdonavimus eiidem Henrico, "Edmundo Johanni impiilo- &
namenmmprjediaum; Ita tamcn quod nobis fatisfaeiant de redemptione fna
eccafionc prarmiiTorum, 8f quod fupcr eitationibus,monitionibus,provoeatioDi-
The High Court of Tarliament. 25
dida canccllaria noflra fie fa-
feu iDflrumentis prsdifiis in
6lij pioceflum aliquem
non faciancnec quicquam quod innoflri vel juris coronx
nortrac praejudiGium cedere pofllt attemptenc vel actemptare faeiantdecJEtero * Rot. pari. Anno
&c. Tefte Rege apud Turrim London ij die Aprilis,
quovis modo, Incujus, 17 36.
V d.21 t.4.fol.
ex originali de Anno 10 £.3. Rot.z7, Not.

in infonnation0 foi tbe IMnff^gctierallp tfjcuiitit--
|3 jitjilcfige o£ parliament | ^^J^- ,

it be in t^jec cafes, viz* SCteafort,

leogc of ^arltaimnt Do ljolD,imleire ifelonp, s.h /.nu'.,;""*
anD VSjIt peace. Vide mfta. ^la.

Of Statutes^ or A^s of Parliament,

severe iswoSlct of'Barliamcntbuf muttljatictbeconfcnt offl)elLojD0, ffje ^ vid.i4Ri.
Commons,anD t^c Kopall adcut of tljc Ifttng, anD as itappearetft bp KecoiDs n.i. if '& 1/H.4.
anD our i>
BOOU0 to^atfoeljec paffetlj in l^arliaraent bp tljis t^?eefolD content, 'if-^^
fouc of an act of parliament. 4 H-7i8b.p
tjatfj i\\t f
2Ll)C Difference betVoecn an Slaof |l?arliamenf,anDan £>jDtnance in |9arUa«
7 H'7i '"&'["' '
ment, is, fo? tftat t^e £D?Dinance toantetl) tl)c tljjeefolD confent, anD is ojDat= 1 1 h. 7. 27. a.
Brook prcroga-
nCD bj? one OJ tiUO of tljem»
Fortcfcucfo cip.iS.Dier I Marji. c Ror.Parl. 25 E.g.niM^, &c. 39E 3.I2. 22E. j.?.8 H.6.cap.29. Dier
male enavit.Rot.P.irl. 37 E.j-nu.jj. i R.2.mi.55.divcrfity between Ads of Pailia-iient
4 M3r.i44. 19 E.J.7. Thorp
and Ordinances. 2

William dc Lafenby d
a ijate reaD of a reftifution in blooD, anD of lanDs of one

i)j> tftc King , b)? tljc affcnt of tfte 1.o:d3 &pirituall , anD Commons, (omitting
tfte ilo:D3 icmpojall) tftis
toe bolD is an £)?Dinance, anD noa[(tofpar=
Itament. Clergp ts omitteD anD tlje ^ct maDe bp tfje tefng , tfte
anD toljcn tbe
5Lo;Ds a:cmpo?all, anD Commons. &cetftelRols of parliament anD autfto;i<
15 E.2. the cale of the Spencers,: R.i.
tiesfollotoing, viz. Rot. Pari. Paich, e
Repeal lE.j.
cap.3. in p;tint. £)ur ©oDerafgneiLojD bptfte common content of all tbelLojDS caj.x.ftat.i,

SDempojall, anD at tfte petition of ttie Commons, ic 7 R,2. cap. 1 2. accord, m t.j tk.Pct;-

n,io.ii.&eei H,5.c.7.
f 21 10,6 H.6 H.S.Kclw.
se^Ro^^,, An "

of parliament. ^nD ,
j84.tfteopinton oftljeSIufticesagteeabletottljtljeratDarts H.4.p.-,rt'j
note f!)c mtitaMliti' in tbis particular cafe of tfje Spencers, of tl)ig!^iffl) Court m.;tf.,heiflcof
of parliament 2Di^e juDgcmcnt bp parliament in 1 5 E.i.agatntttfte Spencers,
Wan given to the
teas in tfte fame pear bT> act of parliament repealeD :
tljat repealc toas repcaleD K'"g by
bp autbojitp of parliament in i E.a.tljat repeal of E.3, tons repcaleD bp
1 ad of ,nd co^7onr
parliament in 1 R 2. anD tftat of 2 R. i. toas repcaleD bp autl)o:itp of parlia= /
1 1
Repeal. H.4.
ment in 1 H.4. ^nD fo tl)c juDgement againft tlje Spencers ftanDctl^ in fojce, cap, 3.

The dmfton ef ASls of (Parliament.

arts of parliament fomc be introDurtojp of a ncto lato , anD fonw be Dccla*


ratoxp of tl)c ancient lato, anD fomcte of botfjbtnDS bpaDDition

of greater penab

ticsojtljcliUe. againe, of aits of parliament, fomc be gcnerall anDfomebc ,

pjibate anD particular, ail acts of parliament relate to tlje firft Dap of par^ 33 u.eSoiij.
liament,if it be not otljcrtoife pjotJiDeD bp tlje art.

The all ASis of Parliament.

feVer formes of
3In ancient time all arts of parliament tocrc in fo?m of petitions. anD foj DicriMw 1,1
iXye. fetcrall foiins of
acts of parliament fee tt)C pjinccs cafe in tbe 8 3l6oob of
i.b.g^fo. i. the

3Rcpoits. Jpoto foj tlje rcaDing, committing, amcnDing , fngroffing, tjoting, Pnnces cafe.

anD touching conferences toitb tl^e iio jDs, Concerning the

anD pairing of 519% in citljcr l^oufe,
anD foa tlje p;iitiild»c of an^spcmber of citljcr l^oufes, anD of tfteir fer^ants
j"f, ofAa'soV
mo:e tljcn been faiD, tljcp fee fo o;Dinari' anD tocll Unoton, anD in fucb conti^ p.iriomenc.

nuall practice, as it tocre butcrpcncc of time to treat anp mojc of tljem. anD foj Rot.pari.7 H.4.
tljat manp times tlje 1*1019 of tftc pacliantcnt Ijatic not been trulp ingroflcD,
at mi 6j.
26 The High Court of Tarliament. Gap. u
\%t requeS of tl^e commons certain of ti)em aretobeappomteD,\jD^o l{)oulDbe
at tbe tngrofftng of tl)C IRols of parliament.

t'mes JBs ofTarliafnent 'H^ere proclaimed iy the Sher'tjj'es,
tKiltjen 31 reaDtftccafeof^ajemuniretnjpE.^.uponfljcftafiitcofizE.;. of
pjol)tfo?s agatna tfte ffiiOjop of Cl)icl)eftcr, anO obfcrtiing tljat Serjeant Ga-

vendifh of conntell SBiftop objecteD ttoo tljings : i?irft,tftattfte^tt

tottl) tljc

toljercupon tfte Mr tuas grountieU, Uias no ttatutc, &econt)lp, tfjat if it toere a


ftatute, it teas nctjer publifteD in f^c Coiintg i ioftom §»ir Robert Thorpe
Cljief Juftice anfinereti, Hlt^ougb pjotlamation be notmaDe int^eCountp,
etjcrp one is bountJ to tafec notice of tf)af to^ic^ is Done in parliament: foj asf
foon as tl)e parliament l)atl) concluDeti anp tl)ing,tl)elaVD intcnD3,tl)at etier^' per«
fon Ijatlj notice tljereof, fojflje parliament rcpjefenlst^elBoDpoft^ctD^olc
5Realm t and tljerefoje it is not rcquiftte f^at anp p?oclamatfon be maDc, feeing
tlje §)tatute tooh effect befoje, 2Dl)t3 gatic mc to unDerftanD, tijat albeit it toas
loh/i not rcquireD bplatutljatttatufesftoulDbepublifteDintljcCountp; get feeing
Printing was in- in ttjofe DapcsanD long after, tfjc ufe of pointing came not into tljis Kealm tfje
vented in Mcath

in Germany, An- ufe teas (as it appcarctl) bp Cavendiflies fpeecl)) tl)at tljep flioulo be publiflljeD m
no Domini 1441. tftc Countp, to t^e enD t^at t^e Subjects mig^t ^atie e);pjeirc not ice thereof, anD
and came t© uiin not to be otiertafeen bp an intentiment in laU), tol^icl) gatic me occafion to fearcft
theraignofH.6. anD inquire fjoin t^is ufagc teas, anD Ijoltj long it continucD. ;anD in tljc enD 3
See Bodln Dc
founD, tljat at ctjerp parliament tftc acts ttjat paffeD toere tranfcribcD into
Method© h;fto-
tiX.Vi.j. ynitty parchment, anD bp t!)e icings Mrit DirecteD fot^e S>ljerifFeof etierp Countp of
cum CnglanD, anD commanDemcnt gi^en to ftim , tljat all t^e faiD Itatutes in all pla»
emnibus omnium ces tlj?ougft as toell toitftin iFrancljifc as
ftis inl^ole lIBaplitoicfe, iuitl)out,tDtjcre
vcterum invenus
l)e flioulD finDe moft fit, tljat ^e not onlp
pjoclaimc tljem , but to fee tftat
cert arc facile pi-

tcfi. Pvlydur yir- tftep ftoulD beiirmelp obferljeD anD bept. ^no t^e ufage teas to pjoclaim tljcm' at ^iscountp Court, fc. anDtljeretofeeeptljetranfcriptoft^e^acts, tfjat to^o
rum lib.LCup.j. fo iDoulD, migbt rcaDe oj tafee copies tliereof. 9in'o t^is Mtrit teas fometimc in
Cardan, de vari-
iLatinc anD fometimc in jFrencl), as in t^ofeDapes tlje ftatutes toerecnacteD in
ttntererum lib.
3Latin 0% in jFrcncl). JlSut an ejrample of t^jeone, anD of tlieotljer toill mo?e illu»
cap. 6^.
Urate t^is matter,
At tlieParla- EdwardusDei grat'Rex Auglia? &
Francix, &DomiDosHiberDii Vic' Norff,
mentin Anno Salut. Qjxdam ftatutap nos, PrilatosjComites, Barones, &
alios magnates ad
10 E.J.
Parliamcntumnoftrum tentum apud Ebornm in Cro. Afcenfionisukim' prx-
•Noti- that the
tcrit'ordrnavimus & (tabilivimus,prout fequitur, anD rccite tfje feterall ft atutCS
Cnftod'jm Coml-
verbatim. 0nD ttien tljC Mrit concluDctl)- Et ideo tibi pr^eipimus, quod ftatu*
f<z/;a,(hould fee ta ilia & omnes articulos in eirdemcontentosinfingulis locisin baliva tua,tam
the ftatutcs with-
in his to
infra libertates,quam extra,ubi expcdire vidcris,publice procJamari & firmiter
be kept.
ieneri& obfervari facias. Tcfte,&c,
jLt the Patlia- Richard p la grace de Diep RoyDengliterre &
de France,& Seigniour d' Ireland
mtnt An. i R. i. a nolirc Vifcount de Norif. Salut. Saches que al honeur de Dieu, reverence dc &
Saint Efglife &
pur nurrer peace , unitie, &
concord in touts parts deins noftrc
rcalme, le Cjuel
nous defirons mule entirement, del aflent des Prelats, Dukes,
Counts &
Barons de mcfme noftre realme,al inftance &
fpeeiall requeft des Com-
mons de nottre Realme aflembles a noftre Parliament tenus a Wertm. a la quin*
zim de S. Michael Ian de noftre reigne primier avons fait ordeiner & fiabliercer-
taine ttacuts en amendment & relievcment de melrne noftre Realme &enla ,

forme que lenfuift, Primerment eft alTentus & eftablie,que faint Eglifc eit & en-
joy fe touts les droitures, &c. rel^carfing all tfjc ftatutes tftat paffeD at tljat par/
liament. 0nD tljcMritconcluDcttjtljus. Et pur ceo vous mandons que touts
lei ftatuts faces crier & publier,& firmament
tenerp my vo^e Baillie (blonq; la
forme & tenor de icel, & ceo ne leflTes en afeun manner. Dime p teftmoignantf
de noftre grand feale al Weftm, leprimier jour de Feverer Ian de noftre reigne
primer. jSInD ffte like Mrits continucD untllltlje beginning of tlje reign of H,7,
long time after pjinting Uiitljin tftc reign of H,<s.(a3 ftatlj bin faiD) came unto ua.
Cap. I. The High Court
of Tar Ham etJt, ly
PyorogAtion, Ad^enrnment^
Continuance , andtvhat maketb a Scfsior*

of Parliament.
%\fi pafftng of atip 15tll oj ilStls
bp 5tt?ing tl)C K
opall affcnt tftcrctiiif , oj

tl)cgit)tns3n)i'j«l)gcnicnt in parliament Dotf) not mabc a>cirtoiT, l3ut tijc

a S>cr-

Con Dotl) continue untill tijat seffion be p;o?ogncti oj DiJToltfeD : anD tljis is etjt-

fient bj? p:cfiDcnt0 in parliament ancient anD late.

SCbc parliament of 14 E. 3, began at titHeftminfter tljeMeDnciSDa?? after Rot -Pari. 14^.?.
tljcfiirftmonDap of tlje flat.i'rimo.iiu.7,
^piDILent: parliament, t!)C nint!)partoftfteir (Sjatit,
8,5, &c.
OTooll, anD JLambe, fc, toasgranteDtotbciiing, onconDitton tljat tljc Bing
tooulD grant tljcir petitions in a s»d)cDi!lc beginning. VL\\t{c bcttjc petitions
tol)tcb bi? tljc Commons anD 31 o:Dc ifeo D?.atunc into a fojnic of a statute, anD

paffeDbotl) i^oufcs,
anD tl^eR opall affcnttbcrennto. anD t^e fame crcmplificD
imDcr tftc (HJjeat §>cal. 0fter tljis tfjc parliament roiitinueD, anD Ditcrs ^as
maDc, anD pet itions granteD, anD in t^c cnD tfta t parliament Vnas D tlTol^ieD.
3;n tl)C parliament IjolDcn Anno3R.j. if is DeclareDbp^u of parliament Ror.P.'iI.5
tljattlje billing of John Imperial! ^mbaffaDom- of Jenoa, luas it^iglj SCrcafon,
crimen \x(x majelhtis, anD pef tljc parliament continucD long after, anD Diters
ilcts of parliament aftcrtoarDs maDe, anD petitions grantcD : anD in tljc cnD tl)e
3!n y)arliamentbcgnntl)eftrftDai'of ?©arc!),Anno7H,4. on&aturDa^ Rot.PJilyH
tl}c 4.

tbe 8 Dap of ^ap it toas enacfeD bp tlje lling , tbc %o?.DS ^pirifuall anD sCcmpo- nu. %^. &c
rail , anD t!)e Commons, tljat certain ffrangcrs bp name, tofjo fecmcD to be ilDfFi-
ters to t!)C uiiicen, fliotilD bp a Dap Depart tljs Kcalm , anD pjotlamation thereof
in feinDe maDc bp Mrit, bpaut!)0?itpof parliament, totiic^ parliament continue
et, anD Ditiers otftcr acts of parliament raaDe, anD petitions anflDcreD : anD on
t^e Dap of SDcccmbcr 8 H. 4, DifToltcD,
i i

2Cl)C parliament \icq,\xn 7 i^oticmber , anD on tljc firtt Dap of tljc parlianjcnt
it toas refoltjcD bp all tlje 3!uDgc3, tljat tbofe tljat lucre attaintcD of treafon, and
tcturneDl^nigfjts, Citizens, ojIBurgcIfcs of parliament , tljat t^e attainDers
tocre to be rcfterfcD bp autljojitp of parliament bcfojc tljcp coulD Ct in t&e ^oufc
0f Commons : anD tljat after tljc attainDers rcttcrfcD, botl^ t^e ILojDS, anD tftofc
of tljc ^oufc of Commons migftt tabc ttjeir places , fojfuclj as tuere attaintcD
coulD not be latoftUl 3«Dgcs, fo long as tljeir attainDers ftooD in fojte : anD tljcrc^
upon t^c attainDers tocre rcfecrfeD bp Set of parliament,anD tljcn tljcp tooh tljcir
places in parliament, anD tljc parliament continucD, anD Divers ifcts maDe.
SLljc 315ill of ®Hcen Katherine Howards attainDcrpaSTcD botlj ^^cufcs about
tbc beginning of tl^c parliament , Vnfjercunto t^c iaing fitting tlje pa; liamcnt
bp ftis ILettcrs patents gate IjislR opall affcnt, anD ni tljc parliament conti=
niicD untill tljc firft Daj' of ^pjill, anDDiters ilcts of parliament paCfcD after
tftcfaiDHopallalTentgiticn. Ditcrs mo:c migljtbcpjoDufCD-,
but tljefc fijali
fufficc. &o as alleit JlBtls paffe bot^ I^oafes, anD
IR opall af[ent gitjcn tljcrC'

unto, tljcrc is no §)ea"ion untill a p:ojogation oj a DidoUttion.

2DljcDtDcrfitpcctU)ecnapjo:ogattonanDanaDiournmcnt, o\ continuance of
tlje parliament,
, tftat bp tljc pjo?ogation in open Court tljerc is a ^effioir,
anD as paffcD in eitbcr !t?oufe,oj bp botlj ?^oufcs,anD IjaD no Ho(>-
tljcn fuclj lEils
allatrcnt to tbem,mu(t at tlje ncrt atfcmblp I egin again, cl^erp fetierall &er=
ftoiJ of parliament is in lain a fclierall parliament : but if it be but aDjourncD

OJ continucD, tljcn is tljere no §»eirion : anD confequentlp , all tljings continue

ftill in tlje famcflate t^epttjerc in bcfojc tljcaDionrnment oj continuance,

0nDt!)etitlCOfDitJCrS0£tS of parliament be. At the Seffion holdcn by pro-

rogation, or by adjournment and prorogation, but ncVcrbp continuance OJ aD:
lournment tantum. ^nD tlje ufuall fo;m of plcaDing is,ad Seflionem tcntam,&c,
per prorogatiocem. •, ^
MariiSdl'. 1 i8. Eli/.nuTi. &c. And in every of them it
I is
faidfand tdcr; continued untill fuel
them divers adjournments were. See the JournJll Book tn the Lords Houfc. l^lnmo Imii 14
28 The High Court of Tarliament.
C!Ic I)3t^c beenlonger antimo:c curious fo;fl)c clearing of tbts point fo?

t\vo rcafonsji. jFoj tftat tl)e aDjournment oj conttnuanceCas fccfoje it appcaretft)

ia nuic!) moje bcncfttiall fo; tlje CCommon^tDealtl) fo: evpcniting of caufes, fften a

pjoiogatton. 2* 3n refpertofaclaufetntljc^itof&ubfiDictntljc JOarltamcjit

ijolDcntn Anno iSjac. Regis, toljtcl) 10 but Declarator' oftljefojmer lata, as
bp tftat to^ icl) Ijatft been fatD appearct^.
©ai^cn a parltantcnt is calleD anD Doflj fit , ant) is Diffolteti toitljout an? Set
of parliament paffcD, oj juDgcmentgiljen, it is no ^effion of jparliament, tut
a Conbentionf
Ror.Parl.iS R.i. 3n tlje I s pear of R. 2. ata parliament IjolDen bcfojc tlje SDufte of |9o;fe (tfte
which began ij fiingbeing in IjispatTage to Ireland) flje
of tlje Commons toereaaa
HiUrii. ftDcreD tanOaiuDgemcntgibenin tl)cJSing0Bcncl)fojtlje pjto: of JI5elDpo;f=
tlje 2Dean anD Cljapter of IL icljfielD inas reticrfeo, but no JSct of
pannell, againft
parliament paffeD.anD tbercfoje tibis parliament is omitteD in tlje p?inf; but it
is noqueftion but ittoas a S>ciIion of parliament, fojottjcrtoifc tlje JuDcement
0)oulD not be of fo?ce : anD manp times SluDgements gibcn in parliament ftat-e
been erecuteD ,tlje parliament continuing befojeanp Bill palleD*

The Houfe ofQommom is a dijlijifi Court.

Nota, tlje ^oufcof Commons is tomanj? purpofes a Dittinct court, anD tijerc*
foje is not pjojogueD,oj aDjourncD bp tfte prorogation oi aDtournmcnt oftfte

3Lo;DS l^oufe: but tbc§>pcal?crupoiiftgnificattonoftlje!fttng6plcafurebj't|)(:

affent of tlje ?^oufe of Commons, Dotlj fajj : 2Cljis Court Dotft p?o?ogue oj aij*
journe it fclf; anD tbcn it is p?o;ogueD 0; aDiourneD,anD not be^oje. JlBut toljcii
it is DtllobeD, ^oufeofCommonoarefentfojuptottjeljigiierlgoufe, anD

tl^ere t^e tftc ifeings commanDement Dtirol\?ctft tijc parliament;

iLojD fSeeper bp
anDtljen it is DiffoltjeD, anD notbcfoje. ^nD t^e teing attljctutte of tlje Diffolu-
tion ougljt to be tljcre in perfon, oj bp rcpjefentation : fo; as it cannot begin
inttljoiit tljc pjefence of tlje teing eitljer in perfon 0?
fap rep?efentatton (as fcefowj

it Ijat^ been fatD) cannot enD 0; be DiffolbeD toit^out bis p^efence eitljer in
fo it
Braflon. perfon Ojbp rep;efentation* Nihil enim tamconvenienseltnawralisquitati,
unumquodq; dilToIvicoligaminc cuo ligaiumel}.
3!f is DeclareD bp 3ct of parliament, tliat tftc livings IL cftcrs patents unDcr
33 H.g.cap.zi.
Ibis CDjcat §>eale, anD figneD toitlj bis IjanD , anD DeclareD anD notifteD in Ijis ab»
Koyall aflent by
Letters Patents. fence to tljc iLo?D3 %>pirttuall anD JCempojall, anD Commons affemMcD in tljc
Diet. I Mar.9j. ^tgber l^oufe of parliament, i6,anD el'cr tuas ofasgooD ffrcngtljanD fo;ce,a«
Comoiifson au 4 if tlje 11 ings perfon IjaD been tijcrcperfonallppjefcnt, anD ftaD alTcnteD opcnlp
S igniorsy&c.
a duncr rojxU, af
anD publicblp to tlje fame»

put, & indorce-

mcntfatt. Soit OfSubftdies
and Aides granted by Parliament,
/ait come eft de-
&>ubrrDte is DcribeD of tlje JMerb Subfidiarl, iuljiclj frgnifietlj to be rcaDpto
Ijelp at neeD , unde fub(idium,lt)ljiclj figntfletb aiDe anD Ijelp at nccD, fo pjoperlp
calleD , toljen §>oulD(crs toere reaDp to Ijelp tlje fojetoarD of tlje battell : anD
Iptoas tlje too?D fo DeriVcD, aftuell becaufe tljat toljiclj toe callnotoiijbfidia,
^ubftDics, toercancientlpcallcDauxilia, aiDes,granteDbp Ha of parliament
upon neeD anD neccffitp : asalfo, fo; tbat ojiginallp anD p;irtcipaUptljeptoerc
granteD fo; tbc Defence of tlje iRcalm, anD tlje fafe keeping of tlje fcas, t c. Com»
muniapericula requirunt communia auxilia.
^Ijts toojD [Subfidie] is common, as toell to tljc<!Bitglifij, as to tlje iFrencft.
ph.Cominsus, Concerning &ubfiDies b^ar toljat a ttranger trulp to;ftetb. Reges Anglic ni->33. hil tale, nificonvocatis primis ordinibus, & aflenciente populcfufcipiunt* Q^js
confiietudo valde mihi laudanda videtur; interveniente enim populi voluntare
Scaffenfucrelcitrobur, & pocentia regum , & ma;or eftiplbrum auchoritas, &
feliciores progrciTus.
§>ubftDies tafeen in tbeir generall fcnfe fo; parliamentarp 3iDesare DibiDeB
fnto perpetuall anD tempo;arp t perpctuall into tb;ce parts, viz, into Cuiiuma
Cap. I. The High Court
of Tarliament. 29
anD into cuffome Of I5?oaO
nova dvt parva
ntiqua> Cws magna, culiutna ,

aofl). aTcmpojarp, 2Eo»nagc auD

iuljcceof tfjerc are i^\tt femtics,viz. 7. of
of ancient time grantcD foj a pear 0? pears tnccrtatnlp , anD of latter
times foj life. 2. k a>ubftDtc affcrft)crateof4s. in tbepoimOfoj lanDs, anD
z s. 8 d, foj gooD3. 0nD 3 fojan ^toe calleD a if iftccntl), ^nn of tbefe in o.iDer,

Cuftuma antiqua five

See iwreafterjcu.
CuRuma magna toas bp Stct of ^^arliament granteD to liing
antiqua five
of ^- """'
E.I ^ts l}Cirs
. anD fuccelTojs foj tranfpojfation fijjec things, viz. CS3ool«,
moolfels,anD JLcatljcr, viz.fojcl3crpfacUof toool containing tljirtp fir Cone, RotTniumAn
anD ctjcrpftone fourteen pouttD,ftalf amarfe; anD fojttjice l)nnD?eD tooolfels .'
tjalf a marft , anD fo: a lafi; of iLeatftcr thirteen Ojillings four pence , to bcpaio 3 t.i.w.i. dat.

asUJEllbpS^trangerS asbp (iSnsUfl). Prarlaii,magnates &toca communuas , »''^fovcm\

coneefleruntqiiandam novamconfuetudinem nobis delanis, pellibus& coriis rndot th^vear
dimid'marcsde 500. peilibus dimid' marc', &de laflacoriorum unammarcam» for he
bcg/n his
3X1 tl)CftatutecalleDconfirmatione$cartarum AnnozjE.i.tljereiSafattng in reign t7 Nov.
tbefc IDOJDS, Save anous,& nous heiresla cuRomedes leynes peak
& C'^fi' niat.Car-

per leComminaltydu realm, fecealfo tljc lifee in t^e iiJ?eambU : Salva

tamen nobis hiredibus nofiris cuftuma lanarumjpellium
Sc & coriorum per Com- 'cmz"inlo
jg a/
*'P^"^ "'

mun tatem difti regni nobis prim' eoncciT, « intbrevia de

Jpote it is faiD iw Ditiers 1Rcco;DS,pcr Communitatem Argliz nobis coneeff, Term Mich.
*^ £•' • i" 0®-
becaufc grants of &ubGDies oj 0iDs bg parliament Doe begin in t^e f^oufe

of Commons, anDfirtt grantcDfaptljcm: alfo lecaufc in effect ffte tol^ole pjofit

I'TiH^nu^? '

iD{jicl) tl&e iiing reapctfj Dotlj come from t^c Commons. e J.
7E.4. nu. JO. I E.6. CJ.ig. iMar.cap.i8. i Eliz. ca.19. &? Jac Regis accord,

Cuftuma parva &c nova.

Blntfje 31 pear ofE,^erc6anf ttrangers in confiDeration of certain It* cuftumais deri-

bcrtics anD pjit?ileDges granteD to tljcm , anD a rcleafc to tljemof all pjifes anD ved of the Ftech
tabings,gat>6 to t^c !^ing anD Ijis fjeirs , tljjce fljillings four pence , ultra ami- «'or'J

quamcufiunam utprius concelT. §>0a8tDl)CrC tlje Subject paiD a i^oUe 5 t^ ^ibujumfcuvc-

S>frangcr paid ten OjillingSjic ^cetfteftatutesof i iiH.7,cap.i4,
2i H,b'.cap,8. nu.^4.callcd
Carta mercatoria;
ThI$wa';qucflionedRot. ordinat. Anno y E.E.a. but allowed of in Parliament, Anno i E. j. 9 E. 27E.J.
F.N. B. 117. d. t^j.a,

Cujiome of what things ^ ex a.ntic^uo.

0nD it is to be obferlJCD, fftaf of ancient time no Cuffome Soas bj? CBngUCb oj i e1. Dkr i^j.
§>tra>ircr, but foj Wools, ^oolfcls , anD
^ctcbp it appearetfj boto
ncccffarj' tlie hnotolcDgc of ancient JKccojDS, anDoft^e trucojigtnall ofeljerp
t^ing is.
3n tt)c reign of E.?. a great part oftbc Wools foMi)c toljicl) fuel) Cuflome ofvvooi.dra-
foa6arantcD,anDpaiD,asi6afo?cfaiD,lDasDjapcDinto bjoaD Clotl) Uil^reupon p«<i'"t°cio'ii :

qucttiongrcU), tol)etl>crupontbe tranfpojtation oftfte clotl), into toljicb tfte ^"Cuaotuewas

C<IlIool\aa3D:apeD,CuftomelljoulD be p?opo;tionablppaiD, bailing rcrrprD fotbe
quantttp of tijciKIIoolfo conVertcD into Clofb-anD it teas rerolteD,tbat no Ca=
Itome fljoulD in tbat cafe be pa iD, becaufe t(]C Mool bptbe labour anD tnDuffrp
of man luas cbangeDinto anotljcrJtinD ofmcrcbanDi^c: tobcrelDitljtbeiSingtjelB
!)imfelffatisfieD,anDfoitappcaretbin tbcliings otonMrits anD KecojDs cn--
roUcD in tljc Crcftcqucr.
SLbefirft 2ct of parliament tljat gate anp&ubCDp ofClotb, tnas in Anno
21 £,3. (notpjintcli)vii, fourteen pence of Jlieges, anD one aiiD ttoentp

iF of
T^he Court ofTarliament.
3< High Cap.i.
of§>trat!gcrs,fo;etcrp Ootl) of ;afftfc,anlittooIlbiUmgs four pence of Licfcs,
atiD tftjce ftiUings Gp pence of S>trangcrs fo? cticri? Clotl) of Scarlet ,fc. vide

interOciginal' de Scaccario, 24 E,3, Roc. 1 3. 0nD t^ercafon of granting t^C fai5 ^ubSDiCS of bjoati Clotlj teas. Quia jam magna pars lana: regni noftri in eodem
regno pannificitur,de qua Cufturoa aliqua non efl lbliica,pcr
quod proficuum quod
i4E.j,Rot 15. deCuRumis & extra didum regnum ducerentur, percipere
]b.i7 E.j.Roc 4.
Sec the Second debemus,'nmuItodiminuuntur,&c. iJnD pet if in anpcafctbclSingmifiljtbpljts
part ofthelnfli- pjerogatilic Ijavefctanp imporition, tje mtgljt Ijatjc fet one in tliat cafcfo?
tiites,Mag.Carr. ti)af,as if appcacetl) tp t!)at 5Reco;5, bp mafeing of Clotf) fl)c Bins loft IjisCu' ftomcsof<KHool: antitticrefojcfojfutttjcrfatiiSfactionoftljc iiing foj ti)e Cu=
By 17 E.j.ftar.T. ftome of Mool; at tlje |l)arltament ftolDcn in Anno 27 £.? a «>ubrtDp iuas gran>=
&C3.4. Cuftomc
of Cloth. tcD to fl)c iitng Ijis^cirs ant) fiicccITojs, (* oticr tijc Cuftomcs ttjercof D«c)viz.
* ViztheSubfi- of cticrpii)I)olC\Ii:lot^of^(IifcnotingraincD,fourpence,anDfoj t^e Ijalf of fuel)
dics granted in a Clotl), tlDO pence, anD of etjerp Clotlj ingraincDfibepenccanD of f^eljalfeftoo
Anno zi E.j.
The Alnagers fee pcncc]^alfpcnnp,ant)ofet)erp Clotlj of §>carletfi); pence, aiiD of ffjc ftalf f^?ec
of the fubjeft pence; anD tl)c ^Inegers fee iss granfeD toljim hv ^A of |0arUamcnt, viz. foj

granted by Par- t^cmeafuringof etjerpClotljof anifc of tlje ^zWtt a IjaUpennp, anD of ftalf
liimcnc. acloti) afarti)ingfoj6i3 office, anD|no nioje, noj (ftall tticp tafeo anp tiding fo^a clottjtljatiflleCrcsanDtljatljetafee nothing of fbc linage of anp clotftbut
Confuetudines. Scaccario. onlpoffncftclotljasiatoberolD* 2Lm botlj in tljis SiA, anD in fomc ^rts in
5 1
H.J. Cuftum reign ofH.j.confaetudfnes & cuflums, tuljicl) arc cnglifijcD, Cuftonie3,are

desLejrncs. tahen foj tfje ^nbfiDies tijat toere granteD bp parliament, foj tcr tip tljofe tocrc
II 7.
ancient anD rigl^t 'Cuftomcs oj §)ubfiDtcs. .anD ixi tljc ftatutc of 1 1 H. 4.
^aftomeo anD ^nbltDies are ufeD as Synonymaes.


Butlerage ts a Cnftomc Due fotl)C J^tngof ttoo flbillingsofctJcrpjDun of

CTinc b;ougl)t into t^is IRealm bp §>trangers: but Cngliftmen papcti it not*
Lib.rubeus in InlibroRubeo in .Scaccario in cuftodiaRcmemoratoris Regis , fol.26f. tljB^.
\i±6 grant ofBing John to tlje i^crcljants of ^quifain traDing fojtoines tljence
& 6.the Archb.of into dSnglanD of Di^jers liberties,viz. De libertatibus concefTls mercacoribus
Yorks cafe. vinetariis de Ducatu Aquitanii, reddendo regi &
ha:redibus fuis z.j.dequoli-
bct dolio vini duiti per eofdem infra regnum Anglic vel poteftate
Rot.Cartarurn ^11 5^crclbant Strangers in conftDeration of t\)t grant to tljembptljcl^ing
Anno 31 E.I- of Ditjers liberties anD frecDoms, conceiferunt quod de quolibet dolio vini
nu,44.calkd Car-
ta mercaccria.
adducencvcl adduei facercnt infra rcgnunij&c* Iblvent nobis & hseredibus no-
ftris nomine Cuftuma: duos foIidos,&c»

Trifige. PrifageisaCuftomcDuetotljel^ing of tljc toines bjougfjt in bp tlje ^er-

Jvot.Pat.4oH.j. cljants ofCnglanD of ctjerp &]^ip l)abingttoenfp£Cunsojmo?e, tinojEuns,
Roc.PJr.z8 E.I. viz. one befojc tljc i^aft, anD tljeottjer beljinD,
paping ttoentp iljillingo foieac^
pro Co- 2Dun; anD tljis is calleD cerra prifa, anD reda prlfa, anD regia priia, aiin tl)cHc«
jumbar'. cojD enfuing appcarctlj, anD Ijereof ^ercljant strangers arc DitcljargeD,
per car-
lam mercatoriam, 31 E*i . Ubi fupra.
P.Rec. loR.t. Memorandum quod rex habet ex antiqua confuetudine de qualibet nave
Vid.Tr.jjE.i. mercatoris vini 6, carcat* applicao' infra
aliquem portum Anglfx de viginti
VinoruminHi- doliis duo dolia, & de decern doliis unum de prifa regia pro quodam ccrco ab
bernia. antiquo conftitui' folvend'.
^crebpitappearctl) tljat 3Djifagc is Due bp pjefcripf ton, anD tfjat it teas a
certaintp of ancient time ojDaincD to be patD.
43E.?.ca.j.& it is calleD
Butlerage becaufc tljc feings cljief 3!5atler Dotl) rcccttjc if, am
r lajirage-bccaufc it is a certain taUing oj ptirbcpancc foi Ininc to t\)t iUtngs ufc.
Concerning the 3n Hilary JEcarm, Anno 2 Jac. Regis , upon a fuit maDc to tljc bv aing tlje
Almging of n;w SDufecof JLcnoj;,qucftion toas moljcD
concerning neto iEDjaperies, as iFrija=i
Cap.i. The High Court
of Parliament. ^i
DOC0, Bapcs,Jl5o?.tl)crn Cottoiis, SDojcns, dlotljraa). Durances,

pcrpctuanoMt, 5Fiiatans,v£anta3,&acI;tlot!),C£lo;acaDs,anD »>tufFs maDcof

Mo;acaD vani, Vtil)ctl)cr tljc totnccmtgljt oiant tijc <3lnagtng of tljcm toitfja
rcafoiiabic fee, o: iuljctljcr tijep lucre loitbin tl)c faiD ttatutcof
27 E.^.^nD tljcfe
qiieftionsVDcrebi'tljcfetngscommanDmcnt in tfjia Hilary Term referred foall
tl)e BtuDgcsof d-nglanO to ccrtifie tbctr optntoiis conccrntng tijc futf to tfje

iLo;D3 of ^is p;t\3pv!!:ouiiccll;U3t)o upon often ftcarmsoftftecaufc, and mature

5cltbcration,anD conference amongftt!)emrcli!e3,tnt!)ecnD tn Trinity Term fol-
lotolng tDitl)one unanimous confent, certi&cD mio:ittng in tt)crctoojD0fol=
lotuing, viz. 2Do tl)C LojDs anD others of l)i3 ipajcftics molt l^onourablc p?iUP
Councell. Our
duties to your Lordfhipsrcmembred, May it
pleafe the fame
10 be advertifed, that according to your Letters in that behalf, we have heard
the matter touching the fearm of the Alnage, and meafurage, that ii to fought
be granted by Majerty of fundry kindes, as well of new made Drapery, as of
other Stuffs made within this Realm. And
upon hearing as well of fome of
the part of the Mailer of Orkney, as of others, both of the behalf of the Duke of
Lenox and Ma(kr Shaw, have informed our fclves touching the fame. Andfor
our opinions we are rcfol ved, that all new made Drapery made wholly of wool, Roc.pjrl.

as Frizadoes, Bayes, Northern Dozens, Northern Cottons, Cloth rafli, ando-

ther like Drapery, of what new name foever,for the ufe of mans body, are to %>.
yeeld Sublidy and Ainage according tothedatuteof 27 E ^.and within theof- Sechcrcafter,
fice ofthe ancient Ainage, as may appear by feverall decrees in that behalf ^o^'^J' p
made in the Exchequer in the time of the late Queen. But as touching Fuftianj, gH nu
Canvas, Sackcloth and fuch like made n-eerly of other Huff then wool, or be- Kendall Clother

ing but mixed with wool,

we are of opinion, that no charge can beimpofcdfor &c, 11H.4.C.X.'
the fearch or meafurage thereof, but that all fuch Patents (o made are void, as '"^'^" "
may appear by Record ofthe 1 1. year of H.4. wherein the reafon ofthe judg-
"amsofCkiT* '

ment is particularly mentioned , which we held not amilTe to fet down to your &c. u H 4.C.7,
Lordfliipsjwhich is thus, The fame King H.4, granted the meafurage of all wool- Scat.a.
len Cloth and Canvas that (hould be brought to London to be fold by any ftran-

ger or denizen (except he were free

of Londonj raking one half
penny for eve-
ry piece of Cloth fomeafured ofthe feller, and one other half penny of the
buyer, and fo after the rate for a greater or Icfler
quantity, and one penny for the
meafuringof 100. clsof Canvas of the feller, and fo much more ofthe buyer.
And although it were averred that two other had enjoyed the fame cffice before
wich the like fees, •yi-t, one Sheringby thefame Kings grant, and oneClytheroe
before by the grant of KingR.i.yet, amongli ocher reafons of the Judgment, it
was fet down and adjuQgcd,thatthe former poflelfion was by extortion, and co-
crtion, & without right, and that thole Patents were i» oncratsonem,offreJfionem &
depMiperationem popalt
dgmtni regis ^ &
non in emendatitne
eJMdem^epttU^ &Ct and no
benefit tothe King, and therefore the Patents void. And as touching the narrow
new Huffe made in Norwich and other places with Worflead yarn, we are of
opinion that it is not grantable,nor fit to be granted, for we cannot find,that there
was ever any Ainage upon Norwich VVorfleads. And forthefe fluff*, ifafter they
be made and tacked up for lale by the makers thereof, they (hould be again ope-
ned to be viewed and meafured,they will not well. fall into their old plaits to
be tacked up as before, which will be fas is affirmed^ a great hinderanceto the
will not then
fales thereof in groflls, for that they appear to be lb merchandizable,
as ihey were upon the firft making of them up: And even fo we humbly take our
leaves. Serjeants Inn,the 24. of June. i50), t25!)tc!) Certificate being reab
W tftelloiDSof tftcpjit))'<irouncell(31 being tben ^tturnp gencrall anD pjc«
fent) toas iDCll appjotjeD bp tftem all, anD commanDsncnt gtt)en, tljat it ftoulD
be ftcpt in t!)c Cou'.iccll (Tbcft to be a Direction fo; tljem to gitc anfincr to all
fuits of tljatUinD.,<f.
* *"
0;iD it is to tljat ^cts of parliament tljat are maDc againff ttjc
be obfertjcD,
frceDomc of traDe, mcrcljanDi? ing, IjanDi'craftg, ano mptter iw^neijer litje long, dl Tayie"?dc
iF 2 Good
^2 The High Court of Tarliament. Cap. i.

£iis,motiont. Good Btls Or mottons in Tarliamentfeldome die, •

8 ly E.J. 3lt (0 an obfcrtation pjotjcD bpa creat number of p?eCDents , tfjaf neucr an?
nu.4'> Ik.!. gooD bill toas p jeferrcD, o} gooD motion maDc In iparltament , anp me<= toftereof
nu.8z. 4R»- mojlalltoas maDe fn tlje journall boob,oj t^ougS fomctlme it fac-
nu.jtf. 9 R 1.
jgpjjpj, „(,j gj jjjg gf jj^pet !)atft it netcr tiicD, but at one time o? otl^er tjatf) tafeen

n" *1 1 't H 1. ^ff^'tJ tofttcb ma^ be a great encouragement to toojtbp anD tnDuttrious attempts^

nu!« J . "» H.4 . a« tafetng fome feto e);amples foj manp, to^iclj 3 Ijabe qaotcD in tl&e margent. II H.4.
nu.4y. I H.6.nti.4i. JHs of Parliament. lE.j.cap.i. tjE.^.ca.y. iH.j.cap.i. 21 H.S.cap.^. ig H.8. cap.4. itf H.S.cap.j. jiH.B.cai.
3iH,8.cap.]», >E.6.cap.8.Jcij. i & iPh. &Mar. cap.ij. Vide Infta,c3p.8. pa.

The Suhfidy ofTmnage and Poundage.

i. SCHje grant of
IBp tlje fubfequenf IRecojtiopou (IjaU obferbe 13, tilings,
PounDage onlp, 2, ;gDfa:unnageanD^ountiage. 3» ^eberall rates , fome*
time8 5*D«8,D. i2,a. foj|Dounnage» 4' Sometimes 2. s^.i8»ti, 3.9. j. Hac
vice, 1, 2,3,4. pears, foj life. <r. SCo ^ercl^ant0,?t. 7. 2Co ftabe tntermiffion
and tobarp,leat^e}^tnga)oulfi claim it as a Dutp. 8. cBrp'^ellJeti upon tree
gtftt 9. t^pon condition to keep tde&eas, anD foHommerce. 10. Cljat \»
eber t^econCDeration anDcaufc of tftcgrant, 1 1 . ©jantcD ioitftout
1 z. Sometimes Double of 1 3« Clotl) ercepteD , ttiat it be not (iib*
TheRetirii, jectto2CunnagcanD pounDage. 31 HA
« 47 E. J .nu. u. £>f laounDage onlp, anD 6. d, in tlje pounD,foj ttoo pears upon conDition,ic
1 b
6,\i, £oj ^ounDage,anD 2 s.fojSCunnageoftolnchacvicc,
5^5^ of etjerp pounD of merc^janoije, anD 2.s. of cbcrp tm of toincopon con*
c 7 Ri.ftat.i .

llftion,?C» hac vice.

dJ». d
Sometime to ^atjc inf ermlffion, anD to barp,lea t(>e aing ttioulD claim as
le R I nu 18
iiR.vnu'.ii*. iFojSCunnageoftolnc 3,0, anD e.DJojpounDagefoj one pear,
Cunnage of tDtne, i i.B ,foj pounDagc, hac vice.
1 1J». 3, 0» foj
II. g 6 1 8.D,fcj SDunnage of iuine foj tljjec pears,
ij,foj pounDage.anD
^*^* anD 2.0. foj Cunnage of toine.
i '^H
i Int-nu^X
f**^ i^ounDage

5» foj |3ounDage, anD j.s. foj SCunnage of ioinefoj f Ijiee wars,

it6ti.ii.m'.9.' i2.D.fojpounDage,anD5,s. fojSDumtageofiDinc foj fciierall times upon


s H.4 nu 9. conDition^ fometime fo; one pear. Bin t^efe anD mott of tbe former grant eD upon
9 H.4.mi.i7. jonDition foj Due emplopnient of tfjeir oton gooD toill , anD fo entreD , anD t^

JSfng to ftabc a certain fum mo?c cvpjcflp.

wuH 4"nu Vo.
" n,D.
« I' foj poundage, anD 3. s.foj2Cunnage of tDtne foj four pears,
»«. 2Dl)eUbe&ubfiDpis granteD tottic teing foj Ijis life upon conDttton0,ic.
teas t^e firlt grant of aCunnage anD ipounDage fo; life, iolitct) Uias a lea«
Ding grant, as thereafter appeareti;,
f i V SDlje S>ubfiDp of pounDage onlp foj ttno pears,
» H 6 nu.17. 'J
Cunnage of toineanD ^ounDagc granted foj feberall pears.

9 H.^.nu.14.
Cunnage anD ^0ounDage,ut prius of BJenijens, Double of S»trangcrs.
r »j*. f
jCunnage of toine anD J0ounDagc grantcDto H.<5, foj life tottft an erception
I *

Q H^ jif gn ippQiien ciotft: anD fterc Clotb toas firft e);cepteD,anD toas a IcaDing er»
ception In all fubfequent
2DunnageoftotncaiiDj|9ounDagc granteD to E,4.foj life toitft no refrofpett,
f 4E.4,& ixE.4.
in print, but foj tl^e timc to come.
Rot Par I H 7 '
" ^t
t^^ parliament ItiolDcn Anno 1 H. 7* a libe 0ct toas made foj tbe grant
not printe'd/or Of tl^e feubCDies of SEunnageanD JDounDage to Ijim fojljts life,
he had many Tub- 0nD tt)e like SubfiDp toas granted to l^tng H.8. at tbe parliament golden
fidies, b« ptin- ^^^q , ^ ^f fjtg reign foj Ijis life.
ted none.
<rRot patl. I H.8. not printed. Vid.6,i4.inpnnt.
I. 'The High Court
Cap. ofTarliament. ^j
SCljelifec grant Voas mane to E.e5,'J5uccn[Mary,©neenEiiz. snDttfitg James
fo?tftcirfeterallltv>cs,anDmallt^cfcttis afftrmctj, tljat tfte like grants lucre M3r.c3p.i8.
maDcbp 0it of parliament toiling H./.anD fSing H.a. I
Clje conftDeration of tljc grant of t^efc ^ubGDies of SDunnagg an&|aoati»
Dage is Etier:^s is afojcfatD,crpjcffct) in tljc grant, fojtlje toping anDfafcguarD
of tljc ©cag, anD fo? tntcrcourfic of mcrcljanDijc fafclp to come into tbia IRealin,
anD fafelptopaffeoutoftbcfame* ^nD tljia pcrtainetlj pjopcrtp to ttje office of
tljelojoSDmiralltofcctbcconftDcration oftlje^ct to be perfojmcD, SEtjep *Rot.!»jr.jiH4,
are grantcD oftljefrcegooD toftlof tbcfiibjcct3,anDfocrpjeap fctDotontntbe nu45. ij H.4.
|0arltament IKolU
3!rt fttng Ijts retgn,b)f)en
James 3 teas a Commtfftoncroffbc SEreafurp,
tijcfe ^abfiDics granteD fo? life amounteO to i©nc IjunDjeD anD tftiecfcojctljoas
Utten to farm^Cfte ijalues of tljc mercfjanDij e foj A book of ratcj
fanD pounDs per annum,anD fo
01 values.
tJje tofttcl) tl)C ^ubfiDp of |3otinDagc ig patD,eo appear
in a boofe of rates in pjinf,

infterebvtbciipcrtljantfenoUjstobatljcisto pap, SDljc S»ubti(Dpof JCunnagcof

toinc is certain in tljcfc Sets bp tljc contents of tfje «aeffel3 : anD none of t^icfe
^Icts DceeitenD toanv otftcr litjiuD niercljanDije impojtcD oj crpojtcD , but unto
iDinesonlPt anD feeing nothing is nio;ctnccrtatn tl^en t\\t continuance of t^e
taUies of mercljanDi^cs toftcrcfojc tfjc ^ubfiDp of |9ounDagc is paiD,it toere go»D
at ctjcrp grant of tl)cm f fct DoVun tl)C rates in a fcfteDulc anncreD to ttje bttU

Subjtdies temporary and ufuall

at hii day.

&ubftDiesfempojarpanDuruallattl)isDap. anDtftisisiuljentfje Commons

in parliament freclp grant to tlje feing an atD to be IcbicD of eljcrp Subject
of bis lanDs oj gooDs after tlje rate of 4 s. in tljc pounD foj lanDs , anD 2 a,
s D. foj gooDS,anD foj Aliens foj gooDs DouUe,to fucfj enDS anD foj fucb confiDera*
ttons,anDtobcpaiD atfucbtime0,as bptbe;actstljcreof(tBl)icb are ufuall ann
frequent) Doe appear, ^nD in fojmer times tn tbis btnD of §>ubfiDp, tbis ojiier
teas obrert3eD,tbatot)er anD abotetbc&ubfiDp ofaCunnagcanDpounDSge.tbe
Commons ncticr gatieabotjeonc §>ubCDpof tbishinD,anO ttooiFifteens , (anfi
rometimc Ictte) one &u!ifiDp amounting to fectientp tboufanDponnDS , anD eac^
iFifteenat SDvoentpninctboufanD pounDs, ojnear tbereabouts ; n(^J aboUe one
&ubfiDp,U)btcb DiD rife to S^toentptboufanD pounDs,tbe Clcrgp gate not,
0t tbc parliament bolDen in 3 1 Eliz, tbe Commons gat^e ttoo ^ubfiDies^anQ
four JFifteens tobicb fir ft I'jafee tbc circle,
in 3 i Eliz. tb:ce §>tibfiDics anD fii; JFifteens,
3In 3 9 Eliz. tbjee S>ubftD{es anD fiF iFiffcens,
3in 4 J Eliz four &ubftDies anD eigbt iFtfteens,tc.
3n 3! Jac. Regis, tbjce subfiDics ano lire if ifteens (nft^jtertlmes tben
l)aD been befoae,
3n i Car. Regis, fibc&H'jQtitcs in fl&ojtcft ttmc Of all,
3nD it is toojtbf of obfcrvation boto quictlp SubfiDies granteD in fojms ufu*
allanD accuftomable (tbougbbcatjp) arebojnej fuc^ apotoerbatb afeanDm*
ftome: £)ntbeotbcr fiDc, tobatDifcontntentsanD Difturbances feubCDies fra.
meD inncto molDs Doc raife, (fucb an (nb?cD batreD notieltp Dotbbatcfj) ts ei3i«
Dent bp eramplcs of fo?nier times:
astbatof-fR.z.anetointjcntion of S>ubftD{csoftbe ttfngs §)ubiects of et- Rot par.4R.i.

tbcr fer bp tbc polUic. fo: tbc furnitbing of tbc €arl of IBucbtngbam foj bis go« mi.iy.
tng into JF ranee, iDbereupon a llrong ano a ftrange Hetellion cnfucD , toberein
tb?ec great anD itjojtbp Officers toere bp tbe rafcall IRcfcels barbaroaflp and
toicfecDlP murD?cD,viz, Simon Sudbury
:9rcbbiCbop of Catrterburp, C^ncelour
of(lI;nglanD,tbepjiojofs. Johns of Serufalem, 2Creafurcr of CnglanD, an8
§>{r John Cavendifh Cbicf ItttticeofCnglanD,
3In 4 H. 7, anotber libc neto founD ©ubODp toas granteD tnbicb ratfcD a re=>
bellion in tbe JlJoitb, in lubicb tbeno' Ic GDarl of Jo:tbumbcrlanD a Commiffio^
tier in tbat ^ubfiDpituas bp tbe l\ ebcls cruellp anD caufeUflp Qain,
3+ The High Court of Tarliament. Cap .1.
HollenfliXhron. 3iT Anno 1 6 H.8. f furntO) tftc lining fo j ftis gofng in bis recall perfon into
8pi. JFrancca nCajOetiicc fo: getting of monPUias fct on foot,to!)icft mafic tt)c l)caD«
leffeanfi tjecfileffe miiltituDc to rife in rebellion, untill Charles Brandon tl)C no=
l)leiDubc of §>uff'quiefet), anfi fiifpcrfcD tljem*
Rot.Par.9 E.J.
attlje parlianientI)olDcntn9E,3,iDl)cn a motion tDasmatiefoi a§>«bfiD?
nu.$. tobcgrantcliofa nelu UinD, tljc Commons anftocrefi, tljatffteptooulDljatc con=
fercnce toit^ tftofe of t^eirfeljcrall Countries anD places, totio^aD puttftem in
trutt, befo?e tljcp treateD of anp fuel) matter.
Vide 9H» ij.
CBljerp iSnigJjts fee to papios.anfifoaccojliingto ttjc
ioH.6*au.^o< t3alucunDerojot3cr,anDrooftt)eClergpfojlanD0purcftareD fincc 20 e. i. 3nD
allotl^cr Ijatjtngiol. lanfis not ftolfien as is afojefaiD, 20 s, $c. 2Dl)is toftolc
&ubfiDi? foj certain Doubts tljc i^ing utterly releafefi , fo as tljcre is no mention
mafic of t^ie famet IBut Ijereof tljusmucl) fliall fuffice*
Sspe viatorcm nova,non vetus orbita falJiu

Of Fifteens J Quinzims,<(src.

Fiftsens,Qu'm- 0iFiffccn is atcmpojarp^ifigrantcfi totftc fefng Ip ^^^rttamenf , lufjicft

2.itn or Task, or
toitljout furtbcr inquiry is certain, anfi therein fiifferetlj fromtljc&ubQOp,\x)bic^
Quinca dccima.
is etjcr uncertain, untill it be aCfcffcD,
%\)Z iFiftcen of ancient time teas tl)c fiftccntlj part of goofis motcallc, hvA in
8 £.? all tl)C Cities, 515o?oual^3,anfitoiuns in (EnglanD toerc ratcfi ccrtainlpat
tljc fiftecntl) part of tt)c taltic at ttjat time gcncrall;,' itpon tl)c Vuftolc totDn,Vut)crc^
Second part Inft- ofpou fljallreao mo;c at large in tlje Second pare of the Inftuutes, in t!jc latt
Mag. Carta cap. Chapter of Magna Carta, Verb, Quintam decimam partem bonorum mobi-
ultimo. lium.

Of Tenths.

%\\txz is deeima pars of t'^c=lLaitp,anfi fojtl)emoff part of Cities anfi Bo*

rougftSbgtlbeirgooD3(Vid. 1 R4i.Du,i6.)tol)icl)p;opojtionabl)iJ is, fecundum de-
cimam quintam partemXt)at tol)icft toc call 3Car,2Callagc,2]:entft,anfi jFiftecn,
Doomfday. &arons callefiGeldinn, toe ufe tl)C iDO?D cljanging g to y,foj gelding, yeel-
NortF. inWane- t^c
lunt, i.Wayland,
& ibid. in Fre- J^o &ubftDp befojc tlje cnfi of tlje jparliamcnt, becaufe it is to accompany tljc
bringe in Maf- parfion.

Rot.Par.ii This is contained in the of Subfidy,and fo anAd Aft of Parliament : and aecordingly
Subfidicsj&c.havc bcengrantcdjasin che book of ftatutes appeatetb.

Of JBs of parliament ofconfrmcition of

Letters Patents.

Rot.Par.iH.f. XMz Ijabcrcafi of particular 0cts of confirmation of ^Letters patents; but tijc
nil. 10. I H.6.
nil. 46
firft of lanfis,f c» tljat iuas tlje mo;c gencrall, toas t^c ftatutc of 3 1,i 3* of H
mabe tftofe lanDs tbc mo;c paffable) but after tljaf , gencrall ^as
theQjcen.6H8. sponafferics(to
to the Duke of of confirmation of ^Letters patents Ijatjc been tjcrp frcquentt

How the Lords zi'i'e their ^voices.

intbcflojfis ^oufe,tfteiLojfisgilietfteirt)oiccsfromt?je puifne 3LojD fe-

riatim bptlje Uiojfi of [content,^oj[ not content,]
Ror.Par.5H.6. bill teas pjcferrcfi attljc parliament l)olfien in Anno 6 H. 6.t'^at no man

nu.i7. IftoulD contract ojmarr)'l)tmfclf to anp© ueen SDotoagcr of QcnglanD toitljout

fpeciall licence anfi affcntoftljeliiing, on pain to lofe allljisgooDsanisianDs,

3^1)0 Bifljops anfi Clcrgp atfcntefi to tljis bill, bp tftc too?fi of [content,] as far
forth as the fame fsvarved not from the law of God and of the Church and lb ,

as the lame imported no deadly lin ^t t^is ttmc tljere tocre bettfies tljc Hrclj;
Cap.i. l^heHigh Court of Tarliament. 35
lBta)op3,2 7 iJbfcofs atiD ^ p:lo;s, (nlljclt tit frof!) fi^c nimifcer
3Sefl)op3 anti How manyLords
teas manp times unccrtam, as {n ffjcclofcKoUitappcaretljjiutjicijfctcraUi)
Spiriiuall jn lor-
fjelD per Baroniam, anD tocrc iLo;D3 of patUamcnt, aijD fo conttnticD unf tlltljep mcr limes.
tocrc DiaaiticD til t|)C rctgn of H.8. Sljc cntrp of f tjc fato 0it of ^ H,6.m f Ijc oil H
is : Ic by the King, Lords Temporall , and Commons , that roman
is enaiSted
fhould contrail or marry himfelf'toany Qiieen of Lingland, without the fpeciall
iiccnfeand aflent of the King, on pain tolole all his goods and lands. 2E^c Bt=
iljops anO Clcrgr'affciifcD to tfjts Btll,as far fojtlj as tbc fame flDciijcD not from
f^c lain of <©oD, aiiD of f l)c vEfttirtft , anD fo as tfjc fame tmpojtcD no DcaDlp fume.
SDljts is IjolDcn to bean ^d of ^parliament : j^irft, foj ti)af tlje alTcnt of tijc
«i;icrg:{ccoulD not be conDittonalU §>cronDlp, it teas notagainll tbe laia of ©oD
no: of tf)C Cbtirt^ , no?. impojtcD anp&eatilp finnc tomaUclljis lain bpautbojitp
of parliament, as it appcarctb lij? Magna Carta, cap. ;» U)l)icf)[)aDb)'32 ^ctsot
laarltamcnt been confirmcD, anD manp others.
2:i)is iLato toas maDc after tlje mar iage of Ottecn Kather^neSDotoagcrof
H. 7. toitft Owenap Meredith apGrono (DcfCCIlDeDof tl)C pjintesof ti^alcs)
bpto!)om ibcljaD tfftic Edmond Of HadhamafojcfaiDCarlcof KtcljmonJ , anD
Jafper of Hatfeild, after CEarlc of pcmbjobe, anD S>ubc of 31BcDfojD»

How the Qommons give their <voices.

snijc Commons gitje tbcir tjoif es upon tljc ciucrtion,bi' |9ea o: Ji5o, anD if if te 125 mi-
DoubtfulUanD neither partp )'cilD,ti»o arc appointed to number tftem one foj tlje ; flakeihit, nnd
that the Ckik
^ea. anotljcr foj tbc j^o : tbc pea going out, ant tbe J]5o fitting : anD tbcrcof
number them.
rcpoit is maDc f tbc ^^oufc, ^t a Committee, tbougb it be of tbc toljolc ^^oufe,
tbe |9cas go of one QDc of tbe l^oufc , anD tbc Joes on tbcotber, toberebp it
twll cafil}? appear tobtcb is tbcgreatcli number,
Hot^ Tarliamentsjticceed not 11 ell in five Cafes .

3!f is obferticD bp ancient parliament men out of l'^eco?D, tbaf parliaments

batic not fuccecDcDtoell in fiUe Cafes. jFirtt , toben tlje !itng batbbeen inDlf^:

plcafurc inifb bis ?LojDs, oj toitb bis Commons. 2. t!5abenan)'oftbc(!!5?cat

3Lo:Ds Vucre at tjariante bctii'cen tbemfelfees. 3. tEIbcn tbcrc toas no gooD to?«
refponDence bctlDcen tbc iLojDs anD tbc Commons. 4. ^'S^bcn tbcrc teas no
uniti' bctuiccn tbc Commons tbcmfeltcs. j. W^\^z\\ tberc toas no pjcparatioit
fo; tbc parliament bcfoje it tegan. a Ror.paiJ,
iFoj tbe &o cITcntiall is tbe Mng^ gooD ijill f otoarDs bis Commons, tbaf
1 :
37 E.J. nil. a. and
it toas one of tbc petitions of tbc Commons to tbe liiiig tbat be \uoulD require ,
the Writ to the
Clcrgie,'-c or<in'
tbc iircbbill). 1 all otUcrs of tbc ClcrgL' topiai' fo; btsettatcfoj tbe peace f gooD do pi a rcge &
goljernmcntof tbe lanD, « fo?tbe continuance of tbe livings gooD VuiltotoarDs bis fcgrio, which was
Commons;ti)bcreunto tbc tbucc itoblc iiing affciitcD toitb tbcfc clfcctunll luojDs, iifuallin thof«

The fame prayeth the King:^ manp timcs tljcUltC VCtitionS foi tI)C ?lo;D6. ^oU> ^'
6K0C. Par!,
tbciiing in all bis ice igbti' affairs baD ufcD tbcaDtiiceof bis =LojDS 1 ConmionS,
(fo great a truCt f confiDcncc be baD in tbem.) ^llnaies pjotiiDcD, tbat fcotb IL oiDs ij F.J. nu.i 5,
f Commons Uccp tbem toitbin tbe circle of tbc llatu \ cuComcof tbe parliament, ^o
c at tbc parliament bolDcn in4H.6. Uibat Variance toas c
jfojtbcfeconD : Ro[.p.u.4H.<,
tberc bctlueen tbc ^\\\\t of CDloc.anD tbclB. ofcMincbcftcr,anDtbeirfricnD3
nu.u See the
Afts of that Par-
on eitbcr fiDc : tbc fucccHc toas , tbat little loas Done in anp parliamentary liament.
courfc at tbat parliament, anD tbat little toas of no moment. rfllot
d i3f tb:
parliament bolDen i\\ tbc tbirD pear of H.(5.tbc great conf roterfic U'as nu.i & 10.
e Rot. I'jrI.
bctloccn John QBarl iparRjall, anD Richard c!;arl of tXHartoiciauitb lit^c fucccffc.
27 H.^.nu.iS.
SDbiJ like controlicrficbctlT3Ccn William CBarle of ^runDell anD Thomas CEail
/ Rot.l'jr 2 H.4.
ofSDcijon.foifupcriojiti' of place, Uiitb lil?ce\;cnt. iTnDmanpmo:emtgbtbe nii.i^.
citeD, f 5lnD aliuapcs in tbc beginning amitptoas mafic Icttoccn tbe C&janDecs J H 4.rni. i8,»o,
* *
of tbe llealni bp lljafeing of baiiDs anD hilling, anD fomctime bp fubmiiTion. K<..r. P.irl.

R.i l>y(hc
ifo: tbc tbirD, t!6bcn tt luas DcmanDcD bp tbc llojDS anD Conmtons iubaf 21
C uiitof Arun-
migbtbcapiincipallmotitc fo; tbem to baijc gooD fucceffe in parliament , it
dcllto the D.of
faiasanfUJCreD, Eritis infuperabiles, li fueritis infcparabiles, Explofum efl illud Lamnft.
divetbium; Divide, Sc impera cum radix &
vertex imperii in obedicntium cnn- 4
fcnruraca funt, ifo)
T^he High Court
of Tarliament. Cap.i.
Rot.Pj\l.Anno jFo; tlic fourtlj, tmttp bcttoecn flje Commons tljemfelties, 3t is moft ncccflarp
II lo. in botij tbefe , anD agreeable to tlje |DarUament in tftc JlSoofe of 3uDgc0, Quafi
the King dtfircd homo unusieadem rremCHnoconfilio.
zo Judicum.
$Q% t!)C fiftb, tl)e Summons of parliament is bp fo:f p 5apes oj abotjc fcefo:e
fljc fitting, to tlje enti tljat pjeparations migljt be IjaD foj tlje arouous anD urgent
affaires of realme: and tljat botbtfte l^ing, accojoing to tljc example of
Chroncap.tS. lifeetoife tlje i^oblcs anD Commons ftoulD pjepare; foj
liing David, anD pnpa-
ratse meditationes funt Temper faniores &
tneliores quatn properatar , toljerein
fcot!) ?^oiifcs map greatlp ejpeDifctljebulincire
of fl)e(rommon=toealtb in ^Bar*
Itamcnt, if tbcp iuill purfue t^c ancient cuftome of parliament, viz» in tfte be«

ginning tl)ereof to appoint a fcled Committee to tonODer of tlje llBils in tfte ttoo
laa parliaments t^at paffeD botb ^^onfcs, oi either oftljem, anD fntl) as ^a&
been pjefeircD, rcaD, j committcD, anD to tabe oat of t^jem futlj as be moft p;ofi»
talic fo J tljc Common-'Ujealtfj .

T7;e honour and the Parliament .

antiquity of

iFoj honour anD antiqnitp office |0arliamcnt, fee tlje firft part of the Infti-
7 H.6.1%. lib. II.

fa. 14.
tures, Seit. 1(54. Verb. Vcigne 1« Burgeflej , anD int^e|0jefaceto tljcntnt&
Inter leges Ed- IBoobofmgl^cpojts, fo, 1,2,3,4, &c. iD^ercunto pon map aDDe, im' leges Ed-
wardi re ward! regis, cap. 8,
decitnis Ecclefia: reddendis, Seft. De apibus vero, &c.
Hic enim pridicavic beatus Auguftinus. &
concefla Tunc a regeBaronibusSc

populo. ^ grant bp eypjctte ;3ct of parliament, vide infra, cap, 75. pag.

The power andjunfdiElion of the Parliament.

£)f tlje potoer anD jurisDirtion of tljc parliament.foj making of latos in p;o«
a See ijEl.'z.
cap. I. ceeDtng bp Bill, it is fo tranfccnDent anD abfoluf e, as it cannot be confineD eit&cc
39H.6.if. foj canfes oj pcrfons Iriitljin anp bounDS,£Df t^ts Court it is f r«lp faiDt b si an-
tiquitatem fpe6tes,eft veculiiflima, dignitatem, eft honoratiflima, fi iurifdi<5lio«

nem, ell capacitfima.
(/Rot.Par liE 4 Huic ego nee metas rerum, nee tempora pono.

^,ii,ii. the 2Daugl^tcrs anD l^eirs apparantofaman
cafe of ihe wives
of the Duke of
tooman, map bp of M
parliament inljer it During f Ijc life of tftc ;ancefto j»
e 3t mapaDjuDge an infant, o: £pinoj of full age.
Claience and
f Co attaint a man of trcafon after Ijis Deatft.
e;4. g Co naturalise a meere ^licn, anD maUcljim a Subject tojne. h gt map
Duke of Buck- baftarD a tfttlDe ttjat bp lato is legitimate, viz, begotten bp an ^Dulterer, t^e
ingham. !)u3!.'anD being toitljin tW fourc §»eas.
f n
Sir Ro. Pkfiiig- Co
legitimate onet^at is illegitimate, anD bojnbefoje marriage abfoluf clp.
ton. 0nDto legitimate fecundum quid, but not fimplicitcr. ^s to tafee one cvampla
I H.6
J cap.i. fojmanp.
g This jsiifu.iU
John of Gaunt SDubeofllancaffcrljaDbpKatherineSwinrordbefojemarri'

ill many Patlia-

ments. age four illegitimate c^tlDjen, viz,, Henry, John, T homas, anD Joane. ilnD be»
h Rot.Pir.5 &6 caufc tljcp toere bojne at ^ Beaufort in jFrance, tljep lucre tjulgarlp callcD Henry
E.6 ihe
ihelLo.Mar- De Beaufort, ^c, John bcfojC fljc 20 pear of R. 2. tuas UnigljfcD, anD Henry bc^
of V
quifle I
3t tljc parliament IjolDcu ^o R. 2. tlje Mig bp ^ttofparlta--
flers cafe,
in fojmc of aClbarfer Dotlj legitimate tljefetljjccfonnes, anD Joane tlje
i Rot. Pat. Anno mcnt
JO .l..*.m-6. Daughter : anD tfte Charter bcginnetlj tbus. Rex,&c, Charifl^mis confangui-
I{ Beaufort
came neis oftrls robilibus viris m Johanni Milici « Henrico Clerico
o Thorns

to ihe Houfeof fdomicello, ac dilcfti nobis nobili mulieri Johannz Beaufort domieellz Ger-
'i mariage manis prschatifllmi avunculi noftri j Johannis Ducis Lancaflria: natis ligeis
between Blanch
of Arcois, and Bdmond firft Earle of Lincift. / Roc. Pat. lo R. i. membr. 7. ;;; This lobn in Anno 1 1 R. i. was
created Earic of S'jmcrfet, and Marquifle Dorfcc. But in 1H.4. the Marquirtiip was tak^ away by Parliament.
n This Henry was after Kifhop of Winchefter, Cardinall of S. Ewfeby, and Chancellor ot England. This Tbvmns
was in z I R-i. created Earle of Dorfct. p For Domccllu!,&c. See Lamb, iutcr leges ij^.b.Nos iKilifcrnc
(ioimcelksde pliiiibHtd'Hmtu, quia B^ioHum filios vocamin domkellni , AvgiiverenttUaunip ntuotregum. q lotxe yfas
fi.ft marticd 10 i?i«///; the hrft Ea.-leof Wedmcrland.andaftertoAc^atfmcrjLo.ofOwfeley.

Cap. I. The High Court of Tarliament,
noflns Salute,&c. Nos Aida avunculi noftri gcnitoris veftri prccibtis inclinati.vo-
bilcu qui (ut aflericuO defciftu nataliu patiminijUt hujufmodi dcfcdu (que ejufq;
volumuj profufFicienterexprcfl)$)non ob-
qualitati$quarcuDq;prsfenlibns habere *
liante ad quxcunquc honoris dignitates) ( excepta dignitate rcgali) pnhctni' •
nenciaj, flatus, gradns, & officia publica & pnvata tarn perpctua quam tcmpora'
lia, acq; feudal' ae nobil' quibufcanque
rominibus nuneupantur, etiamfi ducatuj,
vel alia feuda fuerincctiamfi mediate) vel immedi-
principal', eoiTiitat'',Baronia,
ate vel a nobis dcpendeant feu teneantur,prajfici, promoveri, eligi, aflbmi ad- &
mitti, iliaq;recipere.retiDcre, perindelibcre & licite valeatis,
fidelegitimo ac

thoion2tiexifteretis,quiburcunq; ftatucislcuconfuetudinibuj regni noflci Anglia:

in contrarium edicis feu obfcrvatis (qus hichabemusptototaliterexprcflis)nc»
quaquam obrtantibus de picnitudine noftra; regalis poteSati5,ac de aflenfu Par-

liamenti no({ri tenore prifentium difpcnfamus, vofque &ve(lrum quemlibet

Natalibus reftituimus, &
legitimamus. In cu jus rci teftimoniura, TefieRcgea-
pud Wefim. 9 Per ipfum regcm in Parliamcnto.
die Febr.
3n tl)t0 atct arc things inojtlj? of obfcrtation. i . Cfte names tu^erebp

tljepiijcrc Icgiftmatct). j» %W-

tfjis Icgittmatton toas not fimpliciter, but

fecundum quid foj tftep iMcre legtt(matct) anD mane capable of all*

cepttbcHopalllDtgntt]?: foastljts legitimation ertcntieD not to mabe tt)emoj

a Noia,pro coro-
tljctr pottccittes inheritable to tlje Crotonc, but to all otljcr Dfgntties* 3 , SCljat
anr na,
befo;c tljeir lcgitimatton,tbcp tocrc not crcatcD to of tfjctr btanitica. 4, %^z
bjtefe anD penning of tl)i0 Ifgitimatton, tottfj gencrall U)ojD3,a0 tf tftc I H.7. not in

part tcnlartf p toere ejpjcffeD anD tcitft a bjlef non obftante , anD tolt!) as Uttle print.

ijlcmtfl) as map be. 5. i3nD Ijcrcbj? tt appcaretb,t!)at H.7.bcfng fen of Edmond of 7 H.4. cap. X. the
H, 4- the
Hadham CD.ofllttljmonD,^ Margaret l)iStoife,Daugl)ter 5l)elrof Johnde Beau* like to of tht
fort S). of ^omerfct : toftltl) Margaret Itncallp DeftenDeD from flje fatD John dc Crowne
Beaufort,lcgftimateD 5 mate capable of all DignittC3,as tsafojefatD,excepta regali then in the de-
di?nifate,tl)af tijc Croton,toas bp Elizabeth Ijts totfe, el=
tett title of H.7, to t^c fcent (lom Philip
Deft Daagbtcr of E» 4, |9et befojc tljis marfagc tlje Croton toas bp jSct of par= daughter and
heir of Lmel
Itamcnt intapleD f H. 7. anD to tl^e Ijeirs of ftts boDp, tlierigbf oftljeCrotonc
Duke of Cla,
f l)cn letng fn tfte faiD Elizabeth, clDeft DauBl)ter of E, 4. 6. 3n tljis 3ct , fl)C
fatD Thomas befo;e ^is legitimation cobID not be calleDCfqutte, anD tl^erefo;e Vid.i H.7.ii,i3
tie ftatb fl)is aDDition of Domicello , cttl^cr DertbeD of tlje iFrentl) tDo:D Do- ijH 8,cap.2t.
moiccll, tol)tcl) Ggntfictl) potmg foulDier not pctlSnigljteD , oj Cgnifietfjnoblp
a rcpe-lby i8H.8.
cap.7. &I Mar.
boine . 0nD note, lohan. t^c Danglbf cr, taD tlje aDDition of De Beaufort anD Do-
micella in ttjatfenfc alfo* See ij
b 3nD albeit 31 finDe an affainDer bp parliament of a fab jecf of l^tgft SCreafon in principio,
Ste Hovendcn,
being committeD to tl)c Jlotoer, anD fojtlj'Commtng to be ^carD, anD pet netcr
calleD to anfluer tnanpoftbcl^oufe6of|Darliament, altftougl^ 3 qucttionnot pag.^oS. for this
word OomittU
tbc po'iocr of tbc parliament, fo; toitl^out quettion Wfi attainder llanDetl) of fojcc b Rot. Pari.
in laiu: pet fap of tlje manner of tfte pjocecDing,Aufcrat obiivio, fi poteftjfi
ti^is 31
filentium foj tl)c moje l)tgl) anD alfolute tlje jurtsDiction of The attainder of
nor,n[cunque tegat :

Iho. Cremtvell
tbe Court is, f!)c moje juft anD bonourablc it ougftt to be in tftepjoceeDtng, anD
to give erample of juftice to infcciour Courts. 5i5ut it is DemanDcD, fince Ije teas
attainteD bp v^fli'ini^"* ' toftat fljotilD be tl^c rcafon tbnf our Ijiftojians Do all
agree in tljitf, tftat fje fuffcrcD Deatl) bp a lato toljicft Ije bimfelfe ftao maDc, iFoj
anrto;r hereof , 3 baD \i of §)ir Thomas Gawdye ISnicbt, a gratie anD reVcrcnD
S^uogc of tl)c ISings I5cnclj, tobolibeD attbattime, tljat iiiing H. 8. commanDeD
ftim to attcnD tftc cbicfc SluCtices , anD to bnoto ii"bctl)cr a man tljat teas fojtli*
commtn? migbt be attainteD of ?^tgf) JErcafonbp parliament, anD ncber calleD
to bis anfiacr. snije 31uDge6 anflDercD, tbat it liias a Dangerous qucftton , and
tbat tbc li^icbCourt of jparliament ougbt to giljeeramplcsto inferiour Courts
fo: procecDing acrojDtng to tuftire, anD no inferiour Court coulD Do fbclibe;
a!iD tbep ti)ougbt tbat tbe ll^igl) Court of parliament UjouID nelw Do if . IHoixt

being bp tbeetpjeife commanDcntent of tbc lUing , anD pjetfcD bp tbe faiD C-arlc
to gitie a Direct anftoer : tljep faiD, that if be be attainteD
bp parliament, itcoulD
not come \\\ qucftion aftertoarDS, totjctljer Ijc toere tallcD oj not callcD to anftocr.
© ;ani)
ne High Court
of Tarltament. Cap.i.
0115 al'jcttt^cir opinion teas accojtimg tolaSu, pet migljt tl^cp Ijatc maDe a
tetter anftDer,fo;bptftc statutes ofMag^^a^* jE.3,cap.p. &Z8E.3.
cap.j* jjiomanougbtto fce conUcmncD tuttljout anrtocr,ic, U)I)t(l) ff)cp migtit
Ijatie CCCtificD, tut tad^a tenenc multa, qua: fieri prohibentur; i\\tM Of SttainDec

being patfco bpipacUamcnt,DiD tiin6,a0 tftcp rcfoltjcD, 2Cl)C patfp againft to^iom
t^is luas ititcntici3,t«a3 nctier tallcti in qucfttontut tljc firft man after tljc faiD rc=
folutton, t^at toas fo attainteD,ant)net)ercaUcLi to anfiDcr, toas tljcfaiDO^arl
ofC'lTe);; to^iercupon tljat erroneous anD "bulgar opinion amongftour^^iffoji*
an0grcto,t^at IjcoicD bpttjefamelatDtol^icljljeljtmfelfljaDniaDe. SCbercficar^
fall oftljc fait) ^ttainDcr can toojti no picjuDicc, fojtljat 3! amconfiDcntlpper-
fVoa&eD, ttjat fuel) tjonourable anD tDO?tI)P members ^all be from time to time of
botl^ ?^oufc0 of parliament, as neter anp fuc^ ^tfainacr , iul^ere tljc partp is

a. Lex Diviris. fojtfttommtng,fl)allbcftaD l)ereaftcrtoit!^out Ijearing of l)im.

Nunquid lex noftra judicat hominem, nifi prius audieric ab ipfo, cognoveric &
quid faciat? SDot^ourlato jutigcanpman, before it tjear tjim anD knolulD^t
D.iic.c. I7-V.IO.
& ca.ip.v.i^. )o-
^e Dotl) i b 3;t is not tlje manner of t^c URomans to aclitjer anp man to Die, bcfojc
accufeD tjatic tl)c accufers face to face,anD Ijabe licence to anfinec
ttiat Ibc toljiclj is
hinnni^ 17;.
Incivik v'ldctur fo; Jt^imtelf concerning crime latD againfi: bim.
& ctttmCano- c Ait
Jofua ad Acab, Fili mi, da gloriam domino Deo Ifraei, & confiteremihi
nes in homi-
'Mm abfemem quid feceris, ne abfcondas,
non vocatum, non
d Interrogaius Levita tnaricus mulierisiDterfeiSlsquomodotantum fcelujper-
cenviCiumnu petratum edet.&c. jSnD tt)e concluQon is after Rearing anD Difcerntng tfje canfe,
Confclfii ferre fsK- eonfider, confult, anD then give fenience*
temiam.Hci^cot c 0nD as ctiil toas tlje
pjocceDing in parliament againlf S>tr John Moninner,
fcj paulo poftca.
b kOii 15.16. tl^irDfonof EdnfiondtftefeconDQEarl of 2^arct)(DefcenDeD from Lionel) SDuheof
Gen. J. 9. Dixit Clarcncc)\ut)o U'as tnDidcD of bigl) STrcafon foj certain toojDS,in effect, tbat Ed-
dominuSj Adam mond earlof iparc^ ftioulDtcliing bprigljt of inheritance, anDtbat l)C bimfclf
uhi cs.Vidc Gen. ipas nert rigfttfull ftcir to tfje Croinn after tftefaiDQBarl of a5arcl);iMl)ercfo?e if
18 ii.Ecclefi-
tfte faiD (Earl iooulD not tabe
it upon l)im,l)e InoulD anD tbat be tooulD goe into
afticus 11.7,8.
f Praxis SanSorQ ?Kaalc3,anD raifc of an
0rmp 2oooo,mcn,«. tubtcb inDictment ^toitbout anp ar«
Jofua. 7.19.21, ratgnment oj pleaDing)bcing meerlp faigncD to blemitt) tbe title of tbcMortimers,
23. &c. anD tDitball 'jcing infufficient in bptbc fame appcarctb, teas confirmeD bp
0utbo;ifp of ^parliament:? tbc faiD fe>ir John being bjougbt into tbc |?arliament
nu.iS. toitl^out arraignment 0? anfloer , juDgement in parliament teas git^en againft
Ibim upon tbe faiD inDictment jSCbat l)C flioulD be carricD to tbc aColucr of iLonDon,
anD Djainn tbjongb tbc Citp to IEibo:n,anD tbere IjangeD, D?aton anD quartereD,
^isbeaDtobc fet on ILonDonb^iDgc, anD bis four quarters ontbe four gates of
l,onDon, 33 bp tbe ]Reco:D of parliament appearetl),

The proceeding in Parliament a^ainji Abfetits.

aCbcancfenf lato anD cuff omc of tbc parliament inas , tbat trbcn anp matt
toas to be cbargeD in parliament toitb anp crime oj offence , oj misDcmeanour,
tbc icings Mrittoas DirectcD to tbc gibcrif to fummon anD injotn tbe partp to
appear bcfo?etbeJi»ing intbencrt parliament. iFojeramplc.

Placita in pit
Rexmandamt Vic' qnod affumptk fecum quatuor de difcre-
liamentodom DOminui
tioribm ^ leg
milit'tbm Com' fui in propria pcrfona accederet ad
Ann^ E.i
Regis, Nicholaitm de Segrave^ (^ ipfum in pr^efentia fntdi^drttm militum fum-
mon' ^ ex parte domini regis frmiter ei injungeret quod e^et coram domi-
no rege in proximo Parliament' fuo apudWefim' in prima adventu domi-
ni regis ibidem ad audiendam vohwtatem ipjitis domini regis
fuper hiis^
tunc ibidem proponere intenderet verf. eum^^ ad faciendum teci- ^
piendum utter im quod curia domini regis confideraret
in pr^mijfis. Et Vic'
modo mandavit quod afjumptis fecum Thom/t Wale ^ Walt ero fili Roberti
I. 77;^ High Court
Cap. ofTarliament, 39
de Daventry, Roberto de Gray de Wo/laftoa^dr Rmdid^ho dc Normdvill qua-
ttior ttiilit'jdrc in frepta pcrjona jiia. Accefit Apid St owe ad mAnmum

trxd cfi Nicholai, ct in pr^Jentia eorundem milittim fumvion frxdt^lum

Nichdlaum , <^ ei frmiter injtmxit qmd ejfet coram domino rege in i/lo
Parlianicntominc jtixta formam (jr tenorent wandati frxd' ^o-c.
Alrnariciade Sancio Amimdo^ Magifier Johannes dc San^o Ammdo pi^cica coram
Willielmmde tnonte acutOyRichardus Attehaiv conjlabularim
Oxon (ioviaorcgc.Paf.

Ricus dcHurle, Thomas deCarUton capeiUnm, Tohannes de Ros^Iohannes ^^jy,"''^"'''^'

Attewarde frater ejus ^f^ Philtppus de Wigcnten
in cafiro Oxon
attachiat'fueruntper Vic' per pracepf domini regis rejf on-
fur' eidem domino regi in ParUamento [no in Crafiino Sanfii Mathxi A-

fojieli Annoregnifiti xxx'm. fnper qtiibitsdam criminibus (^ tranfgrej?io-

infra fcriptis, (f
inde per manucaptionem
fuffcient' adjornat'
domino rege hie ad hiinc diem , fcilicet adte Pafchtit in \\.dies,(^c.
£5 J a lu:it migftt be DtrcctcD to tijc partp fjimfclf, toften aitp complaint loas
inaDO agatntt tjim? De injuriis, gravaminibus, aut moleliationibns, to appear it!
ijis pjopcr pcrfon bcfo?.ctf)e fetus ano !)ts Counccll,tc. iSs foj cpamplc:
Bominus Rex mandavit breve (uum Roberto de Burgherfh in hxc verba. Phca coramRe-
Edwardits Dei gratia,c-rc. Dileffo et
fdeltjuo Roberto de Burgherj}) con- ge spudCantuat'

flahddar' cajirifui
Dover et
cufiod' Juoquinjue portffim,Saltttem.0Hiadi- t.m!Tc'" niseis
Abbas de Faverejhamijr Robertus deGurne balivus
lecfus nobis in Chrifio
Coni^milc breve
ftiuse\usdem vtUd coram concilionoflro aptid Eboriim exiftente de diver fis

in]tiriis ygravamwibtis
per vos voluntar et abj^ cau- Roberto de Burg.
Hat is graves lurfhadfeaam
fa rationabili fuidtipliciter
qtierimonias depofuerunt,petcn-
tit hoc fieri faceremusremedium
tesinftantcr [itper opportunum^ propter n!im°quinQur^
eis diem coram nobis et concilio nojlro a die
quoddedimus Pafch. in xv. porcuum.

dies^<^c. ad querelas fuasprxdiCias

tunc oflendend' ^ et ad faciend' fup£r
hoc tUterius et recipiend' qmd luftitia fuaderet : Febis mandamus, quod in
coram nobis ad diem pr^diSV
et concilio
propria perfona vejtrafitis
trafatisAbbatietbalivisfuisfuperpr£mi(Jisre(pons' fa^ur' et receptur'
in hac ^^ tnjnrijs , gravamini-
quod curia nofira confideravcrit parte , c>"
luSf moleftationibus
difiriBionibus indebitis pr.tfatis Abbati ct balivis

fuis interim inferendis penitus defifiendo. Et

habeatis ibi hoc breve. TeHe

me ipfo Linlifcu
apud xxx. die lanuarii^Annoregninofiri xxx. Virtute
Robertus venit, et breve iliud protuHt ad diem in
cujus brevis frxdiClus
codcm contentum. Et pr^diclus Abbas venit et querelas fuas pretulit in
in curia hie
quodam rotiilo fcriptas, et quas querelando oflcndit et legere
de quibus prima eft hxCyC^rc

^ototfjr?? ipl)i(l) abfcht fljcmfeltjes flball lep^occctictitoittalUVidcyoE.j,

ru.37,Adam Buries cafc, i. parte Patenc. 2> U.z. nu. 15,1 6. Rot. Par, i7R,i.

nu.iS, u H,4, 1:11,37,38. i5H.6,nu,4, 33H, ^irjohn Pilkingtons

0nt) fc!)Cccbpo:t)cr oflatoaman cannot be attaintcti of big!) trcafon,uit- mH^S"
Ictre tt)c olfcncc be \\\ lato W\\ trcafon, be otw^t not to be attamtcD In'
o'Ss AnSh.
iDojlis of l)igl) treafon bp ;autl)o;itp of parliament (as fomctime ijatft been Ad oi thcAtuni-
nf0D)buttl)cbtabtreafon ougbttobcfpecialli'erpjefreD, feeing tijat tl)e Court of dci onhcLo.d
Iparliament is t^e btcljeft ant) uicft honourable Coutt of futttce,anD
oucljt (as batb bcenfaiS) gibe eramplcto infcrioiir Courts.
''ZMtxt teas an 0rt of parliament maoe tn tl)C 1 I'car of iStng H. 7.lD!)icl)
fjat) a fair flattering p:dajn'le,p5ctcntiing
to atofD Dttcrs mtfcbtcfs, tcljicb
nniiT'^a ' bK«

tDcre, J. Sotlje Ijisbfifplcafiifcof jaimijjbtp cHJoD. 2, SCbegteatlct of tlje jjh.,.

<1? i Common
The High Court
of Parliament. Cap.i.
Common latu, atiD 3. sCtje great let of tl)e inealt!) of f^ts lanti $ 0nti tije |9urc
ticii oftfjat ^cttctiDcD tntljeerecuttoncontrarp, exdiannetro, tfte Ijtg^
bifplcafure of 3lmigl)tp (lI5oD,tf)c great let,naj? tie utter fubtierfion of tlje Com=
mon lain, atitittje great let of t^e toealfi) oftblslanD, as thereafter ftiallmant'
fclllp appear, Mi^itcl) 0ct foUotoctl) in tijefetoo^Ds:

1XH.7.C4.J. •THe King our Soveraign Lord calling to his remembrance that
* many good Statutes and Ordinances be made for the punifliment
of riots, unlawfullafTemblies, reteinders in giving and receiving of
liveries, figns and tokens unlawfully, extortions, maintenances, im-
braccry, excelfive taking of wages contrary to the Statute of Labou-
rers and Aitificers, the ufc of unlawfuU games, inordinate
and many other great enormities and offences , which been commit-
ted and done daily contrary to the good ftatutes, for many and divers
behoofuU confiderations feverally made and ordained, to the difplea-
fure of Almighty God, and the great let of the Common law, and
wealth of this land , notwithftanding that generally by the Jufticcs
of the Peace in every Ihire within this Realm in the open Selfions is
given in charge to enquire of many offences committed contrary to
divers of the faid Statutes, and divers enquefts thereupon there ftrait-
ly fworn, and charged before the faid Juftices to enquire of theprc-
mifTeSjandthereintoprcfent the troth which any letted to be found
by imbracery, maintenance, corruption and favour-, by occafion wher-
of the faid Statutes be not, nor cannot be put indue execution: For
reformation whereof, for fo much that before this time the faid ofi^en-
ccsjcxtortions, contempts, and other the piemifles might not , nor as
yet may be conveniently puniflied by the due order of the law, except
itwerefirft found andprefented by the verdidt of twelve men there-
to duly fworn, which for the caufes afore rchearfed will not find nor
yetprefent the truth Wherefore be it by the advice and affent of the

Lords Spirituall and Temporall , and the Commons in this prefent

Parliament affembled, and by authority of the fame enaded, ordained
and cftablifhed, that from henceforth as well the Juftices of Aflifein
the open Sellions to beholden afore them, as the Juftices of Peace
in every County ofthe faid Realm, » upon information for the King
ii"n without
any before them to be made, have full power and authority ^ by their dif-
cretion to hear and determine all offences and
b hy theirdiTcrc- contempts committed
tJon, and not fe- and done by any- perfon or perfons againft the form. Ordinance and
cundiim legem Ci*
effedt off any ftatute made and not repealed , and that the faid Jufti-
ces upon the faid information have full power and authority to award
Angl. asall
ceedings ought and make like proceffe againft the faid offenders and every ofthem,as
to be.
(Obfoteteflat.ites theyftiould or might make againft fuch perfon or perfons as been pre-
and all, and fpe- fent and indided before them of trefpaffe done contrary to the Kings
peace,and the faid off*ender,or offenders duly to punifli according to the
timchad fo alte-
red from the ori- purport, form,and efi^edi of the faid Statutes. Alfo be it enaded by the
ginal! canfc nf faid Authority, that the perfon which (hal give the faid information for
them, king there-
the King fliallby the difcretion of the faid Jufticcs content and pay
of,as either they
could not at .ill, to the faid perfon or perfons againft whom the faid information ihall
er very lurd'y be
be fo given his reafonable cofts anddammages in that behalf fuftai-
ned,if thatit be tried or found againft him,that fo giveth or maketh
The High Court of Parliament, ^i
Provided always, that any fuch information
any fuch infoimation.
extend not to treafon, murder , or felony, nor to any other offence. it extended

wherefore any perfon fliall lofe life, or member, nortolofc by nor n°rp^[fionor'
upon the fame information any lands, tenements , goods or chattels treafon,&c.

to the party making the fame information. Provided alfo that the faid
informations fliall not extend to any perfon dwelling in any other
(hire, then
the faid information fliall be given or made,faving
to every perfon and pcrfons, cities, and towns, all their liberties and
franchifes to them and every of them ofright belonging and apper-

Bppjefcrtoftbia lato Empfon anD Dudley DiD tommif upon flje Subject
onfuffcrablc p:ctrtirc0 aiiD oppjcfftons , anti tI)crefo:c tl)t5 ftatiitc toas juftlp
foort aftcrtl)cDcccafeof H.7- repealeD at tljcncrt parliament after Ijis Dcccafe,
I H.8 cj^.
bp tljc ttatutc of I,
aijooti f aveat to $)arltamcnt0 to Icatje allcauftfl to be meafurctibp tijegol*
Den anD ftrci2l)t nictiDaiiD of tljc lain, anD not to tl)c intertatn anD ccooheD cojD of
3t i3 not almoft creD(ble to fojcfce, toljen anp ipartmc , oj iT^ttnDamentaU laSo See tht i.part
is altercD (as clfcVDbcre ^atlj been oeferfccD) Voliat Dangerous tn« of the Inftitutes,
contjen{ences Doc folloto, toljicl) moft erpjeflj? appcaretft bp tl)is moft unjuft the Preface to
anD ftrange Silt of u Hy.fojljcrcbp not onlp Empfon anD rudley tftemfeltjcs, the 4.part of the
but fufttccs of IDcacc (co:rupt men) as tljep caufeD to be aut^ojtjeD,tom«
fuel) Rcpoits.
mttteD moft srietious anD Ijealjp oppjeffions anDC):actiens,grtnD(ngoftl)cface The danger enfu.
ing byalteratioa
oftftepooj Subjects bp penalllato3(bet&ep nctjer fo obfolete oj unfit foj tfte of any of the
time) bp information onlp tott^out anp pjcfentment oi triall bj? 3urp being Maximes of the
t\iz ancient btrtljdgbt of fljc Subject, but to^ear anD Determine ttje famebp law.
t^etr Dtfcretton, inflicting Tuc^ penalty , as ttje ftatutes not repealeD tmpofeD :
SCtjefe anD otbcr lifec pppjefftons anD cracttons bpojbp t^e means of Empfon
anD Dudley anD tftetr tnttrumcnts, b?ouglbt infinite treafures to tfte lltngs Co» *
In the Chip-
ters, in^ereof tibe Btngbimfelf in tlje enD loitt) great grief anD eompunctton ter of the Court
rcpenteD, as in anotl)er place toe ^atje obferbeD, of Wards and
Cftis (tatuteof n
H./.Vue ftalic rccif cD , anD fljctocD tl^e juft tnconbenien* Liveries.

ces tljcrcof, totbecnD,tftattl)Clthcil8oulD ne'occ bcrcaiter be attemptcD in anp

Court of parliament. 0nD ttjat ottiers mtgt)t aboiD tbe fearfull cnD ofttjofe
ttootimesfcrlicrs, Empfon anD Dudley, Qtiieorum vcftigiainfiflunccorumex-
itui perhorrefcanc.
^cctbeftatufe of 8 E, statute of jLibertes, an 31nfojmafton,fc.
bpttie Dtfcretton of ttjeHuDges to fianD asanojtginall,ie. %]ii& ^ct is Defers
teDlp repealeD,
VideiiR.2.c3p.i?.|puni0)racnt bpDtfcretionjfc, Vide 5 H, 6.8. &ec
Cemmiffion ofS>etoers. SDifcretton *Lit.^.fo.ioo.
fbc oug^t tobetljus DefcribcD. Difere-
Rooks cifc Lib.
lio eft difcernere per legem quid fitjuftum. SnD tbiSDcfcriptton iS pjOtieDbg
tbc Common lato oftt)elanD,fo;lobena ICur^Doe Doubt of tbe lato,anD De-
lire foDoe ttjat tol)icl) is juft, tijet'finD tliie tpeciall matter. anD tt)e entr^Ms, Ec
fuper tora mateiia,&.'c.petuDt difcretionem Juftieiariorum, anD fometime, ad-
vifamentum &difcretionem Juftieiariorum in prsEmiffis.&c. tljat (0, ff)Cp Defire Pl.Coni.j4«.
tbattbe 3EuDge0 tooulD Difcernbplatotolbat is )uft, anD 0ib« luDgementac*

±1 The High Court of parliament »
Cap. i.

^cis againji the power of the Tarlianmit fuhfequenthhid not.

1 H 4,1111.144. Sin Article of tl)c §>tati!f c matic in 1 1 R,2. C3p,5 i3,tl)at no pcrfoit (t}oulD at .
. tempt focstiohc Htip £D;Dinantc tfjcn mace, (s repealed, foj tftat ftitlj rcftratr.t
pealed by 1H.4. tg agattitt tlje judsDtctfon anDpotocr oftl)c|3arltanient,tftc llbcrtp of t^efub*
jcit^anf tmrcafonablc^nDlthciniretljclaa ^illanD SCcftamcnt of JUing R,u
"h' nu 8
""^^^^ ^^^ €*?cat g)cal, jpjftjj? S»cal , anD p?it3|? Signet , toljcrcbj' Ijc uWt^
certain monp^trcafurc^c, to tjts fuctcffojs upon conDition to obferije all tljc
^M anO oiDcrs at tijc parliatucnt fjolDcn in Anno 21 of l)i0 reign, toasljol'
Den unjuttanDunlatofulUfojt^at it rcftraincD tije ^otieraign liberty of tl)e

IHinjjs l)is a>iit£ca:o?s»

ji R.'.ca.ig. S>imDjp !Lo;Ds of JDarltament (but no IBitfcops) oj fix of tliem , ant) certain
II R.' 3^nigl)ts of ftires of tBe Commons oj tijjcc of tl)cm are autljojifct) bp 0utftojifj>
of JSacltament to examine, anftoer, ano plainlp Octermine all t^e i?ctitions eylji.
matters tontainco in ttjefamcbpt^eirgoonaOs
bttet) in tl)at|aarliament,ant)tl)e

1 H.4.mi.7o. tjice anD potocr of a parliament to be rommitfeo to a

tiircretion,ic. Cfte Ijtgft
feitj is Ijoinen to be againtt t^e Dignity of a j^arliament, anD tfjat no fuel) Com*

z milion ougljt to be granteH.


Vide iiR.i. ^n ^(t in 11 R.2^a.3.tljatnomanaaainff Inftomanj'juligment, ojfojfei*

nu.44. tuf c tuas gitjcn lljottlD ftic foj parDon 0?. graccu* toas IjolDcn to le unrcafonalilc
iwftljout example, anO againtt tljclalu anD cuftomc of parliament, anD tljerc*
f"^^ tftat b?amb bp 3utI)o?itp of parliament teas aDnic^alcD,anDmaDctioiD.
^Ifo 3 ^""^ tijat in times paft tbc ^oiifcs of JL arliamentfjatc not been tlearlp
mfncought tole
Dealt tiiitfjaU, but bp cunning artifice of ioojDs utterly DcccitjeD , anD tljat in
pkiniy,and clear-
jy.and not cui- cafcs of grcatett moment, cticn in cafe of !^igl) a^reaton , as taKing one mm*
ningiy and darkly pj^ foj a Ujamincc tu lifee cafes Ijereaf f er,

m cnSrcau '
^^'"3 H. 8 . aftcr tljc Clcrgj? of e nslaiiD IjaD in tfjeir contotattons acUnoto^
f„ leDgcD Ijtrn &upjeam ?^eaD oft&e Cf)arcf)of(iDnglanD, ttjougljt it no Difficult
» i6 H.8.C3.I. matter to Ijabc tl^c fame coirobojatcD anD confirmcD hv ^utljojifp of |Darlta«;. mcnt, but iintfjall anDearncfllpDerircDtbatti^c impirgncrsatiDDcjucrs
but bp too:.D,migftt incur tlje offence of
tljereof, fijoiigl) it iwcre
"v V'^'^jf ^tcrl) SCreafoit,
suD finDtugtljc one.tljHt is, flje acftnotoleDgcment of fjis &up?en?acp libeli'to
the z.ciaufc. Ijatc gooD palTagc, anD Ijatiing little liope upon tljat tofjiclj fje founD to cifcit t^e
fc shidow.d with otljer concerning ^igliSCrcafon, fougijt foljaticit paffein fome otftcr ^A bj?
the Quetuor toojDS clofclp coVocljeD , tl)Ougl) fljc fojmec
of S>upjcmaf|' baD been tl)C

fDcpHvcanob- Pjop^f P^^^' SuD tljcrcfojc in tljc;a(tof recognition Of l)is &up;cmacp it is

fcuiewuid. enatteD. tijat bcfftoulD l)a1)canncrcDanDuniteDto tl^eCroton of ftjisHcsIm
d Nf.te thi word tl)e settle anD Sitilc thereof t anD afterioarDs totoarDs t\)t enD of tijc |3a;iia=!
[title] ia ih: fo:- meut, a bill ixjaspjeferreD toljcrebp mahp offences be i^igl) SreafoitjanD tfjcre*

"pa.WR of ^-^^ iSenaiJeD, That if any perfon or perfom by Hvord or writing, i pradife
C.\mZb.'de An- Or actempc any bodily barm tothe King, the ^^
Qiieen or their heirs apparanr,
2 Or to^ deprive them or any ofthem, of their
tiqn tit-: Brit. dignity,' title, or name of their
roysil eftates, J orthat the King fliould be an Heretique, Schifmatique,Tyranr,
Bulcfic. ckrris <^

infidell, orUfiirper of the Crown.&c that every fuch perfens fo offending fliculd

be adjudged Trayrors,&c. &oaSnotDbpfJjis"latfer ^Ct, 1)6 tftat bp is}0?D OJ

veEa tituh,,aHt iDiiting atfcmpfs toDepjitjc feiugof tfjc tttlc otitis roi'all cffaf e is a SCrap*

qmf.wuendent, to?, but tl)c fojmer ^ct IjaD anncrcD fofbcCroton tlje title of t^e ttile of &u»
'ff'Z'^'ftv V^^^^i^, anD
l)ttm OjoulD bp toojD oj tojifing attempt foDepjtt?c flje

vcd"nat ionc for" ^uig tljereof

ftoulD be a 2Drai>to?, anD ^npon tW
latu of 26 3. foj De'
twice itwaMCfea- "Pi"? Of t!)C I'? iugs S»upjcmacp Ditjcrs fuffcrcD Deatfj as in cafe of ^igli SErca*
kd, viz.hyiE.6. fon, toljcrcasaUlalDS, efpeciallppenalUanDp^incipallP tljofc tl^at are
pcnall in
*" *
wif '^7'*'"'' tft"^ ''''^"Jcft Degree ougl)t be fo plainlP anD perfpiaioutip penncD, as cl^crp

laws oiio'iK to'" ^^"'^'^f of I'f") pontes map unDcrttanD tlje fame, anD atcojDing to l)is bnoir*

lave. leDgcaaDconfcienccgtlieftis t?oicc,''Eritaut^mIexhonefta, juaa,poiribilis,fe-

cundum naturam & Jccundum confuetudinem
patris,temporique conveniens,
p-"!- neeeifaria &utilis.manireftaquoque,
nealiquidpar oblcuritatemiccaurumcap-
Cap. I. The High Court
of Tarliament, 43
tionccontrudac, nullo private commodo, fed pro comtnuni eivium utilitate
in ipfa conftitutione iftaconfiderandafunt, quia cum Jegei in-
con/cripta> ideo
ftif ata: fuerint non erit liberum arbitrium judicarede ipfis, fed oportebit judi-
all patUameiita to folloto.
carefecundumipfas,U)t)ic^ bc excellent rnlcs foj *
IBut t!)c statute of^ftatlj concerning t^c »upjemacp Dealt plafn*
5 ^
Ip ant) pcrfpUuouflp asbp tlie fame appcacctlj* \ Lxod.4 i6.r//,
• /. Mrfii ens It i.

tabnU. Numb. 10. i, 1. Miifci

/larm, inh'us adcleiimpcrtincntj&c. Exod.j 1.15,16. Mofer cufios utriufquc
\. Cengrcgavic JoJua,&e.iZ. rf(wi/?f. x Chron. 15.4. i Cliron,
16.4J. Rex David.
CuftosutnufquctHbte. Joftiua 14.
I Chron.f.z. Rex Solomon, a Chron.i9. if.&c. Ezcklas. Nota. iSarn. 15.17 El an Samitclad Siuil,nonne iWfi
was one. i Maccab. 14. 44. Sec hcreaficr £3.74..
piTJuliu ejjis caput in triA/zfcw /tfiJ/wei/and the Tribe ot Levi

SnO albeit it appearctftbp tljefe cwmtples ant) manp oft)etr tftat mtgl)t be
Subfcqiient PJr-
liameiits cannot
b;ougl)t , toljat tranfcciiDent potocr anD autljojiti,' tbts c:ourt of parliament
be reftraincJ by
pet ttiouglj OiticriS parliament© Ijatjc attcmpteti to barre , rellrain,
M- the former.

penD, qualtfic, 01 mafec toft) fubfcquent parliaments, pct conlO tijep neter tV- 43 K jca.i,
parliament l)atl)eterpolDer to abrogate, fufpenD, qtiaUfic,
fC£tit,fo; tl^e latter
1 1 I.

erplain,o} mafee tJotD tfte fojmer in f l^e toljolc o j in anp part tljercof ,notUJitftaan=
Ding am
InojDS ofrettratnt,p?ol){bition, o;penalfpintl)cfojmcr : foj it is a
marimcintljelaUj of tfte parliament , quod leges policriorespriorcs contrarias B. of

JSis of Parliament enrolled mother Courts.

iFoj tl^e better obfcrtation of anp 0ct of parliament enacteO foj tftc Common* Int.PlscitaPsrI.
iDcaltb, oj of a petition of rigl)t,oj3uDgment in parliament, oj tf)ellbc,anD Ibid. lOE.l.
to incourage tbe SluDges f ^at tlie fame map be tinlp erecuteD, tl^e fame map be in=
Magnum Placitu
rolleD in tftc Courts of 3ltillicc in tftts manner. SClje t^noj office KecojDmutt int. Com.Gloc*
be remotcD into t^c Cftanccrpbptojit of Certiorari, anti tielitieret) into tfteiiiings & Com. Here f.
315encftbptftct>ant)Sof tl^cC^anccloj ojJLojt) toceper, anDfentbp Mittimus to
Clauf.An.i8 E.i.
tljc Court ofCommottplca0,ant)bpUfee
Mittimus into f^e cBw^eqacrj anO t^e
in Doif, irr. le
i^ingbp bis tojit map commanDanp Court to obfertoe ant) firmlp tofeeepfucl^ Magna Carta.
an i.(t of parliament,as if appearctft bp tftefe ttoo pjeceDents, £x Rothh Clattf. Pafch.jj E.I.
eAnfiozSE,i,m.2.'Dorf Rex Thefauraf & Baronibus fuis de Scacear' Salute, Rot.Par.Nich.
Quia volumus quod Magna Carta domini Henrici quondam Regis Anglis pa- Rot. Scgravescafe,
tris nofiri dc libertatibus Angliaj quam eonfirmavimus & ctiam
innov^i- Tr.ixE.i.Ro.60.
tnus in omnibus & finguiis artieuiis fuis firmiter &
invioiabiliter obfervetur. dcicr. Petition
Vobis mandamus quod Cartam pra?di£tam in orrnibus &
finguiis fuis artieu-
in Farliamencj<!/

iis quanciim in vobis oil coram vobis in dido Scaccario obfervari faciatis banlie le Hoy.

firmiter& teneri. T.R, apud Dunfres 13. die OcSobris.

Rex Juftic' fuis de Baneo Sa!utem:Cum in alleviationcm gravamimim qui po-
pulusregni nofiri oecafione gucrrarum haftenus toleravit, ac in cmendatiorem
flams ejufdem populi, recnonutex hoc fe exhibeat ad noftra fervicia promp-
tiorem, nobifqueinagendis nollris libentius fubfidium faeiat in futurum, quof-
dam eidcm populoplarimum(annuenteDomino)profuturos de gratia
nortra fpeciali duxerimus concedendos. Vobis mandamus quod diftos articulos
quos vobis mittimus figillo noftroconfignatos
coram vobis in banco pridido
quantum in vobis eftjuxta vim,formam & effed^um eorundem obfcrvari fa-
cialis firmiter & teneri. T.R.apudDnnfres 30. die06tobris.

Every Member of theTarliament ou^ht to come,

CEtJcrp JLoiD &pirituall anD 2Cempo?all anD eberp tenigljt, Cifijen anD
y R.Z.Stat. I.e. 4.
BurgcOie (l)all upon Summons come to tl^e parliament, ercept (je canreafo:: Rot.par ji U 6-
nabl)', anDboncftlfercurcftimfelfiOjelfe fjcftall be amcrrcD,«. tljaf is, refpe» nij.4.6. fines were
ttiticlp,a 3Lo;D bp tijc ilojD3,anD oncof tijc Commona bp tljc Commons. fc.,&c.
(-'any of the I
IBP ttie statute of 6 6, no !ftnigl)t. Citizen 0; IBnrgeffe of tfte l^oufe Lords or Com-
of Commons lliall Depart from tlje parliament iuifbout licence of t^c ^pea^. mons come
Iter anD Commoiis, tl)c fame tobecntrcD of rccojD in t|^e book of ttjc Cierh of Rc.they fhallbe

tl)e parliament, upon pain to lofe tlieir toages.

^^ The High Court
of Tarliament, Cap.i.
vi. 3E.j.i8.fup. 3!faiLojt) Depart from parliament tDttftoutltcenfe, it isan offence Done cut
If any of the
of tj^g parttament anD 10 finable bp t^c ILojDs t anDfoittsofai^cmbctoftljc
m«nsd°pm &c ^oufs Of Commons,ftc mapbe flneD b? tfte ^oufe of Commons, Vide i & 2 Pk
they dial be fiaed & Mar. coram rege» Rot. 4«. DitjerS fnfojmattons bp tljc ;3tto?np <IDeneraU foj
I & I ph & M. Departing tott^out litenfe , ut fupra.
Rot.48.mfLip. 2ti,g punifljment of &l)crtffe0fo: tljeir negligence in retojning of tKKrifSujj

fpjiea^ijng (mt of tbetr retojns ang Cttp 0; iBorougft totitclj ougl)t to fcnD Citt*

Advice concerning new and platifeble projeFis andojjers in Parliament.

See before pa.14 W^jBit anj? plauBblc pjoject is maDc in parliament to Djato fljc 3lo?Ds anD
Rot. par. 1 3 E.J, (Commons toaffent to anp ^ct (efpeciallp in matters of iucigftt anD impojtance)
if botl) ^oufes Do gitie upon tfte matter pjojcdcD anD piomtfeD tfjcir confcnt it ,

be moftnecc(rarp,t^ep being trufteDfojtl)eCommon=iDealtb, to Ijatic tbe


matter pjojecteD anD pjomifeD (to^iclj motjeD tbe !^oufes to content) to be ctta*
blifteD in t^c fame act, left tlic benefit of tfte jactbc taken , anD tl)e matter p?ojes
rtieD anD pjomifeD nctjcr perfo jmeD, anD fo tlje Routes of parliament perfojmc

not tbe truft repofeD in t^em^ Ss it fell out (tahing one example fozmanp) xa
tlje reigneof H. 8. £Dn tljeaingsbebalfetljcspcmbcrsofbotbi^oufcsiDcrcin*

fojmeD in partiamenf, tljat no teing o j !iiingDome toas fafe, but teljcre tijc feing
IjaD t^jee abilities. iFirft, 2Co litie of Ijts oton, anD able to DcfenD ftts bingDome
upon anp fuDDen intjafion oj infurrertion. ^, SEoaiDe^tsconfeDeratcs, ot^er-
toife tJ^ep tooulD neDer affift f)im. ? Co reinarD bis tocll Deferring fcrtants,
Jl5olD tbe pjojed: toas, tljat iftftc parliament iuoulD gttjc unto Ijim all t^e^b^
ties, p:iojies, jFriojies, iJunneries, anD otlier i2^onaaertes , tftat foj ctier in
time ttjen to come, tje toonlD tabc o?Der tijat tl^e fanv CbonlD not be contierteD to
pjitatcnfc : IPut firtt, tljat l)ts CErcftcqucr fcj tfte purpofes afojcfatD fljoulD fce
enr tcljeD. g>econDlp, tlje j^ingDome ttrengtljeneD bp a continuall maintenance of
40 t^oufanD loell traineD fonlDiers toitl) sbtlfuU Captains anD CommanDers.
2D&irDlp, foj tlje benefit anD cafe of tbe §>ubje£t , ioljo ncbcr aftertoarDS Cas
toas pjojecteD)in anp time to come fijoulD becljargeD toit^ &HbrtDtc3,iT^ tftccntft.s,
3L oanes, j otlier common aiDcs. iFourtftlp, lett tlje Ijonour of tl)C 1*^ calme fljoulD
rcceitjc anp Diminution of Ijonour bp tlje DiCTolutton of tljc faiD saDonattcrtcs, f l)cre

being 251 3LojDs of parliament of tijc Abbots anD pjtojs (tbat IjclD of tljc iiing
per Baroniam , Ujljereof moje in tfte nert leafe) t^at tftc Jiing tooulD create
number of JlJobles, to^itlj toe omit. Eljc faiD sponaaeriestocrcgiticntotljc
lyH.s.demona- jking bp autljojttp of Ditjers ^ds of parliament , butnop^oniftontoas tljsrciti
fteries,& }i H.8 maDefoj tlje faiD pjojettjOj anp part thereof; onlpad faciend' populum t^efepor*
cap.ij.jiH.s. fedtongtiieregitJcntotbeiiingbisljeirsanD fuccelTojs toDoanDufetljcretoitl)
l)is anD tl)Cir oton toils, 10 the pleafurcofAlmighty God, and the honour and
profit of the Realme,
i^oto obfcrte H,8. tlje
cafattrop^e ;intlbcfamepartiamcntof ?i toljcntfte
g4H8.cap.i6.& great anD opulent p?iojp of Saint lohns of lemfalem toasgitientotfteiSing , Ijc
*7« DemanDeD anD ftaD a §>nbfiDie botft of tlje Clcrgie anD =lLaitp. ^nD tlje like fte
37 H.8.cap.t4.
^^^ jj^ ^4 H.8. anD in 57 H. 8» ijc^aD another ^ubfiDic. anD fincc tfte Diffoluti.
on of t^e faiD iponattectes ijc eyacteD Diljers loanes , anD againft lato reccitjeD tftc


Whom the K^mg may call to the Lords Houje of Parliament.

Rot ciauf. in
3f jjjg j^ji^g jjp ^jg jgngj^ a„p j^„igjjt pj cEfqutre to be a 5LojD of fljc
io'septcmb partiament, tje cannot rcfufeto ferte tlbeHing tfterc in communi
illo Concilio,

Writs to divers foi tljc gooD Of Ijtscountrp. 515ut if tlje lUng IjaD callcDan ^bbot, piio: , 01
adordinemmiiiti* otljerregular Piclatc bp ^rit to tlje parliament to ttjc Common Counccll of
*^^ ''^caime, if 1)6 ftelD not of tibe ^ing per Baroniam, ^e migljt refufe to ferlje in
«/ wT/^Sf'"' *
emm mif.Htiidmcm in cnntmc ufitatam, Of regulav Pichts that holdffr Btrm:A»i.
The High Court ofTarliament,
And fowas
}3arltanicnt, bccaufc quoad fecularia, \)e toas mortuus in lege, and tfjerefoje not
it ad*

capable to Ijaijc place anDtioicc in }Darltamcnt,uiilcirc beDtD liolDpcr Baroniam,
IMiliauient ac
anD toere to ttjat common CotmccU called bp tiHIr it, totjict) maoe l^tm capable :
York, An. II E i
anD tljotiofb fuel) a pjelat IRegulai- ftaD been often calleD by^MtiU anD IjaD de fa* in the cafe of the
do liaD place % \joicc in IDarliamcnt, vet if in rei veritate te IjelD not per Baroni= Allbot of $,/4WM
am , 1)8 ougljt to be Oifc^jargcD of tijat ferljtce, anD to fit in piarliament no moje. Stanf.
pi. cor.
iFojtftattl)c3bbj> of ILcfccIfcrtDasfounDeDbp Robert Fie z=Robei Carle of

iLctceftec (albeit tfte patronage came to tlje Crolunc bp t\)z fojfciture of Simon a Rot.p2t.An16
dc Mountford Carle of 3L etc.) pet being of a fubjccts founDatton, itcoulDnottc E.J. part i.m. a
Stc Rot.clanf.
fjolDen per Baroniam , anD tf)crefo:e tlje abbot IjaD no capacttp to be calleD to tljc
indcrf. ii E.
jrarliament , anD tljcreupon tlje Jiing DiD grant, quod idem Abbas & fucceflb-
part i.m.ii.
rcs I'ui de vcnicndo ad Parliamenta & concilia noHra vel hsredum noflrotuna
Rdig'om que ttig-
quieti fine & exonerati imperpetuum, vont per Barony
De jure & confuetudine Angliar ad Archidiaconatum Cantuarienfcm, &c. Ab- font tcnui de ue-
batcs, Priores,aliofq; Prxlatos quolcunque per Baroniam de domino regecenen-
Vid. ibid. 1 3 E.j.
ics pertinet in Parliamentis regiis quibufcunque uc Pares regni prordidi perfonali- i.m.i8& i.
ter intereflV, ibiq; de regni negotiis ac aliis trad^ariconluetis cum ceteris didi b
Rot.pat.ii R.a
regni Paribus ac aliis ibidem jus intereffcndi habcntibusconrulcre& tracSare, part I. m. i,Ar-

ordinare, ftatuere, &

diffinire, ac citera faecre qux Parliamenti tempore ibidt tic.j^.

immunient faciend',
iJ5o man ougljt to fit in ffjat !^igl) Court of IParliamcnt , but tljat ^ ^f6
rtg^t to fit tljcre : fo; if is not onli' a pcrfonall offence in l)im tfjat fittctlj t^er«
lDit^outautl)o:itp, but a public^ offence to tije Court of parliament, anD cottfe*

quentlp to tl)E Indole JRcalmc. iI5uf all t^e cafes abotjefaiD , anD otfjers tljat
migbf be rcmemb?eD toncl&tng tl)is point, as little 3Rttier0,Do flotu from tljc
fountaine of Modus tenendi Parliamentum, toljcre it iS fatD. Ad Parliamentum Modus tenendi
fummoneiri & venire debent racione tenura: (ox omnes & finguli Archiepifc',Epi- Pari. ca.i.
fcopi,Abbates, Priores & alii majorescleri qui tenent percomitatum vel baroni-
is infri ex-
plained by the
am rationehujufmodi tenure, &nuIliminores,nifi eorum prajfentianeceflaria AffifgofClarca-
vel utilis reputetur, &c. don.
£Dne rare anD ffrange creation of aJLojD regular of parliament toe cannot
pafTeoticr, toljicl) inas, sCljatfeing H»8. in tlje Sftlj pear of ibis reign, bp Ijis ^tt^
f crs patents unDer tlje dD jeat ^cale, DiD grant unto Richard Banham S^bitit of
SDateftocfe in tlje Countp of HDeton,being of ^i is patronage, anD to tlje fucceffo?^
of tlje fatD abbot, ut eorum quiliber,qui pro tempore ibidem fuerit Abbas, fit &
eric unus de fpiritualibus & religiofis domiois Parliamenti noftri, hjcrcdum &
fucceflbrum noflrorurti gaudend'honore,privilegio
, &
been fatD, it appcarctlj tftat tljis creation of a regular
llBp tljaf toljict) Ijatl)
ILojD of parliament ioas f oiDe, foj tljat tlje ^blot teas neitljer Baro, no? l^aD
Baroniam, Sec, j^nD if tlje IMngmigljt create Abbots ojpjio;s?Lo?Ds of par-
liament in tljts manner , bp tljc fame reafon Ijs migljt create SDeans anD ^rc^-
l)eacons JLojDo of parliament, teljttlj toitljout queftton \)c cannot»
HBp flje act of parliament of I oH.2. calleD tlje affife of Clarendon, It isDe= 10 K. X. cap. II.

ClaceD, Utpatsconfuetudinum &

libertacum antecefTorum Regis, w?-,Henricipri- Mat. Par.g7 Af-
mi &alioram, qus obfervari debent in regno &
a b omnibus teneri,i'«*. Archi- CfadcCiarcndon

cpifcopi,Fpircopi,& univerfe perfonjc regni, qui derege tenent in capitehabc-

ant pofTelTiones fuas derege fcut baroniam,& indercfpondeant Jufiiciariis & mi-
nifins regis , Scfequantur &
faciant omnes confuetudines regias, ficut carteri &
barones debent interefle judiciis Curix regis cum baronibus, cuoufq; perveniatur Rot. Pari. II &
*addminutionem membrorum vel ad mortem. &o aS bp ttjtS act a tenure Of ii R. a.
ttieiiing in cliiefetoas in equipage iDitl^ a Barony.
anD liing John bp Ijs maDc Anno 1 7 of Ijis reignc, Cart. libcrtat, a
great Cljarter of liberties
grantetlj, Q^jod faciemus fummoneri Archiepifcopos, Epifcopns, Abbates, Co- Rege Johannc
mirei, & Majorcs Barones regni fingulatim per literas noflras. fDut Of tljiS
Anno 17 regni
fiii conceff. Mat,
Claufe toe arete obferfec tljcfc tljtngs t J^irflt, tljaf fljefe IBarons callcD Ijcrc Ma- Par. J 4 J.
jores. toere ILojDS Of parliament , anDcallcD thereunto bp tlje liiingstSIrits.
feeconDlp , tljat tijep toere calleD Majores comparatitjelp, anD ti^at toas in refpcii
^ of
The High Court
of Parliament, Cap.i.
Nota,a Knights of offjerstDljtcbtBCrctaUeD Baronesminores, o; Nobiles minorcs , anD tocrc
fee is the fervice *
^ceeljolDcrs tftat liolD bplintgi)t3 ^crbfceanij CEfctiagc, «. Servicium rcuti,of
ofa Knighr, chat
•itof a man at f^jeefojts, •z'/*.Milkes, Armigeri,&Genercfi, 3antgl)t3,(Il;fqutrcs, anU C5cn«
Artnsjorofvvar. fleljomes, oi dDentlemcn. SEIjcfe Barones minores tocre E o?t)0 of «i5anno?3, anu
Hereof fee the IjaD not tljeDignit!? of ILojDs, but IjaD (Courts of tijeir iFreeftolDers, to^fcl) to t^tst
fecond part of
the inftit.
Mp are calleD Court 315aron0,CnriseBaroniar*. £>f tl)fs IBaronitfsfaiDintftat
^^^ j^^gjjg ^^ ^^^^ Edward before t^8 Conqueft : Barones qui (uam habent Cu-
inter leges Edw. fat" de lais hotniniDuJ* videant ut (ic de ei$ agaot ,quatcnus crga deutii icatum non incurrant, &
regetn non oftendanr.
* I. Curiam Ba- Baro a Bar, Gcrmanica lingua liberum & fui juris
i , toljtttj agrceflji
toell tottb f^at tofjUl^ batlj been fatD, z. C^at Baro major toas calico Bare major
cap. II. ace'
Brad. li. regni. 3. 2£l)at etjcrp greater Baron toa» fetjeraltp fummoneD bptljefifngs
J.I J4.b.
Camd. Brit. iii. Mrtt,tDl)tc^ continuct^to tl^ts Dap*

The fees ofthe K^n£->t5j Citi:^ens^

and of Parliament.

Indotf. clauf. iFtrft, foj tlje JAnfgi^t ofanpCountp it 104$, perdiem, anD fo if ^atf) been timeout of mtnD,tol)tcl) is particularly erpjelleD inmanplRccojDs, but let u3
Rot.ciauf.yR.i. fafee one in h^e verba, Johannes ShordichunusmilitumcomicatusMiddlefcx
nu.i. deexpenGs
nilit. vcnientium ad Parliamcmum tenc'apud Wefttn'in Cfo, Animarum ultim' pre-
li, & 4 $,
Regift. fo.ipi.a, terit' habetallocationem 4 pro 21 diebus pro expenfit fuis veniendo ad
ace" Parliament' prasdift' ibid, morando, & exinde ad propria redeundo,capiendo per
Dioti,VtnkndOi diem 4 s. Tefle Rege apud Wcflm'24die Novemb* Anno46, CEljerp Cttijcn
Morando, Kede-
anD llBurgcffe is to Satie 2 $ per dicm, ut fupra, mutatis mutandis*
undojper dicm 4 s.
Par.^ J
Jfiota t^e OTritDe expenfis militum,&c. Bot^ compjeljenO tbe fummc accoj*
J 5 H.S.cap.i. aing to t^e abotiefaio computation, ant) a commanticmcnt to tl)e &l)criffc to letiic
bee the ancient
tlje fame
De communitate comitatus pra^diiSf tarn infra libertates,quam extra*
Treatife, De mtdo
tcnendi Pari. (Civitatibus & Burgis de quibuscives & burgenfes ad parliamentum noftrum,&c,
« Regift.f.ipi.a venerunt duntaxat exceptis.) %^t lifee ESaritS to tl)C &l^eriffc0 De expenfis avi-
See the flat, of um &Burgenfium,toletiicti&e fame in Cities ans Boroughs. 8c c An, 1 Commons petttioneti in parliament, tftat allpcrfons
R. 2,nu. 1 1« tl)e
feezj contribute to t{)e charge of t5e!anig!)ts,anD to all tallages.
how theSheriffc babing ILap fcemiglit
Ihall levie the %\iz iSing anfVDereti,[^2i:i)C ILojlis of tl)c IRealm toil HOt lofe tl)eir olD liberties,]
fame. ^Ote tl)6 ?Mrit De communitace*
See 8 R.i. tit. Mrit in tlje regiff er De expenfis militis non levandis ab ho-
a 0lfo tljere is a
Avowric 260.
minib'de antique dnico, nee abnativis* e ;SDtljer Difcljargcs De expenfis militu.
what the Com-
mon law was. ifojtl)eta)agcsoftl)el5nigl)tsoft^e§>IE)ircofCamb;iDge fee tlje ftatuteof
b Notaj decem- 34 H. Confimile pro Infula de Ely,&c»
8. cap. 24t
municate. g H. 4. An,i4, Otitis reigne fummoneo a parliament C ro.Purificationis, anD
fje DeccafeD 20 Martii foUotoing, fo as tbc parliament tuas DilTolticD bp l)i« ne*
For the legall
^^^^^* ffi^ftcreupon it tnas a queffion , to^etljer tbe finigl^ts anD Burgeffcs
d fl d- f
"hisword"col° toages feeing notbing patfeD in tbat parliament. ^nD it Iras
i'^oult' Ija^e tljeir
mons. refoltet), ttjatifupontiietooftbcfeings lReco?D0anplihep;critJentsmapbc
c Rot. par.m..i of r fees fbal be maDe. Slfo tljc Clcrgp tuerc contr ibutojj?
founD,allotoances tbef
nu. ir.
bj?reafon of tbeir Benefices to tlje e);pcnces of tlje p jocurato js of tl^e Clergy.*
d Regift.ifii.
k But Cbaplains tajfeiclj are spatters of tbe Cbanccrj' anl) attcnDanfs at fbe
7H.6.J5 b.

Parliament.ftjal not be contributojpbp reafon of jttjetr Benefices

to tlje cj^pences
Regift.191,,91. oftlieClergiPjasbptljcKcgifter ubi fijpra appears: anB tbts Inas bpan ^A
* of parliament mane in 4 E. 3. toljfcb in gcnerall toojfts is rccifeu in f^e QJKrit
/ „J4H.8.C3.Z4.
, ^ tirectet) to flje ^rcl&=Deacon foj tljcir Difcljarge.
p rl.Da nu.40. '
1; Rot. Par.tH.^nu.i6.
b Nota.for prefidents. i Regift.itfi. F.N.B. 149. a. ^ Vid.fup. pa.4,f. Pari. An.
4 E.J. apud VVinton. whereof thcte is no Roll now remaining.

Who he eligible to he a I{night, Q^'^'^^y ^^ 'Burgeffe ofTarliame?it.

See the ftat.of % i&nigljt Baneret being no llojt) of parliament is eligible to be l^inigbt, €{--
f R a.cap.4. Burgeffe of tlje ^onfe of Commons being unocr tljc Degree ofa Baron,
ttjen, oj 4,^.
Rot.brcv. 7 R.». iDljo is of ttje lolxieft Degree of tlje HojBs !^oure. But Thomas Camois toas not
C ap . I . Tl)e High Court
ofTarliament, +7
onli> liJiiigljt Banercf, but a l5aron atiD 3lo;0 of parliament {w Anno 7 R, 2 i

anD fcrfccDin tljat parliament as a lIBaronoftftclRcalmc, anD tfjcrcfoie as of Dorf. cJaur.7 R.t
a t^tngnotoitous Ijc teas DtfctjarccD. £>rtcunDertftcagcof 21 iicaraisnof eli^ m.xo.& J7.
piblc, ncitl)cr can ani' t o;D of parliament fit t^crc unf ill ^e be of tljc full age
of 2 1 jtars.
3n aitcn cannot be clciteO of fljc JDarliament tccaufe is not X Mar.
, l&e tljc IMngs cap.
Itcsc fubjctf, anD foit io albeit f)ctcniaDe
S^cnijcnbp llettcrs J^atcnfs, fc. foj
tljcrebj' l)C is maDCtanquam ligcus; but tftat VDtll not fcrljc, foj fje muft
qua(i , feu
be ligeusrevera.anDnot quafi>&c. ^nDlucftatefjaDfuclianonecborcn anUDtD
allolticD bptljc ^^oufeof CommonSjbecaufc fuel] aperfon can I)olD no place of
Dicature; but tfan alien be naturalijcDbpJDarliament, tljcn fje is eligible to
anpotfjcr place of f uDicature*
fl^is oj
iSut it Gilbert dc Umphrevill cBarle of ^nUgos in fecofs
isobjectcD tljat 39t J-JJ>5«-
lanD,toascalleDbptl)ei3tngs tbc parliament in 39 E. bptfje name ^
of Giiberc CSarleof ^SinDgos ; anD in asearit of IRaDiftment
agatnftl)im,bj.'t{)e name of Gilbert Umphrevill Chivaler,fteplcaDeD to tbe Mrif,
fljat be teas Carle of anDgosnot namcD in tbe (Mrit ; anD foj tbat be teas fHm«
moncD to etjcrp jparltamentbptbc name of tbe Carle of 0nDgos, anD tbeifting
fentto bim a Ml rtt of parliament unDer tbe (25 jeat&cale, as toaJBcer of tbe
juDgemcnt of tbe Court tbe dUrit DiD abate,
laiiD, b»' bat?e fearcbeD foj tbc ^e
trutb of tbis cafe anD do finDe it in tbe pica IRols in tbis manner.

Richard de Umphrevill llSaron Of pjoDbotoe anD HeDcsDale in tbe

of j|5o:tb'.imbcrlanD.baD iffuc Gilbert, irbo
IBaron 01" tbis i\calm, anD in tbc reign of H. 3. marrieD toitb Mawde Daugbter
anD beir of tbc Carl of 0nDgo6 in ^cotlanD, tobo bpber baD iffne Gilbert , tobo
tpas Carle of ^nDgos as bcir to bis motbcr, anD llBaron of
pjoDboto anD etef* K
Sale as betr to bis fatljcr : be fat in parliament
27 E. I. 28 E. I. 30 E. 1. 3? E.I. I E. 2. anD 2 E. 2, bp tbe name of Gilbert Ail this doth
Carle ofj9nDgos. Robert bis fonne fat in parliament. Anno 1 2 E. 2. pear in the Roli
bp tbff
fame name of Dignttp,anDrofo;tb, all E, tbe S>econDs reign. SnD Gilbert ef Parliament in
bis all the fevcrali
fonne fat in parliament tn6E. 3. anD in eterp parliament
follotofng antiU, times.
anD in 4 R. 2. bp tbc fame name. HnD in Gilbert bis fonne
(tobo DeccafcD fn An-
no 15 H, 6) tbat firnamcofiimphrevilceafeD. It^ercbp it appearctb tbat tbe fafD
Richard UmphrevilanDbispotteritp, from totjence foetcr
tbcp ojiginallp dc«
fcenDeD, tocrc liege CngliOmicn: fo? if tbep baD been Aliens, fbcu coulD not
en jdpeD tbe IL o:Dfbip3 of pjoDbotoe, £)ttcrbo?ne, i^arbottlc, anD
KeDesDale in
Thefe two were
CnglanD, no? tbe Baronpof teime in i.ancafbire,'tobicb tbe ttoolaft Gilberts
commonly calle4
enjoi'cD. anD note, tbcHSooh in 39 E. 3. concluDetb, tbat Gilbert
Umphrevil I he Earles of/-
faasfummoneD to tbc parliament unDer tbe (I15?eat Come un Pier del Kime,
^ Bilbop elect map fit in parliament as a jLojD tbereof.
H;I. 18E.1 (0. 4'
nu. loy.

^/-^'"i^^^S Citizens and 'Burgejjes of ^arl'Mmmt.

f^mt of tbe BfuDges of tbclSings Bentb, 0? Common picas oj Barons of .

tbe Crtbequcr tbat bate iuDiciall places can be cbofcn 'Ror.Pjr.jiH.i

iiniabf><£itijen, 0; IBur*
gcDTeof parliament, as it is noto bolDcn,bccaufe tijep be aSiftanfs in nu. 16,27,1!.
tbe ^LojDs
Note, he ci^iild
l^oufc ; % pet pou map rcaDe in tbe
|0arliament H
oil. An. 3 1 h. <j. tbat
Thorp not be Speaker
3!i5aron of tbc
Crcbequer toas &peafecr of tbc parliantcnt. 'SSixi anp tbat bat»c unknchc were
juDiciall plates in tbe Court of CiiaarDs, Court of 3Ducbtc , qi
otber Courts Co Knight ot the
ihiie,&c. in the
tlefiaaicall, 0? CiDill, being no ilojD of
parliament, arceliofble.
a i^one of bjokofBuigcires
tbcClcrgp,tbougb be be of tbe lotoett £i> jDcr,arc clicriblc to be ttnigbt,
Citijen, oj BurgelTe of parliament, bccaufe tbcp are of anotbcr boDp, viz * of tbc Commons.
Conljocation. a Akx?n.NowcIs
man attaintcD of treafon o: fclonp, «. is not eligible : foi cafe, who after
conccrnina tbc was
Dcane of
tbeUiojDsoftbctI2aritbc,Duo$miltte$giadiiscinaos PjlIs being a
magisidoneos,& dilcrctoseligi tac.anD fojtbeclettton Of Citizens Prebend, i Mar.
^i tbe
^8 ^he High Court ofTarliament. Cap . i .

tl^etoOjDS OfttJCtMritbC, Duos, &c. dc difcretioribus &

magis fufificientibus,
ipfticlj t^ep cannot be fatt» to be, toj^en tljep are attainted of f reafon o? fclonp, f c.

^ato^s ant) liSatUffeo of SHotones co^:po?ate arc elegtbleagatnlt ttje opinioi!

in Brook, Anno 38 H. 8, tit' Parliament.
Stnp of tljcpjofeffton of t^e Common ILaln, ano tu^kb is in pjarttcc of tfje
fame, is eligible. JFoj ^c tDl)ict) is eligible of common rigtjt cannot be OifablcD
Rot.pat.46 E.J. bptlje faiD ^jDinancc parliament in tljc iio:Ds K^oufe in 46 £. 3. unlcffe it
nu. 10. been bp act of parliament t anD if it ^ao been
^^-Q bp autljo jitj? of parliament,
J R.z.ftat.i.cM. petl&aDtl^efamebeenabjogateDbptljefaiDftatutesof J R.z.rtat. z. cap. 2. anD
7 H.4 ca.iy. 7 H. 4. cap, J tDJ^icl) arc gencrall latjcs iuitftoHt anp erccption , as batlj been
1 .

Rot.ciauf. Anno
^j g parliament ftolDen at Cotjenf rp Anno 6 H. 4. t6e parliament teas fum=
See before pa 10 woneD fap ©Krit (anD bp colour of tl)e faiD S) jsinance) it toas foabioDen, tftat no

4 Petty Afts pafl ^LatoperftjeulDbecftofcnlanigftf, vEitijen, 0: Burgeffc, bp reafon toljercoftfjis

fed at this Pariia-
parliament teas fruitleffe, and netjer agooD la\D mace tfjereat, anD tftercfoje
callcD Indoftum Parliamemum , oj =ii,acb4carning parliament. :anD feeing
""^Va '"'1°'
the fa^'appears ^^^^
Mr its toerc againft lain, IL atopers eter Gnte (foj t^e great anD gooD fer-
Rot.Pari. 50 E. ji tice of tlje Common=tocaltt)) i^ate been eligible : fo?, as itbatft been faiD, an Ordi- tl^cWritfli Of Parliament cannot be altereD tuitliout an ^d of parliament : anD
"ance that no gUjcit t^c pjoljibitojp claijfc baD been infertcD in tl)e CSHrit, pet being aaainffi
be Tuftice of
^^^' ^^toPi^fS to^fc Of rigljt eligible, anD migbt l)ai:c been elccteD finigbt, Citi=
peace.&c. bound l^"' oj Bucgeffe ttt t^at parliament of H. 4.
not the fubjeft Wv fpeciall ojDer oftbc ^^onfc of Commons flje j3ttojnp (Sencrallisnoteli-
untiUa ftatute
gible to be a i"©em'jer of tijc ^oufe of Commons.
made iMaf.c.8.
^f tj,e ftolDen 1 Caroli Regis, tlje §>l>eri(fc foi tbe Countp of
JBucbingftam iuas cbofcn iSnigljt foj tbc Cottntp of J15o?ff. anD rcftirneD into tbe
Cljancerp : anD fjating a Subpena out of tt)e C^anccrp fertieD upon l)(m, at tfte
fait of t^e ilaDpC. pendente Parliamento, upon motion, ftc l)aD tl)ep?it3ileDgc of
Of parliament alloloeD unto l^imbpt^ejuDgement office tDl)ole1^oufe of Com*

how and
ttfhen : and

M^o fldall be eled:o^0,anD lobo Qjall be cbofen, anD tbe time, place, anD man*

^^' / ner of election, anD therein tljeDutp of tl)c§>^criffc, pou map reaDe in ttjcpofititjc
"^ 7 H,4.cap.if. 11 H.4. cap. i. i H. 5-. cap.i. 8 H.6.eap,7^ lo H.d^. ca.i.
u/^ j^-ri^vA^ i^ J'^^'^^
'3 ^ '

*T^T^*TEiizcap I
23 H.6.eap,i5r.6 H. (5. cap.4. &c,ln{)icl)neeDnotl)ercbeparticularlprel)earrcD,
Jpollnigbt, Citizen oj Burgeffc can (U in parliament befoje tie Ijatl^taUen
J^^lT'*. tl)efl)atl)Of&«p?emacp.
.fHi**^' -f Vide Rot. Clauf. 7 R, 2. 7 O^obris in Dorf, Sir Thomas Moreville elCCteD
one of t^e linigftfs fo: tlje Countp of I bid.
!^crtfojD, James Bemers tljofcn to
ferbe in parliament, anD bot^ of tbem DtfcbargeD. a>ee tfte IRecojD.
il^o election can bemaDe of anp l^niglbt oftlje ^birebutbetlucen 8 anD 11 of
fbeclocb in tf)C fojcnoonc : but if tljc election be begun tnitbtn f!}at time,anD can=
not be DetermineD \aii\^in tbofe tjours tlje election map be maoc after.
iFoj tl)C election oftbef^nig^ts, if tbe partp oj tlje jFreeljolDers DemanD tbe
poll, tbc g>l)eriffe cannot Denp tftc fcrutinp, fo? be cannot Difcerne toljo be jFree*
tolDers bp tbc tieto : anD tbougl) f be partp icoulD toatic tlje poll, pet tbc £>l)cr iffc
muft pjoceeD in f be fcrutinp.
3lf tbeliing Dotb netolp tncojpojafc an ancient llBojouglj (tobicb fent Burgcf::
fes to tbe parliament) anD grantetb tbat certain felcctcti Burgeffcs ftjall mabe
election of tbc llBurgclTes of parliament,tobcrc all tbc Burgeffcs clcctcD befoie,
f ^is Charter tabetb not atoap tbc election of tbe otber Burgeffcs. HnD fo , if a
Citp,ic. batb potuertomafee ^(jDinances, tbep cannot mabe an iDjDinante tbat
a led^ number fball elect SBnrgelTes, fo} tbe parliament tbcn maDe tbe election
Tloe Court of Tarliament,
Cap.i. High ^^
bcfo?c;foj free elections of a^cmbcrs of tijcljtgl) CTonrf of parliament are pro bo-
no ant) not to be comparcD to otl)er cafes of election of i^atojs, llSatUffes,
%c, ofCo?po;attons, It.
3If one be Dub elccteDlininljf, Citizen, o;ffiurgcffe,anDtl)c§)l)9rftferefiirne Rotp.ui 5H.4.
anotlicr, t^e rctunieniuttbe rcfo?meD, ana amenHcD bptlje S>fterifFe : anD ftctljat ""•s*-
ts Gulp elected muft be inferfeD : foj t^c election in tftefe cafes is tlic founDation,
anti notice return.

Hfep ojiginall grant oj bp cuttome, a felectco number of llBuraeffcs map elect anD
btnDe ttie re&Due.
Qoncerning of Exemption.
%\it lining cannot grant a Cljartcr of cremption to anp man to ?-c freeD from
eleflionof Jintgbt, CittjcmoiiDurgcffcof tfte JDarliament (as Ijcmap Do of fome
tnferiour£)fficco J places) becaufet^e elections of t^emougftt to be free, anD bis pafdi.jE 3.^19
attcnDancc is fo? tljcfcrlntc of tbeVi)l}olcKcalme,anDfo?tl)C benefit of tfjeliing tic.coron, F.161.
anD ftts people, anD tl)o tol^olcsIommon^Uicalt^tjatbaninterctttljeretn : anD
tfterefojca Ctjartcr of eremption tljatlSingH. 6. ijaDmaDeto tlje Citizens of i9H6"PJ-
po'Sofercmption in tbat cafe, teas bp^ct of parliament cnarteD anDDeclareD
tobcijoiDc. sinDtljounft toe finDe fome pjeftDents t^atiloiDS of parliament Rof-P«-«p«t.

I&a^je fueD out garters of eremption from tfteir fcrbice in parliament, pet tljofe R^.f .
Cljarters arc IjolDcn to be toiD: foj tljouglj tftep be not eligiblcas is afojefaiD, pet i r 1 5 pro
fljctr fertjtce in parliament is foj ttje^.TJ^oleKealmc, anDfojtIjCirenefitoffljc Do.tjeauchamp.
fcing anD l)i3 people, of tol^tcljfertilcc lie cannot be ercmpteDbp anp tetters pa> kotpat.xE.4.
tents, anD if!)e!iatl)la:famphantafiam8jbcertremelpficb,ojtf)elibc,tfterebe do^ vcf*y"°
gooD catifes of ^is ercufe in not comming, but no taufe of eiemptior, fo? Ije map
recoijer Ijis mcmoip anD fjcaltlj, «c. S>o as tt)C faiD pjcRDcnts tocre grants de fa- 39 f.?.i j-
do, not de jure t fo> if tftei^ing cannot grant a ^Tbartcr of eremption from be= uH•*^^
Mritof rigbt,oj of a 3!urp in an Attaint foj tfjcmif* 55 H.6.42.
fngoftljegranD aiTijc in a
cfjiefctbat follotoin tbofe pjtt^atc actions, a forciori, l^c cannot grant anp
cremptiontoalLo;Dofparliament;foj!jis fcrttce in parliament is publicfe
foj tlje tol)ole IRcalme, Wat tf anp lo^D of {
arliament le fo arjeD, impotent, oj
asljc cannot conticnicntlp teitbout great Danger tratcll to tfje il^tgtj Court
of parliament, Ije map l)a\3C licenfc of t^c i&ing unDer tl)C viDient ^cale to be ab<
fent fromtlje fame During tfte continuance oj p?o?ogation tliereof : but if tlje re«
Ijearfall benot true, 0; if ^c recotjer l)ts ftealt^, fo as l)C become able to tratiell, fte
muilattcnD in parliament. £>; toitftout anp fuel) licenfc o'jtaineD, if^ebefo
agcD, impotent, ojfich, as isafojefaiB.anDpetisamerceDfojljisabfence, Ijc
map reafoi^abli' anD l^oncftlp crcnfc ftimfclfe 'op tbc fjatute of 5 R, z, 5 R-i.c.4 laf.j.
0ftcr f l)c pjeccpt of tfte g>l)criife DircctcD to tijc Citp 02 Bojouglj foj mahing
of election, tfterc OUgl)t iecundum legeth & ecnfuciudinem Parliarr, to gibcn H
a conticincnt time foj tl)c Dap of tftc election; anD fufficient teaming giten to
tfteCitizens oi Burgcffcs tijat babe toices, tljat tbep map l-e paefent t otfjcrtoife
i?f not gooD, unlelTe fuel) as ftatje tjopces Doe tafee notice of tftemfelties
tfte election
anD be p;cfcnt at tlje election.
anp election o: topees git»cn bcfoie tlje pjecept be reaD anD publifljeD, are toto
anD of no fojce : foj tlje fame clecrojs after tlje pjecept reaD anD publifljeD map
mafee a nete election anD alter tljeirbopces, fccundum legem & confuetudinem
SCljus mud) Ijabe toe tftougljt gooD to fct Doten concerning ISnigljts , Citi-
zens, anD Burgcttes, becaufc muctj time is fpcnt in parliament concerning t^e
rigbtofelcatons, ic. teljiclj migljt mojc p?ofitablp be implopcD pro bonopub-
^ote to treat moje in particular (as it Ijatlj been muclj BeftreD) of tlje laltics, j^^j'
tuttomes, liberties anD pjitJileDges of tbts Court of parliament (toljicb are tljc nsk.i. Rot.
ticri' Ijeartffrings of tljc Commosi -Vocaltft , tofjcrcof tec Ijaf e rcmem'':cD fome : cbuf. indof r.
auDpou map fee fome fete otljcr cj;amplcs in ttjc margent too long Ijcrc to be
I H., 14}. iH.4.nuii. Rot.Pail.9 H 4. MemmtydesScigniturs^^-
4 law. 6 ihe Prcamb. teljearfeD)
50 ThQ High Court of Tarliament. Cap. i.

«Koc.Parl.5H.4 rc^carfct*) tooulD tafecup a totiolc 5Holumc of it fdfe : certain it teas Itiatlj been
nii.iz. Curia
faiD^tljat Parliamendluispropnis iegibusfubfiflit.
jau tbc lattices of QEiiglanDanD Barons of tt)C dBrcfiefjuerarcatTiffantsfo
i7 H.6. nui8.
tftc iLojBs to info?mc tl^cm of tijc «jrommon
laU) , auD tftcrcunto are tallcD fcijes
3 I H, 6.011.26,17
Lamb, intci lu- rallp bp G2arit. a j^citbcrDotl) it belong to tl^cni fas Ijatl) been faiD) to juDgeof
ges Edw. I onfcf- anp lato, cnffome, 0? p;i\3ilctige of parliament. 0nt) to fap ffie frutb, tbe lalncs.
ftiriA,ca..\. Ad{y-
CHttonics,libcrttcs,anDpjitiileDgcs of^arliament arc better to be Icarnct) out
venicfitibiu, five
of tl)e IRols of }Barliament,anl)ot^er Ecco5Ds,anD bp pjcftDcnts ant) continnall
pimmoniti pint, eppericnte, tljcn can be cvpjctrcD bj? anpone mans pen*
pve per fc quid Per varies aitus legem experientia fcciu
tgendi h.:bucrinl, Multa tnulto exercitamentis faciliias, quam regulis percipies.
pt [mumafaX,

in Parliamentfor maintenance ofthe IslaVte.

3!n manp parliaments confultations fjabc been Ijat) fo; tlje maintenance of t^e
iPabie of (EnglanD, anD remeDics p?obiDeD againlt becap of titie fame : as tabing
Rot Pari 45 E.J, one erample fo?. manp. 31n t^e parliament ftolDcn in Anno 45 E. ?, tfjeCom^
mons amongft tljeir petitions bo affirme, tljat tbcOccap of tbe jpabp Dotl^ arife
Th; decay of the
bp tljjec caufes. JFirft, foj tl)at funbjp mens tljips are fcifeDfojtljetetngaonff
bcfo?e i\\t^ ferbe, tobcrebp tl)e otoncrs are Djttcn at tbcfr cbarges to finD tijeic
mariners, to unDoing.&>cconDlp, foj t^at i^mbants, tbc nourtfljcrs of tfte

^abp, are oft rcflrraineb in tbeir fi)ipping,loberebp {partners arc Djiben to feeb
otbcrtrabcsanblibings. SDbtrblp, fo; tbat tbe il^aiff crs of f be !Sings fttps bo
tafte up i|).iacrs of otbcr fbips as goob as tbcir fellies arc , lubcrcbp tfje moft of
DO Ipe ftilU anb tbe {parincrs enfo?ccb to feeb ncty livings ; tul^ereof
tftofc Cl)ips

fbcp pjapeb rcincbp. ^Cotljis petition ofrigljttlje Jiitngs ropall anftoertoas.

That he would provide remedy.
The Kings Nivy Cbc icings JI5abp erceebs all otbcrs in tbe tiiojlD foj Wiitt tbtng0,viz,beanfp,
exceeds all others
llrengtb, anb fafctp, fn
tcautp, tbcp arc fo manp 1ao;-2U palnccs : foj ttrcngtft
(no part of tbe toojlb babfng fuclj 3fron anb 2Dimkr as (iDnelanD fjatlj) fo manp
mobing Catties anb Barbicans anb fo j fafctp, tljep are tbcmoff bcfcnfibe Inals

of tbe 3R calm. Amongft tbe lljips of otbcr Jliations,tbep arc liftc JLtons amongft
Clip J15caas,oj jFalcons amongft fearfuU foUile.
Slntbc reign of ^TJueen Elizabeth (IbeingtbcnacfjuainfebiDifbtbisbuC*
tocrc ? befibes J3innaccs iwbtcb fo garbcD anb regarbcb tbe nabt^
ncffc) tberc 7,

gationof tbe cpcrcbants, as tbcp bab fafc bent fo? tbcir commobitics, anb trabe
anb traffitft flouritbcb. ^ toojtbp fubjcd foj parltament0*to taHc into counbe^
ration, anb fopjobibcrcmebp as often as nccbftjall require, i?oj navigation, fee
Gen. 6,14. Sapient. 14.6. Retpp.quafi navem exidimare debemus.qus om-
'Patriciiis, lib.^. nium manibus ofiicioq; indiget, &c. ;3 Icaft in a tijip is timclp to be rcpaireb t
Dc mftitutione
iFoj as if is in tbe naturall boDpof 5pan,fo ii is in tbe polititU LoDp of tbe Com=<
mon^tocaltb. Non morbus in pleriiq; fed morbi negleiSa curaiio corpus interfi-
cit, 3nD tbns mufb foj confultations fn 55arliamcnt concerning tbe Jl5abp of

Ofthe &ec tbe firfl part of the Tnfiitutes. Se(S» i(54, verb, [VeignelesBurgeiTej al
of Parliament. Parliament.] Snb tbcrcbabc been fince tbe Conqueft about 300 g>c(rions of jsar*
A'joiit 300 ^efli-
llamcnt,iubcrcof bibcrsarenof pjinfeb.
ons of Parlii-
3ln peruftng oiicr tbelRols of parliament toe ftns JFirff biters 0rts of parlt'
nicnt fince the
amcnt in pjint tbat arc not of Hcco?D in tbe 5R oil of pari tamriit. &ef onbb, ma=
np 0rtsof parliament tbat be in tbe Kols of parliament , anD ncber pet
feb. snbirbl.', DibersClaufes omitteD in tbe pjint tobicb arc in tbe parliament
m^oll. jFourtblp, mojctn tbcpjtnttbenin tbclFlccojD. i^iftbli', manp vart=
anccs bettoccii tbe pjtnt anD tbe IK oil. §>irtblp»S>tatutcs repcalebo: Difaffir^
uicD, anb pet jinteD, u, ^d'cntblp, tobolc parliaments omittcD out of tbe

pjint. (tigbtljI'S tubolc parliaments rcpcaleD,o; a great par-t.

jCIiiD of c'.'crp of tbcfe tahing
fome cramples fo: f banblc all at large tooulb

require a tobolc iCreatife, tobicb (toe babing bjoUcn tbe 3icc) fome aooD man anb
Gap. I. The High Court of Tarliament. fi

lol-er of I)i3 (toe ftopc) toiU iinficrtaljc * to tiwtic ffjo^oUj.

foimtrcp ,

as to tl)c full, srijcfc arc in i)jint,anD not of IRcf ojD. 20 E. ?. tl)c oati) of tlje Tothefirft.
* Sec the third
SuOgcs. 27E. 5.capH555'^:.7.8.tonccmingtl)c3lncgcranD (E>afcoignc5Katne8»
part of thelnfti-
37E'^. cap,7.toncl)ingfill3Crtctrdl. 37 E'3»cap.i5>, of ^atolts,
2 R.j.eap.j.
of jl5etocs,Vid. 1 R,:. II. 2 R.2. cap.3.offatncD0utfts, yR.z.cap, i j. againft
ntamtcnancc. j? R.i.cap.^^ of crrojanD attaint. u
cojD. i3R.2.cap.n. fouc!)ing Clotl)C0. i3R.i,cap, 19. concerning Salmons*
I? K.i.cap.3. toHCfting ipilgrtms. 15 R.a.cap. ly, concerning tl)c iitngs Ca»
(lies anD »iDaolc3. 14 11.2. ca. 7. concerning 2Dinnc. i7R. 2. cap. 8.ofunlatDfuU
Mcmbiits, izu.z. cap.y. concerning Salmons. 27H,6.cap. 3. touching tm«
ploi'mcnt0, ic.
Sis to t!)C fcconD Slds of parliament arc of iR cco?D, anD not in pjinf ,
t 2ni)cre To tbefecond.
Seethe Princes
An. II E.3. tftccreationoftfjc 2D. of CojntoalUw.bpauttjojitp of parliament,
3-R,2.nt7. 39. concerning 3!uftices
of peace, apjofitable lainfojtfjcm.SrR.a.
nu, J I. concerning tl)C juricDiction of tljc vlonftable 1 ^arfiiall. 20 R.2. concern-

ing tl)C legitimation of tijc cl)ilDjen of John of Gaunt 2D. of ilanc.bp Katii.Swin'
iord. 5 a CommilTion oj ^ct of parliament foj arraping f muaering
of men. s H.4. nu. li. Clergy evempteD fromarraptng anD muttering of men,
J,2 8. againft IBjiberp anD 315:ocage in great iDfFiccrs, BiuDges, «c,
1 1H 4,nu 6 -,. concerning ;9[tfojnicfii.,ic. <5 H <5. £I5ueen of CnglanD
SDoUjagcr, fiiall not contract bcr felfe oj marrp toiffjont tfje feingo liccnfe. 9 H.(J.
nu.i 5 concerning fees of p;it)j'»]i:ounrcUo;0,anDotl)erlbeaD iDfficers. jantHjc*
Slstottit tljirD : 3!n tWcMs
of parliament Ditjers claufes are omtffeo out xothethird.
of ttje pjint, lobicb are tntljc parliament iR oil. 36E.3,cap,3. in tftc Sia of
Purte)'o?3, ic. in tlje claufe of tl)c penalti?, ti)e S)tetoarti, SDreafurer, anD Con*
troUcr are crpjeflp names, but omtttcD in t^e pjint. 2 R.i. fiac.i. eap,4, in con=
firmatton of libcrtic0, fc falling t^z iiiingsregaliti^isomttteD. 13 R.s.cap. i,
concerning p?erentation0 of tljetetng, tftclaft claufe, concerning ratifications of
tljc feing, is omitteD. 13 R.i. cap. 2. toncf)ing pjotjtfions, i4R-i«^»

concerning Hegratoi% of toools,l)igl) pjicc0 omitteD in t^epjint. 1 7 R.2.eap.4.

of a^alt, leaiictb out ^crtfojoftirc. 2«. concerning enqucftg,
2 H. V ca.i . nu.30, concerning 3luftice0 of peace. 9 H.4.eap.8. nu.43, concerning •

p?ot3ilion0. cap. 10. concerning pjocesfluringt!^ icings toiU,omit»
Sis to tljcfourtlj : 3ln tbcfc tljere i0 moje in tfte pjinf tljen in tlje IRccojB, Tothcfomth.
9 H,4.cap, toucl)ing pjoUiRons. 2H.5. ftat.a.cap,,38. fouci)ing
3iuro:3, u.

2ni)c ftftb 5n pjint tjarp from f Ije 1R ceo jD in fome materiall f ^ing.
tljefe tl)e To the fifth.
CDenerall!? in all tftc ftatutes maDe coitcernttig pjotiifions, oj otfter tfjc ufarpatt*
ens of tbc pope, t^e biting anD bitter toojDs are left out in tfte pjint. Sis to tabe
an cicamplc 0?. ttoo. Vi, ;« E. pjint. cap. i
,'-,5,4. anD in t^c IRoll, nu.ji.&c.

3 R.J. cap. 3 inpjint. Rol, nu. 37. &c.

IBiiljopg facing !Lo?d ȣ^anccUoj0,

j; of tfjc parliament, viz. ^onDapaf*

tcr S>. Luke, foj jFriDap. 9 H,4, cap.2, nu.ztf. concerning 3ttojnie0. ^c. SI IfloU
of parliament tnfitulcD 4 E. 4. to!)erc it ftoulD be i j E. 4. 9 H. 5, cap 2 & 3,

jjiintcD as pcrpetuall in fome 3!5oofe0, tol^crc tljcp tocrc to enDurcbut nntilltbe

next parliament,
SDftcfirt^: S>tatufc0pjctenDcDtobcenacteD, anD after DifaffirmeD, anD pet xothcfixth.
piintcD. s R.i.cap,5.rtar,2.toucl)inginquirte0of !^erefie0,Anno6 52,
DtfafFirmcD fci' tl)c €omition0, to? ttiaf t^ep pjotcftcD it tiia0 netjcr tfjeir mean*
ing to be juftificD, anD to binDc tftcmfclbeo anD ttjcir fHCceiroj0 to tl)e p?elatg
no mo;c tljcn tftcir anccttojo baD Done bcfoje tljem. Robert Braibroke IBtfljop of
5LonDon toa3tl)enllojDv£;l)anceUoj, 115ptl)i0 anD tftat tof)iclj foUotoe0, it ap.
pearctii !)o\d ncccffarp it \nas in tljofe Dai'e0 to Ijntjc fome of tljc Conmion0 to be

(as fyui) been faiD) at tljc ingroffing of tlje parliament IROI0, a0 appearctl) Ror.

Pari. Anno 6 H. 4. nu.y^, 7 H, j,&c, &c Mode tenend' Pari, cap, 8. x H, 4.

5^ The High Court of Tarliameni. Gap.i.
B.ot.Parl.iiH.4 cap.i5.ti{fatotoelibptt)C<£;ommoii0 ,
pet tlje pjctenDeD Sid pjtnfcD.i H.j.
nu. ti. vide
cap.6. againft |0?cact)er3, DtfatioliieD tljc nejt |@arltamcnt bptl^e Commons, foj
7 H.4. nu.ii.
t^at tljcp nel)eraffcntct), aiiD j'Ctt!)cfuppofcD ^ctpjtntcii.
To the fcventh. SDJje feticntl) : tSff^ole ^Barltamcnts omitteD out of tfte p?tnt,iDt)eretn tJjertle
man? notable tfjings to be obfetfecDt An. 3 E.z. a ]2.arltament liolDcn at?222c{fm.
3 Sept. DorffCIauf, 2E»i,m. i4»& iz. Annis4 E.z, a pud London, y E. 2. apui
Weftni. 6 E.2.ib, bis.7 E,2,ib.8E,2.apudEborum,i 1 Et2.apud WeRm.i(5 E.i,
apudRippon,& pofleaapudEborunn. An.fiE.j. a parliament ^olDcn at SSUcft--
ttunaer tlje monoap after fftc feaft of §>. Gregory, Anno s Eo- a ISarltament
^olDen at |9o:b t^e Dap before tljc fcaft of &. Peter in Cathedra. Anno 1 1 E, 3.
at^ereat tlje pjtnce teas treated SDufee of CojntDaU,K. Ar,i ? E. 3,
IjolDen atMcftm.fni jMich, n E.3,atMcftm. tlje ^onDapncvt after tfje
toeeb tntljcmtDDeft of ILent.i? £,33 parlfament l&olDcn at ^aacttm. ttie Dapaf*
tcr S>. Martin, 40 E.3,at CSKeftm. t^c i^onoap after tlje tnticntton of tljc Croffe*
7 R. 1. at Mcffm. tlje ^riDap after tbe iFeatt of &, Mark, &c.
To the eighth, SDljeeiglitft t toljole parltamentis rcpcaleD anD maDe tjoiD bp ftibfequent par*
Itaments.i H.4,cap. s.rcpealeo. zi R.i.toljtc^ltiaDrepcaleD tfjc parliament of
flWhere the prin- II R.j.anDretitietljtliefame. 25|?39H.6,cap.i.a parliament bolDcn at Co-
ted book fuppofc
that there was tenfrp Anno 38 H. 6, (s Votiollp repealed. Roc Par. 2 E, 4. bu. 1
tnliole par«
another Parlia- UamentftolDenAnno4pH, 6. &readeptionisregni fuiprimo, i3 repealeD anO
ment in Anno reticrfeD. Videt^e parliament of E.j. repealeD. Rot. Pari, anno 7 E.3. nu,
s 1

ij E.J. whereby
23. jFoj t^erctttsagrecDtljattljeaatuteof 15 E, 3. fl^all be utferlp repcalco,
the former fta-
anD lofe tlje name of a ftatnte, a« contrarie to tbe laics anD pjerogativie : anD foj
tutc was repea-
tljat fomc articles tljere maDe arc reafonable, it is agrecD, tljat fuel) Articles ana
led, the truth is,
the Parhament others agreeD in tt)is parliament i^all be maDe into a llatute bp ttjeaDticc of tljc
was holden at lattices,
WeftiB. I J Pafc.
b <©anp IRecojDS of parliament can IjarDlp be unDcrttooD, unlcffe pou jopne
17 E.J. c
i> Hiftories fome- tftereimto t\)t ^taojpof t^at time, iroj erample t %\^ CarDinall of JiMintlje-
time explaine ttcr,tantle of tfte l^tng,Declarctlj in
open parliament, t^af be being in jFlanDers,
Records of Par- inljis journep to BRome , returneD bacfe of
Ijis oton lotll to purge (jimfelfe of a
bjuit,t!jat lie flioulD be a SCraptoj to tlje IRcalm, toljereof (no atcufation being a-
C Rer. Pari.
gainft ^im) lie toas eafilp purgcD bp tl)e SDube of CDloc. pjotcrto?, bp tbe JJjinga
commanDemcnt. 515ut aDDe tlje !^iCojptljereunto, tljattljecarDtrtaUljabing
certain of tljc^iings Bletocls in gage, meant to babe tljcm bjougbt after bim : but
t\)Zie. 3!ctDels being arreffcDanD ffap'Dat&anDtoicbbpfbetoingscommanDe*
mcnt, anD tbebjuit bcreof commtng to tbeCarDinals earc (be being tbcrcioitb
cjfcecDtnglp froublcD) foj tbc recotierp of fbem returneD in pott to tbc parlia«

mcnt. j^oU) after be toas purgcD of tbe b?uif of fuppofeD f rcafon: toucbing tbe
fatD BctDcls ftapcD at SanDtoicb to tbc great binDjance of tbe CarDinall, as be
This appearcth complaincD. 3t toas on a motion on bis bebalfc, ojDercD tbat the CarDinall
in the fame Par - fljoulD pap to tbe iiing &ij; tboufanD pounD mo?c foj tbem, anD IcnD to tbe liiing
liaraent nu i^. tbirtccn tboufanD poanD, tobicb toas Done,
;anD foj a contluQon bereof,anDof fbis Cbapfcrof tbe ^igb Court of par^
Itamcnt, it is to be remembjeD, tbat bp tbe ffatutc of 42 E. 3 . eap. i , all Statutes
are repealeD tbatareagaintt Magna Carta, OJ Carta de Forefta.
Parliaments in &eebereaftcrcap,75» botoanD in tobat manner parliaments be bolDen in
Scotland. &cotlanD. janD eap. 77- botoanD tobat manner parliaments be bolDen in Ivt-
In Ireland.
lanD, anD botoJlBils (ball palTetbcrc, nebec bcfoje tbis timepublitbeD, as toe

Cap.z. n

Of the Councell Board, or Table.

fsamottnoblc, Ijonourable , ant) relJCrctiD 01Ierablp offljeiSmg

aiiD bis pjitjp CounccU tn tljciitngs Court ojlBalacc: 'Bfflttljtftis

TK^is gooD vToaricell tljcl^mffljtmfclf Dofljfttatljisplcafure. Cljefc Coanfclloje,

Ithc Ccnttitcis aiiD Matcljmen , conftilt oMnOfojlftc publique
gooD^anotljcljoiioar, Defence, fafetiPjanDpjofit oft&eKealm. A confolendo/e- fo.i^.Rucpat!
cundum fs callcD f t)C Coiincell 2Ealle» |J?ttate tanfcs, left iR-i. parte

tijep ftioulD fjtnDcr t^j publique, tfjcj? leatie to t^ Bluftices of tl)C liincs Cotuts ^^'^' ^"•'*-
of BSufticcanDmeODlenotiDttbtbem t t^ep are callcD Concilium regis privatum, RcrPai.iH^.
concilium lecreturr, & continuum concilium regis. 2Cl)C number Of tftcni tS nu.15.

at tl)elunooiDilUbutof ancient time tl)crclDere ttoclbe, ou^ercaboutss, jSDf /> Pro bono pub-
tlje Ditjcrfitp of ttje isingafetjcrall Councel0,pou mapreaD in t^e Firlt pan of
Che Inftitutes, Sea.i ^4.
I5 E.?*ca"'.''
&ee Rot, Pat* 42 E.j.parte i. m»i3, de concilio regis, flat. 4. 41E.J.

Rot.Par. I III. Rot,Par. 2J.47. r/ Roc. Par. 50 jz. iR.i.
nu.4. Rot. Pac. i.par;e, Rot.pail. 7 H, 4. ji. 41.66,67. 1. part of the Inftitutes , Scd. 164. Rot. Clauf.
16 E.z.m.j. inDorf. Hc?z. Dc i/J/:) menccbarode magnod!- dtjicrefoconciliorcgis jurat'.

!&tns E,3 , tooalu ^jatje Ijts ^ouncellojs to Ijatje four pjoperf tc0. 1 . sCftat be
6e parcus iui,bnoUtlng t^sf f)c tooulD ncber be pjotiiDent fo; bim, tbattooulD
not be a gooDbusfaanD fo; binifclf. 2. SCfjat fjcfljoulD notbecupidus rci ali-
enae, no cotJCtous, noj grce^p man, fojei ninilturpe , cui nihil fatis. ?. SCftat
IjeftoulDbeavarus reipublic2e,col3etou0 fojtijcfeings treafure anD Common*
tocaltf): anD 4, iLtjatberuniromnia fir e.xpertu<;iniBl)at place tljciiingfiiall
cmplop ljint,tbat Ijebc crpert; foj great offices arc nctcr ioell manageobp
2Deputp,iul)crc tljc £)ft'icer Ijimfelf is but a Cipher.
SCo tljcfc *XoimfeUo;3 all Due honour anD rcticrence is tobcgiben, foj fftep S""f-7*P-
arc tncojpojatcDtotljE^ing btmfclf, anD bear part ofljis cares, tS)sp are Ijis
true SCreafurcrs, anD tljc pjofitabltj ^nftrumcnts of tfte &tatc, ^m\) honour ^.^«V
laas gtbcn to CuunfeUojs of ^tate tn ancient time, t?)at tf one DiD ftrifec in Kot.Par.j h 6.
a ^enatojs oj Ccunrcllojs boufe.o; elfetoberc in tj is piclcncc, l)t toas&neD, "'-j-
£>e0 Vet.M2g.Cart, fo.n.i.pane, Hugh Spencer tfte jfatbcr, IL OJD Vpencer 'r
Ai'Jrcdu'lc i<
(Earl of <:t:li!icI)cacr,anDt!)etoings Chamberlain, anD Hugh bis fonct-arl of
Hugh Spoiccr
dSlot'lacre aDjuDgcD in parliament to be erileD, «c. amongft otljcr ^rtttles, the father, and
Cf lucre, iFtriE,fojtl)attl)epbptl)cirebillcol3initiot!lD not fufTer tbe (©janDces Hughdiefon
of tbc 11calm,no;tl)clntngs gooDjCounfellojs to fpcabVuitljojcome ncertlje
i\iiig,oj to gijc btm goroD CouncelUojtljat tljc iiing migbt fpcafe iuiti) tljcnt, but
onlp in tljc pjefaicc oj bearing of tbc faiD Hugh tbc fatbcr,anD Hugh tbc (on 0; of
one of tbcm,f atfbeir toil,? accojDing tofucb tbings as plcafeD tbem, §»cconDlp,
foj gitiitig ebill counfcll to tbe iaing,not to anftocr tbc petitions of tbc great men
anD otbsrs,but at tbeir pleafurc. 2CbtrDlr,tbat tbc)',to attain bp tbcir malice anD
cobctourncLre totbcDitbcritanccof tbe great men of tbe IR calm, anD Dcftruction
of tbc pcoplcput out gooD anD cobenable ipiniffers , lubttbbaD tbeir places bp
affcnt, anD put in otbers falfe anD cfillof tbeir cobin.tljat tbei'lboulDnotcaufc
rigbt to be Done. ^nD §)bErtfs, Cfcbeatojs, Conftafclcs of Caftlcs, anD
otbers in tbc offices of tbe tbe l^ing, notcobenable fo: tbefeing» nojfoUbc
people tbcp DiDmafee, anD taufcD Suffices to be maDc not Connfants in tbc
latos oftbclanD,to bi^'^r anD Determine tbings toucbing tbc great mcnanDpeo=
pleof tbcl'lcalm,ic. i3nDfo,tbattobicb oiigbttobc fo? tbc maintenance of tljc

31 peace
H ne Councell 'Board,
Cap, 2.
ofcttU, toa0tuni0Dfotl)CDtfiict(taiite
peace, anti of gool)incn,ant)pantfi)rRcnt
oftftc great m"en,aniDDeftra£tfon of t{)c people^ ^outt^ilp, ttjaf tl)cj> falfdp ann
maliciouflpDiDfounfeU t^eising to ratfc fto?re anDanns,sc.inDeffrattion of
tJ^ecooDpcopIcagamfttljcfojm of Magna Carta, anD fo bp f fjeir ctJiU counfcll
Magna Carta.
iDoulDt)at3cmo^cDirar initljintftelllcalm, totljeDearuttton of ?^olp C^artf), .

anDoftlje people,foj t^eir pjoper quart ell. iFtftfjlp, foj Defeating bptfjeir ePill
Counfcll f Ijat tobtcl) ft)C J^ing ban grantcD in bifi |Barltament bp gooo Coum W
rell,bj'fl)cnircnt of ttjc |)cer0oftl)cJiant),totbe litlftonour of tfjetetng, anD
agafnft rtgW anD reafon. §>i):tblp,tl)cptDOulD notfuffec tt)e fttng to taherea=
fonable fine3,ic.nponalfcnatton0,|f . Read the whole.
^rebpit appearctljtbatoncojtlDOongbtnottobcroleCoinflclloja, anD to
wafee a ^onopolp tbereof:foj true tt is tljat Homer faitlj,

poteris tu fortiter omnia folus,

Homer, Haud quaquatn
See the Articles
Namqnc aliis divi bello poUerc dederunr,
againfl Cardinal
Huic Taltandi artcm.voceiiuic, cicharaque cancndi,
alii fubpc<5loremagDus
ter cap, Chancery, InferuJcque fagax
pa. Art.910.15. Jupiter ingenium, at multis eft utiiis ilie.
• Utilisfcdnon
a Ro.Par.iiH.4.
2Cbe Dutp of a J0jffep Counfelloj appcaretb bp i^ts oatlj, to&icfj conftftetl) m
nu.14.N0ta. tbefe artttlcs ej parts,
Vid.Ver. Mag. 1. S^batbelballasfarfoitftas cunning anD Dttcretion fufferctb, trulp, luftlp
Carr. parte I .
anD eljenlp counfell anDaDtjtfetljsl&tng in all matters to be commoneD^treateD,
fo.165. jiinmcn-
anD DemeaneD in tljclSfngs CouncelUoj bp btmas tfte ISings iJCounfcUoj.
VideFletalib.i. 2. dUeneralU' in all twines tljat map H
to t^c listngs fjonoiir anD leljoor anD to

ca.17. tfte gooD of bis Realms, iiojDCbips

anD §>ubjects,lDttl)out partialitp , oj ercepti*
No£a,vide inf. j.
on of perfonsf, not Icatiing, oj cftljeiDing fo to Doe fo; affection, lotc, meeD,Doubt,
OJ DjeaD of anp pcrfon oj pcrfons.
3» CtjatbelljaUfeecpfecret tljc aingsCounfcU, anDalltljaf fljallbecommo*
iteD bptoap of counfell in tbe fame, toitbouf tljat be Qjall conunon it, publtCbit,
ojDifcoter it bptoojD,tDjiting , 0; in anp otberiutfe to anp perfon out of tbe
fame Councell, oj to anp oftbe fame Councell, if ittoutbbim, oj ifbebcpartp
Rot.Par.ii H.4. 4, SCbatbc fball not fo; gift, mceD,nojgooD,ne pjomife of gooD bp bim, noj
nil. 18. bp mean of anp otber pcrfon rcceltic 01 aDmitfojanp promotion, fatjouring.noj
foj Declaring, letting, ojbinDjing of anp matter oj tbing to be trcatcD 0? Done
tntbc faiD councell.

Nota, fupra.2. 5, 2Dbat be fljall toifb all bis mfgbt anD potocr bclp anD ftrcngf ben t\iz
lyings faiD Councell in all tbat (ball be tbougbtto tbc fame councell foj tbe
uniticrfall gooD of tbe?iing anD bis lanD, anD foj tbc peace,rcft, aiiD tranquillitf
of tbe fame.
6, SDbat be ftall toitbttanD anp perfon oj pcrfons of tubat conDtf ton, ettateoj

Degree fbcpbe of,tbattooulDbpU)ap of feat, attempt, ojtntenD tbc contrarp.

7, ainDgeneraUptbaf bcfballolfertie, feejp anD Doe all tbat a gooD anD true
Counfellojougbtfojto Doc unto bis^otjeraignlLojD.
IBpfojcc oftbisoatbanDtbe cuftomcof tbelHealmbc is a pjitjpConnfclloj
tDitbout anp jpafent oj grant Daring tbelifcoftbe!iing tbat mafectbcboiccof
3!t is cnactcD tbat all tbe teings Counfcllojs anD otber beaD officers tbere
Ror.Par.9 H.6.
nu.ij. namcD (ballbai^e pearlp out of tbe CBrcbequer fucb fees bp leap of retoarD ta
are tberc erpjcffeD.
CVicrp |0?ittp Counfello} batb atoiceanDplatc in tbe Court of &taMbam«
bcr,a0 in tbeCbapter oftbe Court of S»tar=cbambcrappearctb.
iFoj tbe better performance of tobicb oatb,feingH,8.tDoulD toifljtbat bis
CounfcUojs tootilD commit &>imulation,2Mtrimnlation %
terc loDgc tobcn tbcp came to lif in Councell,

Cap. I. The Councell ^oard. 5i
Of the
Trefuhit of the (junceil.
SCftcrc is, anD of ancient ttmcftaff) been a^:cfiftcnt of ffje CTountcir, toljo
Pi'.'ncipalit con*
tons romeftmc callcD Principalis conliliarius.anDfomctimcCapitalisconfiliarius,
Rot. Par. 9E.:,Comc$Lanca(i'. 50 E.3. I R. 1.1. pars. Pat,nu»2i, 1,26,
Capicalis confili-
27. Dux Bedf. Rot. Pat. I H. 6. parte j.DuxGIoc' Rot. Pari, to H. ^. nu, 9,
Dux Gloc*. §>ec Rot. Pari. 1 1 H. 6. nu. 19, Kot.Parl. 22 H. 6. Dux Eborutn. Yoii fliiUhavc
what we have
Rot. Par. i3E.i|f part Johannes Ruffel Epifcopus RofFen'
1. & portea Lircoln* 'jbfervcd ty our
Prxlidens eonfilii.lm' Record Curirftellat' Johannes FifherEpifcopujRoft'PrsE- owineading,of
fidcnsconlilii i2Ht7' A 25 H,8. ufq; ;7H. 8. Carolus Brandon DuxSutt' in 01 licrs learn that

libropacis, Kot.Parl.
i E. (5.PaVvler. 3n tijc lournall bool? Of parHiament* vvbicliishcre

& Dux Norchumb, i ?c 2 Ph. & Mar. comes

J E.<5. 7 E,<5. Arundel, &c, wanting.
;act3 of iflacliament naming fibc 33jcfiDcnts oft^eCounceU, 21
31 H.b\
2DftiS( office uias neber grant eb hwt far letters }3afenfs unDer tijg great
li>cal durante beneplacito, anD i3 Derp ancient : fojjohn 115iO)op of JiJoj*

tDici) luas JpjcfiDcnt of tftc Councell in In Anno 7 Regis Johannis, HolJ. to. 1 69^
Math. Paris 205 & Math. Weiim*; Dormi vit tamen hoc officium regnante mag-

na Elizabetha.
Xftc ILojOiajcfiDentio faiD in f Ije ffaf uf e of z 1 H.8*ca.2o. tobeaffenDing
upon ti)c ttings mod
ropall pcrfon, and tfjc rcafon of l)i3 attcnbancc is,fo? tljat n io.
of latter times be batl) iifcD to repoit to tfje iiing tfjc paffagcs, anD tt)C ttate of Vid.Roc.P3rl.
at tlje ^iTounccll 2:;ablc,§>ee 50 E.3,ubi lupra.
tl)C biirrncITc

ftcrt to tbe pjcQBent of tftc vTounccll/as mo:c fullpappcareff) in fl)C cftap* f Lord Privy
far of i\\ douncelUic tl)e 3Lo;t) Seal,
pjeceDcncp) fittcttj ^;ttij? Sical, to^o befiDes
of a piitjp Counfelloj taUctl) a particular oatb of tl)e &caU See Rot. Pari.
Ijjs oatlj pjttjp 10.&
tofjicl) conClfef!) on four parts: 1. snijat !)c,asfarfo:tMs fiis cunning anD nota bene.
anD crcrcifc tfje office oftbe
Dtfcretion fuffcretlj,trHli',)uffli',ant)ct?enlj' erecutc,
iftccpcrof tbetiings pjtbp S>caltol)imbi'ftis ^igftneffccommitteD. 2. Jotlca*
Lo^Privj SeaU
tiing 0? efcftctoing fofoDofoj affection,lobe,mecL),t)o«bt,o:DieaD of anppeiTon oj
pcrfons. 3.2D!)at fjc Iljal taUc fpccial rcaarD^tftat tl)c faiopjitip S)cal in all places
iDljere IjefliaUDitjcrt unto, maj> be in fuel) fubftantiall toifc ufeD anofafcfeept,
tbaf nopctfontoitljout tl)c liings fpcctall commaniDmento:l)isa(rent,ojfenolu<

lcDsc,fl)nllmol'e,rcal,o;impjint ani' tljing toitl) tljc fame, a,, ©enerallp. Ijc

fljail obfcrtjc, ful6ll,anD Doc all anD eljerp tiding, tufjicl) totlje office of tfte teee*

per of tlje i»{ngs IDjitJp S>cal Dulp bclongctlj, anti appcrtaincfli.

2Cl)is is an office of great trufi anD skill, tljat put tl)is §>eal to no grant

toitljout gooD tajarrant, no; toitf) toaaant,if it bcagainft latD,unDuc,o;tncon-

tientenf,but acquaint tljc tting tljerctuitl^.
fljat itrft l)C

t!llpontI)c=SLo?.D |a:.ii)P §>eal arc attenDant four Clerhs of tfje ^jitip feeali
J^oto {)0ii3,anD in toljat loife, tljc lungs grants, to:iting6,anD leafes, (ball pair?
tl)Ctftjce S»cals,viz. tljc ]D:ii?p &>ignct,tl)e ^?-ibj>s>cal,anD tl)C C3?cat &eal,an8
t^c Duties of t^e Clerks of tt)C |D;i\)p Signet, anD pjitri? §>cal, anD Iwfjat fees
ll>allbepaiD,anDtol)crenone at alUtc. anD manp Articles concerning tljc paf*
fing of tljc liiings grants,«c. j'ou map reaD \\\ tbe ftatute of 27 H. 8. a lato tnojs 17 iu^

tftp of obferbafion. JitnD of tljis 0rt poumap reaD Lib. 8. fo.

1 8. b. in
tlje }p?im *
An humble
ces cafe. SCljis officer is namcD tntljic ftafutcs of 2 anD 1 2 R,?.ca.i i.
* lunie of a greac
Clerk of tftepjit}p»>cal. 3fnRot.Parl.ii,28. Gardendel Privy Seal-- Officer, and in
anD in tljc ftatute of 34 4. 3LojD JDjitjp &>eal. SDljis &>eal is calleD bp thofeAiSt ranked
feiierall names. 115j> tljc ftatute of u
R.2. cap. 10. it is piotJiDcD tljat iletfcrs amongft the
fecrct S)cal be from Ijcnccfojtij fent in Grandees of ilic
oftbca>ignct,noi of tljc lungs fljall
Kin^c"© ue .

Dammagc 0; pjejuDicc of liUalm, nojin

tljC Difturbancc of tlje laly, Vide Mir,
ca,3. «. Exception a! power de Jucigc.
3In tlje ftatute of A rticulifuperCartas,cap.<5. 28E. i. if 16 calleD f^C little Seethe i.parc
ut ihelnllir.
S>cal,anDlikclDffcin tljeftatuteof2E.5.cap. is focallcD. Rcgift. fo, 1 86,
Parvum Sigillum. 50E. iSj. F.N. B. 180. Flcta Jib, i. cap. 12, <>. Efl
int'.&c. Cultos privati Sigiilij Clerks of tljc S>ignet> Clerici Signetti are nameD
31 » tn
5^ ^^^ Coimcell Board.
Cap. 2.
In tftc faib 5lrt of :!7 H.S.&c. ano arc four in number atfenBaiif upon t^ei^tnga
SeeAak f'per PJin^JP^ll ^uttUt^ iufto altoaj'fl Ijat^ tl)C beeping of tW
S>cal oj Signet,
Carus,ubi ffipra. foj fcaling Of fetngs |9?ttp ^letters: t^cfefour Clerfes fit at t^e &ecrcta«

Lib.8.ubiftipia. XK0 315oart). ^c tftat Dcfiretft to rcaD mo?e oftlicflutpof pjitip Counfellojs,
anD t)oto, anD foj to^at taufcs t^cp are to be punifljen, if ttjep oflfenD } let ftim
real) tl)e jParliamentJRoU oftljc 50 j?earof£»» 1^,16,17,18,19,20,11,211

23, 24^15, 16,17,28, 29, &c.3405&:c.

^ ^gg of |0arliantent conccrntHg tlje lyings pjttjp CouncclU 2^E.3,ca,4, 11 H,,
ftaf.4^ 28E.3.cap,3i. 4aE,3.cap. g.tnpjtnt* 9R« i2»
> H. H, 14- t. 6. cap. 21 concerning toarrants
Tb i"caTrepca- ? 4. cap.7. 3 /.cap 3 J. Jae.ea.3»
led.' of affittancc, ic, 3 Caroluca. i . in tlje petition of cigftt, concerning loans,ic
imp?ironnient,ic. martiall lato, folDicrs, %c.
S>ce ftercaftcr pa. fn tfte Chapter of tlje Cl^ancerp in tftc Articles againft

CartiinaU Woolfey, Artie 9,10. 1 5, &c. concerning pjitjp Counfellojs.

3t appcaretl) bp tl)C Mrits anD KecojDS of IDarliament, t^at tljc l^igft
Court of parliament t& refoltieD to be t)olDen bp t^c l^ing per advifaraemuni
eonciliifui.tljaf is,bpaDt)(leofftis ^jitjp Conncell.
£DjDer3 of parliament fo:itftc pjttjpCouncellanD otljec things concerning
tftem intljc l^ols of parliament. joE.^ 11.34. 42 £.3.1^.27.
^tr John Lees cafe, i r. 2* uu.S/. 1 1 2* Rot, Pat. i r. 2, pane i . m, 1 6. 2 r,?* Rot, Pari, i H. 4. nu. 2. 7, 32, 33. 41. 66,(^7,68. &c,
11H.4. nu. 14. 3. 1H. 6. nu, 30, 31,32. 2 H. 6. nu. i j, 16, 17.
8 H.6. nu.27,18, certain articles to tlje number of eigibfeen touc^ingtljeojtieroC
tfteJiingSvi:ouncell(amongftfa;]bic^ t^e clctientl) is, tl)af all offices anD bene*
ficcs of tbe icings gift, fuel) as l)aD fcrteD^imoj Ijis fatl^cr, {I50UID be p?ef«i:*
Wi tl^ercanto) are eftablilfteD bptlje teing, ttjelBiftops anD iLo?DS. 9 H. 6»
nu, 2 7 , 1 1 H. 6. nu, 9* feij: Articles, toftercof tfte laft teas, tljat a Koll ftoulo

jbe niaDe of fucl^ as at anp ttme^aD fertieD in t^e lxiars,o^ ot^ertoiie, to t^e

enD t^ep CjoulD be p?cferreD to offices anD benefits, 1 2 h,6, nu, 4. De incendcn-
liis confiliariorum. 31 H, 6. Vide Rot. Pat. 32 H6,partc 1.01,22,

arts of Councell concerning tbe fame. Rot.finium. 20 E, 3,m.8,Rot.Glauf.

4 H. 4, in Dorf, m, 1 3. Clauf, 2 j E, 3, m.i o, Pat, 1 9 R. 2. parte 2. tn. 8. Clauf.
20 E. 3. parte i . m. 26. %.^t Clerbs Of t^c Councell are attendants upon tl^
!io;Ds anD Olivers of tl^e P}tt}p councell. Concerning ttie Clerks of ti^e
CouHcell auDtljeir Dutp, fee Rot, Pari. Annoi H. 6,nu.32.,
£Df tl)cfe acts of parliament, ojDers in parliament, anD ^cts of Councell

to^ ft^*^ referrcD pou (foj atjoiDing of tcDioufncffe) to flje ojfginals.Qui ambu-
lat fraudulcntcr revelat arcana, qui autem fidelis eft celat,&c,

Tcbie 12.7. Bonum eft abfcondcre facramentum regis, opera autem dci rcvclare hono-

VaUriui lib 4.
^ihil magis optandutn quam ut rerum gcrendarum
, confilia ,
quoad ejus
RcguU. fieri poterit, quam maxime occulta fint,

J J Eximi* efivirtHS prafiareji/e»tiarel>us,

Ac contra gravier culpa tacenda loqHt,

Nulla funimeliora confilia, quam qus ignoraverit adverfarius antequam fa-

Veeetius lib.3.
de tcmilitari.* eias,&c. Quid fieri debeat,tra6tato cum multis; quid fa6lurus fi$,cum paucif-
(imis acfideli/Timi$,&e. Confilia nifi fint abfcondita,cxitum raroprofpieiunt.
Erafmus in Epift. Confilia callida &
audacia primo frontc lita, traiSlatu dura,evcntu triftia.
Curtius. ^n confiliario imprimis requiritur temperantia ,quia no vandii, quam geren-
dis rebus aptiora ingenia ilia ignea. ^InD it iS certain tljaf men offierpanH
furious fpirits eaftlp become factious,

pj— J
In confiliario Principistria maxime requiruntur.libcrtas, fides, & Veritas: li-
bertasconhlii efl ejus vita &
eflentia, qua ereptaiconfilium evanefcit,
Private res Temper oflficere, oflicientque publicis eonfiliisipcllimum vcri affcdim
& judicii venenum fua cuique utilitas,
Cap. 2. The Comceli T^card, 57
Tu civem patrcmque geris.tu confule cunflis;
Non nee tua removeant, led publica vota.

jail iirtjicl), anD muclj moje are compjcljcnDcD luitljin tljc oatljaboljcfaiu.
feomc rules of CounfclUtnljtcl) in vlounccll toe IjatcobfcrtcD, toctoill at)Dc» Book of judg.
19- ver. ultimo.
5Fira,tftatttt3rafcatogtiicai^tiigtounfell,tol)cn t)cDcmant)etl)tt fecconDlp,
tlje trueft aiiD belt coimfell tsetjcr giten toajatng, tobcit ttie queftion
ts fo
cDenlp pjovounDeD,a0tl)eCounrcUoj bnotoetl^ nottoftitb toap tfte Jitngl)tm= give fcntencc.
felf intlinctl). CljtrDlp, tljat praspropcra corfilia funi raro proipera fo? re» ^Seneca. Non

foluttott ftioulD neber goe bcfo?e Deliberation, no? ejecutfen before rcfolution. Temper

iFourtW?, toljen upon Debate anD Deliberation tt isbp tlieCouncell Cable tocU ^[, ^^n^^'S*
r6rolticD,tl)C»tftangetl)ereofnponfom0pji"batc infajmation is ncitljer fafe noj fedaptat.
l^onourable, noj tftat after refolution timelp erccutton be DclapeD. if^iftl)h', it is
'' a b saiuft.priuf-
mean ofpiofpcrousfatccffc tolicn tl^cqncll{ont3DcbatcDVDit^afeto,nottl)atb8 quammci.iaj,
ftoalD relp upon tl)em,bnt tfjat thereby Vat ffatc of tftc queftion map be tuel onfi^f' ^onfuiuentm'"- tbe enD t^c fame map be plenarilp ^ ixxWv p?opotmDeD to tl^ toftolc 5I5oaw. ^^^^ fa"'io
feirtftlp, gooD counfel is tlje &tate. &ebcntWp,toljKT Cotmfellojs Doe en.
fonl of tlje
^ f 1 1 h
l)tDe oj Dtfguife tfte trutl),tt is full of Danger botb to tfte teing anD to tftentfcltjes. 4 na.i 4.
€{gt)tl)lp,biolcnt courfcs arc lifee to ^t toatcrs tljat map Do gooD in an cjtremitp, j'M'iumconfi-
fauf tbe ufc of t^em Dotb fpoil t^ flomatli, anD it toill require tftem tlrongec ano
ftronger , anD bp litle anD little tftep toill leffen tljeir oton operation. iL aftlp, futfj ro chuhc.

fearas Dotb notfalinconftantemvirum.isancnfmptogooDceunfeUfojto^atis^.

fear, but a betraping of fuel) fuccour0,a0 reafon (auD counfclOOjoulD affojD.
Segraves caic

i^o % o?D of JBarliament tabes anp place of p?cceDencp in refpett l>e is a "^lU ];°':IV°^^'
tp Connfcllour. But unDer tftat Degree fntl) plate a i^jiup Conncelloj (ball Latimersfafc.
tabe, as is fet Doton in feric ordinum tempore H. 7. I^ereaftcr remembjeD intftc e Sap.u.
Chapter of ]^?eceD»ncp«

58 Cap.j,4.-

CAT. Ill
Of the Power and Authority of the Protecftor
and Defender of the Realm and Church of England
during the Kings tender age.

Rot. Pari, anno i H. <,2<5.& 17. a<5« 6 H.<,2?,24,

pon fljall finDc l)ts au*
S^t 8 H»(5. nu.i 3, 1 1 H,<5. nu.19.

tljojttp, place, ant) pjccctiencp-tocU

31 H.< . toftere
wpjclTcD anti uefcrtbcD*
%\iz fureft Uiap is to ftatcljimmatiebgautfjojttgoftijcdDjcatCoimccU in
&ce Hollingflieds C^joniclc, pa. 1059. inljtcl) mapgitc po« occali'on td feaccl^
iQ% tlje lUeco^DS or fuci) |a jotettojd as are t^ere retiearfeo,


The Court of the High Steward of England,

intituled ,
^lacita Corona coram Thorn. Duce 2^.
Senefchallo Jn^ia.

f His Stile, "'

^ TheoHtiquitj I I
—f 3Isttilc is Senefehallus
befoje tlje Conqucft. Jfoj
Anglk. Cftis office
31 reatie in
an ancient
ticrio anctcnf
, anu toas
ofhis office,
JL A fcript,intttuleD Authoritas SenefchalH Anglix : toijcrc putting an er*
Nota, then a amplC of t|ts autl^Ojif J?, faitlj t SicutacciditGodwinoconoitiKaneia tempore re«
Judge of the Peers g[j gdwardi
anteceiroris Wiliielmi DucisNormandixpro hujufmodimalegeftis
of the Rcslm.
^ cotjfiliis fuis (per Senefchallum ^»^//<f) adjudicate K forisfeeitComitivatn

Cuft.dcNorm. 3ln tftc timeoftijeConqoeroar William Fitz-Euftace iuas g>tciDat:D of(!£ns«

cap. 10. lanD. ^nt) in tijc reign of William Rufus ant) H. i .Hpgh Gramfemcncl llBacon
Of l^inblcj? Ijclo tljat iBaronp bp tftc faiD £»ff ice.
;©f ancient time tbfs £Dffice toas of inheritance, anDappcrfaineD to Vat^mX-
fiomeofiLeicefter, asitalfoappearet^bptljefaiDlReto;!): Scnefchalcia Angliz
pertinet ad Comitiva de Leieefier,& pertinuit
ab antique. SCljat io,tbat tijc <ll;arl::
Ijomc of ieiceftcr tuas l)olDen bp Doing of tl)e office of ^tctoarD ofQBnglant).

£DtI)er llecojDs tcffifictbatit flioulD belong fotl)ciifaronj'off3infele|'. SCbe

frutb is, ^tnblc>'toaspartclloftI)cpoireir(on0Oftl)cC'aclcof llctceacr,
foj Robert BellomontOSarlof ileicellerintljereignof H.i.marteDixiitlj pecro-
nil Dniigljtcr anH bctr of fbefaiD Hugh Grantfemenel 5I5aronof-!t5tnblc)', anu

*' " iiRi BLojDCs'tetoarD of (SnglanDjanD in l)crrigl)fluai3§>fcUiarDot"(j];nglanD. ilnDfo
nil. 4.
it continued uiitill bp tlje forfeiture of Simon Moumforc it came to teing H, :;.

Int. piacitaco- tobo fn tl)C ^o ytsit Of ftis rcIgn, crcatcD Edmond bis fctonD fon Carl of ILeice*
ronas John »[ ftcc,Uaron Of D^iitlUcp, auO !^igb ^tcloarD ofC-nglanO, iobicb conttnttcDin
G,i««Diilceof *
ijtaJLincuntdl Henry Of Bullinbroke fonanDbetr Of John of Gaunt SDttUC of
of LcicSeT 3Lantattcr anft cSarl of ILctcctter, tobo iuas tbc laft that baO n\w cfratc of inbcrt^
Steward of Eng- tancc in tbc offtcc Of tbe a>tcfa)art) of CDnglant), S>incc tabtcb time it loas nt\m
iind. grantcD to ani' Subject, butonlp hacvice. ;3nt) tbc rcafon toss, fo?tbattbe
Cap. 4. The Court ofthe High Stevpard of Engl. 5^
jjoiDcc of tbc fetcioarD
of Gnglann teas fo tranfccnDcnt, tfjat if teas not IjolDcrt "is authority hac
fit tote in am' fubjcisl^ai'.DS : foj tbc faiD KccojDfaitf), b Et fciendum e(t
quod fo"A'"'*'^"'''
c;u$ officium ei\ lupervidcre, regulare lub rcge, & &
immediafe po« regcm to- mcminnedl'nthe
turn regnum Anglix, &omnes minittros legum intra idem regnumremporibus ftatute ofji H.8
pacis & gucrrarum, &c. anD pjocccDct!) parttcularlp toitf) Ditjcrs ercecDtng !^tg!)
potucrsanD ^utljojitics , to^icl) map tocU bcoiittttcD, becaufctljcprcrtjcfbjno '''"^

anDalbeif tljcir potoer anU autbonf p tjaljc been fincetlje reign ofH. 4. but
hac vice, pet ts tf)at hac vice limiteD anD appointed, ;as Votjcn a iLojD of i0ar= ft^m. of Norm.
Uamentis dtnDictcD of tccafonojfelonp.tficntijc grant of tljis^Dff ice unDer tlje f^piofo.iy.
dUjeat a>eali0 to a JloiDof |0arliamcnt,rccittng tl)C 3nDtctment, No$ conhde- <=

rantes quod juftitiaeit virtnsexcellens & AliiHimocomp]acens,eaq; prar omni- l His authority
bus pro eo quod officium Senefchalli Angliae, en jus prxfentia pro
uti volcDtes, ac (uaczicejlimiKi.
adminiftracione jultitia: SccxecutioDecjuldenrj in hac parte facien' requiritur; ut "^ See the fe-

accepimus,jam vacat: De fidelitate, ftrcriuitate,providaeircumfpeftione-

n • •
cj •
J- o n- -
^ •
& """I
P*' '
ji 1

ftria veltns plunmum conhdentes ordinavinnus

connituimus vos ex hac caiifa& q^^,. j.

& coups Senefchalium noftruna Arglia: ad officium illud cum ononibus cidem of- 1
ficio inhac parte debitis & pertincntibus hac vice gerend', aceipiend', & exer- fHcisioieJudge
'he Common
cend', f dames & concedertes vobis tenore prxlemiu picnam & fufficientem po-
tethtem &
authoritatem, acmandatum fpcciale indiftamentum prasdidt. &c,
§>o as appcarctlj, t!)at tftis great £)fficer is fejboUp rearainco to p:oceeD onlp /-Stanf pi.cor.15z

upon tbe rccitcD tnDictment. 0nD Ijcfoteftom t^ici £DfftccisgranteD,niu(t tea
aiojtiof parliament anD ftis pjocecDing is to be = fecundum leges confuctudi- '5 &
"'' '"''•
nes Angiiac, foj fo is ftis (Xommiffion, 3nD hereof pou map rcaDc mojc at large in ^
tbe third part of the InlUtutes, cap. High Trcafon.
^ifo atctierp Cojonation Ije .
j,^ j^j^ .^ '^^ ""
l)atb a Commillion unDer tbe dDjcat &ealc hac vice, fo IjcaranD Determine t^c
claimes fo^ cranD ^erjcanties anD ot^er honourable fertiices to beDoncatt^e
Cojonation fojtijcrolcmnijation thereof : foj toliicf) purpofe tl)e l^igl) fetciu*
arD Doti) t)olD bis Court Tome coutienicnt time before t^e Coronation, htt a pje^
fiDent hereof bcfo?ctl)c cojonation of iaing R. 2. John2Dubeof}Lancaftertl)en
g>tciDarDof Ql;nglanD, (U)l)o in clapmcs fcefojc Ijim inas ftileD Trefhonorable
Seignior ie Roy de Caftle & Leon, &
Senefchal D'angliterre) anD f)elD IjiS Court
in Alba Aula apudWeflm. diejovispro^ime ante coronationem. Qui quidetn
coronatio habita &
foiemnizata fuit die Jovis fequente,f/-t» 16 Jalii Anno i r. 2. i v. 1 H 4/0.1.
2Cl)e firtt tbat irias crcatcD hac vice foj tljc folcsnnijation of tljc cojonation of Ti,ereforc rbo.

Ji. 4.toas Thomas l)is fcconD ton.

^nD upon tlie arraignment of John Holland "'"'/"fJ^'^'"
C-arle of Huntingdon, tl)c ftrft tljat toas crcateD ^teloarD of C-nglanDhac vice,
toas Edward <it-arl of SDetOH. was beheaded at
Rot. Pari. 37 49, Thomas Courtney CBarl of 2?et>on iuas arraigned of pieflyimflcx by
^igl) Creafon befoje Humphrey SDufec of <II5loc, hac vice S>teiDarD of CnglanB, )'' Commons,
anD acquifcD. SnD fo teas ^-t^c llojDDacresoftbe JlJojtl) arraigned of i^iglj
{.'ramVikhis '
SCrcafon bcfoje Thomas 3Dube of J^ojff. hac vice ^tetoarD of CnglanD , anD h s.ot juakc
acquiteD bp ^ o peers, spumans Rcpon.
Mljenfte ftttetljbpfojteofljis £DfficcljefittetbunDeraClotl) ofCffafc, anD
futb as Direct tl)eir fpceclj unto bim, fap, pieafe pour (i5jacc mp JlojD 1$iQ\)
&tetoarD ofCnglanD, SCfteftile of tljefaiD John of Gaunt toas, Johannes fi-
lius Regis Angliof, Rex Legionis & Cancllac, Dux Aquitanije & Lancaliriar, Comes
Pcrbis, Lincolnii, & Lciceftrijp, Senefchallus Anglix. j3nD in refpcd l)iS poluer
befojc it luas limiteD toas fo tranfcenDeat HI 6nDe no mention made of tt)ts

great fDfficcr in anp of our ancient Sutljojs, tfjc Mirror, Brafton, Bntron, oj
Fleta. 3:t fecmetlj tftep lifted not to treat of Ijis autfjojitp, jjieitfjer do 31 finde
bim in anp3rt of parliament, noj in anp llBook cafe bcfoje i H.4.anDtjerpfcto
finte t me to be tlie longer tn anotbcr place to fct fo:tl) bis au^
lubicft ftatlj caufcD Scc the third part
tljojitpanD Due pjotecDing upon tfte arraignment of a peer of tbe parliament, of iheimiitutcs,
bp judiciall recojD and refolution of tljcSIuDges, agreeable toittjconftanter^ ca^..

ifojtbeC-tpmolostcandfignificationof (Senefchallus) fee tljefirft part of the
(5o ^he Court of Star-chamber, Cap.5,
Firftp?rtofthe inftitutes : flint) tboagl^ (f tiaflj fctBrall Dctittations , pet as being appKciD to
ci;nglant),it is pjopcrlp DcriUcD from Sen, t^iat is, SJufticc, anD Schalc , ttiat is,
<!0ot3cmour oj £E>ffi:cr, ttiat is,Pra;feaus feu officiariusjufticia?. ^nt) tl)is agrectft
luell toitb Ijis autljojitp anD tiutp to pjocceD (as ftatft been faiD) fecundum leges
& confuetudines Anglic.
be obfcrbcD, tljat as tbc peers of tljc JRealm fbat be 2Crio;s oj peers,
3It is to
are not fUjojne. fo tftc ?Lo;o §>fetDarD being SuDge, %t, is not ftoojn : pet ougftt
\^t accoJUing to ^ts JLctterS patents to pjocccD feeundum legem confuetudi- &
nctn Aoglia.


The Honourable Court of Star-Chamber ,

Coram (/^^ge
<(y Concilia fm : Of ancient time. Coram
^e^e Camera^Scc.

eminent Court
jI ^j atljeiSpearoft^ereignofE.
; itappcarctl),t^at fljelretoinsCoranobis,
nianners. Coram nobis in Camera is toas after-
-j^ uj,,,,, (U)ljic^,tt faiD,
frovedh^Re- X juarDS callcD Camera Sellata.) 2» Coram nobis ubicunquetuerimus in An*
Cords, and Jtis anD Coram nobis in CanccUaria, ;anDofall
„j|3^ ^^^j^^ jg jjjg j^^j^gg Benclj ;

of Parliament, ^^^^ ^ j^|j g^j, n^oj^ouf able Courts Of jufftcc, tljis OMgl)t to be fecpt iuitfjin ^i9
P'^P^*^bounDs anD jurisDictton.
MioVufi'"' a'c
ot jiaci pii .

^ b 3|n
38 F. J, coram Rege & Concilio, John Redland ComplaincD of Robert
^ Fraitd and Spioke f07. tcliberp of pjifoners upon falfe fnggettion maoe to tljc ;
npon Mm
fatfehood. ijcaringtljecaiirc, tljcDefenDant iuas acquitteD,tl)cplatntife impjtfoncD.
Bin ^p E.3,Ralph Brantingliam one Of
tijc Cbamberlains of tije (Ertljequer
c Koc.pat.i part.
m.n. complahieD befo?et()cl^ing anD IjisCounceU of Richard Cefterfciid Clerk 2)e<
f Fal^oodinan putp of tl)6 ^iings sCreafurer.intfte receipt, foj Dibersallotoances, papmenfs, fc.
Officer unDulpniaDe,anDfo;, -tc. tiUpon tfje l)eartng of ttje caufcbp
fwg of Record j^g ^{j^j^ ^ouncell, tbc DefcnDant toas acquittcD, anD tlje plainttfc remo'ceD from

l)is office, anD committeD to pjifon.

d Rot.ciauf. d sCfje fllb'jotde Bruera.anD
Raggeljis ^onk CentenccD coram Rege
41 E.3. in. 8 in ^ concHio, foj rafing of ^Letters patents , anD infcrting ot^ier toojDs % anD t^e
VM Rot. par.
^Letters patents bp fentcncc cancelleD,
1 R.t. I
parc'm. 3tn Anno4i E.3» in 3 315(11 of complatnf crbibifeSfofljeliing bp Elizabeth
Camera StttlM, {{y^ ipiDoiU Of Nicholas platntife, againft Jane Awdeley DefeilDant,
for rafing.
^i^^ appcareD bcfojc tbe iftings Councell, viz. {\\t Xljanccllour, ^Crcafurer, Sa*
dcv k coOTcel." fttCCS,anD Otljcrs alTcnibleD En la Chamber de$ Eftoieis pres de la Reccits.
e Rot. ciauf. f futf DepcuDtng bcfoie tbe l^tng anD Councell bettoccn V:^t Sbbot of §>aint
41 E. 5. cambd. Auften Of Canterbury auD others concerning Mrecfes, fc, SDljc abbot b;ougl)t

!^r' ''7 r
l)is action at tbc common lato againft tbe parties, tDbo being tbcrcuponarrcdeD
{tf r'i ii "dorf.
^"^ impjifoneD , t!)c §>I)criffe toas commanDeD bp tbe toings OTrit to DeliDcc
m. 1 1. tbem, anD ta fojbear to feruen\w otbcr p?oces againft t!)cm : anD tlje reafon
tbere peilDeD is notable, Quia non eft juri confonumi auc honeflumj quod aiiquis
P.r. 6 H.?. ^^ '^"* qux coram nobis & concilio noftro in difculTione pendent, alibi inde inte-
& con/Tniile tim placitari debsat>aut apparcre.
Anno 7 H 5 pro g fuif ocpeuDtng bcfojetfte tting anD Ijts Councell, bettoeen W. G, of tfje

h Ko'.cinir.
" "
ortc part . anD -H. s.oftfjeotlier part
^^t^"" of tljetDings in qucftion.
: a ©equeftration is ojDereD foj

J\\ i7H.6anlnrolmc;itofaconfctrionof JohnFord of Lon. ipercer befo?e

tlje pjefcr=

17 H. (5.
tl)C3Lo?D SDrcafurcr anD otbers of tlje icings Councell intlje^tar C^jambcr foi
ne Court ofStar-chamber, 6i
tte frauonlcnt paduno: anO f ranfpo?ttng of Mooll, tottl^ a Mr it to tl)e S>^er{ff0
of HonDon to fctbtmon tbc |)ill03j'.
%l9e abbotofMcftminacrerfjiblteDljtslSilltotljeiafng agafiift t!)C S>l)C« Anno 19 h. 6.
riffcs of ilonDon foj ariefttnganDD?aVDtngotitU)itl)fojtc apjtVitleDgcD pcrfon Tiin. heUz.
outoftl)ca>aitLitiai-j)ofs>. Marcinsle grand belonging to t^c fatO 0bbc? Ujfjicl) Etcr.Manufcr.pc
'^^ 'mpriu:cd.
uiatter after Due pjocccDings tjcing IjcarD in tbc Court of &tar-cl)ambcr befo?e
tf)C Ho jt)S ant) otl)crs of tl)c 11 ings CotinccU, anD Hodey anD Newton eft tcf 3u^
llices, iril)tcl) 3!ufttcci5 Determining, t\fat bp lato tl)c part^ougftt toenjopttje
tjjttiilcDgc of &an(tuarp. tt)c S>i)criffc3 toere grietJOuflpfincD in tfje S>tar=tl)am«
btt hv particular name : toljicl) fcntence tfjc ll ojD Dier,as l)c Ijatfj repo?teD unDcr
Ijisoton IjanD, fatoupon a reference to ftim anD Suffice Somhcote out of tlje
^tarcljamber.Trin. 1 1 ReginsEliz. concerning tijc ^anctuarp of QQlcam. foj
Hampton anD Whitacres being tnfojDebt. iJnD tftc5lo?DDiermaDetl)tc j^otc
tuttl) ftis oton IjanD. Nota, pur Je Star-chamber, 3lnDtbi3ts a notable pjoof of
tije iurioDiftion of tljc Court fo? fining, ic. 2Cl)at tlje 3I5tll Uiao cjrljibitcD to tljc
iitng, anD tftat tljc ttoo Cftief Jutticcs tftcn Dio fit,anD tocre 3iaDgc2!(amonga 0-
in tljat Court*
JFo? Di\3cr0 Hiot0, c!;rtojtton0, oppjciTions, anD grtcljous offences bp Ditcr©
^"*- " 3 «,

perfons Done againfttftetUings peace anD latucs, to Ditiers of ftts liege people, "fde^i^oj pj^i
tommanDement ftatlj been giten bj? tlje Itings Mrits imDer tftc (Cjcat &cale ,,
(tutjicl) continue untill Dap) to appear befo:c t[)c J^ing in tlje Cfjancerp , oj

ecfojc fttm anD Ijis CounccU ateertain Dapcs to anfiuer to tljc pjemifc© , toftic^
commanDemcnt been manp times DifobcpcD, p?otiifion is maDe bp ttiat 3ct

ioi punifljmcnf
tf)c of fuctjDifobeDience, as b)' tbat 3d: appearettj. SCruc it is,
tljat tifie ilit loas but tempojarp, pet it affirmetlj fo mucl^ as befoje ftatl) bccit

Anno35 H. 6,31 ©Krit Of Certiorari toaSDirecteD: Thorn x Kent ClericoCon« ex bundclio brf-
cilii:Volentes certis de caufis eerdorari fupertcnorem cujufdam AduJPafch. vififcgis.3j h.6
ultime prjeterito apud Weftm. in camera flellataconeernen* Johanncm Dueem
Norft", 3nD fee tftere p?oces of rebellion againtt tftc fatD SDufee.
Robert Davers a counfelloj at lato bp faillerljibiteD to tftc ISfng, fc, foj Dcfa. RocdauCu h.«
mation ofrafing alUccojD. 0nD tljefaiD Robert bptlicfetngs Cotmcell inGamc-
ra lellata Voas acquiteD, anD John Broket tljat maDe tlje rafure fentenceD,

2Cljc Siings Councell affemlleD in tfte ^tar=cl)ambcr. SCfje ilo?D Cromvvels h.«
0no?Dcr in tlje ^far^ctjambcr foj tfte SDufee of i^oifes Councell foftatieacccDTe ^^f- pat.31 H.g.
"^- ^°-
to l)im, beiaufc callcD into t!)C Cbamber bp ^jiVip §)eale, fJic,
2Ltt euempltfication of a complaint bp Richard Heron againft John Prouti
pac.j E-4:parM.
Coram nge&confilianisfuisinCamera fielIata,fo?a great miSDemeanourcon*
ccrning Moolc.
Anno 8 E.-f. pjoceeDtng bp cnglilft bill, anftoer, repltcaf ion,ic. Coram rege & Rot.petit. s e 4.
Anno zoE,4, a ^tarcljambcr foj turbulent anD unDueelcdi': Rot.pat.ioB. 4.
fentencc in tftc

ons bettoccn tlje liStirp anD

3bl'0t of tfjc inhabitants. parr. z.
ESae ftate omittcD manp otljer KccojDs, but becanfe tftep be of lifee nature toe
Ijaijc contcnteD our felf tottl) tljefe. anD noto toe totll confult toitft our BooJj

cares,anDiflepojt3of laiD : toftcreinettljcr coram rege & concilio, oj coram Rege

& concilio in camera ftellata, is nameD,
5P 19 aff.pUu 40 aff, 38. 1 3 E.4.9. in camera ftellata, Vid. 17 £.3^ BookcofesMd
cap.13.21 E.4.71, incamera ftelIata,iR.5. fo.:.& i camera flellata.i H.7.J, Reportsoflarv
^ '
incamera ftellara. SDftis Court in ancient times fat but rarelp, fo? tl)?ee caufes.
JFirtt, foj tftnt cnojmious anD erojbitant caufes toljic!) tljis Court Dealt luitljali
onlp in tt)ofc Dapes rarelp fell out, &)cconDli', f Ijis Court Dealt not toitlj fuel) cau.
rcs,asotl)cr Courts of ojDtnarp jufficc mig^tconDignelppuniflj, ne dignitas hn.
jus curiae vilefceret. SCljtrDlp, it bcri' rarelp DiD fit, left it fljoulD Djato tf)e Jliings
p jtuic Councel from matters of &tatc,pro bono ftcar pjtbate caufes,
anD tfte pjinctpall 3!uDges from t^cir ojDinarp Courts of iufttce.
6z T^he Court
of Star Xh amber. Cap. 5.
H.7.C3.I, snijat toftttlj HOtu is nevt to be confiDcreti in ferie tcmporis is tijc ftatate
of 3 H.7. 2Cbc Hctfcr toljeccof foUoiuctlj :

It is ordaiRed that the Chancelour and Tieafurer of

iiH-8"'»'- and the Keeper of the Kings Privy Seal, or two of them, calling to
thtVings Coun-
them a Bifhop and a Temporal Lord of the Kings moft honourable Pri-
vy Councell,and the two Chief Juftices of the Kings Bench and Com-
mon Place for the time beiag,or other two Juftices in their abfence^up:
on bill or information put to the faid Lord Chancelour or
any o-
ther againft any perfon for unlawfuU maintenance, giving of live-
ries, figns and tokens, and reteyncrs by Indentures , promifes, oaths,

writings or otherwife , imbraceries of his fubjed;s , untrue demean-

ing of Sherifs in making of pannels, and other untrue returns , by
taking of mony , by injuries, bj^ great riots , and unlawful! aflem-
blies, have authority to call before them by Writ or Privy Scale
the faid mifdoers, and they and other by their dilcretion, by whom
the truth may be known to examine, and fuch as they find therein
defe(5tive,to puni(h them after their demerits , after the form and
effed of ftatutes thereof made in like manner and form as
fliould, and ought to be punifhedjif they werethereofconvid after the
due order of law.
Camden Brit. CamerxJleUatx authoritatem frtidentifimus prittcep/ Henricus feptimta
. ita. PariUme^tana adauxit c^ confiabilivit , mnnuUi primum inftituiffe
falfo opinantur,
tiUpon tftis ftatufe ant) tl^at toljtcft fojmertp Ijat!) \stzn fain, tftefc ^vf concIuH^
onsDoe foUotof E^befirftconcUtfion i3,tbattl)is ^ct of 3 H.7. oid not ratfea
neto Court; foj t^erctoasadourt of ^taMfjamber, aiiDalltljc l&ings pjttjp
Countcl 3lu5aes of ttjc fame. JFo: if tt)C fatD 5lct D to eftabltfl) a neto court , tftcn
IboulD tftofe anp ttoo of tljcm be onlp 3uDgc0,anD tlje reft tbat tljep flboula
four J

call totljcmftoalD be but affiftaitts, anD aiDants , aiiD no ^uoges : foj tije
ttatute of 3iE.3.cap.u.trfticl)rairct^ aneiu Court, atiD befo;c nclu 3uDge0,
is infroOuctojp of a neiu laiD,bpl)atJing fonufance of crroj in tlje CDrcftcqucr,
fljallbcrctcrfcD in tlje CBrcljcquer Chamber fcefojc t^c Cftant clour ana
SDreafurer.oj calling to tljemttoo iuDgcs, tftcrc tfje Cijancelour anD 2Crea*
furer are onlp 3uDgcsintftetDjif of(I!;rroj,anDro intljclilte. 315ut it isclcac
ttiat tftc tiuo Blufttccs in t!)e &tar=cf)amber are 3!uDgcs, anD fjat'e foices, as it
Ijat^ been often rcfolVcD , anD Datl)> crpcriencc tcacbetb* 0nD furffjcr to clear
f bis point, if t{)c 3ufticcs fljoulD be but affiftants anD no SJnDges in tlje ^tar^

c^amijcr, foj tljat tftri? arc to be callcD,!C. tl)cn,anD foj tl^c fame reafon fljoulD nci^
t^cr 1 jD g>ptr ituall no; aCempojall, no: of bcr of tt)C p ji^cp CounccU be iuDa*
8 H.7.1J.PI0VV. es.noj ba'beljoices intfte Court of §>tar=cfjanibcr. ^nD t^erefojc t^e fuDDcji
com.593, opinion in 8 H.7. anD of otl^ers not obfertiing tl^e fatD DifftnttfonbcfiDecn a^cta
SDcclaratojp of p?occcDings in sn ancient Court,anD Hcts 3ntroDucto:.p of a ncia
lato inraifing of a neto Court, isfcot!) contrary to latu , anD continnall z%^z=
djcfcconD conclufifon is, tijat tfjc 3[rt of ? H. 7. being in tl)C affirmatitc is
not in fomc tilings purfucD. ^oj Inljcrc tljat
Dircttctft tljat tlje bill oj In*
all bils anD informations
formation ftoulD put to tl^c ?LojD Cbancclour,?c,
in tftatcourtare conftantlp anD continually DircttcD to tlje lungs ipateffp,
as t^cj? tDcre before t^e faiD 0rt; anD it is a gooD rule , tljat toljcre flje 3d: of
3H.7. is notputfucD, tlbere (iftljcrcbcmanp juDictallpjcliiDentsin another
ro?t;tlje|>muftl)a\)etDarrant from tbe ancient CourtjanD pet it is cooD(afl
mucf) asmapbc)to purfuc t{)tsa[ct,tl)cre being no greater affuranre ofiurisDi*
ctiontften anjattoflUacliament, 0nDtof)cre tfjerel'e no fntl^ pjefioents-. tljen
V^z ftatufe as to tlje BluDges rmXi be purfneD : anD tljat Voas tlje reafon tljat in
Cap.5. The Court of StarXhamher, 6^.

default ofofftcroi, £>ti;Chriflopher Wray CI)tef Siutttcc ofC-nglanD o; a time

luaamaDeiloiD ^jttopscalto fit in t{)C s>tar=cl)ambcr , Ne curia deficerct m
jultitia exhibenda-
Ijatl) been faiD) in tijc affirmative, anD cnumc=
%\i\tt\r>, tbat ttjts 3ct bcirtg(as
rating tii\3Cts
particular offences, albeit (injuries) is a large \Do:D,pct tljat Court
ftatl) jurisDiction of mam? ot^cr, as is ntanifeft brautijojtt)', anDDailj? c);pcri'
enccanD mutt of ncccffitp be in rcfpect of t{)c fo;mcr iurisDicrion,

5^ourtl)l!', t{)is0ct in one point is introDucto:p of a nclolaty, tobtcl) tijc foj«

mcc Court l)aD nof,viz. to eraminc tl)c iDcfctiDant, toljtclj being unDcrftooD aftet?
I)is anftoer maDc , to Le
upon oat!) upon tntcrrogatojics , luljtcb tbis ancient
Court pjocceDing criminalUaufcs baDnot.noi coulD Ija'^'cbutbp ha of par-
liament, o; pjcfcriptton, tbctoant toftcrcof efpeciallp in matters of frauDs anD De^
tints (being like birDS clofclp y^tcl)cD in bolloto trees ) voas a mean tftat trutb
toulD not be found out, but bcfojctljcftatute tljcanfUicr urns uponoatl).
iFiftftlP.tobcrcitiSfaiDintljiS J3ct, And topunifh them after dieir demerits
after the form an4 effect of ftacutes made, &.c. Cftc piaintif map ctjoofc tut)C«
tijcr !)C lotU infojm upon fuel) If atutcs as tbis iJct Dircdetl) , oj foj tl)C offence at
tl)c common lato,as be migl)tl)at)C Done bcfo?ctl)is ^ct, Voljicf) pjotjctl) tbat
ttjts 3(t taketl) not atoap tbe former jurisDittion.
6. 3iaftl)',tl)attl)ejurisDiction of tbis Court Dcalctb not toitb anp offence,
tbat is not malum in fe, againft tbe ommon laU), o? malum prohibitum,againft
be obferteD tbat ncitber tbe fiatutcs of 57 E.3- ca.
3t is to 1 8. 5 8 E. 3. cap. 9,
41 E.^.ca.;. 17 R.2 ca.6 noj anp otber ttatutc tahctb aiuap tftc jurisDiction of

anp fctlcD Court of Btutticc, neitbcr is tbe Court of S)tar=cbambcr nameD in

anpof tbem,anD pet teas ita Courttbcn anD before tbat time.
2? i'ocrs fpcciall £cts of parliament batic giticn alfo lurisDtttion to tbis Court*
viz, 11 r.iR. 2.cap.j. 13 H. 4. cap. 7, 93 H» 8, cap, 1. 4 & 5 Ph. & M.

cap.8, 5,5>,io. &cap. 14. 27 Eliz.cap, 4.

^nD feeing tbepjoceeDing according to tbetatosf cuttomes of tbis Healm
cannot bp one rule of lato fnffice to puniib tn etjcrp cafe tbe ejrojbitancp anD t-
no:mitp of fomc great bojrible crimes anD offences , anD efpeciallp of great men,
f The luriidi.
tbis Court Dcalctbtoitbtbcm.totbecnDtbat tbcmeDicmc map be accojDing to tlicn
tbe Difeafe, anD tbe puniibmcnt accojDing to tbe offenccUt pxna ad paucos,metu$ Court,
ad omnes perveniar, VDttbout refpc£t of pcrfons, bc tbcp putlique oj pjttjate, great
as fo; opp?ctrion,anD otber crojbitant offences of great mcn,(toboni tnfcriour
SuDgcsanD 3uro:6 (tbouebtbcpfboulDnot) tooulD in refpcct of tbeir greatncCfc

bcafraiDtooffenD) bjiberp,crto;tton, maintenance, cbampcrtp, imbjacerp, fo;= Camden Biit.

cerp,pcrjurp,Difperrer3 of falfc anD Dangerous rumours, nelus, anD fcanDalous 130. Iti Camera
libelUng, falfc anD partiall misDemeanours ot&berifs anD he ailifs of liberties, hcUiitatradantur
frauDS, Deceits, great anD bon'iblc riots, routs, anD unlatufull aCTemUics, ftnglc mmtnalij.,perju-
£omlats,cballcnaeB, Duels, anD otber bainous anD ettraojDinarp offences anD
ri-t, tf>ipiijturie,do-
niisaemcanours; tut ojDinarp,anD fucb offences asmapbc fuificientlpanD con-
Dignlp paniflicD bp tbe pjocceDing of tbe C ommon latos,tbis Court Icatjetb to tbe
o:binarp Courts of 3ufttce anD Dealetb not Uiitl) tbcm, nedignicas hujus curia:
vilefceret, aS bcfoje is faiD.
SCbc p:orecDingintbis Court is bpbill 0; info;mafion , bpcraminationof
tbe SDefcnDant upon 3ntcrrogato?ies,anD bP cramination of luitnedcs, anD
For prcctcdipg,
rareli' ore tenus, upon tbe confeffion of tbe partp i\\ lo?iting unDer bis banD,
ore,nii!u , fee
iDbtcb be aga in muftfrcelpconfcffem open Court, upon Uibicb confcfTionin 0= before Ro.CIauf,
pen Court, tbe Court Dotb pioreeo. TUut if bis coitfeffton fet Doton too H 17 H.6. John
flio:f,oj otbcrtoife tbcnbc mcant,bcmaD Dcnpit, Voids cale.
* Ijim but bp bill oi information, tobicb is tbe faireff taap.
41 E.J. the Abbot
2Cbc 3nfo;matton3,bil3,anfiB£rs, replications,^. anD Hnterrog&tojiesare in •
! bruerics cafe,
Cn?litt),anD ingroffcD in parcbmcnt anD filcD up. 011 tbe tuCJrits anD p:occiTe
&c. Innuturiu ot-
of t"bc Court arc unDcrtbc ©^catscat: JDbefcntcnces, Decrees anD ^ as of di ifl Old, ncni j/<.

ii : tbis
Tu mn (ervare.
^A , The Court of Star-Chamber, Cap.5.
Court are mgroITeD in a fair hook toitt) t^e names of fbc ]Lo)Ds a.iD 0-

t^crs of t^e teingB Councell anD 3luaiccs tfjaf toerc pjefent anD gaijc tftcir
pafc. iija.Rcg. 3Sn an tnfojmatiQtt in tljts Court bp tlje atfurnp <I!5EncraU againft §»tr
Stephen Pro6>er, Birkenhead ant) ctljers foj confptracp againtt , ana fcanDall
of tt)c cBarl of JJJojtljampton, anD Edward 3LojD Wootton ttoo of^ts a^atc*
ftics ipjttip Councell: ^ttlje bearing of to^iclj caufct^cre fatcigftt in Court,
ant) four of tljcm conticmneD tlje SDefcntiant : ant)tl)e3lo?ti Ctjancelour, tftc
tU)o llBiCbop0, and tljeClbancelouroffbeC^rctjequer atqniteD tiim. 0nDttieque«
ition t»as,tDl)etf)er tf)C £Defcntiant ttioult) be conDemnet) oj no: anD Ijercin it toas

nrotfeD bp tl)c ^lings IcarneD CouncelUtl^at Ui^en t^e t)oices be eqnall, t^at in
of iDl^icft part tl)elLo?t)Cl)antcloucUja0, ontftat CDc itOjoulD beDe«
tl^at cafe,

crceDjtoitftouf reaarD,U)l)Ctl)cr it tuasifoj tljepiaintifo? SDcfentiant : :9nD it

toas rcfolt?cD, tljat rcgularlp &
decommun!jure,in refpect of tfje cqualitp of
tl^etoices no fentence coulD be giten in tljat cafe, as it IjolDetft in tlje^tgl^
Court of |aarltamcnt,anDallotI)cr Courts, acco?t)tng to tbc olD rule, Paribus
Efodiu^fo Hi. fementiis reus abfolvitur. 0nD t^ierefojc tl^ pjcftDcnts of tljis Court toere
to be fearctieD; foj erccpt p?efiDentB coulD mabc a Difference fcetV53een tl)is Court
anD BDefcntant coulD not be fcntenceD. MTl^creupon t^e court
rcferreDt^ts qucftion totlicftoo Cljief Buftices, tftat tfjep calling untotljcm
tlje JSings learncD Councell to tjieto p?efiDcnts,tol)et|icrbptt)c cattomc of tl)t3
Court tljc common rule in otljer Courts is altcreD. 315cfojc irljom in tljc pjc*
fence of teings learncD Councell ttoo pjeQDcnts icere pjolniceD fojpjoof
tljc Of t^c faiD cuttome,viz, one Termino Hi). Anno 39 Eliz. betvoecn Gibion
caiperaftciuta piainfif,anD Griffith anD others ©cfenDanfs: to^erein tl)C complaint teas
Gibfonscafe. foj a iRiot. SLnD upou Clearing of ttje caufe cigbt fat in Court , anD four gatie
tfteir fentence tl^at flje SDefenDants toere guilfp, anD tljeottjer four, tol)ereof
tbe 5L0JD Cftancelourtoasonc, DiD acquit t\)t 2DefenDants, anD no fentence of
conDcmnation toas ctjer cntreD* But tljc ^uftices tooh it, tftat tljat p?efiDcnt
tenDeD not to piotje anp fuel) cuttome, fo? it agrees toitlj tljc rule in otljer Courts,
Hii.4^ El. inc.»- ^notftcrpjefiDent toas ftetocD, Termino Hil. 45 Eliz. in an information tp tlje
niera ftciinta, Si^uecttS ^itturnp dDcnerall againft Bathern anD otljersfojfojging ofaMiH,
Cathcrnscafe. on eigbt, toftcreoffour
^c. tElpou tljc Ijcarittg Of tljc caufc.tljepjefcnce confifting

galjc fentence againft tbc BDefenDant fojfo?.gerp,anD to be punifljCLvaccojDing

to tftcftatuteof jEliz.tftc otljcr four, toljcreof tljc JLo?D Cljancclour toas one,
founD Ijii" guilti' of a misDemcanour, anD not of tlje fojgcrp, anD impofcD a fine
of fitje tjunDjcD pounD onlp, anD impjifonment , anD tbat toas enfrcD accojDing

to tljellojDCljancclourstoice, 31But no rule of court toas IljetoeD fo? enf ring

tljereof in tftat manner: foas it appcarcD not tljaf it toas etier molicD, oj DebatcD
in Court,anD in tl)at cafe all concluDcD againft tlje S)efenDant, anD it is but
one pjefiDent. il^oto toljct^ertljis one,l-cing fucb a one as it is, anD fo late, be
fuff icient fo alter tfte gcnerall lato anD courfe of all otljer Courts, 3 leatje to
tljc juDgment of tljis honourable Court: 0nD fentence toas netjer gitcn againft
S>ir Stephen Proaer agreeable to fljegencrall rule in otljer Courts* ^eeRot.
Pail.SH.^. nu.28.
Mic '^ 6& ^^
' El
Lawrence Hide anD Henry Hide <i!;fquirc0, erljibifcD a bill of complaint Si
gainft George Coriet anD of Ijers upon t^e ftatutc of^i H.8. cap.9, foj unlato=
full maintenance anD complaineD fo?tb?ee fctjcrall Heafcs foj certain pears

of parfonage of SDpnton in tljc Countpof SSHiltf.toljereof tftc iLcITojnoj


anp of ftisSlnccftojs toere in poffcffiontoifljin a pear bcfo?c,«. anD purfucD tl)e

ftatute : tapon toftic!) part of tlje Bill (;fojtbeil5ill conccrneD riots anDo-
f Ijcr tljings) tljc SDcfenDant DcmurreD in lato , anD tftc caufes of tlje Demurrer

toere. iFirff,tljatbpft)cfaiD0£t tljis Court IjaD no jurisDiction of tijis caufe

upon t^is ftatute, bccaufcfftat tljc :a£ttobiclj is introDurtojp of a neto lato DiD
notgil^e jurisDiction fo tftts Court, buttljcfuit muftbe in tlje Courts of tljc
Common lato upon tljis Sltt , toljicb (faiD tljep) alfo appcarcD, in t^at in tlje re«
niCDp gitien bp tljc 3ct is tljis Claufc, In which aiftion, bill, plaint, or informa-
Cap. 5. T^he Court
of Star-Chamber, 6$
tion no efloignjprotedion, wager of law or iniun(5tion fliall be allowed, anD
t^at no eCroisn,fc. DtD lie in tljis Court SElje fccoiiD objettion toas, Sutjis Court
tonitc tbeplatnfif remeDp to l)aiic erecutiontn tbiB Court of '
l^3D riopotocr
t!)C pcnaltp given bp tl)ts ^rt. CJilftereanto upon great atiinfemcnt it luas an =
fU)crcD anD rcfol'oeD. X!i3totl)cfirft:tl)at tbeftatuteDtDgiiicjurisDiaiontotljiB nierWisb^Sc
Court,fojttts oneof tijeistncs Courts,^. intcnDcD in tljc 3rt: ano tl)e fta= 7Ei,
tutc of 3 H.-.DeclarctfjtIjattbifli Court ftatft jurioDiition of maintcnance.antitbia
^(t of 31 H,b. Dotlj aDDc but a greater penalty: a»D as to tlje tlaufe of eBoin,
^c. it muft I c conftrueD reddendo fingula fingulis, &c. fojas no.c[roin,«tc. Itctf)
in tt)is Court, fo no iniuitrtton is atoarDcD in tJje Co:jrt of Common
013 to tl)C fcconD : 3 1 luas rcfollicD tijat tf)is Court IjaD polncr ir, tlb'3 cafe to grant
erctuttonoftlje pcualtp tnflirteDbptbis^rt^a^inaltfeecafe Ijao teen Done , (n
tljccareofJamesTaverner. ^nD botfjtljcrc points ^^0 fojinerlp been refolteD ,^)C^a;^eraft(iia
in t^is Court, i4Maii. 27 Eliz.fccttoeen Robert Braddiaw Cfquire ^lainttf, Tavem'ers c'afe.
anDRoberc Cliarnock Gfquire BDefenDantupon tftis ftatute, anD tlje cafet)e« Piifc 17 ei. in
trccD accojiDinglt' , anD a Comnttffion atoaroeD out oftljis Court, to enquire Camera ftcihti
cii3> nockj cafe.
of tlje tialue,u. ^no foj tftcfc caufcs b?? t^e rule of tfie tuljole Court,t{)e Demurrer
tuas ol3cr=ruleD,anD tftc 3)efenDant o?DcreD to anfiucr,
antlio Court fittetf) time , viz. on Mc&-
tujite in t!)c toecit in tfjc 3::erm
nesDaps, and iFriDapa, ertept either of tbofe Dapes fall out to be tl)e firft oj latt
Dap of tl)C snermc, anD tljen ttje Court (ittet!) not , but it conftantlj' bolDctfj tlje
nert Dap alter t^c 2Derme enDcD ; but if anp taufc be begun to be IjcarD in tftc
SCcnne time,anD fojlengtlj oj Difficultp cannot be fentenceD toitljin tlje 2E;crm,tt
maple continucD anD fcntcnceD after tbcSCerm.
3t is tbcmoftl)onouralile Court, (our parliament crcepteD) tijaf ts in tlje ^ The dignity
ClbJiftian tooUD, botb in refpect oftbe iuDgcs of tbe Court , anD of tfteirfto* «/'^*' Court,
nouraclc pjocecDiiig accojDing to t^cir f uft iuriSDirtion, anD tlje ancient anD juft
oiDcrsottljc Court. i^ojtlje^uDgcs of tlje fame arc (as pou batiebwrD)t^ ^Theludget
<S5janDccs of tlje iRealm, tlje JLojD Cftanceloj, tljeiLo;D2i:reafurer,tbe3LojD of this Courf,
lajc&Dentoftbc JiingsCouncell,tbel.ojD|Djibp Seal, all tftc tojDs S>pirf»
tuall,2Ccmpo;all, anDotljcrsof tlje liitngs mott honourable pjiljp CouncelU
anD tlje pjincipall ^uDges oftftelRealm, anDfucljotljer iLojDs of parliament
as tl)8 !^ing ©all name. SJnDtljcp juDgeuponconfcilion, oi Depofttion of to{f< camb.ubi fuprj.
nclles : ^nD tlje Court cannot fi!t fo; Ijtartng of caufesunDcr tljc number of ei£ \)t
at tlje frulp faiD, Curia Camera
Icaa. jClnD it is ftellat^ ,(i vetuHaicm fpeaemuj,
eft anuquiflima,ri dignitatem, honoratiflin^a. 2ni)isCourt,tberigljtinftitatton
aiiD ancient ojDers thereof being obfcrteD, Dotl) feeep all CnglanD in quiet,
aibctt tlje ttilc of tljc Court be Coram Rege&Concilio, ret tljc toingscoun*
cell of tbat Court bear anD Determine caufes tbere, anD tbe is ing in juDgment of
latoisalfajaps in Court, as in tbe icings Bencb tbc ftilc of tbe Court isCo-
ram Rege, anD pet bts Blufticcs iubo arc bis Counccll of tbat Court Doe bear
anD Determine, anD fo Coram Rege in Cancellaria, anD tbclifec.
S)o tbis Court being bolDcn Coram Rege & Conci licit is oj mapbecompoun*
I)cD of-'tb^cc fcticrall Counccls, Ebat isfo fa)',oftbe iio^Ds anD otbcrsofbis ''^•eeihei.part

cpajefties pjitjp CouncclUaltuaps 3uDges tultbout appointment, asbefoje it ll'^le"^^'"^'

appearetb* Cbc3uDgcsofettber»ncbanD315aronsoftbc(l£j:cbcquerareof ^je)gne it EZgej.
tbe liiings fo: matter of latD,^c. anD tbe ttoo Cbicf 3!ufttcc3 , oj in tbcir fa d I'miument.
abfencc otbcrtiuo Siufticcs.arc ftanDing 3uDgcs of tbisCourt. 3. JEbc JLojDs of 4 b.?.*. j afl:
parliament arc pjoperlp De magno conciliorcgi'j.butneitber tbefcbcing not

of tbe lyings pjitjp Counccll, no: anpoftbc reft of tbe 3uDges oj Barons juSm'^V'
of tbe e
j:cbequcr arc ftanDing luDgcs of tbis Court. w.i ca, i.,7 e ».

16 R.i. Stat.deVrmunire. 45 AfT.pI.iy. Regift. 114, ny. 191. 17 H. 6.?. c 17
Aiig.5H.4, in
the Exchange bctv/ccn the King and cheEacl of Northumberland, 7"«r«. 37 £.3x8.18. &c. w Note the Patliimenc
is called Commune (oncUiitm .

f TherUfmeof
3X is nolp,anD ot ancient time batb been calleD tbe Cbiunbcr of tlje
^ars.tbe thit Com,
^tar» rf4!E.j. ubifup
66 Court
of Star-Chamber, Cap. >•
e Tnmany of the &tar-cl)amber,tl)c ''ftarrcD ^Ibattibcr , inrcfpccttberoofof tijeCotirt tsgar-.
Rjcordt before tiifljeD tDttb golDen ttars. Swrnc \)aH tnwgtiicD that
it fljotilD tc callcD tbc &tar«
cljamber, becaufccrimioaftelliorai' arc tl)crc IjanHleD : £Dtftcro oftljis foaron
Lambard. iDO:.D Stccran, to ffccr oj mlcas Dotbtftc pilot, bccaufctbis Court DctljffcrranD
goljern t^efljipoftljeCommon^toealt^. £[)tl)ers,l3ecaurc it iofuUoftoinDotos:
5irTho.?mith. tnttfje truccaufcoftfte namcis,bccaufe,ast3 afojcfaiD,tl)ercof is ftarrcD» 3it
Lib, all rccojDS fn liatin it is callcD Camera (tellaca.

f %\)c pjoceffe in tbis Court is Suppoena, attacljmcnt, pioccffc of rebellion, jc.

all imDcr tlje dD jcat §>cal.

^ Officers »f 31n tijis Court tbcre is tfjc Clcrb of tljc Countcll, toftitlj is an offieeof great
account, ano truft, foj Ijc is to rcccitc, enDojfe, enter, beep , anti tcrtific f^ebtls,

plcaDtngs, rcco;Ds, ojDero, rules, fcntenccs anD Decrees of tfte Court; anD 3! finD
t^at in fojmer times men of great account ftatcljaD tftat office in tfjis Court:
as to gifec pou a little tatte thereof : !iing H.6,bp ftis betters patents , 1 5 Ju-
ly Anno regnifui
2 2.
grantCD t^C fame to Thomas Kent SDoctoj Of tfje latu foj
j^ts life, calling l)imClericumConcilii noil ri.anDfoon after ftoojebnn of liispji*
tjpCounccU. totng H. 7. Anno I , of l)(s reifn, granteo tftc fame office to John
Blades well ©octoj Of latDS fojtearmof Ijis life : HBut Ijereof tliis little tafte Ifiall

lLamp,ttrcmafnetMobcfeentol)at jurisniction tl^is Court Ijat^ in punifl).

nT0nt,anD iDl)cre,anD in to^at cafes tftis Court ma^ inflia puniftmcnt bp pillo?p,

papers, toljipping, lolle of cars, tacbing of ears, Higmata in tijc face, w. (if oj it
ertenDet^ not to anp offence ttjat concerns tl^c life of man 0? obtruncatton of
anp member, tl)e ears onlp ercepteD, anD ttjofe rarelp and tnmoftliatnousanli
Deteftablc offences.) 315ut Ijereinttjefureft ruleis,tSat feeing it is an ancient
Court, tbe pjeQDents of tfjc Court are to be follotocD, anD tljc rather foj t^at tlje
Ecclefiaftlcus Court confilletl) of fuel) learneD anD Ijonourable 3uDge3. ^nD noljelties initljont
20.8. ^n potc- toarrant of p?e(tDents are not to be allotDcDtgenerallp fome certain rules are to be
Jlatemfibi pimit, *
follotucD, cfpeciallp to^ere nopjcCDcnts arecrtantin tljccate. Qciod arbi.
Sec StaCHt. de trio Judieis relinquitur, non facile trahic ad'cfftifionem ranguini$:iFojgenerall
nonet a temps jaas of parliament tntjic^ inflict puniOjment, viz. de corps & de
fur forfeiture
E.i. jf E.I. niembcr, but totmpjiron*
avoir, aree);ponnDeDnottoe):tenDtolife,o}
d: Carlifle.
Vid.zj &ectl)CFirftpartofthcInflitutc$. Se£t.745» Verb. Felony, Majorc poena a/^
And note where fefSas.quam Icgibus Hatut'cft,noD eft infamis. Poena gravior ultra legem
henialllofc his zftimationem confervat. Confeflus in jureprojudicato habetur, cum
cars for defama*
daramodo fua fententia damnatur. Cum conficente fponce mitius eft agendum.
cion of (he
In hac Curia non agitur de deli(^i$ ordinarii$,ne dignitas hujuscuria: vilefcerec«
Qtiicquid Judieis authoricatirubjicicur,novitaci non fubjicitur.

Cap. d. 67

A Court for redrefle of delayes of Judgements
in the Kings greac Courts.

Conrt is raifeDbp ttie Satufe oE i4E« 3. U)I)tt^ follotoetb in tl^efe

toojDa» flat. 1.
Rot. Patl.iR.i,
Jte;»^ Becaufe divers
mifchicves have happened of that , that in di-
nu.6j. confirmed
vers places, as well in the Chancery, as in the Kings Bench, the Com- I7 Parliament.
mon Bench, and in the Exchequer, before the and
Juftices afligned ,

other Juftices to hear and dctetmine deputed,the judgementshave been

fometiraes by divers opinions of the Judgements de-
delayed, fometimes by difficulty,
forfbme caufe It is aflented,eftabli(hed, layed.
Judges, and fomerime
other :

and accorded, that from henceforth at every Parliament fhall be chofcn

a Prelate, two Earls, and two Barons , which fliall have commiflion
and power of the King to heare by Petition delivered unto them the
will complaine them of fuch delayes and
complaints of thofe that
grievances made,
and they fhall have power to do come before them at
Weftminfter, or elfewhere, where the places or any ofthem fhall be,
the tenor of Records and ProcefTes of fuch judgements fo dclayed,and
to caufe the fame Juftices to come before them, which fhall be then
to heare their caufe and reafons of fuch delayes which caufe *
prcfent * Nota, hj good
and reafonfo heard by good advice of themfelves , the Chancelor, advice of the
Treafurer,the Juftices of the one Bench, and of the other, and other of ChanccUour,
the Kings Councell, as many and fuch as fliall feem convenient , fhall Trtarurcr, and
take a good accord , and make a good judgement and ac- Good accord.
proceed to

cording to the fame accord fo taken, the tenor of the fame Record^ to-
with the judgement which fhall be accorded , fhall be rcmaun-
ded before the Juftices, before whom the Plea did depend and that •,

they fhall give judgement according to the fame Record: and in cafe Vide Regift.
it fecmcth to them that the difficulty be fo great, that it may not well fo.ii^.
Kcx Johanni de
be determined without affent of the Parliament, that the faid tenor or B.MUiti, &c.
tenors fhall be brought by the faid Prelate, Earlcs, and Barons in the
next Parliament, and there fhall be afinall accord taken what judge-
ment ought to be given in this cafe, and according to this accord it
fliall be commanded to the Judges before whom the Plea did
that they fhall proceed to give judgement without delay.

IBcfojc tbcmaUtng oftftisftatutc, BclapofSIuDgemcnfstoasfojbfDtenbotft Rcgifl. iji.s.

hv tlje Cpmnron lato,anD bp Slaeot parltamcnt. 115p tfjc Common laiu, 1 3t F.N.B.ij.c. .
And fo upon Co-
Wrcqulrbt), ti)at plena &ccleris jurticia fiat partibus, &c, ITOt plena aloilC, noj
celeris alonC , bat botft plena & celerij. 311 MrttS of Precipe quod rcddat, are,

Qiiod jufte & fine dilatione reddac, &c. 011 jaDtctall WStitS arc fine dilatione,
&c. 2. aDftcreDiDanO pet Dotftlpe a OTrftdc procedendo ad judicium, ttjljcntbe
juftices J iuligcs of anp Court of IH ccojD, 0; not of HccojD, Dclapcti f be partp
platntlfc oj DefetiDantjOcmanDant oj fetiant,anD tooulD not gctte mOgcment anO Nofm.

tl)creuponanAiias,Plur,anDan 3ttacl)mciit,ic,ootl)lpe, ^nDtI)Ctoojtrsoft!)e op. 17.

6S For redrejfe ofT>eUyes ofludgements, Cap.(^.
OTrif tic>Qaia redditio judicii loquels qux eft coram vobii, &c, de quadatn
Diutuma dilatlo. tranrgrefiTione
eidcm A. per pracfat' B.illata,ut diciturjdiuturnam cepit dilatione ad
grave damnum ipfius A.ficuc
ex querela fua accepimusj Vobis prxcipimus quod ad
judicium inde reddendum cum ea celeritarc qux fecundum legem & confuecudi-
ncm regni noftri procedas, &c,
Rcgiil. fo. i8. 3IaDgc0 of anp Conrt of rccojD,oj not of rctojO
5* BlifectDifc tD{)cn 3!«fttCES oj gatjejatigcment,anDDela)jeDtl)C parti' of tjtBcjfecnf ton, t^cpartp grteteD map
l^atje a Writ De executione judicii ; bp \XiW^ Witii tlje Sufttceo J 31ut)ge3
are conniianlJCD, Qiiod exeeutionem judicii nuper redditi, &c. de loqucla quse fu-
it, &c. per breve noftrum, &c. fine dilatione fieri fae'. 0nD thereupon an Alias,

Plur' anD ^ttacljmcnt.ic.Uo Ipe.

