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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 67, No. 9, 2004, Pages 2041–2052

Copyright Q, International Association for Food Protection

Concepts and Tools for Predictive Modeling of

Microbial Dynamics

1BioTeC—Bioprocess Technology and Control, Department of Chemical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, W. de Croylaan 46, B-3001
Leuven, Belgium; and 2Laboratory for Food Microbiology and Food Preservation, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Ghent University,
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

MS 03-710: Received 25 August 2003/Accepted 12 March 2004

Description of microbial cell (population) behavior as influenced by dynamically changing environmental conditions
intrinsically needs dynamic mathematical models. In the past, major effort has been put into the modeling of microbial growth
and inactivation within a constant environment (static models). In the early 1990s, differential equation models (dynamic
models) were introduced in the field of predictive microbiology. Here, we present a general dynamic model-building concept
describing microbial evolution under dynamic conditions. Starting from an elementary model building block, the model
structure can be gradually complexified to incorporate increasing numbers of influencing factors. Based on two case studies,
the fundamentals of both macroscopic (population) and microscopic (individual) modeling approaches are revisited. These
illustrations deal with the modeling of (i) microbial lag under variable temperature conditions and (ii) interspecies microbial
interactions mediated by lactic acid production (product inhibition). Current and future research trends should address the need
for (i) more specific measurements at the cell and/or population level, (ii) measurements under dynamic conditions, and (iii)
more comprehensive (mechanistically inspired) model structures. In the context of quantitative microbial risk assessment,
complexity of the mathematical model must be kept under control. An important challenge for the future is determination of
a satisfactory trade-off between predictive power and manageability of predictive microbiology models.

Predictive food microbiology involves the quantifica- decay reaction (3). Effects of environmental conditions on
tion of microbial ecology in foods by means of mathemat- the parameters of these primary models (i.e., evolution of
ical models (54). These models can then be used to predict cell number as a function of time) are embedded into sec-
food safety and shelf life, to develop and implement safety ondary models (71). Dynamic primary models capable of
assurance systems in the food industry (e.g., hazard anal- dealing with realistic time-variable conditions and taking
ysis critical control point programs), and to establish ex- into account the previous history of the food product in a
posure studies in the framework of risk assessment (13, 15, natural way have been introduced beginning in the early
53, 72). Whereas challenge testing tends to be the most 1990s (7, 63). In addition to the need for such dynamic
common policy in the food industry, information on micro- models, real food product conditions (e.g., fluctuating en-
bial kinetics in food products is being increasingly consol- vironmental conditions, food structure, low numbers of
idated into mathematical models, which may significantly contaminating cells, inimical conditions near the growth–
reduce the number of challenge tests required to determine, no growth interface) should be taken into account during
for example, shelf life. In combination with predictive mod- modeling (38, 39, 73).
els for heat transfer and other process variables and the Here, we outline a consistent, well-founded dynamic
initial contamination level, these models are essential build- modeling strategy in the field of predictive microbiology.
ing blocks in time-saving simulation studies used to opti- Consequently, this article can be viewed as a tutorial (part-
mize and design processing, distribution, and storage con- ly) revisiting some general concepts from dynamic biopro-
ditions (e.g., temperature-time regimes), which guard food cess modeling and illustrating them with examples. A com-
safety and discourage spoilage (18). prehensive reference book on bioprocess modeling in all its
In the early years of predictive microbiology, strong facets was written by Roels (52). Here, the dynamic model-
preference was given to sigmoidal functions that produced building approach is first illustrated for modeling simple
an accurate description of growth curves obtained under growth and inactivation behavior. However, accurate mod-
nonvarying environmental conditions. The most commonly eling of microbial evolution in foods mostly demands for
used growth model was the modified Gompertz model (78). more complex model structures. In this respect, the mod-
Microbial inactivation at high temperatures (exhibiting log-
eling of microbial lag under time-variable temperature con-
linear behavior) could generally be described as a first-order
ditions via an individual-based approach and the modeling
* Author for correspondence. Tel: 132-16-32.14.66; Fax: 132-16- of interspecies microbial interactions mediated by product
32.29.91; E-mail: inhibition are discussed. The fundamentals of microscopic
2042 BERNAERTS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 9

