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Review Article

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and

Ongoing Practices
Nora M. V. Laver, MD

Ocular cytology specimens are small, with limited options for a repeat biopsy. Appropriate handling of these specimens and
triaging for ancillary testing can be taxing. In this article, the author reviews a selection of potentially challenging diagnoses
and current common practices and methods used in diagnosing ocular diseases by cytology. The majority of cytology speci-
mens submitted for evaluation of ocular diseases can be divided into 3 major categories: surface epithelial corneal and con-
junctival cytology samples, intraocular fluids from the anterior (aqueous fluid) or posterior (vitreous fluid) chambers of the
eye, and intraocular fine-needle aspiration specimens. The clinical findings, testing, and cytologic features of ocular surface
epithelial infections, inflammations and neoplasia are discussed; and challenges in processing and diagnosing intraocular
infections, chronic uveitis, and vitreoretinal lymphoma are reviewed. Novel molecular testing in the cytologic diagnosis and
classification of uveal melanoma also is explored. Cytology evaluation of corneal epithelial and stromal cells, anterior cham-
ber and vitreous samples, and fine-needle aspiration biopsies can provide detailed diagnostic findings to aid in the treatment
and follow-up of patients with ocular diseases. Cancer Cytopathol 2021;129:419-431. © 2020 American Cancer Society.

KEY WORDS: Acanthamoeba keratitis; corneal scrapings; dry-eye disease; impression cytology; intraocular lymphoma;
ocular cytology; ocular surface intraepithelial neoplasia; uveal melanoma; uveitis.

Ocular cytology can be challenging to general cytopathologists. Ocular diseases are unique, and the methods
used for diagnosis are highly specialized. Adequate sampling and processing of ocular samples require under-
standing of clinical scenarios and the diagnostic methods commonly used. Ocular cytology specimens are
small, with limited options for a repeat biopsy, requiring meticulous allocation to the appropriate ancillary
tests. This article reviews a selection of potentially challenging diagnoses and current common practices and
methods used in diagnosing ocular diseases by cytology.
Common ocular cytology specimens submitted for evaluation can be divided into 3 major types, namely,
surface epithelial corneal and conjunctival cytology samples, intraocular fluids from the anterior (aqueous fluid)
or posterior (vitreous fluid) chambers of the eye, and intraocular fine-needle aspiration specimens (Table 1).


Conjunctival and corneal samples are usually submitted as direct smears, brush cytology, impression cytology,
or small biopsies, depending on the clinical suspicion and differential diagnoses.1-3 The epithelial surface of the
cornea and conjunctiva may be scraped under local anesthesia with a small spatula or brush and the cellular
yield smeared onto tissue slides or placed into liquid-based cytology fixative.4 If impression cytology is used,
an absorbent filter paper is pressed onto the ocular surface to acquire surface epithelial cells. Direct smears may
be alcohol-fixed or air-dried; brush cytology samples may be prepared using liquid-based cytology, placing

Corresponding Author: Nora M. V. Laver, MD, Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington Street, Suite 6700, Boston, MA 02111 (

Departments of Ophthalmology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Tufts Medical Center and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Received: September 16, 2020; Revised: September 29, 2020; Accepted: September 30, 2020

Published online November 2, 2020 in Wiley Online Library ­(

DOI: 10.1002/cncy.22384,

Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021 419

Review Article

TABLE 1.  Common Ocular Cytopathology Specimens

Herpes virus (HSV-I and HSV-II)
Dry-eye disease
Ocular surface squamous neoplasia
Intraocular fluids: Anterior chamber and vitrectomy samples
Intraocular infections
Vitreoretinal lymphoma
Intraocular fine-needle aspiration biopsies
Uveal malignant melanoma
Abbreviation: HSV, herpes simplex virus.

the scraped cells in appropriate alcohol-based fixative.

Impression cytology filters may be placed directly into
fixative and, depending on the number of cells harvested,
cytology and further testing can be performed.4,5 More
details are provided below regarding current practices in
the cytologic diagnosis of corneal infections, dry-eye dis-
ease, and ocular surface intraepithelial neoplasia (Table 1).