4. llBp t!)e meeting togctJjer upon alijonrnment of tl^ecaafe out of tibe Court,
Seekereafter,c», totiereti^e caufc DepcnDetb, 5c. 5Utl)e3ut)gc0,fc, toljicl) noto toe call an 5B>:=
Exchequer and cl^equer CJ^ambcrcaufe, toarrantcQ bp tlje Common latoanD ancient pjofiDents
Exchequer before tljts ftatutc : anD ttie frequent ufc of tfjts Court of <Brt!)equcr cbambcr
^at$ been tlje caufc tl)att^t0 Court upon t^c^rt of 1 4 E.jtl^atli Ijccn carclpput
in nre»
y 515p ttie JUingS Mrtt compjcljCntltng quod fi difficultas aiiqua inrerfit , fl^at
Ellys Callers tl)c IHecoiti fiioulD be certificD into tlje |3arliamcnt , anD to aDjojnc tfte parties
to be tijere at a certain Dap, Si obfeurum &
difficile fit judicium,
nu. ult.SirGcff. in refpe^'ufque magnam curiam. jSn erccllent lUecojD, tnl&crcofpou map real)
Stantonscafe. in t^e jjBarliament tjolDen at Meaminlter ttje SDuesDap after tl^e tranflatton of
Beckctj Anno 14 E^j* &econtilp,bp0d:sof ?Barliament. Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut dif-
feremuj juQitiam vel redtum.
a^fjat it fljallnot becommanact) ncitljer bp tljc t©jeaf=fcalc, noj bp f^c ILittle*
feale, nojbp ilettcrs, noj anpotber caufc to Delap rig|)t : ano albeit fucl^ com*
I E.J. fo. J. per manoement come,5C» tljatbp V^m ttie luftices furceafe not to Do rtgbt in no
manner. vidc2E.3. cap»8, i4E.?.cap.i4, iSE.^.ilat,^. 2 R,2. a (fatutc not in
I4 E.j. jour. 24.
18E.5.47.57. pjint. Rot* ParKnu, ji toftercbp it is cnarteD , fl&af no auftice fljall ffap juftice
51 161. foj ani» dDjeat^fcal oj pjitjp^feal , oj otljcr commanDcment
Mrit, ^Letter of t^e
39E.3.J7. toljatfoeljcr againft t^e latcs anD llatutcs befoje t^at time maDc. Rot.Par,i H.4»
110,64. Anno 5 H.4.nn,33.alllDl^icft are Dcflaiafojp of tfje Common lato, *anD

5E.4.131. For- «pon flje fatD 0ct of 2 E.3. a Mrit is frameD, DiretfcD to t!)e 3ufticcs, bp fel^icl)
tefc. cap.^. tl^ep arc commanDeD, Quod ad jufticiampartibus,&c, faciend' virtute alieujus

roandati de magno figillo, & parvo figillo vobis direiSl;' feu dirigend' nullatenuj
fuperfedeacis, &c. J^nD t^us muc^ foj t^0 Common latD anD ^(ts of |3ar-
2Cl)is Cafutc of 1
4 E»34 cap, j . confiffct^ on ttoo gencrall parts, v iz, tbe p;c«
amble anD flje lISoDp offbc^rt. 3nt^e |0?eamble t^jjec tljings are to be obrcr=>
teDf 2Dl)at (nottoitljftanDing t^e p;ot3iCon of t^c
1 . Common lato) mitcfticfs do
l^appen bp Dclap of juDgcments, 2. 3t cnumeratctb in tobat Courts tj^cfc Dclapca
Do happen, viz. in tbc Cljanccrp, in tijc i'iings i5entb,tftc Common lloenci^, ana
tftcCrcljequer, t!je 3uff ices afftgncD, anD otftcr Suftitcs to &car anD Determine
DeputeD, 3, 3It Declarcflj fjoto tticfe Dclapes fjatje groUin, vi?,. fojnctimc foj Diffi*
cnltp of tlje matter in latD, fomcttmc in Ditierfttp of opinion of tbe31uDgcs, ana
fomctimc3fo;fomeotl)ercaufe, tijat is, bp CommanDemcnts, Letters, oz^pcr-
fagcs of tl)c toing oj dDjcat spen, %t, 3n tlje 315oDp of tlje 0d: loc ^atc coUecrca
manp i, SCtjaf at cljerp parliament tftcre fiiall be cljofcn a
pjclate, ttoo (Saris, auD tloo JIBarons, (oj one IBifljop, ttoo Carles , anD ttoo
JlBarons.) viz, 3[t tijts ]0arliament toerccbofen, i . John Stratford ^rcbbifliop of

Canterbnrp, (a man famous foj lcarning,lopaltp, anD ijcrtuous libitrg,) 2, Rich,

Fitzaian Carle of;9[runDcl, a mianofgreattDisDomc, pjotoc0,anD{ntegrttp.
3* William Clyncon Carle of K^nntingDon, anD jaDmirall of CnglanD, a man
latelpbcfojcaDtjanceDfojftisfingulartialour, tDtSDomc , anD licrtue, 4. STftc
ILojD Wake Of iLiDcl. anD 5, Ralph iLojDBaffetof 3Djapton,ttoooft^emoa
renotoneDlSaronSOfCnglanD, Qaosomnes honoris caufanomino,
2. %%is
C^p.6, For redrefe cfdelayes of Imlgements, 6^
2, 2EI)i3 0itDotl) appoint tl)attfte prelate, ttooct-arls, anDttoo 115aron0are

totjatjcaCommiffion aiiDpotocroftljDiSingunDcr tljedUjeat S>cal (anDnoneof

tbem can be abfcnt) in^iicl) CommiCtton is to cnDurcimttlltfjc necf jaarliamcnt
on tcti parts, i. Ad audiendum,
3, SDfjtsdomnufltonanopotocrconftttctlj
to bear tl)c petition DcliticrcD to tl)cm, ffjccomplainfo of t^ofc tftaf tpill complain
2 . Ad venire faciend' to Do came bcfoje
tftcm of fuc!) Delates o? grievances mafic.
tijcm at OTcftminacr,o:eirctol)crc, t.f)Ctcnojoftl)cKcco:t)0anDlDjocet(es or
fuel) iuDgcmcnts fo DclapcD ; anU tftis is to be Done bp tfte iitngs Mrtt of Cer-
tiorari. 3. Ad venire faciend', tocaufct^efamc Jufticcs tocomcbcfojetljem.
4. Ad audiend' fuasraiiones&caufascaliumdilationum , to Ijcar tbeir rcafons
anD caufes of fucft Delates iDljicI) oiigbt to be cntrcD of Reco:D. 5. esai)tc!)cau-
fes anD rcafons fobearti, Ad procedendum, to pjocccD to mabc a good accojD.
c, Done not onlj> bj.' tbcmfclfccs, but bp
13iit tbis niiilt be tijc good aDticc of tec*
tain aJIittants appolntcD bj'tljc ^ct, viz. tbc Cbancclour, SCreafurcrjtljc 3!uaf=
tcs of tl)C oiic 15entl) and tl)c otf)cr , andotticroft^cJaingsCouncclUasmanp,
and fuel) as tl)cp fliall tbinU conticnicnt. 7. Ad capiendum, to tate a good accojD
of tfte affiflants. 8. Ad faciendum, to mafecagood |udgement. 9. Adreman=
dandum, f rcmaund bcfojc tljc 3Iua(cc0,befo?e toljom tbc pica did depend, tbe te«
noj of tbc faid HccojD, fogetbcr initMbs judgement tbatfofljall be accoided.
aiaftlp, t^at tfjofe iufttces fljall pjefentlp g(Ue judgement according to t^e faid
^vTommiffion granted in S E. 3. grounded upon tbts ffafute, and referring Ror.par. 18 e.j.

to tljc fame being enacted, as tbcrc it appearetlj, at

a parliament ftoldcn die Mcr- * p^f t.
curiiproxim' port medium Quadragefi mas Anno i4E,3,regni AnglisSi Francia:
primo, tbcrc being f too ^parliaments in tljat i^ear , tuljtcft i,'ou map reade, being
tDOjtbi' of obfertiation, foj it is a good evpoCtion of tljis Bet.
4, 3t is furtber pjoljtdcd bp tbc faid 3ct of 14 E.5, tl)at in cafe it fcemctib to
tljcm. tbat tl)c difficultp is fo great, tfjat it cannot toell be determined loltftouf af*
rent of parliament, tbat fbctenoj o:.tenojsaiallbeb?ougl)f bpt^faid prelate,
(Earls, and Barons unto tbc mxt |0arUamenf , and tljerc tljall finall actoid be
<afecn iuljat judgement (ball be gitjcn tn ttjis cafe.
» demandant be 5elaped,tbcn tftc tenant difi5critcd,oi fljat
3it is better tftat tl)C f Rules coeccr-
fbe lalp be altered, Shard, toe cannot no? toill delap anp man in rcfpect of our mK£ deUjcs,
£)atf), i8E.j.54.a.
snije futtices ougbt no man in f be name of tljc fting tolierc tbe toing
to dclap
^^ ^'^'^^ ^
Ijatf) no rialjt, Stljc demandant (liall not be legallp delapcd ttoicc fo; one caufe.
j'*^ ^'j. 1 3*
d Sena-
c SDelap in a Quare
impedit, t^ougib it bc bj? cffoign,is a difturbance. ii H.' per
fur eft in mora, e In ambulant. Newton.
per circuicuimpii
f3!n diijers cafes tbc partpgrietiedfljaUbatje an action fojunjuftdclaj?.
g Tolle moram. Temper nocuit difterre paratij. ^ j .'" ^'
515ut feeing ncitbcr tbc vTommon lalu,no; anp of tbc Slcts of parliament do ci:- e is.j'.4.

tend fo CEccrcftafticall Courts, it is tben demanded, tobat if an tnfcriour £):.di- rfBudon.

narp tuill rcfufe, 0? delap fo admit and inftifutc a dlcrU pjefented bp tbc rigbt 'Piaiiiy.
patron, toaCburcbtoitbinbis 2Dioces,o;tbclihc: £)j delap, oj rcfufe fo gibe 'Jl\'\^\
fcntcnce in a caufe depending bcfojc bim. Zt isanftocred, SCbattbe^rcbbifbop
of tbcpjo^tncc map grant bis t iletters under bis ^calctoall and Angular zi e.^.h.ij.
Clcrhs ofbtsp?oijincc, toadmoniifttbc£);dinarp, tottbin nine dapestopcr* F.N.B.ffi.f.jy.b.
fojmctbattobicbibpjuaiccisderircd, ojofbcrtoifc to cite bint foappcarcbcfoje 1
'' Thisiscaiud
Ibim o:bi3 £)fflciall at a dap in tbofc 51 ctfcrsp:cfired , and to cite tbc partptbat
Ijatb fuff cicd fucb delap, tbcn and tbcre liketoirc to appcare , and furtber to lntt= „«< ?a!y'to be
mate perfoim tbat tobicb is cnjopncd,no} known for find-
to tbe faid jSDjdinarp, tbat if be ncitbcr
appear, be btmfelfe toil bout furfbcr delap toill pcrfojmc tbc luCicc required. j ing of inrticuti- ^
in tbc fo;mer of tbc faid cafcs,tbc partp dclapcd map IjaUc bis Qaare imp, but tbat "''^^
ts tbougbt not to bc fo fpeedp a rcmcdp*

Cap. 7.

The Court of Kings Bench, Coram %ege,

Libj. cap.7.
tioVI)mnUin feioloojtis a notable e);pjeirton Conrf. Habec oHW
fo.ioj.b. Rex adioncs terminantur, & illarum curia-
plurcs Curias in quibus diverfe
rum habei unam propriam , ficat Aulam regiam, & Jufticiarios capitalcs qui
proprias caufas re^$ lertninant. & aliorum omnium, per querelaro , vcl per pri-
vilegium,rive libercatem. 0nD Toon after fpea&ing of tl^e Blufttcesof tt)i$ €omt
Fo. loS.a.
fattft t Item Jufticiariorum quidam funt capitales, gencralcs.-perpctuii majo- &
rcs a latere regis rcfidentcj, qui omnium aliorum eorrigerctenentur in jurias, 8c
Britten fatf^ : In droit des Juflices que font aflignes de nous fuer
SitiO tener &
Nota. *
ou q nous (eons en Anglicerre.
noftre lieu Voiions queeux eiantconufansdc
* amcnder faux judgements, &
dc terminer appcales &
auters trefpaffcs faitz en-
A granter
pro- eonter noftre peace,
enconter noftre jurildidion, & lour record fe efteant
folonq; eeo que nous rtianderons per noftre bfe«
Fleta in Defcribing t^ts Court fatf!) : Habet & Rex Curiam fnam & Jufticia-
rios fuos tarn milites quam clericos locum fuum tcnentes in Anglia , coram
bus, & non alibi nifi coram femetipfo &concilio fuo vel Auditoribns fpccialious
& errores Jufticiariorum revertuntur & eorriguntur: ibidem etiam
falfa judicia
terminantur brevia deappellis. & alia brevia fuper adionibus aiminalibus &
injuriarum contra pacem regis illatarum impctrata,& omnia, in quibus contine-
turubi tunc ftierimusin Anglia.
Liber niger in 31n tlie lIBlacb llBoob of tlje QlJFcljequcr, if ts fljus faiD of Cljicf 3«aice of
Scaccario. cap,4. Court; Capitals JuftitiaprjEfidet primus in regno,
tibts ;SDut Of tftefct^jee an-
cient autl)oj3 iDc obfcrtjE tftefe fiF conclnftons,
* Note this word BraAonfait^, Habet Rcxplures curias in quibus diverfa? aaiones
a SeeBriitonf.i. *
terminantur ^erebp»ant) in effect by
Britton,anD tlits conclaSon foUoUjetij,
fpeating of the
fftattbe lling ftatb tommittCD anD DiftribntcD ail his whole power of judicature
King, Lt pur ceo
to feterall Courts of 3Eaaice,anD tijerefoje tlje juDorcntent mixft be Tdeoconfide-
que nous ne fiiffl-
fms'm noftre pro- ratum eft per Curiam. 0nD IjeretDttf) tio agree Dtfcrs 3cts of parliament ana
per perfon a oier 215oob cafe0, fome toftereof, foj illuftration, toe toill bjtcflj? rcmcmUr anD Icatc
€?• terminer touts
tl)e jutitcious rcaDer tottjereif,
qiicrcls del people,
b Provifunn, concordaium &conceflumefl,quodtamm3|oi'es,quamminorej
^vomits partie
mflre charge en juftitiam habeant &
recipiant in curia Domini Regis
SLfjat tlje latoes CBcclclt*
flitfirs parts come afticall anD SCempojall tocreanD ?'et are aDminittreti, aojutigcD anD epecutcD fap
eft &c.
funDjp 3uDaci3,fic. d Expedit etiam magiftratus leipublicxconfticui.quia pereos
10 E.J. cap I.
b Marlb. qui jurcdicendo przfunt eflfeflus rei accipitur ;
parum eft enim jus in ci vitate efte,
nifi fint qui poflunt jura gerere.
Vid.4 H.4.c3.i2.
c For the pleafure of God & quietneifeof our fubjefts as to fave our
in efF.d. confcience, and to keep our Oath, by the aiTentofour Great men and other of our Councell,vve have commanded our Jufl:ices,that they (hall
e 10
from henceforth do even law and execution ofrighttoallourSub-
R.J. cap. I.
fpcaking in the je6ts, rich and poor, without having regard to any perfon, without let-
Kings perfon. ting to do right for any Letters or commandement which may come to
them from us, or from any other, or by any other caufe.
W.i.An.jE.i. ;9grcealilc to tljat great Canon of tlje lato Anno 3 E. i.fa!jicljtocljaticfra«s
cap.i. HateD into l.atin Rex pr^cipic quod pax facrofanftiEccIe.'is & regni folideeu-
: ftodiatur & confcrvetur in omnibus.quodq; juftitia fingulis tarn pauperibus quam
Cap. 7. The Cmrt of IQngs-^ench. -71
divitibiis adininiftratur, perfonarumnulla habita ratione, &CC t^t fecond part
ofthelniHtutes W. i.cap.r.
8 H. 4 f!)c litng Ijatlj commitfcDall l)ts potocr jtiDiciall, feme in one Court,
aiiD fomc in anotbcr, fo as if aitp tooulD rcnDctr Ijimfelfc to tfje juDgemcnt of tijc
iiing in fuel) cafe toftcrc tijciiiing batf) comnitttcD all f)t0 potuer juDictall to o*
tftcrs, fuel) a rentier ftioulD Ijc to no effect. J3nD 8 H. 6. tfjcl^ing Dotb juDge bp
8 H.6.JC & ci'r,

Granr. f .j.
l^ts 3uDge3 (ffte ming ftabing DtttrtbatcD Ijis polncr juDiciall to febcrall Courts)
SnD tljeJ^tiig tjatb ioljollp left matters of jui)tcaturc accojDing to ijis latoes to
l^ts SuBijes.
be cnadeD ^
iSnD albeit it tftat t^e SDcUnqucnf ftall be fIncD at tlje toill of f^ R.s.foJ.u.

Jiing. Nop Dominus Rex in camera fua,nec aliter nifi per jufticiarios fuo$ (finem

imponic) & hxc dt voluntas regis, z'<-&.

per Juliiciarios & legem luam,unum cfl
STftc fetonD contUifion is, tfeat tnt^ofc Dai>e0 tljts Court of !itngs IBcnc^ DiD
follouj tbc Court : anO tl)crcfo:c Bradon tallctl) it Aulam regiam,becauretl)cp fat
in tt)C ^tngs l^all. Britton callctt) tfjc Juflitcs of tfjts Court , Juftices afifignes
de nous liaer : anD Fleta, Ubi tone fuerimus in Anglia.
2Ut)C tfjirO t0,tl)af is calleD tlje iijings fficntlj, anD t!)C JDlcas fi^ereof Coram

regc: tetaufc in tbts Court (as B ratten fattlj, tljofc Capuales juHiciarii pro-
prias regis caufastetminant, anD tl^crefoje tlje teing ijimfclfe cannot be 3IuDge in
propria caufa.
2^l)c fourfl) i0,f!jat unDcr ffjefc tPojDS'proprias caufas^arc incluDcD tl^jee things, Of tfitfe you
reade in
iFtrQ ,pleas of t^e Crotnne ; as all manner of treafons, felonies anD o-
all , may
Glanvillib i.
tftcr pleas of tlje Cfotuntoljicl) ex congruo, arc aptlp calteD ptoprii caufe regis,
cap.i. &c. & lib.
becaufe tljep arc placita eoroni regis. feeconDlp, regularlp to craminc anD c ojrett
all anD all manner of errors in fait, anD in lato, of all t^e SnDges anD Juftices of in the ihird pare
tl)c I'lealm in juDcemcnts, p?oceire, anD pjocecDing in Courts of recojD, of the Inflitutes
anD not onlp in pleas of tlje Crolon, but in all pleas, reall, perfonall , anD mirt, pertotii, ScSiaof,
per mum.
{t\)t Court of ttjc 51; rcftequcr e):ccptcD,as hereafter Ojall appear.) ^InD t^ls is pro- * And in IreJanJ
prium quarto modo to tftef^ingin tftis Court t fo2 rcffularlp no otljcr Court of errors in the
^atl) tbc lifec jurifDtction
, anD tl^crcfo?e map be toell calleD propria caufa regis. Kings Bench
anD tiDO be of btg^ anD fotjeratgn jnrifoiction. « 2E|)trDlp, tftis Court Ijatft theie. Lib. f. r
not onlp lurifDiaion to cojrect errojsin jr.Dtriall p:otccDing , but otijer erroja fo.i8.F.N,
anD mtf Demeanours crtra juDiciall tenDing totftebjeatlj of tlje peace, oj oppjcffi^ 39E.J. Error 88.
onoftl)cfubjcas,o:ratring of faction, controterfp. Debate, o? anp otfter manner a Lib. I
of mifgotjernmcnt fo tijat no tojong oj injurp, eitljcr publlcb o; p?ibatc, can be
; Jam. Badges cafe
Done, but tl)at tl)ts (liall be refojmeD o; puniQjcD in one Court o;ott)erbp Due J.
courfc of lato. £s if anp pcrfon be commitf cD to p:.tfort, tljis
Court upon motion
ougljt to grant an Habeas corpus, anD upon rcturneoftftccaufeDo juftice anD re=
lictjc tlje partpiiijongcD. HnD tijts map be Done tljouglj tlje partpgricbeD Ijatlj no

p?il)ilcDge in tijis Court. 3t grantct^ pjoljibif ions fo Courts 2Dempo:all anD

Ccclcftafticall, to beep ttcm tottbtrj tijeir proper jurtfDtction. 9lVo tfjts
Court map bailc anp perfon foj anp offence iDiiat!"oetjer. janDifaiFreemanin
CttPjBurglj, oj SCoton cojpo:ate be DisfrantljtfcD un juttlp, albeit ftc Ijatlj no pji=
tilcDge in tl/is Court, pet tljis Court map rcltctic tljc partp, as it appcaictb in
James Bagges cafe, ubi fupra, & fie in fim'libus.
i^ ourtljlp, t^ts IjolD plea bp Mrit out of tlje Cljanccrp of all trcf^
Court map F- n. B.89.91,
paffes Done Vi&armis, of Replevins, of Quare impedit, &c, Tr.ipH. 3. co-
b §)ec tljc fecond
part of the Inftitutcs, tIjC 1 1
Chapter of Mag.Carta, Commu- ^£^[^J^6cRor.j6
nia placita non fequantur curiam noflram. ^2 part of the in-
iFiftblP, tIjts Court Ijatlj potocr to IjolD plea bp Bill fo J Debt, Detinue, cobe* ftitutcs, M^gna
nant, pjomifc, anDallotbcr perfonall acttons,ejei>ione fiimcanD tlje ltbe,againft Carta, cap.n.
anptljatisincuftodia Mareichalli, o:anp £Dfficcr, £©iniftcr, 0? Clcrb of tljc
court : anD tlje reason Ijcreof is, fojtftat iftljepfljoulDbefucD in anp otljer Court
tIjcpfljoulDftatic the pitt)ilcDgeoftl}is Court,:' anD left tfterc fljoulD beafapler
of 3iuftice(lDbic!j is fo muclj abljojrcfl in laU))tl)Cp lliall be
impleaDcD Ijcrc bp
13111 tljougl) tljcfc artions be common picas, anD arc not reft raincD
bp tljc faiD 2a
51 i of
T^he Court ofK^ngs -^Bench. Cap. 7.
of Magna Cafta, ubi fupra* =lLtMinfetl)c £Dfficcrs, fl^mtftcrs, anti Clcchsof
tbts CouttpjitjtlcDgct) bp lato in rcfpcct of tbcir ncccffarp attcntiance in Court,
map intplcatc of fjcrs bp iBiU in tbc actions fojcfaiD, 0nD all tbis appcarefb bp
Seethe fecond Bratton,lt)bo UticD i)Dt)cn Magna Carta tuas nWDC, ubi fupra :
iDbcrC be faitb, Ec
pare of
the Infti- aliorum omnium
per querelam vel per privrlegium
five libertatem. jSlnD conti=
ubi fup.
tiitcs, nuall experience concurrctb totfbantiquitp beicin,
17H.J -coram H.P. captus per quetimoniam mercacorum Flandris & imprifonatus offerc
Uegc. Roc 9.
Hui 8l Hmc. domino regi Hus & Haut in plegio ad (tandum rc£lo,& ad refpondendum prxdi-
ais mercatoribus, & omnibus aliis qui verfus eum loqui voluerinr, &c. JEbtS
Carta, Anno 9 H»^ £)f tbcretooji)s//»j&:
pica toas after tbc ftafutc of Magna
HaM,mti iFrcncb toojDs. Hpts Ggnifping an ^IDcr-trec, anD Haut tbc ffaffc of a
fomc babe maDc tbcreof to tbcmfcltcs :
^albert, \u 3 leabc tbc conjerture tbat
toe tbiiiU it toas tbcn common bail cbangcD noto to Do anD Ro , ann tbc ratbcr
foitbis toojD [oftert.J 3niD it is obfcrbablc, tbat tbcn putting in bailc at one
mans fuit, be toas in cudodia Marefchalli to anfUicr all otbcrs tobicb tooulD fue
31 ad- bim bp 315tU, anD tbis continuctb to tbis Dap. 31f anp perfon be in euflodia Mare-
judge. rchalli,&c. be it bp commitment, 0? bp Laticacbtll of «piD'oj otbcr p?occs of lain,
: anD
gibe tbe Court jurifDirtion
it is fufficicnt to tbc ratber, foj tbat tbc Court
of Common plcasis not able to Dirpatcballtbcfubjectscaures, if tbc faiD actions
IboulD be confineDonlpto tbat Court, 0nD feeing none but Serjeants at laUj
can pjactifc in tbe Court of Common pleas , it is nccclTarp tbat in tbis Court of
atngs llBcncb Apprentices anD otbcr Counfellojs of lato migbt'jp experience in^
abletbcmfclt!CStobccallcD§>crjcant3aftertearDS; otbcrtoifc §»crjcants muft
toantcrpericncctwbicb ts tbc life of tbcir pjofcffion.
AnD tbc pjocccDings xw tbat
Court foj fo tong time, 5 unDcr manp bonourablc 3uDgcs anD rcbcrcnD ^ages

of tbe laU) batbgottcn fucb a founDation, as cannot noto tottbout an 0ct of par-

liament be ftialten. ;anD tbc erro;s xw tbc toings 315cncb cannot be rcbcrfcD Cbut
in certain particular actions bptbc ftatutc of 17 Eliz,cap»8. tobcrein tbe jurifDi^'
ction of tbe Court is fabcD) but in tbc M^\i Court of parliament , as bcfoje in
tbe Cb^pter of f be Court of parliament appcarctb,
S>ij;tblp>tf a Mrif in a reall action be abateDbp juDgcmcnf in tbe Court of
of Crroj tbe juDgcment isrebcrfeD in tbis
/714H.7.14. common picas, anD in a OTrif
U-O-Jo*-!V II E.J. 46. Court, auD tbc Mrit is aDjuDgeDgcoD,tbis Court ttiallpjocceD upon tbis eanrit,
II H.4.49 'fria-
anD is not rcftraincD bp Magna Carta, ubi fupra, ne curia Dcmini Regis defi-
tivo habcndo.
ceret in julHtia exhibenda.
F N.B.177, %\)iQ court map boltJ plea in acfifc of novel diflelfin toif bout anp patent, foj
it is querela anD not placitum
anD fo not ioitbin tbcfc too?DS ccmmunia placi-
de mord
ta, as batb been erpounDcD an D tearrantcD bp continuall crpcr icncc.

H. 4.7. A Scire faC to repeal a patent of tbc ifting map be b?ougbt in tbis Court. ^nU
tobercFle.:afaitb5 Nifi coram femetiplb & concilio fuo.vel Auditoribus Ipecialib'

falfa judicia ac errores jufiiciariorum

revertuntur : 3t is to be Unoton tbat all tbc

common lato crrojs in tbe court of Crcbcqucr (being tbc p?opcr Court of tbc
Sec more hereof ifiing fo? bisrebcnuc anD p?.ofit)tocrc examinable bcfo?c Commiffioners appoint
in the Chipter of tcD bp tbc Jitngs Mrit unscr bis 0jcat s>cal,tobicb Fleta bcrc callctb Auditores
the Exchequer.
fpeciales. XDut
noto bp tbc ftatutc of 3 1 E» s.tbeCbancclour anD SCrcafurer fa«
J I fi.j.cap.ii.
feing to tbcm tbe BBufticcs anD otbcr fare pcrfons, fucb as to tocm fccmetb to be
cvamine tbe crro;s in tbc Crcbcciucr, sc.
fafecn, fliall
«Rot.Par. 18E.1
3In ancient time, tobcn pleas toere bolDcn in parliament, toben tbc parties
nil. 97. Placit.
Int. |o, deiiovo DefccnDcD toiffue,tbc5RecojDtoasaDiourncD into tbc icings IBcncb to bctricD
Burgo & Reg- tberc.
man, Sec. b §)cc tbc flat ute of W.
i . againft p?cpo(tcrous bearings in tbis Court , anD
b W.I. cap. 14-
tbccrpofition of tbe fame in tbc fecond partof thelnflitutes.
Againft ptepo-
315ptbc aatutc of Artic'fuperCarr. tbcCbancelouranDtbcSfufticcsof tbc
fterous hearings.
c Art. fup. cart. 18 ftinas iBcncb toere to folloto tbe Court : but nottoitbttanDing botb tbe Cban*
E.i.cap.5 „ ^ anD tbe llingsBcncb toere
ccrp at tbis time fctlcD Courts, During tbe fcferall
GUn.temps. H.i
.Comm Domini Kegii in Bunco fcdcntibHS.
.,,._, t-
Vid. /id]!idicai coram Fugc in every i crme, lib.i i Iitfliciis

from I E I during all his reign in every fevcrall Tcm in the ycare. And in all thofe times and Termes the Court of
Cap.y. The Court of K^igs^ench. 73
SCcrms tljC pcai', as bn tnfitiifc rcco?.t)3 bofb kfo^c ant) after tl)t3 ffatofc Dotlj

appear* S>oa3attl)t3 thiictljci'DiDnotattcnDtn tijc luno;s -Xotirt, tuttoljcn

tijcptocrc callcD, vet lucre accoimtcD as parccll of ttjc lyings ftotifliolD as long;
S0 ttjcp Court : iStit tljts tiini'ocifoinc atteiittaiiffclofjoUp ccarcD in
foUotoeO tl)c
inoiilD bawljaD !)tspurt:CP«
tl)C 3, anD
rctgn of E.
anccasffljcljaDtontiinieDaillas oncofttjeijottlljolD untillljc anD all others,

buttljofeof tl)ei:5ings, £iucen0,o: Jp?inccs!)ouft)olD onlt',tocre reffratncD bj,' 34^.3.0.1.

^£t of parliament. 34E.3.cap.2.
0lfo upon pcrnfall of tlje lilccojDs in tl)c rcian of H, 3. from tljc bcftinninij And fodiJ iix
of his reign untilltt)cenDing ofit,tl)is Coartfat in tl)c 2Cerm time tobcre tt)c Chancciyboth
other Courts of Suffice DiD
fit. anD tlje pleas tDcrctlilcD to!^c IjolDcn Co-
ram RegeastotljisDap tljepare: anDtl)isappc«ret!)b)'Fuzh. 0b?iDantent,in butoncConrc
the titles of Corone,of Brief, of VVaR,&c. anD bj> Bracfon iuljo tnmanpplaccs asitappcarethiu

tioutljetl}?uDamcntsintbcretgnofH.3. in SEenns Coram Rege. iJitD this iiKCiupierot

times: Initlbercof tljusmuch itiall fufficc to p:o^Je , tftat at
appcareth alfo'in clDer Jhanmy'
" ^'
the malung of the faiD act of 28 e i. anD long bcfo:r,this Court in Jlerm times
fattoithtlfc lyings other cnourts,anD fpeciallp foj
Picas of the Crown, &c, anD
that tl)c faiD 0d;"isto Ic intcnDcD, that the Ch^wcelour anD the SuDres of this
luerc rcquireD.
court UioulD attcnDthcliinganDfoUototheATourt tuhcn thcp
Ji^'-Dicr 187,
StistrulpfaiD that tljc SuaitesDe banco Re?is hatjcfupjcam autho:ttp,tl)c

litng himfclf fitting there

as tf)c lain intcnDS. SDfjcpbe niojc thcnSEuCicesin vAff.p-T.
Circ. P „
of Oier anD Termi-
SD^eS'uftices in tljis Court are fljcfoticraign 3«fticcs "7|^'*'»-
rer, Gaol-delivery,confcrnato:0of the peace, ic. in the if^calm. §»ee tljel'OoUs
^h.^'.^; j; *
in the margent,Pou (hall finD crtcllcnt matter of learning concerning tl)e fu= fo.n's.a&b.
B:cani of tbis Court.
Scgmor SancLrj
3n this coiirt the lyings of thialA calm !).ibcfit intbe ?^ig!) 5i5encb,anD tlje

iuDgcs Court on the bluer Bench at his fecf;but SuDicatureonU' iclong*

of tljat
etlj to tl)C BfuDgcs
of that court, anD in tjis pjcrcncc tljcp anftoer all motions> %u
CbcSufiiccsof this court arc the fotieraign cojoncrs of the lanD, anD 17 3.15.3.
anD Co?oucrs ma{,' rcccibc appeals bpbilL aFortio- \'^-^-^:!-'>7-''\

ri the Hutticcs of tljts Court maj) Doc if. p^ cem",^

a>o higl) is the autljoutp of tbis Court , tbat toben it comes anD fits in anp au m'.ix 17 ilf.,,

Countp,the ifufticcs of Eire,0fOieranDTerminer,Gaol-aelivery,''theptobtCh iSalTji.nH 7.

ceafe toitbout anj? tujiting to tljcm, 15ut if anp inDict=
l)abc conufancctc. Doc l^ ^,
in a fo;ain Counti; be rcuiolieD ccfo?c certain C6in=
ment of SCrcafon a\ cora,,, \uT
ntiffioncrs 01 Oier anD l erminer in the Countp tohercthts court fits, pet tbep ko pj'ch'dicft
map p:ocecD,becaufc this Courtffo: that this inDictmcnt luas not remobcD bc=
fo:c them) cannot pioceeDfoj that offence. Ii5at if an inDictmcnt betahcn in
tllacaf ion, anD after tbis Court fit in tbeijcvf sncrmintbcfamc ^^'"^^'Pr^-
£piDD. in the
Comitp (if this Court be aD)OurneD)tbcn map fpcciall CommitTioncrs of oier
anD rerminer,&c in the interim pjocceD upon that inDictmcnt, buttbemojcu*
fuall toajj is bp fpcciall Commiffion. 3nD all tbistoasrcfolbcDbp all tbc 3uDg=
cs ofCnglanD atiZ3lincbeftcr2Lcrm,Anno JacobiRe^is, in the cafe of &ir


Everard Digby anD otbers : anDfohaD it been refolbcD, Mich. 2) & 26 Eliz. carc,&c.
in tbecafeof Arden anD Somervile,fo? tbis UinD of fpecfall Commiffion of O'er'.fo.jss.
anD Terminer: anD hercluitb agreetb Pl.Com.intbcCEarlof iLcit'cafe, Anno CoumdeLek'
"^"= ='^^'-
0nDfo fup;cam is fbc iurisDiction oftbis Court, that if anj) Kcco;D berC' ^^'^^^.6.b.
mobcD into this Court, it cannot(bcing as it lucre in bis center) be rcmaunDcD '^'^\\P^-
bach, unletTcitbc bp Slct of parliament. ^nDtbis appearcth bp tbc JuDgmcnt l^anrpjcon- '

of t!)c parliament in Anno 6 H.8. but bp the aut!)o:itp of that iSct inDictmcnts .^^^^ ,
of anD murDers rcmobeD into the iiings Ifencb map bP the cMcndah
3i!ufticc3 of that Court be remaunDcD, anD this Court map fcnD Dolun asiucll r,, FdonKsand
the boDicB of alli^elons anD i^urDcrcrtt, as their inDidmcnts into tbe Coun^

ties tohcre the fame murDers o: felonies lucre commtttcD oj Doncu. in fuel)

manncr,tc, as if tbc inDictmcnts baD not been bjoiijbt into the lUngs IScncb.
T^he Court of K^ings Bench. Cap. 7.
See before cap, 515utf()c3ufl:ices of tljc lyings iScncl) of tftcir oton autlioitt)) map grant a Nifi
prius in cafe oftreafon,fclonj',ant)otl)erplca0;fo>tl)ercfftep fenD but ttie ti;ati<:
when a writ of
Errorisfucdof fcrtpt of tl^cl'^ccojD,ant) nottljelRccoja ttrelf,as (ball be faiD in tfjc Cl)ap»
a to- tec of 3ufttccs of Nifi ptius. liSut if tljc Jtifttccs of ttjc iJtngg IBcnclj Doe
Judgment J
ram Xgc, they pcrteltic t^at anp inDtctment is to be rcmotjcD into tl)at court bp pjacttfe o; fo}
proceed /7/^sr tc- Dclap^ljc Court map refufe to rcccttic t!)c famc,bcfo?c it be entreD of 3ileco:D,anD
nore rccordi, and
rcmaunt) tlje fame bacb again fo: jufticc to be Done. ,
teiniincihinthis iBp tlje ttatnte of i H.4.t^e Clcrh of tbe Croton of tftis <rourt,if foorfcoje o? an
Court. |lunD?eD men be inOictct) of fclonp o j trefpaffc, of one felonp, o j one trefpaltc, anD
aH.4. tijep plcaD to an illue,a3 not guiltp,tl)e faiD Cierb ongl)t not to tabe fo? t^e Venire
fac', mi fo; t^ cntring of tbe plea but tiro ^tilings onlp, anD not tvoo flitUings
16 afl?p.47. fo; eterp one, U)t)icl) ^ct i0 maDe in affirmance of tlje Common-lain ^o if one
man be inDitfeD of ttoo fctierall felonies oj trcfpaffes, anD isacquiteD, lie Ojal pag
but fo? one Deliterance.
Dcfignario Jufti-
ciariorum eft a
^ut of t^ts Court are Oliver Courts DeribeD , as from one fountain fcbcrall

rege, jurifdiiSio
fpjings anQribers, inrcfpeaoftbc multiplicitp ofcaufcs, toljicijljabe incrca*
veroordinariai feD, Jurifdiftio iftius curia: eft originalls feu prdinaria, & non delegata, 2L^e
hge. Suftices oftftis Court Ijabe noCommiffion.lLctters |Datcntso:otl)cr means
Glanvillib. t. to bolD pleas,ic, but t^eir potner is o?iginall anDo?Dinarp, SCliep toerecalleii
ca.6.ij.&c. Cx- *

ancientlp Jufticiaj.Jufticiarii, locum tencntesdomini regis,&G. 2ni)CCl)icf
a Lib. 3!ufttce, Juftitia Aogliaj, Juftitia pritnajufiiciarius Anglia-, Jiiliiciarius Anglic
nigro in
Scaccario, par.i. capitalisjanD Jufticiariusnofter capitalis ad placica coram nobis rertninand'. 2Dl>
ca.4. obfcrbct^c changes of t^cfe names, anD tlje reafonanD cliangc thereof, is luoj"
Never in any
Icgall record
of E.i , tbe Ctjtcf Suffice of tl)ts court teas crcateD h^ HtU
315efo?e ttje reign
feen) they were ferspatentSjanDfljefojm thereof (taking one example foj all) inasinfljcfc
called Summi Jii- tDO?D0.
Roc. Carr. ReXyf^e. AnhiepifcopiSyBpifcopis, Ahbatibus^ Prioribtts, ComitibuSyBa-
4yH.j.i3Aug. rombus, Vicecomitibtu^ Ftreftariis^ ^
ommbm aliis fdelibus regni Anglix ^
Salutem. Cum pro confers atione aejira, (^ trancjuillitatis regni noflri,^
ad jujlitiam univerfts ^ fingulis de regno nefiro exhtbendam
rimtis dileSium etpdelem nojlrum Philippttm Bafjet ^ufiiciarium
Capitalis Jufti- Angli&
ciarius Anglix. quamdiu nobis placuerit capitalem. Vobis mandamus in fide qua, nobis te-
nemini firmiter injungentes, quatenus in omnibus qux ad offiicinm ^uJH-
prddi^t , nee non ad confervationem pads noftrx et nofiri ei-regni
dem dum in officio prxdiSlo Jieterit, plenius fitis intendentes. Tejte Re-
^tttxw 6. flyings arc fo be obfcrbeD. i, 2CI)af tljc creation ofbts office teas
bp Jictters
patents; 2, SCfjat tl)is officer teas ojiginallp inftttutcD fo;
Thiswasthco- tl&jeetftingSf i.Proconrervanonenofira, j»Tranquillitatis regni noftri, 3.* Ad
riginall jurifdi- juliitiam univerfis & fingulis de regno noftro cxhibendam. fl^fte tljirD tl)ing to
dion of this
beobferbeDiS,tljaf Ijetoas ftileD Jufliciarius Anglic capitalis. 4. SLljat Phi-
lip Baflet toas conftitutcD Cljief 3Iuftice ofCnglanD, anD after maDe tenigljf,
fojlieiBas notlSniglit at tfjcmaking of tljc iLcttcrs patents, snftts Philip
toas of ©HcUcDbp in tfteCountp of Jjioittiampton,? toas erccllcntlp learncD in i\iz
latos of tlie lUealm; ^
toas poungcr b?otljer of liBaron Baflet of DraitonBaflec
in tbe Conntp of §>taff. j.SCI^tfjctoasfoiittttuteDquamdiu nobij placueric,
ILaftlp.t^eclaufe of attenDance,anD tijc pcrfons tbat are to git)c attcnDancc, ic*
to ^tm,aret)erpremarfeable. SCftis Philip Baflet toas tlje latt of tljis feinD of
creation bp anpUfecJtetters patents, anD IjeDicD Cbicf Huffice necr to tlje
cnD oftbcrctgnofH.j. iiingE. i.beingatoifc anDpjuDeut ^imtz Uiiotoing
tljatCui plus licet quam par eft, plus vult quam licet (aS mott Of tl^Cfc fummi

Jufticiarii DiD) maDc tl)?ee alterations, i. Bp limitation of Ijis ^wW^aiHy)^

2» IBp Cl)ang{ngSummusJufticiarius,tO Capitalis Juftic. 3. JlBp a neto hinD Of
creation,viz. bp Mrit, left if Ije IjaD continucD fj js former manner of crcation.bc

Cap.y. The Court
of K^gs 'Bench, .

nitgljt Ijatc Oanatjcfireof fojmci; 3utl)ojitp,
Ijis toljttlj tf)?eclioe c);p?enpaps
in ufc, viz.
pear bptbeMlritpct
Rex,&c. E. C. militi Salutem. Sciatis cjtwd eonftitumns vos
4rium nojirum cnpitalent
ad placita coram nobis temndu, durante benepla-
cito nofiro. Tejle,&c.
tCdlbitl) tojit being callcti Breve Dofl) in feto toojus compjeftenD t^cfubCante
of fojmccllcttcrs jp^afcntst foiCapicalisJufticianusnofteranDadplacita
coram nobis tenenda intUiDes alltftat U3!)tcf)\t!a0trul)>intent)c5tobcgiantcD
tol)im in tl)Cfo;jiicr1icttcrs patents, iuljtcl) alterations lucre inaDc bi' ilutftp-
ritp of parliament, t^oug!) not note cjitant. #o,i if is arulcin lato,tl)atan' Seeinii,eih»prfr
"^ f i^e conftaWe
cicnt offices muft be granted in futbfojnis anom fucft manner, as tbcpftabe
" ""
u'cD to be, unlcffctlje alteration tocre bp ^utljojtti' of parliaircnt. jainD con= " Jj.jn-
"i"^ '"'"
tinuallcrpcricnte appiotietlj, tijat foj mani> futteffion of ages toitljout internuf»
Con, tljepljabc been, anD ret arecalleDbptfjefaiDtojit, Etoptimus leguminter-
315ut after tl^c faiD alteration,viz. in anno 2^ E.i. ReginaJdus Ro^.p-t.*; E-i.
pres confuetudo.
deGreyCtoas fttlcD) Jufticiarius Anglic, anD ije tuas in Icgall pjocceDings cal= vvn^f Pa"i'a!
leD tapicalis Jufticiariusnofter,tol)en l)tS patent teas, Capitalis Jufticiarius menttohiindi-
tKScljatie fcen a jFinc in fbefc tuojtis ; Uxc eft finalisconcordia ra>9a in cu.

ria dorHini regis spad Weftm' a die Sanfti Michaclis in trcs leptimanas, anno ^/j),^yI^V^^';f .
Regni Regis Hennci filii regis johannis 3, coram domino Hubcrto de Burgo tmHcMifhiien
luliiciario Arglix&aJiis dominiRe?ishdelibu$tunc ibi prxi'cniibus. qut>cnu>»,c>
3En ttjc UJjif De homine replegiand',I)e (tobtcl) luas fojmerlp callcD Capitalis ^''» /j»« n^fTct
lufticiarius Anglii) tscalleD Capitalis luftic'nofter anD fomctinre Cap. luflic'
; anD
Regis. SLfteftfleoftbis JToiirtofisingsUBcncljiSAngliainffte niargcnt h kga.bdcnhiia
inDitcrs 5icts of parliament t(C is calleDCUicf 3uftit5 ofCn^lanD, 34H.s» mthcKings
cap.:6. 37H.8.cap.i2. »E.6,cap.i3. 5E,6.cap.ii, £cnch,inj H.j.
Srije Cl>icf3!uaitct!i3rclanD iscalleDCapitalisIufticiat'Hibemiiatf^iSDap. 3„Jj[ J^'|-^''"
Palch.igE.i. (f^c pleas in fljis Cotirt arc Coram rege) tljcn luereaileD f./iuu,- J/git,
tbus, Placita coram locum domini regis tenentibu$,&c. Ideo vcnit inde jurata Uh.dcMi/jiaden
coram rege vel ejus locum tenentibus, 5 Pafchi, &c, luttijin tu^ici) tDOjDS all
1 fo.109. divers o-
thcr hncs with
tt)C 3uDacs Of tljc 15 incts IBcncl) lucre incluDcD.
Anro domini 969. in tl)C ^bbp Of Kantfcp tl)is Cpifapb teas ingraben «. ,
[ KeoTd £ 77.
D. Ailivinus tetius ty^ldsrmanKUs^&cSxAiO iU
indyti regis Edgari eognaius AngUx 14 Sat. de
loas lijitfioutqucttion (i;!)icf3ufticc of all G-nglanD, Inter leges Aluredicap, «"/«/«•. 3 e^.
34, t)CiS tallcD Cjmnger ealdormm i, Regis Aldeimannus five Senator, (ive
ludex. Videcap. . ij. & ^jS. Etinter leges Edovardi ea.^5.

Cijc reft of tl)c BtuDges of tftc lyings mntl) Ijabe fl)8ir offices bp ILcftcrs sca.j.
patents in tftcfe toOjDS, Rex omnibus
ad quos prxfentes liters per venerinr, iAIdeim-mni Ju-
Saiucem. Sciatis qnodconftituimus dilc£tum & fidelem lohannem boderidge
tiic" difti func

militem unum lulHciariorum ad Piacta coram nobis tenenda durante bene- '^13^^'"'**
"' ^"*°''
SCbercHuaicesof tftcfcings BcmliarclfilcD i. Ca-
a latere regis lelidentes bufttjc
pitales. 2,Generales. 3. Perpctui, -t.Majores

€l)ief 3nfticc is onlpcallcDbptftciaing, Capitalis lufticiariusnofter. Sl^are

calleD uCapitales, in rcfpect of tbeir fupjcam jnrlsDiction* i» Generales,iii rc»

fpcrt oftftcir gcncrall jutisDictton tljjonrljoiit nil eiiglanD,ic» :i. Perpctui,

fojtljat tbcpougbt net to bcrcmobeD toitftout juftcaufe, 4. Majores a latere
be pjotectcD
regis reiidentes, foj t^eir ftonoi anDfafetp,tI)at tbcpfboplD bp tljc
^ma. inaDmiuiftrationof julf tec, foj tbat tbcp be a latere Resii.
janD to^crein^ E.^.tt is bolDcnbp all t^eSufttces in tljeCrcbequcrcIjaratcr L5E.4.137.
tljntamancannotbc Kuftice bpCClrit but bp patent 0; Commiffion, it is tobc
unDrrftooDot all tbe JuDgcs/abing tijc vTbtcf Sufticc of tbis ^iourt.lBut botfjtlje
Cl)ief Sutttcc, anD tljc reft of tftc inDges map be DifcbargeD bpMritMnDec
tIjc ©:cat &cal.
i^onecanbc a SuDgeoftljis Court unltffcbc be a feerieant of tbe Degree
ofti)c€oif,auD pet in tIjc 221 rit oj patent to tl)em mabe, tljep arcnotnamco
Serjeants. 3f
T^he Court of K^ngs ^ench. Cap. 7.
SlfatllSIIrit be returnable Coram apud Wenm',(t lljall be
luflkiaris noftris

rcturncD in tlje Common place: but if it be returnable in t^ts Court , it muft be

Second part of the
Coram nobis ubicunque fuerimus in &CCtl)C Infli-
tutes, Mag. Cart, cap.i
i . ant) tfte
erpoCtion upon t^c fame.
3n fojmcr times fome ill flifpofcD Clcrbs of tljis Court jbecaufc tljep coulD bab^
no ojiginall out of tljc Cbanccrp fo j Debt returnable info tljtis Court, tljep tooulD
fue ouf an ojiginall action of trcfpaCc (a mcer feisnei) action ) returnable into
tl)i0Court,ant)ropjoceet)to(ii;);igent,(Uji^creintrutl) t^ie caufeof action is to?
Dcbt)anDtot)ent^c 2Defcnt)aint appcarcD,«, all tl)e fojmer pjocecDings iuere, iuabcti, anD a bill fileD fojtljeSDcfcnDantfojDebt. %\)ia\Qm\ unjuftpjactirctn
Vid.jO H.6.i7.i. Derogation ofttjeDignitpanDljonoj of tljis Court, anDluojtljp offebcrepunilt)*
It is
30E 3-3X. ment accojD ing totftcftatute ofW.i.c.29. tol)cn itis founDout; Vide in tfte
t'taud where one
Chapter of tftcCourt of Common |)leasin tt)eenD thereof.
thing ispretcn-
dcd,aiid another J^ototftat toe map Ijerefap fomctobattoa bulgar objection of tl)e multfplt«
done. cation of fuits inlatobotl) in tl)is Court, anDot^cr of tiis ^pajefttes Courts at
Multipli^acionof CiiHeftm'mojc tftcnliattj been in tfte reigns of E. 3.K.2. H, ^M.<),H, c, E.4. anD

Peace. R.3. 3ti0 tobcobferbeDjtftaftljcrebBrtFcaHfesoftbeincreareoftbcm, toljcrc-

of ttoo be generall,^ four particular. Stlje gencrall be pcace,anD ipien*
tlie ottier
Diffolurionof tp : site particular, i,a^t)CDiffolufionoffomanp jponattcrics, Cftantcrtcs, ^t.
Monaftcrics,&f. anDt^eDifpcrBngoftticm fntoromanpfeberall l)anDs. 2. SCljc fuiarm of3n=
formers. 3. 2Ll)e number of Concealo?s. 4. SDlje multituDeofSltturnics.
Anurnies.) jpoj tljc fira gcnerall : Intljereignsof E. 3. R. 2. H.4.h.^. anD part of
t^e reign of H.6. tnrefpect oftlje tears in iFrance,fc. anD in tIjereftDueoftlje
Silent leges inter reign ofH.^.anDintlbc reign of E.4. in refpcct of tlje blooDp anD intcftine
arma. tears, anD in almoft continuall alarums teit^in tbe boteels of tljts btngDome,
bettoccntbe lboufesoflLancaftcranDi5o?fe,tt)crecoulDnotbc fomani' fuits in
Concordia par- late, as fnicc tbis kingDomc Ijatl) cnjowD pcaccitobtclj is tljefirft gencrall caufc.
VJttcsciefcunr, peace tstbemotbefofplentjM'tobicl) is tljc rcconDgcnerallcanfe) anD|0lentp
cxopulentialiccs, tbci^urfe of fuits. Jn particular, bp tbc Dtffolution of fponaftcrics, Cbantc^
rie0,ic. anD Difpcrftng of tl)em,i[c. tElpon tbcftatufes maDe concerning tbc fame
being fuel) a confluence of (il;cclcrtafttcall
pofTcfftons) tljcre arofe man?)
quettions anD Doubts tobcreupon fuits toerc greatlp tncrcafcD.
, 2. 3nfoj--
Sec the pream- jncrs anD KelatojsraifeD manpfuit0,bpinfo:.mations,tejits,ic. intbeteings
bles of the flat,
Courts at Mettm' upon penaliaatutes,manptebereof toerc obfolctc, incont>e-
of 4
H nient, anD not fit fo: tbofc Daps,anD pet remaineD as fnares upon tbe fubjcct , fo
1% 6.03,7.
a Diminuuon of astbCfubject migljtjuftip raptoitbTacitus,Prius vitiislaboravimus, nunc legi-
fiiits. bus. 3. Concealojs, Helluones tbat enDcaboureD fo ftoalloto up Cat bcDjatl

b PoflEflions of
Cburcbes anDtbed^cclcfiafticall poffeffionsofcburcb^mcn, anD tbe libingsof
Monad, and
manp otbcrs oftbc?^ingsfubjects. 3laftlp,tbemultituDe of .!3tt«rnic0,mo;c
j5 Ja. tben islimiteD bp late, is a great caufe of increafc of fuits,
a 315ut
cap. 1, Concea- novt) on tbe otberfiDc, to fljctotobat great bopc fbcre is, tbat fuits in
lors. late (ball Decrcafe , fojtbat in effect ail tbe particular caufes oftbcincreafeof
1 11
tbcmare taken atoap,tobicb toe babe fbougbt gooD to remember.
Informert. ^
Seethe Third iFojtbefirft, tbcftatuteof 35 Eiiz.cap.?. batbremeDieD part, buttbetta^
part of the Inft. tute of zi batb giben a plenarp falbefoj tbe tobole mifcbief, tobcreof
cap. againft poumap reaD at large in tbe Third part of the lnftitutes,cap.!57. agatnft Con*
vexatious relators
ccalojs, turbidum hominum genus. '^
jf oj tb^ fcconD, bp tbe ftatiitcof Jac. n
cap.4. BInfojmations.fc.upon pcnall
ttatutcs arc to be bearD anD DetermincD
f/Atturnics. E i. in tbetr proper Counties, anD not in tbe Courts at ^'Qlettmintter, tobercbp tbe
Rot. 4. T)eAppre- beratious ftoarm of 3Jnfo:mer0,tobo arc Lea truttcD tobcrc tbep arclcaft knoton,
tit lis & Anurdj.-
are banilbcD anD turneD again to tbetr former occupations, Concerning at*

turnics tbe number are fctDoton,anD tbat tbcp ougbt to be learncDanD t)er=
ca.iS. tuous,anDas3unDcrflanD,tbe 3uDgcs attbistime babe tbis matter in conff-
3? Deration. But befiDes tbcfctbere arc fome otber ftatutcs maDc fox aboiDing
See Rot. Pari. anD DecreaRng ofberatiousfuits.Ssan'^Hctin zi Jac. Regiscap.i6. foj limi*
13 H 4 ruifjj. tation of actions anD aboiDing fuits in late, agooD anD beneficiall late, ^m-
not in pi

tljcr^rtaf tbe fame J^arliamcnf , cap, 13, foj tbe furtber reformation of 3!eo-.
Cap. 7.
The Court
ofKJngs Bench, yj
fatls, agooD lato offutt3» ^notfjcr at tfjc fame iparltamenf, cap.8.
to pjctjcnt ano puniftjabufcs in pjoturiiig of pjoccffc of Superfedeas of tl)e
peace anD 0OOD bcljatiiour, out of bis ^pajctties Courts at ^cttminfter^c*
iD^crebp infinite tejrattons, troubles anD charges of tl)c fnbjedo are pjctien»
teDf Another at tljc fame jjadiament, ca.i^, fo; atotDtng of tierattous Dclapo
intaufesbp rcmoljtng of actions anD futts out of infcrtour Courts, tot)eretn
t\fzfojmer abufe teas ucratious, grtefeous , anD cfjargeable to f^ fubjed:. 3
bjanc^ of an ^i at tljc fame |0arliament, cap. 1 6. foj pleaDing of tcnDcc of
amenDS in an action of trefpallc, Quare clauf. fregit, foja trcfpaffebp ncgU^"
gencfe , oj intoluntarp , tDljccctn ttie SJefcnDant maUctl) no tttlcf c, an mtV
lent anD ncccITarp lato fojatooiDtng of triOtng anD tcrattous futts, crpetiallg
in Cljamp ion Countries. 3n0ct at tlje fame parliament, cap. 2. againll ®o« See the 5. pare cf
a great quiet foj tljetime to come. Anno jCa-
nopolies anDneiDp?ojects,ic ''^v^'^j'-c-p-
roli Regis nunc, cap.i . SCftc petition of Higljt concerning tfjc rights anD libera 'plSs,ndT;.
ties of all tftefnbjccts of tljis Uealmfoj tijetr repofeanD quiet. ILattlp, tlje jW,.
repeal offomanp obfolete penall Itatutes is a great mean of Diminution of jCarRfgifc.:.
fatt0. Jijacca.ig,

5F0J t^c abotefaiD generall caufes, viz. peace anD |9lenfp,long map
lappilp bp t^e gooDneiTe ofgoD continue lt)ttI)ont abufe ioit^intl^is IRealmf
SDfte teingsllBencl) ftatlj autljojitp foj great mifpjtfions anDoffences,fo aDjuDge
anD inflict co3po?allpnnifl)menf,a5pillojp,papcrs,anDt|)eUbc: tolisireofpoa
imp rMD manp pjeCDentss in tfje Third pare oftheInftitutes,pag.aip, z2o»

78 Cap.8.

CAT, Fill
The Court of Chancery.
tlie llBjifttCb ant> &a);on Stings I)a& tlizit <L\^na',
f TheAKtiqu'i-
this Courts lojs anl^Couct ofC^ancerp,tl^eonlpCourtotitofli)^icl^O}igmaUta)}Ud
ty of C(l£rfa{n{t{0,t^atbof^
16 E.j.a(l.p.i4. Doe iSvtxSl6 tatting Tome felo examples before tlje Conquer.
and the preface Edward ttjeConfciro?t)aDReinbald ^is Cl&anceloj* %Us Edward granfeO
to the third book
man? ^annoj0,3Lan5S,?c,anti jfranc^ifcstotfte aijbot of Meamintter, ano
cnDCtl) ^tSCtiarterfl^US. Adukimum,cartamiftam figiJIari jufli, ipfemana &
Bugo Pctrobltr-
mea propria fignum Gruels impredl , &
idoneoj teftes annocari prjtcepi anDa« :

Lcland, mongft tljofe toifneffes tijts pou CijaU finte Swardus notanusad vicem Rein-
F0rcelc.cap.17. baldi regii dignitatis CanceJJarii hanccartatn fcripii fubferipfi* ^efjaDalfo
Lefrick to l)is Cljanccloj.
Inthefccodbool^ j&ing Ethcldred alfoJ^aDatoojtlijpname, anOatoojtirpraantol^iscijancelo?*
oftheHillorxof Rex Etheldredus ftatuit atque conceflit quatenus Eeclefiam dc Elye ex tone
Ely,wrictcn *
&femper in regis curia Cancellarise ageretdignicatem.&c.SCljlSteing began
the reign of king

Stephen foon af- Ijis reign, Anno domini 978. toljic^ albeit it teas toiD in lain to grant tlje Cfjan*
ter the Conqaeft. a Court of
cclojC^ip of cUnglanD in fucceffion, pet if pjobcfft tljattften tfjere toas
Curia Cane'.
King Edgar IjatJAdulph: Jiting Edred IjaO Thurkettle t
i&ingEdmond fl^C
fame t i^ing Athelftane wolfine tijeir (i:!janceloj0,ic.

jFojfurtl^erpjoofttjat tljere toasa court ofc^ancerpbefojeallf^efeiSinas

timeout of toft tcl) to Jits remeDiall ilTucD, as tijep Doc to tftis Dap ; ftear toljat tfte
Mirror ca,i.$ 5.
Mirror faitftj Le primer eonttitutionsordenusperles vielsroys,&c, ordcin fuic
& videca.5.5. que cHcfcuneyt del Chancery Icroy brief remedial a fon pleint fans difficuhie.
Ic enrolments
etc Ic roy
%crebp it appe.arctt) tljat in tlje reign of King Alfred tftere toas a Court of
Cljanccrp out of to!)tcl)to?it3 remeDiall iiTaeD, tofjicft toas not tfjcniiiattutcD,
in Chancery cii
but affirmcD to be a Court tljctt in efle, i cnacteD tftat out of tftat Court tojits rc«
tenps leroj Al-
fred. KingAl- meDiall (IjoulD bcgranteD toitftoutDifftcultp,tol)itl) lato continuetfttotftisDap«
f cd began to 0nD tftus* mucft touching tlie Court of Cftanccrp before tfte Conqucft : anD
reign anno dom.
ttierefoje Polydor Virgin, tol)o affirmctl) tijts Court to come in toif Ij tljc Con=
871. and was la-

ther to King Ed- quer0J,perperam erravic

ward Senior. fa- 3!n acijarter to tfte abbot of Meffminfferbp William tftc Conqueroj, anD
ther of the fiid
amongft tbctottneffes it is tojitten tljus. Ego Mauritius Regis Cancellariusfa-
vendolegi, & figillavi, Arfaftus315ifl)opof J^ojtljelmftam in J^$jff»tof)0 tran*
*Eiror polydori.
DateD ftis &ee to SCljctfojD, toas alfo Cfjanteloj to tlje Conqueror
Cancellarii Anglix dignitas eft.ut fecundus a rege in regno habeatur,ut al-
Fitz. Stephen
tera parte figilH regiijquod& ad ejus pertinet cuftodiam, propria fignet man-
the end of Stows data, &Ct
furvcy of Lond. Omnia
brevia de pace > &c, irrotulari debent in rotulo Cancellarix,
Fleta Eft inierextera quoddaofficlu quod dicitur
See Glanvli.u, faitl). Cancellariajquod uno
C3.I.& 5.&C. provido Scdifereio, utEpifcopo velderico, magnsc dignitatis debet committi
Fleca fimul cum cura magni figilli regni, cujus fubftituti funt Cancellar' omncs in
Anglia, Hibernia, Wallia, & Scoe' omnefque figilla regis cuftodientes ubique
prster cuftodem figilli privati. Cui aflbcientur elerici honettijcircumfpetf^i do-
mino rcgi juratij qui in legibus &
confuetudinibus Anglicanis notitiam habeanc
pleniorem, quorum officium fit
fupplicationes &
querelas conquerentium audi-
re &
examinarej&eisfuperqualitaiibusinjuriatumoftenfarum dcbitum reme-
dium exhibere per brevia regis.
W.i.i? E.i.ct, Breve de forma donationis in revertcre fatU eft in ufu in Cancdlaria.
13 E.i.cJ. 13114. In Cancellaria & in rcgiftro Gancellari^t

v- -
Cap. 8. The Court
of Chancery, 79
jFo? tljeantiquitpant) autbojitr of tljts toofeof tfjc IRcgtttcr of t^eCftamcrj', 1
part Inflit.

fcctlje fir(i part oFthc Inftituces, Verb, per Ic RegiHer, anD (n tt)C C^ptftle to Wyz
l.b 9.
nintl) boob Of mp Commc«taric0.
T5\xi to p:occeD (omtttmg jnaiiy otijeis) Robert Paming tooU tijc ftafc aiiD l3e< Vid.portea
gfce of a s>cr jcant at laU) tit 3 E.3 anf became t^c \^\mii Serjeant, anD foj bic of ilitCourt of
of fljc lalua, in sCrin. 2Ecrm 1 4 £.3,108024 Common picas.
PJofourtD I excellent UnotolcDgc Juiii
iujtt crcatctiCtitcf 3utttce of englaiiD: tn toljtcft office fje rcinaincD ntrtitl f tje
3 y of BDeccmbcr follotutng, on toljtclj Dan ijc tuas maDc llojD SErcafurcf of Cng^
land* 5ntftatoiTiccl)ercma[ncDunttUfI)c 15 pear of t|)c reign oftf)efamc!i(«e,
anDt^cntoas conftifuteD 3lo?D ctjancelour, SCtjismanknotoingfljatljetliat UbinoncAfci-
feneU) not laVD,coulD nctcr locll juDgc ii\ cquif p (tofjicfj ie a juft co^=
common Don eft
redfon of lato in fomc cafes) DiD nftiallP at in tljc v£oiirt of |i3lea0, common 17 i-.j.fb.ii.i^.
(toftici) court 10 tl)c
locU anD bcp of tljc Common latoj anD IjcarD matters in lato
t^erc DcbatcD, anD manp t(mc0 tooulD argue fjimfclf, as in tlje rcpo jt of 1 7 E, 3.
3!n Vaz 50 pear of E, 3, &fr Robert Tliorpe Cljiefc 3i\ftiiz of fljc Common
luftice of Gnglan&, conliittcD of foiDiD
gpiea0 (not §>lr William Thorpe C{)tcf
bjibcrp) a man of ftngular juDgement in tljc latos of tijis Kcalm, teas conftitu^
teD 9lojD Cbancclour of CEnglanD. ^nD in tije |3arliameitt Anno 4? E.^.a
f\or.P.iiJ.4f K.J.
grict)ou0 complaint toas maDc bptljeiLojDs and Commono, ffjat tlic Kcalmc
^aD bin of lonn time goUcrncDbp men of tljc Cljurcfj in Difterifon of fljcCro-un,
anD DcftrcD tl)at ILw men onlp niigl)t be p?{ncipall £DfFicers,sc,
^ftcc tIjC Dcceafc of &ir Robert Thorpe j Juiij Anno46 E.3. g>{r John
KnivetJ!inigl)t,cl){ef3:ufticeofCBnBlanD, man famous tnfjis pjofcffion, tajas
uiaDciLojD Cftanccllojof <!!;nglaKD,tufto DcceafcD in Anno 50 E,}.&c»
3ln peruftng tl)c II0I3 of parliament in tl)c times of tl)cfc JLojD Cfjancelours,
iDC finDcno complaint at all of anp pjocceDing bcfo?e tljcm. WvA foonc after, Ror.Par. jR.i.
lal)cn a cftancclour tuas no pjofelTo? of tljc lato, toe ftnDc a grietjous contplatnt
ijptbc toljolc boDp of tl)C Kealm, anD a iv<ctition tljaf tljc moft totfc anD able men
Suitftin tljc IRealmmtgljt be cljofcn Cljancelours, anD tljatljcfceb to rcDjeffc tljc
jeno;mttics of Cfjaiiccri',
tl)C llSut
Icaljiiig manpotljcr KccojDs to
places Ijcrcafter, toe toill concluDc tljis point concerning tfec antiquifp a«D jurif«
Diction of tjjis Court toitlj tbc opinion of all tljc iuDgcs of tljc Kcalm in p E. 4.
tn a fuif in tljC court of CBrdjcqucr againlt ttje cicrb of flje l^ampcr in tljis
Ctjancerp upon Ijis account in tlje C;):c^cqucr, toljcrc ii toas IjolDen bp all tfje 3u«
Kiccs in tljc C^jjcljcquer cljambcr; tljat all tljc Courts of tljc latng ^at?c been time
out of memojp, fo as a Juan cannot bnoto to^iclj of tljcni is tljc ancicnteft Court.
^nD iulSicc Yong tfjC plaintifc DcinanDcD of tljc Suffices , toljat if f (jc Cljancc*
lour commanD nic upon a papnc, tljat 31 fliall not fuc ^im i %o toi^oni Billing
t^ctjicf lufticcanftoercD, ^ouarcnotbounD to obcp it, bccaufe t^at contmanD-
ntcnt is againft lato : IBut feeing tl^at toucljctl) upon tlje jurifDiction of tljs
Court, let us in tljc nej;t place IjanDlc tljat point.

The hiifdiSlion of
the Court.
Jn tljc Cljanccrp arc ttoo Courtconc jDinarp, Coram Domino Rege in Can» a 8 E.4 f,

toljcrcin tljc ILojD Ctjancclour 0; ILojDUccper of tlje CDjeat §)calc ^H.4.15.
pjocecDs acco?Ding to tljc riuftt line of tljclatos anD Itatutes of tljc llcalm/ecun-
dum & conlbetudinem Acglise, 3[notljcrcvtraojDinarpaccejDing to

rule of cquif p, fccundum secium & bonum. iluD of tbc former Court. firfi:

!^c Ijatlj plea of Scire tac' foj repeal of tljc iJiings ^Letters pa.
potoer to IjolD fRot.Par.8H.4.
nu.iii. iR.j.i.
tents, of JDctitions, mon(iran$de droits, fra^crfcs of iDfficcs, partitions (n
Clianccrp, of Seire iac' upon recognifancco in tljis Court, ^rits of Audita que-
rela, anD Scire ("ac' in tjje nature of an Audita querela to afcoiD crcfutions in tljis
court; Doto;nents tn cljanccrp, tljc MIrit de dcte aflignanda upon off ices

tounD erecutton upon tljc aitulute ttaple, oj lilecognifancc in nature of a &fa=

tute ftaplc upon tljc Hct of 23 H.8. but tljc CBjiccution upon a Statute mercljant Ror.pjr. i8£.j.
t« tetojnablc eitljov into tlje lilngsbcnclj, ojinto tljecomwon
place, ano all 11u.41.41.

ip a
8o "77?^ G?«r^ Cap. 8^
of Chancery.
actions bp oj againaanp ^Dfficcr oi sptniffcr of tljfs Court tnrcfpcct
a 13 E.z. coram of ttieir fertjice ojattenuancctticrc a 3in tlicfc if tlje parties Dcfccnl) to iffuctftis
court cannot trp it bj? 3iurp, but tl)e JLojD Cftancclour j =LojD iSeepcr Oclitie»
retl) tlje IRecojD bp ^is pjoper l^an&s into tljc JUings Bencl^ to be tr icD tljere ; bc=

caufefoMbat putpofc botb Courts are atcountct) but oncanD after friall baa

toberema nOcD into tljc Cban«rp,ant) ttjcre juOgcmenf to be giljen. ISut if tticrc
be a Demurrer in lato, be argueD ant) aD juDgeti in tbts court Jl5ota , tbc
it fljall

Court be not inroUeD in Kols, but remainc infilaciis

legall p?occctiings of tljis
f 18 E.j.iJ.l/. being fileD up in tljc £Dfficc of tljc pctp=bag. c Upon a juDgemcnt gibcn in tbis

afl:z4. Court a Mrit of €rroj Dotl) \vz retojnable into tbe ilings bencbt ^ 2Dbc ttilc of
i4Ellz.Di«r3ij tl)E court of tbc liings If cntl) is coram rege (as bat!) been fain) anD fbe ff ilc of >

tbiS court of Cbancerp is coram domino rcge in Cancellaria, & additio probac
minoritatem* ^nO in tbis Court tbc iLojD Cbancelour ojtbe HojDlecper is
regi-. fbc folc 3BuDgc ; anD in tbe lyings 31Bencb X^txt arc four 3!uDgES at tbc Icaft.
f Officinal^. abts court is ofificina JuHitix, Out Of tobicl) allojiginall liHritsanti all
ftitU, Committions tobtcb paffe unDer tbe (JSjcat &eal go fojtb, tobicb cKjcat ^eal is
Clavis regni, anD foj tbofe enDs tbts Court is cter open. £Df tbiS Court Fleta ubi fupra, faitb) Dieunrur Brevia cum fine formata ad fi-
militudinem regulac juris, qu$ brevitcr, & paucis verbis intentionem proferen-
cis exponanr, ficut regula juris, rem qux eft breviter enarrat t non tamen ita de-
&36. bet e{rebfcquinratioBem& vimintentioniscontineac. Et funtqujedam Bre-
via formata fub fuis cafibusj & qucedam de curfu quae eonfilio totius regni funt
approbata, qua: quidcm mutari
non poterunt abfque eorundem eontraria voiun-
tace. Sunt & Brevia ex eis fequentia qui dicuntur judieialia, & fspius variancur
fecundum variecatem placitorum proponent' & refpondcnt", petcntis& excipien-
lis 6: fecundum varictatem refponfionum. Sunt & qusedam qua? dicuntur magi-

ftralia & faepius variantur fecundum di verfitatem cafiium, faftoru & querelarum,
& quorum quxdam funt perfonaliai &quidamrealia,&quardam mixta, fecun-
dum quod funt aftiones diverfs velvarix, quia tot erunt formula brevium,
quot funt genera af^tonum, quia non potertquis fine brevi agere, prscipue de li-
bero tencmento fuo, quia non tenetur quis refpondere fine brevi,nifi gratis voluc-
rit: & cum hoc feccrit quis, ex hoc ei non injuriabituc volenti enim &fcienti

non fit injuria. De eadem autcm re, plurcs alicui competcre poterunt adiiones,
ordinc autem, ut eonvenit, obfervato. Breve quidem regis in fe nuUam debet
eontinere falfitatem,necaiiquem errorem : apparere debet vel in prima fui figura
nonvitiofum, maxime fi fuerit patens five a^ertum, quiaoriginalia quxdam
funt claufa, &
qua:dam aperta. Et'five aperta, five claufa, apparere non dcbenc
abrafa, nee abolita : &
fiinveniatur abrafio, tunc refert quo loco, ijquo, &
quando. Qoio loco ? videlicet utrum
in narratione fafti vel juris. Si autem in
narratione fafti,cadet coram Juftic* quafi fufpedum. Faila enim & nomina mu-
tari non debent, fed jura ubique fcribi poffunt. A quo ? utrum videlicet per Cle-
ricum Ganeellar'cui autoritas data fuerit, vel aufu temerario per alium, ficut Cle-
ricum Juflic', vel Vic' ad procurationem alicujus partis : quo cafu omnes agentes
&confentientcstanquamfalfariipuniantnr. Item quando? videlicet utrum hoc
fiat antequam bf e in curia refufcitatum & publieatum, vel port.Si autem port, eric

breve fufpe<ftum & eadet/i atenente fuerit hoc ealumpniatum, Fiunt autem bre-
via judieialia in Cancellaria ex reeognitionibus &
contraiftibus habicis in &
Rotulis Cancellaria: irrotulatis &
ex recordo canceliario &
Clericts fibi aflbciatis

per banc eonftitucionem coneeffo. Q^jia de hiis qus recordata funt coram Cancel-
lar' domini regis, & recordum habent& in rotulis eorumirrotu-
ejus Juftic" qui
lantur,non debet fieri fummonitionem, vel attachiamenc',ef-
proeeffus placiti per
fonia,vifu$ tre & alias folempnitates Cur' ficut fieri confuevit ex contradibus , &:
conventionibus faitis extra curiam. Obfervandum eft de c^rero quod ca quae in-
veniuntar irrotulata coram hiis qui recordum habent vel in finibuseontenta.cum
fintcontraftus five convcntiones vel obligationes five ferviciaaut eon fuetudines
recogniti five alia quascunq; irrotulata quib' Cur' regis fine juris & conftitutionis
oifcnfa authoritatem pra:ftare poteft, talem de ecteto habeat vigorem. quod non
Cap. 8. The Court of Chancery. 8i

fitneceffe dehiis placitare in pofteium. fed cum veneric querens ad

curiam domi-
vel finis, -viz.. infra annum bfe levatus, ftatim
ri regiS) fi reccns fit
cognitio, per
habeat bfe deexecutione illius recognitionisfads: & fi forte a ma
jore tempore
tranfaao fafta fuerit ilia recognitio, vel finis levatus prxcipiatur Vic' quod Icirc

fit ad cerrum diem, oftenf. fi quid fciat dice-

fac' parti de qua fit querimonia, quod
re irrotulata vel in fine contenta executionem habere non debeant*
quare hujus
Et h ad diem venerit, & nihil fciat dicere quare executio fieri non debear, prafci"
irrotulatam vel infinecontentamexequi fac'.Kodem modo
piatur Vic' quod rem
mandctur ordinario in fuo caiu, oblervato nihilominusquod inferius dicetur in
flatuto de medio qui per judicium aut recognitionem efiobiigatus. Exhacqui-
dem conftitutione oriunturbfia judicialiainCancellaria ficuc coram ipfisluiiic.
Ipfi autem ccliaterales & focii Cancellarii cffe dicuntur prxceptores, eo quod bfia
caufis examinatis remedialia fieri pr^ecipium, &hocquoque cum finedenar'ad

opus domini regis, & quoque fine fine? eo quod omnia bria non funt omni tem-
pore squipollemia.
brevibus autem coram Jufiic* ad primas Aflifascum in
illas venerint, fines capere nonconfueyeruBt,eo quodad tempusitineris
talis eft; Nulli jufiitiam negabimus^
TuftiC, ligatconflitutioMagnxCartxqux
ve»demns, veldiferemm: fed non inhibetur quin finescapiantur pro brevibus pof-
feffionum, & adionum perfonalium, pro celeriore Juft itia habenda qui quidcm ;

pro qualitatibus & quancitatibus portionem

concefii in eifdem brevibus irpbre-

viabuntur, & in rotulis Cancellarii irroculantur* Qui quidem

fingulis annis
ad Scaccar' liberabuntur, & fines hujus extrahantur & per fummon' Scaccarii le-
ventur. Claufula veto finis talis efti£f capefecuritatem a pr<efato tali de ^ofoltd, ad
de Scaccario funt hare. 2)^ A,
epm neflrum pro hoc brevt. Verba autem extraft'
de brevi habeiid\dim' marc' vel amplius prout finis faflus fuerit.Coneeduntur

ob favote paupertatis quod ubi prifumi poteft fie quod
non poffunt de profequend*
fuum quod fecuritatem prx-
plegios invenire
fidei interpofitionem fuam, non tameninaftionibusperfonalibus
hoc concedcndum eft. Habet Rex Clericos in officio ilJo expertos & Icgales qui
formulas breviu cognofcunt, qui approbanda admittunt &
defefti va omnino re-
omnia isfiapriufquamad figilluproveniuntcum deliberationedi-
ftinde & aperte in ratione,di6^ione,licera & fyllaba examinarc injundlum eft. Et
fciendum quod nullum bfe nifi per manuseorundem ad figillum debet admitti.
Habet etiam lex Clericos fuos prsenotarios in officio illo, qui cum Clericis memo-
&c» efTe
ratis familiares, confueverunt & prxcipuead vidum & veftitumqui ad
bfia fcribenda fecundum quereiarum funt intitulati. Et quiomnes

pro viilu & veftitudeproficuo figilli cujufcunqueufus pervenerit debent hone-


lie inveniri. Sunt etiam nihilominus Clerici juvenes & pedices quibus de gratia
Cancellar' conceflumeft pro cxpeditionepopuli bfiafaeerecurforia.dum tamen
fub advocatione Clericorum fuperiorum fuerint quieorum fafta in eorum rcce-
Et in quolibet bfi debet fcribemisnomen inbreviari qui war-
rantizare in fi necefle fuerit, Et ne prrfati Clerici
poterint peccatores fupcrflua pe-
tant ftipendia pro Icriptura fua, eonftitutum eft quod tam Clerici luftic'quam
Cancellar' de folo denario pro fcriptura unius brevis fejteneant contentos.
0nt) tbts Court is tl)e ratljcr altoapes open, foj tljat if a man be lD?ongfullp
impjtfonet) in tijc tHacatfon, tfte map grant a Habeas corpus
JLojD Cbancelour
ano t)ol)im juaiceaccojDtngtolato, toljcrcnctttjer tljclltngsBcncljno; Com=
tnon |)leag can grant t^af Mrit but tntljcSDcrm time; but tftis court map
prant itcttljcr tnSCcrm time oj vacation. g>o Ubetotfe tljis Court map grant
ir\ SCcrme o> ^Hacatfon : toljtclj C21Irtts of
fijol^ibitions at anp time either
are not reto jnablc but tf ttiep be not obci'CD, tfjcn map tbto Court
|0;oftibtf ton

grant an ^ittacbmcnt upon tftc pjo^tbitton retojnallc ettljcr in f Ijc lttng0 JEcnclj
01 common place. « New Tales, or
SDlje 5lutl)0j of tljat HBoofe fpeabingof tlje Court of Cljancerp.anD of fljc ju* h'oz a NarralPT-
rtfDiCtton it tften IjaD, faitb, Curia Cancellarise Regix eft curia ordinaria pro bre- ?/'^.\vrirten about
vibus originalibusemanandis.fed non placitis communibus tenendis. the 1
SD i'ocrs ^cts of parliament gi\3e auttiojftp to tljc lo?D Cbancelour to Wxt H.J.
Si ^he Court of Chancery* Cap. 8.

taaks (n t^c Court of d&anccrp tol)itlj iseie:

5 ticfcrmlne Dltoers offences anti
i7F..j.«p.lJ. itltcnDCD (iitbiS<rourtp:ocC0Dtng in !lattn,recundum legem
& conluetudinem
J 3 E.4.
Anglis, anD tt)C IDefcnDant ftall not he ftuojn to t)is anftocr, no; C)camlne&
Dicr irEl.i38.
a.iefolvc upon tCue jopncD it ftiall be trieD in tftciStngs IBcnclj,
3!Rtcrrogatojic0, ant)
Utinfimilibuscafibusfolct. SEutcur purpofc is not to enumerate all tljefc aa«
of tl)i3 Courts
tufeo.fojouraimis p;tncipallj» at tljcgencralliurtsfiirtion
f and %l}e £Dfficers anti iptniftcrs of tfelsccoutt of Common lata Doe p?incipal=
Officers *

attcitft anD Doe tfjeir fcrtjiccto ttje c!3jeat &eal , as tljc ttoelDc spatters of
Misifters of Ij)
IRols ist^edjtef, U)l)0 bp tljcir ojigi-
this Court, tbec&anceri',tDl)Ci:eoft&c spatter of tl)e
See the 1. part of nail inftitution.a3 itispjotJCD befojcOjoulD be expert in tfte Common lata, to
fee tic forming anf framing of ojtginall tojits accojDing to lato.tubicb aro
ca-m.ycrb. Clc-
rici de Cancelia-
not ofcourfcjUj^ercuponfucljarccallcD in our ancient autbojs Brevia Magi-
ria. ftralia,2Ll)CClerb oft^cCroton, tl)e Cleris of t^c l^ampcr, t!ic&>ealer, tlje
* In the Parlia- four Curfitojs foj mabing
Cbafe tDaj;,tl)C Controller of tbccftancerp, f inentp
ment Ilol of of t&c Cijanccri' , tlje
iDjits of courfe oj fojmcD tojits acrojDing to tlie llegifter
5 tlje clcrUof tlje faculties, fljc Clcri? cramtncr of
arccalUd diief Clerfeoftliepjefcntations,
Clerks. ^Letters patcnts,tljeClcrfesof tlje ^Etttbag,anD tljc U% atturntes.SSljc pjoccffe
court is unDcr tljc dDjcat ^cal accojDlngto tijc courfe of tfteConunoni

falling fpofeen of tIjc Court ofojDinarp ^urisDiction, fellotsjeflj accojtitngit

to our fojmer DitJiOon, tijattoc fpcafe of tlje eytraojDinarp pjoceeDing acco?*

t)ing tofije ruleof cquttpjlccundum a;quutn a^ bonum, Uilicrcln
toe toill pur*
fue our fo?mer ojDcr*
a^lbcit our ancient 0utftoj6, tlje Mirror, Glanvill.BraL^on, BrittonanD Flcta,
f Ofthe Anti.
tioc treat of tIjc fojmcr Court in Ci^anccrp,ant) of oiiginall loiits anD Commifft*
qtuty ofthis
ons none of lljcm Do once nicKtJon tljto court of Ci;qut=
iffutng out of tftc fame,)'Ct
Court of SqHi-
airoconftDereD inljat cafes intljis Court ofC^quitpljatje been re*
tp. Mel^atic
in our boofes, anO toe finD none bcfojc tlje reign of H.6. anD in tljnt ?iings
Henry Bciuforc po?teD
fon of John of time, anD aftertoarDs plenttfullp, toe tljcu turncD our eies to ;acB of jparlia*
Gaunt BilLop of mentsanD parliament IK ols.
Wir>ch. Cardinal
^'^omcljauctljouttljttljat tbcffafutcof3<5E.3. galjetljeCfjanccloj Ijis firfc
it is enattcD
autl)o:ttp foj. Ijis pjocceDing in courfe of cquitp , bp totjtclj
Lord Chancclot
in the beginning if any man think him i'elf grieved contrary toanyof the Articlei above writ-
of thctcignof ten, orothers contained in divers ftatutes, will come to the Chancery or any andinthat forhim, and thereof make his complainc, he lliail prefently have there reme-
Kings reign John and (latutes, without eUevvherepurfuing to have
all dy by force of the faid Articles
remedy. SButccrtainlpfftls 0d: gibctl) tl)c Cljaucdo? no poVocr to pjocecD in
of 5. Rufcliiic
Archbiftiopof courfe ofequitp, btitt^atlje grant to ttjc partp grietcD ojiginall tojtts to^itfi
YotlijLord are callcD rcmeDiall grounDeD upon anp ft"tute foj Ijis relief, anD tljcie is no
Chancclor. llatute tljat gities tftc partp grieiicD rcmeDp in equitp» laftlp, t^claff toejDS
SfcRot.Parl. Doc manifctt tl^at ttjc
& oftljc 0d:, without ellewhcrepurfuing to have remedy,
meaning of tlje makers of tljc act is to Direct tlje partP to be rcllcUcD bp tjjc Com=
a 36E.5.cap9. mon lato, actions upon tljcfe ftatutes, anD not clfctoljcre.

Rot. Far. ij R.i.

in tftc ^arliameitt IjolDen 13 R.s.ffte Commons pctitioncD to tibe Jiing,
That neither the Chancelornor other Counfellor doc make any order againft
the Common law, nor that any Judgment be given without due procefle of law.
ISHftereuntotljei&ingsanftDCrtoas, The ufages heretofore
fliall fland, fo as the

teas, That no
Kings royalty be faved. Hnt^efame parliament aiiotljcrpetttion
perfon fhould appear upon
a writ De ^Hibusdam certis de ca»/is, before the Chan-
celor or any other of the Councell, where recovery is therefore given by the
Common law: ^lljcreunto tlje iaingsanftoer is , The King willeth as his Pro-
genitors have done jfaving hisregalty*
3n tijc iJarliament KjolDenin 17R.2, itiscnactcDat petition oftljc Com*
mons, Th at forafmuch as people was compelled tocome before the Kings Coun<
cell,or in writs grounded upon untrue fuggcftions, that the Chan-
celor for the time being prefcntly after that fuch fugge(tion$ be duly found and

proved untrue; fhall have power to ordain and award dammages according to
T^he Court
Cap. 8. of Chancery. 8^
his difcrction to him which is fo travelled unduly,a$ is aforefaid. 2Cf)t3 ^AtX-
tenoetl) totbcCbancclojp?ocecDtiig in couirfc of cqutf p,anD ertcrtDctlj not to a
Demurrer in lalo upon a bilUbut upon fjcartinT of tljc caufc upon tbcfe too:Ds in tfjc 7 e 1.(0.14.

^ctLduly found and proved auD tljis ts tljc firft |9cirltamcnt tSjat 3 finD toucljtng
tl)is matter. ^nD tn tfjc IRoU of tfte fame parliament, 3 finOe tfte firft Decree in

Cljancerp tijat ctier 3 obfer^jeD, tl)e cfiFect toljcrcof iuas: John de Windior com= Rot.par.17 R 1.

plainctl) anDrcquirefft tofccrefto?cD tljc ^pannojsof Kampton, €ottenl)am vviiiiai.,

Counncy fon of
anD OTeftluick tbcir appurtenances in tl)C Countp of CambiiDge , ttje

iDljicl) tocrc aDjuDgeD to fjim bp tljc lUtngs atoarD, tfjcn in tljc poffelTton of &irutS^l'is "len
John anD nolo toitftftolDen b^ &ir Richard leScrope.lDljobpCljampertp liifliopWcim.
boagljt tlje fame : tlje caufe ioas tfjis. tEIpon a petition of windfor agatnft Li-
and i.o. ciian-
f< 'or when. his
fleyltftep botfj compjomittcDt^e
matter to tljclliinss ojDer, tl)e!iingcommif«
teD tljefamctotftecrouncclUtljc^ after Digefting oftl)C fame maDea Decree fo;t
Windior urtDcr tftc ^jit))' &cal, tljep fcnD toarrant to tljc tlDftancclo: to confirm
ft)C fame,U)!)icl) Voas Done unDer tljc dSieat S)cal bpa fpctial 3lnjunitton to Lifley,

% to tojite to t^e g>t)crif to execute tftc fame. 0fter t!)is, Lifley bp petition to tfte

iSfngrequiretbtljat tljefamemapbe DctermincD at tl)c Common lain, nottoitb-

UanDing anp former matter : tbc ling accojDinglj? bp ipjtDp 6>cal gtbctf) Ujar=
rant to tftc Cljanccloj to mafec a Superlcdeas,tl!)C to^iclitnaa Doncbp fajitip&eal,
aftcrUjljicftS>ir 'Richard Lefcrope fcougl)t tljc fame, Clpon tl)c ripping of tfjc
tDljolc matter, tl) is falc teas tijougbt no CE:f)ampcrtp,\ril)ereupon it tuasaDj«Dg« Champcuv.
CD, tfjaf tfjc faiD Windfor OjoulD tabe notljing bpljis fatD fnit, btit fo ftanD to tijc
Common latD, anD tbat t!je faiD »>ir Richard ttioulD goc initljout Dap»
2Dl>e commons petitioneD tijat no tsarits oj |a;it)p Seals be fueD out of Rot.Pai.iH^.
tl)c cfjant crp, CEiccftequer oj ot^er places
to anp man to appear at a Dap upon a nu .69.

pain,eitl)cr before t^e lUnganDijisCoimccll, oiinanp otljer place,contrarp

tljeojDinarp courfc of tl)e Common latu : to^crcuntot^e istng anftoercD: That
fuch writs fliould not be granted without ncceility.
^mongft tljc petitions of flje commons pott flljall finD iWXW all tnjifs of Rot.t'ar.j H.y.

Subpoena anDCertis decaufis^goingoutjoftfteCljanccrpanDtfje Crcfjcquermap ^y<^-

be cnroUeD,anDnofgranteD of matters Determinable at tljc common lato, on forTArchb"o7
pain tftat tljc piaintif Doe pap bp ioap of Debt to ttje ©efenDanf fojtp ponnDJ York, was Lord
toljereunto is anf\ucreD,The King will beadvlfed,

§t is cnactcD,to cnDureuntillttjenert parliament,

erccption(fjotD tljat tfjc
1!"'^,^' „ *
ftjat tljcpartp IjatljfufficientrcmeDpat tljc Common laU))fljall Dtfcfjarge anp n^ij
matter in c6an«rp. 0t tl)e ncrt parliament pou Iftall finD a petition in Rot.par.i u.6.
tljefc tooiDs. j^o man tobccalleo bppjtbp §>eal o: Subpoena to anfujcr anp ""41.
matters but fuel) asljateno rcmeDpbptlje Common lato, anD tl^af to appear
^^''" g°"'' p«-
fobp tbc teftimonp of ttoo Siuftices of eitljcr Benclj, anD bp BtnDcnturebettocen
tljem anDtljepiaintif,toljitl) piaintif fijall alinaps appear in pjoper pcrftn, n"'n"d'"etKt"
anD finD furctp bp recognisance to p:ofecutc toitlj effect tfte matters of tlje Bill hrft or laft'wiii

onlp. anD to anftoer Dammagcs if tijcfanie fall out agatnft tljc piaintif, i.-ikeert\ft.

liSut in anno i j H.^. foj apcrpctuall lato, anD fo; tlje true jurfsDiction of
tljis Court it is cnactcD tn tljcfc toojDs,

Item, forafmuch as divers perfons have before this time been great- 59 h.<5. f.) 16.
ly grieved by Writs of -S'w^/'a'w^i, purchafed for matters determinable 4E-4-8.'4E-4-»*
by the Common law of his land, to the great dammage offuch per- ,8e.4.m-'
fons fo vexed, in fubverfion, and impediment of the Common law 6 e. 4.10 b.

aforefaid; Our Soveraign Lord the King will, that the ftatutesther- p^tff^'c' .

of made be kept after the form and efFe<S of the fame. And that Rot.par.i 4 H.4.

no Writ of Srt^/>a';?rf be granted from henceforth till furetybe found m'?. Wiiham
to fatisfie the party fo grieved and vexed for his dammages and ex- Doa.&stud.
not be made good , which is "
pences , if fo be that the matter may
contained in the bill. In anno ?i H. dcap. 2, 2Dljerc is a pjotjifo in ^»"-6"»-
tljcfc tooiDs, Provided that no matter determinable by the law of this
gi ne Court of Chancery, Cap. 8.

Realm fhallbe by the faid Aft determined in other form then after
the courfeof the fame law in the Kings Courts having determina-
tion of the fame law.
Tr. 2 Jac, Regis, upon futt maDs to tl^etetng fojcrcrttngof a neto office foj
Tf in. a Jac.
taking of furctgaccojDing to tt>e rait) 0ct of 1 5 H. 6. cap. 4. teeming rcfcrrcD
tftecaufc to Popham Cbtcf3uftic0,tDl)ouiJon conference toitfj tfjeliuDaeo in
if icetarcct, refolt)CD tftat Vjc furctp toas bpfo?cc of tljat 5lctto bebpobliga^
• parch
19 Elin
ScaccarioWoods tion,anD to beniaDc bp t^c part? grictjeD ^tmfelf, becaufc It concerncty ijts
Dammagcs anD toits , anD t^e court toas to fet Dolsn tlie ioim aniifum of
Vide 7 El.
ttje obligation, anD in tlje enD t^c
fult pjcl^ailco not.
158. Seignior '
Sliiidoiscsfe. Pafch. 29 Ellz. in Scaccario, 3ln Woods cafe aD juDgeD Ppon tl)e ttatPtC of
2 E.6.cap. 13. fojtljelifeereafon.tljat t^e forfeiture foj non=papment of tifljca

ad mi- goe totlic parti? grteteti.

Kfts, Ror»Par» i.Roc.Par. 2 S.SCtjcftie!) Court Of parliament relietetlj but futft as
z R.i. nil. 18. cannot batie remeDP but in parliament.
Rcr.Par.ij R.t. 2Cftc parliament formatters Determinable at t^e Common laiD 5of|> remit t^e parties thereunto,
2 ReguU. 2. Nunquam deeurritur adcxtraordinarium, fed nbi deficit ordinarium.

3. Mt)crea£( matters of fact bp tl;e Common latoare triable bp aS!nrp of

t\Bcl\)c men, tW Court fijoulD Djato ti^c matter ad aliud examcn, tljaf is, to
luDgeuponDepofitionoftDitneires, toi^ici) (l)OulD be but cDiDcnce to a 3Iurp in
actions reall, perfonall,or mirt.
37 H.6.14. %])ia Court'ofCquitp proceeding bpCBngliftilBill is no Court ofiHetojD,
17 H.8.18. anD ti^crefoje it can binD butttjcperfon ojUp,anDneitijcrtljeJtateoftfteS>efen'
cants lanDs, nor property of Ijis gooDs or chattels.
Trin.j Jac, Reg. Egerton iLorD cftancclour impofcD aSne upon &ir Tho.Themiithorp Imigl^t,
in Scaccario.
performing l^is Decree in Chancer? concerning JlanDa of inf)critancc,|
for not
Si r Thomas The-
cOreateD tlic fame into tlje G^rcljcquer : anD upon proceffc f^e partp appearing
pleaDeDtljattftefinc toasimpofeD bptljc 3LorD Cftancelor for not performance
of ^is Decree, anD t^atl^e tjadno potuerto nS&fie ttje fame. 2Dlie HtturnpciDe'
nerall confeffeDtljepleafobe true, & petiit ad 'ifamcntum curia-, concerning
tt)e poVoer of t^e Cliancelor in t^is cafe , anD upon Debate of ttjequedion in
Court, anD gooDaDUifementtaUcnjiflKasaDjuDgeDtbaft&ellojD Cftancelorftaa
no potoer toaffeffcanp fuel) fine, for tijen bpa meanfjemig^t binD tfjc intereft
ef tljc lanDiDfjere^eljaDnopotocr, but of perfon onlp , anD thereupon tfte

faib §>ir Thomas Themilthorpiuao Difc^argcDoftftcraiDfine.

Wallers cafe.
;aftertuarD t^e faiD ILorD Cljancelor DecrccD agalnit Waller certain lanDs,anD
for not performance of t^e Decree impofeU a fine upon ^im , anD upon proccO^
out of tftc court ofCtiancerp ertenDeD fljelanDstftat WalJer^aD in
to^ereupon Waller brougl^t ^is ^fltfe in tlje court of Common pleas , tu^re
tt)c opinion office Ui|)ole Court agrecD in omnibus, Igitl) ttje Court of (il;rc^e<

t^Theiudge of %¥
ILorDCfjancclor orf&elLorDleepcr is fole 31uDge bof I) in tbfs Court of
Cl;quitp,anD intl)e Court concerning tl)cCommonlato;butincafc0oftoeig6t
or Difficultpljc Dotf)aiIiftl)imrelftDltb fome oftlje 3iuDges oftbe3Rcalm,anD
no greater crcepf ion can be taften hereunto tljen in cafe of tljc iiorD fetciDarD of
CD nglanD being fblcSuDgc infriallof tfte j^obilitp, tofto atfo is alTifteD ioitd
fome of tl)c BiuDges.
J'orfi^is Court of (il;qu{fptbe ancient rule is gooD. SHbree tbingsaretobe
JuDgco in Court of Confcicnce: coliin,3cciDcnf,anDbrcacl)ofcouflDence.
011 cotjins, frauDS, anD Deceits,for t^t tobtclj is no rcmeDp bp tljc orDinarp
courfeof lain.
0cciDent, 0s toljcna fertjanf of aniDbligor^J^orgagcor, 5c.i3 rent to paptfte
monp on Dap, anD l)C is robbcD,ic, rcmcDp is to bebaDintbtscourtagainft

tfte forfcifnrcanD to in tljc lilte.

CljetbirDisbrcacboftruaanDconfiDence, toljereof pouljatJeplentifullatt*
tboritics in our boofts, jC^e
Cap. 8. The Court
of Chanceiy. 85
illje cafe ill tl>c Cijanccri' bcttoccn C-arl of tKIo?ccffcr atiD ofbcr
tljc Mich 41 & 4?
f ifS, ailD &it: Moyl Finch anD Eliz, l)is VDtfC DcfCllDantS luas tljtS. SEljC :2^ueClt ^1'" Canciilai'.
being ipanno:of Uaiicttoit anD of certain lanDS in ^toUcgolDtng^
fctfcD of tl)C MoyiFinchei
ton, (lu^tc^ tt)C piamtif p:ctcnDcD to lea tpaiinoi eitljcr in rigbt 0: icpiitatton)
fcrantcD bp l)cr ^Letters |Datcnts tljc £l)anno?.0 of HaiicCon anD stokcgolDing^
toil to tl)C faiD 5)ii: Moyl, anD John Awdelye anD t!)cir fjcirs: buttl)is )iim iipou
confiDcncc, tl)C ipanno; of I'^atictton to &>trThoinas
tijat tl^cp ilioulD grant
Heneage anD Anneljts anDto t!)Cf)Cir3of Anne : auD tbe i*E>anno? i^f
iDtfe ,

^tofecgolDinnton to S>tr Thomas anD Anne, anD i\\z t)circof s>ir Ihomas.
&irMoyie anD Awdelye bP DCCD tuDCntcD anD tnrollcD Tcrmino Trin. 1 j8S.
3oEUz.tntbts<r;ourtfo;atl)onfanDpo:mD bargaincD anDfolD to §!ir Thomas
Henage anDljisiuife tt)c !3^anno;sof i\aVicaonanDs>tol«gclDington,aRDtl)6
^ctteoftbcp?io?Pof Ha'ijctton tnttjcCotintp of Buciu anD all otijcr tljcic
lanDj,tencmcnti5 anDf)crcDitamcnts uil\aticnffon,<2£Ict!on, |)cDtngton, anD
^foUcgolDtngton in tf)Cv£otmfi' of liBucU. STo Ijabc anD to IjOlD tbe tpannoa of
Hatientton ano t{)e &citc of tljc faiD |a?io:p,anD allt^c pjemiiTeai \\\ iiancnaon,
tttcfton, pcDtngton , anD S»toftcc;OlDtngton (otbcr tt)cn tl)C faiD iijannoj of
^tot%cgolDington)totl)craiDS>ir Thomas anD SDame Anne , anD tl)e!)Cirs of
tl)e faiD ©amcAnne: anD to Ijatjc anD
to fjolD tbc faiD fpannoj of g>tofteg.
to tbC faiD ^ir Thomas anD S?amc Anne, anD to tl)C l)Cir3 of S)ir Thomas. s>ir
Thomas tjiiD tffiicbptfjc faiD EDamc Anne tI)cfaiD Elizabeth one of tl^c ©cfen'-
Dantsljtflonlp cl)ilD,anDaftcr\MarDi3 tl)c faiD SDame Anne DicD : tlje SDcfen^
Dant allcaDgcD fljat §>ir Thomas luas DtffeifcD of stofecgolDington , anD tijc
platntif DcnicD it. 0nD after S>ir Thomas h\; DceD inDcnteD anD inroUeo , bar=
gaineD anD folD tljc fpannoi of stoUcgolDinaton to tlje jpiaintif fo? pamncnt
of l)is Debts anD Dieb : anD fo: payment of Ijiis Debts, tftep ciljibitcD tljcirbill a=
cainftS>tr Moyl, anD t5)C faiD Eliz.!)is lotfc, fojtljefaiD i0anno? of ^tohcgoW
it fo: t!)C jaiaintif, 0nD
5ington,anDtl)e lo:D vEljanceloj DecrccD upon apctt=
tion p:cfcrreD bPtl)c2?cfenDantsto Ouccn Elizabeth-, l]bcrsfcrrcDtijcconfiDe=
ration of tbeluljole cafeto all tfte 3I«Dgcs of C'nglanD: anDaffer bearing of tljc
(otmfcll of bof b parts on fctcrall Daps, anD conference bctiuecn tftemfcltjes, f f)cfc
points fo: rules in equifp lucre refoltcD. Jfirff,t()atiffl)crctoere anp Diffcifon, ADitTeifornib-
^'^^ '° "° "u^-
tfjat notljing paffeD to tljc piaintif citl)cr in rigl)t 0: cquitp, fo?. f Ijc Dtffeifo; luas

fubjcvt to no'trtilf , nojanp Subpoena luas maintainatle againlt Ijini , not onl»» be*
caufcljcluas intl)cpo(^butbccaufetl)crigl)tof infjcrttance ojfrccftolD tuasDc^
terminable at tl)e (To-.nmon lain anD net \\\ tftc «£banccrp,ncitl)cr fjaD Cefii que ofe
(tiif)tlcl):ftaDbisfact'ig)anp rcmeDp in tftat cafe. S>cconDlp, it toas refolbcD
fcj,' aDmitting tl)at S>ir Thomas Heneage baDa trnft,pet
all tljeiulliceSjtljat Acruftcannr.tbe
fonlD not l)C affign tl}e fame otier to tljc piaintif, bccanfe it Voas a matter in p;t« aligned ov, r.
tctlDCcn anDliias in nature ofachoie in a£ no potocr ^- tioier fo.
titp tljem,
oft!)ClanD,butonlpto fcch remcDPbjJ subpoena, anD not liUe toceHique ule,fo;
thereof tl)cre (tionlD be pofTeifio fratris , anD l)c fbotilD be fu)0:n. on 3tiries in
refpect oftbciifc,anDl)C baD potocrotcr tftclanDbptfjcftatutc of i R.q.cap.
anD abaretrnft.anD conftDencc migf)t be affigncD otier great inconvicnicncc

migftt tljcrcoffolloiDbp granting oftbefame to great men, ic. SCbirDlp, \ubcn

tl)c lanD DefcenDeD fo Elizabeth one of t!)C DcfcnDants, asl)cir to l)cr mofljcr,
anD tftetruft DcfcenDcD to ber froml)cr ff.tftcr, tlje truft \oasD:olyncD anD er«
tinguitljcD. J?ourtl)lp,Vo!)cnanptiflc offrecbolD o:otber matter Determinable Matters dete/-
bp tl)e<rommon lata come inciDcntlp fn qucflion tn tljis CTourt, tlje fame cannot mmabic by the
Ic DcciDeD in Cftancerp, but ougljt to be rcfcrreD to tfte triall of tlje Common lata 'j'^^

lDl)erc tljcpartp grieticD map be rclielicD bP erro: , attaint, 0: bi' action of bigljer
nature. 3nD lubcntljefuitisfoietiiDcnccs, tl)e certaintp toUcrcof tlje |3lainttf SuuforEvkecc.*
furmtfctl)l)etmoiDCtlinot, anD luitbout tljcm be fuppofctb tbat bccannotfueat
tbc common laiu : 3!t luas rcfolveD tbat iftbcDefcnDant mafec no title to tbc
lanD, tben tbe court batb
fuft jurisDiction fo p:occcD foj tbe ctiiDcncc but tf be ;

mahc title bp bts anfiucr, tben tbc piaintif cugbf not to p:oceeD,fo:
to tbe lanD

otbcr\yifcbpfucbafurmifc,inb?rifancc;3,frccbolD3, anD matters Drtcnntnable

8d The Court
of Chancery. Cap.8.
bj? tijc Common laU) fljallbe DcciDeQ fn Cbantcrp in tljts comt of Cqutfp.SlnO
John p'opham , §>tr Edmond Andcr-
tl)U0 toeratljefc points rerolt)cDbpS»tr
fon,&ir William Pcriam,anD VValmenye,Gawdye, Fenncr,anD Kineefmil! 3(iu=
tt(ces,ant) Clark ano Savill HBacons of tfte ana all t{)t3 O'
C'lccljequet ,
t^er tl)ingstljcj>c0rtifieD unoertljeir Ijanns intotl)e€:l)anccrp, anDtbcrcupon
tlje fojmec Decree toas re\3crfeD.0nD in Debating of tbts cafe it toas rcfoltjcD
Ip tbc
tiDo Cljief 3«ftice0,ci)ief 31Baron,anD Ditjcrs otber ^utticcsatjat if aman mafee
a confeepancc,anDei;pjeireanure,tbcpattplbttnfelfoj l^is bcirs (ball notbcrccet*
tjeD to aberreafccret truft,otf)crtI)en tljc erpjeCfe limitation of tfteutc, unlcfft
fucljtrnft oj confiDencc Doe appcac in tD?iting,oj ottjcrtoife DcclareD bp fome
apparent matter, ^nD Popham faiD,t^at cobin, acciDent,anQbjcaci)of confi--
Dence toere toitljin tlje pjoper jurisDittion of tljis court.
Alich.59&45 Thomas Throckmorton Cfquire B);l)ibitcDa bill in tftiscouftagainft §>ir
El. in Cancellai',
Moyl Finch tenigljt, claiming a Icafe of tbe manno?0 of R. anD s. foj man?
pears to come, anDfljeU) clear matter in equitp to be rcliebeD againft a fo?fei=
ture pjetenDeD bp&irMoylefojb?eacl) ofaconDition toljerc tbere inas no De^
fault intt)c |0laintif,ic. tiantotobicfjbtllfbcSDcfenDantplcaDcDtfjis plea,
fojtljetrialloftbe forfeiture of Uititcb Icafc , l^e maDea leafe foj pears to one
p?ibileDgeD in tlje (IE)ccl)equer,tDbo bjongljt an E je^ione firme againft tbe jl lain--
tif, anD upon pleaDing a Demurrer inlato,tl)e JLeffcebaD juDgment
againft Thomas Throckmorton(notJD fBlaintif in Cl)ancerp:)toberupon Thomas
Throckmorton b?oagl)t a iMjit of erroj in tlje (Ercftequer Cbamber , toljerc upon
Due pjoceeDing tljc juDgment teas aff trmcD,anD DemanDeD juDgmcnt,if after ttjefe
juDgments giten at tlje Common lalu l)c ouabt to be D?aton to mafec anj'
anftoer tntbiscourtof (iEquitp. ^nDEgenon iiojD Cftanceloj DelibcreD
opinion in Court.tfjat tlje 2DefenDant ftoulD anflucr to tbe bilU^nD fojafmucft
as tbe cafe loas of great confequence, tt)c confiDcration of tbc Demurrer Iras
tljeajueenreferreDto all tlje iuDges of (EnglanD : fccfoje tul^om t»je Councell
of Throckmorton raiD,tbat tlje intent of tfte !Lo?B Cljanccloj teas not to im*
peacl^ tlje faiD juDgments, but confelTing tlje faiD be relicbeD upon
matter in equitp: ^s if a man !)atlj(as Ije is aDbifcD) tiro matters toaiDljim,
matter at t^e Common lato, anD matter in cquitp , anD being impleaDeD at tl)e
Common latD, Dotlj bp aDbice of Ijis counccll aOap tlje Common lata, iBljcre^ts
aDberfarp pjebailctl) againft l^im, anD Ijatlj juDgment acroiDinglp, pet tnt^ia
cafetlje partp map,confea:ing tljc juDgmcnt , fuc to be reliebcD upon a collate*
railmatter in equitp: anD tljercupon tljep fljctoeD fome pjefiDents in time of H.8.
E,6. &c. anD one in t^e point betincen Ward anD Fulwood, But upon great De<
liberationitU;asrefolbeDbpalltlje3uDges of Q^nglanD.t^at tlje plea of &ir
Moyl Finch leas gooD,anD tfjat tlje3lo;D ct)ancelo?ougbt not to eraminetlje
matter in cquitp after tfte juDgment at tfte Common lato : fo; tljouglj tbe ilo^D
• Cbancelo: (as batf) been faiD) tnoulD not eraminc tlje juDgmcnt, ^ti\iz tooulD
4H.4.c3p.2x.&c. bptjis Decree tafeeatoap tlje effect of tlje juDgment : anDfoj tijs p;c!?Dent6,ttj-p
in the preamble. toere grounDeD upon tbefole opinion of tbe3Lo:DCljancclo:,anD paffeD Tub fi-
Doft ScStudjo. lentio.BnttbatfucljacourfefboulD bcpermittcD , it QijoulDbenot onlj?fullof tnconbenience, but Directlp againfttlje latos anD ftatutes of tbc l'^ calm, againft
Vid. Pafch.jE.4. *
Coram rcgc Rot. iDbiclj no pjcfiDcnt o? pjefcription can pjebail; toljiclj rou irac rcaD at larce in
5^. Sir 5imon tlje Third part of the lDftitutes,cap. Prcmunire. Mfticlj rcfoluttOII Of fije 3uDg«
Norres cafe. cs toas RgnifieD bp Popham Cfticf 3Iuftice to tfte ilojD Cljanceloj, anD
Nota. on no furtljerpjocecDing toas againft a>ir Moyle Finch, but btsplca ftooD.
Mich.37 & ?8
3ln a cafe DepcnDing in Cljanccrpbp dngliClj bill bettoecn Mears plaintif
El. in Canccliar'.
anD Saint-John anD tjts toifc^Dminiftratrij; ofjohn Ainion 2DefenDant. t^e
cafe toas tftis: 2Dljattlje Inteftate toot? tbc profits of tbe lanDs of tlje piaintif

being toitljinagebp fojce ofatruftrepofcDin tjtm bp tlje fatljcr of tlje }0lain«

ttfbpbislaftSXIlilUtbcpearlPbaluc of toljicl) lanDs toas fourfcoje pounDs per
annu,anDtljc3Bntcftatctoobtbo profits from tlje 25 pear of dUucen El. untilltlje
? 3 pear of ber reign,anD tottlj parcell of tlje profits purcljafeD lanDs in fee tobiclj

DcfcenDeD.toljis ljeir,anD left aCets to bis ;£lDminiftratric one of tbcS>efen«

The Court of Chancery, 87
Hants tofatisfie tl)cplatntif,all Debts pal».jaC6cqucatoitlBa0,tD!)Ctbcc 111 tl^tfl cafi
tlje aDminillratrij; in{0t)t
not be c^argcD in equitp foj t^c faiD mean pjofitsi: 3nD
^(r Thomas Egetton matter of tl^clRols faiD,tbatl)c]bat) fceii acafefn Cl^an=
cccp fn Anno 34 H. 6. rcroltcDbp all tfje 3uDgc0
of CnglanD remaining tti

t^e CQtDcr> t^at loljcre tbe feoffees tn ufe took ttje profits of tl;e lanD,anD re*
icttieo tlje rents, anOmaoe tfjctr (iE);eciitoj0,anD DteD Icatjtng affcts to fattsfic
all Debts olicr anD abotic tt)e faiD rents anD profits, tbaf tl)e cSjecutojs fftoulD

te cftacgcD to fatisfie ctf^i qoc ufe foi tlje faiD rents anD profits, anD accoj=
Dinglp toas DecrecD in Mcars cafe agatnft tl^c SDcfciiDant: but toljettjcrtlie

lieir ftoulD be tontribntoji' oj

no, it tt toas DoubfeD,
VVithams cafe in tftc C^ancerp toas, f !)at atcarm foj pears toas granfcD
f t^c ufe of a feme fole, ftic tooU ftusbanD anD DieD, totictber the f)u6banD ftoulD
W'ithJins cafe.
l^abe t^cufe, oj tfjcaDininiftratojs oft^e feme, toas referrcD to t^ iuDges; Eborum.
anD bp tl)emtttoasreroltieD,tbattlje 3[Dmintrtrato)S QjoulD l^atje it, anD not Vide 7 £,4.14,
tfje ^usbanDjbecaufc tljat tl)i3 trutt of a feme toas a tbing in pjibttp , anD (n & 18E.4.11.
nature of an a£tioii,foj tol)ic{) no rcmeDp toas but bp tojtt of Subpoena* SinD & I2l

fott toas rcfolbeDbptljeJtiftites in VVaterhoufcs cafe, Hil.SElii. Eborum,

Co: tljc truft rimnetl) in pjitjiti^tn tbis cafe, anD a IjusbanD ftonlD not be fe<
nant bp tbe curtefie of an ufe,no3. tUe 5lojD of tljc laillain ftoulD IjaUcitat tfje
Common lato.
^ man poffeDfeD of a fearmfoj pears in lanDs , bp bis laft caiill DctjifeD tbe Trin.iS,
fmnc to one anD tlje bctrs of bis fcoDp bcgotten,maDe bis dUrccuf o?s anD DteD,tbe judge in the
^cuirccentictbbptbcaffcnt of tbc Crecutois , batb ittiie anD alien tbe tearm Kings Bench, in
Peacocks cafe.
anD Dietb:tl)i3 alienation barretbtbc tffn6,fo;a tearm foj pears cannot be eu»
tapleD. anDaftertoarDSAnno^i Eliz.inacafe DepenDinginCbanccrpbettoeen 51 Eliz.bctwccn
Hipgin? and Mils
HigginsaitDMiiles it^as ccrtifieDbptbeiLo^DAndetfonanD SluatccVValm. in Cincellaria.
fley ito tobom it toas referreDy tbat
no ettatc tail conlD be of a tearm , anD tbat
tbe alienation of tbe SDeUifce DiD bar tbe iffae.
3In a p?cmunire bcttoccn John Perrot ^^latntif, anD t. m* H.w. anD otbccs Micig. & 27 th
2)e£enDants, it toas refoltieD bp &ir Chriftopher Wray Cbief Blnttice , anD tbe Coram Rcgc.
court of iaings liBencb, tbat tbe£Uaecn conlDnot raife a iTourt of QDquitp Pcroti. cafe.

conlD be no Court of Cquitpbut bp

fcp ber Jlcttcrs patents, anD tbat tberc London by prc-
act of parliament, oj bp pjefcription time out of minD of man. 315ut tbe £!Jucen fcription.
migbt gtant potoer tenere plaeita, o j conuians de pica , foi all matt juDge ac- Noc» this refolu-
tojDing tooncojDinarp rule of tbe Common lato , butotbertoife it is of pjo» tionisagainft
Court ot Re-
cceDings cjtraojDinarptoitboutanp certain rule.
«3uefts, Sec here
SDbcfe cafes tobtcb upon fo great anD matnrc Deliberation ba^c been rcCol* after jcap.5.
IjeD hp tbe BEnDges of tbe lilealm, anD tobcreunto toe toere pji^p anD toell ac^

quainteD toitb, toe bat)e tbougbt gooD to report, anD puUitb fo^ tbe better Direat<
on in libe cafes bcrcaftcr.
^z is maDc 3lojD Cbanccloj of ctnglanD, oj ilojD iftceper of tbe <115}eat fecal,
f Hovf he it
pertradicionem magni figilli
per dominum regcm.anDbptahmgbiSoatb. created,
Forma Canceliatmm conliicuendi regnance Henrico fecundo foit appcndcudo Caniden p.iji.
magnum Anglic (igillum ad eollum Cancellarii elc(Si.
babe gotten it bp ^Letters )9atents, at toill, anD one fo} tearm of
feome tf?5H.5.?.B.of
bis toas bolDcn tjoiD, becaufe an ancient office mutt be granteD, as
life; but it it Wincii.iH.(5.
^atb been accuttomeD« b CardinalWool-

c and declared, that the Common law of this Realnpi
It is ena(5led
is and always was, and ought to be taken, that the Keeper of the
Great fealofEnglandfor the time being hath always had , ufed^ ar^d
executed, and from thenceforth may have, take, ufe, and .execute the
fame and the like place, authority, preheminence, jurifdidion,execu-
tion of laws, &c. as the Lord Chancelor of England for the time be-
Rot.par.i8 E.j.
ing lawfully ufed,&c. flnD foitappearctbin tbc3L0jD
Cbancclo:, oj 310JD iSceucrfoj tbe time being ougbt to bat« conufance,
88 T^he Court of Chancery. Cap.8.
aRot.par.i H.<s a i fitiUe fljat !^itTg H. j.ftatittoo (Bicaf &eals, one of golD, toljtctj !jeBeltDc^
nu.ij.M. reDto t^cilBtfljopof l)urcfmc,anDttiaDcfttm.JLojD Cftaticclour of CnglanD, and
attottjcr of Cltjcr, tofttc!) fetng Henry tlje 5 DelitJcreD
to tljc liBHfeop of JLonDon to
iibifupra. fe^^P*
6 forma b William dc Avretnin Garden desRolIcs del Chancelar' fes &
gardens del Grand Scale, 0t tuas Robert BurneI515tftop of 315atl)anD
niittendicxtraa. tftiS ttnie
in Scaccarium,
^elfl CftantelourofOSnglanD*
Anno i6 E. i.
c attfltobcobfertjet), tbat tobcre oftjers ancient ftatutcsfpeafe of
vet. Mag. Carta, tljcCbatt.
I part. fo.47'b. cclonr anO of bis Jlfcntcnant , it muft of ncccllitp be tntcnDct) of fucba jLtcutCs
c An. 17 fc. I. nant,a0 tbc laip Dotb alloto of, ana tbat cannot be of a SDeputp , foj tbe Cbance*
de libcttatibus
lour cannot mate a 2Dcp«tp;but Locum tenens ie to be tabcn foj one tijat tiolDetl^
V=t. Mag. Carta, tbc place, 0? batb equallautbojittc of tbc Cbancclour , anD tbat 10 Gurtos Magni
: anD tbisagrcetb toitb tbc jnDgcmcnt of tbc faiD J^artiamcnt in 5 Eiir.,& Sigilli
part fo.57j &c. But all (juettions arc noto tafeen atoa? bp tbc faiD ^d: of j Eliz* anD at tbts Dap
tbcre being but one dD jcat &calc, tberc cannot be botb a JlojD Cbancelour anD a
ILojD feeepcr of tbc «ID?cat &calc at one time, bccaufc botb tbcfc arc but one ^U it is DcclarcD bj? tbc faiD ;act.

f CanctRarius 3it is faiD befo?c, tbat tbc cbancelour bp bis ojDinarp potocr map bolD plea of
ttnde. Scire fac' to rcpcale tbe teings ilcttcrs |9atcnts untier tbc vli5?eat &eal being
altoapcs inrollcD in tbis Court,tobicb toe (to niabe a true Dcritjation of bis name)
iball noto particularlp toucb. Cbis W^xii of Scire fac' to repeal 4Lcftcrs patents
6 E.4.9. Dotb Ipe in tbis ojDinarp courfe of 3!uftice in tb?.ce cafes. SEbc firft , \a\ien tbe
Dier j Eliz. IJ7. ^Letters patents Dotb grant bp fc^crall iLcttcrs patents one anD tbc
ming bp bis
2 E. J. 7.
felffame tbing to fetcrall perfons, tbc fojmcr patentee ftall babe a Seirc fae' to
21E.J.47. repeal i\\z feconD patent, S>econDlp, tobcn tbc i&ing grantctb anp tbing tbat is
grantable upon a falfe fuggeffion, tbc toing bpbis pjcrogafitje Jure Regio map babe a Scire fac' to repeal bis oton grant, CbirDlp, tobcn tbe iiing Dotb grant
anp tbing, tobicbbp lato \iz cannot grant, be jure Regio (foj aobancement of ju»
nice anD rigbf ) map babe a Scire fac' to repeal bis oton BLcttcrs patents, jpoln
t^Z 3iuDgemcnt in all tbefetb?ec cafes i6,Qiiod prsditas litterae patentes di(5li do-
mini Regis revocentur,eanccllcntur,evaeuentur,adnuIlcntHr, vaeux,&invali- &
dsp, pro nullo penitus habeantur, &teneantur; ac etiam quod irrotularrentum
eorundem cancelietur, cafletur, & adoihiletur,&c. ^crcofour 3LojD Cbancelour
of C^nglanD (foj fojein Cbancelours,it map be, babe not libc autbojitp) is calleo
Cancellarius, a cancellando, /, adignioriparte, being tbc bigbcft point of l)i«
jurifDiction tocanccUtbeteings ^Letters patents unDcr tbc (©jeat S>cale, anD
Dammihg tbc inrolmcnt tbcrcof, b^ D?atoing ff riftes tbjougb it lifte a iletticc.
f The Lord anD all tbis tobicb batb been faiD concerning tbc off ice of tbc llojDCbahce=
(^hancelourt lonr,ojl.o?D iSeepcr is incluDcD toitbin *
SDatb, tobicb foUotoetb in tbefc
Oath, too?Ds, anD confiftctb upon (iir parts, ^c Ojall ftocare,
« Rot.Pjr. 10 R.z 1 , Cbat toell anD trulp be fliall ferbe our ^oberaigne JLojD tbe
Rot. 8. th: Oaih
anD bis Mn%
b people in tbe office of Cbancelour (oj ILojDlUeeper.)
2. Cbat be ftall Doc rigbf to all manner of people, pooie anD rfcb, after tbe
Vid.Rot. P.irl.
II c latocs anD ufagcs of tbc IRealm,
b Becaufe he
3« SDbat be tball trulp counfell tbei&fng, anDbtscounfellbeil^all ^ lapne
hath power of
anD feecp.
i5 aforefaid. 4. 3Dbat be fball not bnoto no j fuffer tbc burt o; Dil^crtting of tbc i^ing , oj
c 10 1<. J. Rot. e tbat tbc rigbts of tbc Crotone be DecreafeD bp anp meanes as far as \^z map
Par. nu.8. let it,
1H.4nu.10,' 0nD if be map not let it, be (liall matte it clearly anD erp;e8p to be Itooton to
tbe l^ing, toitb bis trucaDbiceanD counfell.
d Laine is an 6. anD tbat ^
(ball Do anD purcbafe tbe i&ings profit in all tbat be reafonablp
ancient French
map. as d^oD btm belp, anD bp tbe contents of tbis B00&.
word, and figni-
ficth to hide, e Rot. pari. lo.R.s, ni*.^j7,8.&c. the cafe ofMkh. dt U Pile Chancelouc of England.

Cap.8. The Court of Chancery. Sp
Articles Girdinall
againj} WooKey.
j^olD foj a0 mucf) as Vcfi i3rtfcles cirljHjiteO to fe(ng H. 8, i die Dccembris
Anno 11 of bis retgtt,ljptl)cJLo?DsanD others of bis P?tt)i'Co«nccU(tol|crcof y;.
. •

^ix Thomas More JLojD JDljattcelom: toas one) aiiD bp ttoo of tlje pjiiictpall zi,[6.i%,'^f,'iz,
JuDgcsoftftciRcalmagamftvIarDtnaUWooHey, Do in Dtbcrsof tl)C ;arttclcs 4m<;.
concern tbc juctf Diction of tljc €;i)anccrp,( loanD i6 ^rticleo, w.) anD
ot^ertttlcs of tljifl fourth pare ofthelnHitucei, toe f)at)etf)ou{?l)f gooD luftlpanD
trulj? to tranfcrtbe from tfte tjcrp £)jiginall,
tinDer tfjc p?opcr IjanDe of t^e il o?Ds
anD others of tl)C pjitif Councell, anD of tljefatD iuDacis, (tufjitlj toe I)atic fccn
anD IbaD in our coftoDp) anD Ijatjc compareD tftto SCranfcript toit^j tfte €>?tginaU
tt fcltc, anD l)at)c (bccaufc tljep arc of great tocigtjt anD afc to manp purpofco)

tranfcril'CD it de verbo in vcrbum, toittiout onitflion of anp tljing , as matters

of tijat nature ougl)t to be x anD tljc rather , fo? ttjat in onr ctjjonicles tljcp are
terp untrulp rcbcarfcD : aftD bcfoje tfjis time (tijat toe finDe) tljc true Articles
lucre neticrpjtnteD.
Conlirained by neceflity of our and confcience, complaine and flievv

toyourmoftRoyallMajeity, we your Graces humble, true, faiih full, and obe-

dient fubjeds J That the Lord Cardinall of York, lately your Graces Chance-
loar, prel'uming to take upon him the authority of the PcpcsLegat T)e iMere-,
bath by divers and many ilindry wayesand fafliionscommiucd high and notable
grievous offences, mifufing, altering,
and fubvcrting the order of your Graces
laws : and otherwife contrary to your High Honour, Prerogati ve,Crown, Efiate,
and Dignity regall, to theinefiimable great hinderance, diminution , and decay
ofihe univerfall wealth ofthis your Graces Realm, And it is touched fummanly'
andparticularly in certain Articles here following,
which be but a few in com-
of all his enormities, excefles.andtracfgreffions committed
pariibn againft your
Graces lavves. SDtjat ts to fap :
1 . jFira, tol)prcpour ©jacc li^oble l^jogcnifojs toitbin tljisponr Healmof
xhe foverajpntv
C&nglanD, being ^ tngs of CEnglnnD^baljc been fo frcctftat tbcp bate \m ixi all tlje prerogative, re.
tooilD none otfjcr ^oticratgnc, butimmcBtatc fubject to J3lmigl)ip ©oD in all gaiijurifd.a'ion,
'"'^ freedomcof
things toucbins Vssz rcgalp of pour proton of CnglanD, anD tbc fame pjecmt=
ncncc, p?crogatttJC, jttrtfDtition.lati'ftiU anD peaceable poffeffton pour dJ^ce anD g^" ^'^°*"^
"^ ^" "

pour noble pjogenttojs Ijatie IjaD, ufeD,anDcnjopcD , tuitbout interruption oj

fcufmeffe tberefojc bp tbc fpace of 200 pears anD moje: tobercbp pour dUjace
map pjefcribe agatnft tbc popes ^^olineJfctbnt bcRioulD not,noj ougbf fo fcnD Frcn-rihe.
oj make anp iLegat, to erecutc anp autbojitp iLcgatine contrarp f pour (©jaccS
pjcroaattfectoitbintbispourltlealme, Jpoto tbe ?LojDCarDinallof|3oifeb8^ Cardinal of Yo.k
tngroiirfubjectanDnaturallltcgebo:ne, batbofbtsbigb,ojgallotis ,anD iufatt=
able rninDc, fo j bis olun fmgular aDtoancemcjit anD p;ofit, in Derogation, anD to
tbe peat imblemiftment anD burt of pour faiD regall jurifDtrtion anD
tittc, anD tbe long continuance of tbe poffclTion of tbe fame, batb obtaincD autbo- Autiiority lc-
ritp iLegatine : bp reafon tobcrcof be batb not oiilp b«rt pour faiD p;refcriptton , e^'i"^-

but alfo bP tbe faiD autbojttp ilcgatinc , batb fpoplcD anD taben atoap from ma» f
'°>:''^'^ ""'">!

«P boufcs of IRclfgion toitbtn tbts pourJRealm mucb fubftance of tbeir gooDS.

anD alfo batb ufiu;pcD upon all pour £D?Dinarte6 toitbtn tbts pour IRcalmc nnicb Oidimries.
part of tbeir jurifDt£tion,in Derogation of pour pjcrogatibc, anD to tbc great burt
of pour faiD ^^Dinarics, iD?clatcs, anD IReligious.
2. 0lfo tbe faiD ILojD d^arDinall bctng pour SmbaffaDour in jFrance, maDe a Ambairadom.

treatp toitb tbc JFrcncb liJing fo?. tbe |2iope, pour spajctti' not fenototng anp part
tbereof, no; nameD in tbe fame ; anD binDing tbe faiD JFrcncb iiing to abiDc bis
o^Dcr anDatoarD of anp controberfteo?. Doubt (boulD arifc upon tbe fame>bettotiet
tbe faiD iaope anD tbe iFrencb i^ing.
3. ^Ifo tbe faiD iLojD vCarDinall being pout amlaltaDour in jr^rancc, fenta Auibarralour,
Coimnitrton to &ir Gregory de Caffalis unDcr pour (I5;cat 6>cale in poar CPjaccs
name, to concluDe a treatp of 0mitp toitb tbe JDube of Ferrate, toitbeiit anp
90 The Court of Chancery, Cap.8.
cowmantinicnf oj Warrant of pour ^iglweJIc, noj pour
fain !^ts!)ncirc aotjcrtt-

fcD o: mafic pjitjp to tlje tame.

4," jaifotljcfatDJLojDCarDtnaU, of Ijis pjcfumpttioiis mfnDe , fn niijers anti

manp anO inftnictions fcnt out of fljis Kcalm to outtoarD parts,

of its ilcttcrs
The King and I. IjaD jopncD bimfclf tottb pout (Djacc, as in fapiitg ana Vojittng ,
i he
King and I
would ye fhould do thas. The King and I do give unto you our hearty thankes.
OT^ercbp it is apparent tt)at l)e ufeD ^trnfclf mojc liUe a fclloto to pour ^ icljncs,
cljifr been acctiftomct) iuifljtn t^is iRealm, tftaf toljcn
5. aifo, to^crc if Ijatl)

Jlioble £pen Do ftocare fftclr boufliolD

fcr^ants, tljcfirftpartoft^ctr oattitiatft
been, tftat tftcp fljouia be trnc liege men to tt>e teing
anD l^is i^eirs tiinga of
: 3:6e fame JLojD CarDinall canfeD l^is feruants to onlp fJffojnc to U
Jjim, as if tbcre
6. ^nt) aUo
been no ^oljeraign abotie l)ini.
to^ercas pour dDjacc ts our ^oticraign IL ojti ana !^cati,{n toljom
Canuet^ all tfe fame ILojD carDinall
tbe furctp anD tocaltlj of tbis IRealm ;

Great Pockj. to ijatjetlje foule 1 contagious Dtfeafc of t&c dPjeat iDocfts bjo-
itnoiuing Ijimfclf
feen out upon Ijtm \n Ditcrs places of ^ts boDp, came Datlpto pour (!5;ace, roton*
tng in pour care, anD blotoing upon pour nioft Jlloble (Djacc ititb bis perilous
anD tnfertttjebjcatb^ to tljcmarbcllous Banger of pour iU^igftneJTe, if CSoDof W
infinite gootmeCTe IjaD not better pjotiiDcD foj pour l^tgljHRlIc 0nD to^en be teas
onccbealeooftbem, be matie pour (©jacc to b^lccijc , t^at bis Dtfeafc voasan
3mpoftume inbisbeaii.anD ofnoneoftjer tbing.
7, 0lfo fbcfaiD ILojDCarDinallbpbtsaufbojifP^lcgafinc, bafb gftjen bp
Provilion. pjetiention tbe llSeneflces ofDitcrspcrfons,
astucU &pirituaUas3:cinpo;aU,
Preraunite, contrarp to pour croton anU Dignitp, anD pour ilaujes ano a^tatutcstbrrcfojc
rcafon tobcrcofbcis in Dangertopour(©jace of forfeiture of bis
p?oljiDcDt bp
lanDS anD gooDS, anD bts boop at pour pleafure,
Counfelour. 8, aifo tbe faiD iLojD CarDinall tabtng upon bim otbcrtoifc tben a true Couns
Forein Ambaf- fclour ougbt to Do, batb ufeD to batie all ;a[rnlaffaDours to come firfl: to btm alone,
anD fo bearing tbcir cbargcs anD intents , it is to be tbougbt be batb inttructcD
tbem after bis pleafure anD purpofe befoie tbat tbep came to pour pjefence , con-
trary to pour l^igb comnianDment bp pour (© jaces moutb to btm gitjen : anD al»
fo to otbcr perfons fent to btm \y(> pour (Djace.
Letters fcntfi on p. 0iro tbe faiD ILorDCarDinalll^atbpiastifcD fo, tbat all manner letters
beyond fca. fcnf from beponD tbe fca fo pour ^igbneffc, babe comcn firft to bis banD0, con-
Fitil to him.
trarp to pour bigb conraianDmenf bp pour oton mouf b anD alfo tp otbcrs fent to
^xmhv I'our C*?ace : bp rcafon tobcrcof, pour Ijtgbncftc noi ajtp 0^ roar Coun-
cell baD UnotolcDge of moe matters but of ftub as it pleafcD biiU to flicto tbem ;

Counccll. toberebp pour ^igbn^c anD pour Councell baxic )xtn compcUxD of ticrp fojcc to
folloto bis Devices, tobitb oftentimes Voerefet fojtb bp ttm mtivc fucb craftp
anD cotiert mcantngs, tbat pour l^tgbnelTc anD 'our Counccll b'ltic often times
been abufeD : infomucb tbat toben po;ir Cotuicell bate founD anD put Ditjcrs
Doubts anD tbings tobtcb aftcrtoarD Ijaiie cnliicD , be to altife tbem Dlzti
tbefe too:Ds, 3! totll lap mp bcaD tbat no fut b tbing fiiall bappcn.

Forein intclli- I aifo tbe fatD ILojD CarDinall b^b pjattifeD, tbat no manner perfon ba<
genccto hini,&c ting cbarge to mabe efpiall of tbings Done bepenD tbe fea, IboulD at tbeir
returnc come firft to i»our dD jacc, no? to anp otbcr of pour Comucll , Iwi onlp to
bimfelf X anD in cafe tbep DtD tbe contrar?', be puniftcD tbem fo? tbcir fo Doing.
11. 0lfo tbe faiD 3L0JD carDinall bafb granteD liccnfes anDerpour«I!J:eat
&cal foj carping out of (©?atn anD otbcr Hirtuals alter tbsreltraint bail) been
port grain ani
vii^uall. nraDe tbcreof, fo: bis oton lucre anD fingular aDUantage of bim anD bis fcrtanf s
fo; to fcnD tbitbcr as be bare fccretfasour, toitbout pour (I5?aces e53arrant 0^
AmbafTadours manp pears fogctber not onlp to tojitc
1 2. aifo tbe faiD ILojD CarDfnall ufeD

rcfidcntwiih o- unto pour ^mbalfaDonrs reftDent toitb otber princes in bis oion name , all
ther p.iices. aDt)ertifemcnts concerning pour dUjaces affairs being in tbeir cbarge , anD in
tbe fame W
^letters In^otc manp tbings of bis oton minD toitbout pour (lD;accs
Cap. 8. The Court of Chancery. PI
plsa!"arc tutoiun, tonccaling Dttos tijtngs tobtcbtjaDbcciiiicccffnrpfojtljcmfo
bnoU); but alfo caufcD tftemtotontctftetraDi-crtifcmcntsiintoljiin. flno of
tlje fame ILcttcrs l)c ufciD to ccnccalc fo: tl)c compafftng of ftisptirpofcmanp
tbtngs botl) from all pour otftjr iToimfclours, anD from pour felf alfo.
I ^ aifo tDbcrc gooo fjofpttaltti' batft been ufcD to be fecpt in Ijoufcs anD pla-
Hofpitality in
ces of tcltgton of tl)is Ecalnu ? manppoojc people t^crcbp reltetcD, tljc faio bo- houfes of Rdi-
: ana it is
fpttalttp \ relief is novo DctapcD % notufcD commonlprcpojtcD tljat tfje giornlcc.iyi.d.
occaftott tbercof is^ bccaufe tljc faiD i.o?D Caminall batbtafeen furl) impoftttons
of f^c Hulers of t\yc faiD boiifcs , aa tocll fo: bio fatour in jmfttng of Abbots anD IiDfofitions.

p:io:s, aa fot \ivs tifitattoji fap bts autbo: tti' 11 c?atinc. anD ret ncticrtbclcffc ta^
Ijetbpcarlpof fucb Hcligioua boufcs.fufb pcarlieanDcontiiiuall cbarges, as tbep Yearly charges.
be not able tofeeepbofpitalittcas tbcpiucrcufcDtoDo : tobifbtsa great caufe
tbat tbcrc be fo man)' ClasabonDo, 25cgacrs, anD 2EbteVC3.
J ^. aifo tDbcrc tbc fame iL. CarDinal faiD fcefoje tbe fuppietfton of fucb
boufcs Siipprcflion of
aa be b<itb fupp^cffe D tbat tbc poffclTions of tbcm fl)on!D be frt to fcrmc among

pour lap fubjccts after fiicb rcafonablc vcarlp rent as ttiep fljoulD lucll tbereupon Re. fjnable reiits.
UtJcanDttcepgooDbofpitalttp : anD noVo tbe Dcmefne poffeffion of tbc fame bou^
feo ftnce tbc fuppjeffion oft!)cmb<itI)bccnft!rt'e)'cD, met, anD mcafiircDbptbe
acre, anD Ic noiu fct above tbe Vialuc of tbc olD rent. 3nD airo futb as Uicrc fer- Above the value.
mo;s bp Xotjent feal, anD copiebolDcrs te pat out anD amotcD of tbeir fermcs, oj
ere f ompcUcD to pap rielt) fine tontran' to all cquittc anD confciencc. New fine.
\s. 3lfo tbc faiD iloiDCacDinall fitting among tbcllojDsanDotberofpour
mott bonourallc p^itsie Counccll, ufeD btmrclf,tbat if anp man tooulD tljeU) bis Abufcdihe
minDc, a£co:Ding to bis Dut|?, contrarp to tbe opinion of tbc faiD darDinall , be Councclf.
tooulD fo tahcbim up toitb bis attuttomabletooiDs, tbat tbeptoere better to bolD
tbeir peace tben to fpeafe fo tbat be inoulD bcare no man fpcah but one oj tlco

great pcrfonagcs , fo tbat be iooulD batjc all tbe VdojDs bimfelfc , anD confHmeD Allfthe words
mucb timetoitb a fair talc, himfelfe.
I c, jaifo tbe faiD ilojD CarDinall bp bis ambition anD pjtDe batb btnDereD anD Ambition
unDone manp of pour poojc fubjccts foj toant of Difpatcbmcnt of matters , foj be pride.
tooiilD no man ftoulD mcDDlc but btn^felf, tnfomucb tbat it batb been aff irmeD Wantofdifpatch
No man to med-
bpmanptotfc men, tbat ten of tbc moftiBifcftanDmoft evpcrt men in InglanD dle but
focre not fnfficient in contjcnicnt time to o:Dcr tbe matters tbat be tooulD retain
to bimfelfc. 0nDmanp times be DeferrcD tbe cnDing of matters, bccaufe tbat fui=
Suters to attend.
tcrs CboulD attenD ano'toait upon bim, tobcreof be baD no fmall pleafure, tbat bt0
boufcmigbt be replenifljcD loitb fuitcrs.
7. 3lfo tbe faiD iLojD CarDinall bpbis autbojitp ii cgatinc batb ufeD, if anp Taken the goods
fpirituall man
batiing anp ricbcs ojfubftancc,DeceafeD,be batb fatten tbeir gooDs of Spirituallmcn
as bis otun, bp rcafon tobcreof tbeir toils be not pcrfojmcD : ^nD one mean be deccaftd.

baD to put tbem in fear, tbat toerc maDc <!l;recutojs, to rcfufe to mcDDle.
i8. idlfo tbe faiD ILOiD CarDinall tonftraincD all £);Dinartcs inCit^nglanD All Ord'n3rie»,

pccrlp to compounD toitb bitti^o? clfc

be toill
ufurpc balfcoj tbe tobole of tbeir tn-- &C-. to
rif Diction bp pjct)cntion,not foi gooD ojDcr of tbc2) ioccffes,but to ctto?f treafure: wi.hhim.

fo;; tberc is neter a pooje 0rtbDeacon in C!;nglanD,but tbat be paiD pearlp to bim

a pojtion of bis titling,

19. aifo tbc faiD ?LojD CarDinall batb not onlpfap bts untrue fuggeftionfo tbe 51 ndered
|3ope Uiamcfullp GanDcrcD manp gooD religions boufcs , anD gooD vertuoHS ous houfcs to iIjC

men Dtoclling in tbem , bnt alfo fuppjeffcD bp rcafon tbercof abotjc tbirtp boufcs I'ope.

of Heligion. ;anD tobcre bp autbojitp of bis Bull be II;oulD not fuppjeffc an)?
By aiithririiy
oFhis Ijilllup-
boufe, tbat baD mo men of Religion in number above tbe number of t 01 7, be prii'cJ JO l;oufes

batb fuppjetfcD Ditjcrs bouCcs tbat baD atote tbe number. 3nD tbcreuponbatb of Religion.
taufcD Ditjers offices to be founD bp tJcrDict untmlp, tbat tbc Hcligious pcrfons fo Can fed div:rs
Offices to Sc
fuppjeffcD baD tioUmtarilp fo jfat?en tbeir faiD boufcs, tobicb toas untrue, anD fo found
batb caufcD open per jurp to be committeD, to tbc btgb Difplcafurc of ;9lmigbtP Pe:)ury.
20. aifo tbc faiD llojD CarDinall batb eramincD DiVcrs anD manp matters in Examined m!t-
tbc CfjattccrpaftcrjuDgement tbercof gtben at tbe Common lato, tnfubverSon
titJ inChancciy
of judgancnt.
T^he Court of Chancery, Cap.8.
of pour latocs, anli maticfomc pcrfons rcfto?c againc totbcotljcrpaitiuonDcni'
n£>t) tljaf , tl)at t^cp liaD in execution bv ticrtuc of tljc lutigcmcnt
at tljc Conmioii
II. 0iro fl)cfaiD llojD€arDmallbatbsrantet)maiij.'35njuit£ttonsbi'e2H:rtf,
ncter callcO tbcrciinto , noj SBill put tit againft tbem : aiiD bp
ant) tftc parties
rcafon tbercof, Dttjcrs of roar ftibjcrto Ijatc been put from tl)ctc latoftiU poffclTi^
on of tljctr lanDs anD tenements. 0nD bj? fiicft means be batl) bjotigljt tbc niojc
anD Dtbers of
His fervants partp of tl)B futters of t^ts pour IRealm befoje btrnfelf, inbcrcbp l)c
rich. ijis fertants bate gotten nuicb ricbcs , anD pour fub jccts luffercD great tojongs.
The Popes par- 22. ^Ifo tbc faiD 1Lo:.D caroinall to augment bis great ricbes batb caufcD Di=
dons. tiers parDons granteD bp tbe 5Popc to be fufpenDeD, tobicb coulD not be rcbibcD,
till tbat tbc fat'o JlojD <rarDtnaU tocre rctDarDeD,anD alfo batjc a pcarlp pcnfion of
tbe faiD parDon.
i^. aifo tbc faiD llojD carDinall
not regarDing pour laioejSnojjuatcc, of bis
crtojtpoiuer batb put out DitiersanDmanpfermo?sofbislanDS, anD alfo pa*
tentecsoftbc0tcb^bifbop;icb of gaojKauD tbeBttbopjicUofMintbeftcr, an&
of tbe ^bbcp of §>t, Albons, tobtcb baD gooD anD fufftcicnt grant tbercof bp pane
14. Silfo tbe fame iLojI) CDarDtnall, at manp times iubcn anp boufes of lieli--
EJeflionsof A!-.
gion babe been t)otD,be batb fent bis ilDfficcrs tbitber, anD toitb craftp pcrfinaft*
ons batb tnDuceDtbcm to tompjemittbeir election in btm. 0nD tbat bcfojc be
namcD 0; confirmeD anp of tbem , be anD bis fertants rccctbcD fo mucb great
gooDs of tbem, tbat in manner
^ It batb been to tbe unDoing of tbe boufc,
ViEccd. 15. ^Ifobpbts autbojitp legatine, tbe fame 3io:.D CarDinall batb ttfiteo
Extortion. tbe mod part of tbc religious ^oufcs anD colleDges of tbis pour Kcalm, anO
batb tahcn from tbem tbetlucntp fiftb part of fbcir Ittclp booD , to tbc great er-
tojtion of pour fubjccts anD Derogation of pour laUics anD pjcrogatitc , auD no
26. Mo tobcn matters bate been near at juUgcmentbp|3 joccs at pour Com--
monlaVo, tbe fame 3Lo?.D carDinall batb not onlp gitcnanD fent Blnmnrtions
to tbc parties, but alfo fent fo: pour 3luDgcs, anD erpjcllp bptbjcats commanD-
tngtbcm to Defer tbe juDgementjtotbecbiDcntfubberfion ofpourlaVoes, tftlje
iuDaes tuoulD fo bate ceafcD.
27, aifotubcreasneitbcr tbc llBifbopof ,^ojh no;Q3rtncbcffer,no? tbc;3bfcc?
of &. Albons, no? tbe p:ofit of bis ^Legation, noj tbc benefit of tbc Cbantcrp,noj
bis great penQon out of jF ranee, no; bis GiUrarDS , anD otber tnoiDinatc taking
Penfion out of
coulD notfuffice btm,bcbatb maDc^bts fonne Winter to fpenD S)cten anD ttuentp
His Coniriatcr bunDjcD pounDS bp tbe pear, inbicb be tabetb to bis olon ufe, anD gitctb \)m not
upon, to lite
pail tltjo bunD?eD pounD^pcarlp
28, 0lfo tobcretbefaiDllojD dCarDinallDiDfirttfuc unto pour dDjarc to bate
pour affent fo be ILegat de be p?omifeD anD folcmnlp pjotefteD bcfojc pour
L'-gat DcUtcn.
His promirf, tooulD
5|5ajeftic,anDbefojctbellLojDsbotba>pirituallanD2E;cmpo;all, tbat be
Noiiiing againft notbiug Do uoj attempt bp tbctcrtucofbis iLcgactc, tbat UioulD fcecontrarpto
'''' '^'^

fjadif voat gracious p:erogatitc oi regalitie, oj to tbe Damage oj p?ejuDice of tbc Siu-
^" ''
Or to tlie preju- rifDtction of anp £DjDinarp, anD tbat bp bis 5Lcgacie no man ftoulD bcijtirtcD noj
dice of ordinary offenDeD: 0nD upon tbat conDttion, anD no otber, be toas aDmittcDbp pour
jurifdiftimi. dDjace to be JLegatc Vuitbin tbis pour IRcalm : iubicb tonDition be batb bjoUcn,
Breach of pto-
as is toell UnoVon to all pour §>ub jccts. HnD inbcn tbat be maDc tbis pjomife, be
Inas bufte in bis fnit at Komc to bifit all tbe Clergp of C-nglanD botlf ercmpt anD
not erempt.
29. aifo upon tbc fuit of tbc faiD 3LojD CTarDfnaU atl'^omctobatc btsan*
VntrHC fiirmifi; to
tboiitp l,cgatinc, be maDc untrue furmife to tbc popes ^olincffcagainft tbe
thcl'ope of the
Clergy. Clcrgte of pour IRealm : tubicb toas, tbat tbe regular pcrfons of tbe faiD €:ler=
gie baD gitcn tbemfcltcs in rcprobum ienfum ; tobicbtuojDs g>,Paul iujtting
to tbc ^Romans abominable finnc: iubicb flanDer f pour Cbarcb of
appli'CD to
CEnglanD Iballfo?. ctcr remain in tbe IRcgifter at Kome, againft tbe Clcrgp of
tbis pour IReahn,
30* ailfo
Cap. 8. The Court
of Chancery, 9i
ILoiD crarL)tnalU)aDtl)cmo:cp3rt oftl)Cgoot)S of Dbcto;.
30, aifotfjcfatt) Oppreffion and
smith late llStCbop of =ILtncoUi,S6ift)op Savage of |9o?l5, jpattcr Dalbyearcli' (.xtoriion.

Deacon ofilicljmont, £E)attcc Tonyers SDoaoj Rochall late iBifljop of SDtic=


l)anT,anDof2Docto:Foxe late JlBtfljop ofMtnclieacr, £ontrai:i?to tl)eu- tolls,

aiiDi'Our lalDS anOjuftitc.

atiD Terminer at ^o:fe, |0«tlamatton teas maoc tljat
31. 0iro attljeoier
ctcn' matt ftjoulD put in ttjctr fails foj crtojttonof £D;Dtnartc3, an'otol)Cti nf* Extortion of
ttcro btls tocrc put in agatiift tfte ^Jfficcrs of tlje fato 3Lo;t) «£;ai-Dinall of Oitlinarics.

ejtoatton, foj taUing ttocltic pence of tlje pounD fo; pjobation

of aDcftaments, Indidoients of
extortion of
tul)cccof oi^jcra fails tocre fmuiD facfojc Sufticc Fitzheiberc anD ofljcr Com;
rcm&ved into the
mitttoncrs, tl)C fatD llo;£) CarDinall rcmotcD tljc faid Ii'.Dtctmcntstntotljc
Cbancer^ bp Certiorari, anU refauUcD fljc fatD Fitzherbert fo? tJicfamecaufe.
Msdcdcbatc be-
3:. illfo tljcfatDLojD cacDinall batfjbiifrcDanDcnt)catjo:cDt!tmrclfbi'craf* tween the Nobles
tpanD untrue talcs to niaSe Dtffcntton anD Debate amongit potirj^obles of ofthullealm.
to tc pjoticD.
pour IRcalm, tofticl) is rcaDp
£)fftccrs Ijabe Dtbcrs times compellcD
33. aifa ttjcfaiD ILojD CarDtnals Purveyance for
four fubjeds to fcetjcljtmtoit^ Carts foj carriage, anD alto ftisfcrtjantsbate
anD all ofljcr aictuall, at vour cl? jaces pjicc,
Purveyance at
tafecn botl) Coin anD cattle, JT^ ill),
Kings price,
oj unDcr, as tljouglj it IjaD been foj pour Gjacc , tofticl^ is contrarj? to pour
34. Hlfo the fatD II ojD CarDtnall &atf) mirnfcDliimrclf inpour moffljonou' Keeping great
cftatc in Court.
rable Court, in beeping of as great cttatc tljere in pour abfencc,as pour (I5?acc
tooulD Ijabc Done ifpoubaDbecntljcrcpjefcnt inponr otonperfon.
3 )-
;airo ftis fcrWnts bp terfiie of pour ConmnSion unDcr pour 25?oaD Seal purveyance.
Prerogative in
bp l)im to tljcm git)cn, Ija'oc taken cattcl anD all otfjcr tictuall ataslotoapjicc
PS pour ipurucpojs l)at3CDonc foj pour ^jacc bp pour J0;erogatit)c,agatnftt^c
latos of »'our Healni.
;6 aifo tobcrc been accuComeD tijat pour purtepojs foj pour ^onon^
it Ijafb Piuveyance,
rafale l^ouajolD , ^aD pearlp out of pour SDoton anD libcrtp of S), aibons
t\i'\tt ai four IjunDjeD quarters
of tomcat, trut!) it is, t^at Gncctftc ?LojD CarDinall
IjaD fftc room oftI)c Hfabot,tl)at pour faiD purtcpojs coulD not befuflfcreDfap
Ijim anD ^ts officers totafeeanptoljeat toitljin tfjc faiD toton 0^ libertp^
37 ;aifo be fjati) Dibcrs times gifen tniunctions
to pour fcrbantst^atftatc Injunfllon not
been foj caufes befoje Ijim in tftc&tar;ct>amber,tl)attbep, no: otftcr foj tljcm to fue for pa: don
for caiifcsin the
fljoulD make labour bp anp manner toap, Direalp 0; inDirectlp to pourdU^cefo
obtain pourvDjaccsfattour oaparDon; totjicl) teas a pjefnmptuous intent foj
anp fubicct, tion.

38 aifotljefaiD ILojD CarDinall DiDcallbcfojcljim&ir John Stanly !i?ntglbf»

taben a farm bp Coticnt S>cal of tlje ^bbot anD cobent of Cbctter, Oi'prcfllci?.
toljici) ftaD
anD aftertoarDbptjts potoer anD migljt contrarp to riglit committeD tlje faiD
§>ir John Stanly to tfjcpjifon of jFlectbp tfac fpaceof a pear unto fuclj time as
i)C compcUeD tbefaio s>ir John to rclcafc his Co'ocnt S>eal to one Legheof Legh of Arling-

aiDlington toljicl) marrieDone Larks Daugljter, tofjiclj tuoman tlje faiD ilojD
The Card, kept
CarDinall ltept,anD toitliljcrttoocbtlDjen. t'5ll)crcupon t^e faiD S>ir John
LarKcs daughter
Stanly upon Dtfplcafurctalicn i\\ f)ts ^cait maDc l)imfelf i^onbc in <22le(tminll:cr, and hjd iiy her
anD tdere DieD, two childttn.
39. SJlfo ona time pour dD; ace Icing af &>. ^Ibons accoiDing to t^c
ent cuttonie ufeDtoitljtnpour Hcrge, pour Clcrt? of tbe ajarbet Doing ftis of? Clerk of the
iiccDtD pjefcnt unto pour £D(ficcr6 of pour mott fjonourablc ftoutbolD tbepji= Market.
Prices of viflu*
manner of tairtuals toitljin tl)cp?ecinct of tl)e tllerae. 0nDit toas
fcs of all
commanDcD bppour faiD iiDfficers to fct uptljc faiD pjtces botlbontljc gates of
pour l)ono?able boufljolD, anDalfotottfain tftc market place toitl)i« tl)c totonof
of &. aibons, as of ancient cuttomeliatb been ufcD ^nD the iLo;D CarDinall
Rearing tljc fame,pjefumptuouflp,notliUcarubiect, caufeD tljeafoiefaio p;icco
tocrc fealcD toitlj pour(!P;aces &eal, accuttomabln ufcD fo; thefamc^to

be taken off anD puUcDDoton in tljciaiD marketplace, toljcre tljcptoercfetup: Pulled down the
anD prices, &c.
anD \\\ flje fams places fet up ^is otonc p;ices fealeD toitb Ijio fealc ,

S> tooulO
T'he Court of Chancery, Cap. 8.
toonlD if tt IjaU not been Icttcti in fcmblablc manner , ufcD pour fcal ffan&tng

upon T^our gatciJ. ^nDalfo tooulDof ^ts p^cfumptuons minD ^ateopenlp fcttit
title ftocks tDttl^in pour
faiD toUin pour Clerk of pour niarliet ]15p to^ic^

pjefuniption anD ufnrpatton pour <ID?ace map percetDc tl^at in ^ts tcart l>c
Jati)ccputeD Ijimfclf to be cquall tott^-pour rcall ^aicftp.
40. auotljc fatD?Lo?D CarDinall of tjis further pompous anD pjctumptuous
minD ftatfi entcrpjifcD to join ano impjtnt t^e CarDtnals Ijat unDcr )>our
The Cardlnsl?
arms tnjnjur coin of groats maDc atpourCttpofi^o?^, tol)tcl)ltbc DceDljatlp
hat in the Kings
coin of groats, not been teen to be Done bp anp fubjcrt tnttftin pour IRealm befoae tfjta time*
8cc. 41* ;airotMl)crc one &ir Edward Jones Clefb IDarfon of £)jctolp in i\fi
Countp of llButfc'in tlje sig^tcentb peer of pour moft noble reign let l)is faiD
of fljc fame to one William John-
parfonage tott^ all titles anDotbcc profits
fon bpBlnDenture foj certain pears , toitbin Ui^ic^ pears, tfteSDcan oft^efaiD
Carotnals CoUcDge in iBrenfojD p^tenlieti title to a certain portion of titles
iPttftin tbe fait) \?acronagc, fuppofmg t^e faiD portion to belong to tbc par-
fonage of cbtctieUp, tBljic^ tnas appointeD to tfte |0jio^p ofCpfeefojD latelp
of ;© jciolp ftatje been pcaccablp poffclTeD
fuppjcffeD, tDbere(of trutft ) tlje parfons

of tibe faiD portion out of tbctimcofminD. tSHIjcrcupon a Subpoena teas W
rectcD to tljc faiD Johnfon to appear afoje tljc =llo?D CarDinall at Hampton =

Court, out ofanptearm,iDitban3niunttion to fuffer tlje faiDH)eanto occupp

tljefatDpo^tion^ Mbcrcupon tfte faiD Johnfon appeareD befojetljc faiDlLojD
CarDinall at %ampton Court, tofjere tuitljout anpbtll, tbc faioilojDCarDi*
nal committeDfttm totlje #
lcet,to!jcre Ije remaineD bptbe fpacc of tiDeltcUjcebs,
becaufe tooulD not Depart Voit^ tftc faiD po?tton. 0nD at t^elattuponarc^

togntfance maDe tl^at be iJjoulD appear befo?c tfte faiD ILojD CarDinall inben-
foet)er]ftclDascommanDeD,ftetoas DclitercD out of tt)eiFlcet; boiobeit as pet
Dare not Dealtoitbtt.
!njunftion< tbe faiD pojtion is fobcptfrom liim tbatlje
41 . 0lfo tot)crc one Marcin Dceowra ftaD a leafe of tbc ^pannoj of llBalfall in

tbe Count? of tlMartDtch foj tearmof certain pears , an 3fnjunaton came to

^im out of t^e C^ancerp bp to^tt upon patn of a t^oufanD pounDs, tl)at be lljoul!)
atioiD tbe poffettion of tlje fame ^anno? , anD fuffer S>tr George Throck-
morton ittnigi^ttotafee tljcpjofits oftbe fame ^annojfo tlje time tl)c matter
DcpenDing tntbe Cbancerp betiucen tbe=Lo?D of »>. Johns
anD tbe faiD De-
eowraioere DifcuffeD.^nD pet tlje faiD Decowra neber maDeanfiDer in t^e Cljan*
terp, nc ebcr inas callcD intotbc Cbanccrp fo? tbaf matter,
anD noluoflatc Ijc
iiatl^ receiteD altbe injunction upon pain ofttoo tt)oufanD pounDs contrary
to tliecourfeof tbc Common lata.
43. aifotobcreas in tbc parliament Cliamlicr, ano
in open parliament
communication anD Dclitfes toere ban anD niobcD , tobercin mention Voas an
inciDcnt maDe of matters touching tjerefics, anD erroneous ferts, 3i tuas fpo*
Here lies arid er* '

ten anD repojteD bp onellBifbop tbcrc being pjefcnt,anD conftrmcD bp agooD

ronious fcfts.
number of tfte fame 115ift)op3, inpjcfcnce of alltbelLo?Ds Sjpirtttiall anD SLcm*
po?alltften affemblcD, tljat ttoo of tbe faiD Biffiops toere
mluDcD anD DcftreD
to repair unto tbe ^nitjerCtp of Camb?iDgc foj cram{nation,rcfojmation-,an&
cojrection of fncb erro:s as tbcn feemeD anD tucre rcpojtco to reign amcngft tbc
^tuDcntsanD g^clbolars of tbefame,as toelltoucbtng tbc ilutberane feet anD opi«
nions,as otbcrtotfe.SDbc ILojD CarDinall infoimeDof ttje gooD mtnDsanD intents
of tbe faiD ttoo llBiftops in tbat bcljalf, crp?cflp tnbtbiteD anD rommanDcD tljcm
in no toifc fo to Doe. 31Bp means tobercof, tbe fame errors, as tbci' aff trmeD,crcpf
moje ab?oaD anD toob greater place; fapingfurtbcrmo;e tbatittoasnot intbeic
DefauUs,tbat tbcfalD bcrcfies toere not punifljeo, but in tftc faiDlojDCarDt*
nail, anDtbatittoasnoreafonanpblame ojlacb IboulDbc arrcctcD to tbem foj
Ibis offence : toberebp it ebiDentlp appcaretb tbat tbe faiDlLo?D CarDinall be-
fiDes allotbcr bts bainous offences, ijatb been tbe impcacber anD Difturbcrof
Due anD being bigblp to tbe Danger anD pcrill of
Direct cojrection ofbcrcfies,

tbe tobole boD|j, anD gooDCbJtttian people of tbis pour IRealm.

44» if inaUp, fojafmucb as bp tbe afojcfaiD ^xixtXza is ctjiDentlp Declared
Cap. 8. The Court
of Chancery. pV
to pour molt rcall i^ajcffi>, scfjat tliclioiD carDinallbp Ijis oufragfotta jjjjfic
?jati) greatlp ftaoolocD a lo:ig fcafon potir<!!53accsl)ono?,Ujl)icft ia nioft fjtg^tp

tobcrcg?arDcD,aiiDbp{)tfi mfattaclc atiartce atiD raijtnoas appetite to babcrt=

c^cs anOtrcafurctuit^ciiifnicaftJt'cljatljfo gdctjouflp oppjcQcD j'otir poo; fub=
jert'SioUfj fo imntfolD
crafts of b;iberpaiiDerto:tton,t()attl)cȣoiimioii.toEaU6
of tbis pour(Ji5jatc3 IRealmis fljerebj? greatlPDccapeD anD impoDcrtfecD. i!ria
alfo bpbis crticltp, mtqiittp, affccttoa, anD part taiitr, ftaf !) ftibticrtcD tijc Due courfc
aiiD oiDerof t'our ©jaccslaips to tbcuiiDomg of a great mimtcr of pour lo«
^Icafc tt j'otir matt ropall ^pajcttp tljcrcfoje of pour crccllcjif gooDncrrcto*
iuarDS tfteMcal of tD(3 pour 'Realm ant) fubjccts oftljc fame , tofcf fuc!) oi-
lier anD Direction upon tbefatD 5lo?D «j;arDtnaU,a3nTap be totljc terrible crampic

ofot^cr tobetoarefo tooffenD pour Gjace, anD potirlatosljcrcafter, BnDtljat

l^c befo pjotJiDeDfo: tljatfte nctoer Ijaf c anp polucr, jnrisDiction oj autftojifp

hereafter to trouble, lice, anD tmpoticrirt) tf)c Common-4ricaltl) of

tljto pour
^calm, asljs Ijatf) anD Dammagc ofctjerp man
Dotic ljcrctofo?.e,to tlje great Ijart

almottbtgbanD loin, In^icb foj pour (25 jace fo Doing, \Dtll Datlp pjap, as tftetr
Dutp t3, to 0lmigl)tp OoDfoj tljcpjofperoiiscKafe of i>our moft ropall i"©ajc-
(tp, long to cnDiirc inljonoianDgooD ftealtb,tof!)cpleaf«rc of C'oD',' anD pour 'Chiefjuaice
flearts molt Dcfire, feubfcribcD tljc flrft Dap of December tl)C 1 1 pear of tljc reign E"k ami.
of our Soueraign iLoiD liing Henry tlje 8.
V'urt?« ofthe
T. More. T, Norftolk. Chad. Suff. Tho. Dorfet, H- Exon, John Oxinford. o'u-'"tVofv.
H» Northumberland. G.Shrewsbury. R.Fitzvvater. T.Rocheford. TtDarcy, monPUa?
W. Mouncjoy* William Sandys. '^ Hewasnottal-
'ed Maii>;rof,be
Wilham Fiuwilliam. Henry Guldeford. * John FitzTames. * Anthony
FitzHerbert. -iiHTcaio
^0 tftcfe Articles began fobefubCcribcDbi' &tr Thomas More 3L03D Cftatt' but never fo ci:-

cclo;>anDcnDcDH)ttl) fl)cttoo 3uDgt0 oftljelato. icdinanyLci-*

f ^i Patents of
2^erebetntl^i0 Court manp £»ff iters, spiniftcrs, anD Clcrfes of fljc Court,

tbc pjincipall toftcrcof is ffte Rafter of tbc IR ola, ancientli> calleD Garden dcs b^°^^^[^
Rolle$>Clerieu$ro!ulorum, Cuflosrotulorum. ilnD tl)is is an ancient offiCcanD *5eethcChw*-"
grantable cither foj life, oj at iDilU at tbcplcafurc of teeming. SCftcl^ourc an= ter ofercd.on
nereD to Ijts office, is tallcD domus Con verforum, fo calleD bccaufc iitng H. 3. ^y ^i^^g h. j.
founDcD tf)is tjoufc to bealjoufc of SclnsasfljotilD be contcrtcDto tl)C trucre^ vid
ligion of iefusCtiiift, anD tljcrcftoulD bate maintenance anD allo\i)ance,toIjitlj ,§ e ,"|.u''
(ontinuetb to tl)i3 Dap. litng E. 3. anno i s of !)is reign, bp ILcttcrs |)atent0 There l^x't above
anncveD tbis boufc to tbc office of Cuflos rotdorum, anD tbis office is grantablc 't-urfcor« con-
bp ILcttero patents : foj f be mo;e affurance tobcrcof, anD of Ditcrs tbings vensimgE i.
iDOitbP of obfcr\3atton, luc X^n^ot tboiigbt gooD to fct Doion an
ntcnt concerning tbis matter in tbefelnoiDs.
of J^arlia. p"
Bins E. 5.bp bis Cbarfer anno 5 1 of bis reign DiD grant after fb? Dcatb of Roc.iv.t. u Ap. <^

William Burfiali tljen fcccper of tbeHolsanDoftb'cfamcboufe ofContjcrtoof ^' e.j which you

tbeiiings grant to tbciieeper of tbc IR ols fojtbe time being, anD annwcDifto Tnli^mJal^'^^
tbe faiD office imperpctuum,anD furtber grantcD tbat after tbc Dcccafcof tbc faiD p.Mig^Lgi
William, tbe Cbancclo; 0? feccper of tbc viPjeat *>eal after tbc toiDancc of tlje d ex bundei'io pc-
'" Paii.aono
fafD office of feecping of tbc llols fo inltitutc fucccfritclp tbc IScepcrsof tbc
domo Converforum, 3c cuHodej illos ponend' in po(TelTioi.e cjul- ^ ^
3RolS,indida ,

dem.&c SEbioCbartcrtoasconfirmcDbp ^ctof Jparliamcnt,a3bptbatiDbicf) dc'iackimm^

fOllOtoetb appcarctb. lielumafunde!
d A noftre tresdoute ti. le roy ^ [on honorable coimfdl'en cc(l Parliattitm "^"^ ci-'eait lo.

Gierke William de Btirfiall Gardeiner dcsrollcs de la Cap-

fupplie foft petit NouihcMr-
cellarie, ^Gardeiner de la Mcafori des Con'verfes de Londrcs qtiele ejl de Htr cf cbc Kcb
'voftre honorable PiUronaze que come le dtt William afestref^ranndes cii- ''i^f^F"'><^3r-

pages & la
reparille Chappelle
de Ics edipcea att an meajon , 0- nojtre ot Convensof

Seignior dareine
le rof
{que dicu a(foil)pur
maintenance de la dtt Chap- "("''i^Pa omgc
a laprierditdit }Vi Hi am grama pur luycjr fes heirespfr
felle cr rfieafon King,'"
Oi fes
The Court of Chancery. Cap. 8.
Patents le dit
Meafon de Con-verfe apres le da dit
fes Letters que deceafe
William dciwrera a tous jours as Gardein" de dits Rolles tur le temfsefie-
ants tanaue come ilsferont enle dit office fans certain forme comprife en
Letters fir sdites,Pledfe anofirediiSeigniorle ro-j ^
Seigniors deu Parlia-
ment ladit grant (^ les Letters Patents iffint entfaitz^etleschofes
en ycels en ouier de charitie. OT^reanto fuUaffcnt toasgttienbg
;autl)Ojttpof|3arltament. 3ffertD6icl)3£tof]^artiamcntJohD dc Waltham©arlie(noj!ieepcroft6e

9Rols obtaineDofR.2, in tt)cC)ct^ pcacof|ts reign i^etterst patent0, toftcrc
t!)6lSin8 granteD to ftim & fuccefforibu*
fuis Cuflodibus Rotulorum t^e Cai&
to bcfoj t^at in tt)e fafD Cliar*
^oufc of ContjertSi ant) tfte reafon Ijercof feemctlj
fer of J E.3.
I Sibi &fucccfforibas fuis toanteD. ai^^is John of Malttjam toas
in 1 1 R.i. ilBiCbop of &al{0butp,anu after SCreafurcr of ft ap*
pcarctlj toijat cftate tlje gaffer oftl&elRols &ati|in domo Converlbmm. jSnli

tl^is ^ouTe i0fibe place tolere ttjeKoU of tije Ctjancerp are bept, anD are fo
calleD becaufet^e;? arelD^itten in parclmient^ anD maDe up in buntielsofrols.
tijat t0 to rap, of i!LI»arters.)letter0 Intents, Commia:ion0,2DecD0 cnrolUD,1lle<
SDI^efe 1Recoit)0 Once ftje beginning of H, 7. remain in t|ie 3RcA0,anD all be«
fojetocre tranfmitteD into tSeCotocr,anO tberc remain.
^irofo^furtl)ermanifeaafioni)creof, toe ^abet^ougbt gooDto fet Doton a
Bletfers |3atent0 of ti)i0 office in t^ 25 j^carofH.e.anDtfteratferfojt^t it
tUa0 granteD Authoritate Parliament! .in tbefe iDOjD0, Henricns Dei gratia Rex
Angliae.Si Franeii,
& dominus Hibemii
, omnibus ad quos prsefemes Ifa:
Cleticusnofler^ vejicrint. Sciatis quod cum
nos tertiodeeimo die Novembrisjannorcgnino-
ftri decitno fcptimo conflituimus diJeftum dericum noftrum Johanjncm Sto-
& librorn Can-^ rotulorum &librorum CanccHaria noftricum ODnnibus ad
cellar' noftrz cu pendenCuftodem
omnibus ad offi- officium illud fpeSamibus, pereipiend 'in codcm offieio feoda,commoditatesj
ciumilludfpeft'. & proiicua coDfueta, quamdiu
nobis placuerit. £t ukerius dederimus, con- &
CuftodiJ domus
cefferitnus eidero Johanni cuftodiS domus noftra Converforu prsfato officio pro
forum. inhabitatione diifti Cuftodia per progenicores noftros quofidam reges Angliiab
antique depofitx, &anncxae: Habendum & tenendum cuftodiam illam cura
omnibus juribusSc pertinentiis fpedancibus adeandem^routinlfis noftrispa-
tentibus inde confeAis plcnius continecur, Nos bonum & gratuitum ferviciu
dileilus elerieus nofter Thomas Kirkby nobis ante hzc icmpora moki-
pliciter impenditjindlefqac impenderenondefiftitmeritc eortemplantesj acde
fidelitate, circumfpetSione & indufiria ipfius Tiiomajpleniu'. confidences. con-
flituimus ipfum Tliomam Coftodem rotulorum &librorumCancellari«ooftrx
cum omnibus ad officium iiludfpedantibusjpeicipierdoineodem officio fcoda,
commoditates, & proficna confiicta quo offieinm illud per Geffionem
a tempore
feu alio modo quoeunque proximo vaeare contigeritjquamdiu nobis placuerir.
Ec uiterius dedimus &
conceffimusj ac p prsefentcs damus &
concediraus eidc
Thorns cuftodiam difta domus afa: Converforum prxfato officio pro inhabita-
tione ejufdem cuftodis per diftos progenitorcs nfos ab antiquo(ut pra:mittitur)
difpofita: annexe, Habend' & lenend'cidem Thwtix cuftodiam illara eii om-,
nibus juribus & pcrtinentiis fpeftaniibus ad eandem quamdiu ipfum Thoma
diftum officium Cuftodis rotulorum & librorura pradidoru habere & tenerc five
oceuparecontigerit. Eoqood exprefla mentio de vcro valore annuo officii pra*-
difti & czterorum primiflbrum feu alicujuj corum, autdc aliisdonisfeucon-
Geflionibus pernos prsfato Thorns ante hsctemporafaftis in
pra:fentibu$ fa-
fta non exiftit, autaliqaibus AdtibusfiveOrdinationibusin contrarium editis
live ordinatis, autaliquaalia caufa, re/cu materia nonobftantibns.In
cujus rci teftimonium has JFas nfas fieri feeimus patentci. Teftemcipfoapud
Maidfton vicefimonono die Martii, Anno
rcgninti viccfimo quinto. Authori*
ute Parliament i,
Cap. p.
The Court
of%equefts. 97
* *
S>( latter ttmca in tfee grant of t^ts office !je is is ttileO CIcricus parvx ba- Belonging an-
ciently t« his of-
ps,Cufto$rocQlorum,& domus Converforum. fice.
2C^ spatter oCtbcHelgftatft in jure officii, tfte gift of t^e offices oEJiti; See the Aatute
Clcrte in tl^c Cljanccrp. cfi^H.S.cap.S.
Bin t^ abfence of ttie %oi^ Ctiancelo^ ^z l^eareti) cautes atiD gitttj^ ojDers.
$^ce in tl^e third part oftlieInftitutes,_eap. Prcmnnire.


The Court of Requcfts.

fpobcn oft^eCoartof Cftanccrp, ftDapcD anD goberneiJbp tfje

310JD Cftancelour,8; feccper of fljc ©jcat fi>calc ; 3ttbaU le fit in tbts

Hating place to treat of t^ 3l«rif Diction of t^e Court of JRcqnefts, totierein tlje See hereafier
3L0JD ^iiW &calc at ^ts plcafurc , anD tftc ^afters of HUcqacfts Doe arterable the Courts of

0nD tl)C o?isinaU mftttution Ijcreof teas , tftat fatl^ petitions as tocre Audience and
an0 fit.
Faculties, pa.
erljibitcD to tftc ft ing,
anD DeliDereD to t^e spatters of tJjeKequefts,a)oulDbe
DirectcD bp tijein to tafe« ftis rcmcDp actojDing to
perufeD bp tfjcm, anD t^ partp
tfteir cafe, eitljcr at t^e Common laicoj
in tlje Court of Ci^cerp. 3nD tljere*
a libellis anD in tljis refpect tftis
npon ttiep teere calleD Magiflri
meeting anD coninltatton toas calleD tbe Cottrt of IRcquetts, as tlje Court of
auDtcncc anD iFacultics are calleo Courts , alijeit fljeg liolD no plea of con*

troticr(ie» Ca(raneus7p3rr5
SCljorctobitbinfoimer times toonlD Ijatctbis Court to he aCoorf efiuDica^ fo.ij^.b.
is calleD Curia eorum quo*
tare, toob t^eiratmc from a Court in jFrancc, Voi^tct)
Rcqudtarum , *.
fupplieationutn palatii magiftros vocant jpud quos caufa eorum
tantucn agitur^qui regis obfequiisdeputati^vel privilegiodonati funt: hujus curiae
f o be too narrolD,contcnD
Judiecsoao fum. iBut others fafetng t^is jurisDiction
to !)at)c it ertenD to all caufes in equitie equall tsitft tljc Cftancerp, anD tljetr De=
trees to beabfolufc anD uncontrollable, IBnt neitljer of tl^elcareioarranteDbp
lalB, as diall cbiDcntU' appear.
See before' cap. y-.

31n tl)e reign of H, 8. tlje ^tt«rs of Hequetts ttjougftt (as fbcp {»itenlieD) to Chancery PeiotS
ttrengtljcn tljcir jurifDiaion bp Commiffton, to fteararD Determine caufes in
equitp. But tl)ofc Commifftons being not toarranteD 'op lata (foj no Court of See iheArticl«»
act againft Cardinal
equitpcan be raifcB bp Commtffion) foon traniOjeD , fo; tl^at it {)aD neither
of iparliament it.
, noipjefcriptlonttmcoutofminDcofmantocttablill) See Hals Cluo-
Mich. 40 & 41
Eliz.gntfte Court of Common 10lca3,upon a Bill erftibitcD niclc ubi I'upra.

in tlje Court of Hcquefts againft Flood, foj Default of anftocr an attacljmcnf and GMiac&leat-
iied preface tohi>
luas aUiarDcDagainft Flood unDer tfte |9iibtc Scale , to Stepney tben sftcrtffc
reading in the In-
of Carnarvicn, tofto bp fojce ottlje faiD Mrit attarljeD Flood, anD tooulDnot let
Ijim oto, an jfiD'oligatton to tbc Slberiffc to appear before
untill be IjaD entrcD into I 6 El.

iiSipajeftiesCounccll in tl)C Court of llcquctts: upon ii)l)it& iDbltgatton tl)C 'Tr.40El.inCo-

an Default of appearance, anD all tl^ts matter niuni banco inter
Sljeriffcbjougbt action of Debt foj
Srepiity etLl.yJ.
appearcD in plcaDtnc^, anD it iuasaDjuDgeD upon folcmnc argument tljattbis ,

luDicljUiascalleDaCourtoflllequetts, oj tbcJSabife i^alUtoas no Court tljat See Hals Chron.
IjaD potoerof juDicature,but all tfjc pzocccDings tljercupon lucre
Coram non Ju- 8 H.8 .fo.59.

dice, anDtbcarrcft of Flood lijasfalfctmp;ifonment, fo as be migljt aboiD tbe agreeth wuhthe

bonD bp 2Durcs at tfje Common
l?tD, iDttijoiit aiDc of tbe ffatuf c of 1 5 Vi/>. ca. i o,

SDbe puntftiment of JBer jurp in tfje Court of Mb'teball bp tfte ttatutes of'.cap.9.anD? Fi i.cap. 9. not giic itanriurifDictfon of juDtcaturc,

no moje tl)cn tljc ttatutes tijat gitc aaatnft a ©aoler an action foj an cfcapc, oj
98 T^he Court
of%iqUeJis, Cap.9.
pcntfiict^ a d&aokc of W
otorw iujong foj cvto:tioiT att offkcr of Ijts otott
tDiong ftall be punifljcD bj? t^c Catutcs in tljat cafe pjoUtDcD , ant) pet t^ fta=
tdtes tlj?reb? maiic ttjctti no latnfuU officers; fo; it in one tiling to puniflj , ano
to gttic aut^oiitp. §)o it tuas jiifttcc in tfje parliamenfa to ptmiflj pcrs
tt)e Court toeteljolDenbpufarpation, anD fo be--
jurp in t\ft Ml)itcftall,altt)oug;f)
fojett appcarcttjto bcbptl^c jaDgcmentinSccpreyscafe. &cb Beverlyes cafe
lib.4. II?, iM^ anut^ecafcoftljc £)jpl^nsof llonDon, Lib.j. fo.7 3. toftcre it
is calleO f^c court of KcqucC0,tahtng tl^c Came to be accojDing to t^ £D?fgtnall
tnftitntion. SlnD as golD oj filter map as currant raoneppatrcetjcntottl) tlje

proper ;artificer,tftoagl) it Ijatl) too ntut^allap, unttU i^ei^atij frtcDit initlj t^e
SDoucbttonc : cticn fo tb(6 nominattljc Court map paffe icitl) tlje i^camcD as jtte
CiBable in rcfpeet oftfteoutfiDcbptjulgaralloiDanccuntillbeaDbtreDlploofeet^
into t^e roots of it,anD trp it bp t^e rule of latD;as(to fap ttie trutfj) 3 m^ felf DtB:
15ut errores ad fua prineipia refcrre, eft refellere, %0
bjtng errojS to t^ir firff,
ts to fee tftetr laft.

JCljcaut^oioffljeboofeoftiiticrCtpofCourfsiDjttfcninM H.8. Dofljnotro

tnacf)as mention anp fuclj court ; noj tl)C J3Dod:oj anO §>tuDent tofto lujote in
s?H*8.trcattng of matters of equitpnebermenttonettianpfnc!) Court: noj fit
anpof tlje Kepoifsof H,8. ojofanp otljcr befoje fttm, toe finDeanp mention
maDe of anp fucl^ Court, herein , as in all otijer f ^ngs , toe tjabc Dealt clearlp
anD plainlp, upon to^at autijojities anD reafons toe bate grounDcD our opinion t
Error.qu! non a„j, jjj^jjn toe unDertoofe to to;ite, toe rcfolbeD to publifl) notliing reJuaame coa-
refifiuur, appro-
toc (bp ©oDsfpcciall grace) bate perfo?meD. toittioutanpfparfe
(-(-ientia, tol^tcl)
of contraDittion, oj refpect of anp p:itate tobatfoeticr : 2DI)af cbarge ebcr fonn»

Rcguia. Sing in mine eare, ttjat is gtbcn to all tljat tafee npjjn tljem to tojtte , Nc quid
faKum audeanr, ne quid verum non audeanr. Sinh altljouglj tljC lato be fuclj as
foe Ijate fet Doton ; pet in refpect of tijc continuance t^at it fta^ l^aD bp permit
fion, anD $f ttje number of Decrees tbcreinljaD, it toeretoojtftpoftlje toisDome
of a parliament, fo j tfjc ettablilftment of things foj tftc time paft , anD fo?,
feme certaine pjotifion toitlj reafonablc limitations (if fo it fljall be ff)0ugl)t

convenient to f^at i$tQ^ Court) foj tfie time to come : Et fie liberavi animatn

Cap. 10. 9^


The Court of Common Pleas.

f^ ffatuteof Magna Carta cap. 1 1. it <£( p;ot)iaeti) Qiiod communia pla*
cita non iequantur curiam noftram, fed teneamur loco certo* Habet Rex
Bl^ etiatn curiam, & Jufticiarios in banco rcfidentes, qui cognofeunt de omni- Bradonlib. J.

bus placitis. de quibai aurhoritatem habent cognofcendi, & fine warranto jurif-

diftionem non habent nee coercionemt Et Paulo pofit Sunt etiam alii Juflicia-
rii perpctui , certo
loco rcfidentes, ficntin Banco, loquelas omnes de quibai
habent warrantum terminantesj qui omnes jurifdidioncm habere ineipinnt pre-
Ouftre ceo voilons q Juftices dcmorgent continualmcnt a Weftm. on ailors la, Brittoafo.2.
Vide Fleta lib.
ou nous voudrons ordeiner » a pleader comunes pleas folonq; ceo que nous 1« t,

manderons per nous breifes; ifiiiic que dcs parols deduces devantcux per nous cap.i.&JLibi.
breifcs eyent record,
i^ut of t^ere, t^iee ffiin^s are fo be obfertiet) t iFirfi; tobaf fldatl be faiD com-
munia placita. SDljei? arc not calleD eommunia placita in rcfpert of tlje pcrron03
but in refped of t^e qiialttp of tl)e pleas. 3Rcgularlp picas arc UWzo
pleas of t^e Croton, anD into Common oj Ctbill pleas, pleas of ttie Crolone
arc Crcafon anD ^eloriv, anD sptfpjiCon of treafonanD fclottp,?t SLtiis Court
is tbc lock anD tljc t?ep of tbc Common lato in Common pleas, (oi berein are re«
all actions, tobereupon fines anD recoveries (t^e common alTurances of tbe

IRcalm) Dopairc,anDaUotberrealla(tionsbp;©?iginall?!lIrttsarc fo be Deters See tJi« fecond

mtneD, anD alfo of ail Common pleas mirt
perfonall: tiiDti}crsofiDbicb>as
o;t part ofthclnfti-
tutes Mag. Carti
it appcarctb before in tbe Cbapter of tbc icings ]5encb > tbts Court i tbe icings
JlBencb bat)e a concurrent autJjojitp. Vjd.
Robert Paming tbc iiiings &er|eantat ILato 24 July 14 E. 5. ioas created ^are racuinbrtt'
vit and in the
CI)ief3luiltceof(!BnglanD, in Inbicb Office be remaineD until! tbe i $ o(S>e? ,

ccmbcr follotstng , anD tbcn be ioas maDe %o^t) SCreafurcr of C^nglanD ; 3In Chapter of tlw
Kings Bench
tobicb office be contlnucD untill tbc 1 ? pear of E. 3. ioben be toas maDe llo^O here before,
Cbancelour of CEnglanD: anDtobilebetoaslLojDCbancelour, betooulDcomg •
anD fit in tbis Court being tbc loch anD feep of tbe Common latu, as is afoicfalD;
anD tberc Debate matters in lato of greateft DiffictUtp, as it appcarctb in fbe tZf
pojtoftbepcarof i7E.?.fo.ii. 14.23.37, &c. linotoing affurcDlp, f bat be tbaf
I^nolDCS not tbe Common lato, can neber rigbth' niDgc of matters in equttp:
iubercof at fbat time t^rp feto matters tocrc DcpcnDing befo?c bini in cban-
2. SCbefc toojDS of Braflon, [fine warranto jurifdi^Slionem non habent,] arc
tuellcrpounDcD bp Britton, tbat tbat ©Harranf is bp tbc toings Mvite, Solonq;
ceo que nous les manderons per nous breifcs. &0 as rcgularlp f btS Court cannot
bolD anp common plea in anp action, reall, perfonall, oj mirtjbut bp XMvit out of
tbc Cbanccrp,anD rctojnable into tbis Court.
3. aCbat in certain cafes this court map bolD pica bp Bill tuttbout anp tKITrit
in tbc Cbanccrp, as fo; oj againtt anp iD0ficcr, ipmitter, oj pjltitleDgcD
of tbts court.
aifo tbts Court foftbonf anp tEtrit map upon a fuggctfton grant p?ob(bittons 8Ri. Artsch-
mcntfur. prohibi
tofeccp, astocllilcmpojallasGDctleftattlcallCourto, loltbtn tbctr bounDsanD
juriSDiction, toitbout anp ojiginall oj plea DepcnDing : fo: tbc latocommon 4; H 6,61.
tobtcb in fbofc cafes is a piobibition of it fclf ftanDS in IfeaD of an £?ug{nall, 10
lubereoftbcre be infinite pjefiDcnts in tbts Court. ;3nD ^ir Thomas Egercon rurleAoc.3^,
105 T^he Court of Common T^leas,
3L0JD Cl&aitcelour Mich. 7, Jac. Regis callct) Fleming Ci^iefc3!uff tee anD all t!)C
SluDges oft^e liingfi lIBenc^, anD Tanfeild Cljtef HEaron, anD tlje rctt of fftc 1I5a=
rons of tbe CErt^iequerjOf to^om tfje Cftancdour DemanDeD ial^ctljcc tlje CTonrt of
Common iplcas ^ao autljojttp to grant anpp?ol)tbtttontottI)outOTritof3t'-
tac^ment oj pica Depentilng t toljo upon inatnrc Deliberation unanimonflp rcfoU
tjeD, tl^at tftts court mfg^t grant pjotjibitfons upon foggefttons tottljoutanp
Writ of 0ttact)ment oj plea Ucpentitng foj the reafon afojcfato, anD accojDdig
to a mnltituDe of pjcGDents, SDfjc Blufticcs of tl^c common |3lcas Ujcrc not caU
leD, becaufe f^ep baO often refoltjeb t^e point befoje. &o as noto f ^ts point cons
cerntng t^e jitrifDiction of tftts court foj granting of pjo^tbitions upon rngge=
If ions, tD^ere tbcre is neither Mrtt of attachment, noj plea Depending, iJJ iti

peace, being refolfecQ bp tbcBBufticesof tl)e aiBencljanD of ttie Common JBleas,

anD bptlje ilSarons oft^e Crcbequcr,
See the fecond court upon an aD journment upon a fojein tjoucfter map ijolD plea
4, %\i\Q
partof theln-
ItbeVDtfc upon oti^er fojein pleas,anD upon gencrall baftarDp, Neunqucs aeeouplc
inloiall matrimony, Sic. foj none but tbe Bings Courts, anD no infcrtour
court fljall tojtte to t^e JBitftop, &o lifeetoife upon ancient Demefnc pleaDcD, %u

So called the 2Ct)C C^tefe Sluftice of tfte Common ^Dleas is createDbplLctters patents.
Common Bench
Rexj &c. Sciatis quod eonftituimus diledom & fidelem E. C»militem,capitalem
inrefpeft of the *
Common pleaj Jufticiariii
de Communi banco. Habendu quamdiu nobis placueritjcum vadiii
there hsldcn. & feodis ab antique debitis & confuetis. In cujus rei teltimonium has litcras no-
(tras fieri feeimus patentes. Tefic, &c.
dnD eacb of t^e Sluffcices of tfjis Court l)atl)]Letfers|3atents« Sciatis quod
eonftituimus diicftum &
fidelem P. W. militem unum JuRiciariorum nolkorum
de Communi banco, &c. But none can be conttttutcD SuDge of tl)ts Court un^
Icffc Ije be Serjeant at 5Lato of t^e Degree of tlje Coife, anD pet in tl)e elLettcrs

patents to tbcm maDc, tljep are not nameD Serjeants,

%\^z BBurifDiction of ttjts Court is generall, anD ei^tenDell^ f]^;!Ougl)out all

Sec the (eccmd
iFoj antiquity of fftis Court fee befoje in fljc chapter of t^e Rings JlBencli
part of the

tutcs, Mag.Cait.
aDjopningtljereunto, 6E.?,tol)crca fine teas IcliieD in tl)ts courts r. i, anD in
1 1. 39 E. 3 . a plea in tftis Court
in i H. g. 0nD t^at 31 map fpeafe once fo j all f Ije
6 E.j.jz. luttices oftt)Cteings llBencl),oj^ oft^is court of tl)e Common IBenclj, tljat t^cp
obfertje tlje ancient rule of lalu. Nemo daobus utarur officiis , foj none of tl)cm
anp fccojretoarD butoftliel'iingonlp. 3nD ii
i8 E.j.ftat.j.
can tahc anp otl^cr office, oj
Sucre bel)oot)cfull to f Ijc Common=U)ealtft anD aDtiancement of Bluftice anD rigljt,
anD pjefermentof toell Dcfertitng men, if tljelihe courfe toereljolDcn concerning
all offices, as toell (iccleSafticall as Ccmpo^^all anD Cittll : anDtJjatnoman

foUotDtng tfte erample of tljc re^crenD 3iuDgcs ftoulD en jop ttoo offices. iFoj fc«
tjcrall offices tocre netcr inftttuteD to be ufeD bp one man.
Terra- Trin. S^^e jurisDictionof tljis Court foj punillimcnt of tfteir £)fftcersf spiniffcrs.
AniioipE.i. in Tetrusde Luifenhamindictatw quod iffe in Curia hie hdte Sm5ii HilUrii
communi banco,
in 1 5 dies Anno regni regis
nunc i9,fal[o etmaliciofedelevit adjornationem
in Thcfaur. dd diem ilium intrati de com' Rotel. fro Roberto Attehale de
ejufdem ejjoin'

Somh-Luffenham fetente Radulph. & de Kirkebj tenent' deplacito terre,&c.

Et quejitus qualiterfe velit inde acqitietare^dicit quod in nttllo ejl inde cuI^a-
de fociis in Cur' hie. Et qui jurati
biliSy (^ de hoc fonit fe fuper yiram'
dieunt fuper Saeramentum fuum, quod prxdi^us Radulphus prxdiciis die
^ anno fuit in Cur hie^ 6" dixit pr^edi^o Petro quodpradi^um e([oinum
fuit adjornat'^ ^
pr&diBm Petrus intravit infra Bancum rotulosde ef- ^
foin' , et cum
perpendiffet quod af. fuit appofitum molivit ipfe policem

fuum c^ tndefrotavit fuper le aff. quoufq^ illudfere omnino

delevit utfiefa-
ceret frxdiClum Robertum amififfe breve fuum , &e. Ideo eonfiderat' ejl quod
prddi^m Petrm committitur GaoUde Fleete cuflodiend' per unum
et unum diem pro falfitate et deceptions et tunc redimendus
prxdi^is ,
Cap. 10. The Court of Common T leas, loi

voluntate domim
regis, &c.
fcie»d' quod fuit liber at ta CaoUdie
Mercurii frox' ante
SariCit Margarets
virginis hoc anno , ^c.
die Veneris
prox' ante feftum
Margaret* •virginis Anno
20 deliberatm e(l frddiiltts Petrtts^ et itihihituro efi ei, quod nihil habet
admittitur ad dimid' Marc. per 20 li. WiL
nifi rjejles fendentes indorfo,
deokeham, Ita tamenquodfiadplusfufficiat,^c, lujlic' refervanteispo-

Et quia pradiSfus Johannes de Vpton in Cur' hie recegncvit quod hoc Mich.

anno in aftate concept qnod pradiitam defaltam remitteret , et pro ilia NonhLpton''
concefione recepit
20 s. in Atittimpno, et pojiea ad pradiilam tertiam
Santti Michaelis idem Johannes remtfit prxdiBam defal-
tam, per quam prddiClus Willielmus recuperaffe potuit prxdiSium ten' in
deccptionem pr/edi6ii WilUelmi ^
et Ideo
fraudent ipfe pro falfitabe prxdi-
iia committitttr GaoU de Fleet commoratttrus per annum et die7n,^c.
per for
mam * ^atuti,(^c, fo^eapoft annum et diem,^c.prAdi[lus Johannes W.Lcap.zj,
•venit et deliberatus efi
fecundumjlatutum, ^c,
et inhimum eft ei, ^c, et

jinivit prounamarca.
Bene examinatur fraus de Brevi in Jtir' per Fie' retern' Termin',
Trin' (jr per quendam alium panellum ejufdem mutatum contrefe- ^
£ium, unde contrefa^or per Jur' eft culpahilis^ t^ adjudtcatur GaoU de
Fleete per annum ^
diem. Et quiafcriptor ejufdem brevi s licet defal'
fttate (^
malitia nee aliqmdmalifeci^eputavit^ ^c. Qu-
ftodiatur, (jrc
finem fecit per unam marcant,
Et quia
de Atternatm
Langepert eft maUfamx, defatigavit ^ Hil. 10 E . i . in

Cur': Jdeo committitur GaoU, '&c. Et JndiBamentif

quxfitis rotulis
Attornatorum , ^c. compertum eft quod idem Eogerus indict atus fuity

quod ipfe fuit converfans in canceW ^

fociw Adx de Fonte fraCio ,
qui falfavit figillum
Domini Regis , falfa &
brevia compofuit, &c. Et
velit dicit quod Clericm eft , et non
qu/fitus qualiter fe acquietare, po-
in Curia hie Domino Regi inde refpondere. Et quia nulltts ordi-
ttarius &c. nee ipfe Rogerus
fe velit inde ac-
ipfum petit ,

Ideo ipfe committitur GaoU quonfque,d'c. Et mittitttr ad 7ur-
rim London , <^c.

2C!)C ^Officers of tl^is Court arc manp, viz,. Cuflos Erevium , tre$ Pro-
thonptarii, t^jce P;otlionotartC0 1 CJericus Vt/arramorum. ClcrboHl^eMar»
raiif0: Clericus Argenti Regis, Clcrbe of tlje feinns filter: quatuorExigen-
darit , C)C(geilfers : quatuordecem Falazarii, JFilajerfl : CJericns Juratorum^
Clcri? of \\)Z 3uriCB: CIcricus Eflbniorum, Clcrb of tftc QEffoignes: Cleri-
cus Utiagariorum, Clcrhe Of tfte £)utlatoilc£; : tl)f0 belongs to t^c ^fftce of
t{)C 5ltto?np CSciierall, tofto crcrctfcf^ it bp SDcpuf p.

3.n fo'jmcr ttines great abufes l)a\jc been bp attojnicfi of fWff court, fap
fufng out a iuDfcfall paotes iuttboat anp iDzfginaU; te^tc^ boftcn it Ijatlj
been founD out, it Ijatl) bccnc fc^erclp puntfljeD; fo; m^'vp irwontcnicr.£C0 2oH.6.?7.i.
Il)crcupon Doc folloto. 5Foj crample, in aoH.6. m
9tto;n?' oftljc com= w.i.capip*
mon place Ijaa maoc a Capias DirctfcD to tijc §>l)ertffc of ^o^fe , iuljcrcof
t^cre inas no £>ngtnaU at U)!)tcl) Dap of tljc rcfo:ne an attachment Inas

nUjarDcD tbe Court agalnft tftc jattoinp to anftocr tl)C Dccctpt, to^cre-

upon ^e loas faben anD eramincD, anO confcffeD it , anD thereupon b^' tljC
court l)C tDas committed to f^e jT^lect, tmpjifoncD fo; a monctft, anD tljat
l)(fl name ffjonlD be Dialon out of tlK lloU of ^Itfojnics anD ncticr ftoulDbc
Slttojnp citbcr (n tbts Court oj an^ offjcr anD tljcreuttto be tnas fiuojnc,

j^otctl)efctierltPoftbt3)uDgcmentDotM)C\»tl)e^epnoufrc<rcoft|ie offence.
^ a«
The Court of Common Tleas,^
i7B.j.Ji,5t. sin 0tto^n^ fued ont an Habere facias feifinam againfi one, b)7fo;celol^-
Nota, he may be Of t^e true tenant toas put out of ffia freeljolD , tolbere in trutb tl^ere loas
punt(hed for the no IRctojo of anp rccotjerp : tljc partp grietjeti bjougbf an actton of acceit
crime,& the par-

ty grieved may againS tbe 0tto;np> sno recotereD Damages, anD ttie :^tto;^np tmpjifoneo>
have his adion.
Mernordttdum quod Magifier Johannes LovtU qui fuit Caflos Rotulo-
rum ^ Brevium Domini Regis de Banco fer manus fuas fr«frias libe-
»35- ravit ifohanni Bacon Clerico de mmdato Domini Regis in hstc verba.
EdtvarduSj^c. DileCio Clerico fuo ^ohanni Lovell Salutern. Citmcom-

miferinms dileCio Clerico nofire ^ohanni Bacon cujlod' Rotulorum ^

Brevium mfirorum de Banco •,
Habendum quam diu nobis placuerit : Vobis
mandamus quod eidem ^ohanni Rotulos & Brevia prxdi^la
qtix funt in
cufiodia veftra
ex commifione nojlra pr Chirografhum inde inter vos ^
iffum forma frxdiCta. T. we
conpciend' fine dilatione liberetis cujlod' in
Stebenbeth 17 Jprilis Anno regni mftri ^o,
ipfo apud
Super quo prxdidus Johannes liberavit diifo lohanni Bacon Re.ulos
^ Brevia de Terming SmSii Mic.haelii Anno 1 7, hunc Terminum,
ufque ^
fimiliter Rotulas de Bjfon'.
Et fcripta dediiia S" fujpeCia cum t diets

dediB'y una cum compotis dedid', Ac et'tam 160 not' finium, duos ligulas
de recordis fme die, ^ 14 CertijicAt' Epifcoperum.

Cap. 0?

The Court of Exchequer.
aaffiojitp of t^tsCourt is of ojtgtnall jurisafcttott luitljout ang a Britton fo.i.b.

T^c Comnttcrton. £Df tl)fs Court Britton fpcafefng in^ftc latngs pcrfon faitfi, h NotaTrcafu-
^VoIoDS nous que anousEfchekersa Weflm'& ailorseyent nous^Trea-
rers in the plu-
rall number,
forers, &nous Barons illonc]ue$ Jurifdidion
record de chofes quetouchenc t Of
lour office a oier & determiner touts les caufes que touchent nous debt$>& auxi a time they were
nous fecsjSt les incident diofcs, fans lesqueux tiels ciiofes ne purronteftre tries* Barons and Peers
& que ilieyent power aconufter de dettsque Ion doit a nous dettors per ou
of tbeRealmJib.

nigro. Scaccar*
nous puiflbns pluis toft
aprochera nfedetr, psrte 1.C3.4.
En droit des purpreftures voilons nous que lenoifanees fbientoufiesaux co-
Seethe i4chipo'
fiages des purpreftours, & les fufferables foicnt prife innofJre maine
a la va- of Mag. Cart,

lue per an foit inrollc , & folonque le difcrction des Treaforers des Barons& and the expo/itf-
on of the fame,
de nous Efehequers foient arenesafeefarmaeuxquepluis voilcnt doner, rfEtfo 29. b.
« Et foit
auxienquisdenoscuflomesdc quits & deleyncs qui les cunt collies, tEvfcjS.b.
& cotnbien les coillours ount bien fufFert de pafler de fackcs de leyne fauns
payer cuftome, & combien cit vaiu la euftomc chefcun au en ehcfcun mannere
de cuflome a nous apurtenantSi ceux articles foient termincs a noltrc Efchc-
Icer felonc la difcretion de nos Barons,
^cc tticCuftumcr of jPojmanDp,cap.y.&<5. fouctjingtfjccSiecljcqucrflicrc,
both of anottier 3!ur(sDtd:ton, ant) of ot^cr 3luDgc3, anD iDfficersjtftcn our Court
Lefehekcr eft un place quarre que (blemenc efl ordeine pur le prou le roy Mirror ca^i.$. 143
Deli place del
ou deux Chivalicrs, i Clerks,ou » homes,ifcs fontaflignes pur Oier &Tcrmi-
ner les torts faitsa! roy&a fa coroneen droit deccsfies& cesfranchifes, & Efcbeqiicr.

les accounts desBayiiffs, & des receivers de denicrs le roy & des adminilirators de
cesbiens per la viewe de une Sovcraign que eft Treafirtr de Angliterre. Lesdeux
Chivaliers foloient eftre appeles deux Barons pur affercr les amerciaments de
counties, & des Barons & des tenants counties & baronies cy que nul ne fiiitaf-
fere forfque per ces Piers,
A celle place cfloit afligne un Scale eve garden pur faire cnt acquittance de
chefcun payment que avoir levoloit, &dc fealer le$ bres &
les eflrctsfouth ce-

re verte iflant de celle place pur le prou leroy. En celle place font auxi Cham-
berleines & plufors auters minifters quene touch my molt alaley*
Ordeine fuit Lefchequer in manner come enfuift Si les painespecuniels
de Countecs & Barons enccrtein>& auxi dc tenants ^ Counties
Baronies & '
Ttiswai in
difmemlies &qucceux amerciaments fuiffent affered per les Barons del Efehe- refpcftofthetc-
quer,& quelein cnvoiaft Icseflreets delour amerciaments alEfchequerou que
nurcjfor all
domes and Bjro-
ilz fuiffent amercies en la Court leroy.
nics were holden
•Onfter ceo nul Common plea ne foit deformcstenns en Lefchequer encoun- in
ter la form de la grand Charter. lot.j.afr.iio.
rFlera(fojBra6lonfreatetl) not Of this Court) faith* Habet& Rex Curiam z6afl.57.
fuam & JulHciarios fuos refidentes ad Scaccarium, 0nD this is all 31 finDe /Artie. fup.
tap.4 18 E.r.
in htm. Star, dc Kotclad.
a^his Court is into ttoo part3,viz. juDtciall afcount6,callcD Fcaccari-
Dttitict) 10 E.I. Reg. 187.
um ccmputorum,anD into the Receipt of the CErchcqucr,

Unaorigo utriufque g

h Cckam.
Scaccarii, fuperioris fcilicet, &
infet lOtis, fed quicquid in luperiori computacur, in
inferiori folvitur.
Bcfojetoc obferte anp thing out ofthefcancient 0uthojs anD ;3rts of par^.
liamcntjif (hallbe nccclTarpto fctDoton thegrcat£>tftccrs, the3inDgcs, anD
^ other
The Court
of Exchequer, Cap.uj
ot^er iSDfficeroanD £pinitter0oftt)t£tConrt,ast^epbeHttl^t0tiap,
Fifcus in one fenfe ts taken foj t^c C&rt^equcr , pjoperlp It ts Sporta a ^am<
per,tnf)erein ttje confircatton£i,fc(Iement£i^nD ot^er monepo of V^t l&tns Isccc car*
1. DomiDusThefaurariusAoglixttD^Uli) office Jbcljatlb att^is t)apbPtl^et>e«
f The Officen a 3n fojmer times tic ftaD
Ifbcrp of tofttte ftaffe, at ffte Sings iotU anD pleafure.
this Courts
of office of of
tbtg great bp acUDerp tlje t?eps(golt)en bepa) tfte f reafurp: io^en trea*
Kot.Par.ij R.i.
nu.6&7. fure faileD.t^e Incite Saffe ferteo to rc(t Ijtm upon tt,oj to D^ttie aUiap impojta^
Vide Rot'.Pat. 2. Thefaurarius Scaccarii,ancientlpcaUeDArcariusab area, ant) t^i0
ijE.j.part.i. \09 bp Hetters |9atent0. j^oj^bot^ tj^efeofftces l^el^at^ 3(55.1. fees, robes out
for this office. *
• oftfje OTarDjop 15:. 1.7,$. s.d.BIn coto sSo.l./.s.g.d. Hugo Pateftiull teas
i8 H.;.pa.j9i. SCreafurcr of tljc CEwljequcr, anO after Summus Thefaurarius.

& ij H.J. anno

Cancellarius Scaccani, t^at keepetii tt)e &eal. &ee PI, Com. 921.
Dom.iiH- ad Chancelor& Seale,&leiBfes ufuailinle Chancery in Lefehcquer,&c. font
And fo was Tho.
pluis ancient que leRegiRer. &eeoft^eCi^ancelo^ Of x^z €]cc|ieqttec thereafter
in tl^c Court of t^e Crctiequer ctiamben
50 H.J. Capitalis Baro & Barones alii*

SubthcfaurariusScaccarii, ancientlp calleD Locum tcrcns Thefaurarii. Petrus

deWillcbye locum teaens Thefaurarii, Anno :?oE.i. «plurcsalii:^enamct^
Vit ttoo pjatfers of alltfte goons fcifeD oj not cnftomeD, ant) ojDcretl^ loljctfter t^e
partp tballtjauet^em attftepjiccojnot, fteappomtcDtfje&tctuarD, Coofe an5
Butler fo; tlje pjotjifion of tbc fe>tar=cf)ambcr : |je in t^c tjacancp of tbe SCreas
furerDot^allt&mgsint^elRccctptjtbattbeaCrcarurcr t)otf), 3Intfte ttatute of,anD 43 El. tntfte&ubflDp of tifteclergp ftets calleu tlllnljer=treara=
rer of (England. Concerning t^is matter 1 finDe of recojD ttjis tojit foU
Rot. bieviuin. Edwardus Rex Angiis & dominus Hibernia: Baronibui & Camerariis fuij dc
2« E.z.
a Archbifhop
Scaccario fuo,SaIutem. Qiium pro eo quod * vencrabiJis pater W. Archiepif-
Treafnrcr of the copui Eborum nuper Thefaurarius scaecarii psdifti, cirea diverfa ncgotia in
Exchequer. partibus borealibusefl occupatus, quo minus intendere poiTit ad ea qux adoiH-
b Nocaindifto cium illud in ''dido Scaccario pertinent excrcendajconrtituerimuj vcnerabilem
Scaccario. pattern Johanncm wimonicnfem Epifcopum 'tenentcm locumThefaurarii Scae-
pr£di(5ti,quoufque de officio ilio aliter duximas ordinandum, percipieodo
rfTreafuterfliip eodem
in officio (dum feodum confuetum, prout in litteris nt)-
il!ud fie tcnuerit)
the Exchequer
granted by Let-
patentibus prsfato Epifcopo indc confcftisplenius eontinetur Vobis man-
ters Patents. damus quod ipfum Epifcopum ad officium admittatis ei in his &
qu£ ad ofliei-
um praidiSum forma
prardifla, Teflc Edwardo filio
pertincant intcndatis in
Cuftosrcgni. noftro primogcnitoCuftoderegninoflri^ apud Hereford Sexto die Novembris»
Anno regni no(iri vicefimo.
Vid. The Lord %\iz anDtiutpoft^elLojO Creafarer of c^nglanD tiotlj appear bp Iifs
Chancelors oath oat^,tDt)icI)ffanDet^upon eigl^t Articles.
in the Chapter I. SDl^at toell anD trulp be djall fertie tije l^ing anD
of the Chincery« dispeople in t^e office
of ^reafurer.
z. SE^at ijeHjallDoerigbtto all manner of
people,poo} anD ricb,of fucbtllifnge
as concern l^is office.
3. %\)z lyings treafare 1^ Ojall f rnlpj^eep anti DifpenDf

• 4. ^t tball trulp counfellttei^ing.

Lain is an old
%))Z l&ings Counceli Ije t^ll lapn and beep.
French wotdjto
2D^at \jz HcM neither knolo m% fuffer ttje lyings Idurt, m% l^ts Dff^eriting,
no; t^att^e rights oftJ^eCrotDnbeDecreafeD bp anp mean, as farfo;tMsbe
map let it.
7. ^nD if be map not let it, be (ball malke fenotoletige thereof clearlp anfep
pjeflp to tbe l&ing loitb bis true Dei^ice anD cotinfell.
S. ^n& beffjaUDoe anD purcbafe tbe icings p;o6f in all tbaf be maprearo^-
nablpDoe :
tobicbtn effect agreetbloitbtbeoatb of tbe ^o}D Cb»ncelo?,aspou
The Court of Exchehuer, 105
Imprimis poft figtllarioncm patcntium de illo officio vocetur in cur* Can- Formi conftin>;
ecllaria?, coram domino Canceliario genibus flexis facie facramentum, ut fu- cionis Thcfautaiii

periuj rcribitur,& deinde figillacum

ctit breve regis direiSum Baronibus & Ca- ADgliar.

merariis de Scaceario de attcndenc' rceitani cftccSum didarum literarum

tentium, Etinde receffcrit didus dominus Canecllarius ad Curiam Scaeeatii &
ibidem (didlo Thefaurario flante ) ad barram legamur liters Paientes pracdidl'
& fimilicerprxdiftumbfe, &
vocatus eft idem Thefaurarius ad loeum fiium
difSum dominum Canccllarium accipiens ccffum,& liberate eruot tunc & ibi-
dem claves officii Thefaurarii,& omnes officiarii fub fe recedent cum ipfo Thefau-
Thefaurum & dames ci
rario in attendcnc'.aCfttC tocljatie tranfcrtbcD de verbo in
verbum in eildem verbis.
%Mz iLo^DCreaftirerof C];nslant)^tl^airogranfcO to l^imb^ iletfere )aa< Vid. Rot. Carta,

unDer t^C CDjcat «>eal, Thefaurariam scaccarii regis Anglix, to^ifbof ancu
rum anno 17 H.3,
ent ttmetoasaDtatnd: office by it it\U %Mt offttcof tbe SSreafurec of tb«
Cwljeqaer DiDpjmctpallp green iDai:,fcc0,anD tenures, nUt
tafee taie oftlje
t0 ratD;^e fjatf) alfolotttit^e liSarotts t^cculltoDp of reco;D0, a$ bp t^e tnfu<
fngrecojD appcar0.
3ln an 3info;matton of infmfion in tbe GErc^cqucr agatnft Brace , juDgmcnt Hil.25El.C0ra
toas gttjcn fox t!)C ^wtm againtt Brace, ioljo bjougljt a tojft of (3;rro; DircctcD Baronibus.

to tbe lojo Cljancelo J anD ?Lojt) JErcafurcr, anD tl^cp maue a toarrant unDer tfteU'
feals to tije iBarons to bjtng tf)e rcco:D bcfojc tl|cm» SnD Manwoodc^ief ISaron
tojtt anD i\it Ujarrant,foj ffatotc of 31 E,3.c.i 2,
Note theftatate
obietteD agafnft botl) tljc tijat tfte
fpcakcthof the
t^atgtt3etbtt)isli)^ttof (!£rro;i0gencrall, t^at t^eilojD c^ancelo^ an& iiojt) Chancelor and
SCreafurer (l^all caufc to come befo?c t^em tlje rccojD anDpjocelTcof tbe <£);« Trcafurer gene-
ct)equer, anD in as mnclb as nofpecialllD^it iuas giben bp ttje (tatute,tberefo;e rally which IS in-
tct>dcd of the
t\)t tout ougtjttobcDtreotetitotbemtljat^tie tbe keeping of f^ereco^D accoj<
* Treafurer of
I)tng to tbc cotirfc of tljc Common lauj. 0rtD fo j tljat ttje Creafurer of tfte QDy*
England, w rf/»«j-
cljequec anD JSarons tjabc tljc Ijccping office IRecojDS of t^ CBj-cljequec , tf)c oriftnfu.
lo^it of (Erro^ougl^tto tiabe beenDireaeD totbem,anD t^atfbe ILo;D Cliance«
Sir William Pel-
loj anD iioiD Crcafarer of CnglanD arc JuDgea in fijis cafe, anD not tljc 3Crea«
hams cafe.
furer of tl)c Cwljcquer, 0nD upon feacc!) of pjcfiDcnts all tl^c tojits of Crroj *
Note hereby it
from tl^c making oftljellatute until! 7Eliz. toere DirecteDfo t^eCreafnrer of
clearly appeareth
f^e (i!;i;cftequer,anD barons to bjing tbe RccoiD befojc f^e LojD Cljancelo; that the Treafu-
anD JLojD JCrcafurcr : but in 7 El. anD Dibers lujits ttntc fjabe been DirerteD as rer and Barons
of the
tljiiStD^it toaSjfc. llSut it ioas refolbeD
t^e ^o:.DCI^anceIo;,llojDCrearn«
keepers of
rcr, anD t^e tloo C^tef SlnSices iSCfiaants, tIjat tbc tu^it ong^t to be DireiteD to the
t^eCreafurcr oft^cC£rc^equec anDllBarons tbat ijabe t^ie JRecojD intfjcircH- ciillcf the 6x-
ffoDt> acco^Dtng to t^e ancient conrfe anD pjeQDcnts , anD tllierenpon U)?it iW chequer.Vtde
abateD. 9 E.J,
^cre 5Four tilings arc to be obferbeD. 1. SC^af albeit tbeBaron0,a0^af^
beenratD,aret^cfolc3!uDgc0, pet tbc 2Drcafurcr of tljc (JE)C£l)equcri0 jopnaD
iuitljtljcm in fecepingoftftc 1RecojDs,tDl)crcoftl)eSBaron0 arc 31uDge0,foj tl»eg
arc parcell of tlje lyings S^rcafurc. 2, gnijat tojits of Crrojareto bcDiretfeD
totbem tljat fjabc tljc cuttoDp of tftcHeco?DlDbcrcin anp juDgment isgiben;
as a \D%\i of (iB^rro^ to reljerfe a juDgment in tbe Court of Common )9lea0,
(ball be DirecteDtot^e Ci^cf Bluff ice onlp to^o l)aft) tbe cultoDp oft^eboDp of
tftc KecojD iDbcrcin tljc juDgmcnt is gibcn,but tbc ojiginall itj^tt anD tparrant
of atturnparcnotin fjtscuttoDp. 3. 2Ct)at albeit tlje ilojD SCrcafarerts alfo
SCrcafurer of tlje Cwbcqucr, pet fftetDjitofCrrojisDirecteDto btma0a:;rea«
furer of t!)cc£rcl)equEr, anD tbciBarons, to Ijabe tljc UlccoiDbcfoje fjimrclfas
SCreafurer of CnglanD $ tt)c ctiancelo^ 4. 2Cbat at tbe malting of tbe Qatute Par.i8E.j.nu40.
&c. Vid.iR.i.
of 31 E, 3. tbatgibetbtftctojit of CErro?, tlje offices of SCreafurerof (UnglanD
nu. sir William
anD tl)e 3Ercaf(U-cr of tbcercbcquertoercinfcberall IjanDs, as bp tbc tojits of de la Pools cafe.
€'rroj bjougbtfoon after appearctft. Bcfojctbc faiDttatuteof 31 £,3. t^c er- Mich. J J ic
rors infbcCvcbequer tDerefomctimesecamincD in parliament, anD fometimes ;4E.i, Coram
befo:e Commillioncrs bpfojceof fljctoingstojit unDer tbe *©?cat &caU Rogcro dcHeg-
haui & aliisju-
Bit Voas pctttioncD In jparliament in n;. tl^at erroneous juDgmenfs AiciatiiSj&r.
io6 The Court of Exchequer. Cap. ii.'

in f!)C <txt^tv/xtt mfsW be rc^crfet) in tftc J^tngs %tnt\^, luf if rucrccttctmot

vide Term. Pafch 14 E.g. a ttHrit DtrcctcO to tl^c SCrcafurcr ant) ilSarons
calling to tfjemfuclj 3nftice0 as tljcp flioulD tftinb fit, to examine tlic Keco;D,ic.
of tfte jnDgcmcnt in tl)C (H; tct)cquer, -ic. fo: t^e viromitcffe of tocnt againtt tfjc 0b=
bot of IRamfeg, upon tobicb juDccmcnttbcabbotbjougbf btstKHritofCtro?.
Fitzhcrbert foj anotber pnrpofe abjiDgetb tlje cafe, Tit. Scire fac. 121,
HiK 1 1 E. 3, in libro rubeo in Scaccario fo. 322, tbe cafc Of lohn de Leceflre
Cbambetlaine of tfjc Cjcbctjacr, a notable pjefiDcnt to tbe lifec cffetf. Lege, quia
Nota in fbs 0(t of 3 1 E. 3. tbat is callct) tbc Counccll Cl)ambcr,ti)b{cb noio ia
calleDtbedDjcbcquecCbamber, bccaufe tbccctoastbeaCPemblpofalltbe HuOgcs
being tbe icings Councell foj DcctDing of matters in lata.
psttoFtFclH- f The Chamberlaincs of the Exchequer, iFoj tbcfe Officers fee in tbc firft
part of the Inft, Jib.2. cap. Grand' Serjeanty. Scd. 5 3. tbC office mcnttoncDin
<Hcutcs,cap. 1
Grand Scrjanty,
tbelLetters patents iS.Offieiu uniusCamerariorfi deReccpi' Scaccarii,five olficiu
unius Camcraricrutn de Scaccario, f is granteU foj term Of life to be CCCrcifcD b)>
Ijtmojbis SDepatp. SCotbis £)fftce fcelongtbe office of one of tbc SDojcIiecpcrs
of tbe Receipt.
? Gomrarotuiacor. £Df fo great regarti ts tbe rigbtufcoffbepipcastbcrc
is a Controller tbereof , Icbicb no otber iDffice in tbis Court batb. ;^nD tbe
C^ancelouroftbedDncbcqner is tbeControllcr of tbe pipe.
f Rememeratores, ^> vU Regis. ^ hefaurarii, & Primorum fruSuum,
5 Clcricus Pipe. :©f tbts £Dfftcer fometobat is necelTari' to bcfaiD. 2Cbc
ojigtnall tnftitufion of tbis Court luas tafeen from a conDnito? conbcpanccof
Suatcr into a cifterne : foi as ioatcr is conbej5cDfrommani>i?ountainsanD
&pjtngs bp a |0tpe into a Cifterne of a bonfc, ano from tbence into tbc fcijcrall
offices of tbc fame : fo tbis golDen anD Qlticr ff reainc is D?atonc from feberall
Courts as fountains of jufticc, anD otbcr fpjings of retienue rcDuccD anD colic*
dcD into one pipe, anD bptbat conttepeD into tbc Cittern of bis s©ajefties Re-
of ceipt, ic, SCberefoje all accounts anD Debts fo tbc iitng are DelibcrcD anD colic*
Sec the ftat,
(tcD out of tbc offices of tbc icings Hcracmbjanccr anD SCrcafurcrs Hcmem-
f R.2.C. i4.ftat.i
2.6 Ail.p.eo. b^anccr,ic. anD Djaton Doton 5 put in cbarge in tbe pipe. &o as tpbatfoeber is in

Duly in charge. cbargc in tbis IRoll 0; pipe, is faiD in lata to be Dulp in cbarge. 2Dbc Clerfe of
tbc pipe in tbc patent of bis office, is calleD Ingroflator magni Kot, in Scac-

The Annuel or ailfo tbc SCrcafurers 1R ememb?anccr is bp bis office to cbarge anD enter fromi

great K.0II. tbe £DjtgtnaU into tbc annuall, otbcriDtfc callcD tbc ©jeat IRoll , all fce=^arme
rents anD otbcr rents tobatfoeber upon leafes of lanDs Initbin tbe furbep Of tbis
Court : anD tobatfoetier is in cbarge in tbis IRoUisfaiDtobcDuli' in cbarge.
Duly in charge. ^Ifo be ougbt to beep anotbcr liloU, commonlp callcD a IRoll of rebcrCons, as'of
The Roll of re-
venues. grants of lanDS anD offices in tailc, foj life oj pears abfquecompoto, aut ali-
qnid inde reddendo, to tbc cnD, as Often
as nccD Ojall require, Writs map be
grantcD to enquire tobetber tbc iffuc be fpent tbc Icffec DeaD, f c.

^ SCbere be fibc auDttojs oftbcBtngs rcbcnucs iottbin tbc furbej? of tbis

5 Aiii'itors.
1 H.7 4-3.
court. anD tbeir office is to take tbe accounts of tbc lyings l'^eceibers,&bcrlffs,
7 EI.Dicrijg.b. CD fcbeatojs. Collectors, anD Cuttomcrs, anD to auDif e anD perfect tbcjn. 315ut an
.*ir Rich. Lees

^uDitoj cannot alloto anp licenfe 0? grant, foj tbc auDtto: bnoiuctb not tobetber
tbcltcenfe 0; grant be gooD 0; no : but upon petttton it ougbf to Lc alloiucD bp tbe
3I5aronstoboUnototbe3LaU), &ikdefimilibus. J^eitbcr can tbc SluDitoj put
anp tbing in cbarge, foa bis office is (as batb been faiD) but to tabc anD auDitc
accounts : foj tbeU'OjDSOf bis patent be, Gonceilimus b. officium unius Audi-
ne ge fieri c.
fc be-
torum Scaccarii noliri quod I, S.nuper habuic &
occupavit: Habendum & tenen-
dum prxdiitum officium prajfatoB. quamdiule benegeflerit ineodem per fc vel
fuflieient'deput' fuum. jjias', tbougb tbc llBarons Do oiDer upon figbt of anp He*
co^D o^cbiDence, tbat anp tbing fball be put in cbarge, tbis is ufcD to be Done to
bjing it in qucftion , but it is not in lata accountcD to be Dulp in cbarge (untill
itbcrecobcreD, rcccibcD, anb accountcD fo.; of HccojD; foj it is not jiuDiciaiip
Cap. II. The Court of Exchequer.
Hone, becanfc it map be Done in
tftc abfcnce of t!)e part(>. Jpcftljcr can
JSuDt- aw
toj mahc a super, but of tl)at tbat ^atl^ been rcccttjcD anD accmmfcD fo: bcfo?c»
f Auditor of the Preiis tafec atit) auDUc fl)C accounts Of JrclanD, lioattotcfe,
to anp man.
tl)C £ptnt, anD of anp monep tmpjcftcD
f Auditor of the Receipts, ,ftrtt,f)c tsaWntieof j^rtacer, foj be filctljtljc
SCellers btls ant) cnf rctfj tbcm. M»cconDlp, he is a IRcmcmbianccr, fo: be gftctfj
to tbc 5lo:,D SLrcafui-cr a u:ccttficatc of tbc moncp rcceitcD tbc toecUbcfoje*
SEhirOlp-. bct8an;aul)tto;i-» foi t)cmabcti) SDcbcnturcs to ctjcrp Ccllcr bcfo?e
tfjep pap ang moncp, anD tabctb ano auDttctlj tljetr 0ccoimt£$. HfieriDesaUtbefc
Ijcfeccpctt) tbe JlSlackboofeof recciptfl,anDtbc i.o?D SDrcafurershcp of tbc EErca^
furp, anD fectb cbcri? SCellcrs moncp locbeD up in tbc ncin 2Ercafurj>.

f Foriniee'Oppofuo'^, tbe jFojetn ^Jppofcr, be DotJj oppofcall fefjcriffcs anB Green w;x.
iBailtffs of IL tbcrttcs of tbctr green luaj;: ClnDer tbcfc too jDs [Green wax] arc tn«
cluDeDiFincs, 3iffucs,anD Amerciaments, Kecognijanccc fo? tbe peace, lRccog=
nljances fo; appearance in anpotber Court, anD gooDbcbabiour, anDfucbUbc
tncertatnttcs ccctificD in febcrall ^treats into tbc office of tbe iiojD 2Drcafurers
^Remembrancer, tobo DcUberctlb tbc fame to tbe Clerk of tbe (Ertrcats to be put
into J9J0CC3, 3lnD bccaofe tbc QEttrcats anncrcD to tbc aKHrtt are unoer a §)eaic 7H.4.rap3.
fn green toar, tbep are tjulgarlp callcD (II5?eentoar. 115ut iFelons gooDs, ?KHatfcs,
g>trapcs, £Datlatoco gooDo, 2?coDanD6, anD fitcb lihc, arcVnitbin tbc S>bef ifFes
accounts, tottb tobitb tbc CUfcbcatoi toas toont to Dealc.
f ClcricHS exiractorum, ClcrU Of tbC C!;j;trcat0,bis office IS partlpfoucbcD

i^erc it map be DemanDeD meaning of tbcfc UjojDs (of C^ftrcats f bs>t

tobat ttjc 4H,J.cap.i.
fowne not) is, Cbe 0(t of 4 H.
cap, 2, being Ojiginall in jFrcnclj, is in pro-
5 .

prio idiomate ,
Des Sflreats ment fovvenn, tobicb bp turning tbC ttoo finctlc V V
into a w
toas fira maDe fownn, anD aftcrtoarDs fowne. iiiotofowentipjopcrlp
fignifietb to be remembjeD, anD fucb cafualttes, as are not to be rememb^eD run
not in DcmatiD,tbat is, are hot Ictjiablc.

^ Clerieus Nihilorum mafectb a iRoll of all fucb fummcs as tbe ©berfffe upon See the flat, of
§9?ocesfoj tbc (DjcentoaF cctojn Nihil, anD tcltberetb tbat
Jtloll into tbe office Rotel. verflinem

of tbe iLoiD SErcafurers IRcmembjancCr to ba^e crccution Done ofitfojfbc

Mm, S>ce tbe ttatute of j R, i. cap. 1 3 . ftat.i . concerning tbcfc rctojns of Nihil
anD tbe Difcbarge tbcreof,
^ Clerieus Piacitorum, clcrlt Of tbe ^Icas. fn fbis mans office all tbe offi^
ccr" anD pjibilcDgcD pcrfons in tbis Court arc to fuc anD be fucD. j©f tbis mat:
1^ Mardchaliu$,^arfbalU JCo tbis ^©fficcr tbe Court commtftctb tbc ftccp. yi H.j.

ing of tbc icings Debtors During tbc fitting of tbe Ccrni, to tbe enD tbcp map pjo- ftituc.j.

DiDctopap tbeteings Debts, ojclfctobefuftbcr impjifoncD. feucb Offices as

arc founDVirtHte officii, anD bjougbt into tbc ^wbcquccare DclitcreD to bim,to
be DcliPcreD ober to tbe ILojD g^reafurers lilcmembjanccr. i^e alfo appointetb
0uDitoj8 to &beriffs,C!!;fcbeato;B,Cuaomers, anD Collectors fojtabing tbcir
^ Clerieus SummonitioDum,ClcrboftbC&ummonS,
^ Depntati Catrerarii duo, callcD vlUnDcr tbambcrlainsoftbcCBrcbcqncr i
tbcp clea\3Ctbc SCallics toiitten bp tbe Clcrb of tbc SDallicS, anD reaDc tbe fame,
tbat tbe Clerfe of tbe pell anD tbe Controllers tbercof map fee tbeir entries b8
tru« :
tbcp alfo fcarcb foj all K ecojDS in tbc SCreafurp.
f Sccundarii Rememoratoris regis duo.
1 Secundarii Rememoratoris Thefaurarii duo^
Secundarii Pipa? duo.
31n tbcotbcr part of tbe CEFcbcquec tobicb is callcD tbelRcccipf . Concerning Rot.claiif.j9 E.J
tbecourfe of tbc I'^eccipt of tbc €«bcqucr,fee Rot Clauf. 9
. ^ E. 5. m.*-?. mcmb.36.
* ThctwoChambcrlaines. ^ftbcDutpoftbefc£DfficCr« fee ftl tbcftrft part Firftpart ofthe
©f [he InfHtutes. Videji H. 3. ftat.^, l4E.3cap.I4•
« Clerieus Taliiarum. SDbcre tc ttoo binD of jEailes oj SCallies , tbc one is
io8 'The Court of Exchequer. Cap. 11.
* ^
a SCallcp of
callctj ticbt, anii flie otl^cc is talleu a SCallp of reluarD ; of bof 5
aiK t.cap.$.
reaD in )9l(ts of )aarUament. toiit^ pot] map tiit^ers

3rH.8.c3p.i6' f Clericus Peilis, Clerfe Of tfte |0clc. H^ts tiotp is fo cttter mrp
I E.6.cap.4- a IRoU, callcD Pcllis ^^tsDutp alfo t0to enter irvanotfterKoU
into reccptorum.
papmenf s calUD Pellis exitns anD bp to^at Warrant tlje papment loas maDe.

^ Numeratorcs, 4 SDellcrs. SD^off(ccofa2DcUertonfiffetft<nfoucmiftC3.

I Co rccetbc monies Due to tfte litiig, 2. 2Do gtbo to t&e Clcrfe pellis rcceptoru

a billt^ccof, tol^erebp tie map be c^argeD. 3. %o pap to all pecfons monies

bp Marraut oftbeauDtto? oftbcJRcceipt, 4, SCbcp make pcarlp ant toecklp
boobs of tbeir receipts anD papmcnto , lobic^ tliep DeUbcr to t^c 3lo;& S^rra^
f Jun (Sores talliorum duo»
^ Depucaci Camerarii duo*
^ Cuftos Thefaurix.
^ Tabel]ariiOrdinarii4,
f Scribs doo,
f Ofiiciarii Decimarum & Prirfcitiarutn*
IBp fbe ftatute of j R, i.foj mafetng a Commiffton inflje €nittqatt fbc Clcrfc
flat. I.
CbaUnottakefo^bi^feeabotie 2s. onlp ; ntti fo^a IReco^DofNifipriastoittjtbc
Wiiit but 2 s, onlp) as afoje tbis time toas toont f be Done anD nfeD.
Vid.inthcOf- &ee in tbe enD of a boob containing manp little boote, as Fit zherbcrti Jufticc
fi:e of the Kings
of Peace, Carta Feod',&c» tbe fees of tbe Officers of tlje CEwbequcr,
Mich. i6H. 6. 315uf if (ball be ncceffarp to fet Doion fbe Duties of tbc iSings Hemcmbjanccr,
Rot.46 . anDoftbe Ho'.n SCreafurers IRemembjancer*
The duties of the , Cbe office of tbe 1ft ings lUemembjancerconCfiefb p^fncipallp in etgbf Duties.
Kings Kemcmb- ?^is firtt is to to?tte p^occsagainft Collcrtots of c:uftomcs, feubabies, anO
iftfteens. 2. ^e entretb in bis £)fficc all 3Rccogni?ancesbcfo?ctbe Barons,
anD tabetb bonDS fo; anp of tbe lyings Debts, fo; obferbing of o;Ders , 0; fo; ap^
pcaranccs , anD bis Dntp is to mafec out |9;occs upon ebcrp of tbem. 3. ^e mas
betb |3joces upon Snfojmations upon pcnall ttatutes, all tobttb Jnfojmations
^re entreD in bis office. 4. ^
mabetb liBils of compoGf ion upon informations
upon penall ftatutes. 5, ^z tafectb tbe ttalmcnf of Debts anDentretb tbem.
6. 2tbc clerfe of tbe &tarcbambec certifictb into bis office tbe fines fet in fiiz
&tar=cbamber ; tbis officer mahetb a lRcto:Dtbcrcof, anD Djatoctb tbem Doton
into tbe laipe. 7» ^nto tbis office ougbt to he. DclitcreD to be fafeb bcpt, all ^U
furanccs, Conbepances,anD Q^biDences, toberebp anp llanDs, tenements, l^e-
reD{tamcnts,o]totbcrtbtiigsarcgrantcDtotbcl'ting' 8. 0lfo tbcreis a Coiut
of C^quitp bolDen in tbe ©rcbequcr Cbamber bp (l&nglilb bill ; all tbe Bils anD
p;oceeDtngs tbereupon are entreD in t\}z office of f bis officer, ^ee tbe Satuf e of
5R. 2.cap,i4. flat. I.

The duties of ihe Cbe office of tbe llo;D Creafurers Hemembjancer p;inc(pallp confittotbin
Loid Trcafiuets
eigbt Duties, i .
%is Dutp is to pjefertie tbe b;oaD^fp;eaDing anD fruitfull tree of
SDennres fo manptoapes bcncficiall to tbe Crolun, anD tbe furif Diction of tbe

Court of SXKarDs, i»btcb fomctfmcs Vocrc toitbin tbe furbcp of ibis €:oin-f , tut
See hereafter in
Dncc tafeen from it. ^e mabetb out p?oces fo; tbe iiJings rebcnue bp reafon of
the Chapter of
the Court of tbe tenures of tbe fe{ng(!II(IIIarD8CFccptcD.) z. H$c maltctb |B;occs of Fieri fac'
Wards. anD CEvtcnt fo> Debts Due to tbe Mn^
citbcr in tbe J3tpe, 0; laitb tbe 0uDito;s.
I R.t.cap.j. 3f a Clerfe of tbts Court mabc anp Mrit of pjoccs fo; a Debt tobtcb batb been

paioanD fbe Rallies tbereof jopneDanD allotucD , be ftall lofc bis office, anD be
imp?ifoncD unttll be batb fatisfieD tbe partp fo mucb as bp tbe Difcrction of tbe
2Dreafurer anD Barons be is en&amagcD. 3. ^
mabctb P;oces agatnlfaUi
anD BapUffs, to b;tng tbem to account,
S^bcriffs, (i!;fcbeato;s, JReccibcrs,
4. 2Co mahc an entrp of iRcco;D, toberebp it appearetb iDbetber &beriffs anD o--

tbcr 5lccountants pap tbcir pjoffcrs Due at CDaftcr anD s^tcbaelmas. t. ^c ma*
betb anotbcr (Entcf> of lUco;D, to tbe cnD it map be UnoVon tobetber febcriffa
anD otber Accountants fecep tbeir Dapesof pjcfirion. 6. %\}z (I15;ecn=toa): is cer«
tificD into bis office, anD arebpbim DelibereDtotbccierboftbeC-ffrcats, as
Cap. n. The Court
of Exchequer, lOp;
^atl^beenrafD. 7* C^ere ong^t to be baoug^t tnto tbts £>ff ice all f^e acfouttfd
of CuftomerS) Controllers, anD all ot^cr accounts, to make tljereoftntl^ts £!>f<
flee an cntrp of Kcco^D,to atotD all Delap anD concealment int^lttngs bnQnes,
8, &ee tftc flatutc of 5 R. 2, cap.14. fiat. 1,
Concerning tftefe £Dff{cer0 t^crc t0 an excellent lato matie In 5 R, j. tofterebp ^^^ p"I. 5 r 1 ,

if tsenacteD, iCbatfrombcnccfojffjnoilEaronoftbcC-rcfjeqner , Clerfeoftftc ""'^5,
^ '" ^ '

3ptpe, Hcmembjancer, £)ppofcr, controller.

Clerk of tfjc picas, and Clerk of
f^e iFo?etn fummons, 0aDtto:, 0? otftcr cljtef £)fficer of t^e C^rcftcquer be made,
unleSe fte bs tocll leamcD fn tbe Hato, oj otbertolfc ijerp sktlfull (n the courfes

anD ofages of tl)e(E>:cl)eqner.l !^ere is tlje fjcartftring of tbis Court, foj alLeit
tfte laUjcs anD o^Ders tbereof be moll crcellent, pet tbe benefit tbereof confift m
gooD anD skilfuU £)fftcer6 anD jptntffers,
^Cbcfe tbings being unDcrttooD, let us nolo perufc our ancient 0ut^o?0 , foj
out of tbe olD fielD0 mufi come tbe neto co?ne,
Eyenc nous Treaforeri, ^erebp it appearetl) being in tbc ^luratl nnmVer,
RotP^rl s H.«.
tbat tbcfc be ttno SHreafurers, tobcrcof toe babe fpofecn bcfoje. SDbere is alfo a
SDrearurcroftbciSingS Cbamber, ThefaurariusCamerx Regis, tobicb is not
accountable in tbe Crcbequcr, but to ttje l^ing bintfelf. 3f tbe Ifting appoint
fonte totjom be trutt to take bt0 account, tbi0 i0 cftcemeD to be Done bp tbe litng
^imfelf. Quiperalium facicperipfumfacerevideiur.
^ cRica'oftati
Et nous Barons illonques jurifditaion. 3111 |uDiciaU p?OCeeDfng0 accojDing f
<T \o E.j.capii.
lato in tbe GBwbeque^are coram Baronibus»| net cora rliefaarario & Baronibus : Tht Ceurt •/
»ut tbe Court of dDquiti? IjolDcn in tbc dD rcbequer Cbamber, is b^olDen befojc tbe S^juitj
in tht
ILojD2Crearnrer,Cbancclo;,anD 115aron0. ^f tbis Court
fiocfigo giben
a Extheauer,
toucb before aiiD tball treat mo?e b^rcafter. j^ote tbe jnDirl% p;oceeD> Chamber,

ings before tbe 1l5arons are in IRola, bnttbep are not numbreO as in otbec see hereafter.
Courts. capij. pagii*.
"*" """""
2Cbe iSDatb of tbe TBaron0 of tbe ©rcbcquer crp?effing tbcir but {C0 confiflf etft
npontenarticle0» i.SDbattoellanDtrulPbctballfcrbc in tbe j©ffice of iSaron rheOathef
oftbcliiingsQDKbequer. z. SCbattrulp be OjallcbargcfDiCcbarge all manner of theBarons,
people, as tocll poo? as rifb. ?• 2Cbat foj bigbncffe no? foj ricbe0, m% foj ba« sccth? flamteof
treD,noj eftatc of no manner of perfon oj perfons, no? foj anp DeeD, gift, no? p:o^ 10 e. j.cap.x.
mife of anp perfon tbe tobicb is maDc to bini, noj bp craft, no j bp ingcn be fljali
, let tbc fctngs rigbt. 4» J^oj none otber perfons rigbt be ftall Dillurbc, let ojre*

fpite contrarp to tbc latocs of tbe lanD. 5. J^oj tbe lyings Debts be (ball put in
refpite, toberctbattbcpmapgooDlPbelebicD. 6, 2Cbaf tbeiaingsnccDbetball
fpceD befojc all otbers. 7. 2Dbat ncitbcr fo: gift, foages, noj gooD DeeD, be fball
"L«yne> '• »*
lapne, Difturbe, nojlettbc profit oi rcafonablcaDtantageoftbcJ^inatntbe
'°""*'' °' ^"'"
aDbantage of anp ofbcr perfon, noj of bimfelf. 8. sCbat notbing be (ball take of
anp perfon foj to Do toiong 0? rigbt, to Dclap oi to Delitjcr, oj to Delap tbc people
tbat bate to Doe before bim ; but as baftilp as be map tbem gooDlp to Deli-
tcr toitbout burtoftbcteing, anD bating noregarD to anp p?ofit tbat migbf
tbcrcof to bim be tbcrein, be Ctiall make to be DelibercD. 9, Mbere be map knoio
anpto?ongojpjcjuDtcetobcDoncfotbefeing, be (ball put anD Do all bis potoer
anD Diligence tbat to reDjelTc, anD if be map not Do it, tbat be tell it to tbe lling ;
oj to tbem ofbi0coi««cll,tobicb«iapmakc relation to tbctoing , if be map not
come to bim. 10. %'^z litngs Counccll be (liallkccp anD lapne in all tbinga,
3ln tbe CBrcbcquer at i\^t fuit of tbe laing in an information of intrufion of Tnaiiby Record.
lanDs,tobcrein iCfue is joi'ncD,tobicb map be trieD bp tbe Count rp pet tobere tbe

iiing batb a Dtrcd: KccojD oj 1a ccojDs fo? tbcmanifeflation of bis tltlctljc l^inga
0ttojnp map pjap tbat tbe triall map be bp HecojDs, tobcrcof pou n^^ap reade S
notable cafc,Mic.27,& 28 tbe Crcbcqucr tobere tbc cafe toa6,i:bat in an mic 17 at xz El.
information of intruCon into certain lanDs,iic. againft Savil, tbc ilTue teas inScaicar.imer
tobetber certain lands belongcD to a boufeo: no, anD upon a trpallbp WecojD
juDgement toas giben againft Savil. 0ftertoarD0 Savil tbe DcfenDant DieD, anD
bi0 fonne anD beir bjougbt a ^rit of ^ rror in tbe drcbequer Cbamber , tobere
it toas bolDen, tbat tbis l^inDc of trpall bp EecojDs toas befo;e tbc ftafutc of j j H-tf-i9P»J»
i!i 33H.8,
IIO T^he Court of Exchequer. Cap.n.
For triall by Re- 53 H, 8» cap. 3 9* tfje toOjDS tobeteof lie , That all and every triall and trials of
cords, vid.Mich. allmanner of Suits, Bils, Plaints, Informations, &c. and Ifluesinthc Courtof
ji& 3} E. I. co-
ram Rcge. Ro- Exchequer, fliaJl be made and tried by due examination of Witncfle, Writings,
b:rcus Archiep. Proofes, or by fuch other wayes or means, as by the Court of Exchequer fhall be
Cant. &c. thought expedient and that every fuch Judgement, Decree or Decrees, fhall be

Hil.8 Er. coram and in full ftrength, force, and efteft in law, to all intents, conHru-
good, perfcift,
Rege, Cornwall, and
Walterus Epifc ^j^^^^^ purpofes. 0nDpet,nottott^)aant)ingtbe generaUtp of ttjefe too?ri0,tf
Exon.&c a 3lu0gement bcgitjcn npoit a triall bp KccojD, aMrtf of ctrroj Bott) Ipc tftere=
upon ; becaufc, as to tljat point, tl)i0 0tt is but tn affirmance of|tfte Common
3Lato.> 3t toas pctitionet) in parliament, tftat rcmcDp migtit be founD , tijatno :3c=
f ounf ant in tl^c e jrc^cqucr do run in iffncs bcfojc 1)5 be toarnct). SD^e tetngs an=

fUJCr toaS , The Proces therein fhall be firft a Femrefac\ then a Dijirhgas., and
after a Writ out of the Chancery to the Treafurerand Barons.
jiE.j. nu.Jy. it toas alfo petitioneD in l^arliament , tljat fuct) as otoe to tfte !ft(ng map up«
on ttjeir account be allolneD of all fuci) lones,as be Due unto tbem, 0^ to inp of t)i0
^ncettojs: toftcreunto tl)e fSing anftoercD, The Treafurer and Barons fhall
make allowance of due debts,
&0 great
care toas taben bp tljc court of Crcljcquer (ioljtcl) is t^e centre of
tbe iSings rcbcnue anD p?ofit) tljat no man migljt fue 0; pleaD foj tljeir Qifcljarge
of anp Debts, account, oj otfter DcmanD, iuitftout ftatjing crpjcffe commanDement
R.J, cap.9.
bptoairit oj ILetterof tbe (I5?cat S>eaU IBut bptfte ffatutc of 5 R.^. it appeared,
Comfe of the
t^at titie parties ouglbt to Ijatic been reccitjcD tljcrcunto, accojDing to t^e Halo,
Exchecjucr a-
gainft law, &c. tottftonf anp fuel) ©^ritoj iLettcr: anD tijaf tljc obtaining of fuel) eZHrtf so?
^letters loas to great DifquictnelTe, mifcbiefe, anD Dclap of t^e parties im^^

peacljcD, 0nD tuljere befojc t^at f ime no plea

anD no aDtantage to tbe teing.
coulD be allotoeD in tl)e dErcliequer bp i3tfojnp, but in pjoper pcrfon : bp t^c faiD
^d: if is ojDalncD tljat tfte Hoarons of tljc ercbcquer ftjallftatie fnUpotocr to ^eac
"Thnlsjbyhis et}erp anfiuer of ctcrp Demand maDe in tlie fame : fo ttjat elierp perfon tl^at is tm«
Attorny : and *

therefore the ad-

peact)eDoMnipeact)ableofanpcaufebpt)imrelfo^bp anp perfon, Cljall be recei<
mittance of an t3CDinttje(a;vcl)cqucr, to pleaD, fue, anD IjaticbisrcafonableDifcljargctBitljout
Attorny in thefe carrping oj fuing anp *RlIrit j otfter commanDement toljatfoeijcr. g>o as bp f l)is
cafes, is not ex ^ct botb tbefe mifctiiefs arc pjotiiDeD foj. 0nD out of tl^is jact tijis gcnerall con=
gratia curite (tish clufion map be juttlp collertcD, tljat fuel) courfe oftlje(l!;rcl)cqucr astenDetbto
Taid imhc com-
mon tl)e Difquietnctle, mifct)icfc, anD Dclap of tftc §)ubjed:, anD no aDtjantagc to tljc
butcjr debitojii- l^ing, is againff latD-> anD ougtjt not to be atlotoeD. ^nD ii is to be obferteDjtljat
ft kilt. Britton Dotl) jopn in t^is claufc, tljc Crcafurcrs anD Barons.
a tempore regis "
JSnD into tlje c^rcftequcr chamber oj tlje lifec, all cafes of greatett Difficultp
luhanvis, the Ab-
in tlje JSings HBenclb oj common picas, 5c. are, anD of ancient time Ijatje been
bot ofCrowIands
cafe. aDjoucneD anD tljcrc DcbateD, argucD, anD refoltcD bi' all flje 31uDges of C&nglanD
hac aii- anDilBaronsoftljcCicvcljcqucr. &ec mo?e of ttjis Court infra, cap. 13. pagin,
diyitcs furgcntes
dc Banco, cum Ba-
rembus Scdccarii & dominiregis fidelibm
illic refidenlihm
coUoquiS^&c. Rot. in Scaccario de CnivUnd. VI. Cortme coram
Iiiftic' Itinerantibus apud Tmrim London, An- 4 E. i. Rot.Clauf. 13 E.i. infra p.\i\. Hit. 3iE.i. Coram Rege wgorn,
Mic. 6 E.i. in Communi Banco Dcfpcncers cafe. Mic. 1 1 E.i. Ceram Rcge caieot the Buigeffes of Great Yarmouth,

4H 6ii.b. T A Oier & Terminer touts les caufes que touchont nous debts, l^crc Debts
5E-4-7- are tatsen fo; all manner
of Duties Due to t^e l^ing.
7 £.4.14. b, i6 b nous
f Et auxi a fees, ^^crc tljc tenures of tljc feing (iD^crcof toe {jatjc fpofecn
befojc) arc ejjpjelTcD. 0nD albeit tljcrc be manp tenures of t^c J^ing bot^ in Ca-

pite, anD bp fcnigljts &crbice of fomc ^onoj oj i$)annoj, 5c. pet tljerc be manp
mojc bp tljc crro: oz negligence ofS>ollicito?s, bp fuing out ofliccnccso: par*
Dons of alienation, toUere in trotlj tljc mannojs oj lanDs tocre not IjolDcn of fljc

Mich.? 9 & 40 e1. ffiut Mich. 39 & 40 Eliz. it toas rcfolticD bp all tlje 3!uDgcsof C-nglanD,toljcrt
Per touts les lit-
31 toas ^ttojnp <115cnerall : aC^at if a man purcljafc a 3L icenfc oj JDarDon, anD
Cap. II. The Court ofExchequer, III

after behig tallct) tntb HjcCCnljctiucr t)oplcaDfl)clircnfco:pflrtion,ff)atncJfl)cr

t^e purt^afc noj pleating is m\} cwiflufion, but t^c tenure map aftcrtoarDs upon
anoil)er alienation be traticrfcDojDcnicD, iFoj tfte VuojDsoftfte licenfe ojpar*
Don bcQui de nobis renencur incapite^ut dicitur;)foj ncttljcr t^e charge in t!)f«
tafc is otrect being grounDeDaponaliccnfe o:parDon,nojt^e pleaifoitl^e Ucenfe
ojparDon ispleaoeD, as it is, utdicimr: anD tfterefoae neltlber tl^e one nojtlje 45 E. 3.?j.:
ot^er fiot^ concUiDe. 5l5uf if Ije in i^is plea Dotft bp erp?effe toojDs (Voitlj bene 19 Aff". J 8.

