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1. How can advertising be effective if people do not trust it?

2. How can advertisers deal with the issue of distrust in advertising?

3. There are obvious differences between advertising and promotion, but how are they similar?

4. Why do you think managers in business-to-business or industrial marketing rely less upon
advertising and promotion than do marketers of consumer products?

5. Look at and locate a recent advert that has

been adjudicated. Consider how advertisers fall foul of the regulations and decide was the ruling

6. What make an advertisement memorable?

7. How do social media optimize the likelihood of a message being processed?

8. How does the new context provided by social media affect the advertising message?

9. Discuss what constitutes unethical advertising. 10. Reflect on the criticism ‘advertising creates
unnecessary needs’. What do you think is the relationship between advertising and the desire to

1.Which of the alternative views of advertising discussed in this chapter are most compatible with
the discussion of how advertising „works‟? In what way?

2. If some of these alternative views of advertising are incompatible with our general understanding
of how advertising works, can they be of any value?

3. The theoretical approaches used most by practitioners are located in sector 1 of the conceptual
map of advertising perspectives. Taking into account characteristics of today‟s consumers do you
think that those theories are sufficient? Why?

4. Assuming you work for an advertising agency, how could you benefit from critical perspectives
against advertising located in sector 2 of the conceptual map?

5. “Postmodern condition depicts a society where media images dominate and construct our
consciousness”. Do you think advertising affects more aspects of an individual‟s life that mere
buying decisions? If so, how?

6. Why is it important to consider the relationship between advertising and its effect upon society?

7. If the audience is not passive but actively constructs meanings out of advertising messages, to
what extend is the advertiser in control of the effect of a particular advert?

8. How does viewing an advert on a mobile device differ to watching on more traditional platforms?
What do advertisers need to consider to engage the viewer?
9. Visit a web site with some current adverts such as and look
for examples of adverts that you feel are specifically oriented to today‟s world, advertising that
would not have been relevant in the world as it was ten or twenty years ago.

10. Consumers should be paid to watch adverts. Discuss.

1.Describe how the strategic planning process should inform the communication response sequence.

2. Why are goals preferable to objectives in strategic planning for marketing communication, and
objectives to no plan at all?

3. In what way does advertising contribute to sales? Is this the same or different than how
promotion contributes to sales?

4. What implications for the planning process result from the fact that the planning sequence is the
reverse of the response?

5. Visit a website with some current adverts such as and pick
one for a fmcg (fast moving consumer goods), a brand you are likely to find in a supermarket,
convenience store, or kiosk. Think about the advert in terms of the four communication response
steps as you are looking at it. How are you responding to the advert? Now look for an advert for a
more high involving type of product like a camera, mobile phone, or computer. How are you
responding to it? In what ways are your reactions similar or different?

6. Do you think that social media alter the communication response sequence in any way?

7. Discuss the difficulties of achieving each stage of the communication response sequence.

8. Pick a brand of your choice whose advertising campaign you are familiar with and explain how the
advertisers may have followed the planning sequence steps to end up with the particular message
and media planning.

9. Look at a website for a brand of your choice and read the feedback comments from consumers.
How does this feedback influence your decision in purchasing the product? What can advertisers do
to influence you in relation to this?

10. Vloggers are influential in their promotion of brands but it is only recently that they were
instructed to flag up their sponsorship links. How are internet-based mediums changing traditional
promotion approaches and what are the implications for advertisers?

1.What is the relationship between the marketing plan and the marketing communication plan?

2. What would you consider the most important step in the strategic planning process? Why is that?

3. How are the steps in the strategic planning process inter-related? In what ways does this help
insure more effective marketing communication?

4. There will be much more about brand awareness and brand attitude as communication objectives
later on in the book. But given what you now know, why do we say brand awareness and brand
attitude must always be a communication objective? Can you think of any situation where that might
not be true?

5. What do you think could go wrong if a practictioner was to develop a communication strategy
without taking into account the marketing plan first?

6. Identify product categories where direct marketing might work better than advertising.

7. “When we address the members of our target audience we are talking to them as individuals, but
as individuals in a role”. What are the implications of this approach for understanding target
audience decision making?

8. Pick a brand of your choice among fast moving consumer goods and identify products with
different positioning. What can you assume the target audience to be in each case?

9. How is brand perception affected in cases where parts of the communication strategy are not in
line with each other (e.g. retail promotions are not in line with the advertising message)? 10. Identify
a brand whose media strategy you think is weak and explain how you could correct it

Developing a Communication Strategy

1. Visit a web site that has commercials such as and find
adverts that are good illustrations of the brand awareness principles of recognition and recall.
Analyse specifically why they are good examples.

2. How does Tulving’s idea of encoding specificity apply to the examples you found in question one?

3. Image-based advertising is not always the best approach for brands. Discuss.

4. What is meant by emotional authenticity? Why is it so important to adverts that follow a

transformational brand attitude strategy?