Corneal Infections
Most ocular infections are diagnosed clinically and
confirmed by culture or by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) analysis.6 Clinically challenging bacterial, viral,
fungal, and Acanthamoeba keratitis may require cor-
neal surface epithelial scrapings and ocular cytology Figure 1.  (A) An external corneal photograph is shown from a
male aged 18 years who was a contact lens wearer. The cornea
interpretation. shows a stromal ring-shaped infiltrate, epithelial irregularities,
and conjunctivitis. (B) A confocal microscopic image reveals
corneal epithelial cells with highly reflective Acanthamoeba
cysts. Internal structures are visible in some of the organisms.
Acanthamoeba keratitis
Acanthamoeba keratitis remains an uncommon diagno-
sis seen most often in contact lens wearers; often, the require time6 and may be negative, especially if a super-
infection goes undiagnosed until later stages of disease. ficial scraping is submitted but the infection is localized
Two of the 8 known species of Acanthamoeba, A. castel- in the deeper corneal stroma. PCR analysis can also be
lani and A. polyphaga, are responsible for most infec- used for the diagnosis but has limited utility because,
tions; these free-living amoebas can be found in pools, depending on sample quality, DNA compared with
hot tubs, shower water, and contact lens solutions.7 culture may be reported as negative.9,10 In vivo confo-
Even when clinical findings suggest the diagnosis, con- cal laser microscopy is a useful and rapid, noninvasive
firmatory testing is needed to rule out other infectious method used in the clinic that enables morphologic and
organisms. Early clinical signs may be mild and nonspe- quantitative analysis of ocular surface microstructures,
cific, such as cornea epithelial irregularities or epithelial capturing multiple 2-dimensional images at different
or anterior stroma infiltrates and pain out of propor- depths in a sample and enabling the reconstruction
tion to the findings. More typical clinical findings of 3-dimensional structures within an object. This
include deep ring-shaped stromal infiltrates, corneal technology allows the identification of characteristic
perforation, scleritis, anterior uveitis, and hypopyon, double-walled cysts or larger trophozoites in patients
among others (Fig. 1A).7,8 Cultures for Acanthamoeba who have corneas infected with Acanthamoeba species.

420 Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and Best Practices/Laver

Typical findings include hyperreflective cysts in clusters

or chains with a double layer, and sometimes these are
star-shaped (Fig. 1B). In early infections, trophozoites
can be seen in the epithelial layer; they are larger than
cysts and appear egg-shaped or pear-shaped.11,12

Cytologic findings
Cytology sample smears may be stained with Papanicolaou
(Pap), Diff-Quik, or hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains.
Depending on the availability of cells, additional stains may
be performed, including Grocott’s methenamine silver stain,
calcofluor white, acridine orange, and lactophenol-cotton
blue.3,13,14 Typical double-walled cysts of Acanthamoeba
species (Fig. 2A) can be observed. The cyst walls provide a
physical barrier that renders the amoeba resistant to treat-
ments. The double-walled cysts consist of an ectocyst and an
endocyst. Occasional single-walled structures, representing
single-walled exocysts, can be present. Electron microscopy
studies have shown that the exocyst station is accompanied
by partial enzymatic digestion of the endocyst, explaining
the single-wall appearance of the empty cysts.15 When such
cysts occur, cultures are not possible, and genomic DNA
for PCR detection would not be available.15 Acanthamoeba
trophozoites are found in corneal epithelial infections with
an environment more favorable for their survival (Fig. 2B). Figure 2.  (A) A corneal smear shows an Acanthamoeba cyst
Trophozoites are small, usually from 15 to 25 µm in length, (arrow) (Diff-Quik stain, original magnification ×60). (B)
Another corneal smear reveals an Acanthamoeba trophozoite
and amoeboid in shape. (arrow) surrounded by reactive epithelial cells (Diff-Quik stain,
original magnification ×40).
Differential diagnoses
The main differential diagnoses of Acanthamoeba keratitis
include infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. glaucoma may occur.7 Corneal scrapings for smears and
Bacterial keratitis is the most common type of infection cultures are performed to determine the causative organ-
seen in the clinic. Like Acanthamoeba infections, the ism in all ulcers that are either large, involve the middle to
most common risk factor for bacterial keratitis is contact deep stroma, are sight-threatening, are chronic in nature,
lens wear. Other risk factors include swimming, trauma, are atypical, or are unresponsive to treatment (Fig. 3B).
previous eye surgeries, and eye diseases. The most com- Confocal microscopy can be performed in challenging
mon etiologies of bacterial keratitis are Streptococcus, cases to rule out Acanthamoeba and reveals surface ulcera-
Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae (including Klebsiella, tion, loss of stromal cells, numerous acute inflammatory
Enterobacter, Serratia, and Proteus), and Staphylococcus cells, and cellular debris, as seen in smears, but not the
species.7 Clinical signs of bacterial keratitis include con- characteristic findings of Acanthamoeba infection.16
junctival injection, focal white infiltrates, corneal thin- Fungal keratitis is much less common than bacterial
ning, stromal edema, endothelial inflammatory plaque, keratitis in the United States. Risk factors include trauma
Descemet membrane folds, mucopurulent discharge, an- with vegetable matter (thorn injury, wheat trauma in ag-
terior chamber reaction, and hypopyon (Fig. 3A). Eyelid ricultural workers, etc), immunosuppression (especially
edema may be present in some patients. In severe infections, associated with topical corticosteroids), and contact lens
additional findings like posterior synechiae, hyphema, and wear. Fungal keratitis may be caused by any of several

