DailyNews 21-06-2023

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DN page 2 NEWS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

No strains in diplomatic ... From page 01 Enhanced Dengue Control... From page 01 Budget Office Bill... From page 01

are no strains in the diplomatic ties its health condition has been handed over The programme, recommended by the Dengue days. Institutions requiring inspections on differ- yesterday with amendments and without a
between Thailand and Sri Lanka over the by the Venerable monk. Control Western Provincial Sub-Committee, aims ent days are encouraged to inform the office of vote. The debate on the Second Reading of
issue of the Thai elephant “Muthuraja”. “During my official visit to Thailand at to mitigate the spread of dengue fever and was the responsible Medical Officer of Health (MOH) the Parliamentary Budget Office Bill was held
He also said he expressed regrets over the the end of last month, I expressed our appointed by President Ranil Wickremesinghe. for necessary arrangements. yesterday from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm.
issue concerning the Muthuraja elephant regret to Thai Premier on behalf of our Under this initiative, specific inspection days To ensure the effectiveness of these inspec- The Committee on Public Finance (COPF)
to the Thai Prime Minister during his offi- country. Buddha Sasana Minister Vidura have been assigned for different types of estab- tions, it is crucial that designated volunteer has earlier approved the Bill for the Parlia-
cial visit to Thailand. Wickramanayake and State Minister Viji- lishments. Private schools, government schools, teams from the respective institutions carry out mentary Budget Office (PBO), pending an
Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena tha Berugoda were also with me at the pre-schools, private educationalinstitutions, and the inspections on the designated days. These amendment to present the Budget of the PBO
said that he declares responsibly that meeting with the Prime Minister,” he said. higher educational institutions (Universities/ teams should submit monthly reports to the rele- within 60 days.
friendship and trust have been established According to the time schedule, the Piriven) will be inspected every Monday. Con- vant Medical Officer of Health. COPE Chairman MP Dr. Harsha De Silva
between the two countries. Muthuraja elephant will travel to Thailand struction sites will be examined on Wednesdays, Furthermore, it has been advised that until the had also said last week this legislation was
The Prime Minister said that the spe- in the coming days. Our Venerable Monk factories on Tuesdays, other daily reported cases of dengue are under control, long overdue and would add much-needed
cial security cage needed for the elephant has also handed over the necessary docu- private institutions on Thursdays, and other pre-school and school children should wear pro- independence and transparency in analysing
to travel has been prepared, and the docu- ments regarding the re-delivery of an ele- government institutions on Fridays. Additionally, tective clothing to minimise the risk of mosquito budgets.
ments pertaining to the return of an ele- phant after the conversion it to a healthy houses, gardens, and religious shrines will under- bites. This precautionary measure aims to reduce
phant to Sri Lanka after being restored to state. go inspections on weekends, with houses andgar-
dens on Saturdays and religious shrines on Sun-
additional expenses associated with dengue-relat-
ed health issues. Delayed ration ... From page 01

No harm to monuments in old...

Five Army men injured in ...
From page 01 and payment made on behalf of dead Army
From page 01 members from May, a release issued by the
in Kandy, no harm was caused to any tions of the Archaeological Department. Sri Lanka Army said.
archaeological monuments. He said this in Although media reports have said that the Camp collided with a fuel transport bowser The van was involved in the accident President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the
response to an inquiry made from the Ehelepola Kumarihamy Monument and on the Colombo Kandy road in Radavadunna when the bowser came from the wrong request of the Army Commander has recom-
Archaeological Department by Central Saradiel’s cell has been damaged, officials area of Nittambuwa Police area and five offic- direction and collided head-on.Officials of mended an increment of close to Rs. 10,000
Province Governor Lalith U. Gamage yes- of the Urban Development Authority said ers were injured. the Nittambuwa Police Traffic Division who for their monthly ration allowances with the
terday (20) during the meeting of the Dis- that no harm was done to them at all. A Staff Sergeant, a sergeant and three cor- are investigating the accident said that the intention of lessening their burden.
trict Co-ordinating Committee regarding Chairman of the District Coordinating porals are among the injured, police said. accident happened due to the fault of the Accordingly, the monthly ration allowance
reports in certain media that archaeological Committee, MP Gunathilaka Rajapakse After being admitted to Wathupitiwala Hospi- bowser driver. According to Nittambuwa of all Army personnel on active service was
monuments and objects have been dam- said President Ranil Wickremesinghe has tal, these five injured military personnel were Police, the driver of the bowser has been increased from April 2023, and it was subse-
aged during the restoration of the prison. informed the Mahanayakes that the Bogam- transferred to Colombo National Hospital for arrested. quently added to their monthly salary, effec-
Dissanayake said that subsequent to the bara Prison will be restored and a cultural further treatment. Meanwhile, the wife of the said Army tive from May 2023. However, there occurred
Bogambara Prison being set up in Palle- center will be established there and accord- A Major who was also traveling in the van Major, who was travelling to the accident an administrative delay as regards the addition
kelle, various conservation and restoration ingly the development work will begin in at the time of the accident was not harmed in scene in a car met with an accident at the of the increased allowance to the salary of war-
tasks are being carried out at the old pris- the future. this accident. Nittambuwa police said that the Napagoda junction on the Colombo Kandy affected disabled Army personnel and pay-
on since 2014, based on the intervention of Central Province Chief Secretary Ajith accident took place near the 45th kilometer road. The car she was travelling in collided ment, made on behalf of dead Army members
the Urban Development Authority and that Premasinghe and Kandy District Secretary post in the Radavadunna area of the Colombo with a motorcycle but neither the motorcycle in May, a release issued by the Sri Lanka
it is being done under the recommenda- Chandana Tennakone were present. - Kandy main road. The fuel bowser was on its nor the car was damaged in this accident and Army said.
way to Colombo. no one was injured. The Sri Lanka Army nevertheless on Tues-
day (20) made all necessary arrangements to
‘Aswesuma’ programme needs... From page 01
release delayed ration increments to their sala-

Acting Finance Minister Shehan create an empowered people’s society as

Prof. Coomaraswamy awarded ... From page 01
ries for April and May 2023.

Semasinghe said this at the special press

conference held yesterday afternoon at
much as possible.
Acting Minister Semasinghe also said
who has been awarded an Order of the Brit-
ish Empire (OBE) in the King’s Birthday Hon-
rating Centre for Global Women’s Health and
founding trustee of Ammalife, a UK-registered
Drug addict husband ... From page 01

the Finance Ministry. that President Ranil Wickremesinghe as ours. charity with a global mission of reducing
He added that the government will get the Finance Minister has already given An expert in Gynaecology and Reproductive maternal deaths in low-income countries. The police said that the husband does not
the money required for this Aswesuma instructions that all relevant parties Medicine from the University of Birmingham, Prof.Arri Coomarasamy said of his nomina- have a permanent source of income. Police say
purpose from foreign multilateral institu- including the Samurdhi Authority should Prof. Coomarasamy has been involved in tion for Officer of the Order of the British that the couple has three children.
tions including the World Bank and give work to produce as many empowered major clinical trials that have had a significant Empire: “This is a recognition for the power- The wife is 42 years old and the husband is
it to the public. Semasinghe also said persons as possible. impact on cutting the risk of early miscar- ful work our research teams do in tackling about 45 years old who resides in Kirindiwela.
that in addition to continuous welfare He said the government will also take riage, and reducing the likelihood of severe miscarriage and childbirth-related deaths. Neighbours have taken her to the Wathupiti-
benefit payments, new programs will be steps to update the Aswesuma social bleeding during childbirth by 60%. Every two minutes, a mother dies during wala hospital with her leg which was cut by
implemented through the Social Empow- welfare benefit payments for three years Arri Coomarasamy is a Professor of Gynae- childbirth somewhere in the world. The her husband. She was then transferred to
erment Ministry with more attention to from this year onwards. cology and Reproductive Medicine at the Uni- impact of our research can be a matter of life Gampaha Hospital for re-implantation of the
versity of Birmingham, Consultant at Birming- and death for mothers and their children. I am leg. However, Gampaha hospital sources said

Fake PHI arrested... From page 01

ham Women’s Hospital, Director of the Tom-
my’s National Centre for Miscarriage
Research, Joint Director of the WHO Collabo-
delighted that maternal and child health are
being celebrated.” courtesy University of Ber-
that due to the delay in bringing the leg and
the fact that the leg was not brought on ice, it
was not possible to transplant the leg due to
(PHI) and was taking money by point- and engages in collecting money. A top- nerve failure.
ing out wrongs that did not exist while
visiting shops in the Rambukkana city
ranked officer of the Rambukkana Police
stated that this person had been Domestic debt will not be written ... From page 01
The husband was remanded after being pro-
duced before the Pugoda Magistrate.
and handed him over to the Rambukka- engaged in taking money from shops in
na police. Rambukkana town on Monday (19) and debt will not be written off in the process of caused to depositors, EPF, ETF, and pensioners
This person is a 39-year-old resident
of Aranayaka Dikpitiya. Investigations
when he tried to take money from a
wholesale shop, he was caught by the
the proposed local debt restructuring. No injus-
tice will be done to any bank depositors, EPF,
and for their interest,” he said.
The Minister said this in response to a ques- Wele Suda’s money... From page 01
have revealed that he was once an employees of the shop who had got sus- ETF beneficiaries and pensioners due to domes- tion raised by SJB MP Nalin Bandara that the
employee who was working at Mawanel- picious of him and handed him over to tic debt restructuring, he said. country would have to face serious repercussions three defendants, including Gampola Vidan-
la Hospital. Investigations have revealed the police. The State Minister also said that domestic if the domestic debt was restructured as pro- alage Samantha Kumara alias Wele Suda, a
that this person habitually roams around The suspect was scheduled to be pro- debt restructuring does not mean writing off posed. The MP Bandara said if the government known drug trafficker who is facing the death
in different areas and visits shops and duced before the Kegalle Magistrate’s debt. However, it might include freezing loans or had agreed on any writing off of domestic debt penalty. Accordingly, the re-hearing will start
pretends to be a public health inspector Court. writing off interest,” he said. with the IMF, the government must discuss the on August 4.
“We will never think of writing off domestic matter with the IMF again and do the necessary Colombo High Court Judge Adithya Pata-
debt. We will also ensure that no injustice will be amendments. bendige fixed the date and issued summons to
six witnesses in the case to appear on that
Government Analyst objects... From page 01
day. Wele Suda, who is accused of acquiring
assets and money worth over Rs.180 million
through drug trafficking, was produced before
Rajindra Jayasuriya that the Government the report that investigations are still being and account information are all in the rele- court amid tight security.
Analyst has expressed his objection to carried out regarding late Dinesh Schaf- vant mobile phone, they may be making The wife of Wele Suda, who is named as
handing over late Janashakthi Group Direc- fter’s mobile phone and it will take another this request in order to take another defendant in the case, also appeared
tor Dinesh Schaffter’s mobile phone and week to complete them. some money out, which they need, also in court. The Attorney General has filed this
SIM card to his wife. The Magistrate said that since the cause ordered that a report be submitted through case against Wele Suda, his wife, and a cousin,
In his report the Government Analyst of death of the deceased is not known yet, the Computer Division of the Criminal accusing them of committing an offence under
has stated that the data on the telephone the request made by the aggrieved parties Investigation Department regarding the the Prevention of Money Laundering Act by
cannot be updated and by connecting it to should be considered as well. possibility of the phone data acquiring houses and properties in Dehiwala,
the internet the data therein can be erased. The Magistrate said that since late being saved elsewhere and the phone Rajagiriya, Madiwela and other areas of
The Government Analyst has stated in Dinesh Schaffter’s business information being given to the aggrieved party. Colombo with money earned from drug traf-

Ten days for those not in welfare... From page 01

of social welfare benefits, have been given Accordingly, henceforth all social welfare These allowances are given to families or
a period of 10 days from yesterday (20) to benefits will be in the name of “Aswasuma” individuals who have not turned up,” he
file objections and appeals. Scheme, which covers all the groups who added. DANIEL,​ BEATRICE - Dearly beloved
The Acting Finance Minister said this have received the Samurdhi subsidy so far A member of the Social Welfare Benefit wife of Robin,​loving mother of Eroma Daniel
while explaining the future process of the and who need the main government subsidy. Board A.R.Deshapriya, said that those whose LLB (Hons) & Dr Romany Daniel,​mother-
new programme implemented by the Welfare As per the new identification scheme, four names were not included in the benefits list in-law of Pujitha Sumanasiri (Solicitor) and
Benefits Board so that the beneficiaries will groups namely transitional, vulnerable, poor can visit the website www.wbb.gov.lk and doting grandmother of Ethan,​Joel & Aaron
receive benefits directly into their bank and extreme poor are to receive relief pay- submit their objections by filling the form (All of UK). Remains lie at 255/​1,​ Kirula
accounts from next month. He, who joined a ments. In terms of families, 400,000 transi- mentioned there. Road,​Colombo 5 from Monday 19th June
special press conference held at the Finance tional families, 400,000 families at risk, Chairman and Commissioner of the Wel- 5 p.m. onwards. Cortege leaves residence
Ministry Auditorium yesterday (20) after- 800,000 poor families and 400,000 extremely fare Benefits Board B.Wijeratne said that a
at 1.45 p.m. on Wednesday 21st June for
noon themed “If there is a mistake, to correct poor families will receive benefits under this. new mobile phone application to identify the
Service at Kollupitiya Methodist Church,​
it”, he unveiled the list of those eligible to Over 300,000 beneficiaries of kidney, disa- beneficiaries has been introduced. According-
receive welfare benefits. bled and elderly beneficiaries will benefit ly more than 37 million applications were Colombo 3 followed by Burial at General
The Acting Finance Minister who further from this. received and of these, more than 33 million Cemetery Kanatte,​Borella at 4 p.m. 037738
commented, the present government intro- “Anyone whose name is not mentioned in were enumerated. FERNANDO GORDON - Former District
duced a formal and transparent national pro- the list that we presented today or who is “Now it is time to publish the list of those Manager - Bank of Ceylon. Beloved son of
gram to select the beneficiaries of social wel- protesting should do it within 10 days. The identified correctly. It has been publicised in late Charles and Josephine of Avissawella,​
fare benefits in our country, which should Divisional Secretary should be informed the Divisional Secretariat Offices and Grama beloved husband of the late Sheila,​
have been done for a long time but was not about it. Those appeals and objections will be Niladari Offices. This is a transparent and brother of late Babsy,​late Oscar,​late Mrs
implemented. This is an enactment of the investigated within a month. There will be no streamlined process to identify eligible bene-
Aelian Fernando and late Mrs Bertram
Welfare Benefits Act No. 24 of 2002. problem while the programme is in operation. ficiaries,” he added.
De S. Wijayaratne. Remains lie at A.F.
Raymond’s Parlour Tuesday 20th June

Private sector offering bribe ... From page 01

from 2.00 p.m. Cortege leaves Parlour at
10.30 a.m. on Wednesday 21st June to
Jawatte Cemetery for burial. 037840
against Corruption and other International- Moreover, the Bill also includes provisions and investigations into, and to prosecute Reverend Father OSWALD BERNARD
ly recognized norms, standards and best to recruit specialist from specified fields for against, bribery, corruption, offences relating FIRTH,​ OMI who was living out his
practices, and to provide for the establish- the purpose of investigation not limited to to declaration of assets and liabilities and retirement at Marian Grove in Kohuwala,​
ment of an Independent Commission to police officers. Members of the Sectoral Over- associated offences, to conduct and coordi-
was summoned to everlasting rest in 19 June
detect and investigate allegations of Bribery, sight Committee on Just and Law-Abiding nate educational activities on the prevention
Corruption and offences related to the decla- Society were of the view that certain provi- of bribery and corruption, introduce an effec-
2023. His mortal remains will be brought to
ration of assets and liabilities and associated sions of the Bill require amendments to best tive system for the declaration of assets and De Mazenod House,​Colombo 15,​today (19
offences was taken into discussion at the Sec- serve the intention and purpose of the Bill. liabilities in order to prevent illicit enrich- June) around 7.30 p.m. and laid to Rest there
toral Oversight Committee on Just and Law- The objective of the Anti-Corruption Bill ment by public officials, to promote inter- until 4.30 p.m. tomorrow,​20 June 2023. It
Abiding Society. includes the prevention and eradication of agency co-operation and international collab- will then be brought to Centre for Society
It was emphasized at the Committee meet- bribery and corruption in order to meet the oration in preventing bribery and corruption and Religion (CSR) at 5.00 p.m. and laid
ing held that the Anti-Corruption Bill con- just requirements of the general welfare of a and give effect to obligations under the Unit- to rest there until 7.30 a.m. the following
tains provisions to convict a private sector democratic socie ed Nations Convention against corruption day,​Wednesday,​21 June 2023. From 8.30
entity, committing an offence of bribery, enhancing transparency in governance and and any other International Convention relat- a.m. to 10.00 a.m. the mortal remains of
which is a history first as it was previously strengthening integrity of governance and ing to the prevention of corruption to which Fr. Firth will be kept at Caritas Sri Lanka
limited to public entities only. Accordingly, a increasing accountability. Sri Lanka is a party and recognize interna- - SEDEC,​No. 133,​Kynsey Road,​Colombo
specified business enterprise as defined in It also includes enhancing public confi- tional standards and best practices in order 08. It will then be brought to St. Joseph’s
section 5 of the Sri Lanka Accounting and dence in Government and strengthen public to establish a culture of integrity in Sri Church,​Uyana,​Moratuwa at 11.30 a.m.
Auditing Standards Act, No. 15 of 1995 shall participation to eradicate corruption, estab- Lanka. The Funeral Service will start at 2.30 p.m.,​
be subjected to conviction upon committing lishing an Independent Commission, to exer- MPs Prof. G. L.Peiris, Rauff Hakeem, 21 June 2023,​followed by the Burial at St.
any offence under said Bill once enacted. cise and perform the powers and functions Anura Priyadarshana Yapa,Chandima Weerak- Joseph’s Church Cemetery in Uyana,​
The said was taken into discussion at the under this Bill and to carry out the responsi- kody, Thalatha Athukorala, Madhura Withan- Moratuwa. Please do pray for the repose of
Sectoral Oversight Committee on Just and bilities imposed thereon under this Bill. age, Isuru Dodangoda, K.P.S. Kumarasiri, his soul that God may welcome Fr. Firth to
Law-Abiding Society held yesterday (20) in Furthermore, the Bill mandate the said Jayantha Weerasinghe, Wajira Abeywardana his eternal bliss. 037765
Parliament, Chaired by W. D. J. Seneviratne. Commission to conduct preliminary inquiries were present at the Committee meeting held.
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 3 DN

Palali Airport’s Passenger Student who fell off

footboard dies after 9 days

Terminal to be renovated
Gandhara Group Corr.
The student who was receiving treat-
ment at the Karapitiya Teaching Hospi-
tal after falling off the footboard of a
private bus at Godagama, Matara, has
died on Monday.
The student Vishwa Samadhi who
Minister of Ports, current congestion and accommodate airlines During the visit, he sat for the Advanced Level Examina-
Shipping and Aviation operational limitations from Indonesia, Malay- also inspected facilities tion in the Biology Stream was a stu-
Nimal Siripala de Silva caused by insufficient sia and the Maldives. provided to passengers dent of Rahula Vidyalaya, Matara. He
announced plans to terminal space. Minister de Silva fur- who arrived on board had fallen off a bus plying from Matara
expand the Passenger The Minister said ther highlighted that the Alliance Air flight to Akuressa on June 10. He was admit-
Terminal at the Palali that the Indian airline, discussions have already from Chennai, India. ted to the Matara General Hospital and
Airport and provide Alliance Air currently taken place regarding Fisheries Minister later transferred to the Karapitiya
additional facilities operates four flights per the necessary steps to Douglas Devananda, Teaching Hospital, where he died after
within the next five week to the airport. be implemented in rela- Jaffna District MP M.A. nine days.
months. “However, these flights tion to these measures. Sumanthiran, Secretary The student was a resident of
The Minister are carrying less than The Minister has to the Ministry of Izzadeen Town. Police suspect that he
Ports, Shipping and Aviation Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva visited the Palali Air-
expressed these views 75 passengers each granted approval for a Ports, Shipping and would have fallen when he tried to get
port on June 17. Jaffna District MP M.A. Sumanthiran and Chairman of the Airport
during a visit to the air- time. The current condi- financial allocation of Aviation K.D.S. Ruwan- off the bus.
and Aviation Services Sri Lanka Ltd. Major General (Rtd.) G. A. Chandrasiri are also
port on June 17, to tion of the short airstrip in the picture. Rs. 160 million from the chandra and Chairman Vishwa Samadhi’s mother was a
assess the progress of does not allow for the Airport Aviation Servic- of the Airport and Avia- teacher at St. Thomas’s College, Mata-
future developments at accommodation of A320 undergo renovation and land areas will be uti- sized that upon the es Sri Lanka Ltd., for tion Services Sri Lanka ra. He had sat for the Advanced Level
the facility. During the flights,” he said. extension, adding an lized for this purpose, completion of these ren- the expansion of the Ltd. Major General Examination, the answer scripts of
visit, the Minister high- Accordingly, 900 additional 300 metres ensuring no inconven- ovations, the Palali Air- passenger terminal and (Rtd.) G. A. Chandrasi- which are being marked at present and
lighted the urgent need metres of the existing to its length. The Minis- ience to the community. port will not only serve related facility upgrades ri were also present on was awaiting results.
for expansion, citing the 2,300 metre airstrip will ter assured that few The Minister empha- Indian airlines but also at the Palali Airport. the occasion.

Sri Lanka’s growing presence

in Africa: Honorary Consul
appointed to Kenya

Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in Kenya

Veluppillai Kananathan (R) presenting the
Commission of Appointment to Prageet

The Government of Sri Lanka appoint-

ed Prageeth Senevirathne, a Sri Lankan
entrepreneur and Director of Ocean
Freight East Africa as an Honorary Consul
in Mombasa, Kenya.
Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in
Kenya Veluppillai Kananathan presented
the Commission of Appointment to Senev-
irathne at a brief ceremony at the Sri
Lanka High Commission in Nairobi yes-
It was a long-felt need to appoint an
Honorary Consul considering that Mom-
basa is a regional hub in East Africa, a
port city, and a major gateway to the East
and Central African regions. Further,
Mombasa is an industrial city and an
important economic centre in Kenya. In
addition to the coffee trade and the food
and chemical industries, there is a steel
mill, an aluminium rolling mill, an oil
refinery, and a cement plant. Mombasa is
being built as a Special Economic Zone
(SEZ) in Kenya. Further, Mombasa hosts
tea trading and tea auction, which attracts
tea traders from around the world, includ-
ing from Sri Lanka. As a result, many peo-
ple come to the city in pursuit of employ-
ment, education, and investment opportu-
nities. On top of being an economic hub
and industrial hotbed, the distance of
around 500km between Nairobi and Mom-
basa made the appointment of an honor-
ary consul all the more important to
exploit the economic benefits in the inter-
ests of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka attaches great significance to
its relations with Africa, as it is becoming
a popular destination for investments,
trade, and employment. In order to realize
the potential economic benefits in Africa,
Sri Lanka is in the process of appointing
honorary consuls in many countries across
the continent to represent the interests of
Sri Lanka and serve the Sri Lankan com-
munity in those countries. The Sri Lanka
High Commission in Nairobi prudently
recommended the appointment of an hon-
orary consul in Mombasa, keeping in
mind the vast and long-term economic
benefits for Sri Lanka as well as the need
to create Mombasa as Sri Lanka’s strong-
hold in East Africa and gateway to other
adjoining regions.
Further, as recommended by the High
Commission in Nairobi, the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs appointed well-established
Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, namely Rusha
Ranga Weerakody and Dr. Subash Abe-
wickrama, as Honorary Consuls in the
Gambia and Sierra Leone, respectively.
Further such recommendations for honor-
ary consuls in Ghana and Nigeria are
being considered by the Ministry of For-
eign Affairs of Sri Lanka.
Honorary consuls play a crucial role in
promoting economic diplomacy by facili-
tating trade, investment, cultural
exchange, and public-private partnerships.
Their unique position and local knowl-
edge enable them to bridge gaps, connect
businesses, and enhance bilateral rela-
tions, leading to increased economic coop-
eration and growth.
DN page 4 NEWS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

Foreign Ministry
refutes reports of
excessive spending
The Foreign Ministry es are authorized in keep- (i) the Foreign Minister Minster to these meetings/ take foreign travel for offi-
while drawing attention to ing with the new Treasury undertakes official visits conferences/engagements cial purposes in the con-
misleading information in circulars and guidelines,” a to represent Sri Lanka at as appropriate, consider- text of the Foreign Minis-
the public domain that statement issued by the important multilateral, ing the requirement of the try’s and the Government’s
Foreign Minister Ali Foreign Ministry said. regional and bilateral expertise of such officials engagement with its inter-
Sabry, PC, has spent a The Foreign Ministry’s engagements overseas, as in discussions/delibera- national partners, and to
substantial amount of pub- statement in full: and when required; tions; and represent Sri Lanka in ful- Outgoing British High Commissioner Sarah Hulton called on Prime Minister Dinesh
lic funds while undertak- The attention of the For- (ii) these meetings/con- (iv) the Foreign Minis- filling the country’s Gunawardena, on Monday. Their discussion focused on the bilateral relationship, areas of
ing overseas visit, yester- eign Ministry has been ferences/engagements try curtails expenses to domestic and international mutual cooperation and opportunities for the future.
day said the Ministry has drawn to misleading infor- should be attended by the the maximum extent pos- obligations.
curtailed its expenses to mation circulating in the Foreign Minister himself, sible and only essential As clearly evidenced in
the maximum extent pos- public domain that For- considering their impor- expenses are authorized in the recent past, many
sible and only essential
expenses are authorized in
keeping with the new
eign Minister Ali Sabry
has spent a substantial
amount of public funds
tance and also the expect-
ed level of participation;
(iii) it is the practice
keeping with the new
Treasury circulars and
guidelines. Therefore, the
immediate and long-term
advantages accrue to Sri
Lanka from these high-lev-
Ambitious plan to digitize Foreign Service
Treasury circulars.
“The Foreign Ministry
curtails expenses to the
while undertaking official
visits overseas in the
recent past.
and essential for substan-
tive reasons that senior
officials of the Ministry
Foreign Ministry wishes
to emphasize that the For-
eign Minister by virtue of
el person-to-person discus-
sions with the Foreign
Minister’s counterparts
Centre, combat trafficking and empower
maximum extent possible
and only essential expens-
The Ministry wishes to
clarify that
and other line agencies
accompany the Foreign
his appointment/high
office is required to under-
and other foreign dignitar-
ies. Foreign Employment Bureau
Labour and Foreign aside personal political rigid labour laws. Therefore,
Employment Minister Manu- agendas, the President ral- we must create a favourable

“Purchase of paddy
sha Nanayakkara announced lied everyone together, environment for foreign
No shortage of fertilizer plans to digitize the Foreign
Service Centre in order to
regardless of their political
affiliations, for the greater
investors by reforming
labour laws to ensure work-

- Minister has begun”

liberate the foreign employ- good of our country and er protection. We also need
ment centre from the clutch- worked towards forming a to enhance the productivity
es of traffickers. united government. Rebuild- of our labour force, provid-
ISHARA MUDUGAMUWA and Furthermore, the Minis- ing the country was a daunt- ing investors with opportu-
IRANGIKA RANGE in any area of ISHARA MUDUGAMUWA and Marketing Board that bought ter emphasized that this ini- ing task, especially consider- nities to collaborate and
Agriculture Minister Mahinda the country that IRANGIKA RANGE the paddy. This time, the Gov- tiative would empower the ing the dire state of our enhance productivity togeth-
Amaraweera told Parliament yes- is because of cer- Agriculture Minister Mahinda ernment bought paddy through Foreign Employment Bureau economy.” er.”
terday (20) that fertilizer needed tain officials who Amaraweera said that the nor- the Governors and gave it with- to thwart unnecessary inter- “We faced a severe short- “Furthermore, our coun-
by the farmers are being distrib- are trying to put mal purchase of paddy from out cost to the people experienc- ference and combat illegal age of foreign currency try requires a comprehen-
uted and there is no shortage of the government into trouble and farmers began yesterday. ing food shortage.” activities effectively. reserves, but we took on the sive social security system.
fertilizers in the country. will take action against those offi- The Minister said this while Commenting on the importa- He further revealed that, responsibility of bringing in We have already begun
The minister said this while cials,” the Minister said. responding to an oral question tion of fertilizers from China, the under the guidance of Presi- much-needed dollars. drafting a Bill for the social
responding to the points raised The Minister said that it is by Opposition Leader Sajith Pre- Agriculture Minister said that dent Ranil Wickremesinghe, Through the efforts of our security programme, which
by Opposition members regarding unfair to take political advantage madasa in Parliament. they are preparing a complete the Finance Ministry has overseas workforce, com- will be presented to the Cab-
the distribution of fertilizer in by using a sensitive issue like this “There is no set price for report in this regard. “We are not constituted a committee to prising 312,000 dedicated inet after obtaining initial
Parliament. which affects the lives of innocent paddy. I agree that there should hiding anything. We are not try- oversee the implementation individuals, we were able to approval from the Labour
“If there is a fertilizer shortage farmers. be more justice for the farmers. I ing to protect anyone. We will of this programme. contribute US$ 4.8 billion to Consultative Council
have also discussed it with the present the information received Minister Nanayakkara our nation’s economy.” appointed by the President.”
Cabinet. I have presented sever- in this regard through the COPE. conveyed these sentiments “Their contribution “Similarly, we are actively
al Cabinet papers for it. This Nothing is hidden. A full report during a press conference played a significant role in pursuing the digitization of
Women Parliamentarians’ time it was neither the Agricul-
ture Ministry nor the Paddy
on this matter will be submitted
to Parliament,” he said.
held yesterday at the Presi-
dential Media Centre, focus-
improving our financial situ-
ation. We have made sub-
the Labour Department.
Currently, the tender pro-

Caucus submits proposals to ing on the theme of ‘Collec-

tive path to a stable coun-
stantial progress in reducing
inflation, which stood at a
staggering 80 percent when
cess is underway for the
digitization of the Employ-
ees Trust Fund (ETF),
amend Anti-Corruption Bill Hotlines to report Minister Nanayakkara fur-
ther said: “President Ranil
the President assumed
office. Today, we have man-
Employees Provident Fund
(EPF), and the e-salary ser-
The Women Parliamentarians’ draft of the present Anti-Corrup- Wickremesinghe assumed aged to bring it down to 25 vice. Furthermore, we are
Caucus (WPC) has submitted pro-
posals to amend the Anti-Corrup-
tion Bill to be debated and passed
tion Bill.
However, Dr. Fernandopulle
informed that two priority con-
on non-receipt of the Presidency during a
challenging period when our
country was in turmoil. We
percent. I express my grati-
tude to the foreign workers
who have played a crucial
taking measures to intro-
duce a licensing system that
covers all professions, from
in Parliament today (21).
Addressing a letter to the Speak-
er on behalf of the Women Parlia-
cerns have been identified that
require amendment immediately
before debate schedule on June 21,
fertilizer vouchers witnessed the tragic killings
of MPs on the streets, and a
group of terrorists attempt-
role in creating a liveable
environment for our peo-
labourers to doctors. It is
crucial for anyone working
in the country to be regis-
mentarians’ Caucus and the Secto- 2023. The first is that there should Agrarian Services Depart- to Fertilizer Subsidy Vouch- ed to seize power. However, “To foster the develop- tered under this system,
ral Oversight Committee on Chil- be a change in the offense of ‘sexu- ment and National Fertilizer erscan be made to Assistant President Wickremesinghe ment of our nation, it is enabling us to have compre-
dren, Women and Gender, the al favour’. The Caucus requests Secretariat have introduced Agrarian Commissioner Migara took it upon himself to uplift imperative to focus on hensive information about
chairperson of the Caucus, Dr. that the term sexual favour dimin- two more hotlines for the farm- on 0717-649054. Any issues our nation from its fallen increasing production and their employment. Addition-
Sudarshini Fernandopulle, has stat- ishes the offence and therefore, ers to make complaints with with regard to fertilizer can be state. The Government’s nurturing a robust manufac- ally, a programme is being
ed that the Women Parliamentari- instead, the term ‘sexual bribery’ regard to fertilizer related directed to Assistant Director, foremost priority was to turing economy. However, implemented to extend
ans’ Caucus is very happy to see be substituted as it ensures that the issues and non-receipt of ferti- National Fertilizer Secretariat establish a safe and secure we face various obstacles social security benefits,
the inclusion of the concept of sex- gravity of the offence is reflected in lizer vouchers. Dhammika Edirisuriya on 0773- environment where our peo- when it comes to invest- including ETF and EPF, to
ual bribery being addressed in the the law. Any complaints with regard 497565. ple could thrive. Putting ments, particularly due to daily wage workers.”

Parliamentary Budget Office... From page 01 Bread, short eats... From page 01

which is accountable to Parlia- and in the interim period after the pare this opportunity to go through N.K. Jayawardena said that the new executive committee made this deci- products will be reduced if eggs are
ment, will enable all groups includ- presentation. the problems we are facing in its price revision is effective from mid- sion yesterday morning. Jayawardena provided to them at Rs.35 each. “We
ing parties to resolve the practical Legally, it is very important that implementation, this institution night yesterday. said that his association gave a prom- have to keep this promise, whatever
problems faced in the implementa- we get a chance to correct it very can be established as an institution He added that the Association’s ise to the public that prices of bakery issues faced by us,” he said.
tion of Article 148 of the Constitu- clearly when certain statistics that can be accountable to the Par-
tion, which states that Parliament become suspicious or unacceptable. liament, and to be able to get infor-
has financial control.
He said this while participating in
the debate on the Second Reading
In particular, we know that this eco-
nomic and financial crisis that we
are facing traditionally has intensi-
mation and work through that insti-
tution, political parties, groups,
non-party groups as well as all
Anti-Corruption Act will boost... From page 01

of the ‘Parliament Budget Office fied and we have been able to work those who work in various commit- Speaking at the press conference boost the country’s financial market confidence of the world powers
Bill’ in Parliament yesterday. with Parliament to overcome a chal- tees. We will enter as soon as pos- held yesterday (20) at the Sirikotha and investments. Especially investors regarding the governance of our coun-
The Prime Minister said that the lenge that fulfills a great responsibil- sible. party headquarters, he further said that were not motivated to make their try has been confirmed. French Presi-
enactment of this draft will make it ity for the government under the “Therefore, if there is no accuracy Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who investments in this country due to dent Emmanuel Macron has invited
possible to analyze the budget pre- leadership of President Ranil Wick- in some of the statistical informa- brought piles of corruption files and various influences. With this bill, President Ranil Wickremesinghe to
sented to Parliament in depth, to remesinghe in the last ten months. tion that we often present, we must showed them, will be able to raise his there is a possibility to build a good participate in a high-level conference
find out whether it is going astray, “As an unimplemented act, the accept the sad waste that we have hand and agree to the Anti-Corruption environment for them. It will have a in this backdrop.
to undergo a post-examination of budget office came into operation been going through, a huge waste, Act on Wednesday and prove his cases. direct effect on rating agencies. “The World Bank is preparing to
the estimates, and to check the we adapted today sir. It is very done by the government depart- Bandara further expressed the fol- Therefore, the people of this country provide US dollars 700 million for
accuracy of the figures.Prime Minis- important. Because budget esti- ments. As the Prime Minister, I lowing views:”This week is an impor- hope that all those who represent the budgeting relief for the vulnerable
ter Dinesh Gunawardena also said: mates can often be post-examined, humbly state that reducing this tant week for members of Parliament Parliament will vote in favour of this communities. The people can be real-
“Mr. Speaker, regarding the estab- for COPE and COPA. It is a post. waste is one of our goals. Should be because the anti-corruption bill will bill and pass it. Also, it is likely that ly happy about the state of develop-
lishment of the Budget Bureau of But it is very important for us to re- a priority goal. be discussed and passed fulfilling the the adoption of this bill will become ment that the current President who
the Parliament presented by the examine their correctness during I don’t think anyone can stand up hopes of the people of this country an important milestone at the Interna- took over this country on July 20 last
Speaker, we are entering a very spe- this period. Only by looking at it, and say that there is no waste in will be fulfilled. tional Monetary Fund’s upcoming year has brought to this country with-
cial time when the Parliament can the development of a country move this department or institution. It is “The Anti-Corruption Act will review meeting in September. “The in a year.”
work. According to the Parliamen- towards the stated objectives of the a serious problem that we are fac-
tary Budget Office Act, in order to budget. ing. Also, the burden of corruption
be able to carry out activities
through it, not only the budget, but
also the traditional budget and esti-
“I think that for that, the relevant
Clauses have been prepared for this
Act to fulfill a very important func-
caused by errors or misdirection in
certain statistics will have to be car-
ried to the Treasury and Parliament
Titanic wreckage: Search underway... From page 01

mates. It is presented to the Parlia- tion. By preparing those Clauses, in the end. It translates into a lot of carrying five people to document dive but could not go due to another passengers and crew. Since the wreck-
ment, but we are entering an the uncertainty that is often present pressure on the public. the wreckage of the Titanic, the iconic client matter. He said officials were age’s discovery in 1985, it has been
opportunity for the accuracy of the in the Standing Orders will be This budget office may be operat- ocean liner that sank more than a cen- working to get a remotely operated slowly succumbing to metal-eating
information issued by these cleared, Mr. Speaker, Parliament is ing as a mechanism to get rid of tury ago. vehicle that can reach a depth of 6,000 bacteria. Some have predicted the
research units and for the accuracy passing a law today that consists of this. There are many of these The vessel was reported overdue metres (about 20,000 feet) to the site ship could vanish in a matter of dec-
of the information obtained by Clauses that must be followed very Clauses. Sunday night about 435 miles (700 as soon as possible. ades as holes yawn in the hull and
legalizing this bureau. clearly from a legal point of view. I’m not going to say one by one. kilometres) south of St. John’s, New- U.K. businessman Hamish Harding sections disintegrate. The initial
“I specifically used the word “Therefore, the responsibility to This has been our continued sup- foundland, according to Canada’s was one of the mission specialists, group of tourists in 2021 paid
enactment as the long term clearly achieve the objectives of var- port for establishing such an office Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in according to Action Aviation, a com- US$100,000 to US$150,000 apiece to
demands for accepted principles in ious statistics and information and in the past period. Today’s access to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Lt. Cmdr. Len pany for which Harding serves as go on the trip.
a budget office have been made by publications, which have become the opportunity to implement it is Hickey said a Canadian Coast Guard chairman. The submersible, named Titan, is
all parties and MPs in our Parlia- uncertain due to the standing in the Parliament. vessel and military aircraft were Harding is an adventurer who holds capable of diving 4,000 metres or
ment. Also, various international orders, not only lies with the minis- “We believe it is a big victory. assisting the search effort, which was three Guinness World Records, includ- 13,120 feet “with a comfortable safety
organizations dealing with Sri ters but also with the government These independent officers, this being led by the U.S. Coast Guard in ing longest duration at full ocean margin,” OceanGate said in its court
Lanka have expressed their views officials in the relevant sectors, office created by these independent Boston. depth by a crewed vessel. In March filing.
on this, very importantly for us to especially as we are able to trans- officers will work in the same way. According to the Coast Guard, the 2021, he and ocean explorer Victor It weighs 20,000 pounds (9,072 kil-
use. Also, this is an institution that form into a journey to fulfill this We are approving today to imple- craft submerged Sunday morning, and Vescovo dived to the lowest depth of ogrammes) in the air, but is ballasted
has already been established in responsibility. ment the security clauses required its support vessel lost contact with it the Mariana Trench. In June 2022, he to be neutrally buoyant once it reach-
many parliaments that deal with Sri Because we declare, we have full to do so. By doing so, we hope that about an hour and 45 minutes later. went into space on Blue Origin’s New es the seafloor, the company said.
Lanka in friendship. Through this power from Article 148 of the Par- all of us will agree to approve this, David Concannon, an adviser to Shepard rocket. During its expedition in 2022,
bureau, the MPs get an opportunity liamentary Constitution. It is real. believing that it will contribute to OceanGate, said the submersible had The expedition was OceanGate’s OceanGate reported that the submers-
to intervene in the importance of But in Article 148, Parliament has continue working for the purpose an 96-hour oxygen supply starting at third annual voyage to chronicle the ible had a battery issue on its first
whether the country’s economic tra- full control over public finances, announced for the implementation roughly 6 a.m. Sunday. In an email to deterioration of Titanic, which struck dive, and had to be manually attached
jectory has been followed in the but I request to include the entire of the estimates in our budget docu- The Associated Press, Concannon an iceberg and sank in 1912, killing to its lifting platform, according to a
presentation of a budget document article with it. By being able to pre- ments.” said he was supposed to be on the all but about 700 of the roughly 2,200 November court filing. - FOX NEWS
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 5 DN

New Fisheries Act in Parliament SOC proposed National

Trade Policy
shortly – Minister Experts in the Information
Technology and the Interna-
tional Trade Field discussed
problems of the fields and
Lanka are leaving the coun-
try and therefore, the experts
asked authorities to raise the
IT sector to a high income
Thurstan College Old Boys Union (OBU)
43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) was
NIMAL WIJESINGHE, how to resolve them during a level to prevent them from held recently at the College Main Hall and the
Anuradhapura Additional District Group Corr. meeting of the Sectoral leaving the motherland. office bearers were elected uncontested to
A new Fisheries Act is being pre- Oversight Committee (SOC) Many professionals said serve the committee for 2023/24. Distin-
pared with new regulations, which will on Alleviating the Impact of that Sri Lanka has suffered guished old boy Vasantha De Silva was Chief
be submitted to Parliament shortly, the Economic crisis under its very much due to interna- Guest. Thurstan College Ex-officio President
Fisheries Minister Douglas Devananda Chairman Gamini Waleboda tional trade agreements that Principal Pramuditha Wickremasinghe presid-
said. The Minister met a delegation on June 9. have been signed without a ed over the AGM.
from the European Union headed by Due to the recently intro- National Trade Policy.
European Union Ambassador in Sri duced tax reforms, profes- The National Front of Pro-
Lanka Denis Chaibi at the Fisheries sionals in the IT sector are fessionals submitted a pro-
Ministry recently. leaving the country and posal to the Sectoral Com-
The new Fisheries Act will be many IT companies want to mittee, which includes the
empowered to prevent illegal fishing shift their businesses to central features that should
and to be made it a sustainable and other countries, the experts be included in a future
problems free industry, the Minister European Union Ambassador in Sri Lanka Denis Chaibi calling on Fisheries Minister said. In 2019, US$ 1.5 billion National Trade Policy.
said. The Ambassador appreciated the Douglas Devananda - Picture by Nimal Wijesinghe was contributed by the IT Accordingly, Sectoral
efforts being taken to set up a Vessel industry to the GDP, they Committee Chairman Gami-
Monitoring System (VMS) along with The Minister said that 40 per cent of Fisheries Secretary Indu Ratnayaka, said. ni Waleboda assured the pro-
the Australian Government. He said Sri Lanka’s fish production is exported Director General Susantha Kahawatta, There is a high potential to fessionals that steps will be
that the EU will provide more aid pack- to the EU member countries with GSP Additional Secretary Dhammika Rana- increase this revenue further taken to set up a National
ages to develop the sector. concessions. tunga and officials were present. but IT professionals in Sri Policy in this regard.

Steps being taken to ensure child safety in Matara District

Akuressa Central Special Corr.
The Child Development Committee
in the Matara District held a special
discussion at the District Secretariat
Auditorium on preventing abuse and
violence against children. The meeting
was held under the Chairmanship of
District Secretary Y. Wickramasiri.
The committee made several deci-
sions on the safety of nearly 300,000
children in the Matara District. mental state and how to prevent such Secretary Lakmali Thenuwara, Addition- Divisional Secretaries, government offi-
Students’ inappropriate behavior, their behaviors were also discussed. District al District Secretary Kasun Wellaheva, cials and police officers were present.

‘Tippu Sultan’ departs

Pakistan Ship ‘Tippu Sultan” Farooq Burki thanked the guests
departed from the Colombo Port for attending the reception
after a three-day goodwill visit onboard Tippu Sultan. The HC
from June 18-20. The ship was reiterated that bilateral relations
given a traditional farewell by the between the two nations and the
SL Navy when it left the Port two armed forces are exemplary
amidst the tunes of Pakistani and expressed his resolve to fortify
National Songs played by the SL them with each passing day. He
Navy Band. highlighted that recent high level
During its stay, Captain Jawad bilateral visits and interactions are
Hussain, Commanding Officer of the manifestation of common
the ship. called on the Commander desire to cooperate. Historically
Western Naval Area. Pakistan both nations have demonstrated to During the ‘Tippu Sultan’ on-board dinner reception.
Navy Officers visited different Sri standby either side in times of Ministers, Secretary Defence, the Ship and Pakistan Defence cise” with SLN Ship Gajabahu to
Lanka Navy units/ training facili- need. A cake commemorating Paki- Chief of Defence Staff, Command- Advisor. enhance the interoperability and
ties and participated in friendly stan-Sri Lanka friendship was ers of the Tri-Services, High Com- During its return voyage, Tippu mutual coordination between the
sports meets. SLN Officers visited jointly cut by the Chief Guest, missioner of Pakistan, Captain of Sultan conducted “Passage Exer- two Navies.
Tippu Sultan and
exchanged professional
knowledge on matters
on mutual interests.
A dinner reception
displaying traditional
Pakistani hospitality
was hosted on-board
Tippu Sultan last even-
ing at the Colombo
Dockyard. Speaker
Mahinda Yapa Abey-
wardana was the Chief
Transport, High-
ways and Mass Media
Minister Dr. Bandula
Gunawardhana, Bud-
dhasasana, Religious
and Cultural Affairs
Minister Vidura Wikra-
manayaka, Higher
Education State Minis-
ter Dr. Suren
Raghavan, Sports and
Youth Affairs State
Minister Rohana Dis-
sanayaka, Justice and
Prison Affairs State
Minister Anuradha
Jayarathna, General
Kamal Gunaratne
(Retd), Defence Minis-
try Secretary General
Shavindra Silva, Chief
of Defence Staff Lieu-
tenant General Vikum
Liyanage, SL Army
Commander Vice
Admiral Piryantha
Perera, SL Navy Com-
mander Air Marshal
Sudarshana Pathirana,
SL Air Force Com-
mander High Commis-
sioner of Pakistan
Major General (Retd)
Umar Farooq Burki,
Ambassadors/ High
Commissioners from
friendly nations, Sen-
ior Serving and Retired
Officers of the Armed
Forces, Defence Advi-
sors/Attachés, Officers
of Pakistan High Com-
mission, a large num-
ber of guests and repre-
sentatives of the media
were present
Captain Jawad Hus-
sain said that Pakistan
and Sri Lanka have
strong ties and both
Navies engage in multi-
layered cooperation.
The visit is a mani-
festation of the strong
diplomatic, economic,
cultural and defence
relations between the
two friendly countries,
he stated.
High Commissioner
of Pakistan Major Gen-
eral (Retd) Umar
DN page 6 NEWS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

Agriculture Modernization Sathosa bribery case witness

has left country after retiring,
Project to earn court informed
The Colombo High
Sathosa, has gone abroad
to Dubai after retiring last
employees of the Co-oper-
ative Wholesale Establish-

US$ 36 mn from exports

Court yesterday was year. ment (CWE) for election
informed by the Bribery After considering the cir- work.
Commission that the first cumstances, summons was The Director General of
prosecution witness in the issued to the third prosecu- the Commission to Investi-
case filed against former tion witness in the case to gate Allegations of Bribery
minister Johnston Fernan- testify before the court on or Corruption filed these
do for excluding Sathosa October 12.The case will corruption cases against
A large number of crops exchange earned by these The entire crop of green and Jaffna sour banana Agriculture Minister employees from their be taken up again on Octo- three accused under Sec-
produced by the cultiva- projects in 2022 and cucumbers is exported to cultivation zones. There- Mahinda Amaraweera duties and engaging them ber 12. tion 70 of the Bribery Act
tion projects initiated by according to the report; Japan, and the most used fore, the production of our instructed the Agricultural in political activities is The cases were filed on four charges.
the Agriculture Sector the Agriculture Sector green cucumbers for burg- country is still not enough Sector Modernization Pro- residing abroad against former Minister The three accused
Modernization Project Modernization Project has ers in Japan are grown in for the needs of other ject to plan to grow all the When the case was taken Johnston Fernando when including former minister
under the Agriculture earned 36 million dollars Vakarai, according to the countries. products of these banana up before Colombo High he was acting as the Trade Johnston Fernando had
Ministry are exported. through crop export last Agriculture Sector Mod- It is planned to start growing areas according Court Judge Manjula Thila- Minister, former CWE previously been prosecuted
Among them are Green year. ernization Project. two cultivation areas and to the proper standards so karatne, Deputy Director (Lak Sathosa) Chairman by the Bribery or Corrup-
Cucumber, Sour banana, Among these export Apart from Dubai, there a banana processing cent- that they can be exported. Ganga Heiyanthuduwa Eraj Fernando and former tion Investigation Commis-
Mango, Pineapple, Papaya, crops, the most popular is a huge demand for sour er of 400 acres of sour The Agriculture Sector appearing on behalf of the Minister’s Private Secre- sion and those cases were
Moringa leaves and jumbo ones are Bananas in bananas from many other bananas and Cavendish Modernization Project Bribery Commission tary Raj Mohideen dismissed due to the cases
peanuts. Agriculture Min- Rajanganaya and Jaffna countries, but according bananas in Embilipitiya provides the necessary informed Court that prose- Mohammad Zakeer for being filed without the
ister Mahinda and Green Cucumber to the international stand- and Sevanagala areas at a financial and technical cution witness Vipula Kith- allegedly causing an written consent of three
Amaraweera sought a grown in Vakarai Batti- ard, sour bananas are cul- cost of Rs.150 million facilities and technical siri Silva, the former Depu- unlawful loss to the gov- commissioners of the Brib-
report on the foreign caloa. tivated only in Rajangana rupees. training to the farmers. ty General Manager of ernment by employing the ery Commission.

Increase in HIV Father remanded over assault on principal till 30 No complaint of death
infected persons JAYAKANTHA LIYANAGE,
Devananda Vidyalaya,
Ambalangoda Janaka Pedu-
ruhewa to the Ambalangoda
that the suspect claims that
his son was assaulted by the
instructor in charge of bad-
mation has been revealed so
The Ambalangoda Police
due to injection in
in 2022 Balapitiya Magistrate
Hansadeva Samaradivakara
Police, the suspect was
arrested and presented to the
minton Derwin Priyanka.
Investigation also con-
also say that the police
believe that the attack may Peradeniya - Director
SANDYA KARUNARATNE yesterday (20) ordered that court. He further said in the firmed that the suspect have been carried out by the
The number of people infected with HIV has the suspect who was arrested complaint that while he was assaulted the principal say- party that attacked the prin-
increased by 48 percent last year in comparison by the Ambalangoda Police doing his official duties in ing that justice was not done cipal and investigations are ASELA KURULUWANSA death of a child in that
to 2021,National Sextually Transmitted Diseas- for assaulting the principal of the office this person came by the principal. being conducted in this way.
es and AIDS Control Programme Director Dr. Ambalangoda Sri Devananda and assaulted him last Mon- Derwin Priyanka de Silva regard. Peradeniya Sirimavo He emphasised that if
Janaki Vidanapathirana said yesterday (20). Vidyalaya in the principal’s day (19). who is said to have attacked Derwin Priyanka de Silva, Bandaranaike Children’s a death occurs due to the
She stated that in the last year 607 newly office, be remanded until It has been confirmed in the son of the suspect who who was assulted, is current- Hospital Director, Dr. effect of a drug, a com-
infected HIV patients were reported and the rea- June 30. the police investigations that attacked the principal, has ly admitted to the Balapitiya Sarath Weera Bandara plaint will be filed and
son for the increase in the number of infected The Magistrate also the attack was carried out also complained to the Base Hospital for treatment. said that reports about a no such death has
people in 2022 compared to 2021 was the informed the Ambalangoda due to an issue based on the Ambalangoda Police yester- Derwin Priyanka, the 9th child who underwent a occurred in the hospital’s
increase in testing after the COVID pandemic. Police to investigate the inci- school’s badminton game. day (20) about an incident year student of the school foot surgery at the hospi- operating theater.
She also said that due to reasons such as the dent further and submit a Police investigations have of an attack by an unknown whom he allegedly assaulted, tal died after being given The director said that
increase in the number of tests conducted last report to the court on the confirmed that the suspect’s person in the early hours of and the principal Janaka an anesthetic injection is deaths usually occur in a
year compared to the COVID period, the num- next court date. Remanded son is engaged in both bad- yesterday (20). It is further Peduruhewa, are currently untrue. children’s hospital due to
ber of infected people has increased. was a 44 year old who minton and cricket at school stated in the complaint that receiving treatment in the He said that unscru- various reasons and that
She further said that the number of HIV resides in Pansala Road, and the dispute arose out of the attack took place yester- ward of the Balapitiya Basic pulous elements are there is no complaint
infected men has increased and those who Hagalla, Kosgoda named a decision not to participate day (20) at around 5.45 am. Hospital. trying to spread lies that a death has occurred
engaged in unprotected sex should get tested. Wijemuni Chatura Mihiraj de in a badminton match due to The Ambalangoda Police say A spokesperson of the Bal- while he, as the Direc- due to the effect of a
She also said that if age-appropriate sex educa- Soysa. economic and health reasons. that no one has been arrest- apitiya Base Hospital also tor of the Hospital, has drug. He said that no
tion is provided from school, the number of According to a complaint It has also been confirmed ed in connection with this stated that the principal has not received any com- one had inquired from
infected people can be reduced. lodged by the Principal of in the police investigation assault incident and no infor- bruises on his face and neck. plaint regarding the him about it.