(individual) and macroscopic (population) modeling also bial evolution under batch cultivation within an homoge-
are revisited. neous environment consists of the following set of differ-
Given the elementary building block for dynamic ential equations:
mathematical models describing microbial dynamics,
dNi (t)
(mechanistic) knowledge of microbial behavior in foods 5 mi [Ni (t), ^Nj (t)&i±j , ^env(t)&, ^P(t)&, ^S(t)&,
can be gradually built in to yield a generic model structure dt
describing the microbial dynamics of interest. During this ^phys(t)&, · · ·] · Ni (t) (1)
model development process, there is a continuous trade-off
between model complexity and manageability. The mathe- where i, j 5 1, 2, . . . , n is the number of microbial species
matical model should incorporate sufficient knowledge involved (analogous to other equations (5, 52, 67)). Ni(t)
(mechanistically inspired or extracted from experimental represents the cell density of species i, and mi(·) [h21] de-
data) to generate accurate predictions, which are indispens- fines its overall specific evolution rate depending on inter-
able for instilling confidence in predictive microbiology action(s) within and/or between microbial populations (Ni
within the food industry. However, these mathematical and/or Nj, respectively), physicochemical environmental
models must remain user friendly and computationally condition(s) (^env&), microbial metabolite concentration(s)
manageable to ensure their industrial applicability. (^P&), the physiological state(s) of the cells (^phys&), sub-
The use of mechanistically inspired dynamic models is strate concentration(s) (^S&), and other factors. The presence
strongly encouraged. However, the choice between or absence of one or multiple influencing factors of each
(semi)mechanistic and empirical modeling approaches is category depends on their relevance in the microbial pro-
not always clear. Empirical (black box) models are derived cess under study. Microbial growth is obtained when mi(·)
from experimental data and can be considered as purely . 0, and microbial decay results from mi(·) , 0.
curve-fitting models (e.g., polynomials, artificial neural net- All influencing factors may depend on time. For ex-
works), whereas genuine mechanistic (white box) models ample, temperature may change with time and thus acts as
are a precise mathematical translation of the underlying an input when solving the system of differential equations.
mechanism (e.g., metabolic models). Given the complexity To describe the time-dependent evolution of metabolite pro-
of biological phenomena and cell metabolisms, semime- duction and the physiological state of the cells, for example,
chanistic (hybrid or gray box) models encompassing (par- additional coupled differential equations are added to equa-
tial) mechanistic knowledge and model elements derived tion 1.
from the experimental data may be of more interest (and Within structured food systems, equation 1 describes
more suitable) in the field of predictive microbiology. the local dynamic behavior of microorganisms. In these
(Semi)mechanistic models tend to be more robust when systems, local inputs are needed. For example, local tem-
used outside the range of conditions for which they have peratures can be computed using heat transfer models. Mi-
been developed, they contribute to a better understanding crobial dynamics will be influenced by spatially variable
of the principles governing the process, and they are more substrates and nutrient concentrations, which may become
amenable to refinement as knowledge of the system increas- restricted because of diffusion limitations. Diffusion limi-
es (54). Empirical models can only perform well when the tations also cause spatial gradients of metabolic products.
model with controlled complexity is identified for extensive The need for a valid transport model for microbial cells
and sufficiently rich sets of experimental data (hereby (i.e., describing spatial colony dynamics) also is evident
avoiding overfitting) and is applied under the (highly stan- (26).
dardized) conditions for which it has been developed. Re-
Basic elements for modeling growth. When environ-
cently, Geeraerd et al. (25) demonstrated that the imple-
mental conditions are constant, the microbial growth curve,
mentation of prior microbiological knowledge (e.g., based
i.e., the (natural) logarithm of the cell density as a function
on cardinal values) during identification of empirical mod-
of time, typically exhibits a sigmoidal shape consisting of
els (such as polynomials) may overcome the problem of
three phases: the lag phase, the exponential phase, and the
badly positioned data (e.g., ranges with no data) and/or pro-
stationary phase (see Fig. 1, top left). First, the population
hibit overfitting. However, in situations characterized by se-
rious reproducibility problems and experimental noise, the needs to adjust to its new environment. Second, the popu-
development of sound mechanistic models is impossible lation attains its maximum specific growth rate character-
and the development of good empirical models is improb- istic for the specific environment. Although metabolites are
able (after (38)). The difficulty encountered when attempt- produced and substrates consumed during single species
ing to accurately predict biological phenomena (e.g., the growth under constant environmental conditions (thus caus-
microbial lag phase) is often due to the lack of mechanistic ing dynamic changes in the environment), a constant max-
knowledge (e.g., the physiological status of the organisms) imum specific growth rate (or exponential growth rate) is
and of sufficient, reliable and informative experimental data usually attained for a period. Under laboratory condition
(e.g., data under dynamic conditions). involving rich buffered media, effects of metabolites and
substrates often are redundant during the exponential phase.
GENERAL DYNAMIC MODELING However, in real food systems and multispecies systems,
METHODOLOGY the impact of these factors can be important. Third, growth
Elementary dynamic model building block. The el- ceases because of, e.g., inhibitory effects of metabolites.
ementary dynamic model building block describing micro- Eventually, inactivation results. The course of the overall