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Herpes simplex keratitis is the most common viral

infection of the cornea. It is a serious infection that may
present as repeated attacks triggered by stress, exposure
to sunlight, or any condition that lowers the immune
response. Risk factors involve direct contact with infected
secretions or lesions. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-I) and
HSV-II may cause blepharon-conjunctivitis, epithelial
keratitis, stromal keratitis (necrotizing or nonnecrotiz-
ing), iridocyclitis, and/or retinitis. The hallmark of HSV
keratitis is the presence of multiple, small, branching epi-
thelial dendrites on the surface of the cornea (Fig. 5A).7,19
A diagnosis of HSV is usually made clinically; however, a
definitive diagnosis can be made using conjunctival scrap-
ings, impression cytology specimens, and scrapings from
vesicular lesions on the skin tested by cytology, culture, or
PCR for the presence of HSV.19,20 A superficial corneal
smear can reveal multinucleated giant cells and intranu-
clear eosinophilic inclusion bodies (Fig. 5B). Serum anti-
body testing is typically of limited use.19,20

Inflammations of the Cornea and

Conjunctiva—Dry-Eye Disease
Dry-eye disease is a very common eye condition caused
by a chronic lack of lubrication and moisture of the ocular
surface. Epidemiological studies indicate that the preva-
Figure 3.  (A) An external corneal photograph is shown from a
woman aged 43 years with Propionibacterium acne keratitis. lence of dry eye in the United States in patients aged >50
The cornea shows white infiltrates, stromal edema, anterior years is approximately 7% in women and 4% in men.21
chamber hypopyon, and conjunctival injection. (B) Acute
inflammatory cells and debris are observed in a bacterial Dry-eye disease may be due to meibomian gland dysfunc-
keratitis smear (ThinPrep; periodic acid-Schiff stain, original tion, failure of the lacrimal glands to produce enough
magnification ×40).
watery fluid to keep the eyes adequately moistened, and
other conditions, including contact lens wear, aging,
fungi, including Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Fusarium menopause, indoor environment, smoking, medications,
spp., Cladosporium spp., Curvularia, and in nonseptated and eyelid problems, among others.21,22 The normal ocu-
fungi, such as Rhizopus.7 Clinical findings include blurred lar surface of the cornea and conjunctiva is composed of
vision, redness, tearing, photophobia, pain, foreign body a stratified nonkeratinizing epithelium. Different num-
sensation, and secretions. The classic appearance of fun- bers of goblet cells, which produce the mucous part of
gal keratitis is a gray-white, dry-appearing infiltrate with the tear film, can be found in the conjunctiva (Fig. 6A).
feathery borders (Fig. 4A). However, these findings are Pathologic changes, such as squamous metaplasia of the
not always present; therefore, corneal cultures, smears, and epithelial cells, keratinization, and reduction of goblet cell
scrapings are often used to aid in the diagnosis. In vivo density up to total goblet cell loss, occur in numerous
confocal microscopy, depending on the fungus infection disorders, including dry eye, Sjogren syndrome, blepha-
and operator experience, often allows the visualization of roconjunctivitis, inflammatory keratoconjunctivitis, and
fungal-like hyphae throughout the cornea (Fig. 4B).17,18 vitamin A deficiency.23 Multiple classification schemes
Because fungal cultures can take up to 3 weeks to grow have been proposed to aid in the diagnosis of dry eye and
and identify specific fungi, direct smears may be submit- other inflammatory conditions.24-26 Conjunctival im-
ted to cytology (Fig. 4C) to aid in the identification of pression cytology specimens may be graded into 3 groups
fungi and the appropriate modification of treatment plans. based on the appearance of the epithelial cells and the

