Unit 6 Test Answer

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Name:___________________________ Class:___________________ Date:__________________

Unit 6 Test Revision

Grade 4

PART 1. Identify the following terms to their definitions.


____________1. Revolve E. A.Not a perfect ellipse. This is the term used to describe the shape of the Earth’s

____________2. Orbit C B.We use ‘this’ to mean spring, summer, autumn, or winter.

____________3. Ellipse H C. the path is taken when an object such as a planet) moves around a larger object
such as the sun in space.

____________4. slight ellipse A D. Leaning at an angle. In this unit, we refer to the ‘this’ of the Earth on its axis

____________5. Year J E. To move in a circle around an object in the center

____________6. Season B F. A sphere represents the whole globe. ‘Hemi’ means ‘half, ' so this is half the

____________7. Tilt D G. The northernmost and southernmost points on the globe.

____________8. Hemisphere F H. an oval shape

____________9. North Pole and I.To move in a circle around an axis

South Pole G

____________10. Rotate I J. 365¼ days.

PART 2: Complete the following information in the model below.

1. What shape is the Earth’s orbit around the sun? Slight ellipse

2. In which direction does the Earth orbit the sun? Anticlockwise

3. What is the imaginary line labeled X? Earth’s axis

4. What is the imaginary line labeled Y? Equator

5. How long does it take Earth to complete its orbit around the sun? 365¼ days

PART 3. Fill in the blanks. Use the words in the box.

sunrise dormant migration adapt
hibernation chlorophyll sunset

1. ______________. To make changes to fit a new situation. Adapt

2. ______________. The green substance in leaves. Chlorophyll

3. ______________. Sleeping. dormant
4. ______________.A time when an animal’s body processes slow down for a long period of time, such as in the
winter season. hibernate
5. ______________. The movement of large numbers of animals to a region where there is food or a region where
it is suitable for them to breed. migrate
6. ______________. The time when the sun appears to rise above the horizon in the morning. sunrise
7. ______________. The time when the sun appears to sink below the horizon in the evening. sunset

PART 4. Adaptations of plants and animals in hot, dry environments

1. Discuss how cacti adapt to their environment.

- They have thorns instead of leaves allowing them to lose less water, and their trunk or skin has a waxy coating
that stops water from escaping. They have a fat stem to store water and deep roots to find water.

2. Discuss how camels adapt to their environment.

- They have long eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes, thick lips so they can eat thorny desert plants, humps
to store water, and wide tough feet so they can walk on hot sand.

PART 5. Adaptations of animals in wet environments

1. Discuss how fishes adapt to their environment.

- They have gills to breathe in the water and fins to swim faster.

2. Discuss how seabirds adapt to their environment.

- Seabirds have waterproof feathers so that they can dive for food. Seabirds also have special glands that get rid
of the salt that they take in when they drink seawater

PART 6. Match the predators with their prey in the pictures

Answer: Cheetah and antelope; spider and fly; polar bear and seal; hawk and lizard.

PART 7. Group predators according to their adaptations

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