Specific Procurement Notice Sergeant who

(SPN) Ministry of Local Government & Provincial Councils OIC
Procurement of Department of Local Government - Uva surrenders
Local Development Support Project (LDSP) GAYAN KUMARA



The Police Ser-

Purchaser : Ministry of Health geant who assaulted
Supplying, Installation and Commissioning & the Traffic OIC of the
Project : Emergency Health Components of: (i) Support to Colombo Urban Regeneration Project Malabe police sta-
(SCURP)- Loan No. L0081A and (ii) Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Training for Operation of 1000 Liter/hr tion, pointed a gun at
Measures Project (RLVMMP)- Loan No. L0124A Steam Boiler with Sterilizer, Semi-Automatic him and fled after
Can-Seamer & Jack Fruit Cooking Tank/System for threatening to kill
Contract : Procurement of Immunological Products and Vaccines-A him has surrendered
Country : Sri Lanka Buttala PS through a lawyer and
appearing before the
Tender No : HSRP/PMU/PRO/G/MS/P/3 (2023) LDSP/UP/MO/BUPS/GOODS/23/01 - 04
Kaduwela Magis-
1) The Chairman, Procurement Committee, Project Implementation Unit - UVA, trate’s Court.
Issued on : 21st June 2023
Local Development Support Project on behalf of the relevant Secretary, Local The Police Ser-
Authorities of UVA Province now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified geant named W.M.R.
1. Government of the Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Asian bidders for Supplying, Installation and Commissioning & Training for Operation of 1000 Bandara Chan-
Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB or the Bank) toward the cost of the Emergency Health Components Liter/hr Steam Boiler with Sterilizer, Semi-Automatic Can-Seamer & Jack Fruit Cooking drasekara attached to
of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP under Ministry of Health and intends to apply part of the proceeds Tank/System for Buttala PS as described below: the Kaduwela Police
towards the payments for purchase of medical supplies (Pharmaceuticals, Surgical Consumables & Station was ordered
Quantity by the court to be
Laboratory Items). Contract No. Description
(Nos) remanded in custody
2. The Chairman, Ministry Procurement Committee of Ministry of Health invites sealed Tenders from till June 28.
Supplying, Installation and Commissioning & This Sergeant had
qualified and eligible medical suppliers for Procurement of Immunological Products and Vaccines-A LDSP/UP/MO/BUPS/
Training for Operation of 1000 Liter/hr Steam 1 attacked the Traffic
(Pharmaceuticals) as specified in the Schedule of Requirements. Boiler for Buttala PS section OIC and
LDSP/UP/MO/BUPS/ Supplying, Installation and Commissioning of threatened him with
Item 1 his duty firearm on
SR No Description of Contract Unit Quantity GOODS/23/02 Sterilizer for Buttala PS
No June 15, after an
LDSP/UP/MO/BUPS/ Supplying, Installation and Commissioning of argument over an
1 00603205 Human Immunoglobulin for IV use 5-6g, Vials Vial 15,000 1
GOODS/23/023 Semi Automatic Can - Steamer for Buttala PS issue concerning
LDSP/UP/MO/BUPS/ Supplying, Installation and Commissioning of duties.
3. Tendering will be conducted through International Open Competitive Tendering [IOCT] as specified in 1
GOODS/23/04 Jack Fruit Cooking Tank/System for Buttala PS
the AIIB’s “Interim Operational Directive on procurement instructions for Recipients” 02nd June of
2016, and is open to all eligible Tenderers.  ± Delivery Location: Pradeshiya Sabha, Buttala.
1.) Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB).
4. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from Senior Procurement Officer,
Emergency Health Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP under Ministry of Health and inspect
2.) The bid is administered by the provisions of the “Public Contracts Act No.03 of 1987”. priest held
the Tender Document during business day office hours [9.00 am to 3.00 pm] at No.81/4, Rosemead Place,
Therefore, Bidder shall submit valid Certificate of Registration (FORM PCA 03) issued by
the Registrar of Public Contracts of Sri Lanka in term of section 11 of the said Act shall be for theft at
Colombo 07. submitted along with the bid, only if the total value exceeding Five Million Sri Lanka
Rupees (LKR 5,000,000.00). (http://www.drc.gov.1k/) head priest’s
A Pre Bid Meeting will be held on 07. 07. 2023 at 10.00 a.m. at the Office of Emergency Health
Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP, Ministry of Health, No. 3/19, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08.
3.) Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the District
Engineer, Local Development Support Project, Monaragala. (Tel: 055-2222407
5. The Tender Document in English may be obtained/purchased by interested Tenderers upon submission Fax: 055-2222055) and inspect the Bidding Documents at the aforesaid same address GAYAN KUMARA
during the office hours (09.00 Hrs to 15.00 Hrs) up to 11th July 2023. WEERASINGHE
of a written request to No.81/4, Rosemead Place, Colombo 07 or through an electronic portal and upon
4.) A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested The Hatton Police,
payment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 250.00 or LKR 80,000.00. The method of payment will be Bank bidders on the submission of a written application to The Deputy Project Director, who conducted an
Deposit to the Account No 7040690 (Account Name: Emergency Assistance of USD 100Mn for the Local Development Support Project , Department of Local Government, Martin investigation into the
Procurement of Essential Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies, Bank of Ceylon, Regent Street, Colombo Silva Mawatha, Badulla up to 11th July 2023 from 09.00 Hrs to 15.00 Hrs, on burglary of the house
10).The document will be sent by post, courier or hand over at the above address. (Courier charges to be working days upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Three Thousand & Five Hundred of the head priest of
borne by the Tenderer, if so desired by the Tenderer). Complete set of Tender Document can also be Rupees (LKR 3,500.00). Also the bidding documents can be obtained through the email. the Muttumari
downloaded from the website (https://www.hsep.lk/index.php/aiib/projects-tenders/tenders). However, Payment receipt of non-refundable fee of Rs.3,500.00 (A/c No: 85292078, Project Amman temple in
Implementation Unit Uva Province - Bank of Ceylon - Badulla City branch) Dick-Oya, arrested
the Tenderer is required to provide evidence of payment of the required fee along with the Tender
5.) Bids must be delivered under registered cover in duplicate to the above (Para 5) address or the assistant priest of
submission. deposited in the Tender Box, kept at the address given (Para 5) on or before 12th July the same temple on
suspicion of the bur-
6. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 18th July 2023 at 01.00 p.m. Electronic 2023 at 14.30 hrs. Late bids will be rejected. Bids are to be opened soon after closing
in the presence of the bidders or their representatives, who have been authorized in glary, yesterday (19)
tendering will not be permitted. Late Tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be publicly opened in the evening.
writing on behalf of the bidder.
presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address The theft happened
6.) Bids shall be valid until 27th September, 2023.
below on 18th July 2023 at 01.00 p.m. 7.) All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee from a
on Monday morning
(19). A gold necklace
7. A Tender Security shall be required for the amount specified in ITT 19.1 of the Tender Documents in the commercial bank approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Bid Security should be valid worth Rs. 175,000
until 25th of October, 2023. Amount of the Bid security is Rs. 175,000.00. and Rs.175,000 in
currencies and forms specified as therein.
The Chairman, cash were stolen from
8. The address(es) referred to above is (are): Procurement Committee, the cupboard in a
Local Development Support Project, room of the house.
Project Director The investigation
Department of Local Government,
Emergency Health Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP Martin Silva Mawatha, Badulla. revealed that the
3/19, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08 assistant priest had
055-2222363/055-2222407 committed the theft
Email : hsrp.pmu.aiib@gmail.com E-mail : clguva@gmail.com while the head priest
Web : www.hsep.lk Date: 2lst June, 2023 was conducting the
puja in the temple.
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 7 DN
Arrested for obstructing duties
of MC officers and Police Certain parties sacrificing
youth for personal gain - Namal
PRADEEP KUMARA Kottawa While the owner of the house
The Maharagama Police said was explaining the facts regard-
that the owner of a two-storied ing the non-payment of taxes due,
house on Janatha Mawatha, Pathi- he had got involved in an argu-
ragoda, Maharagama was arrested ment with the officials and
yesterday for obstructing the obstructed their duties.
duties of Maharagama Municipal At that time, this person had K.A. SUNIL the people of Ratnapura have sup- industry in Ratnapura is one of the
Council officers and Police officers continued to interfere with the People who led the last struggle ported Mahinda Rajapaksha’s politi- most important industries in the ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW
who went to collect the unpaid officers’ duties and threatened to for dollars have now been exposed. cal journey since 2005. world. We gave many concessions to
assessment tax money and berat- attack them and insulted them. Some political parties are trying to When Mahinda Rajapaksa took the gem industry and traders and A leading Trade Union Invites applications
ing them in foul language. Due to this, the officers were fulfill their needs by sacrificing the over the country in 2005, our econo- worked to win and maintain our from Attorneys-at-Law from all districts
Police said that the arrested prevented from performing their youth and some officials are trying my was US$ 17 billion and increased trust internationally,” Rajapaksa with Extensive experience in handling
person is a 45-year-old business- duties and lodged a complaint at to win their rights by sacrificing the to US$ 80 billion 10 years later. said. LT/ Court Cases.
man residing at Janatha Mawatha, the Maharagama Police, who people, Parliamentarian Namal Raja- “Our Government has brought the “When we lost in 2015, we were
Pathiragoda, Maharagama. arrested the suspect yester- paksa said. unemployment rate and Bank inter- second only to China among the Please forward applications within 14 days
An amount of Rs. 14,572.58 day(20). He was addressing the Ratnapura est rates to single digits. A special fastest developing countries. We had stating work experience and fees expected
owed to the Municipal Council The suspect was scheduled to District Summit of the Sri Lanka programme has been initiated to an economic growth of 6.4%. But for,
from a two-storey house belong- be produced at the Nugegoda Podujana Peramuna at the Ratnapu- protect local industries. President unfortunately, when Gotabaya Raja- 1. Drafting Plaints / Filing Cases
ing to this person had been Magistrate’s Court yesterday ra Hall Auditorium on Monday. The Mahinda Rajapaksa’s policy was that paksa took over the country in 2019, 2. Trial - Per Appearance (per day)
defaulted for six years. A Red under charges of obstructing the party summit was organised by a if the village economy is to be strong, the economic growth rate had
Notice was issued in this regard duties of public officials and former Provincial Minister Ranjith the local businessman and entrepre- dropped to less than 2.5%. Now our 3. Trial - Block fee for whole case
14 days ago and since the owner threatening them in foul lan- Bandara. Rajapaksa further said that neur must be protected. The gem country is a country where bank 4. Written Submissions
did not respond to it, the Reve- guage. interest has grown from single digit 5. Appeal (High Court).
nue Inspector of the Maharagama Investigations are being con- to double digits, a country with
Municipal Council Chamila Prab- ducted on the instructions of increased unemployment and a General Secretary
hashini, property prohibition Chief Inspector Chelaka Raja- country where terrorists raised their P.O. Box 988
officers and a police officer had paksa, Officer-In-Charge of the heads with the Easter attacks,” MP Colombo
visited the house. Maharagama Police Station. Rajapaksa said. Email - cbeupu@gmail.com

Ambassador Colombage holds Virtual

Meeting with UBL, Indonesia
Ambassador of Sri Lanka to and lecturers from Universitas
Indonesia Admiral Professor Jay- Budi Luhur Indonesia to the
anath Colombage had a Virtual National School of Business Man-
meeting with Universitas Budi agement in Sri Lanka and possi-
Luhur (UBL) on June 15 to dis- ble nexus between the two uni-
cuss collaboration between Uni- versities. The study tour from
versitas Budi Luhur, National Universitas Budi Luhur is sched-
School of Business Management uled to take place in August 2023
(NSBM) and the Embassy of Sri and UBL undergraduates are
Lanka in Jakarta. expected to participate in the
The main focus of the meeting Global Youth Programme hosted
was the study tour of Students by NSBM.

Foreign national arrested with cigarettes

GAYAN KUMARA WEERASINGHE trader by profession. A senior
An Indian who came to Sri officer of the Wellaweediya Police
Lanka was arrested with 300 cig- said that groups of Indians come
arettes by a team of Wellaweediya to Sri Lanka with various goods
Police officers last Monday (19). and sell them and take goods
The 36-year-old man was from Sri Lanka.
arrested at Newmore Street, The arrested suspect was also
Colombo 12. According to infor- one such person. He came to Sri
mation received by the Police, the Lanka last Monday (19) evening
arrested man was a frequent visi- and was to travel back to India,
tor to the country and was a the following morning.
DN page 8 EDITORIAL W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

We d n e s d ay, J u n e 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 salted with other tales

olombian Government offi-
cials fiercely deny that there

he Government is to shortly take measures to
were FARC or other terror-
regulate the conduct of private tuition classes, ist organisations recruiting
State Minister of Higher Education Dr. Suren children in Colombia, particularly
Raghavan told the media. He told journalists in close to the Amazon forest region
the East that the untaxed tuition industry was worth Rs. that’s home to many indigenous
65 billion annually but the Ministry had no means of communities.
monitoring its activities. For instance, he said they This is much like the denial among
pro-LTTE groups during ‘wartime’ that
were unaware of the aptitude, qualifications or the
there was any recruitment of child com-
moral charter of the teachers who run tuition classes. batants. Parents did extraordinary
He also said it was brought to his notice that in some things those days to keep children from
tuition classes, teachers were talking politics, religion being recruited. The wealthy were able
and promoting racism to further their own personal to send children overseas, and then
agendas. The State Minister said they would introduce there were the stories of those who
a licensing system only to qualified teachers to teach adopted various ruses.
In Colombia the recruitment scourge
in tuition classes in the future. They were also planning still goes on and the father of the chil-
to regulate the fees charged in these mass-scale dren whose plane crashed in the Ama-
classes, since students at these tuition centres are zon said that children as young as two
being heavily overcharged. or three are subject to conscription
Good and laudable as his intentions are, the State Min- related kidnappings i.e: early recruit-
ister is going to meet some resistance over his plans ment, which is why he chartered the
to regulate the private tuition industry, from the instruc- small Cessna to get them as far away
from the dangerous terrain as possible.
tors themselves and the parents. Private tuition has Colombia is the country of Gabriel
become a necessary evil, firstly due to the highly com- Garcia Marquez. However, assuming he Colombia’s FARC rebels.
petitive nature of all examinations from the Scholarship was writing a novel about the children
Examination onwards and the prestige attached to that survived after a single-engine Cess- if all the spookiness wasn’t enough, maceutical industry and the global pro-
passing exams given the spotlight of publicity and also na crashed in the Amazon, how can they are suffering from the grief of the cessed food enterprise etc.
due to the poor quality of education imparted in even Marquez muster this amount of death of their mother. The Amazon is
schools. magic realism? no Wilpattu-lite or Wasgomua-lite, it’s PORTRAYS
Here are children that are fleeing a home to all from bears to anacondas.
The prominence given to examination successes on deadly terrorist organisation with their But yet, when the children hear Perhaps what’s more marked about
television plus the revelation of the identities of the mother and three adults, and their human voices, and the dogs of the the coverage of the rescue in the Ama-
students who had excelled, in the media, has com- plane crashes and the youngest who is search teams bark, they hide. That’s zon was the patronizing way the media
pelled parents to thrust their children into the limelight not yet one-year-old is pulled out of the Colombia for you, and Gabriel Garcia covered it. It was as if to say that the
of publicity. This is clearly seen in the manner TV inter- wreckage by the eldest when the moth- Marquez wouldn’t have been so cruel as civilized world had come across some-
views are given not just by the successful students but er lay dying, being badly injured in the to conjure up that sort of pressing, dia- thing quaint; something as surprising
crash. bolical and nausea-inducing sense of as indigenous knowledge in fact help-
also by their teachers who made it possible and also danger for the children. ing young children survive an ordeal in
the parents. They all are keen to hog the limelight. The PROPORTIONS the thick jungles of the Amazon.
common conception today is classroom teaching itself ROMANTICIZE If only they had recourse to more
will not get students to attain this glory. Then there is Cassava, plenty of it, modern methods, the coverage seemed
This thinking is justified to a great extent, since, barring and the magical knowledge of indige- It’s not as if we in Sri Lanka didn’t go to imply. However the reality seemed to
a few exceptions, most teachers only go through the nous tribes that apparently helped the through a period that was similar. Crash be that the children could perhaps help
motions regarding their classroom duties and in most children survive because they knew victims of planes that went down due to write a book that teaches ‘civilized’
how. But there was also the fiasco of the the hostilities died, but inspirational yet people how to survive in thick jungles
instances, teachers themselves encourage their charg- Colombian President who announced surreal tales such as what happened in that are dangerous but are still strange-
Colombian novelist and journalist
es to attend private tuition classes to attain success in prematurely, it seemed on the day of the the Amazon forests to the four missing ly hospitable to those who know how to
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
examinations. There is also the practice of teachers crash, that the children had been heroi- children, were few and far between. live with nature as opposed to fighting
willfully neglecting their classroom teaching so that cally rescued. the low-flying military aircraft which But the coverage of the Amazon chil- it.
they could draw students into private tuition classes Now, Garcia Marquez would have the soldiers equipped with loudspeak- dren’s ordeal was also underscored by There are some isolated tribes in the
conducted by themselves for monetary gain. thought of something like this. But even ers that played recordings of the chil- how much focus there was on the ‘indig- Amazon that to this day want to have
he wouldn’t have conjured up so many dren’s grandmother asking the children enous knowledge’ that saved the chil- nothing to do with civilization and
This phenomenon has quite justifiably raised the ques-
uses for Cassava. to be safe but come out of their hiding dren. They knew what to eat and what that’s almost to be expected when con-
tion - whither free education if the private tuition indus- No this is not to poke fun at the fan- places in the forest? not to eat for instance, or so the world sidering that civilization as we know it
try as the State Minister mentioned was worth a whop- tastic survival tale of the children which What’s in the water that the Colombi- media told us, while being rather merely seems to offer a parody of living
ping Rs. 65 billion. Surely Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara, is a story for the ages. Neither is it to ans drink — the indigenous and then breathless in their narration. with nature.
founder of the free education concept, would be turn- belittle the dogged efforts of the Colom- others of the Marquez ilk — that makes That’s interesting because these chil- The children who were rescued
ing in his grave today had he known what has become bian Forces and the indigenous com- a tragedy of these proportions so magi- dren were Christians most probably would also now be assimilated into civi-
of his noble concept which opened the doors for the munities that didn’t give up the search cal, no disrespect meant towards the because there was a wave of evangelical lized society as it were and would per-
for the three children — and the dog reality of the suffering that the children Christianity that caused members of haps lose their instincts to survive in
children of ordinary folk to have their education from named Wilson — no matter what. went through? the Huitoto indigenous tribe to which the thick jungles, meaning that if they
kindergarten to university level paid for by the State. Wilson has still not been found. It’s Forty-days in the thick jungles of the they belong to be converted. Christian- are sent back to the forests ten years
As already mentioned, private tuition has become a fait the reaction of the politicians that’s a bit Amazon is no walk in the park, and ity is the religion of some 85 per cent of from now as an experiment, they prob-
accompli. The only option left is to regulate their con- curious. Why is the president so keen there would have been times the eldest the people of this Amazonian tribe, and ably wouldn’t be able to live to tell the
duct as the State Minister plans to do. Private tuition on being seeing with the recovering of the children at least thought it may only some 15 per cent of the tribes- tale.
centres are continuing to mushroom without let or children if his officials feel that the have been better if they had been people follow indigenous religions. The media portrays the children’s
hindrance catering to the demand. However, the level father of the children was not quite cor- recruited by FARC or whoever the It’s interesting because whatever the survival story as improbable and as
rect in his assessment that the children insurgents on the hunt for them were... external influences have been, these something of a miracle. But it wasn’t. It
of education imparted at these centres must be would have been recruited if they had But Colombia is a magical place as people have been steeped in their tradi- was a story of children who knew their
brought under the microscope together with the quali- been in their original homes instead of well as being a super dysfunctional tional ways of living that are tied closely way about the jungles when most adults
fications and capabilities of the instructors. Today no being plucked away to safety in an ill- state where the consequences that peo- to the Amazon and are proximate to the would have gone into a funk and per-
wall, hoarding or a bus stand is spared with attractive fated Cessna? ple have to face due to the anarchic Amazon forests and other habitats. ished. That’s the kind of story that
posters announcing the success stories of the instruc- Gabriel Garcia Marquez would have armed confrontations that are common There is no need for the international Garcia Marquez would have written
tors and their qualifications complete with the movie been still more delighted if he was pre- are phenomenal. For instance, the chil- media to romanticize these ways of life and then it would have been called
sented with the skeleton of this plot to dren whose plane crashed in the forest only when there is a good story to magic-realism except there is no magic
star images of some of these souls.
be developed into something better. are there for 40 days. They barely have report. These ways of life are fast disap- in it. That’s what Garcia Marquez
All these claims should be gone into and the charlatans But, wait a minute, how could even the anything to eat, and are subsisting on pearing but there is no appreciation of always said: that he never writes any-
and frauds identified and dealt with for fleecing the master improve on something like this? roots and berries and you guessed it, this indigenous knowledge and as is the thing that’s magical; what appears to be
unsuspecting. Like the State Minister mentioned, some Can he — magic-realist that he is — Cassava. They have weathered storms trend here in this country, everything is magical is what in fact happens improb-
of these private tuition classes do not even have basic conjure up those summons made from and hid in tree trunks for shelter, and as subsumed in the influences of the phar- ably in the real world.
facilities such as washrooms and are run in confined
spaces in extremely cramped conditions with some
students even made to stand for the duration of the
lectures. Most centres do not even have drinking water.
If there is no choice but to allow these tuition centres to
operate they should be made to conform to at least the
basic requirements and made to operate in line with
regular classrooms in schools. The State Minister also
should investigate media reports of alleged drug use in
some of these places, especially since drug dealers
are increasingly targeting schoolchildren including
schoolgirls using various strategies and ploys. Some
unscrupulous elements operating these tutories could
well be bought over with enormous sums to accom-
plish this task by these drug dealers.
The State Minister will not have to go through all this
trouble if only he sees to it that our teachers do their
job as they really should in their classrooms, obviating
the need for private tuition. Teachers have today
strayed far from their primary duty of not only imparting
knowledge but also guiding and moulding the charac-
ters of their charges to become useful and productive
citizens one day to serve their Motherland with distinc-
tion. The teachers are mostly seen on the roads than
in the classrooms staging protests and making unrea-
sonable demands, in the process sullying what is after
all a noble profession. Teachers should be made
accountable and now that they had won over their
main demands, compelled to attend to their main
duties conscionably.


Education is the key to success in life, and
teachers make a lasting impact in the lives
of their students. - Solomon Ortiz
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 FEATURE/OPINION page 9 DN

Illegal firearms They lost their lives in prime

and Organised
ears ago, my friend W. G. Premasiri offered the
following by way of explaining the human
resource crisis in the country: ‘We lost 20,000
in 1971, 60,000 in 88-89 and several hundred
thousand during thirty years of war.’
That’s numbers. If we assume that at least 1% of
those who died (as combatants, as activists or simply
ordinary citizens identified as someone’s ‘enemy’) were
men and women of superior intelligence, extraordinary
ability, endowed with a strong sense of justice and

absolute integrity and being ready to commit a lifetime
to the betterment
of fellow creatures,
that’s still 3,000-
5,000 or even more
‘exceptional human
resources’ we’ve
had to live without.
Of course, each
and every individu-
al who died or was
maimed in one way
or another, would
certainly have con-
The problems associated with criminality tributed in some
way to the econom-

and firearms are of a complex nature, that ic and social well-

being of their fami-
lies, their loved
curtailing them requires tailored ones, their commu-
nities and their
interventions involving corresponding country, but
3-5,000 people with
criminal justice and police responses the kind of attributes described about is a massive
number in a country of 22 million people.
in terms prevention, investigation We could trace each life and project potentials lost
but we cannot assign a value to any of it. Today, as I

and prosecution. Sri Lanka has write, I am thinking of two poets, Chandrakumara
Wickramaratne and Nandana Marasinghe.
Chandrakumara, referred to as Gorky by Dayasena
sufficient laws to create cohesive He was only sen-
Gunasinghe (according to my friend and poet Amara-
siri Wickramaratne), did not perish during the bheesha-
mechanisms to prevent and eradicate the tenced to 21 years in
prison, the maximum sen-
naya but disappeared not too long afterwards (in 1991
or thereabouts). Indeed, considering the kind of life he
illicit manufacturing / trafficking in war. Almost all crime
gangs in the country have
Religiously-inspired extremists
lived, foisted on him in part and also in the choices he
made, ‘Gorky’ seems appropriate, assuming that Gunas-
firearms. Illegal firearms and registered at least 1 dishonourable and
disgruntled Armed Forces
showed themselves in the 2019 Easter
Sunday attacks. We can’t say that
inghe was inspired by ‘My Universities.’ The novel
‘Comrade’ by Anura Dahanayake is said to have been

firearms used criminally are instrumental deserter. But the majority of our
Armed Forces gallantly fought to
extremists from various radicalized
groups and their ideology are 100%
based on Chandrakumara’s life story, but there’s a lot
we don’t know about this man. We do know what trou-
defeat terrorism. eradicated within Sri Lanka. Will any- bled and inspired him through what he wrote for the
in violence, particularly homicide by In the context of firearms trafficking,
the person acting as an intermediary,
one give that responsible assurance?
They can be dormant and rise when
‘Ataveni Pituwa’ of the Divaina and for the Ravaya, and
the collection of poems ‘Bhoogatha Kavi Sitha (A bur-
organised criminals. bringing together relevant par-
ties and facilitating a poten-
required. Even foreign insurgents can
infiltrate any country as tourists and
ied poetic heart, if you will).’
He was of the nineteen eighties and all the tragedies
tial transaction in return use locally given weapons; this is a cur- and sorrows that time was all about. He wrote that his-

for financial returns is a rent global threat as per Interpol. As I tory. He lived that history. He may have perished on
o region in the world is ‘gun-broker’. Some brokers have mentioned in other articles all account of that history. So much poetry has gone
exempt from the dramatic engaged in business in the police personnel must carry a side arm unwritten. We are so much poorer.
consequences of firearms vio- post war era. When some cash starved (pistol/revolver) irrespective of rank if Nandana Marasinghe, was of a different time. His
lence. Today more lives are Northern civilians and former LTTE they are to mitigate an armed criminal ‘learning’ could be traced back to the JVP of the first
lost worldwide from non-conflict fire- combatants found weapons in paddy or active shooter. Many SGOs (DIG/ insurrection. He was incarcerated but incarceration did
arm events, than do during ongoing fields and abandoned wells they sold it SSP/SP/ASP) go in their vehicles like not dampen his revolutionary spirit. Neither did betray-
wars. The illicit trafficking and to people in the South. They made corporate sector CEOs hiding their als of many kinds. Before and after he was gunned
misuse of firearms is linked to ‘extra profit’ by selling to the under- uniformed presence behind tinted glass down by the JVP, ironically, JVP activists and many
criminal organisations and er with an increase in the homi- world. Where was the police then? How windows, an easy way to escape any others sang (and still sing) his revolutionary songs
networks: as facilitators of cide rate. Sri Lanka and the West- did civilians bring illegal weapons pass- ‘direct involvement’ in an ongoing ‘Vimukthi Gee.’ He was, at that terrible moment, run-
violent crimes, as tools to ern Province in particular have seen ing police check points on the A-9 crime/shooting incident. Those senior ning a slipper-shop in the Anuradhapura Pola. At the
perpetrate power and as an increase in drive-by shootings road? So much for patriotism and ser- cops with genuine threats are given due time he was aligned with Sri Lanka Mahajana Pakshaya
lucrative trafficking commod- (three-wheelers and motorbikes) vice above self. security anyway. led by Vijaya Kumaratunga, probably the reason for the
ities. Organised crime manifests which is an emerging crime trend. Ille- Another issue around ‘illegal guns’ is A US company Zero Eyes, sells a JVP’s decision to assassinate him on November 27,
itself in many forms and activities, gal narcotics are part of the illegal gun the guns given to licensed private gun software platform that monitors exist- 1987.
ranging from traditional types of crimi- trade. Many opine that the ‘shoot and owners. These preliminary threat ing security cameras and uses artificial Ratna Sri Wijesinghe captured it all in the poem
nal organisations, to transnational ride’ tactic is a military skill and these assessments are genuinely done by the intelligence to detect and warn about ‘Nandana Marasinghe Hevath Aeda Vaetunu Kurulla
criminal networks. The Protocol specific crimes could be done by Armed police and other facts duly verified by people carrying guns into buildings. Sri (The fallen bird Nandana Marasinghe). Here’s a transla-
against the Illicit Manufacturing and Forces deserters. Whatever the trends the responding GA. It is alleged that Lanka is terribly far behind in this type tion of the last stanza:
Trafficking in Firearms and Ammuni- we can assume that the local ‘under- later using political influence that gun of preventive technology. So how fast
tion (Firearms Protocol) is the only world’ is not networked or formidable owners get new weapons and extra can we respond to mitigate an active Who knows,
legally binding instrument to counter as the Latin Kings gangs of America or ammo hiding behind the onetime shooter, especially in an urban area? I winged friend
the illicit manufacturing of and traffick- the Yakuza crime syndicate of Japan. am aware that the STF and some mili- that long before
ing in firearms at the global level. It Some new channels just like to glorify tary units have prudently trained to the arrow found your breast
was adopted at the 55thsession of the crime to their audiences. The incum- respond with Colombo City having a you had already perished
General Assembly of the United bent Minister of Public Security has contingency plan. This is excellent but of a shattered heart…
Nations and it entered into force on taken a bold initiative to combat crime. what about other major cities?
July 3, 2005. Seizures of rifles, shot- A multi-pronged, surveillance intensi- It’s been more than 35 years. So much poetry is gone
guns and pistols suggest that firearms fied 1 year sustained strike by the gal- Wound ballistics missing. So much poorer are we.
of these types can be trafficked in con- lant STF and magnificent Commando Ratna Sri knew Chandrakumara too, who would visit
signments of hundreds. High-powered Regiment can surely eliminate the last Studying wound ballistics is crucial his home in the Galle Fort. Activists, especially those
firearms such as machine guns and of the ‘gun bosses’ of Sri Lanka, from to identify the weapon used in a killing. associated with the JVP of that time (and perhaps of
submachine guns are not often cap- our Buddhist nation. Corrupt and polit- Gunshot wounds are complex, violent this time too), would know of him. I didn’t. Rasika
tured. ically bent policemen are the main and traumatic injuries. These injuries Jayakody told me about him and since then I’ve looked
cause for the illicit weapons in circula- issued ‘legal’ permit. Quarry owners are caused by penetration of the body for this lost poet and his poetry.
Organised crime in Sri Lanka tion today. Every SSP/SP in charge of a who are ‘legally sanctioned’ to buy with projectiles (bullets) ejected from a
police division must engage their offic- blasting explosives also do the same gun barrel. The study of these injuries The world does not see me
The problems associated with crimi- ers to trace and find illegal guns as a thing. It is alleged that over time they is also called wound ballistics. but I see the world in its entirety
nality and firearms are of a complex top priority instead of wasting police too ‘acquaint’ corrupt politicians and The Forensic Pathologists examining I am a fugitive now
nature, that curtailing them requires resources to benefit their personal get additional guns, using their legal a gunshot wound should document the and yet I walk hither and thither
tailored interventions involving corre- agendas. business identity. Most businessmen type, size, shape, site, and location like my heart remains warm,
sponding criminal justice and police don’t need a gun; it’s obtained for in any other injury. They are required like the sun
responses in terms prevention, investi- Post war guns ‘show’ as a status symbol. It is alleged to investigate and deliberate the man-
gation and prosecution. Sri Lanka has that most people issued guns in ner of the injury, the entry and exit That’s something he wrote. K. K. Saman Kumara, in
sufficient laws to create cohesive mech- Conflict is also related to firearms 1988/1989 JVP insurgent period still characteristics, distance and direction his preface to his maiden collection of poetry, ‘Naga
anisms to prevent and eradicate the trafficking because situations of armed have these weapons, which is a shame- of fire, etc. Gunshot injuries may result Maeroo Ala’ dedicated the book to his friend Chandra-
illicit manufacturing/ trafficking in fire- conflict weaken the rule of law and ful state of affairs. Some farmers given in death due to hemorrhage, organ kumara Wickramaratne:
arms. Illegal firearms and registered impede the authorities’ ability to guns for ‘crop protection’ take to extra- damage, and wound infection. Gunshot
firearms used criminally are instrumen- enforce regulations. The 30 year war in curricular shooting of wild boar and wounds can also classify depending on Even as you nailed to the cross
tal in violence, particularly homicide by this island gave birth to illegal weap- deer to enjoy ‘dhada mas’- wild game the muzzle velocity of the projectile as the poet of the era
organised criminals. ons. The LTTE smuggled arms across meat. The farmer’s licensed weapon and fall into low-velocity and high- I see Chandare
Overall, more than 50 per cent of the sea, although the Navy made few changes hands in the village and velocity firearm injuries. This informa- your innocent eyes
homicides globally each year are car- detections. When Army camps were becomes an illegal firearm. Poaching of tion can be extremely important in shining through the dimness of imminent rain
ried out with a firearm. The availability overrun at night time, in the fierce gun elephants and endangered leopards is determining the manner of injury, espe- yearning for a drop of love
of firearms is linked to the homicide battles and confusion LTTE stole also done by illegal firearms in Sri cially in fatal wounds, to assist medico-
rate: a rise in the rate of firearms pos- weapons that were left behind. It has Lanka. legal and criminal investigations. We still have K. K. Saman Kumara, Ratna Sri Wijes-
session in a country often goes togeth- been a long time since the end of the Depending on the distance of fire, inghe, Amarasiri Wickramaratne and others who sur-
Active shooter the wound can classify as contact vived the bheeshanaya and we should be grateful. We
wounds – near-contact or close-range still have Nandana Marasinghe’s songs. We still have
Illegal guns create active shooters wounds, intermediate-range wounds or Chandrakumara Wickramaratne’s poetry. We should be
and lone wolf style shooters. Active far-range wounds and indeterminate grateful. Maybe the drops of love they managed to turn
shooter incidents in the USA, in 2021 wounds. Forensic pathologists are into words will re-green this earth. Maybe that kind of
surged by more than 50 per cent from required to retrieve the bullet during flowering will exhume those hearts whose warmth we
2020 and nearly 97 per cent from 2017, the autopsy to help identify the weapon need right now, more so than before.
according to FBI statistics. The FBI used. The projectiles in rifled firearms
report defines an active shooting inci- have unique markings that result from malindadocs@gmail.com.
dent as when ‘one or more individuals the spiraling (rifling) present in the www.malindawords.blogspot.com
actively engaged in killing or attempt- muzzle and can be divided into class
ing to kill people in a populated area.’ characteristics to identify the type of
In assessing the threat posed by an firearm (illegal) used. The projectiles
individual, the research suggests that demonstrate individual characteristics
previous military training or experi- unique to individual firearms and can
ence and weapon choice are potentially be compared with projectiles recovered
important factors. It must be remem- from controlled firing to identify the
bered that the most lethal lone-actor exact weapon used. Sri Lanka must get
terrorist in the crime database, Breivik, tough on illegal weapons. The Special
had no prior military training. Norwe- Task Force actively remains at the fore-
gian far-right extremist Anders Breivik front to eliminate this illicit menace.
killed 77 people, many of them teenag- (The writer is the author of Target
ers, in a bomb attack and gun rampage. Secured- Police Special Task Force)
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Over Rs 1.5 Tn to upkeep 400 SOEs
in 2020 - Minister Semasinghe Govt moots long term
lease extension for RPCs
SHIRAJIV SIRIMANE nies should have a clear policy
well in advance to plan their
due to the wrong decision made
by the former administration to
ulated by the Wages Board
including many incentives.
The government has decided future strategies.” ban fertilizer. “This cost the He disclosed that over the
to extend the lease period of the The State Minister also said industry a revenue loss of over past 6 year, nearly Rs. 1.2 billion
Regional Plantations Compa- that steps would be taken to USD 174 million.” has been allocated for construc-
nies RPCs), said State Minister curb the violence in some of the While welcoming the decision tion of Child Development
Acting Minister of Finance Semasinghe receiving a token from OPA officials. Picture by Shirajiv Sirimane of Plantation Industries Lohan estates manned by plantation to extend the lease of the RPC’s Centers.
Ratwatte yesterday. companies and law and order he said that they have contrib- A total of over 65,000 hous-
SHIRAJIV SIRIMANE asked regularly is why the govern- tem. If it’s destabilized, Sri Lanka’s He said that the time frame of would be maintained and tough uted immensely to the economy ing units have been provided to
ment wants to divest profit mak- economy will once again go back the lease period is yet to be disciplinary action would be of Sri Lanka employing over estate workers and families,
The government has spent ing entities. “This is to increase to a huge economic crisis that hap- decided but it would be long taken against offenders. 115,000 workers in RPC-man- with 44,000 units constructed
around Rs. 1.5 trillion to upkeep efficiency on them and also to pened a year ago.” term. Meanwhile Tea Board Chair- aged estates. RPCs constitute since privatization in 1992.
State owned enterprises, said act- strengthen foreign reserves from He also said the stock market The RPCs were introduced in man Niraj De Mel said that the 25% of all workers engaged in “In addition to other welfare
ing Minister of Finance Shehan the money they received from too is settling down and taking a 1992 for a period of 50 years new wage structure should be the tea sector and tea smallhold- measures over Rs. 300 million
Semasinghe. He said that this is divesting the profit making SOEs. wrong move when it comes to and the companies still have done looking at both sides of the ers and state-owned estates invested in providing balanced
for 400 SOEs in 2020. He also said that President Ranil local debt restructuring will upset over 20 years of the current issue as the tea production costs account for 75% of the tea sec- morning meals for children.”
He said this at the Organisation Wickremesinghe and the govern- this segment as well. He said he lease to expire. have accelerated. tor workforce. Over 3,561 water supply pro-
of Professional Associations of Sri ment are adamant that the govern- expects a further decline in infla- “However we are making this PA Media spokesman Roshan Sri Lankan Tea sector work- jects, 134,933 sanitation pro-
Lanka (OPA) organised ‘Meet the ment should not sell all businesses tion over the next two-month announcement well in advance Rajadurai said that the planta- ers are paid the highest mini- jects, 1,365 km of estate road
Minister Program’ on Monday. but give them out to the private period as a result of the removal of so that the plantation compa- tion sector had a huge setback mum wage of all 48 sectors reg- development projects, 115,949
Semasinghe said that this bur- sector to run. majority of import restrictions and re-roofing projects , and 1,384
den cannot be shouldered by the “We see more efficiency when recent appreciation of the rupee. Child Development Centres to
government year after year espe- the private sector gets involved in He however said that import date have been constructed.
cially when the country is recover- business.” restrictions of vehicle imports “Total investment of more
ing from an economic crisis. The minister also said that would take a longer time to be than Rs. 16 billion have been
“This is why the government there was no hard decision taken relaxed. made towards improving condi-
decided to divest some of the on local debt restructuring. “But “We need more time for the tions on RPC estates between
SOEs mainly to stop the drain of when it is done it will be done very economy to recovery.” Inflation is 1992-2021.” State Minister
finances from the government cof- carefully and scientifically as the projected to fall to single digit by Lohan Ratwatte and other offi-
fers to upkeep these ailing SOEs.” government does not want to the end of this quarter and interest State Minister of Plantation Industries Ratwatte with tea industry stake holders yesterday. cials at the press conference
He said that one question that is destabilize the local banking sys- rate too would come down further. Picture by Wimal Karunatillike yesterday.

CMTA raises concerns on disparities in import regulations, policies India’s Indigo airline places biggest 500 plane
The Ceylon Motor Traders
Association (CMTA), founded in
1919 and one of the longest stand-
tial items, such as a simple
The importation of luxury
The CMTA highlights the need
for import regulations that prior-
itize the welfare and aspirations of
deal in history
ing automotive associations in goods, like high-end televisions the majority, rather than catering IndiGo airline announced on rent talks for 500
South Asia, has recently raised ranging from US$ 1,000 and solely to the desires of a privi- Monday that it has made a A320, Boeing and Air-
concerns regarding the fairness of above retailing for Rs700,000- leged few. record order for 500 Airbus bus are in separate dis-
current import regulations, shed- 1,000,000 Mn and more, dual It is crucial to create an environ- A320 aircraft. cussions to sell up to
ding light on the importation of door refrigerators which range ment where equal opportunities The massive expansion by 25 787 Dreamliners or
extravagant items such as televi- above US$900 retailing for and resources are available to all, India’s largest airline comes as A330s to the carrier to
sions and mobile phones, while Rs1,000,000 to high-end smart- enabling ordinary citizens to the aviation industry is witness- aid its long-haul and
essential necessities such as a phones costing above US$ thrive and contribute to the ing more competition after the widebody aspirations further. acquire up to 470 aircraft, it
motorcycle remains restricted. 1,000 retailing Rs500,000- nation’s growth. entry of TATA Group. At the IATA AGM this week could see the Indian aviation
The CMTA emphasizes the 750,000. The CMTA urges policymakers IndiGo is maintaining its hold in Istanbul, IndiGo CEO Peter market either fully saturated or
need for a more equitable import families and growing their busi- In comparison, a 110 cc Petrol and authorities to engage in a over the Indian aviation market Elbers declined to comment on become a powerhouse once the
policy that considers the struggles nesses, it is disconcerting to wit- Scooter would cost approximately comprehensive dialogue with the for a while now with a 57.5% the suggested order. The airline ordered aircraft eventually take
faced by everyday individuals, ness the importation of luxury US$ 650 and three-wheeler cost- public, taking into account the domestic market share as of recently inducted its own leased to the skies.
including parents relying on pub- items that cater exclusively to the ing US$1,300. perspectives of those directly April 2023. In a statement, Indi- 777s, leading to interest in a IndiGo and the Tata brands
lic transport and small business elite. It is worth mentioning that sev- affected by these import restric- Go airline termed the order as long-haul future as well. hold 80% of the Indian domestic
owners, who are disproportion- The CMTA firmly believes that eral items were recently removed tions. It is imperative that a more the largest-ever single aircraft India now holds the second aviation market.
ately affected by these restric- this disparity in import regula- from the import ban list, but it is equitable society is created by purchase by any airline with Air- largest order book, only behind Air India’s Airbus order will
tions. tions is unjustified, as it allows the disheartening to observe that fostering transparency and inclu- bus and informed that the deliv- the United States, with its share add 210 A320neo family nar-
While a significant portion of affluent to spend exorbitant essential items like motorcycles sivity, where the import regula- eries of the aircraft are expected now sitting at 6%. With Tata’s row-bodies for its short and
the population faces difficulties in amounts on high-end products and three-wheelers were not tions align with the needs and between 2030 to 2035. Air India already making head- medium-haul operations and 40
providing transportation for their while denying the import of essen- included in the consideration. aspirations of the people. In addition to the airline’s cur- lines for its record deal to A350s.(ANI)

Air Seychelles launches direct flights to Lanka Japanese Jw-webmagazine.com tips Lanka
Air Seychelles, the nation-
al airline of the Republic of
Seychelles will be launching
mence from June 21, 2023,
with twice weekly flights.
The airline will operate these
1983 and is one of the main
drivers of tourism in Sey-
chelles, the core pillar of the
among top 10 to visit in Asia
direct flights between Sey- flights from every Wednes- national economy. The Japanese based Jw- sights, and unforgettable
chelles and Colombo. day and Sunday. The airline The airline offers interna- webmagazine.com has included experiences. From the
The operations will com- began long-haul services in tional flights to Johannes- Sri Lanka among the top 10 futuristic cityscapes of Sin-
burg, Mauritius, Colombo, countries to visit in Asia in 2023. gapore and the ancient
Mumbai and Tel Aviv as well Asia, the largest and most temples of Cambodia to
as charter services on diverse continent, offers a pleth- the breathtaking land-
demand. On the domestic ora of unique travel experiences. scapes of Nepal and the vibrant the top three while India,
network, Air Seychelles oper- From ancient temples and culture of Japan, Asia offers a Vietnam and Indonesia are
ates daily domestic flights bustling cities to serene land- diverse range of experiences for placed in fourth, fifth and
between Mahe and Praslin as scapes and pristine beaches, every type of traveler. Embark sixth positions. Cambodia,
well as charter services this captivating continent has on a journey to any of these top Nepal, Singapore and Sri
throughout the archipelago. something for everyone,” Jw- 10 countries and be prepared to Lanka are the other four
webmagazine.com says and make unforgettable memories countries picked by Jw-
presents the top 10 countries to in the enchanting lands of Asia. webmagazine.com as among
visit in Asia, showcasing their Japan, South Korea and the top ten places to travel in
Qatar Airways introduces 5th daily to Colombo distinct cultures, breathtaking Thailand are ranked among Asia.

Qatar Airways introduces

its fifth daily frequency to/
from Colombo, effective from
Amana Bank declares 6th consecutive annual dividend
June 22, 2023. In the backdrop of its positive dividends declared since 2018 Once the Scrip Dividend is
The additional frequency performance trend, Amana Bank stands in excess of LKR 1.4 bil- concluded, the Bank’s total num-
will offer connectivity to over recently declared its 6th succes- lion. Offering its shareholders an ber of shares will increase by
160 destinations worldwide. sive annual dividend, demon- Interim Scrip Dividend of LKR 118,317,854 to reach
At present, Qatar Airways strating the Bank’s commitment 0.12 per share, Amana Bank’s 2,902,267,365. The value of
handles approximately to deliver long-term value to its 2023 dividend pay-out of LKR reserves to be capitalized for the
21,000 passengers per week tion Services (Sri Lanka) quencies of Qatar Airways, shareholders. 334.1 million reflects a 24% issue after accounting for with-
at Bandaranaike Internation- (Private) Limited is happy to which contributes to the With this latest announcement increase compared to the divi- holding tax is LKR 284.0 mil-
al Airport. Airport and Avia- facilitate the increase in fre- development of the country. made to the CSE, the Bank’s dend declared in 2022. lion.