5. Why is it so important to understand the level of involvement and the underlying motivation
associated with a purchase decision in order to create effective advertising?

6. How do brand attitude strategy principles apply to corporate image advertising? Find what you
consider good and bad examples of corporate image advertising, and explain your evaluation. 7.
Brand awareness is a necessary condition for the success of a product. Can you identify any cases
where brand recall is essential? Why?

8. When does modification of brand attitude become a necessity? How can practitioners achieve it?

9. Pick an existing brand of your choice and place it in the Rossiter-Percy Grid. Evaluate and criticize
its advertising campaign according to the implications indicated by the quandrant where you placed
the brand. Can you propose any changes/improvements? 10. You don’t have to like an advert for it
to be memorable. Discuss.

1Visit a web site with some current adverts such as or and look for examples that illustrate good vs. bad use of words and pictures as
discussed in the chapter for facilitating attention and learning.
2. While at the web site, look for examples of adverts where the execution uses creative tactics that
should help minimize potential memory problems (as outlined in Table 13.5 ).

3. How does getting the emotional sequence correct in an advert help increase its effectiveness?
How is the benefit focus in an advert related to the emotional sequence?

4. Return to a web site with some current adverts and find examples where you feel the emotional
sequence is correctly represented. Discuss why you feel that way.

5. Use the VisCAP model to evaluate the peson who presents the message in an advert of your
choice. How does each element of the model contribute to the adverts success/failure?

6. How do the differences between recognition and recall brand awareness objectives affect creative

7. Storytelling is a great way of engaging audiences. Find adverts that use this approach and consider
why it is effective.

8. Shock ‘cuts through the clutter’ but also places a brand in danger of alienating the audience. Is this
an effective creative approach?

9. Reflecting on the advert for Glenfiddich (13.10) in the chapter explain why ‘nostalgia’ adverts can
be sucessful for a brand.

10. Describe the role of emotions in motivating purchases for both an informational and a
transformational brand attitude strategy.

1. Describe the benefits of the Rachet Effect. Are there any product categories for which it is
particularly efficient to combine advertising with promotion?

2. What do we mean by integrated marketing communications and why is it important to have

centralized strategic planning?

3. How can the product life cycle be used to inform spending decisions for both advertising and

4. For the same campaign, evaluate the choice of media against the three most important
considerations described in the chapter (visual content, time to process the message and frequency).
Do you think that the choice of media matches the possible communication objectives?

5. Consulting with tables of the book that refer to Primary Media for Recall/Recognition Brand
Awareness and Appropriate Brand Attitude Strategy, find examples of adverts that have used
primary media in order to execute a high/low involvement and informational versus
transformational strategies.

6. Explain why retail advertising may benefit local brands more effectively than advertising through
other mediums.

7. Do you think that an advertising agency should monitor a campaign if they have pre-tested it
before? Explain why.
8. Assume that your campaign is reaching a stage of wearout. What remedies would you propose re-
catch the consumers’ attention?

9. If online overtakes physical store shopping in the future, how will this change campaign
strategies? 10.Consider when one form of advertising media should be used to the exclusion of
other media. Why would this be more effective?

1.Why is understanding of the processing of advertising messages by consumers important? How

does it facilitate the advertising design process?

2. Do you think that advertising works on the ‘unconscious’? Discuss why you feel it does or does

3. In what way are Schacter’s ‘Seven Sins of Memory’ important for advertising? How many of them
do you recognize in your own life? As you think about your own experiences, discuss how this might
affect the way in which you process advertising.

4. What is the difference between bottom-up and top-down processing, and what does it mean in
terms of how you process an advert?

5. Identify the cognitive structure associated with a brand category, for example beer. You can do
this by interviewing some friends, asking them for the first word of phrase that comes to mind when
they think of ‘beer.’ Next, ask them for the first word of phrase that comes to mind when they think
of that. Finally, take that word and again ask the same question. This is something called ‘laddering’
and what it does is identify associations in memory, with beer in this case, and those things that are
linked to those associations. This represents the cognitive structure.

6. Are most peoples' ‘ladders’ more-or-less alike, or are there differences? What does this tell you
about how people think about beer? What are the implications of what you have learned for
advertising beer, and ensuring your brand’s message will be successfully processed?

7. Provide examples of advertisements where embodied emotions play an important role. How do
you think they mediate the processing of the message in those particular cases?

8. Think of examples when an advert has been too complex to understand on first view. Is this a
good approach by the advertiser?

9. The best adverts are shared online. Discuss.

10. The most effective adverts are emotion-based or nostalgic or is this simply a trend?

Chapter 6 – Selecting the Target Audience

1. Suppose you are the manager in charge of the Ericsson account at their advertising agency, and
they come to you and ask for a campaign targeting ‘small businesses’. Why is this not an adequate
description for selecting a target audience? What else is needed?

2. Why is loyalty so important in target audience selection?

3. What is the role of culture in selecting a target audience? Does this differ for local, regional, or
international campaigns? If so, in what ways?
4. How do objective and subjective characteristics help the profiling of a target audience? Why are
objective characteristics not sufficient on their own when trying to understand the audience’s
decision making process?