422 Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and Best Practices/Laver

Figure 4.  (A) An external corneal photograph is shown from a man aged 51 years with fungal keratitis. The cornea appears gray-
white and has feathery borders. (B) A confocal microscopic image of the corneal stroma reveals infiltration by Aspergillus spp. (C)
A cell block preparation shows the fungal spores and hyphae of Paecilomyces spp. (Grocott’s methenamine silver stain, original
magnification ×40).

numbers of goblet cells. A cytology specimen exhibiting detailed cytologic data in confirming a diagnosis of squa-
small, round epithelial cells with large nuclei and >500 mous metaplasia in dry-eye disease and other inflamma-
goblet cells/mm2 is classified as grade 0, the presence of tory conditions.
100 to 500 goblet cells/mm2 is classified as grades 1 and
2; and the presence of large polygonal epithelial cells with Corneal and Conjunctival Ocular Surface
Squamous Neoplasia
small nuclei and <100 goblet cells/mm2 is classified as
grade 3. All specimens classified as grade ≥2 are consid- Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) encompasses
ered abnormal (Fig. 6B). The findings of grades 2 and 3 a wide and varied spectrum of disease involving the ab-
on the interpalpebral conjunctiva in the absence of in- normal growth of dysplastic squamous epithelial cells
flammatory cells suggest a diagnosis of keratoconjunctivi- on the surface of the eye. The etiology of OSSN appears
tis sicca, whereas grades 2 and 3 on both the bulbar and to be multifactorial and involves various environmental
palpebral conjunctiva suggest an intrinsic ocular surface factors in a susceptible host, including ultraviolet light
disease, such as ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, Stevens- exposure, immunosuppression, HIV infection, human
Johnson syndrome, or severe chemical burns.25,26 papillomavirus infection, mutation or deletions of p53,
Additional studies may be performed by impression smoking, and exposure to petroleum products, among
cytology, including quantitative detection of HLA-DR, other factors.28 The clinical presentation of OSSN varies,
upregulation of ICAM-1 (CD54) in inflammatory condi- making diagnosis challenging. Typically, patients present
tions, and quantitative PCR of decreased mucins MUC2, with a gelatinous or plaque-like, interpalpebral, conjunc-
MUC4, MUC5AC, and MUC7, which make up the tear tival gray or white lesion. The great majority of lesions
film in dry-eye disease.27 Cytology specimens can provide occur at the limbus, in which the most actively mitotic

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Figure 5. (A) An external corneal photograph is shown from

a woman aged 36 years with Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-I)
keratitis. The inset reveals the typical dendritic branching seen
on slit-lamp examination with fluorescein dye. (B) Corneal
epithelial cells with nuclear enlargement are observed in
HSV keratitis (cell block preparation; H&E stain, original
magnification ×40). The inset shows immunohistochemistry
staining for HSV-I and HSV-II (cell block preparation; HSV I-II Figure 6.  (A) Normal conjunctival epithelial cells from a smear
immunohistochemistry, original magnification ×40). are shown (H&E stain, original magnification ×20). The inset
reveals goblet cells (cell block preparation; H&E stain, original
magnification ×60). (B) Conjunctival epithelial cells from
woman aged 65 years who had dry eye are shown. Smears
cells reside. The lesion may be flat or elevated and may reveal predominantly conjunctival epithelial cells with rare
goblet cells (<300 goblet cells/mm2) from the interpalpebral
be associated with feeder vessels (Fig. 7A).28,29 Optical conjunctiva, consistent with grade 2 dry-eye disease (Diff-Quik
coherence tomography has been used as an in vivo diag- stain, original magnification ×60).