Another first for SriLankan Engineering with maintenance check for CebuPacific Air
The Engineering divi- region. Cebu Pacific Air The heavy mainte- for a customer airline relative newness to the
sion of SriLankan Air- is the first Southeast nance check on the Cebu during a busy May, with business. SriLankan
lines continued its streak Asian airline to sign up Pacific Air aircraft was the other checks being Engineering has especial-
of firsts with the recent with SriLankan Engineer- performed in SriLankan carried out on two Airbus ly established a reputa-
completion of a heavy ing for heavy mainte- Engineering’s dedicated A330 (CF6) aircraft of tion for on-time perfor-
maintenance check on a nance on wide-body air- European Aviation Safety Serene Air, who came mance, short turnaround
Cebu Pacific Air Airbus craft, signifying the grow- Agency (EASA) aboard last year. times and quality of
A330 (Trent 700), mark- ing international demand approved wide-body SriLankan Engineer- workmanship among its
ing a foray into providing and reputation of trust hangar over a period of ing’s achievements as a expanding clientele from
Maintenance, Repair, and that SriLankan Engineer- four days. third-party base mainte- South Asia, the Middle
Overhaul (MRO) services ing’s MRO services have It was also the third nance provider have been East, Eastern Africa, and The Cebu Pacific Air Airbus A330) at the SriLan-
for wide-bodied aircraft garnered in a short span heavy maintenance by nothing short of remark- now Southeast Asia. kan Engineering wide-body hangar for a heavy
from the Southeast Asian of time. SriLankan Engineering able considering their TO PAGE 12 maintenance check.
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42, Sir Mohammed Macan Markar Mawatha, Colombo 3.
20.06.2023 19.06.2023 %Chg. ASPI S&P SL20 CASH DIVIDENDS
Hotline: 0705 666 777 2.5 Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka PLC (DIST) - LKR 1.75. XD
All Share Price Index 9,159.5 9,181.2 -0.24 9,600 2,700
WhatsApp: 0777 233 633 - date – 27.06.2023.
S&P SL 20 Index 2,606.2 2,608.9 -0.10 Melstacorp PLC (MELS) - LKR 2.71. XD date – 27.06.2023.
(2.5) 9,400 2,650
Turnover (LKR mn) 923.3 580.0 59.2 Watawala Plantations PLC (WATA) - LKR 4.00. XD date –
Market Commentary (5.0) 26.06.2023
Foreign Purchases (LKR mn) 73.7 27.8 164.5 (7.5) 9,200 2,600 Vallibel Power Erathna PLC (VPEL) - LKR 0.50. XD date –
Foreign Sales (LKR mn) 4.5 40.5 -88.9 27.06.2023.
The All Share Price Index shed 0.24% to end the trading (10.0)
9,000 2,550 C. W. Mackie PLC (CWM) - LKR 12.00. XD date – 28.07.2023.
session at 9,159.53 yesterday, while the S&P Sri Lanka Market Cap (LKR bn) 3,834.7 3,826.1 0.2 (12.5) Lanka IOC PLC (LIOC) - LKR 4.00. XD date – 30.06.2023.
20 Index declined by 0.10% to close at 2,606.15. Turnover (15.0)
Market Cap (US$ bn) 12.5 12.5 0.2 8,800 2,500 Aitken Spence PLC (SPEN) - LKR 4.00. XD date – 04.07.2023.
recorded LKR 923mn with foreign buying in Dialog Axiata SLTL JKH HHL LOLC KHL SAMP COMB NDB DFCC SPEN




Traded Companies 237 241 -1.7 Royal Ceramics Lanka PLC (RCL) - LKR 0.50. XD date –
(DIAL) amounting to LKR 58mn. Total trading in DIAL
accounted for 19% of the market turnover. Market PER (x) 4.9 4.9 0.2 LB Finance PLC (LFIN) - LKR 3.00. XD date – 04.07.2023.
Despite the modest decline in the stock market Price to Book (x) 0.9 0.9 0.0
Turnover Breakdown
Central Finance Company PLC (CFIN) - LKR 1.75. XD date –
yesterday, with interest rates expected to continue to fall All Share Price Index S&P SL 20 Index 04.07.2023.
Dividend Yield (%) 4.1 4.1 -0.2
sharply, we expect the stock market to resume its Purchases Sales Swisstek (Ceylon) PLC (PARQ) - LKR 0.20. XD date –
upward movement soon. With yields on fixed income 04.07.2023.
securities expected to fall, we expect funds to shift Relative Strength Index (RSI) Largest Trades
Lanka Tiles PLC (TILE) - LKR 1.10. XD date – 24.07.2023.
considerably from fixed income to stocks. The monetary 92% 100%
policy review meeting of the Central Bank is scheduled Lanka Walltile PLC (LWL) - LKR 0.90. XD date – 04.07.2023.
LKR mn
to be held on 6th July 2023, where we expect another ASPI Vs RSI 8% 0% C I C Holdings PLC (HHL) - LKR 2.50. XD date – 04.07.2023.
rate cut which in our view will provide the necessary RSI - 62.75
200 Sunshine Holdings PLC (SUN) - LKR 1.15. XD date – 26.06.2023.
boost to the stock market.
14,000 100 175
Hemas Holdings PLC (HHL) - LKR 1.95. XD date – 04.07.2023.
Haycarb PLC (HAYC) - LKR 1.00. XD date – 30.06.2023.
12,000 80 Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign 150
Top % Gainers and Losers Keells Food Products PLC (KFP) - LKR 0.50. XD date – 30.06.2023.
10,000 60 125 PGP Glass Ceylon PLC (GLAS) - LKR 1.66. XD date – 20.07.2023.
20.0 8,000 40 Key Rates 100
15.0 75
10.0 6,000 20
5.0 20.06.2023 50 Disclaimer - The information contained in this material has not
0.0 4,000 0 been independently verified. No representation or warranty
-5.0 Prime Lending Rate (Avg. Weighted) 20.26% 25 express or implied is made as to, and no reliance should be









-15.0 0 placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness
Fixed Deposit Rate (Avg. Weighted) 19.84%
DIAL of the information or opinions contained herein and nothing in
-25.0 AGST this presentation is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or
Treasury Bill Rate (364 Days) 18.08% SLTL
ASPI RSI LIOC representation by the Company.
CSF BRR ECL TANG NTB.X ASPH BERU AMF MDL CSD Consumer Price Inflation - CCPI (YoY % change) 25.20%

Market Statistics on 20.06.2023 Coconut Products – Prices on 20.06.2023

Security Volume **V.W.A. Open High Low **V.W.A. Change Security Volume **V.W.A. Open High Low **V.W.A. Change 1. FRESH COCONUT
Previous Yesterday’s (Rs.) Previous Yesterday’s (Rs.) Market Price 02nd Jun. to 08th Jun. 2023 (Source-HARTI)
Close Close Close Close
Wholesale Retail
Main Board
(a)Large Size Rs/Nut 95.00-110.00 110.00-120.00
Small Size Rs/Nut 80.00-85.00 85.00-100.00
A.SPEN.HOT.HOLD. 440 56.50 56.50 56.60 56.50 56.50 0.00 RICHARD PIERIS 50,799 19.00 19.00 19.00 18.50 18.70 (0.30)
ACCESS ENG SL 815,524 16.00 15.90 16.00 15.80 16.00 0.00 ROYAL CERAMIC 229,539 27.80 27.80 28.20 27.70 28.00 0.20 (b)Coconut Development Authority – Colombo Auction 15/06/2023
ACL 68,222 73.80 73.80 75.00 73.20 73.80 0.00 S M B LEASING 36,403 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.70 0.00 (For Industry Use)
ACL PLASTICS 743 358.00 360.00 360.00 357.50 357.75 (0.25) S M B LEASING (SEMB.X0000) 153,484 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.00
Average Price 66,547.12 T – Offers 976,552 - Nuts Trated 506,757
ACME 5,940 5.80 5.80 6.40 5.80 6.20 0.40 SAMPATH 258,732 54.50 54.00 54.20 53.00 53.10 (1.40)
AGALAWATTE 5,890 29.20 29.90 29.90 28.70 28.70 (0.50) SANASA DEV. BANK 1,530 25.10 25.70 26.00 25.70 25.90 0.80 Next Auction on 22/06/2023 10.00 a.m. at Coconut Development
AHOT PROPERTIES 28 38.00 38.00 38.90 37.70 38.00 0.00 SARVODAYA DEVFIN 2,776 11.30 11.00 11.50 11.00 11.40 0.10 Authority (3rd Floor), No. 11, Duke Street, Col-01.
AITKEN SPENCE 3,306 120.00 120.00 120.00 118.00 118.25 (1.75) SEYLAN BANK 52,972 31.70 32.50 32.60 31.00 32.50 0.80
ALLIANCE 7,728 65.60 66.00 66.00 65.10 65.40 (0.20) SEYLAN BANK (SEYB.X0000) 4,834 23.00 22.50 22.90 22.50 22.90 (0.10) (d)Locally Traded (Farm-gate price)
AMANA BANK 613,701 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.50 2.50 0.00 SEYLAN DEVTS 11,674 12.80 12.50 12.50 12.00 12.00 (0.80)
Rs. 1000 Nuts Rs/Mt (Husked Ex-Mill)
ASIA ASSET 31 8.00 8.40 8.40 8.00 8.00 0.00 SHAW WALLACE 41,902 6.10 6.20 6.20 5.90 6.00 (0.10) Kurunegala Dist. 60,000-62,000 105,000-110,000
ASIA CAPITAL 301 3.80 3.80 3.90 3.80 3.90 0.10 SIERRA CABL 101,354 10.80 10.80 11.50 10.70 10.70 (0.10) Puttalam Dist. 60,000-65,000 110,000-112,000
ASIRI 3,396 22.70 22.50 22.70 22.50 22.70 0.00 SIGIRIYA VILLAGE 10,122 57.50 57.50 57.50 57.50 57.50 0.00 Gampaha Dist. 60,000-65,000 105,000-110,000
ASIRI SURG 3,477 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.00 12.00 (0.10) SINGER FINANCE 77,106 12.20 12.10 12.30 12.00 12.00 (0.20) Hambantota Dist. 60,000-65,000 100,000-103,000
AUTODROME 72 109.00 100.00 100.00 98.00 109.00 0.00 STANDARD CAPITAL 2 36.80 39.50 39.50 39.50 36.80 0.00
Copra (At Colombo Auction)
BAIRAHA FARMS 5,678 130.00 133.00 133.00 128.50 128.75 (1.25) SUNSHINE HOLDING 24,945 42.70 43.40 43.80 42.60 42.80 0.10 Quality of Copra Offered (Kg)
BALANGODA 3,572 64.10 63.70 64.10 63.20 63.20 (0.90) SWISSTEK 570,137 14.70 15.00 15.10 14.60 15.00 0.30 Quality of Copra Sold (Kg)
BLUE DIAMONDS 1,126,001 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.00 TALAWAKELLE 7,607 92.10 93.40 93.70 91.00 92.90 0.80 M.S. No.1 Copra (Top Price) (Rs.250Kg)
BLUE DIAMONDS (BLUE.X0000) 261,875 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.00 TANGERINE 255 47.20 51.90 52.00 51.90 52.00 4.80 M.S. No 1 Copra (Single Average Price) (Rs.250Kg)
M.S. No.1 Copra (Mart Price) (Rs.250kg)
C M HOLDINGS 1,493 68.40 68.40 68.40 66.30 66.30 (2.10) TEA SMALLHOLDER 1,557 38.60 39.50 39.50 38.00 38.10 (0.50)
M.S. No.2 and 3 Copra(Single Average Price) (Rs.250kg)
CARGILLS 14 260.00 255.00 255.50 255.00 260.00 0.00 TEEJAY LANKA 609,571 30.00 30.30 30.30 29.00 29.10 (0.90) M.S. No.2 and 3 Copra (Market Price) (Rs.250kg)
CARGO BOAT 3 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 0.00 THREE ACRE FARMS 48,799 135.50 135.00 142.50 134.25 135.00 (0.50)
CARSONS 334 273.00 273.00 273.00 273.00 273.00 0.00 TOKYO CEMENT XD 58,995 44.00 44.00 45.00 44.00 45.00 1.00 2. COPRA - (Locally Traded) 20.06.2023
CDB (CDB.X0000) 38,923 69.50 69.50 69.50 68.00 68.10 (1.40) TOKYO CEMENT (TKYO.X0000) XD 104 41.30 41.30 41.30 40.60 40.70 (0.60) daily Copra - Edible (Rs./250 Kg)
M.S. No. 1 Copra (Rs./250 Kg) 82,500
CENTRAL FINANCE 36,834 73.40 73.00 73.20 72.30 72.50 (0.90) UNION BANK 181,798 9.50 9.50 10.10 9.50 9.70 0.20
MS No. 2 Copra (Rs./250 Kg) 80,000
CENTRAL IND. 60,385 89.00 88.00 92.00 88.00 91.80 2.80 UNION CHEMICALS XD 2 665.00 645.00 645.00 645.00 665.00 0.00
CEYLINCO INS. (CINS.X0000) 52 950.00 952.25 952.25 950.00 950.00 0.00 UNITED MOTORS 2,514 53.00 56.90 56.90 52.10 52.40 (0.60) 3. DESICCATED COCONUT
CEYLON GUARDIAN 2,834 65.00 65.10 65.10 65.00 65.00 0.00 VALLIBEL 403,870 7.00 7.00 7.10 7.00 7.00 0.00 Fine Sri Lanka (Domestic) (Rs/Kg) 500-510 N
CEYLON INV. 205,567 32.50 32.50 34.70 32.50 34.40 1.90 VALLIBEL FINANCE 24,814 32.00 31.90 32.90 31.90 32.00 0.00 Medium (Rs/Kg) 505-510
CEYLON TOBACCO 2,143 820.25 830.00 838.00 819.00 819.50 (0.75) WATAWALA 5,969 71.90 72.40 72.50 71.80 71.90 0.00
CHEMANEX 2,294 70.20 73.80 73.80 70.00 70.10 (0.10) WINDFORCE 6,505 16.70 16.80 16.90 16.60 16.60 (0.10) Local Wholesale Price (Rs/Mt) 550,000-660,000 N
CHEVRON 27,404 87.40 89.90 89.90 88.00 88.10 0.70 hSENID BIZ 142,447 12.00 12.00 12.00 11.80 11.90 (0.10) Philippines (CIF-Rott)
CIC 229,663 62.60 64.00 64.00 62.50 63.00 0.40 (Oil World) (16/06/2023) (Rs/Mt) 326,053
CIC (CIC.X0000) 294,986 52.10 52.30 53.80 52.10 52.50 0.40 SECOND BOARD
5. POONAC (Rs/Mt) 80,000 - 100,000 T
CITRUS LEISURE 5,002 5.80 5.70 6.00 5.70 5.90 0.10 ABANS FINANCIAL 326 20.60 21.50 21.50 20.10 20.40 (0.20)
COLD STORES 8,919 42.60 42.50 43.00 42.20 43.00 0.40 AMBEON CAPITAL 35,092 10.30 10.10 10.50 10.10 10.30 0.00 6. MATTRESS FIBRE (Rs/50kg) 500-900 T
COLOMBO CITY 1 43.00 42.90 42.90 42.90 43.00 0.00 BROWNS BEACH 9,012 11.50 11.00 11.70 10.60 10.80 (0.70)
COLOMBO LAND 3,268 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.00 DIALOG FINANCE 500 66.40 66.20 66.20 66.20 66.20 (0.20) 7. OMAT FIBRE (FAQ) (Rs. /50 Kg) 2,000-3,750 T
COMMERCIAL BANK 112,606 65.00 64.00 65.00 63.50 64.00 (1.00) DISTILLERIES 269,803 22.50 22.50 22.70 22.20 22.60 0.10
8. MIX FIBRE (Rs. /50 Kg) 500-1,000 T
COMMERCIAL BANK (COMB.X0000) 4,293 52.50 52.00 52.10 51.50 51.50 (1.00) EDEN HOTEL LANKA 39,253 11.20 11.00 11.40 11.00 11.20 0.00
DANKOTUWA PORCEL 120,696 25.40 25.70 25.70 25.00 25.50 0.10 HUNAS HOLDINGS 111 27.60 29.00 29.00 28.20 29.00 1.40 9. BRISTLE FIBRE 1 TIE (Rs. /50 Kg) 4,250-7,000 T
DFCC BANK PLC 12,877 45.30 44.50 44.80 44.00 44.10 (1.20) JAT HOLDINGS XD 59,894 14.70 14.80 14.80 14.60 14.60 (0.10)
DIALOG 17,661,048 10.10 10.10 10.50 9.90 10.00 (0.10) LOLC FINANCE 5,627,272 5.60 5.60 6.00 5.50 5.60 0.00 10. BRISTLE FIBRE 2 TIE (Rs. /50 Kg) 9,000-10,500 T
DIMO XD 3,224 500.00 499.50 510.75 499.50 505.00 5.00 MADULSIMA 4,511 10.10 10.00 10.30 10.00 10.10 0.00
11. COCONUT HUSKS (14.03.2023)
DIPPED PRODUCTS 247,253 27.30 27.40 27.60 27.00 27.50 0.20 ON’ALLY 485 25.10 25.10 25.70 25.00 25.00 (0.10)
District Rs/per 1,000 husks
DOCKYARD 2,331 55.00 55.10 56.00 55.10 55.10 0.10 ORIENT FINANCE 13,544 6.80 6.90 6.90 6.60 6.70 (0.10) Puttalam 3,000-4,000 Gampaha 4,500-5,000
DOLPHIN HOTELS 91,876 28.00 28.90 29.40 28.90 28.90 0.90 SENKADAGALA 11 300.50 311.25 311.25 300.00 300.50 0.00 Matara 4,500-5,000 Kurunegala 3,500-5,500
DURDANS (CHL.X0000) 125 101.75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (1.75) SINGER SRI LANKA 478 13.70 13.70 14.00 13.60 13.80 0.10
E B CREASY 5,014 18.90 19.40 19.40 19.30 19.30 0.40 SLT 618,702 91.50 92.00 96.00 92.00 95.60 4.10 Coir Fibre (Moisture is more than 50%) Rs/Kg 7.00
Coir Fibre (Moisture is 40%-50% Rs/Kg 7.50
EAST WEST 380 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.20 0.00 TRANS ASIA 50 42.10 42.00 44.00 42.00 42.10 0.00
Coir Fibre (Moisture is 30%-40% Rs/Kg 9.50
EASTERN MERCHANT 2,101 8.40 8.50 8.50 8.10 8.10 (0.30) Coir Fibre (Moisture is 20%-30% Rs/Kg 10.50
EX-PACK 110,788 13.70 13.70 13.80 13.50 13.50 (0.20) EMPOWER BOARD Coir Fibre (Moisture is 10%-20% Rs/Kg 11.50
EXPOLANKA 261,118 132.00 133.00 133.50 131.00 132.00 0.00 CHRISSWORLD 2,322 9.00 9.10 9.20 8.60 9.00 0.00 Coir Fibre (Moisture is less than 10% Rs/Kg 14.00
FORT LAND 60,756 25.10 25.10 25.50 25.10 25.10 0.00 EML CONSULTANTS 25,352 3.70 3.80 3.90 3.80 3.80 0.10
12. COCONUT SHELL (Rs./MT) 27,000-28,000 T
GALLE FACE CAP 915 17.30 17.80 17.80 16.80 16.80 (0.50)
GRAIN ELEVATORS 17,706 91.10 91.50 91.50 91.10 91.10 0.00 DIRI SAVI BOARD (09.06.2023-15.06.2023)
HAYCARB 19,441 59.20 58.70 59.50 58.70 59.30 0.10 AGSTAR PLC 8,257,695 10.60 10.60 10.70 10.20 10.20 (0.40) Moisture-12%, Dust 3% 105,000 T
HAYLEYS 639,752 72.00 72.00 72.50 71.50 72.00 0.00 ALUMEX PLC 63,027 8.80 8.80 9.00 8.70 8.80 0.00 14. COCONUT EKELS (Rs/MT) 80,000-90,000 T
HAYLEYS FABRIC 187,833 23.70 23.10 23.60 23.00 23.10 (0.60) AMANA TAKAFUL 10 11.00 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.00 0.00
T – Traded N – Nominal (Courtesy: Coconut Development Authority)
HAYLEYS FIBRE 15 55.00 54.50 56.90 54.50 55.00 0.00 AMBEON HOLDINGS 200 35.80 36.60 36.60 35.20 35.20 (0.60)
HAYLEYS LEISURE 4 21.00 20.80 20.80 20.80 21.00 0.00 AMF CO LTD 2,666 7.70 7.10 7.80 7.10 7.20 (0.50)
HDFC 305 25.90 25.50 28.40 25.50 26.50 0.60 ARPICO INSURANCE 34 20.20 20.90 20.90 20.00 20.20 0.00
HELA 76,145 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.20 6.20 0.00 ASIA SIYAKA XD 4,000 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00
HEMAS HOLDINGS 113,240 66.00 66.00 67.50 66.00 67.50 1.50 BANSEI RESORTS 3,323 8.90 10.50 11.00 10.50 10.80 1.90
HNB 41,321 135.00 130.25 137.00 130.25 135.00 0.00 BERUWALA RESORTS 29,350 1.40 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.30 (0.10)
HNB ASSURANCE 101,115 44.50 44.40 46.00 44.00 44.90 0.40 BOGALA GRAPHITE 5,108 53.40 54.10 54.10 53.00 54.00 0.60 20.06.2023
HNB (HNB.X0000) 243,158 102.25 102.00 103.00 102.00 102.50 0.25 BOGAWANTALAWA XD 101 44.00 43.40 43.60 43.40 43.60 (0.40)
(1) The average rates of the following currencies quoted
HORANA 1,076 45.80 44.40 47.70 44.10 44.50 (1.30) BROWNS 3,167 106.25 106.50 109.75 106.25 106.75 0.50 by commercial banks in Colombo for Telegraphic Trans-
HOTEL SIGIRIYA 18,657 33.00 33.40 34.40 33.40 34.00 1.00 BROWNS INVSTMNTS 4,284,010 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.40 5.50 0.00 fers (TT) at 9.30 a.m. are as follows.
HOTELS CORP. 262,734 18.00 18.50 18.50 17.10 17.20 (0.80) C T LAND 3,300 22.10 22.20 22.70 22.20 22.70 0.60
INDUSTRIAL ASPH. 1,397,576 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.30 (0.10) C.W.MACKIE 62,584 94.00 94.90 94.90 92.10 92.50 (1.50) CURRENCY BUYING RATE SELLING RATE
JKH XD 46,120 141.25 141.50 143.00 141.00 142.25 1.00 CALT 620,670 35.00 35.00 35.90 34.60 35.70 0.70
KANDY HOTELS 10 7.10 6.90 6.90 6.90 7.10 0.00 Australian Dollar 201.6172 215.5301
CEYLON TEA BRKRS 6,073 4.70 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 (0.10)
Canadian Dollar 223.6305 239.2467
KAPRUKA 2,981 8.00 8.00 8.20 7.80 7.90 (0.10) CFI 378 60.10 62.80 62.80 60.00 61.50 1.40 Chinese Yuan (Renminbi) 40.8426 44.3526
KEGALLE 911 112.75 112.75 113.50 112.75 112.75 0.00 CIT 100 105.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (5.00) Euro 323.8327 344.8839
KELANI CABLES 651 265.00 265.50 265.50 265.00 265.00 0.00 CITRUS HIKKADUWA 6,063 4.70 4.90 4.90 4.60 4.70 0.00 Japanese Yen 2.0935 2.2262
KELANI TYRES 1,250 57.80 57.60 59.00 57.60 58.80 1.00 CITRUS WASKADUWA 227,357 2.60 2.70 2.70 2.60 2.70 0.10 Singapore Dollar 220.6164 235.5995
KELANI VALLEY 725 70.20 71.50 71.50 70.00 70.00 (0.20) Sterling Pound 380.0096 403.5242
COM.CREDIT 3,773 24.30 25.00 25.50 24.60 24.60 0.30
Swiss Franc 329.7788 353.2739
KINGSBURY 8,612 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.90 8.90 (0.10) DILMAH CEYLON XD 30 1,000.00 1,000.25 1,000.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 US Dollar 297.2877 314.3802
KOTAGALA 52,917 6.00 6.10 6.10 6.00 6.00 0.00 E - CHANNELLING 355,924 15.00 15.30 17.00 15.30 16.80 1.80
L O L C HOLDINGS 20,615 357.00 361.75 364.00 355.00 360.25 3.25 ELPITIYA 11,474 74.70 74.00 75.50 74.00 75.30 0.60 (2) The approximate exchange rates of GULF Currencies
LANKA ALUMINIUM 18,800 15.00 14.80 14.80 14.60 14.60 (0.40) EQUITY TWO PLC 7 40.00 41.60 41.90 40.00 40.00 0.00 based on previous day’s market weighted average rate
LANKA ASHOK 7 720.00 720.25 720.25 720.25 720.00 0.00 EXTERMINATORS 15,230 8.00 8.00 8.30 8.00 8.00 0.00 for the US$ are as follows.
LANKA HOSPITALS 3,270 107.50 108.50 110.75 108.50 110.00 2.50 FC TREASURIES 1,041,296 27.00 26.80 27.60 26.10 27.40 0.40
LANKA IOC 418,843 125.50 125.00 127.75 123.50 124.00 (1.50) FIRST CAPITAL 133,538 34.30 34.50 34.80 33.70 34.10 (0.20)
LANKA REALTY 44,688 11.30 11.50 11.70 11.10 11.20 (0.10) FORTRESS RESORTS 452 19.60 20.00 20.00 19.50 19.50 (0.10) Bahrain Bahrain Dinar 811.4779
LANKA TILES 2,305 42.50 42.10 43.00 42.10 42.60 0.10 GALADARI 12,033 12.10 12.20 12.30 12.00 12.00 (0.10) Kuwait Kuwait Dinar 996.1677
LANKA WALLTILE 112,342 46.00 45.60 47.40 45.60 46.00 0.00 HAPUGASTENNE 11 38.90 38.00 38.00 37.90 38.90 0.00 Oman Oman Rial 794.6364
LANKEM DEV. 35,271 23.20 23.90 24.60 23.00 23.10 (0.10) HATTON 393 20.10 21.00 21.00 20.10 20.10 0.00 Qatar Qatar Riyal 83.9779
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Riyal 81.5599
LAUGFS GAS 3,616 22.00 22.10 22.60 21.90 22.00 0.00 HNB FINANCE 21,077 4.90 4.80 4.90 4.70 4.80 (0.10) UAE UAE Dirham 83.2920
LAUGFS GAS (LGL.X0000) 28,622 16.30 16.30 16.30 15.90 16.20 (0.10) HVA FOODS 25,916 3.60 3.70 3.70 3.40 3.40 (0.20)
LAXAPANA 1,400 13.20 13.50 13.50 13.40 13.50 0.30 JANASHAKTHI INS. XD 13,398 25.60 25.80 26.90 25.80 26.80 1.20 (3) The Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR)
LB FINANCE 140,158 57.40 57.00 57.50 56.60 57.00 (0.40) JETWING SYMPHONY 757 6.40 6.60 6.60 6.40 6.40 0.00 and the Lowest Prime Rate (LPR) during the week
LEE HEDGES 14,250 82.10 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 (2.10) KAHAWATTE 22,940 17.10 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.60 (0.50) ended 16-Jun-2023, by all commercial banks was 20.26
LION BREWERY 254 698.75 690.25 710.00 690.25 710.00 11.25 KEELLS HOTELS 141,903 17.00 17.40 17.50 17.40 17.50 0.50 percent and 14.00 percent respectivly.
LMF 4 135.75 136.50 139.00 136.50 135.75 0.00 KELSEY 2 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.70 0.00
(4) The Avereage Weighted Deposit Rate (AWDR) of
LVL ENERGY 50 5.90 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.90 0.00 LANKEM CEYLON 6,002 69.90 68.00 68.00 68.00 68.00 (1.90)
commercial banks for the month of May-2023 was
MALWATTE 27 66.90 62.40 62.60 62.40 66.90 0.00 LCB FINANCE PLC 9,730 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.10 2.10 0.00 15.23 percent.
MELSTACORP 255,306 57.00 57.20 57.50 56.80 57.10 0.10 LOLC GENERAL INS 76,133 5.80 5.80 6.20 5.80 5.90 0.10
MERC. SHIPPING 2 178.75 180.00 180.00 180.00 178.75 0.00 LOTUS HYDRO 2,001 7.20 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 0.20
MULLERS 1 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.00 0.00 LUMINEX 2,426 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 0.00
Another first for... From Page 11
NATIONS TRUST 266,481 67.70 67.70 68.60 67.10 68.50 0.80 MARAWILA RESORTS 101,813 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.00 2.00 0.00 In this year alone, several new customers
NATIONS TRUST (NTB-X-0000) 348 54.90 60.10 60.10 60.00 60.00 5.10 MASKELIYA 1,000 33.80 33.10 33.50 33.10 33.10 (0.70)
OVERSEAS REALTY 15,057 14.50 14.60 14.60 14.00 14.10 (0.40) MERCHANT BANK 24,732 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.30 3.30 (0.10)
enrolled with SriLankan Engineering for line
PAN ASIA 174,371 12.40 12.30 12.50 11.80 11.90 (0.50) MILLENNIUM HOUSE 122,783 2.80 2.90 2.90 2.70 2.70 (0.10) maintenance services in Colombo and the
PANASIAN POWER 2,659 3.10 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 0.10 MYLAND 1,210 9.40 9.20 9.20 8.80 8.80 (0.60) Maldives. The demand for base maintenance
PEOPLE’S INS 11,860 20.00 21.00 21.30 20.00 20.20 0.20 PALM GARDEN HOTL 18,808 43.50 44.80 45.00 42.70 43.00 (0.50) services has also been equally strong. Air-Sial
PEOPLES LEASING 261,185 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.80 7.80 (0.20) PEGASUS HOTELS 2,085 25.00 25.00 25.60 25.00 25.10 0.10
PGP GLASS 132,230 22.80 23.00 23.00 22.10 22.20 (0.60) PEOPLE’S MERCH 309 4.40 4.40 4.50 4.40 4.40 0.00
and Salam Air enlisted for component mainte-
PRINTCARE PLC XD 13,627 44.00 45.00 45.00 43.00 44.10 0.10 PRIMERESIDENCIES XD 103,541 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.30 7.30 0.00 nance services, while and Cebu Pacific Air and
R I L PROPERTY 716,173 5.10 5.10 5.10 4.80 4.90 (0.20) RAIGAM SALTERNS 3,060 7.10 7.10 7.50 7.10 7.10 0.00 Jazeera Airways became the newest customers
RADIANT GEMS 809 43.30 42.70 42.70 40.00 40.60 (2.70) RAMBODA FALLS 9 28.10 26.90 26.90 26.90 28.10 0.00 of heavy maintenance services in 2023.
REGNIS 50 43.50 44.90 44.90 43.00 43.50 0.00 RENUKA HOTELS 1,508 73.90 73.90 74.90 73.90 74.80 0.90
RENUKA AGRI 6,001 4.90 5.00 5.00 4.80 4.80 (0.10) RICH PIERIS EXP 961 524.75 534.75 534.75 528.00 529.50 4.75
The increasing demand for its MRO servic-
RENUKA CITY HOT. 205 323.25 338.00 350.00 338.00 349.50 26.25 ROYAL PALMS 100 23.00 22.60 22.60 22.60 22.60 (0.40) es has also resulted in increasing dollar reve-
RENUKA FOODS 986 18.40 18.10 18.70 18.00 18.10 (0.30) SATHOSA MOTORS 130 155.00 151.50 151.50 150.25 151.00 (4.00) nue for SriLankan Engineering, which saw a
RENUKA HOLDINGS 15,053 13.10 13.00 13.00 12.20 12.30 (0.80) SERENDIB HOTELS 3,406 8.90 9.20 9.40 8.80 8.90 0.00 35 per cent jump in earnings between the last
RENUKA HOLDINGS (RHL.X0000) 10,195 10.80 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.20 SERENDIB HOTELS (SHOT.X0000) 11,203 6.60 6.50 6.80 6.30 6.80 0.20
RESUS ENERGY 123,442 12.00 12.10 12.10 11.90 12.00 0.00 SINGER IND. 7 32.10 35.70 35.70 35.70 32.10 0.00
two financial years.
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 BUSINESS 13

CFA Society, HNB Assurance in partnership,

provides group insurance policies to members
CFA Society Sri Lanka has announced commitment of CFA Society Sri Lanka partner with CFA Society Sri Lanka to
a groundbreaking partnership with HNB and HNB Assurance to supporting their offer this special group insurance policy
Assurance, a leading insurance provider members and enhancing their overall to its members. HNB Assurance is dedi-
in the country, to offer an exceptional well-being. cated to providing innovative and cus-
group insurance policy, tailored for its CFA, President of CFA Society Sri tomer-centric insurance solutions. We
valued members. Lanka Aruna Perera stated; “We are believe that this collaboration will signif-
This collaboration aims to provide thrilled to join hands with HNB Assur- icantly enhance the financial well-being
comprehensive coverage and valuable ance to provide this exclusive group of CFA Society Sri Lanka members and
benefits to CFA Society Sri Lanka mem- insurance policy to our esteemed mem- provide them with peace of mind.”
bers, ensuring their financial security and bers. At CFA Society Sri Lanka, our mis- CFA Society Sri Lanka members are
peace of mind. sion is to empower our members and encouraged to take advantage of this
The group insurance policy, provided ensure their long-term financial security. exclusive offering by renewing their
as a complimentary benefit, offers a This collaboration with HNB Assurance membership with CFA Institute and CFA
range of extensive coverage options, exemplifies our dedication to delivering Society Sri Lanka for the year 2024
including a natural death benefit and a exceptional value and benefits to our before June 30. Upon activation of the
total accidental death benefit, subject to members.” group insurance policy, members will
other applicable conditions set by HNB HNB Assurance PLC CEO Lasitha gain access to valuable coverage and Sanesh Fernando and Lasitha Wimalaratne from HNB Assurance. Aruna Perera, Rashmi Peiris
Assurance. This initiative showcases the Wimalaratne said; “We are delighted to benefits. Paranavitane, Richardson Morais, Rasanja Perera and Aruna Alwis from CFA Society Sri Lanka.

USAID and SLTDA launch new sustainable Unilever inks deal with CBL Group expands
niche strategy to boost tourism e-commerce platform for customer
The United States Agency for Unilever Sri Lanka has taken a major
International Development (USAID) stride in enriching its official e-com-
and Sri Lanka Tourism Development merce platform, uStore.lk, through a
Authority (SLTDA) recently strategic partnership with CBL Group,
launched a new strategy to re-ener- expanding the range of products availa-
gise the critical tourism sector by ble to customers.
promoting a dozen new sustainable The move which is the first step in a
niche tourism categories. From series of portfolio expansions on UStore.
adventure tourism and cultural expe- lk, demonstrates Unilever’s continuous
riences to hosted/curated experiences commitment to drive the e-commerce
and wellness and healing, these cate- The New Niche Tourism Categories shortly after they were unveiled landscape of Sri Lanka to make the
gories are set to enhance Sri Lanka’s by USAID Mission Director Gabrial Grau and Director General, Min- FMCG shopping experience more con-
tourism offerings and attract more istry of Tourism and Lands, Suranga Vithanage. Others pictured are venient in Sri Lanka.
global travellers. Reneera Paul, (USAID), Glenn Mackenzie-Frazer, Chief of Party, First launched in 2019, uStore.lk has
“The new sustainable niche tour- USAID-IPOP Project, Upali Rathnayake, Deputy Director General, gained significant acceptance by con-
SLTDA, Krishantha Fernando, General Manager, SLCB and Dr CBSL Group and Unilivers Sri Lanka officials exchange the MoU. Unile-
ism strategy will be a catalyst to sumers islandwide as a shopping plat- ver Sri Lanka | U-Store.lk and CBL Partnership | 2nd Draft | 12 June 2023
help further boost Sri Lanka’s tour- Michelle Pinkowski Project Director, USAID-IPOP Project. form of choice, as it offers them the | 550+ words
ism sector and bolster the country’s convenience of directly purchasing prod-
economic recovery,” said Gabriel ment is highly competitive. Suc- event held on June 9, at The Barn- ucts from the safety, comfort and con- process and data driven insights. The CBL Group MD  Shea Wickramasing-
Grau, USAID Mission Director to cessful implementation of the new house in Panadura. MD Grau added, venience of their homes. With the addi- platform will create consumer centric ha stated; “I am pleased about the part-
Sri Lanka and the Maldives, at a strategy will allow Sri Lanka to bet- “It shows that Sri Lanka is again tion of over 80 products from seven but differentiated bundles, specifically nership with Unilever on the uStore.lk
special event to launch the new strat- ter establish its brand identity, ready to realise its full potential as a CBL renowned brands including confec- targeted at the Sri Lankan online shop- platform as it will enable us to together,
egy. increase its appeal and market share, global tourist destination, following tionary, spices, pulses, coconut milk and per based off carefully analyzed data deliver an enhanced customer experi-
Tourism is critical to Sri Lanka’s create jobs and opportunities across years of downturn due to COVID-19 cereals, uStore.lk shoppers can now and identified trends. ence through a new emerging channel
economy as it exits the pandemic the tourism sector and generate and the economic crisis.” access over 300 products with free Unilever Sri Lanka Chairperson and with direct interaction with our custom-
and deals with its internal economic much-needed foreign exchange. “The new sustainable niche tour- delivery to any part of the country. MD Hajar Alafifi stated; “uStore.lk was ers. They can now log on to uStore.lk
crisis. Pre-pandemic tourism repre- The launch of this strategy is a ism strategy will be a catalyst to Today’s online shopper is more expe- initially launched to exclusively offer and purchase food and refreshments,
sented 12 per cent of the country’s strong step forward in USAID’s help further boost these numbers and rienced and knowledgeable than ever, Unilever Sri Lanka’s diverse range of personal care and home care items con-
GDP, generating US $4.3 billion in Indo-Pacific Opportunity Project help Sri Lanka’s tourism sector get purchasing in different categories and products on a single, e-commerce plat- veniently while enjoying special offers
revenue in 2018. Already popular as (IPOP) and it will further support back on track and bolster the coun- from diverse channels depending on form. Today, I am excited to see the and deals.”
a tourism destination for its natural SLTDA to bring niche tourism busi- try’s economic recovery.” their needs, motivations and occasions. efforts of my Customer Development CBL products will be available on
beauty and cultural heritage, Sri nesses into the formal sector and “Today is a special day for Sri Unilever’s vision is to enable shoppers and IT teams coming to fruition as we uStore.lk from June 16. Unilever Sri
Lanka will benefit from the new help define outreach efforts going Lankan tourism as we launch a new to purchase all their basket needs in a launch the expanded uStore.lk platform Lanka has been deeply rooted in the
strategy by offering differentiated forward. sustainable niche tourism strategy in single platform, at their convenience, with enhanced access to FMCG. I’m country for 85 years, creating a land-
experiences for travellers seeking an “The increase in tourist arrivals Sri Lanka. We thank USAID and the while having access to some of the best extremely pleased to partner with CBL scape that preserves and nurtures the
immersive holiday. this year in Sri Lanka is notewor- IPOP team for their encouragement brands and deals. Each brand on the as together Unilever and CBL share true Sri Lankan way of life. The compa-
Sri Lanka arrivals rose 30 per cent thy,” said Gabriel Grau, USAID and steadfast support,” said Upali platform will be based on relevancy, deep roots in the country and brands ny is one of Sri Lanka’s leading fast-
in the first quarter over the same Mission Director to Sri Lanka and Rathnayake, Deputy Director Gener- desirability, specialism and sustainability which are cherished by the people of Sri moving consumer goods companiesand
period a year ago, however, the seg- the Maldives at a special launch al of SLTDA. criteria, following a careful selection Lanka.” produces 96% of its products locally.

ACL Cables partners ITUM, All Island Dairy Association holds Annual General Meeting
conducts educational forum The fourth Annual Gener-
al Meeting (AGM), of the
tors, Suneth Bandara,
Lanka Dairies Pvt Ltd.,
All Island Dairy Associa- Manufactures and Processes
ACL Cables PLC, Sri into the industry as electri- Senanayake, Brand Man- tion (AIDA) was recently Dr. Nelum Vithana, Cargills
Lanka’s partnered the cal engineers. Therefore, it ager, ACL Cables PLC. held at the Ceylon Chamber Ceylon PLC, Importers
Institute of Technology is our duty and responsi- Mangalika Kannangara, of Commerce in Colombo. Asoka Bandara, Maliban
University of Moratuwa bility to continuously sup- Senior Lecturer and Shiran The AIDA which is affil- Group, Service Providers
(ITUM), the centre of port the education of these Maduranga, Lecturer of iated with the Ceylon Lawrence Chan, Ceylon
excellence in Technologi- undergraduates to make the division of Electrical, Chamber of Commerce and facturers and services pro- tiatives and knowledge unwavering. With favoura- Agro Industries Limited and
cal Education, to conduct them efficient and effec- Electronic and telecom- plays a pivotal role in repre- viders to actively adhere to transfer activities through ble policies, economic Treasurer R.M.K.G. Raja-
a special educational tive professionals.’’ munication technology senting the local dairy all industry standards. The webinars and virtual inter- growth, increased consumer paksha, Hypromac Engi-
forum recently. In addition to facilitat- received the donations. industry by fostering agree- AIDA also fosters healthy active sessions last year, we demand, and strong founda- neering Services.
Organised in collabora- ing the special forum, Senior Lecturer Manga- ments, aligning goals and competition, drives expanded our network with tional support, we are The newly appointed
tion with the Electrical, ACL Cables also donated lika Kannangara said; “We mobilising the industry. advancement in product and the commercial sector and poised to drive the industry Executive Committee for
Electronics and Telecom- two sample boards inclu- thank ACL Cables in con- Additionally, the AIDA service offerings for the actively contributed to the forward.” the year 2023 are Dr.
munication Technology sive of domestic and ducting such important advocates with policymak- overall betterment of the government’s policy discus- The newly appointed Keerthi Gunasekara,
Faculty of the University, industrial cables and its educational forums for our ers on crucial matters, while entire dairy industry. sions on dairy sector devel- office bearers for the year Mohamed Imtiaz, Saman
ACL conducted the special range of electrical switch- students at the Electrical, also working on streamlin- AIDA President Binesh opment. Looking back at 2023 includes 2nd year Perera, Sanjaya Jayasinghe,
lecture on the theme es, sockets to the Faculty. Electronic and Telecom- ing objectives. Pannawala said; “As AIDA 2022, our commitment to President Binesh Pannawa- Consultant and GM, A.C.H.
‘Basic awareness of elec- The sample boards were munication technology The AIDA encourages its successfully executed a the sustainable growth of la, Watawala Plantations Munaweera and Secretariat
trical cables.’ The session shared to be showcased as Faculty. We highly appre- wide array of dairy manu- diverse range of policy ini- the dairy industry remains PLC, Producers and Collec- Shehara De Silva.
was held for the 3rd year an exhibit at the labs to ciate their effort in sharing
undergraduates of the fac- support students’ educa- vital industry knowledge

P&S donates Reverse Osmosis plant to Trincomalee District General Hospital

ulty. The lecture was tion and ensure they are and educating students on
delivered by Palitha Ethul- well versed in electrical the practical application in
gama, Deputy General cables and switches. a perspective of industry
Manager, Sales and Mar- Furthermore, to support standards. Faculty mem-
keting, ACL Cables PLC. the practical work of stu- bers and students alike,
ACL cables Deputy dents, ACL donated a sep- found the session extreme- Perera & Sons Bakers (Private) Perera said; “I am sincerely grateful
General Manager Palitha arate set of switches, ly important and useful to Limited (P&S), one of Sri Lanka’s to our dedicated employees for their
Ethulgama stated; “As the sockets including the lat- enhance our overall largest and most-reputed quick ser- unwavering commitment, which has
pioneer of the cable indus- est releases of key card knowledge. I also thank vice restaurant chain with a heritage allowed us to undertake numerous
try it is our pleasure to switches and motion sen- ACL for their generous spanning over 120 years, continues impactful CSR projects through our
train and educate the next sor switches, facilitating donation of two sample its commitment to corporate social Manu Mehewara initiative. Our
generation on the applica- students’ ability to design boards and samples, sup- responsibility with another impactful journey in giving back to society
tion and practicality of the electrical circuits during porting the practical edu- initiative. has been remarkable, thanks to the
industry. We believe that practical sessions. cation of our students.” In collaboration with the Sri Lanka support of our staff and the invalua-
they will benefit from the The donations were Committed to support- Navy, P&S has donated a Reverse ble assistance of the Sri Lanka
knowledge gained from handed over by Palith ing students in career Osmosis (RO) plant to the Trinco- Navy. Together, we have executed
this forum once they step Ethulagama and Shavinda pathways, ACL has pre- malee District General Hospital, successful CSR projects in educa-
viously participated in under its Manu Mehewara initiative. Managing Director with Dr. Jagath and the Perera and Sons team. tion, healthcare, environmental sus-
the ITUM Career Fair, This significant contribution aims to tainability and social welfare, posi-
held in December 2022 provide clean and safe drinking everyone within the hospital benefits approach, P&S integrates innova- tively impacting the communities
and recruited under- water to the hospital’s patients and from this essential resource. The tive strategies and fosters collabora- we serve. We intend to build on this
graduates for asix- staff, positively impacting their well- installation of the RO plant exempli- tion to address the urgent global strong foundation in the future.”
month internship pro- being. fies P&S’s unwavering commitment challenges we face. By prioritising This project marks the second RO
gramme. Thereby, a The Trincomalee District General to sustainability and improving lives, equitable solutions and environmen- plant that P&S has provided and
total of fifteen students Hospital, established in 1940, serves aligning with the United Nations’ tal consciousness, P&S aims to installed for the Trincomalee Dis-
joined the internship as a vital healthcare facility in the Sustainable Development Goal 6 pave the way for a future where trict General Hospital, transforming
programme for their region. With approximately 2,000 (Clean Water and Sanitation). This individuals from all walks of life the facility’s access to clean water.
first implant training. patients visiting the hospital daily, goal emphasizes the importance of can thrive while preserving and Spearheading initiatives such as
Another batch of fif- access to clean water is of paramount clean water and adequate sanitation restoring our planet for generations this, P&S is clearly demonstrating
teen students are importance. The new RO plant has for human health and environmental to come. its dedication and commitment to
expected to join the been installed at the Outpatient sustainability. Perera and Sons Bakers (Private) transforming and supporting the
programme shortly. Department (OPD), ensuring that Through a comprehensive Limited Managing Director Gihan communities it serves.
A section of the participants.
14 BUSINESS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3


ISMM, IDB sign MoU to develop  Praveena wins ‘Top 50 women’

professional award
local Supply Chain Framework
The Institute of Supply and Mate-
MullenLowe Associate
Vice President and Group
Account Director Praveena
Perera was recognised as
an emerging woman leader
and is this year’s recipient
of the award for ‘Leader-
also want to express my
heartfelt appreciation to
WIM, for acknowledging
my accomplishments and
honouring me with their
prestigious award.”
MullenLowe Group Sri
rials Management (ISMM) and the ship in the field of Adver- Lanka Chief Executive
Industries Development Board (IDB) tising and Public Relations Officer Thayalan Bartlett
signed a MoU on April 10, with the Sector’ at the ‘Top 50 Pro- stated; “Praveena is one of
objective of developing a local Sup- fessional and Career Sri Lanka’s top emerging
ply Chain Framework which is Women Global Awards – women leaders in advertis-
acclaimed globally to uplift domestic Thirteenth Edition’ organ- ing and I am immensely
Industry with collaborative contribu- ised by Women in Manage- delighted because her rec-
tion of all stakeholders.  At the Head Table - L to R:  Lilantha Subasinghe Vice President ISMM, Dimuka Hemantha Vice Presi- ment (WIM). ognition augments well for
This includes conducting an dent ISMM, Maj. Gen. Renaka Udawatta (Rtd.) psc ato Vice President ISMM, Dr. Saranga Alahapperu- Praveena received her the Advertising industry
awareness programme on concepts ma Chairman, Industrial Development Board,  Jayantha Gallehewa President ISMM /Vice President award at the Global Awards and as much what it means
of supply chain management (SCM), OPA,  Sarath Gamage Immediate Past President ISMM/President- Elect OPA, Dr (Eng.) Sanath Diva- Ceremony held on June 17, Praveena Perera with the to MullenLowe. There is a
conducting process improvement kara General Secretary ISMM and Ranil Abeyesekera Chairman, Marketing Committee ISMM. at the Shangri-La Colom- award. dearth of future women
programmes based on Lean Manage- Picture by Sudath Malaweera
bo. The event celebrated leadership hopefuls in
ment Philosophies and  develop- and awarded twenty other international advertising and the industry is woefully
ing criteria for Outline Framework Chain Day’ (ISMM Anniversary award winners representing fifteen coun- short of meaningfully supporting women ad
for Grading of Industries. Industry 2023 Exhibition to commence on June 22 Day). tries. professionals. We need the industry to step
Under the first deliverable, an Supply Chain Management MullenLowe Associate Vice President up and rise beyond the rhetoric and truly
The Ministry of Industries and the Industrial Development Board have and Group Account Director Praveena support women ad professionals to balance
awareness programme on Concepts (SCM) is the optimisation of a prod-
organised the ‘Industry 2023’, the National Industry Exhibition with the Theme Perera said; “While women make up over their work-life and reward them equitably
of SCM  programmes, for govern- uct’s creation and flow from
of ‘Towards export-oriented manufacturing economy’ which is the largest 50% of our population, their representation so that they realise their full potential at
ment senior officials and a one-day raw material sourcing to production,
industrial event. The exhibition is scheduled to be held from June 22-25, at in the workforce remains disproportionately home and in the office. Praveena epitomis-
workshop for all industrial person- logistics and delivery to the final
the BMICH. The Exhibition showcases the innovation and local industry excel- low. Within the ad industry, this disparity es all of what a woman professional should
nel, has been planned to be conduct- customer. In other words, it is the
lence in machinery, technology, raw material and business development ser- becomes even more pronounced, largely be by balancing her role as a young mother
ed in July 2023. management of the flow of goods,
vices to the potential local/international markets and most importantly create due to the insufficient progress made at and a leading ad professional in an
Under the second deliverable, data and finances related to a prod-
a platform to make relationships with right stakeholders including policy organisational levels that foster women’s extremely demanding field.”
Conducting Process Improvement uct or service, from its origin
makers as well as other government support services. ISMM being the profes- professional growth. Many organisations Women in Management (WIM) in col-
Programme based on Lean Manage- (Nature) to the delivery of the prod-
sional partner with IDB will be playing a key role during ‘Industry 2023’ to claim to empower women, yet their actions laboration with Women in Work, a partner-
ment Philosophies, these training uct at its destination. SCM encom-
enhance professionalism in Supply Chain Management in local industries. often amount to mere checkboxes to fulfil ship between the International Finance Cor-
programmes will be conducted by passes the integrated planning and
ISMM as ‘Consultancies, Workshops execution of processes required to policies.” poration (IFC) and the Government of Aus-
etc’ for Identified Industries as facili- scope to motivate, encourage and value addition process for the sus- manage the movement of materials, “In this regard, I take immense pride in tralia, conduct the Top50 Professional &
tated by IDB throughout the year development of all manufacturing tainable development of the manu- information and financial capital in stating that MullenLowe Sri Lanka is a Career Women Global Awards. This award
commencing from August 2023. industries under the IDB scale of facturing process are considered as activities that broadly include company that truly walks the talk. The highlights and honours women in the
Under the third deliverable, micro, small, medium and large the key areas for developing scales. demand planning, sourcing, produc- company stands as one of my strongest pil- national, regional, and global economy and
Developing Criteria for Outline towards sustainable growth by opti- It is expected to jointly declare tion, inventory management and lars of strength and has consistently backed celebrates their achievements, experience,
Framework for Grading of Industries mising the process activities of the (ISMM/IDB) the final version of storage, transportation or logistics me at every step, providing unwavering and creativity in leading their institutions,
– ISMM, in liaison with IDB will total supply chain. All the operation- Industry Grading on October 24, and returning excess or defective support and creating numerous opportuni- professions, and businesses efficiently and
initiate immediate action with the al features that enable to improve the 2023 which is the ‘National Supply products. ties for me to thrive on my chosen path. I effectively.

ComBank launches first Teen DFCC Bank marks World Environment

Digital Bank account ‘Flash FAM’ Day with beach clean-up
The Commercial Bank of Ceylon
has launched ‘Flash FAM’– a first in
Sri Lanka, as an extension of the
Bank’s award-winning ‘Flash’ Digital
Bank Account app, to encourage par-
ents to foster financial independence
and responsible money management
skills in their children.
This stimulating new feature ena-
bles children aged 10-17 to use ‘Flash
FAM,’ the country’s first teen digital
bank account, for their daily transac-
tions and savings, once a parent who DFCC Bank marked World Environ- the theme of World Environment Day friendly business model, investing in
is also a Flash Account user, has regis- ment Day by furthering its ‘Life to 2023, #BeatPlasticPollution. On World environmental responsibilityinitiatives,
tered and created a separate login via Marine’ initiative, one of the bank’s Environment Day, DFCC Bank also and ensuring resource efficiency, we aim
his or her main Flash account. flagship environmental sustainability took the opportunity to reaffirm its to make a positive impact on the envi-
After ‘Flash FAM’ has been activat- initiatives, which focuses on the conser- unwavering dedication to preserving the ronment while contributing to achieving
ed via a simple verification process, vation and restoration of marine and environment for future generations. global sustainability goals.”
the child will receive login details to coastal ecosystems. Under the guidance of Thimal Perera, In addition to these efforts, DFCC
his or her registered mobile number This initiative aligns with the Envi- CEO at DFCC Bank and Management Bank encourages its staff members to
and email and thereafter can com- ronment pillar, which is one of the 6 Es Ambassador driving initiatives under the participate in home gardening through its
mence using the app, the Bank said. that the Bank focuses on, in addition to Environment Pillar, the bank has imple- ‘Rise & Shine’ programme. The bank
With the ‘Flash FAM’ account, Elderly, Education, Exercise, Emergency mented a comprehensive approach that firmly believes that engaging in sustaina-
teenagers can perform a range of Relief and Entrepreneurship, as outlined encompasses an environmentally-friend- ble practices at an individual level con-
Commercial Bank’s Chief Operating Officer S. Prabagar, Managing
banking transactions such as checking in its Sustainability Strategy. It also ly business model, environmental tributes to the collective effort of creating
Director and CEO Sanath Manatunge, AGM Digital Banking Pradeep
their account balance, requesting aligns with the United Nations Sustaina- responsibility programmes and initia- a greener future. As part of its commit-
Banduwansa and Chief Information Officer Sumudu Gunawardhana
money for an emergency from a par- ble Development Goals (UNSDGs), in tives to ensure resource efficiency. ment to waste management, DFCC Bank
at the launch of Flash Fam and (Below) some of the participants with
ent or guardian, transferring funds and particular SDG 13 (Climate Action), Each of the pillars of the 6Es is driven also adheres to the principles of reduce,
representatives of the senior and corporate management of the Bank.
making payments including LankaQR SDG 14 (Life Below Water) and SDG by a member of the Senior Management reuse, and recycle (3R) to effectively
payments. The ‘Flash FAM’ Teen Dig- migrate totheir own ‘ComBank Flash’ response to this need, giving children 15 (Life on Land). Team at DFCC Bank to ensure a cohe- manage paper waste, with a view to mini-
ital account also comes with a debit accountsafter their 18th birthday, with a taste of the future through a user- Commemorating World Environment sive, holistic and effective approach. All mising its ecological footprint by promot-
card that can be used for online pur- an automatic conversion implemented friendly digital platform, under the Day and World Ocean Day 2023, DFCC of this is driven by DFCC Bank’s Sus- ing responsible waste management.
chases and cash withdrawals at ATMs. by the Bank. guidance of their parents. This also Bank, in collaboration with the Sri tainability Framework and Strategy DFCC Bank remains steadfast in its
Designed to kick start the digital Commercial Bank’s Assistant Gen- enables children to begin their finan- Lanka Navy and Eco Spindles Private 2030, which envisions establishing commitment to sustainable practices and
financial journey of children with their eral Manager, Digital Banking cial journey with the country’s biggest Limited, organised an intensive beach DFCC Bank as the Bank for Green environmental stewardship. Working
own app and card, ‘Flash FAM’ pro- Pradeep Banduwansa said: “It is private sector bank.” clean-up programme at Preethipura Finance, fostering sustainable work life- towards multidimensional sustainability
vides financial freedom to younger becoming increasingly important to The Flash Fam Teen Digital Beach, Uswetakeiyawa. Staff, families, styles and its emergence as the most sus- — across economic, social and environ-
customers and gives them the opportu- create familiarity with digital access to Account was launched in Colombo at customers and locals from the area par- tainable bank in Sri Lanka by 2030. mental spheres—DFCC Bank is setting
nity to learn skills such as earning, financial services and to instil finan- an event attended by the Bank’s senior ticipated in this event, which successful- Thimal Perera said; “At DFCC Bank, benchmarks in sustainable finance and
saving, and spending responsibly, the cial responsibility from a young age. and corporate management and more ly raised awareness about the impor- we believe that sustainable practices are business in Sri Lanka, whilst actively
Bank said. ‘Flash FAM’ users can The launch of ‘Flash FAM’ is a than 1,000 participants. tance of minimising plastic and poly- paramount to our success as a corporate working towards a greener and more
thene waste in the ocean, aligning with entity. By adopting an environmentally- sustainable future for all.