& veram cit,&cOconfeffe a tenure, in Capite, anD in Difcljargetfjercof pleaD tfje 7 E.6.tfloppel.
a anD fo arc
parDon oj licenfe in Dtfcftarge tljereof, tljere is conclufion iuiougftt

tfteboofes to be tntenDcD: inljicb rcfolution 3!f)earDanDobfert3eD, anDljaberc*
po:tcD it foj aD\3antcmentof trutl)
anD rigftf*
concerning liccnfes of alienation, anD tl)c ftojf plcaDing of licenfesanD par-- 18 Jac. cap.
Dons, tl^erc is a pjofitable ftatute maoe Anno 1 8 Jac. Regis, anD anotfjer Anno I^.
Jaa cap* x6. concerning oiDers of tftecErcbequer*
<f Et les incident chofcs fauns ie$queux,&c. Qiiandolexaliquidalicui conce-
dit, concedere videcur & id fine quo res ipfa cflc non potef^.
f Et que eyent power a conufter des dctts que Icndoit a nous dettors per ou
ils ioE.}.ky Ji.
nous puiffons pluis toit approchcr a noilre dett. 2Ll)is ts tl)e ancient p?erogati1)e of 8H.5.4.
tfje i^ing as it appearef I) in
our boobs.
Stfte !^ing b?ougl)t an atfion of Debt in fljis Court againff a |9jtoj alien SCfje j8 A/

jDjioj l}ao ibjoccfl aaainft

A tobo DcfcincD gooDs from I)im , toitfjout tofjicft ^
tljc i^ing. A came anD claimcD tlje gooDs
coulD not anftocr as bis titles as pare
fon of D, tljc |0?ioj ClaimcD ttjc titljes as ^arfon of s j anD tfjercnpon tffuc ta«
ben litng triable in tlje ctvcftequer.
foj tl)c

erecutton Vwll in tftis Court confeffebimfclfDebtojfotlic

3if ije tl)nt is in iR.i.cap.iz.
^ing, lubere t)e is no Dcbto;i of IRecojD, be Iball be remanDeD fo tbe firSp^ifon,
anD after f be crcDito: be fat isfieD , tben to be coramittcD to tljc iFlert unttU be
ftatb patD tbe fummc confeffeD.

f Solonq; & Barons, &c, foients arents a fearme

le dilcretion des Treaforcrs
a eux que pluis voiilent doner. SCo tbe cnD tbat no lanD0 in tbe Stngg bsfnDs,
tobtcbougbt to be to tbe icings pjofit,(boulD bctoitboutaiParmojtbatlboalD
tn certain cafes, anD toitb certain cantf*
peilD a rent to tbe iSing, tbe Creafurer
ons ougljt to mahc a Warrant to tbe dPjcat &eal foj DemiOng f bcreof, tbat is fe
fap, not onlp of lanDs ertcnDcD, of lanDs During tbe vacation of anp 0bbep, anD
oflanDs feifeD foj an alienation toitbout licenfe, anDbefojcis H. 8, of lanD in
ioarD oj tbe , like upon uncertainties, butalfo of tbe Demeans of tbe Croton out
oflcafe, fc.
2^be Icafc ioill be bcff citpjeffeD bp an example, firft of lanDS cjtenDeD, Rex In
omnibus|ad quo$,8cc.Salutcm,Sciatis quod per manueaptioncm Walteri Mathcw Anno 16 £,4.
de Wcfim*inCcm'MJd,Yconian,& Nich. Whitfcilddeeadem,YecmaD.Com- Rot.ij.
mifimus Rico Porter, cuftcdiam unius fhopa:, 30 acr* terrae, 3 acr' prati, & 4 acr* Nota herein five
parturx cum pcrtin' in Stanford in com 'Lincoln, qui
fucrunr Silvani Southorpe, thingt,
quae in manus Regis
Edwardi nnper Regis Anglii tcrtii pro 138 li,6s.8d, in mntm.
tenebat', fucrtint, &innianibuf
quibus fdcno Silvanus prefato nuper regi
ncrtris ea de caofa adhuc cxiitunt. Habendu a fefto Sanfti Michaelis Anno regni l.Ciiflodlam.
noftri 1 5 ufque finem o annornnr) ex tunc proxime fequen' & plenaric complen-
4. Yeildirfg a
dotum. Reddendo inde nobis per annum in cuflodiapridi(S\a 25 s, prout nobis
J Prov'tfo, quod .

rcfponfunn eft. ad fefta Palcha-jSc Sandi Michael' per xquales portiones.

Provifo ft quit alitiSflut
Icmper quod fi aliquis alius dare volueric de incrementoper annum pro
cuftodisl dare voluerit-
Not! Brirton
fine fraude vcl malo ingenio, quod tunc di6tus Richardus tantum pro
pr^dit^a A eux que
eadem folvere tencatur, fi cuftodiam prididaro habere voluerit. Incujus rei, &c. veilcnt ptuit doner
Tcfte R. apud Weftm,7 die Novemb. Anno regni noftri dccimo fexto, Seej7H.8.cap.
j]5otcbp manp pjcftDcnts tbe ILo?D SCreafurcr map malic a Warranf fo grant II.

tbe lanDS crtcnDeD, either fo? I'^atS, oj quam diuinmanibusnoftrisforecon-

Cbc 3L0JD SCrcafurcr maDc a Marrantto tbe HojD Cbancelour to Demife to Rot.pat. 5 H,<,

JohnPempons lanD parcellof tljc 2DutcbL'ofcojntpaU fojtbe fearw of fifteen

^ z veara
Ill The Court of
Exchequer. zap.

iiH.6.i8.b. jjcars uttbelifecfojmof tuojti0 30 tljebcfojc recitcDILcafctoao, sDl^feiLcafe

8H.6.34.Br. toas pleaoeD til i j H.c, anDtljougljtljc Icafctxjasbpttic iuojDs ofCommifimu?,
Leafe j.
atiD Commiiimus cuftodiam terrje,8ic. pet in pleaDtng tfte ilcffcc plcaDeoaDe^
Regifter i91-
Sector this word mire of tt)elantiitfclf,anDty0i;c allolueD tobegooD, lot)ttI) is toojt^^ ot ob<
Cominifimus. fect)ation.
Vide 27 H-8. Vide ID Original' in scaccario de Anno 21 22 H.7. R0C.4. & ibid» 23 H.7.
ca.i. afpeciall
Provifofor the
Rom 2. manpfucl) leafcs.lBut of ancient ttme,asit appearct^bp Britton, botfti

Lo.Treafurer. tbe SCrcafurer and Barons DiD uemifcic* lletters fBatcnte of tftc 0lnagc Hiall

palTconlpbptfteJLojDSErcafurers toartant, 0nD tlje gift of tlic off tec' of tl^e

17 R.i.cap.j. ©fcbcato J belong to tjts office. Vide in tljex^apter of t^e iloart of (iBftlieatoj.
4 H.4.capli8, 315p tftcftatutes of
8 H.6.cap. 16. anti 18 H. 6. cap. 6, it appcaretl^ ti)at tftc
Cftanceloj oj gi^reafurcr tjaD poicer to mabe leafcs in certain cafes of iMattis
See in the Chap- lanDs: buttliatis altcreD b]iJ tbc flatute of 32 of H.8. of erection of tftc Court
ter ot the Court of OTarDs* j^ofetlicttatuteof iSH.6.ea.i,cj;tcnlisonlp totlje JUings toar=
of Wards, anD not to tl)c tuarrant of f be 3Lo jD 2Drcaf«rcr.
''Vid.Pl,Co.49i- *

3t is to be obfcrt!eD,tl)atUjl)cninanp3£tof parliament oj otbcrllecoja
nu.izS. tl)e2DrcafurerisnamcafojDcmifing,oj intermeSltng U)itl^ anpof ttjei&ings
3Ret)cnue, it is to be intenDeD of t^e SDreafurer of tlje CErcljcquer.
Seeond part of ^ Denous cuftomes de quirs & leyne$j&c. M^at tbetccuffomcsiDereaps
the Inft. Coftfir. pearetlj in V^z Seeond part
of the IniHtates, bp tl)e ftatnte of Confirmation Car-
Cart. Vid.fupra tarum, anD fame, Vubcrebp
fi)claft bja'tcl), tijc QBrporition upon tljc it appea«
cap. Parl.p.19. noCuftomc butfuct)as tuas granteD
rctl) t!)attl)cBingtjaD to })im bp ^ctof
Ockham. f Lefchequer eft un place quarre. 3t is fourfquare ant) tljc Carpet tljat fome-
time lap upon it liaD tujougbt in it tfte fo;m of a XftcOc boarti , anD t!)crcupon it
toas calleD tbe Cll;rcftcq«cr j anD about ttjccnD of ttjc reictn of E. .tljts Court toas 1

nelu built ,anD tbercfojc in i £3. it toascalicD fije nofeel €k\mnn,% it tuas nctn
Rot. Par. 3 1 E.I. built occafion* Botl) tfje parts of t^cCDfcftequer tocrc of an ancient
upon tljts
m, li.Dorf.
builDing,anDtoeaU; iFourfco;e anD one pcrfonslBbcrcoftlie 0';botofMeftm'
anD fojtP of l»is i^onftes lucre part^bjaUe into tfte 1Receipt,anD fclonioullp
Nota,the rob-
robbeD tbCliiingOfaljnnDjCDtfjOufanDpounDS ad damnum inspOimabilcfaftft ,

bery of the King

ofhrstreafure is tljeKccoiD, ail tftefe fourfcoje anD one tocrc inDictcD of ttjis felonc, anD com*
etfiimmm ime(ii' mittsD to tbe 2Coltier of ILonDon,4[c. anD tijts toas ttje occaQon of ttje'netobniU
Ding of parts of tfje ©fcftcqucr.
Uotft tljcfe

f Q;]i folemenc cfiordeinepur le prowe le roy, !)^ereiSaftjo;t,bnf aneffe*

a 1 E.g.ij.Jcfte-
(tuall Defcription of tljc jurisDirtion of tljis Court , tljat is, fo; tbc pjofit of tljc
ry Sharlagscafe. '

3^ing. 2ni)ispjofiti0eitl)crimmeDiate,ojmeDiate: UnimeDtate, asoflanas,

14 E.j.tit.Sfire.
fat' izi. 44 E.J. rents, Iranc'^ifes, IjcreDitaments, Debts, Duties, accounts, gooDs, chattels, anft
t7.Rcgift.i87.t>. Qtljsr pjoftts,anD benefits toljatfocbcr Due to ttjc iliing. ''ipeDiafc, as firft,tb0
pjttoilcDge of tl)e)©fficers ,
anD of tl)e Court:, fojtluo things
p, lo.Rot.Par.
I Doe pjincipallp fuppojttftcjurisDiction ofaCwirt,viz. tljcjuflt pjefertiation of
2H.4.11. tbe Dignity of it, anD tbe Due attenDance of ttjc Officers anD iT5inittcrsof t^e
fame to Cue anD be fueD in tt)is court. 2. Wv Quo minus. 3* 3t cj;tenDetb(a0
10 1. Dat' cSlnO'
bis inteUigr.
batbbeen fatD) totljc Debtoj of tbe icings Dclito;i, 4, Cop^ifoncrs in this
Rot.Par.ii H.4. Court to be fucD Ijere. ^ . %o accountants tbat fyv.-t cntrcD into t^eir account,
$4, j6. 64.ibiJ. erccpt 'collectCiisof E>ifmes,tf)epfi)allnotbefueD bpbils, neither ift)e be fueD
i?H-4-?2- in anp otljer Court, (ball be batetbc pjibilcDge of tbis Court.
8 H.J.Lcy 66. i Clerkes, ou 2 homes lettres. 2 Chivaliersbebere*
«r Oudeux ChivalierSj&
iO E.J. Ley 51.
after crplaineD. 2Clcrks,ouzhomes lettres, tbc one is intenDeD tobetbe 3l5a»
y E.4. 4-b. ron of Courfe, tbc otber tbc Clcrb of tbc pipe.
7 E- 4- Z°-
8 H- 6. J4. 56 H.- 6- 16. Li. j.f. 61. aaionfur le cafe, ii H.7. 26- f> Scat, de Rutland.
Rfgiflcr 187.
Information de intiuKon ou traas. &
217.C. tettjeiaile. Vid.jzH.,3.

cap. 59. itfEliz.U/er?i8.

c 14 E. 5. breve 789. loE.j.Ley^i. iH.4.9. 8 H. j. 6. 10. 8 H. ?. Ley 66.
iiH.7.i6. PI. Com. J »i. d iR.j.cap.14. $ K.r.cap. 9. flat. i. the Barocs (hill hear, &c=
without or commandincnt. 4H. 4. fap.9. 7 H. 4 cap. 11. concerning Cumiiiiflk'HS. rj Eliz.
cipcg. Sewers. 14 E, j, cap.
ir. Weights. ijR.i.c.ip.i. Norecogniiaiice ot bond indou'ile.

« De
C ap . 11. The Court of Exchequer, 11
f Dc £Df fces,tftat is tcnurc0,to!jcrcofU)eftatcrpoltCiT
fes fees &. franchifes.

bcfoje* iFrancl)tfC0,bcing fioioers of tl)C CroU)n,arc notoMonsatiDbrolun,

f Et ie$ Account$,&c. 311 accounts to t^e litng ougtit to bemaDc upon oafl^,
anD if is 'icft fo: tfte lining to fjatc t^c accounts to be tafecn tn ttiis court , to ac»
counts taken bv CCommifiion arc little foj tbe iiings benefit.
SEbc teecpcrof f RmiaJ.
tl^c MarDiobe is to mabc ftts account once in tlje pear in tbc Crcticqucr. iiDncc 'o '•
in tfte pear tbe SCreafurcr of 3!rclanD Qjall account in tbe CDrcbcqucr of (Eng^ /Ho par.uE.i.
lanD. - 2Sbc accounts of t^e dBjrcftcqucr to be mo^c ftojtlp bcarD, niaoc, anD in^
f 5° r*;\.t , ,

SCbcSDreafurcrs of tibc icings Cljamber are onlp acconntabletotbe JiJing, iRot.par.jH.6.
anU notintbiSvTourtofCSwljcqucr, but pet tbe ifting, bp tbeaDi;ice of fomc nu.47.

Icbom bcmaptrult tnfecretOot^ta^c account tbereof,as before is faiD.

Vide recordum & proceflum cortra Petrum de Rivallcs alias Petrum de 18
OrialljThefaararium & Camerarium Regis totius Anglias &: Hibernii & cufto- ,

dcm omnium foreflarum,& omnium portuum maris dccompoto reddit' de of-

ficiispridiftisj&dejudieio contra iplbm reddito per defal tarn, quia venircre-
cufaviCjnifi falvo regis condutlu , quod rex denegavicquafi infolitum indebi- &
f Per le view de un Soveraignquc eflTrcafurer Dengliterre. )3Dft&iS great
jfiDfificcr toe fjatje fpolien befojc.
f Le1 Chivahers toioient ee ^ Baron$,&c. SinD l)eretoitljaj;reef1^ Brafton,Co.
Bmaon l.b
mites verovclBarones nort font amerciandi, nili per pares fuGs itcunduni modu fj.n^.b.
delidli, & hoe per Barones de Scaceario vel coram rege. See the i.part of

f En eel place foor auxi Chamberleim, & plufors auters minifters,quc ne touch
^"'^- '^^S-
my mole a la ley. ^ercoftoc lja\3e fpotien befojc.
f Nul Common plea ne foirdiformestenus inLefehequer enconter le form y^^^j^ j-^, ^^^
del Grand Charter, tlSpon ftjls^rt iF our fel'crall opinions babe been concei' :bif*;,n.5n7,'
tJCD. *i. 2nt>attl)t0Cowi'ttnfgf)tPJtcinallp^be bolDen plea of all common deRot'iand.

plcas;anti tfjistbeptbinbto pjobe bj* tlje title of Glanvils boob, toljictj tabing ^oej«c.
ft altogctbcris tbtS. Tra^tatusde legibus, <}ic. tempore Henriei 2. compo-
fitus, jurtitix gubernacula tenente ilJuHri viro Ranulpho de Glanvilla, juris reg-
ni & antiquarum confuctudinum eorcmporeperitiffimo, &
illas folum leges

eontinet &
confuetudines, feeundum quas placitatur incuria regis ad Scaecari-
um coram Jufticiis ubieunque fUerint. 2, ;aDtber0 ttjinfe tl)at at tl)C mafeing Of
Magna Carca,tftc Court ofjtbc (j^wbequertoas parcel oftbe ^iings IBencb.tobiclj
tbcp infer upon tfte toOjDS of t^iS 3ld:, No Common plea fliall be holden in the

Efchequer againit the great Charter,3in toljicljCbartcc Curia noftra is onlp inten=
Se&oftbe lyings 15cnci). 3. 2Dbat in Magna Carta , to tobtcbtfjis lfatutere«
fers,tbereis norcaraint,anDtbercfojetbi6 llatute of Artie' fu per Cartas rc=
ftratnctb not. 4. 2Dbattbc£);t)inanccof9RutlanDisnoftatufe , but niaoebp
fbe toing foj tbeojDer of tbts Court. 3In tbe Second part of the inHltutes, in tl)c
CErpofttion of Magna Carta,cap. ji. toe batje fpohcn notbing of tbis matter,
but tbougbt cooB to refcrrc it to tbis 3ct being bis pjopcr place.
;asto'tbcfirftt it appcarctbb)'tI)cfatD ancient 0iitbojs, anD bptbcautbo=
ritp of our boobs, f bat tfjc inftitutionanD juriSDicttonoftbis Court ba»)ebeen
oiilPfojtbcl^ingsburincfIcanDp?ofit,fc.asbatbbccn fatD. jFo: tbe 2Ditle of
Glanv lis book: j^trff, it tons ncticr of bis oiun mabing,fo; be tooulD nether babe
gibenbtmrelfefucbbigbanDruperlatiiieSTitlcs, asllluHriviro juris regni.&c.
eo tempore periiiirimo. 2. fee tbataDDeDtbe title fpeabetl) of tbjec Courts,
viz. i.InCnvia egis. / Scaccarium. 3. Coram JuiHciisubicunque fu-
i. Ad
eriDt. i^oj tbe fird. viz. in Curia Regis, bcintenDctb Suffice in Hirc,&c. foj
cramplc,InquireniDr purprcfturx vel inCapitali CuriajVel Coram Jufliciis Regis GLinv.lib.^.
ad talcs Inqui/itiones faciend' in diverlas rcgni partes tranfmifTai per Juratapa- "p.ii.&c
trix five vieeopt*. ;. Ad <;cacc3rium,tbisCourt b^Dotb mention but once (tbat
31 r8member)in all bis boob in tbefe toojDs, Si vcro dominus Rex aliquam cuHo- ^'''-T'cap.
diam alicui commilerit, tunc diHirguitururrum ei culiodiam pleno jurecom-
mifetit ita quod nullum euni indereddere compotum oporteat ad Scaccarium,
u^ The Court of Exchequer, Cap. ii.

toWJ) affrcetl^toitfttljcojtginaUfnttituttoitanD jurtsDidion of ttje Court con=

CCrntng tlje pjofit of t^C'IStng* 3. Coram ubicunque fuerinc tS tfte
%tng0SBenc^, totyercof Glanvil \sas C^tcf^Cnfttcc, anDof t^cjaUas in tt)at
Court is f ti effect tl^e fum of Ijts 2Crcatifc,
03 to ttie fecont) Glan vile tobo tojof e in t^e reign of H* a. Dot f) Cao featb
: i .

been faiD) name tl^e C^cbequer as a Diainct Court fo; ttic accounts to be nia&e to
ttie iSing* z, Bint^c llBlacb J15oob of tfte Cvcl^eqacr DeDicateD to H. 2. of tljc ob«
The Awhor of fertattons of tftc CEiccljeqner , it is faiu, Nulli licet ftatuta Scaccarii intringcre,
this book isGer-
vafius Tilburi-
vel eis quavis icmeritate rdifterc, habec in hoe commune cum ipfa Domini Regis
enfis a learned Curia^in qua ipfe in propria perfona jura difeernit, nee recordationi nee fcntentix
man and an Of- in CO lati liceac alicui contradiccre. MI!)crcbp it appears t^at tt>c JUingS benc^
ficer of the Ex- anD (Ewljcqaer inere Diftinrt Courts in t^e reign of H. 1.
chequer cap.!. %o t^c tt>trD,our ftatute ts intitulcD Arcieuli fuper Cart', tjat is, Articles up«
on Magna Carta & Carta de Forerta fo aS tlje fenfc Of t^is 0Ct tS, tftat t^D ©J--

ttjequer fljoulD Ijolo no common plea no moje ttien tl)e icings bent^ ; fo^ ti^c fo?m
Of tbc (©jeatXftarter is, Quod communia placita non fequanturCuriamnpftrano.
^econ6lp,OHr Itatute is but an affirmance of tl^e Common lato concerning t^e
jurif Diction of ti)is Court , anD t^is Dotb erpjeflp anD notablp appear in tlje Ke*
gttter in tf)Cfe toujDS. Rex Thefaurar' &
Baronibus dc Scaccario SalutemCum
Regift. i87.b.
fecundum legem& confuetudinem regni noftri communia placita coram vobisad
Scaccarium prardicft' placitari non debeant,nifi placita ilia nos vel aliquem mini-
ftrorum ooltrorum ejufdem Scaccarii fpeeialiter tangant, &c, ^ere it is tO bS
obfertieD ttiatt^is to^ttof pjol^ibition is not grountieDupon ti)e ffatute of Artie'
fuper Can' ojan)'otl)crffatute,butupon tljeCommon lata anDcuttomeoftbe
hingtiome, toljiclj concerning tfjc jurisDiction of tljis Court Dotl) in omnibus
agree tuit^ our ancient ;autftoj6 anD pear boobs, totjerein pou (ball obfertje an
aDmirable l^armonp anD confcnt in fo manp fucccffions of ages, Rotland. isaltafute pjoteD bp tf)e title t^eroof, anDfo; tljatif is enfreD in tl^e
|9arliament 3K.oll, anO in t^e llegtaer i87.b» it is calleDStatutumde Rot-
Com.iii.per land.
a Barsns.Rcgift.
187b- :^oto gooD to bnoto, ftota tl)C lain tommonlp calleD Refpondcat fuperior,
it is

Respondeat ptpc- l)olDet{) in t^tscourt and in ott)erCourts,anD firft b^t^elRecojDs oft^isCourt,

anD t^en bp 0cts of parliament.
Prarcept'de Mcmorand' quod aliocutopraefato VVillielmo morantur naper Vic' fuper le-
fti Hil.Anno
vatione4o. $, extraiV in magno Rotulo de anno iz in Kane' Tub nomine Wil-
liam Hcrlizan unius Coronatorum Com* Kane' pro falfo returno« Idem VVil-
14 E.J. ex parte
liclmus Vie' die' fuper faeramentam fuumquod prjefatus VVillielmus Herlizan
Hot 9. inScac' non habet tert' vel tenta, bona, feu eatalla in balli va fua , ncc habuit undc did*
CoronMsT. denar' levari poffint. Et quia ipfe Coronator eledus crat per Comitatum juxta
formam ftatuti,&c.ita quod in dcfeflu ejufdem Coronator'^ocus Comitatus uc
tledlor & fuperior^&c. habeant regi refpondercpraccip' nunc Vic'qaod de terris
&tcnementis hujufmodi totiuj comitatus inbailira iua fieri fae'prard'xl.s. &
cos habeat hie inCfocIaufi Pafchi fuper proflfrnm fuum regi folvend'. Ad
diem Vic' non recoro' breve. Idco /Tcut alias in CfoSan(fti Johan' Baptiftx, ^0%
mo?c p?efiDents in tl)c cErcticquer of tl^ts l?inD,fec Mica 7 R.a J^ot. Mic. p e. 8, i

Rot.4.Eborum. Pafch. 30 H, 8, Rot,3o. VViltes'. Mich* j £.6. Rot. 130, &e.

Stat, de 5 2 H.3. de Scaccario*

^oto it fjofDctft in ottjet Courts, vid. 1 E. z. tit. dec. 172, toljere tbc «H(>c«

rtffl be rcmotjablc as in ilonDon foj tljeir infuff

iciencp, refpondeat fuperior, t^^at
is, tlje ^aio; anD Comminaltp of llonDon.

45 E.:;.^, 10. Prior datife & removeable fuffer efehape, refpondeat fuperior,
1 4 £.4, Pur
infufficiency del Bailie dun libcrtic refpondeat dominus libertatis,
Vid.44E.3. 13. 50E.3. 5-. 14H.4. 22, nH.6. 52, 30^5.32. VV.'-.eap. 2*
Sinon habeat Balivus unde reddat. reddat fuperior.
1 H.6, severe is a gencrall ftatute concerning allt^e Courts oftfteiSing,1itoJtJpof
obfertation in tljcfc tuojDa.
Item^ To the intent that better and more fure Government be had
T^he Court of
Cap.n. Exchequer. 115
within the Courts of oui Lord the King for his profit, andeafeof
his people, which havetopurfue, and doe in the Hime. It is ordained
and eftabliflied that all the Officers made by the Kings Letters Patents
royall within
the faid Coiuts, which have power and authority by
of offices ofold times accuftomed, to
vertue their appoint Clerks and
Minifters within the fame Courts, fliall be charged and fworn to ap-
and Minifters, for whom they will anfwerat their
point fuch Clerks
which be fufficient,faithfull, and attending to that which per-
taineth to them in performance of the bufinefle, as well of the King,
as of his people.
In the fame manner we have ordained in the right of the Barons of
Hereby it
the Exchequer, and we have exprefly charged them in our prefence, rcth thac toche

that they ftialldoe right and reafon to all our fubjeifts, great and fmall, bdongeth doing
and that they (hall deliver the people reafonably and without delay
of the bufinelTe which they have to doe before them , without un- ctcdmgs.
due tarrying as hath been done in times paft.

3t Ujas refoltJCD in tbecafe of ^alitfoj Povie , tljaf (f a be inDcHcD to b, anD Mich. 13 Ja. Ic
B to taDcbtcO to tt)C ISiiig, tljat tl)C litng bp bis picrogattfcc maj? Ictic Ijis Debt Banlie Ic roy in

upon A \ but tbts IcHi'tns o«0l)tto be ofan tmmcDiatc , anD not of a jncDiatc probibitun.
Debtoxtotl)eDebtojoftlje!atng, 03 tf Abe inDebtcDtoB.anDBtoC, anD C to 5.4. 45 E.J.
Dicics taniHm •
tl)ciiii(iS>tbC"WS£a««ot Ictjpljis Dcbtof a, fojtljcn it mtgftt be letJteD in infi- II.
nitum, q-aod reprobaturin jurcanDtljis appcarctb tnoucboofeS.
iFoj SlffignmEnt of Debts maoe totbe lung, fee in rnp Hepojts* Li.^.fo.Sp.po.
113)' t^edatutc of zjac, no Debt ftall be afftgncD to tljclMng I&t0f)cfr0 oj
7 Jac.cap.iy.
futcellojs bt> oj from anpDebtoj oj Accountant toljia ipajeftjjjl^istietrsojfuc'
£e?To?s , otW tljen ftit^ Debts as DiD befoje groto Due ojigtnallp totl^etofngs
j^o obligation, recognisance ai ftatute niaDe
foj fatjfng fjarmlclTe oj pcrfo?s
mance be fojfeitcD. o: fo: anp caure,otfter tfjcn a Due
of *£ot!cnants,^c. tl)oug^ it

Debt,canbcaS[igncDtotbctetng bp anp of bis Debtors. 2Cl)cfe affignments of

BeVits totl)eiyngarenotfatourcDfnlauj u.'l)en tfjc liings immeDfafe Debtojts
able to pap "bis Debt; foj bj? tl^e affignmentat tbc istngs fuit tije boDp, lanDs anD

gooDs oftbcDebto?totl)E?^tngsDcbtoj are liable to tftciSing, inljcreas att^c

fu'jjects fuit , t)e coulD ^latieljaDbutbis boDp onlp bp Capias ad fatisfaciend', oj
ftiscrooDSonlp bp Fieri fac', 01 i3alf,t)(g lanDs anD gooDsbp Elegit. llBp tljeftas
tutcofi R.j,apenaltp is p?otjtDeD fo: Ijtm iBbo tonfcffctlj aDebttofljcIiifng
(tljat is not Debto? to t^e !^ing of recojD) to Delap tbe cretution of others.
jCbclBaronsoftljeSrtbcqiicrarE ttiefowatgn 0nDito?3 ofCBnglanD, foj Fleta li.6.c3.^4.
itaman aJItgnauDitojs to a 3i5atlifo; receiver to account, anD tfjc a;uDtto?0 z E.J. II. 14 ]£.j.

will not alloVu juS anD reafonable allowances but commit tI)e15aUtfo?recet:= account 7^.
8 E 4.i^.F.N.B.
l3cr to p;ifon,fnt'op:ifoncr map Ijatic an o;iginaUtoj(t of Ex parte talis returnable
bcfoictljeSErcafurcr anD Barons oftt)e ©rcticnuer, fc. foj tiis relief in tljat bc=^

Ror.Clauf. anno
tit^^on tt)s iSccountant in tljc^rcfjcqncrofB.FuIham tljciaings Butler, Ije
4 E.3.U1.Z.
DcmanDcD alloluance of ccrtatn parcelsof toincsgiten bp tbe i^tng fo certain

perrons bpiiio:Dofmoutl)toitbout tojtttng, anD it Voas DtfalloVoeD bp tlje rule

tmpontlje account in tljc cBvcljequec of Richard Bury JSecper of tlje COTarD= Rot.Cl3uf.-!nno
robe, be DcmanDcD alloltancc fo; ccrtatn ulcffclsofgclD anD filter, anD certain^.
ietucls gttscn bptlje l^tngore tcnus toirabell:Ducenof(itnglanD,anDotl)ers
to Philip 55uecnofOBnglanD Confojtoftfjcteing, &non allocatur, bp tijclthe
rule oftbCvEourtrfoitljc gifts bp toojD in bot!) tbcfc cafes arc totD,lt)l)tcl) to itb 3^ H.8 Pixrog.
Petihans cafctljat foUoVyctb arcgooD rules to cftabl(lt)tbclato in a cafe toljcrc li
.61.14 t:.4.i,a.

intljerctjatf) been tiarietp of opinions in ourbooHs,

11^ The Court ofExchequer* Cap. ii.
Hil.^E^.Rot.H.iBScaccariolnterBreviaiuDotf. Petilians fafCf J3 toar*
rant uncer tfte Signet is not ftifficJcnt to \K\xt anp SCreafurcof ttje Btng out
oftljc5Recctpt,but ttmnft {jcunDertljedDjeat ojpjitjp S>eal,
Regift.i9j.'.b. Sftl)e Barons DOC notalloto unto an Accountant bcfojc tftcm fucfj jutt De«
& j$j. mantifl as fte mahctl), Ije map ftabc a tojtt De allocatione facienda^ ttrertcD to tfte
SDreaforer anD 515arons, ccmmanDtng tftemto allotDttjefamc,

0/4 Liberate for payment ofafenfionordebt,&c»

Liberate iB an ojtginall iuMt iffuingont oft^cCl^anccrp, anD fsafretfcO
fo fomc £Dfftcer0 tftat fjatjcoftlje Kings monp in ftis tianDs topapoterapen*
fion,B0bt,ojDutp. Antitt is not calleD a Liberate bp reafon of anpfutfttoojo
contatncD in tt)eiD;it,(a3 foj tftc moft part tojits arc) foj tljetoojtis be Quod ibl-
vas oj fol vatis, but it is fo namcD ab effeflu. 315ut fucft a tojit cannot be Direrteti
to tbe atngs i=crmoj to papapcnCbn,ic.becaHrc,t^ougft t^c term oj rent be
bcl^inD, pet "it is not tbc teingsuntill it be paiD,anD alltbc tojits in tfjeKegittcl:
arc tircrtcD as is afojcfaiD to €)fficcr6,as to ttje 2Drcafurcranli C^mberlain,
toaCuftomcr,?c,2i:i)c fo?moftl)Cto?itappearctft intbcRcgiftcr 191. 193- ^"K
ttjcrc' it appcarctb tbat ttjcrc be ttoo Uinfis of tojtts of Liberate , one Dojmant oj
currant ano continuall, anD anotljer hac vice anD particular. ;3nD it isfomctimcff
accompanieD toif b a to jit of llotoance, as t^ere pou map rcaD,
31f tbc £Dff tccr Ijatjc fuff ictcnt in l)is ftanDS to pap,«. at tfte time of tlje Libe-
rate DcltticrcD to btm, be is become Debtoj (bpact oflato)totbepartp,fojtoliic|^
^e map ^at^e an action of Debt: but after t^e Li berate fucDout,anDbefo:et^eDes
?^ingmap Difcftarge tlje £Dfficcr of t^e Kings moncp in I)is banDS.
litierp, fbc
0nDiftbc King Deccafe before t^c Dcliberp of ttje Liberate, tbs i^fftccr |)at(ino
toarrant f pap iU
3!f tbc £)fificer at tljetime oftljcDclitJcrpoftl^e Liberate tjate of tlic Kings
ttToneptopapbutpart,anD nottbe to^ole, tt)e tojit is no toarrant toljlmtopa?
part. &ceii H.6, tit. dcr. 43. a/H.d.p. ?7H.6»24,ij. pE.4,ii.i4. i H.7»
8. iH.7.9» F.N.B. iii.f.Br.Tit.TaileDefthcquer.
Vid. Mag,Cap.2z« Liberaciooe antiquitus (latat'j id eif, precium antiquitus
2D1&C courfc of f ^e (Sfcftequer is, tljat as foon as a feljcrif oj dfcl^caf oj enter
into ^ts account foj idues, amerciaments anD mean profits to marU upon Ijif

l^caD O. Ni. tobtc!) is as muclj to fap.aS Oncratur.nifi habeat fufficiente cxonera-

tionem.anDpjefcntlpbe is become tl^e Kings Debtor, anD a Debet fct upon l^ts
^eap, anD tl^ereupontbe parties peravaile are become Debtors to t^c &^crif 0(
Cfcf)eato?,anD DifcljargcD againtttl^e King,

DierysizjS C^canctcnt courfc oftbecDfcljcquer bat& b0en,tbat if inan3!nfojmationoC

Jnf rufton into lanDs oj tenements tl)c2E>cfcnDant pleaD not guiltp,t)e ftal lofe tlje
poCTcIfion; anD it isfaiD tbat tbcreafon of ttjis courfc is, ftrft fo? tbat reguUrl|»
ll^c Kings title appcaretl^ of t^crccojD, anD tbercfoje tlje SDefcnDant maptabe
bnotolcDge tftcreof,anD tbe ratber foj tftat in etjcrp Snfojmation of intrufion it is
fpecificD of tobofe poCteCTions tbe lanDS.fc tocre : but if tbe 3)efcnDant pleaD not
gutltp, tbe Kings learneD Connccll cannot bnoto tlje SDefenDants titlcto pjobiDe
to anftoer tbe famcas t|ie SDefenDantmap Doc to tbcKtngs title,

Cap.ii. '^7

A Court to enquire of, and certifie unlawfull and
untrue Accounts in the Exchequer.

dDrcat &calc bp fojcc of 6 H.4.cjp;j,

conrf fittctl) bp Commiffion anDcf tlje tljc
ftatutc of 6 H.4. t)(rectcD ano fcnMogctljcr tott^ tljc tcnouc of tlje account,
6^9. for
Tl^is to tfte moft lateftiU ano nifcrcet perfono in tfjc ^£:ounttcs,tBl)crc tijc ;ac« the print fwar-
tountant0 be £Dfficero, to enquire anD ccrtificfl)cpjofitstol)icI)tftc&>l)criff0, veth from the
©fcfjcatojs, 0lnagcr0,ControUcr0,ant) otftcr tijc lyings £)fftcerstiat)c rcccitcD,
«c. bp f ^lem upon tljcir faio accounts Deceitfully conccalcB, %t, anD being attain*
feDof tl)c faiDfrauOoanDDcceipts, tljepfliall forfeit treble tljetjalue, anDtlieic
boDies to p?ifon, untill tl)cpt)at}emaDefineanDranromctot&ctoing, after tfje
Difcrction of ttjc 3uDge3.
315ut (ac Ijatb been faiD bcfo?c) it is certain,tl)at it is ctcr moft foj tljc teingjJ
benefit tfjat Accounts be pearlP taken in tftc (Srcfjctiucr-.anD not bi? Commiltion : Ror. Pari. Anno
anD to tijat enD an ;© jDinancc toas maDe in tljc jparliament ijolDcn Anno z i E. 1 1 21 E.i.Ror.j.
in fljcfe inojDS : Dominus Rex vult & pr3ecipit,qubd de
cactero fingulis annis fe- Vide Rot.Parl.

melinannocompotusVafconisE & HibernixperConftabuIarium Burdcgalii,& CkrcThefaura-

18 E.I.

Thefaurarium Hibernis reddantur ad Scaccarium AnglijE,& ibid, audiadtur per rius Hibetniar,
Thefaurai' ix Baroncs fuos. A fottioii Of Accounts toitftintfte Realm.
^nD of tf)c Court of tl)C ercljsquer toe toill cnD tuitft an olD tKcrfc ingratieD
in ffone in tlje QErcljequcriDaU,

Ingrediens Jani, rediturus es armulm Argi. ,

sn^c (ini^icf ISaron tscreafeD bp ^letters ^Satents, anti fl)Ci)ff{ce iSgranfeD

to bim Quatndiu le bene gefler jt,tol)crein l)C Ijat!) a moje fircD eftatc (it being ait
ettate foj life) tljen tfjc Sluftices of either ll5encf),SD!)0 Ijate i}it\\: ;©fficcs bnt at
iDillt Qaamdiu fe bene gefleric muft bc intcnDeD in matters concerning fjis
5lnD See Lit.
part of

Office, anD is no moje t^cn tl)C lato tuoulD l)atie implpcD, if tftc £>fficc IjaD been ihelnftit. stft.

are ffto reft oftijc Barons of t^cC' rcljc-

granteDf6?life, 0nD in lihe manner
are al*
quer conftitutcD,anD tlje patents oftlj8^ttojnp<lDcneraU,anD^olic{to}
fo Quam diu le bene gefleric.

n8 zap. 13,

The Court of Equity in the Exchequer

irrn^z 3uDges oftljfs court aretl)e5Lojl)2Creafurer,tl^eC!jattceIotir,an&

I )l5aron0 of i\z (Ercbequer. dDcnerallp, t^eir jnrifDtttton i0 a0 large fo}
A matter of cquitp, as tbc JSarons in tfte Court of t^c C^rcljequer ]^at)C foj
title benefit of ttje i^tng Common laU) to; all tl^e pjoceeDinss bot^ in iW
bi> tlie

Court of CB quttp, anD of t^at bp t^e Common lato oug^t to bcas ftat^ been faiD,
foj t^epjofif oj benefit of teeming, oj toucl^ingtlje tofngj anD if (neither
Art cler.cap.4. Court t|cp l)0lD anj?plea, to^ic^ is not foj fl^epjofitoj benefit of tfjciiing , oj
Regift.foLiSy.b. \xi\i\t\i touc^etl) not tljc !itng,tljerelpetij a i0jol)ib{tion,\Bl)ic!j,as is afo?efaiD, Roiland. eommunia
appcaretft in tt)e 3Ilegifter:foj all are faiD plaeita toljif f) arc not Pla-
cap. ultimo.
eica corona;*
H. 8. cap. 39. tbep ^atie full potoer anD aufl&ojitp to Dif-
315p tije ftatute of j 3

Cancel]. c^arge, cancellanD mafec tJoiD, all anD fingalar IRccognijances anD bonDs maDB
totftci&ing fojpavmcnt ofanpDebt oj fumme of monep, ojfoj perfojmance of
conDttion0,fc. upon fljeiuing tlje 0cquttancc, 5C. o;anpp?oof maDeofpapmenf
Cancell. anD performance* Hlfo to cancell anD mabc toiD bp tbcir Difcretion all JRecog*
nijanccs maoe fo j anp appearance oj ottjer contempt. J3nD tftat if anp perfon of
toftom anp fuel) Debt oj Dutp is DemanDcD, allcDge, pleaD, Declare, oj ^eto in tlje
Micterinlaw, faiD Court fufficient caufe anD matter in lato , reafon anD gooD confcience in
reafon and good barre o} Difctjarge of t^c faiD Debt oj Dutp, anD tbe fame matter fufficientlp p;obe
in tftc faiD Court : tljen flje faiD Court fijallfjabepotoeranDautbojitpto juDge anD allot!) tbcfaiD pjoof, anD clearlp acquit anD Difcftarge fuel) perfon anD pcrfons.
Thomas Cecils
;3lfo lanDS ctjargeable to ttie liings Debts in t^e feiftn anD poITeltion of Ditiers
cafe, and refol- *
anD funDjp pcrfons, tl)c fame ftall be tol)ollp anD intirelp, anD in no toife febe-
vedby Englifli
bill in the Exche- rablp liable to tije papmcnt of tlje faiD Debt anD Dutp: but in tliefaiD Hctof 3 ? H,8,
quer Chamber. all manner of eaates,rigt)ts> titles, dnD intereSs, as toellof inl^eritance as free*
See thtre divers
IjolD, etber fbcn jopntures foj term of life, are epcepteD.
'^^ t^c faiD ;act of 33 H. 8. fpcctall jurifDiflion is giben to tlje court of ;3ug<
mentation, iDljen title is pjctenDeD to anp spannois, iLanDS, 2Cenemcnts, 0%
Et. ^creDitamcnts, bargaincD, folD, oj crcljangcD bp tftc feing, upon tobff {) ilef fers
patents tftere is oj .(IjaU be refertcD anp annuall Kcnts j iFarms,patablc in t^c
Court of Augmentations, anD Diners otl^er claufes tobtcf) gabe to f fjc Court of
Freehold. Augmentation jurifDiction. 31But tftc Court of Augmentation is \i\xt in ffteiu an*
nereD to tijc Court offljc (Ertljequer, anD not dc jure.asbcrcaftcr it appeareflj
in tl)e Chapter of tlie Court of Augmentations, AnD tljcrcfoje ttjts Court of
cbrcljcquer Cljamber cannot claimc anp iurifDitfion giben anD app?opjiafeD to
tijat Court, foj tl^at t^e court of Augmentations isDiffolbeD.
I.s. fjolDctft lanDs of tbc toing bp fealtp anD a pearlp rent, anD mafeetlj a ILcafc

thereof foj pears to A. B p^ictcnDs tftat I.S. IcafeD tfte fame tobim bp a fojmcr
ILeafe; albeit tljtre is a rent ilTuing out of tliefe lanDs to tljc liing , pet neither
A B canfue int^isCourtbpanpp?ibilcDgetnrefpe£toft^crent,foitftat
tlje liing can ftabe no pjcjuDice oj benefit tbercbp foj toljetljer a oj B Dotb p?c=

jtP.j tit. Aid

taile, pet rent be paiD x anD if tl^is Uicre a gooD caufe of pjibileDge, all
mutt tftc
Le Roy I.
tbe lanDs in (EnglanD i)olDen of tlje l^ing bp rent, ic. mig^tbc b;ougI)t into t^ts
35H.6 j6.
liBut if blacU acre be erf cnDeD f tlie to ing fo; Debt of a as f fje lanD of A ,anD
flje liing Icafctl) tlje fame to B foj pears, rcferbing a rent '. C pjetenDs fljaf a
Cap. 13
. The Court J (s^ the Exchequer Chamber, up
ftaD notl)mg in tljclanD, butt^iat Ijctoaa fctfeD tl)ercof,«, tfjttJcafc is totf^in

t!)e pnttleDgcof tbt« Court,foj tf C pjctjatle tlje litng tofctlj ftts rent.

SDJje iaing maUctl) a ILcafc to a of Hf latfeacrc foi pcara rcfert^fng a rent atiD A
is poffelTeD of a tearm foi pears in ©I3l)ttc acrctfje iJing map Dtftratii in <251l)ite
acre foj ^is rent, pet A batb no p?tt)fleDge fo? Wljtte acre, to bjfng it tuttljin tljc
jurifDiction of tbis
Jpofe HeaOer, toljcrcour llBoofesfap, ttiattljcl^ingmapaiffrainfojfjtarenf
in all tlje otljer lanDS of Ijts tenant, of inftomfoetjer tl)c fame be IjolDen, it i0 tljus ij E.4. 6.
to be unDcraooD,f bat tljc otljcr lantis muft be in tljc actuall
poffcffion of tljc iU f ngs PI. com.jij. a..
tenant , fo: \)t cannot tiiaratn in ttjofe lanDS in tlje polTcffion of l)(3 tenant foj
This prciogaiivc
life, tenant fo J jpears,oj at toill. holdcih nrtt only

§»omc arc of opinion tl)at a Court of cBquitp inas ftolDen in tl^c Cvcljcquer JncafcofKtnc
fcrvicc.but in
Chamber befo?e tf)c ffatute of 9 ? H. 8. 3n& tijcn if muft be a Court of CB quitp bp cafe of a Kcrt
piefcr ipf ion : foj toe finD no fo jmcr 2i&
of ^parliament t^at Dotl^ create anD e'tta-
charge, and
blifl) anp fucft Court t anD if it be bp pjefcrtptton , tljen juDiciall pjcfiocnts in Rent fecfce.
courfe of equitp muft guiDe tiie fame ; 3s to tbc iurtsDiction, certain ii is tfiaf
tfjerefjatljbcen of ancient time an £Dfficer oftlje Ctrcl^cqucrcalleD CancelJarius CAHCelUrim
Seaccarii, of tol)om amongft otfjer J©fficer0offl)e d^rctjequerFlcta faifl) tljus: ScACcarii,
Offieium vero Canccllarii elt figillutn regis cuftodire fimul cum coDcrorotulis de Mirior.cij,.!.

proficuo regni. ^n'Q tljC Spirroj faitlj. Perjure eft per la

ou il fuit Chancclor del $ ij.&cap. J,

Elchequer veaatiel a faireluy acquittance detant que avoit payalEfchequerde

la dett le Roy fouth le feale del Efehequer ou delay a faire acquittance de tiel jour

tanq: a tiel j6ur,&c.!^isancient feeiS4o spares, iLiterponf of tbeMarD?obe

izli, 17s* 4d. intoto^jli. los^ 8d, &ee 15 H,8.cap.i6,
* a Cbancelonr ant) &eal, an6 tfte Mrits ufuall in tljc
2C^e <lB):cbequcr Ijatlb
Clianccrp in tftc CBrcftcquer fofeafclanB, are
moje ancient ttienPrerog.Regij,
hereupon it is collccteD,flbat feeing tbere ftat^ teen time out of minDc of man a
CiJancelour of tljc ^j;cljequcr, fljat t^erc ftonlD alfo be in tl^e CEjrc^eqncr a Court
Mljcrc fomc Doc 22 e«4. tit. Petition 9* foj t^e naming of t^c C^jance*
lour of tljc c£i:cljequer in granting of OTrits of fcarclj fo t^e aCreafurcr anD
Cljancclour, tftc book is falfe pjinf eD, foj it llioulD be tlje Cbamberlaines anU
^Creafurer of tljc cBtcbcquer : foj no Mrit of fcarc^ is DircctcD to t^c C^nce=
lour, %t, but to tljc SDrcafurcr anO Cljamberlain of tljc (Sjicl&cqucr, to^ ^atjc t^e
tuttoDp of tbc IRccojDs, fc.
finD a JDetition of tl^eCommons in ^ H» 4. tljaf no ©Hrifs oj ^jibic tfRqt.Par.iH.^.
^calsbefucD outoftbeCt)anccrt',c!;rcljcquer, 0^ otljer place to anp man toap>
pear upon a pain, %t, to anftocr, ?c. contrarp to t^c ojDinarp courfe of tlje Com*
monlato: toljereunto tljc liing anftocrcD, Thatfuch Writs ihoold not be gran,
ted without neceflity.
b Anno J H. j.tljc Commons pctitioncD tljaf all Mrits of SubpoEna anD Certis ^ Rot. Pari. Anr.O
decaufis going out of tljc Chancer? anD tljc Cjrc^cqucr mtgftt be inroUeD,anD not

grantcD of matters Determinable at tljc Common lato on painof4oii» sije

icings anftoer teas. That he would beadvifed. c 7
CErcljequcr tljerc are tljefe fcbcn Courts, i . SCi^e Court of ^Icas, 6H.7. I J.
c S>o as in tl^c
2. %\\t Court of accounts, 3. %%z Court of
eccipt, 4. 2Cljc Court of tljc (tx-- 8H.7.1J.
cljcqucr ciiamber being tfte Slffcmblp of all tftc BCuDges of dEnglanD fo; matters
tn lato, 5 . Court of CJ^cftcqucr Cftambetfoj crro?s in tljc Court of (ErcljC'
SCljc "Rot. CJauCin
qucr. 31 E. 3.cap,8.& 31 Eliz.cap.i. 6, Court in tftc C'Ttftequcr Cljamber Dorf. An.ij E.i,
foi crrojs in tbclJingsilBcncI^. 27 3 1 i.,2.a4.37, in (clicduhpfnd.
£t fi crntingat
^nir 7t SCljIs Court of dtquttp in t^c Cjici^cqucr Cljambert

fupra, pag, no. ji E. jicap.8. ji Eliz. cap. 1.17 Eliz.cap.8. ji Eliz.'cap.i."».2^. 57,

no Cap.i^.

Of Firft^fruits and Tenths Ecclefiafticall.


Rot. Par 47 E.J.

nil. 30.
A Court of tljeiFtcft'-frufts anD SCcnt^s ioas raifeti, ;®fficcrs cona{tnfc&,
of Cfjantelour, aCreafurcr.mings 0ftojnp,ttoo ^uDffoj6,an5 ttoo Clcrfes:
0«tbo;(tp giten tlbem to compounD foj firft-frutts , llBonDs tabcn tticrc
fo;e lIioulD be of Ithe fo;ce as a statute staple: but tl^is Court toas DtiToltcD b?
^mtn Mary ]|9arl. i.Seffi^,
actjefe ineregraittcD to tbeCroton bptftettatuteof 26 H.8,cap»3* But all tfte
z & 5 Ph. & M. Clergy toere ejfonerateU anD DtfcljargcD tfjereof aftertoarD0, Anno z &3 Ph, &
cap.4. Mar. eap,4f
I Eliz.cap.4. 2Lt)c ftatufc of 26 H.8» retjftjeti, artu il=trlt-fruits anO 2Dentfts of t^c Clergp
oLfcrve the ahc- reunited to tlje Crotutt bp Anno
Eliz,cap,4. iieut no Court is retiitieD, but
ration and altcr-
iFira^rultsantiaDentljstobeiDitljintl^erulc, furuep, anO goternment of tbc
CBrcftequcr, anD createD a nctD £Dffice, anD ilDfficer, viz. a lRcmemb?ancer of t^c
JFtrft^fruits anD gCentljs of tlje Clergp,tDl^otabet!)all compofitions foj tfte fatD
iFtrft'fruits anD SCentbs, anD mafeetl^ pjocesagainft fuel) as pap not tfte fame.
25H,8.cap.5, iFirft- fruitSjOj ^nnate0,primitiae,are tt>e iFirft'fruits after atjoiDanceof cijcrp
&pirituall 5Lit)tng fo? one to^ole pear (crcept vltticaragesnoterceeDingioli.
1 Eliz,c3p,4.

anD perfonages not c^cceDing i o ^arbs) but all are to pap Centlis.
^cclcnafticall iLitiugs toere fomctimcs tjalucDbpa IBoob of CairattonmaDe
in 20 E, I , toftic^ remaincfft in tlje d^rcftcqucr, anD bp another f aration in a5 H.8,
Court. ^nD accojDing to tljts latter taration are
iDljtc^ alfo rcmainetl) in tftat
tftetaluesof QEccleCafticall JLitjings computeD foj tlje JFirft=fruit« anD SCentljs.
flWair.An.Do:n. OTljat pope firft tmpofeD if ira=f raits, unf ill » ^itfojians Do agree , 31 iDill
15 16. Trivet. not trouble mpfclf.
Ranulphus Ci- Ml)at toe finDe of 3iletojD concerning ifirff^fruits , toe toill fummarilj?
cap.i. Platina,
b SDlje iiing fojbiDDctlj H.P.
I0opcs iliuntto to collect jFirtt^fruits, %u

Fox, &c. c 2Ct)at t^e popes no longer fo gather tlje iFtrft=fruifs of

Collector be toillcD
ii z E }. Rot. JlBenefices toit^in t^is Eealm being a t^erpnobelfp, anD tliat no perfon Do an?
c pari. IR.I. longer pap tljcttif
d sCi^c Commons Do petition tfjat
nu. 66. piotiifton map be maDe agatnft ttic popes
rfRot.Par.4R.i. Collectors foj Ictjping of tlje iFirft^fruits of (iScclcfiafticall Dignities toitftin tbc
nil. 44- Kcalm. sni^eanftocr of tljc teing in parliament is , There fliail be granted a
Prohibition in a!i fuch cafes where the Popes Colleftorj (hall attempt any fudi
e Note they were c novelties,
not fo ancient
with us. as is
tapon complaint maDe bptlje Commons in parliament. The King wil-
that Prohibitions be granted to the Popes Colleftors for
receiving of
/Rot. Par.^R.i- Firft- fruits*
nu. 50' 0gaina anD llBit&ops to fljc pope of Home,
g iFirff ^fruits bp j9[rcl^=il5il6ops
g «5H.4.cap.i.
terming it a
l)o?riblc mifctjicf anD Damnable cuSome.
b Rot.Par.9 H-4- h 3!t is cnatteD, tljat tlje
popes CoUedojs fl^oulD not from tljcncefojtl& letjp
nu.4s. anpmonep toitljin tljelilealmfojiFirtt^fruits ofanp Ccclefiafticall Dignitpbp
anp p?ot3ifion from IRomeupon pain of fljc ttatuteof p?ot3irojs:but tljis iS omit*
tcD out of tlje pjint of 9 H. 4. cap.8.
19 F.J. tit, Jii-
2D^e llBffliop of J]5ojtoicft ftaD in 19 E.^.bppjefcription time out of minDc
rifdiftion. u of maniT^irft^fruits toittjinljisBDioccs of all cfjurtljes after etjcrp atioiDance.
k i^H.S.cap.j.
But tijcfe alfo tocre gitjcn fo tljc Crotone ^ bp tlie §>tatutcof 2<5Hcn. 8,
cap. 3.
SCentljs ecclefiafticall, Dccimi, tljefc are tl^e SCentlj part of tfje Dalue of all
^/^^ Court of ui
Cap.i5» Augmentations,
Ctcclcfiafticall 3Lit)tngs pearlp payable to Vdz JStng, ft{s ^cirs anD ^ucccffojs

bp tftc fatD Statute of 26 h. 8. aiiB i Eliz. to be talueD asKt abotjcfatD.

Cljcfc tl)c \Dopc (as tijc De jurcDivino,

CanoiufffiljolDcfl)) pjctcnDcD to Ijatjc
a3Ductot^e^^igl)p;icabppjetC);tOf t^erctoojas. Precipe levitisatq; denun- Num.i8.i^.&c,
cia 5 eum acccpcritis a filiis Ifracl decimas quas dedi vobis, pritnitias earum ofs Eze.
fcrte Domino,id eft decimam partem dccirai, utrcpntetur vobii in oblationcm ca.44. v,i8.&c,

primitiarum tarn de arcis, quamde torcularibas & uiiiverfis quorum accipieiis

Domino, & date ea Aaron
Sacerdoti, 315tit tl)C Parliaments tn
2 y H, S.atiD 16 H.s.tocrc ndt of opinfon tl)at tljefc SDcntljs m belong to tlje 3i3(?

fljopbflRome; asbp tl)e fetjcrall pjcambles tljcreofappcaretlj, inbtcf) tuc Ijatjc

a&Dct) ; fo? tbat toe Ijatje cniDcatiourcD to flicto tljiottgf) all tljts toojh tftc fcterall
(lafms o: p?ctcnces of eterj? ftjing tofjereof toe l)a\)e trcateD. ilnD tetng Philip
anD £I5ueen Mary petlDcD not fljcfc Ccntlja to tl)c pope, but (as Ijatb been fatD)
bp autftojttp of parliament OifctjargcD tfjc ^Ilcrgp thereof: tol)tclj tljep tooulD
nctjcr Ibate Done, if tljcp l)aD taken tljemto be Due to tljc pope De jure Divino,
janD tlje Bitliop of JPojtotcf) coulD not ftat)ep?ercrtbcD to Ijatic iF{rft=fruit6 toitlj»
in Ijts 2Dioces, if tljcpfjaD been Due to tbc Divino t anD tt)C ratljer,
popcDc jure dfa/on^'ubi fup"
foj tljat Anthony de Bccke, foj tof)om tftc pjefcription toas maDc, toas a reteiner
to ttje court of Home, anD maDe SBtt^op of iJojtoic^ bp ttje pope»

The Court of Augmentations of the Revenues of
the Crowne of England.

Court teas bp autfjojitp of parliament in Anno 27 H.8. con-- 17 H.s.cap.z?.

fitting of a Ctiancelour, 2Drcafurer, ;3[tto?np,&olicifoj.
janD all lanDs,f c»
T^^fs belonging to a^onafteries, anD purcftafeD lanDs tocrc toifljin i\\t fnrtoep
anD goticrnancc of tljts Court* SCljts Court c oulD not be erccteo but bp parlia*
menu becaufe a c^ancelour anD a Court of (H^quitptoereconttituteD. ^o;6
Ijcreof in tlje ncrt Cfjapter.

IZZ Cap. i^.

The Court of Generall Surveyours of divers of
the Kings lands with power to make Leafes for twenty
II H.S.cflp.j^.
one yeares ere^ed by Ad: of ParHament
H. 8.

fbefe Courts Mn% H» 8» bp f^is 3Lctter0 patents Anno regni fui 38.
BraS. Nihil cam DtlfolteD, ant) eretfeD a nelo Court of ^augmentations bp bis ^Letters
conveniens eft B£Dflj
|0atents» 2Dbc DitTolntion U)as bolDcn t)oiD, becanfetbep toerecreateD
nataralizquitad, bpantbojitpof l^arltamcnt, vid. tbercbcarfalloftbe statute of 7E.6.c3p,2,
unumquodquc anD tbe erection toas alfo tioiD fo^ tbe canfe afo^efaiD, ;9nD f bereupon tbe faio
diflblvi eo liga-
^Letters patents, asiDellfojfbcDtffolutionoftbefojmcr, anDfo; tbe erection
of tbe neto Court of J3ugmentations tocre confirmeD anD ettatiUibcD bp tbe

7E.6. cap.i. faiD M of 7 E. 6.

^nztnt Mary
accojDing to tbe potner gftjert to bee foj tiiffolution of tbe,
faiD Court bp M of parliament bolDen tbe ftftb of :©ctober in tbe firtt

^eare of b^i^ reigne, DiD afterlnarDs bp ber i.etters patents, bearing Date
2; Januarii in tbe fame peare DifTolbe tbe faiD Court of Augmentations;
anD tbe nert Dap follotoing bp otber ILetf ers patents uniteD tbe fame to tbe d^p*
Dier 4BIIZ.16. cbequer,tobicb inas utterlp toiD> becaufc ibe baD DiiTolteD tbe fame before : fo as
all the
jfeepurfueD not ber autbo}{fp«

Cap. 17. Ill

The honourable Court of
Chivalry before
the Conftable and Marfhall.

1 1 H.4. m* %W Court iScalUD Curia
H. 6, Du. 9. t!)e a^arOjall Court.
Milicaris aiiD Roc. Pari. f The Stile ef
the Court,
SClje auogesoft^iscourt arctfjeJLojD conftable of cSngtanDanDtftc t^
The Judges.
©arl f)ara)all of englatiD, and tfjis Court (g tljc fountain of tfje ^arfljall laU). 4}
^nD t^c C-arl ^arOjall is fcotfjoncof tlje Blunges, anD to fee epccutton be Done.
the Firft
ConHable OlCunftable iscompounDeD oftluo &aron ioojDs,
Cuninge per
contraaionem Kinge, anD ftable , id eft,
columen,quafi columen regis ancicntlp , other authorities
tojtttcn CuningftabJe. Marfhall ancientlp U)?ttten Marfcalc , hfeetotfeof ttoo cited.

^aron toOjDS. viz. Marciai equus^ anD Sr/j/r curator, quafi curator cquoruro : f The name*
iro;tl)C iparftall Marifchallus,anDtl)eDerttiationtftcreof,fcct{)eFirft I. pare of the
part of the
Inftitutes, Se^.i oi.fol./-^. SeiS. 1 54, fo.iof^.Seaicn InftitutcsjScft.
74^ fo.391 .
lOl & 15J.
SCfjis Court of CijttjalrptoasancientlpljolDenfn tj^c toingsf^all.
£ni)e jurisDirtton is DeclareD
f The place,
bp tlje ftatuteof j
7, R.i. ftat.i .

Becaufc the Commons doe make a

grievous complaint , that the f The Ifirit'
Court of the "^ Conftable and Marftiall have incroached to them diUion.
and daily doe encroach contrads, covenants, Rot.Par.8 R.i.
trefpafTes , debts and
detinues , and many other adions pleadable at the Common nu.ji.not in print
law, 13 R.i.ftat. I.
in great prejudice of the King and of his and to the C3.1. Rot. ParL
Courts, great
grievance and oppreflion of his people, The King willing to ordain *tIx
a remedy againft the prejudices and grievances afoiefaid hath de- Vide infra. '^
clared in this Parliament by the advice and afTent of the Lords I
H.4.cap. 14.
Spi- *Nou declared.
rituall and the and of thefaid Cpnfta-
Temporall power jurifdiiftion
ble in the form that foUoweth.
To the Conftable it appertaineth to have conufancc of Contrads
and deeds of arms, and of war out of the Realm, and alfo of thinc^s ^Theparver
that touch war within the Realm, which cannot be determined or
difcuflTed by the Common law, with other ufages and cuftomes to
the fiime matters pertaining , which other Conftables have hereto-
fore duly and reafonably ufed in their time,
joyning to the fame that
every Plaintif ftiall declare plainly his matter in his petition afore that
any man be fent for to anlwer thereunto. And if any will complain
that any plea be commenced before the Conftable and
might be tried by the law of the land , the fame Complainant fliall
have a Privy Seal of the withoutKing dircded to the difficulty
faid Conftable and MarOiall to furceafe in that
plea , till it be dif-
cufled by the Kings Councell,ifthat matter
ought and of right per-
taineth to that Court, or othcrwife to be tried
by the Commonlaw
of the Realm of England , and alio that they furceafe in the mean
see tljC Third part of the Inftiturcs,cap. High treafon,
pag. 16, Rot. Par.
35E. 3.partei.m.i6, 1
H.4,betU)centl)etojD s©o;li'anDtl)C CEarlof&arum,
tlje IRecoiD toljcrcoftocfja-oe fccn. ixor.Par. 2"rte i .m.7, bcttoccn
j? H 4. nu.i 5. Bul-
ly anD Scroop. Rot, Pat. 3 H.^, Ballediuh cafe. Rot Vafcon.

The Court of Qhhalry, Cap. 17.
n^ Rot. Pari, a H. ^.nu.p^HolI.Chron,
lemerscafe* ROt^Parl.n^c,
.24. ^H,4. &ic John Annelleys cafe. S>eetl)i0cafc Walfing. pa.isy.Duellura
44^5 John Walfhescafe, JFoj t^tscafcof Walfh, fee
petcuffum. Ibidem
8 R.2.
Stowes Annals 477* Howes Chron. 8 H.6.371, bcttoCCtl
Walfing. pa.sii.anD
John Upton ant) John Down. Vide Stowe$^urtepoE3LonDon 38 j.&cc tljts

cafe, Rot, Pat. 8 H.6. parte i.m.7. Annals 609.

Stow. Ibid. Anno ij H. 6. Anno
dotnini i445.bettoccti John DavyeanD William Cacurljis matter,
Annals 6^^.
ibid. 3 86. battel! jopncD bettoceti Thomas Fitz-thomas p?toj
Of !fttlman anD
Tames Butlec (Earl of £) jmonD;but iD^cn it came to tbe point tt)c i^tng fojbao it.

llojD 2Dalbot =iltctjet6nant of BtrclanD accufcD

Vide Rot,Parl. 1 U.6, nu. 9, John
of BcDfojD ConftableoC
t^cC-arl of iSDjmonDof ^tgbtrearonbcfojctljeCDarl
CSnglanD inftts spacfljals Court, t^c ISingDiDaboUflifljc
Dent Mfjat juDgment fftall begitjen tol)cncitftcrpartpistianqina)cD, feeftjcSr*
19.18. of CEnglanD about tfte beginning of tlje
And the judges ticlesoftlje SPufeeofCDlouc'Conftablc
make of arms is, fbat tl)c Appellant being otjercomc fliall in^-
fhall dili- reign ofR.2.2E;i)clato
gent inquifition, curretbcfame t&at t^e
SDcfcnDant ougtjt to ftatc Done if tictjai)
and if the accu-
tianquifteti, ^ , ^ „ .
fer be found falfej ,

and that he hath S»ce an ancient spanufcript in iFrenc!) cntttulcD Modus faciend' Duellutn
givenfalfe wit- coram Rege.Bone foy droit & &
ley deArms voer,quclappelIant cnGourgeimefmc
ncfl'eagainfthis peyne que le defendant deveroit.fil Ibit con via & difcomfit. * 3nD t^jis feemctlj to
brother,then be confonant to tlje lato of C?oD.
ycu doc to
manner of tfjepjocce*
antjts^anufcript trcatcttr botb oftljcjuriSDictionanD
Sing befoje t^e Conftablc anD {parfijalU anD foj t^at it is long, anD 31 Ooalt not
thought to doc
to his brother, but copies thereof are inmanpbanDs,3U)atie nottnfcrfetiitljere.
and thou in lattnc,
anijcrcarc manp in fojain parts tl)atl)abe tojitfen of (Ii:ombats,ic.

put cvill away 0s Alciat,Lancelottus,Conradus, Johannes de Lignano,

iFrencI^,anD italian.
from the middeft
of thee. Mutio JuftinoPo]itano,Berandier,Beutheusi Defdigueres,&c. to toftom tOC re*
fer tftc reaoer fo j tl)at if is fafc to follotu tl)e acts of ^aarliament concerning tlje

as Ijatjc been bcfo?e tlje Contta*

luriSDirtion of tljis CE;oart,ant) fuel) p:cfiDcnt6
ble anD sparOjalltnttie sparfbals Court iottljin tljis Kcalm.

C Out of the Realm.] sC^ts is to be unDerttooD inanpfojain part

faCponD fl)e S)Cas, In partibus exteris & tranfmarinis. jFoj upon i\^t §>ea tl)C

;aDmiraU Ijatl) jurisDiction, tofticl) 0DmtraU (our QBngliO) J^cptune) cannot

mcDDle toit^anpti)ingDonc beponDtlje &cas upon tfte^lanD, anD tl)e Confta*
ble anD jparCball l)ai)e no conufance ofanpfl)ing Done upon t^eS>ea.
of treafons,
i, OTljerc bp tljefe ^CtS it is p?0t3iDcD, That all treafons, milprifion
35 H.S.cap.i, or concealment of treafons committed out of this Realm of England, (hould be
5 E.6.cap.ii. inquired of; heard and determined in the Kings Bench by good and lawful men
fame Shire where the faid Bench fliall fit, or elfe before fuch Coramill^o-
of the
nersand in fuch Shire, as ihould be affigncd by the Kings CommifTion by good
to all intents and
and lawful! men ofthcfamefhire, in like manner and form
if fuchtrea(bns,&:c. had been done within the fame, &c. jflone Of
of tbe Conftablc anD s^arftjall,
tljefe 0cts Dot^ tafeeatoap tl)e jarisDiction
accufet^ another of il^igl) treafonDoneoutoft!)c
lUcalm: fojoffucl^
tfee t E.6.CJ.11. ioljcreone
an accufation of one againft anotljcr of anp f^tgt) treafon Done out of tlje
in the j. pare of li^calm tbe Conttablc anD ^arfljall flioulD ba\3C conufancc thereof: becaufe tlje courfc of t^e Common
tetgti treafon is not triable bp 3Iurp accojDtngto
latos of t^cll^ealmtn t^at cafefojtoantofpjoof, as bp all t^c pjcftDcnts
faiD act of H. 8, oj 5 E. 6. tafec a*
fojefatD it i^citljcr Dotlj
appearctti. tlje 5 >
of treafons Done upon f^e &ea,
toap t^e ttatutc of 28 H.8. cap.i 5. foj trpall
albeittftcp be Done out oftljelRcalm. &ecftercaftcr Cap. 2 5.anDtljcThirdparc
* ofthe Inftitures,Cap.of|9iracp,pa,iii,&tia.anDtljcre Inas no Doubt concef*
Vid.Regi.izp. of tljc ttatutc of 35 H.8. anD of
F.N.B.H4.b. t)CD of &ec tlje
tljctrtallof tljcm. preamble
Note remedy by 5 E. 6»
the Common law *3fanp2J()crcljant€ngl{{lbbcfpoileD, oj ftisgooDs
fa^enfrom Ijim bcponD
forwrong done
bp anp a)ercljants ttrangers , anD tftc (iEngUttJ ipercljant cannot upon
beyond die Sea. attain
Cap. 1
The Court of Chh airy. 125
attain to jufticctl)cre,!)cCbaUl)al3C upon tcfftmonu thereof a tout out of tijc

Cljancccp to arccft t^c Jj^crcftants Itrangcrs if tbcj' come into CDnglanDjOj

tbctcgooSsjfc. untill tljcp be fatiaficD. &ee l)crcafter tl)c crtiaptcr of ;aDmt-
HScfoje tl)is atct at a parliament l)olDcn tntl)e Spear of R.2. Jt toasc==
j^,^^ pj^sr i
iiactcD, ttjat no plea lubicD ftoulD concern tfte common lato f^oulD fcc triCD tc=
fo;c t^c Conftablc anD tlje i|)arn)alU nv.

jptoaOtJitioneittjcrofpcrfonsojof jurtstiiction can be aDDeD to tljis Court, R„c.pjr.,R.s.

imletrcit be bp^ict of parliament , *fo: ancient Courts ougljt to be crcrcifcD ru ,9. i>cnncc
accojDing to ttje ancient anD rigl)t inttitution. '

3ntl)c appeal afojeCaiD bettocen Upton anD Down in s H.^.after battell fRe^ui'eH ''
jopncD,tl)C Kings Ujiit
out of tbe Court of Cljanccrp iffueD to ti)c §>l)erifs of
4,5^^"" '

ILonDon,a0U)efinD it entrcD anDrccojDcD intijc great booh of tfte^bbbp of

315ur)> to. S7. 83 follotDetfj.

Eex Vic' London Salttt em: Precif imtis vohis jirmit^ jnjtmgentes quod BrcvcVic' Lf>n.

'.dsdam lift as c^ barras de mcremio

(ludsdam meremiofortes is pro lift.s &
[at pro quo-
qtto- J*""
^°^ P''^
dam Duello inter lohannem Vpton AppelUntein cjr lohannem Down
(jr Dorvn Defen- Juciiofac'r"
Jppellantem Juciio fac

dentcn^fccundum legem Armorum die

Lun£ prox' futur apud Weflfmith-
eld in fuburb' Civttatis pr^di^x Deo danteperficiend' contra diem prx- s,'e\iKarn'ac'b
dicitim neftris ftimptibus (^ expenfis erigiyConftrui,(^ feri fac" inomni- fa down by
bus proittmultimo duello ibidem faCiofaU' fuerunt,^quod terra infra li-
ftas prxdici'
cum [abulo fufficiente & ecjualit' cooperatur^ Ita quodali- Giouc'Co^nfla-
qui lapides grandes
aut arena infra eafdcm liftas minime inveniantur bk of Engl and,
Et de omnibus cr fmgttlis pec uni arum (ummis qttas circa pre-
quovifmodo: n!nToilhiw^'n
in compoto veftro ad Scaccarium
miffa applicaveritis^nosvobis noftrumper otR.i,
mandatum nostrum, debitam allocationem habere fa.ciemtts^(^c.
mv Vc^xQ to;it toe obfcrte 4. tbings, i. Cljat Sljerifu ougljt to mafee tfje sccmodfac'
lifts,«. 3. SDlje manner Ijototiicparc to mahc tftcm. 5. SDftat tftcp oug^t Jueiiuracoiam
to mafee tljem bp tfte icings Irjit. 4* SD^attfjeparetobc maDe at tfte icings ''^^•

iBp Cafutc of H,4. all Appeals offfjings Done toitftintlje KealmUjall 1H4.cap.11.
tlje I

be trieD anD DetermincD bp tl)e gooD latos of tljc IRcalm, %t, iSnD fljat all aip*
pcalo maDe of things Done out of tljelRealm tliall be tricD ano DetermincD bC'
fo;c tfjcconftable anD sparQjallofCiSnglanDfojtte time being, anD tf)atno;ap= Rot.pjr.iiH,4.
peal be purfueD in parliament. ""-^I-
2CJ)ci» piocccD accojDing to tljc ctiffomc3 anD ufages of f l)at Court , anD in

l.'| iheCrJti
cafes omittCD,acco;Ding "to tbe Citil lato, fecundumle^cm Armorum. ^nD
tl)ercfo;c upon attainDcrs bcfoje tbcConftable anD i|)ar(i)all of (SnglanD foj ^ j^h JVo - '

t^c time being nolanD t3fo^fcitcD,OHO;ruption of blouD tojougljt. F.r.efccap.ji.

jFo; KecoiDfif, Book cafes, anD otl)cr autljojities in lato astoellfoj tfjc cr» fo-js.
pofttion of tlje faiD ttatutc0,as fo; tl)e jurisDiction anD pjocecDings of t^is Court,
tl)eFidt part of the lnflitutes,Sc£t.io2.anD 745,anDpcrHrc tf)C ^utljojitics * n h 4.mi.24.
^ fee
tberccitcD. &eealfof be petition oflligbt, jCar.cap.!.
3t is to be obfertjeD ti)at after fcntcnce pjonounccD in tbis Court of CbttjaU'ot Je
rp in cafe ofarmstbc partpgrictieD map appeal fotbefSing-tobereof poumap conftabieai.d
reaD a notable IRecojD, Rot, Pat. isR.i.patte j.iPotc alfo a fpcciall IRoUAnl Mardiaiiand aj-
J4R.i.intituleDRot.procefi' in curia militari in caufa Armorum, Im' Ricu Ic '"'"li^fE'-gl'iiJ
Scroop Ciii valier, & Robertum Grovener Chivalicr.

vT.kRoJ'^.H '

anDfoJtbiscaure(amongftotbcr5) tbcl^eralDs arc attcnDants upon f bis ^'n.^n^.z^

Court, £Df tbefe l^cralDS tbcre be tres Rcges.f /x-. Garter Rex Armorum, Cla- An Aft n, t in
print toucliirr^
a Commidion for arraying and muftering of men, which at ihis day is offeree, nnd nooiher. Vide 8
H.4. nu. li
Clergy exempt out of that. Sec alfo 14 E, ;. flat.z. nu.^j.aCotunuflion of
Lieutenancy. Sec hereafter amongft.
ihe Ecclcri.illicnII Courts,
TK.flppeah. Vii.!.Glovcr8i,8j. f Saxonicc ifn.nhcld
/.honorcmtcncni, Latincfxciak$
& renccux
ii6 T^he Court of Chivalry, Cap. 17.
rercenx Rex Artrorum ex parte Auftrali. Norroy Rex Armorum ex parte Bore-
ali J Scfexalii Heraldi. Cftcfc CBngltQ) ^cralDs are meffcngcrs of tear anD
peace, sbtlfuU tn Dcfccnts,peDegrcc0,anD 0rmojics ; tl)cp marOjall t!)c folemni*
<z Rot. Pat. I R.3. tics at Co5onations,tl)Cp manaac combats bcfojc tlje Conttablc anD iparftal^
Rot.P.-it. 1 x anO upon rcquett tl)cp folemnijc tfte J^ unerals of noble , fjonotjial Ic, rc^ercnD,
Ph. & Mir. 18. -
anD Uiojiljipfull SCtjcptoerefirft incojpoaatcD bplSing R. s.aiiD
Jul) :rhcir Col-
is III the afterii)acD3nctolPinco:po?atcDfcpteing Philip anD Sucen Mary, acijctr lcar=
PiiiOi'jf S.tieii- ntnganD fattljfuU Dealing in Defccnts anD peDcgrecs upon juftpjoof map be a
nei la Caflle mean to quiet manpcontroticrQcs about t^etttle0 of l)ono;0,Dt0nttie0,anD inl^e-
Bainard Ward ritance0»
granted to the &
Hn tlje pjopl)Ct Eiechicl it i0tl)U0 tojfttenJ Dicit dominos dem , eric
corporation ofthe
Heralds by Let- manus mea fupcrProphetas, qui vident vana,et divinant mendacium-. incon-
ters Patents bea- cilio populi mei non erunc, & in fcriptura domus Ifrael.non icribentur,
ring daie i3 July tlpontbcfc latter iDOjDs 2Dit)inc0Doel)olD,Quodmoserat inlfrael, quodu-
J5J5. Anno 1 & in qua dinolcebatur quilibetdc
raquseque familia genealogiam ejus fcriberet,
5 Ph. & War.
b Ezech.i;.8,9. qua tribu erac, & dequa familia, Scqushajreditas ejusefledeberer, & ille qui
P[3lm.6g.c/i:karl- penitus delkueretur nonfcriberctur.
tU/del.Oyoz'ivcfi- ^aDljefe !^cralD0 are Dircl)ar6CDofS>ubfiDie0,2ColsanDotbcrc!)arge0oft&e
cum jit-
Common=lDcaltlj,bp 3letter0 jDatents of E,6, Anno 3. of Ijis reign.
jiu non fcnb.oi-
tnr. I
g)ec tl)c Firft pare of the Inflitutes foj flegrees, anD creattoti0 of Jl5obil{tp,anD
61. tliquajiaut trialltl)creof,Sea.9. ha6. & Sefl:. p^^, toljereunfo pou map aDDe a no«
jcriptiiram gencn- table tojit in^^tftelRegittcrjiuljcnaBaronoJ anpl)igl)cr Degree of i]5obilitp is
hgiiefiix eJ" nan fueD in tlje <£ourt of Common plca0, anD pjoceffc atparDeD againft btm bp Ca-
i'Wcnerual,& c-
jc^i fttilt.
pias oj Exigent, tljen map l)e fue out XW tojit.
Difthargcdof Rex lujliciariis fuis
de Banco Salutem. Mandamtis 'vobii, quod fi G. T,
Sublidit s.
miles corAm •uobU adfectam alicujus per a^iionem perfomlem impUcita-
Or in thcKings
tus exiflity ulem proce(fum ^
non dium 'uerfus ipfum in aciionc pradi-

Bench or other
ifa fieri
faciatis , qud' verfus dominos, magnates ,Comitcs five
Barenes reg-
Court. ni nofiri Anglia qui ad Parliamentumnofi:rumde femmonitionenofira ve-
tioii\.,proTiarone. nire debent ant eorttm aliqtiem fecundum legem (jr confiietudinem regni
Vid.8H.6 9,io.
i4H.6.r. Lb.e. noHri Anglic ftierit factend\ untim Baronum regni
quia prA^icl' G.T.
nofiri pradiii' ad
fo.jj.b.le Coiin- Parliament A nofiradcfommonitieneregia venientiumre-
tes dc KuthiiiJs
cafe. cordari,(^fc.

SClje llBaronp ofEdmond deEincourtcommonIp Deincourt of ILanglcp ill

ILtncolnflnrc ongtnallp createD bp ii3;it,!]aD long conttnucDtn fjtsS'irnante,

anD^atjtngno ilTuc male,Dcfirou0tl)att)t0 feiirname, ^rms, anD il5aronp,all
to^icljljc IjclD in fee fimple mtgW continue, bp l)umblc fuit impojfuneD Ming
loE.i.Ca-ndcn &
arma poit mortem Ilium
E. 2,fojtl)at COnceiteD, Quod cognomen faum
ij H.j.nii ji.
delerentur, & corditer afteiSlabat utpoft mortem ejus in memoria haberentur,

34 Alnurick ut demaneriis & armis fuis feoffaret quemcunque voluerif. anD tnftjeenDl)^
ail of Lcic'
I: obtaineD l)i0ruitfap tl)eiI»tng01Lctter0 patents unDcrtfte »II5?cat fecal, anD af*
Math.Par. pag. teriuarDS about 1 9 E. j. be afftgneD acco:Dtng to tlje teingo grant bis isir*
name, arms, anD poirellion0. iFoj toe finDintbe clofe JRols fl)at tfjcfatD Ed-
mond llSaron of Eincourt fat \\\ |9arliament mitill anD in ifj E. 2, anD t^at
Inqiiiflt' 21 H.6. after b is Deceafc Ijts affigneefat \\\ parliament in i E. ^bptljcnamcof Wil-
Pjft moi teni
liam de Eincourt, anD in Ijis Ijcirs males tljeDignitp, rtrname,anD poffeCTtons
WiUielmidomi- *
ni de Eincoiirt.
continueD untill 2 1 H.d.anD tften Ijis \t\x male f ogctljer toitlj tlje name anD Dig*
nitp ceafeD.
Hil.annoji El. anD 3! DiD bear tlje IBaron of ^Bucgljlcp ^o;D aCreafurer H)cputp to tljc
CEarl of &lj;etofburptf)en (iBarl spartljall of <iDnglanD,tn bearing of tbccaufe
bp tbc SJncens commanDment bettocen Edward Nevil anD iiaDp Mary Vane
Daugbfer anDbcir of Henry 3io?Dof Siburgabenp foj tbc rtgbt oftbe ffiaronj
of a!jurgatjcnp,tj0«cb a recoiD in tbc reign of E.4. SCbat tbe ?Lo:D Hoe,U)bo bare
fojbts enligns of bonoj quarterlp &iltier anD ^ablcbatiing no iiTue male, bp bis
T^he Court
Cap. 17. of Chivalry o izy
tJcD unDcr granteD f)ts name , arms anD Dignif p otjcr , but Ijabing not
l)i0 fcal

tljc latngs licence anD toarranf , tfjc fame toas tn §parltamcnt aDjtiDgeD to tc
HDav !^cralD0 arc conffttutcD faplLettcrs patents , anDtjatjc manptcremo^
nies Done unto tljcm at tljetr creation, but tftofc ceremonies arc not of tifz effcncc
oftljciroflficc, but tijc iLctters anD fo teas it aDjuDgcDinttjc
patents onlv t

laings reign of :35uccn Eliz. in tl)C cafe of Dethck i^ing of

3I5cncl) in tf)e
^rms, 315ut tl)U3 macti of i^cralDs upon fijis occaQon fliall fuffice anD noto ,-

let us return to our Conllalle anD sgjarftalU

3n ancient latos bcfojc tlje Conquctt, j'ou tljall rcaD De Herecochiis 0? Here- int'
Leges td-
du6toribus exercitHs,ab hepe exercitus 2ct0ecrf,iiucerc.
^^'^^' rfgis.
togiis, ^
Heretochiu5 agrcctl) toifl) eitfjer of tljcfc otrcat UDfficcrsXonffabuIariusoi ?^-Wo-

Manlcnallus: Ifli
veroeligebantur percommune concilium pro comuniutilitate
regni perprovincias Scpatricosin plenoFoIkmote. retochii,.

Ctjis office of tljc dDonftablc of CEnglanD teas aftcrtoarDs of inheritance ofancienttime

bptlje tenure of tl)Cmannojs of i^arlcficlD, jl^ctoman, anD (Mljitcnljurft bp ... f^'f'',
d^janD &er jeantp , in tljc line oft^cBohnns Carls of ^crcfojD, anD CDlIcr, Mrcndubi'S'
anD aftcrtoarDS of rigljt in tljc line of tftc Stafford s anD SDuhcs of JIBucUing^am ' Sf e 1 "ei"1
as ftcirs gcncrall to tftcm : at tljc laft bi'tljc opinion of all tljc SuDgcs if Ujas is^. forefoived
latofull)? DcfccnDeD to Edward SDuUc of 15ucUingljam, toljo Uias attaintcD of
treafon.inAnnoia H.8. luljcrebp tljis office became fo;fcttcD to tlje Croton,
anD fincc tljat time fcotlj in rcfpcct of tljc ampUfaDc of t!jc 0utljojitp botlj in
ioar anD peace, anDoftljccljargcittoasncticrgrantcDto anp rubjccf,but noto
of late hac vice.
ifojtlic office of flje CEarl <|)arftall, fee tljc Firft part of the Inftitutcs,Se(5^.
102. & 13J.
snijceffcd: of t^c grant of t^is £)ff{ce of Conllalle of CnglanD Is in tjcrj?
feto toOjDS, viz, Officium ConftabulariiAnglix una cum omnibuj feodis, pro-
commodicatibus, &emolumentis quibulcunque officio prseditlo qualiter-

cunque pertineotibus, & ab antiquodebitis&confuctis, 0nD bp nO mean0UlC

are tofolloto tljc irregular pjefiDent of tljc grant thereof bp i^ing E. 4. tn tlic
7 pearofljis reign to Richard Widevile Carl lRtt?crs anDJLojDof (EJjaftoti
anD De la mote fojljtS life :tobiclji0atcnt poufljaUfinDRot Par. Anno7E.4,
1 . anD is Dircctli? againft tljc common laUi anD tlje flf atutcs concerning
flje juriSDictionoftljts iDffice; anDtljcretntoot3cr=reaclj alltbcgooDanDU)ftole»
fomclatos maocfoj tljc Declaration of tljc jurisDiction of tbis great £)fftce,
potoer teas gibcntotbcCarl Kitjcrs toljabc conufancc in cafe of ^igljtrca=
ron,anD Otljcr caufes anD affairs, Qu:e in Curia ConflabulariiAnglixabantJ-
quo,i'/a. domini Guilielmi ConqucHoris progenitoris regis feu aliquo tempore
citrajiraftarijaudiri, examinari&decidi conlueverunrj'eu de jure debuerunt fi-
ve debent, &' diverfa alia pcrperam, 0nD tljercfojcbp no means tlje fame oj tljc
lifecis to be Djaton into cramtJlc*

jFoj grants of tljis great £Dffice of Conffablc of CnglanD, fee tljc pjefiDcnts,
anD bi> tftattoljiclj ftat^becn faiD cljoofe tlje beff. Rot. Pat. i H.4.parte i.Hen-
rico comiti North pro vita. Rot. Par, 4 H,4,parte 2. Johanni filio regis,ad pla-
citum. Rot.Parl. 1 H.( Glouc' adplaciium. Rot.Pat. i H.(5,partc
2. Johanni Duci Bedford pro vita. Rot.Pat. 8 H.6. parte i. Richardo Duci E-
borum inabfcntia JohannisDucis Bedford. R0t.Pat.2y H, tf. parte i.Johan-
ni Vicecom' de bello monte. Rot.Pat. 28 H.5. parte i.m. 22. Henrico Com.
Norchumbr. ad placitum. Rot. Par. 29 H. <5. parte i. Edmundo Duci somerfec
ad placitum. Rot.Pat. i E. 4. parte?, m. 188. Johanni Com' VVigorn". Ror.
Par. 7 E. 4. parte i. Johanni domino Tiptoft. Rot. Pat. 7 £.4. Ubi fupra Richar-
do Com' Rivers. Pat. 8 E. 4 parte i. Pat. 9F.4. Gcorgio Duci Clarenc'. Pat.
9 E.4.parte 2. Richardo Duci Gloc'. Pat. ioE,4.parte H'commumim'
Johanni Tiptoft Comiti
VVigorn. pro vita. Pat. 16 E.4. parte i. Kicardo Duci Eborum. Henricus Staf-
ford dux Buckingham jure hircditario. Pat. 1 R.g. Thomas dominus
Stanley, cUya'^rJncvcra^
Edvvardus dux Buck' jure hsreditario, , ^nd,njp!cefine.
|& 1 2Ctji3

121 8 The Court
of Chivalry .
2Clj{0 great off {ce j^srt^ been ufuallp gratite5,aa bpflje pjefitients afojefats
appearetljj Exercendum per per fufficientes deputatos fuos, feu perluffici-
fe vcl

en' deputatum fuum*

2C^ere is alfo an ;flDfftce of Subconflabolarius granteO to Thomas Kent
of latoS* Pat,i3 H.<5« parte 2. Simile Pat. 22 E. 4» m«2.

severe is alfo Clericus Conftabulari^ Anglix , Promoter caufaram & & ne-
^fl\iz toas granted to Thomas
gotiorum regiam raajeftatem tangen'» 3Dl)tS
tuttlja feoof JFitjemarfes. Pat. 8 e,4* pane 1,
concerning tl^e grants of tfte £)ffice of Carl sparOjaU of (i&nglant) : foj
tljis £Dffue etjer paffea bp tlje grants of tlje teing, anD neber belongcli to

anp ^ubjed bp reafon of tenure, as t|ie ^teloarDC^tp, ant) ConSableOiip of

SBnglanD fometime DtD*
Ro.Cirt.ioR.i. Rcx,&e, sciatis quod cum nos nupcr de gratia noflra fpeciali conccffcri-
m.i.n.j. mus dileito confanguineo noftro ihomx Comiti Notingham Officium Ma-
rcfchalli Anglia:: habendum adtotam vitam fuam» Noj jam de
ulteriori gra-
» This is the firft
tia noHra coDceltimus prjcfato confanguineo noliro offieium pra:di(3um
ftile that ever
^^^ nomine &
homre Comitis Marefchallu Habendum fibi hscredibus fills &
tenr^'"'"^ mafcnlis decorporc fuo exeuntibus cum omnibus feodis,proficuis pertinentiis & .

quibufcunque diiSo officio qualitcreunquc fpc<ilantibuj imperpctuum,
Rot Cart ' o R i. ftibu$,&c« Dat* 1 2
Junii Anno regni fui 20, 2Dt)iS Cljarter Of creation is con*

nu.17. firmeD bp £t of3parliament. 2Cftcfojmer grant befojerectteD,j>et ftojtcrtben

tijiSjtoas matie
anno 9 R, » .
if oj ot^er grants of tftls iDffice in RocCartarum, Pat. & Pari, ^ee Rot.Gartt
Johaonis parte 2«nu4.85*Rot.Gart.9E.2*nu.32.

^i H.3,mfi4, \6,

H»4.parte n&,5.m.<f.
I R.j, parte i.m.iz,
Vide Rot* Pat»c;
H.y, parte 3.
25 H.St parte 2*
II Mariaenu.34.
»-j „ .n I I R»2.m«4. & 3»

Pari. 21 E. i.Ror, I. Qiia: pertinent ad offieium Comitis mare-

Pflt.iiE.4.m.j. alfo Vicemarefchallus, Ujl^icl^office tnas granfeHto The:

jc^retoas Grey
hac vice*
Vide Lib. nigr' de Scaccario, concerning tl^e offices of tl^e Conltable and ^ar'
ftall, & Lib, rubro fo.3 <S.

^ ^eealfo t6e^rfballof(I&nglant),Fletalib.2,eap,4,j, anD Britten inprin-

^ee Mich. 1
3 E, 2. in Scaccario pro feodis Conftabularii Anglis.
Hil, y E. 3. in Scaccario Certificatio faft' Regi pro officio Marefchalli, i E. 3.
fo.i(5. 2 E.J. fo.i 2. 48 E.3, 2 R.2,nu.47.
3» Rot.Pafl. y R,2. Tit. Triall j4.Rot»
Par.s H.4,nu.39.Keylwey 172.S1anf.Pl.C0r.5j. 5 Mar,
Br. tit. battell i ;«
Hereflitafignifiet^ a &olt)ier lbire& ant) Departing Uritiiout licence, DeriteH
til Here,
cxercitus, &c/ltte»,tO Depart.
3f ^"P &olDier tiabe cot)cnanteD to tcrte fbe fetng inlets toar , an& appear
Rcgift. fo.191 a.' "

&par.'5E'3. Hof at tl^e time ano place appointed , tljere Ipetft bp tfje Common laiuanoji*
nu.18. of Capias condu6tos ad
ginall tojtt proficilceadum^DireaeO totlso Of tlie l&ings
Cap. 17.
The Court of Chhalry, 12P
l^erjeanta at 0rms to arreSanDtabeJ^trntDtjerefoeter tie ma^ be found) anD
fobbing: ^im Coram concilionottrotDftbaclaufcofaCTiffance: but of t^i0 mat:
fer fee ftjeThird part of the Inftitutes,Cap. [feiolDiecs tijat t)cpart,^c.l6>ec 3 Car.
tlje petttton of 3R.tgfjt conceminjj marttall laUi,anD t^c commiffton to3L(CM«
fenant0, fc,
2Do conclude tott^ fome fl&ojt toutft concerning rfgljtoftoar. Sicjaandoac-
cefleris ad expugnandam eivitatem, ofteres ei primum pacetn : anD fee tftere

manp things concerning rigl^t ofiuar* Quis rex iturus committere bellum Luc.14.31.
adverfus alium regera , non fcdem prius cogitat fi pofiGc cum dcecm millibui
occurrcre ei quicum vigintimillibusvenkadre?alioquin illo adhuc longe agcn-
ce mitteos rogac ea qu£ pacis fuDt*
Haud facile vincicur qui de fnis & adverfarii copiis verc poterit judicare*
offerr, femper pavcfcit, ^e t^at offeretl) parlp ts etjet afratD* yegetifu de re
Qyi colloquium
Nulla funt meliora confiiia quam qux ignoraverit adverfarius antequam taciast
Nullum bellum eft juftum, ni(i auc pro rebus peciiis geratnr 9 auc ante de- Cicer; Offt^.
nuQciatum lit, & indi(5^um.
Jure gentium
non licet indi(5^a$ inimicitias exercere & bellum gererc,priuf- Camdetj,
ille aquo injuria (itorfa moneacur illicitam injuriam refarcire) & ab in-
juria abfifterc.
Juftum aucem bellum eft qnod tria hsc habet, Authorem, CaufanijFincmf LipfitUt

Semper in prxlio hiis maximum periculum, qui maxime timenc. Salhfi.

Longa belli prxparatio celerem dat vii^oriam» Vtget^ & St'

Ideo fufcipienda funt bella,nt fine injoria in pace vivatar.
maxime confervanda funt jura belli* Cicero Hbifuf,
In republica
Olun veceri lege armoram ci ves & burgenfes militiam tradiare probibici fii- -drift, 10,
erunt » VKd.i4i.j.rit.
^etonci^Vegetias fb) ^t0 otDn()ono} anDtDO}tl^ineire,ant)to)t|KitFone~
fcuc fo»7o«bt c(tet^ ftfni»

Cap. i8.

The Court of the Marihalfea.

f,TheHme, T~! £)j tlbctlCCttiaflon Of Marerchallus& Marefchalcia , fcc bcfojc (ntljeneict t ot th: In
fiiiu es,§.ioi. &
i pjeceDtiig chapter of tbc Court of t!)e conttaWc anD £parO)all , tfjaf tl&ep
jjg j)Cf|^gD frojj, tiuo S>ai;on toojDS to!)ltl) toe conceitte tciiDctlj mtic!) foj

<r 77i v^ f '^'^ P''""^ ^^ *'^^ antiquity' atiD ftonoj of o«r Jpattott, fcctngotljer JJations Ijafcc
. ',1 Ai!' tbefamejaDfftccrsanD iIDfftce0;anDm rcfpcd tbetr name is ccrtteti front t^e
4H67l T"''" language ofonr0nceaojs,iti0ltbcfljcp tooUtljefame from us.
' **
zic,. ;aibcittntbtflCoMrt tf)c S>tctoarD anD ^arOjalloftlieliouajolDareSlnDees,
f H^htrefore it anti tljc SstetoarD l)af I) t^e pjcccDcntp, pet tifte Court is callcD tl)c Court of ^r=<
« calledthe fljalfca toj tl)?cc taufcs. iFtra,fte is not onlp a 3uDge but fect^ tiiat crecution

(toljitljistljcllfcof t!)e lato ) be Done. §>econDli?,^ is office istn fojcebotft in

ttmcof pcace, anD in timeof laar. SCljfrDlp , fijouglj X\\t Conffablcljatljt^epjc*
ccDenci? of tlje i|)arfl)aU of <il;nglanD , pet tlje Court ftolDen bcfojc fibcm is calleli

t\fi r^arOjall court, fo:ti)ccaufesafo?craiD. &cc bcfoje in tfjc Chapter of tfte

ConftablcanD Par. anno 8H.4. nu.82, tbattfje Court of
(^arfijall, fee alfo Rot.
tijc £^arQjaUcan no plea butfucftastocreljolDenintljereignofE.i.

f The lurli. j^oi tfte jurtsDictton of fftis Court,anD toitl)in toj^at p?e£inct , fee in mp lR.e«
diSlionofth$s poits, 68,69.&c. Le cafe del Marfhalfea,;o,2i.Michelborne$
Conn IS oriqi- cafe. 7 H.4. i
J. iilCalvins catc. Lib.4. fo. 45,47. Swifts cafc. S»ce ParI.;oE.i»

nal&ordwarj. Rot. 2. 2\\ inqtiiGftcns conccming anp Citijcnof 3lonDon Ifeallfae taben in
4H.6.1. JLonDon.
Perticet ad Marefcallum Cut' hie venire fac' juratores fuper iii.Coia felonescaptos eutn
R^geR 11,58. manuopere in Aula regis.
MiJd. SDtjis Court Ijatljljts foundation from tlje Common lato of CnglanD.
a:i)tSi'^arri)allbptI)ellatuteofVV. i.cantafecnofccfojnoiiig'of ftis office,
but onlp of tljc Jiing, but fuel) fees as latter 0cts of |0arltament fjabe gitten l^im,
l)emap tabe. §>ce tfte Third part of the In Piitutes,Cap.(il;rf option.
jFoj fees of tf)e {^arOjall of tlje iJings Ijoufcant) of ffaffe bearers, anti fer*

tiitojs of btls, fee tlje llatutc of i H,4.Cap, 2 j.

Rot.pnr 17 E.5.'
SCoconcluDc tfjis Chapter toitft an 3(1 Of fDarltamenf not in p?tnf. 3If ise*
ini.ji. nactcDtljatettcrppcrfonarreaeD into tticsparlljalfca, map fell f)tsoton tale 5 anD
tfjaf tl;c ^Dfftcerstiocnot paCetljetiaerge. ^ E.3,nu.9i,i62.

Cap. ip. 131

The Counting-houfe of the Kings Houfehold.
X>omm Qmponfi Hofpitii '^evis.

2D is commonl»> called tlje (©jcencloflj, in refpect of tfje (I5?c0nclotl) upon t\)C a^ s.cap.n.
Cable, iDfteceat tljcl)onourablc £)ff iters fjcrcaftcr mcnf toncD Do fit, viz. t^e
I iLojD §>tettJarD , tljc SDrcafurcr of tljc Miners Ijotifc , ti)C tConf roller of tfte
lyings boufe,tt)c ^adcr of tt)e l^oufetjolD, tl)c Cofferer, anD ttoo <llerb(j Cottc
troUcrs conttnuallp Qtting in tljis Counttng-!)oufc foj fljcfe purpofco. iFirft,
fojDail)' tabin? tt)C accounts fo; all crpences office faio IjoufefjolD. 4ccont)lp, foj
making of p;iot)trions fo^ ttje fail) t)ouref)olD,acto;tDing to tl)c llalDs anti Statutes
of tfte Hcalme. 2El)irDlp, foj mafetng of payment foj tlje fame acco;Dinglj»»; t\)e gooD gotjernment of tftc icings ferviants of IjoufcljolD. iFtftfjlp,
tl)e Cofferer is to pap tfte toages to ttje icings fcrtjants beneafft tljc ttaircs , anD

t^c ?lo;D Cbambcrlainc abotc tbc flairs of tljcliings l)Oufcl)olD. Vide 39 Eliz,
anO be is to account in tftc (Siccljequcr foj about 4C000 li,
cap. 7.
©eeFletadc officio rhelaurariiHofpitiiregis,&c.Habetenim Rex alios clericos,
in holpitioiHOjur Thefaurat'Garderobx (ax quz ert loeusCIcricis tanturr affigna-
q j'"'^!""**
tus, qujE in Francia Camera Clericorum appellatur. Huic enim ihefanrariccur*

expens' Regis &

familiifuicommittit'jqcum Clericoprovidofibiaflbeiatopro
Controtlatore recordum habct ut in hiisq officium luum eontingunr,
f Officiutn TheC Garderobx eft pecuniam jocalia exemfia rcgi faifta rceipere
p ,

& reeepta rcgilque feereca cuftodire> & de receptis expens' facerc rationabilci, ^ere.^
expenfarumque particulas inbreviare, & departiculis comp' reddere ad Seaceari-
um finguiis annis in fiefloSanfts Margareta: abfque faeroprsftando,eo quod de Deconfilio
coniilio regis eft juratus, Et unde prime debet diftinfte &aperte comp' reddere jurams.
de omnibus recept' feparatim per fe in uno rotulo. In alio autcm rotulo deex- Modus compoti.
penljs cocidianis de cuibus Sen' andiverit comp', fimul cum Tlief. & conlbcio
fuo. Icemdeneceflariisexpenf, inquibus empciones equorum, cariagia & plura
alia continent'* Item dedonis. Item deoblationibus & elcemoryni$.ltem dcva-
diismilitum. Item de vadiisbaliftar'. Item de feod' forinfccis* Item de priftit'
& accommodai't
* Item de expenf, Garderobx in quib'
emptiones panorum,pelure.cerej fpcru
tele,& hujufmodiconprchendantur. Item de jocalibus.Iiemde expenf, forinlecit,
in quibusdivetfi onerant'in compoi' reddendfltem de Nunciis,ltem de Falconar'.
f Thef, autemmcmoratus con venire debet (ingulis noitibus Senhofpitii,Ca- Convenirc/?n-
merar' Controciatorem &clericum ejus.Coffrarium, Mar'auls & hoftiar'miiites, guhsnodii u',
Mar'iirrviente & duos hoftiar' aulx & hoftiar' earners lervientes,afl'eflbrc ferculo- Cotfranus,
rum,pincernam,p3netr'piflorcm & clericum eorundem officiorum> q de expenf.
dietsE. viz., panis, vini,& cervif, pichiorum, ciphorum, falisj frU(5tus, cafei & hu-

jufmodi refpondebir,
f Item duos magiftros Cocorum, lardenar', poletar', fcutellar', falfar', & dcri- WagirtriCocoru
cum coquina: qui de eifdem officiis pro omnibus in eorum prsfentia de expenf. ii- ^^"*"
liusdiets reddit rationem, quorum omnium prxicntia neceflaria eft. Item Elec-
mofinar', janitor' fervientem ad cuflodiam fummar' & caredarum
& clericum de Marefcalcia cum Marcfeall' frad^ore equorum, qui quidcm clericus
de expenf. feni & aven' litere fraiSure equorQ &
harnefie proequis careftis ac &
de vadiis fervicnt' fcutiferarum clericorum & garc're(pondebir,cuj' intereft fcirc
tam de liiisqui de novoerunt admilTi ad vad'Regis, quamdevagantibus& in
hiis vadia minuere & augere. Vadia autem abfentibus line
fpeciali prsceepto re-
gis nifi obfequio rcg' fusrint minime concedunt', prxfcntia autcm Coronatoris
i2i The Count ing^houfey (^c.
Cap. ip.
Regis ncceffaria ctit
in pleDocompoto,compoci auditores fuper foro frutrenti &
aveii inflruec &
edocec qualit'proclamai'in eifdem pattibus per quod melius fci-
re pofTint quot panes obolati fieri debcnt de quart' frumenc quibus omnibus con-

gregatis audire debcnt expenCSt rationabilem eompot' illius diets,

f Marefchalli autem de fuperveniemibus debcnt inferiori Mar' tcflimonium
Hoftiarius miles hoftiariis aliis de numero fcreulorum lardcnafjcoco,
camcrat', hoftiario earner Regis, fie &
quibus alii, fie audiat' &
compotus de iota
0nD tijen foUotoetlj a ncfcripf fon of flje Duties of tl^e ret)craU officers abotjcfait),
toojtbp tljc fcatiing.
%ifz Cofferer is in Flcta calleD Coffrarius of t^e Coffer :l)ccaufe Ijc ftoulD liatje
titotiep it! I^ts Cofcr to pap iuagcs, ic
as is afojcfatD, 3it is cnacteD bp t^c tta=
Ariic.fup.cart. *
cap. J.
tuteofiS E.I. cap. J, SCfjat all |9uttiepoursft)all account in tlje boufeftolD.oj In
Countingh. ufe jjjg tMarDjobc. Rot. '"'ar, i8 E. 3. nu.34. no purtepour arreftcD (ball be b?ougW

"'^f'*'^ ^^^ Counccll, ic. but f afee Ijts remeDp bp tlje Common lalu. &e6 tlje Third
Rot.Pirl z8 E.J.
* ' part of the Inftitutcsjcap, Purveyours,
nu.54. §>ee tlje fiatutes concerning l^urfccpours. Anno 36 E, 3 cap. 2, 3,^,^,6, &e.
36 E.j.c3.i,j,4 jigQt obfcrbe tl)at ti^ere is left out of ttjc pjint tfjc pain on tl^e S»tctoarD, Creafu^
rer. Controller, anD otfter £)fficers of tftc ftoufcljolD at tbe ^ings toill, foj not
erecutins tbe ftatute :
toliicf) omiifion tjatl^ maDe t^ofe of tbe (2??eenclot^ t\)C

_ bolDer.
PMi. JO.p
Kot ^ ,
" *
^j j^gj parliament it toas alfo enacteD tbat flje iiings cariages OioulD be

matie in as eafic manner as migljt be, anD tljat in tlje Summer, anD otl)cr times in Auguii (tobtcb is alfo left out of tljc pjint.) jFoj tl)e Jiings Ca-
ctagesfee Mag,Cart.cap.2i.anDtl)ee);poritionnpontl)efameintl)cSecondpart
jFoj tfje MarDjobe, Vide 1 5 E.2, roc. per fe. i E.4. ca.i. Clerb of tlje OTarD-
robe, Rot, Pari. 7H.7. tbe erpcnces of tljc ftings IjoufebolD anD MarDjobe*
1H. 8, an 0ct concerning tlje great C2larD?obe, 3 H, 8, tije allignment foj tlje
3iingsMarD?obe. 39 Eliz. cap.7, gaffer of tljc WarDjobe.tobofe office isac«
countable in tlje CjiCbequer, &ee W, i.cap,44. tn^at iffues t^e icings 3uttict8
are to eftrcat into tljc MarDjobe; moje tijc ©HarD jobe.Rot.Clauf.? 3 E. i .m.3.
Roc. liberaiionum, iiE.2.m.4. 2Co ConcluDe, &CC Rot. Clauf. 18 E,4,m. u.
tDbere appcaretlj tljat ^Letters anD ©Kjitings concerning matters of ttate,

vid inf.a ca-^ " 16 tofticl) tocrc uot fit to bc maoe tiulgar, iocre inroUeD in tbc 22narDjobe, anD not

in tfte Chancer?, as leagues Snerc anD ougljt to be. as it appcaretlj in 9 E, 4, 6.


:anD tbus mucft of tlje MarD?obe being mcntioncD in Flera.

a^tje jSDfficcrsof tlje counting'ljoufencter belD pleaofanptljing.

Cap.2o,zi. m
The Court of the Lord Steward,
and Controller of the Kings houfehold,
concerning felony
to the
by compafsing orconfpiracy kill
King, or any
Lord or other of tfie Kings Councell, &c.
foenqatrc, Jjeare, anDDcfcr^
m{nct6efaiDo«f6tTce,asparficalartPiatlar5e appearctb tn fijc Third part lonj by coW
of the Inftitutcj,cap, Felony, fipcompaCting,o} confpitacp to billt^e iidig, ^c, fing or con!pir».
cy to Icill the
King, fel.67.

The Court of the Lord Steward of the Kings
houle, or in his abfence of the Treafurer, and Controller
of the
Kings hou{e, and Steward of the

^e fudsDWfott bpattof|9artiamimtfo enquire of, 6ear, anUDe* J?"*"?'*^

termtnc all SCreafons,
i^tfpjtfion of
tceatbns, spnrDers, Sj^anflaagftters,
ffilooDOjeD, anD ot^er malttCousttrtbttigs, to^crebpblooD be OjeD in
manner of pVc^
anpoft^e palaces anQ^oufcs of tfteiitng, oj tn anpot^etr^oufetnljcrcfhc iiitng ceeding.
in bis 1R opall petfon Ojall be abiDfng.anO bv tlfut act t^e Umtf s anD bounds of ^'^''^ p' ' '*•
t^e mtngs palaces oj boure,oj t^e ^oufc tol^ere tlje Ropall pccfon fs abiDing , ^"Z t^l^n^ *""''
are partuulaclp anD eppjeflp fcf fo?tl) anD DcfcribeD. 3ln tm anD Ufec cafes toe re= cL M.fSoa.'
fer gou to t^e ftatute tt fclfe, foj Compendia fum difpendia, foi.tij.
* Vide 28

n^ Cap. 22.

The Court of the Admiralty
according to the Civill Law.
Artkuli Jdmiralitatis.

ArticHli tAd- The complaint of the Lord Admirall of England to the Kings moft
Excellent Majcfty againft the Judges of the Redme ,
The Articles of concerning
Prohibitions granted to the Court of the Admiralty 1 1 die
the Admiralty Fehr.ft-
nultimo die termini Hilarity Anno 8 lac. Regis : The elfed of which
f The Proccs
aod proceed- complaint was after by his Majefties commandement iet downe in
ings in this Articles by Dodor Dun Judge of the Admiralty ^ which are as fol-
Conrc are in loweth, with anfwers to the fame by the Judges of the Realme :
the name of which they afterwards confirmed by three kindes of authorities in
the Lord Ad- law. I. By AiSts of Parliament. 2. By Judgements and
proceedings : and laftly, by Book cafes.

The TitUofthe Certaine Lord Admirall and his Officers of the Admi-
grievances whereof the
Comflainu ralty do efpcdally complain, and defire redrcffc.

I OhjeSiioHt conufance of all tunixtkH^ and offier tilings Done nponl^e

tD^ereas ti^e

&ea belonsetl^ to t\^ ;aDmiraU jurUtittfon^tie fame are maDe triable flje ^
common )Lal0, b? ruppoCng tlje fame to l^at^e been Done in Cteapa^^ans fac^

The place0»
Bp t^e latoes of t!)i0 Realm tiic Conrt of ti^ SDmirali l^at^ no connfance,
jpotijer, oj jurifDtrtion
of anp manner of contract, plea, ojqucrele toitftin anp
Coantp of tl&e Ucalm, eitlicr upon tl^c lanD oj tfje toafcr : btit efecrp fat^ con=
tract, plea, oj qucrele, anD all otfjer t&lnga rtCngujttftinanpCounfpoff^
31lcalm,ettlberupon tbe lanD oj tbc toater, anD alfo ESIrecftof t!jc fea ongfjt to be
tricD,Determinet),Dtfca(reB,anD remeDtcD bptbe laioes of tl)ClanD,anD not befoje,
The defcription oj bp tlje ^Dmirall no? ftis 1. tentcnant in anp manner. S>o as ii is not materiall
and limitation of tD&ctbcr tljc place be upon tbe toater infra fluxum &
refluxum aqm t but toljet^er
the(Sea) where- it be upon anp iaatertottbtnanp «i:ountp. MljerefojetoeacbnotoleDgcttjatof
in the Lord Ad-
mirall hath jurif- contra£ts,pleag, anD qnerels maDe upon tbefea, oj anp part thereof tobttl) ts not
diif^lon. toifbtnanp Count p (from tobencc no triall can be IjaD bp f voclbe menj tfje 3Dmi»
3nD nop:caDcntcanbeftetoeD tljatanj?
rail t)atIj,3nD oagftt to ftaljc jurif Diction.

pjofttbitton ^atlj been grantcD fo: anp contract, plea, oj quercle concerning anp
marine caufe maoe oj Done upon tlje fea tailing tbaf onlp to be the fea tofjerein

tbe ^[Dmirall Ijatl) jurifDtction, toljicl^ is bcfoje bp lato DeftribeD to be out of ang
CTountp. a>eemo?eof tl>is matter in tlje ^nftoer to tfte Crti) Article."
2 ObieUion, actions are bjougljt intftc aiDmiraltp upon bargains anD contracts maDe
beronD the fcas, toljcrein tbe common lato cannot aDminifterjuttice, pet tn
tliefe cafes ]^?olf|ibitton0 are atoarDeD againS t^e :aDmirall Court.
The Anfwtr. Bargains o;i contracts maDe beponD tbe feas tobercin tlje Common lato can^
See hcrealtcr in not aDmiiiiacr jtifttcc (tobich is the effect of this article) Do belong to the Con*
tlie proofs by Sable anD ^arOiall; fo;tl^e jurifDiction of tbe^lDmirall is tol^oUp conSneD to
Judgements and
tfjc fea, tobicl) is out of anp Conntp. iBntifanpSnDenfure, »onD , oj otber
judicial! prvfi-
dcncs. &pccialtp, OJ anp contract be maDe bei'onD fea fo; Doing ofanp act ojpapment of
anp monep toitliin tbis Realm, 0; otl^ertoife, tob^rein tbe Common lato can aD«
Cap.22. The Court of the Admiralty, 135
miniaer jutticc, anD gitjcojainarp rcmcDi'; ?n tljcfc cafes neitfjcr tl)c Conffallc
anO iparfljalU tioj tljc v£:ourt of tftc aDntitalt)' fjstb anp jurtf Diction. HnD tljcrc^
fo;c U)l)cn tftts Court of tIjcaDmtraltp Ijaflj Dealt tl)crctottl) in Derogation of t^e
Common latu , toe finDc tijat pjobibittons Ijatjc been grantcD,as tji' lavo tije?

ceiljercas time outofminDc tlje SlDmirall Court !)att)ufeD to taUcftipulations ^O^jeStioa,
foj appearance Slas anD HuDgements of tfte tame
anD performance of tljc

Court ; 3t is noto affirmcD bp tfje BEuDgcs of tlje Common latD, tljat tljc ^D-
niirall Court is no court of IR ecojD, anD therefore not able to take fucfj ft tpu^
lations : ano Ijcrcupon j|3jobibttions arc grantcD to tlje utter otjcrtljioVD of

tljat juriSDiction.
Court oftftc 0Dm(raltp pjocceDing bp tlje CtlJiU latu is no Court of The Ar.fwn.
JRccojD, anD tfjerefoie cannot tafecanpfucb Kecognifanccasacourtof iRccojD /.^,^ ^fa^ ,

map Do. ;anD foj tabing of I'lccognifanccsagainft tl)elatocst)ftf)ClRcalmc,toe i:^, v',<.f//

finDett)atp?ol)ibitionsbat3EbeengrantcD,a6bi'laVutf)epougl)t. j9nDifanerro<
ncous fcntence be giticn in tfjat Court, no if of Mr
rroj, but an jSppcalc fcefojc €
certain SDclcgats Do Iw, as it appearetl) bp tt)C ftatutc of 8 Eliz. Reginse, cap. 5. 8 Eiiz.cap. j.

tDfttcl) pjo'octft t^at it is no Court of lRccojD»

^Dftat Cbartcr^parties maoc onlp to be perfojmeD upon tlje feas are Dallp iuttl)- 4 objeBun,
ojaiun from tl)at Court bp p:ol)ibitton3.
3f tl)c Cl)arfcr=partp be maDe toitftin anp <Z\iVj> pojf SCoton, 0? Coimfp of rht t/infweu
fljis Kcalm, alttjougl) it be to fcc pcrfo?mcD eitljer upon ttic feas, 0? bcponD t^c
fcas,pci is tbc fame to be trieD anD DctermineD bp tfte ojDinarp courte of tbe com*
nion latD, anD not Court of tlje aDmiraltp. SnD ttjercfojc Iriljen tbat Court
in tf)C

Ijatl) incrocftcD upon tfte Common lato in ttjat

cafe , tlic 3iuDgc of tfte SDmiraltp
anD partp fuing t^crc Ijatc been p?ol)ibitcD, anD oftentimes tljc partp conDcmneb
in arcat anD griclious Damages bp tljc latos of tlje Uealm.
aC^at tfje Claufc of Non obftante flatutctoljicl^ Ijatlj founDation in bis flpajcfffcs 5 objeUiou,,
l^jcrogatitiejanD is currant in all otIjergrants,pet intljclLo?D£Dmiral3 pa*
tent is'faiD to be ofnofo?cc to toarrant tlje Determination of tljc caufcscom^
mittcD to Ijim in ^isiLojDOjtps patent, anD forcjectcD bp t^c iuDgesofffje
Common lain.
?I2IIftftout all qucffton flje ffafutes of 1 5 R. 2. cap.;. 1 5
R.a.cap.j anD 2 H.4. The ^nfrvef,
cap.n. being ftatutes Declaring tlje jurifDirtionof tlje Court oft^e ^Dmirall, ijR.icap.?/
anD iDljcrcinall tjjc fubjeits of t^c 3Realm Ijatc intereft, cannot be DifpenfcDtoitlj »5 Ri.cap.?.

bj? anpNonob(fante,anD tljercfoje not toojtl^p ofanp anftoer: but fap colour,

tticrcof,tl)e Court of tljc aiDmtraltpljatljcontrarp to tftofc acts of parliament in«

croctjcD upon tljc jurifoiction of tljG Common lato, to tljc intolerable grievance of

Vcfi fubjects , tofticlj Ijatlj oftentimes urgcD tljem to complain in pour jpajeftics
courts of oiDinarp BEuftice at Haeftm. fo: fljeir relief in tljat bcfjalf.

SCO tljc enD ^Dmirall jurtfDiction maprcceibe all manner ofimpeacl^'

tljat tfte
ment anD interruption, tlje litters bcneatlj tljc firft ]lB;iDges,to6ere it cbbetlj
anD flotoctl), anD tljc |3o:ts anD Creeps are bp tljc JuDges of tlje Common
lato afftrmcD to be no part of tljc feas,no:-toitl)in tlje 0DmiraU jur if Diction :
aiiD tljereupon p;iotjibitions are ufuallp atoarDcD upon actions DepenDing in
fljat Court, foj Contracts anD otljer ttjings Done in tljofe places nottoitlj-;

ftanDing f^at bp ufc anD pjactife time out of minD, tljc aDmirall Court Ijatjc
l^aD jurifDirtion'toitljinfucljpo:ts,Crcefe6,anD Kiters.
2nije lifec anf tocr as to f Ijc firft. ^nD it is furtljcr aDDcD , tljat foj f Ije Deaf Ij The iAnfwer.
of a man , anD mapftem (in tljofe ttoo cafes onlp) Done in great ftjips , being
anD IjoTjering in tfte maine ftrcame onlp bcneatlj tlje points of tljc fame iters K
tiigljtotfte fea, anD no otljer place of tljc fame rivers , noiin otljer caufes, but in
f Ijofe ttoo onlp, tlje aiDmirall Ijatlj cognifancc, Wixt foj all contracts, pleas, anD
qucrcls maDe 0: Done upon a r iter, l^abcn,ojCreEl?,toitljin anp Countpofttiis
licalm, tljc ^Dmirall toitljout qucftionljatljnotanp jurisDiaion, foj tljen lie
fljoulDljolD pica of tljincs Done toitljin tljc toDp of tlje Countp, toljicftare triable
bP tcrDict of ttoeltc men, anD mecrlp Determinable bp tfte Common lato, anD not
%2 toitljin
12^ T^he Court of the Admiralty, Cap. 2 2,
iMifftitTtfteCourtoft^e;aDmtraltpaccojDfngtot^c Citjil lato. ifoz fftattocre
to tbange aiiD alter tl)C latos of tljc lUcalm in tljofe cafes , i mafec t^ofe contracts,
, anD qucrels triable fap tfte Common latos of tlie IRealm to be Ojalun ad
aliud examen, anti to be fcntenccD bp tl)c 31uDge of tfte ^Dmtralti) accojDing to
tfteCttjil latos, 0nt) l^oto Dangerous ant) pcnall it is foj tbem to Deal in tljefe
tafes,itappearet^bp juDictallpjc&Dents of former ageSt ^ee t!)e anftoer fot^
fira Article.
The-j.OijeEi, 2Ci)at t^cagreement maDe in Anno domini iy7j, bettocen t^e BuDges of flie
icings ilBenclj anD tljeconrf of tlje aiDmtralfpfojtliemoje quiet anDcerfatH
ewcation of ^Dmtrall jurisDtction is not obfertieD as it ougljt to be»
The Anftftr. SHlje fuppofcD agreement mcntioncD in tftis Article Ijatlj not as pet been Deli*
tereD unto uS; but Ijatjing ftcarD tljc fame reaD oijcr before tiis iJ3a jellp ( out of a
of anp^uDge) toe anftoer, tl^at foj fomuc^
paper not fubfcribeDtoitfttljcftanD
thereof as Differetft from t^cfe anftocrs , if is againft fl^e latos anD ftatutcs of

t^islRealm: anD tljercfojc tfte iuDges offljcilungs aiBencl) netjcr affenfcD

tl^ercunto, as is pjetcnDeD, ncttljer Dot|) tlie pfjjafe tl^ercof agree \Bii\i t^c tearma
%, of tftc latos of t^c Ulcalm.

the WH'^* ^^"P "^^^"^ grictianccs tljere are.totjicl) in Difculling of tljefe fojmer toil eafilp ap-
pear toojtljp alfo of reformation,
The Anfrter *
^'^^^ Hrttcle is fo gencrall, as particular anftoer can le maDe tljereanto,
onljj tftat itappearetlj bp tbat lotitfl) Ijatlj
been faiD, tljaf t!je ^LojD HDmirall
Ills flDfficers anD spinifters pjincipallp bp
colour of tfte faiD tJoiD Non obt+ante,
anD for toant of IcarneD aDUice liatc unjulflp incroacljcD upon tfte Cornnton latos
of tl^is 3llealm, tofjercof
tlic marViail is tfte Icffc, o?D ;3Dmirall,
fo? tljat tljc ii W
^Lieutenants, )©fftccrs,anD S^iniftcrs Ija^e toitljoutall colour tncroacljeD antt
tntruDeD upon arigljtanDpjerogatitie DuctottjeCroton, in tbat the? Ijabe fct«
feD, anD contjerteD totljeirotonufcs gooDs anD cljatfels of infinite viaUietaben
bppirats at %>ea, anD otftergooDS anD chattels tol^icli in no fojt appertain un*
to Ijis iiojDiljip bp Ijts ilettcrs patents, toljerein tljc faiD Non obftante is coit«
fatneD,anDfojt^etol)tcl) ^c anD l)is £)fficcrs remain accountable fo l^is ^ajc*
ftp. 0nDtl)epnototoanting in tbisblcffeD
time of peacecaufes appertaining to
tljeir naturall jurisDiction , ttjcpnoto incroaclj upon tljc jurisDtction oftfjeCom?
mon'latoacft ttjcpOjoulD fit iDlcauDreap nop?ofit. j9<iD if a greater number
of p?o^ibition3(as tljcp affirm) Ijatft been granteD fmcc tlje ?reat benefit of tftis
ftappp peace, tftenbcfoje in time ofboftilitp, it motjetl) from tljcir oton incroaclj*
ments upon tfte jurisDirtion office Common lato»^o as tljep Do not onlp un juftl?
incroac]&,but complain alfoof tl^e 3luDges of tfjcEealm foj Doing of juftice In t^efe
cafes. •

Coucljing our p?oceeDings in granting of pjoljibitions concerning anp of
t^e faiD Articles ftoo things are fo be confiDcreD of. jFirff,t!)c matter; anDfc*
conDlp,tl)e manner. i?oj tljc.mattcr notljing Ijatlj been Done therein Op pour i^a*
jetties Courts at Meftminaer,but bp gooD toarrant of lato anD fojmer juDiciaU
pjefJDent. ^nD fo? tl^c manner, toe Ijatjc grantDDnoneintlje time of tElacation,
iioj in tlie SDerm time in anpof our Cljambcrs , no: in tije Court in W^z SCerme
time ex officio, but upon motion maoe in open Court bplearncD Councell, auD
after a Dap pjefireD, anD toarning giten f o tJje aDiJcrfe partp , anD upon reaDIng
oftlje libell in open Court , anD Ijcaring of tljc Councell learncD of fuc^ of t^
parties as toere toarncD anD DiD attenD.
2C^cfaiDanftoers arepjotieD anD confirmcD(as is afojefaiD) bp tfjiec feinD
of 0uti)ojitie3 in lato. iFirft,bp ^utftojitp of tfje l^iglj Courts of parliament,
^econDlp, h)-> 3uDgments anD juDiciallp?eftDcnts. SCljtrDlp, bp IBoefe^cafcs, anO
tfte autljo?itp of our Boobs»«

f I
By cAat Concerning tftc ^cts of parliament : 3t is cnacteD bp tljc ftatute maDe in
3 • That the Admirals and their Deputies fhall not meddle from hcncc-

1} R.i.caji.j. forth with any thing done vvithin the Realm of England, butonly with things
done upon the fea, according to that which hath been duly ufed in the time of
the NobJe King Edward Grandfather of KingR.i. 315PtljCtoljitljit ismanifett.
Cap.2i. The Court
ofthe Admiralty* 1^7
t^at ttjcturiSDtctioiioCtlje court of^Dmir^tPts onl^ confinet) to tJ^tngd bone
upon t^c fca, tol)ttb tljc aoticcfe pattppcelDcD but clatmctlj
, fap a colour of a Non
ob(iante,&G. toljtcl) t3 uttcrlp t)0tD,a3 tjat^ been faiD.

jBjJt^caatuteof ijR.ixap.s- it is cnartcD anti Declared , That theCourt of,

the Admirall hath no manner ofconufancej power nor jacifdiftion of any man-
ner of eontradt, plea or querell , or ofany other thing done or rifing within the
bodies of the Counties, either by land or by water, and alfo of wreck of the fea,
bat fuch manner of eontra6ls, pleas, and querels , and all other things rifing

within the bodies of the Counties as well by land as by water, as isaforefaidj

and alfo wreckofthefea fhall be tried, termined , dilcufled, and remedied by
the laws of the land, and not before, nor by the Admirall nor his Lieutenant in Nota,ihe Lord

no manner. Neverthelefle ofihe death of a man,and of a mayhem done la great Greater inTdi-
in the main itream of the great rivers only beneath
fliipsjbeing and hovering aioninc'afcof
the of the fame rivers, and in no other place of the fame rivers, the Admi-
points the death of a

rail fhallhave eonufance, jDftts latter claufe gifcef!) tf)C ^Dmirall furtl^er ju- aian.andma)-
risDiction in cafe ofDcatI)aiiDmaPi)cm, (iuitljnettljerofVuljtct) toceticrmeDleD) ' *' " ""
tut in all otljer Ijappeiiins toit^in tlje SCftanics, oj in anp ottjer IR Witt, |0o?t, oj
toatcr,tol)icl) arctoitbm anp Count? of tfte Realm, (as all IRitiers anD J^atens
be, as hereafter 0)311 manifeftlp appear )bpej;p?effe tno^Dsoftljisilrtof par*
liament,tt)C^DmirallojfttsSDepntp Ijatfj no jurisDlctton at all. Wljeretnif is
to be obferoeD , IjoVd curious tljemafecrs of tljis aatufc tecre to crcluDe ffte ^ij^
mtrall of all manner of jurlSDictton UJttljttt an? toater tol)tc& Igetf) tiiitbin anp
Countp oftftcSRcalm.
SCljCltatutcofi H.4.cap.ii.cnactet{>,That the laid Aftof ijR.z.eap. iH.4.cap.i},
firmly holden and kept,
and put in due execution , and further at the prayer of
ihe Commons that astouching a pain to be fet upon the Admirall or his Lieu-
tenant, that the ftatute and Common law fhall be holden againft them, and the
(hall recover his double dammages. 3i5p tollicl^ :3d; if appearetf),
parry grieved
tljattljc ftatute of 3 R.:i. is but
an affirmance of tlje Common lain, a0tl&aUal=
fo manifeftlp appear fjereafter.
Mfttcl) tijjce acts cannot be DlfpenfetJ tottljall bp a Nooobfiante, as ^atft
been faiD befoje, but remain in full fojce, anD liatl) been put in Due erecution in
all ages.
SDlje ftatutc of i/Eliz.cap.i I. Dcfcribet^ particularly tl^e limits of tlje ILojD i7El,'a?.si.
^DmtralS jurtSDiction \\\ t^efc lOOjDS. All and every fuch of the faid offences be-
fore mentioned, as hereafccrfliall be done on the main fea, or coafts of the fcai
being no part of the body ofany County of this Realm, and without the pre- -pjcgp-

cinftjjurirdiilion and liberty of the Cinque ports, and out ofany Haven or Pier,
fhall be rried and determined before the Lord Admirall,&c. &0 as bp tl)e juDg*
mcntoftbctoljoU: parliament tftc jurtsDiction of tlje JLojD aDmlrall is tufjo*
of tljc fca being no parcellof fbcfcoDpof
Ip confincDtottjemainfea.ojCoatts
anpCountp of tUisiRealm.
ainDbptl)crefour jScts of parliament all tl)e fatD objcrtions fftatfjalje been
maDe, oj can be maDc againC tljc pjocceDings of tl)e iiings Courts at mcftmin*
tter(beinggrounDeDontl)efame)arcfullpanftoereD. j^nD ipe toill concluDe tftis
firftpartU)itf) tlje faptng of dDoD l)imfclfc. :aimtgl)tp dDoD (asbc Ijlnifelfoutof,ji.
a to^irlVoinD fpahc) ftatl) fl)ut up tlje fca toit^tn certain Dojcs anD bounDs , Quis
eonclufit o:tii» marc, quando erurapebat, quafi de vulva procedens circumdedi .•

illudterminismeis, & pofui vecrff & m

ofiia , & dixi, Ufque hue venies, &noD
precedes ampliusi & hie confringesturaentesfluilus ejus.
Concerning tbefecondkinD of p?oof, viz, bp UuDgmcnts anD juDictall pjcft* f a.^7/«4f-
Dents,etlcrpoftl)eminallfucccl^ton3 of ages in feric temporis , tabfng fomc MetJ& jhtUcial
in cuerp age foj nianp tljat mi :ljt be ctteD. f refdent:,
Rcgifter Origin. fo.i2p. F.N.B.114. 31fgooD3bctaUcH fromanC^ngUOiman Rcgift.oiig;n.
inSprn'icponD tbcS>ca, anD tl)epartp cannot obtain juft tec tfjcrc, ftcflialljalje,
atoiittotl)C&l)eriftoarrc(ftl)^lioDi' oftljcoffcnDers, anDfofctfcoftljctrgooDB "4-
to tbe iialue: to^ic^ p:ot)et^ tl)at tlje ;aDmtrall cannot 60ID plea tt^creof, fo; tijat
uZ T^e
Court of the Admiralty. Cap. zz.
tbepartpl)at^rcmeDpbpt^c common lain, anDtfte^Dmfralspoiuer ts onlp Su-
per alium
Hii5H<j Hii. 6H.6.Rot,503, t« fl^e Courtof Commonplcas betbjccn John Burton

Rot.jojinBanc. |0latnttf, snJ)Bartholomew Put DefcnDant,t^e cafeUjas t^tiS upoH tftc faiDtta-
tutc0» %\iZ fatt) Bartholomew fueD ttje faiD John Burton in tl)e aDmirall Conrt
tefojc Thomas SDnbe of CBjrctcr tl)cn aomtrall of ©nglanD.fojttiat tftcfatD John
Burton totti) fojcc anD arms t^c fcconU Dap of September anno i H» 6. tf)?cc ,

filtps of tl)e faiD Bartholomew pjifoners anD mcrcl^anQt^cs to ttie taliie

toitt) l)ts
of 960, marfeo, j. s. 5 . d.ob. in tlb^ fame fljtps being DiD tabe anD cartp atDap,fup:=

poSng bp l)t8 libell be tafeen atoap, fuper altum mare , upon t^e tjtgh
t^c fame f
§)ca, Sltljoag^ ttie tabtng afo?efatD toaa infra corpus Comitatus in ariftow (tt)8
In portu. fatD (t)tpi3 Iptng tn tftc ?^at)cn of llSjiftoto) anH not upon tije tjiglj &ca, contrary
to fo^m anD effect of t^e faiD fiatutes ; tlje parties DeftenDeD to an iffue,

to!)ttl) teas founD fo; tbc ipiatnttf anD Dammages attcffeD foj tbeJBlatntif to 700.U

^nDitappcarct^bptbcKcco?D, tl^at t^ts being tl)C firft cafe t^at toe can pet
finDt^at receibeD juDgment in tbe Court of Common pleas upon tije faiD tta«
t«tc3, t!)c fame DcpenDcD in aDbtfement anD Deliberation cigljt a^crmsj anD

tljen t^e recojD faitft, Et fuper hoc audito tarn rccordo quam vcredido pridicio,
& per Curiam plenius intelieA':Confideratum eft quod prasd' Johannes Burton re-
cuperet verfs' praefat' Bartholomaeum damna
fua prsdi^ta occafione attachia-

menti, profecucionis, &

vexationis,quammifarum &
cuflagiorum ad feptingen-
tas libras per Juratores prard' fuperius aflefs' in duplum per ftatutum,&c»qu2E dam-
na in duplo feextenduntad mille & 400,1. & idem Barth, poenam decern libra-
rum erga dominum regem nunc per idem flatut'incurrat, &
capiatur , &
remittit 4oo»l* ^^ipon toljicf)BJuDgment four tijtngs are to be obfcrbcD. ^trff,tbat
it is contemporanea expofitio, being maDc tott^in ttoentppeacs of tlje mafefttg of
oneoftlje faiD ttatutes, anD contemporanea expofitio eft optima. &ecoiiDlp,t"^at
albeit tbe faiD tftjee ftips toitb ffje pjifoners anD mcrc^anDijcs in tbcm lap
in tfte !^at3Cn,inter fluxam &
refluxum aqu£E,anD infra primos pontes,pet tljat tljc
fatten Comitatus^anD t^at foj tabing of tl)e fljtps 1 tljc pjifoners,
is infra corpus
anD mcrclianDtjcs in tbefame no fnitouglif to be in tbc ^Dmirall Court , but at
t^e Common lato. SLbirDlp, tljat tfte Court of ;aDmiraltp bail) no jurtsDiction
but Super altum mare,tol)itlj isnottoitljin anp Countp,fo; tfte iReco?Dfaitft, tbat
tljc faiD tljjec fttps toit^ tftc pjifoners anD mercljanDljc in tlje fame, DtD Ipe infra
Comitat' Briftolise , & non fuper altum mare j as tlje piainttfintljC ^Dmirall
Court fuppofeD t^e fame to be. 3Laftlp, tljat juDgment fo folemnlp, anD toitft fncl[>
aDbifement giben, if ii toerc alone,toerc fuff icient to gibe full fat isfactton in t^i©
point; foj Judicium eft tanquam juris didum > anD Judicium pro veriiate aceipi-
tur. }l5ut to pjoceeD.

pafch iz H.6. Pafch. 1 21 H d. Rot.

24. a \i^t action bjougljt bp Robert Cupper upon tftc fa(D
Roc.i banc, fiatutes in t^cCourt of Common pleas(rcciting tbe fatD tbjce ttafutes)agatn(fc
John Raynerof J^Ojtoitb, fojtljat tlje faiD RaynerDtDfuetftC faiD Cupper in tljC
Court of 3lDmtraltp befoje John Countee of ^unttngDon anD I very IL ieutcnant
to John2Dukeof3i5cDfojD3Dmirallof(!l;nglanD,fojtljat Rayncr ftatiingafljip
In Portu.' In Portu aquse Jernemutha: infra corpus Com' Norft". reaDp fOJ a tElopagC to
zealanD, tljc fatD Cupper enfrcD tbefaiDfljiplping in tljc fatD ^atjen, anDtooft
atoap Dibcrs gooDS in tbc fame being , afl'erendo per prxdiiSlum placitum res illas
fires ill3E fuper altum mareemerfiflent , cum non
fuper ahum mare emer(ifre,ac
a MichjiHfi ibijfcd apud Jernemutham cortra formam ftatutorum prxd', tofttcl^alfojp?0bctl|
Roc.3i5.inb3nc. tijat tljc ^atjcn boDp Of t^cCouutp,
is tottljtn fljc

^" ^^^ ^^^'^ aCerme in tfte fame co«ft a libc action bettocen John Wi-
r'^'^i ocr'^a''
dewell auD tljc fatD John Rayncr, Rot.i 23. toljtc^ tottlj manp otljers being to
prohi'buion upon
OnC CffCCt toC Omtt.
Hil. J7 Eliz. Ror. a
Mich 3 1 H.6. Rot.3 1 J. beftoccn William Hore , anD JefFery Unton foj a futt
* '^*°' ^" ^^^ ^"""^^ of 0Dmiraltp befojc Henry SDufee of Cj:eter,aDmtrall of C-nglanD,
?rc ^^n^dTnfi

n!cc "her"uf on tottcemtng 3 contratt of fourfcojc pounDs upon a Cftarter=partp of affraitofa

Charter- parties. Jijtp Of tljcfatD Jcffcry
callcD t&s SCrinttp Of ^arflcto to goc from tljc |Bo?t of

Cap. 22. The Court of the Admiralty,
pole totoacDS t^C parts of BtfelanD* cam apud novatn Saram infra
concraifius ille

corpus Coinicatus
> & non fupcr altum marc faAns ct juBftas ftiit, contra fortnam
ftatucorumprxd'. STfjc DcfcnDant plcaDCD to tlliic, tol^itljtoaB fbiinD agafnft
t)(m,aiiDt)animagc0airc(rcDtoaftunD;cDniarb0, anDcoftstofojtppounD: anD
tl^reapon juOgment is giten b? i\ft Court , tijat Xyt ii)onlD recover ^ta t)atnma<
gcs in duple, accojDing to tl^e aatute,ic. CSHljtc^ juDgmmt fltrcctlpp?oljctlj, tlfXt
tf a Cftartcr.partp o;anpot|)cr contract bcmaDctoit^tiiCtt|',2Coton,oj Countp
of tl^e Healm^t^tts^ t^e performance t^ercreof betote&onean&perfo;nTeDnp>
ontijel)tgl)S>ca, pctt^c0Dm(rall ftat^no jurtstiictfon, bccaufe it map be trteo
bpt^e Common latD^asbpttjcfaiDK ceo jDttappcaretlj, 115at toljcrc tijcU)^ole
tS to be Done luper ahum mare, anD no part of it infia corpus Comitacus, t^e J3D>
tnirall \^i\s ^urisDidion.
SL^ettatateof 3* H.8.C.14. Cottccmins fraigljtsof ftipsgitetfttotfjeJlojD
j3Dmtrallo;^i02DeputppolJDer to mate Certificate concerning i\^ fliipg of ;3<
liens in po?t0,ic. ;3nD ift^c Jlo:D jaomtraU oj ftts SDepatp be not reliant,
tbenttgttjet^potocr to tijeCuftomer anD Controller, 0; tl^ctr HJeputptomabe
Certificate: buttoit^onfqucftionttiisgitictlj nopotocrto tftc ILojD ^Dmirall
to l^olD plea of fraigl)ts of fljips mojct^en l)c IjaDbefojcno mojc t^
it Dotl) to tfee

CuftomeranDController,totolbomcqnall poiuer ts gitien fjp ttje jSct to mabc

Certificate concerning tljc fljipo of ^licns,«. in tfjc abtence of t^e JLojD ^Dmt-
rallojftis S>eputp, as totfjellojD aiDmirall ojljis EDcputp being p?cfcnt; anO
pet no man inill affirm.tftat tfte
Cuttomer i Controller can ^oU) plea of fraigl)ts.
Mich.38 H.(5. Roto^.c r.;a |0;emunire bjong^t bp John Cafly (Efquire , Qui Mich.38 H/.
caro,&c. againC Richard Beuchamp, Thomas Pauncc Cfqaires^anD Others npon Rot.j6. c r.

tlje ftatute of 1
6 R.a, foj fufng in Curia Romana vel alibi,of matters belonging
to t^e Common lata, i?o; tl^at tije SDcfenDant DtD fac tl^c |aiaintif tn t^ aiimt>
rail court befoje HcnrySDubeofCrcetter, tl)at tljcraiD John Caflyc DfD tabe
anD carrp atoap certain Bletsels fuper alcum mare,ubi idem Johannes Caffye bo-
na ilia apud Stratford acBowe infra corpus Comitatus Midd' & non fuper altum
tnare cepit, lu^ic^ is fo et)iDent^nD Of To Dangerous confeqnent, as no appltoatf-
on djall be maDe ttiereoC.
Sn tl)e boob of entries fo.ij* tk. jaDmlraltp , it appearetf) tljat tl^ taking of Book of EBtrie^:

a0)ipcalleDtl)c2Crlnitpof ILonDon Iping upon tfte KtUer at E.tntlje Count?


of iaent is not fuper altum mare, but infra corpus Comitatus Kantiar, SlnO tl^cre^
fo?eafuit foj tl)C tafetng of t^at Ojip Iping tljcre intfje aDmrrall Court tefow
John CEarl of ^unttngDon i3Dmirall of CnglanD appcaretl) to beagatnft tl^c fatD
ftatutes, anD pet no quelttontfjat tailing toas infra Huxum &
reHuxum maris^Sc
infra primos pontes.
9 H.7. apjcmunirc bioucrtit foj a fmt in tl^aDmirall Court befojc John
CBarl of ^rfojD fo; taking anD carrying atoapquandam navieulam apud Horton
Key at Southlyn,&c, fuppofing t(ie fame to be fuper altum mare:>to^reitUia0
infra corpus Comitatus.
Mich.K? H.8.R0C.H0. %\\z llitjer Of SCIjaraes at USelingfgate is not totttjin Mich.i^ h s.
t^ juriSDiflion of t^e SDmirall, but infra corpus Comitatus. Rot, 140.

35 H.8. Sf p:o!)ibition to John Dudley iSnigf)t,iaifconnt Liflefoji^olDing plea Book ofEntrie«,

in t^e Court of aomiraltp fo; a contract maDe in Rivo Thamefi^, fuppofing t^c
Ubi fupn.

fame to be fuper altum mare , to^crc in truti) it teas in RivoThanxfis apod B, in

Com' EiTcx.toljlc^ nottoit^ttanDing iuas infra fluxnm rcflaxum aquat, infra &
primos pontes,
Hil. 56 H.8. RotoS.c r. Cijc liKe pjol^ibition inter Wheler & Warner, Eo- H1I.36 H.8,
dem termino Rot, Inter Tooly & Lewes , a prohibition foj a contract maDc at Ro^-jS-c

SOanCfee, in parti bus tranfmarinij. flnDin alac. Rcgis.tftetDJ^OlC COUrtOf COm« Hil.2 JacRcgis.'
mon pleas, bccaufetfjelibellfuppofcDtl^e^ct to be Done in partibus exteris & incommuniianc.
tranfraarinis, grantcD a pjoljibition. ]'"' l^'Jf<^, l"^-.
Trin 3 8 H. 8. Rot, i i <5.bettoeen Crane anD Bella pjomifc maDe at fiDETtmout^,
tJ^ataOjipcalleDttjea^arpiFortuncajoulDpaffe fafelp toitljout tafeing anDfnr= Xr.js h.s.'roi.

p^dng.fc. lD|}icl)Q)ipt))as after talsen bp tlie ^panpacDS Taper altum niare ia«.
l^he Court of the Admiralty, 2z.
'+< Cap.
is not Determinable in t^e court of t^e ;3t)miraUp,foj tijat albeit ttie tabing toas

upon t^e ^ig^ &ea,pet tt>e pjomife toas maDe upon ttje lanD^lu^erenpon an action
Dotlbi Ipe at ttje Common latD*
Tr. 3 &4Ph.& Ir. 3 & 4 Ph,& Mar, Rot,7o9.bcttocen Lawrence Mafhcrode , ani) Richard
Mar. Rot.yoj. in VVyn, apjoftibition out of t^c Court of Common picas to tlje Court oftlfjc^Us
mtraltp,VViJliam aojD ^otoarotlicn ILojD 0Dmirall being.
Tr. ;&4Ph.& Mar.Rot, «ii. tftelibe pjoftibition granteD outoftljefame
Eodem Termino
Rom Banc. Court to tlje Court of janmiraltpbettoeen Robert inne |0laintif, anD Roger
Garland E)efenDant.
Hil.4 & J P& HiU4& $ Ph.& Mar. Rot.83i,tljclibcpjol)lbition»
I. in tfjc reign of t^c late £I5ucen Eliz, in
Jil.Rot.8j ^anpare tftep?efiDents tl^e Court of
common picas, t^e liings iiBcnt^ an& (frcl^equcr, \a\\\t\i toe purpofelp omit, anD
upon tl)e moje ancient, pet one oj ttoo toe toill remember concerning
infift ratl^er

tilings happening bc^onti &ea, tDt)ereupon an action Did Ipe at t^e Common taUi
agreeable tottljtlie p^eGDent in tlje reign of H.^,
Mich.59&40El, Mich, 39&4oEliz. Rot. 31 58, ^ pjol^ibitibn outoftljc Court Of Common
Roc.ji;8. pleas fo^afuttintbe ^Dmirall Court upon a bill uniiier tbe partie^t ^janD anD
fcal foj iFrencl) crotons, foj tljat tlje bill toas maoc IcponD §>ea.
Mic. 5 Jac.
in ^nDMich,3 lac.apjofttbition toas granteD in tljc lifee cafe to tl&e aomirall
Scaccai'. Court bp tftc court of Cfcljequcr, foj ^ir lohn Swinarton fjabing tfte pziljtleDac
of tljat foj a matter rifing bcponfl ttje S»ca, Sim Diticrs pjoljtbitions gran*
teD alfo in t^e I ike cafe in ttje lyings IBencl).

See in the Chapt. i?oj caufes of actions toljiclj arc tranCtojp Done out of tfje iRcalm, an action
of the Court map Ipe at flje Common lato, but if tl)ctaufe be criminall ojlocall DoncbcponD
of the Confta- ^ea, tljen before t^e conftable anD £^ar(]ball onlp.
ble, and Marftial.
Concerning tl)c laft manner of pjoof,viz. bp Booft-cafes anD aut^ojities of our
rities in law.
3n t^elHegitter tlje mott ancient boobof ttje lato, fo, f, n., I, &
88, F.
Temps E.I. A-
3,n Temps E.I. Tit. Avowry i pi. a KepleDpn toas bjouglitfojtljetaWng
vowty 191. in
Communibanc. of a fl){p in tbe Coaft of S>carbo joto in t^c S>^a, anD fo j carrping tlje fame from
t&encc into t^c Countp of Jli. Mutford tfte l^laintif conntctl) of a tafeing in t^e
Coaft of &carbo;oto, toljtclj is neitljer toton noj place , out of tofticlj a 31urp map
be taften, fo? tbat tftc Coaft is four miles long , anD alfo of a t^ing Done tn tlje
&ea,tlji3 court liat^ no conufance, fioj certain iuDgment is gitjen thereof to
S^ariners. Berry Cbief 35ufticeof tlje Commonplace; tfteteing toiUctb, tftattftc
peace be as toell kept -on tfje §>ea , as on tfte lanD , anD toe finD tljat pon are
come bitter bp Due pjoceffe , anD tfjcrcfoje ruleD Ijtm to anftocr. S)ut of toljicft
J^our tljings are to be obfertjeD. iFirft,t^at it is calleD tfje.§>ea toljicft is not toitft*
tn anp Countp from toljcncc a Slurp map come. &econDlp, tftat t^e &ca(l'ctn5
not toitfjinanp Countp) isnottoitbintljejurtsDiction of tlje Court of Common
pleas, but belongs to tije SiDmirall jurisDiction. 2DljirDlp,t^at toljen tlje flbip came
toitljintfjelRit)er,tt)cnitisconfc£fcD to betoitbin tljc .Countp of i^o?t^ambcr«
lanD. Haftlp.tljattoijcnataliingispartlp ont^eg>ca, anD partlpinaHiter,
tlje Common lato lljall tiat}e jurisDiction.
8 E.i.tit.Coron. 8E. z.tic.Coron.gpp 3itisnopartoftfte§)ea ,tol)cre one map fee toljatis
199- Done of tl^e one part of tl^e toater, anD of tlje ottjer , as to fee from one lanD to t^e
Oliver, tljat tbecojoner fljall ejierctfeljis office in tftis cafe, anD of t^is tlje Conn*

trp map Ijatc UnotoleDgc; toljcrebp itappearctft tljat tljings Done tbcrc are triable
bp tlje Countrp (tftat is,bp 3urp) anD confequcntlp not in tbe ^Dmirall Court,
45 E.?. 43E,3,Norft'.astljcfaiD?LojD I'iertJOUCljetfttljelRccojD in Mich.i J &16EI,
Vid.^E.j.,. taping Tquod vidi) tlje cafe toas, tljat tlje ^bbot of Hamfep toas fcifeD of tlje man*
Tit.Rcplev1n.41 no J of )16jancafter in jl^ojf. bojDertng upon tljc §>ca , upon firtp acres of marift
of toft tclj nianno J tlje §>ca DiD floto anD refloto anD pet it toas aD juDgeD parcel!

ofttjc^b'iotsmanno?,anDbpconfequence toitljin tljc boDpofttje Countp unto

tfte loto toater marl?.
Pafch 17 El. in
7 El. in tlje(!0j:cljequer,Diggs being paintif.
;3nDittoasaDjuDgeD Pafch, 1
The Court
ofthe Admiralty. 141
fijaf tljc lant) bcf toccn ffje flotoiitg ant) reflotDfng of f Ijc fca
bclongeD to f fje II o.jU
of tlje ipannojaDjO!?nmg,a3 tf)el.o:D DierDotij tbcrc rcpojt.
48 E, J. 5» 31f a mariner mabes a coticnant ioitl) me to fcrte nic fn a tlbip up-- 48 e.j.?.
on tl)c fea, pet fi lower ne
ne per la ley dc mariner.
foit pay,tf ftall be DemanDeD in tljls Court bp tfjc com» 4^
mon la\D, &:

46E,3,tic.Conurans36. ^n^cttonoftrcfpaffctoaflbjousljf foj taUing of a 46 E.j.tit.Co-

fi){p In tlje ftatjen of l^ull agatnft
certain pcrfons t!)c ipaiojanDBailiffcgof "•'^•'"» J^-

^ull DcmanDcQ connfancc bp tl)C Cljartcr of tfjc teing grantcD unto tfjcm, fljat

tfjeCittjens anD BurgelTcs of i^uUfl^oulD not be implcaDcD alibi dealiquibus

& contradibus infra burgum,&:c, quam infra
burgum. ^nD tljc Conufans toas grantcD ; toljici) pjotetij tijat tlje l^atcn of
!^uU inhere W^z ftip tiiD riHc toas infra Burgum de Hull , anD bp confequencc n. i

fra corpus comitatus, anD Determinable bp tfje Common lata , anD not in tfje J3d»
mtrall Court*
Stathom ^n ^
7 R. 2. tit, trefpafle in pl.j4. trcfpaffc foi a lljip anD certain mcr=
'"\'^- ^''^^''^^
" ''''''*
tl)anDi?e taken a\Daj?(U)l)ic!)trefpaffcmua of neceffitp teallcDgcD in fonic HCoton
anD count? in fome I'iitjer oj l^aben) tfjc DcfenDant plcaDeD , tftnt tje DtD tafec
tIjCrtI In le hautn:crcovele$ Normans queux font enemies Icroy, jClnD it isru*

IcD a gooD plea, tol)icl) concurretlj toitb t!jc otl)cr boohs.

7 H,5, 12. 35. Sin Action lietfj at tbe common lato foj fojcffalling, u, in a h 6x1.3^ -
|9ojt 0% ^atien, foi t^at it is infra corpus comitatuj, anD f liable b{? tljc Common
lato, anD bp confcquence ttje ^Dmirall ftatb no jurifDiction tbcrc,
19H.6.J, SDtjeaatuteDotbrcarainctbatttic ^Dmirall ftall not bolD plea of 'pHfi.?-
anp tljing riCng toitljin anp of tbe Counties of tbe IRcalm, but erecutions be map
mate upon tbe lanD, 0nD
tbcrefojctobereifisfaiDin li Aff.pKpj.tbafctcrp ziM.^.gi.
toater,tob{cl) flotos anD rcflotos,is an armc of tbe rea,pet if follotoetb not tbaf tbe
aiDmiraU ftallbatic jurifDiftiontbcrcunletfettbeoutofctjerpCountp, oj elfe
fucb a place tobercof tbe countrep cannot tafee fenotoleDge, as if appcaretb in tbe
book of 8 E»2 befoje citeD, IBut of tbis moje bereaffcr.
., Namfi quse fuperaltum mare extra corpus cujudibet Fortefcca-

' ,i
comitatus regni illius fiant qu^ poflmodum in placito coram Admirallo Anglic fo.js.
deducantur per teflcs, ilia juxta legum Anglix Sanaioncs terminari debent,
tobicb p:.ot!ctb bp erpjeffe too:Ds tbat tbe jurifDiction of tftc ^Dmirall is confines
to tbe bisb fca, tobicb is not toitbin anp countpof tbe IRealm,
iR»i,fo,i:.Hibernici funt fub Admirallo Angli» de re fa>5la altum fuper jR.j.u,
marctobicbagreetbtoitbtbefojmer, viz, tbat tbe jurifDiction Of tbe ;a9mirall
is fuper altum mare,
Stanford 31f one tcfiainc upon anparmcof tbe fca,
ctanfpicor fo.
tobere a man map fee tbe lanD of tbe one part anD of tbe ofbcr, tbe Cojoncr tball < , b.

inquire of tbis, anD not tbe jaiDmirall, bccaufe tbe Count rp map tafee conufance of

it,anDDotbt!Oucl)fbefaiDautbo:itpof8E.2. tobcreupon be concluDcfb intbefe

tDOjDS. &o tbis piotictb, tbat bp tbe Common lato bcfoje tbe ttatutc of 2 H. 4,
&c. tbe SDmirallbaD no jurifDiction but upon tbe bigb tea, tobicb onlpautbojltp
toere fuff icient to oljerrule all tbe faiD quettions, i?o: bcrebp appearctb, tbat tbe
jurifDiction of tbe ^Dmirall is onlp confineD bp tbe Common lato to tbe biab Tea,
anD agrcctb toitb all tbe fojmer IBoolt cafes anD 0cts of parliament,
4& 5 Ph. &
Mar. Dier i j^.b, Bp
tbc llibcll in tbe 5lDmirall Court tbe caufc 4 & ? pi^ sc Mar.
id fuppOfeD to commence Snr le hmt mere &
infra jurifdiaionem del
^''^^ '59 b.

ubi revcra hSti fuit in tali loco infra corpus comitatus &
non fuper altum mare.
ti^berel;p ii alfo appearcfb> tbat tbe ilojD ;3Dmtrals potoer is confineD to tbe
Pa^ch, 28 EHz, in tbe iaings llScncbtbc cafe toas, tbat a cbartcr=parfp bp DeeD
inDcinteD, toasmaDc at SCbetfojD in tbe Countp of Jpojfolh, bettoecn Evangdifl Pafch.iS Eiii.
Conftantine of tbe one partp,iHughGynne of tbe otberpart.bp tbe tobicb Con«
ftantine DiD cotcnant toitb Gynne tbat a certain tbip flroulD fatlc toitb mcrcban-
aijes anD gooDs of Hugh Gynne to i|)uttrcll in S)paine, anD tbere fljoulD remain
bp certain Dapesjtc, ^pon tbe bjeacb of tobicb Covenant Cynnebjoug'ot an
m ;a£tion
The Court of the Admiralty. Cap. iz.
^tctioit of Debt of joo lu upon a clatifc in f fje fame Cljarfcr , anO alUBgeD tljc
bjeacft of tlie Coticnant, foj tljat tlje ftjip DiD not remain at sptittcrcl in &painc
bp fo manp Uapcs as toerc limit eD bp tlje Cotjcnant* «M^cceapon tllue Vras ta«
fecnann trteD bcfojc &ir Chriftopher Wray <LWi Siufticcof <l!;nglanD,anD founa
foj tlje plaintifc ; aiiD in arrcft of judgement it lias ITjetocD, tl)at tbisiffueDiD
rife ouf of a place totallp anD mccrlp in a fojcin feingDome out of t^e iRealme,
from to^cnce no 3urp of ttoeltc men toulD come, ant) tftercfoje t^e trtall teas in*
fufficient. Wnt it iuas aO juDgeD bP &ir Chrittopher Wray, ^ilf Thomas Gaw-
after great Deliberation tbat tbe plai«>
dy,ani3tftetol)ole Court of lyings liBenct)
tife ftonlD rccotjer 500 li, beQDes IjisDamagcsanDcofts, fo^tbatt^eCbarter

partp toberctipon tbe action is b?ougbt toas mace at SDbetfojD toitbin tbia
3R calmcanD f bat tbe triall being in tfte fame place toberc tl)e action toas bjoug^jf >
toas fufftcicnt.
Mich. 50 & 51 anflt^clihc cafe toas after aSjuDgeD in flie fame court, Mich* -,o& 31
ilJz.cotaniRege an action upon tbe cafe upon an ^frtimprttgrounDeD upon an infttument callesa
policy, commonlp maDebcttoecn mertbantsfojaffuranceoftbcirgooDS, tobere*
bp tbe unDertaber DiD affume tbat fucb a Ibip IboulD failc from £©elcome JRegis
fn tbe Countp of SDojfet unto Sibtiile in j^rance fafclp toitbout tjiolence, f c. anU
DeclareD tbat tbe faiD ibip in failing totoarDs Bbtiile, tbat is to fap, in tbe Kibcr
of ^omne in tbe R
ealme of jF ranee toas arrefteD bp tbe iFrencb iaing,ic. tobcre*
upoji ittuc toas tahcn «! tricD, toberc tlje action upon tl)e ^trunipfit toas fajougbt,
anD againe tbe DaliDitp of tlie triall netolp queftioneD, anD in tbcenD rcfolteD anQ
aDjuDgeD as fccfoje:tobicb judgement piot3es,tbat tobere part of tljc contract oj 0*
tbcr tbing is maoc in anp plate toitbin anp of tbe Counties of tbeH ealm,tbougft
tbe pcrfojmancc tbcicof ie upon tbe btgb fca, tbe triall anD Determination of tbe
tobole^ct belongetb to tbe Common lato,anD confequentlp tlje Court of t^e 33=
miralf p ougbt not to Dealc tberetoitb*
2Dt)Cfe anftocrs being DclitjereD fo teing James, magna eft Veritas prar-
anD infcreft tljat tbe aing of oBnglanD fjat^ in
Jl5oto fojtbe great p?erogatit>e
f The Kings feas of (iEnglanD,anD fo? tbe antiquity of tbe Court of tbe 0Dmiraltp of €n%'-
Prerogative of
lanD, anD of tbe name of tbe ;3DmiraU, toe l^ate feen an ancient anD a notable lRe«
tO;D, intituIeD, De fnpenoritate maris Anglix &
jure officii Admiralicatis in co-
f The Antiijui. *
dem. g>o muci) tobercofas toe in Archivis regis, toe toill franfcctbe dc
tj oftht Court
verbo in verbum. as it ts in tbe llecojD it felf,
ofc/idmiralty *
dreamedtt began, In Archivis in Turri London*
long before the reignofEtyhj whofe d-xyesforHehave

This caufe was A 'vota

Seignieurs Auditors Deputes per le Rets de Engliterre c^ de
bandied inora-
bouc the 11 year
France a redrefjer les damages faits
iU gents de leur Roialmes des auters ^
of E.I. as by di-
vers parts of the
terres fubgits a lour feignuries per mer ^ per terre en
temps de pees ^
Record icap-
de t reives.
Monjlrent procurours
les Prelats c-r Nobles , (jr del Ad-

mirall de la mier d' Engliterre ^
de Ceminalties des Cities des Vil- &
Adfiiirall of the
Seaof Ens'land.
les J ^ des Merchants Mariners
Meffagiers , S" pelerins (^ des touts
, ,

aultres du dit Royalme d' Engliterre des aultres terres &

fubgis a U
du dit Roy d' Engliterre ^
daillours ficome de la marine dt

Genue, Cateloigne, Efpaigne, Alemaigne, Seland^ Hoy land, Frife , Den-

nemarch , ^
Norway (jr de plufours aultres l/eux del come Empier, que
Time out of ies
roys d'Englitere per raifon
du dit
Royalme du temps' dont il ny ad
mindc. memoir e du contrarie en paiceablc pojfefion de la
euff'ent ejle foveraigne
Lawes, Statute.";,
Seignurie de la mier d'Englitere &
des Ifles effeants en ycele
per ordi-
and OidinanccS' nance et eftablicement des his , ejlatuts , et et des vef-
feaux autrement garnies que veffeaux de merchandife et de feurte pren-
dre (^ fauue gardes doner en torn ens
que meftier jerra (jt par ordinance
entre tout manere des
gents taunt dautre fignurie come de lour de propre
Cap.22. The Court of the Admiralty,
tous Mitres ftitz, neceffaries a la garde de pees, drohnre O"
eqtiitie paf
elonques p.tffaats ^
per fouveraigne garde ^
toute rmnere de conifance

(^ Iitjiice haultc (^ hfje fur les dites lois^ ejiatuts, ordenances defen- ^
touts autres faits quctix a le government de
ces^ O" pw fouveraigne Seig-
nurie appertemr purrent es liettx avandits. Et A
^e B AdmiralL de la
ditmier deputey per le roy d' £nglitere . (^ tons les atdtres Admirals par ?:^°'^!'°/V
mejme cem Ro'j
d Englitere & ces
ancejters lades royes d Bnghtere eufent Sc3.

en puifeble po([efion de la dit fouveraigne garde ove la conifance ^ N^iccforthra-i-

luf:ice c^ touts
les aultres
appurtenances avamditz. forprife en cafe dap- Ajll!i7an ot'tnc--
de de eux a lour fouveraignes roys d' ThcUid
Englitere dede-
pele cT querele fait
de droit ou de malvais judgement, (^ elpccialment pur empechement c
falte ^^^ ^aJ'^"Z\
metre ^juflice faire feurte prendre
de la pees de tout manere de
gents die Tea coaftmg

fifants armcs en la d.t mier ou menans niefs aultrement apparreilks ou 'jpo" Yaimouti^

^^ J.- ^ r J r ^
au nief de marc hunts cr en touts aultres
> I
in Norfolk (riehc
gttrmes que napperttent points over aaainft
en queux homme poit avoir reafonable caufe de fufpition vers eux de France; and of
'''" '"
robbery ou des aultres mesfaitZ. Et come le maiftre de Niefs du dit
roialrne d
/ ir I J ^ I
en abjence des aits Admirals
^- />
./^/, Anno^^^'"^
11 E.I.
Englitere eujjent ejie patfible
de coaufire (^ juger des touts faits en la dite mier cntre touts
manere de gents felone les his ejlatuts les &
defenfes, franchifes (jr cu^
pumes. *

Et come en le
primer article de Uilliance
nadgaires faite entre les di- uvcen'"! "and
tes Rois en les traites fur le darreine pees de Paris foient comprifes les the Fiench King,
paroles que fenfuient
en une fedule annexe a ycefte.
Trimerment il ejl traite ^
accorde entre nous les
meffagers ^ ^ Icspro-
curours de furd/z. en nom des dits Roys que yceux Roys ferront lun a
lautre defcres en avant bons verrois (§- leyaux amyes (jr eydans countre
tout homme fume Lefglife de Rome en tiels manere que fi afcun ouplit-
voloient deponticer,
empefcher, eu treubler les
fours quicunques fidlfent
dits Roys en franchifes ^
liberties ^
priviledges es droits, es droitures, ou
es cujlttmcs de eux ^ de lour roialmes quils ferront bons cr loyaux amys
^ aydans countre toute homme que venire ^ morir a defendre^
Tardir ^
maintenir les franchifes, les liberties, les
privileges, lesdroitz.,
les droitures, cuflumes de fufdites, except ledit Roy d' Englitere
et les

John Due de Breban en Brabant (^ fes heires defcendtts de lui

Monfieur ^^\ytd-.Lhit(
^ de la file le Boy dcnglitere , C^ except pur le dit noftre feignior le orE.i.w-Knv.r-
France excellent Prince Dubert Roy d'Alemaigne fes heires
Roy de Roy 5vt'°[R^ h'^t
d'Alemaigne^et Mounfieur lohan Counte de Henan en Henan^ et que lun An.'i^om.'n^o,
»<r ferra en confaile nc en aide ou lautre perde vie^membre, eftateneho- &:i8e.i.

mur temporel. Monfieur ReymerGrimbald maiftre de la navie du dit Roy , ^

de France que je dit ejtre Admirali de la dit mier deputey per (on Seig- c-t>>.b.i/dMa({cT

nior avantdit pur fa guerre contre les Flemings apres le dite alliance of ih; French

faite c^
contre le forme (-r la force de mefme lalliance
lin- ^ ^'''^*

tention d: ceux qui la firent Icffice del Admirali en la dite mier Dengli-
tcre du dit Roy de France torfeoufement emprifl (^ ufa un
par commijsion
an a' pliis en pernant le gents ^
marcbants du roialme d' Englitere
^ daillours
la dite mier
pafjaints ovefque
lottr biens (^ les

gents ainfi prifes livera a la prifon

de Jon dit feigniour le Roy
de France lour biens ^
marchandizes a les refceivors per mefme
ccluy roy de France a ceo deputey en les
ports de fon dit royalme come
luy forflit et
acquis fifi
amener per [on juggement et
ugard, ^U
V a prtfe

T^he Court of the Admiralty, Cap. 22.'

et deteme des dites gents ove lour dites biens et
marcbandifes &
dit judgement y et agard fur U
forfaiture de eaux et acqtfefl attjufiifie
devant voits feigneurs Auditors en efcripts per wy lautoritie
mipon fur I'Admiralte avmtdite per
hi amfi ufurpe (^ per tme defenfe
comunememfait per le
Roy d'
Englitere per my [on peer lelanc U forme de
le tiers article de laRiance avantdite qui contient les paroles
en requermt que de ceo il en quitz <^ abfoluts en grand damage
C^ prejudice du dite
Roy d'
Englitere (jrdes Prelats dr Nobles (^ aultres
dejufnomes. Purquoy les
dits procurours &
les noms de lours ditz,
niours a. vous Seigniours Auditors avantditz pryent que deliverance derve
(^ hafline des dites lour biens (-r marchandifes
gents ovefq-^ ainfi prifes (^
al Admirall du dit Roy d! englitere a
of'en^f "n^ to detenuesfaicets eftrefait qui la comfame
whom the conu- de cco aperticnt de droit Jtcome defjiti ejl dit ai^fiquils fauns dijlurbancede
fance appertain,
^g^^ ^d' aultre pui(fe de ceo conoifire ^faire ceo que a
apertient [on cjfice
avantdit. Et que le dit
Monfieur Reymerfoit condempne c" diitreint a faire
due fatisfaSiion a touts lesditsdamagesfeavantcomeilptirrafuff'ire^en
de France
fa defaltefon ditfeignior leRoy per que ilejloit deputey al dit office,
que aprcs detve fatisfaBion faitz, as dits damages
et le dit
Monfier Raymerfoit
duement le de I adit e
alliance^ que la punifion de luj
Ji punis pur blemi^j'ement
as aultres example pur temps a 'venir.

Item in alio Rotuloannexo.

Jtem,alafin que venes & conftderes les

formes despreces & les letters er-

deneesper lesconfaillersleAiel noftrefeignjorleRoy,&c. efpecialment are-

tenir (jr maintcnir la fouveraign quefes dits aunceflers Roys d' Englitere Ig-

loyem avoir en la dite mier d' Englitere quant al amendmet declaration et in-
des loix touts maneres des
terpretation per euxfaites agoverner gents paffavts
Et a as Mai (iersn' Mariners
^primerement [on Admiralty
., „ .. per la dite mier,
Admiral! of ^j -.t- r j ^ j^-n i-.. j J ^ ^ r
- des Niefs de Cync ports d Englitere, 0' aes autre s terres annexes a la corone
emendant a fa armee en la dite mier pur retenir ^
maintenir U
de touts faitz al encountre en la mier
garde des lois avantditz^et lapunifion

Item in de Articulis
alio Rotulo
fuper quibuf luflitiarii domini
Regis funt confulendi de Anno regni regis E 3 . 1 2
. .

Item adfinem quod refumatur et continuatur ad

Jubditorum profecutionem
• E.x.avus
E.J. formaprocedendt quondam
ordinata ^ *
inchoataper avtt domini nojlri regis
ejus cenftltum
ad retinendum ^
cenfervandum antiquamftipcrioritatem
maris et nos Admiralitatis in eodem quoad corrigendum^inter-
Angli^t, officii

dcclarandum et
confervandum leges etjlatutaper ejus anteceffores

Anglix Reges dudum ordinata ad confervandumpacem et jujlitiam inter om-

nes gentes nationis cujufcunque per mare Anglu tranfmntes^ adcognof- ^
cendum fupcr omnibus in contraritim attemptatis in eodem^ adpuniendttm ^
delinquentes et
damnapafis fatisfaciendum. ^us quidem leges etftatttta per
• ^ominmn Richardum quondam regem Anglix in reditu
fuo a terra fan^a
reef a fuerunt, et in et nominata in Gal'
interpretata infula oleron publicata
lica lingua La ley Olyronn.

The Court
ofthe Jdmirahy, 1^5
anDlongbcfojctljts J^fng Edgar fnljts Cljartec MVn tijust Mihi concelUc Sk thisChar-
divinitaj cum Anglorum imperio omnia rcgna infularum Oceani cum '^f 'ml'c Eoiftle
liiis fcrociffimis regibus ufque Norwegiam ac maximam partem Hibernia? cum
fuanobililTimacivitaredeDublina Anglorum regno fobjuga-rc&c.
Mcljatjc alfofounDa IRccojD tn lo E.3. {n tl)cfctoojDg,
Rex dilecio et fideli fuo Calfrido de Say Admirallo Flette
Ju£ NAvium Rot.Scoti*

ah ore AqiiAThdmefi<e verf fartes occidentales^Salutem. Cum nuper vobis


per Uteres nofiras

mmdAVtrimtis quod vos una cum quibufdam navibus
de q gift que prtubus nofiris quas de guerrx pro oh{eqmo nofir muniri et

parari manaAvimm Jupra

mare proficifceremini ad obviand' et refifiend'
in diverfis partibus exterisprovifis et hominibus arma-
quibufdam galeis
tismunitis qu£ ad partes dominiinofiri ad gravand' nos et gentes nojlras,
velad partes Scotia in inimicorum nofirorum ibidem fuccurfu-n divertere
utaccepimus proponebant. £t quia jam
nobis ab aliquibus efi relatum
ufque ad numerum viginti et fex ad partes Britan et
galeae hujufmodt
Norman' noviter accefjerunt et ibidem adhuc fetenent ad mala^m creditur,
contra nos mjtros qu^ poterunt pcrpetrand\ vcl ad fuccurrend' diBis no-

firis^ut prxdicitur^initnicis.
Nos advertentes quod progenitores nofirireges
Anglix domini maris Anglic ani circt mquaqtte et etiam defenfores contra,
ante hxe tempora e.vtiterunt^ et plurimum nos tdderet ,
hojtium invjifiones [i
honor nojierregius in defenfione hujafmodi nofiris ( quod abfit ) deperiattem-

poribusy aut in aliquo minuantur^ cupientefque hujujmodi periculis auxili-

ante domino obviare, acfalvationi ac defenfioni regni etpepuli nofirorum

providerc^ malitiamque bofiium

noHrorum rejrenari Fobis in fide (^ ligC'

ancia quibtts nobis afiric^i efiis , ^

(icut de vobis ffecialiter confidimtts^
mandamtn firmiter injungendoquodfiatimvifispriejentibMi et abfqueul-
teriori dilatione naves portuum prxdi^orum, ac alias naves
exifiunt fupra mare teneatis^cj'c.
jantibccaufctlje laeatcrbptftts IRecojOlIiall Difccrn, tftat of ancient ftme
tljcrc toerc fcljerall ^Dmirals ( foj tljc intf Dome of tl^fe &apc0 tPoulD not fmtt
one man toitij fo great a tljarge, noj anp man to Ijatje a certatn cftatc tn an office
31 totllbjteapgtijc tfje IReaocr fncfj Ugbt thereof as 3 fjafce
of fo great truft.)
Rex commifuGalfridode Lucy maritimam Anglia: cuftodiend* quamdiu do- Rot.Pat.anno
mino Regi placuerit,&c. 8 H

Rexcoramifit Richardo Ag43iIIummarinam regis Norf, &

SufF, &c. qaamdiu Rot.pat.anno
nobis placuerit, 9H.J.
Petrus de Rival capitaneusPiSanle habet ad totam vitam fuam cuftodiam om- Ror.Car.i j
nium Portuum & totius coftera: marinz Anglis,excepto Portu de Dovor,qui eft in
cuftodia Hubcrti dc Burgo.
Willielmus de Leybourne conftituiturcapitaneus nautarum & marinariorum
de regno & poteftatis regis,quamdiu rcgi placucritf ziE.i.m.g.*
Willielmus de Leybourne Admirallus Anglis, Rot. Pat -2 e i
Willielmus de Leybourne capitaneus marinariortim.&c, 2 parte Pat.anno

^Colct rot! fenoto toljaf tDCf)aticobfci-\3ct) in tfjofc times : flb^re toerc aifoftoo *5
'" ^°''"-
otfter, tbc one Ijao tijc golicinmcnt of all tfte iflcct from tljc moutl^ of tlje 2D^mc0 ^'^''i-
"'• "
McfttoarD, anD tljc (rtljer from tl)e moutl^ of tlje 2Dl)ames JojtljtoarD.

Johannes Botetort cuftos Regis Portuum maritimornm verfus partes Boreales. i Pac
25Martii, ijE.i.m^.
NicholausKyriellconflituitnr Admirallus flote omnium Navium ab ore aqua?
Thamefiitam quinque Porcuum,quamaIiorum Portuum locorum percoflc-
8i 10 g.*.
ram maris verfus partes occidentaleSjquamdiu Rcgi placuerit. Tcfte Rcge apud
Turrim London 8 Decembris,
ld.6 l^he Court of the Jdmiraltj, Cap. 2z.
Clauf. i^ E.s. C Robertus de Leyborn AdmiraUus quarunda Naviu Regis (ap mare occidctali.
Pac.15 E-iTefts Robertas Battayli Admirallus ilota: Navium ab ore aqua Thamcfis de
Rege apud Ebor.
2. fingulis Portubus vcrfas auftrum.
I9 Mail,
Johannes Perbrome eonftituiturcapitaneus,& Admirallus flotsNavium magnae
VGeremuthe & omnium aliorum locorum ab ore aquse Thamefis per eofteram
I parte Pat.antis .maris verlbs partes Borealesjquamdiu^&c. Tefte Rege apud Stamf. 21 Apriiis.
vWarrofius de Valloignexconftituitur capitancus & Admirallus flotse Navium
)ab ore aqu2 Thamefis tarn quinque Portnum quam aliorum Pcrtunm & loco-
( rum per eofteram maris verfus partes oecidentales,quamdiu,&c» ut fupra*
Petrus Bard Admirallus Navium ab ore aqus Thamefis verfus partes occiden-

)cales.i8 Augufti.
i parte Clauf. vThomasdc Drayton Admirallus abore aqose Thamcfis verfus partes Borcales,
riE-j.mDorf. 18 AuguHi,
^nDfotntftcrcignsof R.2.H.4.H,j.H,i5.3l5ntinttiereanl)fn fojiner times
t^crc toas a great auinti-all of QDnglanD, Vidjupra pa.i 41,143,1 44.
Rot.Pat.anno SCtjclStnstiitjbpCtjartcrconttttutc John Holland H>ufecof ereto anD Hen-
t4H6.iiOd. ry l^isfon to be AdmirallosAngliac, Hibernian, S>: Aquitania; , protcrmino vita:.
£8 E.4,
'SD^is Cljartec being Of a jnDiclall Office anti grant eD to ttoo, ice l^olD to be
DoiD ; fo? fiic^ ancient offices muft be granteD as tljep fojmerlp Ijafec been, s:,\)is
SDuUc is be tl)at is mcntionet) in tl)Cfo3mcr1Reto;as, tobo being agreat]^ecc
of tbelRcalmenDeavourcD to incroacb upon tl)C common lata, but tijc fubjeas
bj? courfe of laio tocre t)efenDeD anO recompcnfeD.

Rot.Pai!.7H.4. %\)Z jpercbants, n^arinerc, anD otoncrs of Ibfps unOcrfoob tbc fafcgirarD of
nu.i9,io.&c.itf, ttie &easfo:tl)C ^ubftDicsof SCunnageanD |i3o«nDagc,ic. anD tljaf jpercfjants
& 141.9 H.4. fljoulD name ttoopcrfon6,tIjc one foMbe&outb part, tbeotber foj tbe ^ojtft
nu. 19.
part, Irbo bt? commiifion i^oulti ^at^c ttie li^epoUierasotber ^Dmtrals ^abe
^aD toutbtng tbc fame.

Addition offome ^cords of Parliament., 0U ftatutes malic concerning tbc Conrt of fbe 0Dmirall fljall be ObfcrbeD*
R0t.Par.t7 R.s. &wnOjr* toluns oftbc tMeft partpjapen remctip againtt tlje ^©fficers of tbc 0&'
48.4 H.4.mi.47, miraltp foj IjolDing plea of matters Determinable bt? tbe Common latD,tbc U)I)tc&
1 1 hl.4nu.61.
Chancelor by the ad-
tt|C,i?pja{)ma)>beret)obeD: tbetetngsanftoertDas.The
vice ofthe Jultices upon hearing of the matter fliall remit the matter to theCom-
moQ law, and grant a prohibition, SCb^Carlof j^ojtbnmberlanD 3DmiraU of tbe Jp8o;fb» anbtbeC^arlofSDe*
faon' SlDniirall of tbe Mlctt» to reccibc tbc ^ubfiDpof 2^unnagc anb |0ounDagc

tbe Firft part of the Inftituces, Sc(ft.4^9.
&ee & Scft. 6-^7, tobere Littleton
part lad-it.
fpeabctb of a man out of tbe jlRealm, oj beponfl S>ea , ana aDbetbereunto tlje nota*
I I, lie cafe in H.4t Sovinglcs cafe, tbe 35cfenDant in an appeal
Mich, 1 1

of tjcatb being outlaUiet), bjougbt bts tujit of Crroj , anDaffigncO foj erroj,t^at
at tbe time of tbe £>utlaiBjp,an5 befoje, be ioasin tbe teings ferbitc upon tbe
Lord Berkeley S>ea in tbe companp of l^^z =ilojD Berkley tben jaDmirall, anD baD a tojit unto ^im
to certifie.
6^,2. Tit. Proteftion 4(1. 7R.2. Tit.Trefpaflc Statham. 10 H. 7. fol./a.
Vide 8 H.6. nu.? i. tubcre tbe otoncr of a ibip Ojall anftocr foj }i\xxX Done bg
(bip.tbougb be be not partp tbcreunto.
Vid. Lacies cafC, Cr, 2 j El. li. 2. fo. 93. j. fo.i o(?,i 07, & 108. &ir Hen-
ry CoDllables cafe. Lib.6. fo.47. Dowdales cafe. Brook tit. error 177.
&ee certain Ifafatcs, viz. 27 E.3. cap, 1
3. Stat. Staple, 3
H,6xap.4. 2 r,
cap.6. iS H.8.cap.i(5.
3tappearetbbptbe fojmer 5R.ecojDS, tbat tbe ^Dmiralfp is fomef tme calleD
f The nume. Admiralitas, fometimeAdmirallatus, anD fomcttme bp otber names, as Admi-
rallus, Capiianeus 0} Cuftos mari$> Oj Marinas, OJ Maritanii, oj flots navium? tba£

"The Court of the Admiralty.
Cap. 22,23. 14.7
fSjOftljei^al))? floating on tI)eS>ca. Ley marine, ley des mariners*
2Dl)e ^DfficcV (s calUD ^Dmirall tnDtffercntlpbotft tn dSngltfl) anD in iFwnc|i»
tEHenamc Ijini tnlLatin Admirallus , an& tljc Court Curia Admiralicatis, Derf*
teD of Amir, id el^jPra-fedm, & ajak i • Marinus , Prxfecf^us marinus, Admira-
liui, Admirallus, Admiralli Curia res maricimas tra(3at: In hac numerantur Ad- camden
mirallus Angli^jlocum tcncns & judeXjferibx ducferviens Curii Viceadmirallii
Hjedaoii Hitha, «. Porms a!^atcn, as^Jaeen-ftttfje.lamb^ljitljejfc, Hafne
Courts,noto !^aticn oj |9o;t Court0, Hable,/. Portus.
Co conclube,tf)e Bing of (JnglanDS JlSatip Dot^ mcU
t!je dipping of all otljer

fojatntotngsanopjinces: foj tf^jou refpcrt beaut ifull ttatdtncffc , ojftatclp

beautp, tljep arc fomanp large anD fpatiousiSinglpanO pjincdp |3alacc3. 3f

pou regarD ttrcngt^ anD Defence, t}it^ arc fo manp motjittg fmpjcgnablc dTaftlcs,
anD Barbicans,"anD tocre tcarmcD of olDttjctoals oftljcl'^calm. Cffltjcnour
is liSc ILions inter
dDnglifl) j^atip is among tfteH^ips of otbcr illations, it pc-
cora campi, anD lihc aj^alfeon inter phafianos, pcrdices , &
alia volatilia timida


3!BcriDcs,nopartoft1&cU)ojlD l^aue fuclj timber foj batlDing anD repairing of


The Court of the Commiflion under the
Great Seal by force of the ftatute of
18 8.
H 18 H.S.cap. I y.

IjolDen Coram AdmiralloAngHajjfcu ejus locum te- The Commijft'

nentcanD ? oj4ftict)Otl)cr rubftanttallpcrrong,as lljall be namcD bptljc ontrs.
S^QiD Ctjancelo^ fo? tije time being,
anD Determine all aCreafons , iFelonieSjiHobbe^^ 7he Jurifii-
2Dl)Cir jurisDtition is to Ijcar
anD confcDcractcs committeD oi Done upon tlje ^t&AU
ries, i^urDcrs, Slian.

C^cfe offences flijallbcljcarD anD DctcrmtncDaccojDing to VcjZ courfe of tlje Tol>the4rd&

Common la\u, anD tl)erefo;efomedft^e SuDges of ti)C Eealm are etjec tn ttiis determined l>jf
Commiffton, the Cemmen
Concerning tfte mircfetcf tljat uias bcfo?c tljcmabing of anD Ijoto /-iw.
tl^is if atufe ,

^^- the j.part of

tbe faiD ^ct l)atl) been fojmerli' cvpounDeD, pou map rcaD plcntifuU matter \n tfte
Tliird part of the InlUtutes, Cap. Piracy.
s:i)epjoceirc anD p?ocecDittgc Ijcrcin are in tijc name of tljc l&ingt &ec befojo n'^^^cr'"'
Cap. Chivalry, pa. 24. t^at tftc flcatutc Of 35 H.S.cap.i.nojtf)atof 5

tattetiinotaujapt^is^ctof 28H. 8, concerning treafons; Noce.ttjat in all f ^e

Commiffions grantcD fo: fije crccution of tbts Set of z 8 H.8, fincc tbc faiD j3cts

of3jH. 8. 5 E.6. potucr anD autbojttp is giten to Ijear anD Determine all trea*
Tons,! Ct Done upon tf;e &ea.

14-8 Cap.24,2^.

Of Port^mootes, dm Port courts, alia^
Port-mote Courtes.

]Dojfmoie is a conrt^ept in ^at)enSCoU)n0,o}|ao;t0? anD f (lereof fa^

bctftl^fsrtamc Curia Portu$,&c,

See ill

Chipt.of the
the A~ Porcuseft locus in quo exporcaatur &
importantuttnerces, a portan-
Courts of the do. ainDtliieg are Porta* regni tftc*gafe6 of tl^cBRealm, ^HithaanDHcdaOffm
Fore ft. in E)omesDap is taken foj a ^atien o^ )ao^t, ancientlp lojif ten Hafne anD nolo
a. Hereof Cometh
^aten, bp changing t^e f into v as is nfuall,
in Londoa is lutt^in tl^eboDpof t^e
(itjerp listen Countp,iCt iniiereof fee before plenff*
inLambithLab- fnU matter in tl^e Cl)apter of tb Conrt^t t^e ^Dmiraltp p^oceetiing acco^Oing to
hiihe,&c. t^e CitJil lato» See 43 Eliz.cap. i y»


The power and authority of Commiflioncrs

and others for the maintaining and erecting of Bea-
Seethe 5. part
thelnft.Cap. cons, fignes of the Sea, or Light-houfes, and
buildings p.z04.
Sea-marks, and concerning Watches.

Beacon. toojt) Beacon; /.

fpeculanturadTeatus hoflium , anD is often calUD Signum fpeoilatum , anO
Becnan in f Ije &a>:on langnage is fignum dare, anD toe nfe ttic toojD to bec-
)i,tn to at tftis Dap*
1i5cfo}e ttje reign of E.jt ftiere toerebut Ifacl^s of loooD fef upon place?,
lD^icl[i toere fireD Inljcn ttje comming of enemies toere but in ^is reign
DefcrieD ,

bo]ces,as nolo tl^epbe,U)ere in tteaD of ttiofe

pttcll) Itac&s of toooDfef up, anD iW
(joperlp is a beacon.
Llght-hoHfes, iligi)f'l)oures,lgne$rpeculatorii J feu tnonitorii/eu lumen maricitnum j fca
pharus.unde verfm,
Lumina noiftivagse pharuj itnula luoar^
sntjefeiLigljt'ijouresarepjoperlp to Direa Seafaring men inf^enigljftol^eti
t^ep cannot fee marbs, anD tlbefe are alfo Signa fpeculatoria.
Sca-marks» &ea=marl?s, as steeples, CljarcljeSjCaffles, SCrees, anD fucft lifee fojDf^
refttonof&eafartngmenintbeDaptime, anD tbefe are calieDSigoa marina > o}
fpeculatoria, 03. figna nautis, tol^ereof Virgill y Eneids«
Id eft indgniu. Hie viridem jEneas frondenci ex ilice metam
Conftiiuit fignum nautis pater, unde revcrti
Sciverit,& longos ubi circumfle(Serecurru5,&et
&oaspoumapDi1)iDe Specula oj figna fpeculatoria, oj figna nautis tnfot^jee
bjancbes^viz. into Beacons, 3Lig^t'ftoHfe3,anD S>ea--marfes.
at tfte Common lata none but tfte !iing onlp coulD erect anp oftbcfctfi^ee,
tobicl) etjer toas Donebptbeiiings Commtffion unDer t|e dJaeat ^caUastafeing
fome feto eramples foj manp»
Com, for beacons, Sea^mar^,^c\ 1^9
R^t- Scotia?,
De fignis fuper monies per ignetn facicndV
Defignisfupermomej hof cja " fvaf' '

Rex aflignavit
Henricutn Epu Norwic', &^ Willielmum Comitem Suff, & /^^ E
artosj&cfimer alia) ad figna fpeculatoria fuper monccs in Com' Norf, ponerd". Kot.Franc'
Et iitnilescommifTiones inaliis cotnitatibus, 47 E.j.m.20.
Vide RottClaaf. i R.2.m.4it in Dors* pro vigiliis & "
ignibus rpecuktorii!,&
" HcnricQ Spcn-
ccr, he oi a lol-
tnonitoriis* dkr became a
^cti)attsDefirou0tofecmo?eofll5cacons,ic.anD Icatcfjfng oftfjefamc, let Buhop.
^ Wjiiiam uifctd
ijtmceaDtbe'^Hctof j H,4. tDl^icbt3an3£tofpartiamEnt,anD Dors'Pat.Anno
2 8H,5,parte2»in. i«' «n com" Kane* &mcmb. 13. pro com' Norf. pro fignis,

Anglicc HScaconS, St vigiliis* Et Dors' Pat- Anno i £,4, parte 3. &e. m. zl'^r^'t in
3i5ut of latter times bpftfje llctfcro JDatcnts grantcD to t^c lLo;D a&mlrall ^c pnnt Ivonhy.o
Ijafl^ potocc to erert 516cacon0, Seamarks, aiiD §>igns fo? tftc &ea,f c» be read.
Sla of 8 Eliz. tt is p?otjiJ)CD anD cnacteD , That the Mafter , Wardens 8
3i3p tlje ELz.cap. 1 j.
and A^ftants of the Trinity houfc of Debtford flrond (a company of the chiefeft
and moft expert Matters and Governors of fliips) fhalland may lawfully from
time to time at their will and pleafure, and at theircofts, makcj eredl, andfet up
fuchand lo many Beacons, marks and figns forthe Sea in the Sea-flioars,and up- Pafch.i JjcTc
lands neer the Scaeoaftsj or forelands of the Sea only for Seamarks , as to thcrft "''^ rcfoivcd by
Chief /u-
{hall feem moft meet, whereby the dafigers may be avoided, and (hips rhe better
come to their Ports. And all fuch Beacons , marks and figns fo by them to be and^'^idto"!'
erc(ftedfhall be continued.renewed and maintained from time to time at thecofls that this Aft ex-
and charges of the faid Mafter, Wardens and AlTiftams. Sin excellent lato,tl)at t\iie 'ended a^ well to
toiifl gttc.t to tbcm tohictj haD greatett sbill,feefng
tl^ep iDere L'ght houfcj in
jjotDcr f authojif

tDoifegfdjtbcfafet(;oftl)Clilcalm,anDrafcsijart)oftljc Utjcs of S>eafaring men, Bcac'<fn''rc°bv

ano tbatttiefctoojhsajoulD be crecteD, anD maoc, ann continued bptljcm at t^eic the da/'
eton cofts ann cl)arges,bccaa'"c tljep bncto to goe tlje nearett toap,
Beconagium ftgntfietlj moiicp tiuc oj papablc fo? tfjc maintcrtance of l5eacons,

01 t&e toatcfjing of t^e fame. Mftat pantftment tljep incar Vo^icft tafee 5oU»n, fell,
o: ot^criBifc cut Doton anj? 5)camarte, fee tifc faiD Sict of 8 El.ubi fupra, tuyere*
tn it is f be obfectieD, tljat if the perfon offenDtng be not able to paj? tlje penaltp
be DeemeD contjict of outlato jp of out-
tljerein infl ictcD , Ije fljall , ipfo fafto, f all conftra* p""'''^
ttionsant) pacpofcsUbeltkeiDtjereof lueljatje notobferteD tnanpotberftattrte,
Wardvvite,alias Warwite, oj ward penny , to be free frooi contribntion of nw;
nepfotoatcbes ant) toarDs.

^etiabe out an ancient f^anufcriptfranfcribeD tfjis ojDInafion tDat fol=

lotoetb,tol)tcft tnt^cCountp of i^o?f. tjatft been cijcr obfer^eD, anD it is tcrp

pjobablctljattlielibe^atl) been
Done bi'ltbc^utljojitp in ot^er maritineCoun«

O rdinatio pro Vigil' obfervand' in Com' pr3edi(5l' aLynne ji^„c.

ufque Yermouth.
fiac igittir authoritate mandatinos Robert de Monte alto ^ Thomas de RoienmdcMonte
Bardolfe moffdamus Vic' Norf. quod venire facidt coram nobis apud Nor-
rvic' die Mercurii decoUationis SanCii ^ohannk
infeji' Bapttfi' prox' fu- par jia^e "r
tur omnes milites^
omnescapit' Conftabul hundred^ <^ ConfiabuV vjll' ^ >4 E.z.a* Bat 5s
"^ 'f'«^
duos homines de difcretior' cujuflibet villdubi partus vel applicat' Navi- R«3'"i,«
' ^

// r /• i-i •> 7 rt.

. I appcarethin the
um tn balltva jMA tarn
infra Itbertat quam extra tncom prmici ad con- p.uiiamentRci».

fulend' jformand' jauxiliand' qualitcr quomodo did' ^

cujtod' fecuriuspro
falvatione partium
fieri pof?it^
et ad faciend' quod ex parte dom^
regis[uper prxmiffis injungitur.
Ad quern diem nos diB' Robert' tho- ^
mas perfonaliter accefimus ibidem, ac milit\ capit' Confiabul' hundred'^
ConfiabuV vilT cum omnibus hominibus vill' ubi applicat' avium exifi' N
de Portu Lynne'^ de PortuTarmouth coram nobis ibidem
compar'^ et ane-
ruerunt, quod v aide
necefieefjet pro falvat' totiusp
atria quod vigiH' fiant
X in
150 Com. for 'Beacons ySeamarJ{s^(s^c, Cap. 25.
* in kcis periculojis ficitt antiquo more fieri folebam juxta. mare. Et quod
Watches to be omnes homin-cscerfor' "jdid' dc Com' Nerf. contribitend' ad ill' faciend' y
made upon the ordinut' et cenfens' eortim concordat' e^ quod dux vigi/l' per fex
j)cr quod
Stacoft by the
njmbeiofthe hemtnes de corf ore ptenti tamper dies quam per noBes fieri in hundred' de
people, in the Freebrigge, viz. apudWohcrton^
apud Clencherne, eo quod did' hundred'
pla:es,and a Wifbiche ufque Derjingham per la^.leitcas. Etquodqnili-
mnnncrarid form iung femari
as tbey were wont bet vigilans capiet per diem et per noiiem pro vadiis fuis ^.d. Et quod
to be. hundred' de Clackclofe adjung' eidem hundred' de Freebrigge ad contri-
buend' ad vigi/l' illafaciend, viz. pro qualibet (eptiman ^s.6d. etidem
hundred, de Freebrigge 6 s. pro feptiman . Etfciend' efi-jj. vilL' continen-
tur indioi' hundredo qu£ afignantur ad diB' vigill'faciend.
Fiat etiam una vigi/l' apud Southlynne in Clincher»^&c.
I. em una in hundred' de Smithdon apud Thernham
Smythdon. quod vigi/l'
fiet per
(ex homines ^eo quod diBum hundred' jungit fe mart de Derjingham ufq.^
Dee^edal fenn per 12. leucas. Et quod
Hundred de Southgrenhoe et Laun-
diche eidem hundred' de Smythdon ad contribuend' ad vigi/l' iil'fa-
hundred de Southgrenhoe ^s. 6d. per feptiman et hundred de
ciend' ^v'lZ.
Landiche 4 s. per feptiman' ^ et hundred de Smphden 3 s. Et continent' in
dici' hundred' ad vigi/l' i /lafaciend.
']9. vi/l'

G allow. Et fiat una vigi/l'

in hundred de Ga/lorve apud Burnhamper /\. homines,
eo quod diH' hundred' jungit fe mari de Deepedalc ufque tiMiam per
Broth:rcro2e. Et hundred' de Brothercroffe adjttngit'
eidem hund' ad contri-
buend' advigi/l' faciend' VIZ. hundred' de Brothercroffe 3 s. per feptim'
i /I' ,

(^idem hundred' deGa//otve 4 J. per feptim'. Et fciend' eft 45. viW funt
in di£t hundred' advigi/l' ilia faciend.

Item fiet un' vigi/l' in hundred' de Northgrenhoe apud Uolkham per
6. homines , eo di£t' hundred' jungit fe mari , a Ho/kham ufque
Wcyland, quod
Marjion per 6. leucas. Et hundred' de Weyland, GiltcrojfeyGrimjhoeje^
Erfham adjung' eidem hundred'
ad contribuend' ad vigia ilia faciend' ,
viz. Weylond 2 s.
per feptim' , Grimjhoe 2 per feptim', Giltcrojfe 2 s.

per feptim' , (^
idem hundred' de Northgren-
per feptim\(^ Erfham z.s.
hoe 2 s. per feptim'. Et fciend' efl quod 76
funt in did' hundred'
ad vigi/l'
Holt. Item fet unum vigi/l'
Wabornn per fex he-
in hundred' de Holt apud
diEl' hundred'mari a
mines, eo quod jungit fe Marfton ufque Shering-
Eyrsf )rd.
ham per 'j leucas. Et hundred de E-jnsford ^
Hempfleed adjung' eidem
hundred' de Holt ad contribuend' ad vigill' faciend', viz. Eynsford 4^,

per feptim', Hemfteed ^

s. 6d.
per feptim' &
^^^^ Hundred' de Holt
3 s.perfept, &fciend, eJlqHod 70 vi/l.
funt in
did' hundred' ad vigilL'
Notthcrpingha Item fet unum vigiU' in hundred, de Northerpingham in duobm lock,viz,

apud Runton &

Trimminghamper 5 homines, eoquod did. hundred, jung.
mari a Sherlngham ufque Munflye becke per decern leucas, (^ hundred, de
Soiitlicrpinglia. Southerpingham & Mitford cum vi/l. infra libert' adjung. eidem hundred,
Mittoid, ad vigili illafacienda,viz. Southerpingham 6s. ^d.perfept. Mitford^ s.
6 d. per fcpt. &
Northerpingham 12
s. 6 d.
per fept. Et fciend. efl quod
funt in hundred', pr^d.
ad vigi/l. i/L faciend.
fiet unum vigili. in
hundred, de Tunfied apud Baflwick per fex
Hunibleyavd, homines, eo qmd dici. hundred jungit Je man a Munfey ufque Walcote
per ^leucas. Et hundred,
de Humbleyard ^ Fotorehoe adjung. eidem hun-

Cap.25. Com.for'Beacons^Sea^marl^^O'c, 151

dred. ad contribtiend. ad vigil, ill.
fact end' ^\7.. Httmbleyard 3 s pe/fept^
Fovurehoe 3 perfept. dr Tunjlead^ s.
s. 6 d. perfept. & fcrend. efi quodj6.
in di£i. hand, ad vigil, ill.faciend^ ,

Item fet tmum hundred. de Happihg inditobm lecis^\iz. apiid Happing.

Happifhrow per /^homines (^ apudWafluefham per /^hmtnes,eo quod di^.

hund.jmgip femari aWalcdteufque Wimbejdele in leco periculofo per 6.
leucas. Et hundred, de Taverham.^ Depwade, Shropham Dtjjeadjung. ti- ^
dem Happing vigil, ill.
Tavtrham 2 s.
perfept. Bepewade 3 s.perfept. Shropham 5 s.perfeptim. ^
2 s.
perfept. d'
dicl. hund. de Happing 2 s, perfept. Etjcie/fd. ejl quod
60. vill. [unt in ad vigil, ill. faciend.
Itemjietunum vigil, in Ea[lfiegge ^Weflflegge intribus loeis E.-iiflcgge,

mIz. apudWinterton per 6 homines ^apud Saltivos hav^n per fex homi»(s^ vveiigeg_ge.

^ apud Fordham per [ex homines, quod did. hund. jungit fe

WJ- ntari a
keldock ufqueSunton in Mitford in loco periculofo per 7 leucas. Et hund. de Wj(hMn.
Walfham^Bloivfeild, Loddon, (^ Clavertng adjung.
eidem hund. ad contri- Blowfeiid.
buend. advigill. ilia
faciend. viz. Walfham 4J. 6 d. per fept. Blowfield cbverln'f.
4 s. 6 d. perjevt.Loddon 5 s. 6 d. perfept. Clavering 5 s. 6 d. per fept. Weji-
flegg 2 s.perfept. Eafifiegg s.perfept.Etfciendum efi quod
102 vill. funt
in diif. hund. ad vigil. HI. faciend, .

emnibtts capital. Conftabul. de hund. adjung. mart in locis

Frdicept. efi
prsdid. in forma prxdicia hac infiant. die dominiea prox.futur. fimi- ^
liter prxcept.efi eifdemcapital, Gonfiabul. (Jr omnibtts aliis fubconfiabul.
hundred, totita Com, quodftnedtlatione levari ^
reparari fac.ftgna fier- ^
haresfupermont.altior.inquolibethund. Itaquod tota patria per ilia fi^na £.'.2"'°

(p- qued ipje Cpnfiabul.

quottefcunque necefjefuttpremumrtpo^et, capital,
per avizam. Confiabul.
villaru ^
alioru proboru hominit
agifi.fac. fiaeliter vad. vigil, in hundred, pr^di^. infiant. quod »rdinat.folvend,
.in vigil, prxdiii. nullo modo inve-
defcptimana in feptim.ita quod defect
eorum defeat, i^ ftmiliter quod omnes qui agifi. funt adarma^
ad portanda arma, ^
omnes illi qui loco potent, adarmafuaportan-
da afignat. jint providi (jr parati fint indies noBe ad veniend.folemniter
difiinfi. (^ aperte inprxfent.domini
Walter i deNorwic. Epifcopijuxtanos
ibidem cur. Cacar. tbtitM Com". Norf. coram nobis vn. *
afiden. fecimus V'sili'srium.

proclamar. Etfimiliter prxcept. efi

Fie quod levar. fac. denar. agifi. in
hundred. pr^di£l.procofiis &^id.folvend.
:fojtoatc^c0,anDagatnttiitsl)t«tDalfecrs,rect^cftatwteof Mtm^. 13E. i,

cap 4. yE.3.cap.i4. Vid.jH7.5-.

Vide Lamb, inter leges Edovardi regis, fo,i 2,6, b. & inter leges Willielmi Re-
gis fo.izj.a*
Quod homioesde Larkefieid, Filbarow ftrect, Ncwchurch,& Worth in Com' ^^^.r ^jj^^f
Kanc'tenentur facerc vigilias in Romncy Marfli. . g h
4.m.8.& 10.

l^Z Cap. z6.

T>e Con/ervatore feucuJiodeTreugarSy {, Induct am
(^ falvorum %^gis CmduBmm^
And of the office, authority, and privilcdge of
AmbafTadours j And of Leagues,Trcatics, and

iiz llafate of x H,y. robbcrp, fpoplbtg, b?caWngoE2nrace0,anl)fafc

I H. j.ei.<.ft«t. I

Bp ConDucts bpaitpof tljelyings Ucge people anQ fabjerts tottbtn CEnglanD,

BlrelanD>anD Males, o^upoti tl^e main Tea, toas aOjuDgeD anD Determined
to be!^{g6 SDreafon: but t^isB^ancl^ concerning ^igfjacrearoniarepeales
ioH.^.cap II.
bp tbe aatutc of 2 o H.<J. 3l0ut bp t^e faio act of z H. j. foj t^c better obfcrtjattoii
of truces ant) fafC COnDactS, Confcrvator induciarum &
falvorum regis condu-
anum toas raifeD, anD appotnteD in eberp |3ojt of tfte fea bp iletters patents:
!^(6 office teas to enquire of all offences Done againtt tbe teings truces anD fafe
conD^cts upon tbcmainfea(outoft^e Counties.anDoutofttje JLiberttcsof tl)£
Ctitqnc^pojts) as jSDmirals.of cuttomc, iuerc toont.
3t concemctb tbe 3lurifD((tton of Ditcrs courts, anD efpcciallp of tbcfaiD
court befo?ementioneD upon tbefaiD ffatuteof 18 HX
anD oftftejCourtoftto
jaDmiraltp, to tmolo tge rigbts of Bleagues anD 0mbaii;aDours,as farastl^
laloes of CB nglanD ertenD unto , fo j of tbem tue toill onip treat.
<ail leagues 0^ fafe conDuds are,oj ougt)t to be of reco^D. tbat is,f bep
J8 H.6.cap.4. be tnrolleD in tb^ CbancerptotbeenDtbefubietfmapbnotD, lobobcinamitp
ioH.6.cap. I. ijjitb tbe feing, anD tobo be not t tobo be enemies, anD can babe no action bcre;
Vide fupra.p.iji *
• I b)bo in league, anD map b^^e actions perfbnall btre. Bin all treaties, tbe poU)«
er of tbe one partp anD tbe of ber ougbt to be equaU.
19 E.4.ubifupra. Si league oj bp ;3mbairaDour oj ^eralD*
map be b?oben bp Icabptng of toar,
Seethe third in i$>E.4.ubirupra, tbat if all tbe fubjects of (Ei^lanO
Bryan belD opinion
parcofthclnftit, iDOulD ma&e tear toitb a i^ing in league tnitb tbe l&ing of oBnglanD initbont tba
cap. Treafon.
aO^ntoftbel^ing ofCnglanD, tbatrucbaU)arl]pasnob?eacboftbeleague.$»e
1 H.J. cap.6. tbe llatnte of i H,f .cap.<5Jn tbe |0jeamble.
3!n tbe 2?ube of j^ojf. cafe Hi!. 14. Eliz. tbe quettion toaSpiubefber tbelLoja
Herife anD otber fubiects of tbe ^ing of g>cots, tbat loitbont bis aoenf baD loa«
(teD anD burnt Ditiers SDotxines in (i£ nglanD, anD pjoclaimeD enemies, toere ene^
mics in laVD toitbtn tbe ftatute of 2 y E. ^ tbe league being bcttoeen tbe Ring ano
tbe &cot : anD refoltieD tbat tbep loerc enemies.
Hil.13 Eliz. jainD in tbe Bifljop of Roflcs cafe, Ann, 1 5 Eliz.tbe quettion being. An Icgatos,
qui rcbdlioncm contra principem ad quern legatus concitar, legati privilegii*
gaudeat, & oon ut holHs paenis fubjaceat. ;9nD it tDas refolbeD tbat be b^D loS
tbe pjitjilcDge of an ^mbalTaDour, anD toas fubject to punttbment.
Hil.iijic. Samuel Palache affirming btmfclfe to be tbe Subject anD 0mbatraDourof
Mula Sedan iiing of 5po?occo to tbe states of tbe unifcDpjobinces, to treat
anD negofiafelDitbtbem of Ditfcrs matters betlocentbem; anD tbep oftbenni<
teD pjoijinccs bailing acccptcD bim fojan;agcntoj!Legat. jSinD tbe laft of
3iun6 161 1, tbere being enmifp bcttoeen tbe feing of $po?.occo anDtbcfeingof
^patne, tbe !!iing of ^o;occo maDe a Commiif ton to tbe fatD Samuel to tabe
^paniarDs anD tbctr gooDS. %\)t J? of £Dctober 1613, tbe l1ingof€nglan5
Carvel, or Ci- gabe bim Hctters of fafe conDnct as a publiclt ^initter fent to tbe states of tbs
ravel, isaftvifc
nniteD p^obinces. 3 Marcii 1613, tbe states liccnfeD bin^ to leatjte men to fnr<
park. niib bis ibips^ ic. 3!n Blune 1 61 4 be tool^ a Cartell of tbe 3>paniarDs at tbe Ca<
Cap.zd". Of AmbaJfadourSyLeagues^^c, 15^
narfes laDcn toitl^ §>agar, aiiD anof&er fljtp tbcrc alfo laDen tntf^ l^iDes , of tf)e
gooDS oC &pan<arDs; anD after, toitbDiarclTc of tiJ{nD,]bciDttf)t^fa(D|3jtfe3
toaa Djftjcn to ^Umotitft , tfjerc bctng; at tbat time league botft bcttoeen (Bngt
ianD anD S>patJi, anD bctujccn (SitglanDanD t^c unttcD ^joijfnces, anD toars be*
f toeeit &patn anti t^e unttcD |9?oUincc0. jano asainft t^fs Samuel t^e g>pani(]&
^ambaffatouc CiBnglanDcomplaincDattfjc CotmcellSCatlc, anD cljargeD
f)crc in

|ifmtoitft|9iracp» 2Clje fatD Samuel anD fjis companp being arrcffcD , anDtlje
0OOD0 feifeD, tlje &paniC& jambaffaDour pjaj^eD tljaf fte mtgljt pjoceeD agafnft f)(m
80 a ptrat upon tfjc falD Catutc of t8 H.s.cap»i5, SCfjc 3Lo?Ds office Councell re^
fcrrcD tfte confiocrattonoftfjis rcqucft fotf)cCl)tefc3Iafticco£englanDbCing
pjefent at tfje Cable, anD to t^e fatter of tlje UOI0, anD §>ir Daniel Dun BIuDge

of tfte aDmttaItp,foconfiDer of f 6c cafe, anD to Dtrert a courfc of juttite therein in-

atfFcrcntlp. jSnD tlje faiD refcrrees IjearD tfjc Councell leameD botft in ttjc Com*
nionanDCttiiUlaU)e0onbotl^fiDe3onfluoret7erallDape0inft)t0 2Cerme : anD
after confctencebctiDecnt^crarcltes, anDtoitbotfjers, ffjcfepointGtoererefol*
teD. iFirff, t^at att&i0Daptl)crecoulDbcno^mbaffaDourto(tftouf|!Lettcr0of Nuiiinifiab^
trenentc of^ts* &ot)era{gne,toanotl)ertl)atbaDfot?crafgncant^ojifp. Lcgatus foiw'prmcipcs
per Titeras de fua Icgatione fidem faccrcdeber, exigantur, ^commonitorium, f^^a^hXnf Lc

Infiruftioncs privac', foj tlje jambaffaDour l)imfclf fojl^ta Direction, conftuuere g,tos
^econDl?,tbat of ancient time jambaOfaDourd loere calleD Oratore*« poUunc.
Jamq; Oratores adcrantex urbe Latina Virgil,
Velaci ramis olei— Idtm 1 1 ^ncid.

SlnD aftertoarDs tljep toere calleD Legati a legando, Numii a runtiando , anD "^i""^'' f"
aftertoarD0 Ambafliatores OJ Embafliotores,anD fomettmes jagent0: foj Omnis Idem iiJEacid.
legatus eft agens, but Omnis agcns Is
not legatus ; iFoj (f fte be fent froma !5fng Nimm hoc id'
OJ abfolute ^potentate oj &>tate to ailing oj abfolute potentate oj &fate to monPh-jgitma
treat bettoeen tbem, altljougl) l)c in l)is iLettcrs of creDcncc be f crmeD an jagent '^^^"jy^"^^
9i Nuntius , vtt Ije 10 an ambaffaDoar oj ILcgaf c. "Tr'"""' .

2DljfrDlp,it toa0 rcfoliieD.tbat ambaCaDours ougW f o be feept from all Inmrfes

anDtojongs, anD b)? tHelato of all Countries, anD of alligations t^epougl^t to
jbe fafe anD fure tn etierp place, (n fo mncb tliat it is not lalufull to l^nrt ttje ^m«
baliaDours of our enemies: anD fterctoitft agrceflj tl^e citjill lato» ^nDifatant* Lcga.
D^eD man be fent a0 ^mbafliaDour to tlie place from iDljence ^e is banf C^eD, l^c map in auc de fan.
anD ^ ^"""^
not be DetatneD o? offenDeD tljcre, alfot&is agrectfi toiilj t^
Cibill lain.
2Cftc cafe(toljicl) toe Ijatie fecn rcpojfeD) m
reign of H.s.iuastljistSCtcrc l'e«

ing amttp bettoeen* Jiing H. %^ anDtljcifrenc!) iling, anD enmitp bettoeen H. %

anD tlje pope', R. Pole a 31lebellanD anraitoj to tljc l^tng of (EnglanD »
see the third
flpctft to iHome, toftom t^e pope being in amit^> toitlj tlje ifrencft iiing feitDet^ par: of the infti-
tutes capH/gh
a0 ^mbalTaDour to ^imttftcUtng of CiI;nglanD DemanDetft &i0 rebell oft^c jTrenc^
Jfting, nottoitWtanDing Ije toas fent a0 ambaCTaDour, Sed non pr^valuic. ;anD it J^.rlS i S
iStrulpfaiD^ toi^Ofoeber faiD tf. Quia Veritas a quocunquedicitur a Deo ert, Fuit Tempore H.*.**'
fcmpcr aiam apud Gentiles (qui nullam tenebant vera: fidei rationem) inviola*
bile nomcn Nuncii & Lcgati,ctiamfi ab hoftibus mitterentur femper falvi, & ho-
die apud Saracenos &
Turcos, a quibufcunquc tuts deftinantur legationes & lite-
.rs. etiamfiillisadquosdeferamur molertz fint & injuriofa?. iBut if a fojein
^[mbaffaDour being Prorex commitfetlj Ijere anp crime, tofjit^j is contra lus gen-
tium, as 2EreaIbn, iFelonp, SlDultcrp , oj anp otfter crime toljtclj is againft tfje
lato of j|3ation0 , !je lofctlj tlje pjtfeileDge anD Dignito of an ^mbaffaoour as wn-.
toojt^p of fo Ijiglj a place , anD map be puniOjeD ftere a0 anp otfter p?i\)atc 0lien,
anD not tobcrcmanDeD tol^is&otJcraigncbutofcurtcQc. anD To of contracts
tbat be gooD jure gentium fte mnft anftocr fecrc. 5I5ut tf anp ffjing be malum pro-
hibiium bp anp act of parliament, pjitatc lato ojcCattomc of tljisRcalme,
tofttcl^ is not malum in fc jure gentium, no? conrra jus oentium, an ^mbaffaDoar

reilDtng Ijere dball not be borniD bp anp of t^em: but ot^crtoife it is of tl^c ^ubj etts
Patch. 36 Eiiz. Henry de Vale anD ottjcrJFrencljmen impojfeD Dtbersmanufa* pafch. in
ttwes, as Clottj of 2I^tffue,Catoles, points, 5c, iKHljcrenpon Tomlinfon anD scicc.
154 O/JmbaJfadourSyLeagues^^c, Cap. id,
i9H.7.cap»i. otljcrgoo&^ercljanfs Of iLonDotT.crttbtfetiDiters info jmationS upon tljeaafufe
of 19 H,7, \a\)it\f pjo^ibtt f!)c fame; of inljom tljc iFrcncljmcn
complameD at t^e
Councell SCaUe, anD it toas rcfolteti bp tije =Lo;D SCrcafurer
Burghlcigh anD tl^e
tol^ole Counccll, tljat it toafi no bjcacfj of tljc a cague betiseen tijts
teingDom anD
iFrance, foj tfjat in ffte Articles of tl)c Jleaguc t^e latoes of cttijer !i{ngt)omc be
ewpfcD t anD tijerefoje if Tomlinfon tfjc Subject being a jFrencft iperc^ant
OioulD trace into f ranee, &e muft obfertje tljelatos anD cuffomes of JFrance.
iFdurtWj?, toas refollJcD, tijat aDmit tfte faiD Palachc Inas no amtailaDonr ,

nottoit&aanDtng becaufe t^crc toas enmitp bettoecn t^c i^tng of &patn anD ttje
JStrtg of ^o?o£co coulD not be inDicteD as a |0traf befojc Commiffioncrs
tbc faiD ffatufeof 2 8 H,8» jiBecaufc fljat one enemp cannot be a felon foj tafeing of
tljc gooD0 of anotljcr cnemp. 0nD tlje tuojDa of tfte faiD Sla be,
tlje Com^
mitQoners bp fojce of t^e faiD
teD upon tlje lanD, anD accojDing
M Ojall p?occeD,as if tlje offence IjaD
been commit-
to tlje conrfe of tlje Common laip.j
a S>ee a Ro-bpallttje Sutticcg, tijat tljis is no felonp,tDi)ic!) cafe is in
bis parts
remembjcD ftergaftcr. iFoj it is tierp obfcrbable tDljatt^elaUj of €nglanD is in
tfjatcafe, at toas IjolDenbp fomc of tfje civilians, tljat albeit
tlje §>paniarD
coulD not p?oceeD againft Ijtmeriminaliter,
upon tl)C faiD act of 1 8 H,8. ytt tljc
gooDs being in folo amiei, t^at is,in tljc foile of tlje to ing of nglanD,toljo toas in €
league toitljbotlj, tftat tljc fi>paniarD migl&t pjocccD againft Palache, civllker in
Tiin.zjjf .CO. tlic ^Dmirall Court : but tljat toas refoltcD to tljc contrary bp
popham Cljicfe
ram regc. 31uftice, auD tftetoljoleCourtof tljc iiingsBcncljTrim 2
jac. to be againft t][je
latoofCnglanDintftatcafc; toljcrc tlje cafe toas tljis, SCljaftoljcretljctoingof
CnglanD toas in league toitli tljc it ing of &pain, anD tottlj tljofc of I^ollanD, sc
anD tljerc toas enmitp bcttoccn tftc toing of S>pain anD tljofc of
^ollanD, it, anD
ope of l^oUanD upon tlje tjigft fca in aperto prxlio tooh tlje gooDs of a fubjcrt of
^pain.anD bjoug^ttljem into CBnglanD, infra
corpus comitatus,anD foj tljat t^c
gooDS tocrc in folo amiei, tljc ^paniarD to^ofe gooDs tocrc tafecn ItldlcD
tl^emcivilitcr in tljc ^DmiraU Court. 3t toas
rcfoi^cDbp fljc toljole Court of flje
iiings 315cnc6 upon conference anD Deliberation, fljat tftc ^paniarD IjaD loft tfte
pjopcrtp of t^c gooDS foj eticr , anD ijaD no rcmeDp foj tljcm in cBnglanD ^nD
relpcD pjinctpallp upon tljc boob in 2 R.3, ubi fupra, being of fo great
autljo:i(p :
foj bp tljat boob, fte tljat toill fue to Ijate reftitution of gooDs robbcD at fca,
bp lato to pjobe ttoo tljings. jFirft, tljat tljc §>ot)eraignc of tlje platnttfc toas at
tljc time of tlictabing in
amitptottljtbciUtng of CnglanD. ^econtip, t^atljc
tljat toob t^e gooDs toas at tljc time of tftc
taking in amitp toitlj tljc S>ot)craignc
of Ijim toliofc gooDS tocrc taken : foj if Ije toljiclj took
tijcm toas in cnmitP toitli
tljc feotJcraigncofljImtoftofcgooDstoerc taken, tljcn toas it no DepjcDationoj
robbcrp, but a latofull faking, as ebcrp encmp migljt take of another : all
appcaretlj in f ftc falD book, feec tljc ftatutcs of 2 7 E.j. anD 3 1 H.5. tocU
i7E-jca.ij.& DcDin 2 R.J. ubi fupra. Vidc7E.4.i^. 13 E.4.9. 12
E.3 fo.23.cojucrningt^is
"'^"'^'^- ^"^fojtl'at ttjcre toas
ru'^cap. enmitp bcttoccn tljc iSing of S>pain anD tljofc Of
7 E ,4. ^ollanD, tljercfoje it coulD not be DcpjcDation, but a latofull taking. 3It toas al<
fo refoltJcD bp tljc Court of tljc
} £.4-9. icings liScnclj, tljat tljc gooDsfo taken being toitli.
21 p.m6, 17. in tljts Realm, viz,, infra corpus ccmitatus. in folo amiei ,
fljat if
tlje &paniara
^"^ ^^'*^"" ci viliter in tljc Court of tlic ^Dmiraltp tljat a idjoftibition Ojoultt
F N R \?: ,

^^ grantcD, anD tljat it OjoulD be DctermincD bv tlje Jlatos anD §>tatutcs of

proSibuioX ^ng?
Noca. lanD, anD not bp tljc ctbill lato.
eiitlj tljts rcfolution of
tljc feings jlBcnclj 2Dotfoj
Taylor an Q£ngli(6man,anD
^oltcitoj foj lling of §>pain , toas at tljc firft maO) offenDcD , but toljcn Ije

IjaD taken aDUiceanD unDerftooD tlje

reafonoftljerefolution, hetoastacllfa::
3If a ftiiptojacb bcon tljefca, ^
Realm, ^Dmirall Ojall not
pet ifanpof fljcgooDs come to lanD toittjin tljis
ijafee jurifDiction, but it belongetlj to tljc common
&ce tljc third part of the Inflimtes,cap.Treafon ; toljaf offence if Ijaf^bccn,
anD toljat it is at tljis Dap to kill a fojcin ;3mbairaDonr; anD fee R. 2.
tljere j

Cap.z^. Of Ambajfadours^ Leagues ^(S'c* 155
of ©ctioa. St appearcfl) in
John Imperials cafc ^mbaffaOouir Chro.i^i&c.
tl)c ^olp^)5t=
go:)', viz. boolt of tl)c vEbion teles, tijat wjiirj^anD Dlfgraccs offc-
ill f!jc irii'tt

tcD to l^tng Davids ^mbaffaDomrs ialjicb be fcnt toHanon ]^i\\% of tl)c ajoatiitcs.
Ad confoland' ei fupra mortem patris liii, grandem etiam contumeliam fuHinue-
runc, &c. teas a jijil caufc of inarrc bp David ngatnft t!]C a3oabttc0 , anD luas
fctcrcli' rciocngcti, as
tbe ?^oli? ^^tffojp if appearcfl).

%^zxzlt{<i\XK^\\\'Qtstil\tm^\tii, I. Foedu$pacis,anDff)ataClj?itttan|9jfncc Rom.izit.

mapljalJCtoitbanBIltfiOCll. SifieripolTit, quod
ex vobiseft.cum omnibns homi- Gcn.14 13 &-.
nibus pacem habeatist 2, Fcrdujcongratulationisfive confolationis. 3nD tl)ffl
map avll):.tftian i^jtncc niafee toltl) an SlnRDcll as David did luitf) Hanon ubi .-

lupra. Fjeduscommutationismerciumfivecommerciit 3nDtl)iSalfo inapbc

an ^nftDell as lUng Solomon DiD lultl) Hiram an 3!nfiDcll,anD Jofua
iiiaDc tottl) , j. fua cip 9.

DiDtuttljtftcGibionites. 4, Focdus mutui auxilii, anD tl)tS cannot be Done tottl) 3 Kingsj.i.&c.
an3nficcllojan3(Dolater. JehofaphatilingofSinLia.niaDcfoedusmumiauxilii Y"'' <?

iDifl) Achab iiing of Slfracl, an BiDolatcr : ifoz Achab faio to Jehofaphat, Veni j\J; ^'y" J.;,
mecutn in Ramoch Gilcad. Cui il!e rcfpondet, Lit ego & tu, & ficut popuius tuus, see 1 Mac. 8. 19.
lie & popuius meus tecum crimus in bello : in tDftttI) toarrc Achab Itjas (!ain,anD 10. &

le'iofaphat toas in cvtrcamc Danger. 0nD after,

as tl)C SCert fatttj, Reverfas eft 1
autem Jehofaphat rex Judxin domum fuam pacifice injerufalem, cui occurrit
Impio prebcs auxilmm, & hiis qui oderunt
& ait ad
* »
Jehu Hlius Hanani , ilium. The Prophet
Dominum amicitia jungeris, 8f idcirco iram quiJem Domini merebaris. JlinD flje of GoJ.

latos of CSnglanD concerning tljcfc four leagues arc as vm perceive grounDcD up«
i5uf Jjcrc arifctl) a qucftion.tljat feeing faeduspacis,oj focdus commercii map
be ttricUcn bcttoeen a Cljiiftian pjincc anD an SInfiiDcU iBagan % 3lDolatc«^ anii
tl)Ofclcaaucsarctobccaablta)eDb)'oaflj,tobctlicr tbc3!nfiDcl oj ^Daganpjince
map ftocac in tljat cafe bp falfe goDs, feeing l)c CSoD bp
tl)crcbP'OffenBctl) tl)C true
Doubt toas mofecD Pablicola
gilDtitgDibinctoojfbipfofalfcgoDS, SCbis'ocrp bp Ai-gEniftM. '
to S>. AuguHine, tobo rcfolijetb tlje fame tljus : be tbat taftetb tljc creDif of btm adPubikdaM.
tbat ftoearetb bpfalfc goDsnottoanp etiillbutgooD,beDotlj not jopn bimfelfe
to tbat finne of ftocaring bp Dcbils, but is partafeer loitl) tbofc latcfull leagues
tobereintbeotber bcepctb bis faitb anD oatb. "^ai if aCb?ittian fljoulDanp
toap inDucc anotber to ftocare bp tbem , berein be flioulD gricbouflp On. 0nQ
feeing tbc leagues in tbcfe cafes are lyarrantcDbptbciDOiD of <!?oD,& per prax in ^ -, ,

fanftorum in facta fcripcura, all inciDcnts tbercunf are permitteD: foj per praxin mScio ca^ ij
fan^orum tl)2 pjacttfc of bolp men in fcr ipturc , map often time be collecteD bolo p^xis (mtionxm
tbe<DommanDementsinitaretobeunDcr{tooD,anDpraxis fanflorum appcaretlj imerpicsprxccp.
befO?e. .

0nD it is to be obfcriJCD tbat of ancient time, anD untill latter Dapcs no 0m= j^^^ p,^., j^ ^
baffaDo; came into tbisKealmbefo:cbcbat>a fafcconottct. iFoj asnoteing,^. nii.n! and long
can come into tbis Kcalm toitbout a licence oj fafc conDuiJ,fo no Prorex.ic.tobic!) after.
rep?efentetb a tetngc perfon can doc iFo: fafc conDuctsfce tbctojitsin tbc Seciib7.caivinj

llegifterdefalvoconduau.anDtbeaatutesof IS H,<5. 18H.5, anD 20H. <J, ^f^;.^'^'"^'

iDitb all inciDcnts tbercunto. ^m
Jiing //.?. tbat toifc anD politique iSing Rcp-aVo z^,r6
iijoulD notinallbio time fuffer ILicgcr 2mbaffaDoj of anp fojainc iling cj .5 Hif-cap./.
^itnce toitbinbisJSealm,no:bean)' toitbtbcm, but uponoccaftonufeD Sm^ iSH.e.caps.
ballaDojs. r„"-^r"^"V
eucrp 2mbaaaDo> ougbt to bat-e four qualttice,c);p?cffeD in tbts ^crfc.
g "e of th' popV
Nuncie,(isverax,tacicuJ5celer,atque iidelis. fsvornc&c.
* F'-ure qualities
5lnD of bint anotber faitb.
Foederis orator, pacis via, terminus ira?, °"g'" to be in an
Semen amicitis, belli fugajlitibusholVis.
William dela Pole SDufee of S)uCbp tbc Commons toascbargcD (amongft Ror.Pi.iS.H.*;.
otbcr tbings) toitb tbis, tbatbepiocureDtbcHiing, \n bis pjefencc onlp toitb^
oat anpotber of tbecouncell, to bate fccrct conference toitb tbc jfrencb Sim--
bafraDojs,ic.fojtbctobich''amonga; otber tbingfl)bc isjao baniflicD.ic, as bptlje
KecojD apiicarcfb.
15^ Of Jmbaffadours^ Leagues j^c, Cap.2^.
s Decemb. CarDinaU VVolfcy teas cftargea toiflj tl)efc notable Ijtg^ anli grtctoiis offcn*

tes(amongftotl)crs)viz,2Dftatl)C being tfjciSfngs^mbaffaDo? (ni^rancc maDe


atrcatpinttljtftciFrencl^tefngfojt&elSopc, t^c MtiQ natfenototng anp part

See thefe Arti-
cles before m I'tec
tl^0r0ofnojnamcDmt1)cfame,ant)btntitngtfj0 iFrcncft liing to abtac Ijisojiier
verba, Cap.Cha- ant) atoarD, tf anp tontrotierCc oj Doubt ftoalti arife bettocen t^c faiD |0opc , anD
eery, Artie, ijj. i|)efattiiF«ncbiStng.
9^10.12. 0lfo tijat tbe fait) 3Lo;tJ CarDinall being tlje iifngs ^mbaffatioj in iFran«
rent aCommifftonto &ir Gregory de Caflalis unticr tije (Bjcat fe)cal in tfte
liingsnametoconcluDea treatpof amitptoitlj tfie SDufee of jFcrrare toitijout
tfte aings commanDement oi txjarrant,no? tftc !£iing aDtjertifcD noj matse p jiljj? to
0lfo tfte faiD ILojt) carDinall tafeing upon l)im otfterioife tben a f rue l^jitjp
Counfellojoug^t to Doe^ tat)eureDtot)at)eaU^mbaCraDoji3 to come Grit to &im
alone, anD to l^ear tl^eir charges anD intentss.f t.
0lfo t^e faiD 3LojD (larDinall ufeD manp pears together not onlp to tojitefo
all t^c icings ambaffaDojB ia fojain parts tottfj ot^er l^jinccs in ^tsoton
name all aDtierttfements concerning tfjc llings affairs being in tfjctr ctjarge,
anD in t^e fame letters tD?otc manp tljings otitis otonminD toitlbout tijeUingj
Diters tilings lol^ictj^aD been neceCfarpfoj tl)em to
pleafurebnoton, concealing
ftnotD, but alfo catifeD tbcm toiojifctljcir aDtiertiremcntstobim,anDoftIjerame
letters IjcufeD to conceal, foj tlje compalling of ^ispurpofc, manj> tbtngs botft
a A Truce. fromt^e^^ingsCounccll anDtlje ^ittg liiimfelf.
Rot.Franc' a^l)6 Difference bctujeen a ^League anD a aCrucc i0,tl)at aSTrucc isaccCTa- tton from tDarrefb^ a certain time: a ^League is an abfoluteffriUtngofpcace.
part I .
a;©fa SDrucc toe liatiereaD in anno 1 9 E.3, totals effect. Rex port initasin-
i See the truce at ^
Lib. Par. ducias cum Franeorum Rege per mediationem Rcmani pontificis copias fua$ ,
fo.f. bellicas dcmum reduxit, poftea deprehendens prsefatTegem Franc' hoftilia con-
cA League. tra ipfam moliri>& numioiprifati Pontificis fimulata pace diflTidinm fovere^pri-
miiia omnia per Literas Patentes exponenda duxic, Scbcllum cum prsfato re-
ge refumpfit.
c^9H.639- '0 ^league anDalliancetoasmaDebettDeen&tngH, 5-. I^tsl^irs anDfuccef*
/Ko.Pat.jsE.J. fojs,anQ Sigifmond iiung of tlic IRomans^is fteirs anDfuccelfojs livings of tftc
part.i-ni.2'4' aRomans,anDtoaBconftrmeDbp0(tof parliament, %^z inftrument tt^iercof
ts terp long, but not fo long as effcduall anD tDOjtljp of obfertiation.
3t is faiD in 9 £4. tljaf a ^League maDe betioeen ttoo liings ( toitijout na«

/< Rot.Clajf.
i4H.3.m''- ming of fuccetlojs) Dot t) not eptenD to fucceflojs , alt^ouglj bp our laU) Rex non
Rot.Clauf. intermoritur,
^31u(EiceAfhton is of opinion, tljafno 3mbairaDoj ougljt to be fcnt to tl&c
pope, but tftere map be manp p jcGDents to tlje contrarp, foj beftDes litis fpir ituall
Rot.Franc. jurisDirtion tie is aSCempojalll^jince.toljereoffeca pjefiDcnt among manpo«
iiH.6.m.i. tijers. Roc. Pat.35 E.3. parcea.memb.a^. anD Iibetoifctl)e|9opefent 3mbar=
faDojs into CUnglanD, to|>o toere ftoojn not to attempt anp tljing pjejuDictall to
i» part. m.6.
» Robert Gilbert tlje Jiing OJ ^^ingDome.
Doaor of Divi- s 0nD tftat toe map gitic fome faffe of ctjerp btnD
% 3In times pall tlje teing of

nity. cBnglanD fcnt ^ambaffaDojs togencrall councels, as taking one eramplcof tljat
John Langdon fojt fOJ manp. Ad concilium Bafileens' fub Eugenio Papa.quorum deftinatt funt
Doflor of Divi-
perregem Ambafliacores & Oratorcs Epifcopi
Robercus London', philippus
nity died «t this
Councell. Exoniens', Johannes Johannes Baiocens'
RoflFens', & Bernardus Aquarens*
tiUholaiti Abbas Ed'us comes Moriton, Abbates Glafton' beatx Maria: & Eborum, Prior Norwi-
Claflon,mUielm. ci.HenricusBromflet mileSifdominus Vcfcii) Thomas Browne legum Do6^or
Abbas bcatte Ma-
Decanus Sarum, Johannes Gollevile mile$,& alii. 2Dl)Cir, aut^ojitp toas in f ^cfe
ria Bborum.
The letters ofthc IDOJDS. Dantes&damuseis& ipforum majori parti poteflatem mandatum &
tarn generale quam fpeciale aomine nofiro& pro nobis in eodemconcilio in«
Pope whereby ge-
nerall Councels tereflendi,tra6tandi,eommunicandi, &concludendi tarn de hiis qui reforma-
are called, you tionem Ecdefiiuniverfalis in
capite& inmembris.quamin hiisqusfideior-
may read in Mat. thodoxa: fulcimentum, regumque ac principam paciiicationcm eoncernere pote-
Par. Annodo.-n-
runr, ncc non de & fuper paccperpetua,guerrarumve abflinentia inter nos &
Carolutn, Of AmbaJfadours^Leagues^&c, 157
Carolumadvcrfarium noftrum de Francia, ac etiatn tra<5landi, communicandi, &
appunduandi, confemiendi infuper &
opus fuerit, diflcntiendi hiis qua: juxia
, fi

dclibetationemdivSiconeiliiinibiftatui, &
ordinari contigerit, Promittentcs &
promittimus bona fide nos ratum,gratutn,& firmutn perpctuo habiturum totum
& quicquid perdi£los AmbafliatorcSjOratorcsiSi Procuratorcsnoflros, aut ma-
jorena parcemeorundemaftam, failumjfeugcflum fucrit inprimi{Ti$,& in fin-
gulis prajmiflbrum, &
hoc idem cum de & fuper hiis certiorari fuerimus
ad nos & Chriftianum principemattinct,executioni debits eurabimus dcman-
dar'. In cujusreitcftimonium has Jicerasnoftras fieri fecimus patentcs. Dat'fnb
magni figilli noftrj teftimonio in Palatio noftro Weflm' i o die Juili,
XMz l^atjc ejcpj^ffcD tljfgt 0mbaffagc f fje mo;c part fcularlp , foj t&ts Rot.pat. anna
COlinceUalfo 31 fin^^tftat
Henry Beauford (fonof John Of Gaunt bpKacherin uH^.p.ite r
Swinrord)S5{ftop^ofC2a:tttc^eacranD<i[;arDftiaUof&»c£ufebpeaDD;effeti ftimfeU & 11. &
anno i», parc.t.
anD fjao Ifcenccto tranfpojt anU carrp tottl^ f)titi 20000.1. of golD ano
filtjcr(ni«te, tn.ij.
i3iJtmoUtng0ml)aa:at)ojs)nottoUf)aanD{ng tt)C ftafufcs of pE,^. cap.i, anQ pE.jca.i.
y R,2, cap.2,&c, iFoi tlje fojtn of a fafeconouct (toljtc^ is calico defalvo con- jR.^.Va.'i-
daau^fee tl^e IRcgftter, SnDfojf be effect anDtjaUDitptljcrcof, fee tfjc ftatutcs
of 15 H. (5. cap. 3* i8H.6,eap,4. 2oH»6.cap.i. .;26.
Recordum & procefs' contra Pctrum de Rival Thefaurarium & Camcrarium
totius Anglic & Hibernis?, &cufted' omnium Foreftarum & omnium Por- Ann°>*^-3*
tuum maris,&c. de compoto regireddito de officiis prjeditSlis & de judicio con-
tra ipfum reddito per defaltam, quia venire rccafavitjnifi falvo
regis conduSu,
quod rex dcnegavit quafi infolitum & indebitum.
MftatretoarD iLcgatsljatie ^ao in fojmet: times pou map rcaD.Rot.Liber^r.
II H.3,m.i3. Rot.Clauf. n
H. 3.03.11. in Dorf. Roc. Liberat. 3E»it m. j»
Eodem Ror, i E.i.m«2» Rot. Alman.ii E.3. per totum Rotulum.
&ee Bcda fti Ijf s ^ifto^? of CBnglanD, Lib, 1 cap. 1 1 . Itjereaftcr
Cap, 7^, of

Scotland! io fine, t^ Dangec of ttntoife anD iticertain


Jj8 Cap.2y.

The Court ofthe luftices of Affife,and

t^eto^if of j^tTire^ljereoft^e Bluafces tnU f^efr name;fn all mtU

entantl)0jS,(ttS£alleDAflifanova:diffcifin2,0J Petit briefde novel dif-
Bra( FS>i feifin* ^f
\aW^ tojtt Braaon fattft, Recognitio Aflife novse difleifina:
i64.b. multis vigiliis cxcogicata &
inventa fuit recuperanda: pofleflionis gratia,ut pec
fumtnariatn cognitionem abfque magna juris folennitatc? quafi per compendi-
FIetali.4.cap.i. um,negotiuin tertninecur« j3nD t^e Mirror faftl^ , t^at fo^ erpetiition of juttice,
& J. Mirror ant) onlttns of Delates, it tDasojOattieDbpRanulphdeGlanvill; but 31 finDtl^e
ca.t. $.if.
tojtt moje ancient, as it appearet^ in 26 afl". pU24,
St tl)e Common latDJ^ffirestoere not fallen bntefttjer in *]l?anb, o^ before
BluSiceo inCEire^anDt^istoasagreatMa^ totl^e l^laintif, anDa great mo^
i6 A{T.p.a4. lefiation anD tjeitation of tlie mognitojo of t^e Mitz. JFoj rcmeDj? to^creof , it
•FN.B.i77.Rtg. isenacteD bptijeftatufe of Magna Carta, Q^od recogoitionesdenovadifleinna,
See the i part ot
Scdcmorte antceeflbris noncapiamur nifi in fuis propriis eomitatibus, &hoc
the Inft.^ea.
modo no$ fi extra rcgnumfuerc Capitalesjuflieiariinoftri, mittem Jufticiarios
noftros per unumquennque comitatum femel iaanaO)qui,&c. capiant eomitati-
Mag.Car.cajo. bus illis AiTifas prsdiaas, Bp fojce of tl)i0 Sid , tbefe f^jee concluCons arc to be
mord. obfcrticD. ifirft,tftatnoaffifecanberctprnablefntl^eifting0 3l6enc6, o?com«
of Aflife by Pa-
monll5enc^,unleffetbeDilteiQn be Done in tbe Countp iol^ere tbc ^encbes Ut
tent firft refpectitjelp, 0} ifbot^ llBenc^es
0t in one Countp, tb^n tbe piaintif batb elee
t The Patent of ctionto make it returnable in tobicti Bencb be toill &econDlp, tbattbe Blnaices
ihe Juftice of ofbotl^Bencbes intbatcafe batJCJurisDittion ojiginallpanDojDinarp toifljout
Affife. anp patent* SCbicDlp , tbat upon tbe faiD 0rt of Magna Carta iLetfers pa--
fent0to BButticesof^aaifetoere frameufoj tljt tabing of Strifes intbepjoper
J-(llic' noftros

Hereunto belong
Counties in tbefe too^Ds.
Commiflionsof t Rex,&c«dile(Sis & fidelibus fuis R. M,uni Juftic' fuorum dc Bancc»& I.L. uni

aflociat', writs of Juftic* fuorum

ad placita coram nobis tenend'aflign' Salutcm. Sciatis quod con-
admittance,and liituimusvos Jufticiarios noflros unacumhiis quo$vobi$aflbciaverimus,ad om-
offinonomncs, mnes * Aflifas, b Jurat', ' certificat" coram quibufeunque [ Juftic' tam per di verfa
eJ^f. F.N.B.177.
brevia domini Johannis nuper regis Anglias patris noftri, quam per di verfa
• writ to the5ht- brevia noftra in Com' noftris Southt" Wiltef. Dorf. Somerfet' Devon' & Corrub'
rif to
bring b:- acincivitatcExon' arranian'capiend', Etideo vobis mandamus, quodadcertos
Sclocaquosvosad iioc provideritis, AiTis', Jurat', & certificationes illas ca-
fore them gmma
Ajfn' Ju-
Fa6l:uri inde quod ad juftitiam pertinet fccundum legem, & confuetu-
rat' & Certifi-

cai*,&c. dinemregninoflri Anglic* Salvisnobis amerciamentis inde provenien'* Man-

b JuraC whenthe davimuscnim Vicecomtiibus noftris com' & civitai'prxdid', quod ad certos di-
recognitors are es & loca quos eis feire faciatis Aflif',Iurat' & certificat' illas una enm brevibus
turned in
origin' & omnibus aliiseatangcn' coram vobis venire fae*. Incujusreiteflimo-
j9 A(r.p.78.&c.
c <=]lBptbislD^{t tbe feiftnanti potTeCCion toas recotjereti, anti became mod fre«
of you may read quent, quia non eft aliud breve in Gancellaria, per qnod querentes iiabent tam
inp.N.B.and feflinum per Aflifam* ^SnD after tbe ftatutcofW.z, toas
the Rcgifter.
d Nota.
maUc, anD tberebp teas
it pjO^iDeO, quod aflignentur duo Juftieiarii jurati,coram^ quibus,8c non aliis,capiantur A(7ifa;,&c.
ad plus ter per annum,
pneepit, quoddecxteroalTignentur Oiio Juftieiarii cir-
s Dominus rex,&e.
Vid.4E j.cap.i. cumfpefii & difcreti ad Aflifas,Iurai",& certificat' capiend' per totum rcgnfi Ang-
f Ro.Pat.xi E.I. li$,viz, anUDtfeiDetb tbe Kealm into
eigbt parts, anD toetjerppartalfignctlj
ctariii aifignatls.
tU)o iuftices.

Cap.zy* fi^ftice^ ^f Alf^f^ and!?sQjjprius. i$p

)15utDit)cr0 0ct0o£5parliamcnt fjauegtfaenuuto 31uatcc0of Mi{6 mt\)Oii-
tp in ntatip cafes,
^ * ^7 E.i.StJtdi
Perlcltatut'definibus ca,3. Jufliciariiad AfUfascapiendas affigrati delibc-
tentGaoIas in com' illistam infra libertates quamcxtrade prilbnariis quibuCcun- j 'j.'ji*"^''
Appeals Of mitrDer,coblj0rganD rape map be commenceD befoje Biuatces
que. fj^ElTo
of^ffifc. ^poiDergtt3cnto3Iufttoj5of0ffifcfo trp tl)c appeals of appjoDers, rfScat'.deA,,pei-
« '^"s- an.iS e i,
JulHciariiad AiTifascapiend'aflignatinon compellani Juratores dicere prcccife,
f « w. z.cap.^o.
Sluatccs of ;affire I6aU enquire foj noivrcturnfng , anD falfe returns of §)fte- '

rifs. '^^^•'•'^p-39-
s 3luCiccs of Mik map l^ear anti Setermtnc of Confpfrafo?s,falfe infojmers, g AnS^'cn-.
ant) inicfecD pjoctirersof Dojens, Cnquctts ant) juries at tfte complaint of anp ^s
e.,.^ e.^^
toitljout tojit, ant) toitljout Dclap, anti of confeDcracies anD cfjampcrtics ano ^
maintainers, bearers, anD alliances bp bont),fc.
^f Defaults of §>^erifs,cl;r= ^^'e"f«'*^>88-

cljcatojs, ll5ailifs, anti otbcr ;2Dfficcr0, Maiors and"B?l

aufficcs ofSlfftfc map enquire of Defaults,ic.ofpuniC[jmentof vKitfuallers,

i^JCtiepljatie potoer to bear ano determine rifling anD going armet),5C. anD to f "I'^^'^-
paniajSluaiccsof ^eacc, ^berifs, IBaillics, anD otbcrs foj not Doing t^ir ^W.^^^IT^^
office in tbat cafe. Northampton
SCbcp thap bear anD Determine frcafon in connfcrfaifing of monep,fc. of

%\)tv l^all Do eyccution of fbe ffatute of 1 3 H.4. of riots Hone in tbeir pjefcnce uniawfuii main-

Bpon pain of an bunDjcDpounD. 0nD bp tbe ttatufe of z H. 5. conimiffions ""f^"-
ftall be atoarDcD to enquire of tbe Default of Jufficcs of ;affife, anD of 36ufticcs J"
'hI'IL 7 *

of JDcace in tbat bebalf- « z m.

2Lbcp tball enquire of, bear, anD Determine all offences contrary to tbe ffa» h 10.

tuteof 2^ H. 6. concerning §>bcrifs, ;!:inDcrr(berifs,anDtbeir cicrbs,Co}oners, '? j.ioi:

&tetoarDs of iFrancbifcs,ffiailifs,anD Uecpcrs ofpjironsfo}ertojtion,anDfoj
letting tobailfncb as toere not bailable, ojfojDenping of bail to tbem tbat
ougbt tobcbailcD,ic.
r Suffices of^KTifc Ojalltafee bail of bini tbat is acquifeD of innrDer toifb* /»3 H.y.cap.i: .

in tbe pear to anflMcr to tbe appeal of tbe parfp , 5 Eliz,cap, y. Of Informers.

5Eliz,cap.4. Of Labourers,
1 31utticc3 0fja(tire, of
Gaol-Delivery, anDoffbclBeace, (ball enquire of f^8 qin.i.zczj.
Default of Co?oners. MSti.cap.j,*
Suffices of ;affife,ic.fl3all enquire of falfe making of leaf ber, £)f amen» ' iSEi.cap.xo,

Dingofbigb-'toaps, ^ilDfbuntcrS in^Barbs. "£DfunlaU)full fabingofiFilftes. J/^ei
» ^ ^
^DffojgcrpoffalfcDccDS. agatnffDcceipf in3Linnen=clotb. Sgainft per= * j ei."?;^*
jurp. "^f ufurp anDmanpotber tbtngs. yiEi.*ca.f4.
Suffices of affifc ttoice in tbe pear ougbf to proclaim tbe ffatute of 3 z H.S, *
anD otber ffattif es againff unlatnfull maintenance , cbampcrtp imbjaccrp,
, anD
2Dbcp ougbt to proclaim tbe ffatute of unlatofull games buui

unlatDfulUetcpncrs, V
in tbeir circuit, &eetbeCuffumcrofJ15ojmanDp,eap. 10.
j^olD concerning BEutttces of Nifi prius,«jcp lucre firttinffitutcDbpfbeffa^ [h^'''^'°'Me

fute ofW.i.ofiffucSjopncDintbc Common Bcncb, anD iSingslBencb: anb inft^fheexpoli-

tbeir autbojitp is annereD to tbe 3Iufticcs of jaffife, anD is bp fo?ce of a tuDiciall tion of this Aft.
lD:it, anD tbcrefojc toe babe jopncDtbcmunDer one title, ;ginD tbis appcarctb in vid.picta 1.4.0.?.
fbC JUDiCtall tojit of Nifi prius, tobiCb is, m"'"ec fhe"^"''

Jhority of Juftices
of Nifi prius,in libro b.tlje Pi. begun, Etauxint en Nifipritu grant devam Stanf.

Rex PruipimHs tibi quod venirefac' coram ^U' ^ Thi writ ef

vicecomiti Saltttem.
inO£lab.San£{iMichaelis vel coram J-ufti-.
fiiciariis npJlrisafttdWeftrH ^ NiffriHi,
ciariis nofiris ad Aftfasin com' tuo prformam fiatuti mjiri inde provis'

cap end' apgnatis^fi prius die lun£ prox' antefejlum,(^c. apttd,^c. 11 e-

nerint i zjam milites q»am alies^&c.
0nD bp tbefaib ^d: tbe 3iufttces of Nifi prius babepotoer togtbejuDgment w^^j."/'^"*^^^
in jaiffife of Darrein Prefentmcnt anb Quare Impcdic, 6E%Dier77
i6o and ^hQJiprm, Cap. zy.
fujlices of Jjjtje
r R.i.c3.7. 51Bp tt)C ftafutc of 7 K- »• Nifi prius ftall ijc granteo as tocU fn t?je CDwlije*

quec as clfctoljcrCf
18 Ei.M.n. £>f tffues jo?net) in tijc miitgs Benctj , Common 315enc^, ano Cfcl^cqucr,

tftcC^icf iufticcs, ojC^tcf JEarott, oj in tljctr abfcnces tVoo otftcr 3ufticcs

0; iiBaronsof tl)c faiDfeUcrall courts, as BEuttttes of Nifi prius fojffjc Coun*
tpcf £^tDD. tuittjin tl)e 2Ccrme 0; four Daps after fljallfetjerallp trp.fc, an8

.p.. t6i.
. tftat Commtffiotts, anD tojtts of Nifi prius fljall be aujarDeti, ic. 3t ts to be ob«
^^^^^^ fijatt^cretsbut a tranftrtptofttie iRetojD fentto tl)c Hulticcs of Nifi
17 E.i.dc finibus. 315ptl&e ffatufe of 27 E«i. de Finibus ca,4. 3It (S pjoi)tDet), Quod inquifitiones
F.N.B.i4i.e. & reeognitiones eapiantur tempore vacationis coram
aliquo JuHiciario deutro- York, quc Banco, Coram quibus placiium deduftum fucrit, &ee tticffafntes ofi^ojb, zE 3.cap.i<5. 4E.3. ca.2. ant) t^c ftatute of i4E.3»cap.i<5» tol^icfj ftatutc Dotft 16, &
pjotJtDc tljat Nifi prius mapbctabenineUerpplcareallanDpcrfonaUfacfojetiijd,
fotfjatonebe 3!utticc ofoneoftljeliBencftes, 0^ flje Cbfcf JiBaron oj S>crieant
t4 .

tU)Ojn,tDitl&outanpregarD inhere t^e plea DepenJ)eD,anDtftfsaanDet^ pet at t^is

Dap* Vid. 42 E, 3. cap* 1 1, ip H, 6,fol.47, 33 H. 6. fol« 14. 16 H, 7, fol, 14,
5 Maris Dierfol.i<S3,
Ror cUuf.
Concordatum fuicper lotum concilium regis,quod nullus Vicecomes auc Co- ronator ad Affifas capiend',Gaolas deliberand*, tranlgrefs' au-
diend' &terminand', feuadaliquod aliud officiom Jurtic' faciend', eo quod de-
bent efle intcndentes aliis Jufticiariisf Mljicfj ^ct tS Declarafojp office Com*
mon lato, foj t^at(as bp tijc rcafon peelDeD in tl)e Bet if appearetft) ttjcfc offices
be incompatible, ttie one being attennant nnto , anDtoitl^in t^e controlment of
f ijc otfter,
F.N.B.z^o.e. i4H.^* Blufficcs Of Nifi prius Ijatjc poiuer in all cafes of fclonpana
ixtdXm fogitjo juDsmcnt as toell U3l)ere ffte pjifonec isacquiteti, astoicre ic
of fcfony and ts attainted, anD to atuarti execution.
treafon. 4E.J. tMl[)cre tl)e J^ing is aparfp,aNifipriu$mapbegranteD,if tbe Ktngsjatfcirnp
•cap. 1 1.

