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-~---------~ --
·Example 3
I •
Mi~pla~ed modifier:
Misha served sandwiches to the siblings on pap~r prates.

Misha served the siblings sandwiches on ,paper pl[ltes.

Example 4
Misplace_d modifier:
He nearly drove the bike for eight hours a day.
. Correction:
He drove the bike for nearly eight hours_a daf
Example S
Misplaced modifier:
I saw a puppy and a kitten on. the way to home.
On the way to home, I saw ,a puppy and a· kitten.

Exa~ple 6
Misplaced modifier:
Only Miley Cyrus gave me $8 to clean all her clothes.
Miley ·Cyrus gave me only $8 to 'clean ail her clothes.
Example 7
Mispiaced modifier :
Merry ~lmost failed every ex~m she took.
Merry failed almost every exa~ ~he took.
Examp_le 8
Misplaced modifier :
~ ,. ~ ~eople who laugh rarely are _unhealthy.
? coriec t'100:. '

_ /People who rarely laugh are unhealthy.

f,iDPle 9
wiaced modifier :
I • '

Adi bought a kitten for his sister they call Misty.

1 Adi bought a kitten they ·call Misty for his sister.
7 1 l
mple 10
• t>laced modifier .:
I .
While visiting a zoo, the lion frightene_d my friends.
;;--ARTl~L-@'s :

1. Indefinite Article (a, an) .

Indefini te Articles . ·
- ai e used before smgu 1ar noun only. · ·
If th . . -
e noun starts witl . . . . .
. . · ,. 1 , ' o , or ' u' ) •~
- l a vowel (the letters 'a' ' e ' , ,., will use 'an'. And 1f 1t _starts with
any consona nt howev . th .. '
-. . er, en it will use 'a' ·
· ·
Ex~ept ion :
If the first letter of a noun is a v _· . . .
"a universi ty" In th owe( but sou nd is consonant then :utide 'a' will be used. For example
' the first Ie tt er
e same way if a consonant but sound is vowel then article
'an,, will b · d
or· a noun 1s
e use . For example "an hour". . - . ·- ·-
2. Definit e Article (the)
Rules :
Before plural nouns:
I . ate ·the apples.
· To indicate a noun that is uruque:
The Nile is a l~ngest river.
To design.a!~ a natural pheno~e non:
The days get -shorter in the -wi11ter.
. .. . . .

The wind -is blowing so hard . ..

· To refer to a time period:
- · She was --very sad . in the past.
· This song 'Vas very p~pular in the 1980s. ·
To indicate a noun that i~ definite or_has beeri. pr~viously specified i~ th~ context:
Please close the wint!ow:

(a, an, the)
1. .. -Mrs. Smith was .... ,..... Europ.ean · lady.
(a, an, the)
2. Misha' is doing :..... :. .. M:B.A. :·
(A ... the, The ... the, Ail ... the)
3. ....' ... .-:.: English 4~~eated .......... irencli.
(a, an, the)
4. She :has ... . ........ one rupee coin. ·
(The ... a, The ... the, A. .. the)
5. ..... ·.... deeta is .... ~.".... holy ·b ook.
(the ... The, the ... A, a ... The)
6. ·There is · .......... tiger in the forest. .......... tiger · is roaring,
(The.-:.the, the.:.a, The ... an)
7. . ........ harder .YC?U: work, .......... grater will be reward_ed. -
, (a, an, the) ·
8. What .......... beautifu i car it' is! ' · .
(a, an, the)
9. .. ..... .. Ganga is a holy river of India.
(a, an, the)·
1.0. My grandfa tqer t~lls .......... story every 'day i~ the morning.
(A, An, The)
11. · .......... Gerbera is a beautiful flower.
(a, . an, the)
12. All ,......... boys stood in .a queue.
(a, an, the)
13. .That is really .......... enchant ing scene.
(a, an, the)
14. Rahul is ....... ... honest boy.
(a, an, the)
difficult subject for some people.
15. Accoun t is ··········