FIGURE 1. Top: Typical growth curve

(solid line) under constant environmental
conditions (left) and the corresponding
course of the specific growth rate (right).
Bottom: Typical inactivation curve under
mild constant processing conditions (left)
and the corresponding course of the spe-
cific inactivation rate (right).

specific growth rate, m(·), as a function of time is depicted iable denotes the physiological state of the cells that should
in Figure 1 (top right), and three factors having a pro- grow until the adjustment function reaches (approximately)
nounced effect in each of the growth phases can be defined: its maximum value of 1. At that point, the exponential
phase starts. The initial value of Q(t) and the maximum
5 mlag (·) · mmax (·) · mstat (·) · N(t) (2) specific growth rate determines the lag phase duration.
| | Graphically, mmax corresponds to the slope of the log-linear
m(·) part of the growth curve. From a mathematical point of
view, the adjustment function is only exactly equal to 1 at
During the exponential phase, the specific growth rate re- infinity, whereas the inhibition function approximates 1
mains constant at mmax, which is the maximum specific when N(t) K Nmax. However, from a numerical point of
growth rate that can be realized within the actual environ- view, both factors are 1 during a considerable part of the
ment. The dependence on environmental factors such as growth curve. Hence, during the log-linear part, mmax is
temperature, pH, and water activity is typically incorporat-
reached (see Fig. 1, top right). The third factor, the so-called
ed into secondary models (76). When the environmental
inhibition function, causes the growth rate to decrease as-
conditions vary with time, a secondary model is to be in-
ymptotically to zero when the population density reaches
tegrated in equation 1, replacing mmax. The first factor,
its maximum level Nmax; thus, mstat[N(t), Nmax].
mlag(·), is introduced to describe the lag behavior and thus
Environmental conditions affecting the outgrowth of
needs to reflect the gradual increase of the overall specific
microorganisms in food products often change over time.
growth rate from (approximately) zero to mmax. The third
In such cases, predictions of the food safety and the shelf
factor, mstat(·), induces the gradual decrease of the specific
growth rate towards zero, resulting in the stationary phase. life can be generated by combining a dynamic primary
Dynamic models in predictive microbiology have been model with a secondary model relating the typical primary
described (6, 7, 27, 28, 37, 63, 64). A well-known dynamic parameters with environmental conditions, e.g.,
model is the growth model of Baranyi and Roberts (6): mmax[^env(t)&]. When combining these models, it is implic-
itly assumed that the primary parameters, e.g., the maxi-
dNi (t)
1 1 Q(t) ] [
· mmax · 1 2
· N(t)
] mum specific growth rate, immediately adapt to the actual
changing environmental factor(s) and the secondary model.
Consequently, delayed responses (lag) induced by (sudden)
5 mmax · Q(t) (3) fluctuations of the surrounding environment cannot be pre-
dt dicted (10). The cessation of growth is a response to star-
Compare the three factors in the right side of the top equa- vation following exhaustion of nutrients, inhibition by met-
tion with those in equation 2. The first factor, the so-called abolic products, quorum sensing, or combinations of these
adjustment function, describes the gradual adaptation of the phenomena (5, 33). Inhibition within mixed cultures by,
population to attain mmax. Here, an additional state variable e.g., product formation cannot be consistently described
Q(t) is introduced into the model; thus, mlag[Q(t)]. This var- when using the single model parameter Nmax.
2044 BERNAERTS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 9

In the subsequent sections, we illustrate how basic INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODELING OF