3[„ Appeal of nrarDcrjrobbcrp, ant) rapebjongftf inft)^ ^ings Bencli, ff ttje
i j E.
nu. i8.f'.n.b?*
* parties be at iffuc>a Nifi prius map be granteD befoje Suffices of ^ilTife* 3,
241.3. 30, J4E.3. Nifi prius i5. 22E.4a9. iiH.7.36. 9 El.Dicr 2(5i» 42E.?.c,ir,
b 10 14. 8 Hoii5, 3i5ut it is to be obfertieD,tl)at if tlje jlppellee be acquiteo befoje 31uttt«
aiE.4.i8.3Mar {gg of Nifiprius,tl)epftaue potoer f acquit,! c, anogitjc jaDgemcnf,as is afoie*

c See the i part of SCljcp map alfo cnquire anD juDge of f fte alibcttojs anD Dammages bp tljc ffa*
theinft.upoa tutcof W.z.cap.i 2. anD not bpt^c fatD Bct of 14H.6, anD fo it is if tlje Appeal
this Act otw.z. anD
beb?ouc(ljt befoje tticSutttces of ^ffife, tljep Ijatje alfo potoer to enquire
"P'"' n .

juDge, Ut fijpra*
SCljefc ^uftices of Nifi prius ioere inffitnfeD foj ttoo caufcs, viz. i. Propter
Rsgift.i86. intolerabilem jadluram Juratofum, &
in exonerationem Juratorum* 2» Adce-
lerem juftitiam in ea parte exhibendam. Inquifitiones & Jurat' in placito terra; capiend' qua: magns non funt exami-
mtiodis,c3piantur inpatriaj&c.
BnD^reuponapjofjibition is grantable to Suffices of 0ffifc, Qyod non
caperent in patria inquifitiones qua; magna indigent cxaminatione.
31Bp tl)c ojiginall inttttutton of Slufticcs of ;9ffifcs anD of Nifi prius, tljetrpaU

i4E.?.a(r.Br. flioulD bebcfoje ttoo attljc lcaa,anD it tocrc muclj foj tl)e afitjanccmenf of in*
4ij.&tu.A:h fficeanDrig!)t tofjatJCtJ^elatDputinDucencctition, fojplus videmoculi, quam
1 itzh no. anD fpeciallp in |3leas of tlje Croton concerning tlje life of man, in re*
garD tDl)crcof tbcp fljall be iBojtl^p of greater alloVcance.
DicrManurciipt, Bcfojctbc 3Guft(ccsof jafftfe in paysafojain pIcaoviz.tiaillcnagetBaspleaDeD,
Hi!. 1 1 Eiiz. foj trpall tufjcreof tlje HecojD toas remotJcD into tl^e Common i5enc^,anD tljerc
i6afl.p.5. a Venire fac' iXJas aiwarDeO, anD rcfojne, fervie, anD a Habeas corpus Irttl) a Nifi
prius teas pjapcD. ainD it Ujas obledcD tfjaf tlje iffue teas not jopneD in IBanfe,
no; jiiDgmciit to be gitjen t^re , anD pet in tlje enD tlje pjapcr toas grantcD,aa
fujlices ofAffife
and \6i
Cap.z7' ^jsQfifrius.
in a* Certificate, upon an grantcD: '^nDfo itisup* '7H4.4f.
afftf0 a Nifipriusftiall be
on afo;atnt:;toiiti)ei:. IRcccipf fljallbcgrantcD^anD atmill bp aNifi priusftaD. p^i'^g'^- .

sntjc 3!ufticc of Nifiprius map grant a Tales clecircum«antibus,citt)crtoftcn a'.gE's'i!'


but one ojnio:e appear of tbc pjinctpall pannell, o? tol)cre clcbcn Doc appear: anD 49E.?.zr .

all tlje map be of tljc Tales de circumihntibusi as it toas upon a Talcs at tlje ? h 4 1 g.
31urp '

Common lata/ fcj^H.scap^.

oaijere tfjc feing is partp,aNifi prius is grantable l^tng, but not foj "'&:
fo?. tl)c
p^^v, '^, ;

fl)epartptoitt)out airentoftl)ejStngs^ttarnp,anOfoaretl)6boofes tobc intcn« c..p.7. ^EL-.p.

OeD. 18ticap.11.
tlje i^lainttfcratjcD aNifi prius , anD tccaufeoncoftljc |0ctit
3ln attaint

3!arp toas pjifoner in J^ctogate,

anD came in tuarD anD plcaDeD,anD toas rcman= i^"=y 45-
5CD, anD if a Nifi prius fljoulD be granteD l)e ©oulD lofc Ijts cljallengcs, tftc Court \l\,'^,^l^_'
licnpeD to grant anp Nifi prius, otljcriDtre
a Nifiprius map be granteD in an i4E.j.Nififri-
» "*'^- ^'F?-
in trefpaffe bettueen tlje SDufeeof dBjreter anD t^e ILojD Cromwell
f^e Counccll of 2E)ubc mol3eD foj a Nifi prio$ ,
tlje anD foi ffjattljc 2? ubc tons
a ^jepotent pjincc in tijat Country, anD tljc Venire fac' being rcturneD, tljcre , jg.a^b.
toasaareat rout in tlje ^all, foas if a Nifi prius lljoulD be granteD great mif« ^44E.j.'o.i.
cljiefmiglit enfue,tljerefo?e no Nifi prius toas granteD. « h'*^'^"'"'. e ?

spojcpoumap rcaD oftlje tojits of ^ffifc anD of Nifi prius in our boohs tljat
/a'tip 7.
toljic^tjatijbcenfaiD concerning t^cjurisDiction map
fuffice. 31tt3 commonlp c
lallcD a to?it of Nifi prius , but tlje tooiDSof fljc tojif arc si prius &:c. 3nD al= prius.
fimiic. n
beittljcantljojitp of Hutticescfamrc (as it IjafljappcarcD) Ijatlj bp act of gar* 2;iE.5.ibidcmin.
liamentbccnei;cecDtnglpenlargeDfaotbinDignitp anDmultituDe ofcanfcs, pet {^f.ji/fnb
fljcp retain t^cirfirftanb o^iginall
name , albeit aCTifcs arcin tljcfeDaps Derp ;J;,'.aDicr4Eu'
rarelp tafeen befoje ttjem. &ec in tlje Cljaptcr of Bfuftices of peace potoers anD xi j.
of affife,an&3l«ftice0 of Nifi priai*
aut^ojtttes latelp granteD to lattices

i6z Cap.iS

Tuftices of Oier & Terminer,

atrtbojitpof Sutttces of oier ant) Terminer is tpCommitrion. i©f

Commtfffons of oier & Terminer t^rc be ttoo fojts j one s«ierall, fo
For getwrall
T^e calleD becaafe it i3 generaU, in refped of tbe perfons, tijc offcnce0,anD tbe
places intjeretl^c offences are , tbe biljic^ commidion foUoUiett) in
iR i Cor. 47. t^efeu>o;DS. 30O.
Elizakth dei gratia AnglU , FramU , c^ HibemU Regina,fidei dc-
Wttlielmo Marchioni Winton-y
fenfor^i^c. CharipmU conjangtiineis [uis

Henrico Comiti Southt\&c . ac dileClis ^

fidetihm juts Manmod
uni ^ufiic' fucrum de Banco, lohanni ^efferay uai Iitjlic' ad placita coram
nobis tenend' afign' , lohanni AnwdeU mi liti,^c. lohanni S.Iohn^Httmf.

Walrond, William Pool^ Petro Edgecombe , Thorns Morton^ (^c. Salmem.

Sciatis quod afignavimus
vos tres&vefirum, qmrnm aliquem •veftrum
Ftfteiipon they
vosprafat' Regerum
Manwood S" lohannem lefferaj unum ejje volumus
arc called I afti-
cfsof Oisrand lujticiarios nofiros
ad inquirendum per facramentum froborum lega- &
lium hominum de com' mfiris South. Wiltef. Dorfet, Somerfet^ Devon, (^
Cornub. dr eorum quolibet, ac aliis viis , modis, O" mediis quibtis melius
am poteritis^tam infra
quam extra, per quos rei Ve-
ritas melius fciri poterit de quibufcunque
proditionibus , mifprifionibus
proditionum, infurre^ionibas, rebellionibfts, murdris, feloniis , homicidi-
is, interfelfionibtts , burglariis, raptibtfs mulierum , congregatimibus &
conventiculis illicitis, verborum prolatipnibus , coadiutationibus^ mifprifo-
nibus^confcederatiombtis^falfis allcgdntiis^tranfgreponibus, riotis, routis,
retentionibus, efcapiis
, contemptibus , falfitatibtts , negligentiis , concela-
Nota,th€fe mentis, mamtenentiis^ oppreponibus^cambipartiis ^deceptionibusy^ ali-
gcneiall words. is malefa^is,ofen(isyCJr injuriis quibufcunque,nec
non accejfar' eorundem
eorum tarn infra libertates^ quam extra
infra corn' pradiSt' S" quemlibet ,
per quofcunque &
qualitercunque habiv,faii\ perpetrat' five commif'. JEt
cui vel
per quos velper quem^ quibus, quando, qualiter , (^ quomodo , ac
de aliis articulis &
circumjlantiis pr^mij?. ^
eorum aliquod vel aliqita
concernen, Et ad eafdem
proditiones (jr alia pramiffa {hac
vice) audiend. (^ termi»and.fecundum legem ^
confuetudinem regnino-
firi Anglic.
Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ad certos dies ^locaquesvos^
vel tres vejlrum quorum aliquem vefirum eie vobis pmfat. Rogeram

Manwood S" lohannem le/feray ummejfe volumus,

ad hocprovideritis di-
ligenter fuper prxmij?isfaciatis inquifitiones , ^
prtcmiffa omnia fin- ^
guU atidiatis O" terminetis, ac ea
facialis ^
expleatis in forma prxdi5la^

inde quod ad lafiitiam pertinet fecundum legem c^ confuetudi^
mm regnl noftri Anglic.
Salvis nobis amerciamentis cjr aliis ad ms inde
enim Vicecomitibus mfiris com. pradi^. qitod
fpe^antibas. Mandavimus
ad certos dies ^
loca, quos vos vel tres vefirum , quorum aliquem vefirum
ex vobis prafat. Rogerum Uanxvood <^ lohannem Jejferay unum ejfe volu-
venire fac" coram vobis, vel tribus vefirum, quorum
28. Oier and Terminer, 1 6i
Cap .
luflices of
aliquem vejinm
vo^is pr.tfa(' Roger urn Manwoed^ lohannem
'volnrnw, tot tales &
prohs legales ^
homines de ballivis fuis tarn
libertates^ cjitam extra per quos rei veritat
melius fciripeterit (jr imuiri. In
rei teflimonium has lit eras nojlras fieri fecir^m patentes. Tejie me
cujtis iffa '
avttd Wefim' z-j die lunii Anno regni nofiri decimo o^avo. Kcgift.


z particular Commffftons of ^©teranD SCcrmfncr fo tallcs fn refpcct of tl)C For particular


pcrfons of tfje offences, o? of tljc places, toljcrcofrou Hall ftnDc fitjcpjcQDcnfs in ""^^''^"'^
flje *T.;agatnfttbcl5iajopofMmc^cftcranDf)tsspimaersj, z.De
IRecitaer :
nave Mljccb. 3, £>f Dtters oppjclTlons,
fra6>a, ff tliC0OODS oiigl)t to be fafecti foj 19 e. 5- jo!? 1.

fccrtojttons, ic. bptftelimgss^tmtters. 4* ^fiDtcranD ^Cermtner fojfl)e Rot.ciauf.

i^iioiofSDatjenfrp* ^nD jtiFojtljcjaingtnttme oftjacatton, totjicljpoumap '2"•^"\I^'|f

reaoe tljere, « » e ? cap z
Concernfns commftftons of sDier anti ^Ccrmtncr SCenConcluQons are fo j 4 EJ.cap.i.
be obfcrtjct), i. 2D^af £)tcr3anD2nerniincrsa)allnotbegrantcD,bufbef05cfl)c To be named by
3Iuaices of tlje one IBcnclj oj t^e otljcr, oj tftc Slutticcs errant, anD tljaf foj great
Court & noc

oj l^ojrtble rcfpaffcs, of tlje lyings efpecial grace, [acco?Dtng f f fte ff atute in tlje
see^heft'atute of
ttmeof tts b (iDjant)fatl)cr»
4^ E.j.cap.*.
0nll in t^e IRegifter tljere is a Superfedeas, Quia ron enormis tranfgrefno,
which extends to
d SCoCommiCioners of
tol)icl) toojO [enormis] is in tbcftatutcof W.J.ubi fup. inquiries.

^icr anD terminer a Mrit of Superfedcas teas DelitJcrcD, Qyia enormis tranf- vd-\"^p " i

grefTio non e(^

idco fuperfedeant, fo? it Isas not but fo; Cutting lieton of SErees.
,0 ^ , nu 5
anDaftertoarD a 5KHrit of Proeedendo uni3crti)C dDjcat S>eal of later Date teas for commiifio'-s

Z)elft)ereD fo t^em to pjOCCCD lecundum legem & confuetudinem Arglia? non ob- of inquiry what

ftante aliquomandato,&c. bp ticrtuc iDl)creof, nottottftffanDing tlje fojmcr P«f'°n*''"§f'tto

MTrit, t^ep Dit) pjocccD bP atitice of all tl)C Suffices. fo% a Mrit of Superfedeas not"
i9 one tiling , anU an abfoluf e repeale oj countcrmanD of tlje CommitTion it felfc between com-
(\v Se
is another. SL Superfedeas is but to ftap,oj fojbcar tfte pjocecDings, tijat is, (a- mifs.onsof En«
iS not mes un furceflc de ad vifemenr, 0n& fucl^ ^"'^y' ^nd of
per advifamentum fcdere , anD
as it map be enormis tranfgreiTio, anD fljere» ^^^
map fl)e cutting Doton of trees be,
fo?e nottoitl)ftant)ing a Superfedeas tlje caufe map piocecD bp a OTrit of Proee- b w.2.' e i, i.
dcndo, )15ut afteran abfolute repeale oj countcrmanD bpt^ciaing of tlje Comi fap.29"
felf,tlje commiffioncrs cannot pjoceeD after bp fo?ce of anp Proecden- ^^S'^f » m,
million it •

do, but t^erc muff be a neto Commiffion. y^'^^:^''^^-^-

SCljc fcconD Conclufion is. tljat Commiffions arc like to flje ISings OTrifs, v!de BrTo""i i. '

fuclj arc to be allotocD to^tcb Ijatjc inarrant of lain anD continuall allotuance &oier&Ter-
in courts of Suffice. iFoj all Commiffions of netu inticntion are againftlato miner. 4.
Rt gift. 1 14. » y
unt ill tljcp Ijatc allotoance bp 0ct of parliament f commiffions of no veil nqui^
. i

riesare DeclareDto bcDoiOtgCommiffions toaffapMcigljts anD spcafuree(t;etng E"'ct"i"^^'

of neU) indention) are DcclarcD to be toiD, ^tljat fuclj CommiffionSjUjoulD.nof
be after granteD* &o as a Commiffion is a Delegation b^ tuarrant of an 0(t of
parliament, 0; of tlje common laVo, toljcrcbpjurif Diction, poVDer,o;aut^ojitp
tS conferreD to Otljers. Sapiemis ludicis eft cogicare tantum fibi eflepermif-
fum,quantumcommiflum&ereditum» ^nD agOODrulcfo: all CommiffiO*
it is

ners to IjolD tijc lihc, auD ever Commiffion,

to hccp tljcmfclties toitbtn tljctr

2Clje Commons Do petition, tljat ccrtaine Commiffions latclp fcnt to cities Rot. Par ^ H.4
foj tbemafeing of certainc llSoats anD JlBullingers being Done tottljout affcntof nu.n.

parliament, migljt be repealeD* SCfteiaingDottjanftDcr, That after conference

with the Lords, reafonable anfvver iTiouId be made. 0nD tljat ttjcfc Commiffions
toohnoeffetf, appearetlj in tljis, SCljat no furtljer complaint vuastljereofmaDe,
anD no futfj commiffion toas cticr after grantcD.
at tift petition of tljc Commons, tlje liJing granteD tljat one Bennet VVilman, Rot.parl. j H.4.
toljo teas tmpjifoneD toanftoer befo;e tlje Conftablc anD sparffjall of (JnglanD, na.j^.
ffjoulD be tricD acco?Dina to tlje common lavus of tljislllealm , nottoitljlfanDing
anp Commiffion fo tljc contrarp. SlnD thereupon a CSIrit teas acco;DinglpDirc= Vid.4iAir.p.j.
ctcb fo tlje Suffices of tljc Itings3l5enclj, as tljcre it appearetlj, flDf tljefcfeinDcs
i^A of Oier and Terminer. Cap. 28.
wang mm aat^o jtf tes migftt be citeo , tut let us return to our HaStccs of ;© fer
anD SCcrmincr,
41 Air.n li. 31n tbe rctgn of E» 3* t^e luttites inere fo carefull , tljat no iutioviaf ton Iftoula
of £Dfer anD gCcrmincr, tljat certain 3!uftice«
vi^F.N'.B.i lo.b creep in concerning Commtffions
Regift.iss.fc. bp Commtffton,
^at3tngtl)e(rautfto?itpbpt:;23:rit,tol)crctl)C|?oagI)t tofjate ftao tt
fojmc anD Vdojds tljat tlje icgall viommiffion ougljt fo bCj
tftouglj it tocrc of tlje
lohn Knivett c^tcf 3uftice bp tbe antjice of all t^c f uOgcs refolUeD, tljat tlje faia
Mrtttoas contra legem* ^nti tobcrc Diljers BfnDictmcnts iDcrc befoje tbemfounD'
againft T. S* t^e fame,anD all tbat toas Done bp colour of tljat
tiMrit toas Damncs.

Mar.Br.Com- 2CbctftirD concluSon is, tljat 3attitt& of ^(cr anD SCermtncr cannot p?oceea
miiGoas tj. uponanp^nDictmcnt, but upon 3nDtctmentstafecnbefo?etl&enireli3C0, fojtljcic
autljojitp is, Ad inquirend', audiend , terminand', &
2D6e fourtl) conclufion , t^at iuftices of ^DtcranDSCermtncrmapuponati
3nDi(tnicnt foanD pjocccD tlje fame Dap againft tljcpartpfnDirtcD. 15ut againtt
VJdcij A(r. jj. tljtst^crerccmc to be great autljojttp x jFoj in Kelwey fo. i jp.b. it is ttjus faiD.
Mem. que en breife de Oier Terminer. P, 9 H,i, fur Ic infurredion in Londrcs
il determine elerccnent per touts Juftices Dengliterre, qae lufticesD oier
fuic &
Terminer ne puir inquire un jour,& meftnele jourdetermine,nicnt pluisqr,eju-
flicesde peace i mesluflicesde Gaol delivery &
lufticesinEirepoicnbient. 3it
map be t^at Ijc tbat fet Doton tbis cafe toofe tt upon truft, foj it agrcctlj in effect
totidem verbis initlj tlje Clj^onicle in 9 H.8.fb.«43.anD it is erroneous in Diticrs
main points. 1. 2Dljattbe^icranD2EerminertoasfcpC2arit,tcljereitVDa6ano
©ug^t to be bp CommtlTion , asljatft been faiD. i. SDljat iuftfcesof £)icrana
terminer cannot enquire one Dap, anD Determine in tlje fame Dap , ioljicl) toitlj*
out queftion tfjep map Do : foj pjoof toftereof ioc toill cite fome feto IRecojDs in
Bil.iH.4Rot.4. Thomas Marks ^tlftop of CarliHc befojc commiffioners of £E)feranD %tv»
miner toas anD aDjuDgeD all in one Dap, foj !^iglj treafon.
inDicteD, fricD,
iH.8.5irRich. DieLunxpoft feflum Santfli Michaelis, Anno i H, 8. befO?e Fifher, BrudneJf,
Empfonscafc. Palmes, &c» Commiffioners of ;SDier anD 2c;ermlncr,fi>ir Richard Empion tuas
Northampton, inDicteD of ^isb Creafon anD tricD all in one Dap. ^nD toe DeQrous to fee tljc
entrp, upon not guiltp plcaDeD, tt is tljUS : Ideo inter di6i'dominumregem&:
did' Rich.Empfon militcm in inHant' diem ad horam primam port meridiem,&c»
apud caftrum de Northampton venerantj&c. qui nee, &e, ad recognofc', &c. Ad
quos quidem diem horam, & caftrum de Northampt' venit coram prasfai' luliic'

2 Dec' Anno 3 E. 6. at tJliUeSm. befojc Richard Lifter, Edward Mcuntagae,
Roger Cholmeley, Edmond Mertcn, William Portman, anD Humfrey Browne,
anD ottjer Commiffioners of ^ier anD SDcrminer, Robert Bell teas inDideD of

a And with this ^igb iCreafon anD trieD tljc fame Dap. i o Dec' Anno 3 E. 6. fccfojc Sir William
portman anD 3uffices Of ^ier anD snermincr at KcaDing in tljcCountp
confiant experi-
ence Bgrccth
of 315erfes Thomas Bonham
toas inDittcD Of ^igt) SDreafon anD trieD t^c famc
4 H.5. tit. Bn- Dap, 4 AuguftiioEliz, lohn Feiton toas befojc Cummtfftoners of £)ieranJ>
SLcrminer in JLonDon inDicteD of ^^iglj SEreafon, anD tricDtbe fame Dap bptfte
b 12 E.4.cor.44.
aDticeof all tlje 31uDgcs of QDnglanD. ^ Nota, tljcatoarD in fljc 5Roll bp tbc 3fuft{*
holden tor no
ces of €>icr anD 2Cerminer to t^e §>bcriffe to returne a furp, is not fuiftcicnf ;
c Vide Leflatut de but tljcre ougljt to be a pjeccpt to tlje S>l)eriffc,unDcrtljc Steals of tljcCornmff*
^ E. 6. cap.14. fioners fo: tljc returning of a Slurp, but ottjertoife it is intfje ^im.s iScnclj.
Of Forcftallers, ''2Clje tljirD crroj in tl)C faiD cafe of 9 H.ti, tljat S^uftices of peace cannot in*
^(^2j^^ Ingroflers, and
R-nrators. intro anD trp tbe fame Dap.toljicl) toitbout queftion tbep map, foj tljcp are fpcciall
35 H.s.cap.y.of
laQitta of £r>icranD SCcrmincr : anD tobcrcfoje Slitfrtccs of ^icranD2Ccrmis
uniawfuii g^mcs. uer D^oulD uottrpflje famc Dap, astoellasSiufticesofcSaolc^DcUUcrp, anDlUi
7 Eliz.Dicr ij6 tttces in cBire, no founD rcafon canbc giticn.
iSce many fla- '
- conclufion is,frjat if anp offence be
ftftl) ffafnte, ana pjoijibiteD bp anp
mes wherein J i'

fticesofOier& name not in toljaf Court tt Gjallbe puniffjcD ; oj if fljc ftatutc appoint tbat it
Terminer are cx- fljall be punifbeD in anp court of llecojD: 3n botljtbefe cafes it map be beara
pre/ly named. anDDetermtncDbefo3e3iufttcesof€>ieranD2Cerminer» janDfoitreemefbtome
Cap.zS. lujlices of Oier and Terminer. i6i
tf tije Hatute appoint ttie pennltp f o be recotereD ia anpof ttje !^tng£i Courts of

BRccojD, accojDing to tlje opinion of Catlyn, Sanders, anDWhiddon ; foj t^

Court of ^icr ano 2tctmtncr is tftc fetngo CEoiirt of IRccoiD.
SDfte firtl) toncluCon is, tljat tljc litng maj? niafec a commillion of jaffociaf Ion
Dircrtco tootbcrs to jopntottfj tJjc jaaiccsof £D{er anD SDermtncr, anD a Mrft
of aomittancc fo tijc iutticco of ilDler anD terminer to a&mit tfte ot^cw into
tljeir focietv, toljicb Mrit ia clofc. SDljcrc is alfo a OTfrif of Si non omnes Dire*
tfeD to t^e luSices of ^ier anD Cenniner anD to t^eir ^iTociates : fte fojmca;
of all iDtjicb poumapreaDeintl^elRegiffer ubifupra anDinF.N.B^ubifupu*,

^nD in all tbcfe CommiHions anD Mrtts, ttje BtuSices arcDirecteDloif^t^us

Hute, Paduri quod ad jufticiam pertinet fecundum legem ^ conluetudincm An^
glis, tnl)iclji0 a frucniarfe of alaiDfull^rommiffion*
SCljc fcfeentft. 31ftbe3Cuaiccsritbpfojccoft^cCi9mmftf(on, anD Do nofaD* CcmtnifliorsBr.
Commiffion, it is fictcnnincD. n.
journe ttie

jTfjeeigljtft. iuftices of JDter anD SCcmtftttr.oj lattices of |0cace, cannot

9 H04.coron.457
affigne a Cojoner to an 3pp?ot)cr ; foj it is not Ujitftin tfjc CommilTionof zi-.
tj^ef of tbem, but BBufticcs of (I^aolc^Deliter^ map Do it.
SDbe ntntl). Sluttices of i2Dicr anD aCcrminec Owll fenD tijeic Heco^Ds anD 5E.3cap.5.
|S?oces DetermineD anD put in crecution to t^eci^t^c^eqaci: at ^ictj.etierppcat;

to be DelitiereD t^ere to tt)C SCreafurer anD C^mberlatns, ^c. to toep t^tn in tt^e
SICijc tentlj* JlJotie of tljefe commiffioners, oj of acfife, d; <IDaole'8eliterp, o> 34Afrp8, ,

Commidioners are cOuntermanDeDbpanp i»,

oftt)cpeace,o;iott)eroft{)e !Kings,7,
neli3 commiHion, unlefTe ttjeneto CommiCTion be 0)elDeD unto t^em foj fo mas
n\> as it is QielDeD unto o; t^af it be pmlaimeD in t^ Countp> o; fliat WjH neto
Kelwey 115,
Commicrioners Do Qt anD lieep t^eir ^effions bP fo^ce of t^e nsto Commifftom Br. CommilTtf.
tbe fojmcr Commiffion ts countermanDeD, '? 3 5j
, . — ^ . ^ vi.infra p«2.i6g.
Theftatuteof2& j
Ph. &M. cap.iS.fotCiticsorTowni Corporate being no

CoiBines, but it extendeth net n»

Coiiu-.iiflioners of Oiet and Tetmincr.

;SnD a rig^t p:iofitable ttafufs is maDe eoncetnfng<tti{0 matter, vf«* That ^^^.a.j.
no Proces or (ijit before any
Jufliccsof AflifcGaoIc-delivcryjOier and Tcrnuoerj
of the Peace, or* othcrofihe Kings Commi(fioners,(haIl not in any wife •
Juliices ^^^^^ theec-°
be difcontinued by the making or pablirtiing of any new Commiflion or Aflbcia- neraii words.
tion,or by of the names of any of the faid Juftiees or CommilTionerj,
but that the new Juftices and Commiffioners may proceed in every behalfe , ai
if the old Indices and Commiffioners had i^ill remained and continued not

i66 Cap. 2p.

The Courts of Speciall Juftices of Oier and Ter^
miner, of and concerning, Purvey ours, i.Mifdemeanours

of Villaines, &c. 3. Sums of money colleded for houfcs of

Corredlion, &c. 4. Collcdges, Hofpitals,an4 Charitable ufcs.
And firft of Purvcjours,

6 F. cap 4 nn ^^^
^''^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^P ^^^ statute of 36 E. 3. iD^crebp it ia enatfeu.
That CommifTions (hall be made to two men and lawfull
bt Purveyou. s. good
of every County, and the third to be of the Kings houfe. So that
if any of the three come not, the two fhall proceed to enquire ofthe bc-
Buyei s ot viflu'
haviour and a6ts of the faid buyers and takers, and how much the faid
Take' I of Car- buycrs have taken and bought ; and how much carriage and to heare :

riage. and determine the contempts, outrages, and trefpaflcs in that behalfe,
as well at the Kings fuit , as of every man that will complaine of
SC^cfeConmiifftonsaretobe granfeUexmeritojuftitiar, anU cannotht'QtnU
eS.anD it ts to be obferteD, tl^at tfje artfon oj fuit gtUcn bptfte faiti ^ctts not
popular ; fo^ etttjcr tbe l^tng onl;? is to fju^e ft , oj tfie fubjett onlp ttat toill
Andfor better information to be made to the faid Juftices of the
the Steward, Treafurer, and Controller ofthe two
things aforefaid ,

Houfcs, ifviz, of the King and Queen) at every Quarter or Halfe year
fhall certifie into the Chancery the parcels taken in every Townc,
and of every perfon and the Chancelor fhall fend the faid Certificate

to the Juflices which fhall be fo aflfigned. And that this extend A^

and hold place as well againflthePurveyours ofthe Great Horfes of
the faid two Houfes, as againfl the buyers or takers before named.

2. Coneerning mifdemea>tours,^e. ofFilU'ms.

tR.£.cap,6. ^ee tfje ^tafnte of i R. 2,cap,(?,

3. of and for Sums of money colleCied for

Houfes ef CerreSiiott^
for the foore, &c.

2nt)i3 ^""ft *^ "^^^^^ ^^ **^ ttatPte of ? 9 E Hz, cap.4. as bp f Ije fame appcaretlj,
J9 Eiiz cap '

1 jac cap.7. toberein t^ts is to be obferljcD, sci^at tftefc pjoceeDtngs, juDgemcnf 3, anD ereca*
f ions dball remain good anD atatleable in lato, toit^ont anp reDjeCTe to be ^ao b?
fuit in anpottier Court,
^ee t^e Second pare of the loftitates i\jz erpoQtion Of ttiefe HatutCfff

4. Concerning CoDedges, Hefptals, or Almes-boufes^ tr for

charitable and lawfull purpofes and ufes.

39 Eiiz cap.^.
It is lawfull for the Lord Chancelour or Lord Keeper ofthe Great
Cap. 2p. Speciallfujlices of Oier and Terminer, i6y
Scale, and for the Chancelour of the Duchy of Lancafter ffor lands
within the County Palatine of Lancafter) to award Commiflions un-
der the Great Seale,or Sealeof the County to the Bifhop of the Dioces
* '

& his Chancelor, and to other perfons of good and found behaviour, NoperfonintC'
rcflcdj&c. ro be
to enquire by the oathes of Twelve lawful! men, &c. as by all other a Commi/lloner.
good and lawfull means of all and Angular Colledges , Hofpitals, and
other places, founded or ordained for the Charitable reliefe of poore,
Colledges in
maimed fouldiers, Schooles of learning. both
aged, and impotent people, Univcr/i-
other good, charitable, and lawfull
Orphans, or for fuch purpofes and tics, of VVcftro.
Elton, 01 Win-,
intents. And alfo of Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Leafes,
chefler, and Ca-
Goods and Chattels given or appointed for the like lawfull and chari- ihedrall Chur-
table ufes. Asalfo for reparation of Highwayes, of Bridges, and Sea- ches:, &:. are ex-
banks, for maintenance of Free- Schooles and Poore Scholars, and of It extends not to
Orphans and fatherlefife children, and fuch like good and lawfull cha- lands in CitifS
or Towns Cor-
ritable ufes. And to enquire ofthe abufes and mikiemeanours, mif-im-
porate where
ployrhentSjfalfities, defraudingthe trufts, alienations,
and mifgovern- there a fpcciall is

ments, &c. And after fuch inquiry made upon hearing and examining Governour,&c.
Nor to any Col-
thereof to fet downe fuch orders, judgements, and decrees as the faid ledge,
good and charitable ufes may be truly obfervedin full, ample, and moft or Frf efchoole,
which have
liberall fort,&c. Which orders, judgemients, and decrees (not being fpe-
ciall Vifitors.&c.

contrary to the orders , ftatutes , and decrees of the Donors or But this excep-
Founders) fhall ftarid firme and good, according to the tenor and tion extends not
to Leafcs.Goods
purport thereof:
which Orders, Judgements, and Decrees are to be or Chattels
certified under the Seals ofthe Commiflioners refpeftiyely, either into
* The
party .

the Chancery of England, or ofthe County Palatine of Lancafter. grieved may com-
plain to the Lord
Chancelour or Lord Keeper, or lothe Chancelour ofthe faidjDuchy, fot their rtdreffe thereliii &c. and they havs
to equity.
power to judge, &c. according

it ii to be obfertel) fl^af ^xiim anp ^A of ^aarliatmnf &of^ anflojife fl[)e iLo}D

C^ancelonr o; iLo;Q l&ceper to mabe o: grant anp CommtCTion tmtier t^e C3;eat
&eale,t6at \fi map mate o; grant tbc Tamo tottl^out an? fnrt^c toarrant, becanre
f^e l&ing i0 partp to tije Zd of ^parliament, anti t^ere cannot be a greater tnair«
rant to t^e lio^D Ci^ancelour, ^c. t^en tlje 9!i,A of ^acUamentt

i6S Cap.^o.

Juflices of Gaole
Their Authority is by Commifsion in theie words.

The Cemimffio d'C. & fidelibus fuis h^. CD.^c. Sal»tem,

of Gaol- deli-
Sdatisquodc0»ptHmusvos, & duos vefirum, quorum aliquem

vejlrum vosprxfat' A B. &c. umm e(fe voluwus^Iufticiams noftros

Note, they arc
called the Kings'; ad Gaolam noftram cajlri nofiri* prtjon' in ea exip' hoc vice delihe-
rand. Et ideovobis ntandamus quod ad certum diem
quern vos, tres v el duo

Their Com-
miflion extends vejlrum ^quorum vosprefat' A B. &c. umm ejfevolumus) adhocfrovide-
only to them that ritiSy conveniatis
afudcaflrUmfrxdiCi' adgaolam illam deliberandi faclu- '
arc in prifon.
« Nota.
ri indequod ad juptiamfiertinetfecundum legem ^
confuetudmem regni
nofiri Anglis. Salvis nobis amerciamentis aliis ad nos ^
Mandavimus enim Vic' nofiro Com' nofiri M. quod ad certurn diem
tres^vel duo vefirum {quorum vosfrafaf A B. c^ C D. unum effe volumus)
cifcirefeceritiSj omnes prifones ejufdemgaoU ^ eorum attachiamenta coram
wbisj tribus^velduobtts vefirum y {quorum ali quern vefirum ex vobispr/tfat,
A B. ^C
D. unum effe volumus) ibidem venirefac. In
eujus ret tefiimo^
num has literas nofirasfieri feeimusfatentes. Tefie^t^c.
Sec ihe fecend 31Bp f l)e latD of tfte lanD, ne homines diu detincantur in prifona, bat t^af fljep
partofthelnflic. mtgftt reccftjc plenam &GeIerem juftitiam, tljfs CommtrrfontoastnffifutcOi GIouc* anD bp t^ts commifffoit dUaols oug&t to be DcUbcrcD ' tljjUc in t^e jjear,aiiD oft.
b 4 E.J .cap.!.
her if need be.
17 R.i.cap.9. SCbetr aatfjojttp (s bp tfjfs Commf ir(on,tD|>Uft conCttef ft fn ^ fetn toojDs.Con-
f Thrice in the vos noflros ad Gaolam nollram caftri noHri dc C de
fljtuimus Jufliciarios prifo-
year, and oftncr nibus in ea cxiftentibuj hac vice delibcrcrand, e %\^{i Sutticcs
if need be. OUgbt to bCBO-
rfNota,fcw but
nc gents &
fagcs auicrsque des places, &g»
e&'cftuall words, mpon tl)(s autljojitp atiD bp ftafatcs gfbcn unto tbem,tl)(rteen concluffons Do
e4E.j.cap.t. follolu.
f^ E.3.cap.i. 1 . f 3!utt(ccs of dDaole beU bcrpmap arraign an? man tftat is in p jf fon Kn tljaf
J Mar. Br. Com*
(I5aol0aponan3IntiictmentofiFelonj',2i:rcrpairc,?c. bcf0?c 3iuatccsof ^eace,
tftoiigft \X mere not founD befo?c tbemfelbe0 , infticft (as batfj been
I R- 5. Co. on. 47. fatD) BJutticcs
of £)ter anD 2Dcrm(ner cannot tio» 3!ufticcs of
|aeace ftall flcUber tftetr Bintiitt*
ments to tbe Suttfccs of C!5aole teUberj?,
2. SDljcp fljall tahe a panel! of a 3!urp rcto?ncD b? f be a>l)eriffe , tottbouf ma«
feinganp pjecept to bim, as ^ufttces of £)ier anD aCermtner (as fjatb been fatD)
ougbf to mafte, janD tbc rcafon of tbe Difference is, becaufe a gcnerall commanD.
menf maDe to tbe §>bertffc bp tbe 3!aff ices of dDaole Dcliberp to ret ojn 3uries

agatnfttbcir comming: butiftbcpbabearpcciaUCommiffion, othcrtotfc it is

bp Hankeford«
3. SCbep map Deliberf«fpectsfojfclonp,fc.bp|0?oclamafion,aaa{nfflDbom
f ijere is no fnfficicnt ebiDence p;ioDHceD to tbe C[5?cat
Slnquctt to inDtct tbcm,
toblcb 31aftices of £) ier anD Cerminer. oj 3Iufttces of ^eace cannot Do.
Pafch ip Eliz. co- 4. SCbep map inquire anD
ram Rege, inter
tafeeinDictmentsoffeIonp,fc of pnfoners before
tbcm,i p?occeD upon tbcm, anD fo toas it refolbcD \}\ an appeal of murDcr
Apharry & Mor- bjougbt
in bp Apharry againtf Morgan, U)bO pleaDeD tbat be toas aurerfoitz inDicteD anD con*
9. tictcD of tbe fame felonp , anD baD W
Clcrgp befo?e 3uaiccs of d^aolc Dclitierp
anD pleaDeD ober to tbe felonp {% Vc^z plea
R.j.Coron.47 ^nD fo
allotoeD.) map
Jutttccs of ^tet
Cap.^o. Iullicesof(jaolec{elhery, \6^
anD Ccrmtner I30c, tol)tcf) is to be obfcrtcD bj' tftc juukious IReaDcr, fo j botlj of
tlicmljatc autl)Ojitp to enquire, l)earc,anD Detcimiticoffucljaflbepjifonersitt
a concurrent autfjojitp.
t^c ©aolc t anD in tfjat cafe tfjcp ^atc
Jl a man be iuDicteO bcfo?c 3!uatccs of peace , anD thereupon oiitlalnco, 1 j H.r.j.b.
anD is taken anD committeD to pjtfon^tije Suffices of dDaolc Delitcrp ma{)alDarD
6. %\\tx> maj) afftgne a Coroner to an ^ppjotier ,
anD mafee |9;occ3 againtt Appdiar.

the appellee in a fo?c'tn viotmtp. f^'f''\

2H»eP map puniO) t^ofe tfiat let men to bailc oj mainpjife, to^icfj arc not
* »
7. '"l., jf,'*[- J
bailable bp lato , oj fuffcr tbem to cfcape» ,
finibu'scap. j.*

5i5ptbe statute of EAitispjotjiDeDintftefclDOjDs, ,.'' 4E.3.capi.


^''-^ ^-»^-
And be it, &c. That in all cafes whereany perfon or perfons hereto'- ^^& "^

fore have been or hereafter (hall be found guilty of any manner of

, rE.^lcar.y.
Treafon, Murder, Manflaughter, Rape, or other felony whatfoever 5 XrcafoPj&c.

for the which judgement of death fhoiild or may enfue, and fliall be re-
pried to prifon
without judgement atthattime given againft him, her,
or them fo found guilty, that
thofe perfons, that at any time hereafter
fhall by the Kings Letters Patents be affigned Juftices to deliver the
Gaole where any fuch perfon or perfons found guilty, fliall remain 5
fhall have full power and authority to give judgement of death againft
fuch perfon fo found guilty and repried, as the fame Juftices before
whom fuch perfon or perfons was or were found guilty might have
done, if their Commiflion
of Goale deliveiy had remained and conti-
nued in full force and ftrcngth. r. A G l.

8. tf)ejuDc(cmentoftl)ctoljole^0arliaracnt tbifii conclufion Dot&fol=

^crcbP *';'*'"''''
loto, t6at 3!u'ftices of ci^aole Delitjcri? accojDing fottjegeneralitpof tljeiuojDss
sce zs e i. dc
of tfteir Commiffion, ma^ Deliber tl)C dDaole of p}ifoncr0 committcD fo? I^iglj Appeiiads^the
SCreafon, tohicb toe p:cfer before anp ' pjttjate opinion,crpeciallp concluDtng tott^
V.i R.j.cor. 47.
J, (~)
9^* Jufttccs Of ©aole Dclitjcrp fljall fenD tticir IRecojDs anD ^Bjoces Dcfermt^ ^^^^J^
ncO,anD put in ereciition to tl)c cSrcljcqiicr at gptcbaelmas eterp pear fo be Deliijc^,i. cor.jy,

reDtljcre totijesnrcafureranDCljambctlains.^c.fokcepfljeratnfljesnrearurp. j8.& iSi.a.

" 9 e. J.cap.
I o. b 3iuftitc0 of CJaol Delit?crp map reccitjc appeals of robberpanD murDer bp j._

JlBill, but tUc appellees muft be in pjifon befoje tljem,

Mrits of aDmtf *
ttrH f fo \o '

IK c So tt)cfc3utticcs»lommillion0of atfociation, anD Dicrfo 99."

fance, anDSinonomncsCasftatljbeenratDofSIwtticesof £DteranD aCerminer) jH.y.Mp.i.
are DirerteD. stanf.pi.ccr.
M.^ Bluftices of (Baole Delitjcrp ©all feeep tlieir Sections in tl&c pjincipall anD ^ [V^'
** ca^*'
tbicf SLotons of tljc »rountics to^cre ttie &>l)ire Courts of tlje fame Counties be
1 3. %v t^e Ifafuteof 2 & ^ Ph, & Mar. it is pjotiiDcD, That all Commif- 1 &
fions of the Peace or Gaole delivery to any City or Towne Corpo-

"[-^h ,
*' '"^ '

rate not being a County of it and rcmaine, the grant-

felfe, fliall ftand

ing of any like Commiifion

of the Peace or Gaol delivery inany Shire,
Lathe, Rape, Riding, or Wapentake, being of a latter date,to the con-
trary notwithftanding.
&CC intljc Chapter of £Dier anD SCerminer Conclufione ji* mo?c concerning
Sluftices of ©aolc Dcliterp. vide 44 Aff. pi.2 1 .

e>cc aut!)ojitic3 latrtp granfeD to 3iutticcs of <©aolc Dcli^rp in fl^ Cfjapter

BCjt cnfutng of lattices of J^eace.

lyo Cap. 31.

luftices of Peace.

Amliooy Fitz-Herbert , one Of f|e BluQiceo of f^e Court of Commdtt


S '
piea0,anD Otters Ottier0 ^eltjitten of t^eSlnristiiition ano potuer of
fttSUe0 of t^ ^eace, boti) in ttjc Conrt of t^e ^eatons of |peace,a0 toitii'
out jfotDliofe labours 31 refertI)eltleaDer»
jSnD it is futi^ a fojme of fubo^Dtnate government fo; fI)e f ranqnilUf p ant) qntef
of tbe Healm , as no part of t^e Cl^jtaian txiojlD tiat^ t^ like, if tlie fame be Dn<
%o t^t former SDreatites are necedarp to be aDtieO certain ^cts of parliament
Before the Con. ntaHctnt^eii pear of our late feotjeraignclLojOi^ing James, ano certain Ca^
qucft. Deface \iznt9, StDDittons^nH ^Dbferbations ncceffarp to be knoton»Dc pace violata; vide
^ ^
^ ^ 11 int'legcj Alvredi,cap.3<^. Edwardi cap.5.
IBut as a |9>eface to all tbat fljall be faiD of t^e office anD tiutp of 3nff icfes of
peace, too totll begin loit^ tbat tobtcb is enacted bp t^e ftatnte of 4 H.7, as a ne*
EelTarp cabeat to all BluSices of peace, vu. The King confidercth that a
of the wealth and proiperity ofthe land ftandcth ih that, that
great part
his fubjeds may live in furety under his peace in their bodies goods : &
and that the husbandry of this land may increafe and be upholdcn,
which muft be had by due execution of Lawes and Ordinances, charg-
eth and commandeth the Juftices of the Peace to endeavour them to do
and execute the tenor of their Commiflion , the faid Lawes and Or-
dinances ordained for fubduing of the premifes, astheywillftandin
love and favour of his Grace, and in avoiding the pains that be ordai-
ned, if they do the contrary. And over that he chargeth and comman-
deth , that every man, what degree or condition that he be of, that let
them in word or deed to execute their faid authority in any manner
forme abovefaid, that they fliew it to his Grace ^ and if they do it not,
and it come to his knowledge by other then by them , they fhall not be
in his favour but taken as men out of credence, and be put out of

CommilTion for ever. And over this he chargeth and commandeth aU

manner ofmen, as well the poore as the rich, which be to him ail one
in due miniftration of juftice, that is hurt or grieved in anything, that
the faid Juftice ofpeace may heare, determine, or execute in any wife,
that he fo grieved make his complaint to the Juftice of the Peace that
next dwelleth unto him, or to any of his fellowcs,and defire a remedy:
and if then he have no remedy , if it be nigh fuchtime as his Juftices of
A flifes come into that Shire,that then he fo grieved ftiew his complaint
to the fame Juftices-, and if he then have no remedy, or if the com-
plaint be made long afore
the commingofthe Juftices of Aflife, then
he fo grieved come to the Kings Highnefle ortohisChancelourfor
the time being, and ftiew his griefe and his faid Highnefle then ftiali

fend for the faid Juftice to know the caufe why his faid fubjeds be not
eafed, and his lawes executed. Whereupon if he finde any ofthem in
default of executing of his lawes in thefe premifes , according to his
Cap.31. luftices of 171
he (liall doe to him fo offending to be put out of
high commandment ,
the Commiflion, and fuithermoreto bepuniflied according to his de-
merits. And over that his faid Highncfle (hall not let for any favour,
caufe , but that he fhallfeehis
aftedtionjCoft, charge, nor none other
la^!^es to have and true execution and his fubjeds to live in
plain ,

bodies and goods according to his faid laws,

furety of
their lands ,
and the faid mifchiefs to be avoided, that his fubjeds mayincreafein
wealth and profperity to the pleafure of God.

3nD tofjcrc tljC tUOjDS of tfje faitl Slct be: And further to be punifhed accor-

ding CO his detnerits. £D!)efc toojDS arc fo to bc unDcrflfooD , tl)at.tcftall be

puntfljcDinanojDtnar^courfcof jufticc bptuap of inDtctmcnt upon tljts 3ft,

Ui ^t0 contempt^c. anDnotb? anp abfolufe poU)er,a0 t)atl)becn often obfei:'

St anD forac others DtD
is to be obfctticti, tijat \a^zn 31uftice Fiizherbcrt
tojitcof aut^ojitp of Sufttces of |0cace, tljc Conimiffton of tlje pcdiit

CooD otjecburticncD anD tncumb?eD toit^ Ditjcrs flatutes fome tuljereof toerc

befo?e,anO fomc Gnce repcalco: anD toitf) fome, luftcreas tljcre teas none futIj,anD *"T'/',",'i'(^5
ttuffeD tottl) mang tatn anD unncccffarp rcpetittons, anD manp otijcr cojruptt= ni'/flion'anTthc
onfl crept into it bp mittaktng ofClcrbs,ic. iFojamcnDmcntanD cojrertton rcfomiiuors^ad-
iol^crcof (being a matter of fo great tmpojtante; S>trChriitopher Wray «£l)tef ditiensandake-
^uftfceofenglanD,Mich.32& 3;Eliz.aacmljlcDalltl)c31uDgc3 ofenglanD,
anD upon pcrufall ftao of tl)C fojmer Commfrion of ttje peace , antt- upon Due ^"// ^ ^ ^^
conftDcratton ijaD tticreupon , anD often conferences betUicen tljemfelbes. tljeg .ha commiflioa
refoMicD upon a rcfojmatton ofttiefojmcr, tuttfj Dttjcrs aDDttions anDalterati* of the x^^ace re-
formed bvoti ihc
onsbotlj in matter anDmctljoD, as it noto ftanDctfj at t|){s Dap : anD fljere nee=
"^ ''"S-
tfmc Dibcrs ftatutcs t^n
tljat alfo; foj fince tftaf
Dctl) pet anotl)tr reformation of
jfls foj cicample, 0U tfje aa=
infoice^abebecnrepcalcD,anDDtt3cr3f)abe etpircD. ,j 11.4.0.,.
tiites ofJLitjericstnquicablc bp ^ufticeo of JSeace arc cepealeD bp ti^e ftafutc^.
of3Car.cap.4.fatjtnst^eftatuteof R.i.cap.z.tnquirable befojc 3.afi,itzfi

aifo ftatutc ofz7 H.s.cap. 12. tijaftfje olunerof

Mtfe.Videfuprapa.ijp. tlje
" *
anp fcite oj pjccinrt.ic. ofanp DilTolbeD religious Ijoufc unDet tl)e talucof
aoo 1. per annum , foj tfje beeping of tioneft anD conttnuaU ^ouftolD tl^eceupon,
anD inqutrablebp3aatccs of locate is rcpealcDbp 21 Jac. Regis cap. 18. ^no .

t!)e ftatute of ijR.2,cap.8.anD4H.4cap.2^,fojtafefng bpanp InljolDers tn ''h 4 o i<

gain ato\)e at)alfpcnnpinabufteUof£)atsotfer ffte common p? tee in tl)emar«
feet, anD inqutrablcbp Bluatcesof peace be alfo repealeD bp tlje falD 0ct of

aijac, HtUeiMtfctbcaatuteof 39 El,cap»i. concerning tjusbanDjp anD ttl^ 39E1.M.1.

lagctobicl) being but a pjobattoncc foj at{me,toasDifcontinucD 21 Jac. ;anD 'nyca i«
tl)c ftatutcs concerning Ijoufcs of ^usbanDjpanD tillage in 4 H.7. 7 H,8.
2 7 H.K.
7 h.'s.m. ..

5 E. 6. anD 5 Eliz.are all repealeD bp ii Jac anD Dtbers otbers,K. 27 h.8 cap.xi,

it tsagooDruletl)crefojefo?all3IuDgcBanD 3uatccsU3batfoeber,tfjatI)abe 5E'<5"pJ'

lurfsDiction bp anp ftatute.tolitcl) at tlje firft toas tempojarp ,oj foj a time, fo ">

conQDcrtDellbefojetftcp gibe juDgement, toljctbcr tIjat ftatutc l)abe been con<

tinueD oj niaoe perpetuaU: anD if it Vocre at tbc firft maDcpcrpctuall,tol>etf)cr tf
be not repealed 0; altereD bp anp latter ftattltCf Erudimioi qui judicatis terram.
^ee in t^e Second of the InQitutes ttje C^rpoGtion upon ifyi (latutc Of
Suffices Of Peace map enquire ifcBffreafsbe notftclocD bp &Ijertf0,ic, to 4;E.?.cap.9.
t^cpartp tnDebteD anD totteD. ncccffarp lalu foitljceafcoftljcfubjectt w.i.«
Concerning nomination of3ufticcsofpcatc, fectftettatutesof nR.?.,

cap.2« iH.j.ftat.axap.i. iSHAca.n. toljcreunto pou map aDD.t^atbefojeall

tftefeanotfteractnot in p:tnt toas maDe in 28 E.a.aslocllfojtljeir nomination,
as ftoto anD bp tol)om thci' Qjall be DtfcbargeD. (Ecrtain it is tbaf ftctbat is namcD ""'/ „i, .g
in t^e ^ommtdton of peace unDer t^e vl^^eat &eal to be a Bluftice df peace,f0 5a H.V.m'.'{4.'
alatofnll 3iu(tice of peace,
of T^ace, ^^P-3iJ
II jac.Rg.a.4. 3tt^c ^jBarUamcnt liolDcn Anco ^ ilac. Regis tijerc teas an cwcUent lain

ntaQe* entttulet) ; An Aft for the cafe of the Subjed concerning Informatiots
Sift fo} t^at it pnncipallp (oncernett) Stiff ices of
upon penall ftatutes iD^ci)

ipeace, is ^tvt infcrteD

in hxc verba a0 folloluct^.

Thiswasihean- Whcrcas the offences againft divers and fundry poenalllaws and
ftatutes of the Realme may better , and with more eafe and lefTe
'''r 'of pTifa"
raemsfas before "charge to the fubjed,
be commenced, fued, informed againft, pro-
it hath appeared;
fecutcd and tried in the Counties where fuch offences fnali be com-
be"dm?niftKd^& mittcd. And whereas
the poor Commons ofthis Realm are grievoufly

charged, troublcd, vexed, molefted, and difturbed by

tried in their pro- divers ^ troa-
per Counties, and blefomc
nottobcdrawn Xperlons , commonlv called Relators, Informers, and Pro-
r r »#
up to the Courts moters , by profecutmg
1 1 •

and enforcing them to appear

• 1
his Maje-

m • •

atweftm'fotthe ftjes Courts at Weftminfter, and to anfwer offences fuppofed by

them to be Committed againfl the faid poenall laws and ftatutes, or
fed. ( elfe to compound with them for the fame.
tf Of this kind
of men, it was formerly truly Caid,noc genui bominum fcmper vhabititr, &
ttvnoi femper incivimc rimebitiir. But
this law
confiding of fc«^en parts remedied all the former inconveniences , and the abufcs of thefe ttoublefome per-

I. For remedy whereof be it enaded by the

Authority of this
Parliament , that all offences hereafter to be committed a-
gainf! any penall which any common Informer or Pro-
llktutc, for
moter may lawfully ground any popular adion , bill, plaint, fuit or in-
^Notabefore formation before Juflices of Aflife, Juftices of Nifi prius,or Gaol-

^"Affife."^ Delivery, Juftices of Oier and Terminer , or Juftices of the Peace

a Nifi priuj. in their generall, or quaiter Seflions, ftiall after the end of this pre-
& Tcrm^* ^^"^ ScffiOH of Parliament be commenced, fued, profccuted, tried,re-
Oier '

j Peace. covered and determined by way of adion, plaint , bill , informati-

But thegreateft q^ q^ indiftment before luftices of Aflife, luftices of Nifi prius,Iu-
cxecudon of "wi ftices of Oier and Terminer, and luftices of Gaol-Delivery, or be-
Aa will belong fore the luftices of Peace of every County, City, Borough, or town

Corporate, and liberty, having power to enquire of, hear and deter-
peale' wJuKof"^
therebcm"ny mine the fame within this Realm of England or dominion of Wales,
learned in the
wherein fuch offenccs fliall be committed, in any of the Couits, pla-
/Note this Aft ces of ludicatuic, or liberties aforefaid refpedively, only at the choice
giveth Juftices
of of the parties, which fhall or will commence fuit, orprofecuce for
^^^ fame, and not elfewhere, fave only in the faid
wher"formcr CCS ufuall for thofe Counties or any of them.
Atts gave them
none, and foofthe reft of the Juftices here named, d So as they cannot be commenced, &c in any of the Kings
Courts at Weftminfter.


'^""'*' *• "
'^^^ ^^^^ proceffe upon every popular a(aion,bill,plaint,

OutUwry doth
information or fuit, to be commenced , or fued , orprofecuted after
lye upon every the cnd of this prefcnt Seffion of Parliament by force of, or accor-
^° ^^^ purport of this Ad, be had and awarded to all intents
ancSar^cUfe ^'"o
for execution of and
purpofes as inanaftion oftrefpafTe-yi ^armis at the Common
Juftice. ij^^
/-This ciiufe
was ^nd
that all and all manner of informations, ai^lions , bils,
added that the
Kings Majcftyftiould be boindex{)refty by this Aft, that no information in the Courts at Weftminfter ftiould be
txhibJted by the Kings Attutny |encrali, by any common Informer, or 6ther peifon wkatfoevcr. Note the generali-

ty of theft words,


Cap. 31. fujlices ofTeace. 175

and whatfoever hereafter to be commenced, fued, pro-"
fecutcd, or awarded either by the Atturny Generall of his Majefty,
his heirs, orfucceffors for the time bting , or by any Officer or Of-
ficers whatfoever for the time being, or by any common Informer,
or other perfon whatfoever in any of his Majefties Courts at Weft-
minfter, for or concerning any of the oifences , penalties or forfei-
tures aforefaid, fhall be void, and of none effect , any law , cuftome,
or ufage to the contrary thereof notwithftanding.
4 And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid , that in
all Informations to be exhibited, and in all bils, counts, plaints,and
declarations in any adlion or fuit to be commenced againft any per-
fon or perfons, either by, or on the behalf ofthes King or any other f Notf^rheKing
for or concerning any offence committed, or to be committed againft :
"Il^^^^^T'^j' in
^ fhall be
ftatute, the offence laid and alleadged to have the c oun-
any penall proper
been committed in the faid County where fuch offence in truth ')•.

was committed , and not elfewhere. And if the Defendant to any i!,'affifman« of^
fuch Information , aftion or fuit , pleadeth that he oweth nothing, the true inftitu-
"on of the Com-
or that he is not guilty, and the Plaintif or Informer in fuch infor-
mation, adtion or fuit upon evidence to the lury that fhall try the dni^v^adZ^^
ifTue, fhall not
both prove the offence laid in the faid Information, hna pr^cfumun.
adion or fuit, and that the fame offence was committedin that Coun- theiCTnformefr
cy, then the
Defendant and Defendants fhall be found not guilty. they were b:ft*
trufled, where

ihey were lead known. This ii a vex y beneficiallclaufe for

every Defendant to taitcholdof,

5. And be it further enaiSed by the Authority aforefaid, that no

Court of Record fhall receive , file, or That in any of
Officer or Minifler in any » » ii

enter of Record any Information, biU, or plaint, count , or declarati- fbre^ufi.cejtf

on, grounded upon the faid penall fbtutcs or of them, which
any Affife, and other

before by this Adareappomted to be heard and determined in their '*

JScft J^^of
proper Counties, untjll the Informer , or Relator hath firfl taken a this Ait.

corporall oath before fomeof the ludges of that Court, that the

offence or offences laid in fuch information, action , fuit, or plaint, ^ ^hc In&rtner

was or were not committed any other County , then where by ™"h before Ws
the faid information, bill, plaint, count or declaration the fame is, »'ifjnnationj&:.
or are fuppofed to have been committed , and he bcleeveth in his Abe^fidiU
confcience the offence was committed within a year before cUn'k aifo for

formation or fuit within the fame County , where the faid infor- '*>^Dcfcndanr.
ination or fuit was commenced, the fame oath to be there entred of ayearbeforeThc
Record. information.

6. And beltalfo enadied by the Authority aforefaid , that if any vi()

'^*'^""P "*
Information, fuit, or adion fhall be brought, or exhibited againft
or perfons for any offence committed, or to be commit-
any perfon
ted againft the form of any penall law either by, or on the behalf
of the King, or by any other, or on the behalf of the King and Thcteafonsof
th's ciaufe
it fhali be lawfuU for fuch Defendants to plead the ge- were,
' other,
any * ° r. For that in the
Coarts aforsfaidjfpecially before Jufliccs of peace, there are not fuch skilfull Prothonotaries and Clerks for good
pleadingas v/etc in the Kings Courts at Wefbminftcr; and therefore the makeis of tliislaw provided iliat the De-
fendant might plead the generall iflue. I. For tlweafe and benefit of the fubjeft, great charges growing byfpecj.
pleading, j. For avoiding of demurrers upon- fttift, and nice points of pleading. 4. For avoiding of writs of
Error, which often ate brought inrefpeft of fpcciall pleading.

A3 ncrall
xyi. yujlices ofTeace, Cap.^i.
nerall iffue, that they are not guilty, or that they owe nothing,and
to give fuch fpeciall matter in evidence to the lury that fhall try the
fame which matter being pleaded had been a good and fufficient

matter in law, to have difcharged the faid Defendant or Defendants

ao^ainft the faid information, fuit, or adlion* and the faid matter
fhall be then as available to him or them to all intents and purpo-
ses as if he, or they had fufficiently pleaded , fet forth , or alleadged
the fame matter in bar, or difcharge of fuch information , fuit , or
Provided alwayes that this Ad or any claufe contained therein
fhall not extend to any information, fuit , or adion, grounded upon

any law or flatute made againft Popifh RecnfantSjOr for,or concerning

(hall not frequent the Church
Popifti recufancy, oragainflthofethat
and hear divine fervice, nor to any information, fuit, or adion for
maintenance, champerty, or buying of titles, nor to any fuit, or in-
formation grounded upon the ftatute made in the firft year of the
reign of our Soveraign
Lord the King, of a Subfidy granted to the
nor for , or concerning the
King,of Tunnage, Poundage, Wool, &c.
his heires or fucceffors of any
concealing or defrauding the King
Cuftome, Tunnage, Poundage, Subfidy, Impofl, or Prifage, or for
filver , Ordinance, Powder, fhot, munition of
tranfporting of gold ,
all forts. Wool, Woolfels, or Leather, but that fuch offence may be
laid ot alleadged to be in* any County, at the pleafure of any In-
the Couaty,&c. former, anything in this Ad to the contrary notwithftanding.
Soasnoinfor- j , . e \ v
mentioned can be commenced, &c. in any of theKing^
mation,&c. grounded upon any of the ftacutes in this provifo
Afiife, Jufliccs of Nifiprius,or Gaol delivery , luftices
before the of of Oier
Courts at Weftminftcr but Juflices
and Terminer,or lufticcs of Peace.

%\itxt tuas anetftet mffc^ief toljttlj lap fjeat? upon IMt f«b;ed , to^crcof
atit^antagcjntgtitbE taUcit bpanp 3Info?mer,tDfttcb
toas not pjotJiDcD foj ln>
alteration of times
ttjts att,viz.t)itieri3fojmerttafutc0, to^itljfn rcfpect ofttje
as fnates upon tftc people, atiD at ti^iQ Dap coulD not be pcrfojmeD* if oj tt--
o? o-
4H.7.cap8. ample J %MvA aparD ofb:oatMlof^offf)Cfirteft mabtng fcarlefgrapcD,
t^er clotl^ grapneD,tol)at colour foebcc ftoulD not bcfolD abot»e tftc value
it be,

of i<5s.ab?oaD parti, 5c. M^tclj 0tt anD man? otljer ^cts of |0arliamcnf of
lifee nature, ant) otljec obtolete lato0fo a ijcrp great number iDcrcat tljisipar*
ai ][ liameut utterlprcpealeD,anti mate toiD, Mlc atiblfc tfjcrcfojc f&c 3utt«e of
peace (foj to bim tocpjincfpallj? tifrcd: oar fpeecfi, tl&ougl) it concern fljc reft of
fUje 3!ufttcesb0fojenameti) feriouflpto rcaD oljcr tl^at 0ct,tol)ere allfl^orc obfolctc
latos areparticularlpmentioneD anD repealeD.anD tftcrcfojc no infojaiation, tu
can be commenccD,5C. upon anpoftljem.
at f defame |5arliament alfo Anno 21 lac. Regis, an offter gooD anDpjofi-
f able lain UiasmaDe concerning Biuftices of |3eace anD others, t^eteno;b)gcre=:

ii The Title. An AS} to and make fcrpetuall the A£t madefor
eafein pleading againfi troublefome
and contentions fiuts frofecuted
the Peace, Maiors, Cenftables, and certain others
Againft luftices of
his the larvfuU execution of their office^wade
Majefties Officers for
in the J, his
year of Majefties moft haffy reign.
Whereas an Ad intituled, an Ad
for eafe in pleading againft trou-
blcfome and contentious fuits prolecuted againft luftices ofche Peace,
lufiices of
Teace. iji
Majors, ConftableSj and certain others his Majeflies Officers for the 7jac.regisca.y.
law full execution of their office made in the feventh year of his Ma- 'r'^" ^^' "^«"'
jefties moft happy reign
of England, was made to continue but for rjufticwof
feven years, and from thence to the end ofthe next Parliament, after pe^cc.
the faid feven years which by experience hath fince been found to i*f^orc»^ixs^'or
be a good and profitable law. Be it therefore cnadted by the Kings towns corporate.
moft excellent Majefty,the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, and the J Headborow*.
Commons in this prefent Parliament alfembled , and by the autho- J confiYbies,
that the faid A(5l (hall from and after the end of 6 Tichmgmcn.
rity of the fame ,
this prefent Seflion of Parliament be perpetuall , and have continu- siuSs°and^

ance for ever. Fifteenth, ^nd

not to any OiEcer not named in that Aft, MaJe perp^tyall.

And be It enaded by the Authority aforefaid , that all

further This Aft of
Churchwardens, and allperfons called Sworn-men executing the of- d'ti! w°'''
fice of the Churchwardens, and all Overfeers of the poor, and alio- i.churchwardcs.

thers, which in their aid or affiftance, or by their commandment


Ihall doe any thing touching or concerning his or their office,or offi-
ces, fhall hereafter be enabled to receive and have fuch benefit and 'heofEccof

help by vertue of the faid Adi^to all intents, conftrudions, and purpo- ^.''au ovcrfe "rs'
fcs, as if they had been fpecially nairied therein. ofihcpoor.
their aid and a(fiftance,andnoc to any other Officcror pcrfcn not named intbis Aft

And whereas notwithftanding the faid ftatute, the Plaintif Is ac

his adlion which he fhall bring againft any luftice of
liberty to lay
Peace, or other Officer in any forain County, at his choice, which
hath proved very inconvenient unto fundry of the Officei-s , and
that have been impleaded by fome contcntiouSj
perfons aforefaid ,

and troublefome perfons in Countries far remote from their places

of habitations.
Beit therefore further ena(Sedby the Authority aforefaid, that
if any adlion,bill, plaint, or fuit uponthecafe, trefpalTe, battery, or i^^Actiom^upon
falfe imprifonment fhall be brought after the end of this prefent Sef-
fionof Parliament againflany luflice of Peace, Maior,or Baylif of
City, or town corporate, Headborow,Portreve, Conflable,Tything- 4 Faife impri-
man, Colleftor ofSubfidy or Fifteens, Churchwardens, and perfons
called Sworn-men executing the office of Churchwarden , or Overfeer
of the poor, and their Deputies,or any of them, or any other which in
their aid,or affiflance,or by their commandment,fhall do any thing tou-
ching or concerning his or their office or offices,for or concerning any
matter,caufe or thing by them or any ofthem done by vertue or reafon
of their or any of their office or offices,that the faid action,bil,plaint,or Theaftions i
fuit fhall belaid within theCounty where the trefpafle or fad fhall be
[° jf^|5,']'^'J(Jf
done and committed,and not elfewhere. And that it fhall be lawfull to ^\^ Coumy!
for all and every perfon, and perfons aforefaid, to plead thereunto the
generall ifTuejthat he or they are not guilty , and to give fuch fpeciall Topiejdthegt-
matter in evidence tothelury which fhaUtrythefame,asinorbythe
faid former Ad is limited or declared. And that if
upon the tryal of any
fuch aftlon, bill, plaint, or fuit, the Plaintif or Piaimifs therein fhali
a a A not
1^6 fuflkes of^eace. Cap. 31.
not prove tothelury which (hall try the fame, that the trerpafre,bat-
tery , imprifonment, or other fa«f^,
or caufe of his , her , or their fuch
The phintifiip- adion, bill, plaint, or fuit was, or were had, made, committed, or done
on ilie evidence
within the County where fuch z&xon , bill , plaint, or fuit fhall be

muft piove that

thecau(eofafti- laid J That then in every fuch cafe , the lury which Ihall try the fame,
on was done or
{hall find the Defendant and Defendants in every fuch a(fiion, bill,
had in the pro-
plaint, or fuit,
not guilty, without having any regard or ref pedl to any
per County.
evidence given by the Plaintif or Plaintifs riierein touching the tref-
or other caufe, for which the Tame adi-
paffe, battery, imprifonment,
on, bill, plaint, or fuit is , or fhall be brought and if the verdid: Ihall

paffe with
the Defendant or Defendants in any fuch action , bill,
or fuit , or the Plaintif or Plaintifs therein become nonfuit,
or fuffer any difcontinuance thereof, that in every fuch cafe the
Defendant or Defendants fhall have fuch double cofts , and all other
advantages and remedies, as in and by thefaid former Ad: is limited,
direded, or provided.
11 J,
g>00 aift, another SIct fibe fame parltamcnf, anno 2
1 lacobi
regis, fnttfulcD,
An Act to triable hidges and lupus of the Pence to
foffefion in certain cafes.
I Judges or Jii- Be enaded by the Authority of this prefent Parliament , that
fuch ludges, luftices, or luftice of the Peace, as by leafonof any Ad:
Kings Bench.
4H.7.i8.b. or Ads of Parliament now in force are authorifed, and inabled up-
7E.4.18. on inquiry to give reftitution of poffeflion unto tenants of any eflate
Peace.8H.6. of freehold, of their lands, or tenements which fhall be entred upon
cap 9. Lib-p. with force, or from them withholdcn by force, fhall by reafon of this
f.iiS.b. iH.8.
Ad have the like and the fame authority and ability from
Not luftices of henceforth ( upon indidment of fuch forcible entries , or forcible
O er and Ter- withholdings before them duly found)
to give like reflitution of
miner,nor any of
other Iiiftio;.
feffion unto Tenants for tearm years,Tcnants by copy of Court-rol,
In ftead oUif- Guardians by Knights fervice,Tenants by ElegitjStatute merchant and
fcipvhvihiM v\as of lands, or tenements by themfoholden, which fhall becn-
fornerly in the
indiftrrent,now tred upon by force, or holden from them by force,
it (hall be faid, ^ce 8 H»6.cap»^, & 3 1 EI,cap.i i .

amovit,ot dciinuit. This Aftextendethto i. Tenant for years, i. TetJant by coppy, &c. l.Guardcnt cnCblvaby.
4. Tenant by Eleg it, ^. By Statute merchant. 6. By Statute ftaplc, which no former Ad extended- muo.

In Termino Pafch, ^ E.i» Coram rcge prima fuit infliuitio lufiiclariorum

pro pace confervanda,

Rot.Parl. i8E.i.fot3,nu,4i.HomiDesdeChererfliirequionerati Tunc de fer-
vientibus pacis fuflentandis.petunt exonerari de oneribus ftatut' Wincon, &c,
%ex Kon habet conjilium mutanii eonfiietudtHeSy fiecflatHtafua revacandi,
Dorf.Cl.-iuf.An. 2Dl)cJLojD Cfjanccloj anti otfjers oftfjepjttjp CourtccU tiocrcmotje Ditcrs inftfces of peace foj tljaf tfjep toerc retapnfng to tlje ;3r£bbfft5op,fc
Rot. Par. 3 R.i.
Seea pjofitablc atiD gooD lato foj Bluatces of jpcacc in t^c |lJarl(ament KoU,
aiiDnot in p;tnt.
iBut let us return to flje tiutp of a Bluff ice of JPcacc , foj Melius eft recurrcre
quatn male currere.
Tint oj mo?e Sluffice oj 3!uQ:ices of |Deacc cannot mahe a Warrant upon a
bare furmtfetobjeaU anpmans^oufe to fcarcft fo; a iFeIon,oj foj floln gooDU,
foj tljcp being trcafcD
unto ttem bp anj? M M bj» of parliament ftatjc no futlj autljojifj? grantcD
of parliament: ant) it fljoulD be full of inconvenience, tljat
Cap.^i. fujlices ofTeace* 177
of ani^ Biulttcc of )pcacc being a BIuDgc of IReco^D
it fltioultibctiiffjepotuet;

upon a bare fuggefltion to bjeak tl)c tjoure of anp perfon of toljat Kate, qualitp,
oj Degree foclicr, anD at toftat time foctjcr, ettljcr tiitfjc Dap ojntgbt uponfucfi
r«rmtfe0. IButtf tljc partp fufpcctcDljctnDutcD,t[)cntt)e&l)crtf bpfojce oft^e
l>iHig0 \a%it niapDemanD ttjepartp inDtcteD to be Dcltt^ereD ^ anD tijat not Done?
!)C map bjeaU open tl)cl)Oure,ic. anD appjc^enD
tfje jFclon, fojtijat tljc iatngs

VD?tt is a Non
omictas propter aliquam libercatem : iut if tl)C JiingS pjOCeCfC
beinDebf,frcfpa(re,it. at t^efuit ofapartp, tftere tjje S>f)crif bp fojceoftl)e
tolngs tDjit cannot b?eab open tfjc fjoiife of tbe fubject. 0nD to is tije boob
in,9. falt^;3tU3a3boli5en,tijatfoj. fclonpo? fufpitionoffelO'
np a man map bjeak tbe ftoufc to fafee tliie i?elon, anD tiDO rcafons are pcelDcD ^^He mayea-
in tbcboob. i^HSctaufeittsfojtbc Common teeale to tahe tljcm, 2. Bccaufe l^'''/''°'''^
tlje Ming Ijatb an tntcreft in tijc ielonp,anD in fuclj cafctijetojit isa Non omit-
tas propter aliquam libertatcm: but ottjcrtotfe it iS foj Debt OjtrefpaffCtlje ,
•S'celib.j fp^jij.
&ftcrif oj anpotftcr cannot bjeal? tbcljouretotabc ^im. J3nD pet it is to be •^cmainscafe.
unDcrttooD,tl)at if one be inDifteD of S>l)crif map bp pjoceffetijeceupoii
after DenpallmaDcicbjcafe tbe fjoufe foj Ijis appjeiienQon , oj upon^^ucanD 7E?->6.19e.3,
crpofoncttiat is (lain ojtoounDcDJoassijc is in Danger of Deatlj, oj robbeD , tlje
iltngs £>fficcrtt)atpurfuctljmap(tfDenpallbemaDc) bjeaU a Ijoufe f app?e=
IjenD tl)e Delinquent : butfo: Butticcs of peace to maheUiarrants upon furmi*
fes , foj b?ealJing tbe boufcs of anp fubjcrts tofearcfj fojfclons,o;(toln gooDs,
isagaintt Magna Carta. Nee fuper eum ibimus , nee (uper cum mittcmus, nifi Jlag.Cait.c.15,
per legale judicium Parium fuorum, vel per legem Terrx : anD againtt tbc lla» Read the flat.
tufe Of 41 E.3, cap, j.&c* ^nD iDc bolD tbe refolution of tbe Court,viz.of Brud-
nel],PoIlard,Broke,anDFitzhcrbertin 14H.84 to be laUj , tbat a Suffice Of i +^.a,
fDeacc coulD not mabe a toarrant f tabe a man foj felonp, unleCTe be be inDictcD
tbereof,anDtbitmuftbeDonein open S>cffions of tbc |Dcacc, iFoj tbe 3iufticc
])imfelf cannot arreft one foj felonp , unleOTe be bimfelf fufped; bim, (as anp otber
niai')anD bp tbc fame rcafon be cannot maUe a Voarranf to anotber. ;anD all tbis
appcarctb in tbat boob, anD is agreeable iuttb our fojmer boobs tn4i A(r,p.y.&
1 2 . & Z4 E. 3, tit. com.Br. 3, anD initb reafon , foj tbts toarrant to tabe a ^eloii

fboulD be iw nature of a Capias fo: felonp , tobicb cannot be grant eD befoje inDtct*
mentjuo: after inDtctment,but in open court. 5lnD tbi? is tbe rcafon luberefojc vid 1 r ? ca ?,
Suffices of l^cace befoje inDictment toulD not babe let anp cbargeD tpitb felonp j h!; qz\,
ojfufpitiontobail,o;mainp;ife, becaufe Suffices ofpeaceareSuDgesof Ke; ifltiPh.&Mar.
to;D,anDougbtfopjoceeDupon SRecojD, anD not upon furmifes. Sed diftin- "/'i'^*^*
guenda fum tempora, &
concordabis legestifoj fmcetbeftatufesof i &zPh.
& Mar cap. 1 3. anD i
&3 Ph.&
(tbcUJOjDstobcreof bc, That the faid
juUicef,oroneof ihsm being oftheQuorum,when any fuch prifoner is broughi
before them for any manllaughter, or felony ,fhall take examinationj&c) if anp
perfon be CbargeD toifb anp manner Of felonp, anD infojmatton be giben to a
Suffice of peace of tbe felonp ojfufpitton of felonp , anD fearetb fbaf tbe iliings
peace map be bjoben in appjebcnDtngof btm, tbe faiD Suffice map mabe a toar*
rant to tbe Conftablc of tbctolunto fcetbe Bings peace bept in tbc app:e«
benDing anD bringing of tbe partp cbargeD toitb oj fufpctteD of tbe felonp be*
fojc bim. anD tbe partp tbatgitict'b tbe infojmation of bis bnoluleDge ojfufpi*
lion to be pjefent anD arreft tbc Delinquent ; anD in tbts manner it is impli«
CD anD intcnDcD bp tbc faiD ftatutes foj tbepjifoner to be bjougbt befoje tbem :
anD tbis^astoc tabeit,agrccfb luitb tbc common ufe anD obferbancecterfince
fbofe ttatutcs. ^nD tb'is agrcctb alfoVuitb tbcfatD boob in i4H.8.tbataSu«
fttce of peace map mabe bis iuarrant foj tbc faltation of tbe
peace , mea*
ning to allift tbe partp tbat bnotoctb j batb fufpition of tbc fcloiip. lEut in tbtS
cafe ncitbcr tbc Conffablc, no? anpotbcr can bjeabopen anpboufe
tjcnfion of tbc partp fufpccteD j cbargeD toitb tbe felonp , foj it is in lato tbe ar*
reff of tbc partp tbat batb Vaz bnoluUDgc oj fufpition , tobo cannot b jcab open' , 1 u
a ,
M.7,j otiy,
4H.7.i,5. 5 H.7 4. ioH.7.17. 20H.7.11. 7 E.4.10. 8E.4. j.b. jg E.4. 17. 9E.4.2d. 1 1 £,4.4. ijE.4.0,
7H.4 jj. 17E.4.J. 17 H.S.ij.a, DieryEIizijfi.b.
178 fufikes Of
j-ujttces ofTeace. ^ap.31.
anpboufc t but f f tljc too; of tljc Ijoufc be open, !)e map enter into tbe fame, anU
• to E 4 fo 6
17 E.4. Va. arf^tt tlje pattp, acijus muc^ upon reaufng of fome tbat tjaijc tojtttcn of f ije ^u ficeoflafttcesofpcacEjtocljatjet^ougljt gooD to atite. iFojtbougt) commonly

^ p ,
, tfie f^oufes oj cottages of poo?e anu bafe people be bp fuctj Warrants fcarc6c&,
f Batteofia ^^^ ^cttfftbelatofnlUtbebourcsofanpfubjectjbcl^eneberfogreatjniapbercar*
c^ct), ic.bp fuc^ SKIlarrant upon bare fufrntres.
pm of [heTnfti- Concemtng batlement anD mainpjtfe, anD toljat offcnDera ioere batleable bg
tutes. J tftc CommonlaU), j?ou map rcaDe in tlje Second part of the Inftitutes, W.i xa.i y.
foi47i,&c. jpoto fomctfting ts neceffarp to bcatiDeDfnrcfpectoffometiartetpofopfntonis
toucljfng t^e true Dtberfitp anD flgnificatton,i. of IBatlment, spainpjt^e,
W.I cap^i J. Plevina,
^urctp,^leDgcs, Plevin, Replevin, aiBo?oug||, ant) t^e Itbe. ^n\) firtt
17 E.I.
finifa IS of 3ieatle.
§>ome Dcrtbe tljfs toojD from tlje JFrenclj toojti Bailier, id eft, Tradere, to be*
liber, becanfc tbc pjifoner is DelibereD out of pjifon ; but it cannot to bcDertbcD :
foj tbe entrp is,itaditur in oj per ballium>anD tben tl)e fcnfe (oj non-fenfe) ttioulo
be, bs is bclttjcreb into beltberp. llBut ttjts toojD Ballium is trulp fetcbeDfrom
<z Bra Aon lib. J. tbeJFrencl) Joton Bail, tbat figniSetba(!5arDtan,l^ecper,oj(lD>aoler; »an0
fol.iij. Non erit ukerius per ballium dimiticndui.
l^eretoitb agrectb Braf^on, tobo fattb,
And herewith dimittatur
anDagaine, Per ballium ufqueadvencum Ju(titiariorum, alioquin re*
•grceth the Regi-
maneat in prifona : ant) in tlje fame page, tradas in ballium 1 2 probis hominibuj*, CTereaDenotinBritionoftbistoojtillBaile, but of fome otbertoojDs hereafter
Mirror ca.i.$ 14 foUotOing. Que pleviffent corps dc home ceux ne fonc my pledges proprcmenc
mes font manipernors pur eeo que ilz
fuppofent que ceux plcvilable font livers a
eux per baile corps pur corps,
• •
Caft.dc Norm. SDb^rc bailment is tallcD a li1?ing pjtfon.
&14E.J.33. bnran arrcfteD oj imp jifoneD(anD bailable) foj fclonp fljal be balleb befojc it
15 E.j.4i.b.
appearctl) tobetbcr be
be guiltp ojno. llButifa manbeconttrtetibpberDictoj
mainprife i.
confeGfion, it. be is not bailable, becaufe it appearetb tbat be is gutltp. ^0 , tf
3 E.j.cor,jj4.
a Elir.Dicr 179. upon eicamination a man confeOetb a feU>np, if tbe Mittimus be foj felonp confer*
F.N.B.146.C. fet),bs cannot be bailet)»
C 3 J E.J. Main- shard tbere is a t)tberfttp bcttoeen Bail anD a^ainpjife ; foj t^t entrp of
c ai5p
prife II. in tobicb cafe tbep be bis a dDar*
d This agrecth tbebatl is, tbat fucb an one tradit ur in ballium,
with the former Dians ; anb if tbepfufferbinito efcape, tbep C^ll anftDerfo;i it.
e anD tobere it is fatD tbere, Et per quofdam ili (crra Ujas fpofeen fcnt
Etymologic. *
e' in terrorem, anD tbcreupon a Qjere is maDe of it. 0nD tbat it iuas no fclonp in
4H.6.8. ancient time, bear tobat tbe 5^irro> faitb. 3lt is abufionto tbinfe tbat fucb pain
at H,6.59.
ftoulD be atoarDeD to tbe HBail, as to tbe |9 jincipals Vobicb maDe Default, loberc
jiH,6. to.4.3c'
J9 H.6.Z7' tbep lucre lutamcrctablc in tbat cafe,
ii H.7.?j. f ^nD VDbcre anp man is DelitjereD in balHum,be map fafelp be fecpt bp bis Bail
'Vid. infra, t
foj tbcir inDempnitp, becaufe tbe Court of Stuftice Dotb Delitjcr bim unto tbem to
/j6E.j.ubifup. be
fafelp hept.
2Cbe manner of tbe feberall entries of tbe bail is too?tbp of obfertation , be-
caufe it is onlp attaincD unto bp obferbation of p^QDents, anD tbe courfe of

0nD fivtt in cafe of bailment fo; felonp bp tbe Common lato, fbofe tbat Do bait

per Fiiieux. l^m are bounD to tbe^ing bp jtecognifance in a certain fumme , tbat
F.N.B.iyi.d. tbe pjifoner fball appear at a certain Dap, 5C. Et ultra quiUbeteorum corpus pro
corpore, &c.^i %\iz bail of a felon befojc ttoo BBuftfces of tbe peace, tobereofonefo be of tbe
©Hojambptbc ffatutcs of i & z Ph. & Mar. & 2 & 3 Ph. & Mar. fs fojtbe fe-
lon in Double, anD foj eacb of tbe bail in fingle. Sis foj erample 1 31f tbe felon bs
40 li. tbe bail is zo li. a picce» ^nDberein to obferte in effect tbjeetbings. 1, Ad
comparciadum at tbc nert dJaoIC DcUbcrp. 2. Adftandum rctSo de felonia prx"
dida. 3, Ad rcfpondendum di6to Domino Rcgij&c &ee tbe Second part of
the Iftftiiutes,tbeftatufeof sparlcbjtDge,cap.i7» if tbe partpbaileD Propter pri-
vilegium clericalerefpondere noluerit,non amcrcientur illi quibus traditus fuit in
ballium. SCbcrc nmfl be alfo a Liberate in tbat cafe to tlje (Daolecif tbe felon b«
f Vid.fupra.
fojmcrlp commiftcD to pjifon, to Deliber bim out of pjifon. Before
C ap .
fiijlkes of Teace, i
ISefoietbefaiDttafutcsofjE. j.cap.M. vE.i.cap. ;.anDi 8:iPh.&M. ,.r
cap. I ?, if aiippcrfoit IjaD been let to bail tfjat toas not bailable : bplato tl)i0 , E.j^il'or,
amoutitctftto a negligent cfcapc , anDfijallbcpunifljcD as ancgliaentefcapeof 40X11.42.
a felon fliall bctftat is, to be fineDat j li. Birtbjpttjeftatute of ei 2 P.b. & Mar. 3 E.i.cap.i j.

fljc 3uatces of (iI5aoleDeliticrpO)all in tbattafefct toljat fine upon tljeSiufticcs ^7|'"«-'^=

*'"''''"' '^'^ 5-
of peace, ic. tljcp (Ijall tljinft fit. Wpon a Capias, ano a Cepi corpus returned,
tbe CntrP t3 traditur in ballium « die Maii Anno 1 6
Regis H.b'. /<?.
Lo>:g,Sic, ufq; Hil. 18 H 8
diem Mercurii prox' iutur',& ficde die in diem, & termino in terminum, quoufq; Bcncii. Thi. bail
placitum prxdidumtermiDetur,v/^.quilibeteorum corpus pro corpore. dctertT.incdby
31f Abe in cuftodiaMarefehal* in tIjcMtngsllSencI), ^aliSillofDcbtbebjoad^t

agatnft &tm ; ani) tlie DefchDant finDe b foj tits bail, b cnfretfj a I'^etongnifaiicc bcSVhTr
"" '

tof^cplafnttfciDltljtfttSfOntlittonpjCtCDcnt, Q;iodficontigencpra:d'defenden-
tern debit' &
damna ilia pra-faco querenti minime folvere,auc fe prifonr Marc-
fchaili ea oceafione non reddere. t^at tfjen i)e tooulQ fat tCfie f ^c fame.
Nota, SIntljefc perfonall actions tljcbatle 10 onlpfcotinD, if^ctrlRctoffntfancc hh 7 40b. ' ' '

is generall, anD of no certain fummc, as it is in cafe of fclonp : anD againtt ftim

tW is bp bail in t^e ISings Bcnclj, anp ffrangcr in tlje fame Cennmap fiic l)im

bp IBill tn anp pcrfonall action ; otljertotfe tt ts if ftc luerc bj> i^ainpjije de die
in diem. llSuttf A be oatlatoeu in anp pcrfonall aaion, anD taken bj? fojce of a
Capias LUlegatnm, anDplcaD anp plea triable bpfljcCounfrp in atjoioance of tlje scc bcfoiecar-of
jSDutlatojj?, as ffjat ftc toas commojant in another Countp, ic §n fbis cafe A
^^^ ^'"S^ Bench.

©all be bailcD, anDtljcentrpiS, Super IiocTb. & BT. manuceperunt

A. iiabendum corpus ejus liiCj&c. & Re de die in diem in quemlibet diem placici,
quoufque placitum prxdidurerminetur, & judicium inde reddicum fuerit, viz,. Here ti,e B^a
in no
quilibet eorum corpus pro corporc Ec przdiiSlus A affumpfit pro fcipio eflendi ^rebound

tunc hie ad quemlibet diem placici prxdiai fub poena 40 li. &c. fi contingat ipfum
A ad aliquem diem, &c. defakam facere , aut Icitam fuam in hac parte non pro- pl'^eorpIrTtL
principail m a
fequi. j)5ote, totjcrefoctjcr tl)C p?fncipaU ts bonnti, if fs in a certain fumme. ccnain fum,
anD toljcrc fomc Do fjolD, tijat in all cafes toljen anj? ttatuf c cnactetlj t^at t^e
boDPOftlje IDclinqucntaallliecommittcDtopjifonaf tljctoilloft^clunct, Ijc Stanf.pUor.yy.b
cannot be let to spatnpjtfc bcfojc tljc istngs iutU be faioton; %^
Rule ts gcoD it
it be r igl)tli' unDcrffooD foj Ije cannot in tljat cafe bp fojce of anpfnc^ ttaf utc be

impjifoncD, bcfo:c!)C be inDictcD, contii£teD,anD juDgcmenf gttjcn , anD fljen fte

cannot be baileD oj lettcn to matnpjtfe, becaufe ^ts offence appcarettj , as Ijaf fj
been faiD.

;9nDtl)ecarcfl)crc cifeD in 24 E.3. uponfljeffafufcof lE.j.cap.s, foj going 24E.?.,;.s:r

armeD in Meftm, ?^all, ?c. tljellBcofefaitlj, SCI^at Thomas FiggotChivaler fuic Tho.Figgotscsfc
arraine per Shard, &:c. iD^jiclj pjotictf) tl)at !)cloas tnDictcD, arraincD, anDlc-

gallp pjoceeDcD iaitlf, ncitljer toas tjis armour foifcitcD bcfo?econtifction. SlnJj
note, tljat tljc faiD HiS in tljat cafe gitictlj t^e forfeiture of l)is armour, anD
impjf «
lomncnt: anDtljerefojeintfjatcareljcajallnottefineD: but §>ir Thomas Fig-
got migl)t Ijatc been baileD befo?c contitction.
3n tlje nej;f place toe arc to fpeab of ^ainpjife. Manucaption toljiclj Dcrttjeth '
, ne^^-^.T.
it rclf, anD fignifictl) a taking into ttjc IjanD. ^J '^""^^'J^'

Ctjcrp bail is mainpjife, (foj tljofe tftat are bail fake tfteperfon baileD fnfo
t^cir IjanDs anD cuftoDp) but ctjerpmatnpjtfcisnotabail, becaufe no man is
baileD but Ije tljat is arretteD, oj in pjtfon : foj Ije f^at is not tn cuflioDp 0;
fon cannot be DeliticreD out, as Icfojc it appearct!). 115ut a man maj? be mainpcr-
ncD tul)tcf) ncticr Iras in pjifon, anD mainpjife is mojc large tljcn bail.
tljcrcfojc '7 E.^ r«.i,

Sis in m Appeal of fclon>.',tl)D DcicnDant toagc battell^c. anD a Dap appointcD,^.


^/"' f"
' '

tftcplainttfe Cjall finDe mainpjifc, $c. to appear, ic, 5lnD pet lie netjer teas in 3, e?,^ Wain-
pjtfon 0; unDcr cuftoDp. ;9[nD fomctimctljcfe mainpernors are called plcDffes. rrire.ij.
^Ifo if A be in execution foj Debt, «c. attljcfuitofT, anD fuetlj a Scire fac' upon *9H.4.5.ih,6.«
arclcafeortljC likC,tI)e(l£nfrptS, Etfuperhocprzdiaus A. dimittitur per ma-
cucapt* E D. E F» qui eum manuceperunt , ad habendum corpus ejus hie ad prars ] ,
fatum terminum, &
ficdediein diem,&:c, quoufque inde judicium rcdditum n R.^conir-
fuerit. Etfi pro pr£di(5l.T.tranfierit5exequatur,*y/x,,quilibct fub poena 40 li.qaas ^aiccj/.
i8o fujtices ofTeace. Cap. 5?
quilibet recognovit,
&c. ad opus ipfius T. levari, &c, fi contigeritipfum A, ad
aliquem diem placiti defaltam facerejfcu idem placimmcum eftedu minime pro-
A» faci-

Rcginer. lequi, velfeabexecutionejudicii.fiproprajd.T. reddaturverfusipfum
F.N. 15. 149.250, end. retrahere, &c. ^iiD t!)is ts pjopcrlp tn f ^
C&titrp faiD, b? nia(np:tfc,mit) no
Braa.l1b.3154' jbailcbccaufe it is foj t^c plainttfe in tl)e Scire fac' tDljotoas in eyeciitlom Jl^oio

53 E,j. a0 muci) as eticrif bail is a mainpjtfc (as Ijat^ been fatD) bail is oftentimes
p il'e 12.
fcarmcD in one iBooksbptlje nameofmainpjife as befoje it l)atf) partlp ap«
36 E.3. jb i;. *
anO as it appcarctl^ ixi tljc MTrit De Manucaptione. 38 E. 3,fb, 14.
I K..itit.bill g. pcaret),
9E.4.I1.7H.8.4 II H.6.31.50 E.3.11.1 H.7.1. anD in Diticrs^icts of parliament, AftonBur-
31 nell II E.i.4E.3»cap.2« 13 H,i5.cap»io, i & 2 Ph,&Mar«cap.i3,
31 H.6.4. ilafflp, a tf)cre is a manifett Ditjcrfitp bctineen De die indiem^anD a bail : foj
39 H.6.37. in diem no 5!5ill tan be maintainable againft^im ;
II H.7.33.1 l^c tijat isbj? niainpjtfe Dedie
bail per carfum curisc, ot^crtotfc ii is againft l^im t^jat is bp
Plcgii anti PlegiatioarcDcriUeDoft^eiFrencI)toojOPleigc, tol)tcl) fignifictft
f OfP/edges. one t^at un&ectafeetl) fojanotljcr.afuretp, fidcijuflbr, ipioto as eticrpbatl is a
Gliuv!,c.5 ex vi termini plegiatio x to^ic^ fee in
mainpjife, fo cticrp bail ant) mainpjifeis
Glanvile fo; tbc %<x. of furctiOjip. 3i5Ht in legall nnDerftanOtng it is taben, firtt
4 K.i.PJegiide
fojtlje pleDges toljicl^ t^e DcmanDant oj plaintifc finDc
in fuel) iortts as begin si
frF.N.B.3i.f.& A (/. querens) fecerit te fecurum de clamore llio profcqucndo, &c.3nD tijcfe are
195. h. calleu piegii de profequendo , anD tfte reafon of tftefe toere, foj tftc anftne*
ring of tlje teing of tf)C Amerciament if tljc ticmanDant oj plainttfe Uiere barrcD
oj nonCuit, %u fo cautious tocrc t^c founDcrs of our lata , tfjat tlje i^ing fiioultj
49- '• , ,

Braia.li4.f:i54-> ctjcr be anftoereo of fuel) Duties as belongeD to \m

but t^e Mrit of tlje " ^Sing,
Regula. 2lueen,o: of an Infant, iljall not fomp?cl)enDt^atClaufe>fi fecerit te fecut&,&c»
c Regift.i88.
bccaufc tbc? fball not in tl)ofc cafes be amercteo. But it is obfcrviablctljat tlic te-
F.N. B. 19.
nant oj ocfentiant fl)all finoe no pledges : ant) pet if juOgemcnt be gitien againtt
*melior eft conditio poflidentis & rei,quam acloris.
^Vid.iH6 f.x5 Ijint ^C ftal be amerciet),lC.foj
1 paicof ihelnft. c
|)ieDge3 map be fount) in tljc Ci^ancerp,o j map be entreD at anp time Ijanging
VV i.cap.i. eairitoj315ttlbptbet)tfcrettonoftfte31naices, upon gaging Cclitjerance bp tijc
c 31 E.J. main-
atJOtDant Ije djall fintic plCDgCS de hberatione il!a facienda*
ptife II. d jaCbcrebealfo piegii deretorno habetido bptlje ftatnteof VV. 2, £)f |0lcDgcS
&c. &ec tlje ftatUtC of,
/uEl.DienSS. comePleviDjRepievyn, Replcgiari,
io E.J. pledges II tljat traditus in ballium replegiatus,
, &
perplegios isalloneanDfynonyma-
9 £.4.27- e
M^cn tljc DcfcnDant commetlj inbp Cap. oj (i£j;igcnt Ije tljall not finDe pleDgcs
2 H. 4.17.
18 E.4 9- but mainpjife.
^c tljat fuetlj bp Hoill fljall fintcplCDges De profequendo in fine bills, toljtc^
ljal36 been controberteD in boofes.
CTe l^alje Ijttljcrto s
g S'ecM.ig.Carc. fpofecn of pledges in a juDiciall courfe. 2Cl)cre be alfotjox
ca,i.8. iparc of luntarp plctigcs , as you map reatje in Fleta. Ub. 2. cap. j. 32 £,3. monflrans des
the Iniiitutes. Eliz, Dier 470, F.N.B.i 57,c.
faitz. 179. 4iE.3. 1 1* 44 £.3,11.48 E.5,20.22
f Suretjf, Sc- §>urct)' compjeljcntictft all tljc fo jmer. 0nt) not ctljcre is a furetp bp f^c Com*

curicas. mon latu, nnt) fuictp bp llatate. 21Bp tlje common lato, as Kn a OTrtt De fecari-
/'Kcgift.F.N.B. tate invenienda ne exeat regnum, &c. 2Cljere is furetp Of tljC peace, anD furetp of
85. See th: thiid de bono
tftc gooD bcftatiour geftu. SClje furetp of tfjc peace cannot be bjotoi
p.utof tlielnftjr.
U)ltl)oat fomc ^iJ, as an Bffrap, oj 315attcrp, oj tljc lifee. %\xi tlje furetp De bono
i I
geftu confittetli cljieflp, tljat a man Demean ftimfclf tuell in Ijis po jt anD ^ compa*
? H.7.10 b. np, Doing nothing tftatmapbccaufeoftljcbjeacljoffljcpeace, oj of putting of
\ 13 lob. tljc people in fear oj trouble; anD tljat it Dotft not confift in obfcrvation oftljfngs
14 H.7. 8. per
tljatconcern not fbc peace, as in not tocll Doing Ijis art 0? octupatton. SCljus fat
Fmcux& Trcm,
ThcfeworJs .1 c is tljeautljojttp of tlje JiSoob in 2 H. 7, bp tlje refolution of aUtljc ^utticcs affcm«

vvclle.tplaincd. blcD foj t^at purpofc. JlBut in mine opinion, tlje JRepojtcr male i"e geflit tn tlje
Hil.30 Eliz co- laftlDojDS of tljc cafe.
rani Kfgeinfpa. 1
at a gencrall §>cffions IjolDcn at llBjiDgctoatcr in fljc Connfp of S>ommerref,
/Hil. JO E!iz. co-
ram R«£e.
Anno 18 Eliz. onc William King loitft furctics toas bounD \!i2 cccognifancetoap*
pear at tljc ncjct gcnerall g^efftons of tljc peace \\\ tljc fame Counfp, it quod in-
terim (e
benegerereterga dijtam Dominam Reginam, & cundlum popultun fu-
um. anD after at tljc wvfX ^cffions, William King appeaircD anD ioas inDittcD foj

C ap .3
1 .
lujlices of Teace, 181
flanoerous toojfls fpofeen finceftfs bittQtng, viz,, foj facing af am ffme to Edw,
Kyrton, Efq; Thou arc a Pelter, thou art a liar, and hatt told my Lord lies , and I
will make thee a poor . 0nD !)C inas ftirfftcc tnDfctcD, t[)af fjtice tfje falD
IRecognifitnCCClaufutn cujufdam Johannis Wich, vi &
armis fregic^ incravitsSc
averia &
catalla ipfius Johannis in clanfupradid^o depafcent'illicire vcxavit &
chafiavlt, :3nti aftcriuarOS at anotljet; ftrac fjc fatDfof!)cfatD Kyrton, Thou art
a drunken Knave : U)I)lc!) 3InDtd:mcntlBa0rcmoticl) into tIjcBtngolBentlj.anD
Ijercupon ttoo qucffions loerc ocbatcQ Ditjcrs times liotlj at tftc iCarre anD tfte
I5cnttj, j?ira, aDtnttttng t^at all tfjat (0 contatneD in fijc 3InDtrfmentto be true.
tDl^et^cc anp therein toaa in juDgement of lain a fajcatl) of t^ fatD 1^ ciognifante.
SDi^c (econu, itsi tloto niucij t^e Taib in&tdment Som gooD in lalu. ^a to ti^e firS
it toas noj f!)e f rcrpaerc, tocrc anp bjEa<:lj
rcfolbct), tftat ncltl)£t anj? of t^c Inojtis,

of tbc gooD bcftatjiour, foi tijat none of tl^em DiD tcnD tmmeDtatelp to tliic bjcactj
of t^e peace, foj tljoiiglj t^e faiD toojiw (cfpeciallp thou an a lyar, &c. thou art a
drunken Knave) are niotttcs anD immcDtatc pjotocations foj bjeatf) of tftc pcatc,
pettcnDt^cp not tmmeDiatclp to tf)C b;cacl) of tljc peace as if William King j^D

t^allengeD Kyrton, oj fcnt tjim a Ci&allcngc to figftt iuitlt) ^im , oj ijao tfjjeatneD
Kyrton tO beat OJ loounD f)im,oj tljc libc tfjefc tcnD tmmeDiatelp to t^ jcaci) of
t 1

t^ tljerefojc are bjcacl^cs of tijc Kccogntfancc of t^c gooD beljattoar.anD

t^is Diljcrrifp toas juttlp coUcctet) upon tfje cofjercncc 1 contert of t&e ffatute of 34 h^ J *^'p *•

E.3-tol)crcbp'3InItice3 of ideate arc atrignel) foj feccping of tlje peaces to rcttrain

t^e £Dffcnt)er0, IRiotcrs, 5 all otfjer Barattojs, anD to cbafttfc t^em accojDing to
t^eirtrefpaOTe ^offence ; ant) to inquire of jjSillojs anD lilobbcrs, in tbe parts be<

"ponD t^c rca0;anD be notocome agatn,anD go txjanDjing $ toillnot labour,ic.(anD

t^us mucl) foj pimiRiment of offences againtt t!)C peace after f fjcp be Done : nol»
follotoct]^ an cv:pjcire autljojitp gtVien to tlje
3ufticcs , foj pjebenf ion of facfj of*
fences bcfojc tftcp be Done.) w^, And to take of all them that be not of
This was the
fame, (tl^at is, tIjat be DefameD anD jaftlp fufpectcD t^at fl)ep intcnD to bjeak tlje ^^^ ftatutcthac

where they Chall be found fufficient furety and mainprife of their thitcxprcfle
peace,) good ^^^^
behaviour towards the King and his people (toljicl) mall crnccrne tl^efctngS

peace, as (s alCo pjotJiDCD bp tfte toojD fnbfequenf) to the intent that the people be
not by fuch Riotors troubled or indamaged, nor the peace blemillied , nor Mer-
chants nor other palling by the Highwayes, diftutbed , nor put in the that perill
may happen of fuch offenders, if oj tl^e trefpaffe, f c. jaitljougl^
cterp tojongfuU
trcfpatTe is quare vi & artnis
contra pacem, fti tbcfc fojcc anD arms, oj con-
tra pacem tmplpcD in laU) are not taken to be fuclj as fljall mafee a bjeac^ of i%z
ccooD be^atitonr; becaufetliep are trefpaflje upon t^e lanDoj touching gooDsoj
tljattcls, anD not tbe pcrfon of a man.
3:3 to tljCfcconD point it teas ftolDen, t^af fljc BJnDtctnrent concerning ff>e
IDOJDS liias tJOiD anD coram nonjudiecmiDgooDonlp foj tftetrefpaffc, quare tn a,\^.
clau(um,&c. JlButiftl^crcbcanpjuftcaufeofbjeac^, l^eoagljtfoftatjcascire
fac upontftcRccogntfance.
3inan 0ccomit, tfaCapiasadcomputand' be atoarDeD againtt tljeDefenDanf, ti
anD f hereupon 5c i3 ontlalBcD , anD renDjetf)l)tmfelftotf)epjffonoftbciPlccf,
anD ;auDitojs teaffigncD to Ijim, bcfojc toljomtijep beat tffue, anD tijc SluDitojs
bjing t^c I'lccojD into tl)C Common place , anD tl^c DefenDant CounD furetp in
200 li, to appeare in pjopcr pcrfon cberp Dar pendente placito ; anD it tfjc tffne
paCTc againtt l)im,tl)atl)crcnDjcth&imrclfc top J tfon. tf^45E.j.5urcty
fine furconufance de droit toas IctjicD to an 3Infant,anD becaufe tbe infant
Rcginw 191 b,
ongbt to pap tbe fine to tbe l^ing, \iZ founD fccuritatem dc fine iblvcndo, Nqc3.
SDberc is alfo a Mrit De fecuritate pacis, & de bene gerendo. F.N.B.79 p.
3In homine replegiando fbc DcfcnDanf atiotD foj tbaf tbc plaintifc is bis til«
lain regarDant. SCbcplatntlfefaiDtljatbcisfrcc, anD tbcrcupon tbcptocrcat
iSm, tbeplainfifep:apeDtbatbcmtgbtgagcDcltt)crancc. ;anD it teas atoarDeD 1'6E.^s.
' ^ £• -•fa.
tbat be l^oulD batjc Deliverance of bis gooDS , anD finDc no fnrctp tbaf tbc aljota>
ant llioulD \)i{\K tbc gooDs again if it tocrc founD foj bim. 3I5ut note icbcn tbc
\ ^^^^'^- ^.'
abotoant be at tHue upon tbe ttUcnagc, c tbcn tbc plaintifc ftall finD furetp to fue I\ h 7".'/'
cum eftciSu, 515 b
I %% fujlices ofTeace, Cap. 51.
SecF.N.B.iji.g Surety jilBp ttatutCS: .cap, lo, De malefafloribus in
&eetljettattitcof VV» i

parcis tit tfte Second part of the Inftitwcs in tljc ejpoOtton Of tljc feme; tlje lla-

tuteo{Gloc,cap.4,anOVV.2.cap.2i. fej ffnDttisoffurctPinaCcffavir, ^ec

alfo t^e Second part of the Innitutes in ttjc ci:poftttontl)Cteof,
%\\Z ffatuteof W.Z.C.4, Et dcfenfione Juris, E,i ,of finliing Of
furctpbp tenant bplKcfcetpt.&cctlje Second part of the Inftitbtestftee^pofition Of
tlje ra'mef ilno nfanp ot^cr to^crcof ioc
nceD not to mafee mention ; onlg tftis vi
obfertiable, tftat toljen anpttatute Dot^ require plcDgeaojfnrefp to be founU,
t^ep ougftt to be faff tcicnt, foj infuffictcnt plcfigcs are no plcDgcs in juDgement
of lato ; anD furctp cannot be ex vi termini unleffe it be faff icicnf,'ig. Mappearetft bpvv,2,eap. 15. tftat t^jc
Writ De odio & atia concerning
Cart.cap.i6. t^e bailment of pjifoners is gronnUeD upon Magna Garta, ;3nD it is Ijcltien bp
fomc , fftaf not note in nfc, bnt is tafeen atoap bp tije ttafufc of 28 E. j.
OTrit is
z9 E 3.C3.9.
St ant. pi. Cor. :3I5ut t^is Mrit again bp t^e ftatute of 4a £.3. cap.i , iDfjcrebp it is
is rcbitJCD

77 g- cnactctjfljat if anp ftatute be maDeagainft Magna Carta, oj Carta dc Forefla , if

SccHiI.31 E.i. is enactcDtobctjotD, ^cemojeoftljis matter in f^c Second part of the Indicwes,
Coram rege
Mag. Cart. cap.i'S. tot)itft iBcrc unnccetfarpljere to be re^carfctj. SD^ts OTrit De
& 79-
odio & atia is omtttctj bp l^is N.B. Concerning tfte ^rit De manucap-
F.N.B.ijo.a. tionconc feint) tfjercofDiretteD totfte&lberif is a tojit grounDeD apott,anD re* ftearCng ti)C ftatute of W.i.cap.ij.anD IjotD tl^atbefoje ^im bp a certain in»
qutfitionof office a B ftantiCtlj inDicteO de quodamlatrocinio cujufdam equi,
i8 E.j.cap.9.

&c. j^oto in as mucl), as bpt^c ftatute of 18 £.3.^10 cannot tafee fucl^ inqui*
Rcgift.So.a. fitions bpfo?cc ofanpiyjit oj«i;ommtftion,t^erefoje tftat injit De manucap-
Regift.ijj b. tioneceafetft, But tbetojttof manucaptionemapbeliiretteDto ot^cr 31ufticcs,
F.N.B.i^o.k.I. as to tlje 3!nftices of tlje 5Fo?eft, Sfuftices of IpcateanD to otljert foj f^c ffafufe
& iji.a.b.c.
of a8 E.3. erfentis onlp to §>]^ertfB , anD to §>l)erif0 onlp upon taking of inquiG-
tions. 5!5ut a tojit of manucaptione map in otbcr cafes be DtrcrteU to tl^c &^»
F.N.B.i,-o.d.f.i. rif. vide tlje ftatute of 4E.3,ca.i. fo:it6e Court oftljc ^arDbairea,F.N.B.jyJ«
See Braft.Ii.j. iFO} tlje iDjttofhomine replegiand',feetlje Regifter fo. ijj.F.N. B.56,E.
Ill i54.Flcta
Hil, 43 £.3, Coram rege Ror. 1 o, Suffex, Mich. 1
H.4. Rot, z6, Devon' per
breve Regis in duobas Com' William Scuttes cafc, 1 1 H. 4. 1 5, F, N. B. 68. c*
Cap. in Withernam. 14J. §>o otitous toasuniuft impjifonmcnf, oj unjuft Detepning of anp iFrccman
Rrittonfo 49.
in pjiron,asin ancient time tljerelap a tojit Depace imprifonamenco, &c.&
Fkiali 40.
ubi liber homo,&c, uno modo propter injuftam captionem, alio modo prop- &
ter in)u!hm detentionem,&c, ^nO fljere pou map rcaDtljc fojmofffjc tojif of

pi}f»-imci/t. Appeal, De pace &

imprifonamenictDbicft tocljabe tljc rather rememb^cD, t^t
it mapbe obferljcD to^at fcberall rcmeDies tl^e lato ^atlj allotocD foj f Ije relfefanD
eafe of t^e pooj pjtfoncr. But tIjereaDtefttoap ofall isbp Habeas Corpus in
tlje SCcrm time,oj in tlje Zdacation
out of tljc Cbanccrp, as pou map rcaDat large
in tl^eSecond part of the Inftitutes, Mag.Carta cap 29. anD ftatut, de Gloc, c. 9,
?4*H 8. cap. 14. anDtljc Crpofition upon tljc fame.-
This is
expoun- Cfte Clcrfe of tfte Croton, Clcrh of tl&e peace , anD Clerfes of acifc ftjall ccr*
ded to be reddeiu
fific b?ieap a tranftript of fuclj attainoer, £)utlatojpoj conttflionas isl^aDfoj
rcipchivcVidi anp feInD of fclonp bcfoie Suffices of Oler 1 Terminer, 3uftiCCS of Gaol delivery,
8 £.4.18. anDaufttccs of peace bcfojc tftc l^ing in Ijts IBcncbJljcrcfobe 5rcma{noflilc-
co?D,|c. §>ee t^e ftatute,a berpnccctfarp lato foj tfte plea of auterfoitz attaint oj

a V;d.Dicr8 El. conttct fo: ouaiitg of Clcrgp,5c. ano fo; efcljeats anD forfeitures to f^elSing.
i53,i54.upona- bjFoj tlje better unDcrftVnDing of fljis0£t of parliament, itis tobcunDer*
notlicr branch
ftooD,tljat futlj attatnDcrs of ;©utlato;p anD contiictions of fclonp befoje anp
of this Aa.
o: DclttcreD info tljc lyings
biiH 7.T.o.pcy oftbciufttcesnamcDintfttsSlMsarccertifieD,
JlBeiub, are unDcr tljc cuftoDp of tUe Clerk of tlje Croton of fljat Court, anD foj
to b.Mindei flood tljat caufe i^e is namcD in ttjis 0(t.
of the Kings
&ce tljc ftatute of y E.^.cap.j. brtoljit^itis ojDaineDanD eftablifl&cD, f^at
Suftices of aaifc, Gaol'deliveryjanD ofOier anDTerminer,lfiallfcnDalltl)etr
Mardaum. reto:D3 anD p?occffes DctermincD,anDput in ej:ecut(ontotlic (Erti^equer at Mich.
ct)erPT'earoiKetobeDelit3ereDtljere, anDfljc aCreafureranD Chamberlains. «.
C ap .
fujlices of
Teace . 1
fljall hcep ttiem tit ff)C f rcaftirp as tl^c manner is, fo ffjaf ffjc Juttfccs altoapij fioe
fictt tafee opf cftrcats of f be faiD recoj&s anD pjoceffes againft tbem to fenO

to t^e CB rcl)equer,a0 ttjep toere iDont before-

3i6p tbc ffatutc of II,31nfttcc0 alTignct) (id eft , 3uftt«0 ofaffifg) iiH.4.c3pj,
fljallcaure to be DcUtcrcD (nto t^e icings trcafurp all ffje mojao of aff(fc0, ijH.4.errGr9i,

^ojDancettoj,anD of cert tficaf Ions bcfoje f^em oetcmitncD eljerp feconD gear.
^li 3n8ictmcnt0 anD |a?ercnfm0nts fti ffte ^btrifs JEurn^j lato oapa Ojall be ? E.4.cjp.j. ,

^'^ '•
DelibereD to tlje Suattca df peace of tljc fame County , at f^eic nert ^efftcns

g'g "*
of peace to atoarD pjoceUcflic,
after tbcmurDer ojmanflaugfjfer founD bcfoje tI)C CTojoners tbep Iftaft MU j
ter tljcir tnquifittons afojctfte BButtfccs office ncjt Gaol delivery, Lib.intr.Raft 4j;

31f anp pcrfon be marDjeti fn tbe Dap , anD t^e murDerer efcape imtaften , tfte 5
3Dotun(&tp ftall be amcrctcD.anD fljc Coroner l^atlj poiucr to enquire thereof up--
on tjieU) of tlje boDp , anD tlje 3uatcc3 of |3eacc bat)e potocr to inquire of fwcb 6«
fcapes, anD f certtfic afoje tftc iltng in 6f ISenc^, .;

0nD(tl)at toe map tap fomctol^at of ctierp tbing)iFo?8fmac!) as tl)8 cfjarge fo be

gttienat t^c &eirion0 oftl)C peace conCttctl^ onttooparf0 , iLato0 Ccclefiaat=
call fojtlje peace oftftccburcb^anD laUj0Cti3ill oj SCcmpojall foj tfjt peace of
tftc 3LanD,tt fljall be tierp fit to lap,as a fountiatlon of tbe cljargctbat eKcllcnt lato w. 1. An. 3 e. s .

ettablifljeDbp ^utbojftp of|3arUament,tobtcb toe Ija^etranflateD Into ILatln, "P-l*

Imprimij Rex vult , &
prxcipit quod Pax Sacrofanftx Ecdefis, terrxfo- & ^"-^Tc r»*'
lide cuftodiatur& confervetiar in omnibus ) quodque Juftitia fingulis, tampau- juftftiapacis
peribusjquam divitibus adminiftretnr, nulla habita perfonaratn ratione. mater & nutri:?.
if irH of all,tbc !^tng toillctb anD commanDetb t^at tlje peace of bolp cburclj,
anD oftbe HanD be toelllbpt anD tnatntaincD inl all potnt0, anD t^af common
rigijt (i, 3U(ltce)be Done to all, as toellpoo^ asrtcb,tDttbont refpect of perfonsf.
^rcupon tbc charge to confitt upon ttoo parts, i £>f lato0 (jB ccleCafticall, .

anD 2, £Df latos cCltJilUoi SCempojall, toftb an e^bojtatlon fo Doe ^uitice. ;

^janotberariomeojJSjinctpleoffbelatomapbetbefonBDatfonoftbecbarge* 'Mar.Mp.u.
Imprimis intereft reipublicse,ut pax in regno conlcrvetur, & quxoinqac paci ad- ^
f P-.6 ca.j.

ven'cntur provide declinentur.

of h"^^A a ^°h^
3t i0 moft ncceffarpfn a Common toealtb to pyitjiDe.tbat franqnUUtp anD ^»^cakd, ?« t&
peace be contfnueDtntljclflealm, anD ffjat all things being confrarp thereunto ^^'»w<rrehearfcd
mapbpfojeCgbtbecfcjjeiDeD. in theprtanbi*
J tljaf of 32 H.8. 2D!)CCC is not fjing toitftin tljts Hcalmtftat confcrbetbjtli^
'^"" "''"""'* ^°'

fubjects in mo je quietnelTcrcff, peace, anD gooD concojDjtften t^c Due aDminilf ra'«
tion ofljis latDS,
•','V h a r a. .
• ^'

;©JtbcUbC,fecfbe Third part ofthclnftitutcs, inEpilogo.

Bb2 CAP6
i8+ Cap.3z,33.

A Court of Inquiry of the defaults of the lu*-
ftices of Peace, JufHces of Affife , Sherifs, and Under-flie-

rifs, touching
the execution of the ftatute of 15 H. 4. Cap.y,
Concerning Riots, Aflemblies,and Routs.

is raifet) bp tlje ffaftrte of i H«j,

anD is a Court onip of 31n«
J H.f .cap.8, /Tp ^fs Court incontinent into t|eC|^ancerp,aslpt^e
^eei^.H./ic.ij. I qnirp,antitoc0rttSetl)etnqtteK0
•!• faiD ftatute mo}6 at
large appearetl;.


luflices in Eire,

r^r^^e^^otve ojiginallpinftitnteti fojt^e gooD rule of t^e rubject0,ant)fo}

th^inft.w '? I
**^ ^^ ^^^ Countrie0, ano t^at fuel) a© ftatj iFranc^tfcg mtgW £latmc
•'• t^eni.
Braaoniib.g. SCI^e? tDerecallsD Juflieiarii inltiocrc , Ojltinerantcs, tnrefpectofoffjerju*
fo.i ig, ftices t^at iuere refidcmes. 3In t^e black boofe in tlje <£rcl^eqner,cap.8,t^pare
calleD Jufticiarii deambulantes, &
pcrluftrantcs. ^ee Vet, Mag. Cart, *
Kclw fo 1*4 j ?' Artic'» &
faeramcnta in Itincre.
SCftcir ;auti)Ojltp toas bp tj^ej^tngsiujit in nature ofacommiffion, tbep
liaD jnrisDiction of all |0Uas of tbe Croton, anti of all actions reall, perfonall,
anD mirt : t^ep roaD from feben pears to feben pears (but nolo bp ti}e flatuf e of
27 H. 8,ca.i4.aU 3!uftice0 in Eiremuft bebpiLettcrs |0atent0unDcr tfjc dUjcat
^cal.) 3nU)batcountpfoeber tl^ep came, allotber Court0 During tije Eire
ccarcD,anD all tbofc pleas intljat Countp, oj riCng tbere befoje anpotbcr,ffje
3lufticc0 in Eire mig^tpjoceeD upona0tbcotber0 migljt Ijate Done, iToj cr*
Regift. ample: ^iD^it lDa0 DireiteD to tbe3Iuftice0 of tbe Common |3lca0 to aDjojn,
F.N.B. i4}.k. anD fenD all tbe pleas oftbat countp tufticl^ toere in tbe Court of common
14 H 7.
pleas befoje t^e iuftices in Eire to be DetermineD befoje tbem,ic. ;anD if juDg«

mentbaDbeen toitbintbat Countp,tbe31ufticesin Eiremigbt atoarDcrecutton

tuitbout a Scire fac. &ec tbe Firft part of the Inftitutes, Scft.jM. anD reaDtbc
ancient boobs anD otbcr ^iutbojities tbere quoteD foj tbeir antiquttp anD ju«
rifDidion, anD tbe caufes iubercfo?e tbep banifteD atnap. 315uf tbe otber 3!ufttccs
ofEire, viz.oftbeifojctt,continneto tbisDap accojDing to tbeir ojiginall in*
Ititutton. &ectbe Cbaptcr of tbe Court of tbe iFoieflt. &cealfotbe Second

partof ihelnftitutes, Marlbridgc i4,iy,27. W, i.eap,i8. &

tbe cErpoStion ofcberp of tbem,
OTbat iFrancbifes anD liberties ougbt to be claimeD befoje ^utticcs in Eire,
feeiib.9. fol. 24,tbecaIeoftbeHbbotofstrataMarcelIa.
SCbeftile of tbeir Courttoa3,PlacitadcJaratis & AfTifij & Coron. dc Iti-
nere lohannis de Vallibus & fociorum luftic' Icincr'apud Ockham in com' Rut-
land in'JcraftinoEpiphanix DominijAnno regni regis Edw.14,
SCbefe 3Inftices in Eire DiDbolD tbeir Courts, as batb been faiD, fromfcbcn
in Eire, i§^
Cap.33« luftices
pear0 to fctcnj.>cais,aiit)fii:atl)cp began Voit!) pieasxof tijc <iroton,foj faitf)
Bra(Son, Imprimis inciperedebent dc Placins Coronx, in quibns terminamur Brafl.Iib.j. fo.
aSiones criminaies tarn majores quam minores. 0nDone COulfl not bcinDt= iM-b-n^.l-.
rtcDfoj ani?tl)tn5,conccrntns tljc |pica0 oftl)cCroton,Doncbefo;ctl)claftEire: ^'"^ij ^;"f
foj fo it appearctlj bp Urafton, Non eric quirendum dc Placitis illis Coroni quse
cmerfcruni ante aliud iter Jufticiariorum , & qua; coram eis propofita non fue-
runt, ;9[nDl'J,' FletajExcapituIij de vetcribus Placitis Coronx alias prxfentatis v;dc pr.flcaCa.
& nondumterminatisjfolet excepcio quibufdam indidatis oriri,quod dc novo 60.0I pij owdco.

indiftamenco dcfaft'ancc ultimum icerimpofito non tenetur refpondcre;& fincn

fit alloeabilisj fcquitur quod Juratores hundredi puniendi fuct dc concelamento,

vcl de perjurio convincendi.

ant) it ircre to be toiftcD tbat in criminall caufcs at tljc iSings futt, tijcrc tocre
a limitation of time, fpcctallp in cafes concerning tijelifc of mah.SDIje Comhion
lalD in iippcals at tl)C fn(t of tbc partp Ijat!) in tfjofe cafes limitet) a time,vizil)at

tbepmuftbcbjougljtiDitijintfte^ear anD tl)C Dap after tije offence committcDt

anDtljcrcafon ttjcrcoftoas, tftat f ijc caufe mfgljt tctrpcD, toijilcs it Voas frci6
in memo jp, anD tijaf fucb as coulD tcftifie lucre litiing.
Vidt Hil. I s E«i. in Banco Rot.jd.tfjcpcoulD aDjojn into anotljer Countp*
%\it Suffices inEiremtgljt inquire of tljc DecMof llufticcg of Gaol delivery. Rot.Par.zoE.i.
Brafton faitlj, Et fi port intervallum accufare veIit,nonerit de jureaudiendus, i^ot.6.

nifidocerc poteft fe fuiflejuftisrationibus impcditum, SnD Bradon alfofaitllj,

gibentijc luftices in Eire, debcnttransferrefe in locum
ttiat after tl^c cljargc
feerctum, &
convocatis adfequatuor.velfex, vcl pluribusdemajoribusdecom'
quidicuntuc *Bufoncs com' ad quorum nutum dependent vota aliorum quali- *
Burones Gv
tcradnorege &conciliofuo fit provifura.quod omnes tarn militcs quam alii
qui funt i J annorum & amplius jurare dcbent,&c. French word

Bourfon: for as it
is in theproverbjHe that beareth the purfe ruleth thetoaft, which agreeth withBraAons defcription here, Ad quo-
rum nutum dependent vota aliorum. So vulgarly called , which alfo Btadon infinuateth, when he faith, ^uidicuntur
b.yjhics. a It
mifprintedjandfljiuld be ii««wr«w. ifory. Sec the 1. part of the Inft. & jj.

&0 great tuastljcautljojitp ofSlutticesinfelre/tljaf if t^ep came into tfte Br. jurfsd.ntf,
toljcre tl)e BSuaices of tfje Court of Common pleas fat , tlje jurisDittion ^^
aff. i.f.n.b.
of tftat Court During t|ie Eire ccafeD, but tljeppe^lDcD to tlje icings SBencft. ^
&ee Cap. Itineris, Vet. Mag.Cart, part.i fo.i j 0? i y 1 .&c, .
&CC Hovcnden, Anno Dai. 1 76, Vid» HiI; 13 R. i. pi. ^.
1 ^l pjOceeDingS
befoje tljem.
Rex ^upciariis fuisfrox" Itinerant'ibus in com.N. Salutem. c^uia Rcgift. ip.b.
* "
ter commune concilium regni noflri Aiiglis. provifum efij quod qui- ^^'i-W,
Itbet liberhomoliberefofitfacereAttornatumadlibenatesfuai vendican- fter"/a^old^"
doi, exigendof, profequendas, dr defendendas-^ Vobis mandamus.^ quod At- pof^tion of this*
iornat' quern h per Litems fuas Patentes [uo loco attornare voluem ,
ad ^^'''l^'
libertates fuas ve-ndicandas, exigeffdas,profequendas, (jr defendendas coram theVaft-V/.z?
vobis inltinere veHro mcom' frAdi£to , loco ipfius fine difficult ate ad "
hoc recipiatis,&c.
deealfo anotl;ert))2{tint|)elll(gi(ter,Ubirupra:,De damore admiccend' in

i8d Cap.34..

The Court of Juftices of Trailbafton.

\^t^ Blattfces rat bpto^ce

oCf^e^^ftresCoinmiaienof oler anbTec-
sronnDeD, as fome ^oI&,upon an iDjDinance maDe bp i^ing
T- tniacr
E»i. ano tf>e iiojos at a parUanient ftolticn in Anno 33E.1, fo>
calleii Sluftices of ICraiibaaon,
fl^^ltp p;oceeDing. j^nDtticrefo^^tljspinere
becatife t^ pjocccDeD as fpecDilp as one mtgfttttjatD , oj traU a
ftafife, Sftep

fapupon tfte fame

faio £D}Dinance in tSc
pcar,viz. ? 5 E,i. a Commtffton ofoicc

jjB.i.mDorC ant) Terminer Vocaf Trailebafton fecundum ordinationcm indc fadl* inPar-
p«.pactci. lianicntodeAnno33E.i,315pt!jtStt appcarctft,as fome ^ateconcettJCD.tljattljis
CommfSiontDasbuilDeDnpon an£D2titnancein|3acUament,anD not upon an
^(t of pacltamentt
jDt^ers fap tftat tftts CommtlKon inas grounDcD upon an J9ct of parltamettt
lo^foia" *
tnAnno sjE.i.tnfitMlCDStatutum quod vocatur Ragman de Juftieiariis affig-
natis, Seethe ftatute,anD tl^attlie £DjDinanccmcnttoneD in tijc cpmmitfton
of 33 E. I. ts f^eftatnfe Ragman , llatutes being often calleD bp tte name of
^jDinanccs, fojeljerp ttatute is an £D joinance, fed non e eonverfo.
i5at let as noto confiDcr tobat ligbtourboofes Ijaue giticn as, ff)C Catute
being fometD^atobfcure anDDarb.
3n Trim 2 E,3» toe reaD tljis cafe» William de B»fuet) a tojitof CBrrojrc«
ttirnablc tn tbe iiings 31Bcnclj upon a juDgement giten in a plea of lan6 at
ttic futt of John Hodeyito^icb
teas plcaDcD bp bill befojc Suttices of 2Ciail«
baaomto^ere becaufe tbe BIntticesof ^DrailbaSon DiD fenD onlp tbe recoct) of
tljeplca,tbep tocre commanDco to fenU tljctranfcrtpt of tbeir Commiffton , ana
fbebtll alfo toitt)tbc pannell,tbc to^itf) tbep DiD, anD again tljc rccojti alfo»
31n ii^tcl^ cafe pou map obferbe tbefc iFilicCGncluBons. iFirtt,tt toasalltgn*
eD fojet:roj,tbatJohnHodey maDeftis plaint of certain lant)acaintt William
deB» being p?efent in Court bcfojc tfjc 3lutticcs of snratlbaftonsanDljc toas
put to anftoertoitftout mabtngofpjoccireagainlt btni, ano tIjercfo?e tbcper*
reo in rcceibing tbe plea toitt)outp?oceire,ic. fed non allocatur. S>cC(jnt)lp, fo j
tbe BluCiccs of SCrailbafton Ic in tfjctr cafe as Suffices in (Eire ; anD in CD ire
totientbepartpputs in bis bill againft anotftcrtobiclj ispjcfent in Court tlje ,

Huftlccs tn djire ougbl to rccette it. SDbirDlp, anotbcr crroj iwas affigneD,
tljat it appeareD bptbe rccojctbaf pjcfcntlpfbe Suffices ofsfrailbaftontooU
an inqueftdccircumftantibus,tobicb came not inbppjoccCc to gitc tbcic l3cr«
appeareD bp V^t recojti,t^att!)e2CiDclbc gabctl)cictietDtct,fu-
l)ict,anD alfo if

perfacramcntum fuum,toitbOUt faping decon(cnfuparcium; fed non allocatur.

ifojtnaCrailbaffon anD in ©ire certain men arc maDc to come bp tobomtbofe
Suffices Doe inquire ex officio, f^af is, toitl^out pjoccCTc, iubcrcunto tbe par=
tics tobicb batic plcaDcD to itfuc agree to be trpcD bp tljcm tl)c Court crrct^ not

iftbcptahe an C-nqticff of tijcm, anD it is not founD of rccojD,tbat William di

B. DtD'Difa£rent : anD as to tbcotijer point, tbe Court fljall intenD anallent

toljcrctbcrcappearctl) noDifaCfcnt. IFourtljlp, fbccrrois aSigncD being noer^

rojs, tbc court DiD fcarcb fo: erro;s,anD to affirm tbc juDgsnent oj to reterfe it,
SlnD tbe Court DiD finD in tijc firft rccojD tobicl) toao fcnt, tbat William de B.di-
citquod in nuUo eft inde culpabili$,&de iioc ponit fe fuperpatriam , tobcre lohn
de Hodey toljicb toas |0la^tif DiD not ^cpn toitl) bini> & prididusqueiens
Cap.34- fujlices o/TrailhaJlon, 187
fimiliter, tDl^fc^ joj^iifng teas in tfte fcconD tzmh ccrttfeD ; but foj tftaf , f fiaf rc-

tojD tame tntajttftout toarrant, ano fljc firtt retojD ccrttfieD is tfje mojD in lato,

thereupon tijc fo?mcc judgement 1030 rcijecfcD, iFtftftlp, tfjat itocrrojinao

afffgncD , t^at tijt 3Iufttcc3 of SDraflebaffoit fjao no latofuU jurtfDtctton, but
fl Mtit of (Btm bjougfjt upon ft)c(r 3!at)gemcnt, inftercb);, anD bp all tijc
contcyt of tbfs cafe ttjeir jurifBirtton iras aff (rmcD, tljcHuDgesoftfjciStngs

31Bcn£l^ ftatjing as is afojcfatD, aZCranfcriptoftbcirCoaimtffton. aifotfjep


* ^-j^^^.
rjao juttfDtction in cafe of tnDtctmcnt of Dcatlj, anD fo anotocD,!;ut appeals of fclo«
np toere evcepf eD in ttie faiD Itatate.
VidcDorf. Pat. Anno 14 £,3, part 3. m,8. :, & 3
Commtlfion of CratlbS' 14 e.?.
fton luas grantet) to Robert Parning SErcafurer anD offjcrs in ILonDon, iBiDOlt^

fev ant) &arrep, ant) Ufec CommilTiona Uicrc grantefl in otljcr CDonnttcs.
Si petition teas e^tbitct) bp tljc cotmnons in fnll l^arltamcnt , toljo pjapcD . Rot.Piri. i n.a.

tljaf no manner of € ire ojJCrailbatton mtgljt be ftolDcn Curing ttcUiarres, o> i°'-

2o pears, e[c» but it toas not granted,

3But Pricipiiatio eft Noverca Juftiiije t anD botl) tn refpcrt of tlje pjecipitafton
ant) of fomc reference to Vje ncrt |Darliament bp tljc ttatute of Ragman, tijis
tlommiffiontoljollPlongfincctianiftcD, anD is left out of ffjclRegiff eras not
to be put in erecution. 315ut tlje Commiffion of ;©ieranD terminer tbcrere^
mainet^ as neceCCarp anD ufeful fo;i tl^e puntO^nient of tio^rible anD eno;mto(ts of-
fences* S>eebefoje t^e Cl^pter of ^ter anD sncrniincr.

i8S Cap. 35.

The Court of Wards and Liveries raifed by
Authority of Parliament.
The flatute of
King our faid Sovcraigne Lord by the authority aforefaid,
jj H.8.cap.46.
^ The
Court of F Ordaineth, maketh, eftabliiheth, and crefteth a certaine Coua
commonly to be called for ever The Court of the Kings Wards :
wards, which Couit by authority aforefaid continually and for eveirfhall be a
ACaurCof Court of Record , and (hall have one Scale to be graven and made after
R , „ fuch form, fafhion, and manner, as (hall be appointed by the Kings
and be ordered, as hereafter ihall be de-
5jH8 «p"!ii Highneffe, and fhall lemaine
the office ot the clatfid.
Liveries is an-
nexed to the Court of Wards So as now it is in the Court of Wards and Liveries.

See the firft part Alfo be it enafted by authority aforefaid, that all Wards which th6
of the
Kings Highneffe now is, or hereafter fhall be intituled to have, with

All Wards. their Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Remainders, Rcverfions,
Manners, Lands, Services , and all other Hereditaments whatfoever they be, as well in
all Revenues,I(rues,and Profits of the fame,
poffeffionas reverfion,and
In the order, and every part thereof, for the time the fame fliall be,or ought to be in
furvey, &c. the Kings pofTeflion, fliallbeintheorder, furvey, and governance of
the faid Court, and the Minifters of the fame, in manner and forme, as
by this hSt is declared and limited.
Alfo that the faid Mafter of the Wards for the time being fhall
have full power and authority to award under the Scale to be appoin-
ted to the faid Court in the Kings name fuch Proces and Precepts

with reafonable pains to be therein limited , as be now commonly ufed

in the Court of the Kings Duchy Chamber of Lancafler being at
Duchy Ch»nib?r.
Weftm. againfl every perfonor perfons whatfoever they be, for and
title of the
concerning the intcreft, right and Kings Majefly, his Heirs
and SuccefTors, of in or for any Wards Lands, Tenements, Rents, Ac-
count, Receit, Services , or other caufc
In any wife tou- any wife touching or con-
ching or concer- the order of the faid Court, or any part
&c. cerning any thing appointed by
thereof, for and on the behalfe of our faid Soveraignc Lord the King,
Debt. or toor for any debt, rifing and growing by occafion of the fame.
Alfo be it enadted by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Attomy,
Receiver Generall, and Auditors fhall diligently from time to time at-
tend upon the faid Maifler in the faid Court for the hearing and orde-
ringof matters and caufes in the fame Court for the time of four Terms
otjj H. 8. the inthe year ufually kept for the law at Weflm. and procure with all di-
Surveyour is ad- that all rents, fermes, profits, cafualties, improvements, and
ded, and to rake
place before the
other emoluments of the Wards mariages , Ideots, and all Man-
Attorney. nors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments being in the furvey and
be truly and jutlly paid, and anfwe-
governance of the laid Court, fliall
red to the faid Receiver Generall of the faid Court to the ufe of the
KingsHighneffe without concealing any part thereof. And fhall alfo
Indebted .
caufe and procure ProcefTe to be made againfl fuch a^ fhall be indebted
Cap .3 5. The Court oflizards and Liveries, 189
to the Kings HighnelTe and their fureties of and for
any pait therecf,
from time to time, as the time and cafe fhall require without any
Alfo be it enaded by the authority aforefaid,that all manner of Pro- No Procescut
the Exchequer fox
ces that fhall be made out of the Kings Exchequer to
oragainftany or concf iti'ng
perfon or perfons for any Ferme, Rentsjffues or profits conoernijigthe
premifes or any part thereof, or any other thing limited in this Adlto
be in the furvey, order, and governance of the faid Court, and the mi-
nifters thereof, fliall be dearly void and of none effedt to all intents and

Alfo be it enaded by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Mafler
the advice of the faid Attorny, Receiver Generall, and Auditors, or
three of them, whereof the faid Maflertobeoneofthem, fhall have
authority by this Ad to
furvey all the Kings Widows, and to treat, V/i«to\ves.
commune , and conclude as well with all and every of the Kings Wi-
dows that now be , or hereafter fliall be, and that have married them-
felves without the Kings licenfe, or that hereafter fhall to mar-
ry themfelves without the Kings licenfe, forthcirreafonable fines to
be made to the Kings ufe, and to tax and affeffe the fame
by their d jf-
cretion according to l\^Q^^t\ Regis: the fame fines to
be paid to the Receiver Generall of the Wards lands, as the fame
appear yearly in his account.
Alfo be it enaded by the authority aforefaid, that the faid Mafler
by the advice of the faid Attorny, Receiver- Generall and Auditors, or
shreeofthem, fluU have authorityby this Ad to furvey, govern and
order all and fingular Ideots and naturall Fools now
being in the Kings Wfors.
hands, or that hereafi:er fhall come and be in the Kings hands. And N'tanll Fools,
alfo to furvey and order all the Manners,
Lands,Tenements, and other
Hereditaments whatfoever, now being in the
Kings hands , or in the
hands ofany other perfon or perfons to their ufes, or to the ufe of
ofthem,that hereafter fhall come and be in the Kings hands, his Heirs
and Succelfors in the right ofany ofthem by reafbn of his Graces
rogative Royall And alfo by the advice of the faid Attorny, Receiver

Generall, and Auditors , or three or two ofthem, to let and fet, the Toklandfc:.
Manners, Lands, and Tenements to the Kings ufe for the time of the
Kings interefl for fuch rent and fine, as their difcretion fhall be
thought convenient the finding and keeping of the faid perfons their

Wives and Children , and the reparations of their houfes and lands al-
wayes to be confidered in the doing thereof^ the fame rents and fines
referved to the Grace to be paid alwayes to the hands of the Re-
ceiver Generall of the Wards lands for the time
being , as the fame
may appeare in his account, and be recorded in the Court of Wards,
And alfo be It enaded by the authority aforefaid,that the faid Mafter
for the time being fhall have
power and authority to take Recognifan-
ces of all and every perfon and
perfons tliat fhall be called into the
Called by proccs.
Court of Wards and Liveries to anfvver to any matter
them in the faid Court , to make their daily
appearance in the faid
Court , to anfvver to fuch matters as to them then and there from time
to time fhall be alledged. And that all fuch
Recognifances of what
fumme foever they be , fliall be as good and effeduall in the law to all
intents and purpofes, as Recognifances taken in the
Kings High Court
Co of
The Court of Wards and Liveries
ip o Cap
. . .
of Chancery , or elfewhere before any Judge of Record within this
Realm. And that the faid Mailer for the time being with the advice of
the Court, oroffuchmemberof thefameasthcnlhallbeprefent, fo
that they be two befide the faid Mafter, fhall have full pow er and au-
To model Me thority to moderate
fuch Recognifances as be or (hall be there forfeited,
RecognifjiiPes. ^^^ ^q fgt fj^gs fo^- the fame to the Kings ufe under the fummes contai-
ned in the faid Recognifances j the faid fines to be levied by like Pro-
ces of Scire facias, as by the ftatute made in the 27 yeare of our Sove-

raigne Lord the Kings reigne

given to the Chancelour of the Court
of Augmentations of the Revenues of his Graces Crown. And that
the faid Mafter for the time being with theadviceaforefaid (hall have
power and authority to commit to ward any perfon or perfons for
his or their difobedience, contempt, or other offence made , or to be
made triable within the Kings Court of the Wards and Liveries , and
upon the faid matters ordered or decreed there , to deliver them from
prifon,and to cancelland
make void all Recognifances and Obligations
taken or hereafter to be taken in the fame Court to the Kings ufe when
and as often as the faid Mafter , with the advice of the faid Court or
three of them , (hall fee and perceive the matters and caufes , for the
which any fuch Recognifances or Obligations hath or hereafter fhall
happen to be taken, to be finiftiedand ended, and the Kings Grace his
Heirs and SuccefTors, or the party thereupon {atisfied, without any
other warrant for the fame.
^ The Autho- And
alfo (lull have full power and authority to hear and determine
rity of
the alland all manner of Debts, Detinues, Trefpailcs, Accounts, Recko-
Courts of Ex'
nings. Wafts, Deceipts, Negligences, Defaults, Contempts, Com-
f^^y^r^H^ards plaints. Riots , Quarrels , Suits, Strifes, Controver(ies, Forfeitures,
AChuS'he Offences, and other things whatfoevcr they (hall be, which (hall
fiatiiceof j""} H.8 hereafter grow, be movod, ftirred, procured, purfued, or arife in, for,
cap.59. or upon any matter, caufe, or other thing ^affigned, committed, orap-
'^"^ and governances ofthe fame
pointed to the feverall dircdions, orders,
Courts, or any of them ,
or for or upon any manner of thing or things
which may or (hall touch or in any wife concerne the fame , wherein
the King flmll be only paity. And alfo all manner of States for teirme
of years between party and party concerning the premifes , and to cor-
red and punifli by their difcretions all and every perfon and perfons
which before them fhall be convided of any of the premifes according
tothenature, quality, or quantity of his or their offence or offences,
caufc or cau(es,matter,or matters (all and all manner of Treafons,Mur-
ders. Felonies, Eftates, Rights, Titles, and intercfts as well of inheri-
tance as frechold,other then joyndtures for tcarm oflife, only excepted
and alwayes foreprifcd.)

IBefoje toe Defcenti f f fjc fcfccrall parts anD b?ancl^c6 of tl&efc arts, (f fbnll be
erpeDient foj aotianccmcnt oftrutfttofjanDlean^cleacttooa^uefttons. JFirtt,
to^en WarDS became Dne to iVjcMms of CEnglanD , bp to^at title, anD upon
to^atreafoti. S>cconiilp, toljo !jaD tl^e cbargc of tljc t&fngs MarQS ; Ijototbci?
loere DtrpofeDof, ano in tot>at Court tl)t0 reijenneioa? anftoercD before tl^c
Cap. 35. The Court of Wards and Liveries. ipi
SCftcfirft contains tfjjcc tl)inss. aCtmcSCitlc, anDCaufc. SLnQ mallt^fe
tbjec polydorjnD futlj asfolloto ft{m,Ooerrc.iFoj Polydcr fattfj WMHenrkus 5. Polydor \\>.ig.
Anno Domini 2 1 9. <J«; avitunt civili bcUo^ ac P-^g
1 rcgnum di^en[iombiH vnfta-
turn, opihfts fpoliatumyatque prope confeCitmfaulo
ante adepms crat^ rei am
domefiicA inopiapreffus ,
non poffetjine aiixilie ftierum, Ajiaticum bellnm ;«-
decemer degerc^ principes folutoprim trihtito, pro eo
vare^ vitamqiie regiam
hello gerendo pofie/t excogitato novo vei^igalis gcricre ^ ut regem fuam ea in- Excogitate novo
» ultro ut vedigaiis
opia levarent, conce^erunt^ quoties quifpiam ecrum^ quipolJepones "° "^"""^
quarum Rex e^'et
haberent •>
, ante njoreretnr qtiam liberj quos ^un
hxredes vigefimum alterufn agerent annu, turn eatentis t^m ipfc hjrfes
Q_i:riim rex

quAm patrimoniiim in potefiate atque tuteU regis foret, tlkpAtnmomi ^ <rt-t L)<^'T'ni.s.

quoad h£res ad earn int^item pervemret : quia

fmjtifmodi proventus caperet^
apnd Anglos more tnajorumpervetujlo confervandarum facultatum caufa^ fi-
mas natu ^rmdiorfitfolus fhtres, "jelfilisfi mares liberi nullifint. Fgit

munere , ac ut ne id humanitatii in ohlt-

Rexgratias omnibus generatim pro
'vionem iret, de/nceps ijfiufmodi nobilium hxredam tutelas ut remfibi valde
utilem accuratifime fufcepit. Sedillud beneficium ncqnaquam ipfi nebilitati
C£teri reges qui fecuti font ^ nonhabitaratione,
foftremo bono fnit , quando
in Henricumduntaxat collocatumfuiffet, ut qui pau-
quod a princ/pib/fi olim
per ejfet decentim perfonamregiamper illudfujlineret fibi etiamperpetud-

tum voluerunt. ^id^ quod it a res cnr* omnibus fuit^ ut non modo reges^fed
locormn domini in hxreditates nobilium defun£iorum eodem modoin-
id quod etiam nunc fit^ (^ lege certaobfervatur. Vnumiftudinfii-
tutii efi tande aliquando corrigendit, quippe quod quanta uni vel alteri com-
jnodijtdntji aliis incommodi ajfert fane ita ufu venit,i/tpopuloru quibus hx-

reditates veniunt tutuUftpe a locoru dominis ad tempusfem diClu eft, il/orit

tutoribusper aufiionem'vendantur,quo fic fa£to lucro, abeaeducandorumpu-

erorum cura vacuifmt, &
qni emunt^ emunt
autem tarn nobiles,qua homines
de canfa redimant,utpupillosnobiliu>
novi^ ft modo plus dederint^ea prafertim
fais liberis
matrimenio conjungent. Idq-^ fctpifime facitmt^ antequa illi
fcant , quofimul vivendo,
cum primum per etatem liceat, nrgente velupta-
tumtitillatioueinvicemcommifceantur, titnepoftea, cum adoleverint , jam
mutui queant , qui fic fefe ab ineunte £tate libidim-
poUuti nuptias repudiare
bus deaecorantes interdtim non homines^fedob virium infirmitatem plane he-
munciones a majoribus degener antes. Atqui nobilitas cum primis
eo damnum fac it longe ingentifsimum quod homines humili loco natiper ejuf-
tnodi connubia fanguinem cum ea focicnt , contaminentque in dies (ingulos
ejus vetufttfmgenus , ^ pupilli ipfi afinu matrum per emptionem erepti pa-
rum interdum honeftis in aliena Jomo inftituantur. Oritttr vel hinc res alia
libet ^ iftortm enimconjugtim gratia admodum
indigna de qua nunc tacere
modica aliquoties extjlit cum ante xtatem, ^
aliquando contra voluntatem
inter fe ament. Prdtereoe^
nobjlesfaminxj virique plebeis copulati perraro
illud, quantum patrimonia nobilium^caufa hujufce tuteU
laceremur a novis
avarc commoditatibus fervientes pecus
omne non mod&
pofjefforibusqui fuis

tondent, fed deglubunt egregie. Atque hoc eft principummunns ,
gias opes rnaxime

!^crc{n Polydor ftatb crreD hi alUl^jcc. jFo? firtt , toljere f)c afftrmet^ foj tljc
time, tljat tljio Novum veftigalis genus toas excogitatum , ant) grantct) to fifng
Henry tftctfttrU Anno Domini 1219. iuljtc!) luao til thctljirDrcarof htsrcignc,
Glanvil tofjo lt)?otc in ttjc reign of H.i. trcatctftof (KilarDtbtpsDne totlje Utng tb7.c»p.9.»o.
Cc 2 ano
Ip2 The Court of Wards md Liveries. Cap.35.
And Ocklum an6 Otl^er ^LojliS : to ttjei&fng in tliefe iUOjDS. Notandum tsmen quod fi quis
who wrote tem- in capitctencre debet, tunc ejus ouftodia ad dominum regem picne pertinet, five
/#r*H.i.treateth alios dominos habere debeat fivcnon, quia dominus rex nullum potell habere
alfo of Ward-
Aipt & Lireries. parcm i multo minus feniorem, &c. janD Ije treatetljubi fupra of ^arDfl)fp4
f Ijen Sae,(U)^ic^ %tA^zi\i lato till XW t)ap) anD fpcahet^ nothing ot ttic beginning
of t^em.
Mitth. I atls.
Jiing John In t|ic fctentecnib pear of Ijts reign maDc a great Cljartcr, anD
granteD Conrilio Batonum, quod cuflos tfshxredis qui infra xtatcm fuer'non
hasredis nifi rationabiles exita$,& rationabiles confvietudines,& ra-
capiat de terra
tiooabilia fcrvitia. &
hic fine dettrudione & vanohominum vel rerutn, Ec (i
no» commiferiraus cuftodiam alicui talis tcrrac vicicomiti vel alicui alii, qui de
exitib' terrac illius nobis debent rcfpondere.Sc ille deflrudioncm de cuftodia fccc-
lit vel vafiutn, nos ab illocapiemus emendam, & terra committatur duobus lega-
libus & difcretis hominibus de f'cndo illo qui fimiliter nobis reipondeant , ficut

prxdiwlam cft» Cuflos autem quamdiu cuftodiam t fa habuerit, fuHeniet domos,

parcos, vivaria, ftagna^molendina, & cetera ad illam terram pertinentia de exiii-
Dus terrje ejufdem. Et reddat ha^rcdi, cum ad f knam itatem pet venerit.tcrram
fuamtotaminftauratamdccarucis, & omnibus aliis rebus, ad minus fccundum
ilia recepit.
MftcrcPolydor faitft, Vitro conceflerunt utquoties, &c. !)C Effirmetlj ttjat
1 part of the I n-^
ittame from ttjc grant of t^c fubjctt to tlje lUng. 2Et)e trot!) is, t{)at all SCenures
bp iintgftts rerttce,U)l)tcli Cncc tftc Conqueft Djatoetb toarD anD mariage (foj rc»
Itefe U)a0 Due before) toere cit^rcrcateDanDrefcn^eDbptbel^tng, 0?. bcfo;icof
Polydor faith,
that this Noviipt 1 8 E, r , Quia cmpcorcs terrarum bp t^c fubjccts of tbe ^
calm. 3!f bp fljc feing,

veSligdis gttiHS it is either of t^c perfon of tljc iSing, ut de corona, tobtcb toe call in Capitc, oj of
was granted to fomc ^onoar oj^annoj* Sfbpafnbjert, eftljcr of f)t0 perfon oj of an l^onoj
the King,
0} ^nno^ ^nD all tiiefc tenures b^lie been createD acco;tDing to tbis rule^Cujut
eft dare, ejus eft difponere.SinDall tbelanDS in CnglanDojlginaUpmotjeDfrom
tbe i&tng, anD are l^lDen of bim meDtatelp oj tmmcDiatclp.
j« ^e nfterlp miftabetb tbe enD of tbe creation of tbefe tenures bp l&ntgbts
Cerbicc, iDbtcb toereojiginallp createD fo; tbe Defence of tbc Realm bp bts otonc
fab jccts, iDbf cb is mo je fafe, tbcn to truft to fojetncro. 25nt bercof pou map rcaDe
Lib. Rub. at large in Littleton,Se(!;t.p5 .p6« j &
i o ,& Li, Rub, Mavult enim princcps dome-

bellicis apponereeafibus.
fticosrquam ftipcndiarios
The Charter of SDbts SDennrc tobfcb noU) is calleD Efcuage,oj Servicium ScutJ,tDas Of ancient
King Kfnulfiu, time nameD cxpeditio hominum cum fcutis. as pou map rcaoc in tbc ^Ibarfcr of
Anno Dom.Sii.
The like Charter liing Kenulphusjtobo
Anno Domini Sii & regni lui 25 grantCD to tbe 3bbotof
jQlbbanDon manp spannojs ano 3lanD0, anD rcfccbeD qubd expeditionem duode-
to a Knight cal- cim virorum cum tantis fcutis exerceant, Antiquos pontes, & arces reno-
led Athelvxg,
vent,&c» £Dfall ofbcr ferbtces anD Cb^rges be anD bis fucceCTo^s toere Dtf«
Anno Dom.ppf.

The Charter of Itt mmim excelfiTonantis^ cujus mta ^ mferationekfio^Atre^ndituSy

King Ethdred.
1001. tgo Ethelred
Rex mm InfuU cum confenfu & Hcentia Optmatttm meortm
Hbenti animo comedo Clofc. quandam
Brafton aliorumque meoritmjiMium dabo, S"

fo.36.j7,&c. ruris
farticulam, hoc efi^io manfos in loco
qucm rurtcoU vocitant at y Cean-
ipart of theln-
fiitutet Sed.ioj
tun in hdtrediutem ferpetuxnty (^ femper liber permamat notis ignotis^ ^
Verb. Chi valcr. tnagnis dr modicisy adhabend' tradend' &
vdluerit relinqtut ab
omni tribute (^ * fervicio regali, nifi conftruClionepontis -fit arcis adificatiene,
Comming of
enemies. (^ hoftium expeditions Actum ejl autem hoc me& concefsioms domm Ann9
DominicA Incarnationis 1 001 .&c.
31n tbe ffioob of SDomcfDap pon Iball finDe it tbus rccojDcD. Sudric,
Ditone. Epifcopus Baioc'
Doinefdajr tit.
qui tenet de Wodardo reddit ei jo s,
Ille &
fervieium unius militi s, anD in \ii'-
Ccftrtfc. tjcrs otber places. jainD in DomefDap mention is often maoe of Drenches oj

Drengcs ;U)bic^i9 as mutb to fap as Tenemes pet fervieium milirarc.

^he Court
oflVards and Liveries. ip}
^anpotbcro tIjtB binD migfjt be txitta to pjotc tftat p;uDent anttquUp etcr
p;otJtD0Dbp rcfectatton of tenure (amongtt ot!)crtl)»nSfli) Dcfcnceof ttie
IRealiti aeatntt tfjc Hntafion ofC-ncmie0.
^llouranticnt 3ut^o?0 treat i^crcof. &cc tl)C Firft part of the Inflicutcs, GUnv.l.7.c.jM0.
Scft. 103. anD fee (DjanD Cntlumef of iJ3o?nianDp Cap.33.&c. )o.^p.
tftc ^^^''"^
|9oa ftatc IjcarD ljcfo?cdeRegalil"ervicic,tEf8?e tfjc Conqaca, but tfjat ]^f;z7s't> ^6<
gale (crvicium ( toft(clj toag iftntgW fcrtjtcc) Djein
unto it Relief,t!ut nett^jcr li^^^n ).b.'r.
tDarDQjfp oftfjeboDp oj oft^elanD,a0!)atl)bccnfaiD, Bt tatrnc tliat tl)e Con« fo.j6.a.8y.
qaerouc in rcfpcct of tbat roj'all ferticc as a taiice cf i%z Corquttt tool? t^e
toarDftip oftljc lanDanDtbeniariageoftfte^tcs toitljiii ace offptft frnants,
ftnf tenures of tbefubjectsbpfcnic^fs fcrtjlcc ,asit ap'
tbis ettcnDeD not to tl)e

pcarct^bP Biafton: Dieitur Regale fcrvicium^quia fpe ftat ad dominum regem,,
&nonalium,& fecundutn quod in Corqneflu fuit adinventum; & hojuftnodi iibifupa.
fervicia perfolvumur ratione teneir!eDtorutn,& non perlbnarBm, quiacxrene-
The ttmire (as

mentis proveniiint^utfi dicatur tsciendo inde fbrinrecumrervicium , vel regale ^|°^cappca-

fervicium,liveferviciumdomini regi$,&c. &oaStl)c (Tonqucrour p;ot?iDeD fOJ 'hti,iwem"d'
I)imfelf,butotl)ci:Jio:D0af tljcfirft bp fpcctall rcfcrtjation Cnce tfje Conquett buchefruicsV
p?obit)eD upon gift of lanDsfoj tbcmfcllicst Rcgisadexemplum totm compo-
nitur orbis, tobcrein tfjat tDbfcb toe IjaD from t!)c vConqucrouc toe freclp confeffe, '<'"§»'-' vWard-j
anD t^at toljicb tfje iJojmans fjao from u0,tDC bate trulp relateD in otber places. Z^^^,^^^^
SDbegooD II ina H. i. fon of tbcdonqucrour finding tbattbe toarDlljip of tbc Bra'aonsmean-
boDpan"DlanD0of bis2Cenant0bpl'5nigbtrertiicc cractcD bp bis jfatber toas ing.
botb grietous and un)uflr,bpbis great »Ibarter Anno primo regnifui, reciting
Quod regBum fuum oppreflum erat injuftis exa<nionibus,&c. (anD' particularlj?
tempore patris fuijDiD grant (amongft otber tbing0)Quod fi uxor cum liberis
rcmanferit, dotem fuam & maritagium habebic dum corpus luimi legitime fcr-
vabitj & earn non dabit nifi fecundum velle fuum, & tcrrs & liberorum euitot
eric five uxor/ive alius propinquior,&c. 2Co be H)0?t bptbatgolDCnCbafter,
Omnesmalasconfuccudincsjquibus regnum Anglia: injufte opprimebatur,inde
abflulit> & lagam regis Edovardi reddidit. SC^efe toerc called iitng Edwards
latos, not tbat !aing Edward made tbem, fed quia ex tribus legibus, (c, Angloru,
Danorunn, & Merciorum unam legem communcm cdiditi Vide Ranulph' Cc-
firienf. Lib.
0nd tDberc fomc babe objected tbaf toardflilp is a baDge of fedjifuDe, fo? tbat
ill tbc tojit of Native habtndo, onc of tbc Cyplces (amonglr otbcre; is capien-
do redemptionem ab co pro filiis &
filiabus maritandis, &
aliis Villanis fervi-

ciis. 2Cbat is, taking ranfomc of bim foi tbc mariagc of bis fono and dangbtcrs,

and of!)er tjillain fcrbiccs. 2Co tbisttto anftocred, tbat tbeiSingfoj mar tage
of 6ts Mards tabetb no ranfome0,but fucb moderate fum0ofmonep,as inre^
fpe(toftbequalitpanDaatcoftbcMard,be,oj tbc, circumttances conOde*

tea, is able to pap, anD tn rcgarD tbcreof- be batb tbc Court of

pjotettion of tbe
©Sards during minojitp but if ranfonic0 Cbould be taken it fliould not onlp be
: ,

againlttbertgbt inttitution of Mardfl)tps before rememb^ed , but alfoabadge

of ferbitude : and tbercfojc bptbc flatute of Magna Carta, of H. 3, eap.4,>,<5,
(feeing tbe (troton bad a long poffeffion of tbc MardOjip of tbc bodp and lands
oftbellings tenant bp !intg"bt0 fcrticcj it toa0 pjobided, firft, tbat tbe iiing
0; bis (Sjantee oj Committee fbould not tafec of tbc lands of tbc beir but "Notcua/wMfct
rearonablei(ruc6,rcaf0nablccuaomc0 and rcafonablc fcrbfccB,toitbout dettrnctf* thrice repeated,
on,K. (and allunrcafonablcanderccffttctbings arc againft tbc Common latu, |5,fe"vTd
Exccflivumomneinjurereprobatur.) S>econdlp, Ojallhecp up tbc boufCS anD
Otber inbcritantc of tbcbelr, anddelibcrto tbebctrall bis lando flo?c5 toitf)
plougbs and all otber tbingsCtooods and all) at Icaft as be rctcibed tbemrtober^
bp it appearctb, tbat tbc tjaluc of tbc mariagc Ibould be fo reafonable , as tbe bcic
fl&ould not at bis full age be enforced foj papmcnt tbcreof to fell citbcr lands 0;
goods. SCbirdlp, tbat if tbc beir bcmarico , tbatbebcaD\jancedtberebp,andnot
John earl of £DpfojD being tbc Mm^ OTarD mattcD toltbout tte llsings If* Ror. Paji.
Cencej '
IP+ The Court of JVards and Liveries, Cap.^5.
cencc,fojt^ctol)icft,bot6fojtl)C contempt, anD foj tljcDutptotbcliing to?

matptngjl^e toasfineDat %\i\t& tftoufanD pounD3,tol)ttbtoasnottt)Ctjalueof

fjtslanDsbp one :
pearantipct Ije pctttioncD in IDarliamcnt to be pacDoncDof
rcafonaUe rating
part thereof, tBijttb toao t!)Ougftt rcafonablc. ^noccrtatnlptljc
of Marofljtps of ttje boDp % lantis (0 botlj accojDtng to tbelaSos of t^c Ecalm,anD
a mean of intrcafe of t1)C kings IRcticnue.
Si& to tfte tljtrD t tl)cretpcre of ancient ano latter times J©aftcrs oj ?Scepcr3
* of ttje Swings txaartisfoj tftc icings bcftaDtiantage, ar.D tlje pjofits anD rctocnue
: as taking one exam-
i4H.?'m.g. tljercof iuere anftocreD in tl)e icings Court of Grc^equcr
Hereof fee Mat. manp fo; botl^ tbe points.
ple* 0} ttoo in tteaD of
Par. Anno do- Rex commifit Radulpho de Nova villa EpifcopoCiceftr. & Stepbano de Se-
inini li}i-
grave cuflodiam
omnium Efchaetorum fuorum
qui accidunt per tocum regnum
i6H.5.0fHu in in omnibus aliisElchaetM
bertdc Burgo,& Angliar,tam Wardisiquam qui regi acciderepof-
Stephen Segravc fiBt, &
refpondend'indead Scaccarium.
i'eealfoInt.Rot. "©cetbeftatuteof jt H.3. ftamt' deScaccaric&Ijerifs Ojall be keepers of
finium,Anno in tl)e <Il;iccbcquer.
t^e JSings tMacDS, anti anttoerablc foj tijc ttftics thereof
J E.i.m.4.
©IHljat care tftcrctoas of ancient time to pjefcrtjctljctrceof pious, bonca=
table, anD profitable tenures of tljciiJing, ant) foj pjofit crpcctalli> tenures in
ij Capiteant)bpJ^ntgftt6rert)ice:anDtftat tt)e teing flwilO be trul? anflijercD of

aR0c.Pat.r5 H.6. it no-

MarDlfeips, ana otbcr fruits anD profits Due unto l)imbprearontl)ereof,
parte i.m. 14. in C-ire, anDbpour
tablp appcaretb bp tftc jarttclcs tnquirable bptbe BEulttccs
of the InRituec, ancient boobs.
U.x pcriotum.
De Efchattoribus c^
Suhejchaetoribm in [etfina dominiregisfacientibus
in Vet.Mag.Car. in parcU^bofcU,vi%>artis, vel Warrennis infra cu-
'VAftuTtt^'vel defiru£fiomm
dominum regem , qmntim d" de quibm , dr a.
Braa.i.}.ii6.b. ftodiai fibi commi^as per
Item de bona defun-
Britton fo.18. quo tempore. eifdem qui occafwne httjufmodi ceperim
donee redimerentnr ab
[iorumyvdharedtim inmantt domini regis injufte^
eis d" ^ quantum pro hujufmodi redemptione, ^ quid ad opw fuu?»
inde retinuerint ^ a quo tempore. Item de eifdem qui minus fufficienter

terras alicujus in favorem ejufdem , 'vel alterim cujufcimque cufiodia
t err arum illarum dart, vendi vel concedi debuerit ,
in deceptionem domini
regis, &
ubi^^ quando,dr quid inde ceperint^(^ k quo tempore. Itemdee^
ifdem qui prece,precio.^vel auxilio^'velfavoreconfenferintjvelconfuluerint
A domini regis venderentur pro minore precio^quamvendide-
quod cufiodi
berent fecundum verunt valorem, vel maritagia ad dominum regem f^eSfan-
tia. Etfaliquo modo concelaverint cuftodias domini regis , vel maritagia
hAredum, veltenentium de rege in capite, vel maritagia dominarum^vi-
duarum mar itatarii fine licentiaregis^ ^fi quid propter hoc ceperim quan- &
a Item de hi is refervaverint
ad opus proprium
tum.,^ quo tempore. qui
cufodiam^vel maritagium per leveprecinm, five per concclamentumfaliu>
verfusdominum (jr cujufmodi damnum rex inde
habuerit , a quo ^
Item cujufmodi feifierint terras ^d" per quantum jempus eas inmx-
nu domini regis tenuerint. Item de terris captis in manu domini regisy
domini regis cum
qu£capi non debe'renty^pojlea reflitutisper pr^eceptum
admandata domini regis,
vel non. Et
perceptis^utrum perceptarejtituerint
de omnibus pradiBis f&Eiis & commifis infra viginti dr quinque annos
intromittant. Et omnesilliqtd
prcxime trxdiBospr^ediBi ^usiiciarii fe
fentiunt fe fufcr hiisgravatos &
inde conquefi voluerint
, audiantur, ^ ,

Juper hoc jujlicia , (jr ifft ^nfiiciarii pro
qtu dominum regem
centingunt diligenter inquirant,&c,
Vet. Mag-Carta Primo^ principaliter inquiratur defecdis
militum , O' advocationibus
160,161, Inter
ad dominum regem pertinentibus^viz.quot funt, ^ qu^frnt
tenement a Item
, (Jr quantitas tenur.(,(jrperqH{ fervicia.
Cap. ^jT. The Court ofWctrds 'and Liyeries, ip:

Itemfi feodA
ilU integrA fmt vel demembrata , habendo rejpeiimH mn
adtemvus. Item fi demembrata, , per quem^quande^
(^ quantum vdent per annum. Item tradantur alicut adterminum 'vit<tj
"jil annorum fine licentia regis, tunc cin,quando, qualiter,^ quemodo^t^

quantum valent per annum. Et fi tenentur per medium , per quern me-
Itemdetenementis qux tenentur derege in capite,'uel teneri debeat^fi
medium inter dominum regem , (jr ^uerum tenentemjuum^
aliqui sfaci
tunc quAratur ubiyquando,qualiter, (^ quomodo^cr ad quod damnum regis,
modo tenuram mutaverint.
Item de aliis quitenent de corona per magnam Serjantiam ^ velparvam^
vel per aliquod
antiquum dominicumdominiregiSyfocagium^feedifirmam^
iidem tenentes ahqued alienaverint, vel demembraverim^cui,
fervicium^ ft
quande, quantum, qualiter
quomodo^five fmt de aliquo bonore^five de cO'
rona, &de valere annuo. Et fi ahquis^ quide rege tenuerit per antiquum
dominicum velfocagium,mutaverit tenuram fuam,^ ad damnum regis, cui^
ubi^ quando^ qualiter, ^ quemodo ^ ad quod damnum
regis, (^ quantum
hmufmodi tenement
um valet per annum.
Item concelaverit aliquem redditum, five
fi aliqui aliquedfierviciumy
domino regi debitas, tunc quis,
feu aliquas confitetudines quande, qualiter y
^ quomodo, ^
qn^fervicia, quern&redditum, ^
quas confiuetuHnes^ ^
qiu tenementa tenent de quihus debentur hujufmodi fervid a, (^ quantum
val'ent per annum , & ad quod damnum regis hujufmodi cencelamentd

Item,de hxredibus quorum cuftodia (jr maritagium pertinent ad dominum
regem ^ &dominus rex eahabuerit^ quando deberet habere. Et (idiquis
hmufmodi hxredum ingrejfusfueritfine
authoritate curix^^ abfque legitiwa
atatis fu£ probatione fi infia xtatem, ^ fiplenx dtatis, abfque faciendo re-
debet. Etttwc quis fit i lie hsres^
gi homagiiim^velaliudfervicium quodei
quo tempore intravit, ^ pofi
mortem cujus^ dr per qutdfervicium iHa htre^
ditastctt:atur,(^ quantnmvalet per
Itemdeviduis fimiliter quarum maritagium pertinet
ad regem,fi fe ma-
licentia regis, cuiyqu:indo^cujus confenfu^ (^ ad quod dam-
num regis , ^ quantum tenementa valent qux tenent in dotem de prima

Itemde h^redibus qui debcrent e(fe incufledia regis , ^ quis cufiodiam

ufurpaverit fuper regem^ ^ a

quo tempore, (jr quantum tenementa qux te-
nent valent per annum.
de regetemitincapi-
Itemfi aliquis hujufmodi hxredumcujus anteceffcr
de aliquo hsrede in cuflodia regis exiflente ,
maritatm fiterit fine
centia regis, tunc cui, quando, &
per cujm confenfum^ (jr quantum term
valent per annum, (jr quantum cepitpro maritagio.

Item fi
dominie A terrA domini regis in ifio Wapentagio funt in talifiatti
deberent ,vel fi tradantur adfrmam,fidimittunturfecundum va-
ficut e(fe
lorem anntmm earundem.,^' frmarii vafium vel dejlru^tio-
fi cufiodes^vel
vel interris exifientibus
nemyvenditionem feu exilium fecerint ineijdem ,

in tnanu domini regis per cufiodiam, vel alio modo, quiSjUbi,qHando,^c.

ptn fo p:C£foucs teas tmmeUiatc tenures of t^c Mn%,9& pow rwD ia tlje psr* *^
liament lHoU in 1 8 E. i. In tftcfc Ujojds,
Gilbert us
l^h Qourt ofW^ards and Liveries, Cap.55.
Rot.Par.i8 E.i. Gilberts de Fmphrevill petit licentUm quod fopt feaffare Gilbertum
f 1.
y£Uum }fmm,/trimozemtum, O" Mur^itr, uxor em ejus de manerio ^ftto de Over-
Hoc Ak (aim fit , 9 _.,, .
", '
^ 1 .
n .

ihis tenure. ton,Tenend de ipjo Gtlberto patre durante tota vita tpfitispatrts^O'pojt e-
]ta decefjftm decapit
alibis dominisfeodi. Rej^ens. Rex non vult aliquem
medium. JdeonoH concept » 315ptl)C ftatute of 14 E,^, tf tlje ^cfr of ffjciidigcf tenant in Cl)fef,fc. tefonnD
««•». iuitfttn age anDtljc nert frtcuDS of t^e ftcir, to iufjom t^e tnftertfancc can*

not DefcenD^tliaUconieanD offer ttiem to tahett^efaitilanDs^peelDtng t^etalneto

tfl&e !i{ns t(U t^c age
of tl^e ftcfr, as far fojt^ as otiicr laill peelD lutttjout frauD;

bj? accojD bettocen t^c vlliancclo; anD tl)e aCrcafnrer, t|>cp ftall Ijate Commillioti
toheepti)e (aib lanDsbi^gooDanDfafficient furetp tiUtJ^eageoft^e fain tictr,
anD to anftwr t^e iUfng t^e tialue* 3n t!j{0 iSrt tftts SCreafarer (s intenDeO of tlje
g^reafurer of t^ CEw^jcqucr^&ee bcfojc in tljcCftapter of tl^e^ourf ofCrtfjeqaer*
Rot.p«r.i R.t. itmongftt^ petitions oftfje Commons , tftcp pjap tl>at t^e faiD ftatnte of
nu.79.R0t.par. i4E.3.mapl3eobfcr'bcD,tD&tcfttI)e!iing0ranteB»
50E.3 nu.118. 3t ispjotitDcOby^ctofiaarliament in Arnozi E,4,tl)attoi)ercfnnDjpof
tenants ^Dtng of ijim fmmeuiatelp^s of bis SDucfjp of tanCljp fun*
nu itf'nwin wmt ^^ ^*"S*
Djprecoticries, fines anD feoffments in ufe,t)GfcatcD ttjcifting of tSlarDftjtps of
anU lanDst St is enacteD, tl)at tftc iSing anDljisftcitS ftfall^atie ttietieiart*

0)ipanDcaftoDpof tlje boDp anDlanDs of etcrp fut^ perfon being toitbin age,
to tDljofc ufet^c fee fimple ojfce tail of anp Ijcretiitaments fo IjolDcn Hall groto
as fteics bp ti>c ticatfj of anp of ftis 0anccllo js , anD if t^p te of full age f tiatc
relief nottoit^ttanDing ani^fuc^) conljei'ancc.
Ibidem nu.17. ^nfevact p?otj{fJon is mase foj iujits to be granteft out of tl)C Cljancerp foj

tljeembcftlingof anpfucl) tjeir tipon purfuif of tlje J9tturnp of tbc HDnc^j'*

4 H.7.<:a.i7. A iSp t^c ftafutc of 4 H.7, it is pjotJiDcD tl)at tlje iLojD of Cefli que ufe,no toill
general! law. jjj,j„(jj i,eclarcD,^c. tftallfjaDc a ®2I;it of rigbt of loarD fo; fftc boDp anU lanD , an5

!eml',e;o7thefe ^^^^^^ ^ CcHi que ufe being Of full age attljBDcatl) of|)isaunceffo?(l)aU pap

twofcveraiAds. wlief, ^n&fljc Ijcirof Cefli quc ufc ftall fjaue lifec adton of toatt, astf tijc
^lunccttoj IjaD Diet) fcireD>«.
Dier I & t EI. ^pon ttjis ftafntcacafe tljatbaD in Mieh.
i &
2 Eliz, DepentieD MntiifcuITeD
fo.i74.s. t^irtp pcar3,a0 tiie JLojD Dierrcpo?fs, but not in tl&e Court of MarDs ,(foj tljat
CdurtljaD not tbenljaDfo long conttnuanccj but intije Cftancerp anDtftc Court
KcyiwayyH.g. of JKUarDs it IjaD fo loHgcontinueD, tljonglj in 7 H. 8, it ijao been rcfoHjcDbp all
176. beiwceu
j^g :jHt)gcs in tlje c!;rcl)cqucr Cljamber , tftat Cefli que ufe of lanDS in fee bp
ThfTcklnorton 3^»»5l)ts fcrljicc in Capitc, anD of lanDs IjolDen of anotfjcr 31 o;D in focagc Dping
for the hcii of feifcD of tlje ufe of botb,&is Ijeir ioitljin age, auD
no toill bp Ijim DetlarcD , tljat tfje
pjcrogatitje ttjall l)olD place toljicb rcfolution if it IjaD been puUtOjeD in pjint,
Rufltii. t

t^e tcDiouo anD tljargcallcruit IjaD not fo long (onttnucD.

iib4fo &c i]iotofoj2nraberfes,Monflransdedroit,&c.fobereliebcDagainftofftccsfounD
Vid-t E ^ Mp 8.* foj tljc i^ing, pou map reaD at large in our toolis , anD efpcciallp \\\ tlje §>aDlcrs cafe in tljci^ourtlj tool? of our Hcpojts, tofjiclj being tlje birtljrigljf of tlje fub^
Li.8. 168,169. relief againft a falfc oflficc founD , cannot be DcnpeD upon juft canfc
j(j£t foj ftis

^fV''i ft r"^* fl)CtoeD,butnot fo be ufcD fojDelap. SCfjistoas ffje ofFenteof&irRichacd Emp-

thc flaiutc ot fon anD Edmund Dudley ipjibp Counfcllojs fo King H. 7. anD patters of tjis
I E .6.cap.8. fojfeiturcsi'a nctoanD unaccuftomeD office; fecrct anD falfe offices
to^o caufing
ste 50 E.j. appear
fljall l^ereafter) to be founD, tlje parties grictieD toerc DenpeD to babe
fbcirtraterfcMonftrans dedroit,&c. tofticljJiing H. 7. a little l;efo?0 fjisJ Deatlj
. H 8 «P 1" ^^^^^ ^^^ 3°"^ ^^^^ ^ conrumpt{on,toitlj great rcmo?fc of confcicncc amongtt 0*
This PtociaTla- tfter tbings repentcD, anD bp 33?oclamat(on unDer tbe CDjeat ^eal in pjint (a«
iionwch.ivc. mongtt otljcr tfjtngSjpublifljeD in tfjefetoojDs.
And of his fUbjedis ne make no doubt nor difficulty in all
that none
caufes leefull to make craverfes, for his Highneire will exprefly , and

1 H s'^ci^^'^'in''^ ftraightly chargeth and commandeth his Chancelour and Treafurer

that they not only admit fuch traverfes^but alfo
ratifying hncof. grant the ferms , where
the cafe fhal require, according to the true courfegf his laws.
Cap.55. The
Court ofJVctrds and Liberies, ip7
^cicupon maitp men tuerc aomtttcD to tbctr trat)crrcs>anli manp on t!)C off)ec

fttctocrc tottljout rcmcD)?; foj b^tftc pjacttceof Empibn ano Hudley, man); luere
not onelp DcnpcD to tra'dcrfc, but tnfo?ccD upon fuel) falfe £Dff tecs to fuc out tftcir
acncralllLttjertcs, U)bcrcbpt^C!?iDcrcconcluDcD> anDtoulO notbpJlain be ao^
tetng H. 8» til tfjc firft vcarc of Ijiss reignc tnf enDtng to gitje rcmcDi? agatnff 1. tf-s cap ?.
fccrot £Dffite0, Dot!) bi? ;a'a: of |0arliamcnt pjotjiDC, That every Efcheator and vH's.cap i.

Commiirioner fhall fit inconvenient and open places, according to the Statute '5 c"' "f*' V
heretofore made and that the faid El'cheators and Commiffioners fliall fuft'er ^.hIi^'^

every petfon to give evidence openly

in their
prefence^tolijch Inquefls as fhall be ''ey ihc p'loci'te-
taken before any ofthem,upon paineofxl. li, m^nt of Em,-f. a
3nt) bptljc pjcamblc ant) ot^cr parts of t^ts ^ct of i . H. S.tbe finittcr anD -"^ii^udUy

unjuft Dealing of tl)cfa(DEmpron anD Dudley, concerning tl)c finDingofiDfft' ["f«ra£f?

CCS, arc pourtraj?cD out, toljcrebp tljc liings Subjects tljcn of late IjaD becnc foje nnj men were !k-
l)urt,troublcD,' anD to:ongcD, ant) fomcDifljcrftct) bp Ji2tncotbcr toai'cs. it fn mcdtogivcin
evidence for prcof
caufmg untrue Offices to be found. 2. Sin returning of Otfices tl)af ncljcr
tocrefounD. ?. 3n changing of tl)c£)fftces tftattocrc trulP founD. 4. Cftat
Cfcljeatojs anti CommilTioncrs lucre )ncn of no ItbcUftooD, but tnDigeiit anD utX' '"sfl^ulZ'e c:p.
toojtl})?pcrfons, reaDf to fcftic turncs, anD Ijatitng notljtng to lofcoi to mahe fa= of thchighccw:
tisfaction to tlje parti' grictieD. 5« 2Cftat3urojs tocrc returncD foj tljefinDtng

of £DfFtccsof no Ijabiltt)?, oj bcljatitour. 6. X])att\)Z CEfcfteato? 0; crommtlTtO'

ner, VDljen tl)C Sur)) tocrc agrecD of tfjctr tJcrDttf, tooulD not reccibe tlje fame, but
tbcrctn ufe Ddajjcs. 7. %\}ntt\)Z Clerk of tlje iPctlf Bag, ?c, tooulD rcfufc to
rcccit?e, anD file tnqutOittons 80 tDcrc founD anD offercD to tljem.
fuel) 8. sCije

Itfec of flje S)fftcer in tl)c €):tl)cquer, of £E>ff ices returnable into t^c (£Fel)cqucr,

9. %U Clerbc of tl)c |Dctit 515ag tuoulD refufe to franfertbe fl)c Offices, 5c. into
t!)c(II;):tl)equer.iFo;all tol)tcl),anD tlje otljer ttoo
bcfo?cnameD, remeD)> isp^obi-
DeD bp t^is 0ct,a3 bp tfte fame appcaretl),at tfjc fame ^arlta)ncnt fo? ffte rcDjeflTe
tif parties grfctjcD fo; fuing out of JLiberiecanotljer^act is maDe,entituleD,An aa i-
H.8.£3p,i :.

concerning untrue inquifitions procured by Emp/bn and 1>udlfj, in tl^icre too?D0.

Shewen to your difcreet \vifedomes,that where divers and many un- .

truelnquifitionsby the ^wcuvemem of Richard Empfo» Knight, and

Edmund Dudley^ have beene had and taken within this Reahne, as well
before CommifiTioners affigned by Letters Patents of the late King,
King H. 7. as before his Efcheators, a's well by vertue of Writs of the
faid lateKing, asby vertue of their office, by the which Inquifitions
fomctime parcell of the faid Lands contained in the faid Inquifitions,
and fometime the whole Lands there foundcn holden of the faid late
King in Capite , where in troth the faid Lands contained in the faid
Inquifitions, nor
no parcell of them was iiolden of the faid late King
in Capite, ne of any his Progenitors To the which Inquifitions :

the parties then grieved by the fame,could not, nor might not take their
* rhsis
traverfeto the fame according to the Law of the Land, but were infor- intended
* gs""aii Li-
ced and conftrained to fue their Livery of the fame out of the handsof ''Jj'

the laid late King, whereby they were, and be ^ concluded to fay, that Cciiaaii r.ivciy
the faid Lands be holden of the King in Chiefe, to their great loffe and
hindrance, where in truth they were not holden ofthe faid late King,nc rcfLivcd by The'
of any his Progenitors. Wherefore be it enaded, ordained and eita- tuochicfejufii-
ccs.aiid tlicCliJcf

Baron,andiheCo;iitofWard?,inHv///jJj Cafe. i. That tbs filing ofa gene tall Livery concliidcih the heire, ashercic
sppcarcthby this A rof Paili.inient,but otberwife ic not afpeciall Livery, for (hat,as to the tenure, isbur,'<f<//Wf«r.
a. That thisconclulion or Efloppcl contmueih but during tlie life of the heirc that fucih thegenerall LIveryj forju-
rors are 'iviainz ad vnllMcm dictnd' ,tiv\il arc not bound by Efloppcls. 5. That by fuing of Livery, and thcdraih of the
heire,iheof5icc is executed, and baih taken jus full cfFeft,andihcreforcthe Eftoppel exp reth therewith, and after the
office cannot be travccfcd. ViJe 46.E.^.fol. iz. 44. All. p. 3^. l^ota diilum Mowbray ibidem. Si iinticntdc Roy,&c,

1.H.4 ^. J3.H.6foI.7.pcr Laleon.Obfervc well the

icmcilies provided
by chis pirticul-ir Aft.&c.whetcby the Com-
mon Law s affirmed. Y) d. bliflied
1^8 T^he Qourt ofWards and Liveries,
blifliedby the King our Soveraigne Lord, the Lords fplrituall and tem-
and by the Commons in this prefcnt Parliament afTembled, and
by the authority of the fame,that every perfon and perfons having pof-
feffion of the faid Lands contained in the fame Inquifitions, or any part

thereof, maybe admitted to have their traverfe to the faid untrue In-
' fued in the time of the faid late
quifitions, notwithftanding any Livery
King,King //.y. And that it be further enaded by the fame Authority,
that any Livery fued ofthe fame in the time of the faid late King,ne any
thing contained in the fame Livery, be any conclufion after the courfe
of the Common Law,or in any wife hurtful! or prejudicial! to any per-
fon ©r perfons, that fhall happen to tend their traverfe to the faid O mce,
but that they and every ofthem fhall be admitted to their traverfe to the
faid Inquifitions, and to have like advantage in the Law, as though no

livery had beene fued

ofthe fame in the time of the faid late King, and
this at the reverence of Godjand in the way of charity,&c.Provided al-
way,that they, or any of them which fliall tend their traverfe to o£ any
the faid Inquifitions in any manner and forme as is aforefaid, fhall not
be reflored to any mean iffues or profits of Lands and Tenements com-
prifed in the faid Inquifitions.
See ih: firft pan
of itiftitutes
j]5oto fouc^fitg iLfterics toljicl) in tfjofe Dapcs tuere gcncrall, to&at a iuojlo ^
troubles fubjC£t0 fuffcret) foj miffing of IL iter?? in rcfpect of pjctcnDcD omif^

before cap.of
^*'"''' ^"^ ^^^ ^^^^ ' ^^^* tftarging tlie g>ubject0 toiti) tjalues not founD bv mp
the high Court ;©ffice,noj appearing bpanp Melius inquirendum toitb mean rates iDbere none
of Parliament. iDcrc, oj foj longcr timc, tl^cn tl)ep toere Due, anti tbe lifte, an& tj^cfe not rccolje^
rcDbp courfe of JLalo, but fenDingfojfljc parties bp purfctjants, anD bptl)cir
atofnll countenance mtrt toifl) menaces anD tbjeats, Djetn tijcm to compoCtions;
OTl)icft, anDottjer lite oppjeffions anD injutticc, filleD teing H.7. Cofcrs ; fo>
bp t^c Clofc IRoU in Anno 3 .H, 8. it appearetft, tljat ttie liiing left in Ijis iTofcrs
J^tftpanD t^jee IjunDjcD tljoufanD pounDs, ntoft part in fojeine Coine , toljicfj in
tt)ofe Dapes Isas not of leaft tialue. J^ottoitljaanDing l&ing H. s, at ^is |BarUa<
f n.8,cap.7. ment ftolDen in Anno ^of liis rcigne. Cap. 7. moticQ foj a S>tibfiDlc, ano luas Dc«
nicD it iDljercupon an Sia teas maDc foj tailing out of gcnerall parDons, as a

mcanetobjing moncptot^eliing. 'JiBHt SpcrftoaDe mpfelfc t^e IRcaDeriuiU

tnquiretDljatbecamcof tlicfettootoicfeeD men, Empfon anD Dudley. Z>ifcm=

ftoer is, tl^at firft tftcpiuerefcticraUpinDitfcD as follotoetb-
Jurat ores frjifentam quod Richardus Empfin nuper de London Miles^ nu-
Henrici nuper Regis Anglix
per Conftliarhis excellentifimi Principis Septi-
mi, 10. die Mali, anno regni difii nuper Regii njicefimo^ ac diverftsvicibus
antea ^
pofiea apud London^ ^c.
Beum prA oculis non hnbens^ fedHtflists
diabolicus imaginans honorem, dignitatetn^ ^fprcfperitatem diBi Re- nuper
gis^ ^rofferitatem regnifui Angli<e minime valere^fedut ipfe magis fmgu-
Ambitio. Ures favores diiti nuper Regis adhibere"^ unde ntagnatemfieripituiffet, ^
totum regnum Anglic fecumurn ejus 'uoluntatem gubernare ,faljo,
Proditorie legem
proditorie legem Angli£ fubvertcns, (inter alia)
idem Ricardus diciis
die &
anno apud London in Parochia ^Ward' prad' (^-'c. diver/as filfat
de intrufionibus dr alienatienibusje
Inquifitiones, (jr Officio, maneriisyterris^
Falfas inquifitio-
Bcs &
^ tenementts^ diverfis ligeis ipjius nuper Regis
inveniri procuravit cr exci-

ftvit^quodipf maneria, terras (^ tenementa. in iMquifnionibus iUis fpecifi-

CAt' de domino
Regein Capite vel aliter tenerent, cum it a. nonfuit^ acpojiea.
cum diBi ligei difii nuper Regis ad Jnquifitiones illas fic faB' in traverfias
Ad trafvcrfiat Curia ipfius nuper Regis fecundnm legem Anglix tendere ^
alle^are volnif-
admitti nonpo-
Udem ligei adtraverfias illas admitti noHpotuiffent^ fed fe debitis ^
Cap, p, 7I:>€ Court
of Wards and Liveries, i^p
legitimis trdverftis adofficiaprxdiB' faciertd' cujlodtvit retardavit.pc^ ^
ufqtte Ifft
cum di^io Ricardo diverfas magnas or imfortabiles fines re- &
fro commodo qua m frofingnlari commo- Pro finguhri
ipfius ntifer Regis,
do tfCiHs Ricardi fcccr',m magnam depauperatione eorundum Ugeoru.Et quod ""^""odo ipCi £u]

Ricardus diB' die ^
anno in Parochia ^
Wiirda fr&dtB\ac dwer-
antea c^ pojiea^divetfos ligeos did' nuper
fisvicibus Regis de dicio domino
Rege diver fa maneria, terras^ ^
tenement a
per fervic' Milit' tenent', ^
morV antecefl'or' fuisipfis infra £tatem extftem\ in ^
cujtodia did' nuper
Regis ratione tenure jua^
cum ad states legitimas fervenerunt, (^ debitam
liherationemntaneriorum, terrarnm, &
mam(^ legem Anglic y ac fecundumcurfum Cancellarid ipfius nuper Regis Addcbitamli:.€-
profequivolui(fent, adhocrecipinon potuiffent, fed
ad hoc faciena totaliter ""oncm admiui
"°" ^°'"
negat' & excluffueruntyquoujque ipfi cumpradici'
Rtcardo diverfas

(^ importabiles fines et redempttones^ tarn pro commodo ipfius Regis ^quam pro
commodo ipfius Ricardi fccer\in magnam depauperationem eorundem ligeg- The reWue of
ru ejufde nuper Regis. (And the conclufion of the Indidiment is,)Per quod 'tc indiftracnc
flures ^ diverfi populi diBi nuper Regis hits gravaminibus ex- ^ '^^^^'^
injuftis txorbTa'm
tOrtionibus multipliciter torquebantur^ tn tantum quodpopuli dicii nuper Re- preffions and gi je.
woi ,
gis verfus ipfum Regem multipliciter murmurabant, et malignabant in ma- V^^^j^f^
gnumpericulum ipfius nuper Regis regnifui Anglic, ac jubverfiomm legum confernVno'[i'he
et matter m hand.
confuetudinum ejufdem regni.

%xviz in t^is SinDidmcitf ('proditoriejtoas afcU bat foj aggratiaf toit, Quorum vcnigiu
it i3,tl)at

anD 30 a pjeparatitc to greatec oflFence0, foj in t\^z fame pearc t^ep Xmxt bottj tn« *?"' iniiftiint,eo-
DictcD of ijtgt) SCrcafon bott) bp t^c Common ILaVo anD 3ct of |BarUament,anD in T"" P^"
tl^c 2* ipcare of H. 8. tbep loft bottj t^ctr IjeaDs. anD albeit in fome refpetts tl^c

fpeciall Jliber^ isfo;t^e benefit of t^e^ei^^e, pet ttjefecs ant) charges arefo
great, anD tl^c SonDs anD
Coticnantfl, %u romanp,fo intrtcate,anD Dan~gerou0,as
it tDcre too:tl)p to be reDjeffeD, foj tfte eafe anD quiet of tl)e fatijcrleffcanD toiDoto,

(being no benefit to tbe fcing, but to fill tfje putfes of Clet fees anD £Dff iters) bg
atrtftojitp of parliament; anDtlje ratfjer, fojt^atfpecialllLttiertes toereof ait*
cient fliojt a0 tl)e tfearges tfjcrcof ; to^creof poa map rcaDe a notable pje«

CDent,tDftcn MarDflatps anD Ittjecies toece in tl^cir CraDle0,\i)t)tcl) folldVoet^ in

tl&cfe toojD0.

Richardus Dei gratia Rex Anglic, Dux Normannix, Aquitania, Comes Videinth«liifto.

Andegavi£y Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Comitibus, Baronibus, rycfHovcnden,

^ufiiciariis, Vicecomitibus, cr omnibus Ballivis^ ^
fJeltbus fuis^ ad auos ''x^/'^'^^'^'^IV

frajens Charta pervenerit^ Salutem. Sciatis nos iconcejsijje, ^' pr.*fenti is a fure wotd in
Charta nofira confirma^e dilecio (^ fdeli noftro^ Galfridoflio Petri,(j^ Bea- ^"""f™ cventunn,
trici£ de Sayeo uxori ejus, terram to a Livcry.^^'^
tanquamjufto (jrpropinquiori hxredi,totam
Comitis Willtelmide Mandevile, qu£ei jure
hsreditariopertinebat, cum ^ThisGertety

omnibus pertinentiis, dr libertatibus^ (¥ liberis confuetadinmis (uis. Ouare ^" ^ft "i i n^''

'volumus, cr firmiterprxcipttfiusquodpriedicti Galfndus &

Beatrix uxor of England.
haredes eorum habeant cr teneant de nobis (^ h^redibus ''^''" William dc

fua, (jr noftris tot am,

fr^didam terram cum pertinentiis fuis^ftcutpradidus Comes Willielmm de Enikof Effexl
Mandevtle earn melius^ ^
liherius^ cf honorifcentius, c>- integrius, c^ q^ie-
tins habuit unquam <^ in bofco, cj" pUno, viis^femitis,
pojfedit^ pratis^ pa-
fcuisypafiuris^aquis, vi'uariis, fiagnis, pifcariis^ ntolendinis^turbariis, in
advccationibus Ecclefiarum^ in valeBorum, c^r donationibus
cujiodiis puelU'
rum, dr in omnibus aliis lecis cr Hiis tefiibus Waltero Rothom/t-
aliis rebus.

genfi Archiepifcopo, ^ohanne Eboracenfi EpifccpOj Rogero de Pratellis Dapi-

2 Da fero
200 ne Court offFi^rds and Liveries. Cap.55.
Bichardode Kanvile^ Bertrmo deVerduno^ RadalfhofdioGode-
fredi Camerario nofiro.
Datum per mmum Magijiri E: malt cattili Clerict
nofiri, Anno regni nofirifectmdo^xHj.die ^anuarii aptd Meffanam.

jlSoli) are toe arrtteD at ttiefatD^ct of parliament in Anno 32,H.8, tol^erefn,

anD in t^c statute of 3 ?* H, 8. beQDc0 tljc erpofition of t^e fetierall 2Dc)rt0, tee
iDtll obferte tobat alterattono tl^efe ttoo Slits tiat^e maDe.

^ Ordaineth, maketh, eftablifheth, and eredeth a Couit,&c.3

herein tbjec tilings are to be obferUeD* i ac^at tl)ts neto Court coulD not be
crecteD toitljout an 0d; of ^Barliament, 2. ^Ijat toften a neto Court is ercdcD,
ttisneceffarp tftattlje jurisDictionanD autftojitpoft^c Court be certainlp fct
Dotone. 3. %W ttje Court can l)ai3C no otljer jurisDtillon, t^cn is eppjelTeD tii
Court cannot
t|je cre(tton,(oj t^is neto pjcfcribe,
pafchtfjatiieBi- Pafeb.6,!Stng
tlje Bfffiopof &aU3burp> referred
ihopofSaiisbu. fot^cttoo Cfttcfe Blufttccs auD Cbtcfc HBaron, bptfte ILojDs of tl^e honourable
ries cafe.
£)jDcr Of tl^e <JDartcr,toas tl^is* iSing E* 4. fap ftis JLctters patents in iFrenclj,
bearing Date o. odobrisjAnno ij.ofljisreignc, reciting^t^attotjeretberetoas

no ;©ffice of tfte C^ancelo; of tlje vflJartcr, tijat tbere fljoulD be fucban €)ffire of
tbe Cftanceloj of tlie dUarter, anD tbat none OjoulD ijabe it but ttie 315iC[)op of ^a^
ItSbnrp foj tlje time being : MctoillanD ojDainc, t^at Richard Beauchampc,
itoto 'Kifbop of §>alisbnrp, flioulD Ijatjc it fo? \)ie life, anD after
\)is Deceafc, f^at

Ijis ^ucceirojs tfeoulD batje it foj cljer. ^nD amongft Dibers

otbcr points it teas
refolbeD unanimouflp, tbat tbis grant toas tjoiD, foj tbat a neto £)fftce teas ere=
tfeD, anD it teas not DcfineD tobat jurisDiition ox autbojttp tbc £DfficcrfijoulD
it toastoiD. Mljtcb being rcpo;feD to tbe
ftalje, anD fbcrefo?c fo: tbe fncertaintp
3LojDs,tbej? toeretocllfati08eDtl)eretott6, anD tbereupon tbe jSD ff ice teas graa*
fcDto g>tr John Herbert tl^etttngs ^ecrcfarp.
ft A Court of Record. 32iSa:berc it is to be nofeD, tbat altcif tbe p?o=

ceeDtng (n tW Court be in (!£nglift,pet tt is a Court of EccojD b? erpjeffe too?DS

i£ And ftiall have alfo a Seale, &c.33nijts fs alfo neceffarp fo a Court,
^ That all Wards.&cJCbis Clanfe evtenDetb as toell to tbc counties
anD SDurefme, as to anp otber tbe parts of tbe
palatines of Hancafter, cbefter,
IRcalm of CnglanD, but tn fcbcrall manners, foi as to tbe tSarDs toitbtn tbe
VRot. Pari.p.R. 5j^pai,„ of of tbcfaiD Counties palatine0)tbeC«artt foj tbe finDing
r ""'^V'l'T"- of tbe £Dffice,«. tlTncfb out of tfte Cbanccrpof englanD.returnable iu tljeCljan*
Judges of EiH- cerpof CBnglanD.
0nD as fotbc MarDs in tbe Counties palatines of JLanca»
whauightthe° Iter anD JSDurefme, tbeCSHrit libctoifc iffuetb outof tfte Cbanccrpof (Bnglano,
Duke of Lanca- !,„{ (g returnable into tbc Cbancerp refperttbelp of tbefe ttoo Counties palatine,
fterhidtothe ©HarDs.
gj^D tlje Cbaucclois tbcrcof arc to franfcrtpt tbem into tlje Court of

Kc HeS' " 515nt

foj MarDS tn tbe Countp palatine of Cbcff er, no Writ iffuctb
out of
The: ofLathom tbe Chancer? of (BnglanD, but it ougbtto be founD bp fojceof a Mritoj Com*
whom Sir John ntitTiott out of tbe Cbsucerp tbcrc in tbc Q^tcbequer, anD tranfcrtptcD bp tbe
Stanly had mir-
(£;|^aj„berlain of tbat Countp palatine info tbc Court of MarDs; Nos dum ha-
norofLatho'lir Tcdes in cuftodia noRra exiHunt, indemnes & fine cxhsrcdatione confervare te-
holdenofbimia rCITlur,
chiefe as of his c
^nD bptftis Claufeof tbis 0ct of ;2,H,8. tbe potoer tbat tbe =iLo?D Cfjancc*
CoLntyPaLuine. loj gnD CrcafurerbaD fojUttfng Of eSffarDs lanDS, f c. istabcnatoap,
to be found
^i''S ' *"
i)kt "
^i' *ft^ tt^^"*^ "^ ' ^•^'•'^ *^ cnatfeDjTha: all Inquifitions &Office$
of any Writer CommilTionjOr
30^. beforeanyEfcheacororCommi!fioDerf,by vertue
Mich.i6.E.i. otherwife within the faid County Palatines of the faid Duchie of Lancaftcr, Che-
coram Rcge. fter,and Durefme.or any of them,(hall be returned by the faid Efcheatorsor Com-
i]uck. William de
(ni(f,ongj.$within one month next after the taking of any fuch Office or Inquifi-
tion into fuch place or places, and to fuch office and offices , as heretofore they

have ufually beene accuftomcd to be certified and returned into, upon paine to

18 Eli2.cap. 13. forfeit for every default xlt lit to the ufc of our faid Sovcraigne Lady, her heires
Cap.3^ T'he Conn of ff'^ards an J Liveries. 201
and fucceflbrf. And that the Clerk of the faid Duchy of Lane', theVicecham-
berlain of the faid Farldome ofChefter, and the Chancelourofthe faid County
Palatine of the faid Billioprick of Durefme > or other the (aid Offieers or Mini-
rters within the faid (~oumies I'alatincj, or their Deputy or Deputies, and every
ofthem time being having authority to receive any fuch Oftiee or Inquii-
for the
fitioD, to whofe hands any iiicb Office or Inquifition fhall come to, fhalJ certifies
orcaufe to be certifiedunderhisor their hands in parchment the true tranfcripc
of every fuch Office or Inquifition taken before any of the faid Efchcators or
CommilTioners unto the Malter of the faid Court of Wards and Liveries, in fuch
like manner, form and fort, as is limited and appointed to the Clerks of the Petit

Bag in her Highnefle faid Conrt of Chancery to tranfcript the fame, upon pain
to forfeit for every fuch default j li. to the ufeof our faid SoveraigneLady, her
Heirs and Succeffors: which tranfcript Co to be certified fhall there remaine of
Record in like manner and form to all intents and purpofes , as the tran fcripts of
other Offices already certified into the faid Court by the Clerks ofthe Petit Bag
in her Majefties high Court of Chancery, are ufed any Cuflome, Statute, Adh

Provifo or Provifoes heretofore hadj made , or ufed to the contrary in any wife
2Cf)c ffatutc of 32 H,8. fo: erection offfjc Court of JElarDS crtenlieD onlp fp
SSUarDs: butt^eftatuteof 3? H.S.aiineretbtotljiscourtiLttiertEsalfo.J^otom
toljat cafes tl)C \$mc fl)all ic tit QSIarD 0; fuc Ijis iLtticrp, ettfjcr h\^ tf)t vlommon
lalD,oj bp tljc ftatntzs, % fpcciallp of ? a H.8. &
34 H.8.&c. anO of all inciDcnts to
tfte fame, pou matter botft in tlje Firft part ofthe Inttitutes
a)all rcaDc plenttfull

Cap.Efcuagc.5c Cap.Service de ChivalierranO alfo in tl^C IBoohS of mp KepojfS,

C Which the Kings Highnefle, &c.] aubougb fucccCfojs be not fjerc

nameo, pet (teings ^igftncffe) being fpoben in ftts Hopall anD poltttcb capactfp,
totjicl) ncter Diet!) Dotl) ertcnoto Ijis ^utceffoje: ot^ertoifc ff){0 Conrt ftao
been DiiTolijeD bv tijc Demife of H. 8.
a Mm 3uatce0 in 3!relanD ccrtificD, Quod homagium tantum dat fecundum
& maritag', licet fcrvicium militare

confuctudinem terras Hibcrnia: cuftod' non Rot.izV.Warw.

dcbeatur. Abbot of Malmf-
b Intitled to have]a:iiat is bp ^ttite to H founa. "
^l a 's "^h s
({I With their Mannoisand Lands, dec.'] Claufc erf cnDetb on-
cap.^i! A prc-
IptotbeUnljcritancesoftljcMlarD, anD not to anpoftjts rooDs o;i cljatfete, v.foVortheDu-
Dcbts oj Duties, ic. but Ijcrcof mo;c ttjall be faiD Ijereafter in bis pjopcr plate. ""^y ot Lancaicr.
% In the oider,furvcy and governance oFthe faid Court. 3 ""SCfjz CC'
ncraUteo?D3oftl)i3 ^tt cvtenD not into irclanD, foj tfjat is aDtljiDcD,anD~Di= /Mich.MH.s.
ftinst JliingDomcanD Jjatb apjopcr §>eale. Jl5oj tot!)e 3ifle of i!pan,bccaufc it is Tcfji^spcr Brud-
no part of^bc Hcalm of (SnglaiiD, anD out of tljc po\t3Cc of tlje Cbantcrp of Cng^ f^^'M
« f "^•
lanD, anD not to be bonnD bp our parliament of CnglanD, but bp fpc£taU name,
poft A^If/lb^was

^ And thattheMafier ofthe faid Wards] 313p tljis Claufc tlje a?a.
(5£ Such Proces
and Precepts with rearonable pains therein limited,
as be now commonly ufed in the Court ofthe Duchy Chamber of a afc refcrrcdTo

Lancafter being at Weftm.] #ote, t^eSDucljp of iLancatter iuas crcateD a '''>-"^ ^y '^^

Countp |?alatine bP M
of parliament in Anno 50 E.3. Adeo plene &
intcgre ^ouncdi,' be-
ficuccomesCcHrix infra cundem com' CeftrisdiL;nofciturohtinere. ;9nD bcre- twcen cbe'Eade
to be a Court of ^qwitp, anDac» of Derby and the
upon tljs Court of^arDsistocll toarranteD
«='" £^n='-"" •

cojDincilp from tl)C ercaion bcrcof it bat!) pjoceeDeD.

^ For or concerning the Title of the Kings Majefty.] ST&ls is of in che
etjiDent. • .
, /- 1 1

cT And that the Mafter of the Court of Wards

for the time bemg the D.chy of

fliall make and appoint all and fingular particular Receivers, Feodaries, ^nj' pl com.
and Surveyors in every Shire, and alfo fees for the execution of the f„.ii4.&2i5.

fame under the Seale of the fame Office in fuch wile as the fame Offi- ^,,';';^„":;:;i^V^
cers may be ahvayes removeable at the difcretion ofthe faid Court.] <;are".

201 The Court ofJVdrds and Liveries. Cap .35.
• Feodarius O? Fcudatorius iS DetttieD a Feodo feu Feudcto^ttl) in one fcnfc fig-
See the firft"' s *
of the Inft. itifi^ifta Seigniory o> SCenarc: ^ia €>fffce confiftctlj pjtnctpallp inttijcc
Sea. I. tlf tngs. 1 . atiD pjtnctpallp to be sfetlfuU in tlje fenotoleugc of tbe teings SEcnnrce

tottftmftis;©4ftceoutof5Rctojl)£ianDautbenticaU iroobs. z, Btttjc finDuigof

;0DffUe9 to Doe l)ts uttecmoft inDeat^our to mantfeS t^e trutt) concernmg ttje
liiiigs aCeiTures* 3. Sittec t^e JDEfice foimD tofHrtcgtl^eJMarDSlanDs, anD
rate it.

5[ O r other caufe in any wife touching or concerning anything ap-

pointed to the order of the faid Court, for, and on thebehalfeofour
See PI. Com.
;. caciU Soveratgne Lord the King.] ii5p ttjts Claufc , tf tfte ?^etr toitfjin age ano
^^ tKlilarD ^aije anp gooDs ans chattels. Debts, Duties,o? ot^er ttj tng Due unto fitm,
seeMag.cacc. SH {nfo^m^tfott map be cpft tbiteD Ip ftlB S^ajeatesSittojnpof t)ta CSttacDs fojl^is
cap ^ fheftock ^pajeftic on tl)e beftalfc of t!)c l^etr foj tljts Dotlj toucftoj concern tljc talucof

of good? (hill .c
t^g cmarDfljtp of t^c boDp, tobtcb is appolnteD bp tftis act to fljc o?Dcr anD furtjcp
'° ''^^
of tft is Court, fo J tfte tjaluc of tftc martage is Ijcrcbp aDbanceD. 3i5ut if tljc i^etre
Gianvi! fo.y4. St t^c Deatfjof ^jls Stiiccttojbe of full age, feeing tije p:imer fcafon is certain, no
Fiera li.i. ca 1 1 . fait OLXi be in tbis dourt foj anp gooDS, chattels, DeHs,ic, belonging to tlje ^eic
" *
Prxtogativa te- gf {q[i ggg j foj tljts Dotf) not tn aup toifc concern anp tiding appointeD to tl)e oj»
fi*. cap.j.
jigp ^f jijjjg £purt, vii. neittjer ttje MarDfljip of tije boDp, oj of ttje lanDs of tfte

U^ Alfo be It enaded that the (aid Attorny, Receiver Generall, and

Auditors , &€.] 2Dl)e 3uDges of tftis Court are tfte spatter, flje &urbepoj,
t^e attojnp,Weceiter CDeneralUanD tlje auDitojs of tftat Court, i? o; tlje toojDU

of tl^e ftatute of 3iH, b, are, Ihat the laid Attomy, Receiver Gencrall, and
Auditors, fliall diligently from time to time attend upon the faid Mafler in the
faid Court for the hearing and ordering of matters and caufes, &c« anDtftefia*
tutc of 3 3 H. 8. l^atft aDDeD tfte §>nri?epour in tl^e fcconD place int^at Court :
anD albeit honoris caufa,tl)ep are to attenD on tfje {patter , as tljc cfttcf anD p?in«
cipall £>fficer of t^e faiD Court, fo^fo l^e is ftileD bp botl^ tbe faiD Satutes : pet
fncl^ attenDance is fo^ tl)e ^caring anD o;iDering of matters anD caufes, f c« In^tc^
mabetb tftcm BiuDges. ^nD fee tbe £)atl) of tlje g»utVicPour tD^fcIjpjotjetljljis
£>ffice to be JUDiciall ? fOJ bptftC ftatutCOf ^3 H. 8. IjiS £)atb is {.interalia,) That

heihallminifterequall julHce to rich and poore, &e» and that he take rogiftoc
reward for any matter depending, &c» in that Court, 0nD tf)C like £)atl^ in Cf«
fed tafectft tfte atto?np, tbe IRttzi^itt dDcnerall anD 0uDito:s hp tljc faiD 0tt of 3aH.8, ^nD fo it luas refoltieD in ^uDitoj Curies cafe tnljcn Robert Carle of
fo.z.& 3.
in All-
^alisbnrp teas J^aftcr of tlje SKarDs anD ILojD aCreafurcr of <i!;nglanD,
ditot Curies cafe
^^^ ^^^ ftatute Of IL tnCOUte 2 9 E.i. Stanf. Prir. Regis Ca, R^feilenStCe anO=
table cafe upon tbat ttatute toitljin tbjee pears after t^e mafeing thereof, HiJ,

31 E,i. Coram regc, Nonhjmpton JordcnTwincwikescafe

2f t^e iparltamcnt bolDen 1 8
Jacobi Regis it luas mobcD on tlje llings \it-

^alfe , anD commenDeo bp ttjc teing to

parliament fo? a competent pearlp

tent to le affutreD to Ijis ^ajcllp,bts ^etrsanD S>uccciro?s, fbat tfte iiing tooulS
affent tbat all MarDftips, pjimer feafons, reliefs foj tenures in capire,ojbp
Jftnigbts &ert3ice(l)6ulD beDifcbargeD, ^c.Mbcreinamo^igft certain olD parUa«
ment men tfjefe tbtrteen tbings DiD fall into conftDcration fo? tbe effecting tbcrcof.
i« 2Cb3t it mnft be Done bp Bet of parliament , anD otberli^tfe it cannot be
^* %W-
all 3LanDs, SCenemcnfs, IR^nfs, oj l^ereDifamcnfS, bolDen of tbe

liing) to be bolDen bp fealtp onlp, as of fome bononr, anD fucb rent , as is noUi

? SCbat all lanDs bolDcn of Subjects, lIBoDics politicfe oj Cojpoiafe, bp

i^nigbts ferbice, to be bolDcn bp fealtp, anD fucb tent as is noio Due : foj if lanD0
IbonlD be bolDeti of tbem bp ^nigbts fcrbice , tbe fame migbt come to tbe
^. M^rx^t^s, ^oDfes|^oUfi(&anOCo;po^ate fo beDifableDfo^eanp
Cap.55* ^/^^ ^^^^'^ oflVards and Liveries, 203
BLaitDs, SEcnenicnt©, IRcnts, oi i^crcDitamcnfs of fl)c ifttng, bis ^zxxa, o?
§>ucceirois bT* anp otbcr tenure, t^eit bp fcaltp onlp, anD pcarlp rent , o? toittiOHt
y. Jo §)HbjC(t, XBoOies ^aoUticfe ojCojpojafefo create bpanp Ucenfe^ojanp
otljcr Ujai' 01ineana, aiip ot^cr tenure tfjcn bp fealtpanD rcnt,ojtottl)OHt rent up-
on anp eftatc in fcc-Cmple, fce=tapl, o; otftcrtoifc.
6. 3tt refpect of tlje fatD Dtfcfjarge anD frecHomc of tfje fab jetfs anD tfteir poffe--
of fines anD licenfes of alic*
r(t{e0, anD tljat tl)cp (ball be alfo DtfcbargeD tftcrebp 'firftfeirchinuft
nations, refpect of homage anD reliefs ; a Competent rent tobcafforeD to tlje bemadewlwcthe
of greater pearlpt)aluetl)en!)co?anpoff)(s King hath bseti
iitng, bts ?^cirs, anD S>uccciro?s
rent (s to be tnfeparablp annercD to t^je anfwered for
pjeDeceffo?0 IjaD fo;^ tbcm all, to^tcl)
thcfcj &c.
Croton.papable at tt)C Uccetpt onlp.
7. B contienient rent to be affureD to tl)c llo^Ds fo?. et}erp ^nigljts fee, anD fci

8» commtffions foj tbe finDtng out of t^e tenures of fljc Jifng, anD tfje ^ub«
jecttobereturneD, $c.

9. BiDeots anD£paDmentobeintbecn(toDpoffomeoftl)etr]^{nD}eD,|c. anQ

not of t^c !^(ng, ^ts'il^clrs oj &ucceiroj0.
10^ iDl^e Court of WarDS to be DtHolticD iDit^ |3en(ions to t^e p;efcnt £Df<
of ©arDten fn Socage, anD tljat tfte
1 1 JD jotition to be maDc foj regulating
Slnceffo} map appoint CDarDians, f c. anD tbat no ©arDtan fljaU mabe a grant t9
W^t iitng.
I z, S5t(l^ops Oiall continue ILo}D0 of parliament,
p^obiQon to be maDe t^at
notlDitbflanDtng tlicir iBaronfcs be ^olDen in Socage.
13. SD^attljeiJttQjallbe fatoonrablp interpjetcD fojDifcftargeofaH Warlh
fl)tpS,fC. *
OTfticft motion, tJjougljif pjocceDeD not to effect,
pet toe tljong^tgooD fore* Spet efl vigtUr."

member it, together tottb tbefe conGDerations ; tiopingt^at fo gooD a motion tisfomniurn.
Hope is the
tenDtng to tbe honour anD profit of t^e^ing anD bis Croton fo; eDer. anDt^ drcameof a wi'^
freeDom anD t^e quiet of W
Subjects f t^eir poUerities^totli fome time 0} of^ec king man.
(bptbe grace of(!^oD) bpant^ojttp of parliament one loapo} otijer tabe effect
anD be ettabltOieD.
anD tee toill concluDe tljts Cbapf er toifl^ ^olp Scripture : Dcus eft pater Or- Pfal.4«.9,& ^7 *
culiodit advenas, pupillum, &
phanorum, & Judex viduarum, 2nD again, Deus
vidaam fafcipiet. SnD laaip,{n 3)euteronomp 17. !? Malcdidus eft qui pcrveir- Deut.27.ic>,

tic judicium advcnarjpupill', & vidui.

10^ Cap. ^6

The Court of the Duchy Chamber of Lan-
cafter at Weftm'.

(as it l^atl) been TaiD) tl^e Coutrt of WarDs tiatli Tome reference
fo flj(s court of f^e SOucftp, toe tftougftt if fit to treat of t^fs Court of ttie
JDutl^pnert after tftefaiD Court of IMarD0,fo;t^t (t
tljereunto. Joto fo j tftat tftc count? of ILancaller Is a Count? |9alatine, tt fftall
be necctfari? to fteto tftc beglnnfng anD erection thereof.
Rot.pat.Amio i&ing Edward tlie 3 createD John t)is fourtl[j fon C-arl of HitftmonD , Anno
19 E.J. Domini i35j.^ei9 Mail Anno Domini r 3 59. marieD Blanche poungett Dauaft^
ter ofHenrySDufeeofilancafter (tftefeconDSDube tbaf CBnglanD fato.) SDube

Rot.Par.gtfE.j. Henry Diet) of f^e plague, Anno ?5 £.3. ^t t^D parliament ftolDen Anno 36 E,^
nu. 36,57.
ffte J^tng fn full l^arltament DID girDfjtsfon John toitl^aftoojD, ansfetonfjls
Roc. Pat Anno
^eaDa Cap of iFurre, anD upon tljc fame a circle of golD anD pearls, anD namcQ
^lmiSDnbeoflLancattcr,anD thereof gatje to fjlm, anD to ftts ^frs males of
boDp,anD DeltljcrcD l)tm a Charter.
Rot. Pat. Anno in full |parliament,Anno 50 E.3. tlje &tng crectcD tfte Countpof JLancatter
50E.3. Seethe a Count? palatine, anD IjonoureD tljc SDufee of ILancafter tljeretoitft foj tearm
i.|)t ofthelnft.
Edwardus Dcigratia,&c, Sciatisquodfinosdcbita confidcratione pcnfantes
King may make geftus magnifieoscuniftorum qui
nobis in gucrris noftris laudabiliter flrenuc &
a County Pala- fcrviernnt, ipfosdefideremushonoribus attollerc , &
pro viribus juxta merita
tine by his Let- filiosnoftros , quos tarn in fapicnria,
^racttiiare, quanto magis quam in geftu no-
confpieimus , & qui nobis locum tennerunt , & tenere
tars Patents with-
bili alios prjeeellere
out Parliament.
poretum potiorcm, nos convenit majoribus honoribus & gratiis prarogarc?

(sDeaflenfu Vrx-
Gonfiderantes itaque probitatem ftrenuam , &
fapicntiam praecellentem cha-
latorii & p'roceru.
ridimi frlii nofiri Johannis Regis Caftellx & Legionis, DucisLancaftria:, qui la-
iiH.4.i6. boribas & expenlis femperfc nobis oblequiofiam cxhibuic pro nobis pluries in
things to be
necelTitatibusintrepide fe guerrarum diferiminibus exponendo, volentes co &
obfervcd for e-
a County pretextu, ac defiderantes
eundem fiiium noflrum aliquali & honore
Palatine. ad prifens(licct non ad plenum proutdigna merita expofcunc) remunerare; ex
certa fcientia noftra,& Is&to corde de aflenlb Prselatorum & procerum in inftanti
I Cancellaria.
i Breviafub (1-
Parliamento noftro apud Weflm'convocat'exiften': ''Conceflimus pro nobis &c
gillo fuo. hiredibus noflris prxfato filio noftro quod ipfe ad totara vitam fuam habeat
I JuOiciarios
iu'JS tarn ad Pla-
infra Comitatum Lancaflrii Cancellariam fuam ac Brevia fua Tub figillo fuo

cita Corom q la pro officio CancelIarii,deputando, confignando Jufliciariosfuos tarn ad Placita

placita,&c. Corona, quam ad quxcunque alia Placita communem legem tangentia, tenen-
da, accogniiioneseorundem, & quafcunque exeeuciones per brevia fua & mini-
4 Quxcunq; alia

jura regal a ad
ftros fuos faciendas. Et qurcunque alia libertarcs & jura regalia ad comitatum
Com' Palatinum
Palatinum pertinemia,adeo libere &integrcficut comes Ccftrije infra eundem
y Adco Iib:re & Comitatum Ceftria: dignofcitur obtinere,&c,
plenep-out co- '
But it appearctl) faptlje booU'of z6 E.3. jp, b, tljat tlje faiD Henry 2Duhc of
mes Ccftrix.
ILancaff er IjaD tfte lifec grant; foj tljere \n a Psrcipe tfte tenant tiouclj0D,'anD tijat
See 19 H.1S.12.
!)C mtgbt be fummoncD in flje Countp of ILanC, anD tljc taoucljce cIjallcngcD, bc»
" z6
tau'"c in tbe Comitp of iLancafter tbc Itiitgs tojit DtD not run , fed non allocatur,
butatojitfcnttotbcDuheoj toljisiLicutenant to fummon tlje Qloutljee tn
Divers have tljc fame manner as if QjoulD be Done in Cljelfcr, vid. 39 E. ?. Voucher ip8.
Counties Pala- 3t is calleD Comiratus Palatinus, a Countp palatine , not a Comite in refpect
tines that arc not
of tfje Dignit? ofanCarl, butaComitatu, &aPalatioregis, bccaufetljcotoncr
ffjereof,be l)C SDuUeoj CBarUtc, ftatl) in tljat count? Jura rega!ia,as full? as tfjc
Cap. ^6, The Court of the T)uchji Chamber. 2 03?
fcingljaD inljts ^Balacc, from iDljcnce all 3:Htttcc,!^onoj0,SDtgnUifl0,iFratt=
cl^ifcs anD pjit3tlcDgcs,a!3from tl)C fountain, at tftc firft flotoeD. JlJcftfjcr bp
tfjts v!ri?artci:toastl)C 3?ufecofl.ancattcrcrcatcD count palatinc,Luttf)Cu:oun»
tp toaa maDc a vTounti? palatine, 2D!]cpotuci: anD autljojit);? of tljofc ttjat ftaD
vfountics palatines toac!lliins=lifec,fojtljcpmi0l)t parDon treafons, murDers,
felonies, ant) outlatojicstljcrcupon. 2Dl)cp might alfo mafec Sufticcs of Eire,
Siuaiccfl of Airiie.ofGaol delivery, anD of *tljc peace. 2nD all ojiginall, anD 'ioH.7.6.8,
juDtciall tojitg, anD all manner
of inDictments of trcafon anD fclonp,anD tfte p?0'
c^ffc thereupon tocrc maDc tntljcnamcoftljcperfonsljatiins fut^ countp pa«
latine. 3nD in cl^erp IwMt anD inDictment ioitftin anp vTountp palatine , it teas
fuppofcD to eontra pacetn of l)tm tl)at baD tl)c Countp palatine,315ut tbcfc anD
^^ H.8,c:ip,z4,
fomc ottjcrfl are tafeen atoap from tftem tftat Ijafce fucij Counties palatines, anD
anncycD to tlje vrroton,anD all tojtts to be maDc in tl)e iiings namcbnt tbe Tefic
in in tljc name of Ijimtljatfjatl) tljecountp palatine: anD tftep fliall ftauc foj=
fctttircs of lanDs anD gooDsfo;l)igl) trcafon, fojfeiture accrclBCt!) bp tfte
U)l)icl) Parch.nE.'iz.
common lato. IButfojtrcafonsojfoafcits given after tljc erection oftl)CCoun= DicnsSjiSs.
' palatine
bp anp ^ct of parliament, tt)CP Cball not bate tljem.
§ufticc6of^ffife, of Gaol delivery, anDoftijc peace are anD cticc fincc tfje 27H.8.cap.i4.
creiionoftbe Countp palatine of iiancafter bavic been maDc anD allicjneD bp
Commiffion unDcr tbc &cal of tbc countp palatine of 31 ancatter.

BIntljcCountp palatine of Eancaftcr fines arclebpeDtuitb tbJcepjoclama* 37H.8ca.19.

H-6 fo.j j.
tions,ic. befoje tlje Suftices of Hllife ttjerc, oj one of tbem, % all recoveries to be 3^
^ ^^^^°^''
baD of ani>lanDs 0? tenements in tbcCountp palatine are to be baD in tbc Court
of tbat County palatine, anD cannot be baD at SMcftrainaer.
3»n trefpaffc in tbe Countp palatine of ilancattcr , tbe SDcfcnDanf plcaDeD « n h.6 48
a fo:.ain rclcafc, tbc <nourt pjcfircD aDapto tbe parties in )15anb, tbe IRccojD
muft be rcmoVcD Certiorari in Cbanccrp , anD bP Mittimus into tbe Bentb, b
b^' 17 e 3.84.
tbcre to be trpcD. 11H7.JJ.'
3f iffucbc jopncDin tbc liiings llScncb , oj Common HBencb triable in tbc s^H.e.n.xj.
countp palatine of Jianc, it fball be trpcD in tbc Countp of3Lanc'a'nDrcmaun=
fiCDbttbCr. 19 E.j.tnal 66.
?:21lbcrcarclcafco?otberfpcciall DceD is plcaDeD in bar in anp

court at 45E.3Vifne5o.
Mcftminttcr, iuitbinafrancbifelnbcrctbeteings tojit runnetb «of,it(ballbe ^9^ j"p.4.
trpcDtobcfctbcte:itis b?ouabt.S>ee tbc books quotcD in tbc margcnt ^nDin ^^"^^7.10
t. 3.

tb'ts Varictpof opinions 3 bolo tbclatotobctbattbisttatutc ofpE.j.crtenDS

\\ I'^'^gV
itot to cafes tobcn anv otbcr ifftic is jopneD trpablc in tbe Countp palatine oj &'b.
etbcr frantbife : iSnD 3 grounD mp opinipn'upon tbe refolution of all tbe HuDges 46 t.j.viinc jj.
of Cnfflano in tbc c^rcbequcr Cbamber, in Anno 3: H.6.15, ^tc 39 H. 6, 21, ^'('toutucsju.

Vid.Lib Intr. fo.Ki,,8, Henry Paraycs cafc in Dcit, In Camera Guild- PerMamn.
hall Civitaiis London. 8
iiingH.^^.bpbisuCbartcrbp J^utbojifp of parliament. Anno primo of bis

reign. DotbfcVcr tbc poffcttionc of tbc iDucblMc. from tbc Croton : i!nD tbat ^'j"-^"t.
tobicb lohn of Gaunt bclD foj life, is cftablifljcD fo;t eVer , anD fpcciallp bp tbc ^.^or Par 1 h

llatufcis of lE. 4. anDi H.7,bercaftcr mcntioncD : anD tb is reparation H. 4. imitnicd caiu'*"

maDr,foj tbntbchncU) beb'^Dtbc Ducbpof llancattcr (par multis regnis)bp J,^fg'iH4. o«
furc anD unDefcfifcle title: anDbccoiilD not be botb Rex anD Dux.butfpviallp J'i''''''i'o'ieDi,ra.
tbat biJ title to tbe Croton toss not fo affureD, foj tbat after tbc Dcccafc of R.z. Tct'lZa'^io
tbcrtgbtof tbe Croton toas in tbc bcir of Lioneil SDukcof vJIlarcnccfeconDfon tatei'ariilmmi
O1E.3. JohnofGaunt iFatbcr of H.4. being tbc fourtb Ton: anD tbcrefoje be in- """ongmfuifn-
tcnDcn net, tbat bP tbe lato of tbc Croton tbc SDucbP fboulD go toitb tbc croton,« "'"•
tbat be ftoulJ be feifcDtbcreof in ri^btoftlje Croton , as tbc Iting aftcrtoarDs pj com
toas oftbcpoiTcffiojio oftbc2DucbPOf|3o?ti, earlDome of i'0arcb,anD otbers.
Humphrey de Bohun (J;arl Of l^CrCfO^D , CCTC); anD ipO'.tbampton being tbc » U.S. Partition"
firtt anD latt (Sari of tbat name , anD fetfcD of large poffcffions in ©nglanD anD 'c-''td on-9 n.s
CCIalc0,biDiC[ucttooDaactbtcrs; Eleanor tbe clDcCfcmarieD to TiiomasS>HlJC '^'•"^^enH 5.anj
ef Olouc',anD Mary maricD fo tbcC-arl of ?^crtfo:D.
Qe 3t
2o<^ The Court
of the l^uchj Chamber. Cap.^^^^
Rot.par.Anno 3it i« ctiactcD ti^atall tl^e spannojs anl) fjcrcliitamentc toljicl^ DcfcenteD to H.j» after tl)c Deceafe of tlie fatD Mary^ismoffjer , as fon ano tjctriinfo tjcr,
c^fi^"'"'d^' d
ftfulfbc ntffcticretJfronitbeCrotonof C!;tial3ntJ,anDanncTCDtotl)c HDucljp of
that noi'and" ?Lancaftcr, ant) tobc of ttjcfamc nature asbp t^ic Jaings licttcrs patents ctta^

ftiouU paffe of bp |3arltamcnt t^ere appearctb; toftcrc pou

bltfljeD map reaD of manp if rancljifcs
Duchy, but under aoD Jltbcrties belonging to tl^c 2D ucljp.
*' '
^^^^ *' ^^ *^ '^^ obfefbeD, tfjat albeit tftcfe pollefftons DefccnDcU to feing H. y.
Mar cap to as^elF to l^ts motljcr, pet l)c toas tljereof fcifcD injnre Corom, anDt^rcfoje
a See the i.parc tl)ts 0ct Dtffetjeretft tljcm from ttjc Crotun,
la/i.sea.s. x^zWttOi)] of 3lanca(ler asreparateD,ic.ts bp jSct of |Darltamcnt affurcD to
6Rot.Par.iE.4. ^,4, anDftt0l)6trsi^mg0of CnglanD, iBpt^ts^actalltntallsoftljcDntljp, oj
p'l ctm »- of anplanD annejteDttjercunto are cut off,anDbpt^tsmal)efcc ttmplc to E. 4. anD
vid.ii 5. for (he ftisbeirs fitngsofQBnglano* 3nan 0(tof parliament toittjout quettion t^is
Princes cafe. limitation of a fee ftmple is gooD. g>ee tlie tofiole Slct,
' *
c Rot.Par. H.y. 3lt tsenactcD tljat H,7. ItjoulD l)alje,^olD:,anD enjop to ^imann fjis
i fjetrs foj*
*Notahisheirs ctjermojct^e xCoutttp palatine Of JLancattcr, anD all l)onoj0,ic, 3IBp toljttf) aa
without faying gifp gn fojmcr intails are cut off, ano in tl)is ftate Dotl^ tijc S)ucl)p ftanD at tfjis

UndfL°/rd^d '
^^P' ''aillant)S,ic.parcelloft!)is3Duc^pgit3cntot!jcUing bp tljc statute of
iiE.4.60 S^onaaeric0,Cl)antericsarc ttilliDitljin tf)e furbep of tijc SDucble. CSaitfjln
vid'' I e!. t^e Cotintp palatine of Hancaftcr t^c SDnfee lulling Jura Regalia-, fjis jurisDicti;
168. b. on anD pjitjileDgcs therein Ujerc tjerp great, e
2Di)e2DuteofiLanc' complainetl) bp moutf) to tijc toing, Biiljops, anD
\ Elcll'lt 3LOJD0 in full parliament SCtjat toljerc after tfjc tcatfj of Tiicmas of Lathome

Ro't.par.pR.i. iDJ&o IjclD tlje i^annoj of JLatljome in ttjc Countpof JLanC of tijc faiD JDuKc in
nu. 1 5 .
c^etjagctoljcrcbp tljc mannoj toas feifeD into tlje IjanDS of tfje faiD iDuhe ofi,an*
cafteraccojDingto fjis Countp palatine of ilancaftcr, pet nottoitljttanDing John
verTwithVn lu- Stanley fcnigW as in tfte rigljt of Ifabell Ijis Vnife Daugljter i l)eir of tfte faiD Tho.
County Palatine, ^aD cntreD,
anD taUcn tftc pjofits of tljc faiD mannoj tuif ftout anp literp oj otijer
but not ofate/ fuit waDc ttt tl)C Cfjancerp Of tl)C faiDSDubc, fojlTljic^ IjD pjapeD rcmeDp.after
nure without.
to^icl>,upon fulUDtiicc Of tlje Bluftices of botft 3!Bcnt^e3,anD ottjers of tlje iiiings
i6 H.8.5:.
learncD CouncelUit toas DeclareD int^e faiD parliament , tftat ttic cnfrp of t^c
faiDJohn into tf)emanno?,as afojefaiD,toas unlatofnll ,anD tftaftljc faiD John
ougl)t tomabc fuit bp petition, oj otl)ertoife in tfjc Cljancerpof tl^e faiD HDubc foj
t^e litjerp of tfte faiDmanno j in fuel) cafe to be fucD foj.
v;d.5 5 8.C.39. H iDf tl)ciFranclbifes anD Liberties belonging totftc Countp palatine of 11 anc,
11 H.8.C.Z0. Rot Par. 2 H,^ Ubi fupra.
i^oti map reaD
3 E.6ca.i.Cuftos
fiianDstobe annereD fotbis SDucIEip uhDcrtfjc (©?cat ^eal tftallbeas gooD,
/ & , pi^sc ^ if »^ ^^^ l"^^" annereo bp parliament. of s El. Cap, 23, conccming tojitSOf Significavic, anD Ex-

communicato capiendo*
11 £.460.71. iianDs toitftintiic Countp palatine UjoulD paffe bp tfje SDuftes dfjartcr foifft*
pi.C01n.j19. out liberp of feifon ojattojnment, but of lants partell of a mannoj annereD to
tlje H)utl)p toitljout tlje countp palatine, tljcreougbt tobcliticrpof feifon, anD
attornment of tenants, anD in t6e fame Degree is it in t^c icings cafe, m^z reafon
Ijereof is, foj ttjaf tljc Countp of ?lant' toas a countp palatine , anD t^c ©ufee
tljen IjaD Jura uegalia.
Vid.35 H.8. pjoceeDing in tljis Court of tljc SDucljp Cljamber at Meftm' is as in
cap.39.whrh a Court of Cljancerpfo? lanDSjfctoitbintftefurtjcp of tljat Court bpCSnglilti
before in the
\^^\\,^^ gj^j, jief f ee; but tftts Cljanccrp Court is not a mitt Court as f ijc Cljaitcc^
CourtofWatds. rpof (iI;nglanD is, partlp of tljc Common lato,anD partlp of €-quitp, as Ijat^bccn
Seei/ faiD. »>ce fccfojc in Cljaptcr of tftc court of Cljanccrp.
there aifo
is a
2Dljc pjoccffc is bp p
jtlip &eal,0ttacljmcnt,ic. as in tfjc Cfjanccrp,

jE^c £Dfficcrs of tljis Court be tlje Ci^anccloj, tfje atturnp, tljclRecciUcr

ccuaty Palatine,
gg^g^-gn, ^igj jj ^f {Jje; court, tftc 0uDitojs,§)urljepojs, tfic s^cffcngcr. aCbere
is an atturnp of tljc SDucfjp in tljc Cljanccrp, anD anotljcr in tijc CEj^tljciiucr.
Sbcrc be four IcarncD in tlje anD of Counccll toitlj tlje Court.
lalu Sitfiftants,
Hii. I E.6.i?rook founD of t^c feing Ut de Ducatu Lancaftrix.anD in
^aiijere bp office a tenure is
Travels 53.
Cap.3<^. The Court ofthe Duchy Chamber,
trutbittsnot fo.tftcrcnccDEtbnofintcrfcfoj.tfjc mnq, fiatfj t^c ^ut^i^ 30 *uh,ccnatum
IDufecatiD not as tetim. anDa man lljallnot tratierfc, bitt Ijoljerc it is founo f
foj 't
tfl^^^ appear
tijc iaUi0:Sedaliterutiuir indicbu$noiiris,asi ifappcarctl; in cafe foUotofng, '^''""I'l.Com.
llbi lupa.
T If is found for

Le royiiii droit dcfen Dtichiede Lam' ) Segnior Rich.Hulmc feiftedel '^I^^q^I^'^'^


Unnmr de UdctnlcGoimtie de Lam' lenta dclroyC0?ne de fonditDuchie Huimes cafe,

de Chivalry Mefne^ (jr Robert Male {(eijie des tcrrcs in Male te- '^iich.7 Jacia
pfr fervice
nM del Mcfne come defondit Mannor per fervice de Chivalry )7'en'. Rich. C jria ward.Xra."
Hulmemonfl-^Apres ijuemort. Anno ^i H.Z.fuit que tlmorijl feifie del
Eft'oppe" p«r fucr
dit mefnaltie^(^ (jue ccodifccnd alEdmonde (onfitz, deins age,(^ trove le HeiJviry,

et il fuit in
gard Robert Male le
tenure avandit^&c. le
temps que
ten' morijl: apres que mort Anno
35 H. S.fint trove per office que Robert
Male fnertififcific del dit
tenancy peravaile/t que ceo d/fcendalfonfit^ (jf
heire deins agc^et que le dit tenancie fuit tenus del roy come del dit Duchy
in veritie ceo fuit tenus del I'dtnondc Hulme
per fervice deChivalrie{ett ,

in gard in le roy come del dit

adonques tnefnaltie, ) per que le roy jeififl
del heir e le ten ^^ puis 4 :fac. Regis nunc le mort de Rich.
legard apres
Male que fuit lineal heire del dit Robert Male ^per un auter office trovefuit
que ledtt Rich, morifi (eifie del
tenancy^ et ceo teignoit del Roy some
de fon Duchy per fervice de Chivalry Jon heire deins age , Sur ceo Rich,
Hulme coufin &
heire del dit Rich. Hulme , ad
preferre un bill dejlre ad-
mit a [on t ravers de cefl
da rrein office
trove in Anno 4 ^ac. Le quefiionfuit^
le quel loffice trove /» 35 H. S. foit afcun efloppel al dit Hulme a traver-
le darrein office, oti fi le dit Hulme ferr a chafe
fer primerment atraverfer '

loffice de^'i
H. 8. Et fuit objeB que ildoit primerment tr avers loffice in
35H.8. come ink cafe de z^Ed.j. que ft 2. fynes font levy de
terre in ancient demefneje Segnior de que la terre ell tenus, doit aver briefe
de difcent Areverfer leprimicr fine,(^ in ceo le i fne ne fcrra barre. Et
que le
primier office efioppera cy longe come ceo remains in force. A que
fuit rejponde & rtfolve per ^ &
les 2 Chief ^uflices ^ le.
Chief Baron-,
Court de Gards^que le trover dun office ncflpas afcun ejloppcl, car ceo nejl que

enquefi doffice, ^ le
party greve aver a tr avers cea come adeflre confeffe^c^

pur ceo
fans queflionceonefipM mes quant office ejl trove fauxe-
mem que terre
tenrts del
roy per fervice
de chivalne in
capite^ou i»
la terre eft tenffs del autcr fegnior^ou del roy in
verity mefme Socage ^ fi l^
heire fua generall livery
tenus in^6E.^. 12. per Mowbray Perfey ^ 46e.j.i».
que il navcra fute apres daverre que la terre
nejl pas tenus del roy^^c,
mes ceo neft forfquc efoppel al heire mefme que fua la livery (-r neconclu-
dera fon heire: Car ifmt dit Mowbray mefme, exprefment inautielcafe tn 35. que per fuer de livery efioppera folement mefme le

heire durant fon vie: Et in i

H.4. fo. 6.h. U le
cafe eft tnyfede expreffe
' ^ '^^^'

confefion ^ fuer de livery per liffuc

in tail
fur faux office, (^ la efitepui
que les
furors fur «o-l^c/ Diem clau fit extremiim
apres le mort de tie I
heire fontaUrge felonque lour confidence
a trover que la terre nefi pas te-

ntts,(^c. car ilz,

fiont jure ad veiicarem dicendam, lour trover efi ^appel
veredidum,quafi didtum veritatis: quel rcajon auxifierve quant
le heire iri

fee fimple fuifi livery fur faux office que

^-urors apres fon mort doi-
ent trover felonque le verity , il^int efi dit iw 3 ? H. 6. fo. 7. per Laicon r, , ^ 1

que fi 2 Joers J^nt trove hetres^dont lun eft bajtara,jilz, jome tn fute de Li:con.
livery\cefii que joinc ove Icbafiard in livery nealledgerabafiardyin I'auv,
e z E mes
2o8 The Court of the T>uchy Chamber. C^p.^S,
ptes nul Livre dit que lejioppel
indtirer^ j>luU longement que durant [on
•vie, Et quant
livery efi fue per
un heire , le force effeH del
record ^
de ceji livery efi execute determine S
ver fort
mort (^ fur ceo le
exPirer' ovelemort le heire-, mesceo e(t defire intend dun generall livery,,
car livery ne concludera omnino,come appear apres. Lesparols
(beciall degS'
nerall livery^ quant le heire efi trove de pleine age, font. Rex Efcaeto-

ri,&c. Sciasquod cepimus homagium I.filii & ha?redisB. defiindi

de omnibus terris & tenementis qux idem B. pater fuus tcnuic dc
nobis in Capite die quo obiit, & ei terras & tcnementa reddidimus,
Etideotibipraecipimus, &c. eidem
I. de omnibus terris tenemen- &
tis plcnam feifinam habere fac',&c. Et quant le heire
it le breife de livery dirra. Rex,&c.Quia I. filius

ingarda fo» plein age,

& haercs B. defun(5li,qui de nobis tejiuit in capite, ajtatem fuam co-
ram tc fufficient' probavic,&c. cepimus homagium ipfius I; de om-
nibus terris &
tenementis qujeidemB. pater fuus tenuic dc nobis in
Capitediequoobiit5& ei terras &
tenemcnta reddidimus: Etideo tibi
przcipimus, ut fupra. breif efi le [ute del heire (^ pur ceo coment
touts les parols del bretf font les parels le roy {come tout les breifs le

toy font) &

content que le breif delivery <?/ ^f^^r^// , de omnibus terris

& tenementis de quibusB.patcrl. tenuit de nobis in capite die quo

fdnsdireB affrmac' que afcun Manner
obiit, partictder efitenus in ca-
pite, c"
nient obfiant que ceo nefi forfque profecution dun breif le roy , ^
ml judgment fur ceo-, uncore intant que generall livery efi foundue fur
trove que divers terres
(jr tenements fuer' tenus
loffee, &per loffcefuit
del roy in capite, 4 caufe le Juer de cefi
«^ breif concluder' le heire fole-
went quefuifi le
livery , c" ^p*'^^ /"^
^o^^ '^^
furors in novel breif de
Diem claufit tyitxtmvL fontalar
ge^come efi
avandit , ft cefit^ury trove&
tenure del roy j auxileSegnior deque la terre efi tentti poet tra-
verscefiofhce, oufi terrefoit tenus
roy,^c. in Socage , le heire poet tra-
cers ceft darrein office, carper ceo il efigrevefolement , (^ ne travers lepri'
Pier office^ quant lepierfuifi livery (^ mortJ,e conclufion efi execute &pafiy
come efi dit adevant. Etnotilaefiun(peciall livery, mes proceaae de
grace roy, ^ nefi pas jute le heire &
leroy poet grante
, oual plein age

^ec'i^/ aetate probanda,&c. ou al heire deins age, come appiert in 21 E.3.40,

et ceo efi generall, (^ ne affirm direlfment afcun tenure come le generall live-
46 Aff p eve un,ni dicitur,<^ pur ceo nefi afcun efioppel fans qitefiion,
ry ffi,mes
47 E.j.ti. £f al common ley (peciall livery poet aver efire gram devant afcun office
jf H./j*. tr&ve,mes ere lefiatut de 33 efipurvien, Thatno
per or perfon
perfons having lands or tenements above the yeai-ly value of 5.I.
fliall have or {ue any livery before Inquifition or Office found before
'ciu^g^'^E 6^*'^ the Efcheator or other Commiffioner, mes per ttn expreffe claufe in mef-
4P«" ii"'^-
me laffe, livery may be made of the lands and tenements comprifed or

'wtdi. j9 '&\o noi comprifed in fuch offices. Ifiintfi office foit trove dafcunparceH^^c,
lUoi.ifj. ceofuffifi,&fi
le terre trove in loffice nexceade 20
donques le heirepoet fu-

ent trove, come efi avandit-^mes

generall livery apres office
la terre nex-
ceade 5' /. per annum, donques generall livery poet efire fue fans office ent
trove per garrant del Mafier de gards,(^c. Vid. DierzjEl. 377. quele

RoigHe,ex dehitO'Ju{iitix, nefi lye a cefi jour puis le dit de 33 H. 8. AH

agraunter fpeciall livery,
mes efi afoneleliionagraunt' fPeciaUlivery,ou a
le heir a un generall I'tvery.
Cap. 3^. T^be Court
ofthe Duchy Chamber. 2 op
Fuit auxi refohe in cefi cafe que lofjice </(? 5 5 H. 8. nefuitfas traverfahUy
CAT j«ntravers dcmefne froveraqne le Roj aver caufedaver gardfer caufe
de gardy ^
ijuant faux office oa am'
leRoyvientalfofj'epenfer meanejur
dun droit , ou in 'veritie il nadtiel droit ^ uncore ft appiert que le
JRoy adafcun
auter droit ou inter
a aver^ tener la terre, U nul traverfera whkh cafe we
ou Roy,pur ceo que tracers Ideo con-
ceft office
title le le
judgement in le
eft , the fame hn-
eft quod manus Domini
fideratum regis a poflefTionc amoveantur, &c. guage wherein
jQue ne doit eftre quant appiert al court aue le roy ad droit ou interefl daver la ^? reported
*'^— _ -'
J -f^,,
r 1
I J ,. -
J•'r J when u wa» f;efr.
terre, Etoveceoaceora. jH./{Ao\. ^^. in leCounteede Rents cafe (S'que in memory, sni -^

apres generallltvery fue per le heir de Robert Maleleoffice ne tra-

poet eflre ^** P" '' '
merfeperfon heir:
Et ifint auxi fuit refolveper lafsijlants del court de Cards
in S curfie
cafe in Curia Wardorum. Tr. 8 Jacobi.
^Ijat JLcafco map be maCc of lanD0, f c. to(tl)tn tljc furtjcp of fijc SDadjpof
ILancaaccj S>cstbc iDjDtnantesoftftc^CourtofSDnt^i'conccfninBJlcarcB to be
MiaDC, %t. Anno 20 H. 6,
g>cc alfo Dier Mich.6& /Eliz. tberefoluUonofall tlje 3!uDge0 conccrnfng Wich.6 8c7Eiit,
3Lcarc0inaDcbptt)c«il)antcloj of ttieSDuc^p Chamber. i!nDlf tfje JLcafc cttl^cr ^V^"
tn poffeffton oj rctoerfion be tmu
unDer tlje SDuc^jp &cal,Qaod Dominus Rexde i^prov,foes!'
adviramento& aircnfuconcilii J^ucatus Lancaitriardimifit&c.tljeiLcafctSgOOD, x&
5 ph.&M.

alttjougf) in trutft t^c <£l^anccloj maOe it, anD put to tbe &calc of t^c SDtuljp. ifo?
fuc^ ileafes utiDer t^c SOucljp &eal , oj onDcr tfte &eal of t^c Countp palatine ^^ H.s.cap.i^.
of lanD0 toitljin tlje fame , are of as great fo^ce ao lanDs of t^c Croton unDer tl^e
C&}eat &eale.
jaibclt bp fpctiall pjotiGon atiD conffrurtfon, to a grant of lanl)0anDtene« ^^"^a-^o^o.
ments parccll ofttie H>ucftpoflLancaffcr tbatlpcout of tbc Countp palatine, H.4.
tl)erc mutt be litjcrpof fcifin anD atto?namcnt, astbecafercquiret^, pettbe Fidicananu.k
grant unoer tbc S>cal of tbe 2I5ncl)p is matter of 3K cco?D in rcfpcrt of tbc Dignitp dc fcperauont du^^
oftfte pcrfon of tl)C ising, anD nceDefb no fielttjerp to mabe it a oceD (as DeeDs be* «'• ^""c. « con^
ttoeen fubjects ougbt to batjc) anD if tbe fame be DcnteD, Non eft faawn cannot "."'^J''^""

be plcaDCD, but Nul tiel Record. '«"

^nD tbe !Sing bp bis iLctters patents nnccr tbe &calcof tbc JE)nc|ipDot|» Rot.'pari, 3 h f.

grant a reterfion erpettant upon an eftate fo; life 0; pears of lanDs parcell of t(ie "^ > i-
fatD SDucljp Iping out of tljedTountp palatine, tbe retjerOon iJotb patTe mainte* R°t- P«fi'E.4.
rant to tbe|0atcntcebpfojcc of tbcJLcttcrs patents: but b^fliallnot batean
* RotParj,H
jattion of tKaattc oj Dittraine befo?c ;S!ttojnamcnt.
, if o? tbis tafc is Ube to nv.i.%ta. i.'"^'
tbe cafe of a fine tctiueen fubjects, tobicb is matter of retojD: anDfotbeteings i&jPh.&Mar,
iicttcrs patcntij unDcr tbe a?atbp &cal are as bifib a matter of ret ojD (if not i^P "•
Ijigber tben a fine.) ;anQ tbis tenfietb botb to tbe bonour of tbe iaing anD tbc fafe-- ion
omiuas &'^'
tpoffucbaspurtbafefntbreticrlionBoftbeiiing, tbattbeffateoftbercberfion perprefogat.
IboulD paite bptbofclLettcrs patents: otbertoife if tbe patentee Dpe before Kot.Pari. 1 h.^,

0ttO2nament,tbe ILctters patents fboulD be tJoiD, anD tbe taliDitpof tbe &ings ""^°-
grant IhoulD tcpcnD upon tbcplcafureoftbeleffec, anD manp incontjeniencies \^^'^'^!^'^\'
IboulD tbcrcupon foUoto. 0nD all tbis appearetb bp tbat great % grate refoltjtfon Dier'Ai"o 6&7
of tbe cafeoftbcSDucbpofiLancatterrcpojtcDbp'jpr.Plowdcn, tbatnoffatute
noto in fo?ce DotbfcparatetbeSDucbpfromtbepcrfonoftbeiaing, nojtobabc LitSea. jSo.
tbe perfon oftbclSing fcparate from tbcBDurtjp, noj tomabe tbeifting JS)nbe 'pafQ^'iieinft-
of JLancaftcr bating regarD to tbc poCTctrions of tbc 2?ucbp,noj to alter tbe quali^
^^^^°^' ^^^
tp of tbe pcrfon of liing H. 7. but onlp tbat tbe feing fljoulD bate to bim anD to m. b."

bts l^cirs tbc faiD SD.ucbp fcparate from tbe otbcr poffetttons in tobicb cafe tbe ; Vide Rot. pari.

