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Preparing of Minutes of Meetings (MOM)

Initially, I was assigned to prepare minutes of meeting with the help assistant manager
Human Resource. He has given me a sample of minutes of meeting for study purpose I have
gone through the MOM to understand how they use to record minutes of meeting.
Afterward, I attend multiple meetings of management held at meeting hall at PepsiCo. I
recorded all the discussed issues and opinions of participants in raw form.
I was advised by Assistant HR to formulate the minutes of meeting on prescribed format of
PepsiCo. Therefore, I gather all the information from participants to finalize the MOM. I
took 3 days to complete the task that includes analysis, proof reading and finally publishing
to staff for record purpose and onward implementation to agreed solutions.

B. Circulate the Minutes of Meetings in PepsiCo

In the wake of setting up the MOM which are directed in PepsiCo. I and administrative staff
compiled the MOM in PepsiCo. We have to compile and submit finalized minutes 2 to 3

C. Response to the Mails Received

In order to maintain close liaison with staff it is important to respond all
mains/communication of team members in stipulated time frame to ensure efficient
working. Therefore, Manager HR advised to spend some time with Mr. Ahmed who taught
me the importance of this aspect as well as implications in working sector.

D. Maintenance of Commercial/Official Files

Record keeping is very important while working as professional, I was taught during my IR
to file all the important document in files according to their labels to use them as and when
require as proof. Electricity Bills files, WASA Bill, GASS Bill, clients record files are some
important files that I had maintained.

2- Human Resource Management Department & Training Department

In HR department I worked for 02 weeks under the kind guidelines of GM of HR department Sir
Asad Ali Bashir.

Following is the detail of assigned task/assignments during my internship period.

A) Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In order to develop procedure of each department, HR Manager of department assigned
me to develop the formatting in PowerPoint and MS word slides. Further to develop their
KPIs in provided format we assign colors to each department. After that, we conducted a
meeting to describe the procedure of developing the KPIs

In this meeting I was assigned by HR Manager to make minutes of meeting with

coordination of assistant manager HR, after meeting we prepared the minutes of meeting.

In order to validate procedure of functions performed by PepsiCo, Manager conducted a

conference meeting on KPIs. After that meeting we finally able to finalize the KIPs.

B) Performance Appraisal

PA is a technique to evaluate performance of employee against the set objectives and KPIs. I
assisted Manager HR to prepare Performance Appraisal in light of given objective. This
procedure is as per the theory we had studies in HRM Subject (MGT501).

A. Preparation of Minutes of Meetings (MOM)

Initially, I was assigned the task of preparing minutes of meetings in collaboration with the
Assistant Manager of Human Resources. To familiarize myself with the process, the Assistant
Manager provided me with a sample of minutes of meeting for study purposes. I carefully
reviewed the MOM to understand how meetings were recorded. Subsequently, I attended
multiple management meetings held in the meeting hall at PepsiCo, diligently capturing all
discussed issues and participants' opinions in their raw form.

Following the Assistant HR's guidance, I formulated the minutes of meetings according to
PepsiCo's prescribed format. This involved gathering all necessary information from the
participants to finalize the MOM. The entire process took me three days, including analysis,
proofreading, and finally publishing the minutes for record-keeping purposes and for
implementing agreed-upon solutions.

B. Circulation of Minutes of Meetings at PepsiCo

Upon completing the MOM, the administrative staff and I compiled the finalized minutes at
PepsiCo. The minutes were then submitted within 2 to 3 days as per the established procedure.

C. Response to Received Emails

To maintain effective communication and close liaison with the staff, it was crucial to respond
promptly to all emails and communications from team members. The HR Manager emphasized
the importance of this aspect and its implications in ensuring efficient working. I was advised to
spend time with Mr. Ahmed, who provided valuable insights into the significance of timely
responses and their impact on the working sector.

D. Maintenance of Commercial/Official Files

Maintaining proper records and files is vital in a professional setting. During my internship, I
learned the importance of record-keeping and organizing important documents in labeled files
for future reference and as evidence. I managed files for electricity bills, WASA bills, gas bills,
and client records, ensuring they were properly maintained.

