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3rd IAHR International Meeting of the Workgroup on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, October

14-16, 2009, Brno, Czech Republic


Institute of Hydraulic Machines, University of Southern Patagonia, Chile

Second AUTHOR*
Research Department, Turbines & Pumps Ltd., Australia

Research Department, Turbines & Pumps Ltd., Australia

Abstract of your article should have approximately from 250 to 400 words. It should clearly state what are the objectives of the contribution and the results achieved.

3 to 5 keywords separated by comma, which best characterize your paper should be written on this line.

1. INTRODUCTION Paper length should be from 8 to 10 pages. Reference should be made to [1]. 2. FIGURES All figures should be black and white (or shades of grey) in print quality (300 dpi) inserted as objects centered on the page. Figures should be numbered consecutively and referenced in text as: Fig.1. Each figure should be accompanied by short and clear caption. 3. TABLES Tables should be centered on the page and accompanied with caption. Reference to equation in text should be made as : Tab.1. inlet radius (mm) 152 150 outlet radius (mm) 102 97

intial design optimized design

Tab.1 Table caption (Times New Roman, italics, 11 pt.)

Corresponding author: Research Department, Turbines&Pumps Ltd., Pelton Road 64, Melbourne, Australia, phone: +123 456789, fax: +123 987654, email:

IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno

4. EQUATIONS Equations should be numbered consecutively beginning with (1). Equation should be centered on the page, its number should be on the right side. Text within equations should be typesetted with Times New Roman italics 12 pt. Reference to equation in text should be made as : Eq.(1). 4 pin pout = (1) R

Fig.1 Figure caption (Times New Roman, italics, 11 pt.)

The final paper should be prepared in both Microsoft Word 2000 (doc) and pdf formats. All files should be compressed into a single file with name: Its size should not exceed 10MB. This file should be uploaded through the conference web page (preffered) or sent by email ( by no later than June 30th, 2009.

Grant Agency of Patagonia is gratefully acknowledged for support of this research.

[1] [2] Nechleba, M.: Hydraulic turbines. Their Design and Equipment. Artia Prague. 1957. Colebrook, C.F., White, C.M.: Experiments with Fluid friction in Roughened Pipes. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 161. 1937. pp. 367-381. [3] Mauri, S.: Numerical Simulation and Flow Analysis of an Elbow Diffuser. PhD thesis. EPFL Lausanne. 2002. [4] Muntean, S., Ruprecht, A., Susan-Resiga, R.: A Numerical Investigation of the 3D Swirling Flow in a Pipe with Constant Diameter. Part1: Inviscid Flow Computation. Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara. 2005.

IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Brno


Marjavaara, B.D., Lundstrm, T.S.: Automatic Shape Optimisation of a Hydropower Draft Tube. Proceedings of the 4th ASME/JSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference FEDSM'03. Vol. 1C. 2003. pp. 1819-1824

8. NOMENCLATURE p v (Pa) (m.s-1) (N.m-1) pressure velocity surface tension vij L (s-1) (m) (rad) strain rate tensor draft tube length angular coordinate

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