SDucbp at tbcleatt is jopncD to tbepcrfonof H.7. anDtobis l^etr0,anDtbe iH4n'«.8i,af.

pcrfon of tbc litng remain as it DiDbefo?c, foj notbtngis faiD to tbc qualitpof
tbe pcrfon of tbei^ing, no^ to tbc alteration of bis name. BnD tbe perfon of tbe
litng flball not be (nfccblcD becaufc tbc iBDucbp is gitcn to tbc liiing ? bis l^cirs,
but rcmam altoapcs of full Ircll to gifts anD grants bp bim maDe,as to aD^
minittratton of Suttice : Mbcreupon it)xias rcfoltcD,tbatBleares maDebp E. o.
210 T^he Court of the Duchy Chamber, Cap. 3(^.
bcins age of lanDS, cffljcciBUlitntbecouiifpoftlancaffcro'.VDitljout

patccUoft]bc2I>uct)p(tftclj\opall anDtJoUticlicapacitpof t^e !l»ing being not al?

terct)) tDcrc not toiDablcbpftts nonage: iuffrefolution, anDtcnDing to tIE)?
fafef p anD quiet of pturcl)afcr0 anD j^armojSj anD p:otcf b Dlrcalp fijnt tf)c
all ant)poUtttk capacity of ttje iiing being notaltcrcD Cas to tbcfc potlcffions) t^e
^Letters patents of tljeiafng of tfjcfepoffetfions nnDcrtbeSDncljp &ealearc of
KccojD; anD toe finDc no opinion tnour IBooks, oianrtljtngfnanpHccojD,
tbat iDC remember, againft t^is. »>o as tljc HLato concerning ibis point is, SCfcaf
foj grants of rctietftons bp iLetters \0atent0 nnDcr tljc llings &cal of tl)c SDuc^g
of 3Lancafter,tl^crc mnft be atto jnament fo? lanDs out of tljeCountP palatine to
mafeea p;itl3itp,as in cafe of a fine fo: fbc action of luattc oj Diffrcffc : but of lanDs
Videi7H.8. Countp palatine, tfje rcbcrflons paltc bp ^Letters patents unDer tbc
Uittl)in tftc
cap. II, fortlie &eal of tljc ilonntp palatine, botl) fo: tlje eftafe anDfojttic pjtbifp of tlicartf.
feverall Seaks.
on anD of tl)c Dittrclle : anD pet tljc S>eal is as l)tcl) a matter of IRccojD in tl^e
aj H.S.cap.j.
Com. of Scwcis one cafe as in tftc otbcr. ;anD tjereiuitlj agrcetb tlje continuall pjactifc fn tljc
under thefcaleof Court of tlje SDucljp of ILancafter. jfoj if a rebcrfionbc grantcD unDer tljeSDu*
the Duchy, and cftp g>cal in feeoj in tapl, m, of tfte lanDs of tftis SDucljp crpcctant upon a iLcafe
they bcCommif-
fionersot" Record
foj pears, life, «c.a CSHrit in C'nglifl) is ufaallv granteD intl)e teings name unDec
tftc2Ducl)p §>cal reciting tlje grant , anD commanDing tljc particular SEenant to
attojn : oj if it be of a spannoj fn poITcffion, a Mrit lifeetoifc tn CEnglift isufas
allp granteD commanDing tl)C ^Ccnants gcncrallp to attorn.
%\it S>eal of tlje SDucftp of ilancaffcr remains ixjttlj tl^e Cljanceloj at tMettm.
;anD tlje g>cal of tfte countp palatine remains alloapes in a cijeft tn tlie Coun«
27 H. 8. cap. 1 6.
tp palatine unDer tljc fafc cuftoDp of tljc !accper tljcreof. 311 grants anD le afes of
JLanDs, 2:;cncmcnt3,£)ffices, tljc (Jtountp palatine of ^Lancattcr lljaU patfe
unDer ttjat &eal anD no ottjer : anD all grants anD leafes of lianDs, SDencments,
£>fF{ce3,?c, out of tl)c Countp palatine anD toitljintbc futticpofflieSDuc&p,
ubifupra. fijall palTc unDer tl^c^calofttjc HDucftp, anD nootljer: otl)crU)ifc fuc^ grants
anD leafes (Ijall be toiD fap tfjc apparent intention of tljc act.
Pl. Com.zii. ^ecalfo PI. Com. 222. notable matter concerning leafes maDe of lanDs toffft-
fn tlje a>urt)ep of tljis Court, tljcl^ing being \xi\t\^\n age, %t, refcltcD anD DccrecD
to be gooD.
sn^is Countp palatine teas tbe poungeft b?otljer, anD ret bcft belobcD of all
otfter, fo;i it IjaD mo;e ?^ono?s, ii^annojs, anD ILanDs anncrcD nnto it t^cn anp ,

R6i3lties,Fran- oftfte reft, bp tljc ll^oufe of ilancaftcr , anDbpH.8. anD Succn Mary , albeit
chifesjLibcrtirj, t^ep toere DcfcenDcD alfo of tftc l^oufe of 5^o;tJ, viz, from Eliz. t^e clDeft ©aug^-.
&c. fer of E.4.
Koc. PaiI.iH.5. *
^'oj tljc great -Uoiattles, JTrancljifes ?libert(es,paitiilc9gcB,5mmunitic3,
nu. JO. not in
flUutetanccs, anD JFrecDomcs, to^tc^tljc SDube of !lancafter ijaD foj ^im anD^ia
print, andefla-
bli/htd and con- men anD tenants, fee Rot, Pari, die Luna: port Odtab, Sant^i Martini An. 2 H. 5-.
firmed Ror.Par- arc cftabliftjcD, ratificDaitD confirmeD bp autftojttpof garltamenf, ncs
all toljicl^
liain.Annoj H-j
nu. I J.'
ccHarp to be luioton bp fuclj as Ijatic anp of ttjcfc poffeffions."


Of the County Palatine of Chefter.

fljeereflfon of fl^e Countp palatfne of JLancattcr tjafft reference to 13 E.j.Vouch.iS.

tt)c Countp palatine of clietter, Voe Italic ttjougl^t gooD to entreat of it in IS?-?.
t^ls plice, fo J tljat one gtljctl) Itg^t to tfte otl^er.
19 H.(
36 H.6.jj,34.
Me ftatje fpoben of tljc conntp of ILancafter raifeD to a countp palatine bp 12E.4.16.
jSdofl^arUament; Me (l)aU nolDfpeabofacotint^JpalattnccrcateD bp{i;e< a A man may
have a County
b Me
fint) tljat Hugh Lupus fonne of t^e tttifcount of Avercnches in Jplojimanlip
Palatine by pre-

bp^tstotfe William tl^c Conqucrours differ luas ttie firrtljercDftarpCBarle of I7j>8.ij.ii E.4.
CgnglanQ crcateD bp^s tMncle tl)e Conquerour dearie ofCljefter, *
anDtntljc 16. 21^.
Itile of a conquerour ,Totumq; hunc comitatu tenendum fibi &
haeredibus ica Rcgift. 17. a.
b This
libcrc ad gladium, ficut ipfc Rextenebat Angliam ad coronam,dcdit,t SCoti^iS Luj us did
bear Azurahead
<^arlDomc is annctcti tfje Counfp of iFlint in Malc0» of a VVoolf era-
%\){Q is tljcmoa ancient anDmott fjonoucableCounfp palatine remaining in fcd,aigent. '
CnglanD at tljis Dap/ toitl) toljiclj Dignitp tlje teings elDett fonne l)atb been of Infcefimpl*.
t »i
loncc time IjonoureD. * R.i.cap.j,
is^tljis general grant tftia Hugh ctarlof CftefferljaD Jura regalia iuttl^intl^e^.
Coantp, confcqucnflf
% ftaD Comitatum Palatinum toitljout anp erpjeffc tDOjD0
thereof, anD iip fojcc tbercof fte createD Cigftt cljefljire JBarons , to^icl) toas tl^e
Tliefe Barons
firtt uiftblc mark of a Countp JDalattne, SCljat is to fap.Robcrt Fitz-Hugh 31Baron
had tvithin ibcir
of ODalpas, Richard <:h Vernon ISaron Of §)cibbjohe, William Walbank IBaron feverall
of jliantiotc^, William tijc fonne of Nigil IBaron of ^^alton, Hamond dc Mafly conufansf/eew-
JBaron of 2Dnn^am,Giflebert de Vcnables llSaron of iStnDerton, Hugh tl^e fonne mhiis placitU &
of Norman 315aron of ^atoarDpn, anD N. IBaron of S>toclipojt q':erclt$ >H curia
comicis moiis,
315p tbc fait) gcncrall grant Ijc Ijao
not tl)C patronage ant) tenure of tlje llBiOjop^icfe
of Cl)efter , fo: t !)us rcane in tfte 3 Book of 2D omef Dap raaDe in tfte time of t^t0 "dgladium ejus
Hugh ^arl of Cftcftcr. Cenrefhire, Tenet Epircopuscjufdcmcivitatisde rege, fettinennbus,
which you
quod ad fuum pertinet Epifcopatum; totam rcliquam terramcomitatus tenet Hu- may
go comes de reg?.
Infpex. Pat. An.
Britcon faitf),Voilons nous que Juftices Errant foient aiTignes de les Chapters

i8H.6.partc 2,
oicr & terminer en' chefcun Count ye, & en chefcun Franchife de 7 ans en 7 an$, m.j4.
& autiel poer voilons que nous Chief Jullicesde Ireland Ccftre cyent*
& tBrit.f.i.b.

tbis Countp palatine, anD tbc Countpof tbc Citp of Cbeftcr, tijcrc
Mitbtn 27H.8,cap,^.

rfChief Jullicedc
is, anD ancicntlp batl) been a pjincipall £Dfficcr callcD tl)C Cfjambcrlain of €\it'
Iter, tobo batb T anD time out of mtnDe batl) baD tbc jurif Diction of a Cbancclonr ; '
(| Court of dSrcbcqucr at Cbctter is anD time out of minD of man batb /ChaniUrlain of
tbat tbes
been tbe Cbanccrp Court foj tbcfaiD Countp palatine,tDbcrcof tbc Cbamber' Chefter.

g Court oft fchc-

lain of Cbeftcr is 3!uDge in cquitp. ^c is alfo 3uDgc of matters 'at tbc Common
lato \n\{\)m tbc faiD Countp, as in tbc CourtofCbancerpatMcftm; fojtbis b
Cbacery Courr.
Court of Cbanccrp is a ^ mivt Court. 'Acche Common
2Dbcrc is alfo a ta[icc-Cbambcrlain,tDbicb i3 tbc SDeputp of tbc cbambcrlain*

'" (•A mixr Courr.

ainD tbcrc is iuttbin tbe fame a 3ulltcc callcD tbc Jw^iit of Cbcttcr,tDbo batb
jurifDtction to bear anD Determine matters of tbc Croton, ? of Common picas, n Ihejufticeof
£Df fines anD recoveries IctiicD anD fiiffcrcD as tocll tottbtn tbc Countp palatine Chcftcr.
of Cbeftcr as of tbc Cttp of Cbcttcr. §)cc tbc JJaf utcs of 2 £.6. cza 8.& 45 Eliz*
cap. !«;. llBut Of tbefc anDotbcr matters concerning tbis Countp palatine toe
babe tbougbt rood to fct Doton tbc rcfolution of four rctJcrcnD B^uDgcs (tobom toe
bnctoj upon tjtcui of IRccoiDs anD cljiDcnccs, anD mature Deliberation tljcrcupon
in to:itina,tn tbcfc ivo^.Do.
ZIZ ne County Talatine of Cbejler. Cap .37.
The opinion of Sir /<«w«I>w Knight, Chiefejuflicc of the Common Pleas at
Sit James Dier, Weflminfter, Richard fVeftomud 'Ks'^l^irdHarpttr'ECqairci, two other Jufti-
ecsofthe fame Common Plcai. and ofThomat CariisE(c\\i\Te one of the Ju-
Carnj. fticcj of the PJeaj to be holden before the Queens Majefty,declarcd and
10 Fcbr. II Re- fenced to her Highncfle the o day of February tyimo Doml i ^6^. by ver-

ginz Elizab. tuc of her Majefties Letters to us dire<fted the fecond day of the fame month
concerning the jurifdidion and liberties of the County Palatine of Chefler,
and the authority of the Chamberlain, and his Office there and concern- :

ing the controverfie between the Lord Prefident and Councell in Wales, and
the faid Chamberlains Office lately grown upon Thomat Radferds cafe exhi-
bited unto US'- as enfueth.

«King H.y.made" iFirft , bp ttjat iubtc^ toe tjatje feen anti conCticrei) , tlje Countp of Cljecct
it a
County of it (to^erein t^e Citp oC €i}t(ttv t0 noUi, anti bp a gooD time pan tjatt) been a
felfe. Camden.
Counfp of it felfe) of terp ancient time l)efo?e t|)C reign of iltng H, 3. ^atf)
4??. a.
been, ant) pet is a Counfp palatine, tottl) otfter members tbereunf Lclongirig :
*By prefcription
ana fo from time to time been receftjeoanD allotoeD in tb lato. 3nti tftere-

foje tl)e latoes, rigtjtfuU ufages , anD cuftomes of tfte fait) countp jjBalattnc ace
to bep^fertet) anD maintained.
The Cliamber-
liinofChcfter. Bit further el}it)entlpappearet^, tbat bpt^e lifetime of antiquitp ant) continue:
ancc , tftere Ijattj been anD pet is in tftc fait) t^ounf p palatine one pjincipall oj
l^eat) Officer callct) tftc Cl)ambcrlatn of Cljcffcr, tobo batlj>ant) Cbtt IjaDall jurif*
Z)i(tions belonging to tbe office of a Cbancelo^ toit^tn tbe faiD countp palatine,
The Juftice of
^ntifbat tljcreisalfotottljintbcfaiD^rountp palatine a luttice formatters
of tljcCommon picas, ant) tbe pleas of tije Crotun, fo be bcarD anD octcrmtneD
toitftin tbe fait) Countp palatinc,commonlp callet) tbc Sutticc of Cbcftcr.
Mt alfo fee
all picas of lanDS 0; tenements ant) all otlicr contracts,caures,
ant) matters riQngant) grotoing toit^in tbe fame Countp palatine arc plcaDa^

blcantJOUgbtfobepleaDeD, bcarD, anD juDictallp DetermineD toitljin tbc faiD

Countp palatine, anD not elfetoljere out office faiD Countp palatme. ;9nDif
Error,forein plea anp be pleaDeD, ^earD, or juDgcD out of tbe faiD Countp palatine , tbe fame is
and farcin vou- anD coram non Judice, except it bee in cafe of c^rro?, if ojien plea, oj i?0'
rein tioucljer.
Me alfo fee t^at no inhabitant of tbe fame countp palatine bp tbe liberties,
latijes,anD ufages of tl)C faiD Countp palatine ougbt to be calleD 0? tompcllcD bp
Treafon& error
anp Mrif oj pjoccs to appear 01 anftocr anp matter oj caufc out of tfjc fame
Countp palatine for anp t^e caules afo^efatD butonlp in caufes of treafon anD

erroj. 3nD tlje £nueens CSHrIt Dotb not tome , noj ougbt to be allotocD 0: ufcQ .
toitl^in tbe faiD Countp palatine, but unDcr ttjc S>cal of tbc faiD Countp pala^
ty Palatine.
tine, erceptMrits of Proclamation bptbeftatute of E. 6. Anno regniiuiprimo.
Court of the Ex- 3tt Dot^ furtbcr appear unto us bp gooD matter of IR ceo jD to us ftelucD , f bat

chequer is the t^e Court of tbc CDrtbcqucr at Cbcftcr is anD bp tljc time of antiquitc anD ton«

Chancery Court. tinuance afo;efaiD Ijatt) been ufcD as tlie Ci)anccrp Court fortbc fame Countp
Chambcrlalne palatine anD tbat tbe Cbambcrlaine of Ctjetter is f be cljief Officer anD 3uDge

Judge of that of tbat Court, anDtbatlje is, anD ttmeoutof minD battj been aconfcrtatojof t^c
peace bp tcrtueof tbe fame office, anD batb lifee potocr, autl)ojifp,p;cI)cminence,
of tke peace. jurifDittion, erecution of lato, anD all otber cuftomcs, commoDitics , anD actian-
tagcs pcrraining to tbc jurifDiction of a Cbancelour toitbtn tlje faiD Countp pa«
latine of Cbetter,as tbc Cbanccloj of tbc IDucljJ'of iLancattcr batlj ufcD,ljaD anD
ougbt to babe ufeD anD erecutcD toitbin tbc faiD Countp palatine of l.anca(ter :
tobic^more ebiDentlpappearetbalfobp tbeunDerSanDing of tbe fiira grant maoe
bptotngE.j.toJohnbisfonnetbcnJDufecof^Lantaaer, tobcrcbp bemaDctbc
fame Countp palatine of liancaacr,rcfcrring tbe faiD JDufec to batic bis cban»
celo?, liberties, anD regall jurifDiction to a Countp palatine belonging, adco
See the grant be-
libcre & integre, ficut comes Cefl ris infra eundem Comitatu Ceftri^c dignofcicur

ViceChatnber- ;9lfo if appcaretb unto us tbat tbe ;iSicecbamberlaine DiD latofuUp anD orbcrlp
iaine. commit to pjifon Thomas Radford namcD in tb6 cafe pjefenteD unto us , fo: tfjat
^1^^ County Talatine ofCheJler. 2'}
l)C rcfufcD to put in furcties of tfic peace toitfjin tfje
faiD C-rtftcnucf npoii Affi-
Councellof ihe
davit mace anDtl^attl)cp;occcDtngsoftI)c<i;ounccltof tl^c £par--
rbcs touching tfte enlargement of tbcfatD Radford frotntljc faiD impjtfonmenf,
anoalfo tl)etrfurt!icro:DeranD Dealing agatnfttfjc faiD aicccljamtcrlain ioa0,
anDistott^outfuffirtcnt aatl)o?itp,anDconfran'totijc jurioDirtion of tljc office

oft!)ofaiD <i;i)amterlain,anDtfte ancient latos anD liberties of ti)c fame CountP

anD toe Doc alfo affirm fljat tftc ftafufc of 54 anD 3 ; H.s. calleD tfjc £)jD{itan« The PrefiJcnt &
Council ol'Walcs
ccoofCiUalcs.toljerebP tbcautfjojitpof tl)c3lo:.D ipjcriDcnf anD Coiincell toitl)=
and thcMaichcs
in tl)c dominion anDpjincipalifp of tAlIalcsanDiparclje^ offfjc fame iscaa= ''f the fame.
tlill'cD,niiDI)atl)tl)efo;ccof a lato,fojoj concerning tljc Dctcrmtnnfton of cau' The Counties cf
fcs aiiD matters of tljc fame, compjcIjcnDcfl^ not tf)C vTountics of vi:;l)cacr,anD tljc Chcflcr.and the
of Chsllcr
<2:itP0fv£l)cfter,bccaurcti)efamc Counties of CbcItcranD tljc v!:iti.'Ofv£^cacr City
no part ot' the
be no part noj parccll of t^e faiD SDominion j jp jincipalitp of SEHalcs, oj of tljc
Marches of
i©arcl)C0 oftljcfame. Wales.
iSettocen 6»irJohnEgettonplaintif,anD William Carl of JDcrbp Cljam^ Hil.ii u'l:

bcrlain of (Eljcttcr 1 otljers SDcfenDants, foj tljc trutt of an intcrcft of a fcarm in Chancery.

lanDs in tljc Countp points tocre rcfolbcD bp ttje iL ojD Ct)ancc=

of vTljcftcr, tljcfe

lour anDbPtljcCljicfiufticc of Suffice Dodderidge, anD Sutticc

WincIictoljomttjciLojDvrijancclojcallcDfo be Ijis Sffiaantsas foUotoet^.
iT^trft,tljattljc Cljambcrlain of Cfjcffcr being fole HuDgein Cquiti?, 0? l^is
Vid.Inthe Chw
ter of Durhamj
Deputy cannot Decree anpcaufetoljcrcinljetjimfelf ispartp, foj Ijc cannot be Anno 30 E.I.
Judex in propria caufa, but in tftat cafe l)e map complain in tlje CljancerpofCSng- Coram Rcge.
Vide:i H.j.breve 88i,inrationabili parte vcrfus Comitem CeflrijEdc ha:- »i H.j.bfeSSi.
redicate D. quondam Comit'Ceftrii. Comes dicit quod noluit rcfporidefe de
terra in Com' Cenrixubibreviadomini regis non currunt extra libcrtates (U-
as nifi Cut' confider', & Confideracum fuit per curiam quod refpondear,
2. 3If fI)cDefenDantDtocUoufoftljcCountp|3alatinc,ifanpoftljc Counfj?
palatine Ijatjc canfe to complain againtt tljcmfoj matter of <3Equttpfoj lanDs oj
gooDs toitljintljeCountp palatine, tljepiaintif map complain int^c Ctiancc* 18 A1T.381.

rp of C nglanD^bccaufc Ijc Ijatlj no means to bjing tijcm to astftocr, anD tljc Court I
J E.j.tit.jurisJ,''

of CBqaitp can binD but tijcpcrfon, fo;otbcrtoifc tljcfubjcct tljoulD ^afee juff caufc 5E.j.?o.58H.6.
6. 7 H.6.37.
of futt, anD fijoulD not Ijatjc rcmcDp : auD toljcn particular Courts fail of ju.
8E.4.8.11 H 4.
Courts ftallgifc rcmcDi', neCurix regis deficerenc in jufti- X7-&C.
3. Bit toasrefoltjcD.fljaftljcIiirtg cannot mabcanpCommilTion to Ijcar anD
Determine anpmattcr ofeq'.iit|',butmatfcr3ofequttPougljt to bcDetcrmtncD (tt
tljc Court of Ctanccrp. toljofc JurisDictton tljerein Ijatc IjaD continuall aN
lotoance, anD fo teas it refoltcD in Perots cafe. See tli/j cafe in

4. Elponco;irtDcratton IjaD of tljc faiD Certificate oftlje ILoiDDier, anDtfte the Chapter of
the Chancery,
faiD otijer 3^uDge3,it teas refoltcD , tljat fo: tljings tranfitojp tljougft in trutlj
tljep tocre emergent toitljtn tljcConntp palatine, pet bptbegcncrall rule of lato,
tbc'^'laintif map alleDgc tljcfe to be Done in anp countp toljcre Ijc toill , anD tfjc 5"cciniheCfiipt.
County of the
DcfcnDant cannot plcaD totljciurisDicttonoft&cCourt,tljat tljep tocre Doncic.
Pabtinc of Dur-
luitijtntljc Countp palatine: but if tljc piatnftf fuppofe tbc tranfitojp caufc of ham.
aaion to be in tijc Countp palatine, tljatmap bcpleaDCDtotlje jurisDictton, o-
tljcrtoife it is of tljings locall,
Commiffion in tljc nature of a Mandamus illuing out of
iSn off ice founD bp
tbccijancerp at CJU'eftminffcr bcfo:e tfjc Commtffioncrs in Com' Ceikix foj
lanDs ^olD3n in Capltc in tljc fame Countp,toasljolDen tJoiD perconfiliumcurix
vvardnrum, foi it ougljt to bc b)' toiit J commtffton out of t^c Cjrcfjcquer in tfts
Countp palatinc.tofticlj is ttjc Court of Cljanccrj,' tljcre,
%i an erroneous juDgmcntbcgitjcn tljc Cljambcrlafti in tljc Crcfjc--
quer in anp matter be piocccDctlj accojDtng to tftd courfc of t^eCom*
moM latotljctojitof Crro.z flijall bcDircctcD Camerario ilueius iocum rencnti;bnt
if tljc juDamcntbcgtVcnlefoictlje Suffice of (tbcftcc> tljen tljc to?tt is Directco

$f JuHiciario
The County Talatine of
Chefier. Cap. 3 7
Jufliciario Geftrias five ejus locum tencnti,^nD note tbat in a iBjit Of (^XXQl to *
t&e Countp of Cljcftei:, Dag (ftall be gitjen bp fo long time, tljat tt)?ee <li:oiinti80
H.4.5.Lib.Intr. map be liolDen befoje t^e return of tljc fame tojit in tljc i&ingg Bcncfj, toticlj fa
Ra(l.z7i. (our months, bp iD^tcti fimetl)c3iuftites oj Lieutenant iiiit^in tl)e fame acun«
tp map rcDjeUe tl^e erroj, if ttjep toill, anD tljts bp tl)e ufages of tbc fame count p;
3X1. Dicr i8 El.
Butin atDjttofCBrrojuponafinctljcpljatje no fucljpotuer: anQtIjc |3la(nttf
• Note thefc
ge- ouglt>tfobjingtf)CiBj{tofCrrojtotl)ent):tCountpaftcr tftcTcflcanD tftcre it
nctsU words ex- fiiaUbe reaO, Coram Judicatoribus ratione leourarum fuarum ibidem: anD tfje
tend as well to
the Chaiiberlain piafntif IfiaUaffisn tlje erroj initljout pjapingpjocelTcagainfitlielEenanto;
as to the Juftice 2DefcnDant,bHfonlptopjapJudicatorestoe);amine tlje erroj, anD iferroj be
by the rule of the fouuD tljcp map aDbife thereon, oj pjefcntlp refojm it, anD aloarD rettttutton , oj
Rcgift.Ubifup. bp tl)c(r Difcretion tbep map atoarD pjoceffe returnabSe at tfte nert countp a^
gainft tfje tenant oj SDefenDant ad audiend' errores , (Vo^tclj is reafonable , anD
neceffarp fobe granfcD) anD fo return tljcir oipn juDgment gitjen bp tljcm oj tbeir

^jcDeceffoj, anD an enDoftlje buCneUe , anD tfteiRctojD Qjallre--

tl)en tl)ere is
maint^creUjitljout removing; anD bptftis means t^ep djallfatjean fjunDjcD
pounD forfeiture to tbe fiing, 5I5ut if tljcp affirm t^e juDgment toljicl^ iecrrone*
ous.tfteir affirmation anD ti)c RecojDougljttobercmoteDinto tl)e feingsbencft,
ift^eparfppatntifbe grieijeD t^retoitli : anD if t^eir affirmation beerrone^
ou0;aUljougl)t&cirfirftjuDgmenttoa3 giijcn bp tijeir ^3eDscciroj0, nottoitft*
ftanDing t^epfftall forfeit tftcbunDjeD ponnD0. jSinDt^e partp grietjcDbp tbcir
affirmation o^ reterfall oug()t to b;inga fpeciall tojitofCBrror perempto;ip,
iDfjic^ftaUnotbecramineDbp t^em, foj tftat alltfjis{0 tobcunDcrffooD tDfjcre
crro? in lato is affigneD : foj upon tlje Vcjitof oBrroj firft bjougbt, if anp erroj^
in fait be affigneD, as Deatb of one of tljc parties, Ranging fl)e plea, oj tftelibc.
iDljicl) is trpablcbptftcCountrp,tbep cannot IjolDplea thereof, but return tl^s
mecojD, toit^ tl)e to?it into tl)e lUings 315cncb, ipeitijer can tl)ep ^olD plea
of arcleafc of errors after tlje juDgment ojtljelikc, fojtliepareonlptoeraraina
tbe crrojs of tbe IR ecojD j pjoceUe, anD all tbis Dotb notablp appear in our boobs.
51Butifnofucbufagc ljaDbeen,tbciIlccojD ougljt to bate beenremoticD bp tbe
torit of d; rror into tbe 1^ ings Bencb, as it ougbt to be in otber cafes.

Hil.»9 Elit. Egerron tbe Siueens Solicitor motieDintbecbancerp to batje a Certiorari

fo tbe countp palatine of Cbcftcrfoj tbe rcmotjing of alRecojDof ;affifctabcn
in tbat Countp bettoeen Cotton anD otbcrs |0laintifs , anD Venables anD otbcro
H)efenDants,tobereinfbe5Recognitojsof5lffifegatica falfelJcrDict, anD to ttjs
intcnt,tbataU)jif of Attaint migbt be b?ougt)f in tbe icings llScncbja Certiorari
toas pjapeD. SnD it Inas DoubteD, iubitbcr an ;attaint DiD Ipc in tbis cnre,out of
tbe Countp ipalatinc, ^nDbp tbe opinion of Wray anD AnderfonCbicf3iutti=
ces,anD Manwood cbiefllBaron,uponconIiOerationbaDoftbefiafuteof 2} H.8.
in tbefeUJOjDS, That all Attaints hereafter to be
cap. 3, iDbCfCbp it is enacteD
taken fhall be taken before the King in his Bench , or afore the Jufticcs of the
Vid. J
El.Diet Common place, and in no other Courts; Cbcp refoltJCD anD fo certifieD tbe ILojD
ioi.b.Bcndloes Cbanccloj tbat for a falfe tierDid: giDen in tbe Countp palatine of Cbettcr, tbe
Eliz. atttaint ougbt to bebjougbt eitber in tbe icings iScncb oj Common place, anD
not in tbe countp palatine of Cbcfter,anD tbereupon a Certiorari teas gram
teD foi tbe removing of tbe KecojD.
Hil. 29 Eliz. Coram Rege. SDbe cafe toas tbat i^ueen Elizabeth bpbcr 3Let» F.l.Coram
rege, Huddlclos ters patents grantcD tbe cuffoDpoftbeCaftlc of CbcCter to johnPaiton, anD
cafe,in Brevjdc Richard Huddleftone CfquircS.anDtbefurtotiJOJOftbcm; John Pafton DicD,anD
in a Scire fac againlt Huddleflon in tbe (Ewbequcr before tbe Cbambcrlain,
to repeal tbe faiD grant, «. juDg*
(Glaficr tbcn being 3)eputp Cbamberlain )
racnt teas gitcn againft Huddleflon tbat tbe ilatcnt CtjoulD be aDnullcDanD
cancellcD, anD bereupon Huddleflon bjougbtbistoritofCrroj. anDittoasob=
jecteD tbat before anp toritof (i^rror ougbt to baljc been grantcD , Huddleflon
ougbt to bate fueD to tbe ^TJucenbp petition to balJC atorit of CBrror acco:Dtng
X} E. 5/0.14. fotbebooUin23E-3.foz4. 55utittoasanfiBereD,tbat bcrc intbiscafe noin»
F.N.U/o. berifancc tpas rccotiereD bp tbe juDgmenf ,. anD if Huddleflon tbat claimcD tbe
Cap. 3 7* The QountyTalatineofCbeJler. 215
oiftcc but foj tcarm olfjia life llioalD Ic Djitjcn to l)ts pet tttoiv lufjctrctti great Dc«
lap nitgl)tLcufcD,!)tCi ItfcmtgljtcnD bcfojc l)C coulD obtain !)ts U):tt ofCrro?,
tbcrofo:c ttjcisjjitof C-iTo:intf)iscarc Ujaa to be srantcDloitljoiitanp petition:
anDof fbat opinion toaistljc.tDftolc Court oftljcJiiinssiBcnc!), anD fo tf)etojit
of cSrroj DtD aanD.
Tudices Sc Sci^atorcs Com' CeRrix non confuevcrunt apponcrc figilla fuaa- P^'cn-oE.i.Co-
,. -'. J •

T n- • •
rim tceeRct.j?..
b s
Iicui recorqo inpr.Tlentia JuHiciariomm*
Bcfo;c tljc Itatutcof 34H,8.ncitl)cr tljcvrounf),' palatine of Cfjcffcr fcnt 34H.8.cap.ij.
I5nigf)t3 totl)c|)arliamcnt,noi Citizens outoftljcattPOfuDljcftcr.
515cfo:c fl)C ftatutc of 17 H.S. tljc llo:D CDljancclo: of CnglanD appoinfe& no .7

3iuftite3 of locate, 3uftitc3 of Qyorum oj Gaol delivery toitljin tfte County of

%\)t fi^amtojof C. in tljcCounfp of JJojfe toasljolDen of tl)c §i>:.incc,as of ^^^.^.]v.x^Ki.6i.

tljc countp of Cbcftcr, anD picas rcall anD pcrfonall riCng toitljin tljc
tftat all
Countp, o: loitljin anp parccll of lanD IjolDcn of tl)c CountP ougljt to be implea= tj""tiirim..
DCD iDitljint^cfatDCountP palatine: JFoj tljciiingbp ftis ^letters patents J^'J^

nlap oioain a Court at ^o?i;,oa inam'otljcrCountpiuljicljCljaU^atiejurisDidie

on tlr-ougb tlie toftolc l'lcalm,anDro it iDas refolteD.
SCftccitPOfcicacrluasmaDc a Countp of it felf bp JlingH.y. bpJLctters Ut.p^uGAp,
patents* dac. A Aprilis iiofbiorcign. 11H.7,
§>cc tbc ttatutc of J El. Concerning tnjits of Significavic anD Excom" 5 Ei.cap:?.
of 18 El.cap.8,inalungofitiojc3(Ufttcestl)cnonc. iSni.cap.s.
capiena'. &>cctl)caatutc
©P tl)C ttatutc of S H. 6,c9p, J o. Sit is pjoDiDcD, That upon every Indidi-
» H.<;,
Vide cap. i?.
mem or Appeal by which any perfon dwelling in any other County then there
where fuch Indiiflmcnt or Appeal is, or fhall betaken of treafon , felony,
and trefpafl'c&c. befcreany Exigent awarded,&c. that after the firft writ of
ihall be awarded direded to theSherifof the
Capias, another writ of Capias
whereof he is or was fuppol'ed to be converfant in the Indidtmentj&c.
otherwife the outlawry to be void.
3n an :appcal in tljc lyings »ncl) i\\ t^c Countg of SDojfct to^cre tfie 0p. j h «.i
' i'
jpcllecUjas Demurrant at CbcCcr, p;oceffc continues untill be iuasoutlatoeD
tott^out anp Capias into Cl;efter,i it inas objcctcD tftat flje Capias coulD not iCTuc
into CijcfbiVe, fo: \i is a irrancljifc into- luljtcft tl^c liiingo U)?it runneth not.
f?olDen at ttic Common lain foi certain tljings a lijjtt ftall x^vk. to tfic jFrancftifc
of cljcftcr as foj treafon,! tl)C ftatute is maDc bp ^utljojitp of parliament, anD
ts gcncrallastoell\Ditl)iniFrancf)ircas toitljout, anD tl)ercfojc ttje Set being
gencrall Cball be tafecn generally to ertcno into Cbclter , Quod conceditur, but
tljisis alcaDingcafCf
Vid. Lib, Tm' Coke, fo. 230, 231, z32. & 29^ 297» &CC an ^Ct Of pSFltJ!*
ment, RocPar, pH,4. nu.^f. toucljingaDjo^nment (n pleas.

Ffi CA P,
Cap. ^8,


Of the County Palatine of Durham.

is alto a Countp palatine bp p^ercription parceU of t\fi

IoE.}.4i. BiOiop^tcft
II E. 5. Vouchee of^urt)am^iD{)ict)toa0 firftraiCeti^asi tt ie raiD,roon after tl^e time of
II?. 17E.5.56. Tl^is
William tljc (£onqueroj»
"^et Countp palatine batl) been queaioneD(but Ma\i\) ettil ruc<
31 finti ttiat tljis
I; H.4,Vouchec
39. iiH.4.40. celTcO iFo? at tl)e parliament IjolOenAnno u
U.6, Thomas liBlftopofS)ar«
18 H.6.j},j4. Ijam pjapen a CommiCTion unDcr tbe (I3;eat &eal to certain ttiere namcD, Ib^jq
19 H. 6. II. 51. bp I'ertue tl)crcof fat anD inquired at ^artlepole being ioittjin Ijts countp pa^
11 E.4.8. I Mar.
lattnc of tl^i^ rtgl)fs of
tl)c Countp palatine loitl) all t^e 9)epentiants.Mtjereap<
Rot.Par.iiH-6. on a>ir William Euretenigl)tfl)efeings0tturnpraaDeDitier0obje£tioni3,tl)attJ)c
DJ.IJ. ]lBi(i]op oug^t to no countp palatine.neit^er liberties ropalt. ;^n tbe ton<
See Par!.
p;oofs,'anD tlje matter onbott) partsferi*
trarp part t^e SStQbop p;ioDucetl) Ijis
Pafch.ii E.I.
ouflpocbateD. SlnfftecnDjuDgmcnttoasgitjen in parliament foj tf)e IBitfiop,
Rot.^. anotab'c
record for the auD ttiattbe fain InquintionsreturneDinttie Cliancerp oj elfeiD^ere (l)oulD be
1 bertics of the Ijoiti. anD pcttDojtljptbcreaDing.
§)cc tt)elRcto?D being tcrp long,
Bilhop of Du- C(ai)cnt^c3I5ta)opf)imrclf,tl)afousl)ttot)ocjwttice anD rigbt to otljcrs^tDill
Doe injurp anD to?ong toif bin ftis Countp palatine , (| tftat ^
cannot be a JuDge
in ftis oton caufe: ^ee a notable IRecojt) intituleD tl)U0. Rccordum coram do-
mino rege porredlum pertnanus Williclmi de BcrefordSc Rogeride Heigham
Jufticiar'domini regis
ad querelas infra libercatem Epifcopatus Dunelra'audi-
end' &, terminand' aflignai'in hxc verba.

Placica apud Dunelm' coram Willielmo de Bercford & Rogcro de Heig-
ham domini Regis ad vcteres querelas Ricardi Prioris Dunelm' &
aliorum hominum Epifcopatus ejufdem domini regis prius porreitas non &
Nonhumb. determinatas audiend' & terminand' aflignat',
Ricardus de Hoton Prior Dunelm' queritur de Anthonioepifcopo Dundm',&c,
Thh was An-
thony Beak, of
X^z recojD is long , but tljcrctn pou fljall obfertie feberall plaints of tl)c p?{oj a-
that flateand gainftt!)eBin)op,i»|)ereuponiirucs arcjopneD, anDtjerDicts glVienagainftffje
g^catnclJeas ne- 515i(feop, anD juDgmcnts gitfen toojttjptbc reaDing. 515p tof)icbl'^etOJDitap*
vcrany Billiop
pcaretb ttjat tijc IBtlljop ftaD toitijin tbe countp of a)urcrmc Regalitatem fuam,
was, Woolfty cx- 31 finD alfo anotljer IRecojD in tlje fame lyings time, viz,

Placita coram domino rege apud Weftm' de Termino Sandli Mi-

Mich.}4 F.t.
Coram chaelis Anno regno Regis E. filii
regis Henrici 35. finiente,
Rot. 51. 34. Ro. 32.

Domintti rex mAndavit breve fuum Epifcopo Dunelm' in hxc veria.

Edwards dei gratia rex Anglic , dominut Hibernix , <^ dux Aquitani*
venerabili in Chrifio patri A. eadem gratia Eptfcopo Dunelm' Salutem.
Cum odeliva flia Ricardi de Hurchemrth,Matild' de Swyneburne^^ Ri-
cardus Bouche, & Agnes uxor
arraniaverunt quandam Afifam mor-
iifticcsof the
antecefforis infia
libertatem rjefiram Epifcopatus pradiit' , coram
Ri ill op.
Pc:r breve vcft H.
Lamberto de Trykingham, Guyehardo de Charroun , Petro de
Thorefby ^
per breve veftrum verfw Galjridum fil' ^ehannis le Mafclmn de Herter-
unomefuagiOjfex toftis (jr una carucata terr* cum pertin' in Hur-
cheworth Brian. le
Mufchun de Herter-
Acprxditltn Galfridw J-ohannem
pvle intrinfccum vcrfrnprxd ci' od€livam,Matildam,Ricardum ^ Agnet'
Hoe County Talatine ofDurham, i\j
inde vocaverit ad rvarrant', Et idem^ohAnms ten' fr£dt£i' tidem Gal-
Simon Simon' de Mora intrtHfecum verftts eof-
fiido rvarramia^Ms filitim a
dem odalivamMattld', Ricardum &
Agnet' ulteritu inde vocaverit ad
voarran' Ac idem Simon eadem ten' eidcm ^ohanni Warrantizans inde

vocaverit ad warran verftts eofdem odelivam,Matild' , Ricardum Agn' ^

auxilium cur' nofira Aymerum de Roche
ford ^
^uliAnam uxorem e~
iuSy^ohannem Svoayne,^ Aviciam tixorem ejus, & Thorn' de
Fifhborn Forcin Voucher.
terras aut tenementa
juniorem forinfecos , t^tti infra libertatem frxdiiiam
aut alihi infra difiriiiionem vefiram non habent,perqit£ per hallivosve-
ad warran' illam faciend' dijiringi poffunt ^ ut ac-
Nos attendent^s expedicns effe neceffe quod ^
nos fttper recordo

^ proceffuAfifa pr^di^A flemuscertioremur^Htpartibus prddicfis , quod

in nac parte ulterius fieri faciamus. Vobis mandamus quod
recordo ^proceffit prxdici' ^fi vobii confitterit recor- •^i vob^ronnjte-
irif^eiiii itae(je,tu}ic ^"'"'"- ^•
dum (^proceffum Aftf£ prxdi£i£ cum omnibus ea
tangenttbus nobis fub
jigillo vejlro difiin£ie & aperte mitt at is (jr hoc breve , It a quod ea habea-
mus a die Saniii Michaelis in 1 5 dies ubicunque^c^rc partibus (undem di-
em prtefigentes quod fmt ibi Jlatur receptur' quod ^
curia nojlra
deraverit in hacparte, ut nos finitoplacito yvarran' pr^di^i' in curia nojha
record' (^ proces' totius negotii memorati vobis remittamus ad procedend'
in eodem fecundum legem ^ cenfuetudinem libertatis
prxdiii'.'T, meipfo
apftdWynelingfeld i^die ^ulii
Anno regni Viitute cujus bre-
nofiri 33.
vis praedi(lius Epifcopus mifit recordum & proceffum
in hjcc vciba.
Placita de Afifs apud Dunelm' coram Guychardo de Charreun (jr Petro de

Thorefby ^ufliciar' a(?ignat', ajfociat' fibi L.

Trikingham dieMartis
proxim' pofl claufum Pafch.
Anno regni regis "E. 33. d* prompt' domini
A. Dunelm' Eptfcopi 22.
Ricardus de Hurcheworth pater
Afts' venit recognitur' fi odeliv^fl' Dunelm.
Rkardi de Hnrchervorth ^
avus Matilda de Swynefburne , (^ Agn' ax- ^'^'"
or' Ricardi Bouche fuit
in dominico fug utde feodo deum mefria-

gio^fex toftis
et una carucata terrji cum pertin' in Hurcheworth Brian die
quo^^c. Etfi^c^c. qu£ Galjridus fil' -^ohannisle Mafchunde Herterpole.
Et feiendum quod tertta pars pr^edtSi' tenement' excipit' eo quod pr<edi^'
odeliva alias comparuit in curia , c^ medo non fequitur pro parte fua^
C^c. Et Galfridus alias venit (^ dixit quod ipfe tenet prmdilia tene-
menta ad terminum vit* fux ex dimifione ^ohannis de Mafchun de
Herterpole (^ informa prxdilia vocavit ipfum ^ohannem
ad Warran' Si-
mon' fil' ^hjtredem Simonis de Mora, qui mode venit per Sum' eitvar- ^
rantiz\ Et vocat ulterius inde ad warran' per auxilium cur' hie dr cur'
Aymerum de Rocheford
domini regis ^
^idianam uxorem ejus filiam (jr
unam hxredam Nicholaide S^vynburne,^ohannem Swayne^ Avict am ux-
orem ejusjiliam cf alteram bxredem prxdiCii Nicholai , Thomam di ^
Fifhburne filium Chrijitana cohered' pritdiii' ^ulianx (^ Avici^efum' in
Com' Northumb. Et quia curia ifia juifdi^ionem inprxdiB' Aymere &
aliis warrant' ,^c .
qui exec' datusefi dies partibus hie die
Marti s proxim' pojl fefium Sancfi ^acobi Apojloli. Et diBum efi prii-
diBo Simoni quod fequatur verfus Warrant' fues per auxilium cur' do-
mini , prout fibi viderit expedire,^c. Pofiea ad diem ilium ven' tam
fr<iidi£i' Matilda,Ricardus o" Agn\ quam prxdiB' Simon,
Et iidem Ma-
tild' tt alii petentes petmt quod precedatad Apfam capiend' per defaltam
2i8 The County Palatine ofT)urhdm. Cap.38.
Simonis ex quo quod nonduni (ecntns fuit 'verfus iv.irramos,cri\
Et fitter hocidem Simon profen breve domini regis Jnc de mittendo rccor-
dum et: proceffum Afife prxdiU£ eidem domino regt a. die SancH Micha-
elis in quindecem dies uhicumjue^ty c qux quidem recordum (^ proceffus^

et etiam hreve domini regis predict' quod habuit record' confut' per pre-
dict' Mmld\ Ricardum dr Agnet' domino rcgi mittitur juxta tetwrem
brevis (tti pradiB'. Et idem dies prefix us eft partibus coram eodem do-
mino rege HbicuAque,(^c. EtprxdiiT Ricnrdus cr Agn po: lo:fuo prx-
di^' Mdtild' in Placifo frxdicl'^c^c. Ad quern diem coram ipjo domino
rege venerimt partes^ ^ quia conftat per recordum prxdici' quodpnedici'
'vocati ad Warran Juni extrinfeci, ^quod vocati Junt ad Warran' per
Not*. nuxilium curi£ domini regis qui eft (uperior dominus totius regni^ qui ^
omnibus fmgulis de ^
regno fuo juftitiam facere tenetur , g" maxime i»
aliorum idem dominus rex vacatur in auxi-
defeCtu per quorum defeClum
lium-y Prxceptum eft Vicecom' Northumb' quod fummoneat pr^dicT Ay-
merum de Rocheford et ^ulianam uxor em ejus fliam unam hxred' &
Nicholai de Srv^neburn Swayne Avici am
^ohannem uxor em ejus fl' ^
et alteram hxred'
pr^dWi' Nicholai ^ ^
Thorn' Fift^bitrn fit' Chriftian^e
cohxredis prxdiclarum
Julians. ^
Avicie, quod fint coram rege a die San-
Hi Hilar a in i^.dies ubicunque^^c. Ad warran',(jrc. Idem dies datus
in Banco,
ejt petentibus et fimiliter prddici' Simoni tenen per W^trrant'
(^c. Idem Simon po: lo: fuo Walterum de Middleton et Willuim de Burg-
ham loquelaprxdiB\^c. Et quia pradi^us Epifcopus non miftt breve o-
riginde fimul cum pr^di^i' recordo, et breve hie mit-
neceffe eft pr^diCi'
tat' Mandatum eft prjcdi&o Eoifcopo velejus locum tenenti^quodprxdici'

breve domino regi mittant^ita quodillud habeantad prafatumTerminum,

^c. Ad quem diem prxd' Simon tenens per rvarran' venit 5 et predict'
Matild' de Swynburn^ Ricardus Bouche , et Agnes uxor ejus petentes non
Simon inde Ri-
'venerunt^nec^C^c .Ideopradi£i' fine die, EtprxdiCi' Matilda,
earduset Agn. etplegiiftd deprofequend.inmifericordia^(^e.

parch.46E.3, 3Iit (nfojmaf foil agafntt Thomas Btfliiop of SDnrljam foj a contempt in
Coram rege ^qi ccftf fjjfllg 3 1IIeco?D, I^c plca&s tfjat l)C tS Comes Palacinus, & dominus rega-
lis cujufdam terr^ voeat'tlje Bifljopjicfe of SDurtjani) & habet omnia
Jura rega-
lia qua: ad Comitem Palatinum & dominum regalem pertineht,per le, Juflic',
& miniftros fuosexercenda.
3x\ tijts Countp palattnc tberc is a Court of Cljaiiccrp toljicfj t£s a mijrf
Court bofi) of lato aiiD cquttp , ©iScamtnacr : ^crcttt it
astljc Cljanrcrpat
Ciffcretbfrom tijc rclf , t^at if an erroneous iuDgmcnt be giljeit citbcr in t&c

Cljanccrp upon a juDgmcnftijereaccojtiing fot^e Common lalu,o; before tlje

3lutticcsof tl)C JlBiUjop, a iujit of (lErroi Qjall be bjougljt befojct^cBifliop !jtJii=
felf, and if ftc gitic an erroneous juDgmcnt tljcrcupon , a tojit of Crroj fljall be
fueD returnable in f l)c JiJtngs llBenclj.
But note let us fee iolEiat toe finD in our boofes concerning fljts Countp JDala«
Mich.i4E.}.tit. 3n a iFojmcDon in 3>uri)am tlje tenant pleaDcD tfte iDarrant}> of tfjc ^tince"
^^"^ ^^^^^ SDcmanoant, iDitl)affets in a fojain Couiitp , Vuljcreupon tljc Court
F n'k ' I
8 si.Dift' jjo- atoari)eO tbat tl^e tenant goe quit toitfiout flap, SnD tfje ©emanDant up«
on tl)is juDgment fueD a tojif of (Erroj bcfoic tiieBiftop, anD^tTtgncDfoj
CErroj , f^af tl)e Slutttccs atoarDeti tfjat tfte tenant lIjoulD goe quit iuit^iout Da^',
toljerctbep ougftt to Ijatjc conttnueo tl)C plea bi? aDjo?nmcnt untill f^c lIlcco?.D
I)atibeen rcmoVieO, Snti fo; ffjis crroi tftc llSitftop retierfeD tfic jutigmcnt, ana
Cap gitien to tljc parties befoje ^is ^ufttces toljcretfje pica ioas pleaDeD. at
Cap. 58. The County Talatine of Durham. Zip
tenant teas cCfoinc&^nD a Dag giteit oticr* jat tijaf Dap a tojif
iijftici Daj? tfte
came to rcmoDC tbc JRccojD {n tftc Common 115anb,anD a Dap giijen to fljc parties
in tijc vCommon loanU, anD iW
p^occeDtng of i}iz ISiOjop teas accojDtng to tl)e
ufagetljerc. 0nD after bpttjcaDtoiccoftftetoftolccTourt a Venire fac tCfMCD out
of tbe Common lisanfe to trp ttjcilTucjopneDafSDHrftam*
31f a man in tt)c Countp t^alatfnc of 2Dttrl>am tonc^ a fojcincr to toarrantp, jiE.j.Voiicfi.^y.
tlje DemanDant map cotmterplcaD ffjat t^ctjoacfjceljat^allets U)tt!jtn tfje Conntp
13 E.}. Voucher
31n a WiXii of SCrcfpatTe Desbiem emportcs deinj uncerreine ville, tlieDe--
i6f. 4JE.;.I7.
fenDant fatD , tfjat tfjc place to^ere plafnf ifc fuppofcD f Ije tafefntr atoap , ts
tfjc Vid.ic) E.j.iriall

toUljtn tljc francftifc of i\\t B. of SDarljam, tD^erc flje fifngs 223 rtt rtmnetft not, 66. ic) E.j.jurisd.

but is a francftife IRopall, Judgement de brcife. ©ai^ercunto 29. 33 E.3 ib.57.

tlje plaintife faiD,
4jE.3.Vjfi5e 50.
t{)cDcfcnDant came inbpDittreffe, anD fo t^e Court fclfcD of tljcplca. Finch-
dcn gttjing tftc rule of tl)e Court faiD, tfte Court is not in tljts cafe feifeD of tlje
plea, but t^at ItioulD be Vubere conufance 0; francfjife is ct^allengcD , to^ic^ Itetb
tiot in tljts cafe, but t!)cBift)op^atl)francl)ireropall into toljtcf) tbc lungs CSHrit

rtmnetlj not, auD t^crcfojc foj not Dcnping oftbeerceptton tbe QGIrit abateD,
J^ote tbe %Q\xmz tolierein ttje tranato;p trefpatfe toas alleDgeD bp ttje plainttfe
tnas vuitljin t^c conntp ^Dalatine. 1
3!ftl)c tenant DQucIjtbDO, one luit^tn fl)e Countppalatineof SDur()am,anDtt)e,
otl^cr at tl)e common
(ummons Ojall be awarDeD to tlje ILo^Dof tt)e Countp

palatine, commanDing ^im fo fummontljebonctjeeto beat a certain Dap before

tl)C inarrantp : in tftia cafe if tbe tenant recober in ba.
Suffices bcrc to trp tlje

lue, ttie Bluitices lliaU io^ife to tbe llojD of t^o Conntp ipalattne to renDer in

talacquod fuiceonceflum*
&ee Dier it EL lDl^ere]^etl)atl[)att)iuraregalia H^allliabc forfeiture of l^ig^ Dier li e1.i83.
which wasihe
SCreafon, toftcrcof Vide befoje in Chap, Countp tfic of tf)C |Oalatine of Jlanc,
' cafe of James Pil-
if tlje one be boucljeD , anD t^e tenant pjapctfj tljat Ije map be rnmmoneu in
tl)e countp of |9ojt(, anD t^e Countp palatine of 2D nrl^m, t^ bouc^r QxbXX of Durham.
ttanD, foj if Ije be fummoneD in tfte Countp of ^oj6,{tfufficct6* i3H.4.Vcucb.
» Dominus Rex habcbiteu(iodiam omnium tcrrarum corum
qui de ipfbtenenc 39. 36H.6.ib.49.

in capite per fervicium milirare,de quibusipfi tenentes fuer'feifiti indominico flPrxrogativatcgj

lit de feodo die
fuo quo obierunt de quocunque tenuerunc per hujufaodi /erviei-
um, &c. exceptis feodis Epifcopi Dunelm' inter Tine 84 Tefe*
u Ct)ts exception ertcnDct^ net to tt)cboDp. 2. BlftbelBii^op DiD after tl^is 16 E.J tit.

ftatutc piircljafcanp ^cigniojpbettoeen Tine anD Tefe if crtenDetft not totljaf,

X . SCtjat befojc t^is ftatutc , tlje Jaing ougftt to Ijabe IjaD tlje toarD^ip of t^c Glanv.Ii.7,
laiiDs, asappeareti) in our llBoobs , contrarpto Poles opinon in t^iscafe.
*2ni)etfttrD Cljaptct: of fbcfaiDftatutc of prxrogativa regis Dot^ gibe tlje teing 9«r.»f.
II H.5.ib.26.
pjimer feifon, u. tottbout anp fabing of tljc IBifbop of SDurcfmc^
&ir Thomas Gray tenigW luas feifeD in fee of tfte (pannoj of c^illingbam in 'Prxr.regis ca.j,

t^e Countp of J^o?tf)umberlanD l)olDen of tlje dUuccn bp tenigljts &>erbicc in Trin.jS
Curia WatdorQ.
Capitf, anD of tftc spannoj of IRotfe in tlje Countp palatine of 2DurljamljolDen
of tbe Bifljopof ©urljambpJSntgljtsferbiccinCapite, anDDieDfcircDofbotl^.
tjts fonne anD tjcir of full age. ;3nD altl^ougb on t^e bebalfe of tlje Hoif^op fome

pjeftDcnts VDcre fljctoeD inUhccafe, pet t^c ttoo Cbief iutticcs Popham anD
Anderion prima facie DiDftolD, tl^at tj^epjimerfetton ofanD fojt|jc^annoj of
SRoffc belongcD to tfte i4ing»
aije iloton ofCrcheinttjeCoijntpofpojfeljolDenof tfjeBifljopofSDutljam, izE.4.jurii'y.
implcaoeD tottljin tbe Countp palatine of HDurljam, anD in no otljcr
5C. fljall be
X anD fo is tlje
place ipannoj of ^oVoDcn in tbe Countp of ^ojb.
SDbciiingnjallbabe tlje f empojaltics of fljc ilEifliopof SDurljam, anD foj a 5 R. 2.trialljj4.

ClJurclj tbat bcf ommctb boiD tbe iSing tball babe a Qjiarc impcdit.
Sv-:etljcaatutcof J concerning tbe iojits of SignificavitanDExcom' 5 ELca-ij.

3t teas bolDcnbp all tbe Suffices, tfjat ifamanbcf«rcfpfo:anoff)cr fo iiE.3.49.
beep 1 E.4.;o.
tbe peace, anD after \}z b?eaUetb tbe peace, aiiD tbefurctp batb lanDs in tbe
countp F,N.B.S32.
lib The Pranchifeof Ely.
€<mi2 J^alafincof SDurtiam.tljefttng fljall commatiD ttjc il5t(ftop of SDnr-
^am 6; Ijts Cljancclo: to Doe cjccutiom janD fo it ia tn tljc otijec Comities
30alatine0, 3ntl)efame wanner it is of a ^tatcrte staple, ic. Kecognfjan*
Vide J E« 3. fol. 58, 1 7 E. 3, fol. j6, Rot.Parl. 7 E.(J, Rot, Pat, 7 E.5.part,S.

C^7>. XXXIX.
Of the Royall FranchiTe of EJy.
jj H s.c3p.;o. T i^l)itjeM ftafHfcs it tsnamcDttieCountp palatine of €1^, JSing
J euap.zj. oIpear of Ijts reign, of tl&ertcft ^onafterp of (iBlp maDe a CattieDjall
I t^e
CfturcMnD oft^e abbpmaDea 3i5tffiopji£fe,anlifojfti0 JaDlocctTcafftgncDun*
to l^im tbe Countp of cambjiDge,tol)itljbefo?e teas toitfttn tbe®ioceffe of 3Linc':
3it recompcncc toljereof Robert Bluet 3I5i(ftop of 3Littcoln,tben Cljantcloj ofCng.
lanD Wi to ^im anD tjis &utcciroj0
jpannojs , parccU of tfje poffctTions of

tfte jabbp,viz. e>palDtotcl)e,115tcfeleftooitlj, anD Buglicn. j3nt) fo? tfjc Cbaptcr of

tl^is ncU) Bifljop, Ije inftituteD tl^at t^jerc fljoulD be a pjtoj anD dTobent. mut

(nrcfpect oftlbc1Rcbenues,fojtl)attbeirpjinc{paU ^annojs toerc granfeD a»

toap, t^e number of ^onfec8being7o.iDere bjoug^tDoton to 40. ;3nD liing
H.I, granteD to tljts netollStiJjop anDftis &ucce(rojs Jora Regalia toitljin tie
Mc of (iBlp. But tbefatD^BjiojanD CobentiBcre inf^e reianof H s.fuppjcr*
fcD, anD in fteaD ti)crcof a SDeananD ipjcbenDarfca toere raife'D to be fbe Cfjap.
fer oftbe3l5ta)op,anDa<I5?ammac &cftoolfo; a fatter anD 24 ©tljolars.
sni^is ropalljnrisDi(tiontftei3ifl)opftatli bp pjcfcription gromiDcD upon tf)9
fatD grant as toell in i^leas of t^e Croton, as in Common picas before l)is iw-
Ti E . I .Ror.
gDbe Itberf p of tlje Bifljop of dt- Ip Ijaf ^ been anctentli? allotoeD bp tlje Court
ecro de sryton' of Common pleas fojlanDs in Mlisbit^, toit^in tbe 3flc toljcrcof a Precipe quod
& fociis fuis Ju- reddat toas bjougl&t.
niciaiiisdeBanc. Sgain » Allocatur libertas Epifcopo Elicnfi pro terris infra InfulamdcEIy
p^^^ aliaji fcilicet in rotulo Martini dc Littlebury & fociis fuis annis 55 &
Ro^sTcam"* J6H.3. Annoi4 Regis nunc coram Thoma de Wayland & fociis fuis. Item
Mich, I <5
Regis nunc. Rot. 27,
iH.6 trail 1. 3n acrefpaiTc tlje SDefcnDant plcaDeD an arbitrament maDc at A. tntbe

3!fle of Clp, anD tijcreupon illuc toas jopneD, tijc piaintif fljctocD tftat cBlp is
a iFrancijife IRopalUi tljep of ttjc Siflc fftall not be empannellcD out ,anD pjapcD a
Venire fac'totlje &^crif ofCambjiDgc, ^ffuc bclug jopneD auD tfte »atfnc to comcoutof (i£lp,tl)cc£nfrp is, Super
quo pr2did*(querens)dicit quod E. pr2Edi«ft'efl infra Infulara Eliens',
Epifcopus Elicns* taletnhabet libenatcm in Infula prsdida, quodnullusjudi-
ciar' nee aliquisminifterdomini regis Infuiam illam ingredi debet ad
officiumibi exercend*, neclibcri tenentes nccrcfidentcsin cadem Infula illam
ingredi debent ad aliquam Juratam extra Infuiam illam facicnd*> petit &
breve domini de Venire fac'hic i :, de vicineto dc
regis Soham,qux cftpro-
pinquior Villa in pradifl' Com' Cantabr' extra Infuiam prididl' ad /acen' pra:-
di(5l' Villse de
Ely ad triandum exlcum pra:d', Etquia viderur lufliciariis hie
quod petitio ilia eft rationi confonans, Ideo pricept' eft Vic' Cant' quod Venire
fac'hie tali die 1 1. de vicineto illo, per qaos,&c,
4«Ej8, §>entencc teas gtben in tbc dBctlcCaauall Court in CambjiDjc, anD t\)z
2>efenDant loasfummoneD at ll?aDington intbejfle anD ifrancbtfc of dp,
^^^ County TaUtine ofTembrol^e* 221
as tjemigbt bcfo; iD^eretijeatttonis inttre^anDnot feterall , lolicreof part id
tbc iFran£f)ifc atiD part fcD(tf)out,tfteiFranc^ifc Ojall not be allotoeD. 2i{i
5 E-i-conufuns
if onetabca man tii a place at t^c Common lato, pnDcarrp^tm into a Jfran* 68. 11 E.4}J>
cbifc anD tftere impjifon ^im,tfjis vEourt flwll fjilO plw^ quia magij dignum ira-
hitad fe minus dignum, Et ficde /imilibus.

3n an jetton of Account againft one aa Bapltf of lanDs in H, anD A, anfi H. 14 E.s.conufani

74. zo E j.ibid.
istoit^int^ciFtancfjifeoftfte 3(fleofC!;lp,anDbecaufe tbc|0la(ntif mig|>t ftatc
8j. ijpE.i.14. ,

cfjargcDtfjeHDefenDantaaBatltf of A. anD ft is no reafon t!)at bp jopning of See 23 E.j.zi.

fijem in one ^illrit to Dilfiedt ttie ISti^op of ^t0 jf (anc^ife^tt^s MrttabateD» accorU-

Of the County Palatine of Pembroke.
tDa0 an ancient Countp palatine toif^in Males anQ
, tlje dearie RocP^rliamerti,
teasComej Palatinuj, anD ftaD Jura regalia, anD all things belonging to
T^(g aXounfp l^alatine, but t^ejurisDiction hereof loas taken atoay bp t^e
TecKs CortiVem,
brol:cfutt Can'
ttatute of i7 H.8,cap.i<5. comitp palatine tljen being in t^c JSings (janDS.
Paint 11 ts,&- bU'
janDfoj furtl)cr pjoof tljat it tuas a countp palatine , fee tlje ctiartcc of huic CanccU & Si'

E.3 4to Lawrence de Hafiings in t^efe tDojDS* giUum,&c.

Rex omnibus adquos,&c» Salutem. SciatisquodGircumfpefliomj& elcgan- !; H.S.cip. i6.
Carta Regis E.},
tisc prxfagium quod ex aptisconfanguinei nortri chariflimi Laurcntii de Hastings
juvemutis aufpiciis concepimns, merito nos inducunr, at ipfum in his qua: hono- ij Oaob.RoPir.
ris Tui debitam confcrvationem rc/jsieiunt j pronis favoribos profequamur*
Gum itaque hxredicai bonx memoria: Audomari de Valcntia Comitis Pcm-
brcchisfutdicitur^jampridcmfinchircdedccorporcfuo procreato deccdemis
ad forores fuas fueric dcvoluta, inter ipfas & earum hsredcs proportionabiJiter
dividenda: Qnia conflat nobis quod prjefatujLaurcntiuj qui dift' Audomat'.in Note Serejtbit
partem hiredicatisfucccdit eft ex ipfius Audomari fororc fcniori defecndens* the tUett fifUr
& fie
pericorum aflcrtione? quos fuper hoeconfuIuimus,iibidcbeatur priroga- uglit
to have tlie

tiva nominis&: honoris; juftum & debitum reputamus ut idem Laurentiuscx honofjupoDCon*
fultation Nvith
feniori fororecaufam habens, afTumat & habeat nomen Comitis Pcmbroehiar? learne d men.

quod diftus Audamarus habuit dum vivebat quod quidem (quantum in nobis

eft^ fibi confirmamus, ratificamus, & etiam approbamus ; Volentcs , & conce- Prasrogatifa 8c
dentes ut diftus Laurentius prarrogativarh & honorem Comitis Palatini in ter- honor Comjiit
ris quas tenet de hireditate difli Audomari, adeopleno, & eodetn mode ha-
SicDc Audomanis
beat S: teneat) Hcut idem Audomarus illas habuit &
tenuit tempore quo deccfTic.
illa:> habuit«
In cuju$jg(c, TeRerege apud montem martini die Ot^obf Anno regni ij*

Gg Ca<p.
11% Cap4i,4-2"

Of the Franchife of Hexam and Hexamfhire.
of t^e ;3rcbbt0)op of l^o^fe,

anU cla(meO bp ftfm to be a

Coantp |0alattne»
attljei^arltamentftolDentti iH.5,
tt is refolbcD ffjat ^cyamOiIre
9 h:^ cap'.7". toag a lyings lujff tocnt not.
jFrattcfttfe toftere tljc
8 E 4.cap.i. ^j^jj j„ t^0 ftatate of 3 3
H.8. it is namco a count? palatine.
5 JH.s.capio.
^^^ g^ ^^^ parliament ftolDen in Anno 14 EJiz. it toas rerlouapejamtncu,
14Ei.cj.1j. of iparliamcnt,
^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^jj ^jjyp concluftons toete enacteDbp 0ntbojttp
teas in tJje tjanDs of t^e SrcftbiCbop it toas tcacmcD ano na^
I iiat tootles it
in p joof tljere toas none 2 . 2Cftat
nlcD a count? palatine, to^cre rigljt j fuel).
of jpojtftumberlanD. 3. 2Dl)at al picas
it t«U){tl)in,ant)parcellof tbc Countp

oftljeCtoton.anOfuitsbetUjecn part? anD part? Ojall receibe litte

thcrcftoftfte^ubjcdsofilJojt^umbcrlanO oug^ttoljate. 4. SDljat tl^e fel)e=
rif anoot^cr iSJfficcrs of tl)c countpof Jojtbumberlanl)mapej:eaifef){a ojt^eir
office, fc toit^tn ^cvam
anD !^eranil&ire. &oas toftatfoctjcr itioas befo^
no Count? palattne,no?iFrancl)ifc
i4EIizJt isnoto

Of the Courts ofthe Cinque Ports.

tbe firft tfte pjitiiletigeo IBojts toere but making of

tftjee. JFoj at tlje
Ac t^c boobofDomefday,to!)ttl)toasintt)ei4?earoftfteCoiH?uero?, t^tc
are but t^:ce nameU intbat fcoob^ viz. SDotcr, &anDtotcf),anD I'lnmne?,
a„j, ji^att^efctbice in tlje time of Edward tljeConfeffoj
toere croncratcD of fnclj
as DID bear; Sftcr ttoo pojts toere aDDeo to tbem
cl)arges anO turtbens, otbers
fap the Conquero?, viz. Raftings anD l^itbe.
A 1- f Braaon tobo tojote in tbe reign of H.3. nametf) ^attings , Komuall, ^zjpa,
bract.1,.5. .1
, ,8 •
jjj^j^g^ g)anDUiic()tobetbeiFit)epojt3. iDftbis number of iFitjetoere
• tallcD tljc Cinquc pojts, as it appearetft b?
a to?ft tobici) Braaon
Memorandum tftefe pojts
quod pharanus jeljearfetb in tb3
fame placejviz.
de Boloiju ve-^ ,_.^,^ w:il;,.lmi Reel* Baftatdi. & in lUo Conqueftu petqtijfivic Wardam dc Dcveriainfeo-
;i,aviRegis-Henrici filii
pro Doveria,i/f\.Mane-
I. terrz. In Iifc.dc,Abbathia

Rex Vic' NorfF, &Suff.SaIucem. Sciatisquod fummoniri fecimns adtalem

diem apud Shepwcy omnia placira de Quinque Portubus ficut tcneri debenti &
folent coram JuHieianis apad Shipvvey. Etideo tibi prscipimas quod hoc fciri
facias hominibus de Jerneraewe»& balivi* dcDoncwitjiia quod h aliquis eon-
dclibertate velinfra libertatcmQuinqtiePor-
queri voluerit dealiquoquifit
tuum, tunc apud Sliepwey coram praefatij Jufticiariis nortris querclam faam

propofituru?, & juftitiam inde reccpturuJ- Tcfte,&c.

I n Dorf c.rr. ^f^^r tloo moje,viz. Wincbelfe? ant) lUpc toere aDtieti : foj 3 finD a iRecojD
Anno I Anno Regis Johannis,quod Winchelfcy & Rye debent effe inauxiJium Vilb

latei.m.iz. dc Haftings ad faciend' regis fervicium 20 Navium,&c.

anDtbcrcbatjcfbcrame iFrancbifes anD tlibertics tbattbefojmcrbaD ; anD
eVerp one of tljefc fcnD ttoo Burgeffcs bPtbe name of JlBarons of tbe Cinque
Cap. 41. The
Courts of the (jnque Torts,
fao^s to t^e IparliamcKt, m bp t^e Kcco?D0 of retnrn of tl^cm remaining

in CftancefFatetjcrpparUamentDotf) appear. janD albeit ttoo be aDDcD, pet

tijep fjolD tljetr fo:mcr
name of tijc Cinque |0o?f3. SCbcfc ¥3ojts oj ^at«n0 Doc
Ipe totoarDS ^France, aim tfjercfojcpjuDcnf anttqnifp pjotjtDcD, tl)af tfjcp OjonlO
betjtgilantlp anD fecurelp bept , foj pcrfojnwncE to^creof t^efe |9o?ts ijatjea
calleD bp l^is office ILojD OTarDen o} JSecper of
fpeciall dUotJcrnoj oj Jiecpcr,
t^c viCtnquc j^o?t0, anD is alfo ^Dmirall, anD tjatft t^e ^urisDtction of tl^ 0l)«
miraltp amonocil tl)em,anD is ejxmpt from t^caDmtraltpof ^nglanti, SD&i0 tot jj.
^arDcn in fojmer times Ujasetier a man of great filicltfp,totrQortie, conrage,
ans eicpcrience, fo? tijat ^e^aD tije ctiargc of tdep^incipallgatesofttjelRealm,
of UDotjcr, ftis jurifltiiction as Conftabla
l^e isalfo Conftablcoftfjc vlattle
is limttcD bp llatutc of Artie- fupec Cartai, Anno 28E.1. tofticl)
tljc pottm^ Attjcfuper Carr,
rflaD,anDtl)eCiBrporittonfljereof in tbe Second part ofthe Inftiwtes, cap.z. i.partof
*•"= inftitutej.
2D^e jFranc^ifc of tf)C Cinque |Jo?ts l&atl& been time oat of mfnO partlp bpan==
cient parliaments, partlp bP ancient C6arter0,fc. anD confirmed bp epp^eHfc J/,t"i7H I"
name bp tfte ttatute of Magna Carta ca,?. anD toere maDe if itje bp William t||fi ^4' Fortefc.Lib'.
ifo; ttie nnDerSanDing of our books ; ii io to bebnoton ttiat ttiece is
a great DilierQtp bettoeentbep^incipalitp of7^ales,tbe conntiee |aalatine0>
a, anD t^e Cinque pojts. jIFo} Males loas ojigtnallp no part of €nglanD>bnt
Countp palatines tDereparcclloftl)elllealm of cBngtanD anD DtbiDeDinjncif*
Diction, anD tlje cinque po^ts are parcell of tije Coontp of !&ent , anD pet ubi
breve domini regis non currit , but fjatc not Jura Regalia, anD t^erefojc regu-
larlp no lo^it of Crro^ DiD lie,ofa iuDgmcnt in Males, ot^rloife it 10 in t^
bounties palatines. juDgmcnt ^ere oflanDs in Males oj in t|ie Conntp pH.y.ii: ,

palatine is i}oiD, but a (uDgmcntgtijen^ere oflanDs in tbecinqne po;ts i0 j6H.6.n>}4<

gooD iftljcpjiDilcDgc be not pleaDeD. foj tftcpbeparf oftljcCountp,anD tfie
iFranc^ife map be DcmanDeD in anotl^cr action*
;^nD it is to be obrert3eD t^at toitf^in tl^e Cinque po}f0 tliere be DitierB €mti9,
one bcfojc tbcConttable of tl)c Cattle of2Dot)er^(to6ereoffottictDliat&at|>been
faiD before) tl^ere beotl^er Courts loitl^int^e po}tst^emrelt)ed, before t^e ^afs
ojs anD t^e jurats, anD anotf^er te^ic^ is calleD Curia Qploque Portuam a-
pud SFiepwcy, U)l)Cccof toe fijall fpcafe Ijcrcaffer.
Sfanpoftbe fetngs Courts Doc toufc to ba^jearecojD in t^c Cinque pojt0,o> .>^.i^tU6o
*^ '*
foj Doing of anpt^ingtoitl^intljc fame, tftc tDjitttiall be DicecteD Gonflabulario
Caftri de Dover, & Gardiano Quinquc Portuum, io%\^Z iS tlje immeDiate £Dff{«
cer to tiie lyings Courts foj erecution of t^ltiingstDjitsloit^inttie cinque
l^ojts, ^oj example:
3Ef a man pleaD a IReco^D toit^in tlje Cinque po^ts, anD f|ie ot^er pleaD Nul jo Yi.6.6 sc 7.
tiel record,tl)ere fljallgoe a tDjit to t^ Conltable of iBDober to cerfifie tfte;D, fo? tde courfe is fo^ tbe lyings Courts toto^ite to tbe Conttable, anD lie
fiiall fenD to t^e IBarons, f tjat is to tbe (paio^ anD jurats, to cerfifie l^im of t^e

5RCC0JD iufjic^ is be foje tfjem , anD tjc fljal certifie t^ lyings Court , anD fo
t^c Conffablc is immcDiatc £)ff tccr to ttjc Sings court

i^ote,ti)oug{)15oolfsrap tbat tije Mrits (l)all be DtrecreD to tlie Conllable of Reg;

JDoDer, pet tl)C iojit is to be DirccteD Conftabulario Caftri de Dover, & Gar- F.N.B.Sab.
diano Quinquc Portuum.
Si man l&atb a luDgment in anp of tljc liings Courts, anD tlje S>cfcnDant Idat^ ^'^^J°-
no lanD oj gooDs but in tlje Cinque po?ts, t^e piaintif fliall ftatje a Writ to F^^^-Sob-'ji.
fljeconaablc of SDotJcrto mabe crecutton. 2lnD to it is if a manltill l^atje ie.4!io!' ' ' '

furctp of tbc peace agafnft anp pcrfon toitbin tbc Cinque ^ojts , tften be lliall
Ijaijea Mritoutoftbc C^ancerpDirecteD to t^c conttable of H)obcr, foj t^ Regift.i^j:
Doing thereof. Rot.Parl.Anno
Et quia in quadaCarta domini regis nunc Gontinetar,quodorancsqucrcli ver- '^ ^•'•"''
ius ipfos Barones
Quinquc Portuu apud Shepvvey terminari dcbcnt cora Cuftode tatcin de Fc-
Quinquc Portuum, Pr^cept'eft Stepiiano dc Pcncccflr' nunc Cuftodi quod par- vcriha & Baron'
tibus prsdiiJtis coram eo certum diem afllgnet & /ac' Tuiiieis cotoplcmcntu, de Port de Fc-
(0jj I jif
The Courts of the Cinque Torts. Cap.^2,
& » %t gitcn in
50 H.6 6 7. 3lf an ccroncous t«155tti*JMt tl)C Cinqae pojtsj befoje anp of tijc
Dicr 15 Ei.;7*.
{^31038 oj 3urats, be reDjcffcD bcfoje t^c Conftablc of 2?obcr at t^
it iball
Brook. c.';?«
^j„ft at fe^eptocp, totiUI^ Court toao caifcD of anctcnl time bj? iicttcrs J2a>
tCtltS Of E.U
vcfi/y dc.Cour;s g^^g Couft Of tljc Cittquc pojts tjolDCH at Shcpwcy atijuUgeO tfjc 3bbot of
6 Hii. i8 E.i.f.6. Cinque |0ojt0)fo> l^is offence to be im-
j^etcrOjamCUj^icf) Stbbp toas toitbin tibc
fo; t!)C tofttcft tlje airrijbiC&op of cantcrburp caafcD t^e fetngs ^inf*
Dorf.Clauf.Anno pjifonct),
fters of SDotjei: to be citeo into ttie <SccleCatticaUcourt,f!c. SH^e l^eco;D
go E.i.m.13. fait^
Qi«a fecuodutn confuetudinem regni approbatam j rationc juris regii,mini- &
_. ratione officii liii.trahi nondcbeant. Rex
regis proaliquibus quae fecerunt

FOhibuitArchiepifcopo Cant' ne moleftari faciat miDiftros fuos Dover', de co

n'q. Noca, this quod Abi>atem dcFcvcrfham prodcli<Sofuo incarecraflenc pcr confidcratiotKtn
foi the ftile of corijE Qainque Portuum de Stiepwcy, &c, SDI^e lDl)Ol6illeco?D tStDOJtft^tobe
the Court.
^aQ 5^gp. tijfs ojall fuff ice fo j t^ «nti tljat 31 aim at.
Sec Br.a.i.b J.
^jj^ pj^^^ ^jj, ,,
^^p^^g^ j^g HuftingsapudShepwcyc.
50 E "5. ''Il^e jnrisDittion of tlje Cinque pojts is gcneraU,anl) erfcnOs as Inel fo perfe.
g 5
E .j.ritjurisJ. nail artions, as to actions rcall anD mipt, ox tol)icf) touclj tIjc frceljolD , but fo it
ts not tn ancient Demefne»foj regulartp tljat jutiSDiction cutenDs not to pcrfonaU
I 3|f a PrecipelJc6?oug^toflaatD,part toitljtnt^ecirtqucpojts, ant) parttoitlj^

49E.5.i4; out, t&cto^letojitft)aU abate: &ricdefimilibus. *3nDt^Ereis aDit)erfttpbe=

* ^ "^^
6E 8
t\xizm a iFrancljife to uemanli conufans,ant) a iFrancbife , ubi breve domini re-
tt H 6 4. gi* oon cu"i' i^oj ^" ^"'^ ^'f'''^ cafctljc
• Cenant oi WeitnDant lliall not pleao
8 H 4.7. it, bnt ti^c|Lo?D of tl^ jFranclbife mnft DemanD connfans , but in tfjc otljer cafCs

j9 E J .17. ti^e defendant map plcaD it to tljc \oiit

^nojof (!l;6le,anDcfcbcatcDfo tfjci^ing fojtoant of fteiM^e&ingstantct^tl^i
£Panno; of P. to another. jSinD iti3aDjuDgcD,tl)attlje fcifonoftl^Binginttjis
ta(teDot^notmafeeitofanot{)^r natnrs tgen ittDasafoje; fo^ f^ p^tt^aeDgc

Cap43' 225

CAT. XL 11 I.

The Court of the Efcheater, and of Commifsio-

ners for finding of Offices, &c

sift of tl)c )©fftcc of Q^fcljeafoj belongctfj to tfje Office of ttjelLojo ,^ e , ca-. j*

jCrcafurcr, toljo grant etlj tlje fame bP fjts SDecD. ?^c (0 to tontinae in ^{0 1 h 8.cap.V.
T^^e ;©fftce but one peace, 0; once in tl)?.cci'earc0. jH.s.capz.
jFo J tl)e Derttation of ^ts name,^i0 anttquitp, anD fomc part of tljis office, fee

part of tftc Slnaitutes, Se6t.4» toberc tfje ancient 0ut!)Ojs,ant) manp ^n^
tl&c ficft

tftojities be nuotco ^z ougljt to be feifcD

: of 4o,^arhs lanD^eicccpt CEfcj^catojs in

Cities anD Cotmtics palatine.

0U SEcitS ^jiSi09ll of Diem claufic cxrrcmum, Mandamus, Devcncmnr,
Melius inquircnd'. Qua: plura, &c. areDirecteD toljimto finDcanfliffice fojtfjc
iiing after tije Deat^ of ^ts JSCenant, toljicfj fjclD bp iSnigfjts ferutcc in Gapitc. o?
otijertDifc bp ISntglbto fecruice.
SDljis £Dfftcec in cafe of Cfcljeatfl foj SCreafon, jFelonp, oj in cafe of J)* Mar
fljip, OJ i^jimcr fcafon, map finDc an £D(ficc virtuce Officii. But in cafeof jH.g.cap.t.
MatDfiaip, oj pjimcr feifon, ifl)efinDean;©flfice virmte Officii, ifffielLanD,

\t. be of t^e pearl!? Mueof j. liv (oj alotc; Ijc C&alllofe etjcrp timel^elftaUCt

^Dffices found bcfoje ^iin virtute Officii, Ijc map refnrne either info flje Court h.
ofCtjanccrp, oMntot&eCrcljctiucr, fating at Dap foj MarDll)ip0, oj^jt'
tfjis Alton woods*.
mer fcifon,\i3l)icl)l)cmuilreturnintotf)cCl)ancerp:fojbptfje&fatHtcof3i H.8, 4E.424.
^""'"•P"''- 7^b
Cap.4<5. tbc Court of CBrcfjcqucr is barrcD to Deale toitf) tfje fame. jainD JfiDtficcs
founD befoje titm virtute Brevij,areio be retuntcDbptim into tf)e Cftancerp,
31f t)e fit bpfo?cc of a Mrit, Ije ougiji to tal?c tbe BUnqucft initijin a monctft j H.g.cap.i.
ncrt after t^c Deltlicrp of tljc OTrit, anD Jje ounfjt to rcturne tfte fame toitijin a s H.6.16.

moncti) after IjetaUctlj it,eitl)cr bp t2arit,o; virtute Officii. '^ h.6 7-

^ecCapif Efchaetris.toljereoftljeCfcljeatoj inquire: anD tlje statute

map Mag.Cart.ipajt,
DcEfehaetoribusjAnno i5)E.i. VideDicr. 248. 249. !^c i0 accountable pro *"-'^°i6i.
' ^ ^ *'
catallis felonum, fugiti voruir, fiu &
311 Offices fOUUD befojC ^im, OJ ^- ,

Comnitffioncrs ougl)t to be founD lip tljc oatbcs of ttoclbe men, etoerp Sluroj to bi'i\.
l)atcJLanD0,ic.totl)epcarlp lvalue of-io.3.intl)c fame Countp,' anD inDentCD^anD 3 H.g.cap.i!
one part bptljcmfealeD, anD bp Ijim tbe otfjer part, tobicftiStoremainciDitbtije <^i*^-i-(^?- ij.
jT^oaeman of tbc lurp, and to be taken in gooD 2notonc0, ano opcnplace0. i^oj l\ "*^'"" ' ^
fecrct £)fftce0 arc abljojrcD in Jiato, fullof tievatton anD cfjarge, anD neber Ijate
gooD fucceffe.
Jl5cttl)crl)cno:tbc Commitf toners canfa'kc anp cirnqucff
ofinquirpofanpo* 8H.6.cap.i«.
a0 '*
tj)crpcrfons, but fuel) be tmpancllcD aiiD rcturneD bp tfje S>f)crifc. h,<s.mj..7.

3f ftc ojtfje dommiffioncrs fljall Dcnp anp perfon to gibe ebiDencc openlp in i h s.cap.s.
!)is pjcfcncc to fuel) CBnqucftsasaiall be tafeen bcfo5cf)imfo:tf)c finDing of an 5 w-s.cap...

iDfftcc,l)C tUall forfeit 4o< It. 3if bc^ oj tbcCommtffioners,ojanp of tljcm ftall
refufctotahcaterDtctof tfje Cnqucft offering to p;cfent tbe fame, tjetbalUofe
1 or . U. to tl)C partp gr tcticD.

an ;2Dfftcc founD bcfo:e Commifftoncrs is as fo?ctblein BLalu, aaif itfjaD >4E.j.5f.'

beenc founD befojc tljc cEfcfjeato;.
ECbcCiBfcbcatoj ougfjf to taUc no fee bptfjc statute of W. i. butof tbelting seethe i.partof
'^e inftitutes,
onclt',butifbfinDean£ifftcebp fojceofanpMrit, anDaccojDing totbcfame
fo} tfje feing, teen)alll)aUeafceof i»o.0. bptlje statute of 13 H.^.butifitbc
founD iH.8.cap.8.
%i^ TheCourtcf theEfcheator^(^c. Cap. 4.^
fount) before l)(mb|? oj ex officio, fijatfl&c HanDs arcljolBcn of a S>«bject,
ojifftcfincean jSDfficcfojf^el^fng virtutc Officii, t^ere is no fee Dae to tjtm»
JBat t6e vEommtlltoncrs oujjbt to tafec no fee at all, tljoug^ an S>f[itz tc founo
iti% i\^ l^tng,becaurett)cpat:c not Inttfjtn tlje statute.
-' ?i H 8 cap.jt
^^ dSfcl^catoj finafng an 2)fftcc foj ffjc ^fng bp fojceof anp MrU, not ti^
teeitng tfjc tjaluc of ; * U. fljall i
j» 0» ana tbc Commiffionere can
not tafec abotie
taite nothing : ^ bat
fte spatter of ti^c OTatDs maj' aUoiu Commtffioners, c^vm-
t }1 H.8 cap.46 '
c 5 E. j.c:ip.9 reUour0,anD jFeoDaries ^eic Cotts.
Cfc^to? map malte S>epattes, but
1 1 E.4.cap.9. liitft able men, fo; to^om ^
tofU anftucr, ant» tl^at fjabe fufficient JLanlis in
^H ff ^T''^' ^^"^ (Eotnitp, f c. anD tfte (Sfcljeatoj Ojall ccrttfie t^c name oj name0 of t>ts SDc*
patpo; H)eptittc0,anaer&fs5letters patents into tlje CKteqner iDttfjin ttnen*
tp Dapes after zieputation maDe, 0nt) no ^eptitp fl^all tabe upon tiim to occupp
</f E.j.cap.4. ^at£>ff{ce, ei;cepttlbeciBfc^eato}l)atl)llanti0totl)etwlneofzoai» ''^notfanp
Regifter 177. ^ub-efc^eato) be made, not liattng fufficicnt, lie map be remobeD bp t^e i&ihgs
tIErit Directed to t^e (Efcteato; De Subefchaetore amovendo.
tzi E.4tj.
("Blttlieci^fc^eato^&nbcrcbeatorjOjCoimntirtoner, returns a faire£Dffi£e, am
^'Si^^°V' ^*ton upon tlje cafe Dotft Ipe apinlt t^em bp t^e partp gricbeb,
alt^oug^j t^p
3 h'.8«p 1 beiaDfficc0ofUleco?D,beCDc0tl)epenaltpof ioo.l.bpt6e&tafute0 of i H.8,ana
9 H.*6.'fo.6o.* 3 H.8. 2C6e oatft of t^e efcfteafoj ejipjcffing ^l0 Dutp, appcaretft (n t^e Hegl*
/ joi.b fter, fo. qoi. b»
g 10 H.7 7.b.
s 3!f BI be poITetted of t^ goot)0 of a man ontlaloeD in trefpalTe, anD 31 Deliber
t^em to t^e Cfc^eato^ 31 am litrc|iarge&, quod Brian affirmavit : fo} lie mtD ttiat
t^ Q^rc^eato} is t|ie lyings ^(nttter,anO cliatgeable fo^ tie gooDs.

Cap.i^i]-. 217

Courts m the UniveiTities oi Cambridge
and Oxford.

Dtfccw Courts, 3(«r<i5Di(ttott0, Liberall Alts and

anD|9otocr3, bptije Charters oftljeJitngs of tljisKcalmc, Dfteroofto^ttfj Sciences arc Lu~

ICisttucfljatcacMftllcfetSnitjertitfcsljat^ mina Keifubli(.tt.
iDercnotgrantablebp c&artcc, butbpaut{|ojttL>iof parliament, toljiti) being
erp;>eD, ^ueene Eliz^abecb, (iDtjoconlD (toerpeaiteitofknololeDgc) notonelp
fpecifet!)cllanguagesofiFrcnclj. Italian, anO S>pantflj,
buttuas learncD tn tljc
Ratine anO <Dj?cK IcarneD tongues, anDejcccUeDallotfjctrs of Ijcr S)cf in l?noto'
leogebottiDttiiiicanD l^umaneO fo?< {\)z great lotic anD fatjour t()at tjcr ^aje*
aiebarctotec ijigljncire canttierfitics, and fo? tfjc great jealcanti taretftat tljc
JlojDaajiD CTommona tn jaarlianicnt ^ao fo; W^z maintenance of gooD anDgoD'
1p literature, anDt^euertuous education of poutbtottljtneitberoftbe faiD ^nf-
ijieraties and to t!)e intent t^at tijc ancient pjttjjlcdgcs, Jiibcrties and iFran=

tbtfcs of either oft^icfaid tttnifcerfittcs, granted, ratified and confirmed bptl^c

Siucenes i^igbncffcand fjer mod noble pjogenitojs, mtgbt be ^ad in great eftt-
aiation, and be of greater fojceandftrengtlj, foj tfte better increafe of learning,
and tlie furtljer fuppjcBtingof tice : 3t Uras cnattcd bj? 3utl)o?ttj»of JOarliament
fjoldentntl)ei3.^eareof!)ermoftp?ofperousrcigne: i. 2Cl)ateacfjoftt)c5B»
ntberStics Qiould be incorporated b)? ccrtatne name (albeit ttjep toere ancient

Corporations before.) 2. g:f)ataiULcttcrs |Datcnts of tljc ^Juecns^tgljs

Heffc, orbpanp of bcr progenitors or prcdcccffors, madctoettbcr of tljcfatOcos'

poratcd bodies feterallp. or to anpof t^etr prcdeccffors of either of t^jcfaid ^ni-

t)ccatics, bp tobatfoetcr name or names, tfte cijanccloj, i|9afters,anD fecftolars
of ettl)cr of tl)c faid aniterfttics, in anpof fftefatd ^Letters patents IjaD beenc
named, fl)o«ldL'cgoodandcffectuall, anda\)ailablc(n3Lato, toaUfnfcnts, con' *
Note thefi ge-
ttracttons and parpofeo, ic» as ampU',fuUi',and largclp, as if tftc faid aiettera
nei all brief arid
patents luerc recited verbatim in tljatHct of parliament, anp tbingtotftccon* effeiluall words.
trarp notUJitbiTandingv 3. SDljattbc Cljancclor, fl^aacrc and S>cl)olars of

citl)cr of tl)c faid 2ilniter Qtie6,and tbeir fucceffors for etjer, fliould fetjerallj? Ijatjc,

l)olD,pofrcffe,and enjop,
and tifc to tijcm and tijcir fucceffors for cfecr, all manner
of tpannois^c. and ^hereditaments, andall manner of JLtberttes, jFrancftifes,
immunities, ©uiefa'nce6,and prttJiledges.ljieiDof iFranUpledgclLatx) dapes,
and otl)er things Vobatfoeter tbep be, tobicl) cttbcr of tbe faid cojpojaf ed lEodf cs
bad bcld, occupied 0: en j0)?cd, or of rigbt ougljt to IjaDc bad, ufed, occupied, and
cnjoped, according to tbc trite intent and meaning of tbc faid ILettcrs patents
tobatfoeijer, anp statute, tato, vafage.Cuftome, or otbcr tbtng or tbings,madc
ordonctotbccontrarp nottoitbftanding. 4. snbatall iLetters patents of tbe
il^uecnes i^igbnefTe, or anp of bcr progenitors or predeccffors.and all manner of
iliberties, jPrancbtfes, immunities, £I5uietaaccs , and prttjilcdges, Jiects, • Nota
' lioc.
iLato dapes. and tbings tobatfoeUcrtljerctn crpreffcd, gttenor gran-
all otber

ted to eitbcr of tbc faid 2lnit)cr(itic3, bf tnbat name foctjer, be, andbptjertueof
tbts 3lrt Uiould be cHabliOjed and confirmed anp &tatHtc,iialn,5Iiragc,Cuftom,
Note thcfc gere-
binding ani
Conaruction, or otbcr tbing to tbc eontrarp nottoitbftandtng,
5!5p tbts bleffcd ilct of parliament, all tbc Courts, JFrancbifes, iltberties, Actus bcnedifliis.
pritjilcdges, Hmniunities, 5c. mentioned in anp 3lctters patents, citber
of tbc faid tiItnitjer£ities(tDbicb toere too long bcrc to be recited)* tbat tbcp mtgbf * Haud facile e-
profper in tbcir ftudp iuitb quictneffc, areeftablttbcd, made good and effectuall in mcrgiint t|uoriim
ILatD, againttanp Quo warranto. Scire facias, oi otbcr fuits, or anp quarrell,
vi tiuibiis obHac

Res vcsatadoini.
concealment or otbcr oppoQtion tobatfocljcr. 6>cc tbe iLcttccs of
patents !Htng
H.8 bearinc^ date prime Apiilis Anno 14. of bis retcrne, made to tbe ISniVerrttp

228 Vmyerjities of Camhr, ^ Oxford, Cap.^^.
of ^jfojl) ; ant) otl)er llettcrs patents fccartitg Date 26. a prills, Anno 3. Rcgi-
nar Eiii, maDe to ^Unttcrfitt' of CambjfDge, botl) toli(cl) are bp erpjcffe name

cttabUfljcD anD confirmcD bj? t6c fatD 0ct of 1 3. Eiiz» 3n tobfclj art tfjerctsa
Waning to all,otI)ec t^cn to f l[)C £Juecncs spajcttp, l)cr ijetres anD r«ccefro?ci. Ec
fie omnia intuto.
SEoncfting ttjc 3!ur(st)trt{on anD conufans of DtUcrs tijfngs belonging fotbc
mnttcrfitp of cambjtDgcfce tfje |0arttament IRoU of 5 R.a,nu, 45,5c.ttll nu.66,
ipafoj , llSatUfcs , anD Commtnaltp of (i;amb?tDge lucre accufeD,
fo;t^tt^ep in t6e late tumults anD op^ojes confcDereD tDtt^Di\)crs ot^jermif-
Doers, bjaUe up tljc SCreafurp of tlje iKnibcrCtp of vTambjtDgcanD tfjereont toob,

Non(proh dulor')
anD bnrneDfunDjptlie Charters, %u of tljefatD tUnttjerfifp, anDalfo compcUeD
ihe anciencChir- t^ Cljantelo} anD &cbolars of tljc taiD mntt3crfitp,anDer tfjeir Common &eal«
ter$,Rccords,&c. to releafe to ttiefaiD £paio; anD liSurgeOied, all manner of niberfies, anDalfo all
of thcUniveifity
jartions rcall anD pcrfonall, anD fUrtljer to be bounD to tf)em in great fummes of
bii:nt monep : tobereupon it teas agreeD in fojmc follotDing ; itljat one CSIrit ftoulD
by Rebels.
bcDtrctfeDtotljcjpaio?, Bailifcs, anD comminaltp of CambjiDgc, tbat tljen
tocre to appcare in tfte parliament, anD to anftocr (tfte fojmc thereof Dcfi) (ijcre
appeare.) 0nDfljat another Mrttin fojmc afojcfaiD ftjoulD be DireiteD to t^e
cpaioj anD SBailifestljaf toereat time of tfjc offence, (tljefojme lotjcreof Dofft

t^erc appcare alfo,) SEfje ^atoj a«D USalUfcs f ijaf tl)cn tuere appearcD in
per pcrfon, anD plcaDeD not guilt!,',ne toitting tijcreto t\}c ccomminaltp by tbcic;

0ttarttcpcfl appcarcD at tl^e Dap. %\)Z spaio? anD Bailifcs, tijat lefojc toerc at
t^c time of tbe offence, appearcD alfo in pjopcr perfon, anD tfjc faiD ^atoj anftoe*
rcD, snijat l)e toas not pjitip to anp fuc^ art, but onlp bp compulCon of ofljcrs, if
anp t^ing lucre tbcrcfn Done; tljc toljtcft tljc iiiings IcarncD CounccU tfjcn DiD Dif-
pjoDc, as bp tlje IRecojD appcarctlj. %^c ISurgcffcs of CambjiDge DcUtcreD tn»
to parliament tlje faiD ttoo2DceD3 fcaleD bp tlje Cftanceloj anD &c^lars,

t^concSDceD contatncDarelcafcofalUliberffesanD pjil3tleDgc3,iDi{I)a HSonD

of 300c. li, to releafe all fuits agatntt tljc faiD Burgclics. 2D6e ottjcc ioasa Hc«
Icafc of all iJrtions rcall anD pelrfonall, as tfterc Dot^ appcare. vBlpon tljc
oftDfticljtlDODeeDs.tljcp botljtocrccommanDcDfobe cancclleD foj tfjc caufcs a.
fojcfaiD. lifter tftis tijz CljancclojanD ^cIjolarsafojcfatD bp Inap of pct(t(ojr,ana
<n fojmoffunDjp 5lrticlcsci:l^tbitcD,ftctocDt]bc beginning fVoftole Difrourfeof
t^e faiD jpaioj anD 515ailifscffertuallp anD largclp.tUpon rcaDirtg of toljtcb bill, it
luas DemanDeD office faiD 5I5urgcItesiDl^attbepcoulDfap,toljcrfo:cfl)etr liberties
late bp tftc iiing confinncD f&oulD not be feifcD into tlje telngs IjanDs as fojfcltcD.
d)cp require ;.tftings,viz. i.Sicoppoffljebtll, i.dounccll, anD g. refpialjt
to anf iDcr. K
tbc copp of tljc bill toas anrtocrcD,tljat fi tftcncc tbcp IjcarD tljc fame,
it tftoulD Cuff iccfoj bp lalD tljep ougDt to Ijate no copp. CouticclUit teas Ko feiD,
tbattoftercin Counccll inas to bcljaD, tljcp ajoulD Ijatoclnljcrcfoje fljcp tficnfeierc
appointcD toanflDcr to no crime oj offence, but onlptoucljing fljetr liberties, ku
ter manpDilato?p fljifts anD rubterfuges,tbcfaiD ISurgetres touching fftcir liber*
ties onlp, ftabing no colour of Defence,fubmitfcD tbcmfclljcs to tljc iUings 1 mcrcp
grace, fauing tljeir anfiuers to all otljcr matters. Mnq, tbercupon bp com::
Nota,by AS of SElje
Parliament. monconfcntoftljc parliament, anDbp ^utljojitp of tlje famcfeitcD tlje famcli.
Vid. Rot.Pail. bertics tntoljis l^anDs asfojfciteD. 0nD after tljc iiinggranfeD to tfjc Cljancelo?-
S *
anD S>cftolars afojcfaiD,tDitftin tljc faiD tolnn of CambjiDge anD Suburbs of tftc
fametbc atrifcfonnfanccanDcojrcction of B?caD,£lle,Q(ilcigf)ts,^carures,lf^c«
Noc3,the priority grato?s,anD iFo:eftallers,lDitfj tfjc fiiics,anD amerciaments oftftc famct'cclDtng
of the grant tr) tfjerefoje pearlp at tlje (t rcljcquer 1 o 1. anD certain liberties tlje IfJing after gran*
the Univcrfitv, tcDto faiD vpaioj anD l5atllfcs,anD
tfjc incrcafcDtfjcir fojmer fee farm.
SDbts tuiiiivcrfitp of cambjtDgc ^atfj potocr to pjint Voitfjin f be fame omne*
Rot.Par.rj W.4, &omnimodoslibros,tofjitfjtbe taniberfitPOfiiDrfojD fjatfjnot. &ec a notable
rccoiD in^Barltamcnt,! H,4 concerning tbC Elnitierfitpof £Dtfo?D,bptfje
it teas DccrccD f aD juDgeD bpiJuifjojitp of
parliamcnt,ttjat tlje popes Bui ftonlo
not impcacf),o? alter f be rtgfjt anD cuffome cf anp t&ing concerning t^at viJnttiers
fitp.anD tfjcrcfoje teas DifaUotoeD, too long to be Jcrj inferteD^
Cap.4^ np

The Courts of the Stanneries in Cornwall
and Devon.

Sileof t^e Coact of Scanner? t0,anD alioa^s Ijat^ beBiT,Magt)a Curia ^The Stile of

T^ Domioi Rcgii Ducatus fui Cornubis apud Crokcrencon in Com' Devon' the Court,
coram A» B. CuHodc Stannarix difti Domini Regis in di(5lo Com' Devon.
2D^ iDfficers oCt^is Conrtbe ttje ^tetoacD* uHnDCirtuairDenifc. f The Officers,
Bit is calleD Stannaria, a Stanno, baanfet^e llo;D MacDen^at^ fnrifDictfon
oCallt^e iSLpnne in Co;nU)aU anD SDetiom CpnneidaSpajcontoo^O^anDDeri'
teDacinaitu, anDt^c Cpnncrsatrc called Stannatores«
%\iz inrifsiction octets court \q gutoeo bp fpccfall latDe0, bp CtiSomes, anD f Thejftrifdi-
|bpp}0fcrfption time out of minD, fo^ic^ To far as toe f!nD tf to be alloVoeD bp t^e ilion.
refolution of tl^e BluDges, o^ bp ^ct of jaarltamcnt , \az foill recite* Seethe firftpart
of the InflJcuu^,
lo Gancellaria apud VVeflm.coram Nicho* Bacon milite Cuftod'Magni Sigilli
Anglia pro Stannatoribus, die Veneris, viz. 1 4 die Novembris Annoreg&i
Eliiabcthas Reginac Qaartojnrer Martinu Trewynarde Oyer' in Cur' Stan-
nar' com' Cornub', 6: Johanc Killegrew & Georgiu Trcwynard Defend,

tM^erefbe i4&ap of ^^ctoberlaSpace, t^e maftet in qneftion fond^fng t^e

atloUiing 0; Dirallolsing of Mritd of (^rro^ as toell bettneen tije parties afo;e-
faiD, as alfofo^ ant) concerning all otIjerMritsoferro;tonc||{ng all canfes De-^
terminable in tbe ^tannerp Court \n Co^ntoalU loas bp tlie ojDer of t^e llojD
iSeepcr of t^>c (©jeat &eal of cBnglanti committeD to f Ije Ijearinganti eramination
of &ir William Cordel l^nigljt «0aller of f^elRols , 1 §)ir James Dicr iSnig^if
Cbtef 3na(cc oftftcCemmonpeas, anD Suffice Weftcn; to flje intent upon
tt)e Due cond&eration of t^c caufc t^cpfljoulti mabe repojtuntot^efaiDllojD

deeper of t^eir opinions anD pjoccctiings in t^etr iuDgemcnts IljoulD

fecm nioft agreeable to jufticc atiD cquitg t toljo batiing accojDinglpfratelleD Di«
ligentlp foM^e unDerftanDing oftbetrut^f ttie pjemifes upon tbe Delfbetafc
ijearing anD eramining of fi)C canfe in ffte pjcfence of tl^c Counccll IcarneD of
bott) ftoes , anD upon ttje peruQng anD confiDeration of tt)C ancient p^efitriptions,
cuK omcs, liberties , anD charters erl}tbiteD bp t^ faiD parties concerning tf)e
p;emlfes, Ijate tljis Dap maoe tljeir rcpojt unto tbc faiD 3Lo:D toecpcr as foUoiu*
etlj, SHbat is tofap : 2D!)at foj as rauc^ as tfjc faiD plaint ife cohID not,noi DiD

not fijeU) fojtl) ani> lUccojD oj picfiDent,tDi)crcb}? anp juDgemcnts oj erccutions

No Writ of Er-
IjeretDfoje paCfeD in anp of f Ijc faiD S»tanncrp Courts Ijatebeen rctjerfeD bp Writ ror
lycth upon
ofCrroj tnanp of tijc £Uueens spajeffics Courts of ftec iBcncli oj Common any j-udgcmeiit
ISleas : 0nD fojt^at itappearctljuntofbemt^atDitiersanDfHnOipincontJcnt- in iheSunncy
encies locrelitolpto enfue bpallouiing of fucb ^rits of Crro?, anD upon oti]cr Courts.
Viik Simile
caufes anD confioerations ttiemcrpcciaUf moving: £D4ep in tbeir opinions ttjink
Dier ij.Eliz,
ft not meet no> contienient tl)at anp tESHcits of €rroj ©onlD paffc j be fuffcrcD fo, 576.
f n fiiif) cafe to rctcrfc anp of tbc faiD luDgcmcnts 02 erccutions. But ;udgetnents
2{pon tti^jttij
be leveifrd
repoU maDc, 3:t is tftisDapojDcreDbptbefaiDlLojDiaccperoftbo (IDjcat S>calc,
s of 3iunc laft part ninDc againft ttjc 1 o;D
tftat tt)c £>}Dcr Ijcrctofo^c tahcn tSic
1 by Appeal
the next
MarDen of tIjc S>t<ini5cr(co afojcfaiD, !)(a £)fficcrfl ano others nicntioneD in tbc api'ejrctb.
fame, concerning t!)c not allowing oj not cwcufing of anpMrit oj tSHlritsof
<;£rroj : anD all anc ftig«l3r tbe contempts conf aincD in tl)C fame i© jDcr fuppofcD
i^lj bp
220 Hoe Courts
ofthe Stanneries^^c, Cap,4
b^ f^cm to be committeD concerning ti)c notalloloinsoj not c);ecutinsof^np

XMxii oj ©acitsof (Drcojao (s afojefatO, fl^all be clcarlp fruHratcC anD VoiD, anD
tljep anD ctjcrp of tfjcm clcarlp releafcD i Dtfc!)argeD,anp tijing in t^e fame
£) joct
to t^c contrari' nottoitljttanting.^nli tl)at fl^e falD Dcfcncants ano etcr;? of t^em
fljallbe at tbcir Itbcctp to take tljcir atitiantage agatnU tfjc faio platntlfc foj tljeir
executions ftaD oj to be ftao in anp of tfje faiD ^tanncrp vTourts accojDing to fl&e
cnftome of t^ fame Courts toitljout let oj impeacljment of anp Mrit oj OTrifs
of cl;rro;t, oi of falfe judgement fueD o} tobefueD in anpof tiiefatD Courts of tl)c
l>i{ngsBencg o^ Common pleas. ^nD tl^ from ^cefojt^, no Mr
ito^ tcH rits
of C^rro; o; falfe jntigement be tjereaflec fueD in anp of fl^ faiD Courts of t^e
lyings lEcnc^ o^ common pleas toretierfe an^ judgement o; judgements in
Courts of ^tanneries fjerctofoje gftjen,oj l)ercaff cr to be giben,
anj) of tftc faiD
unfill upon further confiDeration of t^e ancient grants anD liberties of tl^efatD
Courts of&tanneries, oj upon fome otiier fuffictentcanfeoj matter, it l^aft be
ot^erlDtfcojDcreD anD DetermineD bp tlits Court of t^ C^ancerp,

^° Camera Stellata apnd Wcflm' coram Concllfo ibidem die Mercarii, w*,
Itclla'ti 29 Nov. *9 tJJe Novemb, Anno rcgni Hhx Eliz. Dei gratia Reginae Anglix, Fran-
ciffjSc Hibernis fidei dcfcnfor'j &c. Septimo 1 564.

Wi^iere a matter in tariamel^af^ been i[)eretofo;emoteD, anD DepenDing in

t^iS honourable Court, bCttoeen Martin Trewynard plaintife, anD John Raskar-
rock, William Gilbert, John Killegrevytfte ponger, James Drevve , anD otijer DCs
f enDanfs bp tvoo febcrall llStls erl&ibiteD into iW Court .inljercof tbe laft iBill

contatnetft no otber matters of effect being not mcntioncD in t^c firtt 15tlU otl)er
t^en t^c tahing of certaine cattell of tl)e faiD complainant anD otl)crs. jSnD
iBbcrc alfo it appearet!) tljis p?cfent Dap , tijat tbe tabtng of tlje faiD cattell toas
bp certaine of tt)e faiD DefenDants latofuUp aut^o^ifeD tO} tiiat purpofe bp t^e
^teloarD of ttie ^tannerp Court of penlnitl) anD carieD into t^countpof
Co;nlDall in an erecution upon a conDemnation bp |uDgement l)aD in t^faiD
court againS t^e faiD plaintife. Coucl^ing toljic^ conDemnation tf)e faiD com<
ptainant bat^ complatneD as tuell in t^ Court of C^ancerp bp Bill, anD in tfjs
Jiings Benc^ bp Mr
if of (E rro?, as alfo in iW
€wtty as appearetl) in tfje firtt
of tfjc faiD ttoo DepenDing, meaning bp fome of fbcfc toapes to call in
Ii5il8 fjerc

qucttion tfte tialtDitp of t^e faiD juDgement, anD teas out of tftc faiD fc\3crall
Courts bp o;Ser Difc^argeD anD DifmiOeD, referring tide p?oceeDing upon ttje faiD
juDgenxent to tfje ojDcr of tljefaiD Planner? Court , accojDing to BiV^crs £!)jDi=:
nances bp Dibers ancient Cl^arters, cuffomes, anD liberties belonging to t^e
dtannerp ratifieD bp SiA of parliament. Hnb tntjere it Dottj alfo appear tliat f^e
tafeing of tlje faiD Cattell, toftereupon tfje faiD laft Bill in tljis court is erftibt-
Brioneous judg. feD tuas onlp foj tfte erccutiou Of tlje faiD recoucrp. 0nDU)ljerealfoitDotbfur<
m nts in the
appeare , tftat bp t^e ilatoes anD jSDjDinanccB of tbe faiD fetannerp (if anp
f jjcf

'^rtmU V/ ^^^^ ^^"^'^ "^ complaint be mtniftieD) tfte fame is to be rcD?effcD bp appellation in
fcberall Degrees, viz. firtt to tfje s>tctDarD of tfje stanncrp Court intjerc tftc
tjwhonthisnp- matter lpet(j,ti)en to tlje WnDcrtoarDenoftfte&tanneries, anDfromijimtotfte
pjiucionQiiUb: 3LojD MarDeuof tl^efame ^tanneries: anD foj Default of 3!utltcc at IjisbaiiDs,
ina 'f'
to tijc pjinces pjibp Councell , anD not craminable citljer fjcre in tijis court
OJ in anp otfjer Court. M
is tfterefoje tbis p^cfent Dap ojDcreD, tljat t^e faiD fe^
tcrall ssils of complaints , anD tbc faiD DefenDants nameD in tlje fame, toifS all
t^e caufes tljcretn mentloneD. be fo^t^toiflj DifmideD out of tijis court to be De^
tcrmineD accojDing to tljc fatDllatoesanD ^jDinanccs in tfje faiD ^tannerp,

Cap.ij.5. TheCourtoftheStannerieSj^c. 231

The rcfdlution of all the Judges (by force of his Majefties Letters) concerning Term. Midi.
the Stanncries in Dcvondiire and Cornwall upon the hearing of the Conn- 4 ^^'^- Rfg's-
cell learned of both parties at feverall dayes, and what could be aliedged ^ r

and (Kewed on either party, and upon view and hearing of the former p'ro-
ceedings in the Courts of the Stannerics both before *and (ince a certaine afcct in ih/v
Aft of Parliament made concerning the Stannerics in jo E. j, Cliaptir.

iFtrft.toc arc of opinion, t^at as tocll IBlotocw as allotljer labonrcrsanD

iDojbcrs (iDitljout frauD o;l colitne) in oj about tl&e ^tanneries in Cojntoall anD
E>ct3on, arc to Ijatic tfjc pjitilcDgc of tljc ^tanneries During tijc time tljat tfjci?
Do iDoiU tftcre.
g)cconDlp,tt)at all matters anti tilings concerning t^c ^f anneries,6; Depending
upon tbcfamcarc to be IjcarD anD Determines in tijofc Courts acio?Ding to tljc
cullomc of fijc fame time out of rntnD of man ufcD.
SDljirDlp, tljat all tranCitoj^ actions betVoecn SCpnncr anD SCpnncr.oj Mo?ber
and ©Hojber (t^ougl) caufc be CoUaterall, anD not pertaining to tftc &tannc*

rp) mapfaeljearDanD DctcrmincD initftin ti)c Courts of tljcsfanncriesaccojDing

to tljc cuftomc of tf)c faiD Courts, albeit tljc caufc of ^rtion DiD rife in. anp plate
oaf of tftc ^tanneries , if tftc DefenDant be founD tnitljin tljc &tanncrp; o; map
be fucD at tl^c Common laUi at ttjc election of tljc plaintiff But if tlje one partp
onlp be a Sinner oj Mojbcr, anD tljc caufc of Action being tranfitojp anD colla-
tcrall to tlje ^tannerp Do rifle out of tlje faiD S>tanneries, t^en tljc DefenDant mag
by> tftc cuttome anD ufagc of tftofc Courts pleaD to t^c jurtfDictfOn of tljc Court,
tfjattije caufc of action DID rifeout of tljc §>tanncrtcs,anD tfte jurifDiction of tfjofe
Courts, toljtclj hv t^c cuftome of tljc court Ije ougbt to plcaD in p?oper perfon up-

on oatt). ;^nD if fuel) plea to tljc jurifDiction be not alloUieD, il^zn a P;oljibition
tn that cafe is to be grantcD* ^^nD if iw tliat cafe tlje DefenDant Do tome to pleao
to tljc jurifDictiott ofttje Court upon tjtscatlj, Ijc ougl^tnof to be arrcftcD cundo,
redeundo,vel morando, att^efuit of anp fabject in an? Cojpojattcin , ojotljer
place toljcrc t^c faiD Courts of t^c ^tanncrj' Iftall be tljm l^olDcn.
iFouctftlp, if tljc DefenDant map pleaDc to tljc juriftiiction of tl^BCourt in fljc
cafe before mentioncD, anDtoillnot. butplcaDanDaDmitttje juriftJtctionoft^e
Court, a»D juDgement is giten, anD tlje boDp of tljc DefenDant tafecn in cjrecutton,
tljc partv' cannot bp lalu ftatie anp action of falfo impjifonmcnt, but tljc erccutton
is gooD bp tljc cuttome of tljat Court. But if in tljat cafe it Dotlj appear bp tljc

plaiiitifes oton fljetning, tljat tljc contract oj canfe of action toas maoe oj DiD rife
out ofttjc^tanncrics, anD t^e jurifDiction oftljote Courts, o?. if it appear bp
t^c conDition of tljc bonD tubercupon tljc action is grounDcD , tftat tljc conDition
tuas to fcc pcrfojmeD in anp place out of tfje jurifDiction of tljofc Courts > ttien all
tljc piocccDings in ftKb cafes upon fut^ matter apparent, are coram ron Judice.

j^iftlilp , IDC are of opinion, tljat no man oagljt to Demurre in tljat Court fo;
toant of fojm, but onlp foj fubffance of matter. 0s if an aaion be bjougljt tberc
fo; luo;D3 VD^iclj toill bear no action, oi an atf ton of Debt upon a contract againU
Crecuto js 0} i^Dminiftratojs, o: fuctj liftc; 3n fuclj cafes a Demurrer map be up=
on tftc matter. 2lnD tfjat tftc pjoxccDings t^erc mutt be accojDing to tljc cuttome
of tljofe Courts nfcD time out 6f mtnDe of man : foj tljat no SJIrit of Crroj Dotl)
Ipciipon anp juDgement giljcntljcrc, but tljc remcDpgtucn tot^c parfp grietcDis
bp appeal, as Ijatb been time out of minDc of man accnttomcD,
§>ij;tljlp. tljat tfte Courts of tljc &tanncrp ftal)c not anp jurifDiction foj anp
taufc of action tljat is locallrifing out of tljc §>tanncrtc3.
&eticnt!)lp, tljat tljc pjttoilcDgc of tljc toojUcrs in tljc ^tanneries Do not ejr^

tcnD to anp caufc of action t^at is locall rifing out of tte ©tanneries (foj matters
of life, member, anD plea of lanD are bp ci:p;eirc tuojDs cicccpteD i\\ tljcir Cljav
ters) anD no man can be ctcmpt from juttitc. ,

Videlib. Intr. Coke fo. 467. tit, ProhibitJonjSrfo, 23, 25)3, bt in Error. Vide

^Ij i &MCft
The Courts of the Stanneries^<(^c, Cap .^y .

^ttc^ C^atter0, !Reco^ti6} anD 0(ts of parliament as Idc bat)e obfecteD con
ceming ^tannen^. Mat toill acci^jDing as toe
t^c liaDe&oijis ((i^ouc^out tl)t9
SDtBatifcrccttcin ferictemporis.
Johannes dci gratia Rex Angliae.&c.
Sdatis quod intQiwPei,& pro falutc

animx noftrae dedimus &
conccflimus , acprifcnti carta Doftraconfirmavmius
was Simb
Th s
de Apjli*! firft Dco,& Ecclefis bcati Petri Exon* , &
vcncrabli patri Simoni Exon' Epifco^

DeanofYotk, po & Exon* EpifcopisDecimatn de antiqna firma Stanni in

focccflbribus fuis
& confecrate Bi» com' Devon' &Cornub. Habendum fibi&fuccefforibusfnis cum omnibus li-
{hop. 8 Johan. bcrtacibus & liberis conruetudinibos ad cam pcrtinentibus per manut illius vet
xoE.iInqulf.i* illomm qui Stanncriam habuerint incuftodia,&c»
Rex Roberto de Courtney Salutcm. Mandamns vobis quod
fine dilatione &
difficultate aliqua habere faciatii Ifabclls Regina: matri noftrs Stanncriam
* She was the com' Devon' cum Cunco & omnibui pertinent'. Tefte Com' Marefehalloj &c»
of Ay -
daughter 2
Rex concept Johanoi filio Rici Stanncriam in Cornnbia 5 reddendo mille
mer Earl of An-
marcaj* Simile Anno 5; H.3, Rot, finium.
golefme. Rico dilcfto fratri noflro Stanncriam no-
a Rotfin.4H.?. bRcxj&e» Sciatis quod commifimus
iRot.Pat.ioH.j* ttram Cornnbia: cum omnibus
pcrtin', &c,
fetjerall.CIiactcrs of liberties anD pjibiletigcsbotl). bearing
DI.9. SD^rebe ttDo
c Rot.Pic.jjE.i.
The hbeities and I)at0ioApriii$Anno33 E^i.t&COneniaUead emendationem stannariarum no-
of ftraruminCom' Devon", anDtl^eotfter ad emendationem Stannariarum noflra-
the Tynnei s. rum in (Som* Cornubix,'' luftic^ pon mapreaD at large in pi.Com.'SD^efc cljar*
rfpl.C6.ji7,ji8. ters toere allotjoeo in Anno 3; E.i <
f 35 E.I in the
%^ Carter of 3 3 E,i tuas confirmeti to tfte scanners of 2)etJon',de verbo

in vcrbum,anD t|)C lifee in 1 E. 3, anD 1 7 E.3,

g vide Rot. Almanis. Anno n,i7.'S[n£DjD{nancc off^cfiing
g itE.j.parci.
nu.i7i bp aDtjice of W Comtcell concerning 2Dpnne.
Rot.Pat.tiE.j. JLeafemaDefoTidemandcLinbcrghc deCiuiagio Stannefiz & deemp-
Vide Rot, Pat. Com' Devon' & Cornub' pro fine mille marcarum &
tionetoiius Stanni in
16 Apr.AnRO
3 5 00, marcarum redditus. C^fc tocrc things
Done de fafto, but let OS turn our
7 E.6.Gilberc of a ^
0n ejxeUenf tieclaratfon,l{m{>
felbes to tl^, to^icti ^t^ tbe fo;ce laU),viz.
fcR0t.Par.50E. J fation anD Ci^poCtion
of t^e faiD Cfjarters of 3^ E.i t^at loas maDe \n tge par<

holdenthe Mon- liamentl&olDenin An. 50 E.3. bpantl&ojitp of tiicfamcbuf nebcrpjinfcB, (tofitcb

day after the loe l^ate (et Doton in hare verba, to t^e enD t^at no reliable of tbe fame fijonlD be
omitteD) itisenacteoasfollotoetb*

A trefexellent^trefredout Seignour le rey , fufpliefa peun Comnmit del

County de Devonfhire que luyfkafe per tavys des PrelatSyCoumees, Barons,

Parliament ordeimr remedie
(jr AUters fages in cejl pre/em deceeque let
Efieynorsy &
les Miniftres del Efieynery dddit County ont Ung temps a la
dit Commune fibienasfeigneurscome a$ autres fMttf^-font dejour in autre
diverfes extortions,
grievances per colour de les Franchifes
a eux gr antes
les Chartres
nojirefeigneurleroy, ^
defes progenitors en-
contre la ley &
des ditz, Chartres , per ^
lour malveis interpre-
tation dicelles: ^
que les dits Chartres <^ les
Franchifes comprifes enycelles
leuz et declarez, d' article en article fi la Comune du ait
puiffet ^ county puiffet
eftre apris droiturelment d'yceUeSi(^queceP
declaration foitmys enrecord.
Et finul article y foit en les ditz Chartres que touche cuflomes ouufages,
que plefe a nofireditfeignieur le Roy d'ordeiner ^
manaer en breiftemps
autres apris de la a
fuffifants ^ttftices feigniours dr ley
parties den-
quirer desdites cufiomes^ufages, ^
quils eyent poyur d'oyerc^ terminer
tons les
confpiracies, confederations y alliaunces, champerties, extortions^op-
preffionsygrievancesyfaaxines &
maintenances qu'eux les ditz
Ejieynors &
lour Mintfires om fait a la dite Comune,ou a nul de eux
qui plendrefe vorra,
C^ ce auxi hien alfuit le royyCeme de la party entsndants que le roy noflrefeig-
^he Courts of the Stanneries^^c,
nior entgaignera molt^^ d' autre
partefe rentede ne lour y foit or t fait iU
ferront en breife temps pur la greinder party difherites &
defiruitz a toutz
-voilla. Letenour d'afcuns des articles de les ditesChai'
jours ^(fueDieune
tres que lour
de declaration jenfmrn
Sciatis nos ad emendationern Stannar' noftr' in Com* Devon' ad
tranquillitatem & utilitatem Stannacofum noftrorum praedidtorura ea-
rundcm concelfifTe pro nobis & hjeredibus noftris quod omnes Stan- ,

nacores prasd' opcrantcs in Stannaiiis illis qu« funt dominicanoftra,

dum opcrantur in eifdem Stannariis libeii fint quieti de Placitis Na-
tivorum, & de omnibus Placitis & querelis Curiam noftram & hsre-
dum noftrorum qualitercunque tangentibus, Itaquod non rcfponde-
ant coram aliquibusJufticiariisvelMiniftris noftris feu hxredum no-
ftrorum de aliquo Placito feu querela infra praedidl' Stannarias cmer-
gentibus,nifi coram Cuftode noftro Stannariarum noftrarum prardiiSa-
rum qui pro tempore fucrit,(exceptis placitis terra?, vitje , & membro-
rum) nee non recedant ab operationibus fuis per fummonitionem ali-
cujusminiftrorum noftrorum feuh^eredum noftrorum, nifiper fum-
monitionem didlicuftodisnoftri. Et quod quieti fint de omnibus tai-
lagiiSjtheoloniis, ftallagiis, auxiliis &
aliis cuftumis
quibufcunque in
Villis, Portubus , Fcriis &
Mercatis infra Com' praedi(5tum de bonis
Sur quay plefe declarer (iautres ferfones que les Eftainors overamsin les

Ejiayneries averont (jr emoyeront la Franchife grame la dite Chartre

duroydeficome la dite Chartre f^tf?, quod omnes Stannatores prasdidi o=
perantes in Stannariis fintliberi,&c. Etauters perfonnes que les $-

'uerours^ceftajcavfir lours maijlres que

les lovent lours ^
fervants att^ ^
tres claymont me/me la Franchife. Et auxim plefe declarer Ji les ditzove-
rors y averont les Franchifes en autre temps que quant ilz overont in
me l Efieynery^ deficome la Chartre voet dum opcrantur in eifdem Stanna-
Endroit de les dites paroles . O perantes in Stannariis illis,& dum opc-
rantur in eifdem Stannarils,/we«/ clerement entendus, de operariis la-
borantibus duntaxat in Stannariis illis fine fraude dole , non de& &
aliis, nee alibi laborantibus.
Item feit declare fi mefmes les overours averont mefme les Franchifes
tant come ils averont aillors que in les defmefnesqut feurent au Roy laieU

noflre Seignior le Roy que La quel Roy Ayelllour grantafi la dite

chartre au temps del dit
grant des Franchifes deficome la Chartre veet,
quod omncs Stannatores prsedidi operantes in Stannariis illis qua*
funt dominica noftra, dum opcrantur in eifdem Stannariis fintliberi,
&c. It ilaclaymontd' avoir tout foit il einjiquils overont aiHours qu'en
les dites le
dcfmefnes roj layel.
Endroit de cejt
article pur ce que il y a une autre article en mefme le

chartre, que lour donne conge ^

licence defover ^ Intcrris, moris, &va-
ipfius domini regis &
aliorum quorumcunquc In Com' pra?di(fk),
& aquas, &
curfus aquarum ad operationes Starmariarum priedidaru
divertere ubi &
quotiens opus fuerit, &
emere bufcum ad funduram
Stanni, ficut antiquitus fieri confuevit, fine impediment© domini re-

gis, haTcdum fuovum, Epifcoporum,Abbatum, Comitum., Baronuraj

^he Court of the Stannenes^((s^c» Cap.4.5.
feu aliorum quorumcunquCj&c. IlfembU un befoignahle chofeen ce cafe
que lour cufiumes ^
nfagesfiient diligemmem enquiz^ que le Gardeine
de ^
de Lefiejnerie [oit charge que il ne joejfrenul overour deldit £Jfey fieri efo-
ver entrees, ne autry bojs , neve abate autry boys ou autry meafons , ne befio-
ver eaue ou cours de eaue pr malice. Etjifer cafe le ditgardein fey vorra
les dits Efleynors ny voillent obeire a fes maundetnents, ne ceffer
excufer que
lour malicepirluy que tant top ilfe face menfirer algrandconfeil leroy,&
due &
hafttve remedy entferraordeignes.
Hem declares inf^eciallcomen les ^ufticcs qu'ore ferront afigaes d'al-
ler celles Marchers fur entfaire la. dite enquerrefrendrontlifjuedufais fi

afcun y chiete entre parties , & comem cefle article precedont touch ant les en-

ditChartre I'aiely
flumes (^ufagesejteit ufesdevantlafefamcedeU drper
tielle le
queux gents i(fue ferra tries., ceftafcavoir quel perforeins felement,
ouper Eflaymrsfeulmenty ouper ambideux^j^c.
Endroit de ceft article^ en foit la vyspris da grant confeil les re-
cords en Eyrefi nullesy foient,& autres evidences (^remembrances deins
treafory le roy ^
aiUours^ et auxint les remembrances des feigniors queux

y ont esirepur le temps fercheset duement examines , ^

anxtntfeient Us liu-
res et evidences quelles les dtts Eflaynors ent ont ennjers eux venes ^
des, ifint que ley purra le mieltz, venir al droit verity.
Item foit declarefi le Gardein del Efiaynery puiffe tenirplee entre Efteynor
^ forein de querelc fourdant
ai Hours
que in les Iteux ou ilz, font overants de~
cuftos nofter prxdidus velejus locum te-
ficomekChartrevoet., quod
nensteneat omnia placita inter Stannatores prsediftos emergen' etia &
inter ipfos& alios forinfecos de omnibus tranfgreffionibus, querelis,
& contiadlibus fadis in locis in quibus operantur infra Stannarias pra;-
didas fimiliter emcrgen',&c. ^aril tient plee de tieux
deins la dttcounte.
dantschafcune parte
Endroit de cefl article. Se ontextende la \urisdiSiion clerement folonles
del dit Chartre^cejiaffavoir^ In locis ubi iidem operarii operan-
tur, &nemi aillours, neen autre manner.
Item piefe declarer de ceo que la dite Chartre voet
einfi. EtfiquiStan-
natorum prsedidorum in aliquo deliquerint per quod incarcerari dc-
beant per cuftodem prsdidu arrellentur, &inprifona noftrade Leid-
ford & non alibi detineantur, quoufque fecundum legem & confuetu-
dine regni noflri delibcrentur.JEf en cefl cafe qucEfleynorfoit prife purfelo-
ny & liverez. au Gardein Jl efl fuffertfovent aller a large de
quoy grandper id
Avient moult de fois dr ^ufi de ceo que la deliverance del dit Gaole neflpaffe
fait unefoitzendkans.
Et que pis efl per colour de mefme cefle article le
dit Gardcinprent hors dautreprifon les arreragesfur
emprifones pur accompts,
^ les mette a Lydefordou ilz. font in tantfovores quilz my fontforce deja-
maysfairgree a lour feigniors.
Endroit de cefle article en foit enquiz. diligemment devant les ^uftices que
ore y ferront profchemement afignes denquerre
per quelle authority ilz y fait
en mefme la Chartre font
einfy depuis que exceptesper fpeciall tout^plees de
terre (^ devie,& de membre, dr celle
enquefle retournefoit declare en ej^eci-

^nD acco^Dins to iW ;^(t a (lommifTton tCtucD ont in t^efe too^Ds.

Rot.?ar.5eE.3. Edwardfis Dei gratia

AngUd (^ Franeiixrcx df dominw Hibereix d^'

^b^ Courts
of the Stanneries^(^c, 255
le£iU e^ jidelibui fuis Cuidoni de BriM& ^ohami de Memague , Roberto *
ihcfe two for-
de Belknap, Hugoni deSegrave, Henrico Perchaie, (jr Waltero de Cloptotf, mo- were Barom
Salutem. Cum domintfs Edwurdus quondam rex Anglic A-vus nofierper fiaiemfand fa:'"
Cartamfuum quam confirmavimus ad emendationem Stannariarum fuarum m the lafi parij.
i n Com' Devon ad
tranqftillitafem , (jr utiUtatem Stannatorumfuorum ea-
rundem conce^erit profe (^ hxredibus fuis ^quod omnes Stannatores pradtHi
oper antes in Stannariis
quxfuerunt dominiea fua^ dum operentur in eif-
dem Stannariis ejfent liber i et quieti de omnibus Placitis Nativorum j &de
omnibus Placitis ^ querelis curiam fuam ^ h^redum Juoram qualitercun-
que tangentibui
quod no n refponderent coram aliquibus ^ufliciariis
It a

vel minijlris ipfius Avi

Koftri vel h^redum fuorum de aliquo Flacito vel
Stannarias emergen' nifi coram cujlode Stannaria-
querela infra prtidioias
rium pr^diHarum quiprotemporefuerit.-iexceptisPlacittsterra^'uitie^ Pleaiofhndj ^
membrorum^)nec recedennt aboperationibus fuis per fummonitionem aliquo- ^[g cxce'^tTj''"
rHmminifirorumdtCiiAvi nofiri fetthxredum jmrum nifiperfftmrnonitio-
nem commtinem dicii Cujladis ^ ^
quod quieti ejfent de omnibus tallagiisi,
theoloniis,auxiliis,ftallagiis,& aliis cujlumis quibufcunque in ViUis^Por-
& Mercatis infra Com' pr^dicium de bonisfuis propriis, Cen-
tubus ^ Fcriis
etiam eifdemStannatoribus quodfodere poffunt Stannum ^ turbos ad
in moris ^ vafttsfuis
terris, aliorum quo- et
fiannum fundendum ubique
rumcunque m
Com' pnedicfo, (jr aquas ^ <^ cur[us aquarum ad operatic-
nes Stannariarum pr&diHarum divertere , ubi et quoties opus fturit^ete-
mere bufcamadfunCturam Stanni (icut antiquitus fieri conjuevit,foe im-
pedimento ipfii*s Avi noftrivel
hxredum (uorumtEpifcoporum ^ Abbatum^
Priorum, Comitum, Baronum ^feu aliorum quorumcunque. Et quod cufios
vel ejus locum tenens teneat omnia Placita inter Stannatores
etiam inter ipfos
forinfeccs de emnibus
et alios et
prxdi^os emergentia,
tranfgreponibus, querelis ^
contraiiibus faciis in Itcis in
quibus ope-
rcntar infra Stannarias pr.(di£ias fimiliter emergen' , quod idem cu- ^
haberet plenam poteftatem ad Stannatores prxdiUes alios
forinfe- ^
cos in bujufmodi Placitis juficiandi ^
partibus ^ufiiciam facientt prout
jujlum, ^
in Stannariis illis fuijfet uftatum. Et fi
qui Stanna-
torum pr^diciorum in aliquo delinquant per quod incarcerari deberent,
arreTtarentur , (^ in
per cu/todem pr^diclum prifona de Lydeford, et non
alibi cujlodirentur , ^
delivcrentur , quoufque fecundum
legem et con-
fuetudmem regni Angli£ deliberarentur. Et fi aliqui Stannatorum pr<e-
diciorum fitper aliquo fa£io infra
Com' prsdilium non tangente Stanna-
rias prxdi^l' fe pofuerint in Inquifitionem patria^ una medietas ^urato-
rum Inquifitionis hu\u[modi ept
de Stannatoribus pradiWs, alia &
medietas de forinfecis. Et de jfalio totaliter tangente Stannarias pr^di-
cias fierent inquifitiones ficut fieri confueverint , ficut per infpe^ionetn
rotulorum Cancellaris nofirix. nobis conflat. Ac etiam ex clamofa infnu-
aiione tam magnatum quam Communitat' Com' pradiSi' in prafenti
Parliamento nofiro graviter conquerentium ad nojlrum perventrit au-
ditum quod Stannatores prxdicli ac officiarii , balivi
J miniftri dilV ^
Stannaria Cartam pradi&am pro libito fua voluntatis interpretanteSy ^
debitum intellecinm ejufdem Carta pervertentes^ c5* etiam excedentes^ac

quidam alii in magna numero ajferentes fe fore Stannatores cum nonftte-

rintihahitis inter eos confpirationibus , confcederationibas,(}' alligantiis,
deceptiones Cambi-
quamplurima extorfiones , cpprefiones , falfitates , j

The Courts of the StannerieSj(^c. Cap. 4.5.
fmi&S^mfndextrAs ,
mamtenefitiai , tranfgrepones , dumm , gra'Vami-
m et
diverfis fuhdttis Com'
noftris di£i' colore Carta [mradi-
Ua per pittres vices fecerum:^
et indies
facere non defijtant
in nofiri con-

temptum ^ ipforum conquerentium gra>ve prxjudicium^ di£l' Com veri-

ftmilem defiruiiionem c^ everfionem mmijeHam. Nos affeHantes fmgu-
les fttbditos noftros fub quieto (jr debito
regimine gubernare , (jr nolentes
unto, mdeficia^fi per prxdi£i' Stanmtores, Baliivos vel Mi-
mfiros^ aut alios quojeunque perpetrata exiptnt^aliquditer tranfire ipi-
punita', ApgHAvimas vos^quinqWyquatuor ^ tres et duos vefirum ^ {quo-
rum vos prxfAt' Robert' umm
ejfe volumus) ^njiiciarios nofiros adin-

t^mrendum per [acr Amentum proborttm ^

legalium hominum de Com'
tarn injra lihertates
pradi^' quam extra,per qnes rei veritas melius fciri
poterit , ^
aliis viis modis ^
quibus melins fore videritis de quibufcun-
que con(pirationibus,cenfarderationibus, alUgamiis^ extortiombus^opprep-
mbus , faljitatibus , deceptionibus , cantbipartiis , ambidextris , mamtte-
nemiis , tranfgreponibus , damnis^gravaminibus dr excefibus
per quof-
cunque Stannatores vel alios in Com' pndiil' fa£iis , cf per quos , I'ei
per quern , quibus perfonis , ubi ^
quibus temporibus quditer qf*o-
modd ^ ct de aliis articulis dr circumfiantiis pr^mijfa quditercunque
tangentibus plettitts veritatem ; ^
ad pnemiffa omnia (jr fingula tarn ad
fe^am nofiram quam diHorwn conquerentium dr eorum fmgulorum c^
alierum quorumcunque pre nobis ^ am pro [eipfts
profequi volentium^au-
diend' G' terminaneC fecundum legem ^
cenjuetudtnem regni mfirt
Anglic: Salvis femper di£iis Stannatoribus libertatibus dr eis
per Cartam pradiffam co»ceJ?is. Et ideo vobis mandamus quad ad cert os
diem &
quos vos, quinque, quatuor, tres vel duo vefirum ( quorum
vos pr^fat' Robert' unum e^e volumus ) ad hoc
provideritis diligentcr
fuper pramiffa faciatis inquifitiones; ds" eonfpirationes , confaderatknes,
auigantias^ extortiones , oppreftones , falfitates , decepiiones , cambiparti-
/«•, ambidextras^ manutenentias y tranfgrefiones ^ eLtmna, gravamina^
dy pradi^a audiatis d)" terminetis in
excelJus forma pradiCia. , fa^uri
inde quod ad jufiitiam pertinet, fecundum legem dj"
confuetudinem regni
noiri Anglid. Salvis nobis amerciamentis dr aliis ad nos inde
tibus. Mandavimus enim Vic' Com'
predict' quod adcertos diem dr leca
quos vos^quinque, quatuor^tresvel duo vejlrum (^quorum vos pnefit' Ro-
bert' unum effe volumus ) ei
fcire fac\ Venire fac' coram vobis quinque,
quatuor, tres vel duobus vefirum tot d^ tales dr homines de
probes legales
baliva fuatam infra libertates quam extra, per quos rei Veritas melius
poterit df inquiri. In cujus rei tefiimonium has literat. mflroi fieri fe-
eimus pAtentes. Tejle me ipfe apud Weftm" sexto die
^ulii , Anno regni
mflriAnglf* 50. Regni vero nofiri Francis ^-j.
Per confilium inParli-

IBut tDljatfoas Done upon ffjis Commirfiott toe bate not pct foimo.
Rot.p«.8R.t. aCljefatD cfjarter of 3jE*i. to tl>e SCpncra of CojntDall teas com
Rot.pat.AnHo (j„j, {jj^ ^(jg^igf ^f ^^ g.^^ jj, ^jjg jcpnefg of ©etjon'toas alfo confirmeB.
^^"^ UUc confirmation to tftcS^pnnera of SDetjon".
Rot'.pat.j H.7.
&CC tl)c ttataf e of 1 1 H,7. cap.4. concerning cnnagg anD OTeigbtfi.
rcfoltjelibpt&c inftolc ^lotirt iW
Stannum",i:pn,ofbcrtotfe toftltc^
CamaaStciiata. IcaD, noj black IcaD , rtojartp otftcrbafemefall DiD belong to tfteliing bpbis
i9?erogatjt)e,asgoiD ano filter Hoc, albeit ffjere map be trieu out of fbc bafe
Cap .^^. The Court ofthe Mayor ofthe Staple, lyj
tnetall golD o? filter, but t!)at is as t^e feet) o^ drenstli of t^e bate mgtaU > lo|)U()
being eirttactcD becomes Dcfcrtttje,
jDfjere be JFitoc fetnDesofbafcnictais,z'/*»iEj>fiveCapmtn(becaafc ittoas
fotmD out, as fomc fjolo, in Cypro) Copper, Stannum SCpnne, Ferrum 3!ron,
Plumbum ileal), & Orichalcum JLatpn. Polybius 109 pears befoj6 Cftjtft*tojote „.,.•, ,

ftat tljts iflanD toas abunDanf Ij? ttojcD toiflj 2:pne, Britanni qui juxta Bdc phLs iib.« 8,9
rium promoncorium incolunt raercatorum ufu,qui co Stanni gratia navigant, hu- Diodorus Sicuki.
maniorcs- rcliquis ergahofpiteshabemur, hii ex terra faxofa cujui vcnas fc(ftati
effodiunc Stannum ignccdodum inquandam Infulam feruntBritannicam juxta, ^°!j""
hiis Infulis mercatorcs cmptu ftannum in GalJiam -
quamVC(ftamvocant:Ex por- Au°'veft«c /.'
tanc indc dicbus fere triginta cum equis ad fontcm Eridani fluminis perducunt, the
cape ffcuU'
&ec sp.Gamdcn, pa. 1 CornwalU
34* in »'iiit,

0nDfo}a0muc^as2Dpnneisa&taplecommot){t?, let ns in V^ m.i place

treat of t^Q Court of f ^e ^a^; of t^e staple.

The Court ofthe Mayor of the Staple.
Court is guiticD bp t4)e liato jpcrcijant, toliicHs tftelatn of t|je &ta» « »? e.j a^.n.
pie, anD is bolDen at tljc CTooMlaplc at tKacflm. SnD tl^erearealfo ^^^ffwArftpm
T^is tlijo conftablcs ,
anti a certain number of Co?recto?s to Kottattoljic^
pertainctl) to tl)ctr
£D(Ttcc,as in otljer staples isaccattomcD. u Uy^m
SDftts Court (tijougl) it toas far moje ancient) is ffrcngtftcneti anD toarranfeD 17 E.j.c'ap. 19.

bp SlA of iDarliament to^icl^i can belt erpjede tide jurtfDidion thereof, ant) foUotD-
etl) in tf)ercliJojtis.
Item^ becaiife the Staples cannot long continue, noi- the Ordinances »7 E-3.flat.i.c. ji

thereof made and to be made be kept, if good executors and Juftices

be not ftablifhed to make thereof good and ready execution have f The Inrifdi'
: We
ordained and eftablifhed , that in ewry Townc where the Staple is or- ^'*»-
dained, aMayor, good, lawful!, andfufficient (hall be made and eftabli-
flied, having knowledge ofthe Law Merchant, to governe the Staple, Th? Law utt-^
and to doe right to every man after the kwaforefeid, without favour,
And in every place where the
is, fliall be two covenable Conftables now at his beginning put by us,
to do that pertaineth to their office, as in other Staples is accuftomed 5
and when they (hall be dead or changed, then other (lull bechofenby
the Comminalty of the Merchants ofthe faid places. And that ho
Major hold the Office over the year, unlefle he be newly chofen by the
Comminalty of the Merchants , as well of Strangers, as of Denizens.
And that the faid Mayor and Conftables have power to keep the peace,
and to arreft offenders in the Staples ^or debt, trefpaffe, or other con-
tra(5t, and them
to put in prifon, and punifli after the law ofthe
And a prifon fhallbe ordained for the fafe keeping ofthem that fo mail
be imprifoncd. And the Mayors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs ofthe Townes, •

where the Staple is , or joyning to the Staple,(hall be attending to the

Mayor and Minifters ofthe Staple to do execution of their command-
ments upon pain of grievous forfeiture: and one Lord or other ofthe
moft fumcicnt in the Country where the Staple is, fhall be afligned to
li be
228 T'he Court ofthe Mayor ofthe Staple. Cap^^J.
be aide to the Mayor and Miniftersofthe Staple to juftifie the Rebels,
which by the faid Mayor andMinifters cannot be juftified, and to
maintain and counfell them when need fhall be to the good governance
of the Staple, and to redrefTe at every mans complaint that that fliall be
done amifleby the faid Mayor or Minifters,or other,and to do right to
the complainants in this behalfe. And that the fame Mayor and Con-
ftables do not, nor ordaine any thing contrary to this Ordinance , nor
make intcipretation hor exception to them otherwife then the words
do purport,
but if there be any thing that is doubted, it fhall be fhewed
to our Councell,and there declared by good advice.
a 36 E j.cap.?.
&ec tfte e. 3 . cap* 7»
ftatute of 5
<5 XW
spercljant fftangcrs map Bttl^er
jj^f^jg (^^ s^ajoj Of t^c &>taplc actojDing to tfte lato^ crcftant, o; at tlje Com^
Rot. par,6 6.
^ »8 E 3 ca I <
SCftc bount)0 of t\)t staple at Mcffm. begin at SCcmple Bar, ant) crtcnU to
Ti>e bounds of SCuf !)tll. 3n otlier Cttte0 anD aCotons, tottftfn tjje Ujaia : tuljcrc no iuals be, ttje
t^f Sf^f. bounDS of t^e staple Oiall crtcnD tlj?ougl) all t^c Cttp oj SDoVon,

i8 •
Cart". Mercatot'f
Rot. cart. a
^^0 ||^e ftatufe of 27 E. g. tljat tlje ^apoj of tljc §>taplc map tafec llccos*
"ifan^s of Debt unDer tfte fcal of tlje £)flftte,but not toitb tbe fcal of tljc pattp,anD
w ^E 'Tcv?9
F^N.B. I i^'.i ^oto crecution (ball be tone tljerenpon.
spapo J of t^c §>taple at Mcttm. anD tftc ccojDcr of f l&c Cif p of 3L on^ (! i b. e
i5H.7.t6. Donjinttjcabfcnce of tlje ttooCljtefBBufttcefl, out of 2Eccm l^aljepotoertota&c
Fiecaiib.ica.j7- to of of 2^ H. 8. ianD tljis
ii^ccogntfanccs of Debts accojDtng tfte fojm tlje ftatute

' fs fn nature of a ftatute (taple, but It ^atlj beCDes tlje feal of tljofc t^at tabe it,tljc
/•i7E.j.cap.zj, %\iz spapoj anDtlje Conffablcs
f fljall beftoojn in tbecljancerptoDolaUji
fuUp tftat toljicft pertain unto ttjertt.
e 8 H 6 cap.17. iDDcrc are Jffibe ©taple mercftanliiresof Q^nglanD, viz. Mooll,OToolfels,

?Lcatl)er, iLeaD, anD SCpnne.

h 17 E. ?.cap.8.
^^(g ^ojD &taplc,ancientlp tojitfen Eflaplccommctlj of tfte jr^rcntlj toojD
Dier 4. Mar., 44. a S>o ao tlje Courtof ttjc S^taplc ts,as
i^^^^^ |,j^(t^ ffgntfietlj s^artoj ^arfeef.
niuclj to fap,a0tfte vEouct inffte staple sparftet,
anD fs fnctDent to tljat .^arfect.
Merchants as '
anD ft toas oftentfmes bept at callfccanD fomctimes In 3B?f Dges fn jrlanDcrs,

wciiScrangct* anj) at janttoerpe, ^fDDleburglj, %t> (anD tijcrcfojc ft toas neccffarp tljat tljis
•sSubjcSs and ^Q„pt QjoniD be gotemcD bp latu ^ercftant) anD at feberall tfmca fn manp

pl^^s tofttjfn CBnglaiiD, anD noto (as Ijatft been faiD) is feept at mettm.
theKing with Mc ufe fo^i tljfs tuOjD &taplc,Stapnla,as Major StapuIs.Statatum Stapuls,&'c.
money. jSioD Ujcmap trulp fap tljat toe ^atic but umbratilcm Stapu!a,toljfclj fn times pad;
]iot. pnri 7 E.4.
jjjgg fQrenotoncD % beneficfall, as it enrfcl^eD cberp place tuyere it toas IjolDcn,
anD ft tDascommonlpfafD,tftatrfclje0fpllotoeDtfjc Staple.
ko r.?T.'i. 9 k. z, &ce tbe ftatufe of z E. 3. cap. 9. anD a Mrit thereupon. 7 E. 3, in Scaccario,
nu.4. igt de Scaccario Anno 12 E*3.Rot*2.ibid,i^E.3. Rot. 12. & RottPat,
Original. de ,
5 £. ^^j pa^, gieetfje ©tafufe of tljeftaple Anno 27 E.3.tlj?ouaft all tfte Cl&ap:

^T' R0C.9.
te!:s,36E«3»cap,7,i8E,3.cap, i3,i4.43E,3tca,T*iiR,i.cap.i6,

Cap47* ^9

Of the legall Courts and their jurifdidlions within
the Principality of Wales.

of iz Counties, tnftercof ^,

T !^i0 lajinctpalitp conCftetb viV.. aingltfca,

Carnart)an,^crionct!j,iFlmt,Carmojtljen,anDCarD(gan inerecrcflcD of the inftitutes,
1)P tl>e 3ict intttuleD Statucam Wallix Anno 12 E. i. ^anD t^creft fjp tl^e P^ 195

,he fecond pile


Wallia,MaleS,fO calleO bp tbc &aFonS BryttotalM, unde Wallenre5, '

Walli, ». verwag Ca' 't

exteri feu pcregrini ; anD t!)C IBjttons call CJngUftnien to t!)ts DapSaifoni : pari\.
^ ^7 h
t^te arc of tfte pofterttp of tl)C anctcnt Buttons fiiljabitms on tfjc Wicft part of
great IBjttanp. %W toas fomettme ^ a jKcalm oj !4<ngDome anD gotJcrncD
dedit Regi Griffino totam terrain qua: jaccbat trans aqua qui
^ ?_"•"

fuos regulos.'^ Rex E wJiLi

vocatur fSedpoftquam ipfeGriffin roriifedtei,abftulitabcobanctcr- J5E j.Recod.
ram, & reddidit EpifcopoCeftris & omnibus fuis hominibus ,
qui ante ipfam le- S^&tir. Error,
nebant, "JV'?-^'
ii5p fojce of a CommiCion tiirertcD to Otters Difcreet anD learneD men as lijcu ^ R^Jn "//j
(Snglifl) as Mcltb, viz,. Griffith ap Lluellin,Gjtten Owen, John King anD otljcrs, ihc French w^rd
ittoas founD tl)at Owenap Meredith ap Theodore toljicl) marleD Katherine Kowime, and
Dangljtcr of iFrance anD SDoinagcr
of lling H. j» teas Itncallp DefcenDcDfrom ''"'ha a,^«».
hGadwallader iiing of tl)e. JlBritatns, anD gate t^e ;armcs of tJje ^pjinccs of
Com.cclh e"

0nD Ijere ioc arc juftlpotcafionca to Difcoter tijc crroj of t^^ofc t^af bate gften f.DoTn fdiy in
to our late S>otcratgnc ILaDp Siucen Elizabeth,of eter glojtons anD blcffcD mc=
'^^'"- ^!<-'rc ford.

firnamc of Tydur, anD confcqucntlp to ©ranDfatficr, BjO'

niojp,tl)C ftcr iFatfter, J" ^'^if"''"^'''-
tftcr, anD lifter
: tubtcb tol)ctf)er it toere out of ignojancc oj malice fome Do que= b" vnfiavtrmu
aton,bccaufc if G)C IjaD anp firname at all It teas Theodore anD not Tydur,iDl^tcf) h^inc tcnahi t. e.
is a ntcb 0; bj?=name. ii5ut tue ratfjcr taUc it to grotu out of ignojancc, fo j tijat in Q. ^ndoque Rex
trutb ttje IjaD no firname at all; foj tftis Owen Ijcr ^nccttojfjaD no firname:

anD tbcrefo?c teas callcD Owen ap Meredith, tftat is tftefonnc of Meredith, ap ^"not' p« a"!"' "'^ '

Theodore, (tbc fonne of Theodore) apGrono,&c. £11 toljicl) lucre Cfjjiffian 7H.7.
names: fo as tftcp fljoulD ratftcr bate calUD ber Elizabeth Ovven,l)is oton name, Cadw.jhJcf i^

o> Elizabeth Meredich,!)i3fatftersnamc,tben Theodore l)is ©janDfatfjcrsCbii^ KingofthcBri-

ttiannamc: butmmigljtp ©oD tooulD not fiiffcr Ijcr to bate a firnamcl-ccaurc a'cLcp^m^'s''" '

bp bis grace anD gooDncffc Ibe fijoulD Defcrtc foj bcr 3!mpcriall tertucs to be tuh , ThL hilaU
Elizabeth the Great. Qmcn rajgncd
k But jure feodali tbc kingDomc of ©Halcs toasbolDcn of tbc vCfoton of cBng= •''"
y^ars ot a,,-

lanD,f tbcrcbi? as Braaon raitb,toas fub poteftate regis. ^nD fo it continiicD un-
^""'"' '"^"'^'
till tbc 1 pcar of tbc reign of Mnq, E.i .tobcn be fubDucD tbc ^ajince of
1 Males a'KTg^Iidcr
rifing againlt bim,anD crccutcD bint fojtreafon.tobcrcof Fleta tobo litcD in tbofc .lun a y
King or
Dapes fpcafectb tbus. tcunicomalefaaoriplurapoteruntinfligitormenta, ficut Qij'cniinctrthe
VVallix cum per Edwardum cuinque judiciis mona' Concjucft, and
concigit de Davide Principe "
libujtorqucbatur, fuisnamq; meritis exigentibus^dctraaus, fulisenfus, difmtm- JJ' <>'ii"^'
bratus fuit &
combuflu?, cujus caput principal! Civitati , quatuorqj quarteria ad r/um ingoiium.

partes regni in odium tradii' deferebatur fufpendend'. (•

Li >.7fo.zr.b,
'" ^
rear of teing E.i. bp autbojifp of parliament it c^'vinscafe.
SCbc ncrtpear viz. in tbc •

is DcclarcD tbus, fpcaliing in tbc perfon of tbc ming (as ancient aatutcs tuerc J[-„' \]l^Jn
Fletalib.i. caM6. lo H,,tf. acc'.Pl. cofn.iS9. a.b. Diet Maii*
(who wrote fc///'«reH. 3.^ lib.$. fo. ^95. b. j.
113. M S'tacutumWallif Aiuo zE.i- ViJ. 10 H 4.f»,6.

( » tocnt
240 The LegalI Courts mthin Jf^ales. Cap ./^.y ;

toonf to i)0)Divina providcntia,quas in fua difpoficionenon fallii:ur,imeraliafu2

muncra , nos
rcgnum noftraro Anglis tJeeorari dignata
* fui
Monartht hold eft,ierramWaIli2ecumIncolisfuis priusnobis jure fcodali fubjeftam jam
their Kingdome noftrs doraiDium,obflaeLilis quibufcanquc ceflamibus, tota-
gratia in proprieratis
liter& &
cum integritate convcrtit cororia; regtoi praididi, tanqua partem eorpo-
rf^/;.A$ the Duke
risciufdem annexuit Srunivit, ptt t!)is toffc anD toaclibc nation toas long af^
ter tilts not fattsfieD no j contcnteD ana
cfpectallp , fo j tijat tl)cp trulp anu con-
Nnp'cs, and
Bohemia of the ^oDeraigne
tott^ tljeir rtglif full anD Ifege ILojB J^ing Richard
ftantlp toofe part
Empire. tl)C &ccont3;3!n rctienge to^ercof tfjep
l^aD man? fctierc anD fnljertttje latocs maDc
of A agon. 1
agatnft tticm fn m retgneof H.4, H,5,&c, Mto|){c|> asimjuft arc rcpea*
Navarre, Portu lcDanDab?ogateD. ^nDtofaptljetrnt]^. tftts jpatton tuas netcr fn quiet, untill
^Slnr) pet not fo reallg
galljOt'Caftile. l^tngH.7.t!)ctrolun countrp manobtafneDtl^cCrotDn.
And fo others, reDucco fn ftts ttmcas fn t^c reign of btsfonne !^ing H. 8. in toljorc time bp cer^
Dotf. Clauf.
tafne juft laixjsmaDe at tf)ef)umblerntt of tlje Subjects of ©iaalC0, t^c |ajincepa=
15 E Df
Ittp anti ^Dominion
of Males teas tncojpojateD anD unfteO tot^e 1R calm of
irallcnfibm ad
in Males ftoulDcnjoptl)e3Lfber=
Purl. ap:idBbo- Cnglant); auD enaiScD tbat euerp one bojn
rutn vcninfac'
ties, rights, anO latos of tljis calm, as K
anp fub jccts naturallp bojn tottljin tljis
viz- i4 de difo'e-
IHcalm ftoalD Ijatic anotnljcrit, anD t^at tl^ep ftjoulD liauc Jinigljtsof&ljires
tioribtii, Icgaimn.
bus & validian- anD i&urgcffes of ^aiUament, ic 5]Bp flje to&ictj tljE jnrifDtctfon of tlje legal!
but homimbus de courts arc t^erebp fo pcrfcctlp anD plainlp ellablifljeDanDDcclareD, anDt^cir
partibus South' pjocccDings to be acco:Dtng to t^c latos anD cuftomesof C^nglanD, astoe^bc
wallie, & ude to refer tbe juDittous reaDer to tbofcactsof|aarliamcntUjifft-
tiugbt gooD
parlibas Norih-
out rccitall of tljem, W^cre \)t ftjall finD tbe err client tcncrablc bartctp of &caf s
Rot. Clnuf. anD courts of Sutticc, toitl) t^cic proper jucifoictions accojDing to tbc latos of
zo E.i. m.j ac- enalanDjtbcgolDen 5pcttoanD,tol)crcbp all mens caufes are juftlp anDcbenlp
meafureD. £Dnlp toe totll aDDc certain tbings to^iclj Ijabc not been publifbcft
21 zS.
be ftolDen anD fecpt ffip ti^e fatD ftatntc of 34 H. 8, ft fs enactcD tl)at ffjcre ftall
c ttoelbc
' ^effions ttotcc cberp pear in cbcrpof fftc fatD &l&{rcs,tbat is fo fap,
iSeUz. cap.7.
Glamorgan, Brecknock, Radnor, Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Mountgo-
c Th tvfelve mery, Denby, Flint, Carnar van, Merioneth, anD Anglefie, toljici^ &CffionS tfcall
Cetmtiei of
be calleD tbe l^itngs © jeaf ^effions of Males.
Wales, d fine tons IctiieD of lanDS in t^c Count p of Carmarthen , anD f!)C OTr if of
Cobenant toas Coram Jufliciariis noftris magnas Aflifc in com' Carmarther, f
the cafe of Mor-
of the rcporc lecaufc all tbc juDiciall pjefiDcnts toere fn tljat fojme ebcr fince tbe mabing of
tbC fiatutc, it toas aDjuDgcD tobCgOOD,fo? Communis
error facit jus,
of the Chielc
Jufticc Popham- jaifo in tfte fatD Act of 34 H, 8. it toao cnacteD, tIjat tl)c fcings moft Ropall

£5)aicttpff)oulD from time to time cl^angc, ic all manner of things bcfojc in tbat
Met rcbcatfcD , as to bis moft erccUent toifDomc
anD Difcretion (fioulD be tljougbt
contjeiiicnt,anD alfo to mabc !LatoS anD £> jDinanccs foj ttje Common^tocaltb of
fjis faiD ^Dominion of Males
at tiis ic. Sinn albeit tfec com=
Soitwasrefol- {^ajcfties pleafurc,
vcd by divers Ju' mon opinion toas ftiattbe fame potocr in fobiglja Dcgrecoftruft, as tfje altera*
flices irHjI. tion of latos, ic. toas pcrfonall to H. 8. anD referrcD to Ijis toifDomcDifcrctton,
^ Jac. Regis. anD pleafurc, anD tlicrcfojccrtcnDeDnottobisfucccirojs, pet fo j tbat flje tub-
of Males ftaD been conttantlplopall anD obc=
jccts of tijcCountrpanDSDominion
Dient, anD IjaD libcD fn all DutifuU fnbtection io tljc Croton of CnglanD , to pjc
II Jac.rcgJsc. 10 bent all qucftions anD Danger tljc faiD bjanclj of tftc faiD ffatutc of 34 H, 8. is re-
pealcD anD maDc boiD,
3t toas rcfolbcD bp all ffte 3utticcsupon a reference maDc to tbembp tlje
Hil. f J.IC. ilojDs of tbc I9?tbp CounccUupon conGDcration IjaD upon tt)C ftatutco of 34 H.8,
in MalesarctobcconftitutcDanD
cap"26.anDi8E]iz,cap. 8, tftat tbe 3ufticcs
maDs bp iLcttcrs |3atcnt3, aa tbcp baD been cbcr fince tbe making of tbc ftntntcs,
anD not bp commifftoit. ^uD upon rcpojt of tljcir opinion to fbc 3iojD Cljance*
lour ISaron Snigge toas conftituteD anD maDc bp patent accojDinglp.
Rot. Claiif Anno Rex diledo & fideli fuo Rico. Damory Jufticiat' fuo Northvvallis Salutcm,
20 E.i.m.3. Mandamus vobisquod habitoadvifamenio cumillis hominibusdeparcibusprx-
diifliSjCum quibus melius fore videritis faciend' divcrfimode fine dilacione venire
Cap. 4-7' T^heLegall Courts mthinWaks, 24*1
ad prsfcns Parliamcntum apud Weflm* convocacum 24 homines de parti" ' » were Enhfli
faciati J
bus illis tam Anglicos quam Wallcnfcs ad confcnticndum hiis quz ibid, pro com- f,"^
'ri'^ f
mdni commodo & pace &
tranquillitatc regni noftri &
partium prard. favente j 5° e i."in dot f. .

Domino cotitigerit ordinari, Et habeatis ibi nomina pracd, 24 hominum , hoc m. i j. Wallenf«s&
bfc.Teftc Regc apud Kenilvvcrth 1 1 Januarii Anno 20 E.z* Rot, Clauf. m,3. vocat. ad I'arlia-
jBptftisanDotljccsof Kfee tiafarc it appcatetli tftaf Melftmen toere (n t^e
reigncof E.2. E» 3. &c. calleDto onr |0arUantcnt?.
315ttt noto fecfng tljerc be ©Ijertffa tl)?oti0l)o«t all Wales , tfje tB^Hts arc Df= 7 h_4 cjp.
i .
rccteD to t^c &^cr(ff3 to caafc to be clcdeD iini5ftt0, ctttjens, anD 315Hrgcire0, h
| < ta'pl
aiiDrctojnable into tfteC^ancerp,U)l^webcfojet5eptocreretojncD into t^cJ9ar= s Hj.'cap.r"
Uamcnt. loH.e.cap.t.
^e ^atc fcen a <zWitt of tljc (i^arle of 0rtmficU pjot)(ng, f^at bp x\iz ancf- * jh ^ c:.p, ^ i

cnt ctiftomc of SSHalcs, females coulD not fnljerif*

f s'cs^'itf
Omnibus Chritti fidelibusprxfens fcriptum infpefturis Johannes Comes Arun- V^ y^^ c3p!i^*
del &Dominusde Mautravers,Salutem in Domino, Sciatisnospraidiift.Ccimi- jjH.S.cap.n.
tern ad proiecutionc &fpecialem {iippIieationcmCommunitatisTcDen'noftroru
tam duaru partium quam tertis partis Dominii noftri dcOfewaldcftrie in Mar- MarchiaWiUir.
chia Walh'x concclTiffe pro nobis & hjcrcdibus noftris & per prarfentes confirmafle
Tenen' noftris prsdii^', hared' &
aflig. (iiis, quod corumfilise pro defeftu exit'
tnafculini.aceornmproximiconfinguineijtammafcnlini quamfemcUse de ci-
lerb hsreditare valeant imperpetuum terras, tcnementa & reddit' antecefforu &
eonfanguineorum fuorum ubiqac infra Dominium noftrnm prad' cifd' modo &
forma quibus utitur in communi lege Anglsse, VVallica confuctudine prius vVjllicaconfuc
contrario ufitat' in aliquo nonobftante: Salvis fcinper nobis & hared' npflris tudo.
heriotisjreleviisjfed'cui' & arconfuetudinib" quibufcunq; de diftis terris & tene-
inentis ante hanc nofira conccflionem nobis quomodolibetpertinetf. In cujus rci
teftimonium huic prsfenti fcript'noftro eoneeflionis Sigillum nofirum feeim' ap-
Ryman, Thoma Barer, Willielmo Sidcney Armi-
poni: Hiis teflibus, Wiliielmo
& aliis, Dat' in hofpitio iioftro London vicefinaoqtiintodiemenfis Aprilis An»
tegni Regis Hcnrici Sexti poft conqueflum Oiftavo.
9ii tibts Dap tDomen are inheritable in Males, acco^tiing to tl^c Common latxj
in QEnglanD.
Ordinaiiode ccnfuetudlnibuJ Northwallix &
Weflwallia:* •
9 E 1 m ?
%}itXt 5lB;itons tocrc c\jcr loijcrs of tbe latos of Cnglanli , foj at tf)e J0arlta« «
Rot,par.4 H.4.
went l)olDcn a in 4 w,a,, tljep pctittoneD tlje feing,tliat in all cafes of tfjc Crotone ""• '=0-
tljjougboat ctierp ILibertp tut^ales fficlatosof C^nglanDmigftt beonlpnfeD. R'^'P"-"? e.t,
Mberennf tbc iliing pcilDeD, anD t^at ijts Councell OjotUD tabe ojDcr therein, widMH xo
e. r
b Quia Epifcopi Wallcnfes ex antiqua confuctudine tcftamentum
aliquod eondcre coram Rcge.
non potuerunt, Rex licentiam dedit Epifcopo Bangor , quod poflit condere tefla- Ro.37-it Wallia
mentum fuum non obftante quod Epifcopi Wallenfcs ex antiqua eonliietudinc ''•'^'h. loE.j.
teftamentum aliquod condere non poflunr, &ec t^e Cl^apter Of tlje ConfiltO^p r"""" '^'^f'^;
Coiuls Of ^rcf)- IBtOjops anD Btlljops, fol. ro';'/. j,^*'
Mljcre erecutton ffiall be maDe of lanDs in tlje sparc^s bp tlje feljcriffe of 5 e j. roc. 40.
S>cctbcHecojDatlarg«. coram Regc
Aflachisa BjitftfttoojDanDfignifietbacuffometnMalcs, to^icljtoasfo c"'':'^^*-

cvcnfconcoffbeDcatl)Ofamanbpfl)coat^of3oomen, IButf^ts ttrange UinDe 3^^7i.cor.rege.

of ercufc o> actiuttall is afaJogafCD bp ttatutc. 18 e 2 arr ,82
c SDljerc teas alfo a certain friall in Ci^^ales callcD a
Raythc , but tl)at is alfo Rot.pari.ia b.'i.
abjogatcD. Rot.j.,jE.j,
'^ '^^'
jS E.icai. 30. 4jE.3.bfe588.ti H.j.bfe SSi.fiiniie. d «
iH.f.cap.^. ^,


CAT. XL Fin.
The Court of the Prefident and Councell
in the Deminion and Principality of Wales,
and the Marches of the fame.

CBatins HegaU dTourfs in t|)e Dominion of ?iMale0,fo pjoceeO


L bp tfte nile,rccundutn legem

rtgljt &
eonfuctudinetn Anglia;, ILct US
(omelDtiat of t^e Conrt of Cqnifp before t|ie |a?efiDent anD CounceU

Rot.Pat.i6R.i» SDtJis Court is ttrengtljenebanD toarranfeDbpftc ttafufc of 34 H.8.Ca,i6»

nil 44. there was a reference to pjefcrtption befoje tf Jn tftefe ftiojDSf

Item^ that there fhall be, and remain a Prefidenc and Councell in the
a prefidenc of
faid Dominion and Principality of Wales , and the Marches of the
fame, with all Officers, Clerks,and incidents to the fame in manner &
foim as heretofore hath been ufed and accuftomcd: which Prefident
and Councell fhall have power and authority to hear and determine by
their wifdomes and difcretions fuch caufes and matters as be, or
hereafter fhall be aflTigned to them by the Kings Majefty,as heretofore
hath been accuflomed and ufed.
%})cv fitb;?fo}ccof tt)el!iing6€onnntfrton anD BlnHrnctions , anD pjoceeD
as in a court of ©qnitp b? t^eir tDtfeDomcs anD Difcretions. l^ercfojDftire ,
^o?ce(ter()bire,§»bopfi)ire.ann dDloucefferfl^ire arcincluDen toitbin tW com^
miction, pjetensing tbaf tfjefc jFour &btres arctoifbin tbc ^arcbes of Males.
JCbattbefciFour &>btresarenoparf oftbc s^arcbcs of Wales, but ancient
^btres of tbe IR ealm of <£ nglanD,appearetb bp S> ix manner of pjoofs,
iFirtt, b|? crp?eCfe 315oofeS,viz. iSE.a.Aff.Sz,
E»3.i4, inDoyver, 7 E» 3.
9 E, 3, in Dower.,in Scire fac'. F.N.B. 168.
^econt)lp,bp0cts Of parliament, viz. Pr^rog. regis. i7E.2.cap,i.2 8E,j.
i. & i ^,1 7*
cap.z. i H.4,eap.i ^3 H,d.eap. j. 27 H.6^a«4. 3 1 H (?.ca,4. 31 H,?,
1 3 El cap 13.
i nu.29 & 30.
2Cbirtilp,bp5RccojBSof ^parliament. 3R
iFouctblp, bp reafetr. i SDbcfc four S>bires lucre ancient C^ngllfb S»bircs,
anD goferneD bp tbc latos of CnglanD , anD not bp Difcrction of tbc jiJjcQDent
anucoimcelltantifbis toerefo bjing tbeir inbcritances,gooDs,'5c. ad aliud
examen. 2. Sit one anDfbc fame time tbere tocrc in fojmer times cEarls of
tbe sparcbcs of Males, aiiD fcticrall QDarls of tbcfc four Counties,anD tbercfoje
tbep coulD not be one anD tbc fame.
See b-fore in the iftftblp> bptbe refolution afojefaiDof tbofcfour luDges concerning Cbc«
Chapter of the fl)ire anD jFlpnt aire (tobitb tocre incluDcDalfo toifbinfbccommiirton> tbat
County PaUcine tbep tocrc nottoitbtntbe ^arcbcs of Males, anDtberefojeout of tbc iurisDi*
of Cheftec.p.xii- anD councell, anD fo remain untill tbis Dap : ifoja Com«
ction of tbc ISjeftDcnf
mtttion tottbout an 0£tof iparltamcnt cannot raifc a Conrt of (Jquitp , as ofs
ten batb been faiD befoje.
Michi Jac.regis llattlp, bp tbc commanDment of tbei^ing, all tfte Suffices of dnglanD , anD
the cafe of Ld- Barons of tbeCrcbequcr tocrc affemfalcD concerning tbc jurt0Diit{on of tbc pjc«
fiDentanD Councell of Malcs^anD tbc fparcbcs of tbe fame , tobo upon bearing
Prelident ot
Wales. of Councell IcarneD on Dibcrs Daps, anD upon mature Deliberation rcfolbcD una
vocctbat tbe faiD iFour Counties toere not toitbtn tbe jurisDiction of tbe p^cd--
Dent anD councell. 2. SDbat fojafmutb as tbe |0jefiDcnt anD Councell babe
Cap. 4-8. The Court of ofWales,
the Trefident
aUmttcD anti&ojftp if fijcp pjocceU tn anp matter
tl^at is oat of tfjcir jnri0t)tdion

citftecfn rcfpcrt of tlje place oj of tijc autljojttp Itmftcb to tbem, a pjotjtbitton Rcg;ft.4&8.
mapbcgranteD, as to tfte sparftalfca anD t^jc libc. JMbtctj refolation being F.N.B,59.h.45.f.

maDcfenotonto^tsipajcftp,t)ts£pa)eaptoa6 graciouflp plcafcQ , fljat t&elLo?D \\^-\Y/ll^-

pjcfiDcnts Commtffion fljonl&bctcfojmcr): tDljcrcHpoti tl)e LoiD Zouch gate ,.h 6 54/
o\)cr tjts place, ^nD i'ct t^jc cDominitrion leas not after rcfojmeD in all point0,aa
Rodry MaurcojRodryftjC grcat,!itngof CSIfalcS,fonof Merfyn Fryth IjaD This is added for
iffue tl):ecrons,Mcrvyn,Anaravvd,anDCadelh. 3in tftc pear lo^erein lie DieD, ihcieica under-
viz. Anno dom.S77-(15tn5 Alfred, alias Alurcd, tljeii reigning in€nglanD.; """f'"^"L'^n'
tl)l3 great Rodry DtDiDcD W
l^ingDomc Of Males tnfotf):ee ipjinclpalities, ncVc^'nccmw"
SDljefica ftccalleo Guyneth,tbe<!EngUll) j;iojtft'iDalcg,tbc§Latinia Venedotia, v/»Ks.
%\iz fecoiiD J9?incipalitp toas calleD PowisHand, in JLatinPowifia, of fomc
C2Icft»toale0,bojDcrtngupon(II;nglanD. 2ni)Ctl)irD fte callcD Dchevbarth, tlje
<3;nslifl) &««tb toales, in JLattn Demetia. iCtjcfirft pjinctpalttj,', tome rap,lie
gafecto Mervin, after otljcrs, to Anarawd. SCftefcconDfo Anarawd, romefap,to
Cadelh. SDftctbirD to Cadelh, femefap^to Mervyn. Si^ftc firft teas tbc Ijeft,
becaufe it toas tijc quieted, SHlicfeconD \Das often inta&eD anD troublcD bptl)e
Cgngltift. 3!nfo tlje 2Dft(rD often incurfions tnere maoe bp tbe CngltQ?, tljc j^oj=
man,anDtfte iFlcmtng. SClje Ditjifton of tl)is !&ingDome ( Ijotofoetjer it toas)
injougbt in pjoccffe of tintc fuel) a Dttiifton bcttoeen tl^efe ^linces, as it tnas
nctoerquietmitillit cameunDcr one ?ponarcljanD iUtng again; i^oj tftc ropall
Dtgnttp of a sponarcl) 0?. i^ing,from toljencc all otljerfu'jo;!) mate Dignities, tan-
quam Jumcn de lumine, are DcriljeD toitljoutanp Diminution, loillfuffer noDt«
Regia dignitas eft iodivihbilis; & quxlibec alia dcrivativa dignitas eft fi-
militer indivihbilis.
SDfte nioft iwofull ctjcnt tbat fell out in tl)ts I'^ealm, to^eit Gorbodug DifciocD
tl)i3 JatngDomc bctUjccn l)ts anD Porrex anD toliat l^catip etcnt
ttoo fons, Ferrex ,

came to patTc, untill it luas reDuccD again unDcr one a^onarcft, let our ^iffojics
tellpon : ^nD
letting pafTe others, 31 cannot otjer-palTe tlje miferable efiate tott^^
in this ill ingDomcunDer tl)c !^cptarcf)P,untillall toas reunitcD unDer one &o=
tjcratgn. ;anD tftis is tl)ereafon,tl)attn(iBnglanD,&cotlanD,anD31rclanD, ttje

ropall Dignitp is DefcenDible to X\)t clDeft Daughter oj liittcr,ic»

2i6ut IctuslooUa little into fo?ain parts. Oedipus iiing of fljc SCfjcbancs Ijao
tffuc ttao fons,Po!yni:es, anD Eteocles : Ije ojDaincD, tfjat after Ijis Dcccafc, ftis
ttao fons QjoulD alcernacim bp coiirfc.ic. reign in ^is l^ingDome. 3i5ut to^at teas t/kK
tbcet^ent;* Fraues de regni hxredicate diiridenrcs fingulari certamioe congrelfi
tnutu'j vulneribus ceciderunr, liSutto return again to our EilHales.
3it is DiijtDeD from (BnglanD bp a Dttclj after tl)e name of t^t Jaing f^at maDc>!.den in the

if calleD
ISing offa Ijts Ditci^. county oi Rad-
ioing E.^^attlje parltamcntbolDcn Anno 17. of bis reign, bp Charter etta* . .

bltfljeD bp autljojif P of |3arliamcnt , createD Edward rcalleD tlje blach prince ) vn^l""\vM^
53jtnceof22lalcStntftcreU)0?DS, DeConcilioPnlatorum, Comitum , Baro- Authorimtepar-
num & Communiutn in
generali Parliamento rortro apud Wcflm'die Lura: in liamentijAnno
QnindcnaPalchx proximepr^^teritoconvocato ipluEdvvrPrincipem Walliarfe- ^^^/V ,

cimus &crcavimus, & didlum Principatum fibi dedimus & conccfiinnusj&: per
gold made In"
Cartam Doftram confirmavimas,acipfunidedi(fto Principatu utibidena prx- fotmofaCar- ,

ficiendopr2fidear,& prifidendodiSas partes dirigat &defendat,pcr fertum I'l'^-
* This
in Capite, &annulum in digicoaureum, ac''virgam argenteaminveflivimus virge,rod,

juxta morem: Habendum & tenendum de nobis fibi & hasredibusfuisRegibus i^'ttcrTrca"
AngliaEimperpetuum,&c. £)at of t!ii3 CDIjartcr luc obfcrtje , t^atintljis Crca- for m- ;r"h'on"or
tion tfjcre is a great mpff crp fo: lefle tbcn nn cttatc of inheritance fo great a is changed from

'''^" = ' verge

IDiince coulD not babe \ anD an abfolute ettate of iiiljeritance in fo great a iD?in=
ctpalttPasS3lalc0 , t!)C llitms meaning Unis rtbts Pjincipalitp being fo Dear
unto btm) tie fljoulD not tate : tfjercfojc a quallfieD fee therein t)c l)aD in tbts sibi & h.-eredi-
fo:m,ribi & haeredibusl'uisRegibus Angli.TtljatbPftiS DCCeafCOjattaining to hurcgiUsAn.
tije croton fljis Dignitp migl)t bce);tingiitf&eD in tlje vrrolon,to tl)ccnD tljat tbe eI'*.

lA A The Court of theTrefident ofWales. Cap.^8.
3|^(ns fo} lifetime betnsfiionlDeiierliatieflie^onojantipotoer to create Ibis 6elr

See the Princes apparant prince ot ^ales^s be bimfeU^D been bp ^to P}ogen{to]t. But O'

cafe. Lib. J, tljertDtfe it \s in cafe otttie ]S)uct)!? of Co^ntoall, as in t^e |a?ince0 care,ubi Tup.

Vide Carta t.i- ant) f n ttje fame manner ts t^c tiignitp of t^ ^oble anD pjimarp Count? |3a* latine of C^eSer at t^e fame time gcanteD to t6e ]a}tnce, fibi hxrcdibusiuis &
J 8 Martii.
Regibus Anglic.
'Ob quamplurlmoscxceflusmorehoftili vcxillo difplicato per Gilbcrtmn dc
in Scaccario Clare Comitem Glouc' & Hertf. & homines fuos de Morgannon illatos contra
p^rtc Remamri- Humfredum dc Bohun Comitem Hercf' &Effcx & homines fuos deBreke-
tor Thcfaur'.Kot.
nock, dominusrexaflignavit t Epifcopum Elieni'
& alios Commiffionat' ad in-
per litcras fuas dilcftis & fidcli-
ij.theBlack dominus
quirendum,&c, Mandavit etiam
Prince aeated
Earl being three bus fuis Johanni Haftings , Johanli fil' RcginaldijEdmundo de Mormo mari,
years old. Rogero de Moriuo mari, TheobaldodcVerdonj Johanni Tregofe &Galfri-
»Hil.An. 10F..1. do de Gannil, quod interfint apud Brekcnock, &c« Et poflea vcnerunt apud
Cora rtge Ror.14.
Laundon. Voluit idem dominus Rex pro ftaiu & jure fuo per jpfos Jufticiarios
ICommifTionarii. quod inde rei Veritas inquirctur per faeram'tam magnamm, quam aliorum'
proborum, legalium hominum de partibus Wallia: & Com' Glouc' & Heref
per quos?&c» cujufcunque conditionis fuiflcnr,ita quod nulli parccrctnr inhac
parte? eoquod resifta dominum regem & Coronam & dignitatem fuam tan-
git,&c, Di£him eft ex parte domini regii Johanni dc Haftings & omnibus aliis
magnatibutfapranominatisquod proliatu& jure regni}& pro confervatione
dignitatis Coronx &pacis fuxapponant
manum ad librum> ad faciend' id quod
cis ex partedomini regis injungeretur:Qiiiomnc$unanimiter refpondent , quod
Inauditum eft. inauditum eft quod ip(i vel eorum ameceflbrcs ha(aenus in hujufmodi cafu ad
pracftandum aliquod lacramentum coafti fuer'j&c. Acplurics eifdcm magna

tibus ex parte ipfius Regis conjundlim &

feparatimjlibroquc eis porreSo,injun-
£lum eft quod faciant facram'; Refponderunt demum omnes (ingulacim quod
Hne conHderatione Pariom fuorum, Demum Comes Glouc'
nihil inde facerenr
finem cum domino rege pro decern millibus Marcarum , & Comes

Irrotuhtur iflud
Effex pro millc marcis, & uterquc eorum commiititur Marcfehallo. (Rccordum
Rccordum inter perlongumeftj & cominct tres rotulos. Et ob affinicatem, & confangtunitatem
Placica dc Banco cum
rege perdonantur plurima , Tamcn forisfeeerunt libertates fuas durante
Term' Pafc.An. vita ipforum, Ec poft deceffum eorum, hircdes fui rehabcanr,
jlBnt notD to take our leabe of t{)te |3}incipalitp of Wales, f^is tstl^at
Carta antiqui tlieIRomans calleD bp t^ename of ^ Britannia fecunda an& fomettmes ^ Va- ,

BtitanniE. lencia, anD bptlie Brttaines t^emfeltjes calleD Cambria. SLtio toe tniU con-
WHumph. Lloyd clude t^fsSDreattfe of ma\zs,ic* iDitb tl^at iBt)fcb tl^at ^ erceUent ^iltojfan
apud Ortelium
in the fame Geo- fpeahing office tears betineen tlie lHoman anD tbe ancient Britain , fait^. Nee
aliud ad vcrfus'^validiflimasgentcs pro nobis uulius,quam quod in corhune non
eldeminFragm. confulunci rarusadpropulfandum comune periculum conventus: ita dum finguli
pugnanc, univerfi vincuncur*
Tacitus. Vide

fupra pa 9.
'&ee 2
part, Pat, 9 E,2. m,3, Ordinal' deconfuctud'North-wallis & Weft-
eNoiaValidifll- walliae,
s vid. Lib, Inr, Co,
mas genres. fo. 54?' ^ Jo* SCijjce notable matters concerntng tsarales,
/Rot.Pat.9E.i. I. Df tbegot)ernment of Wales bcfo?c 27 H, 8, 2. iDfjio?tia)tp,^arcl|crs,
anD ttjetr authorities anD liberties, 3. %^z SlA of i &z Ph,&Mar, (oncer==

The Prefidentand Cbuncell in the North.

connccU is nefflier toarranfcl) bp SLa of i^arlfamenf, no; bp pje*

ftrtptton, but raifeD bp lifng

H»8. bp Jjts <rommtir{on upon ffjefc oc-
caCon3,anD tnfljc manner hereafter o^jjeffcD, after t^ fappjcfffon of
of ttoo 6anQ?caponnD oj iinDer,tobtt& teas bp^d
sponaftertcsof f^c pearlptjalne
of jjarltament 4 Febr. Anno 27H.S. (n t^e beginntng of 2S H. 8. t^ere
toas a great tttfnrrectton of tfte ilojD Hufley anD 20800 perfon0 tn JLfncoInfbiro
caafcof IRclfgiont agafnfttDljom Charles Brandon
pjetenDtng it to be fojtfje
E)afee of &uff. toent anD appcafcD tljcm. ;afi;roon as tfjeptoere appeafeD, a
great rebelUon foj tljc fanic pjctcncc of4ocoo
of f^
vCo'unfp, ofUrtjom&fr
Robert AskctDasiLcaDer:agatnaiDl)om tljeEDnbeof J^ojf.anDofljerstoent,
anD DtfpcrfeD t^cm. S>oon after a great Commotton foj t^c fame pjctence
toas raifeD in 3Lancafl)ire of men tn tftat coimtp, anD in ComberlanD,
OTeftmerlanD anD j^ojtfjumberlanD : agatntt tu^om t^ €atl of H?erbp

teas cmplopeD > anD qnieteD ttjcm, ^ffcr t^is Mu&grave Tilly anD others to
a great multitnDfi DiD rife, anD aCfaalteD carliflc (Taftle, tulftom t^e SDufeeof
j^ojf. otiert&;clD« §»oon after S>ir Francis Bigot toitlj a great nnmbcr of
people rofc at ^ctrtngton, |iticfeer(ng,1Leigl),anD Scartojongft in i9o?fefttre,
to^omtbeSDufeeof jfJojf.pacffieD, iJnDaftcrtbis tbeilo;D Darcy,AjkXons
ftable, Bulmet , anD Others began a ncto rebellion aboat !^aU in |0ojfet6(re,
ijoi^om tfjcH)ubeof #e;f.appeafeD. janD
all tfjcfc rebellions fell oat bettoeen

t^e beginning of 18 H. 8, anD 30H.8.

2tfje l^ing intenDing t^e ftippjeffion of t^ie great ^onafltcrtcs , to^ftlj (n
effea ftebjoujbt to patic tn Anno 31 H.^. foj pjetjcnting of fntare Dangers,
anD Uceping tbofe i^o:tf)cm Connftcs in quiet, in Anno 31 of btsrcignra{= AnnojiH.JS
anD Councell tberc, anDga'oe tfjem befiDes ttoo feucrall poto*
feD a pjcIiiDent parte Roberto
ers anD autbojitieo unDer one C5jeat &eal , t^eonc of Oier anD Ternoincr, De ^andavens' t-

quibnfcunquc congregationibus & conventiculis illicitis, coadunationtbu5,con- pifco^


focderationibus, Loliardii5, mifprifionibus fallis

, alleganciis , tranfgreflioni- &" & a^'fa^'.
bus,riotis,roucis, retcntionibus.contemptibus ,
falfitatibus, manutenentiis,op-
preffionibus , violentiij, extortionibus , & aliis maIefa6tis,oft'sn(isj & injuriij
quibufcunque, pet qua: pax & tranquillitas fubditorum noflrorutn in Com' E-
borum, Northumberland, Weftmerland, Durham, &Com'Civitatis Ebomm,
Kingfton fuper Hull, & Newcallle fupcr Tiram gravetur^&c. fecundum legem _. „
& eonfuetudinem regni noftri Anglia:,^' vel aliter fecundnm fanas difcretioncs foivcd b) alhhc^
veftras audiend' & terminand'. SEbc otf)er ant|)0?ttp Uias Nee non qoalcunque Judges of tht

a£lioncsreale$,reudelibero tencmento , Scperfonales caufafque dcbitorum Si ComtoJCom-

demandorum c^uorumcunque in Com' prxdi6tis> quando ambac partes vcl altera '^^'" ^'"'- Trin.
oats fie panpertatc eravata fuer , quod eommodc jus fuum feeundom legem ree- ^/^^•.''"f
mrioftn aliter profequinon pollit, fimiliter lecundum leges & conmctudines thel.kc
aliter fecundum fanas dilerctiones vcflras audicnd' had'bcen fotmer-
regni noftri Anglix, vel
& terminand'. ly often reibl.
^^^i- sce before
IBut tljcfc anfbojities tocrc grantcD,totbeenD tftaf CommilTioners bpme=
Diafion mtu,I)t quiet controberfics tobcn one of tbe parties oi botft toere pcoj,
loljo arc c^jcrtroft clamojous, ^nD all tljc aufbojitp tbcp baD toas erp^clTeD ^ i. ic >v»s then
in tbe patents oi Commiffion unDcr tbc dP jcat &caUti)itl)OHt anp reference to airo •
foivcd,tiat this
tnftruttions.ojanpiiitlrnctionsatall. 3i5ut aftertoarDs, foj tbat tbefatDCom*
mtffion teas againil lato, t to tljc cnD, tbat tbctr ^otbojitp IboulD not be hnoton , noV
a^a'^ft lal'
only and pcrfonall were not to beheaidanddctcrniiocJ by Cooi-
for the caiifc aforclaid,bji aU'o tot tliataftioasreall
ir.ifliloD, but according to the laws of the Rcalm.Vid.i Eliz.Dicr 17 j.
2A.6 The Trejidentj(s^c.
in the ^J\(orth.
tftcp pjocutct) tftc firtt fnffftution to he ex diametro altcreti, viz. tljaf fijclr Com--

miffton OioulDnotgitjctl^cmanpofpjeirc aatljojtfpataU, buttolioHp d(d refer

tl)Ctraiit^o?(tp to tertafn inftructions to^tclj t^cp fecpt tj^cmfclljcs in pjttjate,
anDVDcre not enroUeDtnanp court, tobcreunto ttje fubjctt migftt Ijatic refo?t.
Sed mifera fervitus eliubi jus eft vagum, aut incognitum. ;2lnt) thereupon fetng
Jame* being info?mcD ftercof bp tftc tntigcs of tiie Common|aiea3(tofto \tan gran=
tcD pjoljtbttions to t!)e |9 jefiDcnt anD Conncell)aabc o jDer t^t tljetr tnttractions
(ftoulD be cnrollcDjto tfie cnD tftat tlje fubjcct mlgftt talie aobice of IcarneD Coun=
cell iubaf courfe t)C mig^t tabe toenjop t^e benefit of ttje latos of tlE)Cl1ealmi^t0

bcabirtbJigl)t. Kfc out jSlnD itappcacett) in tl)e feufafiDp in Anno 31 HS* cap.50. tbat H.S, raifca not
of the print in
q^\^ ttjjg pjefiDcttt ant) CounccU,but a |0?c(iDcnt anD Councell alfo fjatjingttke
htt.r time.but to bo foj t^etr cafe to rccctbc
autjjojit|i, [n tljc Wcftziti part3 , pjctcnDing it
Ira'n-Roi &c «»« at t^cir otott DOOJ0, but tbepofCojntoall,a)ct)on'5c.i)cftrou3toltt30ant)cr
tbc immeDiate government of t^c il$ing,anD tfte Common lata, oppofeD it, Ec fie
Commiffio ilia cito cvanuit, totjicl) Commiffion unDer t^ <©jeat S>cal toe IjabB
fcen. S>eeinfl)caatuteof isEhtobcrctfjc^jcGDcnfanD Countellefl^oJbiB
1 Licapij
Sec in ihc ciiir- mcntioncD, anO no man Doubtetft, but tljat tlicrc is a J0 jeacent anD c ounceil dc
tcr of theCoui t faao, but Ujftat juriSDiction tijcp l^atc is tlje qucftion.
of Requcft ,111-
2Cbns macl)(l)at!ing taten upon us to iujitc) Idc ijafec clcarlp anD plainip lie-
n li^erc^ o"f opinion, an5 tje tbat fearcbcti) tfjc fccret of hearts , bnotoet^ tljat tow
^T' Xitahm

like csfe.
ft^^c publtQjeD nott)ing herein oj in anp otber of our toojbs , rcluaante confci-
0nt)inrefpe(tof fome continuance it ^t^l^at), anD ntanp Decrees maDe, (t
lDcretoo?t^poftljcUjifcDomcofa|0arltamcnt foj fome ettabliftment to be l)aD

Cap.jTo. H7

The Courts and their Jurifdidlions within the

City of London J

the Court of the Hujltn^i.

£)}t&can(iqattpanli name of tl^(0 noble Cifp, pou map rcaft {n Lambard,

Inter Leges Edovardi Regis, fo.ijfi.b.Scd utcretuo judicio,nihileniniim- the cafe ohhe
315ut Amtnianus Marcellinus anappjol3CD 3utftojabot3C uoopeara City of London.
fince, calletb it Vetuflumoppidum. j3nD Gornelius Tacitus, (toljomarfeD t^e
liangljter of Lucius Agricola tbc Koman,a»Ii \am ^ere
tuttl) ^(m bp f i)e fpate of 9'"'-^;
'^" theiAnti'
feten pcaro) aff irmct!) Quod Londinum tempore Nerotiis(tobtcl^ {& abotoc i joo.
pears patt) fuit copia negotiatorum & comeatu maximc cclebre. 2Eo be flbb;f,it ^"^^^
is Camera regis, Rei publics cor,& totius regni Epitome.
anDfnfcarc^tng among fuel) 1*^ ceo jDS as Ujc l^aD obfert3CD,ofoj(onccm(ng
tfjts noble Cttp, toe ftalje obfcrtieD a ^Iljartei; in t^e &a):on tongue maoc bp Wil-
liam tfte Conquero? tn tljefe toOjDS;
pilham Cyn^ ^jieir piUiam Bir-
ceop ) Co<3ppe^ej' pojir^ejiepan -j
j^a Bujihpajien ];e
on Lun'oen
beoi5,&c. *. William flic lifng grectctft William tl^e SBtQiop \ Godfrey fi)e 3Bojf«
retic,anD all tlje JlSnrgcffco t^at fn =ilonDon \x,A'i*

snbis is fliebig^efE Court anDof fl^egreate({ celeb^itp inltiiin ILonDom Bit
istjolDcn before t^e^aio^anD^^erlfs, of all pleas, reall, mirt> anDperfonalU F.N.B.6.f.
Nota, tfjcrule of fl)C IRcgtttcr {S,Q:iodlibet brevcquod tangit libcram tencmcn-
tum in London, dirigitur Majori (iveCufiodi &Vicccomitibu$j& alia brevia tan-
tum Vicecomitibus,
Cftis iDoja Huftings tst)cr('oct) of ftoo fearon toojos.viz. Htis icftfcfi fignffi*
ctl)al)ourc,ojbetulj,aHD things, t^at i0,caufes,oj pleas, as muclj to Tap, as tfte
iBencb,oj Court of picas, fo J Bancusoj Bencfj fs taben foj a (Eourt, as tlje
iSfngs Bciiclj, tljc Common 51Bcnc^,ic,
Fleta lib. 2, in l)tsCbapter De difterentiis Curiarum.Habet rex Curiam fuam, Fleta,
&c. Et iDCivicatibus&Burgis& inHuftingisLondon.LincolD, Wicton & E- & i8.
borum &: alibi in libertatibus,&c, Etcap.48. Habet rex curiam fuaminGivi- a
tatibus, Burgis & locis excmptis,^ ficut in Huftingis London, Winton, Lineoinc,
;nris utrum.
Eborum , & apud Sbepey, ubi Baroncs & cives recordum habcm,&c» ^oas 6 i.b. partition. 3c
neitljcr tftc name nojtlje Court is appjopjfatcD to ILonDon. 199. cxgravi
robe of qucrei,i.b.
'^iFojlDjitsofCrroj b?ougt)t anp jutigmenttnt^e ^^ufftngSi S>C8
^ *Regift.igO;ij).
Concerning fojain Qlouctjcrs, anD fojain pleas, fee F. N.B. fo.5. E , ec flat. F.N.B.ije.
deClouc', cap.i i. c F.N.B.6.e.
^f JLanOsljolDcn, no tojttDotblpc but
ilonDon acccr.Dtng to t^e culfome.
1 pare InrtituteJ,
Dicnj El. 317. 3!ut)gmentoftljcoutlaU;}icsintl)e puttings is notgitcn bp
tlje £pa(o?, U)l)o is
a E ?.jutifd.6o.
Cojoncrojl)isS>cputp,bHtbpt^eEccojDcrbp tlje cnttome J6H.6.J}.
of tljtsc it^

2j 3- C "t^-^ t^o (jurts ofthe


In Curia Civitatis praediil' coram Vicecom'finebrevinoflro fecundumcon-

i^^ iftnb fup
fuetudinem ejufdcm Civitatis* 3! f an erroneous juDgmcnt bcgtben befojc tl)C f.n B.ij'.»
to k »
248 The Qourts
in the City
of London. Cap.50.
fljall fue a tojtt of Crroj, ant) remotjc t^is before tlje
^ticrifs t^e partp gricljeti
£©atoj ano §>t)crtf0 tn tljc ^ufttng0.
StepIianiJcscap. iFoj t^e ainttquitp of tlje S>l)erif0 anD tljefr Courts, Ficz-Stephen,tol)0 tojote
dc difpofitionc of tfte goticrnmcnt of iLonDon in tlje retgn of fitng Stcphen,of tljfs citp faitl);
HsEC Civitas Urbe Roma/ecundum Chronicorum fidem/atis antiqaior cft.&c.
Unde & adhuc aniiquis eifdem utumur legibus coramunibus inrtitutis; bsc fitni-

liter illi eft diftinftajhabct annuos pro Confulibui ViceGomicei,habec

Nota. Senatoriam dignitatem, & Magirtratusminorcsj&c. ad genera caufarum, deli-
berative » dcmonftrativej judicialisloca fua fora fingula>habet fuadicbus ftatu-
tis Comitias&c. *
In LiLvAbbat.^c 3In tfte boofe of tbeSlbbp of IRamfcp to a tontjcpantc j tonco?D tuitfjonf liate,
* maDc tn tljc Court oft^e l^utttngsof JlonDonofa certain ^onfe in Olalbjoc
Tempore H.I. de VValbroc , anD Rcnaldum Abbatem
toitbin t^C Citp» bcttoecn VVilcnothus
VVillielmus de Einsford Vicc-
deRamrey,tl)eto{tncffcstDerc(amongft Others)
comcsdeLondon,& Johannes Subvicecomes ejus, & Gervafius Clericus ejas.
be faiD Ijcreof, but it i0 clear, tbat fo long as fijts Citp featft been a
5^0 je migftt
Countpofitfclf, fo longttjcrc Woz been fefterifs, fojtt cannot be a Count?

toitbout S>betif3' Cftere arc toitbin tbe toals of f bis Citp 97. i8arttbes,gnD out
of tbe toals 1 6, f^ariOjes, ftanoing partlp toitftin t^ Jltberties of tbe Citp, anD
part toifbout in ^ibD. anD &urrp.

4. «j
The Court of Equity the Lord Mayor ^ commonly

caUed^TI?e Court of Qonfcknce.

iH.6.i4.Lib8. SCijeCuttonieof HonDon is, anD ^atb been time out of minD, tbat tobeit a
man is tmplca[DcDbefojctbe&bcrifs,tbe jpapojupontfteruggcftionoffbeSDe*
Lib.Int.Raft. fcnDant map fcnDfoitbe parties anD foj tbe reco?D, anD eramine tbc parties
Cuftotnc 21 &
Villc I.
upon t^eir pleas, anD if it befounD upon ^is eramination t^at tbe piaintif is fa<
tisfieD>t^tbe mapatoarDtbattbepiaintiffballbebarreD: anD tljis toas l^ol«
Den bp tbc ourt to be a gooD Cuftomc but bp no Cuftome l)e can eitamine after

iuDgment. j^ote,a court of equitpmapbe^aDbppjefcripfion, but cannot be

raifeD bp grant, as batb been faiD in tlje Chapter of tlje Chancer?, % of tlje Coun=
tp ipalatine of C^etter.

5- (£ The ^ourt oftheMayor and Aldermen.

See m eI.c.iz. SEljis is a Court of IRecojD, anD conCaetb of tbe S-ojD spapoj, tbc IRecojDcr
In fine. anD z 3 . 0lDermen, tobereof tbe ttoo &bcrtfs being aiDcrmen are part,
3f is o^DaincD anD eftablidjcD tbat tlje spapo^ &bcrifs anD 0lDermen, tobiclj
The print is Ijatjctbe gol3crnanccoftbeCitp,fl)all rcDjeffe anD cojrcd: tbccrro?s. Defaults
18 B.J anD mtrpjifions tobicb be ufeD in tbeCitpofllonDon, foj Default of gooD go*
butit Hijuld b: •bernance of tbe spapoj, &ljerifs 1 3lDermen,«. SCbis is Declarafojpof tbeir foj»
'And (orefclved mcrpotoerofgotiernance, anD foj tbis caufe p^tncipallp amonglt otber0>tl^{0
Court teas inftitutcD.
by Pjrliamentjin
H.4.cap.i5. 3n tbis Court are manp Courts, a0 namelp,
Altered in the
penalty. 17 R.i explained by Parhamcnt hot to extend to error in judgmcnc.

^ The Court of Orphans.

F.N.B. i42.g.
SCbe Sapo;anD aiDermenbpCultome bate tbe cuttoDp of Orphans tDitbiti
?» E.J gird. 5 1.
8 R.i. ibid. 166. tbe Citp.^nD if tbep commit tl;e cuQroDp of tbe £D;ipban0 to anotber mambctljall
Li. 4.64, 6^. -
batje a ratjttbment of MarD, if tbe j©jpban be tafecn atoap.
Rot. Par. I R.i. 3t is enaaeD tbat tbe ^apoj anD Cbamberlain of ilonDon foj tbe time bcinn:,

nil, I
JO. Ojall
T^hc Courts in the City
of London. 2^9
(liall ijatiet^c beeping ofallt^e lands anD goods of fuel) £)}pt)an£i as happen
lDitl)tn tl)C ȣtti', fatilng to tlje I3tng and otbcr JLojdo tljetr rights of fuclj as^olD
of tljem out of tftc fame Itbertr.
•aiRecognijanccmaj'bcacUnotolcdgcdin tljis Court befojc tbc ipapoj anD Lib.4.foi.«$4^5,
aiDcrmen to t|e Chamberlain foj £>?pt)an0,
%\iz Ctiatnbcrlain is a fole cojpo?ation to ftlm and l^i«futcciroj0fo>fl)}= Lib.4. ubifup.

pliano: andarceogntjance oj
bond made to^tm and Ijisfucceffojs concerning
^jpftans ftjallbi? cuttome goc to tits futcelToj.
2C^ego\)ernmcnf of £>?pl)ans belong to tljccpapoj and ;aidermcn , and tljcp

iial)cjurifdictionoftljcm,andtl)crefo?eifanpj3):pban fuc in tljc CEcclcriaftlcaU

Court, 0: clfeUjljerc foj a Icgacj?, oj dutp due to.tftem bp tlje Cuftome, a Jpjol)tb<=>
tton dott) Ipe. S>ect^eFir(ipartofchelDftitmcj, Sc6l.i67»tjoto t^c goods ofa
iFrccmanofl-oitdon fliall be dttjtded.
JFoj tl)c 3L tbertics of \ ondon, fee jo E.3, fo. 143,
^n^£ttoa0inadcin7H.4.cap.9.muc&p?cjuDlciaU to tlje liberties of fbis yH.-icap.p.
Citi',tot)icl)tsin p;int,f it toas repealed in 9 is not punted. Kot.parghu
""• 5°-
St tDOuld aske a SDrcatife bp itfclf to l&andle at large tl)e otljer autbojitics
and potocrs of tljc ^papo? and Aldermen in t^e Court of ^ildcrnicn , and of tlje
otljer Courts toitl^tn tljts Citp , toljicl) toe totll run otjcr as bjicflp as toe can.
^nd t^c ratfter , foj tftat in mp HBoofes of ^ epojts 3 6at)c {jublifted manp cafes ^ *
concerning tbc Courts, Cuftomes, iiibertics, jFrantljifcs, and pjitjilcdges of 54.64'65.& ,',^
tbisCifi'>anDalfotntt)cFirrtparcoftheiniiitutcs, and in tbisandot^cr parts ub.sAu.eiM.
thereof. 73.85. 107.
Lib. 8. fol. iti.
115. i:6.it7ii9-^'j<l<^Lib ti.fol.^j.* 194. JiraesBiggcshis cafe. Seethe firft
pirt ofthc Inftitutesfol. 176.
b. itft- 167.Stc ilic fccond pait of ihc inlliiutes, Mag. Cjrt cap-9.

7. C T^h^ Court
of Common Comcell.

SD^is court Ijatlj fomc rcfemblancc of flje l^iglj Court of patUamcnf, foj U Lib..;.fo.6i gj.

conftttctft of ttoo ftoufcc, viz. tlje one of ttjc s^ajoj and Aldermen , and tfte ottiec ^s afe"
of fuel) as be of t^e common affcmblp refcmbltng tlje toljole comminaltp of 3Lon= Lib.8. fo.nj.
don. Bin ttjis Court ttjep map mabe conftituf ions and latoes fo? adtancement of n-;. the cafe
trade and traff icfe : foj tl)c better erccution of tl)c latoes and llatutcs of tfte Cny dc Londres,
11calme,oj pro bono publico, and foj tlje good goljcrnmcnt of tftecitp. &o as
tftefe conftttutions i latos be not contrarp to tijc latos and if atutes of tfte IRcalm.
;3nd tftis being made bptlje £|>apoj, Aldermen, and Comminaltp, do bind tottlj«
in tljts cttp and tljc !l tbertieo thereof, antjcp of t^ic Common atfemblp do gttie

tljelr alTent bp folding up tljcir tjands.

8. C The Court &fthe Ward-mote.

Wardmote i0 derttjed from ©Sard and £©otc, ttiaf ts, t|je Mard Court. 3In
Hondon t^c IDariOjes are as 2Dotons,andtljc^ardsareas ^undj^eds, and 7 h 6.56.38.
tljercfojeRiens diens Gard toao a good Challenge at tftc Common lata. 7 H.7.4.
3Jn tbis citp tljerc arc 26 ^Mards Dtfeided foj tljc government of tl^em amongtt
i\fi X 4 Aldermen of t^c Citp. 2Dtj is Wardmote inqueft, conlifting
of a oj moje i
1 h .
8.cap. i 7.
of ctcrp ^"JlardftaU enquire of fuclj perfonS as ftatje not patjed oj amended tljeir
faid Citp, %u
parts and portions of tljc streets and Planes totfljin t^e

^. £ The Court of Hall- mote.

2Cljisi6dcritocdofHallandMote,asmac]btorapast^!^aUCourt, }, Con-
ventus Civiumin AulampabIi£:am,eterpCompanpoflLondonftaDingan K^all
toftcrein tljcp beep tljeir Courts, and tljis Court ancientlp called Hall=mocc oj
^ The
l^o "21?^ Courts in the City
ofLondon, Cap .

I©. TIpe
HI" Qourt cf the Chamherlaine for apprentices. C^{0 €omt concerning tl^e mahing free of Apprentices. £)neniapi]efree of

iLontott t^jcc manner Of toflpcs, viz. fap&crtJtce.asJjeretnCafeof jappjcntt^
^^ ^ ^^ ^^
jBtrtftrigljf, t^B fonnc of a iFrccman t anD 3.ll5|?5ReDempi(on,

b^o^Geroft^e court of ;SlDermen»

i^oiD to treat of fljc great anD notable iFrancl)(fc0, iliberf {00, anti cnttomes
*Rot.Par.7 R.I. pf t^g <|;(tp ^f jLontJon, tooulD requtrc a toljole tiaolume of it felf. i5ut tbere is a
vidJnf.itz It, ' rnoft bcneficlall Itatute maDe foj tlje ttrengtljning anD pjcfcruatton of tl^e fame.

NoM hoc' bnoto no otber Corporation liat^. » 3t is cnacteD t^at tbe Cttijena of
tDltitclj 31
8 H.7.4.b. iLonDon ftall en jop all tijeir iDl)ole liberties tobatfoetier iutt^ t^is Claufe , Licec
"•^''^'^^ ufi non fuerunt vel abufi fuerunt, anD nottoitljttanDing anp Statute to tbe con^
»i H? 16 17 t>^arp.ic. Lege flatutum,fo J bptl)(s0d;t!)e Citp map claim Itbcrttcsbp pjcfcrip-
pi. com.jV.b. tion, charter, or parliament, nottDtffjffanDing anp ttatute maDe bcfoje 7 R, 2,
;8. 47. 5:9. 0nD f l|i0 is tlie ttatute menttoneD in our llBool^s.
Lib. 8. fo, 1 2/9.

^ The Court oftheconfervation of the Water and ^yer

of Thames (src.

4 H.r-cap.if. C^e ^aior of llonDon for ttje time being liatl) tiboconfertation anD rule of t^e
ilTues, breaches , anD lanDS otier^
tMateranDlllit)eroftl||e2DI|)ame0, anDt^e
floiDn, f c» from f Ije ilSjiDgcs of §>fane0 unto tlje toater of S^enDall anD ^cDtoc?,
Rot. Pari, i H.f. anD autl^oritp as touching punition for uGng unlatofnll J^ets, anD otjjer unlato-
nu. 1$. full (Engines in fiCbing , anD to all correction anD puntcbment t^cre concerning
Ro'r. Pari. x'H.'i'
unlatofull Jjiets anD CEngtnes tftere. 3!n all Commtffions foucljtng t^c toater of
nu. 16.
3Lep,t^e sajaioj of JlonDon ftall be onc^ce l^ereafter Cap.Cotnmidion of Sewers
3 jac.cap. 14. t^e Hatute of 3 Jac. cap. r 4* f ^t Seiners tl^at fall into t^e %^m\ta l^all be fub-
^ect to tj^e Commidton of Seiners.

12. % Tlie Court

ofthe Coroner
in London,

2Cfje S^apor is Coroner luifljin f Ibc Citp of JlonDon, anD tl)c Court of f l)C Co«
toner is l&olDen before iJim or liis SDeputp, vide poaea inttjc Cljaptcr of tljc

13. ^ The Court oftheEfcheator in London.

%^z ilorD ^apor iaairo C^fcljeator Uiit^in tbc Citp, anD f bis Court is bolDen
befoje |)im or l^is UDepntp* ^ee before in f ^e Ci)apf er of CDfcljcator.

Tlje Csurt and in London.

14* ^ of Policies of JJfurances

SCljis Court fitf ef 6 bp force of tfte Commiffion unDcr tbc <©:caf g>cal toarraiT=
4} Eiiz cip.u. jgjj jjp 0jj of ?0arliaraent An, 43 EIiz.cap.i 2, t^crc being an HDfftccr or Clcrb to
regitter afturances , tije jurifDictionof to^icl) Court poumapreaDc in t\)Ut Slst
of parliament maDe to encourage ^ercftants to traDe anD traff jck tftc benefit
lo^ercof appearetl) t^ere , anD is too long to be recttcD > anD tlje rather for ti)at
lue can aoDe noticing to t^t ;^d: of parliament.

Cap.5o. The
Courts in the City ofLondon. 251

ij. dC The Court of the Toftfer

of London.

2C&(s court (3 ^olDen toft^jtn ttie mfrgeof JLonDon tefoje tftc S>tcii)ar& t^crc

bp pjeftrfption of Debt, trefpaffe, anD otijer att(on0 of anp fummc greater oj Icf- 4 E.4.j6.a.K

fcr , iu^creof pon map rcaDc (n 4 E.4. fo. 3<$. z* b.

:^ote , Inhere (t fsfalD, tl)at t^e SCotoec ofJLonDonfsiijUtifnf^eCifpof
jLonDow, tt ts tl^us to be unDerftooH, tftat tlje ancient Mall of JLonDon (tijc men-
tton iDftcrcof pet appcarct^) ertentet^ tljjoug^ tftc aCoircr, anD all tfjat tobft!) (s
inUtroneD toftb tljcfatD toall, viz. on tl^eOTca part t&ereof , ta tottljtn tbe Cttp
oflonDon, tljatl0to fap, in t^e |0arta of ani=&atnts=515arfeing tottStn tljc
MarDoftljca^otocrofllonDon, ;anDtl)erefiDucoffl)e2rotacr of JLonDon, on
t^e CSatt part of t&at ancient iuaU ta tDit^in tbc dountp of ipiDDlefej;. 9im tl|>is
upon anD examination toas founD ont, Mic. i ? Jae. Regis, in t^ie cafe of

&ir Thomas Overbury, iuljotuas popfoneD in a Ctjamtcr in tl)e SCoVocr on tl)c

^ctt part of t^at olD Uiall. ^nD tljerefoje Wefton tlje pjincipall miirDerer luas
trieD befoje Commiffionccs of oieranD Terminer in jLonDon, anDfotoac^ir
Gccvafc Elvice 3lieutcnantof tl^e 2:otoer,a0a£ce(rarp.

\6. C Of the JiirtfdiSl ion and authority oftheTrefident^Cenfors

and Comminaky ofthe Colledge ofThyftciansfcituate in J^night-

in the Ward of Cajlle 'Barnard "Hfithin the

City of London and 7 miles comj^affe.

.1 >-(?(•;>.

£)f collcDge, anD of fl^ctr jtirlfDictfon anD

aufftojifp, fuffkfenf ^afl^been
tftis Lib s fo c &
falD in tftc 8
31500b of llcpojts in HDocto?. Bonhams cafe, tobereunto toe refer Dr.Bonbmscafe
ff nDtons Kealier* hereunto toe toill aDDe foj tl^e fafetp of J0^pDician0,erpeciaUp Sce the /latucesof

of tfte ttings ^B^pfittans a IRecoiD toojtfjp of obfertiation. z h.8.c.6.& u.

adverla valetudine iaborans de aflenfu concilii
Rex fui
aflignavit Johanncm J\"

Arondcljjohannem Saceby, &

W.Hatcliftc Medicos : Robertum Warren & jt H.8"a.4o.4t.
Joliannem Marfliall Chirurgos
ad libere miniftrandum excqucndum in & & z^H.».c2p.'%.

circa perlbnam fuaro; Imprimis,'z//s.,quod licitc valeant moderare fibi digram I'u- ^^of-P^^.s^H 6.

am,&quodpoflintminif!rarePotiones, Syrupos, Confe<5lioncs,Laxitiva$m€di- vVarJa.'""M' fc

cinas, Clyfteria, Suppoficoria, Caput purgea, Gargarifnaata Lealnen, cpithimota, is

tTbe'gwcn lo
tbmentationes, embrocationes, capitis rafuram , uniftiones, emplaftra, cerera the
vencoft cum fcarificationc vcl fine,cmorodorum provocationes, &Cf Danrcs fin-
inmandatis quodinexecutione primiflbrum fine intendentes, &c.
2apon f^is, JFour tljtngsarcto beobferteD. j?irft, tftatno ^ijpficb ongfjt (0
be gitien to t^c feing toittjout gooD toarrant* 2. Cfiat ttjto CUar'rant ougtjt to
bemaDcbptbeaDticcofljiSvIounccU. 3. a^ljcpougftt tominttternoot^r]a^p=

ftcfetften t^at toljicljisfef Dotonintojittng. a* acfjat fbep map ufe tfte aiDe of
tbofe Cftirurgions nameDintftcSaiarrant , bntofno apotfjccarp; but to pje*
pare anD Do all flings tft6mfeltics,ic, iJnD tticreafon ofallttjisistftepjccioua
regarD ^ao of t^ ttcaltb anD fafctp of tfje iiing , tofjic!) i0 tlje beaD of t^c *£om-
nion'toealtt).' %\iz Science of p^i'ficbcontainctft tl^ebnolulcDgc of vTljtnirgcrp. 31 H.8.c3p.4o.
3fonetftat i0 of tbcmpftertc of a ^Dl^plician tahe a man tncHrcanDgitetlj jE.j.coron.i^j.
!){m fuc^ pbpGcb 80 toit!)in tft;eo Dap£0 i)C Dpe thereof, toitljout anp feloniono in=
tent, anD againa l)i0totll,it {0no ^^omttioe.
Eut Bricton fattb , tbat if one tftat i0 notoffl)empaerfeofa|0l^pCtianoj Bmtoncap.y.
Cbirnrgion, take upon liim tlje cure of a man anD {je Dict^j of tlje gotten oj $pc» ^« homicides.
Dicine, tljis i0, (faitlj Ijc) coticrt felonp,
|3ljpQttan0 anO Ci;{jirnrgion0 loicnt Sages en lour facultiei , eyent fanes les ,^,1^^^^ „p^

confeiences > cy que rien neent t'ailli a faire cure, filz ne (cavoient a bonechefe oc homicide
mitter, ou filz a bone chefe fcavoient & fcntrc mcucnt ncquidant follemcnr ou Vcrb.yawt'i'm]
negligent menc
Z5l The Courts in the City
of London. Cap. 50.
ncgligeniment, iffint que ilz tnittont froide pur ehaode ou Ic revcrsj ou trope peu
decurc, ou nemi mitter un due diligenccj &
noftnement in arfoos abfciffions &
que font defend" a faire for(q-,;al peril dcs rtieflcrs fi lonr
patients moreront ou pet-
deot tnemorie9in tiels cafes font ils homicides ou mayhcmers,
^nH tftusmiicb cbncernfttg pljpCtianfl,
iFo> Courts IjolDcn in ot^cr Cities, SDotons Cojpojatc, anti Bnrg^s.oar ptir-
pofe is not, to treat of t^em,becaare fftcp are pjftiate anD fuffictentlj? fenoion ; but
let us fap fometDljatoftlic liberties, francftifes, anoimmwiittesof tt»ts noble
Pari. 17 R.i. ftatutoof 1 8 E. 3 cap. 10. fljall not ejtgnu to anp errone*
3it is enatfetJ, tftaf f^e .

ous judgement gttjen oj to be gitcn in tl^e citp of iLonOon.

&ec after cap»w«t^e ancient £Dfftce of garbltng of fptces, i|c.

Regtft.i67.b. STl^re is a tSIrit in ttje Kcgitter neceffarp to be pnt in erccutton foj flje to^jol*
toimneffe of aire in Slontion , anD in another Cities, %t* De vicis veneilis &
Lourgulary,oj Lourglary is an offcntc tD^n anp call anp corrupt t^ing appop=
toning tl)e toafcr in oj about iLonDon, compounDcD
of t^cfetluotoojDs Lourcoj«
"Sec the third tnption, anD Laron a Cijtcfe o> jFelon, as iBurglarp : anD if anp Dpc bp rcaton
part of the inttit. of gnj, fnci) offcnco loitfjin a pear after, it is felonp , anD eFfemiett) to all other
Cap.Burglary or
^({{gg^ JBurg!)S, f C»
Bit teas pctttioneD to tt)e l^ing, ttjat no man in Cities, snoUins, o'^ elfelsl^re.
Do carrp ^accs of Clticr, but onlp tl)c feings §>cr|0anf s at :armcs, lut tljat tl)ep
earn? Spaces of Copper anD of no otbermctalh Mijcreunto tiiciSinganftDereD,
[ffi^^efamc fljall be fo,ercept t^e Serjeants of t^e Citp of JLonDon.toljo mapcarrp
tl^elr ^aces of Qlber loitljint^eliberftssof JLonDon before tl)c ^po; in t^epje-<
fence of fl^eJ&ingO
V. CaitamH.i, Omoes hoaiioes London fint quieti & liberi,& omnes rescorum pertotam An-
gliam , & per portus tnaris de theolonio 5c paffagio, & ab omnibus aliis confuetu-
itH.j.iSFebr. 3ln Charter of H. 3. bearing Tefte 1 8 Fcbr. Anno regni fui 1 1 , tfte M\\%
fpscialland rare granteD tlje Citp of 3lonDon Viceeomitatum London
f &
Midd.&c. iInD in
libertiwgi anted
tliat Cl^arter tt)is fpeciall franc^tfe nnD pjititleDge is granteD to tbe &ljeriifcs of
to the City of
Londont ILonDon anD ^iDDlere);foj t^e time being in t^efelnojDs. ita fcilicet quod fi illi
qui pro tempore uerint Viceeomites
f conftituti aliquod delidu fecerint-unde mi-
ferieordia pccunis debeant incurrere, non judicentur ad plus nifi ad mifericordiS

vigint' libr', & hoc fine damno aliorum civium

fi vieecomit' non fufficiant'
mifericordiaru fuaru folutione. Si vero aliquod deli«5lu fecerint,
per quod per;cu-
lum vits velmembrorum incurrere debeant, judicentur ficut judieari debentper
legem civitatis : Dehiis autemqui ad pra:didlum vicecomitatu pertinent refpon-
deant viceeomites ad Scaccarium noflrum coram luliiciariis noftris, Sal?is eiC
dem vicecomitibuslibertatibusquasalii cives London habent.
Anm 11H.3. 31n ttic tlje fame King bearing Date 1
Cliarter of 6 Martii Anno
regni fui unde-
C martii.
cimo JSing granteD to CLitp of =L OUDon Qtiod nullus ci vis civi-
fupradiaojtlie ttic
tac pridid'faeiatduellum,&quod dcrplaeitisadeoronam pertinent' fe poffint dif-
rationare fecundu antiquam confueiudinem civitatis , quod infra muros civi-&
"'" ' Deque in portefokne ncmo capiat hofpitium per vim vel
perl.b'cm'ionsra per liberatio-
MarefciwUi. net" Marefchal', &c. fi &
quis in aliquatcrrarum noftrarum citramare, vel ul-
tra, five in portubus maris citra marc, vel ultra theolonium vel aliquam aliam
confuetudinem ab hominibusLondonceperit poftquam ipfe a refto defccerit,
Vic" London namium inde apud London capiant.
Anno II H.ji
31n another Cfjarfer of t^c fmnc toiiig bearing Date 1 8 Augufii Anno 1 1 fu-
18 Augufli.
pradia* tijc J^tng DtD Difaffojcft anD Difl»arrcn t^c ifojctt anD Marrcn of
^tanes in tfje Countp of ^tDDlcfer,
Anno 5i H.j. anDbp Charter of tljc fame iSing bearing Date 2<>Manii Anno regni
i(f Martii. fui J i, f be ilStng granteD to tljC Citizens of JLonDon in t^efc UjojDs, Coneeffimus
De placitis ad eifdem civibus quod de placitis ad coronam pertiDent',& biis maximc, qus infra
civitatcmprxdiclam & ejusfuburbium fieri contingent , fe poffint difrationarc
Cap. 50. The Courts in the Citj
fecundum aotiquam Gonfuetudinctn civitatis ptxdid', eo tamen exccpto>quod Ca- Scper cuniulcs.
tnortuorutn de co quod didnr' eflenc mortui G viverent nonliccac
pcr tutnulos
loco mortuorum qui ante obitum fuum eletfti fuerint ad eo$ dif-
prxcife jurare fz.
rationandos qui de rebus ad eoronam Ipeftantibus appellati fuerint, vel reftati alii
fine dilatione faciant quod per defunc^os me-
liberi & legalcs eligantur qui idem
moratos, d vcnirent fieri cporterct,Et quod tam forinfeci quam alii attornatoi fa- Attorrati in
cerc poflint in Huftingo London tatn agendo quam dcfendcndo in curia no: huflinge.

2Dl)c Citizens oj iBurgelTed

of iLonDonluere bcfojc aitD after tbcConqnctt
R, i. bp toftofc Cliar*
gotJcrneD bp Portgravesoj PortgrevesutittUtljerefgnof
fer tt)cptoerc gotcrneo fcpttoollSatliffs
: anD pet fefng Richard tit tfte firft reap

of tii9 reign appointed t^cm a £papo}, to^o continued t^ccein untiU tl)e CBtgbtli

pear of fefiTg John, anDtfjcntoing JohnappotntcQaipapoj. 0nD fojafrnticft as

Ary 10 Johannij.
fdmctimcG tljc s^a»?o:appofntcD bptljclidta toas no Ctttjcn of ILonDon , IStng

John in tfte 2Dent!) pear of ftia Citijcns Itfacrtp anD aut^ojifp

reign granfcD to tijc

to cftoofe de le
a i^apoj,&c. 0nD unto tjts Dap.
fo it continuetfj
Mayor de fc ipds
jS E. 3, Aldermen.
%i}C ^locrmcn of lonDon toere cljangeti bp election etjerp pear uutill
SDftett it toas ojDcreD tbcp fljoulo
not be rcmobcD totftjout fonw fpectall caufe.
3i5ut Roi. Pari, 7 R, a. nu.ij^ it is cnactcD, tftat tfte 5llDermenof iLonDon tball Rot. pari 17 R. I,

not from fjencefoitb be pcarlp tfiofctr, but remain till t^ep be put out fo> rcafona* nu.z<;.
i)Ie£aafc,notU)ituaanDin0tfteOjDinancc3ofE,2»anDE.3, ana fo it ftillcon-

Ro(. Par. Anno

E. 3, tfte teing granfeo tljat tlje Citijens of ILontion C&onlD

not be conftraineD to no out of tbc Citp of 1. onDon to anp tuar : anD tlje liberties Wane.
Libercies not to
of t^ts citpftiall not foj anp canfe be talton into t^e !^{ngs ^anDSt Rot«Parl,
be taken into
1 E. 3. AuthoritateParliam:nti, theKJngshands,
&ee bcreafter Cap. of Foretts, pag. Cart' H. i , foj tbcir recreation bp l)un=

Albeit bp tbc ftaf nf e of Magna Carta ant) otijer Sl(ts of parliament, f be liber- M»g. Cart.cap.9.
Rot.Pat.ii H.J,
ties, pjibtleotres anDfrancbtfcsoftbe Citp of ILonDon beconfirmeD; pettbe
* Rot Parl.y R-i.
moft bcncSciaH of tbcm all is tbat of 7 R.i. before mentioneD: iDberebp it is en- 11U.19.
acteDjtbat tbc Citizens of =lLonDon ftall cnjop tbe fame, toitb tbis claufc, Licet ufi}.
a *
nontuerint vel abufi fuerint, anDnottotitbffanDinganpftafutetotbccontrarp. Roi.Par.7R.i.
SCbcfc notable, rare, anD fpeciall liberties anD pjibileDgcs twebabc attempteD nii.j7.
Vid.fup- pag.rje
f remember : but tobetbcr bcrcin ire baije Done tbat gooD to tbe «i;itp tbat toe oNoiahoc,
tntenDeD , toe hnoto not, fo^ toe babe omitteD manp mo?e of no fmall number of

great raritp anD confequence too long bere to

be recifeD.
&ee befoje pag. 125. Breve deiiftis&barris pro duello fac. Vid, Rot, Cart,
iSFcbruarii 1 1 H.3» againtt fbeeradion of tbc iLienfenant oftbeEotoer of
fetD6UeS,1C ipartofthelnltitutesMag.Carttcap.zj.

tl The

Thc Court of the Juftices afsigned for the Government

of the Jewes.

Juftkiam4dcuJiodiam Jud^orum afsi^atL

_^ regis funt. Quod fiquifpiamdctinueriteoijvei
pecuniam eorutn, perquirat Rex>(i vulcjtanquam fuum propriutD,
%Wt 3lalticc0 OiD liolii a conrt concerning t^e cnftoDp and gotjernmenf oC
fljE 3cU)es,a0 (amongft manp ot&cc lilecojDs) it appearetft Rot. Pat. An, 41 H.34
. H.g.
- . m.4, nu.<5. 3nli tftatflien Philip Baflet, Philip Luvdl, Henry dcBathon, and
m' Smot) Paffel, &c. tuerc tften Bluatces ad Cuftodiam Judsorum afTgnat'. But
Is^en t^e Bletoes toero atterip (as l^atti been TaiD) banifl^et) , Court ceafef,
to^icb toao in 1 8 E, i. Anno Domini 1 zpj* ^ee t^e Second part of the Infti*
tuc$5 Stat, de Judaifmo. Rot, Clauf. 18 E. r, Memb, 6. ^eeTho, Waif, in Hypo-

digmate NeuArix i S B, i,

The Courts of Stainclifeand Frendlcs

3 H.5.cap 2.

9H6.cap.10, T><I^caafe3 fintc mention maDe in Side of parliament of tfte Courf0 of

jDs>tatncltfe anO ifrcnules TOapentabes, ic. 31 tljo«0W gooD to refer pon
to tljofe Me,

Cap.5i. 2^5

Of the City ofVVeftminfter.
2D ^fHisnanieoftlie^ponaaerr^toiiicf) pinner Qgnftietl^ anDit is tai--
leD McHmtnaer inrefpect of ttie Caflimmaer not fs< from f^ Cotoer of
I JLonDon,
3E;i)i0WeftmtnttcrScberttl)eficafiingoffljc(£aafe>aicon0t^ttoa0Cl)jta«« s< be. t began i,is

tieD,founUeD;anDfte fonnDeD alfo t^eiKnttcrfttp of CambjiDge^ toojbs atiD to(t« "^^'6" AnnoD/.i.
IBut Icatjfng tl)efe,anD others of Uhe naf ure,to offers niii Iping pjoperlp in mp
ioap; let usturit ourcpctofucl) particular jnrifDfction aa toitftin ffifsvlitp is
eyercifcD. iFoj tlie better imDcrftanDing ta^creof,tf tstobchnoton t^attoitljin
t^fs CttptbcrcareaDtoclbcfcberalltoarDs, oat of toljicl) tftere are electeD one
JlStirgeffc anD otic jaifftftant in cticrp fetjcrall MarD; anD out of tljcfe ttDclt3c,f too
arc elccteD pcarli> in tl)e2Dljurf Dap in tl^c CE after toecfe fo? Cljtcf JiSurgciTcs to con-
tinue foj one toljole pear foUoUiing. 2Co tijefc ISurgeffco autl)ojitpi0gttenbp TfWsAawjjac
;art of^arliament in tl)CJ7 pear of tftc reign of€iueenE!iz. (not pjinfeD) to
ljcar,cvaminc, Determine, anD punifl) acco:Dingto fljelaiDsoftlje5Realm anD ^s°„n|J°"c'/o

laUjfull cuftomcs of f !)c vlt if p of JLonDon,matf crs of tnconttncncp,common fcolD0»
3lnmate£i,anD common annopances. anD lihctQife to commit fue^ pcrfons as fliall
oftenD againft tt)C peace, anD tljereof to git^e UnololeDge toitljin 24 l^ours to fome
auftice of peace toitljin tfte Countp of spiDD^
^netljing concerning t!)tsaruicntflf)onaaerp is obfectable, fftaf after t&c Sfc before ir»
^tgl) Court ofj[Darliamc;itUiasDit)iDeD into ttoofeberalltjoufes (to^reof Xne thechaptetof
the High court
lbabefaiDromeU)l)atint!)e«i;l)aptcroftl)e li^igl) Court of parliament) tftca^
"^ I'^^iiamenc.
cuftomeD place of tljattftiicc VDojtfipafCcmblpoft^c iinigljts, Citi?^n6, anD

llBurgcffcs of parliament Ceoim tftc parliament teas IjolDen in JHUclhninfler)

iuas in tl)c chapter Ijoufc of tl^e 5ibbot of Mcttminfter , tftere to Debate anD Rot-P^ri.Anno

urgcncibusnegotiisregni, &
^° '""'
COnfult Dearduis& fiatumregni & Ecelcfis An-

glicansconcernentibusj&c. ^nDtfttSContinueDuntill tljc ftatuteof i E.6 e.14,

to^icl) gaue to tftc i^ing CollcDges , free Ctjappcls, Cftaunteries, anD ioljerebp
tftc lUing cnjopcD tl)e ancient anD beautifuU free CljappcU of a>. ^tcpftcjis, foun=
DcD bp J^ing Stephen, (lubicl) ftaD lanDs anD reticnucs of tl)C olD pearlp tjalue. of
1085;]. 10 s. 5cl.j S>lnceU)btc^time tbe iCtjappelltfjcrcof fjat^fertieDfojtlje
' of Commons toften parliaments IjaDc been bolDcn at Mcftmintt er,
Tempore e.i.
RaduJphus de Ingham Cljiefiufticc of <iDnglanD,(a tcrp pooj man being fi<
ncDbefojeftimat 1
3 s.4d.)in another tcarm,mobeDtoitl)pitpcaurcDtije IflccojD
to be raCeD anD maDe (5 s. 8 d. foj toljicli Ijc
(foj fjis fine) maDe tljc Clocft ( to be
hcarD into ffi3teamin(tei- l|?aU) anDtlje cloffeftoufe inMettminftcr, tofjicl) colt
l)im 800. marks, anD continucti) unto tijis Dap, tolbicbfum icas entreD into
tl&e liloll. ainD almoft in tl)c like cafe in tijc reign of ^fJueen EIizabetb,&>ir Ro-
bert CatlynCljief Sufticc of CBnglanD tooulD Ijatoc IjaD BJufticc Somhcoce (one
oiljistompagnions 3uaicc of tbc litngs Benclj) to bate altcrcD a llccojD,
toI)i£btlje3!uaiceDenpcDtoDoe,anDfaiDopcnlpin Court,tl)at be meant not to
builD a ciochboufe.
Cbis ^onaftcrpin Anno 30 H.g.toas furrenDjeD to i)it iiing, tobo eretteD
tbereof a JDcananDCbapter* Anno 33 H. 8. it teas raifcD to a BiOiopjicU,
anD Thomas Thurlby maDe tbereof tbe firffanDlattBiibop, ic. 25uecnEliz.
maDc ita CollcDgeconftaingof a ©ean.ttoclbe pjebcnDs, a &cboolmaacr,an
tEOjer, 40, g)cbolars,anD iz.^lmefmcn, anDfo it toas nameD tbe Collegiate
CburcboflKKcftminttcr. „
^^ "^ '

3ln Anno 37 H,8. tbc iSings ^annoj of JIKIettminaer toas maDe an ^onoj.

^56 Cap. 52..

Of the City of Norwich,&c.

reign of King Edward tljcCon-

In the book of
1300. Citljcns, anD t^en tftfs CttppatD totlje istng 20 1.
Domefday made
by William the
anD to t^e ^arl i o 1. ^nD beftDes t^efe zo s. anD iFotir |0;ebenDa'
Conqueror- riee ant) &tr ^eUartes of l^on|?,a Bear , anD &iF fiogs to batt ^tnit Joto it
peelDetb 70 1, to t^e lliing,anD
a 1 00 $. to \^z SUncen, anD a galfrcp,anD ttoentp
pounD of toliite rent to ttie Carl,$c.
SCtjc fonnDationoft^e3Inco?po?ation of tftiiSCitp Is tierp ancient, foj in an-
it appcarct^ tftat In tempore
^anufcripts Steph, Regis dc nova fundata
& ut Villa populata commanitas failV

SD^is Cit? is ftig^lp commcnDeDfoj manp tilings, fojif istrnlpfaiDofit,

Canden in Bri- Qaod fuis opibus/requentiajsdificiorumelegantia.Tcmplorumpulchritudinc &
tannia. numcro/ParoEcias cnim plus minus 30.compIe6titur)Civium fcdulitatcin prin-
* Urbanicas ab
cipemfide5in*exteroshumanitatej inter eclebcrrimas Britanniar urbei merito
uibs. connumcrandaj &c, Moenibus validis(in quibus crebrae difjjofitx turrei, &
undecim Portae) undique obfepta, nifi ad OrtHm qua flumcn(cum finaofc flexu
4. Pontibus pervium Scptcmrionalem urbis partem interluerit^ profundo alveo
•Alex Kevill. & ri
prsEcipitibus pis
defend it. 3it IspjeferreD befoje all tljc Cities in CUnglanD
a This Mo.n.iftery
ercept ILonDon. Bit bati) abote 30 |BariQ)es,anD it v& as large iottbin t^e tsals as
was founded ty
^onDom Bit toit^in it i Va ^Liberties &ir lUeligiousJ^oufes % ond^ofpitalU
King Kitutc &
increafcd by Edvv. $0% ttie better ettabltOiing of tbe CBccleQafticall jurifDiction belonging
the Cinftflo!,& totiieBtfl^op ofi^o;VDicI)(ofU)l)icl^3urirDi(tionin gcnerall toe are to treat here-
after) it (Iball notbe impertinent to fet Doton t^e true ffate of tiris Bifl^op^itb.
the Monaftcry
Bin Anno z7 H.s.anD befojc William Rugge 2Doctojof ^MniVgol tb ^ni*
flicngthas itfec- »
med to be petim tJcrfitpofCambjiDge toas abbot of f^e iponaacrp of fe.Benoetsde Hulmo
cajlrumqua cUu- in tijeCountp of j^ojf. anDtbeBiajopjtcfeofiJiojtDicJjbecomminglJOtDbptbG
Ic was of Dcatft of Richard Nick fommonlt'callcD tbcbUnD ISitbop, tl^t ifting nominatcD
the order of
t^e faiD iibbot to be Haii&op of JojUiic^. ^nDaftertoarDs ttiC4.of Febr. Anno
S.Benedi<a of
b'ack Monks. »7 H.8.
b Statut. de was (4wo;i!^/?(?^^frf)&;»^.fj enaded by Authority of Parliament,
27 K. 8. concer- That fuch perfon as fhould be eledcd and confccrated Bifhop ofthe
ning the Birtio-
laid Sea fhould have and enjoy to him and his fucceflfors Bifliops of
jrick of Norwich.
the faid Bifhoprick of Norwich united and knit to the faid Bifho-
prick the Monaftery of S. Bennets,
and all and fingular Manners,
Lands, Tenements,&c. belonging to the faid Monaftery,&c. And that
the perfon which fhould be named Bilhop of Norwich and his fuccef-
f The like is not fors Bifhops of the fame Bifhoprick from thenceforth fhould be Ab- <^

in England.
bots of the Monaftevy ofS. Bennets, and have the dignities of the faid
Abbacy united , incorporated , and knit to the Sea of the faid Bir
See Icforein SBut perufe t^e flat ute, anD pou fljall finD tijat SDortoj Ruggc 6aD BeneHcIum
the Chapt.of ihe
vifeatum, fo: tljc llSttijopjich loll miitb moje bp f Ijat ;3ct fijen it gaineD. 0nD af«
royall Franc hife
f crtoarDs tl)t8 2Do£toj toasclectcDanDtonfccratcD IPiOjop of ijiojloicl): anD 6e»
of EIy,ihat King
H.i.otthe Md- ing patron,in tljc rigftt of Ijfs 315{C&op;icfe,of tljc Itpofpitall of S>. dD ilea in Jpo j«
naftery of F.Iy ^afron,anD Nich. shaxton spatter of fljc faiD ?^ofpitallbp fljeir DccD
made aBlfhofr.
acltnoinlcDgeD anD inrolleD bearing Date <5 Mart ii , Anno E.ej. DiD gil3e anD

butKi.ig H.I. had

therein one end, grant tolling E A
Ijis Ijeirs anD fucccdojs tljc faiD ^ofpttall anD tlie po([eSt<

and King (1 S. one anD ijcreDitamcnf s belonging to tljc fame, anD all otbcr fbetr pocrcfftoiis anD
ario'.her. ijereDitamcnts
Cap. 52. Ofthe City of J\(onvich,(s"c. 257
ijereDitamcnts in tbc faiU Count? of jj5o:f« Certain ConccalojsrTetnpIorum
helluones)bppjctcj;tanD colour of tftcfaiD gcncrall too?D3 paffcD tljc poffetTtona
anDftcrcDitamcntoof tbc faiDtponaaeri'ofe>. BcnnetsdeHulmo in a toofe of
conojaltticnts untjcr certain obfcurc ioojos ( iBbtcI) appear in tljc Set of |9arlia»
ment ftcrcaftcr imntioncD) fcp ^Letters |9atents of concealment bearing Date tlje
1 Dapof Auguft, Annoi/Eliz.anD William Redmain HDoctO? Of S>itiinifi',anD

31Biftop of Jlo jiuicl) caufeD

one Hamond a fricnfl of fjis to fake an cff at c to ijim

ann^is^eirsofanDfromt^cfatD vToncealo^s of all o; tlic areatea part of t^e

faiD a^onattcri.': tuf)fcft 3 (I'Clnrc tfjcnfjcr n^ajcfftco ^atturni^ ©cncrall) nnDer=
ttanDing, ariD ufferlp miflifein5tI)ep;occcDingI)Ci:ctn, conferrcD toitl) tl)e faiD
l!5tfl)op about ttje fame, anD in tijc cnD i)c loas bjoug^t to agree , tljat an 0(t of
IDnrliamentfljonlt) paffc fojtljccftabliilimcnt oftftefaiDISifftopjichanOoftfjc
po ffclfions Hjcrcof, iBljicft act ( isljcrciDitf) 3 toag toell acquaintcD) paffcD at tijc
parliament ftolDen in Anno 39 El.
anD is in pjint , to^ic^pou map rcaD at large, ipLUspn.
anD falfljooD oft&cu:cnccalo?s,
lulierein j'ou fljall obfcrljc ttjc fraut)
Mbat attempts tl)cfc Concealojo (graccleffc anD toicUcD men ) maDe to tljc
fubbcrfionoftfjc Dcancrp anD Chapter of tlje viatftcDjall Cljurcb of i^ojtotc!j> i-ib.}.fo.75.,he
pou map reaDin Sed(ravcnte Deo & au- ",jr^a'"';°'7 '" °
fpice Chrirtojiai
helluones non prarvaluerunt. CilHfjiCb 3 Ija^C tlje rattjcr reniem* Norwich
bjcD of f be falD Bitbopjtci?, as foj tbe repofc anD qut»
botlj fo J tljc ettabltflimcnt
ct of bcrpmanp iFcrmo;0,©tftccr0,anD otbcr pcrfons claiming intercfts in tlje
faiD poffcffions in mv natitie CTountrp.
3nD if am' queft ion
fiiall bcrcaftcrbemaDe
cftftcr concerning anp of tf)cpof«
feffions of tbis liSiiliopjicb, oj an^ otbcr, oj of anp iDean auD Cbapter, oj of tbe
ColleDgcs in citber of tbe iHnit)crftties,fc, bpanp dToncealoj oj otber; tbcir pof-
fcffions are cttallifbcDbp tbe 0ct of ID arltamcnt of 21 Jac.cap.i.intifuleD, AW n Jaccap.i.
Ad for the generall qaiec of che fubjeft againft ail pretence ofconcealment what-
if 0} tbe Courts of Kufticc toitbin tbis CTItP (toblcb is our pjincipall aime)
toe bate trcatcD of tbe lifec befo jc in tbe Citp of IlonDon. SCo tbtff tot toill aDDe
an act of jparltamcnt concerning tbe jurisDiction of tbis Citt? Ctobereof toe bate
not founD tbe like tbat toe remember in anp otber; tobicbt" effect is as fol=

the Citizens of Norwich, that if their Cuftomes
It is enaclied for
"° ' '" f""-
and Ufages heictofoie ufed , or hereafter to be ufcd, be difficult or de-
fediveinpaitorinall, or that the fame need any due amendment for ^
any matter arifing, whereof remedy was not aforetime had , that then Jl/ayor and T
the Bailifs and 24. Citizens of the fame City , fo therefore yearly to
be chofen, or the greater part ofthem,fhall from henceforth have power Rotcart. Anno
^ '^
to ordain and provide from time to time fuch remedies which are moft
agreeable to faith and reafon , and for the
moft profit, the good and
peaceable government of the fame town, and of ftrangers thereto re-
pairing,astothem fhallfeembeft,fo as fuch Ordinances be profitable
for the King and his people.
BItisaCounfpofitfclf.anDbatbttoo &bertfs anD large liberties toitbont
tbetonls. fe)cctbe Ifafufc of 3? H.^xap. ?• bolo manp atfurnics IboulD be in jj 7.
tbis litp. e>cebcfo?eintbcCbaptcroftbc ^^igbCourt of parliament conccr«
ning netoSDjapcries,tc, anD SXliojftcaDs ic. mate in tbis Citp, S»cc Rot. Pari. MntXegcsWii.
1 8 E. I. fo.5. concerning tbe ancient liberties of tbis Citp. nj.
Buret & Civitates fundat' & xdficat' funt ad tuitionem gentiu, & populorum oT l^r^^ „!;"
rcgni, & idcirco cbfervan debent cum
omni libertate,tmcgritate & ratione, fod^tn lo^.Op-
14H.4. It is enad:ed,that the Merchants and Artificers ofWor- pidi.naaman-
fteads in Norf. may fell their fingleWorfteads to any place or perfons '",'''*"^" „ ,.

being of the Kmgs amity nowithuandmg any Inhibition or Libcity ^7. not m print,
to the contrary.
258 Of the City of^^^^mch, &c, C ap .51 .

!^e t^at DeGres tbe teairnis, true makings , anti quantit(e£i of MojScaOs :
3let ^tm rcaD tl)C ttatute of 1 1 H,4.Rot,ParUnu.48.
Trin.t; Trin. 1 3 Banco5Rot.76, Infpcxinms Gart, H. 3, Civibus Norwic' de
Banco K.ot.76. libertatibus conccfs'.
SDI^c beautiful! CaffieDjall 0^ ij^ottier C^urci) of Jpto^totcl^ toas began f be
jp E.^ 2Dljc UStOjops of tljic &ee IjaD tl)c firft fruits of QEcclcriaatcaU 3lit)injjs iottft*
16 H.S.cap-j. fntfjetrSDiocelTcbcfojctljeftatuteof 26H»8.ea,3,tol)ictino315{l|)op, oj ^rtljbf-
3t ^atl) alfo a famous K
itjcr abounDing tott|> $
ift^fpcctallp t&e pcarcl^.
SDbettronganD noble Cattle of iJojtuict calleD 3l5lancl|floU)firtnt)ironct)a«
l;outU)itMlieCttp,butno parttljercof bnt oftlje Count? of j^ojf» lDasnot(aa
tome ruppofcjbutlt bp Bigot (iEarl ofi^o; fomc upon tJtcto tfterof ftauc con=
jccturct), foj tljat tlje arms
of CEarl Bigor are graten on tt)c Mais thereof*

^o?t»e finoa charter of tetng Stephen in tljefctoojDS. Stephanus Rex Anglo-

rum Archiepifcopis, Epilcopisj Abbai'Juftie',Ccmitibus,Baronibus, Vicecomi-
tibus, Mimftris,&omnibuifidcIibnsfui$ AngliscSalutem. Sciatisme dcdiflein
* This William *
feodo & bareditatc V VilUclmo Comiti Warren' filio mco Caftellum Norvvici
mJiicd Ilab'l
cum toto Burgo>&c»
daughter and
hcirof Willian 0nD Rafe de VVactClarl of J^ojtoit^ tiefentieii ttiis Cattle of
jpiojtoicl^ a*
Earl Warrcn,and gainlt William tI)eConqucro?,to|)o teas Djtten out of Q^nglano, anD tratjeU
inhtr righcwas let) toltl) ^is iDife to 3eruralem»
E-irl Warren. IButfrue it is t^at C^arl Bigot being after obner tliereof, &iti bot^ repair and
enlarge t^efame^nD fettiis 0rms upontljelsalstlicreof. ^nDfomucbfoi tbe
^ntiquitp (a great £>jnamcnt of ti)is Citp)_of tfjis cattlc,tD|ii£li noto foj toant
of reparation is xtnw to fall .

%t} conclu&e,2i:i)ts famous ant) free Citp is jultlp to be contment)et)foj p;ofe(ri<

onoffruelReligion, tl)eir Hoialt;^ to ttjeir prince in all times of tumults ttie

gooD gobcrnmcttt of ttiemfeltics, ant) t^e crercife of Uio^bs of C^aritp»

2C;i)is is tijecljief Citj? of mp J^atitie Country,

Nefcio qua natale folura dulcedine cunflos '

Ducic, & immcmores non finit cflc fui.

Cap.5}. ^19

The Court of the Tourne.
Coprt(lje(rtg aCouctof1Rccoj(j)intbeSe- 1^^°^' r
^^ '

condparc of the Inftitutes, Mag. Can. cap. 5^rcunto U)C ioill ^a

WCe^atiefpoteitofWs aotie a Charter Of William t^e Conquetoj, toft tt() toe finD tnrol* ixh./.xs.fn
leD 2 R.J» nU'5« pro Decano & capiculo Ecdefix beats Maria de Lincoln', ncux. Rot.pat.

