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• The z-transform is a useful tool in the analysis of discrete-time signals and
systems and is the discrete-time counterpart of the Laplace transform for
continuous-time signals and systems.
• It gives a method for the analysis of discrete time systems in the frequency
• The purpose of the z-transform is to map (transform) any point s=±σ±jω in
the s-plane to a corresponding point z(r∠ω) in the z-plane by the
relationship z=esT, where T is the sampling period (seconds).
• The z-transform may be used to solve constant coefficient difference
equations, evaluate the response of a linear time-invariant system to a given
input, and design linear filters.
Definition of z-Transform
• The z-transform of a discrete-time signal x(n) is defined by

where z = rejω is a complex variable.

• The values of z for which the sum converges define a region in the z-plane
referred to as the region of convergence (ROC).
• If x(n) has a z-transform X(z), we write

• The ROC is determined by the range of values of r for which

• The z-transform of a discrete-time signal x(n) is defined as the power series

This expression is generally referred to as the two-sided z-transform.

• If x(n) is a causal sequence, x(n) = 0 for n < 0, then its z-transform is

This expression is called a one-sided z-transform. This causal sequence

produces negative powers of z in X(z).

• If x(n) is a non-causal sequence, x(n) = 0 for n ≥ 0, then its z-transform is

This expression is also called a one-sided z-transform. This non-causal

sequence produces positive powers of z in X(z).
• Because the z-transform is a function
of a complex variable, it is convenient
to describe it using the complex z-
plane. With
z = Re(z) + jIm(z) = rejω
• The axes of the z-plane are the real and
imaginary parts of z as illustrated in
Fig. and the contour corresponding to
|z| = 1 is a circle of unit radius referred
to as the unit circle.
• The z-transform evaluated on the unit
circle corresponds to the DTFT.
• Evaluating X(z) at points around the
unit circle, beginning at z = l(ω = 0),
through z = j (ω = π/2), to z = - 1 (ω =
π) , we obtain the values of X(ejω) for
Properties of ROC for the z-Transform
Find the Z transform and plot the ROC of :
Find the Z transform and plot the ROC of :
Find the Z transform and plot the ROC of :
Properties of z-Transform
1. Linearity:
It implies that the z-transform of a linear combination of
signals is the same as the linear combination of their z-
2. Time Reversal:
Reflection in the time domain corresponds to inversion in the
• Example : Find the z-transform of the signal
x(n) = u(-n)
3. Time Shifting:
• Time Delay (Right-Shifting):
• Time Advance (Left-Shifting):
4. Time Scaling:
5. Differentiation:
Division by n + a (a is any Real Number)
6. Convolution:
7. Initial Value Theorem:
If x(n) is a causal sequence with z-transform X(z), the initial
value can be determined by using the expression
8. Final Value Theorem:
If X(z) = Z[x(n)] and the poles of X(z) are all inside the unit
circle, then the final value of the sequence, x(ꝏ), can be
determined by using the expression
Since x(-1)= 0. The limit z →1 gives correct results only when the point
z =1 is located within the ROC of X(z).
Find the z-transform of the following discrete-time signals
including the region of convergence

Inverse Z-Transform
• Inverse z-transform and recover the sequence
x(n) from X(z).
• The three basic methods of performing the
inverse z-transform:
1. long division method,
2. Partial fraction expansion method,
3. Residue method
Long Division Method
• The z-transform of a signal or system which is expressed as the ratio
of two polynomials in z, is simply divided out to produce a power
series in the form of an equation.

• From the above equation it is clear that expansion does not result in
a closed form solution.
• Hence, if X(z) can be expanded in a power series, the coefficients
represent the inverse sequence values.
Example : A system has an impulse response h(n)= {1, 2, 3}
and output response y(n) = {1, 1, 2, 21, 3}. Determine the
input sequence x(n).
Partial Fraction Expansion
• The partial fraction expansion method is useful to decompose a
signal or a system transfer function into a sum of standard functions.
• First we have to factorise the denominator of the transfer function
H(z) into prime factors.
• Then, for simple poles, H(z) can be expressed in the following form,
with m ≤ n,
Each constant is determined by substituting the appropriate value of z to make
the associated prime factor zero. Then the inverse z-transform may be obtained
using Table
Contour Integration—Residue Method
Solution of LCCDE Using z-Transform
• Consider the difference equation
y[n]−3y[n −1] = 0, n ≥ 0, y[−1] = 2
• Taking z-transform of both sides

A1=-8, A2=12

• A discrete-time LTI system is causal if and only if the ROC of its system
function is the exterior of a circle, including infinity.
• For Anti causal system, poles of transfer function should lie outside unit
circle in Z-plane. For anti-causal system, ROC will be inside the circle in
• A discrete-time LTI system with rational system function H(z) is causal if
and only if:
a) the ROC is the exterior of a circle outside the outermost pole; and
b) with H(z) expressed as a ratio of polynomials in z, the order of the
numerator cannot be greater than the order of the denominator.
• An LTI system is stable if and only if the ROC of its system
function H(z) includes the unit circle, |z| = 1.
• A causal LTI system with rational system function H(z) is
stable if and only if all of the poles of H(z) lie inside the unit
circle-i.e., they must all have magnitude smaller than 1.
• Consider a causal system with system function

• which has a pole at z = a. For this system to be stable, its pole

must be inside the unit circle, i.e., we must have |a| < 1.
order of the numerator < order of the denominator. So,
System is Causal

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