model elements for microbial growth (equation 2) can be MICROBIAL LAG
fine tuned toward the modeling of microbial lag and growth From population to cell dynamics. Factors affecting
inhibition. Our goal is to develop robust mechanistically the occurrence and extent of the commonly observed initial
inspired models. (population) lag phase (Fig. 1, top left) can be attributed to
Basic elements for modeling inactivation. During the past environment, the new environment, the magnitude
mild heat treatment (at constant temperature), microbial in- of the environmental change, the rate of the environmental
activation often shows a non–log-linear behavior character- change, the growth status (e.g., exponential or stationary)
ized by a delayed response (shoulder) and a resistant pop- of the inoculated cell culture, and the variability of indi-
ulation (tailing) (see Fig. 1, bottom left). According to vidual cell lag phases (60). These environmental changes
equation 1, a general model structure reads as follows: may involve nutritional, chemical, and physical changes.
Obviously, environmental fluctuations during exponential
dN(t) growth can also cause lag (i.e., intermediate lag). Large
5 2kshoulder (·)·kmax (·)·ktail (·) ·N(t) (4) temperature gradients, for example, applied during the ex-
| | ponential growth phase can induce an intermediate lag
k(·) phase observed as a transient adaptation of the growth rate
(10, 77).
To express the specific microbial inactivation rate, the sym- Secondary models describing the relation between the
bol k is commonly used. (population) lag phase duration and the physicochemical
Based on the mechanistic insight of the occurrence of environment are usually based on highly standardized ex-
the shoulder and tailing phenomena (1, 14, 44, 45), Geer- periments during which cells are grown to their stationary
aerd et al. (24) established the following functions model- phase under optimal growth conditions before being trans-
ing the shoulder and tailing behavior: ferred to the new environment, which is not deliberately
varied during subsequent growth. Such mathematical mod-
] [ ]
·k · 1 2 res ·N(t)
1 1 Cc (t) max N(t)
els perform well under the conditions for which they have
been developed. However, any deviation within the prehis-
tory of the contaminating population may seriously alter
dCc (t) the lag behavior (29, 70).
5 2kmax·Cc (t) (5)
dt Discrepancies between model predictions and growth
observations under rapidly changing temperature conditions
The first factor in the right side of the top equation models outside the common growth region have been explained by
the shoulder of the inactivation curve. Before first-order others as intermediate lag phases, which cannot be predict-
inactivation of the population takes place (at a specific in- ed by the applied models (8, 31, 42). However, Mitchell et
activation rate kmax), some critical protective component Cc al. (43), Bovill et al. (11), and Augustin et al. (4), among
(units per cell) must be inactivated. This inactivation is as- others, observed the instantaneous adaptation of exponen-
sumed to occur according to a first-order relationship (bot- tially growing cells subjected to sudden temperature chang-
tom equation). The shoulder is obtained by applying a Mi- es. In contrast to abrupt temperature variations, moderate
chaelis-Menten–based adjustment function: [1 1 Cc(t)]21; temperature changes can be predicted well by common dy-
thus, kshoulder[Cc(t)]. Starting at a low value, the adjustment namic growth models (8, 64). However, the temperature
function increases toward 1, and at that point log-linear history effect on the initial lag phase remains difficult to
inactivation is observed. Analogous to the physiological predict properly (2, 8). Within the field of predictive mi-
state Q(t) in the dynamic growth model (equation 3), Cc(t) crobiology, extensive and rigorous studies evaluating
can be interpreted as the physiological state of the popu- growth dynamics under dynamic temperature conditions are
lation in the context of inactivation. The tailing phenome- scarce (there are notable exceptions (40, 61)). Sampling
non can be explained by some resistant subpopulation Nres points sufficient to distinguish properly between lag and
that is unaffected during the (heat) treatment. This tailing measurement errors are often lacking.
of a residual population Nres is here modeled by (1 2 Nres/ Here, we use the development of a model structure
N(t)); thus, ktail[N(t),Nres]. This residual subpopulation is describing microbial lag due to temperature shifts to explain
not necessarily a constant value but may vary when mod- individual-based modeling (IbM) as a microscopic model-
eling nonthermal inactivation (30, 56, 69, 75) or when sub- ing strategy (for an extensive description and evaluation of
jecting the microbial population to sequences of inactiva- the presented model, see Dens et al. (20, 21). In contrast
tion treatments (57). to the more traditional population (macroscopic) modeling
The general model structure (equation 4) and model approach, basic mechanistic knowledge concerning the
(equation 5) also encompass classical log-linear inactiva- mechanism causing lag at the cell level is embedded into
tion. In equation 5, log-linear inactivation is generated by the model. In particular, the theory of cell division is im-
selecting (after identification from experimental data) a plemented within an IbM approach to enable the description
very low value for Cc (0) and Nres, implying the absence of lag phases that can be induced by sudden temperature
of a shoulder and a tail, respectively. increases.