nostic modality for the detection of OSSN. Distinctive

features, such as hyperreflectivity, thickened epithelium, removed using a brush or by impression cytology and are
and abrupt transition from normal to abnormal tissue often seen as large, cohesive sheets (Fig. 7B). The con-
seen on ultra–high-resolution optical coherence tomogra- junctival epithelium merges into the nonkeratinized strat-
phy, differentiate it from other conjunctival lesions, such ified squamous epithelium of the cornea at the limbus.
as pterygia.30 Cytology smears, brushes, or impression Because healthy corneal cells are tightly bound to each
cytology may be used as noninvasive methods for con- other and to their basement membrane, only a few rag-
junctival and corneal sampling of suspected OSSN.27,28 ged, intermediate squamous cells are usually released. In
The surface layers of normal conjunctival epithelium are contrast, neoplastic cells are readily obtained from both
composed of stratified, cuboidal-to-columnar epithelium areas of the ocular surface. Conjunctival and corneal squa-
with mucin-secreting goblet cells. They are usually readily mous neoplasms may be keratinizing or nonkeratinizing.

424 Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and Best Practices/Laver

Figure 7.  (A) This is an external photograph from a man aged 56 years who had a papillary, gelatinous, vascularized limbal lesion
involving the cornea and conjunctiva. (B) Sheets of conjunctival and limbal epithelial cells are observed with reactive changes
(Diff-Quik stain, original magnification ×20). (C) This image shows an ocular surface squamous neoplasia (keratinizing dysplasia/
carcinoma in situ) arising from the limbus and involving the cornea and conjunctiva in a man aged 45 years (H&E stain, original
magnification ×20). The inset reveals cells with nuclear enlargement, increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, prominent nucleoli,
and keratinization (H&E stain, original magnification ×40).

Three-fold nuclear enlargement, syncytial-like groupings, Vitrectomy surgery is performed to remove some
increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, indistinct cyto- or all the vitreous humor from the posterior chamber of
plasms, prominent nucleoli, and keratinization are fea- the eye. Vitrectomy specimens are submitted as diluted
tures present in ocular surface squamous intraepithelial or undiluted samples, depending on the clinical diagno-
neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma (Fig. 7C).1,3,31 sis. In diagnostic vitrectomies, an initial approximately
1 mL of undiluted vitreous sample is collected before
INTRAOCULAR FLUIDS the beginning of an infusion. A diluted vitreous sample
The anterior chamber of the eye, located between the pos- is submitted in both diagnostic and therapeutic vitrec-
terior surface of the cornea and the anterior surface of tomies, representing a sample containing the removed
the iris, contains approximately 0.3 mL of aqueous fluid. vitreous plus an irrigation. When processing therapeutic
Anterior chamber aqueous fluid aspirations are usually vitrectomy samples, the undiluted vitreous sample can be
small samples (0.2-0.3 mL). The undiluted aqueous fluid used to prepare direct smears and the rest of the sample
may be diluted with saline and sent for molecular diagno- triaged for additional testing, depending on the clinical
sis of infections, inflammation, and lymphoma. Alcohol- differential diagnoses. The diluted vitreous sample can be
fixed or air-dried smears or a cytospin may be prepared used to prepare alcohol-fixed, air-dried smears or cyto-
from a few drops of the fluid and stained with Diff-Quik, spins from a few drops of the fluid and, if enough tissue
Pap, or H&E stains.1,3 is available, can be used for liquid-based cytology and a

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Figure 8. (A) A liquid-based smear of a retinal fungal infection is shown from a woman aged 78 years who had a history of
diabetes mellitus (Papanicolaou stain, original magnification ×20). (B) Vitreous fluid with pigment-laden macrophages in retinal
toxoplasmosis is shown from a woman aged 35 years (Papanicolaou stain, original magnification ×20). The inset shows positive red
staining for toxoplasmosis in macrophages (immunohistochemistry for toxoplasmosis; original magnification ×40).

cell block. The samples can be stained with Pap and other findings include acute and chronic inflammatory cells
stains (Grocott’s methenamine silver stain, etc).1,3,32 The with groups of macrophages (Fig. 8B). However, typi-
most common differential diagnoses in both ocular an- cal cytopathic changes of specific infections are usually
terior and posterior (vitreous) chamber cytology samples absent. Therefore, the cytology findings coupled with
include infections, inflammatory conditions, and lym- PCR or culture studies are needed to render useful clini-
phoma (Table 1). cal diagnostic interpretations.33