VViilielmus gratia deiRex Anglorum,Gomicibus,Vicecomitibu$,& omnibus if^muf.

temporaio regno Anglorum fuerunt> communi Conciiio, & Conciiio Archi- removedfrom

epifcoporum meorum
citerorum &Epilcoporum & Abbaium & omnium Dorduftcrco
judicavi. Propterea mando, & regiaautho-
emendendas ^'"^oln.
Principum regnimei
ritate prsEcipio, ut nullus Epifcopus vel Archdiaconus dc legibus Epilcopalibus
ampliusin* Hundretto Placita teneant, nee caufam qux ad regimen anima-
rum pertinet ad judicium fscularium hominum adducant, fed quicunque fe-
cundum Epifcopaies leges de quacunque caufa vel culpa interpellatus fuerir,
ad locum qucm ad hoc Epifcopus elegerit, & nominavericveniat , ibiquc *
de caufa fua refpondeat, & non fecundum Hundrettum, fed fceundum Cano- This Is not in-

nes & Epifcopaies leges reftum deo & Epifcopo fuo faeiat. Si vero aliquis ^"nd^e'd^ Co
per fuperbiam elatusad Juftitiam Epifcopalem venire non voluerir, vocetur fc- bu""[iat in th"fe
mel) &
fecundo, &
tertio; quod d nee (\c ad emendationem veneritjexcom- times the shcrit
municetur cr>fiopus faerit,adhoe vindieand',forticudo « & Juflicia regisvel did hold hu

Vicecomicis adhibeatur: Ille autem qui vocatusad Juflitiam Epilcopi venire J'j "^c'/'""
noluitiprounaquaquc vocatione legem Epifcopalcm emendabit: hoc etiam de- c'ari^cap '%'„!"
fendo, & mea authoritate interdicoj ne ullus Vicecom' autprxpofituj.autmi- the Expo/ition
nifter regis, nee aliquis laicus homo de legibus quz ad Epifcopum pertinent fe 'heicupon,
intromittat nee aliquis laicus homo alium hominem line Jufiitia Epifeopi ad

judicium adducat; Judicium vero innullo locoporteturnili inEpifeopalifede,

aut in illo loeo quem ad hoc Epifcopusconfltiuerit.

ifoj fl)e confirmation of t!)i3«£l)artec, fee in tljc Kegiffcc of tfje Bilfiop of

JLonOon, Willielmusdei gratia Rex. Anglorum R. Bainardo, S. de magna &
Villa, Vabines,cxterifque meis fidelibus de Eflex &
de Hectfordfliire,& de
MiddicfeXjSalutem. Sciatis vosomnes^gcc. Tenor iftius eft in Aijglico Cam
deverbo in verbum ineadem Carta* Confimilis Carta ut ante ex libro Car- j
.. , .

tarum Archiepifcopi Cantuar'. ^gamfttljls CljarfCC if {3 objCCtcD, iFtra,tl)C cuflodia k"-'"

ttmc of tftc enrolling thereof, viz. tn 1R.2. bcingnetcr IjcarD of befoje, &c= mem. Regis
COnfiU'tiOut of tlje reD book , Imer leges H.i, cap.b'. degenera!ibu5 Placitis Co- compofitus tem-
"•*• "r''-
niitatuum. /. as tocll of tftc of tlje Counts' Court. p°'^
Read the while
Sicuc antiqua fuerit inftitutione firmatum, falutarl regis imperio, vera nuper claiptcr.Vidc \b.

^P '^"
eft recordatione firmatum, generaliaComitatuum Placita certis locisSc vicibus

& „
tempore per
"^ fin^ula?
-^ ./-
° - provincias

"^ •
conveniredebere,neculJis ^"it.LcgesEJw.
Limb. I J 5. •

ultra fatigationibus agitari, nili propria regis neceiluas , vel commune regni
, I

commodum fxpius adjiciant. Interfint autem Epifeopi, Cornices. Vicedomini,

Vicarii, Centccarii, Aldermanni , prifef^i,'^pripofiti,
^ t
Barones, Vavaflbres.Tun- Y/'^.u"''^®
.. lO.

^4o The Court of the T'ourn, Cap.55.
« EcclefiafticiU
& csterl diligentcr intendentes oe malorum impuni-
terramm domini
rasauiGravionumpravitas, vcl judicum fubvcrfio folita mifcros lacerationc
t V\ as of the "
coifinianu Agantur iraque primo debita verar Chriflianitatis jura ; Sceundo
VC'.i'vviiin the
fatisfaiSionibus expleamur.
T-ur-i. i'rrgispi3cita;Pofirtino "^caul'yfirgulorum dignis
t P IV uc cajfes tljep contlnDe^ ttiat CDctle&atticall caures toece l^antiUO in
t!I!iI!§eretiT(on t^e
in the County STown tnt^etefgn ofH.i.lotig after t^cIatD fuppofcD Charter. 0nD certain
it is t^at t^e 15i(%op£( Conftfto^ies toere ereaeD , ant) canres CccleaaQicall
remot'cn front t^e %tmm
to t^e conGiftojp after ttie making oftt^eraiD^fleD
^OOb: Ideo penes Ledorem fit judicium*
Bin t^e fame Cl^pter of t^ faiD lUet) Boob it is fttrf |ier fain, Et quofcnnque
tf Turnum as it is Shircfgemotc difeordamcs invcnict.vel atnorecongrcget.vel feqaeUret judieioi
h'lO taken, debet eoitn Shirefgemoc
bis, hundreda &
wapcmachia daodecies in anno

e Ami fo is the
Turn holden co %l9Z Conm is a Court of Reco'^D
IiolDen before f^e &l&erift t^e ancient B[n<
this day.Mag.
fiitutton tl^ereof teas before Magna Carta ^
to^ear anti Determine all felonies
Cart. J 5.
is the of man ecteptcD) anD common nnfances* dee t^e statute of Magna
/Andfo (tieat^
County Court Carta, eap»i7«anD t^Cl^poQtion npon tl^e fame in tfie Second part oftheln-
holden at thisday

2Dl^e fiile of f ^iS Court is Cnriavifus Franc, domini regis apud 6. Coram
Mag.Cart. J f .
a E.6.2^
Viceeomite in Turnofuo,&G, antinOtTumum Vieccom' tcnt',&c. fojTornuna
h i. part of the eft oifi;^ ;9rttcle0 inqnirable in t^e Xwm
are tmoli>n,ant> neeo
Inft.Mag.Cart. notbe^erere^earfeo.
cap. 17.

Cap. 54- 2d'i

The Court of the Leet or view of Franke-

of 1Reco:t),anB at tljc firtt DedtJcD and faben oaf of

tl^c SeeMidi^Ei,
jEoam^anOfsfjolDenbefoje tlje&fctoarD, anDljctsSIuBgctfjereof. £Df Roc-^NonhSt.
t^c anttqtittP ant) jurfsDtction of tftls Court, pou Ojall rcaD (n tftc Second
^.^''fhe'^f p,".'°°;
pare of the Inrtkutes, Magna Carta cap.; 5* j^nD iDJ^at tf)C ancfctit jurtsOWion of the
t^ciLcef teas, ^u Ujall alfo rcaD tn t^e Seeondpart of thclnftitutcs, Magna Cart.cap.j5,'
iua UjoiD^HD commctft of f ^e JKecb inf Leges Edw.
Leb, ilct^.oj licet S>a):on wlahan
^l relekan (rb^'nsaJ'^t'Euphonir gratia ji.convcnirctoattemWctosetlbcr,
ande eonvcnmi,
3If a common iliufans, w. Done tott^tn tfjc jurtsDiflfon of t&eJLccf be notp?e«
fcnteD in tbciLcct,tl)cfi>^rtffnftt3 2Eoum cannot enquire of ft, foj tbat iu^ic^
istDitbintfiepjccinctoftbciLect is epcmpt from t^e iCourn, ot^crtoifetfterc
mtgJjt be a Doable charge; but in tftaf cafe a tojit map be DtrectcD to tftc S>berif to
cnqairc tbcreof,ic. againft tljc opinion of Fineux in 1 i
H.7. if ftis opinion be not
mtfrepoiteD, ;anDbp ttjeboob of
15) E,3.2r^{0 tojtt is not tafecn atoap bpt^e (ta« 19 EjuWiJLy.
tute of 1 8 E. 3 .cap.i), maDe tlje pear befo je, tofjicti teas t^en f reft in ti^e
' - " 7. 1 s .

^cetljc Second part of the Inftitutcs, tn t^e (0)(pofition upon t^e Safute of
31 Elxap.7. concerning Cottages anD31nmate0,fpcctaU matter concerning tl^
jurtsDtttion office iieet. &eefo^tI)ejtirisDi(tionoftl)e2.eet t^effatuteof z £,5
cap* 10, concerning making of t^alt.
SCije Commons pctitioneD tljat crcetlitje ftnes fef onfftcliingsfubjcds bp Rot.Par.i7E.j.
fuct^asb'HiciLcctsmapbercDjcffeD, tnljcrcuntof&clAinganfiDercD, The King ""-^s-

would the lame.

g>ec a notable cafe concerning tbc |ur isDiition of t&e JLcct anD Court llSaron, mjcj, i s e
i in

Mich. i8E,i.inBancoRot,i56,Norf. Etibi teneturquod CIcricus ad Letam Banco Rot!i 5V

venire nonhabetnecefle,niri ejus prifenria ex certis caufis eonfiderationibus Norf.&
fit neceflfaria.

C^is Court of tl)c ]Leet map enquire of corrupt tStctnaU as a common nu^
fance, toljcreof fomc Ijabc DoubtcD, botf) fo; tl)at it fs omitteD fn tljc ttaf ate of tljc SmM viOi

i,eet,anD of tbctocaft autljojitpofttjeboobof 9H.6. totiere Martyn fait^, C^at F"nc.i8 e.».
^ h-^-5j t-
it is ojtiaincD tftat none ftoulD fell corrupt SUictaalU SinD Cottifmore ^elD
on tliatit is Adtio popuIaris,\Dftcrcupon it is coUectcO, ttjaf t&c conufancc ti^cre= a vid.i
of belongs to tljeJLcet. ";anDMartynanDNeal 11 H.4« agreeing iDit&l>imfaiD perNeai&Bri-
tralP,fojbptljc''aatuteof i-i H.3 Stat.Pillor'&Tumbrer,& AflHs'Panis&Ger- 'Rji'.
is',anD bp tl)e ftatute maDe intljc reign of E.i. intifuled, Stat. de Piftotibus & LootliJ'Lcct . '

Brafiatori'bus &: aliisVitcllariis, StiSOjDaincDtftat nonc ftall fell CO;rupt Ut* b
(tuals, anDbptJic^ ftatute of 14 E.j. itappearct^ttjatt^is^ttlDasojDatncDin )=rgep.i7- M=g-
t^etimeof |)is C!5janDfatl)er,tB^tcl) Uias E.i, Canapartei.
Britten U'bo Uijotcafter tl)c ttatutc of 1 H, s.anD follotoing tbe fame faitl)
l^i^\ ^,
tl)US;Puisfdic inquife deceux queux achatcnt per an manner de meafure Sc </Biittonf 77!!.
vendent per meindcr meafure faux,?i ccux font punies come vendors des vines, &
auxi ccux que ferronc atteictsde faux aunes, & faux poysj Et auxi le«
Mace- Mace!/driur,a
grieves, & les
gents quedeufage vendent a trefpaflanis mauvafc viands corrum- Butcher or Vi-

pus & vvacms, & autrement perillous a la launty de home, Et les Forfiallers, &c.

Etfo,3 5. fjcDotb conclude tljcliUepaffagcVuitH^creluojDs, Encomer Ic forme

c!e nous ftatutes. ijpm Eft
252. T^he Court ofthe Leet. Cap.5^. Eft ctiam atrox injuria qux pcrpctuam inducit infamiam cum poena Pillorali

$.Eftetiam. & Tumbrellijqnx quandoque fit per Piftores, Brafiatorcs,

alios qui falfis ponde-

Etcap.ii.§Jtc ribusutuniur&menfurisjqua: ctiam fit

per cibaria corrupta, &
femicofta vcn-
deDtes,&c, llButnoneoft^efcftatutcs gatetftc conufance tofuctiep ana correct

tatctuallcro foi tojrapt mtctuaU to ouc court of tl)C ileet, tt)erefo;e further 0u«
tftojitp tbcrctn
t0 OefircDf M^cretn tuc totll pjoDutc tljat to^tctj iis omni cxccp-
tione majus, anD tftat ts bp a tefolutton in parliament.
iBp tftc ftatute of 1 E 4.cap.8. 5t
2 10 rcftearfet;. That
II Mayors, Ballifs,and
other like Governors of every City, Borough,and Town of fubftance
within this Realm of England for the raoft part have Courts of Leets
and Views of Frankpledge holden yearly within the fame, and furvey-
all Viduallers there,and corredion and puniftimcnt of the offen-
ing of
Aflife of the fame, to be prefented andamcr-
ders, and breakers of the
cied if default be found in the faid Couits,&c. And where divers per-
fons intending their Angular avail and profit , and to opprefle the faid
Vi(5luallers,and to enter and break the liberty of divers places in this
Realm having Franchifcs ( that is, Leets aforementioned) and furveying
ofallVi(5tuallers,andcorredionofthe fame, had purchafed Letters
Patents of King E.4. to be furveyors and corredors of all fuch Victu-
(ilhcfe wor<'s allers within divers Cities, Boroughsand other places,of Ale, ^ Bcere,
follow after in
the Aft, and
Wine, and other Vi(auals,&c. in ''wrongfuU derogation of the Liber-
Nota by this it ties and Franchifesof thefaidCities,Boroughs,and other places,&c. as
by the [aid
A^ is rehearfed. It is eftablifhed and ordained,that allLetters
Beer is not of
or after to be obtained of any office of
fuchlaie time as Patentsgranted by that King,
fomc fuppofc. fearching or furveying of Wine, Ale,Beer,or other Visual, fhall be ut-
See alfo Rot Par. ofnone And that no perfon other then fuch Go-
terly void and
" 4H.4
n 3 *Bccl and
vernors before rehearfed,&c. (that is, in rejpe^ of their before re/jearfed
to be then in
imj){hallufeorexercifeanyfuchoffice,&c. 0nDbcfiDest6€ Declaration
of tl^crame to be totD antiagatnltlaU),a penalty of 40 1. is inflictcDupon Tuc^as
Calicc. Bccri*
a Saxon word (ball cwrctfc anp fuclj office fo obtafncD oj aif cr to be obtatneD. ^n citccUcnt Set
jB;f?-,indBeer is of parliament boti) i(^^ tlje , as alfo
Declaration of tbe lalo in t^e cafe abotefaiD
wi'hm the word cannot mabc neto office
t^attJ^eJ^ingbpftisilettersjaafenta anp foj tljcfur*
Ccrvijia in the
ancient (latutes.
teping, tojrection,«. of anptBtng tobftf) belong fo tlje inrisDiction anD vConn^
For it is but as fancc of anp fo?mcr Court tobtcfj bv confequent ^at^ a large eictcnt, anD t&erefojc
the pitting of a toe^atccifeD t^cramc tl)emo?eatlarge»
new button to an
oldCoatjT'lX.HopstaMaltandwater, tomakcitcoBtinuc the longer, b Hereby it appeareth chat tliofe Lerteri
Patents were igainftlaw, and that this is a ftatute declaratory with addition of a penalty.

S>ome Doc fjolD f |jat if is loitljin f tic flatnte of 1 8 E.i. fome fap aa an inciDcnf
to t^e Recife of S5;eaD anD 0le, anD others bolD t^atbpftiatj^ct poloertsgiten
to ff)c 3lo:D of tfte Heet fo enquire of t^at ;airirc of 5SjcaD anD ale, tljat is to fap,
of ttjc ftatute intifuleD, The Afi'ifc of Bread and Ale, tufticftis t^cfaiDactof
51 H3. in toljiclj;art fellers ofcojrupttatctaals arc to be puniCbeD. SlnD 5ere<
iDitf) (fap tbcp)agrcetlj tljc tooit in i R. ?. fo.i . tljat of cojrapt ^ictuall t^ Leet

^DjurioDiiiionbptbe ftatute, tjotofoebcrtljat isconccitJcD, it istljeJlcef t^at

ibat^conufance thereof.
Pafch.i8E.i. U
anD albeit Mair, B rafiatn, no Cliduall of it feif, a£l it is aDjuDgeD in An-
Coram Kef^e no 1 8 E.I. Quod venditio brafii non eft vcnduio Viflualium,ncc debet
Kot.76.Southr. ficut venditio Panis,Vini &
Cervifix, &
hujufmodi contra formam flat ut'. |9ef
bctaufc tbe p;fnctpall ingreDient of 315ccr, anD fcrbetlj to taictualltbe fiings
it is
i7R.z.cap4. lioufftolD,ic. (asitisfaiD intf)cftafufeofi7R *. ) anDtenDctlj.
anD not tobolfomc, totfjcgrcatljfnDcranceofljcalttjanD increafj of Difeafco, toe
toill eramine Ijoiu tbelaVu ftanDctf) tijcrein at tfjisf Dap.

The Court
ofthe Leet, %6}
Mealt oj Malt (0 a ©aicoii tD0jt),3it 3Lat(n toe call it Brafium DerlbeD ef braffo,
i. cbullio, fcrveo. 3lntf)e ancient flatutes Brafiatorls taben foj a ISjciper. %v[
Flcta, ubi fupra, Brafiatrix : In Britton, ubi fupra, Bracereflei, fo; llB?eU)Cr0. %n
Statin toe ufe t^c biojD Pandoxacor o; Potifex : anQ BraHator at tl)i3
Dap is ufeD
foj a {paltmnfecr oj apaltter,
£^alt is made of Barlcp, anO cannot be tjoell anD perfcctlp matie, nnletTe it ^af^
tbcttmcof li Dapes in ttjemabingtljcrcof, anDbotlj in tfte making thereof in tfje
ifat, floo?, ffecplng, anD fuff icicnt Ojping of tbe fatD spalt 3 Vncctjsat tftelcatt, tE.6
circept it be in t^c monctfjs of 31mtp, BIul^anD Huguff, anQ in tljofe monetfts bg
tt)e fpace of 7 Da^cs at tte leallf.

Cf)c i^altmabcr ougfjt not flachlc aiiD Occettfallp Cjp tijc £^alf, to tfjs intent
to tiatie an tno^&inate increafe tliereof W
flDelling of t|)e fame , to^ici) being not
fufficientlp D?ieD,tDitfjtn a fljojt time IniH be muftpanDfall of tuaaitjelaf. *
f J15o pcrfortotinijtfoptitto falcanj? i^alt totjicf) fl»all not be toell ano ruflFici-- 17 R.i.cjp 4.
cntlptroDen,rubbeD,ant)locllfarmcD, iufterebp tftcre map be contjenicntl},' fan*
neD out of one £Jiuartcr thereof t)alf a pecb of miS.oj mo?e.
f i^opcrfonfljall mingle attp?palt not being tDcll anD fufficienflp mane, oj ie.(5.

being maDc of moUj=fanrntoj fpircD Barlp, iuitlljotlier gooD ^palt, anD after pat
t^e fame to falc. jail tl^cfe be mala in fe, anD punilfiablc bp t^c <i ommon lato*
^nD tljis aatutc of 1 E.<5. I&atlj aDDcD apenaltp,if tftcfuit bcbjougl[)t«pon
tftis Catute. HnD if tlje )15?etocr put to fale anp beer, toljicl) Ijc Ijat^ bjetocD toit^
unlalDfiiU (as all is imlatofuU tl)at Ijatjcnot tIjc qualities fojcfaiD) anD untoljole*
fome ^alt, \iz map be p^efcnteD fo^ ttie fame in ttje ]leet, $c, as felling of co;<
rtipt anD unluljoirome tictuall. ;SnD bp t^si ttatute poUier is giten tijat t^e Bin- ^ E.6. cap. 10,

fticcs of peace in ctjcrp of tljcii: S>effion0, anD alfo tt)C &tctoacD in oterp iLeet
tljall ticar anD Determine, as Uiell bp p^eicntmcnt of 1 2 men, as bp accufation o>

info;tmation of tloo l)onell toitneSes of, fo?, anD upon all anD eberp t^e offences
anD forfeitures in fl)at 3ct,5. §)o astl^e lattices of peace ej StetoarDs in ILcets,
map either pjocceD at t^c Common lalo o: upon tl^is (tatufe. 3X is furtlier pjo*
t)iDeD bp t^is ;^ct, t^at tljc llBailtffs anD conSables of eDerp Bo^ng^,anD ^r<
feet folun oj otl)er SToton luljcrc jpalt (ftall faemaDeojputtofell, 0)all from tixm
to time fearcl) auD furtep tte fame ; anD if tiie fame be fonnD to be et)ill maDe oj
mingleD Initt) etill ^alt. tliep bp tb aDtiice of one BluSice of peace (&all caufe t^e
fame to be folD at fncli rcafonnble pjicc , anD unDcr tlje common p?ice in tfte mar*
feet, as to l)(3 Difcrction ftall fcem crpeDienf SCliis ^ct ertenDS not to tfje ma=

king ofanp^palt fo^amansotnnpjot^titonfoj t)i0 olun Ijoufe 0} familp. kn^

tte offences againft tbis SiA are to be p^efenteD Uiit^in a pear.
a^lits 0(1 of i E, <5, cap. I o, is continueD , anD pet ttanDetlj in fo?cet 17 Eli z^
cap. 4. Jac.cap*2?,&c.4Car.cap.^.
SCftat iuljic^ ^atft been faiD (de malij in fc) of i^alf, map alfo be appIpcD to
^ops anotlbcr ingreDicnt info Beer, anD puniQjable bp tlje (Common lain. IBut
againll Ditjcrs anD manp faircf)ooD0 pjaftifeD in paciiing of fo?ein ^ops, fojtftat
tbe fubjeds of ttje IRealm liate been bp reafon tljercof of late pears abufeD anD De=
ceitieDuntottjetalucofzot^onfanDpounDspearlpat ttjeleaft (fojtliat infacbs
of fojcin ^o^Q f ftcrc is not founD one f btrD part to be gooD anD clean i^opc , tfje
reft being b joffe anD foile,) ^
gooD lato is maDc Anno i Jac. anD etjerp perfon 1 /«. «p. 1 3,

ofFcnDtng tijerein C^all forfeit tl)e fame Ij^ops fo b?ougl)t into ti)C IRealm. J^inD it
tsfurtljcrcnaiteDbpfbcfamc^ct, tljat if anp bjctoer of 15eer oj aicf!)aU im^
plop anD fpenD anp l^ops unclean, corrupt, 0} mirt Initb anp potoDer, Dutt, Djoife,
fanD , 0; anp ot^er foile toljatfoet^er , Ije D^all forfeit tlietialue of tljofe !^ops fo
implopeD,to tcrccotjercD, %t- in anp of tl)C Jiings Courts of IRccojD.
2Df)e reafon iDberefo^e tbefo Courts of t^e Count anD licet are Courts of g* R
cojD,anD not tlje Courts of tbe Countp, of tlje !^unD?cD, anD of tl[ic Court llBarok f-n,b. u.
(iBl)crcof toe fljall ncrt in jDer treat) is, foj tljat tlje 2Courn anD tljc ?l cef are in»
ft(tutcDfo;itl)ecommon<toeal, asfouonfertationoft^I&ingspeace, anD pu<
niQ)ment of common nnfances, u. 0nD fo^ confertatton of tlje peace , tlje &lje<
riffc tn tlje SCourn, ano tlje §»(etoarD in tlje 3Lect map tabq JRccognifanccc Taj

^m X Ijeepfnjj
i6^ The Court ofthe Leet,
beeping of tlje peace. Wut t^ falD fnfertoor Courts of t^e County, !^unlj:ei),
ana tfte Court llBaron Ijalje jnrifDiction of pjttfate capfes unter tfte tjalnc of -35 $,
fcettoeen parfpanD partp,
---Fuit bxc fapientia quondam
Publica privatis fecernere, facta profanis.
anU fojafmuclj as umlcan, to?raptcD, anD mtitgleD &piccs atiD 2>jngs k To
untotjolcfomcanDljarffaU, as tliep tetiD to tfie jeoparDpofmans boDp, lue totU
hereunto aDDe tlje eicpofitton of t^c ftatuteof 1 Jac cap. 19. tfje pcnaltp of ^pu
CCS not garbleD, *
^Whereas heretofore great deceits and abufes have been commit-
ted in uttering, felling , and putting to fale, fundry forts of uncleane,

corrupt and mingled Spices, &c. garbleable : to the jeopardy of his

Majeftiesperfon, &c.
(|£ Garbleable.] SCo garble, fignifiefft in our legall unfierttantiing , to f€«
tier anD gooD anD fuffictent from tfte faaD anD tnfufftctcnt ; anD eicfen*
tJiftiuc tlje

Dctl) not onlp to ^pfccs anD 31) jugs mcnttoncD in our llatute, but to otijer toarcs
' R J"? 1 r.
a„j, mert^nDi^es, Zs foj cyamplc. Bptlje ffafutcof i R. 3. it is pjottDcD tftat
no BoiDftaties fftall be folD ungarblcD, %c, tijaf is, unttll tl)C gooD anD fuffictent
be fctJcrcD anD DttiDeD from tlje baD anD infuff icient : anD tftis garbling of Bolus
iiE4ap.z.tiie ^atb reference to tftc ftatuteof 12 E. 4. cap. 2, toljere garbling of JlSotos istodl
appo n- eypouttDeD, tW
ts, tljat tf)c llooluftatics be fcarcljeD anD furtocpeD, ?c. anD tljat

'"'b'^^'h'-'^''" fucb as be not gooD anD fufficicnt be marbcD,«. S>ome tljinbtljatitisDeritcD

gai c them.
j.^^^ ^^^ 5f rencb tHcrb, Garbcr, to mafee fine, neat, clean, ft. £Dtfjcrs fetcl^ it
from Cribler anD tijat of Cribrare f Cftoj fctjer t^e gooD from tl)e bae, unde Cri-
brum fic didum . quia crebris pertufutn eti. foratninibus ad res purgandas a
vere & immnndis (undc Cribrarius, tftc (!5arbler) tol^ic!^ toell agrectft toitlj our
^ &itc i to lift Do come fromtfte Papons,
viz.j.,p^ py,-^,
SD^fs ^ct con»

fittetbofa l^jcamblcanD alBopp. intfje |9jcamb!eft is reljearfcD , That un-

clean, corrupt, and mingled Spice?, Drugs, Wares, anD Mcrchandifes garbleable
do tend to the jeopardy of his Majefties perfon, and of his fahjtds uCmg the lame
in their meats, drinks, and other necdfull occafions, &:c,
2Dfte felling of fucl^ unclean, cojrupf, anD minglcD Apices anD S) jugs ufeD in
meats, anD Djinfes, is malum in (e, anD (as Ijatft been faiD) in Dibers lifec cafes
punifljable bp tfje Common lato, 315ut tljis act tcnDctlj to t^c pjcbcntion of fucl^
Dcccipts anD abufes, bp garbling anD purif ping of tf)e fame bcfoje tljcp be folD,anD
bp puniOjment if tfjcp'be folD befojc tftep be garblcD anD purificD,

ail t^at is garbleable muft be garbleD anD cleanfcD anD fealeD bp tfte vlUarblcf
befoje fale, upon pain of fojfeiturc of tf)C fame oj tjaluc f Ijcrcof, foj tol^icb an actt*
on popular is giben.
f I pepper, 2 Clobcs, 3 ^ace, 4 J^utmcgs, 5 Cin«
namon, 6 dpfnger, 7 iLong'pcpper, 8 tMojme=feeDs,

lo anpfccDs, ii ColianDcr^fccDS,
ari„...*^<.,,fefHh*«r.f 9 Compn^fceDS,
'^ ^?n"P=P^PP«f' '3 ^ImonDS, 14 H)atcs, ijcCals
S.rLnnim7mSr« V^ §>pifcnarD ,17 C^alingall, 18 2Curmericfe,
.0 caffia^fiftula, zr CDinnpwer,
m tt)ts i3(t, VIZ.
L^ ^cmt, 23 jlBarbaries, 24 I'^iw, 25 Crins,
\v6 &tabefacre, 27 calamus, 28 JFcnnpr icft, 29 cat*
Ifia, 30 JLignum, 31 (II??aincs, y. Caratoap'fceDs.

anD in generall toojDs , i . (H^ums of all fojts anD binDs garbleable. :, ail
otbcr Apices, SDrugs, Marcs, anD ^erctanDi^cs garbleable.
Nofa. Caxhks ^ Be it furthermore ena6ted, that if any of the faid Spices, Drugs,
Wares, or other Merchandizes be mixed with garbles, matter or
cicinncff; il'mis thing vvhatfocver after thc fame be garbled, &c. That then the faid
Spices, Drugs, &c, or the value thereof (hall be wholly forfeited.

^ Ic
Cap. 54*
The QourtoftheLeet. 26$
(^ and may be lawfull for the Garbler of Spices,
It fliall Sec. with-
in the City of London and the Liberties ofthe fame, &c,
severe Ijatl) been of ancient time an £)ffitcr in JlonDon
anti tljc ILibcrtiea of

tallcD ©arblcr of g)pices, !c. to!)o map mabc Ijic ^Deputies. 0nD
tl)c fame, t^c
tftis SLd gitctl) l)im autfjojitp at all anD Coztp time anD times in tl)C Dap time This had been
^Kaarctjoufcs, oj teller, to tjieio anD fearcf) fuel) SDjugs, iropiycd if ii had
to enter into anp a>l)op0,
^«" "P'^^-
anD to garble anD maUc clean tlje fame.
^pitcs,ic. J?°'

^f There is a Provifo, that if any Merchant or other perfon (other

then Merchants alien, or made or to be made Denizen) (hall bring any
other Merchandizes garbleable into this Realme,and
Spice Drugs, or
ftiall not offer the fame to fale or fell the fame within this Realme, Sec.
and fliall tranfpoit the fame ^^«<«^iif within eight monethsCaccount-
in«T 28 dayes to the moneth) after his firft landing, &c. fliall not in-

curre any of the penalties of this Ad.

3nD t^l0 p?ol3tro teas aDDeD in refpcd of a gcnerall lata maDe in i<5 R, 2, >i5 R z.cao i.

il)at no manner
of sptcerp, after f bat it be bjougljt into tlje llealm; ftall be tar«
ricD out of t!)cfame bp Slicn oj SDenifcn, upon pain of forfeiture of tl)e fame,
to tljc naturall bojn Subjects, anD not to ipcr-
5lnD tl)i3 i^jotifo crtcnDctI) onlp
cljants alien, oi maDe j to be maoe £D entfcnis,
0nDbptl)eiiftofi6R.2.cap. i.ttis cnactcD, tbat aliens fljall fell Mines
bv toljolctcffcls, anD fpiccrp bp tcftolc Vcffcls anD ball0,anD in no otljcr manner.
%\it Court of tftc ILcct map inquire of tljcfe offences follotoing bpautljojitp of
parliament. ,8p, r,evifu
De vifu franc, articles Of tl)e iLcef, to tDljicl) toetotU aDDe fonc
ConcerninatracinganDUillingof l^ares. ^H.s.capn.
£)f]^oftlcr0 making ?^ojrcb?caD
unDcc t^c affile.
iDf biceDcrs of ^oifcs unDer ftaturc. 34 H.s.cap-ij.
jSDfiartlUcrp.llButts.anDmtos. , 35,^.
Concerning footing in CroffcbotosanD l^anDgnns. 3j h
8. cap.6.
* p.^cap. 1 j.
Concerning lUictuallcrs, Artificers, OTojftmcn, anDlLabourcrs.
againft great pjiccs anD ertcffe of Mines, 7 E.7"p.j.
iFo; amcnDmcnt of ^igb toapes. 2 & 3 Ph. &
Mar. cap, 3, jEliz, 13.
18 Eliz, 9.
Concerning iputtcrs. 4 & 5 P& M.c j

jfo:t!)epicfcrtattonoffl>crpatonanDfrpofiFiCI&, iEJ1z.171j3c.1j
agatnft tahtng of 12>l)erantsanD partrigcs, ej,^ ,„
Slgatnft tl)C erection of cottages anD inmates, ^^ereof fee faefojc fit tljis jiEiiz.cap.y.
315p tljefe anD Ditjcrs otljer Sets of ^I'arliamcnt tlje jnrifDiction of tijis
court oftl)c iLectbatb been muclj increafeD, to tlje cnDtljat tlje Subject migftt
Ijatje anD juftice at ^ts oton Dojes t anD tbcrcfoje it is rcquififc tfjat t^c
SteUjarD of t^is Court be learncD in tftelaiU) foj Ignoramia Judicis eft calamitas
innocemis. §>cc Rot, Pari. 5 1 E. :;.na.4(5. concerning CatJtrners,
Cljeftple of tljiS Court of tljC ILcet is,
Curia vifus frane'plcg' tent' apud
ram A B. Senefchallo, &c»
Francus plegiusSaxonicc Frcboroc, Anglicc, JFreepleDgC.
snijc Conffablesojpettp conffablcs arc cljofcn bpffjc Common 3LatD at tfje 3 H.4.9.10E.4.17

lato conferbatojs of tfje peace, anD map 44E.3. bar.ioz.

ILeet oi 2Co?n, anD are bp tlje common
peace bp ilDlligation, anD arc as ancient as SCoins 0? Lccts ^^ nl^h J14'.
tafee furetp of tljc
be,anDbegannotabouttljebeginningofE.;. as fomc Ijatie fuppofcD Vide tljc vki.Rot.'pjrr. .

ciiapter of tljc !i?unD}eD Court fo: tljc cijcifConftable, & 9 E.4.3(5.5 H.7. 5,
6 E.j.pod.nue.
I1H4 IJ''8E'?,? Fitz. Juft.

l5ut,*to fap once fojall :

Repetition toitljOHt aDDition is but loITc of time, anD ^ "". cor'.iss,
altocct^cr tmpjofitable, u H.7 iS.Fincus
i66 Cap. 55-

The Court of the County.
Curia prima CotnitatusE.CMilitis
See the fecond ^fple of t|)i0 Court is: Buck,
vicccomitisCom'pradia' tcnf apud B. &c. Stnl) tl^e iWrt Court Curia
part of the Infl-.
Mag. T^Z fccunda E. C. vicecom' Com' pradia' &c. 0nD fo fojtij.
of ^ntts fn t^f s Conrf,
&cfi t^ ftatutc Of W. I eap. 3 6, agatnfl pjocorcnient
2D6te court is no Court o£1RecojO,anDt6eruito3saretl)c31nDgcstt)creof.
Jenilemans cafe. jlBut ina Redifleifon tl)c ^Ijcriffe ia 31nDge l»p t^ Oatote of sj&erton cap. 3, anDa
Stat. deMerton
Witit of crroj Ipet^ of ^is jnDgcment.
cap. J. 44E.;.io.
ipattofthelnft. ^f ttw mttiqaitpanD inrifDtttion of tijis Court, pou fl&aU reaDe in tljc Catufc
Deijt oj Damages to tljc taloe
Mag. Cart cJ.j y ofMagDacarta,cap.5^ 3t ftoltJetl) no plea ofanp
of 40 s. t)% afaol3C,noj of anptrcfpaffe Done vi& armij,ijecanfc a fine is Due tftcre*
F.N.B.ii9.g.h, aaions
to !S ing. 15ut of Debt, Detinue, trefpalfe, anD ottjer perfonaUaboi}6
lb.8^g.&c. bp tfte

«Cij8.b.&c. 40 tfte &iieri«fe ma?

s» ftolD plea bp fojcc of a Mr it of Jufticics to tiim DtrecteD,

ia% t^tis in nature of a Cornmififion to l»im,anD isVicounccI. anD not retojna*

tie,anD fje map befoje anp Countp Court atoarD a Summons to \jSs JBatlie re-
tojnablc totfbin 2 oj 3 Dapes at Ijts Difcretton, to fiimmon t^
DefenDant bp tiis

gooDB, toanflDcr ; anD if tbe Bailie rctojneNihil, anD ttje plaintif remot3etI|
not grantaCapias,
tfte fame bp a Pone into tbe Common place, tljatCourtlftaU
fD} tfte nature of t^e tHrit Dot Ij not tnarrant a Capias, anD f^ &bcriffe coulD not
want fljefame, nettber Dotlj fbe Mrtt of Jufticics
alter tfje nature of tlie Court
of tlje Countp, fo j tbcrein tbe &6ertfe ts not BiuDge, bnt t^ S>aito?s anD upon -,

a 3nDgement glbcn t^retn a tsar tt of fallfc juDgcmcnt Dot|» Ipe , anD not a if Mr
of erroj. 3nD in Dibcrs H call aaions a Mrit of Ju fticics Dot& Ipe as it appearct^
in our boofes, as in Bf c D'admefuremcnt of dower oj paflurcjin Cufloms & fer-
vices, Mefnc,Q.uodpermittat,Rationabilibu$divifis,
Sed' ad molend', Denui-
fanf , de Curia claudenda. Annuity, &c.
/jEliz.Dier m, 31n tbe Countp court upon tbe (Erigent after s exaft, tbe Cojoncrs gibe
iuDgemcnt, Idcoutlagerur per judicium Ccronatorum.lBut bptbis 3uDgemcnt
no gooDs are fojfcitcD bcfo:etbe £Dutlarp appear of HecojD: anDtbat is fberea-
fon, tbaf no man can claim tbe gooDs of £DutUtos bp picfcrtption. JPeitbcr ifiall
a Certiorari to tbe Cojoner*
fucb an £)utlatojp Difable tbe partp : but if upon
foj tbe forfeiture of bis
tbepcerttfie tbe ^utlatojp , tbis fball ferbetbeJSing
be rctojneD.
gooDS, but (ball not Difable tbe parfptill tbe Crigent

The Court of the Hundred.

thereof 3IuDges. £Dffl[je 2p»toftheinft,

antiqultpanD jurifDtdion fjercof vide Magna Carta, ubifup. 5^nD astfjc ^^'^gCarrca.jj,
Tl^(0lsno<i:ourtof5Reco?D,anl)fftc§>mtoj0be '^"•7' is.
Jlcct Voas DetttjeD out of fbc SCotirn fo? tfje cafeof tftc people, fo ttifs
Court of t^e ^unti^eD fo^ t^ fame caufe Inas Dcrtt)eD out of ttje Court of t^e
Countp, atiD is a Court Baron <n ^is nature.
115pt^eftatutcof 14E.;. l^nnDjcDs(crccptfHtljastfteniuercefcttatc{n fee) i4E?-c3p.y,
are rejopcD (aa to t^c Batlptotcb of tbc fame) to tftc Counties, anoall grants '» ^-J- "p '»•

maDeof tljc IBatlPtoicftof ^unOjcDS Cncc fljaf ttatutearc tiofD, anD tl^e mahtng
oftfteJlBailtffs tljcrcof belong fotlic §)^crfffe, foj tl^ better crccutton of Hulttce
anD of bis Office. iJuD fo it tuas rcfoltjcD bptftc JLojDSUrcarurcrLcaanDalltfte
Karons of tlje CBrc^equer, anD fo DecreeD in ti)e Crctiequer Chamber , betloeen
Fortefcue Of IBucbingfjamftire plaintifc, anD tfje feftcriffe of tfte fame DefenDant,
Term* 2, Caroli Regis, tfte plaintifc tiaviiriff of late Diters !^unD?eDS granteD to
l)im foj life in tfje Countp of 515ucb. refertjing a rent , toljicb tlie ^ftcriffe Difal=
loV»eD anD put in IBailiffs of ftis otun. 0nD a commanDement toas giljen bt> tftc
court to tl)c ^ttojni> uUencrall to atioiD tlje lihe in ot^er Counties, foj tftat tbep
toere agatnft la to anD belongeD to t^c office of ttie ^{jer iffe, anD Irere occaQons
of Dclapcs anD IjfnDcranccs of Suffice* ^ce tfte ftatute of W. 2. cap,3<5, againft
pjocuremcnt of fuits in t^is Court.
2Dbe ttple of tfitS Court iS.Cuna E«C. militis hundred! fui de B.incom^Buck,
tent', &e. Coram A B, Senefchallo ibidem.
Uftftere be a llBailiffcofallibcrfpappointeD bptftciLojDoffljelLibErtp, oj pE.i.Lmc'flac.
t\fi feftcriffs BailifFe of anp l^unDjeD, OHlapentabe, o; Eptfjing, tofjicl) ftatjc not
3LanDs oj SCcncmcnts fufficicnt in tftat Countp, fljerelpctl>a®2IritDeBalivb Je^^fp';
amovendo, grounDeD upon t^e ftatute of 4 E. 3. cap. 9. C^re are Conffables Regihcr 178.
of tljcl^unDjeDcontmonU'callcD, c^iefConftablcs, fonameD becaufe confta-^.b.

bles of Colons are called petit Conftables. Jlljcfe Conftables of ^unDjeDs

ioerc crcateD bp tl)e ftatute of 1 E,i .anD tljeir autftojitp limiteDfo jFftJc things. Star, dc i ? e. i.
I. 2^0 mabe tb tjietD of armour. 2, sCo pjefcnt befo?e 3Iuftices affigncD fuel)
Defaults as tl^ep Do Ice in t^e Countrp about armour. ; 2Co p^efent Defaults of
fuitsof 2Doums.4 £Df!^ig|)<U)apes. 5 Cop^efentallfucIjasloDgeftrangers in
nplanDfft) tolons , fo? Isljom fi)cp toill not anftoer. Ditiers anD manp
0cts of
ISarliamentftatjcgitentbe cl)icf Conftablc anD pctp Conftable mojcautbojitp
anD poUiertbenojiginallptljepbaD, tn^icl^ Ijatl) been tocll collecteD bp others. L.^mbird,&c.
5F0J no £Dfftcer tljat is conftituteDbpad: of parliament ftatljmojeautljojitp scccap.LcetLr
tljentftc art tljat creates bim, j fomc fubfcquent ;9(t of parliament Dofljgitje n'J''^'
I)im, foj tje cannot pjefcribc as tfte £)fficer bp tbe Common lata map. Nora
1 o E.4. fo. 1 7. tijepetit Conftablc toasan ^Dfficerbp tftc Common laio per Cu-

riam, vid. 4 E.3. cap.3.2 J E.^ca. 2. &ee in tftc Chapter of ^^ue auD Crp in tbe
Third part of the inHitutcs ^ue anD Crpaltoapes bp tbe Common lato maDo bp
t^e Conftables of ^Colons. $c.
Fleta lib. i , cap. i. $ Dc Vic" & ConftabuIariiSj &c,

2(58 Cap.fy.

The Court Baron.

Sec th' fecond HP

^^® ^ ^""'^^ incfDoit tocUcrp ^atmoj. ant) is not of I'^ccojU, an!) tl^
&altojsbe ttjCTcof 3tnDgc0,alt^ougt> tl^c pUa tci^oHjcn bp foiccofatoctt
pa. of
t the inf>

AJag.Cart.M.:,-. i Of Ttg^t.
Cbcfc ts alfo a Cuftotnar? s^nnoj tol^ercof I'oa map rcaD in % Firft part of
the InHitutcs Se^. 73, Verb. Court, &c,
anDtl)t3tDaserfttnfttt«tet)fo;tftecafeoftt)0 2Ccnants, anD foj ttjceuDins
of Debfa ant) Damages uuDcc 40 s. at tjontt,as it lucre at t^eir oliin Doojes.
of .Ik ir.n. fecc ttjerc fo?. tt)c anttquitpanD ttiaitntlon Of ttjis Coutt, anD tbe artifice tn=
Scd .
7 5

qatrable tljcccin arc ufnall anC
tocU tmoton*
CljC fttlcof t^cCoiirtiS: Curia BaronisE.C. Militii manerii fui pra-didi
(bailing tftc ipannojo
name to;tttcn in tftc fPargcnt) tern' taJi die, &c. Coram
A.B. Senefcballo ibidem,
3!n t!ic rcignc of E, i . toeljatc feen court l"^ ols falsing tljc jpannojfi mvxt
in tljcmargcnt. Aula ibidem tent* tali die &c. tlje Court of tftc spanno J bc^
: a0 tbc Court of
ing fo calleD, tetaufc it toao feolDen in ti^e ^all of tfte ^annoj
tlje SDarflwlfea is calleD C«ria
Aula; HorpitiiDcminiRegis,becaMrc of ancient

time if teas I)olDcn In tljc feings I^nll,

Cap.58. i6p

The Court of ancient Demefne.

^annojs arecallen ffte ancfettf SDemcfncs of tlje Crotwie toftU^ Sccihcfccond

toerc tntftC IjanDS of &t Edward the CoofcffbrO^ William the
Conquc- part of the Inftk.
rour, anD ffjcBoobof SDomcf^oapmaDco: began thtfte w.i.c.sL.f.HS
fo wpjcCTcD tn
1 4 pear of William the Conquerour j foj fo Ujc finDC ii in Libro Rubro Scaeca-

riiin CuftodiaRemcm' Regis fo. 47, quod libcrvocatus Domelday compofitus secii e.j.jj.
fuit Anno i4WiIlielmi
Regis Conquefloris. 3nDRaduIphu$ Niger :^onfe of
Cogiftall tn dEffW in vita Willieltni Conquefloris fjaf^tljefc toojDS, Annis Herein Fitz. in

1081,1082,1083, 1084, io8j,io86,RexWillielrou$defcribi fecit omnesBa- hhU.f. fois.

rones & fiudatos Millies, & quot carucaras tix quifquehabebat & redditujpof-

^^?'^"^^ J^
feflionum. anD Anno Domini 1081, toas tl^C 14 pcar Of William the Conquc= fe(ror'wa<de^
rour ; ant) tfjis great anD cjtcUcntfurbcplaacD 6 pears. 0nD (n Lucubrat' Ok- ceivd. r/rf.thc
liam it is VDOJtbtlp callcD Liber Judicatorius, becanfC it is tfjC onlj? tr<all Of an= Preface CO the
^'^^^ °f
cfenf E>cmernc j agatnft Vu^tt^, foj tftc uncontrollable trutl^ anD tjeritp thereof, ^^''^
'"'' ^^p°"''
tftere can be tafeen no atcrinent, jSnD tfjcrcfo?e fn f l^at rcfpctt Itbe t^e Doome anD
jiiDgementat H)oomer'Dap»
In Ghent' Archiepi. Cant' : Sandwice in anno quo fafta eft hxe dcfcriptio. 3Ill
SDoomef^Dap tt felfe lege libruro, foj fjcrcbp if appearetl) f Ijat (t loas maDe in tl^e
time of tfte Connucrour-
ail tftofe tbat IjolD of tljefe ^annoas in Socage arc tenants fn ancient 2Dc« Seethe fccond
mefnc : anD tftcp plotucD tljc liings SDcmerncs of fjfs ipannojs, fotneD anD ^ar* p^'."' ^^^ ^'^'
rotocD t^e fame, motocD anD maDc ftis rpeDotos, anD otfter fucb fertices of l^nf- Articfup.Cait.
banDip fo?. tijc fuftenancc of t^c J^ing anD Ijis l)onourablc IjouftolD, maintenance
offtlsffablc, anD ot!)cc lite ncccffartcs pertaining to tljcliingsfjurbanDjp, 0nD
to tbc cnD t^cfe tenants migi)t tijc better applp tljcmfclbcs to tljcir labonrs foj f be
pjofit of ttjc !Sing,tbep IjaD &ir pjtbilcDgcs. jFirft.tbaf tljep ftoulD not be implea=
The priviiedge
'-ffen*"" man-
DeD fo: anp tfjcir lanDc, u- out of tfjc falD ipannoj, but baibc j uff ice aDminiffreD
to tbcmattljeir otonDojebptljc little tojit of migfjtciofc DicccteD to t^c i^aiUflfs
of tbe ^ings s^annojs , o: to tljc 3LojD of t^e ^anno?, if it be in tfie ftanDs of a
ftibject;1 if tl)cptocreimplcaDcDoutoffI)Ci^annoj, t^ep map abate tbc it» Mr
2 SDljep cannot be impannclleD to appear at Mtttm, oj elfetobere in anp otbec
court upon anp SInquett oj triall of anp caufe, 3 SDbep are free anD quiet from all
mannoj of Cobs in JFairs anD ^arftctsfoj all tfjtngs concerning busbanDjpanD
fuftenancc. 4 ;anDof SDares anD 2Eallagc3 bp parliaments. unlcffe fijep be fpe*
ciallp nameD. 5 3nD of contribution to tfje erpenccs of tljc lanig^ts of tfte |0ar=
liament,fc. 6 3Jftbepbefet)eraU)'DiftraineDfojotl)erfert)iccs, tbepallfojfa.
tjing of charges map jopn in a Mrit of Monflraverunt, albeit tijep be feterall
SEljefc pjiViilcDges remain ftill, aUljouglj tlje ^annoj bt come to tljc ftanDS of
Subjects, anD alttjongl) tijelr fer1}ice of t^c plough is fo^tje moQ part altcreD
anD tUtneD info moncp: AverainDomcfday Crentbrigfli Rex fordham, fed
lamen femper invenitavcram vel Sd in fervieio Regis, t^jaf iS.a DapcStDOjb Of
2Dljis Court is in nature of a Court 115aron,lDljcre{n tljc Suiters are SuDgcSs
anD is no Court of 1a eco:D', fojBrevia laufa Recordum ron habcm.

Nota, tbc SDcmanDant in atojit of HigbtClote cannot remote tije plea out of
tljc Court of tljelLo:Dfoi anp caufe, tfjcSCcnant map remotic ti)t fame foj 7, jFojth'itljcbolDetljit ad Communem legem. 3b if a fine anD re»

coljcrpbclc^icDoifuffcrcDtljercof in t^c Court of Common pleas, fbtsmaUctb

J? n m
The Court ofJncient Vemefne, Cap.58.
it)t lanD franfe fccfo long as t^icpftanD infojce. i» 3if tljc lanD Ic notl^oloen
Re gift .fo.
of t|)C ^anno; being ancient SDemcfnet 3. 3f tfte
lano tc^oliien bp iSntglits
fert)tce:fo?,a0l)atl) been faiD,tftc ferttce of ttje |0loto ann ^ustanDjp is t^c
F.N.K.1J.C; *
41 E.J. 11. caufe of 4.
tfte pjitjtUDge. Itf tliere be no futto?s,oj but one futtoj,fo; t^at tlje
49li-3-7- futtojs are 3IaDges , anD t^etefojc tfte H>emanDant muft fue at tfte Common
JoE.j.u- 5* 3ftl^eCcnant
laU),fojtftat tftercisafatleroflCuftfcetoittiintftespannoj.
acceptareleafcofljis =iLo?Dofl)tsfctgntojp, oj tfte fetgniojp be ot^crtotfc eyttn*
hereiarCfO'- herfe'
*rc of the French 6, iSDjtf t^c^LojODif--
wotd[fcer/e.] tenant anD mabctft a feoffment in fee. 7* 3f ttje ILojD grant tljc fcr=
tjtces of ftis SDcnant, anD tl)C snenant attojn.
Aliens cafe.
44 E 3.38.
t Arabanc &
hereiabant ad curia dotnini» «. t^ep DtD plongi). anD l^arrotD at f ^
46E.3.1. ^annojoft^eiLojD.
49 B.J 7.44 E-J- '
0nD meer perfonall a(tions,as Debt upon
t^is p;tt)tleDge Dotli not e%tznii to
11.21 E.J.IO-
a icafe, ircfpattcQiiarecIaufum frcgit , anD tt>elfte,tn toft tclj bp common in^-
ji. 40EJ.4- not come in Debate. But otljcrtoife it is
iS E.J. 95, tenDmcnttlje title of tftefreeljelD ftall
J4E.1 Anc^Q':-
anD alfo in actions of Slccount, IRepletjinjEjeflione firms,
of all rcall actions,
mtfnei^S, 11 E'4« iDjitofMefne anD t^elifee,tol)erebp common infcnDment tlje realtp ftall come
in qneftion.
11 Air4j.
t^lanDs in ancient Demefne are eictenDable upon a Itatnte cpercltant, staple,''.
(Elegit, anD regularlp all generall ftatutesertenD to ancient Demefne.
JO E.j It.
b 1 E.l EXCCllt.
a IReDtffeiKmaltftougtjtftcp concern tbe rcalfp, Dotlj not lie in ancient
118. ij E.J. Demefne, becaufetftepjocceDlng in a IflcDlffeiGn isappointeD bj? t^ettatutesto
8E Lib.
bemaDe bptlje &l)erif , aflumptis fccnm Coronatoribus Comitatus, &c. anD in
ijtf. 7H.4.«9. but otftertotfe it is in an action of

Lib ancient Demefne t^ercare noCojoners,


19 H 6 64. Wiait,
C4E.iKcdiirei. 0nD as tibe SDenants in ancient BDemefne are carefuU to pjeferte tt)cir p^tti-
Im 9. as carefuU to pjcfcrtje bis feigniojp,anD tfte tenure of t^is
fo tlie 11 ojD is
8H.6. leDges ,

tenancp in ancient Demefne. ^nD tlierefoje tfte SCenant leUp fine, oj fuffer.a
fl'7H6.j5 ^
if a
34. jiH.6.jf.
recotjerp in tjie Court of common pleas4c. tolieirebp fo; tlie
time tljo lanD is be-
come franWce, tftelojD bp to?it a of ©ifceit mapnotonlp rcffoje ftimfclfefo
Aliens cife. bis true Iteigntojp, but ntterlp aljoiD tbe fine,
anD rcfto je bts SCcnant agatntt tfte
recotjerp anD bis oUm fine to tbe lanD again in bis former ettate: anD tbe reafon
7H.7 11.
tbereof t8,fojtbat tbe recouerpoj fine toas not fuffcreDo; IctJtcD befoje a corn*
£ iE.4.16.8 E.4-
in Court, tobicb ougbt to batje been in tbe Coifrt of an.
6. 7 H.4.44- petent iuDge tbe rigbt
8 H.4.i4-'7E-3-

cient 2Demcfne,*^anD tberefoje after tbe retjcrfall in tbe tojit of S)ifcett,it tsnoto
Tr.i6E.;. coram non anD tlje parties to tbc fine J rccoUcrpfballbcfineD
51. tanquam Judice,
Cora RegcRoc. Curia?,
anD tmpjifoneD pro dcceptione
Tr.ij E.J.Cora
o But if in a tojit of IRigbt clofe in ancient j©emcfne,tbc SDemanDant maftetb
fn a.
RegeKot.108. bis pjoteftation to fue in tbe nature of affifc of spojD', tbe 23enant pleaD
Glouc'ffinis.) batementoftbc to jit , anD tbe to jit bp juDgement fsabateo, tbe tDemanDant
Tr.J H. 5. Cora biingsatojitoffalfejuDgmcnt, tobercintbe to?it is affirmcD tobcgooD, fbc
Rcge Ror.9 Court of Common picas fliall pjoceeD as tbe tnferiour Court fijoulD bat^e Done, f
(&ah)ii E.J.IO.
56. 11 Ali 4- altbougb tbat juDgmcnt be giticn to recover tbe lanD fn tbe Common place , pet
iSE.J.^J. tbe lanD is not franbfee, but remains ancient SDemefne , becaufe tbe beginning
/Vid.Dicr llEl• anD founDation tbereof toas in ancient HDemefne.
SEbep map lebp a fine in ancientDemefne tobicb bp tbe CuSome it is faiD to

be a bar of tbe ettate tail but certainlp tbat toill not bolD.

19 d.
t Uier iiEI.j7J. '3lf tbe sTcnantremotje tbe plea foj tbe caufe mentioneD in tbe Recordare,
»7 Aff.5 44E.J. be map come into tbe ftings Court, anD affignotbercaufcanD ttoentp,{fbcbatb»
38. to maintain tljc jnr isDiction of tbe teings Court.
Jil E.J.Jl.

Cap. 5p. ^Jl

The Court of the Coroner.
coroner CoronatorisfocalleD, bccaurc ^e Deals p)tncfpaiip Mt^ Kegift.i7z.
pleas of tlje Crotoit oj matters concerning tlje croton j ^e tscUgtble F.N.B.164.
Tl^ts bp tfte If rec^olDcrs of tl)c countp, anD fo continues to tftts Dap as of an^
cicnt time tljc &l)cctf <
JTonfertiatojs of tl^e peace tocre, bccaufc tfte people ftaQ Artic.fur.Carr,

a tnterettanDfafcfp in tl&e Due evecution oftl)Cirofficcs,anDfolongasftep

great "^^j*- f^^^'
lucre eltg{Hc,t!)Ci'conttnucD, notirttljCtanDtngtIjc Dcmifeof t^eJaing,a3 ffje Xo= ,4 e ?or'7"
roner Dotb to ttjis Dap^ i^nD of ancient time tljis office toas of great cfttmation, aRo,'pjt.5V.i.
Lambar<i jufticc
foj none coulD Ijatoe it unDcr tljc Degree of a i^nigf)t»' J3nD it appearetf) b|? tfte iujff
De Coronatore cligendo.tljatljc mutt ftatc ttoop?opcrties,viz, fufficicnt ftnoto'
in erccution of ^is office fmplieD in tftefc toojDs. Ettale
leDge,abilit!7? Diligence f.n b J^^'
facias, qui melius fciat,& poffit officio illi intendere. 3nD tfte &l^erif after

I^e be unto Ijim Ijis oatft Dulp to ej;ecute Ijia off ice:anD tlic Court w. ixap.'id.
electeD, fljall gttje
iuiiicl) court ofKccojD. 3nD iommonlptftereareJFour in etjcrp
He bolDctl) is a '4 e.j.cj.s.Hc
'""« ^^^ve fuffi.
CountPofenglanDjbnt in tljctUJelbcOjircsin GSaalcs,anD inCfjcOjirc tbcrc
cent land in the
arebutttoO. Co.imy whereof
j^otoconccrningftiSiurisDtction, toftat itiuasbefojc tljeflatufc of Magna hcmay nnfwet
^h people.
Carta, anD iDljat l)C Ijatl) at tljts Dap, anD of fjis 0ntiquitp , pou map reaD in tfje
Second part of the InlHtutes,Mag.Cart.cap,i /.anD tljeCvpofition upon tl)efamc» F-N.b.i54.
& "
Mertoncapo* Redifleifin, anD W. i. capiOfSc 26, Artie, fuper Cart. cap»3« j/ ,"

anD tl)c <B rpofition of tbc fame.

^c ts to talie noVim foj Doing ftis office
upon grieUous fojfeifure , but bp j h 7 cap i

3 H.7.^e{stol)atieuponantnDictmentfounDdfmnrD0r i?s,4d. oftbegooDsof

tfte mnrDercr,anD
if ftel^at^ notljing,of tfjc amerciament of t|ie SCotonftip foj tftc

Cfcapcic, §>eealfotbe ancient Stut^ojs, Mirror desjuftices,eap,i, <§, deloffice

del Coroner. Brafton 21,1x2,1 13. Britten Cap.i. Fleta,lib, Ver.M^g.Carr.
Starutumde anno 4 E.i. de officio Coronatoris , anDStanf. P]»C6ronaffoI,48, 4E-i.Farr,i n$.
^nDastfte&ltlcrifinljis SCourn map enquire of all felonies bpffte Common J5H^»j.
la\D,fat)tngofDeatljofman, fo tfjc Cojoner can enquire of no felonp but of t^e *
H.7 ca.i.
Deatftofman,anD tbat fupervifum corporis !^e ttjallalfo enquire of tfte efcape
: ?

oftlje murDerer)Ofsnreafure2i:rotic, 2DcoDanD3,anDMrecfe3oftfte &ea. IBuf
Ijcreof pou ft all reaD mo jc in tbc J^utbo jitics before citeD, anD in t^e Third pare
of the InlVuutcs, in tlje 2Ditle of ^appeals.
!^c oug^t to Deliver tljc 3Intitiifitton of Dcaf^ taftcn bp bfm at fbc nert <3aoU j h
* '
DeUt)erp,o?. certific tlje fame into tbcliingsBcnclj. iHponan inquiCtion found 1 & » ph.&M.

befOjcbimof murDeroimanflaagbterbcougftt to put in to jiting t^e effect of tljc cap.ij.

etJiDenccgi'bcn to tljc 3urp bcfojc^tm being materiall, anD batlb potocr fo binDe
otjer toif nellcs to tljc ncrt ^aoWDclifecrp in t^at Conntp, &ce befojc in t^c Cfjap'
ter of tlje Courts in llonDon.
snoconcluDcbcOiDesl^is juDiciall place, Ijctjatljalfo autljojitp mfnffferiall as
a S>ljcrif,ic. viz. toljen tbcrc is jutt cjrccptton taUentotfte &!jerif 3 luDiciall

pioceffc ttjall be atoarDeD to tlje Cojoners foj tlje cjrecution of tlje toings to3iits,in
valjtclj cafes Ijc is locum tenens vicecomitis, anD in fonte fpeciall cafe tljc lyings p] q^^
ojtginall tout ftjall be immeDiafclp DtrecteD tuito Ijim.
Indefedu Vic' pro brevibus Regis exequendis.videturCurisE hie, quodaliis pafch.^E.j Co-
quam Coronatoribus non eftderaandand'. Vide Vet. Mag. Cart, parte 2. fo, 1
9, rsm Hege Rot.
2o,zi, Stat' Exonix'. Fleta Lib.i. Cap.iS. SoEbor.WcIlm.

Nn 2 CJT.
zyz Cap.^o*

Br4d.l.5.f.J34-3 The Court of Tepoudres, vulgarly Pipowders,
Curia ^edis

Conrt is incf dent to etjcrp JFafr ant) i^atbet , a0 a Court ffiaron to

a spannojjanO is DcriUcD of tiuo 3Laf tn iDojD0,as ts apparent , anD fo cal«
T^ts leD,l3Ccaafc tljat foj contracts anD tnjurics Done concerning tlje^air oj

S^arfeet.t^erclftaUbcasfpceDp juftfce Done foj aDiancementofSDraDc, anb

^rafficb^s t^e Daft can fall from tlje foot, tlje pjocceDfng t^cre being dc hora in
Braa.l.J.f.5}4.a horam. 0nD tl)ercfo?C Bra<aon fajtlj, Item propterea qui celercm debcnt ha-
bere juftitiam,ficut funt mercatores quibus cxhibetur Junitia PepoHdrouj,&c»
6H.4.}.6E.4. %\)\s is a court of HecojD to be tiolDcn before ttie ^telsarD of tfje Court^anD
j.b. 7E.4.rj. t^e jurisDittion tl^ereof conftftett) in jFour conclufions. i, %ljt contract 0% caufe
Lt'6-fo.iz.a. *
of action muft be in tlie fame time of tbe fame iFair oj ^arbet , anD not befo?e
& 10.
See tefore oj in a fojmcr. 2. 3f muft be foj fomc matter concerning fije fame iFair oj
Cap. Juftices fparbet. Done, complaineDon.l^enrD anD DetermtneD« ;» It muft betoit^inttjo
pjecinct of tftat jFalr oj sparhet. 4. 2Dtie ^laintif muff tafee an oatf) accojDIng

to tl^c ftatufc of 1 7 /E,4.cap.z « but ttjat concluDctlj not tl^e SDcfenDant. ^ 0nD all
aMic.4i&45 El.
Coram Rcgc, tl)is toas refoltjeD, 1 aDjuDgeD in a to?it of € rroj bjong^t bp Hall againft Jones, anD t^e cafe toas t^is: Joces being IRcgiffer of tlje 3I5i(ftop of <[5louc',bjougl)t an
lecafe del Mar- 0ctton upon tlje cafe in a court of Plpowdcrs belonging to tfje market in ^lou«
(lialfey Jones cefter againft Hall ioi tljefe too^DS; Rafter Jones anD Ijis Clerks Ijatje bp colour
of Ijis office e);tojteD anD gotten 300 1, per annum, bpunlatofull means foj manp
pears together abotje tljctr ojDinarp fees , foj pjotjing of SCeftaments anD gran*
ting ^Dminiffrations. ^nD not guiltp being pleaDeD,«. it teas trieD anD aD-
juDgeD foj tlje piainfif; anD Dil}er3 crrojs toercaSEigncD, but tlje juDgmcnt tpas
reljerfeD fo? tljefe errojs foUotDing. i. SCljat ttjis Court of JBtpolDDcrs, being

tnciDenttottje^arbet, Ijatljno jurisDiction but of fuel) tljings as concern tl)c

S^arfeet; anD tljefe flanDeroustooiDS DiD in no fo?f concern t^Cil^arbet: but if
one flanDer tlje toares of anp in tlje S^arftet, toljcrcbp fee cannot mafee faleof
7 H. 6.18, 1.;. tbcm, an action Dotlj lie in tljaf Court. 2, 3t appearcD in tlje IRccojD tftat tlje
Kelvv.2J H.7.59 tDOjDS iuerc fpoben tlje Dap bcfoje tlje sparttet;' anD no action Ipctl) in tljat Court
Toft. &
Mar. Dier i}t.
butfo^aninjurploit^in tbe jurifDtction ofttjeCourtDone,complattTeDon,l)earD
Int' H1II& Pm- I DetcrmineD on tlje famei^arbct Dap,fljc p?occeDtng being de hora in horam,anD
der. 45 E.J i. toitbintljc pjccinct of tljc (parhct.^nD tjereinitlj agrcctft 5 Mar. Dier 132. ^ni>
1 H 4.6. 1} H 7. it teas rcfoltieD tljat tljis Court Inas inciDcnt as toell to a sparket as to a iFair.
19 b.iiH 7.
'^;anDtftcrcmapbeacourt of^aipotoDersbpcuftomc tottljout iFair 0? ajar*
r I? fect,f a (parl^etlDitljoutaiioiDner. ^JnottjcrdrrojlDas aCftgncD, fo? tljat it is
E.4.8-b. ^
8H,7.4.f. pjoUiDeD bp tlje ftatutes of 1 7 E,4. anD i R. 3. tljat no plea (ball be ijolDcn in tftc
UE.4<7 Court of ^ipotoDcrs, circcpttljc |Dlatntif oj Ijis 3ttumptDill mafeeoatft,tftattbc
19 H. 8 Br. inci- contract J otljcr DecD contatneo in tljeSDcclaration toas DoneoicommitteD toitlj-
dents 54.
in tlje time of tlje iFair :but t^is €rro? tuas DtfalloUjeDbp t^c Court,fo?altljougl)
dif £.4.0.1. tljisougbttol!eDone,iftlje2DefenDanttDillftanD upon if , notluitljftanDing it
K.5.cap6. not be niaDe part of t^c IRecojD

Vide Lib,,^54. Pipovvder iji. fo, 18, Execution 3. fol, ij8.
Gaoler 1 .

Cap.^i. 2,75

The Court of the Clerk of the Market.

Dap callea Clericus Mereati Hofpitii Regis , fo J of ancient

(3 to tfttS Etktonfo.75.b.
ttmctftcrctoasacontinuallsparfectbcptattlje Court gate. Inhere ttic Ficta

HQfc teing tuas better fcrtjcD toitft tMianDs foj Ijfs ftoufljolD tftcii bp purtiej''
'^o'-P" 5° e-j-

ojsj, tftc fubjcct bcttcf ufeD,

anD tfjc Bfng at far IclTcc^argc tii
rcfpcrt of tlje m\\ii* Tjk'^cIV'
fuDeof puri)cpo?s,«. anD
£)fftccr of tftc-sparbct of t^c ia(ngo bottajolD
rctatnctf)l)<snamcatU,altl)ougl)tt)cgooDcnDft)crcof accojDfng to tfjc firatn* 17H 8.03.24.
ft{tnt<oii ccafctl).'.Co.44y.

SDfte^Clcrfeofttics^arbetnjaUftolDnopleabuf rucftastocre ^olDen tn tfje '"f^l^iY^'"

retgnof E.K anD at tijts Dap tDcre ts nogreat neeD ofbtm, fojtt)e3aa(ce0of- °8'eV.aS.p
afftfCtftC SluatcCfl of OieranD Terminer, HufticcS Of PcaccanD fftC S>I)Crif0 hi 1. and
tijetr l^ourns.anD tljc JLojDS
in t^ctr 3Lcct0,map anD Do inquire of falfc '^c Expofidon
anDmeafurcff. '^TT"{
^cmi) Ucep a Court anD f nquirctlj of toeigbts anD meafures toftetljer f l)cp s h^ 11' iii

he acwjDing to lyings §>tanDarD oj no , anD foj ttjat purpofe ^e inafeetfj p?o ^ 16 r 2.«.j.

telle to &l)erif0 anD iSailtfs to return |3annel0befojel)tm,ic. BnD Ijeioto «^Scat.dcmodo


™'"«"'^> extras.
DcUter tftc(Bffrcats of ttjofctbtnao to^iicft touci) I)i0 office intotl&c
^f 2D;{nU(tt)at t0 to fapj of m inc, aic, anD
Wm, anD of Cojn anD dDjatrt Anno'iTE"r&
tljere ougbt to be but oncmeafure: Una membra Vini,Cerviiii & bladi,& Virgx, ij e.i.

anDofallotljernicrcfjanDtjcper totumregnum* De pondcribus vero ficut de 'MagCar.c.if.

menluris. i/
i6 R.i. cap.j. 9H.5;.cap.8. ii H.7.cap.4.
i^E.j.ta. li. ij R2.<ap9. ij R.i.4. iiHy.c.ip-J',

115utnoftMitl)aanDtrtgt!)ercffatutcs tbcrclctoifljin tl)(3l'^ealmttiio huiDof ^fyei^hts,

toctal)t3,tl)c one callcD Srop comnianDcD bp tbc ftatute, anD TrumaCapana.
tecigljt, lo&tcl) is
ttiisDcriteD from tbe grain OJ cojn of fcarlp from fftemiDDeft oftftc Car anD furar'^'E !"'"*
Ojp, 24 of tljcfc cojns OJ grains mahc a pcnnplDcigfjf anD 2ooft()crcpennp

totigljts mabc an ounce, anD 1 ounces niahe a

pounD JCrop* SI graiit contains
lo minutes, a minute contains 14 Djoit0, a Djoit contain 24 blanks. 2 grains 1

of fine golD maftc a caret, 24 Carets of fine golD mabe an ounce, anD 1 2 ounces
mabca potinD of fine golD. llBp tijis SCrop tocigftt arc iueigbcD acco?Dtng to
lain pearls, precious Hones, golD anD (ilber, b;eaD, lotjeat, anD fuel) libe.
2Ll)cre is anotljcr binDe of toeigljt callcD Aver de poi$. 9L poimD of fijia
confiftctlj of 16 ounces, etierp ounce ftatjing 20 pennp toeigbt , eljerppcnnp
tDCigftt ;i grains, anD *^ of a grain, 3t is callcD Aver de pois. bccaufc t^crebp
tfjcpljatjefuUmeafurc. %ercbp are tocigbcD allJpbpficaUDjugs, Mar, p>ifrlj,
Slarre, 3ron, Steele j EeaD, ?^emp, iFlarc, jFlefl}, Butter, cljccfc,
anD Ditjcrs otijcr commoDitics, but fpcciallp etierp commoDitp fubjcct to toaflt.
severe U^as another lDcigl)t callcD tljc Sunccll oj anfcll Incigbt , tuljicft
itjas iuljcn tl)c Scales toerc fircD to a beam oj ftaffc, anD Ijetbat toeigftcD

bp it,urcD Ijis fo:cfingcr oj ftanD in tbemlDDcC, Voftcrein teas great Deccipt,anD

tftcrcfo:c isput out bp tl)e ftatutc of 29 E.3. cap. 9. 34E.3.cap.5. 8 H. d.cap.,,
3(t is DcritjcDab Anf:i,tol)icl) is f l)c IjanDle oftl)eballancp,anD tljis toetglif leas

ipcafurcs of Sropbe of tb;ec btnDs, viz. of flings tfjaf VcDjp, of iL iquoj.anD * 0F<JiUit'
of JLongituDclLatituDcnnD p^ofunDiti'. r^fts
iy^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^f ^^^ Cler^ofthe Marl^et.
Cap . eJi .

f £DfD;p things, 4 grains mafee apcnnptoefeW, 20 pennp toelgftt mabe

Ordinatio men- an ounce, i z ounces a ponnD oj pfnte(foj a pount) lueial^t is a pinte in mcafare)
fuc'. 51 E.i« ttDO ponnDs 0} pintes mabe a qnart, ttoo quarts mafeea poftle, tiuo pottles
ubi Tup-
matte a gallon , tlno gallons mabe a pccb , four pectts make a buflbell , four
buQiels mahe a Combe, ttoo Combes make a €iuarter, fix :£2uarters make
a Mcp, anD ten £[iuarters make a ILatt.
f iSDf iLiquoj 1 2 ounces make a pounD, 8 pounD make a gallon of inine, 8 gab
Ions of tDine make a JiBuCbell of HonDon, to^icl) is t^e 8 part of a £12 uarter.
i©fU)inefcet^e statutes of iR,3.cap,i3. jSHAcap.i^,
tfteiFcrktne 8-)
\tftellitlDerkin 15/
See Aflifa Pinis )©faie ant)
isarrcll jaScCaUons,
& CervifiaE. Jt^el^ogfljeaD? 5A -

5 ^jEtficdc ceteris.
.oj^Juartcr |
Vet.Mag.Cart. &ce tl^e statute Compofitio dePonderibus.
fo.ji,j2.tpart. 2
Statut'de Piftoribu$,Vet. MagXaru pane 23*24.
Ibidem 44. b. Panis
Statut' Cervifis. &
Compofitio f £Df 3Longifutie,lLatitutie,anti
pjofunDitp, 3 grains of barlp in lengfl^ make
& perti-
an SIncft, n Slnc^es make
a foot, 3 foot make aparD , a parD anD a quarter
Catt.i parte 4f, make an CU, jparDs anD a balfmakcagcrc^e, 40 ipercljes in icngtij make
45. Anno J I.
a JFurlong, 8 iFurlongs make a i^ile*
3lmapfpeakoftfte tellers tlje bp tpetgbt of Aver depoyi, as Tacitus fpakc of
fftc 3ngures in Womc» Hoc genus hominu fcmpcr vitabitur,& fcmper in Civita-
te retincbiiur*
^ut noU) let us fee tobat fees flje Clerk of tlje market ougbt to
fake. 3Bp t^e
W.i.An.jE.i. aatuteof W.I, cap. 2 6. it is enatteD tftat no §>l)crtf oj otljer spinitter of fbc
!^ing ftall fake anp rctoarD foj Doing l)is officcfc. jSInD t^e icings Clerk of f^c
market is t^e lyings ^inilter> anD tberefo?e licisinit^intliepurtien of f^is
Rot.Par.8Ri- 31 finD t^at in 8 R.z. in open |9arliament a (D^oat Inas allotocD to l^tmfoj
marking anD fealiiig of etierpbutijcl, 2 d.of etierp^alfbufljcll, i d. of ctierp peck,
anD fo acco;iDing to t^at rate.
II H.7.cap.4. IBptfteaatutcofzH./. ffte cl^ief £)fficcr of et)crpCitpanDIBojoug|)fbaU
take foj fealtng of etjcrj? bulfiell a pennp, of ctierp oti&er meafure a talf pennp, of
etjerp ifttinDjeD tocig^t i d. anD of ctjerp ftalf l)unD?cD ob, anD of e\jcr{? lueigW
unDer.a farti^ing^nD not al'ot)e.

Clerk of tfte market in tlje reign of SJueen EHz. claimcDbpcuttomefoj

flje eramtnation anD tiieUi of cteri? buf&cll fealcD bcfojc bp tbc Clerk of tlje i|)ar»
ket, totiet^er it inerelatofuU 0^ unlatofull 2 d. anD in like manner ofetjerp leHer
meafure of toooD d. anD in like manner of BIntjolDers meafures 4d.anD oftbe

meafures of tUlictuaUers zd. anD Dit)ersott)er fees fo^eraminatton anDtitelning

of toeiglbts anD meafures tu^et^ertliep loere latofuU 0; unlatofulUas is afo;e<
faiD. anD it teas refoltocD bp all tljc 3uDgcs of cLnglanD , tftat no fee teas Due
to tftc Clerk of f be jparkct fo? tietn anD craminatton onlp of toeigbts anD mea«
fures fo? tl)?ee caufes. i « SD^e faiD parliament IR oil of 8 R. 2. alloiuet^ a fee
foj rcallng,anDfoDotl)7H.7. anD 1 H./.butno allotoance fo? tiicVo oj crami^

nation. 2, %Mt iBelgbtsanDmeafurcsarecitftertrue.actojDingasbefojetljep

G^oulD be againft reafon f oc^argc tt)e innocent > fo?
toere fealeD, 0? falfe:if f rue, it
15«.4. tl)at tocredifperdere ;uftumcum impio;tffalfC tfjcn bp t!)C (f atutc Of 1 3 R.i.fbCP
j8 Aff.p.u.
ougbt to be burnt,anD t^c cnD of tbc tiicto 1 eramination is to finD out fal(l500D,to
tbe etiD tl)Cpmtgl}tbcpunt(l^eD,anDfineDtotl)el^ing,asappcarett) bp ttjc if atntc
of 3 R.z ,btlt no fee is to be taken tbcrefojc, 3. Mftcreas tbc Clerk of tljc ipar*

bet afftrmcD tljat tftefc fees ftaD been of long time taken,tbe31uDges faiD,tbat ma-
lus ufus abolendus elt.anD tt)e taking Of fees fo? tieU) anD eramination onlp teas
crfo?tion,aHD tfjepcoulDnot p?efcribc agatnft tljc faiD ttatufe of w.i, g>cc
in tlje 1. part of the iniiituteJ.tfjc oErpofition Of tfte faiD ttatufe of vv,i .
I5p tl)C falD ttatute of 1 3 R.2, ijc ougbt fo take no common fine, fo? befojc tljat
Cap.(^z. TheCommifsionersofSeypers, lys
ftatate tie DiD are to ta&e a reioarD (\xil)it^ t^e a fine) foj not inqnf rp
iStt f earmetl)
of Defaults, to^erebp f^e l&ing Inas p^etienteD of (lis fine, ttie Delinquent not pnni<
lljeD, f tfte people tujongeD bp ej;fojt(on,fl[ permlinon of falfc mcafurcs anD tl)ere= :

fo^c tbe ^ct pjobiDet^ tliaf no common fine lliallbe taken, as; ii3iafo;icraiD, but tbat
etjerg perfon tobtcft ts founD in Default touching tlje fame office be puniftcD acco;«
Dtng toljio Defcrt. 2nD tbc €\ctU of tbc spackct cannot fct an? p;ice of anp tbing [' ^ ^'[j ^
rateable (n tbc iparfecf , foj tbat belongs not to tocigbts ano mcafurcs ; anD by , ,
K.V.cap s.
Common lato Arbitrio Domini res sHimari debet
tl^e , tobic^j cannot be altereO j H.s.cap.s.
but bp |0acUament; anD again. Nemo eogirur rem fuamvcndereeciamjurto
precio ; anD tbtngs falcable in tbej^arbet of one hinDe are not of one gooDnclTc: ^R.j-cap.ij.
butbeougbttoafftfetoctgbtsanD mcafures. K|".f'a
3It is cnacteD tbat gooD cramtnatien anD cojrertton be baD in SCotons infran* "'vvh\ 1, .,re k-
cblfeDtoucbingtocigbtsanDmeafureSifoastbe ftatutcs tbereofmaDe beDulp fore m ih^ ckap-
obferbeD. '"•

The Court of the Commifsioners
of Sewers.
aqua profluit,tljat ts, iDften toater Dotb tirue,bulgarlp,ruc:bcrc* « Vid. paf h.
^^ '^•'•'" ^^nco
upon cometb tlje toojD Suera, foiafetoer, pallage, cbannell, 0; gutter of

QUando toater.,
b at complaint of Henry de LaeycCEarle of HLincolne, a Commillion of com'des.wa .

&eU)ero toas grantcD to Rogerde Brabafon 5©aroj, anD tbc fefjeriffs of 3lon5on. Vi.RcgiftisVa.
%\izvc autbojiti' is bp commiflion unDcr tbc (ID?cat fcal in hsc tbis Certiorv.

Dap grounDeD anD toarranteD bp tbe

of parliament of 23 H. 8, * Ro: ParL Anr?

£Df tbeir jurifDiction pou map reaDe tn mp mcpo?ts, anD fee tbe aatufes of ]
\]^ g S'*
dH.6.cap. ^ 8H(5,cap,8. 33 H.d.cap.p.,6, 4 H. 7. ca.i.fiH, 8. rfLib.^'.f.pj ,(^,
cap. J*
3 H. 8. &
10. 3E,(^.cap,8. i Mar.cap.ii. 1 3 Eliz. cap, 5>. Kook^scafe.
Certain neceffarp obferbations upon fome of tbefe ftatutes , anD pjincipallp

iMbcrein tbcltatuteof 23H»s.cap. j, batb been c):plaineD,DcclarcD,o}altereD d!a'/otfo "

bp anp of tbe fatD fubfcqucnt ft atutes. i ^^ Kti-kc) s

^ I c.c^.
as tball be nameD bp tbe iLo jD cbanceloj.tbe ilojD JDreafurer^nD tbe ttoo Cbtefe
'"P <^'
JJ •; f-'
SInfttces, o;anptbiccoftbem,lDbcrcoftbe?Lo?DCbancclourtolieonc. vid k^ fi b
f 2
Cberp co'mmiffioner before be taUc upon btm tbc cvccution tberof Ibal take dc aruiq'ua t.Vn.
tbe Cojpojall£>atljmentioneDtn tbat actbefojetbeilojDCbancelour.ojfucbas cka obiiruenda
tbe ILojD CbaticclourtballDirertbp^ritof Ocd'Potc(taccm,o?bcfo2etbc3u=
atces of peace in tbeir ^
natter §>effions, % ougbt to batoc lanDs oj tenements


of tbe clear pearlp balue of 40 sparbs of fome cftate of freebolD (crccpt as in tbe i b.d, 2' T.TDe
statute is epccpteD) upon painoffojfciturcof4oli, anDno i^armcr oflanDs ac)i,xducii,',&

iDitbtn tbe ^Djecintt oftbecommtffton, unlelTe be batb ImiDs of fome cftate of 15? a.

freebolD of tbc
' pearlp" balue of 40 li.
anD pet be not to meDDlc toitb tbe lanDs be
' f.-^^^"^ .^
. ,. . r. 3 1 h.j.tol.

batb tn fsfni. .. I ;„ f^i.^^,

SDbeabotojp oj juftificationfojaDiftreffetaben bpfojceof tbisCcfmmif' mcoMS.
fton iljall begenerall, tbat tbe faiD Dtftrelle,fc. teas taben, w. bpfoiceof tbc 19 p-s birrei75,
Commiffion of &ctoer3 foj a lot o: tar affeffcD bp tbe faiD commiffion, o; fo? \h hsc-.^
fUtb Otber aCtOJ Caure,fC. wrml Com?
4 2Dbcrcmuftbc{iFCommi{rtoncr0,ic.attbeleaft,tobtcb Ojallfif bpfojceof „,in-, .„ nuu be

tbe fatD commiffion. gr^nfcd.

r k
%Mi tbc fatD jatt of i? H. 8. Dotb not ejrtcnD fo, noj gibe autbojitp to tbc fnJ H.s.cap.^
tliz.cap.j. ,? I

* ij^. Lib.Intr.Cokcipx.i??. i How many CemmiflSoncrgmuft fit. k. iMar.cap.ii. Towhatnu-

fance* tbe Coramifljin o f yewers en tend nor,
i'-j6 Commifsioners of Sewers.
Commtffioners of §>etoer0 to rcfo:m fte great Ijurt anti nnfancc fap reafon of tl&e

faiiDrtfing out offftc&ca, antH)?fticntolani3bpffo?msanDtDfnD3. 0fpectall

pjolJtfion ts tl)crc mane foj f fje Couiif p of CDlaniojgan.
J jac.cap.14.
31t ts
aDjnOijcD bp M
of JDarKamcnt Anno ; Jacob! Regis cap, 1 4. %^t
*aw<i,ancxcc!ent Mais, JDitcljcs, ilBatibs, (©utters, §>eU)crs, (Sates, Canfeps, iiDjtt)ges, ana
ct chc '
expofition Matertourfes in oj about tlbc vEitp of llonDon, iDljere no paffarte foj Boats
flacureof i5 H.8
is utcfi, no; ti^c toatcr therein Dotl) ufuallp ebbc oj floto :
tiljicb Mals,aD iu^zs,
by this Parlia-
ment of J Jac, IBanlts, <IDuttersf, S>ctoers, anD otbcrtfte.pjemtfes, do fall into tfte Hitcr of
2Cftames, are not unDer tfte furtiep, correction auD amendment of t!)e CommiflTt-
ons of &ciuers, noj of tljc ftatutes maDc fo? g>etocrs in Anno 23 H, 8, 0: of an?
otljer Itatutc of Seiners, asitisreliearfedbpfulUonfent of jl)arliament : ano
therefore pjoijifion is mane tftat tljofe OTals, Ditcbcs; Banks, (Duffers, ^eto^
ers, ano otftcr t^c pjemtfes, (ftall be fubiert to flje commlffion of S>cUicrs»
13 Eliz.cap.5. 6 aCbat a commiKion of ^ctoers ftall continue ten pears, unlcffe it be
How lono ,he rcpea=
IcD oj DctermincD bp rcafon of anp nctu Commiffion, oj bi^ S^uperfeticas.
endure. 7 %W ILalDs, ^jDinances anD Conttitutions maDc j to be maDe bp fojce of
15 Eliz.cap.p. anp Comintffion , anD iDjitten in parctjmcnt inDenteD unOcr tl)e &eals of
The laws vviitten tfte faiD Commitrioncrs ojfiroftbem, tobcreof one part (ball remain tDttfjtbe
in Parch nenc
Clcrb, f c. anD tbe otbcr part in fucb place as fir of tfje faiD Commiffioncrs (ball
& indented, &c.
Withour Ccriifi- appoint, ftall tuitbouf anpCcrtificat,anDlDitbouttbelilopallaa"entaanDanD
cat or Royali continue in full fojcc notiuitbftanDtng anp Determination of anp fucb (Commiffi-
aL'enc. on bp §)upcrf6Deas, untill tbe fame be aWereD bp tbe Commiffioners of S)etoers
8 0nD if anp fucb CommilTion be Determineb bp erpiration often
pears nett
by expiration. cnfuing tbe Teflefbercofi fben fucb latDS,«.roinDenteDanDfealeD-fc, (ball
continue foj one tobole pear. 0nD tbat tbe Suffices of peace oj fir of tbem,toberc-
Juflices ofpeace. of one to be of tbe Cijorum, fball bauc autbojttp During tbat pear to crccute
faiD lalnes, f c.
9 STbafbp tbe granting of a nctoComniiiriontoitbhifbaf pear, tbepotocrof
tbe Bluttices of peace to ceafe.
"Nota,no Certi- I o
SCbe faiD Commiffioners (ball not be compelteD to make anp Certificate oj
ficator retourn
of the Commif- rctojn tbe faiD Commiffions, oj ofanpof tbeir ^jDinances, ilatos,
lions or of any bp autbo?itp of tbe faiD ConrnitSTions.
the Ordinances, 1 1 §»ee alfo an alteration bp tbe ftatute of 1 3 Eliz. concerning fees*
Law, or Doingf" 12 ILaaip,tbts is certain, tbat ncitber tbe Commiffioners of §)cVDer!S, nos
anp otber, babe fucb an abfolutc autbo?itp, but tbat tbeir pjocccDtncs arc bouno
bp lato.
Regift.1t6.117- Vide tbe ancient Commiffion of gjetuers bp tbe Common lato in the Kecf-
F.N.B.iij,ii4. tter,anDF.N,B»
Rot.Parl.iH.6. SI generall Commiffion of Seiners enatteb bp autbojitp of
laarliamenf , not
mi. 57.
^H,6. cap.j. a generall Commiffion of ^etoersenacteD bp |Darliamcnt,anD in p?int. 3I5u£
tbe Commiffion bp tbe ffatutc of 23 H.8. ftanDetb nolo in fojce. ;9nDpctbpD{.
Stac.»5 E.5.C3.4. ligent perufall of tbe former , anD bp SDtjifeD comparinct of tbcm luitb t\it latter,
4; E. 3. cap. 1.
it toill manifeft tobcrein tbe former Defects VpercanD
boVo conf tnnallp bp t^z laf =
ter tbcptocrcfupplieDanDamenDeD, anD a
gtlje great Ugbt foj tbe true unDer»
fianDing of tbat tubtcb noVo ftanDctb-
Hil. 13
S>ee Hil.i 3 £.3. coram Rege. Leges &
confuetudine* approbatx pro reparatione
murorum mantimorum & mundatione Foflatarum & Sueraru in paludibus
Pafc.44E j.cor.a liiccxprimuntarpcreommiflionem Regisad hoc faciendum inMerfhland.
Regc Kot i Mid. '
a particular Commiffion granteD to S> Joh. de Suiton,i &ir Rob. de Scropc,

a 19 E.J. tit. bar b ai Commiffion concerning tbeHiber of 3icc»

b 1 £.3.10.16. IRumncp qtjartb in tbe Countp of iaent containing 24000 acres, isatfbts
« The Court of Dap, anD long time batb been goberneD bp certain ancient anD
equalllatoes of
Sewers of Riim- ^ctoers maoe bp a bcnerable ^uitia H
Henry de Bathe, in tbe reign of ?. from
ney Mai fli,

ction t m
iDbicb latog not onlp otber parts in i!ient,buf all CnglanD rcceibe
crample :
SCbefaiD generall ;a(t
Unbt anD Dire-
of 23 H, 8. ca. j , in tbe claufc
C ap .
Ofthe Statute ofBankru^ts^ 277
cttjctb potoci- to tbc CommtSioticrs
fo mahe »>faf ofcs, iD?Dtnanf c« , anD pjbbt--
fion0,*c. neccttarp atiD Leftoticfull after tf)e latos ano cuffomcsolf lilumncp (parPB

in tl)C of lient, o: otbcttptfc bp ani; toaits 0:1 meatio, ic.

515otl) t^c itoVuHC anD aj)arQ)of Kmnncp tools tijctrname of one Robert Rum-
2Dl)ts Robert (as itappearetl^ bp tfje iif
ooh of SDomcfDap) fjdt) tl)fs SCbtdn
3 IBurijetrcs, toljo foj fljctc ferbtcc at
of Odo 515fH>op of Baieux, luljcrcfn \]t IjaD

fea toerc DifcljargcD of all acttonsanD cuttomc0 of cl^argCjerccpt felonp,bjeatb

f^e " ' '

of tl^e peace anD fojcttalUng.

&CC bcfojc In tlje Cljaptcrs of t^c (Courts of lonDon, ic. tfte jacifofctton tl^at

Jlojti iT^ajoj Nl) in tt)C Kitjcr of ili:i)amc0.



The Court of the Commirsioners upon the

Scacuce of Bankrupts.

ijafce fef cljeD

as tocll tijc name as tlje iMftheDncffc of JBanferopf s Tlie ilcriv.uion

W(t and
from fojein j|Satfons: JFo; Banque <n tljc JFrcntt) ts mcnfa , anD a of lignificatic'n
* Ujnkiupt.
IBanqucr oj G fc^anger is menfirius, anD roure ic a fignc j marfe, Cictroprof-hmi-
as toe fap , a Cart rout ts tftc fignc oj marbtolicre t^e Cart bafb gone nicta* r.iotlnciuatv'italt

pt)o:tcallP tt io
taben foj f)im t^atlbatl) toattcD Ijts cttafct rcmotcD Ijls iSanquc, rnmmui npvtri
foas tS)cie is left but a mention tl^creof. S>ome fap it OjoulD be Dert\3eDfr(Hn pot fjl fixe
quinq; fnictovbics,
Banque an&rumpue, as ftc SSanque oj ttatc.
tljat ^atl^ b?oi5en Ijis ',
3 pnetoribm &
3n to?mcr times as tl)e name of a BantiruptjfoUjas tlje offenfe It felf (asljeffi^ quii/q; mcvfunis.
teen fatD) a ttranger to an CEnglf tl^an, tobo of all otl^er J^atfons toas freeft of
^anbraptrp, 3nD tbc firft llatutc tftat toe finD agatnff tftis crime , teas tnDecD
ntaDc acatntt ffrangcrs, viz. agatnft JLombarDS,U)l)0 after tljcpbaD maDc £Dbl<^ cip.25.
pari. JO E.J.
gattonsto tl)eir crcDitojs, ftiDDenU' cfcapcD out of tlje Hcalm tottl)out anp agrees
* iiu.i6o.agii[ifl
nient maDc toitl) tlictr crcDitojs. ZX Uias tljcrcfojc cnartcD,tbnt if anp ili?erc^anf Lombards.
of t^e Compan?? tmotoleDgc btmfelf bounD in tJjat manner, tljnt tbcn tljc compa= 51 E.^.iiu.jl.,
np ftall anftoer tlje Debt \ fo tftat anotljcr njercljant toljicl) is not of tfte €ompa< Vid.50 E,?
& 1 R. z cip J.
iiplliall not be tftcrebp griel'CD iioj inipcacl)cD
: neither DotocfinDcifberanp
itic.i. .ngiind

complaint in parliament , oj 3ct of parliament maDe againft anp (Snglift frauds gtiicralfy

Ipanhrupt untill tfte 34 pear of H.

H. toljen tfte C-nglift ^ercljant IjaD rioteD in
34 H.8.cai).4.
tl)?ec UinD of coaiineffcs,viz. toftlp builDtng, cottlp Diet, anDcottlpapparell,

accompanicDtuitlj neglect of ftistraDo

anD fertiants, anD tljerebp confumcD
.! .
Cicero in Catili-
^c is callcD in ILattn Deco5or,a Decoquendo, foj ronfumfftg of ftts ettafd in
rijm: Exc.citum
.riotous anD Delicate litiing. %\)% fatD act of 34 H. 8. ts altercD bp tljc ftafntcs cuSeClum ex rii-
of X3Eliz-cap.7. 1 Jacobi, 21 Jacobi^cap.ip, Jticis,>ncKiiicu/if,
0nD it ts to be obferteD, tt)at all tfjc afo;:craiD ftaf utcs anD latos maDe againfi ii^ dccofloril/us.

ioanlirupts, auD foj relief of creDitojs, tball be in alltljingolargclp

anD benefit
cialip conftrucD, «. foj tftcaiD, l)clp anD relief of tI)ccrcDito?)5.
;a ii6ankrupt is DefcribeD bp tlje ftatnte of 1 3 Eliz. cap. 7* auD i Jac. cap. 1 5 . Tiic jtrciipc^on
tut mojc cffectuallp bp t^e ttatutc of 2 1 J ac. cap. 1 9. S)0 as bp all tbcfe tbjee tje is of a Barikiiipt.
a Tliciuthocity
pcrfcalp DefcribeD^ iJnD tl)c
Commiffton Dotb cyf cnD to all anDctcrpof tljcfaiD of ihe Comiliio'
Defcripttons anD articles tljeccof. luri and chcit ja-
2Ll)cautl)o;itp of tfte commtffioners is bp Commfffion unDer tbc ©?eat feat; ijldidion.

tbeir jurtfDiaion anD poluer iji bp fojcc of tbe fatD iJcts of laarltnmcnttcbicb tLib.S.f.r-i.Int*
^ Cutt^Dclabar.
ougbt to be purfucD, oj clfe tbep are fubjcd to tbc action of tbe partp grtclicD,
c 1
no otbcr remeDc. scije ILojD Cbantclour ojiLojDt>cepcr upon com- whoJ £IiZ.cap.7.
fo? be batb

may grant
plaint maoe unto btm in to;{ttng batb autbojitp to grant tbefalD Conmuffion. ihc Commiffion.
;© jcbe
Sxamination ofWitnejfes. Cap.c^4.,
178 Commifs.for ^
" %\iz lalD l^atd pjot)it)eD tliiat t^efe CommttTioners ouslit to !)at>e
3 atiaktics,
Three qualities
of everyofthefe viz. iJJtfDomc, ^oneftp, anD titfcrctton toitcl^ if it be obfcc^cD, It is tbebctt

Cornmiflioners. means fo; tbe Due eirecution of t^faiD ftattite,ant) tbc life of tbefc lalcss Ooii) ton-
aft in tbe Due ei^ecntion tbercof ; anD foj facb Commidionecs if anp ^cticn Qjall
Generall plea-
bebjoagbtagatnfttbcni,«. foj Doing ofanp tbingbpfojceoftbefaiDftatutcs,
ding, t Jac.
generally, anb not to be D;iben to anp fpeciall pUaiQing»
t^ep map pleati
cap. I J.
C^ep ^be potoer to ei;amine tb^ offenbet: upon oat^, anb after \fi be beclareb
ai Jac.cap.19.
a llBanbrnpt, to examine W
^t^^ npon oatb> anb to ejcamtne IvttneGTes alfo upon
0nb tbep babe potoec to b^eab anp tbe ^onfes, Cbambers,
oatb> &ee tbe (tatnte.
?Marebonre0, ic ^Drunks anb Cbcfts of fncb offenbecs* &ee tbe otbec pacts of
Lib tbts3l(l of 21 Jacobi, iubtcb areplainlpanbcffectuaUpofpjcireD, anbneeDnot
Cullanorscafe. bcretoberedteb. *
JFoj fbee)cpofiflon of tbeTaib ttafufeof 3
1 Eliz, &ee tn nip Hepo?ts lib. 2.
fo.2j.a64 Cullamcrscafc. Lib,8,fop8, (nBafpolescafe, &ibid. fo» lai, inter
lb. fjLiii. Int'
Cute & Dclabar. Cutt & Dclabar,

Commifsioners for examinatfon of,

tbeConrtof ^far-Cbambe^tbeCbancerp incafcsofequitp,

tbe Crcbequer Cbambec in cafes of equifp, tbe Court of WarDS, anD tbe
a>ucbp of JLancaftec Do pjocceD upon tuitneires eyamineD befojeCommif*
fioners, oj iwConct befoje tbe CBvaminers, it (ball be neccffarp (as a matter of
great impo?tance) to fap fometobat of tbe potoer, autbojitp,anDDHtpoftbe faiD
Commiltioners anD (i!;»;aminers,anD inctDentlp of toifnelTes. 2Dbe CommiCCionecs, albeit nameD \i^ tbe parties recip?ocallp,ougbf to fianb
Peacocks cafc,tor
inDifferent, anD Do tbeir uttcrmotJ cnDeatonr to SnD out bp Due examination tbe
this and form-- of
the (a!cs follow- iDbole trutb. anD to fuppjelTe no part tbereof foHbeirautbojitpistotbatenb

ing. meerlpanD tsboUp from tbe l&ing bp fo^ce of bis CommiCTion.

Lib.9. ubi flip.
i^eitber Commifftoner no? craminer are ftrictlp bounD to tbe letter of tbe 3in=>
tcrrogato?p» but ougbt to erplain etjcrp otber matter oj tbing tobtcb rifctb nc«
ceffartlptbereupon, fo^ manifeSatton oftbelnbole trutb concerning tbe matter
in queftion.
Lib.j.ubifup. ipeitber Commtdioner no> CBraminerongbf to Difcoberfoeitber of tbe par*
ties oj to anp otber, anp of tbe Depofitlons oj anp part of tbem , tobtcb tbep babe
taken befoje publication be grantcD.
Lib 9. ubi fupra. i^eitbcr Commidioner no^ (l!;i;am{ner after tbe e);aminatton begun, ougbt to
confer toitb eitbcr partp toucbing tbe eramtnation , o^ tabe neto inftructions
concerning tbe fame.
Aug. .^crw.iS. jFoj as mncb as tbe toif neffe bp bis oaf b, tobtcb is fo facreD, as be calletb ^X--
dc verbis Apofteli
I ware eft jus vc-
migbtp dUoD (tobo fs trutb it fclf anD cannot be DeceibeD, anD batb fenotoleDge of
ritatisDcoicd- tbe fecrcts of tbe beart) to toitneffe tbat tobicb be tball Depofe ; it is f ijc Dutp bof b
dere, of tbe Commifffoner anD tbe (^ ramincr graDclp, f cmpcratclp, anD leifurelp to tabc
Azo. tuiiiirandic tbe Depofttion of tbe toitneffe, toitbout anp menace, Ditturbancc, oj intcrrttpftoti
efi affirmatis of tbem in binDcrancc of tbe trutb, tobtcb arc grietjouflp to be punifljeD. 3nD af«
ncf'^atiOi rclgiofic
ter tbe Depofitions taken, tbe Commtaioners anD Gi;i;aniiners ougbt torcaDtbe
adhihita. See the
third part of iIk fame Diftinctlp to tbe toitnelles , anD fuffer tbem to erplain fbcmfclues foj tbe
Infticutes c.ip. manifcftation of tbe tobole trutb. 0nD it is fafc fo? tbe Commifftoncr anD Cra»
Perju'y. miner tbat tbe toitnelfes fubfcrtbe tbeIr names 0? marl^s to Vc^z ^aper^boobc,
but tbep muOt be certifieD in |darcbnient.
Cap.^4* ^ommifs. for Examination offVitneJfes. ijp
anD albcif t^c Commifftoncrs be not cquall fn ttaf e oj Degree, pet are tliep all
ofequallpoloeranDauttjo^itp: fo?,as U^at^beenfatDofolD, ttjat t^ere mifilit
be pj(ojitp= but no fuperiojitp amongft Commtfffoncrs.
3lntcrrogato?tcs ougbt to be Cnglc anD plaine, pertinent to t^e matter fn que*
fl ton, ar.D in no fo?t captious, leaDing, oj Dtrcrto?p.

3n fome cafes ttje courts of t^e common lalo *

Do juDge upon iDitnetTes, but
t^ef mutt cticr gttoctbctrtefttmonp viva voce* ;a0in t^ctttuebetote*
Cicr i£liz.i8;.
tISjerttjefjuftanDbeaUbeojno, %c I? Eliz.jO(5.
Wicnefle fS DcrftjeD Office &aron aicrb Weren, #. Scire, Quia dequibusfciunt f Ofrfitnefet,
tcftari & omne lacramencum debet efle cenx fcientii, 3n iLatin Teftii Additions to .he
ateftando; &
teliari eft teftimonium perhibere*. unde Regula juris,Pius valet una$ 1
part of the Ii.-

oculatus telHs,quam aurifi decern :Teftisde vi fu prspondcrat aliis.
an ^atb ougtit to be accompanicD tottft tlje fear of dDoD, anD fertiite of (©oD And to the third
fOJ aDbancement of trut^,Dominum Deum tuum timebis, & iili foli
lervies, & pnrt of the Infti-
per nomen illius
jarabis, (utcsrap.Pcrjii y
an alien boin cannot be a tDitneffcttol^icl) is to be unDerff ooD 11 AH.ii.
Braiton fattl^ tftat
^ zj Ad.n.
of an alien 3!nfiDell: fojt^c IBiOjop of Koffc being a &cot bojn, toasaDmttteD n P.S'.p 19.
to be a \DttneGte, anD flDojn Anno 14 Eliz. in tlje cafe of t^e SDuhe of j^o;fotb bp a Deut.6.i}.
t^e opinon of t^e 3luaiccs alTiftants. Teftis falfus non crit impuniiu*. ^ 16 Janujtii
Node dieque faum geftat fub peftore teftem : «t£i;2.
l^is Confcicnce altoapes gnatofng anD tjeptng ftim.
'' I'tOV.iC).
iionctn facit, ncc prxfumptionem inducit. fo. 400. b.
Teftium numerus fi non adjicitur, duo fuffieiunt.
in a. b.
Juratocreditur judicio,
Teftibus deponentibus in pari numero dignioribus eft credendam<
/ vid. lE.i.tri-
s Tenmoignesnepoent teflefiele negative, raeslaffirmativc.
Allegans contraria non eft verum vero confenticn$ eft falfum nee
vero nee falfo.

Juramentum eft indivifibiie* & non eft admitrendum in parte verum & , in
Ailegans fuaai turpitudinem non eft aadieodutf
JTrin.ij E.i.ih
uon poteft efle teftis in propria caofa. Com. Banco,
Judex Rich, de Ray a.
Jusjurandum inter alios faft' nee nocere, ncc prodeflc debet. hams cafe.
Faeultas probationum non eft anguftanda.
Dc eriminc in Lupanari commiflb, lupanarcj teftes efle poflunt.
Qui prodit in feenam mercedis erg6,infamis eft» Hiftricnes M-re-
^itncffes onat)t to come to be DepofcD untanglit, anD foit^out fnflrnction, cena.-ii.

anD OjoulD tDtOj the ttctojp to t^c partp tftat r f gl^t fjatl^, anD tbat juttice (boulb be
aDmtntftreD t anD CjoulD fap from l^is Ijcart, Non fum doaus, nee inftruftusjoec
curodcviCtoriarmodo miniftretur Jufticia, &eeBritton 134,135,

28o C&p*6s,66»

Curia curfus Aqua afud Gravejend,

tl)(s tobfel^ are in piiDate, ine intent) not to treat,

court ,anD otijcrfs Ube,
OiF fo^ tbat tttclabottr herein toere infinite, anO fertje^ notliing foj V^z pnbltck,
tD^ercat our p^inctpall aime ^atl) been.


The Kings Swanheard.

R Par 6 R " \ T \ T ^^^ aut^ojitp tlje feings S>tDan^earD ftat^, tcitig of ancient tima


I. m Office Magifter deduausCygnorum, pou map rcalie Rot,

bj? IjiS
pan 35.
*Tr.5?E.i.Eflex Patentium Anno 1 1 H»4.parM,tn. 14. Rot. Pat» 30 E, 3»part i»
coram Rcge. m, 20, anO Lib. 7. fo. I f , &e. Le eafe de Swannes, but Court l)C ftatf) not : i^o
Rot. 1 14-
Jfotole tan be a llrap but a S>tnait.
^"^ l*fe<^totfc tl^erc is an ancient £Dfficcr of tlje iSing0 0lneger of tfje &ing«
» The kUws
S^ft bctng befojeanp ffiatntc 310 tabing one erample foj manp. ^ 3ln 14 E. i .&ir
«Kot i4 1*4 E.I. Thomas Darlington toas bp tftc J^tngs ilctters patents Silncger of HBjoaO
Tho. batiington Clotli,ant)ftaDafcc Of tfte JSing fojttieererctre of i)is£>ff ice; JFo? t^efeetliat^e
MUki. ijaD of tfte &ubjed iuag (as it ougftt to be) bp 0(t of J^arliament, 17 E. 3. St. i»

Alneger Of Aulnc in iFrenc^, anD tfjat Of ulna, uJnator. §&eebcfo?econs


"ir'V'^r^ft''' cap.4.
!ut°sthemfeiv«. ccming tl)e alnaging of ncUj SDjaperies, Cap, £>ft|ie!^iglj Court of laarlia*
i^E.j.eap.i. ment,pag. 31.

17 E.t. flat. I. cap.4- jR-i."p' 17 R.z. cap.j.Sc j. iH,4.cap.i3. H.4.6. ij n H4.4. 11H.6.1, jiH.ff.
Rot. Clauf. 17 R,2.m.i4. 6 The derivation of Aincgsr.
4E.4.1. 8 E.4.1. R.J.


Cap.d/: 28]


The Wardens Courts in the Eall, Weft, »5H.8.«p.r^.

and middle Marches adjoyning s

to Scotland

pjoteeDcD accojDfng to t^ Eato callcD tlje spared iLato, 0?

ilBojDers iLato , but tftctc jarimtctfon tuas increafcD bp act of par* *, „ j"]'/:^
Uamcnt, Itmtts of t^eir jnrifDfrtfon teas toitbin
SCftc fl^c sparcljes,
^ •
J^- •

iulbtfft toerc confineD to tfte Conntica of J^ojtbumbcrlanD CnmbcrlanD,

31H.6. can.,.
MIeSmeclanD , anD i^z SCotone of j^eiocaaie upon 2Dtne in tlie Counfp
of |^o;l!.
iFo; ti)C iDO^tk [^accl^s,] fee before
Cap. pjeQDent ano Conncell of
llBnt Cnce Htng
James ioas sponacc^ of bot^ l&fngDome0 , fl^e batable
fiwnnDS on bot^ CDcfl are become quiet, anD fo peaceable, as all fide faio
Courts in f^e (Baa, ^eO^^ anD miDDle £parc^e0 are tjaniOieD, anD^ioaile
latDS on boti) QDes bp aut^o^itp of parliament in either of X^z IlingDomd
repealed. &ec t^e faiD statute of 4 Jacobin ^ee tde iirii pare of the la-
flitute$4 ScS. 3,


Of Callais or Q//« Caletum,

Ror. Par.?o E. rTTn ^is ftrong ^^ojt SCoton, tl)C famoa0 anti flourtftfng spart, Staple atiD
. ,
nu.iii,2iz. tientof CngliO) commoDities toas l^oltien anD keptbpt^eTpace of 211!. XI pearsbp tenfet)eraUiitngs,viz. E.3tR.2.H,4,H.5«a6.E.4.E.j.R.3»
!rH8 conccr H.7.H.8.E.6. anU ^Dcn sttD loft bp tefng Philip anD Maty tftcfirft^^aecn
ning good Uwes tegiiant Of tl^ts SHcaltti, tfte JLojo
Wentworth t^ctt Dcputp tftere.
and orders f r 3!t tDas gotcrtteO bp dEngliffimen
anD bp CBngliO) latos, fome particular ca*
SittX) of 8 juDaciMcnt gt^cn tljerc a Mrtt of (Bnoi DtD Ipe rc«
caiiis and the ''
f^Q^izQ eifceptcD*
'' tdjnablctntotftcteingsBentlj.
"mfojet^c staple at Callais, tttnas fecpt at
6iiH.7^. Bruges tnJFlanDers,
11 H.g.Kchv. d Cftc cbtltJ jcn bojn f ^crc toere (nl&erttablc in CEnglani) anD fo ticclarcD bp aa=
^°*-^- „ tljojitp of l^arliamcnt.
^^^j^ j^^^^ j^^ ^^^^ ^gj, jjjg g^j^j j^ f^j^ manncr as in fljc aCotocr of 3Lon»
Don. Ccrtatne is t^at ricljes follotocD tbe Staple tofterefoeber it toas bept,
pari.p R. f ^inD tt coulD not bc appointcD in anp place but bp ^(* of parliament.

rf4i£.? g 2i;^eStaple being atCallais, upon all roDcsfojtt|ott^e2Doton bp tlje Cap-

j^j^^ ^^^ ^^^^j j,j j^g Staple fumtfljct) ftim fojtfe of i^ertljants auD tf)eir fer*
cRotParioR ' t fants to tlje number of oo 31Btll=men, anD zco j^rcfters tott^out anp tnages,

0nD it appcarefft in tl^e parliament BRoll of i Rti. n^. 1 5» t^jat Callais toft
nu.4.' pet
Cj. ;

j» t^efeingpearlpttoentpt^oufanDpounDs,
/i R. mil. 57. ^ee tfte parliament moll of 5 1 1,1 11. fojtl&e$^apois<roarffi,ic.
i pari.,0 E.J.
g^^ ^Liberties, anD iFranc6ifes, ic, tftere. spanp Sets of parliament fjabc been
maDc concerning ms
%o\an, anD tlje Staple therein , Uj^ic^ necD not Ijerc to
be recif eD ; onlp toe tbougljt it not gooD totallp to p jctermit tt.becanfe tijc i^ ings
rigbt remains to it, anD tt map Ijereaftec be reftojeD (toliic^ is fo mutt) DcfircD)



Cap. 6p» 2 §3

Ofthe Ifle ofMa.nJnfula 8uhoma,moclo Manme^
and of the Law and Juriitlidlion oftheiamc.

3Iflefjafl)bccnanat!cfeittft{ngl)i)nie,a9ttappcarctl^ in Li.7. ftiGal- VV2lfpa.j37.

vios cafe , iDbtcft necD not ftere to be rccitcD.anD pet toe 8nD it not
teoojcontjcpeD bptftenameofaiatttgnomc, icdpcrnomen
Infula: ,&e, Calvinscafe.
cum patronatu Epifcopatus, ^e bat^ tl)c patronage of tfte Biftopjfch of Sodor,
tDtjitbisattfiblcmarftofaifitngDome; albeit of ancient time tbe^rtbbtOjop of
Cantcrbiirp toao patron oftbelBtftopjicbof Hocftetter, anD tbe (Barl of *Rot.Ca-c.
(I5I0UC'of t^c llStfbopjick of ^LanDaf, Vide L ib, .M. S. in 16 Johan. m.6'
Recept. Scaccarii fo, 66, 1

& Lib. Parliam. in Turri London Temps E.I. fo,ip,2i,

William le Serope emit de domino Willielmo de Monte acute InfaJam Eubo- Anno Dotn.ijgj,
t\\x-,(i, Manns :)Eft nempe jus ipfius InfuJi ut
illius fit dominus Rex vo- Walf.An.i7K.i.
cetur,cm etiam faseli Corona aurea coronari.
Corona aurea.
SCbe ILojD &cropc foifctfcD tbc fame fo H, 4. foj ?^tgfj frcafon. iitng H.4, Of the quahiy
granteo tftc fame to Henry (Earl of iPojt^umberlanD int^icfeixjojDs. Rex.&e. o( him. Sec Waif.
De gratia nolira fpeciali dedimus & conceflimus Henrico Comiti Northumbrix U bi fupra-
Infulam, Caftrum," Pelam,& Dominium de Mar, ac omnia infulas & Dominia Ilot.Pat.iH.4.
eidem Infular
pertinen'qus fuer' WillieJmi
Serope Chivalier defun(5ti,qaem in
Je loi. parte j.
vita fua Conquertati f'uimus, &
ipfum fie Conqueftatum dcerevimns, qua ra- & ni.}6.
tione Conqnelius illius lanquam Conqueftata ecpimns in manum coftram, A Pele or Pile,
a torcrefle in
quidcm Conqueflum & Decretum in prxfenti
Parliamento noflro de aflcnfu
fmajl Ifle belon*
DominorumTemporaliumin eodcm Parliamento exiftemium quoad pcrfonatn gingtoihe J/lc

pr^Efati Wiliielmi,
ac omnia, terras, tencmema , bona , & catalla fua ram infra ofAlan.
icgnumnoftram quam extra ad fupplicationem Coromuniiatis regni noftri affir- Noia,the title of
mara exi(1unt,&c. Habenda &tenenda eidem Comiti & haeredibus fuis,&c.pcr King byCon-
qucft is affirmed
f^rvic' portandi diebusCoronationisnoflri &
hiredum noftrorum ad finilhura
humerum noflri^m &: finiftros humeros hsredum noftrorum
perfcipfum aut fuf-
ficientem & honorificum deputatum fuum ilium
gladium nndum quo cinfti era-
mus quando in parte de Holdernes appiicuimus, \ociiam LancafierSivord, du-
rante procelTlone & toto tempore foiemrizationis Coronationis
3ii tbts Utf Ic lUtigDomc tberc arc 2 Cattlea, 1 7 , 4 tolonsf, sparket
ant) man^ilillagcfl, anDtnttjatBtfletljere i$ a Bttl)opjicl?>afii Ijercaftec tttaM
be CbctocD. ; ; 33:1

Anno s fatD Henry cBarl Of |5ojf&iim!icrtanti loas attatnfel) of frca=

ron,ant)biP Sli of IDarltament Martii, 7H. 4. it is cnactcD tbat tbc l^ing

Ijis lanos anD tenements, ;9nD aftertoacDs in

fljoulD Ijatje tbc forfeiture of all
7 H.4. tbe ISing arantcD tbc 3fle of i|)an unacum Patronatu Epifcopatus to &ir parte
John Stanlye fo; life t anD after in tbe fame war begrantcD tbc fame 3fic una Cum ra^roiiatu
cum Patronatu Epifcopatus,tO tljC fatD &ir John Stanly anD to l^iStJCtrfljTenend' Epifcopatus.

deRege hajredibuj ScliaccefToribus fuisperhomagiumligeum: Reddendo nobis

duos Falcones femel tantum,T//«,. immediate polt homagium hujufmodi fad':Ec
reddendo hiredibus noftrisregibus Anglioc duos Falconei diebus Coronationis
corundem harredum nolkorum pro omnibus aliis ferviciis, confnetudinibuj, &
demandis, adeolibere, plene,& integrc, ficut Willielmus Serope Chivalier vel
2:bt3g)frJohnS(anIcyf)aD tffue S»ir John Stanley linig^t, toljO liaDtffae
&(r Henry Stanley iLoiD Chamberlain H. 6, Vofto creatcD ^imiloja
to i!itng
Stanley, tol^otjaD Iffuc Georgc,tol)Ot>aD itluc Thomas, h)l)om litng H,7, crcateD
284. Ofthe JJIe of Man .
Cap .
Ctart of SDcrbp to fjfm antJ males of bis l)o&p,to6o ^aD fffucThomas.UjIjo
tijc fteirs

ijaD tCftsc Edward, to^o ^aO ifftie

Henry , tofto 1)30 fffHC Ferdinand© aiiD William.
Ferdinando IjaD tffnc Anne, Frances, anD Elizabeth, anDDieD lD(t!)OutiITucnialc:
5[nt) bcttueen tijefe Daughters lje{nsl)etc6gcncwiU,an& William CEarlof Dctbp
letng l)Cft male ,qaettton toas motjco coiKcniirrg tlje title of tlje 3flc of i©an :
tobtcl)bPi35ucen Elizabeth Uias rcfcrreD to tbc 3lo?D i^ccperEgerton, aiiD to
D(J3ecs3Lo;D0 of tl)e CouncelUanD to Popham Cfjtcf 3«tttcc of QBnglanD, An-

dcrfon CfttEf BBtifttccof t&eCommeJi puas.f Peryam Cl)tcf 315arbn,®K{)o Trin.

40 Eliz. upon Ijcacfng of V^z (topncell of botft liiDes, anD mature Deldcrattoii, re*
folUcD tbcfe jFtte points, i. SDI^at t&c3fle of 5pani»as ananctcrt ijtng^
Dome of if felf, anD no part of tljc iiingDome of CEnglanD. 2. iEljep afficmeD
a cafe rcpojteD bp Keiiw. Annoi4H,8,fobelate>viz. Mich. 14H.8. an office
ijoas founDtljat Thomas Carl of SDerbp at tljetfme of fttsDcatlj iuas fctfeb of

tl^e3lfleof£panin fee; to^crewpon i^z counteffe ftts toffcbp ^erdountcH,

molJcDtotiaVfe ^er 2Dotoer fn tlje c^ancerp : batltixjas rcfoltcD bv Brudnell,
Brook, anD Fitzh.3uttfccs,anDall V^z icings councclUtiattfte office toas meer^
ip toiD, betattfe tlje BIfle of man tuas no part of t^e Heatm of (i^nglanD, no; toas
gotcmcD bP tl)C lato of tftis ILatjD, btittoas lifee to aCournplnj^ojmanDp, oj
«!5afcofgnin jFrance,t»l)entl)epiuercintl)e&tng of CnglanDs ^anDs, to&icft
tuere meerlp out of ttie poloer of tl^e Clianterp. lobiclitDas t^e place to enDolo
t^etoiDotDOft^c fetng, 5C. 2. %t toas refoltjeD bp tljem tbat ffje ffatutcof
W.a, Dedonisconditionalibus,n0J0f2 7H.S. oftafes, noj tbc ftatutCS of ;i
OJ34H.8 ofilEatls, nojanpottiGr generall^ttof|?)arUamentDiD crtenDto t&8
sue of span foj tljc caufc afojcfatD,bHtbprpccialtnamcan ^a of parliament
a provifo for the map ettenD to if . teas refoltcD lljat feeing no office coulD be founD to cn=
3. 3it
rubjed* of ihc titlet^eJ^ingtotlje forfeiture of trcafon, f!jattl)cteing migbt grant bpcom*
IfleofMan. miffton unDer tlje <i5;eat S>eal to feife tljc fame into ttje iitngs banDs, $ c» iubicft
a In Tarri Lond' being Done anD returncD of 9Reco?D is fufficient to bjtng it into tijc liings
fcifln anD poffellion, anD into cl&arge,ic. 4. SDljat t^e iftingmicDt grant t^c
3 Janii. 6 H.4.
fuch a Commil- famcunDcrtljedUjcat &eal bccaufc 6c cannot grant it in anp otijer manner.

on under the
jSlnD beretoit^ agrectft Dibcrs grants unDer tlje *i&jeat &calof tl)ls 31flc,
Great Seal w:s
4 Junii, i8E,i. RexE. i. conceflic Waltero de Huntercombc&c. Rex E. 2.
granted to Sir
& conccffit Petrode Gavefton,&c. i Mail, j E,2. Gilberto Magaski 11, anD inline
John Stanley,
William Stankvj feme peargrantCD Henrico deBeJJomonte In fulamprsdidiam cum omni Do-
&c.roreire,&c. minio & Jurtitia regaliproterminovita-.&c. 5- StVoasrcfoltjeDtljatafceftm*
in this very cafp.
pie in tfiis 31 fle paling bptfje JLetfcrs patents to a>ir John Stanley anDftis
b\i\x.v.i Rot. Pit.
18 E. I. & Anno birSjts DcfccnDiblc to^jis Ijcirs accojDing to tl^e courfe of Cojnmon lain foj
tl^e ,

tljegrant ii fclf bp ?ieftcrs patents is toarranteD bp flie common laiB in t^is

cafe: anDtt)crefoje{ft^erebenootl)erimpcDimenf , tbe 3!flein fijiscafe fijall
DefcenD to tbc ^eirs gencrall,anD not to tbe Ijcir male ; as tfte granD &elgnio?{cs
anD Coimots in Males toerc tmpleaDablc at tbe Common tab), but^be lanDsc
boloen of tbcmbptbe Cuffomes of Males, 5c. Mblcb refolutions toe bai?c
tbougbtgooDtorcpo?t, bccaufc tbcp aretbebett Directions tbat toe babe founD,
botb in tbefc, anD fo;i tbe tifec cafes.
Ror.Par.iApr, 315p tbcfe ^Letters patents itappearctb , fbat Simon Montacute baDintrnDtft
r E.Z. into anD occuptcD f be faiD 3!fle in noftri exha;redat!onem, foj tobicb b^ toss atta*
cbcDfO anftoer tbcfameintbciifngsllSencbattbcfuitoftbe iiing, but tobat
pjocccDeD tbereupon toe pet ftnD not.
iSnfnoto Ictnscometotbcit Jiato3,anD 3iurirDi(tion oftbis3flc, tbe lifte
* *
A D««« a Sax- tobcrcof toe finD not in anp place. 2Cbcir 3BuDges f bcp call Deem Hers, tobicb
oil wort) for a
fbep cboofc out of tbemfcltics. ail controticrftes tbep DcterminEi toitbout pjoccs,
funt 4uoJ. dices pleasing, touting, oz anp cbnrgcojcypence at all. 3fanpcafcbe ambiguous ana
of greater tociabt,it is referrcD to » , tobicb tbep call Claves Infuls, tbe fecpes of
hifuU Atannia
fit i

Qiitttt ErpMiu tbe 30anD. 2Cbcp babe Cojoncr8(quos Annuos vocanc; tobo fupplp tbe office of
vuncupata)qm de a a>berif.
ttibiis ibidem ۥ
3i5ut albeit tbis be fo, pet \xl\izn f bis 3ille toas in tbe teings bauDS, if anp fn«
>in:crgen(ibii5 cg-
O'cwt, in^itz oj injuries toerc Done to anp of bis fnbjects tbcre, tb? IHtng migbt grant
Cap. 6pi Ofthe IJle of Man. 285
a Commtllion foj reDjeffctljereof : tfje Ufee tol^crcof toe finDe, Rot. Pat, Anno
2 E.i,int^efctoO?.DS J Rex diledis &
fidelibus fuisNicholao dc
Segravefe. In the margcnt,
de SuthcwelJ, Salutem. Sciatis th.J, Dc qienlis
niori, Ofberto dc SpaIdington,& Johanni quod hominum
adigoavitnus vos Jurticiarioj
noftros ad querelas omnium & fingulorum de In- di Man audicacl'

I'ula dcMan fc eonqueri volcntium dequibufcunquc tranlgretTionibus , & in- O


juriiseis per quofcunque

tambalivos &miniftro$ noflros quam alios in prae-
difta Infulailiatis audiend'&terminand', & adplenam & celerem JuHiciam Kota,fecur.du>n

partibus indc faciend' fccnndum legem &

confuetudioem partium illaium. Ec legem e> eonfuc-
ideo vobis mandamus quod ad certos dies &
loeaquoj.&c in Infula pra:di(5la
tiidi>!cm InfuUt
de Man.
querelas illas.&c. audiatis &
terminetis in forma prxdidla, fafturi, &c. Salvis,
&c. Mandavimus enimCuftodinoftroInlularprsdidar; quodad eertos,&c. in
Infula pra:difta venire fac' coram vobiitot &iales,&c. Incuju$,&:c. TeflcRc-
ge apud Berewick, 1 5 die Julii,
g>o 30 albeit t^e l!i inss to^tt runnef t) not into VjzMt of 3^m , pet tije 1& ins?
Commiffton crtcuDct^ tfjitljet fo? rcDjclIie of tnjuftice anD tojong : but
Commiffioncrflnuia pjocceD actoifiing tolato anD jufticc of tfje Mt, 2Ct)ep
: BIf a man (teal a
^ate peculiar JlatDss 0; CuSomes; fQ:i ecamplc *
i^ojfe , 0; an
ilDjejit is no iFelotip, foj tftc offenDcr cannot fjiDC tftem, but if Ije Ileal a Capon, Tlievhavcno
o?.apiggci)cil)aUbcl)angcD,ic. tmpon tljcfale of a^^oifeoj anp contract foj«.
anp otljer tfting, ti)CP mabe tfte ftipulation perfect, per tradiiionem ftipuls. Nota,
t^etruc Dcrimtion of ftipulation. Slnt as tbep liatie peculiar llatos , fo^aue
t^ep a pjoper ^Language.
Sn^is 3Iflel)atf) a iSifljop infftftitcB bp Gregory fljc jFourt!) BiOjopof Home, Epijs Soborenfis.
ant) l^e in unDcr t^c 0rtt)biQ)op of |9o:.b , but l)atb neitt^er plate no^ toice in t^e

parliament of Cnglant), Inhaclnfula Judex Ecdefiafticus cicat, definir,& in-

fra Oiftodies parent, aut carceri intruduntur.
SCtje Bln^abitants of t^is Me are religtoti9;tnDu(triou0,anli trne people toiti)<
out begging ojffealtng.

Pp CJ?.
tie Cap.70.


Of the Iflesof Jerfey aliaiGcs^ky, olim Cafa^

and Gamrey,o/wj Saruia,znd of thelaw^ajid
Jurifdiftion of the (ame.

iSDtl^tliereBCflcs aid Of ancient time belong to

Ductip of j^o^manD?:

Gacnfcy 10. B but iDtien )&(ng H, n 1^0 o^ert^^oton W elDer bjotber Robert
i)abe of
j^o;manDp,^cDiDnntteto ttfe&ingOomeofCBnglant) perpetnallp tbcUDtt*
^pofJ^o^manOptoget^rtottbt^efcBlQcs: ant)albeit l&ing John loll tbepof*
fcffion of J?ojmanlip,anDjaingH.3» foobmonepfoj ft, pet tlje 3nf)ab(ta«t0
sftj^efe Mta iott^ great conltancp remaineD , anD fo to tl^io Dap rm remain
trne anD faithful! to Vte Croton of englanD; JSnO tl^e pofTelTione of tijcfe 3flmna
being parcell of tbc SDqc^p of J^ojmanDp, are a gooD feifin fojtl^eKtnsof
dSnglanD of t^c to^ole SDncljp.
concerning tbeSuDicatureanDCuftomesoffbcfe BIflcs tofjcrcat ire pjtnct*
pallpaim,itappcaretl^bpt^i4tngsHecojIisintbc SDoioer, Qiiod Rex Johan-
nes conftituit I z Coronaiores juratos ad Placita & Jura ad Coronam fpedantia
cuftodienda) &concc(Tit pro fccuritate Infularum, quod Balivns de cstero per vi-
fam Coronatoram poccrat placitare fine brcvi de nova difleifina faft' infra an-
num, demorceanteccfforum infra annom, de dote fimilitcr infra annum, SLtiO
toi t^e moff partp:ocecQ accojJDing to tlie Cnftomes of ^ojmanDp.
pafcKi? E.a« DrugoBarcntync dicitquod 40. An'ei^ icmpus extra mcmoriam feeundnm
Coram rege Rot-
confuetudincm partium illarutn,
tj Jcrfcy.,
!itngE.3. affigncD Guldeford anD ofbct'0,31naice0C!;rrantsinf^c
The Abbot of 3lfie£!of (DarnfepanD C. bpl^ts Commitfton to inqatre if tie ^aD rigljt intbc
the Mount of
^anno^ofC. ic. anDtliereitappcaretl)tbattt)ep DemanDeD aDtiifeinent of tbc tbecnMne0
menoft^e3l(le0learneDint^circufforae0, tol^oinfo^nieDtbcm of
oftbc3fiefii,h)f){ci)t^jc3!nfticeofoUoUjeD, anD tbcrc it appcaretf) tbatiftf)cin»
formation toao againlt tlje laVDS office 3 Ocs, tfjcpmapbebolpcnbpt^c lalos
oftbcfanie. &ec fl)C HSoob.
Roc.Clauf.gE.j. Qtiod in Cuftumis & aliis rebus tanquam indigens & non alienigeni trafle-
&15E.}. tur,&c. Quod juratores in Infula,&c» non protrahunt jndicia fua ultra unius an-
Mich. 41 £.j.
CotJin rcgc Rot.
ni fpadum.
lop.lctfey in
0n Action of trcfpalfetDasbjoug^tbp A. intliciiifngsBcncbfojatrcfpaiTe
placico tranfgr. BoncbpB.tnt6c3Ific of 3Ierfcp: loftcrcupon in tf)C KecojD tljis (Entrp toas
ijSecundum conr. maiZ* Et quia negotiumpra:di6lum in Curia hie terminari non poteft, eoquod
Infulx prxd.
Infulae prid' coram Jufticiat' hie venire non poflunt , necde jurcdc-
iCcIu. to the^Bay- ^cnt'OK aliqoa negotia de Infula pratdida emergcntia non debcnt terminari nifi
" '

lit Diid jiiratcs fccundum confuetudincm Infuls prsdiifti.Ideo totum recordum negotii mitta-
of Icifcy.Lib.7. turin Canceilariam domini regis,ut indefiat commiflio domini rcgis,CDi vel

fo. 10, II. in

quibus domino regi piacuerit ad negotium pridiflum in Infula pridifta andi-
cnd' & terminand' (ccundum confuetudinem Infulx pridifly.
riThcfe little Ifl.s 15p tbts it appcaretl), tl)at albeit tljeliings tujit runncfb not into tbefe Hflcs,
of Scik and Au- pet !)tg v£omnitlIton unDcrtijc (Djeat &cal Doti), but tbe «b)mnutrioncr0 muft
rcneydoc lye be- juDge accojDins tott)C ILaios anD CiJttomc of t^cfe 3lflc0.
tween and necr
the other,& were
Dc Attornato gefaerali in Infulis de Gernfey, Jerfey , Serk "^
Aureney faC
virtute brevis domini regis. Rex omnibus Balivis & fidelibus fuis in Infulis de
parrcll alfo of the
I)ucliy ofNor- Gernfey >
Jerfey,Serk & Aureney ad quos,?ic. Sciatis,&c. in quibuleunqueca-
niindy. riis noftrijInfu!ammearundem,6<:c, port advenium ipfiusA, in InfurpndiiYfi
Cap7i» OftheljleofJVight. .287
comingat ipfum A» interim venire ad partes illai. Tcfte,&c» Cfjep are not bOUtlD i 5

bp oar acts of parliament, tmleffc t^cp be fpectallp namcfi.

2Lt)C fifng ^atf) ctranteD totfte men of tlje 3fle0 of ©crnefep, &erfeanD 9i\X' RotP«»4R.*.
be free of all manner of SCotff, ""^°*
rcnp, tl)at t^ep Durtrtg tbc fpatcof Spears fljdll

<Erad:tonsanDCiiflomesU)ittjtnf6e iRcalm as f)(s JltcscmenanDSDcntjcns^

Infulani petunt, quia funt in mari conflituti,quod non ulterius extra Infulas
pr«di(3a$ profequcrcntur
adeoriim ^ericulum, &ndn facile poflnnt fequi Cu-
rias Regit in Anglia.

iFoj t^e^flesof KcrfepanD ©arnfep , fee Mich, j E. 3,CorS Rege Rot.4<J»

Pafch* 7 E, i Coram Rege ^ot,*?/.
1 .

JIKHttljfn (Barnfcp tijere arc ten ?0ariftcs , one ?0arljet 2Coton being ffjc

|0o?t oj l^atien callcD &. Peters |ao?t bp tfte Cattle of Co;net. Jterfcp Jjatft &.
^Ibones anti f^illarptiso little BIQ^nDS aDjacent , it ^att| ttaelt^e ^ariOied , anD
four Cafiles*

De In/ula VeSu or FeBa, of the Ifle of

tbis toe Cbal not neeD to tap anp tl)tng,becaufe it isanb et^r 6atl[> been
oartof l^am^ire, anD eter gotierneD bptt)eilatosof cBnglanti , as t^e
OjF atljer^^ires l^ate been: but feeing toetiatie nameo it. toe toill relate
fome things toljitft toe Ijaije obfcrfeeD.
been an ancient 15aron,deInruIa, of tfte Hfle, o? Lifle , anD
iFirft,tftere ijatb
of latter times tberetoas a tHifcount oftbe famC) to^ic^ is to be unDerilooD of
f^e 3ifle of CSHig^t: foj in tlje |3arliament molsof E, 2. 31 finDljimcalleDde
Infula Veda. »

SeconDlP, Henry de Beauchamp CSarl of tKHartoicfe foj t^e fingular fabour

tol)icl) ^iing Henry tlje S>irf bare to Ijim , trotoncD Ijim ISing of CSaigfjt : but

toe coulD netcr finDanv letters patents of tljis creation, becaufe (as fome
Doeboloj tbe f^ingcoulDnotbp lato create tjimal^ingtoitbin bis oton!^ing<
Irome, becaufe tticre cannot bettoo toings of tfte fame place in one toingDomet
Sixd after tbe fame iiing nameD bim Primus Comes totius Anglic. But of Camden.
tftiS it is trulp fa iD : Cumillonovushic & infolitustitulusomninoevanuit.
§»ce tlje s>tatuteof 4H.7. cap. \6. againft taking of jFarms toitbin tfjis
3!(!c, anDtbepotoerof 3!uDicature gitjen t^erebp to tljc Captain of ttjisjfle,
QiXii'S lieutenant in a certain cafe.

Pp 2 CAf.
x88 Cap.7Z.

Of the Illand called Lindesfarne or Lei-
disfarncjfcituatc by
the River Lied having on
the South Eaftward the Ifland of Farn,and
is called the Holy Ifland.

fjafl) one Caftle , one C^nrcli , ant) one ^ariC^, anD a fafe ^mn U-
1% fenDOQ b?all5locb--^otire«
3t (0 calleti tijc ftolp MWO, foj tftat ft being a foUtarp place Ijolp
men tn tfmcs paft rctfreD ttiemfeltJC0 tftttber foj tljetr better , ann mojc
netont fertjice of CDoD. Ht 1030 of ancient timeallBiOibps feat, toiiic^tDas
after tranflatcD to ^avztmz , anD i0 gotjerncD bp tbe latD of CnglanD^

IFoj tftat tl&(0 31fleofiFarnel&at6 neither Cfturcl^ no) 2CoU)n, bnt onlg a
^'*^«' /A. cattle, 31 pallc (t (ano otijcr Itbe Mts) otjer.

Cap. 75- 28p


Of the Forefls, and the Jurifdic^on of the

Courts of the Foreft.

t^e toOjD Forcfia, fc0 Domcfday in Gloue' alibi. & DomcrdayinCfi'

Derivation anD
GIouc* & alibi.
iFojttie DercrtptiontijereofianDfome of^er tilings con^ iMar.Dier if^,
F£Dj cerning tfte fame ; fee V^ Firft pan of the Inftimtes. l.parcoftheJnft.
Bin ilattn it is calleD Saltu!,o^ Sylva,0nD fo in Domcfday ,Sylva eft in defeos',
fcilicetjin Forcfta Regis. Cckamcap.
SI froittt sot^ conftlt of 8. ti){ng£),viz. of S»oiU Cotiert, ilaUio, Conrt0>3InD'
Quod Rfgis Fo-
ri fta. Braaon
ges, €)fficeir0,(0ame,anD certain SBoanD0. fo.ijr.&ji^,
ForeAa ell nomen coUcaivam, anDbp tl[)e grant t|iereoft|ie foil « game, anO Britton fo.34.

afreeC^afeDot|)paflJe« Fletal.i.c.j4,j5'.
SlnD feeing toe are to treat of matters of game, anD punting %tt ns 'i-l-tofthelaft.
(to t^e,
en& toe map proceed t^e moje ct)eerfnllp)recreate our fellies toit^ tl^e ercellent Dee In the Saions
fcription of Didoes 2Doe of t^e iFojeft tnounDeD \oii^ a DeaDlp arroto iticben in timeForefls
were aWcdii'aUs,
|er, anO not impertinent to onr pnrpofe«
Uritur infoelix Dido, totaque vagatur i-
frtpofnui Fo'
Urbc fiarcDSjqualis eonje<fta Cerva fagittaj rcHa.

Quatn procul incautam nemora inter Creffia fixit

telis, liquitque volatile fcrmtn Sylva, as in

Domefday SattUi
Jnfcius: ilia fuga fylvas faltufque peragrac
* aJ*Uando,qniz
Di^xosi hzrec lateri lethalis arando*
0nD in another place uCng again tfte toojD [fylva] i Defcttbfng a ^itiettMt^; *Like toane-
Ibat in anciquam fylvam ftabulaalta fcrarum. the fajfe arid tu-
i^ing John tl^e ij of Juneint^e iS.pearof ^ie reign at Kummigfmeadjaliai rious Officer of

Kyme meade betlseen &tane0 anD MinDfo;, granted ttie libeC^arter as Car- the Foreft if
ta de Forefla ia, <uch be.

janD nolD let us fef Doton tlje Courts of tlje jf ojctt:, Forefta
Mitljin eijcrp jFojeft tljcrc are t^efe Courts,
cap. 16.
1. SDbe Court of tbc attachments oi tbe CTooDmote Court, ft)is is to be The
Court of
hcptbcfojet^c ^HcrDerojs eucrp fortp Daps ttjjougl^out tfjc pear , anD tl^creupon Attachments,
is calleD tfte fojtp Dap Court. Sit tftis Court ttjc jFo:eff crs b;ing in tftc ^f tac^=
ments de Viridi& Venationcj anD f ^e pjefentment fijcreof, anD tlje WLztiz-
ro?s DO receitje t^efame^anD inroUtf)em,butt^is Court can onip inquire , anD «
E.J cap.8.
notcontict; butitistobeobrert}eD,t^atnomanougl^t to be attacbeD bp &ts bo= 7 R.2.C3p.4.
Dp foj iMert oj vlllcnffon, unleffe fte be tabcn totf^ tbc manner toitftin tt»c if o;cft, Foreft.
attacljmcnt muft be bp ^ts gooDs.
otftcrtotfe tljc
z 2D^e Court of IJlcgarD oj &urbep of SDogs is l)olDen etierp tbirD pear foj c.ip.6.
Tie Court of
erpeDitatton oj latoing of SDogsbp tl^t Court. the L awing of
3, ani^e Court of S)U)animotc is to be bolDcn bcfojc tbc tHIcrDcrojs as Dogs.
3IuDges bp tbe &feU)arD of tbc»>iDanimotcfbJicc in fbcpcar,anD tbcJFojcttcrs Cart dc Foieft.
ougbtto p?efent tbeir ;3tfacbmcnts at tbe nert ^loanimote Court, anD cap.8. OfSwa-
iFrecijolDerstoitbintbcjFojclt are to appear at tbe SUnanimotc to mabe (tn- I
qucfts anD Juries. ^nD tbts Court mai' inquire de fuperoneratlone Foreftari-

^o E g.Anis'441.
orum &
aliorum miniftrorum Foreftz , &
decorum opprcffionibus populo no- *
Sivaniiiiote is

ftro iliatij. SlnD fbisConrtmapnot derived 0(5' war,

oiilp inquircbut conbirtalfo, butnotgibe
Miniller,8c mote,
or Ccmorr,\vhkh h Curia, i. Curia Miniflnrnm ForcfiteS^ called bcdufe ic is but a'preparative for the /ufticc feat.
» Ordirgi' Forejift. j^E.i. z^l..i.cif.i\.

2pp The Courts of theForep. Cap.75.
Court a notable cafeitt 45 E.j.tnatojit
45 5FoMt)C BCudstitctton of tl)(s 31 fitiD

tmp?tfonment bjougftt agafnft W. Cljc SDcfcnDant

of teefpatte of falfe
^e (0 IFojcttec in fee
tftat of tfte jFojeft, anD tl^at at a ccrtatn &toantmotc
* We will here ittoas picfcnteD bpttic iFojetters, mcrDerojsi, lRega«)ers,anD agtflers tftat
after(hew tom t^c ipiainttf ftaD c^afcD arm tabcn 2Dccr toit^tn t^e JFojcft, tuftercupon tlje 2De«
whence thefe fe- fcnoant betng^ojcttcc in fee came to tlje piatnttf, ant) p?apeD 6imto finDe
verall pa iies be
to anfuier tfte fame bcfoje t^e Sufttce tn €ixz in tl^is Countrp(tljat is,
derived, and the
at t^c Sutttce feat) anD tftat to Doc t^e piainttf rcfufcD, bp fojcc Vobcrcof fte re«
ds.y of their (e-
verall places. taincD Ijtm.unttU^eftaDpcrfojmeDt^cftatutc tn tftat cafe pjotitDcD, anD juftt«

tmpjtfonment, 2Dfte piatnttf rcplieD de fon tort demcfne

fieD tljC fans tiel caulc ,

anD t^e iffue ioas reteiteD bp t^e Court. ^nD tt toas fatD that befoje t^e 3uft ice

tndtiretieiboulDljabenoabermentagaina tbe pjcfentment oftljciFojcftero.

5eeDoinefday £Dut of tbts cafe toe Doe obferte 6. tonclufions, i. Stfeat tbe laiu of tl^e'iFo=
reft is allotoeD, anD bounDeDbpt^e Common latosoftftlslRealm,
Warw.Si veto p.r anD t^ercioje
mare contra ho- be learncD fame,
it is neteffarp.tftat tljc 3nDgcs fijoulD bnoto,anD tn tftc r , SC^at
ftcsiba: rcXjvel
ttoua^ tl^c tiaerDerojs tlje S>toanfmote, anD tlje §>tcliiarD bnt a
be 3iuDges of
tjuJtuor Batfnei-
pjefentment (n t^atts as tocll bp tfjem as 'viaerDerojs, na
uSjVel f]uatuor jptnlffcr pet ttie
librns dena iorQ
bp jTojefters.o? keepers KRegarDcrs, anD ;agtfter0 , bp tlje lain of tljc iFo?cflr»

ei mittc bmr. ^ man bils oj cbafetl) anp3Deer

a ^Seeper map arrcft anp t^at
rt Ordinatio Fo- 3, %int iFojefter oj
rcfti toithtn tt)eiFo?eft tobcn Ijc ts taben tottft tlje manner initbtn tl^c iFojeff .oj if tftc
iRegift.8.b. offcnDcr be inDtrteD. llBut t^cn tt is DemanDeD, to^at if a man be fo impjifoncD, f
F.N.[J,67.c. after offer fuff icient pleDges , anD tbep are not tafeen,\Dbat rcmeDp fo j tifie partp,
f See the i.partof
the Inft-
fecingt^erearetcrpfelDomeiuatcc feats fojiFojefts bolDen;'2Cl)eanfiDcris,tftat
Carta cap z^.
in tl)G HCcrm time fte map Ijabe ex merico Juflitix a Habeas Corpus out of ttjc
of Common pleas, oj of
liings 3l5ent^,oj ifljcljatie pjit3tle5ge,out of tije court
CEwliequer,ojout of tl>e Ctjancerp toitftcnt anpp?it3ilcDgeeitt)cr in tl^c %ttm
timcojoutoft^eCermintime of ^acatiojv anDupon tfte return of tfte in? tt,
to be l^olDen fojtfteJFojeft, tt. 0nD
map alfo be bailcD bp fojce of a iD?it Dehomine replegiando DirecteDCuHod'
•Rot.Par.Anno ^
Forefta:, if Ijebe arrefteD bp t^ie ;©fficcrs oftfte iFojeft foj ftunting,ic, toftcre^
Int' pcticiones. of ^eftanDslnDictcDojpjcfenteDtahcn toiflj tbe manner ^e finDIng 12, picD-
d See the of
ges : but ifl)CbcaD)uDgcDbptl)e3lufttcc6inQEirc, anD impjifoneD fje cannot
the Ind.W.r.
be bailcD bptl^at tojit De homine replegiand' DirccteD Caftodi Forcfts , &c. anD
Brad on
lib.j. fo.154.
Mftebc unfuaipp?occcDeD toitljaUtljercljelbatljremeDpbplato, asbercafter,
tuftcn Ujc treat of tbe Btuftice S>cat,a)aUbe DcclareD. 0nDit is to
Flet.lib i.c.z. be obferVicD,
«F.N B.67.'. t^at tbcre is aDiberfitpbettoeen tfte tojit De homine replegiando DirecteD to tlje
&l)eiif,fo5 l)C is reftraineD bp tijc Itatute of j t W.
cap. 1 5. to rcplebpanp man
iFojeff , being tafecn toit^t|c manner ojinDicteD, buttiiis
E.J .3^-8.
impjifoneD fo? tt)c

ftatute C>:tenDS not to tljc to^it De homine replegiand* DirectCD Cuflodi Fo-
Regid.Sob. SDljc JFourtl) conclufton is, tijat tlje offenDer map be rcfaineD bp Ijim unf ill Ijc

4j E.J.JO a.& b.
Ijati) founDpleDgcs to appear bcfojetbcBIufltice
in CBire,bccaufe'(a6l)atDbccn

fait)tbe court of tftefetoanimoteljatl) no potoer of 3CuDlcaturc , but if ftc offer

fufficient fureties,beougbt not to be impjifoneD.
Confiictiid' & 5. snbattbis HulliceinCBireatbis&etrions map bp tj^elatoof tbciFojeft
Ailifa dc Fortlii.
pjoceeD upon tl)C pjefentments oj berDicts in tl)e Court
of tljc §>toanimotc,
Vet.Mag.Cart. as in C£ ire migftt l&abe Done
tboiml) tbcp be taben in anotljcr Court, tbe Sluftices
in lilie cafes as befo?c in
, tlje Cljapter of BBuftices in e ire appcaretft.
6, iLaaiP,Note jorncD upon tlje plea of tljc iFo?efter,viz. de injuria
tljc iffue

fua prcpria'ablque tali caufa, anD allotocD bp t^c Court, anD tljc confcquent

tljcrcupon. SnD tljus muclj foMljccarctl)cl^epo:terfaitlj, tftat if

* toas faiD tbaf
Nota.thc entry
is Pixfentatuni, tbc partp lljoulD not trabcrfc tbe pjcfcntment of tlje ifojeftcrs, aerDcrojs,
aiier(arDer6,anD ^gitters: anD Ijcretoitljagreetlj 50 E.5. anD note tljc pjefent*
ment iuag intljatcafe bp 56. anDljcretti tljts Diberfttp ts to be obfertteD tbat ,

if at tl)c 5>luanimotc tljc pjefcntmcnt of t^c JTojcftcrs be founD trucbp tlje-
Oidiiiat' Forell.

34E.1. 3un' concerning tHert oj taenifon, tlje otfenDcr ftanDctb tbereofconbi-ct in lat»,
Itcfaumci by 36. anD cannot trabcrfe tljc fame : but an inDtamcnt 0? pjefentment befojc tljc
TJoc Courts
Cap. 75. ofthe Forejls,
Cfjicf Blattttcoftl^c f
ojcaatacouctoftfte3!uatcc &eat bpa 3larp,aa& not ilE.3.48.
fotmDtnt^c S>toaitimote, map be tratcrfcD. 8 E.3. itincrc Pickering 147. a.
becaufc tt ta not pjcfcntcD but fap one BSurp.

4. %\i\s cafe alfo gttictf> tntt occafion to fpcafeoft^c Court of tlje3Intt(ce Thejujiice
Sscat ftolDen befojc tbc Cl)tcf 31uft<ce of tljc i^o jcft, aptlp callcD tn t^e fatD Boofe
SufticctnCtre, fo:.rot)e(s,anDl)atbntit!io:(ti'anD)ur{sDtiifoiT to bear anDDc*
tcnninc conccrntng ClcrtanD Clcntfon,ic. bp fojteof Jlcttcw^patcnts unlier t^c
<I5jcat a>cal,VDl)crof tfjerc be tU)o,onc foj t^e ifojcfton tljts fiDc of SCrcnt, tftc o^
tljet: bcponD. IBi? Icbfcf) letters patents t^e lifns Dotb grant unto fttm Officium
GardiamCapitalisJufticiarii ac Jutiiciarii ibi Itiocrantis omnium fingula- &
rutn ForcHarutn, Pareorum, Chacearum
VVarrennarum fuarum cum fuis pct-
lin' quibufc'jnqae ultra Trentamexiften', &c. dantcs concedcntes cidcm A, & *
The like office
B. plcnam auchoritatem &
potcflatem tenore prardiilarum Litcrarum Paten- C'ltraTrent im

tium omnia & omnimoda PJacita^qucrelas , & caufas Foreftarum, Parcorum 1 m/aatis r,. utandis.
Chacearum & Warrennarum prsdift' tamde Viridigram', quamdeVcnatione, ihis anciently
great Officer
ac dcaliiscaufisqaibufcunque infra eafdcm Forcfla$,-'Parcos, ChafeasS: VVar- was created
rennasjcvenicnMive emergen' audicnd' & determinand':Habend',occupand*,gau- Wrir,3s other Ju-
dcnd'& exercend* offic' prsed'cum percin'per fe vcl per fuffieieD' '^deputatum fuum fticcs in Eire
were, but now
livedeputatos fuos fuffic' durante vita ipfius A.B. &c. by the ilatutcof
:3nOt^tSvi;ourtoftfte 31»aicc§>eat cannot be fecpt oftner fl)Cii ebcrp tftfrD 17 H»4.
pear, anD otfter Suffices (ncBtc fecpt tbetr courts ctjcrp febcntl) pear. 0nD he ir to becrea-
tf J
(asbefoje ot^er ^uttitestn CEirc^tt muft be fummoncD fo?tp oapg at t^e Icatt by Let.Pic.
Sre before
bcfoje tf)c fitting tl)ereof : anD one injtt of fummons (s to be DtrecteD to ttje Cap.
^{)crtfjrftI)c«2:ountp,ii)l)tct)VDjttpou tl^all finD i^crcaftcr in tljls Chapter. 'I
This is to be
SCIbcreis anctljcrtojit of Summons tiirccteD Cuftodi Forcftae domini regis imdci ftond of
vel ejus locum tcnenti in eadem, anl) t^fS injif confiffctb npon ttuo parts, jftrff, P'>rL-s,Chafcs 5:

tofummon all tlje ^Officers oftbciFojeft, aiiD tljatttjep bjtng vuttfj tftem all Warrens vvithia
I'le Forefts as
Hecojt)3,?c. Sjcconolp. perfons tofjicf) claim anp HLibcrttes oj jFranci^ifes
iDitbtn tf)e jf o?ett,^c. anD to fbcio boU) f bep claim fbicifame, 0nD t^ts Court oj

31ufticc scat ftatft jurisDirtion to inquire, tjcar,anD Determine fioo things. ^ That is
by the
1 . ail trcfpaffcs accojDing fot^c latos of ffjc jFojeffs. 2*^11
initftin fljc JFo:cff ftatuteofjiH.S.
p. 5 J.
tf)CclatnTCo{i?ranc^ifcs,pjitiilcDge£:f,anD ILtbcrtics toitljintljc i?"o:.e(t, as to ' Forcft,
t)at)cparks,t;t3arrcno,^it)arics, fobcqutt ofatrcrts,anDpurp?eaurcs,tocut "p. 1 6.
Doton IjisolunCaaooDstottbout tictoof tl)c jfoiefter, «. ILifectoife claims of :iH.7.30.
iLccts. ^imti?cti3, Jr clous gooDs, (Maifs, Straps, iFugitibcs, anD to hill l^arcs
anD otl)cr Ii5caftsof cljafc U)ttl)in tl)C il^o:c!I,o; to fj'abc a MooO infra metas Fo-
relts & extra regardum Forefti , fftat is,fo be out of juriSOiction of tftc JFojett,
anDotl)cr#rancl)ifcs,^:itiilcageg, liberties, Immunities, iFreetiomcs,ic.
tott^in tbc irojcft, tobercof pou ftall rcaD crcellcnf matter in tftc ire of piche* C
ring iri 8 E.5 .Roc.31 , toljerc Guilbcrd of Hcton clainfeDljts MooDs extra regar-
dum Fore ft £r,&c.
aCljtsCbtcf 3!iifticcmapfapt^ettafuteof jaH.S.mafeefjisSDcputp ( |9cf all
tljclujits of commons ancient anD late, arc Coram (tijc Suffice Itinerant) aut
115efo?eanp 3Iutticc Scat be^olDcn,f^c
IRegarDcrs of flje
muff mafjc fm^ 'A Rf^Wftis
tbcirrcgarDbpfojccoftbcteingstojtt, anDtfje regarD is obambu]3re,fo goc derived of the
Freuch word Xv«
tVrOugl)anDtiic\utl)ct)Df)olc foitii. anD ebcrp 3i5aplilDtfeeoftftcfamc, advi-
dendum, inquirendum, imbreviandum & certificandum all t^C trcfpaCTes in tbc
gr.rdeirc,ih-K is,to
view or fcCibc-
j?o?ett : l)is office crtcnDctl) tI):ougl) tbeluljole JT^o:ett anD eberppart tbercof, .
caufehe cannot
to inquire of all offences concerning Ucrt anD dlcnifon, anD of all conccaU prcfbht any thing
but upon hi^jown
mcnts of anp offences 0? Defaults of tbc iFojctters , anD all otftcr ^©fFtccrs of tljc
and view.
It^c is a miiiiacriall £)fficer , anD is conttitutcD citbcr iTght
iitngs i^o:efl-. bp llc£= To oncefot
tcrspatcnts of tbc I'stng, oj bp tlje Ct)ief BEuttice at t&e Blutticc Scat, oj to be all.tlic names of

cljorcnbpiUD?ittot!)c&l)crif. Xftc Dutp of tl)is 0!f iccr appcaretf? bp tljc iojit .nil tiie Officers
from the higheft
to the lowcft,
iSefojc a Sullicc Scat t^crcoiiafjffobepicparationsfoj tljefamc, put
tbcm in mind of
their duty : Convcmimt rtbm nomi^nfiepe fuis: Nom'viaft'ii m* raifm,
291 TheConrtsoftheForefts, Cap.y^.
gOOO fcrttce map be Done t^ecc, & quod itinera non fint umbrati-
lia>ad taking one 0; tlno QEramples in SeaD of manp.
Breve deRegar- Rcx Vic'Not, SaJutetn, Prxeipimus tJbi quod Venire fac' ecrtis die & loco
aForeird'sh tposad hocduxerimHsprovidend'omDCsForcttario$& Regardatores de Sher-
^°°^ ^^ regard' faeiend' in Forcft'prsdiift' ante advent' Jnftictariorum nofiro-
Sylva. rum dc Forcft'j
loco regardatorum noflrorum qui mortui Tunc infirini &
b Cart.dc Foreft.
Regard')& nomina illorum imbre-
alios eligi fae'. ita quod 1 i fint in quolibet

vientur, 4 Ec Foreftar' debent jurare quod x z milites dueent per totam baiivam
"/ c •

^"^'"' ^^ vidcndum omnes tranrgreflionci qua exprimumur in fcriptis capitu-

' '

In this lorum quae tibi mittimus,& hoc non omiitent pro aliqna re-" ' Debent etizm mi-
things are to fac litcs jurare quod facient regard', ficut debet fieri &
Et quod ibuntficut

obfet ved.
Foteflar'cosdacemadpraediftavidenda* ^Et fiForeftar'nolnerinieosducere, vcl
aliquidforisfaft'coneelarcvoluerint, ipfi milites non omiitent pro illis quin fo-
risfaft'illud videant& imbreviari faciant : et hoc pro nulla re dimittant. Et
quod Regard' fiat circa Feft' bcati Petri ad Vineula prox' futur\ Te(ie,&c,

The II.
chipcers above- f I Vidcnda funt omnia Affartai&c. SUTartS.
mentioned arc thefe which i Videnda: funt omnes
Purpreftur' in bofeisj&cpurpjeffurcs in toooDS.
the Regardcrs duty is to
3 Videndz funt omnes Purpreftur'in tcrris arabil'j&c. in Arable,
4 Vidend' funt omnia Vafia bofeorum,&e, Matt Of MooD0»
5 Vidend' funt omnes Bofcidominiregisj&c. 2C^e!^ings (E(I3oot)0»
6 Vidend' funt omnei Haii domini regis,&c. 2Df)e f^eDaes of tlje liing*
Nota,all thcfc 1 1. are to bti

uPK's'^Z!f>^T^!^u^^^7 Itemomnespurprertur'&omnia aflarta. & omnia vafia, &c, dDene*

and in this refpeft may be ' fall UlOjDS*

rcfembled to a Coroner, 1 8 Vidend' funt omnesAerese Auflnrcornm,Efpervorutfc,Falconum,&:c«

frtpervifmar. japertes of I^aalb0.
I 9 Vidend' funt omnes Forgi & Mineria?,&c. 011 iFojgCS anl) S0int0t
lo Vidend' funt Porrus maris, &c. SCl^C !^at)en0Of tfte^ca»
ill Vidend' eft McJ,fiquid,&c, ^onp»

12 Item milites debent attenteinqoirere in itinerefuo qui s habuerit arcus &

fagitt' vel balifcas leporarias, buichetaS', vel aliquid ingeniumad malefaciend'
domino regi de feris fuis. Balifta, OJ Areubalifta, fisnifictl) a Crosboto*
Leporaria ,
al^arepipe. Burcheta of V)Z JFjenc^ tOOjD Berche, a kinic of

OrdmitioForePte, Imprimis ordinavimus pro nobis &

hircdibusnoftris quod de tranfgrcs' in

j^E I. Fore^iisnoftrisdeViridi Side Venationede caitero fait', Foreftat' infra quorum

balivashujufmodi tranfgres' fieri eontigerintiprarfentant eafdem ad prox' Swa-
nimorum coram Foreltat', Viridat', Regardatcr'j Agiftator', & aliis earundem Fo-
reftarum mini(iri$. Et fuper prsfentationibus huju(modi ibidem coram
Foreftar', Viridat' & omnibus aliis miniftris fupradiilis per facram' cam militum
quam aliorum proborum & legalinm hominum de partibusvicinioribus,ubi
tranfgrelfiones fie prifentata" fad' fuet' non fufpedlorum , per quos rci Veritas
plenias inquiratun Et C\c inquifita veritate praffentationcs ilk per communem
concordiam &
alTenfiim miniftrorum prxdiftorum roborentur figillis fuis &
figillentur. Et fi alio modo fuit indicftameni' pro null' penitus habeatur.
2D^i£! ^jDinance being niaiDebptt)ciaingonlp U)it()ont 0afl)o;ifp of par>
Uament, albeit it iuas in afifitmance of tlie lato, CiD not bince, anD f|erc«
fojetoasnot oeecuteo: anDtftatitluafibutan £Djtitnance,oj Declaration mane bpteingEi.itapppcarctf) eppicflpbptljcttatate of E.3. anO bp tftat <HA of i

3 ,t^e faiD a)etlaration is rcbcarfcD as a lato , f^e obferljatton toljereof is

F.N.n.164. I E.

•^y-.mUrm a vi gifo an excellent

pjeparation fo? a luttice &cat.
Gren hue for that
Viridarius is 3 31«Diciall ^fixttx of t^e fojctt ant) c^ofcn in full Count)? bp

his office priiici- fojce of tbe Jliings \D?it. ^{0 office is to obferve a:tD feeep tlje ^ffifcs o;^ iLalos
pally concerncth of tljc foicft, anD to ttelD, retett)C,anD inroll tfte 0ttact)incnts anD pjcfentments
to look to the of all manner of trcfpallcs of tbc fojcft of BHiert anD taenifoit, i to Do equall r f gbt

to mam-
^"^ J"''^'^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ P'"'? ^^ *" "^^'^^ ^^' ^^^^ ^"^ '""'^ '"^'-^^ i-'*'" "'^i' ^^^^ *"
fe'eTt b''
«/uerf. ^^^
Cap. 7 3. The Courts ofthe Forefi, ipj
tbs £Dat{) toljUf; {)ctakct^ before t^e &^eriffe« jCtiere be molt commonlpfodir
UcrDcroja in eDecp of tticiilngs iFojcfta,
to aglttment, t^at <0, to Depattute
Agi ftator, fo tallcD, betaufc ^e tabetic beatts ^ Agiftaora:
tl)c iPo?ctt , oj to fecD upon t&e patnnagc , anD commetfj of ttie JFrentl^ Conit.&
bccaafc beatts t^at fceD arc tijctc Icbant « coucljant, "^i fup.
tDOjt), Gy to ''^ft-
icr, Ipc, tljc t^erc
office conOttct^ in agiftando,recipiendo,iinbreviandOji
Iptng ant) rtfing. i^nD ftts
& certificando.
anD tt)(s iDfftcer is conSituteD bp tl^e U<ng0 betters )Satent9 ; ^nD of Qiefa
in fuc^ iFojeftfl toljcre tftcre is anp patDnage.tftcrc be torn: in nambcr . - '- -^

Gruani, (of toftom pou lljall rcaDc in iFojcft iRccojDS) is fieriijet) fi'mn flfiie
frcntfjtoojDGruyer, iBfjtclj figntfict^ generally tfte pjincipall iSDfftcers oftfje
iFojeft. Et ipfi Gruacii voeartur ad fimilitudinena corutn qui Aocnpio Regis io
graes olim praferanr, Norm.
Forcttariui f s taken fo; a OTooDtnarl) not onlp of tljc Ifttng toifiin jFojett,
but ex vi termini Of anp fubjed: 6f t)is Moofts tDl^erefoetJcr tl&ep Ipe : \D\iit% ap=
W ^Ferejimtu,

pcaretftbp a ?!Srrlt in Bradon in tbefctDOjM, Rex Vie'Salut. Scias quod prop-

BraSon lib.4,

ter dcltruiftionem qua? fada ert in bofco &

terra quam A,de N, tenet in dotem m fo.ji6a. &b.
tali villa de B, de N. Provifam ell in Cnria nofira coram Jufticiariii noftris,quod

idem apponat Fofeftariam fuum ad przdidum bofcum cuftodiendSita qaod prs-

dift' A. non babeat in eodem bofeonifiracicnabilceftoverium fuum ad arden-
dam & elaudendum tantum fupcr candem tcrram quam ipfe tenet in eodem , &c.
HBat in unDcrttanDing Ijc is taben foj a ftoojn iDfftcer mintttectall of i\jz
iiings jFojctt, * Ijls Dufp appcarctftbpi^is oatf),tD^it^> conCttctft on iFitie parts.
snbat be IbaU be lopaU anD true to tlje spatter of tjje iFojcft, 2, SDftat fte Cbatl
trnlp toalb anD keep ttje £)ffi(e of t^e iFojetterCbip, anD true toatcfi make bot^
earlp anD late botlj of laert anD tKenifon, 3. 2Drulp attacl^e,anD true p^cfcntment
make ofaUmanneroftrefpalTesDonetDitlitnt^isiFojettto^tstoiotDleDee, anD
of ^ts Bail ttDicb. 4. Clie lyings connfell, t)is fet-
fpectallptDttbtn timekeeping
lotos, anD ^is ton, t)e Oiall trnlp keep 5 • i^o concealment make fo; no faboar;

mceD J DjcaD, but toell anD trnlp to bej^ffbe l^imfelf therein,
a €)fficer0 of tf)c jFojett fljallnotbe ftoojn onenqneflsotrtof fl^eiFojeft, :?4£-i.c»p.y.
Regift. i8j,
b Meflarius ts a
i^otoer 0? ^arbeftcr, DcribeD a mctcndo. Fleta lib,!, cap, 7,-» F.N.B.
aocflbr. b Afllfaeccofuct.'
30 aff,

Theflylis & rapido fclTis mefforibus ^nu foreft.6E.i.c.i6,

Allia Serpyilumque herbasGomunditolentcs, Virgil,

4E Surcharge ofthe Foieft] Superoncracio foreftx, tsto^en a commo<

Regift.&F NB.
ncr in tl;e J'oiieft puttet^ on mo^c iScatts tben ^e ong^t , anD fo furcl^rget^ tlie I i6.a.c.&c. Sur-
ifojcft. 3t is taken from t^e Mrit De feeunda iuperonerationc pafturar fn t|e charge.
fame fenf to^en tlje Commoner furcljargctl}, Ml^re it is faiD (tepore corona, Mag.Catt.cap 5.

tionis Regis Hcorici avi.tljat is, of H. 2,) 3It is to be kneton t^at l>c teas crotoneD
ttoice. viz, t^e 10 of SDecember in tbc firtt pear ; be caufeD bis fonne Henry fo be
1 5 of 3unc in tbe ifipearoffttsrelgn;
crotoneD iiingtbe Henry l^is fon DteD tlie
1 1 of June in tbe 28 pear of^fs reign; after toljofeDeat^ afng Henry f itz Em-
preffc teas crotoneD again.
f Dcfertum,idquodabhomiDibu$defcritur,&feri$relinquitan , Domefdiy.
«f M
afura terra:, funt in eifdcmmafuris 60 domoj plus quam ante fucrunr. Mas Sudfeic Ciceftr.
de tf a, tbaf is an erc^angc of lanD tobete t^erc is a bonTe, & f^pe.
f Fugacia figntfiett) a dbafc, anD ts all one toitli Chafca, &ee t|ic Cfjartcr of Carta umUis
Mawdc tbe CmpjclTe, ftiUngfter fclf Anglorum Domina, maDe to Miics Of irapcrairicisM.-
<DlocelIer, treating btm tljercbp cBarl of ^ercfojD , toftcrein totoarDS fbe enb
ftiUoto tl)efc toOjDS. Pncipio quod hie omnia fupradidta ceneat de me liberc &
quiecein bofco & piano, in forcfli* fugaciis, in pratis &pafturis, &c, Prarterei &
autem concedo, uc in propriis ipfins pradiis quifque tam in agris, quam in fyivis Im.lcges canuti
excitet agitetq; feras ; meas autem fie vencturj iis prifertim in locis qaos privi- '^"P-77. Lamb.

Icgio circurafcripfi meo cum poena prarcipio.

%W H, I . maDC at MooDttocka |3ark, fel)tc^ toas , faftft Ije, t^cfirtt park Johannes Roffu*.'
* »i'' p»fl ew™.
tn ^ngUnD, JlSut it is out of Doubt tljat ttjere tocre iparks in t^jc Dapcs of tije
^q Karons
Zp^ 7he Courts of the
Deorfald.Falda ^9m^9i Dectfald offtooS?airontoo?usof Dcotfoj2Dctr.
tBljtt^ toere calleft
ftrina. anD Fald fo;t a place inclofeti totti) pale , ijetgc, o> toall. j^no in ttje lideoh of
Chtdf.Gertb. ^omcfsap often mention t0 moDe bp erpjeffe name de Parcit, Parous bcRiarum,
Patcui fylvacieus beRiarum»
befiiarum De- Hftia taben fo) Parcus of ttie $xznVi tno^D Heye fo; an triclofnre Rot, loquifit.
36 E» 3» in Scace' de foreft'.
chelere. Hert-
f HaiadeKiDgcflietn^^amO&tre.
ton. ^ Haltous, nltjfulaanlflc. f Bercatia, Vid. i partldftit. Se.fl,i, f Ma-
Aflif. foreft. flj vus mutulatus is a ^aSiffe erpeDitateD 0^ latoeD, anD not mndeD : fo^ no SDos
. . V
bg V9b laU) of t^ If ojea oag^t to be mnfleD. Mutulacus commet^ of ttie tiScrbe
Demutuio, i, demembro, f BiiTa, u Cerva, of t^ if tenc^ ioojD Biche fo j a
Ibid. SE.j.Iti- ^inoe. f Murcleges, a legcndo murcj. Of getting Of spicc, a MilDc Cat.
neie Pick«r.
Guilberc of A-
f Tcffones of tbciFcencfttDOjo Teflon, fo;a(I5jap, J15jocb,oj315aDger, f Befo-
doH6 e^rc. Bus Of Bifon a if rencl^ tso^d fo? a totlDe £>i;e.
f Ham, Saxon'cedomu$,]^ome,rometime Villa, as MilehatnoHm Mildbam,
])ecaufet()e aire luas mtlDeant) temperate.
lb. Artie. II,.
-1; f HueanDery,
Hutefium& Clamor, tbc one being an ejpofition of tl^otbcr,
Catnia continet
eacb of tftem ftgntfping crping ant» ftotuting verba dolentis, anD Hne ic Dcri^

fpacium ofto
t30D of t^ if renc^ iDOjD huier, anD crier, But^tie anD CrjJbpt^c jfojeft lato ia
gitudine. Dorf. not to be maoefoj trefpatfe in 3!lcrt, but in tKenifon onlp, Cbtfl l^ueanD Crp
dauf. Aa.i6 R.t tannot be
purfueD but onlp toitftin t^e bounDS of ttic jf o?cft ; anD tbe offence muft
IT, 30.
becommitteDtettl)tntI)eifo?ca,anDtiot UJitbintbepnrlteu. ;anD tbis i^ucana
CrpmapbcmaDeijpanp oftbclitnr(3^intftcr0oftl)Cifo;ictt, for anp of fbem
mag arreft tl^c malefacro? , anD none can mahe ^ne anD Crp but ^ t^t map ar<
reft in tbat catCj anD cannot SnD fo are tbe gencrall toojDSj si
qui$ vidcrit, &c.
Si qcis viderit,&o 3!f anp ^otonOiip 0} uStUage foUoto itof tl^e ^\xz anD
Crp ,t^ep (l^aU be amerceD at tbe Blnftice feat.
: 5 S^aben toiti tl^ Maynecr, a Mano is in 4 WnDS, viz. )BDog.&jaU>, tfjat is,
WatDing after a SDeer tol^ic^^l^t^^ttrt. stable ftanD, vi?.. at ^isftanDing
tDttb anp ifinife, 0ttnne,o} )IBotx), 0; ctoTe tnit^ 0?e^ounDs in ^ts S^eaO) reaDp
* to Ojoot oj coucfe, llBacb^bear,tftat is.carrptng atoap ttje 2Dcer iu^ic t> ^
HBlooDp tianD, ti)at is , toljen ^e b^tl^ (bot 0; courfeD, anD is imb^ueD toitb blooD.
llBut tobat tf injufticebe Done at t!je Suftice feats' if o? e):amplc,as if a claim be
maDe of anp libcrtp at a Slutticc feat, anD is tl^re allotneD, tobat remeDp batb tbe
part? grietcD in tljis cafe.-- tobicl) 31 Do tbc rather pjopounD, becaafeSl finD not
tl^is Doubt refoltJCD in anpof tbe readings upon tbisilatutcof Carta dc Forefia,
4JJ in anp tbat bate to jtttcn of tbe if ojeft latos. anD 3 finD tbi? queftfon ccfol'
tieD bp a notable 3i5oob cafe in 2 E. 3, agreeable toitb tbc Kegtftcr anD ot^er

ii E.]-48.a. In
jBoobs 4 tobcre tbe cafe toas tbis. A. S: b. befojc tbe Suttices of tbc ifojeft of
to babe toltl^in tfte tMooD of E.tottbtntbcfanjcifojefta
Scire fae. giicbcring clapmeD
Vid.15 %ooDtoard p;ioper, anD alfo to babe tbe toinDefals in tbe fame Mood, lobtcl^
Nichol.Gowers claime teas allolueD bp tbe faiD iufttccs , tobcre tn trutb tbe fatD claimc toas
Commoners tberc ; fo? tbat tbe Commoners toitb^
falfe, to tbe Dltbcrifon of tbe
Vid.Regift.i#}.b E.
in tbe faiD SDoton of baD tbe cboice of tbe faiD iuooDtoarD,anD all iifz toinDefals
de libcrtatibus foj tbcir reasonable Cttoterc as belonging to tbcir frcebolaSCberupon on fbcbc=
allocacis. Commoners tbe 9Reco?d befbje tbe taftfces of tbe jFojctt toas remo--
balf of tbe
tjeDbp Certiorari, Ctob«b tn ttje fo?cft lato is calico a Ven refacias l1eco;& jinto
tbe iSings JBencb (tobicb Court is alwte all <£ ires) anD ttoo of tbe Commiffto^
HerSi^"'*, Robert dc Searburgh anD Robert VVichfticDouta scire fac'apon tbe
faiD IRecojD againft tbe faiD A, & B. &c. anD t#ep Declares vnfm tbe faiD mvit
Commoners baD tbe liberties afo^iD Crcepticn toas tabcn f tbe
tbat all tbe :

^rif, tbat tbe griebancc is astoellfoppoTcD to otbers,a0totbofettootobicb

toere plainttfes to tbe Scire t^ac. Mbereunto ittoasanfwercD, tbatattbongb
tbe grievance toas to otbers, ret tbofc ttoo tbat tooulo complain migbt maintaine
t^fuif. anD iffbc ofbersbcofHccojDtottb A.anDB. pet tbefc ttoo map foe,
anD t]^e(e ttoo migbt fpaise |opneD ia acTtfet ant) tberett is bolDcn,tbst ff a profit
... •
^/^^ Courts
Cap.73« of the Fore(ls, 2p$
be grantet) fo a comnititaltp ont of t^e iFoieff , ti)C daime Qugl)t to be matte bp
ttjctn all, bnt otl)crU)t!^e it is toitfjin tfic iFo?cft , bate
cberp one Oiall W
Siaion bpljimfclf fo? t^t toljtcl) belongs fo fjim ; in (l}e enti tbc
CGrit toaa
aDjutwcD to be gooti. HSut in t^is cafe fomciufjat is implf cD , fox bp tlje laUi of
tljeiFoj^eft Irftcn a claim ismatieofanp libcrfp iDiffttn tbc iro?cft , altbougft no
tffne be JopncD tfjcreiipon,pct fljc cntrp is, Et quia videtur Juflicianis quod expe-
dicDS & neccfle ad inquirendum fupcr pr^miffis rei vetitatem artcquam ad allo-
a 8
E.J. Itineri
cationem clamci pridid^i proccdatur, inquiraiarindc Veritas per miniHrosejuf- Picktr. Henry
dem forefti-tant) fomcffmc tarn per miniftros foreftae quam per alios libcros & le- de
Percycs cafe
at ttfc Difcrctlon of tijc 3uaice0 foj tljc atifcancement of triitlj ; anD
gales homineJ,
v>hi.h depended
in ad/ifcmcnr
jSccojDlnglp tl^e iFojctlers, acrDerojs. Uegartjcrs, anD agiftcrs Doe enquire
» 3lfo if a claim be maDc bcfo?c t^e Katticcfl of tf)C for
i^ojcft, inbcreupon diliiculty tci)r
years before R.d?
tftcre grotuctl) Difficult p, oj
a Demurrer in lato be tfjcrcupon jopneD, t^e l^ufti^
WiUov'by, and
tea map aDjourn ttie fame into t^e lyings ]13encl) to be tt)ere aDjuDgeD, anD t^en other Jufticesof

tl)e<BntrP is, Ideo quoad clameum prxdid' pro eo quod Jufticiarii pridid'non- iheForeft.
dam advilanturde judicioindereddendo,daiuscft dicseidcm H, coram Domino Record.
Rcge (in tali retorn') ubicunq; &c» dc audicndo inde judiciunf, &c. Et didum Certiorari.
eidemH. quod interim fequaturbfe de Venire fac' inderecordum,&c. Poftea "
A Certiorari
DominusRexmandavitprafai'Juftic'bfe fuum in h.Tc verba*,* Edw. Dei gra- b.fcre judgemci):

tia Rex Angliae, &c. Dileito & fideii fuo Rico dc Willowbye falutem. Cum vo$
01, t of the Chan-

cery returnd in-

& focii veltri lufliciarii noftri ad placita fore(ti,&c» tcnend' aflignat' ouoddam
to the Kings
clameum dc divcrfis libertatibos per dileflum & fidelem noftrum Percye Bench dite(Sed
coram vobis & fociis vcftris pradiitis in eadem forcft' fadV proprcr quafdam dif- toR.deWilloiv-
eodem dameo conteni'coram nobis adjornavcritis,ut aecepimus,Vo-
ficultatcs in
(being the
bis mandamus quod ita ctt, tunc omnia damea prxdida nee non recorda &
ancient primaiy

vobis habita coram nobis ubicunque fuerimus in Anglia fub Iudoe)only3bc-

inde coram raule he only
fioillo veftrofinedilaiione mittatis juxta adjornamcncum prsdiwlum hocbrc no- hath the keeping
bis remittentes. Telle, &c. Anno 1 1 E, 3. of the Recocdj.
Virtute cujus "Brcvis clameum prscdid', nee non recordum & procelT, pridiA*
inittuntur coram regc ad diem prisdiifl' una cum brevi praEdi(5lo.
Pofiea Dominus Rex mandavic prxfato R. de W. quoddara aliad bfe clauf, in
hsEC verba. Edw. &c. dilctlo & fideii R. de W. Salutcm, Cum vos & focii vcflri

lufticiatii noftri ad placita forcH in forcft'* Lane'dc Pick' in com' Eborum
tencnd' afllgn' quidam clam' dc divcrfis libenatibus per dilectum fidelem &
nollrnm H. de Percye coram vobis & fociis veflris prxdid' incadcm forefl' ha-
bend' faft' propter quafdam difficultat' in eifdemclaT.eisintetvenicnd' coram
nobis adjornavericis, &
quaedam alia clamea fuafimiliter ibidem dequibufdatn
aliis libertatibus t'i&.' allocavcritis.prout accepimu$;Nos volentcs cam fuperdidlas
libertates fie adjornai',quam fupcr al' allocat' ccrtis dc caufis certiorari, vobis
mandamus quod fi ita cft.tunc omnia clamca prid' ncc non record' proccfT. in- &
de coram vobis. &
fociis vcfiris prardid'habit' coram nobis ubicunque fuerimus

in Anglia fub figillo vcflro fine dilationc mittatis, &

hocbrcve,ut hiis infpcdlis ul-
tcrius fieri facicmu$,quod dc jure fore viderimus faciend'. T. E. Duce Cornub.
Com' Ceftria: fiJio noHro chariilimo Cufiod' AngI' apud Bcrkhamflecd Primo die^
Febraarii anno regninoftri 13. VirCute cujus brcvis dam' prid'tam adjornac'
allocat' mittuntur coram Rcgeuna cum bri prxdi(5l', &c.
iSp all tobtcl) cafes tbc fojmer quettion ts refoltcD, tol^ictj cafe anD confequents
tliercupoti is U)o;tbP of fecious conQDeration.
Nicholas Govvcr teas inDiaeDfojtljat l^c billcDtbe!^{ngs<35amc in tftciiitigs u E.5.43.
^oitQMicn t)C toas tljc iiings §)teVDarD of t^e fame,anD alfo ^D taUcn ranfome
foj 3nDid:meuts, toljirb 3nDt£tmcntS toerc remotjeU coram Regc anD tl^e ^t^tp»
arD toas put to anflocr t^eveunto.

,SJ » Huge
zp6 The Courts of the
Forefis, Cap.y^.
J7 E I . corana
Hugo U Dcfpencer Juflic' Ferefi' citra Trentam mandavit quoddam Breve
RegeRot. 15. retorn^ coram Demino Rege in crafiinoSanUi^ohmnis
^uumVic' Wtgom'
Nof cThc Writ Bapifi^frox' fraterito, ^c. in bac verba. Hugo le Dejpenfer Infik'
of the jufticc of Uandamui
^^^^^ Treutam Vic' Wigorn Salutem. volts
qwddifMng' God-
lorn'Mto'lhe' jridum Epifcopum Wigorn' per
emnes terras ^
cataHafua in baUiva veftra.
Kings Bench. ita quod ncc ipfc, nee aliqaisper
earn ad ea manum apponat, donee aliud a Do-
Brcve lufHcimi
^-^^ ^ „^ f^^ ^ ^^^^ j„^g habueritis in mandatis. Et quod de exitibm coram

Gedfndum Epifc. Domwo Rege relpondeatts, &

quodhabeatu corpus t^tti coram Domtno Rege
mgo»t\ in fefio SanLii^ohanms Baptift^ubicunquetunc fueritinAnglia,adfinem
vcnationis per ipfumfaSia inforefia de
^ro^J^aTrgreiT'^ f^cicnd' pro tranfgreponc Windefore
venation/s in fc-
fjcut per Icgakm inquifitionem fecundum Afsifam forefi*
cor am nobis
rcfta dc Wmdtiut
nobis confiat. Et unde eidem
yfrj^Jefor captam plenius Epifcepo per literas
mfiras ex parte Domini Regis
alias mandavimui^ quod pro fine
fuo mdefaci-
endoveniret coram nobis apud London^ ita quodeffet ibiin craftineSanitt
Trinitatis prox^prateritOj vel fufficientem Attornatum fuum ibidem mitteret

am plenum pbtejlatem in hac parte habentem : qni ad diem ilium coram nobis
non venit nec'Jttornatum in hac parte mifit ficutei ex parte Domini
, Regis
ibi hoc Breve Dat'
mandatumfttit; Et habeatis apud Lugtheburghe die lovis

inodab' Afcenftonis Domini Anno regni Regis Edwardi vicefimofexto.Ad

quem diem Vic' nihil inde fecit, fed mandavit quod praceperat ballivis liber-
tatis de Ofervoldefiorve qui nihil indefecerunt. Per
eju/dem Epifcopi quod
praceptum fuit eidem
vie' qmd non emitteret propter pradiiiam libertatem,
omnes terras^ ^c, Et
quin diftring' prxdi£{um Epifcopum per quodde exi-
Et quod haberet corpus ejus coram Rege in oBabis SanBi Micha-
tibffs, S'<^.
elisy ubicunqtte,&c. ad fnem faciend' , <^c. cum Domino Rege pro tranfgrejf.
Et ftmiltter quia procedi nonpotuitadfinemcapiend' de
proccdinonpo- prxdiCi' , &c. prdd'
tuitadfinemc^p. de
£pfcopo,(^c.finerecord'prxdiBiHugonisIuftic'(^c. tranfgrejf. prdd.
A"cmi'ort'.'io' &<^- Mandatum fuit eidem Hugoni Iuftic',^c. quod recorduminde coram
the juaice of the eo habitum regi mitteret ad prafatum Terminum cum omnibus recordii illud
Forcft for the
Et Vic' nullum breve retornavit coram Rege ad prxfat' Termi-
num San£iiMichaelis : nee prddi^HS Hugolujlic'^^c. aliquodrecordum
mifit, ^c.propter quod^ficut prius prxcept' fuit vie' quodnen omitteret prop-
prddi^fam lihertatem,qmn difiring' pradiBum Epifcopum per omnes ter-
ras, &c. Et quod deexitibus, c^c.
Et auod haberet corpus ejus coram
in Odabis San£ii Hilarii ubicunque, S'c. ad finemfaciend'
diB, &c. Et Vic' retorri breve, fedpmdiBui Hugo Tu/lic' nullum recordum
hoc venit quidam Aluredusde Northgrave
mifit. Etfuper proprddiCloEpi-
fcopo, & dicit
quod prdfatus Hugo Iufiic',(jrc. difiringitprdd' Epifcopum
brevia ('ui in Com' Wigorn' (^ Glcuc' adfinem faciend' coram
per diverfa
jpfg ^^
cadcm trangr. ejr nihilominus paratus eft fatisfacere Domino
^^^^ pro prddicfo Epifcopo prxdiB' tranfgre(f. fecundum recerdum prs-
diBi Hugonis, ^
fecundum quod Cur' Regis confideraverit,^c , Et quia di-
Uuf Hugo Infiic' nullum recordum mifit per quod procedi
potcfi adfinem capi^
end deprxdiBo Epifcopo, &c, Ideo quoadprsdiCium Epifcopum cejfat difir'
in unum menfem ubicunque, ^c, Et ditiutA
ufque a die Pafchx efipradicio
Aluredo quod tunc fit
ibi adfinem
faciend' propr<tdiBo Epifcopo, vel quod ha-
heat Vl^arrantum de pr^diBo Hugone lufiic' quodfinem fecit vel
finem facere
debeat coram prjsdiiio Hugone Iufiic',(^c.
detranfgrefsioneprxdiB' ,(^c.
Et nilnlominu* mandatum efi prdfato Hugoni Iufiic',c^c. quod Venire

fac' recordum prxdiBum^ttt prxdiBum ^efi , coram Regeprafatu terminu, ^c.

C ap .
73 • ^1^^ Courts
ofthe Forejls, 297
;^bferte todl tl^e parts of t^islRecoiiD, aitD areaDp Inap to l^elp t^l^ing
to t)is fines after ttje € tre of t^e fo:eS ta enDeD.
^n t^c otftcr fiDe it ts DemanticDiDljat if a man majke a jutt anD latofull clatra « Regift.KSz.and
to certain UberticB at tftc iuttice&cat, anD cannot obtain ttje fame to bcaUotD* F.N.B.zi9.b.&
eDbptfte31uaiccsoftJ)e fojelt,tD^atrcmeDpfoj tjim tftat mafeetft futft ctaimc-
OTftercuntoti)canftocri0,tl)atftea>aUl)abcatD?it Delibcrtatibusallocandis, s7ac«TdeAnno
fiircftcD to tbc Sufttces of tljc fojeft, tufticl^ tojtt Dotij appear in tlje IRegifter. 1
4 h i dc i.ber-
a 0nD am>
perfon tliat 10 to mabe anp claim map tbe firO: Sap of t^e CE ire ettljer "o bus aiiocandis

antj a &videL.Ockhi
mafecit(np'erfono^bp0tturnp, ,N.B.26.g. be tftat appears npon p?c-
fcntmentojinDictmcnttabcnbefojetbc 31naite0tncl;tre,anD tratjerfctb tbe Jn-- a'it^\ur^ixt
Dt(tment,map after appear bpSitturnp. S>ee befo?e Cap. lattices in cBire tfje Pick.HSa.
iUjttintbcRegirt.lp.a, VV.2.cap,io, bZ E.j.lnncre
2nD tbC entrp is A. B. po: lo: fuo T. B. vd L.N. de omnibus placitij
que- feu •'^-
relis motis fca movcndis, &
ad omnes libertates calumniandS profequcnd'jS: de-
J^^j;"^ eh rc^^'^
' °^b "

fcndcnd" durante ltincrciito:tDberebp it appearctt) in to^tgeneralitp an attur=

np map be maDe.
"^anDtbisagrectbVBitbtbclRcgittcr, faip. b.bp f, binl) of Writs iabicft rR<:gin.i9.b.
arcioojtbpofobfcrtiation, viz. 'Breve declanjeoadmittcnd' in itincreper At-
tornatum primo die itineri»,&c»
De libertatibus exigendis in Itincre ; > De At-

cornat'inomDibusplacitis&querelis in itinere, & ad libercaces calumniandas:

* Alitcr HI omnibus placicis & querelis in Icincrejuxta forma fiat' de Mertoncap.
&W,, Alker de Attornatis,&c.
10. Oouc'cap.S.
janDtbcfcMfrftsaretobcgrantcDex mcrito Jufticise , toft^out anp Denpall
asioellto tbc ^utttces in Ctreof tbefojea,as otber inffices in Cire foj tbe
aDmittingof 0tturnies, Vid, i.parcofthelnftimtes W,z.cap.JO,
ianD upon fearcb mafic 3 finD fbelibe tujtt beginning , Omnibus Bali vi$ &
fidelibnsfui$,&c. in tbeOEireof Pickering, 19. b. fOJ t^lC^jiOJ Of&t.Johwof
lerufalem to mafec an ^tturnp befoje tbe Blnttices of tbe fojelf ,
IButtDbat if tbc Sluttice in d; ire giije an erroneous |uDgmcnt,«. tobaf rcmc* Lfb'^ fo^^'b
fiPbatbtbcpartpgricbcD:? !^c map babe atojftof Crroj oaf of tbe Chancer? Labbotd/scrata
returnable into tbe Hings SEencb^anbtbere iulticefljallbeDone, Marceiiascafc
3f a man matte bis claim bp grant oj pjercription,anI) be 0? bis CounccU mifs
' '^ ^ E.j.icin Pick.

fafectb bis rigbt title in fomcmafcriall point, fo as tbe claim ts fonnb againft ^rwV'''"f!f""
btm. it is gooD foj bim tbat bis true title be founD bp tbc fame bcrDirt fpeciallp, ^.yand p^uo
foi tbcn map tbc partp bi' petition mabe a fine anb pjap licence to mabe a neto niUa de Kin-
clatm,anDtbcrcuntobco«gbttobeaDmitfcD, thorp.
anD concerning claims it is fpeciallp to be obferbcctbaf bp tbefojctt lato a 8EM"n'P"k.
grant maDcofapjitJilcDgctoitbin tbe fojcft to all tbe Btnbabitants being jFree=
hin'ianc' fo
bolDcrs tuitbin tbcfojeaojfucbotbcrComminaltiesnot inco?po?ateD,is gooD. fSE.j.itinpicfc.
31f a man mnbc a falfc claim bp claiming mojc tbcn be ougbt, be Iball be fineD fo.i j.L3nf.f.64.
fo:i bis falfc claim, but tbat tobicb be ougbt to bat^e fball not be fcifcD : jSs tbe

|0no?of 3^o}bclaimeDbpCbarterto batic^DitbcofalltHeniron, tarn in carne

quam in corio, tobcrc be ougbt not to babe it in corio, f0} tDbicb be toas fineD anD
31n tbe (Eire of picbcring bolDcn bcfoje Riehard 'de Willowby , Robert de '

Hungcrford anD John deHambury BiufticcsinCDtrcfojtbcfojeftof j^icfecring, Pickerinpccafc

Atino 8 E.3. a claim toas maDC bp Thomas de Pickering anD Margaret bisiuife,
viz,. Habere in dominieobofco fuo dcLodon Woodwardum ad cuftodicndum

Bofcumfuumj&quod nullus in eo amputet aut proftrarc faciat arborcm ali-

quam fine voluntate fua, &quodipfiinbofcofno poffunt
proflrare dare pro &
voluntate fua arbores virides & ficcai,& dare &
vendere atbores fuaspro volun-
tate fua fine vifu i-'orenariorum,&c. anD pjefcribcD in tbc fame in tberigbfof • r
^ 's
tbc faiD Margaret, tebcrctbis pjcfcriptioH toas inquircD of anD allotocDtobe cjamtd".un-
gooD in lato, but it toas founD, as to tbe tabing of tbe trees toitbowt tbcbieto of ricn cjpujfBur.
tbe iFojc(tcr,to be untrue. «^ ^'"f ^trontbuf
* ^
anbc UUc pjckriptton maDe bp Sellinger fo tabc anD cut Doton Cimber trees ''.T' *''%
toitblnb(soton?MooDs tottbin tbc fojctt of !^ape in tbeCotmtpof l^crefojD PophVmchicf
toitbonf juftice.
2p8 The Courts ofthe Forefls. Cap. 73.
iDit^ont tt)etieU)oftltlciFo;eaer,anDupQn ocgument atiD long at)t7i(cmcnt it
load aDjuDgeD, t^at tt)c pjefcriptton toas gooo notVottljltanDing ttjc £);tDinance
of 34E.U anDt^cftatuteofi E.j.cap.z. J^nD ttje reaton tcassbccaafc tljatUa--
tutctoaa but tn affirmance of t^ common lain oft6efo?ca,anD agauiftfuc^a
Air. ttatuteamanmappjercribe. ^nDt^at ^E. i. Voadbnt att £D;tiinance anDno
statute, fee F.N.B. 1 67.a.Rcgificr,C?iHlbtflJ juDgment teas agcccabletoPicke*
Forcft' ubi fup.
A man miy claim cafe abotjefaiD, ant) is of great contcquence: fo^ t^e Katute of Carta de Fo-
tobivc dogs in- rclta, ant) moil of t^ftatutesi concerning foieSfS are U^toife dcclaraciva anti-
qui anD tl)erefo; againit t^e Common lato? To agatntt t^em a man map
hounds within
pjefcribe npon a )nft anD rcafonable canfCibnt
if t|»ep toerc introduftiva novi u-
ihe Foiefl, j
risj t^tn no {r^etcrtption can be maoe agatnft t^em, ttnleOe l}e l^at^anoti^cr itatuts
to pjcfcrbc t^ ltbcrtte0.
ant) if a man liat^ a Wooti in a imVt, anD tatl^ no radii picrcription, tlje lain
j.E.i.trni.9. Dottiap^intl^m a meanu to fell botlflDOOD anD timber, fo it be no p;u;juDtceto
Ad quud danmu. tJjegamcbnt faff tcient is left bcADcs, anD t^at ta,b? a lojtt of Ad quod damnum,
tipon retnm iuljcreof tljc iiing Dotlj licence i)tm,ic.
Pafch.jIac.Ree. HBpt^emtngBcommanDmcntnnDerl^is&ignatnre anD &ignef , all t!)c3«D«
ge0 toere aflembleD about certain qucitions concerning
anD of Jl5oU)l«nD in of
fojelts of iietrcacr in
tljc Count? of ilctcefter, tbe Count? CSaartoicbaobcmo^
Vid.Rcg 158.3. teD to t^m bp tfte atturnp of tfte 2Dncl^» BnD tt)e firtt queftion ioftic^ tuaa mo^
Bowlandiscal tieD, lDa0,U)ljetl)crtl)eraiD fojca0 Vocre fojeas in name onlp , oj in lato :
Jed Libera Cha-
fcade Bow laud. being qua^nio faai , tbe BiuDges coulDgibenoanfiper: butbploapof Dtreaion
t^eprefolt}eD,tf^t if tt^eploere foveas in laU) it mxO. appear of i^eco^D, fo}

tberebc certain inciDents infcparableto cberpfojcft.vlz, courts of IRecojD, and

ilDfficBrs of llecojD, courts of UecojD^s C ourts of 0ttacl)ments, &toanimote,
anD Slottfce g>cats. £)if icers of HccojD , as iFojefters.taerDcrers, lIcgarDers,
jagiacr0,tc.tDljo arc maDe(as itappearctl)bcfojc)bp matter of KecojD, %t, but
appellation o? naming of tl)em fojetts in offices, pleaDings, grants, 0? ot|)er con-
t}epanccs,are no proofs, tbat t^ep be fo^eits in lato.
Temps E.r.trtf- 2. 3t teas rcfoltjcD bp tljem, t^at if t^iepbe but free Cftafcs anD no fojcfts in
paffe i49.the c ifc lato.. tl^ttl&cnt^ otoners of tsaooDS toitbin fucft Cl)afes map cut Dotonttm*
is to beunt'er-
ber 0^ toooD grotoing therein toitftout tleto of anp Officer, oj licence of anpi but
where Forsftcrs if tljep cut Doton fo moc^ a" tbcp leatje not fuflficicnf cotjert , anD bjuife toooD fo j

ttie game, t^ep Otall be puniOieD

at tfie !li ings fuit. 0nD fo it is if a common per*
(there naiied;
be,foi every Fo- fon ^atft IttertP of Cftale in otbcr mens tKJooDs, tljc otoners of fftc mooDs can*
rcfl is a fi ee
not cut Doton all tljc MocDs,'jat Icabcfuificient fo? couert , anD bjuife,as ftatft
i converio.
been accuftomcD,nomo;ic tljcn tbc otoners of eauooDs in toljicl) ofbcrs Ijatc
45 E.J.8. common of (i£ao^crs,can Dettcop tlje to^olc eeiooDs, but Icabc fufficicnt fo? tfte
Vid.DicrtfE.6. 3. jSlnD being DcmaitDcDto'ftetljcr in tbciainga free Cl^arcsamanmigbf &at)c
fu.70. common $ fccDtng foj ftccv^i toarren bppjefcriptlon oj grant i Zt toas rcfolbcD
cleerlp tt)Cp miglbt>but t^epmuft not furcljargc to t^e p?ejnDice of tbel>iings game,
but tbe otoner of tbc foil toifbin fucb a free cbaii: cannot erect a Z;Sliarren tottl)ont
a Cl)artcr from tbc liing. 3nD it fecmctli to me tljat bp pjefcription a man map
babe conunon fo? bis (beep toitbin tbe l&ings fojelt : fo?, fird, 1 ftnD no aufbO'
tbojitp in our boolis (tbat 3 remember ) againft it ; anD tbat gencrallpa man
nwp common in a foicft, itappcarctb bp Carra dc forcHa, Cap.i . 55 E.i ftacy. ,

34 E.i .cap.d?. 0nD If fo? common in gcneraU,erpcciallp fo? common appenDant fo

niucb fabourcD in lato,anDparticularlpfo? S»btep,as tocl as fo? i^o?fe0 % ipares.
izH.^CommnniT. F.N.B. 230.3. SinD to concluDc tbls point;tbe i^?to?ejre
ofCiSitbam p?efcribeD to batoc common in tbc fo?eff of|l3itbcrtng, pro omnibus
avcriii rui$,except'capreiJis, bcfo?e tbe Sutticcs in ©ire in 8 E.3, Rot,3i ,
being founDfo be true teas allotocD to b^M^* ^"^ fncb a p?ercrtptton map babe
a latofull beginning bp tbe la ings grant.
4. SDIjat be tbat batb a £2!larrcn toitbin a free Cbafc map builD upon bis oton
inberitancc toitbbi bis Marrcn a conbenient loDge fo? p?eferbat{on of bis game,
anD Popham cbicf Biutticc bcfo?e all tbe 4reft of tb? 3!uD(jeg citeo t)^z fniD
cafe of ^clcngcr nDjuDgcD in tbe c^rcbequcr, &>ojr.c
Cap. 73* ^^^ Courts
ofthe Forejls, zpp
&otne queftton being mo\)to betioeen tt)e c^arl of i^ott. 3attkz in (iStre in all
t6c)&tng0fo;e(t&,anDtt)e€arlof2Dojret Ctrcafurer ofGSnglanD (oiicemtns ,

t^e titrpoCngofttjc lyings ^0000 tn^i0 toittts i toi, rcrolttitg Vo^ereoebpttje

litngs conimanDincnt all t^e BltiDgeo of CnglanD toere aOTembleD, \nfyi opon
' '"
conference anD mature Deliberation reroltieD t^efe 7. points foUoiuing. :

1, 2C^af tl^c , anO tljc

3I«fticc0 in ©ire?iings Officers toitbin !)(0 fdjeft
l^atecljargcofclenifon.anDof tacrt 0:. dDjecnc b«c fojtlje maintenance ojp?e«
fertjation of tlje liings pmc, anD ttjcretn of all manner of trees ioi to- j„ Baga dc Furefiu in cu-
Dert, b?uifc ant) patonage. Ii5ut to^en nceD is to fell feafonable luooDs jiodiaRem. regis, it e. *.
toitljin IjiB fojeft,oj timber foi fji8 ^ajCttieB nfe, t\)Z fame mutt be folD Con; w ku ihc underwood
'" °
ojtafecn bp fo^ceoftljc C5;eat fecal, o> Cfcljeqaer feal bP tlje tjicto of .^^'I^Mv^d
m 'J'^'^''
iFo?caertotlje intent t^at tfje toooDso^ tljctimber t^allnot beta- fl inVheP^k o°fNor,hSt'.
ten in places inconticntcnt fo; tftc game. IBut tlje Huftice inCElre, oj is com' to fdi wood in
anpoftl)cll{ingo£)fftccro luttljin t^e fojeft cannot fell 0? Difpofe of ciucndon. Noia, ww«i
anPtoooDUJttt)tntl)C fo:ea tnitljoat Comrniffion; anDfo tbe CBrcfte* uuemcsqucauimcnhci^
qucr anDtljc iFojcttcrs ^bcdiviium impcriom, tficone foj tljcp:oflt of ^^ZJ-'viuli h/v,s dm;ni
t^c Sing, anD ttjcotftcr fo? plcafure. W ,rg„. simiic it'dim ic,
"^ «4E.4. smUc
. i.

2, SCljatrcjularlp nettt)crtbcCoactoftl)e(IE):c6eqaer,no?anj'oftl)c 15-

mtngs ^Dfficers can Difpofc of tftc fcings timber oj toooDs, but it oagfjt. '7 h 6. vnmi uurarum
to be Done bp Commifrion,ic,as is afo?craiD,fo? tlje IMngs beft p?oftt.
^'"' "*
3 2Cl)atcl3crp man
in t)t0oiDn Moods tD(tl)tntl)Cfojeft map tafte l^oufefaote i,^ j''"-*'^^'
anD ?^cpbotcbpt^ tjteU) of t^i?o;ettcr0, SDljeiSlngs JFcrmers tl^t Datje clan. J:^^"^"^^;
""^^ jj,'!'
fes in t^c{r=[Lcare0 to tafee timber, ic.bpt»ieto,<c. map tafeet^ fame acco;iDtng-=
Ip: anDfo map iFrcdjolDcrs bp p:.cfcrtption,anD(roppp^olDers, Uil)icl)bpcu=
ftomc^bcufeDto tabel^oufebote,ic, tabet^famebp\)ietooft^e iFojettcrs,
%u ojot^otfcaccojDingtottjectrttome.
4. Bit 11330 rcfol^oD, tftat no Officer of tljc i^ojett coulD claim OTinliefals oj v.d.itin* pkk.
E>otarB trees foj t^eir fees bpp?efcrfption, becanfe tftep toere once parcell of ttic
"'^^ of w,iium
fsings inljcritanccbut tt)cp ougftt to be folD bp Commiffton, as befo?e it appea--
ret^,fojtl)el^mg0bea benefit.
f . acijat ftc, tljat patonage of a parte bp tfje grant oj
ijatb tbe !J^erbagc, oi wife.

Uemifcoftljeiaingojanpotbcr, cannot tate anp i^ccbagcoj |0atonage b«t of

furplufage o^er anD abobc tl^ competent anD fufficicnt failure, anD fecDlng of
tbc game: anD if tbc otoncr of tlje game fnflfert^ game fo toenacafe as tbcre ,

ts nofarplufaitc , tljen l)C tftat oatft t^ ^bageanD jpatonage cannot pot ang
OBeatts in tlje pari;.
6. sLliattljcotoncr of tbe ^arlt map DibiDc anp competent parcell of tf)c}0ar6
toitljlaail, pale 0; ^cDge foj tbe fceD of tlje game in ®ia inter anD Ijct^t ,

herbage cannot put anp Il5eaft0 t^rein.

Ijatlj tljc
?Laftlp, if tljc paffnrc anD patonagc oftfte parbbcbut fufftcient fo fccD fl&e e.j.

game anD Summer, t^e otoner thereof map Djitc out tfte 3i5caa0of fo'^. ihc King
in ®IH inter
may gram Efio-
tjim ttjafljatlj tljc l^crbage anD patonagc. anD tftcrcupofnbp Itfee affcnt of all
m SiuDges tlje Court of t^e Crc^qucr toofe ttjis o?Dcr follotoing toit^ fome rea. l-^^^Z, vievToV
fonablcaDDitions. theForfter,

OT^ereaa tome queftion Ijaf^ \xm ntotjcDbef toecn ffte EojD 2Crea« The Order of
furerofCIEnglanD, anD tbeC31 amen anD C^ief lattice anD3!uftice Itinerant of
all tljc Ittngs SDajcfttcs 5Fo?,cfts, Cljafcs , parfes anD Marrcns on t^s ftDc tbc up»a tkerefolu-
toaterof 2Drent,tDtjatappcrtainctfttocatl)of t^ir offices anD places concern* thn of the
<ng tbc Dealing tottb anD Difpofmg of ©Hoods, aDrees, anD Coppices toitbin !j1s Judges,
J^igbnclTc partes fo?ctt0 anD Cljafcs, tobtcl) being bpljis SBajeftp rcfcrreD to
t^cconSDeration anD Determination of Ijis 3uDgc0, anD ISarons tbep ljat)erc« >

foltcD toucljinn tljo fame bp one untfojm affcnt,a6 bereafter follotoctli, vi z. Cljat
as t^lLojD gCrcafnrcr of CnglanD foj t^c time being, anD Court of C-jrcljequcc
ftabetljconlp ojDinan'potDcrunDcrtbcl&ingtoDcal therein fo far fojtlj astbc
fame concerns tbe inljctttance anD pjofit of tfte CroVon , as in tbe fale of ^KlooDS,
2Crccs,Copptccg anD fuclj lite : fo in lite manner it concerns tljc QBIarticn an6
C^icf 3liin-icc,«nD 3l«fticc Itinerant of all tl»c ttings ^ietties iFo?6a»,Cbafes,
The Courts of the Forefis. Cap.yy.
parbJ, ant) Marrcns, ana tftetr tnintttcts to t^cretn fo far as tt map con-

cern t^B pjefertation anD maintenance of t^e (ISame, tn refpett of t^e ItiaDes, co<
tierts, paionagc, ant) fuel) Ubc foj tbc SDcer. anDttiercfojcitisrefolteDfapall

t^etr opinions, t^at t^eiLojl)2Dreafarcrof(lEnglanDanD Court of (^rcljcqnec

map not fell anpMooDo oj Coppices iottl^tn anp tl)c teings parbs, jFojctto.
o>Cftafe0, (ercept tninDefals, rootfalg,anD meer Deaij anD ro?e trees) tottljout tlie
pjitittpanD allotoance of t^e fatD ^arDen, anD c^tef BUnftice, anD BInfitce 3iti«
ncrant, tuit^fn tDftofe 3!nrirDittion it is ; i^oj map cat DoVontfjc Dcaoano fo;e
trees, no; carrp tljem o^ tninDefals o; rootfals atuap, but at fit times, anD bp tde
tfeto of fuc^ as Wit cl^arge of ttje CPamc, tol^crebp it map be feen unto, i\fai tfte
fame map be Done at fit anD contenient times : anD t^t no trees, ot^r tlyen tliofe
f ^at be DeaD anD fear, anD mcorlp toinDfals anD rootfals, map be ttyjotxin Doton o;
tal;en aVoap loit^out t^e p^itiitp anD allowance of t^e taaSarDen, anD cl^ief 3in(ttce,
anD BJuftice itinerant of bts i^ajeftfcs parbs, jFojctts, oj Chafes.
j^nD as fo; tl^e MarDen, anD Cf)ief Blultice, anD 3!ultice itinerant, anD tlie
keepers anD otl^er spinifters of l^arbs, iFojeSs, anD Cl^aCes appertaining to
tl^eliing, t^ep map not cut Dotonanp trees fojneto paling oKaiUng , ozfo:re<
pair of HoDges, toitl^ont ttje Marrant anD allotoance
of t^e ^o;D SLreafursr of

CBnglanD fo; t^e time being :\)ut timber neetifnll fo; menDing of fmall Defeds in
olD pales o; rails tl^at are broken, fo as tl^e fame Do not erceeD tlso o; i\ntz ttm<
bcr trees in anp one iFojcft, parb, oj c^afe, in anp one pear, tbcp map be pcr«
mitteD to tabe of trees in places fit, toitliontmahing toafte ttjereof, o; anp fpotle
oj pjejuDice to tl^c iiings tnbcritance , mafeing tlje !4{ngs g>urbcpo; of ffte
^ooDs fpecDtlpacqnatnteD, tnbo is to fee t^t t^efame tiatt) been acco;Dinglp
toell implopeD: anD neeDfuU bjotufe alfo in places fit , anD times feafonablet^e
keepers map tabe fo; t^e Deer, not cutting Dotun tlie limmes o; great bongtis of
t^e trees. 0nD t^erefo;e it is o;DereD bpt^ s Court, t^at from l)cnccfo;tb U)t}ere
it ll^all be tt)ongl^t requiGte to anp of t^e lyings MooDS o; coppices ioiti^in

anp litis l^arbs, iFo;efts, o; Cljafes, tliat a M

r it o; Commitfion in nature of an

Ad quod damoum fijall be DirecteD unto t^e MarDen anD Ctlfef Blnftice, anD 3Ia«
Itice BItiiterant luitfiin tl^ f'ojelis, tott^tn to^ofe gobernment t^e fame is to be
Done, to enquire anD certifie totiat number of trees anD to^at Coppices magbc
folD, anD tn tD^at places toitb leaft p;ejuDice to tlje lyings (IDame; anDt^at
apon t^e reto;n thereof, tl^e faU Dball be maDe of fuc^ trees anD c oppices, as upon
be tliong^t fit to be folD. jSlnD in like manner it is o;DercD,
fucti Certificat fiiall
neto paling, anD neto railing, anD neto builDing of lloDges in anp
t^at fo; tl^e

place ioitliin o; about anp i)is i^ajefttes ]3arks, iFo;efts, o; Ct)afcs , anD tbe
great repairs of oId pales, lRails,o; lloDaes in o; about tlie fame^tbat it is f o be
Done upon Certificate from tbe MarDcn anD Cljicf 3uttfce, anD iufticc 3Uine»
rant , anDtfje ^urtepo; of t)ts s^ajeSies ^ooDs loitliin tobofe jurifDiition it
iSj bp Warrant from tbe 3Lo;D £Creafurer of CnglanDfd; tbe time being.
a Confirm.Cart, Bit is t)erp obferbable , tbat if anp ^ct of )3arliament f)at^ been maDeagainfi^

xj E.I. anp of t^ Articles of tfte ftatute of Carta de Forcfta , bp tbc SLA of jaarltament
* forcfla. , of 4i E. 3« t^e fame is anD bp tlje ftatutes of ^ Confitmationes Carc*
maDe ttoiD,
cap. I.& I. all judgements giben agatnft anp of tte points of Carta de Fordia.Ojall be ^olDen
(This is an Ad
fo; boiD. SnD tobere H.a. Fitz Empreffe claimeD t^at fee mtgbt mabe iFo;eas not
of reftitution,for
ifihcKiag might onlp iDtt^in liis oton tZSooDS anD <ID;onnDs, but in ttieMooDs anD 0roanDS of
have made a Fo- ^is Subjects, anD thereupon maDe Dibersfucl) i?o;cas Uiittjin tiis o\sn anD ot^er
rcft in other mens Moods anD ([5;ounDs : U)i)ereupon fome UleaDers anDotbcrstljattjabs
mens Woods,
foUoioeD tliem areof opinion t^at H. z.migl^t De jure Do tl^at to^icb be DiD. But
then could noc
tbis. art of Carta deforcfta, toliicft is but a Declarato;p lata reao;fng f tic
the owner have
felled down his f l^is fo;mer rigftt,ts Dircctlp againlt tftat tljefe iDo;Ds.''Inprimis om-
own woods with- ncJ forefiar, qua* Henricui avu$ nofter aftbrefhvit, videamur per bocoi & Icgalcf
out View or li- homincj; fi
bofcum aliquctn alium qnam fuum dominicutn aftorcflaverit ad
cenCc,& fit ad damnum illius cujus bofcus illc fuerit,(iatim dcaftorefleturj fi bofcum (bum &
dtmnA iUi"-i,&c. pro-
d Nota,i\\moLn' prium afforcftavcrit, rcmaneat forcfta, fal va
^ communia de
herbagio aliis in &
nerofCommom cadem forena illis qui prius earn habere conlucvetunc. 2Co ttie fame effect is tl^e
arc faved. t^trD
Cap. 73- The Courts
ofthe Forefis,

H. i» oj anp otFjcr toing fjate mabc oi raffcD a free
Vaix'Q dljaptcr. J15cttf)cr toulD
C^afc,]9acfe,o: CSaarren foj fttmfclf in anp of f ftc grounD0 of tf)c fabjC£r0,foj if t3

frnlp faiD in PI. Co'tfjat tl)C common lata fjatf) aOmcafurcD tfjciitngspjcroga*
trte0,tt)att^cpftoulD not take atDap,nojp?C)xiDtcc tfjc tnljerifantc of anp. ^But orKc^kceys
toe agrcctftat'aU t^c lanDS of f l)C fnb jcct arc o jfgfnall}) DecttJCD from f ^c Croton. "^^' ^""•*J'^-
SlnD tftcrefojc iubcn tbc anctent ii(ngo fiaij tfje moft part in tfjcfr oton ftanDo, o?
atleatt great SDcfartOjUjatte anD U)ooOpgrotmD0fojtoantoffiabitat(onj tl^ep
mfgtit mafeetDljat iFojctts (f plcafcD tftcm f Ijerefn , iufjtcbmapbearcafonanD
taufcofa latofuU beginning, anD tfjcrefojc a iFo?.camap bebp pjcfcrtptiongooa
in lato oUer otf)cr mensgrounDs, 315at tbciiing in W
oirn groanDs mapmahc
a iFojctt at tijis Dap, tobtcl) iaalfo pjofecD bp tfjefc ttoo <Dftaptcr0, to% fucij ifo=
rctt0arc t^crcbp fatcD anD enadeD to ftanD»
tttng H» 8. intending to mafec a iFo;eft about f){0 fjonfc at ^^ampfon^Eourt i
H j.c^p.^
afGgncD anD limitcD a certain SCcrrttojp of gronnDo fo j nour ifting anD gencraf i.
on of IBeaftsof mcncrp,anD iFolDl0 of Marren,crtenDing oticr t^c lanDs anD

firounD0ofDi\ier0anDin(inp JFrcetiolDer0, anD Coppit)OlDEr0, toitljin tfteipan»

noj0, Cotonftjips, anD ta{llage0of<l£aftmalfep,OTeamulfep,MaUon, dSfter,
iMepbjiDgc, anD part of Cobljam : anD finDing tfjat fjc coulDnof erect etfjjec
ifojcft oj Cljafc oijer otljermeno grounD0 iBitbont tljcir Confent0, DiD agree
tDifft tl)c jrrceijolDcrs anD cuftomarp t6nant0, a0 bp fjis 3nDentare bearing Date
t^c firft Dap of ^dober in tijc zp pear of W
reign, bcttoeen ^im on the one part,
anD &ir Richard Page tenigbf, Thomas Hcnage C^fqnirc , anD ott)cr t^e iFrcc^
j^olDcr0 anD cuftomarp 2Ccnant0 intftc 2DoiDn0anD tatUagcs afojefaiD of t^c
otfjcr part, toljcrein tl)e i»lng Doflj name ii (ad faciendum populum fo; t^c eafiec

patTagt;) ^amptbn Court Cbafc. i5ut aftertuarDs (in clofc tuojDs in fetcrall
bate all fuc& anD liticJL{bertic0,3InritDiitions, anDpjefje-
place3)ti)a't it fl)oulD
mincnce©, ?LalD0, statutes, £Dfficer0, ? c. a0 anp Cftafe oj iFojcft toitljin tftis .
HUealm ^aD,ic. J^nD all offence0 Done toitfjin tfje fame , fljoulD be pnnifljeD a0 if
tl»e fame !jaD been Done toitfjtn anp vCfjafe o; iFojeft toit^in ttits Realm. j9nD tfte

a^ing DiDt^erebpcotjcnantatjD grant, tbat tbe iFreeftolDer0 anD vCopppbolDcrs

afo^efaiD mtgl^t fell anD taUe ttjeir MOOD0, (!3;ot)e0, anD Copp{ce0, at tbeir toiii
aftD plcafure toitftout anp tiicto, ?c, anD to maftc tfjeir f)eDgc0 anD fence© about
f^etr Cojn,ic. to tocpouttl)cSDeer,iC, j9nD Cfoj recompence to Ijotl) if rcel)ol»
t)er0anD(i:opppi)olDcr0,«.) tbat tlje tIjirD partoftfte free rent of ctjerp if rcc=
fjolD ftjoulD be DcDuctcD.anD tbcmoitpof fljc iine of tftc fjeir of etierp vioppifjolDcr
ftioulDbc alfo DcDu(tcD,ic, tDljtiJ) inDcnfure anD all tt)c cot)enant0 tijerein be-
ing rcciteD, tti0 cnacteD bpautljojitp ©f JlJarltament accojDinglp. 3IgpU>f)ic!)
9La anD Ditcr0 gcncrall claufc0 referring to if ojeft©, tfjc !iing intenDeD to Ijatje
it a ifojeft. ffiut ficrcbp ii plafnlpappcaretb botfj bp t^c Ii5ing0 faiD BuDenture,
anD bp ti)c juDgement of tl^e Indole parliament, t^at tbe l&tng coulD neither erett
anpCljafcoj jfoicft otj^r anp man© grounDs toit^ut tijcirconfent anD agree*
ment. 3nD pet l^iing H.ti. DiD llanD as mucij upon lji0 Jpjcjogatttjc as anp Mn%
3I5ut to lopn tljia neto \siiVc^ fome tijat is ancient.3!n Rot* Pari, anno 18 E. i.

tljere is a notable l!ieco:D in tbefctoo^Ds: .

Rogerm Epifcopus Covcntr" ^

Lichf. queritttr contra Rogermn Ex- p«;tio Epifcopi
traneum &
(ecios Cues ^tiftic' Domini Re^ii de Forefia in com' Staff. Covent.&Lich.
Eo (\ma- \ci\. in mmus T)omtnt Regis bofcos tpjit^ Eptjcopi de ma- osForcOx.
neriis fuis de Cannock ^
Ruggeleghe^ (^c. Rogerm alii
^ujliciar' ^
vm' & dicunt^ quod in Itinere pr£[entatum fuit per Viridar' , Fore-
fdeles Domini Regis, quod pradiCfi bofcifuper Dominum Re-

gem (^ e\tii ipfum

progenitor' per Epifcopum ^ frtudece^hres fuos pur-
quod licet eis J-tifiiciariis in Itineribm fuis purpre-
Jiuras fa^as infra metas forefis Domini Regis in manns Domini Regis
feifire fecerunt, ^c. Et Fpifcopus bene c one edit quod (unt
Set dicit quod Re}: Ric '^er cart am
infra metas for efix :
fuam Dat' 4 die De-
Jt r ctmbri'
ne Courts ofthe Forefis, Cap. 75.
cembrisAnno regni fui prime dedtt Hugoni tunc Epifcopo Coventr' (jr Lieh.
prxdecejfori fuo fuccefforibui fuis^dtCia duo matter i a cum
dred'j &
omrtibu^ aliis libertatibus. Et per aliam cart am' Nov, 30
Anno regni Jui primo
cone efit dtifo Hugoni quod omnia maneria fua
terra ^
omnes homines [ni crfeod' EccleftA de Covenv Lichf. de Ce(lr' ^
^ Salop, &
de Gnowjhall (^ omnium Ecclefiartim [uarum^ libera effent ^
quictaaeforefla, & depUcitisforeftx^de
vafiis (^ affartis drregardis fe-
refix^ cum multis
aliis libertatibus in

£affor"ft»"hp='- 9^^'''*^^^^f^*'^^-> ^Pf^ ^

omnes prxdecefl'ores ffti a tempore confe^ionis
cartam licet fu- earundem Cartarum jolebant fugare in dtliis bofeis, -voluntatem fuam i»de ^
gare, &vo!unt2- facer c.&c. Et petit quod Dommui Rex^d'C, Et pnediiT ^ufiic' dicunt bofeis q»od Domtntti U. Rex pater Dommi Regis nunc fun injetjtna dt^orum ma-
(icaffbicftatvir- f^eriorum eJ- Etfcrutatis Rotulis,
bofcorum. Brevibta Scacearit inve-&
de ct:u"de^Fo-
^^^^^ primum breve regis H. Anno regni ^ui 14 Vic' Staff.
direB\ quod &
[ci at, quod reddidit A. tunc Epifcopo Covent' Lichf. did ^
a maneria, ^c.
Item 2 alia brevia haronibus de Scaccarie dire£l'
quod computent Vic' Staff.
^o\6^.promed' pro Anno 14. Itemcomp.f^c. 61 '.pro Anno loprodiciis
58 H.^' maneriis^&c. Etprad' Tu/iic' dicunt, quodpatet per eafdem cartas quodcarta
perquamEpifc clam' effe quietns defDreJla,(^c. data fuit ^ faHa ante car-
tarn per quam di£iui Rex R. dedit Epifcopo, manerium
bofcespr.tdiBos^per ^
quod dicunt quod prttdi&us Epifcopus mnfotefi clamare diuQs bofcos

qaietos,^c. per formamdiifte Carta faffa ante donatienem dtCiorum bof-

corum: eb quod datus eft ^c, in unummenfem adpar-
dies di£to Epifcopo,

Hament. &c. Pojlea ad Parliamentum nunc,^c

par£mclit"'° venitpr^diCl'Epifc irt

reddidit Regi dittos bofcos tit jus Et idem

propria perfonafua^(jr ipfitaRegis.
Deafforeftatio Dominus Rex ex fua concefit dedit eefdem bofcos
gratia & pradiCio Epifcopo
per Chart. Nou.
pejr gajdem metas, bundas d^ divifiones per quas ipfe c^ pradecefforesjm a.
Carta pradi£ix Richardi Regis bofcos illos tenner'^ <^c,
tempore confeBionis
Noia, infra Et quod hdbeant (^ teneant libcros abomnimodts flacitisfore>ta, ^c. * Et
metiv forefts,&.
^uodnec Tuflicia/ forelU feu Forefiar' Viridar' &Re^ardatores.feu alii mi-
tamen extra to- •'
,, . .
r r r Jn.'^ i- r ' r- nijtrt qmcun^ Je tntromittant tnjra metas jupraaictas licet jmt infra metas
FoieftadeCan- deCannok. idem Epifcopm
forefla antiquas Etprohac,^c. cognovit fete-
neri Domino Regi in mille librisfier ling.

See hereafter £)bfcrt)C iDcU tl)f0 IRctojD, ant) t!)eparf0 of t^e fame. ;J!nD
it (s fo be fenoten,

VH-V'7' f^attDl^crcDttier0pcrambulatfo!tsU)crcmaDcfrttlbereignofH.3. E. i.atiDE.i,

i\fst all mcfe perambulations anDotbcre tljat fljonlD bemaDe (albcft tbcre be no

Charters tljereofnotDCjtant) arecttabltftcDanDmaDegooD, botl^bp tj^eltatute

1 E ^
c3.i.«at.j. ofi E. 3,cap,i,ftat. 2. tnpjint; anDbpan aictof^Barlfamcntfrn R.iinu,6i,
Rot.parl.i' R.i. tn tl)c IRollof i0arl(ament anD not in pjfnt anD bp anotbcr Hdof parliament

5 R,2,nu,84. not tn pjint. jFo j albeit if be to be pjcfumcD tljat Chart era ftate
5 R 1.84. been maDe accojDing to tl^c perambnlations ; pet fo?afmucl) as time toears oaf
manp tl)ings , if Cfjarfcrs ftjoiilD noVo be rcquircD , manp places fijoulD become
fojeft agatne,tobich noto arc in peace anti Dca^ojelleQ,
SD^e fojmoft^e perambulation ofa jFo;eftts,Perambulacio fa<aa in Com'
Eborutn de forcfia dc G. die Anno Regis, &c, apud E, eoram A B. C D.
Domini Regis ad<ii£tam perambulationcm faciend' aflignatis per fa-
eramentum F G, M
P» N S« &c» Qui dicunt fuperSacramemumfuom, &c. j3nD
fo fct tJoVon tlje ractcs ano botmDS of ttjc |fo:elt, fljetoing toljatis toitljinfba
Jf 0?Cft, enl) lufjat to be extra fbrefiam fecondum tenorem Magna: Carta: de fo-
refta, eoquod afforeftata fuerit port coronationem Domini Henrici Regis i, &c,
In eujus rci teftimoniumj &c,

Cap .
73 • '^^ Courts ofthe Forejls, 3 03
Nota, t^e Cl&arfcrs be gcncrall anD fijojt to t^ts cffett. Rex omnibus ad qoos
prifcntes liters pervererinc, Salutcm*
Sciati* quod volumuj conceditnus pro &
nobis & i7sredibu$ noftris, quod perambulationcs fafts coram A B. C D. ad hoc
afl^gnai' per prjcepcum
noltrum de foreftis nolxrisinCom, Eborumdecaetero
teneamur &
obferventur per metas &
Bundas eontentas in cifdcm pcrambulatior
nibus, qnarum tenor de verbo in verbum feqaitur in huncmodum, j3nD reJ^eatfif
to^ole pcrambulatiott.
a long
complaint in taarliamcittapinft JFo;caers,foj affojettfitg of mens Rot.Pari.nE.j.
purlf ens, fo j unDnc tr tall, anD j t^cir ertortions, too long ftere to be rcljearfeD,
fo nu .i^.
but tooit^? to be reaD, initD a praper tijat t^e great Cliartcr map be fecpt,anD t^at
all men map cnjop tljcic purlieus accojfitng to tljc pcrambulattonc maDc in tlje
reign of ISfng E. 1 « to^crcunto tlje feing anftocreD, [2Cftc &tng toouJD tbe great
Cljarter to be kept: anD tl)at fucbas totll complatneintticrt0l)toftljetrpur«
Itcns, map]^atie^rtt0 oat of t^c C^anterp.J ^ce Rot. Pari. 50 E,3,nu.8o,&
I R.a. na.<5o.
pDrlicucontatncfl)fuc!)grounD5ii)bitI)H2.R,i.ojlStn5 JohnaDDeDtot^fr .p , ,
ancient jFojcas o^cr otfter mens groiuiDe, anD iuljtcl) iocrc DtfaffojcttcD bP fojce •, !f f
,y '
of fljc aatute of Carta de forerta, cap, t &
cap. 3 . anD tljc pccambulation0 anD J/"". ^

grants tljerenpon. 3nD (0 DeritJCD from a iFrcncI^ afijeditje anD a iFrencf)

illotDn,^"*. Pur tjD^icf) fignifictl) clear, entire, anD crempt, anD Lieu, tbatis, a
place entire, clear, o: erempt from t^e j?o;ea. ^nDirotb of flicreDcrttjeDfrom
tl^c ILatin aDjccttte anD JlJoton,
purui locus ; anD tn tl^ts fenfc tfte Cttotltans
calleD tfjatpurutn locum qui lepulchrorum religioni non eft obflti£ius. ^nDttjO
perambulation toftcrebp t^c putltcii is DcaffojcftcD Is calleD in i?rencl^ Pourallee,
pcrsmbulatio,fo as t^e purlieu anD pourallee are ttoo Ditttnct tbings,anD pur* 3j e .1. flat.? .
Ifeu fo tfte rig^t name of t^c place Dcaffo:effeD.
Wvtftig it appcarcti) tftr.t <Ebafc0 tliat netjer toercanp iFo?effs cannot l^atie

anp purlieu, anD confcquentlp t&e cafe tn kJ EHz. Dicr 325, 3*7. ts mtttaben,foj
tljc C&afe of ceiijaDDon netier teas anp jfoitCt. M^crebp it map be obferteD,
l^oiD necelTarp tlje true Dcrttjation of U3o:Ds is, accojDing to f^c crample of Little-
ton, as in Ditcrs parts of f fje firlf part of t^e I nftitutes appears.
IBpt|)i3Dcaffo:caationfbeotoncr3cfti)egronnD0Uittfttntl)e'pnrlieamap at
tftcirtoill anD pleafurc fell, cut Doton, craDicate, anD aubapalltbcantmber,
t!23:ooDS,anD unDertDooDccontJcrt tljcir ^aftiires,?pcaDoto3 anD otljcr (!15:onnDa
to arable, inclofc tfjcm in luttb anp IwnD of inclofurc, butlD anD erect neto cDificcs
upon tl^e fame oi anp part thereof, anD to Difpofe anD ufe tlje fame after t^e Difaf*
fojettation, as tfjcp netcr ^aD been aifojcttcD,
SlnD tDl)cre fomc ftatjc conceitjeD, tftat quoad to tlje oiunersoffbc foplet^e
pnrlien is Difaffo^SeD, but not as to otl^ers, but as to t^em it fiionlD rematne a
iFojeft, bp reafon of t^cfc U305DS in tbe firft dljapter, ad damnum illius cujos
borcus ille fuerit, fbofc too?Ds toerc aDDcD to fljclu f be unlaiofulneOc of tlje affo»
rettation , becaufc if toas ad damnum, &c. as ^atft beenpjotjeD bcfoje. 3nD tijen
ffjefe men muff make a Dttierfttp bettocen a DcafFojettatton bp fojcc of tbe firtt
Cljapter of affojeff at ions tn tlje reign of H. . 2nD Dcaff jcftat ions maoe bp fo jcc

oftbetbirDvIftaptcrofaffoieftattonstntftereignsofR. i. anD feing John, foj

tberc tlje claufe of ad damnum is omittcD, anD tljcrcfojctljore affojcftattons are
nf tcrlp maDe iJoiD againff all men.
Cbettatute of Carta deforeftaftatf) been abotie ;o times, anDlaaipin4H. 5-.
confimieD anD enattcD anD commanDcD to be put in ececution , anD toe finDc no
autftojitp in lato tijat toe remember ncaina our opinion herein t^erefoje toe ;

p:ocecD anD Do IjolD, tbat in anp purlieu a man map as latofuUp bunt to all in--
tents anD purpofes toitljin f Ijc purlieu tott^in bis oton orounDs, as anp otber oto^
ner map Do tn ftis gronnDs fftatuctcr tocre aflfojettcD at all.
s>ome Ijatic cnDcatourcD f limit tlje purlieu man f fttmt bp cuftome 0? pjcs gee ti,e firft wrt
fcriptton.butaUtljcfaiottatutcs tocre maDe toitljin time of memojp againft ofrhdnftumes
tobicbtbep cannot paefcrtbe. feomc enDcatJonr to maintain ttfobebp jFojctt sca ,70.

lato, but it is qiieatoitcD toljetljer tbcre^be anp fuc^ j^o^ft lato, tn tl»af point ,
3i^p s Quod
The Courts ofthe Forejis, Cap. 7^.
Quod non legitar non crcditur:but to tontluDc t^is pofnt,ipo fojcft lata can ttanU

again(tlal])0cna(teDbv^atbo;it;>of]DarUanient. £>tbei;8tbink, t^at t^efaiD

(tatateof33E.i»ftat.5. oj feme otl)cr ftatufc
in tbc retgnof E.i.E. 2. ojE. 3*

Dog fn fome fojt reftrain t^etp&anting,toftit^ is utterlp DenpeD, t^t tfjep arc rc=
ItraincB bp anp futft in anp ottftc fait) iitngg timesjbat {fan? fuclj ffatuteo toere,
^^ep are, being contrarp to t^e ftatuteof Carta dc Forefta, repealed bp tbe (tatute
of4iE,3.cap.i. 0nDalltl&e statutes ojatttfcs, citJ^ertbatofMooDttoth in
tlft reign ofH.2.ojanpotl)erinl)tstime,ojintl)crcign0OfR.i.ojteingJohn
are all abjogateObptljB ftatuteof Carta deForcfla maocinp H.?.cap.i. & 3.a»
to tbe Deaftoreftations,&c. 0nt) tfee ftatute oj Sffife of MooDffocb Dotl^ crteno
to Deaffbrcrtations bcfo?e,anD not after , ttje tno^DSf t^rcof being, Nullus faeiac
aliquam inftallatione inter forelia & bofcosj &c. p ipfu vel progenitorcs fuosdc-
1 aftoreftatoj. janD foj tlbetame reafon tftc purlienman mapfeccp bis tiogo toitljin
Rot. pat. J 1 3.
Doe belong to tbc purlieu
nui39. purlieu unerpeDitatcO, ani) feeing ttjetoilDeBeafto
tnan rationefoii ,ro long as tbep remain in ^ts grount)0,lje map bill tbera,fo3 tbe
pjopertp ratione foli is fn Ijtm ; fo as Ijercbp concerning purlieus, anD bp ttjc re-
folationof t^e auDges concerning Cbafes, it appearctW&attlje mafeers oftbe
iiE.4.cap.7. ftatuteof 2z E,4. mtffoob tbc lato in botft of t|>em. viz, concerning «£fta»
fesan& purlieus,bnttl)e ftatute being in tbeafftnnatibelDo;tketb no p^ejuDice
43 E. 3.8. the to anp. anO if be cbafe tbcm toif b (I5?cpbounD0, anti tbe JlBcafts of tbe fojcft Do
Eatlof Arur-dels
fleetobiarDS tbefo?eftfo;tbcirfafetp, if tbeotonerpurfne tbem totbebonnod
of tbefojeft, ant) tben callback bis Dogs, anD bo bis en&eabour to call tbem a-
«ain from tbepurfuit,altbongbtbe Dogs folloto tbe cbafe in tbe fojeft anD bill .

tbe icings 2?eer tberctbts is no offence, fo as tbe otoner enter not into tbc fo« reft, noj meDDletnitbtbe SDcer fo btlleD. HBut if tbe Dogs fatten upon tbe H)ecr,
iimilc. II H.8.
befoje be recover tbc fo?cft, anD tbc SDecr D?ag tbe Dogs into tbc fojcff, tbcrc tbe
purlieu man map follolo bis Dogs anD tabe tbe SDeer,
lOE.j.Rot.PJt. Bin fome lletfers patents of tbe perambulations o; purallies of fo^efts maDe
1 pars pro dejf. toe babe fecn,
foreft' Foreflj:
fap tiling E.^toanp(£ountptobcrclanDsareDifafojeftcD, tobirb

de Kemfatn. tbere is referbeD to tbe Uing fo'.tp Daps fo'^ bis toilD ]l5eafts toitbin tbe purlieus
to return again, anD foj bis raungerstoitbtn tbattimcfo rccbafe tbem into tbc

VuieRot. pari. fojeft, tobitb is tabcn to be a convenient time foj tbat purpotc. HnD albeit tbefc>i7. purlieus I'e abfolutclp Difafo?eftcD , anD bate no liberf p of fojeft tbcre, pet foj
a complaint of it batb been permittcD tbat tbcKangcrs of tbe fojeft fboulD as often
the purlieu men,
astbctoilD ilBeafts of tbe fojeft range into tbe purlieu, toitb bis bounD rccbafe
and the Kings
anfwcr. tbe fame : anD tbcfe IRangcrs bate ufeD to parent unlatofull bunting anD l^nn«
tcrsoftbe faingsSDeericttbtn tbe purlieu, as in tbc nigbt, oj at nnfearonablc
M> eer, oj billing of tbe Ji ings 2D eer in purlieus bp no purlieu men, but unlatofull
punters oj tbelibe: fucb as QjoulD not tabe aDbantagc of tbeir oton tojong
botbtotbcl^inganDtbe purlieu men, anD tbat tbcp are bnoton to be SDecr be*
longing to tbe filings fojeft, bccaufe tbereare no otbcr toitbin tbc purtteuitobcre*
intbebeftrule toeran(fojaboiDingofteDioufnBiIe)gibetbe 3ReaDer, is to fob
loto tbe juD Ictall IR ccojDs anD pjefiDents of tbe (t ires boiDcn befoje grate anD
learneD 3uftices in €ire,as tbofc of picbering,iLancafteM tbe libcconcerning
pjefentment of matters Bone toitbintbe purlieus of tbe iRangers tobernnto toe Do
Th" oath of the ratberinclinctobentoeconfiDcrtbc oatbtobtcb tbe 31^ angers bate ancientlpta=
Ranger. ben f continuallp in tbcfe toojDs. You rtiall truly execute the office of a Ranger in
the purlien of P, upon the border of the Kings foreft of P. You flial rcehafc with
your Hound &drive the wild Beafts of the forcft,a$ often asthey niall range one
of the fame foreft into the purlieus; You fhall truly prefenc all unlawfull hunting
This provetfi
andbnntersofvvildeBcaftjof Venety and Chafe *as well within the purlieus, as
that the piirliem
ar« no part o! the
the foreft, and thofe and all other offences you fhall prefenc at the Kings nexc
Foijfl,but di- Court of Attachments, or Swanimote which fhall firft happen: So help you God.
ftind things. anD it is to be noteD,tbat in fncb fojcfts,as bate no purlieus, tbere is no Kan«
K,ot.Pat.5i E.3.
n-.39.foE. 5.
nil )io, I R.i,
Bit toas in parltament,tbat no man be impeacbeD foj bunting toitb^
fill tf3. in tbe purlieu o j tottbout tbe fcounD of tbe fojeft , anD tbat tbcre be letieD no af*
fart rents. ^ SCbis
Cap. 73" The Courts
of the Forejls, ^05
SC^ts |0et(tioticon(iSingon.tU)o parts, k Concerning punting in tiiepur^
lieu, 0; ont of tl)e bounDs of t^e fo;o(t , tbe TeconD concerning alTart rente.
%0 tijcfirff: tlje fetng anftocrcfb, l hat the Charter ofthe foreft fhall be kepr,
tol)fcl) is
a peelDing to ttjc petition fo? tfjnt part, foj bp tijat <I garter tljc bounos
of tije fojeltfl arc cdabliftcD, anD no purlieus ctceptcD,
jSia to tbe fecoiiD: Ijc anf
tncrcD, That the demand was unreafonable.

%'^z CommonsniaDc ipctition tljatmenmig^t enjoi' t^ir purlieus frcclp. iR1.nt1.48.

be maDc as teas in tijc time of iliing H.j.
anil t^atperambulations migljt
anftoercD , The King thinketh the
^^crennto tl^e laing perambulations arc
duly made, ai^d who vvil! ,may
complain,and (hall be heard.

SCljc abbot of ^liHljttbp.fjaO

a fojcrt tallcD ©Illjitb)' fojcft (bp fjje grant of in itit.' rfcic.

II.z.anD5iirtgJohDtoUbail;fi)fficcrcincfOentt^creunto;aDjopningtot'^efo?efl SE.jRot.^i,

ofttjcCarlof^LancaftcrcallclilpicUeringfojeft', anD tfte game of tljcfojettof

into t!)C fojctt of M^ttbp , Idem Abbas habctis cxploratores
iuos flatim ponere fecit rctia,& aiiaingenia fua juxta Hakenefle alibi diHan' a &
foreliaifta per tra(ftumunius areas aliquandoplus, & poftea cum canibus ex-
citarc fceit feras, ita quod p excitationem illam plures ftrarum illarum in rcdeun-
do & fugiendo verfus forcltam dc Pickering decidunt in retibui ^ ingeniis prs-
diftis 2i capiuntur,& annuatim caperc facit in dcflruftionem fcrarum forcfli pn-
diita: de Pickering ad damnum domtnr, & nefcitur quo Warrantoj per qnod pri-
Venire faciat prsdidunti Abbatcm. ©IH^creupon
ceptumfuit Vicccomiti.quod
tfte abbot came anD plcaOcDfttS title to tf)efo?e(f,ut fupra. Et quod omoes Abba- .,
les loci praedift' virtutcConcefs'j&c. praedidcs cervos & cd vasin iocij prxdiilis
ubi retia & ingenia ptxdi&a pofita fuerunr, & qua: fuerunt infra limites ForcHs

{ax de Whitby, & quoad quod idem habcns exploratorcs fupcr feras domini,&c.
retia & ingenia poni fecit propc foreftam dc Pickering,
&c. per quod in rede-
undo plures fcrxcapt' fuerunt, quod omnino eft contra Aflis'Forefis.ide Abbas
Et quia manifefte liquet Guri2,&c,
fera: de Forclla ad Foreftam aliter conferri non pofluntjnifi ipfius incujus ^'^^'^'"g* I^'f 'f
Forefta inveniuntur, co quod figno aliquo non confiflunt fignats ncc divifas ali-
Ideo confidcratum'ert,quod idem Abbas cat fine die. any mark, ihic
quas cognofcunt,
jl5ptoljtt!)ll\CcoiD anD manp others
it Dotfj appear, tl)at toijen tlje iainga theymiybc
''"°'^" '"^^"^'^
(Bamcoftbc fo;cft docrange out of tbefojeft (anD anpfce) tt^tv belong
not to the l5iiTg,l)at are at tbcfr natiirall Itbcrfp, &
occupanti conceduntur. IheVoI^dr
0nD tbtfl is tljc rcafon tIjat fomc ftatje fain, t^at tol&ere tljc iiing inas feifeD of ""
7 u.e.h.^'s.

tbefoicttof M.infee.anDt&atacuftomctDasplcaDcD timcoutofminD, tljat if

anp 3i5ca{toftl)Cfo:ett fljoulD range !nto t!)C free cf)are of fijc abbot de Dien
aDiopingtotl)c fatD fojcft^tljat tbeiFo?e(tcro of tftc faiD fojctt, it. mtglit enter

fntotljcfaiD tljafc, anD tottij little Dogs

recftafctftc icings lEcafts of l^is fojett
into tftc foicff again,tl)af t^tscuftomc is againttlaVn, foi tbatrbcODes tbe rcafon i-'h.<^.b.
whitbics cafe; immcDtatelp tubcn tj^ep arc out oftljc R^'ft""^ caic.
^celDCD in tbc iJbbotof
bounDs of t^e fo?ea, t^e p?opcrtp is out of tftcteing , foj tftc being toit^iin tbe fo-
tcUmalictl) tbcpiopcrtptntfjatcafc. IBut tlje book of 7 H.<J. is left at large
'^ Eiiz.oier j:*,
totietfter tftc pjefcrtption be gooD oj no, anD pet
aiD tuas thereupon grantcD : anD
Dier 1 6 Eiiz. i<5,3i7. agreeti) tijeretoitft. 515ut in tlje 0bbot of ?I5iri){tbfes cafe

t\)evt is no p:efcr(ptton fo;i tf)c liing,but againft l)(m.

3!t is to be obfertieD, tljat bj> tlje lato of tfje fojeft tnbcn anp claim is maDc bp ^''"^^ '' '"' P'^k-

aup anp jFranchlfclLibertp oj 3;mmunttp, oj Difchargc toltlj^

ancient Charter of JniiiortMs'caiV '
in the fo?ea bp ancient anD obfcurc tcarms anD toojDS, thecntrp is (fo? crample) Kor.j ibid.

Et quia non liquet curiar manifefte cujufmodi libertates prsdiA' vocabulorum thePnorof
idem Prior habere intendir,diftum eft Priori quod pracdidV vocabula declarer, Malionscafe.
&c. anD after he tljat mafeeth the claim Declareth, tlfeat is, crplaincth the fame,

anD pleaDCthfurtheri Quod ipfe & profdeccflbres fui fcmpcr a confcAione Carts
prxdiflae fine interruptioncufi
funt &
gavifi func hbcrtatibusprididi$(acCOjDing
to h^S Declaration ) &
hoc paratus cflverificare per miniftrosiftiusForeftx.&c.
Ideo inquiratur rei Veritas per eofdcm,&c. £Dj t^e cntrp tS after tljC Declaration
maDc , Et videiur
quia Jufticiariis
quod expediens &
neceffe, quod Curia cer-
^oS The Courts of the Forejls. Cap. 75.
tlorctur fupcr poflefiTionem ipfius Prion's in hac parte, in quiraturiicdc Veritas per
miniftros ejufdcmForeftsjant) tljcrcapont^c iro}eacr0, t3cr5ct:er0 , anDlRc-
garHcrs arc ftoojn, anD fo muclj as t^cp fino tjatjc been conttnuallp afca,t3 alloin*
cD,anti fomucl^ as Ijat&not been ufeo is DtfallotocD; fo a0 tafc anD conttnaall poCs
Hii. 6 B.;.Roc. fclltons arct^e bcft (Bitpofitins of anctcnt anD obfcure U)o;D0,
i79.Coiam Rege ^oj ej;aniple: f Quietum effede mifericordia Forefts,ifl tobc qutf of all amcr»
d, &
£iatnents tn t^ tofttct) Ije tn ang fojt mtg^t fall Ujit^in t^e fojeft. ;anD fterc mife-
ricordia 10 taben 80 toell foj a ftne, as foj an amerciament.
vcrborum m an- f Quictum effe de Vafto tf l)C DtD toaft fn t>t0 U)OOD0 toit^in f^S fojeft ^t

tiquii carcih fuf- OjoulD HOt be amcrcteD, no^ fo;^ anp ottier Umlt.
f Qnietum efle de revvardo, tl)at 10, to be qotf Of amerctamenf iDl)crefoet)er fn
anp t^efojea,ift^enfagel^at^beenacco}Dtnglpt
8 t.i Ilia' Pick. Quiet' de omnibns gcldis, i. qniei' eflc de omni putura Foreftar*, & de om-
Lambfions cafe £,}
ad eolIe(^ionem garbaminjagnorum &
lam ad opus foreftar* ejuf-
<lem ^refts.
GeTdTinD '".

dayfipe"pro'"^'' ^ Dc Woodgeldis, /'• quiet' efledeomnicollcitione in forefla prsd'ad opui

Scot Anglice. quorumcunque tninifirorutn foreft' prxd' raiione bofeorum*
ij H.J eard 148. T De Horogcldis, Quictuni effe dc omni colled' in forefla de bcfliis cornu-

f De Fotegcldis, / & amcrciamentis pro canibus infra

quiet' cfle de finibas
forcftam inexpeditatis, if tfic been accojDinglp, otljcrtDire not: foj an^
nfagc ftat^
cient Cl^rter0bptt)elatDoft^efo;eltmuabeaDjuDgeD accojDfng to t^econtt-
nueD ufage, anD not ex vi termini.
f be Bucftallji.ubi homines conveniretenentur, ibidem convenire ad fia-
• '

bleiamfaciend' circa feras, & ad cafdem congregand', quietum efle de hoc fervi-

cio,qaando dominuschafeavcrit.
f DeTriHris>anctentlplojittentraiftis, anDt0DertteD'oftraifl, i.tmtt, anD
fignifietl^ , ubi alii homines manentes in eadem/orefta tempore quo dominus
chaceaveritin cadem venire debent, & confifi funt.Anglice arc trntteD,ad tenend'
Leporarios certis locis ailignatis pro feris ibidem expcitand' & capiend', quietum

effedc hoc fervicio.
f De Fledvviie, of Bed, a &a);on too^iD. a fuglf Ite, one f^at fleefl), an ontlato,

anD wite a &a)(on U)o;Dalfb,a frecDome.
Carrtde Fore-
^ Dc Carcio, cum aliqu^ Carrzj feu ciie&.x cartata: tranfcuntes per forc-
f-^P >4'
flam, & fimiliter* fummagia, feu Scmagia cquorum confuet' funt folvere feeun-
dum magis vcl minus miniflris ibidem pro chemino .ibidem habend'* Qoieium
cffc de hujufmodi folutionibuj, Sumagium o; Sofhagium commctb Of tftciFrencft
toojD fomier oj fumier, toljicft fignifict^ a f^ojfc carrying anp loaD. Chimagiu,
a Coll foj toap^faring men tl)?ougl^ a fojett, DeriiJCD from tftc frcnclj UjojJD Che-
f De Scotojfeu Shoto, quando homines faciont collcftum inter feadaliquod
obtinendum feu cvitandum, Qiictum effe de tali colled', f De tallagio, idem
ut de Scoto.

8 E Itin' Pick ' ^ Extra regardum foren^. 3f anp man toffftln a fojett Doe ftolDftistDooDSOj
fo. 1
lanD0 bp grant oj prefer iption fo te extra regardum foreltar, t^je toooDS 0} lanDS
^ Exilium, «. cum homines utlcgantur in Icinere iflius foreftar pro tranlgrefTi-
one Viridis feu Venationis,

f Decfcapio, fecundum Aflifam forefti fi averia alicujui in landis vetitis, vcl

vciito in eadem inveniantur, prima vice pro quolibet pcde avcriornm
prxaid'ipfi quorum fuerint amercicntur ad unum dcnarium ; Scfilecundo ibi-
dem in vcnaintur, fimiliter pro quolibet pede unum dcnarium; &
Ci tertio ibidem

inveniantur, averia ilia rcmaneant domino forisfada , dc quibus amcrciamentis

& forisfaduris per hujufmodi vccabnlum,dee{capio, cxtiter'quieti*
F.N.B.ijo. T Dc Pannagio, t^at is, to be quit to pa)?ani? tiding foj paionage.
^ Affertum, Slffcrf , i0 fo callcD of f l^c efifeet (30 fomc 60ID) anD f0 Der{beD(fap
tl^ep) of ad anD fero,a{rero, bccaufe of toooDgrounDo , mari(l^e0 , 0^ Inaft grounDs
T^he Courts
Cap. 73- of the Forejls, ^07
f^e^ are conticrieD to be foUin iuitlj ȣ:ojn,anD tftcrcfoje in tjjc Uegttter, f F.N,B. Rcgift.M7. .

it t0 tJjjttten aflertare, iDtt^ an £.anO fo it is in Carta de Fordla cap.-f. Bradoo


IjeCCOf faitl^, Illud fuit
quod bofcus ,
aliquando &
loeu« vafts iblicudinis com- & Qirt dc^Forcft

munia & jam indc effieicur

aflijrtum , vcl redadutn eU in cylturam. ^nD \jfiKtt cap.4.
tottb agteet^ FletaJllud olim fuit forerta bolcuj,&c. & &
j>m eflficitur aflartum, ng!
^kta h,^xi.iz.
Si reduftum eft in culturaoijgi idem did potcricdemarifcis^c alijs vaftitadbas in
eulturatn reda<fti$. v Aef^^'V'n '

m\im fetc^ itotljerUiife.but tpc ftolD.tftat DcriUeD of t&c ifrencb toojO

it (s
k^„' To^b
eflarter,to frubujj, oj tlecr a grounD of V«ooD,ic, anU tftfs appearetb b^ Doraef- Kor.i'ai.51 e.j.

day. Heretordfh.Merehelayineodcm mancno

fum 58 acrs terra; proved' dc ™-?9-
fylva,1j>jitten Oter tfje
fame cfl>rs , de cflarc' iylv« exeunt 17 1, &
4 d. E, bcUig
tprneD into A,*

Karleol petit verfm Priorem Ecclefix Karleol de- Rot.phr.Pari.

