The Chemistry of Noble Gases

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Tlie Cliemistry of

by Cedric L. Chernick


Division of Technical Information
Understanding the Atom Series
Tlie Cliem.istry of
tlie nolDle gases
by Cedric L. Chernick



Discovery 2
Occurrence and Production 4
Uses . 7
Attempts To Form Compounds 10
Why the Gases Are Inert 11
Fiuorme Contammg Compounds 23
Oxygen Contammg Compounds 28
More Complex Compounds 31
Rddon 32
Krypton 32
Helium, Neon, and Argon 33
Solid State 33
Gas Phase 35
Predicted Shapes and Chemical Bonding 37

United States Atomic Energy Commission

Division of Technical Information
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67 62972
These luminous Geisler tube script signs were
made by E. O Sperling, a glassblower at the Na-
tional Bureau of Standards, for the 1904 Louisi-
ana Purchase Exposition, St. Louts, Missouri
They are believed to have been the first exam-
ples of the use of the noble gases (and hydrogen)
for display purposes. Each tube was filled by
P. G. Nutting, an NBS scientist, with a sam-
ple of the appropriate gas obtained directly from
Sir William Ramsay (see page J). About 1930,
the commercial use of neon tube signs began (see
page 7), and since then neon signs have become
commonplace the world over. Meanwhile, until
1962, at least, the noble gases remained among
the most fascinating, m.ost puzzling, and least
known of all elements.
,»-li. .••'•' I - ^ I, ^ I 1 1 ^ l«l 1^ in

Tlie CHemistry of
Crystals of xenon tetrafluoride created
in the experiment that first combined
tlie nolDle gases By CEDRIC L. CHERNICK
one of the Noble Gases with a single
other element. Formation of this new
compound caused great scientific e x -
citement. The colorless crystals a r e
enlarged about 100 times in this photo-
graph, which was so striking, estheti-
cally as well a s scientifically, that
Argonne National Laboratory officials
had it reproduced on the laboratory's
C h r i s t m a s card in 1962.


THE AUTHOR If you've made up your mind that chemistry is a dull

subject, and want to continue to think so, you should not
CEDRIC L. CHERNICK was born in Manchester, England, and
received his B.S., M.S., and P h . D . degrees in chemistry from read this booklet. It will only upset your comfortable con-
Manchester University. He spent 2 years as a Research Associate viction. If that should happen, it will be quite traditional,
at Indiana University. In 1959 he joined the Argonne National Lab- by the way, because information about the "noble gases"
oratory staff, working a s an associate scientist with the fluorine
chemistry group, a s assistant to the director of the Chemistry has been shattering cherished beliefs with remarkable
Division and most recently on the Laboratory Director's staff. He consistency for some years now.
has authored o r coauthored a number of scientific papers in p r o - For over 60 years the 6 gases helium, neon, argon,
fessional journals a s well a s several encyclopedia articles and
chapters in books. In the photograph the author (third from left) krypton, xenon, and radon were the confirmed bachelors
discusses the noble gases with (left to right) Howard H, Claassen, among the known elements. All the other elements would
John G. Malm, and Henry H. Selig. (See page 20.) enter into chemical combination with one or another of their
kind, irrespective of whether they were solids, gases, or
liquids in their normal state. Not so helium, neon, argon,
krypton, xenon, and radon. They were chemically aloof and
would have nothing to do with other elements, or even with
one another.
This behavior earned them a unique position in the Pe-
riodic Table of the Elements and they were called names
like the "inert gases" or the "noble gases".* They were
also labeled the "rare gases", although helium and argon
are not really "rare".t
The inability of these gases to form chemical compounds
was, until 1962, one of the most accepted fundamentals in
*" Noble" by reason of their apparent reluctance to mingle with
the common herd of elements.
tXenon, however, is the r a r e s t of all stable elements on earth.

48 1
c h e m i s t r y . T h e n a l o n g c a m e s o m e s c i e n t i s t s with what noble gas compounds. Subsequent discoveries of other com-
P h i l i p A b e l s o n , e d i t o r of t h e m a g a z i n e Science, later called pounds and their properties a r e also included.
"a g e r m of s k e p t i c i s m " . In t h e s p a c e of only a c o u p l e of Xenon Tetrafluoride, 6 minutes, color, sound, 1962. Produced by
Argonne National Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Com-
m o n t h s all the d o g m a r e l a t i n g to t h e i n e r t n e s s of xenon w a s mission. Semi technical description of the preparation of xenon
o v e r t h r o w n — it had d e f i n i t e l y b e c o m e a " j o i n e r " . R a d o n tetrafluoride. The apparatus and techniques a r e well presented.
and k r y p t o n b e g a n " m i n g l i n g " c h e m i c a l l y s o o n t h e r e a f t e r The following film may be rented or purchased from any Modern
and, a l t h o u g h the o t h e r t h r e e g a s e s a r e s t i l l h o l d i n g out, t h e Learning Aids Film Library or through the headquarters office,
d a m a g e to a f i r m l y c h e r i s h e d b e l i e f w a s d o n e . 1212 Avenue of the Americas, New York 10036.
A Research Problem: Inert (?) Gas Compounds, Film No. 4160, 19
Table I minutes, color, sound, 1963. Produced by the CHEM-Study Com-
ABUNDANCE OF NOBLE GASES IN AIR AT SEA LEVEL mittee. Shows the preparation of XeF4, its reaction with water
and the detonation of a crystal of XeO^. The preparation of KrF2
Element Symb P a r t s per Million (by volume) by photolysis of fluorine in solid krypton at the temperature of
liquid hydrogen is also shown.
Helium He 5
Neon Ne 18
Argon Ar 9430
Krypton Kr 1
Xenon Xe 0.1
Radon Rn 6 X 10~'^

S o m e i d e a of t h e e x c i t e m e n t t h e s e d i s c o v e r i e s c a u s e d
a m o n g s c i e n t i s t s can b e g l e a n e d f r o m t h e fact t h a t , l e s s CREDITS
t h a n a y e a r a f t e r the f i r s t d i s c o v e r y of a x e n o n c o m p o u n d
w a s a n n o u n c e d , a c o n f e r e n c e on " N o b l e G a s C o m p o u n d s "
Cover courtesy Argonne National Laboratory (AN!)
w a s h e l d at A r g o n n e N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y n e a r C h i c a g o . Author's photo ANL
S o m e 100 s c i e n t i s t s d i s c u s s e d w o r k t h e y had d o n e in the Frontispiece courtesy National Bureau of StandaTds
field, and a l m o s t 60 m a d e f o r m a l r e p o r t s ! T h e p r o c e e d i n g s
of t h a t m e e t i n g filled a 4 0 0 - p a g e book e n t i t l e d Noble Gas Page

Compounds. * Not b a d , c o n s i d e r i n g t h a t j u s t a s h o r t t i m e 3 Nobel Institute

6 Ail Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania (APC)
b e f o r e not even one noble g a s c o m p o u n d w a s k n o w n .
I ' 8 APC
T h i s b o o k l e t will a t t e m p t to s h o w how t h e s e g a s e s l o s t 9 APC
t h e i r b a c h e l o r h o o d , and why today t h e y a r e c a l l e d " h e l i u m 12 Mary Elvira Weeks, Discovery of the Elements, Journal of Chemical Education
21 ANL
g r o u p g a s e s " o r " n o b l e g a s e s " i n s t e a d of " i n e r t g a s e s " . 22 ANL
30 ANL
Discovery 34 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (left), Brookhaven National Laboratory (right)
35 ANL
T h e f i r s t i n d i c a t i o n of t h e e x i s t e n c e of an i n e r t c o n s t i t u -
ent in t h e a t m o s p h e r e c a m e in 1785 when H e n r y C a v e n d i s h t
found t h a t he could not c o n v e r t a t m o s p h e r i c n i t r o g e n c o m -

*Edited by H. H. Hyman. See Suggested References, page 45.

tThe great English chemist and physicist who also discovered

2 47
pletely to nitrous acid. He concluded that, "if there is any
part of our atmosphere which differs from the rest . . . it is
Graduate Level not more than 1/120 part of the whole". This result was
The Chemistry of Xenon, J. G. Malm, H. Selig, J. Jortner, and apparently forgotten or neglected, and the problem arose
S. A. Rice, Chemical Reviews, 65: 199-236 (1965). Deals with again in studies on the density of nitrogen in the early
the preparation and properties of xenon compounds. Over half 1890s. At that time Lord Rayleigh* discovered that nitrogen
the article covers theoretical interpretations of the bonding and
physical properties. obtained by removal of the then known gases from an air
The Nature of the Bonding in Xenon Fluorides and Related Mole- sample, or "atmospheric nitrogen", was denser than nitro-
cules, C. A. Coulson, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
86: 1442-1454 (1964). An excellent article on this aspect of noble
gas chemistry.

Undergraduate Level
The Chemistry of the Noble Gases, H. Selig, J. G. Malm, and H. H.
Claassen, Scientific American, 210: 66-77 (May 1964). Review of
work leading up to preparation of first xenon compounds, some
chemistry, and some simple explanations of bonding.
Noble Gas Compounds, Neil Bartlett, International Science and
Technology, 33: 55-66 (September 1964). Review of discovery of
noble gases and their relation to other elements. Some chem-
istry of their compounds is reviewed and speculations are made
concerning other possible compounds.
Sir William Ramsay
General Level
The Noble Gas Compounds, C. L. Chernick, Chemistry, 37: 6-12
(January 1964). Brief review of preparation, properties, and
bonding in compounds of xenon. Some reference to krypton and gen prepared by chemical means—that is, "chemical nitro-
radon. gen". A number of theories were advanced for the discrep-
Argonne's Contributions to Xenon Chemistry, Argonne Reviews, ancy in the densities of the nitrogen samples from the two
1: 17-19 (October 1964). Although this is somewhat closer to the sources. Either the "chemical" nitrogen was too light, or
undergraduate category it is included here because it contains
warnings of the hazards in attempting to work with fluorine and the "atmospheric" nitrogen too heavy, because of the pres-
xenon fluorides. ence of other gases. In 1894, however. Lord Rayleigh and
Solid Noble Gases, Gerald L. Pollack, Scientific American, 215: 64 William Ramsayt showed that the "atmospheric" nitrogen
(October 1966).
was a mixture of nitrogen and a heavier, previously undis-
covered, gas. This gas turned out to be a new element that
Motion Pictures was given the name "argon", on account of its chemical
Available for loan without charge from the AEC Headquarters Film inactivity (from the Greek word, argon, meaning inactive,
Library, Division of Public Information, U. S. Atomic Energy idle).
Commission, Washington, D. C. 20545 and from other AEC film
libraries. *John W. Strutt, who inherited the title Lord Rayleigh, was d i -
A Chemical Somersault, 29 minutes, black and white, sound, 1964. r e c t o r of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University in
Produced by Ross-McElroy Productions for National Educa- England when he did this important work. He is almost always
tional Television, under a grant from the U. S. Atomic Energy r e f e r r e d to by his title.
Commission. This film is suitable for audiences with a minimum tRamsay was a Scots chemist who was knighted in 1902. He r e -
scientific background. The fact that the noble gases were thought ceived the 1904 Nobel P r i z e in chemistry for his discoveries of
to be chemically inert is detailed and is followed by a d e s c r i p - noble g a s e s . Lord Rayleigh received the 1904 Nobel P r i z e in
tion of the experiments leading to the preparation of the first physics in recognition of his nitrogen studies with Ramsay.

46 3
The discovery of the other 5 gases followed rapidly; by SUGGESTED REFERENCES
1900 they had all been isolated and identified. Ramsay and
his assistant, M o r r i s T r a v e r s , in continuing their r e s e a r c h Books
on argon made use of newly developed methods for liquefy-
Argon, Helium, and the Rare Gases, Gerhard A. Cook (Ed.), Inter-
ing g a s e s . The e a r t h ' s atmosphere consists mainly of n i t r o - science Publishers, Inc., New York 10016, 1961, 2 volumes,
gen (78%), oxygen (21%), and argon (1%), which have boiling $17.50 each. These volumes cover the discovery, occurrence,
points sufficiently different (-195.8°C, - 1 8 2 . 9 6 ° C , and properties, and uses of the noble g a s e s . Some of the material
— 185.7°C, respectively) that they can readily be s e p a - requires a high technical knowledge.
Noble Gas Compounds, Herbert H. Hyman (Ed.), University of
rated by fractional distillation of liquid air. As Ramsay Chicago P r e s s , Chicago, lUinois 60637, 1963, 404 pp., $12.50.
and T r a v e r s improved their techniques, they found that Collection of papers covering in detail physical and chemical
they could obtain several more fractions when distilling properties of compounds of krypton, xenon, and radon. Several
papers deal with theoretical aspects of the existence of these
liquid air. Three of these fractions contained elements compounds.
never before isolated, namely, neon (Greek, neos, new), Noble Gases and Their Compounds, G. J. Moody and J. D. R.
krypton (Greek, kryptos, hidden), and xenon (Greek, xenon, Thomas, Pergamon P r e s s , Inc., New York 10022, 1964, 62 pp.,
$2.00. This short monograph deals mainly with the chemistry
stranger). of the noble g a s e s . The technical level is not as advanced as
Ramsay was also instrumental in discovering the e x i s - either of the other two books cited.
tence of helium (Greek, helios, the sun). This element had The Gases of the Atmosphere: The History of Their Discovery,
been noted in the sun's spectrum as early as 1868, but was Sir William Ramsay, Macmillan and Company, London, 1915,
306 pp. Discovery of the Rare Gases, M. W. T r a v e r s , Longmans,
only isolated as a t e r r e s t r i a l element in 1895 when Ramsay Green and Company, New York, 1928, 128 pp., $5.00. (Out of
obtained it by heating the uranium-containing mineral cleve- print but available through libraries.) These two books, written
ite.* (The helium in this m i n e r a l was physically trapped by men who played major roles in the discovery of the noble
g a s e s , give a fascinating insight into the beginnings of this story.
and was not chemically combined.) They a r e also interesting for their description of science and
The final noble gas to be discovered was radon. In 1900 scientists at the end of the 19th century.
F r i e d r i c h Dorn, a German physicist, found that radium A History of the Concept of Valency to 1930, W. G. Palmer, Cam-
bridge University P r e s s , New York 10022, 1965, 178 pp., $8.00.
evolved a gas that he called "radium emanation". This gas A historical account of the development of the ideas of valence.
was later given the name niton, but since 1923 it has been Valence, C. A. Coulson, Oxford University P r e s s , Inc., New York
known as radon. All isotopes of radon a r e radioactive. 10016, 1961, 404 pp., $6.00. A modern and more theoretical a p -
proach to the subject than the previous book. The m o l e c u l a r -
orbital and valence-bond theories a r e both considered. This
Occurrence and Production book is recommended mainly for r e a d e r s with advanced chemi-
cal knowledge.
The atmosphere is our major s o u r c e for neon, argon, The Noble Gases, Howard H. Claassen, D. C. Heath and Company,
krypton, and xenon, and these g a s e s a r e now produced Boston, Massachusetts 02116, 1966, 117 pp., $1.95. This book
commercially a s a by-product during fractional distillation reviews the physical compounds of the noble gases that relate
most closely to chemistry, and then goes on to discuss noble
of liquid a i r to produce liquid oxygen and nitrogen. Lique- gas compounds in detail. There is a wide variation in the levels
faction of thousands of tons of a i r p e r day makes these 4 of the chapters but, as each is complete in itself, the book con-
gases available in sufficient quantities for p r e s e n t needs. tains something for everyone.
Helium is the second most abundant element in the uni- Noble Gases, Isaac Asimov, Basic Books, Inc., New York 10016,
1966, $4.50. This well-written and interesting account of the
v e r s e . About 76% of the m a s s of the universe, it is e s t i - noble gases is for persons who have no technical background.

*This mineral is also known as uraninite; one variety of u r a n -

inite, pitchblende, is an important source of uranium for produc-
tion of atomic energy.

4 45
use in nuclear studies. The volatile xenon gas resulting mated, is hydrogen; helium makes up about 23%, and all the
from fission could perhaps be converted to a much less other elements together compose the remaining 1% of the
volatile xenon fluoride. mass. Helium is so light that it is continually escaping from
Since xenon reacts with fluorine under conditions where the earth's atmosphere into interstellar space. The present
the other noble gases do not, this may be made the basis concentration of helium in the atmosphere therefore prob-
for a method of separating it from the other gases. ably represents a steady-state concentration, that is, the
If we could tame xenon trioxide to the point where we amount being released from the earth's crust is equal to
could know when and how it would explode, we might have the amount escaping from the atmosphere into space. The
a valuable new explosive. An advantage would be that no constant escape explains why there is so little to be found
solid residues are left after xenon trioxide blows up. in our air. Helium can be obtained from the atmosphere in
Radon is occasionally used in cancer therapy. A small the same way neon, argon, krypton, and xenon are, but is
glass tube placed close to a tumor exposes that particular more readily obtained from accumulations that have built
area to a large dose of radioactivity, which hopefully will up in the earth's crust.
destroy the tumor. However, glass ampoules to hold radon This helium in the earth is continually being formed by
gas are fragile and metal ones are hard to seal; moreover radioactive decay. * All radioactive materials that decay by
the release of radon gas is dangerous. There would be a emitting alpha particles produce helium, since an alpha
distinct advantage to having a nonvolatile radon compound particle is nothing more than a helium nucleus with a posi-
for medicinal uses. tive charge. Most of the helium in the earth's crust comes
The most likely compounds of practical value are the from the decay of uranium and thorium.
perxenates, or xenon trioxide in solution. These are power- The helium is obtained by tapping natural gas wells,
ful oxidizing agents and may find many uses in analytical which yield an average helium content of about 2%. Most
chemistry. The beauty of using such materials is that they of these helium wells are in an area within 250 miles of
introduce few additional chemical species into the system Amarillo, Texas, although small amounts have been found
under investigation. in natural gas elsewhere in the U. S. Since the early 1950s
Whether or not practical uses for these compounds are helium-containing gases also have been found in South
ever found, they have already served one purpose: Chemists Africa, Russia, and Canada. In other parts of the world the
have been reminded never to take anything for granted. helium content of natural gases and mineral springs is too
What may seem to be a proven fact now may one day have low to make separation commercially attractive.
to yield its validity to a new experiment or a new theory. The helium is recovered from the natural gas by an ini-
Even when thinking about closed shells there is no room for tial liquefaction that leaves only helium and nitrogen in
closed minds. gaseous form. Further liquefaction, this time under pres-
sure, causes most of the nitrogen to condense and leaves
helium of about 98% purity in the gas phase. This can be
further purified by passing it through a liquid-nitrogen-
cooled trap containing charcoal, which absorbs the r e -
maining impurities.
The final one of our noble gases, radon, is obtained from
the radioactive decay of radium. One gram of radium pro-
duces about 0.0001 milliliter of radon per day. (We should
*For more about radioactivity see Our Atomic World, and other
booklets in this s e r i e s .