Principles of IbM. The fundamental unit of bacterial replication (C) and the time needed to establish cell division
life is the cell, encapsulating action, information storage, (D). Based on the findings of Cooper and Helmstetter (17)
processing, and variability. It is therefore appropriate to and Schaechter et al. (55), Donachie (22) concluded that
construct microbial models in terms of the individual cells the cell mass at which DNA replication is initiated is al-
(32). This is the domain of IbM. The basic idea behind this ways a multiple of a critical cell mass m*: 2m*·2n, where
approach is that if it is possible to specify the rules gov- n 5 0, 1, 2, . . . . Multiple replication rounds can be initi-
erning the behavior of the cells, then global multicellular ated per cell. Related to the number of concurrent replica-
behavior can be explained by the interactions between in- tion rounds initiated per cell, the observed generation time
dividual cell activities. The rules constituting the model re- will exceed C 1 D, range between C 1 D and D, or be
flect the (presumed) behavior of the individual cells, such equal to D (21). From this theory, Donachie (22) derived
as nutrient consumption, biomass growth, cell division, the following relationship for the amount of biomass at cell
movement, differentiation, communication, maintenance, division, md:
and death. Because a change in microscopic (individual
md 5 2m*·exp[m·(C 1 D)] (7)
based) rules may lead to significantly different macroscopic
(population) behavior, it might be possible to eliminate im- where m is the specific growth rate of the cell biomass (in
possible mechanisms and investigate the true mechanisms. combination with equation 6, m represents mmax). Following
A very important property of individual-based models is this equation, the cell mass at division (and thus also the
that they easily allow for differences between individuals mean cell mass of the population) is proportional to the
by using random variables drawn from an experimentally exponent of the product m·(C 1 D). The number of repli-
derived statistical distribution (23, 41). The introduction of cation rounds at the time of division can thus be derived
a range of randomness and the consideration of a high num- from the ratio md /2m*.
ber of individuals interacting independently with the envi- Based on equation 7 and previous work, a number of
ronment leads to an adequate representation of reality and hypotheses concerning the effect of dynamic temperatures
to a better understanding of cellular metabolism (9). Spatial on the cell division process (and thus the overall specific
effects can be relatively easily incorporated. Kreft et al. (32) cell number growth rate) can be formulated.
introduced the spatial aspect in their model to reproduce
the growth of Escherichia coli cells in a colony. 1. Hypothesis I. The product m·(C 1 D) stays constant for
In general, individual-based models incorporating un- different temperature conditions. This means that tem-
derlying mechanistic knowledge of species dynamics are perature variations do not alter the size and chemical
widely used in ecological applications but are relatively un- composition of the cells, as postulated by Cooper (16).
explored in the field of predictive microbiology. Model pa- 2. Hypothesis II. Trueba et al. (62) reported that the aver-
rameters are usually assumed to be deterministic, i.e., have age volume of an E. coli cell decreases with decreasing
one typical value. When incorporating cell-to-cell variabil- temperatures. Consequently, for these observations, the
ity into population-based models, population-related model product m·(C 1 D) depends on temperature because the
parameters are considered to be random or distributed var- mean cell volume is proportional to md.
iables (47). Individual-based models have an advantage in 3. Hypothesis III. A lag in biomass growth of E. coli in-
that the cell-to-cell variability can be incorporated at the duced by sudden shifts from low to high temperatures
cell level, i.e., the level from which variability actually was reported by Ng et al. (46). The authors assumed
originates. The general concepts of individual-based models that cells growing at low temperatures express some in-
and their applicability in the context of predictive micro- dication of their damaged status, which needs to be re-
biology have been discussed by Dens et al. (20, 21) and paired before active growth at high temperatures can be
Standaert et al. (58). achieved. This damaged state can be indicated by a lim-
iting concentration of one or more enzymes. When pass-
Implementation of mechanistic insight into an in- ing from a low to a high temperature, cells first need to
dividual-based model. The mechanistic insight into the increase the concentration of these limiting enzymes be-
theory of cell division has been incorporated into an indi- fore they can increase their biomass growth rate. A (sim-
vidual-based framework called BacSim, originally devel- plified) mathematical translation of this hypothesis reads
oped by Kreft et al. (32). In contrast to the general equation as follows:
1 describing the evolution of a bacterial population, N(t),
biomass growth of the individual cells, m(t), is considered
and is assumed to occur exponentially at any time (27, 55):
5 5
E(t) mmax [T(t)]
L 6
·m(t) 5 m(·)·m(t)

dm(t) where
5 mmax·m(t) (6)
dt dE(t)
5L (L 5 L1 or Lh )
This expression forms the elementary building block of the
proposed individual-based model. Cooper and Helmstetter and where E(t) is some critical growth factor and L is
(17) observed that for a constant temperature each round the rate at which E is synthesized (46). This production
of DNA replication takes a constant amount of time, C 1 rate changes according to temperature (in a discrete
D, which encompasses the time required to complete DNA way), i.e., Ll and Lh are the typical production rates for
2046 BERNAERTS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 9