SLIC provides assistance to pilgrims at Anuradhapura

For over thirty years, Sri Lanka located at Pethmaga, which functioned
John Keells Group awarded ‘Top 50 Professional
and Career Women Global Awards’
Insurance (SLIC) has provided emer- through five sub-centres at Mahamevu-
gency assistance to pilgrims who visit na Uyana, Sinha Kuluna, Mirisavetiya,
Anuradhapura for Poson Poya. Thuparama and Sanda Hiru Seya. The
Large crowds gather at Anurad- service was operated around the clock
hapura during the Poson season and during this season and it was an over- John Keells Holdings PLC was the inclusive and equitable
Sri Lanka Insurance provides a unique whelming experience and a relief for recipient of the award ‘Organisation pro- culture are being recog-
service that tracks down lost individu- the organisers to see pilgrims including moting equity/equality and diversity of nised and celebrated
als and belongings in and around the elderly and little children who were the year’ at the ‘Top 50 Professional and and hope that platforms
sacred City. The organsing committee misplaced and lost in the crowds and Career Women Global Awards – Thir- such as these encourage
of Sri Lanka Insurance also distributed re-united with their families. teenth Edition” 2023. more organisations to
Vignettes of the Poson Poya pro-
booklets containing Bodhi Pooja recit- SLIC actively promotes socio-cul- Women in Management (WIM) in prioritise Diversity,
grammes at Anuradhapura.
als among pilgrims. tural initiatives, which contribute to collaboration with Women in Work, a Equity and Inclusion.”
For the past three decades this pro- valued service for the millions of pil- socio-economic sustainability across partnership between the International In 2015, JKH was the
gramme has been carried out in collab- grims visiting the ancient capital to the nation by focusing its community Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Gov- first Sri Lankan corpo-
oration with the District Secretariat of commemorate Poson Poya. efforts on three key pillars that is Chil- ernment of Australia, annually recognise rate to be inclusive of
Anuradhapura to provide this much- The main centre for this effort was dren, Community and Culture. extraordinary leaders and corporates  Isuru Gunasekera, Chief People Officer and Head the LGBTIQ+ commu-
who have demonstrated track records of of Sustainability, Enterprise Risk Managements nity through policy and
and Group initiatives and Kumudu Munasinghe, awareness and contin-

People’s Bank opens Service Centre in Ella

accomplishment and impact in the work-
place and society. Head of Corporate Communications and Group ues to be a supportive
John Keells Group (JKH) is recog- Lead for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, accepting ally.
nised for being progressive in its the award on behalf of the John Keells Group.  In 2020, the Group
approach towards valuing diversity in launched its DE&I
The Service Centre provides the lat- Channel Management I.K. Indika, the workforce, the continued efforts to debate and discussion, especially at brand ONE JKH, working in the 3 pil-
est digital banking services including a Badulla Regional Manager Nalin Poth- be a place of inclusion, and where eve- decision-making levels. lars of increasing female participation in
Cash Recycle Machine (CRM) which thawela, Ella Divisional Secretary Indi- ryone can be their true selves and where The Group’s Chairperson Krishan the workforce and value chains, inclu-
enables both cash withdrawals and ka Gayan, People’s Bank Badulla respect and trust are fundamental. Balendra said; “We, as a Group, know sivity of the LGBTIQ+ community and
deposits and bill payments. Asst. Regional Managers K. Chandra- The Group values its people from that our strength is our people. Being an increasing career opportunities for Per-
People’s Bank Acting Chief Execu- kumar, S.M.A.P.K. Samarakoon, Man- every ethnicity, race, religion, gender inclusive organisation, we are home to a sons with Disabilities.
tive Officer and General Manager jula Perera, Bandarawela Branch Man- identity, sexual orientation, age, and multitude of different minds and value In 2021, the Group set a 5-year goal
Clive Fonseka, Deputy General Man- ager B.L. Pushpakumara and Ella Ser- ability, and continues to work towards the diversity, innovation, and creativity to increase female participation in the
ager Channel Management T.M.W. vice Centre Manager K.A.T.S. Karu- reinforcing it and celebrating this respect that is brought in by each person to workforce to 40% (from 30% at the time
Chandrakumara, Assistant General naarachchi, Government Officers, bank and trust. The company has a clear focus every aspect of our business, which con- of setting the goal) and has been work-
Manager Channel Management Nalin staff and customers participated in the Highlights of the opening and understanding of the business case tinues to aid us in our growth. We are ing on a myriad of initiatives to reach
Perera, Assistant General Manager event. at Ella. for diversity, in that it allows for rich honoured that our efforts to create an this goal.
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 SPORTS page 15 DN

Clinical Royal out to regain Rugby League in 2023

CHRIS DHAMBARAGE adinu, Janith Kushantha, Didula
Royal College with a well-bal- Jayasuriya, Amika Samarasing-
anced side will look to produce he, Duljaya Gamanayake.
another good performance and Full Back: Nabeel Yehiya
regain the coveted ‘A’ Division Head Coach: Dushanth
League Title in the 2023 Inter- Lewke.
Schools Under-19 rugby season. Assistant Coach: Radhika
The former ‘A’ Division league Hettiarachchi.
champions will vie for honours Kicking Coach: Ajith Silva.
in the Division One Segment ‘A’ Strength and Conditioning
Group 2A along with Trinity, Trainer: Vishvamithra Jayasing-
Vidyartha, Science College, St. he.
Peter’s and Zahira with the two Physiotherapist: Kavishka
top teams advancing into the de Silva.
Super Round segment. Masseuse: Samantha Raja-
Royal of course, had a major paksha.
setback in their curtain-raiser Assistant Trainers: Madush
match of the league tournament Royal Under-19 Rugby Pool for 2023. (Picture courtesy ThePapre.com) Kaveen, Kaliundu Nandila.
as they went down fighting 5-11 Team Manager: Thomas
in a thrilling encounter at Bam- will put emphasis on which area use that experience to make a were able to join the main squad Royal College Under-19 Mudunkotuwa, Rishen John, Paul.
balapitiya. we should focus more,” Royal much bigger impact,” he only a couple of week’s ago,” he Rugby Pool for 2023 Yovindu Ethulgala, Ayyash Shiy- Upcoming fixtures:
But there were few positives Head Coach Dushanth Lewke stressed. commented. Prop forwards: Thineth am, Buwaneka Senanayake. June 24 vs Science College at
that Royal would like to carry stated. “Our pre-season preparations “We have altogether 38 play- Gamage, Hadiq Hussein, Kavi- Number Eight: Thanvir Has- Mount Lavinia.
forward as their ever-reliable for- “Last year of course, we came started about four to five months ers in the First XV squad and the nash Srikanth, Abdurrahaman sen. July 1 vs Vidyartha at Royal
wards spearheaded by Skipper into the Super Round segment, ago and that period has been expectations are always very Ajmal. Scrum Halves: Chathan Sports Complex.
Randul Senanayake provided a but it was unfortunate that we very good where we emphasised high when you talk about Royal Hooker: Idris Farouk, Imthis- Samarasinghe, Shaahid Mohi- July 8 vs Zahira at Royal Sports
glimpse of what they can do dur- could not go all the way and win on our basics and some of the College rugby,” Lewke stated. al Azeer, Afeef Akram, Naqeeb deen, Samitha Nimanka, Simak Complex.
ing the rest of the matches. the league title,” Lewke lament- other areas where we need to “We just want to focus on the Mohamed. Shafeed. July 15 vs Dharmaraja at Royal
“This particular year we have ed. improve,” Lewke explained. basics of the game, and we want Second row forwards: Yehan Fly Half: Thivain Perera. Sports Complex.
a very good balanced side, but I “We had a very young side “The only issue during the to make sure that we do all those Weerasooriya, Binuda Malalaga- Centres: Pabasara Samara- July 22 vs Trinity (Bradby 1st
think we have a slight edge playing in last year’s tourna- pre-season training was the small things right and so I have ma, Yehan Rajasinghe. koon, Philio Calyanaratne, leg) at Pallekele Stadium.
towards the forwards, but it all ment and I think most of the absence of some of the players been talking with the players to Flankers: Randul Senanayake Fahad Nazar. August 5 vs Trinity (Bradby
depends on the opposition that players learnt quite a bit and who sat for the GCE Ordinary be clinical and to execute their (Captain), Yasiru Senevirathne, Wingers: Charuka Senevirath- 2nd leg) at Royal Sports Com-
we play in that week and that this season hopefully, they will Level Examination, and they game plan,” he added. Gesanda Wijewardana, Okitha ne, Disas Pathirana, Hiruka Jay- plex.

South African spinner Muthusamy hopes to regain his Test place Thurstan triumph at
UAE Rugby Sevens
DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA usamy developed into one of Visakhapatnam in October
My aim is to play for the the most versatile players at 2019, and Virat Kohli became
National team and want to Dolphins, batting in the his first Test wicket. Getting
make good come back after lower middle-order and Kohli’s wicket on debut is
this Sri Lanka ‘A match bowling left-arm spin, to very special and it is always a
series” said South Africa ‘ A catch the attention of the good memory in my test
‘key leg spinner Senuran national selectors. Although career added Muthusamy.
Muthusamy in an exclusive not a huge turner of the ball, I am more focused on my
interview with the Daily Muthusamy’s consistency bowling always tried to bowl
News. and craftiness brought him good line and length while
Actually I work hard with success. putting more pressure on
my training always fully com- I have lot of work with my opponent batsmen and it
mitted with my team and bowling consultant Paul always paved the way to get
this is my success. Playing Adams the former South wickets added Muthusamy.
on sub-continent wickets like African spinner who has unu- Senuran Muthusamy once
Sri Lanka give me big boost sual action as a bowler . again get five wickets haul at
and I have good memories Adams always give good tips Senuran Muthusamy in action at P. Sara Oval while umpire
second four day game at P.
already in this Sri Lanka A to me and that always really Prageeth Rambukwella looks on. (Picture courtsey SLC) Sara Oval which is Sri Lan-
match series. I was able to motivated me said Muth- kan spin legend Muttaih
get a match bag of 12 wickets usamy who is originally Cricket is my favourite batting against Knights and Muralitharan’s home ground.
at the first four day game South Indian. Actually my game and I have to go s long later moved down the order Muthusamy really enjoyed
against Sri Lanka A at Palle- relations still live in South journey. to concentrate on his bowl- to bowling at P. Sara Oval.
kele. Unfortunetly we lost India .This is my first visit to Muthusamy became a Dol- ing. He eventually finished When he started to bowl at
that game but I am satisfied Sri Lanka and really enjoying phins regular in 2016-17, second on the franchise wick- first innings first two wickets
with my personal achieve- with my skills . where batting - inspired by et-takers’ list 33 wickets at were taken in his second
ment with a seven wicket He was schooled at Clift- Kumar Sangakkara - was his 26.54 and won several Dol- over with in four balls space.
haul in the first innings fol- on, an independent institu- strong point, but he slowly phins’ awards, where he was With this performance, he
lowed by five wickets. This tion in Durban, from his first started to focus more on awarded four prizes includ- could get a chance to enter Thurstan Old Boys Team with officials
was my second best figures grade, where he had access turning his arm over. I always ing Player of the Year. South Africa ODI team for
(7 for 122) in first class to high-quality coaching and focused on my batting apart He was included in South next world cup which will The 11th Edition of the Peterite Indoor by Kalinga Perera, went on to win the
cricket while when I played facilities and thrived. He fea- from leg spin. if I will get Africa’s annual spin camp to be played in India. He has Sports Carnival 2023 was held at the Dan- Cup final 5-0 while scoring a solitary try.
for Dolphins in my country, I tured for provincial school good all round performance India in 2018 and the South already played 57 T-20’s ube Indoor Sports Complex in Dubai, The other members of the Thurstan
go my best figures 7 for 36 teams from Under 11s to it’s going to be a good chance African A side’s tour to the having 46 wickets with 4 for with most of the Sri Lankan Old Boys’ Team were Harsha Gunarathne, Tharindu
but this is special against Sri Uder-19s, but did not want to to enter the National team country ahead of the senior 12 as best figures. I wanted Associations in the United Arab Emirates Malikge, Kavishka Wanniarachchi, Bim-
Lanka A team, said 29 year rely on cricket as a career. said dedicated Muthusamy. side’s visit in September- to play all format and give (UAE) participating in this tournament. sara Perera, Janushka Udesh, Chamara
old leggie Senuran Muth- Muthusamy completed a Muthusamy’s breakthrough October 2019, when Muth- my service to National side The seven-a-side rugby tournament Adikari and Chanaka Wickramaratne.
usamy. degree in media and market- season was the summer of usamy was named in the Test always my ultimate goal Cup Championship final was held between Earlier, in the semi-finals Thurstan Old
An all rounder from Kwa- ing, but cricket had other 2017-18, when he scored a squad. He made his Test said leg spinner Senuran the Old Boys Team of Thurstan College Boys had the better St. Peter’s Old Boys
Zulu Natal, Senuran Muth- plans. career-best 181 opening the debut against India in Muthusamy. and Royal College. The Thurstanites, led 15-10 in a thriller. (C.D)

Rahula House stickers overall Champions at Antonians host DSS on Saturday

the Isipathana inter-house Hockey sevens HAFIZ MARIKAR
Some of the Kandy schools have
play Sri Sumangala College at
Bogambara, 24th Saturday St.
ended their first rugby game of the Anthony’s College will host D.S.
M.H.YAKEEM In the under 7 and season, where St. Anthony’s Col- Senanayake College at Pallekelle,
Rahula House stick- under 11 categories, lege beat St. Joseph’s College 22-12, Dharmaraja College will play Zahi-
ers clinched the Ken- Rahula House emeged Vidyartha College beat Science Col- ra College at Bogambara and on
neth Sameul Nayagam champs, they beat lege 26-19, Dharmaraja College 25thVidyartha College will play
Trophy by winning Iqbal House on penal- beat Trinity College 17-15 and Trinity College at Bogambara, if
the overall Champion- ty strokes (1/0) in the Kingswood College went down to the weather permit good rugby
ship at the Isipathana under 7 category and Isipathana College 8-32. The match will be presented, All matches are
College inter-house in the under 11 cate- between St. Sylvester’s College and scheduled too kick off at 4 p.m. It
Hockey sevens, gory too, they beat Prince of Wales College played in is very important to understand
organised and con- Iqbal House by 2 Ratmalana ended in a no decision. that winning is nice but losing will
ducted by Isipathana goals to nil. In the This week’s games are 23rd Fri- teach you so much more. One
College and the Old under 14 category, day St. Sylvester’s College will must not view losing as negative.
Boys Association, they were runner- up
played at the Isipatha- to Miton House, los-
na College ground on ing on penalty strokes
17th of June 2023. (1/0) and pocketed
The event was the 3rd place in the
organised from the under 9 and under 20
under 7 category categories. This was a
onwards and the par- remarkable perfor-
ents had an interest mance achieved by
with enjoyment to see these young lads at Rahula House team members with their medals and trophies. Under 7 team comprise from H.A. Thenuja Sakith, Asa
their loved ones play- this 2023 inter-house Abrew, Pahan Nethmina Gallage, Denith.. D. Chandika Perera, R.M. Oniru Samadith, Yuhas N. Janase, S. Nimsara Silva,
ing. tournament. Dihen B. de Alwis, Sithujaya Perera, Usimitha D. Jayawardena

Akkaraipattu Shoe City SC Football Team victorious

(Text and Pictures by: ment committee. Due to high
I.L.M.RIZAN, Addalaichenai competition between the teams
Central Correspondent) no one was able to score a goal
Akkaraipattu Shoe City until half time. Afrid -1 and
Sports Club beat Eveready Maajith -2 goals contributed
Sports Club, Maruthamunai for winners.
3:0 in the N.T. Farook Memo- Sports Officer and Coach
rial Champions Trophy -2023’ M.H.M.Asheath refereed the
football tournament inaugural match.
match conducted by Meanwhile,16 Leading
Akkaraipattu Football League Sports Clubs teams from the
(AFL) sponsored by ACE Club, South Eastern coastal belt of
Akkaraipattu and played at Sri Lanka are taking part in the
Akkaraipattu Public Play tournament. The Champion
Grounds recently. team will be awarded a trophy
The match was successfully and cash prize of Rs. 50,000.00
guided by international players and runner-up team a trophy
Retired Senior Superintendent and Rs. 30,000.00 cash prize.
of Police (RSSP) M.A.Nawas Late N.T. Farook was the
and Retired Principal A.G. Vice – President of Football
Anver who are the President Federation of Sri Lanka (FFSL)
The champion Akkaraipattu Shoe City Sports Club team. and Secretary of the tourna- until his demise.
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 page

Sports Editor : 011 242 9223 e mail : sports.dailynews@lakehouse.lk

Stubbs’ ton guides SA ‘A’ to 287/6

DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA 15 fours and a six as he added valuable123 runs Madushanka bowled well at the end of second and a six also added 65 runs eight wicket stand.
Tristan Stubbs made a fine knock of 117 third wicket stand with experienced Keegan day taking 3 for 45 while off spinner Lakshitha South Africa 'A' leg spinner Senuran Muthusamy
as South Africa 'A' were 287/6 in their first Peterson who scored 50 in 143 balls with 4 fours. Mansinghe played a good supporting role to fin- ended with fine figures of 6 for 101 and paceman
innings after second day's play of the sec- In fact paceman Vishwa Fernando made an early ish the day taking 3 for 45 in his 14 overs spell. Lutho Sipamla ended with 2 for 36 took bowling
ond four day game against Sri Lanka A breakthrough as he got first ball wicket in the The leg spinner Praveen Jayawickrama bowled honors.
played at P.Sara Oval Stadium yesterday. innings to dismiss skipper Tony de Zorzi who 27 over spell with giving away 97 runs for no Chief scores
After Sri Lanka 'A' were all out for 290 was LBW for duck. Matthew Breetzke the co- wicket and off spinner Ramesh Mendis also Sri Lanka A 290 all out (Ramesh Mendis 62,
with addition to 33 runs to overnight total opener scored 10 in 14 balls with two fours and wicket less in his 14 over spell given away 58 Milan Ratnayake 35, Pasindu Sooriyabandara 41,
South Africa A were 287 for 6 wickets at Vishwa Fernando struck his second wicket in the runs. However Vishwa Fernando had a leg injury Minod Bhanuka 32, Lahiru Udara 33, Nishan
close trailing three runs with four wickets in fifth over of the innings. and back to the pavilion in his 14th over and Madushka 33, Lasith Croospulle 27, Senuran
hand. After Stubbs and Peterson combination of paceman Milan Ratnayake completed his over Muthusamy 6/101, Lutho Sipamla 2/36)
Stubbs the right hand number three batter second wicket, Zubayr Hamza (43 in 76 balls with bowling two balls. South Africa A 287 for 6 wickets at close
Tristan who played a solitary ODI against West with 6 fours) and wicket keeper Kyle Verreynne Earlier Sri Lanka ' A 257 for 7 wickets contin- (Matthew Breetzke 10, Tristan Stubbs 117,
Stubbs Indies on last March played an anchor role (an unbeaten 34 in 41 balls with 2 fours and 2 ued and all out for 290. Ramesh Mendis top Keegan Peterson 50, Zubayr Hamza 46, Kyle Ver-
making a shot for visitors while he completed his third first sixes) guided them to build up their total. scored 62 in 123 balls with 5 fours and 2 sixes reynne 34, Senuran Muthusamy 10, Vishwa Fer-
(pix courtesy SLC) class century which came in 181 balls with Vishwa Fernando who replaced for Dilshan while Milan Ratnayake 35 in 58 balls with 5 fours nando 3/45, Lakshitha Mansinghe 3/45)

Rousing welcome for junior netballers Zimbabwe cruise to

Sri Lanka junior Netball team led
by Sajini Ratnayake arrived yester-
second straight win
day after winning third place at Zimbabwe cruised to their second successive victory as
Asian Junior Netball Championship they defeated The Netherlands by six wickets in their ICC
held in South Korea. Cricket World Cup Qualifier Group ‘A’ match played at the
Sri Lanka juniors finished third Harare Sports Club Grounds in Zimbabwe yesterday.
defeating Hong Kong and it's a real The home side produced another powerful batting
achievement.We couldn't beat Sin- display as they successfully chased down Netherlands’
gapore and Malaysia but satisfied formidable total of 315 for six with six wickets and
with third place said President of nearly 10 overs to spare.
Netball Federation Victoria Laksh- Chief scores
mi who was recently appointed as Netherlands: 315/6 in 50 overs (Vikramjit Singh 88,
Asian Netball Federation President Sri Lanka junior Netball team led by Sajini Ratnayake poses for a picture with Netball Federation President Victo- Max O’Dowd 59, Scott Edwards 83, Saqib Zulfiqar 34
I had lot of difficulties including ria Lakshmi after the welcome ceremony at Katunayake Airport yesterday. (Pix courtesy Sports Ministry media) n.o, Richard Ngarava 2/40, Sikandar Raza 4/55)
team selection and we had to face Zimbabwe: 319/4 in 40.5 overs (Joylord Gumbie 40,
all these issues before this South Netball Assistant Treasurer Layani ing that challenge said Netball chief. go ahead with good planning added Craig Ervine 50, Sean Williams 91, Sikandar Raza 102
Korea tour .My players had good Renuka who did a voluntarily job The sport Ministry ,our sponsors Victoria Lakshmi. Sikandar Raza plays a shot n.o, Shariz Ahmad 2/62). C.D
training under head coach Amalka during this tour .We have good plan Hirdaramani , Dialog Axiata and all The sport Ministry official Gami-
Gunatilleka and Assistant coach to go on New Zealand tour for next officials of Netball Federation gave ni Costa ,Netball Federation senior

Nepal thump USA by six wickets

Shashika Samarasinghe and Man- World Junior Netball championship good support for the success of this officials were present to welcome
ager Vajira Pushpakumari and my and our team is confident of meet- tournament and looking forward to Junior Netball players yesterday.

Olympic Day
Wijemanne into Men’s Singles third round
Nepal bounced back into recognition as overs with Bhim Sharki stroking an unbeat-
they recorded a morale boosting six- en 77 with one six and seven boundaries.


wicket victory over the United States of
America (USA) in their ICC Cricket
Chief scores
USA: 207 in 49 overs (Sushant Modani
World Cup Qualifier Group ‘A’ match 42, Gajanand Singh 26, Shayan Jahangir
on June 23 Davis Cup player Thehan Wije-
manne put up a pleasing perfor- Sanka
played at the Takashinga Sports Club, in
Harare, Zimbabwe yesterday.
100 n.o, K. C. Karan 4/33, Gulsan Jha
3/52, Dipendra Singh 2/15)
mance to advance into the Men’s A t h u ko ra l a After dismissing the USA for 207 runs Nepal: 211/4 in 43 overs (Kushal Bhur-
The National Olympic Committee 6-1, 7-5 in
Singles third round of the Colom- following an outstanding bowling perfor- tel 39, Bhim Sharki 77 n.o, Dipendra
(NOC) will celebrate the Olympic Day another sec-
bo Open Tennis Tournament, mance, Nepal reached their target in 43 Singh 39 n.o) C.D
on June 23 at the Vihara Maha Devi ond-round fixture.
conducted by the SLTA Playing
Park at 3.30 p.m. Meanwhile, Apna Perera, Hasal
Section and continued at the
This is an annual event celebrated Ahangama and Nimalraj
SLTA Courts in Green Path,

Pakistan two Test matches at Galle and SSC

by the Olympic Committees around Thatheuraj were the others who
Colombo yesterday.
the world on this day. The parade of reached the third round of the
The former schoolboy of Royal Wije-
one and a half kilometres will com- Men’s Singles Tournament.
College was in tremendous form manne
mence adjacent to the Colombo Results: The Pakistan Men’s National Team will warm up game will be held on July 11-12
as he powered his way to a 6-3, beat Savith
Municipal Council at 3.30 p.m. and (Men’s Singles second arrive in Sri Lanka during July to take and venue is not confirmed yet.
6-1 straight set victory over Weerasinghe
finish at the Viharamadevi Open Air round): Apna Perera beat Del- part in a two-match Test series against Sri Meanwhile two Test matches July 16-20
Savith Weerasinghe in a one 6-3, 6-1. Nimalraj
Theatre. NOC Sri Lanka have arranged van Herath 6-1, 6-4. Hasal Lanka. The Test series is a part of the ICC will be held in Galle International Cricket
sided second-round encounter. Thatheuraj beat
other programs and cultural shows to Ahangama beat Jagath Gamage World Test Championship 2023–25 cycle. Stadium while the second Test match will
In contrast, Ashen Silva went Sean Sanderson
keep the crowd entertained through- 6-2, 6-0. Ashen Silva beat Sanka Pakistan's national team will arrive in be played from July 24-28 at SSC grounds,
through some anxious moments 6-2, 6-2.
out the evening. (TBR) Athukorala 6-1, 7-5. Thehan Sri Lanka on July 9 while first two day Colombo.(D.R)
before overcoming a determined Thehan Wijemanne in action

Chameera ready First Ashes Test heading for thrilling finish Old Zahirians beat
for next Oman game Stuart Broad captured three
Old Trinitians
DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA team taking wickets as England reduced Aus-
Sri Lankan key paceman part in the tralia to 180 for five in pursuit of
281 runs, shortly before tea on the HAFIZ MARIKAR
Dushmantha Chameera who ICC Men’s In the Kandy District Cricket
has slight injury in his shoulder Cricket World fifth and final day of the first Ashes
Test continued at the Edgbaston Association - Super Tournament
expected to play next World Cup Qualifier Dushmantha match played at the Pallekelle Crick-
Cup qualifier cricket tourna- needs. Chameera Cricket Stadium in Birmingham
yesterday. et stadium Old Zahirians Cricket
ment fixture against Oman Accordingly left arm pace- Club beat Old Trinitians Sports
which scheduled to be held on man Dilshan Madushanka, leg Broad produced a hostile spell of
bowling and dismissed the night- Club three wickets yesterday. In this
23rd in Bulawayo. spinner Dunith Wellalage, and game Old Zahirians CC won the toss
According to the senior offi- all rounder Sahan Arachchige watchman Scott Boland following
his two wickets on the previous day, and elected to field and bowled out
cial of the team management will join the team in Bulawayo Old Trinitians SC for 116 runs in
Chameera had an injury in his on June 23. These three are the after the match had finally got
underway at 2.15 p.m. local time 35.2 over’s and in reply scored 120
last game against Afghanistan back up players for the team. If for 7 in 37.5 overs.
at Hambantota but he played any player will get injury one of due to a wet outfield.
However, opener Usman Khawaja Old Trinitians S.C. 116 all out in
that game in fine form but he this three players will replace 35.2 over’s - Rahal Amarasinghe 28,
wanted to get more rest for him, added senior official in held on determinedly and was bat-
ting on 54 along with Cameron Malith Rathnayake 17 not out,
recover and most probably he Bulawayo. Dilshan Madushka Upendra Warnakulasuriya 3/19,
will play next game against who bowled really well at the Green (21 n.o) with Australia still
needing 101 runs to win the match. Madushan Gunasinghe 3/19 and
Oman. Sri Lanka 'A' and South Africa Manaan Muzammil 3/20
Meanwhile Sri Lanka Cricket 'A' match series is in good form Chief scores
England: 393/8 decl and 273 Old Zahirians C.C. 120 for 7
yesterday announced that three while two bowling all rounders in 37.5 over’s - Shashika Viraj 54
players will be flown to Zimba- Wellalage and Sahan Arach-
Stuart Broad celebrates a Australia: 386 and 180/5 (Usman
dismissal Khawaja 54 n.o, David Warner 36, not out, Manaan Muzammil 14,
bwe to remain as ‘standby chige are also in good touch Aamil Anaz 3/20 and Jayavi
options" in case the national with bat and ball. Scott Boland 20, Cameron Green 21
n.o, Stuart Broad 3/42). C.D Liyanagama 1/08

Under 15 Div. 1 Inter Schools Cricket Royal skipper Thevindu scores second ton
Thevindu Wewelwala skipper of beat Revatha College Balapitiya by Tharupathi 60 n.o., Rohith ka Gunarathne 79, Himaru Deshan Perera 56, Hasindu Nuwan 41, Priyan
Royal College Colombo made second innings and 26 runs. Rusandu Silva of Paranthaman 21, T. Liyanage 36, Osinda Silva 28, Vihanga Silva 25, Thilakarathne 5/24)
ton in this season at the Under 15 divi- Prince of Wales College claimed 10 2/31) Methum Fernando 2/30) St. Joseph’s: 288/6 (44) (Yenula Dan-
sion 1 inter schools cricket tourna- wickets in the match. Yenula Dan- St. Thomas Kottte: + At Mt. Lavinia (Royal College thanarayana 104, Kavith Fernando 66,
ment. Royalsits Thevindu Wewelwala thanarayana of St. Joseph's College 182/7 (55) (Sadil Nethmika Colombo won on first innings) Dinudha Perera 47, Omal Perera 2/23)
and Sehadu Sooriyarachchi made cen- Colombo scored 104 runs against Pres- 55, Adeesh Kelab 39, Niroth Royal: 282/3 (44.2) (Sehadu Soor- + At Balapitiya (Prince of Wales Col-
turies against S. Thomas’ College Mt. ident's College Kotte. Jason 28, Kavisha Gimhana yarachchi 108 n.o., Thevindu Wewela- lege Moratuwa won by innings an d26
Lavinia. + At Galle (Richmond College Galle Thevindu Yenula Rusandu 20, Gautham Dayan 2/21) wala 101 n.o., Sahela Alawathugoda runs)
All-rounder Punal Hansajith steered won by innings and 59 runs) Wewelwala Danthanarayana Silva + At Kalutara (Holy 2/41) and 116/6 (18.3) (Tharul Abey- Revatha: 70 (22.3) (Rusandu Silva
Richmond College Galle against Amar- Amarasooriya: 54 (37.4) (Punal Cross College Kalutara won wardane 50, Chanith Kannangara 26, 4/7, Matheesha Aponso 4/13) and 92
asooriya College Meepawala by innings Hansajith 7/16, Tenura Dias 2/6) and + At Kotahena (St. Benedict’s Col- on first innings) Prabash Jayawickrame 3/10) (23.5) (Rusandu Silva 6/27, Matheesha
and 59 runs in their first round fixture. 89 (39.1) (Menuth Mehansa 41, Tenu- lege Kotahena won on first innings) Sri Sumangala Panadura: 135 S. Thomas’: 62 (33.4) (Ushitha Aponso 4/51)
Punal Hansajith showed good all-round ra Dias 5/7, Imalsha Udeera 2/7) St. Benedict’s: 202/6 d (29) (Dumeen (43.5) (Omindu Thewhan 22 n.o., Illeyperuma 3/9) Prince of Wales: 188/8 (29.4) (Sethi-
performances. He claimed 7 wickets Richmond: 202/2 (18) (Thraun Ari- Liyanarachchi 52, Buddhima Tharupathi Vihanga Silva 4/29, Osinda Silva + At Kotte (St. Joseph’s College ka Wijethunge 55, Nehan Anuhas 44,
for 16 runs and scored 50 runs. yarathne 78 n.o., Punal Hnasajith 50, 51, Aken Perera 32, Owen Reshan 22 2/18) Colombo won on first innings) Matheesha Aponso 32, Tharun Nimsara
Prince of Wales College Moratuwa Imalsha Udeera 33 n.o.) n.o.) and 112/4 d (11.4) (Buddhima Holy Cross: 226/4 (43) (Chamath- President’s: 172 (54.5) (Danthila 3/25, Lakindu Nisansala 2/20). (YK)

Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Wednesday, June 21, 2023
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISEMENTS page 17 DN
No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Hatton District Court of Welisara District Court of Tissamaharama

Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
District Court of Seramalai Sahul Hameed alias No Mohamad Hanifa Mohamad Faiz 25/23/T Antoninous Camillus alias Anton No Xavier Baptista Dayani T62 Nipunachcharige Jayadasa No Modara Liyanage Leelawathi,
Hatton Mohamad Hanifa No. 46/13, Bandaranayakapura, Ninous Camillus No. 460/36, Rajawaththa Terrace, No. 60/22, Palliyawaththa,
Case No : No. 46/13, Bandaranayakapura, Hatton. No. 33/4, Hekitta Road, Rajamawatha, Kotugoda. Tissamaharama.
T/773/2022 Hatton. Petitioner Wattala.
Date : 20.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Tissamaharama
Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Hatton Date : 02.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara

District Court of Vavuniya

District Court of Panadura District Court of Kalutara
Last date for filing of objections 10th day of July 2023
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 19th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
No. left Will No. left Will
T/23/23 Vaiththilinagam Balachandran, No Balachandran Makeshwari
970/T Mahathelge Sarath Ananda No Mahathelge Chandrika Malkanthi T-423 Maddumage Sumal Ravindra Yes Menerigamage Rajika Sanjeewani
No. 36, Anna Road, No. 36, Anna Road,
Peiris, No. 132/3, 4th Lane, Peiris, No.21/A, "Sriyawasa", Kumara Fernando of 57/1, Siri Perera of 57/1, Siri Niwasa Mawatha,
Pandarikkulam, Vavuniya. Pandarikkulam, Vavuniya.
Uyana Road, Lunawa, Moratuwa. Moratuwaththa, Galthude, Panadura. Niwasa Mawatha, Kalutara Kalutara North.
973/T Mahinda Daya Samarasundara No Jayawardana Mudiyanselage Date : 11.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Vavuniya
No. 20, Titus Gunathilaka Dhammika Madhura Kumari
Mawatha, Etambagoda, Jayawardana, No. 20, Titus Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kalutara
Panadura. Gunathilaka Mawatha, Etambagoda,
District Court of Kegalle
975/T Kalawila Withanage Freeda No Gamage Dona Sashika Madushani
Shanthi Karunatilleke alias No. 26/09, Kuruppu Mawatha, District Court of Welisara Last date for filing of objections 29th day of July 2023
Kalawila Withanage Shanthi Gorakapola, Panadura.
Freeda Karunatilleke alias Last date for filing of objections 11th day of August 2023 SCHEDULE
Kalawila Withanage Dona
Freeda Shanthi Gamage, No. SCHEDULE Column I Column II Column III Column IV
26/09, Kuruppu Mawatha,
Gorakapola, Panadura. Column I Column II Column III Column IV District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
Date : 06.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Panadura District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. left Will
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will T/311 Rajaguru Narayana Brahmana No Udagama Ralalage Priyanka Nishani
Panditha Mudiyanse Dilrukshi Udagama
10/23/T Mallawarachchige Don Indika No Gajaweera Arachchige Awanthi Ralahamilage Douglas Wegiriya, No. 10/1, Sangamita Road, Kandy,
Pushan Chaminda alias Mellawa Priyadarshika alias Gajaweera
District Court of Balapitiya Arachchige Don Indika Pushan Arachchilage Awanthi Priyadarshika
34, Broden Cres, Whitby Presently,
Ontario, Canada, 34, Broden Cres, Whitby Ontario,
Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023 Chaminda No.44/5, Major Lalaka Fernando Previously, No. 10/1, Sangamitta Canada.
No. 44/5, Major Lalaka Fernando Mawatha, Kapuwaththa, Ja-Ela. Road, Kandy.
Mawatha, Kapuwaththa, Ja-Ela.
Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara Date : 24.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kegalle
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will District Court of Mahara District Court of Panadura
T/28 Watawala Kankanamge Nirmala No Bomiriyage Don Janaka Prasad
Sudharshani Watala, Kumara Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of May 2023
No. 36B, Etawala, Induruwa. Meda Udumulla, Gonagalapura,
Induruwa. SCHEDULE
T/30 Walakada Gamage Chalet No Walakada Gamage Sugath
Gunawathi alias Walakada No. 135/2, Walakada, Metiwala, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Gamage Gunawathi Thelwatta. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 93, Walakada, Metiwala, Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Thelwatta. No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Hewawasam Kandaudage No Hewawasam Kandaudage Saman No. left Will
81/T Maha Hettige Dayananda No Maha Hettige Nipuni Sara
Balapitiya T/33 Sunny alias Hewawasan Kumara Hewawasam Hemasiri Abhayaratne Abhayaratne 950/T Alawaladewage Thamara Wijaya No Konnagodage Damith Silva
Kandaudage Sunny Sanani, Eriyagahadola, Batapola. 364/4, Jinasena Mawatha, 364/4, Jinasena Mawatha, Mahara, Lakshmi Siriwardena alias No. 462, Alubomulla,
Kotambe, Eriyagahadola, Mahara, Kadawatha. Kadawatha. Alawaladewage Thamara Wije Kuda Aruggoda.
Batapola. Lakshmi Siriwardena
Date : 03.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahara No. 462, Kuda Aruggoda,
Date : 30.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Balapitiya Alubomulla.

Date : 03.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Panadura

District Court of Welisara
District Court of Matara
Last date for filing of objections 09th day of August 2023
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023
SCHEDULE District Court of Tangalle
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Registration Deceased Deceased SCHEDULE
Registration Deceased Deceased No. left Will
No. left Will Column I Column II Column III Column IV
TS/02/2023 Edirisingha Dadimunige Thilina No Welihenage Chandi Prashadika De
TS 607 Chandra Wikramasinghe No Suduweli Kondage Thilanga Nishan Lakshan Madusanka Silva District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 10, 3rd Cross Road, Deshapriya No. 4/A, 2nd Lane, No. 4/A, 2nd Lane, Vishakawaththa, Registration Deceased Deceased
Walpola, Matara. No. 10, 3rd Cross Road, Walpola, Vishakawaththa, Ekala. Ekala. No. left Will
T 64 Widana Arachchige Wimal of : No Dinusha Shiromani Abeysooriya of
Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara Sannasige Watta, Mangala Sannasige Watta, Mangala Road,
Date : 04.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara Road, Beliatta Beliatta.

Date : 27.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Tangalle

District Court of Attanagalla
District Court of Bandarawela Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 District Court of Kuliyapitiya
SCHEDULE Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV SCHEDULE
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Registration Deceased Deceased Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Registration Deceased Deceased No. left Will
No. left Will 294/T Gunapala Nakandala, No Harsha Udaya Kumara Nakandala, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 304/6, 'Senasuma', Registration Deceased Deceased
T/159 Late : Aparekke Jayasundara No Aparekke Jayasundara
'Senasuma', No. 304/6, Pinnagolla Watta, No. left Will
Mudiyanselage Budhdhirathna Mudiyanselage Rochana Bandara
Bandara Samanala Furnitures, Balleketuwa. Pinnagolla Watta, Nittambuwa. 835/T Kahandawala Arachchilage No Kahandawala Arachchilage Chanaka
Nittambuwa. Ambepala Sampath
Date : 10.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Bandarawela 299/T Uthuwan Pathirannahalage Indra No Palitha Samarathunga Senarathna Rambawewa Road, Katupotha. 410, Boronia Road, Wantirna South,
Shrimathi Nalapahawaththta, Nalapaha, VIC 3152, Australia
Divulapitiya Lawful Power of Attorney :-
(Petitioner Husband) Abesinghage Ananda Wijesinghe
Sanasuma, Uyanwatta, Narammala.
District Court of Minuwangoda Date : 03.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Attanagalla
Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya
Last date for filing of objections 21st day of July 2023
District Court of Marawila District Court of Matara
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 19th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
136/ Jerome Michael Caldera alias No Yvonne Rosemary Bechmeyar alias Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Testamentary Jeremy Michael Caldera Yvonne Rosemary Bechmier alias Column I Column II Column III Column IV
200/E/25, Opatha, Kotugoda. Yvonne Rosemari Caldera alias District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Yvonne Rosemarie Caldera Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
200/E/25, Optha, Kotugoda. No. left Will No. left Will
137/T Muthukuda Arachchilage No Elamaldeniyalage Hemachandra 370/T Kamburugamuwe Lokuruge No Kurukulasooriya Busabadhuge TS612 Hakmana Liyanage No Dilum Kosala Palliyaguru
Piyaseeli Kusumawathie alias Gunathilaka alias Elamaldeniyalage Gamini Shirantha Rose Nimali Fernando Nandawathie alias Nandawathie No. 537, Mawatha Watta,
Muthukuda Arachchi Ralalage Hemachanda Gunathilaka 358/B, Church Road, 358/B, Hakmana Liyanage Thalaramba, Kamburugamuwa.
Piyaseeli Kusumawathie No. 20, Diklanda West, Wennappuwa. Church Road, No. 537, Mawatha Watta,
No. 20, Diklanda West, Mallawagedara. Wennappuwa. Thalaramba Kamburugamuwa.
Mallawagedara. 373/T/23 Hapan Pedige Dines Sanjeewa No Hapan Pedige Wijedasa or Hapan TS 613 Sonnanthara Santha Upul No Adambarage Nisha Tharangi de
Wijedasa Pedige Wijesena. Jayakodi, Alwis,
Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Minuwangoda No. 69/A, Ranaviru La/Ko No. 69/A, Mahawatta, Thalpavila, No. 17, Oddington Estate,
Anuradha Senavirathna Ranaviru La/Ko Anuradha Matara. Lindula.
Mawatha, Ihala Koswadiya, Senavirathna Mawatha,
Mahawewa. Ihala Koswadiya, Mahawewa.
Date : 03.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara
District Court of Gampaha Date : 10.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Marawila
Last date for filing of objections 19th day of July 2023
District Court of Matara
District Court of Kalutara Last date for filing of objections 21st day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 19th day of July 2023 SCHEDULE
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will SCHEDULE Column I Column II Column III Column IV
216/20/T Thalpe Liyanage Palitha No Senasige Wimalawathi Silva District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Registration Deceased Deceased
Dharmasiri, No. 248, Mahawatta No. 248, Mahawatta Mawatha,
Mawatha, Horagolla, Ganemulla. Horagolla, Ganemulla. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. left Will
226/23/T Purawedi Dewage Pushpa No Niyadandupola Dewage Anusha Registration Deceased Deceased TS 620 Samaraweera Patabandige Yes Soun Sorphy,
Kumara, 89/A, Ihalayagoda, Nilanthi Kumari, 89/A, Ihalayagoda, No. left Will Nimal Samaraweera, Maragahahenawatta,
Ganemulla. Ganemulla. T-439 Pubudumuni Nimal Keerthi De No Prabathara Hasithareka De Soyza Maragahahenawatta Talaramba, Tal Aramba,
Soyza No. 510, Thewatta Road, Kamburugamuwa. Kamburugamuwa.
Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Gampaha No. 66/9, 7th Lane, STF Road, Ragama.
Nagoda, Kalutara. Date : 20.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara

Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kalutara

District Court of Welisara District Court of Kandy
Last date for filing of objections 07th day of August 2023
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
SCHEDULE District Court of Kandy
Last date for filing of objections 17th day of July 2023 SCHEDULE
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant SCHEDULE
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. left Will Column I Column II Column III Column IV Registration Deceased Deceased
09/23/T Wijendra Arachchige Don Yes Palitha Wimal Sisira Wijerathne No. left Will
Aloysius Raymond alias No. 24/4/B, Linton Ground, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant DTS 26/23 Samarakoon Banda Yatiwawala No Weerasekara Mudiyanselage
Wijendracharige Don Aloysius Peralanda, Ragama. Registration Deceased Deceased alias Thilakarathne Rajakaruna Somalatha Weerasekara,
Raymond alias Don Alosius No. left Will Wasala Mudiyanse Ralahamilage No. 256,
Raymond alias Wijendracharige DTS 16/23 Nandana Sarath No Ranawana Wasala Mudiyanselage Vihare Walauwe Samarakoon Ranawana Road,
Don Aloysius Raymand, Kanangamaarachchi alias Deepika Nandanie Kumari Banda Yatiwawala alias Katugastota.
Wijendra Don Aloysius Raymond Kanangama Arachchi Nandana Ranawana Thilakarathne Rajakaruna
alias Don Aloysius Raymond Sarath Kanangamaarachchi alias No. 467/2, Inigala Para, Wasala Mudiyanse Ralahamilage
alias Don Aloysius Raymond Nandana Sarath Kanangama Katugastota. Vihare Walauwe Samarakoon
Wijendra Arachchi, Bandayatiwawala,
No. 3/98, Negombo Road, No. 467/2, Inigala Para, No. 256, Ranawana Road,
Kandana. Katugastota. Katugastota.

Date : 03.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara Date : 15.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy Date : 24.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
DN page 18 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Nugegoda District Court of Horana District Court of Kandy

Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of July 2023 - 30th day of July 2023


Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
T/1083/18 Sadapali Hewa Madduma alias No Janaki Ruwanmalee Rajapaksha T/4395/23 Thanaweera Arachchige Ajith No Karunawelli Malwewe Gedara Dulani DTS 36/23 Raja Senanayaka No Sanath Janaka Gunawardhana
Sadapali Sandanayake, nee Hewamadduma, Sirikumara Priyangika Malwewa Gunawardhana No. 39, 1st Lane,
No. 10/2, No. 9/3C, Perera Mawatha, of No. 43, 18th Lane, of No. 43, 18th Lane, No. 39, 1st Lane, Dangolla, Kandy.
Wijayaba Mawatha, Divulpitiya, Boralesgamuwa. Dikhenapura, Horana. Dikhenapura, Horana. Dangolla, Kandy.
Kalubowila, Dehiwala.
T/1084/18 Amara Hewa Madduma, No Janaki Ruwanmalee Rajapaksha Date : 19.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Horana Date : 18.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
No. 10/2, Wijayaba Mawatha, (Hewamadduma)
Kalubowila, Dehiwala. No. 9/3C, Perera Mawatha,
Divulpitiya, Boralesgamuwa.
District Court of Mahara
T/1396/2021 Damayanthi Muramudalige nee No Jayasiri Amaradasa Muramudalige District Court of Gampaha
Boralugoda. No. 53/16 - 1/1, Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023
No. 53/16 - 1/1, Old Kottawa Road, Last date for filing of objections 19th day of July 2023
Old Kottawa Road, Mirihana, Nugegoda.
Mirihana, Nugegoda. SCHEDULE
T/1456/21 Batagoda Gamage Jagath Yes Thalawattalage Chaminda Denzil
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Batagoda Kumarasiri
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 12B, Asiri Uyana, Temple 226/A/1, Parakrama Mawatha, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Road, Katuwawala, Neelammahara, Boralesgamuwa. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Registration Deceased Deceased
Boralesgamuwa. Registration Deceased Deceased No. left Will
T/1651/22 Liyanage Don Ashoka No Senadheerage Dona Hemalatha No. left Will 58/T Amarathunga Arachchige Akwi No Ivy Mertle Jayasinghe,
Krishnarathne, 228/1, Dhammarathana Rd, T/199/2022 Dadayakkara Dewage Dhanasiri No Hennayaka Mudiyanselage Milani Dunston Dias Amarathunga, No. 183, Church Road, Gonawala.
228/1, Dhammarathana Rd, Madiwela, Kotte. Wickramasinghe, Gayoma Menike, No. 183, Church Road,
Madiwela, Kotte. No. 76/A/3, No. 76/A/3, Gonawala.
T/1699/22 Cyril Perera Rupasinghe, No Iamali Shiroma Rupasinghe, Shanthi Mawatha, Shanthi Mawatha,
No. 58/15, No. 58/15, Aluthgama Bogamuwa, Aluthgama, Date : 24.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahara
Suhada Mawatha, Suhada Mawatha, Yakkala. Bogamuwa, Yakkala.
Thalapathpitiya Road, Thalapathpitiya Road, 224/23/T Galgamuwa Karavitage No Dissanayaka Arachchige Miuri
Nugegoda. Nugegoda. Thilakarathna Gunawardana, Dissanayake,
T/1709/22 Hewawasan Puwakpitiyage Yes 1. Dedduwa Jayathungage Sunil No. 208, Thammita, No. 208, Thammita, District Court of Kandy
Last date for filing of objections 29th day of June 2023
Chandrawathi nee Hewawasam No. 1, 2nd Lane, Badowita Makavita. Maketiva.
Puwakpitiyage Chandrawathi Mount Lavinia. 225/23/T Ajith Prishantha Jayasinghe, No Niluka Milani Wanigasekara
No. 01, 2nd Lane, Badowita, 2. Dedduwa Jayathungage Nihal No. 219, Colombo Road, No. 219, Colombo Road,
Mount Lavinia. No. 466/2A, Weera Mawatha, Gampaha. Gampaha. SCHEDULE
Depanama, Pannipitiya. T/232/2023 Wanniaratchige Upali No Wanniaratchige Senali Koshila
T/1742/23 Migulthanne Kariyawasamge No Migulthanne Dayaratne Leelananda Fonseka, Fonseka, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Charles and Senarath Parana Kariyawasam, No. 52/19, No. 52/19, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Yapage Leelawathi No. 453, Kotte Road, Radawana Road, Yakkala. Radawana Road, Yakkala. Registration Deceased Deceased
No. 161, Pagoda Road, Pitakotte. No. left Will
Pitakotte. Date : 03.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Gampaha DTS 32/23 Rankoth Gedera Jayarathna No Welikande Gedera Prema,
T/1758/23 Withana Pathirana Udaya No Geethanjali Jayasooriya alias Rankothgedera Jayarathna, No. 116, Mapanawathura,
Rohana alias Withana No. 15, Veediyabandara Road, No. 116, Mapanawathura, Kandy.
Pathiranage Udaya Rohana alias Godigamuwa, Maharagama. Kandy.
Udaya Rohana Withana
District Court of Homagama
Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
No. 15, Veediyabandara Road, Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023
Godigamuwa, Maharagama.
T/1781/23 Sanjeeva Pradeep No Shelreen Judith
Abeygunawardena, Abeygunawardena,
No. 14/6, No. 14/6, Naga Vihara Road, District Court of Kegalle
Naga Vihara Road, Kotte. Kotte. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 29th day of July 2023
T/1783/23 Pattiyawaththage Kaushalya Yes Senarathna Mudalige Yasantha District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Chamara Samarasingha alias Harindra, Registration Deceased Deceased
Pattiya Waththage Kaushalya No. 38, Salawa Road, No. left Will SCHEDULE
Chamara Perera Samarasinghe, Ambuldeniya, Nugegoda. 22482/T Thilak Ananda Chandrasekara Yes Pradeep Jayampathi Senarathna
No. 45, Weva Road, No. 45/8A, No. 56/5, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Maharagama. Pragathi Mawatha, Asiri Mawatha, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
T/1787/23 Warnakulasuriya Oswatta No Makandalage Sarath Perera alias Rukmale, Pannipitiya. Kalubowila, Dehiwala. Registration Deceased Deceased
Liyanage Sadna Pium Perera Makalandage Sarath Perera alias 22262/T Kandaih Mahendran No Wasala Thanthrige Manori Chamini No. left Will
No. 215/21A, Ela Ivura South Sarath Makalanda, of No. 128/8/2, Perera alias Wasala Thanthrige T/308/23 Muhandiram Ralalage Shantha Yes Lokurajasekerage Manoj Prasanga
Road, Divulpitiya, No. 215/21A, Rattanapitiya, Makulugahawatta 2nd Lane, Manori Chamini Perera alias Wasala Pinnawala, Rajasekera
Boralesgamuwa. Boralesgamuwa. Hiripitiya, Pannipitiya. Thanathirige Manori Chamini Perera No. A/4/2, Pinnawala, H214, Paragammana, Kegalle.
T/1797/23 Bandula Sarath Biyanwila, Yes Manori Imalka Samarasinghe No. 128/8/2, Makulugahawatta, Rambukkana
No. 10, Mahamegawatta, No. 10, Mahamegawata, 2nd Lane, Hiripitiya, Pannipitiya.
Maharagama. Maharagama. 22414/TS Madapathage Malani No Kanattage Upul Kumarasiri Date : 02.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kegalle
Petitioner No. 59/1, Mullegama,
T/1805/2023 Shriyani Hewa Gajanayake alias No Merinnage Shithila Maduthilina Homagama.
Shriyani Hewa Gajanayake, Costa alias Merinnage Shithila T/21130/2021 Don Sanjaya Kumarapeli No Pille Liyana Arachchige Chamila
No. 226/2, Maduthilina Costa, Senanayake, Sajeewani, District Court of Dambulla
Dambahena Road, No. 226/2, Dambahena Road, No. 76/12, 18th Lane, No. 76/12, 18th Lane,
Maharagama. Maharagama.
Last date for filing of objections 29th day of July 2023
Niyadagala, Pannipitiya, Niyadagala, Pannipitiya.
T/1806/23 Ayththappulige Mahinda No Ayththappulige Chithra Irangani T/22184/2022 Gallangodage Karunathilake No Gallangodage Gayani Iroshini
No. 336/5/B, No. 336/5/B, No. 83/6, Karunathilake, SCHEDULE
Erewwala, Pannipitiya. Erewwala, Pannipitiya. Ruhunu Mawatha, No. 72/9,
T/1807/23 Weerarathna Patabendige No Appu Hennadi Thotahewage Bangalawatta, Kottawa. Library Lane, Maharagama. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Sarath Abeydheera Chandrani Mallika, 22498/TS Hewage Kamani Susantha No Hewage Denzil Lakshman Dabare District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 39, Centerbury Drive, No. 94/8A, Borella Road, Dabare No. 128/07, Mabulgoda, Registration Deceased Deceased
Willitton, Western Australia, Depanama, Pannipitiya. Pannipitiya No. left Will
Australia. Petitioner
T 24 Herath Mudiyanselage No Premachandra Disanayaka
T/1808/23 Kahanawita Gama Ethi Ralalage No Kahanawita Gama Ethi Ralalage Kendawala Gedara Jayantha Mudiyanselage Pahala Gedara Githa
Wimalarathna Dharmawardhana Harsha Kumara Dharmawardhana Ariyawansha Bandara Kumari Disanayaka
No. 22, Mahamegarama Road, No. 22, Mahamegarama Road, Date : 12.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Homagama No. 85C, Lenadora, Matale.
Maharagama. Maharagama.
T/1809/23 O.K. Mahinda Gunasekara No O.K. Buddhika Gunasekara Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Dambulla
No. 40/7, (Old No. 48/42) No. 40/7A, Wimalawatta Road,
Wimalawatta Road, 6th Lane, Nugegoda.
6th Lane, Nugegoda. District Court of Negombo
1810/2023 Kalu Arachchige Nadeeka No Upula Dharmapriya Dahanayake, Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023 District Court of Matara
Malkanthi Samarasinghe alias No. 152/06, Jambugasmulla
Kalu Arachchige Nadeeka Mawatha, Nugegoda. Last date for filing of objections 21st day of July 2023
Malkanthi Dahanayake, SCHEDULE
No. 152/06, Jambugasmulla SCHEDULE
Mawatha, Nugegoda. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
T/1811/23 Kaluarachchige Kusuma No Kalu Arachchige Nandawathie, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 32/2, Kottawa Road, No. 283/31, Old Kottawa Road, Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
Petitioner No. left Will
1655/T Denis Charles Edward Liyo Not left a Will Walgampalage Doty Mary Shrimathi
T/1812/2023 Ronald Patrick White alias Yes Lenin Christopher White and Ruth Vanderput alias Denis Chales Silva alias Walagampalage Doty TS 606 Lokusatu Hewage Dayananda No Lokusatu Hewage Chandralatha
Patrick Ronald White Cleopatra White both of Edward Liyo Vanderput alias Mary Shrimathii Vanderput alias No. 16, Paramulla Cross Rd., No. 16, Sunali, Polkiripitiya,
No. 25/2, Shalawa Road, No. 25/2, Shalawa Road, Denis Liyo Vanderput alias Doty Mary Shrimathi Silva Thotamuna, Matara. Hakmana.
Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. Denis Charles Edward Liyo No. 123, Temple Road, Negombo.
Vander Put Date : 30.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara
Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nugegoda No. 123, Temple Road,
1659/T Colombage Antony Silva No Colombage Mary Matilda Silva
No. 343, Samagi Mawatha, No. 343/3, Samagi Mawatha,
District Court of Ratnapura Kurana, Katunayake. Kurana, Katunayake. District Court of Jaffna
Last date for filing of objections 05th day of July 2023 1667/T Panambarage Donald Fonseka No Panambarage Lakshitha Udeeptha Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023
No. 96/4A, Colombo Road, Fonseka
Negombo. No. 96/4A, Colombo Road,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Date : 11.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
No. left Will
Jaffna District Mylvaganam Yogarasa (Ambika No Amirthini - Widow of Kesavan
2381 Madarasinghage Yes Madarasinghage Lalith Gunarathna
Siriwardanahami Nivithigala Vilehena Wattehena, Delwala,
District Court of Kesbewa Court Store, Karadippokku, (Muththaddu Mada Lane, Kondavil
Testamentary Kilinochchi) West, Kondavil)
Halkandaliya Indikadullage Nivithigala. Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023 Case No.
Date : 10.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Ratnapura SCHEDULE
Date : 28.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Jaffna
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court of Welisara Registration Deceased Deceased District Court of Moratuwa
No. left Will
Last date for filing of objections 07th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
534/T/2023 Loku Adassuriyage Don Sumal No Virjini Rasika Berhardt
Keerthisiri No. 17/1, Hadigama,
SCHEDULE No. 17/1, Hadigama, Piliyandala. SCHEDULE
Column I Column II Column III Column IV 535/T/23 Gamlath Kankanamalage No Illeperuma Achchige Kalyani Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Dinesh Chandrakumara Thamarangani Wijesinghe
No. 73, Ela Pahala Road, Gunarathna, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Gorakapitiya, No. 73, Ela Pahala Road,
Piliyandala. Gorakapitiya, Piliyandala. No. left Will
11/23/T Wedama Sthriyage Jesmin No Withanage Nirmal Asanka Silva, 1047/2023/DTS Seetha Iranganie De Silva Yes Diluksha Ian De Silva
536/T Kudakankanamalage Don No Jinaseeli Kusuma Gunarathna,
Ranjani Silva alias Wedama No. 12, Kurukulawa, Ragama. No. 58/3/1A, Borupana Road, No. 41/3, 6th Lane, Rawathawatta,
Piyadasa No. 272, Wimal Perera Mawatha,
Sriyage Jesmin Ranjani Silva Ratmalana. Moratuwa.
No. 272, Wimal Perera Mawatha, Kesbewa, Piliyandala.
alias Wedamasthrige Ranjani
Kesbewa, Piliyandala.
Jesmin Silva alias
T/537/2023 Gammanpilage Noris No Desinghe Pathirannehelage Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moratuwa
Wedamesthrige Jesmin Ranjini
Silva alias Wedama Sthrige No. 128, Ariyawathi Dias
Jesmin Ranjani Silva Prabuddha Mawatha No. 128, Prabuddha Mawatha,
No. 46/02/A, St. Bernedeth (formerly Kulatunga Mawatha) Mampe, Piliyandala.
Mawatha, Rilaulla, Kandana. Mampe, Piliyandala. District Court of Batticaloa
538/T Gamage Don Leelarathna also No Gamage Dona Kalyani Somalatha Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023
Date : 12.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara known as Leelarathna Gamage No. 30/B/1,
No. 50, 'Chandrani' Jaburaliya, Madapatha.
Jaburaliya, Madapatha. SCHEDULE
539/T Gamage Upali Piyathissa No Kudarathnage Somawathi Silva,
District Court of Negombo No. 283/A, Dewala Road, No. 283/A, Dewala Road, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Batakaththara, Piliyandala. Batakaththara, Piliyandala. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023 Registration Deceased Deceased
Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kesbewa No. left Will
SCHEDULE T/1366/2022 Kumarasamy Kathaher, No Mrs. Suthakari Kathaher
No. 23/2, Mamangam Road,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Koolavadi, Batticaloa.
District Court
Name and Address of
Name and Address of Applicant District Court of Panadura Date : 28.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Batticaloa
No. left Will Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
TS 1614 Kalubowilage Roland Lakdasa No Malkankanamalage Dulip Ogastas
Ranjan Perera De Silva. SCHEDULE
No. 150A, No. 12, Wijayapala District Court of Walapane
Temple Road, Mendis Mawatha, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Udayarthoppuwa, Negombo. Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023
Negombo. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
1662/T Ganegedara Weerasuriya, No Ganegedara Dinesh Suranga, No. left Will
No. 48, Seeduwa South, No. 48, Seeduwa South, 965/T Konnagodage Gnanasiri Silva No Konnagodage Damith Silva
Seeduwa. Seeduwa. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
alias Kottagodage Gnanasiri No. 462, Kuda Aruggoda,
1458/TS Devarasa Devakumar Yes Devakumar Vinodkumar Silva, No. 462, Kuda Aruggoda, Alubomulla. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 99J/12, alias Thevakumar Vinodkumar Alubomulla. Registration Deceased Deceased
Nicholas Marcus Mawatha, No. 99/J 13, 977/T Gamini Dias Edirisinghe No Dona Wishanthi Gunarathna alias No. left Will
Kadolkele, Negombo. Nicholas Marcus Mawatha, Kodithuwakku Dona Wishanthi Gunarathna T/23 Kandhasamy Sivakanthan No Chandrasegaram Mageshwary
Kadolkele, Negombo. "Kanthi", Wanduramulla, Kodithuwakku No. 05 A, St. Margret Estate, No. 05 A, St. Margret Estate,
Panadura. "Kanthi", Wanduramulla, Panadura. Udapussellawa. Udapussellawa.

Date : 16.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Panadura Date : 28.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Walapane
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISEMENTS page 19 DN
No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Colombo District Court of Kaduwela District Court of Galle

Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will
No. left Will
DTS 02/23 Rohan De Silva No Thusith Malindra De Silva 816/T Boralu Godage Aron Ariyadasa No Samudra Buddhika Boralugoda
T/756 Dodangoda Don Amaraweera No Amarasiri Matarage Nandawathi
No. F 1/1, Bambalapitiya Flats, No. 599M, Lieutenant Asoka alias Ariyadasa Boralugoda alias No. 256/02, Habarakada,
Wickramarathne alias alias Matarage Nanda Amarasiri
Bambalapitiya. Mawatha, Pelawatta, Battaramulla. Ariyadasa Boralugoda Homagama.
Dodangodage Don Amaraweera "Mela", Hiribura Road, Karapitiya,
Petitioner No. 02/256, Habarakada,
Wickramarathne, Galle.
DTS/04/23 Nissanka Guptila Rohan Yes Deshan Sanjaya Karunaratne Homagama.
"Mela", Hiribura Road,
Karunaratne No. 40/25, Lake Gardens, Rajagiriya. 849/T/2022 Dewalamullage Prasanna No Kimmanthuda Ralalage Yasodhya Karapitiya, Galle.
And now Prabhath Perera Erangani Perera
No. 08, Pondwick Road, Harpenden, No. 161/1, Nelum Mw., No. 161/1, Nelum Mw., Hokandara Date : 30.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Galle
Herts, AL5 2HG, United Kingdom. Hokandara South, Hokandara. South, Hokandara.
Colombo Pannilage Don Ananda Yes Atapattu Liyanaralage Bandumathi 925/T/22 Don Pediris Kalugamage No Dayawathi Senanayake
District Court Karunathilake Karunathilake Weerasinghe alias Weerasin No. 162/8, Kaduwela Road,
No. DTS 23/23 "Sirimedura" No. 288/8 W1,
Royal Gardens, U.N.
"Sirimedura", No. 288/8 W1, Royal
Gardens, U.N. Gunasekera
Kalugamage Don Pediris alias
Don Pediris Kalugamage, No.
Malabe. District Court of Kandy
Gunasekara Mawatha, Mawatha, Rajagiriya. 162/8, Kaduwela Road, Malabe. Last date for filing of objections 29th day of June 2023
Rajagiriya. District Court : Wannakuwatta Waduge Lalantha No Indrani Sudusinghe
DTS/34/23 Maliboda Damma Siddhi Yes Weeragoda Gnana of Sri Lankarama Kaduwela Suramya Fernando No. 16, Metta Gamunu Lane, SCHEDULE
of Sri Lankarama Maha Maha Viharaya, No.55, Lesley Testamentary No. 16, Metta Gamunu Lane, Subhuthipura, Battaramulla.
Viharaya, No.55, Lesley Ranagala Mawatha, Borella, No : 970/T/2022 Subhuthipura, Battaramulla.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Ranagala Mawatha, Borella, Colombo 08. 988/T Wijayarathna Mudiyanselage No Wijayarathna Mudiyanselage Dilini
Colombo 08. Hector alias Wijerathna Nilanka District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court of Thahir Mohamed Fazeel, No Mohamed Sha Hamza Mohamed Mudiyanselage Hector No.106/E/8, Arangapolawatta, Registration Deceased Deceased
Colombo No. 56, 42 Lane, Wellawatta, Ibraim, No. 56, 42 Lane, Wellawatta, No. 112/D/1, Welivita, Kaduwela. Welivita, Kaduwela. No. left Will
Case No. Colombo 06. Colombo 06. 995/T Prianca Damascene Perera No Menik Anne Perera DTS 22/2023 Victor Oswin White Left Last Will Jeanniemarie Anne White alias
DTS 26/23 No. 30/15E, Perera Garden, No. 30/15E, Perera Garden, 403, Udugama, Ampitiya. Jeannie Marie Anne White alias
DTS 33/23 Sidath Mahendra Nagahawatte No Sarindu Kanishka Wijethilake Pelawatte, Battaramulla. Pelawatte, Battaramulla. Jeannie - Marie Anne White,
No. 140/4, Wathuraboda Road, No. C 3/2, Elvitigala Flats, Elvitigala 1007/T Dikhenage Amarasena Yes 1. Kumbalathara Arachchige Melroy Yoosuf "Norvil"
Naranpola, Dekatana. Mawatha, Colombo 08. No. 24, Perakum Mawatha, Clement Perera, No. 693, Sri 403, Udugama, Ampitiya.
District Court of Sockanathan Brabaharan No Manini Brabaharan of No. 197/A, 197 Jayanthipura, Battaramulla. Subhuthi Mawatha, Battaramulla.
Colombo of No. 197A, 197, 4th Cross 4th Cross Street, Colombo 11. 2. Sumithra Arachchige Dona Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
Case No. DTS Street, Colombo 11. - Petitioner - Shironi Udeshika, No. 693, Sri
53/22 Subhuthi Mawatha, Battaramulla.
District Court Edrian Rodney Mathew No Indika Nalindra Mathew 1009/T/2023 Dinayadura Wickramapala No Dinayadura Charitha Jayakelum
Case No. DTS No. 7/3, Isipathana Mawatha, Gunaramapala Wickramapala, 1180/2, Rajamalwatta District Court of Kandy
56/23 Colombo 05. 1180/2, Rajamalwatta Road, Road, Battaramulla.
Battaramulla. Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023
DTS-00065-23 Dadimuni Saminda Silva No Withthachchi Koralage Anne
No. 81, Kotahena Street, Claudine Lakmali Fernando District Court : Priyantha Liyanage No Nawarathna Panditha Wasala
Kotahena, Colombo 13. No. 81, Kotahena Street, Kotahena, Kaduwela After Marriage Senanayake Bandaralage Vernon Kithsiri SCHEDULE
Colombo 13. Testamentary Senanayake
DTS 66/20 Sivanoo Wickneswaran No Chandramohan Sri Chandrapriya No : No. 112D, Kahanthota Road, Malabe. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 144, Shanthi Road, Hendala, No. 144, Shanthi Road, Hendala, 1010/T/2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Wattala. Wattala. T/1011/23 Denali Cherrie Wickrama Sekara Yes Chenali Wickrama Sekara Registration Deceased Deceased
DTS 85/23 Dr Ganesh Visvendra Ratnam of Yes Lanka Devi Ratnam of No. 20, No. 222, Amma Thaththa No. 222, Amma Thaththa Niwasa, No. left Will
No. 20, Barnes Place, Barnes Place, Colombo 07. Niwasa, Diyawanna Gardens Diyawanna Gardens Road,
Road, Pelawatta, Battaramulla. Pelawatta, Battaramulla. D.T.S. 29/23 Abdul Majeed Mohamed Thahir No Abdul Majeed Muhammadu Sapeer,
Colombo 07. Fasee, No. 663, Sirimavo Bandaranayake
DTS 00086/23 Fazle Hussain Allibhoy alias No Fazle Hussain Taher alias Pajle 1012/T Thanthrige Don Shelton Silva No Sunila Priyangani Wickramarathne No. 663, Sirimavo Mawatha, Kandy.
Fazle Husain Mulla Allibhoy alias Hussain Taher of Colombo 6, No. 177/1, Kothalawala, No. 177/1, Kothalawala, Kaduwela. Bandaranayake Mawatha,
Allibhoy Pajle Hussain alias Kirulapone, Mahinda Place, No. 43. Kaduwela. Kandy.
Pajle Hussain Mulla Alli Bhoy 1014/T Welagedara Arachchige Leela No Gabadage Lalith Chaminda Jayalal
alias Pajle Hussain alias Fazle Bandara No. 424, Korothota North, Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
Hussain Allibhoy of No. 424, Korothota North, Kaduwela.
Colombo 6, Kirulapone, Mahinda Kaduwela.
Place, No. 43. 1015/T Undugodage Sirimathie Susila No Piyasena Wijesiri Pathirana
DTS 88/23 Nimal Ranjith Senarathna No Chameera Dilhan Senarathna Pathirana nee Perera No. 242E, Pannipitiya Road,
Central Beach Inn No. B 65/206, National Housing No. 242E, Pannipitiya Road, Thalawathugoda.`
District Court of Kandy
Udupila, Mirissa. Scheme, Crow Island, Colombo 15. Thalawathugoda. Last date for filing of objections 29th day of August 2023
DTS/91/23 Veerasundaram Kunasunderam No Lakshmi Kunasunderam 1017/T Kankanige Nandasiri No Gode Liyanage Samantha
alias Veerasundaram (Sunderalingam maiden name) No. 319/09, Sirinanda Nanayakkara SCHEDULE
Gunasunderam Jothikarama Road, No. 319/09, Sirinanda Jothikarama
DTS 92/23 Wickramasinghe Arachchige Yes Wickramasinghe Arachchige Rohan Thalawathugoda. Road, Thalawathugoda.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Kulasena Sisira Suranga 1018/T Munasin Arachchige Piyasena Nil Hiran Prasanna Munasin Arachchi
No. G/G/04, 2nd Stage, 117 No. G/G/04, 2nd Stage, 117 Waththa No. 13/2, Pasel Mawatha, No. 662/1, Athurugiriya Rd., Kottawa, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Waththa Housing Scheme, Housing Scheme, Elvitigala Road, Matara. Pannipitiya. Registration Deceased Deceased
Elvitigala Road, Colombo 08. Colombo 08. No. left Will
DTS/93/2023 Nelum Sushanthi Vithanage No Uthkarsha Tekindi Paranagama Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kaduwela DTS 13/23 Gamaralalage Chulani Thusitha No Wee badde Weerakoon Mudiyansele
alias Nelum Sushanthi No. 20/3, 02nd Lane, Madawelikada Kumari Premasingha Dammika Bandara Maddegoda alias
Paranagama Road, Rajagiriya. No. 51, Mathale Road, Wee badde Weerakoon
No. 22, 04th Lane, Rathmalana. Ambatenna. Mudiyanselage Dhammika Bandara
DTS 94/23 Keragala Arachchige Yes Keragala Arachchige Milani Dilrukshi
District Court of Moratuwa Maddegoda
No. 51, Mathale Road, Ambatenna.
Chandrasekara of 5B/21/6, No. 426/20A, Malwatta, Gothatuwa, Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
National Housing Scheme, Angoda.
Mattegoda, Polgasowita. Date : 08.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
District Court of Ramasamy Nadesan Without a Suganthimala Nadesan
Colombo No. 24/5/1, De Vos Avenue, Last Will No. 127-4/4, St. James Street, Aluth
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Case No. Colombo 04. Mawatha, Colombo 15.
DTS00099/23 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court of Bandarawela
DTS 101/23 Vasantha Kumara Yes Ishani Dipa Sinnaduray Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023
Wickramasinghe, No. 12, No. 183 1/1, Fife Road, Colombo 05.
Galpotta, 2nd Lane, Nawala, 997/22/T Rohan Hector Anthony No Lilibeth Nirmali Fernando
Rajagiriya. Fernando, (nee Mendis) SCHEDULE
DTS 106/23 Kumarasiri Hirimuthugoda, No. No Makawitage Rukmani Perera No. 04, No. 04, Sri Rathanajoth Mawatha,
403, Mullewatta Road, No. 403, Mullewatta Road, Sri Rathanajothi Mawatha, Katubedda, Moratuwa. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Gothatuwa, Angoda. Gothatuwa, Angoda. Katubedda, Moratuwa.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
DTS 109/23 Hettiyadura Patrick Asela Silva No Ranmuk Gedera Chandrani Lalitha 1041/T Godakanda Arachchige Yes Ileperuma Achchige Swarnaseeli Registration Deceased Deceased
No. 54/1, Joseph Dias Road, Samarawardena Silva Mahindapala, Perera No. left Will
Colombo 15. No. 54/1, Joseph Dias Road, No. 40, Mola Para, No. 53/1, Palagama Para,
PRO/160 Late. Senadheera Yes Nawarathna Mudiyanselage
Colombo 15. Katubedda, Moratuwa. Undurugoda, Polgasowita.
Pathirannehellage Piyadasa, Wickramapala,
DTS 111/23 Priyantha Rajkumar Paulinus Yes Chamath Jayasekara 1042/T Alankarage Sarath Ignesius No Alankarage Prishanthi Anecia Silva Sigiri Theatre, Market Road, Sigiri Niwasa,
Perera, No. 18/176C, 1st Cross No. 18, Dewala Lane, Silva alias Sarath Silva (Priest) alias Alankarage Prishanthi Ancia Bandarawela. Market Road, Bandarawela.
Road, E.D. Dabare Mawatha, Alakeshwara Road, Ethul Kotte. De Masserened Homes, Silva,
Narahenpita, Colombo 05. Mattakkuliya. No. 26/1/B, Peiris Mawatha, Date : 16.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Bandarawela
DTS 112/23 Violet Karunanayake No Gamage Disna Lilanthi Werahara
No. 414/9, Baseline Road, No. 414/9, Baseline Road, 1044/T Rosemary Olivia Fonseka alias No Hewafonsekage Joseph Charles
Dematagoda, Colombo 09. Dematagoda, Colombo 9. Rosemary Olivia alias Fonseka,
Lindamulage Rosemary Olivia No. 81/B, De Soysa Road,
DTS 113/23 Ranjeevan Seevaratnam Yes Minerva Dushyanthi Seevaratnam De Silva Wijayaratne alias Rawathawatte, Moratuwa. District Court of Badulla
No. 19-4/6, Station Court, 19, No. 19-4/6, Station Court, 19, Station Lindamulage Rosemary Olivia
Station Road, Colombo 06. Road, Colombo 06. De Silva Wijeratne alias
Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023
DTS 114/23 Kumbukage Dammitha Deepthi No Hapuarachchige Shyamalee Felicia Lindamulage Rose Mary Olivia
Seneviratne (also known as Seneviratne Fonseka (L.R.M.O. Fonseka) SCHEDULE
Kumbukage Dammika Deepthi No. 24, Boteju Road, Colombo 05. alias Lindamulage Rosemary De
Seneviratne) Silva Wijeratne (L.R.D.S. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 24, Boteju Road, Wijeratne) alias Lindamulage
Colombo 05. Rosemary Olivia Fonseka District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
(L.R.O. Fonseka). Registration Deceased Deceased
DTS 116/23 Loku Kumarage Ratnawathie Yes Padmini Thilekeratne alias Padmini No. left Will
Kumarawansa Asoka Thilakeratne 13, Ringwood East, Scenic
No.215 F3/1, Anderson Flats, No. 56, Leonard's Rise, Orpington Avenue, Australia. T/337 Habeebu Muhammadu No Mohamed Ali Mohamed Farzan,
Park Road, Colombo 05. BR6 9NB United Kingdom. VIC 3135 Muhammad Abubakkar No. 62,
Formerly "Siri Medura", Case No. 1048/ H. Chandrika Peiris or No Mahadingiri Mahapatabendige No. 62, Bazzar Street,
Weligamuwa, Rambukkana DTS Hennedige Chandrika Peiris or Indrasiri Fernando or Mahadingiri Bazzar Street, Badulla.
Appearing by her Attorney Loku Hennadige Chandrika Peiris, Mahapatabendige Indrasiril Badulla.
Kumarage Prasanna Dilshan No. 151/11, 8th Lane, Fernando,
Kumarawansa, No. 215F3/1, Uyana Road, No. 151/11, 8th Lane, Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Badulla
Anderson Flats, Park Road, Lunawa, Moratuwa. Uyana Road, Lunawa, Moratuwa.
Colombo 05.
District Court : Veluppillai Karunogaran Yes Thilagawathy Karunagaran 1050/2023/DTS Jagath Gerard Renuka Yes Anjalee Wickramathilake
Colombo No. 28, Alexandra Road, In marriage certificate name Ponnamperuma alias Jagath No. 16/6, 'Angela',
Testamentary Colombo 06. mentioned as Kanagasabai Renuka Gerard Ponnamperuma, Sri Medhananda Road,
District Court of Mahara
No : DTS Thilagawathy alias Kanagasabai No. 16/6, 'Angela,' Sri off De Mel Road, Laxapathiya, Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023
119/2023 Thilaganwathy alias Karunagaran Medhananda Road, Moratuwa.
Thilaganwathy off De Mel Road,
No. 28, Alexandra Road, Colombo Laxapathiya, Moratuwa. SCHEDULE
06. 1051/23/DTS Muthuthanthrige Anoma No Kulathunga Hetti Arachchige Ashan
District Court of Saverimuthu Alfred Joseph Without Last 1. Rosaline Alfred Joseph, No. 54, Samanthi Fernando, Rasanga, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Colombo DTS No. 54, Macos Buleward, Will Macos Buleward, Toronto, No. 43/4, Sobadaham Pedesa, No. 43/4, Sobadaham Pedesa, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
202/22 Toronto, Ontariyo, Canada. Ontariyo, M1K 5A9, Canada. Egodauyana, Moratuwa. Egodauyana, Moratuwa. Registration Deceased Deceased
2. Carmelin Shiyamini Joseph 1052/DTS/2023 Telge Maheshini Surangi Peiris, No Telge Heshani Surangika Peiris, No. left Will
No. 54, Macos Buleward, Toronto, No. 7, 8th Lane, Rawathawatta, No. 7, 8th Lane,
Ontariyo, M1K 5A9, Canada. 02/T Kuruppu Arachchige Michael Dead with a Agampodi Sanjaya de Zoysa,
Moratuwa. Rawathawatta, Moratuwa. Perera Last Will No. 100, Minuwangoda Rd, Ekala,
3. Gerald Kingsley Joseph
No.66, Notholt, 1053/T Thamboo Krishnasamy No Krishnasamy Vasuki Jaela.
Middlesex, UB5 4SE, No. B14/G3, No. B14/G3, 84/T Liyanage Don Manoj No Vidana Mesthrige Anjali Seedevi
London, UK. Soysapura Housing Complex, Soysapura Housing Complex, No. 159/7, Makola Road, Amarasena
4. Harold Lancely Joseph Moratuwa. Moratuwa. Kiribathgoda. No. 159/7, Makola Road,
No.23, Randol Avenue, 1056/DTS/2023 Don Charles Henry Senarath, No Don Chaminda Rukshan Senarath, Kiribathgoda.
Markham, Ontariyo, L3S 1K6 No. 64, Jubly Road, No. 496 2/1, Havelock Road,
Canada. Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa. Colombo 06. Date : 28.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahara
5. Caroline Subodhini Srikumar 1058/T/T Gardiyawasam Palitha Sodige No Sembukuttige Ranjani De Silva,
No.401E, 89 Street, New York, Premasiri Rodrigo, No. 114/12, Dammathilaka Mawatha,
NY 10128, United States of No. 114/12, Dammathilaka Koralawella, Moratuwa.
America Mawatha, Koralawella,
6. Ronald Leslie Joseph, Moratuwa.
District Court of Mallakam
No.59, Woodgrow Drive,
Toronto, Ontariyo, M1E 3J9, Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023
Canada. Date : 25.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moratuwa
DTS 230/22 Mohammadhu Ameen There is no Muhammadhu Fathima Simaya SCHEDULE
Mohammadhu Arif alias Last Will No. 97/14/A, Kumaradas Place,
Mohamed Ameen Mohamed Arif Wellampitiya. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
of No. 9, Kandy Road,
Paragahadeniya, Weuda, District Court of Negombo District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Kurunegala. Registration Deceased Deceased
Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023 No. left Will
District Court : Kariyawasam Munumullage No Anoma Dharmalatha
Colombo Samantha Wickramasinghe Testamentary/ Manoranjithamalar wife of Yes Rasathurai Navakoneswaran,
Testamentary 08/4,1st Lane, Galpoththa Road, 8/4, 1st Lane, Galpoththa Road, SCHEDULE 36/2023 of the Sellaiah Ratnasingam Nedumpulam, Chunnagam East,
No: DTS 259/22 Nawala, Rajagiriya. Nawala, Rajagiriya. District Court of Chunnakam, Jaffna Chunnakam
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Mallakam
DTS 285/22 Lincoln Bastian, Yes Shantha Wimaladharma Testamentary/ Sellappah Suntharalingam Nil Sangeetha Daughter of
No. 74, Kuruppu Road, No. 43/3, Rosmead Place, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
37/2023 of the Siruppiddy North, Neervely Suntharalingam Siruppiddy North,
Colombo 08. Colombo 07. Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Neervely.
No. left Will
DTS 370/22 Nawagamuwage Nimal No Polwaththe Gallage Ariyawathi Mallakam
1630/T Neville Christopher Fernando No Yohan Indika Fernando
Chandrasiri Siriyalatha, No. 20, Kothalawala
No. 106/8, "Sandamali", No. 106/8, "Sandamali", Date : 24.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mallakam
No. 460/B, Akuregoda Lake Mawatha, Rambukkana.
Palangathure West, Palangathure West, Kochchikade.
Road, Thalangama South,
1632/T Manamalage Amith Fernando No Balasuriya Mohotti Appuhamilage
District Court of Kurukulaarachchige Don Nevil There is not Merignagnage Dona Sakunthala No. 491, Kurana, Katunayake. Dammika Priyanthi Karunarathne District Court of Galle
Colombo Case Petric Nanayakkara, a Last Will Malkanthi No. 491, Kurana, Katunayake.
No : DTS No. 65, Obeysekarapura Road, No. 59/5, Kandy Road, Kiribathgoda. Petitoner Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023
403/21 Rajagiriya.
1640/T Kammalage Leslie Maximes No Muthuwadige Swarna Priyangani
District Court of Galabada Liyanage Palitha Without a Yalagala Arachchige Chandra
Fernando alias Leslie Fernando Fernando SCHEDULE
No. 314/1, Shantha Mariya No. 314/1, Shantha Mariya Mawatha,
Colombo Case Jinasoma Last Will Padmini
Mawatha, Mahahunupitiya. Mahahunupitiya. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No : DTS Kelaniya, Polhena, Weliketiya Kelaniya, Polhena, Weliketiya Road,
438/22 Road, No.25. No.25. 1658/T Panagoda Liyanage Nevil Not left a Will Thelge Malini Merlin Peiris alias District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Priyantha Fernando alias Thelge Malani Merlin Peiris, Registration Deceased Deceased
DTS 481/22 Hidelle Arachchige Matilda No Dandeniyage Jesintha Manoji Panagoda Liyanage Nevil No. 508/2B, Welihena North, No. left Will
Alexandra alias Hidalle Prasangani De Alwis Priyanthaa Fernando alias Kochchikade.
T 753 Ambepussa Liyanage Pradeepa Yes Alexander Merlyn Lahiru Farthing
Arachchige Matilda Alwis alias Wickramasuriya Panagoda Liyanage Priyanthaa
Ramya Samanmali Perera, No. 36, "Blue Swan Inn'
Hidellearachchige Matilda 29/14, Gunasekara Gardens, Fernando
No. 123, Yaddehimulla, Yaddehimulla Road,
Alexandra alias Matilda De Alwis Nawala. No. 508/2B, Welihena North,
Unawatuna. Unawatuna.
143, Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya. Kochchikade.

Date : 04.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Colombo Date : 10.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo Date : 11.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Galle
DN page 20 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Colombo District Court of Colombo District Court of Mount Lavinia
Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023


Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
DTS 00013/23 Wanniarachchige Tissa Yes Alawatte Kankanange Dilhani DTS 138/23 Jacklan Soundradevi Nadarajah No Nadarajah Veerasamy 5196/21/T Kandiah Satchithanandan No Ledia Ratnamany Velupillai
Chandraratne, Roshanthika, (Ramasamy Jacklin Soundara No. 148/21, Leyards Broadway, No. 40, Templers Road, No. 40, Templers Road,
No. 7/3, Balahenmulla Lane, No. A/G/5, Devi and Jackleen Soundara Colombo 14. Mount Lavinia. Mount Lavinia.
Kirillapone, Colombo 06. Kandawatte Flats, Devi Nadarajah also known as )
Hospital Road, No. 102/10, 4th Lane, Alwis 5290/22/T G. Ramachandran No Charles Prabhakaran Ramachandran
Kalubowila, Dehiwala. Town, Hendala, Wattala and (Ganasounderi Ramachandran) No. 59 1/1, Hampden Lane,
No. 148/21, Leyards Broadway, No. 59 1/1, Hampden Lane, Colombo 06.
DTS 15/23 Muththukumar Paranjothi alias No Jegathieswary Paranjothi alias Colombo 06.
Muthukumaru Paranjothi, Arumugam Chettiyar Jegathieswary, Colombo 14.
217, Modara Weediya, 217, Modara Weediya, DTS/139/23 Sirikkattuge Neville Arthur No Sirikkattuge Naomal Lalith Fernando, 5291/22/T Dharmapalan Ramachandran No Charles Prabhakaran Ramachandran
Colombo 15. Colombo 15. Fernando of No. 69/4, 2nd Lane, No. 59 1/1, Hampden Lane, No. 59 1/1, Hampden Lane,
No. 147/2, 2nd Lane, Senanayake Mawatha, Colombo 06. Colombo 06.
DTS 00016/23 Yusuf Ahmed Jeevunjee alias Yes 1. Altaf Yusuf Jeevunjee
Yusuf Ahmed Jeewunjee No. 9-4, Layards Tower, Senanayake Mawatha, Nawala. 5478/22/T Malani Mangalika Silva No Noel Heshan De Silva
No. 36B, Gower Street, Havelock City, Nawala. No. 123B, Kawdana Road, No. 123B, Kawdana Road, Dehiwala.
Colombo 05. Colombo 06. DTS 140/23 Gangodage Chintha Marlene No Nanayakkara Wasam Rasika Deepal Dehiwala. Presently at
2. Zaffar Shiraz Jeevunjee Gooneratne Akuratiyagama of Saman Akuretiyagama also known Unit: 1411-1486, Pilgrimsway,
No. 5/1, Gower Street, No. 45, Sri Subuthipura, as Rasika Deepal Saman Oakville, ON L6M3G8, Canada.
Colombo 05. Battaramulla. Akuretiyagama of 5486/22/T Sickander Mohamed Cassim No Sickander Mohamed Cassim
DTS 24/23 Shirzard Tareez Azies No Mohomed Uvais Husniya alias 2/5/4, Park Tower, Trillium No. 80/1C, Kawdana Rd, Noorjahan
No. 19, 10th Lane, Husniya Azies, Residencies, Colombo 08. Dehiwala. No. 29/4, Temple Road, Kalubowila,
Colombo 03. No. 19, 10th Lane, DTS 141/23 Somasundaram No Vasanthi Gobalasundaram nee Dehiwala.
Colombo 03. Gobalasundaram Mahadeva 5495/22/T Senaka Jayawardana No Weerabaddana Disanayake
DTS 25/23 Ranasinghe Mudiyanselage No Nammuni Arachchilage Devi No. 26/1, Asoka Gardens, No. 26/1, Asoka Gardens, No. 15/1, Sri Dharmarama Road, Premawathi
Saman Sirimewan Bandara Thalatha Gunawardena, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04. Bambalapitiya, Colombo 04. (Maliban Road), Ratmalana. No. 131/1, 6th Lane, Jambugasmulla
No. 267/7/C1, 12th Lane, DTS 142/23 Zeenathul Arifa Suleiman No Mohideen Pitchei Sulaiman Mawatha, Nugegoda.
Rathnarama Road, No. 151, Bandaranayake No. 151, Bandaranayake Mawatha, 5568/23/T Seetha Wickramasingha alias No Shyamalee alias Shyamalee
Malabe. Mawatha, Col 12. Col 12. Marie Seetha Damayanthi Wickramasingha
DTS/00030/23 Kanuwana Paththiranahalage No Pattakole Gedara Sarikka Malkanthi DTS 147/23 Gunadasa Gamage, Yes Praneetha Hasanthi Gamage, Cooray alias Sita Cooray nee de No. 9/2, Arthur's Place, Dehiwala.
Chinthaka Chandrasoma, Pattakole, No. 27, Temple Road, No. 27, Temple Road, Silva Wijeratne alias Marie
No. 6/19A, 3rd Street, No. 6/19A, 3rd Street, Colombo 10 Colombo 10. Seetha Damayanthi de Silva
Nawala Road, Rajagiriya. Nawala Road, Rajagiriya. DTS 148/23 Mr. Ethel Ratnayaka, Yes Mr. Avantha Amithasiri Wijeyaratne alias Marie Seetha
DTS 00040/23 Koku Hennadige Piyadasa alias No Kokuhennadige Palinda Sanjaya No. 10, Bethesda Place, Weerawardena Ratnayaka, Damayanthi Wickramasingha
Kokku Hennadige Piyadasa alias No. 502, Nawala Road, Colombo 05. No. 10, Bethesda Place, No. 32/2, Castle Street,
K.H. Piyadasa Rajagiriya. Colombo 05. Colombo -08 and 'Suramya'
No. 502, Nawala Road, No. 11, Arthur's Place, Dehiwala.
DTS 149/23 Professor Hiranya Deva Dias Yes Winodan Rukman Dias,
Rajagiriya. alias Hiranya Deva Dias, No. 260, Park Road, District Court of Mohan Lal Pujitha No Chandani Gunawardena nee
00042/23 DTS Nuwan Madusanka No Henarath Mohottige Thilini Dulanjali No. 55/6, Mirihana Road, Colombo 05. Mt.Lavinia Gunawardena, Hettiarachchi,
Vidanapathirana Perera, Nugegoda. 5569/23/T No. 80/38A, Saththissara No. 80/38A, Saththissara Mawatha,
381/21, Raja Uyana, 381/21, Raja Uyana, Mawatha, Templer's Road, Templer's Road, Mt.Lavinia.
DTS 151/23 Rohini Abeyesekera (nee Yes Nihal Abeysekara, Mt.Lavinia.
Weliwita Road, Kaduwela. Weliwita Road, Kaduwela. Gunaratna), No. 49/4 28A, Iceland Residencies,
DTS 45/2023 Sanka Ravi Binaragama No Minoli Chareeka Wijesinghe alias No. 49/4, 28A, Iceland Galle Road, 5577/23/T Malagalage Dona Hema No Miuru Chinthaka Jayasinghe
Vidanelage Wijesinghe alias Minoli Charika Wijesinghe, Residencies, Colombo 03. kusumalatha Jayasinghe No. 35, Nikape Road, Dehiwala.
Wijesinghe Binaragama No. 45, Edward Lane, Galle Road, Colombo 03. No. 35, Nikape Road, Dehiwala.
Vidanelage Sanka Ravi, Colombo 03. DTS 154/23 Goniya Malimmage Jayantha No Nimali Chandika Lokuliyanage, 5582/23/T Gemunu Alawattegama No Minoli Iyanthi Alawattegama nee
No. 45, Edward Lane, No. 344, Nagahawatta Road, No. 71, Aramaya Pedesa, No. 234, 9th Cross Street, Madugalle
Colombo 03. Dalugama, Kelaniya Colombo 09. Borupana Rd, Ratmalana. No. 234, 9th Cross Street, Borupana
DTS 47/23 Ramaiya Raveendra Kumar No Raveendra Kumar Puspam nee Petitioner Rd, Ratmalana.
No. 15, Lakshman Place, Sellaiya, DTS 161/23 Saman Thilak Hewavitharana Yes Herath Mudiyanselage Thushara Case No. Elma Sujatha Perera Jayathunga Yes Nicholas Prinsly de Silva
Kiruluponne, Colombo 05. No. 15, Lakshman Place, No. 197/1A, Kirikiththa Anuruththa Bandara Wijeratna District Court of (nee Elma Sujatha de Silva) 5A, Medankara Road, Dehiwala.
Kirulapone, Colombo 05. Weliweriya. 190, HIgh Level Road, Mount Lavinia 5A, Medankara Road, Dehiwala.
DTS 54/23 Jayanthi Ranjani Kudaliyanage, No Ranjith Gamini Kudaliyanage Galavilawatta, Homagama. 5586/23/T
No. 46, 32nd Lane, No. 46, 32 Lane, DTS 162/23 Gamini Herman Wethasinghe Yes Anushka Sarojini Mediwaka 5600/23/T Ajith Indrapala Samarawickrama Anoma Kumudini Liyanagama
Colombo 06. Colombo 06. No. 6/7, Premier Pacific Wethasinghe No. 73/12, Sri Dharmarama No. 73/12, Sri Dharmarama Road,
DTS 62/23 Hettihewage Edward de Silva, No Ramya Manel de Silva Apartment 28, No. 6/7, Premier Pacific Apartment, Road, Ratmalana. Ratmalana.
Fairway Residencies - Fairway Residencies - APT 404 Joseph Lane, Colombo 04. 28, Joseph Lane, Colombo 04. 5601/23/T Mr. Kalukapuge Don Upali Yes Mr. Kalukapuge Don Udara
APT 404, Buthgamuwa Road, Buthgamuwa Road, DTS 211/22 Mohamed Dawood Mohamed No Shahul Hameed Javed Jeenathul Wijesinghe Madhushanka,
Rajagiriya. Rajagiriya. Shafeek alias Mohamed Nawfara alias Javed Jeenathul No. 14, Hena Road, 1st Lane, No. 14, Hena Road, 1st Lane,
DTS 63/23 Jawaharalal Jamnadas Ambani Yes 1. Erajh Gunaratne Dawood Mohamed Shafic alias Nawfra, Mount Lavinia. Mount Lavinia.
of No. 15/4, Guildford Crescent, of Apartment 7/1, Hyde Park Dawood Shafeek alias of No. 130/39, Pulinathalarama 5602/23/T Mohhamed Rizvi Isadeen alias No Fathima Farhana Rizvi alias Fathima
Colombo 7. Residencies, Mohamed Dawood Mohamed Road, Magammana, Ragama. Mohhamed Rizvi Issadeen Farhana Gaffar
79, Hyde Park Corner, Sapeek No. 142/40A, Jenson Watta No. 142/40A, Jenson Watta Road,
Colombo 02. 130/39, Pulinathalarama Road, Road, Anderson Road, Anderson Road, Nedimala,
2. Nithianandan Murugesu, Magammana, Ragama. Nedimala, Dehiwala. Dehiwala.
Attorney-at-Law DTS/238/2022 Dandeniyage Mahindarathna De No Dandeniyage Jasintha Manoji
of No. 103/11, Dharmapala 5606/23/T Vijayalakshmi Harichandra nee No Vettiveloo Harichandra
Alwis Prasangani De Alwis Sokkalingam Vijayalakshmi No. 7A, 1st Lane, Bellantara Road,
Mawatha, Colombo 07. 143, Rajagiriya Road, Wickramasooriya No. 7A, 1st Lane, Bellantara Nedimala, Dehiwala.
DTS 70/23 Hiripitiyage Don Upali No Muthukuda Wijesuriya Arachchilage Rajagiriya. 29/14, Gunasekera Gardens, Road, Nedimala, Dehiwala.
Jayaweera, Dona Savithri Chandrika Nawala.
No. 2/4, Sri Wimalarama Road, No. 2/4, Sri Wimalarama Road, 5608/23/T Dewage nee Katriarachchige No Thanuja Lilanthi Ketangoda
DTS 387/23 Mary Anastasia Roselyn Church, No Bernard A. B Goonetillake
Wellampitiya. Wellampitiya. Don Chaminda Prasad No. 105, Old Road, Maharagama.
No. 81/3, Isipathana Mawatha, No. 18/141, Muhandiram E.D.
No. 26, Maharagama Road,
DTS 00076/23 Anusha Nirmalee Navaratne, No Indira Savit Wijekoon Colombo 05 Dabare Mawatha,
Mampe, Piliyandala.
110, 1/6, Stafford Avenue, No. 527/1, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 5.
Colombo 06. Colombo 08. 5610/23/T Carmel Rudra enaratne No Dinesh Srinaga Senaratne
DTS 426/22 Ranaweerage Somarathne No Dissanayake Mudiyanselage
No. 90, Old Kesbewa Road, No. 90, Old Kesbewa Road,
DTS 79/20 Christine Dilrukshi Indira Gomez No Dodwell Xavier Vasantha Gomez Kusumawathi
Nugegoda. Nugegoda.
nee de Silva, No. 849, Bloemendal Road, No. 171, Delgahawatte Road,
No. 849, Bloemendal Road, Colombo 15. Angoda. 5611/23/T Sandaradura Lal Senevirathna No Dulanthi Priyadarshani Senevirathna
Colombo 15. DTS 427/22 Ranaweerage Charlet Perera No Deepika Chandimali Vidanage, No. 291/53, Havelock Gardens, No. 291/53, Havelock Gardens,
DTS/00083/ Thomas Marc Kelaart Yes Marie Nedra Kelaart of No. 171, Delgahawatte Road, Colombo 06. Colombo 06.
2023 No. 7-4/8, Barnes Place, Colombo 7 Angoda. 5612/23/T Antony Baduge Titus Sunil Silva No Magalage NIlanthri Marian Sharmini
and presently of No. 10, Argyle DTS 433/22 Susil Abeysundara alias (before No Siddihalu Lalitha, alias Antony Baduge Sunil Titus Perera alias Magalage Nilathi Marian
Place, Curtin, ACT 2605, Canberra, Asurappuli Susil) No. 66, Pattiyapola South, Silva Sharmini Perera
Australia appearing throgh her lawful No. 66, Pattiyapola South, Vitharandeniya. No. 35/1, Good Hope No. 35/1, Good Hope Apartments,
Power of Attorney, Nirmalee Shalini Vitharandeniya. Apartments, Beach Road, Beach Road, Mt.Lavinia.
Peiris Mt.Lavinia.
of No. 36, Bogahahena Road, DTS/467/22 Jagdish Lalchandani, No Manju Lalchandani,
No. 8A, Church Road, No. 03-6/2, De Sitadel, 5614/23/T Manjula Vipulananda nee No Pritika Vipulandanda
Battaramulla. Somasundaram also known as No. 13 A/2, De Silva Road,
Wattala. Bagatale Road,
DTS 85/22 Ketawalage Damith Lakshman No Kaluarachchige Preethi Manel Colombo 03. Somasundaram Manjula Kalubowila, Dehiwala.
Gunasekara. Senavirathne, No. 13 A/2, De Silva Road,
No. 94/10, Temple Road, DTS 476/22 Nihal Michael Jayamanne No Rohini Charmaine Jayamanne (nee Kalubowila, Dehiwala.
Maradana, Colombo 10. No. 7, Chandralekha Mawatha, Weerasinghe),
Borella, Colombo 08. No. 07, Chandralekha Mawatha, District Court of Wijendrawaduge Joseph Antony No RajanikRoshan Antony
DTS 107/23 Terence Oswin Renuka No Rangika Priyadarshani Wanigaratne, Borella, Colombo 08. Mount Lavinia No. 4, Templer Mawatha, No. 04, Templer Mawatha,
Wanigaratne, No. 113A, Welivita, Case No. off Templers Road, off Templers Road, ount Lavinia.
No. 113A, Welivita, Kaduwela. 5616/23/T Mount Lavinia.
Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Colombo
5618/23/T Diyakanage Dunstan Perera & Yes Diyakanage Pubudu Malinda Perera
DTS 110/23 Kolomba Arachchige No Kolomba Arachchige Thisara Nugegodage Rani Indrika De No. 118/30, Abeysekara Road,
Chandrasena Chathuranga Silva alias Rani Indrika Perera Kawdana, Dehiwala.
No. 93/74, Alvitigala Mawatha, No. 93/74, Alvitigala Mawatha, No. 118/30, Abeysekera Road,
Colombo 08. Colombo 08. District Court of Matale Kawdana, Dehiwala.
DTS 118/23 Sembukuttige Hemapala Karuna Yes Sembukuttige Lanka Karunananda Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023 District Court of Casinathar Ramalingam alias There is no Casinathar Narendran alias
Nanda. Robertson nee Sembukuttige Lanka Mount Lavinia Ramalingam Casinadhar alias Last Will Narendran
No. 7/2, De Mel Waththa Road, Karuna Nanda, Case No. Ramalingam Casinthar alias 171/2, W.A. Silva Mawatha,
Nawala, Koswatta. No. 244B, Polwaththa Gunasekara, SCHEDULE 5621/23/T Casinthar, Wellawatta, Colombo 06.
Mawatha, Himbutana. 171/2, W.A. Silva Mawatha,
DTS 121/23 Travice Stanmore Holsinger alias No Alain Dylan Richard Holsinger Column I Column II Column III Column IV Wellawatta, Colombo 06.
Travice Stanmore Canute No. 70/4A, Angampitiya Road, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Holsinger alias Travice Stanmore Ethul Kotte. Registration Deceased Deceased Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mount Lavinia
Holsinger No. left Will
No. 70/4A, Angampitiya Road,
Ethul Kotte. T. 925 Pahala Gedara Mahawela Yes Pahala Gedara Dumindu Sucharitha
DTS 122/23 Shirani Neelangani Fernando of Yes Devirini Gayathri Fernando
Sumanapala alias Mahawela Mahawela, District Court of Kuliyapitiya
Pahala Gedara Sumanapala No. 90, Galewela Road, Mahawela,
No. 7/3, Metland Crescent, Amarathunga No. 90, Galewela Road, Matale. Last date for filing of objections 24th day of July 2023
Colombo 07. of No. 7/3, Metland Crescent, Mahawela, Matale. (Petitioner)
Colombo 07.
T 934 Thanne Yaman Gedara With a Last Palathe Gedara Sriyani Pushpa SCHEDULE
DTS 125/23 Abdul Gaffar Osman Yes Ismail Osman, Jayasumana, Will Wijethunga,
No. 47, Fussel's Lane, No. 16, Alfred Place, Bulath Attaoya, Nagolla, Bulath Attaoya, Wilgamuwa. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Colombo 06. Colombo 03. Wilgamuwa.
DTS 126/23 Clarin Priyanthi Rathnayaka No Kaushalya Nilakshi Rathnayaka, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
T 926/22 Kanniappan Asari Ramasamy No 1. Balakrishnange daughter Wasuli Registration Deceased Deceased
alias Claris Priyanthi No. 34A, Samulu Niwasa,
alias Kanni appa Acharige Son alias Balakrishnan Wasugi alias No. left Will
Rathnayaka alias Yalagalage Keppetipola Mawatha,
Ramasamy alias Kanni Appan Ramasami Wasugi alias Wasugi
Claris Priyanthi de Silva, Colombo 05. 833/T Jayawardhana Weerasingha No Thalgasdoowage Silvia,
Ramasami alias Kanniyappan Ramasami alias Wasuhi
No. 34A, Samulu Niwasa, Jayasiri or Jayawardhana No. 37, Subharathee Mawatha,
Achari Ramasami alias Kanni Ramasami alias Balakrishnan
Keppetipola Mawatha, Weerasinghalage Jayasiri Kuliyapitiya.
appa Asari Ramasami alias Wasuhi,
Colombo 05. 837/T Alagiyawanna Mohottalalage No Madurapperuma Arachchilage
Kanni Appa Asari Ramasami No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale.
128/23 DTS Gangodawilage Sumanapala No Vajira Padmaprabha Wijayasinghe, alias Kanna Pushpan Ramasami 2. Sujitha alias Ramasami Sujitha, Vijitha Rohanasiri Nandawathie alias
Perera No. 41/1A, Walter Gunasekera Asari, No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale. No. 45, Gonulla Gonawila. Madurapperuma Arachchige
No. 41/1A, Walter Gunasekara Mawatha, Nawala. No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale. 3. Ramasami Thilip Rajesh alias Nandawathie alias Madurapperuma
Mawatha, Nawala. Rasami Dilip Rajesh, Arachchilage Nandawathie
DTS 131/23 Kamalampikai Selvarajah also Yes Selvarani Sellathurai No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale. No. 45, Gonulla, Gonawila.
known as K. Selvarajah No. 19/23, Tumer Road, 4. Niroshan alias Ramasami
No. BSGI, Manning Path Colombo 08. Niroshan, Date : 03.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya
Housing Scheme, No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale.
Colombo 08. 5. Diviya alias Thiwuiya Ramasami,
No. 35, Godapola Road, Matale.
DTS/130/23 Vijaya Prasanna Malalasekara of Yes 1. Sanjiv Prasanna Malalasekera of District Court of Kekirawa
No. 12, Malalasekera Pedesa No. 12, Malalasekera Pedesa T 932 Muniyandi Marimuththu, No Palan Devasagayambal
(formerly known as Longden (formerly known as Longden No. 391/4, Summerset Park, No. 391/4, Summerset Park, Last date for filing of objections 30th day of June 2023
Terrace), Colombo 07. Terrace), Colombo 07. Palapathwala, Matale. Palapathwala, Matale.
2. Rajiv Priyan Malalasekera of (Petitioner)
No. 12, Malalasekera Pedesa T 933 Nihal Bandara Weerasekara, No Chitranganie Mangalika
(formerly known as Longden No. 162, M.C. Road, Matale. Weerasekara, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Terrace), Colombo 07. No. 162, M.C. Road, Matale.
3. Ashan Pravin Malalasekera of (Petitioner) District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 12, Malalasekera Pedesa Registration Deceased Deceased
T 935 Deepthi Prasanna Kumara Asiri Yes Dassanayake Ranasingha
(formerly known as Longden No. left Will
Weerasooriya Mudiyanse Ralahamilage Priyani
Terrace), Colombo 07. No. 14, Rahula Mawatha, Eheliyagoda 33T Thennakoon Mudiyanselage Yes Kithsiri Bandage Dinesh Suranga,
DTS/132/2023 Kahandawala Mudiyanselage Yes Mahinda Haradasa of Matale. No. 14, Rahula Mawatha, Matale. Siriwardana Thoruwewa, Maradankadawala.
Ariyaratna Dasanayake of 14th Floor Varners Law Office, Thoruwewa, Maradankadawala.
T 936 Kasawan Raman, No Kumaran Rajam,
No. 424/80, 3rd Lane, "Promised West Tower, World Trade Centre, North Matale, K.R.N. Stores, North Matale,
Land", Samagi Mawatha, Colombo 01. Kaudupalalla, Matale. Kaudupalalla, Matale. Date : 02.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kekirawa
Hokandara South Daughter
DTS 133/23 Late Mary Elizabeth Leelawathie Yes Sandra Helen Jayaweera,
De Wansa Wickramaratne and/ No. 12, Kalyani Road, Pamankada,
or Mary Elizabeth Leelawathie Colombo 06.
Date : 26.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matale District Court of Negombo
Dewansa Wickramaratne Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023
No. 5, Hekitte Cross Road,
Hendala, Wattala.
District Court of Nuwara Eliya SCHEDULE
DTS00134/23 Lakshman Dingiri Banda No Dilruksi Nayanakanthi Ranatunga
Hulugalle alias Semasinghe alias Dilrukshi Nayanakanthi Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
Navaratne Chandrasekera Ranatunga, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Wanninayake Mudiyanselage No. 18/21, E.D. Dabare Mawatha, SCHEDULE District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Lakshman Dingiri Banda Colombo 05. Registration Deceased Deceased
Hulugalle alias Senasinghe No. left Will
Navarante Chandrasekera Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Wanninayake Mudiyanselage 1664/T Karipadaththu Sangunni No Welaudan Parameshwari,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Lakshman Dingiri Banda Sangaran Sathyadasan alias No. 24, St. Anthoney Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased
Hulugalle. Karippadaththu Sangaran Periyamulla, Negombo.
No. left Will
No. 18/21, E.D. Dabare Sathyadasan,
T/160 Ramalingam Rasapalan alias Yes Rasapalan Sana Priyadarshan No. 24, St. Anthony Road,
Mawatha, Colombo 05. Ramalingam Rajabalan alias of No. 57, Grand Hotel Road, Periyamulla, Negombo.
135/2023/DTS Ignatius Thavayegam No Rienzi Kishor Ignatius Ramalingam Raasapalan, Nuwara Eliya.
Canagarotnam No. 136, Kotahena Street, 1676/T Madurawala Gamage Don Shirly No Bannahaka Mudiyanselage
of No. 57, Grand Hotel Road,
No. 136, Kotahen Street, Colombo 01300. Ashoka alias Priyantha Kumari alias Bannahake
Nuwara Eliya.
Colombo 01300. Madurawalagamage Don Shirly Mudiyanselage Priyantha Kumari
T-153 Haddaela Gedara Prasanga No Diyadu Baduge Erandi Priyadarshani Ashoka alias Madurawala Bannahake,
DTS 136/23 Semage Regina Fernando Yes Ramanee Niroshana Fernando, Senaka De Silva, Gamage Don Shirly Ashoka No. 24, Thoppuwa, Kochchikade.
No. 1/10, 47th Lane, No. 1/10, 47th lane, No. 61/2, Dimuthugama, No. 210, Mihindupura, Meepilimana, Appuhamy,
Colombo 06 Colombo 06. Meepilimana, Nuwara Eliya. Nuwara Eliya. No. 24, Thoppuwa, Kochchikade.
DTS 137/23 Peerumma Mohamed Mahroof Yes Shahul Hameed Mohamed Mahroof T-158 Kopiwaththe Gedara Jayanthi No Sudagala Arachchige Kanishka 1678/T Conganige Sanjeewa Rajith No Athige Rita Silva
nee Peerumma Cader Mohideen No. 101/5, Ananda Mawatha, No. 17, Baros Road, Prabath Sudagala Lalitha Anthony No. 302/32/A, De Silva Mawatha,
No. 20/51, Fairfield Garden, Colombo 10. Hawaeliya No. 17, Baros Road, No. 294/A, Polgahahena, Miriswatta, Demanhandiya,
Colombo 08. Nuwara Eliya. Hawa Eliya, Nuwara Eliya. Ragama North. Negombo.

Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Colombo Date : 07.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nuwara Eliya Date : 14.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISEMENTS page 21 DN
No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Welisara District Court of Kuliyapitiya District Court of Kuliyapitiya

Last date for filing of objections 04th day of September 2023 Last date for filing of objections 25th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
05/2023/T Hewage Merci Winifrida No Halolu Ralalage Buddhika Niroshan 838/T Mahachari Muhandiramalage No Mahachari Muhandiramalage Lasitha 841/T Pahala Maru Athukoralage Yes Rathnayake Mudiyansela Ginendra
No. 110, Balagala Road, Wijethunga Nimal Chandrasiri Hansajith Chandrasiri Winsent Jayapala Bandara Rathnayake
Hendala. No. 110, Balagala Road, Hendala, Ihala Ennoruwa, Kithalawa. Ihala Ennoruwa, Kithalawa. No. 422, Alhenpitiya, Thorakotuwa, 50, Kamalasiriya,
Wattala. Narammala. Thuththiripitigama.
13/23/T Mahathelge Charles Haris No Weerasinghe Arachchige Patima Date : 11.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya
Bertrem Dias, No. 60/5, C.M. Irangani Fernando Date : 22.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya
Fernando Mawatha, Galwetiya, No. 60/5, C.M. Fernando Mawatha,
Wattala. Galwetiya, Wattala.
27/22/T Bandisattabige Anton Lakmal No Bandisattabige Anne Dilini District Court of Moratuwa
Fernando Ranmaali Fernando
Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023
District Court of Kurunegala
No. 267, Negombo Road, No. 267, Negombo Road, Wattala.
Wattala. Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023
Date : 18.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara SCHEDULE
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Mahara No. left Will
1055/T/23 Thennakoon Mudiyanselage No Shiromi Dissanayaka alias
Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023 Sumathirathna Banda alias Gunathilaka Dissanayakage Shiromi 7961/T Maveekotuwe Gedara Ariyadasa No Parape Dewayalage Dayawathi
Thennakoon Mudiyanselage of No. 23, Frazer Avenue, Moratuwa. "Sarath Wila", Pihimbuwa, "Sarath Wila",
SCHEDULE Sumathirathna alias Thennakoon Ogodapola Pihimbuwa, Ogodapola.
Mudiyanselaga Sumathirathna 7959/T Ranasinghe Mudiyanselage Kiri Yes Pathiranage Chathuranga Pathirana
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Bandara alias Sumathirathna Menika Pellandeniya, Maspotha.
Banda of No. 23, Frazer Avenue, Pellandeniya, Maspotha.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Moratuwa.
Registration Deceased Deceased Testamentary Sathya Keerthi No Jayasooriya Mudiyanselage
1059/2023/DTS Nirmalinee Wanduragala Yes 1. Padmakantha Sumathi Banda 7963/T Wanigarathnalage Lional Keerthi Sumanawathi Menike
No. left Will
Wijegunawardhana Wanduragala alias Padmakantha Wanigarathna Udawela, Ibbagamuwa. (Petitioner)
85/T Walikalage Mery Magret Perera No Nadagamuwage Benedict Joshep No. 24, Prasanna Mawatha, Samidhi Banda Wanduragala
No. 135/11, Dalupitiya, Perera / Nadagamuwage Joshep Watapuluwa, Kandy. No. 200/2, Colombo Road,
Kadawatha. Benedict Perera Date : 30.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kurunegala
Wanduragala, Kurunegala.
No. 135/11, Dalupitiya, Kadawatha.
2. Chandrasekara Herath
88/T Hewa Wedage Padumawathi No Ravindra Nandalal Perera Mudiyanselage Siwanji
Wickramasingha alias Hewa Wickramasingha alias Ravindra Wanduragala alias Siwangi
Wedage Padumawathi alias Nandalal of Wanduragala Eriyagama District Court of Welisara
Hewa Wedage Padumawathi No. 14/3M, Kiribathgoda National No. 171A, Angulana Station Road,
Abeysingha Gunawardana alias Housing Scheme, Kelaniya. Last date for filing of objections 06th day of September 2023
Lakshapathiya, Moratuwa.
Paduma Wickramasingha of
No. 14/3M, Kiribathgoda 1066/T Kulakulasuriya Ondachchi No Kulakulasuriya Ondachchi SCHEDULE
National Housing Scheme, Mahapatabendi Raalalage Mahapatabendi Raalalage Nirochana
Kelaniya. Sherly Edgar Senanayaka alias Ganga Senanayaka of No. 40, Rolly Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Sherly Edgar Senanayaka of Fernando Rd., Kuduwammulla,
T/91 Gamlath Kankanamalage Jastin No Gamlath Kankanamalage Jesmika No. 40, Rolly Fernando Rd., Katubedda, Moratuwa. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Perera, Iroshani Perera Kuduwammulla, Moratuwa. Registration Deceased Deceased
Kelaniya, Dalugama, St. Fransis Kelaniya, St. Fransis Road, No. left Will
Road, No. 263/2. No. 263/2. Moratuwa Mahathelge Jasintha Bernadeth No Weerahennedige Lushan Janendra
1067/T Peiris of No. 27/1, Shramadana Fernando of No. 27/1, Shramadana 20/23/T Aalahapperumage Lionel No Bastiankoralage Indrani Anastasia
93/T Nanayakkara Pathirage No Uduwage Dona Indra Kumudinie Mawatha, Koralawella. Mawatha, Koralawella. Fonseka Rodrigo
Priyantha Suresh Perera of Perera of 14, Nimalamariya Mawatha, 14, Nimalamariya Mawatha,
No. 403/1, Biyagama Road, No. 403/1, Biyagama Road, 1069/23/T Mahamandige Herbert Mendis No Mahamandige Nishani Priyanka
No. 20/07, Gnanawimala Lane, Mandis Hendala, Wattala. Hendala, Wattala.
Pilapitiya, Kelaniya. Pilapitiya, Kelaniya.
Horethuduwa, Keselwatta. No. 46/A, Fransisco Place, T/16/2023 Watuthanthrige Hariat Perera of Nil Kalinga Wijesiri of
Moratuwa. No. 42/01, Batagama Rd., No. 42/01, Batagama Road,
Date : 18.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahara Weligampitiya, Ja-Ela. Weligampitiya, Ja-Ela.
Date : 26.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moratuwa
Date : 09.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara

District Court of Kandy District Court of Moratuwa

Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023 District Court of Panadura
SCHEDULE Last date for filing of objections 1st day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV SCHEDULE
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. left Will
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
D.C. Kandy Yapa Ratnayakalage No Devathe Pedigedara Mala
1022/22/T Wedikkara Arachchige Milan No Wijesinghe Arachchige Sureka No. left Will
DTS 31/23 Karunaratne Damayanthi
Antony De Silva Priyadarshani Premachandra 915/ Harankaha Arachchilage No Abesingha Hettige Hiroshi Lakshmi
83C, Udagama, Mathgamuwa, 145/C, Maligatenna, Kadugannawa.
No. 31, 2nd Lane, No. 31,2nd Lane, Kithalandaluwa, Testamentary Bhushana Sanka Jayathissa Veerakon
Kithalandaluwa, Willorawatta, Willorawatta, Moratuwa. or Bhushana Sanka Jayathissa "Senani" Market Lane,
Moratuwa. Bandaragama.
Date : 24.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
1028/23/T Balapuwaduge Shiran Nirmal Yes Niyomi Jebanesam Mendis (nee 974/2023/T Companghnghage Wimaladarma No Companghnaghage Anesha Manjula
Mendis Jacob) Fonseka, No. 149/29, Suhada Fonseka
No.21/11B, Lt. Col. Srimal No.21/11B, Lt. Col. Srimal Mendis Lane, Henamulla, Panadura. No. 149/29B, Suhada Lane,
Mendis Mawatha, Dharmaratne Mawatha, Dharmaratne
District Court of Pugoda Avenue, Rawathawatte, Avenue, Rawathawatte, Moratuwa.
Henamulla, Panadura.
Moratuwa. 978/T Kathrithantrihewage Hitler Yes Kathritantrihewage Deelip Prasanna
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 Jayaweera Peiris Peiris of "Sravasthi", No. 87, Horana
"Sravasthi", No. 87, Horana Road, Alubomulla, Panadura.
SCHEDULE Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moratuwa
Road, Alubomulla, Panadura.
979/ Hiniduma Liyanage Lal Perera No Manori Thusintha Karapitiya
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Testamentary alias Lal Hiniduma Liyanage Pathiranage No. 90/4C, Uswatta,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court of Nuwara Eliya Perera Mahawila, Panadura.
Presently at United Kingdom.
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 980/ Marakkala Manage Manjula No Kannangara Koralalage Priyantha
T/136 Don Sekara Pathirannehelage No Ranawaka Achchige Dilinika Sumali Testamentary Prasad, No. 40D, Mihindu Kumuduni, No. 40D, Mihindu
Chandika Karunasekara No. 357, Mandawala Road, SCHEDULE Mawatha, Walapala, Panadura. Mawatha, Walapala, Panadura.
No. 357, Mandawala Road, Radawana. 982/T Thotahewage Lakshmi Geetha No Liyanaguruge Gavindu de Silva
Radawana. Column I Column II Column III Column IV Shiromani de Silva No. 48, Dibbedda, Panadura.
No. 48, Dibbedda, Panadura.
Date : 19.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Pugoda District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased 983/T Tennakoonge Abeysena Ranjith Left without a Peyahandi Manel Kanthi De Silva
No. left Will Perera Last Will No. 70/5C, Solamon Mawatha,
No. 70/5C, Solamon Mawatha, Panadura.
T/160 Ramalingam Rasapalan alias Yes Rasapalan Sana Priyadarshan Panadura.
District Court of Kuliyapitiya Ramalingam Rajabalan alias
Ramalingam Raasapalan,
of No. 57, Grand Hotel Road,
Nuwara Eliya. 984/T Juwanwadu Wimala de Silva No Sandun Lakmal Wijesuriya Ranulu
Ranulutannawatta, Ganetenna, Tannawatta, Ganetenna, Hingula.
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023 of No. 57, Grand Hotel Road,
Nuwara Eliya.
SCHEDULE T-153 Haddaela Gedara Prasanga No Diyadu Baduge Erandi Priyadarshani
Date : 07.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Panadura
Senaka De Silva,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 61/2, Dimuthugama, No. 210, Mihindupura, Meepilimana,
Meepilimana, Nuwara Eliya. Nuwara Eliya.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased T-158 Kopiwaththe Gedara Jayanthi
No. 17, Baros Road,
No Sudagala Arachchige Kanishka
Prabath Sudagala
District Court of Kaduwela
No. left Will
Hawaeliya No. 17, Baros Road, Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
830/T Singappulige Devid alias No Weerappulige Dharmalatha alias Nuwara Eliya. Hawa Eliya, Nuwara Eliya.
Senevirathne Iddamalgoda Wickramasuriya Dharmalatha
Devid Senevirathne Senevirathne, Kaburapola, SCHEDULE
Date : 07.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nuwara Eliya
Bujgomuwa, Munamaldeniya. Munamaldeniya.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Matara No. left Will
District Court of Kandy Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 844/T Calarence Francklin Pigera alias
Angodage Calaarence Frankin
No Angodage Ramesh Surangi Lakmal
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023 SCHEDULE Pigera alias Angodage Clarence No. 73, Welivita, Kaduwela.
Pigera Francklin
SCHEDULE No. 73, Welivita, Kaduwela.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
1006/T Malani Mercia Wickremasinghe Yes Henreeta Chandrika Amaraweera
Column I Column II Column III Column IV District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Keels Homes Green Terace 3, Wickremasinghe,
Registration Deceased Deceased No. 113/5/3, Kahanthota Road, No. 117/2/61, Prime Urban Arts,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. left Will Pittugala, Malambe. Horahena, Kottawa, Pannipitiya.
Registration Deceased Deceased TS 608 Nanayakkara Wellalage Pasan No Deepthi Premika Dolamulla alias Petitioner
No. left Will alias Pasan Nanayakkara Deepthi Premika Dolamulla, Matara, Kaduwela Madar Samad alias Samad No Sithy Zeena Samad (nee Rasheed)
DTS 37/23 Thambawita Gurunnanselage No Meragalpedi Gedara Saranga Makola, Makola South, No. Browns Hill, No. 57. 1019/T Madar No. 667, Desinghe Mawatha,
Violet Nona alias Thambawita Lakmali 394/1. No. 667, Desinghe Mawatha, Pelawatta, Thalangama South,
Gedara Violet Nona No. 226, Werallamana, Peradeniya. TS 616 No. 127, Akuressa Road, Isadin No No. 127, Akuressa Road, Isadin Pelawatta, Thalangama South, Battaramulla.
No. 226, Werallamana, Town, Matara. Town, Matara, Yatamalagala Battaramulla.
Peradeniya. Mahesh Pandithasekara Gamage Trileeshiya Ruwani alias 1020/T Mallika Samarawickrama No Dhumbutu Arachchige Thilini
DTS 42/23 Keerthi Niranjan Wilamuna No Shyama Mangali Uduwawela Yatamalagala Gamage Trileeshiya No. 435/A, Akuregoda, Poornima
Uduwawela No.125, Wattarantenna Passage, Ruwini Thalangama South, No. 435/A, Akuregoda, Thalangama
No. 125, Wattarantenna Kandy. TS 621 Kuladasa Liyanagunawardene No Pemawathie Nanayakkara Battaramulla. South, Battaramulla.
Passage, Kandy. No. 35, Poramba Patumaga, No. 35, Poramba Patumaga, 1021/T Nandasena Siriwardane No Ampegama Gamage Sunethra
Poramba, Akuressa. Poramba, Akuressa. No. 905/27, Shanthipura, Manel Perera
Date : 06.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
TS 625 Simanmeru Pathiranage Nil Gunarathna Don Ranjani Udawatta Road, Malabe. No. 905/27, Shanthipura, Udawatta
Kusumawahi of Abewickrama of Midigahawaththa, Road, Malabe.
Midigahawaththa, Kokmaduwa, Kokmaduwa, Weligama.
District Court of Welisara Date : 02.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kaduwela
TS 626 Gnanawathi Manamperi No Hasini Manoja Liyanage
Last date for filing of objections 12th day of September 2023 42/12, Anagarika Dharmapala 42/12, Anagarika Dharmapala
Mawatha, Matara. Mawatha, Matara.
SCHEDULE TS 627 Berugoda Arachchige Dayani No Hewa Bowalage Nuwan Sanjeewa
Damayanthi No. 06, Dahamgama, Meddawatta, District Court of Kandy
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 06, Dahamgama, Matara.
Meddawatta, Matara.
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased SCHEDULE
No. left Will Date : 29.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara
34/23/T Salgaduge Salinda Dias No Vithana Arachchige Malani Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 34, Heartland Millennium Mangalika Perera alias Vithana
City, Ekala, Kotugoda. Arachchige Malani Mangalika Dias District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 34, Heartland Millennium City, District Court of Ratnapura Registration Deceased Deceased
Ekala, Kotugoda. No. left Will
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 DTS 27/23 Thushari Priyanka No Bopegedera Athauda Mudiyanselage
Date : 29.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara Hewapathirana, No. 24, 01st Amaranath Bandara Athauda
SCHEDULE Lane, Aruppola, Kandy. No. 24, 01st Lane, Aruppola, Kandy.

Column I Column II Column III Column IV Date : 08.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
District Court of Galle District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
SCHEDULE T/2386 Samarasuriyage Upul Rohan No Kakangama Mananage Wathurangi
Senaratna Piyatilake, Pille House, Kahangama, District Court of Nuwara-Eliya
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Pille House Kahangama Ratnapura. Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased T/2387 Mabhotuwana Vithanage No Kenthahewa Chandra De Silva, SCHEDULE
No. left Will Dhanapala, No. 504/2/2,
No. 504/2/2, Kandelantha, Kandelantha, Kataliyanpalla, Column I Column II Column III Column IV
T/738 Mahadura Suraweera No Thalpehewa Susima Chandhani de Kataliyanpalla, Ratnapura. Ratnapura.
Alabada Watta, Alabada, Silva, Alabada Watta, Alabada, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Gintota. Gintota. T/2388 Gamlath Ralalage Sarath No Vijitha Maheshwari Sahabandu
Chandrasiri Samanala Place, Registration Deceased Deceased
T/747 Srimathie Mallika Kuruneru No Yasojith Kuruneru Malawe, Kuruvita. No. left Will
No. 297/1, Circular Road, No.297/1, Circular Road, Magalle, 1. Gamlath Ralalage Madhushani, T/157 Liyanarachchilage Thilak No Wickramagedara Anusha
Magalle, Galle. Galle. Kowsalya Chithangani Gamlath, Priyantha Liyanarachchi nee Wickramage, No. 7/1, Lovers Leap,
T/751 Aruma Kankani Brenda Jayanthi No Kotana Durage Berty Weerasinge Samanala Place, Thilak Priyantha Liyanarachchi Nuwara-Eliya.
No. 75, Agrabodhi Road, No.75, Agrabodhi Road, Weligama. Malawe, Kuruvita. No. 7/1, Lovers Leap, Nuwara-
Weligama. 2. Gamlath Ralalage Ereshan Eliya.
T 759 Gunasiri Kodithuwakku No Lekam Ralalage Gedara Dhulanjani Saranga Gamlath, T/159 Kudagamage Manel Wasantha No Piumi Nayanathara Kudagamage
Thotagoda, Akmeemana, Galle. Dharmawathie Menike Samanala Place, Malawe, No. 27, George E De Silva No. 27, George E De Silva Road,
Thotagoda, Akmeemana, Galle. Kuruvita. Road, Kandy. Kandy.

Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Galle Date : 05.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Ratnapura Date : 02.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nuwara-Eliya
DN page 22 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Kaduwela District Court of Homagama District Court of Badulla

Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
1013/T/23 Peramune Ralalage Sandaya No Kalahe, Lokuge, Chamila Prashanthi District Court : Vithanage Norris Singho Yes Vithanage Thulina Dilshan Pro/97 Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Yes Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage
Kumara Navaratna Sahabandu Homagama No. 170, Pitipana - North, Suduhami Chandika Priyantha Rathnayaka
No. 11, Pulleir Kovila Road, No. 304/15, Sathjaya Mawatha, Pore, Testamentary : Delgayawatta, Homagama. Wewekaday, Ketawela Road, Wewekaday, Ketawela Road,
Matale. Athurugiriya. 21654 Attampitiya. Attampitiya.
District Court of Weliwita Arachchige Nihal No Rajapaksha Mudalige Sumanawathie T/334 Disanayaka Mudiyanselage No Disanayaka Mudiyanselage Siripala
Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kaduwela Homagama Jayasiri No. 187/1/A/5, Pepiliwalapara, Darmapala S.K. Traders, Ketawala Road,
Case No. No. 187/1/A/5, Pepiliwalapara, Brahmanagama, Pannipitiya. Gunasiri Bekariya, Kendagolla, Badulla.
22019/T Brahmanagama, Pannipitiya. Badulla.
22357/T/2023 Don Sarath Kumarage No Dona Harriet Kumarage
District Court of Kuliyapitiya No.100, Kuragala, Padukka. No.100, Kuragala, Padukka. Date : 08.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Badulla
22400/T Senanayake Mudiyanselage No Senanayaka Mudiyanselage
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023 Dingiri Mahathmaya Udayanga Priyasantha
No. 309/A, Temple Road, No.309/A, Temple Road,
SCHEDULE Makumbura, Pannipitiya. Makumbura, Pannipitiya.
District Court : Wellappuli Arachchige No Last Will Wellappuli Arachchige Dimithra
District Court of Gampaha
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Homagama Hemapala Dilusha Last date for filing of objections 18th day of August 2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Testamentary : 1017/4A, Liyanagoda Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased No : 22428/T Katukurunda, Kottawa. SCHEDULE
No. left Will District Court : Godakooru Pathirannehelage No Last Will Wellappuli Arachchige Dimithra
840/T Weerakkodi Mudiyanselage No Hetti Arachchige Mangalika Perera Homagama Hemalatha Menike Dilusha Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Abesinghe (No. 305/3/A, Sanka Road, Testamentary : 1017/4A, Liyanagoda Road,
No : 22429/T Katukurunda, Kottawa. District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Labuyaya, Kuliyapitiya).
Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Hetti Arachchige Don Premalal No Henadeerage Malkanthi No. left Will
Date : 08.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kuliyapitiya Homagama No. 531/2, Panagoda, Gunawardhane, No. 531/2,
Case No. Homagama. Panagoda, Homagama. T/188/2022 Devathanthrige Jayasinghe No Wanninayake Mudiyanselage Inoka
22486/TS No. 317, Vijitharama Mawatha, Manike
Asgiriya. No. 317, Vijitharama Mawatha,
22519/T Aruna Namal Wijetunge Deceased Calistus Jayantha Wijetunge Asgiriya, Gampaha
District Court of Jaffna No. 54/2/M, Ranpokuna has not left a No. 54/2/M, Ranpokuna Mawatha,
223/23T Don Pushpaka Krishan Deceased Walawe Palliya Guruge Lakshika
Mawatha, Mambulgoda, Last Will Mambulgoda, Pannipitiya.
Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023 Pannipitiya. Malawaraarachchi Not left will Nirmali
No.20/10A, Jathika Niwasa, No. 137/A/1, Pitadeniya,
District Court - Padmaperuma Arachchige Don No Janaka Priyantha Padmaperuma Ambahenawatta, Kaluwala Kappitiyagoda, Nagoda, Galle.
SCHEDULE Homagama Manawasinghe Harischandra No. 646/1, Kandewatta, Meegoda. Road, Ganemulla.
Case No - No. 646, Kandewatta, Meegoda.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV 22526 Date : 30.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Gampaha
Nature -
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Homagama
T/80/2023 Kanapathipillai Ramalingam No Skanthakumary - widow of
No. 166, 1st Cross Street, Ramalingam District Court of Marawila
Jaffna. No. 166, 1st Cross Street, Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
District Court of Welisara
Date : 28.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Jaffna Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court of Jaffna Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. left Will
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant 376/T Warnakulasuriya John Lionel Yes Warnakulasuriya Evlin Koncy
Registration Deceased Deceased Thamal Fernando alias Warnakulasooriya
No. left Will No. 701/B, Paragus Junction Emalin Koncy Fernando
SCHEDULE 19/23/T Soosai Anthony Kelister No Clair Piyumie Tharushika Fernando Road, Ulhitiawa, Wennappuwa. No. 701/B, Paragus Junction Road,
Fernando No. 106/140/A, Meril Fonseka Ulhitiawa, Wennappuwa.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 106/140/A, Meril Fonseka Mawatha, St. Mariya Road, Ja-Ela. 378/T Senanayake Mudiyanselage No Maddumage Thilaka Fernando
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Mawatha, St. Mariya Road, Sumanaweera Pansal Junction, Kirimatiyana West,
Registration Deceased Deceased Ja-Ela. Pansal Junction, Kirimatiyana Lunuwila.
No. left Will West, Lunuwila.
T/81/2023 Dr. Nalayini Gnanadevan alias No Sharaniya Gnanadevan Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara
Nalini Gnanadevan of No. 732, Pointpedro Road, Date : 29.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Marawila
of No. 732, Pointpedro Road, Nallur, Jaffna.
Nallur, Jaffna.
District Court of Theldeniya
Date : 22.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Jaffna
Last date for filing of objections 27th day of August 2023 District Court of Welisara
Last date for filing of objections 08th day of September 2023
District Court of Mathugama Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
SCHEDULE No. left Will
T 23/23 Don Rajeewa Mangala No Pahala Gedara Sandiya Kumari
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Gunawardana Thilakaratna, 30/23/T Barbara Pereira also known as No Andriea Judith De Kauwe Pereira
No. 7A, No. 7A, Barbara Doreen Pereira No. 01, Walpola Road, Ragama.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Temple Road, Kengalla. Temple Road, Kengalla. No.01A, Walpola Road, Ragama.
Registration Deceased Deceased
31/23/T Jerome Victor Pereira Yes Andriea Judith De Kauwe Pereira
No. left Will Date : 18.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Theldeniya No.01, Walpola Road, Ragama. No.01, Walpola Road, Ragama.
T12/2022 Punchiweddikkarage Danawathi No Punchiweddikkarage Kulathunga
Perera, Dagalgodalanda Waththa,
Kovila Road, Athura Date : 29.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara
District Court of Dambulla
Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mathugama Last date for filing of objections 26th day of August 2023
District Court of Anuradhapura
SCHEDULE Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023
District Court of Marawila Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. left Will
SCHEDULE District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
25/T Abarana Gedara Somapala Yes Abarana Gedara Ajith Kumara, Registration Deceased Deceased
5/27, 5/27, No. left Will
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Rambawala Road, Rambawala Road,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Dewahuwa. Dewahuwa. TS/00175/23 Evana Hannadige Chandrasiri No Evana Hannadige Isuru Janith
Registration Deceased Deceased 104, Karambewa, Galkadawala, Chandrasiri
No. left Will Date : 09.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Dambulla Anuradhapura. 104, Karambewa, Galkadawala,
368T Jayasinghe Arachchige Nimal No Hetti Arachchige Don Indika
Antoni Appuhami Nishanthi
"Prashan Hotel", Date : 22.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Anuradhapura
Colombo Road,
District Court of Matara
Wife Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
District Court of Moneragala
Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Marawila
SCHEDULE Last date for filing of objections 27th day of July 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court of Pugoda Registration
Deceased Deceased
left Will
Column I Column II Column III Column IV

Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
TS 617 Matara, Paramulla No Matara, Paramulla Jayamahavihara Registration Deceased Deceased
Jayamahavihara Road, Road, No. left Will
SCHEDULE No. 80, Hewa Galamulage No. 80, Jewendra Mulachari
Lasantha Indunil. Gamladdalage Sanjeewanie Wijitha T/19 Widanagamage Domadasa Yes Widanagamage Chaminda
Kumari. Priyadarshana,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 152,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Date : 23.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matara Western Hotel, Moneragala
Registration Deceased Deceased Petitioner
No. left Will
134/T Meniklandage Weerasiri No Egoda Gedara Leelawathi alias
Meniklanda alias Munipurage
Sirisena alias Sirisena,
Egoda Gedara Lilawathi. District Court of Ampara Date : 20.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moneragala

No. 61/H, Sappuwatta, Last date for filing of objections 04th day of August 2023

Date : 17.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Pugoda

SCHEDULE District Court of Nuwara Eliya
Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant SCHEDULE
District Court of Hingurakgoda Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
Last date for filing of objections 2nd day of August 2023 Column I Column II Column III Column IV
T/88 Ranpatin Gedara Nandasena Yes Ranpatin Gedara Dhammika
alias Ranpatin Gedara Weerasinghe District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
SCHEDULE Nandasena Weerasinghe alias Registration Deceased Deceased
Ranpitin Gedara Nandasena No. left Will
Column I Column II Column III Column IV T-156 Pandiyan Nadaraj No Letchumanan Pushpawathie
Date : 30.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Ampara No. 88 3/1, Dunbar Road, No. 42, Kandy Road,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Hatton. Nuwara Eliya.
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Date : 29.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nuwara Eliya
58/T/2023 Disanayake Mudiyanselage
Yes Disanayake Mudiyanselage Sumithra
District Court of Mallakam
No. 345, Biso Uyana, No. 471, 8 Ela, Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
Diyasenpura. Diyasenpura.
District Court of Gampola
Date : 23.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Hingurakgoda
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant SCHEDULE
District Court of Negombo Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023
T/38/2023 Erambu Thangavelu No Kanagaratnam Raveendrakumar District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
of Hospital Road, of Hospital Road, Registration Deceased Deceased
SCHEDULE Chankanai. Chankanai. No. left Will
T 84/23 Junaideen Mohamed Razik No Mohamed Razik Mohamed Aroos.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Date : 30.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mallakam No. 91, Karahanthungala, No. 22, Elamaldeniya,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Nawalapitiya. Muruthagahamula.
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Gampola
1664/T Karipadaththu Sangunni No Welaudan Parameshwari,
Sangaran Sathyadasan alias
Karippadaththu Sangaran
No. 24, St. Anthoney Road,
Periyamulla, Negombo.
District Court of Balapitiya
Sathyadasan, Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 District Court of Kurunegala
No. 24, St. Anthony Road, Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
Periyamulla, Negombo.
1676/T Madurawala Gamage Don Shirly No Bannahaka Mudiyanselage
Ashoka alias Priyantha Kumari alias Bannahake
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Madurawalagamage Don Shirly Mudiyanselage Priyantha Kumari
Ashoka alias Madurawala Bannahake, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Gamage Don Shirly Ashoka No. 24, Thoppuwa, Kochchikade. Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Appuhamy, No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
No. 24, Thoppuwa, Kochchikade. P214 Kankanam Thanathuruge Yes Kankanam Thanathuruge Gayan No. left Will
1678/T Conganige Sanjeewa Rajith No Athige Rita Silva Jinasena alias Sena Jinendrajith Senaka, 7962/T Kukulalawaththe Gedara No Labukolathene Gedara Shanthilatha
Lalitha Anthony No. 302/32/A, De Silva Mawatha, Ambalangoda. Salvation Army Housing Scheme, Premadasa, Gunawardana,
No. 294/A, Polgahahena, Miriswatta, Demanhandiya, 117, Vihara Kanda, Galagodawatta, No. 60/2, Rabukandana, No. 60/2, Rabukandana,
Ragama North. Negombo. Payagala. Kuligoda. Rideegama Post Rideegama Post.

Date : 14.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo Date : 26.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Balapitiya Date : 26.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kurunegala
W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISEMENTS page 23 DN
No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Kurunegala District Court of Elpitiya District Court of Mt Lavinia

Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023


Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will No. left Will
836/T Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage No Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage T/66 Helambage Wasantha Asoka No Helambage Chithra Kanthi 5206/21/T Lenox Winston Ashbourne Yes Leanne Melani Ashbourne,
Samanseeli Padmakumari Wasantha Saman Dissanayaka Kumari Suraweera alias Suraweera No. 22- 5/3, No. 22 - 5/3, Ebanizer Place,
Thuttiripitigama, No. 117, "Sisila", Helambage Wasanthi Ashoka No. 287/21, Ebanizer Place, Dehiwala
Kadawalagedara Rawumapara, Hattipola. Kumari Suraweera. Sanre Uyana, Mawala South Dehiwala Presently at United States of
Wadduwa. America
Date : 26.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kurunegala by her Attorney Sharan Kameelia
Date : 20.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Elpitiya Ashbourne.
5388/22/T Mylvaganam Manickavasagam No Manickavasagam Prabagaran of
of No. 51, Lauries Road, No. 08, Rohini Road,
District Court of Theldeniya Colombo 04. Colombo 06.
District Court of Galle 5429/22/T Mahathelge Francis Lancelot No Ponnamperumage Leonie Orille
Last date for filing of objections 27th day of August 2023 Dias alias Francis Lancelot Dias, Hyacinth Fernando alias
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 No. 221, De Saram Road, Leonie Orille Hyacinth Dias,
SCHEDULE Mt. Lavinia. No. 221, De Saram Road,
SCHEDULE Mt Lavinia.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV 5546/23/T Vijayakumary Subramaniam No Vykunthan Subramaniam,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV 5, Holland Park Avenue, 5, Holland Park Avenue,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Ilford, Essex, UK. Ilford, Essex UK
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
appearing by her Attorney
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
Pudhathambi Hariharan.
No. left Will
TE27/2023 Rathnasamy Anbalagan, No Anbalagan Soniya Apsara 5578/23/T Kishani Vosika De Silva No Thenuwara Achcharige Chandradasa
No. 22/2, Mahiyangana Road, No. 22/2, Gonawala, T 758 Ranjani Mala Edirisinghe, No Chaminda Indika Ganegoda
No. 12, Templers Road, No. 12, Templers Road,
Gonawala, Rajawella. Rajawella. No. 94, Elliot Road, No. 12, Vijayawardhanarama Road,
Mt Lavinia. Mt Lavinia.
Galle. Nawala Road, Nugegoda.
5609/23/T Fathima Azra Zubair No Shimar Ahamed Zubair,
Date : 30.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Theldeniya
Date : 24.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Galle No. 220/3, Quarry Road, No. 220/3, Quarry Road,
Dehiwala. Dehiwala.
5617/23/T Thilagam Daniel Thiagarajah Yes 1. Daniel Thiagarajah Rajasekaran
No. 291 - 3/4, 2. Anushahini Rajasekaran
District Court of Ruwanwella District Court of Kesbewa Havelock Road, No. 93/14, Peterson Court,
Last date for filing of objections 26th day of July 2023 Colombo 6. Peterson Lane, Colombo 6.
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 5619/23/T Don Francis Ekanayakie, No Dimuth Ekanayakie,
30/2, Old Road, 30/2, Old Road,
SCHEDULE Navinna, Maharagama. Navinna, Maharagama.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV 5620/23/T Muthumini Damith Mudusanka No Sellapperumage Asha Harshani
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Silva Fernando,
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. 75/A, Galkanuwa Road, No. 22, Francis Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Gorakana, Panadura. Wellawatta.
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will 5623/23/T Navaratnam Thirunavukkarasu Yes Jayanthy Piragalathan nee
24/T Sahabdeen Udayar Siththi Yes Mohomad Raseed Noor Madeena "Lotus Villa", No. 201/1, 3/1, Thirunavukkarasu
Sahira Umma, No. C 285/2, Anguruwella, 479/2022 Samitha Chandana Kumarage No Hollupathirage Jayarukshi Bhagya W.A. Silva Mawatha, "Lotus Villa", No. 201/1, 3/1,
No. C 285/1, Anguruwella, Ruwanwella. No. 262/01, Kaldera, Colombo 06. W.A. Silva Mawatha, Colombo 06.
Ruwanwela. Hospital Road, Kiribathgoda. No. 262/01, Hospital Road,
Kiribathgoda. 5626/23/T Shantha Lal Edirisinghe, No Sampath Deshan Edirisinghe,
Petitioner 99/A, Wanaratanarama Road, No. 99/A, Wanaratanarama Road,
Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Ruwanwella Kalubowila, Dehiwala. Kalubowila, Dehiwala.
T/512 Priyankara Gunaratne, No Sujeewa Lalaji Rajapaksha
No. 325/8/3, No. 325/8/3, Gonamadittha Road, 5627/23/T Parana Palliya Guruge Sirisoma No Parana Palliya Guruge Sahan Sithija,
Gonamadittha Road, Kesbewa, Piliyandala. No. 25A, Sri Gunaratana No. 25A, Sri Gunaratana Mawatha,
Kesbewa, Piliyandala. Mawatha, Mount Lavinia. Mount Lavinia.
District Court of Kegalle T/541/2023 Nambukara Dickwella Gamage No Suriya Achchige alias Mapatunage 5628/23/T Deepa Sirimalie Kamaragoda No Ranjith Sardatissa Samarakone
Last date for filing of objections 26th day of August 2023 Ramyadasa alias Nambukara Dona Kalyani Premalatha nee Ariyawardena Kamaragoda
Dickwelle Gamage Ramyadasa No. 46/1, Uswatta Road, No. 49, Watarappola Road, No. 49, Watarappola Road,
Pelawatta, Bauddhaloka Dampe, Madapatha. Mount Lavinia. Mount Lavinia.
SCHEDULE Mawatha, Suwarapola, 5629/23/T Preethi Prabhath Sirisena No Dona Nanda Malani
Piliyandala. No. 200/20, Sapumal Uyana, No. 11/3/1/1,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Kotagedara Road, Pirivena Place,
T/543 Wijayalath Arachchilage No Gomarage Don Hasitha Ranjana
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Kanchana Chathurani Jayawardena Piliyandala. Hena Road, Mt Lavinia.
Registration Deceased Deceased Gunawardena No. 262/1, Mandavila Road, 5630/23/T Vidyaratne Ganitha Guruge No Lasni Namalka Vidyaratne,
No. left Will No. 262/1, Mandavila Road, Piliyandala. Kulathunga Vidyaratne, No. 34/12A, Dakshinarama Road,
T/314/23 Bandula Dissanayaka No Shantha Dissanayake Piliyandala. No. 34/12A, Dakshinarama Mount Lavinia.
No. 163/58/03-2, T/544 Welikadage Podi Nona Botheju No Kulathunga Arachchige Rathnapala Road, Mount Lavinia
Winston Wickramasinghe Mawatha, alias Podinona, alias Kudamage Rathnapala, 5631/23/T Abdul Cader Farook Yes Farook Fazil
Kegalle. No. 34/1, Morenda, Piliyandala No. 35, Berawawala, No. 30 - 2/2, Vanderwert Place, No. 30 - 2/2, Venderwert Place,
Madapatha. Dehiwala. Dehiwala.
Date : 05.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kegalle T/545 Kulathunga Arachchige Nevil No Kulathunga Arachchige Rathnapala Presently
No. 34/1, Morenda, alias Kudamage Rathnapala No. 04, William Street Essex
Piliyandala No. 35, Berawawala, Madapatha. 1G118FP, UK.
T/546 Welisara Arachchige Balawathi No Sameera Premashantha Ginthota, 5632/23/T Meemanage Kenath Kemasiri No Lalana Lakmini Fernando,
District Court of Avissawella Pranandu alias Welisara No. 132/C, Fernando,
No. 411/1, Galle Road,
No. 411/1, Galle Road,
Mount Lavinia.
Arachchige Balawathi Batakettara, Madapatha.
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023 No. 25E, Madapatha Road, Mount Lavinia.
Kolamunna, Piliyandala 5633/23/T Sappani Pillai Karthigesu No Subashini Karthigesu
SCHEDULE T/547 Senanayake Nawalage Quintes No Kudaliyanage Dona Dipthika No. 4 - 2/3, No. 4 - 2/3,
Chandasiri Sandaya Kumari Kulathunga alias Seagull Mansion, Seagull Mansion,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 583/C1, Subasadaka Dipthika Senanayaka, 55th Lane, Colombo 06. 55th Lane, Colombo 06.
Mawatha, No. 583/C1, Subasadaka Mawatha, 5635/23/T Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed No Mehroom Badurdeen alias Mehroon
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Iqbal, Iqbal,
Aruwella, Pannipitiya. Aruwella, Pannipitiya.
Registration Deceased Deceased No. 44, Station Housing No. 27 1/1, Peiris Place,
No. left Will T-548 Thanthri Waththage Dona No Suraweera Arachchige Don Rohana,
Chandralatha, Suraweera, Scheme, 1st Lane, Galwala Road,
DTS/00005/23 Liyanage Nimal Dharmasiri yes Herath Mudiyanselage Kamalawathie Ratmalana. Dehiwala.
No. 235, No. 13/2,
No. 374, Menike, 5636/23/T Fathima Ifama Sham (Fathima No Mohamad Saidul Masir (Mazeer)
Welpahahala, Batakeththara, Radawana, Baliwila.
Colombo Road, No. 374, Colombo Road, Ifama Mazeer), No. 3C, 5th Lane, Borupana Road,
Puwakpitiya. Puwakpitiya. No. 3C, 5th Lane, Ratmalana.
T/549 Recherd Illeperuma No Pradeep Illeperuma
Borupana Road, Ratmalana.
Date : 05.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Avissawella 22/2, Mawiththara, 22/2, Mawiththara,
Piliyandala. Piliyandala. 5637/23/T Jenette Vivian Stella Ratnayake, Yes Rev. Fr. Dawatage Gihan Ridley
No. 21 1/11, Majestic Terrence Perera,
T/550 Mallikarachchige Don No Wadduwage Adilin Nona Prera alias
Apartments, Station Road, Archbishop's House,
Chandradasa alias Wadduwage Adilin Perera
Colombo 06. Gnanartha Pradeepa Mawatha,
Mallikachchige Don
District Court of Horana Chandradasa alias
Borella, Colombo 08.
Malalikaachachige Don 5638/23/T Rajeswary Mageswaran Yes Viloshini Abeysekera Ihalalanda Dias
Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 previously of No. 11/5 (now 11/7) of 32/1, Templer Place,
No. 175, Bandaragama Road, Potpathy First Lane Kokuvil East Mount Lavinia (as the duly
SCHEDULE Kesbewa. Kokuvil and subsequently of constituted Attorney of Subramaniam
139, Burghley Court, Rajagobalan of 2 Springfield Park,
T/551 Don Manuwelge Priyanath No Dona Manuwelge Chethana Wirajini
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Kingsquarter, Maidenhead, Maidenhead, Berkshire, United
Perera Gunarathne, Perera Gunarathne,
Berkshire, in the United Kingdom SL6 2YN).
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. 46, Kahatagahalanda No. 28, Madapatha Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased Waththa, Thoranawila Junction, Mampe, Piliyandala.
Kesbewa. 5640/23/T Dagma Nalini Gunatilake, Yes Dagma Rukshana De Silva (nee
No. left Will
No. 53, Park Road, Rupasinghe),
4264/T Rupasinghe Arachchilage Don No Athauda Arachchige Latha Rohini T/552 Rubasingha Gunawardana - Sandya Thamara Rubasingha
Ratmalana 53, Park Road, Ratmalana.
Nevil Gamini Shanthalal alias Gunawardhana Amarasiri Gunawardana
No. 88/27, Samindu Lane, 88/27, Samindu Lane, 5642/23/T Kandasamy Palanivel alias No Palanivelu Vipusan alias Vipusan of
Rupasinghe Arachahilage Don No. 29, Samadana Mawatha, Kandasamy Palanivelu of 21/7, Kandawala Mawatha,
Nevil Gamini Rupasinghe Batagoda, Galpatha. Mahawiththara, Piliyandala. Mahawiththara, Piliyandala.
21/7, Kandawala Mawatha, Old Airport Road,
No. 29, Samadana Mawatha, Old Airport Road, Ratmalana Ratmalana.
Batagoda, Galpatha. Date : 06.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kesbewa
District Court:- Bopegamage Victor Gunasekara No Girty Padmalatha Dodangoda alias Date : 06.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mount Lavinia
Testamentary Dodangodage Girty Padmalatha
No.: T/3957/22 No. 398, 13th Lane, Dikhenapura,
District Court of Kaduwela
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 District Court of Kaduwela
Date : 22.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Horana Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
District Court of Kandy Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023 to 25th August 2023 District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. left Will Registration Deceased Deceased
SCHEDULE No. left Will
1023/T Upali Marasinghe No Hewa Pathiranage Swarna Ramani
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 952/4, 37th Lane, Premathilaka alias Hewa 1022/T/2023 Handapangoda Mudalige Don No Willap Fransiskuge Antanita Mallika
Pothuarawa Road, Malabe. Pathiranage Swarna Ramani Lushan Thusith Mudalige Rathnamali Sovis
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Premathilaka No. 31/6C, Heenetikumbura No. 31/6C, Heenetikumbura Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased No. 954/4, 37th Lane, Pothuarawa Road, Koswatte, Battaramulla. Koswatte, Battaramulla.
No. left Will Road, Malabe.
DTS 41/23 Ratnayake Mudiyanselage Sunil No Chandana Kumari Hiriburegama Date : 10.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kaduwela
Bandara Ratnayake alias Sunil No. 24, Dambawela Road, Ampitiya. Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kaduwela
Bandara Ratnayake alias
Hapuhinne Karunadipati
Divaratna Wasala Ratnayake District Court of Mount Lavinia
Mudiyanselage Sunil Bandara Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
District Court of Puttalam
No. 24, Dambawela Road, Last date for filing of objections 01st day of September 2023
Ampitiya. SCHEDULE
SCHEDULE Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Date : 31.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
Column I Column II Column III Column IV District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court of Mahara Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
No. left Will 5271/22/T Kodithuwakku Arachchige No Kavindu Chinthana Kodithuwakku
Last date for filing of objections 22nd day of August 2023 Sunilnath No. 22, Gemunu Mw., Attidiya,
78/T Abdul Kareem Sareen Nil 01. Mosas Sandanamal Risana
No. 22, Gemunu Mw., Attidiya, Dehiwala.
No. 56, 2nd Cross Street, Thiilladiya,

Column I Column II Column III Column IV Date : 19.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Puttalam Date : 15.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mt.Lavinia
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
District Court of Kurunegala District Court of Matugama
99/T Rajapaksha Pathirannehelage No Herath Pathirannehelage Chintha Last date for filing of objections 24th day of August 2023
Hema Chandra Sri Rajapaksha, Kalyani Herath, Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
No. 205A, Pahala No. 205A, Pahala Karagahamuna
Karagahamuna, Kadawatha. Kadawatha. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE
100/T Arambage Upali Wimalasiri No Ganegama Withanage Monika Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 509, Delgahawatta Road, No. 509, Delgahawatta Road, District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Wanawasala, Kelaniya. Wanawasala, Kelaniya. Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will No. left Will
Date : 05.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahara
7964/T Hettiarachchige Sandya No Nayaka Bandaralage Anura Balalla District Court Udumullage Chithra Irangani of No Jayalathge Gunaratne of
Wickramasinghe Matugama No. 22, Pinnagoda Road, No. 22, Pinnagoda Road, Owitigala,,
T/4/22 Owitigala,, Matugama. Matugama.
District Court of Welisara Date : 20.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kurunegala
Date : 20.03.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Matugama
Last date for filing of objections 08th day of September 2023

SCHEDULE District Court of Kalutara District Court of Nugegoda

Column I Column II Column III Column IV Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
23/23/T Mallawa thanthrige Bandula No Mallawa Thanthrige Darshani
Dayarathna Perera Chathurangi Perera District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 23/3, Ragama Road, 14A, Mitcham Lane, London, Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
Kandana. SW 16 6NN, United Kingdom. No. left Will No. left Will
36/23/T Watagedara Bandarage Mohan No Watagedara Bandarage Nimasha T 351 Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed No Mohamed Nasooh Fathima Rasana District Court : Sanjeeva Pradeep No Shelreen Judith Weldt
Priyantha Shehari Watagedara Nasooh 59, Naleem Hajiyar Mw., Chinafort, Nugegoda Abeygunawardena No. 14/6, Naga Vihara Road, Kotte.
No. 320/40A, Hendala Road, No. 320/40A, Hendala Road, 59, Naleem Hajiyar Mw., Beruwala. Testamentary : No. 14/6, Naga Vihara Road,
Hendala, Wattala. Hendala, Wattala. Chinafort, Beruwala. No : 1781/T/23 Kotte.

