Grade 7 - Mock Paper

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Time: 90mins

Total marks: 50

Section A - Very Short Answer Questions (10 Marks)

1. Name two important rivers that played a significant role in shaping India's history.
2. What is the primary concern addressed in the chapter "Environment"?
3. Who was the famous ruler during the Gupta Empire known for his support of arts and
4. Define the term "natural resources" and give one example.
5. Mention two ways in which the government can promote public health.

Section B - Short Answer Questions (15 Marks)

1. Explain the concept of sustainable development and why it is crucial for our
2. Compare and contrast renewable and non-renewable natural resources with two
examples of each.
3. Trace the major political changes in India during the medieval period.
4. How does the government play a crucial role in educating its citizens? Give three points.
5. Explain the three main components of the environment.

Section C - Long Answer Questions (15 Marks)

1. Trace the changes in the field of art and architecture during the medieval period in India.
Provide specific examples.
2. Describe the causes and consequences of air pollution on the environment and human
health. Suggest measures to control it.
3. Analyse the role of the Indian government in promoting public health through healthcare
facilities, sanitation, and awareness campaigns.

Section D: Comprehension Based Questions (10 marks)

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

The environment is everything around us. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the
land we live on, and the plants and animals that share our planet. The environment is important
to us because it provides us with the things we need to survive.

The environment is also important because it sustains life. Plants and animals need a healthy
environment to live and reproduce. When the environment is polluted or damaged, it can harm
plants and animals, and it can also make it difficult for people to live healthy lives.

We all have a responsibility to protect the environment. We can do this by recycling, conserving
water, and reducing our use of harmful chemicals. We can also support organizations that are
working to protect the environment.

1. What is the environment?

2. Why is the environment important to us?
3. What are some ways that we can protect the environment?
4. What are some organizations that are working to protect the environment?
5. Define air pollution and suggest ways to prevent air pollution.

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