44 5

The valence-shell method also predicts the c o r r e c t shapes

for XeOs and Xe04. The difference between the two methods
is apparent in their treatment of XeFg. The molecular-
orbital approach predicts an XeFg molecule with octahedral
symmetry, while the valence-shell approach suggests that
there will be distortion from this type of symmetry. The
experimental r e s u l t s obtained so far favor a distorted
molecule. However, the amount of distortion appears to be
small, and may not be as large a s would be expected from
the valence-shell considerations. As so often is the case,
the facts may lie somewhere between the two theories.
In summary, we can conclude that the tendency of an
element to achieve a relatively stable, completed outer
shell of 8 electrons can still be regarded as a good d e -
scription of chemical bonding. Most of the chemical bond-
ings we know can be related to this. The basis for the
Periodic Table still r e m a i n s a sound and workable one.
Our only change in thinking is that we can no longer call
krypton, xenon, and radon "inert" g a s e s .

Figure 1 A U. S. Bureau of Mines helium plant in Keyes, Okla- POSSIBLE USES

homa, uitli the "cold boxes ', or refrigerating units, in the fore-
ground. Almost everything that can be said about u s e s of the
noble gas compounds must be in the nature of speculation
keep in mind, however, that 1 gram of radium is a very or flight of fancy. One practical consideration of importance
large amount in t e r m s of the total available.*) Radon has a i s that krypton, xenon, and radon a r e so s c a r c e and ex-
short half-life (the commonest isotope,+ coming from r a - pensive that any use of their compounds on a large scale
dium, is radon-222 whose half-life is 3.8 days), which is doubtful. Xenon, for example, costs about $150 per
means that about half the radon atoms will disintegrate ounce, and small amounts of XeF4 have been sold at about
in a little under 4 days. Since radium has a much longer $2500 per ounce. So actual " u s e s " will be few.
half-life than that, about 1620 y e a r s , the amount of daughter The first possible consideration is the use of xenon fluo-
radon in contact with the parent radium reaches a constant rides a s good fluorinating agents. When the fluorination
concentration. In other words the amount of radon being p r o c e s s is complete, easily separable and recoverable
produced is balanced by the amount disintegrating, and as xenon is left. They may therefore find some specialized
r e s e a r c h use for adding fluorine to some exotic organic
*From the discovery of radium by Marie and P i e r r e Curie in molecules. They have also been suggested as potential
1898 until 1940 only about 1000 g r a m s were isolated, and although
production increased during World War II, it is doubtful whether
oxidants in rocket propulsion s y s t e m s , although the high
t h e r e are more than 100 g r a m s of pure radium available in the atomic weight of xenon does not make even XeFg seem very
Western World today. attractive for this purpose.
t Isotopes are the various forms of the same element. For a full
The fact that xenon is a fission product has been men-
definition of this and other unfamiliar words, see Nuclear Terms,
A Brief Glossary, a companion booklet in this s e r i e s . tioned. Perhaps the xenon compounds will be put to some

6 43
Table VIE soon as the primary source (the radium) is removed, the
SHAPES OF XENON COMPOUNDS PREDICTED BY THE radon concentration begins to decrease because of its con-
tinuing disintegration. After 1 half-life (3.8 days) only half
Total number Number of Number of Number of the radon remains; after a second half-life, % of that will
Compound of electrons .Xe — F bonds Xe—O bonds lone-pairs Shape
have disintegrated, that is % of % or %; in a month there
XeFj 10 2 8 Linear will be less than 1% left; and after n half-lives the fraction
XeF4 12 4 2 Square remaining will be {%)". The amount of radon one can
planar isolate at any given time is, therefore, dependent on the
XeFg 14 6 1 Distorted
octahedron amount of radium originally available.
XeOF4 14 4 1 Square A number of isotopes of the noble gases can be produced
pyramid artificially, either directly by bombardment in a particle
XeOa 14 - 1 Triangle accelerator, or as the product of decay of an artificially
Xe04 16 - — Tetrahedral excited atom, or by nuclear fission. The latter method is
used for production of krypton and xenon in atomic reactors.
Remember: Each Xe—F bond involves 2 electrons and each Xe— O bond in-
Fission is a process in which a heavy atom splits to form
volves 4 electrons.
2 lighter atoms of approximately equal mass*; one or
bitals that results in a trigonal bipyramidal shape shown in more neutrons and a large amount of energy also are
Table VII. This type of hybrid is designated as an sp^d released! simultaneously.
The promotion of the 5p electron to the 5rf orbital r e - Uses
quires the expenditure of energy. This promotion can only Many of the uses of these gases are outgrowths of their
take place if the energy we get back when the electrons are inertness. The greater abundances, and hence lower costs,
used in bond formation is greater than the energy required of helium and argon result in their use as inert atmo-
for the promotion; that is, if we have a net gain in energy. spheres in which to weld and fabricate metals. The elec-
In actual fact the two-stage process we have described is trical and other properties of the noble gases make most
purely fictitious. The formation of the hybrid orbitals and of them ideal gases for filling numerous types of electronic
the bond formation take place simultaneously. For XeF4 tubes and in lasers. For this, the gases may be used singly
we have sp^d^ hybridization and for XeFg it is sp^d^. or mixed with one or more of the others. Perhaps the best
This kind of expansion of the valence shell can only take known use is in the familiar "neon" advertising signs. The
place for atoms with unoccupied d orbitals that are close in glow produced by neon alone is red. The other gases pro-
energy to the orbitals from which the electrons must be duce less brilliant colors: helium (pale pink), argon (blue),
promoted. This suggests that bonding for helium and neon krypton (pale blue), and xenon, (blue-green).
may not be possible, because they do not have d orbitals. Helium, because of its lightness, finds use as a lifting
(There are no Id or 2d orbitals.) The promotional energy gas for balloons and airships, although it is heavier than
3p -* id is quite high, and makes the possibility of argon hydrogen. This weight disadvantage, however, is far over-
compounds questionable. The 4p -* 4d promotional energy balanced by the fact that helium is nonflammable. Recently,
is just small enough to allow krypton fluorides to be made,
and for them to be stable at low temperatures. *For example, if uranium-235 fissions, krypton-90 and b a r i u m -
For XeF2 and XeF4 both our molecular-orbital and 144, or xenon-140 and strontium-94 might be formed.
valence-shell approaches p r e d i c t the same molecular t F o r a full explanation of fission, see Our Atomic World, a
companion booklet in this s e r i e s .
shapes, and they both agree with experimental evidence.

42 7
[n'-f^f I
Table VII
Number of bonds
plus lone pairs Shape
Triangle Bent
Tetrahedral Triangle Bent
Trigonal Distorted T-shaped Lmear
bipyramid tetrahedron
DO Octahedral Square Square
pyramid planar
8 41
to all molecules. It considers the electrons around a cen-
t r a l atom in p a i r s . If the 2 electrons come from the central
atom they form an imshared pair, or lone pair; if one comes
from the central atom and one from another atom they
form a single bond; if 2 come from the central atom and 2
from another atom they form a double bond. Fluorine,
being univalent, forms single bonds; oxygen, being divalent,
forms double bonds. The shape of the resulting molecule
depends on the total number of bonds plus lone p a i r s .
Table VII shows the geometrical shapes associated with
given totals of bonds plus lone p a i r s . Table VIE (page 42)
shows how this theory applies to some xenon compounds. In
our examinations of the gaseous molecules, we would not
see the lone p a i r s and so would see XeF2 a s linear, XeF4
as square planar, and XeFg as some form of distorted
octahedron. XeO^ would appear a s a triangle pyramid,
Xe04 as tetrahedral, and XeOF4 a s a square pyramid.
The valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory has
shown us one way to predict shapes of molecules, but it
remains to be explained how bonding can take place with
an atom of one of the noble g a s e s , which already has a
completed outer shell of 8 electrons. To do this, we must Figure 3 A technician checks a liquid-helium refrigerator prior
to shipment. This unit is designed to cool masers and supercon-
suppose there is involvement of the d orbitals of xenon. ducting magnets used for space communication.
Hybrid Orbitals If we remove electrons from the 5s and
5/) orbitals and put them in the empty 5d orbitals, xenon
helium has been used as a cooling medium in nuclear r e a c -
then no longer will have the filled outer shell. Once this
t o r s , and it is also a diluent for oxygen in breathing s y s -
type of promotion takes place we no longer can identify our
t e m s for deep-sea d i v e r s . Helium being l e s s soluble in the
original orbitals. We now have orbitals with a mixture of
blood than nitrogen, the helium-oxygen mixture is p r e f e r -
s, p, and d character, which a r e called hybrid o r b i t a l s . For
able to normal air for p e r s o n s working under p r e s s u r e ,
XeF2 we need 2 electrons from the xenon to " s h a r e " with
since its use tends to prevent "the bends", a serious con-
the fluorines in forming bonds, so that each fluorine has a
dition caused by gas bubbles in the body fluids and t i s s u e s .
s h a r e in 8 electrons. To achieve this we promote 1 xenon
Liquid helium, which is the only substance that will remain
5p electron to a 5r/orbital. Instantaneously we can imagine
liquid at t e m p e r a t u r e s close to absolute zero (-273°C), is
that xenon now has a 5p and a 5c/ orbital, each with only 1
finding increasing use in low-temperature physics — cryo-
electron, and therefore is able to form bonds by pairing
genics.* Radon has been used as a source of gamma r a y s
with electrons from other a t o m s . These orbitals a r e
for treatment of cancer, but more convenient gamma-ray
"filled" by sharing the 2p orbital of the fluorine that also
sources produced in nuclear r e a c t o r s now a r e more f r e -
has only 1 electron. (Remember fluorine's electronic s t r u c -
quently chosen for medical therapy.
ture is Is^, 2 s \ 2p^, or, alternatively, Is^, 2^^, 2/)^ 2/)^
2p.) Having now used one 5s orbital, three 5p orbitals, and
*See Cryogenics, Tlie Uncommon Cold, another booklet in this
one %d orbital of xenon, we have a hybrid made of 5 o r - s e r i e s , for an explanation of this branch of science.

40 9
EARLY HISTORY used, but so far have been able to solve them for only the
simplest molecule, H2. We can also solve them quite well
for the other light elements by making certain approxima-
Attempts To Form Compounds tions. But for the heavier elements we can obtain only
As in the case of other elements, the discovery of the crude solutions that allow us to establish trends in p r o p e r -
noble gases was followed by an examination of their chem-
ical p r o p e r t i e s . It soon became obvious that these elements
were different—they would not enter into chemical com-
bination with any other elements or with one another. Many
attempts were made to induce chemical reactions between
noble gases and both metals and nonmetals. A great many
techniques were used but none proved successful. Although
many claims were made that compounds had been formed
XeFo XeF4
containing noble gas atoms chemically bound to other
atoms, most of these either were unconvincing or shown
to be incorrect. The scientists who came closest to s u c c e s s
were the American c h e m i s t s , Don Yost and Albert Kaye.
In 1933 they set out to t e s t the prediction, made that year
by another American, Linus Pauling, that krypton and xenon
might react with fluorine. Yost and Kaye passed e l e c t r i c
discharges through mixtures of xenon and fluorine and of
krypton and fluorine. Their r e s u l t s were inconclusive and
they stated in a communication to the Journal of tlie Ameri-
can Chemical Society, "It cannot be said that definite e v i -
dence for compound formation was found. It does not follow,
of course, that xenon fluoride is incapable of existing".
Very soon after the discovery of the noble gases it was
shown that argon, krypton, and xenon will form hydrates —
compounds in which the gases are associated with water Figure 12 Overlapping of xenon 5p orbitals with fluorine 2p
molecules. At first the hydrates were thought to be true orbitals.
chemical compounds, but they were later shown to be
clathrate compounds; in this type of compound the inert gas t i e s . However, a simple approach suggests that we can
is trapped in holes in a crystalline " c a g e " formed by the look at the formation of the xenon-fluorine bond as being
water molecules. The host molecule in hydrates is water, produced by the linear combination of the 5/) and 2p o r -
but s e v e r a l other clathrate hosts have also been used, such bitals from the xenon and fluorine, respectively. Figure 12
as the organic compounds phenol and quinol. For a c o m - shows the representations for XeF2, XeF4, and XeFg, i n -
pound to act as a host the cavities in its crystalline s t r u c - dicating molecules that a r e respectively linear, square
t u r e must be large enough to provide room for the inert planar, and octahedral.
gas atom, but small enough to keep it trapped in the cage. A second approach that has been proposed for describing
So far no host molecules have been found whose cages are the bonding in xenon compounds is called the valence-shell
small enough to keep helium or neon atoms trapped, so no electron-pair repulsion theory. This is generally applicable

10 39
(Figure 11). F o r the d and / electrons the pictorial r e p r e - clathrate compounds of these gases are known. Incidentally,
sentation becomes more difficult so we will manage without the phenomenon of clathrate formation provides a method
it; anyone interested in more detail may consult a book that of separating neon from argon by trapping the argon in a
specifically deals with the subject.* clathrate cage and pumping off the neon.
Clathrate compounds are not true chemical compounds,
because they do not contain r e a l chemical bonds. The only
forces between the inert gas and the host molecule are
relatively weak electrostatic interactions. The inert gas is
readily released by destroying the crystalline cage, either
by dissolving the host in a suitable solvent or by heating it
to its melting point.
S brbital
Why the Gases Are Inert
Before discussing the r e a s o n s for the i n e r t n e s s of the
noble gases it is interesting to look at the relationships
between elements, and how they combine chemically with
one another. The theory that each element has a fixed com-
bining capacity was proposed by the English chemist Sir
Edward Frankland in 1852. This capacity was called the
valence of an atom. As most of the elements then known
would combine with either oxygen or hydrogen, the valence
values were related to the number of atoms of oxygen or
hydrogen with which one atom of each element would com-
Figure 11 Graphic representation of s and p orbitals. bine. Two atoms of hydrogen combine with 1 atom of oxygen
to form H2O, so hydrogen was given a valence of 1, and oxy-
The orbitals we have just described r e p r e s e n t what gen a valence of 2. The valence of any other element was
happens in individual atoms. When atoms combine to b e - then the number of atoms of hydrogen (or twice the number
come molecules, however, the electrons in the orbitals of oxygen atoms) that combined with 1 atom of that element.
a r e no longer affected only by their own nuclei, but come In ammonia we have the formula NH3, so nitrogen has a
under the influence of all the nuclei in the molecule. valence of 3; in carbon dioxide, CO2, the carbon valence is
Bonding, then, is described a s the combination or i n t e r - 4. Valences are always whole n u m b e r s . Some elements
action of the atom.ic orbitals to form m.olecular orbitals. exhibit more than one valence, and the maximum valence
For the xenon fluorides the molecular-orbital approach appears to be 8.
to the question of bonding is based on the involvement of In the late 1860s the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev
the outer 2p orbitals of the fluorine atoms and the 5/j o r - made an intriguing observation when listing the elements
bitals of the xenon. The calculations involved in working in the o r d e r of increasing atomic weights. He found that the
out the exact quantitative description of these molecules first element after hydrogen was lithium with a valence of
a r e difficult. Scientists know the equations that should be 1, the second heaviest was beryllium with a valence of 2,
the third, boron with a valence of 3, and so on. As he con-
*Such as Coulson's Valence in the Suggested References, page 45. tinued he found a sequence of valences that went 1, 2, 3, 4,

38 U
3, 2, 1, and then repeated itself. If he arranged the elements guess at the shape of the molecule and calculate for each
in vertical columns next to one another, in the order of shape how many different, distinguishable ways there a r e
increasing atomic weights, he found the elements in each in which the atoms could be set into resonant (vibrational)
horizontal row a c r o s s the page had the same valence and motion. The experimental results then allow him to choose
strikingly s i m i l a r chemical p r o p e r t i e s . among the possible shapes.
This kind of periodicity, or regular r e c u r r e n c e , had been Based on spectroscopic examination of their vapors,
noted by other scientists, but Mendeleev made a great step XeF2 and KrF2 a r e found to be linear and XeF4 is square
planar, that is, the atoms in XeF2 a r e in a straight line
( F - X e - F ) , and the atoms of XeF4 form a flat square, with
Xe at the center and four F atoms at the c o r n e r s . Once
more the reactivity of XeFg makes an unequivocal answer
difficult to obtain for this compound.