Human Resource Management Department & Training Department

During my internship in the HR department, I had the privilege of working under the guidance
of GM of HR department, Mr. Asad Ali Bashir, for two weeks. The following are the tasks and
assignments I was assigned during this period:

A. Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To establish a procedure for each department, the HR Manager assigned me the task of
developing the formatting in PowerPoint and MS Word slides. Furthermore, I was responsible
for creating the KPIs for each department based on the provided format, assigning distinct
colors to represent each department. Following the development, a meeting was conducted to
explain the procedure of creating the KPIs.

In this meeting, I was assigned the responsibility by the HR Manager to prepare the minutes of
the meeting in coordination with the Assistant Manager of HR. Subsequently, we prepared the
minutes of the meeting, documenting the discussions and outcomes.

To validate the procedures of functions performed by PepsiCo, a conference meeting on KPIs

was conducted by the HR Manager. Following this meeting, we were able to finalize the KPIs.

B. Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal (PA) is a technique used to evaluate employees' performance against

set objectives and KPIs. I assisted the HR Manager in preparing the Performance Appraisal
based on the given objectives. This process aligned with the concepts we had studied in the
HRM subject (MGT501).

Please rewrite below paragraphs:

During the internship, I worked in HR department I learned many things practically. It is prime
responsibility of HR department to gauge the changing and enhancement of business that
ultimately require increased resources in shape of human resources. In order to fulfill the
requirement, it is imperative to analyze the circumspect and forecast the resource deployment
in different areas/departments. Subjected activity is performed in very professional manner, as
being student of HRM we have studied that planning and forecasting is very important for any
organization for smooth and uninterrupted working.

Room of improvement is available in every organization and every departments, Supply Chain
department is very efficiently that is rarely found in any organization of Pakistan however I
believe that improvement in value addition productivity across the chain will help to ensure
effectiveness and efficiency of Supply Chain.

PepsiCo is the leader food and beverage sector and Supply Chain effectiveness will be the key
to continue its fly. The more it innovate the supply chain and taste the more business volume
will increase.

Human Resource Planning and Forecasting

During the internship, I worked in HR department I learned many things practically. It is

prime responsibility of HR department to gauge the changing and enhancement of
business that ultimately require increased resources in shape of human resources. In order
to fulfill the requirement, it is imperative to analyze the circumspect and forecast the
resource deployment in different areas/departments. Subjected activity is performed in
very professional manner, as being student of HRM we have studied that planning and
forecasting is very important for any organization for smooth and unerupted working.

1. Employees Recruitment & Selection

After first phase of planning and forecasting, candidates are searched in light of vacant
post that are complying with requirement of specific job, for searching the suitable
candidate different methods i.e. News Paper adds, Career Opportunity on company
website or internally announcement via email are used to find the desired candidate. After
finding candidates, they are evaluated in interview on specific trial in consideration of
certain questions relevance of the job. This procedure in very transparent in PepsiCo as
employee are selected on merit basis which is very plus point for organization that ensure
effective and efficient working around the board.

2. Training & Development

Training are properly imparted to all staff as per Training Need Identification (TNI)
calendar. Proper record is maintained in file that is rechecked by higher management as
well as by auditors to ensure implementation of TNI at all branches of PepsiCo.
3. Performance Management
 Settings performance standards and expectations
In this section, before evaluating the performance it is necessary to give certain and
achievable objective for a specific period of time and after that achievement is assessed on
the basis of given target.

 Assessment of performance
While working I was told the complete cycle of setting Goals and Objective annually and
after completion of year performance is assessed on prescribed format covering all the KPIs
of employee.

4. Employee Compensation & Benefits

Type of Compensation and Benefits are mentioned below:

 Basic salary  Housing Allowance  Car for Managers

 Skill based Pay  Utilities Allowance  Group Life
 Promotion increase  Bonuses Insurance

 Annual/Sick/Causal
 Work accident leave
 Annual Leave
 Short Leave
 Leave without pay
 Public Holidays
 Compensatory
Relocation Allowance

 Household, Personal Belonging Packing & Transportation:

 Travel Cost
 House Rent

5. Organizational Career Management

Career management is working with true professionalism and candidates are shortlist on
merit during working with HR team I have observed great send of transparency in day-to-
day activities.

6. Labor Management Relations

Labor Management Relations in PepsiCo is handled by Industrial Relation Manager Jawed
Masood Sb. At PepsiCo there is Union of Worker staff that is led by Mr. Pervaiz (Workers
Representative) and all demands are decided in an agreement that has validity of 2 years.
This agreement is between Management of PepsiCo and Worker staff/labor which is also
on PepsiCo payroll on permanent basis (Not on contract).