5. Describe the benefits and cost implications of targeting ‘evolving’ consumers prior to developing
their new needs.

6. What is the relationship between brand attitude, loyalty, and brand equity? 7. There is no such
thing as brand loyalty. Discuss.

8. Pick a brand of your choice and profile its target audience according to both objective and
subjective criteria.

9. Loyalty cards provide data for analytics to predict consumer behaviour – discuss if loyalty cards
are ethical.

10. Peer-to-peer reviews are an important step for consumers doing research on brands. How can
brands ensure their reviews are presented in a favourable manner

Ques.1.List the steps involved in IMC Planning Process.
Ques.2.Recognize the Psychological influences that motivates consumers Behavioral influences on
consumer decision making.
Ques.3.Underline the role of advertisement in STP.
Ques.3.Identify the importance of STP in IMC planning process.
Ques.4.Define how socio-cultural influence the consumer decisions.
Ques.5.Record the trends in consumer buying process.

Ques.1.Differentiate between socio-cultural influence and psychological influence on consumer
Ques.2.Discuss STP in detail.
Ques.3.Cite examples of consumers purchasing process trends in consumers buying environment.
Ques.4.Pick a product of your own choice and apply STP.

Ques.1.Apply STP in a product of your own choice.
Ques.2.Illustrate the importance of socio-cultural influence on consumer decisions.
Ques.3.Interpret how endorses and message appeals in advertising effect the consumer buying
Ques.4.Relate the role of promotions in segmentation, targeting and positioning.

Ques.1.Analyze the trend in consumer buying process.
Ques.2.Distinguish between socio-cultural influence and psychological influence on consumer
Ques.3.Compare and contrast STP with example.
Ques.4.Identify the importance of STP in consumer buying process.

Ques.1.Evaluate how endorses and message appeals in advertising effect the consumer buying
Ques.2.Estimate the role of advertising in STP.
Ques.3.Evaluate how positioning play an important role in STP.

Ques.1.Formulate the role of advertising and promotions in segmentation, targeting and positioning.
Ques.2.Predict how behavioral influences effect the consumer buying decisions.

Ques.1.Define corporate image.
Ques.2.List the IMC components.
Ques.3.Name the different types of media.

Ques.1.Describe in detail various IMC components.
Ques.2.Identify the role of corporate image and brand management in IMC.
Ques.3.Differentiate between online advertising and mobile advertising.

Ques.1.Interpret how online advertising helps to promote the corporate image.
Ques.2.Apply IMC planning process to a product of your own choice.
Ques.1.Compare traditional media with modern media.
Ques.2.Develop the IMC planning process with the help of diagram.
Ques.3.Distinguish between online advertising and mobile advertising.

Ques.1.Assess the role of corporate image and brand management in IMC.
Ques.2.Choose a product and apply IMC planning process in it.
Ques.1.Design the model of IMC planning process.
Ques.2.Propose the IMC components in deatail.

Ques.1.Underline the importance of media strategy and media mix.
Ques.2.Define the role of advertising personnel.
Ques.3.Recognize the objective of marketing communication.
Ques.4.Define media strategy and media mix.

Ques.1.Differentiate between verbal and visual images.
Ques.2.Describe how advertising objectives can be achieved.
Ques.3.Discuss advertising effectiveness in detail.

Ques.1.Demonstrate the role of advertising personnel.
Ques.2.Illustrate the “hierarchy of effects model”.

Ques.1.Draw and explain in detail the “hierarchy of effects model”.
Ques.2.Determine the types of budget.
Ques.3.Identify the message strategies in advertising design.

Ques.1.Evaluate the methods of setting advertising budget.
Ques.2.Estimate the role of “means end theory”.

Ques.1.Propose “means-end theory in advertising”.
Ques.2.Design the advertising campaign management.
Ques.3.Propose how to establish a communication budget.

Ques.1.Define database marketing.
Ques.2.Define direct marketing and permission marketing.
Ques.3.Underline the importance of digital marketing and social media marketing.
Ques.4.Identify the objectives of trade promotions.

Ques.1.Discriminate between direct marketing and permission marketing.
Ques.2.Explain the consumer sales promotion process.
Ques.3.Discuss the functions and tools of public relation.

Ques.1.Illustrate the importance of word-of-mouth in promotions and public relations.
Ques.2.Interpret how to create positive image in promotions and public relations.
Ques.3.Demonstrate the nature and objective of trade promotions.

Ques.1.Distinguish between digital marketing and social media marketing communications.
Ques.2.Deduce different types of trade promotions.
Ques.3.Identify how to prevent the image damage in promotions.
Ques.1.Evaluate the IMC program.
Ques.2.Assess the role of advertising media.

Ques.1.Predict the objectives of trade promotions.
Ques.2.Predict how social media helps in advertising and promotions.

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