Predicted Shapes and Chemical Bonding

Before starting on this subject we must first clarify one
point. Although the newly discovered xenon fluorides a p -
peared to be a violation of the known rules of valence and
chemical bonding, and might therefore require something
unique and exotic in the way of an explanation, this type of
compound was not really new. Previously known c o m -
pounds, such as bromine trifluoride, BrFs, have atoms that
Dmitri Mendeleev must share more than the 8 electrons of a completed va-
lence shell. Before trying to see how this can be explained
we have to go back and learn a little more about s, p, d,
forward by leaving gaps in his table where the next known a n d / orbitals and electrons.
element, in order of weight, did not fit because it had the We saw e a r l i e r that the number of electrons in a given
wrong valence or the wrong p r o p e r t i e s . He predicted that subshell is limited, 2 for s, 6 for p, 10 for d, and 14 for / .
these gaps would be filled by yet-to-be-discovered e l e - These subshells a r e themselves further broken down into
ments, and he even went as far as to predict the p r o p e r t i e s orbitals, each of which can contain a maximum of 2 e l e c -
of some of these elements from the position they would t r o n s . These orbitals can be regarded a s a pictorial r e p -
occupy in his table. A reproduction of an early version of resentation of the probability of finding a given electron in
Mendeleev's Periodic Table of the Elements is shown in a given place at a given time. For s electrons, the orbital
Figure 4. As can be seen, this was based on the 63 elements has a spherical shape with the nucleus at the center. The
then known. In later versions of the Table the elements a r e electrons can be anywhere from directly at the nucleus
arranged in order a c r o s s the horizontal rows, and those to a great distance away. However, there is a preferred
with s i m i l a r properties fall in the same vertical column. location for them, and the sphere has a definite size. For
At the time of the setting up of the Periodic Table the the p orbitals the electrons a r e most likely to be found in
noble gases were still undiscovered. There were no gaps two regions, one on either side of the nucleus; the r e s u l t -
left for them, as spaces could be left only where at least 1 ing shape is something like a dumbbell. As no two orbitals
element in a group was already known. When argon was
may have the same direction, the 3p orbitals, each contain-
discovered some problem therefore a r o s e as to its place
ing 2 electrons, a r e located perpendicular to one another

12 37
with fluorine atoms at each c o r n e r (Figure 10). This guess
would be based on the fact that other hexafluorides, such
a s SFg (sulfur hexafluoride), have this type of s t r u c t u r e .
However, the electron diffraction pattern for XeFg cannot

Figure 10 "Firstguess"
structure for XeFg.

be reconciled with this type of s t r u c t u r e . There appears

to be some deviation from the octahedral symmetry, and
this produces a complex pattern that has not so far been
Information can also be obtained about the shapes of
molecules by studying what happens when they interact
with light. Consider the atoms in a molecule as balls, and
the chemical bonds between tlie atoms as springs. If a
small amount of energy is given to such a ball-and-spring Figure 4 Above is an early (1869) version of Mendeleev's Periodic
molecule it can begin to vibrate, the balls moving back and Table. The heading reads, "Tentative system of the elements".
The subheading reads, "Based on atomic Heights and chemical
forth about an equilibrium position with c h a r a c t e r i s t i c
similarities". This table is reproduced from Dmitri Ivanovich
resonant frequencies. These frequencies a r e determined Mendeleev, N. A. Figurovskii, Russian Academy of Science, Mos-
by the weights of the balls, the length and strength of the cow, 1961.
springs, and the geometric a r r a n g e m e n t of the b a l l s . In
a real molecule, the frequencies a r e determined by the in the periodic system. Its atomic weight suggested it might
m a s s e s of the atoms, the shape of the molecule, and the belong somewhere near potassium. When its lack of chem-
strengths of the chemical bonds. The number of atoms in ical reactivity was discovered, Mendeleev proposed that it
the molecule determines the number of c h a r a c t e r i s t i c had zero valence and should come between chlorine and
frequencies. potassium. He suggested that a group of such gases might
In the study of the vibrational activity of molecules, e n - be found. The valence periodicity then would be 0, 1, 2, 3,
ergy in the form of light is passed through the compound to 4, 3, 2, 1. This new group led to a complete periodicity
be identified. The emerging light is then examined to d e t e r - of 8, which we shall see is a very significant number.
mine whether any particular frequencies of light have been Both Frankland and Mendeleev based their ideas on their
absorbed or emitted* during the experiment, and the num- knowledge of chemical p r o p e r t i e s . The theoretical support
b e r of such frequencies. Here again a scientist first has to for both proposals came with the development of a theory
of atomic structure and the electronic theory of valence.
*The energy of a given amount of light E is related to its f r e - Theories stating that m a t t e r is composed of small, indi-
quency /' by the equation E = hi^, h being a constant known as
Planck's constant. visible p a r t i c l e s , called atoms, had been proposed as

36 13.
early as 400 B.C., but were of a philosophic r a t h e r than
scientific nature. The scientific atomic theory really
started with the English scientist John Dalton in the 19th
century. In his theory small, indivisible, and indestructible
p a r t i c l e s also were called atoms, but he gave them p r o p -
e r t i e s that had physical significance. More important,
Dalton's theory not only would explain observed e x p e r i -
mental r e s u l t s , but also could predict the r e s u l t s of new
Toward the end of the 19th century the discovery of the
electron demonstrated that atoms themselves were divisible
and led to the proposal of the orbital atom. The atom came
to be considered as being made up of a nucleus, containing
m o s t of the m a s s , and electrons revolving around the nu-
cleus r a t h e r like the planets revolve around the sun.* Each
electron has a single or unit negative charge and the entire
atom is electrically neutral, or uncharged, because in the
nucleus there a r e a number of protons (equal to the number Figure 9 Argonne scientist Stanley Siegel positions a capillary
of electrons), each of which has a unit positive charge. containing XeF^ m an X-ray camera. The capillary is the needle-
like object in the center of the picture.
Atomic Number The number of protons in a given atom
of an element is called the atomic number. In addition to
the protons, the nucleus contains uncharged particles called techniques, and their solid-phase s t r u c t u r e s have yet to be
neutrons. The neutrons and protons have about the same determined.
m a s s , and the electrons, by comparison, have negligible
m a s s . An element of atomic m a s s (A) and atomic number Gas Phase
(Z) will have a nucleus consisting of Z protons and ( A - Z ) Whereas in the solid phase the molecules forming the
neutrons, and this will be surrounded by Z e l e c t r o n s . For c r y s t a l a r e quite close together and can influence one
example, an atom of lithium with m a s s (A) of 7 and atomic another, in the gas phase they a r e relatively far apart and
number (Z) of 3 will have a nucleus consisting of 3 p r o - one can virtually look at individual molecules.
tons and 4 neutrons ( A - Z ) , surrounded by 3 electrons. The method of electron diffraction has been used to
The lightest element, hydrogen, has Z equal to 1, and examine XeF4 and XeFg. A beam of electrons is passed
each successively heavier element differs from the one through the vapor of the compound in the same way that
preceding it by an i n c r e a s e of 1 in Z, and has one m o r e X rays or neutrons a r e passed through c r y s t a l s . The same
proton and one more electron than the next lighter one. type of t r i a l - a n d - e r r o r analysis of the data is made until
Thus, the second heaviest element, helium, has Z equal the experimental and calculated patterns a g r e e . For XeF4
to 2, and so on. For the heavier elements, such as uranium the structure i s s i m i l a r to one of the s m a l l e r a r r a y s that
(Z = 92), one might imagine a chaotic situation with many make up the crystal (solid) unit cell. That i s , the xenon
atom i s located at the center of a square with the 4 fluorine
*This theoretical " m o d e l " of the atom has since been modified atoms at the c o r n e r s . The XeFg structure turns out to be
to explain additional experimental results more fully. Now an atom
often is considered as a nucleus with electrons moving rapidly and more complicated. The first guess would be that the m o l e -
randomly around ity and havir^ no definite boundary surface. cule would have the xenon at the center of an octahedron

14 35
The atoms of m a t e r i a l a r e spread out in all three d i - electrons buzzing all around the nucleus. Fortunately, the
mensions throughout every c r y s t a l and this complexity in electrons a r e restricted to movement in certain fixed o r -
theory could lead to very complicated s t r u c t u r e s . F o r - bits or shells.* The number of electrons in each shell, and
tunately, it t u r n s out that there a r e certain a r r a y s of atoms the o r d e r in which additional electrons build up the shells
of heavier elements, is governed by quantum mechanical
considerations. + The first shell may contain 2 electrons,
the second one 8, the third 18 and so on. However, the
maximum number of electrons possible in any outermost
shell i s 8.
Subshells The shells themselves are actually split into
m subshells, which a r e designated by the l e t t e r s s, p, d, a n d / ,
9 successively moving outward from the nucleus. The number
of electrons in a given sublevel is restricted, being a
6 maximum of 2 for s, 6 for p, 10 for d, and 14 f o r / . The
various shells a r e distinguished from one another by n u m -
b e r s from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates the innermost shell
Xenon atoms
and 7 the outermost. A further restriction i s that there is
Fluorine atoms
only an s sublevel for the first shell, only s and p for the
O -0 second, and only s, p, and d for the third. Beyond the third
level s, p, d, and / sublevels a r e all permitted. These r e -
strictions a r e actually the same a s those indicated in the
Figure 8 Crystal structure ofXeF^, preceding paragraph; namely, the first shell contains 2
left, and XeF^. electrons, which we write Is^, the second shell has 8,
written 2s^2/)^, the third 18, written 3s^3p^3d^\
The electrons do not necessarily fill the shells and s u b -
that repeat themselves throughout the crystal lattice; these shells in consecutive o r d e r . The first (lightest) 18 e l e -
a r e called "unit c e l l s " , and the problem i s reduced to one m e n t s ' electrons a r e added regularly, the electrons filling
of finding the locations of the atoms in each of the unit the Is, 2s, 2p, 3s, and Zp subshells in sequence. However,
cells. in the nineteenth element, the new electron does not go into
Both X-ray-diffraction and neutron-diffraction techniques the 3d subshell, as might be expected, but into the 4s sub-
have been used to determine the s t r u c t u r e s of XeF2 and shell. (Questions of this s o r t a r e decided on the b a s i s of
XeF4, and the X-ray method alone has been used for XeOs. energy considerations. It i s energetically m o r e favorable
Figure 8 shows the c r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e s of XeF2 and XeF4 so to put the 19th electron into the 4s subshell.) From this
determined. The high reactivities of XeFg, XeOF4, and point on we can write down the electronic configurations
KrF2 produce problems when an attempt is made to e x a m - of the succeeding (heavier) elements only if we know the
ine their solid phase s t r u c t u r e s . Samples to be examined
by X-ray techniques a r e usually loaded into long, thin glass *A shell is also referred to in other theories as an energy level.
capillaries. Figure 9 shows a scientist positioning one tQuantum mechanics is a form of mathematical analysis involv-
such capillary in an X-ray c a m e r a . As XeFg, XeOF4, and ing quanta, or definite units of energy in which radiation is emitted
or absorbed. The different orbits, or energy levels, of planetary
KrF2 a r e incompatible with g l a s s , and also a r e most easily electrons a r e separated from each other by whole numbers ol
handled below room t e m p e r a t u r e , they require special quanta.

34 15
order in which the subshells are filled. We should note that Krypton difluoride is a colorless, crystalline compound
when the electrons do go into the M subshell this is con- that decomposes into krypton and fluorine at room temper-
sidered to be inside the 4s level. Consequently, there can ature. At the temperature of dry ice, —78°C, krypton di-
be 10 electrons in this subshell without violating the rule fluoride may be stored unchanged for prolonged periods
of having a maximum of 8 electrons in the outermost shell. of time. Chemically, it is a much more reactive compound
Table II than xenon difluoride, and in fact, its fluorinating proper-
ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF SELECTED ELEMENTS ties appear to be even greater than those of xenon hexa-
Element Number Electronic Structure
Helium, Neon, and Argon
Hydrogen 1 ls» All evidence now available points to the fact that these
Helium 2 ls2
Lithium 3 ls\ 2s» gases are still inert. If one were to look at the properties
Beryllium 4 ls\ 2s2 of the fluorides of krypton we have just discussed, in com-
Boron 5 ls2, 2s\ 2/)i parison with those of the xenon fluorides, one would im-
Neon 10 ls\ 2s\ 2/>S
11 ls\ 2s2 2p^, 3s'
mediately expect that fluorides of the three lightest noble
Argon 18 1S2, 2s\ 2/>^ 3s2, 2,p^ gases could be prepared only under extreme conditions,
Potassium 19 ls\ 2s\ 2p^, 3s2, 3/)^ 4s* and even then would be stable at only low temperatures.
Calcium 20 ls\ 2s\ 2/>6, 3s2, 3p«, 4s2 Attempts to prepare compounds have so far failed, but
Scandium 21 1S2, 2s\ 2/>«, 3s2, 3p\ 3d\ 4s2
Titanium 22 ls\ 2s\ 2p^, 3s\ 3p^, 3rf2, 4s 2
who knows what may be found some day? Only a few years
ago the idea of a xenon fluoride seemed preposterous, too.

This is always the case for d and / subshells: they are

always inside the next or next-but-one s subshell when
being filled. Table II gives the electronic structures for Solid State
several elements.* In solids, the molecules are condensed to form crystals,
Now we are ready to look at the electronic theory of and the way in which the atoms are arrayed in the mole-
valence and some of its consequences. About 1920 a num- cules may be determined by using beams of X rays or
ber of chemists, most notably the American G. N. Lewis, neutrons. When such a beam is directed at a crystal it
suggested that the electrons in the outermost shells were either passes through the spaces between atoms undis-
responsible for elements' chemical reactions. Compounds turbed, or else it strikes an atom and is scattered or de-
(that is, molecules) are formed by the transfer or sharing flected. The amount of scattering can be detected and mea-
of electrons, and the number of such electrons provided or sured, giving a pattern that can be related to the location of
obtained by an atom of any element during the combining the atoms and therefore to the structure of the crystal.
process is its valence. However, there is a kind of regu- The determination of the actual array of the atoms in
lation of the number of electrons that can participate in this any unknown crystal has to be made in an indirect manner.
bonding. It was suggested that the elements were always A guess is made of its probable structure and the pattern
being prodded to attain the maximum number of electrons that this structure would produce is calculated. This pat-
in their outer shell, namely 8. An electronic structure with tern is compared with the experimental pattern. When an
*For a discussion of the electronic configuration of another exact match is obtained, it is apparent the structure is
interesting family of the elements see Rare Earths, The Fraternal known. This used to be a long, tedious operation, but mod-
Fifteen, a companion booklet in this s e r i e s .
ern computer technology has simplified the process.

16 33
COMPOUNDS OF OTHER NOBLE GASES 8 electrons in the outer shell is considered to be more
stable and is called a closed-shell arrangement. Atoms,
Radon then, tend to adjust their electronic structure to that of the
The ionization potential of radon is the lowest of any of nearest element with a completed outer shell. The adjust-
the noble gases, which might lead one to think it would be ment is made by losing, gaining, or sharing electrons with
the most willing to form compounds. This may in fact be other atoms.
the case, but experiments with radon are severely ham- The closed-shell arrangement of electrons happens to
pered because of its high radioactivity. Work done with be the electronic structure of atoms of the noble gases.
very small amounts of material (about one billionth of Moreover, only the 6 noble gases have this arrangement
a gram) has shown that radon gas reacts with fluorine of maximum stability. This fact is the basis for the short-
at 400 °C to yield a compound that is not gaseous at room hand notation for writing electronic structures. From
temperature, as both radon and fluorine are. The course Table II we can see the electronic structure of sodium is
of the reaction was followed only by monitoring with ra- Is^, 2s^, 2p^, 3s ^; sodium has 1 electron more than the
diation detecting instruments the movement of the radio- closed-shell arrangement Is^, 2s^, 2p^, which is the elec-
activity associated with one of the products of decay of the tronic structure of neon. The sodium electronic configura-
radon. The formula of the compound produced has not been tion can therefore be written (Ne), 3s^ Similarly potas-
determined, and further investigation will be needed in sium can be written (Ar), 4 s \ scandium can be indicated
which larger quantities of radon can be used. This will by (Ar), 3d*, 4s^, etc. The close(3-shell arrangements are
require elaborate shielding to protect the experimenters also called cores.
from the high radioactivity. Two atoms with the same number of electrons outside
a stable core would tend strongly to adjust their elec-
Krypton tronic configuration in a similar manner; that is, they
would have the same valence and therefore the same chem-
After xenon and radon, krjrpton should be the most likely ical properties. This fact is borne out by the fact that ele-
of the remaining noble gases to form compounds. Its ioniza- ments in the same group in the Periodic Table have the
tion potential is somewhat higher than that of either oxygen same outer electronic structures. Table III on pages 24-25
or xenon, and it will not react with platinum, ruthenium, is a modern version of the Periodic Table, showing the
or rhodium hexafluorides (PtFg, RuFg, md RhFg, respec- electronic structures. Note that different elements some-
tively). The simple heating of krypton and fluorine also has times appear to have identical electronic structures; for
failed to produce a compound. However, a krypton fluoride example, the outer shells of calcium and zinc are both 4s^.
compound can be formed under the more drastic experi- However, calcium is (Ar), 4s^ while zinc is (Ar), 3rf", 4s^
mental conditions of passing an electric discharge or an The presence of the complete d subshell causes zinc to
electron beam through a mixture of the 2 gases. The have somewhat different properties. Those elements in
krypton fluoride will decompose almost as fast as it is which the d and / subshells are being filled are called tran-
formed if it is left in the discharge or beam zones. But if sition elements, as opposed to the nontransition elements
the container is immersed in a cold bath the krypton fluo- in which the electrons are going into s and p subshells.
ride condenses on the container wall, and is thus removed The fact that the noble gases have completed outer
from the zone in which the energy is generated. In this way shells means that they have nothing to gain by losing,
krypton difluoride also has been produced, and possibly gaining, or sharing electrons. They already have the stable
krypton tetrafluoride. The evidence for the formation of electronic structures that other elements are striving to
the latter is somewhat inconclusive, however. attain. This means that they should have zero valence and

32 17
should not form chemical compounds. Thus, the observed
experimental fact that the gases were inert was supported More Complex Compounds
by theory. This startling agreement between experiment and Mention has been made of XePtFg and s i m i l a r compounds
theory was successful in discouraging attempts to make in which xenon combines with metal hexafluorides. The
chemical compounds with the noble gases for a period of exact nature of these compounds is hard to elucidate and
almost 40 y e a r s . is still being investigated. Both xenon difluoride and xenon
hexafluoride will react with a number of other fluorides to
PREPARATION OF THE FIRST form addition compounds. Table VI shows the formulas of
some of the complexes that have been reported. Apart
Until 1962 all the accepted evidence pointed to the fact Table VI
that the noble gases were chemically inert. A few brave COMPLEXES OF XENON AND KRYPTON FLUORIDES
souls had predicted that compounds of them might exist, Noble G a s
but textbooks and t e a c h e r s s t r e s s e d the inertness of the Compound XeF2 XeF4 XeFg XeOF4 KrFg
g a s e s and these statements went unchallenged.
As we have seen, the discovery of the first noble gas was Fluoride R a t i o of Noble G a s C(3mpoun( i to C o m p l e x i n g F l u o r i d e
an outcome of an investigation of the density of nitrogen.
NaF * * 1 :2 * *
The discovery of the first chemical compound of a noble 1 :2 1 :3
KF * * *
gas was also a by-product of an unrelated investigation. 1:6
The beginning really goes back to the Manhattan Project* RbF t t 1:2 2:3 t
and the production of the first atomic bomb. An important 1 :1
CsF t t 1 :2 1:3 t
ingredient for the bomb was the uranium isotope ^^^U, This 1:1 2:3
was separated from natural uranium (which is a mixture 1:1
containing mostly another isotope, ^^^u) by gaseous diffu- SbFj 1:2 t 1 :2 1:2 1:2
sion, the " g a s " for this p r o c e s s being a volatile uranium 1:1 t
compound, uranium hexafluoride, UFg. This wartime i n t e r - 2:1 t
est in UFg created an i n t e r e s t in other metallic hexa- AsFj * t 1 :1 2.1§ J
BF3 * t 1 :1 * t
fluorides, compounds containing 6 fluorine atoms bound to TaFj 1:2 t t t
1 metal atom. The study of the properties of these com-
VF5 * * 2:1 t t
pounds, and the s e a r c h for new hexafluorides, was u n d e r -
taken after the war in many l a b o r a t o r i e s , especially those *No compound formed.
tHas not been tried.
of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, which had w o r k e r s tCompound forms; formula not yet known.
experienced in handling such chemically reactive m a t e r i a l s . § Unstable above - 2 0 ° C .
A group of scientists at the AEC's Argonne National L a b -
oratory was particularly active in this field. They d i s -
covered hexafluorides of platinum, technetium, ruthenium, from their chemical composition, and a few physical p r o p -
and rhodium, and investigated the properties of these and e r t i e s , not much else is known about these complexes.
other hexafluoride molecules. Xenon tetrafluoride does not appear to form a s i m i l a r
s e r i e s of addition compounds.