During my internship in the HR department, I gained valuable practical insights into various
aspects of human resource management. The HR department plays a crucial role in gauging the
changing and growing needs of the business, particularly when it comes to acquiring the right
human resources. To fulfill these requirements, effective planning and forecasting are essential
to analyze and deploy resources across different areas and departments. As an HRM student, I
have learned that such planning and forecasting are crucial for ensuring smooth and
uninterrupted operations within any organization.

One area that impressed me during my internship was the highly efficient Supply Chain
department, a rarity in many Pakistani organizations. However, I believe that there is room for
improvement, particularly in enhancing value addition productivity across the chain. By
improving efficiency, the Supply Chain can play a key role in maintaining PepsiCo's leadership
position in the food and beverage sector, as innovations in the supply chain can lead to
increased business volumes.
In terms of Human Resource Planning and Forecasting, my internship allowed me to witness
the practical application of these principles. The HR department diligently searched for suitable
candidates based on job requirements, utilizing various methods like newspaper ads, career
opportunities on the company website, and internal announcements via email. Interviews were
conducted transparently, and candidates were selected on merit, ensuring an effective and
efficient workforce.

The training and development of employees were conducted systematically based on the
Training Need Identification (TNI) calendar. Proper records were maintained, reviewed by
higher management and auditors, to ensure TNI implementation across all PepsiCo branches.

Performance management at PepsiCo involved setting performance standards and

expectations, followed by the assessment of employee performance against predetermined
objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The process was organized on an annual basis
to evaluate employees' achievements and contributions.

Employee compensation and benefits were structured to include basic salary, skill-based pay,
promotion increases, housing and utilities allowances, bonuses, car allowances for managers,
and group life insurance. Various types of leaves, such as annual, sick, causal, and public
holidays, were offered to employees, along with relocation allowances for transportation and

The organizational career management process demonstrated a high level of professionalism,

with candidates shortlisted based on merit. The HR team ensured transparency in day-to-day
activities related to career management.

Labor Management Relations were handled by the Industrial Relation Manager, Mr. Jawed
Masood, and involved a union of worker staff, led by Mr. Pervaiz, the Workers Representative.
All demands were negotiated and agreed upon in a formal agreement with a two-year validity
period between PepsiCo management and the worker staff, who were on permanent payroll
rather than on a contract basis.
Overall, my internship experience in the HR department at PepsiCo provided me with practical
insights into various HR functions, highlighting the company's commitment to professionalism
and transparency in its HR practices.

Please rewrite below:

After internship of 6 weeks, I can say evidently that PepsiCo past performance and current days
achievements under strict govt. policies I have no doubt to say that PepsiCo has managed its
operation in all fields of business excellently, in SWOT Analysis it is evident that PepsiCo has
shown tremendous output in major fields like Marketing, Distribution Network and
development to give tough to give tough time its rivals. In reference to critical analysis, HR

Are performed in very affective way considering the HR methods and criteria. However,
organizations has to starve and have to do extra for sustainable market place but still PepsiCo
has managed to remain in list of one of the leading organization of Pakistan.

After completing a 6-week internship at PepsiCo, I can confidently state that the company has
demonstrated exceptional performance in both its past achievements and current endeavors,
even under the challenges of strict government policies. PepsiCo has excelled in various areas
of business, as evidenced by its remarkable performance in Marketing, Distribution Network,
and product development, enabling it to compete strongly with its rivals. In conducting a SWOT
Analysis, it becomes evident that PepsiCo has achieved tremendous success in these major

Regarding the critical analysis of the HR function, I observed that PepsiCo employs effective HR
methods and criteria, ensuring the smooth functioning of HR-related activities. While every
organization must continuously strive and go the extra mile to maintain a sustainable market
position, PepsiCo has successfully managed to establish itself as one of the leading
organizations in Pakistan.

Please rewrite below:

Training Department

a. Record Keeping

I was assigned to work with accountant, during this period I maintained record of daily pity cash
vouchers and HISAB of daily. It includes the tracking of all expenses (purchases, payments etc.) I
also worked in Customer Services Department, record keeping and filing was main focus in that
tenure in order to ensure accuracy to satisfy the consumers complaints.

b. Company’s cash flow Management

Finance Manager helped to practically learn how to meet the day to day running of the
company all cash flows. By managing in to and out of a company as well as ensuring that
sufficient funds are available too.

