Science 4-Animal Adaptation

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Quezon
San Isidro Elementary School
Guinayangan, Quezon



A. Content Standard
Animals have body parts that make them adapt to land or water
B. Performance Standards
Construct a prototype model of organism that has body parts which can
survive in a given environment
C. Learning Objective
Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular


A. Topic
Body Structures of Animals for Adaptation and Survival
B. References
PIVOT 4A Self-Learning Module
Science IV Textbook
C. Materials
Pictures, PowerPoint presentation, Projector, Downloaded Video, visual aids
D. Integration
English, ICT, Mathematics, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Physical Education,
Arts, Music
E. Value Integration
Appreciation of the importance of animals in keeping the balance of nature.


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
Good morning class, before we start our In the name of the Father, of the Son and of
lesson for this day let us first seek the the Holy Spirit ,Amen….
guidance of our Almighty through praying. Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom
Allea Jizeah will you please lead the prayer. His love entrust me here. Ever this day be at
my side to light and guide, to rule and guide.
Thank you Alea Jizeah. You may now
take your seat.

2. Greetings
Good morning children. Today is
another Science journey. I’m so excited to
know where will the Science world will take us (The pupils listen carefully to their
today. So fasten your seatbelt and we are teacher.)
about to start our journey. Enjoy while

3. Checking of Attendance
Let me see whose here today. Say “I’m (The pupil who was called said “I’m
here!” once your name is called. here”)
4. Recall classroom rules
Since we are still in the time of - Wash your hands frequently and sanitize it
pandemic let us always remember the things using alcohol.
that we should and shouldn’t do. Who can
give me the things we should do to avoid being
infected with the virus? Yes, Carl Justine will
you please give one.
- Maintain social distancing and always
Very good, Carl Justine. Who else can wear facemask.
give other safety protocol? Yes, Zembrant

That’s amazing Zembrant Jhay. Children

always remember those safety protocol for ENGLISH
you &
to avoid contracting the virus. ICT

B. Developmental Activities (The children read the words flashed

1. Drill on the screen by group, by row, and by
Children I have here words of different pairs)
body organs. Read them as I flash the slides.

2. Review -Yes Maam!

Do you still recall our previous lesson?
That’s good. For me to know if you really (The pupil who got the correct answer
understand our previous lesson I have here a received a prize from the teacher.)
simple game. In each slides are the functions
of the different organs. You will choose form
the pictures which organ perform that function. ENGLISH &
For every correct answer you got you will have ICT
a prize.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we start our lesson let us first
unlock the meaning of the following words
which you will come across during our (The pupils actively participate in the
discussion. activity. Pupils who got correct answer
a. Habitat - the natural environment in were praised and recognized by the
which an animal or plant usually lives. teacher.)
(Cambridge Dictionary) (Thru picture clue)
b. Adaptation - a change or the process
of change by which an organism or species
becomes better suited to its environment
(Oxford Languages) (thru unscrambled
c. Terrestrial animals- organism that
lives on land or on the ground rather than in
the sea, in trees, or in the air (Collins English
Dictionary) (Thru picture clue)
d. Aquatic Animals - animals that live
predominantly in different water forms, such as
seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds (Thru picture clue)

C. Motivation - Maam, there are animals and crops in the

Have you visited a farm? farm.
What are the things you see in the farm? - There are cows, carabaos, hens, goats and
Can you give some things you see in the ducks in the farm.
farm, Lianegh? Very well said Lianegh!
Princess Mhay, what are the animals that - No Maam. Animals live in different habitat.
you can find in the farm? That’s right Princess Some animals live on land, others live on
Mhay. water others fly on air.
Do animals in the farm live in the same
habitat? Yes, Keannie. That’s amazing
Keannie. Different animals live in different - Sit properly.
habitat. - Listen carefully to the teacher.
- Understand the story.
Today I will read to you a story about a
city girl who visited the farm of her cousin. Let
us see what are here experiences during her
visit in the farm. But before that let me first ask
you what are the things to do while listening to
a story? (The story will be presented thru
PowerPoint presentation)