*The World War II code name for the program of the War
Department unit that predated the present Atomic Energy Com-

18 31
The next step in the story took place at the University of
British Columbia in Vancouver, where Neil Bartlett, a young
British chemist, was doing r e s e a r c h on fluorides of p l a t i -
inum. He and one of his colleagues discovered a compound
containing platinum, oxygen, and fluorine, which they for-
mulated as 02"'"PtFg~. In order to form this type of com-
pound, an electron must be removed from the O2 part of the
molecule, leaving it with a net positive charge. This electron
becomes associated with the PtFg part, giving this part a
net negative charge. The surprising thing about this r e a c -
tion is that the energy required to remove an electron
from an oxygen molecule, the ionization potential, is quite
high. As a matter of fact, no compound containing Oz"*" had
ever been known before the discovery of 02'^PtFg"". Although
the Oz'^PtFg" they first synthesized was not made directly
from PtFg, Bartlett soon found that PtFg and molecular oxy-
gen will react to give this compound. This suggested to him
that PtFg (platinum hexafluoride) must have a strong af-
finity for electrons.
Soon after the discovery of 02"'"PtFg~. Bartlett realized
that the ionization potential of xenon is almost exactly the
same as that of molecular oxygen. This led him to wonder
if the platinum hexafluoride, with its powerful electron-
attracting p r o p e r t i e s , could pull an electron away from
xenon to form a chemical compound. He decided to try an
experiment to confirm this idea. He filled a glass container
with a known amount of the deep red platinum hexafluoride
vapor and separated it by a glass diaphragm from a similar
container filled with a known amount of the colorless
xenon gas. When the diaphragm between them was broken
t h e r e was an immediate and spectacular reaction: The 2
gases combined to produce a yellow solid! Initial m e a -
s u r e m e n t s of the amounts of gases reacting indicated
Figure 7 This nickel can, about 4 inches long and i% inches iiide that the combining ratio was 1 - t o - l . In the June 1962
(photo IS approximately actual size), uas ruptured by detonation of Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London, Bartlett
100 mtlligianis of XeOj. reported preparation of the world's first compound in
which a noble gas was chemically bound — the yellow solid,
compounds. These, then, a r e not m a t e r i a l s to be worked Xe+PtFg".
with in a basement laboratory in a home, but should only The announcement was greeted with s u r p r i s e and in
be handled m well-equipped laboratories by experienced some places disbelief. This is not s u r p r i s i n g since one of
workers who give every regard to safety precautions. the accepted and revered dogmas of chemistry had just

30 1»
been shattered by his one experiment. More s u r p r i s e s were XeOF4 r e a c t s with water. The reaction of XeF4 with water
yet to come. can also r e s u l t in the formation of XeO^. This i s a s o m e -
The scientists at Argonne, where PtFg had been first what surprising reaction, however. In XeO^ the xenon has
made, confirmed B a r t l e t t ' s r e s u l t s almost as soon as they a valence of 6, the xenon being combined with three oxygen
learned of his experiments. They went on to extend his atoms each of valence 2. When XeO^ i s formed from XeFg
work, and showed that xenon would also combine — a m a z - or XeOFi the valence of the xenon in the original com-
ingly—with the hexafluorides of plutonium, ruthenium, and pounds i s also 6. However, when XeOs is prepared from
rhodium. XeF4, the valence of the xenon in the starting m a t e r i a l i s
However, things were not a s straightforward a s they had only 4. This type of reaction comes about by disproportion-
at first seemed. The combining ratios, which had been ation of the xenon atoms; some of them end up in a higher
1-to-l in the first experiments, were found to vary i r - valence state and some in a lower one, that is, some of
regularly from one hexafluoride to another, and s o m e - the xenon atoms a r e oxidized and others a r e reduced. The
t i m e s even varied for the same hexafluoride. Even with production of xenon trioxide from xenon tetrafluoride and
PtFg it appeared that there might be at least 2 compounds water may be formulated thus:
formed, XePtFg and Xe(PtFg)2. This threw some doubt on
the idea that XePtFg and 02'^PtFg~ might be completely 3XeF4 + 6H2O = Xe + 2Xe03 + 12HF
analogous. The group at Argonne began to wonder if the
attraction between xenon and the hexafluorides was due, Starting off with 3 xenon atoms each having a valence of 4,
not to the strong attraction of the hexafluorides for e l e c - the procedure ends up with 1 xenon atom of valence zero and
trons, but instead to the hexafluorides' ability to provide 2 of valence 6, thus balancing the valences. In alkaline solu-
fluorine, that i s , to act as fluorinating agents. If this were tions, for example caustic soda, the disproportionation can
so, it was reasoned, the xenon might actually react with go a step further and yield compounds containing xenon
fluorine itself. with a valence of 8, such as sodium perxenate, Na4Xe06.
Howard H. Claassen, then an Argonne consultant from The perxenate s a l t s react with concentrated sulphuric acid
Wheaton College, and Henry Selig and John G. Malm of the to yield the 8-valent xenon tetroxide, Xe04.
Argonne Chemistry Division next decided to test this idea. EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN WITH BOTH OF THE
A known amount of xenon was condensed in a nickel con- XENON OXIDES, BECAUSE THEY ARE POWERFUL EX-
tainer and a fivefold e x c e s s of fluorine was added. The PLOSIVES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Xenon trioxide
container was sealed and heated to 400 °C for 1 hour. After is relatively safe in solution in water. When the water evap-
cooling the container to the t e m p e r a t u r e of dry ice (-78 °C), o r a t e s , however, the pure xenon trioxide is left in the form
the experimenters pumped the unreacted gas away. If of c o l o r l e s s c r y s t a l s , which a r e a s powerful a s TNT in
xenon were really an inert gas, the container should have their explosive power! Unlike the case with TNT, it is not
been empty at this stage. To everyone's s u r p r i s e it was known under what conditions the c r y s t a l s can be handled
not empty when weighed. F u r t h e r m o r e , the gain in weight safely, nor exactly what causes them to explode. This
could be accounted for exactly by assuming that all the makes working with xenon trioxide extremely hazardous.
xenon initially p r e s e n t had reacted with fluorine to form a Moreover, because the xenon fluorides react with moisture
compound with the formula XeF4. The contents of the can to give xenon trioxide, even working with these compounds
was sublimed into a glass tube a s brilliant, c o l o r l e s s can also be dangerous. The metal container shown in Fig-
c r y s t a l s (Figure 5). Within weeks of the time the original u r e 7 was damaged by the explosion of about 100 mg.
announcement ©f the preparation of XePtFg reached A r - (0.0035 oz.) of xenon trioxide. Even experienced and c a r e -
gonne, a simple compound containing a noble gas and one ful scientists have been injured when working with xenon

20 29
Oxygen-Containing Compounds
Under normal conditions it does not appear to be p o s -
sible to obtain a chemical reaction between oxygen and
xenon or between oxygen and a xenon fluoride. In those
c a s e s where oxygen has been introduced into a xenon-
containing compound the introduction has been achieved
by the replacement of fluorine. One of the first oxygen-
containing compounds to be discovered was xenon oxide
tetrafluoride, XeOF4. Chemists attempting to s t o r e XeFg
in glass found that a clear, c o l o r l e s s liquid was formed
by reaction of the XeFg with the g l a s s . The liquid was
analyzed and found to have the formula XeOF4. The oxygen
had been obtained from the glass, which may be regarded as
silicon dioxide, SiOj. The reactive fluorine in the XeFg
replaced the oxygen in the SiOj, converting it to SiF4:

2XeF6 + SiOz = 2XeOF4 + SiF4

Since fluorine has a valence of 1 and oxygen a valence of 2,

2 fluorine atoms had to be removed to allow the insertion
of 1 oxygen atom.
This oxygen-containing compound is also formed when
XeFg r e a c t s with just enough water to provide for the r e -
placement of 2 of the fluorine a t o m s . This reaction may be Figure 5 Crystals of xenon tetrafluoride. (Also see cover photo-

XeFg + HjO = XeOF4 + 2HF other element had been p r e p a r e d . The date was August 2,
Xenon oxide tetrafluoride is somewhat l e s s reactive than One might wonder why the expression "more s u r p r i s e s
XeFg, but is m o r e reactive than XeF4. It may be kept un- were yet to c o m e " was used a couple of paragraphs ago.
changed in dried nickel containers, but it slowly attacks Those who had objected to the "violation" of tlie idea of
glass or quartz. absolute inertness of the noble g a s e s could still rationalize
The reaction of XeFg with enough water to provide for that a compound as exotic as one between Xe and PtFg
the replacement of all 6 fluorine atoms with oxygen atoms might not contain true chemical bonding, and that it might
yields XeOs, xenon trioxide: even be a new type of clathrate compound. The preparation
of XeF4 removed all such possible explanations, and the
XeFg + SHjO = XeOj + 6HF chemical world was faced with the naked truth that at least
one " i n e r t " gas was not inert. Chemical textbooks became
Xenon trioxide also r e s u l t s when XeOF4 is allowed to r e - obsolete overnight in this respect, and p r o f e s s o r s and
main in contact with glass for prolonged periods, or when teachers had to rewrite their lecture notes.

28 21
Table V

Melting Pressure Density
Color of Color of Pomt at 25°C gm/cc
Compound Solid Vapor (°C) (mm) at 25°C

XeFj Colorless Colorless 129 4.6 4.32

XeF4 Colorless Colorless 117 2.5 4.04

•=a^ •-«i aoc XeFe Colorless Greenish-

49.5 27 3.41

X and reactive fluorides. These undoubtedly played a part,

but the major factor was probably the lack of an adequate
amount of xenon. (Until recently xenon was not generally
available in most laboratories because of its high cost.)
The xenon fluorides a r e colorless crystalline m a t e r i a l s
at room temperature, but they react readily with m o i s t u r e .
F o r this reason they must be handled in thoroughly dried
equipment and a r e usually manipulated in metal vacuum
s y s t e m s . A typical experimental setup is shown on page 22.
The necessity of avoiding a reaction with water (hydrolysis)
i s extremely important, as we shall see l a t e r . Providing
" J ilB,iL' this precaution is observed, the fluorides a r e stable at

1 room temperature and can be stored for prolonged periods

in nickel containers.
Some of the physical p r o p e r t i e s of the fluorides a r e
given in Table V. Each of the fluorides will react with
hydrogen, forming hydrogen fluoride and liberating e l e -
mental xenon; for example,

XeF4 + 2H2 — Xe + 4HF

The relative ease of this reaction with hydrogen establishes

XeFg as the m o s t reactive of the xenon fluorides, and XeFj
a s the least reactive. This o r d e r of reactivity h a s been
confirmed by other experiments, in which the xenon fluo-
r i d e s act a s fluorinating agents. In addition, it has been
found that both XeFj and XeF4 can be stored in thoroughly
dried glass containers, but XeFg r e a c t s even with dry glass
Figure 6 John G. Malm (left) and Howard H. Claassen adjusting
apparatus similar to that used for the first preparation of XeFi at o r quartz. Note that xenon, in forming the three fluorides,
Argonne National Laboratory. exhibits valences of 2, 4, and 6.

22 27
Temperature Time Pressure Fluorine-Containing Compounds
Compound Ratio Xe/F2 (°C) (hours) (atmospheres)
As we have already seen, the first noble gas compounds
XeF2 7.5:1 400 16 75 contained the element fluorine.* Of the many compounds
XeF4 1:5 400 1 6
XeFg 1:20 250
discovered since then, it turns out that they all either con-
16 50
tain fluorine o r a r e made from fluorine-containing c o m -
pounds. Let us consider first the 3 known binary fluorides,
used as the fuel. This was sealed in a container and s u b - that i s , compounds containing only xenon and fluorine. By
jected to neutron irradiation. Under these conditions the heating together a mixture of xenon and fluorine under
^^^U in the uranium fluoride, UF4, undergoes fission. The appropriate conditions, chemists can produce xenon d i -
fission r e s u l t s in the ^^^U a t o m s ' breaking up into new fluoride, XeF2, xenon tetrafluoride, XeF4, and xenon hexa-
fission-product atoms of nearly equal m a s s , and some fluoride, XeFg. Which of these fluorides is produced d e -
free neutrons, and the r e l e a s e of a large amount of energy. pends on the ratio of fluorine to xenon, the t e m p e r a t u r e
Among the expected fission products there always a r e of the reaction, and the p r e s s u r e in the reaction v e s s e l .
some xenon isotopes, and the amount of xenon so produced These may be adjusted to form any one of the 3 fluorides
i s sometimes used a s a m e a s u r e of the amount of fission in a reasonably p u r e state. If c a r e i s not taken, however,
that has taken place. You can imagine the s u r p r i s e of the m i x t u r e s of the fluorides result and these a r e difficult to
scientists when no xenon could be found in the g a s e s from s e p a r a t e . Table IV on page 26 shows the conditions that
the molten-salt reactor experiments, although other p r o d - have been used to p r e p a r e s e v e r a l - g r a m quantities of XeF2,
ucts showed that fission had undoubtedly taken place. XeFi, and XeFg.
Puzzle Explained With the discovery of xenon tetrafluoride In o r d e r to p r e p a r e a fluoride of xenon it i s only n e c e s -
the puzzle was explained. It turned out that free fluorine is sary to have a source of fluorine atoms, which then react
generated in the reactor-fuel mixture by the neutron i r r a - with the xenon. Heating fluorine gas is one way to produce
diation. Under certain conditions this fluorine can react such atoms; they have also been produced by subjecting
with the fission product xenon to form a xenon fluoride. In fluorine, or fluorine-containing compounds, to electric
those cases where no xenon was found, the conditions had d i s c h a r g e s or ionizing radiations, such a s the gamma r a y s
been right for xenon fluoride formation. This was another from a cobalt-60 source or a beam of electrons, a beam of
case in which a discovery in one field of science answered ultraviolet light, o r a beam of neutrons from a r e a c t o r .
a problem in another. The fact that xenon fluorides can be formed answered
Perhaps the m o s t startling experiment with xenon and a puzzling question that had been plaguing scientists and
fluorine was reported towards the end of 1965. Xenon and engineers who were studying reactor fuels, t In e x p e r i -
fluorine when mixed in a dry glass flask will r e a c t if the ments to test the fuels and fuel a s s e m b l i e s for a molten-
mixture is exposed to sunlight! In this case the energy p r o - s a l t reactor, a mixture of lithium fluoride, beryllium
vided by the sunlight is enough to produce the needed fluo- fluoride, zirconium fluoride, and uranium fluoride was
rine atoms. This being the case, one may wonder why it * Fluorine is the most active nonmetallic element, and combines
took so many y e a r s to p r e p a r e the first noble gas c o m - with all other elements (disregarding the noble gases) so strongly
pounds. Several explanations have been offered, such a s that it cannot be prepared from any of its natural compounds by
any purely chemical reduction.
the difficulty in getting thoroughly dried glassware, and
tFor more about reactors, see Nuclear Reactors and Atomic
lack of knowledge of the techniques for handling fluorine Fuel, companion booklets in this series.