Date : 12.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara Date : 12.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kalutara Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nugegoda
DN page 24 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3

No. 84
Notice under Section 529 (2) of the Civil Procedure Code
It is hereby notified that the following applications have been made for the proof of will/probate/grant of letter of administration / issue of certificates of heirship, in respect of the estates of the deceased persons described in the Schedule

Any person having objections to the making of an Order declaring a will proved or the grant of probate or letters of administration with or without a will annexed or the issue of certificates of heirship to the persons named in the petitions,
shall make such objections in writing supported by affidavit and filed on or before the dates fixed by the respective District Courts specified below:


District Court of Mahiyangana District Court of Moratuwa District Court of Nugegoda

Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 26th day of June 2023 Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023


Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
No. left Will No. left Will
T/1043/2023 Christeen Indrani Pahalawatta No Kurukulasuriyege Jude Samantha
T/08/2023 Weerakkodi Dayarathnalage No Bopitiya Mahagamage Seelawathi T/1753/23 Nishanthi Kumari Atigala (before Yes 1. Madanga Kumar Chandrasekara
alias Christeen Indrani alias Kurukulasuriya alias Jude Samantha
Dharmasiri Munasinghe alias Bopitiya Maha Gamage Seela marriage) Chandrasekara, No. 4 'A' Police Park Terrace,
Christeen Indrani Kurukulasuriya
No. 79/A, Sorabora, Gamage No. 596/10, Jayasinghe Colombo 05.
No. 44/9, Obahena Road,
Mahiyangana. No. 79/A, Sorabora, Mahiyangana. Mawatha, Bangalawa Junction, 2. Horagampita Gamage Ipul
Madiwela, Kotte.
Kotte. Senaka
Date : 18.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Mahiyangana No. 596/10, Jayasinghe Mawatha,
Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Moratuwa Bangalawa Junction, Kotte.
T/1789/23 Sunila Dias Wickramanayake No Niluka Dilrukshi Dias
No. 293/17, Temple Road, Wickramanayake
Thalapathpitiya, Nugegoda. No. 293/17, Temple Road,
District Court of Avissawella District Court of Teldeniya Thalapathpitiya, Nugegoda.
Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 30th day of July 2023 T/1785/23 Hetti Arachchilage Ananda No Hettige Swarna Piyaseeli
Hettiarachchi No. 16, Sigera Road, Madiwela,
SCHEDULE No. 16, Sigera Road, Madiwela, Kotte.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV T/1804/2023 Wayalat Kusum Manikpura alias No Tharanga Darshaka alias Tharanga
Wayalat Kusuma Manikpura Darshaka Hettige
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No. 15, Cheenagahakotunna No. 15, Cheenagahakotunna Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased Road, Depanama, Pannipitiya. Depanama, Pannipitiya.
No. left Will No. left Will
T/1826/2023 Weerasinghe Acharige Yes Weerasinghe Acharige Kalpa Gayan
T 1472/22 Gamage Don Layanal No Parana Gamaralalage Nandani TE24/23 Angappan Jayaram, No Charles Melvin, Gaamini Croon Karunapala Weerasinghe
Wimalarathna, Thiniya Ranjith Gunathilaka, Thiniya No. 36, Padiwatta, No. 27/A, No. 167, Pamunuwa Road, No. 167, Pamunuwa Road,
Mahayaya Maliboda Mahayaya Maliboda Nattarampotha, Kandy. Pitakanda Road, Kandy. Maharagama. Maharagama.
Date : 04.04.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Teldeniya T/1832/23 Katuwawala Gamage Piyasena, No Katuwawala Gamage Nishantha
Date : 18.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Avissawella No. 6/15, School Road, Templers Indunil Piyasena,
Road, Mount Lavinia. No. 166, Avissawella Road,
T/1816/23 Fransz Gerrard Perera Yes Roshelle Anne Weinman
District Court of Balapitiya District Court of Hatton 86, W.A. Silva Mawatha, No. 152C/1/1, Stanley Tillekeratne
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of July 2023 Wellawatte, Colombo 06. Mw., Nugegoda.
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023
District Court: Hakmana Vidane No Maggona Gurunnanselage Helen
SCHEDULE Nugegoda Kankanamalage Charlotte Philomina Fernando of No. 488, Pita
SCHEDULE Case Number: Fernando nee Pieris alias Kotte Road, Kotte.
T/1780/23 Hakmana Vidane Kankanamge
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Type: Charlotte Fernando nee Pieris
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Testamentary
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased District Court of Don Nandhasoma No Jayani Chandralatha Pinnawala
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will Nugegoda Kasthuriarachchi No. 172/12, Polhengoda Road,
No. left Will
T/782/2023 Dickowita Kankanamge No Rupawathi Jayawicrama Case No. No. 765, Station Road, Colombo 05.
District Court of Dapanedurage Chandrapala, No Pussewela Hewage Nimali Prethika T/1815/2023 Pannipitiya.
Weerathunga, Vidanapathirana alias Rupa
Balapitiya alias Dapanadurage Damayanthi
No. 199, Dimbulla Road, Hatton. Jayawicrama Weerathunga T 1542/22 Jina Prasad Weerasooriya Yes 1. Rajapaksha Manimel Nambi
Case No. T 31 Chandrapala 29, Elpitiya Road, Wathugedara.
No. 199, Dimbulla Road, Hatton. (Deceased) of Oriyole Houses Mahendra Chandrajith De Silva
No. K 07, Nivasipura, Kotugoda, 2. Manoja Thiyoni De Silva both of
Date : 23.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Balapitiya
Date : 02.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Hatton Jaela. No. 62/1B, Quarry Road,
Mirihana, Nugegoda.
T/1766/23 Kuruwitage Wijesiri Silva No Buddhika Nishansala Kuruwitage
No. 192, Waththegedara No. 174/2, Delgahawatte Road, Pore,
District Court of Kandy District Court of Welisara Junction, High Level Road, Athurugiriya.
Last date for filing of objections 24th to 30th of August 2023 Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023 Case No. Upali Srilal Nanayakkara alias No Ravindu Saamantha Nanayakkara
T/1768/23 Upali Sri Lal Nanayakkara No. 18/1, Ruban Perera Mawatha,
SCHEDULE SCHEDULE No. 18/1, Ruban Perera Boralesgamuwa.
Mawatha, Boralesgamuwa.
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Column I Column II Column III Column IV T/1769/23 Pelenda Pathirage Chamila No Wickramasinghe Malawipathirana
Duminda Dias Sudarma Jayashanthi
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
No. 232/1, Kanaththa Road, No. 4, Wimalawaththa Road,
Registration Deceased Deceased Registration Deceased Deceased
Battaramulla. Mirihana, Nugegoda.
No. left Will No. left Will
T/1800/23 Amarasinghe Achchige No Dammmika Kanthi
DTS 38/23 Senerath Elmo Derrick Talwatta Yes Indira Dilrukshi Talwatta 21/23/T Herath Mudiyanselage Without Last Jagodage Don Rasika Sanjeewani
Dayawathi, Ratiyala,
No. 56, Dewi Road, Kandy. No. 56, Dewi Road, Kandy. Hemachandra Herath Will 692/5, Lurdhu Mawatha,
No. 06, Bhodhirajapura, No. 06, Bhodhirajapura,
692/5, Lurdhu Mawatha, Thewaththa Road, Ragama.
Werahara, Boralesgamuwa. Werahara, Boralesgamuwa.
DTS 33/23 Alawaththage Theja Kalyani No Kristhogu Baduge Prabhath Thewaththa Road, Ragama.
Dhanushka Nugegoda Ranathunga Liyanage Yes Wickremasinghe Kankanamge
No. 184/15/1/1, Matale Road, Date : 02.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Welisara T/1814/23 Somawathie Jinadasa
Katugastota. No. 153/1B, Hakmana Road, No. 32 B, Chapel Lane, Nugegoda.
Date : 17.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy District Court: Ushan Nilendra Weerasinghe No Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Kamani
District Court of Kandy Nugegoda 4/8, Vihara Mawatha, Pepiliyana, Ganga Kumari Katugaha
Testamentary Boralesgamuwa. Rathnayaka
Last date for filing of objections 27th day of August 2023 No.: T/1820/23 4/8, Vihara Mawatha, Pepiliyana,
District Court of Kalutara SCHEDULE T/1822/23 Hewa Kokawala Senevirathna No Hewa Kokawala Chandani
Last date for filing of objections 23rd day of August 2023 No. 28/2, Arawwala, Pannipitiya. Senevirathna
Column I Column II Column III Column IV No. 28/2, A 1/1, Arauwwala,
SCHEDULE District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased T/1827/23 Bauapalage Gunasena alias No Barupalage Bandula
No. left Will Baruhupolage Gunasena No. 76/1, Woodland Mawatha,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
No. 76/1, Woodland Mawatha, Kohuwala.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant DTS 35/22 Mohamad Sarik Hassen Yes Mohamad Razak Fathima Ziyana Kohuwala.
Registration Deceased Deceased No. 142/4, Mapanawathura, No. 08, Owita, Nawalapitiya.
Kandy. District Court: Nammuni Arachchi Hewa No Nammuni Arachchi Hewa Welhenage
No. left Will Nugegoda Welhenage Mendis Lenord Jayaweera
In the District Mawathage Jasintha Yvon No Megel Arachchige Lakpriya Kumar Testamentary 69/1, Isipathana Road, 766/3, Station Road, Pannipitiya.
Date : 19.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy
Court of Calista Perera Seneviratne Silva No. Waththegedara, Maharagama.
Kalutara No. 121, Redee Mawatha, No. 121, Redee Mawatha, Kalamulla, T/1828/2023
Case No. T/438 Kalamulla, Kalutara. Kalutara. T/1833/2023 Bamunu Arachchige Don No Maddumage Pathmaseeli Hemalatha

Date : 19.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kalutara

District Court of Avissawella Sirisena alias Bamunu Achchige
Don Sirisena
No. 32, Katuwawala,
Last date for filing of objections 28th day of August 2023 No. 32, Katuwawala, Boralesgamuwa.
SCHEDULE 1836/23/T Konara Mudiyanselage No Thennakoon Mudiyanselage
District Court of Elpitiya Dharmarathna Chandra Sarojini Thennakoon
No. 309/1A, Ruban Perera No. 309/1A, Ruban Perera Mawatha,
Last date for filing of objections 25th day of August 2023 Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Mawatha, Boralesgamuwa. Boralesgamuwa.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
SCHEDULE Registration Deceased Deceased Date : 09.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Nugegoda
No. left Will
Column I Column II Column III Column IV DTA/00003/23 Kahaduwa Arachchige No Kahaduwa Arachchige Shalith Ashen
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Padmasiri 589/3, Belawana, Avissawella.
Registration Deceased Deceased 589/3, Belawana, Avissawella. District Court of Negombo
No. left Will DTS/00004/23 Millagahamula Watte Gedara No Millagahamula Watte Gedara Inoka Last date for filing of objections 21st day of August 2023
T/67 Kaluwa Deva Pushpakumara No Sriyani Samarasinghe, Gunarathne Shyamalie Gunarathne
No.408/A, Hipankande, No.408/A, Hipankande, No. 13/39 C, Isuru Mawatha, No. 283/B, Walpola, Ragama.
Madola, Avissawella. SCHEDULE
Nawadagala. Nawadagala
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Date : 25.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Elpitiya Date : 11.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Avissawella
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant
Registration Deceased Deceased
No. left Will
District Court of Kandy District Court of Gampaha 1665/T Sembukutti Arachchigae Lucian No Haputhanthrige Dona Sriyani
Tissa Silva Samarawickrama Jayasingha
Last date for filing of objections 29th day of July 2023 Last date for filing of objections 18th day of August 2023 No. 247, Madampella, No. 247, Madampella, Akaragama.
SCHEDULE SCHEDULE District Court : Wattalage Anusha Deepani No Herath Mudiyanselage Sarath
Negombo No. 235/1, Kaluwarippuwa East, Bandara
Column I Column II Column III Column IV Testamentary : Katana. No. 235/1, Kaluwarippuwa East,
Column I Column II Column III Column IV
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant No : 1669/T Katana.
District Court Name and Address of Whether Name and Address of Applicant Registration Deceased Deceased 1671 / Warnakulasuriya Beed Marcus Without a Methisge Helan Concy Dabarera
Registration Deceased Deceased No. left Will Testamentary Alocious Fernando alias Last Will No. 57/1, Palangathuraya East,
No. left Will Warnakulasuriya Beed Marcus Kochchikade.
219/23/T Pelada Pathirage Anoma No Guluwita Purandarage Nishadhi
DTS 30/2023 Anura Bandara Ekanayake No Mabulage Don Malani Priyadarshani Dias Abhisheka Alocious, No. 57/1,
No. 66, Nanu Oya, No. 66, Nanu Oya, Kiribathkumbura. No. 72/2, Asiri Mawatha, Palangathuraya East,
Kiribathkumbura. Belummahara, Mudungoda. Kochchikade.

Date : 17.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Kandy Date : 25.05.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Gampaha Date : 13.06.2023 Signed Probate Officer - District Court of Negombo

Trusted Marketplace of Classified Advertisers

House/ Land Rent or Lease Wanted
Classified 17

Rs. 800/-
EMPLOYMENT 27 March 2022 Trusted Marketplace of Classifi
27 March 2022 ed Advertisers
Wanted - Teachers

Photo Classifieds
Mathematics in English
medium are required Able Benz Prado Vezel
immediately. Working BMW car lorry driv-
hours 10 a.m. to 5.30
p.m. Location - Thimbi- ers available. Super-
rigasyaya, Colombo 05. shine Service, Dehi-
Accounts Assistant Salary negotiable. Call
male). Qualification
0779844804. wala. 0777473694,
s: 022338 Domestic Helper -
passed GCE (O/L), Well Chef / Chef De Partie KVA 60 brand new 0775822976.
good command of Sin- qualified Teach- Daily - Urgent. For a / Per- 022522
er Trainers, subject young couple with six Sous Chef / Commis / kins Generator made
hala & English, knowl-
Teachers are wanted months baby at Ele- Kitchen Helpers Restau- England, KVA 32 John Accountant, Accounts
edge of MS Office. Career Opportuni
for Galle. bloomin ments
gb Buthgamuwa Apartment, rant Staff required with Deer Generator, KVA Clerk, Book Keeper, ties
Contact: 071-2138139 experience inSuzuki 7 in Health Care Sector

27 March 2022 , udsischool@gmail.co Road, Hot Kitch- Swift Dzire me- Listor Generator Italian
Pamunugama Stores, ABC Manpower Computer
m Walk-in interviews Rajagiriya. Should be en for a High-end Operator, - A reputed hospital

For 15 Words
55, High Level Road, taurant opening tallic Res-
black / KN-0xxx Heritage brand new 100L, 200L, Ser-
vices is a Governmen
from 20th March till English speaking and
Colombo suburb. - soon in
YOM-2010/ Indian Kandyan Crown
Village seeks
270L Three-Phase, Sin- t Secretary, Receptionist, located in Nugegoda.
022456 5th April. 0703318641. able to do household Send En- owned institution. Con- Telephonis
Audit Trainee with work including clean- your CV to inf1198CC o@celery / manual / trepreneurs to extend gle Phase brand new tact us immediately t, Market- ICU & Theatre trained
A/L ing and cooking. Basis .lk / Call 0742001301 for ing Sales (boys
Compressor for sale. / girls), Nursing Officer. * Di-
Commerce O/L Maths power steering
/ / power exports / tourism and your requirements
B. Apply. Agape Ac- 5 days a week - Salary 0773333859. shutters Panadura. 077846069 of
Drivers, ploma
/ central lock all kinds welfare ser- 6, Housemaids, Helpers for / Equivalent

counting Services, 89- 35,000.00. Candidates 0726267432. Watch-
must be from Rajagiri- / alloy wheels. In ex- vices locally / interna- ers, Drivers, Infant supply. qualifications in Nurs-
1/2, Bankshall Street, Immediate
022118 0773595969.
27 March 2022 Colombo 11. Email ya area. Apply imme- vacancy
cellent- In condition. KM- tionally, seek decent Caretakers, Attendants ing * Minimum 5 years’
agapeaccservices@g diately with references five star hotel136, 700 done. Price partnerships urgently.
Colombo, Labourers for Coconut 022555
experience in similar
We are looking for an
ex- Retired Tri Forces
19 vacancy type - Kitch- Estates and Poultry 15 years
mail.com WhatsApp to email id headhnt
- Rs. 4,500,000.00 (ne- dhaminbul@gmail.com
perienced Hotel Man- or Po-
capacity * Age below
Farms, Cleaners and this field. experience on
lice Officer between 50- W. Thomas & Sons Toyota Vitz 2008 / 2011, Toyota @
ager and a Chef for
a 55 years is required fessionals in firearms,
English spoken
Prado, 120, Petrol
Toyota Dyna, GY – xxxx, Suzuki Stingray 2016 / Red Sports – 0755030954, gmail.com / Call Mbl. en Steward (Kitchen 0773431763.

gotiable). Labourers for different HousemaidHardworking 60 * Excellent com-
holiday resort situated to 20 white, 1300 022689
in Southern Province.
work as a Security Of- air rifles, has manufac- hours course. Natural CC, 8 2002 / 2005, KD – xxxx, 14- , 1000
Bolero Maxi Truck, PQ 0777239397. Wanted English speak- 0717288097. Cleaners) for Mid Kandana.
ficer at a bungalow
in tured 100% effective conversation fluency. Air Bags, 1999 / 2002, Length 2017, CAT – 8 xxx, 2nd CC, Charde, 021522
ing live-in Driver for 071-197800
Night Shift, 077-420771 While staying at home, s, Cleaning, munication
Colombo 07. Attractive local guns for simians showroom Line A/C, Seven A/C, Female unmarried Steward- 1. work categories. skills. At-
Mr Babysitters,
salary with free meals and giant squirrels with
077 8717413 IELTS,
O/ seater, owner, mileage 51000 – xxxx, 2011, Back Ac- company Chairman’s 9 - Male / Fe- you can earn maximum male/ fe- tractive salary
20 GENERAL - PERSON and accommodation. 5 years warranty, speed L, A/L, kids/English condition, service Electric seats, Height
14 2/1, full body, A/C, Alloy wheels, Rs. counts Clerk - Age male domestic servants ing Supervisor, Wait- Ranjan 0777171915, male Attendants & fringe
Km, Multifunction, 775000/-, side cage. Mileage Bungalow in Col-3 with 022520
income daily / weekly , male/
AL - REAL ESTATE Call 0112326070 dur- medium, ers. Contact for further 0 7 1 0 4 4 4 4 1
20-30 with QB knowl- and all the other male
6 , female Cooks, all routes benefits await the right
800, 200m range guns Literature,
27 March 2022 ing weekdays between
Chinese LG single door Fridge English language per-
records available. Rs. Control, Power, breadth face, 15 Coure 15-, experience in driving / /
Mathematics Science 30,000/=
Fully option, Push Start. 90000 Km. price 20/50, edge and experience female employees now details. 0778912293, monthly by giving any 0117179323.

* Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/-

49/-, 850 cc, Rs.875,000/-,
Drives, candidate. Please for-
8.30 - 5.00 or send your
experienced gradu- Wanted Conductor
guns at very special Rs. 40,000/
= Kenstar fect course, interview, 54/25. B Engine, fornt and back in latest BMW & Lan-
amount to our com- 022062 experienced
ated international with experience in Co- application to carrierop Air Rifles W. Thomas prices speed 500, range Air-Cooler
20,000/= presentation, 1000 pri-
Maharagama. Auto, third Kottawa. 0753 411 009 Maharagama. 0777 355 computer is required can be obtained from 0771543939.
school teacher home ertunity2015@gmail & 50m fro
m R
owner, 16- Auto Rs. 975,000/- immediately.
drover vehicles, and 021915 Gardeners, Couples, ward your CV with
visits Cambridge Lo-
conut for estate below
.c Sons - Kadawatha pres- s .
= upwards - repairs
2 0,000/ Icon Box Fan Rs.
vate English teachers 075 122 5001 uda Dunu, Height 7’ 4”, 040 Send good knowledge Govt Registered Wat- pany. We need people
cal London (O/L) A
50 acres. 0777897837. 021688
ent Chairman Desha- from 000/= Blankets 5000/ training program from 022551 mileage 118000 Km, 022566
, Nugegoda. 072 284 022570
your application to the of Co- tala Dharshana Reputed and well Houseboys & Girls, non-related
700/- per lession. 0
/S For sale, 2 small A
lfa Colombo 5 - Room avail- Security Officer the mobile
O/ manya Roystan Anton - purchasing service = Chandeliers 1 large ABC. Diploma in Eng- breadth 7’, Dehiwala. lombo roads. Attractive local es- with lands or FD also. referees.
77 safes, 1 large A 021500
T following email ad- manpower service with tablished Chinese food Salesmen / Girls, Boys
27 March 2022
Hokandara South Malabe Weliwita 21
2674187, 071 2138561.

Science Grades

showcases with gla

10/ 1 large teak
11 (Sinhala medium) Perdeniya counter at Colombo
fa safe, able on rent only
2 steel cupboards, te
ak T.P. 0711646807.

L -

Factory, Kohuwala,
Boralesgamuwa, Pe-

apartments trepreneur of local Air sApp

of guns
Thomas Esqr won the only from Kadawatha & 4 small Boxes Rs. 20, lish, special classes for
piliyana - Salary 45, medal for the best en- company. 011-4361961,
000/=. 0716803618, educated students,
fessionals, adults and
o y o ta p rado 120 diesel
2006 / 2008, KG – xxxx,
0777 209 442 022575
1786 / 0718 262 853
dress. Address: Chanas
Foods (Pvt) Ltd, Wella-
salary and meals. Ap-
ply immediately with
15 yrs experience for
very reasonable salar
restaurant requires.
Salary - * Manager
0778355890. 020720 Easiest way to publish your Girls for Garments and
Companies, Roomboys,
& Email: chathuri.ns@g
m a i l . c o m Mobile: 074-
Classified Advertisement while staying at home..
Bio-Data, copies y
of Call Chandran Master.. 50,000/
Yovun Pedesa 14 perch- Road, Mount
es land with all the 600 m to SLIIT Cam- ris Road
Lavinia, Pei- whole syllabus covere Road Kandy. 6, Wellawatte, Mount Lavinia, Wella- Rifles and - 0777 319250, very weak students. seven seater, sunroof
watta. Email: feroz - 2169832.
10 perch 3 617 d, 0770392466, another ladies furnished Shotgun In- 0727319250.
077 8717413. iy - toRed Watchers, Dailycomer
a24@gmail.com 011- certificates and contact 011-5783667 /
facilities for immedi- pus, 450m Horizon Col- storey luxury
ate sale. 076-8770241. lege, 650m Neville Fer- (4250 sq.ft.)
past and probable ques-
two Alfa safes in Co- attached
rooms watta, Kirulapone, dustry in the year
019353 018016 60,000/ =, 14
Sports s 021347
nando Hospital, 500 sale with
tion papers discusse
individual and group lombo, all used items. dining kitchen cooker
bathrooms Havelock Town, Pol-
hengoda. 011-2669199, and now local farmers
Grade 1 to 5 all sub
Auto, full option, SSangyong Tivoli 2015, telephone numbers 0115- Supervisor - 40,000/ - 1000 (8-5). All are warranty Wanted
Colombo 06, Dhar
ma- Battaramulla, Homagama

NSBM ga Mawatha, Walking rooms - 08, pa

m all facilities. Rooms
Chandrika Kumaratun- 09, ki
tchens - 03, bath-
classes. Umesh Gu- 022457 washer fridge. 75/ Apartment for sale Accountant,
1, Elvitigala Flats. at Accounts 0772205009. can have air rifles with
Cambridge syllabus Toyota Premio
/ 2019, mileage 145000 Km. Company
2807411, 074-0562339 to:
, The Secretary, Wood- 811812 / 0115-811813 = to 50,000/cc Charade A/C A/ of one year with four MBBS / SLMC
English medium, quali- maintained, 0767348529. =, Assis-
(04) replacements and registered Doctor for a
rama Road, brand new Subuthi- within nathilake 0715307098. LG OLED
lands, No. 12, 37th (Viber,
rking - 02 - 2 bed-Clerk,
55 inch TV W.A. Silva Mawatha. rooms and

Cooks wheels
sight like per- path, 2.5 km 5 years warranty
luxury, spacious apart- pura, 20 perches land manent Malabe with Book Keepers, WhatsApp, tant
(Chinese)Rs. 775000/=
airconditioners. 1 bathroom at fied lady Teacher
in Pearl white, 1st owner,
For 15 Words
available in Subuthi- income? 25 Town, 16.5 perches Contact : 077
6218129 / Exclusive residential 450,000 TV Stand 25, Tel. 2591169, with furniture, - L Secretary, Computer 072 744 92 49 / 077 908 Leyland 3 cube, LJ Mileage 65750km, 1600cc,
Lane, off Queen’s Road, IMO 0779951175). No. - 40,000/
ment with 4 bedroom very reasonable prices, Maharagama. BA (Eng-
reasonable charge. Gov- channelling center near
s, pura at by perches land for sa iving
le, valuable land facing 0740500447. Spoken English read- 000 Bose TV Sound 0755091379. –

Rs. 500/-
3 bathrooms and
Lane for People’s
servant room, bath- sale. 4.5 Mn. PP. 072- cilities.
Bank loan fa- scenic paddy
022105 and commercial land and master bedroomOperator, Receptionist,
concessions, Learn to drive accurate- lish medium). PGIE company Good Condition Motor = to Coure 15 - 850 cc Rs.
Colombo 3. Telephone 88/D/2, Pahala Karaga- =.
ing writing listening
, 4 Bar 60,000 Sofa with 50,000/
field in plots for sale in Kata- with brand new A/ Telephonist, manu-
room available for rent. 7344990, 0718567268. 0710442556. 5366900, peaceful environment, Padukka Cs, maintained, 7333 xxxx Series, Tipper
months no age barrier two recliner chairs Sales Boys (TESL), for ernment authorized and Kandy (full time / part
na, Kandawala bedrooms with large factured locally with ly and perfectly within TKT Contact
- Exclusive to Negomb , closer
Food & 875,
Contact - 0761699852. 022749
022461 for sale. 076555119
2, land blocks
facing Main with all facilities. wn,
o to fits in for all exams
in- Coffee table 60,000 two
and We extend
our respect- wardrobes, - 1st / Girls, Peons, Drivers,
English technology, Beds, mattress, the city without fear. 0775742677. 018458 mileage Nissan Blue Bird, 1999, sale. Inquire 0773 071 Vehicle. – Pannipitiya. 076
No. 011-2588836. 021716 hamuna, Kadawatha.
000/= 16 Auto Bambalapi
Accountant, Tamil all steel cupboards, tables, 30000 Km,
floor, -Helpers.
tiya - Bam-
Homagama - Exclusive 0779601192.
022755 Buthgamuwa Road
closer to Rajagiriya land blocks. Homaga- Meepe - Exclusive
Bus Route and paddy- 0711485485. Call: cluding IELTS. Palitha pedestal
fans 8,000
ful invitation to parents 1 allocated garage
and Apply msiva gent
vari- Welcome Licence Hold- dation free, Rs.
part 975,
registered Company. time). Accommodation
Dehiwela, Ebenezer ma Godagamage Watta 500 field with all facilities. 020549 Jayasinghe. 07716711
36, Ferre cooking range for our elders home in ample parking spacedasan508@gmail.com
early sixties, London the spares and repairs
ety of chairs and fur- mint condition. 071 778 Auto, Power Shutters, 986
960 85 12 022028 time000/= Nuge- balapitiya, Kollupitiya
Place, opposite Old 55 perches for sale. 1 Road. land blocks. Facing 0715999222. 0710104703. AAT fully qualified available, ers with their own ve- ICT - A/ 019348-rpt
Negombo - 031430655
0 available. 0777566105,
Gampaha District -
Williams on Span Tow- perch lkhs 35 facing 5 minutes to High
Level Road. Per 020502
ing Negombo Main
Fac- 018828 70,000 all items nearly a calm and enchanting for visitors, - Very quiet0773595969. 022534
with more than 35+ sales
excellent after niture (Almost new) L, O/L, Nation- 022102
candidates alsogoda.
consid- 072284178 ,
new condition. Contact environment friendly surrounding with play- hicles.
ers, 6th Floor, fully fur- to Main Road. Nawala
High Level Road. En-
tire block for 36 LKS perch Rs. 237,000/-.
Padukka, close to High Road near
Up-country Bodu Govi 0774925340.
ground, jogging pa Battaramulla - Multi-
th, years experience
service. TP - 0777 of a closed students
in 079250, 0777319250. hostel in Malabe for
0714225441. al, Cambridge,
Edex- 6047 Full Option, Power ered. Interviews will 6, Wellawatte, Thimbiri- Each Additional word
Rs 20/- / 0759998555, Dehi- 0765479510
22 perches 1 perch staff with medic
020381 -rpt
nished with 2 room 45 upwards. 0711888777. Call today. 0717777888. Level Road 46 perch Junction 73 perches cel, Python, Pascal, C#, be .
held from Monday on- 3. gasyaya Office space,
s, al, children’s national finance com- managerial 020007 Suzuki Grand Vitara, Mirrors,
nursing, psycological outdoor play area &
lift, Generator for lakhs. Walking distance
land facing an enchant- for sale. 2 km from
Nit- parents seek an educat-
exercise equip-pany has vacancies
Inquiries - 0112972608,
quick sale. 0711183154, Java, SQL, PHP, Html Dual Air Bags, wala - 0114551800 016970
short / long term rent. to Nawala Junction. ing paddyfield in tambuwa Junction, ed pretty daughter from as 0766887412. 0764653862.
Rent monthly 95,00
0/ Welcome genuine buy-
=, 6 months advance. ers only. 0714225441. ya Rakshapana Road
Kaduwela Ihala Bomiri- Moratuwa Katukurun- calm location
da beautiful upstairs
with fa- km to Veyangoda en-
a respectable family for
Special ment, - Located next to
protection and care Trillium Residenc Financial Advisors on A girl graduated
011-5737777. 021973 experienced graduate manufactured year Petrol, Beige Interior, wards from 10.00 a.m. 019033 houses, buildings / 0778144404, Co-
Building Work Super- For 15 Words
house for sale. 6 large cilities for sale. Contact trance of the Central ie s , in IT
their age 25 (born for sick and disabled close to D.S. Senanayakefull time or part time teacher best results.
available on rent. 500,
0771434343. fully completed house r 0768988374. Highway. Flat land in from SLIIT with six Toyota Land Cruiser BJ 2013, Registered to 12.00 noon. Dilaj lombo - 0113459766

Rs. 500/-
Place Your
on 6 perches land for living 4 washrooms, 1997) living in Kand & British School. Pricebasis. Should have
year Boralesgamuwa. 0776
y, 0712295545.
visor - Looking for
Mount Lavinia, facing 40 feet 12 lakhs elders. 0777-16933 months
on Close to Battaramulla sale. 0773335 room, dining, Rajagiriya, height 6’ smart gradu- 9, - 25 M. 0777266878. Internship
Galle Road, brand new Pelawatta Towns 412 / pantry, kitchen, g Nanayak- per perch. 071832
5229, ated son permanently 071-6004411. passed O/L with Maths
experience is seeking Nissan Atlas JG-xxxx, a Lounge 10000, 30000 / 0771555483, Mrs
Photo Classified (Pvt) Ltd., No.
a- IELTS / Spoken English,
apartment with 2 bed- 20 ft. wide Road.
facing 0775184410. rage, separate servant’s kara Mawatha, 10.8 0711812635. 022368/ Arithmatic,
age 25 - for a job as a
40, 1982, 4WD, 31 – 9 2014, brand new, Price 065 066 Supervisor with experi-
sq.ft. with parking.
employed as a Bank Ex-
Shany - 0759997555
washroom. Fully til perches land for sa Software 022585
AABA ABE BSc. CIMA Australia qualified well
rooms, 2 washroom
s, 12 perch lands ideal for Kirulapone le, Gampaha
27, Uyana Rd, Mora-
ed, 55, retired executives
fully air-conditioned residential goda Averihena Roa
Polhen- separate
entrance to up- 28 lakhs per perch. - Udugampola ecutive Officer. He in-
We take care of elders Engineer in a reputed xxx, diesel, manual, 81 lakhs. 0771 077 544 2000/2005, A/C, Power, ence on building main- /
MBA Cambridge Edex- experienced lady teach-
Highlight your Classifi
exclusive land blocks.
on 7th Floor for rent. sale. 0714290392. for 15 perches d, per floor, 3
land 3 Suitable for balconies.
Close to Airport with
herits properties. 019318
at Madapatha and Pili-
Colombo 03 - Luxuryconsidered. Contact - company. Java related
tenance for one to two tuwa. 077630672 6. 0770840192.
Advertisement in Power Shutter, QD 32

077 7 278 948 / 011 2 429 342/ 343 / Piyumi - 011 2 429 383
Unfurnished. Monthly 2 families. Ratmalana apartment for sale.0776539722. cel National Mathemat- er. Best results guar-
million per perch
Sale Kandawala all facilities. Per perch 2022 G.C.E. O/L Eng- yandala Technologies, HTML, Power Steering, original 022432 008371 022243
Advertisement to get more
Close to Malabe Town
(negotiable) No bro- lion. price Rs. 38 Mil- Rd. 1
78,500/=. Advance
months. 0777778806. facing a large paddy kers. Call 0773255090 / km from Galle Rs. 495,000/= on- lish retired teacher con- reasonable Fully
furnished 03 bed-Job vacancy for CSS, Javascript, Rela- ics English Business anteed. 0716656325, 017999 -rpt months assignment Each Additional word
Rs 20/-
rate, call for more in- Engine, 10 ½ lorry for to Restaurant
0718328716, 0774074876. Rd. opposite KDU wards. ducts classes. Home vis- For sale stamp un-
field and 20 ft. wide 0764710172. 022380
its or at the class itself. in stock collection formation. 0779883270 rooms with 03 bath-married lady - Post
tional databases, GIT Accounts Economics 0703885435, body tag, pannipitiya. supervise colour wash- Supervi-
To publish at both Papers
road. 15 perches land land 23.6
sors / Steward required
rooms 1,953 sq.ft. - Rs. Sale. Price – 29/75,
books India, (Nohara), documentation expertised. Contact : Physics Chemistry Bi- 0768632275.
Super luxury apartment ideal fice
for rent in Shangrila purposes
for residential perches, no brokers. In the
vicinity of Co- Mobile 0759490759 Australia and
UK. Con- (Roshan).
0770638377 70
Million. COC Deeds
clerk, Place - Welisara. 0711540918.
ing / repairs of a house
Contact 0715332653. lombo - (Munasinghe). ology IT Psychology International 0705 321 132 with experience in

Rs. 700/-
for sale. Can Kandy Road, 021747 Dehiwala – 077 7 355
tact: 0742210795. 016889
Residence, Colombo be divided into Mahara,
022582 available. 0777223434.
Qualifications - Eng- Computer literated Statistics Geography children
School 022558
in Rajagiriya. Could the

Gayani -
2. 2 bedrooms / 17 Ekasath
hotel industry for
00 blocks. 0714290392. de-
Mawatha, 85 p Sinhala, Sin-
sq.ft. + 1 car par
very high floor. Contact
k, 022127
Ratmalana, near
Lane and 3rd Lane, Ja
2nd fully surroundederches,
by a
Colombo 04 - Readycomputer.
knowledge with cent person worked
at 0716128439,0112685649, hala
medium 1 - 8
040 019354-rpt long term too. Please
Toyota Prado a 120 petrol Managers
0774567997 hkreale Colombo 03 - 2 storeyed Mawatha two roomed
ya wall, valuable
land will Send your Faculty of Medicine + 0112671710. home visited 500/ contact immediately Restaurant for Wealth Manage-
opening soon 2002/
st to occupy apartmentsCV to
on 2005 KD-xxxx
ategroups@gmail.com on 6.97 perches with be sold at your expect- the below e- having abilities of of- =
bedrooms and parking.
5 house with one room
annexe. 22 perches. Rs.
ed price immediately. for sale brand new mail
03 address: info.fas ficial English Letter A AL/OL 6, 7, 8,
per hour. 077 5882518. 0712773543. in Colom-
bo suburb. Send line A/ ment. Insurance and
Suitable for residenc bedrooms with maid’stra
Wellawatte, Madanga- Ideal for business or
watte, near Savoy Ho- residence proximity to
54 Million negotiable. ideal
for building facil-
room and bathroomTP
ckintl@gmail.com Drafting, translations, +
Physics Chemistry 022527
your C 7 seater, elec- Wattala
schools, supermarkets
Contact : 0769447071. ity, ba
nquet halls, ware- 0716886699. No. likes to stay in and Mathematics “A” as-
Lady Teacher visits CV to info@ctric elery.lk / height Hekitta Main Financial selling ex-
Call 0773333859. seat, (Only for 15 Words)
tel, 3 rooms, 2 room 1,550 sq.ft. - Rs. 42.5
attached bathrooms
s, and religious
021949 house, business spa
Wanted Historical, Million
832-2/1, Negombo Rd, teach English for chil- sured home visited.
Online spoken Eng- control Road newly built
on 5th Lane, with car Muhandiram Road, 10 perches land with
sold at land value not
small house at Piliyan- for the house value. niversary Commemora-
upwards.Welisara. dren while providing Budget ADZ
lish, Sinhala, Tamil full 022347 option auto third 4000 perience is added ad-
park for immediate Kollupitiya. Expecting +
square feet 25 feet
0711311888. tive Souvenirs, Book-
022354 professional assistance &
Rs. 75 Million (nego- dala, electricity water. 021765 Web English Language
rent. Monthly 65,00
for other subjects. GCE
Colombo 05 - Elegant for any company work.
owner, 118000 km vantage.

height building for Green Light for Online Transfer Vacancy available
0/ lets, Folders, Poste
=. 6 months advance. tiable). 0779992620.
0112052544. 022465
Kadawatha - Kirillawala
Exclusive land plots Special Covers, Spec
rs, luxury apartment for
Polythene Bag cutting
0741-677358. (www.adz.lk) adults willing to study (O/
L) (A/L) English. Toy- for (Colombo,
ial machine operators from very basics and Star class experienced

Fax - 011 2 429 375 - 011 2 429 380 / E-mail - classified@lakehouse.lk

20.8P with house 05 020330

an Estate Manager Kalutara District). Call


ota Prado 120 diesel

Publications and other sale. 04 bedrooms, & 0770351835.
Wellawatte, 37th L Colombo 05 - Close
to Kottawa, Siddamulla.
in minutes to Highway
In- 04helpers
(Male/Female) school children from rent. Having 3-phase Acc. No. 000000377
- Corporate Branch
* Conditions Apply

ane, 016564
terchange and 03 min- memorability. Homes bathrooms with balco-
opposite Arpico, fu
Lanka Hospital 17.65 32 Million. No bro- utes
nies right around thewalk-in or apply to: No.
Grade 1 to 13 home
vis- Mathematics cooks wanted, below
ly furnished, with perch valuable land to Kandy Road. visited. Contact:
its or at the class itself. AL OL CambridgeAS/A2 2006/2008 KG-xxxx current water CCTV who has experience 0772445146.
Only for
3 kers. 0363135307, Initial payment 0112825355. unit with access from785, Negombo Raod, 40 years, must know Email - classified@lake
Rs. 100/-
rooms, AC, on 5th Floor for sale. 2200 lakhs. 14 Lks Edex-
Additionally pay only
0711896475. 016893
onwards. 0710888222. 0759490759 cel Pure Maths (P1-P4)
7 Camera facilities. Suit-
how to make Sriseater
for rent. Rent monthly 0772410832.
all bedrooms. 2,0 Mabola, Wattala. 021830
25 (Munasinghe). sunroof auto house.lk
1,000/- + VAT
110,000/=. 6 months
Eight (8) perches
20’ Road 10.2 perch
two 020507
sq.ft. - Rs. 64 Million. Statistics (S1-S2) Me- English medium Lank- and knowledge in Co- 022126
Pre- able for Warehouse
flat 022594
advance. 0777778806. storey 03 bedrooms
02 Katunayake residential Polythene Film Extrud-
bare land for sale.
bathrooms 01 servant land blocks fo 0777223434. chanics (M1-M3) Fur-
school Teachers are full option
an food / dessert, 145,000 km. - 077 7 270 067 conut Cultivation and Need sales lady for Kirib-
Nugegoda facing 20 feet 022358er Machine
022072 r sale, Operators ther Maths Additional
wide road. Residential toilet pantry kitchen closer to Highway.
English literature & Tam- or Factory. Commer-
ilnadu food 072
Colombo 08 - Add
area, walking distance hot water roof top perch Rs. 295,000/
lux-& Helpers (male/fe- for Combined Mathe Paper wanted. Glorious Pre- Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 7449249, 077 908
/ dessert,
Ramani - 011 2 429 347 handling of Labour- athgoda clothing show-
ury to your lifestylemale). Walk Cambridge, National discussion also
to the town, wat CCTV. 0704151769. Call: 0715226666. 020542 in or apply by re- school, cial area. 076083854
Kadawatha. Indian food /7333. 8,
er ready to occupy apart-to : No. 785,
Gayani - 011 2 429 342
(O/L, A/L) by Eng- sult oriented more than
and electricity acces- 022540 Meerigama - Negombo 011 2 429 368 | 011 desserts.
One acre Coconut
land sible. Clear title. View-
or bare land is required
ing can be arranged
500 metres away from tial land plots. 5 kms
to the Town close
ments 03-04 bedroomRoad, Mabola,
luxury apartments for
Wattala. 2 429 331 lish graduate. 17/3, Graduate 15 years experienced Call for interviews Susantha - 011 2 429 343 Please send your CV
022030 ers. Please contact room, Salary Rs. 35,
Delkanda Junction Pirivena Road, Rat- Teacher (On-
from Kurunegala Dis-
trict. No brokers.
by prior appointment. 9
perches land for sale. Main Road and 3 min-
sale. 1,910 sq.ft. - 3,9 021831
Hot Line - 0777 27 00 67 line/Visiting / Groups). 0760917272. Fax - 011 2 429 375/380 to : 000/=. 077712464
+94758494427. No 27 lakhs per perch. 075- utes’ drive to Central
60 malana. 077 9604004.
020603 email: info@serendib 0777733204. 2,
022152 brokers please. 020642
8081651 / 0112801652. Expressway Junction.
sq.ft. Rs. 62
Million .it
Initial payment 5 lks. upwards. 0777223434. 018137 021951
021930 0702333111. 020501 022357
022469 022471

Hand over your Classified Advertisements to Our nearest Branch Office

W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 BUSINESS 25
India has potential to become superpowers of the
INSEE Ecocycle takes centre stage as world - Publicis Groupe Chairman
pioneering force in Waste Management India has the potential for becom-
ing one of the superpowers of the
world. It has the world’s largest popu-
“India is making huge strides in the
area of cyber security. When you look
at the difference in a few years of
extremely pleased because this is
strengthening the alliance and the
partnership between President
lation, innovators and giving back to what happened in India, it is abso- Macron and PM Modi, between
As Sri Lanka marks World accountability is demonstrat- tank cleaning, emergency society, Maurice Levy, VivaTech lutely fantastic because India was France and India and fostering the
Environment Day, INSEE ed through continuous moni- responses and professional Founder and Chairman of the Super- almost nowhere when it came to development of our economies: Mau-
Ecocycle takes centre stage toring of emissions and reg- logistics services. By sharing visory Board of Publicis Groupe, said cyber security. And now it is one of rice Levy, Vivatech founder and Pub-
as the pioneering force in ular reporting to regulators. its wealth of experience and after the inauguration of the India the major players in the world.” licis Groupe chairman on PM Modi
waste management, driven Driven by its ESG ambi- knowledge, INSEE Ecocycle Pavilion at Europe’s biggest startup Speaking about Prime Minister to attend Bastille Day Parade as
by the principles of the cir- tions for 2030, INSEE Eco- empowers its clients to event being organised in Paris. Narendra Modi’s upcoming visit to Guest of Honour on 14 July 2023 in
cular economy. cycle focuses on three key embrace sustainable waste Speaking to ANI, Maurice Levy France on July 14 on the national day Paris.”
With a profound commit- pillars: climate and energy, management practices and said, “India has the potential to of France at the invitation of French India’s Ambassador to France
ment to sustainability and the circular economy and minimize their environmen- become one of the superpowers of the President Emmanuel Macron, Levy Jawed Ashraf inaugurated India
respect for the UN’s Sustain- biodiversity and water. Con- tal footprints. world for several reasons. The first is said, “The relationship between India Pavilion at Europe’s biggest start-up
able Development Goals, centrating on these pillars, “Our vision goes beyond population. It is a population of entre- and France is a relationship of alli- and Technology event Viva Technolo-
INSEE Ecocycle has the company strives to waste management as we preneurs and innovators. They can ance, partnership & mutual respect.” gy which started on Wednesday. India
emerged as a game-changer reduce CO2 emissions, aim to build a greener, more create, invent, disrupt and the last, He further said, “We are extremely was the Country of the Year at VivaT-
in waste disposal, waste Sujith Gunawardhana, decrease energy consump- sustainable future for our but not the least aspect is that they honoured to have Prime Minister ech in 2022.
recovery and overall waste General Manager, tion from fossil fuels, country,” stated Gunaward- have a big heart.” He further said, Modi come for Bastille Day. We are (ANI)
management solutions. INSEE Ecocycle. enhance waste utilization hana. “Through our
Embracing the circular and promote water conserva- unmatched expertise, exten-
economy model, INSEE
Ecocycle goes beyond waste
disposal and management
agement of countless tons of
hazardous waste annually,
continually setting new
tion, while also making a net
positive impact on biodiver-
sity. These initiatives, cou-
sive geographical presence
and participation in national-
ly important projects, we are
DIMO consolidates power and energy solutions ‘DIMO Energy’
solutions through its dedica- standards for responsible pled with a ‘zero-harm’ driving change and reducing
tion to transforming waste waste disposal practices in ambition and robust commu- the burden of MSW and DIMO, a leading diversified power solutions, and demon-
into valuable resources. As Sri Lanka. nity engagement, solidify other hazardous waste.” conglomerate in Sri Lanka, has strated that DIMO Energy
the waste management arm Underscoring INSEE Eco- INSEE Ecocycle’s dedica- Emphasizing the signifi- announced the realigning of its stood ready to provide cutting-
of INSEE Cement, the com- cycle’s commitment to inno- tion to environmental stew- cance of individual actions power and energy operations under edge technology at their door-
pany’s journey began in vation, the company has ardship. in waste management, Guna- the new brand identity. step. The company’s ‘DI-
2003 when it began using invested in a state-of-the-art Further highlighting the wardhana added, “Every ‘DIMO Energy’ which operates Solar’ renewable energy solu-
biomass and industrial waste modern laboratory, provid- company’s commitment to small effort counts in reduc- in three main pillars High Voltage tion provides customers with
as alternative fuels and raw ing analytical services to transforming waste disposal ing waste and managing it Power Solution, Medium Voltage and from direct sunlight. This innovative long-lasting rooftop solar panel instal-
materials for the cement various industries in relation in Sri Lanka, INSEE Ecocy- properly. Simple practices Low Voltage Power Solutions and technique minimizes the environmen- lations, backed by DIMO’s proven
manufacturing process. to waste management. This cle presently collaborates like reusing bags and avoid- Renewable Energy Solutions. tal trade-offs associated with solar industry track record. DIMO Energy
Since then, INSEE Ecocy- cutting-edge facility enables with over 100 Municipal ing the mixing of different DIMO Energy provides comprehen- energy production. also established its operations in Ugan-
cle has expanded its scope, comprehensive waste analy- Councils and local authori- types of waste can help sive solutions in the electrical, power DIMO Energy’s collaboration with da, Maldives for enhancing their
venturing into hazardous sis, including solid, liquid, ties islandwide, supporting #BeatPlasticPollution and and energy solutions spheres while strategic partner Siemens, is present power infrastructure while expanding
waste management, sorted wastewater, fuel, and ferti- the responsible collection have a significant impact on expanding the company’s current port- across many points of the power sup- beyond Sri Lanka.
non-biodegradable municipal lizer analysis. Through the and disposal of sorted non- the effectiveness of waste folio to include cogeneration solutions ply chain in Sri Lanka. DIMO Energy DIMO Executive Director and
solid waste processing, and provision of these services, biodegradable municipal treatment and disposal meas- and agri-voltaics. is behind the construction of a remark- Director in Charge of Power and Ener-
molecular recycling through INSEE Ecocycle has solidi- solid waste (MSW). The ures. Awareness is crucial With a customer-centric approach of able 70% of the country’s grid substa- gy segment Wijith Pushpawela said;
its pyrolysis plant. fied its position as a compre- company plays a pivotal role and that’s why we always try transforming to a one-stop shop, tions—a fact not widely known. “The all-new DIMO Energy is a fresh
“At INSEE Ecocycle, we hensive, one-stop shop for in providing technical exper- to share knowledge and DIMO Energy ensures provision of Founded as a provider of utility- brand imagethat further solidifies our
are driven by the belief that total waste management tise, infrastructure and final inspire people at every level cutting-edge solutions, eliminating the scale solutions, DIMO Energy also commitment to fuelling the dreams
waste should be viewed as solutions and a drive disposal facilities to effi- to do and be better, even duplication of time, effort and money caters to the medium and low voltage and aspirations of the communities we
an opportunity rather than a towards more circular solu- ciently manage waste. Rec- when it isn’t in our econom- in power generation processes. Draw- needs of various industries in Sri serve, as we are now able to fulfil all
burden,” said Sujith Guna- tions. ognising that municipal solid ic interests, in order to drive ing upon decades of unparalleled Lanka. Additionally, DIMO offers our customers’ requirements from
wardhana, General Manager, The specialty of INSEE waste (MSW) is a national a sustainable waste manage- expertise and know-how, each sub- state-of-the-art switchboards under its under one roofwhile powering the
INSEE Ecocycle. “Our goal Ecocycle’s approach lies in concern, INSEE Ecocycle ment culture in Sri Lanka.” activity within the solution is opti- own “DIMO LUMIN” brand, along future as DIMO Energy’s brand prom-
is to revolutionise waste its unique co-processing actively collaborates with With World Environment mized to deliver an outcome on par with internationally acclaimed type- ise.”
management and create a method, carried out within government authorities at all Day being marked world- with that of international power gener- tested ‘SIEPAN’ and ‘SIVACON’ With this solid foundation, DIMO
sustainable future where the cement kilns. By com- levels to find sustainable wide on June 5, INSEE Eco- ation solutions. switchboards, catering to more sophis- is well-positioned for the next stage of
waste becomes a valuable plementing the cement man- solutions. cycle stands at the forefront DIMO Energy also actively pursu- ticated requirements as well. growth in its Renewable Energy busi-
resource that can be used to ufacturing process in part- INSEE Ecocycle also part- of the battle against environ- ing agrivoltaics, which involves the DIMO Energy pioneered the suc- ness. The Sri Lankan government has
create the things we need to nership with its parent com- ners with organisations that mental pollution in Sri installation of solar plants on agricul- cessful commissioning of the country’s set an ambitious target of meeting 70%
build a better life.” pany, INSEE Cement, waste generate waste to help them Lanka, blazing the trail with tural fields. Under this approach, solar first micro-grid project at the Universi- of the country’s power generation
Both historically and at is destroyed and decom- take ownership and responsi- its innovative waste manage- panels are integrated into agricultural ty of Moratuwa. This achievement sent needs through renewable energy sourc-
present, INSEE Ecocycle posed fully without harmful bility for managing their ment solutions, driven by fields, enabling the cultivation of spe- a strong message to entrepreneurs es, leading to rapid development in the
plays a pivotal role in devel- emissions. In stark contrast waste in an environmentally circular economy principles. cific plants that thrive when shielded seeking reliable and self-sufficient sector.
oping environmentally to conventional landfill or friendly and professional By redefining waste as a val-
friendly avenues for manag- incineration methods, co- manner. Through its indus- uable resource and fostering
ing hazardous waste in Sri processing ensures waste is trial services arm, INSEE partnerships with diverse
Lanka. In collaboration with
the government, regulatory
converted into valuable
resources, minimizing envi-
Ecocycle offers a range of
services, including waste
stakeholders, INSEE Ecocy-
cle is working to realize a
authorities and industries, ronmental impact. Addition- mapping, waste reduction greener future for all Sri
the company facilitates the ally, the company’s commit- guidance, technical solu- Lankans. INVITATION FOR BIDS
safe and eco-friendly man- ment to transparency and tions, chemical cleaning,
Supply of Raw Food Material for Government Hospitals
for the year 2023/2024
Bids are invited under the National Competitive Bidding procedure by the Ministry Procurement Committee,
Chairman of the Ministry of Health located on the First Floor, Medihouse Building, No. 26, Sri Sangaraja
Mawatha, Colombo 10 from suppliers who could guarantee the supply of raw food continuously for the 13
hospitals mentioned under Para 4 below for the year 2023/2024 and for the Junior Board of Staff.
02. Parties interested in this matter could obtain bid documents for one or more hospitals from 21.06.2023 up
to 11.07.2023 during normal working days from 9.00 a.m. up to 2.00 p.m. from the Procurement Division
of the Ministry of Health upon submission of the National Identity Card and a letter of request along with
the receipt obtained after payment of the non-refundable bid document fee to the Chief Accountant of the
Ministry of Health for each of the hospitals as mentioned in the Table below.
03. Details of the food estimate relevant for each of the hospital will be issued along with the bid specimen forms.
04. Separate bid documents should be obtained if expecting to submit bids for several hospitals.

