A Rock Relay Is Held at The Multi

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The Boat is Sinking, form a sequence and find the common difference:
 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 d = ____
 3, 5, 7,9, 13 d = ____
 5, 10, 15, 20 d = ____

2. Rock Relay
Ten rocks are placed 3m apart along a line. A basket is placed at the
start of the line, 10m from the first rock. A player starts at the basket, runs to
the first rock, picks it up, and returns to place the rock in the basket. Each of
ten rocks is picked up and carried to the basket, one at a time. What is the
total distance covered by a person who places all 10 rocks in the basket?

What is the total distance covered by a person who places all 10 rocks in the

The first term a1 =___, d = ___ and n = 10. To find the distance covered by
the person, we must solve for Sn.

𝑺𝒏 = [𝟐𝒂𝟏+(𝒏−𝟏)𝒅]

Since the person, after picking up each rock, returns to place the rocks in the
basket, so we must double Sn. Thus, the total distance covered is ______________.

3. Form a pyramid of sequence having the common difference of 2, first term is

1, and last term of 5. Answer: __________________

4. Form a pyramid of 2, 4, 8, 16 and find the common ratio. Answer: r = _____

5. Form a sequence of alternate 2 boys and 1 girl up to tenth terms.

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