FIGURE 2. Schematic representation of a single object, i.e., a

cell, within the individual-based model developed for microbial
lag due to sudden temperature shifts. The scheme describes the
growth process of a single cell. The mass of each cell (m) grows
exponentially following the temperature-dependent maximum spe-
cific growth rate: mmax [ T(t)]. During cell growth, multiple rep-
lication forks (n) may be initiated. Whenever cell mass reaches
FIGURE 3. Simulation of the proposed individual-based model
the mass at division (md), cell division takes place (i.e., a discrete
with experimental data on E. coli (V) submitted to a sudden tem-
event). Each daughter cell continues to grow according to this
perature shift from 22.5 to 27.58C during exponential growth
scheme. The population dynamics emerge from the sum of all
(Bernaerts et al. (10) and Dens et al. (20)). The solid line rep-
individual objects.
resents the model description using the measured temperature
profile (dashed line). The initial cell mass, m(0),was selected ran-
domly from a normal distribution, and cell division yields two
low and high temperatures, respectively. For E. coli pop- daughter cells with a specific growth rate randomly varied around
ulations, the high-temperature zone ranges from 20 to the mean mmax (see Kreft et al. (32)). Parameters values are from
378C, which is the normal physiological range of E. coli Bernaerts et al. (10) and Dens et al. (20).
Temperature dependence in the suboptimal growth Simulation. As a case study, the effect of abrupt tem-
temperature range can be modeled by the square root model perature upshifts on the growth of E. coli was examined.
of Ratkowsky et al. (51): The experimental data in Figures 3 and 4 depict the effect
of small (58C) and large (208C) positive temperature shifts,
Ïmmax [T(t)] 5 b·[T(t) 2 Tmin ] (8)
respectively. Full details on generation of the experimental
Figure 2 illustrates the basic model structure (corre- data were reported by Bernaerts et al. (10). For each of the
sponding with hypothesis I) within the individual-based temperature shifts, the three hypotheses have been tested.
model concept. Cell mass growth is described as a contin- The small temperature increase from 22.5 to 27.58C did not
uous process, whereas cell division occurs at discrete time alter the balanced growth dynamics of the microorganisms
periods whenever a single cell reaches its mass at cell di- (Fig. 3), which supports all three hypotheses. However, cell
vision md. The superposition of the single cell dynamics density data generated during the larger temperature shift
yields a description of the total population dynamics (for from 158C (low temperature range) to 358C (high temper-
more details, see Dens et al. (20, 21)). ature range) indicated a lagged growth response, which sup-

impossible to discriminate between the established models.

At this point, additional measurements are needed to further
establish the model structure. Such measurements can be,
for example, biomass weight, DNA concentration, RNA
concentration, or protein concentration. In the field of pre-
dictive microbiology, these types of measurements are sel-
dom considered, although they are widely used in general
microbiological studies. Furthermore, the precision of these
measurements is often significantly lower than that of com-
mon viable counts. The lack of (sufficient) measurement
accuracy generally hampers the applicability of experimen-
tal data during model building. The revised modeling ex-
ample clearly points out the two-way interaction between
model building and data generation. Besides the selection
of essential measurements, this two-way interaction em-
braces the design of informative experiments, i.e., the se-
lection of appropriate (dynamic) input conditions (10, 35)
or (static) treatment combinations (19, 50). A disadvantage
of the IbM approach is that the models may become rela-
tively complex and computationally tedious during simu-
lation. However, the obtained mechanistic knowledge can
eventually form a sound basis for population-based models,
which are more easily managed. At present, the only alter-
native dynamic model able to describe an intermediate lag
phase is the model of Hills and Wright (28). A review of
dynamic mathematical models describing microbial lag
phenomena in general was done by Swinnen et al. (60).