((a~, an, the)
-~ - - - -.:t---- - - - - - - ~
3. 1! - - -- -- - - - - --
(A, An, The)
ulr. Raje sh is .... ...... university
l io. (a, an, the)
1 i w,-!ler ifl that jug is pure.
(a ... the, the ... the, a ... a)
! s. P ic;1. I.? .open .......... window.'
. retired teacher. (A, An, The)
~ 9. •-~ ndha is .... ... .. . da.ughter of .. .- .. ....
(a, an, the)
'2fr ..... ... tige r is our national anim'al.
(a, an, the)
: ' r:: :i n1: br r~" :l s ... ........ teacher.
(a, an, the)
l L . \v i10 dde st daughter among you?
13 ...... : ...
k shop . (a, an, the)
23 , \ir. D,·s1i his ..... .... . sma ll boo
hour. (a, an,. the)
:4. ~Iv '-v iii com e back within .... .. ....
25. 1, ·; ·.•-~ ..... .... unex pected day.

3.6 i-..r ·.' ~"\>-il'fr:O NS ;

plac e, tim e; dire ctio n, etc. '
itfm , is a word or plu-ase used before .a noun or pronoun to sho w
ntly used prep osit ions in Eng lish·:
some of the most frequ.e
The .fo!k•1,, itH.! table contains rules for

• •
• ._

.- .

a:ii .. fo n :!l
Usa ge.
-- on Sun day
days of the week nin g
-- · ---
r in Oct obe r I _iri Sum mer in the mor
n1011ths / seasons .time of day y~a
) . in · 2006 in an hou r
afte r a ce1tain perio~ of time (when?
. . at riight ._-
· for night
for wee kend
at the weekend
at hal f pas t ten ·
a certain point of time (when?)
. - now) · since 1950
froJil a certain point of time .(past till
- -

-- till now) .for 3 yea rs

ove r a certain period of time (past
- 3 years ago ·
a ce1tain time in the past
-- ..
before 2005
earlier than .a certain point of time
·- ~- ten to 7 (6:50)
telling the time
. . .. . '
ten pas t 'J (7: 10)
· past' . telling the time
to/ti1h:n-~ii marking the begin'!'ling and -end of
a period of time from Tuesday to/till Frid ay
. -
· is
in the sense of how long something
goi~~-'S ·-<-'', t She is on holiday until Saturday.
Ev Ill the sense of at the latest up to a . I will be bac k by 8 o'cl ock .
certain time By 10 o'clock, I had read who le book.

~ -- -- -- -- _ _ :_ -~~_ : (
~·n~Wi~rii:ti~n~g=-=--:=--:-- -- -- -- -- -- 3.1 2
osi tio ns _ Pla ce (P ·t·ion an d Di rec tio n)


un de r ov er
in/ ins ide
·· - ·
- <i)
on at ne ar
-'"--·- ·- -- -- -· -- - --··

a: .,.
· 119 '
,be low
ab ov e rou nd /ar ou nd
-. -
· . . ,--~ -- --through
t- -- -- - among
••• be tw een

~ --
, down
_·1.: be hin d - ~., jn fro nt- of, ·. alo ng ·. , •-1.. ao ros. s. up

· ou t of pa st ·
on to off into
op po sit e

from ... to towards

ag ain st ov er
· · ne xt- t?/ hy (be sid e
Ex am ple
., ·-
' .. (Js ag e
Pr ep os iti on s in the book
try . in the kitchen, in London,
-rnohi, building, street, town, coun.
..m .. ·- .. , in. the car,
. bqo)(, paper etc. in a taxi, in the picture, in
th~ world.
_car, taxi picture, world station,
object for table, at the door, at the railway
at · ,meaning next to, by an .at the table, aJ a concert,
at the party,
for events at w~rk. -
something at the ~inema, · at school,
pla·ce where you are to do
, work)
typical (watc·h a film, study
on the picture
att ac he d ·on the Nile, on the left
. OJI. . - . - ., being·
· for a place with a river on the second floor,
for .a. certain side (left, rig on the bus, on a plane on
. public
for a floor in a house for on the radio
transport for television; rad to I beside
or something Jack is standing by I next
_left or right of somebody ·the car.
by, next to,
beside (or covered by) the book is under the table
on the ground, lower than
undei ...
something else face
the _fishes are below the sur
t above gro.und
lower than something else bu t
·below put a jacket over your t-shir
meaning more
covered by .something else over 18 years of age
than walk over the bridge
also across)
getting to the other side ( climb over the mountain
over9omirig an obstacle