Undiluted fresh-fluid cytology samples (0.5-1.0 mL), in Uveitis refers to inflammation of the iris (anterior uvei-
ice or refrigerated, can be submitted to rule out HSV, tis), ciliary body (intermediate uveitis), choroid (poste-
Herpes zoster virus, Toxoplasmosis species, Tuberculosis rior uveitis), or all layers of the uvea (panuveitis). It may
(TB complex), and Cytomegalovirus by PCR analysis. If be seen in association with autoimmune diseases or in
Toxocara canis infection is suspected, antibody titers can otherwise healthy individuals. Uveitis is not limited to
be drawn.1,3,32 Bacterial, fungal, and viral cultures can be the uvea and may affect other ocular structures, includ-
performed, depending on the available fluid. If the sam- ing the lens, retina, optic nerve, and vitreous, resulting
ple is small, PCR is the best option to rule out infections. in reduced vision or blindness. People of all ages, but
Cytology smears prepared from these fluids can show especially those between ages 20 and 60 years, can be
typical hyphae in a fungus infection (Fig. 8A); in other affected.34,35 Uveitis can have a short, acute course or
infections (eg, viral, toxoplasma, tuberculosis), cytology may become chronic with recurrences. Patients present

426 Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and Best Practices/Laver

ensure appropriate treatment and improvement of an

unfavorable prognosis. The great majority of cases are
CD20-positive B-cell lymphomas, but rare cases of
T-cell lymphomas have been reported. Up to 50% of
patients who present with ocular findings have concom-
itant involvement of the central nervous system.37 The
disease has an insidious course, most commonly pre-
senting as posterior uveitis, making an accurate clinical
diagnosis challenging. The cells are usually spilled over
from neoplastic infiltrates in the retina and subretinal
pigment epithelium. The main differential diagnosis
includes reactive lymphocytic infiltration of the uveal
tract (chronic uveitis), sarcoidosis, sympathetic uveitis,
and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. These conditions
are ruled out by clinical tests and diagnostic biopsy
Figure 9. A liquid-based vitreous sample is shown from a
woman aged 71 years with chronic uveitis. The sample reveals samples.36,38 Undiluted, refrigerated anterior chamber
mixed chronic inflammation, including lymphocytes and or vitreous fluids can be tested to rule out lymphoma
macrophages (Papanicolaou stain, original magnification ×60).
(sample volume, 0.5-1.0 mL). Flow cytometry may be
done on vitrectomy samples; however, it has limited ap-
with ocular pain, eye redness, floaters, light sensitiv- plication because of scant cellularity. IL-6 and IL-10
ity, or blurred vision. Laboratory testing is performed levels can also be tested. IL-10 cutoff values of 65 pi-
to identify causes of uveitis, which include infectious cograms per milliliter (pg/mL) in the vitreous chamber
organisms, autoimmune diseases, and, in some cases, and 30 pg/mL in the anterior chamber are associated
lymphoma. with high sensitivity (93% and 78%, respectively) and
Undiluted fresh anterior chamber or vitreous sam- specificity (100% and 97%, respectively) in diagnosing
ples can be used for PCR analysis of heavy-chain gene intraocular lymphoma.36 PCR analysis of heavy-chain
rearrangement and T-cell receptor rearrangement. In ad- gene rearrangement and T-cell receptor rearrangement
dition, a cytokine assay for interleukin 6 (IL-6) and IL-10 can be performed, but the test depends on the available
can also be performed. An undiluted sample ≥0.5 mL DNA present in the sample. Recent studies have shown
is needed for PCR analysis, and a volume of 2.0 mL is the utility of testing for a hotspot mutation of the mye-
needed for an interleukin assay. If an undiluted sample loid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MYD88)
is insufficient in volume, the sample may be diluted with in the anterior chamber fluids and vitreous samples.
balanced salt solution to reach a volume from 2.5 to 3.0 This mutation is present in approximately 75% of pa-
mL to triage for the different studies needed.32 In chronic tients with lymphoma by PCR analysis and is absent
uveitis, cytology smears from the anterior and posterior in nonneoplastic proliferations. This technique is very
chamber fluids show chronic inflammatory cells, includ- useful in the diagnosis of lymphoma in ocular cytol-
ing lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages (Fig. 9). ogy fluids with low cellularity or with cell lysis. In this
Increased levels of IL-6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α have been mutation, there is a change in the amino acid leucine to
observed in idiopathic uveitis, Behcet disease, and anky- proline at position 265 (L265P).38 Clinically suspected
losing spondylitis. IL-6/IL-10 ratios >1.0 show high sen- vitreoretinal lymphoma that exhibits cytology features
sitivity (93%) and specificity (100%) in the diagnosis of suspicious for lymphoproliferative disorder, coupled
vitreous lymphoma.36 with an abnormal flow cytometry result, a heavy-chain
gene immunoglobulin rearrangement, or an MYD88
Vitreoretinal Lymphoma L265P mutation, can be diagnosed with vitreoretinal
The vitreous can be the site of primary involvement in lymphoma and receive prompt chemotherapy treat-
cases of B-cell lymphoma, a rare but potentially fatal ment.38 Cytology preparations reveal a mixed popula-
eye condition for which early diagnosis is crucial to tion of cells that have atypical, large lymphoid cells with

Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021 427

Review Article

death from metastatic disease of choroidal melanocytic

lesions. Tumor thickness >2.0 mm, subretinal fluid,
ocular symptoms, orange pigment overlying the tumor,
margin of the tumor near the optic nerve disc, ultra-
sonographic hollowness, and absence of halo or drusen
are features used in the clinic to differentiate a nevus
from uveal melanoma.39,41 There are clinical settings in
which the clinical distinction between a melanoma and
a simulating lesion, including a choroidal nevus, reti-
nal hamartoma, retinal pigment epithelial adenoma,
or carcinoma, is uncertain, and a fine-needle biopsy
can be used in the diagnosis.1,42 The great majority of
cytology samples are submitted in cases of uveal mela-
Figure 10.  A liquid-based vitreous sample is shown from a man noma to confirm the diagnosis, to perform molecular
aged 55 years who had new floaters and vision changes. The
smears reveal malignant, large lymphoid cells with convoluted studies, or to rule out uveal nevi and other potential le-
nuclear membranes, multiple conspicuous nucleoli, and sions involving the uvea and retina (Table 1). Multiple
plasmacytoid scant cytoplasm (Papanicolaou stain, original
magnification ×60). direct smears can be prepared by using both air-dried
and alcohol-fixed methods. The remainder of the spec-
imen can be submitted for a cytospin, liquid-based
convoluted nuclear membranes, multiple conspicuous cytology, and a cell block preparation, depending on
nucleoli, and plasmacytoid-scant cytoplasms (Fig. 10). the volume submitted. Both SurePath and ThinPrep
An accompanying infiltrate of small, reactive T lym- liquid-based methods can be used. Slides can be used
phocytes is usually present. If enough tissue is avail- for cytogenetics testing for loss of chromosome 3 (or
able for a cell block preparation, then monoclonality by monosomy 3), gain on 6p, loss on 6q, and gain on
immunohistochemistry stains can be demonstrated.32 8q. Loss of an entire chromosome 3 (or monosomy 3),
which is an early event in tumorigenesis, is detected
INTRAOCULAR FINE-NEEDLE in approximately 50% of tumors. The presence of
ASPIRATION BIOPSIES monosomy 3 may be determined by karyotyping using
Malignant uveal melanoma is the most common in- fluorescence in situ hybridization on cultured cells or
traocular tumor of adults and has a strong propensity by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of tissue
for fatal metastasis.39,40 Patients with uveal melanoma sections or cells obtained by fine-needle aspiration bi-
may present with complaints of visual loss, but many opsy. Long-term studies have demonstrated that almost
are without symptoms and are discovered on routine 70% of patients who have monosomy 3 in the primary
ocular examination. In eyes with clear media, the di- tumor have died of metastases within 4 years after the
agnosis of posterior uveal melanoma can be made by initial diagnosis, whereas tumors with normal chromo-
indirect ophthalmoscopy. Ultrasonography is the most some 3 status rarely give rise to metastatic disease.43,44
accurate method of substantiating the diagnosis and de- Gene expression profiling can be done to classify ma-
termining tumor size; serial fundus color photographs lignant melanomas using undiluted fresh-tumor fine-
and fluorescein angiography aid in determining the needle aspiration samples placed in a special fixative
greatest tumor dimension.40,41 Most malignant mela- provided by a collection kit (DecisionDx-UM; Castle
nomas are diagnosed clinically and treated with radia- Biosciences Incorporated). The gene expression profile
tion therapy; large tumors are treated by enucleation. test has been refined to a 15-gene assay performed on
Tumor location, size, extraocular tumor extension, a microfluidics PCR platform that allows accurate and
presence of ocular/oculodermal melanocytosis, his- reproducible molecular classification from minute sam-
topathologic features, cytogenetic abnormalities, and ples obtained from small-gauge needle biopsy.45,46 The
tumor profiling are all used in determining the risk of development of this new molecular classification of

