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va ee a Neca cle II, Useful Expressions Re Tanneries une clasts . It’s round with a long handle and lots of different functions. . I's made of silk. }. It has many features. It can be used to make phone calls or you can use it for playing games. Ithas a lot of patterns. . It is red with a steep roof. Noavaeere The whole building is covered with designs. . IV's @ three-room apartment, and it's about 80 square metres. oan 1. Tan still remember the time when I passed my entrance examination into university. 2. I'll never forget the time when I first went to primary school. 3. It all started when I landed at the airport. 4, Once, when T was a college student, I went on a trip which I will never forget. ona 1, Lfelt so happy that I could jump for joy. 2, Lwas in a great mood. 3, Lfelt like I was in heaven. 4, Lwas seared to death. 5. Iwas overcome with joy. 6. It impressed me deeply. 7. [felt so depressed. 8. I felt like a millionaire. 9, Lwas worried to death, 10. I was filled with joy. \wwew.nhantrivieticom Intensive IELTS Speaking - 181 @ Gee i a 1. The first thing you should do/need to do is to plug it in. 2. To start with, you should/need to turn on the power. 3. First, you need to take off the lid. 4, The first step is to get the ingredients prepared. 5. After that, you need to find the right switch. 6. Next, you should select the function you want to use. 7. After that, you should press the button. 8. Then, bring it close to your ear. 9. Finally, switch it off by pressing the red button, 10. The last thing you need to do is to turn off the stove. Il, Don't forget to check to see if the batteries are inside. 12. Make sure you recharge it at night. 13, Make sure you won't forget to turn it off when you are finished. 5. You know, ... 6. How shall I put it, 7. Let me think for a second, 8, Give me a few seconds, Epos 1, That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe) 2. I'm sorry, I don’t know much about ... but perhaps 3. Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had, 4, ‘That's an interesting question. Let me see. Well, I suppose that 5. Yes, that’s a big issue. 182 — Intensive IELTS Speaking wwwanhantrivietcom . More and more people in my country are learning English, . The environmental problem is getting more serious. 1 2 3. Cities in Vietnam have been going through some big changes. 4, These days, computers have become very popular. 5. Prices of computers are falling rapidly. 6. There has been a rapid increase of farmers moving to big cities 7. The number of engineers has risen rapidly over the last few years. 8, The world population has increased rapidly over the last few years. 8. Talking about Roles or the Importance of an Issue 1. Yes, computers play a big role in our lives. 2. Yes, I think it’s an important issue for us these days. 3. You're right; sports are playing an increasingly big role in our lives. 4, Entertainment has always been important to our lives. 5. Friendship is something we all take seriously 6. In Vietnam, we consider the family to be key to our society, 9. Giving an Anecdote Related to an Issue 1, I can remember seeing the Olympics and thinking how wonderful it must be for people from Sydney. 2. Yes, I personally have experienced some of these changes growing up here in Ho Chi Minh City. 3, In fact, I had a personal experience with this issue of crime last year. eu kccee od In the vast majority of cases, the accidents are caused by neglect. . In most cases, divorce something that both parties realize is necessary. Generally (speaking), our people love sports By and large, Vietnamese people are very respectful of the elderly. On the whole, Vietnamese students receive a good education in the basics. i wwoewanhantivietcom Intensive IELTS Speaking — 183 @ aia » PS ore) 1, Probably the main reason that technology has increased is that we are now more open. to outside ideas. 2. The best reason I can think of for the inerease in crime is our changing social conditions. 3. L would guess that fast food restaurants are becoming more important because of their convenience. 4, I'm not sure, but from my own observation, I would say that most people are buying cars because they're symbols of prosperity. Aor 1, Although I'm no expert, I'd guess that children learn instruments more easily, because they are not so dependent on human language and therefore more susceptible to alterna- tive ways of expression, 2. It's hard to say, but if I were to guess, Td say that many people are doing their MBAs because they think it is much easier to get a job with this degree. 3. If Thad to guess, I would say that children make friends more easily than adults because they are more carefree. 4, I'm not that familiar art but I'd say that some art is more popular because it con- nects better with its audience. PAS oem Renn 1. Td probably have to say that the real importance of sports is that they allow us to release our energy, 2. I'm not sure, but I think the biggest role that a teacher plays in education is that he/she guides students to success. 3. Thad to say that the biggest impact of machinery is on human beings, I'd guess it has ‘made us more demanding in producing things. \ @ 184 — Intensive IELTS Speaking www.nhantriviet:com 14, Speculating about Important Factors that Cause or Contribute to Sten 1. Timagine that the most important factor to a long-lasting friendship is trust. 2. There are many ways, but I suppose that the most important way a foreign language affects us is that it opens up a whole new world to us. 43. Td say the biggest way that music contributes to our world is that it helps make us feel calmer. ron a 1. It probably won't change much in a short period of time. 2. Perhaps not in the short term but it will get better in the long run. 3. Td say it will probably get better because more people are concerned. 16. Giving Opinions 1. [think it’s a matter of a person’s choice whether they want to learn it. 2. I think it's hard to judge now but we'll be able to tell later, 3. Td like to point out that pollution is not a new problem. 4, To my thinking, the Internet is a waste of time. 5. In my opinion, we should stick together as a group. 6. From my point of view, I think you should look for other ways out 7. Personally, I think the time could be better spent doing other things. 8. Frankly, I think it's a waste of time. 9, Treckon we should consider other options. 10. If you ask me, that’s not a good solution. 11, Td say that we should think about a range of solutions. (ecm seca’ 1, Well, T know many people like it but I think it's wrong. 