26 23

\. la lla Ilia IVa Va Via Vila VII lb lib lllb IVb Vb VIb Vllb 0
h *^ 4.0026
H 1 He
Is 1 1.2
4 6
6.939 9 0122 10.811 14.0067 15.9994 18.9984 20.183
2 Li B N 0 F Ne
2.2 2.22p'
2.22p2 2.22p3 2.22p' 2.22p5 2.22p6
11 12 14
22 9898 26.9815 15 30.9738 1 6 32.064 35.453 1 8 39.948
24312 28.086
3 Na Mg Al Si P S CI Ar
3. 3.2 3.23p. 3.23p2 3.23p3 3.23p' 3.23p5 3.23p6

15 39.102 2 0 40.08 2 1 44.956 2 2

47.90 '^^
2t 2^ 54.938 2 6 55.847
27 28 58.71 2 9 «.54 30 65.37 3 1 69.72 3 2 72.59 3 ^ 74.922 3 4 ,8.96 ^ 5 79.909 3 6 83.80
50.942 51.996 58.933
4 K Ca Sc Tl V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
4s 4.2 3J'4.2 3J24.2 3J34.2 3./54.1 3</54s2 3rf64.2 3J'4.2 3</«4.2 3J"'4si 3rfl''4.2 4.24pl 4.24p2 4,24p3 4.24p» 4.24p5 4.24p«
39 41 44 45 47 52 54
37 85.47 3 8 87.62
^' 88.905
'° 91.22
42 .5.94 ^^3 ,99)
101.07 102.905
46 ,06.4
48 n.40 49 „4.82 50 118.69 5 1 121.75
53 126.904
•'^ 131.30
5 Zr Te
Rb Sr Y Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb 1 Xe
5s 5.2 4</'5.2 4J25.2 4./''5.1 4</55.' 4</55.2 4</'5.' 4J«5s' 4^'° 4</"'5s' 4,/'"5s2 5.25p' 5.25p2 5.25p3 5.25p' 5.25p5 5.25p6
72 74 75 , ^ . , 76 ,^., 77 ,„., 78 79 80
132.905 5 6 .37.34 5 7 138.91 178.49 180.948
183.85 195.09 196.967 200.59
81 204.37 8 2 ,07.19 208.980 ' ' (210, 8 5 (210, 86 „22)
6 Cs Ba Re
la* Hf Ta w OS Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Ss 6.2 5<i.6.2 5J26.2 5J36.2 5rf«6.2 5rf56.2 5J«6.2 5rf56." 5J96s' 5di°6s> 5J"'6s2 5</"'6.26p' 6.26p2 6.26p3 6.26p» 6.26p5 6.26p«
'' (223) « « (226) (227)
7 Fr Ra Ac**
6s26p67.l 6.26p67.2 6.26p«6rf'7.2

Key to Table
-Atomic number 58 140,2
68 69
140.907 6 0 ,44.24 6 1 (.47, 6 2 150.35 6 3 ,51.96 6 4 ,57.25 158.924 6 6 ,,2.50 ' 164.930 167.26 168.934 7 0 ,73.04 7 1 ,74.97
Atomic weight- *Lanfhanides
>my Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
4/26.2 4f36,2 4f<6.2 4f56.2 4/«».2 4f'6.2 4f'5Jl6.2 4f96.2 4/'%.2 4fl'6.2 4/126.2 4f'36.2 4f»6s2 4/"5,/i6.2
90 92 94 f 100 101 102
232.038 5 1 (231) 238.04 ^ 3 (237, '(242, 5 5 (243, 5 6 (247, 5 7 (247, 58 (25„ 55 (254)
Ca (253, (256, (254)

**Actinides Th Pa u Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lw
6J27.2 5f26rf'7.2 5fHc('7.2 5/*6rfl7.2 5/«7.2 5f'7.2 5f'6J'7.2 5f'6</27.2 5f«6</'7.2 5f>i6.26,y«7.2 5f'26.26,67.2 5f"6.26p67.2
- / Electronic

24 25
Temperature Time Pressure Fluorine-Containing Compounds
Compound Ratio Xe/F2 (°C) (hours) (atmospheres)
As we have already seen, the first noble gas compounds
XeF2 7.5:1 400 16 75 contained the element fluorine.* Of the many compounds
XeF4 1:5 400 1 6
XeFg 1:20 250
discovered since then, it turns out that they all either con-
16 50
tain fluorine o r a r e made from fluorine-containing c o m -
pounds. Let us consider first the 3 known binary fluorides,
used as the fuel. This was sealed in a container and s u b - that i s , compounds containing only xenon and fluorine. By
jected to neutron irradiation. Under these conditions the heating together a mixture of xenon and fluorine under
^^^U in the uranium fluoride, UF4, undergoes fission. The appropriate conditions, chemists can produce xenon d i -
fission r e s u l t s in the ^^^U a t o m s ' breaking up into new fluoride, XeF2, xenon tetrafluoride, XeF4, and xenon hexa-
fission-product atoms of nearly equal m a s s , and some fluoride, XeFg. Which of these fluorides is produced d e -
free neutrons, and the r e l e a s e of a large amount of energy. pends on the ratio of fluorine to xenon, the t e m p e r a t u r e
Among the expected fission products there always a r e of the reaction, and the p r e s s u r e in the reaction v e s s e l .
some xenon isotopes, and the amount of xenon so produced These may be adjusted to form any one of the 3 fluorides
i s sometimes used a s a m e a s u r e of the amount of fission in a reasonably p u r e state. If c a r e i s not taken, however,
that has taken place. You can imagine the s u r p r i s e of the m i x t u r e s of the fluorides result and these a r e difficult to
scientists when no xenon could be found in the g a s e s from s e p a r a t e . Table IV on page 26 shows the conditions that
the molten-salt reactor experiments, although other p r o d - have been used to p r e p a r e s e v e r a l - g r a m quantities of XeF2,
ucts showed that fission had undoubtedly taken place. XeFi, and XeFg.
Puzzle Explained With the discovery of xenon tetrafluoride In o r d e r to p r e p a r e a fluoride of xenon it i s only n e c e s -
the puzzle was explained. It turned out that free fluorine is sary to have a source of fluorine atoms, which then react
generated in the reactor-fuel mixture by the neutron i r r a - with the xenon. Heating fluorine gas is one way to produce
diation. Under certain conditions this fluorine can react such atoms; they have also been produced by subjecting
with the fission product xenon to form a xenon fluoride. In fluorine, or fluorine-containing compounds, to electric
those cases where no xenon was found, the conditions had d i s c h a r g e s or ionizing radiations, such a s the gamma r a y s
been right for xenon fluoride formation. This was another from a cobalt-60 source or a beam of electrons, a beam of
case in which a discovery in one field of science answered ultraviolet light, o r a beam of neutrons from a r e a c t o r .
a problem in another. The fact that xenon fluorides can be formed answered
Perhaps the m o s t startling experiment with xenon and a puzzling question that had been plaguing scientists and
fluorine was reported towards the end of 1965. Xenon and engineers who were studying reactor fuels, t In e x p e r i -
fluorine when mixed in a dry glass flask will r e a c t if the ments to test the fuels and fuel a s s e m b l i e s for a molten-
mixture is exposed to sunlight! In this case the energy p r o - s a l t reactor, a mixture of lithium fluoride, beryllium
vided by the sunlight is enough to produce the needed fluo- fluoride, zirconium fluoride, and uranium fluoride was
rine atoms. This being the case, one may wonder why it * Fluorine is the most active nonmetallic element, and combines
took so many y e a r s to p r e p a r e the first noble gas c o m - with all other elements (disregarding the noble gases) so strongly
pounds. Several explanations have been offered, such a s that it cannot be prepared from any of its natural compounds by
any purely chemical reduction.
the difficulty in getting thoroughly dried glassware, and
tFor more about reactors, see Nuclear Reactors and Atomic
lack of knowledge of the techniques for handling fluorine Fuel, companion booklets in this series.

26 23
Table V

Melting Pressure Density
Color of Color of Pomt at 25°C gm/cc
Compound Solid Vapor (°C) (mm) at 25°C

XeFj Colorless Colorless 129 4.6 4.32

XeF4 Colorless Colorless 117 2.5 4.04

•=a^ •-«i aoc XeFe Colorless Greenish-

49.5 27 3.41

X and reactive fluorides. These undoubtedly played a part,

but the major factor was probably the lack of an adequate
amount of xenon. (Until recently xenon was not generally
available in most laboratories because of its high cost.)
The xenon fluorides a r e colorless crystalline m a t e r i a l s
at room temperature, but they react readily with m o i s t u r e .
F o r this reason they must be handled in thoroughly dried
equipment and a r e usually manipulated in metal vacuum
s y s t e m s . A typical experimental setup is shown on page 22.
The necessity of avoiding a reaction with water (hydrolysis)
i s extremely important, as we shall see l a t e r . Providing
" J ilB,iL' this precaution is observed, the fluorides a r e stable at

1 room temperature and can be stored for prolonged periods

in nickel containers.
Some of the physical p r o p e r t i e s of the fluorides a r e
given in Table V. Each of the fluorides will react with
hydrogen, forming hydrogen fluoride and liberating e l e -
mental xenon; for example,

XeF4 + 2H2 — Xe + 4HF

The relative ease of this reaction with hydrogen establishes

XeFg as the m o s t reactive of the xenon fluorides, and XeFj
a s the least reactive. This o r d e r of reactivity h a s been
confirmed by other experiments, in which the xenon fluo-
r i d e s act a s fluorinating agents. In addition, it has been
found that both XeFj and XeF4 can be stored in thoroughly
dried glass containers, but XeFg r e a c t s even with dry glass
Figure 6 John G. Malm (left) and Howard H. Claassen adjusting
apparatus similar to that used for the first preparation of XeFi at o r quartz. Note that xenon, in forming the three fluorides,
Argonne National Laboratory. exhibits valences of 2, 4, and 6.

22 27
Oxygen-Containing Compounds
Under normal conditions it does not appear to be p o s -
sible to obtain a chemical reaction between oxygen and
xenon or between oxygen and a xenon fluoride. In those
c a s e s where oxygen has been introduced into a xenon-
containing compound the introduction has been achieved
by the replacement of fluorine. One of the first oxygen-
containing compounds to be discovered was xenon oxide
tetrafluoride, XeOF4. Chemists attempting to s t o r e XeFg
in glass found that a clear, c o l o r l e s s liquid was formed
by reaction of the XeFg with the g l a s s . The liquid was
analyzed and found to have the formula XeOF4. The oxygen
had been obtained from the glass, which may be regarded as
silicon dioxide, SiOj. The reactive fluorine in the XeFg
replaced the oxygen in the SiOj, converting it to SiF4:

2XeF6 + SiOz = 2XeOF4 + SiF4

Since fluorine has a valence of 1 and oxygen a valence of 2,

2 fluorine atoms had to be removed to allow the insertion
of 1 oxygen atom.
This oxygen-containing compound is also formed when
XeFg r e a c t s with just enough water to provide for the r e -
placement of 2 of the fluorine a t o m s . This reaction may be Figure 5 Crystals of xenon tetrafluoride. (Also see cover photo-

XeFg + HjO = XeOF4 + 2HF other element had been p r e p a r e d . The date was August 2,
Xenon oxide tetrafluoride is somewhat l e s s reactive than One might wonder why the expression "more s u r p r i s e s
XeFg, but is m o r e reactive than XeF4. It may be kept un- were yet to c o m e " was used a couple of paragraphs ago.
changed in dried nickel containers, but it slowly attacks Those who had objected to the "violation" of tlie idea of
glass or quartz. absolute inertness of the noble g a s e s could still rationalize
The reaction of XeFg with enough water to provide for that a compound as exotic as one between Xe and PtFg
the replacement of all 6 fluorine atoms with oxygen atoms might not contain true chemical bonding, and that it might
yields XeOs, xenon trioxide: even be a new type of clathrate compound. The preparation
of XeF4 removed all such possible explanations, and the
XeFg + SHjO = XeOj + 6HF chemical world was faced with the naked truth that at least
one " i n e r t " gas was not inert. Chemical textbooks became
Xenon trioxide also r e s u l t s when XeOF4 is allowed to r e - obsolete overnight in this respect, and p r o f e s s o r s and
main in contact with glass for prolonged periods, or when teachers had to rewrite their lecture notes.

28 21
been shattered by his one experiment. More s u r p r i s e s were XeOF4 r e a c t s with water. The reaction of XeF4 with water
yet to come. can also r e s u l t in the formation of XeO^. This i s a s o m e -
The scientists at Argonne, where PtFg had been first what surprising reaction, however. In XeO^ the xenon has
made, confirmed B a r t l e t t ' s r e s u l t s almost as soon as they a valence of 6, the xenon being combined with three oxygen
learned of his experiments. They went on to extend his atoms each of valence 2. When XeO^ i s formed from XeFg
work, and showed that xenon would also combine — a m a z - or XeOFi the valence of the xenon in the original com-
ingly—with the hexafluorides of plutonium, ruthenium, and pounds i s also 6. However, when XeOs is prepared from
rhodium. XeF4, the valence of the xenon in the starting m a t e r i a l i s
However, things were not a s straightforward a s they had only 4. This type of reaction comes about by disproportion-
at first seemed. The combining ratios, which had been ation of the xenon atoms; some of them end up in a higher
1-to-l in the first experiments, were found to vary i r - valence state and some in a lower one, that is, some of
regularly from one hexafluoride to another, and s o m e - the xenon atoms a r e oxidized and others a r e reduced. The
t i m e s even varied for the same hexafluoride. Even with production of xenon trioxide from xenon tetrafluoride and
PtFg it appeared that there might be at least 2 compounds water may be formulated thus:
formed, XePtFg and Xe(PtFg)2. This threw some doubt on
the idea that XePtFg and 02'^PtFg~ might be completely 3XeF4 + 6H2O = Xe + 2Xe03 + 12HF
analogous. The group at Argonne began to wonder if the
attraction between xenon and the hexafluorides was due, Starting off with 3 xenon atoms each having a valence of 4,
not to the strong attraction of the hexafluorides for e l e c - the procedure ends up with 1 xenon atom of valence zero and
trons, but instead to the hexafluorides' ability to provide 2 of valence 6, thus balancing the valences. In alkaline solu-
fluorine, that i s , to act as fluorinating agents. If this were tions, for example caustic soda, the disproportionation can
so, it was reasoned, the xenon might actually react with go a step further and yield compounds containing xenon
fluorine itself. with a valence of 8, such as sodium perxenate, Na4Xe06.
Howard H. Claassen, then an Argonne consultant from The perxenate s a l t s react with concentrated sulphuric acid
Wheaton College, and Henry Selig and John G. Malm of the to yield the 8-valent xenon tetroxide, Xe04.
Argonne Chemistry Division next decided to test this idea. EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN WITH BOTH OF THE
A known amount of xenon was condensed in a nickel con- XENON OXIDES, BECAUSE THEY ARE POWERFUL EX-
tainer and a fivefold e x c e s s of fluorine was added. The PLOSIVES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Xenon trioxide
container was sealed and heated to 400 °C for 1 hour. After is relatively safe in solution in water. When the water evap-
cooling the container to the t e m p e r a t u r e of dry ice (-78 °C), o r a t e s , however, the pure xenon trioxide is left in the form
the experimenters pumped the unreacted gas away. If of c o l o r l e s s c r y s t a l s , which a r e a s powerful a s TNT in
xenon were really an inert gas, the container should have their explosive power! Unlike the case with TNT, it is not
been empty at this stage. To everyone's s u r p r i s e it was known under what conditions the c r y s t a l s can be handled
not empty when weighed. F u r t h e r m o r e , the gain in weight safely, nor exactly what causes them to explode. This
could be accounted for exactly by assuming that all the makes working with xenon trioxide extremely hazardous.
xenon initially p r e s e n t had reacted with fluorine to form a Moreover, because the xenon fluorides react with moisture
compound with the formula XeF4. The contents of the can to give xenon trioxide, even working with these compounds
was sublimed into a glass tube a s brilliant, c o l o r l e s s can also be dangerous. The metal container shown in Fig-
c r y s t a l s (Figure 5). Within weeks of the time the original u r e 7 was damaged by the explosion of about 100 mg.
announcement ©f the preparation of XePtFg reached A r - (0.0035 oz.) of xenon trioxide. Even experienced and c a r e -
gonne, a simple compound containing a noble gas and one ful scientists have been injured when working with xenon

20 29
The next step in the story took place at the University of
British Columbia in Vancouver, where Neil Bartlett, a young
British chemist, was doing r e s e a r c h on fluorides of p l a t i -
inum. He and one of his colleagues discovered a compound
containing platinum, oxygen, and fluorine, which they for-
mulated as 02"'"PtFg~. In order to form this type of com-
pound, an electron must be removed from the O2 part of the
molecule, leaving it with a net positive charge. This electron
becomes associated with the PtFg part, giving this part a
net negative charge. The surprising thing about this r e a c -
tion is that the energy required to remove an electron
from an oxygen molecule, the ionization potential, is quite
high. As a matter of fact, no compound containing Oz"*" had
ever been known before the discovery of 02'^PtFg"". Although
the Oz'^PtFg" they first synthesized was not made directly
from PtFg, Bartlett soon found that PtFg and molecular oxy-
gen will react to give this compound. This suggested to him
that PtFg (platinum hexafluoride) must have a strong af-
finity for electrons.
Soon after the discovery of 02"'"PtFg~. Bartlett realized
that the ionization potential of xenon is almost exactly the
same as that of molecular oxygen. This led him to wonder
if the platinum hexafluoride, with its powerful electron-
attracting p r o p e r t i e s , could pull an electron away from
xenon to form a chemical compound. He decided to try an
experiment to confirm this idea. He filled a glass container
with a known amount of the deep red platinum hexafluoride
vapor and separated it by a glass diaphragm from a similar
container filled with a known amount of the colorless
xenon gas. When the diaphragm between them was broken
t h e r e was an immediate and spectacular reaction: The 2
gases combined to produce a yellow solid! Initial m e a -
s u r e m e n t s of the amounts of gases reacting indicated
Figure 7 This nickel can, about 4 inches long and i% inches iiide that the combining ratio was 1 - t o - l . In the June 1962
(photo IS approximately actual size), uas ruptured by detonation of Proceedings of the Chemical Society of London, Bartlett
100 mtlligianis of XeOj. reported preparation of the world's first compound in
which a noble gas was chemically bound — the yellow solid,
compounds. These, then, a r e not m a t e r i a l s to be worked Xe+PtFg".
with in a basement laboratory in a home, but should only The announcement was greeted with s u r p r i s e and in
be handled m well-equipped laboratories by experienced some places disbelief. This is not s u r p r i s i n g since one of
workers who give every regard to safety precautions. the accepted and revered dogmas of chemistry had just

30 1»
should not form chemical compounds. Thus, the observed
experimental fact that the gases were inert was supported More Complex Compounds
by theory. This startling agreement between experiment and Mention has been made of XePtFg and s i m i l a r compounds
theory was successful in discouraging attempts to make in which xenon combines with metal hexafluorides. The
chemical compounds with the noble gases for a period of exact nature of these compounds is hard to elucidate and
almost 40 y e a r s . is still being investigated. Both xenon difluoride and xenon
hexafluoride will react with a number of other fluorides to
PREPARATION OF THE FIRST form addition compounds. Table VI shows the formulas of
some of the complexes that have been reported. Apart
Until 1962 all the accepted evidence pointed to the fact Table VI
that the noble gases were chemically inert. A few brave COMPLEXES OF XENON AND KRYPTON FLUORIDES
souls had predicted that compounds of them might exist, Noble G a s
but textbooks and t e a c h e r s s t r e s s e d the inertness of the Compound XeF2 XeF4 XeFg XeOF4 KrFg
g a s e s and these statements went unchallenged.
As we have seen, the discovery of the first noble gas was Fluoride R a t i o of Noble G a s C(3mpoun( i to C o m p l e x i n g F l u o r i d e
an outcome of an investigation of the density of nitrogen.
NaF * * 1 :2 * *
The discovery of the first chemical compound of a noble 1 :2 1 :3
KF * * *
gas was also a by-product of an unrelated investigation. 1:6
The beginning really goes back to the Manhattan Project* RbF t t 1:2 2:3 t
and the production of the first atomic bomb. An important 1 :1
CsF t t 1 :2 1:3 t
ingredient for the bomb was the uranium isotope ^^^U, This 1:1 2:3
was separated from natural uranium (which is a mixture 1:1
containing mostly another isotope, ^^^u) by gaseous diffu- SbFj 1:2 t 1 :2 1:2 1:2
sion, the " g a s " for this p r o c e s s being a volatile uranium 1:1 t
compound, uranium hexafluoride, UFg. This wartime i n t e r - 2:1 t
est in UFg created an i n t e r e s t in other metallic hexa- AsFj * t 1 :1 2.1§ J
BF3 * t 1 :1 * t
fluorides, compounds containing 6 fluorine atoms bound to TaFj 1:2 t t t
1 metal atom. The study of the properties of these com-
VF5 * * 2:1 t t
pounds, and the s e a r c h for new hexafluorides, was u n d e r -
taken after the war in many l a b o r a t o r i e s , especially those *No compound formed.
tHas not been tried.
of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, which had w o r k e r s tCompound forms; formula not yet known.
experienced in handling such chemically reactive m a t e r i a l s . § Unstable above - 2 0 ° C .
A group of scientists at the AEC's Argonne National L a b -
oratory was particularly active in this field. They d i s -
covered hexafluorides of platinum, technetium, ruthenium, from their chemical composition, and a few physical p r o p -
and rhodium, and investigated the properties of these and e r t i e s , not much else is known about these complexes.
other hexafluoride molecules. Xenon tetrafluoride does not appear to form a s i m i l a r
s e r i e s of addition compounds.

