Conjunction S

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AND (ve) Cats and dogs don't get along well.

OR (veya) He is sleepy or bored
BUT (fakat) She knows a lot about the job but isn't very keen to work
NOR (ne de) He doesn't like meat, nor does he like fish.
SO (bu yüzden) She didn't feel well, so she didn't go to work.
FOR (çünkü) She didn't go to work, for she didn't feel well
YET (fakat) She didn't feel well, yet she still went to work.

BOTH…AND (hem hem de) Both Ali and Ayşe will come with us.
NOT ONLY…BUT ALSO (Sadece… değil… de/da) Not only Ali but also Ayşe will come with us./Not only d
NEITHER…NOR ( de) Neither Ali nor Ayşe likes fish.
EITHER…OR (ya..ya da) She has either fallen asleep or gone somewhere.

Adverbial Clauses of Time
AFTER (sonra) After I finished the report/had finished, I went out for lun
BEFORE (önce) Before I went out for lunch, I finished/had finished the re
WHEN (zaman, -dığında) When I saw him yesterday, I gave him your message.
WHILE / AS (iken) While/As I was taking the cake out of the oven, I burnt m
BT THE TIME (-e kadar) By the time he comes back, we will have finished the wo
UNTIL / TILL (-e kadar) She will wait for me until/till I finish/have finished my wo
SINCE (-den beri) We haven't seen each other since we left school.
AS SOON AS, ONCE, THE MOMENT, IMMEDIATELY As soon as I finish/have finished my work, I will go out.
(OLUR OLMAZ) As soon as/Once/The moment/immediately I saw him, I
AS LONG AS, SO LONG AS (olduğu sürece) I won't forgive him as/so long as I live.
WHENEVER, EVERY TIME (her zaman) I greet him whenever/every time I see him.
NOW (THAT) (Şu anda) Now that we have finished our work, we can go out for a
NO SOONER... THAN, HARDLY/SCARCELY…WHEN I had no sooner received his letter than he himself arrive
(Olur olmaz, yapar yapmaz) I had scarcely/hardly received his letter when he himself
Adverbial Clauses Showing Cause & Effect
Because Because she was ill, she couldn't go to school.
Since Since employment is limited in rural areas, many people
As As prices rise dramatically, it's difficult to make ends mee
As/so long as + a clause, main clause As/so long as it is raining heavily, I think we can't go out
Inasmuch as I failed, inasmuch as I hadn't studied hard.
Seeing that, seeing as Seeing as you've got lots of money, you can pay for the d
Because of Because of the very expensive present she bought me fo
On account of On account of the construction work on the highway goin
Thanks to + noun/pronoun/gerund, main clause I arrived home early thanks to the bike.
Owing to Owing to her not studying regularly, she failed the exam.
Due to Due to her negligence of the children, they became disob
AS A RESULT She was busy. As a result, she couldn't help me.
AS A RESULT OF THIS As a result of her being busy, she couldn't help me.
CONSEQUENTLY He came late. Consequently, we missed the bus.
AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THIS We missed the bus as a consequence of his coming late.
THUS There was a problem in the school, thus I went home late
Expressing Purpose (AMAÇ)
SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT She is studying very hard this year so that she can pass te
FOR THE PURPOSE THAT She is now attending a conversation club for the purpose
LEST (should ile kullanılır)/FOR FEAR THAT/IN CASE We all spoke in quite voices lest we should wake the bab
FOR THE PURSOPE OF/FOR FEAR OF + gerund She went to her husband's office for the purpose of seein
TO/IN ORDER TO/ SO AS TO + infinitive (cümle başında) She lay on the sofa to rest for a while.
Concession And Contrast (ZITLIK)
ALTHOUGH/THOUGH/EVEN THOUGH + a main clause Although she is quite good at music, she doesn't want to
IN SPITE OF/DESPITE + noun/pronoun/gerund In spite of the rain, they went on a picnic.
DESPITE THE FACT THAT/INSPITE OF THE FACT THAT + MC Despite the fact that she is old, she still takes long walks
MUCH AS + Clause Much as I like sports, I dislike football. (Although ile aynı
AS (Adj/Adv + as/though + subject + verb) Hard as I try, my cooking is not so good as yours.
HOWEVER + adj/adv + subject + verb, main clause However late it is, you can call me for help.
NO MATTER + Question word + subject + verb, main clause No matter how late it is, you can call me for help.
HOWEVER (ikinci cümle başında ve kendisinden sonra cümle) It was cold. However she went out for a walk.
NEVERTHELESS She studied hard; nevertheless, she couldn't pass the exa
BUT…ANYWAY It was cold, but she went out for a walk anyway.
BUT…STILL It was cold, but she still went out for a walk.
YET…STILL (İkinci cümlenin başında "ama yine de" anlamında) It was cold, yet she still went out for a walk.
STILL It was cold. Still, she went out for a walk.
Showing Direct Opposition (Tam Zıtlık)
WHILE Ayşe is hardworking, while her brother is lazy.
WHEREAS Whereas Ayşe is hardworking, her brother is lazy.
BUT Ayşe is hardworking, but her brother is lazy.
HOWEVER Ayşe is hardworking; however, her brother is lazy.
ON THE OTHER HAND I don't find her particulary beautiful. On the other hand s
IN CONTRAST Southern Turkey has hot, humid summers. NorthernTurk
ON THE CONTRARY You say she is very beautiful. I, on the contrary, find her r

t isn't very keen to work.

he like fish.
t go to work.
dn't feel well
went to work.

ome with us./Not only did he shout at the child, but he (also) hit him.

one somewhere.


nished, I went out for lunch.

shed/had finished the report.
e him your message.
ut of the oven, I burnt myself.
will have finished the work.
ish/have finished my work.
e we left school.
my work, I will go out.
mmediately I saw him, I understood that something was wrong.
I live.
I see him.
work, we can go out for a walk.
er than he himself arrived.
s letter when he himself arrived.

go to school.
ural areas, many people are moving to big cities.
fficult to make ends meet.
, I think we can't go out for a walk.
died hard.
ey, you can pay for the drinks.
esent she bought me for my birthday, I now feel obliged to buy her an expensive one too
work on the highway going on for some time now, we have been taking another road to work.
e bike.
rly, she failed the exam.
dren, they became disobedient.

uldn't help me.

e couldn't help me.
missed the bus.
ence of his coming late.
ol, thus I went home late.

ar so that she can pass te university exam.

ion club for the purpose that/so that she can practise speaking English.
we should wake the baby.
for the purpose of seeing him.

usic, she doesn't want to be a musician

a picnic.
he still takes long walks every day.
otball. (Although ile aynı anlamdadır)
o good as yours.
e for help.
call me for help.
ut for a walk.
she couldn't pass the exam.

a walk anyway.
for a walk.
for a walk.
r a walk.

rother is lazy.
er brother is lazy.
ther is lazy.
er brother is lazy.
iful. On the other hand she is not ugly either.
summers. NorthernTurkey in contrast, has summers which are cool and windy.
n the contrary, find her rather ugly.

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