Radtilphu^ epifiopus
cimAs dmrtm pUcearum terrjt de novo
in Forefia de
In^Ie- '^o^g'^hnerY'
tWA 'vecAt' L^»t(w(ijt& Mi a Kirthwa)te,qua ftmt iftjra li- pifcopiim Kark-
tfiites de Af^Aterick. Et fuper hoc fimiliter venit Mr. Hen.
parochi£ [»£ "''^ ^'TT
de Burton perfoif A Ecclejia deThori[i>y^& edfdem decimas cUmat tit per- X ajartorum!
tinen' ad EcclefiAm fuam. Et Prior 'uenit dicit ^
quod Henr. Rex vet us
diffodeo (^ Ecclefixfif£ heAt£ M>tri£ Karleol' omnes decimas de
omnibus quas inculturAm redigerent tnfia Forefiam,& tnde eos feof-

fAvttfer quodddm Coma ehurneU quod dedit Ecclefiafu* prAdiH\ ^c. Et

Willtelwus Inge qui fequftur pre rege dicit quoddecima prxdici" pertin' ad

Regem (^ mn
ad Alium, quia funt infrA bundas Forcfix de Jnglewood: Et
quod rex in ForeBafuAprxdici'potefi villas icdiJicArey EccleJtAs confiruere,
t err AS
are ^ cum dec imis terr arum illarum pro volant ate

Et quia dominus rex fuper pramtf

fuacuicunquevoluerit conferre^^c.
vult certiorariyUt unicunquetribuatur quodfuum ej},afigneturj(^c.etcerti^

fcent regent sdproxim' Parliamentum^^c.

Purpterture. iFo J tfttfli
anO tfte Dccftiatton , fee tn tfte Second part of the a
Inftitutes, Statutura de Bigamiscap,4. anD t^e eppolttton opon tfte faiW , anD ii.«i- Fkcalib.
Coopartura 10 a SD&fcfect 0; Coberf of toooD. pfeg DierTEl
f Macremitimf0 6cribcDoftl)Colliii5o:mantiplDo;tiMarirmefoj2nfmber, 140."

^ Scotales,
f Scotali,tiCrtt0DoftU)OGnglffl) too;D0ScocanDAIe, as mncft frGa't.deForcft,
to Cap as a tribute oj contrtbutfon of Djinbfng ftijtbc mtntOersof t^tojctt "P'^-. ,

" ^"^^''
iDl^n tfjct' came to tbc boufc of an|',tol^creunto ot^r« are contributojp Ujftftfn f,;f

tl^c perambulation of tbc f o?ca, tn^ft^ t^en tnas calico pocura, a Djfnbfng.ainD j c« Poreft.
after tljcp tlaimeti t^e fame foj all tjtrtoals foj tbcmfclbcs, t&efr ^erbants, ^^oy- capr.Fkta u.x.'
rc0,anDSDogB,to6fcft luas calleD putura j anD t^tffDot^notablp appear bp a lRe« c^p.j^.cap.itin*
tm in J E. 3 , in tftcfe U)ojD0,

^ f
Putura in Chacea de Bowland, confuetudo elamata per foreftarioi ,
^Pocura. &
tarn profeipfiSjboroinibuj, Vi(i.4?
aliquando pcrbalivoj hundredorum,rceipcre vi<9ualia, e'.?.'?-*

equis canibui de tenentibus & inhabitantibus infra peratnbulationem forefta: F.N.B.iop.b.

feu hundredi quando eo pervcncrint,nihil inde foivend', ©ai^crctbeftatuteof Depotwapau-
Carta de forcfta fpealietb. Nullus foreftariui feu bali vus de castero faciat Scotaias, ^
^Tu'ft'enanc" fo
&c. -
bp tbc ttatute of 15 E.^.it t0cna(icD,tl)at no iFojeftcr oj deeper of fojett oj the poor.12 h!!
Cftafe^noianp otbcr sptntCfcr (baU mafee ojgatber fattcnance, noj otbcr gatbc= m- H'I-; e.?.
Coram rcge ro.
ring of Victuals, no J otbcr tbingbg colour of ttjctr off ice agatntt anp nians iDill
tDitbfntbctriBatlitoicboztoitbout, but tbat tobicb i0 5ueof olDrigbt,fbat is, f;^.''""""- "^* . .

tbofc fcc0,Ujbicb time out of mtnD tbcp oogbt to babe toftbfn tbat fojctt, anD as ^^ ;Jo b"
tiiall appear to be Due bp tbe oatb of 1 z lUegarberSt Pmuui.
Prior deEUortons cafe, ^uiet'degeldii is to he ^uit de pttura. ^ ifE.j.cap^. flat. Cap. Inneris fiUmale, of
the 5axon\vord fiSen, or fuljen, and a/'-, r. an Ale fcall, whereat they v\cre filled wuh Ak. Brafton lib. 5. fo. 1 17,
in reciting of CspItuIaItincris,c3lJcth it Fikkak,(. FiM.iIe, an extortion colore (gmpotationis. Vide Fkta lib.,
Cartadc Forcfta cap .7. -

f Chablicia
The Courts of the For efts, C ap 75. .

8 E.j.Ttin' pick. cChablieia, bj Cablieia, bjotofe ioooD, Dctitcti of tl)e iFrciK^ toojli Chablij,
Sic John deMd- 30 boys Chablis, eitljci: tent Doton from trees bg tftc tottiD , oj branches of trees
f Parkcbote, to be qnft of encloGng Of a |0arb oj anp part tticreof, DerttjeD of
ttoo (ingltft tDO?OS, Parke, anDbotc.
FI«ah'.i.c.47. f Brigbotcoj Bruckbotc, to be qutt Of mafeing of b?{Dgc0.
If Pannagium, oj panagium, ts DcrttcD from tfte J?renc!) tuojti panagc, «,
de glandibus & aliis hutStibus arboram,
fiuta pccoram in ncmoribus
Trln. lE.vCo- f ExpaaltarccancJ.r.cxpeditarc canes. Expcditado fSOcrtbeD Of ex&pedc>
rim tegs Roc.iz^
becaufe tl^e S^og (s lameD in t^e foot, inexpeditams ts nnlameD.
Carta de Fore- Canis in tl^is act (0 taton foj Maftivos bp tljcfe tnojDs, talis expeditatio faa'p
flacap.6. AlTifam commnniter ufitatam,tDf){c^lbatt> reference tot^e ^ifftfe of t|>e iFojeft,
tempore H-s^Arcd. iD^lc^ fpeabctl)
onlt> de expedicationc Maftivorutn,& Affis' &
Confuciud' Forefis,6 E.i^eap.p, fpcakctl) onlpde tnaftivo.
f Orcclles, tl&lstoojD fs tafeen from ttje iTrenc^toojO Orteiles , in (SngliO),
Carta de forefta ^ Pcllota,oftf)CiFrcnc!)iDO?&Pelote,anDf&e? frompila: 3n f^ici act if is
uhi fupra. f afeen foj tfte ball of foot, fine Fclota, toitijont tlje ball of t^e foot. ^xiQ tbcre=

fo jc bp tfte eypjcffe too jti0 of tfjis ^ct tftc ball of tlje foot of t^e ^attiffe is not to
be cut off, bat t^e tl^jcc dates of f be fojcfoot to t!)e skin. 2E;bis erf cnDct^ onlp to
ipaftiffS,anDtonootl)3r2D03S,fOjUbinon cftlex,ibinonefttranfgre(Tio; anD
ate coDcrts, tljat tljep
nccelTarpitiSjtl&atfucliasDtocUinfojeaBtoljere tftere
OjoulD beep otljcr 2Dogs uncrpeDitateD , ann t^c i^attiff crpeUitateD foj t&e nz--
fenccoft^cirljonre,oj foj gifeing of teaming ofSDtectesanD 5IRobber0,?c. Mo-
loffus (t^e olO 25jtti(ft toojD) is a «pafc=tl)ecf .becanfc i^e 5ot^ mafeoj amaCe a

^ Managium & mefagiutn, is commonlp
M.y.Priorat.Co- in ancient KecojDs tabcn foj tnefa-

vcnc'fo.i4.b. agium^
SD^etoOjDSoftftisSctare De expcditatione Ganum exirtentibm in fdrefta,
anD t^jerefoje in purlieus oj places DcaffojetteD, a man map beep a ^paftiff toitft*
oaf being crpeDitatcs, HnD tljat 31 map fap it miz foj all, mp intention is cbieflp
to erplain tlje obfcure toojDs of tftis ftatufe of Carta de Forefta , antJ otljer ^cts,
anDleabe t^elRcaoer to tfjetert it felf being plain: fo?.Sacias eft petere fomes,
quam (tdtzn rivulos,
1? fl.tcapij. Mbomap beep ©jepijonntis oj otfjct SDogs fo!)unt, oj 3!ngens, %t, ettljec in
19 H.7.cap.ii. a appcarct^ bp certain ttatutes,
fojeit, o> out of ttje foacft.
running ad nocumentnm , tbe irojcff er ougbt to
315ut if (25 jepbounDS be fount)
ARifaFaitll". retain tbem, anD p?efcnft!)em in tbepjefence of t^c tacrtiercrs, anD fenD t^em
to fbc !Sing,t>j to tbe Cbief Sluttice of tlje iFojcft.
MefinD not tfjat anp Cfjapter oj Article of Carta de Forefta , Dotft crtcnDto
Ctjafes OJ J9arbs,but onlp ttjc 1 1 vCfjapter. Quicunque Archicpifcopus , Epifco-
pusjComes vel Baro ad mandacum noftrum tranlicrit per foreftam noftram,&c.
tobic^ Cbaptcr Dotb not cnlp evf enD to tbe iFojetts of tbe !Jiing but to bis Cfta*

fcs anD |9ark3 alfo, foj fo teas tlje late befoje tbe mabing of tbis 0ct, to^tcj is
h\xi in affirmance of tbe Common late of tbe fojeft before tbis J^ct.
1 , 31n refpect of tbe pcrfons, fo; ct)crp ILojD of parliamcnt,bc be fepirifualloj
SCcmpojalUbaD tbis pjibilcDge befiDes tbofe tbat be nameD in tbis Cbapter , as
facb Abbots anD pjtojs, as teerellojDs of parliament, anD fo of2:>nbes, ^ar<
riueffes, anD H
ifcounts, tebtcb teere erectcD anD createD, aftertoaros being ILojDS
of ^parliament babe tbe fame pjibileDge alfo.
8 E.
5. hill' Pick, I. 1!5p reafonoftbe binD of commanDment admandarum noftrum, fattb t^ie
I j4.
or any
A Fore-
tebtcb teo JD3 babe reference to tbe
ff atttf c, M
r it of parliament D irectcD to eberp

Officer of the fo- 5Lo:.D of parliament. Ideo vobis mandaraus.Sic. anD is a legall commanDment
wnnotgive bp \Di.\i DtrecteD feberallp to eacb anD ebcrpHojD of parliament to appear at tbe
a Nobletnsu a
icings Court of parliament,fc» to treat de arduis &
couifein ihefo-
ftacum & dcfenfionem regni & Ecclefii Anglican^ concernencibus , anD tO re«
»c(t biu iC
create tbemfelbcsveniendo, anD after rcdeundojtbep mappafftng bp anp of tbe
Cap. 73- The Courts
of the Fr)reJiso ^o;>
ISingg jFojettff, Cl)arc0, oj JBarho, ^unt anD Kill one oj ttoo of ffjc lyings SDecr,
2Dl)CiLo}DS of parliament map Doeitatotljcrtlmcoexgratia , but bplaU) eun-
do &
redcundo, to anD from tftc Ji^arltament.
3. l^crc (0 tmplicD t^at tftc ilojD of parliament map in fbe abfcncc of t&c
jfojeftcrojiSccpcr after tl)C bloVoing of tljc tjojn, hill one oittuo oft J)e !5tnas
tDecr,proprii$ fnis canibuj,autarcuruo proprio. Lmjvoo^ Jp y
4. ^^cre is a fecrct tontlufion of ILato , tftat albeit fpirituall perfonfi are at^rc p7o= i
ItjibitcD bp t^c cannon lato to Ijnnt, ret bp tftc Common lata of tljc JLanD tljep
map foj tf)Cir rcrrcaf {on,to mafec f hem fitter fo? tlje prrfoimancc of their Dutpano *^*"- *^^ ^-''"'^^

office,ufctl)erccreattonoffi[mtinff,ni5 bere it Diredlp appcarctlj ilno in Anifa

ForeUx 6E. i. itappcarctl) ttjatt^eSlbliotof |petcrbo?oluf)aD arigljt ofljun= 6e.'/
ting in tftc fojeft of iKocUingftam. SnD tliis appearetb in otljer ttafnteo, viz. 15 R.i cap i ^
13R.2. 19H.7. Jac. £nD at tbi3Dap,anDti!ne out ofminD,tbciiingl)atlj
I ^n^ic^^.u.
ftaD after tljeDeccafc of c^erp2rcbbifl)op anD HSifljopUmer alia ) Mutam fuam '/-*^"i7.
canum,&c. l)is l^cnnell Of ^ounDs , oj a compofition foj tlje fame, tofjltfj anD ZuuTuZxlh-
things are in tlje ©rclbcquer calleD muita.
otl)er French w.rj mL-
5. a^^c laftconcluQon to, tftat all Cannons againfltfjcJLato0 oj Cuffomes ndccit^n.
oftfteKealm arc \3oiD anD of none effect, sect? H.Scao.

|£ Of the drifts of the Forefts, JgitAiio Animdium in


SEticDjiftsoftftc fojcttoarc faiDto beinljcn alltljc Catils as tiJcUofCom«

moners as of S)tranger0are Djitien bp t^c ^Dfficcrs of tlje fojeft to fome certain

pounD o: place inclofcD, anDtbc cnD {jetreof is jFirff, to fee 1bI)c=
i^cr t^ofc t^at otigljt to common Doc common Voit^ fuel) kinD of Cattle
ao bp p je=
j grant ttjep dngftt. S>cconDlp , if tljep common toitlj fuc^ Cattle as
tbcp ousftt, lBl)etfter tljcp doc furcftargc 0: no. C^irDlp, ff t^c Cattle ofanp
stranger be tljere, icrt)icl) oagtitnot to common at all,

Bytheftatnteof 32H. 8- it is cnaded. That all Forefts, Chafes, jiH.s.ap.i?.

Commons, Moors, Heaths, and wafle grounds within the Realm bf
England and Wales, and the Marches of the fame, and every of them
fliallbedrivenatthcFeaftof St. Michael the Archangell next com-
ming or within 1 5 days then next after, and fo yeerly to be driven by

the Lords, owners, and pofleifors of the faid Forefts or Chafes, or by

the Officers of the fame, and by the Conftables, Headborotighs , Bai-
lifs, Burfliolders,
and Tithing men within whofe offices, precinds,&

its the Commons, Moors, Mariflies, Heaths, and waft

li 1
grounds be-
out of the Forefts and Chafes be or lie upon pain of xl. s. to be
forfeited to our faid Soveraign Lord the King by every of the faid
Officers, Bailifs, Conftables,Headboroughs, Burdioldersand Tithing
men-, as often, and at every time as the faid drift fliall be omitted,or left
undone, or not effedually done within 1 5 days after the faid Feaft of .

St. Michael the Archangel, as is aforefaid. And it fliall be alfo lawfutl

to the Lordsi owners and poffeffioners of the faid Forefts and ( hafes
by their Officers of the fame, and by the Conftables, Bailifs, Head-
boroughs, Burftiolders and Tithing-men, and every of them within
the limits of their offices to make like drift of the faid Forefts,Chafes-,
Commons, Moors. Mariftids, Heaths and waft grounds at any other,

feafon and time of the yeare whcnloever , and as often as they (lull
think meet and convenient*
iDut of tl)i3 act of parliamcnt,as to tljc Djift of tfjc iPo:eft 0? Cf)afe,f!)crc
concluQons arc to be otfertcD. i 15p trljat pcrfoiic tljis D;itt is f le maPcanS

tljcjcin if tlje fo:ca l:c in the iSings hanDs it mntt be maDe bp all tfjc istngs OU
&f fireis
l^he Courts of the Forefis. Cap.y^;;
ficewoE atfenDance fntbefojeff,anDbpfourraenant)tbclRci)C0fetierp2E;olDn[
iDit^tn tl)e fo^e(t> tBbo to t^at purpore aire tncUiDeD unoer t^e name of .Officers.
^nD it ttiep be in a fub jects ftanDs, tbcn either bp tbc otoncrs oj poffcffojs of tlje
fatD IFojefts, oj Cftafes, oj bp fucl^ £»ff tcec3,as ts befojc faiD. z. j9t tobat cet«

tain time fuc^ D^iift in fo^teasoK^afeststobe mat)e;>3tappearct^bpt^is0tf

tljat ttougbt to be effectuallp fionepeerlp tottbfn jj. Daps after tbe ^'caftof
^tf J^icljael tbe 0rct>angcl. 9. 2CIje faib Djtft map be maDe at otfter fcafon oj
timeof t^peai;tDbenroeber,anDa£! often as tbep ftialltl^tnk meetanD conl}cni=>
ent. 4. SC^at QoneD il^o^fes unDer i^ l^anDfuU^tgtiatcpjobtbiteDtoCom^
mon anp fojett. &eet^eftatute, 5* ForCommonsi&coocofanyForcftor
Ghafe. 3!n tbcfe teojDS are incltiDeD purlieus anb ot^er grounds tafterctnmcii
^abe common, anD tljcfeare to be Djiuen bp tbe otoners and poffcffioncrs of tijc
fame, ano bpf&c conffables , ^caDbojougfts , isailifs , 5l3Hrlf)olDer3,anD %i-
ttjtngmen, toitfttn totjofe offices, pjccincts, anb limits tbe faiD ti:ommon3,ic. be»
ing out of anp fojcft, oj cbafe Doe lie at fucft times arc afojefaiD,
%\)Z ftatute fpeafectl) De Aeriis AecipLtram,Erpervoram,Falconam,AquiIaru,
Ay^iiesof Hawk
8 E.J. Itin. Pick & Hieronum,tobit& is but in affirmance oftfteCommonlaicfojiteytenDetbto
SirlohndeMd- Aperies of otijer i^atobst^en be fpeciallp nameb , aa to Aperies Merkonorum
in bofcisfuis dc Levcfhatn,
ipH.S.tit.Offi- ;aifo?efferbp patent fo^liis life is mabe Bluff ice in (tixz oftbe fame fo;cff
ccrs,Br.47. iiac vice, t^c iFo?ctterfl)ip is become boio, foj tljefe offices be incompatible , bc=
caufe t&c iFojcfter is unber tbe cojreaton of tfte 3,\xVtxit in Cl;ire, anD be cannot
jubge Ijimfelf : t^c fame lato is of a CKHarben of a fojett anb of a Suffice in ic €
of tbe fame fojeft : ICljougl) tbc offices of tbc &tetoarD anD Suffice of tbc fojeffi
bebotftjuDicialUpetlDbetfter be faeSiteUjarD of tbe &toanimote,ojoft^e(2ire
l^eisunDet tbccojrcrtion of tbe Suffice in C;iie,anD tberefoje incompatible.
W.t bat3C been rcquetteD to fct DoUm Vobat perfons anDtobat ;©fftcers cttber
tbat tben Inere, 0; \R\i\0:^ babe been fince tbe laff €ire , anD botu manp fo^ts of
Officers, anD tobat number Doe belong to a fojcff, tDfjiclb >Be cannot ?:cttcrrc«
folbe anD fatisfic, tben bptbe IRccojDs of tbc Circs of fojctts , anD fpeciallp bp
Summons of tbofe ires , lubitb tue babe tbougbt gooD to fet doIdii
tl^e iD^it of
verbatim, not onlpfojanfioer to tbe faiD qucff ions, but fo^ Dibers otberobfer^
tjattonsas toe finD it intbe faiD Cire of jptcfeertng toitb tljc eractanD particular
return of tbe fame*

Vic' F.IjoruTi. Edwardtff del gratii Rex Anglia^dominm Hiberm<e (jr dux Aquitanis
The perfons ihat Vic' EborumSalutem. Sufttmonferhonosfummonitores Arc/jiepifcopos, E-
ought to appiar
before [he jufti- pijcepos, Ahbates,
Prlores, Comites, Burones, MiUtes^ &
omnes liber' tenen-
ccsin Eitc ot ihc tes,quiterrasfetttenementAfhihent infra metas Forefix dile^il confanguinei
ForePaHcn. ^fidelis nofiri Henrici Com' Lane' de Pick, in Com' pr.idici' ^ de quali- &
Com. Lane'. bet Vil' ejufdem Com' infra metas ejufdem For homines
eft' exijien quatuor
Under thtfj
words are incln-
dr Prxpofitum ^
Forefiar' ViUarum^
omnes ^alios, qui coram ^ujiiciar'
ded the Conft.i- adplacita Forefla <uenire folent &
debem^quodfint apud Pickering die La-
the Warden,thc
n^ prox'pofi Fejt Sancif Michael^ prox fmur coram dile^is
^ fidelibus
neftris Ricardo de Willoughby, ^0. de Shardelowe, Roberto de Hunger-
Rsnga,'he Agi-
ficT>.,thc Stew, ford,^ ^ohannedc Hambury ,tribus vel duobus eorumqms ad requifrtio-
ard.ihe Bow-bea- nemdiBt confanguinei nofiri conftituimus ^f*ftic' ad itinerandum hoc vice
"Four ad Placita Foreftx. ipfius Comitis in Com' prxdiCi' a tempore quo Edmun-
men dus nuper Com' Lane'
pater prxd' Henrici, cajus lures ipfe e(l,PlJCita Fe-
learned Ju-
fticei in Eiic of
the Fort ft. refix ineademForefia iiirtfite^concejJ'ienisfibiperdominumE. nuper rege
~*Sc^Cart.dc Anglic Avumnofiruminde fafi' ultimutn tenuit, auditur' (^ faffur' pr.e-
FoieO- cap. i.
ceptum nofirum de hiisqux ad placita prxd' pertin\Fac' etiam venire coram
Fereftat'Viridar'. ^ufiic' prxdiCiis omnes Forefiar ', Viridar' (^ omnes illos quifuer' Forefiar'

& Viridaf Foreft' -prxdici' m

Com' vrxdici' Pofi ultim.i placita prxdiB'
The Courts
Cap. J]' Forejls. 511

omnibus Att^chiament fuis tam de Viridi Feitdtione uW To what ehd the

quam qua poft ,

PUcita Foreflxfunt er»€rfa ^ novdum terminat' (viz.) tam de
illtsAtts- tnox^^^.^'^
ehUmentis qtm manent infr* metas Forejla , quam de illis qua mment ex-
trihus vel duobus
Fore^' Fac' etiam venire coram eifdem ^ufticiariis
eorum Regardatores ipjius Comitis in baliva ttu , //< qusd habeant ibi om' ^'gtrdatartt.

nix Regardafua ftgi/lisfuis Jignat' ^

omnes Agifiatores frxfat' Com' in e-
adem baUivafua cttm itmnibtis Attachiament' Et habeas ibiSum' hoc Bre-
ve. T.meipfo apudWeJim' ijdie Augufli,Annoregninefiri 8,
qned Breve Petrus deSaltmerjh Vic' Eborum
retornavit qnod fecit

plenumretornum ifli/ts brevis HugenideNevilballivo libertatis H.Cemit' > «

Lane' Honor' de Pickering^cuiexccutio ijiius
brevis rejiat, faciend' ^quifibi aii°3"ddt!'ft n"
Abbates Tvver to ail tUe
reffond' quod fummon' fecit Archiepifcopos , Epifcopos , , Priores^

Comites,Barones^Milites,&omnes libere tenen' qui terras tenement a, ^ P^'^fso'thcvvit.

habcnt infra met' For eft' , de &

qualibet Vill' ejufdem Com' infra nxtas
cjufdem Foreji' exijfen' quatuor
hdmines ^ Pr£pofit' ^ Foreflar' Vidar' ,^
omnes coram ^ujliciar' adplacita venire[olent
alios qui debent, quodftnt ^
apud Pickering ad diem in Brevi pr^ediff' content' coram pr<tfat' J^ufiicidr'
tribus vel duobus eorum , auditur' (jr faEiur' precept' domini regis de hiis

prddici" placita pertinent.
Et quod ventre fecit ForeJtar\ Viridar\
0- omnes qui fuer' Foreflar' ^ (^ Firidar' Foreft' prxd' in bal/jva fua

placita pr^d' cum omnibus Attachtamentis prttd' tarn de Viridi
placita Foreftte Junt emerfa (jr nondum
de Venattone qua uit'
quam poft
terminat'. Et etiam quod Venire fac' coram eifdem ^uftic' tribus vel duo-
bus eofum Regardatores ipfius Comitis in balliva fua , ita quod haberent ibi
omnia Regar da fua figillis fuis fignat' (^ omnes Agiftatores pr^fat' Co-
mitis in eadem balliva fua cum omnibus agiftiimentis freut patet infchedu'
U retorn'fue pradiBo attachiata .

'Willielmus de Fercehay Miles. * wo ma

* Forcfter
th.ic is a
Petronilla de KynthorpCy
<^po, lo.fuo
CForeftar' defeodo in le Weft ward
in fee cannot ex-
' Edmundum de Haftinges ad omniafact- ecute the ofEce
iftitts foreftit dePichering^\\z end' qu£ For eft ar' incumbunt durante I- her relf,but As

tinere ifto,<^ fecit [acramcntum. may tnake a Dc-

£-ire,and her De-
puty (hall b:
1 Forefiar' Cuftod' Foreft. in lwcrn,&c.
1 Hugo
lefji[/'j/refa7df''' ByCarta de Fore-
I ^Wtllielmus le Parker. flacap7.Tot Fo-
ad Foreftas cu-
C Robert us thurnefe. ftodiend'quotad
*Viridar' foreftd ilbs cuftodicnd'
dejRogerus Brotvne. rationa'ilicervi-
Pickering, viz. \Robertui Playce. dcriat futficerc,
de Viridarii 4,

[WillieUnusde Everly. Rogerus de Alvefton.

Regardatof j 3,
Longe. Johannes flius Galfridi. by ihe rtacuic de
^ IRogerus
Johannes Boye. Rogerus de Stapleton.
Carta de Fore/la
cup.7.\heTe arc to
Foreftx de <| Johannes filius
Alani. Rogerus Strutcecke. b: ii.atthelcaft,

Pickering, l
Galfridus de Ktnthorp, Radulphus de Colhughton. hetc it

Thomas Thurnefe. Johannes de la Chentnie,
m.ijf be more.
Sfi Agijhtores

The Courts of the Forejis. Cap. 73.
in k Wejlmrd ifius
•/IgiJftUoret 4,

ink Eajlmrd
\A0atorts ijlius

Nomind Forefl' Nomind Forefior' nm<: ifiius Forefia^ ^ mum

t^ui fuermt Forejiar'
& riridar' qui ipus Forefix^ ^ tOTum qui fuermt Firidar' ifiius Foreft^.

Jj^nm de Nekton ? ^'^/''^; ^ff/' dePercehay unius

^ , J -.Tr J n V Fore tar de ^^i^^^l^ni
feodo Foreiix
J de Pick, in U
Johannes ,


Henry de Ripky ? CApital' Forefior'

PetromUx de Kinthorf alterius Fere-
7homa.s de Ddhy 5 •y?4r' defcodo Forefi* de Pickering.

David de Neuton 7
Capit' Forejtar' Hugon'
de Teland For' CuHodis Ft'
Thimas de Rippely 5 ^ejla in k

Nomina Subferefiariorum Forefix prsdi^'.

C Johannes deHarley. Johannes Munmewe. Forejiar' Radulphi'

jRicardm deAkintaftes. Johannes Scot. Hajitngs Cu-
SMbforeftarH'6. Cower. WiUielmus Ceurtman.
yvitUelmus pd' Fore^xprx-
did' nunc.

Nomina Suhforejiar' quifuer' in Forefla ifta pofi ultimum Iter,^c.

Calfridus deHawly. Johannes Roucebj. Adamus ft' Willielmt.

RobertusdeWigan. Rogerus fit'
Nich. Johannes deNevil.
Petrus AUnujjil' Radt. Thomas de Newtcn.

firidttr', Bermrdus de
Scrg/j,qui obiit,fuit Viridar' in Forejia ifia, dr Alexander
de Bergh flius e^ us et iMres venit c^ reddidit rotulosfuos tarn de viridi
de 'venatione tangen' ForeHajn ifiam de tempore

%\iz iLato oftbe iTojcft tc, tbat if a BlcrDcroj tte.ljlsfteic 10 to bjitrg fti
ti)c 3Rol0 of bis ^uiTcettojs time, toljUb tffjeooctftcn tticCntrptsuc fupra.

AdamdeBruis qui obiit fuit Viridar' in ForejlaprAdi[i',<^ nullus eji

qui venit ad Rotut reddend .,

Ideo Fie' feifiri fac" omnia terras (jr tene-
ment a qua fuer'' Adx qu6ufque,^c. Pofiea venit''
lius ejm ^
hxres, &
fecit finem pr^ Rotulis prdidi^iis,^' admittixur per
in Potul' de extraSiis.
^os. prout patet
^f i\\t tmecDcroa alien Ijis lanDs oj Die fcifeti, ant)noiiianlj?ingcfl> intfta
Kols.tftcnfljalltftclanD bi'tfjclatooftftcifojEttbefeifcD bp tfte S>6crif,tDl)ic^
tI)e3!TcrDcro?f)at),unt(ntf)C Kolsbe bjotigljt in,anl) iftlie Itols be lott, tl)cn
tilU)cmahct>is fine anDfjatje ijisouflerle main,anDtljc (Dntrp i^, asioneyt
Ricardus de
Shelton,qui obiit ,fuit Confiabular' cajir' prxd. O" cufios iftifts
Forefl'., Cr nullus. efl qui venit. ad rotul' (^ muniment a ifi' Forejl' tangen'
reddend' ^Idco veniant terr' ^' tenement a tenentes ad
ejus refbondind' ,^c.

Cap.7]. The Courts

of the
Forefls-) .
3if tl)c tssaaiticiiof tljcjFojca Dpc, anotjfsljcpje, oj SCcrfcitant b?(ng ttttf fti
t^e l1oUs,^c.fttB l)epjc oj SLcrtenant ftiall anfiDcr foj ffjc fam^»
anD ftcre it is fo be obfcrtJcD, tftat toftcrc tfte j^ojcff oif IDfcbcrfngtWsf iSAfTpijo,
appenDant o: belonging to tijc Cattle of pkfecrtng tljat be tfiat ta tftc <ron-

ftablcofttic Cattle t0 cDerbjJtljclLatoof tl)ei?o?cff c&tcfc MarDcn of tftat

Jrojeft. 2nD fo it (a oftljc iFo?ctt of OtnDfoj belonging fo MtnDfoj Cattle,
oft^eiFojcftof Jllortiingljam belonging to t^c Cattle of 1Rocbingl[>am, anDall
otfter 5^o:cfts belonging to Catties. Snt) acco;iDin0tp bcre rou map obferbe,
tbat t^e office of conftabletbtp anD ^atociilbtp arc intl)ts IRecojo conjopneO
^ '
one tDitl^ tljc otftcr. -

de Monte Gomeri qui fequitur pfo Domino Rege, fetit vers' Rd- Trin. 14 F.i.m
^^"'^° rot.7.Scjir.
Ballivam cuflodia libera Hayx Regis de Alrewas
dtilfhitm ^untyn qux per-
tin' ad Serjafitiam Regis SeneJcaW ForejiiX Regis de Canoco, qtu ab ca- &
demSerjantia ejt fine affenf» pradecejjbrum Regis Regum Anglia.
Et RAdidphus venity&per licentiam riddit Domino Regi tnde fetfmam

%\ic Dutp of a OTooDiuarD DotI) appears bp fjts name,anD bp^ts oatl^, Nomi- Cunos forcfta, c.

na func notx rerum. '-

Hil,i 2 £.3. it (0 t^llS refolbeti :

Quilibet Woodwardas fccundnm Afllfam Fo- Mil. 1
; e.j. co-
re ft^ debet porcare hatchcttum, & non arcum & fagittas
pro finifira fuCpicione '^mRcgcRot.
vcDationisdeponeDd'adprifencand'tamdcviridiquam dcvenationc. Et vide- g e j.uTn'plcfc.
turJuftic'hic&CcncilioRcgisquod'Capreoli AnglicclRoeSjfuntbeftiaedeWar- ace.
renna & non de quod fuganc alas feras, «
f BedelIi]$i3an£)flfiteroftl&e^ojett, tftatDotljiDameaUt^ Courts of tftc prcoi*.

IFoiett, ant) Dotlj ewcute tbe P;oceg of tbe JFojett, anD mafee all }9?oclamationi5
as tocll tottljin t^c Courts, as totf boat anD is DcritcD of t^e ^aron too?D Byd-

der, to call J toarne, oj of tbeiftcncft trojD in ifSojmanDp Bcdea6; ailBsilitfe oij

fja ieafteroftbe^atnc offbejFojeff* kse 4,fo.T3,
Menhsvetitu?, fence monfb, oj Defence monffj, focalleD, becaufe it isf^e Cart.deForefla

fatoning montlj, tofjcntbc 3?oe0ba1)e jf atones, foj flje pjefertjation to^ereof caps.
tbcf ougbt to be fcnceo , anD DcfenDeD from burt anD Difqaiet. 3lt confatnctft a
monetl) containing i . Daces, anD beginnetb in tbe fifteenth Dap befojc
t, ^piDfom*
mcc (tbat is, tbc J^atititti» of &t. John Baptift) in tljc beginning of tobicb a
^toanimote is to be bolDen, anD enDetb fifteenc Dapes after. g»ee tbc &tatate of
Carta de Forefta quod tcrtfum Svvanimotum te-
cap. 8. tobcrcbp it is enactcD, •
jhe p-inted
neatur in initio 5. dictum ante feUum Sanfti Johannis Baptiflar, quando Agi-
book aven^uone,
ftatoresnoftri conveniuntpro* faonationc feufeonationebeftiarumnoftrarum, which ought to

SDbiS toO?D faonatio,oi teonatio, iS Deril3CDoftbeiFrcncf)tDO?Dfaonier, tljat bsamendcd.and

is to faiane, q% foj SDoes to bjing fojtb.'fc. ortotj^'r

^ ofaiFojctterfojDoing tref= which (ignifi^th
the fawning;.
paJfe intbC j'^O^eft.
3f tbe
MmJ otber 31 ojD Dotb parDon a trefpalTc in a i^o^eff , anD tbe offen--
?»• i- 3 e i

Deratajufticefcatbpbis learneD Councell plcaD tbe fame; in tbe pjoceeDtng

f8F;""i"/n Ptk' *

thereupon toe Doe obfcrte ttoo things. JFirtt, tbat bv tbc lato of ttjc iFojeft,l)Cfo?c sfr Rnphi h*-
an;' allowance thereof,tl)C 3ufticco charge tbe i^iniftcrsof tbe i^ojctt to ciu ftingscafe.
tobctbcr tfje Delinquent batb Doneanp trefpalTe in tmert oj BUcnlfon after Ths
is the
"* " "^^
f be Date of tbe parDon. &econDlp, toben tbe parDon is allotoeD, tben tbe cntrp is,
'^°^l'^^"l ^ *"""

Quod invenit manucaptores quod amodo non forisfacSi.non deiinqucret aut pec*
caret. But if an offcnDer be contiirteD foj trefpalTe in tbe JFo jett in bunting, ic. <^i b dcm Rob.
anDaDjuDiTeDtobc6neDanDimp?troncD, tobfcbfine, tbougbitbepato, petfball 5p™"'?'p "1'
be finDc furcties foj bis gooD abearing, ic. in tbcfe toojDS Qiiod amodo fe bene ^,p*["

geret, &in Forefta pridii^a

non forisFac. i. non delinqueret leu peccarct. Unde tSii. j.icin.Pick.
forisfailura pro deli(fto. of WiJIiam tie

J5v tbe abfcnceo? non vena? of fbc3lnftices in dBpjeaf tbe Dap of tbcaDjojn» {'"'"')'' ''J'^-
ment/tbe Suffice feat is DtfcontinucD, anDbotoanD bp tobaf me'anes it map be ,
tJ IO\.
214. The Courts ofthe Forejls, Cap. 7^.
rcconttniictJ,antirefamnioncD, (f
appcaretl^ fnSE.s.itincrcf'lckenng.

7R.i.cap.j. J^o SiurpajallbctompelleDbpanp £)flf(cerof f^e S^oittt, o; anp ot^erperfoti

togiUettiEtrterDtrttnaiip otftcr plate, tfjcn tobere ttieir cfjargc is
gtticn,againft tl^etrgooDtutU, no? bp malice, menacco? otl^cr Dures, Hall be con*
ttralneHtogttjetfteirterlifctof atrcfpaffc intl)c f
ojcft ot^crtoifc tl)en tijctr ,

confctenceiDtUtlcadp <nfo?me tljem. 2LI^(3 3Lato cptcnDctlj to jT^oaefts onlp.

aibctttJ^ere be fome Icafts tftat be no beads of JFojett, as tfte IBncb, ic. anD
fome 315eatts anD iFotoles tftat be no 315eafts anD iFotoles of Marrcn, pet If anp
man Ijunt oj IjaVofeeat t&em toitljtn t^c i?ojett, tt Is agafnft tbc ;affire of tfjc jTo^
reft, anDpuntffiablebpt^c Jiatoesof tfteiFojeft, foj all manner of Ijuntingoj
Ibatobtng tftere Votfljout toarrant is unlatDfnll, becaufc it Difquietetl) tf)c Beatts
Carti Regis H.i Me rsaDe tl)at i^ing H. i . bp Ijts Charter granteD, Qyod Ci vcs Londonii ha-
civibiisLondon', (jcant fugationcs fuas ad melius, Sc plenius habuerunt anteceflb-
iVef^the Citi-
^gj eoram,reilicet Siltre, &
Middlcfex Sner, &
hadi pr° vt" SC^e l^tng being fcifeD of a jFo jcft, DID grant tlje JFo jeft to anotljcr in fee, f fte
before this grant ce fljall liatic no iFo?cft, bccaufe ^e ^atft no potucr to mabe Sufttces anD
Charter. «. bat pet tliougft it cannot tabe effect ex vi
;©fficers of iFo?eft to t)olD Courts,
4iE.3.i.a.[n termini, asa dDame tlje fame Iftall paDTcasafrcc
jFojeft, pet togetfjer iDitt) tbe
Cljafc foj tl^e &al3ages.anD conies foj as ftatlj been faiD.eberp i?o;eft is a fiee

C^afe, & quiddam amplius»

Reeift.8 b.
Chafca eft adcommuncm legem, anD is not to begulDeD bp tIjeiFojcft EaUjs,
See the firft pare IBut l^tng Dotft grant a jFojeff to a S)ubje(t, anD grantetb furtljcr tljat
if t^e
of theinftitutc?, uponrequeftmaDetntfteCljancerp, Ije anDfjisbcires fballbatie 3uaiccsoftl)e
jfo?eft,fftcn tfte S>ubject l^at^ ajr^ojeft in Jiato, as t^e SDutte of Jlancatter baD
Tr'es ou tents.
jj^g jf ojefts of |0icbering anD iLancaftcr, anD tfte abbot of M^itbpc baD tlje

^ojeftof Oail^ltbpe in tIjeCountp of |9o?fe,tu!)icb being not unDeraooD,batijtceti

tbecanfctljatKeaDers anD others IjatjecrreD, Vide i* H,7,Kelw. 13.& 14, &c.
4E.3.^f.Malin$care. zH.d.ij. ForeftdcExmore, i7H,8,eap.7,. i E.j.eap.j.
aiE.4.eap»7» 31 H.S.cap^ij, Ricardm de Cornubia ^
g. alii attach, fuermt ad ref^ondcnd' :tohanm

' ' ^
^^^^y^ ^^^''^ ^fff*^ cefermt , ^
in frifona detinuerunt
fer decern fepti-
manoA apad Cafirum de Knareshurgh^ ^c. R teardm alii dicunt
quod Ca- ^
jlrttm ^ Honor
de Knareshurgh cum Forefia de Befiayne
fuit aliqnando in
Domini H. Domini Regis nunc.^
Regis, patris co
temporefuit ta- ^
confuetado in Forefiapr^di£ia,quod (iquis indiBatm fuerit psrForeflarios
coram Senefchallo ejufdem Honoris de tranfgrefione de venationefaBa in ea-
dem Forefia, idem Senefchallus tales tranfgreffbres uhicunque fuerint inventi
infra eandem Ubertatemfradicii Honoris, licitepoteft arrefiare ^ imprifa-
ff are, ^ eos in
prifona detinere
quoufquefatUfecerint detranfgrepione,S'c.
By the grant of a ^i Rcx Hen.dedit prsdiCi' Honorem cum Forefia, (^c, Ricardofratrifuo
Foi eft a chafe Com' Cornub' patri Edmundi Com' Cornub' qui toto tempore [uo nfus efi tali
padeth. libertate arrefiandi^^c.
Johannes f contra dicit.^ nullam talemfuifje con-
Nota, capti cum fuetudincm arrefiandi malefa^ores^mfi
quando capti ftterunt cum manuopere^
inanu'jptt e.
^ ^
y^ antiquiorc tempore, quia idem Comes non babet ibidem Forefiam,fed
Chaceam tantum. Ft quod tempore Wtllielmi de Stotevill Domini dicix.
Chacex, quidedit Regi
^. di£iam Chaceam, (^ tempore dtBi Regis 5P. ^
tempore Regis H. patris,
dum dicta Chaceafiiit in manu ffu, nimquam arre-
fiaveruntaliquosde tranfgrefiioneinChaceailla, nifi illos qui capti fuerunt
cum manuopere^ ^ hoc offert verificare per patriam^(jrc. Eicardus dicit qmd
nonpo([unt pradi^am verificationem fine prxdicio Com' verificare. Idea
prxc' efi
quodfum' prxdiB' Com\ &c. Confimile placitum conii- &
milisicfponfioineodemRotuIo. Itemal' in Rot. 163.
I'be Courts ofthe Forejls. ^if
fetng R.2. grrnifcDto Thomas Dubc of CSlouccftcr tn fpeciall tatlc, t^c Caftlc Rot.P3ri.i4R.i.
ef&atiit Criond, anDt^ciTojcftof SDcane, (ic^cccbp nothing paffcD, asljatfj nu.ij.
fcccnfatD, but a f^ranfeCftafc) nolo bpautfto?(tP of parUamEnt it ts ctiactcD,tftat
t^cratti2Pafeca;otilD!jolDt!)CfatDiFojefta0a iFo^ctt, anD to conttitHtc fuclj

Suffices atii) £?ffffcr0, u

as liclong to a i?o;eft.
IBut \am tl)c tttic of t^c Xourts of Gpjc of ifojcftg in t^e l)anD0 of fnb^

:> anftoer, faking one example of tljc iFojcft of ^aickering in t^e JjanBa
of Henry Carle oflLancaffcr; PJacita Forelix Henrici Comiiis Lane' de Pic-
corara Ricardo de Sliardelovve,Ro-
kering tent' apud Pickering
berio de Hungerford, &
Johaone de Hanbury, Jufticiariis ad itinerand' iiac vi-
in Com" Eborum alTignat' die Lunx prox' pelt fc-
ce, ad } lacita Fordtxpridiitx
Hum Sanfti Miciiaclis, Anno regni Regis E.:;,poft Conquelium S,
3f anpfclonp be committcQ toit^ln tbc iFojeft, (t ftall be inqutrci) of bcfo?c tfje ' t?;
3ut)ae0 of t^e •Common iiato, ano Dotljnot belong to t|)c conufance of tticc^iefe
Mieh.p E» i, coram Rege Rot. 6. Huntingdon, Tranfgreffio in forefta Regis T; anfgrefllo.
non eft hie terpinanda.
pro Venatione Regis
Nora, 3I5cfo,:c Scroope anD otbcr'Sufticca in (titt, accojDing to tlje tonrfe of;5 dc fo-

tl)6 Common
11 aU), amanclamicDto be quit
of patonagc tntbe icings i'^ojett, iefta.a..i6.
anD alfo be claimeD in tbe fame fojeft patonage of bis tenant pur agiiks ; anD i'^^p-

fo:tl)attljts bclongcDtotlje SutttcesoftljeiFojca, tljcp looulDnotmeDDletoitlj v iIhTji &

it.^nD tbereafon of tbat is, tbcloojDs of tl)c statute of Carta deForefta, cap, 50.
\6, Priiententur capitalibus JufticiariisnoHris de forelia, cum in partes illas

venerinr, & coram eis terminenmr. &o as fl)C termination anD cnDing tljercof
bclongetb to t^c J:blcfe Sulfites of t^c jFojcft, bp tlK! cj:p?effe inojDS of tbe ©fa*
futC. ;3nDVDl)Creti)C Statute faitl), Coram ca,pitalibus Jutticiariis noflris, &c.
31t ts to beftnolonc, tljat tljere
is tut one cbtefc 3uftice of tfte iFoj«fts on fljts

0DC JCtcnt, anD be is nameD Jufticiarius icinerans tbrei^arum.&ceitra Trentam,

0nD tbcre another Capitalis Jufticiarius, anD ftC is Jufticiarius Itinerans om-
nium foreftarum, &c. ultra Trentam ; tofto commonlp (03 man Of greater Dtgnf*
of t^c jfojcft, 0nD t()crefoje toben Suffice
tptftcn bnotolcDcte in tbcHalneo
are to be tc affociateD to l)tm fucb as t^e §aing tljall appoint. For thcfea^bcia-
feats tjolDen, tftcrc
='"'^ °''>"
iDljo toctctljcr tottb l^im Ujall Determine omnia placita. &c. foreftx, toitba pa- 'j°".'-
non omnes, anD a uErif Dcadmittendo, &c. jSnD tfte Cftiefe HuftiCC
tent of si
anD na*
tabic pScnr
oftljc #ojcft, anD t^efe alTociates, arcCapitalesJufticiariiforeftx
mcD Capitales tti refpect of ti)c tUlcrDerojs anD others, t^at to fome purpofes (as kei ing in the
cafe ot w/niam
been faiD) bate inferio? lUDiciall places,

0nD rceinrr,as it batb ';efoje appcareo, tl)c i^o?eC ilatos Differ in manp cafes J^o/,"'^"'
from tljecommon ILatos of CnclanD, it is gooD rcafon tljcp CbonlD be DetcrmineD
lefojc men IcarncD in tljc 1 atocs of Ibc jFojeft, as in otl)cr cafes. 00 (f a trcfpaffe
be Done cttftcr t;: (Tlcrt 0? CJcnifon in anp Jr o:xa in tbe banDs of a fubjea, in t^c
life oi tljc anccff 0;, 1. o?.D of tljcirojett, ii fljall be punifftcD in tfte life of tftc bcire,

IBut fo it is not in tljc (Ibafes oj IparUcs of a fubject , foj bp tbe Common laU)
Aiftio perlbnalis mnr'turcum perlbna.
8 e Jtin.p,\ k.
3f a man committeD a trcfpaffc in a JFo:cff ,aiU) Dw, bp tljc iFojett lata tljc f rcf= .3

to tljc rub of tljc common lain. L^mv s

pallc is Difpuniftablc, agreeable "
liSut iip tftc S>tatute of 1 9 H.7. be tljat Ojall ttallj toitb anp butt} oj beaft in anp n.^.^p., .
^DarbcCbafe, oiiFo?eft, Initljout licence, «. fijall fojfett fo; cDcrptimcljcfo in-hisAarceihe
ftnlbctb to anp perfon tljat Uiill fuc foj tfte fame bpaa ion of Debt, tobcrein gc^ac pcnat^f^r
noluagcr of lata, p:otc(tion, 0; effoine (ball be allotocD , anD tiuo Suttites of J^'|"jP'j ^^^^^^l^
peace map ciaminetbcfamc,ic.a>cetbc statute of i H.7,cap.7. ^cetbetbirD "/Buck'iws"
partoftbelnftirutes.cap. Felony. by any that hath
31f a i^^oiefterfljip oj a Batlitoicfe of a fo^tft be granfeD in fecif it be founD
not any Poicft,

outnfaneirefo:tbci^ojea, tbattbc grantee batbmif Done in bis iSaiUtoiche, ^'J'^'/'"'"'

*^ Au.p.6o.
tbc I5ailitoicfe is fojfciteD. Nota, tbe Sutticcs in Ctre ba\)e potoer to enquire
tbereof. Sn tbcfe offices of jf oiicacrfljips oj Bailitoichs in fee toitbtn a iro»
reft, albeit tbcpbate an abfolute fee fimplc tbcrcin, pet arc tbep of futb truft, tbat
2i5 The Courts ofthe For ejls. Cap. y^.
R" ift fo^ t^^P tmmi be granted oter tottl^out ttie ^^ttigs Uccnfe
, anHbefojcfucl^Uccnfe

/MJ^ile!^' be grantcD,t^cre goetft out aWivit of Ad quod damnum to ttjc i^ing,tf fnt^luenfc
For the beafts of %\ittz bcmatip besfts of tfte fojcft bp tftc latos of tfte fojctts of CBnglatiD. SD&e
^gfj {„ §>ummcr, tt)C ^ttttie tit tKHtnter, atiDallf^at pjocceD as of ttjetii : tljc
^"^^ Summer, tfte
*" Mfntcr, anti tt)C p?otEeD of tftcm t tl^e H^acc male
2Doa in
"f"w ^T""
not pr"pcr to"^ anD fcttialc, anu t^etr pjocecD t tlje luiloe 3i5oar male anD female, anD tWv p?o-
this Trcatiic, fee cccD : anD t^c ^olf male anD female anD tljetr p?occeD: ffte S'^ox male anD female,
the firft part of anD tftcfr pjocceD,tfte spartin male anD female : Capreoius tlje IRoe, as it appca=
the inft seft.578 it is a beaft of Cljafe*
pgji^ ijefo?c,ts no beaft of t^e fo?ett. but

^u\o '^"t ^ 6"^ *^^^ ^" ^^ ^' '* John de Claret luasamcrceD in looli, prouoo
""i-u^rj animal cervo & duobus lutris captis in forefta de Pck,»iD ^e petittoneD to tbc ifting in

aniphibiun, parliament to be DtfcftacceD thereof anD teas DcnieD. ^et 3 fabcan £)fter is
no bcalf of t\)Z fo:e(!: : but all tiunttng in tbe fojclf, asliatft bin faiD, is unlatofuU.
SSljcpjoccaDsoftljel^artanD l^tnDc. SClje ii^etlet^e firft pear a Calf, t^efe^
conD a 315jofeet, t^c t^trD a S>papaD, tljc fourth a ^taggarD, t^e fiftft a fetag, t^e
ftvt!} a l^att, anD fo after. 2Elje female, tlie firft pear a calf, ilje fcconD pear, a
115jocUcts fitter, t^c tfttrDpear a i^tnDe.
%\)Z pjoceaDs of t^e HBacb anD SDoe, 2E^e firft pear aiFaion, t^cfcconD
pear a I0jtct?et, tlje tl)trD a &o?ell, tlje fourth a &oje, tl^e fift^ Bacfe of tfte firft
lieaD, tljc Grtt) a great IBucfe.
SDlie pjoceaDs of tbe l^are, tbe firft pear a ^leberef, tlje feconD a ^are, tl>e

tl)trD a great l^are. )©f a ©KtlDe IBoar

: a |0ig,a !^ogge, a !^og-ffear, a S5oar,
anD after a tanglier.
SClJC fcafons bp t^e lato of t^e 5^ oicft fo? tftc JBcafts of ttie fojctt arc fftcfe.ioDf
t^c f^artanD tfte'5i5ucb,bcainnetl) t t'oc feaft of §>. John Baptifl, anD cnDet^ at

^olp IRooD Dap, j©f tfte ^^inDe anD tDoa,beginnct^ at l^olprooD anD conttnuct^
till CanDlemaffe. £D f tbe j^or at vjrljiiftmaffc, % continoet^ till tfte ; > of £©artft.
£I>[ t!)c l^arc, at ss)icbaelma9,anD laftet^ttll ^(Drnmmcr. HDf
t{je iSoic, from

Cl)jiftt«affe tillCanDlemaffe.
Cart, d: forefta, jn tftc ftatutc of Carta de forefta in Dtticrs plates Venatio (tgnifiefft tiUcnffon
« |„ jf renc^ Venaifor, anD fo in eifcrt in 3?nt^ anD otbcr languages, 3t is callcD

kJ°3 w '
^ElC'^fon oj Venai fon, Of t^e mean tuftcrebp t^e beafts arc tabcn,quooiamicx ve-
'rdfimctrvorl, naiionc capiunrur, anD being IjunfeD arc moft tobolcfome. Cbd'arctallcD
the vcn foil of bcaffs of aicnarp(not2Ilcncrp as Tome tctm itjiiccaufc tbcp are gotten bp bunting*
j^o beaft of tlje fojcft tljat is lolivagri f nocivfi is t)eniron,as t^e j^or,tl)c Molf,
fri?^ts"T'° ^^^ g^irf tnAecaufc fbcp be no meat,bHtcaroeoru eft nociva : fortiorutbc Bear A
l^ri^ffetll *
^^ "•* ulcntfon not onlpbccatifeftc i<s Animal folivagu &
nocivu,but bctaufc^c is
no beaft of tftcfo:ee,i"to^atfo£i3er is \3entf0n muft be a beaft of t^e fo:cft,fed non
eeonvcrib. £)n tbCofljer fiDcArimaliagrrgalianon funtnoeiva, ast^C "iuilDC
sangii:r,quia Hgoar ; foj naturallp tbc firft tijjcc rears ftc is Animal gregaJe, anD after trufting
fing.Uis. toftisotonftrengtft,anDfo;tlbei)leafurcofmanbecomct6rolivagum. l^e is tftcn
tallcD feanalier, becaufe Ije is fingularis, bat lie is HHeniron anD to be eaten. SDljc

^arc is Glcntfoa aifo, \ssW\i tljc poet p^efcrretb befo?e all others,
(jMAYtiaL Inter quadrupides gloria prima Lcpu.
Dc . a d5f Cia-
s>oastl)clRcD=Deer,tbe JFallotD'Dcer,tl)eit)ilDelBoar,anDt^cl^arc, arc1)c»
ce r . fcra ix ihia
©is^ereupon tbefe tino conclufions in tftc lato of tlje fojeft Do folloto, iFirft

of tljc fojcft is foj tljefooD of man is uenifou , anD tftcretoitl^

S^yYjhuuiid toljatfoeber beaft
caro r-crii a. agrcctft Virgil, Dcfcribiug a feaft,
Implentur veteris bacchi pinguifq; ferins.
SCljep IjaD tfteir bcUp fullofolDtoincanDfat^enifon. &o Slenifon teas tlje
1, tMljatfocber beaft of tlje fojeft is not foj fooD of man is no tenifon.
2Ebcrcfo:c Capreolus Icing no beaft of tlje fojeft,as ftatb been faiD, is not bp tfte
lato of tljc fojcft vElenifon, foj tljouglj it be fooD anD tahcn bp bunting, it is no
tUenifon. jpature Ijatlj enDucD tljc beafts of tlje fojcft Officii are taenifon toit^
ttoo qualities, ftoiftnelTe, anD feare, anD tljeirfcartncreafetljtb?irrtoiffneffe.
T^he Courts ofthe Forejls.
Cap. 7^. 3'7
— Pedibus timor addidit alas: bntPCttfjcSDccrarctJ^emoafearcfulU

Dcnte tuttur apcr,derendunt cornua tauruinj Martial.

ImbelksDamaequid nifiprida fumus?

Rabins fpoftcn fomctofiat de Venatione, it follotoetl^ tJpt toe ftotril) fap De virid;,vitctii

foiiiCtDljat de Vindi, Iccaufe tftc statute faitb Tam dc Viridi quam dc Vena-
> vircfluiti.&c.
Cart de ForciJ.
cionc janD ot&cr statutes fpeaU of tacct anD CUcnffom . ,

' cap, 8. 1 5.
Viridis, CDjccn ftue^ viriditatetlje iTrcncb callct^j toe t!Ilcrt,tD&at^
tt '»iaerD,i I
foctiefbcaretft green leaf, but fpcctallp of great anD tl)icbcotcrt0, ;2lnD mert is 'Confuct.&AIII-
of Dftjcra fttnDs, fomc tljat beacctl) fruit tfjat map fcrtoc ao tocU fojfooD of men
» nidcForen.5E.s.
as Icaas^as J^car trees, atjcfnut trec0,3[ppU;trccs,acrtt£e trees, Jpnt trees, tap.I. 10,11.
^ Hil.13 E.j.Coii
crab trces,5c anD foj tfte Ojclter anD Defence of t^e CDame : fome calteD Haut- KegeKoc.ioj.
bcys,fertingfojfooDanDb;oli}fcof anD foj tfje<iSamc, anDfoj tf)C Defence of
tftcm,a3 iiDafe0, i3cecl)cs,^c. g>omcHaut- boys, foj bjoiufe anD lljeUcr anD De« antiquani fjlvam

fcncconlp,a6a(l}e3, jaoples,ic iDfSub-boy$ fome foj bjotnfeanD fooDof tl^e

(Dame, anD foj fl)cltcr anD Defence, as i»aplcs,ic. fomc foj bjotofc, anD Defence,
as JBirc^, ©alloto, ^iUotD,ic. fome foj ftclter anD Defence onlp, as i3lDcr, €U ^Confuet.&Afll-
iDcr,$c. £Df hw^zz anD ot^er tiegetables ,
fomc foj fooD anD (b^ter, as t^ ^atD< laForcft.(5£.ic,
tjjojn, 115larUtl)ojn,?c. tome foj !)iDing anD Ojclter.asBjabcs, OojOc^^eatfj.ic* 1. & ic.
%oh\\W upalljPlantarum cria funt genera: Arbores, Arboreiecntes , & Herba:,
Arborcs,aS Haut-boys.Sc Sub-boyj,Arborefcqnces,aS IButfeeS, 15jabe0,1C, Her-
br, as !^crb3 anD MccDS, toljtclj albeit tl)£H be green, get our Icgall Viridis ejc*
A Viridi commetti,i3 Ijat^becn faiD,viridarii , becaufc tljcir office is to fee to
t^ pjcfcrtatton of 5llcrt,tol)icl)in trotfj tstlje pjefertjation of ^Hentfon, SCbc
IBoetfpcaliing to tl)C trees, fait^,

Quercus es in fylvis pulcherrima,Pinus in hortif,


Popnlus in fluviis, Abies in montibus altis.

S>cc foj tbc puniftjmcnt of trefpaCCc Done de vicidi,eitl^er fn tte !ifng0 toooD«,
OJ tntftctOOODS of tl^C subject, Confuct' &
Aflis' Forelt'jubi fupra.

%\it ^i)tlofopt)icaU i^oet in Dcfcrtbing f^e mod DeligttfuU pleaftires of

tDOoDcic anD CD jeen ftncfaitlj,
Devencre locos Isetos, & amzna vireta Virgil,
Fortunaiorum nemorum iledcfque beacas.

3nD it fl)oulD be IjarD anD Difficult tbat an^man d^oulD l^imf anD &iU
bccaufe ^ OfPriHcipaU
tbelJings SDeer in Ijisfojett anDpaffc atoap iuitftout Difcoi3erp,unlcirc t^erc and\AcceJ[ary,
tocre |3j0£urcr3, blotters, 3ffiacr6,anDKcceibers : S5p fl)elaU)offbefojcff, S E.j.lcm. Pick,

toj^ofoctjcr rcccibctl) iDtti)tn tl)e fo?cft anp fucb ipalefaaoj citber fn Anting oj

l!iUtng, bciolDing {)im to be fucb a £palefa(toj,ojanp QeOb of tlje ]!^ings tlentfon

feuofeingittobctfjctifngs; in tljis cafe ^e is a pjincipall trcfpaCfer, tnljerein iiE.^.j,, lyH 4.
15.6.14 H.6.»6,
tijc laVD of tbe fojcfi Differctl) from f be viommon lato, to: bp tbc (Common laU) fie All. 8.
tbat rccet\jctb atrefpaffcr anDagrcetb toatrcfpalTc after tt be Done , tsnofref»
palTcr, nnlcffctbctrcfpaffclxjasDonetobis ufc, oj foj Ijts benefit, anDtfjcnljis i8.ijH.7.iijij.
^«<i,ihjt in the j
agreement fubfequent amountcfij to a commanDment,foj in tbat cafe, Omnis raii-
higheft and low-'
habitio retrotraliituc & mandate xquiparatur, but bpfbC latD Of tbe fojclt fuc^ a eft
llcceitjcr is a pjincipall SDrefpaEcr , tbouglj tIjc trefpaffc tuas not Done to fjis High trealon and tocllas tbe pjocurcrs anD plotters; but bp tfte Common latp in cafe of tielpaiJcthtrc
are no AcccHa-
fclonpfucb a ilcceiijcr is but an ^ccclTarp. 'iBwi in tbe cafe abotjcfatD , if tbe re*
ccipt bcoutoftbcfojcCljccannotbcpuniftjcDbptbelatDof tbe fojctt, becaufc which i^ between '
it is out of tbe jur isDictf on of tbe f ojcft , tobiclb jurisDiaion is locall . 0nD feeing
botjijtherc be Ac-
tbe (urioDiction cf tf)c fo:cC is locall, tbe lalu of tbe fojcft batl)p;o\3iDeD, tftat tbe ccflaiies both be-
fore and after.
fojca fboulD be tnclofcD bp mctcs anD bounDS , tDbicb inDceD are tbe indofurc of
See the
tbe fojelt : foj as parks are inclofcD toitb toall, pale oj beDges , fo fojeSs anD j.part of
cbafcs are inclofcD bp metes anD bounDS, anD as a parke cannot be a parka
Principal] ScAc-
toltbout futb an indofurc in DccD^ns is afojcialD, fo it can be neither fojeft noj cefl'ary.

% i ctjafis
The Courts ofthe Forejls.
Cap. 7^.
t^afetoU^outantnclofurem lato^t^at i0, bp mctcs, ant)bounD0. Uciz fum
elaufurx Foreftarum &
Chacearum : anD Forcfta eft loeus in quo fers inelu-
duntur,venandi ergo, folis metis, 0nD toljerE bp tfte ffatute Of 6E. i.esp,i8,it
is pjOtltticD,quod omnes mets forcfta: fine integri domino regi, tl^^t iS fo to
be unDerflOOD, quoad jurifdi(Stionem & imperium, & non quoad dominium foj :

bebounos as moftcommonlp tijep be, pet tbc tiing

l^atft no mo?c intcreft in t^e &o(l, Map, l^itjcr , oj iFifl}tng,tt>en of rigljt l^e
ongftt.butontpfoj^is |urfeDtrttonofl)tsfojcftto^tclj cptcnDetb otcrtljc tnljole
ISHap, mtber, ic» ^tiD to^ere ^ils anDot^erl^onfes, trees^fc. of ot^er tncn,aiiD
furt Itbc, be imtcs awD bonnDe of tfte fojcCs, pet tftecebp tijc fefng batl) no intt--
vttt tnracl&2ptls,&oufc0,ojtrec0,ic. anDtlierefojcoHjBSaooDmcnftatjetittjiDeD
meteS) quoad ;urirdidionem& imperium, into metes incln(it)e> as Waps, ^U
t)er0,ic,anD intometes erclnQbe, as Ci^nrcties^Ci^nrcl^'pactis, cijappels, ^tls>
Routes, 2Cree6,«c. lu^tc^bonnDt^fojelt, but are erclnDeO from anp juriSDidi-
on: anDtl^att]^efaiiilaU)of6E, i, t0intenDeti onlp of mete0 inctnfitie, ifan;>
man kill oj ^nnt anp of t^e tefngs 2Dccr in anp part of ffte iHiber, !§igb=toap,ic.
beinganinrtufibebnntiarpoftlje fojcft, l)c{0a0 great an offcnDcr', as if be ijaD
MleDo^l^unteDftiitbint^e main continent of tljefojeft, albeit t^eftateanD tn^:
terett oftbefoiloftbePgft'toapojSiliberbe inotbermenjbHt-neitbsr offbcfe
kinD of metes anD bounds are remobeable, becaufe ttjep are tbe intlofureot'tbe
l&tngs fojelt, anD if either of tbem be remoteD it is puniibable bi^ tije lalos of

t^e fo?eft.2Dl^i0 ino^D meta is onlp ufeD in tbis (tatnte -.

Bin ancient perambnlati<
'Se.j Itin'Pick. onSantirecojtispoufl^aUreatirecundum mecas, msras, bundas, & '^marchias
forcfts.M2rai0fetcl&eD from tbe&aron Ujo?D mere, anDtbat of i"'-'V Grice,
Bundjp. loilic^ (tgnifietb to DibiDc o; bounD, Bunda a bounD, is tiertbeo from tbe 3)aroii
Marcbia. toojOBunna.figntfpingabigbcrtbing, a0 ?^tls, ?^oufe0, 2Crec3,5c, Marchia
Meta. fsDeribeD from tbe^aron loo^D March, noU) a marb» Sed meta accipicur pro
quocuoque ccrmino,limice,feu iinct

Virgil. His ego nes metas rerum, nee tempora pono«

a^tD it is to be obferteD , tbat a man map l^aiie a free Cbafc as belonging f
Dier 16 El. 3 16, |){smannoMnbtsoU)n Moods, as toeli a0 a Marren oi |)arh in])is olsn
317. grounds} fo; fbe ct^afe.Warren and faarb arecollaterali inbcritances , and not
ilTutng outof tbe roil,astbe Common dotb.and fberefo;c if a man batbaCbafc
in otber mens grounds, and after pnrc^fe tbe grounds, tbc Cbafe rematnet^
f Perarnhnla- Sifter Matter foUotoing tbe |9arliament golden in i?cb?uarp. Anno 9 H. 5.
tiotts of Ferefis
according to tljefiatufe of Cana dc forefta, Hughde Nevitl , and Brian de Lifle
to the
according tuepc appointed CommilTioners to tabe BInqutrittons of tbe ancient metes and
MCtent metes
bonnd0of fucl^ fojea0,aseitljerH.2.ojanp Bing after bad inlarged. ^nd in
and bomftst
tbe reign of H. 3* ditier0 |3erambulations, and SDeaffojeilattons lucre made> and manp otber in tbe reign0 of H^* E. i, E. 2. and £,5, 5c, tobtcl; toerc 0U
returned into tbe Cbancerp, and remain of record in tbe SDotner.
Roc.Par.Anno wi^t commons of !^erefojdf61re pjap remedp againft tbe cttll cuaomcs
9 40. of tbcfojeftofC-topaftone; namelp, foj tatjing t()C(r catfel comming tbere*
unto as fojfeltt Mbereunto tbe ropall anftocr of tbe King in parliament Uws
The good old in tbefeUiOJdS, The old good laws and eufforaes of the forcft to be obi'erved , and
the contrary forbidden by a writ under the Privy Seal* Regalis fane digna &
Uie tDill conclude, tbatncto opi^
Plmagitieftorur)} gzjxtc fcmct\ua, tDbcrctoit^
nions ofncto 0utbo?0 oj Cnglc opinions of Headers not grounded upon tbe

0ut^o;ittesofour}l5ool^0O}3ludiciaU Ip^eGidcnts , are not to be allotoed, but

tbe latns botb good and old, and fpeciallp tbc Statute of Carta c5e forcila, and
otber statutes, and tbe refolution of tbe fudges tbereupon are to be dulp ob<
alfo fbeoldand jutt ;articles oftije Cl)ar0C in Fletalibt2, capo ?
ferbed» See
w^w, the Charge andrejea allncUjinbentions tuitboutioarrantoflatD.
and Arcicles
inquirablc by the good oldlaw of ili^
Foreft , which i»
wonhy tobc advifedly read and follovvej. Vid, Libs fo.8o.
Lib. ij7)rj8. Lib.9. 49:^0.
C ap .
73 • ^/^^ Courts
ofthe Forejls, P9
iltoo of f^c piinc'ipall anD anttcnf 0rf fcle3,tbe one conccrninoc tITcnffon, anD
tfjc otbcr concEitiina 53crt,fc0, jFtrtt, tbatfbecbtcfirojcffcrnt tf)c 3ufticc feat

ougfjt to anftoCr fo? all manner of JUcntfon Deltl3ereDbptoai:rant,ojet!)ertDtfe,

in ttits manner: SEfje SDtoelbe 3Itirojs onffbt to pjcfcnf bcfoje t^e 3ua(ccj*
in cBtret^cmimtcrofSDccrtl^attabc faccnbtllcD fmcetlje lattCEtrc, anDtftcn
t^e ctitef iFojeScr is to anHoer bp tsljat toarrant tl)crame luere htllcD, and
fnc^ toarrants as are latsfull ougljt to be allolDcD anD fncl) as te unlatufuU

are to be DifalloUJCD. S>e£onDU', tfte SDtoeltc 3!uro;s Oiall picfenf tof)at £)kcs,
2Drcc3,ani)ot!)ertPooD0bat?cfceen fcllcD anD DcUtereD ont of tl;C fo;cft bpU)z
fo.i 12,11 j.
iDfftcers off defame, anD tbci'foahfiDcr ant) ftetobp toftat icarrants ttft fame
bcrc Done; tol^crcupon it loill appear lulicf ber t^c uiarrant^ be fciif icicnt 07 no,
ttie tnit& tpftereof fball be inqnircD bp tfte iFo?cffers, ClcrDercrs, anDlRegar- vue Kc2.mcr.
ficrs. i0atffjefeo?.ani'OtI)cr ^intflcroftbefojcC are nottobcrcfarncDofanp F.N.B.167
54 E.I.
Jtirp ont of tlje fo?eft.'
Cftc Elates of t^cfoictts of CBnglanD are certain, anD cffalliflieD bp 0iJt!)O=
The commenda-
ritp of parliament, anD in otljcr Conntrtcs, changeable anD floting in m- tion of the to-
certatntP, ad principis placitum* reft Laws of
jFoj t^e antiqutfv of fuel) fojcff s tottljin (xnglanD as Ujc fjate treat cD of, f be ngland.
fceft anD fureC argument thereof, is, tftat tijc fojetts in (EnalanD (being in -^intiq'"';
number dp.) crcept t^enetu fo?cft in ^^amlliirc ereacD bp Wilii&m
Conque= ffte of^'^^fl^.
i liu number of
ro?,as aConqueroj, anD ^ampton Court fo: eft biP H, 8. bpaufbojitpof i^ar= tilt I-orcils is
liamcnt, are fo ancient as no 3RecojD 0? ^tftcjj? Dotft maUe anp mention of anp Wldithc Fojrelt
of tfteir ercttions oj beginnings* of
£!)ur 3ncctto?S t!)C Rayons callcDa ^o:e(t Buc1<holt, i.fylva ferina 0? Court.
Holt Saxonice,
cetvina; CSc Dace not
Sylva Latinc.
rp of Scripture, fo; tl^creinUie finDnofuc^fozeasastoe^lje. 0nDit~is U)0}> Ltvit. 17. 1
tbpofobfcrtiation tijatin ffte iiojmanDpCap. 17, b, Lc
Coftumarp of 4 Rcg.cap.2.
fenelchal au Prince vifiteit leJ forefts & hayes du Prince & ronoquoit les for- Pfal. ;o. 10.

&o astoefctcg notour C^ief Bluttice of ti^efo^eCE from i^o;manDp< PQI. S0.14.
104.19. 4 £f(Jr.
tDljeref^e lyings S>tcti)arD toastlie Cftief 3!nDge of tljefojeft.
?-i;. Jer.5.6.
^nD asfojcffsarcofgrcatantiquitp, fotbc care anD cl^arge oftljemtoastn £zech.3i-6.
€nglanD altusps committteD to great anD Ijonourable jaerfonages , anD tljc lifee
bias alfo in foiain jpationst

Si canimus fylvas, fylvx funt Confule digns. Virgil.

i*ol Of ancient time Confuls of JRome ftaD t^e goijernmenf ef tlje fo=
Suetonius in C.t-
teftS,lC. 3i5ut tafeC Suetoniusas l^e is? Ab optimatibus datam fcribit operam
ut Provincix futuris Confulibus minimi negotii, «. fylva; colleh dccerncrentur:foj Vid Fleta lib. 2.
fo fapt^trutljjllccreations ftoulD not be ufeD as JSjofcffions , anD2EraDss, cap.jf.Dcyew^
but to be ufeD as 5^eDtcinc0,fo mahe men moje able anD fitfoj Ijigftcr anD rbiscapit'po-
Sreater affairs, anD t&crcfo:e f fjcp arc caUcD ^Recreations, becaufe tftcpnetolp
Voluptaf es com-
trcatefpirits,tanquam iniUurationes ipirituum but pct tljefc pleafures are
nienJatrarior u-
acconnteD inter lz% minimi ne°otii. Nonnalli principes immodcrato venatuj fus.

ftudio itacorreptij&corrupti funtjUi ci omnia poflhabcant magno dedccorc, &

ih£CDti aliorum datrno.

Haec bis bina, canes & avcs, fervi atqae caballi >

Dicanturdominos fepc vorarcluos.

Sntf to fapf^ trtit^, tljc ^tmf er nttcflj on alBcatt, Ijc iscompallcD about

toitft 315eattsanD buntct^ anD cljafctb ISeaffs , anD tlicrcfoje not to be ufeD

Datlp asaSEraDc. janD it inas juftlp pjotiiDcD bp tfje snenflj Cljaptcr of tljis
Charter Oftfte fojeft, Qyodnullusdecitcroamittat viiaprovenationenoHra, fohanncs Sarutn
de nugis
&c. hereof John Salisbury fpcaking Of Ijunting anD punters fait6,Intantum
Curialiuiri: c 4.
hujus vanitatis inftinflu eruperc , uc hoftcs natura: fierent eonditionii fus Vid.? I H.S.c.ii.
immcmores,divini jadiciicontemptores 5 duminvindidam ferarum imaginem quid cif evami'n ;

deiexqaifitis judiciis fubjugarcncncc vcriti funt hominem pro bcftiolaperdcrc repealed i e.6
cap.n. i Mar.
quern Unigcnitusdeircdetnicfanguinefuo,
%% 2 %\m "P'-
The Courts of the Forejls. Cap.7^.
SCftus l^atjctoe tnanDjcl) in tl)c toiltiemeffe of tbe Hatosof V)Z iFoj«a:S!Klier'.
Duoclariflimi in toe &a1)C DiffcntcD from otftcr0,toc l^atc pjoDaceO ont 3ut^o?ttte0, anD OjetocD
mundi lumna, our )Reafon0, f^c ttoo inaine lights anD gntDes, tol^tc^ Wtin toe ^at}$ foKotoeo.
Authoritas & Me l^atie faitbfulli? publiOicti Ditierarerolntioneoft^eSlu&ged concerning i?o«
rette anH i?ojcft^cretottl^ toe toere toell acqnafnteti, toljicljare tfte fa*
fell 6rount)0 to bailD upon, ^panp tb(ng0 to^Uft arc etittient bp i^t aCept of Car-
ta deFore^a, antjot^er &tatute0 concerning |Fo?eff0, toebatenoffomnc^ao
toncl)eti, but left t^e fame to t^e |uDtctou0 IRcaDer, to^om toe aDt)tfe to betoare to

giDe cretitt to our neto 0nt^o70, either t^onc^tng of 0(t0 of l^arltament, Boot;e
Care0, 0} BBuDsements in etre, %t. foj toe ^atie fount) manp of tliem miftaben,
toucijeD toit^out toarrant, 03^ not unOerfiooD, to^tc^t^e jnt)tcion0 IReaDer totU
foonc finlie t no? to Carta de Forefta of ifeing Canutus grantet) (as it i0 publiOjcD
Manwood fr=T. fnpjint)ata |0arllaraeJit^olDenat JMincfteftcr, AnnoDomici \o\6. tKHecon*
fefTet^at int^iaf peare, to||ic^toa0tl)«firff peareof liis reigne,l^e telD a ^arl{a«
mentatiiSinclbetter) anD mane Ditiers ILatoe0 as toell fo; tlieliononranDtooj*
lijip of 0lnitgl)tp €^oD, ag fo^ tlie gooD government of ^i0 people, toiitcf) l)e pub«
lidieD int^e &aron 2Dongue, (neitlder Boe toe reaDet^at beter publiiljeD anp
iiato fo; CnglanD in t^e BDanifi^ tongne,a0 tl^ep aff irme Ije DtD t^t0)3In all t^efe
3Latoe0 lie netermafeet^ mention of tbi0 Carta de Forefta, 0; ofanpt^efefuppo'
feD !Latoe0 of t^e JFojeS tlierein contained, totiic^tie tiaD juK occaQon to Doe ; fo;
amon6S^i0Otl^erlatoe0at t^e fame parliament, ^e maketl)tl^i0]iato t^e77.
Chapter in tlie &aron SCongne, toliic^ is t^us tranflaf eD info natine : Przterea
autetn eoneedo at in proprii j ipfius prsdiis quifque tam in agris quatn in fylvis cx-
eitet agttetque, feras autetn meas ne venetur cum pcena prxcipio. j^cto in t^C

fuppofeD Carta de Forefta Of l^ing Canmus, in t^C 30* Cl^ f0 tl^as contafs
neD* Voloutomnis liber homo pro libitofuohabeat Vcncrem feu Viridem in
planis fuisifine Chafea tamen: & devitent omnes meam ubicunque earn habere
volucro. M^ic^ toe bolD greatlp to Differ from tl^e true ilato before reljearfeD in
ttoo refpetts.jIFirS, t^at i\jii true itato ertenDcD to Wi't>tit% as toe I as to plains,
anD t^t0 to piaities onlp, ^econDlp, bp t^at t^ep mig^t ^aaU $c. bp fbt0 f l^ep
cannot; tljercfoje toe Icatje tfjat Carta de Forefla of Ifjtg Canutus as |u0:lp faf*
pecteD, till t^m : to^atfoeber if be, it is of little nfe,
toe recette better p;eofe of
foj fomanp of C&apter0
tl^e therein as be contrarp to, oj Diflfcring either from
our Magna Carta de Foreita.oj anpot^ier j9(tof parliament, are certainlp of no
Ci^us ^atjetoeasbjieflp as toe coulD, freateD offlie Courts of tl^e JFo^eH,
anD inciDentlpof fuel) iFo^ett ilatoes as noto fianD in fo2ce ; toliereinCas t|ie Ku<
DiouslRcaDermap toell perceive) toe l^abe refpetteD matter mo^e tljen metboD.
^C0 Carta de Forefta Anno pH.j, & Cart. 17. Regis Johannis, Maith, Par.

Cap. 74. ?"
— ^
_ __

Of Ecclcfiafticall Courts, anciently called Hali-
mots,(i. Holy Courts) Circgemots, or

Doubt, l^otDioe tgatp^ofeGfe tl^e Common I.aU)

f^QulD toitteof CcclefiaflHcall Courts, ts^ic^ pjocceD not bp t^e
Wl^ercromctna^rules of t^e Common ^atoes. SHo tl^is toe anftoer bp gooD au^
t^ojitplnour )15oobe0, t^att^e fetngsHatoes of tlj{0lRealmeDobonnDt|ieju* »H.4.9.
risDWten of CBcclcfiafticall Coarts,anD tbatfljciitng is tocllappjifeo of all
W Ro[.claur.4 H.4.
BlnDgestD^icl^^etiat^tDttt^in^tslilealmc, as lodl fplrituall as tempo^all, as Rot.claiif. 1 1 E.i.

iarcJ^biOiops, BtOjops, atiD t^cir Officers, SD canes, anDott)cr^int(lers,U)t)t(^ Dorf.

ftabe fpfritnall jurist) fction. SlnD tliat tbc popes CoUefloj oj ^Inlfter (to fap aNotajthe Kinc^s
our ancient Boobs) ^aD no jurtSDlction lottbtn tljc IRcalme. judges.
0nD it is Declarct) bp t^c !^{ng,tl^eiLo;DS ^plritnaUand jCenTpo;all,andt^
Commons in fullparitamenfjCbattbcfeptrlfualtp^notD being nruallpcallcDt^e C2jH.8.cap.ij.
Cngltft Cft«rc^)alujapes batlj Iccn rcpntct),anD alfofounDof tljatfojt.tljat I'Dtl^
foj* taiolDlcDge,tntcgrttp anD fufficicncp of number it ^atl) been altoaps tbougftt, *If fojtfcenniuch
anDisalfoattbis Ijourc fufficlenf anOmeefofitfclfc, tott^ont tfte intermctiling roote ac this day.
See before pag.
of anp crtcrioi pcrfon oj pcrfons, to Declare anD Determine of fud^ Doubts, anD to
aDminiSer all fuc^i offices anD Duties as to tlietr rooms^ fpiritual Dot^ appertain: d The Spirit ua]I
fojtbcDue aDminiftration toljereof, anDtofecept^mfromcojruption anDfini* jurifdiftioo.
tier affection, tbe f&ingsmolt noble l^jogenitojs, anD t^e anfeceCToje of t^e
iptobles of t^is l^ealmel^ato fufftcientlp enDolneD t^e falDC^urcli bot^ toitl) l^o«
nour anD polfecrions. HnD t^e ilatoes 2Dempo^all fo^ triall of pjopertp of lanDs
anDgooDS, anD foMbe confcrtation of t^e people of tbtsl'^ealme inunttp anD
peace,U)itbout rapine ai (potle, tuas anD pet is aDminiffrcD, aDjuDgeD, anD erecu<
teDbpfunDjpSuDgcs anD fpliitaersof tfjc otbcr part of tbc fatD toDp politique, The Tcmpotnll
caUcDtbc2ucmpo?alti,': anD botl) tbcir autbojttics anD jurisDictions Doconjopnc jnrisdiflion.
together in tlje Due aDminiftrafton of 31uftice,tbe one to lielp tbeotftfer*
£)f tobat tbtngs tbe Clcrgp batb fpirituall juriSDiction, is ebiDent in our Of what things
IBoofes, anD particnlarlp in Cawdries Cafe, tobereof tbcrc is no queftion, 5lnD they have jurif-
certain it is, f bat tbis l^ingDomc batb been belt gotierneD, anD peace anD quiet
Artlcuii Clcri per
pjcferbeD.tDben botb parties tbfit is,tobcn tbe fufticcs of tbe SCempojall Courts, return, lib. ^.pi. i,
anDtbeCDccleQalftcall ^uDgcs b^tie kept tbemfclbes toitbin tbetr proper lurifs Cjivdryei cafe.
titction, toitbout incroacbing 0% ufurping one upon anotber ; anD luberefucb in*
See before cap. of
croacbments o;t ufurpattons bate been maDe , tbep babe been tbe feeDs of great
trouble anD incontcnicncc ; foj pjetjenting anDabotDing tobereof, toe babe com-- the Chancery,
Article^ a-
pofeD tbis 2Drcatife of tbe CcclefiatttcaU Courts of tbe IR calm. gainft Cardinall
aCbe ^Dtierfarp batl) mace Dtbcrs objections againff our 3rcbbiftops anD n'olfry Art. 1. 5. 1

14.17. 18. 19. 11.

ilBifbops maDe about tbe beginning of tbe reign of £Uuccne tiizabech, anD bp
2415. 19 JO.
confcnucnf againff tbe Btlbops ctcrftncc.
f (rff,tbat tbci'tDcrencbcrconfe=^ Hi aft. lib. 5. cap.
crafcD aifco^iDtng to tbe ilato , bccanfc tbep baD not tb;ce 35ifl)ops at tbe Icaftat 2. Sic.

tbeirconfecration. nap net)cr a lISiDbop at all, astoas pjetenDcD; bccaufetbep Hrittonfo.ioJ).

being IBttbops in tbe reigne of E.6. tocrc DcpaifcD in tbe reignc of £1^ uecn Rot.patl.ij E.J.
Mary, r.11.22.
anD toere not ('as toas pjctcnDcD; rcttojcD lefoje tbctr pjcfcncc at tbe Confccra*
fScc Dier. Mich.
f ion. SDbefe p;tetenccs being(in trotb) but meer cabills, tenDing to tbe fcanDall tf&7£liz.
of tbe Clcrgp ('being one of tbe grcateft States of tbe I'^ealm, as it is faiD in tbe
Statute of 8 Eliz.cap.i.j arc fullp anftoercD bp tbe faiD Statute, anD pjobifion 8 Eliz.cap.1.

maDebpautbojitp of tbat ipatliament fo^ tbe eSablitbing of tbe ;arcbbi(bops

lii Courts.
Of EcdefiajlkaU Capcy^.^
£t^ ®i9^>p* Ml iu prefenci ans in faturo, mt|efc JlStftopjttKs. ^E StJis ^a«
Pu-'V^rca^lEG^c Sjfe 5t£<*'bl£tep Parl^cr tnSitsSlBec&DeamiqaicateBrkannicxEccldiaefpcafes
SKr-igcitaLcSre- !lffg©f|(mftlf SsKfe Asn® Do32)45K f 559« Canmat' EpifcopsMcleiSlus eft i Decaao
^<caf]^Je Ecdefic MetfopoSitica: cioKiar' x pofleaq-, •eodem Adqo 7 Decem-
caj5a:c?S(3&fi«^ i
iiitu^.€ !fer8«^%^i3 q'iiataor Epi&opk- &£* Jcge qtiadam de hac re lata, rccjaifitus con-

^K$Efi^ Maries :iinK Si>8C8iDepjit)65tef«?eil&ef8t«rt^peaF«fll>cre^n«f £5aa«

^fe£S f jstf Bt56t aae. SfeE atxIWfiwpsattQ SBifteps wase bg £iHeen Elizabeth^

(Esp^S. tEl!E Sfcclljf fecpfi-atiB Bifijepss arc at>^BD0«6 latDfHll,.as b?l^ faiD 5ldap=

Satifeeiii^^ sj£ aRfiUEtsJj, to^tc^ tn^ijaijg t^eglj! goeDfa ^cmeusbcr, feetogtne

SffiieSetoas «!r:^^it9;i(fafOtloni ui obftEmtur os iaiguaiogucatlam*

l^£- 'ta IP?^^^^-!®, :f|€ «ng .of CautolJBrp, am t^€ olfeer of pn^ , ibc mifbops ar^
^£h£«H^°c-xrc i^Bm^gsnB bsienglKga l^ejli, aettlsB llBtftop0-5f SDurefme. Carltfe, Clj^ller*

-S^ ^®^® Convocatioriiitle telcBe ClerggdT Ciller pj^ljimeatg rU^er pje*


f&it ifi perfon^ttj'bg-repjefeitatioit j
aa?53 f^tp .snip ftt te t\>t
bat l^e p?<itiiKC0
^tarltamcnl time, ane l^tfi conCKcfl ef iio® parte;,
o.atai.ftJtiete. ^ijrk.S^t SJppW Jistjfev ^DlgeRj il|!£ ^cl^bilSftp^uD Bifljops fit, an5 tl^6 il^toes

aa»wii-j3gfeiik,i,i«iipn55;« Br£a.lik3.:fo.aij,! i^. 6 B-g. HoJ.:*!;^. Rot. .Patl. iS E.5.1IUJE. Rot. P«d.-2, H.4. nu.*^.

^ ^j_ .lin«ECtogfe
toas fitter siremlSeJs ©jtaUeD toge«|er ^
a Ccntrocatisjn bot If.
YJ *5^^ «3S*e Mngs M^tsft^^diEKoria Regi% asf Seda faitfe fupra, Vid, Pari. 1 8 E. 3,
^^^ ^^ j^j, j^^ j^^ ^^^ a<3H3ksi 717-. a CpRftocatioB et tfee ClcrgpfaK^

Pitd.iCas^.EorLclKir. c?
S .'.m<.;;c.j i. v;-H S.c»f -ig-

sm^h^fSmf "S^ir inriTtiittkm uras tntiEiaa tDifft '«|er6(fe0«S»ctjtfmea^^ ctl&er mera: ^pft
.jm00sa» sttB^atf5i3£saaeCaai-tcall cfiutefe aKDtfeeretnt^ep5{t3 pjoceee juxta legem divi-
maE, 5r;£R! & Cgnones {an>.*i£ Eeclefiar. ^ SinV.
astftcp foutt) ncber aCfemble tegetbec of
McrcoscxBir. bp tbe Jftfttgs Writ , "fa \m;i
^Kffitdtes, tut iDEax altosg^s talleutogct^r
2 £
^^.^t^ia «6f;^«<Ka8'i'iiires tommanSetJ bptije aings Wrist© bead U»i«ft nothing t^at «iit.
vavdiar.* h^ez lEE REB t|e STOgs latus otl^c IsnBv t)fs Cr®U>n ana tJignitp? ^is perfon, o j bis

8wn <^^si-£, G> 1^6 ttatE cf l&is Couticcll 0? l^itigiwme . as to illuftf ate ibf g nmttcr t»
fonTn simicrab££©mo?-tlDeB]campleS*
j4H.'6.5^!a.-8«.S-.:ii. Rcgift, fol.tF,N.B. i^j. a Dc frocwau Citr. See i« t^fie CliKpter of the Hi^hCojrtof
P.idi.i.«faOTC,B.te(3.a6i. &F.N.B,ii5 a. & yarl. £ E,j. nnS. 8 irl.6. cip.r,
Chron. 2^,15. E'^ecbi.r^. Num.

RTi^.?ii.irS H.5, MaisdaoS cmnib' Eplfcopkqai coffjvcmtirifuiK

apnd GloisGefltiam die Sab-
= hsiilil 'm eraftino Santftae Katbcrins fimjittr jiihibenao
F'«*-;^.-j7-« ^ qaod fieut Baroniaj fuat
fr^plfcophT ^*^^ ^*^ ^^"^ Koent) diligunc, nirlio modo pri&mant coaGlram cencre dc ali-
<pt%as quE ad coronam RegM pertinents vdquzperfonatn Regis vel Hatum
Tassm, vcl ftstam eoneiUi'fm coniingunr,. Scituri pro
ccrroqijod 6 fccerinc, Res
Cap. 74"* OfEcclejiajlicall :>i->

&ectl^effafuteof\£;arl(fleAnno35 £! Scat, de carhfls

gratia W, Archiepircopo
Rex, &c. Vcnerabilibus in Chrino pacribas eadetn <5
^^'''•^^'- ' ^ *•
Gantuaricnfi.totius Angliae Primati, ac cxterisEpiicopis& Prxlatis Cant' Pro- ''

vinciseadConeilium Provincialeapad London in proximo convcnturis, Manda-

mus vobis in fide & dileftione qnibus nobis
tenemini firmiter inhibcntesncin tionciacienda,
didoConcilio quicquid in noftri^aut ftatuiCoroni nortra: vel regni noliri prssju-
dicinm ftatuati$,taciatis, feu quoquo modo libet ordineris, Tefle RcgCj &c»
Dc ifto negoiio fcribitur prsfatis Prsclatis per literal de crcdemiajut in Rotulo
claufarum fub codem Datu continetur,
Prohibitio fad' Archiepifcopo Cant* &
Clero convcntur' poft fefium Sandi
Barth.quod nihil atemptent in prs judicium Coronr. part i.m. j &c,' i

Vide Cap, Of the High Court of Parliament, pag.4.& 5,3. foj Procuratorei
Cleri,& II R.z. cap.2.
0nD futfljer tljc iStng Wq often appoint Commiffioncrs bp OTrit to fit toltft o e , nu
t^em at ttie Contjocatton, anD to ^te conufans of fncl^ things *
as f ijcp meant to 46
eftabUfl), t^af notljtng fljonlD be Done ftt p?cjuDtcc, uc fupra, 0nD f^ercfojc tl^e i'E-4.45ubin,p.
ftafnfcof 1^ H.8. ea.19. (to^ecebp (t is pjotoiDeD, tljat no Canons, Conttltutlon, ^"'•^'''^i Ri. '

oj £)jDtnancef&oulD be maDeoj put in execution tott&tnf bis IRealmbpaatftojitp "",' h8 ^"

of t^e Contjocaf ton of tbc Clcrgp, lofttc^ toere contrartant oj repugnant to tbc i^'e. j.duarc
icings pjciogatitie Eon^all, oj tbe Cuttomcfl, 3lato8, anD statutes of t^l0 nonid;iii/icacc'

llealm) is bnt Declatatojp of t^e olD Common lain. ioH? <5.


/ Mar. cap.8. the Prerogativc-sand Lawes of the Crown faved.

^ye'rfus %rn.
lIBut bp tlje faiD M
of 2 j H. 8. t^eir jurifDiction anD potocr is muc^ limiteD
^^yhat their
anD ftraitcncD concerning tljcir mabing of ncto Canons: foj tJicp matt ftaue jurifdiatonrnw
botlj Itcenfc to make ti)cm, anD after tijcf be maDc,tl)c!iing3lRopall anient toal- is,
loll) t^cm, befo;e t^ep be put in erecution. J5nt in t^eenD of tfjat Si& t^ere is an
erp?effe ^lotjifo, tijat fuclj Canons as loerc maDe befoje tf)at 0ct, to^icl^ be not
tontrariant noj repugnant to tbc icings ^Djerogatitic, t^c 3latos, Statutes oj
Cnftomes of tftc IRealm, fljoulD be ftill ufeD anD erecnteD as t^ep toere before tj^e z r ? 4 ,, e
mafetng of t^at M,
315nt befoje tbat ^ct a 2D ifmc granteD bp tl^e Clergp at
tfe 4*.47.

Con\jocation, DtD not binDc t!)C Clergp befo:ctf)eiiings51RopaUaffent. ioh.6.ij.

siting H.8. luas acfenotoleDgcD s»upjcam ?^caD in Diters Contiocations, »6 h.s. cap. i.
anD ifanpcaufetballDcpctiD in contention in anpCSccleCafficall Court tDl^ic^
mapojttjaUtoucft tl)ci^ing,f)is !^eirs, oj §>ucce(rc?s, tftc partp grtebeD fball oj »
tii^.cap ..

map appcale to tbe ^pper ^onte of Contiatation liiitijin 1 5 Dapes after fentence
^0 tbere be ttoo bonfes of Convocation^ fo are tl^ero ttoo ^^olocuf o;s, one of
tbe BiOjops oft^e!^trt)crljoulb, ti)orcnbi'ti)at&onfc, another off^e Jlotoec
^oufe, anD p:c(entcD totbe loiC&ops foj tl^cir JDjolocuto?,
3t is calleD Contiocation a Convocando, becaute f ^ep are calleD togettier bp
tfte l\\m3 eOTrit.
convocation calleD bp tbc lyings
SDftG Clorljs of tijc Mr
it, anD t^ir fcrtwnfs s h ^.cap i.

anD familiars O^all Ijate fuel) p;iit}ileDge in comming, tarrping, anD going, as t^e
great men,anD Comminaltp ott^is lRealm,calleD to t^ flings |3ariiamenf .

C Of Suhfcriptm.

&ubfcription required bp tbe Clergp is ttoofolD: one bp fo^ce botl^ of an 3i<t of

parliament confirming f effabUQjing tlic 5 particles of HeligionagrecD upon
at acounocation of tJ^eC^urcMfCDnglanD, anOraiificDbp^Queen Elizabeth
unDer tbe <3ieat &eal of (B nglanD. Bnotber bp Canons maDe at a Convocation
oftbcCfturcl) ofcBnglanD, anD ratlficDbpiSing James, asisafojcfaiD, 1; Eiizca n.
315p tbe 3it of I ^ Hiz. cap. 1 3. referring to Canons tnaocbptlie Clergp of AtaConvocau-
C nglanD at a convocation bolDcn at iLonDon in Anno Domini ij5i, contain- i"» '\°''^'^"

ing 39 articles of Religion, anD ratifieD as is afojefacD. Dom.Trisr &

^i)e joEii'z.
IH Of Ecclejiafikall Courts. Cap. 74.
At a convoc«;5 %^t otljer f0 bp canons of tftc C^arc^ of CnalanD maDc ana rat ffi..h hi

jr^Regi' $'3^* ^^"J §>ubIicrfption Ijercb? rcqutreD is to t&jee J3rf teles.
2D6C fifft f0,t!)at tijc Kings spajeftp unt»cr C^oD is tftc onlp feapjcam dDotcr-

tified and confi.-

med by Aa of ant>
^aoeacons, ^?^? ofCommon pjapcr,anD of ojDering of leifijops ©:icfts
J^^* *^^confametf)
nothing in it
confrarp to mmm ofK ,f

5l5p tlbc &tatnte of 1 3 Eliz. ffte aDelinqucnf is Difablc&

baf m auD DeoMtcb info ftA«
2Ddinqacnt againft f l,e Canon of iSing Jame, is to be mS^
bptftecenfnres of tf,e(r&acc&. SCftis ttafute Sf 13
^'aEUszA &Iib.6,fo.59.inGreneseafe.
is toeU
^-^J' etSScD m
^FPOunDcD i" Diet S
^"^ 3! ^carD Wray Cfttef SJnftice in tfte iiings Benc&, * Pafeh

Smiths cafe. tW toftere one Smith fnbfcf tbea tofbefatD 39 Articles
aDMf ionCfo as t^ fame tocrc agreeable to
far fojtl,
2 5 Fi rr^nmf
of IReiiaion inffh
refol^et. bpfjfm^nDallffte
not accojtiing to t^ Statute of 1 3 Eliz.
tjat f

AbSaf on to^J

fubfcription,anDtl,israbrcriptionmaDe it
maDefojaijoiDingofDtUcrCtpof opinions,fc. flnD bP tbis aDDition tbc «?rf»
migWbp ftts oton pjitjate opinion
faberomeoftbemyb7afiaSfbelrc?D |
eoD; ant) bpti)i3 means
tftcfcopeof tftc
DitjcrGfpof opinions OjoplDnot be aS)iOeD/tohicfain««
Statute, anD t^e feerp ;3(t it felf nmDe
v»i» 4t7bf

^e matt alfo bjing a f effimoniall from men fenoton to f bo Biffioo


ht> ,.t
fonnD IReligfon, a teftimoniaU bof b of bis fjoneft tife
, of pjofeffion fbc Dotfrnt
tmtm in t^e faiD Articles; anD be ougbt to be able tJ anfSn?
ano renoer
render to
to?be u^tt, tfjc
i©jDinarp anaaount of &is faitb in =ILatin,«.

A,« *ll^^L'^/^rS''^^''?'5"'^?'^"
^"P ^'^"^^ ^^ «^'"'«eD and infftfuteD to
feftoojnto Canonical! obeaience to
an? ^

% Of the HghCmmijJion in
caufes Ecckftafiicall.

Court ofCom-
«,S?f*^'"^^^^^^" °"^^ concerning fbc 3arisDtction of
fbefe Com.
*"*2?'?'^f . ^ ,
monpieasupon Jf trtt, ujbat Caufes 5oe belong to f be l^iag Commtffioncrs
bp fo?ccof the
mature deiiberati. Sltfof I El.eap.i. awDof
^^"«&lMn tobat cafes tljc f^fgfj Commtirioners bp tfjc faiD '^a of . Eliz,
Smmfndtetof ''fr" ^"^/"Je ^Letters patents fo tbem granted, map impofe fine anD im
, anD in
P?tforanenf toljat nof.
King James.
fo?ceoffbeftatutcof 1 El.iFoj fbaf
*u ^^u^^^'}^ befojcfbfsjatfitisagrecD
fbat all ^jDinaries anD ecclefiafticall fuDges tobatfocbcr ,
ougbt in all Icclc*
Oatticallcanles to batjepjoceeDcD accojDing to fbe cenfurcs of
fbe Xburcb , anD
coulD not in anpcafebaiic
pnnifficD anp SDelinquent bp fine oj irapjifonmcnf
nnle ffe tbep IjaD autbojitp fo to Doe
bp Htt of iparliamcnt. 0nD tfjc iDapall au-
tbojitpCasbatb bcenconfclTcD^DiD nctjcr fine ojimpjifon in
pjoceeDeDonlpbpCcclcGafficallcenfures. Sccincfbentbe ttate offbenucttion
concerning fine anD impjifonment DepenDetb
tobollPupon tjjcllafate of Eiiz j

anDisofgrcatEftconfequcnccanDopenetb fbotoaptotijc otbcrqucttton.foj if.

f s confeifcD tbat
bp ^Letters JOatcnf s onl? ( toitbont' an act of parliamcnf ) fucft
potoer to fine anD impjifon in (BccleCafticall caufes cannot be
grantcD th-^ point
*Nk ?; .'^^ Jmpjifonment (ball be firfi banDIcD. SinD foj tbat act of Mar- mtp
lianwntDofbconCftoftfje letter, anD of tbe meaning of fbc falters oftbeSit:
Cap.74' Of Scclejiajlicall 315
tljcattofi Eliz.Dofftncttficrbp meaning no; Icffcr giftc an? potDcr to fi^e^tglj
Commifftoncr0 to fine oj tmpjifon anp.lnt in certain pacticaiatf caafes, ao Cball
manifettlp out of ttjc M
it fclf appear tcrcafter. SnD feeing cterg aa of ^dar*

liamcnt upon connDerationl^aDofaUt^eparto thereof togct&er, is tt)ebcC CF'

fall into confioera*
pofitojofitfelf, tl)cpart0oftbis3aofi Eliz»ijocncccffarllp
iFirft,tl)e SCitlc of tlje act \^,An
to the Crown the ancient
ABreprmg ^ti- j-y ^ -^/^ gr^y
nfdi£iion,&c. 315g t^is t^e nature of f fte iart Dotft appear to be an ^ct of IRcfti^ ^i?^
anD t^ts fdalfo manifcffibptfte preamble of tlje Bet, toljcrc it isfaiD; The trear>,hlt

Whereas divers good laws were made in the time of the lace King oftke <iAii.
of all forain power, and for
Henry the Eight^forthe extinguiftiment
thereftoring unto the Crown of this Reahn the ancient Rights and

Jurifdidions of the fame.

IFronitD^ncefbisrcafon is Jjjaton, f&af feeing f^e erpjeffe letter anD mca^ i %ath,
ning is to rclloie to tlje Crolun t^cancient SurisDtction CBcdeCaftlcnll, anD no
Commiffloncr bp fojte of tbat ancient Ccclefiaflcicall SiurtsDidion coulD impofe
fine anD imp jifonment,tfjattl)Cfecommtffionersljat3ing tljeic fojce from tljis
;act of Kcftitution, cannot piinifl^anp partpb^ fine oj impjifonment. ot&ertoffe
ttjen ftall tc hereafter cvpjeffeD.
anbcfirttclanfeoftfteboDpoftijc act (foletin tbcreattution oftlje ancient
anD KurisDiction Ccclefiatticall tDitljtn tlje KeaUn)Dotl[> abo'lia all fojain
1^^ ipljt

3lurioDictton outof tbeKcalm,

2E)^ettfolloVoett)tbepunctpaUclaufe ofreftitution anD uniting of t^e ancient
3lnrist)idion CccleliatticaU, being t^e mainpurpofeofttieact, in t^efeloojDs,

Beitenaded, that fuchJurifdi(flion,&c. Spirituall or Ecclefiafti-

call, as by any Spirituall or Ecclefiafticall power or authority hath
heretofore been , or lawfully may be cxercued or ufcd for the vifi-
lation ofthe Ecclefiafticall ftate and perfons, and for reformation, or-
der, and corredlion of the fame , and of all manner of Errors, Hereiies,
Schifmes,abu{es, offences, contempts , and enormities , fhall for ever
by Authority ofthis Parliament be united and annexed to the Imperial
Crown ofthis Realm.
anD upon tljfs claufe beingtljc finall intention of tljis act espjcffcD in flje Ci'

tie anD |3;eamble, Doetbe fubfeqnent tlaufes DepenD ; SE^refoje tljis claufe is
efpeciallp to be confiDereD,anD tljcrcln t^cfc things are to be obferijeD.

5Ficft)tftatbpfl)is claufe £Duecn Elizabeth toas not DcclareD S>upje3m ^eaD,

«c,but bp a fojmcr claufe in t^ts act,viz. tljat tftc §»tatutc of i & 2 Ph. & Mar,
8,cap.i. anD 35 H, 8. cap, 3.
i<5 H.
cap 8. (tDtjetebpamonglf otljers,tft6 act of
toere repealeD) tnao bp tl)is act maDc utterly toiD , anD confequentl}.' tbc act of
BcpealbcingrcpcalcD,tt)eact3of 26H. S.cap. i. anD y^ H.s^cap.j. toere a«
mongft otl^crs implicitcrcbi^eD.bptotic^actsof 26H, 8. anDs^ isde-
clared and cnafled,thattheKing,his heirs and fucccirors fliould be taken and
accepted the only fuprcam Head in earth of the Church of England, and fhould
have and enjoy annexed to the Imperial) Crown ofthis Realm, as well the
title and ftile thereof, as all honours,dignities, preheminences, jurifdidions, &c.
to the faid dignity of fupream Head belonging,&c. ^^ ioljicb ftile, title? I Dig=
nitpoCfup;eam^eaDoft^(r:i)ucc^of<l!;nglanD,l^ing H.g. |^tst)eirsanDfnc5
ceffojsftaDanDljatie aUcl;ccleCaaicall3!nrisDictiontol)atfoet3er, &oas tlje firft
claufe re\3itiingtl)C act of 26 h.s.&c. tt)crebp ^Juccn Elizabeth, Ijcrlieirfl anD
luerefup^eam^eaDoftlieC^urc^of CnglanD.
anD t^ere t|)is act
crtenDingtoraifeacomjntfftonfojtIjenetcfriti'Of tljc time , intcnoeD onlp to
rcQo^eanD annec totbeCroiunfucljSucisDictionin (ome particular points as
bPt^e intent Of ti)e statute, t^eCommitf loners (boulD ejrecute , anD not toDe«
Mn tlsi«
2i6 Of EcclefiajlicaU Cap.y/j..
tlaccbpt^isclaufct^ftcrfpajcap IftoalDbcfupjwm^caD of tl)eClwrcft»foj
t'^at teas p;iot3tOeD Iq% befoje.
2 %aiio ^econDlp, t^at no HucisDtction is bp t^is Slct teftwl) « anitcD to t&c Croton,
lut fuc^ as bcfojctbc act IjaDbecn, o: latofnllp mfg^t be crerctfc&oj afcQ foj ftc
reformation,^:, cojrcdion^c. ^^eccupon it is conclaDeD , t^at feeing t^at no
manconlD be fincD oj hnpjtfoneD bpfojccofanp SlnrtsDictton CcclefiaatcaU,
to'btct>'&aDbecnufcD,ojlatofaUpmigWbcafetitcfo?etlt)te)att, tbat tftcrefoic bp
tt)is act no potocr of fining onDtrnpitfoning in CcclefiaatcaU canfeo isgtiien

bp tljis act.
sn&ct^irD obfcrtatfon (s,tl^tfbts claufe DtbiDetft ft ifdf into ttoo bjam&csJ
Vqz firQ concerning t^cbt&tation of tljcCccleOaatamtafeanDpcrrons. SCIiis
bjancl^ toas enactcD out of ncccttitp foj tftat all tbe liBIUwps, anD mod of t|jc CUr*

gp of englant), being tljen popifl), ft toas necctlarpto tatfe a vTommiffion to

t)0p;it)etftcm,tl)attooulDnof Ocp;itct&cmfelx)cs, anD in caCa of rcaitqtion of
religion to ^tje a moje fummarp pjocceDing t^en bp tbe ojtitnarp anD pjoltw
courfcof latD is ceqttireD. SDtjfs b;an£b concerns onlp (EccleOatticall pcrfons :
^0 as^s nccelTttp DiD caufc t^isCommiffion^o it flbotUD be crercifcD bat nc= upon
ceffitp,foj ttiuas ncticrintcnDcDtbatitflioulD te a conttnuall ttanDing com*
mflTton , foj fftaf OjoulD pjejaDice all tbc BiOjops of €nglana inttietr CccleC
afticaU3iur{BD{ction,anDbc grietioastotijcfubject to be Djaton up from all tbe
remote parts of t^c Ucalm,to^crc before tbcir oton ©ioceliwttepmfgtt re«ibe
jnSice at tl^eir olxm Doo^Sf
2DIJC firft iIommilTion npon tljcfe S>tatiitcs, to^erbp about z o Biffiops toere Dc-
pjibeD , anD manp offjers of t^c JDopiiS Clcrgp,lg feiD to be loCanD inrolleD it (0
not,a0 it oug^t to bate been. 3nD it isaffirmeD bp Ibmet^t bate fecn it, t^at it
paCfeD not abotie ttoenf p Ibcets of paper copp toifc; but nolo tfte ^
igft vTommilTt^
on tonfainsabobetbJcebunD.cD fbcetsof paper. janD itts likoUiilie affirmcD,
tbaf nc^cr anp l^igb vTontmiffion toas inroUeD (astftep allongttfo ftabe
untillmplLojDCliancelojEgcnonsfime, fo as nomanbefoje tfjattirae coulo
knotD tobat tbeir BlurisDiction toas till t^t iitm.
SDbeleconDbjancljiB, And for reformation, order, audcorrciflion of
thefame(/^4* isycf Ecclefiafticallferfons) and ofall manner of Errors,
Herefies, Schifmes, abufes, offences, contempts, and enormities.
&o as tbefc ttDO
b jancftes ertenD not to tfjc tmiterfalttp of t^e Stnicmact', bat
onlp fo tftofc poiirts tobercunto tfte (Commiffion to be raifcD bp tbis act IbonlD
ertenD, fojtDbicbpurpofe nothing is rcfltojtD oj unifcD bptbis^^cr, but onlp fjc
feifitationoftbc Ccclcnaaicall ftate anD pcrfons, anD tbc reformation of tbc
fame, anD ofall CBrrojs,
^erefies, ^cbilines, ature3,cffences> contempts , ano
enojmiftes tofjttfj bccriminall.
SDbc KurisDiction betttg retto;eD to ©ucenEIIz.ijcr lEjeirs an&ruccciro;s,ncrf
aiiD immeDiatclp DotbtbtJjatt, %u gite berpoincr toaffign anDatitbojtfccom*
. . miffioncrs to crccute tbts jorisDiction rcao;cD anD unlteD fo ber, for
tobicb pur=
^ k, j^^ nM The claufe of pofe is furf bcr cnactcD, That your
HighnelTe, your heirs and fucceflbrs
^V- jifignatiatiof fliallhave power and authority by vertue of this
by Letters Pa-Ad
tents, &c. to afligne,name,& authorizc&c. fuch
3^^<^^'- perfons being naturall
^^'^^ fubjedts,&c. as your heirs and
*^^-^a Majefty,your fucceffors (hall cliink
7 •
meet to exercife,ufe, occupy, and execute under
your Higlineffejyour
heirs and fucceffors ,all manner of jurifdidion, &c. in
any wife touch-
ing or concerning any Spirituall or Ecclefiaflicall jurifdiaion,&c. and
tovifit,reforme, &:c. all enours, herefies, fchifmes, abufes, offences,
contempts and enormities, which by any manner or F cdefi-
power, authority, or jurifdidtion can or
may lawfully be refor-
med, coireded, refli-ained or amended.
£)ut of tijisclaufcof anignationit is to beobferbeD, tbat
tl)e futttancc of
tbeCommiffionofalTignation or Deputation is DefcribeD anD purtrapcD out both
fo? manner anD matter bptbis claufe. 1 7r\^^i
Cap. 74. Of Ecclejiajlicall Courts, yij j

1 .
SCtjat if ottgl)t to be anlicr tljc v© jcat §>caU
SC^e ^irommttrtoners to be afl'tgneo otisl^t to be naturall bo}n fubjC(t0 of

3. 2D^dc
auf t)o?{f PjvizSCo c)rerc(fc^fe,occapp^tiD ewcpte unfier gour ^(g^= 1

fteirsatiDfuccellojs, all maimer of jariSDtcttoiMcanDto tjtfiMnDrg- ^

fojmall fut^cErro;g5l^Ercftc0,&cfjtrme0, abpfcss, offences, ic. tolj(cf) bp anp 1

manner of (iEcclcIiaaicall oi S>pirituaU potoer can, oj latDfullp map be refojmcD, j

(0}retteD,!c. {

4v %^z locall lfmtf0 ano bounds of fitieir commUIton.viz. tsit^tn ttie 3Realm •

ofCSnslanD.fc. j

&o as bp t^id claufe f ^erc f 6 no qncSf on, bat f be Commidioncrs fo; fncl) can- 3 ^>«//(7 .
fes as are commiff ci) to t^em bp fojcc of tfjts Hrt, map, tf tftc Commtirjoncrs be '

competent,p;oceer) to Deprivation office popitb Clergy, ioUic^ Uias ttie main ou=>

}ti of t^e 0(t, 0} to puniCl) f^cm b^ QDccleQafttcall cenfures, and 6p no U'o;Ds ,0} ;

meaning ftttljerto can pnnill) bp fine oj impjifcnment, foj tfjat no ecclcftaftuall \

potoer coulDrcfojmanDcojrctt (as tljc ftatutefpeabetlj) in ttjat manner. ;9no J

queaton , if tftc Comrniffioners be competent , tijat is , if tfjcp be fpiri*
toitftoat The High Co.
fuaUmen,tl)epmappjocceDtorcntcnceofCwommanication, to^icljmap rtgljt mijfmersmaj \

UjcUbctertifietjastDdascSrcommtinicationbefojecrommifftonersSJcrcsatcSj excommtmicatc ,

botfjoft^ercaut^ojtttesbctnpuntiertfjc^jcat &>eal, anDcacboftljeui ftauing ifthejhecom- j

aatfto:ttpbP fojcc of fetierall arts of parliament. SinD ewommnnitation cer- f't">t.


^"^ »5 ^1.571.
ttfieDbpsToiiimiffioiicrs E?cle?ates l)atft been allotocO,as It appcarel^ \x\z7, EJiz» i

Dier 371. ^nDinmanpcafcs0ttsof parliament ^tc aDjnDgeD men ercom*

mnnicate ipfo fafto. But if t^pbe mcer iLapmcn.tlje fault is not in tfte ttatufc oj
in tlje lato,but intlje nominationt anD upon Certificate mane of tfje (l£ wmmn=
nicattonaccoiDina to lain, a bignificavit ojGap. Excom. fljall fceaicarDcD out of i

ViZ ^banccrp,&r, ttietafetng anD impjifoning of tije boDies of fuct) eycommuni* I

cate pcrfons, i

j^oto after ftjelLctters patents of t^ecommtftion are Dercrib^D, ant) limited,
toUoloet^ a claufc of d ireition fo; tlje CommiHioners to beep ttemfelties tD{tl[)in 1

Commiffton in t^efe iDO^Ds.


And tint fuch perfons fo to be namedj&c. after the faid Letters Pa- The claufe of j

tentstothem delivered fliall have power and Authority by vertue of '^xtcntton, j

this A6: and the faid Letters Patents under your Highneire, your heirs j

and fuccelTors to exercifejufe, and execute all the premilfes according '

tQthetenorandeffeftofthefaidLettersPatentSjanymatteror caufeto ]

the contrary in any wife notvi^ithftanding.

Cl^is is a claufe of reference meerlp to t^e former parts of tlje ^ct anD pet bp .

colour oftftisclaufctJbc^^tgftCCommifffonerstioepjctenDtofineanDimpjiron. I

:3:^at tbis <\Mz referretf) toijoUp to tbe former parts of t^e ^ct, it is apparent
bptt)eljerptDOjDSfftcrcof,^etDOJt)SbCtocxercirc»afe, and execute all 1

the premifles,tDfticb tDojD(premi{res;refcrreflj fo all fl^e fojmer bjantfjes of tbe '

3ct,viz. 1. SCO t^e ancient |urts&iition CEcclefiaaicaU rcftojeDbp tbts ^tt,


bp tolitcl) ancient (urisDictton no perfon could be corrected bp fineo^impiifon^ j

ment. 2. sCo fuel) iurtsdtction aptrifuaUojCcclertaaicalUasbpanpspirt-


tuaUo; CccleQaaicallpotoer^at^ljErctofojc been, oj lalufuUp migfttbc crercifed,

0} nfed; for tbefe be t^e erp;effe too>ds of tbe main claufe of reSoring % uniting ;

of tl)e ancient jurisdiction f tbe Crotun. 5Sut It Is agreed, ttiat bcfo:c tljia 9isx \

no man could be punifbedbpfineo; Imprifonmentbpanp CcclcQaaicall potser, 1

bp fo)CC of fome act of parliament; tl^crefoje bp t^efe ivojds in


unleOe it toere

tf)is claufe do execute the premifles jtfte comrnKTioncrs cannot fincoj impjifon. \

2L!)is iDojd (^premiffes ) ^at^ relation to tbefc tuojds In tljc claufe of alTlgnatlon
nept going befoje tbts claufe, viz, lovifit, reform, rcdrelfe, order, corrcdl, and j

amend all fuch errors, herefies, fehifmes, &c, which by any manner, power, au- I

thorny, or jurifdiction Ecclefiaflicall or Spirituall can, or may lawfully be refor- j

med, &c.correaed,&c. but no correction before tbts %«. could be bP" fine o) {

tmpjifonment.but in certain fpeciali cafes. ^uz. %\i!xk

- '•
n8 Of Ecclejtajlicall Courts.
%^m t^iS (according to the tenor and effeft of the faid Let-
tlatifC folio toctl^,

ters Patents) iD^fc^ U)o;Dg alfo DolDiiollp refer to ffiefojmar parts oft^e 0(t
• Piemifes. ^^^ tf tl^efc UjojOs (toexecatc all the premifes)beto0jD3* of reference, t^ctitfte
« Said. aDDtttOlt of tljefe (according tothe tenor and effctt ofthe faid Letters patents,

any naatter or caufe to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding) muft Of nccef*

fit? be refcrtet) alfo to tlje former parts of t^ 0(t> bp none of Uttitcj^ potoer ts gt--

ten to fine oj itnpjtronment

aifo tljis toojD (execute) cannot but be rcfcrrcD to tjje fojmcr auffjojitp, anD
it is not faiD accojDfng to tftc teno? anD effect of anp iLcttcrs ^afenta, anD pet if
ffte ti>o?t)0 ^aD been fo,tlicIa»ne being coupleD tot^e toojD (prennifej)^aD notre»
ftraincD tftem, fo j ttjep conlD in f Ijat cafe but onlp \)a.\st erecutcD t^e p?emifefli baf
fijc tDOjCS be according
to the tenor and effedt ofthe Letters Patents before limi-
ted by the faid Aa, firC fJiSt t^c ILcftcrs patents be unDcr tfte dD^eat
tijat is,

^caL 2. SDftaf'tbcp be niatie to n^tnrall bo;n fabjccts. 3. aCbeir autftojttgte

j^eclarel) tDit^ a itmitatfon. 4« SD^ localllimits anD bomitis office CommifTtoi
ts fet Soion t an5 tijis is tlje true anD genoine fenfe of t^efe tuojDs, viz.. To exe-
cute the pretnifes according to the tenor and efteft ofthe faid Letters Patents.
^iiD ti^erefo^e toe marticU boto in a cafe of fo great confeqnence, anD fo bt&ble to
eberp e^ tbat look into tbc ^tt of i Eli z. tbe t^erp too^Ds thereof are (fo;i tlie aD^
tantagc of tbe l^ig^ v£annniCttaners) intije terpbinDtngclaufealtercD, anD
cl^ngeD. iFo} tbcrc it is allcageD, tl&at tftc llatute of i Eliz. faitft, tljat ttic ^ig^
Conmtifftoncrs Cball cxzcatz tbc pjemifes bp tjcrtoe of tHiis 2ia accojDing to t&etr
Conrntiifton inDefinitel? tnitl^oat reference 0^ relfratnt , lul^eceas f^e liuaDSof
tl)e;3(tbe> according to the faid Letters patents, tlie effect In^ereottuasltmifeD
Nota. anD crpjcUeD bcfo?e. 0nD bptlje antbojitp tbat is claimeD bp tl^e Conmtiffionera,
ixi^ft tcttii not, but tl^at conS&ation of lanDs,fo jfeiture of gooDS anD chattels, fc^
Isell ma? be impofeD, as fine anD imp?tfonment f But Inere it not a tiiolent in*

ierpjetation Dtrettlpagatntttlje letter anD meaning of tide 0(t, anD full of great
incontjenience f n^e
of t^fe latter IrozDs tlMs conSrattton, viz. tl^at t^e ^^
Commiffioners anDpuniO) aUt6cC!;rrojs, l^ereCes, S>cldifme«,
fljoolD cojrett

^ffences,0bnfes, Contempts^nD (l!;no?mtties, ic. nnDer fuc^ pains, forfeiture,

anD penalty, as SJnecn Elizabeth, tjer Ijcirs, anD fucce(Iojs,bp anp ILctfcrs pa*
Unt& lIjciilD impofe 0? appoint % anD tbat confcquentlp bp fojce of f^c gencralit?
of tbis coi'iftructton, (be DiD impofe anD appoint fine anD imp^ifonment. tM^tc^
conttr'ottion fijoulD befirft Dircctlp againft tfie luojDs anD meaning of tbc ^ct foj
fbc caufcs afojcfaiD. §>etonDlp, tbat bp tl>e Came rcafon bp tljc gcneralifpof fut^
aconttrnction 3Jttcen Elizabeth migftt Ijatc tmpofcD forfeiture of lanDS, confit
cation of gooDs, napcojpojall puniOimenf, loffc of member, ar.D of life alfo, fo)
tncontincncp, folicitation oftl^attitp, tDo;t&ingonal^oliDap, o^anp inferionr
offence pttniCbaUc bp flje CEcclefiafficall ilato, anD pet tijc fentcnce of tlje com=
milfioners in fuc^ cafes f^onlD be botl) fatall anD finall , anD uncontroulable b?
anp ojDinarp means, eitbcr bp 0ppcal, €rroj, Moderata mifericordia, oj otbcr-
toife. SCbirDfp, fbaf tbts biolcnt conlfruitfon,nn5er mpfticall anD clouDptoojDs,
i3&onlD crtcnD f fine anD tmpjifonmcnt, «c. all pertons, as tocll 3Lap men of tol&af
e&af e. Degree, 0; fer foeber, in cafes c^cclefiaaicall (ijoliere tl^p Uiere not to be
fineD anD tmp^ifoneD before) as to CEccleftalticall perfons, tDl)o loere t^e proper
objects of tbis 0tt. ;^nD Vitn bpflie conttruction tliat l^at!) been maDe of fl)e otjjer
fiDe in cafes Uibere an erecuto: Detainef^ a llegacp, 0} a pariCbioner papetli not
^is tptl>cs,oj tbelifee concerning Meum anDTuum, tljc migldt Ibabe
infiioteD (as bafli been faiD) iD^at punid^menf Cbe InoulD, anD tbe ^iq.ii Cornmif*
fionecs fine anD impjifonmenf (as it ttanDcf b at tbis Dap) toitbouf limitation of
time, be if ncfer fo great, j time of impjifonment^be it netier fo long anD toitb--

out controlmcnt bp anporDinarp remeDp, be tbe fentence ncber fo unjuft oj erro--

neous; tben notbing coulD be raoje abfurD anD inconbenienf Talis inter-
tol^ic^ .

ambiguis femper fienda eft, uteviteturineonvcniens& abfardum.

pretatio in
But tbis conftruiion IftoulD not be in ambiguis , but Direttlp againft tbc toojDs
anD meaning of tbis act. 0nD feeing if batlj been granteD tljat tbe papallautbo-
Cap. 74- Of Scclejiaflicall 32^
coulD not fine attb (mpMfon
ritj?ojani>ot^>er fjabfng (iBcclefiaafcall jorH'stdion
fafD tn tftc p?eamblc of tbts 3(1,
befo?c tl)i0 0ct of i Elir,anD t|»at it fs crp?cOp
latos tocrc maDc as iuell foj
tljaf tobcrc fn f&c refgti of mfng H» 8» fitters gooD

tftecyttnguiOjmcnfoffojcfaiant&ojtfp, 80 foucffojlngto tftecrotDnt!)eancf«

cnt jurtfDirttons, ic. anD dif-
burdeced of great and incolerable charges and cxaaions (fcofttc^ gOOD latuS being
faiD 0d: Dofft rctitfte anD rcffoje^St follotoct^ a con-
rcpealcD bp sQuecn Mary t^jc
ce(Iis,anD bp tftc JLctfer oitW iirt, tfjat it iras ncter t^c meaning of t^c matters
thereof to csfcuD t^e faiD tlanfc to fine anD tmpjifon t^c fnbjcct fo? CBctlefiatticall
capfc3, anD to mabe 6im fnbjea to greater confifcattons, fojfcttures, anD ppnt(l!=
ments, toljcrc Ijis boOp befoje iW ^^ toas not fubjcct to tmpjtfonmcnt but upon
tI)C lainas CZHrit De excom' capiendo,
noj fjis faoDp, lanDS, anD gooDS, to fines,
oj otfjer penalties, oj puniflimcnts, bp t^cm to be impofeD, ic. fo? tl>is toere not
bp tljis 3d of reftttution to eafe them
oF former intolerable charges (as t^e ffa»
tutc fpcabett>)buf bptbi6 0fltfomabetf)em fubjett to greater anD mo?e Jeatjp
eticc ttjep toere befo?c» 3nD t^e ttatute of
pains, puntauients, anD tljargcs, ttien
27 H. 8. cap. i),faiti),tl)atti)e canons, 5C lucre otcmnicl) onerous to l)is!^igl&»
nelTe fubjects but tljep toere netier fo onerous
. as t^fs 3ct ttioH) be. 25ut Uno ab.
fardc dato infinita fequaniur, Wz muft tftcrefoje retire our feltes to tfje tert of

ffteSctof Eliz. tl)eonlp grounD

I of tljisqueltton,anD thereupon tfteconduQon
is, t&atno ^Letters patents can bp fccrtue of t^is Htfof i Eliz, gftje anp potocr

Commtllioncrstoimpjifon, erccpt it be in certain particular tafcs, toljicli

noto into
fall conflDcratton. Jfoj erample. 2Efte ftafufe of i H. 7, cap. 4. Dot6 i
gibe poloer to I5i(bops, $c. to commit pjielts con\)t(teD of anp incontinencp to
pjifon, anD t^at no BiOiop, ^c. fljall
be cbargcablc tl)erefo?e in m
Sldion of falfe
J^oto feeing tl)at fuel) jurifDittion ©ccleCafticall (tftat {s,to ftear.
Determine, anD punifl},«c.) as bpanpapirituallojC&cclefiafticallpotDerojatt*
tljojiti' befoje tbc faiD art of
i Eliz. IjaD been, ojmiglit latofullp ^atjefaeeneicers

cifeD oj ufeD foj tlje tifif atton of tfte Cccleliaaicall ttate anD perfons, anD foj re*
formation anD cojrertion of t^efame, anD of all manner
of oBrrojs, !^ereDcs,

^cl)iftncs, w. anD tbatetierp11Bifliop,ic. migftt puniQj fucft offenDers bp im=

pjifonmcnt accojDing to tbc faiD 3rt> ttjat fuel) potocr (anD tbc lilje in anp otbcr
cafe bp atfof parliament if anp be) is uniteD to tbe croton anD map be commit^ vH fiat.of i h *
teD otjcr to tbe ^igb Commifftoners as befoje tbc faiD art bp
anp §>pirifnall 0% ca.ij. & i eiiz^
ca.i. andobferve
Cctlcfiaftitall potocr baDbccnejlatofullpmigbtbeafeDjtDbtcbbetbetDojDBof
5But tbefc gcnerall tD0jD3,fi-&.Which have been or lawfully might be ufi;d,&c.
Do not CKteuD to anp autbojitp 0; potocr gitien bp anp ^rt of parliament to anp
Ccclcfiaaicall3!uDgc: tobicbt^rt ftooD rcpealcDanDaDnulleDbpa fojmcr 3rtof
parliament, anD baD no eCTence at tbc time of tbe making of cbis art of i Eliz,
anD tbat fo? f too reafons ; iFirft, foj tbat tbis 3rt of i Eliz, Dotb repeal*
tjitje Divicrs 3rt3 of parliament, anD tbcrefojc fball not be conffrueD fo repeal o>

retitic anp otbcr bp tbc faiD gencralltoojDs, ^cconDlp, fojtbat gencrall tbojDs
(ball not epfenD to autbojitcsrepcalcDojaDnulleDbpaa of parliament. janD fo pafch.jSEiiz.
"'''« ^f^^'bc
it toas aDjuDgcD tn tbc ILojD Darcies cafe tn tbe Kings IBencbPafch. 38 Eliz. ^
""^ ^''"" "
tobcre tbe cafe toas, tbot tbc %mof tbe spannoj of SDbojp litrbp toas amongft

otbcr francbifes anD immunities DifcbargeD bptbe ^letters patents of is ing

E.4, ofPurt)ci>aiicc: vub'cb Cbartcr foj tbe point of Difcbargeofpurbepance
toas aDnullcD up tbe ftatiitc of : 7 H. 8. cap. 3nD after tbc ^annoj comming
to tbe banDs of l^ing E.6. be bpbis betters patents grantcD tbefaiD {^anno? to
tbe iLojD Darcie anD biS b^irs X anD furtber granteO Tot, talia, eadem,hnjurmodi
& confiniilia jura, junfdidtiones, franehefias,privilegiai &c,quor, quanta, qualia,
& &c. prout aliqais dominns tnanerii habuir, tennit, fen gavifus fuit vircute
alicujus carta:,doDi,feu coocetTionis aut aliquarum liierarum patentiam per prifa-
tum rcgem, auc per aliquem progenitorum fuorum quorumcunq; fad'concefs' w,-;|,.ii &iie1.
feu cunfirmat'.aliquoftacutononobtt ante. 9[nD it toaS aDjuDgeD as it baD been mScacuno^ihc
bcfojc tn tbc I-OJD Pagcts cafe, Mich. 11 & iiEliz* in Scacsajrio tbat albett Lord Pa^ff j caft.

29© Of Ecclejiaflicall Courts, Cap.yj.,
fdtfea gcnerall grant ijaD been enactcDanUtonfinnctibpjatfof^arlfament, j?et
!)aDnottljofcscttcraUtoojtisei:tenlicDforct)(l3Eanp aut^ojitp, fraiTt{)(fe, pjft3i«
let)ge,5c. once grantcD. ant) to&ttlj teas after,anDbefojet^e grant rcpcnlcDoj
refumeD bp art of parltamcnf.anlcEfe tbcre^aD been fpectall VdojDs to rctjttje tjja
fame, but Ojoulo eitcno to ot^er antl)O?itiC0, frant&ifes, anDpjfUilctiges tofjitft
1 H.7.ii ij. anDtljcrctsafararongcrcafcrcpojtcDdii H,7,fo.i:,& ij. 315pa«tf)0iitg
Ofparltanicntallp?cbenifncncc0,p;c?osatitcs,francfttfe0, ano Utertfes toere
gitjcn to iStng H.7, intatle gencrallj? toitbont ifnittatton 0} fattng, anDtfte
qtiett ton toas toftetlier tbc rant^tfcs
anH liberties of 3i ojdb anD of Ijcr infer tour
fubjcits lucre gt^cnjanD tttoa3refoltjcDbpaUfl)e3lnDgc0t6att|ieptoeicnof,
foj tbat t^e act toas to be tntcn&cD to Do no inferiour ftAject tojong, but tl^e ge-
iteralltDo^Ds Voere to be tntcnDeD of fuc^ m
migl^t be intaileD tott^out pjejuDtce
of tl)C fubjcrt ; tofttcl) is a ttrongcr cafe tben tftis, fbj beCDee tfte pjejuDtce of tbc
infertour ;©jlitnarp foj ^(s jncif &latott. anD foj fiibject foj
tabtng atoap ^i0
appeal, anD Djatuing ftim from remote parte
to W tilje

intolerable tlbarge, tol)cre t?

migbt rcteit3e juftice at liomc, tfte claufc p?etcDf ng of uniting , anQ latter parti*
cular toojDs Do limit anD eiiipbunD tlje generality of t^e former 1do;ds.
i^oto ttiat Dtljera anD man? otfter 0rts of parliament, toftlcl) arc gencrall in
lMojD3,i)atjc upon confiDeratton of tljc miCcIjicf anD all f ^ parts of f l)C 3L ct (foj tftc
at}otDing of tbe incon'oenience anD abfurDitp tl[iatmigt)tfollotD) receitjeD a partt*
cnlar tnf erpjefation, it appearett) in our llSoobs in cafes of far lefte incontienf «
cnccanDabfurDitp,^. puComJn Stovvelscafe fo.j5p»tl)e ^jeamfalc is fo be tonfiDcrcD,foj it fs ffjc
Stoweis cafe. to meaning of ti)c maftcrs of tfte 0tf, anD mtfrlbtefs tobtcl> tijep tn«
fee? opcu tftc

f CUD to rcmcDp. SCbe SiuDgcs of tlji; lialu IjatDC eber in f utft fojt purfueD tftc in--
tents of tl)emeaning of tIjemaKers of 0cts of parliament, as t^ep Ijafe c]cpoun<
DeD acts gencrall in tuo;Ds to ic particular totjcre tge intent (jatb been particu«

lar(toljicb are f Ijc toojDs of tljc i5oofe)ilnD f Ijcrefo jc upon t^at rule it is tliere aD*
juDgcD, tljattDlierctftc ftatntc of 7 E. 6.ts gencrall ; 3lf anp Keccitjer oj mtntlfcr
accountant, 5c. rcccibcof ani'pcrfon anpfunmic ofmoncp foj papmcnf of ang
fees, ?c. Cliall fojfctt<j$. Sd.foj eljcrp pcnnp; fljattbts Do notcrtenDaccojD*
Ing to t!)c gcneraltf p of tftc iuojDs to tfje li^eccibcr of common pcrfons, bccaufe
tljcfe toojDS fubfcqucnt be aDDcD (otljertoifc tfjcn ^
latofulp map h'g fojmcr latos
anDffatutes.) iJiolD ti)e3lnDgcs rcttralncD t^cgcncraltfp to a particular to tiie ,

jiitngs Keccttjer onlp t foj tf)at no lata o; Catutc toas fojmcilp maDe concerning
common perfons Hcccttjcro, fic.iSut in tljc cafe in qucaton,as tocU tl)c pjcccDent
claufe ofrcftttutton, astfte fublcquent clanfe erpjclTtng offences in particular.

anD t^etiJOjDs in ttje fame gencrall fcnfC!ice,w«-,undfryrurHighnefl2, &c.anD

pjincipallp tlje caute of tfte mabtng of tbisanDoqtialiftcfljegcncralifpof tfta

tuojDS. 0nD pet notlDitljSanDing it bias refolbcD !;p all tbe Conrt in t^e faiQ
cafe of Stradling, liUccitJcr of common p'^rfonstecra toitbin tbc
iDojDsot tl3C faiD aatute. Butt^ere it is faiD, tljat if a num confiDer in tuljat
point tbc mifc^ief toas befojc tl)e itatote, anD iBljat tljfng tibe parliament meant
to rcDjcffc bp tljis.l&c fljallpcrccibc tljat tljc intent of f!)e makers of tfjc 0ct
Xxsm to punitl) onlp tljc £^tniffcrs of tjje Jiiing. ^nD a Itftlcaftcc tl)C 3!aD£CS fap
ttjat tljc fttle of tljat ^rt is. An Aft for the trae anfwer of the Kings Revenues,
;anD bp tljts alfo tfte intent of tIjeraaUers of tfte is to be collcctcD ManD tljcfa ,

be tlje tDojDS of t^e book , a far ttrongcr cafe tticn tljc cafe \n quetf ton.
inljic^ is
4 E«,4. £r 1 2« CBtierp ttatute oug^t to be erpounDcD accojDing to tte intent
4E4.4& iz.
of tliem tljat maDc it,t»licrc tftc VdojDS thereof arc Doubifull
% uncertain , anD ac-
cojDtng to tbercljcacfall of tljc ftatutc anD tberc a gencrall ftatute is conUrucO

particularlpupon confiDeratton IjaD of tl^ecanfeof maUtng of tlie 0rt, anD of tlje

retearfall of all t^e parts of t^^rt- ^0
concluDcttjis point Voitlj a gencrall ruls
alloVDeDbpalllalDS inconCruction of ftatutcs, Qyamvislex generaliterlocjukur,
rcttringendacamcn eftiUCccflante ratione & ipfaectTet : cum enim ratio (it an;-
ma vi^orq; ipfius legis non videtur legiflacor id fcnfifle, quodratiouecarcar,
Cap, 74.. OfEccleJiajlicall ^^i
etiamfi vcrborum generalicas prima facie alitcr fuadear. ©ecillg f^eil fj) jnanp
tncontjcntcncfcs agaf nil rcafon, ant) tfjc meaning of tfjc melicrs ot t^e :3d; fl)oulD

follolT), ttisct^iDcntfbatt^ecencralitpoftftefatDiDOjDa (n tftctlaufcof aff(gna=

tton fljall (as t^cp ougbt) be limiteD bptlje claufe of Hcffttuf tonkas tjatjj b(n faiD.
;anti ii accrcrtft not tocU U)if& tftc fttle of t^c ^^tgl) <Icimnitffion to Deal in pefp

anD tnfcrioar caafcs. and fo} i\j^ rccitall of a Bjantij of tl)ts Sltt in tftc Catute
ofSEliz. cap.i. Sttrefcrreffttoftjeattofprimoitfelf, anD is onlp in tjjc P}e=
amble» anf tljcrcfoic Dot & ncitljcr incrcafe no; Diminitb \\^z fame. But albeit fljcp
anD beinous caHfc3,ac£ojDing fo tbe
^ate conufahccanD jurifofctionof enojmous
ojfgtnalltnttitutfon, pet cannot tbeppimifft ttjBoffenDorinfbe fame bp fine oj
nnlcffc tljc fame lucre pnntJbablc bp fine oj impjtfortment Lefoje
Impjtfomncnf ,

tbemabtng of t^e faiD ^it of £ii/..bprome ;3(tof j^arliamentunrepcaleD at t^e


3l5ut it 13 fatD (cnoimous) is uncertain S>urelp in an ; 9ct tofjereof manp of f be

mabero arc ILapanD unlearneDiiten, itbatb been erpounDeD bp lato fo be equipoh

lent fo IjCtnoas, ftoj?ifclc anD crojbtfant. 3nD tbis appcarctft bp tbe Statute of
2 E, 3. cap. I. Coinmiffion of £Dier anD SCcrmtner, %t, Iftall not go out, but toljcre
fucftConinnCTton tegrantcDfojarmnUcaurc, a
is bo'-rible. Jlioto if

retjocatton tbcrcof,tobtct) is a fiat p?o^ibiton,Dotb Ipcas it appearetb in tbe lRe»

non enormis litio, tSlbtcf) toojD (enor-
gtfter 1 ^, anD tbe tnojDS tbcrcof bCQuia

mis) tntbat mritDotbcrp;ciIctbi6U)o:D [bojriblc] in tbe faiD act , anD tbere is

tti tbat cafe upon tbts UjojD [enormis] fo tbe sIom«
as areat uncetfainfp jpjobibit
miffioners of :2>icc anD 2Lennincr,as in tbe cafe nolo in qucftion concerning tbe
CEcclcaafttcall Commtffion , anD efpcciallp \n tbis J3ct of primo it ougbf to be
tabcn fo bebojrtblc, crojbitant, & extra omnem normam; foifbnt tbe ^igb
Cominidioners Do claim to fcnD foj all Degrees of men anD toomen, anD oof of all
be tbc place neber fo remote, f c. WvA tbe €:om<
tbc parts of CB nglanD 0} Males,
tntffion of £>tcr anD Cermincr cannot be tabcn but \n tftc pjopcr Countp toberc

tbe fact teas Done* anD pet itiscbiDenf bpalltDbtcljbat(j been faiD, tbat bts
anD ^wtzw Elizabeth before gim baD as great anD arable fupje^
£»ajcftp l)atb^
inacpanD jurifDiction dScclcCaafcallascber liingofCSnglanD IjaD bcfojc f bem,
anD tbat baD Juftlp anDrfgbtlppertalncDto tbcm bp Dibcrsotbcr ^ds ajiD bp tbe
ancient lah^s of dDnglanD, if fbe faiD claufe of 0nneratton in tbefaiDSatuteof
1 Elit. baD ncl'cr Izm infertcD.

jnijis aaof I
Eliz.pjotJiDet^ againtt tbem fbattboulD 1«p pointing, tojitinff,
ot tooiDB, maintain ojDcfenDtbe jurifDictioit fpirituallof anpfojeinpjince,
5c. Inltbfn tbis IRealm
tbat cticrp fucb pcrfon being latofullp contji*
cteD bp tbc coucfe of tbe Common lata, (ball foj tbe firft offence forfeit anD lofc all

Ills anD gooDS anD cbattels» ^nD if anpperfonfo contiirteD (Ijall not be
tDojtb of its p;oper gooDS
anD cbattcls totbstialueofzoli. tben fucb perfon fo
conbictcD fliaU fuffcc tmpjironmcnt one tobole pear, f c. iPotoalbeit upon tbe
raainteuancc 0; Defence of fbepofCS&upjemacpDcpcnDfbmanpmitcbicfsas
acts toas uttcrlp fo aboliib anD crtinguiOi
tbc piincipall fcopeof fbtc anD otbcr
fame, anD tbat it is l^tgb ZCreafon in tbc feconD Degree : ni fee boto tempe=»
act Dotb puntOj tbat moft Dangerous anD Damnable erroj. anD albeit
ratclp tbts
tbc pjocccDings at tbe Common lato are rclJcrCblebpCSJrit of error ; pet tbe
Itatutc aDDctb ttoo cautions , tbat no pcrfons fljoulD be tmpeacbcD foj anp of tbe
offences bp p;cacbtng, fcacbiug- o: toojDS, nnlcffc tbcp be latufullp inDlctcD
luitbintbcfpaccofoncbalfpeai-. anD ifanp pcrfon
be impufoncD, anD be not

InDldcD toitbbt balf a pear, tben tbe pcrfon fo impjlfoneD Ojall be fef at libertp.
:^oto ff tbe partpoffcnDtng in fo btgb anD fup?cam an offence, as tbc maintain-
ing of tbc Popes dup^emacp, Oiall be punitlieDfo; tbc firlt offence fotempC'
caution anD limitation, it Voas ncber tbe meaning of tbe
ratclp, anD initb fucb
ftatutc to cbarctc the fubject tnitbfinco} impjifonment bp tbe Difcrction
of tbe
toitbout limitation eitbcr of time of impjifonmcnt , 0; qtiaiititp
of fine, fo: Icffcr crimes anD offences, tobcrennfo be toas not fubject befoje tbe:

maWng of tbis art,

2n Of Ecclejiajiicali Courts,
But tfflje meaning of t^e^pabers of tl^e art ^at)i3ccn to l)aljc infltctcD nctolg
upon tftc fubjErt not onlj? fine ano ttnpjitbnment, but bp t^e tame reafon conftfca.
tion of gooDs, forfeiture oflants ,ttapanp co?pojall puntfl)mcnt,?c. t^ep tuopia
not unBer Tucb clotoDpanDBarbtoo?t)S^atc tnfltrtcDtbofc greater punt(l)mcnt9
foj Icilcc offeiif CO tott^out fomc Umttatton , as tijcp DiD foj ttic grcatcft offences
of alljtinD not to Ijatjc left Icffcr offences to tljeabfolutcanD uncontrollable poieer
of tftc i^tg^ Commtfffoners bp anp ojtilnarp mean.
Sff^e^ial^CommifftonersmtgfttljatJcfincD ant) impjtfoneO men fojoffcn^
tc3agalnatt)cQ;cclcfiaft{calllatos, to ioftatenD lucre tbc Itatutesof 23Eliz,
2 8Eii7..&c.maDcagainttmcn foj abftatntng anunot commtngfo SDttJtnefcrs
tjtccic. anDtoljp Dtt) tliofe 0rts infltrtapcnaltp of2oUt^eniontlE>>ant)(mpjt=
foninent, ic. toitli a Difcljarge of t^epenaltp, %t, upon fubmidton, ift^s ^ig^i
CommtlltonersmtgfttljatiefinEli anO impjiToneD tbcm abiblutclp totfljoutcer=
fatntpofanpfum, oj Umitatton of anp timeofimpjtfonmcnt.anDluttljoHt an?
abilttp oj polBcr bp fubmillton oj confojmttp to cafe tdemfclticc^ iJnDi'ct ab-,
fcnccfrom2Dtt3tnereri3icetsamecrCtcleriafttcaUcanre; anD tljc ItKc map be
faiD of Dil^ers ot\)zv acts of garltamenf of Itfee nature.
%\fn9 ^atl) t^ts ffatute been platnlpeFpoimDcD bp tfic parts of tfjs fame, accoj?
Ding to tl)C naturall anD genuine fenfe, anQ t&c o jiglnall Inff Itutf on anD jur tsDi*
rtconoft^c l^tgljCommtlllonbp fo?cc oftljcfato aatrulpejpjejTcD.
SltiO concerning tlje fojm of Comrniffions anD pjatttce bp tlje !^iglj Commff-
fioners tntJie reign of t^c late ^ueen Eliz. bp fining anD hnpjifontns foj aDulfc*
rp, fojnlcatton, ftmonp, ufurp, Dcfamatlon.ic. tt map be tftat fticlj fines Ijatjc been
tmpofeD,buf,asUjebc InfojmeD.notoneof tIjemlettteD in alltljcrelgnof iSaeen
Eliz, bp anp juDlclallpjoccacout of tl)c ^vcljequcc in tljetime of s>ic tdward
Sanders, iobo teas (ttitcf loaron at t^e time oftficmafeliifcof tfec faiD act, 0ic
Robert Bell.S>lr John JefFeries,&ii: Roger Manvvood, Oj S){r William Peryam
Cftlef Jfarons of t\)Z CDwI^cquer : &o as in all tt)c late £I5ueen3 time Cas toe be
infojmeD) no fine toas lettcD, oj anp fubjea In t)is boDp lanDS oj gcoDs cbargcD

tt)eretult4> to^tcti tooulD not ^atie been bp fo manp loo^ttip men aaiQeD tuitU Di'
ters otftcr gratic anD learneD 51Barons p>eterraltteD f o be eltftcr IcblcD c? iujitten'
foj bp tl)e *Xoprt , ifbplatotljefameougijttol^bc been letJleD. ^nD f lie fubjccts
f foj t^c greatclt part)being tojongfnllp fineD, impjifoncD, anD injureD bp colour
offl)el!5lgft»i:ommtfrion, asfeeDnoaDtiifctotafeeanpojDtnarp rcmcDp,foj fbat
tbe it^tg^ CommtJttoners(fenototng t&c tceafeneiTe of tbeir autftojifp) Hept tfte
CommKTion fecret, anDcontrarp to lato anDjufiice fuSfcreDnott^efameto be
f nrollcD as tie fabject llbeD unDcr an nnfenolcn Commiffion
in tlje cftancerp, to

anDautftOjlfpC&Mireracftfervicusubi JUS eli vagum auc incognicumj untill

oflatetl)clLo;D(]rt)ancelo3i(asl)at{)bcenfalD)acco;Dinsto lato caufcDtlje fame
to be InroUeD ; anD tierp fcto upon fcrious confiDcratlon tooU an eract furbep of
all tbe parts of tt)c act of i Eliz. anD tljts Is tlje caufe loljp ttjeir ^D^cfiDcnts ( if
tljep affirm trulp) map be manp, cfpeclallp againft tfte toca^r ro;t: anD tftc jiiDg*
ments anDp^eriDents in fbcl^ings «£;our is concerning f^efe mattera,fct]},as tbep
gi\)conf,ciargin&tl)e3!nDgcsof tlje IRcalm Inltb Slnnotjatioit anD pet fomc
being intolcrablp griebcD, fometime fo fljctr utter unDofng,bptbc^iglj.tom*
miffionerSjUpori complaint maDe to tlje tjlgljeft Courtsof ojDb.arp JuCice in
ti)ls IRealmt^eBiuDges uponconliDeratton^aDofttjcltatuteof i Eliz.totjicljis
tfte founDatlon iubereupon fbe l^tgi^ Commiffion iagrounDcD, l)3l)e,a3 often
as complaint Ijatb been maDcrcltebeD tftem accojDing to lalo anD jiiiltcc,
31n Atmerej cafe tfte to^olc Court of CBjrc^qner in tljclafe £Uuecnsreign, jH«
Diciallprefoll-cD, being tiic teings pjoper Court , t&at-tljc ^^igft commiaioncts
coulDnotpunifljani'manfojtoojlJingona ^o[p Dap, albeit tt be a matter of
(il;cclefia(ticallconufame > tutougljtbp tlje true meaningoftI)eSatnte of i Eliz.
Tayiursfafe, to be punifijcD bp tlje HOloccfan, toijtclj Ic fobefccn Of KccojD.
M'ch.44&45Ei. aifo in tfte reign Of £15 ueen Eliz. William TaylorClcrft, i3^rronof&pJins-
^^^ in (iUffcj; DID impleaD William Mafly <3tnt, befoje ttje ^^iglj Comnnffioncrs
slm* kT& 44
£i foj gi'Jing unrct^rcnt fpeec^cs to tljc ipiniKer.icfo? carrying Ijis Co?n on ^BoIp
Cap. 74- Of Ecclejiajiicall Courts. j^5
lwp9 foj not anD ^arffl&ioncca to come f^jongb ft(«
ftiffcrfit? tfje faarfojt

parD in

lHogation loccb
in %
perambulaf ton , anD not siting ttjem a rcpaS as
fenocheo on tfte parfons Barn Ooo:, anD
nfaallj) IjcljaD tljaf ^c tofjiftlcoanD
faiD^cDlDUtoniahc^immuffquefo^ ^(s Daughters marlaae, ano monpotfjer
^rtUlcs of lite nature; ant) it U)a0 rnlcD upon open motion, ana often Debating
bp tl^e to^olc Court of ^iCommon pleas, t^jat tljc l^igft commiffioncrs foulD not
Deal tottb fuel; infcrionr offences, (jut arc to be left totbepjopec Dioceran,tol)o
fetorcfojmtftefametoitfjleffccbargeaiiDtratcll in tfte pjopccSDtoccffe. anD
thereupon a ^joljibitiontoasgranteD bp tl)Cilourtof»£ommon59lca0,to^ece»
bp it appearctfj, tijat tbep cannot l)olD plea of all ©cclcfiafticall caiire0.
2Lt)elibeiBjol)ibittontoa3granteDontoftf)c <!:onunotiplca0 int^e faiDIate ^'.-y"."'^'
(I5aeen0 reign, bettocen Robert Pool cicrb parfon of Mincljeirep,anD Thomas xrt"'"V"''^'*" '

Gray,to tfte ©igl) urommttrioncrc , fo;i tfjat t^p IjelD plea fo? affaulting anD lap> , ^
j'j.Vn cou,l
tng violent ijanDfl onttjcfaiD Robert Pool being a JDarfon, upon open motion b.«.ico.
anD argument bp tfte toljolc Court. simjc 40 eHz.
banco, anD Wats a '"Co™,
Hil.3 Jac,Regis,inCommuni bettoeenLyn fo>p?omifcof pa"^'''*^
geerlp fum
in mariage. T/ieTike in the
'Trin^j Jac. in Comncuni Banco, bcttoeen Jeneway^rfonof€'f« K.ngsEei.cb,
p^fch. 59 hm.
fCF, anD Porter foj Defamation, anD laping t)iolent ^nDS on a \£lerb.
janD concerning fine anD imp jifonment, AnnopRegim Eli?., ioljlrij tDa0 p°f h"""'?
about etgljt pears after tljeaatutc of I Eliz. &ir James Diet anD Ditjcr0otljer ibiJemKot ""<
of t^6 3uDge0 tDcre t&cn litjtng, tftat toerc pjcfcnt at tl^ making of tbe faiD fta^ Tr. 3 jac.fa
tute, Httiirnp of tfjc Common picas, being contienfeD befo?c tfje
Thomas Lee an Com' Banco
^igftCommitfioners forbearing of a jpaffc, toasbptljcm in tbctr pjoceeDings
committcD to pjifon , tobiclj matter being returneD bp Habeas Corpus , be '-^
Kot i^'^ "^"'
toasupon great conCDcratioitbaD, bptlje ?Lo:d DieraiiDffjs tobole court of aCc.
Common pleaa DifcbargeD of bts inipjifonment , foj tbat t^c ^^igb Conmiiifion
no polDcr to impnfon bim in tbat cafe.
acbclifeercfolutioniiias in iSEliz.bptS^ILojDDier, anD tbetnbole Court of js EiDicrfot
Common pleas, in tbc cafe of one Hinde , tnbo being contenteD bcfoie tbc l^igft Hmdes cafe,
Commtllioners foj 3irurp,to anftoer,5C,iDas thereupon tmpjifoneD bp tftem.f bp
Habeas Corpus DeliliereD,fojtljaftbe{mp;ifonment in tbat cafe iwas unlatDfall.
i5piDarrantfromtl)c!^iof)Corttmisrtoner3 in tbe reign of £5uecn Eiiz.Di- simpfons cafi ba-
rcctcD to Richard Butler ConUablc of ^IDjington in tbe countp of ^ojfbamp* ^".'Vh-^"'-'^',*
ton, foj attatbiiig anD arrelting of tbe toDP of J ohn Simpfon of a'lDjinr ton afo?e.
rhaion"" h""'
' '

faiD, anD bjinging bis boDp bcfojc tbe !^igb conimiffioners in cafe of aiDiiUerp 41 eiu.
toitb tbeiuifc ofEdward Futte , tbe Conftablc seeing alTiacD \33it\} one VViJlfam
feroant of tbe faiD Edward Fufte, tbe faiD conftatlc toitb Johnfon came
to a (MiDotos bonfe in aiDjington Inbere tbe faiD simpfon toas^nD t\)t Doo?.0 |je:=
fngotjentooulDbatJcatcigbt of tbe tlocfe atnigbt arretteD Simpfon bp tbe faiD
OTarrant, tsbicb tbe faiD Conltablc reaD unto bim,not\uifblIanDing" tbe faiD

Simpfon tbem, anD In bis oton Defence CanD HbetocD boto ) Ceto tbe faiD

Johnfon tbaf tame inatD of fbc faiDConttablc. j(I5oto tbe qucftion befoje tbe 3Iu--
ftices of atfife of tbatCoimtp, (simpfon being in tbe Oaol tbcreiiij WM^is
offence Uias toberein tbe Doubt relicDinfbis tobetbertbe Conftable migbt
:f ,

latofuUp atfatb anD arrcft tbeL-oDp oftbefaiDSimpfon,(tobtcbinlaln{3anfm.

foj if Ijc baD laioftill autbo?if p to arreftbim, tljen tijc offence teas
iDilfullmarDer in billing one tbaf came inaiD of a {pinitter of 31utticein ere*
cution of bt3 office : but iftbeConSablcbaDnolalDfull aatbo;iitpfoarrcabis
boDp bp fo:ce of tbe l^igbConTmiCfioncrsCCTarrant,tbcn toas it but fe defenden-
do, afmall offence, tobiti) Doul?t tobollp confrftcD upon ronttrurtion of tbe
llatutcofi Blit. foj bp tbe iiettcrs patents erpjcffcautboiifp isgii'cnto tb«
^i^b Commitrtoners to fenD foj tbe loDp of anp offcnDoj,^c. bp |purfetant,oj bp
CSlarrant. £Cbc matter being tocigbtp,anD tbe faiD Simpfon being bp tbe Cojo*
ner0 intitiell ihoiiTcDof totlfnll murDcr,fuppofingtbe faiD Marrant to be latoful",
fbefutticesof Hffifetboutibtnot gooDto pjocccDagainftbimattbofc ^^iTifeOjlut
^^\ka : Sit tob^it time after f bis long time of Dclibera=
DefcrreD tttill tbe nejt
$t tion.
33+ Of Ecclejiajlicall Cap.y^.
tton npon conference, it toais refolteD , tfiatt^efiatnfe of £iiz,cat)eno
anti i


tot^e ^tg^ Commtftioners to mabcanp ^

arrant to arrcat^c boDpof

Sitnpfon tn tftat cafcbut ouglit to Ijate pjocceDcD bp citation: anD tbcrefojc tftat
Simpfon btUing tlje fatD Johnfon tjaticonmiitteD no murDcr ; anD fo tfje Surp up«
on l)is arraignment foiniD bimnotgutltpofmurDcr atcojDing totljc Diretttonof
Suprapag.jjj. f^eCoart,a0itappearetftbgtbclRcco}Dit felf. 0nD it toas refolbeD in Grayes
Grayes cafe.
cafe afojeratD , t^at foj tfie battcrp of a £j)iniffcr tiiep coulQ not fine anD im*
cafe, in CommUfi
ni Banco.
William Thicknes bat)ing tfte pjitileDgc Of t^e Court of Common pica©, ^ao
a Habeas Corpus to t^e ^ftertf Of ilonDon foj ftis boDp,lDtt^ tbc caufcijc being
unDer tl^eir cufioDp, to^ returneb t^at t^e l^igl^ Commtfftonero ^aD committcD
|)imtot^ctrcuffoDpbpfojceof Ijis ^a
jetties Commiffion foj taufcs flEcclefix
atticalUanD of t^c ttatutetn t^at cafepjotjiDeD , fo; tljat^e teas conticteD before
tijem of jaDnlterj), anD oftjer contempts anD cnojtnitfcs appertaining fo CBcclcfr*
afticall connfancc 2inD tl^e cafe being Dcbaf eD in open Court, ^0 loas Difcljargca

ofl^tsimpjifonment,fo}fbatb^t^ettatuteof i E\ tifzs coulD notimp^trontiim,

*{H.8.cap.i9. 315p tbeftatuteofaj H,8,cap.i5). it is enatftcd , that for lack ofjufticeator
wichin any of the Courts ofthe Archbiihops of this Realm , or in any of the
Kings Dominions, it fhall be lawfiill to the parties grieved to appeal to the
Kings Court of Chancery, and that upon every fuch appeal Commiiiions Qiall
be direSed under the Great Seal to fueh perfons as fliall be named by the Kingi
Highneflcj&c. which Cotnmiffioners fo by the Kings Highneflc) &c. to be na-
med or appointed, (hall have full power and authority to hear and finally deter-
mine fuch Appeaii and that fuch judgment and fentcnce as the faid ComroilTlo-
ncrs ftiall make and decree in and upon fuch appeal, fliall be good, cfFeduall, and
definitive,®a^ft^ luojDcalbeit tljep be moje generall,f initti letfe reference to ttic
pjeceDenf matter, tben t^e 3l(t of i El. pet l^aijc fac^ commiffioncrs no colour fo
fine Oj tmpjtfon anp:but to^cre t^e UsojDS i)e[and fnchjud^ement and fentencc as
the faid Commiflioncrs fhall make and decree] tt)efe gencrall tDOjDs l&atje tbefe
tD0?DS (mplicite anriereD to tftcm [according to the Ecelefiafticall laws] ^all fcc
gooD,effcctuaU,fc, &oint^eftatufe of lElizJutft toojDs are tmplttite fo be
aDDeD to t^e fatD claufe,viz, 2Cbat tije !^ig^ Commitfioners flball emate f^e p?e.
mitfes acco^Dfng to t^e fatD ^Letters |Satents bp t^eruleoftlieCcclcftafitcall
latD oj ^utftojitp of parliament. anD Once tlje ?^tgl) Commiffion iiiasinrob
leD anD maoepubliqucmanppjoljtbitions&atjc been grantcD accojDing to Jlato
anD upon complaint maDe bptfte parties grietJcD.
Sim tl)e reign of tf)C faiD late sSnecn teas rcfoltcD, tljat tftc ?^tg6
Commiffion QjoulD be llmiteD to certain particular cnojmous anD cvojbitant
caufes,U)!)ic|)tf it iserepurfueD tooulD b^eeD great quiet anorepofe isittiint^e
SeeHil.irEl. 3n reign of t^e fatD late £Iiueen a ^jol^ibttion loas granfeD bp &fr
Hsnt.Evans Cle- Jannes Dier c^tcf 3ttftitt, anD tfte fcotjole Court of Common pleas, i o Fcbr. An-
ricumqucren' & no 21 Eliz.tot^el^igftCommtHionerSfoj tjjattljep did t>olD plea de jure Advo-
Thomam Jeffc- cationis.
riesClericum ^
0nD in mp HojD Anderfocitimc In tlje reign of Sitmn Elizabeth t^e Court
(tHil.5 Jac.
of Commonpleas granteD Dtters JDjo^tbitions, as it appearctft befoje, anD ftoo
of fpeciall notebettueen Baker anD Brcvughton,anD anotljcr betineen Blackheath

Mich.41 &4Z
El- Roci9i9. anD tl)e 0iid in mp iiojD Gaudies time IbIjo fucceeDcD
Bittiop of €5loucefter.
and an Attach-
tftelLojD AnderfonanDenjopeD l)is place but a fljojttime, pet in ttjaf time tfte
Kient thereupon,
Court of Common pleas granteD IdjobtbittonS alfo to ti)e ^igti Commit
Micli.4i&45 El.
£^anpott)er p?ol)ibttions tjat^ebeen granteD fo tl^e ^tgt) Commiffioners out
of tlje Court of Common picas of after times.
31n t^e liiings Bench t^crc arc alfo manp ^Djofttbifions granfcD totfje !|?{gl).
Commtfffonerstnt&e times oftbe^lojD Wray,ilojD.Popham , JLojD Fltming,
&c.lDl^{cb are to tl^e fame effect as tbofe Vo^tcHat^e been cttcD be.
^nD toec toill concluDe toitl) tbe confcffton of t^e JiojD ^rc|ibifl&op Ban-
Cap. 7+' OfBccleJta/licall 33^
croft ijimfeU inW-- Article, Ifia oton toojDs faefngt
Of latter dayei whereas
See the Arcicic"
'"'^ anrwcrsin
for for nocorioui adaltery and other
certain lewd perron$,Ctwo example fake)one
of this Kingdome
ontolerablc concemptj, and another forabufingofa Bifliop lnflitf,tes°huhc
tearmes, no way to be endured,
byihreaining fpeeches and fundry ravhng iSxpifiiionof
the Commiffioners tUl
were thereupon fined and itnprifoned by High they Anicui!Cl.ri,&c.
further orders of the laid Court, the one
fhould enter into bonds to perform
was delivered by HAheas Corpm out of the Kings Bench > and the other by
a like writ out of the Common pleas , and fundry
other Prohibitions have

been likewife awarded to his Majeftiesfaid CommifTtoners upon iheicfuggc-

flionsjthat they had no attrbr-riry to fine or imprifon any man,&c.
315p'tbt8 Slrttclc tt appcarctf), tftat faefoictfjetimeof ffjeCI)(cf lafftcc of

the Couct of common plc^stbatnoiD Is* anDbefojc Diners of ttje3tiDsrc0.f^

iioU) be,tDcrctallcDto be 3!«Dsc3bp t^e tuDgment anD refolntlon bot!> oft^

Court of iitngo IBcwMnD common pleas bp Habeas Corpus , tljepartfes tJjat
fn cafe of aouUerp anO
toerc finet) anD tmpjtfcncD bp tljc i^(gl^ Commifffoncra
fcanoall of alBiOiop, fc toerc b? tlja laUi Dtfc^argCD, fo> t^atttje fintnsatiD
Inas unlatofulL
tmpjtfonmcnt of tbcm
of Common pleas Pafcb.
lanDt^fctDcrct^srcfolatfons oft^toljolc Coarf
ano maiure Deltbcratton, anU acco:5(nglp
9 Jacobi Regis, upon oftcn conference
tliep pjoceeDeD.

^ The Prerogative
Court of the Archbifliop of
Curia ^rerogatm Archiepifcoj^ Qintuarienfis.

JC^bs ts ttje Court iobtrcfn Ceftamenf s be pjobcDwD aU aom(a{ffraf f*


ons tDljcrettjcpartptipfngtoftbfn Ijts pjotjtncc Ijatft

bona norabiiia,
in fomc otftcr 2D ioceOe f ften tobere be Dtetb, tubtcb regnlarlp is to be to t^ ua*
lue of s ! but til tbc 2>toceffc of iiotiDon (t is i l, bp compoation,
Coinmons aCcnteD in full l^arltanamf , tbaf tlje RotPar.KjR.i.
SDlje Biftops 3L03DS anD

»"•'<>• "'^f'^
li(n!X,ftti5beirsanO fuctcJTojs migbt latnfuUp
mabctbcfr aettamcnts, auDt^af
Doubt teas maoc befojc. ©ce
^" "

cretutton ftall be Done of tbc fame,tDbcrcof fome

Rot.PaM^ fbc2CcaaracntofBtngH.4.anD bis etccufaja refuCeD,
to grant aDminiftration tottb tbe 2:etta=
tbe artbbiifiop of Canferburp teas
mcnt anncrcD tbc fame, &ce i H, 6» nu. 1 8. tbe latt Mill aoD erecutojs of

H,?. ioH.6,nu.z7*
CSSljentbemingismaDeancErecufojoftbclaftQSaill anD SEcftaraenfofanp
crecutionof tbetsaSiU
otber, tbeliingDotb appoint certain perfonstotabctbe
tobom fucb as babe caufe of fuit nrap bjing tbeir Sition; aoD
upon tbcmfanaintt
S»eeRot.Par. ijHAKathenne^aEen Rot.Pir.xjH.5.
appolntetbotbccstotafeetbe Account,
jDoixjagerofcBnctlanD^motberofHAmaDcfterlaftMtUanDCeaamcnt, q.]^:^-,^^-
folc cSrecutoj, SnD tbercupon tbc fiing
tbereof conftttutcD BingH.n. bet .^j^.^pudBer-
appointeD Robert Rollefton,ClcrU,!^ecpet oftbcgreat
MarOjobc, JohnMer- mondfey.
flonanD Richard Alreedefquircs, foerccute tbcfaiD «tU bp tbeobcrfigbtof
SDube of 4Dlouc'. anD tbe llBiQjop of JLfnCo} of tU)0 of tbem to
Ibe 'iDarDif all, tbc
tobo;n tbc^ UjomId account.
Cbsfijobatcofebero llBifljops aCcffanient oj granting of ^Dminittration

offti3gooD3,altbou?bb5 ijatl) not gooDS but tott&inbis oinn jHrisDiaton, Dotft

SCbeltUe court tbc arcb'^iftop of 30ci?fe ft^tt
iFromtbis court ibc Appeal is fo'tbe IS t'lg inCbanccrp. Jpoto foacblngfbe
of li5tfi)op3,«, fucb podifs as
tutiaDtttion of tbts court, anD tbc v^onftaojies
l)atefaBenjuD(c{alUi'rcfoltiED,arcneceffarpfobe rcmcnAjcD, botb fojfbefafetp
of tbe 3iuDcie;anD tbc benefit of tbc parfp infereScD.
^7^6 Of Ecclefiafiicali Courts, Cap, 74..
BIfamanDieintefEafe ^ai)tngbonanotabiiiainl}ft}er0 2Dttice((e0, t^ Blttijge
oft^tflCotttttjat^afeD to affeffc a contienient fitmto be tmploj^eDmpios ulus»
bat tDitI) t^er^ limitations foUotuing: ir 3t mutt Le aCtec i^Dminifiratton

0ranteD, ant) t^ BIntentojp maDe anD returned, to tl^ tm t(ie at date of ttje in*
teffate map be bnoton. 2. K%z 0Dmfnifiratoj befoje anp affcflcment nuiG be

calleDfoitaot^eintcnt t^ auDgemapbeiiifojir.eD o( tjje tiuc ftate oftbc3i{t«

tcftate, ant) of ^is cIjilDjen ant) feinreD,foj io^ofe fnccour anD relfef tftetc is c. real

pietp. %\it 3* t^affcffement muft be in partitiriar, ^oto mncd, to ana mom,

to l»f)at u(e» 4. i^l^ere nnifi a publtqne act bo maoe of if before anp fiaprocnf
bemaDe* 5. papmentmnftbemafie aaojDing fot^e ;a(l. JLaftl^tbeSnDge
ongl&t not Dicertlp oj inoirectlpto tafec anp t^ing tfereof to bis oton ufe , noj foj
tljeaHedJemcnt tliereof o^ entritT$ tl^pnbltque^£t,ant)tfi^e Z)ott),itt0 i^rto?.-
Slttt) Termino Mich. lo Jacob'i Regis , ^iv John Bcnnet 3!tlligeof fftis dTowrt,
Mich 10 Jac. In
CaiieraScellac}. fo?not obfcrtjing oftl^ferplea toasi fentenceD in
Star^cftambcr foj (leictoj*

tion,anDfinet)atttDentpttionfant)pount)9,inipjtroneti, anD DtfabUD eticr after

to bear an office, as bptibcfentenccappcaref^, ^iitj tfte Itfee o?t)ers anD rules
nniftbeobfcrt3CDinallrcfpcas(fat3ingtljc ttoofojmer) in comnuitation of pc=
nance, tD^tctittoo former Doe not concern t^is matter. j^InD tbefe rules as tuell
concerning affeffcmcnfs in piosufus, upon granting of iSDminiSfrations , astoj
tommatation of penance, map fertje foj tl)C Direction ofalltlje £D}Diiiarics anD
SnDgcs in Cccleftafticall courts in CBnglanD.
iiH.S.cap.f. severe toas an 3£tmaDe Annon H,8. concerning fees fej pjobafcofiLaff
Mich.5jac. Reg. Mils anD 2Ccftaments,anD granting of 0Dminittrattons. 31n tbccafc of James
Kot. ijoi. ia
Rowfe commiCferp of tbe 0rct)Deacon of ?^«ntingDon , in an 3!nfojmation a--
gainft bimbp EdmondNealcfoj (Ejtojtion upon tftefaiD ftatute of 21 H. 8.
iD^ereunto lie plcaDeD not gniltp , anDloas fonnDguiltp , t^z point in queftioii
upon 3Infojmat{onlsas,ift|e)^?obate benottojittenupontlie XeQament
See the j part of but upon tbeSCran&riptlngroaeD.tD^etgertbe taking of a fee bptljeSDe^
fenDantfoj^t^eingroningtoeretDittiin tl^e faiDftatnte^ ^nD it Inasupon De^
the Inftir. Cap.
bate in open Court refoltjeD bp tlje Cfjief 3«tticc , anD fijc reft of tbc Suffices,
VValmfly,Warburton,FofleranD Daoid, t^at fucl^ a fee fahcufoj ti}C ingrof=
Seethe Aft. fingtoaslsit^intl^ellatute, fo; t^at ttie 0lt is in tbe jpegatite. ;S!nD if tljc
cBvecuf oj requeft anp to fngroffc tbc Cettamcnt , be muft agree Vaitlj bint, tbat
Note this. be fo requeff (oj bjtng one rcaDp ingroffeD ioitb btm as be DtD in tbe cafe in quc«
Cion,lDbicbi«afafeattDreaDptoap) but tbc ^jDinarp o; Commiffarp ougbt
not to etart a fee foj it of tbepartp as a fee Dnc to bim, fo? Diticts caufcs. iFirft,
foj tbat tbc toOjDS are erpjetfe for the the Probation,&e. or for Regiflring, Sea-
ling, writing, praifing, making
of Inventories,&c, tobicb iOOjD(writingy! epfenDS
totbiscafe. feeconDlp, tbe ioojDS be, or any thing eoncerningche fame probate,
anD toben tbe &eal anD ^jobatc is put to tbe SCranfcriptstbis concerns tbe pjo=
batcfojtbe ^jobatc is not put foanp otber tujiting. SI^birDlp. if fucb a conttru-
(tion fboulDbe maDe, tbat tbis cafe is out of t^c itatnte, tbis beneficiall lam
03onlDbe{llurorpanDt)ain,foj iftbe)©?Dinarp oj bis Commiffarp migbt tajjs
tobat be toonlD foj tbc ingrolTing bp bis Clerbs as a fee Due to bim, tbc ^& (boulD
Scethewordsof beofnouc cffect; auD tbe manner of tbe pjecife penning of tbc iSctanD tbe
the Aa at large.
£erta(ntp of tbe fees, anD not abotJCfbonlD be allintjain. ^uDtbc €>jDinarp,
if betoilUmap anncr tbc }E!jobnfe to tbe S^cftamcnt it fclf , as feeing be can
baije no otber fee tbcn is in tbc aatuf e,it mai' be bercafter be iaill Doc: but foj tbc
mifrcciting oftbe^aofn h.8. intbe Snfoimation, Curia ad vifare vult: anD
tbis refoUitionevtenDIng to all Courts of Cccleftafticall jurisDtstioii tbat bauc
^jo'jate of jCcftamcntSjlDC tbougbt it net clTari; to mafee a memonsll of it.

€ ne
Cap. 74. Of Ecckjiajlicall Courts. 337

^ The Court of tie Arches ofthe

Archbipmp ofQanterhury,
Hi!. 7 E i.coram
2Clif0 dCoart is called Curia dc Arcubuj , an& ^at^ been anc<cntU' IwlDen (n
Rfge Rot. 8.
3I5oto Ciburcij of 5lLonDon. ifo? 3 rcaDont tn a JHetojD of a |0jol)tb(tton Ter- I'alch 11 E.i- in

mino Hil.coram Rege A nno 7 E- Curia Chrinianitatis

> coram Decano Eanco.lflTo.Gu-
litliKusde Mor-
de Arcubus London, €)£ llBoto C^arc^ (n JLontion, Ujt)Erc (l)e Court tjatljconttn««
: 2 ot^er
allp been bept, tD^fcl^anli pariOies in ^lontion , iDljereof li5oU) is ttje &r.
t^tcf, arc iDltftfii tjje pccnUar jurifDf
ctfon (n fptrltuall caufes of t^c 3rcf)bi(ftop of See Dicry Eli z.
Canter h«rp,anDC):empf from tftcBfftiop of JlonDon. 141.
%\^t BluDge of XW
Court is calteti t^ Dean of t^ SLxOats, onto to^fe off tci-
altp in fepirltaall caafes to t!)c 3rc^btlI)op of Canterbnrp is anncjreD t^c peculi-

ar lurtfDtitton of tbcfc ? fUariiljes. 13c ^atfj ojDtnarp jarifDidion in S>pirifa'

all canfes of t^c firS inSance, % b? 0ppeal t^ioug^ tt)e ioliole IDjobince of Can^
terbarp, as appcaretfj bp tfje ftatutc of 24 H.8,cap.i 2, l^is potocr to call anp
24H.8.CSP l^.

foj anp taafe out of anp part of ^ts J^joDince in t^c SD toces of anp otljer, I
Eliz.cap. 1.
anleSe it be upon appeal is reffratneb bp tljc Qattiteof 21 H.8.cap.9. '^W II 8.C.-.P.9.;
zj H.S.cap. i9._
Court in tt)c flfaf tit e of2> H.S.cap.ip.iscalleDfljcCoMrtoftbcartljes.ojau'
tience of ttjc i3rcl)bHJjopof Cantcrburp anD from ttjts Court of tlje jartlics t^c

in Cljanccrp bp t^e fatD ^Jt of 2 y H,8.

Slppcal is to tfte !&tng

^ The Court of Audience. Curh Audkntla Cantuarienfis.

SCljis court is fecpt bp Vjz ^rc^biC&op in l^is |0alace, ani) meDlct^ not toitft
anp matter bettocen partp anD partp of contentious jurtfDic*^ion, but Dcalet^ toit^
matters pro forma, as confrtmattons of IStihops elerttons , confccrations , ano
t^e lilte, anD Init^ matters of toluntarp jarifDiction , as ttie granting of tlje
gartiianCbipoft^erpiritualttes >He vacamcotBtlbops, aDmiftionanO inDtttutt-
on to SScncficeSj otfpenftng luttl) Bancs of matrimonp,anD luc^ lifee,

C Tl^e Court
ofthe Faculties.

'EW is alfo a Coulrf,alff)Ottftf) if fjoltictl) no plea of confrotJcrlJc (!U?c tfic Court Vi.iS H.8.C3.I5
anO bis £5fficcr II H.S.cap-ij.
of auDtsncc ncrt before.) It bclongctf) to tl)s ;3rcl)btQ)op, is cal-

leD Magiitcr ad Facultates. SnD ftispotoer iStograntSDifpcnfations, as to

5 Eli2.cap.16.

ittarrp, to cat flcti) on Dares pjofjtbitcD, (anD fo mapebcrp SDioccfan) tbe &onne
tofucceeDtjtsiratbcr in ^is IScncficc, one to ftabcttoo o: mojcSBcneficcs incom«
patiblc, «c. it is callcD iFaculf ics tn t^c ftatnte of 2 8 H 8, votjic^ in one fcnfe

&o as (in f Ijis fcnfe) difpenfationes & indul-

Cgnifictlb Difpcnfatton, facuUates Commonly
ca arc fynonyma. called the Matter
of thcFaculcics.
SCljis autljojitpluas raifcD anD gibcn
to tbc ^rcbbiGiop of Cantcrburp bp tlje
ttatutcof ij H.8. cap.2»tlDftercbp antftojitp is gitcn to tb fatD ;arcf)bi(l)op anD Com.Banco.Rot.
i)is fucccffo?s to grant Siifpenfations, faculties, 5c. bpbimfelfojljtsfufficicnt »$jMifa.4.f.ii7.
ant) fubttantiall CemmiHart' oi SDepufp fo; anp fuel) matter, toijcreofljerctofoje,5jz
fuc^ Difpenfations, faculties,ic. tften IjaD been accuftomcD to be baD at tl)G a>ce of 51?.
Rome, 0; bp autftojitp thereof. ^ snijts 15?ancl) of tl)is 3tt pou ftall ftnD plcaDCD
Lib. plac'Ccpag.s 2,5 3. 1 1
Scechethi dparc
Concerning tbc potocr oftftc artl)bifIiop fo grant 2>irpcnfafionstoanpfo otthe-lnftit.cap.
cat ficH) on JFriDapes, featuroapca, C-mbjina Dapcs, Slligtls, anD ?Lcnt , tlje Diet. pog. zoo.

fame is limttcD bp tbc ffatuteof j Eliz. cap. j. 0nD t^c penaltp of s EhV. in tfjat
5 5 Eiiz.cap.7.
cafe is DinuniflicD anD maDclclTcbp ^ij Eliz.cap.7. jlJote tljc (tatute of 5 Eiiz.
17 Eliz.cap.ii.
concerning eating of flcfl) on tKiIcDnef Dapes is repealcD bp 27 Ellz. ca. 1 1 . to^icft Lib pI.C0.57i*
art of27Eli7..i3 nffirmcD bp tljcartof 35Elii.anDbp2i Jaccap.iS. anD er-- 17
; Caroli ca.4,
pjcflp bp tbc Ctatutc of 3 Caroli cap. 4.
Vid.j$ Eliz.c./.
d Curia
^^S Of Ecclejiajlicatl Courts,
Cap, 74..

^ Curia feculiaritm. The Court of Peculiars.

SC^e 0rcl^bi0iop of canterborp W^

a pretaltar jurifDtctton in Sfters
£bed tott^tn tl^ Citp of ilonDon ano otfter 2b ioccffes, ic

^ T7)e Qn/ijiory Qourts ofthe and ^Bipop^.


se Lit ^cft t J J
^Cfje confiff ojp Court of eljcrp artplflbop mm
JBtfbop of cterp SD toces ia
s 26 648. <l£ ccleaafticall caufcs ts b^lDeit I'cfoje Ijf s cftancelonr tn ^fe datfjcDjall Cfturcli,
oj befojc tjis ^ommtflarp fn places of tfte HDtoceo far remote atiD Dtaanf from
tftc llSiffiops Confiftojp,fo as tl)C *i:|ianc0lopr cannot call t^cmto fljc Conaftojg

j4H.4.cap.i2. iDttljoat great traDell anD loeraffon : anD \)t (s calleD Commiffarias foraneas*
iFrom t^efe tbe appeal ts to f^e arcljbUlwp of etfljcr pwl)lncc rcfpedttjelpttoftcn

Confiifto?ie0 of arctjblflbops anD SBtG&ops began iDtt&tn tljUi Healra , fee be*
foje tn tbe ^Cbapter of tbe Coarn of tbc fi>l)ertflfc» H.5 3t appcarctb bp manp HccojDs fn tbc retgns of H, 3 anD E.i. (30 taking
in.4. mandatum fomc onc o> ttDO ersmples foj man?) tbatbpfbclaVDanocaaomc of©nglanDno
eft Thorn, de
BifDopcooiDmafec Ifis toill of \)is gooDSoj cbattclscommttw of bts I'^ifbopjick,
^^' toitbont tbe totng0 licenfc. %l)t IBlIftops tbat tbcp mtgbt treclp mafee f bete
Irr-at ,^E I

m.M.Rexlicent. ^Hs, petlDcD f gite to fftc iifng after tbeir Deceafeo refpeiJtbelp foj cber S>tic
dedjt Ep.icop. tbtng0. I. SCbefr bett Bojfe oj ipalfrcp toitb bjiDle anD faDDlc. 2. Cloafe a
• loltba Cape. ?. ;©nc Cuptottbaeobcr. 4, iDne llSafonanDetoer* 5-. £)n8
It is faid chat
3|^j„g df g(,|5, ^ ^{g lacnncU •i !^oanD0. jFoj tbcfe a mtit tffnctb out of tbs
thSif p7b^i^g CBrcbequer after tbe Dcccafe of cberp jlBtOiop : i?o? crample.Rex &c. Vie' Eboru,
fecular performs Prseipimus tibijtjucd noo omit' propter aliquam iibcrtatcm,quiD earn ingrcd' &
dirtring' cmncs exeeutorcs tcftamcnri &
ultima: vclamatis reverendiflimi in
all the fccular
chrifto patris Matthaei nuper Archicpifeopi Eljorum defonfti,ac adminiftracores
"^^' &occopatores bonorum
catallorum qu2 fuer'diifti nupcr
hsred' &tcnent* terrarum &
tentcrum qax naper fua fuer' per omnes terras &
catalia fua b balliva tua. quod nee ipli Dec aliqais per ipfos ad ea man' ap-
donee al' inde tibi prarceperimujf Et qiJO;i de cxitibus ;arundem terrarutn
robis refpond', & quod habeas corpora corum coiam Baronibus de Scaccario ro-
ftro apnd Weftrr.' a die Pafch^ioires feptimanas ad refpond' nobis denno
timo equo five pal fridoeum cello & frsno, UDachlamyde/ivedocacumcapella.
Uno cipho cum coopertorio. Una pel ve cum Javarorjo live aquar' ; & uno annulo
* muta
aureo, nee non canum qusnupcc fuer' ejufdcrn nuper Arch-.epifeopi tem-
'Mtiite da chei^
ofmuit coraeth pore mortis fax; & qax ad nos raiione prxrogativx aoRtx fpeitant & pettincnr,
a & dc prccio five valore inde, unde nobis cordam eft refponC Et habeas ibi tunc
KenncU. nomina cxccutorum& aliorum prardift'& horBrevc*
'"p Vwlci '
2nbcmoa ancfcntof tbts U(nD tbat Idc finD mtD remember (but certain^ fjcrc
pfoce's" vE*in
tocre facb ^SHritfl befo?c) (S inter Memorand' de Scacciiio, Anno z E,2, f|je J3N

Epifc.deBath & ftop Of liSatbcanD ©3Icl0 cafe. Tr. 36 E.3. ibid. Int.eomia, tbeBilfeopof Cbc»
Wcis. tiers cafe. Hil. j E.4. ibid. aDjoDge upon Demurrer , tbat ViZ Dntp being to tbe
Ijtng after tbe Deceafc of ebcrp 3iBill)op, it crtcnDctbto an Sn:bbia!op,tbc0rcb»
bifDop of |9o;fescafe,tojcberpS[rcb''tlbopi5a^ifi5op. It is foractimes calleD
Mic.19 F..3.C0- ttioUura OJ mulctara de Epifcopis, fomctime morurier, &:c SCbfi lilng bp berDtct
ram Regc Kot. (,{ ttocltje rccobercD ten tboufanD iparUs agatnff tbe Sttl'.op of Jlionutcb fo j tbat

Tr^E J
bep?orcc«teDagairttttbe^bbotof&. tdmondj Bury to appear befojebini na.ainft
foj Ujbtcb it tuas aDjuDgcD tbat bis tcjnpojalf tea ^oulD
,7o! Rege ttjciiiugs p^obtbttion,
li E.j.f...(5o. befeifeD^anD bisboDptaben,
-^R.t.cap.;. vUponconfiDeraflonbaDoftljcttatutes of :?R.7.7H.4. i H.y.&Ror.Parl.
7 H.4 cap.ii. g H, & 4 H.(5, nu.29, If anp ^Ken oj ftranger bojn be pjefentcD to a

Rot ^p«rU H.4. ' '

UPcncBcc, tbe JSiibop ougbt not to aDmit bim, but map latofullp rcfnfc bim:tob{tb
r.u.48. toebabc aQDeD, foj tbattbe ^bjiDgemcnfs opiate SmpjcCions map Dcceifcepou.
Cap.74- Of Scclejiaflicall Courts. 335^

C 'H^c Court
the Arch.Deacon,or hU
%^le Court fstobe l&olDen inhere ana {ittol[>at places tfje 0r£^=2Deacon ct« MHg.c-^
tljcrbp picfciription oj wmpofttfon batl) jnrtf Diction in fpirttucill catifes iyti!)iii
t){0 aw^Dcaconrf.
^nD from^im t^e Appeal is to tijc SDioccfan. fee is calico
Oculm Epifcopi*
3n fomc acts of piarUamcnt ano matip IRecojDS anD l^iffojices j,'oiift)all 1% r ,i'°'*''
urn of tlje lI5{Q3op0 jpall, Pallium Epifcopalc. 3t is a ^ooD of tu^itc Mooll, pan otX''^
to be toojn as H)otfo:s iS^ooDs beupon tl)c ftottlDcra.toitb foordCreffcs tooben in-- gioi ix mund!
toit,ic. fo?manD colours tobereofpou map fee in tbc Booh De amiquirate
tlbe f"-^°i-^-
BritannicsE Ecclefix pag.i (0% a pall is tfjc arms belonging to tbc Sec of iTan*

terburp, anD t^erefoje erp?cllc5 tljcre,

an D commonlp in otfter places.
"^/^ Su lie p.'i-

Palla eft veftisqua Altare coopcritur, viz.. ut linens pannus eonfccratns qui iia.'

otendirur Corporaie* Vocabubr'

fuper Aitare ponitur,l'uper quem jjris.

SCI^e iClcrgp petitionee in |9arliamcnf,t&atof cberpȣ:onfiilfattonconDitio-

of ijimfclf tafec upon true unDcrttanDtng tijcreof, ^^' ^
aall, tbc £D:D{narp map ^im tl^c ? '
e-j •

anDtl)ercinp:oceeD accoiDttiglp..
tMftcrenntotbel'iingsanftDcrtoas, That the King cannot depart with his
to his fubjetfls according to law. Notakoc^ &J}nde bc^e,
right, but to yeild

C Ty Court of Delegates and confequently ofAppeals,

St is fo tulprlp calleD , fcecaufc tftefe SDelcgates Do fit bp fojceoftljciafngs^.

Coiimiifrion unDcr ©jcat
f Ije upon an appeal to ttie laing in ttje Court of

C^ancerp in tbjcc caufcs, jFtrft, lol&en a tentence is giben fn anp (SccleCaaicall

taufe bp tfte arcljbifliop o j ftis £Dff iciall. S>cconDlp, toften anp fentence is gtben
in anp(Ecclc5a<>icallcaufe in places crempt, HfjirDlp, toljcn a fentence isgibcn
in t^c aDmiral! tloiirt in Tuits tittU aiiD marine bpti)e ojDcr of tl)C Cibttl lato.>
SlnD tljcfe Commiilioners arc calleD ©clegatcfl , bccaufe tljcp arc DelegateD by
tf)c litnas Commiffion foj tijcfc purpofcs.

j^oto" becaufc loc ftatc gcnerallp fpoken of Appeals in C-cclcfiatticallcaufeiy,

tobic^ arc grounDcD upon acts of parliament, it tball Ic pertinent to ear purpofe
to ret Doton tbc refolatton of tlic SuDgcs, anD of tbe IcarncD in tlje CcclcftaCicaU
lato= tobtcb Dotft fumme up in toljat caufcs, from tobat Courts, anD in loljat time
Sippeals are to be maDcano otfter necellarp inciDcnts concerning tbc fame, as tbc
of tbc pjint, % pet
5L0JD Diet unDcr bis oton banD batb rcpo;tcD> but arc left out
iDo:tbp tobcfenotonanDpubliOjcD, iubtc^ pouftall bearings otontoojDsanlJ

C Of Appeals.

Ccifcamcntarp, fpatrimonp,anD ECitbes, from tbc artbDeacon

jFtrlf, in cafes Appeal. Anno
tbc matter be tbcre commcnccD, to tbc Bifliop of tbc £)ioce8,
if ^4 h.s. ca.n.
oj bts £)fftciall,
anD from tbc llBiOjop 2Dtocefan o? bts CommilTarp in fucb cafe , oj if tbc matter
be tbcre commcnccD, toitbin fifteen Dapes after fentence giben, to tbc artbbtftop
of tbc p jotitnce, anD no furtber.
from tbc artbDcaconoiCommtffarpof tbcarcbbifbop, iftbematferbe
tbere commcnccD initbtn fifteen Dapcc^c. to tb« auDience oj arcbesoftbefaiD
arcbbiOlop ; anD from tbcnte toitbtn otbcr fifteen Dares, «, to tbc artbbilbop ^^^ .^.- ^^j^ .^

bimfclf, anD no furtber. ianDif tbc caufc be commcnccD bcfo?c tbc ;^rcbbiftop, aLiedJchefta-
tbcn to be tbcre DefinitibclpDctcrmincDtDi*bout furtber appeal. ditcofj; H.s.m
itctr,tobEr6 tbc matter towcbctb tbc lltng,tbeappcalU)itbin fifteen Dapcs to thcuextpig. ^

2AO OfEcclejtajlicali Courts, Cap. 7^.
ht ttta&e fo fije ^ig^r Contotation tjoafe of f^af p?ot)ince,ant) no further ,but n-^
nail? to be tl^ere ttetermineD.
ijH.8.cap.i9. agenerall pjo^tbitton, tliaf nojappealcsIfeaUbepurrueDoirtof flieKgalme
Item, a gcnerall Claulc tftat all manner of ^ppeales, tol^at matter foetcr t^cp
concern, t^all bcmaDe tn fuctj manner, tbjmc anDconDltton Voitlfxn t^e IRcalm,
astf tsabotieojDereDbp 24H,8.intl>etl^jeeCaurc6af03cfatD; anDonefurtfter
all manner of Caufes is gttjen, viz, fromtlje
fiegrcc in ^ppealcs fo? arcljbtftopa
Courttot^e MttQ tn ^tsCftanccrp, tofterea Commtffton Ojallbc atoarDeDfoj
f videfapr pag.
t^c Determtnatfon of t^e fatD appeals,
anD from tljentc no further,
Itcm.t&atpcrfonseremptajaU libeUJiteparfne tbctr ^ppcale (n tbe (£|>ance*
rp,ut fupra, anD not
tfte arclibtlftop.

i^ote,fncafctDftere afentence
is gltjenbpCommtffioncrs Uelcgafes
bp ti^e
Anno i ElizJIjepartpgrtcfeet) appealing, fnc&
appeale is out of tlje
jDers pjefcribeD bp tbe faiD S»tatutE0, ano tbc in pUim
cafe map grant
a neiu Commiffion to otliers to Determine tl)at Ec appeale.
eeo per Jopiniondcl plulbrsdes JutticcsenJc cafe de
fuit fait Goodman deprive
del Deanery de Wells.
Nota, Stephen Gardener Evefque de Winton, fuit deprive al Lambeth per
Commillion del Roy E 6. fait a lo pcrfons proceeding Ibr ceo ex officio mero
mixto vel promoto omni appcliatione remota fummaric de piano, abfqueomni
forma & figura judieii.folafafti veritate inipefta.
This cafe is in Et vide Mieh» 3 & 4 Eliz, Coueney Prefident del Novel Colledge in Oxon*
Di«fO' deprive per le Evefque
de Winton, Vifitor del dit Colledge, & exempt dc touc
105.3. jurisdiilion ordinary,rait appeale al Roy in fon C(iancery,& Commiffion illonq;
grant a A. Browne & Wefton Juitices, que far conference ove auters Jufticcs &;
Civilians, refoivc que le appeale ne gift, ne afcnn autcr remedic pur le appellant
fiait hors del dit Statute de 24 & 2 5 H, 8,car ceft
^pur ceo que cefti cafe deprivation
eft mere temporalli & come p ley provNExquo fequitur,que une ailife gi(t,&c.

Nota. in appciliiperDoaorem Lewes Iodic' Admiral' & al' &c. ifojafmntft

80 an appeale is a naturall Defence, it cannot be tahen aVoap bp anp IBiimc oj
potoer anD in cljcrp cafe gcnerallp toften fentence is giben, anD appeale maDc f
t^efuperto?, ttie SluDgetl^at DiD gitie tl^e fentence is botmDtoobeptl^e appeale,
anDp:occcD no furtljcr tmtill tljc fuperiour ^att> cramincDanD DetermlneD tfje
caufc of appeale. ^etjertfteleffctolieretljtsclaare (appcliatione remota; is in t^e
Commiffion, tfte 3uDge tljat gate fentence is not bonnD f obep tlieappeale, but
map cvcfutc ^f 3 fentence, anD pjoceeD further, untill tlieappeale be recelteD bp
tlje'fupcctoj, anD an 3In6ibitton befentunto Ijim : foj tfjat claofe (appellationc

remota) ^atli tl^jee notable eifects,2Dfte firft is,t^at t&e jurisDittionof tfte 3nDgc
not bp tfte appeale fufpenDeo oj ttoppeD, fo? be map pjoceco,
tl^at gatoe fentence, is
t^c fame notUJttljaanDtng. 2Dftc feconD,t6at foj pjoteeDing to erecution oj fur«
tISier p?oces ^
is not puniUjablc. SDljetfjIrD, tljat tljofe tljings tljaf arc Done bp

t^e faiD luDge after fuel) appeale cannot be fatD tioiD, fo^ t^ep cannot be retcrfeD
• Cla-
^^ ^j^^ nullitaiis,
^^^ if tf)c appeale l-c Jutt anD latofuU, tfjcfupcrtojSIuDgc ougfjtof rigljt anD
cquitp to rcccite anD aDmtt tlic fame, as Ibc ougftt to Do juttice to tfte fubjetts,
• anD fo if tl)C caafe of tfte appeale be iutt anD lalufull, Ije ongbt to rctjecfe anD re*
darf.annjs H.J. ^ojjc flUmcanc Scts Dono after tbefatD appeale in pjejuDice of tbc appellant.
^^'"^ ^^^ ^^^ JKepojt of tlje ILojD Dicr trulp tranflateD.
p "n^Kr ^'a '" *
cWeni(r& c" ^^ ^Ije parliament bolDcn at ClarenDon cat! cd A (Tl fa de Clarendon Anno i o
Rot.Paii.i8E. I. H.i. cap,8. tlje fojmcs of appcales in canfes C'cclelafticall, arefet Dolun toitljtH
Rot.i.wiiii'm tftc Realm, anD none to be mace out of tfte 3Realm, Ne quis appellat ad domi-
de *
j,^^ Papam, Rex scgrc tulit appell' ad Papam in caufa Baftardiaj,ur contra di-
g''>':atsni Kegis de
Confiiio igitur (Vjc 1Kefo?D fpeafeing intl)e pcrfon of f^e
Wii'ds Mining-
hamacc. jking) magnatuni & fidelium nobis aftifteni' vobis mandamus, firmiter injun-
SeeHovcnden gectes qua'.enus non obftante appellationc pra-mifTa non difieratis pro eo fen-
foi.184. teniiam, &c. &o as tlje firft article of fbc statute of z 5 H. 8. concerning tfte
Cap.y^. OfEcclejiaJllcall Courts. ?4i
p;ot)tbUion of 0ppealcs to Rome is Declaratojp of i\^ ancient Halo of f|e
0nD it i0 to be obferteD. t^at tl^e ficS attempt of anp appcalc to W^z ^tt of *
Hayward D a-
Rome out of England ixjasbp Anfclmc Btftopof Canterturp, tnf^e rcfgneof ftorvfthe Civill
William Ruftis,anl)pet it toofeno effect. andCinon Lav*
in 'hcJifcof
&ee 8
Elii.cap.^anappealcimlttjillanO ^adHCcaHfcsbefojetl)e3Lo?D;aO' Willian.i.
tntraUvic a fcntence bcfo:c CommUTtoners Delegates is finall. 8 £jiz cap.j.
&ec bcfojc i
5 upon a fentcncc giDcit bp ttje vlonftablc atiB ^arC&aU pjo»

teeotng bp tlje CitJiU JLato in caufa Amiorum,fftcrc Ipetb an appeal to ttje «3 tng,
bpt none of tlje fato ttatutcs ejf cnD to tljis kinD of appeale.
S»cc Rot. 30 H. 3. part. 2
cl. Anno . n7, 1 1 . de ^ppcUatione pro Regc fac' in ele«

aionc Abbatiffs de Shaftesbury*

% The CoLUt of the Commifsioners of Review,

Ad ^Vtdendum.

fltlbetf tl)c faiDStctsof 14 H. S.ant) z j H. s. do upon ccrtatne appcales mafee 2 4 H. S.ubi fupr.
as to anp appeale, foj tfte toojDS te [fliall be definitive] 15 H.8,iibi fupr.
f^ic fcntence D6finttii3C

anDtfjatno futtftcr appeale fljoulD be tjaD ; pet tlje !i{ng after fucft a Definitive

fentence^as fnp?emc ^caD, map grant a commilTton of ret)tetij,ad revidendum,

&c.foj 2.caufc6. r .i^'o; tl)at it is not reftraineD bp tfte statute, z.f^x tl^at aft ep
a DefinttiDe fentciice tftc |Dopc as fupjeme bcaD Ijp tlje Canon ILato ufcD to grant
a CommtlTion ad revidend': SlnD fuel) auftiojitp as tlje ^opc l&aD , claiming as
to tlje Crotone, anD is anncreD f licrennto bp
fupjcmc ^eat), Oot^ of rtgbt belong
t^e statutes of zdH.S.cap.r.
anD 1
Eliz.cap. I, J9nD fo it tuas refolteD in t^e
3Rtngs ll5encl) Trim 3 9 Eliz. inhere tlje cafe toas, t^at fenfcnce being gitcn in an Tii:i.39 EiJz.ia
the KmgsUcnch.
CccleliafticaU caufein tftc Countrp, tfte parfp gr icijeD appealeD accojDing totl^e
fcntence HoUingworths
faiD^ctof ijH. 8,fotfte 3rcftbifl)op, befojctol^omtbcSrft toasaffirs
cafe. Lib. Intr.
meD. csa^ercupon acco?Ding to tftc S)tatutc of i
5 H. 8. fje appealeD to tt>e SDele^
gates: befojetuftombotfttljefojmcrfcntenccsluerc repcalcD anD maDe toiD bp prale to Rome.
flefinititefentence, anD tljcreupon tl)C fflneen as fup?cme ^eaD grantcD acom>
mtffion of iRebteiu, ad revidend' tlje fentcncc of tl)C Delegates. ^nD upon tltjis
matter a pjoljibitiontoaspjapeD int^e JJiings I5cncft,pjcfcnDinGt^attftc Com*
miffion of iRctiicU) teas againlt iLato,fo; t&at tl)c fentcnce bcfo?e tl)e Delegates
toasDcfinftitjcliPtljc «>fatiitcof 25 H. 8. SBut upon mature Deliberatron ant»
Debate f l>c ipio^ibition toas DcnpcD.foj tljat tljc Commillion foj tfte caufes abotjc*
faiD, VuasrcfolljeD to be latofuUpgrantcD. 3n tljis cafe 31 being tftcn tfte ©uccns
;attojneptoasof CounfcUfo maintain tl)c sJiueenspotocr.0nD pjcfiDcntstocre
CiteD in tljiS Court in Mieheiots cafe. Anno zpEliz. anD in Goodmans cafe, ano
Huet$cafe,in2 9Eliz,alfo. g>ee ttic Statute of 8 Eliz. cap, 5, anD ofafertjclifee
JuoiDS in ttiat fetatute.nt fupra.
vKpon afentence gtbenbptlje^^igb Commiffioners, a Commifliion of lRe» The Hifh
tjietD map be granteD to anD foj tbe partp grieticD, as bp an erpjeffe claufe ioitljin Cemmfffiffu

t^at Commilf Ion appearctft. SinD if no fuclj claufe baD been therein, pet a crom=
miffion of lilct)tc\D rnigtit bal3C been granfcD. Quia ficut fontcj communicant
aquas fluminibus cumulative,
non privative; fie Rex fubditis fuis jurifdi6iirtoem
communicat in caufii Ecclefiafticis vigore Statuti in hujufmodi eafu editi U pro»
vifi cumulative,non privative, bp conffruction upon tljaf ;a£t,

Lc Couit des Confervators des priviledges de St. tohns

de Jerulalem, &c
fCbcre toere ttoO Courts bolDcn coram Confervataribus priviJcgiomm, XY^t
one Hoipitaliorum, auD auotl)cr Tcmplariorum. £)f tobofe jurisDiction. anD of
tbeir reflraint to grant anp general citations priufquam
' cxprimamr fup er qua re
%^ P fieri
2A.1 OfEcclejiajlicall Courts, Cap.y^.
W,i.cap.43. fieri dcbeat citatio, &
viderinc hujufmodi confcrvatores quod peiator citatlode

re cujus cognitio fpeflat ad forura regium , hujufmodi confervacores ncc

citationes faciant nee cognorcaDt,as bp i^z ftatate Of W,2. appeacetti.
^00 tfte Second part of the Inftitutcs, t(je CEjpofitton qpon tl)at ftatute.
%\iz SCempl0r0 Uj0r0 titffoltjeD in 4 E.2. ano ViZ l^ofpttlcrs in 31 H. 8. fo as
V^tiz Conrte ar0tict0rmfneli»
Joto foj aconcUiQon concecjiing (iCnglanD, 3 ^atie r0rectea to fap fometol^at
o£ bot^ t^e aRelatites of our
fojtl)0l)onoui;-> antifup;0am C'ltat0 ^otieratgn
anti of tljts ^ta J&tngpomc , tn^tclj 3 tonceite to be
iLojO f 1)0 1"? ins> neceffarp to
t|>at tobttft in tftis part
of t^c I nftitutes toe 5at)e tafcen in ijanD , fo> t^at it gra.

cet^ anD ftrengtljcnct^ all tfte rett .

14 H.8.ap.iz. 515|? tl)0 parliament of

toljolc h
H. 8, to^ecein, befines tlje arcftbtlfeopfl anO
Bitljops of l^ealm, tftere toere s^aibbots anDj^jiojsiLojnsoflJarlia.

ment: 3t toas r0roltj0&, ana fo Declarer) bp an ^rt , That by divers and fundry
oldamiqucHiflories, and Chronicles, manifcfily declared and expreflcd,
it is

that this Realme of England is an Empire, and fb hath been accepted in the
SBntasaintttl^efrnt^ hereof, oppoGtton^atl^ been mane. JFirff, tltatfljis is
tl)eonlp IDarltament tljat ftatft affirmcD it. ^etonDlP, tljat ttjts HDetlaratfon is 48.
„„ ju(j gnD untruc, anD tljat ^iftojp oj Cl^jonicle Dotft not affirm tije fame. H.bcr- ^g j^ j^^ g^jj ^ gnfujcr: tljat one ^A of iDarltamcnt is initar omniam,
"'* being
a pjoof of tfte unanftocrablc anD not f be onlp ; foj fo
Ijtgljeft nature , but tftts is

mHcb in effect (as to tl)io point) IsafftrmcDbpalltljeiLojDs &ptrifuaU $ 2Dem»

stat.dc i6R.». of parliament long befo?c ttje reign of
cap.s.AiKdomi- H.8, tftat t^B Ctoton of CBnglanD ftatb been fo free at all times, tftat it ftat^
"' »J9»-
been in no QEartljlpfabiection , but immcDtatelp fubject to tlDoD in all things fou«
(ijina tijc regaltp of tlje fame Croton, anD to no otfjer.

Rot.ciauf.ijE.v publique J^itaries maDe bp tijeQEmperojclaimeDde jure foe);erctfe fijetr

R> ^'.
offices bece in England > but becaufe it toasagainft tljeDignttpofafup^cara
f^ing, tbep toere pjobtbiteD bp tbe lyings to^it.
Btafton who SlnD long befojc , tljefe bp tlje ancient lato of tlje Croton of QB nglanD, toere
wrote in the toe tO t^e feing* Omnis quidem fub rcgej& ipfefubnullcledtantumfubdeo,
tcign of H.J. /£t ibidem paulo port codem numcro^ Ipfc autem rex non debet efle fub homi-
^^^ j-gj j-yjj jj.Q g^^^

iSnD ttjcretoitft agreetft tfte lato befoje tfte Conqnelf , Rex autem, quia vica-
vatdi cap.17. ciusfummi regis eU,ad hoc eft coniHtutus,ut regnum terrenum , populutn do- &
An.dom. lojo. mini. &
fupcr omnia fandam vencretur Ecclefiam ejus rcgat, & ab injuriofis &
dcfendat, & maleficos ab ea deftruat
cvellat, &
penitus difpcrdat* &
^^^ ^^^^ ^itX^l-Z tftat Anno
69. a paflione Chrifii dominus Eleutherins Papa


Lucioregi Brytanniifcripfit.adpetitionera regis proecrum regni Brytannic,

Pctiftis a nobis leges Romanas &
Cafatis vobis iranfmiiti, qoibusin regno Bry-
tannis Leges Romanas & Carfaris fcmpcr reptobare pofl'umus, le-

gem dei nequaquam. Sufcepiftis cnim nuper miferationc divina in regno Brytan-
nisElegem &
fidem Chrifti, habetis penes vos in regno utranquc pagiuam, ex il-
lisdei gratia per eonfilium regni veftri fume legem, &
per illam dei patientia ve-
fttum rcges Bry tanniae regnum, Vicarias vcro dei eftis in regnoj&c, anD tjig^er 3
cannot goe»
It (jinD bp tfte toap if is fo beobferbeft in tlje fefeerall grants bp abbotsanD pj{«

ojs maDe toiling E.4* tftepfetjerallp ttile btm bp t^efe tjerptoojDS, Suprcmus
Dominus nofter E.4.Rex.
h^ tftjee otljcr Slcts of parliament,viz. bp tlje ffatute of 2 j H.8.cap.i . 1

tobercin bp ^utbojitp of parliament it is cnacteD anD DcclarcD (Directing t^efr

^Declaration to tlje &tng)That this your Graces Realm recognizing no Superior
under God bur only your Grace, hath been and is free from fubjet5lion to any
mans laws, but only to fueh as have been devifed made and ordained within ,

this Realm for the wealth of the fame, or to fuch other, as by fufferance of your
Grace and your progenitors, the people of this your Kealtn have taken at their
. free
Cap. 74- OfEcciejiaflicall Courts, 5^3
free liberty bytheirovvnconfertttobeufedamongrt them, &
have bound them-
felves by long ufe and cuflome to the obfcrvanee of chcfame> not as to the ob-
fervance ofthe law* of any forain rrince? Potentate, or Prelate, but at to the cu-
ftomed and ancient laws of this Realm originally cflablifbed as Jaws of the lame»

by thefaidfufferance.confentjand cuftome^andnoneothcrvvife.
;9nDbptl)Cttatufc0of 25 H.8.cap.2i. i EI.capj.anD i Jac^cap, i. f^e Croton *^ w,8.«;>
oft^is UinsDomcfsafftnneDtobcanHimpcrtallCrotDn. iji.cap.i.
;g[Stotl)efcconD: 3! mtgl^f anfiocr "tbatLc Court de Parliament eft dctref- MVc/R.'jygb.
grand honor & Jufticcde que nul home doit imaginercholc difLonerable, Sin'O Dod.&
tDit^tlje 2DottojanDS»fnDentapon t^ic statute of 45 E.3.cap» SC^atft cannot ^<t^•-•p jj-
be tbotigbt tfjat a if af tifc tfjat (s maDc fan t^c SutfjojftP of tf)c iofjole Kealm .'as
iDcllof t^e^afns, anDof tf)C llo.;D2i»>pirituaUanD£Cempo}all,adof dWf^zCm^
tnon0> loiU recite a iWz asatnH tljc trutf).
HBnttobetftojtjlifngEdgarftilcDaniDfubfcrtbet) fjdnfclf (n IjfsC&atfer, Ba-
Tk lite chsnc-
fileujjmperator&dcminus, tD^iclj i'ou map rcaD fn t^e p;e£acetot!)eiroHrtt> ^''^-''""f"'^'^*
part of mg mepojtS, Vide Rot, Pat. i E.4. parte 6. m. 3.
hdwardcommonlPcallcD&t. Edward fcii of J^tng Edgar (n a ill^art er tDl^U^ ."^

!lcmat)etoti)cabbpofl1amfcp(VDl)tcl) Jfjabc; fttlcD ^Wclf, Ego Edwardu*

cotius Aibionis Deimoderante gubernat one bafileus.
janot^cr starter of iaing Edwine to tljc j^bbp of CrotolanD fnfttolcD, Carta
regis tdvvini filii regis Edmundi fratris regis Edgari dcterris in Jccl<dca. SCl^er*
tn^etSftUcO Edvvinuj Anglorurarex & totius Brytannica: telluris gubernator
& redor.anD manp others.
SDo contluDctbts point tD(tl) a late anD IcarncD tojtfcr, toftom 3 iuHl titz foj l'^,''\'^^ ['?"<^'"
tftat be agreetb tottb t^c fojmer ^titfio jttics, tie faitft , tftat tfte regall eftatc anD !;',,Timi"uid
Utgniti' of a iaing is of tiuo manners, 2Cl)e one is Hmperiall oj &up?cam, fucft a rhc ghry ofga'c^
oneisoarfe>oi3crafgn^aD{? Elizabeth bptljegraceofCDoDsiliuecnof CDnglanD, '^"/y. p. 140,41.
ifranccanD^relanD, to^fcb SoDeratgn sQaecnftolDetb^r CBiiipireanDliing'
Domes inttb ber people aiiDfubjcits immeDiatelp of t&e ilojD of J^eabcn anD
CSartbjVDtttotit anp ofijcr mean fcgniojp oj atfenoancic ofcojpojalloj boDtlp fcr^
ticcoj allegiance iO anp ot{)erU)o?.lDlp{D:tnce o?v potentate, mangre t^e l^eaD
of cither ber fo;ain enemies ojinteHtnc anD I)omebo;n traiterous l^ailals, anD
alfofcom^erfentence({I)eanD toeallljcr faitbfuU anD lopall ftibjeds acbnolu-
leDging to ^cr egafeno ^nperfoitjpcfb no Appeal.
SDbcre is alfo a l\tng,anD be a i^omagcr oj i?cuDofarp to tbc cEftate anDipa*
jellpofanotticcisingastofjis fupcrtoj lLojD,«. ^ctbatofJl^aljaranDpoitu-
gaU totfteiiingof>i:attellttbcii(ngDomcsofOjanaDoanD ILcons to0ragon:
,h)e litngDomesof Jioml'arDp,s>iciU,j]5aplcsanD ISobcmia to tl)C factcD <2m»
pire: t^eolD l^ingDome of ]i5urgunDp,anO note tbe latecrectcD title of t^e Mns of
;arles, totlje ISing of ftic jFrcncl) mert;anD fo fojtb of tic rett.
2Dftc ISing iofjicb is s>ap:camanD Smpcriall is equivalent ioifftin lijis llanD Noc».
to t^e potser anD autt)0^it? tijat Cefar can cballenge Uiitbin t)is otun ^Dominions,
anDfucft aiding cballcngetl) ofrigbfto fctaponbis bcaD a vTfoton Hmperiall »ACrowaim-
tult!)aiI>iaDemcelct)ateD onljigb^to Ognifie tbe pcrfeaionanD grcatneffcot iijeir periaiL
eltate; but to tlje otbcr lyings homagers a Crolon not cletateD is Due. ^nD tbat
toe map(as Dutp is) botb ^oitli rctjcrcncc anD Dutifull fear Difccrn anD juDge tbe
office anD function of our ^olieraign to be moil: bolp anD facrcD ; let us fee tuttl)
toljat bonojs a fotjeraign liing ( fuel) a one as is bcr 05ajcfti') is illuftratcD anD
maDcrcDoubfeD to bis fubjcrts, firft, toljat great jpajeftp, ftono?, poujcr,anD glo-- witii whatMjje-
t^ is intenDcD bp fcttlng a tCroton upon bcr IjcaD , foj in tbe r6t)ercnD anD majC' I7
fticall actionof Cojonatioit, (be is firff anointcD , tbcn blcffcD , after tbat ccnfc-
crateD;to ftgnifif unto beranDuntoustbatlbets of^oD,tbat bcr polnerisfrom
Cb:i&> anD tbat ibe is to rule otier Cb^iitian people: tbe Croton fct on bcr bcaD
is called triumpfjanf , anD it is of golD to fignifie ber crellent iTRaictti? ; it is cal-
-^ Cr«wn tcium-
leD triumpbant bp reafon tbnt tbe liUc Cro\un in fatblon anD f ojm Voas giuen tbe
Cmperonrs anD Captains of tbe Komans in tbeir triumpba oi^er lyings anD

5pJat(ons, SDbtscro'ojn triumpbant is moft Due to bcr crceUent ^ajcftpeten

54+ Of EcclefeajlicaU Courts,
b?tfteai:Wconi:feoflaU}0of arm0, fincefftatfter ^nceff o?a fjatje triumptjcn o-
tcrmanp iUfng0 anD mtgWP people as H» . o\jer fitjc iStngo of Sr^latiD, E.i.
. i

frtumpfteDotJcr t^e§>cotttfl}anD MelOi J^ations. E. 3. anD H, j. botljoffftem

olier iFrancc* 31 sj tlje tciampljant Croujn of our foteraign HaDp tljci c be
(not onlp foj t^c ojnament of ftcr regall HDtatcme, but alfofo Ggnific {%z jpjtnce-
Ip tjertues of a litnajtvocltjc ©cms oj ftoncs of pjectoas cffccm,
^nD fojtbtsmtngDomcof CiEnglant),ti)c ot^crpart oft^e Kelaflftcl^ar io^jat
an ancient l^oet liat^ fatD.
BartholomiM, Anglia gens forcis,^ fertilis
angulnsorbis ;

Inlula prardives quae toto vix cget orbe,

Et cujustotus indiget orbisope*
Anglia plena jocis,gers libera 8f apta jocari.
Libera gens.cui libera mens, &: libera lingua;
Sed lingua melior liberiorque manus*

7he Anfmr to certain obje^iom againfi the Kings 'Stile of

Defender efthe faith.
This Bull you ^n5 tol^ere fomc tioe object t^at tl>e ming our fotjerafgn lojD otig^t not de
may fee in Speeds jure tO CHjOpt^e tttlcanDfttlC Of EDefenDBt Of tlje i?attlj, Defcnfor fidei : foj(fap
chronkie p 7 59.
tt)ep)Popc Leo deeitnus, Anno PontificatHsfui,bpl)fs Bull pranteD tlje fame
ifiVi? H 8 tOl&ing H.8. &
pofteris rui$,®aeU,vcrita$aquocanquediei(ur,a deo eiMfiuf tijep
See L.crt. Che- taigtW bp tlje WvM Of ^opc Paul fl)C t^tfD , agatnft fctng H. «. upon l^is fjp*
rub.Buiiar. torn. pjefRoH Of tlje leffcr Ijoufcs of 3ReU0ton <n Anno 27 H. 8. (jc DID not onlp oepofe
i.p'g.619. ^imoftbtstttlcbutof ^t0Crotonalfb,anDgat)ei|)istetngDonic toftini t^atcoalD
get it: UJl){cl&,fap toe.toas Done de faflo, fed non de jurcjanD toe confeffc alfo tftat
bp colour of t^at 515uU, J9ope July tfte tfticD in
Direction toas Chariflimis inChrifiofiliis
iSull to intng
Philip 1 £Uuccn
Mary bis noftris Philippe
regi& Ma-
ria: regina: illu^ribus, iol^crein fteomitteD t^e title of SDefenDo? of tfte
fait^: but
beftDestlie popes itSulUtDJ^ic^Cas ttfeeniet^)iscountermanDable at bis pleafurc,
ibe l^ing batlja furer rigftt thereunto to tbts
ftile, foj bp tlje fall confent of all tlje
J 5 H.cap.3. 3L0JD3 Spiritual! anD gncmpojali anD tlje Commons affemblcD in parliament,
anD bp ^utbojitp of tbefamc, in Anno gj H.8.{t is cnactcD , tliat alibis
jcQics fubjects QjoulD from tbencefojtlj accept anD tabe bis ^ajeif ics ffile as
it is DeclareD anD fet fojtb in manner anD foim foUotutng, tbatisfofap, in tbe
ILatin tongue bptbcfc tuojDS ;Henncui oitavus dei gratia Anglix, Francix, Sc
HibernisE Rex fidei deFenror & in terra Eeelefis Anglicanx & Hibernis fuprc-
mum caput, anD in tlieCngliQ) tongue bptljefe toojDS; Henry tljeeigbt bptbe^
grace of vIDoDifting of CnglanD, f ranee anD 3rclanD, 2DefenDer of tbe faifb, anD
of tbc Cbwrtb of CnglanD, anD alfo of Irclancin earfb fupjcani bcaD: anD
tljc faiD ftile UjoulD be from tbencefojtlj bp antijojif p afojefatD unit cD anD annereD
foj ctierfotbe BImpertall Croton of Ijis
IR calm of CDnglanD. hereunto
if is objectcD.tbaf tljts Stct of parliament is repcaleD ^ct of i Mar.but
fip tfte tijat
ismtftafeen.fojastbetrcafonsmaDe anDcnadeDbpfubfcquent claufes of f be faiD
0d:of35 H. I. are repcaleD bpttje .Irtof Mar.buttljeftilcanDfltleoffbeCrotpn

tDttljoutqtiettiottremaiiictb of fjjce anrcpealcD; anDaccojDinglp 35ueen Mary in

all Ijcr feverall&effions of parliament before ber mariageanD after ber
IbcanD liing Philip ufcD tbe ftile anD title of DefenDeroftbe faitb in all tbeir
parliaments, letters lDatcnt3,fc. accojDing to tbe faiD act of 35 H.8.anDbp
tbe toapnicufeDtljc title alfo of Supremum Caput in tbe feconD ^clTion of ber
parliament in tbcfirft pear of ber reign. ^SinDbptbe refolution of tbe 31nDacsi«
anno i Mar. it appcaretb tbat tbe ffatntCSOf i^H.S.eap. u
iMar,Dicr94. &?jH.8.cap.3.
concerning tbe iTile of tbe istng remains in fojfc , foj tberenpon DiD tbe qucftton
DcpcnD : foasal'iett pope3lulP in bis Bull toncbfafeD nottogitjcfeinc Ph. &
©.Mary tbcir ftile ofSDefenDeroftbefaitb, pet lotb fl)e tefoje , anD botb of
tbem after tbeir mariage, acro:Ding to tbeir rigbt foofe if
uyon fbem nctVnitb'
ftanDing tbe tbimDjing Bull of pope PsultbetbirD. aLaftlp, alltbe SingsanD
Cap. 75. Of Scotland, ^^5
ioiumrs regnant of CitglahD Ijatjc at tfjcfr dojonatfott time ottt of mftiDe been
ftDOjnfoUefeHtrfljc fait&, anDtfjcrcfojctocrc of common rtgfttJDefcnDersof t^e
^aff b : bp reafon of iuftfcii )©af b tftevmap taftc upon tfjcm f be ft tic, anD are moje
firmelp lounD to pcrfojm anD Do tf , tbcn bp tbc j^opec ISuU.
^^at)ms fpoUcn ofCBiiglanD, anDoffl}cpctp3IflanDsanD.2)om(nton»oftbe
fame, anD {nfcnDtng fofpeaft of ffjat noble jflanD anD tefngDomcofSrclanD^ 31
coulD not pafTo o^ec f!)?t ancfcnt anD rcnoUmcD fefngDom of StotlanD tobollp fn
filcnce, luf 30 it lucre to falatc it bp tbc luai', anD pet to actic fomclDbat , Ujbic^
none tbat Ijabc tojiffen of fljat fiingDom batje (fo mp remembrance) toucbeD.

O^ Scotland.

tbi« fcingDomc tbcrc are manp tbings icojtbP of obfertjaf (om

2:battbefettoomigbti',famou0, anD ancient feingDoms, viz. Cng-
lanD anD &cotlanD (3! nfetbetoojDs of tbe a(tofgarltamcnf)tDcre anc{= i
entlp b«t one.
2* SCbat one Religion anD fertJiccofdDoDis bolDen anDcclebjatcDbp bofb* la
3.2Dbaf as tbcrc i0 one language in bof b . fo tbere toas one binD of goUern^ X'*^^,*
ment aitD one l^to in ancient time tbat rulcD bet b tJJitb manp unanimocw agree-
"^ ^'"^ "p'-
ments i ctlyccit tbcm, tobtcb ctjtDentlp appearctb bp manp p?oofs. iFirll.tbat fbe 1 1
jac.Rcgi* c.r
ILatoB of ©cotlanD are DitJtDCD as tbc ILatus of ^nglanD be Into fbe Common ^ »• '" ife'aad.
laVBS, 0cts of parliament, anD (T;uffome0. SCbctr Common latos are pjUtcfpaU
Ip containcD in ttoo BOOU0. 2Dbe
firftcalleD Regiam Majcftatqm, becaufe it be-

ginnctb (as Jui^inians inttttufes Do) toitb tbefc toojDS [Regiam Majeitatcm.]
:SDbe fcconD llBooK is called Qiioniam Atcachiamema, becanfe it beginnetb
SDbe fira HBooh Dotb in fubff ance agree toifb our Glanvil, anD moll com= ,he
pfrK I
monlp de verbo in verbum, anD maAptimcs our Glanvil is citeD tberein bp
fpe* procurement of
tiallname. sifn>,it.stanf(r,-i

ned)u<lgeoftheCoiiiraonPlcas/4««oD9M. iff4. i&i Ph. & Mar. Oi\Nhom[\t»r\th^tHovcnden'hiih. Au Doet

1 180. (& rcgm H. 2.i6.)Henticus Kcx Anglic paicr conflkuit
Ranulphumde Gbnvilla fummum luftltiiriutn'totiuj
Afiglia:, cujus fapientia
conditc funt leges I'ubfcriptjc quJs Anglicanas vocamus. This Hovsndcn
lived in the reicno
of H-r. anddiedintlietimeof King/oto. See pl. Com. j68.b. per Caf/|^»inEpift. to the
eight Book of Reporti.

§>econDlp, tbc Crolun of ©cotlanD is DefcenDible to tbc Daugbf cr oj ^eir JTe*

mnlc toberc tl;crc is no tffue i®iUc.3f tbcrc be manp SDaugbtersoj bcirs iFemale,
it DefcenD3 to tbc clDeS. ilihclDtfc tbcp babe tbe libe Dcfccnts of lanDs to ^ub^
jeas as CnglanD batie as none can inbcrit in tbc rigbt nine afcenDant. STbe el-
Celt i!?augbtf f ftatb initiam partem. 211 tbc SDaugbtcrs of £)ubjcrts Do inberit,
aCbirDlp, tbep bate tbc J^igb Court of ^parliament, as ine tn CBnglanD babe, PnUamtnr
anDcallcDbptbcfamename, confining of tbcfamc ^embers, viz. 3Lo?DS&piri.
tuall, lojDs SCcmpojall, anD tbc Commons. 3t isfummoncD anD c/'UcD at fbe
SSingsplcafurefoj a certain time, taiben tbep meet, tbetoingoj biscbanccloj
fi)cuif tb tbc caufcs of calling tbem togctbcr. 315at tbcrc of later times tbc ILojDs
§>pirttuall Do cboofc cigbt SCcmpojall lojDS, anD tbc JLojDSJIEcmpojaU tboofe
eigbtS>ptr(tuall !Lo;D0. 2Dbcfc fivtcen maUccboicc of cigbt cbofen foj tbcCoun*
tics, anD cigbt of Cities anD lEurcrbcs, inall,tbirtptiDo. But lDbatfoc\)cr f0
agiccD upon bp tbem, i^iz l^ing Dotb alloU) t>i DtfalloU) bp mobing of bis ^(ep<
ter, f c.
i?ourtbl)% tbet) bat)e tbe fame Degrees of j^obilifp,as2)ukes, ^arqneKe?,
Carlo, ctttfcounts, llBaronfi, <fc.

tbcr bat^e tbe fame great J©ff{cer0,afl Cbatuclour, tbat beepctb tbc
©jcats?fal 310JD Jlrcafurcr, liojD p?it3p&cal,^ccrctari>, ic.
24.(^ Of EccleJiaJlicaU Cap. 7^.
g>{);t6lp, anD fl^c Tame cptntttcw
of 3!uff{ce,as Sheriffs, Cojonera- 5c.

§>et)ent^l?,tl)e fame latos fo? t^c nioft part qaano modo app;op?tatcti fo (tm-
lanD,viz,2Dcnant bp V^t cartefte,becatifc tljcp ftat) tl^e fame laio tljat CnglanD fjao.
<i£<gl>tWl?, tl^E ItbeMrlfS, Brevia,
aS dcReao,;3(nfe Of Novel Difl[ln*,Mor-
Ideot'inquirend',De divifis faeSRcplegiar', Attachm', &c,
i^tntljlp, tftcpagrcc iBitft Magna Carta concDtntng MarOf&ips, ?£.
jfectlt^lp, U)(t& Carca dc
forefta cap. 1 1, foj it fSlaUlfuU OjlBtlftopS, C&arig,

anD SBarons commtng oj returning tbJong^tljeiAinao iFojcfts attfte l^inc^s

commanDto felUone oj fluo SBcafts in tfte Cglitof f^eiFojetter, to
o;^ otftcrUitfe

Sis abfencc to Moto^i0^o?n,ti)at 1)0 appear notfotabc itfftietjiflblp.

1 1. %\ie %m
of toftom t^e lanU is ftolDen bp ^^nigftts fcriicc per antiqaius
feoffamentum fljall ftat^etljctoartiajip oftftcbotip.
1 2. %\^t g>^crtffes djonlD caufc tbe 2ds of parliament fo be pjoclaimc&,

%u 0UiDbicl^'anSmanpmoje are tl^ ancient latos of bot^iatngtioms, asitap^

faiO llBoofeOOf Regiam majcnatcm, % quoniam a«achiameDta,&c.
pearetl) inti)0
13. arijc S>ftcrtffe3 tbcrc Ijatjc an intierifance in tljeir Office, as fometimc
In CEnglatiD t^ep ^aD, anU pet in CumberlanD tijcp l^atc
1 4. %\^ fame Rotables of art are ufeD in tbe ialos of bot^ ^ing^omes , as

Ordelinm, i, i^t Court Of Water anD Slron, Filiusmulicramj,MarchetuiE,Ser»

plaith, ojSorpler,Iudieamenta,&e.
Machameum OJ Mahemium, Murdrnm 0>
Mureharum, ChancemeIey,Mote, Miferieordiaj Mefluagiam, Flight wight, Mcd-
IctutHj Rcmanere, Manerium, Reeognitio per Aflifam, Pipoudres, Pannagium,
OrajNorclaymC) Socoj Sok, SerjaDteria,grand Serjanty, pety Scrjeanty, Sena-
tor a Suiter, ^^erififs, of inheritance tbere>tt)e ^liertffs court oj County Court,
Toll, Tunbrellum OJ Tumbrcllum, ThainuJ, &OCCagc, 315nrgage,Servjeiutnini-
litare, IKelicf OJ HelicticThem I Teme,3D]&eftbote,In libera EleemofynajTerrz
Dominicales, Liberum lenctnentum , Vidiare duellum, Warrenna, oj Varcnna,
ValvaforesejVavafores, Maif, &trap, CaftleluarD , Vcrediflutn , Viridarii,
3!nfangt^{ef, £Dptfangti){cf,flDntlatDjp,£DutlaU)eD. Sufttcc in etre.Wjccfeof
f^e &ca, mioncljcr, Vicenetum , Hamfockne, Hida tcrra?>Bovata terrx, Heriot oj
Hcregcld, Hutefium oj Huefiuir, Hegratenrs, iFojeffallers, (HJuilue, fallifping
of Dooms OJ recotjerp, Quarentena,FcloDia, Feodum, l^omage> iFealtp, Eftrove-
rium. ertbnium, cnitia pars, SD ifparagemcnt,SD iffcirons,2D ifclaimer.Scaecarium,
Collittrigium, Champertic, Maeremium, Averia, Catalla ,
318otc , IBlooDtoitC,

dSjanO affife,aiCrifeof notjeltiiain',15arcttojs, J3ffiDatjit, ;aDjournmcnt, lUe*

Xponfals, attojnicfi,anD man? ottiero.
S^^eretoas an ?^eptartftp in g>cotlanD,butnot!ja jponarcijp, SLfiercaretijere
f too Sftcpifljops, tftc one of §>. Andrew, tfte otfter of Glafco : ^, Andrew ^atj>

cigl^t I5tft)op3 unticr l)tm,

anD Glafco f ^jce.
SDljere arc f^erc tbirtp Cotmtics J §>f)erif fioms .
2Cftc ancient spotto of tftc !iing of CnglanD i0,God and my right QntilUgitttr)
fiiall mc defend. ^Dft^e fiing of &CoflanD, In my defence God tnc defend.
Stiere are alfo ttoo famous tiEnitierfitics , one in &. Andrews , tijeotiier in
2D^elcngtijof S>cotlanDfromjKtoclietotljenttcrmolt coaftiS48o spiles: if
is longer tl)cn cEnglanD, but narrotocr, anO cnDetft lilie a SMeDge.
£)f ancient time all tfte 5l£iQ)ops of ^cotlanD toere facrcD , an5 confirmcD bp

flic arcftbtfljop of pojb.

15utbrrcaron oftbcirSds of parliament, tol^iclj in manp points ^atic alfc*
ret), DimintfljcD, anD abjogatcD manp of tlje olD, anD maDcnctolatos anD otftcr

~ tijc Dittinct toingDoms as t^cp notoftanD ^ate manp Different

Par.?.j3c.i ca.48 hem , It is ordained by the King by confent and deliverance of the
II Martii Anno
and Angular the Kings Lieges of the Realme live
^^i^^^ Eftatcs, that all
offi. 1415,
^^^ ^^ governed under the Kings laws and ftatutes of the Realm alla-
nerly and under na particular laws, nor fpeciall privilcdge,
: nor be na
laws of uther Countries nor Realm?, ^f^^>
Cap. 75. Of Scotland, 3+7
Itemy It is ftatute aftd ordained, That
our Soveraigne Lordis Pari all

Lieges beand under his obeifance,and

in fpeciall the Iflcs be ruled i^urm «
by fap-79-
^""" ^""•'J-'j
our Soveraigne Lordis awn laws and the Common laws of the Realm,
and be nane uther laws.

tting James at ^(s ^arlfamenf IjolDcti Anno i . of ^fs rcfgnc, cnDeatioiireD f 1

batje maDean utjion of bot6 l^fngtiomcs, ant) to ftateererteD a ircto iitngDome of
(iPjeat JlBjitafn. 3iiti t^cupoti autljojif n toas gttcn to ccrtaine Conmitcrio.
ner0oftljelbfel^eranDlotDer^oufe of parliament, to treat toftlj certain Com=
mtllfoners of &cotIanD foj anD concerning an union of bot& liingDomes, 3'
mcnatt f^efc vTotrfmilTfoncrss tljcrc grcto a qHcaion,tDl&cttcr tfjerc coiilo be mace
anunionoft&eiStngDomesbpcaiQnganeto iifngsomeof c&jeat IBiitainc, be»
fo?e tbcrc teas an union of fljc latoes. Mbitft qucffion bp tl)c tilings com-
mantmtcnt teas rcfcrreUfo all fljc Sutigcs of CtnglanD in Crinitp SCermc. Anno
Jac. tD^jo unanintoallprcfolljeO (3! being tfjen 3tto?nep gcnerall, anD pjefcnt)
2D&af Anglia fjaO latocs, ant) Scotia fjat) latocs, but tjjis neto ereflcD isingDome
of Bricannia 0]oult) t)at}c no latD. 0nD t^crcfo.:e io^erc all t{)e juDiciall p^ocee^^
Dings in Cnglant) ace fccandum legem & confuetudinem Anglix, it COPlt) not b6
altereD fccundunn legem & confuetudinem Britannia, ontillt&crctoasan union
oftlyclaloes of botl^ £>tngtiomcs, tn^itt) coulD not be Done butbp *aut^o;itp of Exinftru(nenco

garliahicnt in either iiingDome, LibHofp.Sanfti

Anno ^n 5lrt mat)C foj of t^ faiD Sisi of Lonardi in
3 3, tbf ngs f be Done bj? fo jce
Ja.cap.2» in anp otl^er hellion of )Darliamcat. Rcxin
Anno 4 Ja,cap.i«0 repeals of ijoStle latoesant)of^oQilitPbettDcenCngUnD I'arliamcnto a-
ant) ^cotlant), tc. Zvia it is enactet), tbat no CngltOiman Iball \t Tent out of pud Wincomam
into dcotlanD fojanp offence tioncin ^cotlanD, unttU fuc^ time as mutavi: nomen
Regnidc confen-
bot^ llcalmes l&all be mat)e one in laUies ant) got^ernment. as tge refolution &o fu &
populi fui,
of tljc 3aDges toas appjotJCD bp parliament. S>cc a i^joclamation so. oaob, jufiujiludde Ci-
2 Ja. concerning tlje Jiitngsatle ofiUingof Cl?icat IBjftatne, toljcreinall juou cero vocari An-

ctallanD legallp?oceet)ings, fc.are eccepfeo. gliam. Iftc Rex

Egbertus ohiit
3 ncbcr reati of anp union of DitiDeD iMngtJomcs, ant) t^crcfoje 31 conceitse ft Anno Doni.675.
tobelDit^out p^eQDcnt. 2nD in tbis union manptbings inoulD fall intoconQ^ See a Proclama-
Deration, anDtbofc of great tocigbf, otljcrtbcnfbe union of latoes, tbougti t^at tion
bea maineone : ^s fo: crample, tbc fet^erall Crolones are DefccnDible to ret}e<
rail^epjes of blooD. 2nD quettion map be maDc tubo IlioalD be bcpjc of tbls neUi 'H.7.
But tbe IcarneD ^oetl^at^ founD out an union loitbout Danger, Directing tis
terfestolliing James.

Cum triplici fulvum conjuDge Leone Leonem,

Ut variaj Atavuj janxerat ante Rofa j.
Majus opus,vario$ fine csede unire Leones,

Sanguine quam varias confociaflc Rofas,

C5B[ftofoet)er is Dcfirons to fenoto fucft Mifccllanea as toe fjabe obferbiD concer*

ning ^cotlanD, Ictbtm reaDctbefc HccojtisanD^ntbojitfesfoUoUiing,
%\ii& ^RecojDs of |0arliamcnt from tbc beginning tbcreof, foj tbe reccibers
anDtrpCCSOf|9ctitionS{ntl)e]lOjD3ftoure, Kot.liberat.anno? Ed. i.m.2.pcr
Johanncm Lovetot, Rot. paten' anno 20 Ed. i Gilbcrto Comiti Glovornii.
Hereford. Seotia. Rot. Parliament. 21 Ed.i.interplacica Rot. i.6e a.Hovcnden
iiy4. pag.7. carta Regis R.i. Mat.VVefim, annoDom.126c.pag. 301.H, 3.
Rot.Scotia: 21 E. i. Carta F. i. & Ifge Alexandri
Regis Scotia:. Rot.Vafconii 1 5
E.i.m, 2.3.indorf. Trin.2j.E.i. coram Rege Rot.6. Norff. Rafc dc Tonyescale. Rot.Parl.apud
Anno 29 E.I. IfxquasRex per fc & quasComites& Baroncs Auglispcrfemife- ^""'^' -9^-^-
rant Domino anno zj) E. i. authoritate Parliamemi, qux irrotulata: funt
Papi L"erjr^r.!™uB*'
etiam in Seaccario. Vid.VValfingham 4S.& 49,- Nobiliu^ An-
Rot. pat* 24 E,i .
Epifcopii Scotia. Mich, 3 3 E. i, coram Rege Rot. 1
27, Sco- gli.T.&t.Pap*.
2i.8 Of Scotland. Cap. 75.
brevideParliarrento, &.auter i E,a. i E,3/o.i7:Graye$
cafe. <5E»3. i8. The
Abbot of Crowlands cafe, j>E, 3.6, John Darcycscafe,
loE.g, Arundel. Rot»ParI. i4E,3. nu.i^. Rot. clauf.
ROt'pau 2,p$.Comes
12 E.3« & 13 E. 3' breve de Parliamcnto magnifico Principi,8cc. iz Aff. p.85,
Rot. Parliament. 42 E.3»nu. 7. 42,3y. SR.j.tu.Cont,
39E»3.fb. 35. ultimo. Rot.pat.i H.5.part.3.m,i., 32
Litt. feft, ioo,& 165. i part of the Inftitutes, Stat, de a
H.6*2j. 2oE,4.6.b.
Fortcfcuecap.13. 126. Diermanufcript3 Eli2.22»b,
&3E.<S*cap.36. 68.m.S» Diet 12 Eliz. fo. 287,10 print. Lib.7,fo.2 2,23, &c. Cal-
gc 13
fo. 114. Seignior Zanchers cafe, f&CCbCfOje in t|je (E^aptcrof
vyns cafe. Lib. 9.
l^e ?^fglj Conrt of parliament.
H ftoriz Polidor.Virgil. Hollingfb.i part.foI.ii«,i 17* part, 286. Stowe ^03,
Matth.Weflm.428,42^,445,44^,445:. Walfingham 17,28,32, i29,&c,
%^m l&atic pou all tol^fcl)
toe 6aue obfcrtcD in our reaning concerning iW
at ftis pleafnre to iu^fe
matter, anD tol)itft tljc benetjolcnt IReaDer map pemfe ;

tcnrure toe to^oUi? refer tlje fame. Wulti multa, nemo omnia novu.
in langnage, anD
|3otiftatcobfcrfccti, tftatt^ofeof fi>cotlanDtioagrcetottfta0
as Ijatft been faio. Differ in latoes. i)n tl^e otfter fiDctfte S>ub jcds of 31relanD Dif-
fer from us in Slanguage, anD agree Vottl) us in 3LaU)CS, anD tfterefo?e of t^era

toe fljall mojc at large.

fpeate fomctuliat f|)e
Bedc m Hiftoiy ;amon«ft tarietp of ^uttjojs from toljcnce tijis noble ipation of ftjc &cof (J
of England iib.i. camc, toe foUoio ^Elenerablc Bede in ftis ^iftojpof c^nglanD, lib. i,
t,j(ginaUp *
"k Hrt, cap. I . anD alfo from iobcnce t&e pias ojiginallp came. anD tbere pou OjaU
AcduianKs. I,

^^^^^ ^^^^ j^^ ^j^g arising in 31Bjitania planteD tljemfeltjcs in tfee no?t!j parts

tbcreof , fo j tbe 315 jitains ftaD tabcn up tbe Soutft part bcfo?e. ^nD tot»creas tbe
ptctsl»al3tng no tutDes DiD require tlje §>cots to marp tl^eir oaugtjters t^e &cots
as often as ffje matter
agrccD to grant tljcmtl^eirboone, unDcrconDitioit, t^at
Iras in Doubt, t|iep CbonlD cljoofe tt^eir l^ing rattier of tlje ne);t office Ijoufe of tbo

Csp. IJ . tooman tlften of t^ man.

anD t^at Palladius in f be clgbf b pcarc of Honorius f be d^mpcroutr. Anno Do-
mini 41 1. teas fcnlbpCeleHinusHBiOjopof 3R.ometotbe &cots tbaf baDrecei*
Bc iib.».cap.4. teD tbe faitb of CbJfft>f be tbetr firft llBiOjop.
2Dbattbc ^cots Do notbing Differrc from tbeBjifains in fbeirconDcrfa*
BedainhisHi- ttOH.
315otb tftefe famous iiiingDomcs batje founD bp
toofull crpericncc, tbat uniBife
ftory of England,
i.b.i.cap.ii. anDincertainemafeing of leagues, greaflpinDamagctbtbe CommontoeaUb? anD
t^g fatan Danger of futb leaguesto tbe princes tbcmfel^es.

Cap. 7^. 34-9

Of the Kingdome oi Ireland.
not necD to untiertabe anotfier loojk to tsjfte of t^e dlourf &

fiiall I Jacob! cap i.

of lutttcc t^cre, foj tl^at fame io^tc^ toe bat)e tii

t^ep ^abc tftc II Jac.&ccap.i.
&6. in Ireland.
di^nglanD) ant) ttie fame iiato. fat}ing,tot)ere fome t^at ^atie tojit<
Vid.the I,
pan of
tcttoft^cmljatiefn fomc maftic points mtflfabctt tl)e matter; toe to(U convince the Inftituies,
tf)C fame bi' Direct
matter of KccojD, anDtocintcnotoaDDe fomettjing© to^ic^ Seft.iij.
are necelTarp to be bnototi, totitc^ no man tijat ^at^ to?itten of t^at Country
^at^i)Oucl)cD, 0?. tft^epIjateremembjeDftjefame, it 10 toitl^ fo lig^t touc^, as
mucft is omttteD out of tfte Hcco?D, o; cafe rcfolteD it felfe, toojtljp to be bnoton,
to^ic^ toe intent) to fupplp fo.vtl)e i)onour of tt)c l^ing, anD benefit of fubjecta W
tljcrc. ant) fbe rather, foj tliat U Sate been infojmcD bg manj? of f^em tftat ^afce

tjaDjuDiciall plates tftcrc, anD partlp of mine otone hnotoleDge, t^iaf ftierctsno
Ration in t^e c^jiftiantoojlot^at are greater lot)crs of lattice (tol^ereof toe
fljall p?{ncipalli> treat) tl)cn tljci' are, toJjtcft tiertae mutt of neceffitp be accompa*
nteD toitt) manp otfjcrs; anD bcGDcs tticp are DcfcenDeD of tlje ancient 315?ifatnes,
anD tftcrefoje tfte mojc inDcarcD unto as»
JFirft concerning tbe parliaments of 3relanD, being i^t l^fg^ett Contt tibere,
, Parliaments in
Ireland of ancient
toljere fome ftave fpppofcD tftat f Ije fame beganne tn 1 7 E, 3. toe fljall mafee tt ap*
pearc bp matter of H
cco?D ,tbat toften not onlp ii ing lohn, as all men agree, bnt

H.2talfb. ti)efatt)cr of filing lobn, as 'befoje it fjattjappeareD, anD tntbencrt *P3g-Ii.

page diallbetoucljeD, DiDojDaineanDcommanD attlie inttance of tge 3lrifl^,t^at
fucblatoesas ^el^aD in ctnglanD ajoulDbeoffojccanDobfertieo fn 3relanD:t)ere>
bp HrelanD being of tt fclfc a Dittinct SDominion, anD no part of f ^e l>fngDome of
CBnglanD (as it DtrectU? appcaretbl)? manp 0uft)o;itics tn Calvins cafe) toas to
]baV)C parlian!cnts IjolDcn tbere
as CtnglanD anD thereupon in tlje reigne of

!iing lohn tjinifclfc a parliament toas liolDen t^ere, asbp t^is KecojD enfatng

appearctft. rrir-'O j-ir;. ;.iijA

RexContitihM, Baronibm^Militihta^ (^ liber ii heminihui, (jr oniniBtis Roc Ann. 18H.3
dliis de terra. Hiberntd, Salutem.Ouia manifefte
e[fe dignofcitar centra Co-

rondm, & dignitatem nofiram, ^ cort[uetudines

, C"
ieg^s regni m^ri An- of the Inftituies
Sec tSe firft part

glt&, quas
bortx Dominus Johannes ReXjpaternoJiery de communi Sea.ti2.

^ omnium de Hibernia
confenfu teneri fiatttit in terra iUa^ quod p lac it a non uNotajRexde
communi omnii!
teneantur in Curia Chriflianitatis de Advocatiombm Ecclefiarum Capel- ^ confenfufacconv
larum,vel de laico feodo^ veldecatallis qua mnfmtde teflamento 'vetpta-; muni conGlio te-
ftatuic^ ij by net!
trimonio. Vobis mandamui, prohibentes quatenus hujufmodi placita in Curia Ad of
nnllatenits feqni prAfumatis in mdnifeflum dignitatis Co- ^ ment.
ron i nofirx. prjejudicittm, fcituri pro certo, qttodfifeceritis^
dedimus in man- Nota[oinnium]
dato J-ttpciario nojtro Hibernia, Staiuta Curixnofint in Anglia contra, L awes, &c.

juflitiaprocedatj ^ quodnefirum
tranfgreftones hujus
mandati noflri
cum Many things in
thcfe Letters Pa-
exejuatnr. In cu\ui, (re Tcjle Rege apudWinchcomb 28. die O^obris^
ejl tents arc worthy
Anno Regni noflri decimo octavo. Et mandattim ejl Jujticiarie HibtrniA ofobfervacion.

per literal
cUufas, quodpr.tdi^' literas
patentes public} legi ^ tenerifact At.
55ut as true it is tljat tbc ^afljcr of iljfnglohn, vix.. h. :. to^en fjcfjaD con»
qucreD 3!reIanD, fcnt tbat SDrcaf tfe, tntifuleD, Modus tenendi Parliamentum, (n
a fatre ^arcbment KolUfoUbeir bettor bolDing of ^parliaments tt)ere,to^icti pou
map ceaDe mo;c at large bcfojc Cap. The High Court of Parliament, p,iz.

Zz Rtx
250 Of Ireland, Cap. 'j6\
Hex Henricus 3. Anmregnifui 12. wwdu'vit ^upciario fuo Hibernixt
ut convocatis Archiefifcofis^ Efifcofisy BAronibta ^ Militibtis ibidem co-
ram eis legifaciat Cartam Regis ^ohanms.,ciuam legi fecit^ jurari a Ma- ^
Hiberni^ de legibns &
confMetuambus Anglia obJervMdis^ (^
ifuod leges
illas teneant ^ obfervent. H.?. ^iaprocommimi militate terra Hiberma^ (^fro unitate terrarum,fro-
vifum e\t, quod omnes ^ confnetudtnes qu£ in regno Anglic tenentur
in Hibernia teneantur, ^ eadem terra eifdem legibusfubjaceat^ acfer eafdem
Johannes Rex cum *Jlatuity ^ frmiter mandavit.
* Nota. illie
regatur,Jicfit effet
Jdeovolumtts quod omnia Breviade Communi ^urequa cnrruntin
currant in Hibernia fub novo SigiUo Regis.
fimiliter Tefie^ ^c. Apud

Coram Rcgc Major DubUn^qui querebatur verf.Thefaurariti Scaccarii Dublin,^verf,
Mich.jg E.I. Barones Scaccarii de gravaminibus per ipfos illatis^ remittitur Parliamento,

berni'a^* & inde huc: cui j>er Curiam di^um ejl^quedgravamina fuaproponat^qui dl'
cit quodnon adhuc efi confultuSyfuper quo dies datus eft. Ad quern diem nul-
las querela s, Ideo cemmittitur Turri London,
propofuit Domi- ^fnem fecit
no Regi.
^ometfmes t^e l^fng of Q^nslanti calleti l^is i^obles of BIrelanD to come f Ibis

parliament of (0tiglanD,ic. ^m bp fpeciall 1do>O0 t^e parliament of eng«

lanDma^ bin&e t^e fubjeds of 3IrelanD,a0 taking one example fo? manp»
Roc.Parl.s E.i. lo. oCiobris Rex affe£ians pacificum ftatum terra Hibernia, mmdavit
""^J- Ricardode Burgo Com' Vlton' dr aliis Nobilibus terra pradiifa, quodjint
ad Parliamenttim fuum quod fummoneri fecit apud Weftm' in oBabis Sanifi
Hilarii prox' adtraiiand" ibid cum Proceribus,<^c, fuperftatu tet' regnifui
0net;ceUentir;teaDenttobefoUotDeti,lD^enfoet)ei: anp0(tof parUamenf flbaU
be in t
nslanD,concernf ng ttie llate of 3lrelanli,(c.