The inhibition phenomenon. During the fermentation
process of lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid is produced (first
biological process). The lactic acid released into the me-
dium will dissociate and lower the pH of the medium
(chemical process). Both the concentration of undissociated
FIGURE 4. Simulation of the proposed individual-based models lactic acid ([LaH]) and the decreased pH ([H1]) have an
with experimental data on E. coli (V) submitted to a sudden tem- inhibitory effect on microorganisms (second biological pro-
perature shift from 15 to 358C during exponential growth (Ber- cess). The lactic acid production will cause the inhibition
naerts et al. (10) and Dens et al. (20)). The solid line represents of bacterial growth. The cessation of growth observed as
the model description using the measured temperature profile the stationary phase can thus be (partially) assigned to a
(dashed line). See Figure 3 for details of parameter values. self-induced inhibitory effect (i.e., an intraspecies interac-
tion). This lactic acid production also affects neighboring
microorganisms (i.e., an interspecies interaction). Pathogen-
ports hypotheses II and III only (see Fig. 4). Based on hy-
ic bacteria, such as Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria
pothesis II, the lag phase is the time needed to increase the
monocytogenes, can be very sensitive to this inhibitory
cell volume to the new critical mass at division. Biomass
compound (45, 65). The increasing lactic acid concentration
growth exhibits an immediate rate adjustment whereas cell
will cause an early termination of their growth processes.
number shows lag behavior. Based on hypothesis III, the
For this reason, lactic acid bacteria can be exploited as a
lag phase originates at the level of biomass growth and
natural antimicrobial agent within (fermented) food prod-
propagates into the cell number evolution.
ucts or as a protective culture.
Discussion. This example illustrates how cell-related We modeled the interaction of lactic acid bacteria (an-
mechanistic knowledge can be built into an individual- tagonist) with pathogenic bacteria (target). Information was
based model in a relatively straightforward and easy way. extracted from the studies of Vereecken et al. (65, 66) and
Simulations with the individual-based model can then ex- Vereecken and Van Impe (68). The experimental design
plain the population dynamics. Three cell mechanisms de- was such that the production of lactic acid acted as a single
scribing the effect of dynamic temperatures were extracted inhibitory phenomenon (no substrate or nutrient limitation).
from the literature. Two of the three hypotheses could de- This strategy reasonably facilitates the development of a
scribe both a small and a large temperature shift equally consistent basic model structure that can be subsequently
well. Given only population density measurements, it was extended to include other relevant interaction effects.
2048 BERNAERTS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 9

Modeling. In contrast to the empirical formulation in tic acid production rate, p(·), must be mathematically mod-
equation 3 where the stationary phase is modeled as a func- eled. Combining the traditional linear law with the concept
tion of N(t) and Nmax, growth suppression is described in of metabolism-inhibiting concentrations, p(·) in equation
this model in terms of the lactic acid production, which is 10, can be represented as follows:
therefore explicitly incorporated into the model structure.
This general expression describing the growth characteris- p(·) 5 YLaH/Ni·mi (·) 1 mi ([LaH], [H 1 ]) (12)
tics of both target and antagonist is | | | |
| |
growth maintenance
dNi (t)
5 mlag (·)·mmax (·)·mLaH,H 1 ([LaH], [H 1 ])·Ni (t) where YLaH/Ni is the yield coefficient (mmol CFU21), m(·) is
the overall specific growth rate (from equation 9), and
mi([LaH], [H1]) is the maintenance coefficient (mmol CFU21
Description of the lactic acid production, particularly by the h21). The first factor presents the growth-related production,
antagonist, requires an additional coupled differential equa- whereas the maintenance factor mi([LaH], [H1]) assures the
tion: observed production of [LaH]tot during the (first hours of)
d[LaH]tot,i (t) the stationary phase. This maintenance-related production is
5 p(·)·Ni (t)] (10) assumed to be constant (36, 49) or to cease when some me-
tabolism-inhibiting proton or undissociated lactic acid con-
where p(·) is the specific lactic acid production rate of the centration is reached (66).
antagonistic bacterium (i). The [LaH]tot term refers to the The overall model structure made from the coupled
total lactic acid concentration, i.e., the sum of the undis- differential equations 9 and 10 yields accurate descriptions
sociated and dissociated lactic acid concentrations. When for monoculture and mixed-culture growth. This model is
multiple lactic acid–producing strains are present, the over- illustrated with experimental data from Lactobacillus lactis
all growth rate of each strain will be affected by the sum and Listeria innocua (as a representative for L. monocyto-
of [LaH]tot,i. To describe the chemical process of lactic acid genes) in Figure 5. Model parameters are obtained as fol-
dissociation in a complex medium, several methods based lows. First, the chemical process is modeled using the ap-
on traditional chemical laws are available (68, 74). Given proach described by Vereecken et al. (68). Second, the mi-
a specific growth medium and initial pH, the process of crobial growth process is identified (i.e., equations 9 and
lactic acid dissociation can be fully identified regardless of 11). Third, the parameters for lactic acid production are
the microbial evolution model. Both [LaH] and [H1] vary determined (equations 10 and 12). Integration of these val-
with time and are determined by the lactic acid–producing ues within the overall model structure yields the predictions
strain and the dissociation properties of [LaH]tot in the shown in Figure 5.
growth medium. Several inhibitory functions can be pro-
Discussion. The model building strategy described in
posed for mLaH,H([LaH], [H1]) (66). Given a set of model
this example starts from the identification of main phenom-
requirements based on the typical metabolic lactic acid pro-
ena determining the dynamics of the microbial system. The
file, Vereecken et al. (66) selected the following equation
derived general model structure allows the description of
to express the inhibitory effect of undissociated lactic acid
the stationary phase in a natural (mechanistically sound)
and the proton concentration (from Passos et al. (48)):
and consistent way. The mechanistic model structure can
a b

1 21 2
[LaH] [H 1 ] easily describe both single species and multiple species dy-
mLaH,H1 5 1 2 · 12 1
[LaH]max [H ]max namics (with lactic acid–mediated interaction or more gen-
erally metabolic product–mediated interaction). This ex-
when [LaH] # [LaH]max ample illustrates also how microbial evolution itself creates
and [H 1 ] # [H1 ]max dynamic environmental conditions.