Training Department:

a. Record Keeping

During my time at the Training Department, I was assigned to work with the accountant. One of
my main responsibilities was maintaining records of daily petty cash vouchers and daily HISAB
(accounting). This involved meticulously tracking all expenses, including purchases and
payments. Additionally, while working in the Customer Services Department, my focus was on
record keeping and filing to ensure accuracy and address consumer complaints effectively.

b. Company's Cash Flow Management

Under the guidance of the Finance Manager, I had the opportunity to practically learn how to
manage the day-to-day cash flows of the company. This involved overseeing both incoming and
outgoing funds to ensure the company's smooth operations and to guarantee the availability of
sufficient funds when needed.

Please rewrite below:

14- SWOT Analysis

 Each sub-division provides service of One Window
 MEPCO provide service of computerized customer service center in each circle.
 For correction and installments in bills MEPCO establish mobile customer service.
 To provide facilities to customers Central Chief Executive Office is also established.
 Field officers are appointed near to geographic center as per their jurisdiction
 XEN and RO offices are co-located.
 1 year history of billing is printed along with SDO’s cell number.
 All branches of all banks and post offices are authorized to collect bills along with jazz cash
and easypaisa account.
 Well defined and uniform policy for detection bills

 New projects are always time taking
 Communication system between customers is not strong.
 Customer service center is not working properly
 Lack of loyalty in staff
 Company lost its trust over customers due to corruption
 Complaint system is very old and execution on complaint is very poor and slow.

 As per plan MEPCO should work on their Corporatization and commercialization
 Mobile customer service centers must be operational in all circles
 Improvement of transmission lines to reduce energy losses.
 New technology incorporated in all grid stations to reduce energy losses.
 To improve field provide transportation facility to employees
 Political interference is always a big threat foe public companies
 MEPCO is depending on other power supply companies
 Due to increase in corruption and theft of energy losses are expected.
 Influence of Labor unions
 Solar panels are major threat for company.

15- Conclusion

After internship of 6 weeks, I can say evidently that MEPCO past performance and current days
achievements under fluctuating govt. policies I have no doubt to say that MEPCO has managed
its operation in all fields in good way, in SWOT Analysis it is evident that MEPCO has shown
good output in major fields like Structured environment, Distribution Network and
development to give tough to give tough time its competitors. In reference to critical analysis,
HR function Planning and Forecasting, Employees Recruitment & Selection, Training &
Development, Performance Management, Compensation & Benefits, Career Management,
Labor Management Relations are performed in very affective way considering the HR methods
and criteria. MEPCO is largest electric supply company that provides power and electricity to
southern Punjab region that includes

Multan, Layyah, Muzaffarghar, D.G Khan, Lodhran, Bhawlpur, Lodhran, Rajanpur, Khanewal,
Raheem Yar Khan, Pakpattan, Bhawalnager and Vehari districts. MEPCO is performing well but
some areas need improvement. MEPCO is vertically organized by management. Top level
management has skills to make MEPCO a super company and competing other electric supply
companies. Middle level and lower management is also working hard to uplift company.
Unfortunately some factors like political influence, lack of advance technology and lack of
equipment’s for maintenance purpose are spoiling image of organization. Company should take
all necessary steps to fulfill electricity demand. To fulfill customers demand must be the priority
of MEPCO. On failure of supply of electricity quick response should be given to customers. Slow
speed of complaints must be eliminated. Political influence and labor union influence must be
However, organizations has to starve and have to do extra for sustainable market place but still
MEPCO has managed to remain in list of one of the leading Eclectic Supply company of

16- Recommendations

Following are some recommendations about the MEPCO on basis of Critical and SWOT analysis:

 Management should focus on inter department communication.

 In absence of top managers middle level managers have authority to make in spot
decision which should be necessary.
 Different training programs must be held for employees.
 Safety measures must be implemented for on field workers.
 Proper job description must be announced.
 Right person for right job must be appointed
 Customer service issues must be rectified on priority basis.
 All the duties and responsibilities of the employees and the workers should be clearly
 The extra equipment for maintenance and complaint attendance must be provided to
the staff.
 Political influence must be eliminated.