(The teacher reads the story to the


A Day in the Farm

Margaux and her family visit their relatives

in Quezon province. It is Margaux first time to
be in the province. She is so excited.
When they finally arrived at their
grandfather’s farm she immediately gets out of (The children listen attentively to their
the car and was amazed by the view. Lolo teacher.)
Carding welcomes them in their place. Maria,
Margaux cousin invited her to have a walk in
the farm after their snacks.
First, they go to the nearby pond. Margaux
saw fishes that swims freely in the water. She
also sees some crabs and shrimps. Margaux
was also amazed on how the ducks bathe in
the cold water. She almost jumps in shock
when a frog comes out of a lotus plant.
Maria also accompany Margaux to the
grassland where carabaos, cows and goats
are busy eating the green grass using their big
flat teeth. There are also chicken, goose and
peacock in the farm. Butterflies and bees are
busy pollinating the flowers.
Margaux had a great time in the farm with
her blind cousin. She was so inspired on how
Maria appreciates her surrounding even she
cannot see them at all. “God’s creations are -The story is interesting and we can relate
really wonderful”, Margaux uttered to herself to it because the animals mentioned in the
with joy in her heart. story are the animals in our community.

How do you find the story? Can I hear it

from Khriss Raven? What a great observation ESP, MATH
Khriss Raven!
- Marquax visited the farm of Lolo Carding.
I have here questions form the story that I
read. Raise your hands if you want to answer. - She saw carabao, cow, goat, chicken
goose, peacock, butterflies, bees, crabs, frogs,
1. Who visited the farm? shrimps, and fishes.
- Her cousin Maria accompanied her in her
2. What are the animal she saw in the trip to the farm.
- Margaux saw thirteen different animals.
3. Who accompany her in her trip in the
- Because of the beauty of nature she
4. Margaux saw how many animals on appreciates the things around her.
the farm?
- if I am Maria I will still appreciate God’s
5. What makes Margaux appreciates the creation even I am blind because I am still
things around her? gifted with other things.

6. If you were Maria, will you still

appreciate God’s creation even you are blind?
Why? Why not?

Wow! You really understand the story. I

am happy to know that even though we had
gone a long break from physical school all of
you still have that desire of learning.

D. Activity
Here are the animals that Margaux
saw in Lolo Carding’s farm. Let us group them (The children group the animals
according to their habitat. according to their habitat.)

- Animals were able to live in their respective

habitat because of their body structure.

Ask: What makes these animals able to

live in their respective habitat? Yes, Charlene.
That’s is awesomely correct Charlene.
because of their body structure animals were ICT (The pupils attentively watch the video.)
able to live and eventually survive in their
respective habitat.

E. Analysis
Discuss further the body structure that
animals use in adapting to their habitat using a
Video presentation.

F. Abstraction
Study the pictures of animals that live
on land and in water. Study their body
structures that enable them to adapt in their

- Work collaboratively.
- Work silently.

G. Application
Group the class into three. Each
group will select their leader. The teacher will
ask the pupils of the different rules during
group activity.
(Each group works collaboratively and
Group 1. ARTS the leader with the members present their
work after the allotted time.)
Draw five (5) animals that live on land and
five (5) animals that live on water. Identify the
body parts used by the animals to adapt to
their environment during the presentation.



Composed a rap or jingle about animals

in their different habitat.

Group 3

Imitate the movement of the following

animals and tell where they live and what part
of their body they use in order to adapt in their
habitat. - Animals adapt themselves to their
surroundings by their body structures.
Crab Horse Birds Frog

H. Generalization
How do animals adapt to their

Study the body structures of animals in column A. Match each structure in column A that is
correctly associated to animals in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

Column A Column B
______1. wings A. butterfly
______2. fur B. leech
______3. beaks C. stingray
______4. exoskeleton D. eagle
______5. shell E. lobster
______6. gills F. horse
______7. smooth skin G. clam

Prepared by:


Teacher II/ Grade IV-Adviser

Observed by:


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