Value of Bid Value of Bid

Name of Hospital Procurement No. Document Guarantee
Fee (Rs.) (Rs.)
01 General Hospital, Trincomalee MH/PB/RF/10/002/2023 12,500.00 682,900.00
02 General Hospital, Kegalle MH/PB/RF/10/009/2023 12,500.00 748,100.00
03 Base Hospital Kalmunai (North) MH/PB/RF/10/011/2023 12,500.00 953,600.00
04 Base Hospital, Kantalai MH/PB/RF/10/004/2023 12,500.00 529,400.00
05 Teaching Hospital, Jaffna MH/PB/RF/10/003/2023 1,000.00 79,800.00
06 General Hospital, Ampara MH/PB/RF/10/013/2023 1,000.00 95,000.00
07 General Hospital, Akkaraipattu MH/PB/RF/10/005/2023 1,000.00 41,000.00
08 General Hospital Gampola MH/PB/RF/10/007/2023 3,500.00 361,400.00
09 Ashroff Memorial Hospital, Kalmunai MH/PB/RF/10/010/2023 3,500.00 475,000.00
10 District General Hospital, Chilaw MH/PB/RF/10/008/2023 20,000.00 1,022,800.00
11 Teaching Hospital, Kuliyapitiya MH/PB/RF/10/001/2023 3,500.00 447,800.00
12 National Hospital, Kandy MH/PB/RF/10/006/2023 35,000.00 3,285,100.00

TENDER NOTICE 13 Geneeral Hospital, Polonnaruwa MH/PB/RF/15/001/2023 20,000.00 1,132,700.00

05. The words “Supply of raw food materials to the ....................................... Hospital under the Ministry of Health
2023/2024” should be clearly indicated on the top left corner of the envelope containing the application and
sent by registered post addressed to Chairman, Ministry Procurement (C) Committee, Ministry of Health,
Medi House Building, first Floor, No. 26, Sri Sangaraja Mawatha, Colombo 10 to be received at or before
Sealed tenders are invited from reputable companies who are capable of supplying a van for Colombo 10.00 a.m. on 12.07.2023 or should be inserted in the Tender Box kept at the entrance to the Procurement
International Container Terminals Limited (“CICT”). Division at this address.
06. Bids will be opened immediately after closing of accepting bids of 10.00 a.m. on 12.07.2023. Bidders or their
Inquiry No. Description of Work Closing Date authorized representatives could be present at the occasion of bid opening. Bids received late will be rejected.
07. Incomplete bid applications and applications submitted without the certification of the documented evidence
Procurement for the Hiring of High Roof Van for One Year for will be rejected.
RFQ/03/06/23 30th June 2023
Colombo International Container Termainals Ltd
08. Ministry Procurement Committee retains the right of accepting or rejecting the relevant bids in entirety or a
part of same.
Prospective Vendors are requested to obtain Tender Documents (in Electronic Format Only) by email
to Ranidu Laksiri of Procurement Department of CICT (Mob/Tel: 0766-666803, 0112-666803) (Email: 09. Bid documents could be examined during normal office hours free of charge in the Procurement Division of
ranidu.laksiri@cict.lk). the Ministry of Health.

Please submit your sealed tenders to be received at the below address not later than 3:00 p.m. (local 10. Further details regarding this matter could be obtained from the Senior Assistant Secretary (Procurements)
of the Ministry of Health. (Telephone Nos. 0112112714 / 0112112715 / 0112112713 / 0112112717).
time) on 30th June 2023 mentioning "Procurement for the Hiring of a High roof Van for One Year for
Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd” on the top left-hand corner of the envelope. Chairman,
Ministry Procurement (C) Committee,
Management Committee, Ministry of Health,
Colombo International Container Terminals Limited, Medi House Building,
Port of Colombo, First Floor, No. 26,
120/20, Marine Drive Road, Sri Sangaraja Mawatha,
Colombo 10.
Colombo 01, Sri Lanka.
DN page 26 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3


Specific Procurement Notice Invitation for Bids
(SPN) Department of Agriculture
Sealed bids will be received from local Bidders for the purchase of the relevant items for the unit stated

Procurement of below, belonging to the Seeds and Planting Materials Development Center of the Department of Agriculture.

Health Sector Goods


Bid Security Amount to be deposited

and Valid Period
Purchaser : Ministry of Health S/ Contract Bid Form
Work Description By Bank Security
No. No. By Cash Fee
Project : Emergency Health Components of: (i) Support to Colombo Urban Regeneration Security Valid
- Rs. -
Project (SCURP) - Loan No. L0081A and (ii) Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by - Rs. - Period
Mitigation Measures Project (RLVMMP)- Loan No. L0124A
Purchase of Mechanical
Contract : Procurement of Dental Conservation and Prophylactic Materials-A Water Pumps for Farms
in the Nuwara-Eliya SPD/2/5/4/
Country : Sri Lanka 01. 110,000.00 220,000.00 27.10.2023 7000.00
Region (Seethaeliya, 24(2023)
Tender No : HSRP/PMU/PRO/G/MS/S/9-1 (2023) Meepilimana, Udaradella
and Piduruthalagala)
Issued on : 21st June 2023
Interested Bidders should submit bids using the Bid Form obtained for the purpose and the relevant Bid
1. Government of the Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka has received financing from the Forms can be obtained from 22.06.2023 up to 12.07.2023 on working days of the week between 9.00 a.m.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB or the Bank) towards the cost of the Emergency and 3.00 p.m. on submission to the Administrative Officer of the Seeds and Planting Materials Development
Health Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP under Ministry of Health and intends to Center of the Receipt received from the Shroff of the Department of Agriculture for the payment of non-
apply part of the proceeds towards the payments for purchase of medical supplies (Pharmaceuticals, refundable fee, as stated in the Column E above.
Surgical Consumables & Laboratory Items).
Relevant Bidders should be registered with the Registrar under the Public Contracts Act No. 03 of 1987 and
2. The Chairman, Ministry Procurement Committee of Ministry of Health invites sealed Tenders from a certified copy of the Registration Certificate should be submitted with Bids.
qualified and eligible medical suppliers for Procurement of Dental Conservation and All sealed Bids, prepared as per the Bid Instructions could either be sent by Registered Post addressed to,
Prophylactic Materials-A as specified in the Schedule of Requirements. "Chairman, Regional Procurement Committee, Seeds and Planting Materials Development Center,
Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya" or placed in the Bid Box kept at the above address.
Item Every Bidder should deposit by cash of the relevant Bid Security amount stated in Column D in the above
Lot No. SR. No. Description of Contract Unit Quantity
No table and if a Bank Security is submitted, it should have been obtained from a commercial bank approved
by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Lot No. 1 18001113 Composite filling material/Cure pack Sets 7008.00
01 Acceptance of Bids will be closed at 10.30 a.m. on 13.07.2023 and will be opened immediately thereafter.
2 18001201 Shade A1, light curing composite resin Nos 5702.00 Bidder or one of his authorized representatives can be present at the bid opening.

3 18001202 Shade A2, light curing composite resin Nos 13139.00 Chairman
Regional Procurement Committee,
4 18001203 Refill Shade A3 of composite resin Nos 10710.00 Seeds and Planting Materials Development Center,
5 18001205 Shade light curing A3.5 composite resin Nos 5999.00 Department of Agriculture,
6 18001902 Enamel & dentine bonding agent Nos 13578.00
7 18004001 Etching Gel (37% phosphoric acid) Nos 18966.00 21.06.2023
8 18001302 Adhe. dual cure composite resin Packs 1056.00


9 18001901 Fibre Post for core builds up. Packs 908.00
Lot No. 10 18001101 G.I.C. Anterior material Nos 12272.00
11 18001102 G.I.C. Posterior material Nos 31812.00 Chief Secretary’s Secretariat,
12 18003307 Luting Cement G.I. Based Nos 1833.00 Northern Provincial Council
13 18000902 Light curing GIC Restorative material set Packs 5853.00
Procurement of Insurance Cover for State Vehicles
Lot No. 14 18000104 Guttapercha points Pkt. ISO45-80 Nos 9546.00
03 of Northern Province - 2023/2024
15 18000103 Guttapercha point Auxiliary Nos 6557.00

16 18000107 Guttapercha Points Auxiliary medium Nos 4476.00

Procurement No - NP/05/13/03/08/PVI/2023
17 18000106 Guttapercha Points Pkt. Size15-40 Nos 20582.00
1. The Chairman CSPC (Chief Secretary Procurement Committee) invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders
GP points f/root canal filling ISO size 30 for the Insurance Cover of State Vehicles as tabled below In Northern Province.
18 18000112 Nos 4374.00
in Individual pack
Serial Comprehensive Third party insurance
Category Details
No insurance (in Nos) (in Nos)
Tenderers may quote for one lot or multiple lots. In order to consider for evaluation, the Tenderers 01 LOT A Motor Cars & Dual Purpose Vehicles 121 177
are required to quote for all the items and quantities in each lot.
02 LOT B Ambulances 133 18
3. Tendering will be conducted through International Open Competitive Tendering [IOCT] as specified 03 LOT C Heavy Vehicles 32 198
in the AIIB’s “Interim Operational Directive on procurement instructions for Recipients” 02nd
04 LOT D Others 04 479
June of 2016, and is open to all eligible Tenderers.
4. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from Senior Procurement Officer, 2. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding process.
Emergency Health Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP under Ministry of Health and 3. Interested bidders may obtain further information from address given below in 4, and inspect the documents at the
inspect the Tender Document during business day office hours [9.00 am to 3.00 pm] at No.81/4, same place on any working day from 09:00 hours to 15:30 hours.
Rosemead Place, Colombo 07. 4. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on submission of a
written application to the Commissioner, Department of Motor Traffic, Northern Province, Provincial Council
A Pre Bid Meeting will be held on 07. 07. 2023 at 11.00 a.m. at the Office of Emergency Health Complex, Kaithady, Jaffna, (Phone - 021-222-0831, Fax – 021-221-6695, E-Mail – motortrafficnp@gmail.com)from
Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP, Ministry of Health, No. 3/19, Kynsey Road, 09:00 hours to 15:30 hours from 22/06/2023 to 05/07/2023 during working days, upon payment of a non –refundable
Colombo 08. fee of Rs. 3,000/= The mode of payment should be in cash.
5. The Tender Document in English may be obtained/purchased by interested Tenderers upon 5. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and shall meet the following
submission of a written request to No.81/4, Rosemead Place, Colombo 07 or through an electronic requirements;
portal and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 200 or LKR 60,000.00. The method of a. Bidders shall have valid Business Registration.
payment will be Bank Deposit to the Account No. 7040690 (Account Name: Emergency Assistance b. Be a registered entity by the Insurance Board of Sri Lanka.
of USD 100 Mn for the Procurement of Essential Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies, Bank of c. Be an established vehicle insurance Company in active operations within Sri Lanka for at least five years.
Ceylon, Regent Street, Colombo 10).The document will be sent by post, courier or hand over at the
6. To qualify for award of the Contract, bidders shall meet the minimum qualifying criteria if given in Section 2 –Bidding
address given below. (Courier charges to be borne by the Tenderer, if so desired by the Tenderer.
The complete set of Tender Documents can also be downloaded from the website (https://www.
7. Bids (Original, Duplicate) shall be delivered or sent by registered post to the Chairman, Chief Secretary, Procurement
hsep.lk/index.php/aiib/projects-tenders/tenders). However, the Tenderer is required to provide
Committee, Department of Motor Traffic, NPC. Provincial Council Complex, Kaithady, Jaffna on or before 10:00 hours
evidence of payment of the required fee along with the Tender submission. on 06/07/2023. Bid number must be written on the left upper corner of the envelope. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids
6. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 18th July 2023 at 02.00 p.m. will be opened soon after closing in the presence of the Bidder’s representatives who choose to attend.
Electronic tendering will not be permitted. Late Tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be publicly 8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid-Security for each LOT Separately as mentioned below and Bid Security shall be
opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to valid up to 19/09/2023
attend at the address below on 18th July 2023 at 02.00 p.m. Category Details Bid security in Rs
7. A Tender Security shall be required for the amount specified in ITT 19.1 of the Tender Documents LOT A Motor Cars & Dual Purpose Vehicles 130,000.00
in the currencies and forms specified as therein. LOT B Ambulances 140,000.00
8. The address(es) referred to above is (are): LOT C Heavy Vehicles 30,000.00
LOT D Others 10,000.00
Project Director
Emergency Health Components of: (i) SCURP; and (ii) RLVMMP S.M. Saman Bandulasena
3/19, Kynsey Road, Colombo 08 Chief Secretary Chairman - CSPC,
Chief Secretary’s Secretariat,
Email : hsrp.pmu.aiib@gmail.com Northern Provincial Council,
Web : www.hsep.lk A-9 Road,Kaithady,

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DN page 30 ADVERTISEMENTS W E D N E S D AY, J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 2 3




Quotations are invited by the Chairman, Procurement Committee of the Family Health Bureau,
No. 231, De Seram Place, Colombo 10 from qualified suppliers for the following printing works for
year 2023.


Bid Opening
Date and
Bid Security


Fee Time
01 • Neonatal Examination 400,000 Rs. 3,000.00 At 2.00 p.m. Rs. 75,000.00
The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee, on behalf of the Provincial Director of Education (North Formats (H 1162) on 11.07.2023
Western Province) now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for repairs as given in the table. • SCBU/NICU History 100,000
Record Sheets
Non (H 1164)
Required Bid Validity Refunda- • Neonatal Admission 50,000
Divisional Contract Validity Sheets (H 1167)
Se. Bid Code Source CIDA Security Period of ble
Title of Contract Engineer's Period Period of
No. No. of Fund Grade Amount the Bid Tender 02 • SDC Monthly Return 10,000 Rs. 3,000.00 At 3.00 p.m. Rs. 32,500.00
Office (Days) the Bid
(Buildings) (Rs.) Security Form Fee (H 982) on 11.07.2023
(Rs.) • Daily Record of 2,000
Treatment (H 974)
Renovation of • Patient’s Register
23/E/Kuli/ 1,200
special education C9, C8 or Up to Up to (H 986)
01 GEMP/ Kuliyapitiya GEMP 105 41,000.00 3500.00
unit at Johanadath C7 only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023 • Appointment and 270,000
P.V. Udubaddawa Consent Form (H 972)
• Examination & 100,000
Repairs of 120*20 History Chart (H975)
23/E/Kuli/ classroom building
Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
02 BG/NCB/ roof & pavement at Kuliyapitiya 90 40,700.00 3500.00 Interested bidders may obtain bid documents from the Head Office of the Family Health Bureau
Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
R03 Kuli/Nalawalana between 9.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on normal working days from 27.06.2023 until 10.07.2023 on
K.V. submission of the receipt obtained from the Accountant of the Family Health Bureau upon payment
of the abovementioned non-refundable bid document fee as application fee along with the National
Repairs of 110*25
23/E/Kuli/ Identity Card.
two storied Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
03 BG/NCB/ Kuliyapitiya 90 40,900.00 3500.00 1. Name of the Item to be printed for year 2023 should be mentioned on the left hand top corner of
building at Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
R04 the envelope containing the bid application and the bids may either be sent by registered post
Narangoda K.V.
to No. 231, De Seram Place, Colombo 10 or deposited in the Tender Box kept in the room of the
Repairs to roof of Accountant of the Family Health Bureau to receive before the scheduled closing date and time.
80*20 classroom Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
04 BG/NCB/ Kuliyapitiya 90 30,100.00 3500.00 2. Bids should be in duplicate in separate covers marked as Original and Duplicate and both
building at Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023 covers should be reinserted in a single cover and submitted.
Henegedara P.V.
3. Bids will be opened immediately after closing of bids at the same place and the bidder or his
Repairs of 80*20 authorized representative will be permitted to be present at the time of opening of bids.
class room building Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to 4. Bid documents may be inspected free of charge at the Head Office of the Family Health Bureau
05 Maho/BG/ Maho 90 42,500.00 3500.00
at Madahapola Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023 between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on normal working days.
Mahinda M.V. 5. Bid documents will not be issued to the persons who have defaulted the government contracts
23/E/ Repairs of at and are blacklisted.
Maho/ Ehetuwewa Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to 6. Procurement Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the relevant bids in full or part
06 Maho 90 27,900.00 3500.00
BG/NCB/ Bandaranayake Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023 thereof.
R08 M.V. 7. For further details please call on Tel No. 011-2694410.
Repairs of Roof and Director
other necessary Family Health Bureau
works of 70*20 Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to Colombo 10.
07 BG/NCB/ Maho 90 36,800.00 3500.00
building at Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
Repairs of 80*20
Kuru/ BG/
class room building
at Udahapola Sri
C9, C8 or
C7 Only
90 44,800.00
Up to
Up to
Sumangala M.V.
Repairs of 80*20
Expressions of Interest
building at Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
09 Kuru/ BG/ Kurunegala 90 29,100.00 3500.00
Wayamba Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
Widyaraja V.
23/E/ Repairs of three
10 Kuru/ BG/
storied building at
ST Bernadette M.V.
C9, C8 or
C7 Only
90 38,600.00
Up to
Up to
3500.00 Consultancy for
Kuru/ BG/
Repairs of 100*20
building at Kurunegala
Block C8, C7 or
120 70,700.00
Up to Up to
Space Management
Grand C6 Only 28.09.2023 26.10.2023
NCB/R12 Handugala P.V.
23/E/Ridi/ Repairs of main
Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
12 BG/NCB/ hall at Kiribamuna Ridigama 90 38,600.00 3500.00
Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
R13 K.V. The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (ANCL), the leading
Repairs of newspaper company in the country having its Head Office premises
13 BG /NCB/
Teachers' Quarters Ibbagamu- Block C8, C7 or
120 56,200.00
Up to Up to
in a historical landmark building situated in the heart of the
at Wayamba wa Grand C6 Only 28.09.2023 26.10.2023 Colombo City wishes to engage a suitably qualified professional/
Janadhipathi V.
firm who possesses a proven track record of undertaking space
Repairs of 110*20 management assignments for large companies to,
Class room Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to
14 Wari/BG/ Wariyapola 90 39,900.00 3500.00
building roof at Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
NCB/R15 â Assess the appropriateness present space utilization
Sangabodhi M.M.V.
Repairs of Two â Propose a suitable space allocation plan for the future
Storied building
with office room â Prepare layout plans & drawings for the proposed department
15 Wari/BG/
and normal
Block C9, C8 or
90 28,100.00
Up to Up to
movements considering architectural, structural & MEP aspects
laboratory wall roof Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
and floor and Main â Propose cost effective furniture & refurbishing solutions
Hall repairs at â Prepare BOQs, Shop drawings & bidding documents
Thissa M.M.V.
Repairs to 140*20 â Project/ Contract administration
class room building Block C8, C7 or Up to Up to
16 Wari/BG/ Wariyapola 120 68,400.00 3500.00
roof and floor at Grand C6 Only 28.09.2023 26.10.2023 All professionals/ firms interested in providing above mentioned
Sunanda M.V. services to ANCL are requested to submit an Expressions of Interest
23/E/ Repairs of 100*20
Block C9, C8 or Up to Up to letter detailing the intended methodology of discharging the
17 Wari/BG/ classroom building Wariyapola 90 37,000.00 3500.00 assignment and the time required including the company profile,
Grand C7 Only 14.09.2023 12.10.2023
NCB/R18 at Kirinda K.V.
documents in support of the capability and financial proposals for
2. To be eligible for contract award, the successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and shall meet the above grade of the Construction the above in a sealed envelope marked as “Consultancy for
Industry Development Authority (CIDA) registration. Space Management” on the top left-hand corner to the following
3. Interested bidders may obtain further technical information from Director, Provincial Department of Engineering (NWP), 2nd Floor, address at or before 3.00p.m on 04th July 2023 .
Provincial Council Office Complex, Kurunegala.
Tel. / Fax 037-2222700 The assignment to be completed within a shorter period of time with
4. A complete set of bidding documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders from the accounts branch on submission of agreed deliverables in collaboration with our internal maintenance
a written application to the Director, Provincial Department of Education, Kandy Road, Kurunegala until 12th July 2023 from 9:00hrs team and hence preference would be given to professionals who
to 14:00 hrs. during working days. can work on fulltime basis during the tenure.
5. Bids shall be delivered under registered cover in duplicate to the address given below or deposited in the "Tender Box" provided for
the purpose, at the Chief Accountant's Office at the Provincial Department of Education (NWP), Kandy Road, Kurunegala on or The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited reserves the right to
before 10.00hrs on 13th July 2023. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened soon after closing in the presence of the bidders or their accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason
representatives who choose to attend in person at the aforesaid address at 10.00 hrs on 13th July 2023.
6. Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB), since the Total Cost Estimate of this procurement is below
Rs.50 Mn, regional preference and CIDA Grade preference shall apply as stipulated in Public Finance Circular No. 04/2016(ii) Head of Procurement
7. The address referred to above is: The AssociATed NewspApers of
R.A.S.P.Rathnasekara, ceyloN limiTed
No. 35, Lake House, D.R. Wijewardene
Department Procurement Committee, Provincial Department of Education (NWP),
Kandy Road, Kurunegala. Date : 21.06.2023 Mawatha, Colombo 10.
For Details : 2429422, 2429451

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BID NOTICE - 21.06.2023
The Chairman, Procurement Committee on behalf of the National Water Supply & Drainage Board now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Works / Supplies as described below.

Cost (Rs.) Place of Issuing of Documents & Closing Date
No. Name of Contract & Contract No. Refundable Bid Security Eligibility Requirements
Excluding Contact Person and Time
Fee (Rs)

01 Construction of Balance Works of Gampolawaththa Rapid 6,000/-+VAT Rs.97,000/- Registration with CIDA in the field of Building 9.70 Million RSC (Central), 05/07/2023
Sand Filters - Gampolawaththa Water Supply Scheme ** Construction and Water Supply & Sewerage in Getambe, Peradeniya 14.00 hours
Contract No: RSC-C/P&D/CIVIL/REH./ Grade C6 , C7 or C8 with Certificate of Registration Tele : 081-2386068
GAMPOLAWATHTHA/2023/71R of the Contract as per the Act No. 3 of 1987 with Fax: 081-2388027
Registrar of Public Contracts. Pre Bid Meeting will be held on
28.06.2023 at 10.00 hrs in Central
South Office , Getambe
(TP: 0812388086)

02 Raising of Existing Chamber Surface and Pipe Line 6,000/-+VAT Rs.115,460/- Registration with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 8.4 Million RSC (Central), 05/07/2023
Replacement in Kandy North Area.- Central North Region ** & Sewerage in Grade C6, C7or C8 with Certificate Getambe, Peradeniya 14.00 hours
Contract No: RSC-C/KN/NRW/KANDY of Registration of the Contract as per the Act. No. 3 of Tele : 081-2386068
NORTH/2023/136 1987 with the Registrar of Public Contracts. Fax: 081-2388027
Pre Bid Meeting will be held on
28.06.2023 at 10.00 hrs in Central
North Office, Katugastota
(TP: 0812492311)

03 Construction of Rest Room for Warapitiya Intake - 4,000/-+VAT Rs.49,910/- Registration with CIDA in the field of Civil 4.16 RSC (Sabaragamuwa),NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Kahawatta Water Supply Scheme Works,Water Supply & Sewerage in Grade C9, C8 Million New Town, Ratnapura 14.00 hours
Contract No: RSC(SAB)/RM(RAT)/REH/CIVIL/ or C7 Tele: 045-2228274-6
KAH/2022/27 Fax : 045-2228273

04 Excavation, Backfilling, Pipe Laying & Fixing Water Meters 12,500/-+VAT Rs.182,500/- Registration with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 18.20 Million RSC (Southern), 05/07/2023
including Fittings & Accessories for New Service ** & Sewerage in Grade C7, C6 or C5 and As per the 395, Kumaratunga Mawatha, 14. 00 hours
Connections for Matara Region. Document with Certificate of Registration of the Pamburana, Matara,
Contract No:RSC(S)/P&C/NEW SERVICE Contract as per the Act. No. 3 of 1987 with the Tele:041-2222105
CONNECTIONS/AE (WELIGAMA)/O&M/2023-62 Registrar of Public Contracts. Fax 041-2221329

05 Construction of Rubble Masonry Retaining Wall with 6,000/-+VAT Rs.67,600/- Registration with CIDA in the field of Building 6.76 RSC (Western-South) Office, NWS&DB, 06/07/2023
Demolition and Rebuilding of Side Wall of Stores Building at ** Construction in Grade C6 , C7 or C8 with Certificate Million No: 07,Angulana Station Road, 10. 00 hours
Manager (Dehiwala) Premises- Dehiwala Water Supply of Registration of the Contract as per the Act No. 3 of Moratuwa.
Scheme 1987 with Registrar of Public Contracts. Tele: 011-2224888
Contract No:W-S/P&D/C/CON(05)/DEHI/RH/2023/41 Fax : 011-2637945/ 011-2637946 /
Pre Bid Meeting will be held on
28.06.2023 at 10.00 hrs. in
Manager (Dehiwala) Office

06 Balance Work of Rehabilitation of Existing Structures in 4,000/- + VAT Rs. 68,600/- Registered with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 4.57 Million RSC (Uva),Tender Section, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Morethota Water Treatment Plant and Sewerage in Grade C7,C8 or C9. Mediriya Road, 14.00 hours
Contract No:RSC(UVA)/DGM(UVA)/REH/ Badulla
MORETHOTA/2023/72R Tele: 0552230934
Fax: 0552230974/0552222448

07 Laying of HDPE /DI Pipes, Fittings, Valves, Specials and 12,500/- + Rs. 319,000/- Registered with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 21.30 Million RSC (Uva),Tender Section, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Accessories for Distribution in Acton Watta At VAT and Sewerage in Grade C5,C6 or C7 & Certificate of Mediriya Road, 14.00 hours
BandarawelaWater Supply Scheme ** Registration of the Contract as per the Act No. 3 of Badulla
Contract No:RSC(UVA)/DGM(UVA)/NRW/ 1987 with Registrar of Public Contracts. Tele: 0552230934
BANDARAWELA/2023/40 Fax: 0552230974/0552222448

08 Laying of HDPE /DI Pipes, Fittings, Valves, Specials and 12,500/- + Rs. 229,000/- Registered with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 15.30 Million RSC (Uva),Tender Section, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Accessories for Distribution in Town Area Stage 1 VAT and Sewerage in Grade C5,C6 or C7 & Certificate of Mediriya Road, 14.00 hours
Bandarawela Water Supply Scheme ** Registration of the Contract as per the Act No. 3 of Badulla
Contract No:RSC(UVA)/DGM(UVA)/NRW/ 1987 with Registrar of Public Contracts. Tele: 0552230934
BANDARAWELA/2023/41 Fax: 0552230974/0552222448

09 Laying of HDPE /DI Pipes, Fittings, Valves Specials and 12,500/- + Rs. 225,000/- Registered with CIDA in the field of Water Supply 15.0 Million RSC (Uva),Tender Section, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Accessories for Distribution at Bandarawela Stage – II VAT and Sewerage in Grade C5,C6 or C7 & Certificate of Mediriya Road, 14.00 hours
Bandarawela Water Supply Scheme ** Registration of the Contract as per the Act No. 3 of Badulla
Contract No:RSC(UVA)/DGM(UVA)/NRW/ 1987 with Registrar of Public Contracts. Tele: 0552230934
BANDARAWELA/2023/42 Fax: 0552230974/0552222448

Reference to the advertisement dated 14.06.2023, Contract No: RSC/NW/PL/UBE/RE-AIWSP/2023/01 Please note that the Contract Name of this tender has been Corrected as Laying of HDPE & DI Pipes, Fittings, Valves, Specials and
Accessories for Balance Distribution Mains in Nawagaththegama Zone - Re - Activation of Anamaduwa Integrated Water Supply Project.

10 Supply and Delivery of 3 Nos. of Electro Fusion Welding 4,000/- + VAT Rs. 41,500/- Manufacturers or their Local Accredited Agents for 4.95 RSC (Northern) Office, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Machines for RSC (N), Vavuniya Supply and Delivery of Electro Fusion Welding Million Jaffna Road, Vavuniya. 14.00 hours
Contract No: RSC/N/DGM/RH/Supply & Delivery Machines with Accessories for RSC (North) & As per Tele:024-2227313/024-2225719/
03 Nos. of Electro Fusion/2023/035 the Document 024-2227340

11 Hiring of 01 No. Crew Cab for OIC Kumbuka 4,000/- + VAT Rs.15,000/- As per Document RSC (Western-South) Office, NWS&DB, 06/07/2023
Contract No: W-S/P&C/H(18)/P-H/O&M/2022/63R-01 No: 07,Angulana Station Road, 10. 00 hours
Tele: 011-2224888
Fax : 011-2637945/ 011-2637946/0112637947

12 Hiring of a Vehicle (Van) for Regional Support Center (Uva) 4,000 /- + Rs. 15,000/- As per Document RSC (Uva),Tender Section, NWSDB, 05/07/2023
Contract No: RSC(UVA)/DGM(UVA)/O&M/2023/87R VAT Mediriya Road, 14.00 hours
Tele: 0552230934
Fax: 0552230974/0552222448

Please register online www.drc.gov.lk of Registrar of Companies to get PCA 3 form (only for tenders marked as “**”). Further, please use gmail for registration.
Bidding documents will be issued on production of a letter of request on a business letterhead together with the payment receipt of non-refundable tender fee from 09.00 hours to 15.00 hours on normal working days up to
day before the closing date.
Bidding documents may be inspected free of charge at the place of issuing documents during normal working hours.
Bids will be opened soon after closing in the presence of the bidders' authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened.

National Water Supply and Drainage Board

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COUNCIL Articles pawned up to 31.03.2022 and remain unredeemed as at the day
of auction at the undermentioned branches and Service Centres of the
People’s Bank, will be sold by Public Auction on 21.07.2023 (Friday) &
22.07.2023 (Saturday) at 8.30 a.m. at People’s Bank, Jaffna Stanley Road
Granting of Trade Stalls Branch, Jaffna.
J/Stanley Road, Manipay, Kokuvil, (Navalar Road,), Thellipalai, Mallakam,
in View of Haj Festival Fair Kankesanthurai, J/Main Street, Urumpirai, Kayts, Nelliady, Atchuvely,
Puttur, Chankanai, Pandatherrippu, Chunnakam, Kopay, Alaveddy,
Chavakachcheri, Kaithady, Valvettithurai, Uduppiddy, J/University,
Activities have been organized by the Puttalam Urban Thirunelvely, Kalviyankadu, J/Kannathiddy, Inuvil, Point Pedro, Puloly,
Council to hold the Haj Festival Fair on two days on
27.06.2023 and 28.06.2023 in view of the Haj Festival. Final Date of Redeem : 20.07.2023
Place of Auction : Jaffna Stanley Road Branch
Granting of Trade Stalls for this purpose will be done on Date : 21.07.2023 (Friday) and
26.06.2023 at the Office of Puttalam Urban Council from 22.07.2023 (Saturday)
8.00 a.m. up to 4 p.m. The Bank reserves the right to cancel or postpone or change the place of
auction without further notice to the public.
You may contact on Tel. No. 032-2265275 for further
details. Regional Manager, Regional Head Office, Jaffna.
Tel: 021-2222601, Fax: 021-2222602
E-mail: jafrho@peoplesbank.lk
L.B.G. Preethika
Puttalam Urban Council


Reference No. of Ministry of GAMPAHA REGION
Tourism and Lands : 03/J/81/LG/279
People's Bank - Colombo Outer Regional Head Office
Lot of land described in the Schedule hereunder Public Auction Sale of unredeemed Pawned Articles Auction Sale of Unredeemed Pawned Articles - 2023
has been acquired by the State. For further
Articles pawned up to 31.03.2022 at the undermentioned branches and service centers of the
details, vide Gazette Extraordinary No. 2334/06 Articles pawned up to 31.03.2022 at the undermentioned Branches / Service Centers and not
Gampaha Region of People’s Bank and unredeemed up to date indicated below will be sold by
of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka redeemed / renewed up to the dates mentioned in front of each branch, will be sold by Public
Public Auction at 9.00 a.m. each day at places as stated below.
on 29th May 2023. Auctions starting at 9.00 a.m. on the dates and places as indicated below:
Schedule Articles not Dates of
22.07.2023 and 23.07.2023
Province : Central Name of the People's Bank Branch / Redeemed Auction
No. Place of Auction
District : Matale Service Centre up to the under Unredeemed
mentioned date 21.07.2023
Divisional Secretariat Articles up to
Division : Dambulla Homagama, Maharagama, Kottawa Places of
Athurugiriya Delgoda Nittambuwa Gampaha Mirigama Minuwangoda
Grama Niladhari Division : E445, Dambulla Town 22.07.2023, 23.07.2023 Auction
Homagama Town, Padukka, Meegoda,
Name of Village : Heenmoragolla 01 21.07.2023 Homagama Branch Malwana Gampaha Minuwangoda
Godagama, Army R:HQ Panagoda, Branches Nittambuwa Marandagahamula
(Division No. 06, Premises Pugoda Yakkala Katunayake
Pannipitiya, Pamunuwa, Habarakada, Pawned Veyangoda Mirigama
Dambulla Town, Delgoda Kirindiwela Seeduwa
within the Municipal
Limits) Dehiwala, Dehiwala Galle Road, Thihariya Ja-ela Rd Divulapitiya
Nugegoda City, Gangodawila, Service Dompe Pasyala Udugampola Demanhandiya
Plan No : P.P. Ma. 968 Awariyawatta
Nugegoda, Pitakotte, 22.07.2023, 23.07.2023 Centers Pawned Weliweriya Wathupitiwala Mudungoda Pallewela
Lot No : Lot No. 07 in Plan No. Radolugama
02 Attidiya, Nedimala, Kalubowila, 21.07.2023 Nugegoda Branch Naiwala Urapola Kotadeniyawa
P.P. Ma. 968 (Lot No.
Kohuwala, Delkanda, Jayawardenapura, Premises
164 in amended Plan
Embuldeniya, Nawala, Rajagiriya, Dates of
No. P.P. Ma. 968) 29.07.2023 and 30.07.2023
Ethulkotte, Thalapathpitiya Auction
Extent : 0.0428 hectares
(Perch 16.9) Avissawella, Hanwella, Kaduwela 22.07.2023, 23.07.2023 Unredeemed
03 Kosgama, Thalduwa, Hanwella Town, 21.07.2023 Hanwella Branch Articles up to
Piyal Jayasooriya Kahahena, Nawagamuwa, Bandarawatte Premises
Divisional Secretary Places of
Negombo Ja-ela Ragama Kiribathgoda
Battaramulla, Kolonnawa, Kotikawatta, Auction
Thalawathugoda, Malabe, Hokandara, 22.07.2023, 23.07.2023
Ja-ela, Wattala Ragama Mahara,
At the Divisional Secretariat, Dambulla. 04 Foreign Employment Bureau, 21.07.2023 Battaramulla Branch
Branches Pawned
Pamunugama Ganemulla Kelaniya,
Wellampitiya, Gothatuwa, Mulleriyawa Premises Kochchikade
On this 15 day of June 2023 Kandana Kadawatha Kiribhathgoda
New Town
Main Street Mahabage
Mt. Lavinia , Ratmalana, Moratuwa, Enderamulla
Katana Dehiyagatha Batuwatta
Moratumulla, Katubedda, Kesbewa, Service Mawaramandiya
Pitipana - Ekala, Elakanda Welipillewa
Land Acquisition Act Piliyandala, Piliyandala City,
22.07.2023, 23.07.2023
Centers Pawned
Fisheries Welisara Kirillawala
05 21.07.2023 Piliyandala Branch Centre Kadawatha Town
(Chapter 460) Rathmalana Economic Centre,
Rawatawatta, Katukurunda,
The bank reserves the right to cancel, amalgamate, re-auction or postpone these auctions with out
Notice under Section 33 Puwakaramba, Soyzapura, Kahatuduwa,
Piliyandala Town
further notice to the public.

Reference No. K.A/L.D/10/3088/34 Regional Manager, People’s Bank, Regional Head Office, Gampaha.
The Bank reserves the right to cancel, change the action venue, amalgamate or postpone these
I, W.T.R. Chandima, Divisional Secretary of the Tel: 033-2223880
auctions without further notice.
Division of Karandeniya in the Galle District in
Regional Manager (Colombo Outer)
terms of Section 33 of the Land Acquisition People's Bank, No:177A, High Level Road, Nugegoda. TP No : 2812260 / 2854189
Act (Chapter 460) hereby give notice that
a sum of Rupees Thirty Seven Thousand
Six Hundred Fifty Nine and Cents Thirty
Seven (Rs. 37,659.37) being compensation
for the acquisition of the land described in
the Schedule below has been deposited in
under Case No. A/405 of the District Court of
Balapitiya to be drawn by the Person entitled Classified
rz nyp‰p - r… Yyp‰p

2022 cp{£ù 30

rpW tpsk;guq;fs;
thereto. For further particulars please see the
30 January 2022 Trusted Marketplace of Classifi
ûƒ¨k¨ áp‰þKYy¥{p‰»[‰ ý|‰{~ìx ed Advertisers
rpW tpsk;gujhuHfspd;
Need Ladies/Gents who ek;gpf;ifahd re;i
- j
wish to join business/ Negombo - a shop
06( 20) and
company and earn in- store building at Raj- Fax - 011 2 429 375 Hotline - 011 2 429
342 / 011 2 429
/ 011 2 429 380 | 343
come and need ladies/ apaksa Broadway avail- E-mail - classified@lakehouse.lk

Government Gazette No. 2320/68 and dated

( able for lease, road
{ap [jp Dimo LH 30 - 40 gents who have lands frontage water elec- -
DAC-xxxx 2015 B ) 077 and FD. High income tricity ample parking 100 KVA Generator -
. 0, .

EX2 Express 0757457594. is 1000 000/ -

- -
, 8789332,0764379888. 006481 space. 0777261677, required. 0712443453, -
daily / weekly / month- -

£ù 30
Colombo 6, 1300 square -

06, (3 Phase) ly. 0778355890. Piliyandala
0712443385. . 17/ 1, SD - Audit Trainee . , - - -

2022 cp{
0777355040 Factory feet, parking for Office space for rent 006313
Secre- 2 5.
Mercedes Benz C 07, premises for sale
or 6 in 226-xxxx - 5 . 006609
tary Trainee with A/
30, 000/ 007156
007177 007060 lease. 300 metres to Bol- vehicles facing High Colombo 13, 1st Floor 1.
L Commerce ap-
ply agape account- .
16.3 4
200 13 Sri 6325 Daihat- Level Road, fully tiled, of 750 sq.ft., hall area,
Water - -
500/- goda River, in a green - 03 ing services 89-1/ - - 000/ -
6 -
15 CAQ - xxxx AMG, 2000/ su Charmet 8 Lakh. 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms, office room, pantry and
a) 45745.

80 2 Bank Shall Street, ,
2005 GY-xxxx 15B 02, environment, 5000 sq.ft. Open 4616 CC
. -
Premium Plus, full washroom Colombo-11. e-mail 077 32 2516 0 . 006540
0702777335, Pls call 0711916344, electricity in separate
600/- - 076-
20 building on 50 perches, 90 k. 077 - agapeaccservices@ 0786655 ,
Loaded AC after 2.00 p.m. 60 & water me- 9894202. 02 b) 1000 006698 006918
700/- 43000Km 0718001571. 002701
amperes 3-phase 0713377117 Luxmi Se- ters. Facing
007120 06 g m a i l . c o m whatsapp
2778616 003229
25 006966 George R - 07 55 03 09 54 T el- ,
electricity, and pipe nyaka. , ,
800/- 166000
km borne water supply, well 007282 De Silva Mw. with park- 02 -
ephone - 0777239397 . ,
30 0719694748 0710668077,0112645171 ing beside the road, with
water, workforce avail- Col.
- .
007188 03 for office the 6040 60 , 071-
vicinity 25000/
35 back stores bo Harbour. of Colom-
able from the area itself, 4755 696, -
007180 006762 office 02 07 2- 75/ 1, W .A.
1,000/- 17 Public Transport Net- Lapidary Ideal for 3593039. - - , . . 011
007234 265
40 Workshop Chinese -
, - 255541 0 ,
Perch) -
Atlas 2000/ Hikkaduwa, centre work, ideal for leather small antique house. project office, ( , -
SPA . 0712 802529, 075
2005 of clearing & forwarding - -
077 57625 62, 071
5091 37 9 , 0777 (265 X2)
45 JP-xxxx AC, 001199 town, facing Galle Road, products shoe factories, 0758478526. 452447. -
007350 office etc. Contact us -
/ 3305062. 006537 -
P/ constructed suitably for timber, or chemical ma- m 04 (
- 006545
50 lucas272@gmail.com 18- 35
Shutter 0764534466, t h a r a n a business, 1600 sq.ft. terial production or any Dehiwala 162-B Galle or Able reliable House

800/- 800/- 330/-

Toyota Esteema Rs1200 3 000 . -
9318064. 007070 - .3 -
1,300/- Lu- Road facing next to WhatsApp 0766 228891 -
ga256@yahoo.com cida for sale. 8 seater two storey building other industry. Tele- Drivers
55 -
or Mobile: 077 & Com- Export) -
Kandy oppo- 0779261877. 5471602,
phone : 0710668077, -
1,400/- Premio Partner) for sale. 0718043341 Shop pany Drivers avail-
60 luxury Wagon, Auto, / 0112-645171. 0777 - - -
G Superior 2018 006033
0775543341. site of Nation Trust Whatsapp

007233 438169, 0777 . 50 10,
0777 717539, 076- -
1,500/- 007182 diesel, dual A/C, 2005 006552 006762
able. 282147. 000/ - -
65 CBF -xxxx Fully Bank. 0777307251, Supershine 870899/ 077-
, 0685625. -
20.0112762519,076 unregistered, very clear Service, Boralesgamu- 0031534
Loaded, 43000 km, , 13, 0773048686. 006786 - - - 005802

{~ìx »{…q»r£…
, 006691 Rawathawatta - -
New Japan Tyre 0618966. documents. Full op- Kandy - valuable Junc- wa.
- - -
Km 006010 build- tion near by facing Gal- 0777473694, - 077 -
. jpUkz
tion, Aera model, High ing for sale - 06 floors (20 / 0 7 6 8221259 -
1052123. 006459 F u llime/ Part time

Rs. Rs. Rs.

Way le Road, business 0775822976, Nritfs;

p‰»[‰ ý|‰
áp‰þKYy¥»[‰ Rl‰~ spech with Dual A/ perches). Kandy - Kun- prem- . - -
p Camera
gytUlq;fshf ek;gpf;ifAs;s

/ C ises, for lease. Contact: 0774747967

- - . 074
Sunroof, part exchange dasale residential area. 0776112998. -

ûƒ¨k¨ áp‰þKYy¥{
LFT407EX2) 18000 0711-086663. 007293 2500 /
- 10, 000/ - 23 G1/ 4
considered with any ve- main sq.ft. Facing the
007072 - -
0372259637, - . 077 007127
. 0719694748 007185 road. 80 feet wide. Stores space at No. Accountant, Accounts 162-B
- (Machine Operators),
077 9975547, 071- , -
071 7706840, FD hicles including sports Pararell 17/ 006604 - -
SHAKYA 8653778
.0768080678. to the Main 1 - Stores space 1000 Clerk, Book-Keeper, - HERBAL SPA (PVT) 077 541 4791, 011
ù»K »ƒ¤ r±~‹nŠo Ãú
v 0777706840. 006747 cars. Contact - 077775 Road floor including sq.ft. ideal for stores at Ltd . 21,

District : Galle
( machine - , 5104700.
~£ ~‹ã{p Ã~‹v r£h 06 Computer - - 007051

¨{Y‰ Operator, Operators) ,
0000. No. 287, Galle stalls. Upstair 07 stalls,
your Classified
006207 No. 17/1, S.D. Fernan-

(For 15 Words) (For 15 Words) (For 15 Words)

FAW LL-xxxx 2013 Secretary, Receptionist, 0777 . ( Sub Con- , ,
Road, Colombo 04. 02 separate halls, under-
- 0/ 200
Advertisement to get do Mw., Colombo 15. 3072 51, tract - . 070
Yyp‰p. 077 51
, ground floors available Telephonist, Market- 3048686. 006693 0112- 2 3 6 7 4 5 , 077- 006987
- -
006608 (12
separate 02 halls with -

006477 007201 6607226 007069 -
1. 03 shops available ing, Sales (Boys/Girls), - -

007060 stores, residential room 14 50
Km in Wolfendhal Street,
- - 0 71- 077 5141889,
.0772202842 007196 areas. Monthly income Drivers, Helpers for
MPV III 04 lakhs (with bank Pettah. a) 02 shops of -
- -
- 077 8779686, 077
3 1821 58,
2013 PE-9xxx, 226-xxxx, . mlucas272@ loan) Rs. Million 1200 600 sq.ft. each, b) 01 supply. 0773595969. jpUkz -
- .
0717- 8 6 0 7 4 7 , 077-
6688 425 006612
070 665 5331/
/ 2111150. 006543
2229461. G175394
M{M ƒŒ r…Ãúvfl‰ 28000km 7, 0718043341/0775543341g m a i l . c o with all facilities. No shop 1000 sq.ft. Ideal Nritfs; - 55 - 070 0989129/ 076
m 006681 - - 8171 053.
l Y… ƒ¥Ãx. D/ AC for grocery, pharmacy, 1200/

* Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/-
brokers. 0777 438169,

* Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/- * Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/-
wholesale oil transport Available

. 007118
active 2022

Divisional Secretary's
0777 282147. ; s; tpsk q;fis
kpd;dQ;rYf;F;gum - -
4872792. Open 007130
0779261877. service, stores, etc. 2. “Housemaids” classified@lakehouse.lk
Dg;gTk .
- . . ,
- -
. - jpUkz
007015 4616CC, 007233 male/ -
House to let or lease at - -
9894202. female Cooks, At-
tprhuizfSf;F g - 18, -
007120 Wolfendhal Street fac- pd;tUgth;fSld; njhlh;G nfhs;sTk
; - - 0 7 6 0 4 02812,
10.00 cq;fs; vjph;fhy
fdTfis g+h;j;jp
mD\h - 077 7 278 948
Polgahawela Town ing Wolfendhal Nannies, ukzp - 011 2 129 347 00429, , . 077009100 0,
1500/ - nra; tjw;fhd rpwe;j top.
, Street gpAkp
- 011 2 429 383 fadp - 011 2 429 342/343
07739 28246
. . . 077- . - 1100 / - cq;fs; gzf;nfhLg;
(top floor), in Umbi-
gdit nrYj;Jtjw;
011270027 0 - ,yFthd top.
Holiday Resort on 84 Gardeners, Watch- 003372 7800682. 007096
077 36 10968. . 12 6, - 3, Kjy; 15 nrhw;fSf;

chi Place approx. 900 006770 - 0722 2 73 100/- &gh

F ,yq;if tq;
fzf;fpyf;fk; fp
perches for sale due to ers, couples Colombo 007091 . 273. (Nyf;`T]; fpis)

S.D. Consumer Services Pro-

sq.ft. 3. Car park facil- 006702
006436 *xt;nthU Nkyjpf nrhy;Yf;
*Mff;$ba nrhw;fspd; vz;zFk;pf;i10f &gh
xd;iyd; %ykhfTk;

owners migration with ity available in Wolfen- Routes experienced 65


Division : Karandeniya
15. vider requires male/ dhal Street opposite Drivers,
Rs. 100/-
006722 the goods. Suitable for Houseboys,
* Conditions Apply

Datsun Double 162-B, 006608

female Partners with/ Additionally pay only Police Station, about
Cab 1982 B/ New channelling Roomboys, Daily Com-
Kandy without office facilities. centre. No 3000 sq.ft. Also could
28-xxxx 2 Wheel AC 10, Janapriya Mawatha, intermediaries, be used to stock sand, ers, all are 2 years
Tenwheel , call
A/ Wheel SD22 Koralawella, Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 bricks, granite, etc. guarantee 3 replace-
2 Mora- only buyers, 50 million. Ramani - 011 2 429 347 Contact - Pushparajah
tuwa. Gayani - 011 2 429 342 ments free of charge.
0703402617, Susantha - 011 2 429 343

0742249745. / 0768221259 or Ar-
.0776088490 0788088388.

0777307251,077 Fax - 011 2 429 iffin / 0774747967 and R.K. Vijaya Wella-
006748 0705927785. 7539099,0729892930.
006286 006477
leave your name and watta.

LH 30 - 40
3048686. 0778284674,

(3 Phase)
006691 contact details. 006603


Land Name : Lawulugahawatta


)077 06,
Dimo B 8.
2015 2,076437988 07,

ûƒ¨k¨ áp‰þKYy¥{p‰»[‰ ý|‰{~ìx »{…q»r£… Trusted Marketplace of Classified Advertisers

DAC-xxxx 878933

Preliminary Plan No. : G. 3088 EX2 Express

, 007101

02, rpW tpsk;gujhuHfspd; ek;gpf;ifahd re;ij

Lot No. : 34 Mercedes
Benz C 2000/
x 15B
006966 0710668077,

+ Three Papers
200 2005 GY-xxx
x AMG,
CAQ - xxx
Extent : 0.0026 Hectare Pre miu m Plus, full

km 17
077 7282147.
Loaded 166000

1,000/- 1,330/-

W.T.R. Chandima 0/ tharan

Classified Ads
Atlas 200 0764534466, o . c o m
xx AC, ho
2005 JP-xx P/ ga256@ya 33
Divisional Secretary,
Shutter Partner) 20.011276251

Rs. Rs.
Karandeniya. Premio 007182
G Superio
CBF -xxx
r 2018
x Fully Km
(For 15 Words)
Divisional Secretariat, Loaded, 43
New Japa
000 km,
n Tyre
Way 006207 ,
Karandeniya. Camera
0372259637 06840,
. 0719694748
* Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/- * Cost of each additional word Rs. 20/-
684 0. 006747

15.06.2023 077

FAW LL-xxx
x 2013

. mlucas
r±~‹nŠo Ãúv
Ãù»K »ƒ¤ v r£h¨{Y‰ 0775543341
»p£np‰{£ r±
~‹nŠo Ãúv òx£{Y‰ ë~£ ~‹ã{p Ã~‹ 0718043341/ 006552
þvY‰ Yy¥j© Rly, W{¥ë Km
xKÃ~‹ áp‰ Yy¥{p‰ ~lª
tzx r±~‹nŠo

800/- 1,200/-

PE - 9 x x x, 226-xxxx, ,

Photo Classified
28000km Open S.D.
vfl ‰ D/ AC 516
M ƒŒ r…Ãú
‹f »ƒ¤ XJ~M{ 4616CC,
~‹†ñj {fr 4872792.

Rs. Rs.
- ,
(For 15 Words) ,

989293 0.
ble 7539099,072
Datsun Dou 0777307251,
077 006280
B/ New
Cab 1982 eel AC Tenwheel 3048686.

28-xxxx 2 Wh SD22
A/ Wheel 0705927785.
* Cost of each additional word Rs. 15/- * Cost of each additional word Rs. 15/-



Box Ads

3,000/- 4,000/-
8.0 cm
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado - 2007

Rs. Rs.
House on
1 acre land
5.9 cm

- Habarana
main road for

Sale. Superb
Leather seats, Sunroof, 7 seater, Factoryfor Hotel
s. 2 km to Minneriya
VVT-i Auto Gear, m done
Lanka Maintenance, 93,000k
fitted bodykit s, Toyota Business. Clear deed
Contac t - 076 31 88 604 to Habarana Town.
15 million National Park, 3km
150 lakhs 076 77 99 779

000000377 Online Transfer

The convenient way to E-mail - classified@lakehouse.lk
make your payment... Acc.No. Green light for
LAKE HOUSE BRANCH Gayani - 077 7 278 948 / Piyumi - 011 2 429 383 / 011 2 429 342
Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Wednesday, June 21, 2023

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