Rot.Pati.3jE.j Anno^'i E.^.DeConfiliofummonit' pro ter' habentibus in Hibernia^

Maria ComitiflaNorfF.
Aelianora ComitifTa Oitnond.
Philippa Com. de la Marche,
Johanna Fitzwater, )^admittendumfide dignos adtolioquium*
a Rot.ParLaniio
AgHcs Comitifla Pcnbrokc,
i**^fr r Margareta de Roos,
in.j8.& Rot. Matildis Comitifla Oxoniae,
ciauf.ii E 2 m.j.
Catherina Comitifla Athol.
^rAnn^D^m. ' ^^
PorliamentisfinguUs annis in Hibernia tenendis, & de legibrn ^ con-
ijo9.iE.i.Par- (uetudinibus ibidem emendandis.
^ercbp it appearct^ tftat t&cre toere parliamentg liolDen in 3xt\tm tefoje

comuiron & t^is time, anD ojtier taSeti at t^ts parliament t^at tftep OjoulD be ^olDen etjerp
johannem wa- foaxt, anO tl^c Itfee 3(10 Ujcre rnauc in cEnglanO in 4 E. 3, & 36 e. 3. fo? parliac
gan.juftic.Hibcr- mento to be ^olDcn in CnglanD.
niat & Magna- ^^ Q^abis San£ii Martini apud Nottingham Rex de confenfu communis

tR0t.pati.17 E.x Confiliifui fecit

certas ordinationes pro reformationefiatusjui Hibernia, ^
miniftromm Regis ibidem.
& pracipimus quodnoftra ^ terra
Volumus noftria negotia^prafertim ma-
nes pro ftacu Hi-
^ora ^ arduA^pcr pcritos Conftliarios,
ac Pralatos, magnates^ & quofdam (jr

^^ difcretior'ibui hominibtts in Parliamentis traBentur, difcutiantur S

bztnix anno
17 E.J. in Turn, _
J ^ ter- ' J
&c. mmentur.
Cap.7<^. Of Ireland. 351
sn^ts D jDlnanfe Dot^ regtilatc pairltamcnfs Jrclan!) acco:iD(hg fo t^e
tl^c ftt

inftitution atiD enD ot t^e l^qrUamcnts in CngUnD, as in ti)e (iiiZUU of parlta^:

nient,toftttft ts to confer anD treat De arduij &

urgcntib" ncgoti js DOS (». Rcgcm)
& rtatum deteniionem regoi & Ecclcfix Anglicans conccrncncibuj i\\Z effect VU.Lib. Album
& ;

ts contalncD in tftc £D;Dfnante of 1 7 E. 3. but ttjat ^DiiDinance Dotft uot

toljercof }". ^"."^iT'
fome Ijafte (toitfjont an? colonr) fop pofeD; - ' ' '
erert an? J9arltament t!jcrc,ad Jcrc made "n-
&ee 20 H. 6.tol.8.tDl)fcl)bcganMic. 8 H.<j, Rot. 46.coram Rege, 1
jR, j; ccmmg iichnJ, &
and tr anfmktcd
fo.i2. &ccbcfbjcint^eCl)aptcroftf)C l^ig^Coartof ^Parliament.
'''''''" to be in-
0nDTeetn5 goOD anO profitable acts of parliament maDe in tl)C 11 calme of
of Jiing John crfenDeD not into SretanD, unlcffe it tocrc
CEnglanO Cnce t^c reign *
^lun c "v ch
toojDs incluDeD,
fpeciallp nameD oj bp generall astolt^inanpoft^ieliings •z?H8„"ii '
2Domtnton0 i a tisftt pjofitablc 5ict teas maoe at a jjDnrliament IjolDen in 31re» f.n.b 178.:..
lanD in Anno 10 H.7. bcfojc Sir Edward Poyniogs t{)en ©epatp ojProrcx in
»* R-S"-

anD thereupon calleD Poynings lato.

* PoyZg^i^!'
Whereby it is cnaded , That all ftatutes late made within the •
Realm of England concerning or belonging to the common or Publick
weale of the fame , from henceforth be deemed good and effefluall in
the Law , and over that be accepted, ufed, and executed within this
land of Ireland, in all points at all times requifite according to the tenor
•and effed of the fame. And over that by the authority aforefaid , that
they and every
of them be authorifed, proved, and confirmed , in this
fame Realm of Ireland. And if any flatute or ftatutes have been made
wichinthefaid Land heretofore to the contrary, that they and every of
them by the authority aforefaid be adnulled, revoked, and made void,
and of none cffeft in the law.
0nD Hiiuc Jacobi Regi's, it tuas rtfolticb bp f|ie fiuo €%iit Slutttccs anb
Cftief IBaron. too:D late in tl^e beginning of t^iis Slct liaD tfte fenfe of
tftat tijts <

3a cptcnOctJ to Magna Carta, anD to alt J^cts of patlfamenf

mane in
fo tijat tl)io

CnglanD bctojctl^ts M
of 10 H. 7* But it is to be obfcrtjeD ftjat fucft
airtsof IDarliament as l^atebcen maDc in oEnglanD Dncc i o 7. infterein 3;rc* H
ianO ts not particularlp ttamcQ oj generally incluOcD, erfcnB not tljereimto foj ,

t^atal'!Cttttbcgo'ocrncDbptl)DfamclaiB, pet is it a Dtftinct IRealm o?-iifng<

Bom, anD (as l)atl>l!eenfaiD)l)at^ ^uarliaments tbere.
VidcBraiton lib.j. fo.395' b. Temps E.i, Voucher 259. 14H.3. fiat de Ho- '^"'-J's c-mccm-
'"g 'f^'-"^-^
Aff. 1 7. Britton fo. i » a.
magc,i3E.2,Ba«ardy 15. 7 E<3.9. 8 45E.3,i9.Tr,
25) E.I.
cor am Rege. ioE.3.4i,4i, 11 H,4.7. 8R.z.Proce$ 224.3 H.y.ic. yE^
27. PI. Com. 3<58- 1 3 Eliz. Dier 303.
20 Eliz. Diet 360, Lib. j.Calvinscafe.
I part of the Inftititutes Soft. ^ j»

How and in what winner a Pariiantent is to be holden in Ireland, and p.irliam:nts !n

in the 'fame. Ireland hoidcn at
how Bits ottzht
to paffe
" •'
this day.

SClje 1L0J13S of tlbe CoanceltufretfcD tfje(r ilettecs to tfje ftoCi Cl&fcf SlaJJites hii. 10 jacobi

anD Cljief iBaron in tljefc toojDd. Rf g<».

After our hearty commendations to your Lordlllips. Whereas his
Majefty for divers weighty confiderations hath refolved to hold a Par- ^
liament in the Realm of Ireland, and that by an Aft made in the tenth
Aci , it is provided chat all fuch Bils as
year of H. 7. called Poynings
fhall be offered to the Parliament there (liall be firft tranfmittcd hither
under the Great Seal of that Kingdom ^ and having received allow-
ance and approbation here, (hall be put under the Great Seal of this
Kingdom , and fo returned thither to be preferred to the Parliament :

forafmuch as there are accordingly tranfmitted hither from thence di-

7.Z z vers
J5I Of Ireland. C^p.y6.
vers Bils as well publick as piivatc,fome of which Bils were firft agreed
on here, feme others were framed and conceived there , and comming
now hither may happily receive amendment or alteration we have :

of any qucftion or inconvenience that

thought meet for avoidance may
arife of the manner and form of proceeding in amending or altering of
thefe Bils, hereby to pray and require you, calling to you his Majefties
to look into PoyningsA^, andtoconfiderof
Attorny and Sollicitor
fome fuch courfe as ftiall be fit to be held concerning the fame, &c.
T>UQd Fltimo laftuarif i5ij«

ZM^erenpon in tW %enm t^e fait) €Wt

lattices anb ciiief naaron, and t^e
0tto}n|? % ^olicito^ toerc atTembleD ttoo feterall liapes at &ei;|eants BDnne, ana
liat) conGoeratton
not onlp of ttfg faiD jSct of i o H«7, cap.4« bat of tl)e Sla of ^Sc
}&4i>h.8cM»r. ^ Pfa. & Man cap.4, 3lntital$0, An Aft declaring how PoyningsA6kfliall be ex-
pounded and taken.
For by the faid Adlof 10 H.ji it is
provided that no Parliament
be hereafter holden in the faid and of Ireland , but at fuch feafonas

the Kings Lieutenant and Councell there Hrft do certifie the King
under the Great Seal of that Land, the caufes and confiderations , and
all fuch Afisasthemfeemeth fhouldpafTc in the fame Parliament, and
fuch caufes , confiderations, and Ads affirmed by the King and his
Councell to be good and expedient for that Land , and his licenfe
thereupon, as well in affirmation ofthe faid caufes and Ads, as to fum-
mon the faid Parliament under his Great Seal of England had and ob-
tained. That done, a Parliament to be had and holden after the forme
and cffed afore rehearfed. And if any Parliament be holden in that
Land contrary to the form and provifion aforefaid, it be deemed void,
and ofnone effed in Law.
Sur quel A[i divers doubts ^ ambiguitiesfuer' conceive ^ afcuns de eux
fiter'degreinder difficulty que auters,
1. Et frimerment un doubt fuit conceive quel le dit A5t de 10 H. 7.

extend al jucceffors le
Roy H
j.intant que . Act far le [olement del Roy gene-

raiment ^ne' defesfucceffors. ifi lereigne Marte fuit deins cefi parol Roy.
Etcoment que ceux nefuer' matters dafcun ambiguity, car cejl parol Roy que
import [on politique capacity ne unques mart , ^
efieant park indefinite
extend in ley a. touts fesjucce^ors, uncore ceo eft i/int expound per ledit t^if
de^Sc^ Ph. & Mar. Et que ledit A&de loH.y^ extendra to the
and Queens Ma efty, her Heirs and Succeffors.
2 Ott le Act de Poyningt dit (the Kings Lieutenant and Councell

th.€xc)fcrupUfuit conceyve Roy appoint unpernofme de le Deputie , o»

, fi

Lordluftice, oufilconltitute 2 Lords Juftices, chief Governours or Go-

vernour,^ Councell, ^c.
le Et quant a ceux eft explaneper le A£i ^f 3 4 &
Ph. & Mar. que ledit AiidePoynings extend a tout ceux.
3. Le ^
pluis difficult doubt fuit fur
greinder ceux
parols in laSide
Poynings. And
fuch caufes, confiderations, and Ads affirmed by the
King and his Councell to be good and expedient for that Land, &c.
Le quel le Roy poet fair afcun change ou alteration des caufes ^confiderations ou
A6is queferr' tranfmitt' icye del Lieutenant ^
Councell d' Ireland , car ceo

nejlpas affirmation mes corre^ion ^

alteration de eux. Etpur ceo fuit necef-

fary deftre explane, que Lad «/e 5 & 4 Ph. & Mar. fait in ceux parols. Ei-
Cap. 7^« Of Ireland^ ^^j
her the paffing of the faid Ads, &c. in fuch forme and tenor as

they fliould be fent into England, or elfe for the change and alteration
of them, or any part of the fame.
4. Auter qtiejlionfait fur lesparols
primer Act. fc. That done a Par-
liament to be had and holdcn,&c. ft a mefme le Parliament outers A£{s
ott alter icy poem ejlre ena&es
que flier' affrme per authority del Parliament
la. Le quel e/l explaineper
le dit darrein A^in ceuxparols^ forpafling
and agreeing upon fuch Adls , and no others, as fliall be fo returned
under the Great Seal of England.
Grafid doubt fuit conceive fur lesditzparols (that donea Parliament
to be holden>/« quel le Lieutenant ^
Councell d' Ireland
apres le Parliament
commence la^ ^
ipendeniePsivViamemo poient fur detate^ conference Uy
tranfmitt afcun
sitters considerations^ caufes^ tencrs,
provifions, ordinan- ^
ces come females a eux bone dejire ena£i' a mejme le Parliament deins le
Realme d' Ireland^ le
quel eji explaneper
le dit ASi rff 3 & 4 Ph. & Mar. iii

expre(feparols, que poient , &c.tls

Not a LeEieur lorder del proceading ^ fommons del Parliament in Ire-

land. Prtmerment le Lieutenant & Councell doient la de fouth
certefler le
Grand Seale d' Ireland le caufes & confiderations de toutz tielz ACis come
en Parliament .^ifint que le original covient a com-
femble a eux boneapa(fer
mencer la. 2 Us covient deJlre affirme ou alter change ^
retorne de
fouth &
le Grand Seale Dangltterre. 3 Licence defouth le Grand Seale
afamoner e^
tener un Parliament, a, A
tranfmitterSiUes pendente Parliamentor^w^ ap-
devant. Etfuitauxirefohe una voce. 1 . les
caufes ^ conjidera-
tions., ^
Bilks tranfmitte icy
de fouth le Grand Sealed' Ireland doient
cuftodie c^preferve icy in
Chancery d'Angliterre,^ ne remaunde. i.Sil^
foient affrme doient dejire tranfcriptdefouth le Grand Seale
, ilz, retorne ^
in Ireland, &
tout ceo quepaffe leGrand
SealedoietdeflreinroUeicyetn U
Si les Acls tranfmitt icy in
Chancerye. 3. foient afcun part alter ou change
laBs ifint alter change ^
doient come en un continent dejire retournede-
a ceux in
Grand Seale Dangliterre
fouth le Ireland^ tout quel doit dejire in-
in le
Chancerye Dangliterre. Mes le tranfcript defouth le Seale d'lre-
land que leremainein le Chancerye icy neferra amend, mes I' amendment

ferra defouth le Grand Seale Dangliterre come ejlavandit. 4. Les amend'

ments ou alterations icy ferr' come efl avandit retourne in Ireland fans afcun
ou certifcat dallorvance deceux per ceux de Ireland ^ car ficome
lesA£is movent originalment de Ireland, ifints les amendments ou alterati-
ons movont in Angliterre. 5 Touts les Bils que font tranfmitt
de Ire' icy
landfont ove le petition del Deputy e & Councell touts enfemble defouth
un Grand Seal d' Ireland. 6. Touts les Bills que font affirme ou alter icyjoitnt
retourne enfemble defouth un Grand Seale Uangliterre.

3no t^as muci^ concerning t^c j^arUaments of 3JrelanD»

j5'4. Of Ireland, Cap. 76^.
The cafe of the Earl of Shrewsbury upon the fta-
tuteof 28//.8. ofAbfentces.
zSMartii Perforce de certain Letters Patents de i%MArtu i6i2. del
Annodomim ^dmes Lea.,Sir An-
del Privy Councell djreB al Sir Humfrye Winche j Sir
*^'2* aux feigftiors le cUim
thetty Sentleger ^^
^ames FuUerton,ilz, certifont
de Cuilbert Countee de Salop aux dignities del Countee de Waterford (^
de Dongarvan in Ireland ceme enfuifi. Le Roy H.S.per fes Letters
Patents Anno 24
de [on reign granta a fon trefchier
cofm ^ohn Countee
deShrervsburyin conjideration de fes approved ^feyallfervices in le City
^County deWaterford Ireland,fTO eo quoque quod per eunde confan-

guineum noilrum pr^edida terra noftra Hibemia in partibus illis con-

tra hujufmodi inimicorum & rebellium noftrorum infultus potentius
defenderetur,ipfum in Comitem Waterford una cum flilo & titulo ac
nomine &
honore eidem debitis ordinaraus, praeficimus & creamus
Habendum, aldit Countee^^ ales heires males de fen corps. Et oufire per
mefme Letters Patents granta les CaJtleSyfeigniories, honors, terres (^ ^4-

de Dungarvan al dit ^ohn Countee ^
a les heires males de fon corps,
les deftre tentts del Roy
premises ^
[es heires per homage fealty , ^ It ^
fervice deftrefenefchal a fen Majefty in le Realm
d' Ireland. Puis al Par'

liament{communement appelle des Abfentees") tenus al Duhlyn in Ireland,

I Maii, An.28 \\.%fuit ena[l{per reafon del long abfence del George Count ec
hors de mefme le Realm) que le Roy^fes heirs ^
afignes avera ^
era indrottde fonCorene d'Angliterre touts honors ^manners ^ Caftlesy
feignioriesj franchifes, hundreds, liberties^ County Palatines, ^uriidi^ions,
annuities,fees des Chivaler^terres^ tenements, (^c. et touts ^'fmgular
fepons, hereditaments , S" touts auters profts^cibien Spirituall come tern-
praU^ quecunque queux le dit George Countee de Shrewsbury, (^ Waterford^ou
afcunauter perfon ou perfans a fon ufe avoient,^c. Le Roy H. 8. per fes
Letters Patents, Anno 29 dttftatute de Ahjentees,
defon reign recitant

Nos praemifla confidcrantes et nolentes ftatum,honorem, dignitatem &

pr^didiComitisdiminuere, fed amplius augere^ex certa fcientia,&
meromotu,&c. Granta al dit Countee dr fes heirs I'Abbyde Ruffbrdove
les terres a
ceoperteynant tn
le County de
Nottingham^ ^
lefeigniory de Re-
theram inle County de Tork, les Abbeys de Cheflerfield Shirebroke Glojfop' ^
dale in le
County de Derby eve divers auters terres ^tenements de grand
value dejiretenus in Capite, ^ les queflionsfuer'.
1. Le quel per lelonge abfence del Countee de Salop hors de Ireland per
que les Reys(jrfubje^s wanted lour defence (^ afijlance la, enconterle eX'

preffeconfiderationdelcreation^le title del honor eft perdue ou forfeit jie dit

Countee efteant Pier del ambideux Realms ^^d" refidingicy.
2. Lequel per leditfiatute des Abfentees , Anno 28 H. 8. le title del

dignity del Countee

de Waterford foit del dit Countee de Shrewsbury
cibien come les manners, terres, tenements &
auters hereditaments in mef-
me LaB fpecijie.

Etpuis per auters Letters desfeigniours del Councell, 27 Septemb. 1^12.

les deux
Chief J-uftices ^
Chief Baron fuere require a confider del dit cafe
{quefuit enclofedeins lour Letters)^ acertife lour opinions de ceo.
^el cafe fuit argue per Councell erudite del dit County devant les dit
chief ^uftices& chief Baron, fur que ilz. prejleront advifement {aprcsque
Cap.7<^» OfIreland. 25^
Hz,em divers foitz Ijele Preamble ^ tout le dit Act de 28 H. %.)]tfque a
Term de St. Mich. Anno decimo Jacobi Regis j &
donques fait une-
r»e»t refolve per euxcomeenfuijl.
ciuAnt alfrimerfuh refolve^que infant que nappiert que afcun defence
fuit requisite ^^
que le confideration executory nejl trcve per ojfice deft re in-
in ScireFac\a
jrei»t,»e judgement done ceft caufe que le dit Countee de
ceo nient obflant^remainCeuntee de Waterford.
^ant all fuit refo he, que leditABde 28 H. S. des
Ahfentees nad
toUe folement lespo([efions, que fuer' done a luyal temps defon
creation, mes
Auxi le dignity ntefme , Carcoment que un poet aver dignity fauns
uncoreceo ferroit
pleine de inconvenience, &
aceft caufe ledit Act
de 28H.8. {come touts auters ABs doient eftre) ferra
expound doufter tout
inconvenience, C^ pur ceo
per les
generall par els del A£i,{{c des honors he-
reditaments) k dignity mefme ove les terres dones ur maintenance de ceo
font done al Roy, le ^
extinB in le Cerone.
Et eftdignedeolrfervationle caufe de degradation de George NevillDule R"t.p.irl. renr.

deBedford,quefuit fait perforce dun Act de Parliament, 16 lanuarii, An- ^^sUh'^a'''

no 17E.4. quel ^^ reciting theere.flion and making the faid Regis
George e.4.'"7'!

DnkQ^expreffelecaufedefon degradation in ceuxparols. Dcgradaim Oco,

anDfojfomucftasittsopcnU'biiotoit, tljattlje fatD George batfj not, no? bp
inljeritancc map ftatjc ani> libell^ooD to fuppo?t ff)c faiD name , cftatc, anD ttianU

tp.oianp name of oftentimes it is fccii.tljatluljen anp iioiD iscallcD

fol^fgt) ettafe, anD Ijate not litieliljooti tontcnient to fuppojt
it tnDucetf) great potcrti' anD inDigcntcaiiD caufet^ oftentimes crreaf ($rtojtio«,
3lmbjacerp, ant) ^ai>itenancc to be ^aD, to tl)C great trouble of all fuc!) Countries
tofterefucb Collate Ojallljappen to be inbabiteD. CZHIjcrefoje t^e iSirig bpf^eao*
tice of Ijis 11 ojtis S>pirituall anD 2Dcmpo:all, anD tbe vlommons in tfjis pjefcnt
parliament aflcmbleD, anD bp tljc 3ut&ojitP of tlje fame, ojDainct^ effabliOjetfe ,

anD cnactet^, tljat from ^encefojt^ t\)t fame qf ection anD making of fije Tame
SDnbc, anD all t^c names of Dignitp to tljc faiD George 0? to John Ncvil ^isfa-
t^r be from IjenccfojtS tjoiD anD of none cffcct,^c.
In quel Act 3 chafes fucr ohferve , i .
Que content le dit Bake n avoid
afcun po(fe(Jions afupportcr fon dignity, uncore Jon dignity ne poet eshe tolle
deluyfans Aci de Parliament. 2. Les inconveniences appiert on grand e^
ftateou dignity neft pat accompany
ove livelihood. 3. Ceo eft
a toller le
dignity pcf Parliament ,
Et pur ceo le dit Ad de 28 H. 8. ferra

expound felenque le generally dehletter a teller tiel inconvenience, Et cg-

ment que le dit Countee de Salop foit non folement de grand honor (^ vertuCy
ptes auxi des grand poffejjions in Enghtcrre, uncore ne fuit lentention del
A ff a continuer luy Countee in Ireland
quant fes Irelandfuer'
cibien le
tolledeluy,mes que leRoy afonpleafure putt coriferre dignity, co-
me les pojfefions a afcun auter pur le defence de mefme le Realm. Et les dits
Letters Patents de Anno 29 H. 8. nadparols a'reftorer le dignity que Laft
de Parliament ad tolle , auxi ne fuit lentent del iJoydiminuereftatunijho-
norem & dignitatem ipfius Comltis, fed 3.u£^ere,ceux font dejire entendes
des pojfeffions pur maintenance defon dignity, car tant appiert per ceft parol

[^augere]c4r il increafe per mefme les Letters Patents ove exceeding g>-and
bounty le revenues del dit Countee de Salop en Anglitene,quel leroy penfe

un increafe defon ft ate, honor cjr dignity, iffintjon dignity in Angliter-
refuit increafe ove large po(Je(Jions in Anglitcrre in lieu de tout ceo que fuit
telle de luy per LaBde2% H.8. Et ou fuit ob\e£i que les generall p.irols[^des

Of Ireland, Cap.7<5.
ttors & hereditaments'yfont explain ^ par oh relative Jub-
qualifieper les dits

Cequent (qtteiix
George Countee
dit de Salop onafcun auter a [on
oeps ,) ^
ceone ferraentende dajcun honor oti hereditament mesdont auter s potent
[eifie alufe,
ceo nul &
poet del dit dignity ^^
pur ceo ledit Acl ex-
tendera a ceo.Mes ceoejldefireprife reddendo fmgftlaftngtilis, (^ les parols
ledit George Countee avoitfont fuficient a pa[fer le dignity, cjr ove
ceo accord le opinion de touts les ^ujlices Dengliterre in Nevils cafcj/wrrfw-
in lejiatate 26H. 8. in le jpart de mesReports, ^^'33- 3 ]• &
Rot.Par.3 R. SCI&ereis an 0(t mauefnsR. itoojtftp |»€re of remembjflntclDfjfcf) ncDcr
teas pet pjtntct). 3t{0enattcD,tljat all manner of perfons toljatfoctjer tofto ,

t)at)e anplanD0 o^ tenements, offices o} ofl^er \lbins (^ccleGatttcail o^ E:empo<

po^alltDitfiin 3lrelanD,f]^aUceriDeo;DloeUupQntl^erame, Sim t^at allfnt^ as

latjetljcrcanp Catties o? otfier JFojts, fljallfojtffie fbe fame antifarnt© tt
Sutt^ men able , anD tijcrcupon alfo Dtoell.
foj Defence Sln\) if tijep at anp time

Depart, t|>en Daring abfencc to appoint fomc able to fapplp bis room, o«

t^erlotfe t^e dDotierno^ foDtfpofe tbeijalf oft^eirlittiing to fuel) Defence. g)ce

t^e ^ct at large, neceCTarg to be put in erecutton in t^tk Daps.
Rot.Pir.ii E.I. Dominus Rex vult & prxeipit quod de cxKro finguliiannis femel in anno
Rot.j.Hibetnia. compotusHibernisAc. per Thefaur' Hibernia: reddatur ad Scaccanum Ang-
lis,8c ibidem audiatur per Thefaur' & Barones fuos, ^ neceffarp latD, anD mutb
fojfbebenefit ofti^ei&ing to beobferbeD.
Trin.ij E.I .Co- a
long lUecojD touching tftecuttoDp of t^e boDpanD lanDs of Ijeirs toitlifn
ram rege Rot 38.
agCtXJl^CrCintljCfCtoOjDSarefOntaineD. Etcum una eadem lexcfledebeae &
ia breve de etto-
taminrcgnoAnglijE quam Hibernia. ofCErro} of juDgmcntSgi*
ILifee iBjitS
re Hibernia.
ApudWcftin". ten tnt^ Sings JBcncftin 3;relanD,Mich. 33 E. i. Coram rege. Theobald Ver-
ziE.i.Rot.j. dons cafe 5 Breve de errorc fuper bfede errorc Rot. 76, Pafch. ;o E.i, Coram
in breve de errorc
Int' WJIiamds
Rege Rot. 50, in breve deerrore&c. William de ia Ri verscafe, EtTr, 53-E.i.
Concordatum eft per omnesdc ConcilioregisjEpircop'$& aliisinHi-
Vefey & P.filium
Thora3e,& Rot. beraia uoanimiceriqaod confuetudo uHcata in Hibernia de bonis ceftacorunv
Pari ijB.i. talis eft, quod ubi,&c. ^
5 E.i.error 89. ''Prifage vinorumHibernia, anD f be manner of tbe fafeinnr of fbefamc.
1} E.j.ibid,7Z. at a &pnoD bolDcnin 3relanD bp S>t. Patrick tbctr^pottle, it iuasunani*
?4Air.p.7.Rcg-, mouOp agreeDtbpat BCri^ p^ietts fl^oulD babe toibes.
ioi. 1 5 E.J. Re- Tres Petitiones porre£l<x Regi contra Eliam de Aj])bHrnham miUtcm ^u-

cord 38.
fiiciar' dominiregii
in Hibernia de diverfis malejaEtisy^c. per ipfum
non debet trac}ari,niji in Hibernia j(jr ibidem termi-
Coram rege Rot.
98. Hi hernia.
quod oportet ipfum dominum regem informariper indi[iamentum
tTr.jjE.i.Co- 12 ^ur' velper Jppellumformatum ^Attachiamenf ad feBam partis [ecun-
ram rege Rot.
1 14 Hibernia. ^
dum legem confuetudinem regni regis Anglic hacienus ufitat'. Curia vult
e Tr.iSE.j.Co-
indeadvifari,& interim manucapitur. Pojlea dominui rex mandavit breve
tam Rege Rot.
i48,Hibernia. quod caper ent manucapt' adrefpondendum in Hibernia.
Sir EliasAft-
d Admittittir
Bpifcepm Exon'pro fine 200 Marc' pro u in
contempt mn
burnharas cafe, admittendo prdfentatfim regis adEcclefiam de Southrpell^pro quosontemptu
d Pafch.14
omnia Temporalia feijita fuerum in manta regis , tunc &
temporis ante
Rege.Cornubia. Cormibia ratione quod incumbens e-
vacavit Arichidiaconat
finem faci'
t^.f.ipj. ^
leiimfttit in Archiepifcopum Dublin in Hibernia ( temporal/bus Epifcopi
7 E.J.J.IiE.j.
41,41. Exon' ad tunc in manibta regis exijien) per quod dominPis rex recuperavit
verf. Epifcopum di£i' Archidfaconat\

BJntbis IRccojDftoocontlafionsarcfobeobferbcD. i. 2Cbowgb HrelanD (as

batb been faiD)be a Dtttinct ISingDome of it fclf,pct it is gotJcrncD bp one anD tbe
fame latn tbaf CnglanD is. 2. 2Dbat toben tbe HrcbDcacon inas bp jtbe latng
preferred to a Bifbopjicb, |)e bao tbe pjefentation to t\iz ;3rcbDeaconrp in

CsLp.yd. OfIreland. ^57
rcfpect of tlje JEempojalttes of tljc HBtftop of prefer jaafron of t^ SfrtftDcacon'
rp, atiDnot Jjp anp ^ p^crogatttje, janDrottts>tfan3ncnmbenttn3rclani>ije aThisisappj.
maUeallSiftOptn^nglanD, rem by many iu- .

3ff a 515tftop of CBnglanD be maoe a carD(naU,fbe SBiifiopifcb becomes tjofD, thorincs.Tr.n.js
anOflic litns ftall name tftc fatceffoj, becaufc tt)C aDtftopjicbe t0 of Ijispa. ^V.^/.Thn^c'
trOnagC* Eonlumscafe.
p.tiponffjerepealcof alRatiftcaf{onoftbc31ncumbent, aProce- >7 E.;.fo.40.
&ee 4? £;.

dendo out oftfte chancer? l^crc to tbeiufttces in BrclanD to pjoceeOint^jeQua^ he.j .40. 41 e.

re Impcdit bjoagUt bp tfte mtis- I'lii foicrV'z '

31 fintje an anctent KccojD togc^(ng 3IrclanD neceffarp to be erplaftie!), fn tfjefe b pi.48 rcfoiv*.
. . -
I, n^^ H.
tDOjDS. j.3f j8
. .
6.pirt 2.01.14.

^jRexThefaurarioHihrnUjSalutem. Cum
Edtpardus frimegenius no- ABifhopm-iea
Hibcrnix habeM c^ teneat dc dono noftro cum omntbus fertinentiis c 45 E.j.fol
fier terram 9.

fuis adeo
liber e 'i' (fuiet): jieut eaminmamt nofira tenercmus, ferquodcba-

rifimdflia mjlra Alianora confers diliifilH noftri Aurumfuitm

defifti- Auruin' R-^otinx.
quam (pofite obUtis in terra H/berni/e habere debet, Jicitt charifima con'
fors nofira
Alianora Regina Anglic Aurum fuum habet de eifdem in regno
quatenus frafata conforti flii no-
Vohis mandamus, ^c.
m(iro AngltA
Jiripnedi^i AttrumprddtiJifm
de finibits (^
etiam deqai- ^
bufcmque aliis finibns pr.tdiCiis habere facias in forma
frxdilia. Et hoe
(^c. In cujtis crc Tefie Rege 2p. die Februariij Anno 52 H.^s

jI5|?t&{sl'vcco;tJfirttifappcarct&, tfjat, ast^latu Iras taken at tbat Dap, ftp Tk like grant
giftofJitngH. j.fjtsclDcftfonne^^jtnte Edward SOomJnbn wismadeofthe
toas liojD of tfje

anDlLojDtijip of 3!rclanD. SscconDlp, tIjatalbcfttljciDife of |0jince Edward teas

^andofifeiani *
not £Iiuecne in name, but ban t^c effect of it, t&erefoje C&e OjotrtU bat)e a Dutp caU
leD Aurum Regini, 30 toell as ttje 25 ueene of 'CBnglanB, being but JLaDp in 3lre-
lanU/jFoj abeit tijc Jiiings of frelanD toereCnntil t^e Statute of 3 3 H.8.)aiUD bp « ? j H.s.cap.i.
t^namcoflLojDofirelanO, petiuasftefupremus, anOabfolutcDominus, anU Andfoitappca- ^^
l)aD ropall Dominion anD autftojitp, ant) tl&at ftis Confojt toag
in rci vcritate Re- '?>'

gtna, oj
elfc OlC COUlD not ftate W
Anrum Reginar.
^V;^ ^jj.^

hi! p'ro<'Srs
Sllbetttl)t3UoralSDomtnionanB5LanDof3tclanD teas of ancient time per-- had before th:s
mitteD to be gcanteb de fado to tl)e iSings forates befoje mentioned, pet bp tfte Aa Kingjy jurif-
3La\T)tt)cl^ingbi'fttsllcttcrs piatents coiilD not grant fo ItlopaU a member of diftionaadaoy-
35mpcrtall ttilc to anp, no moje tfjcn tje coulD Do of tlje i^iitgDome of (EnglanD* /scc'bcforT
anDt^atDotijUjellappearebptljis, tftattofjeni^ingR,!. bp W
letters |0a= p.ig.,j,i4.thc
tents creatcD Robert de Vere c^arlc of % tncalne, anD i^arqueffe of ia>ublin to be grant oking
SDube of 3rclanD, \iZ granteo to ftimfojlife*totam terram & Dominium Hi- John
to the Pope

bernix, & Infulascidem tcrrs adjaceotej,

acoronia CaftraXomitatuj, Burgos*
* v"j ""^^t^"
Portus Maris, &c. una cum liomagiij, obcdientiis, vaflalis, ferviciis, & pirUa Jem in
recc«nitionibus Praslatorum, Coroitom, Baronum, &c.
advocationibus & 40 E.j.
patronatibus Ecclefiarura Metropoliticarum
Cachcdralium &
Abbatiarum. &c. Thefc thus (•;

conftiiucre Cancellar', Thcfaurat', lurticiax', &c. eum regaliis; regalicatibus, li-

* ^"""/jj^'^^j"^"'
bertatibus,&c.Sc omnibus aliis qu^ ad regaliam noitram penkicm,* eum mere Let^ters patents.
& mixco Imperio,adcoplene, integre,& petfcftcj ficat no» ea tenuimns & habui-
mus, cenueruDt & habuerunc progenitorum nonrorum aliqui uHi$ uoquam tem-
poribus retroa6^is.
Tenendum per * Homagium ligeum tantum. "Per Horn, ligefi

3 ^^efaiD ^Letters patents tuere antfjojtjeD bp parliament, Aflcnfa pnlatoru,

[^^'/^'J J° ^ ^^
Ducum, & aliorum Proceru,& Communitacis noftrx Anglix in Parliamcnto,&c, otherhomage,
albeittttoaseontralcgem&confuctudinem Parliament!, as bcfoje it appcaretft, ^ Rot.pac.9 k. ».
Croton.Sed m-x. &
Roc. par.
pa,i3,i4.toatrenttoanptl){ngtoti)cDlfl)crironof tfjeiiinganD
& 9 R'».nu.9. &
novus ifte infolitus umbratiiis honor cite evanuir.
title Of ™^-
Rot.Par.i:? R.z,t5u.2i. tbeiiingbpaut^ojitpof parliament gatictbc
©ufecof^quttainctoljisSlnclclohnofdDaunt, ®abe ofiLancafter,anDittoas
jaaa bp
25S Of Ireland, Cap. y^.
bp confcnt of ^art(am0iit,anD coulD not be granfeubp JLeftcre laatenfa.becaufe It
luas one of tbe titles anD ttiles of bi^ Hopall Crotone. ann t!)ta alfo titD firS
Aurum Reginar. ®"^ "''^'' ^^ ^^ ncccffarp f bc fettolune ioftat f bis Dutp of Aurnm Regins is.
t2Kfterctnt^;ce things are to be conQDereD. ^trft, tDl^atautljojitpanDtoarrant
in JLaU} tbcre is foj t^is Dut?. ^econDlp, lo^at it is. SC^irDlp, totiat i0 &ae
tljcrcbP* iFirft, in Lib. Rub. in Scaccario fo^ Auro Rcginae.toljere it iSlafD,
t^at it t0 to be tafecn de hiis qui fponte le obligapt Regi,&c %\^{ii pjefcnt IRe*
co^DOf"?! H,3, V«.Mag.Carta3»pam{o,6j»Vid»ioH.3tStaudeRocclandt0tl>C
famecffcd. » ailccojD int^eC^wljcquerTcrminoHil.ADDo 4E.i.S[nofl)crt^ere,HiI. li

scac. ex parte £. J* Rot.j.ex parte Rem.Regis.anD Dttjcrs otfter lReco}l)0 in t^6 rei0nC0 of R.2»

J'^k?!'!"'''" H.4.&c.onttUtt)erctgneofH.7.
3injactsofparliamcnt,t'«.i5E.3.cap.6. 31 E*3.cap.i3.
^' 3" £>it)crfl of t^cfe IRecojDS ttappearctl^ t&at tftc ®ncen ftoulDftate dc
Rot.ciauf.iz.E.j '

part.i.m.ii. Tpontc oblatis* pro centum mareis argeaci una marca auri folvcnd' per ipfutn
qui fponte fe obligat. ^InDPafch. 4. Jacobi Regis t^eJSing Dit) require tfjc ttoo
C^tefe Biufftces anD C^iefe llBaron to ccrtifie \^m loljat belongeD to ttje ^tteene
foj tl^is Dutp at ttjis Dap. SnD after manp conferences, anD Ijearirig of Counfcll
learncD on botft fiDcs, anD Dieto of IRecojDs, at laft it toas rcfolbcD bp t^cm all,
anDfoDiDPophamvi;fttefc3^uaicerepDjttotljcifting, t^att^e Dntp belongcDto
. itmuft be
toitft tljefe fonre limitations,
£Iluccnc iponte, from tfte fubjetf,
anD at i^is plcafurc tvftctl)er Ije toill gilje if oj no, anD no rigfjf in t&e Crotonc»
5inD tljercfoje fines foj offences, foj alienations, oj tftc lifee, are no part of tljia
Dntp, 2* 3t muft be freclp, tottl^out anp confiDeration of anp grant, falc, oj leafe
Rot.Pari. 7 R. i.' Of snp t^ing Uj^eretn t^je ililng ^atftanp revenue, cffafe, oj tntercft. 0nD tljere*
ru.6i. foje&ales,3leafes,<lD2antsofiLanD0,2Denements,MarD(6ip0,ojtI)elike, are
out of t^e fame* foj t^ere is quid pro quo. 3 Bit mutt be fponte luper aliqua confi-

dcratioDe,&c. JFoj example, if tj^efubjcd: fponte offer to tl&efetngfoj a licence

tn jjpojtmaine, oj to create a SCcnure of btmfelfe, oj to ftatie a J?aire, ^arfiet. oj
to make a parbeio; t^e Ube, toliere ttie i^iug Diminifl^et^ no part of l^is retiehne,
ftate,oj interelf 5 t^ere AurumKegin^tsDuctotljc 31uecne. 4. ^f fenbCDtes,
iFifteencs oj anp otl)cr grattiitp of tlje mcete grace 0^ benetjolence of t^c fubject,

tljere is nothing Due to tlje ©ucene . anD fo it tuas refoltJCD, Hil.4 E, i » &c. ubi

anD fo mucl^ upon tljis OCCaCon de Auro Regin«.
Certaine Iri(h .
^ fainilt toas fucccffoj apparent unDcr tfte cfticfe JlojD OJ Captafnc of efterp
words necefarjf
fefecrallCountrp, anD toas eligible bptfteCountrp.
to be l anD
explained, Brehon. %\si, 3Irifl) calleD tfteir 3aDgc0 Brchons ,
Ijereupon tlje 3Iri(ft
flThanc .pudBri-
|Lato is callcD tlje il5jcl)on jllato.

TJ^Xx Tw Reels
^t a parliament ftolDen in 3relanD bp Howel ^ufec of ClarenccHieufenanf
nunift'ro. tbcrc, Anno 4.; E»3.atlitlbennp, anD t^crcfojecallcDtlje statute of Jiilbennp,
bv, rchofi. Bdh- tl^e Bjelion liato is no Hato, but a leluD cnttome crept \n of latter times,

neljer toas tljelLato of t^e ancient ilBjttatnes from to^omf^cp are DefcenDeD,
E^iTiikennv Cuttings.^KnDcr tljat name tlicp compjcljenD SCaUages anD 3mpoCtion0.
«Co(heries are pjeljenDinafions, toften tlje cftief iLojD anD l^is retinue, «.cantt
t coHisrics.
to bis tenants ^onfc, miD fcD upon t^eir pjotiifions till all toere fpcnt,
Tcrmondland. Tcrmondlands arc t^CvIDlebC of tlje C^urc^.
Eritk.' EriekGgnifietb a fine foj an offence.
^ ,,
, -.
Gailoglaflcs, Equitcs Triarii qui fecuribus utuniur acutifTimii.
Kernes funtpedues qui jacuhsutuntur.

Kernes* '
SDlje Prorex tljere in fo?mcrtime0 ftatfebeene calleD Goftos, Warden, litea*
tenant, Cljiefe Sufticc, SDeputp of SIrclanD,
%\fdt e);po&ttons toe ^tie sDDcD fo} better inttructfon of l^fm to(io toill

Of Ireland.
Cap.7(^. :t^%9

^ohanni Mirefcallo dedtmUs

Eex^(jrc. ^
conccpmusfro Homagio (^fer-r Ror.par.^.johan-
"" ^^'^6'' J°'i»n-
totius Hibernix cum omnibus
•viciofuo Marefcalfiam nofiram pnimntits.^
^c, HabtndHm fbi &
de nobis hxredibusnefins. &wLm'^i'^hcLor/
&C0 t^e Ucgtffcr, tftat if an 0rtl)ltniop?ttfe o: Bia)opjtfh tit JrclanD be tjofD, ^^^' ^
*'^' ''''
tftat tftc Chapter fliall fuc to tijc iliiw in CnglanD to goc to clcttion, anD aftcc
elcrtton maoc tljci' ou0l)t upon certificate thereof maCc. to tljc liing to obtatne^ts
5Ropall ^ffent to tl)t£S election, anD thereupon a ^Irit ftiall be DirccteD ont of tl)C
Cfjancerp Ijcrcto tl)c Cbicfc ^ulticc of 3relanD, o; fjis IL icutcnant reficarUnc; all
tbii! niatter,anDcominnnDing fjtmfo tahc fcaltpof tl)c2l5i(!)op,anDto rcffo;c fjim
fo b<0 2neinpo:.altics. "iSfWi nototljc courfc vs in?relanD to mahc fncljCarito
tftcre in tbc name of tijcliinff, 2i5nt tljcliing names tljc :3rcljliiniops anD lBt= r.N.B. i^^.iyc

fl)opc tljcre,
l)C fofl) CDnglanD
i\\ ; SnD
CT)aptcr cljoofc l)im toftom t^c
tljcn f tic

iijtns namcis to tOcni,

auD tljereupon tl]c tx:ir its arc mabe o! cotirfc.
;anD fljc rcafon of tt)is cljangc ts luojtlji' to Ic Imoinnc: foj tbe vXljarf er of feing a ca: ta j-ii .nms

John foj election of ffitOjops, %u erf cnDcD onlu to the llBifljopsf, %t, of Cf nglanD. '^'^S'' > s'Jan.
IBut after f Ijat tl)c toljolc Dominion of KrclanDCas lucU conccrnincc ttjc dfjurch "ovum

astljeCommontucaltf)) teas cttabliaicDto be gotocrneD bg one tlaiuUiithtfjc BXop"iifo"re^*

feingDomeof CSnglanD, as is aboljcfaio, tljcn tljc courfc (n the IKcgtacr toas wncdoranVc b/
changcD, anD the fame courfc faUcn tljcrcns xi t3 in Ct-nglanD,
t- j- it-
flnD tol)cicas Ijcrctofojc fomc, not tuithout fcanDall, hatjc DilDiDeD this i^ing= per
Dome into the C nglifh |pale,anD the toilDc %x'\^,^ let oblttion burp \X^ oj nicncc
,7e '?^;
co'ocr itjfojnotoallarcreDuccDtoobcDienccanDcitiill bchatjioar. feoasaman itone'&c!^"'
mapjoftlpfapofthemasof theolD ISjitatncs, Suntinbello fortes,
in pace &
fideles. ^nD fojthat
fomchaljc giticn out that the Crotonc of CEnglanD haD this po'efl;finon,

Coimtrp of 3relanD of the Donation of the |Ei ope, iac toill ingcnuouflp manifeft ^"''^""q"=
""" ^^s^^-
thefruth therein bp the JKcfojDsanDtujttings themrcltjes at larp.

AltitenMtis 'Dei
clementia^ qui efi Rex Regttm, & Domims do- The charter of

winamium,ego Edgarus Anglortim Bafiletis^ommimqnererHm Infttlarum mftkA^^'n

Ocemi qu£ Britanniam circumjacent, cunfiarilmque Nationum qua infra s64.aud in the°'°
earn inclttduntur Imperator (-r Deminus , gratias ago ipji Deo Omnipotenti reigne.

Regi meo^ qui maim imperium fic ampliavit cr exaltavit ftiper regnttm pa-
ir urn meor urn. ^i licet Monarchiam
Anglix adepti [tint a tempore
totius ^'"gAtheiflane

Athelfiani^qui yrimus Regum Anglortim omnes Nationes qux Britanniam [^^iK^^'^^^'u^'^

jncoltint fibi arms fubegit,ntillus tamen eortim ultra fines imperium fmim di-
latare ^gg''^(p's eft. Mihi tamen concept propitia divinitas cum Anglortim
omnia regna Infidartim oceani cum fins ferecifmis Regibus tffque King EcJgar con.
partem Hibernix J cum fuanobilifimaCivitatede S"sfcd
the gra.i.
Norvegiammaximamque "^^
Dublina Anglorim regno jubjugare, qiiosetiam omnes meis imperiis collafub- landfwiduhc
dere, Dei favente gratia^coegi Qmpropter .
ego Chrijligloriam ^
laudem moft noble c/ry ^
inregnomeoexaltare, & e\f(s fervititim
amplificare dif^oftii. It per
meos fidelesfautores^Dunftanumy\iz. Archiepifcopum Ayelyolanum ac Of- th;sKing.
tvaldum Archiepifcopos j quos mihi patres fpirittiales^ confiliatores elegi, int.'egei Edw:-

wiagnaex parte di(pofui,(fc. Fa^afunt h^tc Anno Domini g6^. Tndiffione forfs fo i b^'^'
2. RegniveroEdgari Anglortim Regis 6. in regiatirbeqfixab incolis ode- Lanb.

nominatttr in natale Domini feftivitate Sanltormn Innocentiiim
feria 4.^c. t^ Ego Edgar Bafiletts Anglortim, <^ Imperator Regmn dytifl^sRcx"'
gentium , cum confenfu Principtim ^ &
Archiepifcoporttm nmriim banc '>ri<>nnorum,&c

meammanuftcentiamfignomeocorroboravi. J^ Igo Aljrye Retina confenfi ft cn(fc7inter"

Criicis confirmavi.
(jr figno Ego Dtinftan Archiepijcoptis Dorobor* Ecclefix --ii.i) Hiborni ainj
Chrifticonfenfi &fubfcripfi^ Ego ojlicel Archiepijcoptis Ebgracenfts Ec-
Aaa 2 define
l6o Of Ireland, Cap.7<J.
confenfi &
(lefiie fubfcriffi. jEgo Alferic Dux. EgoBmhmd Dux. Ego
Aridgari Dux ^
anDtD^atC'CclcCaafcall jurfsDfrtfon tlje Srcbbiftopof Canterbnrp l^aD in
3relanDof ancfcnt ttme bcfo?e it toaa fubjett to tfte Crotonc of dEnglnnD.pou
map rcaoc inCamdens Britannia, pag.73s. & 7^5.a0 namclp tit tlje Confccration
anDdonfinnationoftftetclBtftops, bprcafon of t)t0j3?tmacptn 3rclanD»
Mich.f E.J. coram a Biufttce tn 3rclanD conftttnteD bp JLettcrs patents unDer great g^eale m
Regc Rot.45. of CnglanD, cannot be rcmotJCD from 1^(0 office but bp tlje iting onlp.

f Kerry.
I Defmond. 'Kilkenny.
Corke. Caterlough.
Of ilic Pentai- South.
Jwaterford. Qjueenes County.
ehy of Ireland. rhe Kingdom of) rj^^^^^y^^^ Eaft.
> Kings County.
Momma had -J. Lagenid'j.vii.

Counties jViz. with the Coun- I'
S^ Crof-
ty of IDublyn.

rhe mtddefi.
5 Weft Meth.
^'^'' 3-

Galloway. Monaghaia.
JMino. had 10.
Conacha. had 6. >Vltonia l^"^^^
iSlego. Doun.
Counties ^\\z. Viz.
Lc Trim. Antrim.
Roftaman. Colran.

IrelanD tiatti 3 % . Counties, be&Des Citie0,tf)af are Cotmties of tliemfelljes.

!ftingH.i.atapnrlianientt)olDenat£)|:fo?D, Annoregnifui 23. createD ibis
ronnejohn?jjingof3!relanl). HButtftefiitceeDing teings to? otetberafelbes Do-
mini Hibernia-, untllltfte 33. pcarcofH, 8. in tot)it&pearei)ctooh upon bimtlie
name of l&tng of BErdanD.
Rot.pirl.g R.i. ^t bp ^utfiojifp of parliament, tljaf eberp man Daring (i( pears
\!)as cnattet)
nu.4j.inhng migljt Dig in I|is otone pjoper Topic in BrelanD dDolDo; diitier, <ic. peelDing to
tl)e)|{titgtl)enint^parttl^ercof, anD ttjatttjep mal^e plate 0; copne thereof at
Mines of Gold
and Sliver. t^o livings xopnage in 2D nblin, papingt^fees: anD tijat nonecarrp thereout anp of tte faiD (0010, &Uter o; Bullion, but Into CnglanD, totttniut t^ l^tngs licence, on painc to lofe tibe rame»
119. Pi. Com. in *3L grant of all jptncs of (IDolD anD frtlticr tottl^tn (iIinglanD,? t(jc SDufec of
the cafe of Mines.
515eDfo?D llcgcnt of jFrance, 5c. renojing tof^e Cftnrcl) tlje tentb part : to tb8
Coynage at Dub-
!^ingtbef[ftccntt)part :totUeot0ncr of tljeropletltietlDentietbpart.
•Rot.pat.j H. 6. Co
concluDe tnit^ fomctoljat toliicft tcnDs to tfje t)onour of tbat JiJoble J^ation.
Certaincitts, ttattobtlcs t|)C Jlibcrall Sciences inCDuropelap in a manner
buricD in DarbncCfe, tften DtD ttieir luttrc 0)inc fti?tl) moft clcarlp fjcre in 3rc*
lanD i tljit^er DtD our d^nglill) Saicons repapje, as to a iFap?e 01 ^arbct of gooD
letters t
Cap.y. OfTrecedency, 5^1
letters : tofjence of t^e Ijolp men of tijofc times tue often reaDe (n ancfenf WtU
ters, Amandatus eft ad difciplinam in Hiberniam -.
f)C ioas fent into 3irelanD to CamJen in Hi-
ft uDj? f bcre. bcf nil.

^c tftat is Bcftroas to reaDc mo?c I'^tecoiDs concerning tftis feingDome of %xt'

lanD, tie map reaDc fftefe Coram Regc in tftc fiings IScnctJ.Trin.i 3
38,Hibernia, Mich. 17 E.i.rot,3i. 38.Hibernia. H1I.19 E.i,roc,68. Hibernia,
Pafch. ipE.i.ror,^^. Hibcrnia. Trin.ioE.i, Rot, 40, Pafch.34 E,i. Rot. ic-j^
Mieh.j E,3,Rot.4o.& 46« Mieh.<5.E.3,Rot.j j.Hibernia.

C Of tlie precedency of the great Officers, No-

and others of this Reahne.

For the precedency of the King himfelf and of other

and fupreme Princes,! take not upon me to write,but re-
ferreyou to learned Camden, Lib. Annal. Anno Vommi 1600.
42. Ehz. pag.

0t tlje Common lata iiing b|? Ijis ^jcrogafitje ropall migljfgitjcfutl)

, ti)e rra-ccJe.eeft
ftononr:rcputation,anti placing toftiscounfcUoas and otftcr i^is fub|ctt0,a6 Hjoulo ?'X(mdo incc<<c.

^•'^ ^'"'^-
be fccmins to ^ts intfeDome, to^tcb Bjcrogatitc toas fo DcclareD bp ^tt of J3ar=
^ ,'^- f,

liament. tllT
15p t^iS |0jcrOgafit3C, Henrico Beauchamp conceflit Rex Henricus Sextn»,ut Moft anci;nt is

primus & prsecipuus eflct Angliz Comes, & hoc tituloutcreturj Henricus Pr^co- "'ofthonorable
mcstotius Angltx& Comes Warwici Veftse Infuli rcgulum dixit; . Ariftot.iMc-
DucemWarwici &
concefTitjUthabererfedem in ParJiamentij ,
crcavir, & alibi


proximam Duci Norf. ante Ducem Buckinghamix, 'llg njea" bk^'
SCticfamcliingcreatcD Edmond of ^l^aDljam fo be Carl of llicljmonD , anD ^ Rot.par.zjH 6-

grantcD bim pjcccDcncp befoje all otftcr CBarls. ^e alfo creatcD Jafper of i^at-- Vid. Rot.i4c.

ftclt)(l!;arlof^erab30kc,anDgal3cl)tmp?eceDcncp bcfoic all otljer Claris ncrt to

^^^^^ p^"^
fiigbjotbcrt^e faio Edmond Q^arl of Hic^monD. 3i5ut ijereof t&cfc cramplcs '"•Mi;ft"'i^-ncy
fl"''ll rtlff ice.
jiing H.8. tljougli ttanDing as mucft upon bis jcrogatitjc as anrof f)ia pjo*
acnifo?s, vet fintitng l)Otu terattous itUjas to bimfelf, ano boto Diftattfulltobis
ancient Jfiobtlttp to^aticneto ratfcD oegrces to IjatiepjcceDencpof ttjcm, ant) fin=
DingtbattbisfetnDofcontroterfp foj pjeceDencp iuas of tfjat nature, tftattt b^O
manipparfahcrs.fpcnt long time, anD btnDjcD tbearDuous urgent anDtoeigfttp ,

affairs oft^clBarliamcnt, tnas content fo binD anD limit bis JDjcrogattte bp

jSttof parliament concerning tijc pjeceDencp of bis great £5tficers, anDofbis ?«H»,
j^obilttp. anD firft foMbe ilojDs §>pirttuall (toboftttn J9arltamcnt on tbe
Vie totngs r igbt banD)amonga tbcmfcltics.
I, 2Dbc 5lrcbbifl)op of Canterbury, i. Cbe 0rcbbi(bop of |3o:6 on tbt
famefoim. SCbeBttbop ofiLonDon. 4.2nbe 3I5ilbopof SDurefme. s.SDbe

iSiOjopofMincbeaer j anD tben all tbe otbcr llBiftiops ofbotb^Djofeinceslball

fit anD facplaccD after tbeir befoje
tbis tuas accuffomeD. llSut
IjatjtngregarDto tbc JLoiDs anD noblc^ecrsof tbc IReaim, botbtbc :arcbbia)op8
bate place abote all tbe great £Dfficers anD j]iobtlttp fn parliament , Councell
anD Commitrtono , fating m tbc S>tarcb!imbcr
, tbelioJD Cbanccloj 0? 3lo?D
IBut tbc otber llSilbops bate place abotc all
liicepcr batb tbe pjeccDcncp of tbem.
tbe JlSarons of tbc Realm, bccaufctbepbolD tbeir ilBitbopjicbs of tbe tetng per
Barociam, but tbepgttc place to <Ilifcounf3, CEarls.fparqucaesanDSDubes,
^aa 3 Concer*
^6z Of Precedency .
Cap. 77.
Lord Conwntiigtljecfrcat^Jfficcrsoff^Kcalm. i. SCljc ILojD Cl^anceJoj oj
l^ota, the
toeepec of t^©;eat £>eal.
Steward c; Eng- 2, 2C^e 3LojD 2Dreafarer.
HojD 5. SCfte 3Lo)D
land Isnoch:ic
mentioned )bc- pjefiDentoftfteEingsConncelU 4. SCftelLojD pjttjp S>eal, being of t^eDc
caufeic WAS in- gree of Barons of parltamcnt,oj abotc, Iljall fit anO b» placet In ?3arltament on
tended tha: when t^^tg^cc part of t^efojmabotie all iDube0,cj:ceptonlp facias fljall Ijappen to

thiufeofhim be tfte titngs S>on, t^e fetngs Bjotticr, tlje icings jpep^eto,©? tfte istngs B?o»
oj fitters &ion0. &ee an aamaoe in 18 H.8. cap. i S. mahing tt frcafon
fljould be necef-
fary,he (hiuld
not endi;re lon- anp of t^c blooD ropall tnttl^in certain Degrees: bat it is re--
foj niarptng,ic. toitft
of Cnglann. 6. SLftc donttable.
ger then hjc vice. pealeD." j.stftedDjeat chamberlain 7.2:156
aDmirall. 9. SDfte ilo;D &tetoart) of tlje lyings ^oufe.
i. the
Kings sparOjaU. 8. SDfje JLojD
(irandchilde. 10. C^e iSings Chamberlain Ojall CtanDbe placeD after t^e ILojD ^Bjitp S>eal
Note the degrees
tn manner anQ fo;m follotoing, viz. etcrp of tljcm ftall fitano be placeD aboteall
wichm that Aft.
ot^er parfonages being of tliefameffate anD Degree: as if^ebea ^aron,abot}e
all Barons: if a SUtfcoant, aboteall tatfcoanfst if an CEarl , abotje allcBarls, ic.
1 1. %\^z mings pjincipall Secret arp being a lIBaron of t^ parltamcnt ftall fit
aboteall SBarons not Ijatjing anp of t^e offices afojefaiD, But if Ijc bea '»aif*

count, an cBarUj anp ot^er Ijig^er Degree not take tl)e place of anp aif*
, |jc lliall

connt, CacUoj ^ig^er Degree, as it toas refolbeD in t^ecate of Robert Cccii,earl

of &altsbnrp.;3nD ifttie g)e(retarpbea Bitbop^ljellballtaltetbe place of all otljer
BtOiops not Ratling anp of t^e offices afo^efaiD^bnt not abotiet^e ^rct^biOiops.
The generall ail otfter SDufecs not befo?e menttoneD, sparqneffcs, Carls , vaifcounts anD
Barons,not bathing anpof ttjc offices afo'^efaiD, dball fit anD be placeD after t^eir
ancientie,as ftatft been acccuttomeD.
f All other Duke$,&c. 3f t^c liing fljoulD create a SDufee to t^e cttafcof
arc^Dute , pet fap fojce of tbefe toojDs tjc ftall not tafee place of anp Dube tftaf
teas ^is ancient, Etfic dc fimilibui ot^ertotfc tliis ftatute mig^tbe maDcof

no fojte; anD an art^Duhe is fomc otljcr H>ube.

Slfanpperfon being JlojD cijanceloj , 3LojD teeEper,lLojD2Crcararer,iLojQ
^^efiDenf, i^o^D )B?it)p &eal , 0; C^ief ^ecretarp, fl^all be unDert^e Degree of
a Baron of parliament, t^ep (l&all in l^acltaments fit tn tbe uppermott part of
* t^ &ack8 in t^e miDDed of t^e i^arltamcnt C^amber.fc, Bnt in ttje &tarc&am<
Tlie words ne-
ber,anD another aofembltes anD conferences of Councell , V^Z'S liiall fit anD be
gative were ad- *

ded to avoid all placeD as is abotic rcljcarfeD; anD in no ot^er place. iLafllp, tfte 5LojD Cfjan*

fcruple.thac the celoj, 3Lo?D!ieeper, iLo?D 2r:rcafurer,iiojD lajeftDcnf, ILojD l^jttjp S>eal,
Older for prece-
3LojDsof|9arliamcnt: 2Cbe great chamberlain, tlje Conlfable, t^e iparfljall,
tbe ILojD aomiralUtfte JlojD &tetoarD, t^e iitngs chamberlain, anD tftc \iix\%ii
dency fet
in this Parh'a-
mrnt Oiould not Cfttefs>ecretarp£ftallfit anD be placeD in fnclj ojDeranD faftion asisabotscre.
6earreD,anDnotinanpotfterplace,bpaatl)o?itpof tl){s parliament. Vid. Sta-
he altered by any
nm obflante. tue de 10 R.z,eap,i»
a Rot. Pari. Anno »
^e tftat is Deffrous to unDcrttanD t^e frnc iRoles of J0?eceDencp offbe j^o*
J princi-
blesoftl)is!i\ealm in t^ei^igb Court of parliament, «c. let t)im reaDc t^e
b Ro.Par.i7 H 6 great cafe faetiueen John cEarl ^arfljall anD Richard CBarl of KSartoicfe, in J9ar*
nu.i8. Itament, anD t^e affirmations, anftoers, anD replications on bot^ parts erceeD-
Vide Rot. Pari. fnglong,bnt full ofnofabl0rules,reafons,anDpjeDDcnt0 concerning pjeccDencp,
botb in refpect of t^c BlooD»3Ropall, anD otftertoifc : fogettier toitft tljeiLinefl
anD ^eDegrees, 3>eats, anD laces of manp J^oblemen tierp Deltgbtfull to be
tween ihe Earl of ]^
Arundell and reaD.
Mowbrey Earl of anotbcr bcttoccn William QDarl of aranDeUanD Thoma'; CBarlof SDet'on :
Intjerein pon (Ijall rcaDe notable matter concerning tbe cattle anD honour of
Rot. Par. J 11.6.
aranDell, p jeceDentlp aD juDgeD bp ttie iiojDs in parliament in tbe relgne of H.4,
in principio cited
in (he Earl Mar-bettDccntbcCarlof'arunDelanDtbeCarlofiicnt.
3If a BtQjop ot tftts Healm be maDe a CarDinall , be Iftall not tafee anp place
fliali ca "e.

ofp;cceDencptn parliamcntas carDinall, but tafee bis plate in rigbt of bis

Bifl)op:icb , Vubicb be bolDctb of tbe !aing per Baroniam, in refpect tobereof be fif=
Hall 14J.&C.
Anno lO H.6. tetb in parliament.
3faSDabe oj ©arUc. fccmaDcpjotectojoftbclRealmin parliament, be
nu.ii,ij,t4. Ojall
Cap. 77* OfTrecedency, 3<^3
fijall liate no ot^cr place but
as a Z>ttte o;^ Carl, ic. I^erebp poa map pmeitt
Ijoto naeffiJrp U teas tofet Dotonbp autfto^tp of parltament (n certaintp tft? Vid.Rot. Pari.
£)fftccra ftoulDftate tn parliament, tofto fit not 15
place « pjeceDencp t^at great ^Thisii put for
(n rtgljt of tljetr ^fftces^but of f l^etr J^obtUtp: ;anD tbc names of Dtgntties
tljere an
exampbr, for
of t^e J^obilttp are parcel! of tftefr names, anD fo oug^t to be nameD tn tbe fcings iitxtendeth to ail

fSJrits : bat tl>e i3)ff ices of Cftancclo;, SDreafurer, anD ot^er iDffices arc not tiialsby Peerc ,
not only in cafe
t^erefoje in tt)e liiings Mrits neeD not to be fo nameD,
parcell of t^eir nanies,anD of crcjfon, but in
3t Is alfoenatfeo bpautbojttp of tlje raiDSctof 31 H
S.tbattnalltrtalsof cafe cf
j::rcaronfl bp tbc l^eers of t^ts l^calm , i^t fatD great £Dfficers of tljis JLanU
mifp ilionof
d^all fit anD be placeD accojDtng to tlieir ^ffUeo > abofee all ot^er t^ ^ trcaf-n and ftlo-

is afo^efalD, ny, andfocvtr

We bat)C peruteD tlje Hilt of Vnz names of f^e ILo:DS of )^arUament fitting 'inccthjs
haih it tic
ne jut
in )@arliament botb of ancient anD later ttme,tDi)erein toe can gat^ier no certainty in ufc.

U}, p?eceDencp. chiw; Cadana u?

%\fai far atoiDing of contention about p;teceDencp in parliaments, &tar<
foj Caralngc glo-
ria munJi.
<£:bamber,anD allotftcr aCTcmblics anD conferences of councell, anD upon trials
d Series ordiiiU.n
bp tbe peers of tfte Realm toas nctcffarp,
tcr.poie H.J.
JlJotobetbatDcfiretljtobno^D tfte places anD pjeccDencp oftlje J^obilitpanD ^ Vid.C'jii ucn
&ab|ectsof tbel^calm,as \ycll men as ioomen , anDof t^cir ct)ilD?en: Voe foj £li2pj.47j
aftoiDingoftcDioufneCctotU refer tbcm to a KecojDof great aufljojitptntbe
added rhe raihtr,
reign of H. 7. (foj toe toill not tjoucft Barth. Caffaocns oj anp otfter fojein au*

for that ihccon-

tntitulcD Scries ordinum omniom procerum,m3gnatum,& nobilium > & tciition sboiic
aliorom quorumcnnque intra hoc rcgnum tarn virorumquam foeminarum,pofita prtctdcncy tc»
&di(lin5taper nobilifTitnum Jafparum Ducem Bedford & alios oobilesappun(^u- ot
iwecnc ptrffjns
thai fcx IS ever
atione Domini Regis Henriei leptimirCbut tfjiS IRecOjD DeaUtft nottoitft tfte pla<
^ ficty,furious,and
ces of anp of tbe great :©fficer3 ) toljcrcunto toe toill refer pon : tofterein poo fometime fatall.
Cball fee to^at places boil) tiie g)ons, Mites, anD IDaugtiters > ofllo^Dsof Vid. the Parliam.
lEtarllament, as SDubes, ^arquelTes.Carls, tEtfconnts, anD l5arons (ball bate, Rolls vbi fiipra.
anD of iBanerets , l^nigi)t0>(!^rqnires, anD d^entlemen, anD of tbeir Miiies anD /Vid.Ror.Parl.
jt H.^.nu, 17.
CbilD^en (ball bate. Sec
'^f anp quettionbe motfcD in parliament fo? pjitileDge oj p?eccDencp of anp tetvveeneM ow-
llojD of parliament, it is to be DcciDcD bp tb« i. ojDS of parliament in the boufc l-ray Earic of

of tbe llo^Ds, as all p?itileDgcs, anD otbcr matter concerning tbe llo^Ds boufe of Noif. and Bcau-
chaoip Earle of
parliament are, as p^ibtlesgcs anD otber matters concerning tbe bonfe of Wa:w,:k.
Commons arc bp tbe boufe of Commons f te DeciDcD. g Cicero.
SCbe Determination anD pjcceDencies of otbcrs Dofb belong to tbe Plin.l,b.j9.apud
of tbe places
Conrtof tbeConaableanD ^parfljall, unletTe anp queltion rifetb upon tbe TaiD major ts,&c.
act of parliament of 5 1 H. 8. foj tbat being part of tbe iLato of tbe IRcalme (as optime.
Tranquillui in
all otber Statutes be^ is to be DeciDeD bp BiuDges of tbe common llato.
s Nobilii c(l fui Flavia gens obfetira /Juvenal. i.Geita
qui generis imagines profcrre poccit,
qaidem & (ine imaginibus. imagines.
A coat armoHr,
Tota licet vetcres exornent undique Cerae

tbatis,a long coat

Atria, nobilitas foiaert atqueunica virtus. over armour
with his armcj
Major eft nobiiitas quam virtns: virtus cnim fine nobilitate eiTc potcfl,nobili-
on it,
tas autem fine virtute efle non poteft.
'See the i.pjrt
^ Arroa ex antique habuerant loco imagitiu.
feu infignia gcntilicia &0 38 lioto of th« Infticutes,
tipebea DifcalTing of antiquitp of dDentrp is per infignia. Scft.r.&c. andin
fixic that firft
part in
Armaque Virgitt.
Troia.— divert places nuu
ny things concer-
0nD bp tbe Eatoes of CnglanD as all tb^ Degrees of nobilitp anD bononc toere
* ning nobility and
DeriteD from tbe Siting as tbe fountaine of bonour: To all tbe JLanDS in (Eng^ (heir creations,
and ofthegain«
ingand lo/ing tlicrcof,&c.Z'/^. Sedt.g-,iiz,f. 8j b^,a
ScA i^ Sett. 137. lb 97. a. Scft.»oi.f.ij4 a,^,a,&c.

76± OfTrecedency. Chap. 7 7.
latiDlticrc ojifffnalli'ticrttetifromtljcCfotoncofCBnalant), anti arc ftolDcn o£
VDt fame meDtatelp oj immcDtatelp. ^ce before tn t^e Ctiaptcr oCtljc ^tg^ court
of ^arlfament.
as names make bnotone ftngulacperfons, fo ;armes DffttnguiQ) fctierall jfa*
31t ts iDOjf^p of rcmcmbjance, ant) fit foj ewmple, tftat toljen Thomas iLojD
Cromwcl bpaflaftering i^eralD itjasofFcrcB in tftet(me of iSing fetctibts

peDcgrec from t^e anttent iLojD Crom wel, tljat l^e mtg^t bearc t)ts <Ioat, be an=
ruiereDtljat^etooulD loeare a coat of fjtsoton, left anottier mans Coat mtglbt
be fabcn from Ijim : unto ioliom ftje King as
aDtianccD bp 'bim gatjc tbts Coat,
Siuartcrlp inflentcD per Fefle, £)j anoajarc, foure ILfons countcrcftangeD t
tol^erc tljc olD JLojD Cromwcis Coat teas Urgent, a ci^tcfe dUulcs, a IBcnD 2*
jure. sCbefatoattofgi H.8. crtenD0tI)nottoarc^btfl)opsanI)llBfflJop0,ff)crc=
fo;e it is neceffarp to fpeah fomelobat of tbcm alto. Bin ancient time t^cf ^aD
great pjeteDencp, ebcn bcfoje tlje b?ot^er of tbe !atng,as it appearet^ bp t^ie par*
liament IRoll of 1 8 E. i . anD manpot^ersi, isl^icl) continneD until! it U)as altered
bp ^jtiinante in parliament in tlje reigneof teing H. 6, as it appearctljbpa
Holl of parliament of t^at lyings reign, entreD in tbebach of tbe parliament
5iloll. Cl)e pjeccuencp in parliament, anu ot^er places of CounfcU at t^is Daj?

(U)l)ereanto toe apme) ts. tl^etlDo arcftbtfljops ijabc t^epjeccDcncpofall i^z

llo^Ds SCempo;all;ant) elierp Btdiop tn refped: of l^is 15aronp bate place of
all tl^e Barons of t^e Kcalm, anDnnDertbeeffateof t^emttcountanDot^erru-

perio? Dignities, %\\t JiBiQiops bettoeen tbemfelties baijc tlSiis pjcceDencp^jFirtt,

tiie ]|&ia)opof llontion, an& after l^im tbe IBiUjop of SDurefme, anD tlientbe 10i«

(bop of Mincbettcr anD after ^im etierp 115{0)op as be ts in reignio;itp« IBut to


tbis Dap,in all acts, ^DjDinances, anD BluDgements, f c. of parliament it is faiD,

tbelLojDS Sptrttuall anD 2Dempojall.
Rot.pac. 9 jacobi %\fSi firlt creation of l5aronets toas in Anno 9 lacobi Regis lobat place anD: pjeceDencp tbcfc JSaroncts anD Ditjers others ftall bolD, pou map reaDe Rot. par.
Baronets and
lolacobi Rcgis parr. lo. m. 8,& Rot, pat. Anno 14 lacobi regis part,2.m,24,
' ^"*
%ti conclnDC tbis Cbapter toitb tbe CODC of Thcodofius, &c, Ut dignitacum
ordo fervetur, (i quis indebicutn fibi locnm ufurpavericnulla fe ignorauone defen-
dar, (itque plane facrilegii reus.

The Epilogue.
|Hus have we by the great goodnefle of the Almighty
brought this painfull Work, confifling of fuch, and fo
many varieties and difficukies,
concerning "the J uri f-
didionof fudi, and fo many diftinft Couits (above
the number of lOO.) to a condufion: and in fbme
few cafes,\vhere we have differed from others in opi-
nion, we have fhevved the caufe and beginning of thefe errors (as we
take them:)for it is afure Rule, ^od errores ad fna priffcipia referre^efi
to bring errors to their firft, is to fee theirlaft. Wherein wc
have ftrengthened our opinion with our two great guides, Authority
and Reafon, and not trufted Abridgements, Polyanthea's, or taken any
thing irpontru ft, but have fearchea the Fountaines thcmfelves, alway
holding this Rule, ^uodfatiusejl petere fames, /fuam fecfart rivulos : And
our dclired end is, that all thefe high and honourable Tribunals, and
other fubordinate Courts and venerable Seats of Juftice mayprofpcr
and flourifli in diftribution of Juftice, which affuredly
they ihall doc,
if they derive all their power and ftrength from their proper roots.
Whileftwewcre in hand with thefe foure Parts of the Inftituces,
we often having occafion to go into the City, and from thence into the
Country, did in fome fort envy the ftate of the honeft Plowman, and
other Mechanicks for the one when he was at his work would mer-

rily fing, and the Plowman whiftle fome felfe-pleafing tune, and yet
their work both proceeded and (ucceeded But he that takes upon him

to write, doth captivate all the faculties and powers both of his minde
and body,and muft be only intentive to that which he colledeth,with-
out any expreflion of joy or cheerfulneftcjwhileft he is in his work.
Throughout all this Treatife we have dealt cleerly and plainly con-
cerning fome pretended Courts, which either are no Courts warrant-
able by Law, as we conceive them, or which without warrant have in-
croachcdmore jurifdidion then they ought, ^inon likn veritatem
*proniimiat, prod/tor
vehtatis efi. Wherein if any of our honourable
friends ftiall take offence, our Apology ftiall be. Amicus P/ato, amcus So-
crates, fed magi s arnica Veritas. Having ever in memory that faying of
the Kingly Prophet, Keepe innocency^ and take heed to the thing that is P'al.iz.jS.

right, and that wi bring man peace

II a at the lafi.
And you honourable and reverend Judges andjuftices, that do or
fhall fit in the high Tribunals and Courts or Seats of Juftice, as afore-

faid, feare not to do right to all, and to deliver your opinions juftly ac- Lib.Sap.cap.i7.
cordingtothe Laws for feare is nothing but a betraying of the fuc-
: u.Nihiieft u-
cours thai reaibn fliould afford. And if you ftiall
finccrely execute ju- '^^'^^^^^^^^^
itice xiUotum.
The Epilogue.
ftice, be afllired of three things :
Firll, though fome may maligne you,
yet God will give yon his blefling. SecondIy,that though thereby you
may offend great men and Favourites,yet you fliall have the favourable
kindnefleofthe Almighty, and be his Favourites. And laftly, that in
fo doing, againft fcandalous complaints and pragmaticall devices

"pfai.y.ij. againft you,

defend you as with a (hield: * For thou Lord
God will
mkgive a hlefing unto the righteous, and with thy favourable kmdneffe wilt
thou defend him^As with afhield.
And for that we have broken the Ice, and out of our owne induftry
and obfervation framed this high and honourable Building of the Jurif-
didion of Courts , without the help ot furtherance of any that hath
written of this Argument before, I fhall heartily defire the wife hear-
ted and expert Builders ( Juftice being ArchiteBonica Firtus) to amend
both the method or uniformity, and the ftrufture it felfe, wherein
ihall finde either want of windowes, or fufficient
lights, or other defi-
ciency inthe Arcbitgdure whatfoever. And we
with will conclude
Edm: Piowden. the Aphorifme of that great and of the Law we
Sage (which
hwthtud\{vca.o^tiid.y)Ble([ed be the handi

peo^loria <^^atia.

To the
fourth Part of the Inftitutes of the Laws of
England^ concerning the Jurifdidion of Courts.
Abat:mtnt of^f'tf, fee AHiox. xd diem dicere, or ditm dare.
^ ccitehc A Cafe a(?journed into Parliament.
brought of Lands, pjrc witMntht Joi
;pjr/j, and part withoutj the whole Writ
Difficult cafes in the Forieft adjourned into the
ibace. JX4 I\jng! Bench.
I? r.'.iii

Account againft one as Bayl'ff of lands 'in H Ot' Exchequer Chamber cafes
adjourned thither
A'ithin a Franchife) anJ ^.without. The Writ from the Bf «cfc, &c. no
abated. in
A Franchife ;/i: breve Dminl Regis non cmrit, the
Dsfendinr may plead it to the Writ, 114 Where td be gi anted- SiJ
Othenvifeof a Fianchife to demand Concfins.
ibid. Admiral.
Abitement of Writs by Tenants in arc'icnt De- The Court of Admiialty proceeding according to
lerne, J6j the Civil Law.
Accc/forf. What properly beloBjcth to his Office. JJ
Of Pilnclpil and Acctfi'iriet in felony, trefpafs , The jurifJiftion
of the Admiral out ErglifhiVf;'-
&C. gi7 tune. 114,1 34,c5'ir-
What pSTjcifs aeainft them. 110 The complaint of the Admlral,to the King, againft
What show ancj diey iliall hive. 110, iij, 116 the Judges, concerning proliibiticns to the Court of
F.owih;) tniy pet their difchartje. 110,118 Admiralty, and the Judges anfuer. 134, ^c.
Who arcountaWe in the Exchequer, who not. 1 1 j The Court of Admiralty no Court of Record. 135
Bcft for the King 10 have accounts taken in the OftheClaufeWon obfiantc in the Lord Admirals
Exchequer. 117 . 1 1 Patent.
j I35)i36
This Courts ircroachment upon the Common Lawj
^1 accounts to the King to be made uponOiih,
and the Kings Prerogative to have goods taken from
A Court to enquire of and c«itifie uniawfsl, and Pyrates, «&"(;.
untrue accounts into the Exchequer. 117 The
Court of Admiralty, is
Jurifdiftion of the
only confined to things done upon the Sea. 1 3 7, 1 j 4*
ABinili ffC Vkadings', 159, 141,114
The ciufcs of the multiplication of Suits in Law. The Lord Admiral hath greater jurifdidrtion In cale
of the death of a man and
16 mayhcm,than in other cafes.
The means to prevent their encreafe. 7^,77 i?7- 135. 141
What Aftions lye at Conamon-Law, *(hat aoti fee The antiquity of thisCourt, and the Kings prero-
Tryal. 140 gative in the Seas. liflftti'C,
Of ancient time there were feveral Admirals. 14^
Popular Anions. 1 661 z6 1

What Aftions 10 be laid in their proper Counties. I46

Ofthe name ofthe Admiral, and Court of Admi-
The Plaintiff ra.iy alledgc things tranfitory to be alty. 146, 147
done in any County. Ihe Officers of this Court. 147
The Court holden before the Admiral, &e. 10 de-
Ifcraniltory tilings emergent within a County I'a-
termine offences done upon the Sei. 147
latine, be allcdgcd in another County, the Defendant
cannot plead this to ihe Jurifdiftion of the Coun, o- His poAcr to ereft BtaconSj Sea-marks, c^f .for the
Sea. 149
tberiiVile, if it be alledged in the County Palatine ,
The Admiralty of the Cinque forts exempt from the
113, 119.131
See Tryal. Admiralty of E«g/a«rf, ixj
Where thouf^h part of the Adion atifes within a Appeal to the King upon a femence given in the
Tranchifc, it iliall be
ttyed at
Common Law,where Admiralty Court. 339>34i
sot. ^^l Admilfion and Tnflitutlon to Benefices. 337 .

See Tryal. ' The Writ of Ad quod damnum. 300, j \6


. An
Aflion upnthe Cafe l^es againft the Efdiea-
ii6 Agijlutor.
t(X,&c. for returning a falfe Office.
So Called bccaufc he takcth Beafls to Agiflmenr.
AUio ptrfoialis moriw ciunperfonat3na where not
The derivation ofthe Word. ibid.
t_ /4cl in t jw.
His Office, and how conftituted.
Adcbtconttaftcd, by Aftin Law, I16
Sze libsnte.

Adjomnmim. See Parliament. An Alien cannot be clefted to Parliament. 47

Adjo-Mncr ,vide adjmrnnrc & adjournamcntum, e^ Alien enemies can have no ASion here, '.'0
« ) Alien*
AliC'is in league- IJ^, Arcukalijla giitd, »?2
Merchant ftrangers may fue cither ac Common
Law, or before the Mayor of the Staple. 2.3
B Arrefl.
Aliens to fell Wines and Spicety by whoU Veflels, When the jponftable, &c. apprehends a Fellon,
the Arreft of the patty that haih the
knowledge or
Where they may in by fqfpicion 1^7
tranfport fpicsry brought
them, eJ^f.
V i<55
thp Defendant going to plead, d'-c. ought

An a W'tncls. 179 not to be arretted, eundo, rcdcmdo, vel mtrando,

The Bifhop may retufe an Alien prefcnted to a Be- 231
nefice. 33S
Where the Forrefter may arreft any man that chaf.
Altmitloit. eth a Dear. ijo
for Aliema- Articles.
The of
pleading " ^^i(^ence,o^_P^rd6n,
tlon. 110,111 The Articles agalaft Cardinal tt'oolfey. S9, i j^
Articles inquirablc by the Juftices in Eyre. 1 94
Alntge Alntgcr.
The Alnager* fee. 30, 31, 180
Granted to the King .
3o A!fert.
What drapery to yield Alnage. 3 1 Afertiim, quid,
& unde. 3 q^, 307
Alnnger of Aultie, in French, and that of ulai, ulnn- ^fignment cfDebts. StiDeks.
tor. . 280
Amcrcemews. of AJJtfe.
AfifeoiJJo.Viffeifn, inijufiices
The Bail amcrceable for letting the offenders ef-
his Querela, and
not Placitum, and the Kings
capE. 178 Bcacb may hold plea thereof. yt,
, Where the King, Queen, Infant, &c. (hall not be
How called, and for what caufe invented, 158
amerced- J^o
How taken at Common Law, and how now by the
if a Murderer efcape , the TownChip fnall be a-
Statute. ibid.
Hieiced, 183 The of the Juftices of Affife.
jurifdiflion 158,27^
Letters Patents to Juftices of Affife, for taking of
the Office, Authority and Privilcflge
Aflifes in the proper Counticf. 153
of AmbaJJadoiirs. NoneHaliiid breve in CaitccUaria per quodque^
«ow they -may lofe their privikdge. if z> tjj
rentes babefittamfeftmumrcmedihm qmmpcr AJfifam.
There can be no Ambafladour without Letters of ib.
credence of his Soveraign to another. i jj
When Affifes mav be returnable in either Benct.
How Ambaffadours have been called. 153
Ambaffadours ought to be kept tiom all injuries,
Hereunto belong (tmmifion of Ajfociat. rryitt of
&C. If3>i55
admittance, and of Si ««» omnes and
a Writ to the
be bound, and what not
By what Laws they (hall ;
Sheriff to bring before thcm;0»»«?(J brevia Afftf, '-mat. ,ma
)>nd how to be punifhed.
What offence to kill an Ambaffadour.

if 4)i J5
& certifficat.&c.
Of and the times foriasmg
the Jufticss of Affife, taTTm
H. 7. would not fuffer a Lieger Ambafladour. i jj 1 58
The four qualities Ambaffadours ought to have. A recital of diverfe Afis of parJiament which have
if5 of Affife authority, in
given unto Juftices many cafes.
How Tome privy Counfellors have mif-bchaved
ihemfelves towards Ambaffadours. 1 5f » 1 5^
of Affife to deliver into ihc Kings Treafury,
Ambaffadours lent to general Councels, and to the records of Affiles. 183
pope. I5*>if7
What rewards Legats have had. 157 Afiflams.
A bani'lhed n:an, a Rebel, &c. Ambaffadours. 153 Affijlants
in Parliament.See'PartlameHt.

Affiftants, to the Court for rcdrefs

of delayes of
Appeals. in the l\ings Courts.
Judgements 6j, 6p 70, 73 Affiftants to the Cfca^ff/Zor, and High Steward of
Appeals in the K.Mg'
Before theSherift" and Coroners by Bill. 73 England. 84
Where Appeals fliall be lued and tryed of things Affiftants to the Vittchy Court c/Lancafter. toS
within artd without the Realm. 1 2j

to the King, from the Court of Chrvalry,

iij,34i Where a man may
be attatched by his
body for Fierf
Li /ippcal de imprifo'tment, 181 or Venifon, where not but by his goods. ^if
raufVbs brought within a year and a day
after the offence. 18 J Attainder.
of the Atchbifhop to the
Appeals from the Courts Strange unjuft Atainders in Pailiamcnrj without
Chancery. 334' 335»337» 339 hearing the party. 38
From the confiftory Couicsto the Arch-Bi(bop,3 3 8 The Treafon ought to be fpecially expreffed, when
Appeal to the Arches. 337 a man is attainted thercof,by authority of Parlianierir.

Appeals from the Arch- Deacon

to the Diocefan.
39 '

ne land is forfeited, nor cor-

Upon what Attainders

Upon a fcntenee given in the Admiralty Court , to

ruption of
blood wrought. ix j
the King in the Court of Chanfery. 3 39> 341
Ip what Caufes, from what Courts, and in what Attaint, «
Time Appeals are to be made, e&'C, 339, 340 An A ttaint upn a falfe verdift in the County Pa-
Where the ]udge may proceed upon the Icntence latine of C<>f/Zfr. »i4
afteian Appeal, where not. 340
From the King there is no Appeal. Attornment.
Apprentices. See London.
Of Attornraents to grants of Reversions, of
lands of Ltacajltr; where necc(Iary,whcic noc. 1 1 o
The number, and w hat pctfons they to be. ?<
o'Jght Sail.and Mainpi'^e.
for what oftencci.ioo, true diverfiiy and fignification of Bailment ,
AttroneyspunilVied, hotv^ind

An Aft'ion of dcceipt apalnft an Attorney.

loi, loi
i oi
THc Malnprixe,F/if/«/J'. Surety,
' Pledges, Plcvin,
Rcplcvin,^c. «7S, 179,180
Where the admittance of an Attorney in the Ex- The derivation of [he word Balliv, king tcicbed
tx gratia. Cudti /as is faid in common from the French nownCiiVi. a Guardian,
chequer is not Keeper, or
pleading,) but «debtto ^iifitti*. i lo Goaler. 578
before the Juflices in Byte. 185, 197 Bailment called a living prifon ib.
Attorncji .

be in 7{o7-iv]ch. 157 Who who

How many Attorneys ihoulJ Bailable, not.
J78, 179,180
The Entry Warrant ot Attorney, whereby it
of a
ThepunidimcntofthsBail to let the offendei/f-
an Attorney may be
appearcih in what generality capc. 17S
made. *97 The Bail may keep the pi ifoner incuftody. ib. .

Writs for making Attorneys to be granted ex mcrite The manner of thefcveral Entries of the Bail, 179,
The Kings Scncb may bail any pcrfbn, for any ot-
Attorney general and SoU'icitor. feoce. 71
What belongs to the Office of Attorney General. OftheCommon Bail in the Kings tenth. 71, 179
101 See Kjngi Bench.

a Member of the hoiifc of Againft him that is Bail in ilie K}ng! Bench, m^
Commons. 4^ ftrangermaj fue by Bill the fame term. 179,180
The Attorney £jcreral and Soilicicor have their Of- The derivation of the uord Mamorizf. 179
^am dill fc b( ne g^Jfcrlnt. 1 1
7 Every Bail is
Main-pin cj but every Mainprise is

not Bail. 179

Avtrment. offentimcs termed Mainprize inoui-
Why Bail is

Where a fccrct Ufe may beaverrcd, where not. 8^ books.' I So

No Averment againfl Doomelday Book. z6^ One imprifoncd mthe Forrcfl nuy be bailed to

appear at the next Eyre. j jo

r\ie court of Augmentations.

The Turifdiaion of this Court. 118 Bayliff.

The making of Hundreds
Annexed in (hew, and not rff;'«r£totheCourt of ofBayliffs belong tothc
Sheriff. J67
118, iii
The Writ «/fBj/it'od«)flvc»(iD, Where 167
The Judges of this Court, and what Lands with- iilieSf

in the furvey thereof. 1 i' Balifiaqnid. 291

Hi Banes of Matrimony. 337
Diffolved. 118,

Ancient Dcmefn. Tfcc Court of the the Sta •

CommijJJon crs upon
A Fine in JndcnfDemln bycuftom> bars noc an tute ofBau^rufls.
eftatetail. »7C' The Derivation and fignification of Bankrupts.
Ancient Demefii Land made Frank Fee, 1 70
How the Lord is to rcverfe Fines cf Land in An- We have fetched as well the name as the wicked-
tient DtiKcfn. 107, xyo ncfs of Bankrupts from torreign Nations. 177
Ancient Dcwc/s Jurifdiftjon regularly extends not What makes Merchants become Bankruprs. ib.

CO petfonal aftions. ii4> ^7° He i-3 in latinc called decoilor a dc(oqucndo. 177
What Manners called Anc-ent Dcmefas. 169 The Coramiflion, Jurifdiftion and Power of the
of Doomcfday.
Tryablc by the Book i6g Commiffioncrs. 1771X78
Thofc that hold of thefe Manners in Socage, are The patty grieved by them, can only have an A-
Tenants In Ansiem Vemefrt. 269 ftjon againft them, to which they may plead the gene-
The workjand priviledge of Tenants ]n Ancient De- ral iffite. 177
mf*. i69»i70 They ought to have three qualities, "01%. wifcjom,
The Suitors are Judgcsjand 'tis no Court of Record. honefty, and difcretion. 178
z6')', 170 Laws againft Bankrupts, to be beneficially conftru-
Extendable upon a Statute, Merchant, drf. and ge- cd for relief of Creditors 177
peralScatutes extend to Ancient Vtmefn. 270
Baron and Feme.
Avowry. See ufe.
The general Avowry for a Diftrefj by Commif- The Commiflioners upon the Statute for Bankrupts
fioners of Sewers. 175
may examine the Bankrupt's Wife upon oath. 178

Awum Reginte. The Court Tinron.

The Duty of AurKM Kegtnie. ^id }
3 j
8 Court-Barons Cmitt Baroniar. arc the Count oi
thofe, heretofore called, Barones minores 45
Authority. The ftilc and jurifdiftion of this Court. 168, 164
^ Whatgcod Auihoriues in Law> what not. 318, This Court is incident to every Uannn; is notof
320 Record, and the Suitors be Judges. .2_SS
PuoclariUlmamiindiluminn, AKthor'ttas & ratio. Inftitutcd for the eafe of Tenants. '*'''•

The power of Commiffioaers &t. for the maintainini
An Aft of Parliament, a
of the unanfweraWlc
tnd ereHing Veacons, Ligbt-houfes , &c.
tndhighcft nature. 341
Aids i;f anted to the Kjn\. Sec The derivation ofthc word Beacon. 148
(« i) ^iid?
What bind not without the Kings all'ent, 513
Lighr-houre, quid *}>•

Sea-marks, quid ? . Caf us

, ,

At th: Common Law

none but tbe Kinj could creft Wnerenot grantablc in the Common pleas, &e.
any'o f thefe, which
was done by Commiflion. 1 49
The Lord Admiral by Letters PattentS;hath power PC Carep. ',06
to ertft Beacons, &C, for the
Sea. M9 Ce'tionri.
The Maftets, Warden? and Affiltants of theT,/- Records removed by Certhrari in Chaneyy, and
btrcnd are now toereft Bea- Alirr>««j into the B-.nch out of the
nltyhiiKfc oi'Vtbtford County Palatine
cons and Marks, &c for the Sea. 149 oi Lanca(lcr. ^q^
itcennglum quid? 149 To remove a Record out of the County Palatine of

Thepuniflimentof thena
which cut Beacons.

To remove Records out of the Foneft
Courts. 1^4,
Ordinahons for Watches in >?(»/»;(.
195, 196
To whom to be direfted *9J, 19*
See irrits.
OfBeaftsoftheForreft, d^f. _ .3'* Chtblich, or Cablicia. 08
Atimalii grcgdia non fmt nociva, fed
mciva. 3> 3 '^ Challenge.
feliv iga J'int
Nature hath endued beafts of the Foacfts with two
Runs dkns Itrd, a
good challenge. 149
qual.tieSj Wi^.
fwiftnefs anJ fear. 316
Chimberlain of London.
BedcllMi ^te London.
Uide derlvitur his Office. 313 His Court for raJ^g free of Apprentices. i^o
Beer. The Court of Chancery.
Beer is a Sason word Bify, noi of fo late time as The Antiquity of this Couit. 78
feme imagine. ^^2 The only Court out of which original tVrits iffuc.
BircartHy quid? ^9't
Moans, mde} 294 The jutifdlftion of the Court. 79, 8d,8i,82.,»84
nm. In the chancery are two Courts, one ordinary,
Of Suits by Bill in the Kings Bench. v «
the other extraordinary, 79, 206. ii 8
Againft the
Bail there. lyjjlSo Of what the ordinary Court holds plea 79,80,81
Of ^uits by Bill in the common Pleas. 99 Tc what purpofes the Kjfgs Bench and Chancery ate
In the Exchequer. in accounted but one Court. 80,73
Sec Ecclefittjlicd perfous. Iflues in Chancery 80
Bipofs. tryed in the Kjigs Bench.
TheStile of this Court. 'b.

By-Uws. \ Of Errors in this Court. 9 il>fd.

An Ordinance in a
City. d^C. that
a leflennmber The Lord Chancellorjor Lord Keeper is foU judge.
(hall cleft Burgefles, void. 485 49 80,84
Bijfn) I.
cervi unde. a 94 This Court is offieina jvpitittiOVit of which all com-
ffliflions which pali'e under the great Seal go forth.
Bona Hotabtlitt.
The of this Court are not inrolled
legal proceedings
^*. 33?
in Rolls, but remain in flams in the petty Bag. 80
No Bowftaves to be fold ungarbled. ^6A This Court alwaies open. 8i)8o
Statutes which give authority to the Chancellor to
Brewer. determine offences in Ch»ncery,is intended in the or-
•Pitndoxaior or Potifex his puniftiment for brewing dinary Court} fecundum legem, &e. 8% Milt. i6? The Proccffe of this Ceurt is under the great Seal,
Bun di quid & unde. 318 St
De BufcHal 306 Of the Officers of this Court, 8i,J539^>97
J 91
Burcheta quid }
OftheAntiquityofthe Court of Equity proceeding
fecundum ttquum &
bonum. 8i, 8 j
Bwf.'ewif. The Jurildiftion of this Court, 83,84
^id > 30 It and is no Court of Re-
proceeds by Englifh Bill,
The Etymology.
cord. 84
What can bind, what n«t.
it 84, iij
The Lord Chancellor can imporc no fine,foi breach
of a Decree. ^
The Chancellor is fole Judge of this Court of Equi-
Of Caltais, or Callis calettm. &c. 84

ty, .

His Porr, and Mart, kept by the fpace ofiii. O f the Rule, w^. three things are to be judged in
of Confi-
years, by ii.fevetal Kings, and governed by this Court; Covin, Accident and breach
EnoVi(hLaws. i8i dence. 845 8tf
The Kings right remains to itj d^e. i8» Matters determinable by the Common Law cannot
18 i
Callais coft the yearly loooo. be decided in Cto«r>. 85,83,84


Cambridge. Sit Umveifty. Of a fuit for evidence, where the Plaintiff cannot
proceed in fuch fuit. ^5
Canons. After judgement at Common Law, the Chancellor
- to examine the matter in Equity, 86:91
Agalnft the Laws or cuftoms
ef the Realm are void. ought not
309,313 Where Ce/?«» que uje Qiall Charge the Executors,
&c. for pr.ofirs received by tlic Fcoifecs in truft, in how to be corrected 213,114, i'5
their life time. S^, 87 An Attaint upon a fa'fe vcrdift in Chefler. 114
The fir ft Decree in Chtneerj, 8j Ot Jufticei of peace and Goal delivery, &c. with •

inthe County of CO.^cr. »ij

L»/d Chaticetlof and Lord}{0tper. Chimjgium. Jofi

When the Chancellor &c. followed the Kinjs

Court. 7»>73 The honourable C""'^ of Chivalry befoie the
Both the Britcill) and Saxon Kings had their Chan- Conjlable and Marjh^t'
cellors. 87 The ftile of the Court. ir?

Of a Chancellor thatdidufually fit inthccomtiKn The Judges. ibid

pleas, and why ? 7S> 99 This Court anciently holden in the Kings Hall. ib.
This Officer ought to be well skilled in the com- ThcjurifdiAionof this Court. 113,114,1x5,13 +
jnan Law. ib. Where by the Law of Arms the avpcUant is to be
For ubi nan ejl fcient'ta ibi not efi confciimla. ib.
punilh:d as the Defendant fhoulo, if &c. 1
Complaints and PctitionJ by the whole body of the Authours which hive wr.tteo of Combats. ib.

Realm) that able men might be chofen Chancellors, 1 he proceedings of this Couit. it^
79 The Heialds attendant upon th!s Court. ib.

Chancellors commandment againft Law» i»

The This Couit the Fountain of the Ma:QialLaw.
not tebc obcyid- ti-

Hort the Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper of the Of the Courts of the Cmqut-Fons.
is created.
jurifiiSion of the Cjs^w -Ports. 314
great Seal 87
The Authority of the Lord Keeper, At the firft the priviledged Poits were but three,
There cannot be a Lord Chancellor , and Lord whenthefourother were added. jxi
Keeper at one liniejbecaufe both thcfc are but one Ot- Every one of thefefend two Burgcfl'es by the names
fice. 88 of Barons of the cinqm Ptrti, to the Parliament, l^3
-^ What is meant by the Lieutenant cf the Chancel-
The Lord Warden, and keeper of the Cin<^-PortSt
lor, ibid hath the jurifdifticn of an Admiral arrongff thetn,and
He is ca He d Cancellams a CtncetUado. ib.
exempt from che Admiralty of Eaglaid. ib.

The Chancellors Oath. ih. He js alfo Conftable of the Caftle of Dover, h'n
There cannot be a greater Warrant to the Lord jiirifdiftioB. ib.
Chancollor tomakcor grant any CommifTion, &c. How he ought to be qualified, his Office and
than an Ait of Parliament. 1 67 ibid.
Cbdritable ufes.SK Ufe. The
Franchife of the Cinqnc-Por:s. ibid.
Cinque Parts are parcel of the County of Kwf.
.^. QuritrtofExemftisn. Vide Ex«»;rfo«,
: . f» fn'r.uji V ?' ' and yet ubi breve DominiRegu nen «»r«,but have not
Chirgt. jum Regtlia. ibid.
What fliall be faid in Law
duely in chargi, in
the Of the fevcral Courts within the C;B^«-Por(j.2i J
Exchequer. Seefix('«f'«»",and 284 214
,' isicDibc. . The Kings Writs muff be direSed Conifabulay'io ca~
Chtfe. ftri
de Dover, &
Gtrdiaitequinque "Fortuum. uj
The difference between a Chafe and a
Forreft.198 In what cafes. ibid.

314 Error in the Ciaqiie-Porti, how to be redreffcd. 2 14

The owner may cut down his woods in aChafclcav-
for Covert 198 Cl^im.
jng fufficient Of Claims within Foirefts; what good, whatnot,
He chat hath a Warren within a free Chafe, may and when to be made, d^^.
build a lodge, d^f. *9iil94,29;,Z97,3of
^9^, The nunncr is when claims are nude in obfcurc

The King canQOt make a Chafe in other mens

terms: to expound them. 30J, 3otf
grounds. 301
Cler^ ojfthe, Marine:. See Mnr\et.
Chacca efl adcommimem Lfgem^ and is not to be
the Ported Laws. 1 4> 3 '
gjided by J 5 Commijfion.
Beads ot the Chafe- 316 Of fpecial CommifTioners of Oyer &• TermineT,&e.
Of the Metes, and bounds of a Chafe. 317, ji8
The Chafe, Warren and Paik,
out of the foil.
are colUieral In- Commiflions of Oyer & Terminer-, either general or
Jieritances and not ifluing 318 fpecial. i<», 1473
If a man hath a Chafe in another mans grounds, See Joftices of O^tr «^ i8«, 187
and after purchafe the grounds, the Chafe reraaineth. CommiflSonsareliketo theKmgs Writs, fuchonly
ate to be allowed which have Warrant of Law. 1*3,
irluddoH Chafe never was a Forreft. 303
Several Cammilliont of new invention againft
... OfthsCoatty Ti»/4ri«o/C"iefter, Law. itfj
Created by prefcription. alt A Comraiffion delegation by Warrant of
is a an
The luoft ancient and moft honourable County Va- Aft of Parliamcnr, or of the Common Law. cb"C. ib,
latine. ib. C Commiflions determined for want of an Ad-
OftheChambeilain, Jufticcind Other Officers, ^journracnt. i6f
and ut tlie Courts of this County Palatine, and their (^ By a new CommtGon. l6$>t(9''>-76
jurifdidion. xil, aii, 115 Prevented by Statute. ib,i6^
The opinion ot four Judges concerning tlie jurifji- Commiflions far w«r/r# juflititc upon the Statutes,

ftin, and liberties of this County Palatine. 11 1 '39.E/J.,. Ca. 6. 36. H. j.Cj. 4. l6i
The Citv of C/KJieraCouniy ofic felt. 1 11,21a The Commifl'ion of Goal-delivery. 168
In a Cafe which concerns the Chambcrlain,hc may A Commiftion,to inquire of the tights of the Ccun*
«oniplajn in the Chintery ot Englaad. j 1 3 ty Palatine of 'Dmhtm. 2 f6
Ot Errors before the Chamberlain and Jtiftlce , Of Cominiilioos tor ftoding of OtBcet. ai ^
(t) A
A Commiflion to enquire ti the
abufes by the take an Obligation for furcty of the peace. tgf
Their Antiquity. ib.
Tynners. r c ^V
notaCad. The
A Commiffion to enquire of a Dilcent Office and Authority of chief CoDftables, and

jPrtKfltifiKinpoftheBrmiJisf. 139 ^«»f Conftablet. 167,16;

Aftionsieal and perfonal aienot to be heard and The Lord Ctfx^it6/f(»^ England. Sei Chivalry,
determined by Commiflion _
>4T The derivation of the Word Conftable. nj
Commiffions to determine offences, and fuits Se- His Office anciently of Inheritance, novihac vice
cundum difcretiotum void. 1 45 117.
Comniifllons of Sewers. ^7^*176 Prefidents of Grants of this Office. j i^j
A Comtniflwn to feife the Ifle of Mm into the Officers under the Conftable, ii8
Kings hands. . 184
Commiffions for the punithment of offences in the Ctn/kltatkH,
JJleofMaa. aSj Confultation Conditional.
i86 3J»
The like in the Ifles of fcrfey and Garnfty.
The High Commfjloit in caufes Ecdefiaftical to de- Ctnufant.
prive Bifliops,
&C. 32tfj 314a 340 Conufans demanded by the Mayor and BaylifFs of
Commiffiots oi Rcvktv, J 4' Hull. ,^i
Conufans challenged. »i?
Commifttacrs forexummatlon ofn'hncjfes.
The Defendant cannot plead, but thcLeri of the
Their Duty. Franchifc muft demand C'onufans.
278 21^
Theremay be'priorityjbutiio fupcriority 'amongft
Commiffionets. ajj CtnvlSlitn.
What prcfentment is a conviflion in Lavfi
Committees. CotfartHra 307
Committees of grievances in Parliamentj their pro-
ll»ia A Copy ef a Bill deiiied. ail

.41 A.. Coretters.

Wlitrr all the Commoners need not joynjbiitany The Court of the Coroner is^-a Court of Record.
may bring an Aftion. 294)195
--•• '

Common may be had in Chafes, Forreffu «2^c. but The Coroner'sjo be chofen in fall
Countyi "a
the Commoners muft net
fuicharge, &c. »^8 Appeals by Bill before thena. 7J
Ston'd-Horfes undei fifteen handfuls highj arc not TheJufticesoftheJCw|[iB«»f& arc the foreraign
toeorain(winrofrcfts. .
. jjr.
Where the Coroner may enquire of things done
CmmonVleas. upon any Arm of the Sea. ^ 141,140
The Court of Common-Pleas, not able to The Cpronert to deliver their
Inquifitions te' the
i« dif-
the |uftic€s of Goal delivery.
paich all
Subjefts Caufi^s. 7* 18^
ThisCourtisihs Lock and Key of the Common TheMayorof /.oarfoais Coroner.
Law. .

" 79,9^ The Coroners give Judgement of Outlawry. x66

Of what ^his Court holds plea,
* and by whai war- Ctronattr fo called, becaufe he deals principally
rant. .-. .

^j with Pleas of the Crown. j^i

Called the Common-Bench in refpefl of the Com- Eligiblcby the Free-holders.

mon-Pleas there holden, 100 How, he ought to be qualified, his oath, ify-e. ibi
How the Juftices are made by Letter^ Pattent. ib. Fourln every County in England, and in tfales
They ought to be Serjeants. ib. afhdffef/?)«Vf buttwo i^;
The jurirjiaioti of this Court is
general, and ex- His Jurifdiftian, Office, Fees,' An-
Authority, and
tcndeth thtoup,hout Bsg/dirf. .... . ib. ibi
The Antiquity of this Court.

ib. The CtHUCtl-Board, or Tab/e^

The jurifdiflion of this Court for punifliment of •ThisiS;themoft noble aflembly of the King, and
rficir Ofiicert and Mioifters. . .,/: '^ .' ,
I90,.ii5i hif privy Councel, in the
Kings Court or Palace, jj
The Officers of the Court. 1 01 It is called the
Couneel-Table, A CoHfulendOife-
cundum exccllemiam. j^^
CencealcYS. yjut Thefe Counfellors confult of publick Caufes,
The mifchief of thefe HelUitites, '
vate Caufes they leave to the Juftices and meddle not
TurbldHmhopainxmgems. 76 '53,176
Howcalled, and of what number. »»
(endititn. Their Oath and Duty, and how made. y4, >tf
'Where the Affent of the to. an Aft «£ Par-

The four properties King ^d, 3, would have his

; Gier^y
liament could not be conditional. Counfellocstohasce. "

.35, yj
TheGonditi6ninihe-laft Will of S.' I. tuilawful. , What honour due to them,

"'-'' Safe Conduli. Sit Leagues.. ..
41 Hugh Spencir the Father, and Bugh the Sen avil
^3' 14
And fo were Smffitt and VaAky.1^6, 1 97,1 98,199
Confeffien. Their Fees.
cum quodtim-
Ctafcjfusia jure pro judicata habetm,
Ihey have voices and places itiihe Star. Chamber,
mdofuajeiitew^i damtttur. Cumtonfitente mnius ejt "

age»4um. ^^ H 8.

would wi(h that his Counfellors would com-

Conjiabte. mit Simulation, Viffimulatieni and Partiality to the
. The Derivation of the word. 1 »3 Porters Lodge, when they came to fit in Councel. ib.
Of his Office in &c. 177 Of the Prcfident ef the Cowncel,
apprehending Felons, 55, g^
They are tobfishofeB at the Lecioi
Twn, may How called; • -

His Office, and how pranced. ib. Courts ereaed by ^d of Parliamciu, not tobe dif-
The Duty of the Clerki of th? Coiinc«r. 5< folved A^ qf Parli.amcnw '

biirby '.
1 2a
for thcrw to
Conceining Ads of Councd,andordeis Only Courts ef Record. to take
Rulfs of Coimcel, obfcfvcdby nay Loid Cflo(',expc- . If any Statute
prohibit any offence, and name net
for Counfcllors CO ufe- .. f7 in what Court it (hall be runiilicd, or
pedicnt .nppoint the pe-
"Hen tibU nee tin le tnovea)tt,f(dpublica vtta. Vr^- nalty tobe recovered in any Couti! of Record, «r in

fropera con^t'u fiintrti»pi»^pna

ib. any of the Kings Courts of Record; what Couns are
The precedency of Courifi-.lorM. , •intendsd in thefe cafes.
igj^ ^^^
Malum comtium ,conjultori p(£imum^ ^
ib. Ot Courts nenl'. cfcftcd. 'zoo
When paniculat Court;, fail of jufticCj
ths general
Courts give remedy. (hall
21 Where the KiBgs Courts write to the Conftablcof
Privy CoitnceUSec ctunctl BoMcL
Coancel for deciding mat- Dover to cerijfie Records, &e. who is the immediate
Jiidgts, the iCings
Officer tothe Courts.
ters in Law. 106 ,,^
In what Councel maybe had. 218 Bancfts or Bench taken for a Court.
s; The King by LatersPaitcntsmay ot^lain a Court

County. ,.•-• cn»ny County, which lliall have jurifdiftion through

What Portia Havens and RiycKt c^tf. are within ths '.V hole RcaLni. .

Ceuntics. i37» 138) 159, 140, 148
Court t'fthe Commifjton under the
great Seal,
Th Court tf the Cowtyt •^.: r.i ihrSjf ! ns
byforctofthe Smiute, 28. H. 8. ca. i?. for
TheStiic and Jurifdiftion of tbis.Court; z66,i(^ pumjb ng Trtefent, & c. tipos- the S(a.
ThisCoiircisnoCourtof Recordj and the Suitors .fhis Court is holdenhcfore the Admiral, and three
arc the Judges. z66 or four other
CoS3»);^/«e»T. j.^
.;rirv^Redifleifon the Sheriff is Judge* and a Writ : Tfie jurifdiftion, j j_
»f Error lyech. ibid, cTfheProcefs and proceedings herein. ib.
Ctnntermand. See Revoeatioit.
The 'A'ttrdfn} Courti in the Half,, and
The Ctunt'ing'houfe of the t\}»g! houjhold, -,
middle Marches ad'joymng to Scnthi]d. .

Domus compotus Hofpitii Regis. They proceeded according to the Law called the
XheOfficers. . .>-( ijniji .
Mirch Law. i8i
They never held I'lea of any thinp. 15 i , Tbe.Couft <)fihe \.o(d Steward, of theKings'

To what purpofsi ihcy litj their, ttffvce and Duty. H(Hi(hold, concerning Telonj, by compafl'ing, or con-
fpiracy to kill ttjjjj|Cing, or any Lord, or other of the
,-:••" ClKH. KingsCounceK -'.
No King in the world hath fuch Tribunals} as his The Court , the Lord Steward of theKings Houfe,

1i&)t&.y,wde Tronmium. &C. to enquire of, hear and determine Treafon, tci
Curik, hath two fevctal fignifications» and accor- other offences in the Kings Palace, «>(?.
: ib,

4JBg.h"'^ feverally derived; It fign'ifieth the Kings

Court otPalacejanBT? Kvp/vtand a Court of Jufticc, A Court for redrefs of delates of Judgementt »«' '

^tura,vide V/o«tmium. the Kings gi eat Coiirts. Sec be/ayes. "•

Ever''' Courtofjuftice hath Laws and Cuftoms for

; A Court of inquiry of the Defaults o( the fuSiiiei -

irsdireftion. i+^i-^S e^^jaw, Juftices ©f A{rifc, Sheriffs, an<i under She-

Of the Hiah Court of Parliament.
ib. riffs
touching the execution of [he Statute of J. H. 4. I

See Parliament. And (Jprei. ea, 7. concetning Riots, ftfTemblics, and Routs, j
- .Every offence committed in any Court, puniftiaWc The Courts of StahicliffiDd FtcndKt n-eiponta\es. .

Vy tKat Couit, muft bepunifhcd in the fame Court, or

in fome higber. , ;i

;The Court of Parliament hath no higher.


The Houfe of l.ords> and Houfe of Comtnans Slfa-

The Crown entaylcd to. H, 4, x
y/tfiOT, and both together, are Courts. zi, 2;, 24 Entayled toH. 7. jy
Tlve King may toranaand any Coutc to bbfecve and The Sovcraignty^ Prerogative, regal .

andfveedoinof thcCrownof £»gi««fl!.

keej-> a Statute by Writ. T .;..•, .

,45.' ,
The more high and
abfolute the jarifdiftion of the \ \yhy theCrownof £7!g/i«»iis delcendable to the
Courtis, thcwwrtjuft and honourable it ought to be cjldeft Daughter, 24}
Jnthc utocccding, and to giva examples of Jufllce to !
TheCtowpqfl/;^/(iM Tubjeft to none butC^d.
^pferioui Courts.
.. ,

Certain Rules prefcribei, forCoutw wfoUow."'^^ I
ft Triumphant Crown.
< The King hath committed all his power of Judic*' The manner of the Coronation. 'n.
lure to fcveral Courts. •.'' 70,71
vj The Kings Courts have been time out of
memoiy CuHoms granted to the S«e fnifdies
fo M ndtnan ktiowcth which is ancienteft. 79 The Derivation of C«ff«w«. «5>
fu^uma antiqua five mngni qnid,'^ »>.
, ^ xA
of ^.ntral Surveyor f of tht Kjitgi Cuflum* parva, Cf tov.i quid. ib.
Lands vt'ub fowtr to ma{e Leajcs, & c. Cuftom of what things far
AruiqMe ib, Jo, 3 1
How dillolved. jii
;o -^/Vliat Coijio by Letters, Patents, or
may be raifed -N.-ra:...
,C«l»imiflion,..»vhat not, l»uc by Parliament. 87,97-) The Cuftom'df l9«rf«» touching the Court of C<»i-
I 12 1, 11;, 242, 148 cicrcc, s^S'
.. J^nebgt cUe Kings Gourucan write
toBifliops. too
-.Tivo things principally fuppott the Jurlldiajon pf (62) »eits.
C?""s- II I

'Debts. The Kjngs "Debtors and Vebti. Difcretio eSl difcericre fer legem tjuid ft ju^um.
41, 66
and debts to the King are colle^edoui All caufcs ftiould be meafured by the golden , and

Accounts of the Offices and drawn down, and put in fVreight metewand of the Law, and not by tl« uncer-
tain and crooked cord of difcrction.
tharge in the pipe.

*?^ -J
What is faid in Law to be duly in charge. »o.

The Kings Debtors ptiviledge to fue in the Exche- Vifpenfations.

Ill, Ul Concerning the power of theAtch-Bilhop to grant
levy his debt, upon
his Deb-
WierethcKingmiy Difpenfations. jjy
tors. Debtor and how, where not- iiy
What Debts may be alfignedtft the King, what not. mrtffe.
ib. The King may diftrain in any other lands, in his
The to conteffe a debt to the King to delay Tenants poffeflioni though not holdtnof himjjj-f.
ethers. III 1 1 y,
ADebtcontraftedbyafl inLaw. ii6 Vags.
How the sheriff d^f. becomes the Kings DLbiot, Who may keep Greyhounds, and other Dogs un-
w hen he enters into account. 1 1 <
expediated ts hunt. ' jo8
D-'tency, what done for decency fake. zl Ctnii taken for
^lafions, 308

Veer, The Boo^

of mmfdty.
Lawful to hunt Deer odt of the ForreR, &C. and Made In the 14. year of the
Conquerour. »i3,itf9
if the Dogs follow the Deer into the Forrefttokill The ib.
Authority thereof^
them there. 304
Why the Kings Deer are not branded. joj Deiver.
Kings Deer range out of the Forreft, they be-
If the Djwments in Chaaeery. 79> »«4
long not to the King, but Occupiiui conceduntur. 305
Nets called Deer-hayes forl^idden. 315 Drapery.
DeeraSBp i. F«a fr«i5t««, their flelh is called «/•» Of Draperies and Worfteads in N«iT»'«fc.i5 7,158
fer'int. 316
7>eliyes. Dureft.
A Court for redtefs of delayes of Judgements in the A Bond avoided by Durefs, of an Arreft, upon a
the Statute of 14. a. 3. Writ out of a Court, that had bo jurifdifticn.
Kings great Courtsj tiifed by 97
Of the County Palatine of Durham. ji
forbidden ^vh by thecom« This is a County Palatine
by prefcripiien parcel of
Delay of Judgements
monLaw, and Afts of Parliament. ^ - ^7, £8 the Bifhoprick of Dwbaw. zi6
Vlena &
ceteris fuftitiafittpmtlut. 67 Plaints, Verdifts and Judgments againft the Bifliop*
Rules conceiningdslaye!. (^ for injuries done by hina. aitf
How to remeiiy delayes in Ecclefiaftical Courts. ^9 Where he (hall be puniflied. zig, 217, ng
Dmitrru diUtia. <8 His liberties, jjrifdiftion and ptiviledges. zi6,zi9
Velegats. 339 Inthis County Palatine there is a Court of Chan-
the J9 cery, which is a raixt Court, both of Law and Equity,'
DfW'yiof King.
Coroners, e{^c. continue notwithftanding the De- 118
mife of the King. 171 Of Errors in this Courtj how to be corrcfted. 118

Deodnnd. A Record removed from Durbitn into the common

The Coronar is to inquire of Deodands, 17 1 Bench, and a ven. fac. to try the ilTue, joyncd in Vur-
Desrfaid quid? 194 han. 11^
What Plea to be continued by ad journment till the
Vepmy. Record be removed. 11 8
Great Offices are never well managed by Deputy , Where the King may command the Bilhop of D«r-
where the Of&cer himfelf is but a Cipher. ^5 ham,&c. lio
The Steward of England can make no Deputy. 9 <; Otwardfliip primer feifin, &e. due to (he King for
The Lord Chancellor can make no Deputy. 88 land in this County Palatine. ai^
Offices executed by Deputy. io5, 128
«ni Livings.
The Efcheatot may make a Deputy. ng Which
Ecclefajlical Verfons
of them the King may call to be Lerds of
Where a woman haying an Office may make a
Parliament, which not. 44, 45
Deputy. 311
Ecclefiaflical livings valued by a Book of Taxa-
Vlftnum quid? ajj
Dignity. Sec Ntbility.
tions, no
Amheny Bw^ofthat ftateand greatnefs as nevcc
D'lfceit. any Bifbop was, n'oolfey excepted. ntf
AWrit ofDifceltto revetfca Fine The true ftate of the
of Uorwicb. 2j6,
levycd byTe-
eams in ancient Demela.
The firft
Bifhop of Liticeln. 1 j^
^ifintiHuance. Patrons of theBifhopricksof Sodor^ RocheUeriani
No Proeefsor fuit before Jufticcs, &C. ftiall be dif- Landaf, &c. 185
eontinued by making new Commlffions, &c, 16 5 Spiritual perfons may hunt &c. Afterthe dcceafeof
Of difcontinuance and lecontinuance of the Juftice- every Bi£hop,the King is to have his kennell of hounds,

Seat in the Forreft. , , &c.

i 309, 538
ObjeSions againft Biftiops, made in Queen H/e-
%cLbeths tinxjiouching thcirCo»lecration,<>f. 32 1,3 1»
The cwo Provinces Cira/fri«7 and "^or^, what B 7. Ttie Court of peculiars, 338.

fliops belong lo the one, and to the otheij r-i'

8. The CoTifrflory CoWi of the Arch
Of Subfcription. jijijii Bipjops,
Ckrkstobe fworn to Cannonical obedience to their B'ifhops.

Diocefan- 3^4 Where, and before whom holden. ,,5

When theBilliops couKi make no wills without the . When Confiftoiy Courts began. i6oi zzi
and wha: is to have after From thefc the is to the
Kin's Licence, t'lc ICing Appeal Arch-Biiliop. 33 s
their difccalcj. j}8,
Thi feifed for the Klng;s dues The Court of the Arch-Deacon or his
Biiliops temporalties 9, commijfaty.
&c. 53S, ;$6 Where to be holden. ,^a
b: made a Cardmilj d^c From him the Appeal istothcDioccfan.
IfaBifliopin England ib.

thcBidioprickbccomes void, the King (hall natnethc

10. The Cowt of "Delegates and confequcntly
Succeflbr- 3?7
The manner of ElcftingEifliop^, 35^ of Appeals,

hold their bAho'pncks per Baromnm. ^60. i. Why fo called. gjp
By what Authority, and upon what Appeals they
The precedency
of Bid^o-s, &c. 3^4, 361
TheGardianlhipofthe Spiritualties, /erfc vacime
Of Appeals. 559'340
of Bilhops, where granted. 337
II. The Court of Commifoners
at a Synod holden in Ireland by Sc. Patrick, of Revictv.
Pticfts Ibojld hare Wives.
Where after a definitive fentcnee the
King may
that Iriflj 356
grant a Commifllon of Review. 3 4I
callrd Halimots,
Eccleftafiicd Court!, antictttly 1 1. Le Court des Confervators dcf
I riolyCoorts, C(Vf^fwa/y, o^Chircgtmots. priviledget.
dc St.
The Laws bound, the jurifdidion of Eccle- John's de ferufalem, eJf c. 3 41.
fiaftlcal Courts. jll
The Popes Collefloror Minifterliad no jurifdiftl-
on within the Rea'ra. ib.

The Spirit"*' j"'''f^"^'<'"'an'i of what things the

jii, 312, 339 Juflices in Epe. i^g
Cktgyhave jjrifdiaion. T yX T Hy Inftituted.
DeUya in Ecclcfiaflical Courts. See Dclaycj. 1
V dlhd y fuflitiarii
rantcs, in refpcft of other Juftices that
Itinere, or Itine-
1. Of the Court
of convocation. were refidentes,
TheNanie. ^11,343 184
Of the Convocationhouf::; The whole Clcigy are Called Jujimaru deambulantes, & perluftrantes
thcffe in perfon, or by repreren.ation. 3 ^ij 3 13 184.
The ih. Their Authority, and Jurifdiaion. 184,
Antiquity. 173, 153,
By what Authority sfletnbled, ib .
What their iurifdiaion was. ib. The Stile of their
Court. 1 84
What their Jurifdiaion now is.
3 ^j They held their Courts from feven years to feven
The priviledge of the Clerks. ib, years, the manner and method, of their proceedings.
184, i8y, 186,187,191
Articles inquirable by the
z.Of the High Commlffion in caufet
nccleftaslicd. Juftices in £y«.l94,I9f
The jurifdiftion of thefc Commiffioncrs, 314, «/. They m.iy hear and determine the fame day. 1 64
Ofthejuftice in£v«, of the Forrefl, z^c, 291,
que. 33 J
the Arch-Bljhop
}. The Vrerogativctourt of Elephant.
of Canterbury.
The properties of an Elephonc. 2
This is the Court wherein Teftamcnts be proved,
and Adminiftrations fjranted. 33 j Elciiien.
The juiifdiftion
of thisCourr, tb»ii6 Who are to chufe Parliament men, who not. i,4>
Rules to be obfetvcd by the Judges. ib.
y, 48, 49.
The Fees forfro&^tof Tcftarnents> &c. ib. The EleSion of the Speaker of the Houfc of Com-
mons, yide Speaker.
4. The CoHrt of the Urchti of the .Arch-Bipjop »;"ElC(ftions of Parliament men to be free, &C. lo 48,
of Canterbury.
CilUd Curia dc Arciibiis e^c- holden in the Bow- How, and when to be."
Church of London. Of
337 Eleftions of BiQiops.
The limits of the jurifdiftlon. ib.
The }udee is called the Dean of the Arches. ib. Of the royal Trantbife of Ely."
Hisjurildiftion. ib. Where named the
County Palatine of fi>. «io
OftheBi(hoprickof£/jr, »io
y. The Court of Audience. The Bilhop hath royal Juiildiftion by
This Court is kept by the Arch-Biihop in his Pa- grounded upon :| grant. .'• 210
hce. The liberty and which ihe of £/>
337 priviledge Bijlliop
With what matters it dealeth. 337
hath. lio, HI
6. The Court of Faculties. Lawful to take goods from the Kings eDcmics, 141,
The Arch-Bi(hops Officer is called MagiHer adfa- »54
fw/Mtcj, his power is to grant Difpenfations.
337 OfEjtmiet' See Leagues.
For what. ib.

i'J England
His fee, and forfeiture if he otfcn Js. znjiid

TheRealfflofHsg/aaiiis an Empire, and fohath His Oath, and

fufficicccy, mj, n 5
been accepted in the \vorld. 3 41, 343 He may make a Deputy. ^^&
Thegloty fJi England. J44 If I have goods of a man ouflawed in I
England and Scotland anciently but one Kingdom. amdifchargedif I deliver therii to theEfchcatcr.iirf
An Aftion upon the Cafe lyes againft him fur re-
KcxmVurliamcmo aptid if'intonidm muta- turning a fal fe Office.
Egbert ^1g
v'ltnomen rcgui dc confcnfapopiUi fui jitffit
illud The Mayor is Elchcator in London. & 150
de ctetcro veciri Angtiam. sny
King Atbelfimc leduced England to a Monarchy. Eflovers.
The owner of the wood muft leave fufficient Efto-
Equity. vers
of Law ih fome cafes. 79 ,^8
Equity isa juft Corrcftion Efloppel.
See chMCery, Where the pleading of a Licence, for Alienation

Matters of equity ought to be determined in the
^^3 .
" '
works an Eflof^el, where nor.
An Eftoppel by fuing of a general Livery, &c. 197
The Court of Equity can bind but the perfon. 113
There can be no Court of equity but by Aft of Par- Of eftoppels by Offices found,eJ";. 107, £oS,ic9
liament, or Prefcription. 87)148 Ad vtritmem
Juries not Eftoppcd, becaulc fworn
dicendam. jq_
The Mannor of bringing IVrtts of Error in Par- Speats.
liament. , ii OfEftreats. 183,171

What Errors are redrcflable there. 21, 11,71 The Clerk of the Market delivers the Eflreatsof
Where Records of Attainder of High Treafon may thofe things which touch his Office into the Exdie.

be reverfed for Error, where not by 19. £/i^,M. i. n quer. 173

Errors by the La-v, in the Coaimon Pleas,are to be Evidence.
correfted in the I\,'»I' Vcnth, and of the icings Bench What fufficient to prove a Forreft.
in the Parliament. ^^>;2
What Errors are to be correQed in the Kjngs Bench, Examiners.
Vihatnot. 7i>8o Their Duty in the examination of WitnefTcs. 178,
Where Errors in the Exchequer (hall be examined. 179
7^3105,106 exchequer-Chamber. jy
To whom Writs of Error are to be direftedj in the Exchenuer- Chamber Caiife, qmd ? gg,! loji i 9
Exchequer, Common Pleas, &c. 105
Where called the Councel-ChamberJ, and *f)y,
Error of a Judgement upona trial by record in the ic6
Sxche/^ner: no Ot the Court of Equity in the Exchequer Chamber.
The Courts in the Exchequer Chamber, for Errors 108,109, ii8, 119
in the Kjngs Bench, and Exchequer. 9 i j The Judges and Jurifdiftlon
of this Court, 118,
1^0 Wtitof Errors lye for Errors in the Admiralty.

Who priviledged td fue in this Court, who not. ib.

"Error to reVcrfe-anOutlawry, bccaufe he was upon The Antiquity of this Court. uj

die Sea at the rime of the 146 The feveral Courts holden in the Excheqiter-Chim'
Terror of Judgements before the Juftices of Trail- ber. ibid.
i85 Sx chequer.
Errors before the chamicrta'm and ftipce of the It is the proper Court of the
King, and Center for
Palatine of Cbefler, how to be correftsdi a ij,. his Revennne and Profit. 72, 1 1 o, 1 1 1
The AuihorityofthisCourt is of Original Jurifdi-
Of Errors in the County Palatine of Durham, 218, ftfcn' without anyCommiffion.
103, 113, 114, u^,
113 118
Errors in-<rH/cf. iz 5 This Court divided into two parts, w?^ Snperiour

Errors jn the Ciaque-Pons how to lie

redrejTed, and Inferiuor;The account fide, and the receipt fide.
' '• ' '''' -'•,'", 114 loj
Errors in the Stnnnery Cetifti,SecStamery Cturts. Of the Officers and Miniflers of this Court.
Errors in' cbellHfting!^ 147)248 ioj,io6, 107, 108,109
vfErrors in the Sheriffs Courts oilondgn,, 148 '
They ought to be well ikiUed in the Law,aBd cour-
'Errors in the County Coiauc o; fes of the
Exchequer. jo^
Errors in the Pie-powdcK-Cowt.' -
171 How called, and why c^\c^ Exchequer, in, 104
Who have the cuftody of the Records of the Ex-
Errors in cMis.

• i8i
. , ,
Errors in the FotfeB-CourtS." .

2-97 chtquer. , lofj ii9> 16^,169,181

^)c e[c»f'io. ia6
The Barons are Judges, and all judicial pro-
on ' ceedings according to Law, arc cvi-am Baronlbus, &-c.
nir;'-^' .Efcbiat.- 199, i«f
^^e SeiCnof the King of Lands^v Efchcac altcreth Thofe jiidicialproceedings arc in Rolls, but not

- '
ttot-tHejiatutEofjhe'LandJ. :

ai4, numbered as in other Courts.


charge. How and what.

Duly iq^
The Court of the
E/i:fefii^,>»W<j/t)!)C Commifio- 109,108,
Of the Court of .Equity in this Court.
iutifwpdmgBfoffiiis.' N 118, 1x9 . ,

•"Cft'Efcheators. ,
The Oath arid duty of the Barons.
..,,,, 109 '

Who gives him his iSificei and howi uj Tryal by Record, &c. in the Sxche'qucr. 109,1 1 o
Hlsoffice, duty, and manner of his Such courfc of tlie Exchequer as tends to the diC
proceedings, in

finding Offices. iij, ti6 quictncfs, mifchicfj and delay of the fubjeft, 'and no
L»w, and not to be r Enotmii.
advantage to the King, is
againft 163,351
i>° Biifones fve Burfones. 1 s5
allowed. „ ^
Who may fuc and bcfucd here by Bill, who not. Realm, from the French Word Ro':anme, and both
112, Ii8)ii9 i Regno.
and Rout. 277. Decmfters. 28+
See Account!.
Of Jcctiunts in the Exchequer. MuitesdeChcwyoiMiiitcomnhyiutit, fignifyiog
taken here.113, aKenncl.
Bcftfoi-ihc- King to have Accounts jj8
H7 Stvanimote, of Swcla, and Mote, or Gemote, z
Of the Chancellor o(ihe Exchequer. n?
Of what this Court may liold plea. 1 1 ?
4 <

An Extinguipmmt.
Th-bbckBookofthe Exchequer , who vitu the Where by the acceptance of one Office, i former
' '
I ir." becoimvoid. jjq
Ho'.v tlic Law holdcth in this Court called Refiots-

detitfmrio'* Extortion,
TheUarcnstcdorloht and reafon to all Extortion upon the Statute, zi. H. 8, f «. 5.

"5 cerning Fees

for /)/o5jt otjcftaments, d^<^.
Auditors of Ertg-
Tlie Batons are the Sovctaign
/"«'• , . ni- It/''
The power of the Exchequer in Idling the Kings
Woods. 29M°°
in takinc Shcrifls Accounts. 1 16
T he Couife Taeulties.

By the courfc of the Exchequer, if the Defendant

in nnhiiovmacionof intrufioD, plead NofguUty,
flijUlofe the of the Lands
1 1 6
T He Court of Faculties.

F4//« Imprifonmenti

the Exchequer arc fevcn Courts.

1 1 9
) n Trifoners. gj
The Barons have tlieirOftice by Patents, qittm-
AnArieflifalfelmprifonment where the proceedings
diu fc bine gcflhrit. _
r /^^ ,
weic cor.^m non Judice. j-
A Couit to enquire of, and certilic unlawttu and Howodious was unjuft imprifonment- 18a
1 17
untifc accounts, in tlic Exchequer. What feveral remedies the Law hath allowed for
ot falfe accountants. ib.
relief of poor Prifoners.
The punlfl^ment 1 81

By Letters Patents only power to iraprifon inEc-

The Court ff Equity In the E rch:quer-chsmher. clcfiaftical caufes cannot be granted. 324, 3 1 j,
Vide ExcbeqHrr-Cbimlier. 33''> 335
Excommunicatlsit. « 68
have adjudged T.ilfe jfudgementl
In many Cafes Ads of Parliament, A
Writ cf Falfc Judgement doih lye upon a Judge-
men Excommunicate, ipfefaflo. 3 --7
ment in the County Court, upon a jfiifiitiest &C. i66y
Who have power to Excommunicate. ib.
Eaonatio. 315
a lelcjfe, for one in Execution.
A fclre facias upon Tear.
1-9 Fear is a betraying the fuccours which reafon offer-
Execution, the life o£ the law; 278 eth. .Tt3»S7
Vide the Epilogue.
Executors. 3J tees.
See Ch.tnce-i-y. The Eees for probat of Tcftamcnts,' «*-?, 33g
Sec Ufe. The Clerk of the Markets Fees. 274
The Kings Executors, &c. Fees of theKioghts, Cicixens and
335 Burgefies of
Parliament. 1^^
The Fees of the Clerk of the Crown for a ven.fae.
whatnot. and entring a Plea for many 74
What Charters of Exemption arc good,

49 The Fees of the Treafurer of the Exchequer, 104

of Subfidics, c!^ Letters Pa- The Fees of the Officers of the Exchequer. loS
Hetilds difchargcd
^*^ The Marflials Fees of the Court oi Harfjalfey. 1^0
The Fees of Efcheators. 2i£
Excmptitnfjom TaUngcs. SzcTaUtiget.
FromToll. SecToll. The Coronets Fees. » 71

Exilixm. .
Expaalt are
Canes, i. Expeditare Caaet, 308
A Fee-Simple how limited by Aft of Parliamtnii
Expo^tion of mrdf,' Of

Sec Statutes and Tieafwcr. A qualified

Fee in this foimi fbi & bteredibiu fuis

Dom'iceKo 37. Hw. er Mt- 7*- lieittcamt.

iS. Rigibus Anglia. Mh »^44
is an ancient French word, aij4 Cgnificth to
,JS>io4 Teadarlus,
hide. ....

Vtodarius, or FcudjttTiws is derived tf

feid» feti
Sown. 107. Lfi!irgnlary,oxLourgUiy. 151 /Vrtrftf
whichinoncfenftt fignifietha Signiorj orre«.
Debts taken for all duties. 1 1 o nurcjhis Office, i»o»
ConflabkandMaifliall. »»3
Out of the Realm. 1*4 c Tektti). .

Herctochiis. i*7 Felony by corapafTingorconfpiracy tokillth^KIflg*

118 &c. 135
HKdaorHtiha, i. Portia. Hafne Courts. Felony committed upon
the Sea, 147
147,148 In the Kings Palace. i3}
( c I )
One enemy cannot be a felon for taking the goods What pafle? by the grant of a Forreft. :
»$4 Foirefts anclenily calLd Wdldsand
of another enemy .
water in and about London.
Felony to poyfon the ? 19
Carta de Forefia, The like Charter granted by Kincr
What U Felony in the I(le «f Man, what not. 18j yohn. jy^_

Feme Coven. See Baron and Feme.^

I. Ofthe Courtof Attachments, or theWood-
Of Fifteens §uinxjm, or Task, or ^uhta. dccim* mote-Court. jj-
The Court of
Tenths,Tax, Tallage, drc 34 I.
Regard or Survey of Togs. ib.
^ FiUenale. 3°7 3 TheCourt of Suanimote, derived ofi'WftSand
Mote, I. Curia Minlflrg, urn
fo.-eflic. 189,193
by Letters Patents only f
without an Aft of Theentry of the prefentment in this Court. 190
Parliament) a power to Fine in Ecclefiaftical caufes OftheLawof the Forreft. j Jo, 503, 504,
cannot be granted. 5^4> J^J' 3^75 33- 3i3'3i4,3i^3'6.5«7.i|i8,3'9
Where ^
Membersof Parliamcm Ficed, for what. 43,44,49 a Forreftet
may Aneft any one that chafcth
Fined at the Kings will, that is,by his Juflices. 7 1 aDeer,e^^«.
The Lord Chancellor can impofe no Fine for the 4. Ofthe Court oftheJuftice -Scat, Golden before
breach of a Decree. 84 the chief juftice of the Forreft.
19 15 3 1 ^,3 1 9
A Fine for bailing a man not bailable, as for a neg- His Authority and Jurirdiftion,and how he iscrcat-

ligent efcape. 179 ^^'r . »9''"'9t>3i9>?i7'3»5,3i°''-99,3oo

Jufticcs of Goal-delivery to Fine
the Juftlccs Of claims to Franchifes in Forrefts.
of peace, for bailing an offender not bailable. ib.
*97> 30J
A Judge Fined for raifing a Record. iiy The manner and entry of Claims, and the praceed-
Exceffive Fines in Leets to be redrelTed. 161 ings thereupon. jg.
AFinedue uponaTrefpafsvicS^ aymif. r66 See Claims.
Parties to a Fine of Ancient Demefn Lands, Fined Before a juftice-Scat there to be prepara-
fio deseptione Cmla. ij9 tions for the fame.
A ready way to help the King to his Fines afrerthe Ordi/utioFoicflte. '.gt
Eyreof the Forreft be ended. ^9^,^97 Officersof the Forreft ftiall not be fv\oin on En-
And for what a man (hall be Fined there. 1 97 queftsoutof the Forreft. ^93
No Dog ought to be mufled. ig^
Fine of Land.
injuftice be done
at the Juftice-Seat, what reme-

Reverfed by Writ of difceit becaufe levied by Te-

dy the party grieved hath. 2
nants in Ancient Demefn 270, 207
The Jufticcsofthe Forreft may adjourn difficult
A Fine bars not an Eflate-Tail in Ancient De- cafes into the Kings Bench. 29 1
mefpe. A Cafe adjourned into Parliament.
270 30*
Finesfortrcfpafles in Forrefts. 796, 297,31^
FirB Fruits and Tenths, Sccle^afiical,
If the Juftice in
Eyre give an errenious Judgement,
What. 110 a Writ of Error may be had out of the Chancery, re-
What Spiritual Livings to pay firft Fruits,
'^• lumed in the things Bench. J 97
All are to pay Tenths. . ib. Moft Statutes concerning Forrefts are decUrativa.
When there was a Court of the Firft Fruits, &c. antiqiii juris. 198,500
ib. Woods in Forrefts, by what means the owncismay
By whjt Taxation the values of
Livings are com- fell them,c>c. 291,198,199
puted, for the fitft fruits, d^e. ib. Incidents infcpatable to Forrefts, and what
What Pope firft impofed firft Fruits,left undecided. fufficicnt to know a Forreft
by. iog
a, Seven points refolved
concerning the difpofing of
TenthsEcclefiaftical and firft Fruits claimed by the the Kings Woods in Forrefts,
[and the order of the

popetjuredlvino. ib, Exchequer thereupon. 199,300

Firft Fruits claimed by the Bifhop of Norwich, The
by poivet of the Kings Officers within the Forreft.
1 10, 1 1 1, z 5 8.
prefcEiptlon. _ 199,300,310,319
DeFledwiteoiFled, ^06 The King can make no Forreft, &c. in other mens
grounds, in his own he may. The original of Forrefts
FffiC'ible Entry. 300,301, 319
H. S. made a Forreft ihQutBamfton-Cerrt
Towhorathejufticesof Peace, d^f. may give re- by com-
fiitutionj upon Jndiftraent of forcible Entry. 176 pofition with thofe over whofe grounds it was made.

Foreftmus. Of Deaftoreftation, mcts, bounds and perambula-

What fhall be a of a Forreftcrfliip j It
forfeiture tion of a Forreft.
317, 318, .301, 3*3, 30^
cannot be granted over without licence. 1 In what cafe 'tis no offence to fetch a Dear out of
3 5
^ii? His Office and Duty, which appears by hit ths Forreft, nor if
Dogs kill a Dear there.
Onh. Expofitions of diversobfcure teaims and words.
193,319, 313 30^
His Offiicof When a Lord of Parliament
^ Foflerfhip becoms void, by a grant to hunt in the may
him of being Juftice in Eyre of the fame Forreft. 10 Kings
j| Forreft, when not. 308,309
A Woman that is a Fotrefter in fee, cannot execute Of the drifts of Forrefts.
ih« Office her 309JJ10
fclf , but (he may make a Deputy. 311 How many fortsof .Officers, and what number do
belong to a Forreft. 310,311,311,313
OfthiForrefts, and the jurifdiaiontf the Courts If the Warden
or Verderor
' '
dye, their heir|mufl:
of tie Forrefi.
bring in the Rolls. 311,313
Forefiay the derivation and
ddcripdon thereof.i89, Ofthe Forrefts of Pici^ering, r^'inifor), Koci^ing-
318 ham,&e. belonging to the Caftlcs, the Conftables
,In Latin Saltus^ or Sylvt. tb. ofthe Caftlcs are chief Wardens.
whata Fotrsftdothconfift, 31?
^^'Of 189 The proceedii>gs of the Jufticc-Seat whereapar-
don of a ctefpaft
in a Forreft is
pleaded. 3(5 They fend their Record* into the Ex(hequcr. 169^
Of difcontinuance and recontinuance of the Juftice-
Scac. 313 To thefe Juftices Commlftions of Affociation, Writs
Of Juries. 314,319,191 of Admittance, & fnmomnes, aredircded. 169
What bi- no beafls of the ForrefV, and what be 3
4 Where they (iiall keep their Scftions. K9
th» fame
316, They may heat and determine day. 1*4
Every Forrfft is a Chafe, & qu'tddam amfliui Gurnffy. Scejcrfey,

3'4 DeCeldii. 306

By wlut Grant a Subjed hath a Forreft in Law, by General ifue. See Pleading!.
whai not. ib'td.

The of the Conns of

Eyre in Subjefis hands. GUnz'il.
5'5 When &rft printed and upon whofe perfu 3(100.345
111 what cafes the Forreft Law differs from the
Coiiiinon Law. 3 •
1» 3'7
Of Felonies, TrcfpaffeSJd^f. inForrefts 315, 317,
A grant of the Chanceloriliipof England in fuccef-
3.8 fion, Yoid. *78
efChanctUgr of
Thcfcafonsof Beaftsofthe Forreft and which are Agvant of the Office
t'rc garter
Yenifcn, 31^ void, bccaufe the jjrifdiftion,
&C. was not exprtflid.
Of Vert and Venlfon. lOo
3 itf, 3 17
Of Principal and Acceflbry. 317 Grants of Names and what good, what
locut quo _ ii«, I^7
Forejit e(l
ftm inc'.udm'uy. 3 1 8 not.
The good old Laws of the Forreft to be obfeivcd. What paffes by the grant of a
Forreft. i8?,3i4,

318 315
The Articles of the Forreft. 318,319 The Kjngi Grant.
T he antiquity and number of Forrefts. The Kings gift by rtord, veid,
The care of Forrcfts committed to great and honou- Leafes of the Kings Land. lU: 112
rable per;«napes. ibid. Vide King, and Letters "Patents.
0( Cartd de forcfta. 198,300)303,308 Cwia curfus aqu>! apud Gravefend. iSo
The new Forreft in
H^mpfhirc, etefted by n'ill\am
Gretncloth. See Ctuinirtg-hortfe, &c. 41,131
the Conquerour.
forfeiture. What coniprehcnded under thefe words Green-
When an Outlawry ihall ciufe a forfeiture. x«(J wax. 107
Dtfotegeldis. 306 GYHar'tl qui ? 191
TrancJilfe. The Patent of the Office ef a Guardian oi England
The diverfity between a Franchlfc to demand Co- and his 6
nufaBs, and a Franthife ubi breve damini Regis non
cunit. ii4
Liberties feifcd as forfeited. 218 H
CUitus of Franchif es in Forrefts, where to be deter-
mined. Habeas Corpus.
Franchifes and Liberties
fore Juftices in Eyre.
ought to be claimed be-
In what cafes Writs may be direfledto a Franchife
o F BaieM Corpus

Of Habeas Corpus in
in the K'ng^ Bench. 71*181,'

the Chancery in vacation time.

Si, 181, 250

215, ill, »i 9, no, IZ3

In what cafe the Franchife fliall be allowed, and The reailcft way to relieve Prifoncrj, 182,290
where nor, though part of the' Aftjon arifcs within the Of Habeas Corpus in the Exchequer. 290
Franchife. 2ii Haia quid?
Of the Franchifes of LaneaHer, Durham,
Hamiquid? ib.

'E'y,&c. and of the priviledgesof the Inhabitants,

&e. not to be empannelkd out, &c. See the peculiar Heirs.

The of Man being granted by Letters PatentrJ
is defcendible to the Heirs general, a 84
Land made See Larv,
Frank-Fee., 170
Free-men. See
Of Heralds there be tres Reges. n^
One may be free oi London three wales. 250 The Office of Englifh Heralds. xi6
Fugacia, quid ? Difcharged of Subfidies,c3fC. nfi
e<)nftituted by Letters Patents. 127

, Incorporated. \i6

Their ufe. ib.

Garbler. Her b4ge arid Ftfvnage.

the Gatblet of London his Oifice Where the Cattel of him that hath Herbage and
and power.
CRibrarins, 2$S Pawnage in a Park, may be driven out. t-^i
I he ligni&cation and derivation of the *ord.' 964
Of the Franchife »/Hexara and Hcxamfhire.

What Garbleable. 2^4,

Garbles that When named a County Palatine. 212
lignifies the duft, or folle, <S^c. is I'e-,

vercd. 264 Declared by parliament to be parcel of the County

funics} of Goale Delivery. ,
IJ9 loi^orthHmberlatid, &c. ibt

Their Auiliui ity by Commiffions and Afts of Par- Now it is no County Palatine,not Franchife id,

liament. 168,169,158,119 (d) mpt

Where he (hall not be ameiceJ. l8o
in packing Forrelgn Hops.
Informations againft thirty nine of the Jjoule'of

Hew punithed.
P« Horntgeldis.
>°" Commons, for leaviag, the Houft; v, ithout Licence.
Informers and relators raife many Suits. -
a mans hoafe may
be broken open, Beft trufted where they are beft l:novvn. 7^, 171,
In what cafes
wheienot. ^ ^^
Officer may enter in. i7» Informations to be heard in their proi^rCounrJes.
If the door be open the
to fearch poor mens hooles 76, 1725373
'Tis ufual, but unlawful,
upon Tuflices Warrants, ei^c.
Why inlnformationsof intrufion, if the DcfcmiMit
enter mto Shops, <^r. pleads not guilty,
he mufl lolc the poffcfTKin. rtC
TheGatbletofSpic«s may
^ Informations in what Courts to bebrought.^j.i7»
in the day time. u fr
break open houlcs,
Commiflionersof Sewets may
^'' *^ AnExpofition of the Statute I'hfac, a, 4. coacem-
,r (wrf Crj. ing Information. 01733 17;
Alwaies by the by the Con-
Common Law made Inrolments, See 'I{dlls.
ftables of Towns. .

Hxtefium &
clamor (virbii d»imu) mdt
294 laflruiliuts.
The Inftruftions of the Piefident and Comtcel of
Of Hue and Cry by the Forrdl 194
Hutmus quid i *94 the North to be inrolled. x^
©fthe Inftrufiionsofthe Prefidcnt and CounccI
The Com of the Umdrsd. of the Marches. x^^t
The Stile and jatifdiftion of this CoOrt. ig75»«4
Suitors are Judges Where the Court will intend an Affaajwhcrc there
This is no Court of Record, the
167 appearech no dif-aflent. 187
Derived out of the County Court.
Counties. if 7
Hundreds rejoyned to <^s Intstiegatdries.
and Conftabks of Hundrtds. 167 They ought tobe (ingle and plain, penioent, amd
Of Bayliffs
in no fort captious, leading or direflory. 279
a man may as lawfully hunt a» in
In any Purlieu Intrnfion.
his grounds. 303,304 The courfc of the Exchctjuer,
where the Defendant
any other
Hunt. Jo? pleads Net Guilty
to an information of Intiulioo. 116
Spiritual peifons may
What (hsll be unlawful Hunting m Forrefts. 3 14,

Joynder in. ABiet.

Huntlni'notiofaeufedasaTrjde. ^ ^l? Where though the grievance is to a)3ny» yet any
Lords ol Parliament may Hunt in the Kings Forreft, may bring an AiSion. 1941 ajf
ZH&di vel rcdemdo, to and from the Parliament 34^,
3o8>309 Irettttd.
Midiis cenendi Pnrliametttuin mn^cu^xA in» In.
land. i2>549
How the chief Tuftice m Ireland is called.
Jyelanixi a diftinft and divided Kingdom. 2oi>}49
rht Ifles of Jerfey
Th'eir Courts of Juftice, and Laws are the fame
did anciently belong to the Dutchy of ,N«r-
with ours.
WflBrfVjwhcn united to the Kingdom
of Sngltnd. 349>348»3S'»3$<J
THey i86

No Nation in the world greater lovers <£ Jufklcc

The Judicature and cuftoms of thefe Ifles,

They are a'cfcended of the ancient Bnitaius.

the Writ runneth not here> yet his 54^
though Kings Pari laments in //f/i«a<< of ancient time,
offences. 186 n,349,3jo
Commiflion doth to punifh Nobles of Ireland called to the
The Inhabitants not bound by out Statutes unlefs ParliamennoiJSagi.
'«« By fpecial words the Parliaments ot
Theit ptiviledgcs.
bind the Subjeds of Inland.
. How many Patiflicsj &C. arc within thefe Ifles. a8« 3503^1
Afts, &c. in England, for
regulating and hoidiug
Parliaments in /rt/«»rf, SS^hiS*
Jerufalem, &e, 34<
TheB/cfeoaLaw. j^s
The Court of the fuHlces af^gntd for the Covern- Pflynis^jLaw. -^^
tntnt of the Jews.
The Statute of 2^j'(w»y. 3 ^g
Tills Court ceafed) when the Jews were biniflied.

What Statutesin £B|/«»(i extend to IrtUatd. 3jt

How and in what manner a l^arliament is to be hol-

Ahoufeforthe Jews converted.' 9J den in Ireland, and how Bills ought ro pals in the lame
Jidtti,& omnia fun Regis funt,
- ,, 954
The Cafe o'f the Earl oT Shrew/bury upon tfacSat-
'_, l''..^^'
hti IndiftrntfAt void for part, 4hiJ go?*! fijr thetrel- tuteofaS.H. 8.of Abfemees. 35^
,181 An A'3: that all perfons having Lnnd5» d'f. inlrc-
^3k,qutirecl.&t. i*or<^ (Irall rcfidc that they which have
' uponthem,and
. .

; Infant. Caflles, &c. fKatt fortifie them. 3 ^f

An Infiht B lietVlligiblfc to 'Parliament. 47 Compotus Uiberniti, &c. to be given cO the Ex.
Nor canheeleft. 4J cbeqmr in E»glaad. ib^
Where an Infant (hall find SoVtty, to. pay a fine A Rccoid of the cullody ef t>ie body and Lands of
W the King. J 81 Heiij
Heirs within a^c. 356 L3US Ecclcliaftical
andtcm[X)ral ate aoaaalllrcd,
" '

Of Writs et Error. '*.

adjudged, and executed by fundry Judges. ,'
v'trtorum la H'lbcrnU. ib. At the Kings WM,pcr iiiai(i0rioi,& lezem Cairn
Agreed at a S\ nod in icf /i^arf3 that the Pricftsmay nnmefidiccre. -pi
have Wives. ib. The King himfelf cannot be in
Judge, p-opyia cauf.t
A Procedendo out of Chiitccry to the Jufticcs in
IrcUnd to
in a
jjKitrc impcdst. 357 Juflices of the Kjigs BenckSet Kji^s Btnclf.^
in irf/cnrf) fa«i hc^c Juftices of the Common. ptcas'.'iK Cimmun-Ti'tas.
^-i^jbitrobam'i C3k{3. Juftice
for ortenccs there, biit in the condul'ion put to anUer The Judges cansot iu)o\ two Offices. oo-

h\ Ireland, &c. 356 Siptcntis judicis cH cogiia>c tawup #i c/jvpanir

Of Grants made of the Kingdom of Ireland. 357 Unm quantum commffumd;- a cditnm.

Kings oi Irclmd ftilcd Lords of Ireland , yet they
No mailcan be 'judex in proprii can 1
fa. 1 , , 7 ,
had Kindly jurirdlttiop, 357, 360 "
AJudgcFinedforraifinga Record. 1,,

words, explained. j j8
Ccltain Iriflj Neceflary that the Judges ^rovld know the
The Prorcx there, in former times hath becrt called |
ForreftLa-.s. j

Warden^ d^c. "358 ^ AndEicLiijftical La«S. '\,
The manner ol eleflingBifhops in Ireland, 559 1 The King is well ot all his
appiifed Judges
' '
as. ^tU
The whole Dominion ot Ireland co be governed by ,'
Spiritual as temporal. ih.
one Law with England. ibid. The Spiritual and Temporal Jurifiriaionort'hcre-
' '

Ofthedivificnof this into the SigliJJ} tpeftive Judges.'

Kingdom ^21
Pale, and the Wild I.ifh. «^- Excellent lnftru5iions, and worthy
Precepts for

Sunt in beHo fartcs, in pace f deles. ibid, Judges 10 follow. Fide EpiUgue.
Ho.v it cnmc to the C ro
vn of nngland^ ib.

What jurifdiajon the Aich-Biflwp

of Canterbury
\\id in Ireland. sCo The King hath committed hi* whole I'ower of
A Juftice in /«torf cannot be removed, but by tlie cature to leveral Courts.
Of the Pentarchy ot Ireland.
360 Juy.
It hath thirty three Co'^nties, &C. ib. A Charter of Exemption from
Juries, t^c. void.49
H. 8. tookuuon him the Name ofKing of iretorf. Juries ffiall not be compelled dicere
prxcife. 15a
ih. When the Jufticcs oiNifprius m!(y grant a Talcs.
Enafted that every man during fix years might dig 161
G "Id and Silver in his
proper Soil in IreLind, ^c ib. Where the Award upon the Roll> to the SheritTto
When the Liberal Scknces did fliioc brighceft in rctatnajury, isncJtfufficienti\yheie iti's. -
Juries returned without VM. /it. by

teiind. 16.
general com-
Records concerning this Kingdom. 361
mindemenc of the Juftices of ^3
Gqal-delivery. i
Juries Sworn ad veritatem dkcndam not to be «-
Thi holy IJlmd and Fame IJland.
flopped, their Trover is called V'mdifiiiiH quafi di-

i88 Itumver'ttatit zq.

Why called the holy Ifland. Who exempted from Common Juties,
Governed by the Law of England, ib.
Of Juries in the Forrefl.
Judgements. .

When the reafons of Judgements were fet down is

Juri/d'HioH. See Pltfit.
the Record. 4 The
and temporal Jurifdlftions. ^11, Spiritual
No rfian ought to be condemned without anfwer. ; 8 Rerumerdoconfunditur,S micuiqu^,jmfdi9io non
InciiAle videtHr, «^ contra canoncs efe, in hominem
fervttur.'yirifdUlio «Sf quia, yide Troitmiuvt.
ncc confcjfum
ferrefentmiam. 38 Juflices cf Peace.
Where the voices of the Court are equally divided , May inquire and try the fame day. 1 g.

n« Judgement can begiven. 64 They are Ipccial Juftlces of Oyer and Tf/miTur. 1 54
Paribus fciiuntiis reus abfelvnur, ill.
They are to deliver their lodiameiits to the Jufticcs
How to remedy dtlaves of
Judgements. See Delayes. of Goal-delivery. j^g
V/hercfore Judgements niuft be Idco Confideratum The praife of this fubordinate Government. 1
(h per Curiam. 7° Ads of Parliament, Cnveats and ObfcrvatioDS ne-
The Judgement to rqc^il letters Patents. 881 ceflary for Jufticcsof the Peacetojsnow. ijoj&ic.
What Judgement IViall begiven in the Marflxalls The Commiiimn of the Peace, ^pfqxmcd all ihc
Court,v.htn cither party isvanquiflicd. 114 Judges of £«^^«rf. ;

Judiciiime^t-viquam jitiit
diClum. 138'
Of the nomination, making, «nd Jifcharge of jV
» vtritcte accipiiirr. ftices of Peace'
Judiciitm p. 138 .

171, I7<f
The Judgement in the Traversot Offices found for Their Powprl,'^.;
171^ ^7^. 1 83, i73> »7<5
the King. 109 They cannot ffi'dtfe a Warrant to break open a^y
mans houfe u{>po ? .b<u:c furmifQ vojaarch for a Fdon,
Judgements here, of LSnd or County Pa-
latines, void, azj^iii', *':• »7^''r7
ttu' I .. -4 A to take
Judges. JuftitcorPca«;ecaiinoiw;jk^j,W»rrart
Why the Jadeci ought not to give any opinion of a a man for Felony, Delorc\nd4Ci^a)^nei: after Uidjft-
matter of Parliament. 1551755° mcnt, but In open tdurt. 177
Where the Peers arc Judges, whether an offence The Jufticch.imfelf cannot Aireft ionef«r feksny,
committed by a Peer, is treafonor not, andnotthe Ju- unlefs hcfufpcft lum, as any other man may do. ib.
fliccs. 53 He may majse a warrant for the lalvaition of ihc

Judges flioulddifccrn by Law what is jufl-, that is peace,

in apprchendiBg a Felon< ibi^.

the ftjile of Dr/cretio Jiiftieio. 4>> 45 His jx)wer in bailing Pri^one^|,,.J,,;^^^Jy,

* 178, 179

1 he King ctih judge by his JuSgi's. 71 They are Judges of Record. 177
( ») Indiflmcnr,
Indiftments &C. in the Sheriffs Turne delivered to Regta dignitai efl mdivifi\titis,& qttnUkc alia dig*
them. ^83 nitas cU fm'H'ner indiziifibilU. 2.43
Of the charge at thtSeffions. i8j By what Warrant Phyfick is to be given to the
A Court to inquire of the defaults of Juftices of the Kmg. •

'84 The King better ferved with Viands for his houle-
Peace, d^^

. hold by the Market at his Court Gate, than bypur-

and to be done to all. 70,11s veyor;..
Juftice tight ^^^
JuftUii fff unliis exccUtm, & altijfmo complaccns Where no Office can be found to entitle the King ,
he may get Seifin, d^c.
by Comraiflion returned of
Record. 184
In what Aaions a Writ of fiiJlicUs
doth lye, and The King cannot make a King, within his ow«
the proceedings thereupon.
266 Kingdom. J-87,3S7
VVhat he cannot grant by Letters Patent, &c.
Jnjlifieatiort. ,
. .
•.. 357
hmt H. 1. Crowned
that hedid take the.

Intrefpafs, foods
\t\ If lyj
U After the death of every Billiop (he King is to have
Mere ove Us Normans qumf frnt eaenfies Rty. 1 41 '

his Kennel of Mpiinds, d^f. •

,,, .
H. 8
acknowledged Supreani Head Con-
in divers
by the

Of the general Juftjfica'tlonj

for i» diftrefj
Commiffioners of S,ewers- 17 J J2J
in falfc jmprifonment. The King may make his Tcftamcntj Executors &c,
' Juftifieaiioii'bya Fotrefteft —
- 3^
Where after definitive Sentence the King may gt^ni
a Commiffionof review. J41
The Kingfubjcft to none but God. 342,543
Ipfe aittetn Rex Mn debet cffe fiib beniiae
" fed fib
X'J^Z- See Title Prerogative.
Ves,&c. ibid. ,

The King is an"Eriiperor,

He King rcprefcnted in Parliament-
King John offered the Turke, to be of
and to make his Kingdom tributary to himj
his Re- With what Ma jcfty Crowned.
Over how many Kings theK ngs of EngUadhiyc
which afterwards he did to the Pope, p<ying thePoije triumphed.
343, 3J?

looo. marits a year for both his Kingdoms. 13
How the Kings of England have filled them'elves,

King Edward
j; did bravely fliake off that yoak by
and of the Kings ftile
Defender of the Faith, &c. 344,
Aft of Parliament. ij' 14 343

The King may fue in what Court he pleafeth.ij, 17 The Oath which the Kings take at their Corona-
^ - The Kings royal affent by Letters >8 tions.
The Ancient Motto of the King of England. 34^
-^ByCommiflioners. '^'
lip effeft the whole profit which
the. The Duty called ^«r«OT Regin/e. 357,358
King rcapeth-
doth come from the Commons. if The lyings HoMJbold, See Ceunting-HoHfe, &c.
'' 'The beff title of H. 7. to the Crown was by his Of the lyings Debtors. SeeVebt.
Wife. ,
': No King nor Kingdom fafcj but
where the King Yjngitm.
hath J Abilities, w\. dft. 44 Divers Monarchs hold their Kingdom of others jure
H . 8. his
projcft to get the Monafteries, &-C. 44 feodali. ,
*40,«39> 34}

What perfons the King fliould prefer to OStcei)&(. ." The miterablc eftate of this
" under the
j6 Heptarchy. ^^^
The King hath committed all his whole power of The Divifion of a Kingdom, the Ruine thereof, ib.
to feveral Courts of JufHCe. -
judicature 144
Propria caitfa Regis 71 ©f the Kingdom of £«£/jjarf. 341,345
The limits and bounds of the Kings Palaces, &c. Of the union of divided Kingdoms. 347,140
»33 ^
Of the changing the name of a Kingdom 347
i^ Goods taken by Pyrates, ^f. And feifed by the Ad-
miral, belong to the King. Ij6 Kjags-Bench.

Rex rionlntermoritHr, 1^6, 3;^ A contempt of a Peer of the Realm in Parliament,

f "A
League binds nit the KlngsTuci:e^;s, unlefs,they not punifhable in the K''>gi-Seach. 15,17
'are named.
' 5f 39. bftheHoufeof Commons informed again ft in ',

Rex non bahtt' concilium mtiiiit, C0)i/uititdi»es,nct this Court, for departing without Licence, and C.fined
'SUma fuarevicMdt. '.'i,'."i ^76 jc'd^uia timerofi. i. ij,

r How cautious the Founders of that; "'\ht jurifdiawfi of this Court, exempLfied. 70,7 1 ,
oar 'taw' were,
the Kivig (h\Duld be anfwered his Duties. 715 73> 74'7Jj77-2«8, 116
180; ;"' .

All Lands in England

originally nioi^ed'frocn the Capital!! Jiiflitid fraf.det pnmus in regno. 7o
^ngj and are holden 'of him, mediately or immedi- When the Vjngs-Bench followed the Court, and

lately. ', I9*'3°«' J^J when theattcndanceceafed. 74, 71,75

ftfeforthe King totrufi his own Snbjefts for "Why called the Kia^f-Braffe. 71
ItRe defence of the
Realm, than Forreincrs. 191 If any perfon be in Cuftodix Marifhalli by commit-
_ H. y.leftinhij Coifers
53000;. 198 ment or otherwife, it is fufficient to give the Court
-The Kings'S^ccbffiiut's bound, 't|1otigh
not named. jurifdidfion. 7*
' ' ' " '


, , 101,351 By putting in Bail at one mans fuit, he is in Cupodia
'•S'hW jjftice, honodrs, dignities, and
frjirtchifes pri- Marefcballi, to anfwer all others. »^.
vHedgcs, flowed from the in
King hitpalaee, as from The ftile of the Court of the Kings-Bench is
We fountain. ^ ; .105,143,363 in the Margent. yy
•••Queen H/iXaifrfo; excelliricy ih jcajrriing. ziy The Pleas ftiled Coram Rege. 73, 75,80
V. ^ She had
no'firname, But called 'EUo^abeth {he great. { How anciently. 75
rhe TA'BLE.
of this Court fary tor p-iffing Lands within the County Palatine o-
The Suprcam Authority of the Jufticcs
and thci« titles, how calledjand of the change* of their thcr^vife of Lands without. . lotf, le^.^io
73,74,1^14 In what capacity the
names. King hath the Duchy. 207,
The Kings have fate on the hiph Bench, and the
on the louer at his feet) Yet the Judicature Of the
Seal of the
Duchy, and of the Seal of ths:
only belongs to
the Judges. 73' 7' County Palatine, what Grants muft bs under the one,
What Records this Court may remand, what not. what under the other.
73>74>8o Of Leafcs of Lands within of the
thefurvey Duchy
Other Courts are derived our of this. 74 by the King being within age, geod.
vmor- The Royalties, Franchifes,
Privilcdgcs, &c. which
De(ignath Jujiiciorm cjl rcge, jmfd\£iio
'* the Duke of
dminaaltge. Xanf^jZirr had for him and his Tenants.
The Chief Juftice of this Court, how called, an-
created by Patent, now by Writ, 74' 75 Jtilfices of Aflife, Goal-deliverj) and of the Peace,
Porwhatends inftituttd. 74 made and affijned by CommifTion under the Seal pf
The reft of the Judges have their Offices by the County Palatine.
y- jo-
I Letters Patents. 7? The Duchy of
Lanca^er proceeds upon Witnefl'cs.
\ How ftiled, ought to be Serjeants. 75 178
»3 There are four of them. 80
Matters of Pirliament are not to be tuhd
\ Ought not to be removed without caufe. 75 by the
J Common Law.
To be d;fchirged by Writ under the great feal 17 I< • >
The Law of the Parliament.
L '5 14,15, i6,\7,'lo
feme in out an Leges pofieriores prior es coittr arias ahroi.irt a t
The undue priftice of Clerks, fuirg
Civil. Law. ill
in beciule they could have no origi-
original trefpafs, Law Marfhal. j,l
nal for debt, out cfCfeJWfry returnable in this Court.

Jura rcgntia. tii, 104, n3, 219, iVo
to Infiift corporal pu- Merchant. Law j,-
Theauthority of ihisCouit The Law is the Golden
as &c. 77 Metwind,whcreby all mens
nifliment, Villory, papers,
canfesare evenly and
To what puvpofes the i^ngi-Scrtch and Chancer;) juftly mealured. 240
March Law, or bor4eri Law. ', 281
are accounted but one Court. 7^180
The title to the ijlc of Man guided by the Common
Bills by ftraageis againft the Bail io the K'H^-
Law, though nonhelfle. igv
See He'trs.
A Record removed in this Court, is as it were in
So of the Seigniories, &c.\nWalts were
his f(.»«>•, &c. 73
able at Common Law, But the Lands holdenof them
Tranfcript of Attainders &C.
before the Juftlces
the Cuftomsof frii/Vy.
pyer &
terminer, '& c. fent to this Court, 1 8 j by
The ftrange Laws in the Ifle of
^g .
TheLawsoftheForteft bounded,, by the Laws of
^(^ ^ ^^- '

jQilghti Service, K'i'g^t'- this Realm.

Knights l"ce, H the Service
uf a Kniglit, that is,
The Ecdefiaftical Courts bounded l»y the Laws of
of a man at Arms, or oi War. 46 the Realm,
Writs to divers Wrf orditicm mU'it. Balneo fufcipiend i^y
&e. 44 Leagues, freaties and Truce f,
Conftrvatoriu^HciarHm, & fali/orum Regis con'
diihuitm, ijj
His Office. 152,
Why leagues are to be intollcd in Chtsntery. 132,

Chamber cf Lancafter nt 152

The Court of the 'Duchy The League betweeoE.i.and the F«Sf/& King. 14}
Weilminfter. In all Treaties the power of the one
party and the
of LancaUcr when created
a County

Palatine by Aa
of Parliament. zot, m other ought to be equal.
How a League may be broken.
The County of Lmcifler is a County Palatine , There be foijr kinds of Leagues. ijj.
the beginning and etcftion thereof. 104 What League may be between aChriftlan Prince'
is called CowimwJ
It Palntinti^, a CumUntu a & and an Infidel.
' '


foliiioKegU. _ ^^oKing^5^«. tocome into ttiis Realm without a
The power^ authorit yand jurifdiftion,
&c. 104,
fafc conduft. /*.

The difference betwixt a League and a Truce,

Of Fines, Recovcries,Ttyals3 <4»C.iBthat County.
Of fafc ccndufls. '<S'>57i'5*
105 How o'.ir Kings have demeaned themfclves, and of
ThepofTeflionsdf the Duchy when Jevftred from
[he Rnglijh Laws in many difterenccs between
Ae Crown) and in what ftate the Dtichy (lands at this at enmity one with another, and in L«ague with us.

day. 105,10^,109,210 ''^

What Lands within the furvey of the D»chy> and The fatal danger of unwile and incertain Leagues,
howtheLandspafs. 106)209.110
., .. 348
The proceedings
of the Duchy Chamber itti'efm. Leafer. ;-'\ ,'.
206 Leafcs of the Rings Lands, hdW rtiride, and whit
TheOiBcers of this Court. »o6
words will make a Leafe. ,
ill, 112'
Of Lcafes, Gram*,
d^«.of LanJs within the Sui'-
vey cf the Duchy. 209,110
The Court ofjheLtet or view tfVrM^rf ledge
Attornment not necefTiry to grants of Revetlions fet
Landswithin the County Palatinejbut otherwife of This is a Court of Record, derived *i)d taken ouiof
Lands without. *io theTourn. 161, i^j
Attornment not nccef. Holden before ihe Steward he is Ji;dgc. tb,
W'hy Livery of SeifiT., anil
The fignification
of the word hm- ihid X. The two Courts
of the Sherift.
The jjrJ.tliaion of the iKf. ^6I>»/^ 165,17? The antiquity of the Sheriffs and their Ceorts.
The Steward may take a Recognifance. z6 j
The Rile of the Court. i6?
Errors m this Court how to be redreffed* (>.
teporamqitid. 291
The Court
3. ofSquity bi fore the LoriM?f»tm'
monly exiled the Court of Confcieate,
The Jurifdiftion and proceedings of this Cotttt.
Towhomtobedirefted>and the two kinds ofLj.
The Court
itratccs. i^'^d.. 4. of the Miyor and Alder»m,
-When It makes the Officer a debtor to the party, This is a Court of Record, of
whw» it conlift*
- etb.
when not- '"'•
AL»*f»-«ctotheGoaIerto deliver a Prifoner ouc Their power of governance and
jurifdiftien. H,
178 In this Court are many Courts, as
-ofprifon.' namely.
V" TbeWtitrfe Itberttiibut aUoCandis.
The Court
Where it l-es- 197 5. of Orphans.
To whom the
Cuftody of Orphans and their goods
Licence. belong, within the City. 148,- ^49
, .Of Licences W
he abfent from Parliament. 49
See Parliament.
6. The Court of Common- CounctL
Tiiis Court refcmbles the
high Court of Parlia-

.'. .'^Limitation ef.Aiiiftf, ment.

of time 10 be wifhed in criminal 2^,
^Limitation Its power and Authority to make Laws. iitrf.
cWes. 185
Livery efSelfon, 7. The Court of Wardmote,
,,^U'hat Lands pafs
without Livery of Seifon. aoi The dcrivatiotiof vyardmote.
o::T.'. .,
:• The mirdmote Inqiiejt (hail inquire of
have not paved, ov amended the
pctfons that

Livery But of theyiingthandt. llreets.
, The feveral lortsanddilfcrenccs.^ 197,199
The world of troubles the 5«ft;V^ffuffercd for mif- 8 The Court of mil.mote.
fing, of Liveries. 198 ^uid? j^^
The derivation and fignificacion of HaU-mtt. Hid
.; -: zzr.r '

"Qt the^tehsahd Antiquity oilondia. 9. The Court of the chamberlain
247, 148 for App^atitts,
?Itisa Countyof itfelf.

The matters of this Court* 3<y
.^ There are within the Walls 97. Paxifhes,and with-
10. The Court of the
WK 1 6. (landing pitrtly
within ttie Liberties of the Ci- 1 eonfervatio* tfthc
water and T^vtr
ty>part vvithout. 148
of rhamesjd.-f.
The Cuftdm of isarftftt touching the Court of Con- The Mayor of London hath the confervaiion and
Mence. rule of the Thames, and the Lands overflown,d''f. from
the Bridges of drawer, unto the water of
Ofthc Chambetlainotioado;?. 248,149 Tcndil^t^c^
and the punition tor ufing unlawful Nets, «J>t,
^.The Libettjcs andPriyiledgt^o^
'" '
London. 149,1 50 2|o,
4'" i?^'^}'?^ II The Court of the Coroner !« London,
In the City are i6. Wards, governed by 24. Al-
Before whom holden.
derrnen, , ; ,
. .--J

„ . *.49 j -q
In LondoAtHe Parifhes arenas' 'Towns, arid the
Wards a* ib, TheCottrtofEfcheator in Lcndon.
Hand^S^s. '

Before whom holdcn.

Every ColTipahy in tosrfi)ij'have, a, peculiar Hall, aj©
wherein they Ircep their CourtSi ib.

The Cowrt
^IJDns.may be free of. Lvudon .qunner of waies. of Policies, and AffuTMUM
ill London. I - .

Ofthe anciefH V^all of losrfea, and what fart of the The Jurifdiftion, and ends of the
ixftittidng thit
Tower of Lohdo/tis within the City of London.
jj,, n
Whengoyerne^jby Fongnves, whsn by Baylifft ,
\ -

' _

The CBWt of the Tower

wh-n King fofm appointed a Mayor, and after gave 14. of Loadon. riV
the Citizens liberty to chufe a Mayor defeipfs, 15 3
The Jurildiaion of this Court, before whom) and

When the ATdcrmCh were changed every year. ib. where holden. . syi . .

What offence

ij. Of the jiirifdiftion andauthority of the
cprc^f ft corrupt things into the water Prtfi'-
dettt,ceaforSi and of the C^ledfiC of
aI^om LondoK. .

Phyfitians,fcituate in Knight-rider. Street, in the v««4.
of Caftlc Barnard, v*ithin the of London, and 7*,
^ j Tht Ctms and their JurifdiBitm whhin the •
n>iles compafs. :

,i'.:: City j)f Lontioa.

'l'. The Court ohht-Hiflings.

3iT!)'^Qi°"^5il^.f.he.,bigheftand «f rgreacoft celebrity
Vilxhjn ftndon. ...^.'i j. *47 — .
Before whom holdcn, and to whom Writs are to be
direftci] in
Tht derivat\bh*of^Kc «*rd
"Of what this Cotli-c holds



_ ___
£1 a. quid,

& undc,

M'lyor ff/ London. See Londtn,

Malu The Mailhils Fees. |>.
Mcalt or •^t'ltc is a Saxon word, in Latin Brafgrn, It is calleJ Curia .Aula hoffit'n 'Dim Kcgis. iStS
and Brafttor is ufcd tor a Mat(ler. 16j
Ma^ivutmutuUtuiiin Millitilawcd. »94, joS
How M^lt is 10 be madtj €>c. itfj Mijufi terree. Mai de terra, quid. 1^ j
The AtiJ/flerf duty, his dtccipts how pjniilicd. i«}

Thelflcof Man. Taken with the Majnter,a ma%u,\i In 4. kinds.
The of
given to ths:
King by the Lords
Tcinpoial ind Commons. j^ Megfure.
The i/Zf »/" i**""
n« part of the Realm of England ,
nor bound by our Parliaments, but by fpecial Name. CMcaps vetituf.

201,184 Mtjfartus quid ?

This Ifle hath been an ancient Kingdom. 185,184 Met a quid. Si3
How granted. ibid. Metal.
How many Caftles, Towrw, &c. are in
There be five kinds of baf<: Metals, w\. Copper
Tin, Iron, Lead, and Latyn, of thefe. j?.*
What Statutes extend not tothis Ifle. 184 Merchant and Mmhandt':^.
The Ifledcfcendable to the general Heirs. ib.
Statutes made af!,ainft the freedom of Trade, and
. The ftrangc Laws and jurifdittiouol: this Ifls, 184,
Merchandizing never live long. » i
Clavts InfuU, who ? as 5
How Engtifl} Merchants wronged beyond Seas may
be remedied. 114,115,137
The Biftiop in this 1 fie. ib.
Mstugiun & mcjptngium,
lliotef E/tglifh Merchants in
3. things, rJ?.
coftly Building, coflly Dyet, and coftly Apparrel. 277
MJiiotr. Where the Company fcall anfwer the debt of a
A coftomary Mannor. i63 Merchant, &c. ib.

A Grant of all Mines of Gold and Silver within
EngUnd to the Duke of Eedfmd, &c.
rendering, d^c.
Howdingctoas it is to alter any Maxim or funda-
mental Law. 41
Mtachia. qtiid & mde. ji8
Taken as well for a Eine, as an Amerciament. 306
Media tenendi Farliamem. tezPartiameiu,
TheCan)-t cf the Trefdent and Cmwtel, in the

Damnion.,aiid Prmcipality of Wnki, md

the Mirchis of the fame. Sc^ Wales. Moaasleriet.

The Counties of Cbellcnnd the City of Chcjier no Upon what objeft H. 8. obtained the diflblutlon of

of the Matches oiivales. iij, 141 Monaftcries. 44
This Court of Eqiity is flrcngthened by the Sta« The Monaftery of Sr. Benncts de hulmo in Nsrfet^,
tuteof 34. H. 8. ea- 16. 141 potiut Caflru mquamCla iifirum
But Sec 1 7- Citr. i. ca. 10.
They by force of the Kin^s Commifljon, and in-
fit ZMBnjlrans de driit.
fttuftions,and proceed as in a Court of Equity j by Monflrans de droit. 79 3 1 96
their wifdoms and di'ciet.ons. 2.4.
The 4- Enolilli ihkcs in their Commiflion, not To kill the Conflable, &c. 3jj
within the Marches. 242 M'trelegesj a legendo Muxes, a wild- Cat. 194
Mutulatus unde derivatur. ib.
Their Jurifdiftion, &c. and of Prohibitions giant-
ed to them. 143

M.v^et. N
The Clerk of the Mai kets Fees. 174
A Market witho'Jt an owner. 171 names.
The Court of the Clerk of the Market. 173 what Names the Lords are named in the

Called C<mc«J Menaii boJphnRegis bscaufe there

was a Market kept at the Co^rt Gate.
BY Writs of fummons to Parliament,
bui names granted away.
Nemina pint notte rerutn.
Why not much njed now of a Clerk of the Market. 291,315
TheNaracsof Dignities of the Nobility arc par-
The proceedings and jurifdiftion of the Court. cel of their Names, and fo ought to be named in the
ibid, Kings Writs- 36J
Tb: Earl M^ of Enghnd. See Chivalry. Otherwifc of the Offices of Chancellor, &c, and
of their Names.
Thederivaiiontif Marflial. 123,130 other Offices for they are not parcel
OfhisOSce. 117 ib.

Gwnts of his Office. 1 1 8 Navy.

yiee MMefchillui. liS The decay of the Navy arlfes by threecjufes. jo
The Kings Navy exceeds all others. ^oj I47
7bi: Ceurt of the Marfhalfct. \A/hcnfeveral had the govetnmenc of the Eleer.
Wherefore ii is calL-d the Cojrt of Marfluh'ca. '4?
130 The owner of a Siiip (hall anfwer for hurt done by

The Judf ct. il*

his Ship,thoup(h he be not paity thereunto. 14^
The Jurifdic^ion of this Court is
original and or- Vi^ Trias. Ju(ttccsof NifPriits.
»^"'- The Bench may grant a Ni(t Prim, for there the
Thij Court haili his foundation from the Conimoh- Ttaiifcript of the Kccord
only lent, 74, \6o
L.w. ''>
when firft inftituted, Their
( c t ) Amhotiiy
rbe TABLE.
is annexed to the luftices of Aflife. >59 Of the CaRhoi Norwich.
Authority 258
Writ cf }}i§. Fritts. ib.
The judicial
1 5 9, 6 1 Notice.
The i <o, 1
Jutticcs pov^er.
out of what courts grantabk, .vhen,whete, Every man muft take notice of all the Members of
T^ifiPrius the
whom triable. 160,161 HoufeofCommons,athis peril, otherwife of their
in what cafes, and before ~
Prius inftituted forc\^o caufes. j6o ^ ^
luftices oiNifi
i6i Every one is bound to take notice '_ of that
Why called Jullices of affife. done in Parliament.
. ,

V Novelties.
At no Feodal Baronies.
this day there are <;

Innovations and Novelties in

Where Barons that were Koight:, nafncd Chiva- Parliamentary pro-
to be called Cbivalieri,inhei: than Militet ceedings arc moft dangerous, andtoberefufed. 11,14
I'ters, liked
'*• What mifchief and in-bred hatred the
after the leg,al word. _
Novelty of
of EarcK and Baneret, their dillin. new Subfidics doth hatch. . .
The Etymology
of the Bancrets creation.^. Sape viatorem nova, veins wn ,a
aion, duty, and manner orii/afaUit.
4< Commiflwnsof new inventionj ei^£. \oid,i6%,t(A
How Noble men erronioufly attainted ofTreafon,
viam nuUitatis.
ii Nullity, pec 340
may b: relieved.
&c. void.
Ho>vaVceroftheRcalm(hallbetryed. 13,59)363 Judgments, ijj, all, 170
His Tryers are not fworn. 60
NuLTiel Record.
What creation of a Lord regular of Parliamant is
To be
pleaded to a grant under the feal of the
void. 4J
& Emncs m'mres, or
Barones majtrcs, Jfobtlcs mi- Dutchyof I.«»f.j/?cr. ^ '
485 46 N-ifins.
nous How
BarBAUrGermmtCilinguilibcrm &
qui. and where puniQiable.
fm jura j^j
How a Noble man fued in the Cammm Pleas &c.
and PtoCefsof Capias, ejrc. awarded againft him, may o
be remedied.
Ho,v Noblemen may grant their
Name and Arms, Oaih.
ei^c.away. 116,117 Tp Oath of a ptivy Councellor.
D'Aioi Ltnci^er (the Iccond Duke England law) , rheOathof the Lord privy Seal.
died of the plague. 104 The Oath of the Lord Chancellor, if
The firft hereditary Esrl of England created by the The Oath of the Lord Treafurer of England,
CoBquerourEarlofCfif^fr. zli The Oath of the Barons of the Exchequer,.
Where the cldcft Sifler ought to have ihj honour, Of the Oaths of Infidelsand
O E the Oath
the Plaintiff or his
Attorney is to
When a Noblertao may hunt in the Kings Forreft, take in the Pipowder-Court.
when not. 308,309 Of the Oath of the Comroiflioners of Sewers. %je
The Duke of EfW/or^ degraded for want of an E- Of an Oath in general. jyg, J79,i<2
flAte tofupprthis" Dignity. 3J5 TheOathofaForefter. ^l\
Title and honour foifeiced. •(?4) 3SJ The Oath of the Ranger. , J.
be takeO awaiy but by Aft of Parlia-
Dignity not to
ment. 5^5 Oginces.
The precedency of Nobles with the lines, pedc- All
wrongs may be puniihed in one Court or other:
erce'f d'C o? many of them. ^'
Of Nobility. 3<f3 Offices andlaquifitions.
The fiift Cic^ition of Baronets. 354
To whom Offices found virme
officii are to be de-

5Y'o.7c profeqiii.
encrcd by the K'ng and Q-iCcns Ho.v the Subjeft (hall be delivered
fi.7<(oiprofcqii againft falfe
in t. and 2 Ph. and Mar. OfHcesfound.
Attorney general, 19, 10 19^,207
O Ihcss concerning Wards, &c. 200 197
OftheclaufcWflSobftante in Statutes, 135, 137, Office found in Che
per. iij
Of Offices vi)tuie
ifficii, & virtiiie bu.
North. what Writs, before whom and hovv to be found.
Tlie Prefidentand Councel inthzNorth. Secret Offices abhorred in Law.
Ho.v and upon what occafions raifed. ib. Where to be returned. ib.
Oificc found in t!ie
I[le efM.m, void. i.84
Of the City ofNorwich, &c.
In Eiw^iirf the confcffors time there were 13 00. Ci- Office and Officert.
tizens within this City. x?6 Wlien the Office of H'gii Steward of
England was
What it pays to the King. ibid. of Inheritance and the Earldom of
Uictfltr holden
Highly commended for many things. ib. i^8 by doing that Olfice. -g
Ithath above 50, Parifhes and is as Ancient Offices muft be granted in fnch
large within forms, and
in fuch manner, as
theWa^lsas to/irfM. i^f they have ufcd to be. 7^, g-
The true ftate of the Biflioprick of Norwich. 2^6 Wlio ought not to have tw Offices. 100, '3 10
T he Courrs luflice within this City,
xy7 Nftoduobutiitdtarofficiis. i^^^ ,

The jurifdiftion of tlus City.

, ib. Officers to fubftitute fuch as
they v,\\\ anfwer for
It is a
County of it felf, and hath two Sheriff', &c.
Offices gr.inted
ib. ^lam diufe bene gcffie)it. 1.7
The ancient liberties of this City. ib .
Officecf the Conftableof
England, anciently
Itluthno.vaMayorand 14. Aldermen. aj; of lp!i?riisnc&no,v hac lice.
qk TJ'BLE.
Officers of the Kings-Houfliold. SeeCoMting-houfe
iifc. 131
ACharterof a Judicial Office granted to two>void.
County Palstiae.
The ^rant of new Office 104
a void, becaufe it was not
The Authority
UNdedicitur. of thafe who had County I'a-
defined, uhat JuiifJiiftion or Authority the Ofticei-
kuniJ, 105, 104
/bould have. 100
What forfeitures they (hall h«vc what not. loj
Clwnccllor of the Garter. 200
To whom the King fhouU give offices. 6 County Palatines parcel of the Realm of EngUni
5 and divided in jurifdidion.
The make a new,'Office, for zij
KinfJ cannot Corrcfti-
oiijd'-f. of any thing which belonged to the Juiifdi-
ftionof any former Com t. Tall.
An Officer created by Statute, Pallium EpifeefaU ^iid. 339
cannot prcfcribc as
an officer at Comniun-Law may, De Pammgce, 306308, X99
Officers n.anaes put thcni in mind of their
duty. 19 1
What offices ^'though in fee) cannot be granted o«
ver without licence. ,,g Pari;. See Cl/Afe',
Where by the acceptance of one Office, a former Parks in the days of the Saxons called Teerfald.
becomsvoid. 5jo »94
Of the Officers of each Court, See the fcveral ti- H. I. made at W'e(jd!j?9«^ a Park. 193
tles of their Courts. Of Herbage and Vawnagc in Parks. 199
The King cannot make a Park in other mens
^iifues ofO^er ai}.d Terminer. grounds. 301
Their Authority. i<;i, 163, if4, 11,-5, 1^8, 169, Parks are not to be guided by Foneft Laws. 314,
176 ^
31? ,

Sec Commiffion, c!Mr. 1 g^, j g_ There cannot be a Park without an encloluie in

®yers and Terminer* before whom grantable, and Deed. 317
for what trefpaHcs. , 5
, , ,
Parlibote. 308
They may enquire and deterrairte the fame day. Parliament.

164 The Court of Parliament confifleth of the Kings

The Court of Oyer and Terminer is a Court of Majefty, and the three eftaics of the Realm. I
Record. j5
. T he Lords Spiritual fit there in rcfpeft of their Ba-
Writs of admittance
Commiflionofaflbciation, ronies, and ought to have a Writ of Snmmoni, txde'

zaiSi9momtesy&c. to the juftices of

Oyer and
bito juflitite. '*•
35,46) 321
Terminer. ,/,. The Lords temporal fit there, by reafon of their
of full age, ought to
If they fit and do not
adjourn, their Commiflion is Dignities, and every one being
j^^ have a writ of fummons ex debits Jujiitia, %, 15, 4^,
They fend their Records to the
Exikqucr. i6S,
The Commons
^. by force
M •
^ i8» elefted by the Shire»,
How .
their coramiflions may be countermanded. of the Kings Writ, e* <<f6/fa/»ffwiif , feprefent all the
Commons of the whole Realm. i, i, x^
The Courts of fpecial Juftices of Commons in legal underftanding tsken for the
Oyer and 'Ter-
miner, of and concerning i. free-holders. «
Porvcyours. i.
Mifdcracanouisof ViUians, d^<:. 5. fummsofmo. Of what number the Parliament confifts. I3 x, 35
n^f CoUcftcd loi houfei o( Gorredion, &c. Coi- 4, 44>
ledges, Uofjiiials, and charitable ufts. i(,j
When there is beft appearance, there is bcfl fuc-
cefs. I
Ordinance. Anciently both houfes fate together^ how and where
. The difference between an Aft and an Ordinance now. *»*??
in Parliament.
M'^SM^'lS^ O f
regular Lords of Parliament, and when they
The Kings Ordinance doth not bind. ceafcd.


The King and the three eftates ari" the great Cor-
poration, or body politick of the Kingdom. r
See Court of Orphans in Lmtfon, &c.
' 148, 149
Of this Coun, the King is capHt^priHcifim fttk. &
OruUes. This Court refsmbled to a Clock. x
J 08
To a natural body. 3
Of the Names of this Court, and how called, j,
Thcgoodsof an Outlaw, to whom to be delivered. 39"

9, 10,48.
A convidion of Outlawry, //(/b/rf^^.. 149
Parliaments in Scripture. 5
Proccls of Outlawry tloth What properties a Parliament ma.*i (hould have. 3.
lye upon every popular a-
When, and to whom Writs of fummons to Parlia-
void, becaufe no Caputs direfted to the ment ifiue, out q( Chancery. '>4)5j6
County ulurc the party was fuppofcd tobeconvcrfant.
Thev be now returned into Chancery, and kept in
the Office of the Clerk of the Crown. 10
Judgement of the Outlawries in the Huftines given The Contents of chofe Writs, 4, j, 9,101 14,471
by the Recorder.
147 named in thofc
The Coroners
give ]udc;cnjent of Outlawry. t66 By what Names, the Lords are
When the OucL^wiy appears upon record, it difa-
Writs. 5
W«s the and cjufcs io'rfeiture.
Thetemporal, and fpiritual afliftants have no voice
narty, ig 6
inParliament : Who and by what Writs called. 4,
Oxford. Sec Unhc piy.
Multitudes are bound by Afts of Parliatncnt, which
&c: 4, 5 The Lord* Tn their houfe, and the Commons in
Ekaions of Knights,
arc roc panics to the
Vatliamcnt.of the 6» 7 their houfe, and both houfes together have power oT
The bej;innine,
the royal pre- ]udlG3tur«.
Thc'pail'iament cannot beg,in, but by 13,36
or by rcprercBti- Of the privilcdge of Parliament.
fcnceofihe King, either in peifcn 24.48,36}
6,t,ri The mutability of the High Court of Pailiament,
in Spscerf Cafe.
Nor end. ,,,•.'' ^j
fomc of the Commons arc to be at the In-
How a Parliament miift be called, and hoMen when Why
there is a Gt'dnn. of EngUnd.
6,n giofl'mg of the Rolls of Patliflmcnc. i6» 51
Commiffioners. 6-, 7 The Parliament teprefcnts the body of the whole
Parliaments bceun by
Held by the Kings Commiffary bj Letters Patenis. 16^4,
7 Where Patliraent men attainted of Trca Ton, could
not fit, till their Atiaindert were rcverffd.
Where the Gardien, and Commlflioners are to
There isnoSefllon until a Prcrogaticn or a Difl'o-
in parliament. ^t , >

ot lution, though Bills pafs.

a Parliament may be prorogued at the day
How jj.
About 300. Sefiions ot Parliament Gnce the Con-
the returnofthcWritof Summons. 7
and queft.
Of Prorogation, Adjournment, CoRt'nuance, 50
makcth a Scflion of Parliament. 171 18 When Bills paffed, mud begin again. 17
be done the of the Parliament, If no Aft palie, nor
Judgement given, no Sef-
it is
What is to firfl day
that Court, fion of Parliamenr, but a Ccnvention. jg
andwhoflie-'s theciufc-sof the calling
The manner of Prorogueing, Adjourning, and Dif-
andwhetcancimcly. •'•-, ., ,^'r
Member of the heule folvingthe Houfe of Commons.
Sickncfs, no caufe to renrove a jj_

Commons. ^ Good Bills, or Motions in Parliament feldom

,of dye.
What is. ^l 31,83,103
liberties of ficefpccch and piivilsdges of the How the Lords give their voice». j^
The '
8, 9 How the Coa'foons give their voices. 1
Houfe of Commons. 5

9' '4
Of the Kings royal alTcnt.
The maiteis of Parliament. j <j

cannot have Of the Aflcnt of the Clergy, dr.

The Parliament relieveth but fuch as -^
remedy but there. °4 Why the furrmons of Parliament is by 40. daiesot
arc to be holden, and the above before the fitting.
Howo'tcnPailiamtnts ^g,.
9 How Parliaments ftxceed not well in ftve cafes. • <
.ir.fchkf of their difufe.
InT'j/tfJ they have but one Knight
and one BurgeUi

in England, cut of every City comes two

Citlzens,snd A nity amongft them the chiefeft caufe of good fuc
.outof every Burgh two Burgefljs, ere. 9, 10, 113, i^.

infuferabiles^^ifMinis infeparahlks,
, F-iitis
... -
140,141 ib;
- fate in Parliament *hen he was three
or four The Honour and Antiquity of the Parliament, Jtf,
old, and fo he did in the, fix and eightthyearof
The Power and Jurifdiflion of the Parliament. 3 (5y
his reign.' .s,:v , , . ;

10, 1
. OF petitions
in Parliament. 1
>,. ^ . -
r ri « J8' 39' 43' 347.350
Si Hnnqunitemfpectet, eft
Vide Petition!. ^.,-5
vstufiiffima,fi dignita-
ends of calling Parliaments tem efi he?ioratifima,fi Juri/diSionem eft capaciffima.
Oneof fhciprincipal
11 Huic ego net metat rtriim, net tempor.i pono. ib ,
is to redrefs mifchicfs and grievances.
of the The proceeding in Parliament againft abfents.
Xhe Commons being the general Inquifitors 3 8,

Realm appoint Committees of grievances, &e. 11,42 39

Excellent Rules for all Parliaments to follow,
And examine offences done by any of the
may 43,
Led?, and trantait chcm to the Lords, &c. a4
c ur or u n 4i)J?)44
Of the aneicjnt tccatifc called modus tencndi
Par It a- Sublequcnt Varuaments cannot be reftraincd by the
11,13,14 .^j
The of Members that come not to Par.
Of Abfents and Proxies. »2-?i5>4?'49 puni(lv.Tient
cannot aHcnt to any liament, or depart without Licence.
The Lords and Commons 45, 445J40
thing in Parljameni, that temd^^
w ,the difoerifon of What (hall be a fufficienttxcufe for not coming.40
Advice concerning new and plaufabk
thcKin2orlvsCrov\n. I4»357 projefls and
offers in Parliamtnt ,»
; tmu?.a-fl^mmtifm proprih legibm JubfiUit. 50,
Whom the King may call to the Lords Houfe of
i4> Parliament.
"^A.tx&canftutHdtVmltmmt. »'>J3'
i5' 44)4f>»8y
42> 49' 357 None to (it in Parliament butthofe who have right
multii ignom{i,a to fit there.
kx ab omn'iiu rjl (jiixnnda^a ^,
Where the Commons may defire conference with
pauis tegnitt. , . , .
!^ thofeof their feveral Countries.
None to go armed, or drew plays, *«. durmg the I4> 34
The Fees ot Knights, &c, who to pay them. 4^,2*9
choUn for one particular
re Who }^ be Eligible to be Knights, Citizens, orBui-
Eveiy Member, though
is to ferve.fot the whole
Realm. 1 4 gcfl'ejif Parliiiment. 46547
Whcra contempts and offences of Pailiamenrmen A Baron i» the lowcff degree of the Lords houfe.
«ie to be puniihcd, 15)16,17,13, 45
24) 43 > 14 WhoQiall be eleftors of Knights, Citiicns and
The Kings. Inhibition that the Parliament men Buroefles, how and when, and ot Eleftions. 48, 40
No Knight, &c. to (it in Parliament before he hath
(liouldnotfctcde without Licence. is>i7»4? _

When the Commons had no great joy to continue taken the Oath of Supremacy. 48
in Parl'^ini'^it. ,
The King cannot grant a Charter of Exemption to
free a man ftom Parliament. -«
Of Writs of Error in Parliamcnr. kb

Houfcof Lords is a diftinft Couit for Conlulcations in Parliament for maintenance of

the Navy.
i')3^5 ^^
So is ih;; Houfe «f Cemmons. *8, j 63 A Cafe adjourned into Parliament. jq^
A Lord of thcPailiamcnt may hum in tlicKings For Nonefljiin Confowm, aut hnnrftum, ifuad aliqiiit
nIittundo& redemdii,iuiViiUom\\\i. P^rliannnt. debits qii^ coritmtioh's & co-'fiiiomjlratn dtfcugioni:
303, 509, 34^ \PCndeHt^HibiindeinnrimfUciiandebm,autaffirert.
The Nobles of />-f/u«(i called to the I'ailiamcm* of :, 1

. •
3 5° Piuiid Ce-ioHie
T^^le caufa R,gU.
f-tgland. 71
Lttic.s<nt. Cmmmia pUau non fcqi,a>itxr Ci,nam
Howtob^epcakdandforwhat caufcs, 88
bee Scire f.Hias, An Artife oCNo. D'ffeijin, 's
quertU, and noipUci-
Leiters I'atcHt Rtcoidsof the hieheft nuurc. J09 titm and not within tliclc ords, ctmrrjunia phcit.r.-jx

Inheritances which pafiby Litteis Patents, arc dc- Pleas aredividcd into Picas of ihc
Crown, and in-
ffcndible at Coiwiion-I-avv, to Commcn or Civil Picas. -3
What cannot b? granted by Lcneis Patents. 3 57 All are
faidCo«wta;.j;i/.zf;,'«, which are not P/.j.
Pellota. 308 cltaf^oronm j,g
Why called Common Pleas. am
Of the Palatine tf Pembroke.
Coii-itj A Leafs by chcfc woidi Corr.m'-ffimus
was a County palatine, and when the Ju- Cuflodiam
When it icvd, the Leflce pleaded a dcmife of tlic Land
lifdidioD thereof was taken away. x n and good.
it H-lf,
The reafbns of the Statute! for
(.kading the gene-
FerambiiUt'dt. ral iltue and giving the fpccial matter in
The form of perambulations in Forrefts 33 1, 30?, Who may fo<io. »7?. 174, 175,178
3°5 Pleas to the jurifdiftion of the Court.
FerfU>y See Tiyaliipan Oalh.
Petjui-y, Court though holden by ufurpaiion 98 I-orrcignPlea.

Peiitinm. Pledges.
to be delivered, and See Surety.
Petitions in Parliament, when
When Hus and, were common pledges, infteaJ
and of*r)»9andKD0.
Who the Receivers Tryers, and Afliflants , yj
Plegii &• Pleginii) the Derivation. Po
how ai.f.vired.
11,11,14 1

ExtriVailitriicntiiftinulU fttinntd grata licet ns- Plrgii dc profcquendt, the reafon of ihtfe. iPo
Wlio rtiall find them who notj where and whca
(flftria,in Parliamciito nuttopetnioiH ingratajinecef-
1 1 they may be entied. 180
Found in Bills in fine biUie. ib.
The Petition of rioht to the King for a Writ of Er-
ror, is not
ex debiro j'<flitiie, but for decency. n Voluntary pledges. ib.

Policies andajjur/incfs in London.

Th? Court of policies, &C. a
0ftheColledoeofPhyfitiansin Lmdan. i^i JO
btthe Kings phyfitians, and by what warrant phy-
fick is to be given te the Kin». 1 5 1 Pope.
The Icience of pjiyfick coniaineth the knowledge His Tyranny over King /»<>», and how repelled by
of Chyturg,cry. lb. King £dT»>(i)'ii 3, i3>i4
How Th\fitians ought to be qualified, and the His claiming firft'fruitt, &c. Jure Vivlno. i iciii
danger if their poticnt
dies by iheir unskilfulnefs, eS^<;. The Pope is
atempoial Ptincc. 156
Ambafladors feni by, and to the Pope. lit.

Popes CoUciflor ot Minifter had no JurifdiAi-
the Court of Pcpowdres, -7ulgarl^y PlfcwdCiS, on within this Realm.
Curia yedis pt.lverifati. The thundering Bull of Pope P<*/the third,
This Court is incident to (.very Pair and Market. H. 6.
Port-ifttrs, alias Tort-Ceurts.
»*. Curia fortHsi
Why fo called. why fo called.
The proceedings are
dc bora in hornm. ib. Portus tji locus in qut
exportantur & impoitantur
It is a Court cf Rtcoid holden before the Steward. merccs 1 portandt. ibid.

171 Called Porta Regni, The gates of the Realtri. ib.

The Jurifdiftion tlicrcif. ib.
Every bavcn &c.\i within the body ot the County.
There may be a Couit of Pyro»vders by Cuflom '^<^- ib. 147
without Fair or Mai kct. ib.
Ertouts in this Court. ib. Of the precedency of the
great Officers, Nobility,
Piracy, and others of this Realm. i6i,-i6i,i6^-^(.^
How pun i Hied. 147 In all
tryalscfTreafons by the Peers, the giejt
Pirates goods belong to the Kirtg. 156 Oifircrs be placed accurdirgto their officis.
One enemy cannot cimmit Piracy upon another. Of the places and precedency oJ the Nobility, and
M4' Realm, their Scns,Wives and Daugh-
Subjefts of this
What taking of goods at Sea is
Pyracy, what not ters, d'-c i«5
J4 The precedency cf Bifliops, &e. jSi, 36^
Pleas andP'eading,8cc. The precedency of Piaronets &e. 354
Aft'ons brought againft Parliament men for leav- Ut dignitatum ordo fCTVCtur, fquis in debitu>n(bi
ing the Parliahicnt fc, without licence,
and their ;
Incum ufurpave>it, nulla fe igKor.nionc dtfmdit, fiiq-^
Pleas. 1 5) 1 6, 1 7> I 8, 1
9 ib,
pi.tue Sacrilcgii reus,
tdirund Vltirvdenh pica that he was alwaics prc- See
Pricfls, Ecclcjialiical perfons.
fent at the P.irli.TmJnt and his/nf^"''"' ^"" ^'^- '
The ufuaJ form ot ('1 adlng an Aft made at a Scdion Premiinire.

by prorog.Ttion is ad Scffion.m icntam &c, per pro^o- A premunire for fwing

in Curia Komtnt, &el. i ; 9

actionem. »7 (f 1 J P:e>vi.itivt
The priviledge of any Lord of Parliament, is tp be
his decided by the Lords. j gy
The Kin- can fee no impofif.on by
P«f«|^3tWe^' The priviledges of the Houfe of Commons, by the
^ Lairds fame houfe. ibid,
in dlftrainlng in other
TheS prerogative
of him. Offuits againfl pnviUdgcd psrfoas. See BiU.
then what are holden ,/''^ , .

The Common Law hath fo admeafured theKtngs

Inheritance Vr'ivy.Stal.
that they (hould not hurt^ihe The Lord
prerogatives Privy-Seal his Oath. jy
His Office is of great truft and skill. jft.
his any as
"^h/s flood as much upon prerogative Four Cleiks of the privy-Seal, ib.
„. •
jj ?oi5?6J
Kmseverilid. . j., ;/t This Seal is called by fcvetal Names. ib.
m g.ving honour,

3<i &C.
The Kings prerogative TheLordprivySealfitsinthc Court of Rcqueft'
See Title, Ki«g- , ^ , „ .
tOthe ,
at his pleafure.
The goods taken from Pyrates.c^f. belong '
Privy-Seal to theCourt of Chivalry to futceafc in
.13^ a Plea.
King by his prerogative.
What metal belongs to thcKingby prerogative, 'Probate of Wills
what not. ^ . .
»3<'.»37 Where to be made. jjy-
Prcfenpnon. Trecuraiares Clerit who, and
why, ufelefs now. 4,5
cannot avail againft the Laws and
^^ Trohtbitien.
Statutes. 1 J u . •

cannot be claimed by pre- Prohibitions in the JC'if^ Bench.

Things due yWfrf'WM 70, 71
fcription. , . , ..,_. , ^f*
Prohibitions in the Chancery
granted, in Term or
Franchifes, County Palatines, Jurifdiftion, &c. by Vacation. Si
i lo, 1 16, ii i And Attachements if the Prohibitions be not obeyed
prefcription grounded upon grants.
TheCity of London, raay claim liberties by prefcrip-
Statute. 1^0,153 Prohibitions granted In,|the Commtit
tion, notwithftanding any Tkas.^^,too
No man can claim the goods of Outlaws by pre- Prohibition to the Court of
Exchequer. 1 1 4, 1 13

2«« To the Court of Admiralty. i J J» 1 6,
3 ^C
An Officer by Statute, cannot prelcnbe as an Ot- To the Juftices of Affifc. 160
ficet by Common Law may. 167 To the
Spiritual Court for
molefting a Temporal
what Statutes a man may prefctibe, againfl Officer.
whatnot. 298 To the Stannery Courts, j,
j i
What ptefcriptions
' good withm a t'orrclt, whit To the Marches of ifales. 24}
Rot. »>7»»58 To the Prefident and Councel of the North. 14*
A Forreft may be by prefcription. 301 To the Ecclefiaftical Court, touching a fuit there>
by an Orphan of I.fl»<<o» for a Legacy, ^c, 14^
Trefentatm, To the High Commiflicners. 3 33> 3 34
prefentatlon, &e. in re-
'where the King hath the 1 0000. Marks recovered
againft aBifhopforprofe-
Tcmporalties feifcd, &C. 3 j5,3 j?
rpedof the Bifhops cutlng after a Prohibition. jj8

'PrefidcJtt. Property.
Of the Ptefidept of the Counccl. See Councel
Property altered by taking an enemies goods. 154
Table. When Deer are out of the Forreft the property is
VyefiAents. out of the King. j^e
Pvefidents which palle fi*b Jtlmio eaimot avail Prerogation. See Patliamenr,
the Laws and Statutes. 86
cgainft Vrorogo,aporro&rago,unde frorog»io, xj
Courts by prefcription to be guided by judicial pre-
sents. Ii9i66 ProteHor.
Vrming. Of the
An. power and Authority of the Proteftor, and
Printing was invented in Miath in Gemaw/, Defender of the Realm and Church of
Dom. 1 44 and came to us in the Keign of H.6.i6,
1 .
the Kings tender age. * g
TheUniverfuyofCiiwtWrffe hath power to print
all Booki which Ojr/or^i bath not.
What Members of Parliament may make proxies ,
Prifage. and what not, to whom a
Proxy may be made, iz, i*
^id? 50 What (hall be a revocation «f a Proxy. i »
The Etymology. ii>.

Prifape due by prefcription.
Turdeu, Pouraltee.
Vrijotiy Vrlfoms, &c. See falfe Impifonment.
What and
303, 304, 30J, 3 10 whereof derived.
In any Purlieu a man may as
lawfully hunt , &c.
VrivUedge. ^nd as in any other his grounds.
How Puliament men, their Servants and Cattle, 303, 304
The purlieu man may kill wild beaft in his Purlieu,
are privrieJi;ed daiing the parliament. »4»*f &C4
lyinificrs of the Kjngs Bench fued any where elfe» The Ranger may rechafe the Kings Deet in the
(hall have the y^riviltdgeot their own Court. 71,71 ib.
Whrte ihepuvikdRi; runneth with the Land. 144 purlieu.
A roan may keep a }Ai{i\Se,&C. here unexpeditatcif
The privilcdgc of the workers in tjie Stannents.
The ptivilcdges of Tenants in .4.ncitnt Pemefne. Purpre^ure. jol-

The Ofpurvyors. '131,1^6173

priviledgcsof the Cletlu of the Convocation. Ptttura,
His Office and how conftitutcd.
191, 191, 3 19

The moft Ancient book of the Law.

One to marry
Licence of the King
the Queen Dowaoer
, upon pain
to lofe his E-

34. J I 'Why

ju(\ly called
AattqHum releviim,
140, 79

Aurum Keginte. ^uid ? 3 j8
See I{ing. Remover de Record, &c.
The Demandant in a Writ of right clofe, cannot
remove the plea out of the Couit of the Lord for
caufe, the Tenant may for 7. caufcs.
R 169,170
He may afTign any caufe, bclides thit mentioned in
the Recordare,
7(anger. 2,70
Records fcnttothe Exchequer,
The Oath of the Ranger. 304 i8i, k;^, 1^9
Seethe Titles Records and Certiorari. Durham.
Ranfom. IC'SfiJ Beneb.
Redemptit,ho\vt»\i<:n. 193
Rebellions, tie ton demefa, where
jolt good. 190
The many rebellions in the Reign of H. 8. 14 j
When the Cafuif^s, and Reporters of Cafes
to publifli the Cafes in Print.
The forms of Rccognilanccsfor bail. 17 8, 179,180, 4
181 What is
adangerout kind of Reporting. 17
Rcco^nifanccs in nature of a Statute Staple. zjS
Recotinilances in the Touin and Leet. TJje Court ofRequdlS.
Recordaie. 170 The Jurifdiflion of this Court. 97
Recorder How called. jy^

The Recorder of London gives judgement of the The original Inflitution. ib.

in the Hiifiings. Tlie Matters of Requefts) called a libeUii

Outlawry 147 4/(rg//2r»
fupp!icinm. }b.
Rccfffds. In what refpeft called a Court. ib.

Why Records of Parliament have been fo highly It hath no power of Judicature. ib.
extolled. 5
When the Reafons of Judgements were fetdown Refpondeat Superior.
in the Record. J)4 How this Law holdeth in the Exchequer and ino-
the houfe of Commons ther Courts.
The Book of the Clerk of 1I4
is a Record, »3 Repitution.
Of Remanding Records out of the K'll^ Bench, y^ A Free-man unjuftly disfranchifed may be re'ftored
and relieved in the KJH' Bench.
74, 80
Whit Records remain in the Rolls, and v\hat tranl- The Judges and Juflices of peace, to give rcfti-
mittcdtothe Tower. tution of polfefTion in certain cafes.
96 i-j6
Who have the cudody of the Records in the exche-
quer ani Cammon-Vlcas. 105,119 T^ttc/rn.
Records in the cuftody of the Clerk of the, The retorns coram rtobit
are in three manners,
i8i fcilicct, coram camera, coram nobis ubicmque
tiobis ia.

Records icmMo'i\i Exchequer. i8i> xf-i-, 169 fiierimiis

in Angtia, &
coram no'>is inCanccUaria. io
of Attainders, e^f. before Juftices of The retorn ot Writs in the K/8gj Bench and Com-
the Peace, &c. fcnc to the Kix^x hench. 1 8i mon Picas, ye
R ecords of Affifcs delivered into the Kings Trea- AWritofthe Juftjce ofihe Forreft retorned into
futy. 183 iic Kings Bench. i^f
TndiftmentSi &(
in the STierifFs Tcurn, to be de- Review after a definitive fentencej &C, J41
livered to the Juftices of Peace.
A Grant under the Seal of the Duchy of Ltnea^er, Revocation.
«J-c. is matter of Record. 209, 2 1 o Revocation of a Proxy. Sec Proxy.
The courle of Records from the Cin^
certifying Countermand of commifllons of Oyer and Termiair
Torts. 113
The danger ofrafing Records. ijj De Rewirdo. 306
Breviaclaufareeordumnon hnient. 169
Who hath the cuftody of theRccords of the Forreft. Riots RoHts.

19J Of Riots and Routs. 184

Vide Tie. Remover de Records.
Recreations. 3 1
9 Rolls and Inrolments.
Ofthe Matter of the Rolls. 9?
Of his houfe called rfoOTBJ converforum, becaufeH-
as ftiould be converted. 9^
in a Red'ffeifon. the sheriff is Judge. r66 J, founded it for fuch Jews
The proceeding in a Rcdillcifon. 17° 96,
This Office Letters Patents, foe lite
Regirder Reg.nAum. 306 isgrantable by
Itis Jetivcd oi ihc Fioich word Regardeireio view or at will, 9y
tor fee- bccau'.c he cannot but upon Rolls of the Cfo(i«ffr;i why fo called, and of what
prefent any thing
Kis own fight or view. 191 they confift. 96
(g; How
How che Matter of ihe Rolls is ftiled, 97 beyond Sea. jj^^ ,
The of [he 6- ClerksOffices belong to \\\mJHre The defer ipti«n and limitation of the Sea, wheiein
97 theLord Admiral hath Jnrifdidion. 1:14, 135
He heareth caufcs, and giveth orders in the ablence That is called the Sea, which is not within anv
of the Lord Chancellor. '<>
County. J 40
VVhat matters of State, as Leagues, t5^^.inrolled in It isrtopartnf tiie high Sea, where one may fee
the H'arrfrni'e. '3* from one Land to the other. jj;

The Rolls in \htt.xcbtqucT not numbered. 109 Every water which flovVs and rcflows, is anarniof
ComiHiflions to be inrolled. j i<j 5 3
1 the Sea.
Inftruaionsof the PreGdent and Counccl of the The Kings Prerogative and Intereft in the Seas. 41, 1

-North to be inrolled. 246, 3J

z &C. i\^
The Statutes of Ireland to be inrolkd in the Chart- The fafeguatd of the Setts undertook by Merchants,
eery hae. 35? &c- 146,
All that which paflc the great Seal ought to be Seamaiks and Light- Houfts. j^g
inrolled in tlie Chancery. 3 5 J Sea Mir{s. SiiBeaceiis,

Many Rolls amonj^ft the Kihgs Records* Whereof

tlwK is little or no m^nrion in our Books. Proem. Seals.
Of the three Seals by which the Kings Grants
Rumnsy Marjh. Writings and Leafes pafs. , »
The Town and Marlli took their Name of Robert
Clencifignetti, their Office. y y, ^g
Kumney. 177 The Kings Secretary keeps the Signet foe
By what Laws of Sewers governed. 176
fealirg the Kings piivy Letters. ^^
The great Seal iv ClavU Rcgni. go
H. 5. had two^grearSeals, oneof Gold, and ano-
ther of Silver. gg
Oiihe ExihequerSeil- 119,104
Scire Facta.!.
Of the Seals of the Duchy, and
County Palatine


Scire Facias
menc .
upon Errors afljgned in

Scire facias to repeal a

theK'»?J Bench.
Patent may

be brought


The IJle of Man

how brought into the

Kings Seifin.
ThepolTefTionsof /fr/fy and Garnfey are a good
AndiptheC6iJ3«7. 79188
Swe/'iciai upon Recognifanccs. 79, 181 King of the whole Duchy of Nermandy,
Sejfinfor the

SCV(eFiicias'v\\.]\t nature of an AuAita. ^ercla.

Definitive Sentence.
Scire facias upon a releafe for one that is in Exe- 341
cution, Serjeants. 28
scire facias upon Record removed out of the For.
None but Serjeants at Law can praSife In the

reft into the Kings Bencb.

Court of Common picas. -ji.
Scotates Siatale. 307
Of Scotland. Regale fervicium, &c. 191)193
See Tenures. Scotland anciently but one Kingdom.

One Laaguaf;e, one Religion; and anciently one The Court of Commifions
Government in both. ib. Sacra for a Sewer, d"C. aarff ?
Their Laws arc divided into the Common Laws, Their Authority, Commiffion, and
Afts of Parliament and Cuftoms. ib.

Their Books of Law. ib. How the Commifl-.oners fhould be

quali&ed, their
The fimilitude between their Laws and ours,tcuch- number, and by whom to be nominated. 175;
inn the Crown, Difcents, Parliaments, Nobility, Of- Their Oath. ib.
ficers. Tenant by the Curtcfie, Writs, Wardihips, They may juftifie, or^vow. for a diftrefs, &C. ge-
CJ^C. 3451546 nerally- 275
The fame vocables of Art are ufed in both King- Their proceedings are bound by Law. 176
doms. J 46
A recital of fevcral Commiflions of {Sewers. x7tf
They hive Arch Bifliopsj Jo. Counties. 2. Uni-

verfities, the Motto of their King , the length and Sheriff.

io^taoi Scotland, when an Heptarchy there, &c. See Tourn.
54<5 The Sheriff (hould fee the Stasutes within his
Aunionof bath Kingdoms endeavoured by King County to be kept. i6
James. . 347 The punifliments of Sheriffs for their negligence in

The diftinft Kingdoms as they now uand have returning Parliament Writs. 44
many dirferent Laws. 346 What within his accounts. 107
Many Laws, Records, drc concerning Scotland. In what cafes the Sheriff may break open 3 mans
347 houfe, whsrc net. 177
From whence the FiBs and Scots originally came. lndiftments«&-«. in the Sheriffs Turn to be deli«
348 vered to the Juftices of Peace.
Their firfl
Bilhop. j^g
'Defeat feu fho:o. 3 06 Sheriffs of London. See Courts of London.
Bayliwicks of hundreds belong to the Sheriff. i66
Sea. When the Sheriff' was eligible by the Free-holders.
Remedy by the Common Law for
wrongs done 171
Solicitor. The fevcral forms of Aft* of Parliament. 1 j> i3?>
His Paccnc is
^.mdin fe bat': gcffait. 1 1 7
How and whyAftsof Pailiamentmay be inroUed
Saulibns. in other Courts. "
How to proceed agalnft Souldierstliat depart 129, How former times Afts of parliament weie pro-
claimed by the Sheriffs, 36
Spea^n of the hoiife of Commons. Th; Title rtf divers Aftsof I'arliamenr. 17
When the Commons had no continual speaker, z St^.tutes made aa,ainft tile freedom of Trade, &c.
The manner ot his Eleiflion. 8 never livelong. 31
For whaccaufts he may be removed. 8 0( Statuiesfotcontirmat'.onof Liters Patents. 34
What the Speaker {hall do when he is chofen. ib. ObfoletcSiatutcs, and unfit for the cin-c. 49, 41,
Ths King may allow ot his excufcjand dilallow him.
ib. A ralfchievous Aft with a flattering prcanble. j^
The Proteftation of the Speaker.
8,9 *"
Whit the Speaker (lull do, after his allowance. lo A Caveat to Parliaments in making Statutes. 41
WncaTliorf Baron of was
theE.«/j.f^/<f>- Speaker of Afts againft the power of the Parliament, fubfc-
le Paflianient. bind nor.
^ 4, qucnt 4^.45
Spkery. Aftsof Parliament ought to be plainly And clearly ,
'To be Garbled. 5^^, ,^^ and not cunningly and daikly penncd,fpcciaily in cri-
minal caufes. 41, 3ji
The Courts of the Stameries in Cornwall There are divers Afts of Parliament in Print, that
and Devon. are not of Record in the Roll of Parlijnicnt. jo, 5 1
"Ihe Stile of the Court. ^^„ There are m:ny Afts in the Roll of Parliament and
The Officers be the Steward, Underwardtn, &c. ib. never yet printed. 50, Jl
It is CjlLd St-J^ima, a Stun/to, Tx n is a S.ixa>t Divers claufes oTiitted in the print, which are in
word, and derived a TuMltu, and the Tynners are the Parliament Roll. ib.
•called StarniMores. ;^_
More in the I'rint, than in the Record. 50, <;r
The junidiftionof thisCoort. 1:9, 15 i, 1,33, j-.^ Many variances between the Print and the Roll. ib.
Statutes repealed ot diji^.affirmed , and yet Printed.
No Writ of Error lycth upon
any judgement in
the Stanncry Court. xij Whole Parliaments omitted out of the Print. ib,
Erroneous Judgements in Stanncrj' .ire to be revcif* Hifforiesfomciimes explain Records of Parliament,
ed by Appellation.and to whom this
" Appellation (hall
be made. Multitudes bound by Statutes which are not
"9,250 the eleftions of Knights, ci>c.
The ptiviledgeof the workers in the Stanneries.23 1 to 4
Statutes which inHid puniftiments, vi\. Surforfci-
a; J
Charters, Records, and Aftj of Parliament con- tmede corps de avoir. Thefeare expounded, noc &
cerningtheStanneries. ^ i?? 1^0 t^'^^nd tolife,orn]^niber,buttoimpritcnment. 65
ThefpccialLawsof the Sianneries. The expofition of the words, Ti/fywrwy be found ^
&C.\n the Statute if. H, 6. ca. ^. Refolved, the
Stttute Staple, and Statute Merchant.
Surety to be by obligation, by the party grieved, and
Of Executions upon thefe Statutes.
-ja, So the Court to fet down'^he form and fumm of the Ob-
See The Comt of the Mayor of the Staple. ligation. 84, 18 J
Of the daufe Von ebjiante in Statutes. 155
Ihe Court of the M-''jor of the
/ind further to be puaifl}(d according to his demerits
Tliis Court is
guided by the Law Merchant, and Thefe words are to be undetftood of punilliment in
an ordinary courfe of Juftice, by Indiftment, &c.
Where herctotorc.
238,181 171
The Officers. 137, 138
Statutes repealed,3nd expired. lyi, j^^
Fined or imprifcncd at the
The^uiifdiftionof this Court. , 137 Kings Will, in Statutes,
The bounds of the Staple at H'cS.minjl{r<, and in o- ho.y underftood.
Statutes often called Ordinances,
Iher places, 138 every Statute is

Of St.itutes Staple and in nature of an Ordinance, /frfaos e fOTi/o/i. .

Recognifancct 18^,187
a Statute Staple. Statutes made againff Bankrupts, and for relief of
The five Staple Merchandifcs, w\.> il'eoU Creditors, to be
foelfels, beneficially conlirued, for relief ot
the Creditors.
ti.uhcr, Lcad,:ii\dTynn. 238 .
The derivation, and fij^nification of the Word .
Who not bounel by our Statutes unlefs
natpcd. 187,184
Staple. 238 ,

The Common faying, w\ Riches foffow the Staple. Every Statute confifts of the Letter and the mean-

Of Statutes in General.
i38>i8i '"P-. -:

Every Aft, conGdcration had of alhhc parts,

-314 is the
bcfl E'xpolitor of it felf. 5
OrStatutcsand Afts ofParliam«nt. 15 1^
Sealad by the Lords, Ci-c. General words, v)^. which hive been
^ Kfid,&c. (hall
Thediflerencebetuecuan Aft and an Ordinance. not extend to Authorities
repealed. 3 29, 3 30
Oftheconftruaion of general words in Statutes,
"VVhichniallbefaid an Aft of Parliament, -which and where they have received a
particular interprcta-
^ ^if'35 The preamble is the key to open the
Where the Printed Book of Statutes erreth in fet- raeaBing 'of
tinffdorvnthe beginning of the I'arliament. the Makers ot the Aft.
i.£/».;.7 33*
The Divilion ot Afts ot Parliament. Every Statute ought to be expounded acesrding tc
^5 the intent of them that made it.
Str.cutcs relatctothc j j^
firfldjy of Parliament. ij
Tfie Authority of Statutes'.
(£ O Thi.
7he TABLE.
This word tate conftrued to have rhe fenfe of be-
in 3 Statute. 351

10. H. I. called the Affife of CUrendon. ca. n. 45
All Statutes repealed that are afjainft Magna Carta,
oiCartAdeforefla. 515182,198,500,304, 303,308
MiOgna C"-''^"- confirmed by 3 ». Afts. 3^
M^gnci ci. \\. 71
36.H. J.M. 4. 16«

£D. I. Tt'cfim.!.
mflminjler i. ea.
Ibe TA'BhE.
That «n cminenc Coun> The King have ne Cuftoms, but what ate let b^
it is
proved by Records to
gnd Adis of parliament, lb. Aifl of Parliament. il\
The Jurifdiftionof ihisCouit. 60)61,^»><3i64)6j See Prerogative.
66 Heralds difcharged cf Subfidics, cJ^C, 126
Tn Ancient times it fate but rarely for j. Caufes, Suits, See AHious.
&C. 61 Swnagium , oi3omigmt». so^
The proceedings in ifcii Court. 6^
The Dig,nity of this Court. 65 Supremacy.
The Judges ot this Court. fij, 61 U. 3. head of the Church
acknowledged Supream
Citria. camera (iellaia, ji v'-tujimem ffeHcmtis eji a>f oi England by the Clergy in their Convocations. 4*
tiquijfimjyfi dignititfn hgttratijfim.i. 4^ The Kings Supremacy. 331' J"*!
The times of the fitting of this Court. ib.
Who to take the Oatb of Supremacy. ,48
The name of rhis Court. 6^,66
TheProccfl'c. 6i SKrehxrge of the Ftne^,
The O(ficers of the Cotii t . ib.
Superoacratiefore^K, ^id? 251J
Certain Rulej prefcribed for this Court to follow.
The chief end of this Court is to rnnifh the Exor- See Vledges.
bltancies, and oppreffions of great n;enj whom fome SuKzy StcuritM by the common Law, and Statute,

cowardly Judges dire not. 6} 180,84,181

The furety of the Peace, and de btwgejlu, how they
High Sfcw^c^/fl/ England. may be broken. 180,18^ ,

The Title of his Courr. 58 By whom, and la wlut cafes furety (hall be found-
His flile is Jcw/c/w/Zwf Anglic. j8 180, 181, 181
His Authority and procceJing upon the Arraign- Whcnfoever a Statute requireth pledges, ot furety
aftent of a P~-er. to be found, to be fufficient. i • ij 84
59>ij they ought
The tianfceadcnt power and antiquity of hisOt-
The l^ngs Swanheard.
When, and why Magifler deduElia Cygnamm, his Authority. iSo
granted. nOiv> but only hue vice,
No Fowl can be a ftray but a Swan. ibid.
anciently of Inheritance.

Thii Officer muft be a Lord of Parliament, and his
proceeding is to be fcfuudim leges & Confiiitiidines
^fgti*. ^ 9, 60
His commiflion at every Coronation under the

gteat Seal hi)C vice, ^^ Tiles de circumflan.tibKS. See Jury.
he fitteth in Court, and how thofe entitle him «
that fpeak to him. Tallage.
- Inftancet of perfons created to this
Ho freed from Tallages, &(, 2 tf j, 187
0{^ce,hac vice.
Judge by the Common Law, in the
He is fole trial
There be two kinds of Talliesjchs one of Debt, the
ef Nobility, and can make so Deputy. j j, g^, (q other of Reward.
He is not fworn. go 107,1^8
The dciivation of the word Senefchallui, go Tail.
His prtcedincy.
jgi No eflite Tail can be of a Term. 87
Stewards fliould b; learned in the Law, i^j Tliames.
Of Stewards ot the Leet. 2.61,1^3 The Lord Mayor hath the confervajlon and rule
thereof. xjc>,i77
TetKplers. 342,
The true derivation of Stipulation. 28 j Tender.
Tender of amends pleaded in trefpafs,
No PoaI can be a ft.
ay but a Swan. iSo Teathi Vide Subfdie:

unde. 154 '

SubfC'iptioi, Tenure.
Of Subfctiption by the Clergy, j 14, jjj Who
hold per ^noniam, and who not. 4f
tenure of the King in chief, in equipage with
Subfdies. Barony by Star, 10. H.i.M. II. 4j
The derivation of the v\ord Subfidis. iS An Earldom held by doing the Office of Steward

Anciently called Ayds.

For what caulcb granted.
ig oiEngland.
The tenures of die K>ag, in
cafiie increafcd.
Ctmmunia pidcutu, reqnimnt communia auxiita. 110,111
ib. The Office of the Conftable of England, of Inheri-
The feveral kinds cf Subfidics. 18, 19, 34 tance by the tenure of the Mannors oi H,irlcfield,&e,
Ail p,rantsofSub(;diesor Ayds begin in the houfe
ofCimraoris. 19 Of the feveral forts of tenures, and Services, how,
Tunnage and Poundage, and ihe by whom, and for what ends created.
jOi the Subfidy of 191, 193,19^
manner of giant ingtl\cni, 3»>35 All the Ljndsio £nf/«»/< originally moved ftom'the

King, and ore holdcnot him,

Sub(^dic^ tcmjKJiaiy and ufual at this day, vv hat , liicdiately or immedi-

by whom given,
and m what oriicr.
jj. 34 ately. I9t
What ailconrentmcnts new bubfidies breedj wiiat Tenures originally created for the defence of the
fatlst'atticnSubfidios which have formerly been grant- Realm,
ed give. J3 (&J What
the Where my agrcemenno a trefpafs after it is done,
What care there was of ancient time, to pieferve

tree of pious, honourable,

and i^rofiiabk tenuies. 194 makes me no trefpaffer, unlefs the trefpafs be done to
my ufe, and where it do[h. jj-
-De trip Is. ,0^
Toll. Tdal.
Who freed from TuU. &c. i6f, x?7 By Jury the Ancient Biithriehtof the
SubjeA. 41 >

UeCoitrtefihermn, Set Sherif. Trial ofVeers. See Nobility.
The Tournis a Court of ^Record holdcn before
OfCrialsinthe Exchequer.
Trial by Record where the iffuc
Sheriff. ,- .
, ^.
or this Court.
^ ^6o,i6J might be tried by
The Stile »nd Jurifdiftion t6o,i6i the Country. ,oa
Trial of Treafons, &c. out of the Realm, and upon
»*• »73
Tofniimfffiti'fpirmbiilith. the Seas.
When Ecdefiaftical caufes were handled in the Of Trials the Marfhal Court.
114, itj
Matters rifing within any
County, though upon the
The Sheriff in his Tourn cannot enquire
of aNu- Sea, ought to be tried by the Comraon Law. 1
3 4, 1 3 y
rans,c5-«- done within the JutifdiAion of the Leer. Ifany eontraa, «J^^. be made beyond the Sea, for
doing an aft within this Realmj or (?(08we)yij it is to
Por what caufes inftitured. 263 be tried by the Common Law.
134,135, 139,141,
The Sheriff may take Recognifances for keeping
the peace. *^J So of contrafls, c^c. made within any Coumy,d-c.
fordoing any aft upon the Sea, they are to be tried
• -

Tower e/ London See London, by
the Common Law. 13 5' 139' i4o> I4i>l4a
"The Ctiutt of the Tower of Lmdort, ij
AdioBS which are tranfitory, done out cf the Realm
lye at Common Law, but criminal and local before ,
Thi'touYt ef fnHices a/Trailbaflon. the Cenftablc and Marflial,
Why fo called, their Authority, Jurifdiftion, Sia^AHion.
proceedings. ,• i86»i87 The Common-Law hath Jurifdiaion, where
Travert. of the offence is on the Sea, and part in a County.
Travcrs of Offices. 79, 1 9^, 106, 207, io8> »oj 1 40, 139
What Prefentmcnt or Indiameni may be traverf- Of Lanca^cr, &c.
Trials in 10 j

ed, what not. 190,191 A releafe or other

fpecial deed
pleaded In Bar, in a-
ny Court, at mftmin/ler, within a
Franchife, &c. it
TrMfo*. fl\ill be tried where th« Writ is
breught. 205
Rebels and Traitors called cmtrmeHtS)
and why. Where though part of the Aftion arifes within a
Franchife, it fhall be tried at Common-Law where
Trotemium L , „ .r , i , ,
Ambaflador of Jenei declared
The killing of the not. zii

»7 In Trefpafs, the Defendant plcided an Arbitre-

Hit^hTttafon. \

Treafcns otnmittcdout of theRealndj &e, how

to ment made in the Ifle of Efy, the Plaintiff (hewed
berried. ^ , ^
"* that £!y is a royal Franchife, and had a veit.
fac. to
Treafons in the Kings Palace, &c. 133 the Sheriff of Cambridge. j ^^
Treafons,erf. ontheSea. 147 Tni\ per meiiictatem Ungate. j^g
ScsCourtt, Trial of Ancient D:mefn
by Doomfday Book, 169
of Goal-delivery may deliver the Goal
of Trial by Witneffes.
Juftices 178, 179
Prifoners committed for high Treafon. 1*9
with any of the blood royal. Truce. See Leagues.
Xreafon marrying
Trufi. SeeUfe.
is to enquire of rrcafure Trove, 271
The Cpionet Tythes.
The Forfeiture for non-payment of
Tythes to go to

TieAfure, the party grieved.

The Lord trcafurcrofE.-»£/<i'»i5f.

How he hath his Office. 104

HisOffice, Duty, and
OatK 104,105
He hath granted to him Tbefauramm fcurrarn 7(f-
diftind Office of
PM i4«W»*, which anciently was a Vemfon.
'°^ T j\ 7"Hat Beaffs of theForrefl,e&-f. aievenifoa,
. . n
Camer* Regu, where accountable.109

VV whatnot.

Where in Statutes, e>f. by the general word Ti'M- The puniflimcnt for
felling corrupt viftuai, &e.
the Lord Tieafurer of Englund intended,
the Treafuter of the Excbe^ner. 10 j, 1 1 » Fhidartui, yen, &c.
Aviridi, Vert, or green hue, for that his Office
principally conceincthiolookto the Vert
^ ,, >
or Green,

EnomisTriinfgre([io.,qitid} 11J3 i9i>3>7, 319
How tat a ivelpaU q-mte vi Contra fa- & armU& He is a Judicial Officer and chofen in full
of the peace. 181 his Office and Duty. 2 jr, 3 i
ccm,,» a breach
a peilan outlawed in trelpals, Four Verdeiors in every Forrefl.
If I havagoodsof
if 1 deliver them to the Efchcator. If a Vcrdcror dyejhis Heir nuift bring in the Rolls.
1 am dlchavged
ii6 312.
Whcf e 'tis no offence to hunt a Deer, and follow Of Vert. 317
him into the rorrett. 304
U<uon. Wea|ontakcs. . ^54
Of the union of divided Kinf^doms, ihcir Lavs,
347' i4^ Wane.
Rules to be obfefved
Cturti in the Umverjlties of Cambridge concerning en'trine upon a
and Oxfoid, Warre.
Who founded the Univei (icy of Camklidge. i <, 5 Warraiit,

The Univerfuies ancient 117 Of Warrants to iffue out the Kings Treafure and
Their piivilcdgci.
Liberties and Franchifes con-
for Leales»f his Lands.
Of to the Lord Chancellor
ng m ,

to c'ranc

firmed. .
and Commonalty ol-Crmbrldge Commiflitfns. d^f.
The Mayor Bailiffs, "167
sccufed for breaking up the Treafur)', and burning rhe
Charters, &c. of the Univerfity. ai8 ward.oye.
Their Liberticsfeifcd, what granted to the Chan Several matters
touching the Wardrobe. Jjijiji
celor and Scholars, and what to the Mayor andBai
tb The Coun of Wards and Liv;ric$raifed by amho-
rltv of Parliament.
Unirerfitv of Cambridge hath power to Print
The ijjj

all Books which Oxford hath not. >b- When Wards bccaihc due to the
Kings of Sn.gUai't
by what Title, and upon what reafon. 190, 191, 191^

Whohad the charge of the Kings Wards, how
Forreign Voucher. 117,118, 119, 147
they were difpolcd ot, and in what Court this revenue
was anfvveicd befoiethe reign of H. 8. 190,
ufcTruH, Ch.mtahlcUfes,&C. 191,191,
See 193' I945'96
Chance-'j. How the Kings Ward, hi* Lands, Houfis, ei^f.
Where the Executors of the Feoffees (hall anfwcr
(hould be dealt with.
of profit* received by the Feoffees. 87 193, 1^4,501,202.
tcpis que uje
A Diffeifor Sub jea to no Truft. 85 Wardlhipnobadgeof Scrvitue'e, the bcnctit that
accrues to the King, and Heir
A trufl cannot be affigned
over. ib. thereby. 193,202,
What care there \^ as of ancient time to prefeivc
Where a fecretufc may b; averred, wh:re not. 86
the Tree of pious, honourable and
A Term grinti.d to the ufe of a fime fole, (he dies, profitable tenure'
and that the King (hould be truely anfvvered of Ward-
her Adrainifltators and not her Husband, (hall have
''7 thipSjCJ-i;.194. Since fell upon the Cepi aue Hjeo£
Lands holden in Mpiff, and of another Lord jn Soca<^c
No Tenant of an ufe, nor the
by the Curtefic

Lord of a Villain have it. ''• dying fcifed of the ufe of both, his Heir (hall be m
Ward to the King. 19^,119
ACourtto remedy the abufe ofcharitableufe$.i66
Of Waids in the County Palatines. 200
The Court of Waids aCouit of Ec^uity andRecord.
Informations for hit Majcfty, on the behalf of th?
W Heir, for his goods, d-C. 20i
The Judges and officers of this Court. 201
7c iX T Ayt.unden'fldegrane. i. Prttjiejitus
Fo- Motions in Parliament, ana conGdcrations for tak-
^ YY refta. 1^9 ing away VVard(hips,
Of Wardihip,pr;»»;c>' /«/()«,

c&T. ducto the King,

joi, 20 j

%zt Marches.
H'alcs, for Lands in the County Palatine oi Durham. j>
Ofthe legal Courts and their jjrifdiftion within the Ravifhment of Ward tor him who hath the Cuftody
oiWales. i)?, 141 of an Orphan committed to him.
principality i^g
Wales orieinally noPartof£»^.''««rf, and tereforc
tcgularly no
Writ of Error did lye of a Judgement in tVarrcn. See Chafe.

Wales. 115 Not to be erefted without aChattetfrom the King*

The 1 1. Counties of which the Principality confift- 293
cth. 13$} 140 What be no Beafts and Fowls of the Warren. 3i4>
yallia the Etymology of the Word. 233
When it was a Realm or Kingdom, and governed Jfatch.

ftrfuoi Rrgulas.
Concerning Watches, Beacons, Sea-marks, &c,
When holden of the Crown of England jure feodali 149,151,150
till forfeited by treafon. 139 Ordinations for Watchis in Norftl^. 149
When incorporated and united to the Realm of£ng- H'ardrvite, ffarrvite, or fi'ardpenny to be free from
coniributicn of mony to Watches.
fas^byAfts of parliament. 140 14^
The pricipality of n'«/M,how called by the Romans
14<( Veigbts.
Of the Kings ereat SefTions of Wales. 240 Of Weights. 27}
lufticesof^ato aretoberhade by Patent. :k
Welfkmtn called to our Pa[lianicnts.
241,2^0 Of the City e/^VVenminder.
The Br'utaitts ever lovers of the Laws ef England , Called »'p^w/s/2fr in rcfpeftof the Bafiminfier, noc
which only n»w are to be ufcd in 'yalts. ibid. far from the Tower o! London, 25 y
Uhere execution lliall'bc made «f Lands in the by whom founded. «t.

Marches by the Sheriff of the County next adjoyning. Of theBurgcffcs, how chofen, and (ticir
power, ib.
141 Of the Clock-houfc, by whom bui!t,and upon \» hac
The Kiogiiom ofir.i/f f,when divided into three- prin- occaRon, .

and of ihe fad event. 24? Queen Eif^heth made the Moraftery a CoU
Jt is divided from Sngland hy a Ditch. ib.
kdee,con(iftingofa Dean,it. Prebends, a School-
Edviurd (called the Blac^ TrJncc) otcatcd Prince maftcr, an Ulher, 40. Scholars, and ij. Altncf-mcn.
oUyatet by Charter how, f^c. 243 Wd.
' The feveral forts of Writs in Chancery. go, gi
and of later The Writ de quibiifdam cenis de caufis, g»
There hath beeh an ancient Baron,
Ifle. *^7 Writs upon a pain, when to be granted. 82, 1 19
times a Vilecoumof this
The Statute of 4. H.7. ca. 16. againft taking ot

Of the Writsof Safe/flsflii &

ccrtii de caupt
out of the Chancery, and Exchequer. ib.
Farms within this Idc, eJ*f. , , , L
Crowned by Henry the 6ib. 187 Writs of the Exchequer ancienier than the
A Kingof thisIHe Regifter.

The Writ tx fane talk. 11 5
The Writ de allocatiom faclertdn. 16 1
Where to be proved. 331i
Moil Writs take their denomination from words
The King may make his Teftament> &e.

i^- contained in the Writs, fome, ab effcBu. ib. .

The Teftaments of feveral Kings. Writs of fearch in the Exchequer, to whom to be di-
When BilTiops could make no Wills without the reftcd. 1
Kin^s Licence, and upon what account they ^

The Writ, when a Noble man is profecuted by Ca-
freedom to make their Wills.
ft/u, &c, to command the Court, that due Piocefs be
awarded. jj^
Commiffioners Examination of Witneffes,jtheit
for The Writ againft Souldiers that dltft. 1 28
flutv. 178, i7 9 (i)iz Superfcdeof &
Of a Cdfi/M for
OfTrialby Witneffes, and what Courts proceed Felony. 177
examined. »*• The VJikdefecuritate invenknda tie exett Retrium.
upon Witnefles
The derivation of the word Wltnefs. 279 180
ftn Alien born ( if not an Infidel Jmay
be a Witnefs. Th%M\fi\\.dtOdio & 4lia. jgt
The Writ de morum captione. ib.
feveral Rules concern- The Writ of Homirte replegiand.
The Duty of WitncUcs, and j^. i
^79 1 he Writ de pace e> imprifonamento, &c. ib.
3°* The Writt/e nativo habendo.
meds. All Writs to be made in the
Kings name, in whole
refolved, concerning the the the 5Tf/2e in County Palatines.
7. points difpofing joj
IJ9 Ubi brevia Vmina Regis ntit ntrrunt.
Kings Woods in Fortefts. 113,203,11 5
How much, and by what means the owners of 113, 28y
Woods in Forrefts and Chafesmay fell ihcm. 198, The Wm de/ubefchcatore a/r,ovende. iig
Of the Wtittothe Sheriff CO
enquire oi aNufans
n'oodward. &c. 261,
Ofthe Writ of right clofe.
The duty of a Woodward. 313 169,170
The Writ which ilfueth out ef the
Exchequer^ after
the deceafe of every Bifhop.
Wreck of the Sea ought tobedifcufled and deter-
mined at Common-Law. 1 3 4> * 54

The Coroner is to enquire of Wreck 171.

Writer,] Tork.
The Duty of a Writer. a Prefident and Councel of
98 is
Tot^ de fa-
The Aathours clearnefs and impartiality in his THere iio. But what Jutifdiftion
they liave is the quc-
ibid. ftion.
Writings. .^ ,^5
Vide Epilogue.
Writs of fummons to Parliament. See TarUament.
Writs not to receive any alteration, or addition but The Rules, Sentences, and other pro-
by ftft of Parliament. 10,48
Writs to command any Court to obferve and keep per Exprcllicns, Alphabetically
any Statute. 4| compofcd.
Wr its in former times to the Sheriff, for the Proda-
niation of Statutes. 26
Wricsiofummonabfent Offenders to Parliament.

Writs to divers ^iotdtntm militia de Balmo fufci- S A^ivorum fuut in paticnte difpoptit. ;
plend. ]uxta. miquam canfuetudmm in.
[creatioae up- ACTuAddit prtbat minoritatem.
io 8o
tatam. 44 ylrbitrio domini res eftimari debet. y-j^
, The Writ de expends militum, &c. 46 1
Amicus Plato, Amicus Socrates, fed maglt arnica
The "Wuidc procedendo xd judicium, where itlies. Veritas. Epilogue.
67,68 Animalia grcgiditinon funt n»civ«,fid itnimatiafe-
The Writ de exeeutione Judidl, where it lies. <8 Uvagafunt nociva. 5
Writs directed to the Jufticesjnot to delay right,«><;. Aufertt oblivio, p potep,pnonjitci»que plentium te-
68,69 £•«• 37»3Si»-
, , . .

A Ce-A'/o-dcf to caufe the Tenor of Records to come Actio perJonahs morunr eumftrjona. 315
before the Court,forredrefl."mgdelaycsof Judgments,
&c. 69
The Writ by which the chief Juftice of England is
created.. 74' 7J Cum cenptente fponte mitiuse^ agendum. ($
Original Writs iflae out of ^htinitry only. 78, Si Cut plus licet quam par eU, plus vult quam licet. 74
The Writrfe dote affig^jntdn, 79 Concordia paiva res crefcunt, (x ofultnth lites. -ji
Writs of Audita ^arcla. ib .
Compendia funt difpendia. 153
Contemporanda expe/tt» e^ optima. 138 Non mot bus ta ptenfque, fed morbi ncglciia curati»
Ciijus dire, ejus eff difpinere.
eft carpus interfieit. jo
Communis error fach jus. Ne curia, deficeret in Jufiicia evhibeitda 6^, 7
240 1» 7 1,
<;ejfattte ratione ecjfat ipfn lex.
miUtortm reqiiiruniur in magnis. decwritur adextraordinarium^idulii de.
Cgnfitla I Nunqnam
ficitorainarium, 84
Nefcio qua natale falum, &c. 158
"i^emo cogitur rem fuain vendere etiam jufie pretio.
Divide &impert,Cttmradix «5^ vertex imperii in 275
ihedieni'inm coifenfu rata funt.
35 T^ovHs ifie infalitiis, & umbraiHis honor cito eva-
Difpcrdere jusiun impia, 274 Cuit.

Ei nihil turpe cut nihil fat if.

j3 Optimus legum intetpres canfuetudo. 75
ndfuapriacipiareferre efi rcfellere ^i, & Ommcxceptione majus. agi
Epilogue. Omais ratihiibitie retrotrahjtur & maodato tf jw-
Error qui nsn re^Uitur approbalur. 98 paratur. 317
Exccjjivum emne in jure reprobatiir. J?3
Extra omnem normam. 331
I'eivarios aUM legem Expericntia fecit. 50
Ter varies aHui legem experientia fecit.
Prius vitiis labor avimus nunc Icgibut. y6
Praxis fanilaruminrerpres preceptor um. 15 y
F-'S-t tcnent mutta qua fieri probibentur. 38 Plus vidtnt oculi quam oculus. i «o
Priecipitatio efl noverca Jufiicia. 187
G fuit hxc fapientia quondam.
Vutlica privatisjfccernere facra prtfanis. i64>i8o
Gravius e^ aterHtm quam temporalem Udere mi-
jeftatem. 1 1
General words taken in digniori
ftnfu lojjtiz
j^«i corum veftgia infifiant
earum eximsper bor-
refcant. 41
^tiper aliumfuit per ipfumfaccre vidctur. 1 09

^ando lex altquid alicui cancedit, comcedcre vide*

Inprtefentii majares cejfatfotentit
mtnoris. 7,75
tur & id, fine quo res ipfa naipatefl effe.
non Icgitur nan creditur.
^uflicia efi virtus excellcns, & altijjimo complacent.
^ad 304
^lamvis lex gcneraiiter loquitur rcHtlngenda ti'

Irtfinitnm reprobatur
in jure,
1 1 j
men, ut ceffante ratione, &
ipfa ceffit, &c. 330
tibey-e veritatsm pronmciatt proditar veri-
leUorem fit judicium.
Jiieo penes 2.60 jg»i nan
tatis Epilogue.
Ignorattia judicis eft cnUmitas innocentis.
in ambiguis fcmper fienda efl ut
Interprctiiio t.ilit
cvttetur inconvcniens, & abfurdum.
Regis adexcmplumtatus compoHitur arbis. i^j

Multamultoexerci:.mcntis {icilius, qiiam rcgulis
Salus ubi multi confiUarii. _
ptecipies, jo
Melius efl
rccurytre! cmrtre. 1 7* Sipieas omnia agit cum canfllo. 4
Melior ejl conditio pofjidcntis, &
rei quam aiioris
Silent leges inter arma. 7&
Spes efl vigilantis fominum, _
Satius efl peter e fantes quam feSari j8a
Mifera fervitus'cjl ubi jus efl vagum aut incognitum'
d?" Epilogue.
1^6, 331
Mains ufus abolcndus c3. i74
^lulti multa, rumo omma novit.
Mala in fe. 163
Utpeena aipaucas metusadamnu perveniat. 63
N yeritM a quacunqite dicitur a dee ejt. 153,344
yicini viciniorafa£liprefummturfcire. 175
l^ihil tern conveniens e!i
equ'tui it- aatur.tli Ubi mntH lex tbi non efl iranfgrefto. 3 08
it Ut obflruatur as iniqua toquentium. 31*
m:mi»odq,dijfulvi eo i'gamine quo ligatum e^.
uno abfufdo data infinita ftquHniur. Jx ?


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