2. Yes, these days it is quite popular to go on these chat lines, but I think it’s not very good. 3. A lot of people think the environment is getting better but frankly, I think it’s getting worse. f www nhantrivietcom Intensive IELTS Speaking - 185 @ Redcar 1, Well, I think there are three reasons: First, it is part of our culture. Second, it is good for our economy. Finally, it gives us time to recharge and rest for the next working year. 2. Well, the main reasons I think this would be dangerous are ... 3. The best reason I think the examination system should change is because it prevents too many people from pursuing their dreams. 4, Tcan come up with about three reasons for the change in people's diets. PES ee ke eee |. Take the problem of traffic jams at the intersection as an example, . The ping-pong champion is a good example. . Well, just to illustrate my point, 30 years ago we had few cars. . One example of this is the carnival at the National Park. . [think I can give you one particular example of a policy that has really helped to protect yappe the environment, Lee eee 1. If we allow our traditional customs to disappear, this will have a very bad effect on our culture. 2. If everyone were to eat fast food, we would have a lot of health problems to deal with. 3. If animals were to disappear, we would indeed be showing our irresponsibility to the animal kingdom, Siam eon ties 1. I think what should be done is to give students more opportunities to demonstrate their creativity. 2. If [had the power to change things, I would start by relocating factories to places out- side the city. 3. What ought to be done is a complete ban on such practices, 4, I think this problem could be solved by creating more job opportunities. 5. To solve this problem, I think we should try and set up more faci to meet each other and socialize. @ 186 — Intensive IELTS Speaking SY a ents 1. The main difference between the way young people t people think of clothes k of clothing and the way old in the styles. 2. The biggest difference between construction about 20 years ago and today is that 20 years ago, much construction was done manually. There are some key differences between Western and Vietnamese food. . One large way that big cities differ from small cities is the air. Yes, there are quite a few differences between the way children and adults make friends. A good example is the way they just start using each other’s toys happily without need- ing permission. 6. The difference between Western movies and Vietnamese movies is that Western movies tend to be more action-based while Vietnamese movies focus on the relationships between people. SEY ene Big cities have more opportunities than small cities. . University life is more interesting than middle school life. . Key schools are more difficult to apply to than regular schools. ‘There is more oil in Chinese food than in Western food, . Families in the past were more dependent on each other, but now they are more independent. 6. An apartment is not as big as a house but in many ways, it is more convenient. For one thing, residents can use the facilities in the apartment block, like the gym, swimming pool and playground. 7. There were fewer cars on the roads 20 years ago, compared to now. Rikon 1. There are two sides to this issue. On the one hand, we need tourism to develop our economy. On the other hand, we shouldn't Iet it destroy our natural beauty. 2. This issue is complex. On the one hand, people say it’s healthy to play sports but on the other hand, playing them too competitively may lead to some harmful things, Intensive IELTS Speaking — 187 @ wowwanhante y ee, aaa 4 let ccm it. 25. Talking about Advantages and Disadvantages ‘There are many advantages and disadvantages of watching sports versus playing them. 2. The main advantage of getting news on the Internet is that it is fast and we can choose what news we want to learn. The disadvantage is it may not be as reliable, 3. The strengths of a traditional family are in its close family support, but the weakness is that the husband and wife often feel trapped in the relationship. 4, The positive side of technology is its contribution to our convenience, but the darker side of it is that it may make us lazier. 5. While many point out that uniforms save students from buying clothes, I think it also teaches students conformity. Se ee rere SSO 1, When you do not understand the examiner's questions 1. Could you please rephrase that question /topic? 2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean ... 2. When you do not have ideas for a certain question 1, T'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps). 2. That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe) .. 3. I'm sorry, but I don’t know much about ... 4, That's an interes 5. Let me see. Well, I suppose that 6. 7 1g question, but ... 5. However, it might be possible that... Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. 3. When you want to present your ideas in a logical way 1. Well, I think there are three reasons: First, ... Second, ... Finally, 2. In my opinion, there are three ways of looking at it: First of all, ... Next, ... Then, .. 4, When you would like to involve the examiner 1, Have I given you enough information? 2. Would you like me to tell you more about ..? 3. Is that all you'd like to know? 4, Is there anything else you wish to know? 188 — Intensive IELTS Speaking www nhantrvietcom iY 2. Sail 5. When you signal to end your answer or talk 1. P'm afraid that’s about as much as I know. 2. [think that’s all. 3. Ican’t think of anything else right now. 6. When you talk about your plans Well, as you know, at the moment I'm studying at .. . Well, as I told you before, at the moment I'm working at .. 'm preparing right now to go to .. so my shoreterm plan is to . . I've already found out a lot about my intended course, for instance, .. If T'm successful, T'1l probably .., so in the long term, I hope to .. 6. If 'm not successful, that is, if something goes wrong, I think I'll probably ... P'm certain I'l (do something). 8, I'm going to (do something). 9. I'm intending to (do something). 10, 1'm thinking of (doing something). 11, P'm hopeful to (do something). 12, I'm certain I'll be (doing something). 13, I'm going to work. 14, L intend to be (doing something). 15, Ithink P'll be (doing something). 16. [hope to be (doing something). 17, I'll probably (be able to) (do something). 18. I possibly won't (be able to) (do something). 19. 1 probably won't (be able to) (do something). 20. I most probably won't (be able to) (do something). 21. I might even .. 22. Of course, I could always .. if. 23, It’s always possible that .. 24, Perhaps I'll even 25, I've thought about (doing something). 26, I've got a good chance of (doing something). 27. Pve got a 50-50 chance of (doing something). 28. I've got a reasonable chance of (doing something). 29, I've got little chance of (doing something). 30. T've got no chance of (doing something). f wwnwnhantrivietcom Intensive IELTS Speaking ~ 189 @

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