*The World War II code name for the program of the War
Department unit that predated the present Atomic Energy Com-

18 31
COMPOUNDS OF OTHER NOBLE GASES 8 electrons in the outer shell is considered to be more
stable and is called a closed-shell arrangement. Atoms,
Radon then, tend to adjust their electronic structure to that of the
The ionization potential of radon is the lowest of any of nearest element with a completed outer shell. The adjust-
the noble gases, which might lead one to think it would be ment is made by losing, gaining, or sharing electrons with
the most willing to form compounds. This may in fact be other atoms.
the case, but experiments with radon are severely ham- The closed-shell arrangement of electrons happens to
pered because of its high radioactivity. Work done with be the electronic structure of atoms of the noble gases.
very small amounts of material (about one billionth of Moreover, only the 6 noble gases have this arrangement
a gram) has shown that radon gas reacts with fluorine of maximum stability. This fact is the basis for the short-
at 400 °C to yield a compound that is not gaseous at room hand notation for writing electronic structures. From
temperature, as both radon and fluorine are. The course Table II we can see the electronic structure of sodium is
of the reaction was followed only by monitoring with ra- Is^, 2s^, 2p^, 3s ^; sodium has 1 electron more than the
diation detecting instruments the movement of the radio- closed-shell arrangement Is^, 2s^, 2p^, which is the elec-
activity associated with one of the products of decay of the tronic structure of neon. The sodium electronic configura-
radon. The formula of the compound produced has not been tion can therefore be written (Ne), 3s^ Similarly potas-
determined, and further investigation will be needed in sium can be written (Ar), 4 s \ scandium can be indicated
which larger quantities of radon can be used. This will by (Ar), 3d*, 4s^, etc. The close(3-shell arrangements are
require elaborate shielding to protect the experimenters also called cores.
from the high radioactivity. Two atoms with the same number of electrons outside
a stable core would tend strongly to adjust their elec-
Krypton tronic configuration in a similar manner; that is, they
would have the same valence and therefore the same chem-
After xenon and radon, krjrpton should be the most likely ical properties. This fact is borne out by the fact that ele-
of the remaining noble gases to form compounds. Its ioniza- ments in the same group in the Periodic Table have the
tion potential is somewhat higher than that of either oxygen same outer electronic structures. Table III on pages 24-25
or xenon, and it will not react with platinum, ruthenium, is a modern version of the Periodic Table, showing the
or rhodium hexafluorides (PtFg, RuFg, md RhFg, respec- electronic structures. Note that different elements some-
tively). The simple heating of krypton and fluorine also has times appear to have identical electronic structures; for
failed to produce a compound. However, a krypton fluoride example, the outer shells of calcium and zinc are both 4s^.
compound can be formed under the more drastic experi- However, calcium is (Ar), 4s^ while zinc is (Ar), 3rf", 4s^
mental conditions of passing an electric discharge or an The presence of the complete d subshell causes zinc to
electron beam through a mixture of the 2 gases. The have somewhat different properties. Those elements in
krypton fluoride will decompose almost as fast as it is which the d and / subshells are being filled are called tran-
formed if it is left in the discharge or beam zones. But if sition elements, as opposed to the nontransition elements
the container is immersed in a cold bath the krypton fluo- in which the electrons are going into s and p subshells.
ride condenses on the container wall, and is thus removed The fact that the noble gases have completed outer
from the zone in which the energy is generated. In this way shells means that they have nothing to gain by losing,
krypton difluoride also has been produced, and possibly gaining, or sharing electrons. They already have the stable
krypton tetrafluoride. The evidence for the formation of electronic structures that other elements are striving to
the latter is somewhat inconclusive, however. attain. This means that they should have zero valence and

32 17
order in which the subshells are filled. We should note that Krypton difluoride is a colorless, crystalline compound
when the electrons do go into the M subshell this is con- that decomposes into krypton and fluorine at room temper-
sidered to be inside the 4s level. Consequently, there can ature. At the temperature of dry ice, —78°C, krypton di-
be 10 electrons in this subshell without violating the rule fluoride may be stored unchanged for prolonged periods
of having a maximum of 8 electrons in the outermost shell. of time. Chemically, it is a much more reactive compound
Table II than xenon difluoride, and in fact, its fluorinating proper-
ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF SELECTED ELEMENTS ties appear to be even greater than those of xenon hexa-
Element Number Electronic Structure
Helium, Neon, and Argon
Hydrogen 1 ls» All evidence now available points to the fact that these
Helium 2 ls2
Lithium 3 ls\ 2s» gases are still inert. If one were to look at the properties
Beryllium 4 ls\ 2s2 of the fluorides of krypton we have just discussed, in com-
Boron 5 ls2, 2s\ 2/)i parison with those of the xenon fluorides, one would im-
Neon 10 ls\ 2s\ 2/>S
11 ls\ 2s2 2p^, 3s'
mediately expect that fluorides of the three lightest noble
Argon 18 1S2, 2s\ 2/>^ 3s2, 2,p^ gases could be prepared only under extreme conditions,
Potassium 19 ls\ 2s\ 2p^, 3s2, 3/)^ 4s* and even then would be stable at only low temperatures.
Calcium 20 ls\ 2s\ 2/>6, 3s2, 3p«, 4s2 Attempts to prepare compounds have so far failed, but
Scandium 21 1S2, 2s\ 2/>«, 3s2, 3p\ 3d\ 4s2
Titanium 22 ls\ 2s\ 2p^, 3s\ 3p^, 3rf2, 4s 2
who knows what may be found some day? Only a few years
ago the idea of a xenon fluoride seemed preposterous, too.

This is always the case for d and / subshells: they are

always inside the next or next-but-one s subshell when
being filled. Table II gives the electronic structures for Solid State
several elements.* In solids, the molecules are condensed to form crystals,
Now we are ready to look at the electronic theory of and the way in which the atoms are arrayed in the mole-
valence and some of its consequences. About 1920 a num- cules may be determined by using beams of X rays or
ber of chemists, most notably the American G. N. Lewis, neutrons. When such a beam is directed at a crystal it
suggested that the electrons in the outermost shells were either passes through the spaces between atoms undis-
responsible for elements' chemical reactions. Compounds turbed, or else it strikes an atom and is scattered or de-
(that is, molecules) are formed by the transfer or sharing flected. The amount of scattering can be detected and mea-
of electrons, and the number of such electrons provided or sured, giving a pattern that can be related to the location of
obtained by an atom of any element during the combining the atoms and therefore to the structure of the crystal.
process is its valence. However, there is a kind of regu- The determination of the actual array of the atoms in
lation of the number of electrons that can participate in this any unknown crystal has to be made in an indirect manner.
bonding. It was suggested that the elements were always A guess is made of its probable structure and the pattern
being prodded to attain the maximum number of electrons that this structure would produce is calculated. This pat-
in their outer shell, namely 8. An electronic structure with tern is compared with the experimental pattern. When an
*For a discussion of the electronic configuration of another exact match is obtained, it is apparent the structure is
interesting family of the elements see Rare Earths, The Fraternal known. This used to be a long, tedious operation, but mod-
Fifteen, a companion booklet in this s e r i e s .
ern computer technology has simplified the process.

16 33
The atoms of m a t e r i a l a r e spread out in all three d i - electrons buzzing all around the nucleus. Fortunately, the
mensions throughout every c r y s t a l and this complexity in electrons a r e restricted to movement in certain fixed o r -
theory could lead to very complicated s t r u c t u r e s . F o r - bits or shells.* The number of electrons in each shell, and
tunately, it t u r n s out that there a r e certain a r r a y s of atoms the o r d e r in which additional electrons build up the shells
of heavier elements, is governed by quantum mechanical
considerations. + The first shell may contain 2 electrons,
the second one 8, the third 18 and so on. However, the
maximum number of electrons possible in any outermost
shell i s 8.
Subshells The shells themselves are actually split into
m subshells, which a r e designated by the l e t t e r s s, p, d, a n d / ,
9 successively moving outward from the nucleus. The number
of electrons in a given sublevel is restricted, being a
6 maximum of 2 for s, 6 for p, 10 for d, and 14 f o r / . The
various shells a r e distinguished from one another by n u m -
b e r s from 1 to 7, where 1 indicates the innermost shell
Xenon atoms
and 7 the outermost. A further restriction i s that there is
Fluorine atoms
only an s sublevel for the first shell, only s and p for the
O -0 second, and only s, p, and d for the third. Beyond the third
level s, p, d, and / sublevels a r e all permitted. These r e -
strictions a r e actually the same a s those indicated in the
Figure 8 Crystal structure ofXeF^, preceding paragraph; namely, the first shell contains 2
left, and XeF^. electrons, which we write Is^, the second shell has 8,
written 2s^2/)^, the third 18, written 3s^3p^3d^\
The electrons do not necessarily fill the shells and s u b -
that repeat themselves throughout the crystal lattice; these shells in consecutive o r d e r . The first (lightest) 18 e l e -
a r e called "unit c e l l s " , and the problem i s reduced to one m e n t s ' electrons a r e added regularly, the electrons filling
of finding the locations of the atoms in each of the unit the Is, 2s, 2p, 3s, and Zp subshells in sequence. However,
cells. in the nineteenth element, the new electron does not go into
Both X-ray-diffraction and neutron-diffraction techniques the 3d subshell, as might be expected, but into the 4s sub-
have been used to determine the s t r u c t u r e s of XeF2 and shell. (Questions of this s o r t a r e decided on the b a s i s of
XeF4, and the X-ray method alone has been used for XeOs. energy considerations. It i s energetically m o r e favorable
Figure 8 shows the c r y s t a l s t r u c t u r e s of XeF2 and XeF4 so to put the 19th electron into the 4s subshell.) From this
determined. The high reactivities of XeFg, XeOF4, and point on we can write down the electronic configurations
KrF2 produce problems when an attempt is made to e x a m - of the succeeding (heavier) elements only if we know the
ine their solid phase s t r u c t u r e s . Samples to be examined
by X-ray techniques a r e usually loaded into long, thin glass *A shell is also referred to in other theories as an energy level.
capillaries. Figure 9 shows a scientist positioning one tQuantum mechanics is a form of mathematical analysis involv-
such capillary in an X-ray c a m e r a . As XeFg, XeOF4, and ing quanta, or definite units of energy in which radiation is emitted
or absorbed. The different orbits, or energy levels, of planetary
KrF2 a r e incompatible with g l a s s , and also a r e most easily electrons a r e separated from each other by whole numbers ol
handled below room t e m p e r a t u r e , they require special quanta.

34 15
early as 400 B.C., but were of a philosophic r a t h e r than
scientific nature. The scientific atomic theory really
started with the English scientist John Dalton in the 19th
century. In his theory small, indivisible, and indestructible
p a r t i c l e s also were called atoms, but he gave them p r o p -
e r t i e s that had physical significance. More important,
Dalton's theory not only would explain observed e x p e r i -
mental r e s u l t s , but also could predict the r e s u l t s of new
Toward the end of the 19th century the discovery of the
electron demonstrated that atoms themselves were divisible
and led to the proposal of the orbital atom. The atom came
to be considered as being made up of a nucleus, containing
m o s t of the m a s s , and electrons revolving around the nu-
cleus r a t h e r like the planets revolve around the sun.* Each
electron has a single or unit negative charge and the entire
atom is electrically neutral, or uncharged, because in the
nucleus there a r e a number of protons (equal to the number Figure 9 Argonne scientist Stanley Siegel positions a capillary
of electrons), each of which has a unit positive charge. containing XeF^ m an X-ray camera. The capillary is the needle-
like object in the center of the picture.
Atomic Number The number of protons in a given atom
of an element is called the atomic number. In addition to
the protons, the nucleus contains uncharged particles called techniques, and their solid-phase s t r u c t u r e s have yet to be
neutrons. The neutrons and protons have about the same determined.
m a s s , and the electrons, by comparison, have negligible
m a s s . An element of atomic m a s s (A) and atomic number Gas Phase
(Z) will have a nucleus consisting of Z protons and ( A - Z ) Whereas in the solid phase the molecules forming the
neutrons, and this will be surrounded by Z e l e c t r o n s . For c r y s t a l a r e quite close together and can influence one
example, an atom of lithium with m a s s (A) of 7 and atomic another, in the gas phase they a r e relatively far apart and
number (Z) of 3 will have a nucleus consisting of 3 p r o - one can virtually look at individual molecules.
tons and 4 neutrons ( A - Z ) , surrounded by 3 electrons. The method of electron diffraction has been used to
The lightest element, hydrogen, has Z equal to 1, and examine XeF4 and XeFg. A beam of electrons is passed
each successively heavier element differs from the one through the vapor of the compound in the same way that
preceding it by an i n c r e a s e of 1 in Z, and has one m o r e X rays or neutrons a r e passed through c r y s t a l s . The same
proton and one more electron than the next lighter one. type of t r i a l - a n d - e r r o r analysis of the data is made until
Thus, the second heaviest element, helium, has Z equal the experimental and calculated patterns a g r e e . For XeF4
to 2, and so on. For the heavier elements, such as uranium the structure i s s i m i l a r to one of the s m a l l e r a r r a y s that
(Z = 92), one might imagine a chaotic situation with many make up the crystal (solid) unit cell. That i s , the xenon
atom i s located at the center of a square with the 4 fluorine
*This theoretical " m o d e l " of the atom has since been modified atoms at the c o r n e r s . The XeFg structure turns out to be
to explain additional experimental results more fully. Now an atom
often is considered as a nucleus with electrons moving rapidly and more complicated. The first guess would be that the m o l e -
randomly around ity and havir^ no definite boundary surface. cule would have the xenon at the center of an octahedron

14 35
with fluorine atoms at each c o r n e r (Figure 10). This guess
would be based on the fact that other hexafluorides, such
a s SFg (sulfur hexafluoride), have this type of s t r u c t u r e .
However, the electron diffraction pattern for XeFg cannot

Figure 10 "Firstguess"
structure for XeFg.

be reconciled with this type of s t r u c t u r e . There appears

to be some deviation from the octahedral symmetry, and
this produces a complex pattern that has not so far been
Information can also be obtained about the shapes of
molecules by studying what happens when they interact
with light. Consider the atoms in a molecule as balls, and
the chemical bonds between tlie atoms as springs. If a
small amount of energy is given to such a ball-and-spring Figure 4 Above is an early (1869) version of Mendeleev's Periodic
molecule it can begin to vibrate, the balls moving back and Table. The heading reads, "Tentative system of the elements".
The subheading reads, "Based on atomic Heights and chemical
forth about an equilibrium position with c h a r a c t e r i s t i c
similarities". This table is reproduced from Dmitri Ivanovich
resonant frequencies. These frequencies a r e determined Mendeleev, N. A. Figurovskii, Russian Academy of Science, Mos-
by the weights of the balls, the length and strength of the cow, 1961.
springs, and the geometric a r r a n g e m e n t of the b a l l s . In
a real molecule, the frequencies a r e determined by the in the periodic system. Its atomic weight suggested it might
m a s s e s of the atoms, the shape of the molecule, and the belong somewhere near potassium. When its lack of chem-
strengths of the chemical bonds. The number of atoms in ical reactivity was discovered, Mendeleev proposed that it
the molecule determines the number of c h a r a c t e r i s t i c had zero valence and should come between chlorine and
frequencies. potassium. He suggested that a group of such gases might
In the study of the vibrational activity of molecules, e n - be found. The valence periodicity then would be 0, 1, 2, 3,
ergy in the form of light is passed through the compound to 4, 3, 2, 1. This new group led to a complete periodicity
be identified. The emerging light is then examined to d e t e r - of 8, which we shall see is a very significant number.
mine whether any particular frequencies of light have been Both Frankland and Mendeleev based their ideas on their
absorbed or emitted* during the experiment, and the num- knowledge of chemical p r o p e r t i e s . The theoretical support
b e r of such frequencies. Here again a scientist first has to for both proposals came with the development of a theory
of atomic structure and the electronic theory of valence.
*The energy of a given amount of light E is related to its f r e - Theories stating that m a t t e r is composed of small, indi-
quency /' by the equation E = hi^, h being a constant known as
Planck's constant. visible p a r t i c l e s , called atoms, had been proposed as

36 13.
3, 2, 1, and then repeated itself. If he arranged the elements guess at the shape of the molecule and calculate for each
in vertical columns next to one another, in the order of shape how many different, distinguishable ways there a r e
increasing atomic weights, he found the elements in each in which the atoms could be set into resonant (vibrational)
horizontal row a c r o s s the page had the same valence and motion. The experimental results then allow him to choose
strikingly s i m i l a r chemical p r o p e r t i e s . among the possible shapes.
This kind of periodicity, or regular r e c u r r e n c e , had been Based on spectroscopic examination of their vapors,
noted by other scientists, but Mendeleev made a great step XeF2 and KrF2 a r e found to be linear and XeF4 is square
planar, that is, the atoms in XeF2 a r e in a straight line
( F - X e - F ) , and the atoms of XeF4 form a flat square, with
Xe at the center and four F atoms at the c o r n e r s . Once
more the reactivity of XeFg makes an unequivocal answer
difficult to obtain for this compound.