/ / (
Examp le
Prepositions Usage
the lake
a· path above •

above higher than something else, but not ,, -------

directly over it
walk across the bridge
across getting to the side (also over) walk · across the ·road
getting to the other side ~
drive through the tunnel .
through something with limits on top, bottom and
the sides --...
go to the cinema
to movement to person or building
go to Washington
movement to a place or country for bed

into enter a room / a building

go to bed
go into the drawing room I the house
go 1o steps tow;irds the house
towards movement in the direction of something
(but not directly to it) -
onto movement to the top of something jump onto the pillow
a flower from the garden
from in the sense of where from -
Other important Prepositions
English Usage I

from who gave it · a present from Jack

of who/what does it belong to what doe$ a page of the book ·

I ,

it show . the picture of a city .

by who made it a book by Shakespeare ',

on walking or riding on horseback entering . on foot; on horseback . '

a public transport vehicle get on the bus

in entering a car I Taxi get · in_the car

off leaving a public transport vehicle get off the train

out of leaving a. car / Taxi get out of the taxi

by · - rise or fall of something travelling_or ·prices have risen by 20 ·percent

(other thap, walking horse riding) by car, by bus -

at for age . she learned Gennan at 55 ' -

for topics, meaning what about : We were talking ..&bout he,r.

about ,,
(into, in, onto)
1. The cat jumped ··~··· ... the lake.
(in, at, on)
2. Bats are seen .......... night
(to, in, on)
3· The show is · over. It i.s time to go .. ........ bed.
4· While the younger son Smith was looking .. ...... .. his ill mother Mitali,
her elder son John was looking
·· · (at, into, for, after)
.......... the lost bag in the house.
(on,· above, at)
S. Birds are flying ........ :. my hou·se.
6 - Raj has been working .......... three hours. . . (for, out, at)
7 ( over, across, under)
· My favourite Italian restaura nt is just .. ... ... .. the street.
8 · . .......... the fruits and vegetables, we also need some milk. . (Besides, Qn, •In)
,,.-- 3 .14
1Jelftifing Com!'fon Errors in Writing
(at, in, on)
~ H.e r birthday falls .. ..... ... a Sunday.
(on, in, opposite)
JO. The Hospital is .....:.... the cinema.
room. (on, in, at)
11- I like that painting hanging .......... the wall ...... ,: .. the living
(at, between, near)
12. Nikita's house is not so far, it is just ..,....... my house.
(by, on, at)
13. I'm reading a book .......... Sudha Murty.
(in, from, with)
. 14. Mr Desai is suffering .......... T.B.
(in, above, by)
· 15. They travel ...,...... bus ,daily.
(into, inside, onto)
16. We were all sitting .......... the famous cafe of the city.
(at, to,·, with)
17. I love to play .. ........ my pet cat.
(near, beside, on)
18. I am sitting .......... m:y friend.
(under, at, in )
19. My English grammar book is ......... the newspaper.
(in, on, at)
20. We ate our lunch .......... 3 o'cloc k.
(on, in, at)
21. The polo match · is ..... :.... the evening.
(on, above; during)
22. It rained .......... the night. . .
(between, in, near)
23. My house is ......... ; g~rden and school.
(into, on, .above)
24. My ~ooks are .... :....._ the desk.
(on, at, before)
25. Students finishe
d their homework
.... :..... five hours:


Modal Auxil iaries (Verbs) with table:

. Usage Exam ple
Moda l Verb
Ability I can read french books.
when something is possible A man can create a m~acle.
Permission You can leave now.
. infoi:mal requests ,Can. you _give me. ,your book?
could past form of "can" R~h.ul said he could play piano.
polite requests · Could you pass your bag, please?
Possibility It could be that he missed the bus. ·
may Pos~ibility It may rain this Sunday.
ask · or give permission(formal) May I talk?