50 when [LaH] . [LaH]max DISCUSSION

Dynamic mathematical models allow for consistent
or [H 1 ] . [H 1 ]max (11)
computation of the impact of different steps associated with
where [LaH]max is the lactic acid concentration at which the production, distribution, and retailing of a food (char-
growth ceases, [H1]max is the proton concentration associ- acterized by conditions that vary over time) on microbial
ated with the minimum pH for growth, and a and b are evolution. The intrinsic properties of microbial evolution
fixed to 1 1 e where e is some small positive value (the such as growth-related metabolic product formation and in-
need for the exponents a and b was explained by Vereeck- hibition can be integrated and predicted.
en et al. (66)). The inhibition terms have no effect on mi- Examples given here illustrate how we can learn from
crobial evolution as long as the undissociated lactic acid predictive modeling based on biological and physical con-
and proton concentrations remain well below their inhibi- cepts. The IbM approach, for instance, is an excellent tool
tory values. In such cases, both functions are approximately for testing generic cell mechanisms with respect to ob-
equal to 1. When [LaH] or [H1] get higher as time pro- served population behavior. However, such a modeling ap-
ceeds, either function evolves towards zero and growth proach with an increased level of detail demands specific
stagnates. To complete the model structure, the specific lac- measurements at the cell and/or population level.

FIGURE 5. Description of experimental

data on Lactobacillus lactis (V) and Lis-
teria innocua (□) grown in mono- and co-
culture based on the dynamic model struc-
ture (equations 9 and 10) in combination
with equations 11 and 12 (data from Ver-
eecken et al. (65)) (x refers to cell numbers
below detection limit). The total lactic acid
concentration [LaH]tot (n) and pH (3)
are depicted in the right plots. The disso-
ciation kinetics of the applied medium have
been computed according to Vereecken et
al. (68). The decreased cell density cannot
be predicted by the model structure
(dashed line).

To expand the applicability of predictive models, re- tions, e.g., a combination of processing steps, model pre-
searchers must be encouraged to increase the generality and dictions may fail to describe microbial evolution accurately.
thus transferability of model structures. For example, the Stephens et al. (59) observed that slow heating rates applied
complete model structure established for microbial inter- during inactivation of L. monocytogenes induced thermo-
action can describe the individual behavior of lactic acid tolerance. Predictions using an inactivation model devel-
bacteria and the inhibitory mechanism in the presence of oped based on the results of static experiments (not taking
pathogenic or spoilage bacteria. This example also illus- into account heating rate) systematically overestimated the
trates that cell density measurements are not always suffi- effect of the applied heat treatment. Future research should
cient for establishing complex model structures. Compo- thus include dynamic model development using dynamic
nents interfering with microbial evolution, such as metab- experimental data. In such cases, complementary effects of
olite formation, should be identified, measured, and built dynamic conditions or subsequent treatments can be prop-
into the model structure. Given this increased experimental erly incorporated within the model structure. Synergistic
understanding of microbial dynamics, we can produce more effects form the basic principles within the hurdle technol-
robust (semi-)mechanistic models of high predictive quali- ogy (34) often addressed in the food industry.
ty. Overall, model improvement is motivated by increas-
In this respect, model builders can learn more from ing predictive accuracy. However, increased modeling ac-
dynamic experimental data. Microbial dynamics under re- curacy must be balanced with model structure complexity.
alistically time-varying conditions are not necessarily ob- The purpose for which the model is being developed must
servable from commonly available static data. For example, always be clearly specified. An important challenge for the
the application of time-varying temperature profiles re- future is a satisfactory trade-off between predictive power
vealed the induction of an intermediate lag phase during and manageability of mathematical models: ‘‘When is sim-
the exponential growth of E. coli. ple good enough?’’ (12). Buchanan et al. (12) illustrated
When extrapolating model structures established on that a simple three-phase linear model can describe a mi-
static experimental data to more realistic dynamic condi- crobial growth curve under static conditions as well as can
2050 BERNAERTS ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 67, No. 9

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Fund for Scientific Research—Flanders (FWO) as part of project perature shifts. Submitted for publication.
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postdoctoral fellow by the Research Fund of the Katholieke Universiteit initiation of DNA replication. Nature 219:1077–1079.
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