SWOT Analysis:


o MEPCO provides efficient One Window service in each sub-division.

o Computerized customer service centers are available in every circle.
o Mobile customer service for bill correction and installments is offered.
o The Central Chief Executive Office provides facilities to customers.
o Field officers are strategically appointed for easy accessibility.
o Co-location of XEN and RO offices for improved coordination.
o Bills include a 1-year history and SDO's contact number.
o Multiple authorized bill collection points, including banks, post offices, jazz cash, and
o A well-defined and uniform policy for bill detection.


o New projects tend to be time-consuming.

o Weak communication system between customers.
o Inefficiency in the customer service center.
o Lack of loyalty among staff.
o Previous corruption incidents eroded customer trust.
o Complaint system is outdated with poor and slow execution.


o Focus on Corporatization and commercialization.

o Extend mobile customer service centers to all circles.
o Improve transmission lines to reduce energy losses.
o Implement new technology in grid stations to minimize energy losses.
o Provide transportation facilities to field employees.


o Political interference poses a threat to public companies like MEPCO.

o Dependence on other power supply companies.
o Expected increase in corruption and energy theft.
o Influence of labor unions.
o Competition from solar panels affecting company performance.


After my 6-week internship, I can confidently state that MEPCO has performed well in the face
of fluctuating government policies. The SWOT Analysis reveals positive outputs in major areas
such as a structured environment and an efficient Distribution Network, allowing MEPCO to
compete effectively with its rivals. The HR function has proven to be effective in various
aspects, including Planning and Forecasting, Employees Recruitment & Selection, Training &
Development, Performance Management, Compensation & Benefits, Career Management, and
Labor Management Relations.

MEPCO, being the largest electric supply company in southern Punjab, has demonstrated
resilience and competitiveness. However, certain areas require improvement, such as
addressing political influence and implementing advanced technology for better maintenance.
The company should prioritize fulfilling electricity demand and responding promptly to
customer needs and complaints.


Based on the Critical and SWOT Analysis, the following recommendations are proposed for

• Improve interdepartmental communication to enhance efficiency.

• Empower middle-level managers to make necessary on-the-spot decisions in the absence of
top managers.
• Organize diverse training programs for employees' skill development.
• Implement safety measures for on-field workers.
• Provide clear job descriptions and appoint the right candidates for the right roles.
• Resolve customer service issues promptly and prioritize customer satisfaction.
• Define clear duties and responsibilities for all employees and workers.
• Ensure availability of necessary equipment for maintenance and complaint resolution.
• Eliminate political influence from the organization.

By implementing these recommendations, MEPCO can further strengthen its position as a

leading electric supply company in Pakistan and sustain its presence in the market.

Job Changes within the Organization:


MEPCO follows a Performance Management system to assess employees for promotion.

Employees are evaluated based on specific objectives, and their performance is categorized as
meeting expectations, exceeding expectations, or falling below expectations. If an employee
meets or exceeds expectations and fulfills the specific tenure criteria in their current grade,
they become eligible for promotion to the next grade.


The transfer of employees in MEPCO is managed by the Admin Department. Employees who
wish to transfer need to submit a Performa providing relevant information about themselves.
Additionally, they must obtain a certificate from their relieving Principal stating no pending
enquiries, complaints, or audit issues against them. The transfer request is then approved by
the Competent Authority before being discussed and decided upon in a meeting by the
members. Finally, HR issues the transfer orders.


Demotion is considered a major penalty in MEPCO and is applied to employees involved in

illegal activities or actions not allowed by the law or the department. Before any demotion is
implemented, a proper investigation takes place to determine the employee's involvement.
Demotions are rare in MEPCO, as per discussions with the HR Manager.



Layoff refers to temporary involuntary termination, which may last for a few days or extend to
years. However, there are no specific rules for layoff in MEPCO.


MEPCO has the right to terminate employees who fail to perform their duties according to their
job description. Termination follows a specific procedure and requires approval from higher


When an employee wishes to resign from their position, they submit a resignation letter to
their immediate officer. The concerned officer forwards the application to the Manager Admin.
After that, both managers forward the resignation letter to the HR Department, where it is
either accepted or rejected.


Employees of MEPCO can retire after reaching the age of 60 years. The retirement procedure
involves the employee submitting their retirement request, after which the HR Department
processes the retirement accordingly.

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