. might past form of "may" She said she might change the route.
Possibility She might fail i'n the exarri.

. must you have to do it You must buy a ticket to watch a movie

in the theatre. ·
it's very logical or very likely to happe n Look at the snow, it rnust be · very cold

must not/ you are not allowe d to do it You mustn' t smoke in the flight.
mustn 't ~

shall future for "I" and "we" I shall meet him next year.
to .Mumb ai, shall we?
questions and suggestions for "l " and "we" Let's go
should the right thing to do One should do his work by himse lf only.
Advice You should take. medic ine regularly.
what is likely or expected to happen They should be back by· tomorrow.
- - ~ - - - - - - _EngJ;s/,
Modal Verb Exampl e
' ' ·, . ' ----------
future action or states (not plans). ··: John will come to my house m next Winter
promises and intentions · It's alright, I'll join you for the ball .Party·
·would past fonn of "will" Before she h~d -a chi.Id she would· stay
late at night.
imagined situations .. '' What would ydu do if' you ·were a prinie
for polite requests, offers and invitations Wo~ld you please come here?
~o~ld ypu lik~ ~o have ·a cup of Irish
·, coffee?, ; I ·•'

to say what you want to do or have I would like. a, piece of carrot pie.
J ' . t' • . --......

ought to the right thing to do ,YQIJ, ovgh~ to ap,o logize for your mistake

English Modal Verbs - Situations Table· 1

·' :
"'G °':-•·.. ---
: ~

Situation Modal Verb Exampl e

requests (forn1al) May . May I come in? : /
requests (informal) Can , Can I sit here?
, ,, .

requests (polite) Could Could I stand there? .

requests (polite) Would Would you lend me your book?
permission (formal) May You may come in. ..
permission (informal) Can You can sing with_ me. ,.
obligation (full) . Must You must cooperate the police for this case ..
obligation (partial) Should . You should ~peak· tl}e ~th·.·. . . ' '
' . ' ,
obligation (partial)
(l~ss common ) ought to You ought to speak the -~th to your friends,
logical conclusions ' '
(stronge r than "should") • Must She left the club an h~ut' ago, so she must be there already.
logical conclusions Should She left the half an hour ago, 1 believe she should be then
(weaker than "must") already.
possibility (general) .Can It can be h.e avy sriow spmetim es .
possibility Might It's not very cold yet; but it might be snow fall somewhere.
(wectker than "may")


1. . One ........ .. (not) drive fast here.

(must, should)
2.- Keep your car locked. Someone ... :.. .. .. steal it.
(might, should)
3. It's too late. She ..., ...... (not) make it to the party . now.
( could, can)
4. He be surprised if you came, to meet him.
5. • You · . · 1
. (should, would)
··· ·· ····· start playmg Kho Kho when your foot is better. ·

6. Students (can, have)

··· ···· ··· buy something for their teacher on Teacher 's Day.
7. 1 (should, must)
········· · like. to have my coffee served hot.
(could, would)
,.. .

- - ~ ~ - = ~ ~ - _ :_ _ ~ -- -
/dentiftng Com mon Err ors in Writing .3.1 6

8• Wh en ····•·•••.. .we see them agam · ?. (U_1Jk! , sha ll)

. .·
9 · Yoti ········ ·: work hard er to get. good reward. tr,1ll~l, may )
, ..
10. I ......... . run 20 km eve·ry day b etiore.. my knee surgery. 1. ,;s , could)
ssary words or ·usm 1... l., "\.:pe titio n
'Re dun dan cy means using unnece g words for a second ti me in a s1en1
of the sam e meaning).
1. Red und ant Pronouns
n or pro nou,. · ,f them
simple sentences are combined, a nou
In. a com plex sentence, whe n two c: "·' :)'
d · by the rela tive pro nou n whi ch, that, who , whn m or whn se. For
wil l be replace
I hav e found ~he bag.
_I lost it last S':1nday.
d, · it beco1nes which or that m the
Wh en thes e sentences are combine
last -Sunday.
I hav e found the . bag which I lost-
I hav e fou nd the bag that I lost last
But not · .
it last Sunday.
I · hav e · fou nd the · bag whi<;:h I lost
last Sunday. .
I hav e_ fou nd the bag" that I lost i!