428 Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021

Ocular Cytology: Diagnostic Features and Best Practices/Laver

uveal melanoma allows patients at high risk of metasta-

sis to be identified early in the disease process. Class 1
tumors have a low risk, and class 2 tumors have a high
risk of metastasis. Class 1 tumors often show 6p and
8q gain; and class 2 tumors are strongly associated with
inactivating mutations of BRCA1-associated protein-1
(BAP1), located at 3p21.46 BAP1 mutations occur
almost exclusively in class 2 tumors and are strongly
associated with metastasis, a phenotype that presum-
ably arises later in tumor evolution. GNAQ (guanine
nucleotide-binding protein G subunit) encodes the α
subunit (Gαq), and GNA11 encodes the α subunit 11
(Gα11); both are proteins of importance in transmem-
brane signaling systems. Mutations in GNAQ/GNA11
were the first described as driver mutations in uveal
melanoma and found to upregulate the MAPK (mito-
gen-activated protein kinase) pathway. Approximately
85% of all uveal melanomas carry a mutation in either
GNAQ or GNA11. These mutations are mutually ex-
clusive and appear to represent early or initiating events
found in premalignant nevi and in uveal melanoma of
all stages; they have not been associated with the 2 dif-
ferent molecular classes of uveal melanoma nor have
they demonstrated prognostic value.47-50 In contrast,
mutations in SF3B1, located at chromosome 2 (splic-
ing factor 3b subunit 1), occur mostly in class 1 tu-
mors and are largely mutually exclusive with the BAP1 Figure 11.  (A) A direct smear from a fine-needle aspiration of a
mutations seen in class 2 tumors. Similarly, EIF1AX choroidal lesion in a man aged 44 years is shown. The smears
reveal a population of spindled and epithelioid melanoma cells
(eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-linked) (H&E stain, original magnification ×40). (B) A direct smear
mutations appear to occur primarily in class 1 tumors of a fine-needle aspiration choroidal lesion in a woman aged
61 years is shown. The smears reveal spindle and epithelioid
in a mutually exclusive fashion with SF3B1 and BAP1 melanoma cells with pigment deposits (H&E stain, original
mutations.48-50 magnification ×60).

The cytology of uveal melanoma reveals atypical

melanocytes observed in clusters and singly with spin-
dle cell and/or epithelioid cell features (Fig. 11A,B). immunotherapy for metastatic disease.39,40,42 However,
Epithelioid melanoma cells have abundant cytoplasm, there are new therapeutic trials underway that may offer
large vesicular nuclei, and prominent, centrally located more options to patients in the future.46,48,50
The application of advanced molecular biology
and genetic techniques has revolutionized uveal ma- Ocular cytology plays a very important role in the diagno-
lignant melanoma classification and clinical manage- sis of ocular diseases, tumor classification, and the clinical
ment. These highly accurate clinical prognostic testing management and treatment of patients. The field of ocu-
techniques allow high-risk patients to be identified and lar cytology is in continuous evolution as new molecular
offered more intensive metastatic surveillance. Despite diagnostic tests are developed. To render useful cytology
successful local tumor control, up to 50% of patients diagnoses, general cytopathologists need to keep abreast
develop metastatic disease within 15 years of diagnosis; of advancements in clinical methods in the diagnosis of
currently, there is no effective form of chemotherapy or ocular diseases.

Cancer Cytopathology  June 2021 429

Review Article

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