Predicted Shapes and Chemical Bonding

Before starting on this subject we must first clarify one
point. Although the newly discovered xenon fluorides a p -
peared to be a violation of the known rules of valence and
chemical bonding, and might therefore require something
unique and exotic in the way of an explanation, this type of
compound was not really new. Previously known c o m -
pounds, such as bromine trifluoride, BrFs, have atoms that
Dmitri Mendeleev must share more than the 8 electrons of a completed va-
lence shell. Before trying to see how this can be explained
we have to go back and learn a little more about s, p, d,
forward by leaving gaps in his table where the next known a n d / orbitals and electrons.
element, in order of weight, did not fit because it had the We saw e a r l i e r that the number of electrons in a given
wrong valence or the wrong p r o p e r t i e s . He predicted that subshell is limited, 2 for s, 6 for p, 10 for d, and 14 for / .
these gaps would be filled by yet-to-be-discovered e l e - These subshells a r e themselves further broken down into
ments, and he even went as far as to predict the p r o p e r t i e s orbitals, each of which can contain a maximum of 2 e l e c -
of some of these elements from the position they would t r o n s . These orbitals can be regarded a s a pictorial r e p -
occupy in his table. A reproduction of an early version of resentation of the probability of finding a given electron in
Mendeleev's Periodic Table of the Elements is shown in a given place at a given time. For s electrons, the orbital
Figure 4. As can be seen, this was based on the 63 elements has a spherical shape with the nucleus at the center. The
then known. In later versions of the Table the elements a r e electrons can be anywhere from directly at the nucleus
arranged in order a c r o s s the horizontal rows, and those to a great distance away. However, there is a preferred
with s i m i l a r properties fall in the same vertical column. location for them, and the sphere has a definite size. For
At the time of the setting up of the Periodic Table the the p orbitals the electrons a r e most likely to be found in
noble gases were still undiscovered. There were no gaps two regions, one on either side of the nucleus; the r e s u l t -
left for them, as spaces could be left only where at least 1 ing shape is something like a dumbbell. As no two orbitals
element in a group was already known. When argon was
may have the same direction, the 3p orbitals, each contain-
discovered some problem therefore a r o s e as to its place
ing 2 electrons, a r e located perpendicular to one another

12 37
(Figure 11). F o r the d and / electrons the pictorial r e p r e - clathrate compounds of these gases are known. Incidentally,
sentation becomes more difficult so we will manage without the phenomenon of clathrate formation provides a method
it; anyone interested in more detail may consult a book that of separating neon from argon by trapping the argon in a
specifically deals with the subject.* clathrate cage and pumping off the neon.
Clathrate compounds are not true chemical compounds,
because they do not contain r e a l chemical bonds. The only
forces between the inert gas and the host molecule are
relatively weak electrostatic interactions. The inert gas is
readily released by destroying the crystalline cage, either
by dissolving the host in a suitable solvent or by heating it
to its melting point.
S brbital
Why the Gases Are Inert
Before discussing the r e a s o n s for the i n e r t n e s s of the
noble gases it is interesting to look at the relationships
between elements, and how they combine chemically with
one another. The theory that each element has a fixed com-
bining capacity was proposed by the English chemist Sir
Edward Frankland in 1852. This capacity was called the
valence of an atom. As most of the elements then known
would combine with either oxygen or hydrogen, the valence
values were related to the number of atoms of oxygen or
hydrogen with which one atom of each element would com-
Figure 11 Graphic representation of s and p orbitals. bine. Two atoms of hydrogen combine with 1 atom of oxygen
to form H2O, so hydrogen was given a valence of 1, and oxy-
The orbitals we have just described r e p r e s e n t what gen a valence of 2. The valence of any other element was
happens in individual atoms. When atoms combine to b e - then the number of atoms of hydrogen (or twice the number
come molecules, however, the electrons in the orbitals of oxygen atoms) that combined with 1 atom of that element.
a r e no longer affected only by their own nuclei, but come In ammonia we have the formula NH3, so nitrogen has a
under the influence of all the nuclei in the molecule. valence of 3; in carbon dioxide, CO2, the carbon valence is
Bonding, then, is described a s the combination or i n t e r - 4. Valences are always whole n u m b e r s . Some elements
action of the atom.ic orbitals to form m.olecular orbitals. exhibit more than one valence, and the maximum valence
For the xenon fluorides the molecular-orbital approach appears to be 8.
to the question of bonding is based on the involvement of In the late 1860s the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev
the outer 2p orbitals of the fluorine atoms and the 5/j o r - made an intriguing observation when listing the elements
bitals of the xenon. The calculations involved in working in the o r d e r of increasing atomic weights. He found that the
out the exact quantitative description of these molecules first element after hydrogen was lithium with a valence of
a r e difficult. Scientists know the equations that should be 1, the second heaviest was beryllium with a valence of 2,
the third, boron with a valence of 3, and so on. As he con-
*Such as Coulson's Valence in the Suggested References, page 45. tinued he found a sequence of valences that went 1, 2, 3, 4,

38 U
EARLY HISTORY used, but so far have been able to solve them for only the
simplest molecule, H2. We can also solve them quite well
for the other light elements by making certain approxima-
Attempts To Form Compounds tions. But for the heavier elements we can obtain only
As in the case of other elements, the discovery of the crude solutions that allow us to establish trends in p r o p e r -
noble gases was followed by an examination of their chem-
ical p r o p e r t i e s . It soon became obvious that these elements
were different—they would not enter into chemical com-
bination with any other elements or with one another. Many
attempts were made to induce chemical reactions between
noble gases and both metals and nonmetals. A great many
techniques were used but none proved successful. Although
many claims were made that compounds had been formed
XeFo XeF4
containing noble gas atoms chemically bound to other
atoms, most of these either were unconvincing or shown
to be incorrect. The scientists who came closest to s u c c e s s
were the American c h e m i s t s , Don Yost and Albert Kaye.
In 1933 they set out to t e s t the prediction, made that year
by another American, Linus Pauling, that krypton and xenon
might react with fluorine. Yost and Kaye passed e l e c t r i c
discharges through mixtures of xenon and fluorine and of
krypton and fluorine. Their r e s u l t s were inconclusive and
they stated in a communication to the Journal of tlie Ameri-
can Chemical Society, "It cannot be said that definite e v i -
dence for compound formation was found. It does not follow,
of course, that xenon fluoride is incapable of existing".
Very soon after the discovery of the noble gases it was
shown that argon, krypton, and xenon will form hydrates —
compounds in which the gases are associated with water Figure 12 Overlapping of xenon 5p orbitals with fluorine 2p
molecules. At first the hydrates were thought to be true orbitals.
chemical compounds, but they were later shown to be
clathrate compounds; in this type of compound the inert gas t i e s . However, a simple approach suggests that we can
is trapped in holes in a crystalline " c a g e " formed by the look at the formation of the xenon-fluorine bond as being
water molecules. The host molecule in hydrates is water, produced by the linear combination of the 5/) and 2p o r -
but s e v e r a l other clathrate hosts have also been used, such bitals from the xenon and fluorine, respectively. Figure 12
as the organic compounds phenol and quinol. For a c o m - shows the representations for XeF2, XeF4, and XeFg, i n -
pound to act as a host the cavities in its crystalline s t r u c - dicating molecules that a r e respectively linear, square
t u r e must be large enough to provide room for the inert planar, and octahedral.
gas atom, but small enough to keep it trapped in the cage. A second approach that has been proposed for describing
So far no host molecules have been found whose cages are the bonding in xenon compounds is called the valence-shell
small enough to keep helium or neon atoms trapped, so no electron-pair repulsion theory. This is generally applicable

10 39
to all molecules. It considers the electrons around a cen-
t r a l atom in p a i r s . If the 2 electrons come from the central
atom they form an imshared pair, or lone pair; if one comes
from the central atom and one from another atom they
form a single bond; if 2 come from the central atom and 2
from another atom they form a double bond. Fluorine,
being univalent, forms single bonds; oxygen, being divalent,
forms double bonds. The shape of the resulting molecule
depends on the total number of bonds plus lone p a i r s .
Table VII shows the geometrical shapes associated with
given totals of bonds plus lone p a i r s . Table VIE (page 42)
shows how this theory applies to some xenon compounds. In
our examinations of the gaseous molecules, we would not
see the lone p a i r s and so would see XeF2 a s linear, XeF4
as square planar, and XeFg as some form of distorted
octahedron. XeO^ would appear a s a triangle pyramid,
Xe04 as tetrahedral, and XeOF4 a s a square pyramid.
The valence-shell electron-pair repulsion theory has
shown us one way to predict shapes of molecules, but it
remains to be explained how bonding can take place with
an atom of one of the noble g a s e s , which already has a
completed outer shell of 8 electrons. To do this, we must Figure 3 A technician checks a liquid-helium refrigerator prior
to shipment. This unit is designed to cool masers and supercon-
suppose there is involvement of the d orbitals of xenon. ducting magnets used for space communication.
Hybrid Orbitals If we remove electrons from the 5s and
5/) orbitals and put them in the empty 5d orbitals, xenon
helium has been used as a cooling medium in nuclear r e a c -
then no longer will have the filled outer shell. Once this
t o r s , and it is also a diluent for oxygen in breathing s y s -
type of promotion takes place we no longer can identify our
t e m s for deep-sea d i v e r s . Helium being l e s s soluble in the
original orbitals. We now have orbitals with a mixture of
blood than nitrogen, the helium-oxygen mixture is p r e f e r -
s, p, and d character, which a r e called hybrid o r b i t a l s . For
able to normal air for p e r s o n s working under p r e s s u r e ,
XeF2 we need 2 electrons from the xenon to " s h a r e " with
since its use tends to prevent "the bends", a serious con-
the fluorines in forming bonds, so that each fluorine has a
dition caused by gas bubbles in the body fluids and t i s s u e s .
s h a r e in 8 electrons. To achieve this we promote 1 xenon
Liquid helium, which is the only substance that will remain
5p electron to a 5r/orbital. Instantaneously we can imagine
liquid at t e m p e r a t u r e s close to absolute zero (-273°C), is
that xenon now has a 5p and a 5c/ orbital, each with only 1
finding increasing use in low-temperature physics — cryo-
electron, and therefore is able to form bonds by pairing
genics.* Radon has been used as a source of gamma r a y s
with electrons from other a t o m s . These orbitals a r e
for treatment of cancer, but more convenient gamma-ray
"filled" by sharing the 2p orbital of the fluorine that also
sources produced in nuclear r e a c t o r s now a r e more f r e -
has only 1 electron. (Remember fluorine's electronic s t r u c -
quently chosen for medical therapy.
ture is Is^, 2 s \ 2p^, or, alternatively, Is^, 2^^, 2/)^ 2/)^
2p.) Having now used one 5s orbital, three 5p orbitals, and
*See Cryogenics, Tlie Uncommon Cold, another booklet in this
one %d orbital of xenon, we have a hybrid made of 5 o r - s e r i e s , for an explanation of this branch of science.

40 9
[n'-f^f I

Table VII
Number of bonds
plus lone pairs Shape


Triangle Bent


Tetrahedral Triangle Bent


Trigonal Distorted T-shaped Lmear
bipyramid tetrahedron


DO Octahedral Square Square
pyramid planar


8 41
Table VIE soon as the primary source (the radium) is removed, the
SHAPES OF XENON COMPOUNDS PREDICTED BY THE radon concentration begins to decrease because of its con-
tinuing disintegration. After 1 half-life (3.8 days) only half
Total number Number of Number of Number of the radon remains; after a second half-life, % of that will
Compound of electrons .Xe — F bonds Xe—O bonds lone-pairs Shape
have disintegrated, that is % of % or %; in a month there
XeFj 10 2 8 Linear will be less than 1% left; and after n half-lives the fraction
XeF4 12 4 2 Square remaining will be {%)". The amount of radon one can
planar isolate at any given time is, therefore, dependent on the
XeFg 14 6 1 Distorted
octahedron amount of radium originally available.
XeOF4 14 4 1 Square A number of isotopes of the noble gases can be produced
pyramid artificially, either directly by bombardment in a particle
XeOa 14 - 1 Triangle accelerator, or as the product of decay of an artificially
Xe04 16 - — Tetrahedral excited atom, or by nuclear fission. The latter method is
used for production of krypton and xenon in atomic reactors.
Remember: Each Xe—F bond involves 2 electrons and each Xe— O bond in-
Fission is a process in which a heavy atom splits to form
volves 4 electrons.
2 lighter atoms of approximately equal mass*; one or
bitals that results in a trigonal bipyramidal shape shown in more neutrons and a large amount of energy also are
Table VII. This type of hybrid is designated as an sp^d released! simultaneously.
The promotion of the 5p electron to the 5rf orbital r e - Uses
quires the expenditure of energy. This promotion can only Many of the uses of these gases are outgrowths of their
take place if the energy we get back when the electrons are inertness. The greater abundances, and hence lower costs,
used in bond formation is greater than the energy required of helium and argon result in their use as inert atmo-
for the promotion; that is, if we have a net gain in energy. spheres in which to weld and fabricate metals. The elec-
In actual fact the two-stage process we have described is trical and other properties of the noble gases make most
purely fictitious. The formation of the hybrid orbitals and of them ideal gases for filling numerous types of electronic
the bond formation take place simultaneously. For XeF4 tubes and in lasers. For this, the gases may be used singly
we have sp^d^ hybridization and for XeFg it is sp^d^. or mixed with one or more of the others. Perhaps the best
This kind of expansion of the valence shell can only take known use is in the familiar "neon" advertising signs. The
place for atoms with unoccupied d orbitals that are close in glow produced by neon alone is red. The other gases pro-
energy to the orbitals from which the electrons must be duce less brilliant colors: helium (pale pink), argon (blue),
promoted. This suggests that bonding for helium and neon krypton (pale blue), and xenon, (blue-green).
may not be possible, because they do not have d orbitals. Helium, because of its lightness, finds use as a lifting
(There are no Id or 2d orbitals.) The promotional energy gas for balloons and airships, although it is heavier than
3p -* id is quite high, and makes the possibility of argon hydrogen. This weight disadvantage, however, is far over-
compounds questionable. The 4p -* 4d promotional energy balanced by the fact that helium is nonflammable. Recently,
is just small enough to allow krypton fluorides to be made,
and for them to be stable at low temperatures. *For example, if uranium-235 fissions, krypton-90 and b a r i u m -
For XeF2 and XeF4 both our molecular-orbital and 144, or xenon-140 and strontium-94 might be formed.
valence-shell approaches p r e d i c t the same molecular t F o r a full explanation of fission, see Our Atomic World, a
companion booklet in this s e r i e s .
shapes, and they both agree with experimental evidence.

42 7

The valence-shell method also predicts the c o r r e c t shapes

for XeOs and Xe04. The difference between the two methods
is apparent in their treatment of XeFg. The molecular-
orbital approach predicts an XeFg molecule with octahedral
symmetry, while the valence-shell approach suggests that
there will be distortion from this type of symmetry. The
experimental r e s u l t s obtained so far favor a distorted
molecule. However, the amount of distortion appears to be
small, and may not be as large a s would be expected from
the valence-shell considerations. As so often is the case,
the facts may lie somewhere between the two theories.
In summary, we can conclude that the tendency of an
element to achieve a relatively stable, completed outer
shell of 8 electrons can still be regarded as a good d e -
scription of chemical bonding. Most of the chemical bond-
ings we know can be related to this. The basis for the
Periodic Table still r e m a i n s a sound and workable one.
Our only change in thinking is that we can no longer call
krypton, xenon, and radon "inert" g a s e s .

Figure 1 A U. S. Bureau of Mines helium plant in Keyes, Okla- POSSIBLE USES

homa, uitli the "cold boxes ', or refrigerating units, in the fore-
ground. Almost everything that can be said about u s e s of the
noble gas compounds must be in the nature of speculation
keep in mind, however, that 1 gram of radium is a very or flight of fancy. One practical consideration of importance
large amount in t e r m s of the total available.*) Radon has a i s that krypton, xenon, and radon a r e so s c a r c e and ex-
short half-life (the commonest isotope,+ coming from r a - pensive that any use of their compounds on a large scale
dium, is radon-222 whose half-life is 3.8 days), which is doubtful. Xenon, for example, costs about $150 per
means that about half the radon atoms will disintegrate ounce, and small amounts of XeF4 have been sold at about
in a little under 4 days. Since radium has a much longer $2500 per ounce. So actual " u s e s " will be few.
half-life than that, about 1620 y e a r s , the amount of daughter The first possible consideration is the use of xenon fluo-
radon in contact with the parent radium reaches a constant rides a s good fluorinating agents. When the fluorination
concentration. In other words the amount of radon being p r o c e s s is complete, easily separable and recoverable
produced is balanced by the amount disintegrating, and as xenon is left. They may therefore find some specialized
r e s e a r c h use for adding fluorine to some exotic organic
*From the discovery of radium by Marie and P i e r r e Curie in molecules. They have also been suggested as potential
1898 until 1940 only about 1000 g r a m s were isolated, and although
production increased during World War II, it is doubtful whether
oxidants in rocket propulsion s y s t e m s , although the high
t h e r e are more than 100 g r a m s of pure radium available in the atomic weight of xenon does not make even XeFg seem very
Western World today. attractive for this purpose.
t Isotopes are the various forms of the same element. For a full
The fact that xenon is a fission product has been men-
definition of this and other unfamiliar words, see Nuclear Terms,
A Brief Glossary, a companion booklet in this s e r i e s . tioned. Perhaps the xenon compounds will be put to some

6 43
use in nuclear studies. The volatile xenon gas resulting mated, is hydrogen; helium makes up about 23%, and all the
from fission could perhaps be converted to a much less other elements together compose the remaining 1% of the
volatile xenon fluoride. mass. Helium is so light that it is continually escaping from
Since xenon reacts with fluorine under conditions where the earth's atmosphere into interstellar space. The present
the other noble gases do not, this may be made the basis concentration of helium in the atmosphere therefore prob-
for a method of separating it from the other gases. ably represents a steady-state concentration, that is, the
If we could tame xenon trioxide to the point where we amount being released from the earth's crust is equal to
could know when and how it would explode, we might have the amount escaping from the atmosphere into space. The
a valuable new explosive. An advantage would be that no constant escape explains why there is so little to be found
solid residues are left after xenon trioxide blows up. in our air. Helium can be obtained from the atmosphere in
Radon is occasionally used in cancer therapy. A small the same way neon, argon, krypton, and xenon are, but is
glass tube placed close to a tumor exposes that particular more readily obtained from accumulations that have built
area to a large dose of radioactivity, which hopefully will up in the earth's crust.
destroy the tumor. However, glass ampoules to hold radon This helium in the earth is continually being formed by
gas are fragile and metal ones are hard to seal; moreover radioactive decay. * All radioactive materials that decay by
the release of radon gas is dangerous. There would be a emitting alpha particles produce helium, since an alpha
distinct advantage to having a nonvolatile radon compound particle is nothing more than a helium nucleus with a posi-
for medicinal uses. tive charge. Most of the helium in the earth's crust comes
The most likely compounds of practical value are the from the decay of uranium and thorium.
perxenates, or xenon trioxide in solution. These are power- The helium is obtained by tapping natural gas wells,
ful oxidizing agents and may find many uses in analytical which yield an average helium content of about 2%. Most
chemistry. The beauty of using such materials is that they of these helium wells are in an area within 250 miles of
introduce few additional chemical species into the system Amarillo, Texas, although small amounts have been found
under investigation. in natural gas elsewhere in the U. S. Since the early 1950s
Whether or not practical uses for these compounds are helium-containing gases also have been found in South
ever found, they have already served one purpose: Chemists Africa, Russia, and Canada. In other parts of the world the
have been reminded never to take anything for granted. helium content of natural gases and mineral springs is too
What may seem to be a proven fact now may one day have low to make separation commercially attractive.
to yield its validity to a new experiment or a new theory. The helium is recovered from the natural gas by an ini-
Even when thinking about closed shells there is no room for tial liquefaction that leaves only helium and nitrogen in
closed minds. gaseous form. Further liquefaction, this time under pres-
sure, causes most of the nitrogen to condense and leaves
helium of about 98% purity in the gas phase. This can be
further purified by passing it through a liquid-nitrogen-
cooled trap containing charcoal, which absorbs the r e -
maining impurities.
The final one of our noble gases, radon, is obtained from
the radioactive decay of radium. One gram of radium pro-
duces about 0.0001 milliliter of radon per day. (We should
*For more about radioactivity see Our Atomic World, and other
booklets in this s e r i e s .