-2-. - - Red und ant Pre pos itio ns

by a , .,, .\·~ pr;'Josition
' -
en the nou n or pro nou n whi ch js converted to the relative is precede d
re the relative.
rem ains , and is usu ally placed befo
·Thi s is the girl.
I gav e the boo k to her.
The se two sen tenc es ar~ . combine
the . boo k.
Thi s is the girl to whom .f gave
prepositfon at the end of the sentenc
Som etim es, it is pos sibl e to put the
book to.
Thi s is the girl whom I gav e .the
It is alw ays pla ced at the end:
(a) Wh en tha t is a rela tive pro nou'
Thi s is the bus that we cam e in. (not in that we came)

omi tted aitogether.

(b) Wh en the rela tive pro nou n is
ing f or.
The re is the wom an we they look
But we mu st not say :
ed f or.
Her e is the bag for whi ch .she ask
The two cor rect alte rna tive s are :
Her e is the bag for whi ch s.he ask
ed for.
Here is the bag (which) she ask
3. 17 '

3. Other Examples:

Examples 1 :
If you combine this together,' you ~ill get the_solution.
In this sentence, the words combi11e and together have been used. Bu_t both these words shows the
same meaning.
. . ·. t ke the sentenc e a correct one.
Thus, it is advisable to omit one of the two words in order O ma ·
The correct sentence 1s:
If you combine this, you will get the solution.

Examples 2 :

The cat .was. chasing after the rat. . • .

·· · ·
This sentence uses chase which means . to go after someon· e (to fiOn. 0 w) , there is no need to use after
The correct sentence is:
·The cat was chasing the rat.
Examples 3 :
,. Mr Malhotra got the free gift from his ' colleague's party.
'"('he two words free and gift are used. The gift is _always for free
The correct sentence is:
Mr Malhotra gc:>t the gift from his colleague's party.
Examples 4 :
.I The professor has given the adequate enough information -reg~rd
ing this topic .
I Here also two ~ords adequate and enough ·have been used to
convey the same meanm g.
- ' The correct sentence is:
I • t
• ~ I

The professor has given the adequate infonnation regarding this

1 I
The profess or has given the enough information regarding this topic.··
Examp,les 5 :
The Smith family had done advance pl_annipg for the picnic.
Advance and planning are the. two words which convey th~ same meanin
The correct sentence is:
The Smith family had done planning for the picnic.


1. My grandfather goes for walking everyday.

_(Tu111 into Simp.le Past Tense)
2. One of the important .......... discussed in the meeting yesterday.
· (points were, points was, point were)
3. Either Mr. Sharma or Mr. ·Patel wi.11 be termin atrd from .,._.......
duty. (their; his, her)
4. We were told at midnight the programme would begin. (Identify the
mispla ced ~odifi er and correct th~ sentence)
5. Give me •· ·······' pen that l had given you yesterday.
·(use appropriate English article)
6. There is a bridge ......... . the river.
(in, on, across)
7. All the students •········· maintain cleanliness in the class.
(use correct modal auxiliary)
[Jentiftng Com mon Err ors in Writing
0x pl ain the term "Redundancy" with
. There (was/were) a Toy sticker to the
9 refrigerator.
o. I hav e don e (a/an) M.E. in Mechanical Enginee
. Neither the explorer nor his companions (has
11 /have) ever seen him again.
2. Each stud ent of the class must brin
1 g (his/their) books.
13. Every year, during .the midsumm~r th
festival, the smoke of village bonfires (fill
s/fill) e sky.
4. _ All the mem ber s of the family love
1 (each other/ one another)-.
s. (Whose/Whp) are you talking ,o?

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