44 5
The discovery of the other 5 gases followed rapidly; by SUGGESTED REFERENCES
1900 they had all been isolated and identified. Ramsay and
his assistant, M o r r i s T r a v e r s , in continuing their r e s e a r c h Books
on argon made use of newly developed methods for liquefy-
Argon, Helium, and the Rare Gases, Gerhard A. Cook (Ed.), Inter-
ing g a s e s . The e a r t h ' s atmosphere consists mainly of n i t r o - science Publishers, Inc., New York 10016, 1961, 2 volumes,
gen (78%), oxygen (21%), and argon (1%), which have boiling $17.50 each. These volumes cover the discovery, occurrence,
points sufficiently different (-195.8°C, - 1 8 2 . 9 6 ° C , and properties, and uses of the noble g a s e s . Some of the material
— 185.7°C, respectively) that they can readily be s e p a - requires a high technical knowledge.
Noble Gas Compounds, Herbert H. Hyman (Ed.), University of
rated by fractional distillation of liquid air. As Ramsay Chicago P r e s s , Chicago, lUinois 60637, 1963, 404 pp., $12.50.
and T r a v e r s improved their techniques, they found that Collection of papers covering in detail physical and chemical
they could obtain several more fractions when distilling properties of compounds of krypton, xenon, and radon. Several
papers deal with theoretical aspects of the existence of these
liquid air. Three of these fractions contained elements compounds.
never before isolated, namely, neon (Greek, neos, new), Noble Gases and Their Compounds, G. J. Moody and J. D. R.
krypton (Greek, kryptos, hidden), and xenon (Greek, xenon, Thomas, Pergamon P r e s s , Inc., New York 10022, 1964, 62 pp.,
$2.00. This short monograph deals mainly with the chemistry
stranger). of the noble g a s e s . The technical level is not as advanced as
Ramsay was also instrumental in discovering the e x i s - either of the other two books cited.
tence of helium (Greek, helios, the sun). This element had The Gases of the Atmosphere: The History of Their Discovery,
been noted in the sun's spectrum as early as 1868, but was Sir William Ramsay, Macmillan and Company, London, 1915,
306 pp. Discovery of the Rare Gases, M. W. T r a v e r s , Longmans,
only isolated as a t e r r e s t r i a l element in 1895 when Ramsay Green and Company, New York, 1928, 128 pp., $5.00. (Out of
obtained it by heating the uranium-containing mineral cleve- print but available through libraries.) These two books, written
ite.* (The helium in this m i n e r a l was physically trapped by men who played major roles in the discovery of the noble
g a s e s , give a fascinating insight into the beginnings of this story.
and was not chemically combined.) They a r e also interesting for their description of science and
The final noble gas to be discovered was radon. In 1900 scientists at the end of the 19th century.
F r i e d r i c h Dorn, a German physicist, found that radium A History of the Concept of Valency to 1930, W. G. Palmer, Cam-
bridge University P r e s s , New York 10022, 1965, 178 pp., $8.00.
evolved a gas that he called "radium emanation". This gas A historical account of the development of the ideas of valence.
was later given the name niton, but since 1923 it has been Valence, C. A. Coulson, Oxford University P r e s s , Inc., New York
known as radon. All isotopes of radon a r e radioactive. 10016, 1961, 404 pp., $6.00. A modern and more theoretical a p -
proach to the subject than the previous book. The m o l e c u l a r -
orbital and valence-bond theories a r e both considered. This
Occurrence and Production book is recommended mainly for r e a d e r s with advanced chemi-
cal knowledge.
The atmosphere is our major s o u r c e for neon, argon, The Noble Gases, Howard H. Claassen, D. C. Heath and Company,
krypton, and xenon, and these g a s e s a r e now produced Boston, Massachusetts 02116, 1966, 117 pp., $1.95. This book
commercially a s a by-product during fractional distillation reviews the physical compounds of the noble gases that relate
most closely to chemistry, and then goes on to discuss noble
of liquid a i r to produce liquid oxygen and nitrogen. Lique- gas compounds in detail. There is a wide variation in the levels
faction of thousands of tons of a i r p e r day makes these 4 of the chapters but, as each is complete in itself, the book con-
gases available in sufficient quantities for p r e s e n t needs. tains something for everyone.
Helium is the second most abundant element in the uni- Noble Gases, Isaac Asimov, Basic Books, Inc., New York 10016,
1966, $4.50. This well-written and interesting account of the
v e r s e . About 76% of the m a s s of the universe, it is e s t i - noble gases is for persons who have no technical background.

*This mineral is also known as uraninite; one variety of u r a n -

inite, pitchblende, is an important source of uranium for produc-
tion of atomic energy.

4 45
pletely to nitrous acid. He concluded that, "if there is any
part of our atmosphere which differs from the rest . . . it is
Graduate Level not more than 1/120 part of the whole". This result was
The Chemistry of Xenon, J. G. Malm, H. Selig, J. Jortner, and apparently forgotten or neglected, and the problem arose
S. A. Rice, Chemical Reviews, 65: 199-236 (1965). Deals with again in studies on the density of nitrogen in the early
the preparation and properties of xenon compounds. Over half 1890s. At that time Lord Rayleigh* discovered that nitrogen
the article covers theoretical interpretations of the bonding and
physical properties. obtained by removal of the then known gases from an air
The Nature of the Bonding in Xenon Fluorides and Related Mole- sample, or "atmospheric nitrogen", was denser than nitro-
cules, C. A. Coulson, Journal of the American Chemical Society,
86: 1442-1454 (1964). An excellent article on this aspect of noble
gas chemistry.

Undergraduate Level
The Chemistry of the Noble Gases, H. Selig, J. G. Malm, and H. H.
Claassen, Scientific American, 210: 66-77 (May 1964). Review of
work leading up to preparation of first xenon compounds, some
chemistry, and some simple explanations of bonding.
Noble Gas Compounds, Neil Bartlett, International Science and
Technology, 33: 55-66 (September 1964). Review of discovery of
noble gases and their relation to other elements. Some chem-
istry of their compounds is reviewed and speculations are made
concerning other possible compounds.
Sir William Ramsay
General Level
The Noble Gas Compounds, C. L. Chernick, Chemistry, 37: 6-12
(January 1964). Brief review of preparation, properties, and
bonding in compounds of xenon. Some reference to krypton and gen prepared by chemical means—that is, "chemical nitro-
radon. gen". A number of theories were advanced for the discrep-
Argonne's Contributions to Xenon Chemistry, Argonne Reviews, ancy in the densities of the nitrogen samples from the two
1: 17-19 (October 1964). Although this is somewhat closer to the sources. Either the "chemical" nitrogen was too light, or
undergraduate category it is included here because it contains
warnings of the hazards in attempting to work with fluorine and the "atmospheric" nitrogen too heavy, because of the pres-
xenon fluorides. ence of other gases. In 1894, however. Lord Rayleigh and
Solid Noble Gases, Gerald L. Pollack, Scientific American, 215: 64 William Ramsayt showed that the "atmospheric" nitrogen
(October 1966).
was a mixture of nitrogen and a heavier, previously undis-
covered, gas. This gas turned out to be a new element that
Motion Pictures was given the name "argon", on account of its chemical
Available for loan without charge from the AEC Headquarters Film inactivity (from the Greek word, argon, meaning inactive,
Library, Division of Public Information, U. S. Atomic Energy idle).
Commission, Washington, D. C. 20545 and from other AEC film
libraries. *John W. Strutt, who inherited the title Lord Rayleigh, was d i -
A Chemical Somersault, 29 minutes, black and white, sound, 1964. r e c t o r of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University in
Produced by Ross-McElroy Productions for National Educa- England when he did this important work. He is almost always
tional Television, under a grant from the U. S. Atomic Energy r e f e r r e d to by his title.
Commission. This film is suitable for audiences with a minimum tRamsay was a Scots chemist who was knighted in 1902. He r e -
scientific background. The fact that the noble gases were thought ceived the 1904 Nobel P r i z e in chemistry for his discoveries of
to be chemically inert is detailed and is followed by a d e s c r i p - noble g a s e s . Lord Rayleigh received the 1904 Nobel P r i z e in
tion of the experiments leading to the preparation of the first physics in recognition of his nitrogen studies with Ramsay.

46 3
c h e m i s t r y . T h e n a l o n g c a m e s o m e s c i e n t i s t s with what noble gas compounds. Subsequent discoveries of other com-
P h i l i p A b e l s o n , e d i t o r of t h e m a g a z i n e Science, later called pounds and their properties a r e also included.
"a g e r m of s k e p t i c i s m " . In t h e s p a c e of only a c o u p l e of Xenon Tetrafluoride, 6 minutes, color, sound, 1962. Produced by
Argonne National Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Com-
m o n t h s all the d o g m a r e l a t i n g to t h e i n e r t n e s s of xenon w a s mission. Semi technical description of the preparation of xenon
o v e r t h r o w n — it had d e f i n i t e l y b e c o m e a " j o i n e r " . R a d o n tetrafluoride. The apparatus and techniques a r e well presented.
and k r y p t o n b e g a n " m i n g l i n g " c h e m i c a l l y s o o n t h e r e a f t e r The following film may be rented or purchased from any Modern
and, a l t h o u g h the o t h e r t h r e e g a s e s a r e s t i l l h o l d i n g out, t h e Learning Aids Film Library or through the headquarters office,
d a m a g e to a f i r m l y c h e r i s h e d b e l i e f w a s d o n e . 1212 Avenue of the Americas, New York 10036.
A Research Problem: Inert (?) Gas Compounds, Film No. 4160, 19
Table I minutes, color, sound, 1963. Produced by the CHEM-Study Com-
ABUNDANCE OF NOBLE GASES IN AIR AT SEA LEVEL mittee. Shows the preparation of XeF4, its reaction with water
and the detonation of a crystal of XeO^. The preparation of KrF2
Element Symb P a r t s per Million (by volume) by photolysis of fluorine in solid krypton at the temperature of
liquid hydrogen is also shown.
Helium He 5
Neon Ne 18
Argon Ar 9430
Krypton Kr 1
Xenon Xe 0.1
Radon Rn 6 X 10~'^

S o m e i d e a of t h e e x c i t e m e n t t h e s e d i s c o v e r i e s c a u s e d
a m o n g s c i e n t i s t s can b e g l e a n e d f r o m t h e fact t h a t , l e s s CREDITS
t h a n a y e a r a f t e r the f i r s t d i s c o v e r y of a x e n o n c o m p o u n d
w a s a n n o u n c e d , a c o n f e r e n c e on " N o b l e G a s C o m p o u n d s "
Cover courtesy Argonne National Laboratory (AN!)
w a s h e l d at A r g o n n e N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y n e a r C h i c a g o . Author's photo ANL
S o m e 100 s c i e n t i s t s d i s c u s s e d w o r k t h e y had d o n e in the Frontispiece courtesy National Bureau of StandaTds
field, and a l m o s t 60 m a d e f o r m a l r e p o r t s ! T h e p r o c e e d i n g s
of t h a t m e e t i n g filled a 4 0 0 - p a g e book e n t i t l e d Noble Gas Page

Compounds. * Not b a d , c o n s i d e r i n g t h a t j u s t a s h o r t t i m e 3 Nobel Institute

6 Ail Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania (APC)
b e f o r e not even one noble g a s c o m p o u n d w a s k n o w n .
I ' 8 APC
T h i s b o o k l e t will a t t e m p t to s h o w how t h e s e g a s e s l o s t 9 APC
t h e i r b a c h e l o r h o o d , and why today t h e y a r e c a l l e d " h e l i u m 12 Mary Elvira Weeks, Discovery of the Elements, Journal of Chemical Education
21 ANL
g r o u p g a s e s " o r " n o b l e g a s e s " i n s t e a d of " i n e r t g a s e s " . 22 ANL
30 ANL
Discovery 34 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (left), Brookhaven National Laboratory (right)
35 ANL
T h e f i r s t i n d i c a t i o n of t h e e x i s t e n c e of an i n e r t c o n s t i t u -
ent in t h e a t m o s p h e r e c a m e in 1785 when H e n r y C a v e n d i s h t
found t h a t he could not c o n v e r t a t m o s p h e r i c n i t r o g e n c o m -

*Edited by H. H. Hyman. See Suggested References, page 45.

tThe great English chemist and physicist who also discovered

2 47
,»-li. .••'•' I - ^ I, ^ I 1 1 ^ l«l 1^ in

Tlie CHemistry of
Crystals of xenon tetrafluoride created
in the experiment that first combined
tlie nolDle gases By CEDRIC L. CHERNICK
one of the Noble Gases with a single
other element. Formation of this new
compound caused great scientific e x -
citement. The colorless crystals a r e
enlarged about 100 times in this photo-
graph, which was so striking, estheti-
cally as well a s scientifically, that
Argonne National Laboratory officials
had it reproduced on the laboratory's
C h r i s t m a s card in 1962.


THE AUTHOR If you've made up your mind that chemistry is a dull

subject, and want to continue to think so, you should not
CEDRIC L. CHERNICK was born in Manchester, England, and
received his B.S., M.S., and P h . D . degrees in chemistry from read this booklet. It will only upset your comfortable con-
Manchester University. He spent 2 years as a Research Associate viction. If that should happen, it will be quite traditional,
at Indiana University. In 1959 he joined the Argonne National Lab- by the way, because information about the "noble gases"
oratory staff, working a s an associate scientist with the fluorine
chemistry group, a s assistant to the director of the Chemistry has been shattering cherished beliefs with remarkable
Division and most recently on the Laboratory Director's staff. He consistency for some years now.
has authored o r coauthored a number of scientific papers in p r o - For over 60 years the 6 gases helium, neon, argon,
fessional journals a s well a s several encyclopedia articles and
chapters in books. In the photograph the author (third from left) krypton, xenon, and radon were the confirmed bachelors
discusses the noble gases with (left to right) Howard H, Claassen, among the known elements. All the other elements would
John G. Malm, and Henry H. Selig. (See page 20.) enter into chemical combination with one or another of their
kind, irrespective of whether they were solids, gases, or
liquids in their normal state. Not so helium, neon, argon,
krypton, xenon, and radon. They were chemically aloof and
would have nothing to do with other elements, or even with
one another.
This behavior earned them a unique position in the Pe-
riodic Table of the Elements and they were called names
like the "inert gases" or the "noble gases".* They were
also labeled the "rare gases", although helium and argon
are not really "rare".t
The inability of these gases to form chemical compounds
was, until 1962, one of the most accepted fundamentals in
*" Noble" by reason of their apparent reluctance to mingle with
the common herd of elements.
tXenon, however, is the r a r e s t of all stable elements on earth.

48 1
These luminous Geisler tube script signs were
made by E. O Sperling, a glassblower at the Na-
tional Bureau of Standards, for the 1904 Louisi-
ana Purchase Exposition, St. Louts, Missouri
They are believed to have been the first exam-
ples of the use of the noble gases (and hydrogen)
for display purposes. Each tube was filled by
P. G. Nutting, an NBS scientist, with a sam-
ple of the appropriate gas obtained directly from
Sir William Ramsay (see page J). About 1930,
the commercial use of neon tube signs began (see
page 7), and since then neon signs have become
commonplace the world over. Meanwhile, until
1962, at least, the noble gases remained among
the most fascinating, m.ost puzzling, and least
known of all elements.
Tlie Cliem.istry of
tlie nolDle gases
by Cedric L. Chernick



Discovery 2
Occurrence and Production 4
Uses . 7
Attempts To Form Compounds 10
Why the Gases Are Inert 11
Fiuorme Contammg Compounds 23
Oxygen Contammg Compounds 28
More Complex Compounds 31
Rddon 32
Krypton 32
Helium, Neon, and Argon 33
Solid State 33
Gas Phase 35
Predicted Shapes and Chemical Bonding 37

United States Atomic Energy Commission

Division of Technical Information
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67 62972
Tlie Cliemistry of

by Cedric L. Chernick


Division of Technical Information
Understanding the Atom Series

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